filesender, bof session at tnc2011, may 2011, prague

Download FileSender, BoF session at TNC2011, May 2011, Prague

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  • 1. Jan Meijer TNC2011 BoF 16 May 2011 FileSender BoF TNC 2011

2. problem attachment too big 3. painless sharing arbitrarily large files with a private audience through a trusted intermediary value proposition 4. basic function Picture courtesy SRCE (Croatia) 5. invite person without account Picture courtesy SRCE (Croatia) 6. audio book library stiff horse syndrome MRI images sensor on chip religion studies 7. Why do this ourselves? > 2GB uploads know where your data is design for people with other things to do federated logon no ads no limitations least clicks possible fire&forget 8. target group all lecturers, students, researchers, staff Probably not you! 9. Open Source project BSD license N EW ! 10. tech backend: php+apache+postgres+simplesamlphp frontend now: flash (2GB, win only) frontend 1.5: HTML + small flash upload (2GB, all platforms) open source, BSD 6 people core group 11. known installs AARNet ARNES (soon) BELnet FCCN HEAnet SRCE SURFnet TERENA UNINETT 12. History 07-2007: CSC presents ePoste Restante 09-2008: ePoste (.fi), Bitey (.ie), FileSender (.no), DocExchange (.ch) 04-2009: AARNet, HEAnet, Uninett start FileSender Project xx-2009: FileSender x released 10-2009: AARnet pilot starts 09-2010: SRCE production 11-2010: HEAnet production 17-01-2010: after 19 betas: RC1 (beta-19 rebrand)! 31-01-2011: RELEASE 1.0! 13. IEEE publication! Facilitating Research Collaboration in the Australian Geoscience Community Using CloudStor 14. after 2 years: what have we got? a solid release 1.0, ready for production solid understanding of problem space established a project! good documentation working cross-org collab infrastructure funding for 2011 a very dedicated group of people with a desire to make it happen! no reliance on one single NREN! 15. FileSender 1.5 Priority 1: >2GB !Flash, !Gears >2GB on Mac, Linux using HTML5 database abstraction localisation! After FileSender 1.5: more features! integration with other apps:scientific workflows! addressbook/federated group timestamping ...and more focus on shipping for production services