
Tumor suppressor p53 cooperates with SIRT6 toregulate gluconeogenesis by promoting FoxO1nuclear exclusionPing Zhanga,1, Bo Tua,1, Hua Wangb, Ziyang Caoa, Ming Tanga, Chaohua Zhanga, Bo Gua, Zhiming Lia, Lina Wanga,Yang Yanga, Ying Zhaoa, Haiying Wanga, Jianyuan Luoa, Chu-Xia Dengc, Bin Gaob, Robert G. Roederd,2,and Wei-Guo Zhua,e,2

aKey laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Translational Research (Ministry of Education), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Peking UniversityHealth Science Center, Beijing 100191, China; bLaboratory of Liver Diseases, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health,Bethesda, MD 20892; cGenetics of Development and Disease Branch, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes ofHealth, Bethesda, MD 20892; dLaboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10065; and eCenter for LifeSciences, Peking-Tsinghua University, Beijing 100871, China

Contributed by Robert G. Roeder, June 17, 2014 (sent for review May 9, 2014)

In mammalian cells, tumor suppressor p53 plays critical roles in theregulation of glucose metabolism, including glycolysis and oxida-tive phosphorylation, but whether and how p53 also regulatesgluconeogenesis is less clear. Here, we report that p53 efficientlydown-regulates the expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase (PCK1) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6PC), which encoderate-limiting enzymes in gluconeogenesis. Cell-based assays dem-onstrate the p53-dependent nuclear exclusion of forkhead boxprotein O1 (FoxO1), a key transcription factor that mediates acti-vation of PCK1 and G6PC, with consequent alleviation of FoxO1-dependent gluconeogenesis. Further mechanistic studies showthat p53 directly activates expression of the NAD+-dependent his-tone deacetylase sirtuin 6 (SIRT6), whose interaction with FoxO1leads to FoxO1 deacetylation and export to the cytoplasm. In sup-port of these observations, p53-mediated FoxO1 nuclear exclusion,down-regulation of PCK1 and G6PC expression, and regulation ofglucose levels were confirmed in C57BL/J6 mice and in liver-spe-cific Sirt6 conditional knockout mice. Our results provide insightsinto mechanisms of metabolism-related p53 functions that may berelevant to tumor suppression.

As the “guardian of the genome,” tumor suppressor p53 hasbeen reported to coordinate diverse cellular responses to

a broad range of environment stresses (1) and to play antineo-plastic roles by activating downstream target genes involved inDNA damage repair, apoptosis, and cell-cycle arrest (2). Recentstudies have indicated broader roles for p53 in mediating met-abolic changes in cells under various physiological and patho-logical conditions (3–7). For example, p53 was reported toinfluence the balance between glycolysis and oxidative phos-phorylation by inducing the p53-induced glycolysis and apoptosisregulator (TIGAR) and by regulating the synthesis of cyto-chrome c oxidase 2 (SCO2) (3), respectively, thus promoting theswitch from glycolysis to oxidative phosphorylation. p53 also mayimpede metabolism by reducing glucose import (4) or by inhib-iting the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) (5). More recently,context-dependent inhibitory (6) or stimulatory (7, 8) effects of p53on gluconeogenesis have been reported. It thus is clear that p53plays important roles in glucose regulation in mammalian cells.Glucose homeostasis is maintained by a delicate balance be-

tween intestinal absorption of sugar, gluconeogenesis, and theutilization of glucose by the peripheral tissues, irrespective offeeding or fasting (9). The gluconeogenesis pathway is catalyzedby several key enzymes that include the first and last rate-limitingenzymes of the process, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase(PCK1) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6PC), respectively. Theexpression of both PCK1 and G6PC is controlled mainly at thetranscription level. For example, the transcription factor forkheadbox protein O1 (FoxO1) activates gluconeogenesis through directbinding to the promoters of G6PC and PCK1 (10). Related,

a dominant negative FoxO1 lacking its transactivation domainsignificantly decreases gluconeogenesis (11) whereas FoxO1ablation impairs fasting- and cAMP-induced PCK1 and G6PCexpression (12). Therefore, factors influencing expression ofFoxO1 or its binding activity to the PCK1 and G6PC promoters arepotential targets for gluconeogenesis regulation.The transcription activity of FoxO family members is regulated

by a sophisticated signaling network. Various environmentalstimuli cause different posttranslational modifications of FoxOproteins, including phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination,and methylation (13–15). The phosphorylation of FoxO proteinsis known to be essential for their shuttling between the nucleusand cytoplasm. For example, kinase Akt/PKB phosphorylatesFoxO1 at threonine 24 and at serines 256 and 319, which in turnleads to 14-3-3 binding and subsequent cytoplasmic sequestra-tion. The acetylation of FoxO proteins also affects their traf-ficking and DNA-binding activities (15–17). Sirtuin (SIRT)1,a homolog of the yeast silent information regulator-2 (Sir2), hasbeen identified as a deacetylase for FoxO proteins (15, 17, 18).Of the seven mammalian sirtuins, SIRT1, SIRT6, and SIRT7 arelocalized to the nucleus (19), and SIRT6 was recently reported toact as a central player in regulating the DNA damage response,glucose metabolism, and aging (20–26). Using a knockout mousemodel, it was found that SIRT6 functions as a corepressor of thetranscription factor Hif1α to suppress glucose uptake and glycolysis


Beyond its canonical functions in processes such as cell-cyclearrest, apoptosis, and senescence, the tumor suppressor p53 hasbeen increasingly implicated in metabolism. Here, in vitro and invivo studies establish a role for p53 in gluconeogenesis througha previously unidentified mechanism involving (i) direct activa-tion of the gene encoding the NAD-dependent deacetylase sir-tuin 6 (SIRT6), (ii) SIRT6-dependent deacetylation and nuclearexclusion of forkhead box protein O1 (FoxO1), and (iii) down-regulation of FoxO1-activated genes (G6PC and PCK1) that arerate-limiting for gluconeogenesis. These results have implica-tions for proposed tumor-suppressor functions of p53 throughregulation of metabolic pathways.

Author contributions: R.G.R. and W.-G.Z. designed research; P.Z., B.T., Hua Wang, Z.C.,M.T., C.Z., B. Gu, Z.L., L.W., Y.Y., Y.Z., Haiying Wang, J.L., C.-X.D., and B. Gao performedresearch; R.G.R. and W.-G.Z. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; R.G.R. and W.-G.Z.analyzed data; and P.Z., R.G.R., and W.-G.Z. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.1P.Z. and B.T. contributed equally to this paper.2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at

10684–10689 | PNAS | July 22, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 29

(23). In addition, SIRT6-deficient mice suffer from a variety ofdegenerative syndromes at ∼4 wk of age (25). These studiesreveal essential roles for SIRT6 in the regulation of glucose andlipid homeostasis.Here, we confirm an important role for p53 in the control of

glucose levels through its suppression of gluconeogenesis andestablish the underlying mechanism. Thus, in cell-based assays,p53 transcriptionally activates expression of SIRT6, which spe-cifically interacts with FoxO1 to promote its deacetylation andnuclear exclusion and, consequently, loss of FoxO1-induced glu-coneogenesis. This p53-modulated glucose decrease is blockedin conditional liver Sirt6 knockout mice during fasting. To ourknowledge, our data are the first demonstration that p53 plays anindispensable role in modulating gluconeogenesis through SIRT6-mediated FoxO1 nuclear exclusion.

Resultsp53 Transcriptionally Down-Regulates Expression of the GluconeogenicGenes G6PC and PCK1.A potential effect of p53 on gluconeogenesiswas evaluated by pyruvate tolerance test (PTT) after fasting in p53wild-type (p53WT) or p53 knockout (p53KO) mice (C57BL/6J).As shown in Fig. 1A, compared with p53WT mice, p53KO micewere more efficient in restoring blood glucose levels. In a furtheranalysis, human hepatic cancer HEPG2 cells (with wild-type p53)and human colon cancer HCT116(−/−) cells (which lack p53) weretransfected with either a plasmid expressing wild-type p53 (p53WT)or an empty plasmid. As shown in Fig. 1B and Fig. S1A, time-dependent decreases in G6PC and PCK1 mRNA expression[monitored by quantitative PCR (qPCR)] were observed in re-sponse to ectopic p53 expression in both cell lines. The role of p53in regulating expression of G6PC and PCK1 was confirmed byluciferase reporter assays (Fig. S1B). We next investigated whether

the p53-induced inhibition of PCK1 andG6PC expression might bemediated by direct promoter binding using a chromatin immuno-precipitation (ChIP) assay. We did not observe any significant p53binding or any consensus p53 binding sites in the promoter regions(within 1–2 kb of the transcriptional start site) of these genes, in-dicating that p53 may act indirectly through other genes/factors todown-regulate expression of G6PC and PCK1.To assess whether p53 transcription activity is required for the

down-regulation of G6PC and PCK1, the functional assays wererepeated with p53 mutants that lack either the transactivationdomain [p53(ΔTA)] or the ability to bind DNA [p53(175RH)](27). Unlike p53WT, none of these p53 mutants decreased ex-pression of G6PC or PCK1 (Fig. 1C and Fig. S1C), suggestingthat p53 transcription activity is indispensable for the down-regulation of gluconeogenic G6PC and PCK1 in both HCT116and HEPG2 cells.Next, we sought to determine whether p53 regulates gluco-

neogenesis indirectly through effects on the expression or thepromoter-binding activity of FoxO1, HNF4, or CREB, whichbind to the G6PC and PCK1 promoters. As shown in Fig. S1D,expression of ectopic p53 did not decrease the mRNA expressionlevels (monitored by qPCR) of FoxO1, HNF4, or CREB. In-terestingly, however, a ChIP analysis revealed that overex-pression of p53 significantly decreased binding of FoxO1, butnot HNF4 or CREB, to the G6PC and PCK1 promoters (Fig. 1Dand Fig. S1E). These results indicate that p53 may inhibit glu-coneogenesis by influencing the capacity of FoxO1 to bind theG6PC and PCK1 promoters.

Activation of p53 Promotes the Translocation of FoxO1 from theNucleus to the Cytoplasm. To investigate a potential connectionbetween FoxO1 levels and p53, HCT116(+/+) (with wild-typep53) and HCT116(−/−) cell lines were exposed to adriamycin toactivate p53. As shown in Fig. 2 A and B, the endogenous levelsof nuclear FoxO1 were selectively decreased in HCT116(+/+)

cells relative to HCT116(−/−) cells in response to adriamycin,which was negatively correlated with the p53 levels. To furtherconfirm the role of p53 in the reduction of nuclear FoxO1 levels,HCT116(−/−) cells were transfected with a plasmid expressingp53. As shown in Fig. 2C, nuclear FoxO1 levels were significantlydecreased in the p53-transfected HCT116(−/−) cells and nega-tively correlated with the p53 expression levels (Fig. 2D). Inaddition, as shown in Fig. 2 E and F, this decrease in the nuclearFoxO1 level was associated with a concomitant increase in thecytoplasmic FoxO1 level. Moreover, adriamycin-mediated acti-vation of p53 in HCT116(+/+) cells also led to a decrease in nu-clear FoxO1 and a concomitant increase in cytoplasmic FoxO1(Fig. S2A). To further validate this result, HCT116(−/−) andHCT116(+/+) cells were separately transfected with a flag-taggedFoxO1-expressing plasmid and then treated with adriamycin. Asshown in Fig. 2 G and H, ectopic flag-FoxO1 was expressed ata higher level in the nucleus than in the cytoplasm in both celllines in the absence of adriamycin. Notably, however, treatmentwith adriamycin led to increased cytoplasmic and decreasednuclear flag-FoxO1 in HCT116(+/+) cells, which correlated withincreased p53 expression, but no changes in the levels of cyto-plasmic and nuclear flag-FoxO1 in HCT116(−/−) cells.To verify that the p53-induced translocation of FoxO1 from

the nucleus to the cytoplasm was not caused by the degradationof nuclear FoxO1, leptomycin B (LMB), a potent and specificnuclear export inhibitor, was used after ectopic expression ofp53 in HCT116(−/−) cells or after treatment of HCT116(+/+)

cells with adriamycin. In each case the p53-dependent re-duction of FoxO1 in the nucleus was almost reversed whenLMB was added (Fig. S2B); and, correspondingly, adriamycindid not induce changes in the cytoplasmic FoxO1 level in thepresence of LMB (Fig. S2C). In further analyses, and beforeadriamycin treatment, HCT116(+/+) cells were transfected ei-ther with a plasmid expressing flag-tagged FoxO1 or witha plasmid expressing a flag-tagged mutant [flag-FoxO1(3A)]that is unable to translocate to the cytoplasm (28). As expected,

Fig. 1. p53 transcriptionally down-regulates expression of the gluconeo-genic genes G6PC and PCK1. (A) Pyruvate tolerance tests in normal C57BL/6Jmice and p53 knockout mice. Twelve mice were separated into two groups,with six mice per group. Blood glucose concentration of mice was measuredat 22 h after fasting. (B) Ectopic p53-induced G6PC and PCK1 expression inHCT116(−/−) cells. Cells were transfected with either an empty plasmid ascontrol (hereafter all transfected empty plasmids serve as controls) or ap53WT-expressing plasmid, and mRNA was analyzed by qPCR at 12 h, 24 h,or 36 h after transfection. mRNA levels of the control sample were set as 1,and relative mRNA levels of the other samples were normalized to thiscontrol. (C) Ectopic mutant p53-induced G6PC and PCK1 expression inHCT116(−/−) cells. Cells were transfected with an empty plasmid or withplasmids expressing p53WT, p53(175RH), or p53(ΔTA). Relative mRNA ex-pression levels were measured by qPCR at 36 h. (D) Ectopic p53-inducedbinding of FoxO1 to G6PC and PCK1 promoters in HCT116(−/−) cells. A qChIPanalysis was performed at 36 h after transfection with empty plasmid orplasmid expressing p53WT. The relative recovery of protein binding to thepromoters in cells with empty plasmid was set as 1, and the relative recov-eries of the other samples were normalized to this control. All experimentswere repeated at least three times. The data are shown as the mean ± SD,with *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.

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flag-FoxO1 exhibited a visible shuttling from the nucleus to thecytoplasm in the presence of adriamycin whereas flag-FoxO1(3A) did not (Fig. S2D).In confirmation of the p53-induced nuclear export of FoxO1

as a general phenomenon, similar results were observed whenHEPG2 cells and murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) wereanalyzed under the same conditions (Fig. S2 E and F). Finally,we investigated whether nuclear FoxO1 exclusion occurred in ap53 transcription-dependent manner by transfection of HCT116(−/−)

cells with plasmids that express either p53 or p53 mutants. Unlikep53, the transcription-defective p53(175RH) and p53(ΔTA) mu-tants did not promote the nuclear exclusion of FoxO1 (Fig. S2G).Altogether, these results suggest that p53 induces the translocationof FoxO1 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in a transcription-dependent manner.

The Deacetylation of FoxO1 Is a Prerequisite for Its Translocation. Todetermine the mechanism of p53-induced FoxO1 nuclear/cy-toplasmic shuttling, we performed an immunoprecipitation (IP)assay to score possible changes in the phosphorylation, acetylation,and ubiquitination status of nuclear FoxO1 in HCT116(+/+) cells inresponse to adriamycin treatment. Although we did not observeobvious changes in pan-phosphorylation or ubiquitination ofFoxO1 in these cell lines, the exogenous nuclear FoxO1exhibited a significant decrease in acetylation when HCT116(+/+)

cells, but not HCT116(−/−) cells, were exposed to adriamycin(Fig. 3 A and B). In confirmation of this result, the levels of en-dogenous acetylated FoxO1 were significantly decreased whenp53 was ectopically expressed either in HCT116(−/−) or HCT116(+/+)

cells (Fig. 3 C and D) or in HEPG2 cells (Fig. S3A).In addition, neither p53(175RH) nor p53(ΔTA) had such an

effect on the deacetylation of nuclear FoxO1 (Fig. 3 E and F),indicating that p53 transcriptional activity is required for FoxO1deacetylation. To determine whether histone deacetylases areinvolved in the p53-modulated deacetylation of FoxO1, effects ofthe class I and II HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) and thesirtuin inhibitor nicotinamide (NA) were tested. Neither inhibitorinduced changes in the FoxO1 mRNA or protein levels (Fig.S3B). However, both inhibitors were able to reverse the nuclearexclusion of FoxO1 in response to p53 activation or over-expression (Fig. S3 C and D). Similar results were obtained inHEPG2 cells (Fig. S3E). Together, these data suggest that the

Fig. 2. Activation of p53 promotes translocation of FoxO1 from the nucleusto the cytoplasm. (A) Adriamycin-induced expression of FoxO1 and FoxO3proteins in HCT116(+/+) and HCT116(−/−) cells. Nuclear extracts were subjectedto immunoblotting with indicated antibodies at 12 h after treatment withindicated concentrations of adriamycin. HDAC1 was used as a loading con-trol. (B) Quantitation of FoxO1 and p53 expression levels. Immunoblots in Awere scanned and normalized to HDAC1. (C) Ectopic p53-induced expressionof nuclear FoxO1 and FoxO3 in HCT116(−/−) cells. Cells were transfected withan empty plasmid or a plasmid expressing p53, and nuclear extracts wereanalyzed by immunoblotting with indicated antibodies. (D) Quantitation ofFoxO1 and p53 expression levels. Immunoblots in C were scanned and nor-malized to HDAC1. (E) Nuclear versus cytoplasmic localization of FoxO1 andFoxO3 following ectopic p53 expression in HCT116(−/−) cells. Subcellularfractions were analyzed by immunoblotting at 24 h or 36 h after transfectionwith an empty plasmid or a plasmid expressing p53 in the presence ofMG132 (2 μM, for 12 h). (F) Quantitation of relative levels of cytoplasmic andnuclear FoxO1. Immunoblots in E were scanned and normalized to HDAC1.(G) p53 induction-dependent redistribution of ectopic FoxO1 in HCT116(+/+)

and HCT116(−/−) cells. Cells were transfected with flag-tagged FoxO1 in thepresence or absence of adriamycin (1 μM, for 12 h before harvest, and thesame for below). At 36 h posttransfection, cytoplasmic and nuclear lysateswere subjected to immunoblotting with antibodies indicated on the right.PCAF and tubulin were used as loading controls for nuclear and cytosolicproteins, respectively. (H) Quantitation of relative amounts of cytoplasmicand nuclear flag-FoxO1. Immunoblots in G were scanned and normalized toeither PCAF or tubulin. All data above are shown as the mean ± SD, n = 3.*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.

Fig. 3. The deacetylation of FoxO1 is a prerequisite for its translocation. (A)HCT116(+/+) and (B) HCT116(−/−) cells were transfected with a flag-taggedFoxO1 plasmid with or without adriamycin treatment (1 μM, for 12 h) in thepresence of LMB (0.5 ng/mL, for 6 h). At 36 h, nuclear proteins were immu-noprecipitated with anti-flag antibody and probed with indicated antibodies.(C) HCT116(+/+) and (D) HCT116(−/−) cells were transfected with an emptyplasmid or a plasmid expressing p53 in the presence of LMB (0.5 ng/mL, for6 h). At 36 h, nuclear proteins were immunoprecipitated with anti-FoxO1antibody and then probedwith indicated antibodies. (E and F) HCT116(−/−) cellswere transfected with an empty plasmid, a plasmid expressing p53(175RH), ora plasmid expressing p53(ΔTA), and, at 36 h, nuclear proteins were immuno-precipitated with anti-FoxO1 antibody and probed with indicated antibodies.

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deacetylation of FoxO1 is a critical posttranslational modificationthat is necessary for its nuclear exclusion following p53 activation.

The Interplay Between FoxO1 and Class III HDAC SIRT6 PromotesFoxO1 Nuclear Exclusion. To determine which HDAC(s) interactswith FoxO1, nuclear extracts were subjected to Co-IP assays thatassessed possible interactions of FoxO1 with HDAC1, SIRT1, orSIRT6 (the main nuclear HDACs). The results in Fig. 4 A and Bdemonstrate an interaction of FoxO1 with SIRT1 and SIRT6, butnot with HDAC1, in HCT116(−/−) and HCT116(+/+) cells. In viewof these results, a likely explanation for the observed inhibitoryeffect of TSA on p53-induced FoxO1 nuclear exclusion (above) isthat we also observed an inhibitory effect of TSA on Class IIIHDAC expression (Fig. S4A). To provide additional evidenceconsistent with the interaction between FoxO1 and either SIRT1or SIRT6, GST-pull down assays were performed. As shown inFig. 4 C and D, SIRT1 and SIRT6 from both HCT116 cell lines

were both bound to GST-FoxO1 but not to GST alone. SIRT1and SIRT6 from HEPG2 cells also bound to GST-FoxO1 andcould be immunoprecipitated with FoxO1 (Fig. S4B).In subsequent studies, SIRT6 knockdown by RNAi almost

completely blocked the nuclear exclusion of FoxO1 by p53 fol-lowing ectopic expression in HCT116(−/−) cells or induction byadriamycin in HCT116(+/+) cells (Fig. 4 E and F and Fig. S4 Cand D). An identical phenomenon was observed in HEPG2 cells(Fig. S4E). In contrast, no alterations in p53-triggered FoxO1shuttling was observed following RNAi-mediated knockdown ofeither HDAC1 or SIRT1 in HCT116(−/−) cells expressing ectopicp53 (Fig. 4G and H). In a further analysis, the ectopic expressionof flag-SIRT6 in HCT116(−/−) and HCT116(+/+) cells resulted ina dramatic decrease of the FoxO1 level in the nucleus and acorresponding increase in the FoxO1 level in the cytoplasm (Fig.S4F). However, the enzymatically inactive SIRT6(133HY) failedto facilitate the nuclear export of FoxO1 (Fig. S4G). Therefore,SIRT6 is a critical factor influencing the capacity of FoxO1 toshuttle from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.To identify the nuclear export fragment of FoxO1, plasmids

encoding flag-tagged FoxO1 and derived fragments were analyzedfor nuclear exclusion following p53 induction by adriamycin inHCT116(+/+) cells (Fig. S4H). The persistence of p53-inducedFoxO1 export with FoxO1(1-537), but not with FoxO1(1-417),raised the possibility that the region containing amino acids 417–537 might harbor an acetylation site(s) necessary for SIRT6 in-teraction. To test this possibility, the resident lysines at positions423, 446, 463, and 516 were individually mutated to arginines inFoxO1, and corresponding mutants were analyzed as above. Ofthese mutants, only FoxO1(423KR) appeared to show a de-ficiency in nuclear exclusion in response to adriamycin treatment(Fig. S4I), thus indicating that lysine 423 of FoxO1 may be thep53-dependent SIRT6 deacetylation site.

p53 Activates SIRT6 Expression. The above data led us to askwhether there is a direct interaction between SIRT6 and p53. Asa Co-IP assay failed to reveal any interaction between p53 andSIRT6, we investigated a potential role for p53 in activatingSIRT6. An initial ChIP assay confirmed p53 binding to the SIRT6promoter in both human and MEF cells (Fig. S5A). A subsequentqPCR analysis (Fig. S5B) revealed an adriamycin-induced increaseof SIRT6 mRNA that was greater in HCT116(+/+) cells than inHCT116(−/−) cells. Consistent with these results, SIRT6 proteinlevels were also remarkably increased in HCT116(+/+) cells but notin HCT116(−/−) cells (Fig. 5 A and B). SIRT6 protein levels werealso significantly increased in HCT116(−/−) cells in response toectopic p53 expression (Fig. 5 C and D), further suggesting thatp53 activation is required for the increased SIRT6 expression. Theactivation of SIRT6 expression by intact p53, but not by p53(175RH) or p53(ΔTA), also indicates a requirement for p53transcriptional activity (Fig. S5C). The induction of SIRT6 byadriamycin treatment of HCT116(+/+) cells and by ectopic p53expression in HCT116(−/−) cells was also accompanied by a signif-icantly enhanced intracellular interaction between FoxO1 andSIRT6 (Fig. 5 E and F and Fig. S5D). These data suggest that p53activates the expression of SIRT6, which in turn leads to an ele-vated association of SIRT6 with FoxO1.

p53 Acts in Concert with SIRT6 to Regulate Blood Glucose Levels ofMice. We next sought to determine the role of p53 and SIRT6 insuppressing glucose levels in mice. To this end, C57BL/6J micewere injected with a recombinant p53-expressing adenovirus(Ad-p53), leading to overexpression in liver (Fig. S6A), andblood glucose levels were monitored by PTT assay after fasting.Notably, mice expressing ectopic p53 were significantly less ef-ficient than control mice in restoring blood glucose levels (Fig.6A); and the p53-induced inhibitory effects on blood glucoselevels were effectively prevented when the mice were coinjectedwith a Sirt6-shRNA (Fig. 6B). In a related series of experiments,ectopic p53 consistently prevented the recovery of blood glucoselevels induced by pyruvate (Fig. 6C); and this p53-induced

Fig. 4. The interaction between FoxO1 and SIRT6 promotes FoxO1 nuclearexclusion. (A and B) Analysis of endogenous FoxO1 interactions with SIRT1,SIRT6, or HDAC1 in HCT116(+/+) cells and HCT116(−/−)cells. Anti-FoxO1immunoprecipitates of nuclear extracts were probed with the indicatedantibodies. (C and D) Analysis of recombinant FoxO1 interactions with SIRT1and SIRT6 in the nuclear extracts of HCT116(+/+) and HCT116(−/−) cells. GSTpull-down assays with bound proteins probed with the indicated antibodies.(E and F) Effects of SIRT6 knockdown on nuclear exclusion of FoxO1 fol-lowing ectopic p53 expression in HCT116(−/−) cells or adriamycin-induced p53expression in HCT116(+/+) cells. Nuclear extracts from CTR or SIRT6 RNAi-treated cells were subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated anti-bodies. (G and H) Effects of SIRT1 or HDAC1 knockdown on nuclear exclusionof FoxO1 following ectopic p53 expression in HCT116(+/+) cells. Nuclearextracts from CTR and SIRT1 RNAi- and HDAC1 RNAi-treated cells weresubjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies.

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inhibition of glucose levels was alleviated in liver-specific Sirt6-KO mice (Fig. 6D). Consistent with these results, ectopic ex-pression of p53 led to reduced G6PC and PCK1 expression inliver (Fig. S6B) whereas concomitant knockdown of SIRT6 (Fig.S6C) reversed these effects. Taken together, these data suggestthat p53 effectively down-regulates gluconeogenesis in micethrough coordination with SIRT6.

DiscussionBeyond recent reports of variable context-dependent effects ofp53 on gluconeogenesis (6–8), our results confirm a clear rolefor p53 in the down-regulation of gluconeogenesis both in vitroand in vivo and, importantly, establish a previously unidentifiedunderlying mechanism of action. We first established a p53-dependent down-regulation of the key gluconeogenic enzymesG6PC and PCK1 not only in a colon cancer cell line (HCT116)but also in liver (a major gluconeogenic tissue) and in a livercancer cell line (HEPG2). In relation to the key role of thetranscription factor FoxO1 in activation of these genes, theirdown-regulation was related to a p53-dependent nuclear exclu-sion of FoxO1. This phenomenon in turn was linked to p53-mediated activation of the SIRT6 gene, which encodes an NAD+

-dependent deacetylase that interacts with FoxO1 and, pre-sumably through direct modification, leads to FoxO1 deacety-lation with consequent nuclear exclusion and down-regulation ofG6PC and PCK1 transcription. These results are consistent with

the previously reported down-regulation of gluconeogenesisthrough telomere dysfunction-induced activation of p53 (6), al-though the underlying mechanism was reported to be an in-hibitory effect of p53 on the expression of transcriptionalcoactivators (PGC-1α and PGC-1β) implicated in FoxO1 func-tion. Consistent with our combined results, emphasizing ultimate(common) p53 effects through FoxO1, it has been establishedthat FoxO1 ablation impairs fasting- and cAMP-induced glycol-ysis and gluconeogenesis and that PGC-1α is unable to inducegluconeogenesis in FoxO1-deficient cells (12). Relatedly, SIRT6has been reported to down-regulate gluconeogenesis throughan enhancement of GCN5-mediated acetylation and conse-quent inhibition of PGC-1α, raising the possibility of a comple-mentary pathway for p53 effects on gluconeogenesis (26).The precise control of FoxO1 subcellular localization and

function can be modulated by acetylation and deacetylation byvarious acetyltransferases and HDACs, respectively, in responseto different environmental stresses (29). For example, fasting-induced glucagon secretion triggers HDAC3 recruitment to thenucleus, with consequent FoxO1 deacetylation at lysine residues259/262/271 and activation of gluconeogenic gene expression(30). Among the nuclear-localized sirtuins, SIRT1 was previouslyidentified as a regulator of FoxO proteins and shown to deace-tylate both FoxO1 and FoxO3 in vitro (17, 18). FoxO1 alsointeracts with SIRT1 in the nucleus of several cancer cell lines,leading to an inability of FoxO1 to induce apoptosis (31) or toup-regulate gluconeogenesis (32). Our current results, showingthat deacetylation of FoxO1 is a prerequisite for FoxO1 nuclearexclusion and down-regulation of gluconeogenic genes upon p53activation, are consistent with these observations. However, whereasSIRT1 and SIRT6 both interact with FoxO1, p53-modulatedFoxO1 nuclear exclusion was found to be dependent on SIRT6,but not SIRT1 (or HDAC1), in this study.

Fig. 5. p53 activates SIRT6 expression. (A) Activation p53 is associated withenhanced SIRT6 expression. Cell lysates of HCT116(+/+) or HCT116(−/−) cellstreated with adriamycin (0 μM, 1 μM, or 2 μM for 12 h) were subjected toimmunoblotting with anti-SIRT6 antibody or anti-p53 antibody. Protein wasextracted from the same numbers of cells, which were digested in a specificbuffer (SI Materials and Methods). (B) Quantitation of the relative SIRT6protein levels in A. (C) Overexpression of p53 activates SIRT6 expression.Immunoblotting was performed to determine the expression of SIRT6 andp53 in HCT116(−/−) cells at 12 h, 24 h, or 36 h after p53WT transfection. (D)Quantitation of the relative levels of SIRT6 and p53 in C. All data above areshown as the mean ± SD, with ***P < 0.001. (E and F) p53 activationincreases the interaction between SIRT6 and FoxO1. HCT116 (+/+) cells weretreated with or without adriamycin (1 μM for 12 h) in the presence of LMB(0.5 ng/mL for 6 h before harvest). HCT116(−/−) cells were transfected with anempty plasmid or a plasmid expressing p53 in the presence of LMB (0.5 ng/mL for 6 h before harvest) for 36 h. Nuclear proteins were extracted for Co-IPwith anti-FoxO1 antibody and probed with anti-SIRT6 antibody.

Fig. 6. p53 acts cooperatively with SIRT6 to regulate murine blood glucoselevels. Glucose levels based on pyruvate tolerance tests on C57BL/6J mice (A)or Sirt6 shRNA-pretreated C57BL/6J mice (B) that were injected with anempty plasmid or a recombinant adenovirus plasmid expressing p53 (Ad-WT-p53) after 22 h of fasting. Twenty-four C57BL/6J mice were separated intofour groups, with six mice per group. Data are reported as the mean ± SDwith *P < 0.05. Glucose levels based on pyruvate tolerance tests on controlC57BL/6J mice (C) or conditional liver Sirt6-knockout mice (D) in response tothe injection of Ad-GFP or Ad-WT-p53. Twenty-four mice were separatedinto four groups, with six mice per group. Data are shown as the mean ± SDwith *P < 0.05. (E) A hypothetic model showing how p53 coordinates withSIRT6 to regulate gluconeogenesis.

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Among a variety of other functions, SIRT6 was previouslyconnected to glucose metabolism. For example, SIRT6 acts asa corepressor of the transcription factor Hif1-α to suppress gly-colysis (23). Conversely, the deletion of Sirt6 in mice results insevere hypoglycemia (33) whereas the liver-specific deletion ofSirt6 leads to increased glycolysis and triglyceride synthesis (23,34). Our study adds further evidence that SIRT6 plays an im-portant role in glucose metabolism by connecting p53 transcrip-tion activity and gluconeogenesis. Our data also reemphasize apreviously established role for SIRT6 in regulating the acetyla-tion state and nuclear localization of FoxO proteins, albeit ina divergent manner. Thus, the Caenorhabditis elegans SIRT6/7homolog SIR-2.4 was implicated in DAF-16 deacetylation andconsequent nuclear localization and function in stress responses(35); and the effect was reported to be indirect and to involvea stress-induced inhibition by SIR-2.4 of CBP-mediated acetyla-tion of DAF-16 that is independent of its deacetylase activity.These results, emphasizing context-dependent SIRT6 mecha-nisms, contrast with the SIRT6 deacetylase activity requirementfor FoxO1 nuclear exclusion in the present study and a likelydirect effect of SIRT6 on FoxO1 deacetylation based on theirdirect interaction, the SIRT6 deacetylase activity requirement,and precedent (15, 17, 18) from direct SIRT1-mediated deace-tylation of FoxO proteins.Despite a high genetic diversity, cancer cells exhibit a common

set of functional characteristics, one being the “Warburg effect”:i.e., continuous high glucose uptake and a higher rate of gly-colysis than that in normal cells (36). To favor the rapid pro-liferation requirement for high ATP/ADP and ATP/AMP ratios,cancer cells use large amounts of glucose. p53, as one of the mostimportant tumor suppressors, exerts its antineoplastic functionthrough diverse pathways that include the regulation of glucose

metabolism. Thus, p53 regulates glucose metabolism by activa-tion of TIGAR (3), which lowers the intracellular concentrationsof fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and decreases glycolysis. On the otherhand, p53 activation causes down-regulation of several glycolysis-related factors such as phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM) (37) andthe glucose transporters (4). Expression of p53 also can limit theactivity of IκBα and IκBβ, thereby restricting the activation ofNFκB and dampening the expression of glycolysis-promotinggenes such as GLUT3 (38). As a reverse glycolysis pathway, glu-coneogenesis generates glucose from noncarbohydrate precursorsand is conceivably essential for tumor cell growth. However, thecurrent study further supports the notion (6) that p53 is also in-volved in a gluconeogenesis inhibition pathway, which in this caseis executed by enhanced SIRT6 expression and subsequent FoxO1nuclear exclusion. These results raise the interesting possibilitythat an inhibition of gluconeogenesis may contribute to the tumor-suppressive function of p53.

Materials and MethodsProcedures for cellular extraction have been detailed previously (13).Procedures for immunoblot analysis and immunoprecipitation assays,GST-pulldown, RNAi, mutagenesis, ChIP, and pyruvate tolerance test aredetailed in SI Materials and Methods. Animals used in this paper areapproved by the National Institute of Health, and Peking UniversityHealth Science Center.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work was supported by National Key BasicResearch Program of China Grants 2011CB504200, 2012CB517501, and2013CB911001; National Natural Science Foundation of China Grants31070691, 81321003, and 91319302; Minister of Education of China “111Project” (to W.-G.Z.); and the National Institutes of Health GrantCA129325 (to R.G.R.).

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Zhang et al. PNAS | July 22, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 29 | 10689





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