film poster research by olivia barnes


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Film Poster Research by Olivia Barnes
Page 2: Film Poster Research by Olivia Barnes

Key imagethe key image is a scene from

the movie and although it mainly shows Katniss facing away it shows her and Peetas face on the screens so you see

them but not directly. The image appeals to boys and girls

because it shows a boy and a girl in it. The people also

appear as if they are looking towards the mockingjay symbol

which is like a logo for the whole series.

Logothe logo is a significant and

symbolic part in the film and is featured in nearly all the movie

posters and adverts which means people will begin to

recognise it because they see it a lot everywhere. This means as soon as they see the logo they will know what the poster is advertising. It is placed at the

top for this reason.

Title The title is placed underneath the key image and is fairly big and does stand out but not as

much as the logo. This is because the logo is instantly

recognisable whereas the name isn't as well known and people

have to look from the logo at the top to the name at the bottom which means they will look at

the key image which will interest them in the film.

Tag lineThe tag line is a quote from the film ‘the world will be watching’ this is effective because it means the world in the film but also the real world will be watching it as well. Its placed at the top in smaller writing because it isn’t as important but still adds to the poster. It also gives some idea of what happens in the film which makes People want to watch it.

DateThe date is at the bottom because after the person has looked at the poster and become interested in it they can see when it comes out and they can go and see it

BillingThe billing is written at the bottom in small writing that blends in so its not very noticeable because it isn’t important to the viewer. It also shows the poster isn’t just a teaser, the movie is nearly out or already out.

Websitethe website is at the bottom in small writing because its not very important but if someone wants to find out more about the film they can.

Page 3: Film Poster Research by Olivia Barnes
Page 4: Film Poster Research by Olivia Barnes

Key imageThe key image show Spiderman with his mask off facing the other away from a larger Spiderman with the mask on. This catches peoples attention because they want to see who he is properly and will watch the film. There is also and explosion which shows that it is going to be a movie with a lot of action in it.

Title The title is placed under the picture because it doesn’t catch as much attention but it is written in the same font on all the movie posters so it is recognisable. The name ‘Spider-Man’ is written bigger than the words amazing because spider-man is the superhero and people will recognise that name which Is more important than the other words.

Logo The logo isn’t very visible on this poster but it is shown on the back of his costume pretty much in the middle. It is a spider to show that he is spider-man.

Date The date is shown at the bottom of the poster so that after a person has looked down the poster and becomes interested in it the date is placed there so they know when it comes out and they can go and see it.

Tag lineThere is no tag line on this poster as with many of the other posters for this movie. This may be because there are no memorable lines or specific lines from the film that would make a good tag line. It could also be because they don’t want to reveal much about the film or the picture says enough without a tag line.

WebsiteThere is a website at the bottom so that if someone is interested in the film they can go and find out more about it. Its written very small because its just something they have to put on the poster but isn’t that important.

Billing The billing is written in small writing at the bottom because it is not important to the viewer but needs to be included. It shows the poster isn’t just a teaser.

Page 5: Film Poster Research by Olivia Barnes

The target audience for this film is both boys and girls, but mainly girls, between the ages of 14 and 22. Katniss Everdeen is a similar age to the target audience and is shown as powerful and strong which makes them want to watch the movie because their age group is represented in a positive way. Katniss the main character and is a girl which is why this film mainly appeals to girls. Seeing a girl represented as powerful, strong and a leader of something makes girls want to watch the film because in a world where males are still shown as more powerful and films still contain more male protagonists women are more likely to watch a film that actually represents them as having power to fight back. The image shows her with a bow and arrow which adds to the idea of women being powerful. The actress chosen is also a popular person with the target audience age group because her personality is similar to them which might make them want to watch the film more. It also shows rebellion how she doesn’t play the game properly and takes out the berries at the end which appeals to teenagers wanting to be rebellious. The way her hair is also shows that she can be powerful but still feminine.The target audience for this film is a similar age range to the previous one, it may be slightly higher because adults who enjoyed the Spiderman comics or cartoons when they were younger might want to see the film. The main character is in his 20s and has become and adult man, this may appeal to the target audience because they can see themselves growing up and becoming a strong man who does the right thing like Spiderman. The target audience is people who read comics who may be considered ‘geeks’ which Spiderman represents when he is peter parker and when he becomes Spiderman he is seen as cool and looked up to which is something the target audience may dream of becoming. His costume and powers show how he can fight for what’s right and he looks good which also shows what the target audience want to be like. They feel like they can relate to him in the beginning and then when he becomes something amazing they feel like they can too. The actor chosen again is popular with the target audience age range because of his likeable personality and the fact that he is in a relationship with the actor who plays the love interest in the film may make people who are fans of them want to go and see it.