
Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flightmass spectrometry: A tool to predict pork quality

B. Marcos a, P. Gou a, M.D. Guàrdia a,⁎, M. Hortós a, M. Colleo a, N. Mach b, M.F.W. te Pas b, E. Keuning b,L. Kruijt b, J. Tibau a, M. Gispert a, J. Arnau a

a IRTA-Food Technology, 17121 Monells, Girona, Spainb Animal Breeding and Genomics Centre, Wageningen UR Livestock Research, PO Box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, The Netherlands

a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 1 June 2012Received in revised form 8 October 2012Accepted 29 October 2012

Keywords:Meat qualityPure breedsSELDI-TOF-MSProtein markers

Expression of water soluble proteins of fresh pork Longissimus thoracis from 4 pure breed pigs (Duroc, LargeWhite, Landrace, and Piétrain) was studied to identify candidate protein markers for meat quality.Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) was usedto obtain the soluble protein profiles of Longissimus thoracis muscles. The pure breeds showed differencesamong the studied meat quality traits (pHu, drip loss, androstenone, marbling, intramuscular fat, texture,and moisture), but no significant differences were detected in sensory analysis. Associations between proteinpeaks obtained with SELDI-TOF-MS and meat quality traits, mainly water holding capacity, texture andskatole were observed. Of these peaks, a total of 10 peaks from CM10 array and 6 peaks from Q10 arraywere candidate soluble protein markers for pork loin quality. The developed models explained a limited pro-portion of the variability, however they point out interesting relationships between protein expression andmeat quality.

© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

From a consumer point of view, meat quality is defined as theeating quality or palatability of meat. This concept covers qualityattributes such as texture, mainly tenderness, meat colour, waterholding capacity (WHC), and flavour. Variation in meat quality isa detrimental factor for meat acceptability and causes appreciableeconomic losses for meat producers. Thus, it is essential for themeat industry to have methods to facilitate the assurance, control,and optimisation of product quality. Recent high throughput proteo-mic approaches can assist research towards this goal.

Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight massspectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) combines chromatographic techniquesand mass spectral measurement. The SELDI chip contains chromato-graphic coatings of selected types (i.e. hydrophobic, ion-exchange,metal-binding, etc.), on which sample components with complemen-tary physicochemical properties are bound (O'Gorman et al., 2006).Unbound compounds are washed off, thus contaminants are removedand sample complexity is markedly reduced. After application of aproper energy-absorbing matrix, proteins bound to the stationaryphase are analysed by MS profiling (Bodzon-Kulakowska et al.,2007). A proteomic approach using SELDI-TOF-MS can identify theexpression of complex protein patterns or single protein markers in

muscle tissue based on the mass-to-charge-ratio of the proteins andon their binding affinity to the protein arrays. Because it is not neces-sary to know the identity of the proteins for the purpose of differentialclassification, this technology provides an alternative platform for thedifferential display of multiple potential markers (Mach et al., 2010).

In a previous work, Mach et al. (2010) detected potential proteinmarkers from Longissimus thoracismuscle that could be used to classifyraw hams by breed type (Duroc, Large White, Landrace, and Piétrain).The animals from Mach et al. (2010) were used in the present studyto assess the differences between breeds on the carcass and qualityparameters of pork. Besides, this work also aimed to investigate therelationships between protein fingerprinting in Longissimus thoracismuscle and the final quality of cooked pork loin.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Animals

One hundred and twenty entire male pigs from four pure breedswere studied. Duroc (DU, n=21), Landrace (LR, n=43), LargeWhite (LW, n=43) and Piétrain (PI, n=13) pigs were fattenedunder identical conditions in the Pig Testing Station (IRTA-CAP) inMonells (Girona, Spain). The four pig genetic types (DU, LR, LW, PI)were reared under the same conditions of housing, environmentand feeding, and the ante mortem handling was performed under lowstress conditions. Therefore, the experiment allowed the comparison

Meat Science 95 (2013) 688–693

⁎ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (M.D. Guàrdia).

0309-1740/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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between lines with minimum interference from external influences.Average daily gain and average daily feed intake were recorded. Feedconversion ratio was calculated dividing the amount of feed consumedby the corresponding body weight gain.

The animals were weighed one day before slaughter. The averageage (days) was 174±6 for DU, 176±6 for LR, 172±6 for LW, and177±9 for PI. The pigs were fasted on-farm for 9 h and transportedfor 1.5 h to a commercial slaughterhouse in Vic (Spain). Animalsfrom different pens were not mixed. The animals were slaughteredin two different days. Each slaughtering batch contained a group ofpigs representing all the studied breeds. Slaughtering was performedusing CO2 stunning at 90% of concentration for 2 min.

2.2. Carcass measurements

Backfat and loin muscle thickness were measured for each carcasswithin 1 h post mortem at 60 mm from the mid-line between the3rd and 4th last rib (f34fom and m34fom, respectively) using theFat-O-Meat'er probe (Carometec, AS, Herlev, DK). These parameterswere used to estimate the leanmeat content of the carcass as suggestedin the CommissionDecision 2009/11/CE (EuropeanCommission, 2009):

Estimated lean %! " # 66:91!0:895$ f34fom% 0:144$m34fom

where f34fom and m34fom are the fat and the muscle depth measuredwith Fat-O-Meat'er, respectively.

Carcasses were chilled at 3±1 °C. At 24 h post mortem carcasseswere weighed, and loin length (from the first lumbar vertebra tothe atlas bone) and carcass length (from the anterior edge of thepubic symphysis to the recess of the first rib) were measured.

2.3. Meat quality measurements

Meat quality was assessed on the left side of each carcass. Fifteenmm-thick samples of Longissimus thoracis were taken between the2nd and 3rd last ribs for meat quality measurements and stored at4±2 °C until analysis.

Drip loss was determined at 24 h post mortem, following the refer-ence method supported by OECD (Honikel, 1998) to assess waterholding capacity. Muscle pH was measured at 24 h post mortem(pHu) with a Xerolyt® pH electrode on a portable pH-meter (CrisonpH 25, Crison Instruments, SA, Alella, Spain).

Colour measurements were carried out with a Minolta CM 2002(Minolta Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan) spectrophotometer (illuminant D65,10° standard observer and the specular component included) in theCIELAB space: lightness (L*), redness (a*) and yellowness (b*). Colourmeasurements were carried out on the slice surface and averagedover five zones. Moisture, fat, protein, and collagen contents were mea-sured by near infrared transmittance spectroscopy FoodScan® (FOSSElectric A/S, Denmark).

Samples for texture and sensory analysis were individuallywrapped in aluminium foil and cooked in a pre-heated electric ovenat 110 °C until a core temperature of 70 °C was reached. Aftercooking, samples for sensory analysis were tested immediately,while samples for texture analysis were cooled down at room tem-perature before analysis. The weight of each sample was recordedbefore and after cooking. Cooking loss was expressed as the percent-age of the weight difference after cooking.

Texture was assessed using the Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) andtheWarner–Bratzler shear force test (WBSF) using a Texture AnalyserTA.TX2 (Stable Micro Systems Ltd.) with a 25 kg load cell. Five speci-mens of 20 mm!20 mm!15 mm were obtained for each sample.The samples were compressed to 75% of their original height perpen-dicular to the muscle fibre direction and at a crosshead speed of1 mm/s. Analyses of the force-time curve lead to the extraction of sev-eral textural parameters: hardness (kg), cohesiveness (dimensionless),

springiness (dimensionless), and chewiness (kg) (Bourne, 1978).WBSF test was performed using a WB shear blade with a triangularslot cutting edge and four parameters were measured: initial yieldforce, maximum shear force, shear firmness, and total work (Brady &Hunecke, 1985; Møller, 1980). Five specimens of 20 mm!10 mm!10 mmwere obtained for each sample. Each sample was sheared per-pendicular to muscle fibres.

Determination of androstenone was performed as described byRius, García-Regueiro, and Hortós (2005) and Ampuero Kragten etal. (2011). Subcutaneous neck fat samples (1.00±0.01 g) werehomogenised and extracted in 50 mL hexane:dichloromethane (50:50)containing 5α-androstan-3-one (2 μg/g) as internal standard. Extractswere purified in a solid phase extraction (SPE) Diol column and thecollected fraction was further purified in a C18 SPE column. The resi-dues were injected in a gas chromatographer coupled to a mass spec-trometry detector (Varian 3800 — Saturn 2200 Varian, Inc. CorporateHeadquarters, Palo Alto, CA, USA). A capillary column BPX5 (SGE,Australia), 30 m!0.25 mm (0.25 μm film thickness) was used. Massspectrometry data was acquired in SIM mode with m/z: 257 and 272(target) and 202, 274. Androstenone concentration was quantifiedafter spiking a control adipose tissue sample that had no detectableamount of androstenone. All samples were evaluated in duplicate.

Skatole (3-methylindole) content was determined using themethoddescribed by García-Regueiro and Rius (1998). One gram sampleswereweighed (precision±0.01 g), and 500 ng of 7-ethylindole was addedas an internal standard. Skatole was extracted in a 10 mL solution ofhexane:2-propanol (92:8). The extracts were injected into an HPLCsystem (Agilent, Santa Clara CA, USA) for determination and the sepa-ration was performed on a Hypersil column aminopropylsilica-2(5 μm, 250!4.6 mm) under a flow of 1.5 ml/min using a solution ofhexane:2-propanol (92:8) as amobile phase. Detectionwas performedby fluorescence (280 nm excitation and 360 nm emission wave-lengths). Skatole and indole concentrations were quantified after spik-ing a control adipose tissue sample. All samples were evaluated induplicate.

2.4. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA)

Sensory characterisation of the samples was performed through aQualitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) using 6 selected trained asses-sors (ASTM, 1981; ISO, 1993, 1994). The generation and selectionof the descriptors were carried out by open discussion during threesessions of 1 h each. The descriptors retained for raw and cooked meatare described in Table 1. A non-structured scoring scale (Amerine,Pangborn, & Roessler, 1965) was used, where 0 and 10 meant absenceand high intensity of the descriptor, respectively.

Sensory evaluation was undertaken in 25 sessions. Five samplesper session were analysed in 20 sessions and 4 samples in the other5 sessions. All sessions were performed in a six-booth sensory panelroom at a 20±2 °C equipped with red fluorescent lighting to maskthe red colour of the cooked meat. Appearance attributes of rawmeat were evaluated under white lighting (700±150 lx). Duringeach session at least three samples from different breeds and a max-imum of two samples per breed were analysed. Samples were codedwith three random numbers and were presented to the assessorsbalancing the first-order and the carry-over effects as much as possi-ble, according to Macfie, Bratchell, Greenhoff, and Vallis (1989). Theaverage score of the seven assessors for each sample was calculatedusing the assessor as a block effect in the statistical analysis.

2.5. Preparation of protein extracts for SELDI-TOF analyses

After 24 h of carcass chilling, a sample of Longissimus thoracismuscle was removed from each animal, frozen in liquid nitrogen,and stored at !80 °C until used.

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Muscle samples were weighed (30 to 50 mg), placed in 1.5 mL oflysis buffer [10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.25, 10 mM KCl, 2% (vol/vol) TritonX-100, 1 mM PMSF], and homogenised (Ultra-Turrax T25, IKALabortechnik, Staufen, Germany) in ice. Sample homogenates werecentrifuged for 20 min at 12,000 !g and 4 °C. Total protein contentof the supernatant was analysed with a commercial BSA proteinassay kit (Bio-Rad, Veenendaal, The Netherlands).

2.6. SELDI-TOF-MS analyses

The strong anion exchanger (Q10), weak cation exchanger(CM10), and immobilised metal affinity capture (IMAC30) (Bio-RadLaboratories Inc., Hercules, CA) protein arrays were selected becausethey produce good quality proteome patterns with an optimal num-ber of peaks (te Pas, Jansen, Broekman, Reimert, & Heuven, 2009).Array preparation and sample loading were performed as describedby Mach et al. (2010).

The different protein arrays were placed in the SELDI protein ChipBiology System Reader 4000 (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.). The laser in-tensity was 3000 nJ. The SELDI protein array spectra were furthernormalised and analysed as explained by Mach et al. (2010). All sam-ples were analysed in duplicate.

2.7. Statistical analyses

Data were analysed using the GLM procedure of SAS 9.2 (SASInstitute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The model for carcass measurements,physicochemical data, included breed as fixed effect and slaughteringbatch as a block effect. The model for sensory analysis also includedsession as a block effect. Animal weight was included as a covariablein the model for carcass measurements. Differences among breedswere assessed using the Tukey test. The level of significance was setat pb0.05.

Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the relation-ship among meat quality variables and protein peaks. Correlationcoefficients were calculated with the CORR procedure of SAS 9.2 foreach protein peak within the protein chip arrays type. A multiple test-ing correction consisting of a modification of the effective number(Cheverud, 2001) was performed as suggested by Li and Ji (2005).

Regression models of the quality properties of cooked loins onpeak intensities and meat quality parameters (carcass measurementsand quality measurements of raw meat) were fitted for each proteinarray (CM10, Q10, and IMAC30) with the REG procedure of SAS 9.2,

using the stepwise regression method. Significant levels were set atp=0.15 to enter variables in the model and at p=0.05 to be keptin the model.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Influence of breed on growth performance, carcass characteristicsand meat quality

Growth, carcass, and meat quality measurements presenting sig-nificant differences between breeds are shown in Table 2. Pigs fromPiétrain (PI) breed showed lower average daily feed intake and feedconversion ratio than the other breeds. Therefore, PI pigs were smallerat the moment of slaughter and yielded smaller carcasses than otherbreeds, except for Landrace.

However, the killing-out percentage in PI was significantly highercompared to LW and LR, but not DU. Fat depth measurements(f34fom) were lower for PI carcasses compared to other breeds, as aresult PI showed the highest estimated lean percentage. PI pigs areheavily muscled animals with carcasses showing less fat depth andhigher muscular area and lean content than other breeds, a factor ofinterest for the meat industry (Guerrero, Gou, Alonso, & Arnau,1996; Plastow et al., 2005).

PI presented the highest drip loss, while DU showed the lowestvalues. In general, DU-sired pigs show higher water holding capacity(WHC) than PI-sired lines (Latorre, Lazaro, Gracia, Nieto, & Mateos,2003; Oliver et al., 1994). The higher drip loss in PI meat is a conse-quence of the fast pH drop observed in this breed immediately afterslaughter, resulting in greater protein denaturation and elevatedwater loss (Bowker, Grant, Forrest, & Gerrard, 2000; Offer, 1991). Thesehigh levels of drip loss are usually related to meat quality problems,however, no significant differences on the technological and sensorycharacteristics of PI meat were observed in the present study comparedwith other breeds.

As expected, DU loins showed the highest intramuscular fat (IMF)content. Similarly, Plastow et al. (2005) reported the highest valuesof IMF in Duroc lines compared with LR, LW and PI. Visual inspectionof loins confirmed higher marbling in DU although not significantlydifferent from LR, and the lowest scores were for PI loins. Duroc alsoshowed significantly higher values of androstenone than the otherstudied breeds (Table 2). Genetic variation has been reported for fatandrostenone concentration, both between breeds and within a breed(Allen, 2003; Varona et al., 2005; Xue et al., 1996). DU pigs tend tohave higher levels of androstenone than other breeds (Fredriksen etal., 2006; Hortós et al., 2000).

Instrumental Texture Analysis (TPA), showed higher values ofhardness and chewiness in LR loins compared to DU and PI. DU loinspresented the lowest values for cohesiveness. Finally, no significant dif-ferences among breeds were detected by the trained assessors for anyof the evaluated sensory traits (p>0.05).

3.2. Relationship between proteome profiles and meat quality traits

Tables 3–5 show correlations between meat quality parametersand protein peak profiles. Proteins correlated with quality traits werein a range of 3000 to 17,000 m/z ratio. Correlation analysis reflectedthat proteome profiles obtained with CM10 protein array presentedmore protein peaks associated with quality properties of cooked loinsthan the other arrays tested (Table 3). The same fact was previouslyobserved for dry-cured hams (Marcos et al., 2013). These results sug-gest that the subset of proteins bound to CM10 protein arrays at thestudied conditions, would have stronger influence on the quality pa-rameters of the studied meat products than the proteins bound onthe other protein arrays. The CM10 protein arrays are cation exchangearrays, suggesting that positively charged proteins are importantfor meat quality traits. Among the protein peaks detected with CM10

Table 1Definition of sensory parameters used in the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis.

Parameter Description


Marbling Intermingling of fat with lean on the cut surface of the meat.Colourintensity

Intensity of darkness of lean meat.

Exudate Exuded material in pork samples.Odourintensityb

Intensity of odour perception in the nasal cavity.


Skatole Manure flavour.Sweetness Basic taste sensation elicited by sugar.Metallic Flavour similar to a solution of FeSO4·7H2O.Off-flavours Flavour differing from the typical flavour of meat.


Hardness Amount of pressure required to completely compress the sample.Crumbliness Ease with which a sample can be broken into smaller particles

during mastication.Juiciness Moisture felt inside the mouth as a result of meat mastication.Fibrousness Perception of muscle fibres during mastication.

Overall likingb Hedonic perception.a Assessed in raw meat.b Assessed in cooked meat.

690 B. Marcos et al. / Meat Science 95 (2013) 688–693

array, 15 peaks were correlated with drip loss and cooking loss,androstenone, instrumental and sensory texture, visual colour, and ska-tole flavour (Table 3). Correlations of peaks 12,223 and 12,434 m/zwithdrip loss (r=0.360 and 0.408, respectively), cooking loss (r=0.368and 0.339, respectively) and juiciness (r=!0.290 and !0.313, re-spectively) were observed. These results would suggest the role ofthese two protein peaks on water holding capacity of meat. The rela-tionship of protein peaks with instrumental and sensory texture mea-surements was observed. Specifically peaks 4338 and 8485 m/z werepositively correlated with initial yield force and sensory hardness.These peaks were also positively correlated with cooking loss andnegatively correlated with sensory juiciness, indicating that increasedpeak intensity would be related to increased cooking loss, with highertoughness. On the contrary, peak 8464 m/z was negatively correlatedwith initial yield force and cooking loss, and positively correlatedwith juiciness. te Pas et al. (2009) reported that meat proteolysis pro-files were associated with drip loss and shear force measurements.

Therefore, the detected peaks related to cooking loss and texturecould be associated with protein degradation products.

For Q10 array, we observed ten protein peaks correlated withcolour, drip and cooking loss, and initial yield force and sensory hard-ness (Table 4). Peak 12,119 m/z showed a negative correlation withdrip loss and cooking loss (r=!0.340 and !0.355, respectively).

Finally, four protein peaks obtained with IMAC30 array were cor-related with a* values, initial yield force, cooking loss, marbling andsweetness (Table 5). To further confirm the implication of these pro-tein peaks in the final quality of cooked loins, regression models forsensory and technological quality properties were obtained includingpeak intensities and other carcass and meat quality parameters asindependent variables (Table 6). For CM10 array, we obtained re-gression models for drip and cooking loss, instrumental and sensorytexture (cohesiveness, total work and sensory hardness), and chemicaland sensory skatole data. It should be highlighted that peak 12,434 m/zwas retained in the models for both drip and cooking loss. Similarly,

Table 2Quality parameters showing significant differences (pb0.05) between breeds.

Duroc Landrace Large White Piétrain RMSE Sig breed Sig batch

Growth performanceAverage daily gain (g) 919.8ab 890.3b 942.9a 844.0b 93.4 b0.01 –

Average daily feed intake (g) 2040.4a 2049.1a 2139.5a 1696.0b 182.6 b0.001 –

Feed conversion ratio 2.23a 2.31a 2.28a 2.02b 0.17 b0.001 –

Slaughter weight (kg) 117.5a 116.2a 118.4a 103.4b 10.5 b0.001 –

Carcass characteristicsCarcass weight (kg) 84.98a 82.98ab 84.41a 75.88b 1.66 b0.001 NSKilling out (%) 72.24ab 71.38bc 71.09c 73.76a 1.42 b0.001 NSf34fom (mm) 17.30a 17.20a 16.88a 13.36b 2.96 b0.001 NSm34fom (mm) 52.03b 51.09b 50.75b 60.14a 4.29 b0.001 NSEstimated carcass lean (%)1 58.92b 58.87b 59.11b 63.61a 2.90 b0.001 NSCarcass length (cm) 85.31c 89.38a 86.81b 83.58c 2.10 b0.001 b0.05Loin length (cm) 86.85b 90.76a 87.82b 84.22c 2.62 b0.001 NS

Meat qualitypHu 5.61a 5.52b 5.55ab 5.49b 0.11 b0.01 b0.01Drip loss (%) 3.04c 4.14b 3.63bc 5.33a 1.50 b0.001 NSAndrostenone (μg/g fat) 0.98a 0.17b 0.35b b0.10b 0.49 b0.001 b0.01Marbling 4.79a 4.02ab 3.67b 2.15c 1.35 b0.001 b0.001Cohesiveness2 0.40b 0.43a 0.44a 0.44a 0.02 b0.001 NSHardness (kg)2 96.47b 125.64a 111.46ab 96.43b 26.32 b0.001 NSChewiness (kg)2 18.31b 26.42a 22.64ab 18.19b 6.65 b0.001 NSMoisture (%) 74.06b 74.28b 74.43ab 75.08a 0.89 b0.05 NSIMF (%) 3.46a 2.66b 2.72b 2.06b 1.12 b0.01 NSProtein (%) 21.9b 22.55a 22.34ab 22.36ab 0.76 b0.05 NS

RMSE: root mean square error. Sig: statistical significance of model factors. Batch: slaughtering batch. f34fom: fat depth measured with Fat-O-Meat'er. m34fom: muscle depthmeasured with Fat-O-Meat'er. pHu: pH at 24 h post-mortem. IMF: intramuscular fat. 1: estimated lean (Commission Decision 2009/11/CE). 2: Texture Profile Analysis. NS:non-significant. Different letters within a row indicate significant differences among breeds.

Table 3Significant correlation coefficients between quality parameters and protein peak intensities obtained with the CM10 protein chip array in Longissimus thoracis muscles.

Parameter Peak (m/z)

2891 4156 4338 4525 5015 5082 5348 8126 8464 8485 8677 9398 12,223 12,434 16,935

Drip loss 0.361 0.360 0.408Androstenone 0.350Cohesivenessa 0.275 0.293 0.340Initial yield forceb 0.295 0.323 0.382 0.284 !0.271 !0.376 0.335Total workb !0.293 !0.305 !0.496 !0.283 0.281 !0.380 0.426 !0.427 !0.302Cooking loss 0.202 0.409 0.318 0.290 0.310 !0.370 0.339 0.315 0.368 0.339 0.289Colour intensity 0.306 0.298 0.367 0.374 0.345 0.293Skatolec 0.311 0.290Hardnessc 0.311 0.331 0.278 0.278 0.286Crumblinessc !0.409 0.330 !0.350 0.382 !0.407 !0.313Juicinessc !0.357 !0.289 0.308 !0.294 !0.290 !0.313 !0.289

Only quality variables and protein peaks showing significant correlations are shown (pb0.003, considering multiple testing correction as suggested by Cheverud 2001).a Texture Profile Analysis.b Warner–Bratzler shear force test.c Sensory analysis.

691B. Marcos et al. / Meat Science 95 (2013) 688–693

the models for both total work measured with WBSF test and sensoryhardness presented peak 4338 in common. Another interesting resultwas the inclusion of the same peak, 9398 m/z, in the models for ska-tole content and skatole flavour.

Models for drip and cooking loss, and total work were fitted withdata obtained with Q10 protein arrays. Peak 12,119 m/z was retainedin the model for both drip and cooking loss. These results confirm therelationship between the expression of protein peaks in the range of12,000 m/z and water holding capacity of pork loin. Other authorshave reported the relationship between soluble protein profiles andwater holding capacity of meat (Di Luca, Mullen, Elia, Davey, & Hamill,2011; Marcos, Kerry, & Mullen, 2010; Sayd et al., 2006). Finally, no sig-nificantmodelswere obtainedwith IMAC30 protein arrays. Consideringthat IMAC30 protein arrays are used for phosphorylated protein cap-ture, this result would suggest that phosphorylated proteins wereless involved in the determination of quality variation. Apart from thereported protein peaks, other meat and carcass quality parametersretained in the reported models were mainly estimated carcass lean,pHu, loin yield, IMF and backfat thickness.

Although thesemodels explain a small proportion of the variability,they point out interesting relationships between the expressed pro-teins and meat quality traits. The development of meat quality traitsis a complex biological process influenced by many factors such asbreeds, treatments, or other unknown factors. The power of candidatemarkers to explain variation remains unclear, but it is certain that theycontribute to building a better picture of this complex process (Hollung& Veiseth-Kent, 2012).

Knowing the biological mechanism regulating an economically in-teresting trait opens up a possibility of monitoring and modulatingthe trait through breeding programmes (te Pas, Hoekman, & Smits,2011). Moreover, the detection of these markers at the moment of

slaughter would help to predict the final quality of meat. The develop-ment of fast detection methods would provide a carcass classificationsystem as a function of the predicted meat quality. However, validationand identification of these protein markers in other datasets consider-ing other environmental and processing factors that contribute to thevariability of meat quality would be needed.

4. Conclusions

Although some quality differences were found among the studiedpure breeds (DU, LR, LW, PI), no significant differences were detectedin the sensory analysis.

Candidate soluble protein markers for quality of loins were identi-fied. The developed models explained a limited proportion of the var-iability, however they point out interesting relationships betweenprotein expression and meat quality. The detection of these bio-markers in the raw material would help to predict the final qualityof meat and would provide us with a tool for raw material qualitycontrol. However, further validation of the involvement of these pro-teins in the quality of cooked pork loins is needed before consideringthem as protein markers.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial participation fromthe European Community under the 6th Framework Programme forResearch, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities,for the Integrated Project Q-PorkChains FOOD-CT-2007-036245. Thecontent of the paper reflects only the view of the authors; the Commu-nity is not liable for any use that may be made of the informationcontained in this paper. Furthermore, additional finances were fromthe Kennisbasis (Knowledge Base) grant no. KB05-003-02 of theDutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Security. The support

Table 4Significant correlation coefficients between quality parameters and protein peak inten-sities obtained with the Q10 protein chip array in Longissimus thoracis muscles.

Parameter Peak (m/z)

3201 3743 4436 5147 6554 12,119

Drip loss !0.358 !0.292 !0.340L* !0.347a* ! 0.359b* !0.295 0.366 0.392 0.485 0.353Initial yield forcea !0.322Total worka 0.287Cooking loss !0.355Colour intensityb !0.265Hardnessb 0.348

Only quality variables and protein peaks showing significant correlations are shown(pb0.007, considering multiple testing correction as suggested by Cheverud, 2001).L*: lightness, a*: redness, b*: yellowness.

a Warner–Bratzler shear force test.b Sensory analysis.

Table 5Significant correlation coefficients between quality parameters and protein peak inten-sities obtained with the IMAC30 protein chip array in Longissimus thoracis muscles.

Parameter Peak (m/z)

3086 4046 6653 8576

a*a !0.259Initial yield forceb !0.269Cooking loss 0.266Marblingc !0.331Sweetnessc !0.254

Only quality variables and protein peaks showing significant correlations are shown(pb0.007, considering multiple testing correction as suggested by Cheverud, 2001).a*: redness.

a Warner–Bratzler shear force test.b Sensory analysis.

Table 6Lineal models for quality parameters of Longissimus thoracis muscles.


Parameter r2 RMSE SD Variables retained in themodel



CM10 Drip loss 0.437 1.226 1.61 12,434 Estimated leanpHu

L*Cooking loss 0.266 3.172 3.66 12,434 Loin yieldCohesivenessa 0.365 0.022 0.03 8677 Cooking loss

IMF10,056Total workb 0.31 9.688 11.51 4338


Skatolec 0.132 0.111 0.12 8126 Estimated lean9398

Skatoled 0.156 0.568 0.61 28919398

Hardnessd 0.441 0.691 0.91 4338 Cooking loss6651

10,056Q10 Drip loss 0.448 1.219 1.61 4507 Backfat thickness


Cooking loss 0.313 3.083 3.66 5147 Loin yield12,119

Total workb 0.233 10.215 11.51 32015729


RMSE: root mean square error. SD: standard deviation.a Texture Profile Analysis measurement.b Warner–Bratzler shear force test.c Chemical measurement.d Sensory analysis.

692 B. Marcos et al. / Meat Science 95 (2013) 688–693

of the Commission for Universities and Research of the Department ofInnovation, Universities and Enterprise of the Autonomous Govern-ment of Catalonia is acknowledged.


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Amerine, M., Pangborn, R., & Roessler, E. (1965). Principles of sensory evaluation of food.New York: Academic Press.

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