
The renaissance of desorption chemical ionization mass spectro-metry: characterization of large involatile molecules and

nonpolar polymers

Marco Vincenti

Dipartimento di Chimica Analitica, Universita di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria, 5 - 10125 Torino, Italy

Received 2 May 2001; accepted 6 July 2001


The present overview (1) presents a short historical perspective of desorption chemical ionization (DCI), (2) discusses theeffect of the changes of some important experimental parameters, revealing which conditions minimize the occurrence ofpyrolytic processes, (3) identifies the range of analytical problems where, in our own experience, DCI is more likely to provideunique performance, (4) outlines a possible mechanism for the overall DCI mass spectrometry (DCI-MS) analysis of largenonpolar molecules, and (5) presents several successful applications of DCI-MS, taken from our previous and recent research.(Int J Mass Spectrom 212 (2001) 505–518) © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Desorption chemical ionization; Direct chemical ionization; Polymers; Molecular receptors; Organometallic compounds

1. Introduction

The title is provocative. Actually, no renaissanceof desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry(DCI-MS) is under way. Instead, this interestingtechnique was abandoned and forgotten even before itwas fully developed and understood. The lackingcomprehension of the processes involved in DCI istestified by both early and recent literature whichcalled the technique with a variety of different namesto stress specific devices used or supposedly predom-inant mechanisms for ion formation, including “direct

CI,” “direct exposure CI,” “in-beam CI,” and “surfaceionization.”

The consecutive introduction and success of fastatom bombardment (FAB), matrix-assisted laser des-orption (MALDI), atmospheric-pressure chemicalionization (APCI), and electrospray ionization (ESI),which progressively drew the attention of mass spec-troscopists, explains only in part the early oblivion ofDCI. In my opinion, a more subtle reason for this lackof interest is that the DCI technique appears muchsimpler than it actually is. The consequence of thisapparent simplicity is that most mass spectroscopistsutilized DCI seldom and without optimizing theexperimental conditions, which in turn produced poorresults and a generalized mistrust. On the other hand,the frequent occurrence of plain chemical ionizationprocesses and the uncomplicated apparatus required

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] to R. Graham Cooks on the occasion of his sixtieth


1387-3806/01/$20.00 © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reservedPII S1387-3806(01)00492-4

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 212 (2001) 505–518

induces the false impression that DCI does not differsubstantially from CI, discouraging deep investigationof the peculiar features of this technique. Quitefrequently, the DCI probe was just considered a fastway to introduce a solid sample into the ion source, asan alternative to the direct introduction probe. Thisgave rise to an extensive literature, where inadequateDCI data were obtained by using wrong operatingconditions, such as, for example hot ion-source, ex-cessive sample loading, and slow heating rate.

The present report intends to revalorize theDCI-MS technique by presenting several applicationsin which DCI-MS proved to provide excellent perfor-mance and unique information. To explain theseresults, the most appropriate experimental conditionwill be identified and explained. This comprehensionleads us to suggest which are the analytical problemsmost likely to be solved by DCI-MS.

2. Historical background (desorption chemicalionization mass spectrometry in the ’70s and’80s)

The first ancestor of DCI was introduced in 1973by Baldwin and McLafferty [1], who used an ex-tended tip on a conventional solid-sample insertionprobe to “expose” a thin film of a peptide sample tothe CI plasma, resulting in the production of aconsiderable abundance of the protonated molecularion, which was impossible to obtain by conventionalCI. The experiments were conducted without heatingthe probe, but rather by heating the ionization cham-ber.

Almost in the same time, Beuhler and coworkersemphasized the effectiveness of “rapid heating” and“fast vaporization” of a peptide sample from a con-ventional copper probe to prevent both pyrolysis andextensive fragmentation of the molecular species[2–4].

Modern DCI evolved by combining these twobasic principles: direct exposure of a thin sample filmto the CI plasma and fast heating of the probe carryingthis sample film [5–13]. Important concepts weregradually introduced, such as the “flash” or “ballistic”

heating of the probe [6,10], the maintenance of theion-source walls at the lowest possible temperature[12], and the dependence of the CI plasma composi-tion on the temperature of the DCI emitter [14,15].

Few papers undertook the task of discussing thepossible mechanisms of sample vaporization/des-orption and ionization in the light of the variousexperimental conditions adopted by different re-search groups [15–18]. One paper in particularprovides an extensive overview of the early DCIresults [17].

3. The desorption chemical ionization experiment

Shortly after the introduction of the first proto-types, DCI probes became commercially availablefrom most mass spectrometer manufacturers. Theirconstruction schemes shared most technical featureswhereas retaining minor differences from one an-other. However, the DCI experiment can be carriedout under substantially identical conditions in anyinstrument. A brief description of the general operat-ing procedure is provided in the next paragraphs.Based on our experience, these conditions are opti-mized for the “difficult” samples, where either thehigh molecular weight or the presence of labilechemical structures may maximize the risk of induc-ing pyrolytic processes.

The DCI experiments require the ionization cham-ber for CI and the presence of a reagent (or moderat-ing) gas at a pressure analogous to that used forregular CI. An important condition is that the ionsource should be kept at ambient temperature or, atleast, as low as possible. To achieve this, the electron-emitting filament should be switched on only for thetime strictly necessary.

A specific probe is requested, which ends with anelongated tip constituted by a rhenium wire (the DCIemitter) forming either a single eye or a coil. Wheninserted, the coil is positioned in the center of theion-chamber, along the line linking the electron-emitting filament and the anode. The DCI emitter ispart of an electric circuit, where the current can beraised rapidly to relatively high values. Initially, the

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DCI emitter is loaded with 1–2 �L of a very diluted(i.e. 10�5 M) solution of the sample. Then, the solventis evaporated, leaving an extremely thin film of thesample at the surface of the emitter wire. If the solventhas a relatively high boiling point, its evaporation canbe accelerated using the fore-vacuum facility of themass spectrometer.

Upon insertion of the probe tip into the ionizationchamber, the analysis is started and the mass analyzershould execute fast scans along the mass range ofinterest. Cycle scan times below 0.8 s are preferable.Subsequently, the current passing through the DCIemitter is rapidly increased from zero to the upperlimit (generally above 1 A), determining a suddenheating of the wire by Joule effect, from ambient toabove 1000 °C. This heating may be carried out at40–80 °C s�1, so that the analysis is completed inless than 30 s.

By looking at the total ion current, an intensesignal should be recorded for no more than threescans. The observation of a smooth signal incrementand decline, lasting for several seconds, is generallyassociated with an extensive pyrolysis of the sample.This pyrolysis is frequently a consequence of exces-sive sample loading. For the final emitter cleaning, itis generally sufficient to maintain the wire above1000 °C for about 30 s. Then, the current can beswitched off and the probe retreated.

4. Critical experimental parameters andmechanism inferred

As mentioned in the introduction, the existence ofcritical parameters in DCI, as in any experimentaltechnique, has been frequently unrecognized. In orderto obtain the best performance from DCI-MS, it isessential to understand and to control a number ofexperimental parameters, which are briefly discussedbelow.

No matter what the purpose of the investigation is,it is extremely important to keep the sample loadingon the DCI-emitter at a low level. Excessive sampleloadings transform the DCI probe into a normalheated probe. In such a case, fast heating of the

DCI-emitter invariably produces the thermal decom-position of the sample. Thus, the mass spectra ofpyrolytic products superimpose the regular spectrumof the analyte. Correct sample loadings are in the low-to hundreds of nanograms range, whereas loadings inmicrogram range are excessive.

Once the sample loading is minimal, then setting ahigh DCI-emitter current gradient is crucial to vapor-ize intact molecules from the probe. The reasons forthe beneficial effect of fast heating on the thermalstability of vaporized species has been extensivelydiscussed elsewhere [3]. Gradients in the order of50–100 mA s�1 are correct and correspond to DCI-emitter heating from ambient to 1000 °C in 10–20 s.Maintaining the emitter at the highest temperature forfew second after the slope cleans the wire, but a toolong cleaning time warms up the ion source, an effectthat should be avoided. In fact, the third importantparameter is the ion-source temperature, that shouldbe kept close to ambient, in order to achieve effectivecooling of the vaporized species, preventing theirfragmentation and thermal degradation. To maintainthe walls of the ion source as cold as possible, it isessential to switch off both the electron emittingfilament and the DCI-emitter when they are notneeded, and any other unnecessary heating device.The maintenance of the ion plasma at ambient tem-perature does not affect the long-term performance ofthe ion source, unless an involatile reagent gas isutilized.

The last critical parameter is the speed of the massanalyzer scanning. Fast heating of the wire producesalmost instantaneous vaporization of the thin film ofanalyte deposited on it, at least when the sample isconstituted by a single substance. The scan speedshould be fast enough to capture the rapidly surgingsignal arising from the ionization of these vapors,before they are pumped away or condense. In thiscase, the signal lasts for no more than 1–1.5 s. Whenthe sample contains a mixture of components, theseare vaporized subsequently as a function of theirrelative volatility. For example, in polymer analysis,the oligomers with increasing molecular weight arevaporized in sequence, yet in a short time. In such acase, the scanning of the mass analyzer should be

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made synchronous with the period of vaporization ofthe entire oligomer series. Otherwise, the scan speedmust be much faster than the vaporization period, sothat several mass spectra are collected, each repre-senting a portion of the oligomer distribution, andthen added together. Both approaches yield accu-rate molecular weight distributions, provided thatlong interscan periods are unnecessary for resettingthe mass analyzer. This point opens the question ofwhich is the most appropriate mass analyzer to beused in DCI experiments. Linear quadrupoles allowvery fast scanning but have a relatively low uppermass limit and modest sensitivity at the higher massvalues. Magnets are adequate in terms of massrange and sensitivity but the scan speed is some-what limited by hysteresis. Time-of-flight analyzersand quadrupole ion traps with extended mass rangeare likely to have excellent potentiality, but theirhyphenation with DCI has never been commerciallyimplemented.

All the observations made for different classes ofsubstances analyzed by DCI-MS point to a mecha-nism in which the fast vaporization of the analytesand their rapid and efficient thermal deexcitationplay the key roles. The latter process is particularlyimportant. Maintaining the ion-source walls coldassures that the internal energy of the CI moderat-ing gas remains low. In turn, the occurrence ofmultiple collisions of this cold moderating gas withthe analyte molecules (or ions) immediately afterthey are vaporized, removes the excess of internalenergy from them, leaving these molecules in athermally stable configuration. This explains why,for certain analytes, DCI may appear as the leastenergetic among the “soft” ionization techniques.However, the first step is the sublimation of thesample; if this process cannot take place, as for thepolar substances, because pyrolytic transformationchannels require less energy than sublimation, DCIfails completely. On the other hand, when theefficiency of molecular “cooling” is reduced eitherbecause the moderating gas temperature is high orbecause an excessive sample loading prevents thegas to come in contact with the inner layers of thesample, again fragmentation and thermal decompo-

sition processes of the analyte molecules becomeactive.

5. Target analytes for desorption chemicalionization mass spectrometry

The early analytical applications of DCI-MS al-most exclusively dealt with the characterization ofpolar biological molecules [1–18], such as peptidesand polysaccharides. This trend was justified by theimportance of biochemical research, as well as thelack of adequate desorption and ionization methodsfor these substances at the time when DCI-MS wasinitially developed. Newer techniques such as FAB,MALDI, and ESI proved to provide much betterresults than DCI on biopolymers, determining thedecline of the latter method. The only biologicalmolecules for which DCI favorably competes with theother techniques in terms of analytical performance,are those carrying a relatively short polar moiety (apeptide, a glycoside, etc.) on a nonpolar substrate, asit occurs in many antibiotics [12,13,18–24].

In our own experience, large antibiotic moleculescould always be neatly characterized by DCI-MS,both in the positive and the negative ion mode[23,24]. A large abundance of the molecular ion wasgenerally observed and varying the ion-source tem-perature and other operating parameters modulatedthe fragmentation. However, when we approachedlinear polypeptides and polysaccharides, a definitemolecular mass limit was observed, beyond whichonly pyrolytic products were produced [24]. Other-wise, the polar groups had to be derivatized [22,25–27].

For the previous reasons, it can be concluded thatthe large biopolymers and, in general, the highly polarmolecules do not represent the kind of analytes thatone may consider to investigate by DCI-MS in thesedays. For example, the polar groups are likely toachieve much more effective charging by ESI than byDCI, and their thermal degradation is prevented inESI. However, the large and nonpolar moleculesundergo much less efficient ionization than the polarsubstances in ESI, and are often not compatible with

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the range of solvents used by this technique. The sameconsiderations apply to FAB and APCI. In contrast,MALDI finds wide application also in the character-ization and molecular weight distribution of nonpolarpolymers.

Unlike the highly polar substances, any kind oflarge and nonpolar compound can be regarded as apotentially ideal analyte for DCI-MS. Typical classesof compounds with these structural features includeorganized macromolecules (cavitands, carcerands,catenanes, etc.), dendrimers, fullerenes, technologicalmaterials, dyes, nonpolar polymers, and even neutralorganometallic compounds. For all these substances,DCI is likely to provide optimal structural character-ization, yielding extremely clean mass spectra withdominant molecular ion and excellent signal-to-noiseratio.

Each analysis requires very little time, allowinghigh throughput analysis and rapid optimization of theexperimental parameters. Several manufacturers, whoproduced automated sample introduction devices, at-tempted further productivity improvement in the pastbut none of these equipments proved commerciallysuccessful. Mixtures of analytes can be efficientlyapproached and molecular weight distributions can bedetermined under the appropriate experimental con-ditions. Sample impurities do not generally constituteserious interference, at least in the positive ion mode.In the electron capture mode, the relative abundanceof the sample constituents is biased by the selectivityassociated to their relative electron affinity.

In the subsequent sections, several applications ofDCI-MS to the structural characterization of large,nonpolar, and involatile molecules are presented,taken from our own research work.

6. Organized macromolecules with technologicalproperties

Several materials synthesized in the recent yearsfor technological applications (optics, electronics,drug targeting) have the chemical structure of a singlemacromolecule or a sequence of oligomeric species.Generally, the search for the macromolecule to be

synthesized is driven by the properties requested, andits optimal structure is identified upon extensivetheoretical modeling and computation. Once synthe-sized, the reaction products and by-products have tobe determined. When these products have the struc-ture of a macromolecule, their separation and identi-fication is possibly problematic.

We studied a series of macromolecular liquidcrystals carrying a rigid resorcin-arene tetramericsubstrate and as many as twelve flexible alkyloxyben-zoyl groups [28]. The balance of the rigid and flexibleunits modulated the degree of order in the liquidphase. The molecular weight of these macrostructuresvaried in the 3000–4500 Da range, far beyond thelimit at which the organic molecules are consideredvaporizable. It is generally accepted that the mole-cules with such high molecular weight tend to pyro-lyze when heated before producing appreciable vaporpressure.

In spite of the previous concepts, the DCI massspectra of these liquid crystals exhibited a dominantmolecular ion and little fragmentation in both ionpolarities. An example of these spectra is shown inFig. 1 with the corresponding molecular structure.The molecular ion cluster yields the most intense peakat m/z 4068.7 corresponding to the chemical formulacontaining two 13C. In the same study [28], it wasshown that these cluster peaks could be separated atthe base line when the magnetic mass analyzer isscanned with sufficient resolution (m/Dm � 4000). Astrong ion-source temperature effect was also demon-strated: the complete disappearance of the molecularion and the onset of an extensive consecutive frag-mentation was induced by increasing the ion-sourcetemperature from 90 to 200 °C.

Other organized macroscopic structures of techno-logical interest are the molecular receptors. Theseinclude calixarenes, cyclodextrins, cyclophanes, cavi-tands, hemicarcerands, and carcerands. In a decade,we investigated and confirmed the chemical structureof at least one hundred of such receptors usingDCI-MS. Most of them possess a strong structuralbackbone and molecular weights comprised in the1000–2000 Da range; therefore, their characterizationdoes not represent a real analytical challenge. How-

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ever, a conventional heated probe cannot vaporizethem intact and their FAB spectra are frequently noisyand interfered, leading to possible misinterpretation.Even when the presence of polar groups makes thesecompounds amenable to ESI, the formation of avariety of adducts and clusters are promoted (withalkali metal ion and ammonium impurities, withbuffer and solvent molecules) [29], which complicatethe ESI spectrum. By using DCI with methane orisobutane as a moderating gas, none of these incon-veniences is observed. Thus, for the analysis of

molecular cages and receptors, DCI really representsthe method of choice, as it provides in few minutesclean, reproducible, and structurally informative massspectra [30]. The same advantages apply to theanalysis of fullerene derivatives [31,32].

In another kind of application, DCI has beenextensively used as an introduction method for mo-lecular receptors, in order to obtain cavitands [30,33–35] and bridged calixarenes [30,36] in the gas-phase,to remove the excess of internal energy and lastly toreact them with appropriate molecular guests, yield-

Fig. 1. Electron-capture (negative-ion) DCI mass spectrum of a macrocycle having the chemical formula C260H368O36, recorded at 90 °Cion-source temprature. Reprinted with permission of Heyden & Son Limited from Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 3 (1989) 106.

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ing stable host/guest complexes. This application hasbeen reviewed elsewhere [37–39] and will not bediscussed in detail here. Nonetheless, it is worthnoting that the extensive gas-phase formation ofhost/guest complexes implies that the receptor issufficiently “cold” to establish attractive supramo-lecular interactions with the molecular guests, a con-dition that would not occur if the internal energy ofthe receptor was the one imparted by the DCI-emitterheating at the temperature of its vaporization (500–600 °C for most cavitands and functionalized calix-arenes). Thus, the DCI process must necessarilyinvolve strong cooling of the desorbed receptor beforethe host/guest interaction can be established. On theother hand, it is still partially unclear at which stage ofthe overall process the ionization takes place: whetherbefore or during the thermal deexcitation step, or evenafter the host/guest complex is formed [35].

A different situation is observed for carcerands,whose structure includes one or more molecules of thesolvent used in their synthesis. In this case, the guestis encapsulated inside the host cavity and cannotescape nor be exchanged by another solvent mole-cules, when dissolved in it. The common mass spec-trometric problem posed by these organized systemsis to characterize in the gas phase the host/guestcomplex, i.e. the carcerand still retaining its originalguest. Quite obviously, in the gas phase the carceplexstructure is free from the steric and electronic effectsproduced by the solvent, its internal energy is intrin-sically higher than in solution and the entropic con-tribution to its dissociation is largely favorable. Theconsequences are that the constraints for the guest areweaker, the pores of the carcerand are larger, and thestability of the carceplex in the gas phase is muchlower than in solution.

A comparison of MALDI [40] and DCI [38,41,42]mass spectra for the same carceplexes indicates thatlaser photons induce quite extensive release of theguest from the carceplex and even some fragmenta-tion of the carcerand backbone, whereas DCI massspectra are dominated by the protonated host/guestcomplexes with the empty carcerands accounting forabout 20% relative intensity. An example of a DCImass spectrum of a carceplex containing one mole-

cule of dimethylformamide is depicted in Fig. 2. It canbe deduced that DCI is indeed a very soft ionizationtechnique for nonpolar supramolecular aggregates andthat the removal of internal energy from the desorbedspecies during the process is extremely efficient.

7. Nonpolar polymers

The analytical characterization of polymers bymass spectrometric methods has always found aserious complication in the high molecular weight ofthe analytes and the limited mass range of the massspectrometers. The renovated success of time-of-flight mass analyzers interfaced to MALDI sourceshas recently improved the analytical capabilities ofmass spectrometric methods for the study of highmass polymers, but the most important polymer fea-tures are still determined on the low oligomers. Infact, for ions above m/z 10 000 complicated clustersare always formed and the distinction of mass unitsbecomes difficult. For the mass spectrometric study ofthese low oligomers, a variety of ionization tech-niques have been used, including FAB [liquid second-ary ionization mass spectrometry (LSIMS)], MALDI,ESI, field desorption, plasma desorption, thermos-pray, and others. However, to my knowledge, wewere the only group using DCI-MS to determineintact oligomeric species [43–46]. Other groups uti-lized DCI-MS in different experimental conditions toinduce the pyrolysis of the polymer and to observe thedecomposition products [47,48].

We employed DCI-MS to characterize severalclasses of synthetic polymers, after extensive testingof the experimental conditions with polymer stan-dards. These included polystyrene and poly(ethyleneglycol) with different average molecular weight [43].The DCI mass spectrum of a polystyrene standardwith average molecular weight of 4000 Da is reportedin Fig. 3. The peaks correspond to the protonatedmolecular ions of polystyrene oligomers. No evidenceof ion fragmentation is present in the spectrum. Fromthis spectrum, the number-average molecular weight(Mn) and the weight-average molecular weight (Mw)were calculated resulting respectively equal to 3906

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and 4090, in excellent agreement with the theoreticalvalue. Similar results were obtained for all the otherpolystyrene standards in both ion polarities, whereaspoly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) provided accurate ana-lytical results only for the standard with the lowestaverage molecular weight (PEG 2000). DCI massspectra of poly(ethylene glycol) standards with aver-age molecular weight of 3400 and 5000 Da, respec-tively, exhibited evidence of fragmentation and partialthermal decomposition, which was attributed to therather polar character of the polymer [43]. The sameoccurrence of pyrolytic processes was induced ontothe PEG 2000 standard by increasing the temperatureof the ion source.

Polymers that we studied in detail, due to theirunique properties and specific mass spectroscopicfeatures, were perfluoropolyethers [44]. Unlike theother polymers, the negative ion DCI mass spectra ofperfluoropolyethers did not exhibit a distribution ofmolecular ions, but rather a distribution of fragmentions, with a terminal oxygen atom bearing the nega-tive charge. The odd finding was that the fragmenta-tion was not randomized on the C™O ether bonds, asobserved in SIMS [49], but involved exclusively thefew oxygen atoms closer to the terminal groups,favoring the formation of high-mass ions. The result-ing peak distribution approximated the average mo-lecular weight desumed by nuclear magnetic reso-

Fig. 2. Positive-ion DCI mass spectrum of the inclusion complex formed by a carcerand and one molecule of dimethylformamide.

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nance with minimal mass shift. This discriminatingfragmentation mechanism observed in DCI-MS wasagain explained by assuming that minimal internalenergy deposition occurred upon DCI, favoring thefragmentation channels requiring the least energy, asthe ones allowing charge stabilization on a large ionand release of small radicals [44]. In contrast, SIMSdeposits a larger amount of energy on the sputteredspecies, opening several unspecific fragmentationchannels at once. The effect is that DCI mass spectraare clean and easy to interpret even for complexcopolymers, as they result from simple ion chemistry,leaving only two series of ions, corresponding to eachdifferent terminal group. This simplicity combinedwith appropriate DCI-tandem mass spectrometry(MS-MS) experiments allowed us to determine withease the relative abundance of different terminalgroups and different monomers in co- and ter-poly-mers, as well as to infer the average molecular weight.

We doubt that any other mass spectrometric techniquecould be as appropriate as DCI for the study ofperfluoropolyethers.

Another successful example of identification andquantitation of several terminal groups was providedby a DCI-MS study of synthetic ethylene-propylene-carbon monoxide ter-polymer [45]. Also the relativeabundance of monomers and their alternate vs. blocksequence was ascertained.

A specific feature of the DCI-MS technique in thestudy of polymers is its extreme sensitivity. As low as5 ng of polymer loaded on the DCI-emitter aregenerally sufficient to observe an acceptable distribu-tion pattern [43]. However, this sensitivity is uselessfor the characterization of most synthetic polymers,where large amounts of material are available. Appli-cations in which extreme sensitivity is occasionallyrequired for polymer analysis are found in forensicscience. We utilized DCI-MS to characterize the

Fig. 3. Positive ion DCI mass spectrum of polystyrene standard, with average molecular weight of 4000 Da. Reprinted with permission of theAmerican Chemical Society from Analytical Chemistry 64 (1992) 1879.

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lubricants applied to a large series of latex condoms[46]. For most condoms, the lubricant turned out to bepolydimethylsiloxane with large oligomer distributionand average molecular weight of about 6000, corre-sponding to a viscosity of 200 cSt. A typical exampleof DCI mass spectrum of such a lubricant is shown inFig. 4. From DCI mass spectra, a few condomsproved to have lubricants containing either polydim-ethylsiloxanes with different molecular weight distri-butions or additives with spermicide activity (forexample ethoxylated nonylphenols). The latter wasvaporized at lower DCI-emitter temperatures thanpolydimethylsiloxane, so they were clearly distin-guished at different analysis times. Again, the spec-trum in Fig. 4 exhibits peaks corresponding to proto-nated molecular ions up to m/z 14 000 and noevidence of fragmentation nor thermal decompositionof the polymer. Upon accurate analytical protocolassessment with donors, the DCI-MS analysis wasapplied to two vaginal cotton swabs extracts obtainedfrom alleged rape victims. The results, depicted in

Fig. 5, clearly demonstrated that a lubricated condomwas utilized by the first assailant, not in the secondcase, confirming the sensitivity and the selectivity ofthe method. The sensitivity of DCI-MS was alsoexploited in the water determination of other oligo-meric mixtures, namely nonionic surfactants such aspolyoxyethylene-lauryl ethers and -nonylphenols [50].

8. Organometallic compounds

Organometallic compounds have been traditionallyregarded by mass spectroscopists as difficult samples.If they are sufficiently volatile to be vaporized by aheated probe, they tend to contaminate the massspectrometer, resulting in memory effect and loss ofperformance. Moreover, the electron ionization andCI spectra are often interfered by impurities anddifficult to interpret. FAB (LSIMS) spectra generallyexhibit poor signal-to-noise ratio, unless the organo-metallic analyte is singly charged. Moreover, all tech-

Fig. 4. Positive ion DCI mass spectrum of lubricant sampled from Adonis� condom and dissolved in dichloromethane. Expanded area showsthat each peak is a protonated molecular ion, with regular intervals of 74 Da, corresponding to dimethylsiloxane repeat units. Reprinted withpermission of the Forensic Science Society, U.K., from the Journal of Forensic Science Society 34 (1994) 245.

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Fig. 5. Positive ion DCI mass spectra of vaginal cotton swab extracts obtained from alleged rape victims. (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2. Reprintedwith permission of the Forensic Science Society, U.K., from the Journal of Forensic Science Society 34 (1994) 245.

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niques involving a liquid matrix (FAB, ESI) mayproduce adducts between the metal moiety andmatrix components, which are detected in the massspectrum.

DCI-MS applies only to the neutral organometalliccompounds, but for these analytes it displays uniqueadvantages with respect to the other MS techniques.Little sample loading is required: few ng of productare sufficient to record optimal spectra, virtuallyeliminating the risks of contamination and memoryeffect. Secondly, the DCI mass spectra generallyshow an intense and very clean signal. Since the entiresample loaded is vaporized, little or no interferencearises from minor impurities, whose total amount inthe ion source is negligible. Lastly, the molecular iongenerally represents the base peak, but the fragmen-tation can be activated by increasing the ion-sourcetemperature or by decreasing the heating rate of the

DCI-emitter. These conclusions arise from experienceon cobalt, molybdenum, ruthenium, and osmiumcomplexes with organic ligands [51] and estradiolderivatives [52,53], even if this mass spectroscopicexperience has not been systematized yet. An exam-ple of DCI mass spectrum of an organometalliccompound, containing three osmium atoms, is pro-vided in Fig. 6. In the mass range from 500 to 1200Da only the molecular ion cluster is present in largeabundance, together with low intensity adducts withisobutane (the reagent gas) ions. An expanded view ofthe molecular ion cluster is depicted in the insettogether with the theoretical isotope distribution,demonstrating that the correspondence is virtuallyperfect. Consecutive losses of carbon monoxide unitscan be activated by collision-induced dissociation andMS-MS or simply by raising the ion-source temper-ature.

Fig. 6. Positive ion DCI mass spectrum of a triosmium complex. The insets compare the distribution of peak abundances for the experimentalmolecular ion cluster with the theoretical one desumed from isotope abundances for all the elements present.

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9. Conclusions

Even though many efficient soft ionization tech-niques have come to the fore in the recent years, it isunfortunate that a powerful ionization system such asDCI has been put aside so early. Several applicationsexist in chemistry, where DCI-MS still providesunsurpassed performance and should be considered asthe ionization method of choice.

Among the positive aspects of the technique, thefollowing should be mentioned. DCI-MS is: (1) fast,as it allows to carry out as much as 20–30 analysis perhour; (2) sensitive, as one nanogram of material isgenerally sufficient to record a good spectrum; (3)clean, since minimal sample loading prevents thecontamination of the mass spectrometer; (4) cheap,since it requires minimal investment and inexpensiveconsumables; (5) noise-free; (6) easy-to-use, and (7)widely applicable.

As in the Renaissance was common practice tocelebrate the beauty of a woman in a sonnet, thewished renaissance of DCI-MS may demand a sonnetto become true:The DCI sonnetSo easy to useYou will be amused,So fast and so cleanYou know what this means,Its signal so strongYou’ll praise it for long.So whyDon’t you tryThe nice DCI?


The author is extremely grateful to Graham Cooksfor being to him not only a master of science, but alsoa master of life since 1986, when he first had thechance to work in the Aston Lab. Studies on DCI-MShave been possible throughout the years by thefinancial support of Istituto Guido Donegani,M.U.R.S.T., Regione Piemonte, and Provincia diTorino.


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