
Nokia 105

Issue 1.0 EN

Psst...For info on Nokia Service terms and Privacypolicy, go to



Psst... 2Safety 4Get started 6Basics 14People & messaging 19Entertainment 23Office 24After-sales policy 26Product and safety information 28



Read these simple guidelines.Not following them may bedangerous or illegal. Forfurther info, read the completeuser guide.


Switch the device off whenmobile phone use is notallowed or when it may causeinterference or danger, forexample, in aircraft, inhospitals or near medicalequipment, fuel, chemicals, orblasting areas. Obey all

instructions in restrictedareas.


Obey all local laws. Always keepyour hands free to operate thevehicle while driving. Your firstconsideration while drivingshould be road safety.

INTERFERENCEAll wireless devices may

be susceptible to interference,which could affectperformance.

QUALIFIED SERVICEOnly qualified personnel

may install or repair thisproduct.


OTHER ACCESSORIESUse only batteries, chargers,and other accessoriesapproved by Nokia for use withthis device. Do not connectincompatible products.



Your device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.


To prevent possible hearingdamage, do not listen at highvolume levels for long periods.Exercise caution when holdingyour device near your ear whilethe loudspeaker is in use.


Get startedKeys and parts


1 Charger connector2 Flashlight3 Headset connector(3.5 mm)4 Screen5 Scroll key6 End/Power key7 Microphone8 Keypad9 Call key10 Selection keys11 Earpiece


Insert the SIM card and battery

1. Switch the phone off,and remove the backcover.

2. If the battery is in thephone, lift it out.

3. Slide the SIM under theholder with the contactarea face down.


4. Line up the batterycontacts, and push thebattery in.

5. Press the back coverdown until it locks intoplace.

6. To switch on, press andhold until the phonevibrates.


Charge the battery

1. Plug the charger into awall outlet.

2. Connect the charger tothe phone. See 5 on page27. When done, unplugthe charger from thephone, then from the walloutlet.


Switch your phone on

1. Press and hold thepower key.


2. To set the time, pressup or down. Press OK.




3. To set the date, pressup or down. Press OK.Your phone is now ready.


Lock the keys

Lock the keys when notusing your phone.

1. Select Menu, and press*.

2. To unlock, selectUnlock, and press *.


Change the volumeVolume

1. Scroll left or right tochange the volume.

2. You can also connect acompatible headset orother device to theheadset connector.



3. To use the loudspeakeron your phone whencalling, selectLoudspeaker. You canalso use the loudspeakerwhen listening to radio.


BasicsExplore your phone


1. To see the apps andfeatures of your phone,press Menu.

2. To go to an app orfeature, press the scrollkey up, down, left, or right.


3. To open the app orselect the feature, pressSelect.



4. To go back to theprevious view, press Back.

5. To go back to the homescreen, press .


Go toMenu

6. To use the flashlight,press the scroll key uptwice. To switch off, pressup once. Do not shine thelight in anyone’s eyes.


Write textPress a key repeatedlyuntil the letter is shown.

Type in a spacePress 0.

Type in a specialcharacter or punctuationmarkPress and hold *.

Switch between charactercasesPress # repeatedly.

Type in a numberPress and hold #. To goback to letter mode, pressand hold #.


Use predictive text1. Select Options >Dictionary and thelanguage.2. Start writing a word.When the word you want isshown, press 0.

Change a wordPress * repeatedly untilthe word you want isshown.

Add a new word to thedictionaryIf the word you want isn'tin the dictionary, write theword, select Spell, andtype in the word.

Switch betweenpredictive and traditionaltextPress # repeatedly.

Switch predictive text offSelect Options >Dictionary > Dictionaryoff.


Change the ringtone


Display settings

Tone settingsSettings

1. Select Menu >Settings > Tone settings.

SelectRinging volume

Tone settings

Ringing tone

Nokia tune

2. Select Ringing tone.



Ringing tone


3. Pick a ringtone, andselect OK.

Tip: To switch quickly tosilent profile, press andhold #.


People & messagingMake or answer a call


1. Type in the phonenumber.To type in the + character,used for internationalcalls, press * twice.



2. Press to make thecall. To end the call, press



3. When someone callsyou, press to answer.


Save a name and phone number



1. Press Menu, and selectContacts.



Add contact


2. Select Add contact.


Contact name:

Jim Brown

3. Write the name, andpress OK, then type in thenumber, and press OK.


Save numbers in five separate phonebooks1. Press Menu, and selectContacts > Settings.2. To use the phonememory, select Memoryin use > Phone.3. Select Multi-Phonebook > Phonebookstyle > Multi-Phonebook.4. To add a contact to aphonebook, press Menu,and select Contacts >Settings.

5. Select Multi-Phonebook > Managecontacts.6. Select a contact, andmark a phonebook.7. Press Done, and savethe changes.

Select which phonebookto useSelect Multi-Phonebook >Current phonebook andthe phonebook you wantto use.

Rename a phonebookSelect Multi-Phonebook >Rename phonebooks andthe phonebook, write thename, and press OK.


Send and receive messages1. Select Menu >Messages.2. Select Create message.3. Write your message.4. Select Options > Send.5. Type in a phonenumber, and select OK.Your message is sent.6. To read a receivedmessage, select Show onthe home screen.7. To read the rest of themessage, press down.

You can send textmessages that are longerthan the character limitfor a single message.Longer messages are sentas two or more messages.Your service provider maycharge accordingly.Characters with accents,other marks, or somelanguage options, takemore space, and limit thenumber of characters that

can be sent in a singlemessage.


EntertainmentListen to the radio

1. Connect a headset, andselect Menu > Radio. Theheadset cable works asthe radio antenna.

99.0 101

4. 100.00 MHz

2. To go to the nextchannel, press down.


Manual tuning

Save channelAuto tuning

FM radio

Switch off

3. To close the radio, pressOptions, and selectSwitch off.


OfficeSet an alarm


Alarm tone

Alarm clock

Set alarms


1. Select Menu > Clock >Set alarms.



Set alarms




2. Select an alarm. Tip: You can set up to

five different alarms.


3. To set the hour, pressup or down. To set theminutes, press right andthen up or down. PressOK.


Nokia Life

Nokia Life is a set ofservices giving yourelevant info on topicssuch as health,agriculture, education,and entertainment.

The updates are deliveredin text messages to theNokia Life inbox, in yourlocal language.

To get started, open theNokia Life app, thenaccept the servicedisclaimer.

Nokia Life may not beavailable in all regions.


After-sales policy

Need assistance afteryou've bought yourphone?

Contact the store whereyou bought it for help andadvice.


Feature-specificinformation1 The images in this guide maydiffer from your device screen.2 The antenna area ishighlighted.3 Avoid touching the antennaarea while the antenna is inuse. Contact with antennasaffects the communicationquality and may reduce batterylife due to higher power levelduring operation.4 Important: This device isdesigned to be used with astandard SIM card (see figure)only. Use of incompatible SIMcards may damage the card or

the device, and may corruptdata stored on the card. Pleaseconsult your mobile operatorfor the use of a SIM card thathas a mini-UICC cutout.

5 If the battery is completelydischarged, it may take severalminutes before the chargingindicator is displayed or beforeany calls can be made.6 You can send text messagesthat are longer than thecharacter limit for a singlemessage. Longer messagesare sent as two or moremessages. Your service

provider may chargeaccordingly. Characters withaccents, other marks, or somelanguage options, take morespace, and limit the number ofcharacters that can be sent ina single message.7 Do not connect products thatcreate an output signal, as thismay damage the device. Donot connect any voltagesource to the audio connector.If you connect an externaldevice or headset, other thanthose approved for use withthis device, to the audioconnector, pay specialattention to volume levels.


Product and safetyinformationNetwork services andcostsYou can only use your deviceon the GSM 900, 1800networks. You need asubscription with a serviceprovider.You may also need tosubscribe to some features.

Emergency calls1. Make sure the device isswitched on.2. Check for adequate signalstrength.

You may also need to do thefollowing:• Put a SIM card in the device.• Switch the call restrictions

off in your device, such ascall barring, fixed dialling, orclosed user group.

• If the device keys are locked,unlock them.

3. Press the end keyrepeatedly, until the homescreen is shown.4. Type in the officialemergency number for yourpresent location. Emergencycall numbers vary by location.5. Press the call key.6. Give the necessary info asaccurately as possible. Do not

end the call until givenpermission to do so.

When you switch your deviceon for the first time, you areasked to create your Nokiaaccount. To make anemergency call during theaccount setup, press the callkey.

Important: Activate bothcellular and internet calls, ifyour phone supports internetcalls. The phone may attemptto make emergency calls boththrough cellular networks andthrough your internet callservice provider. Connectionsin all conditions cannot beguaranteed. Never rely solely


on any wireless phone foressential communications likemedical emergencies.

Take care of your deviceHandle your device, battery,charger and accessories withcare. The followingsuggestions help you keepyour device operational.• Keep the device dry.

Precipitation, humidity, andall types of liquids ormoisture can containminerals that corrodeelectronic circuits. If yourdevice gets wet, remove thebattery, and let the devicedry.

• Do not use or store thedevice in dusty or dirtyareas.

• Do not store the device inhigh temperatures. Hightemperatures may damagethe device or battery.

• Do not store the device incold temperatures. Whenthe device warms to itsnormal temperature,moisture can form inside thedevice and damage it.

• Do not open the device otherthan as instructed in the userguide.

• Unauthorised modificationsmay damage the device and

violate regulationsgoverning radio devices.

• Do not drop, knock, or shakethe device. Rough handlingcan break it.

• Only use a soft, clean, drycloth to clean the surface ofthe device.

• Do not paint the device.Paint can prevent properoperation.

• For optimal performance,switch the device off andremove the battery fromtime to time.

• Keep the device away frommagnets or magnetic fields.

• To keep your important datasafe, store it in at least two


separate places, such asyour device, memory card,or computer, or write downimportant info.


Always return your usedelectronic products, batteries,and packaging materials todedicated collection points.This way you help preventuncontrolled waste disposaland promote the recycling ofmaterials. All materials of thedevice can be recovered asmaterials and energy. Checkhow to recycle your Nokia

products at wheeled-binsymbol

The crossed-out wheeled-binsymbol on your product,battery, literature, orpackaging reminds you that allelectrical and electronicproducts and batteries mustbe taken to separate collectionat the end of their working life.Do not dispose of theseproducts as unsortedmunicipal waste: take them forrecycling. For info on yournearest recycling point, check

with your local waste authority,or go to For more info on theenvironmental attributes ofyour device,

Battery and charger infoUse your device only with anoriginal BL-5CB rechargeablebattery. Nokia may makeadditional battery modelsavailable for this device.Charge your device withAC-11X or AC-11N charger.Charger plug type may vary.The battery can be chargedand discharged hundreds oftimes, but it will eventuallywear out. When the talk and


standby times are noticeablyshorter than normal, replacethe battery.

Important: Talk and standbytimes are estimates only.Actual times are affected by,for example, networkconditions, device settings,features being used, batterycondition, and temperature.

Battery safetyAlways switch the device offand unplug the charger beforeremoving the battery. Tounplug a charger or anaccessory, hold and pull theplug, not the cord.When your charger is not inuse, unplug it. If left unused, a

fully charged battery will loseits charge over time.Always keep the batterybetween 15°C and 25°C (59°Fand 77°F). Extremetemperatures reduce thecapacity and lifetime of thebattery. A device with a hot orcold battery may not worktemporarily.Accidental short-circuiting canhappen when a metallic objecttouches the metal strips on thebattery. This may damage thebattery or the other object.Do not dispose of batteries ina fire as they may explode.Obey local regulations.

Recycle when possible. Do notdispose as household waste.Do not dismantle, cut, crush,bend, puncture, or otherwisedamage the battery in any way.If a battery leaks, do not letliquid touch skin or eyes. If thishappens, immediately flushthe affected areas with water,or seek medical help. Do notmodify, attempt to insertforeign objects into thebattery, or immerse or exposeit to water or other liquids.Batteries may explode ifdamaged.Use the battery and chargerfor their intended purposesonly. Improper use, or use of


unapproved or incompatiblebatteries or chargers maypresent a risk of fire,explosion, or other hazard, andmay invalidate any approval orwarranty. If you believe thebattery or charger is damaged,take it to a service centrebefore continuing to use it.Never use a damaged batteryor charger. Only use thecharger indoors.

Additional safetyinformationSmall childrenYour device and its accessoriesare not toys. They may contain

small parts. Keep them out ofthe reach of small children.

Medical devicesOperation of radiotransmitting equipment,including wireless phones, mayinterfere with inadequatelyshielded medical devices'function. Consult a physicianor the medical device'smanufacturer to determine ifit is adequately shielded fromexternal radio energy.

Implanted medical devicesTo avoid potentialinterference, manufacturersof implanted medical devicesrecommend a minimum

separation of 15.3 centimetres(6 inches) between a wirelessdevice and the medical device.Persons who have suchdevices should:• Always keep the wireless

device more than 15.3centimetres (6 inches) fromthe medical device.

• Not carry the wireless devicein a breast pocket.

• Hold the wireless device tothe ear opposite the medicaldevice.

• Switch the wireless deviceoff if there is any reason tosuspect that interference istaking place.


• Follow the manufacturerdirections for the implantedmedical device.

If you have any questionsabout using your wirelessdevice with an implantedmedical device, consult yourhealth care provider.

Accessibility solutionsNokia is committed to makingmobile phones easy to use forall individuals, including thosewith disabilities. For moreinformation, visit the Nokiawebsite

Hearing Warning: When you use the

headset, your ability to hearoutside sounds may beaffected. Do not use theheadset where it can endangeryour safety.Some wireless devices mayinterfere with some hearingaids.

NickelThe surface of this device isnickel-free.

Operating environmentThis device meets radiofrequency exposure guidelinesin the normal use position atthe ear or at least 1.5

centimetres (5/8 inch) awayfrom the body. Any carry case,belt clip, or holder for body-worn operation should notcontain metal and shouldposition the device the above-stated distance from yourbody.The sending of data files ormessages requires a qualitynetwork connection and maybe delayed until such aconnection is available. Followthe separation distanceinstructions until the sendingis completed.

VehiclesRadio signals may affectimproperly installed or


inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in vehicles.For more info, check with themanufacturer of your vehicleor its equipment.Only qualified personnelshould install the device in avehicle. Faulty installation maybe dangerous and invalidateyour warranty. Check regularlythat all wireless deviceequipment in your vehicle ismounted and operatingproperly. Do not store or carryflammable or explosivematerials in the samecompartment as the device, itsparts, or accessories. Do notplace your device or

accessories in the air bagdeployment area.

Potentially explosiveenvironmentsSwitch your device off inpotentially explosiveenvironments, such as nearpetrol pumps. Sparks maycause an explosion or fireresulting in injury or death.Note restrictions in areas withfuel; chemical plants; or whereblasting operations are inprogress. Areas with apotentially explosiveenvironment may not beclearly marked. These usuallyare areas where you areadvised to switch your engine

off, below deck on boats,chemical transfer or storagefacilities, and where the aircontains chemicals orparticles. Check with themanufacturers of vehiclesusing liquefied petroleum gas(such as propane or butane) ifthis device can be safely usedin their vicinity.

Certification information(SAR)This mobile device meetsguidelines for exposure toradio waves.Your mobile device is a radiotransmitter and receiver. It isdesigned not to exceed thelimits for exposure to radio


waves recommended byinternational guidelines. Theseguidelines were developed bythe independent scientificorganisation ICNIRP andinclude safety marginsdesigned to assure theprotection of all persons,regardless of age and health.The exposure guidelines formobile devices employ a unitof measurement known as theSpecific Absorption Rate orSAR. The SAR limit stated in theICNIRP guidelines is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over10 grams of tissue. Tests forSAR are conducted usingstandard operating positions

with the device transmitting atits highest certified powerlevel in all tested frequencybands. The actual SAR level ofan operating device can bebelow the maximum valuebecause the device is designedto use only the power requiredto reach the network. Thatamount changes depending ona number of factors such ashow close you are to a networkbase station.The highest SAR value underthe ICNIRP guidelines for useof the device at the ear is 1.48W/kg. Use of deviceaccessories may result indifferent SAR values. SAR

values may vary depending onnational reporting and testingrequirements and the networkband. Additional SARinformation may be providedunder product information Nokia products comply withinternational and, whereadopted, country specificstandards and guidelines forlimiting human exposure toelectromagnetic fields. Theseinternational standards andguidelines were adopted afterthorough reviews of thescience. Those reviews do notestablish a link between theuse of mobile devices and


adverse health effects whenthe device is operating withinthe international standardsand guidelines. We arerequired by the IndiaDepartment ofTelecommunications toinclude in this user guide thefollowing guidance onprecautionary measures:You can limit exposure to radiofrequency energy by eitherusing the device in goodreception conditions or using ahands-free kit (e.g., Bluetoothheadset, wired headset,internal loudspeaker, etc). Afurther precautionarymeasure especially for

children, pregnant women andadolescents would be to keepcalls short and considersending a text message (e.g.,SMS) instead. You shouldalways ensure that the SARvalue of your mobile device isbelow the limit set by the IndiaDepartment ofTelecommunications.Information about the SARlevel of Nokia devices sold inIndia can be obtained fromNokia’s website mobile device is alsodesigned to meet therequirements for exposure toradio waves established by the

India Department ofTelecommunications. Theserequirements set a SAR limit of1.6 W/kg averaged over onegram of tissue. The highestSAR value reported under thisstandard during productcertification for use at the earis 1.41 W/kg.

Nokia originalaccessoriesFor availability of approvedaccessories, check with yourdealer.An extensive range ofaccessories is available foryour device. For more details,see


Practical rules aboutaccessories• Keep all accessories out of

the reach of small children.• When you disconnect the

power cord of anyaccessory, grasp and pull theplug, not the cord.

• Check regularly thataccessories installed in avehicle are mounted and areoperating properly.

• Installation of any complexcar accessories must bemade by qualified personnelonly.

BatteryType: BL-5CBTalk time:

Up to 12.53 hours.Standby:Up to 35 days.

Important: Battery talk andstand-by times are estimatesand only possible underoptimal network conditions.Actual battery talk andstandby times depend on SIMcards, features used, batteryage and condition,temperatures to which batteryis exposed, networkconditions, and many otherfactors, and may besignificantly shorter thanthose specified above. Ringingtones, hands free call handling,use in digital mode, and other

features will also consume thebattery, and the amount oftime a device is used for callswill affect its stand-by time.Likewise, the amount of timethat the device is turned onand in the standby mode willaffect its talk time.

Nokia support messagesTo help you take maximumadvantage of your phone andservices, you receive freecustomised text messagesfrom Nokia. The messagescontain tips and tricks andsupport.To stop receiving themessages, select Menu.


To provide the servicedescribed above, your mobilephone number, the serialnumber of your phone, andsome identifiers of the mobilesubscription are sent to Nokiawhen you use the phone forthe first time. Some or allinformation may also be sentto Nokia when updatingsoftware. This informationmay be used as specified in theprivacy policy, available

Copyrights and othernoticesDECLARATION OFCONFORMITY

Hereby, NOKIA CORPORATIONdeclares that this RM-908product is in compliance withthe essential requirementsand other relevant provisionsof Directive 1999/5/EC. A copyof the Declaration ofConformity can be found availability of products,features, apps and services

may vary by region. For moreinfo, contact your Nokia dealeror your service provider. Thisdevice may containcommodities, technology orsoftware subject to exportlaws and regulations from theUS and other countries.Diversion contrary to law isprohibited.The contents of this documentare provided "as is". Except asrequired by applicable law, nowarranties of any kind, eitherexpress or implied, including,but not limited to, the impliedwarranties of merchantabilityand fitness for a particularpurpose, are made in relation


to the accuracy, reliability orcontents of this document.Nokia reserves the right torevise this document orwithdraw it at any time withoutprior notice.To the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law,under no circumstances shallNokia or any of its licensors beresponsible for any loss ofdata or income or any special,incidental, consequential orindirect damages howsoevercaused.Reproduction, transfer ordistribution of part or all of thecontents in this document inany form without the prior

written permission of Nokia isprohibited. Nokia operates apolicy of continuousdevelopment. Nokia reservesthe right to make changes andimprovements to any of theproducts described in thisdocument without priornotice.Nokia does not provide awarranty for or take anyresponsibility for thefunctionality, content, or end-user support of third-partyapps provided with yourdevice. By using an app, youacknowledge that the app isprovided as is. Nokia does notmake any representations,

provide a warranty, or take anyresponsibility for thefunctionality, content, or end-user support of third-partyapps provided with yourdevice.Downloading of maps, games,music and videos anduploading of images andvideos may involvetransferring large amounts ofdata. Your service providermay charge for the datatransmission. The availabilityof particular products,services and features may varyby region. Please check withyour local Nokia dealer for


further details and availabilityof language options.TM © 2013 Nokia. All rightsreserved. Third party product/names may be TM ofrespective owner.This product is licensed underthe MPEG-4 Visual PatentPortfolio License (i) forpersonal and noncommercialuse in connection withinformation which has beenencoded in compliance withthe MPEG-4 Visual Standard bya consumer engaged in apersonal and noncommercialactivity and (ii) for use inconnection with MPEG-4 videoprovided by a licensed video

provider. No license is grantedor shall be implied for anyother use. Additionalinformation, including thatrelated to promotional,internal, and commercial uses,may be obtained from MPEGLA, LLC. the event of anyinconsistencies between theEnglish language version andany Indic language translation,the English language versionshall always prevail over theIndic language translation.


Warranty Termsand ConditionsThe following terms andconditions are applicable forthis model:1 This device carries a 12

months warranty from thedate of purchase. Thewarranty period commencesfrom the date of purchase ofthe handset by theconsumer.

2 In case of any manufacturingdefect that arises during thewarranty period, theconsumer shall visit theretail outlet from wherehe/she purchased the

handset or any other Nokiaauthorized retail outlet forassistance. However, anyNokia Care Centre shall notbe responsible for anyrepair, replacement or otherafter-sale service during orafter the warranty period.

3 The Consumer shall berequired to carry proof ofpurchase (proof of purchasewould be the invoice/bill), toclaim his warranty, to theretail outlet. Warrantycannot be availed withoutthe proof of purchase.

4 Warranty covers only thereplacement of the device,charger and the battery in

case of a manufacturingdefect for a period asspecified below.

5 The defective handset/battery/charger, which arewithin the warranty period,shall be replaced with a newhandset/battery/chargerwithin a reasonable period oftime by the retail outlet.However, no replacementwould amount to renewal/extension of the warrantyperiod. There will only be areplacement of theindividual defective unit(handset/battery/charger)and there will be noreplacement for the full


sales pack. Further noservice/repair will be offeredon the handset/battery/charger at any time.

6 There shall be no warrantyprovided if the damage iscaused to the handset dueto the following:-(i) accident, misuse ormishandling of the handsetby the consumer, whichincludes but it not limited tothe following:-a. LCD display is damaged orbrokenb. Handset physicallydamaged or brokenc. SIM door lock is physicallydamaged or broken

d. Charging socket pin isphysically damaged orbrokene. Handset is physicallytampered or openedf. Headset jack is damagedor deformedg. Exposure to any liquid orabnormal voltage(ii) Normal wear and tear(iii) Any third party software,settings, content, data, orlinks installed ordownloaded onto thehandset at any time.(iv) The consumer does notabide by the user guide.(v) The handset has beenopened, modified, or

repaired without Nokia’sauthorization, or repairedwith unauthorized spareparts.

7 Nokia shall only be liable tothe extent of warrantyprovided by it and not forany additional warranty, thatmay be, provided by theretail outlet.

8 Nokia, its distributor, or theretail outlet is notresponsible for anyreplacement service beyondthe warranty period.

9 Handset – 12 monthswarranty.

10Charger & Battery- 6 monthswarranty


LIMITATION OF LIABILITYTo the extent permitted byapplicable law(s), Nokia, itsdistributor or the retail outletshall not under anycircumstances be liable, eitherexpressly or implicitly, for anydamages or losses of any kindwhatsoever resulting from lossof, damage to, or corruptionof, content or data or therecreation or transfer thereofeven if such loss, damage, orcorruption was a result of adefect in your handset. Pleasenote that you should alwaysback up all data and content(including, without limitation,any licence numbers and

activation codes) stored onyour handset before takingyour handset in for servicesince service activities willerase all data from yourhandset.To the extent permitted byapplicable law(s), Nokia, itsdistributor or the retail outletshall not under anycircumstances be liable for anyloss of profit, products orfunctionality, business,contracts, revenues oranticipated savings, increasedcosts or expenses, or for anyindirect, consequential orspecial loss or damage.

To the extent permitted byapplicable law(s), the liability ofNokia, its distributor and theretail outlet shall be limited tothe purchase value of yourProduct. The limitations in thisclause shall not apply in case ofnegligence or intentionalmisconduct of Nokia, itsdistributor or the retail outlet,or in case of death or personalinjury resulting from theirproven negligence.


Terms of useNokia Service Terms1. AcceptanceThese Nokia Service Termstogether with the PrivacyPolicy and all other additionalterms and information thatmay be provided within theService (collectively “Terms”)govern your use of the service,site, content and software(collectively the "Service"). Byregistering for or using theService or any portion of it youaccept the Terms.The Terms constitute anagreement between you andNokia Corporation,

Keilalahdentie 2-4, 02150Espoo, Finland including itsaffiliates and suppliers(collectively “Nokia”), definingyour and Nokia’s rights andresponsibilities with respect tothe Service.

2. EligibilityTo use the Service, you mustbe at least thirteen (13) yearsof age. If you are underthirteen (13) years of age, or atleast thirteen (13) years of agebut a minor where you live, youmust have your parent or legalguardian accept yourregistration on your behalf andapprove your use of theService. Anyone completing

the registration must belegally competent.

3. Registration andTerminationTo use a Service you may needto register and create a Nokiaaccount with username and apassword. You may need toprovide us with certainpersonal and otherinformation. Nokia may verifyyour email address beforeaccount can be used. Uponfirst use of your device andeach time you update theNokia device software, a textmessage will be sent to Nokia.The creation of a NokiaAccount will require data


transmission. Datatransmission costs may apply.You agree to provide truthfuland complete informationwhen you register for theService and to keep thatinformation updated. Youmust take due care to protectyour username and passwordagainst misuse by others andpromptly notify Nokia aboutany misuse. You, and yourparent or legal guardian if youare a minor, are personallyresponsible for any use of theService.You may terminate yourregistration if you no longerwish to use the Service. After

termination, you will no longerhave access to the Service.Nokia may terminate yourregistration or restrict youraccess to certain parts of theService if Nokia reasonablybelieves that you havebreached the Terms or withprior notice if you have notsigned into the Service withyour username in the past six(6) months.Except as set forth in thePrivacy Policy, Nokia is notresponsible for any removal orloss of the information orcontent you have submitted tothe Service. When informationor content is removed from

the Service by either you orNokia, traces or copies maystill remain elsewhere.

4. LicensesNokia grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferablelicense, revocable at any timeat Nokia’s sole discretion, toaccess and use the Servicestrictly in accordance with theTerms. Use of the Service doesnot grant you any intellectualproperty rights in or to anyinformation or content in theService.As part of the Service, Nokiamay provide you with contentdeveloped by Nokia or itslicensors (“Content”). Nokia


grants you a non-exclusive andperpetual license to useContent for the purpose it isintended, unless otherwisedefined in the applicableTerms or the purchase order.Some Content may only beavailable to residents ofcertain geographical areas.You are bound by anyrestrictions applicable tospecific Content you obtainthrough the Service. Anylicense acquired to third-partyContent is a bindingagreement between you andthe third-party Contentprovider. You have only the

rights to the Content which areexpressly granted here.As part of the Service, Nokiamay provide you with certainsoftware developed by Nokiaor, its licensors (“Software”).Your use of Software may besubject to separate terms andconditions that you mustaccept before using theSoftware. If there are noseparate terms and conditionsapplicable to such Software,the following terms apply:Nokia grants to you a limited,non-exclusive, non-transferable right to install anduse the Software on yourcomputer and/or mobile

device. You may not copy theSoftware, except to make asingle archival backup copy.You may not distribute,transfer the right to use,modify, translate, reproduce,resell, sublicense, rent, lease,reverse engineer, or otherwiseattempt to discover the sourcecode of or make derivativeworks of the Software. Foropen source licensedsoftware, applicable opensource license terms apply.The Software maybe subject toexport controls under the U.S.Export AdministrationRegulations and other importor export control regulations.


You agree to strictly complywith all applicable import andexport regulations andacknowledge that you have theresponsibility to obtainlicenses to export, re-export,transfer, or import suchSoftware.You may be able to submitinformation or content(“Material”) to the Service.Nokia does not claimownership in your Material.Your submission of Materialdoes not transfer ownership ofrights of the Material to Nokia.Nokia is only transmitting theMaterial and is not responsiblefor editorial control over it. By

submitting Material to theService you grant Nokia aworldwide, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, assignable, fullypaid-up, royalty-free,perpetual and irrevocablelicense to use, copy, publiclyperform, display, distribute inany media and modify theMaterial to incorporate theMaterial into other works, andto grant similar sublicenses tothe extent necessary for Nokiato provide the Service. Youmay be able to adjust this grantin the privacy and othersettings of the Service.You are solely responsible fortaking backup copies of the

data you store on the Service,including Content you upload.If the Service is discontinuedor canceled, Nokia maypermanently delete your data.Nokia has no obligation toreturn data to you after theService is discontinued orcanceled.

5. Using the ServiceYou agree to:• Comply with applicable laws,

the Terms and goodmanners;

• Use the Service only for yourpersonal, non-commercialpurposes;

• Not submit unlawful,offensive, inaccurate,


misleading, abusive,pornographic, harassing,libelous or otherwiseinappropriate Material;

• Obtain any consents,permission or licenses thatmay be legally required foryou to submit any Material;

• Respect the privacy ofothers;

• Not distribute or post spam,unreasonably large files,chain letters, pyramidschemes, viruses; or

• Not use any othertechnologies or initiateother activities that mayharm the Service, or the

interest or property of theService users.

• Not to use any automatedsystems or means to access,acquire, copy or monitor anypart of the service.

• Be responsible for theconsequences related to theMaterial that you post.

Nokia may but has noobligation to:• Monitor or moderate any

Content or Material;• Remove any Material from

the Service; and• Restrict access to any part of

the Service at any time in itssole discretion.

6. ContentBefore downloading oraccessing any Content, pleasecheck whether the Contentwhich you wish to access isrestricted by age or marked aspotentially ‘offensive’ or‘explicit’. Nokia shall not beresponsible for any claims oroffense caused or suffered byyou accessing such Content.You agree:• To use the Content only for

your personal, non-commercial purposes;

• To use the Content inaccordance with therestrictions set out in theapplicable laws, additional


terms, guidelines andpolicies or on the productpages that apply to thatparticular piece of theContent;

• Not to make copies, give,sell, resell, loan, rent, offer,broadcast, send, distribute,transfer, communicate tothe public, reproduce,modify, display, perform,commercially exploit ormake the Content availableunless otherwise authorizedin the applicable Terms andto advise Nokia promptly ofany such unauthorized use;

• Not to remove, circumvent,reverse engineer, decrypt,

or otherwise alter orinterfere with any applicableusage rules or attempt tocircumvent digital rightsmanagement or copyprotection featuresassociated with the Contentor any other technologiesused to control the access toor use of the Content or itsidentifying information;

• Not to use any automatedsystems or means, exceptfor those provided by us, forthe selection ordownloading of the Content;

• Not to give out yourpassword or otherwise allowother people to access the

Content. The restrictions oncopying that apply toapplicable media also applyto the Content accessed aspart of this Service.

The Content is owned and/orcontrolled by Nokia and/or itsrespective licensors and isprotected by intellectualproperty laws. The third partyContent provider is solelyresponsible for any Content itprovides, any warranties to theextent that such warrantieshave not been disclaimed andfor any claims you may haverelating to that Content oryour use of that Content.However, Nokia may enforce


the third party Content licenseterms against you as a thirdparty beneficiary of thoseterms. The third party Contentproviders are third-partybeneficiaries under theseTerms and may enforce theprovisions that directlyconcern the Content in whichthey have rights. Nokia may beacting as an agent for thirdparty Content provider inproviding the Content to you.Nokia is not a party to thetransaction between you andthe third party Contentprovider for such Content.

7. Allegations of CopyrightInfringementYou may notify Nokia ofcopyright infringement on theService by providing notice (a)by email with “CopyrightNotification” in the subject [email protected], (b) by a document titled“Copyright Notification”mailed to Nokia, Attn:Copyright Agent, 102Corporate Park Drive, WhitePlains, NY 10604, USA or (c) viathe online form, if available.Your notice must:

1 identify the originalcopyrighted work you claimis infringed;

2 identify the content on theService that you claim isinfringing the copyrightedwork. Please provide enoughdetail for Nokia to locate theallegedly infringing contenton the Service;

3 provide your contactinformation, including yourfull name, mailing address,telephone number, andemail address, if available;

4 provide a statement thatyou have a good faith beliefthat the use of the contentin the manner complained of


is not authorized by thecopyright owner, its agent,or the law;

5 provide this statement: "Iswear, under penalty ofperjury, that the informationin this notification andcomplaint is accurate andthat I am the copyrightowner, or am authorized toact on behalf of thecopyright owner of anexclusive right that isinfringed."; and

6 provide your signature, asapplicable.

8. NoticesNokia may post notices withinthe Service. Nokia may also

send you notices aboutproducts and Services to theemail address or telephonenumber you have provided tous. You are deemed to havereceived such notices at thelatest within seven (7) daysfrom Nokia sending or postingthose. Your continued use ofthe Services constitutes yourreceipt of all noticesregardless of delivery method.

9. FeesYour use of the Service may beor may become subject tocharges.Any fees charged by Nokia willbe announced separately inconnection with the Service.

Use of the Service may involvetransmission of data throughyour service provider’snetwork. Prices listed withinthe Service do not includepossible data transmission,text message, voice or otherservice provision charges byyour network service provider.Nokia assumes noresponsibility for the paymentof any charges of your serviceproviders.

10. Order and Payment Terms"Order" shall mean theselection of payable Contentand/or subscription toContent offered by Nokia andavailable in the Service and


submission of paymentmethod, as well as submittingthe order by selecting the"buy", "ok", "I accept" or othersimilar confirmation ofacceptance in the order flow orproviding other indication ofacceptance terms that arepresented to you in the orderflow.To place an Order within theService, you must havereached the age of legalcompetence according to theapplicable legislation. If youhave not reached the age oflegal competence, you mayplace Orders only with the

prior consent of your parent orlegal guardian.You agree that all Orders shallbe legally valid and binding. AllOrders are subject toacceptance by Nokia.You may pay by credit or debitcard, network service providerbilling, or other paymentmethods if available.Your credit or debit card musthave a billing address in thecountry where the Content isoffered by the Service. Nokiawill charge your credit card ordebit your bank account withina reasonable time after youhave made your Order. Allcredit card payments are

subject to validation checksand authorization by the cardissuer.If you choose network serviceprovider billing, charges willappear on your mobile phonebill or be deducted from yourprepaid account if it is aprepaid account. Somenetwork service providers maysubject your usage of theService to additional terms andconditions including placinglimits on the amount ofcharges possible with networkservice provider billing.Charges in excess of networkservice provider limits or


account balance may berejected.You agree to pay the chargesrelated to your Order, toensure that the instrument ofpayment is valid at the time ofthe Order, that you are therightful holder of theinstrument and that theinstrument is used within itscredit limits.The Content that is delivered islicensed to you. You agree touse such Content solely aspermitted in these Terms andin any additional terms thatyou may be presented in theorder flow.

The Service may offersubscriptions. You authorizethe Service to place aperiodical charge during theperiod of the subscription. TheService may also offer a trialperiod. If your Order involves atrial period (also known as try-and-buy), you may be chargedwhen the trial period expires,unless you cancel inaccordance with thesubscription/trial terms.The prices in the Service maychange from time to time.Prices include applicable taxesin effect at the time of yourtransaction, unless otherwisestated. There may be

instances where you incuradditional charges from yourbank or credit card providerbased on currency conversionrates used and/or additionalfees assessed. Nokia assumesno responsibility for thepayment of bank or any otherthird party service fees orcharges.

11. Cancellations and RefundsYou agree to the electronicdelivery of Content beinginitiated concurrently with theplacement of your Order. Youwill not be able to cancel yourOrder once it has beenprocessed. The nature of the


Content is such that it cannotbe returned.In the event that after yourOrder you discover andpromptly inform Nokia within48 hours that (a) the Contentyou have ordered is faulty; (b)the Content Nokia delivers toyou does not match thedescription of the Content youordered via the Service; or (c)technical problems delayed orprevented delivery of yourContent or accidental multipleorders caused by suchtechnical problems, your soleand exclusive remedy withrespect to such Content will beeither replacement of such

Content, or refund of the pricepaid for such Content, asdetermined solely by Nokia.Otherwise, no refunds areavailable. If you encounter anyof the above issues, pleasecontact Nokia CustomerSupport.Please note that Nokia may notbe able to process yourcustomer support request ifyou are unable to provide yourtransaction ID, which isprovided to you by Nokiafollowing your Order from theService. Nokia may onlyprocess refunds for Contentwhere the total price is above

the monetary limit stipulatedin applicable local legislation.

12. Feedback to NokiaBy submitting any ideas,feedback and/or proposals("Feedback") to Nokia throughthe Service or other means,you acknowledge and agreethat: (1) Nokia may have similardevelopment ideas to theFeedback; (2) your Feedbackdoes not contain confidentialor proprietary information ofyou or any third party; (3) Nokiais not under any obligation ofconfidentiality with respect tothe Feedback; (4) Nokia mayfreely use, distribute, exploitand further develop and


modify Feedback for anypurpose; and (5) you are notentitled to any compensationof any kind from Nokia.

13. Social Activities andLocation SharingYou may use features in theService to share your location,status, content, Materials orpersonal information or tointeract with other users, sitesand services. By using thesefeatures you agree that Nokiamay use and provide thatinformation to other servicesand persons with whom youchoose to interact or share thisinformation. Users of theseservices and persons, such as

your contacts, may see yourlocation, status and/orpersonal information. In usingthese features you agree notto share information, Contentor Material or to link to anyservice or site that: (a) containscontent or other material thatis illegal or inappropriate; or (b)exploits intellectual propertyrights without authorization orencourages users to piracy.Any interaction does notinvolve Nokia and is solelybetween you and the otheruser(s).

14. Availability and TechnicalRequirementsThe availability of Content andthe Service may vary and issubject to Nokia’s solediscretion. Nokia expresslydisclaims any representationor warranty that any particularContent or Service will beavailable. The Service may notbe available in all countries andmay be provided only inselected languages. TheService, operations and somefeatures may also bedependent on the network,compatibility of the devicesused and the content formatssupported.


To access the Service, you mayneed to download a specificpiece of software developedby Nokia or by another party.Nokia may, in its solediscretion, change, correct ordiscontinue the Service inwhole or in part. The Servicemay not be available duringmaintenance breaks and othertimes. To ensure you have thelatest Nokia device softwareand applications, your devicemay automatically check forthe availability of softwareupdates from Nokia. If any aredetected you will be promptedto approve the installation.You may disable automatic

checking for updates throughsettings in your device. Youmay also install softwarethrough available softwareupdate channels. If Nokiaconsiders a Software updateto be important or critical youmay not continue using theprevious version of theSoftware. Nokia may preventyour use of the previousversion of the Software orService until you install theupdate.Nokia may disable any Contentor Software contained in yourService account for any reasonand remove any Content orSoftware and/or disable

copies of any application onyour device in order to protectthe Service, applicationproviders, wireless carriersover whose network youaccess the service or any otheraffected or potentiallyaffected parties.A particular service may be apre-release version, forexample a beta release, andmay not work in the way a finalversion works. Nokia maysignificantly change anyversion of Service or Softwareor decide not to release a finalversion.


15. Links to Third Party Sitesand ContentNokia may include access tosites and services on theInternet or preloaded clientsthat enable you to interact withsites and services that areowned or operated by thirdparties and that are not part ofthe Service. You must reviewand agree to the terms andconditions of these sites orservices before using thesesites or services.Nokia has no control over thethird party content, sites orservices and assumes noresponsibility for servicesprovided or material created

or published on these third-party sites or services. A link toa third-party site does notimply that Nokia endorses thesite or the products or servicesreferenced in the site.In addition, you and otherusers may create content andlinks to content within theService that has not otherwisebeen submitted to the Service.Nokia is not responsible forthis type of content or links.

16. AdvertisementsService may includeadvertisements.Advertisements may betargeted to the content orinformation stored on the

Service, queries made throughthe Service, or otherinformation.

17. Personal DataThe Privacy Policy and anyadditional privacy informationmade available to you governthe use of your personal data.

18. Limitation of LiabilityThe Service is provided on “ASIS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis.Nokia does not warrant thatthe Service will beuninterrupted or error orvirus-free. No warranty of anykind, either express or implied,including but not limited towarranties of title, non-


infringement, merchantability,or fitness for a particularpurpose, is made in relation tothe availability, accuracy,reliability, information orcontent of the Service. Youexpressly agree andacknowledge that the use ofthe Service is at your sole riskand that you may be exposedto content from varioussources.Except for liability for death orpersonal injury caused by itsgross negligence or intentionalmisconduct, Nokia is not liablefor any direct damages causedby your use or inability to usethe Service. In no case will

Nokia be liable for any indirect,incidental, punitive orconsequential damagesresulting from your use orinability to use the Service.

19. IndemnificationYou agree to defend andindemnify Nokia from andagainst all third party claimsand all liabilities, assessments,losses, costs or damagesresulting from or arising out of(i) your breach of the Terms, (ii)your infringement or violationof any intellectual propertyrights, other rights or privacyof a third party, or (iii) misuseof the Service by a third partywhere the misuse was made

possible by your failure to takereasonable measures toprotect your username andpassword against misuse.

20. Miscellaneous

20.1 Choice of LawThe Terms are governed by thelaws of Finland without regardto its conflicts of lawprovisions.

20.2 ValidityThe Terms neither exclude norlimit any of your mandatoryrights in your country ofresidence that cannot by lawbe waived. If a provision of the


Terms is found to be invalid,the remaining provisions willnot be affected and the invalidprovision will be replaced witha valid provision that comesclosest to the result andpurpose of the Terms. In theevent one or more provisionsof these Terms are notrelevant to your use of theService, it shall not impact thevalidity or enforceability of anyother provision of the Terms orthe Terms as a whole. If thereis any conflict between theseNokia Service Terms and thePrivacy Policy, the provisionsof these Nokia Service Termsprevail. The provisions of the

Terms that are intended tosurvive termination of yourregistration remain valid aftertermination.

20.3 Changes in TermsNokia may modify the Terms atany time without prior notice.If the Terms are changed in amaterial, adverse way, Nokiawill provide a separate noticeadvising of the change.You are responsible forregularly reviewing the Terms.Your continued use of theService constitutes yourconsent to any changes andmodification.

21. Intellectual PropertyThe Service, Content andSoftware are protected underinternational copyright laws.Nokia claims copyrights in itsService, Content, andSoftware to the maximumextent of the law. Subject tothe Terms, Nokia retains allright, title and interest in theService, its Content, theSoftware and in all other Nokiaproducts, software and otherproperties provided to you orused by you through theService.

22. AssignmentNokia may assign its rights andobligations under these Terms


to its corporate parent, itssubsidiaries, or to anycompany under commoncontrol with Nokia.Additionally, Nokia may assignits rights and obligations underthese Terms to a third party inconnection with a merger,acquisition, sale of assets, byoperation of law or otherwise.

WE CARE ABOUT YOURPRIVACYNokia is committed toprotecting your privacy and tocomplying with applicable dataprotection and priva-cy laws.This Privacy Policy (“Policy”)explains how we processpersonal data. Throughout

this Policy the term “personaldata” means informationrelating to an identified oridentifiable individual (i.e. anatural person). “Nokia” refersto Nokia Corporation,including its affiliates (alsoreferred to as “we”, “us”, or“our”). This Policy applies forprocessing of your personaldata where Nokia is the datacontroller or where we refer tothe applicability of this Policy.We may provide additionalprivacy information inconnection with our productsand services through servicedescriptions and othernotices. Such information

prevails over this Policy to theextent of any conflict.Third party services installedon your device may allowaccess to informationavailable on your device. Ourproducts or services maycontain links to othercompanies’ websites andservices that have privacypolicies of their own. Werecommend that you read theprivacy policies of such thirdparty services. Nokia is notresponsible for the privacypractices or contents of anysuch third party services.By using this website and/orby submitting personal data


to Nokia, you agree to theprocessing of your personaldata as explained in thisPolicy. If you do not agree withthis Policy, please do not usethis website or provide Nokiawith your personal data.

What Data Do We Collect?We collect your personal datatypically when you make apurchase, use or register intoour products and services,take part in a campaign orotherwise interact with us.Below are examples of thecategories of data we collect.• Your use of our products

and services

When you use our productsand services your IP-address, access times, thewebsite you linked from,pages you visit, the links youuse, the content you viewedand other such informationyour browser provides uswith is automaticallycollected by Nokia. Some ofour mobile services maycollect your unique mobiledevice identifiers,subscriber identityinformation, networkservice provider specificidentifiers, network settingsand other such information.When you use our products

and services or otherwiseinteract with us overtelecommunicationsnetworks, certain additionalinformation, such as yourmobile subscription number,may be transmitted to us byyour mobile networkprovider.

• Information you provide uswithWe may ask you to provideus with information such asyour name, email address,street address, user namesand passwords, yourconsents, preferences andfeedback, informationrelating to your devices, age,


gender, postal code andlanguage preferences.Please note that certainnon-identifiable informationcollected from you maybecome personallyidentifiable when youprovide us with yourpersonal data. We may alsoobtain, in accordance withapplicable law, somepersonal data from list-rental companies and othersuch publicly availablesources. Some of ourservices may allow you tosubmit information aboutother people, for example, ifyou make an order for a

product that you wish us tosend directly to anotherrecipient.

• Your transactions with usWe collect informationrelating to your purchaseand use of our products andservices and your otherinteractions with us. Suchinformation may includedetails of the queries orrequests you have made, theproducts and servicesprovided, delivery details,bank account number, creditcard details, billing address,credit checks and other suchfinancial information, detailsof agreements between you

and Nokia, records ofcontacts andcommunications,information and detailsrelating to the content youhave provided us with andother such transactionalinformation. We may, inaccordance with applicablelaw, record yourcommunication with ourcustomer care or with othersuch contact points.

• Location dataNokia’s location basedservices and features mayuse satellite, Wi-Fi or othernetwork based locationdata, for example your IP-


address. Assistedpositioning methods of thedevice, for example AssistedGPS, provide you with fasterand more accurate locationdata. Use of assistedpositioning methods mayinvolve exchanging yourlocation data, wirelessnetwork identifiers alongwith your unique device ornetwork service provideridentifiers with a locationserver. Nokia processes thisinformation anonymously.Depending on yourpositioning settings andyour use of location servicesof other service providers

your device may connect toother service providers’servers, which are notcontrolled or operated byNokia. We recommend youto check the privacy policiesof such service providers tounderstand how theyprocess your location data.You can modify thepositioning settings of yourdevice from the devicesettings, for examplechange or disablepositioning methods orlocation servers or modifythe accuracy of your locationdata.

Nokia offers various locationbased services and featuresthat may require the use ofyour loca-tion data. Forexample when you make alocation based search, uselocation enhanced weatherfeatures or request for mapdata, your location data maybe sent to Nokia to serve youwith the right content. Thismay also include locationbased advertizing. Somelocation based services mayallow you to associate yourpersonal data with yourlocation. To learn moreabout available locationbased services and features,


please refer to instructionsand other support materialfor our products andservices.

Why Do We Process PersonalData?Nokia may process yourpersonal data for the followingpurposes. Please note that oneor more purposes may applysimultaneously.• Providing products and

servicesWe may use your personaldata to provide you with ourproducts and services, toprocess your order or asotherwise may be necessaryto perform the contract

between you and Nokia, toensure the functionality andsecurity of our products andservices, to identify you aswell as to prevent andinvestigate fraud and othermisuses.

• Developing products andservicesWe may use your personaldata to develop ourproducts and services.However, for the most partwe only use aggregate andstatistical information forsuch purposes. We maycombine personal datacollected in connection withyour use of a particular

Nokia product and/orservice with other personaldata we may hold about you,unless such personal datawas collected for a differentpurpose.

• Communicating with youWe may use your personaldata to communicate withyou, for example to send youcritical alerts and other suchnotices relating to ourproducts and/or servicesand to contact you forconsumer care relatedpurposes.

• Marketing and makingrecommendations


We may use your personaldata to personalize ouroffering and to provide youwith more relevant services,for example, to makerecommendations and todisplay customized contentand advertising in ourservices. This may includedisplaying Nokia and thirdparty content. We may useyour personal data for directmarketing or researchpurposes, for example, toconduct market researchand we may, in accordancewith applicable law, contactyou to inform you of new

products, services orpromotions we may offer.

• First use of your NokiadeviceDepending on your device aNokia Account may becreated for you or you mayneed to sign in with yourexisting Nokia Account whenyou first use your device. Inthe activation process youruser name, email address,mobile number, uniquemobile device identifier andsubscriber identityinformation will be sent toNokia and we may associatethis information with yourNokia Account. This

combined information maybe used to activate yourwarranty and certainsoftware licenses and tosend you personalizedmessages, for exampleemails, text and othermessages. These messagesmay include informationabout Nokia’s products andservices, such as tips andcommercial offers. You mayunsubscribe from thesemessages at any time forexample by following theinformation in the messageyou receive after taking yourdevice into use, instructionsin the device or in the


messages, through availableprofile management tools orcontacting Nokia customercare. The collectedinformation may also beused to display personalizedcontent as well as to improveNokia’s products andservices. The aboveinformation may also applyin case you update thesoftware of your device.

Do We Share Personal Data?We do not sell, lease, rent orotherwise disclose yourpersonal data to third partiesunless otherwise stated below.• Your consent and social

sharing services

We may share your personaldata if we have your consentto do so. Some services mayallow you to share yourpersonal data with otherusers of the service or withother services and theirusers. Please considercarefully before disclosingany personal data or otherinformation that might beaccessible to other users.

• Nokia companies andauthorized third partiesWe may share your personaldata with other Nokiacompanies or authorizedthird parties who processpersonal data for Nokia for

the purposes described inthis Policy. This may includefor example billing throughyour network serviceprovider or otherwise,delivery of your purchases,providing services includingcustomer service, managingand analyzing consumerdata, credit checks,conducting market researchand managing marketingand other such campaigns.When you purchase a Nokiaproduct from us with anetwork service providerplan, we may need toexchange information withyour network service


provider to provide you withsuch service.We may conduct jointmarketing and othercommunications with ourpartners, for example yourmobile operator. To avoidduplicate or unnecessarycommunications and totailor the message to you wemay need to matchinformation that Nokia hascollected with informationthat the partner hascollected where this ispermitted by law.These authorized thirdparties are not permitted touse your personal data for

any other purposes. Werequire them to actconsistently with this Policyand to use appropriatesecurity measures toprotect your personal data.

• International transfers ofpersonal dataOur products and servicesmay be provided usingresources and serverslocated in various countriesaround the world. Thereforeyour personal data may betransferred acrossinternational bordersoutside the country whereyou use our services,including to countries

outside the EuropeanEconomic Area (EEA) that donot have laws providingspecific protection forpersonal data or that havedifferent legal rules on dataprotection, for example, theUnited States of America. Insuch cases we take steps toensure that there is a legalbasis for such a transfer andthat adequate protection foryour personal data isprovided as required byapplicable law, for example,by using standardagreements approved byrelevant authorities (wherenecessary) and by requiring


the use of other appropriatetechnical and organizationalinformation securitymeasures.

• Mandatory disclosuresWe may be obligated bymandatory law to discloseyour personal data to certainauthorities or other thirdparties, for example, to lawenforcement agencies in thecountries where we or thirdparties acting on our behalfoperate. We may alsodisclose and otherwiseprocess your personal datain accordance withapplicable law to defendNokia’s legitimate interests,

for example, in civil orcriminal legal proceedings.

• Mergers and AcquisitionsIf we decide to sell, buy,merge or otherwisereorganize our businesses incertain countries, this mayinvolve us disclosingpersonal data to prospectiveor actual purchasers andtheir advisers, or receivingpersonal data from sellersand their advisers.

How Do We Address ThePrivacy of Children?Nokia products and servicesare typically intended forgeneral audiences. Nokia doesnot knowingly collect

information of childrenwithout the consent of theirparents or guardians. Nokiapublishes safety guidelines forusing internet services in ourwebsites.

How Do We Address DataQuality?We take reasonable steps tokeep the personal data wepossess accurate and to deleteincorrect or unnecessarypersonal data.As certain Nokia products andservices may allow you tomanage your profile, weencourage you to access yourpersonal data from time totime to ensure that it is


correct. Please remember thatin case of any changes it is yourresponsibility to update thepersonal data you haveprovided us with.

What Steps Are Taken ToSafeguard Personal Data?Privacy and security are keyconsiderations in the creationand delivery of our productsand services. We haveassigned specificresponsibilities to addressprivacy and security relatedmatters. We enforce ourinternal policies and guidelinesthrough an appropriateselection of activities,including proactive and

reactive risk management,security engineering, trainingand assessments. We takeappropriate steps to addressonline security, physicalsecurity, risk of data loss andother such risks taking intoconsideration the riskrepresented by the processingand the nature of the databeing protected. Also, we limitaccess to our data basescontaining personal data toauthorized persons having ajustified need to access suchinformation.

How Do We Use Cookies andWeb Beacons?Cookies are small text filesthat are sent to your computerby a web server. We usecookies to provide benefits toyou. Session cookiesremember the previousactivity performed by you, forexample an item you placed ina shopping cart. Persistentcookies are used to save yourpreferences over multiplesessions, for examplepersonalization of settings onour websites. Cookies may beused to display targeted adsand recommendations, forexample to eliminate showing


the same ads to you multipletimes or showing ads that wethink are of interest to youbased on your past actions onour website. Cookies are alsoused to determine theeffectiveness of ourpromotions and advertisingcampaigns and to improve ourproducts and services.Nokia may use web beacons (or“pixel tags”) in connection withsome of our websites.However, we do not use themto identify individual userspersonally. Web beacons aretypically graphic images thatare placed on a website andthey are used to count visitors

to a website and/or to accesscertain cookies. Thisinformation is used to improveour services. Web beacons donot typically collect any otherinformation than what yourbrowser provides us with as astandard part of any internetcommunication. If you turn offcookies, the web beacon will nolonger be able to track yourspecific activity. The webbeacon may, however,continue to collectinformation about visits fromyour IP-address.Some Nokia websites orapplications may utilize socalled locally stored objects,

such as Flash local sharedobjects ("Flash cookies") orHTML5 Web Storage. Locallystored objects are used forsimilar pur-poses as cookiesbut typically may contain agreater amount and differenttypes of data than browsercookies. For example, in Flashyou can use the Flash PlayerSettings Manager to controlthe storage of local sharedobjects, including disabling thelocal shared objects for certainwebsites only or disabling thestorage of local shared objectscompletely for all websites.Some Nokia websites use thirdparty advertizing


technologies, such asDoubleClick, to serve ads.DoubleClick uses a cookie tocollect information about yourvisits to Nokia and third partywebsites. This information willbe used to serve ads on Nokiaand third party websites. Thecollected information will notbe directly personallyidentifiable nor willDoubleClick share theinformation with third parties.You may choose to disable theDoubleClick cookie at any timeby using DoubleClick opt-outcookie. You may also go toinstall an opt-out cookie.

Most browsers allow you todisable or allow the use ofcookies. You may also deletethe cookies on your computerif your browser so permits. Ifyou disable cookies, you maynot be able to use certain partsof our services and you mayneed to re-install the opt-outcookie.

What Are Your Rights?You have a right to know whatpersonal data we hold aboutyou. You have a right to haveincomplete, incorrect,unnecessary or outdatedpersonal data deleted orupdated. You have a right torequest that we stop

processing your personal datafor direct marketing or marketresearch purposes. However,if you opt-out from marketingand other communicationsfrom Nokia, we may still sendyou critical alerts pertaining toour products and services orcontact you for thesepurposes.You may exercise your rightsby contacting us through thecontact points referred tobelow. In some cases,especially if you wish us todelete or stop processing yourpersonal data, this may alsomean that we may not be ableto continue to provide the


services to you. Please notethat Nokia may need toidentify you and to ask foradditional information in orderto be able to fulfill yourrequest. Please also note thatapplicable law may containrestrictions and otherprovisions that relate to yourrights.We encourage you to useavailable profile managementtools, for example NokiaAccount for the abovepurposes as such tools oftenprovide you with direct accessto your personal data and allowyou to effectively manage it.

Who Is The Controller of YourPersonal Data?Nokia Corporation ofKeilalahdentie 4, 02150 Espoo,Finland is the controller of yourpersonal data.In addition, the Nokia affiliateproviding the product orservice may be a controller ofyour personal data. You mayfind the identity of thecontroller and its contactdetails by reviewing the termsand conditions of such aproduct or service or by usingcontact information providedin the applicable Nokiawebsites.

In matters pertaining toNokia’s privacy practices youmay also contact us at:

Nokia Corporationc/o PrivacyKeilalahdentie 402150 Espoo, Finland

US Safe Harbor PrivacyFrameworkNokia Inc., 102 Corporate ParkDrive, White Plains, NY 10604USA adheres to the EU-US/Swiss-US Safe Harbor PrivacyPrinciples of Notice, Choice,Onward Transfer, Security,Data Integrity, Access andEnforcement, and is registered


with the U.S. Department ofCommerce's Safe HarborProgram. If you have questionsor concerns about Nokia'sparticipation in the SafeHarbor Framework, pleasecontact:

Nokia Inc.,102 Corporate Park Drive,White Plains, NY 10604 USA.Attention: Legal Director,North America.

If you believe Nokia Inc. has notsatisfactorily addressed yourdata privacy concerns, youmay contact the EU DataProtection Panel at: DataProtection Panel Secretariat,

Rue de Luxembourg 46(01/126) B-1000 Brussels,BELGIUM, or by

Changes to This Privacy PolicyNokia may from time to timechange this Policy or change,modify or withdraw access tothis site at any time with orwithout notice. However, if thisPolicy is changed in a material,adverse way, Nokia will post anotice advising of such changeat the beginning of this Policyand on this site's home pagefor 30 days. We recommendthat you re-visit this Policyfrom time to time to learn of

any such changes to thisPolicy.


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