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Miscellaneous Shared Spiritual Writings Authored by Various People and Shared to Social Media

We belong to Christ. Christ is our comfort. God is our strength. We have a hope that does not disappoint. - Michael Youssef

Dream big. Believe big. Because you have a big God. Don't hold back. God is faithful and ready to reveal Himself in surprising ways. - TD Jakes

Worship is our response to who God is and what He does. - Charles Stanley

The cradle of Christmas means that God loves you. The cross of Christmas means that God forgives you. The crown of Christmas means that Jesus Christ is coming back! - Robert Jeffress

For it is in giving that we receive. - St. Francis of Assisi

You are already beloved by God and He is offering you His forgiveness. You have hope for this life and eternity because Jesus died for you. - Philip Kwiatkowski

If the cradle is the beginning of the Christmas story, then the cross is the main body and the crown is the victorious end. - Robert Jeffress

Tune into God and the principles of His Word. He speaks only what is right. - Charles Stanley

God wants to hear from you. - Pacific Garden Mission

Trust that God hears your prayers and knows your heart. - Pacific Garden Mission

Oh come let us adore Him Christ the Lord! - Brother Dave

"But God"... Those may be two of the most important words in Scripture. In most cases, they are usually preceded by something painful. - TD Jakes

Continue to trust in the Lord. You are so important to Him. You're the reason He came. - Brother Dave

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Open up to God about everything, for he already knows every thought that goes through your head. – Crosswalk

The Bible tells us that long before the world began, God had a plan to bring redemption through Christ to all those who would choose to believe and follow Him (1 Peter 1:19-20). - Debbie McDaniel

God knew we would need a Savior. He knew we would need to be set free. And He made a way, by sending His One and Only Son, so that we could receive forgiveness and find new life and hope through Him (John 3:16). - Debbie McDaniel

Peace is only possible through a divine Person - the Price of Peace Himself. - David Jeremiah

When problems arise, seek God first and listen carefully with an open heart. – Crosswalk

Trust God's promise instead of giving in to doubt. - James Merritt

Ask for faith from God. John 14:13 says, “You can ask anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.” – Crosswalk

Trust God's protection when you are in distress. - James Merritt

Have a personal relationship with Jesus. This is most important above anything else. – Crosswalk

From Billy Graham: "Jesus didn't come just to be born; He came to die. His death was planned before the foundation of the world. This was the message of the first Christmas night: 'You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.' " (Matthew 1:21)

There may be times when it seems that there is no rhyme or reason to the in the events in your life. All your plans may be upended, but if you belong to Christ, God is working everything in your life according to His plan. - James Merritt

And if you really trust Him, you will be so glad that He messed up your plans because His way is always better. - James Merritt

God wants you to need him and depend on him. In return, he wants to know you and have an intimate, personal relationship with you. – Crosswalk

If you aren't sure where you stand before God, you can be sure. God calls you to turn away from sin and to receive Jesus Christ by faith as your Lord and Savior. You can do that right now, wherever you are. - Billy Graham

Trust God's plan even when you don't understand it. - James Merritt

When Jesus says not to worry, know that it is within your grasp to follow His instruction. - Tony Evans

This word is in a stir. No one has the answers except Jesus. He is the answer! - Aquilla Nash

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If we have a firm grip on God's sovereignty and providence, we'll not give up. God created us to

be victors, not to be losers. - David Jeremiah

The Lord would say, "Be not discouraged. Rise up in faith. Put on the whole armor of God. One prayer is all it takes for you to defeat a host of the enemy." - Aquilla Nash

The Lord would say, "Fear is the devil's tactic. Refuse to allow him to trouble your mind or steal your peace. Command him to move his forces back and he has to obey. Shake the Word of the Lord in his face & watch him flee. You have more authority than you know." - Aquilla Nash

God is always on time. - Kenneth Hagin

God will meet you where you are and change your life! - Kenneth Hagin

If you're struggling, He lends a helping hand. If you're hurting, He extends a healing touch. If you are in lack, He gives abundant provision. If you're bound, He grants the hand of deliverance. - Kenneth Hagin

If you feel alone, He reaches out a kind hand for you to hold on to during the dark days. If you are lost without a Savior, He gives you His hand of salvation. - Kennneth Hagin

It doesn't matter what the name of your circumstance or problem is. Jesus' Name is higher than it! - Craig Hagin

Despite what circumstances look like, rejoicing and being thankful is important because God is in the midst of your praises. As believers, when we praise and thank God, our focus is lifted from our surroundings to the heavenly realm. - Marilyn Hickey

When we keep your eyes and thoughts on Jesus, the joy of the Lord becomes the strength that carries us to victory. - Craig Hagin

Jesus Christ, born a king, came to be our Savior. We celebrate His coming with thankfulness and joy! - Franklin Graham

Whether you face challenges or are enjoying blessings, acknowledge God’s work in your life. Give Him glory for what He is doing and has done. - Marilyn Hickey

Because of the Greater One in us, we have everything we need to be overcomers. - Craig Hagin

Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love and His Gospel is peace... - Placide Cappeau

Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother; and in His Name all oppression shall cease... - Placide Cappeau

God wants to reveal the hidden treasures in you - the fullness of His destiny for your life. - TD Jakes

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God assumes full responsibility for our needs when we obey Him. - Charles Stanley

Right now, adjust your expectations and draw from the strength Jesus gives. God never intended

us to tackle life in our own energy. - David Jeremiah

Remember, God loves you and He knows your every need. Trust Him. - Brother Dave Lombardi

We are not always aware of the challenges and dangers ahead of us, but God is, and He will prepare and fortify us so that we can walk in His grace through those challenges. - Marilyn Hickey

Worry is one of the great distractions of life, and it is more than mere concern. Concern involves controlling how much time and attention you give to an issue. Worry occurs when the issue controls you. - Tony Evans

And when the issues in our lives are controlling us, then the kingdom goes to the back of the line in terms of our priorities, because we've given our worries too much clout. - Tony Evans

Legitimate concern is necessary. But we must control what we think about, how much we think about it, and how we allow it to influence us. - Tony Evans

When the kingdom is pushed to the background because an issue in your life has assumed control, then that issue has become an idol and a god, thus hindering the true God from meeting the need that is causing you to worry. - Tony Evans

Christ is always with those who belong to Him, and nothing can ever separate us from His love. - Charles Stanley

Satan wants you to believe God will never forgive you for what you have done, so he condemns you and tells you what you have done overwhelms the grace of God and you are left with nagging guilt and shame. - Jay Dennis

God promises in I John 1:9 that if you confess your sin, God will forgive you. The truth is, there is no sin a Christian can commit that God cannot forgive. If God forgives you, you also need to forgive you. - Jay Dennis

If someone has hurt you, don't spend the next 10 years of your life hurting yourself by hanging on to that offense. Most likely, that other person isn't even thinking about you, while you dwell on the incident for years. That only hurts one person—you. - Joyce Meyer

Many people ruin their health and their lives by taking the poison of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. Matthew 18:23-35 (AMPC) tells us that if we do not forgive people, we get turned over to the torturers. - Joyce Meyer

It's torture to have hateful thoughts toward another person rolling around inside your head. - Joyce Meyer

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YourFellowship withGod flows freely when you're willing 2forgive, but it gets blocked by unforgiveness. Ephesians 4:26-27 tells us not 2let the sun go down on our anger or give theDevil any such foothold or opportunity. Do not helpSatan torture u. Be quick 2forgive. - Joyce Meyer

Whatever you may be facing today - Jesus is full of unfailing for you. His love for you is everlasting and can never run dry. He is full of faithfulness, so you can trust Him with you deepest need, your darkest fear, and your greatest dreams. - Pat Robertson

Satan wants you to believe you are the only one struggling with a specific temptation. He wants you to feel isolated and alone. The truth is you are not the only one struggling with a particular temptation. Someone you know is struggling too. - Jay Dennis

The Word says we serve a God that never sleeps nor slumbers. He is always ready to work in our behalf. Whatever the need, He goes before us to make the crooked places straight. - Aquilla Nash

Beloved, whatever you may be facing today the Lord has already made a way for you. He will not fail you! - Aquilla Nash

If you want the power of God, start giving thanks! - Kenneth Hagin

Beloved, we must refuse to get into fear and unbelief. Refuse to be one that is up one day and down the next. Be that one who is always looking up to the Author and Finisher of our faith. Jesus is on your side today. - Aquilla Nash

The Cross was the very reason for God becoming Man. - The Evangelist

The only answer for sin is the cross. That's why the believer is importuned to place is or her faith exclusively in Christ and Him crucified because the cross is the only answer for sin, there is no other. - Jimmy Swaggart

If you don't quit, God won't quit. - Joseph Larson

If you could see, where Jesus brought me from to where I am today, And you would know the reason why I love Him so... (Well) You can take, take this world, it's wealth and riches... I don't need earth's fame. It's my desire, to live for Him. - Joseph Larson

Do not lose hope, do not give up! Know that the answer is on the way. - Bob Cornell

I have learned in life that His answer may not be what we want in the moment, but it is what we need. Before God's yes may come a thousand of His noes. Be willing and obedient to trust God. - Bob Cornell

Adam and Eve fell from the higher position of total God-consciousness down to the far, far lower level of total self-consciousness, and from the moment of the fall, the sin nature controlled and ruled them. - Jimmy Swagart

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From that day until now, the sin nature has ruled every individual born into this world - except for those who have come to the Lord Jesus Christ and have been born again and become a new creation in Christ Jesus. - Jimmy Swaggart

God's peace is the inner calmness of spirit that comes from being in unity with God. His peace is when your spirit and the Holy Spirit are at complete unity about the guidance that you have been asking God for. - Bob Cornell

Father, we bless You, we glorify You, we worship You. Gracias Signor, thank u Jesus, thank u Lord. Thank Him no matter what you are going through. Just thank Him & praise His Holy Name. Know that He is able to mend the broken heart and heal the sick... - Brooklyn Tabernacle

Draw me close to You. Never let me go. You are my desire. No one else will do. Nothing else can take Your place. Help me find the way. You're all I want. You're all I've ever needed. Help me know You are near. Draw me close to You. Never let me go. - Michael W. Smith

Ask God to give you knowledge of who He is. - Michael Youssef

Without the cross, there is no reason to celebrate the birth of Christ. Without Calvary, what happened long ago in Bethlehem has no significance. But there was a Christ born in the city of David. There was a place called Calvary. There was an old rugged cross. - Mike Muzzerall

Christmas is for every child of God - every blood-bought child of God should appreciate the significance of the incarnation of the Saviour and celebrate it as each deems appropriate. - Mike Muzzerall

In Christ, you have all the power you need to do everything He has called you to do. - Joyce Meyer

Allowing others to praise you instead of praising yourself is far more rewarding, and your humility will help you gain the respect of everyone around you. – Odyssey

If you really want 2convince another party of something, do it kindly & gently. Lower your voice, speak calmly & b in control. How much more positively the other party will respond to your argument/requests when they see that you're not making a big whole fuss about it. – Odyssey

When you're facing a sickness, speak God's healing promises over your life. If you feel inadequate or afraid, declare that you can do all things through Christ. - Joyce Meyer

When a friend or family member is discouraged, tell them how much God loves them and how much they mean to you. - Joyce Meyer

Any time the enemy whispers his lies, answer by shouting God's truth. - Joyce Meyer

Doctors may tell you healing is a result of medical science, yet God works through doctors and gives them wisdom. Nutritionists may tell you healing is a result of natural supplements, but God provided those healing agents in nature and works through them, as well. – Crosswalk

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God also heals through the power of prayer. There are cases when a tumor was clearly on an MRI and after much prayer and a second or third scan, the tumor was completely gone, with no explanation other than God’s healing hand. – Crosswalk

When you put your trust in Christ, you are never without hope. You are never out of options. You are never lacking strength or power. - Joyce Meyer

Follow God's leading and His will for your life. - Aquilla Nash

His promises are faithful and true! - Aquilla Nash

Prayers can move mountains. - Operation Blessing

Obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him. - Charles Stanley

Disruptive moments are often divine appointments. - David Jeremiah

Progress without pain is usually not possible. - David Jeremiah

The Promise of God is the Provision of Grace. - David Jeremiah

Disruptive Moments Produce Dynamic Growth. - David Jeremiah

The One who saved you is Worthy to lead you. God's will for your life doesn't have to remain a mystery. You can hear form God and trust in His loving care for you. - Charles Stanley

God is on the throne - and of His kingdom there will be no end! - Robert Jeffress

God is such a good God. There isn't anything that can stand in His way. Even when things seem impossible & when it feels like there's no way out, God, when we give Him complete control, steps in and creates a way of opportunity and escape. - Brother Dave Lombardi

We can't go wrong when we trust Him. - Brother Dave Lombardi

Salvation is God's gift, NOT a result of works. - Robert Jeffress

God forgives those who admit they are ungodly. - Robert Jeffress

God forgives those who realize they are incapable of earning salvation. - Robert Jeffress

God forgives those who trust in Christ to save them. - Robert Jeffress

You have a purpose. You have work to do. It's your life mission. When you live out your life's mission, you will bring glory to God and good to others. - Tony Evans

God gave us the Scriptures so that we might come to know Him better... God has given you all you need to come to know Him through His Word. - Tony Evans

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I don’t know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future. – Tim Tebow

... freedom isn't the absence of boundaries; it's the ability to operate successfully and happily within boundaries. - Shirley Boone

Such are the conditions prior 2 JudgmentDay. We need 2learn from this ¬ fret when we see these things happening, but say: Christ predicted beforehand that the world would become so savage, coarse, greedy &so on. That's the way it is, &it is even going 2get worse. –MartinLuther

The thing is that I had no fear; no anxiety. I had this peace come over me and I just knew that word from the Lord was truth. - Shirley Boone

No matter what you may be facing, you have a sure word from the Lord that He will lead you, and guide you, and make your path plain. God desires to direct our steps. If we take the Lord out of the equation and try to direct our own steps we encounter problems. - Aquilla Nash

THE RAPTURE THAT IS COMING... The 1st rapture will be the carrying away of the SAVED to heaven, at the beginning of a 7 year tribulation period, during which the antichrist will appear. The 2nd rapture occurs at the close of the 7 year tribulation when Jesus will return 2 Earth.

The quicker we learn to lean on Jesus the better off we will be! - Aquilla Nash

As you thank God, you become aware of His presence. And as you sit in His presence, a heavenly transaction takes place. God will take your troubles and sorrows, and He will exchange them for His comfort and peace. - Pat Robertson

God's love for you is so great. As you thank Him, you are expressing your trust in Him and in His care over your life. - Pat Robertson

What we need in our nation today is a radical, comprehensive, convenantal return to the God of the Bible. - Tony Evans

You can hide from yourself, you can hide from others, but you cannot hide from God. - Touched by an Angel

He is your Restorer. - Touched by and Angel

One of the greatest things you can do when "life happens" and you're losing your peace is to meditate on scriptures that will help you calm down. - Joyce Meyer

I remind myself that God is good and faithful, and that as long as I believe, He will work on my behalf. - Joyce Meyer

Those who die without knowing Jesus as their personal savior will spend eternity in hell, a place of torment and punishment. But God wants you to live forever with Him. If you haven't made your eternal destination certain, do so now. - Kenneth E. Hagin

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Salvation Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.

Don't worry about tomorrow, and the tomorrow after that. - David Jeremiah

Tomorrow, God will give you the grace you need for tomorrow. Today, God will give you the grace you need for today. - David Jeremiah

But don't ask God for today's grace to be used up with the problems of tomorrow, because you will have enough grace tomorrow for what you need. - David Jeremiah

We have to learn how to take one day at a time. What you need for tomorrow, God will give you for that day. - David Jeremiah

God's Word is mankind's only sure guide to life eternal and abundant. It brilliantly reflects the holy, unchanging character of God Himself. - Franklin Graham

In changing times, the Word of God never changes. - Franklin Graham

Obedience to God's Word brings blessing. Disobedience brings chastisement and ultimately eternal punishment in hell away from the majesty and presence of God. - Franklin Graham

God's Word is Truth. Authoritative Truth. Any so-called value system that contradicts it is founded on lies and deceit, and inevitably leads to disaster and ruin for individuals, cultures and nations. - Franklin Graham

He changes not, and neither does His Word. - John Cooper

God has a purpose and a plan for your life. It's up to you to get ready - to get out of your comfort zone - so when God says, "It's time," you can go! - TD Jakes

We should never underestimate what God can do when we seek His guidance, believe Him, and obey. Many times, the bigger challenge we face is not discovering what to do but actually doing what God tells us. - James Merritt

Anxiety is a monster. It can cripple you or make you act in ways that you would never otherwise act. It causes you to believe the most incredible of lies, and can even keep you from the things you care about the most. - Kenneth Reid

Anxiety even has the ability to make you forget the things you know to be true. - Kenneth Reid

What makes anxiety so powerful is the thing that should conceivably make it powerless: namely, the unknown future. We dont know what’s going 2happen, yet we predict a gloomy future. We convince ourselves that particular events will take place which rarely do. - Kenneth Reid

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That’s why Jesus tells us, “Don’t worry about these things, saying [to yourself], ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs” (Matthew 6:31-32) - Kenneth Reid

When we become anxious we forget there r people who care about us &will not leave us alone. Whether it is your family, your church or your community, u r not alone. There r people u can turn to who love u, who will listen to u & who truly want what’s best for u. - Kenneth Reid

Above all, you have a Heavenly Father who promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5) - Kenneth Reid

Anxiety makes us forget all the ways God has come through in the past. When we were in need before, God has always provided. - Kenneth Reid

Why do we still not trust Him? We need to remember God’s faithfulness in the past. May we declare with faith, “I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread” (Psalm 37:25) - Kenneth Reid

God is both good & sovereign. He is in complete control of your life & He works all things together for your good (Romans 8:28). - Kenneth Reid

We may go through difficulty, but He will walk through it with you and give you grace to get through it. His “grace is sufficient” (2 Corinthians 12:9). There is nothing to fear because the Almighty God is on your side. - Kenneth Reid

Keeping a prayer journal gives you something tangible to see that God hears you when you pray. Our God always hear us. And He encourages us to “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). - Kenneth Reid

Even if what you fear does happen to you, you have to remember that your suffering isn’t wasted. God uses every event in your life for your benefit (Romans 8:28). There is always promise in the pain. - Kenneth Reid

We never rejoice FOR our sufferings, but we can rejoice IN our suffering. God is always working in the background to use our pain to make us more like Him and bring us closer to Him. - Kenneth Reid

God’s plans and purposes are far greater than our own! - Tim Young

Set your heart to forgive those around you. This not only will heal your relationship but it will also keep your heart free from bitterness and deep rooted resentment from the past. – Beliefnet

The only answer for sin is the cross, there is no other. - Jimmy Swaggart

God is good. He is faithful and full of grace. You are saved and redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! Don't allow negative emotions to consume you. You have too much going for you to be controlled by toxic emotions and temporary circumstances! - Pastor John Hagee

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I've discovered that sometimes God wants us to linger in the waiting, hoping, praying. In fact, sometimes it's right in the middle of our darkness in the middle of our crisis, in the middle of our Plan B struggles that God speaks most clearly. ― Pete Wilson

“My hope is based on a God who can do and will do the impossible. My hope is based on a God who has defeated death itself.” ― Pete Wilson

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” —E. M. Forster

“When in doubt, do nothing, but continue to wait on God. When action is needed, light will come.” —J. I. Packer

God provides and blesses those who persevere to follow Him. - Tim Young

Pursue true prosperity. True prosperity is not in gaining material wealth, it’s in glorifying God through the way you live your life. – Beliefnet

Strive for honesty and strong work ethics. They are sadly missing these days. - Tim Young

Notice Joseph's reasoning in Genesis 39:9 - “How then can I do this great wickedness, & sin against God?” His main concern was what God would think. He understood that he was accountable 2God & that the fulfillment of his dream was completely dependent upon God. - Andrew Wommack

Joseph was able to maintain his integrity because he was not concerned with what man thought. He did not consider the benefits or consequences of his actions based on what Potiphar, his master, might do. - Andrew Wommack

Joseph lived a God-dependent life, and he lived it in the midst of great adversity. He knew his future rested in the hands of the Lord. - Andrew Wommack

Suffering to God’s people is not always bad! God can use the most painful time of our life for His good. - Tim Young

Our God is a Creator. He can create the new beginning that YOU need. It’s never too late to experience a fresh start. - Marilyn Hickey

Trust God, Not Circumstances Even when Joseph was sold into slavery the Bible said, “The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered.” – Beliefnet

Joseph’s life is a powerful testimony of the long-term effects of walking in integrity. Temptation will always come, but allow God’s Grace to cause you to flee sin and protect you from all of the enemy’s traps. – Beliefnet

Be God-Dependent. Joseph always knew that his gift to interpret dreams came from God. He never took credit and always focused on giving God the glory for all that he did. – Beliefnet

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When God honors us with success and prosperity, we mustn’t forget to first honor Him and honor others. Even though Joseph was sold into slavery by his family that didn’t stop him from blessing them in a time of desperate need. – Beliefnet

Throughout his journey Joseph learned to have humility. Although God would one day lift him up, he would first have to lower himself and be humble. How many times in your own life has pride been a stumbling block? – Beliefnet

There is value in self-control living in the do-whatever-you-want culture. - Tim Young

Sometimes God reveals things to us that are meant for our ears only. - Alyssa J Howard

God will use every aspect of our lives, even the things that don’t seem to fit, to bring about His plan. - Alyssa J Howard

Even if you find yourself in “prison,” don’t lose hope in God’s promises. - Alyssa J Howard

Forgiveness is always a part of God’s plan. - Alyssa J Howard

God honors patience and perseverance in time of troubles. - Tim Young

It is when we recognize the lies of the enemy that we can best combat them with the truth of God’s Word. - Alyssa J Howard

Make sure of your commitment to Jesus Christ, and seek to follow Him every day. Don't be swayed by the false values and goals of this world, but put Christ and His will first in everything you do. - Billy Graham

The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, 'O God, forgive me,' or 'Help me.' - Billy Graham

A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone. - Billy Graham

If you tell God 'no' because He won't explain the reason He wants you to do something, you are actually hindering His blessing. But when you say 'yes' to Him, all of heaven opens to pour out His goodness and reward your obedience. - Charles Stanley

Sin deafens our ears to the will of God. - Charles Stanley

The good news is that God wants you to know that your death is not the end but the beginning of what He has planned as a much greater and glorious afterlife. It's eternity with Him, living in His presence, enjoying all that He intends for you to have. - Tony Evans

In order for that to happen, we all must accept His invitation. To receive the offer of eternal life made possible by Christ's death, each of us must believe in His atoning sacrifice and accept it by faith alone in the finished work of Christ. - Tony Evans

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Jesus is in Heaven right now, preparing a future residence for us. - Robert Jeffress

God loves you and He will be with you every step of the way.

When we think of all the qualities and attributes of God, we start to shift our attention away from what is making us worried and the stress starts to fade away. He is our light, he is our salvation, he is our stronghold... the list goes on and on. – ibelieve

God's Word is the ultimate authority. It's time for us to believe and obey it. - Kenneth Hagin

It takes more than belonging to a church or being baptized in water to miss Hell and go to Heaven. - The Bible says, "You must be born again" (John 3:7)! - Kenneth E. Hagin

Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for me. I repent of my sin and ask for Your forgiveness. I surrender my life to You and receive You as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving and loving me! Help me to live every day for You for the rest of this life.

God brings you the kind of peace that only He can provide.

Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Who Provides. I shall not want!

God has grace for disappointments, comfort for hurts, love for fear, and peace for worry. He has also made available to us reconciliation, restoration, high self-esteem, patience, heath, provision, and joy unspeakable! - Lynette Hagin

We r not bound by our fear or our anxiety. InChrist, we can cast off those chains & b set free into a life that is more abundant & rich than anything the world could give us. It is for freedom that we have been set free to live as sons & daughters of ourFather theKing! – ibelieve

One of the enemy's strategies to keep us depressed and defeated is to remind us of past failures, mistakes and wrong decisions. God removes and forgets our sins. He wants us to put Him in remembrance of His Word rather than our past mistakes and sins. - Lynette Hagin

God has great plans for you and is doing a new thing in your life. He wants to take you out of your comfort zone and stretch you with new and greater assignments. He is making a way where there seems to be no way. - Lynette Hagin

God can heal us from anything, even anxiety. - Relevant Magazine

Always remember that, every time you step out of your comfort zone, you step into God's comfort zone. - Bill Courtney

The enemy sometimes interrupts our activities to get us out of our comfort zone in order to fulfill God's purpose. - Justice Kojo Bentil

You cannot fulfill destiny in a comfort zone. Come out and make a difference! - Mike Okonkwo

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If you're waiting on God — do what waiters do: serve. Break free of your comfort zone and do something, touch someone, give something, help someone, pray for someone, serve someone, be the gift for someone. You can't be a world changer until you serve. - Ann Voskamp

One of the helpful lessons I have learnt in leadership is the need to appreciate my strength zone and then lead from there. - Benjamin A. Suulola

The more you focus on your fears, the less you focus on God. The more you focus on God, the less you focus on your fears! – cbn

Truth is under serious attack today. Our society has rejected God and objective truth in favor of personal opinions and preferences. And this brings devastating results. - Jeff Schreve

Be careful with the indoctrination of the world. Get your boundary lines from God's Word. There's increasing pressure from the world to approve of sin and sinful lifestyles... and to water down what the Bible clearly says. - Jeff Schreve

When you start feeling anxious, reach out to a close, trusted friend or loved one. Often, a few kind words of encouragement can be a balm to our frazzled minds and restless hearts and help to soothe our fears. – ibelieve

Trusting in God is our ultimate remedy for fear. – cbn

Our God is an awesome God. Continue to look to Him. - Brother Dave Lombardi

As a Christian I believe that God can do anything. Nothing is impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). Does

this include healing people from illnesses? Yes. - Relevant Magazine

The Holy Spirit brings peace to our minds that surpasses all of our understanding-- we just need to first surrender our fear and our worries to him. Bring your heartache to the Lord in prayer and trust in his goodness and faithfulness. – ibelieve

We do not have to put our confidence in our own selves. We can rest assured that Christ is the Solid Rock on which we stand, and that he will never fail us. We can trust him fully, deeply, completely, and wholeheartedly, even when we start to fear. – ibelieve

These words are the ultimate comfort when your soul starts to feel weary and anxious -- the Lord will be your strength, the Lord will be your help, the Lord will keep you upright and safe. – ibelieve

The Lord is not far from you when you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed. He is always near, always present, always loving you. He can handle anything you are carrying-- just give it up to him in prayer and worship. – ibelieve

We often are tempted to look to things in the world to give us comfort when we are feeling stressed, but only Jesus can truly satisfy the desires of our hearts. He can bring us peace that is far beyond anything the world could ever offer-- just trust him! – ibelieve

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How do you get God's direction? You must commune with the Lord daily. Don't let fear keep you from achieving all God has for you. - Lynette Hagin

Leave the past behind and begin living a life filled with new possibilities! Most of all, walk in the strength of God's promises. - Lynette Hagin

May God's hope-filled promises bring comfort to your soul and peace to your heart.

The Lord will deliver you from every anxiety, every doubt, every fear, every concern. It may look differently than you expected it would, but God's plans for our lives are perfect and good. Seek him first! – ibelieve

God is always with you and working behind the scenes. He is using every season for your success. - Joel Osteen

We serve a faithful God! No matter the opinions of people, no matter what they may say, think or do, our God never changes and His Word remains true and faithful! - Aquilla Nash

The Word still says, "He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases" (Psalms 103:3) - Aquilla Nash

RT @can2009: Prayer does for your Soul what breathing does for your Body.

Theologically, if there is no hell, what did Jesus Christ die on the cross to save us from? - John Hagee

RT @Scripture_Truth: When God is all you have, then all you have is all you need.

RT @MartinNcube5: Jeremiah 33:11 “Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; His love endures forever.” - We ought to thank God for His faithfulness at all times. If we do so, He will continue His faithfulness in our life.

RT @TheJesusMessage: Christ set us free - Galatians 5:1


RT @InTouchMin: If we wait on God, we'll see that His plans are better than our own.

Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!

Pastor Adrian Rogers said, “If Satan can’t make u bad, he’ll make u busy.” Busy is a tool that Satan uses 2 get us off track & 2 steal our time. Sometimes, it doesn’t take blatant sin 2 rob us of what God has for us. Sometimes we miss it because we fill our lives with busyness.

Father, God, Help me invest my time wisely. Help me to be a good steward of the one thing I cannot get more of…time. I want to make investments in your Kingdom. Help me discern those activities that waste my time. In Jesus’ name. Amen. - New Horizon Church

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If Satan can distract you by keeping you busy, he will. His desire is to make us so busy we "can't" spend time with God. He wants us so stressed, we don't believe God has anything good for us. Take a few minutes and rest with your Father. – Pinterest

Only God can save us, and He made this possible by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to give His life for us. Make sure of your commitment to Him — and then let the truth of His Word, the Bible, guide your steps every day. - Billy Graham

Some people have a more finely tuned intuition, but others just can’t read feelings or faces as well. Just because you might be more sensitive and understanding of how others feel doesn’t mean other people are on the same wavelength. - Power of Positivity

“Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not theirs to make sense of – it’s yours.” – Unknown

We need to be aware that whenever the devil talks, he lies. When he drops thoughts in your head that don’t agree with God’s Word, you need to shut him down. - Bishop Keith A. Butler

When thoughts that don’t agree with God’s Word try to encamp in your mind, it’s up to you to take authority over them. They are nothing but lies from Satan. - Bishop Keith A. Butler

The devil can even quote Scripture, as he did when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Satan often quotes Scripture with a question mark, just as he did with Eve. He frequently begins his statements with, “Did God really say…” - Bishop Keith A. Butler

Satan is a liar. He may try to use the Bible to plant doubt in your mind, just like he did when he temped Jesus. That’s why it is so vital that you are well versed in the Word of God. Answer Satan the same way Jesus did, “It is written...” - Bishop Keith A. Butler

Oh, how precious is the good news of God's Word! It is so refreshing! It demonstrates how the love of God has no boundaries. - Alice Stewart

There is no doubt that when we give God is faithful to give back into our lives. - Aquilla Nash

The believer's victory over Satan is absolute when he uses the great truths of God to defeat him. God's Word cannot fail. - Mark I. Bubeck

Every truth of God's Word is given to us not just to know but to use for God's glory and our victory. - Mark I. Bubeck

RT @can2009: Pray for wisdom. Then believe #God will answer your prayer.

Whatever is testing your faith today, take heart... Dare to believe God for the impossible. - Michael Youssef

Prayer is most definitely a weapon - a mighty weapon wielded by believers in the Lord Jesus Christ against our most power adversary, the devil. - Franklin Graham

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God hears. God answers. - Franklin Graham

Not praying is to forfeit a close relationship with God. - RT Kendall

When we stop praying, unbelief often sets in. We tend to stop praying because we think God is not going to answer us. However, until God says an undoubted no, we should not give up. - RT Kendall

Worry about money is harmful to your body. Worry about money is wasteful. It reveals what is going on in your heart. - teachings of Jeff Schreve

Worry reveals that you are not seeing God correctly. You are not seeing His heart correctly. - teachings of Jeff Schreve

Worry reveals that you are not trusting God in your life, like people who do not know God. - teachings of Jeff Schreve

Begin a relationship with God: "O God, I am a sinner. I'm sorry for my sin. I want to turn from my sin. Please forgive me. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son; I believe He died on the cross for my sin and You raised Him to life...." - Billy Graham

"...I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward, forevermore. Lord, I put my trust in You and surrender my life to You. Please come into my life and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

Those who have become God's children through faith in Jesus Christ have access to the throne of grace, where prayer is answered for our good and for God's glory. - Billy Graham

Satan trembles, when he sees the weakest Saint upon his knees.” (William Cowper) - so pray, Christian, pray! - Billy Graham

Worry tells the world that you don't really believe that God is going to take care of you. - teachings of Jeff Schreve

Worry reveals that you are not serving God. If you are worrying about money it is a great indicator that you are serving the wrong master. - teachings of Jeff Schreve

Worry reveals you are in need of change. Surrender yourself daily to the Lord. - teachings of Jeff Schreve

When Jesus is Lord in your heart, there is peace. My wallet is a tool. Jesus is my Master. - teachings of Jeff Schreve

God's will is that you would continually grow and change "from glory to glory," with each new day becoming more and more like Christ. - Michael Youssef

Go and Make Disciples "You may not think of yourself as a missionary, but every believer has a role in accomplishing this great commission." - Charles Stanley

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To do something mighty, it takes only a small remnant of people who trust in God. - Kimberly


We should not be surprised that the world hates us. Jesus said that the world would hate us because the world hated Him. - Michael Youssef

We should expect to be hated and persecuted, and we should not let the hatred of the world keep us from obeying the Lord. - Michael Youssef

Whatever it may be – big or small – I want you to know there is hope for your situation because God is the God of new beginnings. – Joyce Meyer

Trust God to turn your situation around. – Joyce Meyer

God is love and He never gives up on me. – Joyce Meyer

Materialism Is Easy to Decry and Hard to Avoid - by Kathy Keller

Christmas reminds us that God is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

The miraculous birth of Christ is proof that there’s no obstacle too great that God can’t overcome. God became one of us in order to seek and save us – what an amazing truth! – Hope for the Heart

If you’re not moving forward in your relationship with Jesus Christ, you’re naturally going backward. You’re either progressing or regressing, but there’s no standing still in the Christian life. – Greg Laurie

One of the signs of the last days, according to 1 Timothy 4:1, is that some would fall away from the faith. In that verse, Paul tells us, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith & follow deceiving spirits & things taught by demons”. - Greg Laurie

A true believer may make mistakes, but they will ultimately return to God. And if they do not return to God, then they never really were a true believer. - Greg Laurie

You should read the Bible as if your life depended on it—because it does! - Greg Laurie

If you want to be a growing Christian, a Christian who is moving forward, you must read, study, and love God’s Word. Scripture is filled with admonitions to know and obey His commandments. - Greg Laurie

Jesus modeled the correct way to answer the temptations of the enemy. There in the wilderness, each time Satan came at Him, Jesus responded with Gods’ Word, saying, “It is written...” - Greg Laurie

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Ephesians 6 calls God’s Word the sword of the Spirit. It is our weapon against the enemy. - Greg Laurie

Let your faith roar so loud that you can't hear what doubt is saying. - Logan Williams

A lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep. – thaiwristbrands

“The Word of God is like a lion. You don’t have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.” ― Charles Spurgeon

"I asked God why are you taking me through troubled waters?" He answered, "Because your enemies can't swim." - teespring

God help me. Keep me from going back to my old ways. - Addiction Treatment Resources

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. - Sonja Von Frank

With Faith, I Will Not Sink. - Karrie Wilson

If we look to our own strength, ability and resources to accomplish goals for Christ. We too will sink like Peter when he walked out onto the water and took his eyes off Jesus. - Karrie Wilson

In order to step out and do any works for Christ, we have to do it 100 % by faith. - Karrie Wilson

When will are walking in the will of God, the devil will be the first one to try and cause us to stumble, by taking our eyes off Jesus and placing them onto the crashing waves. - Karrie Wilson

If you want to walk out onto the water and not sink, we must walk by faith and not by sight, (2 Corinthians 5:7.) - Karrie Wilson

God is bigger than my mistakes. – Joyce Meyer

God is greater than your fears. – Joyce Meyer

Fear is one of Satan's favorite tricks to keep us from moving forward and becoming all that God created us to be. - Joyce Meyer

Fear shows up in our lives in many ways – through things like doubt, insecurity, worry and anxiety. – Joyce Meyer

The enemy stays busy trying to tell us about our weaknesses – everything we are not and what we can’t do. But we don’t have to listen to him. If we know God’s Word, we can find out everything we are in Him. – Joyce Meyer

Many times, when we are in the “pit”, we must remind ourselves of God’s promises and keep our trust anchored in Him. – Lisa Osteen Comes

God will never ask you to do something without giving you the ability to do it. – Joyce Meyer

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God is with us in the new year, and we don’t need to worry about anything when we focus on

Him. He is our strength, he is with us and we have nothing to fear. - biblemoneymatters

As we ring in the new year it’s important to remember that we can only find contentment in God. We also need to give thanks for all that He has done for us in the past year, and what he will do in the year to come. – biblemoneymatters

The Redeemer will be born of woman and have victory over Satan. – Michael Youssef

Plant a good seed and reap a good future. – Marilyn Hickey

We don’t know for sure what tomorrow will bring. But here’s what I do know, beyond a shadow of a doubt: Jesus Christ is coming. – Dr Robert Jeffress

Your heavenly Father is ready, willing and able to give you what you need to make it through the struggle. – Tony Evans

Jesus tells us in the book of Mark exactly how faith operates. It starts with a man cashing seed into the ground. – Gregory Dickow

It doesn’t make a difference what the hard circumstance are in your life. When you sow your seed (the seed of God’s Word and the seed of your finances), God says, “I can work with that. Seed is the currency of the Kingdom.” – Gregory Dickow

People whom God has called are those who have responded to the gospel by believing and receiving Christ’s death as payment for their sins and surrendering their lives to Him as their Lord. – James Merritt

So the cure for worry is humbling ourselves before God, casting our cares on Him, and trusting Him. When we are able to believe and say, "God, I trust You," it will literally change our lives. - Joyce Meyer

Jesus said it’s one or the other. He said if you’re not on the narrow road that leads to eternal life, then you must be on the broad road that leads to destruction. – Billy Graham

God’s grace and God’s mercy was extended to me and to you. And now I am a recipient of that which I did not deserve. – Billy Graham

God says, “I’ll forgive your sins. I’ll wipe out the past. I’ll start all over with you if you will come to the cross and give your life to my Son, Jesus Christ.” – Billy Graham

God calls you to turn away from sin and to receive Jesus Christ by faith as your Lord and Savior. You can do that right now. You’ll begin a relationship with God, and He promises that you will be forgiven and become a completely new person. – Billy Graham

Tithing and Giving, by Charles Stanley.

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Whenever our faith is in Christ and the cross, the Holy Spirit will then automatically work within our hearts and within our lives and carry out what He alone can do. – Jimmy Swaggart

The love that God has for those of us who have accepted His Son is a love that will not fail or be depleted. – Loren Larson

Times change, but God and His Word do not. They are the same yesterday, today and forever. – Decision Magazine

Evil is now not only condoned and accepted, but it is being actively promoted by virtually every segment of our society. – Franklin Graham

Overcome the Fear of Failure:

Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying down. - Mary Pickford

The Bible doesn't change; it changes us. If we disagree with something we read in Scripture, it's not the Bible that needs to change—it's us. We must reexamine our opinions and change them in the light of God's unchanging Word.

Face your fears with faith. – Robert Jeffress

God’s grace is more than enough to help us rise above the fears that grip our hearts. – Robert Jeffress

When life gets hard, it's easy to want to sit down and give up. But God wants you to keep going. A kingdom steward moves forward, one step at a time. - Tony Evans

The Lord comforts us as a loving Father. - Charles Stanley

It's true, the Church will be raptured before the final seven years of Earth's history, but during that final seven years, many people will come to faith in Christ, but they will pay a terrible price to do so. - Robert Jeffress

Christians will not be here to experience the great tribulation under the Antichrist. - Robert Jeffress

We're living in prophetic times and seeing prophecy fulfilled right before our eyes. - David Jeremiah

As wars and dissension among groups of people begin to escalate, we know it is a sign of Christ's return. The book of Revelation tells us that the Tribulation period is filled with war that will escalate until the entire world is involved. - David Jeremiah

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Though we do not know the day or hour of Christ's appearing for His Church, we do know it could be today! Why do I say that? Because nothing remains on God's prophetic calendar except the unfolding of end-time events, beginning with the Rapture of the Church. - David Jeremiah

God's people can look forward to a "happily ever after" ending. Prophecy assures us Christ will come to rule and reign forever. When we don't fear tomorrow, we can have confidence today. Knowing God's prophetic story helps us face each day. - David Jeremiah

The sure knowledge of Christ's appearing motivates us to keep ourselves pure. We will give Him an account for our words and actions, perhaps even today! - David Jeremiah

Our world is full of reasons to despair. Many people are overwhelmed by the chaotic events happening all around them, but prophecy offers good news to those who are battling discouragement. - David Jeremiah

God does His greatest work in your darkest circumstances. – Jeff Schreve

Friend, our God is the God of grace and love. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or how stained your heart and life might be, God can reverse the damage! – Jeff Schreve

When life makes you panic, the devil will try to do a number on you. Start doing things differently. Play praise music continually, & claim Mark 9:24: "Lord, I do believe! Help my unbelief." - based on writing by Debbie Schreve

Everything you need is found in the body and blood of Jesus. - Gregory Dickow

Don’t overreact to media hype and spin. They learned a long time ago that sensationalism sells, and they will play it for all it’s worth. – John Paul Jackson

God is not caught by surprise. In His omniscience He has been preparing you for this very hour. You will not fail. – John Paul Jackson

God is your Source – not your bank account, not your 401(k), not your gold, not your stock portfolio. – John Paul Jackson

You have a choice: You can live your life by principles or by pressures. Those who “fail” in life usually keep their eyes fixed on their current problems and lose sight of their life principles. – John Paul Jackson

As things change, it is vital to remind yourself of the principles you live your life by. Never lose sight of them during challenging times. They will help keep you focused. – John Paul Jackson

The difficulties we’re facing now may be God’s wake-up call to remind you of your original vision and purpose and why He made you the way He made you. – John Paul Jackson

If you have no vision, your only other option is to go backward or decay. – John Paul Jackson

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You should always be looking for original and innovative ways to engage the needs of others. Needs are going to abound, so ask God for a solution to those needs, and you’ll succeed when your secular peers are failing. – John Paul Jackson

The Lord wants to give innovative ideas and inventions to those who are close to Him. – John Paul Jackson

Set aside time to listen to Him. Prayer is great, but if all we do is make our needs known to God, it will be very difficult to listen. God just might have something He would like to say to you. – John Paul Jackson

Tough times are not about what happens to you – they’re about what you do with what happens to you. Keep believing that God will use everything you go through for His Kingdom purpose. Tough times prove our faith. – John Paul Jackson

Your counsel to others should give them hope. Hope that helps them discover a God who knows their potential, a God who’s taking them on a journey of discovering new adventures and possibilities they may have never thought about. – John Paul Jackson

In addition, your counsel to others should give them hope that aids them in making different choices than they may have previously made, and hope that allows their creativity to spring forward when others around them are in despair. – John Paul Jackson

God will use you to deposit hope in others. God looked through all of the future and chose to place you here for such as time as this. He birthed you, created you, shaped you for such a time as this. – John Paul Jackson

What is coming is in no way meant to say God is not a God of Love. He is, in fact, Love in its highest form. One cannot be loved by anyone more than God loves them. – John Paul Jackson

When you let people upset you, you are giving up your power. – Joel Osteen

However, in God’s love He also chastens. In the greatness of His love He must chasten all activity that will lead to destruction. His grace is pure and He has given the world much grace. – John Paul Jackson

We do not always understand the ways of God, however, we can be assured that God knows how to balance judgment, mercy, and grace. – John Paul Jackson

Those who genuinely are walking with God, through Jesus the Messiah, will see marvelous sights and encounter mysteries of Heaven as God miraculously provides. – John Paul Jackson

A change of heart must and will occur in this nation. Evil will become more obvious and righteousness will be tried and tested. We will have to make a choice – either darkness and evil or God’s light. There will be little wiggle-room between the two. – John Paul Jackson

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The Christian founding of this nation is what makes it different from every other nation other than Israel. Other nations may have become Christian in their focus, but none were initially formed with Christianity as the core of its DNA. – John Paul Jackson

How we live opens or closes doors for Satan to legally afflict us and potentially rule over us via leaders who do not know the ways of God. – John Paul Jackson

The basic principle is that sin separates us from God. Since Adam and Eve through today, the actions of humankind have given room for the enemy to strike and attack us. – John Paul Jackson

The only legal way the enemy has access to us is by the hand of God lifting. This results in there being a space between Him and us and that space increases as we distance ourselves from Him and His ways. – John Paul Jackson

Anytime there is an increased distance between God and humanity, it leaves room for attack to come and for principalities and powers of the air (rulers of darkness) to take up residence. – John Paul Jackson

The longer dark powers reside over an area, the more the people begin to call right – wrong, and wrong – right. The lines between right and wrong, as well as the holy and profane, are becoming blurred. – John Paul Jackson

In this nation, the way to God through Jesus and the Cross is no longer seen as an absolute. In fact, absolutes have become touted as “intolerance” first in the world and now even within the Church. The absolutes of heaven and eternity are clearly evaporating. – John Paul Jackson

Throughout Scripture, when crises hit the people of God, they turned their hearts to Him, and He heard and took action. – John Paul Jackson

Release your worry.

Find confident rest in the Lord BEYOND your life’s stress!

In times of uncertainty, fear seems inevitable. Remember that even in troubling times, God is with you—to help you and uphold you. – Hope For the Heart

Fear. Know My Anxious Thoughts

God cares about your every worry, every “what if,” every fear. When you’re afraid, remember the Lord is with you, and He can help. - Hope For the Heart

Ever tired? Frustrated? Or Burned-Out? God has just what you need. – Joyce Meyer

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Don’t give place to fear in your mind or heart. Troubling fearful thoughts are going to try and bombard your mind. When these thoughts come, you can say out loud, “I will not fear, and I will not make decisions based on fear. This battle is the Lord’s and I put my trust in Him!” – Joyce Meyer

Declare God’s Word and His promises over you and your family! When you speak God’s Word over your self and your family, you are engaging in spiritual warfare and combating the plans of the enemy. – Joyce Meyer

Dealing with loss of any kind hurts. Saying goodbye to loved ones can be a painful and event turbulent period in our lives. Don’t throw in the towel. You are not alone. God is with you. You don’t walk this road alone. – Tony Evans

God’s plans for you are better than your plans for yourself. – Andrew Wommack

There is a joy, a peace, a fulfillment that comes from following God. – Andrew Wommack

God has good plans for your life. God has never made a piece of junk. – Andrew Wommack

God designed you to be dependent on Him. – Andrew Wommack

The Lord desires that all be saved. (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9) He offers eternal life to everyone who will receive it through faith in Jesus Christ. - In Touch

The Enemy goes to great lengths to fuel alternative religions and other false beliefs in a effort to prevent people from receiving eternal life. He tries to destroy anything that brings glory to God rather than to him. (John 10:10) - In Touch

All temptation is ultimately from the Enemy, whose goal is to alienate us from God and disrupt our fellowship with Him. - Charles Stanley

Learn to rely on the Holy Spirit. If you resist the Devil, build up your defenses, and depend upon the Holy Spirit, you will be able to gain the victory. - Charles Stanley

A terrific message from TD Jakes - Feel the fear and do it anyway! Be encouraged. Pray, and be obedient to whatever the Lord is telling you to do!

No pain, no gain. Playing it safe gets you nowhere in life. You want to play it safe because you’re so afraid of failure. By being too safe, you don’t even try. You don’t see what can possibly happen. – Getbusylivingblog

To reach your full potential, the road will be bumpy. It’s intentionally that way to find out who wants it the most. The weak ones get left behind, while the risk takers forge ahead and see what’s further down the road. – Getbusylivingblog

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The first thing you have to do is believe in yourself. Don’t seek validation from others. Believing in yourself might be hard because you’re just beginning, but you have to believe in what you’re doing without seeing the whole road in front of you. – Getbusylivingblog

You cannot be a positive person if you’re surrounded with negativity all the time.- Getbusylivingblog

Stop expecting life is going to be a smooth ride. It’s not. Life is like sailing across the Atlantic ocean. It’s going to start off real smooth. During the journey there will be huge waves and heavy rains. It’s part of the journey... – Getbusylivingblog

…The person sailing knows that and has to prepare for moments like that. Instead of wanting a life that’s easy, become a person that can handle the choppy waters. - Getbusylivingblog

If you remove all struggles from your life, you’re not going to find out what you’re truly made of. Success feels even sweeter when you’ve overcome your struggles and thrived. – Getbusylivingblog

If you let people dictate your life, you will live a life that you don’t want. Don’t give your life away to others who put you on a path that has no meaning for you. - Getbusylivingblog

Try not to dwell on the opportunities you missed out. You can’t go back anyways. Keep moving forward and if opportunities comes again, you will be better prepared to take it. – Getbusylivingblog

Living in the past guarantees that not have the future you desire. – Getbusylivingblog

If you’re carrying baggage from your past, you won’t have room for all the everything else you want. Holding onto resentment, past failures, a broken heart and hate for others is going to keep you living in the past. Let it go so you can finally move forward. – Getbusylivingblog

You often spend way too much time why you’re not good enough, why you don’t deserve to be successful & why you can’t do it. You waste too much time with that inner voice that won’t shut up. You walk with our head down. It’s time to turn that frown upside down. – Getbusylivingblog

Most people give up right before their big breakthrough. Of course they don’t know it’s coming, but they give up too soon. If you choose something you believe in, then go after it with everything you have. – Getbusylivingblog

Our God reigns! His power over the world and everything in it is without equal. You serve a miracle-working God and you are safe in His hands. – Pat Robertson

God loves you. He loves you. He cares about you and everything you are going through right now! – Pat Robertson

God is for you, and He will be faithful to you! – Joyce Meyer

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Only the Holy Spirit can invade our nation and bring the awakening – and healing – that our nation so desperately needs… Michael Youssef

…For this reason, I pray you would join me in asking Him to revive our nation at this time when so many are searching for answers. – Michael Youssef

The good news is God has not called us to fear but to persevere! Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled.” – Aquilla Nash

Whenever we face the unknown, faith in the unchanging Word of God is our answer! Even though we are surrounded by fear, God did not give us a spirit of fear! – Kenneth Hagin

How can you choose faith over worry in your life? First, repent of known sin. Second, remove unnecessary fear (do it now). Third, remember God’s past faithfulness. Finally, remain in contact with God (talk to God about what is on your heart). – Robert Jeffress

Give it time. When God heals something, He doesn’t just patch it up. He makes it stronger than it was before. – Touched by an Angel

If you don't compare yourself with others anymore because you know we are all equally loved by God, equally sinful before God, and equally savable through Christ, and equally able to bring glory to God, then you won't have low self-esteem and you won't have the temptation to be proud any more. – Kendall Faull

To remove pride, just stop comparing yourself with others. – Kendall Faull

A person with a healthy self-esteem who is happy to be what God made them to be can have a healthy self-esteem because they know they are as good as anyone. God loves them as much as anyone. Jesus died for them too. They are washed clean as clean can be in Christ. – Kendall Faull

Those with a healthy self-esteem don't have to measure up to others. They don't foolishly compare themselves with others. They use "sober judgment" and by "testing themselves" against what God gave them not what God gave someone else. – Kendall Faull

Those with a healthy self-esteem can take a healthy pride in what God is doing through them by his grace without fear of not being as good as someone else because they are not comparing themselves with others like a proud fool. – Kendall Faull

They have a healthy self-esteem because they know God loves them and made them in his image and through Christ has made them holy and a new creation. – Kendall Faull

Another name for low self-esteem is pride. Bragging, boasting and the easily offended nature of those overly defensive is not caused by too much self-confidence but a lack of self-confidence. – Kendall Faull

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If they were truly confident in who they were they would not have to brag, boast and be self defensive. They wouldn't have to tear others down to build themselves up.- A person who is sure of themselves doesn't have to "prove" anything. – Kendall Faull

Bragging and boasting comes from a person who is unconfident and so he/she over-compensates with bragging, boasting, and looking down on others faults while exalting themselves in their own eyes. – Kendall Faull

Good self esteem is when you realize you are created in God's image and therefore of great value. When you realize you are just as good as anyone else and don't need to be ashamed of your mistakes because everyone else has made them too and because God has forgiven them in Christ. – Kendall Faull

Good self esteem is when you realize you can take pride in your actions at a particular time not because you did more than someone else or accomplished more than others but because you did the best you could with the gifts and opportunities God gave you at that moment. – Kendall Faull

Bad self-esteem is when you put yourself on a scale and measure yourself against others. This makes you feel inferior to some and superior to others. – Kendall Faull

Good pride is when you are proud of someone else and what God is doing through them. – Kendall Faull

Good pride is when you are proud of yourself without comparing yourself with others. – Kendall Faull

Bad pride is when you think one person is better than another and take pride in yourself over others by who you have associated with. – Kendall Faull

Bad pride is when you think you are better than some and not as good as others. You compare morality, social status, looks, intelligence, culture, family background, or whatever.- Kendall Faull

Bad pride is when you compare yourself with others. You put yourself on a scale and measure yourself in comparison to others knowledge, looks, character, gifts, abilities, wealth, status, personality, blessings and so on. – Kendall Faull

When a person has low self-esteem they naturally compare themselves with others. They feel low because they have compared themselves with others and they are not as rich, good looking, smart, spiritual, likeable, funny, gifted, or blessed with possessions, talents, or family. – Kendall Faull

Low self-esteem comes from comparing yourself to others. Pride comes from comparing yourselves to others. You can't have one without the other. – Kendall Faull

Pride is low self esteem that takes pride in where it is better than some to comfort itself for not being as good as some others. It tries to assume a higher status through bragging, boasting, belittling others and avoiding those lower on the social scale than themselves. – Kendall Faull

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God given dreams were made to come true. – Jimmy Evans

Many people around the globe are struggling with illness, loss of employment, or are experiencing lonely isolation – we need to keep them in prayer. – David Jeremiah

Good is still in control. He is on the throne. He is not surprised by the events in our world today! He is Sovereign – nothing happens without His permission. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. – David Jeremiah

You are loved by God and nothing can separate you from His love. – David Jeremiah

You may feel isolated, but God is near to you through the working of the Holy Spirit. God is ready, right now, to communicate to you through prayer and His Word. – David Jeremiah

He is the Great Physician, Jehovah-Rophe, the One who Heals. Though sickness surrounds us, God’s power & protection goes before you. Nothing is impossible for God. No force is insurmountable for Him to conquer, & no evil is too diabolical for Him to vanquish. – David Jeremiah

His Word remains a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. Your prayers are heard by the Great I Am – the Iight of the World – the Good Shepherd. He delights in His children and longs to give you the desires of your heart. – David Jeremiah

And because you are a child of God, you can confidently rest in His providence and protection during this time of turmoil. God is our certainty in uncertain times. – David Jeremiah

The days may feel uncertain, but we serve a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. – Franklin Graham

Jesus has given you the gift of peace – an inner calm – because you trust Him no matter what’s going on around you. – Joyce Meyer

God has given you dreams and goals that are unique to your life. Don’t let fear of the unknown or what others might say keep you from reaching your potential. – Joel Osteen

The Gospel can bring peace in the midst of any storm. – Franklin Graham

Whenever you feel anxious, begin to pray. List five things you are thankful for right now, then tell God what is making you afraid and what you need. You will see God’s peace transform your heart and mind. – CBN

Get hold of the promises of God and stand strong. We are up to any challenge by the grace of God! – Aquilla Nash

As the global coronavirus crisis continues – Jesus remains our faithful shepherd, and He knows what we need before we ask. He is on His throne, no matter what the news reports may say. – Michael Youssef

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For this reason alone you and I can remain at peace. Our hearts are at rest within us because to live is Christ and to die is gain. – Michael Youssef

Far too many believers make their plans, and then ask God to bless those plans. The idea is that you let God make the plans, & then those plans are guaranteed of blessing. – Jimmy Swaggart

As a child of God, there is a hedge of protection that is built all the way around you. You have a protector. – Gabriel Swaggart

The Word of God is the first weapon of spiritual warfare. When a believer has truth and walks in truth, he or she will be able to discern and now the correct responses to the many challenges of life. – Dr Don Paul Gray

The Word defeats the enemy and changes confusion into triumph. The Word is our offensive and defensive weapon. It is a two-edge sword. – Dr Don Paul Gray

The second weapon of spiritual warfare is the power of the Holy Spirit. When a believer is baptized in the Holy Spirit, that believer has a resource like no other to defeat the enemy. – Dr Don Paul Gray

Satan has no weapon that can withstand the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit makes available the gifts of the Holy Spirit. – Dr Don Paul Gray

Another great weapon of spiritual warfare is the authority to use the name of Jesus. We should ask in His name. We should pray in His name. We should expect miracles in His name. – Dr Don Paul Gray

All who have accepted God’s gift of eternal life have also been given a divine mandate to be part of the Great Commission. – Mike Muzzerall

We can know that whatever we are facing – including a formidable virus – we have a God who has promised to never leave us or forsake us. – Franklin Graham

Because the power of sin is broken, you don’t have to be under the power of any sin, any vice, any lifestyle. – Greg Laurie

You don’t have to be under the power of anything or anyone, because Jesus has purchased your freedom at Calvary. – Greg Laurie

And He finished our salvation. It’s done. It’s paid for. It’s bought. You don’t need to add anything to it. It’s a gift to you. – Greg Laurie

If you put your faith in Jesus, you can say with confidence, “I know my sin is forgiven”. – Greg Laurie

What’s going to happen to you when you die? Does death freak you out? If you’re not a Christian, death should freak you out. You should be scared to death of death. But if you know Jesus, you don’t have to be afraid. – Greg Laurie

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Jesus Christ has risen from the grave, and if you will turn away from sin and receive Him by faith

as your Lord and Savior, you can have life eternal and abundant. – Billy Graham

Right now, wherever you are, you can begin a relationship with God, and He promises hat you will be forgiven and become a brand-new person. – Billy Graham

Keep looking up. As we live in a world that is shaken at almost every level and in every area, we can face tomorrow because He lives! – Anne Graham Lotz

God knows the challenges you endure each day. He has promised not to allow more on us than we can bear. Trust Him with your heart, soul and mind. He cares so much about you. – Brother Dave

Don’t allow the storms around you to rob your peace. God will take care of you, and His presence goes before you. Remember to keep your mind focused on God and on His Word. – Joyce Meyer

All you need is faith in God because faith in God moves mighty mountains. – Brother Dave

God’s love is perfect, and nobody can love us better than He can. – Touched by an Angel

We must have ears to hear what the Holy Spirt speaks. We can stay ahead of the devil’s schemes. These are perilous times. – Aquilla Nash

We will never be able to live above our circumstances until we understand that the situation we are in right now is no fluke; it came as no surprise to our loving, omniscient God. – Robert Jeffress

No matter what circumstances we face – including coronavirus – we have hope and confidence in God, knowing that He is working for His glory and our good. That’s the secret to being content in every situation: choose to trust in God’s providence and purpose for your life. – Robert Jeffress

As believers in Jesus, we are so blessed to know the Lord in an intimate, personal way. God is the One who loves us, care for us, and sees us through every dark and scary “valley of the shadow of death.” – Jeff Schreve

He’s also almighty. He’s the God who defeated Egypt. He is unequaled in power. He can do anything in your life and mine. He can defeat all our enemies and bring about a great deliverance. He is the only true God. – Jeff Schreve

When fear begins to knock on the door of your heart, let your faith answer, for faith is the overcoming factor for fear. – Gabriel Swaggart

Angels are mentioned 194 times in the Bible, with 99 times being in the New Testament. Thank God for the ministry of angels to the body of Christ. We need our guardian angels. – Dr Don Paul Gray

Every Christian must realize that the potential for spiritual growth is never-ending. We can always grow closer to God. – Loren Larson

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Before you have a testimony, you have to have a test. – Donnie Swaggart

God does not lie. God does not change His mind. – Donnie Swaggart

Negative thoughts, words and actions take only a second to express but can stain our future

irreparably. Negativity is ruining your future. – TD Jakes

Positivity is power. Positive thoughts have enormous power – they are seeds of growth. – TD Jakes

Eagles fly where lesser birds cannot fly, so eagles can do what lesser birds cannot do. – TD Jakes

Never make a permanent decision about a temporary situation. – TD Jakes

A setback is a setup for a comeback. – TD Jakes

Big ideas come from forward thinking people who challenge the norm, think outside the box, and invent the world they see inside rather than submitting to the limitations of current dilemmas. – TD Jakes

There’s something you learn from helping other people with their dreams that prepares you for your own. – TD Jakes

The critic is a prisoner to his own experiences and perspectives, erroneously believing his limited experiences are the sum of all truth. – TD Jakes

There is no room for God in a mind that's full of self. – TD Jakes

Stress and worry is a residual of relying on yourself and being your own god, in control of everything. Worship allows us to rely on God's power to steer us through life. – TD Jakes

No matter where you are in life right now, know this: God put you on this earth to fulfill the promise He has predestined for your life. – TD Jakes

You cannot change what you will not confront. – TD Jakes

If you don’t find a way to love a flawed person, secretly you’re teaching yourself that you are not lovable because of your flaws. – TD Jakes

I found out that the things that hurt us the most can become the fuel and the catalyst that propel us toward our destiny. It will either make you bitter or it will make you better. – TD Jakes

You cannot embrace your destiny if you do not let go of your history. – TD Jakes

Don't allow your past or present condition to control you. It's just a process that you're going through to get you to the next level. – TD Jakes

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You have to knock on doors. You can't keep your dreams a secret. You have to put them out there on display and people can say whatever they want but keep on pointing your actions towards your dreams. – TD Jakes

Face the giants in your life, slay them, and move on. Do not be daunted by the mistakes and failures in your life. – TD Jakes

If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose. – TD Jakes

Not everyone will be happy when you begin to better yourself. Those who are for you will not just celebrate in your triumphs, but they will also pray with you through your tribulations. – TD Jakes

When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over. – TD Jakes

If you think down, you will go down. If you think up, you will go up. You’ll always travel in the direction of your thinking. – TD Jakes

10 Essential Attitudes for a Good Quality of Life. – Charles Stanley

Resist panic. This is not to say there is no reason to be concerned... But panic and fear are not from God. Calm and hope are. And it is possible to respond to a crisis seriously and deliberately while maintaining an inner sense of calm and hope. - James Martin

Don’t lend credence to lies or rumors, or give in to panic. Panic, by confusing and frightening you, pulls you away from the help God wants to give you. It is not coming from God. – James Martin

Whenever we feel overwhelmed by the chaos and difficulty of life, we can turn to God in prayer for peace and serenity. – Pastor Gene Whitehouse

In this time of uncertainty, fear, seclusion and separation from what we term ‘normal,’ our human solution is to ‘handle it ourselves.’ But that is not what our Bible and the Lord tell us. Turning to the Lord should be our first response, not our last resort. – Pastor Gene Whitehouse

In Philippians 4:6, the Bible tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

How we can pray for peace is simple. First, honestly declare your belief and trust in God as your Lord and Savior. Then make your request of peace known to God in whatever personal sense you need. – Pastor Gene Whitehouse

As I think about my own life, through COVID-19, I have been reminded that I do not control my life. COVID-19 has shown me that I am utterly and completely dependent on the living God. If I think I am in control of things, that is merely a pleasant illusion. – Pastor Gene Whitehouse

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Lessons from David

Satan Loves To Attack Your Mind by Joyce Meyer

We are facing an invisible enemy, but as a believer, this is nothing new. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that "our struggle is not against flesh &blood, but against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world &against the spiritual forces of evil..." - John Hagee

The Word of God transforms. The Word of God heals. The Word of God brings hope. The Word of God saves! – Joyce Meyer

Many people would expect I would be praying for something big. But that's not the case. I pray for my personal life, my business. And I just talk to God like a friend. - Do Won Chang

I pray to the Almighty to encourage you to dedicate your life to Jesus Christ. Whatever difficulties you may have to face, turn to him, recognize him and render him all your glory, and he will help you overcome. - Colonel Sanders

Fear is a sprit that really can stop you from living. - Tyler Perry

God will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies so let them watch you eat. It doesn't matter if a million people tell you what you can't do, or if ten million tell you no. If you get one yes from God that's all you need. - Tyler Perry

Don't wait for someone to green light your project, build your own intersection. - Tyler Perry

Being alone doesn't necessarily mean that you're lonely. - Tyler Perry

As Christians, we have an obligation and responsibility to abide by the principles of the Bible. - Truett Cathy

Anytime you get outside your comfort zone, the elements of fear begin to creep in, which dampens your faith. – David Steward

Fear is just the opposite of faith, because faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. That requires people to change, because we have been taught to believe in what we see. - David Steward

Seek first the kingdom of God & all of his righteousness, & everything else will added unto you. It means seek to serve first and bring value & make a difference in someone else’s life. If you do, in due season, that will turn around to benefit you in a big way. – David Steward

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I like what Martin Luther King said as well. He said, “Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve.” - David Steward

When you obey God’s commandments, you place yourself in a position to be blessed. – Lynette Hagin

You can’t love others if you don’t love yourself. – Kenneth W. Hagin

The moment we receive Christ into our hearts, acknowledging our need for Him and believing that God raised Him from the dead, we are freed from the bondage of sin and death. – Michael Youssef

It’s not luck. It’s Jesus. - “The Case for Christ”

There are no accidents with God. There is no “what if” with God. Everything has a purpose. – “The Case for Christ”

God is not a million miles away. He’s right here, right now, waiting for you to talk to Him. – “The Case for Christ”

O soul are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There’s light for a look at the Savior. – “The Case for Christ”

Sometimes God talks to us in unexpected and surprising ways. I just want to encourage you to open your heart and take a chance. Maybe God is trying to get your attention right now. – “The Case for Christ”

If you listen for God’s whispers, you’ll hear them. – “The Case for Christ”

A relationship with God is a good thing. A relationship with Jesus is the most real thing in your life. – “The Case for Christ”

Jesus Christ gives you comfort during times of loss. – “The Case for Christ”

Circumstances, feelings and societal opinions have no bearing on truth. – “The Case for Christ”

The best way to reach a lost spouse is to unconditionally love them. – “The Case for Christ”

In God’s time and His way He always keeps His promises. – “The Case for Christ”

Scripture brings comfort in challenging times. – “The Case for Christ”

You can’t honestly search for the truth about Jesus and not be changed. – “The Case for Christ”

Even Disbelief Requires Faith. Even in disbelief you take a leap of faith. – “The Case for Christ”

There is no mountain too high or valley too low that the hand of God cannot reach you, and

supernaturally touch you! – John Hagee

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The love of Jesus Christ is never quarantined! – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

A prescription for peace in these unsettled times:

Pray Often. Read God’s word. Put your faith and trust in God. – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

The Lord is our provider. He will not fail us if we put our trust in Him. We must be wise and listen

to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. – Aquilla Nash

God is my refuge. In difficult times, you won’t understand everything God is doing. Trust He is in control, and stay close to Him in prayer and praise. He will carry you through. – Charles Stanley

There are no hopeless situations — only people who have grown hopeless … There really are

biblical solutions for all of life's struggles! - June Hunt, Founder - Hope For The Heart

Always remember who you are and who you are in Christ. We are not defined by our bank accounts or by how many plaques are on the wall. – Keith H Burgess

Whenever you have doubt, go to the Lord in prayer and wait on God to give you the answer.

Remember that He speaks to us through visions and dreams, and sometimes He will send people who will speak His words to you. – Keith H Burgess

There is no such thing as luck, only blessings sent from God. When the unexplainable happens,

do not be fooled that you did anything to make them happen. Always remember that God has already prepared a place for you to succeed and to learn. – Keith H Burgess

No matter what you do, God loves you. He will forgive you. He believes in second chances and

hundreds more, if you need them. Be quick to forgive and pray for a forgiving spirit. How would your life change if you loved unconditionally? – Keith H Burgess

Fear will not protect you. It will make you do foolish things. – Jim Nations

The problem that we Christians have so many times is, we try to make something happen. But to

encourage people, if God has said something to you, and it seems impossible, don’t give up – Jim Nations

Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of

the fact that violence often brings about momentary results... But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

31 Spiritual Warfare Scriptures: Help for Facing Life’s Battles

We’re in a battle in this world. We may not see it, we might forget it’s there. But the enemy would love nothing more than to fill our minds with discouragement and defeat, bringing fear and stress. Don’t let him win. - Debbie McDaniel

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If you’re a believer who is living like salt &light in a dark world, u won’t go for long without

encountering obstacles &attacks he’ll hurl your direction. God reminds us in His word 2stay aware of Satan’s schemes, 2live alert in this world, & 2stay close 2Him. – Debbie McDaniel

He arms us with the sword, theWord ofGod, 2stand against the enemy’s lies. He equips us with

strength, wisdom &discernment thru His own Spirit 2stay strong in the battle. He invites us 2spend time in His Presence thru prayer &worship, pressing in 2know Him more. – Debbie McDaniel

Scriptures on Anxiety:

Scriptures on Fear:

Scriptures on Worry:

Joyce Meyer – “The Cause and Cure for Worry”

Praying God’s words back toHim, is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil. It isTruth going

out. It reminds us thatGod knows our way &understands what we face today. It builds our faith &our trust inGod. It guards our hearts &focuses our minds back on Him. – Debbie McDaniel

Prayer + God’s Word = Power - Debbie McDaniel

Devoting yourself to God is not running away from something. It is running TO something. - taken from “The Facts of Life”, S4E17

No one could ever reason me out of my faith, because it wasn’t something I was reasoned into. That’s why they call it faith. - taken from “The Facts of Life”, S4E17

Don’t forget to thank God for the blessings you have in your life. - taken from “The Facts of Life”,


God isn’t big on running away. I just got to say and trust that He will give me the strength to deal with it. - taken from “The Facts of Life”, S4E18

Remember, you bargain with a used car dealer, not with God. - taken from “The Facts of Life”,


God is standing near to hear our prayer, at any time. – Chuck Swindoll

Faith does not guarantee the absence of fear. Faith overcomes the obstacle created by fear. - Loren Larson

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Fear is overcome by choosing to trust that God knows the needs that lie ahead and that He will meet each one as it arises. – Loren Larson

Don’t lose sight of what God has revealed to you. – Loren Larson

Don’t let discouragement stop you short of the goal that God has set before you. – Loren Larson

Man’s problem is that we truly hear from God and then try to bring about what God has

proclaimed by our own method. This is the evil tendency of the flesh. – Loren Larson

If we want the Holy Spirit’s power to work in our situation, we must submit completely to the prescribed order that God has in regard to the goal that He has set before us. – Loren Larson

Instead of living in your darkest days, run to God. He is on your side. – Mike Muzzerall

How sweet it is to put our faith and trust in the Lord. Just as His Word says through Him are all

things. – Brother Dave

When we trust Him and give Him our entire being, He takes us and molds us and shapes us for His plan and purpose. If He’s in charge of your life nothing can come against you without Him knowing. If God is for you who can be against you. – Brother Dave

The God who loves you, called you, and made you His own isn’t surprised that you face storms in

life. You just need to welcome Him into your boat! – Jentezen Franklin

When the Detour Becomes the Destination, by Mike Huckabee

God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. – Don Moen

How to trust God when you can’t see the way. When the world is collapsing around you, it may be hard to see God’s goodness, but He is still present.- Lesli White

Remember, God’s strength is PERFECT! – Steven Curtis Chapman

Remember, God will always be with you. He will never leave you or disappoint you. “I Will Be Here” – by Steven Curtis Chapman

Faith Over Fear – Tony Evans

God’s power is always present, but it only manifests when people exercise their faith. - Kenneth Hagin

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If you have children who are not living for God, pray for them. Rest on Proverbs 22:6. They’re hurting and need your love. – Craig Hagin

God is everything you need. – Kenneth E. Hagin

We have spiritual freedom because we declare ourselves to be a nation under God. When a

nation accepts Christ and the Word, it becomes blessed! You can see the hand of God on the United States from its inception. - Kenneth Hagin

If we leave out the cross, we are only left with the empty shell called religion. – Tony Evans

Faith is acting like it is so, even when it is not so, so that it might be so, simply because God said

so. – Tony Evans

If you have eyes to see the spiritual, you will position yourself to experience more of God. – Tony Evans

Faith means not giving up on God when things get difficult. – Tony Evans

God does some of His best work in the dark. He is closer than you think. – Tony Evans

God has your tomorrow covered, even though you haven’t been there yet. He’s got a plan. –

Tony Evans

If you are looking for God’s will, seek God. When you find Him, you will find His will. – Tony Evans

God is your hiding place and your shield. Go to Him. – Tony Evans

God knows your name. He hears you. He sees you. He loves you. – Tony Evans

God desires a relationship with you. – Tony Evans

Your surrender in the dark is the key to your power in the light. – Tony Evans

Humble yourself before the Lord. He will lift you up. – Tony Evans

In order to take Paul deeper in faith, God put him in a situation that his resume, abilities and

connections could not change. Why? So that Paul would learn to trust God even more than he had done thus far. – Tony Evans

Yes, these are the last days. U & I are living in them. But this is not a reason to fear. This is a

reason to REJOICE! – Marilyn Hickey Jesus said, “Therefore u now have sorrow; but I will see u again &your heart will rejoice, &your joy no one will take from u.” – John 16:22

Today declare that the Lord is on your side. Declare that there is sufficiency in our house through

God’s promises. – Hagee Ministries

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Declare that God is more than able to bring change to your life and the lives of your family

members. – Hagee Ministries

The God who created heaven and earth is the same God who can heal you… heart, soul, mind and body. – Hagee Ministries

A beautiful, powerful, timely one-minute message from the late Billy Graham that every one of us

needs to hear today!

You say, “It’s impossible.” God says, “With me all things are possible.” - Luke 18:27

You say, “I’m exhausted.” God says, “Wait on me, I will renew your strength.” - Isaiah 40:31

You say, “I can’t go on.” God says, “My grace is sufficient for you.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9

You say, “I can’t do it.” God says, “You can do all things through me.” - Philippians 4:13

You say, “It’s not worth it.” God says, “It will be. Just keep going.” - Galatians 6:9

You say, “I can’t forgive myself.” God says, “You can, because I have.” - Ephesians 4:32

You say, “I can’t make ends meet.” God says, “I will supply all your needs.” - Philippians 4:19

You say, “I’m afraid.” God says, “I didn’t give you the spirit of fear, but of power.” - 2 Timothy 1:7

You say, “I can’t handle this.” God says, “Give it to Me; I’ll carry it for you.” - Psalm 55:22

You say, “I’m not smart enough.” God says, “I’ll give you wisdom.” - 1 Corinthians 1:30

The enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). But Church, we

serve a powerful, miracle-working God! And if He is for you, who can be against you? – Hagee Ministries

When panic is sometimes very close, cling to this Bible verse found in Psalm 119:143 – “ Trouble

and anguish have [a]overtaken me, Yet Your commandments are my delights.” – Annemieke Jonker

Because of their changing nature, your feelings always have to follow the truth. You don’t deny

feelings, because they are real. What you have to do, though, is speak truth to your trouble. “This is how I feel, but this is what God says.” – Tony Evans

There is hope. The cross is greater than the crisis. – Tony Evans

Career advancement & money are not the highest purposes for our work. As God’s workmanship,

we have been created with an individual design, passions & talents to do work that honors Him & serves others in accomplishing His purposes. – Chip Ingram

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Count the cost and follow Christ. – Billy Graham


“We should repent of our sins, whatever they may be, surrendering our lives to God through His Son Jesus Christ. We should take personal responsibility for our lifestyles.” – Charles Stanley


“This is a ‘wakeup call’ to America! This is more than a physical disease; it is a warning from God! And you would be wise to see it as that.” - Charles Stanley

The 4 Works of the Holy Spirit, by Billy Graham:

First - The work of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of our sin. Second - The Holy Spirit gives new life. Third - The Holy Spirit indwells us. Fourth - The Holy Spirit gives you power to serve Christ.

When disaster strikes, how are God’s people supposed to respond? There’s one thing God’s

people can do more effectively than anyone else. Pray. – Anne Graham Lotz

“Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” ― Elisabeth Elliot

“I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done.” ― Elisabeth Elliot

“Waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the

unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one's thoughts.” ― Elizabeth Elliot

“God is God. Because he is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere

but in His holy will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what he is up to.” ― Elisabeth Elliot

“Where does your security lie? Is God your refuge, your hiding place, your stronghold, your

shepherd, your counselor, your friend, your redeemer, your saviour, your guide? If He is, you don't need to search any further for security.” ― Elisabeth Elliot

“The will of God is not something you add to your life. It’s a course you choose. You either line

yourself up with the Son of God…or you capitulate to the principle which governs the rest of the world.” ― Elisabeth Elliot

“Leave it all in the Hands that were wounded for you” ― Elisabeth Elliot

Suffering teaches us deep things about God. – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

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Since we know God has a purpose in suffering, we can be sure that our trials will accomplish something invaluable, both in us and through us. – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

God uses suffering to deepen or faith and draw us closer to Him. – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

God uses suffering to refine our character. – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

God uses our suffering to encourage others in their trials. Hearing believers speak of God’s

faithfulness in the midst of extraordinary loss and pain inspires me. – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

God will never leave us. In suffering, that promise becomes exceedingly precious. – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

The assurance that God is always with us can take away all our fears. When we walk through the

valley of the shadow of death, we need not fear evil because God is with us. – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

Sometimes the darkness of this world makes it appear that evil is winning over good — but be

encouraged: There is no alternate ending to the Bible! – Robert Jeffress

There is no scenario ... not in politics, not in this pandemic, not in your personal battles ... where the devil wins. God will ultimately triumph over Satan. – Robert Jeffress

With God, all things are possible. Bad situations can turn around. Disease can be healed. We can

walk in the wisdom and power of God’s anointing and do amazing things. – Marilyn Hickey

When you pray today, expect God to come through for you. God loves you, and it is His desire to give you confidence, healing, and supernatural joy. – Marilyn Hickey

The Bible encourages us to be aware of the devil’s devices or schemes. The truth is he has a plan

and a strategy. However, the truth also is that in Christ you can win and overcome all of his schemes. - Clarence L. Haynes Jr

When Satan attacks, and he will, then gear up, fight back, and remember two things:

You are more than a conqueror, and the Holy Spirit who is in you, is greater than Satan who is in the world. He will attack. But by God’s grace and strength, you will fight back and you will win. - Clarence L. Haynes Jr

Trials and tragedies are an inescapable part of life. Trials and tragedies are an important test in

life. Trials and tragedies are an invaluable teacher in life. – Jeff Schreve

There can be no doubt the devil is trying to shut the body of Christ up. We must speak louder! Refuse to be silent. Evil wants to take over this nation and others. – Aquilla Nash

The wisdom of God in Proverbs declares that God will direct each and every step we take if we

will ask Him. When we walk with God, we will have a personal guide through life's uncharted days and ways. - Dr Wayne Norton

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Each day is an opportunity to discover more about the Lord, about His love, about His guidance, and about His grace. God wants to guide us, waits to guide us, and goes with us to guide us. - Dr Wayne Norton

Our Lord Holds the Keys to Victory. Be strong and courageous is the Lord's command. Do not be

afraid or discouraged - He Is with Us! -

Rest assured, God will always welcome your return. He desires to bring you back to Him, no matter how far you’ve strayed. Hear His promise in Hosea 14:4: “I will heal their waywardness and love them freely for my anger has turned away from them.” -

Retreat to your refuge. When sensing trouble, retreat to the God who helps in time of need. -

Kathy Carlton Willis

Rest in faith. Let God fight your battles for you, so you can find sweet sleep. - Kathy Carlton Willis

Render help to others. Look for someone who needs your help—shield them from harm. - Kathy Carlton Willis

God can make a way for you… even when there seems to be no way! Throughout Scripture, we

see this truth again and again – God always makes a way. – Jentezen Franklin

God’s goodness and faithfulness aren’t limited by earthly circumstances or forces of darkness. He makes all things possible! – Jentezen Franklin

We shall wear a robe and crown… by Janet Paschal

If God said it, He’ll do it. You don’t have to worry about anything when you serve an “on time” God. He sees you and He knows your every need. Focus on His Word. He loves you very much. – Brother Dave Lombardi


What makes faith truly faith is the act of trusting God when we can’t figure out what He is up to. – RT Kendall

Bekki Smith - The Mighty One of Israel [Live]

The Isaacs - Halleluyah [Live]

Time does not change the relevance of the Scripture. – Frances Swaggart

Put Your Hand in the Hand

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And the Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard, and you shall have a song in the night… Come to the mountain of the Lord. See His glory and His might…

He’s the mighty one of Israel. The mighty One of Israel. His voice shall heard in the power of His

Word. The mighty One of Israel.

The eyes of the blind shall be opened and they’ll see. The ears of the deaf shall hear. The lame man shall leap as a heart. The tongue of the dumb shall sing.

The Lord shall cause His glorious beauty to be seen. The desert shall bloom and rejoice. Say to

them that are fearful of heart, be strong and listen to His voice.

Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice. He knows them, and the sheep follow Him…

Jesus, you are the song in my heart…

Speak Lord, for your servant hears…

I love God. If I love God, I also love Israel, because God has not cease and never cease to love Israel…

Every Word of God proves true…

Satan is a defeated foe. – Colossians 2

Keep calm, for Christ has won.

Beloved, there can be no doubt that when we give, God is faithful to give back into our lives. –

Aquilla Nash

You only have one source. You only have one provider. That is God. – Tony Evans

He uses many different resources and mechanisms through which He makes the provision. But never confuse the resources that He uses as your source. When you do, you’ve made your resource your god. – Tony Evans

We need to remember that the resources will always vary. You might be out of a job today. That

does not mean that the Lord can’t provide you an opportunity for tomorrow. – Tony Evans

If one person in your life doesn’t come through, He’s got other people He can use to provide you with what you need. – Tony Evans

Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. – Charles Stanley

"There are no hopeless situations — only people who have grown hopeless … There really are

biblical solutions for all of life's struggles!" — June Hunt, Founder - Hope For The Heart

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You can worry, or you can pray. The cure for worry is not worrying less. It is praying more. – Bob Hostetler

Worry is simply “negative prayer.” Or, if you prefer, “anti-prayer.” It is the opposite of praying. You

can worry, or you can pray, but you can’t do both. Worry negates prayer. Prayer cancels worry. – Bob Hostetler

The antidote to anxiety or worry, in every situation, is to present your requests to God. To put it

even more briefly, “Don’t worry, pray.” – Bob Hostetler

God, thank you for Your invitation to cast all my cares on You, knowing that You care for me (1 Peter 5:7). – Bob Hostetler

Help me to trust You to supply all my needs according to my riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians

4:19). – Bob Hostetler

What are your top worries today? In those situations, “by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). – Bob Hostetler

We are not always aware of the challenges and dangers ahead of us, but God is, and He will

prepare and fortify us to that we can walk in His grace through these challenges. – Marilyn Hickey

Nothing needs to be added to what Jesus did on the cross. Placing your faith in the completed work of Calvary is enough to be saved. – Mike Muzzerall

Since the devil is “a liar and the father of lies,” we desperately need to fill our hearts with the Word

of God. His truth will refresh and refocus the weariest of warriors. – Jeff Schreve

As we spend time reading and meditating on the Word, we begin to see our circumstances from His perspective. We gain encouragement and we remind ourselves that He is in complete control. – Jeff Schreve

It is not about the size of your ability – it’s about the size of your God. – Lynette Hagin

I have new life in Christ – my heart is made new, I have a clean slate, and I’m set apart for God’s

purpose through the Word of God. – Joyce Meyer

God loves me perfectly and He’s chosen me. I am right with Him because He has forgiven me of my sin. I am more than a conqueror through His love. – Joyce Meyer

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God supplies all of my needs according to His plan for me and His provision for my life in Christ. I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ Jesus who gives me strength. – Joyce Meyer

Don’t Worry About Tomorrow, by “Hope for the Heart”

Whatever it is, God is able to provide for you. There is nothing impossible for God. No matter what your problem – big or small – God can answer that prayer. – cbn

We can defeat Satan’s attacks when we learn to recognize his schemes. – Robert Jeffress

Satan’s blueprint for your demise usually involves three strategies: discourage you from

worshipping God, distract you from serving God, and deceive you into disobeying God. – Robert Jeffress

Satan may tell us to go back, give up, stand down – but I am here to tell you that God is saying to

us, “Look up, be courageous, and press on!” – Michael Youssef

When you become a Christian, you die to your old way of living, and you are raised to a brand-new way of life. – Robert Jeffress

The same power that raised Jesus from the grave is at work in your life today, giving you the

ability to say no to sin and yes to God. – Robert Jeffress

God’s Word and God’s ways are more than able to strengthen and protect your home and loved ones. – Jentezen Franklin

God placed Jesus’ righteousness on every one who has received Him as Lord and Savior. – cbn

When we feel fear or begin to have fearful thoughts, we should pray. – Joyce Meyer

God moves on our behalf when we focus on Him instead of our fears. – Joyce Meyer

Thoughts or feelings of fear are nothing more than the enemy’s attempt to distract us from God

and His plans for our lives. – Joyce Meyer

We may feel fear at various times in our lives, but we can trust God and not allow that fear to control us. – Joyce Meyer

Is Bible Prophecy Important? - by David Jeremiah

Stop Blocking Your Miracle – Tony Evans Sermon

The blood that was shed at Calvary's cross - the price that was there paid - is the remedy for

mankind, and it is the only remedy for mankind. - Jimmy Swaggart

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It does not matter how many times we may fail, we must get back up, keep our faith anchored in Christ, and keep moving forward. - Gabriel Swaggart

When God speaks, His Word always comes to pass, and according to the Bible, the next great

event to take place is the rapture – also known as the resurrection. – Jimmy Swaggart

God truly cares about all the details of our lives. – Dr Don Paul Gray

The two most significant helps that we have available to aid us in our search for God’s will are the written Word of God and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. – Loren Larson

The prophetic voice of repentance must resound throughout the world in this hour, especially in

America. – John Rosenstern

Relationship with God is quite different than participating in religious activities. – Mike Muzzerall

Come let us sing, let us rejoice… Come let us sing, let us rejoice… The Messiah has come, and He brought life… and He brought laughter into my soul…

Born again, there’s really been a change in me…

While the economy, as well as the world at large, has seen a downturn due to the pandemic, God promises His provision. – Jentezen Franklin

If you’re facing a difficult diagnosis, your reality might not yet align with His Word. But this is still

the truth: God’s healing power is available to you. It’s working on your behalf. – Jentezen Franklin

Beloved, there is one thing we can count on, and that is God is always faithful to His Word. – Aquilla Nash

The Lord is saying, “Refuse to fear! No matter what you see, feel, or hear.” The Lord is on your

side and He is looking out for you. – Aquila Nash

God’s wrath is not angry retribution against those who have offended God. Rather it is his righteous judgment against those who do evil. God is righteous. And he will judge us according to His righteous standard.- Ed Jarrett

All of humanity is deserving of punishment. And a righteous God would correctly give us what we

have earned. But God is also love. And he has provided a way of redemption; faith in the atoning blood of his Son.- Ed Jarrett

America is in crisis. The spiritual battle waging for the heart of the nation can only be won by

fervent prayer. – CBN

More than ever, America needs every Christian to stand in the gap and pray. Together we can change America through prayer! – CBN

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Proverbs 18:10 tells us that the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. So, in this unexpected season of tremendous challenges, know without a doubt that our Father has already provided for you! – CBN

Turn Off the Worry Tape - by Hope for the Heart

The world is changing at such a rapid pace. Sometimes this can cause us to worry and doubt our faith. I want to encourage you by telling you that even though times change, our God never does! – Brother Dave

God never changes. He’s still the Author and Finisher of your faith. He’s your Counselor, Healer,

and Financial Advisor. He’s your Doctor, your Lawyer, and your very Best Friend. Most of all He’s your Savior. – Brother Dave

God knows each and every need in your life and He loves you very much. Before you look to

anyone else look to Him. – Brother Dave

In Psalms it says He collects our tears in His bottle and when we sow in tears we will reap with songs of joy! Trust Him. You are on the winning team! – Brother Dave

Be assured, He is with you in whatever you face, in the turmoil and struggles, amidst the anxious

thoughts and the worries of life. He is there, strengthening, helping, and He holds you in His hands. - Debbie McDaniel

God is greater. He gives us the power to live courageously, boldly, fearlessly in this life, when

many things that surround us would tell us to be afraid. His truth whispers strong and sure to the deepest core of our spirits. - Debbie McDaniel

"Rapture Ready" - by Anne Graham Lotz

Faith allows power and authority to come to you from Heaven. Faith opens you up to everything that God wants to give you. – John Paul Jackson

Faith promotes soundness of mind. – John Paul Jackson

Fear is a spirit, but God has not given you a spirit of fear. That spirit is from darkness. - John Paul


Fear makes you afraid of things to change. – John Paul Jackson

Change to someone who is afraid means something bad is going to happen. – John Paul Jackson

Fear opens the door up for the enemy to attack us. – John Paul Jackson

Fear operates the same way that faith does, only in reverse. – John Paul Jackson

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Fear removes power from you. What God has given you to operate, fear depletes. – John Paul Jackson

Whatever we are afraid of, we empower. – John Paul Jackson

Fear will not exist if you don’t believe something will hurt you. – John Paul Jackson

When you fear the enemy you have just given him permission to hurt you. – John Paul Jackson

Fear keeps you from hearing God. – John Paul Jackson

Out of weakness we can be made strong. That means you are not hopeless in this. - John Paul


God will make me everything I need to be. – John Paul Jackson

This world is under the influence of Satan, and his influence is powerful. Many people are hostile toward Christ. We may be treated unjustly, maligned, or even persecuted for our faith. – Charles Stanley

Do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled. – Charles Stanley

Ultimately our persecutors will fail. Even if the Lord allows them to kill our bodies, they cannot

destroy our souls because we belong to Christ. – Charles Stanley

And when we do what’s right, but suffer as a result, God’s grace encompasses us an strengthens us to patiently endure. – Charles Stanley

When we finally arrive in heaven, we’ll discover that our momentary suffering has produced for us

an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison. – Charles Stanley

We should always be ready to explain to them why we trust the Lord. Although we must be bold with the truth of the gospel, our attitude toward those who hurt us should be gentle and respectful. – Charles Stanley

Those who give themselves to sin will die both physically and eternally, whereas Christians

are assured of eternal life. – Crossway

Jesus is the only “way” to God and he alone can provide access to God. – Crossway

May you enjoy God’s blessings and the joy of His presence as you walk each day in His will. – Charles Stanley

This world is chaotic. But God is still in control. Therefore, let us be encouraged! – Ernest


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If we truly want the blessings of the Lord on our country, then we must come humbly before Him, seek His face in prayer and fasting and repentance, and ask if He might by His grace and mercy bring healing to our troubled nation. – Franklin Graham

I want to encourage you to pray for our nation, remembering that only God can transform

hearts and heal our land. – Franklin Graham

We must put all of our hope in Almighty God above all else. He alone has the power to transform lives, hearts and minds. – Franklin Graham

I don’t trust in the counsel and wisdom of men, but in the sovereign, saving power of the Lord

Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. – Franklin Graham

If we truly want the blessings of the Lord on our country, then we must come humbly before Him, seek His face in prayer and repentance, and ask if He might by His grace and mercy bring healing to our trouble nation. – Franklin Graham

Put your hope in the only One who holds the future. – Franklin Graham

As Christians, we have the moral responsibility to vote, and to vote for the person whose platform

is the closest to biblical principles. – Donnie Swaggart

The time has come for repentance today. I join with you in humility. Before the throne of our Father in Heaven, I plead today for our nation’s healing, and for Him to lead us away from the abyss. – Jim Bakker

We ask our Father in Heaven that Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Forgive us our

sins, and forgive us as a nation for our transgressions. – Jim Bakker

Only You, God, can redeem and save America, and we ask today that it will be so. In Your Name we pray, Amen. – Jim Bakker

Remember, God loves you. He really does. – Jim Bakker

America belongs to freedom loving people. God established this nation as a nation under God. –

Jim Bakker

Our nation needs repentance, asking God to forgive you and forgive our nation and our sins. – Jim Bakker

The Bible says if we do not forgive, we will not be forgiven. – Jim Bakker

I will humble myself and walk daily in humility before God. – Jim Bakker

I will seek my God today and every day and do nothing without consulting Him. – Jim Bakker

I will read, study and meditate on God’s Word today and every day and implement it. – Jim Bakker

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I will have no other gods or idols or place anything before my God. – Jim Bakker

I will love, trust, praise, and worship my God with all my heart today and every day. – Jim Bakker

The second coming of Jesus Christ will be in two phases. First, He will come for believers, both living and dead, in the “rapture”. In this view, the rapture—which is the transformation and catching up of all Christians, dead or alive, to meet Christ in the air. – Billy Graham

Second, after a period of 7 years of tribulation on earth, Christ will return to the earth with His

church, the saints who were raptured. He will be victorious over His enemies & will reign on the earth for 1,000 years (the millennium) with His saints, the church. – Billy Graham

Begin your journey to peace. God loves you and has a plan for you! Here's the problem: people

are sinful and separated from God. God sent His Son to die for your sins! Would you like to receive God’s forgiveness?

Are you ready for the Rapture?

The blood of Jesus cleans us from our sins. The time is now to accept the Lord &seek His forgiveness. Sin is transgression of the law ofGod. We are all guilty of this &need to accept Christ for forgiveness. Listen to the words of this song &be blessed.

I will today and every day show mercy, forgiving all, and love my neighbor as myself. – Jim Bakker

Any time fear comes into your mind remember that it did not come from God. – John Jenkins

The battle is not yours, but God’s. – John Jenkins

Receive the Word that has been spoken to You. – John Jenkins

Faith is what moves God, not your tears, not your panic. – John Jenkins

I will abide in Christ and allow His Word to abide in me and keep His commandments. – Jim


America needs revival. We need repentance. We need God back in our nation. – Dr. Don Paul Gray.

The Holy Spirit through Paul said that enemies of the cross are declared in Philippians 3:18-19 to

have their end in destruction. – The Evangelist

Abortion is one of the great crimes in America and the world at present. When blood is spilled without recourse judgment will soon follow. – Gabriel Swaggart

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It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible. – George Washington

We are to quit looking through the natural eyes and start looking through the eyes of faith. Paul

tells us that we are not to walk by sight but by faith. – Gabriel Swaggart

Faith is the only currency that will spend in heaven, and it is the only medium of exchange to which God responds. – Gabriel Swaggart

God will not respond to doubt but only to faith. – Gabriel Swaggart

Believe God for the impossible. Ask God for the unattainable. God is a big God, so ask big! –

Gabriel Swaggart

True Biblical faith always has its object in the Cross of Christ. – Loren Larson

Do you think God judges nations as well as individuals? – Billy Graham

Phil Robertson's Post-Election Prayer for Our Nation and Our President

God has His hand on our nation… We are not going to bow to the idol of fear… We are not going to bow to the confusion. – Mario Murillo

I’m still believing in God, because my God is still in control. – Don Paul Gray

Faith is measured by your life, not your lips. Real faith shows up in your footsteps. – Tony Evans

God heard your prayer. Trust His timing. Your best is yet to come. – Tony Evans

This word is for those who are faced with closed doors—it may be one closed door in particular.

And with it, there has been a sense of being held up, or held back. If you can relate to this, hear God saying, “Look up! For the windows of Heaven are open above you.” – Helen Calder

Heaven’s open windows are more powerful than earth’s closed doors. – Helen Calder

A door may be closed in front of you, but your Father has a supply above you! – Helen Calder

This is your time to rise up and say, “There may be a closed door before me, but there’s an open

Heaven above me!” – Helen Calder

Today, know that you have power to overcome your enemy. Every threat is being cast down at your word, declared in Jesus’ Name! – Helen Calder

God knows. By His grace, we will continue to see Him draw people from darkness to light. From

despair to victorious living. From fear and doubt to joyful freedom! – Michael Youssef

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Circumstances don’t have the final say… in your world or in your life. God can make a way in your life even when it looks like there is no way. – Joel Osteen

We need to understand that the battle that we are in is not primarily against flesh and blood – it is

supernatural. – Rabbi Schneider

You’ve seen what a tiny, invisible virus can do – wreaking havoc & hopelessness all around the world. But there’s something else that’s tiny & invisible, & even more powerful… it’s faith. – Josh McDowell

It’s this confidence that calls you and me to do what we do: sharing the truth of the gospel until the

whole world hears. – Josh McDowell

His name has power & authority over angels, demons, sin, sickness, death & more! God’s names reveal His character and attributes to us. – Pat Robertson

Jehovah Rapha – the Lord who heals

Jehovah Shalom – the Lord our peace

Jehovah Shammah – the Lord is there

Jehovah Jireh – the Lord will provide

Jehovah Nissi – the Lord our banner

Jehovah Tsidkenu – the Lord our righteousness

When we return back to the place where God intends for us to be, we will begin to experience His

healing hand. – Tony Evans

God knows. He knows my every move, and He has created me to make my every move in a spirit that is nothing less than excellent. He knows the same about you, too. – Chrystal Evans Hurst

This is a defining moment to decide whether we want to be one nation under God or a divided

nation apart from God. If we don’t answer that question correctly or quickly, we won’t be much of a nation at all. – Tony Evans

We are honored & privileged to live in a nation that is blessed by our Creator. Our right to freely

practice & share our faith is due to the diligence of our Founders as they formed our government. – Jentezen Franklin

Never underestimate the power of a person. Never underestimate the power of prayer. Never

underestimate the power of proclamation. Never underestimate the Lord. – Tony Evans

Those who reject Jesus base their lives on a lie, and tragically, they will only discover the truth after death because hell is truth seen a few seconds too late. – James Merritt

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Fear is a weapon of our enemy, Satan, who uses it to keep us from moving forward and enjoying the future God has for us. – Joyce Meyer

Many times we wait for the feelings of fear to go away before stepping out to take action.

However, when the Lord tells us to “fear not”, He’s not saying we will never feel fear. He is telling us not to allow fear to control us & prevent us from moving forward. – Joyce Meyer

One of the first lies the devil will try to tell you is that he doesn’t exist, and next he’ll try to get you

to believe there’s nothing you can do about him. – Joyce Meyer

Do not despise the day of small beginnings.

Pray humbly, pray believing, and pray with thanksgiving. Our nation’s future depends on it! –

Franklin Graham

The coming of the Lord is closer than ever before. God’s Word clearly says that the last days will be difficult. We are seeing the prophecy of 2 Timothy 3:1 fulfilled right before our eyes! – Jeff Schreve

The nations of the world are in a stir &continue to suffer unrest. However, theLord sees it all. It is

in times like these that we need to hold fast to theWord ofGod. It is in times like these that we trust Jesus to make the crooked places straight in our lives. – Aquilla Nash

The world in which we live today is utterly depraved. People have rejected God from their lives

and from the public square. We’re living in a time where people would rather hear a lie than the truth. – Jeff Schreve

Refuse to allow the news of the day to mandate the way you feel. The nations are in a stir. Satan

knows his time is short. – Aquilla Nash

What is the Rapture? The rapture is the doctrine that at the return of Christ, all believers will be caught up (i.e., “raptured”) to meet the Lord in the air. The bodies of dead believers will be resurrected, and all believers, living and dead, will be glorified. – Biola

Though storms may rage on the outside, God will give you rest on the inside. – Joyce Meyer

Circumstances don’t have the final say in your life… God does! – Joyce Meyer

The first time Jesus came, He was born in a stable and laid in a manger; the second time He will

come with a crown and will sit on His glorious throne ruling the universe. – James Merritt

Truly Jesus Christ is the greatest gift ever given to this world. – James Merritt

2020 has been a rough year for most of us. This has probably led some people to wonder if God is still in control. Well, He is.

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God’s bigger than any of these problems, national or personal, and He will bring something good out of everything that you are going through if you place your hope and faith in Him. – Tony Evans

A seed must be broken before a plant comes from it. Water must break before a baby is born. A

stallion must be broken before a person can ride it. In other words, to get to the core of a thing – its benefit – a breaking often occurs. – Tony Evans

In order for believers to have kingdom encounters with the living God, they often must be broken

first. Broken of independence, pride, self-reliance. Without brokenness, they won’t experience seeing Him with their own eyes. – Tony Evans

Sometimes God will let you be put in a death-grip where you feel so burdened with pain and

problems that you feel like giving up. When God puts you in that situation, He is trying to break you for the purposes of remaking you. – Tony Evans

None of the struggles you endure are wasted by God. They are part of the process by which He

transforms you from the inside out. – Tony Evans

U loveGod but there’s a giant in your life that’s hurting & causing u problems. You’ve tried this&that &still haven’t gained victory over it. U cannot defeat it on your own. The giant in your life will go down in only 1 way, &that’s by the power of the HolySpirit. –JimmySwaggart

The scripture says, “His sling was in his hand.” The sling represented David’s faith. “And he drew

near to the Philistine,” faith always draws near to its problem. Unbelief runs away, but faith draws near. – Jimmy Swaggart

And David took out that one stone – one smooth stone; it doesn’t take the Lord much. It only took

the Lord one stone – that’s all it took. David put it in that sling and began to whirl it. Remember, that was a Holy Ghost stone. – Jimmy Swaggart

And that stone hit Goliath right in the middle of his head – a symbol of what Jesus would do to the

devil at Calvary’s cross. – Jimmy Swaggart

If there’s a giant in your life, pray this prayer and believe that victory is going to be yours. That giant will fall, and today is the day. Whatever your bondage might be, the Lord will set you free… – Jimmy Swaggart

…Dear God, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I’m sorry for my sins, my many failures. Please

forgive me and cleanse me with Your precious blood from all unrighteousness… - Jimmy Swaggart

…With my mouth I confess victory in Jesus, my Savior forever. In my heart, I believe, that God

raised Jesus from the dead, and He is alive, and He is victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil… - Jimmy Swaggart

…And because He lives, I shall live also. And at this moment, the giant has fallen, and I am free.

I am free, in the name of Jesus, I am free. – Jimmy Swaggart

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When God blesses a man, woman, tribe, nation, or land, nothing can reverse that blessing. The only thing that hinders that blessing is the individual, tribe, or nation turning their backs on God. – Gabriel Swaggart

Peace be still. When we trust God in a storm and hold fast to His Word, He will renew our hope,

calm the winds and waves, and anchor our souls in the safe haven of His protection. – Kenneth Hagin

Why the storm is happening is not nearly as important as WHO is in the storm with you. – Denise

Hagin Burns

Responding to Offense, by Kenneth Hagin

The greatest hindrance to faith is a lack of knowledge of God’s Word. – Kenneth E Hagin

There can be no doubt that when we give, God is faithful to give back into our lives. – Aquilla


I remain steadfastly confident in God's sovereign plan and authority. I do not put my hope in either the Republican or Democratic party. My hope is in God Almighty. - Franklin Graham

Today, too many Christians are bouncing back and forth between the world's opinion and the

Word of God. - Tony Perkins

We must remain faithful to the Word of God and committed to its truths that speak so clearly to the questions and issues of today. The Word of God speaks with clarity to the sanctity of human life and the centrality of the family as designed by God. - Tony Perkins

We may pay a price a price for being believers. But none of that diminishes the power of the

Gospel. - Mike Huckabee

Lord, our nation does not honor You or walk in Your truth. We have not obeyed the commands You gave us. But You said that even if we ended up at the farthest horizon away from You, You would bring us back if we would turn to You... – James Lankford

Forgive me and our nation, Lord. Redeem our nation by Your great strength and Your mighty

hand… - James Lankford

You are truly the King and Lord of all, slow to anger and abounding in love; faithful, even when we are faithless. I put our leaders in Your hands. Guide them as only You can. Amen! – James Lankford

Lord, You Are Holy. We Lift You Up & Magnify Your Name!

The Lord is Righteous, and for the believer, He has you in the palm of His hand. Listen to this and

take time out to praise Him. He is worthy of all praise.

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Looking forward to the Rapture!

Listen, The Lord moves in mysterious ways... Do not be afraid. We are but dust, but God is God. Jesus is Lord.

We can often look at our problems and think, “This is a big problem. I hate this problem. Oh God,

deliver me from this problem!” But when you bring your problems to Jesus, they actually become opportunities for something far greater. – Jeff Schreve

That’s right, your problem today is an opportunity for the Son of God to be glorified in your life. –

Jeff Schreve

What happens to us when we die, according the Bible?

God has plans. From the very beginning when He created this world, He had a plan. For day and

night, heavens and earth, land and sea, sun and moon, birds and fish, animals and humans, He has always had a plan. – Heather M. Dixon

How to Overcome A Worried & Anxious Mind

As a Christian, we believe that God has everything in His control. If He really does, and we really believe that, then we have nothing to worry about. We only need to trust that God will take care of everything according to His plan. - David Peach

We’re made in God’s image, and His law is on our hearts. – Ray Comfort

This world is broken and lost. And if you don’t know Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches that you, too,

are lost. – Billy Graham

God loves you, and He calls you to turn away from sin and trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. – Billy Graham

If you will do that, God promises to give you a new beginning and a new life that is both abundant

and eternal. – Billy Graham

There is nothing going on in your life that God is not aware of. – TD Jakes

There’s no problem He can’t reach. There’s no loved one He can’t touch. There’s no circumstance going on in your life that God is not able to deal with. – TD Jakes

The Bible says that God watches over the sparrow, and that He watches over you. It says that the

hairs on your head are numbered. – TD Jakes

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Your God is so into you that before you ask Him for anything, He’s already come by. Before you get down on your knees and pray He’s already listening to you. He sits high, but He sees real low. – TD Jakes

This Gospel of good news tells us that Jesus saves, heals, delivers, fills with the Holy Spirit, and is

coming soon. The good news is that now because of Calvary, man can be reconciled to God. – Donnie Swaggart

There is an answer for all who suffer from sin, and that answer is found in a person – Jesus

Christ. He alone can bring about the freedom from sin and give us life eternal. – Gabriel Swaggart

God assumes full responsibility for our needs when we obey Him. – Charles Stanley

God has linked trust in him, i.e. faith, with obedience. All of God’s promises are conditioned upon our following His directions. And when we do then God’s promises are that we’ll have success and a life lived to its fullest. – Dennis Lee

God is still on His throne and for those of us that build our foundation on Him, through Him, and

with Him, we will stand! – Rabbi Schneider

Watch this. A beautiful and true lesson by Joseph on forgiveness… “It is I, be at peace… Come closer, do not be afraid, am I to take the place of God?...”

When there is uncertainty with your job, trust that God is your Provider. – Joyce Meyer

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19

If you’re concerned for your children or grandchildren, trust God for their care and protection. –

Joyce Meyer. “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD. – Isaiah 54:17

When you feel attacked or unappreciated, trust that God is your Defender. – Joyce Meyer “What

then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31

If you’re facing a big decision, trust that God will give you the wisdom you need to make the right choice. – Joyce Meyer. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” – James 1:5

Every life is valuable! – Focus on the Family

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” – Psalm 139:14

When we believe and act on the Word, it overrides the picture in front of us. It may appear that

we’re going under but God has promised to put us over. – Kenneth Hagin

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Faith is looking beyond what you see… When you are convinced of what God said, it doesn’t matter what happens around you. You still believe His promises. – Craig Hagin

When we live near God in a place of protection, He can manifest himself to keep us from harm. –

Kenneth Hagin

Passing our faith on to our children should be a part of our daily activity and family life. – Doug Jones

My God can do ANYTHING! He’s got the power! Remember, NOTHING is impossible for God.

His power is INFINITE!

God’s blessings are unchanging. – Dr David Jeremiah

God sees all. God knows all. God understands all. – Tony Evans

Christ makes all the difference. – Giovanna Albanese

It’s the Light of the Gospel, the Light of Christ, that shines into men’s hearts when they are born

again, and it transforms them for all eternity. – Franklin Graham

A society that refuses to acknowledge God is in deep trouble. A nation that calls ‘evil good, and good evil’ and openly and unashamedly rebels against His ways is in even deeper trouble. – Franklin Graham

The greatest remedy for both hubris and worry is a humble acknowledgement that God is in

control, no matter how chaotic or catastrophic things around us appear to be. – John MacArthur

Our only hope is God, our only resource prayer. – Adrian Rogers

If Christ should come right now, are you ready? The Bible says, ‘Prepare to meet your God’ (Amos 4:12). Are you prepared to meet God? – Billy Graham

The Name of Jesus casts away all fear. – Jerry Pierce

All you need is faith in God, because faith in God moves mighty mountains! – Brother Dave

Delay is Not Denial.

You need to know God has heard your prayer, that your answer, your deliverance is on the way. That’s why it’s so important that you obey the Lord. Follow His instructions for living the good life. Never doubt because answers, direction &deliverance are coming. - Harold Herring

Whatever I do is an expression of what I am. – Issac Stern

In my problems, let me see the strength of Your power. – David Jeremiah

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In my disappointments, let me see the presence of Your comfort. – David Jeremiah

In my failures, let me see the grace of Your love. – David Jeremiah

In my confusion, let me see the certainty of Your will. – David Jeremiah

How can we rest in the truth that the Creator of the universe is still in control? We can know this

because it is clear in the Word and truth of God that He is in control, and He never lies. – Cally Logan

What we can rest in knowing through this is that God remains in control despite the storms,

change in seasons, or life’s question marks. – Cally Logan

If God ensures the birds are accounted for, fed, and given refuge then as a good Father we can know He certainly has us. It is indicative how He is in control as well in understanding the earth continues on without our permission or command. – Cally Logan

The sun rises and sets, the grass sneaks up through the ground, and summer sighs into fall

without the dictation of man. God is in control of the earth, all of the earth. – Cally Logan

We can trust that the validity of the Words of Christ endures today. – Cally Logan

We may not always understand the ways of God or the process it takes, but it is imperative that we trust Him in the journey. – Cally Logan

Much of the desire man has to have control is so that he may feel he has a level of control of his

future, but in reality, God is the Only One Who has control of the future. – Cally Logan

Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is unchanging and He is already in the future. – Cally Logan

Powerful Message. Be encouraged to walk on, through this season. God is still God. Keep your

eyes on Him. Don't let the season define you. God is the only One who can define you. In Jesus name, Amen and Amen.

Don't Define Your Audit By A Season - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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