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Printed by Thae1«»r'«, r» Lane C S Directories, Ltd., 6, Mangoe

' t t a ' a n d Polished by P. Banerji, Mihijam (India).


This is from the pen of a layman who does not profess to have done anything in what is called the most scientific way, but he hopes that in the following pages a seer may find some materials for the making of science.

The following pages deal with the history of a medicine invented by the writer, and believed by him to be the real specific for snake poisoning. It is used as an inhalation and designed to neutralize the venom circulated in the blood­stream or absorbed in the system of man, the salt-eating animal.

Experiments have been made on laboratory animals, dogs and guinea-pigs, injected with snake venom, but they all died as they could not be mad^ to inhale the drug properly,—J3ut when tried on human victims of snake poisonings, it has given admirable results.

To substantiate this statement, a record of about one thousand cases has been published in the second part of this volume. Each case will speak for itself; and the writer leaves it to the judgment of his readers to form their own opinion and draw their own conclusions.

Case reports have been submitted to the writer in the Form printed on page 89 by the gentlemen who personally administered the medicine on the spot to the dying men. Some reports have also been received in the form of -personal letters. Each case has been carefully studied and summarized in the shortest language to save cost of printing. Briefs have been made without sacrificing the sense, and reporters' own language quoted wherever possible.


"Ladn" W ? v fe g l.Ven t 0 t h e r e m e d y & D & S n s for ,- lS f ° r m u l a h a s b e e n explained.

Th£ l i • Se a p p e a r o n Page 15. will nJver ?r°v £ * * f ° r t h ° S e ^-scientists who

for the eenerf l T T P ? a n d m o n k eys . This is fair 1 5 ri c l y

m ° f r e a d 6 r S W h 0 «*™and a unbalanced b v S T ? 0 " s e n s e . a n d who are not This is for thoL w L ' a V y We!g

Lht 0 f l e a r n i»g-

and not for the bllsseH f " S e \ W t h t h e i r o w n ^ a clever Ziess o r f l f t


h? f a n - n o t s e e u n l e s s

crystalline lens. tZ I m P r o v e their

varieTS oYlnL ^ d i s c o v e r e d bacteria in i t isthe?rtoxi„fwu-nn 0 m4u a n d h e b e l i e v e s that loses its kin " - nn S- .J1"* is why "the venom «&ht j U 8 l S r ^ ' l ,lf e X p o s e d t 0 h e a t and &**> " (CaYmet e IS \ °Vf t h e p o i s o n

»fter should mean «i,'„V " '£. • w o r d s J u s t

to be secreted™ Tu ^ T - t h e t o x i n i s a,1°wed t 0 heat a n d ' s u n S h ? a c t £ n u ™ d i e s on exposure secrete their toxt T I ' 6 a d b a c t e r i a d o "<* has made the n L i 5 P r e s e n c e of the bacteria toxin p 0 s s i b £ e Pr

hodue .on of Calmette's anti-

how " Lexin," when 72 V Jh a s t n e d t o exP>a>'n

w "h molecules of ?ts n t ^ - C h a r ^ e s t h e b l ° ° d

germs floating in t h 7 u g j e d l e n t s a n d MUs the ne«trali2es the Venom f' ^ a l s o chemically djrectly in contact w X t h " th

fe. b l o ° d cominj

Oonical antidote, ^ P ° t a l 1 o f the poison Sfr TS'r J o s ePh Fairer c e- l 0 n

Tg b e e n d i s C 0 vered

^ t f c ed R^rfae„r

d l^fZ *™*™> eircula e'd^S10" w a « - " H o w ? « ! £ ? £ ' 'e p U t e-beIieves t h e ! h e • w h o ' e body?" T^ ' V e n-0 m

h a s solvedItnl V e n t i o n of "U%L, J h < : w r i t e r

- t h e io„s S Pr°ble">- It carrf' ^ h e i n h a I a n t > Pa"lcles 0 f ' J 6 , magnetons the 7 ^ molecules 0 f gold chl 0 r i d ^ S ' ^e finely s u b d i v i d e ( |

m c h Js Jong known


to everybody as a chemical* (?) antidote to the venom—to the blood vessels of the lungs and thence distributed to the furthest veins and arteries.

Now in the year 1929, it cannot be discarded as a ^ mere theory, a dream of the writer. " Lexin " has practically answered the needs of the dying man, and has built up for itself a grand record of success by saving six thousand souls. Six thousand gentlemen, who reported the " cures" in as many cases of real poisoning, bel ieve that it was " Lexin" that cured their patients, and they would have died if " Lexin " had not been used. Only a thousand of these reports have been presented to the readers. The writer again requests them to study these records and draw their own conclusions. Let not any­thing be accepted on trust.

There is a tendency, partly a correct one, in certain quarters of the medical world, to discard the idea that poisoning as such occurs at all in all cases of snake-bites and to explain away the " cured ones " as " would have been also cured even if no medicines were used." Certainly, poisoning does not follow all bites, and the reader is asked to ascertain (from the details of reports here presented) whether any of these patients received a lethal dose of the venom and would have been cured if " Lexin " had not been used.

Scepticism lurks on another point—the minimum of the dose used. Gold chloride, an in-o-redient of " Lexin," has been used in the pre­paration in the most finely subdivided form—the ions Quantity is so small, by weight, that the writer does not expect that everybody will be able to understand how it can neutralize the venom, or act at a l l in any way to keep up the

* In reality, germicidal.


patient. Let us remain contented only with facts and figures and not enquire into the " how " of them. It requires the genius of a C. V. Raman, a Niels Bohr or a Rutherford to learn what a tremendous energy is liberated when gross matter is rendered into electrons. And, how these ions behave in a gaseous medium (of in­halation) may be known only to the learned few from the writings of Sir Joseph Thompson in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Twelfth Edition, Vol. 31, page 182. It is not possible for the writer to re-write the same in a language palatable to general readers.

A chapter has been added to explain the therapeutic actions of the several ingredients and it remains to be seen how far the writer, a lay­man, has been successful on this point.

The days of Pasteur are gone, and now have come forward a race of hard-boiled scholars who are working in the sacred temple of science clos­ing all the doors of truth with acid-fast mortars. They would not welcome the light of truth when it comes from an unknown plane, lest it should kill the germs of superstition they are laboriously cultivating in the dark chambers of their dreaming brains. The writer of the follow­ing pages will not at all be disappointed if his message be not accepted by the medical world or by those test-tube players who boast themselves as so many pillars of science. Centuries have passed before a new truth could be seen in its true perspective.

m The writer does not claim for himself ongmahty for the discovery of the energy liberated by dissociated molecules. He has heard

p , 1 * WJ ° r k s d o n e ^ N i e l s B o h r > Ernest

23TS2a;:d J o s e ? h J h o m p s o n - He has °n?v ScsinVT8* ^ n d i t S P 0 w e r s t 0 f«Knk nerves m the shape of a remedial agent.


Here the author takes this opportunity to express his gratefulness to his friends without whose assistance this book would never have seen the light.

The late Mr. Priyanath Midya of Belghoria, Eastern Bengal Railway, undertook to read all the six thousand case reports and classify them according to the species of snakes. He over­worked himself over the tremendous task in the last months of his life and died leaving the job unfinished. Let these lines be written in grate­ful remembrance of the departed one. Mr. Gangaram Bagchi, B.A., and Mr. Bejoy Gopal Ghose rendered considerable help when the reports on Russell's Viper and Cobra were going through the types. Messrs. Haridas Mallik and Nilmony Banerji have rendered similar service with the reports on other species. Some of the reports have been translated, re-written in shortest language and compared with the original by Messrs. Bejoy Kanta Rai Choudhury, M.A., and Nalini Kanta Rai Choudhury. The author is indebted to Professors Moni Kumar Mukerji, M.A., Dr. Sushil Kumar Moitra, M.A., Ph.D., and Phani Bhushan Chatterji, M.A., for some valu­able suggestions. The last named has kindly compared most of the case reports with their originals and found them in order.

The writer offers his thanks to the reporters of cases published here and also of those withheld from publication for want of space. He is in­debted to them for the trouble they have personally taken in treating the patients and sub­mitting the correct reports to the writer. May these pages be read in the light of truth.

The author gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness to the famous Publishers Messrs. Butterworth & Co., Ltd., who have taken


much trouble to supply him with rare and up-to-date medical literature of every description required by him from time to time. The writer believes that the publication of this edition would have been delayed if his friend, Mr. Birendra Nath Ghosh, had not offered him facilities for expediting the work.


December, 1929.




Formula of Therapeutics of Alcohol Camphor Hydrochloric acid Pyoktanin Gold chloride . . Mathematical calculation

„ of molecules Laboratory Technique Antiseptic properties of .

„ Lexin Directions for use


LEADING SNAKES OF INDIA Python King Cobra Cobra Influence of Moon on Daboia. Russell's Viper Krait Banded Krait . . Coral Snake Trimeresurus (Lachesis) Pit Vipers Green Viper . . Echis Snakes of U. S. A. Crotalus Copperhead Snake Moccasin Snake Rattle-snakes . . Snakes of Europe Ringed Snake .. Grass Snake . . Adder Vipera Bera . . Black Viper . . Asp (Vipera Aspis) Sea Snakes Snakes of Africa Mamba Puff Adder



Cobra Snakes of Siam Green Cobra .. Snakes of Australia Vipers Python (non-poisonous)


Of Cobra „ King Cobra „ Russell's Viper „ Krait „ Lachesis „ Echis „ Typhlops


Poison apparatus The glands The fangs Reserve fangs The Poison Bacteria in Snake venom Bassett Smith's view on .. Nature of Poison Laboratory tests of Calmettes' estimate of Similarity of Snake venom to bacterial toxin


Cobra Krait .. . . [\ Roger's estimate Daboia . . . . ,[ Lachesis Sea Snakes Echis Coral Snake Gongylophis (non-poisonous) Typhlops


Salivation Bleeding Drooping of the head .. Asphyxia .. " Unconsciousness Anaesthesia Perversion of taste, smell"

: .Burning sensation



Ligature Excision Old Remedies Potassium Permanganate Bannerman's estimate Alcohol Strychnine Mantras or "Spe l l s" Indian Remedies-Oleander Amputation Sucking the wound Fang marks


Post-mortem Methods of murder Salivation Macular spots . . Rupture of spleen Falling Hairs . . Laboratory Tests Recapitulation of

P , Futility of Rigor Mortes Rigidity of muscles

. Putrefaction Preservative effects of Snake venom Preservative effects of Arsenic Livores Mortis Pigmented areas Antimortem After Cure Sensorium False accusation of rape during unconsciousness


Hindu System Serum Therapy Antivenene Calmette Homoeopathy Chemical Formula of Cobra Venom

C H A P T E R X.

•GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OE SNAKES Typhi ops Glaiicomia Boa (Python) . . Gongylophis Eryx %


Page n • . . •' 6 5

Cylindropnis . . • • • • • • 65 Uropeltis . . • • • • • • 65 Rhinophis . . •• •• •• 56 Silybura .. • • •• •• ' 66 Colubrines . . • • • • • • 66 Aglypha . . •• •• •• "66 Calamaria . . . • • • • • " AA Xylophis .. . . .. •• • J£ Trachischium .. -. . . • • " % Blythia Reticulata . . . . . . " % Aspidura . . . . . . . . " % Haplocercus . . . . . . . . " % Lycodon .. . . . . . . " % Hydrophobus . . . . . . . . " A7 Pseudocyclophis . . . . . . "In Polyodontophis .. . . . . • • 67 Ablabes .. . . . . . . " I Coronella . . . . . . . . ..67 Simotes .. . . . . . . . . 67 Oligodon .. .. . . . . ..67 Lytorhynchus (Sand Snakes) . . . . . . 6 8 Zamenis . . . . . . . . . . 68 Zaocys . . . . . . . . . . 68

> Coluber .. . . . . . . . . 68 Xenelaphis . . . . . . . . . . 68 Dendrophis . . . . . . . . . . 68 Dendrelaphis .. . . . . ". . . 68 Pseudoxenodon .. . . [\ .. 68 Tropidonotus . . . . " " 68 Helicops . . . . \[ " 68 Xenochrophis .. " \ " ..69 Stoliczkaia . . *'. ' * " 69 Chersydrus (Sea Snake) " " " " 6 9 Dispas . . mm " " "69 Elachistodon .. . ' " •' 69 Psammodynastes [' " " 69 Psammophis (Sand Snake) " " " 6 9 Drvnnhis f"rv»« o—i . v ' • • - - 69


Dryophis (Tree Snakes)

§ 2 5 S $ S ( K a l a n g b i w ™ * name)

^ S n a ^ " Sn^>" V. ' " % Gerardia " •• . . * . 7 0 Cantoria '.' •• . . " " 7 0 Hipistes " •• . . " " 7 0

?& (Sub^w :: :; •" '•'• % Adeniophis •• . . " " 7 0 Bungarus (KraiV) " .. " " 7 0

**i<»5g*"*Sap) • " ~%



Platurus Enhydris Hydrophis Distira Amblyccphalus The Vipers Azemiops Fea Vipcra Russellii Vipera lebctina Echis Pit-Vipers Trimeresurus (Lachesis) Crotalus (Rattle Snake)


Arx ADOUT SNAKISS •• . . . «- Physical Features and Peculiarities ^ Fasting

Food Lodging Eggs

V- Cruelty Length Longevity • • Probable causes of death Diseases

u Snake-Stone u Snake charming

Hypnotism Lungs Heart

L Mind Illustrations Use of Snakes

v Snake-Diamond Wisdom Snake-Worship Story of Behula

REPORT FORM Case Reports • • Non-Poisonous Snakes Indices


"LEXIN." T H E name " Lexin " has been coined as a Trade name

for the snake-bite specific hitherto known to the public and the medical profession in India as " P. Banerji's Snake-bite Cure," " Antivenom Inhalation " or " Banerji's Inhalation." The word " Lexin " is a very suggestive one in the sense that " Lexin," it is believed, generates something like Alexin or Phylaxin in the blood stream of the patient who inhales it. Alexin is a term of Physiological Chemistry meaning " a defensive protein that destroys bacteria" as distinguished from Antitoxins.

It may not be a very easy thing for the general reader to understand the nature of Alexins, their growth and functions without specific knowledge of this subject, for which I should refer him to the " Side-Chain Theory " of Ehrlich which explains immunity phenomena.

The Formula of " Lexin." When analysed, one finds the presence of the following

in " Lexin," the violet liquid:—

(a) Rectified spirit 87-5 per cent. ; (b) Molecules and ions of hydrochloric acid and

chlorine; (c) Sublimate Camphor; (d) Many million ions of (acid) trichloride of gold;

and (c) Molecules of Pyoktanin, the hydrochlorides of

penta and hexa methyl-para-amido rosanilines. The liquid is given to patients (of snake-bite poison­

ings) for inhalation. The therapeutic action of " Lexin " has been clinically proved beyond doubt in more than six thousand reported cases, and most of them at the worst stage. It has proved curative in all these cases with the

B, SB 1


exception of a negligible percentage. Details of the case records of one thousand patients will be found in the second part of this volume.

How " L e x i n " acts on the human system so as to neutralize the snake-venom cannot be precisely stated. The remedial agents used in the preparation of this antivenom inhalation and the minuteness of the dose used excited dis­trust in the minds of some physicians when the ingredients were published by me in 1922. The healing of the sick must be the chief object of the physician. He should not reject a new remedy only because he is not prepared to understand the technique of its preparation, or the chemical or dynamic action thereof. The dynamic force of " Lexin " may remain a mystery to the human brain for some time to come. But the fact that it has cured all types of snake-poisoning has been clinically established beyond doubt.

Therapeutics of " Lexin." Let us see how the ingredients of " Lexin" behave

towards the nerves and tissues of the human body (specially when it is labouring under the influence of a poison).

Alcohol. C2H0O. We are not at all interested in alcohol as administered

through the mouth, the alcohol content of " Lexin " being used as an inhalant. Let us consider the merits of alcohol when inhaled with breath.

Alcohol when inhaled readily combines with the oxygen of the air before it reaches the lungs.

Three kinds of change take place in the blood:— (1) A part of the " L e x i n " is mixed with the blood


(2) A part of " Lexin " is chemically changed in combi­nation with the oxygen of air just before it reaches the lungs. The following formula possibly explains this change-chiefly the alcohol content of " Lexin » suffers important transfor

"MSXIN." 3

Absolute alcohol has little tendency to oxidation, but when freely diluted and exposed to air it rapidly becomes oxidized into acetic acid thus:—

(a) Alcohol. Oxygen of air. Aldehyde, water. CH3CH2OH + O = CH3COH + H 2 0 .

and on further oxidation

(b) Aldehyde. Acetic acid. CH3COH + 0 = HC 2H 80 2

It is evident from the above that the alcohol content of " Lexin " when inhaled reaches the lungs having been partly transformed into molecules of acetic acid, aldehyde and water vapour. This acetic acid plays an important role in "kil l ing" the venom in the'blood. Acids (nitric, acetic, HC1, etc.) interfere with ingestion or assimilation of proteins (snake-venom is a protein substance) and readily combine with them.

(3) Alcohol and carbonic acid gas.

We have seen the behaviour of alcohol with the oxygen of the air we inhale. Let us see what it does with the carbonic acid gas:

Alcohol. Gas. Glucose (sugar). 2C2H0O + 2C0 2 = C0H12O0.

It is evident from this equation that what was an enemy to human life is at once transformed into a friend. Sugar is a ready builder of all tissues, specially when one is greatly overworked or when the sensorium is morbidly affected with resorption of C02 . I need not dwell on this topic any more, as I believe it is intelligible even to the school boys of these days.

When I first published this formula in 1922 in my "Therapeutics of Snake-Poisonings," one of my learned critics—an analytical chemist of some repute—observed that this formula was a " bluff to students of Physiological


Chemistry." With due deference to his grey hair, I may only refer my inquisitive readers to the article on " Alcohol " in the new edition (1923) of Chambers's Encyclopaedia, Vol. I, pp. 134-135, beginning from " During recent years our knowledge of the properties of ordinary alcohol has been very much enlarged " and concluding with the above formula (W. Inglis Clark, DSc).

Sir W. H. Willcox considers the inhalation of Alcohol-vapour mixed with oxygen as a cardiac stimulant.

In a case of impending heart-failure a mixture of alcohol-vapour and oxygen should, in his opinion, be given for inhalation for five minutes every half hour. The alcohol gas is absorbed by the lungs and carried direct to the heart on which it produces a stimulant action. This inhalation has always been found to be invigorating to the patient.

(Cf. British Medical Journal, 11/10, 1408-11.)

Camphor: C10H10O. Alcohol when inhaled with Camphor: that is, the

therapeutic action of camphor and alcohol molecules 'when earned to the heart through the lungs by inhalation, or even when taken by the mouth:

Many competent observers have studied the action of camphor on the mammalian hearf Tu* 1 , K«I;O^ +i *. .u • , n e a r t - i n e y unanimously bu T i "erVS ^ 6ffeCt UP°« ^ *>™»> tort-ten MT T : " Slm"'lati"9 6ffeCt "" " * heart that has 5» tZhot LT7- AJter ^ bl°°d h a s "een charged wun camphor molecules, the heart vo™ , „ - J I • again. When the patient is in Z J ^ P l y ' ^ ^

is almost going J i J o A C Z Z ^ - "* * " ^

It is immaterial whether this rn« A heart is the result of a poison U n " d o w n s t a t e o f t h e

disease; in every such ««» °\ ^ a t t a c k o f an>' a c u t e

him u p " <** cai«Phor will certainly "pick

" L E X I N . " 5

These pages are meant for the public and I do not like to enlarge on this topic with authoritative quotations. I advise my learned readers to look into the researches of A. Frohlich, L. Pollak, F. M. Groedel and others in the pages of " Archiv fur Experimented Pathologie und Pharmakologie," 1920, Vol. 86, pp. 104—137; "Die Therapie der Gegenwort," 1917, No. 4, pp. 129—133.

We have seen that camphor (as it is in " Lexin" solution) when inhaled, instantly checks bleeding from the stomach or the lungs in particular, and from all orifices in general. This symptom frequently occurs in viper-bites. That camphor is a great Hemostatic has been proved also by Zehner and Cheinisse in the pages of " Zeitschrift fiir Tuberkulose," Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 276—282 " and " Presse Medicale, 1920, Nos. 42 and 65. Further works may be consulted such as " Stand der Tuberkulose-becampfung in Deutschland," 1905, by Moller, where you will find reason to believe that a preparation like " Lexin " is also competent to check the bleeding in tuberculosis patients as well.

Professor Marfori considers " No drug can compete with camphor in sustaining the activity of the heart and steadying the pulse." It is not only dependable in the hours of death, but throughout the whole course of diseases wherever the heart is in great danger. In support of my observations, I advise my readers to go through Professor Marfori's paper (of the University of Naples, II Policlinico, Practical section, June 17th, 1917) in Lancet, 11/17, 466.

Another important function of camphor is that it speedily multiplies the number of white corpuscles of the blood. And we learn from Metschnikoff that the Phagocytes are the fighters of our body. They eat up particles of foreign poison.

Hydrochloric Acid: HC1.

Molecules of HCl reach the blood stream with inhalation of " Lexin." The total quantity so inhaled may be


minute, but it would not be very difficult for my readers to expect the desired action as they know from the experiments of A. Macfadyen (in Hewlett) and Boer that even 1 in 1350 is competent to kill anthrax, cholera, diphtheria, glanders and typhoid organisms.

When inhaled with dilute alcohol, HCI readily penetrates into albumen of the venom substance circulated in the blood and kills the micro-organisms inherent therein and chemically disintegrates the protein of the venom as well.

The medical literature of the twentieth century is replete with information on the germicidal or stimulant properties of these drugs, so I need not cite any particular reference in support of my views.

" Lexin " also sends out free ions of HCI into the blood stream. HCI is a highly powerful precipitating agent against colloids. Physiologically, snake-poison is a colloidal preparation containing albumin and proteids. It is highly probable that HCI exerts its precipitating influence on&the circulating venom and inactivates it.

Pyoktanin: Methyl Violet.

[Containing Copperas or Ferrous Sulphate FeS0 4 7H.O.]

The iron content (said to be impurities) of Pvoktanin,

known tn A . 1 P r ° P e r t y o f methyl violet is well-

•tr j -'T^ r?*'who use this thin§

really represent the »erm-Wlli„„ t

dyes. Whatever m l h t T the ? IT"™ ° f " , e a n i l i n e

^ fact remains £ ^ T " - ' « *» ***»•

towards certain ^ ^ L t S J l ^ ? ^ ^

contact with them And the £ t 0 C o m e " '

solution as low as 1 i n 5 mmioT *T? ^ ' ^ e V e " '"' * to Martindale (Extra Pi,, Reference may be made fuller information. ' " " " " P ^ ) where you will find

" U S X I N . " 7

Gold Chloride.

"Lex in" contains acid trichloride of gold, AuCl3HCI 4H 2 0 . Molecular weight 412 04. Before attempting to estimate its therapeutic virtues, I would like to advance an explanation vindicating the usefulness of the dose used. One bottle of " Lexin/' a four-dram phial, contains only two-hundredth part of one milligram of this preparation. That

is, a phial of " Lexin " contains ? m onrft1 P a r t °* a g r a m oi

acid trichloride of gold. The old school of physicians will be certainly inclined to put down this small dose for nothing.

Let us find out the number of molecules of the trichloride per phial of " Lexin." To ascertain the number of molecules per gram, we divide Loschmidt's number by the molecular weight.

As determined* from the " Faraday " of electrolysis and Millikan's value for the elementary quantum, the most accurate value for Loschmidt's number is 606 X 1023-

The molecular weight of Aucl3HC14H20 = 412-04. 6*06 V 1023

.-. Number of molecules per gram = — r r />__—: 412-04

>. Number of molecules per bottle

(« Lexin ")- 6 0 6 X 1Q28 v ; 41204X200,000

606 X 1018

41204 X 2 Assuming one bottle of " Lexin " to contain 200 drops

of medicine (which it in fact does), one drop will represent 606 V 1018

41204 X 200 X 2 m ° l e c u l e S ° f t h e t r i c h l o r i d e -= 36,768274,924764 molecules.

It is evident from the above that a single drop of '* Lexin " contains more than 36 million-million molecules of the Gold Chloride.

•"Theory of Brownian Movement," p. 116. By Albert Einstein (Methuen, London, 1926).


Gold Chloride vs. Snake-venom. It is a matter of common knowledge nowadays that a

1 per cent, watery solution of Gold Chloride* neutralizes all kinds of snake-venom in the test-tube. It also saves life in snake-poisoning if it could be injected hypodermically around the place of bite immediately after the bite, i.e., before the venom is circulated in the blood.

Everybody knows that practically it is not at all possible to get a ready syringe full of freshly made Gold Chloride solution just when a snake bites a patient. A good many valuable minutes necessarily pass in every case before the solution is got ready even in a well-equipped town. And the snake-venom requires only a few minutes, nay, a few seconds, to get into the circulation of blood. Once circulated and carried to the brain-cells, the venom can never be neutralized by any medicine given hypodermically. This has been proved by Calmette, Rogers, Acton and Knowles and others, whose monumental researches on this subject must be acknowledged and gratefully remembered by suffering humanity for generations yet unborn.

The writer claims no originality in the discovery that Gold Chloride neutralizes snake-venom in situ. He has only devised a new method of preparing and administering the medicine in such a way that it may surely reach the venom particles circulating in the blood.

One drop of « Lexin," we have shown above, contains more than 36 million-million molecules of Gold Chloride.

I t t i o T r * , a r C J° C V e n l y d i s t r i b u t e d i n *e alcoholic « S n ' , T ^ ^ t 0 ^ ° U t a "Mon th drop of

When the patient inhales a few drons of « T . • » -fi respiration, the molecule, a r P • J ? L e x i n W l t h

— — — . ^ ^ ^ e j n ^ n e d i a t e l y carried to the Indian Journal of Medi^Tl? T r —

<4««"fo ie l>,„sl!lut PL:lrd;i%f^: Vo'- 2. No. 1, p. 139.

" L E X I N . " 9

lungs, thence distributed into the blood vessels and in a minute the blood gets charged with the molecules. We have learned that molecules of AuCl3 have got specific affinity for particles of snake-venom. In the blood they come in contact with them and neutralize them very promptly. Their number is re-inforced with each successive inhalation till all the venom is gone.

It must be stated here that instead of using AuCl3 the writer has used AuCl3HC14H.,0 in preparing "Lexin," because the latter formula has been found by him to be much more effective than the former. Whatever may be the constituents of snake-venom, AuCl3HC14H20 neutralizes it

in rpjth of the time required by AuCl3.

One phial of " Lexin," as stated above, contains only

•xfiffh part of a milligram of acid trichloride of gold. My

readers will certainly demand an explanation as to why this minimal dose should act, if it acts at all.

1. Nature utilizes but a very small fraction of the dose of any medicine we take orally; the major part is eliminated with the excreta of human body.

2. If the same medicine is given directly in the blood by intravenous hypodermic injection, a much smaller dose acts equally well, other factors remaining unaltered.

Example.—A particular man requires a 20-grain dose of quinine to check fever when he takes it orally. The same effect is produced by a 5-grain dose given hypodermically. These are facts of common experience.

Medicines taken by the mouth fall an easy prey to the digestive process and only a very small fraction of it is utilized by the healing process after assimilation. While in intravenous injection, the molecules come directly in contact with the blood.

Example.—An intramuscular injection of a thousandth part of a gram of calcium chloride acts much better than a full gram oral dose.


This explains the difference between an oral and a hypodermic dose of a given medicine in a given subject.

3. If the same medicine is thoroughly mixed with alcohol or ether and administered by inhalation, an incon­ceivably minute quantity seems to act still more effectively than an intravenous injection of a very much bigger dose, other factors remaining unaltered.

4. It is the nerve cells that start the healing (or killing) process. Medicines are effective only when they are able to affect a certain section of the nervous system.

5. A substance in fine powder form affects the nerves more powerfully than a " lump," and its " vapour " affects still more powerfully than its " powder." This is due to the increase in number of molecular-contact between medicine-molecules and nerve-cells.

6. One of the chief causes of death (in snake-bite) is the failure of (pneumogastric nerves) respiration. The poison paralyses the nerves that conduct respiratory process. So it is evident that molecules of an inhalant medicine directly reach the very field occupied by the molecules of the poison.

(a) Taking into account all the air tubes and capillaries of the lungs, we have got on an average 90 square yards of lung surface t When we take long breath, about two-thirds of our lungs become inflated with air. That is, when we inhale any medicine, about 60 square yards of our lung surface receive the molecules of the inhalant medicine.

(6) We have got 4 heart beats for every breath.

We learn from Physiologists how readily the heart utilizes the intake of oxygen of the air of respiration to oxidize the blood. We shall not be i n t h e w r o n g t Q a s s u m e ^ ^

. molecules of inhalants suffer the same f a t e -they are instantly thrown into the blood stream.

"I,EXIN." 11

7. It has been proved by Bannerman* that an animal bitten by a venomous snake and at once treated with " powder" (KMn0 4 ) dies within 57 minutes. But if the same medicine is at once injected subcutaneously (with 10 c.c. of 0-5 per cent, solution), it dies in 780 minutes. Though death could not be averted (because in less than two minutes the poison gets circulated in the blood), it was delayed by 723 minutes in the " subcutaneous " case. This is due to the fact that injection method gives highly increased number of molecular-contact between the venom and the drug in the blood stream, or between the drug and the healing " cells."

8. Let me assemble some facts of common knowledge that may help my readers to learn that " inhalation" of • very minute particles may effect certain physiological changes in our system.

(a) Chloroform.—If given per os a fair quantity of a 2 per cent, solution must be supplied continually; if discontinued for a moment the patient would show signs of coming round at once; while as an inhalant a dose of only a few drops (after absorption in the inhaler) is sufficient for the purpose of producing anaesthesia.—(B. M. / . ) ' .

(b) A man can eat one or more red-pepper (chillies) with curry without any difficulty; but he will be found unable to tolerate inhalation of the fumes of fried capsicum carried (much diluted) through the air. If we could weigh this aerial dose in the balance, it would not come up to a millionth part of a grain. And this infinitesimal dose is quite efficient to produce sneezing and lachrymation—headache, etc.

* Surgeon-General W. B. Bannerman, Indian Journal of Medical Research, July, 1914, p. 149, et seq.


(c) We say that the aroma of a flower carried by the air from a distant garden " has delighted our hearts." In other words, a million-millionth part of a gram of scent produced certain physiological changes in our body. Number of heart beat is increased, and secretion of certain endocrine glands accelerated,

(rf) One or two inhalation of sewer-gas, it is recorded, have produced septic fever in man.

I could have multiplied instances a good deal but I have no motive to chase sceptics to my own belief. Only I give here some food-for-thought to persons who are willing to know the truth by all reasonable means.

These are some of the instances where the infinitesimal, the inconceivably small, the ultra-microscopic molecules are known to act in a distinctly appreciable manner.

The " why " and the " how " is reserved for the seers of Atomic Physics to explain. They know that the kinetic energy of matter is tremendous when calculated in terms of atoms.

Laboratory Technique. Preparation No. I : 87-5 per cent. Alcohol, 87-5 parts,

Sublime Camphor, 12-5 parts. Mix and shake well till camphor dissolves.

Preparation No. I I : Take one gram of acid trichloride of gold (yellow). In a dark room triturate it with one gram of coarse grained sugar of milk till the whole powder is of uniform yellow colour. Add to it 9 grams of milk sugar, triturate for 3 hours in a glass mortar (absolutely clean) at normal temperature in a dark room. Add 90 grams sugar of milk and triturate as above for 12 hours in a four-handled glass mortar till the powder is of uniform yellow colour. Add 100 grams sugar of milk and triturate as above for 12 hours incessantly, with light pressure, in a rolling motion.

" LEXIN." 13

Repeat this process eight times more, each time adding 100 grams of milk sugar till the last mortar contains a total of 1,000 grams ( = 1 gold chloride + 999 sugar).

Preparation No. I l l : Take 1 part of the above powder No. I I ; add 3 parts (by weight) distilled water; mix well so as to deposit no sediment, add 1 part of HCl. Shake slowly for ten minutes. Use this if it leaves no sediment after standing for 24 hours.

Preparation No. IV: Five per cent, solution of Methyl Violet in alcohol (90 per cent.).

Lexin =

(Bulk) 99 per cent. No. I.

•5 per cent. No. III. •25 per cent. No. IV. •25 per cent, distilled water fresh.

N.B.—Must be made untouched by hand or any metal. Drugs used must be absolutely pure. Instruments must be absolutely clean.

I shall be glad if my imitators adhere strictly to the above method of preparation.

What is an ion ? Dorland defines " ion" as an " electrified molecule."

We do not, however, require any electricity of the " current" to charge a congress of molecules. When molecules are made to be dissociated from one another by intervention of insulating media, they get charged and retain the charge till they come into contact with a conductor. (1) In Preparation II, the molecules of Gold Chloride become ions by the intervention of sugar of milk molecules on glass mortar.

(2) When a drop of HCl is put in pure water, it so happens that this water contains ions of CI, HCl and HCl + H 2 0 . Here some molecules of CI and HCl become ionized by the intervention of water molecules.


(3) When molecules of AuCl3HC14H20 reach the stream of blood, the Au atom of each molecule tries to revert to its metallic state; and in so doing it liberates a tremendous energy. This energy is utilized by the healing process.

This energy is measurable. But the writer is not going to displease his readers by importing mathematics into the bargain. Besides, there is no need.

The formula of " Lexin " is given; reports give us the


" Lexin " the Antiseptic

"Lexin" is highly antiseptic inasmuch as it contains Methyl Violet and Gold Chloride. It has been found competent to cure gangrenous ulcers, septic ulcers, inflam­mations, swellings, etc., in a very short time.

Elaborate researches have been made by Dreyer, Kriegler and Walker on the powerful action of Methyl Violet on bacteria (esp. staphylococcus). (See Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, Cambridge, 1910, Vol. XV, p. 133.) Complete inhibition of bacterial growth was noticed with a solution as light as 1 in 5 million. " It is twice as strong as mercury Hgcl2." It may be contended that addition of acid (HC1) or serum greatly reduces the bactericidal powers of Methyl Violet, and " Lexin " contains HC1 which reaches serum in the surface ulcers or in the system. C. H. Browning and W. Gilmour have shown, however, that acid or serum reduces such properties in brilliant green but does not affect the Violets of the Methyl or Ethyl group (see Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, Cambridge, 1913, Vol. XVIII , pp. 144—147).


"LEXIN" Snake-bite Cure.

A non-poisonous, harmless, highly antiseptic anti-venom inhalation.

Precautions to be taken in absence of " Lexin "—// the medicine is not at hand, tie a cord just above the bite and another above the next higher joint. Do not loosen the cord till " Lexin " arrives, and until it has been inhaled for 4 or 5 minutes.

If, however, the medicine arrives late, say, about three hours after bite, do not untie or loosen cord at once. Loosen for a moment, tie again, then inhale " Lexin " for a few minutes, loosen again. Repeat this process thrice.

Make the patient sit up. Revised Directions for use. Issued July 5, 1928.

1. Important—Make the patient sit up or hold him in a sitting posture throughout treatment. On no account •must the patient be allowed to lie dozvn or sleep, even till 12 hours after cure.

2. Put 30 or 40 drops of " Lexin " on a clean handker­chief or piece of cloth, apply closely to the nose and make the patient smell and inhale deeply, so that the medicine Teaches the lungs. Re-moisten the cloth as it dries, and continue inhalation till perfect cure.

3. If the patient seems to be nearly dead and is unable to inhale, put two drops of " Lexin " into each nostril. Then •make him sit up and lie down alternately to help artificial respiration. Continue this until he breathes again.


4. While the patient is made to inhale " Lexin," another person must examine the marks of bite. He must remove poison fangs, if any, with a sharp knife or needle. Then apply a few drops of " Lexin " to the wound. Otherwise, fresh poison may issue from inside the broken fangs and endanger life after cure.

5. Hot tea or milk or cold water may be given to quench thirst. Use of tobacco of any kind is strictly forbidden, even till 12 hours after cure.

6. One phial is usually enough for one case. Some­times though 3 or 4 phials are needed.

The bite of a Krait takes 3 or 4 hours' treatment. In Cobra bite, clean out the salivation which comes into

the nostrils in order to help inhalation.

When vomiting of blood follows the bite of a Russell's Viper, inhalation of " Lexin " will check it. A few drops of undiluted " Lexin " may also be dropped on the tongue to check blood vomiting. Never give tea or hot drinks to a patient vomiting blood. Give him cold drinks as sugared water (with juice of green lemon if available).

7. If pain and swelling continue after cure, " Lexin " should be inhaled once daily for a few minutes.

If the bitten wound becomes ulcerated, clean it with hot water and apply a few drops of " Lexin " once or twice daily.

8. Note that " Lexin" keeps good even after three years. After use keep the bottle tightly corked. Stock it in a cool place away from sun's rays.

9. Other uses of " Lexin "—Cures all kinds of vege­table poisoning as opium, mix vomica, datura, cannabis, aconite, etc.

Cures scorpion and all venomous bites and food-poison-me.

s e a - s f c ™ d e d f ° r ^ " C h ° l e r a ' * " * « * * * » and

" LEXIN." 17

In opium poisoning give a dose of 10 drops of " Lexin " in two ounces of cold water by the mouth to induce vomit­ing; and follow directions 1, 2, 3 and 5 above.

N.B.—In addition to inhalation, " Lexin" may be injected subcutaneously around the place of bite. Dose: For an adult 1 c.c. (about 16 drops). Repeat every 15 minutes.

External use: " Lexin " may be dropped on the marks of bite. It is quickly absorbed by the skin. A folded piece of linen may be placed on the site of bite moistened with " Lexin."

Important: Only inhalation of " Lexin " has given so very excellent results in thousands of snake-poisoning cases, that the writer is not inclined to mention other possible ways in which " Lexin " may also be used. " Lexin " is not a poison; it may be given by the mouth in cases of cholera and opium poisonings.

B, SB 2



W H E N talking about snakes, it is the name " Cobra " that first invades our mind. Python, the largest of terrestrial snakes, should be given a prominent place in the galaxy of " killers " though he has no poison at all. He is competent to kill anybody—be it a tiger or an antelope—by coiling round and round the victim till it is smashed into an un­recognizable mass. What does he care for poison? Let it be given to his juniors.

We love to talk of our palmy days when we were such and such and Mr. Python, too, has told his own tale to the people of Burma. Ages long gone by (of course), how long none could tell, Mr. Python owned a stock of virulent poison. Great men are said to be conscious of their own greatness, and Mr. Python, likewise, was so very proud of the virulence of his bite that he thought that man would surely die even if his footprint was bitten. One day he was pleased to bite a footprint as a test case and a crow, his bearer, was deputed to the village to report how the man might be doing. To the utter disappointment of Mr. Python, the crow returned only to say that the rascal of a man had not died, nay, he was dancing in the village balls! At this, Mr. Python was in a rage and " spat ou t " all its venom in disgust. Since that day Python has become non-venomous. Oh, the days are gone! Now, Python has retired to the jungles of the Himalayas, Burma, Assam, Rajputana, Bengal and the Sunderbans.

It is said that the Python of Burma grows to 40 feet in length. This snake is of greenish-brown colour with black

Cobra.— (Nata). Bengal.—Keutey.

[DraiviiKj by .S". Dn*-


\ markings of irregular broken circles on the sides. There is a lance-shaped blackish mark on the head, and a series of black spots on either side of the body. Python occupies a respectable corner in every 200 garden of the great cities of the world.

Kuftj Cobra {Hamadryad), the largest of venomous (terrestrial) snakes, very rightly deserves this supreme title. In consideration of physical strength, agility, ferocity of temper and abundance of venom, he stands first among the snakes of the land. He lives majestically on high (palatial?) trees in dense jungles and feeds principally on snakes. The writer has the misfortune to record that his majesty does not frequent dwellings of men. What a pity!

A king cobra cannot tolerate the presence of any living (or moving) thing within his ken. He would chase any passerby—be it a man or a horse, not to say of smaller animals—and bring him to task. Simply biting will not exhaust his temper, he would tear the victim to pieces. If attacked by this snake, the only way to escape would be to leave behind some garment or an umbrella on which the serpent " to feed fat his ancient grudge."

The writer knows a story. Once a ploughman was chased by a king cobra. In the presence of mind he threw out his open unbrella (made of bamboo) in the space between him and the serpent. The umbrella engaged the attention of the snake; and any number of bites were showered upon it and it was ultimately smashed into small pieces, and in the meantime the man found time to escape.

An adult king cobra is seen to be about 12 feet long. I t is said that the maximum length may be 18 feet. The present writer is not inclined to disbelieve this statement.

The king cobra is a hooded snak. The: body is A «M>1I vellowish-black bands or

yellowish-brown, covered ».A J * ' 0 " d w i t h m u l t i . spotted lines. The tail is somet.mes ~ v e r e a

<.„i t A TW kin" cobra governs IMortn 01 colour spots or bands. >-ne KinB


the Nizam's Dominions, Himalayas, Assam, Bengal (the Sunderbans, districts of Jessore and Khulna), Orissa, Burma and Nagpur.

Cobra. This snake is responsible for the largest number of deaths attributed to snake-bite. It is very common in every part of India—from the Himalayas (8,000 feet) down to Ceylon. It is usually exhibited by almost all snake-charmers. The largest specimen, seen by the writer, was 6 feet 8 inches. Perhaps it was a bit larger as the tail looked mutilated. Its venom was extracted and weighed 30 grains net; a tenth-part of a grain is the fatal dose for man.

Some say the quantity of snake-venom increases in captivity, others hold the opposite view. The present writer knows that captivity has nothing to do with the quantity of the venom in a particular snake. Some one loses while the other of the same species gains in the first days of its captive life. I should refer to the name of the Hindu pathologist Madhab Kar,* who holds that the quantity of venom in the glands of a snake considerably increases, and improves in quality too, when the moon enters the following constellations of stars: Bharani, Ardra, Asleshd, MagJia, Moola and Krittikd. To be more near the truth, I should say that the virulence of snake-venom greatly increases when the moon enters the sign Aries, which covers Aswini, Bharani and Krittikd.

The writer has received reports of about seven thousand cases of snake-bite treated with " Lexin " till the time of this writing, out of which 39 victims are reported as dead and more than one thousand cases developed grave symptoms. On looking into the Bengali almanac, one finds that the date of bite in almost each of these cases invariably falls on the time when the moon was in the Aries. The moon regulates the ebb and How of the venom in the glands.

*Madhava Nidanam "On Poisons," § 10.


Daboia (Russell's Viper). If you look into the face of a Russell's Viper you will at once know him to be a hot-tempered fellow. Oh! How sincere. His hissing is the loudest of all snakes'! In a quiet room it will sound as if;

an engine was standing by. Should you meet him on the' road, he would rather wait for you (perhaps to teach you an unpleasant lesson) than flee away from the sight of man. He is rightly called the chain viper as- his stout body is covered with series of black rings from the neck to the tail and semi-circular ones on each side of the body. Belly white, sprinkled with black dots. (Sec illustrations.) The skin is yellowish-brown, and nose a bit turned up. Generally found about 4 feet long all over India, including Kashmir even (6,000 feet).

Krait. The common krait of India stands first* in order of merit if the strength of the poison is taken into account. Its venom is about five times as strong as that of the cobra. It is a silent snake. It looks like a " good boy," being very mild and gentle in its disposition. If you see one you will not easily believe that it really bears deadly venom. Things are not what they seem. It is frequently seen among dwellings of men. It would not be strange if one finds it by the side of one's bed or among the pillows. Strange bed-fellows indeed! Its body is slender, of black colour with white cross-bands all through from neck to tail and the belly white with single rows of scales. One of the species is of uniform glistening black above with white belly (Bungarus lividus). Generally seen about 3 or 4 feet long, all over India, destroying human life right and left. It is the " Domna Chitti" of Bengal. It is found plentifully in the Santal Perganas.

Banded krait is also a silent snake, it does not " hiss." The body is covered with alternate bands of dark black

•Excluding the sea-snakes which are much more virulent than kraits.


and dark yellow (each about an inch broad) from top to toe; beg your pardon, "from head to tail." Grows to 6 feet or a little more. It is found in Bengal, Assam, and S. India. It i> called " Raj Sap " in Bengal. (Highly venomous.)

Coral Snake. (Sec "Venomous Snakes of U. S. A.") Trimeresurus (Lachesis). This viper is of arboreal habit, but would not hesitate to come down to our level, any time. The head is flat and triangular in shape in all its species. The body is not rounded but ridge-shaped. The neck is very thin and quite distinct from the head. The colour is yellowish-brown with markings of black irregular squares along the vertebral line, or thick, black, transverse bands all through. There is a " p i t " (slight depression) between the nostril and the eye on each side. The sides of the body are dotted with black spots. It is a silent snake; but of fierce habits. Once a Trimeresurus took the trouble of coming down from a very high tree to bite his neigh­bour who was cooking in the kitchen visible from the tree. It was killed and bottled. (Highly venomous.)

Green Viper is the cousin of Trimeresurus and need not be described separately; the only difference lies in its colour which is uniform grassy-green. It is also venomous.

Bchis (Saiv-scalcd Viper). Every scale of this viper is rough as the teeth of a saw. It makes a peculiar sound

by rubbing the scales in its coils, jrfdsjsfs? /I

Its colour is grey or greyish-brown, with a dark half-triangle about the head. There are blackish dots on the body. It is the Bankoraj of Bengal as it never straightens its body. (Highly venomous.) It is found in sandy parts of India. Not very rare in Bengal. You


will find any number of this snake in the Ratnagiri district (S. India).

Venomous Snakes of U. S. A.

Almost all the venomous snakes of the U. S. A. belong to the pit-viper family. Crotalus horrid us (rattle­snake), the small rattler, the copperhead and the moccasin are the prominent members. Crotalus looks almost like his Indian cousin Trimeresurus, differing only in the rattle at the tail. The head is triangular, the neck is thin, but the body is very stout, and tail short. There is a deep pit on each side of the head between the nostril and the eye.

There is also the beautiful (but venomous) coral snake of the Elapine family with its black head, and body variegated with narrow yellow and broad red bands separated with black spaces in between the bands. The tail is red. The mouth is so small that it cannot effect a bite unless on the tip of a finger. The poisonous Ancistrodon is also present in this country.

There are plenty of poisonous serpents in almost every part of the U. S. A. Copperhead snakes, brown with deep " red and brown" A_ s n aP ed bands on both sides of the body, are found in legions by the rocky areas near the Hudson, small rattlers by New York, timber rattlers in forests, and pigmy rattle-snake in California. The awe-inspiring Crotalus horridus (length 9 feet, cir. 12 inches) may be found anywhere in this land, with its ringing rattle. The water Moccasin (olive green with transverse black bands) is found in swamps and silent waters of S. Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida.

Venomous Snakes of Europe.

Besides the harmless Ringed Snake (Grass-snake), the poisonous Adder (Vipera bera) and Black Viper are very common in Great Britain. It is also found in Scandi­navia, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and rarely in the S. E.


of Europe. The Asp (Vipera aspis) belong to S. and W. of Europe. Sea-snakes are found in the sea-coasts and mouths of rivers.

Africa.—The Mamba (black and green), the Puff Adder, and the Cobra are the notable worthies of the dark continent.

Siam:—Green Cobra a speciality. Australia.—The Vipers, the Python (non-poisonous).

Grass-Snakc.—Tropidonotus. Bengal.—Hclay (harmless).

iDrau-ing by S. Das.

Cobra.—.\\iia tripudian.


'"Wfofl by S. D,



Cobra. Its Indian names: Bengal:—

Kharish. , Keutey—(Monocellate variety with single spot on

the hood surrounded with an elliptical border). Gokhura—Spectacled cobra. Gokhro—Spectacled cobra. Derived from Sanskrit

Go-kshura, Go = cow, Kshura = hoof u, The sign is like an inverted omega.

Dudhey Gokhro—White cobra, white as milk. Kaio Sap—Black cobra. Keley Sap—Black cobra. Khoiye Gokhro—Tan colour (catechu colour). A'1-Keutey—Black cobra living in ridges of paddy

fields in Bengal. Gerdibhanga—Black cobra living in ridges of paddy

fields in Bengal. (Feeding on snails.) Kal-Keutey 1 Here the word Kal means in Sanskrit Kal Sap > " deadly," not necessarily black. Gomo-Keutey—Wheat colour cobra (Bengal). Gahman—Wheat colour cobra (Bihar and U. P . ) . j £ t Sap—Typical name of cobra family. Padma-Nag—Blue-black cobra with a white or

golden coloured elliptical border lotus-like on hood. This is the most beautiful member of the cobra family.

Tentuley Gokhura—Cobra of tamarind colour. Kulin Sap—(Bengal) (meaning high caste snake).



Malabar Districts.—/ SayerP°°n-1 Murookan. Coromandel Coast:—Nagoo. Mysore:—Nagarabhoo. Burma:—Mwe howk. Ceylon:—Nagay&.

Echis carinata.

Bengal (rare):—Bankoraj (meaning: his twisted majesty. As these snakes always remain . in coiled state).

,-, , i Phoorsa. Bombay:— { rr

I Kupper. Delhi:—Afai. Punjab:—Fissi. S. India:—Horattapam. Madras:—Katuvirian. Mysore:—Kaloh§boo.

Typhlops diardi.

(Never seen longer than 12 inches in India.) Bengal:—

Telanga. Telia. Tailapaya. Puiya. Pmuiya. *Takshak. (This is the smallest of poisonous snakes;

not bigger than an earthworm.)

* Coral snakes and Brahmin lizards' are also called by this name in several provinces of India.



Tin-; poison gland, which looks like a cardamom fruit, is situated on each side of the upper jaw behind the eye; except in the case of Adeniophis Intestinalis, a member of the colubrine family, where the gland extends " along each

g =: poison gland. / = fang.

side of the body for about one-third of its length, gradually thickening and terminating in front of the heart with club-shaped ends. The presence of this gland may be detected without dissecting the animal, by the thickening of the cardiac region in the second-third of the body, the heart being shifted further back than in other snakes, owing to the extension of the glands." This serpent knows that its poison gland is in the belly; it coils round the limb of the victim when biting, so as to give pressure on the gland to eject the venom. The mechanism of the gland and the fang very nearly resembles that of the hypodermic syringe; the snake closes the lower jaw when biting, to give pressure on the gland so that the poison may be driven out into the victim. Some of the vipers, however, can eject venom without the pressure of the lower jaw, pressure being effected by both sides of the head itself.

The Fangs in active service are two in number, one on each side of the head. There are four or five reserve fangs arranged in a line behind each of the front fangs. If any of the front fangs is broken (during a bite or extracted out

B, SB 3


by man), the foremost reserve fang comes to the front

ready for a bite. Mobilization takes place in about two


g = poison gland, d = duct conducting the venom from the gland to the fang. / = poison fang, r = reserve fangs.

[Actual size—R. Viper or Cobra.]

The fang is a hollow tube like the needle of a hypodermic syringe, with a very sharp edge. Some vipers have grooved (furrowed) fangs.

The Poison is a viscid fluid (of the consistency of glycerin) of yellow brown colour. The colour of cobra venom is like that of mustard oil; while that of King Cobra is one shade more yellow. Any snake poison may also be colourless as glycerin or saliva. The taste is intensely bitter and the reaction is alkaline when fresh, and acid afterwards. The venom dries up in air and looks like crystals and scales of gum-arabic. When placed under the microscope, a few epithelial cells and some bacteria in actual movement are found. P. W. Bassett Smith* also has found bacteria in snake-venom though he says that they are "perhaps contaminating" ones. His statement is true in the sense that snake-venom also contains certain foreign bacteria as are found in night-soils, in addition to its own. I believe these bacteria are really responsible for the killing properties of snake-venom. The following facts encourage me to adhere to this view:—

(t) Snake-venom, when dried in a cool place and kept m the dark, retains its toxic properties indefinitely.

•"Encyclopedia Medica," 1924, Vol. 12, p. 108. (G reen.)


(ii) Its toxicity is totally destroyed if it is subjected at once 'after collection to prolonged heating at a temperature of 100° C. and modified, if it is exposed to light, for a long time.

{Hi) A 7 per cent, solution of caustic soda NaoH or a 6 per cent, solution of KOH greatly diminishes the poisonous properties of the venom.

(iv) A 1 per cent, solution of KMn0 4 destroys one part of venom when in contact.

(v) Hypochlorite of lime, 1 in 60 of water freshly made up, destroys the venom completely, as also does 1 per cent, of chloride of gold (Calmette).* -

(vi) One in million watery solution of most of the aniline dyes (esp. Methyl Violet) completely destroys the venom.

(z'ii) Fifty per cent, watery solution of petroleum (or kerosene oil) completely destroys the poisonous properties of all snake poisons.

(ziii) Spirit of camphor well shaken with snake-venom completely destroys its poisonous properties; as also solutions of copper sulphate, sub-chloride ot mercury, arsenic and all sorts of metallic salt* which have bactericidal properties.

(«-) Snake-venom loses its virulence if kept in bile for some time.

Note.—The writer believes snake-venom contains two deadly things: bacteria and their toxin. Fresh drawn venom loses poisonous properties by the methods stated above. But when the venom is kept moist in a dark and cool place for some time, i.e., when the bacteria are allowed sufficient time to secrete their toxin, then its effects cannol be completely destroyed by above methods. Bacteria may die by (/) to (ix) above, but their toxin remains unaffected This explains the words " at once after collecting" in

•"Encyclopaedia Medica," 1924, Vol. 12, p. 108.


(u) above. This has also been proved by Calmette as true. Hence, it is no wonder that " snake-venom has the peculiarity of setting up immunity re-actions similar to those induced by bacterial toxins."* The very fact that Calmette's anti­toxins against snake poison are giving looked-for results proves the existence of bacteria in the venom.

Von Behring's discovery of the presence in immune sera of bodies specifically antagonistic to toxins stands to-day as an established fact. If snake-venom did not contain bacteria, Calmette would not have been able to prepare specific antitoxins against it. We cannot make antitoxins against strychnine, we shall never be able to do it.

*" Pathology," Stengel and Fox. 1927, \\ 39. (Saunders.)


SYMPTOMS OF SNAKE POISONINGS. Cobra. Salivation; discharge of watery saliva from

mouth and nostrils; sometimes sticky saliva; vomiting of mucus, white, foamy or green. Sometimes tinged with blood. In some cases blood comes out with cough or vomit. Tongue swollen (a few cases). Eyes red (in some cases), and rarely fixed. Drooping of the head. General relaxation of all the limbs. Breathing difficulty; jerking in the limbs; spasm of epiglottis; failure of lungs. Tongue paralysed, inarticulate speech. Cold sweat (in rare cases). Terrible burning pain (in some cases) in the affected part, in some others of the whole body. No burning pain in majority of cases, due to paralysis of sensory nerves. Great anxiety, fear of death. Only in one case out of two thousand there was a suicidal tendency, the patient having refused to inhale " Lexin " and resolved to die. He died without using the medicine while five others of the same locality (bitten before him by a cobra) survived. This may be taken as an exception; in all other cases, the anxiety to get cured was invariably present. Sensation of numbness in the affected limb or of the whole body. Paralysis partial or complete. This must not be mistaken for prostration. Insensibility of the skin. Blue skin (cyanosis) in some cases. Prostration and rapid sinking of the vital force. Aching in heart, palpitation, pulse imperceptible. Paralysis of tongue; nasal voice; inarticulate sounds expressive of anxiety to speak and inability to do so. Sensation of having received a tremendous shock at the base of the brain. " As if a smart blow was given at the back of head " and the patient falls down.

Death results from failure of lungs in most cases while the heart goes on beating in rhythm, while in others the


heart fails (due to fright?) before the poison kills him gradually. In these cases, " Lexin " must be administered by artificial respiration for some hours after apparent death. More than a dozen cases are on record where such patients have been recalled to life on administering " Lexin " by artificial respiration.

Perversion or loss of taste and smell and sight. Sees everything red (a few cases). Eyeballs covered with a membrane showing approach of death. Unconsciousness. When the respiration is shallow and remains insufficient for some time, the patient exhibits a sleepy look and gradually loses his consciousness. Some cases retain their conscious­ness till the moment of death.

Coma. Some cases remain in a comatose state for hours before death.

Swelling and pain in affected part. After cure, necrosis of bones and indolent ulcers are seen at the place of bite. Looseness of teeth and ulceration of mouth recorded in one case on the second day after cure (2996/26).

Suppression of urine. Hairs of the whole body stood on end in a few cases as in record 2536 (4) of 23rd July, 1926; hairs fall off even on being touched by the hand (a few cases in man, and all cases in cows, horses and dogs).

Symptoms of Krait Poisonings. ' Sleep iness. Heaviness of upper evelids (ptosis),

inability to open the eyes. After a while the consciousness is lost into somnolence, just as it occurs in opium poisoning. Patients could not be aroused from this sort of sleepiness except when " Lexin " has been inhaled sufficiently. Droop­ing of the head as if dozing. General relaxation of all the limbs. Paralysis. Salivation was seen to follow some cases of krait-bites. In the majority, salivation does

krait is 4 to 6 times stronger than that of cob:


not occur; the tongue remains dry and drawn inwards. Swelling of glands just below the groin of the affected side. Only a few cases presented this symptom. Burning sensation in the affected part (or on the whole limb) may be present. Eyes red, sometimes fixed. In a few cases there was dilatation of the pupils, indicating marked involvement of the brain.

Stiffness of affected limb was noticed in one case (Sovan Khan's case dated Bilaspur, C. P., 1st September, 1924). Insensibility of the limb. Photophobia (intolerance of light); vide Record 1386 of 1926.

Symptoms of Daboia Poisoning. -Vomiting: of water, food, mucus or blood. In

majority of cases blood is vomited frequently till the patient is exhausted, and death results from loss of blood.

Hemorrhage: Blood may come out from any or all orifices of the body; from mouth, nose, gums, ears, eyes, anus, navel and urethra. Bleeding may be scanty or very profuse, resulting in collapse. Cracks on swollen skin may also bleed in quantity.

Swelling: The affected limb greatly swells with great burning pains as in erysipelas. The skin bursts over the f swelling in form of cracks as in chilblains.

Heart troubles: Acute pain in chest. (Drooping of head in a few cases only.)

Skin: The skin is greatly affected by the venom of this ugly snake. Skin, blue all over (see case of Balai Ch. Das, 1924). Red or pinkish elliptical blotches appear all over the skin which peels off after a few days, leaving soreness or ulcers on the skin. These spots and ulcers burn and exudate watery or sticky fluid. I know of some four cases where these affections of the skin looked like leucoderma after some time.

Fever: Majority of cases are attended with high temperature, thirst, vomiting, difficulty of urination and hematuria.


Gangrene: The fangs of this viper are about three-fourths of an inch, so that they invariably injure the cover-in°- membrane of the bone underneath the bite. Necrosis of the bone frequently results. Indolent ulcers, sloughings with offensive smell, and angry sores are often seen on the place of bite. Blisters on skin with burning sensation. Violent colicky pains in abdomen.

Lachesis and Trimeresurus. Symptoms of Poisoning: Loss of sense (3585 of 1926).

Constriction of the oesophagus, inflammation of the larynx and tonsils, difficulty of swallowing; liquids are often thrown out through the nostrils. The patient may look like one attacked with diphtheria. Salivation.

Hemorrhage: Bleeding with cough, vomit or urine and stool. Oozing of watery blood from the wound of bite or from eruptions if present elsewhere. Blood does not coagulate showing the character of blood as much altered in quality (haemolysis).

The poison of this snake is not always fatal. Those who survive the bite, generally suffer from chronic arthritis or rheumatism of the joints as after-effects (cf. 1638 of 1925 case of Tipperah).

Swelling of affected parts. Sleep aggravates all symptoms of viper poisonings in general and of Lachesis in particular.

Common species—Enhydrina-Valakadicn.

Sea-Snake Poisonings. Symptoms akin to those of cobra and krait jointly or


The poison of the sea-snake is nearly eight times more

powerful than that of the Binocellete cobra (Rogers).*

'•— Echis Poisoning. Symptoms almost akin to Daboia poisoning. Nothing

new to add or alter.


Coral Snake Poisonings. We have received report of one case only and nothing

definitely noted except giddiness, etc.

Gongylophis (Non-Poisonous ?). Great burning sensation.

Typhlops (Tclanga Sap) (Non-Poisonous ?). Terrible burning sensation and agonizing pain all over

the body. Elevated reddish spots like urticaria all over body.



W H E N the snake was seen and identified and also seen to bite the patient, there could be no ground for suspicion. The symptoms must be attributed to the bite and poisoning by the* serpent. But when we are called to treat a patient who exhibits some of the symptoms described in the preceding pages, we should at once begin to treat him with " Lexin " inhalation without losing time in trying to ascertain whether it was a case of snake-bite or not. Each and all of the above symptoms are readily curable with " Lexin." It does not seem to matter whether the symptoms are due to venomous bites or some other causes or diseases.

I give below the prominent symptoms of venomous bites differentially diagnosed; the chief difference being that these symptoms while suddenly appear in snake-bite, develop slowly in diseases.

(A) Salivation may be due to:— . (1) Snake-bite (chiefly cobra).

(2) Epilepsy. (3) Diphtheria. (4) Rabies (spitting of sticky and frothy saliva). (5) Stomatitis. (6) Mercurial poisoning. (7) Rickets, idiocy (in children). (8) Traumatic injuries.

(9) Poisonings with sulphuric acid, hydrocyanic acid, colchicum, copper, conium, digitalis, jaborandi, sanguinaria, tobacco, etc.

(10) Hanging (during life). (B) Bleeding may be due to:—

(1) Snake-bite (chiefly vipers). (2) Tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.


(3) Pathological haemolysis; vicarious menstruation, filariasis, cancer of stomach, gastric ulcer; gastritis, etc., blood in urine from gonorrhoea or gravel, blood in stool—chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, worms, typhoid, enlarged spleen, worms (in children or adults bleeding from nose or mouth).

(4) Traumatic injury. (5) Poisonings with: Acetanilid (if used for a long

time for neuralgia or rheumatism); sulphuric acid; aconite; ammonia (bloody purging), antimony (bloody purging and vomiting) ; arsenic (bloody purging) ; cantharides and turpentine (bloody urine); copper (bloody stool); croton oil; formalin (bloody vomit) ; mercury bichloride or corrosive sub­limate (bloody stool and vomiting); mush­rooms; phosphorus—crude or from match sticks or homeopathic overdose—bleeding from all orifices of the body. Overdose of turpen­tine (bloody urine), blackwater fever (bloody urine), savin (bleeding from uterus and intestines).

(C) Drooping of head and general relaxation may be due to:—

(1) Snake-bite (chiefly cobra and krait). (2) Poisons, such as alcohol; opium; aconite; carbon

dioxide gas; chloral; conium (relaxation progresses from lower to upper limbs; cf. Socrates' death as described by Plato); gelsemium or yellow jasmine; amyl nitrate; calabar bean (physostigma) ; and the veratrums.

(3) Sound sleep. (D) Asphyxia (suffocation) may be due to:—

(1) Snake-poison (chiefly lachesis and cobra).


(2) Obstruction of the throat (larynx) with foreign bodies such as a lump of solid food, a clot of blood, vomiting, diphtheria; hanging, drowning.

(3) Inhalation of smoke, coal gas, drain gas, carbonic

acid gas, overdose of chloroform, hydrocyanic

acid. (4) Pulmonary thrombosis (chiefly viper-bite). (5) Coma—carbon monoxide asphyxia with cherry-

red colour of skin and elevation of temperature, (E) Unconsciousness may be due to:—

(1) Snake-poison (chiefly krait). (2) Hysteria—convulsive movements, patient resists

if you try to raise the upper eyelids. (3) Epilepsy—unconscious and stiff; bites tongue;

passes urine; frothy saliva; previous history helps diagnosis. Duration one hour or less.

(4) Apoplexy—(= cerebral haemorrhage) sudden relaxation of muscles.

(5) Infantile convulsion (due to worms) with fever. (6) Fainting—pale face, cold sweat, pulse absent or

very feeble. (7) Shock—enquire history: mental—good or bad

news, etc.; external cause—lightning, electri­city, operation, fire, etc., trauma.

(8) Coma—complete loss of sense, cannot be aroused, does not swallow fluids placed in his mouth, eye insensitive to light.

(9) Cerebral haemorrhage, concussions, etc. (10) Sunstroke. Prolonged overwork. Head diseases. (11) Meningitis. (12) Diabetes. Uremia. (13) Typhus fever.

(14) Very high temperature (105° to 108° as in plague).

(15) Poisons such as alcohol, opium, carbolic acid, sulphonal, veronal, the chlorides, bromides, etc!


(16) Sound sleep—kindly exercise common sense in differentiating between real sleep and true unconsciousness.

(F) Ancesthcsia (loss of feeling or sensation of "skin") may be due to:—

(1) Snake-bite (chiefly krait). (2) Leprosy (very slowly develops insensibility,

never suddenly). (3) Paralysis: neurosis, etc. (4) Eczema. Herpes Zoster when suppressed by

ointments, render the skin insensible to touch (sometimes).

(5) Application of cocaine hydrochlor or other similar drugs, antimony, alcohol, etc.

(G) Perversion of the sense of taste ar loss of taste

may be due to:— (1) Snake-bite—in most cases of snake-bite the sense

of taste is perverted—salt tastes as sugar and sugar as sand; quinine tastes as sweet; neem •leaves (i.e., the leaves or twigs of Azadirachta indica) give no bitter taste to the patient.

(2) While in coryza (or "cold in the head") the sense of taste is lost, not perverted.

N.B.—A heavily coated tongue may have impaired taste function, the taste bulbs being covered by the deposit. Highly pungent and irritating condiments may impair the sense of taste for a short time.

(3) Hypnotism.

(H) Burning sensation may be due to:— (1) Snake-bite—almost all species of reptile poisons

cause this symptom in their victims. The part affected or the whole body, external or internal, may suffer from this symptom more or less.


^ (a) In cobra, the burning sensation starts from the bitten parts and readily affects the surface (skin) of the whole body.

(b) In vipers the mucous membranes—the inner mouth, eyes and all orifices of the body burn more or less.

(c) In developing burning sensation, perhaps the small earthworm-like snake Typhlops— known in Bengal as Puiya Sap or Telanga Sap—outbids all other snakes. I know of one patient in particular who had to run about in agony (of pain) till he was exhausted. Inhalation of " Lexin " gave him immediate relief. I think he would have died if " Lexin " had not been used at that moment.

(2) Scorpion stings—sensation of burning is absolutely confined to the affected limb, and never travels to the opposite ones. Burning sensation travels up the limb, says the patient, like liquid fire. The writer who made an experiment on himself cannot but second his statement.

(3) Burning sensation may be found in—

(a) Poisonings by aconite; arsenic; phosphorus; belladonna; capsicum; camphor large dose; ergot.

([>) Local application (external) of i r r i t an t s -such as pepper dust, carbolic acid, iodine, mustard, etc.

(c) Diseases—plague; erysipelas; high fever; cancer or other malignant affections; onset of smallpox, etc. These generally present no difficulty of diagnosis.


ESTIMATE OF COMMON ERRORS. 1. Ligature.—It is the common belief that a ligature

arrests the progress of the poison. If tied just after the accident, ligatures may sometimes check the inward progress of a part of the venom, to a certain extent, for a certain length of time. In the majority of cases, ligatures do not help. Before you arrange to fasten it, the poison has already gained access into the circulation when a tight bandage only adds to the sufferings to the patient.

I invite the attention of my readers to the series of most careful experiments of Sir Joseph Fayrer (Thanato-phudia of India) and A. J. Wall (Poisonous Terrestrial Snakes—F. Wall). Their advice is that ligatures are absolutely useless and should not be tied. If ligature is to t be used at all, only india-rubber bandage may be resorted to. Where the bite is intravenous, the venom is instantly circulated and ligatures are quite useless. When the bite is subcutaneous, ligatures may arrest the distribution of poison for some time.

N.B.—To retain a tight ligature for more than one hour is in itself a dangerous practice, even if there be no real poisoning by the snake.

2. Excision.—The common practice of excising the wound with sharp instruments is absolutely useless. The poison does not remain at or near the wound. You cannot •do the patient any good by inflicting cuts.

3. Old Remedies.—Potassium permanganate. True, it has been proved to be a chemical antidote to snake-venom T y Fayrer and others. But practical use by rubbing it after incising the wound has never saved life as the permanganate could not be made in any way to get mixed with the •circulating poison. Experiments of Rogers, Lamb and


Bannerman proved that the use of potassium permanganate is absolutely useless. The same is true of all other medicines known as antidotes, such as gold chloride, zinc chloride, etc. My advice is that we should not waste time with permanganate and other so-called remedies. They have long been discredited and discarded by the recognized authorities of the medical world. That we still endorse their use only betrays our ignorance. Nor should we use strychnine in a snake-bite case. It is a dangerous remedy. We should be alive to " the dangers of strychnine in snake­bite."* Some cases are said to have been improved by strychnine; but searching enquiry revealed no poisoning by snake in those cases. Nor should alcohol be given by the mouth to a snake-bite patient. It is positively harmful in the sense that " alcohol (when taken by the mouth) expedites the absorption of the poison which it should be our aim to prevent."f

4. Mantras or "Spells."—It is the common belief of a certain section of Indians that chanting of mantras may cure effects of poisoning. Snake poison can never be neutralized by uttering certain syllables, and I, request all" well-wishers of the patient not to waste a single moment on " charms " and incantations.

5. Indian Remedies.—Some virulent poisons are some times administered to snake-bjte patients in the name of "cures." I wish to warn the public against the practice. For instance, roots of oleander (karavira), a deadly poison is the one most generally prescribed by the so-called " village experts." This has killed many a patient and the blame has been wrongly attributed to snake-venom.

6. Amputation.—The venom becomes circulated in the blood within a few seconds of the bite. So you cannot save a patient by cutting off his finger. That the idea is

* Illiot. t Vincent Richards.


erroneous has been repeatedly proved by experiments on animals, with first-aids ready on the spot (Rogers).

7. Sucking the wound.—The site of the bite may be incised and sucked by a person to draw out the venom with the blood. This practice is advantageous to the patient to some extent, as the dose of the venom may be reduced thereby. But it is not safe for the person sucking the wound. Poison may be absorbed in his gums or the tongue, even if there be no ulceration in the month.

8. Fang-Marks of Poisonous Bites.—It has been said


Page 49, line 9. For " month " read " mouth."

Page 49, line 11. For "even if there be no ulceration in the mouth." read "even in

the text-books of school boys " That the bite of a " Certainly there are only two poison-fangs in one snake. But in a bite only one fang may be inserted when the attempt has been made sideways or obliquely. Three or more marks are sometimes noticed, followed by deadly symptoms (cf. 3193 of 1925). Cobras and kraits some­times inflict double bites almost simultaneously. The fangs of kraits are so fine that no marks may be seen at all. Moreover, cobras and vipers, if not other varieties also, have got reserve fangs arranged behind the more prominent ones at the front.

(See Figure, page 34.)

B, SB 4




A. Post-Mortem. (After Death.)

T H E medical practitioner is sometimes required by the Court of Law to give his expert opinion on the probable cause of death, particularly when the person died almost suddenly without any previous history of disease or when there appear certain grounds of suspicion (of murder). Sometimes a person is secretly murdered or poisoned to death by his enemies, and the blame is placed on snake-venom to avoid punishment. It is here that the physician is required to advise the Court as to what in his expert opinion might be the most probable cause of death.

Methods of Murder. As this book is most likely to be in the hands of

laymen and the public, I shall not mention the ingenious ways of killing that never lead to detection even by expert jurists; lest evil-minded persons should learn the art by reading this book.

To know whether death was due to snake-bite or other causes, we should (1) examine the whole body for fang marks. Venomous snakes generally leave two marks about one-third of an inch apart, each looking copper-coloured when the person is of dark complexion, or blood-coloured when he is fair. Each mark looks like a pin-prick. A particle of blood may or may not be present on one or both of the marks.

There may be present only one mark. Sometimes, the presence of three or more marks are seen to be inflicted by venomous bites. Also, there may be no marks visible to the naked eye (see Common Errors).


(2) Examine the person in the light of symptoms {see Articles on Symptoms and Differential Diagnosis).

Salivation. Nostrils and the buccal cavity remain full of mucus or thick saliva for a long time—days or weeks— after death (cf. diphtheria, hanging during life, etc.). Salivation may be altogether absent in krait-bite. The eyes may be inflamed and saliva may be bloody in snake-bite, and no mechanical injury need be suspected.

Macular spots or bluish spots, resembling blows with blunt weapons, may be present in any part of the body in a real snake poisoning (viper) case, without external causes.

These blue spots (ecchymosis) may show congestion of blood underneath the surface of the skin, but still a viper may be at the root. You cannot definitely say that the hand of man had been there.

Rupture of an enlarged spleen or loaded large intestine may be caused by viper bites on account of heavy internal haemorrhages into either of the organs. When you find one or both these signs in an alleged snake-bite case, you should pass your opinion with great caution.

J. P. Modi* refers to a case: " A Hindu girl of 15 years was alleged to have died from a snake-bite on the 23rd July, 1922, dissection revealed a rupture of the internal surface of the enlarged spleen." Air. Modi has not told us anything more about the case.

We shall be glad if no one had been punished here on suspicion aroused by the ruptured spleen. Rupture of an enlarged spleen may result from snake poison. Any man if accused must be given the benefit of doubt in such a case.

Falling Hairs. If there be any symptom exclusively characteristic of snake poisoning in general, it is the falling off of hair at the slightest touch with moist hands in •animals and by pulling them in man. I do not know if

*" Medical Jurisprudence," p. 572. Third Edition, 1924. Pub­lishers: Butterworth, Calcutta.


this symptom may be found in death or before death from other sources. If hair falls off, it is certainly due to snake poison; if not, then it may or may not be a case of snake poisoning.

Note.—In certain diseases, hair falls off gradually; but m snake poisoning it begins to fall if pulled or touched after a few minutes of bite.

Laboratory Tests. Laboratory tests do not help us at all to come to a

conclusive proof as to whether the death was due to snake-venom or not. Blood, serum, exudates or secretions from the affected part may be injected in animals; and a portion of he same mixed with double the quantity of antivenei* (calmette) mjected in another batch, controlling the e x p * ment. ( 0 The first batch may d i e a n d t h e ^ ^ ' j prove the presence of snake-venom in the dead body But when members of both the batches survive, we should-!o definitely state anything denying the urL T venom. S Presence of snake-

themselves because decomposition t t s e l f y "*• P ° i S ° n ° U S hy

even though the death had been a n t t " f P ° 1 S ° n S e n e r a t ° r ; ^ noted that the power of r e s " t n ^ * ""* a I s » Poisons is not the same in all animals ' ° d e c 0 m P o s i t i o n

(4) In real snake-bite cases n,. ' at the Place of the bite * t l T ^ ° r « * * * »

potassium permanganate or gold chl„ •, V e n o m w h e r e b v 'Vision. g 0 W c W °nde was locally u s e d

( s ) In the "control" » to be remembered, that & T m e n t ! ° n e d a b o v e - * (even when m i x e d i n ^ J ^ J T * is „ o t n e u t r a l i ; e - d

eJ With the antivenpne antivenene


(polyvalent) of the Pasteur Institutes. Hence it follows that both the batch of animals experimented upon may die if the specimen exudates contained krait-venom. I do not know if antivenene experts have up till now been able to manufacture anything against the venom of kraits.

Recapitulation of Post-Mortem Examination with Antivenene.

Let A = animals injected with exudates from the dead body.

B = animals injected with exudates and antivenene. d = death, s = survival. Ex. = experiment.

W e may take it for granted that Antivenene Polyvalent*

neutralizes cobra and Russell's viper venom in situ; but

does not neutralize krait poison. These are admitted facts.

Possible results and probable conclusions. r . . , , "J Proves existence of snake (cobra | A death—a \ QV Russeii 's viper) venoms, if

-kx- *• '| _ . , { series of experiment give this same I B survival—J | r e s u l t f • . , i Proves existence of krait poison,

-j, 9 J A d i. or chemical poison or poison of r> j I mere decomposed matter. See

[ B~d I (3) above. f A—s | Does not prove anything definite.

Ex. 3. -J f There may be "no poisoning." ! B—s I Sec (I), (2) and (4) above. f A - * 1 Applying (1). (2) or (4) to A,

p x 4 J I and (3) to B, we may say this J £ ^ j may or may not be a case of krait-^ J bite.

So it is evident from the above that Laboratory Tests

do not help us much in our investigations regarding the

most probable cause of death. Rigor Mortis. Putrefaction.

Rigidity of Muscles.

Rigidity may start sometime before death in krait-bites

and remain so for one or two days after death. There is T Fresh antivenene must be used. The serum loses its

neutralizing powers when old, or if it is not preserved in ice-chamber all the time since its production.


nothing in particular to differentiate from the rigor mortis following a natural death. In a few cases of death from cobra-bites, it has been clearly observed that rigor mortis or any sort of stiffness in the musculature does not occur at all, even when the body is preserved for days and weeks. Putrefactive changes occur very early after death from viper-bites; while in a cobra case where death is almost sudden (in an intravenous bite) putrefaction starts after considerable delay. The writer had personally seen one case where rigidity, putrefaction or fermentation did not occur (in the hot days of July) in a cobra case for 4 days when the patient, a Mahomedan girl was buried. Another grave was unearthed from time to time and the inmate, again a Moslem girl (cobra victim), was seen to defy putrefaction and seemed to look like one in the best of health. It was after 60 days that her face only looked a little darker. I am inclined to believe that fermentation, putrefaction and other degenerative post-mortem changes in the body as a whole are considerably delayed when the system is charged with a fair amount of cobra venom. Samuel Hahnemann has noted* in a case of arsenic poisoning that " the body after sixteen days was still fresh and undecomposed."

These are facts and let lawyers brood over them.

How did the ancient Egyptians preserve their dead bodies for centuries? Let antiquarians answer and modern Alchemists begin their researches anew.

Livores Mortis.

Pigmented areas on the skin after death. Small or large bluish spots may appear on the skin after death from snake-venom (as also after natural death) that may suggest

• ante-mortem bruises. The colouring matter of blood (remaining in blood vessels) diffuses itself through the

hv * " ? I ; r o n i cJ

D » M s e C p. 371, by Samuel Hahnemann (Published by Boencke and Tafel, Philadelphia, 1896). ^uonsnea


tissues and causes to develop pigmented areas on the skin in death from snake-bite. The Public Prosecutor need not take it as a result of bruises or " blows" (with blunt weapon) received before death.

B. Ante-Mortem. (Before Death or Cure.)

(1) Rigidity of muscles may take place a few hours before death quite as much from the venom of krait, daboia and echis as from tetanus, or strychnine poisoning.

(2) Pigmented areas on the skin appear in poisoning by a Russell's viper, and may remain for days and hours before cure, or death or after death.

(3) Hairs from any part of the body may fall off on pulling, after poisoning with snake-venom. This symptom continues after death but ceases immediately after cure.

(4) Putrefaction or decomposition may start in any particular limb, long before death or cure, from Russell's viper poisoning.

(5) Snake-venom is secreted through lactic glands of suckling mothers during treatment and for a short time after cure. To keep her baby on the safe side, the mother should nurse her baby only after 12 hours of cure. Nor is it safe to kiss her young ones as the poison is also eliminated through saliva during treatment and for a few hours after cure.

(6) Congestion of sexual organs, and emission of semen or prostatic fluid take place in poisoning by cobra and lachesis venom, especially where unconsciousness (with constriction of oesophagus) is one of the symptoms. Bowels also move sometimes just before death. Similar is the case in hanging during life.

C. After Cure.

(1) After cure, snake-bitten patients behave as if nothing had happened. The venom leaves no after-effects' in most cases, even where there was no apparent hope of life and symptoms were very serious.


(2) After a lot of bleeding (haemolysis due to viper poison), the patient does not feel the weakness even to the extent of the blood lost! Tissues are rapidly repaired after cure. Only swelling remains for some time after cure.

(3) Relapse of deadly symptoms occur in serious cases if the patient smokes tobacco within 12 hours of cure. Probably, tobacco is antidotal to " Lexin " (cf. Anaphylactic Shock?).

(4) Sensorium. In a few cases of cobra and lachesis bites where suffocation in unconscious state had been a prominent symptom, the sensorium was found to be peculiarly affected during treatment, and impressions remained for a long time after cure.

(a)A lady patient (lachesis poisoning) in the district of Tipperah was cured with " Lexin." After cure, she complained to her husband that he had violated her modesty during treatment when she had been "apparently" unconscious. The fact remains that many persons were present throughout the course of her treatment and no such attempt could have been made by the husband. The husband reported the case himself and stated that such was her conviction that she could not . be made to believe otherwise.

(b) A lady aged 22 (district Bankura), was bitten by a black monocellate cobra. Intensely poisoned. Developed grave symptoms. Remained unconscious for hours. Inhaled " L e x i n " for about 3 hours before full consciousness returned. Cure is reported to have been completed in 6 hours. She believes that " she had not been senseless; only she did not hear anybody speaking or calling her; she was feeling continuance of copulation for a certain length of time and that she was wholly unable to resist." Her impression that she had been violated during the treatment still remains unshaken. The fact was that no attempt had been made by any one to tamper with her modesty, as she had never been alone during the treatment.


(c) Many male patients have confessed that they had wet-dreams during treatment in the unconscious stage, and discharged semen. Cobra-venom excites the craving for the flesh. Remarks: The author believes in the truth of the statements of reporters of above mentioned cases. Actually there had been done no undesirable act on the female patients by any one; but the serpent poison (an anaesthetic) made her feel so. In cases of snake-bite many persons naturally remain present all through till cure is completed, and we are justified to disbelieve the allegations (of rape) made by the women patients.

False accusation of rape during unconsciousness is not a new thing to students of Medical Jurisprudence. Reese* cites a case where a young woman charged a dentist with having violated her during her unconscious state produced by ether for extraction of her tooth. The woman was not medically examined but the defendant was punished on the woman's statement that she felt the accused " entering her person" but was unable to cry out or resist. The writer believes that here the Judge made a blunder in convicting the accused on the alleged statement alone.

J. P. Modif quotes a case from Dixonmann's " Forensic Medicine and Toxicology/' Edition V, p. 101, where " a married lady, to whom a dentist administered chloroform,' afterwards accused him of violating her whilst under the influence of the anaesthetic. Her husband who was present during the time she was unconscious, testified that his wife was under the strangest impression that she had been violated."

The present writer knows of a case of a young Indian lady (Calcutta) who complained to her husband that she was partially violated by her attending physician during one of her hysteric fits. On enquiry the writer learned that the patient was a sufferer of long-continued hysteric

*" Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology," 1891, p. 559. f " Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology for India," 1924, p. 285.


fits every day at the same hour. During one of her attacks, which was a very severe one, her doctor gave her a small dose of (conium) poison Hemlock " to cool her down." The disease was practically cured by the dose, but the doctor was looked on with suspicion. The physician, an accurate observer in clinics, confided to the writer that there was in reality nothing complainable against him and he never visited the patient alone. Here Hemlock, an anaesthetic, affected the sensorium very nicely.

The author is of opinion that in cases of rape during unconsciousness, the Public Prosecutor should insist on the production of medical examination report. It is needless to point out that the examination must be made as soon as possible after the alleged criminal act. It is also important to see that the woman had not been alone with any man during the intervening period. The writer hopes, the Judge and the Jury will not make out a case against any accused person simply on the woman's statement alone in such a case. Many a blunder has already been made by the dispensers of Justice and their Counsels.


PHARMACOLOGY OF SNAKE-VENOM. MANY valuable medicines have been prepared with

snake-venom by almost all the leading schools of the Healing Art.

(1) Hindu System of Medicine.—Perhaps the Hindus may claim to be the pioneers in the use of serpent poisons as medicine though their Rasa Granthas (books dealing with mercury and snake-venom) are said to belong to a very recent date. They know that snake-venom is a powerful stimulant when given by the mouth in a very small dose, and that its action is modified if it is mixed with the bile of certain animals.

For the information* of my readers, I give below the formula? of some of the famous medicines, the Hindus still prepare (with the poison of "young and healthy black cobra") for the healing of the sick.

Suchik&bharana: The name is significant of the dose as "measured by the point of a needle." Preparation: Mercury, sulphur, oxide of lead, aconite and cobra-venom one part each. Mixed well and soaked successively in the bile of rohu fish, wild boar, peacock, buffalo and goat, drying the powder each time in a cool place. Prescribed for abdominal tuberculosis, last stage of typhoid fever, collapse, very high or very low fever, bubonic plague, etc. The present writer knows that this medicine gives claimed-for results. But he is not sure, if this prescription minus cobra venom might also give similar effects.

Brihat Suchikdbharana is prepared exactly as above plus one part of reduced black talc. Dose: The size of a mustard

*For fuller information please refer to the excellent work on "Indian Materia Medica," by N. D. Nadkarni, Bombay, 1927, pp. 1132—1138.


seed. The dose is taken with green cocoanut-water. Pre­scribed for cholera, obstinate diarrhoea, impending heart-failure, breathing difficulty in pneumonia, extreme restless­ness, etc.

Ardhandrisvara Rasa: Take one part each of mercury, sulphur, aconite root and borax. Mix well in a mortar and rub it black. Put this black powder in the mouth of a black cobra. Close it with mud. Cover this head of the cobra with salt in an earthen vessel. Cover this pot with mud and apply mild heat constantly for 12 hours. Take out the medicine when the pot is cool and triturate it into fine powder.

Dose: Two grains to be used as snuff. Prescribed for obstinate fevers.

Aghorenrisingha Rasa, Kdlauala Rasa, etc., are the names of similar preparations. The writer does not like to waste time in enumerating all of them.

(2) Serum Therapy.—The honour of the invention of antitoxic serum with snake-venom against snake poisoning belongs to Albert Calmette of France. His famous " Antivenin" and its imitations are being prepared and used all over the civilized world. In India, it is being made at the Pasteur Institute, Kasauli. Mode of preparation:

Antivenene (Calmette).* " In the preparation of this serum the venom is removed

either from the living snake or after killing it. This venom is mostly desiccated over sulphuric acid in vacuo and a weighed quantity of this is dissolved in sterile water and injected into the horse. The increase in dose proceeds very gradually; the final dose appears to be about 0-6 gram of venom, equivalent to the entire yield of 20 average sized snakes. The serum is removed in the customary manner and standardized.

*Martindale and Westcott's "Extra Pharmacopoeia;' Vol II p. 547.


" Calmette obtained his remedy by the inoculation of horses with the poison of the cobra de capello; his serum possesses a strength of 1 in 20,000; that is to say ^ c.c. subcutaneously injected into a hare of two kilos in weight suffices to protect it from snake poison which kills a similar hare in eight hours.

"Dose. Antivenene is supplied in tubes of 10 c.c. This amount or as much as 40 c.c. should be injected. The serum should be as fresh as possible. (As much as 400 c.c. intravenously and 10 or 20 times that amount, if subcutane­ously, has been advised for cobra poisoning.) The injection requires to be made at once, or within an hour in man "

Lamb and Illiot have shown that " antivenomous sera are specific, even between the venoms of a species of the same genus."

Antivenins are specific in their action, i.e., Antivenins made from cobra-venom neutralize cobra poison, those from Those made from a mixture of both (polyvalent) neutralize

—— TlirvQ^rnarle. from n. mixrurenf hnfh fnnlvvnlpnf^ npntralizp ERRATA.

page 61. line 18. Far " Those made from a mixture of both (polyvalent) neutralize "

read " Russell's viper-venom neutralize Russell's viper-venom."

Afranio do Amaral in U. S. A. Dose: 20 c.c, intravenous, every 15 minutes or 30

minutes according to symptoms, 400 c.c. intravenously may be required to cure one cobra case!

(3) Homoeopathy*—This department of human knowledge is responsible for the invention of some excellent medicines made with the poison of almost all the leading snakes of the world.

*For fuller information see "Homoeopathic Pharmacopia," by Boericke and Tafel, Philadelphia; "Materia Medica," by William Boericke, New York, 1924.


The following are the names of several homoeopathic medicines made from snake-venom with their uses:—

Lachesis.—First prepared and " proven " by Constantine Hering of U. S. A. It is prescribed chiefly for heart trouble, diphtheria, gangrene, sepsis, bubonic plague, haemo­lysis (bleeding), etc. This is the one most frequently used by homoeopaths.

Cenchris contortrix.—Ancistrodon (copperhead-snake). —Indicated in the following symptoms: dyspnoea, restless­ness, vivid dreams, increased sexual desire, tenderness of right ovary. Sensation as if the heart has filled the whole chest and fallen down in abdomen.

Toxicophis (Moccasin-snake)—used for unusual dryness of skin; annual fevers.

Bothrops lanciolatus, i from Yellow Viper.

Lachesis lanciolatus. ) Prescribed for gangrene, day-blindness, haemorrhage,

difficulty of swallowing liquids, lymphatics swollen, sepsis, etc.

Cobra (Naja) is chiefly indicated in breathlessness due to heart troubles, cholera, plague, and diseases primarily depending upon degeneration of motor cells.

Viper a (from German viper) indicated in inflammation of veins with great swelling; bursting sensation.

Pelias berus (from Adder).—Extreme weakness, navel pain, dyspnoea, gout, stiff joints, etc.

Blaps (Coral-snake).—" Black discharges." Diarrhoea of T. B., paralysis; spasm of oesophagus; constriction of pharynx.

Crotalus horridus (Rattle-snake).—This medicine seems to have a most profound action on the blood, both venous and arterial. It cures haemolysis, blood decomposi­tion, and all sorts of haemorrhages from any orifice of the body. Jaundice, carbuncle, cancer, plague, cholera.


Bungarus fasciatus (Banded krait) indicated in acute polio-encephalitis and myelitis.

Preparation: One part of venom smartly shaken* 12 times with 99 parts of alcohol makes dilution No. 1. One part of No. 1 shaken 12 times with fresh alcohol (99 parts) makes dilution No. 2. One part of No. 2 shaken 12 times with 99 parts of pure alcohol again, makes dilution No. 3 ; and so on up to 30th, 200th and more. Samuel Hahnemann, the Founder of Homoeopathy, preferred the 30th, in his practice.

Dose: One drop in water, or, two globules of sugar soaked in medicine.

Note.—Chemical formulaf of cobra venom is C3iH20O62. On mathematical calculation (as described on page 7) we do noli find even one molecule of cobra-venom in the dilution No. 14 of the homoeopathic remedy "cobra." Practitioners use it in the 30th dilution. The present writer is in a position to place it on record that these medicines (lachesis, cobra, crotalus, etc.) do act very nicely in the 30th dilution.

If there is not even 1 molecule in 14th, what is there in the 30th ?—one may ask. According to our present knowledge of Atomic Physics, there should be " nothing " in the 30th dilution of any homoeopathic remedy. But this writer knows that IT ACTS, and acts very powerfully.

Either molecules multiply and reproduce their own species, or the luminaries of science are in the wrong ? Perhaps C. V. Raman and Niels Bohr will be able to answer.

•Hahnemann uses the word "succussion." tFaust, quoted by F. Wall ("Terrestrial Snakes," p. 76).



SNAKES are found in almost every part of the habitable globe except Ireland and Iceland. Their number is largest in the tropics about the equator, diminishing at a telescopic rate towards the Poles. They are said to be absent in New Zealand and most oceanic islands. In 1890, Boulenger* knew about 1,500 species of snakes and arranged them in nine families; all represented in India. More species have been discovered during the last 38 years and now (1928) the total number of species comes to about 2,300, of which more than 160 are poisonous. I believe, with the progress of time more families will come to light and delight the heart of specialists. We laymen are quite satisfied with the knowledge of the existence of 2,300 different species and more so with the 160 of poisonous ones.

The following list is compiled from Blanford's edition of Boulenger as mentioned in the footnote. I have made only a little addition and alteration here and there. For fuller information regarding description of each Indian species, the reader must have to go through that book.

Family I—Typ'hlops.

4 Genera. Nearly 100 species.

Habitation: Southern Asia, borders of the Mediter­ranean, Africa, Australia, Central and South America

•George A. Boulenger—Reptilia and Batrachia—in the "Fauna of British India." Published by the Secretary of State for India in Council, 1890. Taylor and Francis, London W T Blanford. ' l'

VT £ T y p l ? ? p s \ I L Glaucoma. III. Boa. IV. Ilysia. V. Uropeltis Vl.Xenopelt*. VII. Colubrines. VIII. Amblycephalus. I X L v S m S


West Indies, India and its dependencies, Southern China, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Arabia, Madagascar, and Islands of the Indian Ocean including Ceylon, Cochin China, Andamans, the Himalayas.

Family II.—Glaucoma. (Syn. Stenostoma macrorhynchus—Peters.)

Single genus. 15 species. Habitation: Sind (India).

Family III.—(I) Python. Seven species. Africa 4, Asia 3.

Habitation: Sumatra, Borneo, Singapore, Burma, Nicobar Islands, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Penin­sular India, Rajputana and Bengal to the foot of the Himalayas, Java and Ceylon.

(2) Gongylophis.

Habitation: Whole of Northern India from Sind to E.

Bengal, Anamalai Hills.

(3) Eryx.

Six species. Habitation: Southern Asia and North Africa, Central

and South India, the Punjab, Cutch and Sind.

Family IV.—(l)Jlysia.

South America.

(2) Cylindrophis (Non-poisonous ?). Three species.

Habitation: Singapore, Burma, Cochin China to Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Ceylon.

Family V.—W Uropeltis.

Seven species. ^ —

Habitation: Ceylon.

(2) Rhinophis.

Six species.

Habitation: Ceylon and S. India forests of Pal ghat.

B , SB *>


(3) SUybura.

Twenty-two species. Habitation: Ceylon, S. India, Anamalai Hills, Tinne-

velly, Madura, Nilgiri, Vizagapatam, Eastern Ghats Hills, Hills of Bombay Presidency, North Canara, Mysore Hills,


(4) Pscudoplcctrurus.

Habitation: South India, Mountains of Canara.

(5) Plcctrurus.

Four species.

Habitation: South India, esp. Nilgiris.

(6) Mclanophidium.

Three species. Habitation: S. India, esp. Travancore.

(7) Platyplcctrurus.

Three species. Habitation: S. India, esp. Travancore.

Family VI.—Xenopcltis.

One species.

Habitation: Burma, Indo-China, Malay Peninsula and

Archipelago, Trichinopoly, S. India.

Family VII.—Colubrida?.

This family divides itself into three groups:— Aglypha—Harmless. Opisthoglypha—Slightly poisonous. Proteroglypha—Highly poisonous.


(1) Calamaria—30 species.

Habitation: Assam, Burma, S. China to Malay Archi­pelago, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Siam, Cochin China Canton.

(2) Xylophis—2 species.

Habitation: Hills of S. India (Madura, Travancore).


(3) Trachischium—5 species. Habitation: Eastern Himalayas, Khasi Hills, Assam. (4) Blythia Reticulata—1 species. Habitation: Eastern Himalayas, Assam. (5) Aspidura—4 species. Habitation: Ceylon. (6) Haplocercus—1 species. Habitation: Ceylon. (7) Lycodon—20 species.

Habitation: East Indies, South China, Japan, New Guinea, Sind, the Punjab, N.-W. Provinces, almost all the hilly regions of Indian Peninsula, Ganjam, Bengal, Assam, Pegu, Anamalai Hills, Santal Perganas, Burma, Siam, Malay Peninsula, Java, Philippines, Khasi Hills, Himalayas, Sikkim, Ceylon.

(8) Hydrophobic—5 species. Habitation: South India, Ceylon, Siam, Cochin China. (9) Pseudocyclophis—4 species. Habitation: Persia, Karachi, Wynaad, Khasi Hills,

Assam. (10) Polyodontophis—9 species. Habitation: India, Burma, Ceylon, S. China, Federated

Malay States, Madagascar, Central America, Calcutta, Manbhum district, Ellore, Malabar Coast, Bengal, Assam, Penang, Pegu, Prome.

(11) Ablabes—12 species. Habitation: S. Africa, S. E. Asia, Ceylon, Madras,

Bombay, Martaban, Bengal, Assam, Mesopotamia, Afghanis­tan, Himalayas, Nicobar Islands, N. Burma, Sumatra.

(12) Coronella—1 species. Habitation: The Deccan, Berar. (13) Simotes—20 species. Habitation: S. China, India, Malay Archipelago,

Bengal, Assam, Burma, Himalayas, Rungpore (Bengal), Ceylon, Nepal.

(14) Oligodon—17 species.


Habitation: India, Ceylon, Malay Archipelago, Syria; India—Madras Presidency, Khasi Hills, Sind, Bengal.

(15) Lytorhynchus (Sand-snakes)—1 species. Habitation: Deserts of Algeria to Persia, Afghanistan,

Turkestan and Sind (India). (16) Zamenis—20 species. Habitation: Europe, Asia and X. Africa. India—Sikkim,

Assam, Burma; S. China, Siam, Arrakan, Malayas, Sumatra and Java, Ceylon, Afghanistan. From the Euphrates to Persia, Beluchistan to Kashmir (Gilgit, Ladak); the Punjab, Sind, Cutch, Bombay, Western Himalayas, Persia, Arabia, Syria and Egypt, Turkey.

(17) Zaocys—1 species (about 7 feet). Habitation: Himalayas, Khasi Hills and Upper Burma. (18) Coluber—12 species. Habitation: Europe, Asia, America (Canada to S. of

Brazil); India—Sind, Bombay, Cutch, Rajputana, Madras Presidency, Khasi and Garo Hills, Himalayas from Ladak to Sikkim; Manchuria, China, Siam, Sumatra, Java, Ceylon, Andamans.

(19) Xenelaphis—1 species. Habitation: Arrakan, Malaya, Borneo, Sumatra, Java. (20) Dendrophis—12 species (Arboreal). Habitation: N. Australia, E. Indies; India—Travancore,

E. and W. Ghats, Bengal; Burma, Siam, Ceylon.

(21) Dendrelaphis—2 species.

Habitation: S. India, Malayas and Philippine Islands, S. Burma, Borneo, Sumatra, Celebes.

(22) Pseudoxenodon (sometimes mistaken for cobra for its dilatable neck)—1 species.

Habitation: Khasi Hills, Pegu Hills.

(23) Tropidonotus—30 species.

Habitation: All over the world, except Iceland, Ireland and some oceanic islands.

(24) Helicops—1 species in India (acquatic).


Habitation: Tropical America, S. India, Ceylon, Bengal, Burma and the Malayas.

(25) Xenochrophis—1 species. Habitation: Bengal, Assam and the Malayas. (26) Stoliczkaia—1 species. Habitation: Khasi Hills. (27) Chersydrus—1 species (Sea-snake). Habitation: Mouths of large rivers of India and Burma,

Malay Peninsula and New Guinea. " This snake never leaves water and occurs miles out at sea; it is viviparous and feeds on fish."—Boulenger.

(28) Dispas—20 species. Habitation: "Represented in every part of the world."

—Boulenger. (29) Elachistodon. Habitation: Bengal (Rungpore and Purnea districts). (30) Psammodynastes—2 species. Habitation: Borneo, Sumatra, Bengal, Assam, Burma,

S. China and the Malayas. Total length, 20 inches; venomous. (31) Psammophis—12 species (Sand-snakes). Habitation: Africa, S. Asia, Sind, Rajputana, Cutch,

Beluchistan, Afghanistan, Persia, Arabia, S. India. (32) Dryophis—8 species (Tree-snakes). Harmless. Habitation: East Indies, S. India (Nilgiris), Bengal,

Burma. Very gentle snake of green colour.

(33) Chrysopelea—3 species (Kalnagini, wrong name). Habitation: E. Indies, India, Burma, Ceylon, Siam and

the Malayas. Total length to 4£ feet. The Indian species " Chrysopelea Ornata " is a very beautiful and gentle snake. Harmless. Feeds on lizards. Its body is ornamented with a grand display of coloured spots, almost all colours are represented. People of Bengal wrongly call it Kalnagini.

(34) Homalophis—1 species. Habitation: Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Malayas, Pegu,



(35) Cerberus—1 species (Water-snake). Habitation: N. India from Assam to the Indus, Burma,

Ceylon, New Guinea, N. Australia, S. China, Malaya. Lives in the mud of large river banks, sea-coasts, gentle and harmless.

(36) Hypsirhina—8 species. Poison fangs grooved. Habitation: E. Indies, S. China, India, Burma.

(37) Fordonia—1 species. Poison fangs grooved.

Habitation: As in (35). (38) Gerardia—1 species. Poison fangs grooved. Length 16 inches. Habitation: Pegu, Bassein River.

(39) Cantoria—1 species. Poison fangs grooved. Habitation: Singapore, Borneo, and river mouths at


(40) Hipistes—1 species. Poison fangs grooved.

Habitation: River mouths in \Y. coast of Burma.

Blapine (Sub-family).

Distributed in Asia, Africa, America and Australia as

following: All highly poisonous.

(41) Callophis—7 species. Habitation: E. Indies, S. China, Japan, India, Burma.

(42) Adeniophis—2 species.

Habitation: Penang, Malayas, Burma, Central India.

N.B.—Its poison gland is not in its head, but in its belly. (43) Bungarus (Krait)—8 species.

(a) Bungarus cerulus—common krait of India. Black body with white cross bars all over; belly white.

(.&) Bungarus lividus—all black krait (Kalnagini). (c) Bungarus fasciatus—Rajsap of Bengal.

(d) Bungarus ceylonicus—as (a), with black cross bars covering the belly also. In young, the belly is white.


(44) Naia (Cobra). Highly venomous. Hooded. (a) Spectacled cobra. (b) Monocellate cobra. (c) Cobra with no defined mark on hood. (d) King cobra.

Sca-snakcs. Highly venomous.

Look like stout kraits with broad cross bars and strongly compressed oar-shaped tail.

Habitation: Sea-coasts and river mouths all over the world.

(45) Platurus. (46) Enhydris. (47) Hydrus. (48) Hydrophis. Habitation: Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean.

(49) Distira.

Habitation: Chinese sea to N. Coast of Australia.

Family VIII.

(1) Amblycephalus—8 species. (Large eyed snake).

Habitation: S. China, Burma, Bengal, Assam, Siam,

Malayas, Himalayas, Khasi Hills, Java, Borneo, Malacca.

Family IX. The Vipers.

Two classes: (1) Viper Proper, and (2) Pit-Viper. All vipers are highly venomous. They do not lay eggs,

but give birth to young ones. They are represented all over the world.

(a) Azemiops Fea—1 species. Length, 2 feet.

Habitation: Upper Burma.

(b) Viper a russelli.

Habitation: India, Burma, Ceylon, Siam, Sumatra, Java. Length, 4 feet.


Vipera lebetina. Habitation: N. Africa, S. W. Asia, Algeria, Cyprus,

Beluchistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir. Length, 5 feet.

(c) Echis—2 species. Echis colorata. Habitation: Arabia, Palestine. Echis carinata. Habitation: N. African deserts (Sahara, Egypt), S. W.

Asia and sandy districts of India. Length, 2 feet. This

small viper is very fierce and aggressive like its elder brother V. russelli.

(2) Pit-Vipers—Crotaline.

(a) Ancistrodon—10 species. Habitation: North and Central America and Asia.

(b) Trimeresurus—40 species.

Habitation: E. Indies, S. China, Tropical America, India, Ceylon, Burma.

(c) Crotalus—" of which the Rattle-snakes are the type genus, are American (ranging from U. S. A. to Patagonia) and Asiatic."—Boulenger.


Physical Features and Peculiarities. T H E most characteristic peculiarity of snakes is the

absence of limbs. The bone of the lower jaw is also not of one piece but two, the two halves being connected in front by an elastic ligament. This allows the serpent to dilate its mouth and swallow a prey very much larger than the cavity of its mouth would otherwise admit. In most snakes the bones of the upper jaw and of the palate are likewise mobile, thus allowing a dilatation of the gape to an extraordinary degree. There are no moveable eye-lids: the lid extends as a transparent disk over the eyeball, and its outer layer is cast off periodically in a single piece with the rest of the skin. During this time they remain partially blind, till the old skin is cast off. No snake has an ear-opening. The tongue is smooth, bifid and retractile into a basal sheath. Snakes feel with the tongue. As the limbs are absent, the animal moves by lateral undulations caused by internal movements of ribs. As the ear is absent, snakes hear with the eye. Seeing and hearing are inversely proportional. When they hear with the greatest attention, they see the least of things and vice versa. Kraits are more deaf than other varieties of snakes. The flying snakes of Arabia have got wings. The muscles of snakes are fully developed, and they can perform feats of strength. A snake can stand on its tail by half its length. A snake can climb a tree faster than a squirrel, jump from one tree to another better than a monkey, swim across a stream faster than a swan, and capture a cow or a buffalo by coiling strongly round the hind legs to quench its thirst for milk. King cobras and pythons are wrestlers and heavy weight champions. It is said that once a king cobra (12 feet) captured a cow and


broke the bones of her legs by squeezing round and round with its coils. A king cobra can pick up a lamb by its mouth and carry it home without apparent exertion.

Fasting: Snakes do not come out in winter months and are obliged to fast for 4 to 6 months at a time. They cannot bear cold. If given food they take regular meals in all seasons of the year in captivity. They may remain living without food or drink for 25 months without break, if kept undisturbed in a dark place. During prolonged fasting they even go on without respiration for months and months. The harmless Gongylophis can fast longer than any other snake. Perhaps python stands second.

Food: Snakes generally feed on small animals, rats, frogs, birds, insects, eggs and smaller snakes. They are fond of milk if opportunity offers it. Banded kraits are very fond of eating other snakes. A krait can swallow an Echis (saw-scaled viper) without apparent difficulty of swallowing. Snakes do not eat one another when they live together in one place, but they break the law against a stranger. His Majesty Hamadryad (king cobra) lives principally on snakes. A python can swallow an antelope and digest everything including horns and hoofs.

Lodging: All snakes like to live in dark places, and prefer holes underground. They cannot dig holes them­selves, but live in holes made by rats, white-ants and small animals. Lachesis (Trimeresurus), Dryophis live on trees and like to roam about among green foliage. King cobra prefers jungles of large trees. Russell's viper, a terrestrial snake, would often climb a high tree or a date-palm, only for the inspection of bird's nests or dive into the waters in search of fish. Cobras and kraits live in holes among rocks on hills, kilns of old bricks, and dwellings of men. Python lives in jungles on hills. Sea-snakes live in holes under water by seashore or mouths of rivers. Typhlops, in moist mud and rotten logs of wood. Eggs of Tropido-notus are found by ridges of paddy fields,, but these snakes


are said to come down in a lump of dozens from the clouds from time to time! The writer is not in a position to confirm this statement.

Eggs: Most of the ophidians lay eggs and some, of them (vipers) bring forth young ones. Eggs laid by one snake may number up to 60 (python 100) if not more. Eggs are of elongated elliptical shape with soft shells, joined together by a glutinous fluid. Sometimes the young ones break the eggshell within the womb and come out alive followed by or following the empty shell. A snake some­times eats the eggs and young ones of other snakes. The mother snake becomes very ferocious during hatching time and would chase an innocent passer-by without rhyme or reason.

It is said that vipers which are naturally viviparous* become oviparousf in captivity. I do not know if this is true.

Cruelty: It may be stated without fear of contradiction that Man is the most cruel' of animals. Next comes the snake—His Majesty king cobra stands first in order of merit. A snake may bite you in cold blood with clear intention of killing even when you have done it no wrong. The belief that a snake does not bite unless under provoca­tion is altogether erroneous. Thousands of cases are on record to prove the contrary.

Length: Some sailors are said to have met with sea-snakes more than 160 feet long in high seas. Pythons, the largest of land snakes, are never found longer than 35 feet; king cobras may attain to 18 feet in length, while an adult Typhlops may measure only 4 inches. We are not in a position to state anything definitely regarding maximum length of any species.

Longevity: The present writer is not competent enough to write anything definitely about longevity of snake. The

•Giving birth to young ones. tLaying eggs.


subject has been dealt with by Ray Lankester in his book on " Comparative Longevity." One of the commentators* of Patanjal Philosophy (a Hindu System of Thought) has stated that deep-breathing serpents live to a very great age. He would give 200 years and more to a cobra. This writer is not inclined to make any remarks for or against this assertion.

Cobra, krait, daboia and banded krait grow old and show signs of senility. But we cannot definitely say how old a particular specimen may be. Dentists will be pleased to hear that the teeth of a snake do fall off in old age; though the poison fangs remain active as ever. Some say that the tail of a cobra grows shorter with age; but this is erroneous. The writer has seen a young cobra with a short tail, and an old one with a tail of full length. They generally lose a portion of the tail when bitten off by their antagonists such as mongoose, peacocks, etc., during a fight.

Probable causes of death:—

Accidents: Any snake dies if it is bitten by a venomous snake. In a fight with mongoose, snakes often loose their lives.

The mongoose are, however, not immune to snake-venom. They die if bitten by a venomous snake, though the fatal dose for them would be higher than that required by other animals calculated in terms of body weight.

Diseases: Doctors will be disappointed to learn that " dyspepsia" has got nothing to do with the members of the reptilian world. They are voracious eaters and digest like fire.

The only disease they suffer from is ulcer of the mouth or body. They succumb after suffering from ulcer for a year or so.

Once a cobra drank a lot of cold water during a bath after 6 months' fasting and contracted pneumonia which

* Kalivar Vedantabagis's " Patanjal Yogadarsan."


ended fatally in 24 hours. Long breathing serpents some­times get this disease and die of it.

Leaving aside accidents the life of a cobra, python and gongylophis must be considerably long. A cobra lived with a certain " charmer " for twenty years and showed no sign of old age.

They attain breeding age in 4 years; carry 4 months before the eggs are laid. Hatch eggs from 15 days to 2 months. The young ones do not eat anything after birth for 2 to 4 months but increase in body weight. How only air may contribute to this improvement still remains a mystery to this writer.

The lungs, heart, stomach, kidney, brain and the muscles are very healthy in almost all the large snakes. This is a considerable point which should not be lost sight of in our discussion about longevity of snakes.

Heart. If you separate the heart (from a living cobra

or a trimeresurus), it will beat for 36 to 50 minutes on

your table. If only the head is abruptly cut off, the heart will go on

beating for 24 to 30 hours. The body will react to touch and pressure for 6 to 50 hours. The head will maintain its consciousness (that is, it will readily bite a finger at a suitable distance) after several hours of decapitation.

The Skin. The skin is renewed periodically once in

a fortnight, a' month or 2 months, and the old skin is

wholly cast off. Rest. They take long rest which prevents wear and

tear in a great measure. When fasting in winter, they remain in status quo

j - „u Ufp-function for months. ^ n b o i e S i r encourage the writer to hold that

large snakes probably attain long We. Snake S tone . -A small oval p-ece of absorbent stone ,factured by snake-charmers charcoal dust and



lime, and claimed to possess curative powers in "snake-bite. Stones do not really possess this property.

Snake-Charming.—Snakes can never be charmed. Snake men can play with cobras only, because these snakes are in the habit of paying close attention to a course of melodious music; and when they hear, they do not see, as I have said above. Ask any " charmer " to charm a krait, a daboia, a mamba (of Africa) or a king cobra (of the Sunderbans) and he will soon be found unequal to the task. Cobras are prone to hear music with great attention and continue to do so with undivided attention for hours. This characteristic peculiarity of cobras has rendered them manageable by snake-charmers. A viper does not care a straw for your music though it can hear well, nor would it look attentively at a moving body as a cobra does.

The common krait of India and the common viper of Europe (Vipera bera) do not even live in captivity. If captured they will observe hunger-strike, and die within a few days. The writer once put a krait in a glass-case and it was found to be always in a restless state incessantly trying to escape; and died of exhaustion within 20 hours.

Hypnotism.—Snakes are said to mesmerise their prey. The writer does not believe that any snake has got this power. Snakes have no eyelids, they naturally stare in the face of the victim for a good length of time and the animal becomes only stupified with fear.

Lungs are very long (in almost all species) covering the whole length from the neck to the anal region. Properly speaking there is only one (right) lung, the left is only rudimentary. There is a long hollow sack of reserve air in the end of the right lung. This they inflate when swimming, as a fish does. When angry they take long breaths and make hissing sounds. When taking their long rest in winter, they do not breathe at all for four to six months and it seems that the lungs have been, as it were, inactivated. One of my guests, a large cobra, observed


hunger-strike for the last six months of his captive life. He was frequently seen and observed to have remained in absolute rest without functioning respiration even. The heart is fully developed and looks like an elongated mouse. It is three-chambered.

There are two copulatory organs in either sex, one on each side of the belly. Snakes have no urinary bladder.

Mind.—The mentality of ophidians is not yet fully known, though our acquaintance dates from our very first days in the Garden of Eden.

Snakes are never tameable. It has been reported that some well-known snake-

charmers lived and played with their pet for not less than twenty years, but their friends did not hesitate to " inflict" death sentence on them for no fault of theirs. If you enquire into the family history of a professional snake-charmer, you will certainly hear that almost all his fore­fathers died an unnatural death at the hands of their playmates just like the Caesars of ancient Rome.

Very close acquaintance with the leading snakes of India encourages the writer to state that cobra, krait and Russell's viper are conscious of the existence of their poison and its killing effects. They bite man knowing full well that he will die as the effect of their bite. If any­body survives, they try again on the same victim. It has been observed that they keep watch on the particular man most accurately distinguishing him from others and inflict another bite on him alone at the first opportunity, deli­berately ignoring others.

Illustrations: (1) A lady patient of mine was bitten by a krait. Developed worst symptoms. Cured with great difficulty with " Lexin." Returned home and within a few •days was again bitten at the same spot on her first arrival there. The place is frequented by hundreds of men daily but Mr. Krait did not care a straw for them! She was again cured with "Lex in" and returned home to find the


same snake loitering here and there, as if in search of her. All her people were frightened of this " love affair " and sought our advice. We advised her to go to her father's house in a distant town. After she had gone, the snake was seen wandering here and there as if expecting to meei someone, till at last it was killed.

(2) Some years ago there lived a young man in the Ramkrishna Mission of Hardwar. He found a cobra on the lawn by the side of the Ganges. He could play with a living cobra as you do with a football. He began kicking this snake; and kicked and kicked till it was thrown into the waters of the Ganges and swept away down the stream. Days and weeks passed and one night an inmate of the mission got up from sleep hearing a loud hissing sound only to find a stout cobra lurking round the bedstead of the wrongdoer and inflicting any number of bites on the mosquito curtain. The young man was aroused from sleep and advised to remain quiet in the middle of the bed so that the snake might not reach his limbs. But no, he will not remain in bed. He came out of the curtain and killed the snake. He was astonished to find that it was the same snake that he had played with the other day. Identification was not difficult as the marks of injury received from successive kicks were still present on the body of the serpent and its movements were painful. Many people were sleeping there without curtains but the snake did not even try to bite any of them! This true story was given to the writer by Swami Vedananda of the said mission. The Swami has left this world since. He was the younger brother to Sarat Ch. Chatterji, one of the greatest living literateurs of the world. I believe, he may corroborate the truth of the above statement.

(3) A man accidentally smashed the tail of a krait by his shoes and ran away giving it no opportunity to bite him. And the snake also disappeared. One morning the man was found dead in his bed on a charpoi and a krait


with mutilated tail was found " feeling" his nostrils («/ the breath has really ceased or not?).

This story was given to the writer by a most reliable person who knew it as true.

(4) Some years ago a man was bitten by a krait in a village near Sitarampur, E. I. R. He was bitten in the morning and died before noon. The dead body was kept lying on the courtyard till evening and the snake came out of its hole to inspect the dead body nine times during the period, perhaps to see, if really dead or not. I do not know what the intention of the snake was. But the fact is true. Villagers did not kill the snake from superstitious dread.

(5) Once a grass-cutter (Raghunathpur, Manbhum) came home in the evening after his day's work. On open­ing the bundle of grass he found a big portion of the tail of a black serpent. After a few days while asleep in bed,, he was bitten by a black cobra; and he died. This snake was captured and- found tail-less. (Facts known to Mr. J. C. Chatterji of Motipur, Muzaffarpur.)

Use of Snakes. Snakes do not willingly give any service to man. They destroy rats, mice, white ants and other small enemies of human household; they certainly minimize their number by feeding on them. They come to our house in search of rats, but everybody knows they are unwelcome visitors.

We get about 50 per cent, fat from dead bodies of snakes. A nice piece of business has grown up in certain parts of Hindusthan on the manufacture of " ghee" (clarified butter ?) from the fat of serpents. A dead body of a single python is said to yield some hundredweights of "ghee." The business is lucrative, no doubt, at the cost of our health.

There is a tannery in S. India for the tanning of serpent skins. Skins of cobras are said to command high

B, SB 6


prices. These skins are exported to adorn the necks of the fair sex in foreign lands. Again, you see, the snake gives us money even after it is dead !

Snake-poison is also a saleable product. Research Laboratories and Kavirajcs purchase snake-venom and the " charmers " are paid for it (sec Pharmacology of Snake-Venom).

Man is an omnivorous animal. Some of the aboriginal

tribes eat snakes, rejecting the head.

Snake Diamond. It is said that some blessed cobras have got jewels on their heads and whoever gets one (jewel) becomes a king! Let these jewels be reserved for the Prince-Consort of the Arabian Nights, and we poor men need not waste time in search of them.

Wisdom. In ancient literatures snakes are said to possess "unlimited wisdom." I do not know what wisdom is, otherwise I would have entertained my readers with samples. Cowper has said that " wisdom lives in minds attentive to their own " thoughts, but I know that a snake lives attentive to the eggs in birds' nests, and fowls in your farm. It may be safely stated, however, that snakes are certainly wiser than the ancient authors who offered human lives to please them. It is true that snakes live in absolute seclusion for a long time as Moses did on the Mount, but they do this not in search of wisdom but because they cannot bear cold.

Snake-Worship. It is no wonder that man will wor­ship the mighty snakes. Man is a hero-worshipping animal. He has seen the killing powers of snakes, and his head naturally droops down in admiration. There are men (in India, Africa and other countries) who regularly worship symbols of snakes, nay, also live ones, with offerings of milk and sweet-scented flowers. We worship the memory of Napoleon in admiration of his killing powers. Hinden-berg is worshipped as the victor of Tannanbergh. Jenghiz


Khan has his worshippers and has made for himself a prominent place in the history of " human " activity as it was he who could make a hillock of human heads! Lenin is being worshipped to-day by half the human race because he did not fail in his attempt to crush down the heads of the "undesirables." Alexander, Caesar, Hannibal, Frederick the Great are the names we worship still as they were " successful killers of men." Such is man, and such are the ideals he worships.

In the last Great War, Lloyd George of England, Wilhelm of Germany, Gandhi of India and a few others, killed only about 30 million of our brothers (in both parties) at a cost of about 60 thousand million pounds. That is, we had to pay, on an average, £2,000 for a single head of man! They ceased killing just when we could not make further payments! But the snakes are killing right and left, without arms or ammunitions, nay, without limbs even, and do not claim a small penny from us as cost. My gentle reader, if you have never worshipped the snake, do it now; the snake has good grounds to claim our admiration. The writer, himself an infidel, would like to tax the patience of his readers with a story current in Bengal in favour of serpent worship.

Some centuries have gone by, there lived in Bengal a merchant-prince, Chand by name. People called him Chand Sowdagar.

He had seven sons. Manasa Devi, the Goddess of serpents, was informed (most probably by the renowned Narad, the truthful officer of the Divine C. I. D.). that Chand did not worship her divine majesty, he despised her, and even called her ugly names. Chand was, thence-, forth, found to be in the bad books of the Goddess. His richly furnished, luxurious merchant ships were drowned in high seas and six of his sons died of snake-bite on the very night of their marriage leaving so many virgin widows. Sanoka, the pious wife of Chand, entreated him in many


ways to revise his attitude towards the Goddess; but Chand was imperturbable like a Sikh. Misfortune after mis­fortune visited his family but he would not bend his head before a serpent.

One day news reached the divine office that Lakhinder, the youngest son of Chand was going to be married to Behula, the immortal daughter of Srimanta Sowdagar, a wealthy merchant too; Srimanta had devised means to protect the bridegroom's life in the nuptial night. The Goddess passed many a sleepless night when she came to learn that a strong-room of tempered steel was being built by "honest" engineers so that the marriage might take place and the pair pass the night in safety. According to the terms of Her curse, the bridegroom should die of snake­bite only on the night of wedding.

The Goddess managed it nicely. She bribed a workman who secretly kept a very small

opening in the strong-room so that a small snake could pass through. Now the Goddess convened a meeting of " all the snakes of all the world." " Oh, my dear snakes," she said, " Chand has ruined my prestige! I have given him the curse that all his sons shall die of snake-bite the very night they are married. You will be pleased to hear that six of them are already gone. Now comes the turn of the youngest My honour is at stake. I call upon you my soldiers, to do the needful." '

Mr. Python, Governor of Himalayan Jungles said he could not do anything for fear of be ng fed fh * watchful guards posted there) as his bodv ™ f and he had no poison besides. A n a n t t h e V * " ^ " « * " *ngth expressed that £ ' £ f c ? * * * * " * easily on land. Chandra Bora ( i ? J « ™™ - t be able to control his own temp^ J ^ . ^

pagans" and his hissings might leadT!T S l g h t o f

"obra on„W _ . . * g n t l e a d ^0 his Own r W ^ ' Cobra couU „„ t ^ ^ ^ m ° ™ detection. hooded." Sankhacboor S c T ^ ** " W s ^ »

^ m g Cobra) expressed, « i t w a s


beneath his'dignity to try this small job in the presence of his juniors." Bankoraj (Echis) said, " his scales are rough as teeth of a saw " and it would be impossible for him to get through the small opening. Trimeresurus (Lachesis) also expressed his inability as "his head is triangular in shape" and Green Viper pleaded the same excuse. The night was far advanced and the angry Goddess stood up again and said, " Oh, my ' Defenders of Faith/ am I to learn nozv that you are all cowards? Is there not even one amongst you brave enough to reinstate my honour in this world? I pause for a reply." Whereupon, the meek and gentle Kalnagini* (all-black krait), like Galahad of Prince Arthur's Knights, approached and said " By the Blessings of Your Divine Majesty, this humble self may do whatever Your Majesty pleases." Much pleased with this offer, the Goddess, radiant with the bright effulgence of her cruel beauty, embraced Kalnagini, and said, " O, thou lVIessenger of Death, success attend thee! Henceforth thou shalt be more venomous than all the snakes on the land." And the Goddess disappeared in the dark. Hope­ful, in the strength of this boon, Kalnagini started and passed through " pagan " realms.

May I ask my reader to come to the strong-room? (Of course, not in the presence of a krait.)

Behula and Lakhinder have passed through the marriage ceremony and they were kept in the strong-room and the door was locked.

Lakhinder was sleeping and Behula was found sitting by his side.

When Kalnagini arrived all the outside guards and Behula, too, got sleepy by the divine charm of Manasa Devi.

And the serpent entered the room. Kalnagini lay by the side of Lakhinder as " she would

not bite unless wronged." A chance movement of his

* Bungarus lividus. A harmless snake has been wrongly labelled as " Kalnagini" at the Calcutta Zoo Gardens.


and 2 ? f a t i S sb ? °f * ^ «» • -

L e n d e r might ^ ^ d ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ * * Her. l f Chand agreed to worship

But Chand would not yield W„, the God of Gods. fn L ™ Wa* a w ° ^ P P e r 0f

ay, "There is but one God i ^ t " ' ^ ^ h i m ™ *at are are His. L e t fe™ J * * ^ the P o w e r s

*em. That you do not worshmV ' S t ' n c t i o n hetween j ™ Egoism. Beware o i t ^ ^ " P U r ^ * * to ^ was needed; and C h a n d ' " y o u " No m o r e

H f ' P - A«d *« his sons were t T m e n C e d s e ^ n t -• • * smi,e adorned the , ip s T * S * * Hie; and a

Thus the story ends » ,r * nds> « also the d m d g e r y o f


S. B. Case No

Report No of 19 .

Report after Treating a Case with



1. Name of patient

Father's name Village

Husband's name Thana.

2. Bitten by what snake? 3. Was the snake seen? 4. How large was the snake? 5. Was the snake killed? 6. Date and hour when the snake bit. 7. How long after bite LEXIN was made to inhale? 8. Whether the ligature was loosened or not? 9. What was the condition of the patient before inhalation of

LEXIN (i.e., symptoms in detail) ? 10. How long after inhalation the patient was cured? 11. Whether any other medicine was applied before or after in­

halation of LEXIN and, if so, the name or names of the medicine may be stated.

12. Result after application of LEXIN. 13. Gentlemen who were present during treatment. 14. Remarks of the reporter. 15. Signature of reporter. 16. Reporter's full name, address and date.

[Kindly fill up and return to P. BANERJI. Mihijam, E. I. Ry. (India).]


P. O.




Cobra. " Yesterday evening an almost dead person bitten by cobra was

brought to me for treatment. With diffidence I commenced the treatment as the pulse was too imperceptible. After the use of one complete phial breathing appeared, pulse began to be felt, and salivation decreased. After the end of the second phial the man opened his eyes and, with half the contents of the third phial, he became perfectly conscious and I stopped giving him medicine. The ligature Avas opened 5 minutes after the treatment commenced in the manner suggested in your printed note. Fortunately the man was saved. What a wonderful medicine you have invented! I took the man for dead. His name is Baldeo Bashtam, a Bengali beggar residing at Mansarowar, Benares City "

Bhelupura, Benares City: 21st February, 1928.


Vakil, High Court.

Case 2. Snake.

" A woman was bitten by a snake yesterday evening at 7 p.m. I was called to the scene about an hour after when all the remedies and charms and magic failed quite unconsci­ous gave up all hopes of her recovery I used your LEXIN and within 15 minutes she regained her conscious­ness, moved her limbs, recognized persons round about her and answered my queries this morning all right as if nothing had happened Your CURE is marvellous and no doubt you have been rightly earning the gratitude and blessings of thousands of mortals every year "

Drug, C. P . : 2nd August, 1925.

(Sd.) K H A N SAHIB F. F . TARAPORE, B.A., Bar-at-Law.

Case 3. Snake.

"The wonderful efficacy of your Snake-bite Cure was demon­strated before a large crowd when a man bitten by a snake in my village who was given up for dead, recovered within a few minutes

the medicine is regarded as a boon to mankind. I remember the experiments started in the Zoo with the help of a munificent donation made by the Law family of Calcutta about 35 years ago and subsequent efforts made in that direction. At last a sure remedy has been found on which you are to be con­gratulated."

Cuttack: 29th June, 1928.


Member, Legislative Council.


Case 4.

Black Snake. "Yesterday I saved an old woman by using your cure.

snake was black When I saw her. she was semi-uncon­scious but could not speak. After inhaling your medicine for about three-quarters of an hour, she came round and went home. This morning I learn that she is doing well."

Patna: 3rd August, 1927.


Secretary, Board of Revenue, Bihar & Orissa.

Case 5.

A Cholera Case. The Assistant Engineer's Office,

Cocanada-Kotapalli Railway Construction. Ramchandrapuram, Via Dwarapudi, M. S. M. Railway.

30th July, 1928. P. BANERJI,

Mihijam, E. I. Railway.

" I am pleased to inform you that by the aid of vnnr T TTVTXT

R s t j n g s . v. U3CU

„ „ ^ ui ianure for Snake-bites and .yivu &nngs

both in North and South India while on Railway Construction, but this is the first case on which I used it for Cholera. Cholera at present is very prevalent at a village on my line named Kotapalli and on the 28th inst. I was intimated that one of my Inspector's Khalasis was taken bad. I accompanied the Sub-Assistant Surgeon to the spot and found the patient in a very bad state. He was practically done and in terrible agony and cramps. I straightaway thought of your LEXIN and, as a last resort, suggested to the Doctor that it should be used. As nothing further coud be done for the man, the Doctor agreed. I thereby motored back to my head-quarters for LEXIN which T *t ' On my returning after a 25 miles rtr.\- T -expiring. W P **

( S l ) A. B G D


Case 6. Snake Poisoning.

" I have used and tried P. Banerji's LEXIN (Snake-bite Cure) in several cases in this town with success. It should be given a fair trial in all cases of Snake-bite."

(Sd.) P. LAHmr, Captain, I.MS. (Retd.).


1st April, 1928.

Case 7. Opium Poisoning.

" The last bottle of LEXIN I got from you direct was of great value. It saved a baby's life of 10 months from opium poison. The doctors gave up the case and then I tried your wonderful cure, and the child is now quite well and happy. I really think Govern­ment should reward your great discovery. It was marvellous."


4th November, 1928. " In my last letter I gave you an account of the case I treated

with your LEXIN. A little baby girl of 10 months was accidentally given an overdose of opium. The two doctors who were attending the child did all they could—injections, etc., etc., but the child lay in a comatose condition, limbs stiff, no pulse, and tongue thick in the mouth, eyes fixed, also the jaw, when they sent for me. I told them I had LEXIN and as they had given up the case, I would now try and I am very pleased to write to you that the baby is quite well and normal now. I made a wick and put a drop of LEXIN in each nostril and gave 20 drops in water, forced it down the throat and helped the child to swallow pressing the gullet. I must say the remedy is wonderful."

(Sd.) Mrs. L. CHARLES.

Tori Ry. Stn., P. O. Chandwa, Dt. Palamau. 15th November, 1928.

Case 8. 2506—21-8-26. Cobra.

Maharam Sen* of Aripur, P. O. Dogachi, District Pabna, was bitten by a Cobra in the night. From early morning he was un­conscious and there was continuous flow of frothy salivation from the mouth. Being informed I reached the patient after 6 hours and made him inhale the medicine according to directions. Sense began to return after half an hour and after two hours he became fully conscious and felt all right. I have given him new life with your Antivcnom Inhalation (Snake-bite cure—"Lexin").

Post Card written (20-8-26) by:—Kiran Chandra Saha, Chitholia, P. O. Dagachi, District Pa-bna.

[Translated from Bengali.]

* Illegible.


2410-21-8-26. C a 8 8 9 ' ' c

of the right hand TprrihlA w • • m , d d l e a n d ring finger he made very loud sh ieks * £ S S „ ? l , n w - i n s t a n t l y . ¥lo™d a n d

above the wrist. The patient L S y * H , S S ? n t , e d a I i S a t u r e

the pain and two men Sufd not nSke him S ^ 8 8 ° " aCT

C0Unt o f

the spot with your medicine after abont hSt CePu q u , e t 1 r e a c h e d

still wailing in great agony, gave him tb , ' u\ h ° U r w h e n h e w a s

1} P.m. he felt better when the ligaurnh" " l h , a l a t , o n ' a n d a* about of one phial of "Lexin" wa; used in th 1, ° ° S e n ^ - T h e whole The snake bit him from sheaves of strau- T£ P i a l i t t l e more, pulhng out. This must be a Cobra as Suel S ' • ' P a t i e n t w a * teaiLooras arc commonlv seen to dtJrll* V Ce is ihe fa'<- 'ou rite

via & T S & ^ > ****$«* Das, P. 0 . BaKyapalsa.

[Translated from Bengali]

23S7A—15-8-26 C a s e 1 0 -

« m?„t'nn? '^- wa" t ,^ ^ *{* 12 te 14 o'her medTc™ 4 s u J7S S"^ i n '"other 20 to » ' " ' • **"« "

> ™ < . - - p S y a r K a h v ^ e 4 f a", right now.'0 2 2 ">'»<**. N J

n . J?«*>rfcr;--Ba£ite & UCCS r e s u l t s beySidI i ^ District Dinajpur a m a K u m a r Sen, Ka-ani" K ^ U exP«tati0ns . butchery, N i t p u r

C a s e 1 1 . ^ ^ ^ B e l ^


Tve.r of Dider Bux Ar Cobra

^ ~ ^ %WP§ 1^%, P. S. Wf.. I?5. b u t not ident;fi»M. :. . . . 0 I . ^obra-bit»\ V. a POlsonnu»


Case 12. 956—7-5-25. Cobra.

Shamij Ali, a snake charmer by occupation, caught a Cobra and made her captive. In the second or third day of her captivity she bit her master as he was feeding her. He called in brother-char­mers who in no time made their appearance and began to chant mantras and the like which were of no avail. In the meantime two ligatures were tied above the wounded part. But Shamij gradually lost control over voluntary muscles when at 5 p.m. the reporter procured and applied " Lexin" to him. After two hours of inhalation he felt better, he said. Again at 10 p.m. information reached the reporter that the patient was again in danger with alarming symptoms; his tongue was paralysed, voice nasal and made signs indicative of a "Good-bye." The reporter wanted to untie the ligature but the multitude of neighbours and so-called well-wishers did not allow him to do so. However the patient was again given " Lexin " to inhale and was made to do so the whole night in the course of which he felt better and asked for food. Two cups of hot tea were given and he felt all right. He was not allowed to sleep the whole night. Four phials of " Lexin " was used in this case.

(Translated from Bengali. Gathered from the reporter's long letter of 7 pages.)

Present:—Hari Chandra Dutt, Mukhtear, Feni (Noakhali) ; Aurovinda Ghosh, c[o Karuna Kumar Guha. Pleader; Abinash Chandra Chakravarty, c|o Mahcsh Chandra Chakravarty. Pleader; Sudhir Chandra Guha oi Govinda Pharmacy; Promoda Ranjan Roy of Feni College. .

Reporter:—Heramba Lai Mazumder, cjo Satish Chandra Mazumder, Mukhtear,'Feni (Noakhali).

Case 13. 2437—8-9-25. B I a c k Cobra.

Three days ago, a man was bitten by a black Cobra. He was at the point of death and spasms appeared. At this stage your medicine was given to inhale from a piece of linen soaked with medicine and inserted into nostrils. He has been saved. I am a snake-bite physician and cure 25 to 30 patients per month with your medicine which I indent from a Pleader of Ghatal Court, who stocks it.

Post Card written on 6th September. 1925, by:—Upendranath Maity, P. O. Sonakhali, via KoJaghat, District Midnapur.

[Translated from Bengali.]

2395—5-9-25. ' Black Cobra. I am glad to inform you that yesterday a Chaprasi of Babu

Isvar Chandra Acharji, a rich man in the village Kulti, was cured with your " Snake-bite Cure." The Chaprasi went out to look after the paddy fields of his master in the morning and was bitten at his foot by a black Cobra on the brink of the field. He was brought home almost senseless by some other peasants. The " Snake-bite Cure " was immediately applied and after inhaling it for about two hours he was restored' to his senses. He said that his body was, as it were, burning but inhalation of the medicine caused it to sub­side almonst instantly.


District Burdwan, Post Card, 4-9-1925.


Case 15. 1158-27-8-25.

oitation ni tho h „ r t ,i ' I I I _re., lal a n ° physical depression, pal-was used for about one hour <£m«V 1 " n a i a . t l o n °* J-exm" subside graduallyan^ finaHy t h f ^ t Z 5 h°P ^ , s o " i n g . ^ c g a n to medicine was applied half a/hou.^ after bite ' *" " s h t - T l l C

R ^ r h ^ ^ T ^ vB 5 ^ ^ 'Ninmjan Prasad Roy.

Remarks :-Yow " Ant^enom » , \ v ^ ' t ^ r Maul. ^ - { . . . • - - D e v e n d r a ' N a T Bha K i r f V ^ » i n d e e d '

Mangrul, District Midnapore (Benwl? J ' P u r s u r h l . P. O. ' 20-5-25.

2409-5-9-25. C a 8 e 1 6 ' Shekhe Reyach, son of Shekhe Khnri, t> , B I a c k Cobra.

Nutanhat P. S MangalkotC District B L U " * ° f K a n k o r a > P. O black Cobra about two and a S tfurowan, w a s bitten h i ,

"^a^AsSSissa?-o{ ass slow.the wounded Wrtim s m S d a?,fS. WCrS s l iSht l>' red „„u

was used ™ ^ - ^ n ° - *<> «*r e Z l ^ Z i S " K J - « . - A n „ a d a M e t e y > S k p a k . - d , c m e

R«<«.rt J»-_T h i . „„,, . . , Mashook and Sk. is wonderful in poisLS, , LTC dlVServcs wide publicitv r. circulation. *">ls°<«™ b.tes. I w i U t g « " J . Its actio,, „ fe/>orfer._Beiav f t , , A „ C " e c t s P«dy

Bahini Works, N ^ t X a n * * ^ " " ^ Kankora S i n J

2247—24-8-25 C a 8 e 1 * . l9"5-1335 B. s .

l ^ l S ^ X \ S a " > « 23. of K Cobra.

could sit erJ?. u t h : A f t « - 5 minuh.,' • u P * sauva,?™ ,nE symp-c o m p l e t e ' d ^ f a" fife * f < f *no he " i f " 0 " °<" J U x f f H *

Passengers.1^" B h a « a c h a r j i 0 f ^ ^ " ' i S. ^ S t a g " ? M a * £

^ ^ ^ ^ , ASS:;; r ° t f e - - t ;

v e °een omitted.




Cfl.86 1 8 2286—27-8-25. ' Cobra.

Sibooram Muchi, son of Taruni Muchi of village Itta, P. 0 . Khiragram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra in the paddy fields. The snake was not seen, but experts ascertained that it was a Cobra.

Symptoms:—The eyes were red; with a reeling sensation in the head he fell down.

" Lcxin " was given to inhale only after 4 minutes of the bite. No other symptoms developed. After half an hour he could sit up and walk home

Present:—Messrs. Nalinaksha Chakravarti. Sarat Chandra Raichaudhury, Durgapada Raichaudhury, Gyan Chandra Dawn, Hiranya Bhusan Raichaudhury, Anukul Chandra Raichaudhury, Indra Chandra. Adhikari.

Reporter:—Satya Kinkar Saha of Itta, P. O. Khirgram (Burdwan).

2106 A—11-8-25. ' " Cobra. Moslem AH, son of Maula Bux of Maharajpur, Barharwa,

District Dumka, was bitten by a Cobra seen by the patient who, being a young boy, could not kill the serpent. It rushed out of a hole and bit him and gave him the slip.

Symptoms:—In less than 20 minutes symptoms of poisoning developed; and he lost his consciousness, though I made an in­cision and applied Carbolic Acid to the wound. After about 27 minutes "Lex in" reached him and he was made to inhale. And from the moment of its use he began to show signs of relief and gradually recovered in the course of about full two hours of in­halation. Half a phial was used in this case.

Present:—Sukruddin Mokhil. Abu-Mokhil, Kshitish Brahmachari. Bhabataran Patra, Kulesh Chandra Das and others.

Reporter:—Dr. Satish Chandra Mittra, Maharajpur, P. O. Barharwa, District Dumka. 9-8-25.

Case 20. 1859—22-7-25. Cobra.

In the afternoon of 15th July, 1925, a boy aged 10 years, was bitten by a Cobra Snake while he was mowing in the field with his brother. Just after the bite he cried out to his brother that some­thing had pricked him in the hand. The brother, however, suggested it might be a thorn and advised him to go on mowing. After a few minutes the patient cried out again that it was awfully burning and he was feeling very much unwell and wanted to go home as he could not mow anymore. Whereupon his brother came to him and found a Cobra about 2* feet long slowly moving away. He killed the snake and tied a ligature just above the bite. Fakir ojha, a snake charmer, was called in; he came, applied his mantras but to no use.

Symptoms:—The head was drooping, and eyes were partly closed and the patient was unconscious in about 30 minutes. The patient was made to sit up in a oblique way in the lap of his mother. 20 drops of "Antivenom " poured on a handkerchief was applied very close to his nostrils and made him inhale it deeply. After 15 minutes the patient could sit erect. 5 drops more was


added and advised to inhale again. Within 25 minutes of inhalation the patient wa-> perfectly cured.

of ^ t i ? d a n d a S t ° n i s h e d t 0 S e e t h e ™S«* Powers

v;iraw» \t * u ( S d , ) A ^ I Y A KANTI GHOSAL,* Village Mathurapur, P. 0 . Sainthia (Birbhum).

2319-30-8-25. C a 8 6 M '

u J ^ Z ^ L t ^ sanr t ak0Sra0 f ^ ^ n c t long was seen in a kiln wff*Was near^^n ab°Ut 2 c u b i t s

25-8-1925. 7-15 p.m. At 7-45 n m ^ 5 .1 D a t e o f b i t e r -lying on the eartS. As the bi e 5 £ n e S " * , * ^ 6 1 * s e n s e 1 ^ a ligature was tied below the W M L ; ! ?*£ o f t h e left leg held tightly to his n o s c M h f n ^ S ^ C ^ ! d

tt a V d k e « * " « was

were shut, breath very feeble. But wYth <i «r 7 C l°- se ' H i s e y e s

application of your medicine the nat.W ., 7 m , nutes of the medicine twice or thrice rathe• d e S ? 0 1 A ? ^ ^ i n h a l e d y™ that owing ft, the inhalation he S d hr«,?i?-nvard.s« p a t i e n t stated time of the bite he felt as if p r i c K h

breath ,.n& difficulty. At the cure s t a t ed : - ( l ) he felt the to£?ne« nfP2i T h e , P ^ e n t , after minutes; (2) tendency to yawn m t l °x f

uthe e y e l i d s within 15

limbs (he could not finish t ^ w n S e of S?1 a s l a c k n « s of "th e r his father); (4) then irresistibk s l e e p i n e s s \ T ^ e ^ w d e d f o j not remember the incision nor the l f f i t!,l! " 0 W e d ; <5) he does (6) after recovery of sense h e V i A t a l k W e had with L;

s w a s - Pleader, Dhanbad 28 ft oc

2345—1-9-25. C a s e 22-


man o'f 2 ? " " t b e District and c . C o b r a . bazar Hosha?gab aand )

OC2 0pS O^ fh^b i n .d J a d a™ r e f e > d g t f .

was contimiS I ° h l s consciousness a« J ,pa t i ent show ^ m ° u th . opene?his


Cvlf?rnSome t i m e he S e a " d , >vhen the s a m ? d S O n *

he did t yG a d

t a l k e d f r e e ry. and X i a 2 ! ? COmPkte s™LP r°C e s s

medicine. G l a d * see the » * « £ ^ * wjlk " 3 2 ^

•Wtarv jr ,i-, (Sd.)... y 0 U r Precious

0 1 8°0 w o r d s . ^ ^ —


Case 23. 2337. White Cobra.

Murli Majhian, wife of Ram Manjhi of village Guhiatand, P. O. Giridih, District Hazaribagh, was bitten by a milk-white stout and large Cobra on 29-9-25.

She went to the field for uprooting " Bhutta" when the snake furiously ran to her from a distance and bit her on the right leg just below the knee where I found signs of two fangs, one of which was bleeding. The snake could not be killed; it escaped. No ligature was used. They affixed only a snake-stone to the wound.

Symptoms:—The leg was swollen from sole to a few inches above the knee. Patient was speaking very reluctantly and feebly and only when asked. She felt confounded. There was palpitation of the heart and headache. Eyes were scarlet red and face, too, was very red. Pulse was all right. Swollen part of the leg was very painful. Tongue was dry and there was a bit of vomiting tendency. No sensation when pinched on the affected part.

Treatment:—This medicine reached her two and a half hours after the bite. Cured after inhaling " Lexin" for 2 hours. The eyes and face assumed their natural state. No more pain on affected parts except only at the wound which was paining very slightly up to 12 a.m. Dryness of the tongue, etc., all gone. On commencement of inhalation much water was dribbling from her eyes, nostrils and much saliva from the mouth. The patient was frequently coughing; sometimes (bluish black tinged) white mucus was coming out of the mouth. The swelling of the leg also subsided.

Present:—Gireswar Prosad, Colliery Manager, P. O. Pachamba (Giridih); Bindheswari Prosad. Hem Chandra Roy of Ekduania (Dacca); Dasu Mia; Khara Majhi.

Reporter:—Sukhendu Bikash Chatterji, Karharbari Coal Concern, P. O. Giridih (Hazaribagh).

N. B.:—Please note that two other snake-bite cases have been cured with this medicine by one Jago Mia who purchased this medicine through me.

Case 24. Reed. 1-9-24. Cobra.

Brihaspat Singh of Allahabad, was bitten by a snake—probably a Cobra—about four feet long in the month of June 1924. He was gradually losing consciousness. Cured after inhaling " L e x i n " for half an hour. No other medicine used. Commenced inhalation after 4 hours of bite. Treatment witnessed by:—Mahesh Chandra Biswas, Ram Sankar Banerji and Hrishi Kesh Roy—Sibpore Colliery.

Reporter:—Nalinaksha Sarkar, Sibpore, P. O. Charanpore (Burdwan). 1-9-24.

Case 25. 30-8-24. Cobra.

Fakir Daloe, son of Haru Daloe of Bengrali, P. O. Ghatal, District Midnapore, was bitten by a Cobra 27 inches long, at 10-30 p.m. on 13th Sravan, 1331 B. S., when he was in bed. No ligature tied. He was not fully senseless, but was very restless on account of burning pains. After two hours commenced using

Lexin." Cured after one hour's inhalation. No other medicine used. Swelling of the leg lasted till the day following. Treatment witnessed by:—Nibaran and Dhiroo Daloe.

Reporter:—Haripafa Chakravarti, Bengrali, P. O. Ghatal, District Midnapore. 30-1-1925.

B, SB 7


Case 26. 18-2-1331. Cobra.

Jagabandhu Banerji, son of Narayan Chandra Banerji of Purulia, District Manbhum, was bitten by a Cobra about 1* cubits long, on 28th Jaistha, 1331 B. S., at about 6-30 p.m.

Symptoms:—Terrible headache commenced immediately after bite; felt physical depression; numbness of all the limbs followed in about three-quarters of an hour when I began to inhale " Lexin." On inhalation the headache was mostly relieved but depression con­tinued till the next day. There was also salivation from my mouth. Cured after inhaling the drug for half an hour. No other medicine used.

Place of occurrence:—Ajodhya in the District of Bankura Reported by the patient himself.

Case 27. 2301-29-8-25. C o b r a

I bought your "Antivenom Inhalation" about a year aco and had a chance to cure a little boy of about three years who suffered from centipede bite (on 14-11-24). But yesterday I availed mvSlf of an opportunity to cure a Mahommadan boy of 12: vearl ? ^ bitten by a Cobra at about 6 p.m. near the Jadabpore s S ^ V R Your remedy was applied just after half an hour and it ^ m S T me to be stranger than fiction that the patient who was ! , „ £ ? * prior to the application of the medicine came to h?s senses withS°U S

hour. Everybody present there was struck wfrh wnnSl * h i n a n

marvellous action of your medicine Nam* 3 \ v d 5 t o . s e e t h e

AB, son of Amzed AH of vHlag ^ j a p o ™ P ° 0 n f f * ' i Srv I s h u b

24-Parganas. The hooded Cobra wis 3 fert W ^ k u n a ' D l s t r i c t

not killed. There were signs of t w ? fanB7?t t h ? ™ ^ w / s . s e e n b u t

fe.of the right hand8 Drooping o f ? h e a d « ?f0t-°f ! h e m i d d l c

Indistinct response when called times withonf l»~um ^ sJeep. was given could not ascertain the taste D M n n t T ^ e r * W h e n salt pinched or struck Thir^tv T •£• • l d n o t f e e I anything w W

_. Present:—TavnaHrlm vr^i,', ,??• . l d n S p „ d l , Q T P a r t - Radically cured e r e W a s no fane

" " t e a J ^ ^ - * Mo„ah, Munshi j ; ^^-rarganas.

2340-15-10-24. C a 8 e **• 26-8-25.

'-S^n- ^&Sand admi^* •

CloRai Bahadur S a ^ \ ^ , Arrah.



Case 29. 543—7-4-24. Cobra.

You will be glad to hear I cured a native who was bitten by a Cobra. He got well in half an hour.

(Sd.) H. A. NICOL, Barristcr-at-Law, 2, Barr Street.

Rangoon (Burma).

Case 30. Cal. 417—15-4-24. Cobra.

Elokeshi Dasi, wife of Nanda Kumar Haldar, of Ghatakpur, P. S. Magrahat, District 24-Parganas, was .bitten by a Cobra 2\ cubits long which was seen and killed. Date of bite:—22nd Bhadra, 1331 B. S., 6-30 ( ? ) . She became unconscious in about 15 minutes. In­haled medicine for 20 to 25 minutes. Cured. No other medicine used.

Remarks:—Marvellous remedy. Should be kept in every house. Present:—Shamacharan Sardar, Raicharan Mistri, Nanda Sardar

and others. Reporter:—Raicharan Haldar, Hatuganj.

Case 31. 2297—13-10-24. Cobra.

Binapani Chatterji, wife of Jogindra Nath Chatterji, P . 0 . Rishra, P. S. Serampore, District Hooghly, was bitten by a Cobra 2 cubits in length. It was seen and could not be killed. Date of bite:—27th September. 1924, 10-30 p.m. Two distinct marks could be seen from which blood was oozing out. A ligature was tied but removed after half an hour. The patient was blue all over. She fainted. Could breathe with difficulty. Could not sit erect. Could not speak. Began inhaling this medicine after two hours of bite. Cured after 4 hours.

Present:—Harisadhan Pakrashi, Suresh Chandra Chatterji, Bhavesh Chandra Paul, Phani Bhusan Ash.

Remarks:—The medicine in my opinion is an excellent antidote for snake-bite. It cures effectively and without pain.

Reporter:—Bishwa Nath Ash, P. O. Rishra. 13-10-24.

QQCQ 3 2

Reed. 18-10-24. ' Cobra. Hansa Bauri, daughter of Gadadhar Bauri of Keliasole, P. O.

Nirshachati, District Manbhum, was bitten by a Cobra 2\ cubits long which was seen but not killed. Date of bite:—7th Aswin, 1331 B. S., 5 p.m. A ligature was tied and untied after inhalation was used. Inlialation was given half an hour after bite. She was unconscious. Cured after inhaling for one hour.

Present:—Muktaram Mandal, Babtrtal Mandal, Baul Mandal and Rakhal Garai.

Remarks:—Wonderful indeed were the effects the inhalation produced.

Reporter:—Panchanan Chatterji, Assistant Station Master, E. I. Railway, Kalubathan, E. I. R. 18-10-24.


Case 33. n . Reed. 2-11-24. Black Cobra^

Mrs. Brahmadev Ram of Mithapore, P. O. Patna, was bitten by a black Cobra a little longer than 2 feet which was seen but not killed. Date of bite:-25th August, 1924, 10 a.m. Ko ligature tied. Some roots were given to her (to eat?).

Symptoms:—Froth was coming out of the mouth, the patient was dozing when I went. " Lexin " was given to inhale after 1 J hours of the bite. Cured after l i hours' inhalation.

Present:—Bibhuti B. Mahata; Brahmadev Ram (Mithapore); Haripada De, Braja Kishore De (Dariapore).

Reporter;—Haripada Mahata, Bhagwan Bhandar, Mithapore, Patna. 2-11-24.

Case 34. 2350—12-10-24. Cobra.

The other day I cured a case of Snake-bite with your "Anti-venom." The patient Gadadhar Pujari was bitten by a Cobra at about 8 p.m. I circulated that I possessed a specific for Snake-bite and promised to cure anybody free of charge. The case was brought to me about half an hour after the bite. The Snake, as described by the patient, was a black Cobra about 3 cubits long. The snake could not be killed as it disappeared in the darkness. The patient was bitten while going to offer Puja in the temple. I t may be mentioned here that a big black Cobra was caught in the vicinity a few days earlier. The patient's head was drooping and there was discharge of mucus from the nose as if he had caught cold. The patient used some other Kabiraji medicine. Inhalation was used for about l i hours. After half an hour of inhalation the patient felt much relieved and it completely cured him in about l i hours' time. Thanks to the efficacy of the specific.

(Sd.) A. MITRA,

P. O. Bhowani-Patna (Sambalpur).

11-10-24. I

Case 35. Reed. 21-10-24. C o b r a >

r> ; c ^ l h a 4 p a t ' s o n °Lf. C h a , m a n o i v i l l a ee Seodah, P . O. Harnaut,

s v m n J n l ^ T*2 b L t t e n b ? a S o b r a - T h e s n a k e w a s n o t seen but m Z v ? ^ i nd l .ca t ed the Cobra bite; unconscious; salivation from Sf tJS;, °°.?Tng h e a , d ; p a t i e n t C O u l d n o t h o l d UP Ws head; paralysis

J e e . J rosad, Jamuna Prosad Sinha, M u m Mahatan and S j a

Remarks •—-Tv.n • r . medicine nmvnj prognosis of the patient wa« I , , J u .

^ : - G a „ S a Prosad Sinha, Seodah, P. 0 . Harnaut, Patna.



Case 36. Reed. 1-5-24. Cobra.

Patal Ghose, son of Surya Ghose of village Vadertikuri, P. 0 . Purbasthali, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra three feet long on 21st April, 1924, at 6 p.m. The patient was in his senses. The treatment was going on with ligature and burning of the wounded place with red-hot iron. Found the patient restless; there was burn­ing pain and his voice was gradually getting low. Removed the ligature. Applied " Lexin" after 3 hours of the bite. Cured in half an hour. No other medicine used.

Present:—Atul Chandra Kar Mazumdar, Station Master, Pur­basthali ; Shekh Romjan and others.

Remarks:—Astonished at the usefulness of this valuable medicine.

Reporter:—Saroj Mohan Mukherji, Assistant Station Master, Purbasthali. 1-5-24.

Case 37. Reed. 16-7-24. Cobra.

Ram Charan Mali of Chirkunda, District Manbhum, was bitten in the morning of 10th July, 1924. by a hooded snake (Cobra) 2 cubits long. The snake was identified by Bhoktoo Ray, Kalipada Gorai and Dinanath Gorai. Snake was killed on 11th July, 1924, when it again attempted to bite the patient. No bandage used. After bite he walked a few steps and fell down with salivation from the mouth. " Lexin " applied after 10 minutes. Gained sense in 6 or 7 minutes. Cured in about 15 minutes.

Reporter:—Bhoktoo Ray. (Signature in Hindi.) 12-7-24.

Case 38. Reed. 10-8-24. Cobra.

Hrishikesh Mandal, aged 22, son of Mahindra Lai Mandal of village Tentuldihi, P. O. Purandarpur, Police Station Saithia, District Birbhum, was bitten by a very large Cobra which was seen but not killed or measured. Date of bite:—7th Aswin, 1329 B. S., 6-30 ( ? ) . They had already tied two ligatures which I removed. Patient's condition was bad. Frothy salivation running out of the mouth; could not hear well when called. Applied "Lex in" after 15 to 20 minutes of bite. Cured after half an hour's inhalation. Country medicines used before " Lexin."

Present:—Uday Narayan Mallik, Mahindra Pal, Govinda Mai, Jogindra Mai (ojhas) ; and others.

Remarks:—We are absolutely doubtless that " L e x i n " radically cures snake-bite poisonings.

Reporter:—Kumarish Chandra Ghosal, Indas, P . O. Labpur, District Birbhum.

Case 39. 1790—17-7-26. Cobra.

A lady aged 35 (widow) was bitten by a Cobra in the evening. Immediately a bandage was given. But she grew very much restless with terrible burning pain that followed. We administered your medicine continually as per directions till midnight when the pain stopped. Cured. No after effects.

(Sd.) SRIPATI CHAKRAVARTI, P. O. Barsul, District Burdwan.

Manager, Navagram Pashupati Asram, 16-7-26.


Case 40. 1654—10-7-26. Cobra.

Wife of Bhutnath Pandit (ojha) was bitten by a Cobra. _ He gave a tight ligature and came to me at midnight (6-7-26). Within half an hour I went there and saw the patient crying aloud in pain and was unable to stay in a sitting position. I gave her the inhalation of " Lexin " 40 drops on a piece of clean cloth at a time. After 10 minutes I removed the ligature and broken fangs. Within 2\ hours the patient was cured. A few drops of the medicine were also applied to the wound. One phial was used in tin's case. Many gentlemen and ojhas came and were surprised at the power of " Lexin."

(Sd.) DR. N. C. GAXGULY.

Village Kalna, P. O. Chandipur-Berugram (Burdwan),


Case 41 .

1018—9-7-26. B l a c k Cobra.

Babulal Singh, son of Raghunath Singh of village Fulwari, P O Garwara, District Pratapgarh (U. P . ) , was bitten by a Cobra (Keutia) , 3 cubits in length. Black in colour. The snake was seen but not killed It was seen as we had electric lights on the verandah of Assistant Manager's Bunglow. The patient was bitten in three places in the same leg. His leg was tied up. and he was brought to the office when his head drooped. Patient could not hold up his head; lock-jaw; could not hear or glance or speak properly; after three or four loud shouts, he was trying to speak and to see but was not successful every t ime; pulse fell down. The Colliery Medical Officer was present all the time. Dr. Banerji's Snake-bite Cure was applied, say, within 20 minutes of the bite. The leg was operated by the Medical Officer; the strike was three in number and the holes were six in number. Permanganate of Potas. was given, still the pulse was falling. Seeing this, the Medical Officer made every­thing ready for saline injection, which was not required, as he found that " Lexin " was acting nicely. The pulse began to rise, as the patient was trying his best to inhale as much as possible. A « e r half an hour the snake-catchers who were present there gave out their opinions that the patient was cured. Two ligatures were given, and one of them was taken out just after the opinion was Passed; the other after 10 minutes when he inhaled much. He seems ° D e Perfect now. Inhalation was used for at least half an hour.

N a t i ? n T f " ' : ~ D r - M - M - M i t r a - Medical Officer; Dhirendra GunVa p r a t ' H e a d clerk and Cashier; Santosh Kumar Sen Tulshida AT C l e r k ' Madhabananda Mukherji. Despatch clerk-Promorlp v

k h e r j i - Assistant; Jogeswar Gossain, Surveyor; char™ of ? f f . a r Roy. Store-Keeper; Ramdas Basu Mallick, I n i

ge o f a Mme; Madan Gopal Sain, Compounder.

recommended".""^0 d ° u b t t h e m e d i c i n e I s g ° o d ' a n d can safely be

Reporters. N > B a r a t > E k f a K h a g ^ . ^ p Q Bansjora



Case 42. 1617—9-7-26. Cobra.

Kangal Chandra Mandal, son of Kedar Chandra Mandal of village Baetgram, P. O. Gohaldanga, District Midnapore, was bitten by a Cobra which was neither seen nor killed. The following were the symptoms of poisonings:—Salivation from mouth and nose, drooping of the head, indistinct speech, severe pain in chest, burning sensation almost all over the body. Inhalation was used for more than half an hour. The above mentioned symptoms began to subside on the application of your "Antivenom." The medicine reached the patient nine hours after the bite. Various kinds of medicines were used but in vain.

Present:—Sarat Chandra Roy, Surendra Nath Samui, Manindra Nath Mandal, Barada* Prasad Roy, Puma Chandra Mandol and Rasamoy Darhe.

Reporter:—Debendra Nath Bhattacharya, Village Purshurhi, P. O. Mangrul, District Midnapore. 9-5-26.

Cass 43 Reed. 4-7-26. " Cobra.

Janoki Nath Bhattacharji was bitten by a Cobra. He was at the point of death. Given "Lex in" to inhale. Felt better in one hour. Cured perfectly in 2i hours.

(Sd.) HARIPADA DUTTA, Sahara Bazar Rica Mills,

P. O. Sehara, District Burdwan. [Post Card, 2-7-26.]

Case 44. 1536—3-7-26. Cobra.

Rupamanjari Dasi, wife of Satkari Ghosh of Dhankora, P. S. Ausgram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra (Gokhora) on 28-5-26 at 10 p.m. and " Lexin" was used just after 15 minutes of the bite according to your direction. One phial was used. Com­pletely cured within 12 hours.

(Sd.) HIMANGSU KUMAR RAY, B.L., President, Ramnagar Union Board,

P. O. Bannabagram, District Burdwan. [Letter No. 22, dated 24-6-26.]

Case 46. 1534—3-7-26. Cobra.

Jalani Dasi, wife of Ram Kalyan Mandol of Mangalpur, P. O. Saraswati Bazar, P. S. Nanur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Cobra on 5th Ashar, 1333 B. S.. at 10 p.m. No ligature was tied. Patient gradually became unconscious. " Lexin " was given 12 hours after bite. Cured after 5 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Amulya Laha, Radha Sundar Mandal, Kalidas Ghosh, Govinda Mandal, Banko Behary Mandal and others.

Remarks:—Your medicine is highly efficacious. So I have ordered for more.

Reporter:—Kali Pada Roy. President, Thupm'ara Union Board Office, Santra, P. S. Nanur, P. 0 . Saraswati Bazar, District Birbhum. 13-3-1333 B. S.



flowed from hh m m S T ^ T A ^ a w h i l e P™** frothy salivation

h r J / S f e S hm o r n i ; T n ^ g i V C n t 0 b h a l e a n d l f ° U n d

Thanks to the efficacy of your medicine.


Iswaripur, District Khulna.


, , „ , Case 47. 1436-28-6-26.

l a d y V / l o Z " K i n thZ?s\oi a C°bra bite t o t ' y o u i *

on the ground. Local mantral and I t S h £ Y \ s l y i n S senseless no effect. I n f o r m a t i o n r e a c h e d t ^ S ? ^ 1 ^ b e e n

Tu s e d b u* to

medicine immediately. After 2 or % a \ S - 6 . . h o u r s ; I sent the eyes The medicine was continued f n ? ^ " ? , s h e ° P e n e d h ^ last she became completely cured V C r h a H a n h o u r t i U at


Zemindar and Hony. Magistrate, Mauza Ibrahimpore, P. O. Sabour,

District Bhagalpur.

[Post Card, 25-6-26 ]

1423-28-6-26. ° - "iS-

condition : - h e w a l ^ n ? i W e w e n t a n d found him •m a , t l o n reached almost gone- c S S S b 5 t o . , sPeak; power of " l . t h e *ollowiS the fata! mome^when ^ t L T ^ f c * ^ ^ medicine and gave him L r ^ , t o . n u " e him p e exPecting

f S f n . 0 r t h e P u s a n d C b d - ) ANNADA KUMAR CHAIT.


twice daffy ^ ' f l ?,aj,n hot water anri i — - - ~ —


Case 49. 1342—21-6-27. Cobra.

Bibi Negar, daughter of Haji Sokoruddin of village Naba-charkhi, P. O. Samsi, District Malda, was bitten by a Cobra (Gohoma) on 13-6-26. The sn^ke was seen by the patient and was killed by others. Many medicines of kabiraji and ojhas were used but to no effect. Salivation was coming from the mouth and nose. She could not hold up her head; could not speak distinctly. In­sensibility was noticed on the affected limb. " Lexin" was applied after 3 hours of bite. Removed broken fangs from the wound. Completely cured after 2 hours' inhalation.

Remarks:—Wonderful specific medicine. Present:—Haji Maulavi Md. Abdul Hakim; Maulavi Md.

Haider; Maulavi Md. Tahiruddin; and others. Reporter:—Dr. Md. Sekandar Ali, Malopara Anticholera Phar­

macy, P. O. Somsi, District Malda. 15-6-26.

Case 50. 1326—19-6-26. Cobra.

Astonished to find the efficacy of " Lexin," one phial of which I brought from you on 16-1-26. Haladhar Bawari of Amarargarh, P . O. Mankar, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra 3h cubits long on 16-6-26 at 11 a.m. while he was pulling out a bundle of straw from the pile. As chance would have it, he dragged out the snake by its tail along with the straws. The snake, however, furiously bit him below the left knee. The patient was a strong man. He killed the serpent then and there with a stick, ran to his master's house and fell down senseless. The master put a ligature above his knee and circulated the news. Just on receipt of information I fetched the patient to my parlour; it was 11-30 when he was made to inhale your medicine. His sense returned after 10 minutes when I removed the ligature; another 10 minutes of inhalation and the patient could stand up, though there was burning sensation and reeling in the head still present, he said. Inhalation continued for 10 minutes more and he was perfectly cured. No after effects. To be on the safe side, however, I gave him two more inhalations following night and morning.

I myself measured the dead snake, it was 3$ cubits long. (Sd . ) BlPRADAS MUKHERJI, President, Bhalki Union Board,

Amarargarh, P. O. Mankar, District Burdwan. 17-6-26.

Case 51. 1268—16-6-26. Cobra.

At the close of the night on the 5th day of Jaistha, 1333 B. S., a lady was bitten by a Cobra below her knee-joint. Immediately a ligature was tied. Her husband called me the following morning. One phial of " Lexin " was used up but they did not allow the ligature to be removed. (Here the reporter is silent in respect of symptoms or effects of the " Lexin " phial used.) After three days the ligature was cut open and immediately followed frothy saliva­tion from her mouth and she lay prostrate and unconscious. It was after using full two more phials of " L e x i n " that she could find perfect cure.

(This report is very important though wanting in further details. From this we learn that in presence of a tight ligature


"T^x-m" cannot neutralize the poison present on the other side of the tie Patients, attendants and physicians are requested to exercise common sense in this-matter.)

Reporter:—Md. Asirruddin, Homoeopathic Physician, Yil.age Kolabaria, P. 0 . Birkusta, District Rajshahi.

[Post Card, 30-2-32 B. S. Translated from Bcngali.\

Case 52. 1293—17-6-26. Cobra.

The life of a boy of the village Khetia has been saved by the use of your Snake-bite Cure. The boy was bitten by a Cobra.


President, Khetia Union Board, Khandajuli, P. 0 . Mahachanda (Burdwan),


Case 53 . 1143—8-6-26. Cobra.

Very much benefited by the use of your " Lexin." Bhusan Bauri of our village was bitten by a Cobra twice in the two legs, in the evening of 17th Jaistha. I was readily informed. Imme­diately I went to the place and found him very restless for burning pains. After a little while he lost his consciousness. Made him inhale "Lexin" for half an hour. Cured.


Proprietor, G. S. Pharmacy, Sahanui, P. 0 . Rasulpur, District Burdwan, [Post Card, 7-6-d6. Translated from Bengali.]

Case 54. 1120-5-6-26. C o b r a t

I bought one phial ("Lexin") last year and I am glad to inform you that I have already cured one case of Cobra bite.


Inspector of Co-Operative Societies,

P. O. Murshidaba'd. [Post Card, 2-6-26.]

Case 55 . 1118-7-6-26. ~ .

Cobra. Osman Sardar, a cultivator, aged 52, son of Kanai Sardar «f

Hanshchandrakati, P. 0 . Tala, District Khulna w S h;?t»„ K Cobra i j c u b i t s j W c h ^ * nTkiUed T 1 y a

terrible burnmg pain in the affected limb; great physical L n r f - ^

n idTcine\Se1. m h a I e d f ° r » ^ ^ l e t e . y ^ d ! ^ T o t S

Present,:-Banko Behari Biswas and Jatan Gaji

k^RpP°ne%~~!ht^ N a t h Chakravarti V i l l a s I W u L

kati, P. 0 . Tala, District Khulna. g Hanshchandra-[Post Card, 1-6-26. Translated from Bengali.]


Case 56. 1113—7-5-26. Cobra.

Khirode Chandra Sil, barber, aged 16, of Garadaha, District Pabna, was bitten by a poisonous snake (probably a Cobra) in the evening of 17th Jaistha, 1333 B. S., at about 6 p.m. on the main road. The serpent coiled round his leg and bit him on the foot. Unbear­able burning pain followed by bleeding and spasms of suffocation obstructing the breath every now and then. Applied " Lcxin " after 10 minutes of bite. Cured perfectly in half an hour.

(Sd.) SUDHIR CHANDRA MAJUMDAR, P. O. Mohanpur, District Pabna.

[Post Card, 3-6-26. Translated from Bengali.]

Case 57. 1101—4-5-26. Cobra.

Beg to report the miraculous cure of a girl bitten by a snake (Cobra) on the 1st June, 1926, by your Antivenom inhalation used as directed. The snake was seen but not killed.

Patient:—Tarubala Dey, .daughter of Sasi Kumar Dey. P. O. Kumarbhog, District Dacca. Medicine was used immediately after bite, therefore, no dangerous symptoms could develop except a little giddiness. No other medicine used. " Lexin" inhaled for 15 minutes. Cure was perfect, no other ailments.

Present:—Subodh Chandra Bose, Sashi K. Dey, Dr. Satish Ch. Sil, Dr. Sarat Ch. Sil, Abinash Mazumdar, Ramesh Ch. Sil, S a n t Ch. Dey Sarker and others.

Remarks:—I got 3 phials from your pharmacy over one year back and have cured 4 patients since. Did not report all to you for want of particulars. May send other reports later.

Reporter:—Digendra Ch. Ghose, Vice-President, Kumarbhog Union Board, P. O. Kumarbhog, District Dacca. 2-6-26.

Case 58. Reed. Oct. 1923. Cobra.

Girish Chandra Mandal of Fulberia, P. O. Samdi, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra (Keutey). I had to use full two phials of your medicine tc cure him. Mandal is doing well now.

(Sd . ) GOVINDAPADA M AH ATA, Village Dabor, P. O. Samdi, District Burdwan.

24-6-1330 B. S.

Case 59. Reed. 14-5-23. Cobra.

Some ten days ago I got a snake-bite case. Patient was bitten by a Cobra. I found him in a very serious condition; I thought it was hopeless. But by using your "Antivenom " and God-willing I have been able to cure him in 15 minutes. Thanks to advance­ment of science and invention of your "Antivenom."

(Sd.) Dr. JOGENDRA NATH ADHIKARI, Medical Officer In-charge,

Irhphala Charitable Dispensary, P. O. Irhphala, District Midnapore.



Case 60. Reed. 31-8-24. C o b r a

^ n S ^ S * ™ DaST3 ^ a i r a F a ' s o n o f Krishnachandra Das Bairagya of Khana, P. 0 . Khana Junction, P S Galsi District

* ~ ^ o ^ ^ r ^to

like sugar. Sensation to pinchRevived a f t e r S ^ L ^ t 0 n g U e , t a s t e d

&£»more of inhaiat - ^ n s ^ s s MonK^SM* ^ SSShi B- ^ ^ Md. Mohit

W f o r - W o n d e r f u l medicine. Deserves universal circulation porter;—Bhutnath Dutt Khana P n vru C r


District Burdwan. ' * , \ J D ^ , I 9 l a n a Junction, 12th Bhadra, 1331, 7 p.m.

Reed. 27-9-24. C a S e 6 1 '

S L i 2 T °. t h e r syraPtoms ^ L e x i n » i , ^ 0 0 ? " ? o f l i mbs, thirsty Inhaled for half an hour. CuredL No otZJ/?™ a ^ f f

Prciw,f..-Rabindta Nath Horh °! m ° d , C m e u s«l-, ^ « i m r f a : - T h i s metfete "" J a t m d r a N a t h Horh. fails in no case e d , C m e 1S ««"te a match for the venom

Reporter:—Ashutosh Horh P , . ^ I t

Midnapore. H o r h . Pursurh,, P. 0 . Mangrul TV • •

C 1032—2-7-24 C a 8 e 62. ,

(Sd,5rt sc\ t h?-^Snake :

case 63. [P0S> Cari- " W ] 1938—9-9-24.

Six phials T

BarharWa, g. p lP°« Card, 7.9.24,


Case 64. 2395|2410—3-9-25. Cobra.

Ram Sevak Pande, son of Rampati Pande, Village Kulti, P. O. Kulti, District Burdwan. Age 35. A strong man was bitten by a stout and white Cobra 2 cubits long—seemed to be an old fellow. The patient saw it as after bite it kept standing before him for some time. Date of bite:—3rd September, 1925, 6-25 a.m. Patient went to the paddy fields where by chance he trod on the serpent's tail; whereupon it bit him. He tried to come home but could not. In 5 minutes he experienced burning pains and a peculiar sensation of dryness cf the skin and he sat down. In another 10 minutes the pains were intolerable and he felt thirsty, and became restless with pain and fell down. When he was brought home, his condition was worse. Sticky frothy saliva was running out of the mouth, colour of the eyes turned turbid. He was made to inhale " Lexin " after 25 minutes of bite. After 5 minutes' use, trembling and rest­lessness were gone. Another 10 minutes and he wanted to sit up and was able to respond to one or two questions put to him; 5 minutes more and the burning of the chest and the salivation dis­appeared. He was perspiring and wanted to be fanned. In course of 20 minutes following he was free from all pains, could walk and talk with ease. No other medicine used. No ligature tied. " Lexin " inhaled for 40 minutes in all.

Present:—Iswar Chandra Acharya, Bholanath Topadar, Bhagvat Mondal and others.

Remarks:—This medicine is a highly powerful physiological antidote to snake-poison.

Reporter:—Atul Chandra Acharya, Kulti (Burdwan). 3-9-25. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 65 . 2504|1—1925. Cobra.

Piroo Pashi, son of Kele Pashi of Sibpore Colliery, P . O. Charanpur, P. S. Jamuria, District Burdwan, was bitten by a black Cobra about 2 feet long. Date of bite:—B. S. 1332, 20th Ashar, 7 p.m.

Symptoms:—Gradually becoming senseless. Used " L e x i n " after 8-30 p.m., i.e., after H hours of bite. Completely cured by 10 p.m. No other medicine used.

Present:—Matilal Mukherji, S. M. Jamuria; Hrishikesh Ghoshal; Mahesh Chandra Biswas of this colliery.

Remarks:—Useful to all mankind. Reporter:—Govinda Chandra Mukherji, Sibpore Colliery, P . O.

Charanpur, District Burdwan. B. S. 1332, 20th Ashar.

Case 66.

2504|2—1925. Cobra. Pasupati Ruhidas, son of Ramdas Ruhidas of Galsi, District

Burdwan, was bitten by a young Cobra which was caught but allowed to go away after the patient was cured (so that it may try another?).


Date of bite:—19th Sravan, 10 p.m. After about one hour I was hurriedly informed to go there quickly with medicine. I went and found him almost dead. He lay prostrate as a corpse: but frothy mucus was still running out of his mouth. I folded a clean piece of cloth, put 50 to 60 drops of "Lexin" thereon and put it closely covering his nostrils. He inhaled it twice or thrice with the little breath he had which gradually became easier. Then he expressed by signs his unwillingness to inhale as the medicine was very strong; and wanted to get up like one intoxicated with wine. He was forcibly made to inhale again when he felt thirsty. Warm milk was given. He was not allowed to sleep the whole night, as prohibited in direction paper. Ligature was removed after' 20 minutes' inhalation when sense returned. Completely cured in 1 hour and 25 minutes. Found him doing daily work the next morning.

Present:—Ashutosh Mukherji, Pandit Bhuban Mohon Chatterii Dr. Jyotish Chandra Roy and some 50 others to watch if this case could be cured at all.

Remarks:—We highly appreciate the curative power and the efficacy of the " Lexin."

Reporter:—Gobinda Chandra Mukherji, Galsi, District Burdwan. 12-9-?5

[Translated from Bengali]

Case 67. 2851-21-1"25- Cobra.

Sadek AH Shekh. son of Basiruddin Shekh nf w , ; , t „ T. ~ Gollagovindapur, P. S. Nababganj, District Daca w?« & ^ °' Cobra 3 cubits long. The patient a s n i k c X S e r hi " ' " b ? a

caught the snake which is still living in his L S n J R a t i o n , 20th Kartick, 1332 B. S., 12 am 0,1v „ 1 d y ' - D a t c o f bite:— Symptoms of poisoning was develop £ ™Lif g ^ r c c d

T ' ] * ™>und. after 20 hours, there was paralvsS nf •« y ' W h e n l f o und him ing of. head, profuse *liv&mi^lJ™FQ $<*** with droo™ was sitting up and did not loose ^ 5 * e p a h e n t - however closed and he could not open t h S , £ S ™ u , s n e s s - His eyes w e r e for about ope hour after which p edod S ? 1 " 1 ? W a s administered

• was improving and could tolerahu, , p a t l c n * spoke that ^ ojhas arrived and there J s ^ \ *%*;. At this 'time s e v e ^ was pushed out. The ojhas in whom t f ^ g

La r o u n d Wm S a t T

an innate and unshakable faith.. ° m ^ / J ^ e d a n ruTtics had

rresent.—YiTm Kana al Dutt P n r>

Remarks:—Ahem* o S a n d r a and was waiting f ? y e a r a g 0 l Purchased a u-yesterday and i g

a , l 0 r a c a s e , t 0 t r y upon TV P h , a l o f "Uxin" v.olet Jtidote iZurZ^ ^ ' * ' J the 2F ^ X d Hal^^°g^7 t

P^n;^l lo s^ \«A -o/,0. t h e e f f i -cy 0f y o ud


' R ° - R*and,a, District F a d d ^ r ! * " * * * * • Model Medical



Case 68. 1474—26-6-25. Cobra.

Narayanram Namosudra, son of Kali Charan Namosudra of Karkhanaputeli, P. O. Medley, P. S. Pathorkandi, District Sylhet, was bitten by a very large Cobra which was seen about 4i cubits but was not killed. Date of bite:—20-2-32 B. S., evening. Ligature was removed and " Lexin' ' applied one hour after bite. The patient was unconscious but still then the respiration did not cease. After two applications of " Lexin" in 45 minutes his consciousness returned. He was all right the next morning, after 15 hours of bite. But the swelling of the leg and local pain subsided after 5 days during which period the inhalation was used occasionally.

Present:—Delai Namosudra, Chand Namosudra, Mirjan Ali, Kurfanulla and others.

Remarks:—Of all the snake-bite cases I treated, this was the most important of them all. None were so much poisoned, not anyone of them was in such a hopeless condition as this. But I found no difficulty in effecting a cure. We are simply astonished to see the miraculous powers of " Lexin."

Reporter:—Tarak Chandra Rav, Zemindar, Tarakpur-Tippcra. P . O. Medley (Sylhet). 26-6-25.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 69.

Reed. 23-5-25. Cobra.

Bejoy Kumar Mishra of Pakaur, was bitten by a Cobra. Cured by your " Lexin." Report already submitted by Mr. Girindra Nath Panday. I give another case:—

Wife of Ramdhan Tewari of Pakaur, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Cobra 2 cubits long. It was not killed. There is a prejudice that if the snake be killed the patient will surely die.

Date of bite:—13-4-25, 7 p.m. After half an hour, "Lexin" was given to inhale. Ligature was removed after 15 minutes.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation, paralysis of tongue. Salivation from the mouth. Thirsty. Partly unconscious. On inhalation began to regain her senses. Given a cup of tea after half an hour. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Jay Prasad Misra; Court Sub-Inspector of Pakaur; Arindam Misra; Ashutosh Misra; Shyam Prasad Pande; Sujan Tewary.

Remarks:—There was daily occurrence of one or two snake-bite •cases for a fortnight. In every case your wonderful "Antivenom " •acted as a nectar. It will be a household article of every one when its efficacy will be known to all.

Reporter:—Nilkanta Misra, Sub-Divisjonal Magistrate's office, Pakaur, District Santal Parganas. 23-5-26.


Case 70. 995—11-5-25. Cobra.

Thakur De, son of Kirpoo De of Bhurimgi, P. 0 . Dantan, District Midnapore was bitten by a Cobra about 3i cubits long. Seen but not killed Date of bite:—1-5-25, about 4-30 p.m. After 3 days of the bite, found the patient in the following condition-— there was no sense; as if dozing; eyes red; delirious; affected part very much swollen. We were expecting the last moment in an hour or two. Ligature was loosened. In the meantime he was being treated by ojhas with mantras and a few roots used as halm He was made to inhale about 1 dram of "Lexin" andI ho Ir^i^ 5 or 6 times and felt better, regained his J S S , w t f S r i ^ S c h and was cured. No swelhng of the leg next morning only tnere was pus m the wound which healed up in a day or two. No othe? medicine used. (The reporter is much too economica about th^ use of the medicine; he should have used freely.) e

P r a s a d T n h r S a d a n a n d a ^ " ^ N i l ° P a l ' A n a n t r a m D ^ Krishna

Remarks:—Medicine acted wonderfully in this Cobra case.


Village Santia, P. O. Mohonpur, District Midnapore.


2119-13-8-25. C a 8 e 7 1 '

Mandakini Debi, wife of Akhil Chandra M „ U , •• T. **' P. S. Ausgram, District Burdwan, w^s bit en bv I A P ' , 9 ' E r a l -long which was seen but not killed. Time 8 n i C ° b r a 1 4 c u b ' t s

. Symptoms:—Great burning pains • dS«nt f u Ligature loosened. " Lexin " Led half an hV°SG r e r s e n s e s entirely for l i hours. Cured. No othermed^ine S . ^ ^ U s e d *

Present:—Tulsi Das Mukhor,-; v . . Kanta Banerji, Sambhu Nath c S t e r i i n 0 " ^ o h o n Ghosh Sa5a„-

Remarks:—Received great w I S 1 * ^urgati Banerii anH j £ a , a n i

to describe its merits. It I c T l i k e ^ U S m g ™ J . « 3 f c £ ? fe i^orfcr . -Sr is t idhar Koar, P 'o''v^''^ *Ut)'

^ ^ral, District Burdwan.

22-4-1332 B. S .

1881—24-7-25 C a 8 e 7 2*

mmmmm Present:-Kishon M ^ » ' m e d i c i ^

( B u r d w ' a n r - 0 ^ 0 ™ ^ W. Village Saragram p n



Case 73.

Budhan Lohar, son of Ramlall Lohar of Belgachhia, P. S. Chitpur (Calcutta), District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a Cobra about 2 cubits long, which was not killed. Date of bite:—3-11-24, about 3 p.m. (Reporter is silent about ligature.) In 20 minutes the patient became senseless and salivated from mouth when •" Lexin " was begun to be used. Recovered sense after one hour and per­fectly cured after 5 hours. No other medicine used.

Remarks:—I do not know if there is any other remedy for snake-bite that acts so quickly as this. I fully believe in its efficacy since my wife was cured.

Present:—Surendra Nath Samanta, Sashi Bhushan Das, Panna Lall Mitra, Lachman Singh., and others.

Reporter:—Satindra Nath De.

Reporter:—Satindra Nath De, 26|4, Anath Babu Lane, Belgachhia, Calcutta. 11-11-24.

Case 74.

1274—7-6-25. Cobra.

Abinash Chandra Dutta, aged 18, son of Satish Chandra Dutta, of Arjunpur P. O., District Murshidabad, was bitten by a Cobra, which was killed. " Lexin " was given to inhale 7 minutes after bite. During treatment his eyes turned red and felt aching in the head, burning in the wounded part. Inhaled for 1 hour. No other medicine used.

Present:—Tarapada Pande, Kalipada Pande, Hari Prasad Pande, Satkari Das, Hem Chandra Chakravarty, Santosh Kumar Chowbey.

Remarks:—Medicine is good and infallible in Snake-bite cases. It has cured lots of cases I know.

Reporter:—Ram Prasad Pande, Arjunpur, P. O. (District Murshidabad). 5-6-25.

Case 75.

1422—18-6-25. Reed. 29-6-25. Cobra.

Pyari Mali, Chowkidar, son of Harish Chandra Mali of Balora P. O., P. S. Harirampur, District Dacca, was bitten by a Cobra about 2i cubits long on 8-6-25, 5 p.m. The snake was not killed. Bite vyas on a finger of left hand. A ligature was tied. He was suffering from pain. Medicine was given half an hour after bite.

Symptoms of poisoning subsided gradually after one hour's inhala­tion. No other medicine used.

Present:—Radha Madhab Roy, Rajendra Lall Saha Roy and Rajyesvar Saha.

Remarks:—Astonished. This medicine will undoubtedly cure many a life.

Reporter;—R Amed, Pipulia, P. O. Balora (Dacca). 25-6-25.

B, SB 8


Case 76.

266912—10-11-24. Cobra.

Nafar Chandra Bera, son of Gadadhar Bera of Kasijora, P . O. Belapur, P. S. Kharagpur, District Midnapore, was bitten by a Cobra about 3* cubits long, which was seen but could not be killed. Date of bite:—13th Kartik, Thursday, at about 5-30 p.m. Imme­diately after bite he dropped down senseless then and there. It took about one hour to carry him to the Dispensary which was half a mile off. By that time he was completely unconscious with frothy saliva flowing from his mouth—looked like a dead man. First I noticed no benefit from your inhalation. Then I gave him the medicine from an inhaler, made him inhale it as they inhale chloro­form; and gave one injection of Pituitrin 1 c.c. Then incised the wound and removed poisoned fangs that were there and applied carbolic acid thereon. Simultaneously resorted to artificial respira­tion which facilitated the inhalation of "Lexin." Two and a half hours' inhalation made the respiration easy and normal. Regained consciousness at 12 o'clock in the night and was perfectly cured at 4 a.m. Ligature was removed after 10 minutes' inhalation.

Present:—Abinash Chandra Pati, President, Panchayat; Ashu-tosh Ghosh, Zemindar; Pyari Lall Das, Inspector of Schools; Jogendra Nath Maiti; Tarak Chandra Pahari and 200 others.

Remarks:—First I could not put my faith in this medicine, but after curing two cases one after the other I have corrected my wrong notions. If every man stocks a phial, then many will be saved in India from untimely death. Pray God, all people may know this remedy.

Reporter:—Dr. Jugal Kishore Chakravarty, R.C.P.S., Medical Officer-in-charge of Lochanmani Board Charitable Dispensary Pratappur P . O., Banapur (District Midnapur). 10-11-24'

Case 77. 2702|2—29-10-24. c ,

K t as. SKVSUS* a VsSS4J Ugatures were loosened after half an lour" inhalation Medfcine

for about an hour. Cured. No other medicine used

^ 7 a 7 n o ^ h ^ r a , h S ' S a f e ! K & £ & a ^

Remarks:—I am a snake-bite physician (oihal nrartiei„„ r 11 years with man,ras and vegetable medicines.5 v Z S J ° l

c u l r a t l o S o r i S " °f y ° U r A m i V e n ° m - J *& * ™

(Bo^rr ' '~NiShi K M t a C h a k r a v a r t y ' P- 0 . Chandanbisa 29-10-24.


Case 78. 1477—22-6-25. Cobra.

On Sunday, the 14th June, 1925, Mir Khoda Bukhsh of Gorhcart, resident of Deoband in the District of Saharanpur, was ploughing a field which was about a mile off from his house. At about 8 a.m. a snake, which was 3 yards in length which is perhaps called Cobra in English, bit him. At about 2 p.m. Dr. Sohan was called in, who remained using your medicine for half an hour as per your directions. I had also been there to see as to how the patient was doing. Really your medicine did a miracle and infused life to a dead body though it is very surprising indeed. Now the patient is all right. The snake was killed by the order of Doctor Saheb.


Panson Ram, Agarwal Mahalla Bazar Kalan,

Deoband P. O. (District Saharanpur), U. P. (Letter posted 19-6-25. Received 22-6-25.)

[Translated from Urdu.]

Case 79. .2145—5-8-26. Cobra.

Ram Gopal Basu of Kalna, P. O. Chakdighi, District Burdwan, was on Sunday, the 1st August, 1926, at 7-30 p.m., bitten by a snake, probably a Cobra, when he was on the ridge of a field. After a little while he was unconscious and salivated through the mouth and nose. On information I went there immediately and administered " Lexin." I put a few drops of " Lexin " on a clean piece of cloth and applied closely to his nostrils but he could not inhale it properly, so I dropped 5 drops of "Lex in" into his nostrils and made him sit up and lie down continually to help artificial respiration whereupon he became a bit conscious; then he was given the moistened rag to inhale from, in 10 to 15 minutes regained full consciousness and continued to inhale " Lexin." Perfectly cured by using full one phial. There was no more medicine with me or I would have.given him more doses. Examined the wound; there was no fang; put a few drops to the wound. He would have surely died if " Lexin " was not available.


Village Jyotkubir, P . O. Chakdighi, District Burdwan. 3-8-26. [Post Card translated from Bengali.]

Case 80.

2112—4-8-26. Cobra.

I have cured two patients of Cobra-bite from impending death •by using your "Lexin." Results beyond our expectations were •obtained. One was cured with one phial, the other with a half.


Village Surah, P . O. Chakdighi (District Burdwan). [Post Card translated from Bengali.]


2356|2—15-8-26. ' C o b r a -

(No. 2112 of 4-8-26 in Report Form.)

Sailabala Dasi, wife of Sridhar Giri of Sureh—Kalna, P. 0 . Chakdighi, P. S. Jamalpur, District Burdwan, was bitten (16th Sravan, 1333 B. S., 6-30?) by a young Cobra, seen about H cubits long, not killed. After half an hour when I reached her with medicine, her condition was not at all hopeful. Regained sense after 45 minutes' inhalation. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Ananda Dome and Panchoo Ghosal. Remarks:—Your medicine produced excellent results. Reporter:—As in No. 2112 of 4-8-26.

Case 82. 2173—7-8-26. • Cobra.

Kasibala Dasi, wife of Jogesh Chandra Tentulia, of Khiragram P. O., P. S. Mangalkote. District Burdwan, was bitten (1-8-26— 5-30 p.m.) by a Cobra, seen by the patient to be 14 cubits long. The snake was not killed. After half an hour the patient was in a comatose condition. Ligature removed. Made to inhale " Lexin " for one hour. Cured. No other medicine used. Two inhalations of " Lexin " were given, 30 drops each time.

Present:—Bholanath Mukherji, Nrisinha Chandra Mukherji, Rampada Sinha, Anath Kumar Hazra, Lakshmi Narayan Tentulia.

Remarks:—Your invention possesses unheard-of powers. Reporter:—Sarat Chandra Bhattacharya, Postmaster, Khiragram

(Burdwan). 5-8-26.

Case 83. 2273-10-8-26. C o b r a

Nirmalabala Debi, wife of Nepal Chandra Banerii of Jamna ? o 9 i ' ™ n C t B . u r d w a n ' w a s b i t t e " by a Gokhura snake (Cobra) on 7-8-26. The snake was seen and killed the same day

Symptoms:—Salivation from mouth, could not hold up her head for more than 3 or 4 minutes, and could not speak distinctly. An hour after bite I reached patients house and at once gave her P Banerii's Snake-bite Cure for inhalation and the case was also treated by me with incising the bitten spot (upper part of ring-finger—right hand) and rubbing with Potassium Permanganate. After about half an hour of inhalation of the " Snake-bite Cure," the symptoms completely subsided though the inhalation was continued about 2 hours The medicine was applied an hour after the bite.

Present:—Bro)anath Banerji, Gokul Krishna Roy, Nitaikisore

f™'o?t?Zttu*m'Nagendra Nath Sen- P a n c h a"°" * £ $ ? , (Sd.) Dr. JITENDRA N A T H BOSS, L.M.P.,

Registration No. 710,

. P . O. Jamna (Burdwan).



Case 84. 2187—7-8-26. Cobra.

Parvati Charan Sutradhar, son of Raicharan Sutradhar of Parnanduali, P. O. Magura, District Jessore, was bitten by a Cobra seen to be 2 cubits long. It was not killed. Date of bite:—3-7-27, 3-20 p.m. In about 25 tc 30 minutes of bite he felt burning sensa­tion all over the body; very much restless, intermittent unconscious­ness. " Lexin " was inhaled for one hour. Cured. No other medicine used. Ligature opened after using medicine for some time. Pot. Permanganate applied to the wound after cure.

Present:—Jogindra Chandra Dasgupta, Pleader; Dr. Satya Charan Das; Makhanlall Mukherji and others.

Remarks:—We have no doubt about the efficacy of " Lexin." Reporter:—Golam Hossain, Teacher, Magura H. E. School,

Magura (Jessore). 4-8-26.

Case 85.

1833|l—20-7-26. Cobra.

Rajendra Datta of Gopalbera, P. O. Uchalan, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Keutey (Cobra) snake while he was at the work of cultivation. The bite was on the finger of a leg. Im­mediately the leg was fastened. He was brought home and your Antivenom was applied to him. At first he felt difficulty to inhale. But after a few minutes the patient could inhale the medicine soaked in a clean piece of cloth. The ligature on the leg was untied when the patient felt better and after about an hour and a half he seemed all right.

(Sd.) KAMAL KRISHNA BosE, M.A., n.i...

President, Gopalbera Union Board, Burdwan.

Case 86. 1833|2—20-7-26. Cobra.

On 14th July, Sibu Muchi of Gopalbera, P. O. Uchalan, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra while drawing sheaves of straw from a stack at 5 a.m. in the morning. He was bitten on the finger of the hand. Here also the portion above the bite was fastened by a ligature and the patient's home being near that of mine, the medi­cine was immediately applied. He was suffering from intense burning pain and thirst. But your medicine saved the man. After inhalation for some time, the patient rallied; he was all right within 3 or 4 hours.

It may be mentioned that my village is situated on the other side of the river DamQdar. Since the great flood of 1320 B. S., the number of poisonous snakes has enormously increased. Cases of death from poisoning are very frequent.

Reporter:—As in 1833|1 of 20-7-26.


Case 7 > 1854—21-7-26. C o b r a -

Bibi Ayesa Khatun, daughter of Haji Hasratulla and wife of Tan Mohamed Biswas of village Ransangunj, P . O. Samsi District Malda, was bitten by a Cobra 25 inches in length, colour brown as wheat. The patient came out of the house with a loud cry. u n hearing the sound, Mr. Aynbali Pandit who was near by came into the room and searched after the snake which was killed by him.

Nowadays in this track of land the praise of your Antivenom is universal, because the patients of snake-biting on whom. Anti-venom had been used were cured with satisfactory results. For this reason I got her under treatment without delay. After the moment of biting her. I was called. I went there and saw her in the following state:—Salivation was coming from her mouth; she could not speak distinctly and could not perceive the pain of pinch­ing. The chewed leaves "of Neem tree * was tasteless to her. I forgot to write that after going there firstly I had removed 2 broken teeth (poison-fangs) from the biting marks. The inhala­tion was used for an hour. Completely cured.

The patient was bitten by the snake at 11 a.m. on Friday, 16-7-26. " Lexin " was used after 14 hours of bite.

Present:—Maulavi Abdul Jalil, Head Master of the local school; Abbas Ali Mandal, President, Panchayat; and 100 other gentlemen.

Remarks:—I cured two more cases in last June with satisfac­tion. Astonished at the wonderful effect of " Lexin." Universal circulation of " Lexin " in abundant quantities is desirable.

Reporter:—Dr. Mohamed Sekander Ali, Malopara Anti-cholera Pharmacy, P. O. Samsi, District Malda. 17-7-26

Case 88. 909-14-5-26. Cobra.

Sindhubala Muchi, daughter of Manik Muchi, P 0 Nutan

f f f i oD/ t ,en by 3 C ° b r a Which Was »«• Symptoms:—Salivation; choked voice etc A few minutes after bite, a ligature was tied. Half an hour before

and after oosening of ligatures inhalation was used. At the oohrt of biting there was no broken tooth- it wac ir,^^ j p ? drops of "Lexin" were dropped S %£„£• ' ™ d a S?T5 one hour after bite. 6 ' l h e me<"cme was applied

Present:—Sibadas Banerji, Gobinda P-uli v J TT

Baroda Bhattacharjya, Dinabandhu Banerji andm U m a p a d a R o v>

^ d . ) Dr. JAHNABI KUMAR K H A N ,

Nutanganj, Burdwan. 13-5-26. Case 89.

Reed. 16-8-26.

Halaram Barui of Amaregarh, P. 0 Mankar x> o ^ ^ District Burdwan, was bit tenby a white; S & P* ? - f

A u * g r a m , cubits which was killed (Baisakh, 133^IB s V ' " 0 t l e s s t h a " 2

i.vw»^/oww;~Salivation from mouth-' ronM * • moment and ultimately he lay down o n X w Z d " ? *'?. Sti11 f o r * Villagers gave up all hopes of his l i f ^ S " TotalJy e^austed

- ,,__I™_ WaS aIed after

tAsadirach,a ' ' " " ^ ^


two hours of* bite and for two hours. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Bipra Das Mukherji, President, K * Union Board, Amaregarh, P. O. Mankar (Burdwan).

Reporter:—Kanak Bhusan Mukherji, P . O. Rajbandh, E. I. Railway (Burdwan).

Case 90. 1814—19-7-26. Cobra.

I had occasion to try a bottle on a patient to-day. She was bitten a mile or more away from here, and yet when she arrived there was no sort of constitutional disturbance developed. How­ever, as the snake was a heavy specimen of the spectacled type of Cobra and the bite was obvious, I treated her and as no develop­ment took place in a couple of hours—during all that time she was made to inhale your " Inhalation "—I sent her away as cured. It is now 12 hours nearly since she came to me and yet nothing beyond a swelling of the foot (bitten on toe) has developed. However, she complains that when I sent her away, her eyesight had become affected and she saw everything blurred or duplicated.

(Sd.) D. C. MCLEOD, Rambha (Ganjam District).

17-7-26. Case 91 . '

1758—15-7-26. Cobra. Fakir Mohan Chowdhury, son of Urdhab Chandra Chowdhury

of .Bamunia, P. O. Mandalgram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a deep black (Keutey) Cobra about 15 cubits long. Seen.

Symptoms:—Saliva always issued from the mouth and nose and the he'ad also drooped down. Paralysis of tongue; unbearable pain. " Lexin" used one hour after bite. Inhaled for 15 minutes. Per­fectly cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Atul Chandra Chowdhury, Pashupati Chowdhury, Sk. Abdul Ohab, and others.

Remarks:—Most efficacious. Reporter:—Gouri Pada Chowdhury, 'Bamunia, P. O. Mandal­

gram, District Burdwan. 13-7-26. Case 92.

1988—29-7-26. Cobra. Nothing delights me to-day more than to record here two

instances of snake-bite cured by your medicine. One Nakuleswar Sutradhar of Bhatpara in the District of Jessore, was bitten by " Gokhura" in Baisakh last. The bite was quite effective and all the symptoms of apparent death were closely visible. The inhala­tion of your drug gave him, as it were, a fresh lease of life within 4 hours or so.

Another Mahomedan of Kalupura, P. S. Magura, District Jessore, was bitten by Gokhura snake in Jaistha last. Immediately after the bite the patient was subject to a great stupor and be­came almost senseless. Your medicine was taken recourse to when he was at death-door. Eight hours' inhalation completely brought about his cure. Your invention is really a God-send.

. (Sd.) S. SYED, Sub-Inspector of Police, Officcr-in-charge,

._, Mahammadpur Police Station, District Jessore, (Further details asked for.) 25-7-26

* Illegible.


Case 93. _ . 1921-25-7-26. ^ ^ b r a .

Finished three phials of " Lexin." Had been tried in three case, of snake-bite, one of which was Cobra bite and the patient was on the point of death. Thank God that I have come off success­fully in the cases I treated.

(Sd.) Dr. JATINDRA NATH B H ATTACH ARY A, P. O. Sundarganj, District Rangpur.

(Further details asked for.) 22-7-26. Case 94.

2079—2-8-26. Cobra. About a week ago, Saroda Sundari Dasi, wife of Siboo Mandal

of Par-Bhaluka, P. S. Ratua, District Malda, was bitten by a (Cobra) snake in the evening when she was returning home from the Bazar, which is more than a mile off. After she measured half a mile the snake bit her. She screamed in a loud voice, and by the time we reached her she lay prostrate on the ground almost senseless. Immediately I tied a ligature above the wound, and hurried home for medicine. On my return I saw her groaning and frothy saliva running out of her mouth and the nails were bluish. On inhalation of " Lexin " for 15 to 20 minutes her eyes looked normal and gradually the salivation stopped, and the groaning sound ceased. After careful nursing and inhalation for l i to 2* hours she was perfectly cured. Felt thirsty; warm water was given to drink.

Words cannot express the merits of your medicine. (Sd.) SURESH CHANDRA SINHA ROY,

Bhaluka, P. O. Hayatpur, District Malda. 14-4-33 B. S.

[Translated from Bengali] Case 95.

1971—1-8-25. Cobra. Goodia, wife of Bhola Turaha of Madhubani Town, P. O.

Madhubani, District Darbhanga, was bitten by, a Cobra. The snake was seen but it ran away. The patient was in hopeless condition eyes closed—saliva was coming out of her mouth. " Lexin" was given after one hour. Inhaled it for 10 minutes. Cured.

Present:—Ram Lakhan Shah; Gopi Shah; the Inspector of Police, Madhubani, and others.

Remarks:—The public highly praised the medicine. Reporter:—Anrudh Tewari, Sub-Inspector of Vacrinnf!^ -n ^

Madhubani, District Darbhanga. sanat ion p O. oU-7-25.

Case 96. 1943—27-7-26. c

On 18th Ashar at 9 p.m. Majiran Bibi, wife of TTok°i *?," , was bitten by a poisonous Cobra snake on her «hn i5i S h e k n > the ojhas commenced their practice; but when the mtSiv?5j F i r s t

down on the ground at 11 o'clock, they were fri!** i* d r o°ped up the case as hopeless. Respiration was quickenS t"!? .fnd &ave no sense. I made her sit upon a country stnn? ? 5n? t h e r e Was the sitting posture by the help of 4 me? C W ^ , , 1 ^ her in inhale "Lexin" You see, no ligature coSd hT t l i U U a l l y made h £ on the very shoulder. After half an ho«r ? K Ved. as the bite «,! regained consciousness, and felt beta• J i k 2 a l ? i o n s h e gradualW "Lexin" thereon. She is all right now. * W M c d t h e ™ u * C d r o ^




CdS6 9 7 2346—15-8-26. ' Cobra.

I have saved the life of one Khudiram Bagdi of this village who was bitten by a Cobra in the paddy fields last night. He was nearly dead when I made him inhale " Lexin." It was after 10 hours' inhalation that he was cured. 28th Sravan, 1333 B. S.


Koarpur P. O., District Burdwan. (Further details asked for.)

Qase 98. 1852—21-7-26. Cobra.

Sukhal Kankar, son of Bamook Kankar of village Purania, P. O. Sikta, District Champaran, was bitten by a Cobra, which was seen but not killed. At once applied " Lexin." Inhaled it for 10 minutes. Cured. No other medicine used.

(Sd.) M. M. GOTLA,

Manager, Sikta Bazar. 14-7-26. (Further details wanted.)

Case 99. 1762—16-7-26. Cobra.

Narayan Banerji, son of Akhay Kumar Banerji, Assistant to the General Manager, Belrni Raj, village Karanda, P. O. Bhaita, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra, which was seen but not killed. The patient's head drooped down. He felt relief after inhalation for half an hour. Cured. No other medicine used. Many respectable gentlemen were present there to see the treatment. " Lexin " was used IS minutes after bite.

Remarks:—I have cured two more cases. " Lexin" acted successfully in all.

Reporter:—Dr. Ram Kinkar Roy, I,.M.P., Karanda, P. O. Bhaita, District Burdwan. 15-7-26.

Case 100. 2257—11-8-26. Cobra.

Srikantha Chandra Sardar, aged 35, of village Pooncha, P. O. Ladhurka, District Manbhum, was bitten by a Cobra (Kharish) about 2 cubits long, which was killed. Date of bite:—Sunday, 8-8-26, at about 2 p.m. By the evening his condition was very bad. Ojhas were treating him and he felt better at 11 p.m. On the following morning he was worse again. On information we arrived and made him inhale " Lexin " for two hours from 12 noon onwards. It was after inhaling full two phials of "Lex in" in 7 hours that all his pain subsided excepting the pain in the wound which is still present. No danger of life.

These phials of "Lex in" were purchased two years ago.


Lakshmapur, P . 0 . Ladhurka, District Burdwan. (Details of symptoms wanted.) 10-8-26.


Case 101,.

1973—1-8-25. C o b r a -

Wife of Lukhi Kanta Karmakar, father's name Kunjalat Karmakar. Patient's age about 18 years. Village Mahajanpur, P. O. Natuda, District Nadia. She was bitten by a (.Cobra) Gokbura snake, a youngster about 2\ ieet long while stepping out oi the room at noontime; the tail was trod upon when the snake turned round and bit her on the right foot near the ankle; 2 bite marks present. The snake was seen distinctly but not killed, having escaped.

Symptoms:—Drooping of the head; indistinct speech, tongue dry, slightly drawn inwards; pain over the heart region present; marked sleepiness, slight insensibility of the affected limb; burning pain in the mouth and nose present. Treatment:—(No other medicine used. Inhalation used for nearly 45 minutes. Result very satisfactory. Perfectly cured. Large number of villagers present. Medicine applied after about an hour.)

Complained of great burning pain in the mouth and nose but stopped after 10 minutes. Sleepiness disappeared after 15 minutes.

Ligatures removed after 30 minutes and was able to walk about; not allowed to sleep for 18 hours; no relapse.

Remarks:—Uneventful recovery. Snake-bite accidents are common here, and I like to keep some phials of your Antivenom in the Hospital. I am rather surprised at the result; the treatment being so simple and quick. I was tempted to lance and put in Pot. Permang., but I refrained and gave "Lexin" a trial. The result was highly satisfactory.

(Dr.) A. C. ROY,

Medical Officer, Natuda Hospital

(District Nadia).

Case 102. 1012-26-5-26. n .

Cobra. Nasiraddi Shekh, son of Chhedu Shekh of villa™ nu-

• mela, P. O. Durbadanga, P. S. Manirampur Di J r S S T C h l n a to la -bitten by a stout and large Cobra about 2\ cuhits i«„ Jessore, was but not killed. Date of bite:—22-5-26, 9-30 Dm K ? " lt w a s s e e " foot about 5 inches above the heel. Snake attemnti i 0 n , t h e "ght but the patient's cloth intervened. He was m i S K a n o t h e r strike fright. Poison rose above the knee. Frieht a«Spx?sse tJ t h r o "gn made him tremble. Trembling subsided on S S - b u . m m S Pains water to the head and on being fanned. Used " T J 2 » V°? o f c<>ld after bite. Inhaled it for 20 minutes. PerfertW ? J

h a H a n hour washed, which was removed after 3 inhalations* R h w m ^ S ?

c Aures^t:~Kayira'i Amritalal Nath, Sudharsn n „ Sadhu Khan and others. ' ou tUla ran. De, Bepin Behari

toward .-—Wonderful medicine. Reporter:—Gnanendra Nath Ghose T>, -J

' 23-S5-26.


Case 103. 1353-13-6-25. Cobra.

Krishna Lai Ghosh, son of Durgadas Ghosh, village Palish-gram, P. O. Nutanhat, P. S. Mangalkote, District Burdwan, was bitten by a stout Cobra 24 cubits long, which has been caught from a hole in the room guarding her eggs 28 in number. She is still living in captivity. Date of bite -.—1332 B. S., 21st Jaistha, 4-30 p.m. Treatment started after 3 hours. Ligature removed long ago.

Symptoms:—Nasal voice; complete physical depression, insen­sibility in all the limbs; gradually lost all power of speech but there was consciousness within; eyes red; dozing down for heavi­ness of head. " Lexin " (3 phials) was inhaled in 15 hours. Cured. No other medicine used. '

Present:—Hundreds of gentlemen and villagers assembled' from 6 to 7 villages. (Here the reporter mentions names of 18 gentlemen also.)

Remarks:—Never seen any patient surviving from such a moribund condition. Medicine has made a wonderful sensation. On 23rd Jaistha another case occurred but unfortunately I had no medicine at that time and that patient died within 4 hours.

Reporter:—Dr. Surendra Nath Santra, L.M.P., Registered No. 4502, Palishgram, P. O. Nutanhat, Burdwan. 11-6-25.

Case 104.

592—1-4-26. C o b r a -Nivanani Devi, wife of Satya Prasanna Sarkar of Labpur,

District Birbhum, was bitten by a Cobra about 30 inches long, on 8th Bhadra at 4 o'clock. No ligature tied. Used Lexin after 10 minutes when she was not unconscious though the pain was great. Inhaled for half an hour. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Tara Sankar Banerji, Lakhi Narayan Mukherji, Sambhu Nath Mukherjee and others.

Remarks:—Doubtless, this is T H E MEDICINE for snake-bite. Reporter:—Kartic Chandra Chakravarti, C|o Messrs. Jadab Lai

Sons, Ltd., Labpur (Birbhum). 30-3-26.

Case 105. 1850—21-7-25 Cobra.

Gajamati Devi, C|o Kedar Nath Bhattacharya, P. O. Sankari, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra (Tentulia Gokhura) 4 feet long with eggs in her belly. Killed. The bite was on the middle finger of the leg as indicated by the fang-marks. The finger turned blue. t . •

Symptoms:—Intolerable pain. Given ' Lexin after 10 minutes. Felt comfortable in 14 hours. Continued to inhale for half an hour more. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Gobinda Bejay Basu, President, Union Board; Prabodh Chandra Bhattacharya, Chief Engineer to the Maharaja of Burdwan; and others.

Reporter:—Dwija Pada Biswas, Secretary, Union Board. P. O. Sankeri, District Burdwan. 19-7-25.


Case 106. 2624-28-9-25. C o b r a -

Bijua Bin, son of Deolal Bin of Dasturhat, P. O. Azimganj, District Murshidabad, was bitten by a Cobra 3 feet long. Not killed.

Symptoms:—Burning pain; saliva coming out of the mouth. After"one hour given " Lexin" to inhale. Cured after one hour s use, when pain and other symptoms gradually vanished. Date of bite:— 1st August, 1925, 8 a.m.. when walking a narrow path the snake suddenly bit on the leg below the knee.

(Sd.) SHEKH EDRISH AHAMAD, Dasturhat, P. O. Azimganj, District Murshidabad.

Case 107. 1701—10-7-25. • Cobra.

About two months ago, one widow (of late Promotho Nath Bhaduri, Muktear) here was bitten by a Cobra and lost her sense. When she was gasping for her last breath, your medicine was applied by me and to our wonder and satisfaction she came round within half an hour.

(Sd.) SURESH CHAXDRA BISWAS, EX., Pleader, P. O. Nator, District Rajshahi (Bengal). 8-7-25.

Case 108. 2671—13-11-24. Cobra.

Mangala Dasi, aged 8, daughter of Nafar Chandra Bargi of South Garia, District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a Cobra 2 cubits in length; not killed. Condition:—Insensibility of the affected limb; eyes red. Date of bite:—12th November, 1924, 11-15 a.m. Used "Lexin" after 1 hour of bite. Inhaled for nearly an hour Cured.

Present:—Akshoy Kumar Kundu, B.L., Assistant Head Master High School; Nirode Baran Banerji; Bidyapati Mukherji and

lorary •11-24.

others. — " " a n d

Reporter:—Jadu Nath Banerji, Zemindar and Hn«~ Magistrate, P. O. South Garia, District 24-Parganas. 13-11*2?

Case 109. 2257—24-8-25. C o b r

Yesterday at about 11 a.m. a coolie, named Ganear-,™ v . was bitten by a big Cobra—none dared to kill it. , b a r a m Kurmi,

Symptoms:—Salivation from mouth; droopine of tV.« t. J unable to hold up his head; he could not r e c o e n U I e a d ; q u i t e

that time. Insensibility of the affected limb The ¥• m a n a t

made to sit by three persons and I began to'aonlv « e n t W a s

After 15 minutes' inhalation the man came to hi« L m<;dicine. an hour he was all right. The bite was on the i t t l l T 3 ' W i t h i n

right hand. An incision was given and the fangs l»Jlm ° f h i s

Now, 12 hours have passed away and the man it Z •? rem<>ved. Yesterday only hot milk was given for the diet q U l t e a11 right.


i n B ; 9>hatak, *• O. Siliguri, D l r t r i ^ g S j ^ B ^



Case 110. 2170—18-8-25. Cobra.

Rohita Dasi, wife of Khudiram Middey, P. O. Khirgram, district Burdwan, was bitten by a black Cobra about one cubit long while she was fishing in a canal. Bitten above the little toe of the right foot.

Symptoms:—Drooping of the head. Could not hold up her head. After half an hour she was made to inhale your medicine. Totally cured within 50 minutes' inhalation. Felt relief in 16 minutes. Examined the wound and removed poison fangs.

Present:—Mahadeb Chowdhury; Shyamapada Chakravarti; Kalipada Biswas; Brohmananda Chowdhury and many other gentlemen.

Remarks:—Every man should have a phial. It will be a con­stant companion of everyone within a short time.

Reporter:—Prankrishna Chowdhury, Assistant Teacher. Khira-gram P. O. (Burdwan). 15-8-25.

Case 111 . 2497—14-9-25. Cobra.

A lady (widow), care of Surojmall Pandey of Maharajganj, District Saran, B. and N. W. Ry., was bitten by a Cobra (Gowhan). The snake was seen but not killed; it ran away. Date of bite:— 11-9-25, 3 a.m. The snake bit her on the "thumb finger" of the leg. A burning sensation just on the bitten place and insensibility on the affected part. Pain in the region of the heart. Could not speak distinctly; felt as if intoxicated by wine; (taste was altered). No other medicine was used. The inhalation took just 1 hour and' 15 minutes to make her fully cured. After 20 minutes' inhalation of your Antivenom, the patient felt a little relief. The pain in the region of the heart was removed and she could speak distinctly. And after about 45 minutes she began to feel sensation on the affected part as she responded to pinching. I continued the inhalation further to make her thoroughly cured.

Present:—As the patient came at a very late hour there were none present except Mr. Pandey (above), my durwan Rampal Singh and my servant Seopiyan Ram.

Remarks:— Treated several snake-bite cases successfully by your Antivenom but did not report them to you.

Reporter:—Kali Das Banerji. Agent, Messrs. Turner Morrison-& Co., Ltd., P. O. Maharajganj, District Saran.

Case 112. 2285—(?) Cobra.

Balkesari, girl, aged 10, daughter of Somaroo Dusadh of Dum-raon, District Arrah, was bitten by a white Cobra about 2 feet long, which was seen but not killed. I witnessed the treatment (21-8-25). The condition of the patient was not very bad though she was senseless. No other medicine was used except the trial of some ojha. which was all' in vain. The inhalation was used for about 15 minutes in the morning and for about 10 minutes after three hours of first inhalation. After the inhalation of your Antivenom» the patient stood up and the colour of her eyes changed from red' to white. Treatment started after U hours of the bite.


Present:—Gopal Chandra Mukherji, M.A., Head Master, Raj H. E. School; Shiva Nath Tewari, B.A., Assistant Head Master; and several others.

Remarks:—Antivenom has attained a great success here. Reporter:—Shiva Nath Tewari, B.A., Assistant Head Master, Raj

H. E. School, Dumraon, District Arrah. 26-8-25.

Case 113. 2662—29-9-25. Cobra.

Nithar Dasi, daughter of Chinibash Ghosh of Mayakol, P . 0 . Krishnagar, District Nadia, was bitten by a snake supposed to be a Cobra (Jat sap). The snake was not seen. The patient could not feel the pinch on the affected part, vomiting tendency was noticed at 4 p.m.; no other medicine used. About three-quarters of an hour the medicine was used. Improvement after each inha­lation. Medicine was used after 30 to 40 minutes of bite.

Present:—Lalgopal Dutta Gupta, Head Assistant, Khulna Collectorate; Ramgopal Dutta and others.

Remarks:—On the morning of 23rd September at about 10-30 a.m. the patient was bitten by the serpent in the cowshed near the elbow of her right arm, which was after 10 minutes tied with strings and before the matter was brought to my notice an ojha was called in. He lost 30 minutes in vain, when I made her inhale your Antivenom as directed. After half an hour she was all right, and allowed to go. She did not take any food at all till 4-30 p.m. when she felt giddy and showed signs of vomiting. Became very nervous and complained of having lost all strength. I suspected poison still acting in her system and again gave Antivenom ior inhalation. After being treated more than ha\i an hour with Antivenom, the patient said she was all right. At this stage I o-nv her some milk. save

Medicine acted like a charm and neutralized the poison al in 20 minutes. I like to popularize the medicine amone- th* i ^ vators, who are generally the victims of venomous snakp* O«J CU

lives may be saved by its use if the use of meriiVin- • m a n>' to them. medicine is taught

Nadlarpara, P. O. K n W g a r ^ a )

27-9-25. 1774-15-7-25. ° - 1 1 4 '

« i,MLs- Svarnalata Bose, wife of Manoi Chnn^ T, C o b r a ' °- E a r h 3 D , s t r i c t Birbhum, was bitten by a v « J i Bose> aged 18 mght. The snake was killed. Y * V e r y l a rge Cobra in the • Symptom*:—Great physical depression- , i

Reporter:—Mrs v«"man

"•« to ^sclose her n a m ^ ~ "


Case 11B.

Reed. 20-9-26. Cobra.

Glad to inform you that your snake-bite cure produced mar­vellous action on a man who fell almost dead with the poison of the snake that bit him. Every man and woman present there were thunderstruck at the miraculous action of your famous remedy.


Head Master, Belghoria School,

P. O. Belghoria (24-Parganas). 18-9-26.

(Further details asked for.)

Case 116.

2700—2-10-25. Cobra.

Girish Mohan Mondal, son of Phul Kishon Mondal of Khan-para, P. O. Kariali, District Malda, was bitten by a Cobra (Goman, Keutey) which was seen but could not be killed.

Symptoms:—Somewhat unconscious; drooping head just like opium poisoning. Bitten at 10-30 a.m. Started treatment at 12 p.m. night. Inhaled " Lexin" for half an hour. Fully cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Nibhorash Mondal, Banamali Ganesh and Goto Ganesh.

Remarks:—Medicine worked magically.

Reporter;—Satish Chandra Nandy, Station Master, Bhalukaroad, P . O. Kariali (Malda). 29-9-25.

Case 117.

2490-13-9-25. Cobra.

Upendra Bagdi, 45, cultivator, son of Kangal Bagdi, village Karatia, P. O. Aushgram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra 11 cubits long, which was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Great burning pains, heaviness of limbs. No other bad symptoms. "Lex in" was inhaled after 10 minutes of bite and the pains disappeared in a very short time. Patient himself inhaled it after one hour without others' help. Radically cured after two hours' use. No other medicine used.

Present:—Saktipada Chakravarty, Dhirendra Pal, Hari Bagdi, Rampada Tanti, Bishnupada Pal, Hari Dhara, Gadadhar Hazra and 50 others.

Remarks:—-Very good medicine for Snake-bite.

Reporter:—Protap Chandra Koar, Karatia, P. O. Aushgram, District Burdwan. 27-5-1332.


Case 118. 2235J1—23-8-25. C o b r a -

(1) Altow Bewa, wife of Kichak Mahamed of Rani Sankail, District Dinajpur, was bitten by a Cobra (Gohma) while working in the field at 2 o'clock on the 16th of August, 1925, at the left leg 2 or 3 inches under knee joint. The snake was seen but not killed. Amongst the most characteristic symptoms were drooping of the head, salivation from mouth and nose and burning pain throughout the body. No other medicine besides this was used, at least half an hour after the bite. Inhalation went on for an hour and a half till she felt all right.

Present:—Hemanta Kumar Chowdhury, Zemindar; Kishori-mohan Chowdhury, Zemindar; Manindra Kumar Sarkar, Naib; and several others.

Remarks:—See No. 2235\2 et seq.

Reporter:—Pitambar Chowdhury, B.A., Zemindar, Rani SankatV Joint Estate, P. O. Rani Sankail, District Dinajpur. 20-8-25.

Case 119. 2235|2—23-8-25. Cobra.

Ram Lall Lohar Mistri of village Dipow, P. O. Maharani, District Chapra, was bitten by a venomous snake—they say milky serpent—white Cobra (Dudhia Gohma)— at 4 o'clock in the after­noon while working at my own house. He was bitten at the right leg under the knee joint. The snake was seen and killed by the patient immediately. Antivenom was given to him 4 or 5 minutes after the bite. No other medicine was used. Inhalation lasted for at least an hour. Became all right. He had got all the symp­toms quite same as those of the patient of the first renort (Z,a No. 2235|1) above. He had got ligatures. They were looJn£T and of no use at all. Antivenom did well without anv \\„IV.

^^Z&ZSJt™that liEa,ure is M»S££S Present:—Hemanta Kumar Chowdhurv 7O«, ;«J •»•• . .

Kumar Sarkar, Naib; Dr. Hem Chandra S S , ; M a n m d r a ' HC Charitable Dispensary, Ramganj; Dr tfamLi ?* ^ B " o*V0' Dr. Rajani Kanta Basak; Sarat Chandra' BaSk- /-* i i° h a" S a b a ;

later) Durga Das Mukherji. Manager, u££Z' R o w i n g came-Chandra Sinha, Officer, M. Estate; Ski fir(SEstate; £ L 0 v a t

M. Estate, and several others. * m .Kantha Sengupta, Officer,

Remarks:—This medicine has removed a or*** ,.,„ ,. supreme want from the medical world In 5 T < ; 2 u n t ' £

e v e n the-science, the Antivenom Inhalation is a* wonderf,Vi 5- ° f med»cal? has saved snake-bitten patients from their u n S v

d l s c°very. It sorrowful deaths. Nine cases out of t 5 W ^ S r ' V*"**®* and' ar ^ . * « * way be noted with ^ a m o u n t ^ SUCCe5* is I shall be much pleased to find its prornnt S • i

o f suspicion safely recommended it to the generous S c ^ P a n d I m a v -is a necessity for each household. P bllC* B r , e % speaking ft

Reporter:—Pitambar Chowdhury BA 7« • j Joint Estate, Dinajpur. r y ' B,A-' Zemmdar, R a n j s ,



Case 120. 2672—8-10-25. Cobra.

Satish Chandra Das, son of Giridhari Das of village Bakta„ P. O. Guhagram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra, about. 3 feet long, which could not be killed as it had entered into a pit.. His right foot was bitten. One of the broken fangs was removed immediately after the bite and the patient was feeling a burning sensation. Medicine was applied not more than IS minutes after the bite and was inhaled for an hour only when he felt all right— burning sensation having gone and began to walk on. No other medicine used.

Present:—Satcowri Bhattacharjee; Gonesh Mailee; Jituram; Patar.

Remarks:—Antivenom cured the patient. Reporter:—Dr. Rakhohari Misra, Homoeopath, Bakta, P. O..

Guhagram (Burdwan). 5-10-25.

Case 121. 2659—5-10-25. Cobra.

With great rejoice I approach, though unacquainted, to con­gratulate you on your great success in the* discovery of the Anti-venom Inhalation. One Sachi Nandan Das, aged 20, son of Gosto Behari Das, resident of my own place was bitten by a Cobra, which was seen by the patient. Inhalation was administered for three-quarters of an hour—in the meanwhile several incisions were made at the site of the bite and potassium permanganate was thrust. No-other treatment.

(The reporter is silent about symptoms.) (Sd.) GOKUI, CHANDRA DUTTA,

Medical Practitioner, Village Chaksengadi, P. O. Sadipur, District Burdwan.


Case 122. 2794—21-10-25. Cobra.

Sudeshna Dasi, daughter of Sital Chandra Das of village Fatehpur, P. O. Kanaidanga, District Jessore, was bitten by a young black Cobra about 15 inches long—seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Senseless, eyes completely closed; foams coming out of the mouth; breath imperceptible: salivation in long and rope­like strings. Neck unable to support the head; all parts of the body cold except chest and back; speechless. A medicine named

of Bareilly had been used previously. Applied " Lexin'" after about 2 hours of bite. Patient came round after 30 minutes' inhalation, completely cured within 40 minutes from the beginning of the use of the Antivenom.

Present:—Akshoy Kumar Chakravarty; Panchanon Karmakar; Kalidas Tarafdar; Baloram Pramanick and others.

Remarks:—The cure is marvellous. I think every sort of snake-bite can be cured by this medicine.

Reporter:—Biswesvar Biswas, Village Fatehpur, P. O. Kanai­danga, District Jessore. 18-10-25.

B, SB 9


Case 123. 2569—23-9-25. C o b r a '

Sushilabala Devi, daughter of Upendra Nath Bhattacharya of Baidyanathpur, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra more than 2 cubits long—seen but not killed. She was gradually feeling very bad and after a little while lay prostrate. After about half an hour of bite, started using your medicine and continued it for two hours. Completely cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Kalipada Das; Shib Narayan Adhjkari; Kalika Ranjan Bhattacharya and others.

Reporter:—K. Banerji, P. 0 . Barhra, District Birbhum. 20-9-25.

Case 124. 2531-19-9-25 Cobra.

Fakir Dome, son of Aghore Dome of Paraj , District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra U cubits long—seen and killed by the patient with a spade he was using.

Symptoms:—Salivation, drowsiness, drooping of the head, could not hold up his head, articulation of words indistinct. Inhalation was used for about 20 hours; after 8 hours it gave good results. Medicine was used after 3 hours 6f bite.

Remarks:-—The patient could not inhale it deeply, probably the delay was due to that.

Present:—Sailesh Chandra Chowdhury, M.A. and others. Reporter:—-Dr. Sambhu Nath De, L.M.P., J. Medical Hall, P. 0 .

Paraj, District Burdwan. 17-9-25.

Case 125. 2850|1—2-11-25. Cobra.

Mrs. Pramilabala Roy, wife of Madan Gopal Roy; age 20, of Paharpur, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Cobra, which was seen but not killed. From the very time of bite, her condition was going from bad to worse: frothy salivation running out of mouth, whole body perspiring; the head inclined towards the front Given "Lexin" after half an hour of bite. Inhaled it for 2 hours Cured perfectly. No other medicine used.

Present:—Sairesh Chandra Bhattacharya; Bonbehari Rn • Bhajahari Nayak; Srish Chandra Karmakar; Balahari Rov

(Sd.) KARALI: PRASAD BANERJI, f. O. Barhra (Birbhum).

31-10-25. Case 126.

2828—25-10-25. P r t , f t . t. v^obra. The other day there was a snake-bite case in mv npJcrt^ •

house.. As soon as it happened, we went there an" 2 j U n n g

medicine but only for a few minutes. I advised them M y o ? r

longer but they said that owing to its application thl J ° a p P I v

nasal voice. If this be the notion of the g u a S n , ^ ^ *°t anymore-rather we were in a falsi D M S L C T C ? u , d n o t

detailed direction leaflet so could not me\l0^T Llost the called for many oj has of name and fame but K ^ T h e n they hopeless as is the case with the venomous Cobra n ^ m b e c a ™

Dra* B u t we noticed


one peculiar feature that the patient never lost her sense—this is because, I think, of the application of your medicine for a few minutes. When we applied for the second time, it was about after 10 or 12 hours. Thence forward we applied continually with occa­sional cessation of 5 or 10 minutes. In the meantime they stopped the use for some time and the case became worse—the patient was about to die—then they poured a few drops into the nostrils. After some time the hopeless case became hopeful; she felt better. And by the morning—after full 24 hours—the patient became all right.

Remarks:—Your Antivenom is the surest remedy for snake­bite. It acts Dhanvantari. Public will be much more benefited if it receives broad circulation.

(Sd. ) SURENDRA NATH MANDAL, Village Akhira, P. O. Santahar,

(District Bogra). 23-10-25.

, Case 127. 2849—2-11-25. Cobra.

On 3rd Kartik at 11 p.m. my uncle, Hari Das Hazra, was bitten by a Cobra (Khurish). I n about 10 minutes his condition was disappointing. I was out. When I returned home I found -him almost a dead man. Put 30 to 40 drops of "Lexin" on a piece of cloth and applied closely to his nostrils. After repeating this process thrice, in half an hour he regained consciousness. Repeated again once or twice and he became all right.

(Sd.) KALIKUMAR HAZRA, Kadpur, P. O. Labpur (Birbhum).

30-10-25. (Further details asked for.)

Case 128. 2829|1|2—15-10-25. Cobra.

Cured two cases of Cobra bites (1) Kalidas Hardi of Sali-gram, P. O. Nabastha, District Burdwan, bitten at 10 p.m. (2) Panchanon Kord of Chakundi, P. O. Nabastha (Burdwan), bitten when he was working in the field in the day. When I reached the patients with medicine, they voiced nasal sounds. They say such cases are hopeless. Thanks to your medicine, they have been cured.

(Sd.) KAUKANANDA MAJILA, Secretary, Ram Krishna Asram,

P. O. Nabastha (Burdwan). (Further details asked for.)

Case 129. 1662—5-7-25. Cobra.

Wife of Sukchand Dafadar of Noali, P. O. Matsia District Jessore, was bitten bv a Cobra—five feet in length—which was killed. When the medicine reached her m the afternoon she was in a state of unconsciousness. The medicine was applied and in­haled by the patient and she regained her consciousness within an hour. She was bitten in the morning. No other medicine was applied save and except the enchanting of mantras of the ojha after cure. , „ , \ T> - ^

(Sd.) BYOMKESH GAN, P. O. Matsia, District Jessore.



Case 130. 2297—22-10-25. Cobra.

Nimai Chandra Bagdi, son of Ram Dhan Bagdi of Khatnagar, P . O. Rajkhamar, District Bankura, was bitten at 8 p.m. by a Cobra about 2 cubits long. It was not killed as it entered into a hole in the wall.

Symptoms:—Salivation from the mouth; and pain in the head. Commenced inhalation after half an hour of bite. Perfectly cured after 2 to 3 hours' inhalation.

(Sd.) ABANI KANTA CHOWDHURY, Khatnagar, P. 0 . Rajkhamar (Bankura).


Case 131. 2779—19-10-25. Cobra.

Kanur ma (i.e., mother of Kami or Kanai), wife of Jnanendra Nath Chakravarty of Jagati P. O., District Nadia, was bitten by a Cobra—a huge one—while she was coming from one house to another at about 8 p.m. on Wednesday, the 14th October 1925. The snake was seen but could not be killed. Her husband who was present there immediately tied two ligatures, one at the ankle and another two or three inches above. Your Antivenom was applied after 10 minutes. Ligatures were removed after 6 or 7 minutes of inhalations. Inhalation continued for half an hour and the un­easiness which she felt was gradually redressed. No other bad symptoms. No other medicine used.

Present:—Lalon Chandra Mukherji, Gopal Chandra Chakravarty and Jnanendra Nath Chakravarty; no outsider was allowed.

Reporter:—Panchkori Mukherji, P . O. Jagati (Nadia). 17-10-25.

Case 132. 2717—12-10-25. Cobra.

Chhedi, son of Kantu of Baldeo Bazar, P . O. Karwi, District Banda (U. P . ) , was bitten by a female Cobra about 3£ feet long The snake was seen but it ran away and was not killed. Your inhalation was used from 10-45 p.m. to 6 a.m. and the result was excellent. Started treatment after half an hour of bite

Present.—Bharosa Benia, Merchant; Beneeram, Commission Agent; Sheosahay Baya and many others.

Remarks:—All were pleased to see the result. Great success Reporter:-D.Yi. Sherdiwala Mill Manager, Juggilal Kamala-

pat Ginning, Pressing and Oil Mills, Karwi P. O. CU P ^ O-in ?* (Further details asked for.) ^ r , ; ' y 1U~^-

Case 133. 2699-2-10-25. C o b r a

On 28th ultimo in the evening Ankul Chandra Dutta aeed K son of Hanpada Dutta of Mahachanda, District Rurd™!;; b* bitten by a Cobra which was seen by the patient but not k m ' . / 3 5

Symptoms:—Foamy saliva mixed with blood P I ! . e d l

mouth and nostrils and his head drooped. Med?cine JSQ 2 * ° f h i s

half an hour of bite. Perfectly cured after half IThl !> ^ a f t e r No other medicine used. a n h o u ^ s inhalation

Present:—Jatindra Nath Mandal • TKeU Shiva Prasad Roy; Jatindra Nath D u t t a - T . v f 3 ^ M a ^ a l -Ashutosh Dutta; Hanseshvar Chatterji- Nani K n i n T i p a d a D u t t a tosh Chatterji and several others. 0 p a I C hatterji ; Ashul


w , . _ K a l i Pada Mandal, President, K h a t i a ^ U n ^ Board,

P O Mahachanda (Burdwan). Case 134. C o b r a #

2140—16-8-25. „ . „„ MuWherii of Nandanpur,

pain he said. J.he^° t m c n t w l t h your Antiven a c c o r d i n g

StefSr fTU^z £ * ^ ^ ° " the pain com-to your direction. A tew H a r i „ a d a Ghose, Head P ' e t t ? 4 T d a P - ^ S ' R o ^ c K t U . I Mut te r , , ;

glad to see ?s. ^ ^ a r a t i o n to his successors. N a n d a n p U r , the mode of its preparat><» ^ R o y > L .M.S., F- ^ . 1 3 ^ . 1 9 2 5 .

Reporter :--VT-District Hooghly. C a 8 e 1 3 5 e C o b r a

£!«'*•& w e r c r c d ; wbo,e body blue; >ay %*££

& S A S S ^ - * U.chand ft*, Annada Charan

BUwPar£Head_Pa,»d|torted ^ c a s e t 0 t h e S u b .D ivisional Officer of

Kusht!a"°(Nadia). P r a s a n n a Bhattacharya, President, Satorpur U n i o r B o a f r B a r b a r f a P. O. Amlasadarpur (Nad,a D.s tncg,

L No. 63. Case 136. C o b r a

Q74I2—28-4-25. . . _ . P p r < T a n a s was bitten % l i n a V a n i Dasi of Pakur, District Santal rerga ,

ftn 2?U

4n_2y5 by a Cobra, which was s e e n b u t ^ o t ^ ^ ^ . P

c o u l d

? n ^ t e l y screamed; salivation of ^ J J ^ s t i n c t l y ; the tongue ' T hold «P »«r h e a d ;

f C O U i d v ^ r l v ^ O minu es after the bite I

S f f e i ^ s e n s ^ f e l ^ s t y °a'fter two h o u r , Tea-was

liven Sto her. . . ea ; ie ndra Nath Misra; Joy Prasad

M ^ D u r g e f Cn-andrf S d f l f and the Court SuWnspector,


C a a e 1 3 7 \ ' Cobra. 2926—8-11-23. , TJ . .

I have cured another case of snake-bite. My mother, Banm Dasi (daughter of Mohendra Chandra Saha), was bitten by a Cobra m t h e S l e of the night. The snake was not seen * There was numbness in all the limbs and foamy saivation f rom ^ " g e n d r a

Present:—Durgapada Mondal; Dukon Mondal; and Harencira N a t h S a h a - (Sd.) SATYA KINKAR SAHA.

Village Itta, P . O. Khirgram, D i s t r i c t1 9 ^ u . ; ^ v

2a n 3 > S .

[Translated from Bengali]

Case 138. 2192—19-8-25. C o b r a -

Furumani Bagdini, wife of Raman Bagdi of village Sarpalehana. P. O. Kasba, District Birbhum, was bitten by a black Cobra which nobody cared to kill as it hid itself in a hole m the paddy held. Date of bite:—10 a.m.. 16th August, 1925.

.9.Y»i/>fo»i5:—Salivation from mouth and nose; drooping ot the head'/burning sensation in the bitten finger. On application ot anti-venom salivation stopped, head could be kept erect and nausea, vomiting all were gone. Started inhalation 40 minutes after bite; and continued it for 2 hours when she was all right.

Present:—Krishna Prasad Pal; Dharani Dhar Datta; Sasanka Sekhar Mondal; Bani Kantha Bhattacharya; Bhola Nath Bhatta-charya; Sailesh Chandra Datta.

Remarks:—The medicine is efficacious in cases of snake-bite. Reporter:—Krishna Prasad Pal, President, Sarpalehana Union

Board, P. 0 . Kasba, District Birbhum. 16-8-25.

Case 139. 2046—7-8-25. Cobra.

Lakshmi, wife of Basanta Raut of Malkha Chak, P. 0 . Digh-wara, District Saran, was bitten by a Cobra 14 cubits long—it was seen but not killed. The snake bit her at about 5 a.m. I began to treat her on information at half past seven in the evening

Symptoms:—^ condition had become very bad Her head was drooping; she could not hold her head up; there was complete paralysis of her tongue. No other medicine was used, only a number of men from the vi lage were uttering mantras and the condition was getting from bad to worse. The inhala on was used for 45 minutes. When the first dose of m c d i c ? n e ™ a l l i e d to her nose, she opened her eyes after 5 minutes; after i f minutes she spat, cough and sneezed. About 30 drops werp m£i 1 ? m n J H t e s s n $ then 10 drops after every 15 minuteT Shewas k e l a l V T ™2 the whole night Next dav that is to SL d p t a ^ a k e d u r m g

She was feelingve^hot 2 5 sowe d v t e d ' L ? to tike f i T S , \° f*" -Present r-Ramswarath Sinha; Saryng P r a ^ d u f ^ ° 1 a y -Satya NarayanSinha; Bechan Sinha and others; d M & S t e r ;

was f 5 5 d ^ S S a d S S W a S S l m p l y m i r a C U l ° U S a n d ^ e medicine

D i s t S r ^ a r T ^ B i n ° d S i n h a ' G a * Kutir, P. 0 . Dighwara.

*. i^^pSrss.™in the *»» 4-8-25.

e r of Cobra cases as


Case 140. 816—3-5-26. Cobra.

Baidya Nath Roy, son of Madhusudan Roy of Chatrabad, P. O. Indupur, District Bankura, was bitten by a Cobra about 3 cubits long, which was seen by the patient but could not be killed. It bit him on the heel. This bite was very slight as he kicked off the snake just when it was biting him.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation over the whole body. Started " Lexin " after 15 minutes of bite. He inhaled it for half an hour and was relieved of his pains. He was worse again on smoking tobacco and had to use inhalation again for one hour to find perfect cure. He was feeling better and better when inhalation was being continued.

Present:—Rajani Kanta Goswami; Fakir Chandra Goswami; Rakhal Chandra Goswami and others.

Remarks:—Much benefited by your medicine. Reporter:—Mahendra Nath Goswami, Teacher, Deulvira School,

P. O. Indpur, District Bankura. 1-5-26.

Case 141. 896—13-5-26. Cobra.

On 7th May, Friday, at about 7 a.m., wife of Saudagar Kurmi of Sahebgunge (Sobhanpore), was bitten by a big Cobra on the middle finger of her right hand while she was clearing her room. The snake was in a hole in the corner of the room. A ligature was tied. At first the ojhas tried, but when she fell down and fainted they called me when there was no hope. After inhaling full one phial of " Lexin " she was perfectly cured. We are astonished to see the power of the new medicine.


P. Writer, Sahebgunge, P. O. Sakrigali (S. P.) .

(Asked for details.) 12-5-26.

Case 142. 824—3-5-25. Cobra.

Ghigur Dusadh, son of Lallu Dusad, Pasman of village Balat, P. 0 . Madhubam, was bitten by a Cobra. After an hour the medi­cine was applied. Cured within an hour in the presence of B. Suraj Narayan, Excise S. I.; B. Gorakh Tewary, Excise S. I. of Samastipur.


District Inspector of Vaccination, Mahalla Beta Road, P. O. Laheria Serai,

District Darbhanga. 1-5-26. (Asked for details.)

Case 143. 2790-21-10-25. Cobra.

Abir Talukdar, son of Abbas Talukdar of Barohar, via Ulla-para, District Pabna, was bitten in the evening of Saturday, the 31st Aswin, by a Cobra on his leg. At once a ligature was tied I was immediately informed; I went there and put 30 drops of " Lexin "


on a handkerchief and made him inhale it. After 7 minutes' inhala­tion untied the ligature. The patient grew very restless when I was a. bit fearful. But after inhalation for half an hour more he found •complete relief.


P. O. Barohar, via Ullapara, District Pabna.

/A , _. * * . , x 19-10-25. <Asked for (details.)

Case 144. 362-11-2-26. C o b r a i

Madhusudan Das a boy of 10 years, son of Banchhanidhi Das of .village Kalyanpur, P. 0 . Masra, via Binjharpur, J a i p u r T i ?

?QS n C VS U t t a C t ° r i s S : l ' W a ^ b i t ? n b y a Cobra'on theJP6th'Febfua?y' it escaped' S n W a S SCCn b U t f ° r s u P e r s t i t i o n * was not killed? so

* . , . ^^^mj :—Sal iva t ion from mouth and nose; droonine of th* head, etc. Inhalation was used for half an hour After * w lu patient could talk freely and walk about. The sensaSm 5 ft6

rising of the poison disappeared. The medicine was us?d soon , A h e

the bite, say after about 10 minutes. s o o n a f t e r

There were three wounds on account of the bite * T?™ bite (wound) poison fang (tooth) was extracted by a sharnWf 0 1 1 6

Pr^„A;_Hariballav Dass, Manager PachhikoH T ? ^ C' Gouranga Charan Das, Head Master? Agan? iCharan Da's j Teacher, and about 30 villagers. ^naran Das, Second

Remarks:—Grand success for your "Antivenom "

M ^ ' S S t e J c S L f c i 5 h 0 r e ° a S ' M i d d l C S a h i - K a l - -npu r , P. g .

3193—(?) C a 8 e 1 4 B -

y i O ^ ^ K ^ S S S i ^ of Sarat Chandra C h a t t e l of was bitten on 15th Aswin 1332 R ?" inU™g r a m ' D l s t r i c t Burdwan, full 3 cubits long, which' hafbe^n ^ u i L ' t l i T i ; ^ * C ^ ™k* °/ i a- in a ,k eu" c h a r m e r- 0 n e Poua ? a b l g R d k C N P t V1 t h e c u s t °dy (clarified butter) was given tr. • £ \- o u n c e s ) of cow's ehee

S T °Kf ft6 ?* -^ZoCTL0 d ^ k ' I n a b o u " 20 Picked up by 10 minutes' inhalation S™LeSn ^ T h l s S ^ n s e b u t was the ligature was removed. "Lexin" w„, • u J ^ ^ h e r 5 minutes mention^ T C < L N ° 0 t h e r m e d i ^ e was ™££K f o r * minutes! mentioned above. w a s USed except pure ahe*

marks m™\^™lY*»° ?o i s o n W s . NecPQc. -t ~~~~ "three." Probab?"•? t h e Po in t o f * bite H e r T l y o n e <* two a t t h e s a m e ^ l ^ S n a k e b i t * * twice^Sn^ffl2£jg


C a 8 e 1 4 6 ' Cobra.

™l£1L. C|o Mahendra ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ ° i Dhanyakuria, P. S. Basirhat District ^ g ^ C t a i t r a p x p . m . snake, probably a Cobra. Date of bite, nxn , n ( j t The snake bit her in the region of the navei,^ i g a t o a practicable. The cow was in athighfield t i e * ™ J m a k e

?ost. The field is * " ° * t ^ t ^ f e h ? ^ ran home tearing their appearance there. J u s t

a " J " ^ re

0 u " b l y with pain). There was the rope and was galloping a b ° " ^ ^ S Y

0f the body falling out profuse salivation from her mouth, taws ot tne y ^ ^ ^ when touched; gradually becom g P ^ t h e c u d N o

intatat ionof;!^^™^^1^ n 0 s i g n 0f pain or other medicine used. Alter cure weakness left in her. N . Q { Chatterji; Sudhir

Present:-Prasad Kali Ray «am ^ & N a t h G h o s e

Mohan MukherH: Bhiipe^ra Nath^^r f t ana me.

Mii^^tts^s^ss - 1 rnderful effects m s ~ £ V S i s s ^ ^ a ^ ^ Nodia«p- °Dhanya-kuria' District 24-Parganas.

C a s e 1 4 7 ' Cobra. 535—27-3-26. p Q Beihar, District

Shiria (a female) C|o Jaideo Sahu ^ b u t n o t k u l e d . Bhagalpur, was bitten by' a Cobra ,^ ^ l o p The snake bit her in the fteia w S o d l d n o t give She said that it was a snakewiuao ^ s h e r a d u a l l y b e c a m e your medicine at ^ ^ - ^ ^ o d "covered to be a Cobra. Instantly senseless. The »akc was also « s

i o n : a n d s h e became free from your "Lexin was an m i n u t e s . Of course, water was poisoning symptoms only-in medicine which wrought

h & S t i F & Z " l o u s e d it for h'a.f an hour. a m a r v e " ( S d . ) CHANDRA SHEKHAR SINHA

Master, Kalithan Beihar. J. O. Beihar District Bhagalpur. 21-3-^o.

Case 148. Cobra.

^ R u p i a f Bayen. son o, Sarvesvar Bayen, v«.a Hahugrarn, P. 0 .

Labpur, District B r i t o n ^ ™ b . t e n b ^ ^ l s t Baisakh, \T3lMwhebnU tnf »a"1etuTn"U home (after takmg l.quor) across

the ridge of a field. , • c w a s almost senseless and I reached him after one hour w h e n ^ h c ^ fa & ^ ^ c o n d i _

very drowsy, and it may be said that n „ U x i n „ t h a t h i s

tion. It was after 14 hours inhalation d o u s a n d c u r e d a f t e r returned. He gradually ^ f ^ J ^ / m o v e d after 15 minutes' use ^ h o u r s ' inhalation. Ligature was rem of "Lexin." No o^er medicine use* D tf

Present:-Adhar Chandra Misra, w Misra and others. c j J a d a b i a i Sons Ltd.. Labpur,

/fcjorfrr :—Satya Bandhu Datta, M « J 16-1-1333 B. S. Birbhum


2937-19-9-26. C a 8 e 1 4 9 ' Ashu Bowrie, aged 22 son nf t>„u T, Krait.

Guria, P. O. Sunderchuck P ° S fe n T * ' J i l l a ^ e K ° ™ bitten by a Domna Chitti (KraiO a h S * D ? t n c t B«rdwan, was was seen. Date of bite : - l \ T m ° 9-8-26 Z r " ° n g ' The'snake made to inhale the medicine three hours affe? b S ^ P a t i e n t w a s

Symptoms:—Giddiness Drvne^ »nA t , •' throat. Found completely'curX 11 p ^ j ^ S f f S (*Sa t ion *«

Pr««i/ ;-Mr. Bert. Scott. t h e r medicine used. Remarks:—" Lexin " wmc f~ k t

and should be kept in every house *" a , m 0 s t '"^ntaneous cure

Kultf T B T O W ^ S S M a r y E f a b " h Gardner, Gurriah House, P 0

18-9-26' 2512—22-8-25. a 8 e 1 B 0-

Sankar Prasad Sonar aeerl 1? ™ r ™ . K r a i t

& V ^ " C t Singhbrhumg,edw s' b S e n ' b v ^ ? T r ° f C h a ^ S S d . M e d , C m e USGd 0 n e h 0 - a^er^ite. V h a l e " i t ' f J r ^ t u r S

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - * * B. N. Railway (Singhbhum)5' ^ ^ K e r a E s t a t C ' Chakradharpur,

19-8-26. 2525 (2)-22-8-26. C a s e 15*1-

Bibi Shakhina Khattm ,. T , (?) Krait

She >s dead A U , r ' D u s u n h a d riseni anJi *lmp b u t n°thine gone very far awkv T

R ^ h a m a n s w*e died " V t h eJ . r u m o " r ran

. Present:—Haii RU.J . >r ' l a r t e t I treatment o f the villas? ]\iBhadai Mondol, Shah^ n .

• U- Samsi, Di­strict 17-8-26.


Case 152. 2525 (1)—22-8-26. Krait.

Umctannessa Bibi, wife of Alim Sheikh, village Rousanganj, P. O. Samsi, District Malda, was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Krait) one yard in length, as she handled the snake while she was gathering grass for fire. The snake was killed by her son. I arrived one hour after bite and found the following.

.S".y/»/>/0H/.y.--T-Sleepiness, drooping of the head, severe pain in affected part, and insensibility to touch or pinch. Administered inhalation of " Lexin " for two hours. Cured.

Present:— Akimiuddin Shekh, Abbas Molla and others. Remarks:—The fame of "Lexn" is so widely known here that

they say "where there is 'Lexin,' there is life." Reporter:—-Dr. Md. Sekandar AH, Malopara, Anti-Cholera

Pharmacy, P. O. Samsi, District Malda. 19-8-26.

Case 153. 2509 (1) & (2)—22-8-26. Krait.

I have cured two cases, both developed most deadly symptoms :— (1) Gopeswar Mondal of village Mohula had a Krait-bite. His condition was very very serious. Absolutely senseless. Required 4 phials of "Lex in" to effect perfect cure. (2) Akali De of Dwarka village was bitten by a Cobra (Khurrish). He was given up as hopeless. He, too, required 4 "Lex in" to regain his life.


President, Dwarka Union Board, P. O. Ganutia (Birbhum).


Case 154. 2543—16-8-26. Krait.

Yesterday I have saved the life of Golak Sundari Devi, a relation of mine, by the help of your snake-bite cure. She was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Krait) . First she took it for a rat-bite and so no attention was given. It was after she had become uncon­scious with salivation from the mouth and nose that we tried your medicine, presuming it to be a case of snake-bite. The inhalation was continued and she regained her senses gradually and was per­fectly cured.

(Sd . ) BONBEHARI HAZRA, P. O. Nirole, District Burdwan.

29-4-1333 B. S. Case 155.

2190—8-8-26. Krait. Rajmohan Mandal. son of Nimai Mandal of Bedkashi, P. O.

Amadi, P. S. Paikgacha, District Khulna, was bitten by a Kanon-Bora (Krait) on 5th Sravan at 8 a.m. The snake was seen; it was H cubits long. It was not killed. Inhalation was started at 3 p.m.

Symptoms:—Almost unconscious. Ligatures were removed after 5 minutes' inhalation. Continued treatment till 10 p.m. when he was cured. Prior to inhalation certain roots were given him to eat with no effects.


Remarks:—" Lexin " has saved his life. Another patient Bama-charan Mistn has been cured with " Lexin " but the swelling of his leg still remains. Kindly advise further treatment. (See Directions Circular No. 39.)

Present;—Shivanath Pyne, Shivanath Kuli and others. Reporterv—Gopal Das Chatterjee, Naib, Bedkashi Katcheri, P.

O. Amadi (Khulna). 4-8-26.

Case 156. 2146-5-8-26. K r a i t

P n T ^ u 5 3 1 1 D;0m,e ' s o n ^ l a t e Mahendralal Dome, village Kulia. P. O. Muhammad-Bazar, District Birbhum, was bitten by a smal Krait at 7 p m on 8th Sravan. The snake was seen but no? kiUed

i 0 n a w a ^ e L \ \ 7 S H e t e h r J i t e ' T h e r e T * n ° - l i g a t u r e « * ^ count tion was very toad. He had no sense, and was in the very last statze of l\\ H,£ C0?t T **&$ a n d e v e r v o n e t 0 ^ me he would no? li?e

B ^ A S ^ S " ^ " Bhattacharya, Bisvambhar Adhikari,

Remarks:—Started treatment 14 hours after bite when the oatient

r e V c l & V T o ^ - , ? f e g a i r d S C n s e a ^ r t S S a w a usea continually for 2 or 3 hours and cure was completed in 5 hour* Reporter;—Rakhal Chandra Mitra Raehunathrmr P n £r u

mad-Bazar, District Birbhum. ' ^$1^3$*^

Case 157. R—30-7-26.

B n ^ ^ c ^ a S f S w L e S e n g h R a m n T a r a n ^ L a tip of the finger. AfToon 'a the snake fe \ ^ C W . t t i 0 n * " above the wound. I wa«; nfnrmL u if ' . a c o r d w a s * ed tiehtlv gave your medicine to J h e ^ n , H f ,an h o u r ait™- I went and the cord was taken off. iMook L ^ ^ A f t e r 5 or 6Minutes the poison." " t 0 0 k more than two hours to n e u t S l S

Present:—Dr. Surp^ nu _, Student, Medical School B a n w f ' f e M i t r a ! Sashibhusan Cho. Mukherji and others. a " k u r a ; K i r o « Chandra Chatter?" D?bak£

P. 0. ^-'uiS^^^M^MB. school, * ' u , s t " c t Burdwan. 27-7-26

R-25-7-26. ° a 8 e 1 B 8 -

Ramanath Kar, son of Mahendra xrafu v K r a i t -

» ' l 2 ^ ^ P ; ^ V * « « S a ^ fe*** Khamarbad.

fx^ i-i"*-r a Das' ri,aI Kar 25-7-26.


Case 169. K r a i t

2004—25-7-26. r . ^ t r ^ u kind had bitten a man of this village, " A small snake of the Kra^t^nd haa D.u t i m e a n d w a s

S S & H 1 3 ? J S S J a S t d and he came to his senses

within 15 minutes, of f ^ E ^ s M L.c . K*QJ Zemindar, Kulharta,

P. O. Kulharia, E. I. Ry , District Shahabad ( B e h a r ) . ^

Case 160.


Anandamoyee Patrika (Khulna) 23rd July, 1 9 2 6 . -

by a < Kanol» snake: Krai ) on the l t t ^ Ju ly . 4 ^

venomous one. I m m e d ' S J X on inhaling the medicine." We and the patient was all right on innai b ^ w £ e o £ are further informed that .about a montn g ^ Panchanon Das of this ^ - ^ J ^ t7no effect. The patient treated her the whole # ™ * | ™ " ™ r n i n g the Lawyers of the became unconscious. J h ^ ° " ° W I " f ^ ' and poured a few drops place hearing the « e w ^ P ™ ^ . J ^ ? r e d [ t h e medicine according of same into her nostril, and jdmin«ste«d^hc to prescribed directions, ^ i t e r a iew o f ^ Asasuiii

Many local gentlemen and the «™1™. h t h i s medicine. This Shevasram have cured a lot <ofpatients w ^ fa n o t y e r y

medicine is infallible in snake-bite c a f m o ^ {p

a d m i n i s t r a t i o n is as high being Rupee one a pniai. f S u b_D iv ision, the marshy lands simple as anything. In the Sa tuwa o A c c i dents frequently under cultivation are full oi^jen°mous sn householder happen specially in . ^ a m y season ^ ^ ^ to stock a phial of Lexin, ana 1 4 u available S & 4 M p S t t if'stockVd'by the Syulav Bhander Com-pany of Satkhira (Khulna).

0 M 6 1 6 1 ' R V i p e r -1672—12-7-26. Tamina Khatun, wife

Very early in the morning of 2 7 - 6 - i m J»™. The snake of Shekh Kabatulla, was bitten by a. RusseU s P jumped up to her knee and bit just below t w i n i n g o f f there at 1 p.m., I found her y ng pros a a n d ^ and on of terrible burning pays all over 1 ^ c h a n t i n g

signs of. restlessness now and then. ^ ^ ^ s w . maiiOw in a « * o r o % ^ H ? h V o S s i c a l pains increasing as well I was greater and greater and « « IgJ^cnt and put a few drops (of at once started the inhalation t r eaune^ { e c t l y c u r e d m 3 h o u r s . « Lexin ") on the part affected. She w l ^ ^ ^ „ ^ x &

i ? m a r ^ : - I a m a b e h e v e r i n t h e e m o f y h i s ^ ^ d o u b l y c o n_ similar case two weeks ago. i n e m e d i c i n e and unique is its firmed my belief, wonderiui mode of application , g M d . Mondal, Sakurudin Ah

Present:—Mokshed Monoai, ^ a n d ^ " - D r . Md. Sekandar Ali, Malopara Anti-Choler.

rmacy. P. 0 . Sanifi (Malda;. Pharmacy


Case 162. __ . Q 7 26 Krait.

(1)" Nirodebala, aged 40, daughter of Anandabagal of GopfPur P O Ambikanagar, District Bankura. was bitten by a K r a i t o n 8-3-1333 B S Her condition was very serious, but cured with half

a ^ ^ h a v f n i d a ' s i , aged 37, daughter of Dwarika Nath Mondol of s i t ole vulage! wasgbitten'by a Krait on .14th Aster .She was cured of her symptoms of poisoning with remaining half of Lexin.


Gopalpur, P. 0 . Ambikanagar (Bankura). 21-3-1333 B. S.

Case 163. 1619-9-7-26. K r a i t

1 Kashinath Ghosh, aged 26, son of late Nikunja Behari Ghosh, villac'e Barha, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Dortina Chitti (Krait). The snake was over one cubit long; it was killed.

Symptoms:-Sensation of numbness over the whole body. Inhaled "Lexin" half an hour after bite. Cured on 14 hours inhalation.

Present:—Bansidhar Ghosh, Hrishikesh Ghosh, and Gokul Chandra Ghosh.

Reporter:—K. Banerjee, Barhra (Birbhum). 7-7-26.

Case 164. Cobra.

2. Behula, aged 29, daughter of Kunja Dome of Barha (Bir­bhum), was bitten by a Cobra. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Prostration and reeling in the head. Used " Lexin " half an hour after bite. Cured after inhaling it for 1J hours No other medicine used.

Present :-Gopal Ranjan Ghosh Verman, Aswini Kumar Adhikan and Satya Kinkar Banerji. -«.u««e«

Reporter:—K. Banerji, Barhra (Birbhum).

1531-3-7-26. . ° M e 1 6 B - r, , A r . , r , . , . Banded Krait.

Krait)* on the ^ d f t ^ o f h k ^ l J r ^ f ^ X ( B a n d < * cubits; long and 2\ inches in circumference coo, Jhl T ^ uWas 2 i

of whitish yellow bands l i inches S T h e ^ a t S ! ? ' W t h S T e S

and mdmed to lie down with nausea and other s v m S L ™ * rCS-tleSS

mg. Dr Shital Chandra Ghosh, Medical nffly ,m p t°m s ? f p o i s o n " Tentuha Charitable Dispensary, kindly gave hirn^ T "' ' ^ ^ of

B a i f f f i c t i S ^ N a ' h M u k h « i i . Chandra, P . 0 . S r i p „ r . 2-7-26.


Case 166. 1529 (2)—3-7-26. Typhlops.

In the village of Sagardari, P. O. Budhata. District Khulna, on Monday, the 24-2-33 B. S., at about 3 p.m., Toyen Sardar's son was bitten by a Pnuia snake (probably Lachesis). The snake was seen and captured. Within half an hour he grew very restless and was quite unable to inhale the medicine. So I poured 5 or 6 drops of "Lex in" in his nostrils and he felt better after some "time. Repeated 4 drops after a while. Restlessness gone in one hour. Perfectly cured in l i hours.

Present:—Toyen Sardar, Himey Sardar. Reporter:—SwamI Omkarananda, Shevashram, P. O. Budhata,

District Khulna. 28-2-33 B. S.

Case 167. 1529 (1)—3-7-26. Krait.

Munsof Sardar's wife was bitten by a Kanol snake (Krait) on 22-2-33 B. S. Saturday at about 2 p.m. She was bitten on the right hand and the snake was seen.

Symptoms:—The eyes were red, the hand was paralysed and she was extremely restless. Medicine was given one hour after bite. Cured after one hour's inhalation.

Present:—Sudhir Mukherji, Manik Sardar and Himchand Sardar of Sagardari.

Reporter:—Swami Omkarananda, P. O. Budhata, District Khulna.

Case 168. 1540—3-7-26. Krait.

A DEATH REPORT. Arif Karikar, son of Barakatulla Karikar of village Maghurali,

P . O. Natta, P. S. Kaligunj, District Khulna, was bitten by a Kalaj' snake (probably Kraits are called by this name) about 2* cubits long. The snake was killed. The accident happened at 3-30 a.m. Medicine inhaled half an hour after bite. Used it for 15 minutes and apparently cured and discharged. Next day 7 a.m. he developed poisoning symptoms, inhalation was used to no effect and he died at 4 p.m.

Present:—Jaharlal Bhanja Chowdhury, Bijay Pratap Bhanja Chowdhury and others.

Reporter:—Jibendra Nath Bhanja Chowdhury, P. O. Natta, District Khulna.

Note.—(I should like to know if he was allowed to sleep and to smoke in spite of my directions to the contrary.—ED.)

Case 169. 1538—3-7-26. Krait.

Sristidhar Ghosh, son of Krishna Chandra Ghosh, village Pandu-gram, P. 0 . Kulai, P. S. Ketugram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Krait, about one cubit long, on 30th June. 1926, at 6-12 p.m. The snake was seen but could not be killed. Poisoning symptoms


did not develop much as we started the inhalation only 7 minutes after bite. Still he had a sensation of numbness in all the limbs which disappeared after one hour's inhalation. No other medicine tried. Only Carbolic Acid was applied to the wounded part.

Present:—Jagat Kumar Banerji, Dr. Achinda Shah, Kali Prasanna Ghosh and Dr. Ramendra Sundar Mukherji.

Remarks:—"Lexin" should be stocked in every house. Reporter:—Kshitish Chandra Banerji, Pandugram, P . O. Kulai,

(Burdwan). 31-2-1333 B. S.

Case 170. 1538 (2)—3-7-26. Krait.

Kanailal Chatterji, son of Kalipada Chatterji, village Khatundi, P. 0 . Kulai, P. S. Ketugram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Krait about a cubit long, on 20th Jaistha, 1333 B. S. at about 1 p.m.

Symptoms:—Sleepiness, as if dozing. Given "Lex in" to inhale, 45 minutes after bite. After one hour, the patient could go out t himself and passed urine and felt all right.

Present:—Ramaprasad Mukherji, Manindra Kumar Banerji, Tarapada Chatterji, Zemindar; Ratan Sun", an ojha.

Remarks:—"Lexin" should be stocked in every house. Reporter:—Suresh Chandra Banerjee, B.A., Pandugram, P. O.

Kulai, District Burdwan. 29-2-1333 B. S.

Case 171. 1510-2-7-26. Krait.

Chakari Chakravarti. son of Jagindra Narayan Chakravarti village Kalikapur, P. 0 . Ilambazar, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Krait (27-6-26). The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Blood poisoned. The patient had drooping head heartache and insensibility After 15 minutes of bite the medicine was inhaled, for half an hour. No other medicine used. Cured The patient is the cook of our Hostel '-ureu.

mJZ°rkS:~A " ^ g < W l *** *° b e • * * a t h ° ™ - I m p i o u s

P««r»* . -Ba idy . Nath Chatterji, Matilal Sen and others. Reporter:—Goun Prasad Banern T « , „ U Tr J, I

Mankar, District Burdwan. J ' ' T e a c h e r ' H - & School,. 29-6-26.

Case 172. 1509-2-7-26. T , .

n . Krait. Govmda Boury, Victoria Colliery, Kulti P O ni«trirf p „ A

was bitten by a Krait at 8 p.m. on 28th May ' 1926 rtQ?JFdwan» seen by the patient; it was 2 cubits long. Y' ^ S n a k e w » s

Symptoms:—Re was suffering from Dain " T « • » 20 minutes of bite. Inhaled for 25 minutes Cured U S e d a £ t e r

Present:-Kamala Kanta Roy and D. K. SarkhH Remarks:-" Uxin" perfectly cures snak. • .

scorpion bites within half an hour e P°IS<>nings and

B u r £ l T r ; - B - K **• V i c t 0 ™ Joinery, p . <, ^ ^


Case 173.

1475-30-6-26. V i P e n

Dr. Debendra Nath De, the Zemindar of Baishnab-Ghatta, P. 0 . Garia District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a "Bora" (one of the vfners) snake at 1 a.m. on 20th June, 1926, when at night he was S upstairs. He trod on the snake and was bitten on his right fnklf tearing marks of two fangs. As the medicine was used promptly, no striking symptoms could be seen.

<!vml>toms:—A little oozing of blood. Paralysis up to knee, * ii yii hv heaviness Thirsty. Cured within half an hour with he ha f of^ourVmaSrvellous medicine. The full description of the

Inake cannot be given as it disappeared JUst after the bite, the patient became nervous^ he < ^ fa«* ^ ^ C h a k r a v a r t y , N a g S d r T ^ h * ^ B i S r f S b e , Khagendra Nath De and Bhola Nath Chatterji.

Reporter.—Sashi Bhusan Bhattacharjee, Baisnabghatta, P. CL Garia (24-Parganas).

Case 174. Krait.


(Krait) at 10 p.m. The snake was "partly seen. ^ l i p t o J - Drynessoi thetgngue, ^ ^ J S ^ % ^ tracting inwards, sleepiness, the affected pan w' P ^ d

| S d m ^ s a i a S f t e ^ « ^ ^ U°n'Present:-Ananta Kumar Dutt Pravash Chandra Dutt Sib-chandra Ganguli, Hemanta Kumar Basu and Ramanath Nayak.

Remarks:—Your Antivenom acts like a charm. A blessing to-the world.

Reporter:—Ananta Kumar Dutt. ^8-o-<tf>.

Case 175.

1461(2)—29-6-26. C o b r a -Wife of Panchanon Das of Radhanagar, P. O.Satkhira District

Khulna was bitten by a very large snake, probably a Cobra, at 12 o'clock in the night. At 7 a.m. the following morning, she was at ?he death's door. She was perfectly senseless and was quite

£ £ £ i n h a l e ^ ^ J ^ ^ T ^ S ^ Z?e dropped in the mouth with no ^etre ^ Q { poured into the nostrils After_a wnue, t e r r i b i e

sciousness returning, and p r e s s e d ™« » L e x i n " as per directions her head. Then s h e J ™ ™ ™ ^ ° 0 Z a i t e r the other. Perfect cure and three phials were exhausted one «u followed after 3 hours' inhalation.

P r , , ^ . - J a t i n d r a Nath Mitra, Pleader. Remarks:-There was no hope of her lite.

y ^ r . - M a n m a t h a Nath Banerji, S.gtialJer, Sartchra,

District Khulna.



_-*>6-26 C » e « 8 - Typhlops. " " s a r i 'chandra Bhattacharya, P. O Satkhira District Khulna

C ^ Z : - ^ Z ^ ^ O ^ , B.A. and Kunjaial Chatterji,

^herplliarks-—Trying my best to circulate your medicine. ^ r t J r i w i S t h a Nath Banerji, Signaller, Satkhira,

District Khulna.

Case 177. 1461 (3)—29-6-26. N o t Identified.

Basanta Kumar Sur, son of Lalchand Sur of Kashipur, P. O. Marulia-Kashipur, P. S. Tala, District Khulna was bitten by a small snake on the right side of his ribs The snake was not identified. Accident took place very early in the morning of 23-S-tb. It was useless to give a ligature on the chest.

Symptoms:—Very great burning pains; right side of the body was paralysed. Used " Lexin " half an hour after bite and continued for U hours. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Dwijabar Ghosh, Mukhtear; Nirmal Chandra Ghosh, B.A. „ >T

Remarks:—No doubt the medicine is efficacious. Never un­successful

Reporter;—Manmatha Nath Banerji, Signaller, Satkhira, District Khulna. 24-6-26.

Case 178. 1444—28-6-26. Krait.

Etwari Rai, son of Budhan Rai of Dewantola, P. 0 . Pachamba, District Hazaribagh, was bitten by a Krait snake which was seen but not killed. His condition was bad and symptoms fearful. The inhalation of Lexin" was used for one and a half hour; and the patient was cured. Lexin" was used half an hour after bite. No other medicine used.

and O S ' ' ' - 3 " * " 1 1 " P r a S a d ' E a J e s h w a r i Prasad, Makundi Prasad

DistricT <&£££""* ^ D e — • P ' 0 . PachanAa. ^/-o-^o.

Case 179. 1386-24-6-26. K r a i t

Gangamoni, daughter of Behari Bauri, villaee R a n r a r a A In, R f - ? ' M,eja, District Bankura, Wbi t ten 'by a SSSiaCWtri (Krait) of medium size, about 2 feet long- The hit* ^ lttl

ankle joint. The snake was seen but coukfnot be k led °" h e r

Symptoms:~(a) Dry tongue, drawn inwards ( i n J e ^ d - CO Pain in regions of heartand waist ffi o f

m opium poison ng. (g) Insensibilitv of affii j ( ? . ' ?leePmess as S M « ^ 1 ^ 4 Pain in ™ j u e^d p a r t ^ V h ^ ? P t o t h e


The ojha observed "i t being a Domna Chitti the poison is not coming down, rather going upwards." I compelled him to move away and began my treatment. The inhalation was started at 9 p.m. and lasted for full 3 hours. Two phials of " Lexin " were exhausted. At first the progress was slow, then it became very rapid. She was cured at 12 p.m. I also applied a few drops on the injury. The insensible part gradually became sensible. Examined the wound, no broken fangs found.

Present:—Radharaman Roy, Manager; Dr. Gopeswar Chatterji; Parasuram Sahani, Pit Clerk; Bisvanath Mukherji.

N. B.:—She was bitten at 8 p.m. on 19th June, 1926. "Lexin" was used one hour after bite. Cured by 12 p.m.

I recommended bread as diet after cure. Following your printed directions I asked her not to sleep nor smoke up till 12 a.m. next day, and came away. Next morning at about 7 a.m. the patient smoked " biri" * and felt headache and fresh pains on the affected limb. About half an inch around the injured part became insensible again. I gave her inhalation for half an hour more. She is cured now, but there is a little pain throughout the limb up to where the poison extended and I am giving her inhalation twice daily morning and evening.

Remarks:—I have got a firm belief that if the medicine is pro­perly administered, there will be no more deaths on this earth from snake-bite. It is really a " wonder."

Reporter:—Nirmal Kumar Neogi, B.A., Receiver, New Kalika­pore Colliery, P. O. Meja (Bankura). 21-6-26.

Case 180. 1328—20-6-26. R. Viper.

Kusum Kamini Dasi, aged 24, wife of late Nrisinha Dome of Gopalpur, P. O. Mahata. P. S. Mangalkote, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Russell's Viper in the evening at the ghat of a tank where she had gone to fill her pitcher (1-3-33). The affected limb swelled up and there was great burning pain. Two ojhas were chanting mantras, with the result that her head felt heavier and heavier followed by prostration of all the limbs so that she could not continue sitting up but had to lie down. Information reached me after one hour. I went there, made her inhale " Lexin " for one hour and cured the case completely.

Reporter:—Amnta. Kumar Bhattacharya, Gopalpur, P. O. Mahata, District Burdwan. 17-6-26.

Case 181. 1166—9-6-26. Krait.

Rahab Khan, son of Jahan Khan of village Mohana, P. O. Meja, District Bankura, was bitten by a snake probably Domna Chitti (Krai t) . Snake was not seen.

Symptoms:—Burning pain on the affected part, insensibility of the limb, sleepiness. "Lex in" was inhaled for 1* hours, after 20 minutes of bite. The snake could not be seen as it was dark. Kraits are often seen in these places.

Present .—Radharaman Roy, Manager, New Kaliapore Colliery; Tin Cowrie Mukherjee, Manager, Kalikapore Khas Colliery; Gurudas Banerji, Zemindar. . .

Reporter:—Nirmal Kumar Neogi, B.A., Receiver, New Kalikapore Colliery, P. 0 . Meja (Bankura). 2-6-26.

* Country cigarettes.


Case 182. 1097—9-6-26. ^™1'

Puma Chandra Rai, son of Akshoy Rai of Pandugram, P . O. Kulai P S. Ketugram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Krait

about one cubit long, on 14th Jaistha, 1333 B. S., at about 8 p.m. The snake was killed and I found it was a Krait. I arrived at the spot and found the patient was gradually losing consciousness. He could not sit up properly, and behaved as one intoxicated. The eyes were red and the complexion of the whole body changed abnormally. I made him inhale " Lexin " for some time and loosened the ligatures. He was somewhat better after half an hour's inhala­tion, and got perfectly well in -2 hours. The inhalation was started 45 minutes after bite. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Dr. Kenaram Sow, Khatundi, P. O. Kulai (Burdwan), Kali Prasanna Banerji, Jagat Kumar Banerji, Bimala Pada Rai and Mahendra De.

Remarks:—I have observed miraculous effects of "Lex in" in 4 cases of snake poisonings and am strongly inclined to recommend all the helpless villagers to stock " Lexin " for safety.

Reporter:—Kshitish Chandra Banerjee, Pandugram, P. O. Kulai, District Burdwan. 8-6-26.

Case 183. 1184—7-6-26. Krait.

Jyotilal Ghosh, son of late Muralidhar Ghosh of Jamalpur, P . O. Bardra, P. S. Khairasole, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Krait on 3rd June, 1926 (21-2-33 B. S.) at 8 p.m. Ligature was tied. After two hours "Lexin" was given to inhale. Patient was almost unconscious. He was made to inhale "Lexin" for 3 hours as per directions. No other medicine was used. Cured.

Remarks:—Now we believe in the efficacy of " Lexin." Present;—Bhakti Bhusan Sinha, Lall Behari Dutt, Nabani Dhar

Rai, Ginja Bhusan Rai, mother and sister of Mr. Sinha and others. Reporter:—Basanta Kumar Rai of Nakan (address as above).


Case 184. " 0 - W - W S . (Misc.) (Sakra) .

bi.e!n°\ris lS a a g . 0 ab m out S 9ta n t Z e S a r i . R » \ 1 < * 25, had a snake-(veVnpot>„o8„s ! t w e l l £ \ £ ? g ! £ £ ? A ^ V T ^ your Antivenom was used and he was thoroug^cu ' re , !Hn"n hour1""


Writes from Sonepur, District Saran. A d a m ! > u r > Bhagalpur. 13-5-26.

867-10-5-26. ° a 8 e 1 8 B "

Last night my servant was almost dead as h* , i ? r a i t ' K r a ^ B u , y o u r S n a k e . b i t e C u r e £ * £ , • » • « ton b ^ a

( S d ) DWIJAPADA MAJUMDAR K.ssenganj, P. 0 . UdakUen^nj,

Bhagalpur. 5-5-26.


Case 186. 161-27-1-26. Krait

(1) Having lost faith in advertised medicines I did not care for your medicine for snake-bite till last year, when my attention was drawn to a woman who was once my maid servant with her hung-down head and quite unable to speak or feel anything in almost unconscious state, being bitten by a Krait snake. After the ojhas failed to give her any relief, a local gentleman who had a phial of your Snake-bite remedy gave her attendants the phial for her use. As soon as a clean piece of cloth soaked with the medicine was applied to her nose, she began to raise her head which hang down immediately. Being encouraged by the process the applier went on using it for three hours when she became perfectly right and with­out any trouble whatsoever. I advised her not to sleep in the night and if hungry or thirsty to take a little warm milk only.

(2) I then purchased two phials and sent to my native village and this year a man Gosto Bagdi who was bitten by a Chitti snake was cured in a few minutes as the medicine was applied immediately.

Hearing of the cure of the first case Xibaran Chandra Banerji, M.A., B.I,., Pleader, Hazaribagh, who happened to be at my house here and reading your pamphlet of which I was given a copy. On his return to Hazaribagh he talked over the first incident at the Bar-Library and 8 phials were ordered for and Nibaran Babu kept one phial with him.

(3) A few days ago he came here and told me that his thanks were due to me for speaking to him so highly of the medicine and asking him to read your pamphlet on the subject as he said his wife was cured a few months ago of the bite of a Krait snake. His wife after the bite got benumbed and lost her power of speech when Nibaran Babu applied the medicine to her nose and she was perfectly cured in about three-quarters of an hour. I write this to you with his permission as this may be of much use to you and to the humanity.

(Sd.) SATISH CHANDRA ROY, B.L., Vakil, Giridih, E. I. Ry. (B. & 0 . ) . 25-1-26.

Case 187. 3228—27-12-25. K r a i t -

Abdul Kader, a bearer of the Midnapur Zemindari Company, was severely bitten in the evening by a Domna Chitti. His condition was absolutely hopeless. But he has been wonderfully cured m 2 hours by your inhalation. All people were simply astonished seeing the powers of "Lexin."

(Sd.) Dr. BAICUXTHA NATH MUKHERJI, Barabazar, P. O. Barabhum, District Manbhum.


Case 188. m

3101—5-12-25. K r a i t

Wife of Charu Chandra Gope, village Naskarband P. O. Chilampur, P . S. Galsi, District Burdwan, was bitten (at 5 a.m. on 10th Aswin) by a snake, probably a Krait. The snake was not seen. No ligature was tied.

Symptoms:—A little blood oozed from bite marks. Insensibility of the leg up to knee and great pain m the head.



Medicine was applied 6 hours after bite. Cured after 21 hours' inhap tmeH^:--Pasupati Mondal, Abinash Chandra Ghosh, Bhudhar C h a n i c%rL°" -S r idha r Mondal, Naskerband, P. O. Chilamour, District Burdwan. ^ " u

Case 189. R—25-11-25. K r a i t

I tried your snake-bite cure in a case of a Krait-bite. The patient, a woman, inhaled your medicine for about 5 hours. Along with your patent medicine I also injected some allopathic medicines. Full one phial of "Lexin" was inhaled. She was cured. The medicine appears to be a very useful one. I will try it in some other cases. Many thanks

(Sd.) B. R * Medical Officer,

B. C. C. H., P. O. Tulin, District Manbhum. 24-11-25.

^ A A Q I S O

2942—12-11-25. ' (Misc.) (Sakhur). To-day (10-11-25) at 7 a.m. I tried your world-famous "Lex in"

(Snake-bite Cure) in the case of my friend Ram Khelaman Misser, Head Clerk, Ward's Office, CoUectorate, Motihari, who was bitten this morning at 6-30 a.m. by a most venomous snake (Sakhur). Only 2 inhalations of your medicine in course of 20 mlinutes' interval completely cured the patient. The first inhalation gave him immense relief Your medicine is a radical cure. At least two phials of "Lexin" should be kept in every home.

(Sd.) SYED MOZAFFER MIAN, Correspondence Clerk,

District Engineer's Office, P. O. Motihari, B. & X. W. Railwav.


Case 191. 2911-6-11-25. , K r a i t

Nilmoni wife of Naran Ghasi, village Balarampur, P. O. Rangadi, District Manbhum, was bitten by a Krait snake on 24th October, 1925. The snake was seen, but could not be killed. The victim was cutting the grass and while grasping a tuft of grass near a bush she happened to catch hold of the snake which at once bit her on the forefinger of the left hand and hid itself in the bush. When I saw the patient after half an hour of bite the action «f poison had already commenced. e ' t n e a C t , o n o f

Symptoms:—She was feeling weak and drowsv with a «, ; n • the heart; the affected limb had almost lost senlation andNK * u as if her tongue was being d r a w i n w a r d I s o r t e d V e i n h l f ^ according to your printed directions and continued i f o r % ^ u h o a

before the patient felt all right and perfectly cured h ° U r s

Present^—Nagendra Nath Sinha and Jugal Kishore W i , Remarks:-! have absolute faith in this med?ri«I Akfr'

experience I cannot but say that this medicine s w f t & & n d <? r o m

I W t o - . ' - D h u r j a t i Prasad Das B T I.X S -0Ut a Parallel. P ^ O . Rangadi, District Manbhum ' S u b - R e S l s ^ Balaram-

" ~^~ 4-11-25. * Illegible.


Case 192. 2916—5-11-25. Krait.

Gouribala, daughter of Ashutosh Mukherji, village Indash, P . O. Labpur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Krait on the right side of her waist, at 7-30 p.m. on 15th Kartic. Information reached me half an hour after bite. I went there and found her senseless. Made her inhale " Lexin " for 45 minutes. Cured.


Indash, P. O. Labpur, District Birbhum.


Case 193. 2827 (2)— 31^0-25. Cobra.

Tinkori De, son of Manmatha Nath De of Haripur Hattola, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra (Al-Keutey) on the ridge of a paddy field. The snake was killed: it was over 2 cubits long.

Symptoms:—There was considerable reeling pain in the head, and the patient gradually became prostrated. Inhalation was used one hour after bite. Cured by 2 hours' inhalation.

Present:—Basanta Kumar Chakravarti. Goverdhan Mitra and Bholanath Ghosh.

Reporter:—Radha Raman Mondal, P. O. Chora, District Burdwan. 29-10-25.

Case 194. 2827 (1)—31-10-25. K r a i t .

Ramapati Rai, son of late Atal Behari Rai, P. O. Chora. District Burdwan, was bitten by a Krait snake over one cubit long. The snake was seen but not killed. The patient looked drowsy as one intoxicated and felt very weak. Used inhalation half an hour after bite and continued it for one hour. Cured. No other medi­cine used.

Present:—Hemchandra Mitra, Dukhaharan De and Durgadas Mondol.

Reporter:—Radharaman Mondol, P. O. Chora. District Burdwan. 19-10-25.

Case 195. 2762—16-10-25. Krait.

Really your " Snake-bite Cure " is a specific. I have tried and still have been trying in several cases with great success Your Antivenom has been saving thousands of lives from untimely deaths. (I) Khopingi Boorah of Marchibong, Rhoni Tea Estate, P. O. Kurseong. District Darjeeling, was bitten by a Krait on 5-10-25. The snake was seen by the patient, but escaped.

Symptoms:—Giddiness and pain near the heart. Used your medicine 2 hours after bite and continued it for 3* hours. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Nindey Lama, my compounder; Mrs. N. Das; T. C. Sett (8, Mohan Bagan Lane, Calcutta); Kalidas Sirkar of Jorepakur (Jalpaiguri); A. Lloyd. Manager, Rhoni T. E

Reporter:—Dr. N. Das, M.B., etc., Medical Officer, Rhoni T. E., "Lavanya Kutir," Kurseong, District Darjeeling. 14-10-25.


Case 196. T , Lachesis.

(2) Myla, of village Rohni T. E., Kurseong, was bitten by a green Viper (Lachesis) on 8-10-25. The snake was seen by the patient but not killed.

Symptoms:— Nauseatic tendency, the foot badly swollen. Cured after inhaling your medicine for one hour after bite.

Present:—Jitendra Nath Dass (11, Subal Chandra Lane, Calcutta) ; T. C. Sett {see above) ; Mrs. N. Das.

Remarks:—(as above). Reporter:—Dr. N. Dass (as above).

Case 197. 2704—1-10-25. Krait.

Kanti, wife of Abinash Bayen (Muchi) of Indas, P. O. Labpur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Krait snake at 8 p.m. on 9th Aswin, 1332 B. S. Her condition was very deplorable and there was no hope of her life. She was completely unconscious.

It was after a prolonged inhalation or your medicine that she came to her senses but could not speak at all. Inhalation for another three hours was continued to effect radical cure.


Indas, P. O. Labpur. 13-6-1332 B. S. Reporter confirms his statement again on 13-10-25 (No. 2749|25).

Case 198. 2570 (3)-26-9-25. Krait.

Krishnakamini, alias Bang, daughter of late Kalidas Sinha of Gohaliara, P. O. Tantipara, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Krait about 15 inches long, on the 14th Sravan at 7-25 p.m. No ligature was tied.

Symptoms:—First, she complained of pain in her groin, which made her feel very sick, and then she lost her consciousness. They were trying to bring back her sense by forcibly pulling the locks of her hair. At this stage "Lexin" arrived and brought her back to senses in one hour, and perfectly cured in full 3 hours

P r ^ » / : - A s h u t o s h Adhikari, Manindra Lai Paitandi, Bishnu Narayan Paitandi, Subal Chandra Das, Mohini Mohan Sinha and Hanpada Mitra. . Remarks:—It is infallible in snake-bites and equally effective in scorption bites also. J

unio t t t r^a I S (!&mf)0r *"»«"• *>*»g

2570(l)-26-9.25. ° - 1 ~ K r a i t

Nagendrabala, daughter of Nader Chand n n m o •'« Gohaliara, P. O. T a n t i p L , District Birbhum w a b i t S n £ V l l ^ g e

probably a Krait, on the 3rd Aswin at night * N l i e a t u " L* ? ? * • . ^«{*oiM:-Prcs t ra t ion ; could not si up K « 2 r ied* inhale after half an hour of bite. Could sit ' b v w l u l ' * t 0

3JSS£use of the medicine- p « ^T£l f\™ ^ S ^ J t t f - S a r k - . Biiay Krishna


Case 200. 2570 (2)—26-9-25. Cobra.

Rasomayee, daughter of Srimanta Dome, village Gohaliara, P. 0 . Tantipara, District Birbhum, was bitten by a black Cobra about 24 feet long. The snake was seen and killed. The accident was on the afternoon of 7th Aswin. No ligature was tied. Medicine was given almost immediately after bite and no dangerous symptoms could develop. Still she inhaled the medicine for half an hour. Cured.

Present:—Rasoraj Sarkar. Gour Kishore Dutt and others. Reporter to (1) and (2):—Mohini Mohan Sinha, Gohaliara,

P . O. Tantipara (Birbhum). 23-9-25.

Case 201. 2625—20-9-25. Krait.

Phuchan Saha, son of Nibu Saha, a miner of Pretoria Colliery, P . O. Charanpur, P. S. Jamuria, District Burdwan, was bitten by a

. small Krait (Domna Chitti) about one foot long, when he was working under the mine on 25th Bhadra, 1332 B. S., at about 8 a.m. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Patient was very restless on account of pains. Treated with inhalation half an hour after bite and continued it for one hour. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Rampada Ghoshal, Surveyor, Ram Sankar Ghatak, Head Clerk, Probodh Kumar Ghatak and others.

Remarks:—I have cured all the cases of snake-bite wherever this medicine was used.

Reporter:—Govinda Chandra Mukherji, Sibpur Colliery, P. O. Charanpur (Burdwan). ' 19-9-25.

Case 202. 2515—16-9-25. Krait.

Brahma Deo Singh, a Rajput aged 16, son of Prasad Singh of Rostumpur, District Darbhanga, was bitten by a Karati (Krait) snake yesterday very early in the morning as he was handling sheaves of straw for the cows. After a while, I was called to the. place, but returned to my quarters without giving any medicine as I failed to notice any symptoms of poisoning. After an hour a messenger came to nic saying that the boy had lost his senses. Whereupon I hastened to the spot and made him inhale your medicine for one and a half hour before his senses returned. In­halation for another half an hour was required to effect perfect cure.

Present:—Dr. Suresh Ranjan Ghosh, Physician to the Darbhanga Raj ; Dr. Jadu Vansha Narayan Verma; Kaviraj Nagendra Mohan Bhattacharya; Nebalal Singh. Teacher of School; and others.

Reporter;—Jatindra Nath Mukherji, Ghee Merchant, P . O. Hayaghat, District Darbhanga. 15-9-25.

Case 203. 2502—15-9-25. Krait.

Durga Misser, son of Shib Pershad Misser P. O. Sheohar, District Muzafferpore, was bitten by a Krait. The snake was seen but not killed. . .

Symptoms:— The whole body was anaesthetic to pinching. Medicine was inhaled for 2 hours, after one hour of bite. Cured. No other medicine used.


Present:—Raja Saheb of Sheohar, B. Girijanandan Singh, Zemindar and several gentlemen.

Remarks:—I have cured 3 cases. Reporter:—Abdul Razak, P. O. Sheohar, District Muzaffer-

P° r e- 13-9-25.

Case 204. 2418-7-9-25. Krait.

I have cured three patients of snake-bites. Two at Motipur in the District Muzafferpur while I was in charge of that dispensary, and one at the village. All the three patients were bitten by Krait snakes. It took me about 3 hours or more to cure each patient I had three phials of your "Antivenom Inhalation" purchased bv'mv brother (D. R. Ghosh, Overseer, Moradpur, Patna) w h i c h , h S been exhausted.


Medical Officer, Hayaghat Raj Dispensary,

P. O. Hayaghat, District Darbhanga. 5-9-25.

Case 205. 2302 (4)-29-8-25. r .

•D • -n . • Cobra. Bepin Behan Dutt, son of Gavaram Dun P n c- i

District Bankura, was bitten by a snak * probab y f c S r a a f 2 t l It L d u C k ? th*nisht> w h e n h e w a * sleeping? He was bift.n U t

the back and no ligature could be bound t t e n o n

very^SrKS W " $"* °f b i t C h i s c o n < ^ ° n became frothy saliva w k s r u n r b ^ Z ^ n f ^ - s e n s e \ e v e r y few minutes and of the thr^^rSlXxm^^^^^ w i t h c h o k ^ away from Death's doon « i x W w f f ^ ^ ha.S b e e n e t c h e d

. hour of bite. Began to improve a X r ^ " ° I n h ? , e a f t e r half an cure was completed in 3 h^fifi^^J0™*inhalation and

Present:-Adhar Chandra n 9 \ u ° m e d , C m e u s c d -Rai, Upendra Nath Chowdhury£d s e t e M , 0 " ' B a s a , J t * Kumar

Remarks:—I have never w r . ,. L ers*

Rep0rter:-As in (1). ™ * W ° n d e r f u l r ^ e d y at this. 9-5-1332 B. S.

2302 (3)-29-8-25. 0 a 8 e 2 ° 6 -Gayaram Dutt \scc (AW c n n „ : \ ^ Cobra.

19-4-1332 B. S.


Case 207. -« n -.r Putuia Chitti.

2302 (2)—29-8-25. Eram Bhanga (?) , » of Sahada.BhangsU>- 0. S,m.apole

? K E £ CWtti""' [We3 do'not Sow t h e h , ' s y S ) > snake was abou'^ne^ubi.- lon'g It was killed. Ttae:-about 9 p.m. No hga-

Sarma, Adhar Uianara , Simlapole, District Reporter:-Ganga Bishnu Rai, Post Master, s> " V ^ . ^ B s


Case 208. Krait.

2302Ra!nth9anto' Lobar, son of ' g * K ^ I S E 2 ^ ^ & 0 Simlapole, District Bankura, » W en by a Domna T h e id which was about two cubits long, it m e d i c i n e was given to SXrodneinho„er alteVSite' M u r e l a s tied, which I removed aitpr one hour's inhalation. . T>*.„„:„aA

^ : ; < O T , « . - H i s head d - P e d down; -onsc.ous^Regained

time more. (Most P ^ ' y . t he f However, the reporter has not time was after removal of ^ a ^ r e

a f t e r t w o hours' inhalation. No cleared this point.—b.v.) <-"rLU

0 t h e ^ f - B T a g v a . Chandra Banerji. Krishna Chandra Roy and

^ Z T - ™ * ™ * .with its wonderfn. effects. In scorpion hi'tM also it acts like magic.

K ^ r . - G a n g a Bishnu Rai, Post Master, Simjapole^rnstnct Bankura.

Case 209. Krait. 2302 (5)—29-8-25.

Lakshmi Narayan Sinha son of Ijte . ^ g b Chandra Smha P. O. Simlapole, District Bankura w a s ^ £ i £ % « ? g « 9 a.m. on 2nd Sravan 1332 B- s- Khe !£ t r ea ting him and certain long. They tied no ligature A w i r f ^ s t S^ ^ ^ ^ roots were given him to eat. One n o u v ^ ^ x ^ not manage The dear ones begarto ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M t e informed of the » d affair, btartea completion of cure.

'^cs^S^Ew-p™ *-sinha and Krishna Chandra Rai.

K O T „ * . - T h a n k God for this marvellous cure. ^ 53™f«.».u.-As in (1) above. z-"-133z-


0 0 8 6 2 1 0 < Krait

Srinath Chandra Chcwdhury, son of late Madhab Chandra Chowdhury, P. O, Simlapote, District Bankura W T L snake was Krait in the evening of 17th Ashar, 1332 B. S. lne snake was killed; it was 24 feet long. Ojhas gave him some leaves to cat witn 4 grains of black pepper with no effect.

Symptoms .-—Unconsciousness, sleepiness, and drooping ot the head. No ligature was there. "Lexin" was given to inhale half an hour or so after bite and continued for 3 hours. Cured.

Remarks:—Astonished at its wonderful efficacy. Prescnf:—Satyabhusan Chatterji. Fakir Chandra De and Beni

Madhab Rai. Reporter:—As in (1) above. 17-3-1332.

Case 211. 2262—24-8-25. Krait.

Yesterday in the evening, the aunt of one Ram Krishna Sao of Gumla was bitten by a snake, probably a Krait. I went and administered your medicine. The woman was senseless. No liga­tures had been applied. Besides your snake-bite cure other medi­cines were also applied. The woman was all right within half an hour of the first application of your specific.

(Sd.) S. A. ZAFAR, Pleader, Gumla (Ranchi).


Case 212. 2038-6-8-25. Krait.

Binapani, wife of Sankar Hari, village Bakul, P. 0 . Labptir, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Banded Krait (Shanka Chiti). The snake was seen and caught.

Symptoins:—Patent became senseless, could not hold up her head and there was salivation from mouth; 8 or 9 pots of water were poured over her head to no effect. Two hours after bite, the

SS2S ^M3Z& she was cured in 3 tL' School, Labpur (Birbhum). ' B*A* T e a c h e r s > J ^ M a l H. E.

porter :—Tarasankar Banerji, Zemindar. 3.8_25.

Case 213. 1972-1-8-25. .

G o a h ^ t S m a l S f oJ & G a ^ a ^ / T « £ * * " Burdwan v*s bitten by a Domna Chk t f & r a i t \ A / 1 ^ ?£

her thatched cottage. They first brought " o has» * t ™T}e i n

the case to be hopeless at about 9 p . r T Then I * • °< d e c l > r e d

applied your medicine only for 3 or 4 minutes ?„S m f o r m e d - I ligature and continued the medicine for i f f™ d rem°ved the C « [ a« "ght. The bite S on the h e e l ^ T ?n,d t h e

The parent was about 60 years old. T h e ^ s X ^ $ £ >



Case 214.

1939—28-7-25. K r a i t *

Safli [Shefalika?], aged 24, daughter of Lochan Hazra of Doshad cast, village Bilaspur-Nuniatole P. S. D ^ " ^ . ; , ^ " 0 * Darbhanga, was bitten by a Kanor or Karati snake [Krait] in the eveninff of day before yesterday. No ligature was tied though she was ofttcn or. the toe. The snake was killed Ojhas were busy with uttering mantras while she lay prostrated and senseless In-or»na"ion relcl ed me at 9-30 p.m. I hastened to the spot with the

Phial of " Lexin " and found there was breath though very slow. She could not respond to our loud calls. I put a few. drops of Lexin' on a ck\an piece of cloth and held it closely her nostrils for m\alafon After 15 minutes she party recovered her senses and Hed to sit up to cover her face. Continued the inhalation for ha

anhour more'and she seemed ^ regain her norma condition. Half a phial of "Lex in" was used. She is all right no*.

Present:-Kabiraj Nagendra Mohan Bhattacharya, Dr. Jadu Vamsa Narayan Verma and others.


Ghee Merchant and General Order Supplier,

Haiyaghat. B. & N. W. Ry., District Darbhanga. 27-7-25.

Case 215.

1852-21-7-25. K r a i t

half an hour's inhalation. (Sd.) GlRIDHAR DAYAL,

S. L Police, Pratappore, District Hazaribagh.


Case 216.

1795—15-7-25. K r a i t -

To-day there was a snake-bite by Krait. The patient was quite senseless within 10 minutes and froths were coming out of the mouth. After half an hour your medicine was inhaled and the patient was brought to sense within 15 minutes and within l i hours the patient was quite all right. After 4 hours the patent walked over half a mile to take a bath. It is a miraculous cure I. have applied this medicine in cases of scorpion bites; within 10 minutes patients were quite all right. Hearty thanks for your discovery.

(Sd.) P. N. ROY,

Argada Colliery, B. N. Ry., P O. Sirka, District Hazaribagh.



Case 217. 1 6 99~9-7-25. K r a , t .

Kalipada Sinha, son of Trailakhyanath Sinha, village P ^ g a n j a P O. Mankar, District Burdwan was bitten tar a Domna Chtt i (Krak) The boy is a student of the Mankar H..E. School. On the 30ftof June while he was coming to school, he was bitten by the snake some 20 yards off the school building As soon as I was informed of it, I tied one ligature some two niches above the wound and applied your "Antivenom."

Symptoms'—"Eyes congested, loss of sensation on the part bitten, tremor in hands and feet. Inhalation was used for one hour and a half. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Rai Sahib Dr. Natabar Dutt, L.M.S., Bijay Kumar Bhattacharya, B.A., Satkari Sarkar, B.A., Gouri Prasad Banerji, B.A.

Reporter:—Manuja Mohon Mukherjee, Head Master, H . E. School, Mankar, District Burdwan. 8-7-25.

Case 218. 1667—7-7-25. Krait.

Govindabilasini, aged 32, wife of late Kalidas Sinha of Gopaliara, P. O. Tantipara, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Krait at 9 a.m. on the 13th day of Ashar, and the medicine was used at 7-30 p.m.

Symptoms:—The patient had a vomiting tendency; she was dozing and her head was giddy and hung downwards owing to severe pain in the brain; she was rather senseless and her eyes grew swollen and reddened. After an hour's proper use of the medicine, the patient came to her sense and the following day she was per­fectly cured.

Presenf:~Nrisinha Lai Dutt and Narendra Nath Paitandi (Retired Police Officers); Girish Chandra Sircar (President. U. B.).

Remarks:—Wonderful invention of immortal fame.

m ^ ° ^ % ~ A m a r a a 9 ; \ G h o s h - President, Gopaliara Kalyani Club, P. 0 . Tantipara, District Birbhum. 6-7-25.

Case 219. 1537—29-6-25. v .


son S f E f f i R e ^ n f o f T h l g p L T r s a l ^ was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Kr4it) a t t V c X ? toSbhffi snake was seen but could not be killed He w a s ' b S S r \ « 7 ™ « on the small toe of the right foot. l t t e n a t 7 _ 3 ° P'm-

Symptoms:-~Df&iness in the ears; restlessness with M ; „ , conscious; after a few minutes; drooping of the head. S L P T ' ^ after a iew minutes' inhalation and the patient said t h . V ^ - " 1 ^ m the chest was being relieved Cured ff 11 I t h , e . heaviness Found 3 fang n Z Y s ^ t ^ L of ' the b te B r o k e n ' \ m h ^ ^ removed by a sharp knife by Kunja Mondaf of K S S ^ S ? * " *

Pnf«n*:-.Anukul Chandra Pal of Nuni P n ^ Bhusan Chandra, P. 0 . Samdi, Aswini K u L r §' u E t h o r a > S a s l » Kaloobathan, P. 0 . Nirsachati. m a r S i n h a> A - S. M.,

fo/wter;-Nirodelal Mitra, A S M P o XT- , Burdwan. ' ^ a- AL> **• O. Nirsachati, District



Case 220. 1557—29-6-25. Krait.

Last night (14th Ashar, 1332 B. S.), Raghu Mirdha, son of Bhagwan Mirdha of Baliadanga, P. 0 . Pakur, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Krait. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Patient looked sleepy as one intoxicated; pain in the heart. I gave him the inhalation for 5 minutes, opened the ligature and continued the inhalation for two hours, when he felt better. Medicine was inhaled for one hour more. Cured. Medicine was applied half an hour after bite.

(Sd.) BIJAY SANKAR MISRA, Giribala Chatuspati,

P. O. Pakur (S. P . ) .

Case 221. 1638—28-6-25. (Misc.) (Lachesis).

A chronic case of gout resulting from snake-bite three years ago, was cured by inhalation.

Amad Ali, son of Amzad Pattadar of Tarakpur, P. O. Medley (Sylhet), P. S. Dharmanagar, District Tipperah, was bitten by a

snake about 3 cubits long, some 3 years ago. The local name of the species is "Pa t Alad" (probably Lachesis). The site of bite was made to bleed and his life was saved by contrary medicines at that time. But since then he had been crippled by gout affecting all the joints of his limbs. He was given " Lexin " to try. He inhaled it for some 10 or 12 minutes; and he is now all right.

Remarks:—I had the curiosity to know if "Lexin" could do anything in a chronic case as this. So I tried and found very satis­factory results.

Reporter:—Tarak Chandra Rai, Talukdar, Tarakpur-Tipperah, P. O. Medley (Sylhet). 25-6-25.

Case 222. 1474—28-6-25. Green Lachesis.

Kalicharan Bhumij, son of Guloosing Bhumij of Tarakpur, P. S. Dharmanagar, P. O. Medley (Sylhet), District Tipperah, was bitten by a snake locally called " Kachua " (coolies call it " Karka-t iya") . The snake was about 4 feet long, of dark green colour, the head flat and triangular and it is said that these snakes do not see in daylight. (Lachesis-green Viper.)* The patient was a strong man and not at all afraid of the bite. He complained of terrible burning pain in the affected part; a sensation of burning and a sort of benumbing pa«n were rising upwards, he said. The bite was on the thigh. Perspiration trickled down his limbs. Very promptly cured by inhaling " Lexin " for 3 or 4 minutes.

Present:—Self and servants only. • Remarks:—Patients do not die easily when bitten by these

snakes, but suffer from pain and various troubles for a long time. The affected parts and distant limbs generally swell and remain painful preventing walking; and besides, gouty pains affecting all joints remain acutely present till the end of life. I am astonished to find this man quickly cured by the use of your medicine.

Reporter:— Tarak Chandra Ray, Talukdar of Tarakpur, P. S. Dharmanagar, P. O. Medley (Sylhet). 26-6-25.

* I do not remember the date. It was in the month of Baisakh, 1332 B. S., at about 2 p.m.


Case 223. 1316—11-6-25. R. Viper.

Dil Mahomad, a boy 5 years old, son of Rewa Mia, village Mohuatand, P. O. Giridih, District Hazaribagh, was bitten by a snake on 8-6-25. The snake was caught and killed. Some called it " Paharia Chiti," some said " Chahar Chanda " and some "Ammetar." The snake has got scales and is about 2\ feet long. The mouth portion is narrower than the body. It is said to be a very venomous one After two hours of bite, I found the patient in the following condition:—Both the eyes red and small; almost senseless- slow respiration; saliva from mouth and also slightly from nostrils! could not feel when pinched on the affected part and on the palms Could not speak. He was bitten on the middle finger of the right hand There were signs of two fangs; but no broken teeth were found there. ,

Result of application of Antivenom : - A t first the patient began to cry severely and was unwilling to inhale; but after aonlip-itinn of about 10 minutes the patient began to inhale it at his owi will and gradually within half an hour his eyes became natural and he cam * to senses and said that he was feeling better. As he was thirsTv hot tea was given as per your directions. Cured within half an' hour. Seen six hours later; found playing with his mates Nn other medicine used. "mica. i N 0

Present:-Hem Chandra Roy, Bindeswari Prasad and others Remarks:-This.locality has got a good faith in this mediche* Reporter:—Sukhendu Bikash Chatterii KarWKoV: £' .

Concern, P. O. Giridih, District Hazaribagh K a r h a r b a n 9_g>al

Case 224. 1233-3-6-25. K r a i t

cnoii i n i o n ? . y ° u with satisfaction that a cow was bitten by a Chitti snake (Krait) and was about to die .senseless The ^ was pregnant. Only your medicine was used. Cured after 6 hour !

(Sd.) GANGA B I S H N U ROY, B.P.M.,

P. O. Simlapole (Bankura). 31-5-25.

R-24-5-23. O a » 2 2 S . ^

minutes of bite, the ligature \H removed' a n d ^ S S ' A £ t e r 1 5

feT^". o t i b X r G U h , S ' f c u ^ B -Office, Anndam Misra and others. r k ' Sub-Divisional

b«"2S?2f *e ?sssa i f « g & o K , ^ discovery t h e m e d i c i " e

District^Santal PN 4 k

aa n t a M l S n ' ^ ^ v i s i o n a l Office, P a k u r



Case 226. 849—26-4-25. Krait

Aditya Kumar Misra, a school boy, aged 19, son of late Chinta-moni Misra of Sirsara, Mankhamar, P. 0 . Lodna, District Bankura, was bitten by a Krait at 7 p.m. on 28th Chaitra. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Sensation of numbness all over the body, a slight pain at the affected part, and pain in the head. Medicine used after one hour of bite, inhaled it for two hours. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Kulada Prasad Ghosh, Head Pandit, Basanta Kumar Banerji, Rakhal Chandra Banerji, and others.

Remarks:—This medicine should be kept in every house. Reporter:—Binode Behari Banerji, Mankhamar, P. O. Lodna,

District Bankura, 10th Baisakh. 24-4-25.

Case 227. 2756—10-12-24. Krait.

Bamini, a beggar of Ketika, P . O. Purulia, District Manbhum, was bitten by a Krait snake at about 7 p.m. just when she was passing along a road by the side of old bricks. She saw the snake when biting the small toe of her leg. Reaching home in half an hour she became very restless, the whole leg was benumbed and she was salivating and could not sit up. I gave her " Lexin" for inhalation. It was used for one hour and she was cured.

Present:—Chandra Sarkar. Reporter:—Bhavataran Sinha, Ketika, Purulia. 9-12-24.

Case 228. 2670—10-11-24. Krait.

Lakshmi Narayan Singha, aged 66, son of late Lalmohan Singha, P. O. Sjmlapole, District Bankura, was bitten by a Krait snake, which coiled round his arm, a few days ago. The snake was killed. The ojhas were treating him with mantras and herbs for one hour, but the patient became drowsy and senseless, with foaming at the mouth and choking in the throat. His relations began to weep and cry as there was no hope. There is a saying that bites of Domnas are invariably fatal. I found the patient at 11 a.m. in a very danger­ous condition. At once started the inhalation as per your directions. His sense returned within one hour and he was perfectly cured at 2 p.m.

Present:—Prasanna Kumar Sinha, Krishna Chandra Rai and others.

Remarks:—Medicine has supernatural powers. Reporter:—Ganga Bishnu Rai, Post Master, Simlapole, District

Bankura. 10-11-24.

Case 229. R—5-11-24. R. Viper.

Sarolabala, wife of Nanilal Sur, village Bandipur, P. O. Rahora, P. S. Khardah, District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a Bora snake (Russell's Viper) on 21st October, 1924, at 11-30 p.m. The snake was seen but could not be killed. It was about 3 cubits long. First a ligature had been tied, but was loosened afterwards.

B, SB 11


Symptoms:—Circular eruptions on the skin, etc. (The reporter is not clear on this point.) " She was keeping well these 10 or Y> days but now those eruptions have appeared again." Medicine used 6 hours after bite, cured after 2 hours' inhalation. " Eruptions of the second time may require use of another phial of medicine."

Present:—Jaladhar Sarkar and others.

P a r g S a T ' ' r : - N a n i l a l SW* B a n d i p u r ' P ' ° - R a h ^ a , District 24-

Case 230. 2428 (1)—24-10-24. ._ .

ir v A K r a i *-Kahpada, a very poor man of Jaykristoour P n v

District Burdwan, was bitten by a Krait s n a k » M A K° a -EU5 ?

Accident took place on 1st Kartic 1 3 M B . n & ? ( M ^

him by mantras and no medicines were given 36 J Z t r e a t m ^ after bite and his condition was very deplorable ThJl fass^d

any power of breathing which he wis doing with extreme d i f f i i n ^ profuse saliva was always coming out of his month A? J ™ 0 1 1 ^ ; everybody asked me not to give any medicine £ 2 L ^ t h l S ^ t a g e

But I started the inhalation, continued il for I h« ™SA° h o P c -patient perfectly cured. ° r 4 h o u r s a n ^ left the

Resent:-Haripads. Mukherji, and Saktipada Mukherii

of c £ r ^ : ~ M a y t h , S m e d i d n e S t t a i n W i d e P«blicity by'the Grace

B u r d ^ " - ' - ^ 3 1 1 K a n t a R a y ' B A " P - O. Koarpu, District 23-10-24.

2428 (2)-24-10-24. C a 8 e 2 ^

B u r d ^ a n ^ b ^ n b ^ ^ f e * P l , K ^ S t r i c t the 5th Kartic, 1331 B S ° f t h e R l v e r A J a v on

^ X " 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ h e a d ' s a l[v a t ion from the mouth, inhalation treatment one hour afTe'r h f " b,Ut n 0 t- k i l l e d - S t a r*ed hour Perfectly cured.6 No l L d & ^ t , m M d * f ° r ° n t

^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ O * a " d - , 1 other , " ^oy, B.A., P. O. Koarpur (Burdwan)


C D-10-2-24 C a 8 e 2 3 2 '

«sed. The lffe hL b in mUtC5 ° r S a C o u * r y m e d S ^ C u r e d p™ent:*$kz£h> saved ^ S e i n e s were also

^akravarty. ^ ^ R<*' P i n d a r , Samta and Dr V n , Remarks:-Tht m„,. . ' M a t l l a l

^ o r / , r ; ^ R a d h ? e d ' C m ' S C t e d a s a » ^ , Kadhanath Pradhan, P. 0 w , T

u ' b a m t a (Jessore).


Case 233. R—3-10-24. R. Viper.

Khudiram Nandi, son of late Nilmoni Nandi, village Surulia, P. O. Purbasthali, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Bora snake (Russell's Viper) about one foot and eight inches long. The snake was not killed. Date of bite:—23rd September, evening, 6-30 p.m. They had tied a ligature which was removed.

Symptoms:—The patient was restless with unbearable pain. He was gradually becoming weak and getting cramps on the hand and foot. Medicine was given two hours after bite. Cured after 14 hours' inhalation.

Present:—Kangali Gui and Amrit Ghose of Surulia, Purna-chandra Das and Durgadas Ghose of Purbasthali.

Reporter:—Saroj Mohan Mukherji, Assistant Station Master, Purbasthali, E. I. Ry., District Burdwan. 1-10-24.

Case 234. R—30-9-24. Krait.

Keramutalla Sardar, son of Kalachand Sardar of village Srikalas, P. O. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a Kalaj snake (Krait) on 23-9-24 at 6-30 ( ? ) . The snake was seen; it was one cubit long. Great burning pam was there, which subsided after 30 minutes' inhalation of " Lexin." It was given 3 hours after bite. Cured.

Present:—Manoranjan Das Majumdar, Abdul Sardar and others. Reporter:—Br. Kanailal, Sevasram, Asasuni (Khulna).

Case 235. R—30-9-24. R. Viper.

Shital Chandra Paramanik, son of Nilmony Paramanik of Bankinagar, P. O. Budhata, P. S. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a Russell's Viper about 3 cubits long. The snake was seen but could not be killed as it fled into the water. The accident took place in the first week of Bhadra, 1330 B.S. At first there was no pain but a little swelling only. It was after two hours that the part greatly swelled up attended with burning pains. After 4 hours of bite, the medicine was given to inhale which stopped the pains in 15 minutes. Next day there was only a slight swelling still present and also there was contraction of local veins.

Present:—Swami Satchidananda, Secretary, Sevasram. Asasuni (Khulna), Brahmachari Nundlal and Satish Chandra Das.

Reporter:—Br. Kanailal, Sevasram, P. O. Budhata (Khulna).

Case 236. Reed. 29-9-24. Echis Viper.

Baktar Shekh. son pf Abu Shekh of village Chengabhanga, P. O. Rajgaon, P. S. Pakur, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a snake called Bankoraj (Echis) about l i cubit long, on 31st Bhadra at 4 p.m.

Symptoms:— There was consciousness but he was losing his senses off and on. Prostration and numbness of limbs. Ligatures were loosened. Medicine was used after 3 hours of bite and for one hour. Cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Enait Shekh, Zobarak Shekh and Zayad Shekh. Remarks:—Received specially good result from the medicine. Reporter:—Sitanath Das, Hamrul, P. O. Rajgaon, District

Birbhum. 3-6-1331 B. S.


2093-22-9-24. C a 8 ° ^ ^

Ramakanta Karmakar, son of Radha Govinda Karmakar of village Sahapur, P. O. Nampo, P S Taleswar n j . r U P i ^ bitten by a Krait on 1st July at about 3 , m ' rll Balasore, was it was 1* cubits long. His c r a d S v - « n J • S n a k e ^ s S f n ;

an hour, ligatures were loosened a^d m e d i c n e ^ S S n t^u*?* tion. It was inhaled for about \nS*nA\Sl?<ioWnh*lsL~ completely curedL No other medicinwa "used ^ H e W a S

Remarks:—Th s medicine U tho «,« * 2" • snake-bite. Never befoTetSs h d tncTic ! s t ' c h f 5 j" °TS ° f

a medicine m saving a man from the j a ^ 0 T L t h T ^ ' ^ ° f

manent cure in a comparatively short time. g l v e s p e r "


P. O. Jaleswar (Balasore).

R-22-9-24. C a 8 ° 2 3 8 ' Budna Soren, son of Sankhnr «;rtM„ •„ T . Krait.

Benagoria, P. S.' Dumka, ^str ict l a r S ^ K a n h a m * h a l , P. O. a Karita snake (Krait) about 1* y a S ? w , 1 B a n | 5 v w a s b i t t™ by at about 10 o'clock at night. The s'nake S s e e n ^ T ^ ^ ^ ' « * ? brought to Mission Charitable Dispensary for t r \ T h e p a t l e n t was Banerji (the surgeon in charge) ga'vehim a doSe o T ^ * D r - > - K -Seeing no hope a second dose was given but tuJ "Jm medicine. vomit even, and lost senses within 20 mmites Th?1!*1* f a i l e d t o

Chaprasi down to my house asking for P Banerii? I .°Ct?-r s e n t a I took one phial of " Lexin " and ran tT'the Holn i t J n a k 5"5 l t e Cure.

p. 5 as^^jai^SS^-fins hospital walking 6 t n ' n e a r a n k ! t off and left the

& « 5 S ? W s ' £ h D r ' ^ K - B a n e r j e c ' ^ Mr. G. C. Dass and

^ t t & f e ^ W has helped him and Reporter:-*. C. Dass, P. V S £ S < g T ) . 2 0_9 .2 4 .

R-30-8-24. C a 8 e 2 3 9 '

P. » ? £ £ % & * * & ^ * ^ v i l l a s t b o r Krait (Domna Chitti) about 2 cubft £ n r ft*"' 'Ta s b i t t e « by 5 ccmld not be killed as it entered Vnto^id BHck^h° T* Sce» but hit* a 5 c l t n * t o o k P^ce at about 3 pm In ahn * b e s i d e t h e way S L a e n ] ° ^ e d , V e r y S ^ ' h?F ^ d droopedand A H ° U r a n d a was made tn ini^i

s. P Bancrji's, Snake-bite Cure I ? W a s , Pros-

_ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ U ^ l s of the medicine and advise?th P a t i e n 0 ^ i n e messengers

* legible ( l i hours after b i te ! ~


to produce the patient if no improvement was seen. The patient arrived in a palky at 12 p.m. By that time the symptoms appeared in the most deadly fashion and they said " She was no more." I examined her body. There was no breath but something like a " sigh " passed through and there was a feeble pulse still left in her. I held her up in a sitting posture and kept on a piece of cloth soaked in medicine closely covering her nostrils. After a while she was seen trying though unsuccessful to open her heavy lids and took a deep breath as if in a sigh. This was an encouragement to all of us. She was seated on a chair and helped to continue the inhalation till 4 o'clock in the morning when she was found to be all right.

Present:—Kalipada Mahata, Indranath Mahata, Rakhal Chandra Mahata, Pramatha Nath Chakravarti, Kcdarnath Banerji, P. Banerji himself was also present during this treatment.

Reporter:—Dr. Basudev Chakravarty, Charitable Dispensary, Mihijam, E. I. Ry. (1922).

(The above patient was again bitten by the same snake some 8 days after the accident, and cured in a similar way.)

Case 240. R—30-8-24. Krait.

Chuni, daughter of Kuloda Bowri, village Dabor, P. O. Samdi, P. S. Salanpur. District Burdwan, was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Krait) about H cubits long; the snake was killed. She was bitten by the snake at about 10 p.m. and no ligature was tied. In half an hour of bite she was fully unconscious. Regained sense after 15 minutes' use of the medicine. Apparently cured and we stopped medicine. Again after half an hour she became unconscious and appeared as if dead. Again she was made to inhale " Lexin " for full one hour when she was cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Kalipada Mahata, Sriram Chatterji, and others. Reporter:—Govinda Pada Mahata, Dabor, P. O. Samdi, District

Burdwan. 12-5-1330 B. S. Case 241.

R—12-8-24. Krait. Bodighatoalin, daughter of late Banwari Rai, village Geria, P. O.

'Jamtara, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Krait, about one cubit long, on 22nd Sravan, 1331 B. S., at 5 p.m.

Symptoms:—Swelling of the gland about the groin of affected side, burning of the hand on which the snake bit. Cured after 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Balai Rai and Ashutosh Mondal. Reporter:—Lalmohan Misra, 27th Sravan, 1331 B. S.

3 Case 242. R—1-8-24. Krait. •

Baroda, wife of Dubraj Mondal of Geria, P. O. Jamtara, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Krait, about l i cubits long, at 8 p.m. on 30th July, 1924.

Symptoms:—Unconscious; the affected hand paralysed. Medi­cine given half an hour after bite, cured on half an hour's inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Gayaram Misra, Lalmohan Misra, Ashutosh Mondal, Nabanidhar Mondal, Kaliprasad Mondal, Gokul Mullik.

Reporter:—Hrishikesh Roy, Geria, Police Sardar, Circle No. 14, P. S. Jamtara (S. P.) . 1-8-24.


Case 243. L-15-7-24.. Krait

•t J i l f k * * ] ? h u i a Tau b i t t e nf

b v a Domna Krait below the ankle of his left leg and he lost all sensation beyond the knee in about an hour of the bite which occurred at 10 p.n on 3-7-24 '' Lex°n "

-ftgaiaswa M s M1—Bat s ansa P. 0 * i e S £ S ? g f S a

B / n e r i M ' * « * * Sonardi Co.Hery, 13-7-24.

R-5-6-24. ° M e " " •

Ketudasi. wife of Bonurai Bhuia v i l l as r • T» ~ K r a i t

District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a K-it"3 'KP* °* , * * > * « , long, on 29-5-24 at about 11 a.m. The s n a l ^ c n ? J* cubits gives here a long description as ?he ™?J? I l e d - <RePorter her on the left hand under the g i ^ J T i i w o r S f ^ ^ g a n g r i l * b i t

was very bad when I arrived with medSno S , " 'V , ? e r c°ndition bite She was made to inhale it for ?ho U r s fe ^U a n h o u r of

Pre*nt:-Satish Chandra Ghosh Fxc?se s T ? ' Ghosh, Monindra Ghosh and some 5o'others S u b " I n s P e c t or ; Kartik

Remarks:—Very grave symptoms develoned w -was irritated. ^veiopea because the snake

Reporter:—Hrishikesh Rai, Police Sardar r,v^i x- , , Jamtara, District Dumka. ' C , r c l e *">• H P. S.

•5-6-24. R-21-5-24. C a 8 6 2 4 S '

G e r i a M t y U S J a ^ r L i S t 1 a n ^ f p T a r a d » « « B a " ^ ' v i l l a g e l o w i n g c o n d i ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W 3 S f o u n d i n ^

^ ^ S ^ t i ^ i ^ ^ , ^ 0 " ! - ; W. face was swollen, salivating frothy mat te . ^ W ^ L S r i O ^ ? 1 n 5 ? e i W a y S a n d m o « * heaps of straw and ccwdunS « 7 * T 10<> clock he passed through th /waters thereof f o ^ S y ^ n ^ u r ^ a n V ^ h h ? d b e e n fo i l i ng in of catching fish. After fishLit*u ..a h a f , f o r the purpose same pond? came home" took w l ^ e a U n d ^ ^ ^ b a t h e d i n t h e

of numbness all over the body and t £ t £ f f " f e e l m g a sensation overtook him. At this TtLe I made h ^ ?X7 8™**°™ gradually better in 15 minutes a n d ' Z s radially ™ured n t w ^ T andxrhe f e , t

th! tShS k ev h a d b l e n s e e n ' n o r c o u l d ^ imagi ne that S T ' N ° t e : -tnat bit him and made him sick Tt ;e K !u rt w a s a snake

S T h ^ lt T a s t h e e ^ o f t h e ' p o I o n ' o f ^ s n T e 1 5 1 0 ^ ?** ^ t h r o L h a L m U S t h a v e b i t t e n hi™ Just whenThe w a s J ? ~ ~ \ C o b r a ° r a he p a ^ f f i H Sf S t ^ W " T h e P^son could not & • ° t h e P°nd

P S L . dT

b e ,e n .m w a t e r n e c k deep. l l t s w o r k as

P. O. famtara ( ? t f » h R a i ' G e r i a> Police Sardar, Circle No 14

^ ^ ^ d ^ i ^ i n t h* blood-stream easih- j ? " 5 ^ on Periphery ^ ^ f e ^


Case 246. R_4-5_24. Krait.

Wife of Dhanukdhari Lai. village Modro. P. O. Karmatar. P. S. Jamtara, District Dumka, was bitten by a Krait on the 9th April at 4 a.m. in the night. The snake was seen but not killed. A ligature was tied, but it was loosened and certain herbs were given her to eat. She became unconscious and her condition was highly deplorable. The inhalation was tried 3 hours after bite. She had to inhale the medicine for 2i hours to get fully cured.

Present:—Thakur Raghunandan Sinha Ghatwal, Lakshmi Narayan Misra and others.

Remarks:—There was no hope of her cure. I believe this medicine has saved her life.

Reporter:—Mahabir Lai, Modro, P. O. Karmatar, District Dumka. 23-4-24.

Case 247. L—26-6-23. Krait.

Katu Kahar, a servant of Babu Sham Lai Dubey, Sub-Inspector of Police, Jamtara, District Santal Parganas. was bitten by a Chitti serpent (Krait) on the 17th June, 1923. Four inhalations were administered two hours after bite and the man was all right.

(Sd.) BANKIM CHANDRA BOSE, BX., Pleader, Jamtara.

26-6-23. Case 248.

(Shital-Bora) (Misc.). Bhagavati, aged 17, daughter of Raicharan Mandal, P. O.

Sriula, District Khulna, was bitten by a Shital-Bora snake, about 9 inches long. (We do not know the species.)

Symptoms:—The patient was fully unconscious, as it were in deep sleep. Inhalation was started at 7-30 p.m., i.e., 24 hours after bite; used it for half an hour. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Sitanath Paul, Raghunath Mandal of Kalahari and others.

(Signature portion of this report is torn and missing.)

Case 249. 1 ( 3 ) — . . . . Krait.

Jogindra Chandra Chandra of village Belun, P. O. Ketugram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Krait on the hand.

Symptoms:— The affected hand was devoid of sensation; the hairs of the hand stood up. A ligature was tied. Used inhalation 2 hours after bite. Cured after 15 minutes' use.

Present;—Shivananda Chandra, Gopendra Dhar, Jyotindranath Dhar, Umapada Chandra and others.

Remarks:—Very good medicine. Reporter:—Nitya Ranjan Mukherji, Zemindar, Sibalun, P. O.

Banwaribad, District Burdwan.


995|2 of 25-13-8-24 (date of bite) On 13-8-24. a man was bitten k„ • R - V i p e n


P o \r L Saulia,

„ r C i W - H e r e ,he reporter ^ u . ^ D i S ' r i C ' *"»*>*•

2060-8-8-25. C a 8 e 2 5 1 -

Srikanta Sardar, aeed 3fi ^«u: *. ^- Viper

medicine used " I n h a l e d 2t f o r 30 minutes Cured ^ 1 V e n 4 6

%di»S; ""BarodaKamaMondai'T-Reportcr:—Dr. AbSh nil Z™'* nectar. y b y

gjffiseva samiti- ™$e s x ^ #•** *»*«-P ' r - ° ' S r 'u la , District

2469—27-10-24. C a s e 2 5 2 -

(Rus fe l f sVipe^r th 3 ^ a ^ s - c u t t e r was bitten h ^ J ^ in Burma, fil' S j d e a d , « s t and the most vennn^ * M g W e -B\ve J arrived the man w « C W S ^ 2 0 " k i t e s S K ? s " a k e knoJJ 10 minutes aft™• t l£ un.con.scious and would n«f t he b , t e - W l Z qH''te c o n s c i o u s ' a n S a P P l , C a t i 0 n , o f t h* S e i n e V ^ r . AbOU"

for the purcha* -rt*= feswafe'ste sag <*> - * Bos, „ b i n ^ ^

lP<*' CWrf, 20-10-24.]


Case 253. 1880—24-7-25. R. Viper.

Bhagabatibala Mondal, age 20, father's name Raicharan Mondal, village and P. O. Sriula, District Khulna, was bitten by a viper snake (Shitol Bora) about 9 inches long, which was not killed. Medicine was given to inhale 7h hours after bite when her condition was almost hopeless. Three ojhas had been treating the patient but to no effect. " Lexin" was inhaled for l£ hours. Cured as if recalled from the dead in 30 minutes.

Present:—Sital Chandra Sana and Haripada Badar. Remarks:—Medicine acted like nectar. I firmly believe in its

usefulness. Reporter:—Abinash Chandra Rai, Manager, Kamalapur Seva

Samiti, P. O. Sriula (Khulna).

Case 254. 1026—27-5-26. R. Viper.

Wife of Kanai Mondal of Nakipur was bitten by a Russell's Viper (Chandra Bora) at 8 a.m. Ojhas treated her till 3-30 p.m. when her condition became very serious; she was almost senseless, could not identify men. there was bleeding from the tongue and the eyes. At this stage we began your inhalation treatment and also put 2 drops of " Lexin " on her tongue. Her age was 18. No ligature was tied. The bite was on the finger of a hand. She did not know the name of the snake but the description she gave points to a Russell's Viper. She used the inhalation for 2 hours. Cured perfectly.

Remarks:—Your medicine deserves wide circulation. All public bodies should stock a few phials each.

Reporter;—Amulya Krishna Rai Choudhury, Offg. Secretary, Sevak Sangha, Nakipur. Khulna. 24-5-26.

Case 255. 3208—26-12-25. R. Viper.

Amritalal Ghosh of Debkunda. P. O. Srikhanda. District Burdwan. was bitten by a Russell's Viper (Chandra Bora). Perfectly cured by inhaling your medicine for half an hour. One phial of " Lexin " was used.


P. O. Srikhanda (Burdwan), [Translated from Bengali.]

(Asked for details.) [Post Card. 25-12-25.] Case 256.

791—30-4-26. R - v i P e r -Srimati Paritoshbala Dasi of Uchpur, P. S. Mayureswar

(Birbhum), was bitten by a Russell's Viper (Chandra Bora) on the night of 10th Baisakh last, below the left knee. She became un­conscious and two ojhas were treating her to no effect. She was made to use your medicine according to your directions and was perfectly cured during the course of the night.

Present:—Parvati Charan Bhattacharya, Durgadas Mukherji and Haripada Bhattacharya.

(Sd.) KALI PRASANNA CHATTERJI, President, Satpalsa Union Board,

P. O. Basudevpur, via Sainthia, District Birbhum. (Asked for details.) 27-4-26.


Case 257. 3102 (1)—29-11-25.

Misc. Abinash Chandra Mandal a$rpr1 ?n f„„ u , ,,

Chandra Mandal of village Jeekhfn P O A Cher'- ^- 0 n • o f S i t a l

was bitten by a snake a b o u o n e cubit ?-£sasu™> S ^ * ^ " * , identified in the dark. U b l t l o n g ' Probably a viper, not

" U p ' ^ ^ ^ o A . ^ r & J t h ci r ^ t e d part.

30 minutes' inhalation. "Lexin' ' w a s u ,PJ ? n d j ^ l " 1 1 * gone after was removed after 30 minutes' inhalation * 0Urs* L i£ature

Jelekhah, P. O. Asasuni, District Khulna.

27-7-32 B. S.

Case 258 3102 (2)-29-l l -25.

Manindra Chandra Bachar are ?n i.- R* V i p e r -Kumar Bachar of Kamalapur. P n lr ' ;niC U l t£ a t o r ' s o " of Naba bitten by a Russell's Viper (Chandra B o r a h s * Khulna, was The snake was seen and kept under c S L ^ h a l f a cubit lo™ patent was very bad-as almost d?ad & ™ e C o n d i t i o » o the

Lexin " for 24 hours and was cured St*;?6,, ™as m a<k to inhal* ^ f b i t e . No other medicine^co^d be u s e d l s ^ 3 1 3 ^ " 2 S «"nutes

M^to^s»theX? - - w^S ^if iSS,^ Mondol

' D l s t n c t (Asked for detailed symptoms.) [Tranship *

Uimislated from Bengali.]

758-26-4-26. ° a 8 e ^

Three Russell's Viner fru, A'• T> R" V i p e r -

<Sd-) B. K. SiRKAR> U r e d

1 * Hsoba A n t l , M a , a r i a I ^

P - O. Ilsoba Mondalai m ^ f A s r a m ' (Hooghly). 21-4-26,


Case 260. 764 (1)—27-4-26. R. Viper.

Falgunta Sardar (Hadi by caste), son of Fenia Sardar of Bahin, District Dinajpur, was bitten by Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper). He was coming to station by Railway road and trod a snake marked with black circular spots all over its body. He was bitten then and there and the snake fled away unhurt.

Symptoms:—Vomiting blood; burning pain in lower part of belly (abdomen); pain in the region of heart; bitten place was swollen. Inhalation was used about two hours continually from 7 to 9 p.m.. afterwards he felt better. I again soaked the hand­kerchief with the Antivenom and told my A. S. M. Babu K. P. Mukherji and Mr. B. T. Roy to use it until he felt perfectly cured. These two gentlemen watched him. one from 7 to 24 and another from 0 to 6 hours morning when he felt all right and left for home, which is situated more than a mile off from the station with­out any help. Medicine was applied 12 minutes after bite. The man again felt burning pains in his abdomen but a doctor gave him purgative which cured him perfectly. However, he was saved by me with the help of this medicine.

(Sd.) SRISH CHANDRA SARKAR. Station Master, Kachua, E. B. Ry.,

P. O. Bahin, District Dinajpur.

Case 261. 764 (2)—27-4-26. Cobra.

Dhari Mahamed, son of Shaik Gayaloo of Kachua, P. 0 . Bahin, District Dinajpur, was bitten by a watery snake Dhora or Bora. (He means probably a harmless Lycodon or a Viper.) The snake was not seen.*

Symptoms:—Paralysis "of tongue, cannot speak distinctly. drooping of the head with uneasiness. Inhaled medicine for half an hour after 20 minutes of bite. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Sheikh Mongal and Sheikh Ajimuddin. Remarks:—Four or five pieces of broken teeth recovered from

the wound. (Sd.) S. C. SARKAR,

Station Master, Kachua, E. B. Ry. 23-4-26.

Case 262. Reed. 8-9-26. R. Viper.

There was a snake-bite case in my village a fortnight ago. The patient was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper) snake and was vomiting blood with other serious complications. Gave your medicine to the relations of the patient with necessary instruc­tions. The patient was radically cured.


Kanchannagar, Burdwan. (Asked for details.) ipost Card, 7-9-26.]

* We believe it was Black Cobra as the symptoms would indicate. Black Cobras do not hesitate to live in water for a number of hours at a time.—En.


Case 263. Reed. 3-9-26.

R. Viper.

P. £ o ^ & ^ « l ^ i l 0 n d a 1 ' village Mirjapur, patiMonon in our l a n d T h T snake I t ? b y 3 oSnake c a l l e d ^nkal with black and circular spots !nnV?X T \ 2 ° r 2 i c u b i t s long, points to a Russell's Viper.) CoJJdiSS n?A b ° d y - . ( T h e ^ n p t i o n red. Felt himself heavy; u n b e a a b l ^ L ? e W 1 " ^ ^ ™

/ ? ^ r / r r . - P r a b o d h Chandra Bose P O A ' T ' * ' ° ' SukP«kuria, Jessore.


„ Case 264. R. 20—5-9-26.

Katoo Gaji. age 25, son of Baser Can „* A R" V i P e r '

effects. ' f ° r 2 d a y s m o r e - Cured. All righ? since • ™h a l a t i°n

i e c t s ^ X ^ ^ X i ^ d ^ " H f C t 0 s n a k -b i t t en sub-


, Naib, Andul Raj, Amadi ^ ^

P- O. Amadi, District Kh'ulna.

[Post Cord. 1-9-26]

Reed. 17-8.26. ° M 8 2 8 B -

S r i u h , h a S g a ' \ M o . , d a I , age 19, w i f e o £ R a i . * V i<* r-

««« i* . -Raghuna th Mondal, Maniklal <?a ^ Remarks:—! think A ; . J- • n i k l a l aardar and nth. x i n i nK this medicine is rnm,w others.

K h u S ° ^ - - D ' - * » - » Chandra Rm p o 1° * * " e w « *


Case 266. 2542 (1)—17-S-26. R. Viper.

Fulchand Biswas, age IS, son of Ataram Biswas, cultivator. P. O. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a Russell's Viper (Chandra Bora) about 9 inches long, seen but not killed. The patient was vomiting blood within half an hour of bite. Bleeding stopped after inhalation of " Lcxin." I had a very little quantity of medicine with me, so could not cure him completely, only about three-fourths of the poison seem to be neutralized. (Reporter silent about result.)

Present:—Raghunath Mondol and Rati Kanta Sardar. Reporter:—Dr. Abinash Chandra Rai, P. O. Asasuni, District

Khulna. 10-6-26. (Asked for final result.) Reporter adds:—" Radically cured." 16-6-26.

Case 267. 2542 (2)—17-8-26. R. Viper.

Mangala (cow) of Lakhi Kanta Mondal of village Puijala, P. O. Sriula, District Khulna, was bitten by a . Russell's Viper about one cubit long, which was killed. The cow seemed to be in a paralytic condition in about 2 hours of bite. Made to inhale " Lexin '" for 2* hours. Cured.

Present:—Saroda Charan Biswas, Nimai Chand Mondal and Rattan Majhi.

Reporter:—Dr. Abinash Chandra Rai, Manager, Paundra Khatri Seva Samiti, Asasuni (Khulna). 13-7-26.

Case 268. 2505—22-8-26. R- Viper.

Akshay Kumar De, aged 43, village Damghosa, P. O. Anur, District Hooghly (P . S. Kotalpur, District Bankura),,was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper) in the right foot between the great toe and the next finger where a poison fang was left. The whole of the leg greatly swelled and was paralysed up to the thigh; but he was not unconscious. Ojhas treated him the first day to no effect. I was called to see him 5 p.m. next day. Treated him from evening 5 p.m. till 1 a.m. with your inhalation after removing the poison fang. The swelling and all other symptoms wholly disappeared by that time.

Remarks:—Excellent medicine. Soon be widely circulated. Reporter:—Dr. Jyotrimoy Banerji, Anur Dispensary, P. O.

Anur, District Hooghly. 17-8-26. (2) PS.—Another case: A scorpion stung a lady in the night

on her head. Came to me at dead of night (12 p.m.), very much restless with terrible burning pains. Gave her 5 drops of your " Lexin " for inhalation. Cured in txvo minutes!

(Sd.) Dr. J. B.

Case 269. 2539—23-7-26. R- Viper.

On 14-7-26, 8 p.m., wife of Tulsi Roy of village Golgo, P. O. Tisri, P. S. Gawan, District Hazaribagh, was bitten by a Russell's Viper (Siliorchanda). The snake was seen, but could not be killed. The patient was splitting mica before a kerosene lamp by the side of the wall, a crack whereof sheltered the snake which bit her on the knee. She had great burning pains and the wound was bleeding. The thigh above the knee greatly swelled. Ojhas treated her up to


12 a.m. on 15-7-26 to no effect whatever. After that time informa­tion reached me I arrived at the spot, and found her blue all over unable to hold up her head erect and not very conscious She

J £ S £ S "? " I V ? ? " * P°StUT^ a n d w a s v o m i t i » S now and then the food she had taken yesterdav T pvnminori *i„> « 7 -i-poison fang was there. . Applied a & drops o T » U x n " to ?he tound° and she was made to mha e " Lexin " AftPr ? ^ ™,\! . , " V o u n d ' consciousness returned and she sa d there were SEX t e* . i n h a l a t \ o n

head and the burning in the abdome.was t e r r i b f % h e T K t h * continue sitting up, she said, as the burn ng sensation nf V M n 0 t

parts was unbearable. She could not stand I ° f th,e s w 0 , l c n

to do so, the soles feeling tender. Inhala«Sn S.J6 8 8 ^ h c n m a d ° was after full 3 hours that she felt better The w £ l S °" 1 ? °n' h

and she could walk by herself in the morninl !f i r ? ' ^ F s s e d

cured. A little less than one phial of " f f i ^ i n k 6 * ' R a d i c a l l > ' case. l LQXm h a s ^ e n used in this

P n T- • • ( r - d " . ) r ^ T U I ' C H A X D R A S.VRKAR, P. O. Tisn, via Gindih, District Hazaribagh. 19.7 96

[Letter translated from Ben'yali.)

2537-25-7-26. ° m 2 7 ° -

n.-.f ?U™r?as\> C ' ° *«tbehari Ghosh of Sonadanga P n ^ T ^ ' District Burdwan, was bitten by a Chandra Bor? Vfc,« i i H l g r a m ' which was seen but not killed. Ojhas had been, t r i t ; SuU s V iPer) condition became very bad. Made to inhale "Lexin » " g ^ r a n d h<* 21 hours when consciousness slightly returned and 5j?n t m u a«y for pond by certain signs to our voices. i " ^ n ° u l d r e s " Started "Lexin" 2 hours after bite gradually cured. - Present:—Manikjan Mondal, Suleman Alondal T\,A J ,. ^ n a t J , ' x A b , . n a A C h a n d r a Modak, Mahcndra Gho\h 4 1 1 E h a k

r S u' S , t a i 9 lVosh ' Bhaktadas Ghosh. Surendra C 'n , N a f«" i ra Ghosh. Date of bite:—15th Ashar, 1333 B S °sh* K a r t i c

was n o t T s t r ^ 6 * * * W ° U , d h a v e ^ l y died if the medicine

N a d a l i f f ^ ^ M o d * ^ ^ * « * U * a t School, P 0


2536 (D-23-7-26. ° a 8 e 2 7 1 '

Baloram Bagdi of Shibolun P n Ra„ •, , C ° b r a ' Burdwan was bitten by a Chandra Bora fRu<5ffiVv ! b a d l D i s t n c t seen by the patient, but was not killed He was h iH i P C r ) ' Xt *** JMo ligature was t ed. He became »„,.„ • b l t t e n on the W

^ h ^ T V " " ? * " ' ™ » * e "outh " ' " S ? 7 l t h i " . « ho?r <" minutes. Cured. ^ e x m was inhaled for

B a „ ^ D a t K ^ % Ru X a „ M U k h e r i i ' Z » . S h i b o j p . ^


Case 272. Reed. 1924. R. Viper.

Dukhini Bowrini, mother of Bhagirath Bowri of Palitpur, P. 0 . Baghar, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Russell's Viper (Chandra Bora) about l i cubits long, which was seen and killed. Date of bite:—2nd Sravan, 1331 B. S., midnight 12 o'clock. No ligature tied. Patient in a moribund condition. Started inhalation after 5 hours of bite. Made to inhale for 4 hours and brought to life.

Present:—Kalicharan Ta. Remarks:—This medicine gives nice results. Reporter:—Radha Kishore Ta, Palitpur, P. O. Baghar. District

Burdwan. 4th Sravan, 1331.

Case 273. Reed. 1924. R. Viper.

Mrigendra Nath Ghosh, son of Umacharan Ghosh of Birsingha P . O., P. S. Ghatal, District Midnapur, was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper) about one yard long. Snake was seen but not killed. Date of bite:—Thursday, 28th August, 1924, about 5 a.m. Bitten on the left ankle joint. l igature was removed. Ojhas were treating him and lost 7 hours to no effect.

Symptoms:—He was very much restless for the unbearable burning pains and subsequently lost his consciousness. Could not keep his head straight. Pain in the abdomen was the greatest. The wound was bleeding. Great swelling from the ankle to the knee. There was vomiting of blood and the urine was bloody too. Great was the thirst. Great drowsiness; it was very difficult to keep him awake. He expressed that his eyes, nostrils, ears—all seemed burning like fire. I received information after 5 hours; took 2 hours more to procure the medicine at double price. We are charmed with its wonderful powers. One hour's inhalation, and the pains completely gone. Swelling subsided; only a little swelling remained at the site of the bite, but the bloody urine continued, though consider­ably diminished in quantity. Gradually came to a perfect cure on the 5th day; I ran short of medicine in the course of treatment.

Prescnf:—Prafulla Kumar Roy, B.A.; Ajodhya Nath Roy, Assistant Head Master; Sindhu Kumar Ghosh and Manmohan Rai, Students; Tarapada Mukhcrji; Surendra Nath Rai and others.

Remarks:—Charmed to see its miraculous powers: so much pain relieved in one hour! If given earlier, it would have produced more prompt results.

Reporter:—Prafulla Kumar Rai, B.A., Head Master, Bhagavati Vidyalaya, P. O. Birsingha, District Midnapur. 13-9-24.

[Post Card, 30-8-24.]

Case 274. 91—18-1-25. R. Viper.

A boy, aged 14, of Bowri caste of our village, was bitten- by a Russell's Viper (Chandra Bora) on the ankle joint of his right leg, on the 27th Aghran last. I gave him a phial of " Lexin " secured from Burdwan at double price. It has cured his fever, redness of the


eyes and the swelling of the lee- R„f *u 1 «.. . presen, Kindl/send f p h S e X t <*£ « £ wound is


Baje Pratappur (Burdwan).

In Report Ra„ • ^P°St Card> 17-1-25.1 Saupar, f O. SonapaSf Diftrkt' B U H ' B e p i n B a u " of village Russell's Viper H cubits long^ which W a" ' w a s bitten bv a 8-l-2o at midday 12 o'clock T L r ? a s s e e n b l * not killed ™ treatment two days after b&. ^ h g a t U r c w a * removed Sta'rted

Condition:—High fever r«M ing pains all over the bodv ? r S - ° f e y e s ' t h e leg swollen u mhalationof « Uxfc >^tur ^ % 0

A » * « e . S S 3 5S£Sr

N a / r " ' - : - D r - H a r i H a ' Dutt of S a u l n m e d i d n e u s<* Nath Banerji and Abinash CU^A O I ^ a u p a r Union Boarri u school. J D i n a S h C h a n d r * Chatterji, Teacherf of ^fre,ndra

r-> s. ° i tne local Kemarks:—Much astom'cho^ *

medicine. Thanks m u c h T r f h e ^ d i s S t h e i n \ m e d i a * action of tu prompt action on the patient d l s c°very. Very good effect a t H rv R.eP°r}cr•-—Amarendra Nath r>ac o Distnct Burdwan. N a t h Das» Saupar, p . a g


1665-15-8-24. C a s e 2 7 5 ' Wife of Shekh Manila R«v «-c •.. R* V iPer.

on the hand in snrh a « ' ,7"30 a-ni. The Q n i ?• r i V e r-snake easily a i d t was S X * * t h a t n o b o d y £ W $ 3 b l t her released I ligatureTv^ Tied f u t t ^ ^ ^ f t e « S J J * Ojhas (gunins) tried their S \ x * w a s removed after t , P £ W a s

Patient graduafiy tSuS^S? Xg *T b u t t o e f f c t ^ ' tion I arrived there at 9 V\i „ J u , s t o n t h e receipt of th- • i T h e

Pa.,nt iajhe f olloluV^dK, .*= « * *y ^ S J . ^ S S n t

indescritabtetinthTa^nV 0 p e n *<= eyes could 2 or 3 minutcf S the S v a U r o ^ " " ^ ™ b S a T , ? p e a k .

gave her at the sam. l? t h e ' N a t i o n from I changed r n "n

Cp y s h e gave,


and took the 'kerchief in her own hands; very deeply did she inhale it half a dozen times and expressed that there were no more pains in the heart, and again changed her position; now I noticed her eyes; they were of normal colour; no redness. She sat up herself, saw the gentlemen present, covered her face in shyness, went into her room and would not come out; she said she was all right. She took one pound of hot milk. It was 12 o'clock in the night. No aiter-effects. Keeping all right since.

Present:—Giridhan Mai, Haridas Gorey and some 6 or 7 un­known faces.

Remarks:—Simple breathing in of the medicine does not cure. It must be made to reach the lungs by deep inhalation.

Reporter:—Kedar Nath Banerji, P. O. Ramjibanpur, District Midnapur.

[Report, 4-8-24.] [Letter, 12-8-24.1

Case 276. Reed. 21-9-24. R. Viper.

Baroda Banerji of village Shamsundarpur, P. O. Kharar, District Midnapur, received a very good bite from a large Russell'.* Viper, which also coiled round his leg, on 16-9-24. Dr. Kali Bhatta-charya cured him the very night with only half a phial of " Lexin." The patient experienced terrible pains for some hours before the medicine reached him.


P. 0 . Ramjibanpur, District Midnapur. [Post Card, 18-9-24.J

Case 277. 2300—29-8-25. R. Viper.

Sarasvati Dasi, care of Kedarnath Karmakar of Belmuri, District Hooghly, was bitten by a small-sized Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper), which was seen but not killed. The case occurred here on 23-8-25. Bitten on the left leg at about 9-30 a.m. A little blood came out from biting place. Started your inhalation at 10 a.m. Cured by 12 a.m. No other symptoms. No other medicine used.

Reporter:—Rai Sahib Prasanna Coomar Chatterji, Headman of the village of Belmuri Union, P. O. Belmuri, District Hooghly.


Case 278. Reed. 7-4-1331. R. Viper.

Shekh Maju, son of Shekh Mansuf of Palitpur, P. O. Baghar, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Russell's Viper (Chandra Bora) 2 cubits long, on 5th Sravan, 1331, at 9 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Burning pains. No ligature tied. Started treat­ment 2 hours after bite. Inhaled it for 3 hours. Cured.

Present:—Dharmadas Mandal, Zemindar and Ahibhusan Mukherji.

Remarks:—Used medicine with great satisfaction. Reporter:—Radhakishore Ta, Palitpur, P. O. Baghar, District

Burdwan. 7-4-1331 B. S.

B, SB 12


Case 279. 2861-31-12-24. R V i p e r

Shekh Ahid Mullik, son of Didar Baksh Mullik of village

It was seen but not S led . B i t t e d o n 2 4 ^ 1 2 2 ^ \ '„* C O b ' ? ^ ture was tied but removed after a time P m ' A h g a "

w o u S ' r "bleelhfaSd S , " r L " ? d w i t h . « « • The" and gave him som? S f f i t o ? ^ « ^ J ^ * J W information at 6 p.m. I at onrp ran „# -*u , e c t Received one mile off. Reached there a?7 nm A ^ . ^ brother; it was the gentlemen preset , we used youTWr^Z^l0 ^ r e t * u e s t o f

felt better every minuteTAfter 7 or 8 ^ 2 ° m h a l a t ion . Patient patient was perfectly cured Stonned f S 2 £ * * d e d a r e d t h a t t h e

we returned home leaving the m c ^ ^ ^ V ^ ^ * * 1 * »<* biting place as well as the w nf iv,T ?• " T h e n e x t day the medicine was used ag n A t e f f w J ' ? ' S W e l e d UP and he and the patient felt ? « fectry cured \V? d e a L d ^ " ^ d i s a PP^red

ffStf £cV"*r " ^ thG ~ ^ « ff&S XW!srt?pfnhge

^ f f i l ^ J y ^ ^ * ^ *%* . Abdu! Sardar, **m«r*,;--Benencent discovery M n t y u n W D ™ . Reporter:—Bhootnath Dutta, Khana P n V L

District Burdwan. ' a n a ' P - ° - Khana Junction 29-12-24."

R. Viper. 2279-26-8-25. C a 8 e 2 8 0 '

^ t ^ t ^ ^ * ^ ^ « village B ^ p . 0 Chandra Bora (Russell*! V i p e S S t r £ Burdwan, was bitten by a ojhas opined as such, who t rea t s v S ? a k e w a s . n o t s e e n but the There was^burningTa*Ta^d h T f d t ^ o / ^ / T ^ ^ i n v a i n

in the head. Inhaled your medirfnl V I °<l deP ression and reeling other medicine used, only , , S ^ n e f o r h*lf an hour. Cured. No

Present:—Nalin Govind SinV.1 XTV mother Suvasini Majhi. a ' N , t v a Gopal Dutt and patient's

Reporter:—Hari Narayan Sinha TV Burdwan. y a n b , n h a> Bigra, P. 0 . Bonpass. District

7-5-1332 B. S.

Reed. 5-10-24. ° a 8 e 2 8 1 «

(1) Srichandra Sardar, aged 46 ^ n ~t * R ' V i p e n

m & t ° - & = f c £ i ^ d l K , ^ ™ Sarda , vi.,age

ffi.W fc*.P.""iW«. N e « n l ? I ? ? 5 1 Z . "haled. S S given to dri„u u r s t h e medicine was not n™ T m t h e affected Weeding f t m t h f „ v o m i t e d , ° u t - N = « m o S f '/„, n h a l e d - Mflk At 10 f.m °?gain ffi\- T w i c e * ' ' " " milk w f ' l 1 ' 0 " ^ . p r o f u s e Profuse bleeding w ^ * " 0 " ^ J P v e n but seemed tn ? m , t e d »»*• te all hope o?„isW, V o V n T ? W a s wSFl^-ipod.


again very carefully this time. After some deep inhalations bleeding almost stopped. Took milk twice in the night and retained i t No bleeding in the next morning. Bleeding returned at 9 a.m., though slightly. Made gurgles of hot water; inhalation continued. Bleeding entirely stopped at 12 a.m. There was great swelling in the affected leg which lingered till the 5th day as I had no more medicine in stock. During course of treatment I had to send for the medicine from Calcutta. Four phials were used in this case. Patient all right. Swelling nil. Keeping well since.

Remarks:—Medicine of highly wonderful efficacy. Present:—Sudhangsu Bhusan Mazumdar, Manager, Sir Daniel

Hamilton's Estate, Gosaba; Priyakanta Rai, Inspector, Co-operative Societies; Dr. Surendra Nath Mazumdar, Officer-in-Charge, Lady Hamilton Charitable Dispensary; Jnanendra Nath Mukherji, Officer-in-Charge, Education, Sir Daniel Hamilton's Estate.

Reporter:—Anukttl Chandra Dutt, Officer, Sir Daniel Hamilton's Estate, Gosaba, via Canning Town (24-Parganas). 3-10-24.

Case 282. (2) Jaunat Mullik, age 33, son of Baburali Mullik of Aram-

pur, P. O. Gosaba, P. S. Sanjdeshkhali, District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a Rakta Bora (?) about l i cubits long. The snake was seen, but not killed. Bitten on 9-9-24 at about 3 a.m. The ligature tied was removed. Started treatment after l i hours of bite.

Symptoms:—Great burning pains in the affected parts. Inhaled medicine for 3£ hours. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Kalipada De and the gentlemen who were present in (1) above.

Remarks:—See (1) above. Reporter:—See (1) above.


Case 283. Reed. 27-9-24. R. Viper.

(1) Sushari Bagdi, father's name Behari Bagdi, village Purshuri, P. O. Mangrul, P. S. Chandrakona, District Midnapur, was bitten by a Russell's Viper 1 | cubits long, at 5-30 a.m. in the month of Sravan. Ligature was loosened after ten minutes' inhala­tion. The state of the patient tolerable; slight drooping off* th,e head, eyes slightly red. burning pain all over the head not very intolerable. Inhaled " Lexin " for one hour. Cured.

Present:—Liloo Mai, Sarat Chandra Roy and Rasamoy Roy. Remarks:—Medicine acts like electricity. Reporter:—Debendra Nath Horh, Purshuri, P. O. Mangrul,

District Midnapur.

(2) Surya Kumar Mai, son of Rama Nath Mai, address as in Case No. 1, was bitten by a Russell's Viper 3 cubits long, at 5 p.m. in the month of Ashar. The condition of the patient was very wretched—almost dead—prostration of limbs and other symptoms seen. Started treatment 3 hours after bite Made to inhale it for half an hour. Cured. Before this medicine reached the patient, several medicines had been tried in vain.

Remarks:—Highly efficacious. It cures every patient. Present:—Sarat Chandra Roy, Bholanath Mall and Rasamoy Roy. Reporter:—Debendra Nath Horh (see Case No. 1).


Case 284. Reed. 25-5-23. R V i p e r

On 9th October, 1921 Rakhal Chandra Bayen, aged about 30, of village Malanpur P. O Labpur, District Birbnum, was bitten by a. largeT Russell s Viper (Chandra Bora) at about 6 prn in the evening. I was requested to attend the case at in «« , T tl A him at the point of death: he was vomMng > g l 'quanSSs of btoSd bloody mucus and was extreme v weal- ,« ™„, ;.? ' who were present thought he woulfdle in a

c ° n s c c l u e n c e - All men case was incurable. I bad a stock of P R a n J ™ mTteJ a n d t h c

Antivenom inhalation. I put about 60 I £ J ' S , s n a k e - b l t e c u r e -it closely to his nostrils ? f o r I X k L w h e n \ ^ ™S ™£ ^ signs of cure, I repeated the inhalation two or three £ £ ? ^ ^ was all right in about 3 hours. t i m e s a n d h e


Homoeopathic Practitioner Village Indus, P . O . Labpur (Birbhum).


Reed. 1924. C a 8 e 2 8 5 "

Balai Charan Das, son of Hari ru~, r, ' i P € f ' Ch^draBora (Russell's Viper) s S S a ? „ ? S ? a s ' *™ bitten by a 1924 The snake was seen and killed t h e n f 5 , m t o n 2 0 t h August cubits long. 0 has tried but no effect L I a n d J h e r e . It was12*

cnrdSen0cy ^ H i s l L ^ 1 ^ - ° / i f " « " S ^ a d ^ * * « S t e d ,

fc^^iorr * ^ £ * 3 A ^ u l l y ^ A | r ^

r> , _, c a a i ter one Remarks:—The only medir*

Curious and strange medicine. t h a t h a s given his Hfe b a c k

Present:—Chandi Charan Ash x> Pakrashi, Bipra Prasad Chatter?; T m ? t h a N a*h Daw In Mohon Chatterji. ^"atterj,, Jyotlrmoy Chatterji' ^ g

de s f r

Reporter :-Satya Charan Kundu P n p- u ' ** ° - R'shra (Hooghly).

1-9-24. 2668-14-11-24. C a 8 e 2 8 e -

Tarini Charan Haldar, son of < ^ „ R" V i p e r -

£ v & a r.o's.'-k^*"ki!.=dT?tet??3Vhrs hours. p-m- A ^gature was tied but rf

c a p e d - B i «en c ^ amoved after 2

s e . i r X ^ t ' t ^ e ^ o f ' t T r ^ - e n i n , o f ,. ,

. few drops f„ 4 £ ba f ' t o I f ' 7 droI>s »° «V w t ^ " ' ^ » for two hours. S h i s snbridS • a " d . m a d e h ™ M i a W ' a n d S « e

•—i ce him trsaft-dffi S B & ^ A - S S m tor 1$ houts


more. He felt all right. I returned home. Swelling of the wound continued.

Remarks:—Medicine has miraculous powers. Present:—Pulin Behari Banerji, Bonbehari Banerji and

Purankar* Banerji. Reporter:—Mrityunjay Banerji, Dumurdaha, P. O. Nayasarai,

District Hooghly (Paper Currency Office, Calcutta). 13-11-24.

Case 287. 1432—23-7-24. R. Viper.

Annasashi Dasi, wife of Satindra Nath De, 26|4, Anath Babu Lane, Belgachia, Calcutta, was bitten by a Bora Snake (Russell's Viper) about 1$ cubits long, which was seen but not killed. Date of bite:—13-7-1924, 8-30 o'clock. Terrible burning pains followed imme­diately after bite. The affected limb (up to the pelvic cavity) greatly swelled. There was great burning and stinging pain present. Temperature rose up to 102°F. Appeared elliptical eruptions all over the body. Certain roots and salts were given to her to eat and the parts washed with Pot. Permg. Solution—all to no effect.

Your medicine reached the patient 12 hours after bite. Pains subsided after one hour's inhalation; the circular spots (eruptions) disappeared after 6 or 7 hours. Perfectly cured on the 3rd day.

Present:—Hriday Krishna De, B.A. (26|1, Anath Babu Lane); Dr. B. N. Das Gupta, Senior Hospital Surgeon, Bengal Veterinary College, Belgachia; Jitendrya Nath Basu, B.L., Vakil High Court, Calcutta, 17, Ruttan Babu. Road, Cossipore; G. N. Banerji, B.L., Vakil, High Court, Calcutta, 24, Bonomali Chatterji Street; Pandit Sourindra Nath Bhattacharya Jyotisidhanta, 20|3, Anath Babu Lane, Belgachia.

Remarks:—No doubt the medicine is highly useful. Every house should have a phial.

Reporter:—Satindra Nath De, 26|4, Anath Babu Lane, Belgachia, Calcutta. 22-7-24.

Case 288. 1821—18-7-25. R. Viper.

Bijay Kumar Nath, son of Sital Chandra Nath, village Paikhali, P. Oi Champaful, P. S. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a Rakta Bora about 1$ cubits long, which was seen but not killed. Date of bite:—25-3-1332 B. S. at 1-30 p.m. No ligature. Ojhas treated for 9 hours with utterances of mantras only. Patient was vomiting blood. Pain all over the limbs. Violent thirst. Started inhalation 9 hours after bite. Completely cured after 18 hours' inhalation.

Present:—Lakhan Das, Sajani Das, Harendra Mondal and others.

Remarks:—Using your medicine for 3 years; not a single failure. We submitted 12 reports of cure.

Reporter:—Swami Onkarananda, Secretary, Sevasram, P. O. Budhata (Khulna). 13-3-1332.

* Illegible.


Case 289. 2669(2)—12-11-24. R. Viper.

Ajodhya Nath Kuillya, son of Jajneswar Kuillya of Pratappur, P . O. Banapur, P. S. Kharagpur, District Midnapur, was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper) J It was seen and killed and I measured it 44 inches. The patient himself cut it into two with sheaves of paddy plants when it bit him, at 12-15 p.m. on 28th Aswin 1331. A ligature was removed after 12 minutes' inhalation. Started inhalation half an hour after bite and continued it for 2 hours. Cured. No other medicine used; only I applied carbolic acid to the wound after removing the poison fang. He gradually became ail right in two hours. [The learned reporter forgets to mention symp­toms.]

Present:—Ashutosh Ghosh, Bhusan Chandra Chakravarty and others.

Remarks:—Tried this medicine very^ carefully. I think it is the only dependable antidote to snake poisoning.

Reporter:—Dr. Jugal Kishore Chakravarti, Medical Officer, Lochanmani Charitable Dispensary, Pratappur, P. O. Banapur, District Midnapur. 11-11-24.

Case 290. 1071—1-6-26. See Case No. 294. R. Viper.

Kanai Mondal of this place was bitten by a Chakra Bora snake (Russell's Viper). There was no hope of his life. There was bleed­ing even from his eyes. On information I hurried to the spot with your medicine; and to the wonder of all, this patient has been saved.

(Sd.) N I K H I L NATH BOSE, Sub-Post Master, Nakipur (Khulna).

[Post Card, 29-5-26.]

Case 291. 1055—30-5-26. R. Viper.

Sakfi Devi, daughter of Bepin Behari Bhattacharya of Saltore P. O. Taldangra, District Bankura, was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper). The snake was seen but not killed Medicine was given 10 minutes after bite. Felt better after 2 hours Com­pletely cured after 4 hours.

Present:—Satish Chandra Chatter ji and Surya Kanta Bhattacharya.

Reporter:—Abani Mohan Kavyatirtha, Saltore, P. O. Taldangra District Bankura. 28-5-26*

(Asked for symptoms.)

Case 292. 1642-10-7-26. R viper

"Kshetra Nath Chatterji, of village Siboda, P. S. AusWram District Burdwan, was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell'-; Vi t l N on the great toe of his left leg, when he trod on the snake ? ? paddy fields. I have cured him with your medicine again

N.B.—The same patient was bitten by a Cobra b e t ' „ a n

it was I who cured him with "Lexin." l a s t y e a r 5 and (Sd.) ABHOY CHANDRA PALIT

C|o Messrs. W. C. Show & Co S n s o l ,

ro , ~ Burdwan [Post Card, 9-7-26.]


Case 293. 1532—3-7-26. R. Viper.

Ram Ghosh, aged 66, son of Abhoy Ghosh, village Karjana, P. O. Mahachanda, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Russell's Viper (Chandra Bora), which was seen but not killed. The condition of the patient was not at all normal. After 30 minutes' inhalation he felt better and was cured after 2 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used. Started treatment one hour after bite.

He was bitten on the left hand middle finger on 26-6-26, when cultivating sugar-canes. A ligature was given on his hand after bite.

Present:—Dr. K. Banerji, S. S. Chakravarti and others. Reporter:—S. Chakravarti, Station Master, Karjana, P. O.

Mahachanda, District Burdwan. 30-6-26.

Case 294. 1071—21-6-26. R. Viper.

Kanai Mondal, son of Sristidhar Mondal of Chandrapur, P. O. Nakipur, P. S. Shyamnagar, District Khulna, was bitten by a Chakr'a Bora (Russell's Viper) 2 feet long on 23rd May. 1926, at 8 a.m. No ligature was used. There was bleeding from his eyes and gums. Started inhalation 4 hours after bite. Felt better in 3 hours; cured after 5 hours' treatment. No other medicine used.

Reporter:—Nikhil Nath Bose, Post Master, Nakipur (Khulna). 14-6-26.

Case 295. 1116—7-6-26. R - V ' P e r -

Indra Dutta, of village Nehara (Sehara?), was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper) in the evening of 17th Jaistha 1333 B. S. The snake was captured and kept under custody. The patient came to a very bad condition in about 10 hours of bite when your medicine was given. It is a great wonder that he has been cured with one phial only.


Rambati. P. O. Palashon, District Burdwan. [Post Card, 20-2-1333 B. S.]

(Asked for details.)

Case 296. Reed. 18-9-23. R- Viper.

(1) We have cured two patients of Russell's Viper bites by using your wonderful medicine.

(2) A man was bitten by a snake 10 years ago. His affected foot remained swollen and painful up to the present. He used your inhalation only one day and he is now perfectly cured. This has enhanced the fame of your medicine.


Secretary, Sevasratn, P. O. Asasuni, District Khulna. 16-9-23.


Case 297. Reed. 7-9-24. R- Viper.

(1) Mrigendra Nath Ghosh of Pathra was bitten by a Russell's Viper. The Teachers of Birsingha H. E. School treated him carefully with "Lexin." His life has been saved. No bloody urine for the last two days—only a swelling remains in part

. affected. (2) Kishori Pathak, son of Fakir Pathak of village Kuran,

P . O. Kharar, was bitten by a Russell's Viper. He died on the 6th day of bite as the School remained closed and no medicine was available.

(3) Surya Mai of Beyurgram, was bitten by a Cobra. He was cured as the medicine was available.


Birsingha. 5-9-24. ' Case 298.

Reed. 18-7-23. R. Viper. Two patients have been cured by Antivenom inhalation at

Burdwan. Medicine was supplied from the Ashram of His Holy Highness Tibbati Baba, now at Palitpur. One patient was bitten by a Cobra, the other by Russell's Viper. The Cobra case salivated from the mouth, and was cured in 10 minutes. The condition\of the Russell's Viper patient, a Mussalman, was such that all arrangements were made for his burial—the new cloth and even Kalma was read out to by their priests—but after inhalation of the drug the patient declined to enter the grave.

(Sd.) KANAILAL CHAKRAVARTI, 74-3, Hari Ghosh Street, Calcutta.

16-7-23. Case 299.

<1)—15-10-24. R. Viper. Radha Rani Dasi, wife of Abinash Rajput, village Bhowsing,

P. O. Dainhat, P. S. Katwa, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Russell's Viper on 26th Aswin, 1331 B. S., at 11 a.m. The snake was 1 cubit long. It was seen but not killed. No ligature was tied. Certain roots were given to her to take, but to no effect. She was almost unconscious. Started inhalation at 3-30 p.m. Con­sciousness returned after 4 times' inhalation. Perfectly cured bv 5-30 p.m. 3

Present:—Tarak Nath Chatterji, Post Master, Dainhat- Han' Das Dutt; Dr. Bhola Nath Das. ' n a n

Reporter:—Kamala Kanta Chatterji, P. O. Dainhat, Burdwan 28-6-1331.

Case 300. <2)-15-10-24. R. Viper

Ram Krishna Ghosh, son of Akshay Chandra Ghosh viii-Parasurampur, P. O. Kalikapur, P. S. Katwa, District B n ^ a g S

was batten by a Russell's Viper about 3 cubits W nn k w W a . n ' 1331 B. S., at 12 noon. The snake was seen but n S v n ? h ^ w i n > ture was tied but it was removed afterwards T h . k , 1 M- A Hga-patient was not very bad. Started inhalation J ? ^ 0 1 1 o f t h e

Perfectly cured by midnight. [15 hours' t r e a ? L n ? 2 7 t ^ ' 9 a n ­other medjeme; certain roots were given to 2 S \ ? q m r e d - ] No use. * l v e n l 0 take but were of no


Present:—Kaviraj Jitendra Nath Bhattacharya Bhisagratna; Niranjan Mukerji and Suresh Chandra Sinha.

Reporter:—Kamala Kanta Chatterji, The Sudhansu Pharmacy, P. O. Dainhat, Burdwan. 28-6-1331.

Case 301. 3322—4-10-26. R. Viper.

Karali Charan Malik, age 16, son of Goverdhan Malik, of Birsingha, P. S. Ghatal, District Midnapur, was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper), while he was cutting the grass, at about 8 a.m. on 27-9-26. The snake was seen but not killed. It was 1 cubit long. I attended the patient at 11 a.m. when he was in the following condition:—He was vomiting and passing stools very often; burning pains in face, nose, ears and other limbs; sleepiness; could not open eyes; could not sit up with ease; pain in the region of the heart; swelling of the affected parts; could not remain in one position for some time; restless.

No ligature was bound. Cured after 6 hours' inhalation.

Remarks:—I have cured 5 patients in the last two years. I personally attended the cases and cured them all. Lost two cases where I could not go and they did not know the proper use of " Lexin." The world will be highly benefited when this medicine will be circulated broadcast, which is absolutely necessary.

Reporter:—Profulla Kumar Roy, B.A., Head Master, Bhagavati Vidyalaya, P. 0 . Birsingha, District Midnapur. 2-10-26.

Case 302. R 43_i7_9-26. • R - v i P e r -

I used your snake-bite specific ("Lexin") as per directions with wonderful success. No other treatment except local application of strong iodine for the wound and swelling. The snake was a Russell's Viper full grown. It is now over a fortnight and the patient is doing well. Patient's name and address:—S. Kailasa Aiyar, Hindu Club, Court Buildings, Negapatam.


S. Assistant Surgeon, Negapatam. 11-9-26.

(Asked for symptoms.)

Case 303. 4000—14-9-27. Snake Not Seen.

Chanchalbai Nabab, aged 22, of village and P. O. Bhalod, was bitten on 4-9-27 at about 2 p.m., by a snake.

Symptoms:—At 9 p.m. she felt giddy and became semi-conscious. "Lex in" was inhaled at 11 p.m. It made a magical effect; in

one hour she was able to walk about.

Reporter:—Dr. Hiralal G. Dave, L.C.P.S., M.O., Bhalod P. O., via Aulkeswal.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]


Case 304. 3999_14-9-27. Snake Not Seen.

Saktibala Dassi, wife of late Bholanath Mandal, of village Masun, was bitten by a snake on 24th Bhadra, 1334 B. S., at evening.

Symptoms:—At 12 p.m., when I saw her she was in a dying condition; could not speak; salivation was coming down her mouth. Ojhas had left the case as hopeless.

" Lexin" was inhaled and she was cured. Reporter:—Radharaman Banerji, Village Paitanpur, P . O.

Samanga, District Burdwan. [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 305. 399g—13-9-27. Snake Not Seen.

Md. Shefique, aged 22, of village Gazipur, P. O. Tarepur, District Monghyr, was bitten by a Cobra in his left leg below the ankle.

Symptoms:—Quite in abnormal condition; foaming through mouth and nose.

" Lexin " was inhaled, with splendid result. Before this I had no belief in any snake-bite medicine. Reporter:—Wasi Ahmed, Golaghat, Bhagalpur City. 9-9-27.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 306. S R—13-9-27. Snake Not Seen.

Sorvan BihL wife of Abdul Hakim of Konabaria, P . O. Birkutsa, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a Cobra on 10th Bhadra, 1334 B. S., on her left toe.

Symptoms:—Dying condition; nose and mouth full of saliva. Seven or 8 drops of "Lexin" were poured into her nostrils and

a few drops also dropped into her mouth. Three or 4 drops were applied on the place of bite also. The bite was at evening. By midnight she regained consciousness and felt well. Next morning she was quite well.

Reporter:—M. Achhiruddin, Village Konbaria, P . 0 . Birkutsa, District Rajshahi.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 307. 3927-10-9-27. K r a i t >

Daughter-in-law of Surya Singh, of village Kendui nPai-Gaya, was bitten by a " Chitti Bora Snake" (Krait) at 7 nm J 3 5 she was extracting rice-boiled water from boiled rice A«s t S e ! came in contact with the hot rice water, it died on the <nnt e

Many ojhas tried to cure her but in vain. " Lexin " wa ' \~u 1 ., She was cured after inhaling l i phials of "Lexm" r p ) S m h a l e d

toms not mentioned.] IPoison symp-

Reporter:-AmhOa. Charan Ray, South Gate, P. o . Gaya

[Translation from a Post Card, Bcl'gati


Case 308. S. R.—8-9-27.

Mahtabia of village and P. O. Hayaghat, Bilaspur, District Darbhanga, was bitten by a Cobra. Her condition was hopeless.

Lexin" was inhaled and she was fully cured. To my great joy, I inform you that three cases of snake-bite-

were cured by " Lexin," of which this case was hopeless and is worth mentioning.

Reporter:—€h. Md. Kalimullah, P. O. Hayaghat, Bilaspur, (District Darbhanga). 5-9-27.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 309. Reed. 6-9-27. Cobra.

Nasiran Bibi, aged about 50 years, of village Deotala, P. O. Pakur, was bitten by a Kharish snake (Cobra). I was called imme­diately after the bite and I gave her "Lexin" to inhale. No other symptoms developed than feeling of a burning sensation in her body some time after the bite. After one hour's inhalation she was fully cured.

Reporter:—Ratneswar Misra, Misra Brothers' Pharmacy, Jhikarkati, P. O. Pakur (S. P . ) .

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

GAR A 3 1 0 3855—6-9-27. Snake Not Seen.

A boy named Benudhar. aged ten, was bitten by a snake on the tip of his right toe. He could not see the snake in wild grass.

Symptoms:—When I saw him ten minutes after the bite, he had lost all sensibility right up to his knee joint.

Two ligatures were tied both above and beneath the knee which were loosened five minutes after the inhalation of " Lexin." After-inhalation of your " Lexin " according to your instructions (printed' directions) he was all right.

Reporter:—N. C. De, B.A., Manager, Sukinda Estate (District Cuttack).

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 311. 3745—1-9-27.

An adult son of Harma Majhi of village Nirisa, P. 0 . and P. S Rampurhat, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Chitti Snake (Krait) at 4 p.m.

Symptoms:—Almost unconscious with attending poison symptoms (symptoms not mentioned). "Lexin" was inhaled and he was cured.

Reporter:—Indra Narayan Chatterji, P. O. Maluti (District Santhal Parganas).

(Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.)

Case 312. 3688—30-8-27. Snake Not Seen.

My neighbour Manohar Rajak's wife Bimala was bitten by a snake on her right hand middle finger while she was cleaning ashes from an oven on 26-8-27 in the morning. Ligature was made on the-wrist.


Symptoms:—Almost unconscious, restless; froth and salivation from mouth; discoloured and benumbed. . . , , . . • «

" Lexin " was inhaled. After 15 minutes' inhalation she regained full consciousness and after one hour's inhalation she was fully cured. We are charmed at the efficacy of the medicine.

Reporter;—Jagabandhu Dass (Master), Police Line Road, Bogra P. O. (Bengal). 27-8-27.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 313. 18-8-27. Snake Not Seen.

A woman was bitten by a snake on her leg finger on 11-8-27. The snake could not be seen as the place was full of grass and

-•bushes. Poison symptoms developed within five or seven minutes. Sy?nptoms:—Affected leg benumbed; reeling of the head; sense

not fully lost. "Lexin" was inhaled. Sensation in the leg returned 10 minutes

-after the inhalation and she was soon cured.

Reporter:—Bagalaprosad Chakravarty, P. O. Karon, via Karmatar (S . P.) . 11-8-27.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 314. . 3380—12-8-27. Snake Not Seen.

Woomesh Chandra Bauri, son of Dhananjay Bauri of village Lakhiabad, P . O. Jagardanga, Midnapur, was bitten by a Krait at night.

Symptoms:—Head drooped down; tongue drawn inwards, . great difficulty in respiration; eyes closed; pain in deglutition.

He was treated at first by local snake-charmers. " Lexin " was inhaled 30 hours after the bite. Inhalation was given for three hours and the patient was cured. Present:—Dr. K. P. Banerji, Kishori Mohan Banerji, Jaga-

• bandhu Banerji and others. Remarks:—Very astonishing and successful medicine. Reporter:—Dr. Rashbehari Banerji, Village Lakhiabad, P . O.

Jagardanga, Midnapur. 8-8-27.

C&se 315 3192—10-8-27. " Snake Not Seen.

Khuso Bibi, wife of Naru Pramanik of village Shyamnagar, P. O. Patul, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a Gokhura snake (Cobra) about 4 days ago.

Symptoms:—Within half an hour breathing difficulty, almost suffocating; froth from nose and mouth; unconscious.

Two ligatures were made. "Lexin" was inhaled continuously After repeated inhalations she regained consciousness and was fuliv cured. She is doing quite well now. '

Remarks:—None has been able to invent such an effective medicine—a real cure for snake-bite. cnective

Reporter:—Satish Chandra Chakravertty, V i l l a s C K , , . ^ P . 0 . Patul, District Rajshahi. ' U I a g e Sl,yamnagar,

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]


Case 316. 3167—8-8-27. Krait.

One employee of Messrs. Thakurram was bitten by a Chitti. Snake (Krait).

Symptoms:—Head drooped down. "Lexin" was inhaled 15 minutes after the bite. The patient was-

cured. Reporter:—Hemanta Kumar Banerji, C|o Jitendra Lall Ba.nerji,.

P. O. Rampurhat (Birbhum). [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 317. 3070—3-8-27. Krait.

Narendra Nath Ghose, Sub-Post Master, Labpur P. O., District Birbhum, was bitten by a Chitti Snake (Krait) at 12 p.m. The snake was seen by the patient. The bite was on the ring-finger.

Symptoms:—Severe pain; restless with burning pain in the morning.

" Lexm'' was inhaled at about 10 a.m. He was gradually cured. Reporter:—Sripati Nath Sarkar, Accountant, Jadav Lai Sons,.

Ltd., P. O. Labpur (Birbhum). [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

2980—29-7-27. ' Snake Not Seen. Bimala Sundari, daughter of Hitlal Hati of village Kayra,.

P. 0 . Ilambazar, District Birbhum, was bitten by a snake on 11th Asar, 1334 B. S. . ,

Symptoms:—Became almost unconscious. ' Lexm ' was inhaled. She regained consciousness after 3 hours' inhalation and was cured.

Remarks:—" Lexin " is saving many valuable lives from untimely death.

Reporter:—Madan Mohan Ganguly, Village Kayra, P . O. . Ilambazar (District Birbhum).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

C&.SO 3*f 9

2951—28-7-27. ' Cobra—Serious Case. Bholoa, aged 25, wife of Lachhoo Sweeper of Orderly Bazar,

Dinapur Cantt., was bitten by a snake (probably a Cobra) on 27-7-27 at 8 a.m.

Symptoms:—Apparently dead, no pulse, no respiration, rigor mortis—slight. " Lexin " was inhaled at 1 p.m. At 2-30 p.m. the patient much improved and walked home about l i miles. The patient is keeping quite well now.

Reporter:—P. C. Bose, B.L., Pleader, Dinapur Cantt. 28-7-27.

Case 320. Reed. 26-7-27. Cobra.

Kishori Mohan Dass, a student of Bolepur Guru Training School, was bitten by a snake last night. The snake was a Cobra.

Symptoms:—Eyes red; stupor. "Lexin" was inhaled from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. and he was fully cured.

Reporter:—Sayed Mahfuzar Rahman, Librarian, Public Library, Bolepur P. r

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.];


Case 321. 2935—25-7-27. Serious.

During last month I attained signal success with your " Lexin" on two snake-bite cases. One of the patients showed acute poison symptoms. He was almost dead within a few hours. At his last stage I treated him with "Lexin" and he was cured.

Every house should possess a phial of " Lexin." Reporter::—Satish Chandra Sinha, Saidpur, P. O. Araidanga,

{District Malda). 22-7-27. [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.)

CflSB 3 2 2 2910—27-7-27. " Snake Not Seen.

On 30th Asar last, a man was bitten by a poisonous snake in the -evening on his toe. There were two marks of bite on the toe. The snake encircled his leg in the dark and he threw off the leg to extract the snake. Two ligatures were immediately made.

Symptoms:—Salivation from mouth and nose; restless with pain.

"Lexin" was inhaled a few minutes after the bite. After 15 minutes' inhalation he felt much relief. The place of bite was incised and some black poisonous blood was let out. Ligatures were loosened and on continuing the inhalation for two or three hours, he was perfectly cured.

Reporter:—Hridaynath Mukherji, Village Parameswarpur, P . O. Haritala (District Jessore).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 323. .2909—27-7-27. Cobra.

Wife of Dharmadas Mandal of Patharghata, P. O. Maheshpur, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a Kharish (Cobra) on 5th Sravan :at 10 p.m.

Symptoms:—Gradually became unconscious. "Lexin" was inhaled some time after the bite. After inhaling

for some time she felt a little better. Then on examining the place <of bite two broken fangs were extracted. On continuing inhalatic-after extraction of the fangs, she quickly recovered. No other medicine was used.

Reporter:—Rakhal Chandra Saha, Village Dhapaipur, P. O. Maheshpur (Rajshahi).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 324. 2811-24-7-27. Snake Not Seen.

Bisalakshmi Dassi, daughter of Benodebehari Ghose of Baher pur, P. O. Kanchannagar, was bitten by a snake on 22-7-27

Symptoms:— Vomiting tendency; burning pain, drooping of the

v**i U u 6 3 " ? " * " . i n h a l e d immediately after the bite. After inhnio*• little burning pain on the place of bite and vertex and a 1' T

XT , .P r"f»^;~Pashupati Bhattacharyya, Sudar«,« ' xr . Nalinaksha Mandal and others. auaarsan Mandal,

Reporter:—Binodebehari Ghose, Zemindari V^ u Rajbati P . O. (Burdwan District). e m m a a r i Kutchery, Burdwan

{Copied from a Post Card, Bnglish.]


Case 325. 2729—21-7-27. Snake Not Seen.

Babu Rashbehari Misra, son of late Srinath Misra of village and P. O. Chelyama, District Manbhum, was bitten by a poisonous snake on the middle finger of his right hand while removing rotten straw from a heap of manure at 6 p.m.

Symptoms:—The lower part of the hand below the elbow became insensible.

" Lexin " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. After two hours' inhalation sensation gradually returned and he was fully cured.

Present:—Jyotindra Nath Mitra, B.A., Banko Behari Misra, Santiram Ghose and others.

Reporter:—Sun-.ndra Nath Dutta, P. O. Chelyama (Manbhum District).

[Copied from a Post Card, English.}

Case 326. 2712—21-7-27. Krait.

Furki, a widow of village and P. O. Kulti, District Burdwan. was bitten by a Chitti Snake (Krait) on 1st Sravan last at 6 p.m. while working in her courtyard garden.

Symptoms:—Gradually becoming benumbed; unconscious; no movement except breathing. Ojhas at first tried their arts but to no effect. Then, at 9 p.m. "Lexin" was given by Ramesh Chandra Acharyya and Atul Chandra Acharyya. She regained consciousness after two hours' inhalation and was fully cured.

Reporter:—Bipadbhanjan Chakravartty, Kulti Accounts Office, P . O. Kulti, E. I. Ry.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 327. 2674—18-7-27. Snake Not Seen.

Ram Chandra, a cooly aged 18, son of Jogjiban of village Narangabad, District Gaya, was bitten by a snake on 11-7-27, during night.

Symptoms:—After 45 minutes of the bite he had staggering gait, and burning sensation in the parts of bite.

He was treated with " Lexin." No other symptoms developed and he was cured.

Reporter:—D. K. Some, Sub-Assistant Surgeon, Purulia, B. N. Ry.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 328. 2455—11-7-27. Krait.

"On the night of 18-6-27, my wife was bitten by a snake in the index of the right foot. After an hour I administered your ' Lexin.' The patient is now all right. She had strong uneasiness after the bite."

Reporter:—H. Mukerji, P. O. Nirol (Burdwan).


226^-4-7-27. C a 8 e 3 2 9« Wife of Banwari Lai Dntf t DL . Cobra—Serious.

Murshidabad, w a s ^ t e T b y f K h ^ h % \ P \ ° - D o m e k o l > District own house on 14th Ashar last , S h ( C o b r a >> a* 7-30 p.m. in her

Symptoms:—Verv had «,„„

A*. — inha«TPs o7%;;^^^,d;

2261—4-7.27. C a 8 e 3 3 0 «

About a week ago I was h;tt„ K S " a k e N o t S e™-

it according t o d S S S S , T*™ ° n e ° f ^ neighbours eA f ,

A ? h [ a l o f

did not smoke I ctnnot \lT- C U r e d ' J k*Pt awake w £ 5 t e r . , " h a l i n e that night. * C a n n o t t e l 1 » words what great ' ^ J!1*1* ™*

( D i s f r i f t X r d w r n T ^ K a b ^ — t i r t h a , p Q " ' ^ r ~ * u - ^hanchai, l7V«iw/ahon from a Post Cn A n

2227—3-7-27. C a 8 e 331. (1)

nagar, P,

* « * * * . B i b ; f S h e w a s c u " fe ^

S | a 3 ° e e nG S ^ £ e 4 S S d , ^ - v„,aee Ra„,

' " " " « P " Card, Bengali.)

2192—2-7-27. C a s e 332.

P. O bffi T d , 12« s o n of Narendra \ r . C o b r a .

^ ^ X t s - »as , " "nmed''at4 ^ 2 3 . , , Lexin" waainSt !? 'm, a s a I v o ice. inhalation and hL l n h a l e d - The boy ooen^ i,-

t r , c t M"ishidabad. y a l ' V l»age B a j i t p u r p

ttW«ftV» from ' ' °


Case 333. 2168—28-6-27. Cobra.

Munshi Naimaddin Biswas, aged 34, son of Munshi Karim Bux of village Satbaria, P. 0 . Trimohini, P. S. Kesavpur, District Jessore, was bitten by a Gokhura Snake (Cobra) on 6-6-27, early ia the morning. The bite was on the right toe.

Symptoms:—Intense burning; almost unconscious. " Lexin" was inhaled. He was fully cured after 3 or 4 hours'"

inhalation. Present:—Munshi Safiulla, Nachu Seikh, Nepal Pramanik and

others. Remarks:—" Lexin " has saved the lives of four other persons in

the neighbouring villages in last few days. Reporter:—S. G. Moktadar, Clerk, Police Office, 24-Parganas,

Village Mirganagar, P. O. Trimohini (District Jessore). [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 334.

2159—1-7-27. (An interesting case.) Snake Not Seen.

My eldest daughter-in-law, Srimati Mrinmoyee Debi, felt the bite of something on her right toe, while she was washing her body in the pond with other ladies in the evening on Wednesday, 18th Jaistha, 1334 B. S. She was frightened and got up from water instantly. Blood mark was visible on the place of bite; but, as she felt the sensation of pinching there as usual, she was allowed to take food and lie down in the night. However, I could not get rid of anxiety and asked her if there was any burning sensation. She replied that there was burning sensation and it was gradually moving upwards. That was at about 10 p.m. Ojhas were called in. They chanted mantras whole night and removed the ligature on the following morning saying that there was no poison. She passed the whole day and the night (Thursday) quite well. On next morning (Friday) at about 10 a.m. while she was taking rest after her meals, salivation came off her mouth and she became uncon­scious.

Then I procured a phial of " Lexin " from one of my neighbours. On inhaling it repeatedly for 10 to 15 minutes, she regained con­sciousness. Yet she was drooping down again and again inter­mittently five or seven times. On continuing " Lexin " for some time more, this too was cured. At 4 p.m. she drooped down once more but shortly recovered. She was all right whole Saturday and Sunday, but got a drooping condition once only for a very short time on Monday morning. She is keeping quite well up till now.

She was bleeding from the nose at the same time when frothy salivation came off her mouth and we gave up all hope of her life; but "Lex in" has saved her life.

Reporter:—Srish Chandra Mukherji, Village Mukundapur, P. O. Mathureshpur (District Khulna). 28-6-27.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

B, SB 13


Case 335. 2062—27-6-27. Snake Not Seen.

" I have been much benefited by your ' Lexin.' I have cured three unconscious cases of snake-bite with it."

In one case, a cow bitten by a snake, there was incessant saliva­tion from mouth and the cow was cured though the case was so critical. Wonderfully efficacious medicine!

Reporter:—S. K. Magisuddin Ahmed, Head Pandit, Abadpur Girl School, P. 0 . Abadpur (Purnea).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 336. 2041—26-6-27.

A few days ago, a cow was bitten by a snake. Circular erup­tions appeared on her body and salivation came off her mouth. At that stage " Lexin" was poured into her nostrils. After repeating this for three or four times, the circular spots began to disappear. The cow was fully cured after 4 hours' inhalation. However, the inhalation was continued throughout the whole day.

Reporter:—Mahanantl De, P. O. Hurra (Manbhum).

Case 337. 1830—14-6-27. Snake Not Seen.

One of my nephews was bitten by a snake. Ligature was instantly made.

Symptoms:—Sleepy and drooping repeatedly. He was made to sit on a chair and " Lexin " was inhaled for some time, till he was fully cured. He was not allowed to sleep for many hours and tea and milk only was given to drink.

Reporter:—Subodh Kumar Mukherji, P. O. Burasibtola Chandemagar. '

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 338. 1590—28-5-27. C o b r

A goat was bitten by a Cobra in our village W W % u ' almost dead, I procured a phial of " Lexin" and poured s o m i o n P ^ f drops into its nostrils. After some time the goat retn\™A ° 2 5

ness and after two or three hours' inhalation it was full conf10us" We have got a firm faith in your medicine from this c " Reporter:—Dhirendra Nath Chatterii, VilW* T "• ' S ° ' „

Anur (Hooghly). ' l a g e TaJPur, P. O. [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 339. Reed. 23-5-27. S n a k e

Mother of Mritunjay Nag of Michrikol M„t, & ?* J?een* was bitten by a snake on 5th Jaistha night ' N u t a n S u n J> Burdwan,

Symptoms:—Became unconscious m Some four or five ojhas chanted 'mantra, wh^i • , in the morning she regained consciousnesT bv n? n , 8 > A t last

Lexin." She is doing quite well now. Y U S l n g P - Banerji's

[Translation from " Sakti" (21-*; ?7\ Published from Burdwan.] a-*/J—a Bengali Weekly—


Case 340. 1469—20-5-27. Cobra and Another.

(1) Nibaran Dass, an employee of Govinda Babu, Zemindar of this village, was bitten by a Gokhura snake (Cobra) at 8 a.m. Anyone bitten by a cobra does not live is a current belief in this country.

Symptoms:—His face and hands turned blue and benumbed. After inhaling " Lexin " for some time, natural colour returned

and withia a short time he was saved from the jaws of death. (2) Kandar Pramanik of this village was chased by a snake and

bitten on the leg at night. Symptoms:—Restless with pain; hopeless. " Lexin" was

inhaled. After inhaling it for some time he was fully cured. Reporter:—Ramani Kanta Roy, P. O. Eslamgati, via Atrai

(District Rajshahi). [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 341 . Reed. 16-5-27. Cobra.

Faring Dhibar, son of Biswanath Dhibar of village and P. O. Dakshingram, via Mallarpur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Cobra on the little finger of right leg yesterday at 11-30 a.m. while he was going to a neighbouring village to catch fish. The snake came running out of a bush and fled away just after biting him.

Symptoms:—Profuse perspiration; reeling sensation throughout the body; hairs turned up in the head; could not sit up; fell down at last.

"Lexin" was inhaled. Ligature was loosened after a while. After 45 minutes' inhalation he felt better and passed urine. Inhala­tion was continued and by the evening he was fully cured.

Reporter:—Rampada Chattaraj, P. O. Dakshingram, via Mallar­pur (Birbhum).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.}

Case 342. Reed. 14-5-27. Important Symptoms.

A cow was bitten by a snake on 12th Baisakh. Symptoms:—Profuse salivation; rattling in throat; flatulence;

prolapsus of rectum. Some 40 drops of " Lexin " soaked in cotton were thrusted into

the nostrils and 10 drops of " Lexin " were rubbed upon the tongue. Symptoms then gradually disappeared. After repeating this process two or three times more, the cow was fully cured.

Reporter:—Hrishikesh Mandal, Village Gopalpur, P. O. Ambika-nagar (District Bankura).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 343. Reed. 14-5-27. Snake Not Seen.

Last night a maidservant of the District Engineer Mr. L. M. Sen, was bitten by a snake.

Symptoms:—She became semi-conscious. Your medicine was applied as well as Permanganate. In an hour she regained con­sciousness and was much better.

Reporter:—Bankim Chandra Ray, Teacher, Government School. Rungpur P. O.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]


Case 344. Reed. 11-5-27. S n a k e N o t S e e n -

Babulal of Tinpahar was bitten by a venomous snake. Symptoms:—Very soon became senseless. "Lexin" was inhaled. He regained consciousness and recovered.

The man was hopeless of his life, but thank God he is quite well now. Your snake-bite cure acted very effectively.

Reporter:—M. G. Rasul, Petition Writer, P. O. Tinpahar (S . P . ) .

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 345. 1025—15-4-27. • Snake Not Seen.

Mother of Haradhan Sheikh, aged 47, of village Bharanra, P . O. Dogachi, P. S. and District Pabna, was bitten by a snake on 20th Chaitra last, on the middle finger of the right hand while she was sweeping her room at evening. The snake bit her from a hole.

Symptoms:—Became unconscious within a short time. "Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. After one hour's

inhalation she felt much better and was fully cured shortly. Reporter:—Kiran Chandra Shaha, Village Chithlia, P. O.

Dogachi (Pabna). [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 346. 931—11-4-27. Snake Not Seen.

Katunessa Bibi, wife of Bilatali Pramanik of village Kumargara, was bitten by a snake on 21st Chaitra last. Being informed, we went there and found her lying quite unconscious. We made her inhale " Lexin." ^ She regained consciousness after a while, but soon became unconscious again. Then we closely examined the place of bite and extracted thence two broken poison fangs. " Lexin " was continued. After extraction of the broken fangs she quickly regained consciousness, sat up and covered her face herself. After inhaling for some time more, all her pains and symptoms disappeared.

Reporter:—Satish Chandra Chatterji, Village Jearokhi, P . O. Nadia-Alampur (Nadia).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 347. 826—1-4-27. Scorpion.

"* * * * Bowma (my brother's wife) had a very bad experience of scorpion bite last night—poor girl suffered awful pain for some time. But, after inhaling "Lexin" for a couple of hours, she was relieved of the pain * * * * "

Yours, etc., SACHIN SEN,

House of late Babu Bhabanath Sen,

Simultala P. 0 . 30-3-27 [Copied from a Post Card, English.]


Case 348. 580—8-3-27. Krait.

Nishakar De of village and P. O. Ketugram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Chitti snake (Krait) yesterday at 4 p.m., while bisecting bamboos. The snake came out of a bamboo and struck him on the foot.

Symptoms:—Poison radiated through whole body; salivation from the mouth.

"Lexin" was inhaled at 7 p.m., and he was cured. May your medicine be always in this case. This cheap medicine has restored the valued life of an old mother's son.

Reporter:—Ramgali Chatterji, P. O. Ketugram, District Burdwan.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

512—28-2-27. ' Snake Not Seen. Yesterday one of my cows was bitten by a snake. Symptoms:—Continuous salivation from the mouth; hairs came

off her tail when pulled. "Lexin" was inhaled and a few drops were poured into the

nostrils. After an hour's inhalation the cow sneezed, and gradually recovered, and ate grass. I have been much benefited by this medicine.

Reporter:—Ashutosh Dandapat, Village Krishnabati, P. O. Ghargohal (District Hooghly).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 350. 240—28-1-27. Cobra.

Sukumar Chakervertty. son of Debendra Kumar Chakervertty, of village Harishpur, P. O. Sandwip, District Noakhali, was bitten by a Kewta snake (Cobra) on the leg. The snake could not be killed as it got into water just after bite.

Symptoms:—Whole lower part of the body became senseless; reeling of the head.

Ojhas tried their art but to no effect. "Lexin" was inhaled for two hours and he was cured.

Present:—M. S. Chakervertty, D. R. Chakervertty, N. K. Dey, C. M. Dey and others.

Ref)orfer:—1?. B. Chakervertty, Assistant Secretary S. S. Aryya Dharma Sammilani, P. O. Sandwip (District Noakhali).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 361. . 1897—25-7-25. K r a i t

Sarnamavi, wife of Adyata Bagdi of village Sankhanad, P p . Labpm- District Birbhum, was bitten by a Konor or Domna Chitti

^Symptoms:-Unconsciousness, drooping down of the head, dry tongue' sleepiness as in opium poisoning, insensibility of affected limb

" Lexin " was inhaled one hour after the bite. After two hours' inhalation she was cured.


Present.—Hrishikesh Mandal, Becharam Chaudhury and many others.

Remarks:—I admire the medicine and hope it will be used and kept by every family.

Reporter:—Durgagati Misra, Vice-President, Labpur Union Board, P. O. Labpur (District Birbhum). 23-7-25.

Case 352. 258—28-8-24. Krait.

Bunia Bhuani, aged 26, wife of Jangli Bhuia, Sardar of village, Noonadih Colliery, P. 0 . Jamadoba, District Manbhum. was bitten by a Krait (Domna Chitti) about 4 feet long on 25-8-24 at 9 p.m. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Unconscious, collapse condition, lock-jaw, pulse impercetible, respiration shallow and feeble.

"Lexin" was inhaled U hours after the bite. Ligatures were loosened. She was perfectly conscious within two hours. No other medicine was used; the ojhas chanted mantras only.

Present:— Prabodh Chandra Sen Gupta, Upendranath Das Gupta, Aswini Kumar Banerji and others.

Remarks:—I heartily congratulate you on your brilliant success in inventing such a boon to the human being.

Reporter:—Dr. Jogendra Chandra Das Gupta, Noonadih Colliery, P. O. Jamadoba, District Manbhum. 26-8-24.

Case 353. 216—4-2-25. R. Viper.

Nani Bagdi, son of late Adhar Chandra Bagdi, of village Chand-gram, P. O. Chandga-Palassy. P. S. Indus, District Bankura, was bitten by a Bora snake (Russell's Viper) about 2 cubits long on 22nd Paus at 8 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Burning pain, heat, vertigo, restlessness. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature was

loosened one hour after inhalation. The patient was cured after 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Jatindra Nath Mitter, Baidyanath Chakravartti, Debendra Nath Ghose and others.

Reporter:—Dr. Nagendra Nath Ghose, Village Chandgram, P. 0 . Chandga-Palassy, District Bankura.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 354. Reed. 2-2-25. Snake Not Seen.

Haridassi, wife of Bijaykrishna Sarkar of Gohaliara P O Ghat Durlavpur, P. S. Dubrajpur, District Birbhum, was bitten Kv a Chitti (Krait) in September last at about 1 p.m. b y

Symptoms:—Drooping of the head, gradually unconscious .Lexin was inhaled 8 hours after the bite. After 4 h™*,-*' •

halation she was cured. No other medicine was used J 32* '?7 not swallow anything. ' a s s h e c°uld

Present:—Hrishikesh Adhikari, Ashutosh AHVi • „ Bonbehari Das, M.A., of Berhampore and others A d h l k a n ' Prof.

Reporter:—Girish Chandra Sardar Vi l l a s r v i ^ r Durlavpur, District Birbhum ' g e G o h a h a r a , P. 0 . Ghat




Case 3B5. 287—15-2-25. Krait.

Lachman Vuia, son of Titoo Vuia of village Masipiri, P. 0 . Hazaribagh, District Hazaribagh, was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Krait) about H cubits long, on 19-10-"24 at 6-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Looked like a drunkard, insensible up to waist, eyes red and constantly watering.

" Lexin " was inhaled about 25 minutes after the bite. Ligatures were loosened 10 minutes after inhalation. After five hours' inhala­tion he was cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—AtuI Kumar Singh, Station Master and Govinda Goswami, Signalman.

Reporter:—Panchanan Chatterjee, Kalubathan Railway Station, P. O. Nirsachati (District Manbhum). 19-10-24.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 356. Reed. 27-9-24. Krait.

Nurjahan Bibi, wife of Budmatali of village Sadramgah, P. O. Ramganj, District Purnea, was bitten by a Krait one cubit long, on 15th Ashar at 1 p.m. The snake was seen and killed. i

Symptoms:—Very weak, could not sit. "Lex in" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature was

loosened. After half an hour's inhalation he was cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Phaka Mohammad, Khuram Ali and Pirit Lall Bysack. Reporter:—Jaykrishna Bysack, P. O. Ramganj (Purnea).

Case 357. 2188—29-9-24. Krait.

Satish Chandra Haldar, son of late ^Ambica Charan Haldar of Durbadanga, P. O. Durbadanga. P. S. Manirampur, District Jessore. was bitten by a Kanan snake (Krait) about 22 inches long at about 2 a.m. on 25-8-24. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Condition bad, insensibility of the affected part, sleepy.

"Lex in" was inhaled 3 hours after the bite. Ligature were loosened at the end of treatment. After two hours' inhalation he was cured. No other medicine was used..

Present:—Kalipada Ghose, Jatindra Nath Mitra, Kalidas Mitra and Purnendu Nath Ghose.

Remarks:—We believe it is an efficacious medicine. Reporter:—Jnanendra Lai Ghose, Post Master, P. O. Durba­

danga, P. S. Manirampur (District Jessore). 27-9-24. «s [Translated from Bengali]

Case 358. Reed. 3-8-24. Krait.

Path, wife of Santiram Roani of P. O. Jamtara, District Dumka, was bitten by a Chitti (Krait) on 8th Sravan at 11-30 p.m. The snake was seen, but not kilfed. No ligature was made.' /


Symptoms:—Becoming unconscious, voice choked. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite After 15

minutes' inhalation she was cured. Some country herbs, gaad were also used.

Present:—Kumar Jagat Narayan Singh, Hernial Singh, Kam-prasad Misra and others.

Reporter;—Ramprosad Misra, Village Paredi, P . O. Jamtara (District Dunika).

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 359.

Reed. 3-11-24. R. Viper. Kishori Mondal, son of Gena Mondal of village Kumari, P. 0 .

Durgaganj, District Purnea, was bitten by a Bora (Russell's Viper) about 4 cubits long, on 8-9-24 at 9 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Unconscious, foaming, eyes closed, joints relaxed. " Lexin " was used one hour after the bite. It is strange to say

that within half a minute he passed stools, vomited and urinated in unconscious state after the inhalation of the medicine. He opened his eyes after half an hour. Inhalation was continued and he was perfectly cured "by 1-30 p.m. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Jadunath Das, Suresh Chandra Ghose, Jatindra Mohan Biswas and others.

Reporter:—Dr. J. C Bagchi, Medical Officer, Charitable Dis­pensary, Durgaganj P. O. (Purnea). 3-11-24.

Case 360. Reed. 11-9-24. Krait.

Gopinath Singh, son of Gambir Singh of Purulia, District Manbhum, was bitten by a Chitti (Krait) about 2 cubits long, at 11 p.m. The snake was seen. Ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Whole body burning as if with fire, death-like agony.

"Lexin" was inhaled 14 hours after the bite. Ligature was unfastened. After one hour's inhalation the patient was cured. No other medicine was used.

Prescnt:-]og^ndra. Mahuli, Pandit Girish Chandra Ghatak and Surendra Ghatak.

Reporter:—A. N. Mukherjee, B.L., Pleader, Purulia P . O., B. N . Railway. 11-9-24.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 381. R e c d - (?) Krait.

Chando Gouren, daughter of Ganga Gour of Laikra, District Sambalpur, was bitten by a snake (most probably Krait) at 7 p m

Symptoms:—Tongue dry and drawn inwards, head reeling a'nrl cast down. s " u

"Lexin" was inhaled. After 15 hours' inhalation she r a k ^ t, head, and after a whiie she was completely cured No «•{,«,. j®r

cine was used. o i n e r medi-Present:—Md. Anisuddin, Md. Elahi Bux and other. Remarks.—Its effect is remarkable and it acts i L

wand. d U S l l ke a magic Reporter:—U. Md. Rahim Baksh S I nf x>~r

P. O. Laikra, District Sambalpur. ' ' ° f P o h c e > P. S. and


Case 362. 1590-6-7-26. R. Viper.

Kusum Kumari Dassi, wife of Ramanath Adhikari of village and P. O. Champadanga, P. S. Tarakeswar, District Hooghly, W3S bitten by a Bora snake (Russell's Viper) about one cubit long, on 23-6-26, at 6-30 p.m. The snake was seen as it twisted round her right leg when biting. It entered into the wood as she threw it off her leg, and could not be killed.

Symptoms:—Very little conscious, could not sit, saliva with bright red blood oozing from the mouth, eyes half-closed, marks of bite visible on the bitten spot.

No ligature was made. "Lexin " was inhaled lh hours after the bite. After half an hour's inhalation, improvement was noticed. She was fully cured after two hours' inhalation. Full one phial of " Lexin " was consumed. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Nagendra Bag. Padmalochan Bag, Jnanendra Majhi, Panchkori Adhikari and others.

Remarks:—Your new invention is a glory to the medical science, as there was no other sure resource to the medical practitioner except the Antivenin treatment but which is not easily available and the mode of application is not so easy. Your snake-bite cure will immortalise your name.

Reporter:—Dr. Jnanendra Mohan Pan, Sub-assistant Surgeon, P. O. Champadanga (District Hooghly).

Case 363. Reed. 18-8-26. Krait.

Daudnagar P. O., District Gaya. 15-8-26.


I am glad to inform you that one of my blacksmiths named Ram Nehora of village Agiaon, District Shahabad, was bitten by a Krait snake on his leg on the night of 13-8-26 at about 9 p.m. The other Government servants of this place anyhow carried him to my Bungalow in a bullock cart at about 11 p.m., when he was perfectly unconscious (many people said there was no life). But still, I began to use your medicine. First of all I put 2 drops of Antivenom (" Lexin ") in his nostrils and gave him artificial respira­tion. After some time (half an hour) the patient began to inhale himself very slowly. The inhalation was continued till next morning. The condition of the patient was improved from the morning of 14-8-26 and he was cured at about 6 p.m. evening. I gave him a purgation of castor oil also.

The continuous inhalation from the night of 13-8-26 till next evening consuming 3 phials of your medicine cured the patient no doubt.

* * * * *

Yours, etc., (Sd.) P. B. CHATTERJI,

Cashier, P. W. D., Daudnagar P. O., District Gaya. [Copied from a letter, English.]


Case 364. Reed. 14-8-24. Krait.

Hafiz, son of Asgorc of village and P. O. Kulti, District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake (probably Krait) on 9th August, 1924, at 7 p.m. m . „ . . „

Symptoms:—Salivation from mouth, restless with pain. Lexm was inhaled 2 hours after the bite. Ligatures were loosened. He was cured after half an hour's inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Annada Prasad Ghose, Sashibhusan Ray, Khoda Bux, Hanif and Badru.

Reporter:—Sashibhusan Sarkar, Accounts Officer, Burdwan. 9-8-24.

Case 365. 235—7-2-26. Krait.

Yesterday a Mahommedan named Ali, was bitten by a " Bara Chitti" at the heart of Garia Bazar at 3 p.m. The size of the snake was four feet. It was not killed but (possibly) sent to the Zoolo­gical Garden.

Symptoms:—Unconscious, eyes red, thirsty when regained con­sciousness, failed to distinguish between sugar and salt, two marks of fangs with oozing of blood, burning pain all over his body.

" Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. A local Doctor applied carbolic acid on the leg in spite of our entreaties. He was cured after 3 hours' inhalation.

Present:—S. C. Chatterjee, M. M. Bancrji, Dr. K. K Das S. N. Bhattacharjee and S. C. Ghatak.

Reporter:—Sashibhusan Bhattacharjee, P . 0 . Garia (24-Parganas). 6-2-26.

Case 366. 1183—10-6-26. Krait.

Thresia, C|o Vadassery Chakkunery Pylo, Pariyaram village, Chalakundy P. O., Cochin State, was bitten by a Krait.

Symptoms:—Drooping of the head, sleepiness, pain in the region of the heart.

"Lexin" was inhaled 30 hours after bite. After 10 hours' inhalation the patient was cured. Some native drugs were administered before " Lexin " was used.

Present:— Rev. Father Joseph Konikara, Sankunny Memon and others.

Reporter:—Thomas Kannampilly (Snake Physician), Pariya­ram, P. O. Chalakundy (Cochin State). 5-6-26.

Case 367. 898—1-5-25. Banded Krait.

Rajaram, son of Janki Prasad Singh, of P. O. and village Kalpi, District Jalam (U. P.) , was bitten by a Banded Krait about one yard long on 16th April, 1925, at 5 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Feeling giddy, tendency to vomit, heart-ache drv tongue. ' 3

"Lexin" was inhaled 2\ hours after the bite. Ligatures werP loosened. After 2k hours' inhalation he was cured No nth* medicine was used. ' m e r

Present:—Shiamlal, Sha Birali Khan and others. Remarks:—The medicine had a wonderful effect Reporter:—K. G. Pundit, Assistant Station Master, Kalpi.


A A A A Q f l Q

1713—11-7-25. * Banded Krait. Chamari Dushad, son of Suklal Dushad of P. O. Pratabpur,

District Hazaribagh, was bitten by a "Lana Sankar" (a kind of Banded Krait). The snake was seen, but not killed.

Symptoms:—Had become senseless. " Lexin " was inhaled one hour after the bite. The patient was

cured after one hour's inhalation. Reporter:—Giridhary Dayal, Sub-Inspector of Police, P. O.

Pratabpur (District Hazaribagh). 6-7-25.

Case 369. 3176—20-12-25. Krait—Scorpion.

" I am very glad to inform you that I had an occasion to treat a case of Krait bite with your "Lexin." The patient was quite unconscious and hence quite unable to inhale the medicine. I there­fore instilled a few drops of it into each of the nostrils, and at once the patient struggled and got up. I continued inhalation till after about 20 minutes the patient was completely all right.

I have also tried it in 4 cases of scorpion stings, and found it equally good. It is, after all, exceptionally praiseworthy."

Yours, etc., (Sd.) Dr. R. K. CHAUBE,

Assistant Medical Officer, Sakti State (C. P.), B. N. Ry.

15-12-25. [Copied from original letter, English.]

Case 370. 1474—26-6-25. G r e e n v i P e r -

Mauli Uriani, wife of Ram Urai of village Tarakpur, P. O. Medby, P. S. Dharmanagar, District Tippera State, was bitten^ by a green thin swift snake about 4 cubits long called " Pat Aled " at evening during May last. The snake was seen but not killed. Liga­ture was made at first but loosened afterwards.

Symptoms:—-Very bad, restless with pain, affected leg swollen like a plantain tree, as if going to burst. .

" Lexin " was inhaled two days after the bite. It was inhaled three or four times daily for two days as symptoms relapsed after cure repeatedly. She was perfectly cured after two days. Country herb juice was applied locally and mantras were chanted but to

° CPresent •—Her father, mother, husband and a few other persons. Reporter:-Tarak Chandra Ray, Village Tarakpur, P. O. Medby,

(District Sylhet). 26'6f-[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 371. 824-^6-4-25. B a n d e d K r a i t

Kunwar Bahadur's mother Rajrani of P. O. and village Kalpi, Distric Orai (U. P.) , was bitten by a Banded Krait. The snake w a s s e e n but not killed Two ligatures were used immediately after the bite.


Symptoms:—Feeling, sleepy. ' . "Lex in" was inhaled two hours after the .bite. In a short time

she was better. Inhalation was continued for two hours and she was perfectly cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Kunwar Bahadur, Goods Clerk. G. I. P. and others. Remarks:—All who were present were surprised with its wonder­

ful effect. . „ . _, _ Reporter:—Keshav Gobind, Assistant Station Master, P. O.

Kalpi (U. P . ) , G. I. P. QAQA 3 7 2

2812—23-10-25. ' Banded Krait. Sarada Dassi, aged 45, wife of Lakshmi Pramanik of village

Lakshmipur, P. 0 . Pukurpar, District Pabna, was bitten by a Banded Krait. The snake was seen.

Symptoms:—Weakness, uneasiness, vomiting tendency, dizziness, gasping.

" Lexin " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Inhalation was continued for three hours. All her complaints gradually subsided.

Present:—Atulendra Bhaduri, Jatindra Mohan Ray, Bholanath Bhattacharjee, B.A. and Jogendra Chandra Biswas.

Remarks:—We thanked God that a small village of ours was fortunate to possess the medicine.

Reporter:—Kshetra Mohan Lahiri, M.SC, P . O. Pukurpar, District Pabna. 20-10-25.'

Case 373. Reed. 25-9-24. R. Viper.

Mather Rishi, son of late Hari Rishi of village Shetpur, P. O. Budhata, P. S. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a " Jal Bora " (Russell's Viper) about one cubit long, on 21-8-24 at 8 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation, vomiting tendency, vertigo dizziness.

" Lexin " was used half an hour after the bite. He was cured after half an hour's inhalation. No other medicine was used. Ligatures were unfastened after cure.

Present:—Binodebehari Mukherjce and others. Remarks:—Much astonished at the success of the medicine. Reporter:—Swami Nirgunananda, Budhata (District Khulna).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 374. 644-8-4-25. R. Viper.

Pran Krishna Chatterjee. aged 18, of P. O. South Goria Di<; tnct 24-Parganas, was bitten by a Bora snake (Russell's VinpA" about l i cubits long. The snake was seen and killed. }

Symptoms:—A portion of the affected limb became insen«ihi« "Lexin" was used half an hour after the bite a n d h e ™ . J

after half an hour's inhalation. ° " e w a s c u r ed Present:—Benoy Lai Kundu, B.A., Mohini Mohan Ran*---

and others. ^uiian tfanerji, B.A.,

Reporter:—Akshoy Kumar Kundu, B I Awicfam. t r , , S. G. B. Institution, P. O. South Gor/a (24-Pa"gM? s )" e a d * ; a S t e r '


Case 375. Reed. 24-7-26. Krait.

Hem Chandra Dutt, son of late Muktaram Dutt of village, P. O. and P. S. Simlapole, District Bankura, was bitten by a Chitti (Krait) about 2\ feet long, at evening of 3rd Ashar, 1333 B. S. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Could not become serious as "Lexin" was used immediately after the bite, only the head drooped two or three times.

" Lexin " was inhaled just after the bite. Ligature was loosened after half an hour's inhalation. He was cured after 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Fakir Chandra De and Nandlal Sharma. Remarks:—Wonderfully efficacious medicine. Reporter:—G. B. Ray, B.P.M., Simlapole P. 0 . (District

Bankura). [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 376. Reed. 6-12-26. Cobra.

Ram Kinkar Mukherjee, aged 30. of village Nachan, District Burdwan, was bitten by a white-kharish (Cobra) about 2 feet long on 16-11-26 at 12-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed. The patient, after consuming a quantity of liquor from a country spirit shop at Kalipahari was passing urine in a hole on the courtyard of the shop, while a snake raised its head from that hole and struck him on the little finger of his left hand.

Symptoms:—Two distinct marks of fang and blood was coming out from the place of bite, loss of sensation in the hand, could not speak properly.

" Lexin " was inhaled and ligatures were put off. He inhaled " Lexin" reluctantly—rather was forced to smell it. After ten minutes of inhalation he was cured.

The said patient then went to a sweetmeat shop and took a cup of tea, a betel, and a biri. As soon as he smoked, he again fell senseless.* Saliva was coming out of his mouth and " Lexin " was applied again in the same manner but to no avail. Out of doubt that there might be any fang left, the place of bite was examined and two little teeth in broken condition were extracted. The medicine was again applied and then proved effective. The patient was com­pletely cured at about 5 p.m., after 5 phials of the said medicine ("Xexin ") were used consecutively. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Pramatha Nath Mukherjee, Ramanath Mukherjee, N. C. Bose, Dr. N. C. Paul, L.M.F., and others.

Reporter:—Dr. Bimala Charan Dass, L.M.F., P. O. Kalipahari (Burdwan). 6-12-26.

Case 377.

2949—12-11-25. (Death Report.) Krait. Mahendra Dome, a local Chowkidar, aged 50, was bitten by a

Chitti (Krait) of considerable length at about 12 noon on 8-11-25. The snake was seen and killed on the spot by the patient himself.

* Vide precautions mentioned in the directions for using " L e x i n " (printed pamphlet).


c ,t,tn»is—Drooping head and dozing like an opium-eater. ^ ' 7 e % g Very sleepy and dizziness in his head, slight burning

tenVation on the affected part. A local Bowri had given him a kind of root—white, smooth,

thick like forefinger—for chewing and swallowing. Asked by mc, the Bowri said that the root tasted very bitter and had the property of inducing vomiting and had the power of drawing out even the stool from the bowels. I found the patient actually vomiting.

" Lexin " was inhaled after 4-30 p.m. In a few minutes he felt better, head grew lighter, proper sensation returned. Within half an hour he was cured. The affected spot was examined with a needle and found to contain no broken fang. The patient walked home inhaling the medicine. He was asked not to sleep nor smoke.

At night the patient vomited repeatedly which I thought to be the effect of the said root of which he had consumed no less than a seer (two pounds). I advised him to consult a doctor, which he did not. Next morning I found him much emaciated, with eyes sunk into the sockets, vomiting continually every five minutes. I again asked him to consult a doctor. He did not do it, on the contrary he took his bath and drank wine. At 3 p.m. I was told Mohendra had died.* Before death the tongue became blue and he had very profuse salivation from the mouth.

Reporter:—Niradendu Sanyal, Hetampur Raj School Hostel, Birbhum P. 0 . 10-11-25.

Case 378. Reed. 18-11-26. Snake Not Seen.

Marium Bibi, aged 30. of Birkutsa P. O. and village Bhagnady. District Rajshahi, was bitten by a snake on last Thursday evening* The patient was restless and two or three ligatures were made. During night she was treated by some local quacks. Next day when the ligatures were loosened she became almost dead. " Lexin " was then inhaled according to the directions. She was cured after three hours' inhalation.

Reporter:—Jenartulla Shah, Village Bhagnady, P. O. Birkutsa (District Rajshahi).

Case 379.

Reed. 3-12-26. Krait. Mrs. Anupama Ray, aged 22, wife of G. C. Ray of Jotsriram

P. O., Burdwan District, was bitten by a Chitti (Krait) about 1* feet long at 9-30 p.m. The snake was seen and killed by her husband who came out on hearing her crying out.

" Lexin" inhaled about three hours after the bite when shp WQ completely senseless. After about 4 hours of inhalation shP r*«,S

to her senses. She is keeping well this morning. m e

Reporter:—Ramesh Chandra Chatterjee, Post M a ^ r T *. • P. O., District Burdwan Master, Jotsriram

^ ^ 1-12-26.

* Had " Lexin " been tried again he might havP W such cases a ew drops of Lexin with sugar s f f i i k * ? r e d ' I n

nally besides inhalation. Wine hastened death a k e n i n t e r "


Case 380. Reed. 15-11-26. Important Symptoms.

Suresh Chandra Sen, B.A., son of late Kaviraj Kshirode Chandra Sen of village and P. O. Pinjuri, District Faridpur, was bitten by a snake. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Pulled his own hair, attempted to bite his own body, spat, felt thirsty. There was a burning sensation on the wounded spot. " Lexin " was inhaled for half an hour. He was cured, though there was left a little inflammation for a couple of days. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Baroda K. Sen. Kaviraj, Kamini K. Sen, Dr. Dinesh Chandra Sen, M.B., Surendra Nath Bhattacharjee, B.A. and others.

Reporter:—Sarat Chandra Das Gupta, P. O. Pinjuri (Faridpur).

Case 381 . Reed. 15-11-26. Distira.

Pratap Chandra De of P. O. and village Pinjuri, District Faridpur, was bitten on the left foot by a snake called " Tesharia-pora " about one and half cubits long, having burnt-earth like colour with three lines lengthvyise.* The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation all over the body, tongue dry, wanted to drink, vomiting tendency, but no actual vomiting, felt very uneasy and shouted with pain.

"Lexin" was inhaled ten minutes after the bite. After an hour's inhalation the patient was cured. Xo other medicine was used; only the ojhas chanted mantras.

Present:—Sital Chandra Sen, Kaviraj, Pulinbchari Chakerverty. Tarak Chandra Somaddar and others.

Reporter:—Sarat Chandra Das Gupta, P. O. Pinjuri (District Faridpur).

Case 382. Reed. 18-11-26. Snake Not Seen.

On 1st November, 1926, a snake bit a Chamar named Ramdhani, aged about 18 years, resident of village Dumraith, District Shaha-bad. He was brought to my house all senseless. I had a phial of your " P. Banerjec's Snake-bite Cure " with me. I at once used it. After inhaling the medicine for about 5 or 6 minutes, the patient opened his eyes which were all red. I continued the application and he was all right within ten minutes. The men, who were watching the treatment anxiously, were really astonished to see the result. The boy is now all right. The case occurred at 8 p.m. I instructed the patient not to sleep for the whole night.

Reporter:—D. M. Siddiq Khan, B.A., I.L.B., Pleader, Sasaram P. O. (E. I. Railway). n „ , ^

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 383. Reed. 18-12-26. S n a k c N o t Seen.

Marian, aged 30, wife of Sheikh Fazaluddin of village and P. O. Kalipahari, P. S. Asansol, District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake about 3 feet long on 25-8-24 at 6 p.m.

Symptoms:—Perfectly senseless, salivation from mouth.

• W e do not know the species.


"Lex in" was inhaled. After a few minutes she opened her eyes salivation stopped and she veiled her face herself. After 5 or 6 minutes she was perfectly cured. No other medicine was used .

Present:—Prafullya Kumar Bhaumick, Anukul Chandra Bagchi, Jagat Sundar Talukdar.

Remarks:—" Lexin " is a very good medicine. Reporter:—Dr. Bimala Charan Dass, L.M.F., P . O. Kalipahari

(Burdwan). 17-12-26.

Case 384. Reed. 18-12-26. Cobra.

Ram Kinkar Mukherjee, aged 30 of village Sripur, P. O. Kali­pahari, P. S. Asansol, District Burdwan, was bitten by a big Cobra on 15-11-26 at 10 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Insensible. No ligature was made. Half an hour after the bite " Lexin "

was inhaled. It took 6 hours to cure him. No other medicine was used.

Present:—P. N. Mukherjee, Contractor. Remarks:—Wonderful medicine and wonderful cure. Reporter:—G. P. Bose, Pleader, Asansol Court. 11-12-26.

Case 385. Reed. 13-12-26. Cobra.

Kalisaran Hari, aged 21 of P. O. and P. S. Bolepur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Cobra one cubit long (about 10 days ago) at 1-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Drooping, sleepy. "Lexin" was inhaled 15 or 20 minutes after bite. Ligatures

were loosened after one hour's inhalation. After three hours he was perfectly cured. No other medicine was used. Now he is quite well and doing his duty.

Present:—Souresh Chandra Chaudhury, Jyotish Chandra Ghose and others.

Remarks:—We are astonished at the efficacy of the medicine " Lexin."

Reporter:—Bhairab Chandra Das, Pleader, Bolepur, P . O. (Birbhum).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 386. Reed. 1-12-26. Black Cobra.

Jasoda Baori, daughter of Pachai Baori of village Marukara P. O. Rajbandh, District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake at 12 a m ' while catching fish in a pond. The snake was not seen nor killed "'

Symptoms:—Salivation from mouth and nose, drooping of ih*

vomiting t 0 n g U C d r a W n 5 n W a r d S ' S l C e p i n e S S a S i n oP^-Poisoning;

. , ! 'L e x i n , " was inhaled 2 hours after bite. After half 9« u ,

S h a l S ShC C a m £ '° h e r SenSCS- S h e W a s c u ^ afer two hZ4

Bh/„rc^v^tv^Tthe«ahaPa t ra ' J y 0 t i s h S a n d r a L a ha, * . * » * r . - J U i Mohan Banerji, P. 0 . Ra ib a „ d h (Burdwan)



Case 387. Reed. 11-1-27. Scorpion.

Jaikaran Kahar, aged 32, a Municipal Chaprasi, had poisonous bite near his right ankle at 9 p.m. last night.

Symptoms:—Groaning pitiably, shaking violently all over, leaning against another man, the place of bite revealed a copper coloured spot a' little bigger than pin-head and throbbing visibly, the toes of the leg were icy cold and of a bluish hue, could not stretch out his leg, pulse was 90 and he had a twitching pain about the heart, salt tasted sweet.*

I gave him your medicine ("Lexin") according to the directions, and to the surprise and satisfaction of the onlookers the man felt relieved in an incredibly short time. To-day he is feeling quite all right.

Reporter:—Ranatsen Ghosh, 26-1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Calcutta.

' t Case 388.

Reed. 26-9-26. Snake Not Seen. Pokhor, a boy aged 7 years, of village Sheristabad, 2 miles from

Patna High School, was bitten by a snake while playing in a mango grove at about 2 p.m. on 9-7-25. He ran home and fainted after his arrival. His elder brother Nathuri, gardener of our School, pro­cured " Lexin " from me and applied it at about 5-30 p.m. After half an hour's inhalation the boy recovered his senses and was all right.

Reporter:—Jages Chandra Ghose, Assistant Head Master, Patna High School, Patna Junction, E. I. Railway. 26-9-26.

Case 389. 396—7-3-26. Black Cobra.

(1) A woman was bitten by a black Cobra. Symptoms:—Profuse perspiration, insensibility of hands and

legs, giddiness. "Lex in" was applied and.she was cured after 2 hours. (2) Radhashyam Ray, son of our local Doctor, was bitten by a

Chitti (Krait) and he was cured with your "Lexin." (3) An old woman was bitten by a scorpion; her condition was

pitiable at 2-30 a.m. She was cured with " Lexin." Reporter:—Gobardhan Ghose, P . O. Rasa, District Birbhum.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 390. Reed. 30-12-26. Important Case.

Marium Bibi, aged 30, of village Vagnadi, P . O. Birkutsa, P. S. Bagmara, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a snake at 6-30 p.m. on h-er left toe.

Symptoms:—Gradually unconscious and almost dead after the ligatures being loosened by local quack next day. . " Lexin " was inhaled from 1 p.m. next day. After two hours inhalation she was half cured and after, continuing inhalation one hour more she was able to walk.

* We think it to be a scorpion bite.

B, SB I 4


But three davs after we found her whole body shaking witn breathing difficulty like an asthmatic patient and there was a rattling sound in her throat. " Lexin" was again applied and after three hours' inhalation she was perfectly cured. She is doing well since then.

Present:—Arbali Sardar, Hidal Sardar, Rati Sardar and Yusuf Khondkar.

Remarks:—Your "Lex in" is a sure cure for snake-bite. Reporter:—Mohammed Jenartulla Sahu, Village Vagnady, P. O.

Birkutsa, District Rajshahi. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 391. Reed. 13-9-26. Coral Snake.

Gurdevi, daughter of Lalla Sukh Dayal of village Padhari. P . O. Domeli, District Jhelum, was bitten by a red-coloured snake one yard long. The patient complained of severe pain at the seat of bite and giddiness. Pot. Permang. was applied locally ^atter giving an incision. Then after inhaling one phial of Lexin she was cured.

Present.-—Subedar Hukam Chand Mehta, Harichand Vaid and many others.

Reporter:—Dr. Ram Lall Gizral, I..S.M.F., Regd. Medical Practitioner, Dalwal P . O., District Jhelum (Punjab). 8-9-26.

Case 392. 3145_20-9-26. Krait.

Chatra Das, a Chowkidar (B. N. Railway), aged 35, son of Lachman Das of village Gopalpur, District Darbhanga, was bitten by a poisonous snake at about 10-30 p.m. in his finger. He was at •once sent to me for treatment by the Assistant Engineer.

Symptoms:—Staggering gait, breathing difficulties, drowsiness dryness of tongue. '

" Lexin" was inhaled, I attended him from 11 nm tn ? m The man was all right * t 0 ^ ' 3 0 a m -

Reporter:—Dr. D. K. Som, Sub-Assistant Sunrenn T? XT Railway, Mohuda P. O., District Manbhum. U IS e°". B. N.

Case 393. 2536 (4)—23-7-26. c

Jatil's mother of village Shibalun, P. O Ban«,ar;k„-i r ^ ' . Burdwan, was bitten on the hand by a Cobra. ruT i d ' D , s t n c t but could not be killed. Ligature was made s n a k e w a s s e e n

Symptoms:—Could not feel pinching, sinking nt upturned, whirling of head after the HgaturTwa? l n L V ° i C e ' h a i r s

*(;Lexin" was used half an hour after t h e ^ t Pn e t L

# Lexm" was inhaled for fifteen minutes CII'A « , •quite well and her hairs took their normalvine?2?. v l l y s h e b e c a m * ^ Pr«*»t:—Kaviraj Jagadindra Nath f W P . ° S l t l 0 n -Chatterjee, Kshitish Chandra Mukherjec: andf t2£ , e * A c h i n t a N a t h

Remarks:—Very good medicine

T s J ^ V & ^ Z ^ ' ' * - Zeminda, Shibata, P. 0 .


Case 384. 2536 (5)—23-7-26. Cobra.

Panchanan Bagdi's wife, of village Shibalun, P. O. Banwaribad, District Burdwan, was bitten on the finger by a Cobra. The snake could not be killed, as it crept into a hole. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Could not sit, vertigo, "gone-ness" sinking of voice, drooping.

Before "Lexin" some medicine with lime was applied locally after making an incision. We washed it off and 1$ hours after the bite "Lexin" was inhaled. Gradually she became quite well and sat up. " Lexin " was inhaled for 25 minutes.

Present:—Bibhash Chandra Mukerji, Kaviraj Jagadindra Nath Chatterjee, Narugopal Patra and others.

Remarks:—Very good medicine. Reporter:—Nityaranjan Mukherjee, Zemindar, Shibalun, P. 0 .

Banwaribad, District Burdwan. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 395. Reed. 14-9-26. Snake Not Seen.

Bishnu Prakash Dass, aged 44 years, Mohunt Fakharpur, Senigat P. O., District Bara/banki, was bitten by a Cobra about 3 feet long at 12 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—The patient was confused and looked anxious. "Lex in" was inhaled 10 minutes after the bite. After half an

hour's inhalation he was cured. Ligatures were loosened. Present:—Mohan Lall and Sitla Bux Singh. Reporter:—Dr. Srichand Pandey, of Mh. Gudri Bahraich, now

at Fakharpur.

Case 396. 764—24-3-28. Cobra.

Kalipada Mete, son of Lakshan Mete of village and P. O. Galsi, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra on 22-3-28 at 7 p.m. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Unconsciousness, froth from mouth. "Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. The patient was cured after half an hour's continuous inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Manikram Ganguly, Jagatbandhu Mukherji, Panchanan Mukherji, Dr. Ramhari Ganguly, L.M.F., Balaram Ganguly, Zemindar and others.

Remarks:—The medicine acted like a charm. Reporter:—Mahimaranjan Chatterji, P. O. Galsi (District

Burdwan). 23-3-28. [Traiislation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 397. . Reed. 26-3-28. Snake Not Seen.

Kubet Sheikh, son of Piru Sheikh of P. O. Sitarampur, P. S. Kuiti, District Burdwan, was bitten by an unknown snake on 23-3-28 at about 6-30 p.mi The snake was seen 'but not recognized.

Symptoms:—Too weak to talk; eyes red; drowsy. "Lex in" was used 40 minutes after bite. Ligature was cut off. The patient


was cured after half an hour's continuous inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Kanailal Pramanik, Hazi Mahammed, Piru Sheikh and others.

Remarks:—Everybody should keep it (" Lexin " ) . Reporter:—Nagendra Nath Acharya, P. O. Sitarampur

(District Burdwan), East Cabin Quarter. 25-3-28.

Case 398. Reed. 28-3-28. Scorpion. .

Pondichery, Arya Ashram, 28-3-28.


A few days ago a lady was bitten by a scorpion in Sri Auro-bindo's Asram here. After twenty minutes your " Lexin" was applied. The affected part of her foot where she was bitten was washed with the medicine and then she was made to inhale it for a time. After using only half the contents of a bottle, she was out of pain and within an hour was quite herself as if nothing had happened to her. Your "Lexin" is very wonderfully effective. You can use this letter for popularising your medicine in whatever way you like.


[Copied from original letter in English.]

Case 399. Reed. 27-3-28. R. Viper.

Faikat Sheikh of Ramna Santopur was bitten by a " B o r a " shake on 16-3-28. His whole body became swollen after four days. Many medicines were used but without any effect. At last Lexin cured him perfectly.

porter;—Shyamapada Saha, Village Bhatnala, P . O. Domkol (Murshidabad).

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 400. 878—2-4-28. Krait.

Satru Haran Singh, aged 17, son of Ambica Singh of village Chahania;.P: O. Durganti, was bitten by a Krait one cubit W on 29-3-28 at 6 p.m. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after bite'and he was cured after one hour's inhalation. Some medicine herb* , i , „ were used. s o

Present:—hoca.1 Assistant Surgeon, The Head Master nt »u - H. E. School, The Sub-Inspector of Police and others t h e

Remarks:—The medicine worked wonderfully.

' : . Reporter:—V. Kailash Pati Ojha, Clo P Shiva P n-u « c -Bhabna (District Shahabad). ' 0 n , v a P' ° J h a , P . S.


Case 4 0 1 . 1023-1—13-4-28. Snake Not Seen.

Annapurna Debi, aged 20, wife of Bhabesh Chandra Bhatta-charya of Bivaspur, P. O. Simlapol, District Bankura, was bitten by a snake at about 6 p.m. The snake was not seen. No ligature was made.

Symptoms::—Unconscious. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. She was cured after 6 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Bhabesh Chandra Bhattacharya, Narayan Chandra Banerji, Satya Bhusan Banerji, Krishna Chandra Kar and others.

Reporter:—Ganga Bishnu Ray, P. O. Simlapol (District Bankura). 8-4-28.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 402. 1023-2—13-4-28. Krait.

Dwaraka Nath Dutt, aged 35, son of late Muktaram Dutt of village and P. O. Simlapal, was bitten by a " Putuna" Chitti Snake (Krait) at about 6-30 p.m. The snake, which was about one cubit long, was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Severe burning, restless with fear, the head drooped twice. "Lexin" was used 10 minutes after bite. Ligature was loosened. He was cured after 3 hours' inhalation. No other medi­cine was used.

Present:—Nandalal Sharma, Benimadhav Ray, Krishna Chandra Ray and others.

Remarks:—This medicine is a sure cure for snake-bite and wasp-bite.

Reporter:—Ganga Bishnu Ray, P. O. Simlapal (Bankura). 31-3-28.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 403. 1023-3—13-4-28. Krait.

Manindra Gorai, aged 32, son of late Mukund Gorai of village Jedisha. P. O. and P. S. Simlapal, District Bankura, was bitten by a Chitti (Krait) about one cubit long at 8 p.m. The snake was seen and killed. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Poison symptoms fully developed and he became unconscious. " Lexin" was inhaled one hour after bite. After three hours' inhalation the patient was cured, again grew unconscious, continued inhalation and he was cured fully after four hours' inhala­tion. Some country herbs were used before " Lexin " was used.

Present:—Suchand Gorai, Gayaram Gorai, Dhalu Kamar and others.

Remarks:—The medicine is wonderfully effective. Reporter:—Ganga Bishnu Ray, Post Master, P. O. Simlapal

(Bankura). 5-4-28.


1021-13-4-28. Case 404.

s c o r p b n - K ^ u r m e d i c i n ' e T x i n • in and all are cured." C a r I y 1 6 ^ with your * Lexin '

M u n d a g r r p ^ ' ^ ^ D a - s t r i c ^ f e ^ a r ) . ( C o m P ° u n d e r - Dispensary)

[Copied from Original letter in English.}

1022—13-4-28. C a 8 e 4 0 5 ' nm Kirtibas Goala at?ed « nt •« -., Krait. Singbhum, was bitter ^ a tanl'&•',Tl- ?• ° - a n d District a*n but not killed. U c x i n » w £ £ h J t l , ' ( K ™ « . The snake was pahent was cured though weakness a„H ? f?f f m i n u t e s - The

0 £ ® r - * * & r a b y S L ; r P . " O. D a s h g h a r a

[Translated from Bengali.}

981—11-4.28. C a 8 e 4 0 e -

(1) On 23-3-28 whil* T „ Cobra.

L C W a "*& (most n ^ h ? ° t i n ^ ' ; K u c h a " < A r u m ) ' "

b o da f nn G ^ p a s s i n S of 2?el«.S£ ° " t h e finger- J u s t t h e n ' a

g°Tay,.fo lowed bv a „ ;nt°l a n , e l e c t . r ' c current nassed through mv mon£. AitQJ 3 W r s ' inh^f-D 1 C r b u r n i n e - I began to inhale w a f h ; ^ a g ( l w h e n I w e n t t o S t , 0 n , X w a s c u r e d - <"2) A few S i s d m , ? b y / s n a k^- No l i l t !:a a l a d y n a m e d J a s o d a > a & e d 22. conscious gradually. SalivJtin? U r? w a s m a d e and she became un-and the eyes became a W ? ^ „ f r o t h came out of her mouth of two phials of "Lax?n » w & S h e was cured after inhalation I K e S S e 1 , t h e wonderful* effi, e a t T a k i Charitable Dispensarv trtlZerJl ?ases of PoSon^?Cy o f / ' L e x i n " in many cases, and

VlhfS is '«/'• potson™* snake-bite can be cured with it if a Report ?_Sft- *»uite-oite can be cured zvith it if a

V*C&£$ ^ r i t l ^ l ^ ChawJhury. Retired Medical ' X V a n k e I d anga North Road cSlcuUa Government Boarding,

{TrMat-nfrom a Post Card, Be-all} C a 8 e 407.

^ 4 ; g f & . ^ * son c, Ia,e K a , ™ ^ , o f

. . fynptoms •--& w a s s e e n but could not hP WUA m e a r I>'

o t h e r medicine w a ^ V " ^ I f S r ^ w T h o w s ^ . T i h o u r ^ Present:ZrZ\nsrt except local use o f £ L l 1 " h a l a t 'on . No

„ Reporter-Z.^^^^ Pal, L M P a J ? Tn^ t a » t P e " « a n g Murshidabad). S u d h l r Ranjan ' Sanyal P . 1 " ^ g ^ J Pal5M.SC.

r r ^ . . . ; _ . . . 3-4.-7Q [r"«*w M,,„ „.**&


Case 408. 969-2—10-4-28. Banded Krait.

Gouri Dassi, aged 37, wife of late Madhusudan Pal of village Bajitpur, P. O. Domkol, District Murshidabad, was bitten by a " Sankh Chitti" (Banded Krait) about U cubits long on 31-3-28 at about 4-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Grew very weak. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature was loosened after 20 minutes of inhala­tion. It took four hours to cure her. No other medicine except Potash Permanganate was used.

Present:—Dr. Jitendra Nandan Sen, L.M.P., Indu Bhusan Pal, M.SC, Bhupendra Nath Bhaduri and others.

Remarks:—Most useful medicine for everybody—the only medicine which can be depended upon and ligatures can be safely loosened with its use.

Reporter:—Sudhir Ranjan Sanyal, P. O. Domkol (District Murshidabad). 3-4-28.

[Translated from Bengali.}

Cfiso 409 941_8-4-28. Snake Not Seen.

Jinta Dhanuk, son of Sukhi Dhanuk of village Sanruth, P. O. Madhubani, District Darbhanga (present address P. O. Kissenganj, District Purnea), was bitten by a snake most probably a Krait (as symptoms indicated). "Lexin" was inhaled and the patient was cured within 45 minutes.

Present:—Ramanand Pathak, S. I. of Police, Mohan Ranv Merchant and others.

Reporter:—Kastury Tewary, C|o Inspector of Police, P. O. Kissengunj (Purnea).

Case 410. 928—6-4-28. Black Cobra.

Ram Sarup Singh, son of late Ram Bilash Singh of Haroi, P. O. Madinagar, District Darbhanga, was bitten by a black Cobra about 3 cubits long on 28-3-28 at 6-30 p.m. The snake was seen but could not be killed.

Symptoms:—Reeling sensation for about one hour^ then un­conscious with froth and salivation from mouth; carried to the Hospital almost in a dying condition. A few drops of " Lexin" were poured into his nostrils and he got up shortly. Inhalation was continued. Ligatures were loosened. He was perfectly cured after one hour's inhalation.

Present:—Bonbehari Ray, Pleader, Bipin Behari Mandal, Pleader, and many others.

Remarks:—Though we have cured many cases of snake-bite at Ghatal with your " Lexin," no such critical case came before this.

Reporter:—Motilal Bhattacharya, Pleader, P. O. Ghatal (Midnapur).

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 411. 915—5-4-28. R- Viper.

Fairat Sheikh, aged 26, of village Bama Basantapur. P . O. Domkol, District Murshidabad, was bitten by an "Ail Bora" snake (Russell's Viper) about l i cubits long in March last at about 9 a.m.

Symptoms:—Whole leg swelled, and restless with intense pain. "Lexin" was inhaled at 5 p.m. Ligature was loosened. He was cured after inhaling full one phial of " Lexin."

Present:—Alauddin Biswas, Keramat Karikar and many others. Reporter:—Shyamapada Shaha, Village Bhattala, P. O. Domkol

{Murshidabad). [Translated from Bengali]

Case 412. 914_1—5-4-28. Snake Not Seen.

Tachhiran Bibi, aged 40, wife of late Jadu Pramanik of Mrija-pur, P. O. Raghurampur, P . S. Atrai, District Rajshahi, was bitten . by a snake on 25-3-28.

Symptoms:—Almost senseless. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. She was cured after two hours of inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Kaviraj Mahendra Nath Sarkar and Makhan Chandra Sarkar, B.A., Head Master.

Reporter:—Kishori Mohan Chaudhury, Village Bhabanipur. P. O. Raghurampur (Rajshahi). 29-3-28.

Case 413. 914.2—5-4-28. Snake Not Seen.

Jadu Pramanik, aged 40, son of late Sadhu Pramanik of Bhabanipur, P. O. Raghurampur, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a Dhora snake about 1 cubit long.

Symptoms:—Burning and pain. "Lex in" was inhaled half an hour after the bite and he was cured after one hour of inhalation.

Present:—Kashinath Chaudhury and Pulin Chandra Sarkar. Reporter:—Kishori Mohan Chaudhury, Bhabanipur, P . O.

Raghurampur (Rajshahi). 29-3-28. [Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 414. 897-4-4-28. Snake Not Seen.

Atindra Lai Saha, aged 23, son of Anantalal Saha of Haldia, District Dacca, was bitten by a venomous snake on h?c right leg on 19-3-28 at about 8 p.m. The man ran to my room for

Lexm" aid and fell down senseless then and there T h e n » « £ . a£ ligature tied tight round his right leg i which was unfastimS after he was made to inhale "Lex in" for some time He * m " i his senses gradually and got quite well after an hour W V . L T A up almost whole of my phial. I have cured another a l m o i n * T$ case of snake-bite this year at Dakshinporikha(near S w J ? ^ your Lexm"—a miracle for snake-bite cure. haldia) by

P ne&rur:7^l^oh^n S a ^ a ' H e a d Master," Haldia H F Q„I I P. O. Haldia (District Dacca). **««uia n, h,. School.


Case 415. 889—3-4-28. Snake Not Seen. •

• Harihar Missir, son of Kalpa N. Missir, of Koch, P. O. Lohani, District Arrah, was bitten by a snake on 20-3-28 at 6-30 p.m.

Symptoms:—Senseless. "Lexin" was inhaled immediately and he was cured after two hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—L. C. Ray of Sitarampur and others. Reporter:—Tripuresvtar Banerji, Village Kultore, P. O. Sita­

rampur. Case 416.

Reed. 2-4-28. Scorpion. Last night I was bitten by a scorpion. Pain gradually increased

to such an extent that I felt the agonies of death as it were. A feeling of "gone-ness" crept over whole body. Many country herbs and allopathic medicines were administered, but without any relief. At last " Lexin" was procured from a local dispensary and after 10 minutes' inhalation pain subsided. I wish a large circulation of your medicine.

Reporter:—Lakshmi Narayan Goswami, " Kalyani," Muzuffar-pur P. O. 30-3-28.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 417. 836—30-3-28. Cobra.

" Yesterday a man aged 25 years, was 'bitten by a Cobra. He was very weak and his pulse was almost thready. He felt dizzy. I at once.administered your Antivenom ("Lexin") . He went away a cured man." , > r _. . , . . _ _ _ .

Reporter:—Nishi Kanta Dass, Head Master, Gonakothi H. E. School, P. O. Goriakothi. District Saran. 27-3-28.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 418. 817—29-3-28. Cobra.

" W e are glad to inform you that your 'Lexin ' gave us a wonderful result. Our cook was bitten by a Cobra last night and his condition was going to be worse in every moment. In this precarious condition your " Lexin" proved successful in about 15 minutes.

It is certainly a very useful medicine and should be preserved in every house.


P O. Berhampore (Bengal). 17-3-28.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 419. Reed. 19-3-28. S n a k e Not Seen.

Yesterday I cured a patient who was almost dead. "Lex in" was used after the patient became unconscious with intense pain from poisoning. _ • . •

Reporter:—Indubhusan Basu,. Palashpole Law Raj Kutchery. P. 0 . Satkhira (Khulna). 15-3-28.

[Translation from a Post Card, Bengali]


Case 420. 683—18-3-28. Snake Not Seen.

This is to inform you that four days ago one of our teachers named Harendra Nath Rakshit, B.A., was bitten by a snake and cured by your snake-bite cure, " Lexin."

Reporter;—Sushil Chandra Bose, Secretary "Tapovan," P . O. Satsang (District Pabna). 16-3-28.

[Copied from a letter in English.]

Case 421. 524—5-3-28. Cobra.

Bijay Sundar Chakervartty, aged 26, son of Braja Sundar Chakervartty of Talson, P. O. Adamdighi, District Bogra, was bitten by a Cobra about 1 yard 2 feet on 25-1-28 at 5-25 p.m. The snake

. was seen but could not be killed. Symptoms:—About to collapse. " Lexin " was inhaled 7 minutes after the bite. Ligatures were

loosened after 7 minutes. After 10 minutes' inhalation he was cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Basanta Kumar Bagchi, Nagendra Chandra Chaker­vartty and Kumud Chandra Chakervartty.

Remarks:—An excellent medicine for snake-bite. Reporter:—Naresh Chandra Talapatra, B.SC, P. 0 . Rangpur,

Kamalkanchnapara (Rangpur).

Case 422. 402—18-2-28. Krait—Scorpion.

(1) Idua, a boy, aged 16, of Jogapur, P. O. Jamo Bazar (Saran) , was bitten on the leg by a Domna Chitti (Krait), while he was cutting grass. He was brought to me in a senseless condition by 3 or 4 men. After 15 minutes' inhalation of " Lexin " he regained his senses. A few drops were poured upon the place of bite. " Lexin " was continued and he was fully cured.

(2) Moti Lalo, aged 18, of Jogapur, P. O. Jamo Bazar, District Saran, was bitten by a scorpion and he became restless with pain. " Lexin" was inhaled and a few drops were poured upon the place of bite. Within 10 or 12 minutes he was fully cured.

Reporter:—Dr. S. K. Gupta, "Gupta Medical Hall," P. O. Manjha Estate, District Saran. 16-2-28!

Case 423. 313-7-2-28. Cobra.

Tilia Goalin, daughter of Damri Gope of Mahadeogunj P n Sakrigali, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a snake whil collecting dry cow-dung cake with her right hand. '

Symptoms:—Senseless, drooping head, vomiting frequently

hour?fnhalationS **** ^ * " b e C W n e P e r f e C t l y C U r e d ^ two

Present:—Majaharali, Sarkari Mondal and Hariharbhusan

Reporter:—U. H. Parshad, P. O. Sakrigali (S. P . ) . 3_2_28


Case 424. (Death.)

Reed. 28-1-28. Snake Not Seen. A gentleman in the district of Bankura, was bitten by a snake

about 1 foot long. The snake was killed. It was like "Ar jun i" having glazed body. " Lexin" was inhaled even within 5 minutes of bite. Whole skin gradually cracked discharging sticky fluid. He became senseless after 30 minutes and died* within 3 hours. Just after bite there was also intense burning pain.

Reporter:—Subodh Chandra Ghose, Old Station, Asansol. 28-1-28.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 425.

Reed. 24-1-28. Snake Not Seen. Vushra, aged 5, son of Sk. Dolai of village Panisadra, P. 0 .

Baisa, District Pumea, was bitten by a snake on 16-11-27 at 10-30 a.m.

Symptoms:— The whole leg was anaesthetic. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature was loosened. He was cured after 35 minutes of inhalation.

Present:—Yusuff, B. N. Singha and others. Remarks:—The medicine acted like a charm in this case. Reporter:—Bhibhutibhusan Das Gupta, P. O. Baisi, District


Case 426. 217—26-1-28. R- Viper—Important.

Sushila Bala Devi, aged 44, wife of Rakhal Chandra Dev Sarma. of village Sinharveri, P. O. Sengur, District Hooghly, was bitten by a Chitti Bora (Russell's Viper) on 3-1-28 at 1 a.m., while asleep. The snake was seen to be creeping in its hole in the earth-wall from the mosquito curtain.

Symptoms:—Could not sit up; arms and body swollen, cracked, oozing sticky fluid.

" Lexin " was inhaled tzvo months later. On the first day of inhalation her pain subsided and next day all other symptoms disappeared.

Remarks:—Astonished at the wonderful efficacy of the medicine. Reporter:—Gobardhan Chakravertty, Village Bajumonia, P. O.

Pargopalnagar (Hooghly).

Case 427. 4817—14-1-28. Cobra.

Mosmt. Supja, aged 35, wife of Sk. Mohab Ali of village Pokharia, P. O. and District Pumea. was bitten by a Cobra 4 feet long on 29-10-27 at 12 a.m.

Symptoms:—Senseless. " Lexin " was inhaled after two hours. Ligature was loosened.

After three hours' inhalation she was cured. Present:—Sk. Baker Ali, Sk. Akali and others. Remarks:—The medicine is a good one. Reporter:—Ramlal Das, Village Madarpur, P. O. Pumea.


•There must be some defect in the mode of administration of Lexin."


Case 428 109-13-1-28. m ' „ . . .

D L . . . . _ . ,, R. Viper.

P O p T t a ^ a r a r P T A « ' S ° n - °l R a h a m a n D h a l i "t village and S a n d r a T o r a ? R u * e l £ feto ?„!L S f t W a S & t e " b y a

was seen and kiiiedby the f a E o r g ^ 5 * * " " « • T h e s n a k c

n «™™^^»£&«^ — f - „ He was cured after 7 hours' inhalation g ' U r e W a S l o o s c n e d -

45-7-1-28. C a 8 ° 4 2 9 "

T (1) Bepin Behari Bhattacharva of ,-ii ??**** K r a l t

Indeswar. District Sylhet w a * hit? ? , 1 , a6e Uttarbhag, P. O (Banded Krait). y ' W a s b , t t c n b>' a " Sankhini " snake

Symptoms:—Breathing wi'tv. J-O: ,

^ x m H ; 7 o e s t o t L r *„ •»****>"• ° e S n o t f e e I a"y uneasiness durinVfSf C h o u r s ' i n n a l a " g m i °r new moon.

Case 430. , (2) Kailashango. wife 0 f l , * , \ ,

"tSr^hm0Tg «-"»> Tt akas"drft was bit>™ by .

.inhaTedtorn S' &"* « " b ftm'W"* " 0 r

<**. P. O. I n d i a S r a( s X ) n S ' " h a C h a ^ r y , ViHage Uttar-

4-1-28. 49—7-1-28. C a 8 e 431 .

fc , * W ™ : - S e 4 r T w " , b u t could not t i '^fedon 20-12-27 at

half an hour after th* £V™mB sensation « i ' ,'. inhalation. , h e b l t e *>« he C i n r t h ? ' was inhaled

No other medicine was u s c d ^ ' " " ° " c h™ of

Rafffir"'-Ahad B» ^ T S S S ? T"»'-^worAj;—Charmed at th* „,• * tt a n d Go]am

s-fifTfisssr1 Chandra ss?,^,a3fer4fi^ 47—1-1-28. C a 8 e 432.

T ha half an h ^ i f e " " ( o f snake-bite with •o » « day £ $ * * * fct 5 * * ™ ' h a S T l 1 * * " within „ . •KcPorter:~-pain R p . . a r e v « y glad to e f t - C o n t i n u e d up -M.rgoda, District M i ^ * * * » , , Village

Chanda ^ ^ [Tran*'at™ from a P0st r / a*-'


Case 4 3 3 . -?4?_19-12-27. Cobra. °" "Ram" Man'dal, aged 90. son of Turani Mondal of village Dighi. P o X r h a n v a District Santa! Parganas, was bitten by a Cobra a 1? ii'o'clock on 9-11-27. Salivation was coming out of the mouth ot the pa°ien° Lgature was removed. Cured with 2i hours inhalation of <«Lexin," which was applied 15 minutes after the bite. No other

m ^ P r « « i " - I s x v a r Ch. Mondal, ftajani and Jatindra Mohan Das of Bishanpur. .

Remarks:—Good, effective medicine. . Reporter:—Jogcshwar Chandra Ghose, \ illagc Dighi. _P. U.

Barharwa (Santal Parganas). J /"1 r V [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 434. 5308—31-12-27. Cobra.

Indumati Dasi. aged 20, wife of Mohadev Bagdi of village Bhatakul, P. O. Nityanandapur, P. S. Bhatar, District Burdwan, was bitten <by a Kharish (Cobra) 4 feet long at about 12 o'clock on 28-12-27. The snake was seen but not killed. Ligature was not used. Before the inhalation of " Lexin " the patient was pale and senseless. She was breathing very slowly, salivation was coming out of her mouth and there was no blood in the veins of eyes. At first some ojhas were called for; they uttered their mantras for about 3 hours but in vain. The patient was going from bad to worse. At last we were called for. The patient was made forcibly to inhale " Lexin " 3 hours after the bite, and she was on a fair way towards recovery and after 3 hours she regained her senses and was completely cured. Ligature was not used. No other medicine was applied.

Present:—Ashutosh De, Head Pandit, Mohini Mohan Goswamy, Manindra Ch. Chatterjee, Hemendranath Hazra, Nripendranath Dutt, Ramdas Mondal, Maharan Sekh and Durgapado Seal, Teacher.

Remarks:—" Lexin " is a highly efficacious medicine for snake-bite. It has wonderful power to cure snake-bite. From what we have seen of its power we can safely request all to use the medicine in any snake-bite case, whether serious or not, with faith upon it. We heartily wish that the medicine should be widely circulated

Reporter:—Manindra Ch. Mukherjee, 2nd Pandit. Bhatakul M E School, Nityanandapur. P. O. (Burdwan). 29-12-27.

Case 435. 4868-28-11-27. Cobra.

Suresh Chandra Das, aged 26, son of Purna Chandra Das of village Ghorsala, P. O. Barala. P. S. Raghunathganj, District Mur-shidabad, was bitten by a Cobra about 2 cubits long at 10 p.m. on 3-11-27. The snake bit on the wrist of my hand while sleeping It was seen just after the bite with the help of a lamp. The snake was not killed as it entered into a hole. I felt much burning sensation and the condition of my head was bad. Two ligatures were tied at first

- but these were also removed after 10 minutes' inhalation of "Levin » applied 5 or 6 minutes after the bite according to the d i r p n S c Completely cured after one hour's inhalation. *No other m e S e

othef s""'" f :~"Si te sh C h a n d r a D a s a n d I n d r a Bhusa» Sarkar and

, n . ^ W r : T $ u V e s h C h a n d r a Das> v n i a e e Ghorsala, P. O Barala (District Murshidabad). ' 26-lli27

[Translated from Bengali.)


990-13-4-27. C a 8 e 4 3 6 -

n a t h p ^ . E ^ c M f e ^ S g * ' of v iUagelp i -snake was neither seen nor killed. } ' b l t t e n b y a s n a k e - The

Symptoms:—Salivation from mnmh ^^^ , head, could not speak distinctly ; l S l ? s L f t t n , ° S e ' d r ° ° P " s o f t h e

Cured after 3 hours' inhalation of Levin » t hp t 0fn g u e ; se™-conscious.

was tried by ojhas but no improvement V x i n » * W C I ] t t h e r e - h e

12 hours after the bite. Uxm ™*s m ade to inhale

Present:—Prasanna Kumar Chakravartv <u, r> u • „. and others. ^dKravarty, bk. Buchai, Sk. Nadu

Remarks:-Though the snake was not identified hv

n j g ^ b * the c u r e „ . m W y d u e ^ ^ S l ^ t r ^ S


1135-24-4-27. C M e * " • Kedara Hari, son of Badhu Hari n( ,,-n ^, . Cobra.

'fi?S&3«* Manbh- ~ ^ W ^ ^ "Lexm" was applied two minutes after the bite Symptoms could not develon « " T «, • »

p. <f5KSSw Hossain - o « Ahmad of Bagmara Reporter:—Banarsi Lall P n w

' * ° ' N ° W a g a r h ^ - t r i c t Manbhum) 22-4-27.

1285—7-5-27. C a a e 438.

P n rgMnh ,° ° h ' a g e d 35> s<>n of n lfh r Sea-snake.

&£' b ^ H g ^ ^ tfeMC^ale, almost triangular shaped of dark h

2 4 f e e t Ion* The - T ' w a s

ffi a t - i n t f7 a I s r o u n d the body K C o I o u r with 'thic^fe ™* it had encircled the leg just a E ' o i , W a s nc* killed h,,! b l a c kish on the right foot. It bitTn knee^ t l e a n d bitten ius?KSiCen w h i l e The patient had pain on the 3 ^ P * a t e r ^*drivn^T a n k I e

tion upwards. The Burmans h S ? P a r t a n d a little ffi.-a buffalo. whether there is poisoHfthin £ . ? S y s! e m by X h £,11,n& s e«s a : snake charmer ap?lied°UTmall ^ f o ^ Z ^ ^ T * * * ^ to chew and the stickv Mart- ;,.: g , , ™'s, one ho - ^oan " a wound but to no effS. " L e S " f r o m . « w £ h ^ I V * > * * * after the b.te. Fully cured after J " ? i n h *<i about K ' f

e d t o the • Present:-Umy cuhivators L J " 0 * ^ ^ o ^ a n «««r

landholders. « . th» be l n g , s m a I , B e a nd we the


Remarks:—The case seemed to be a serious one, for the Zax cases of bite take off life very rapidly as they say. However, we think the medicine was in time and prevented appearance of all harmful symptoms and fully cured Jne patient finally. They have acquired a very high faith on this simple inhalation.

(Sd.) N. C. PAUL, Landowner,

Moulmeingyum P. O., Myaungmya District, Lower Burma.


Case 439. 2704—18-7-27. Krait.

Jatindra Nath Mukherjee. son of Late Kalipada Mukherjee of village Nandv, P. O. Nandy, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Chitti, one ^cubit long. The snake was seen but not killed. The condition of the patient was serious and he had burning sensation on the affected part and his voice was not distinct. " Lexin" was inhaled 20 minutes after the bite. Two ligatures were tied before the inhala­tion of "Lexin." Cured after half an hour's inhalation. No other medicine used.

Prcsen/;—Jadunath Mukherjee, Vidusekhar Mukherjee, Ramdas Chakravarty, Damodar Das Chakravarty, Bankim Ch. Banerjee,

• Anil Kumar Nayak, Anil Kumar Banerjee, Ram Kamal Mandal and •others.

Rctnarksi—l am grateful forever to your "Lexin." Reporter:—Sachchidananda Mookherjee, Village and P. O.

Nandy, District Burdwan. lo-o-rf/.

Case 440 . 3373—17-8-27. K r a i t

Arna Teluni, wife of Jagu Sahoo of village Bourakila, Banaigarh P. O., Banai State, Sambalpur District, was bitten by a Chitti snake which was seen but not killed. The patient was found unable to walk and she could not speak clearly.

" Lexin " was inhaled 5 hours after the bite. Cured after half an hour's inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Jogendra Gountea', Badianath Burik, Manindra Sahoo and Khadi Sahoo.

Reporter:—Mohan Chandra Tripatty, Head Constable of Police, Banai State, P. O. Banaigarh, via Panposh, B. N. Ry. 9-8-27.

C&so 441 • 153312—12-6-27. Snake. ^ Bhabani Dasi, aged 30, wife of Jadunath Ghose of village Dhanyakhola, P. O. Gangni, was bitten by a poisonous snake 2 i cubits long. The snake was seen but not known. It bit her in the evening on 4-4-27. Ligature was removed half an hour after the inhalation of " Lexin." Inhaled " Lexin " half an hour after the bite. The body of the patient was charged with poison and she felt burning sensation, whole body became paralysed and there was palpitation of the heart. Four fangs of the teeth of the snake were taken out with a sharp knife by a doctor. No other medicine used. Cured after 6 hours' inhalation.

Present:—Dr. Abinash Chandra Biswas, Gangni Charitable •dispensary and Annada Byle.


Remarks:—I believe the patient to be hittpn K„ I thank you for the invention of " L e x i n " M a v

a P ° l s oI

n o u s snake. Reporter:—Atoher AH Miah. President Uninn p , P y 0 U '

khola Village, P. O. Gangni (District Nadia) B ° a r d ' D h a n y a -rr , 10-6-27. [rranslatcd from Bengali]

Case 442. 4193—23-9-27.

Wife of Pran Kumar Sen of P. O Sunani rv * • was bitten by a snake on the road on hir S to r S ? B ahgalpU r , she reached my house, she felt sleepiness and the ZJ-°"se- When

™S **•*¥?*• inhaHng f-°r about 5 » i n ^ 5 7he7d!,Cine«.at once and the inhalation was continued for two hour* a f • I " m u c h better she felt perfectly normal. No other medicine used e n d o f which

- - — * "IN.UH.IIH: used ""M-u Present:—Y. N. Das, Manager. Court nf «r ,

Sircar Teacher; Gopeswar Das, Supervisor, District 5?* ! , J a d"Pat i Nath Sen and .Prankumar Sen. ^ m c t Board; Jitendra / R ^ / ? ^ ° r f T : ~ " M a n m a t h a N a t h Ga»g«b-, Head Master * (Bhagalpur). u master, Supaul p . Q

Case 4 4 3 . 21-9-27 486011—11-11-27.

Shaikh Paham, son of Late Shaikh Tahnlli nt -u P . O. Bahin, District Purnea, was bitten b v a ^ ^ M u d»Pukur the jungle on 23-10-27. The snake was no* seen S ° n ° i l s s"ake T ' patient became senseless, could not st>eak d;*;..!*, 0 r Wiled. ThL


Case 443. 21-9-27. 1—11-11-27. lhaikh Paham. son of L;

P . O tne j^ . & i v. w»» *.« *«*.,. i n s onaivc was not seen —*•* audKe ii patient became senseless, could not speak disiSSi r k i , l e d. Th rfrw^W of the head " L e x i n " was made f n h a i 3 \ d th<*e 45s hour after the bite Patient became sensible afte? in * b o u t half ,an tion and gradually became all right after inhalatLi r 2 u t e s ' inhala 30 or 40 minutes. Four fangs were removedby h p £ V U*™'io~r needle. ^ t n e help 0f hair and

Present:—D. N. Roy, Manager PanrhM, • Kamalesh Chandra Biswas; Shaikh Monamed and P T Q R a J State •

Remarks:—During three years' treatment I hav' S a r k a r . A.S.M' any case. . n a v e not y e t failed r

Reporter:—Srish Chandra Sarkar Staf,-«., •», E. B. R., P . O. Bahin (Dinajpur). ' b t a t , o n Master, Kachua

Case 444. Ul'77' 1734—9-6-27.

P u m a Bahadur Singha, son of Late Hark-n t» i_ ^ r a i t ? village Bastacolla Goshala P O. Jharia, D i ? t „ 5 h i J u r Singha of bitten by a Domna Chitti, which was not seen nor S n ¥ a n h h u m , Wa~ went to pass stool outside the Goshala, while « * * • T h e Patient bushes he crossed over a snake and was suddenly u-A u r n i n S t h r o n e on his great toe (left foot) . H e at once: ran"tc, Z l b y t h* snake down unconscious. i n e nouse and fell

Symptoms:—Faintness and giddiness- nUlc« . Cold sweats, watery eyes. 'VLexin" was made to 1 n „ T a l c a " d s W the bite. Fully cured after 3 hours' inhXt ton " M 6 o n e hour a f f " was used except some mantras by the oihas (X- other mPri; •

Present:-].* Ganguly, R. D. Roy,K p l £ ? C r ) - ^ Chatterjee, G. Mukherjee, D. N. Roy, the ManaJkravartty, M v-some others, O n a g e r , Goshala * K*

Reporter:—Dr. G. R. Chari, Medical Pro *v. *** Colliery, Jharia P . O., District, Manbhum. a c t , t , °ner , g a s t a c



Case 445. 1752—10-6-27. Cobra.

Hamani Dasi, daughter of Chintaharan Sarkar of village Nalchiti,. P. O. Haturia, District Nadia, was bitten by a Cobra (Keutey) which was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—About to collapse, symptoms similar to Cobra. Gradually cured after 30 minutes' inhalation of " Lcxin." No other medicine used.

Present:—Jatindra Narayan Chakravartty, D.A.. Jagadish Chandra Talapatra, Bimalcndu Chowdhury, Manmatho Nath Chowdhury, Lalbehari Saha and Sasanka Sekhar Chakravartty.

Remarks:—Patient doing well. . Reporter:—Bhowani Prosad Talapatra, c|o Satish Ch. Talapatra,

P. O. Nator, Lall Bazar (Rajshahi). 23-5-27.

Case 446. 1966—22-6-27. R . Viper.

Wife of Gobinda Bauri of village Sarmastopur, P. O. Rasulpur, was bitten probably by a Bora, in the evening on 17-6-27. The snake oit tzvicc at tzvo different positions. From both the affected parts blood oozed out in about a quantity of half a chatak. . m Ligatures, both up and down the knees of both legs, were tied. The patient was too much exhausted by the pain of bite. The blood °f the patient was found poisonous just after biting, i.e., by mixing the blood with pure milk, the milk turned blue. " Lexm was inhaled one hour after the bite. Only half a phial of "Lexm was used during the whole night. By the next morning she became all right and began to do her household duties. n . . n <„ XT Present:—Srcepati Mondal, Surendra Nath Paul, Dh.rcndra Nath Chatterji and Kalipada Snai. M . „

Remarks:—We have got a wonderful result of your Lexm. Reporter:—Srcepati Mondal, Village Sarmastopur, P. O. Rasul-

Pur, District Burdwan. 18-6-27.

Case 447. 51°7—11-12-27. - Sahadra Dasiya, aged 32, wife of Bechon Das, village Kariali. p - O. Kariali, District Malda, was bitten by a snake in water.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation inside the belly and right band Parts of the body unable to keep her head straight, feeling trouble to open eyes

- " Lcxin " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Radically cured a t t er an hour's inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Gunjar Das and Chandra Mohan Mondal. p Reporter:—Kalipada Mukherjee, Bhalurea Road, E. B., Karah r - O., District Malda. 9-12-27.

df)S/r Case 448. 4056—16-9-27. Cobra.

.., Dharanidhar Mondal, son of Late Atal Behari Mondal of I^age Kalaharpur P O. Kasba, District Birbhum, was bitten by a v-obra (Jat-Keotey) which was seen but could not be killed as it was ""•own away by the patient and disappeared in the water. # # In f ^W'Woms:—The limbs were blue, had no sensation in the skin, bito ote' t h e e v e s w e r e r e d- Inhaled " Lexin " half an hour after the hour » .yniPtoiT>s disappeared and the patient was cured after two-

s lnnalation. No other medicine used. B. sn It;


PfettHf.—Kamsankar Kaviraj, Sripati Paul, Dharanidhar Dutta, Harigata Pal and Krishna Prasanna Paul.

Remarks:—Medicine is efficacious. . P e ^ r . — K r i s h n a Prasanna Pal, P. O. Kasba, District

Birbhum. l i -> - / . Case 449.

3267—10-8-27. K r a i t -Obijan, daughter of Dukho Kiali of village Manikpur, P. O.

Bahiri, District Purnea, was bitten probably by a Domna Chitti, in first finger of left hand. Palm of the hand was swollen, insensible and she felt much uneasiness. She felt pain in her heart, her tongue was dry and head was drooping. Inhaled " Lexin " one hour after the bite. Two ligatures were tied. Gradually cured after 1* hours inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Shamsher, Nazimuddin and Shyamapada Sarkar, A. S. M. of Kachua, E. B. R. .

Remarks:—Within 2 years I have used this medicine ( Lexm ) in 3 cases with- success in all. .

Reporter:—Srish Chandra Sarkar, Station Master, Kachua (E. B. R.), P. O, Bahiri (Dinajpur). 9-8-27.

Case 450. 3363—17-8-27.

Sadananda Banerjee, aged 24, son of late Krityibas Banerjee of village Telanda, P. O. Sripat-Purulia, P. S. Mejia, District Bankura, was bitten probably by a common Krait. at about 7-30 p.m. on 11-7-27. The snake was not seen nor killed. The patient was unable to stand and was senseless with the symptoms of snake-bite. Ligature was loosened. Cured after 2 hours' inhalation of " Lexin," which was applied one hour after the bite. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Radharaman Hazra and Ban Behari Sarkar. Remarks:—Methink the patient would have died without the

application of "Lexin." Reporter:—Balaram Sarkar, Village Telanda, P. 0 . Sripat-

Purunia, District Bankura. 14-8-27.

Case 451. 4667-24-10-27. C o b r a

Matt Lai Hari, son of Late Sadoy Hari of village Mallikpur, P. O Guhagram, District Burdwan was bitten by a Cobra 3 cubits long, the colour of which was neither black nor very white Thp snake was seen clearly, but could not be killed as it managed to w £ itself into a bush and could not be found out. The paUent was feel n£ a burning sensation throughout his body; his headmsdn0Mn* ^h7ZVVmTT a t t h e , t i m f °f- S?«nencement of my treatment

a attstts S S : &^^ ., Preif"';—Sasadhar Karmakar of Bakta Sati-hM,,,,.^ ™

Vil.aBe Bakta, P . ' O ^ ^ L ^ O ^ ^ X ^ f e



Case 462 . 1006-14-4-27. Cobra.

Jiyuram Kalita, son of Beleram Kalita of village Bansu-udaypur, P. O. Athgharia, District Kamrup, was bitten by a snake at 8-30 p.m. on 4-4-27. The snake was neither seen nor killed.

Symptoms:—Salivation from nose; could not hold up his head, paralysis of the tongue, burning sensation. Inhaled " Lexin " half an hour after the bite. The poison came up to the knee. There were 3 ligatures when I got the patient. I, after administering the inhalation for 10 minutes, let off the ligatures and I continued the inhalation. After half an hour the burning sensation and other ailments disappeared. The patient became sound after 2 hours' inhalation. I did not allow the patient to go to sleep during the night. Pot. Permang. externally before inhalation was administered with no effect.

Present:—Capt. S. M. Ghose, M.B., Dr. S. C. Sen, L.M.F., J.' N. Roy, B.A., A. C. Barma and other persons.

Remarks:—I cannot but praise the medicine ("Lexin") and I am quite satisfied with its charming action, and I would like to say that whoever wants to get a snake-bite cure, must have a phial of " Lexin." I thank you most sincerely for taking trouble for the welfare of the people.

Reporter:—Bhudeb Chandra Adhikary, "The Lodge," Gouripur-Assam P. O. (District Goalpara). 11-4-27.

Case 453. 2349—7-7-27.

Panchu Koura, son of Late Bhuto Koura of village. Sreepur, P. O. Town Sripur, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake. Marks of two fangs were noticed at the joint of the right fore finger.

Symptoms:—The finger became very cold, extreme pain in the arm. There was swelling in the affected part. Two ligatures were tied, one at the wrist and other at the elbow. " Lexin " was inhaled 10 minutes after the bite. Cured after 25 minutes' inhalation of "Lexin." No other medicine used.

Present:—Sudhir Chandra Guha, Sushil Chandra Sarkar, Surendra Nath Mazumdar and many others.

Remarks:—Thank God that the medicine was at hand. Reporter:—Rajendra Narayan Ghosh, Town Sripur P. O.

(District Khulna). 5-7-27. Case 454.

4501-1—14-10-27. Black Cobra. On 10-10-27 at 7 p.m., Losho Bibi, wife of Ajmad Prodhan

of village Kachua, P. O. Bahin, District Purnea, was bitten by a Black Cobra which was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Drooping of . head, could not speak distinctly, failure of lungs, pain in belly and the affected part, swelling of the bitten place. " Lexin " was made to inhale 10 minutes after the bite. The patient inhaled from 7-15 p.m. to 10 p.m. and she could walk and speak usually as before. Two ligatures were loosened in spite of objection of all persons present. Perfecftly cured^ in the morning after inhalation during the night. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Moti ta l l Bhadra, Gnanendranath Gupta, Provash Chandra Sarkar, Mongal Sheikh and many other villagers.

Remarks:—All the villagers were greatly astonished to see that a man can be saved from bites of Cobra or Alad which is so poisonous that none could be saved from its bites before.

Reporter:—Srish Chandra Sirkar, Station Master, Kachua. E. B. Railway, P. O. Bahin (District Dinajpur). 12-10-27.


head l7TMns^ibiUty of Z Vs seen a"d killed. ; > ^ looping of the 1'gatures were laSLZ m^k half an hour »c 0 t , s p c a k distinctly, "•ate U e x i n ' ^ r f f a f t e r 10 minuted f n i ? ^ t h e Wtc. All the J J J j d easily and die ted- J * " * ? ^ t i 2 , t ? , 0 T C o m i n u e d * uneasiness which she f e l t t / h e Wa* all S I f 1 VP h e r s c l f a n f l

*r*«ii/;.-.p C V t b e f 0 r e « g a n d fr<* from all an<* many other p ^ ^ A. S. M . ; Balchand P

*«'«ar*,;_T h e * " • f lch™*> Postman; Nabanoo

P- °- *•»» ( D i n a j p ^ Station Master, Kachua, E B

, . , , 12-10-27.

. o r some tim. «??% c°™rinff h,- L e i t l n " on » *i o z !"8- Having fWHtnin, h„, ' " ' '2 o'clock „u n°strils T c I e a n handkerchief ?n0ka i *a„h

g7 s ° f , > n?ght ± n s»e , £ , ' f ^ f a t e d this S o d 1 0 nmutes'nfn„a ' ! * horse h f e Wa,s. k<>M a 2 cu

Tre<>- For the

* « « , * , . ~."on- "• Mature * * £ • I removed the m3n?°™ rec^ery1*5 t o "W- a, t u " " ^ a f t e r

( B ' r»hum ) . ^osh , K u m a r

^ensary, Haripur, 5230^,0 , . „ - 31-3-27. S 2 3 97 l 9^-27. Case ^ and 1 ? " ^ Mohan Mud .

» S t ' S "by * S . » $ « £ son of M o n o ( , Scorpion.

«-$£ a s„i-» ^ ^ i . W ' g & f M„di of village

Se„^>si„haledah ' a n d ^ r * w e d b y i n s c n s i b i I .

„ **>o«I D u » andi a n l rJ ' ' . Sari, "*<*• * C U r e d after five

B 'shnu, P n ^ " °f Kari R a m a n a t h Bal,

—»iatar, E. I. irranslated -f~ 12-12-27. Iea from Bengali]


Case 468. 2867—26-7-27.

Kulada Kumarin, aged 11, daughter of Alhad Kumar of village Hura, P. 0 . Hura, District Manhhum, was bitten by a snake on 21-7-27, at about 7 p.m. The snake was not seen. At first there was no symptom and all of us thought that the bite was by some non-poisonous snake. Loosened all ligatures. A few minutes after the loosening of ligatures, the patient fell down unconscious with loss of sight. She was made to sit and " Lexin " was inhaled according to the directions. After half an hour's inhalation she was perfectly cured. She was not allowed to sleep during the night and hot milk only was given her to drink.

Present:—Keshab Kumer, Ram Sharan Dey, Hari Napit, Inait Mia, Shib Nandan Singh and others.

Remarks:—Tf "Lexin" was not at hand then she would have surely died.

Reporter:—Maha Nandan De, P. O. Hura, District Manbhum.

Case 459. Reed. 6-8-27. Black Cobra..

Ganesh Rajak of village and P. O. Rajnagar. District Birbhum, was bitten by a Keley Kharish (Black Cobra) on 28-7-27 at about 6 p.m. while working in the field. The snake which was about 2 cubits long was seen but could not be killed.

Symptoms:—Became semi-conscious, burning sensation on the affected part.

" Lexin " was inhaled one hour after the bite and ligatures were then loosened. After half an hour's inhalation he was perfectly cured. He was treated by an ojha before inhalation of " Lexin."

Present:—Rambisto Karmakar of Gangmuri, Debendra Rajak and Laban Rajak of Radhanager.

Remarks:—Wonderful efficacy of your "Lexin" has been highly appreciated by everyone.

7vV/w/cr:--Kamalakshya Mitra, P. O. Jamtara (District Santal Parganas). 6-8-27.

Case 460. 3840—6-9-27. B l a c k Cobra?

Rashmoni, aged 7, daughter of Santosh Kumar Ghose of village Benepookor, P. O. Chandernagore, District Hooghly, was bitten by a snake (probably a Black Cobra) on at about 7 p.m. The snake was not seen. Ojhas tried their best but she became senseless and bluish in appearance. After half an hour " Lexin * was procured and inhaled. Ligatures were loosened. After two hours inhalation she was fully cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:— Jagannath Panja, Banamali Mallik, Siba Prasanna Ghose and Ashutosh Hazra.

Reporter:—Ashutosh Hazra, Bagbazar. Chandernagore (Fr) .


4713-20-10-27. C a S e 4 6 1 '

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S S ^ ^ A ^ ^ Shya^aS B a i r a ^ of was bitten by a snake on 2Mo'-?7 'A i n f 3 1 " ' D l s t r i c t B™hvan,

™ ^ l S f c ^ ? ^ J ^ ^ ^ to He do™; an hour of the bite " Lexin " was X ' T T'' T a"5 ' c f f c c t A f ' « After two hours' inhalation the patient »«Ba

ttUnCS w c r c '°oscncd.

using Lexin " the affected part was S f ^ t u t l l y . c n r e d - Bcf°re

J W - NA° t ^ m ^ ^ S - ' ' r 0 n 3 n d i n C i s ^ Dr R ^ n S i K ' s ' A S L ^ K

Guruh>™ Chatterji and many others. L M - S - A n a d l R™>™ Roy, Durgapada Ray

the |Sen, r ta7S; re0dU S h «*' *™ a»« ^ a c y of y o u r . ^

Ketugrfr(B„Tdwan„b) idananda ^ " ^ ViUage Shomai, p.' D .

tr™„;a /cr f from BemjaU]

2621-19-7-27. ° a S e 4 6 2 -

" ^ S ^ - X r Spsef0iiBrr<= ™ » "e 5 a-m- The inc.s,on of the wound Pot PerlanJ" „ u n c o "^ 'ous state At,

Present- M,'^ improvement followed» r /- ter D,ta- After G h o ™ o t t e ^ D a s ' D * n d r a Ch.' D ^ h ? » ^ " U r i l ?

Reporter-—-Dr K-,t;„ J T, uPcndra Nath G ^ ' B h ^ p £ r i ^ ^ Ray> *• O., SonaIa Hospitai) p™h

3897—6-9-27. C a 8 e 4 6 3 .

o the r s m " , f - B ° "oma l i Gosain, C h X { v , * *m- Ojhas

( M a S l f S r : ~ S u r e s h C h- Sarkar, T a h s i , "' G ° V i n d K u » a r a n d

™ P « t a n ought to have g ^ U o . ,J«-en tried.^.

'Sildar> P. 0 p aorabhum

" Bengali]



Case 464. 3969—13-9-27.

An unknown person, aged about 36, was bitten by a " Law Shap " (Green Viper) in the morning. The snake was seen, but not killed. Three hours after, when " Lexin" was applied, he was foaming. Died after three hours' inhalation. Many country medicines were applied before " Lexin."*

Present:—Dr. Hari Narayan, Dr. Suren, Sakhanath Babu and others.

Reporter:—Anukul Ch. Mitra, Ramprasadpur, Ondal, E. I. R.

Case 465. 2646-27. Krait.

Maheswari Debi of village and P. O. Salukchapra, via Mugma, District Manbhum, was bitten on the right leg by a Chitti (Krait) Snake at about 1 a.m. on 12-7-27 while sleeping on the bedstead. On lighting a lamp the snake was found under the bedstead, and killed with a stick. Two ligatures were instantly made and " Lexin" was inhaled very soon after the bite. After two minutes of inhalation the ligatures were loosened and a few drops of " Lexin " were poured on the place of bite. Symptoms could not develop for prompt administration of " Lexin," and she was quite right. " Lexin" was continued for two hours. Nothing besides tea was given her to drink. She was not allowed to sleep during the night. She is quite well now.

Remarks:—Most wonderful discovery. May God grant you long life. _ _ _, , , ,

Reporter:—Bibhutibhusan Mukherji, P. 0 . Salukchapra, via Mugma (District Manbhum).

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 466.

1481—22-5-27. (Important Case.) Estate Kotalpukur,

P. O. Kotalpukur (S. P.), E. I. Ry.

"We are much astonished by witnessing wonderful efficacy of your ' Lexin.' The two incidents are given below for your information.

In a village about twelve miles off from Rajmahal a person died of snake-bite in the morning. Understanding that there is a good medicine for snake-bite at Rajmahal, people brought him there. They reached Rajmahal by the evening. Inhalation of 'Lexin' was made through artificial respiration and the man has regained life!

A few days ago, a cook of the Dewan of this Estate was bitten by a snake after evening, and became unconscious. I had with me a phial of your ' Lexin' by applying which the man was cured vfery shortly."

(Sd.) f Zemindar, Kotalpukur.

[Translated from a-letter in Bengali]

* Sometimes highly poisonous astringent country medicines are given as antidote to snake-poison, which may be responsible for death. Artificial respiration should have been made, and a few drops of "Lexin" with sugar should have been given internally to induce vomiting of the indigenous drugs.—ED.

f Illegible.



2973—28-7-27 C a s e W .

79fr-31-3.27 C a s o 4 e s -

Reed. 23-5-27. °ase 469. * ' "' Ben9ali.]

:°; w=. srrwere -^ !^^>£ L e „ could not develop for _ w a* "ihaled

B a „ & ' - ' " - - - A - " ' a La„ G h o s e " ^ a ^ n i s t r a t i o n ' * • O. "p_

^^msagar TV 2697- I 8 .7 .2 7 Case 470. ' » S ^

, . Last wepi- «, ^ r , « ^ r a s w -* was, ** applied a h W a t m e n t within t ? d ; b u t theTLJuten by a e ,

1 R e s e a r c h . M^nyA

rG-A. (U. s

h a I f an lC°P"d from •>> ^ c j . &


Case 471. {Important Case.)

801-31-3-27. Black Cobra. ArbuIIa Pramanik, aged 30, of village Talghoria, P. O. Birkutsa,

District Rajshahi, was bitten on the left hand while working in the field by a thin Black Snake about one cubit long on 23-3-27. The snake was seen by the patient. Two poison fangs were left broken on the place of bite.

Symptoms:—Became unconscious within five or six minutes; found him almost dead; his face, nose, tongue, lips all turned blackish, mouth and nose full of foams, respiration not visible, only a slight movement at the middle of abdomen.

I poured a few drops of " Lexin " into his nostrils and mouth. Then, after two or three minutes, the patient moved and groaned. I poured more medicines into his nostrils, and tongue, and within seven or eight minutes he began to breathe. One phial was thus consumed. By the end of the second phial he became conscious. A third phial was required to cure him perfectly. He was given tea only to drink on that day.

Remarks:—I cured three snake-bite cases last vcar with your " Lexin."

Reporter:—Achiruddin (Hakimi Doctor), Village Konabaria, P. O. Birkutsa, District Pvijshahi.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 472.

3552—25-8-27. B I a c k C o b r a -Baidyanath Muchi, son of Late Dukhna Muchi of Belepukurpar,

P. O. Rampurhat, District Birbhum, was bitten on the heel by a thin Black Cobra about 2\ cubits long on 16-8-27, while comting down from a tree. The snake was seen by the patient to come out of its hiding place under some old bricks heaped under the tree. Two ligatures were made, and root of white " karabi " was given to eat and applied on the place of bite.

Symptoms:—Drooping of head, insensibility of the part; could not sit erect.

After two hours of the bite, " Lexin " was inhaled. Ligatures were loosened after one hour of inhalation. After seven hours' inhalation he was perfectly cured and walked to his home.

Present:—Ambujaksha Banerji, Bimalapada Mukherji, Naranath Chattcrji, Byomkesh Chatterji and others.

Reporter:—Ashutosh Chatterji, Village Barsal, P. O. Rampurhat (Birbhum District).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 473. 3904—9-9-27.

A lady of our village was bitten by a snake on 4-9-27 at 3 a.m. At first ojhas tried, but to no effect. I went to treat her next morning at about 10 a.m. I found her condition precarious, eyes red, unable to speak, and pain in stomach. " Lexin ' was inhaled, she regained consciousness and was perfectly cured after l i hours' inhalation of " Lexin."

Reporter;—Panchanan Sarkar, P. O. Gourangchak. District Howrah (via Amta). 6-9-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 474. 2968-28-7-27. C a 8 e ^7a-

alternately. She beam, S n J d J u ? a r f t e h V ' UuP a n d "e down & V . ^ ° P S °f "Lexin" also on the X 'Vh^ 0 " 1 " - ,X P 0 ' ^ ™

Estates, Village j S t S ^ O . £ ^ ^ % g * ™ ' ^ l a n o

[Translated from Bengali.]

2325—6-7-27. C a 8 e 4 7 B -

Murshidabad). K , r , " b h u « n Mitra, P. 0 , , . " ' * U- M a n 'Sram (District

ITmuhM fro,,, Bctgafj

3972-19-7-27. C a 8 ° * 7 8 -

Kaicnlr, D ^ W *>****!^J?%- F o ° d Poison.

4,6 b , talgram, p . 0

4839-11-11-27. C a 8 * 477. 9~l0-27.

o y h e Vveni„gm

0yt . S V ^ i n s ^ " <» a ve„om

«= «hSS SIT, W ^ ^ - f S S ^ ? * <Krait) morning. He f^t h " l , t w o h°"rs H '.° *» oik,*' J us«l your * * « £ » y - 3 a rifht t 0 ^ a He «*& $ « * this &£

trom or,gim ht " S t r i c t ) .

" ' English.)


Case 478. Reed. 24-10-27.

Bbolanath Chatterjee of village Amritpur, Union Amdole (Dis­trict Birbhum), was bitten by a snake at about 2 a.m. on 10-10-27, while sleeping on the floor in his room. Two marks of bite tinged with blood were seen under his right wrist. " Lexin" was inhaled throughout the rest of the night, and he was cured.

Reporter:—Kalipada Mukherji, President, Union Board. Amdole, Village Kalahapur, P. O. Bipra Nandigram, via Murarai (District Birbhum). 17-10-27

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 479. 4521—15-10-27.

Ananda Prasad Adhikary, son of Paran Das Adhikary, was bitten by a snake last night. He came to me restless with pain. " Lexin " was inhaled, and ligatures were loosened after a while. He was fully cured after two or three hours of inhalation.

Reporter:—Panchanan Sarkar, P. O. and Village Gourangchak, via Amta (District Howrah). 13-10-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 480. 2324—6-7-27.

" I got one phial of your snake-bite cure ("Lexin") in August, 1926. I tried this on 29-6-27, on a snake-bite case, and the case was hopeless, but your medicine gave him much relief, and the case was cured at last.

The details of the case are as follows:— 1. Patient's name—Dijoo. 2. Father's name—Ram Prasad. 3. Address—P. O. Rampura, District Jalaun, U. P.

The parents of the patient are much indebted to you for your specific cure of snake-bite.

I congratulate you on your success of this medicine. I followed step by step the directions issued by you dated July 1st, 1925."

(Sd.) S. P. GUPTA.

Medical Officer, Rampura, CjW Estate,

P. O. Rampura, District Jalaun, U. P. 2-7-27. [Copied from original letter in English.]

Case 481. (Serious Case.) Krait.

Gopeswar Mandal, aged 32, of village Mahula, P. S. Labpur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Krait) in August 1926.

Symptoms:—Senseless, speechless, body cold and prostrated, almost hopeless case.


"Lexin" was inhaled aftpr i i u~ h , m- t 6 r U h 0 u r s - J t took five phials to cure

S g f - e c a , ( o f - ^ ^ ^ - J . fc^**

^ ' "^ . • -Undoubted ly a most Pffl • X'Porter.-^Gotoi r h a L T eff ica"ous medicine.

(District Birbhum). C h a n d r a S a r ^ r , Shyampur, P. S . Labpur

[Translated from Bengali.]

Reed. 25-9-27. C a 8 e 482.

J - m ^ & ^ L l ^ ^ M i a n of vil las Dhara ^ long on 22-9-27 at lTlLrT"*5',™5 b i t t enby ° c 2 h 2 P S ' P ' ° -- s mhaled » hour's X r S ? b ^ S ^ ^ ^ 2 L e ^

He was cured after A r u U g a t u r e s were loosened ™ed1Cmes like « g a n da ^ r

e ^ e e hours, inhalation. S o l

v / W , / ; _ M a h a b i r \ r ^ ° r e " L e x i n - " C ° U n t r y

[Translated fVom n Jrom Bengali,]

-18-8-27. Case 483.

B V k Y ° h I , y g T ^ / ' cfVt s o " of late H - 7 ^

Present:—Kalinada r», 0 r a f t er . '"halation Tyj° Pramanik, Surendra N a t f e A b i" ash ChanH A r JW*J :_i * * * D e b a«d others.handra Shikari , Beharil i case. l a m very astonished f °enarila!

C a l c S f ' ^ ' - ^ n a i l a l Ghose, 74 T „ , ' " * * a C , i 0 n °" *«» ' T 0 " y 8 u n i Road, P. 0 - „

2996-29-7-27. c«se 484. " ^

My £ n £ £ gp°;avW

aS«f«' resul, i„ t w o 0 f Hor„c t

•"*•*- 3inha: s a 1 (District

I a s t * r S iSSf j^ S & t ^ - t h r e e cases o f * ° r n C t -

Bankura). r ' ^ A m " l y a Ratan Sinha Z l r e d ' ' dur,'n& d> ^ishunpur p n

r r ' °' ( strict 11 instated *


Case 485 . 4599—22-10-27. Centipede.

Panchu Goala of village Nebadhai, P. O. Dattapukur, District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a Centipede just on the right foot near the middle toe. It was not seen, but the patient felt it to be such as it crawled up his feet.

Symptoms:—Felt excruciating pain, complained that as if his right leg was burning, swelling of the foot.

"Lexin" was inhaled for one hour, but pain did not decrease. Remarks:—It seems that the medicine has no effect on bites of

Centipede. Reporter:—Arunkumer Banerjee, B.SC, B.E., Village Nebadhai,

P. O. Duttapukur, District 24-Parganas.

Case 486. Reed. 20-9-27.

Mahadco's wife, Taka Nooniya of village Patkholi, P. O. Bagaha, District Champaran, was bitten by a snake at about 5 p.m. in the turnip garden. I came to know of it at about 8-45 p.m. and found the patient in a bad and senseless condition. I used almost one phial of " Lexin " in three hours. By 12 o'clock she became all right. But her husband allowed her to sleep, though it was strictly forbidden. When she awoke, she was feeling indifferent again, and became worse. " Lexin " was again inhaled, and she became all right.

Reporter:—Nandlal Banerji, P. O. Bagaha (District Champaran). 4-9-27.

Case 487. 3483—23-8-27. Krait.

Bhagia, wife of Baicha Mahuri, aged 25, of Bagmara Bazar, P. S. Bagmara, was bitten by a Krait on 19-8-27 at 9-45 p.m. The snake was killed then and there. No ligatures were made. Ojhas were present and was doing what they usually do. " Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. The case recovered.

Present:—Mahatab Mian, Hiralal Babu, Agent, New Barwaberia Colliery, Dr. H. C. De of Bagmara.

Reporter:—Banarsi Lall, Inspector, P. O. Nowagarh (District Manbhum). 20-8-27.

Case 488. 4016—15-9-27. R. Viper.

Bhadrabati Dasi, aged 36, wife of Bipin Behari Bairagi of village Jogeshganj, P. S. Hasnabad, District Khulna, was bitten by a

4 l T"4 ** f A 1 ^ .« .__ — A. C n H * Art ^ _ Q _ / 7 T ^ n a o«-%n 1 . A . _ . * . . . JOgesngan j , Jr. o . XT.£i:>iieiud.u, jLuaiuiL iviiumo, »»ao u iucu uy a. Chakkora Bora, 3 fee.t long at 6 a.m. on 6-9-27. The snake was seen but not killed. " Lexin " was inhaled 4 hours after bite. After smelling twice the ligature was loosened. The patient was not fully unconscious, but blood came out from the roots of her teeth. Twice inhalation of "Lexin" stopped oozing of the blood. Cured fully after 5 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Bansidhar Mandal,. Bipin Behari Bairagi, Sakein Gazi, Lakshman Mondal, Umesh Mondal, Nazim Gazi and others.

Remarks:—Chakkora Bora is a highly venomous snake, which is sometimes called by the name of " Shealchanda." Two hours after


its pow

bite, blood flows from the roots «f *u« * .u , power ess and gradually falls mto tte ^ . 5 ? ^ ^ ^ Monies

will usf T » ~ * « « ^ r the purpose and I hope everybody

P. a t S s ^ U ^ I S u t y N a » ' B ^ n a g a r Katchery, 10-9-27.

3014—29-7-27. C a 8 e 4 8 9 -

Md. Jabbar AH Mia atrprl ?A , > Cobra?

doctor a n r f & ^ ^ t o hi. f a t h e r l n - l a V f o E T l ; T h e " h e

day, i.e., 14 hoursa?terth,KVC1?e ' b u t «» vain On f'uher,e a I o c a l

^ was quite sensdettSS £ l te h e wa* carried tn ? ft? f©"owing {"hale "Lexin»and after i°£ " * >™™f ft,™$**<* w h c » loosened. Totally cured ' L ^ ,2 h o ^ s ' m&™t m a d c him No other medicinVused ^ " f e ^ i o n of « & * ? " h g a t u r e w a s

* * « the afternoon he w a ^ *ld o t h e ^ w e ? J ° r - f.W2 h o u r s ' , Present:—toy A ^ S ^ u , t e able to go k l ° n , s h e d t o see Honda, and n ^ t * ' P a * . P r i ^ " , ^ * " % , ,• r ,

* 'w<vk; -The . uaS"at, Mot, Lai same time reliable 5 / " * is very effcpt,V« * -dicine.11^ . W ^ ^ j ^ X & fB "*•« thc

g h a t % r ^ r : - B h u p a l Chandl ^ C m e n o d°ubt ' B a n e r J e e f °r g h a t (Mymensingh)

P L h a n d r a S^car, St. Andrew',' TIP •

2943^-28-7-27. Case 490. 2 4 ' 7 " 2 7 '

P rwa-k a m a n». atreH ?c ., at' ?^nKuIti' Dl"strict B u ; ; v i f e o f late Kedar Ar •• Kra i ' t-r U t ' t n ^ - ° n * - & * « ' W a s bitten S ^ ? f village P u n u r i

Jves, but she cmilS .. s h e could ««* Le*>n." A t L a l s o breath-hfrself and cotS d e a s i I v breathe th* r a i se her h t e f h a l f an hour's ?f tea- The^ l l r e c o g n i z e a l l o N ^ % , A f t e r an h a n d open he? 5eeIX and descrbTn006 h o u r and 4 . Sh-e *as a f e s h e could sit

J5 minutes' S 3 * d ever>'thinff % t 5 l u t e s ' j „ u ^ d > take a cuo h e r yesterday QIatlon- Now L ; • Wa* quit* ft1™ she snok> n 0 t ^ n T o „ & * * medicine £ ^ «m%Sg *f«* anThe?

™ ^ " ' • ' - - H r i ^ , fore inhaL X h ? v e s e™ *°I*I Mukherjee

riSphlkesh Bose H P T " w h i c h was 4, Remarks- S,Komesh Ch Ar*hS IniPerial P ,

KePorter:-^Am Q ' *** time j J "ever failed in Lha*lra Acharjee P successful in

' °- Kulti -p T ^ E- x- R. 23-7-27.


Case 491. 3413-1—19-8-27.

An up-countryman (passer-by), aged 30, was bitten by a snake at 9 p.m. on 15-7-27. The snake bit him in the leg. He was not feciing any sensation when burning match sticks were being placed round about the bitten portion. Inhaled " Lexin " one hour after the bite. Ligature was loosened. After inhaling " Lexin " for some time, he was feeling sensation quite readily. The patient felt quite all right after one hour's inhalation of '•' Lexin." No other medicine used.

Present:—Ashutosh Bose, Satyendranath Sen, Amarendra Nath Bancrjce and others.

Remarks:—In all the cases of snake-bite where we have used "Lexin" the patients were successfully cured and in my opinion this seems to be a successful medicine for snake-bite.

Reporter:—Bhupati Nath Kar, Hon. Secretary, "Kasba Seva Bhander," Dhakuria P. O., Kasba, Kayesthapara, District 24-Parganas. 8-8-27.

Case 492. 3414-2—19-8-27. Cobra.

Dwarika Nath Mandal, aged 55, son of late Madhab Chandra Mandal of village Kasba, P. O. Dhakuria, P. S. Tollygunge, District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a Cobra, 1 cubit long, at 11 a.m. on 24-7-27. The snake was seen but not killed. The patient became unconscious, felt drowsiness, and also vomited blood which was a little blackish in colour. His eyes became red. The snake bit him when he went to a paddy field. Inhaled " Lexin " one hour after the bite. Ligature was loosened. Radically cured after 12 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Ashutosh Bose, Narayandas Mukherjee, Nanda Lai Banerjee and others.

Remarks:—"Lexin" of Mr. P. Banerjee is serving humanity miraculously and as such it is strongly recommended.

Reporter:—Bhupati Nath Kar, Hon. Secretarv, "Kasba Seva Bhander," Village Kasba, P. O. Dhakuria, 24-Parganas. 8-8-27.

Case 493. 4276—28-9-27. • Krait.

Katyayani(?) Debi, aged 62, wife of late Kalidas Banerjee of village Rampur, P. O. Mahamedbazar, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Chitti, 1 cubit long, at about 9 p.m. on 15-9-27. The snake was seen but not killed. Ligature was removed. The patient was not in bad condition; cured after 1* hours' inhalation of "Lexin" which was used 20 minutes after the bite. No other medicine used.

Present.:—Chhabi Lai Banerjee, Ramdurlabh Banerjee. Khokon Banerjee and others.

Remarks:—Heard the marvellous effect of your medicine before and now astonished to see the result with my own eyes.

Reporter:—Tarapado Acharjee, Village Rampur, P. O. Mahamedbazar, District Birbhum. 26-9-27.

[Translated from Bengali.)


Case 484. 1927_9-7-27. R - V i P e r

Saurindra Kumar Paladhi, aged 13, son of Rampati Paladhi of village Paiker, P. O. Paiker, P. S. Murarai, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Bora, 1J cubits long, at 9 o'clock on 26-6-27. The patient became almost senseless. Ligature was tied. Completely cured after l i hours' inhalation of " Lexin " which was applied within 5 or 6 minutes after the bite. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Dr. Anadi Charan Bhattacharjee and Dr. Baidyanath Chatterj ee.

Reporter:—Ramapati Paladhi, Village and P. O. Paiker (Birbhum). 9-7-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 485. Krait?

^ ( i ) Tincowri Bauri, son of lag* ^ ^ B a u r i o { Achhra, P. O. • Shamdi P , S. Salanpur District L ^ a n w a s b i t t c n probably by a

Domna Chitti, at 7-30 o clock on 2' Y£sj Symptoms:-$erious condition; senseless, foams coming out of

the mouth. Ligature was not lc>sened> c ' u r e d a f t e r o n c h o u r ' s

ti^zLJ^^ w y^ i i e d » h ° - **«•the bite-Present:-Kiriti Mohata, Dak r c a n d B a n s i B a u r i

i^0r/*r;-Gobindapada M o h ^ D a b o r c % s h a m d i p Q 2 3 . 8 . 2 7

; [Translated from Bengali.]

, , , „ . , „ . Black Cobra. P r £ i p B f V ? n 0 f lailKeshab Bauri of village Dabore

l i hours' inhalation. No other £ e & J*£ r * * * * • C u r e d a f t e r

and Q T i 7 ^ ^ M ° h a t a " S u c h a n d - Mohata, Bibhuti Mohata

Reporter:—Gobindapada Mohata n a w « ou ,. ^ "imia, uabore, Shamdi P. O. 23-8-27

[Translated from Bengali.]

3248-14-8-27. ° — 4 * 7 ' Haripado Bhattacharj ee, aged 35 s n n rtr , L ^, c°bra.

Bhattad.arjee of village Ismalipur, P O T W 5 h a ! a b a t i Charan District Dinajpur, was bitten by a'Colchura (°c\*\ S" BatorghS? at 8 o'clock on 18-7-27. After mhalatioVlkL£ b r a ) \ 2 «*its lone patent was much affected with the Po?sli*fT Was

L loosened. The

P««»».._Tmcowri Paul and Ruber Ch™,, „ ' °

[Translate fnm Bng<A


Case 498. R. Viper.

3 l 2 3 -7-8-27. o { S a s h i Lohar of village and

Kanai L ^ ' ^ f l e r ' Di trict Bankura, * * ™ £ *»» seen by Kakatia, U ^ on 24-7-27 Th^sna ^ h i m o n Bora, 1 cubit long, a t i i w a s r em0ved. the patient hun^U- £ 8 a n d

the toes of his lett i h . o u t ?f his m ffcctcd part.

a v » ^ » ^ C u r e d a

Kakatia r . ^- v

Case 499. Cobra.

Case BOO. Banded Krait. f Benin Behan

3884-8-9-27. j e e , aged 38 son o£ £ p i s t r i r t

Banerjee »« v S n by a & » . * ' C ' " Z t \ o t killed. The pa«em ^ B i r S T 7 7 The »ake w a s , " ^ " " d e to inhale 2i hours on 27-8-27. l n - "Lexm was . n a l a t , o n io » ° H tar ^ i i g a w r e " w a s loosen R a t i o n . Only oihas

i srs cbandra Sirrar " ' " " ' ^ . - - B h o l a n a t h Mukhenee,

many other*. ffect. s h i a l , P . O. Bah.r.

^ t ^ a s h u p a t i Mondal, t ^ ^

(District Birbhum). I

Case B01> Krait. nt village Khudika,

1681—6-27- ^ . _ o f Mathan H ^ ^ d w a n , was bitten by a 1 6 Kashi Debi daughter o ^ DistrK B ^ , p O. Charanpur P. *>•J Q ? 0n 2 9 ^ a h e r t h e bite. Ligature Chitti, one) cubit ton^ „ w a s i n h a l e d 9 hou ^ but not killed. J*



was loosened half an hour before the inhalation. The patient was in a bad condition. Cured after 4 hours' inhalation. Noi other medicine was used.

Present:—Kanai Lai Chakravarty and Bholanath Mukherjee. Reporter:—Benowari Lai Mondal, Village Madantore. P. O.

Charanpur ("District Burdwan). 2-6-27. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 502. 2524—14-7-27. R. Viper.

Mather Laskar, aged 18, son of Srihari Laskar of village Hari-khali, P. O. Paikgachha, District Khulna, was bitten by a Chandra Bora, 1 cubit long, at 7 p.m. on 25-6-27. The snake was seen and killed after the recovery of the patient. The patient became almost senseless. Ligature was removed. Cured after one hour's inhalation of "Lexin" which was applied 4 hours after the bite. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Hurichand Laskar, Rasik Laskar and Pancharam Mandal.

Reporter:—Haripada Majumder, Soladana Katcherv. P. O. Paikgachha (District Khulna). * 12-7-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 503. 2643-18-7-27. Krait.

Hemabala Debi, daughter of late Trailakya Nath Roy of village Kaithi, P. O. Charanpur, P. S. Jamuria, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Chitti, H feet long, at 6 p.m. on 30-6-27. The snake was seen but not killed, as it fled away.

Symptoms:—Great restlessness; drooping of the head; breathing •difficulty. Inhaled " Lexin " one hour after the bite. Ligature was Temoved. Cured after 2 hours' inhalation. Only ojhas applied their mantras but no other medicine used.

Present:—Hrishikesh Laik, Nalin Banerjee, Pitoria Collierv Satya Kinkar Sircar, West Jamuria Colliery; Khudiram Rov TTari' pada Roy and Behari Nath Roy. o y ' H a n -

Reporter:-^ S. C. Banerjee, West Jamuria' Colliery Charanpur P. O. (Burdwan). 4-7-27

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 504 . 2964-28-7-27. C o b r a

Lalbehari Das, aged 25, son of Kunja Behari n a c nf •« Atapur, P. O. Barharwa, P. S. Rajmahal, District Santal P . - l 3 g e

was bitten by a Gokhura (Cobra) U cubits long T 7 J T g a " a s ' 9-4-27. The snake was seen but not killed. Inhaled " T « a ' m ' o n

hour after the bite. The patient was not senseless L i w " ° n e

removed. Cured after one hour and forty minnw ;ti? 1 ?-re w a s

"Lexin." No other medicine used. 7 U t e s "Na t ion of Present:—Is war Chandra Mandal of Diehi *ra,™i n

Narendra Nath Laha. g ' K a m a l G»Pe and Remarks:—The medicine is very efficacious Reporter:—Jogeswar Chandra Ghose Villon ^- . •

Barharwa (District Santal Parganas) ' a g e D ,eh i» P. O.

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 605. R-1927-7-27. R. viper.

Saurindra Kumar Paladhi. aged 13, son of Rampati Paladhi of village Paiker, P. O. Paiker, P. S. Murarai, District Manbhum, was bitten by a Bora, 1J cubits long, at 9 o clock on 26-6-27. The patient became almost senseless. Ligature was tied. Completely cured after l i hours' inhalation of "Lexin" which was applied within 5 or 6 minutes after the bite. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Dr. Anadi Charan Bhattacharjcc and Dr. Baidyanath Chatterjce.

Reporter:—Rampati Paladhi, Village and P. O. Paiker (Birbhum). ^ 9-7-27.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 506.

3 . Cobra. Surodhani Dasi, wife of Nakul Chandra Sen of village Manyadi,

P. O. Shamdi, P. S. Salanpur, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Gokhura (Cobra) 2 feet long, at 5-30 o'clock on 28-7-27. The snake was seen but not killed. Ligature was removed. Cured after half an hour's inhalation of "Lexin" applied half an hour after the bite.

Present:—Surjakanta Banerjee. Nibaran Bancrjee and Kiriti Mahato.

Remarks:—Good result in every case of snake-bite; never unsuccessful.

Reporter:—Gobindapada Mahato, Dabore, P. O. Shamdi. 23-8-27. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 507. 4 Krait.

Makhan Mahato, son of Meghu Mahato of village Monhora, P. O. Shamdi, P. S. Salanpur. District Burdwan, was bitten by a Domna Chitti at 7 p.m. on 17-8-27.

Symptoms:—Repeated fits; senseless, foams coming out of the mouth. Ligature was tied. Cured after one hour's inhalation of " Lexin," which was applied one hour after the bite. No other medicine used. ..

Present:—Kiriti Bhusan Mahata and Harji Dome. Reporter:—Gobindapada Mahata, Dabore. Shamdi P. O. 23-8-27.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 508.

2706—18-7-27. Ilabati Sen Gupta, aged 17, wife of Birendra Chandra Sen Gupta

•of village Duptara, P. O. Duptara, P. S. Baiderbazar, District Dacca, was bitten by a Panash (we do not know the species) 2 or 3 cubits long, at 7-25 a.m. on 2-6-27. The snake was seen but not killed. Her condition was deplorable. Inhaled "Lexin" 5 hours after the bite. Ligature was not loosened. Completely cured after half an hour's inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Kamini Kumar Dutta and Binapam Sen of Khong-sardi, Narendra Chandra Dey of Bardi and Bhuban Chandra Das of Aminpur.

Remarks:—The patient recoveredher sense with the use of your medicine, and I am highly satisfied with this.

Reporter:—Ramesh Chandra Sen Gupta, c|o Kedarnath Sen, Village Khongsardi, P. O. Baiderbazar (Dacca). 14-6-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 509. Reed. 10-7-27. Krait.

Pachan Mai, son of Sashi Mai of village Ranigram. P. O. Raj-nagar, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Chitti Snake. 1 cubit long, at 4 p.m. on 1-7-27. The snake was seen, but not killed, as it fled away. Inhaled " Lexin" one hour after the bite. Ligature was removed. The patient was not much depressed; he felt burning sensa­tion on the finger in which the snake bit. Completely cured after one hour's inhalation. Snake stone was used on the affected part.

Present:—Adyaita Chandra Mitra, Nabamdhar Das, Satish Chandra Das, Badla Mai and Sambhu Mai.

Remarks:—I believe that there is no other medicine for snake­bite than this. I request everyone to keep at least one phial of " Lexin " in every house.

Reporter:—Kamalakshya Mitra, Court Amin. Jamtara P O 9-7-27.

[Translated from Bengali]

Case 510. 2553—15-7-27. Krait.

Dibakar Bit, son of Kunjobehari Bit of village Joykrishnapur, P. O. Radhanagar, P. S. Bishnupur, District Bankura, was bitten by a Chitti, at 8-30 p.m. on 8-7-27. The snake was seen. The snake bit him on the toe of the leg and the leg up to knee-joint was swollen. There were aching, etc., and the sensation of numbness Cured after one hour and 45 minutes' inhalation of " Lexin " which was applied half an hour after the bite. Ligature was removed after recovery.

Present:—Bhuban Mohan Dey, Atul Chandra Dey, Mistry and Dibakar Chandra Bid.

Remarks:—I had cured two other snake-bite cases by your medicine but could not write to you in time.

Reporter:—Atul Krishna Mukherjee, Village Bhattara, P O Radhanagar (District Bankura).

[Translated from Bengali]

Case 511. 1533U-13-6-27. C o b r a <

Meraj Biswas, aged 66, son of late Amarat Biswas of v i l las Mohishakhola, P. O. Gangni, District Nadia, was bitten hv r S 3 cubits long, at 4 a.m. on 20-5-27. The snake was seL but n ^ killed. Started treatment seven hours after the bite. The patient was quite senseless; unable to speak; the tongue was paralysed • whnll body was charged with poison. The patient was able to sneak a w 3 hours' inhalation and was completely cured at 2 am on 21 5 97 Ligature was removed before the inhalation, when ojhas applied tht' mantras. No other medicine was applied.

Present:—Dr. Abinash Chandra Biswas, Ganeni Char-t KI Dispensary and Monachhem Hossain Mian of Dhanyokhola

Remarks:--The patient became as if dead by the bite nf •»,<. snake. I thank you for the invention of the medirin- V J I e

cured the patient. May God help you. medicme which has Reporter:—Atahar AH Mian, President ITm™ r> « •, .

Dhanyokhola, P. O. Gangni (District Nadik) B ° a r d ' 7Jl}^e

'' 10-6-27. [Translated from Bengali.]


Case 512. 2647—18-7-27. Cobra.

Bholanath Koar, aged 29, son of late Amelal Koar of village Samunti, P. O. Bijur, P. S. Montashar, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Keutey (Cobra), 2\ cubits long, at 6-45 o'clock. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Salivation from the mouth; became senseless. No sensation when the affected part was pinched. Ligature was loosened after the first inhalation of " Lexin " which was used l i hours after the bite. Caustic was applied on the affected part. Cured after 2\ hours' inhalation.

Present:—M. M. Chowdhury; G. Chowdhury and B. B. Chow-dhury, Giridih P. O.

Reporter:—Sisir Kumar Chowdhury, c|o J. Chowdhury, P. O. Giridih (Hazaribagh). 18-7-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 513. Reed. 10-3-27. Krait.

Baulchandra Sen, aged 18. son of Judhisthir Sen of village Sidabari, P. O. Mihijam, P. S. Salanpur, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Domna Chitti, about 1-J cubits long, at 7-30 p.m. on 2-3-27. The snake was seen but not killed. The patient was charged with the poison up to his waist and became giddy with red eyes. Inhaled " Lexin " one hour after the bite. No ligature was tied. Completely cured after 4 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Reporter:— Bibhuti Bhusan Mahato, Village Dabore, P. O. Shamdi. 10-3-27.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 514.

4733—1-11-27. Cobra. Khoirbincssa Bibi. aged 22, daughter of late Fakir Pramanik

of village Chhechalia, P. O. Bera, P. S. Sikhia, District Pabna, was bitten by a Gokhura (Cobra). 3 cubits long, at 5 o'clock in the morning. The snake was seen but not killed. Inhaled " Lexin " one hour after the bite. The patient became senseless and salivation was coming out of his rnouth. No ligature was tied. The patient came back to her sense after half an hour's inhalation and was completely cured within 3 or 4 hours. No other medicine was applied.

Present:—Hossainjan Sircar, Puma Chandra Karmakar, Moheruddin Pramanick, Madhu Sardar.

Remarks:—Much satisfied to see the wonderful effect of your medicine "Lexin," which cured the apparently dead patient. There is no other medicine of snake-bite like "Lexin."

Reporter:—Sudhansu Dhar Roy, P. O. Talat, District Pabna. 27-9-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 515. 4669—24-10-27. Black Cobra.

Nistarini Debi, aged 57, wife of late Ramani Kanta Banerjec of village Komrail. P. O. Mikshimil, P. S. Dumuria, District Khulna. was bitten by a Keutey (Cobra) at 4 p.m. on 29-8-27. Inhaled 44Lexin" two hours after the bite.


Syw/>/ow.?:--SaIivation from the mouth and nose- r e d n ^ nf

Ch: Biswas, Manik Ch. Mukh"rjee Mmchand' r f c " " ! M a d a r

M i k S a s r r i s S f ^ s . ? ' * B a n e ^ v i » ^ Komrai,. P. 0. [Translated from Bengali]

Reed. 2-7-27. C a 8 e 5 1 6 '

Chap^a t Ja a < , p R ? i : %$&£>$& W " ™ ^ a i ^ t l a g e bitten by a snake at 5 am o ' 2 7 2 7 Started"* ,E ' X" R>'- ™ after the bite. The snake 6,7 Km on thffSfA ??nt 0 n e h o u r

hgature could be used. Cured Herbs ZlrllL dc °{ /flr-v"-^ so no nally before the use of "Lexin.'' C t a k e n a n d aPPKed exter-

^ « ^ » W : - S I e c p i n e s s f constriction of oesophagus Present:-~Uht Kumar Sen. S. D O cLJ / , x ^ . - - I n s u f f i c i e n t inhalation delays' t h e ! L ^ " ^ ^ Reporter:-?. Banerji, Mihijam


3148-7-8-27. 0 a 8 e 6 1 7 '

Indramani Dasi, aired 74 wif* ^f u, n , G r e e n V l p e r -village Champalata,'pgO RanSia P ^ G o p a l Chandra Haider of

bite. The affected part was much swollen Thl ?> h o u r s af*er the sensation but was not sensele« T £ » I I n e Patient felt hi.L-inhalation of ' ^ e x ^ ' T f t e r g W i n f e Wa* Io°*ned a f c X went away and she was g r a d u a l for nearly a month. ' ' K l l m i S f and Ada a 1J £*, s ^ ? 5 $ e d

10 or 12 days and after that old ghee wa« a„l- ?°J , e n Part f0r snm! * was fully cured. No « * ! * ' £ ^ " 2 * « * e " M l

P « « i i / : _ D r . Kalipada Haider M » , « y ' Chandra Haider; Dhruba Haider; Sushit TC (Horaoeo-): Abinash Charan Haider; Nityanando Haider- VIJ, K u r a a r Haider T?3 Taboot Shreif, PoorTcamp, M ^ ' j E g g g * ^ ^

shoufdTetr^ b C S t r C m e d y «" « * « « " f dan g :r a"yE

0 t h e r S-everyone

/&tf0rter;--Bharat Chandra Haider c u r,. Bagerhat P. O. (District Khulna). "' Sub"Divisional Officer


Laht Kumar Sen. Sub-Divisional n * 7: 3nM-yu r ^ S ? t o t h i s «se and hL ?®CQr> Ghatal. o n U. (as published in Fonvard) a s rePorted to t h e n . e a v e '

•'• i e newspapers


Case 518.

3245—12-8-27. Coral Snake?

Pitambcr Kandoo, son of Ramlagon Kandoo of village and P. O. Husaniganj. P. S. Si wan, District Saran, was bitten by a Sankhra (a kind of Cobra, reddish-brown coloured) at 3-36 a.m. on 1-8-27. The snake was seen and killed and it was measured to be 2 feet 7 inches long. " Lcxin " was made to inhale one hour after the bite. There was no ligature.

Symptoms:—Very restless, burning sensation over the whole body, the voice of the patient seemed to have been choked. After 1* hours' constant inhalation the patient began to feel better. All the bad symptoms began to disappear, but again after 2 hours there was a relapse of the same ailments, the attack was more severe the second time. Particular care was taken in not applying any other medicine, as in that case it would have been rather difficult to mark the efficacy of " Lexin." Of course mantras were recited to satisfy the patient. The patient inhaled " Lexin " continuously till sunset with the net result that he was cured perfectly.

Present:—Babu Mohamed. Maulavi Dilawar Reza, M. Syed Hasan, Akhtar and M. Md. Mustaza.

Remarks:—I have firm belief in the efficacy of " Lexin." At the relapse of the second attack, I was doubtful if the patient would survive at all.

Reporter;—Mahamed Sajjad. Hon. Magistrate. P. O. Husani­ganj, District Saran.


Case 519.


Dhirendra Narayan Guha Thakurta, agedI 26 son of tateS-M Kumar Guha Thakurta of Katambar, P O Neora. P. . ^ J ™ * ^ District Talnai<niri was bitten probably by a Cobra, 1 *°°*l<yg:.V a W 7 ™ nm on 16-5-27. The snake was seen but not killed Inhafecr»°LePxTn'' 5 minutes after the bite. Ligature was loosened after 4 or 5 hours' inhalation.

Symp,o,ns:-WiMr> a second after the J » > " J « » M j P™ a » over the body, whole body was Paralysed; almost senseless, uirea after 12 to. J s hours' %£*%• ™%g J a g i b S . T "ere carbolic acid. Some other drugs (.roots «* ;nha1incr " T pvi'n" applied and also ojhas tried their mantras. Whi e mhsUmg Lexm unbearablepain seemed to be minimised and at its stopping, it grew severe again.

P r«« i* : -Sh ib Chandra Chatterjee, Shairmatulla Md. and J. C. Nath, i.p.s.

Remarks:-! am very glad to get the wonderful result of your medicine and hope every success of its wide advertisement in India as well as outside.

Forest Reporter:—Dhirendra Narayan Guha Thakurta, Katambar! -st Office, P. O. Neora (Jalpaigun), B. D. Railway. 22-7-2/.


1756-10-6-27. C a 8 ° B 2 ° -

bhum was b.tten by a Gokhurf ? £ b r a ) V ' , T , C T a r ' D ! s t r i c t B ' r "

W after ,he bite. Ligature ^ r emoved* " " * ' ° i n h a I e h a" f « Symptoms:—Much su-cat u , .

paralysed. No sensation w h e n ' t h e ' S b ° d y - w.™ *ivcri„B a n d the pahent became senseless TL» ?• ? a s P'"chcd. After a u*?i. three-quarters of an hour?finhStio n°n

ad^0 n g r a d u a » y improved * W

mom,ng of the f o l l o w i n g - ^^"ofhe 'r E S S E * 1 * ™ * i n t o „ . p " " » ' : - P r o m o t h a Nath R „ T A . raS u s e d-

3034|l—l-8-27. C a 8 e B 2 1 -

Mirjan Bibi ae-eri 3? -r - Cobra.

S ^ ^ f e f ^ * M ^ ^ c ^ v d h y Atrai,

WW. Chafed " I e ^ n ' - ' S . f V t 2 7 - T n e " S t a ^ S * ? ( ? o b r a >

Reporter:—Radhika v „ ) t <, n " n a d

rampur, District R a j s h a h P * S a n y a l - Village Simla p n „

3034|2—1-8-27. C a 8 e B 2 2-

Simfe t ^ O l?Tnik> a g e d 40« son 0f A m . - C°bra.

. •S,3WoiiW;-Senseless « T * • » G S n a k e was seen

Remark*- TU . aPplied. d I t e r one hnn^'o inhaled ^ • - T h e Pat*nt would have died if « T

^ ^ i ^ & N a t H Sanya,, Vi„ a g c S i m l a * " " -

r r ' • O. Raghv,.


Case 623. 3034—1-8-27. Cobra.

Kobjan Beoa, aged 25. wife of Khetan Majhi of village Simla, P. O. Raghurampur, P. S. Atrai, District Rajshahi. was bitten probably by a Cobra, l i cubits long, at 8-30 p.m. on 28-7-27. Started treatment 25 minutes after the bite. The patient was senseless, her condition was serious. She was in a state of fits, and was groaning with clenched teeth. No ligature was tied. Cured gradually after 2 or 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Rokymulla Majhi, Gangadhar Chowkidar, Mosarcfali Molla, Tori Mondal, Jeardi Sarder, Naib Fakir.

Remarks:—Some patients whose conditions were deplorable were cured by your " Lexin." I have never seen such a wonderful medicine like this.

Reporter:— Radhikanath Sanyal, Village Simla, P. O. Raghuram­pur-(District Rajshahi).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 524. 3958—12-9-27. C o b r a -

Mussamat Bibi Shukri, aged 14. wife of Shekh Joymuddin of Kishanganj. District Purnea, was bitten by a Gahwaman (Cobra), about 3 cubits long, at 10-12 o'clock on 29-8-27. The snake was seen but not killed. The patient jell dozen just after the bite. Two ligatures were tied which were also removed after 10 or 12 minutes inhalation of "Lexin." "Lexin" was made to inhale half an hour after the bite. Tivo fangs of the snake were taken out of the affected part. Cured after one hour's inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Shekh Chaman Ali, Shekh Nabi Bakhash Shekh Aolad Ali and Shekh Amir Bakhsh of village Samashpur and other 20 or 22 persons. . t

Remarks:—I have cured completely 4 patients with your " Lexin.' Some of these patients were almost dead.

Reporter:—Shekh Gaus Mohamed, Village Kahalgaon Muktali. P. O. Kishanganj (District Purnea). 3-9-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 525. 4521-15-10-27. C o b r a -

Ananda Prosad Adhikary, aged 29, son of Parandas Adh.kary of village Gaurangachak, P. O. Gaurangachak, P. S. Amta District Howrah, was bitten by a snake at 12 o'clock in the night on U-10-27. Howrah, was bitten by a snake at 12 o'clock in the nignt on u-w-f/. while he was in the field. The snake was not known due^ to the darkness of the night, only it was touched with the linger ot his foot.

Symptoms:—Felt burning sensation, restlessness, much sweat Inhaled "Lexin" half an hour after the bite. Ligature was removed after the inhalation of "Lexin." The patient came to my shop just after the bite and he was completely cured after l i hours inhalation. No other treatment.

Present:—None. Remarks:—Other patients also who had inhaled your "Lexin"

were cured. Reporter:—Panchanan Sarkar, Village and P. O. Gaurangachak,

District Howrah. 17-10-27. [Translated from Bengali]


Case 526. 2696-18-7-27. K r a i t

P o t r o p h J ; SSrfhf™0^?1- Mcajhi o f v i l , a S e Kuchlapahari, f ' i r i ; r t l ' ; • ^rad^uPur» District Santal Parganas, was bitten bv a Krait. about 9 inches long, at 10 o'clock on 17-6-27 The snako JZ seer, and killed. The patient became senseless TnhnloM «« f „ • » I V<

ZlZc?eV£hlh'?e\-AitCr i n h a S i S u r e 1 ^ CVemo" d The

six s S ^ ^ h 4 7 ^ r . ? L h c \ ri n

S " a k C - b i t C C 3 S " a » " fi- or Reporter:— Bogola Prasad Chakravartv P O a„,i v i i

via Madhupur (Santal Parganas) a m l V , , l a ge K a r 0

r~. 25-6-27. [Translated from Bengali.)

Case 527.

Jyotindra Mazumder, aged 32 son nf iat- v , C o b r a -Mazumder of village Gupinpur, P 6 GuskhL P K Q h c t I a N a t h

Disnet Burdwan, was bitten by a Gokhura^ (Cobra)' w J ^ S g r a m ' 3 o'clock. The snake was seen but not killed ' ' , o n g ' a t

Symptoms:—The condition of the natiW ,,., , , Patient gradually had nasal voice, r e s t S n e s T4 6Q»]O™^> the had sensation of numbness, the whole body 'was h1,U"?blc f° s5t '

Lexm " was made to inhale 15 minutes after tZ w* U I ^ coloured, removed. After 15 minutes' inhalatbn t h e ' J ^ ^ K VP* 1 "* was and the voice which had turned into na«? w i h , m^ e I f s a t down after 1 hour's inhalation. Comple ely cured af?e?4 f l f ^ 1 . * " a t u r a l

Mantras of ojhas were applied but noother medicine^J5' , n h a l a ^ n .

Present:-B^ri Kumar and Nagendra KumaT

the S W r i ^ ^ t a i ^ ° f r e C O V C r y : C O m ^ te ly cured by

B u r d ^ n r ^ 0 ^ C h a " d r a Da*> P- O. Guskhara ( D i s t r i c t

[Translated from Bengali.)

1749—10-6-27. C a 8 ° 5 2 8 -Sakhi Goalini, aged 51, wife of lat* p . , Viper?

Bindupara, P. O. Goalkhora, P S J W ? a m a c h a r a n Gope of vill, ganas, was bitten probably by a Bora S I a n v a ' D i s t nct San U P g C

-as not seen. N? l igaJreVas tied."' * ^ ° n 18"5-27. The s^k"

ailments in the m o r n j j 8 r , *g,am s"e was att^i? 5 0 u r s inhala-«o inhaie f o ^ C K s ftW\?^ ^ , . ^ * » «

G ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v i l I a g e and p Q lT'°»«™ fro,. B £ g


Case 529. 2693—18-7-27. Cobra.

Sarojini Debi, aged 47, wife of late Tara Das Chattcrji of village Gomai, P. O. Kctugram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a small Kharish (Cobra) at 3 a.m. on 26-6-27. The snake was seen, but not killed. " Lcxin " was made to inhale from 4-42 a.m. Two ligatures were tied at first, but these were loosened after 16 minutes' inhalation.

Symptoms:—Salivation was coming out; restlessness; blood in a small quantity came out from the affected part. Besides inhalation a few drops of "Lcxin" were poured on the bitten place. Totally cured after 45 minutes' inhalation of " Lexin." No other medicine was used. The patient was made to sit on a chair during inhalation.

Present:—Asit Chandra Mondal and Kuroram, Ojhas. Gobinda Chandra Pal and Sadananda Chatterjee.

Reporter:—Sambidananda Chatterjee, Village Gomai, P. O. Kctugram. District Burdwan. 27-6-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 530.

353-2-27. C o b r a -Duluri Chamari, wife of Mangat Das (chamar)' oj village

toe Three ?4atu?eT\vcre tied at first, but these were loosened , a t before the inhalation of " Lexin."

used. Only mantras were applied. Prevent — Ram Sing and Molia of village Katuwar Gaon Sour.

P. O. District BiTaspurfsadhu and Pilasarder of v.llage Girur. Remarks'-Every one should keep this medicine in the house. tfo^^-Madhusudan Sinha Colliery Manager • K h e n ^ ,

Trikoo & Co., Khas Joyrampur Colliery, Jhana. P. U (AianDnum;^

[Translated from Bengali]

Case 531.

4031-15-9-27. C ° b r ? " Tiramati, aged 47, wife of R a m p r o s r f * ^ ; ' * ' ^ P n r>hr.u p Q 4ak-ra D strict Muzuffarpur, was bitten by a

f. U. Dhoh F. b. t>akra ^SITIL a b o u t t 0 become senseless, snakeat about 4 p.m. on 3-9-27. She was L & Z r ^ J l i ^ t e usfoi "Lexin." No other medicine used. She was all right at 10-30 p.m.

Present:-G. C. Bhattacharjee, Anadinath Paul. Shivaprosad Thakur, Kusheshwar Thakur and ten other pilgrims.

Reporter:—Ambika Charan Roy, South Gate. Gaya. 14-9-27.


Case 632.

5083-2-12-27. C o b r a -Shailabala Dasi, aged 22, daughter of late Adhar Chandra Rajak

of village and P. o ! Chanchai, P S. Memari. District Burdwan u bitten probably by a Gokhura (Cobra) at 7 p.m on >'U"f7-'\™[ the bite the patient had the sensation of numbness and she was charged with the poison up to her waist. Inhaled Lex in a b 0™ one hour after the bite. Ligature was removed alter a while. 1 otaii} cured after two hours' inhalation. No other medicine used; only ojhas tried their mantras.

Present:—Rakhal Pakra, Kshetranath Mukherjce, Baidyanath Mitra, Taraprasanna Basu, Atal Behari Bagdi and others.

Remarks:—Before the use of "Lexin" all of us were much afraid at seeing the condition of the patient; but we were soon very much satisfied by witnessing the wonderful effect of your " Lexin."

Reporter:—Sanat Kumar Bhattacharjee, P . O. and Village Chanchai (District Burdwan).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 533. 5082-2-12-27. Cobra.

Janu Bibi, aged 32, wife of Romjan Mian of village and P . O. Asansol, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra, 2J cubits long, at about 9 a.m. on 2-10-27. The snake was seen as the patient caught it and threw it at a distance. "Lexin" was inhaled about one hour after the bite. There was no ligature. The patient was lying on the ground unconscious, motionless, with her eyes closed. After inhaling

Lexin for about a quarter of an hour she began to regain her senses and was completely cured within one and a half hour No other medicine was applied.

ColliCrrMan7gBerUPendra N a t H ^ ^ ^ ^ ™d K a I i P a d a M i t t c r '

Remarks:-"Lexin" had marvellous effect on the patient

Case 534. 5145—7-12-27.

Cobra. Shiri Dutt, aged 35, c|o H. M. Nur M n h m ^ » o

tractors, of P. O. Mani Ram, District G o r a k h ^ & ??"S ' P 0 " " Ghoman, 4 feet long, at 9 p.m. on 28-10-27 T h e L ? * S b , t t e n b y a

not. failed. After 20 minutes "Lexin" was made M ^ f e n i , U t

patient was about to lose his senses. Perfectlycured V 1 * ? 1 ? t ? h c

of nearly two hours. No other medicine was appHed l nha lation Present:—KsLshl Ram, Station Master *„A ™ ,

Assistant Station Master. master, and. Mohan Lall,

u J ^ ^ ^ S ^ Pr°Ved a m i r a d e i n d e e * An excellent

j y J ^ S ^ ^ ^ J i l a " ' F ° r e s t Contractor, P. S . Mani R a m



Case 535. 4521—27-11-27. Cobra.

Dharani Dhar Patra, aged 51. son of late Prem Chand Patra of village Khita, P. O. Gourangachak, P. S. Amta, District Howrah, was bitten by a poisonous snake, about 2 cubits long, at 8-30 p.m. on 26-10-27. The hood of the snake was seen but it was not killed. The patient was charged with the poison and he became restless. The man whom the snake bit was an ojha (snake charmer). He himself and other ojhas tried their utmost at first, but to no effect. The " Lexin " was inhaled two hours after the bite and he was com­pletely cured after 2 hours' inhalation. Ligature was removed.

Present:—Jiban Krishna Patra, P. K. , Chakravarty. Tarini Charan Ojha, Mcghnath Bag (Ojha), Aswini Kumar Met (Post­man), Bisto Pada Chakravarty and Satish Chandra Bal.

Reworks:—The patient was cured only by the use of "Lexin." " Lexin " has the power to cure the poison of snakes and scorpions.

Reporter:—Panchanon Sarkar, P. O. and Village Gourangachak (Howrah). 25-11-27.

[Translated from Bengali]

Case 536. 5143—7-12-27. C o b r a -

Sheikh Amjad, aged 32, son of Sheikh Nasur of village Gujadia, P. O. Gujadia, P. S. Karimganj, District Mymensmgh was bitten by a Keutey (Cobra), 3 cubits long, at 8 p.m. on 8-11-27. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms .—Senseless; legs up to knee-joints were; cold; white foams coming out of the mouth; breathing difficulty. Lexin was matte to°nhale three hours after the bite. No. ligature was tied. At first a few drops of "Lexin" were poured into his nostrils. The pa ient regaineThis senses within an hour and was completely cured after-3 or 4 hours' inhalation. Before the inhalation ojhas applied their mantras, but to no effect. No other medicine used.

Present— Birendranath Roy, Kaderbux Munshi, Chandra Kishore Mallburman, and Gagan Chandra Sukla Das Niganj Bazar; <Ybdul Malek Munshi, Lalit Chandra Sarkar, Dr. Anukul Chandra Khasnobis M a t e Chandra Saha, Durgadas Saha Jogendra Kishore Mazumdar, and[ Monoranjan Nandy, fruit merchant, Nilganj and many others. . , .. _ . „ .. ,. .

Remarks— Got wonderful success with "Lexin on the patient. Sorry to [nform you that "Lexin" although so valuable a medicine is not yet widely circulated. m

Reporter.—mri Prasanna Sarkar, P. O. Nilganj (Myme.£,n|h).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 537. 5136-6-12-27. R* V , P e r -

Matangini Dasya. aged 42, wife of late Aghorenath Basu of village Gaba, P. O. Bhalkochandpur, P. S. Asasuni District Khulna, was bitten by a Bora, 1 cubit long, at 7 p.m. on 9-11-27. The snake was seen but not killed. The condition of the patient was not very serious. " Lexin " was inhaled 5 minutes after the bite Ligature was removed. Totally cured after inhalation of Lexin during the whole night. No other medicine used.


Present:—Charuchandra Roy Chowdhury, Atulkrishna Malum dary Satmdranath Roy Chowdhury, Sailendra Nath Roy Chowdhu v kalipada Bhanja Chowdhury and Jitendra Nath Ghatak ^n ( m t i l , u r>»

upon^t " " iS g ° ° d "° d o u b t - A n>' o n c c a» depend Reporter:—Dhirendra Nath Basu \rilIatro Caha P n n i . i i

chandpur (Khulna). gC U a b a ' R % B)

h a l k ° -

[Transhtcd from Bcn<jali.j Case 538.

5238—14-12-27. Hemangini Debya, wife of late Rai Krishna Ph™ i o

Bahadur of P. O. Ghoramara, P. S. Boalk ESfr i r tP ?u £™}'*1

bitten by a snake, 4 cubits long, at about 2 o'c ock 0n 90 97hl' S S

snake was seen but not recognized. ^ ' O C K on 9-9-27. The Symptoms:—Restlessness, weakness nain ^A U

on the affected part and giddiness. Inhaied " Le5n » "in"111? se»sation the bite. Ligature was not loosened. The natient loc m , " u t c s after 4 hours' nhalation of » Lexin." No medicine w" ffi&ftcr.f«W The doctor prescribed " Bora fax " for the sorr 2 ? b>, t h e Patient. To be doubly sure, the doctor made an inch ffio^^Sl 1* b i tJn g ' the snake bit and applied Permg. of Potas after S I u leff w h e r e

accident. *llCT S1X hours of the Present:-K. C. Sarkar, M.A.. BJ... and Dr S C ru ,

M.B. • °- *-• ^-hakravartv Remarks:—The medicine actually proved verv *ffi,~, •

. Reporter:-Subodh Chandra Samril P O ? h „ C a c i o u s-Rajshahi). y a i ' r - u - Ghoramara (District

o a e o KoQ H-12-27. 2695-18-7-27. ° — 5 3 9 '

Symptoms:—Drowsiness, giddiness and heaving r , part. Ligature was loosened after inhaling " T» • ,?f t h e affected after 2 hours' inhalation of " Lexin » X c h fvas L ' ? ' F l % cured the bite. No other medicine used. 3S a p p h e d an hour after

Present:—Bamacharan Sen, Retired Arm * Kalipada Sen and Gopal Ch. Bhattacharjee C 0 U n t a n t of Collectorate

Remarks:—The medicine is good no douht Reporter:— Binode Behari Mukheriee W«L

District Burdwan. ^nerjee, Homceopath, p . 0 . 0 a r i Case 540 22-6-27.'

2692—18-7-27. Mahindar Harun, aged 25, son of Mr War,, * Cobra,

bagh, P. O. Chitkora, District Patna was h £ °J v i l l aSe Gardain 3 feet long, at 8-30 p.nV on 1-7-27. % e ^ u"1 b y a Cobra & The patient was in restless conditionL S & * ? S e e n b * not killed after the bite. Ligature was opened. Cured a l C a t m e n t one 1 tion of " L e x u ^ No other medicine used ^ 0 n e W s fohaT AT ^ ^ ' ' / • — H e n r y Benjamin, Tele*n.nfe * Masih Prakash Lakra. Chaprasi, Finance S f i n i n g p a f f l

g « i i « * * : - N o doubt the mcdicb?? s ^ eP^ment , Sectt ] £ ? * » Reporter:-Daniel Mechyari, Quarter M6 vCst o f all. P a t n a '

Chitkora, Patna. ' ^ U a r t e r N o . 1, R c a d N 0 25 p 0



Case 5 4 1 . 1830—6-27. Cobra.

Panchanon Banerjee, aged about 17, son of Gokul Krishna Banerjec of village Chandannagar, P. O. Chandannagar. P. S. Boro, District Hooghly, was bitten by a snake at 8-30 p.m. on 15-1-27. He became gradually senseless. Ligature was loosened. Cured after 3 hours' inhalation of " Lexin " which was applied about 20 minutes after .the bite. No other medicine used.

Present:—Rakhal Chandra Banerjee, Jitendralal Mukherjce and Nanigopal Ghosal.

Remarks:—Medicine has proved to be effective. Reporter:—Subodh Kumar Mukherjce, Buroshibtolla, P. 0 .

Chandannagar. 17-6-27.

Case 542. 2295—5-7-27. Cobra.

Haladhar Lohar, aged 35. son of late Bhola Lobar of village lndarpur, P. O. Mai:ipahar, P. S. Raibhaga (District Singhbhum), was bitten by a snake at 12-30 in the night on 2-7-27. ( The patient was not in very bad condition. Ligature was loosened. " Lexin " was inhaled about one hour after the bite. Quite cured and happy after half an hour's use of " Lexin." No other medicine used.

Present:—Prakash Chandra De, Fakir Chandra Ghosh and Girija Prasad Banerjee.

Remarks:—By treating with your "Lexin," we have been much satisfied, hearty thanks to you, pray to God for you.

Reporter:—Akhay Chandra De, Contractor, P. O. Manipahar, via Panposh, District Singhbhum. 3-7-27.

Case 543. 2601—16-7-27. C o b r a -

Wahidunnisa, aged 25, wife of Rahmatulla of village Buzurga, P O Pahitia P. S. Shadiabad, District Ghazipur, was bitten by .a snake at 2 o'clock on 12-6-27. She became restless. Cured after six hours' inhalation of "Lexin" which was applied 2 hours after the bite. Ligature was not removed. No other medicine used.

Present:—Sarfuddin and Sedagatullah. Remarks:—The snake-bite cure "Lexin" has proved to be the

most efficacious medicine in case of snake-bite and effects a very speedy cure.

Reporter:—Kazi Mahmud Ahmed, Muktear, Collectorate, Ghazi­pur City (U. P.). 5"7-27-

Case 544. 1834—6-27. B l a c k C o b r a -

Kali (dog), 4 years, c|o Atul Chandra Ghose of village Nayachawk, P. O. Bhagalpur, P. S. Kotwati.District Bhagalpur. was bitten by a Black Cobra at 7 p.m. on 30-5-27. The snake was seen and it was killed by a dog. It happened m the residence of Atul Babu.

Svmptoms:—Growling and howling noise like thunder; foams at mouth*; eyes and tongue projected out completely ' Lexin" was applied 2 hours after the bite. After 7 hours inhalation the dog


came to senses and was completely cured after 2 days. No other medicine used.

Remarks:—Every house should have a phial of this medicine in stock.

(Sd.) M. M. MITRA,

M. S.& M. S. Station Road, Soojagunj, P. O. Bhagalpur City, •

Bhagalpur. 11-6-27.

Case 546. 1752—10-6-27. Cobra.

Ramani Dasi, daughter of Chintaharan Sarkar of village Nal-chiti, P. O. Haturia, District Nadia, was bitten by a Cobra, which was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—About to collapse with symptoms similar to cobra bites. The ligature was loosened after about 15 minutes' inhalation. Came round after 30 minutes. No other medicine applied.

Present:—Jatindra Narayan Chakravarty, B.A., Jagadish Chandra Talapatra and others.

Remarks:—A very good medicine for snake-bite. Reporter:—Bhawani Prasad Talapatra, c|o Satish Chandra

Talapatra, P. O. Nator, Lall Bazar (Rajshahi). 11-6-27.

Case 546. 1543—15-5-27. Cobra.

Shyamangini Dasi, aged 37, wife of Jogendra Nath Nandy of village Shalghora, P. O. Bangnapara, P. S. Kalria, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra at 7-30 p.m. on 15-8-26. Cured after 3 hours' inhalation of " Lexin " which was applied half an hour after the bite. Ojhas applied their mantras.

Present:—Jugal Kishore Nandi and Jyotirmoy Nandi of Baidyapur.

Remarks:—"Lexin" is a good cure for snake-bite. Reporter:—Kalipada Nandy, Baidyapur P. O. (Burdwan).


Case 547 . 1678—4-6-27. Cobra.

Radharani Bhowmick, wife of Ananta Mohan Bhowmick of village Chowmukha, P. O. Nagorekanda, District Faridpur, was bitten by a Cobra, about 3 feet long, in the evening on 31-5-27. The snake was seen but not killed. " Lexin " was inhaled one hour after the bite. The patient became senseless just after the bite and saliva­tion came out of her mouth. Ligature was present. Cured after half an hour's inhalation.

Present:—Ramani Mohan Bhowmick, Mono Mohan Bhowmirk Gopal Lai Poddar, Madhusudon Bhowmick, Broiendra TWUUT' Bhowmick and Eslam Mredha. J n a r a M o h a n

Remarks:—We are glad to see the action of "Lexin" * « J U the public will be greatly benefited by this medicine p e

xJ&££aS£2 ¥£%£"""**• V i" a* e Chowmukha. P. O.


Case 648. 2944|l-28-7-27. Krait.

Chandra Hari Batabyal, aged 42, son of Ram Bishun Batabyal of village Abad. P. O. Labpur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Domna Chitti, about 2 cubits long, at 8 p.m. on 18-7-27. The snake was seen and killed. The patient was unable to sit, his head was reeling and salivation began to come out from his mouth. " Lexin " was made to inhale one hour after the bite. After the inhalation of " Lexin " for some time ligature was loosened. Cured after 2 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Ram Bistu Ghosh, Tarapada Batabyal, Binode Behari Ghosh and about a hundred men.

Remarks:—As far as I have understood this is the best medicine for poisonous snake-bite.

Reporter:—Krishna Hari Batabyal, President, VIII, Kurun-nahar Union Board, Village Abad, P. O. Labpur, District Birbhum,.


Case 549. 2944|2—28-7-27.

Paritosh Dasi, aged 42, wife of Bidhubhusan Mistry of village Manikpur, P. O. Labpur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a snake at 4 o'clock on 15-6-27. Started treatment about two hours after the bite. Ligature was removed after the inhalation of " Lexin" for some time.

Symptoms:—Insensibility; drowsiness; inability to sit; blackish blood came out of the affected part when cut down by a knife. A small quantity of Pot. Permang. was applied on the affected part. Cured after l i hours' inhalation of "Lexin."

Present:—Haripada Batabyal, Hare Krishna Mistry and SO people. . . . ,

Remarks:—This is a very efficacious medicine for snake-bite. Reporter:—Tarapada Batabyal, Village Abad, P. O. Labpur,

District Birbhum. 19-7-27. Case 550.

3970—13-9-27. Krait. Parmeshwar Rant, aged 12, son of Fatenga Rant of village

Damri, P. O. Barhampura, District Muzafferpur, was bitten by a Krait, 2i feet long, at 7 p.m. on 6-9-27. The snake was seen. The patient became quite senseless. Ligature was loosened. Cured after inhalation of " Lexin " for 3§ hours and the patient returned home on foot in his perfect sense. No other medicine used.

Present:—Ramdhari Thakur, Protap Sahu, Harilal Thakur, Thaga Mahato and many others.

Remarks:—Certified that " Lexin " is a very effective medicine. I have a personal knowledge of it. This should be kept in every home of the village.

Reporter;—Narani Ram Porter, Muzafferpur, R. M. S. 11-9-27.

Case 051. 3898-8-9-27. Cobra.

Guan Chandra Mondal. aged 43, son of Dwarik Chandra Mondal of village Bhetkhali, P. O. Iswaripur, P. S. Shyamnagar, District Khulna, was bitten by a Padma Gokhura (Cobra), more than 2 cubits long, at 5-50 a.m. on 29-6-27. The snake was seen, but not killed. Ligature was loosened. Burning sensation was present; cured after

B, SB 17


5 hours' inhalation of " Lexin." which was applied one hour after the bite. No other medicine used. . , , , .

Present:—Dr. Uma Charan Biswas and Nabm Chandra Mondal. Remarks:—The medicine has got the proper name " Snake-Bite

Cure" ("Lexin"). Reporter:—Tarapada Mittra, Headmaster, Bhetkhah M. &.

School, P. O. Iswaripur (District Khulna). 5-9-27.

Case 552. 3885—8-9-27. Cobra.

Satish Chandra Majhi, aged 16, son of Dandadhar Majhi of village Gopalnagar, P. O. Kulpi, District 24-Parganas, was bitten most probably by a Cobra at about 8 p.m. on 17-8-27. The patient was almost senseless and the arm below the ligature was swollen. "Lexin" was made to inhale on 19th August at 2 p.m. (i.e., after two days). Ligature was loosened after the medicine was inhaled for two hours. The patient was cured after 3 hours' inhalation of " Lexin." No other medicine used.

Present:—Rajnarayan Mistry of Jhawkhali, Bhabendra Nath Majhi and Dhruba Narayan Chakravarty.

Remarks:—This is the first time I got this medicine administered by a man of mine. It is of wonderful efficacy in snake-bite cases. I recommended this medicine to the public here.

(Sd.) A. MARMAX,

S. I. of Police, Kulpi, (24-Parganas). 5-9-27.

Case 553. 1445—5-5-27. King Cobra.

Keshablal Rajak, Mail Runner, aged 55, son of late Rajani Kanta Rajak of village Haridhali, P. O. Mahmudkati, District Khulna, was bitten by a King Cobra (Sankhachur), 2 feet long, at 4 p.m. on 28-4-27. The snake was seen by the patient. The patient became almost senseless, and was much afraid. Ligature was loosened during inhalation of " Lexin." Cured after one hour's inhalation of " Lexin," which was applied two hours after bite. No other medicine used.

Present:-£znt Kumar Ghose, Postmaster, Pt. Mati Lall Ghose and Surendra Nath Ghose.

Remarks:—I find the medicine is the best of all

District 'KhumIS a r a t ^ ^ ^ ^ ? ' ° ' ^ V U l a g e Mahmudkati,

Case 554. 1754—10-6-27. C o b r

Sashibala Dassi, aged 22, wife of Nani Kar tmU. „ i i \ , of late Rampati Dass of village Baidyapur P O fei ?n d d a u g h t e / Kalna, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra ? ^ T f ' P ' S ' 7-30 p.m. on 30-9-26. The snake was seen bu?'no* i MI i ° n g ^ , a t

patient was in a serious condition. < a e x i n ' ' \ ^ ^ S 1 ¥ l . e d - The the bite. Ligature was tied. Cured by the inhaSloS < « T ]U a f t e r

H hours. No other medicine used. "Na t ion of Lexin " for Present:—Babus Tarapada Kundu, Kalinada M,nj- m ,

K. F. Nandi, Game-Master, George Institution *' T e a c h e r a n d

Remarks:—"Lexin" is a sure remedv for w ^ n u-*. Reporter.—Jagatpati Nandi, c|o Z 4 f t fe^r T> ~

Baidyapur (Burdwan) Madhab Nandi, P. O. 28-5-27.


Case B55. Cobra.

1753—10-6-27. { panchanon Sircar, of Satva Narayan Sircar, aged 26, son ot r m> District

villagc^Serandi^P. O. Gonnasea»d^ P ^ a t 9 , m o n ^ Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra, 1U S d S ?

an hour after the bite. Radical* No other medicine f e d M o h a n Thakur, Kali Das uas,

P,v^;»/.—I\«J : ic l^f i rsca^ GUpta and others, „

" r ' ? L S r i = - " » - »-• '• ° -BE Reporter:—i r a i l f t"

randi, via Dolcpur. Case 556. Cobra.

312411-7-8-27. . . -{e o f indra Narayan Mai of „ h s j r ^ S ' & S S ? D ^ « 0BanUura r s ] r . ^ a

C ' K a f f i feet Jong a t 5 ^ . 0 ^ 1 0 - 7 * ,, ^ No

but not killed, as it fledJf ah>' / s inhalation. Inhaled U»»

Present:—Gokulbehan MM, Tarini Sahena. . G o s w a m y , Teacher Deulv.ra ^ •

Sehool, Vi.lage Chatrabaid, P ^ Case 557. Krait.

312412-7-8-27. o f Rami iban N a y * o ^ g f * Nilmani Dasi, aged 36, wi w a s bitten W^

Gohera, P. O. » Dgn£tie„t became «««'<£ h£f° J W s ?i° . ^ rflf hours a«er the ta£ Currf at ^hat1o„LX,«r- of o ^ G - a m :* Mohendra Nath Goswamy.

F « « » * . — A b t a * .SSld ishan Ch. Roy. Gokul Mai, Behar, Mai and p

i?C»"^---G°t„dra Nath Goswamy,JfflJfaS H ^ -Reporter:—Mohenara i Indpur, District School Village Chatrabaid, r . ^

Case 558. R . Viper. 4202-24-9-27. o f B a b u Rai war Village Khairasole,

Thakur Rajwar, agedL U * J o 1 D i s t r i c t Santal Parga ,

P. O. Taljhari, P. S- Rajmaha», Viper) ft about ^ bitten by a Chandra Bora ( R "f e l J n the paddy field. No i g The snake was not seen; it w* USCdV „ He was in restless c o f jtion ^ ^ * £ a f f e c f e 3 r P ^ ^ v e o l i r S t a ^ d ^ S ^ M l one phial was Cured after three hours' inhalation used in this case. M o n g l a Mhendih and Ruchna

Present:-?. T. H. Koomar, Mong Rajwar. n Khairasole, P. O. Taljhari.

Reporter:-C. H. Koomar, Village 22-9-27. District Santal Parganas.


Case 559. 4242-28-9-27. C o b r a <

Raghunath Kumar, son of Ramsahay Kumar, Village Kharoma-S f t P - O - B r a h a m p u r a , District Muzaffarpur, was bitten by a Cobra on 2-9-27 at 8 pm The snake was seen nearly 2 cubits long. The snake was killed by the patient and brought to the presence o the spectators After half an hour he became nearly swscleZ The ligature was loosened. Inhaled medicine for one hour Cured No

P ^ t , n eR

U S e n V>-sclfr?

dmJunistered t h e m c d i c i » ^ toUWm. Chaudhury. " C h a u d h u r > ' ' B- R^ghubir Ch., Ghiroo

/porter;—Pyaree Chaudhury Sharma, Sorter, R \f Q Muzaffarpur. ' u l l L r ' *• 27997 '

4229-28-9-27. C a 8 6 5 6 ° - C o b r a

BhowSr, !ha5: fla^^'k^ct V U J ^ ShaW'° ™age Cobra, which was bu? ndi inctlv e e t S ^ r b* t t en *» a

cubits in length. The s n a t w T s ^ t kil S L V a e of b ^ l ^ ^% 6 p.m. Inhalation was given half an hotir a £ r K?» ^ t •' a t

came running from the olace of h S J°3 a f t e r > te - T h e patient

attacked part After 10 minutes he L?L™S f e e l , n 5 Pai» in the After one hour's inhalation"of «'Lelin" fc £2£JS{Peeam< *£'*

M r s " " L C X ! n " ^ " * * ^ d ^ r ^ c u t o S f

given!ma^:-The P a t i e n t f d t e a s e ^ ^ the medicine was Present:—Abinash Ch. Chatteriee CP anri r>. ™ por t e r : -Gango t ry Pr. S i n X ^ i S V i ^ W ^ " l ™ D e y '

way, P. O. Kamarhati (24-Parganas) K & r p a r a ' S t a t l o n - E. B. Rail. b J' 26-9-27

4208-24-9-27. C a 8 e B 6 1 ' Hemaprava Debi, daughter of Cnnsi ru A ^ c°bra.

P. O. Budhata, P. S. Asfsuni, D i s T r k K h Z t ™ B a n eJ j i« K o o » ^ serpent on 4-8-27 at 8 p.m. The snak. w „ ? ' w a s b i t t e " by » torn. She complained of severe W ^ ? £ s f n; ligature was

Mu^"-Narendra *'* fee*£ ^ 3 ^ Remarks:—Nice medicine. Reporter:—Dr. Nirmal Prakash MuMw,-Budhata (Khulna). ^ukherji, i..M.p>| K o o ] , a j p Q

~ 22-9-27* 3183-8-8-27 C a 8 ° 5 ° 2 -


Case 563. C o b r a

3394—18-8-27. . ... . TT ~A ?? wife of Feda Hossain of village

Mrs. Feda Husan aged 22 w£e £ t r Parganas, was Doc, P. 0 . Bclbadda, P. S. Mahigama, uistnc ^ ^ ^ bitten by a Cobra, nearly 4 feet long, at b Ji> on d w h e n was seen. The patient was sexless. Ligature wa a f t e r £ ^ ^ '« Lexin " was inhaled two hours after^the bit& ^ ^fe^^ °- Bdbadda' Santal h n E S ^ - I an, very thaijldul ^or P ^ ^ ,

Reporter:-Jogmohan Smgha, \ mage l 0 8 2 7

Belbadda (Santal Parganas). Case 564. C o b r a

3526—24-8-27. . Tr1inr 0f village Jamdia, Ananta Kuor, ageeI 45 soriof R a g l g g J ^ l ^ l i r S t a t was

P. O. Palashpanga P. S. r i ^ a r £ ' ua t 4 o'clock on 13-8-27. The

bitten by a Cobra about l i cubits long, * ^ vlcl'n^:ii snake was seen. 1'he: pat ien*as •»Un an ^ & the inhalation j/«tf AIM/ (/i«V<? MiorfiM Liga ure w t h e ^ C u r e d after

Keonjhar State (Onssa). Case 565. Cobra_

3002—30-7-27. . . , p H v a Gopal Das of village Tinubala Dasi. aged 18, wife of Pnya j B u r d , v a n , was

Kaliapara P. O. R a s u H * * * Sa J u t 7 F i . on 14-7;27 The snake

bitten by a Cobra, 1 foot long, at afto^ „ i ^ 2Q m m u t e s a f t e r the was not seen clearly. Inhaica u bite. Ligature was loosened. salivation from the mouth,

SrmPtoms:—Drooping of the neaui, d a f t e r t h c inhala insens?biifty of the affected g ^ ^ f S t h e r medicine ap^ied tion of "Lexin" ^ r atout 1* hours^ , P r ^ ' ^ K a H a

p , r ^„ .^ ._Sara t Chandra Cha^rav £ ; N i l m o m K a h > a

Ghose, Head Master of A ™ ^ * „ . . r a<;1,ed

well-to-do man and many other _v l l a » c " n a n t * The. reporter asked Remarks:-The patient was pregn „ L e x i n " in such cases

whether there is any restriction for the o r n o t - , , *u Those Village Kaliapara, P. U.

Reporter:—Sambhunath Ghose, 15-7-27. Rasulpur (District Burdwan).

Case 566. Cobra. case ow— Uobra. 3086-5-8-27. .. L o h a r 0f village and P. O.

Provakar Lohar, aged 30, son of NiM m Q s t p r o b a b l y b y a Chitti Bishnupur, District Bankura, was binei k i U e d inhaled " Lexm at 8-30 p.m. The snake was neither seen just after the biting.

T Z T ^ u "Lexin" is used in pregnancy.-Eo.


Symptoms:—Burning sensation in the affected part; drowsiness. Recovered after 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—No one was allowed to enter into the room in which the treatment was made.

Remarks:—" Lexin " is the best remedy for snake-bite. Reporter:—Amulya Ratan Sinha, Bishnupur (District Bankura).


Case 567. 4178-23-9-27. C o b r a .

Churamani Metia, aged 42, son of Kailash Metia of village Galsi, P. O. Galsi District Burdwan, was b.tten by a Keley (Black Cobra) snake at 5-30 p.m. on 19-9-27, while working in the field The snake was seen by the patient.

Symptoms:—He became senseless; his eyes grew red- droonino-of the shoulder; unable to speak and open his eyes d r o w s £ - h? was made to sit being supported by 3 or 4 men; small amount of foams came out of his mouth. Inhaled " Lexin " about 2 hSS??after the bite No ligature was tied at all. No other medicine nloA Cured after the inhalation of "Lexin" for six hour™

T „fFrllt:TKs£etr* ? a i h .CL

h% e r j e c ' S a t i s h Chandra Mukheriee Jyotish Chandra Roy and Satish Chandra Kar. ^uKnerjee,

Remarks:—I am strongly convinced that the patient cot rnnvl

w a f U l i e T " t H e Vlr tUC ° f , , L e X i n " " "° ° t h c r druro/medicine

B o a r d ^ ^ f r i c h c T ^ ^ ^ H c a d P a n d i t , 9 ^i

Case 568. 3565—27-8-27. n ,

c . , ,T Cobra. of vf lSgTaS n ^ P a r k ^ P * ^ ^ l S L S S W & ***** bitten by a Cobra, at 12 am on 16-7-27 Thl B . , r b h u m ' W a S

comatose, it seemed to me asm abLJiZilf'- . • p a t l ^ n t b e c a m e

going to be black. InhSed " ffiHh^Tif0'1"1 V h e skJn was

Ligature was loosened after 1i m S u t e ^ h a l a S S ? " ***£ thu h^' applied some medicine, but to no effort? r . A S " r k e

fc h a m > »

3 hours' inhalation. " 0 e f f e c t C u r e d Perfectly after

Present.—Dr. Baidyanath Mukherjce and Taraprasanna Ghosal.

Birbhurr /" :-P r a d y a t KUmar Hazra" P- °- Paik-. § « £ £ Case 569 .

3415-19-8-27. C o b r a Mrs. Bulla Saw, aged 22, wife of Bulla Saw of vi l las ^n««„

Anandpur, P. O. Sonepur, District Saran, was bitJn by a r ? ' " l i feet long, at 6-30 a.m. on 26-7-27. The snake was seen '

Symptoms.:—Drowsiness, drooping of the head Nn r No other medicine used. Thoroughly cured after tw« l, , 1 I ? a t u r e -tion of "Lexin," which was applied about t e n m i n V t e S ^ f t e / S , ^

Present:—Ram Sahay Sing and Maulavi Abdul Gof *

D i s t r i c t ^ r 0 ^ N a r 3 , ' n ^ V i U a * "* * O ^ 10-8-27.


Case 570. C o b r a

3244-12-8-27. f S a t i s h c h a n ( i ra Nando Gopal Banerjce aged U so Hooghly, was

Bancrjcc of village Jusura P. O. ^ \ ^ a t 9 p .m . on 1-8-27. bitten by a Black Cobra. ^ . . ^ S t o r t S treatment ten minutes The snake was seen but not ki led. J>*™onditiott. Ligature was after the bite. The patient was_,n a i nous medicine used, loosened after 5 minutes inr,1alation. „ Cured after 2 hours' ' » h a l a . t l 0 "° e r iee basarathi Bancrjce and

Present:—Nani Gopal Banerjce, u Govardhan Karmakar. „ . c u r c for all snakebites.

Remarks:-Methink Lcxm is a su B a i d v a p u r , District Reporter:—Mono Madhab Nanai,

Burdwan. Case 571. H a r m l e s s Lycodon.

3971—13-9-27. ,, f r • N a t h Saha of village Aswini Kumar Saha aged 7sor10 ^Gupi £

£ l « t K ^ 3 or 4 hour,

a a a N o ; t h e r i ; of*—«. — *— Pr««il.—Monoranjan Saha _

^ i S S ^ ^ S ^ - ^ - to cure wonderfully efficacious, onc-quarte n , l l H k a n d i H. E.

* « $ $ , ^ B r a j a b a s b i Saba, Head Master, Daudkand, ^

School, Tippera. Case 672. Cobra.

4027|l—l5-9-27. _. Raghoba Dosadh, aged 20, son of Svin Dosadh of village Madaroza, P O Bhagalpore, P. S. Kotwali, District Bhagalpore, ----- t.....__ u„ o robra. 1 cubit long, at about 9 p.m. on 29-8-27. The

i t- :-- f" There was no ligature. P C u 3 after 4 S m & ^ ' ^ ^ m c ^ l c ^ W n ( ] a n p r o s a d .

Bhagalpore City. Case 573. Cobra.



Cured after one hour's inhalation of " Lexin " which was applied two hours after the bite. No other medicine used.

Present:—Abdul Wasey and Hakim Mansoor Ahmed. Reporter:—M. Solaiman, c[o M. E. Huq, Quaziwalichuk,

Bhagalpore City. 4-9-27.

Case 574. 3077—3-8-27.

v f P n %b l ' a g e d 2& ^ l f S , o f N a J i b Mondal, of village Srimata Kati, P O. Baruipara P S Tala, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake at dawn on 21-7-27. She could not see the snake in darkness, but she caught hold of the snake by the tail. The patient was in a swoon No ligature was tied. Inhaled "Lexin" 45 minutes after the appiied UfS i n h a l a t i o n ' No other medicine was

and m; ;To thTr t m e S W a r B h a t t a c h a r J e e > Tarak Nath Mukherjee, Remarks:—We are satisfied on seeing the good result of vour

Lexin. We pray to God for your every success and thank £ £ for the deed you have done for the general public y

Reporter:—Dr. Jatindra Nath Dutt (Homceo \ Talaln,,,- i n t P. O. Baruipara, District Khulna. ^ n o m « ° 0 , Jalalpur Village,

Case 575. 1751—10-6-27.

Bikesh Lobhon Sen, aged 32, son of Kedar N-ith ?„„ t -i, Khongsardi, P. O. Bai'der Bazar, District Dac« t J hi?/ V 1 i l a g e

Jalpore snake* 2h feet long, at 7-30 a m on 2oS^7 It " f i^ 5 out after a search and then was killed The mtilnf L-V a S^ f o u n d

hours after bite the affected part b e c a ^ s ^ e n ^ h c ^ L i a S S was not loosened. Started treatment with " I pvm » o u , wgature bite, as I was sent to bring it ^ NarawnSn! 8 f0"" a f t e P h e

the village of the patient. F u ^ cureT K J ' » I 1 H a W a y u f r o m

inhalation. No other medicine used f a n h o u r ' s

Present:—Satish Ch. Podder Rodder-statn P r* A . Dacca, and many villagers "ouaer state, P. O. Aminpur,

Reporter:—Rakesh Lobhan Sen P n -a • k « Villa" (Dacca). b e n ' P* ° - B a i d e ^ Bazar, "Lobhan

Case 576. 2475—13-7-27.

Sankhi Raut, aged 17, son of Narain Pa„f r •„ K r a i t -Kishanpore, P. S. Warisnagar, District D ^ J ? f V l H a g e a n d P - O. Krait, about 3 feet long, at 4 a.m. on 7-7-27 12' W a s , b i t t e n hV a but not killed. Inhaled " Lexin " about 2 hours a w 5 * u- w a s s e e " the ligature was tied and loosened after t a l d n V ^ T t h ? b l t e- Twice from the biting marks. Cured after 3 hours' inhLl!° f a n £ s o f t e e t h

medicines were applied, which are not known to ml ' S o m e °ther Present:— Many persons. ° me-

„J?&&L^ Vmaee R^u„a,hpur, p. 0. Kjshan. . 10-7-27.

*We do not know the species.-ED.


Case 577. 1755—27-5-27.

Sheobachan Singh (treasury guard, P. W. D.), aged 32, son of Nakchhed Singh of village Hirapur, P. O. Dhanbad, District Man-bhum, was bitten by a snake at about 7-30 p.m. on 22-5-27. The patient said that he had seen the snake to be a thin and small one.

Symptoms:—Getting quickly senseless and in agony, salivation from the mouth. Inhaled " Lexin " about 5 minutes after bite. Ligature was not loosened. Perfectly cured after one hour's inhalation. The man was also sent to the Hospital, where the Hospital authorities applied some medicine afterwards at about 9-30 p.m.

Present:—The whole of the P. W. D. Staff and Court Treasury Guards and others.

Remarks:—The inhalation of the medicine brought immediate relief and radical cure.

Reporter:—A. F. Julins, Overseer, P. W. D., Dhanbad. 27-5-27.

Case 578. 1967—22-6-27.

Jadu Nath Haider, son of late Gopal Chandra Haider of village Rasulpore, P. O. Raghurampore, P. S. Atrai, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a snake at 6 a.m. on 19-6-27. The snake was not seen as it was under the water. Inhaled " Lexin " about half an hour after the bite. Ligature was made. There were pain in the head and burn­ing sensation on the affected part. Completely cured after the inhalation of " Lexin " for about 20 or 25 minutes. No other medicine used.

Present:— Kedar Nath Chowdhury. Kristna Chandra Haider, Basanta Kumar Shah, Gopal Chandra Haider and Srikanta Haider.

Reporter:— Kashi Nath Chowdhury, Raghurampore P. O. (Rajshahi). 19-6-27.

Case 579. 2866—26-7-27.

Bipin Chandra Tanti, aged 15, son of Gorachand Tanti of village and P. O. Araidanga, P. S. Ratna, District Malda, was bitten by a snake at 8 p.m. on 9-5-27. The snake was not seen but supposed to be a poisonous one. The patient became unconscious and felt drowsiness. Ligature was loosened. "Lexin" was made to inhale 20 minutes after the bite. Cured after half an hour's inhalation. No other medicine used. .

Present:—Atul Chandra Kumar, Guhi Tanti, Gopal Chandra Kumar and others. . , • _ , . , ,

Remarks:—Many thought that the patient would have died if the medicine had not been in stock.

Reporter:— Pravash Chandra Kumar. Secretary, Deshbandhu Palli Sanskar Samiti, P. O. Araidanga (Malda). 24-7-27.

Case 580. 4631—24-10-27. Cobra.

Shaikh Farzand AH, aged 35, son of S. K Wasil of village Mallikpur, P. O. Barsoi, P. S. Kadwa, District Purnca, was bitten by a Gokhura (Cobra) at 5-10 o'clock. The snake was 1J cubits in length. Ligature was removed. The patient was restless. Cured after one hour's inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present;—Mabarak Hussain and Walfathari Human. Reporter:—Shaikh Yusuf AH, Village Noyatala, Mallikpur, P. O.

Barsoi (District Purnea). 19-10-27.


Case 581.


Sukumari Sarkar, aged 25, wife of Banayan Lall Sarkar of village Tabaria. P. O. Kumerkhali, District- Nadia, was bitten by a snake at 12-30 in the night on 17-4-27. The snake was seen but not known. Foams came out of her mouth and her appearance looked bluish in colour. Inhaled " Lexin " 12* hours after the bite. Ligature was loosened. She got rid of those complications after 2 hours' inhalation and was cured after 4 hour?. Ojhas tried their best but to no effect.

Present:—Fanindra Nath Saha and Krishna Pada Dass. Reporter:—Kali Kumer Kundu, P. O. Kumerkhali (District

Nadia). 9-7-27.

Case 682 . 2705—18-7-27. Cobra.

Sushila Bala Dasi. ,aged 60. wife of late Hem Chandra Nandi, Zemindar of village Baidyapur, P. O. Baidyapur, P. S. Kalna, Dis­trict Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra, l i cubits long, at 7 p.m. on 5-6-27. The snake was seen, but it was not killed for superstition that the patient might die if it was killed. Just after the bite, the patient was highly terrified and in consequence was under the wrong notion that she must die, so she was much frightened and was as if swooned, then she was made to sit down and 2 or 3 drops of " Lexin " were poured down on her tongue and also she was made to inhale " Lexin." She was about half an hour in a fit of swoon, but she was made to sit erect. In this way, after the inhalation for two hours she got relieved of her pain and was completely cured. Ligature was not loosened. No other medicine used.

Present:—Hemanta Kumar Nandi Chowdhury, Dinabandhu Nandi Chowdhury, Ramkali Nandi Chowdhury, Tarapada Kundu and Shyama Charan Ganguly. '

Remarks:—"Lexin" is a good cure for snake-bite, especially Cobra.

Reporter;—Kalipada Nandi, Assistant Master and Gimp* Teacher, Baidyapur George Institution, P. O. Baidyapur, via Boichee (District Burdwan), Bengal. * , v * ^ e n c e

Case 883. 2781|l-22-7-27.

P. 0 . lELTulpu^^ wa1sagbitteiaKfni' snake in the evening on 10-6-27. No ligature. " b y a

Symptoms:—Irregular respiration; salivation from mouth; swelling like tumours all over the body • moving J °^A r "Lexin" was poured into the nostrils of theWw S S S n d f r a

completely after nine hours. No other medicine uTed * " C U r e d

Present;—Kishori Wohar Ghosal, PanchkowrJ TU„.,J I - . pada Ghose, Kalipada Ghose, Atal Dom "chowkidarl £AU J ? w i i a "

7?<tforf«-;--Gor,ondra Kumar Ghosal, Shahani v-n « Rasulpur (District Burdwan). ' c > n a h a m Village, P. O.



Case 584. R Y j p e r .

2781|2—22-7-27. , qreemanta Karmakar of Kcdar Karmakar, aged 40, son of f r ^ f n g i s t r i c t Burdwan,

village Baragram, P. O. Amadpur, P. S. *i«g • t 7 a m on • was bitten by a Chandra Bora nearly• « c «LexinM'after 10 7-?7 The snake was seen but not kil ^ _ A

T h t i e n t was dgh houS of the bite. Ligature was loosened^ ^ ^

bedridden, was ^ ^ ^ I t n t e mSicine was used and also

^ ^ - - a n

«££$«&«»,- - - ~ ^ l ^ o p e n d r a Ku.a r Ohosa. Village Shahanu,, ^ J -

Rasulpiir, District Burdwan. Case 585. ^ Viper.

278113—22-7-27. „ , P-mchu Muchi of village M a i Das Muchi aged 2 5 s o r ] * J ? ^ M ™ ^

Shahanui, P. O. Rasulpur, P. b ^ l o n & a t 7 . 3 0 p.m. bitten by a Chandra Bora, l- sensation The snake was seen. ~-L-A ^ and burning ., ,.

- . . . - . T i m

inhalation of * Lex inwhicn Mukherjee-No other medicine used. p a u l K a r t i C Ghosal, IN

Present:-Manmatho Wat Shahanui, P. 0-and others. . K u m a r Ghosal, Village ^ ^ . ^ f ' ^ i r ^ ^ d w a n ) . K^T^^"* Case 586. Cobra.

Case 587. Cobra.

4065-10-9-27. ^ s o n of &toctandi Das of^Uage Kishori Mohan Das, ^ f i c f feirbhuniu ^ ^ e snake was

Laha, P. O. R a mPuK i a t i0ng at 6 P m ; °£d one hour after the bite, snake, nearly 2 cubits,Ion* „ w a s inhaledone . | . h i s

seen but not killed. . ^ J . t h e patient ie« { u nQ sensg. After half anhour-since bi " ^ m ^ f ^ of suddcndeath sank, he ^ d r o w ' y ^ched and was f ^ ^ h a l a t i o n . Only Pot. when his skin wsjincn g f t e r 3 nou Ligature was loosened. ^ r Q T S c h o o l > a n d P e T ^ n ^ l 4 Guru P g g j ^ t ; Mahfuzar Rahman. Sudhir Kumar Banerjee, xx


Remarks:—The report has been sent at the instruction of the Head Pandit of Bolepur G. T. School.

Reporter:—Syed Mahfuzar Rahman. Librarian, Public Library, Bolepur (Birbhum). 7-9-27

Case 588. 3833-6-9-27. C o b r a

Trmath Sadhu^ c|o Harinath Roy of village Benda, P. O. Benda. I'Jt \ o r a g a t l ' D l ^ n c t J,essore' was bitten by a snake at about 9 a.m. As soon as the snake was seen it disappeared in a jute field The patient was drowsy. Inhaled "Lexin" 3 hours after the bite No ligature. The patient inhaled "Lexin" for half 1 n ! S which he talked.freely, and said to he was all right Only oYhas tried before the inhalation of "Lexin." y J

Present:—Some females and cultivators. Remarks:—The medicine served the purpose

J e s s o ^ ° r " ? r : ~ S o b h e n d r a C h a n d r a S e n ' »*•> P ' O. Kalia (District 3-9-27.

4502-14-10-27. • C a 8 e 5 8 9 "

smelling. Cured after half an hour fmhfc 5 ? & ? £ * £

p ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ State. Gram Merchant, P. O. DighSara"^Strict slZ™™ **?&,$

452211-15-10-27. C a s e 5 9 ° " Ram Saran Dubev SPPA OQ , Krait.

Ghinadhar, P. O. GobindgunW Distri^nS* J a n g a l Dubey> village w 2 $ 2 J ^ - l 0 n g ' ^ 3 ^ ' a t 7n

pC t

mC h a^P a r a n lW a s bfeen by a

killed. Medicine used after one hour o?M* T -Snake W a s see» and His condttum was bad, senseless ^vld% L l g a t ? r e wa* loosened No other medicine used. ^U r e d after one hour's inhallfK

Present:—-Ram Prosad Chun. • '"halation. Remarks :-The patient ^ ? S E d ^ A ^ P r a ^ . * ^ r : - S u d h i s t N a r a y a n , ^ ^ ^ " «*r.

master, Ghorasahan. „ 13-10-27

452212—15-10-27 *Se 5 9 1 '

Symptoms:—She became cPncni ' e s n a k e Was

B. and N. W. RyUdt"St N a r a ™ . Station Master « . rer' Gh°rasahan,



Case 592.

4486—13-10-27. , A f a n d a i village Baira, Allarakhi Bibi. aged 41. wjfco ShahzedM. j j j . ? 2 7 j

P. O. Raina, District B u r d w a w a j b ^ fi b o „ r s

1 a.m. The snake was no seen, t* ^ /<?w. Cured bite. Ligature was present, conaii d- i n e used. four hours' inhalation. No other m g h c b j a n Sheikh.

Pr*«riif.—Jancndra Nath Sarkar ana

^^XISZ s. x. *- * s' » Burdwan. -««

Case &»"»• Pnhra. 4410-9-10-27. . s o n o f B o n o i n a l i ^ ^

Debnath Bhattacharjee, agedI 10. b i t t e n by a j ; J e ^ t e m b e r , P. O. Ranaghat, District Nad a D a t c o f b l te:.-14th l d . a Cobra. The snake was not seen m l 5 HIIII„a 1927, at 8-15 p . m . H e % 0

f ' 5 h e r medicine used.. d-after 3 hours' inhalation. No o ^ . ^ Keshabchandra Mitra

Present:—Sachmdra ^ a t i ' Brojobala Roy Kumud Nath Malhk B ^ ^ Head Master, ^ Girls' School, Ranaghat, Naclia.

Case 594. Doubtful. ^ „;i1a£re Baitkhair,

4400-9-10-27. D u t t a . aged 6S vdtag^ b i t t e n b y Mother of Puma Chand» District Bogja, b i t e a n d

P. O. Chandaikona, P. S. Sherp T were mar ^ 2 something when she w " J^cp f Bhadra 1334 ^ h g a v e her burning pain. Date of bite. w a s a ligature l a t i o n P o t . Six hours passed after brt* a f t e r half an hours a f t e r o n e . pain. Ligature was loosened a l s o u s e d . Came r Permang and Eucahptus Oil hour's inhalation. r> Zemindar, BaitKiw . r ,

P « « » « : - S u A i l Chandra R o y , ^ m e d i c j cured her, -Remark.—Could not tell d i n g o n Lexin_ ^

ventured to loosen the hSm™Jtz Chakravarty, Bhowaxu^ R g> Reporter:—Dr. Og™'

bari, District Bogra (Bengal;.

Case 695.

(Serious Case.) C ° b ^Ua

4389-9-10-27. g s o n 0£ * * * % £ ? £ Burdwanl wis ^ Anukul Ch. Dome, aged W, A u s h g r a m , D«tr o f ^ m o n th. . galyanpur, P. O. Bhed iaP . *• i n the: first w fl,wo4t d d> bitten by a snake, probably a ^ 7 / f w fl„ fo>«r g l o s t o n e hour of Bhadra at about midnight, £ 5nhaiation. U£a m d x

He began to stir after 15 m m f c a S e hopeless they mi . . with their mantras. Findmg the ca „ L n . I put^a A f t e f

hastened to the place with a phia 1 oi n o s t r l s of the P h a i { ^ h o u r

a handkerchief and coverea 0 f h i e . . o t h e r hour, 15 minutes, patient begari ^ e x h a e . Alter d u a l l y , more, patient was noticed to in jw ^ S n e used, he "commenced to speak ^ f f i N o o t h e r medicine use and at morn he was seen an "»

he "commenced to speaK " » " ^ h t and at morn he was seen all n s


heha r i r Ste r R a k h a l C h M d r a D e- G o u w h Goswami and Pulin-Remarks:—Wonderful cure

P. 0 R t h « S a N a t h S a ^ . Kalayanpur Dispensary, 3-10-27.'

4156—22-9-27. C a 8 e B 9«. Wife of late Bidhubhusan Pro •, Krait.

W X S n j ^ ^ S T ^ S n2 \ P- O. Andulbaria.

killed/After 3 h o u r s ' ' * - 5 a-m- The nak-^ a K a " a n S n a k e

vomiting PoisoLu?fnSn t h e Patient was » L / ? , f ^ s e e n b u t not

started. LTzhlTl Abo.ut 3 hours afte? W^t a " d instantly Presently n J T * halation t e r b l t e t h e medicine was

<:harjeeand'TaranaHf?R-rdhan Sinha Rov nu- ^ RentarksJ^t*?™- ™ h B h a t t a "

4298-30-8-27. Case B97. 2 9 - 9 ' 2 7 '

wa'fdri T<*^TVS ^ t \ ? ^ Poddar, • " . l W S » m C , * * » * w a f ^ £ « « Pabna, was ™«i>cine used. e ' C"'<* after [JL° J"m«<s of b*e ,h„ e Pr"™'

Pram. t. ° hou ' ,s' inh.i.1- t h e medicine - » ^ T s S ? - A d ^ r i , P . D a „ a

m h a ' a , 1 0 n- No other . a rge*Sf - - T *s n,edicine w i l l ' " ' K N ' S<» <**,,

4705 ,„ ' • °- Satbaria, 4W--30-O-27. C M e B 8 g 27-9-27.

M o u S ^ Ray, aged 41

&*» byk KrS; I ' t m b S r , %' * « of Mahata, ru K r a i t ' % ? a k e * ? 'e


b0"V C L A u s h ^ n , % r ? ? r ^ * » . village

evron?- tely after h;*l Xi?e afferwi ,After in Z ^ s t ' 1927» at 9 p.m. S P

i n 7 b uA

r t 4 sen sa^he » t i S > , ^ s t S n u t e s the medicine seemed uAfter thent'0]1 under aff°uld not f S " p v?ry tightly

Misra H" , ; - fu r °I " " ^ d a y s L ? n d . H i p a W h o l e I>hial a » d a

*«»«r fc :^ .£ r \ 0 f ^ o u k h i r ^ . M a n m a t h a Nath I I a J ^ 0 " « - : - r v m ""Sn a V u- d J a > ' a n t a Kumar

lambazar, D i ^ l Das £ hk* cure" •

riCt B ^ v Jr . *.A., Kjre "ve ry efficacious. '"' ,1IaSe Moukhira. P. O.

-j v-uiuacious. Illage Moukhira. P. O.



Case 599. . . . 4296-30-9-27. R- V i p e r -

Bamacharan Laha, aged 38. son of late M h a ^ l a v Laha of Narenga village. Post Office Kowarpur, Thana k e t u ^ j " 1 * ™ Burdwan, was bitten 1* aChandra.Bora j a s t ^ ^ n g

Jtr^Ve™ was made to

inhale after two hours of bite. nnrtnnt\v

* , , t f / * , , „ : -The patient was not ^ He was cured perfectly after 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine used

/ V ^ „ / . - D u r g a Das Bhattacharjee of Maliara ^ u. Kowarpur. District Burdwan; Akshoy Kumar .\ag, Narenga. ,

A W , : - I believe upon this medicine veo- much. * r /> o r t , r . -Dr . Upendra Nath Adhikan, Village Narenga^P. 0.

Kowarpur (District Burdwan).

Case 600. S e r i o u s C a s e

4180—23-9-27. . p Q

Hari, aged about 30, son of ¥ j w 5 ^ V w a f b f t t ^ V a snake Phulwari Thana Phulwari, Pjf1"04 ^ f o ' f bite :—14th September, which was neither seen nor killed, uaie u k a f t e r t w 0

1927, at about 6 p.m. The medicine was made hours. No lierature used. , Unu un(\v cold

^ the hospital by Mr. Fa wens oraer. Q{ p u b H c

T Present:-Priya Nath Bose. G. E- Fa«cns. Instruction, B. & O., and many other Sentle™C

s o m e 2 0 of the „ ^ o / m r h . - A l l present (about, 50 m e " ! , medicine acted very Secretariat staff) were fully convinced that Promptly. H o u s e No. 7. Khasjolc ^ ^or^r . -Ra jendraKishoreChakravar t j , House ^ ^

v^oad, P. O. Patna.

Case 601. 4141—21-9-27.

f panchu Charan Ghose of ., Bepin Behari Ghose. aged 22 son 2 4 _ P a r g a nas , was bitten by

Vl"age Kodalia, P. O. Sonerpur, LMst ™ ^ g n a k e , y a s s e e n b u t a Poisonous snake, which was 21t

c,ublt4^em 'ber, 1927, at 5-30 p.m. n°t killed. Date of bite:—1 " n J ^ p i ^ w a s l o o s e n e d ^fex in" was inhaled 4 hours after m • j h a l a t i o n 0f "Lexin* T l l e patient became senseless. Betore


only an ojha was engaged to apply his mantras. Cured after three hours' inhalation. No other medicine used.

Present:—Bepin Behari Dutt, Kodalia, Motilall Ghose, Bejon Behari Bose and Upendra Nath Chul.

Remarks:—Successful. Reporter:—Bholanath Dutt, Kodalia, P. O. Sonerpur

(24-Parganas). 19-9-27.

Case 602. 4140—21-9-27. Snake not seen.

Abdul Majid Sani, aged 38, son of Suthur Sani, of village Ram-prasadpur, P. 0 . Ondal, District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake while he was on paddy-field in the night. The snake was neither seen nor killed. Date of bite:—11-9-27, at about 7-30 p.m. The medicine was inhaled two hours after bite. No ligature used.

Symptoms:—The patient was unconscious with teeth closed and v

white foams coming out of the mouth. Cured after two hours' inhalation of " Lexin." No other medicine used.

Present:—Dhaneswar Saha, Majid Box, Goffur Meah and Kalipada Nandi, Ondal.

Remarks:—The medicine has proved very efficacious and has. gamed much more faith of the public.

Reporter:—Bhutnath Majumdar, Bazar, Ondal. 20-9-27.

Case 603. 4015—15-9-27. Krait.

Wife of Hernial Mahato and daughter of Bhutan Mahato, aged 23, of village Kushma, P . O. Madhupur, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by Krait, about 3 cubits long. The snake was seen but not killed. Date of bite:—13-9-27, at about 8 p.m. " Lexin " was made to inhale about 20 minutes after the snake-bite. The ligature was not loosened.

Symptoms:—Senseless; unable to tell the proper taste of salt After 10 minutes' inhalation there was a jerk and gradually imDroveH After 15 minutes of the use of the mqdicine, the patient could tac* sugar and feel pinching rightly. No other medicine used Tnttii cured after one hour's inhalation. -totally

Present:—Profulla Kumar Bhattacharjee, B A K a l ^ xr i_ Mithan Roy and others. ' ,A ' ' K a l o ° Mahato,.

Reporter:—Promotho Nath Chakravartv Tf—u Madhupur P. O. (Santal Parganas). y ' * u s h n *a Village,

18-9-27." Case 604.


the, darkness of night. The s n a k e w a f A ° 0 , i e d r o ™d his w i n patient said. Date of bite•—77 » U 3 o r 4 cubits W g , i n

inhaled 20 minutes a f t e h e l ? e & *r 1 0"3 0 P - * " U x ? n »* * ' little at first but fully m the m o ^ 6 U g a t u r e ^ tooS*^


v. foil flat and was

and walk after continued inhalation. ligature was loosened. p Q Barahamganj. M»*b

M j ^ ' b - ^ R ^ ^ ^ ! ^ Henceforth

there will he no m° r t a l lH f t fhc inventor. ,. T:nnerah. at hand. Hearty thanks to the in Daudkandi, Tipperan

Reporter:-Brojabashi Saha, riea

Case 60S. Cobra.

4087-18-9-27. $ u r j a N . ^ j ^ ^ ^ i f f l S Kuraram Chose, aged 7, son B h a r a t p u r , Djstn« b u t n o t

Simulia. P. O. Bamvaribad P. & The s n a K c ^ a sM L e x i n . ' was

was bitten by a Cobra. 11f cubrts ^ p * . a f t c r killed. Date of bite :-24th J W . T h e l i g a t u r e \%as inhaled half an hour after DU . ^dicine used. 10 minutes' inhalation. d> N o other medic

Symptoms:— Reeling o i " - of "Lcxin. K u m a r

Cured after 15 minutes inhalation c h a t t c r j e e , p ^ Chandra

Ghose/Kanai Lai Mahanto, *- ^ ^ Lall Mandal. N a t h Mukherjee, Vina*, ^ ^

p. < M £ 5 f (S3SSS-)- vrmsWcd fro,,. * * * i • O. Banwaribad (Mursniu

Case 60S.

4767-4-11-27. . „ d a u ghter of Batei Keshab

ru Srimati Uma Sunclari Dasi, ^ V p h ^ P ^ ) . . ^ « $ £ Chandra Paul and wife of ^ Q ] { n 24-Pag l 5 minutes after Nemnan, P. O. Usty, \- *• « Lexin app h a snake on 27-9-27 at P J inhaled. ffected part W Ligature was loosened whe Firstly the a ^ , , w a s

^yni^oiw.—Sensation of ^ m a n g a n i s and *as rubbed with Lotion Zinc l h a l a t l 0 n . ^Pplied. Cured after one hours ^ ^ ^

Pwent :—My family. T hope that in „Lexin>» I Remarks:-" Excellent n . e*«ne^ faith ffl g w l t b

pedicine for snake-bite, and have ^ t h a n 7 or h ave tried your medicine on s * * e S s . p A U L , M .B . (Homceo.),

(Sd.) Dr: B H A B A ^ & O 5 w B / t 0 „ ^ r ,

jn-charge oj K u m e rpara , Village Kasba^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Case 607. 4672—26-10-27.

Makhan Lai De Sarkar, aged 23, son of Shib Chandra De Sarkar of village Dakshinpaiksa, P . O. Dakshinpaiksa, P . S. Sree-nagar, District Dacca, was bitten by a venomous snake perhaps Jati (Cobra), which was about 1* cubits long. The snake was seen, but not killed. Date of bite:—24th August, 1927, at 4-15 a.m. "Lexin" was made to inhale 13 hours after bite. Ligature was loosened. The patient became senseless. Potas. Permanganate was applied before inhalation. Completely cured after one hour's inhala­tion.

Present:—Babu Rameswar Sil, B.A., Heramba Kumar Mitra, B.SC and others.

Remarks:—"Lexin" is a wonderful invention and has worked wonders in this case.

Reporter;—Lalmohan Saha, Head Master, Haldia, G. R. B. M. Institution, P. O. Haldia (District Dacca), Bengal. 6-9-27.

Case 608. 4681— Cobra.

Eusan Bibi, aged 12, daughter of Parosulla Shikdar of village Baplatobi, P . O. Khabashpur, P . S. Harirampur, District Dacca, was "bitten by a Cobra, 24 cubits in length. The snake was seen and killed. Date of bite:—30-9-27, at 9 a.m. The condition of the patient was serious. " Lexin" was applied 2 hours after bite. The ligature was loosened. No other medicine used. Cured after 5 hours' •inhalation. .

Present:—Mozafar Uddin and Barkatullah Shikdar. Remarks:—We are satisfied in using this medicine. In most

•cases it has been successful. Reporter:—Maseehuddin Ahmed, Village Pipoolia via R=.;M

P . O. Balora (Dacca), Bengal. ' V i ^ , * '

Case 609. 4717-29-10-27. ^

Mossamat Nafisan, aged 26, wife of M. Mamta™i t r village Jaruho, P . O. Hajipore, District MuzaffeSSw ^ u u o f

hy a Cobra, which was about 20 inches lone T h ? ? I 1 W a s b , t t e n

but not killed as it fled away. Date of bite ---I d-ilvy? W a s s e e n

8 p.m. " Lexin " was applied half an hour after h £ %l *l a b o u t

was loosened. c r Dlte- The ligature

Syvtptoms:—Numbness up to thigh and w *• herself well after the inhalation and was c L J " ^ S h e felt inhalation. No other medicine used. e d a f t c r 2 hours'

Present:—Her father, brothers and some ntu village. n a s o m e other gentlemen of the

Remarks:—"Lexin" is most efficarinnc world. emcacious and unparalleled i n t h e

Reporter:—Dr. A. Rashirl TT , , (Muzafferpore). a S h , d ' "•*•*-. Jaruha, p . 0 w ..

* A • ^ Wajipore 28-10-27.


Case 610. „ . 11-27. . , K r a"'

(Serious.) , Birendra Nath Singh, aged 35. son of Kartic Chandra S m g

of village Maewdhomo, P. O. Si tarampurP. .S . ^ ^ Burdwan, was bitten by a Donna Chitti (Kraitj, on 12 noon.' The snake was H feet ^ V o t h a l e 5 hour? after bite. No ligature used. " Lexin was madctointate \ e a d a c h e ) COntrac-. Symptoms.—Was almost dead, attack«rmm n g u s e d

tion of the neck and seemed paralytic, wo out Cured fully after 2* hours' inhalation. Asansol and

Present:—Jogendra Nath Patra. U|b urn , Kanailal Sen, Clerk, Sitarampur. d h o u l d b e k e p t in

Remarks:—The medicine is very usetui «vcry house in all countries. - . C a b ; n Quarter E. I.,

Reporter:-Nagcndra Nath Acharya, East UID P. O. Sitarampur (District Burdwan).

Case 611. B l a c k C o b r a ? 4640-24-10-27. G a b r i e l 0f village x Simon Gabriel, aged 21, son ot JJ. • . D a c c a , was Noyansree, P. O. Deotala, P. S. Naivabganj, u Wttcn by a Black Snake. It was not k lied as Q{ b l t e : -7 th The colour of the snake was noticed a sWaa^ „ ^ m h l e d October, 1927, at 2 p.m. Immcdiatel^fter^brte ^ a b Before the inhalation the condition was vejy T h e n h o t t e a w a s to swoon. Cured after inhalation ot t mcd icine used. gwen and the pain all removed No other ^ N a t h Dey.

Prwci/.—R. E. Rozario, P. ^ ^ ^ d essential medicine. I . Remarks:-" Uxm" is a very good a

*ish every man should have.this m to house p Q p ^ , ^ /porter:—Simon Gabriel, Village J 15-10-27. (District Dacca).

Case 612.

4641-24-10-27. ., n( Ren$rchu Mahali of village * Dukhi Mahalini, aged ^ . f ^ ^ D i s t r i c t Santal Pargana* Kushbad, P. O. Kumrabad, P. S. DumKa n o t k l U e d Date ^ s bitten by a snake, 3 feet long. I ^ ^ ^ h a l e d about 4 hou« of bite:—14-9-27, at 11 a.m. ^ ^ o t ber medicine used. Totally a f terbite Lieature was loosened. No otner <*red after on! hour's inhalation B h u k u Mahal., Mangat >, Present:—Budhu Mahali, p n W 1 p„ ' r a i o d

Mahali, Rengchu Mahali, Bashi Nathi Gorrai ^ g Q o d h e a h h a n d

0 Remarks:—I pray to God that yuu ° d S a ™ ( S d - ) ^ HI N X G S

K ^ m k a ' P S-). 19-10-27.

Case 613. S n a k e n o t known. ^630—24-10-27 , i thn Mallah of village Gung. p Bihasi Mallah, aged 25, son o H J District Darbhanga was & O- Mow-Bazidpore. P. S. Dalsm&sar«. a c c o u n t „f darkness C t e " by a snake which was not j ^ J 1

k c w a s not killed. Date S?*, ?ce« to be about 2 cubits long. lh,e S" d t 0 i n h a i e six hours a t c ? t e f c 1 7 - 1 0 : 2 ^ a t l 0 p . m . / ^ n ^ f o r e the inhalation the

c r bite. Ligature was loosenea.


condition of the patient zvas very bad; cured after 5 hours' inhalation N o other medicine used.

Pr««if;—Kumar Jainarain Singh and Ram Protap Sinha of Gopalpore, P. 0 . Mow-Bazidpore.

(Sd.) BENARSHI PROSAD SINGH, V'llage Gopalpore,

P. O. Mow-Bazidpore, (District Darbhanga). 21-10-27.

Case 614. 10-27. B l a c k c

Chunu Bauri, son of Giridhari Bauri of village Neamatnnt^P n Sitarampur. District Burdwan, was bitten by a B lackCobrawhi?h was-4 cubits long. The snake was seen but not !killed r J ? $ bite:-l-10-27, at 10 a.m. Before the inhalation of " L e x i n ? W , were coming out of the mouth of the patient. "Lex in" was m medaiceine°rus0ede ^ * " ^ ^ W a S S q u a l l y cured. No S h S

Presenf:—Debiprosad Mukherjee and Hem Chandra Ghosal.


Sitarampur P. O. (District Burdwan).

j p M M Case 615. 4572—18-10-27. K .

Rahishan. aged about 4 years, son of Khoda Buksh « * , •« Bara, P 0 . Wasirganga, District Gaya. was Wt?en by a Kraft u l a g e

long, at 7 a.m. The snake was seen bu not killed S t a rS? ' l \ f e e t

after two hours. Condition of the patient was nnt «? i t r SS t r n e n t

cured after half an hour's inhalation" No othe ™di? i° T i * a l I y

Present : - S i v a Prosad Lall, Potoari. D a r S T f l 8 6 ! ' Ramkheloan, Barahil, Chandra Nath Baneriee L a l 1 A m i n »

tf^.-Best medicine There is no need of l i g a t u r e +

(bd.) KAUI'ADA GUPTA Zemmdari Katchery, v; , , ; T

P. O. Wa z , r gun, , D,s.ric, Ga y a a n ' 1 7 - 1 0 .2 7 .

4457-17-10-27. ° ~ 9 1 8 -Bhim Bauri, aged 42, son of Ramhari R5„ • , Krait

P. O Ranigram. P S . Dumka. Di^rict Santa?P ° f V i l l a 2 e Amjora by a Domna Chitti (Krait), 14 feet Ion£ «« si in £ a r S a nas , was h i t S was seen but not killed " Lexin » , ? ! ' 0 n HQ'27 at 6-30 Tu„ o f " Before inhalation, the patient was hZl* a p p l i e d °«e hou'r a t o V k f *

seen by me." L e x , n ' s *<= best m e d i c i n e .

( s ^ , - D b a n a n j o y D a s , V i l | a g e ' ^ eve,

' r > u - Rani _ ^ _ i f . errant-In absem*of "^F^Z~- -^2: • "gature is essential.


Case 617. 4547—17-10-27. C o b r a -

Etoaria, aged 40. wife of Anath Mahato of village Manikchand-talla, P. O. Patna, P. S. Fulwari, District Patna, was bitten by a Gokhura (Cobra). 4 feet long, on 4-10-27 at 7-30 in the evening. The snake was seen but not killed. Started treatment after an hour. Ligature was loosened. . ._ ,

Symptoms:—Very bad condition, drowsiness, breathing difficulty. After'thc inhalation she began to talk, asked for water, and gradually cured after 45 minutes' inhalation. No other medicine applied.

Remarks:—I think your " Lcxin " is a miraculous medicine for any kind of snake-bitten patients.

(Sd.) ACHYUTA KUMAR MAITRA 9, Mangles Road, Patna. 16-10-27.

Case 618. 4898—15-11-27. C o b r a ' .

Bholanath Chatterjee, aged 32. son of late Ashutosh f g t c ^ of village Amritapur. P. O. Birprananchgram. P. S. Murarai, district Birbhum?4Tb t t S by a Gokhura (Kharish), 2 feet long on 12-10-27 at 3 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed. Lexin " « m a d ^ ° inhale about 20 minutes after bite. Ligature was removed The patient felt bitter Pains and he became senseless, but a «cr tne inhalation of " Lexin " for one hour he was cured. No other medicine

"^Present :-Vmesh Chandra Banerjee, Nanigopal Banerjee.. Nakhul Lall Acharjee and others. , „ T . „

Remarks:-?** patient was cured by inhalation of Lexin. (Sd . ) KALIPADA MUKHERjEli,

Village Kalahapur, P. O. Bipranandigram,

Via Murarai, District Birbhum. 12-11-27.

Case 619.

1858-11-11-27. *-Z'V"u • P 0H^H R - - e d | 4 son o n a t e A n d a J a £ « e ^

by ? B B o f r R - e n V V i p e r ) ' ^ i c h ' w a s 2 cubits lor* an,I v e r y ^ The snake was seen but not killed. Date of bite. *}££ 7-30 p.m Started treatment half an hour after bite. Ligature w

' ° 0 S ! ^ , 0 „ , , . . - M u c h pain ^ \ f ^ J $ Z & & "J? ?outh; was unable to speak. Vurecl a l I f iJfnrp the inhalation.

"""Remark,:-! used this medicine several times and it Rave me Wonderful results.

(Sd) INDRA NARAYAN CHOWDUURY, Second Pandit, Belgharia M. E. School,

P O. Belgharia (24-Parganas). 8-11-27.

* Acadirachta indica.


Case 620. 11-27. Kraft-

Durson Bhooyalo, aged 32, son of Mot Ninon of village Burnghat P. 0 . (present address: P. S. Kundwadee, Manbhum), District Gaya, was bitten by a Krait, 2J feet long, on 12-10-27 at 6-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed. No ligature tied. The patient was half unconscious. Quite all right after 3 hours' inhalation of "Lexin" which was applied one hour after bite. No other medicine used.

Present:—Many villagers. Remarks:—The remedy is a good one and can be relied on.

(Sd.) J. N. LARDNER,

Bansdeopur Colliery, Kusunda P . O., E. I. R. 4-11-27.

Case 621. 4859—11-11-27. Typhlops.

Saju, aged 35, wife of Bulaki Hari of village Jealgora, P . S. Jamadaba, District Manbhum, was bitten by a snake (Tilaiah) 1 foot long on 24-9-27. The snake was seen and killed. " Lexin" was inhaled on 27-9-27, i.e., after 3 days. There was no ligature. Ojhas applied drugs. Before the inhalation the patient " saw smoke-like,"

, had " brain puzzle" and " less sensation on skin." The patient got rid of all these symptoms completely after the inhalation of " Lexin " for three-quarters of an hour.

Present:—Hem Chandra Chakravarty and Bramon Barance. Reporter:—Narendra Nath Bose, P. S. Jealgora (District

Manbhum). 28-9-27.

Case 622. 4524—15-10-27. Cobra.

Jaggu Kahar, aged 30, son of Bhikhari Kahar of village Fakhar-pur, P. O. Fakharpur, District Bahraich, was bitten by a Cobra" 4 feet long, on 25-9-27 at 10 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed* Started treatment 15 minutes after bite. At first there was ligature, but on my arrival ligature was tied and a1«n 1™L "2 5 minutes after inhalation of " Lexin." The patient A L ? 1 he zvas intoxicated; felt loss of power in the leg and was stan °^ almost unconscious. Cured after half an hour's inhalation N ^ ' / v ? ' medicine used. J N o °ther

Present:— Pandit Rameswar Prasad. Mohan T ~H Manager, and M. Swamidayal. ' ° h a n L a l 1 Sukul,

Remarks:—The remedy is efficacious Evprvnn0 M. I , , phial of "Lexin" for everyone's use It i S r S h ° U l d h a v e a

patients whom I treated during the course of 4 years several

( D i s K h ^ M e d i c * O-cer, Fakharpur P 0


454811-17-10-27. ° a 8 e 6 2 3 " Sheoshankar Mayasth, aged 30 cnn ^f u r, K r a i t -

Fakharpur P. O. FakhaVpur, Distrkt B a w V S c w a k o f ^ g e Gehuwan Krait, 2 feet long, on 2-10 27 Vt o r a , c t w*s bitten hv but not k m * "Lexin" S T ^ S f i ^ , ^ , - t a ^ J S

, d l 1 a n hour after bite.


Svmptoms:-Re^ted\y unconscious Cured after 45 minutes' inhalation only. No other medicine used.

Present— P. Firja Datta, Peshkar and Mathura Pd Master. ReZks:-lt is an excellent and efficacious remedy for snake-

h'*C'Reporter . -Mohan Lall Kharey, Fakharpur, District Bahr^ich (Oudh).

C a 8 e 6 2 4 ' Cobra. 454812-17-10-27. Fakharpur, District

Ramzan. aged 55 son ofChnedi o v n y ^ 0

* S S ^ S - - ^ ? - uTdsci0US' Curcd af,cr 4 5 ' S ^ t n a ^ n s ^ s r S r ^ M a n ^ Prosad.

^^:=;^:r^vK,,arro. ****« <™ Bahraich).

Case 625. K r a i t

3762—1-9-27. o^««tu T -iva of village Garakh Parshad Lava, aged 19 s?„ o ^ o o ^ U ^ ^

Kishanpur, P. O. K ! s h a " P » r ' / f - V'lonff on 24-8-27 at 7 p.m.. It was was bitten by a Krait. about 4 feet: lo J,, on—» a f t c f bitc> N o seen but not killed. Inhaled Lex" o w h c n h e h a d ffone t 0 ligature. The snake bit him on the lei: ^ ^ i n h a l a t l 0 n . privy. No other medicine used. Cured » s i o n M a s t e r >

p r r w l / ; — M a n y gentlemen and Assistant Kishanpur, B. N. Railway. Raghunathpur, P. O.

Reporter:— Dr. Drigpal Singh, \ mage JX h 27-8-27. Kishanpur, District Darbhanga.

Case 626. K r a i t

3621—27-8-27. AUnHnl of village Betikhali, Kamini Dasi, ^ ^ K I ^ ^ ^ by a Kanon Bora

P. O. Paikgacha, District khulna was D ^ ^ ^ s c e n d 23 cubits long, on 20-7-27 at 10-J0 P ; ™ ^ N o ligature was tied killed. Started treatment 9 hours alter m gifflmcss and The condition of the patient™* *r£«^a%ssing her. head to and perceived her strength ^ ^ ' ' S J ^ f S g out inarticulate sounds fro The ^ n g n ^ s ^ ^ u m b e ^ J ^ ^ a f t e r 4

Wr//i greatest difficulty. JNo ouiLr hours* inhalation. Nagendra Nath Chakra-

Present:- Suresh Chandra Dey.^A varty, Kaviraj and several othe ydlage . ^ b y

/?«imrfo.—The mother and the son we ^ j snake on the bed. The son died at about—a precarious received this information that * e mother^ also condition. I went there and applied he medicm ^

Reporter:—Joytish Chandra Bose, &. «* 24-8-27. Khulna.


Case 627. 3633—39-8-27. Krait. Bhiku Sagaji Bhadke, aged 39. son of Sagaji of village

Shevgaon, P. O. Sheogaon, District Ahmednagar, was bitten by a Krait, a highly venomous snake, at 4 p.m. on 23-8-27. The snake was seen and killed; it was 2 feet long. There was no ligature. He had swooned and was not able to discern the bitter taste of the leaves of neem tree which he was eating as if sweet. " Lexin" was given to inhale one hour after the bite and result was the cure of the patient. No other medicine used.

Present:—Dr. Bedellar, L.C.P.S. and P. L. Lokagariwan, Sub-divisional Officer.

Remarks:—The medicine is efficacious and worth trying by authorities.

Reporter:—S. H. Daniels, Shevgaon, District Ahmednagar, Bombay Presidency. 24-8-27.

Case 628. 3764—1-9-27. R. Viper.

Jatindra Nath Khan, aged 36, son of late Srinianta Khan of village Raghunathpur, P. O. Anur, P. S. Goghat. District Hooghly was bitten by a Bora, about 2 feet long, on 22-7-27 at 11 a.m. The snake was seen. Started treatment 2 hours after bite. The' ligature was tied. Before the inhalation of " Lexin " the patient was senseless but cured after one hour's inhalation. No other medicine was applied.

Present::—Surendra Nath Bhattacharjee, Gobardhan Banerjee Narayan Chandra Majumdar, Radhashyam Chatterjee and manv others. y

Reporter:—Radhashyam Chatterjce, Harishabha, Kamarnnknr P. O. (District Hooghly). ' Jo-sSJ '

Case 629. 4937—18-11-27.

P. at , . ' • "" "" f± iU - ' • ine snake was seen and u:u J "L1^1 10ng. no hgature The patient became senseless Cured h ^ T . h e r e w £ S> LMXm J ° r 4 5

J . m i n u t « which was applied nn? yu t h e h a l a t i o n bite. No other medicine used. . dPP1,ecl one hour after the

A PreseJlt:rl°ytlsh Chandra Banerjee Bi<;w AT Amulya Sarkar. <»"-rjee, tfistoo Narayan Mitra and

Remarks:-" U^in'' is an excellent medicine we h , g a r h ^ o 5 „ , . _ B l s t o o Narayan Mitra, Sal to* ^ £ £ ^ . ^

' 12-n-27 3797-3-9-27. C a 8 e e 3 ° -

Nibhanani Chowdhury, aged 40 ivif» r T Krait? dhurjr of village Kshirgram p O S & ° f J o S e s h Chandra ru District Burdwan, was bitt™ ' KT ' K s m r S r a m , p Q AT Chow-Ligature was tied. 5 W / n £ ? „ f * a s n a k e - on 25 k ^ " ^ o t e .

the patient p r o m W l y . , & ? Z ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ * * -caned who examined


the afTected part and declared to be bitten by a poisonous snake, " Chiti." No medicine was used by them.

Present:—Mahadev Chowdhury, Vice-President^ Kshirgram Union Board, Sarat Ch. Bhattacharjee, Post Master, Purno Krishna Chowdhury, Teacher, Jabagram H. E. School, Nirason Chowdhury, Offg. Hd. Master, Kshirgram H. E. School and many others

Remarks:—But for your medicine, I would have been deprived of mv mother. ^ ^ , .

Reporter:—Bhagabat Chandra Chowdhury, Revenue Department, Bengal Secretariat, Calcutta. 4MW/.

Case 631. (Serious Case.)

3699 10 8 27 Krait. Ragini~Bala Dom, aged 41, daughter of Baikuntha Nath Dorn of

village Birbhanpur, P. O. Durgapur P. S. Fandpur D^trict Burdwan, was bitten bv a Krait, about 2 feet long, on 20-8-27 at 12 o'clock at night. The snake was seen. There was no ligature. "Lcxin" was used 8 hours after the bite M„„A.

Symptoms:-Salivation coming out of the mouth;™al sound, cured"after 5 hours' inhalation. Country herbs was taken onlj.

Present:—GOUT Chowdhury. Kristo Ganguly and Panos MhaRemarks:-"Lcxin" is a good remedy for snake-bite.

Reporter:-Jitendra Nath Chatterjee, Village Birbhanpur.^ U. Durgapur (Burdwan).

Case 632. R V i i ) e r ?

2 7 0 3 i i tL 2 pa<!a Banorjee, aged 18 son of JatindraNathi^Banerjee of village Dfrghanagar P a Djrghanagar^P %£**$$*•,Jrstnct Burdwan, was bitten either by Lnancira £ ° " . oi . Jt b i t h i

by the people The snake " ^ ^ ^ . ' S V L ^ W at 6-15 o clock on 7-6-J/. it was sun v< <( „ ^

to inhale 15 minutes alter bite, curcu m^i

° t h e p ™ f * / C - - l S ' r Chandra Das, Bhabataran Chatterjee and

0 t h C l ; ^ ; = S i a t S e T h S A and ViUage Dirgh,

nagar, District Burdwan. Case 633.

f f f i f A H . a** .19 son of Hasarat Stafgj of * ™£ danga. P. O. Azimganj, P. S. bagarclini, .uibu v. bitten by a snake at 7 p.m. # restlessness, coldness of the

^m^^ww.—Trembling in ^ > . " s tf

l e ; s n cf e ' w n i i n u t e s . Cured

lower part of body;. there was; no pulse ior a 4 ^ g

after half an hour's inhalation of Levn wi ^ N o o t h e r

minutes after the bite. Inc ligature \\*i» medicine used. . 1 7 . o l i n m i e Shaikh, Oodhon Shaik, A b d S % ^ r H a t r j a ? M ^ ( : h K u s t o , ! AH.' Nur Mahamed, Naziruddin Ahmed and others. . cmkp-hite

toward.—It is the best medicine for snakebite ^ r f j r . - M d . Yakub Hossain, Village Patkei«anaa, ^ w

Azimganj, District Murshidabad.


Case 634. 2923—27-7-27.

Lalji Ram, aged 28, son of Pillu Ram of village Khiri, P. O. Paranja, District Gaya, was bitten by a snake 3 feet long at D a.m. on 10-7-27. The snake was seen but not killed. t

Symptoms:—Drowsiness, inability to sit. " L e x i n " was inhaled 20 minutes after the bite. Ligature was loosened. Cured after 20 minutes' inhalation.

Present:—R. S. Sukul, A. S. M. and M. N. Chatter jce, Station Master.

Remarks:—Used about a quarter of the phial and cured. Reporter:—Ghulamnabi, A. S. M., E. I. Ry., Shinsagar Road,

P. 0 . Sasaram, District Sahabad. 23-7-27.

Case 635. 1542—27.

Babulal Laha, aged 30, son of late Ramcharan Mandle of village Tinpahar, P. O. Tinpahar, P . S. Rajmahal, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a snake on 8-5-27 at 6 p-m. The patient became almost senseless. The ligature was loosened. Perfectly cured after one hour's inhalation of "Lexin," which was applied half an hour after the bite. No other medicine used.

Present:—Mirza Sahebzada Beg, Sardar Wali Md., M. Ilahi Bux, Dr. Indu Bhusan Saha and others.

Remarks:—The medicine proved most effective. Reporter:—Md. Gholam Rasul, P . O. Tinpahar (S. P . ) . 15-5-27.

Case 636. 1161—26-4-27.

Jatindra Nath Mukherjee. aged 32. son of Pran Nath Mukherjee of village Paikar, P. O. Paikar, P. S. Murarai, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Cobra, about 4 cubits long, on 21-4-27. The snake was seen but could not be killed. The patient became senseless. Started treatment about 2 hours after the bite. The ligature was tied. Cured after half an hour's inhalation, also inhalation continued all day long. Dr. Anadi Charan Bhattacharjee, S.A.S., treated with Pot. Permang. and other medicines.

Present:—Dr. Anadi Charan Bhattacharjee, S.A.S., Taraprasanna Ghosal and Umapati Paladhi.

Reporter:—Taraprasanna Ghosal, P . O. Paikar (Birbhum).

Case 637. 2700—18-7-27. Krait.

Jabeda Khatoon, aged 35, wife of Basiruddin of village Bistoo-pur, P. O. Bana-Nabogram, P. S. Ausgram. District Burdwan. was bitten by a Domna Chitti (common Krait) , 14 feet long, at 6-15 a.m. on 4-4-27. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Blood came out from the affected part, burning sensation, sensation of numbness all over the body. " Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. The ligature was loosened at the time of inhalation. Completely cured after the inhalation for ten hours nearly. No other medicine used.

Present:—Jaki Molla, Ganapati Banerjee, Sahadat Hossain and many other gentlemen.

Remarks:— As far as I think, it is the only medicine for snake-

Mstric? B & t a i 0 " * * A " ' V i " a g e B i S t 0 ° P U r > P ' ° ' B*«a-Nabogram,. 21-6-27.


Case 638. 2 6 V & t a i d i n Saik, aged 35, son of Omratan Saik of viUage Mahedpur, P. O. Basudebpur, P . S . MaureswarD^smct B.rbhurn. was bitten by a snake at midnight on 7-6-27. H e °£ani\ . 4 r 5

^^fess&^^^S.S?Ghose °"d Dr. P. N. Ghose. Charitable Dispensary Bwudcbpur

KrHinrto.—It is sure that no man can die v>nere ur. " Lcxin" is available. Ra<tiu1ehnur P O., via

Reporter:- Kaliprasanna Chatterjce, Basudebpur r . ^ ^ Sainthia, District Birbhum.

Case 639. K r a i t

1965—22-6-27. „- nf ru n n r i r a ; Maihi of village Shuku Majhi. aged[about 35 son ° , d r a ^ ^ ^_

Kuchlapahari. P. O. Karon, P. S. Madhupur v & ganas, was bitten by a Domna Chitti about 9 ,nches 10 g, ^ t h c

on 17-6-27. Thc snake was seen and killed n e * ^ ^ ground ,» / / , W « * The hga ure was loosened.^ ^ ^ made to inhale 25 minutes after the bite, i c u r c d man came to his senses after the ^ J ^ ^ J P S S . y

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mCdiCi l lC " a i n S t

S n a k ^ L ! : ^ S r a S N a l h Chatterjce and Bagala Charan Chakra-v a r t t v - . At •„„ Mond Master, Karon M. E.

S ^ Z ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Pa^na, 20-6-2, Case 640. C o b r a

1354—5-5-28. „ . -ttrn b v a Cobra, about 3* feet A coolie aged about 32 was mm-i > T h k c w a s s e c n

long, at about 9 a.m. in the month of Juh 1J-4. but it was allowed to escape. „ . „ inhaled three-

Svmptoms:— Practically m coma. ^ - loosened during quarters of an hour after the bite %&%£* presorted to. The the course of inhalation ^ ' ^ / f ^ X £ 0n No other medicine patient was fully cured after one hour s inhalation. was used. , .. rwitnnirar Railway Construction, w . The incident occurred on the Gut t ' tangar^Ka^^ ^ & ^ Birmitrapur, via Panposh, H. *• K>,;T * ;„.. cases of scorpion stings with your ^ x , n ; c K # R y

Reporter:—A. B. Graham, Assistant fi> R Construction, Ramchandrapuram. via Dwarapudi. ^ ^

Case 641. C o b r a

1808—3-6-28. n , , „ , r Talkusma. Pargana Balubini, ^ . Panu Sahu, son of Sadal Sahu of Talkiism ^ ^ District Cuttack. was bitten by a young Cobra. h j m be killed as it fled into the jungles.afterMDII b a k

^wn^iM.—Gradually becoming-weak cou \ h e ^ " Lexin" was inhaled. After halt an noui

cured and went home rhaudhurv, Zemindar, Kazi Bazar Reporter:— Jyotish Ch. Kay Lnauanmv,

P. O. (District Cuttack). [Translated from Bengali]


Case 642. 26-11-27 Cobra.

« * * * It will be of interest for you to know that about a month ago your 'Lexin ' saved the life of a man who was bitten by a Cobra. The report came to me a few days ago through one Handas Bhattacharjya, an old pensioner, who is respected by all in the locality and who had direct knowledge of the fact as he administered the aid. * * * "

Yours, etc., J. N. SEX,

Agent, Central Bank of India, Asansol. 24-11-27.

[Copied from a letter in English.]

Case 643. —29-5-28.

" I have much pleasure in informing you of the wonderful efficacy •of your ' Lexin'—the Snake-bite Cure.

One Bhoudu Mahto of Mouza Milki, P . O. Mirchaigunj, District Patna, was bitten by a venomous snake. His condition became precarious and he began to lose his senses. A man came to me with the bad news. I, however, at once gave him the phial of your 'Lexin ' with directions. After 15 minutes the medicine had been administered the victim vomited once a large quantity, and it appeared his condition changed for the good after the vomiting. _ In a very short time he completely regained his senses and now he is all right. Thus your medicine has saved the life of a human being. I thank you very much for this."

Reporter;—Zainul Abdin, P . O. Mirchaigunj (District Patna) . 25-5-28.

Case 644. 1797| 1—2-6-28. Cobra.

Moharali Sheikh, son of Eman Sheikh of Ajimpur. P. O. Amla-Sadarpur, P. S. Mirpur, District Nadia, was bitten by a Cobra. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Quite senseless; red eyes. "Lex in" was inhaled 10 minutes after the bite. After 3 hours' inhalation he was cured.

Present:—Eshahaq Chaudhury, Muradali Chaudhuri and many others.

Remarks:—Reported the case to District Board, Nadia. Reporter:—Gouri Prasad Bhattacharji, President Sadamt.r

U. B., P. O. Amla-Sadarpur, Village Barbaria (Nadia). c l u a r P u r

Case 645. 179712-2-6-28. C o b r a ?

Brajobala Debi, wife of Doctor Harendra Kumer AfuL-l .--- r village Barbaria, P . O. Amla-Sadarpur, P. S. MirpuT Distrir 7 ? ,-°f

was bitten by a snake, most probably a Cobra as the n W a d l ^ The snake was neither seen nor killed. J a s guessed.

Symptoms:—Lost her sense; pulse totally sunk- n„i 120 per minute: quite unconscious ' 1 s e ^turned

•fter" ^ w a f n f f i C „ d „ 2 ° m i m " C S « f t e 4 h c « * «* she w a s c u r e d

vJ^Z^SZiBta** °inesh a. Goswami V. Zft&rf&F** B h » i i . President, A ^ - S a d a r ^


Case 646. Ancistrodon? 1732—29-5-28. f K H T e l 0{ Bhatdec Colliery,

Kamini Telin, aged 26, wife of Kali ^ X w a £ bitten by P . O. Mohoda, P. S. Bagmara D s t n c Manbmim ^ ^ ^ a Chitti Pahardi* snake about 2 ff* l o n f a v f The snake was seen and killed alter two dajs.

.9v»«/»/o»«J:—Senseless; foaming. Ligatures were " L c x i n " was inhaled 15 minutes after 'the. w t c - T h e

b t i e n t w a s

loosened some time after inhalation o* ^ "h f m e d i c i n c w a s used. fully cured at about 4 a.m. on 21-5-28. No ot

PrMcu/ .—H. K. Ganguly, A K borne^ a l y

Jtoi iarfe.—I am o opinion that the patient ^ ^ o t h e r

with the half phial of ' Lexin ; and I have » * T p % t ! ^ f f i ™ B i s w a S ' Compounder, Bhatdee Co^ery,

P . O. Mohoda, B. N. Ry. Case 647. C o b r a

1545|l—17-5-28. , ^ . . f c l i r p n d r a Nath Ray of village Satadalbasini, aged 22 wife of &«™£™ d i s t r i c t Nadia. was

Barbaria, P. O. Amla-Sadarpur P . S M rpur t ^ ^ ^ bitten by a Gokhura snake (Cobra) , aoom& at about 5 a.m. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Ugs Paralysed .gradually. Ligature was " L e x i n " was inhaled l ^ f i W No other

loosened. She was cured after 2* nours ^ S a S h a f c a n t a S a r k a , ^ ^ J % ^ ^ ^

V. i:*ffitfZ£#?SE£&& (Nad,). 1/4* Case 648. C o b r a

1545|2-17-5-28. d S a r d a r o f village Bimala Sundari, aged 40, wife oi District Nadia, was

Barbaria, P . O. Amla-Sadarpur, P . \ ^ 2 ' { c c t l o n g , 0 n 13-3-28 bitten bv a Gokhura snake ( C o J f a > ' f a ° l d k i n e d . at about 10 p.m. The snake was seen and

Symptoms:—Red eyes; very resuLW. Ligature was " L e i i n " was inhaled 10 minutes after the bite ^ N o

loosened. The patient was cured after 3 nours 0 t h e r p ^ d ^ S a d T p V . Biswas ^ ^ ^ i d ^ S a l r p u r

Case 649. (Serious Case.)

T o f i -u- -f„ of Telia Rahim Mallik, aged 27, was bitten Taknmabibi, wife of Je la Kamm T h k n o t s e e n . by a snake on 22nd Baisakh, 1335 B S ; m • , " . salivation and froth

^ m ^ i i w . — O v e r p o w e r e d with P° ^ f 1 ™ f e eble, even-from mouth; lay motionless and quiet, puibc vC y

imperceptible. , , „ 0 J " I ^ m " w a s J n h a l r f a n d s h e w a s o ^ Kankora,. Reporter:—Bijay Chandra Ray Uiatterji, v m < ^ 2 0 5 2 8

P. O. Nutanhat ( B u r d w a n ) . ^ ^ ^ ^ p f l r f Card BengaIi]-


Case 650. 1627—22-5-28. Banded Krait.

Jaysankar Goswami, aged 59, son of late Bhagbati Charan Tarkalankar of village Kumardihi, P. O. Ukhra, District Burdwan, was bitten by a " Sankchiti" snake (Banded Krait) on 30th Baisakh, 1335 B. S., at 7-30 p.m. The snake bit him being pressed under his wooden sandal and disappeared. But the snake was found dead near by on the following morning. Mr. Goswami is a heavy opium eater and the snake died in consequence.*

Symptoms:—Intense burning; throbbing at the place of bite. "Lexin" was inhaled 25 minutes after the bite. Burning pain

subsided after 14 hours' inhalation. He was not allowed to sleep during night. He is doing well now.

Present;—Amarnath Rai Choudhury, Nishanath Chatterji and others.

Reporter:—Satya Kinkar Chatterji, Village Kumardihi, P O Ukhra (Burdwan).


[Translation from Bengali.]

Case 651.

Sarat Kumari Dassi, wife of Sripati Charan Biswas of villaee and P. 0 . Maliara, District Bankura, was bitten by a noisonn7» snake on 17th Chaitra, 1334 B. S., at 10 p.m. The snake could not be seen as the night was dark.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation. "Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. She was curpH

after 4 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used. <-urea Present:—Sripati Charan Biswas, Gopeswar BanPi-;,- ^

Manindra Nath Banerji. tfanerji and

Reporter:—Ramnidhi Biswas, P. O. Maliara (Bankura)

[Translated from Bengali]

Case 652. 1606—21-5-28.

Soudamini, wife of Basiram De. aeed 30 nt ,,-u P. O. Sandwip, District Noakhali, was bitteni'hv\ J P H a r i s h P u r , on right leg middle " finger." t e n b y a s n a ke on 16-5-28

Symptoms:—Became unconscious some time a*t i. gradually whole body became benumbed. r t n e bite;

"Lexin" was inhaled. After 14 hours' inhalaf i. her consciousness, and was cured. »«"auon she regained

Present:—Suryya Kumar Chakerverthv M A T>-Kabyatirtha and others. y ' M 'A-' Birendra Nath

Reporter:— Patitbandhu Chakervertv «5Prr«t« tion, P. O. Sandwip (District Noakhali). ^ H e a l t h Associa-

[TrmSh^f^PonCard, Bmgali]


Case 653. !607| 1-21-5-28. Probably R. Viper.

Gouri Dasi, aged 26, wife of Kali Hazra of yill^e N a i a ^ n w P. O. Natiadanga, P. S. Karimpur;, District Nadia, was btten b> a snake about IS cubits long on 16-3-28 at 8-30 p.m. The snake v>as seen but not killed. _ . f

W . « : _ T J ! . patient * * tol P ^ * - f S n ~ s e i blood under the skin at several pans, «'uc .. r and vomiting; breathing rapid and deep; » n s c n s l ^ > - L i t r a t u r e w a s

"Lexin" was inhaled 20 minutes after t h | *>"* sL * r e d a ter

loosened at intervals and again tightened She «as cured atte 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used, only common was applied locally. , T » ^ : „ „ ^ M V

/>««»( . -Md. Hossain Biswas, M. 0., Narayanpur, Brojendra K. Coswami and Islam Khan. , .

J W * , : - p F r « n this case, and> - - j , ^ ^ t ^ year we are almost sure that Lexin win

" " ' ^ - - . - B r o j e n d r a Kumar Goswarni, President, Narayanpur "U. B. No. II, P. O. Natiadanga (Nadia).

C a 8 6 6 5 4 , Probably R. Viper. 1607 2—? 1-5-28

r r?u~An* Khan of village Narayanpur, Abon Khan, aged 32, son of Ebado J Ktanc* u g ^ ^ a

P. O. Natiadanga, P. S. Karimpu^ Dwtnct m a snake about 24 cubits long on 13-4--8 an i

^ - ^ o ^ . - L o c a l swelling; effusion of blood u n d e r p i n ^ *ess, nausea, rapid breathing, loss_ o i i insensibility to touch and a tendency to co . ^ L e

l o o s i n g • t a S M W 4 ^ S - J S ~ fUl,y CUrCd a t tC

^ h ^ ; ^ ; ° M d " n S T i 0.. Narayanpur, JohiraH

K H " ^ F r c T ^ i T o t h e r eases treated before, we ean say

that "Lexin" will always cure. President. Narayanpur T^^.-Brojendra Kumar Goswaim, Presid

U- B.. P. O. Natiadanga (Nadia).

^ C a s e 6 5 S ' Probably R. Viper. 160713-21-5-28. K G o s s a i n o f

. Bimalendu Gossain, aged 11. son oi N d i w a s b i t t e n b y

village Narayanpur. P. O. Natiadanga Distnct^ * snake about 1 cubit long on 3-4-^8 a ^ ^

5 ,vm^/o«w;-Thcre was intense local pa , nausea. vomiting, breathing rapid. A { 1 h o u r

IB "Lexin" was inhaled 15 minutes after 15 minutes' inhalation he was cured.

Pr„«, / :_Gobinda CI, Mistry and Tarak B. B g -| T Reporter^BroicndT* Kumar Goswami. President. Nara>rmpm U- B., P. o . Natiadanga (Nadia).


C a 8 6 * * • Fright? l 5 ^ 2

K ° a n n a t h Dhara, aged 30, of Bally Road Hooghly, was bitten, by a S K n 11th May, 1928, at 7-30 p.m., while coming back from

r i V e r i o m r - F e e l i n g giddy; much terrified; "Lexin" was inhaled ™ n^nutes after the bit!. He felt better after 15 minutes' inhalation and was fully cured after 3 hours' inhalation. Pot. Permang. was

Present:--Dr. Bhupati N. Mukherji, and Anukul Sen, B.L. Reporter:—Bankim Ch. Ray, Government Branch School,

Hooghly. 12-5-28. Case 657.

1571—19-5-28. " Cobra. Ksheroda Harini, aged 35, wife of Mula Hari of village and

p O. Lalor, P. S. Singra, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a Cobra, about 2\ cubits long, on 29-5-35 B. S. at 5-30 a.m. The snake was seen by" the patient but could not be killed.

Symptoms:—Extreme burning, almost senseless, face bluish; very weak; eyes dilated; breathing low; afraid of death, etc. Just after the bite the patient was dragged to me and " Lexin " was imme­diately applied. "Lexin" was inhaled for full one hour or more, a few drops being poured into the nostrils. The patient got up and • went on working about 10 hours after the bite. No other medicine was used. .

Present::—Kami Han, Satish Hari and others. Remarks:—The medicine seems to be a gift of God This is a

wonderful remedy. Reporter:—Purnendunath Chaudhury, P. O. Lalor (District

Rajshahi). l?-5-?8 Case 658.

153511—16-5-28. C o b r a

Gopia Chamar, aged 21 son of Moosahar Chamar of village Rampur, P. O. Kishanpur, P. S. Warisnagar. District Darbhamra was bitten by a Cobra, about 4 feet long, on 2-5-28 at A n L S snake was seen but not killed. 8 a t 4 p-m> T h e

Symptoms:—The patient was in <;pn«P " T ^ - » • i , r 18 hour/after the bite. The patient waT cured ,"< W&S " i ^ inhalation. No other medicine was usM t e r 0 n e h o u r S

^ J ^ ^ L S S ^ S l n g h ' ™* Raghunathpur, P. O. 2-5-28.

n n OQ C a 8 e «»• —0-0-28.

" * * * Ram Chandra a servant of A O Q- U p0?™-. next door neighbour to us), was bitten bv a r u a ( w h o 1S a

at about 7-30 p.m. in the compound of t V W k ' v , e s t e rday evening-nervous, he at once informed his master « ? b u n S a l °w. As he got us (as we keep "Lexin") . He was I t S ? ^mediately informed 'Lexin ' in a handkerchief to smell L ? g l v e n a fe™ drops of fell flat on the ground and began to f n * w n o e,ffect- He soon drops of Lexin' were then put into ht ° m h i s m°uth . Two respiration was resorted to. Within h a l f " E° S t n ! s ^ artificial b f ° H ^ r , » S6nSeS ' a n d t h e P a t i e n t ^ c o v ? r e d T i , h e ? a s S r a d u a " y o f h o u r s - covered fully within a couple

"Bella-Kutl^!?*0-20^ [Copied En D i n a P ° r e Cantt. PXSd from o letter, English.)'


Case 660. B l a c k C o b r a . j

1536—16-5-28. , . . T . k a : Mallik of village.

^^r^i^t^^^^^B—was mm bva Black Cobraon 7-5-28 at 7-40 P-m- „ u ^ . . w a s inhaled two b y a™mhoms--Unconscious condmon. U ^ T h c pat.cnt w|

^ S r ^ S S S t . its wonderCu, « . * ~ * — hn^^hoyc,Pa,,,o.^3s,(s. Case 661. ^ Viper.

village ' r a

-35 Baharpur, F. u . ^ ^ V , "ell's Viper) about * . y . — -snake of Bora species (Resell s i d kxnciy B. S. at 12 P.m. The s n a k e ^ s g r.d, saliva »on^rom

£ymff<Mi«:-Eyes red uncon „ L e x i n » Was m aiea ^ h e r and nose No ligature was made. h o u f s , inhaiation. after the bite. He was cured after medicine was used. ahose. Balahan unose * Kanchan-

Pr««i*.—Sudarsan £ V h o s e Village Baharpur, P. U ^ a

Jfc*orter:-Nalinaksha Ghose, nagar (Burdwan). [Translated from r> j Case 662. Krait.

1496-14-5-28. . , n s o n 0f Gosain Bagti of viUag^ Gopal Chandra Bagti, aged 21^ o n t e s w a r , District Birbhum.

Baranagar, P. O. B a s t r f e ^ ^ 2 { c c t l o n g on 5-5-28 P was bitten by a Chitti uvi '..« d . l a c e 0f The snake was seen bu: not ^ % u r n i n g sensation at t h P i o f ^»A*o»w:-The Patient »e« b ^ p a r a l y s e d , lost sen bite; blood was dribbling• «"j T icature was the site, afterwards, of the 1 ^ ^ a f t e r t h e brtc. ftLigator

"Lexin" was inhaled,15 » m t i e n t was cured after

removed just after inhalaMon;np , v a s used. , . n t h e r s

inhalation. No other medicine was and others . n

Pr««if.—Kirtibas Ghose. £ am n d the medicine to

Jfcroarto.—Very good, I recom Basudebpur P. O. every case. ^ r a G h o S e , Postmaster, Basudebp

Reporter:—Satish Cnanara ^ (District Birbhum).

Case 663. Krait.

1430—10-5-28. „ ftr i a t e Rajani Kanta Paul of

Sripati O^^^^A^.^fl^SSi 9 p.m. The snake was seen but not ro 1 9


S r ? f - 4 ^ s cfcw a s used- ' ara-he was

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , E a j _

1406-8.5.28. ca86 664 t7"'™lfaw / ^ t t f j "***I ha

of Hoyal Botanfca? £?!* reP°rted by Mr T« * Centipede. Jftipede on iTl e g 0 ? 2 f e that / man w a T L ^ f a n t Curator thd r a s s

Jo n the &ees Vnt" 8 a t ?bout H am fr11 by a big red

G " 1 e / D ( ^ - Amar Ka„ai M „ . s ™ "or any *• P- O. Bo,a„ical , j £ ) O t 01 soyal B o t a n ! c a l

«£«* CaM J ^ t e & S M i j

S S 3 S 5 . ^ S " S pf •"* Santoki M ^Phlops?

,. lexn" •wa* • aL

s almost semoW ng» °« 26-4-?a 5^ j e t b I a c k

ligature. in _*** »*aled half an CSs a n d foamfn*? a t 6 P-m-

other" medicine^S t h e whole niirh?sc.,?us' but SI' T ^ was no

04---S -8* ,%^ & d i £ ^ , ^ « » - « * * case I " CIerk' C00Ch B e h a ^ ^ i -Ca8e „«„ " D e h a r Ra>l-

e 6 8 e- 29-4-28. w « ° 8 8 « . 29-4-2R

13^28 at L ^ h " P ^ (S°?S ^ d 32, 0f vi,, Krai<-sc,„„s > °»"-P,nchi„g n o l f e l t . * a Chitli ( f e f ) °n

S ^ WAf«enrhaled ^ one hou ^ ' ^ » — uncon-- S ^ e l " - - 0 ^ ' ^ X * ^ . Ligature

VM*»f;--BaK, •»- "e virac egained conscious ^«ar^._T

a b" s Motilal Sin,* CUred- No n«W r^^s^^n,^** her S*°o., P.O. « & , < * * * Acharyy, „, "* 0 B * « " and was

K a r m a l ^?0 a d M a ^.Ka r o n M . E . 14-4-28.


,«,„~. C a 8 6 667. 1399.11-8-5-28. Krait.

Bidhu Sundar Layek, aged 10, son of Mahendra Layek of village Kendghata, P . O. Kumrabad, P. S. Dumka, District Santal Par-ganas, was bitten by a snake on 27-4-28 at 7 p.m.

Symptoms:—Legs insensible. " Lcx in" was inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligature wasv

loosened. After half an hour's inhalation the patient was cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Sridhar Layek. Sripati Layek and others. Reporter:—Basiki Nath Garin, village Kendghata, P. O. Kumra­

bad (S . P . ) . 4-5-28. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 668. 1399|2—8-5-28. Cobra.

Khudiram Dass, aged 15, son of Lalbehari Dass of village Kendghata. P. O. Kumrabad, P. S. Dumka, District Santal Par-ganas, was bitten by a " Kharish" snake (Cobra) about 2 cubits long on 2-5-28 at 8 p.m. The snake was seen but could not be killed.

Symptoms:—Vomiting followed by unconsciousness. " Lexin " was inhaled 1* hours after the bite. There was no

ligature. The patient was cured by 3 a.m. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Bibhutibhusan Layek, Khudiram Dass, Radhanath W e k , Anandalal and others.

Remarks:—Most efficacious medicine, giving new life to the hopeless. , Reporter:—Surendralall Dass, Village Kendghata, P . O. Kumra­bad (District S. P . ) . 6-5-2S.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 669. 1354—5-5-28. Cobra.

" I have used ' Lex in ' in a number of cases of scorpion stings and the results have been wonderful. In each case the victim has been perfectly cured within a couple of minutes. When on the B. N, %•» I also used it in a case which appeared to be that of Cobra bite. T h e marks and symptoms showed the snake a cobra, although the reptile had meanwhile got away. The patient was far gone and I resorted to artificial respiration and inhalation. I was surprised, for t n e man was perfectly cured within an hour." .. Reporter:—A. B. Graham, Asst. Engineer, C. K. Ry. Construc-t l Qn, Ramchandrapuram P. O., M. S. M. Ry. 27-4-28.

, ,_„ Case 670. 1355—5-5-28. Cobra.

p Janki, aged 22, son of late Nachhedi of village Bahiadi, P . 0 . ^natpar, District Gorakhpur, was bitten by a snake in the evening on 29-4-28, while passing in front of the District Magistrate and Collector's Court. . Symptoms:—Showed signs of intoxication. " L e x i n " was jnhaled about one hour after the bite. By the grace of God and with the power of your medicine he was cured. _ Reporter:—S. C. Das Sarma, Bogra Collectorate, P . O. Bogra, *" B - R v- 1-5-28.



1345—4-5-28. C a 8 e 671.

% 0 P a U k n £ a S t e t T ° f « * W Basti „ , •„ K r a i t -

«d™ ->-* B. a t s s«?^^."?ss=-^ss ?s«s^^faffthr;::rrut

belied. W h a d «>»« doubt abSSTts effid b e e n Purchased . Reporter- o .. , . efficacy which " , r ' w o years

U k h r a t e ^ W ^ r Chatterji V i « f ° r t U n a t e , J ' a s e Kumardihi, p . Q .

M W - 1 6 + a Case 6 7 2 . ^ " ' " ' " ' ^ /r<"« ^ » « . J

S ^ 3 § ^ S £*§ af* 60, wife Qf ,&»•« no, scen. ^h^T^Zt » -S.8?^ ?• S C h L ? " m a Sandra b i t e f : V r ' ' » ' ^ - W a s T - n o t s e e n . 2 8 _ 1 2 - 3 4 B. s ^ f T ' District

A f S E ^ 1290-30-4-28. 0 M e W s ' S U m a r d i a - D , S t r i C t

1315-2-5-28. Case ft„ ' ' ^ ' ^ ( P i s t r i c t

Kebal R- • . 6 7 4 > 28"4-28-Bamunia!1 P ^ r ? 3 Pal, a g e d 7 Bankura, J*' k9- Gangaram„' s^n of Jatm^ R- Viper

6"30 p.m. Tfif S » Vi P e r )S

a Indus, District n*k*"zssQent> 3 f e e t l o n g e n but not killed.


Symptoms:—The patient was rather unconscious and in a sleepy mood.

" Lexin" was inhaled about three hours after the bite. The ligature was not loosened. The patient was cured after continuous application of the medicine for an hour or so. No other medicine was used. Ojhas chanted mantras only.

Present:~Bho\anath Banerji and Harish Ch. Bhattacharjce. Remarks:—I was quite charmed to see the efficacy of the medicine. Reporter:—Nakul Chandra Paul, B.A., Gangarampur-Bamunia

**• O. (District Bankura).

, „ . Case 675. 1253—28-4-28. Cobra.

Gopi Mahara, aged 38, son of Anup Mahara of village Bajrakhali, P- O. Khamra. P. S. Raghunathganj, District Murshidabad, was bitten by a Gokhura snake (Cobra) about 2 cubits long on 2-1-35 B. S. at S-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Drooped down unconscious. " Lexin " was inhaled at 10 p.m. Ligature was loosened after inhalation. He regained consciousness at 3 a.m. and was gradually cured. No other medicine was used.

Present;—Atul Chandra Ray, Manmatha Nath Ray, Prahlad •Ray and others.

Reporter:—Bishnu Charan Ray, Village Khandon, P. 0. Lalgola (Murshidabad). 19-4-28.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 676. 2604—20-8-26. Cobra.

Satadal Basini Devi, wife of late Dwijendra Chandra Goswami °f village Belkuchi. P. O. Belkuchi, District Pabna, was bitten by an unknown snake. On 17th August 1926 at about 1 a.m. when she came down from her bed-stead to go out she felt instantly that she had put her foot upon a snake. Before she could put away her foot, she was bitten on the right little toe. She saw the snake but could not recognize it. Immediately after the bite she put a ligature with <J napkin and after a while another ligature with a string. Poor and nelpless as she was, she could not get any help during the night. N e * t morning two local "ojhas" came, recited their mantras and said to her, "There is no poison now, put off the ligatures." So, the "gatures were put off at about 10 a.m. but after ten or fifteen mjnutes, she became unconscious. On being informed I went there at about 11 a.m. and found her quite unconscious and her breathing almost suspended. Immediately I put four drops of "Lexin" into each of her nostrils. Then she began to shake her head on account °f the irritation in the nose and her breathing became more frequent ^nd prominent. At the same time I continued the inhalation of

Lexin." After one hour of inhalation she opened her eyes, but £°uld not yet recognize men or speak. After about two and a half "ours of the use of the medicine, she became quite well and could speak. On that day and during night she was given only tea to ar"ink. Next morning she was given milk and during noon rice, p Reporter:—Hari Charan Dass, Medical Practitioner, Vice-president, Dhamrai Union Board (Dacca). 20-8-26.

[Translated from Bengali]


Case 677. 2599—7-5-33 B. S. Serious Case.

Khudiram Maji of village and post Koarpur, District Burdwan, while returning home in the evening from his paddy field, was bitten by a snake. Just as he was putting ligature with his own cloth he became unconscious. Fortunately, a person who was going that way cried out and informed the villagers. Then, ten or twelve men earned him to his home and came to us as they knew that we had got the medicine for snake-bite. I put a few drops of " Lexin " upon my new handkerchief and held it close to the nostril of the patent for inhalation. But he could not inhale it. Then finding that hi was bitten on the right little toe, I made an mcision there when f a n t ^ red water-like blood came out and I put there one or two drops $

L e x . ! n " i u a l s V u t t h r e e o r { o u r d r °P* of the medicine into the nostnls Then after reading your directions carefully made the K n L S t n d T d Sl} a l t e . r a a t e l y [or ten or eleven minutes, indined his head backward and again put three or four drops of " Lex n » i „ S his nostrils, and also held the handkerchief wet with tht A- • close to his nose. The patient's who l f body U w u T s h and s a l f c was coming out of his mouth. Some " oihas " « m l w l a ' I v a t , o n

allow .them to approach the patieS Puttfng m ^ a M i L n n T medicine, I continued the inhalation. After W ^ o u r s ' uS? of tfc medicine the patient regained consciousness. He asked for JJ but I gave him strong tea with two drops of the S t • W a t c ^ ' The night almost ended and the patient sa?d that he S f ? £ ? • m S t ^ d ' well; so I retired to take rest. But after an hou r ^ a n h n f f q u , t ^ informed me that the patient became again unconscinns T , ^ T 6 aHd

and began inhalation as before. A f t e ^ ? t w o h o u r s S I ' J H ^ I ? 8 8 1 1 1 1

conscious again. It was morning and I remained with ?he S w up to 10 am. He.was given tea and hot milk with one r>? f

£•32 wtt.forbidden articks £or ,he tw° 'o&sSX!0 m and h ^ : _ Y O U r m e d i c i n C iS i n V a I u a b l c - MV God keep y o u hale

Reporter:—Natabar Bhattacharya, clo Harinarla vu ^ , P. O. Koarpur (Burdwan). * ' ?SPffi«lS,?g«l«^.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 678. 2581—21-8-26. - .

Amaribala Sarkar, aged 40, wife of Bah,, TIT ° U S C a s e -Second Pundit, Gopinathpur H . ' E . School P O M ^ 0 S ° n . Sa r i<ar, Distnct Fandpar, was bitten by a snake 'ca l led '«nu^"GSP , n a t hPur , the night of 21-8-26 at about 5-30 a.m She was i S , l t e P o o r a on index finger and saw the snake. • a s b l t t e n on the right

Symptoms:—Drowsiness, eyes closed thirst „f ^ . greatweakness, insensibility of the whole right arrn i n n i n g

was t ^ L f S b ^ p e W w t a ' H * ? * * « * U e x i n »

Present:—Babu J. M Biswas TVk o ° U r S


Remarks:-"! am glad to find out your " ° ^ £ £ * ^ ^ t o think and believe that your 'Lexin' will give f f f ' J g all kinds of snake-bite. Finally I will be more: g ad f I rindtna our country-men are trying this wonderful medicine when needed. No house should be without it." n Honinathnur Ch.

Reporter:— B. K. Mazumdar, L.M.F, M. O., Oopinatnpur Dispensary, P. O. Mary-Gopinathpur (Fandpur;.

Case 679. 2 5 7 ^ n t l 3 s t C h a L last, mother of Fakir Chandra, Kole of Banka village, was bitten by a poisonous s " a k e ^ a r ^ m p a r

Wm a n i k of the

very good results. The sister of India Njrayan Faranam^o village* Kanskuli, P. O..Khjrpai, District M u t a W J « M g ^ . snake. I treated her with Lex.n and was SUCOMSIU . pati Ghose of Gopinathpur.took a phial of Lexin irom he has cured with it a relative of his bitten by a snake

Dr. KISHORI MOHAN HALDAR, Bankaghat, P. O . ^ ^ J o g , ^ .

[Translated from Post Card, Bengali]

Case 680. _ . ,-. „ 9r-0 Serious Case. " ^ f V l had a case A r ^ - s S M ^ e

unconscious at about 11 p.m. T h e . W L S " f my office. In about that late hour there was a big crowd : V * w were signs of recovery an hour she was able to talk. As soon as £ e ^ w e ^ r

S , g T h e y said she there were many men to come forward to cure^ner * h u s b a n d was possessed by the Devil and did a lot £ d

t h ' " g * Wa w a y in disgust,

and relations seemed to approve, and 1 fta° «f £ fe /j a m a f r a i d knew that your, wonderful Lex.n had ^ ^ r i n c ^ c d n i n

the poor ' Lexin' got very little credit aue t d i . o u r the crowd who probably had their own mterest in ^ t o treatment. I am very thankful indeed tha* you, furnish the public with such a ^ ^ e ^ \ ^ ^ ^

(Patna). [Copied from the original letter in English.]

nn r C a 8 6 6 8 1 " Serious Case.

2527-5-4-33 B. S. p Q T a k i f District 0 Balaram Dass, a shopkeeper of i a k 1 ' r ' m t h e njght of 30th 24-Parganas. was bitten by a snake at 1 « ™plied their art. Asar last. Some " oj has ' were called £ g J H e c a m e unconscious But, at the end of the night when the patgnt ^ „ S n a k e -jvith the poison we were ^{orm^^J^icme according to your Jrte Cure" ("Lexin") and applied the ^ c i n e d ^ r f e c t l y

t ^ ^ ^ **» wdi since

> - , - W e have been a s t o n i s ^ ^ ^ t ^ . °* your medicine. Every house should P O J J ^ G o p A L D u T T >

Clo Bipin Behari Dutt, Manager, Taki P. O. (24-Parganas).

[Translated from Post Card, Bengali]


2529-9-8-26. C a 8 e 6 8 2

Serious Case. " G a n t s t l ^ president of I went there with youV " Lexin» I LLf^ 0 l? b e i n ^ informed critical state; she was vormW blood?nH ° P a t , C n t i n a v e r y weak. I used one phial of your « ' K » o "?* unconscious and After three hours of use th^Uient hPram

CC°rdm,g *? t h e directions, the symptoms of poison disappeared I ^ T ^ Wel1' a n d a I1

signal success with your medicint m V e r y g l a d t o ^ i n this


Rest Bungalow, Madhupur, S. P

ITrmdated from Post Card,'Bengali]

2530—19-7-26. C a 8 e e 8 3 -

.. . " W e h ad three snake-bite cases in ^ their hves were saved by the inhalation o f ? o u r S ^ 1 S | n 5 , S , n d a n d

rr A w A" IyALI" R A I S A H ^ B .

[ 0 * « f from tJ,e ori9iml letter „ ^ . ^

Case 684. 2532—17-7-26.

We a large crculation «J your S l ^ ° L e ^ ^


P n ^ Tea E s t«e,

2538(0-22-8-26. C " 8 e 8 8 B-

hours of .nhaladon of ' 'Lex.V No I t h e r ' 0 " ^ 3 8 ™red a f l y a ? d

C H a n J T M W a n o r a ^ a n ^ ^ ^ T ^

D i s . r i ^ r ' - - - 0 ^ ' ' ^ **." omed'cine-• S»nlapole (BanInira

I f t - » * - ft*. BengaK,}


*>r-,«.„* Case 686. 2538(2)—22-8-26. Serious Case.

Bhuban Duari, son of late Krishna Chandra Duari of Simlapole, district Bankura, was bitten by an unknown snake most probably ^obt-a, in the evening on 30th Baisakh, 1333 B. S., at about 8 p.m. •No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Remained unconscious for a long time; there was }]o noPe of life. Many village medicines such as " Gadjari,"

Kaliakara" roots, leaf of Akshoy Mull, "Kanlte lata" "Galghasi" was used^ but without any effect. Then, after about one hour of the^bite, " Lexin " was inhaled. After about two hours of inhalation of " Lexin " the patient was cured.

Present:—Bhagbat Chandra Bandyopadhyay, Raghunath Maha-rathi, Bcnimadhab Mistry, Ganganath Mistry and many others.

Remarks:—A most useful medicine. Reporter:—Gangabidhu Ray, Village and P. O. Simlapole

(Bankura District). [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 687. 2526-21-8-26.

Matabia, wife of Matur Mathar of Mokamaghat, P. O. Mokama­ghat, P. S. Mokama, District Patna, was bitten by an unknown snake on 6-6-26 at about 6 p.m. in the morning. No ligature was made, khe became unconscious. Ojhas tried mantras without any effect. After two hours of the bite "Lexin" was inhaled, and she was cured after fifteen minutes of inhalation.

Present:— Ram Andhar Pande, Nathuni Mian, Ram Anugra Lall ar>d others.


Assistant Goods Clerk, Mokamaghat.

[Translated from Bengali.]

~.^m Case 688. 2425-17-8-26.

" P . Banerjee's 'Anti-Venom Inhalation' snake-bite cure proved l e ry successful last night. The case was with a woman named farbatia, a maid-servant of Babu Rajendra Prasad, Sadar Sub-^"spector of Schools, Arrah. The patient was suffering from the Poison caused by the snake-bite from about 8-30 p.m. Many mantra-lVa"as came but to no purpose. I reached the spot and knowing the P u s e of the accident which had occurred an hour before, hastened J° my lodge and brought the medicine at once and used it. The W e n t was cured after fifteen minutes. To-day she is all right."


Assistant Teacher and Scout Master, Arrah Zilla School.

[Copied from original letter in English.]


Case 689. 2539—10-8-26.

Mohammed Luqman, son of Rahim Khan of Godipur, P . O. Manaima, P . S. Manaima, District Allahabad, was bitten on 10-8-26, at about 4 p.m. by an unknown snake.

The patient saw the snake going in the grass but could not recognize it. The patient felt sleepiness. " L e x i n " inhalation was continued from 4-30 to 8-30 p.m. The patient got better as soon as the inhalation was applied.

Present:—About 30 gentlemen were present at that time, but I know the names of only four men, viz., Abdul Hakeem, Meetabadal, Brindaban, and Sitadin, all residents of Manaima.


Sub Post Master, Manaima (Allahabad).

[Copied from the report.]

2363—14-8-26. " Serious Case. (1) "Balaram Das, a shopkeeper in Jatin Bazar, got snake-bite

a month ago. After treatment by local ' o jhas ' and after removing the ligature (which was placed just after the bite), the patient was going to be senseless and salivation was coming out from mouth and nose when I was informed. Your medicine was used as directed and the patient was completely cured in half an hour."

Case 691.

(2) " Second case occurred last evening. A son of Hari Charan Chakerverty of Taki got a bite and I was approached. I sent the medicine. This morning the father of the patient reports com­plete cure of his boy after half an hour's use. Your medicine is doing marvels."


Manager, Taki Estate, P . O. Taki (24-Parganas).

[Copied from original letter in English.] Case 692.

(3) Panu Raut, son of late Madhab Raut of Jamtara P n Jamtara, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a snake on 20 fi Vi at 7 p.m. in the evening. " " ^-o-"-*

Symptoms:—Insensibility up to knee: a nemliar ™«~i „ • s h i v e n V sensation in the body. » L « i n " 4 * * 3 " ^ hour. Ligature was put off. The patient was cured aftPr ***» minutes of inhalation. No other medicine was used "iteen

Present:—Jagabandhu Mitra, Kedar Nath,, XT • Khan and Biswanath Das of Jamtara. ^nowahury, Nazir


C|o Babu Bankim Chandra Bose Pleader, Jamtara (Santal Parganas).

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 693. Serious Case.

- ^ i Chandra Ma)hi, son of ^ 0 ^ ^ % ^ P. O. Sundarchak P. S. S ^ g ™ ^ a t 8^0 £m . in the evening- As bv a snake on 6th Ashar, 1331B. b , « o i d n o t rec0gnize the the night was dark and it was raining,

became icy-cold. l-exin >v { t l y ^rcd after urrcc (f

the bite. The patient ^ ^ J ^ S been used before Lexin, inhalation. Some roots of plants had without any effect. >r„„;nr1ra Nath

Majhi. Kalu Manda and the& patient P. O. Samdih, District Burdwan. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Village Fulbena, P O. Samdih (Burdwan D«*nct).

[Tfowtowd from Bengali.]

CQ86 694.

perfectly cured after talf^h o u ^ ^ ( ( o g w a s b„ten tfcmarfej:—1 nrmiy u

and " Uxin " has cured the B l s w A S

p . S . S a l a n p u ^ ^ ^ B ^ o ( , ]

Case 69S. Typhlops. 2 0 • * i *P Kali Prasad Mitra and wife

Rashmayee D a ^ ^ ^ l S ^ ^ a S a r i . * ° ' * X S y £ake of late Madhusudan pass of village J b y very small y Rajnagar, D i s t r i c t . B i r b h u g ^ ^ -t away instantly- d ; on 5th Sravan at 5 p.m. She™ r

t i o n i n the ooay r i n g

r Jfcroorfc.—We are much aston l a t l o n . L u D a s s

of the medicine and wish it» targe J a m tara, Jogindra win Present.—Katrialaksha Jfitra oi

and Phanibhusan Mitra of Jamta . K A M A L A R S H A M t t R A ,

p( 0 ,

( S a n t a l Parganas District) Jamtara P. U. V slatcd from Bengali.]


1706—19-8-24. C a 8 e 8 8 e -

'^h^$^St!^^r o f Brahman-Tentulia. I P'm- T h e night was dkrk^nrfl?1 b y a s n a k e o n 2 5" 6- 2 4 a t

hanrfc'?^?WW;-Restlessne« S n a k e c o u l d n o t b e s e e n ' ^ f e e t and the bodereSS ' *«*«>> salivation, weakening of

' ^ ^ ^ ^ }£*£. of the bitc. Ligature waS was used y 4 8 h o u r s to effect ner"f°* h e w a s m u c h better; but

Prcs t P e r t e c t cu re- No other medicine

.^ i<>fBUaiS ,fe^SI«^Swhrand Mahammad r,Mli ( S d ) ^ R A H M A C H X P T QT

P n A Brahma» Tentulia, ' u - Asasuni (Khulna District).

translated from Bengali) 284^16-2-25. Case 697.

b y " T e ^ s n ^ r l°,u that in last 5 • Typhlops ?

PahT't^'^-'-P P tr g a n d brought to me Patna P. 0 *• P. Huss, , . c . H c

• CHomoBo.), Mangales Road,

' '" 0 r ,^MW ' letter in English.] £<So~~

uj ' C a 8 e e»s. first manyVe Cured a Sn i_

efficacyof ?ne

eSa"d wascured " A , ^ reja?n,,i1 'ex ,n u P° n a n a P £ n

^ f l r im e med'cine." ed- All ^ e ^ ' n e d consciousness within

< B »«SSS^ ; -B . B. M aston,shed at the wonderful

rmU ' S«rjughUnta, p . Q . Barhait

2667|3_23_1] 7A „ [Tr™s!ated from Bengali.]

p n * ^ J * « ^ 'snake; °" *• B ^Jltendra Moha °f s " a k e " b i t e a

[Co/lVd ^ M,A ' ' B I - Pleader, Bogra r°m original letter in English.)


Case 700. 1628—30-6-25.

" Nanki, wife of Jokhon Mahato of Mojhonlia (Chotta) Japaha Mauza, P. O. Muzaffarpur, was bitten by a snake on the ^-b-^ at about 3 a.m. in the night while sleeping. Some ojhas tried their mantras but without any effect." . c . .

Symptoms:—Insensibility in affected limb and blurring of vision She skid that she was feeling too hot inside. On being informed at about 6 a.m. in the morning, tried " Lexin on her a fter^ about 3i hours of the bite. After about half an hours mhalatioi she said that her eyes were quite clear. " Ankh kind gut and sensibility returned in affected limb. . m l . rv-fo.. RVmio

Present:-Factory gate-keeper, Chattoo Thakur, Carter Bhola Gope. patient's relatives and many other coolies.

Remarks:-"! thank you from the bottom of my heart for >our medicine—Snake-bite Cure." . , «,„„_ -portnrv

Reporter:-Prokash Chandra Banerjee, Japaha Sugar Factor}, P. O. Muzaffarpur (Behar).

Case 701. " I used" your ' anti-venom' on my chauffeur who was bitten by a

snake, night before last, and I do believe it saved his lite. J. N. SMITH,

Benlab Lodge, Hazanbagh. [Copied from original letter tn English.]

Case 702.

~~ ~Ballaram Ray, aged 30, son of Durga Charan Ray of Narangi, P- O. Saroa, P S . Saroa District Santal V**^'™*11*1 b y

a snake on 19th August at 8-30 p.m. The snake was not seen Symptoms.—The patient could neither speak no: open his<jy«*.

was drooping: could not keep his head erect salivation from.the mouth: insensibility of the limbs. ''Lexin ™ » ^ f * [ S IS minutes of the bite. No other medicine was used The: patient was cured after three hours of inhalation. He spoke, looked and

r P ^ r - H a r i p a d a Banerjee Gopeswar « e , Gopal Sarker, Gosthabehari Ganguly and Khagendra Sen of Kulti.

Remarks:-The snake was a poisonous one and certainly tnis medicine cured him. _ . T nUnn¥nrv Kiihi P O

Reporter:—Pravash Chandra Banerjee, Laboratory, Kulti r. u . * Ry* [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 703.

to Sovan Khan, son of Mor Khan of Vira Gurjiala P : O . Kumaria, P- S. Booar, District Booj, residing at present at Jun Bdaspur f?ayalbund, C. P., was bitten by a snake on 18-8-24 at 7-3U p.m. JNo

* X ] ^ P o i » rose up to the waist The left leg, which was bitten, became quite insensible and hard like wood. Severe burning sensation: drooping of the head. r "Lexin" was used about half an hour of the bite After forty-five minutes of inhalation the poison came down to the heels, but it took about three hours to effect perfect cure.


Present:—Sarit Kumar Lahiri, L. E. D. Office, B. N. Ry., Bilaspur, Vaskar Rao, Dayalband, Junebilaspur, Bilaspur, C. P., Munshi Ram Sa, Contractor of Bilaspur, and many others.

Remarks:—I think that the snake was a Krait. The cure could have been effected earlier; because the patient did not inhale deeply and smoked once as I forgot to forbid him.

Reporter:—Haraprasad Bandyopadhyay, L. E. D. Office, B. N. Ry., Bilaspur P. O., C. P .

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 704. 339311—18-8-27. Unknown.

Guju Pramanik, aged 43, son of late Jalil Pramanik of Sutki-gacha, P . S. Atrai, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a snake at about 7-30 p.m. The snake could not be recognized in the evening twilight. Ligature was made just after the bite.

Symptoms:—Became unconscious; frothy salivation from the mouth.

" Lexin" was inhaled l i hours after bite. Besides inhalation 2 drops of " Lexin " were poured into the nostrils. Then, the patient regained consciousness and became gradually cured. Only half a phial was consumed to cure him.

Reporter:—Kashinath Chaudhury, P. O. Raghurampur, District Rajshahi. 11-8-27.

Case 705. 3393|2—18-8-27. Unknown.

Sudan Molla, aged 14, son of late Baban Molla of Hatiapara, P. S. Atrai, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a black snake at about 2 p.m. Ligature was made just after the bite.

Symptoms:—Intense burning pain. "Lex in" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. A drop of

" Lexin" was put into the nostrils. The burning pain began to decrease and he was fully cured after one hour's inhalation Liga­ture was gradually loosened. " B

Reporter:—Kashinath Chaudhury, P. n "Rnrrlmrar™.,.-(District Rajshahi). U ' ^ 8 h u ^ g g «

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 706. 2787-19-7-28. R

Gosthabehari Adhikari, of village Niiiot P n n ,„ ;u -o c« Uluberia, District Howrah, was bitten by a W n ? » « " i v \ r ' S< about 1 cubi, ,o„ g on 12-7-28 at 4 p.m. W S M S S n * & * £

Symptoms:—Intolerable pain felt in the whnU *„,.«.„_ m • after^ the bite. l e s y s t e m 1 0 minutes

" Lexin " was inhaled 15 minutes after th«> V.u» T • . loosened half an hour after inhalation. Pain « / « H « 5 I J ^ ^ e was he was fully cured after 8 hours' inhalation £ S l l y . . ? e C ^ f d a n d

was applied externally but to no effect* ' I o r e Lexin, spirit Present:—Gosthabehari Mallik, AnaneamnW T I_-RePorter:-MeShx*th Joshu, h c S S r f u i S t o ^ ^ ^ ' -

. 16-7-28. • D o not apply spirit. lt a c c e l e r a t e s ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^


Case 707. Cobra. 2788—19-7-28. . r;«tnri Banik of Ausgram,

Shibdas Banik, agedI 17, son of J j j f ^ o n 29-6-28 at District Burdwan, was bitten b y - a J * * * ^ I t w a s about 2 cubits 6-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not kiue 1 0 n%,Hy,o,„:-SleeP iness salivation from mouthy H e ^

"Lcxin " was inhaled ID m , n *" 0 3Je r medicine was used. after half an hour's inhalation *<> ™ ^ B a n e r j i and others. PrMciif:—Bhudev Ray, Goun t-rabau

ReZrks:-An infallible antidote to snake j , (Burdwan) Reportcn-Sir* Ranjan Goswami, r . 8 . 7 . 2 8 .

Case 708. Cobra. 2789-19-7-28. 9 9 . Hrishikesh Ganguly of

Bhuban Chandra Das aged ^ C J ° ^ y ^ Kuthibari, P. O and Distrc Fanapu ^ ^ a t ^ p j n . The (Black Cobra) about 24 cubits ion*, snake was seen but net killed { r Q m t h e b i t e ; salivation from

!=£Hs Sis ssfc- -—--Pur- Case 709. Krait.

2 7 ^ l t r a g e d 18, ^ o < Madan . j * - ^

° U t « * 8 w a s inhaled l * * - ^ ' ^ ^ « « « loosened 15 minutes alter »n . . . w a s U S ed. . . h a s 2 hours' inhalation. No other med c ne s n a k e . b l t e like this

Remarks:-An efficacious median not yet been invented. . ,, p Q . Purandarpur ^vi* to • Reporter:— Atalbehan Sadnu, r . i co. Birbhum District. ___

Case 710. Cobra. 2791| 1—19-7-28. . . . . n m a Cobra bit dangerously

" I got a patient in last Baisakh, whom a U aged 40 years °n her left leg. Her name is Atari Da*^ l e T forthwith When I was called I found that she: tea D h o u r s , c o n t i n u e d inhala-niade her inhale the medicine. Alter xw d u cost me four tion the patient felt well and b ^ « £ ? gut I was satisfied heartily drams of the medicine to cure the patient, DU on seeing the action of the medicine^ (Homoeo.),

(Sd.) Dr. B. C. ^ J ^ k S i ^ ^ Khasbarh, P. O. \rhpala,

(District Midnapur). 14-7-^8.


2791|2-19-7-28. C a 8 e 7 1 1 ,

" I was called the other dav fM-7 ?*n • , C o b r a ' case, which happened just at 2 p.m Itwa?af««n, °r ^ ^ - W t c When I reached there I saw the oatieS L i K C3Se o f cobra-bite. her leg had turned blue. He n a m U <ta£>c°me senseless and years. Some 6 ojhas triedtnei? a™ b u t tn n ™ ^ 1 Debi> a&ed 30 inhale the medicine for two hours andF «£ °Ct- * m a d e h s r

men present there began to S J The ^ V ™ 5 CUT

red to ta»y. and drams of the medicine. S o c C U r S ' T ' r \ C 0 S t m e ^ ° Midnapur)." e occurred at Jaybag (District

(Sd.) Dr. B. C. PRADHAx, M.B. (Homo*,),

Ramkrishna Medical Store Khasbarh, P. 0 . Irhpala,

(District Midnapur). 14-7-28. 2898-23-7-28. C a 8 e 7 1 2 '

g - S S . ? a \ a B S S r f f a f - i c f BH ba, B e r a ^ ^ e

ft - | ^ C ^ S S ^ !l n

, g S 5 ^ ^ i «> P -after 2 hours' inhalation. No other m!Si ! e blte- He was cured ""ASS? tt'L^^iS™ Was u -d . LigSure

S w A r t , ba s M a ) h". Kanailal Khanra via i l l X t l S r a S M a i h i ' D a i ™ " £ Mi„, P. 0 . j ^ , ,

r r , 16-7-28.'

2889—22-7-28. C a 8 e 7 1 3« Sheikh Tabin, aged 28 wn «f eu -i L T . Cobra

Pr^u^.-Jogeswar P M M ? ^ ' "*ed. W3S C U r e d

Reporter:- Ram Jiman Sharma U ^ S 1 Sujait. Hajipur (Muzaffarpur). o n a rma, Munsiff's Court, p . 0

8 7 9Q*

—25-7-28. C a 8 e 7 1 4 -Radhakanta Mandal aeed ?R *« , , Russell's Viper

loosenedTf « * £ i A J j ^ W j f c r-

(District Khu,„a{: * ' C ' * * »*• Vm a g e Kharia. P. 0 . P a i k g a c h a

1A *7 or*


Case 715. 2956—26-7-28. K r a i t

Golakbehari Dutt. aged 47, son of late Ramsunder Dutt of village and P. O. Karon, P. S. Madhupur, District Dumka, was bitten by a Krait about 10 inches long on 19-7-28 at 8-30 p.m. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation at the place of bite just after the bite; within two minutes the whole leg up to knee became senseless.

"Lexin " was inhaled 5 or 7 minutes after the bite. There was no ligature. After 25 minutes' inhalation he was cured, dwelling of the leg remained for three days after extraction of broken fangs from the place of bite. " Lexin" was inhaled daily for three days and the swelling fully subsided. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Gobinda Dutt. Gosthabehari Pal and others. Reporter:— Bagale Prasad Chakervertty, P. O. Karon, via

Karmatar (District Santal Parganas). Z4-7--8. !

Case 716. 2842—21-7-28. Cobra.

Jharoo'sheikh (Convict No. 2455A), aged 24, son of Mamlotlt Sheikh of village Dighipara, P. S. Patinala, District D.najpur was bitten by a full-sized Cobra on 17-7-28 at about 9-4 a.m. The snake was seen by warder-in-charge and some fellow prisoners, but not killed. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Left leg paralysed; not very restless. "Lexin" was inhaled 15 minutes after the bite. He was

completely cured after 5 or 6 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used."

Present-—The District Magistrate was present for some time. The Superintendent of Jail for 2 or 3 hours.

. Remarks:— The medicine gave excellent results, as in the Pre­vious case. Every household should have one phial of the medicine ready at hand. „ . t ,_. n , . T Reporter:-Jatindra Nath Adhvarya, Jailor, Rajshahi Central Jail.


Case 717. 2888—22-7-28. Cobra. „ J Hari Jha's daughter-in-law. aged 35, of village Kubirpur, P. O. a"d District Bhagalpur, was bitten by a Cobra about a year ago. She became senseless. "Lexin" was inhaled 4 hours after the bite £*ter an hour's inhalation she was cured No other medicine was Used- Ligature was loosened after she had regained her senses.

Reporter:—Sripati Mukherji, Mosaqchak, Bhagalpur. 24-6-28.

one C a 8 e 7 1 8 , v -4. 2957—26-7-28. K r a i t -t , Rasmi Thati, aged 20, wife of Pheco of village Pokaria P. O. gavh-Karagpur, District Monghyr, was bitten by a Chiti (Krait) ^avh-Karagpur, District Monghyr, was bitten by a Chitti (Krait) caught, bottled, and killed after cure.

B, SB 20


Symptoms:—Hopeless, badly affected by the poison. " Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligature w i s

loosened immediately after signs of relief. She was cured after four hours' inhalation. The wound was washed by permanganate of potash to detect broken fangs; and no other medicine was used.

Present:— Mr. A. Texuria, Jeeadali Mia, Bangeswar Prasad Ray and others.

Remarks:—Great amazement aroused amongst citizens Three such cases have been cured, one of cobra, and the others of the same snake.

Reporter:-Rcv. Henry Westropp, s.j., R. C. Chaplain, Chotki Hatia, Haveh-Karagpur P. 0 . (District Monghyr). 8-7-28.

Case 719. 2959-26-7-28. C o b r a

v m a f e l ^ R a n 0 d . r a p ^ T ' D f s ? ^ 5 ' s i ° „ ^ £ p ^ d „ aa

r s * £ S E ? g j

^ t i i f e d 1 a * i U , 0 n g ° n n " 7 - 2 8 =" 7 P m ' TKIke^cc" bS

&rs£uS w a s c u r e d a f , e r 3 i h ~ r f «S&t HaLssrems:

Present:—Dr. A. K. Bose. Tarini Chanritn T „ • T ttath Chaudhury and Bholanath Mondal T e w a n » J o g e n d r a

Reporter;—Sasanka Sekhar Chawbey, P. O. Pakur (S P ) 21-7-28.

Case 720. 2960—26-7-28. U n k

Rani dpb ^ i ^ ^ ^"SLW V V H cubits long on 12-7-28 at 7-30 pm The m t L * S n S C a b o u t

t u t could not identify i t e p a t , e n t s a w t h c snake Symptoms:—Salivation from month- «,i,;.r ,. .

inability to sit erect. " I ^ » T O 1 £ W n h n g ° ! t h e h e a d : There was no ligature. After one hour' 1 I h a l n ? " * u f t e r t h e b i t c -No other medicine was used. S i n h a , a t l o n he was cured.

Present:—Gobin Saha, Raniian SVIPJL-V. ->~J .t-Reports-Krishna Kumar Banerji BL P L ^ " ^ •

(Bengal). J ' *X" P l eader, Dinajpur P. O.

Case 721. ' S. R.—23-7-28.

Mangal Majhi, a cow boy, son of Tur a Tut^u- * U n k u ° w n . •danga, was bitten by a snake on 20-7-28 at ahnnt i°n V l l l a g e Ghagar-

Symptoms:—Unconscious; salivation fmm L ? , m-" U x i n " was inhaled and the patient L ? m ° U t h an<* nose,

local people found him cured, they l e t tS Tl- B u t when the while The poison symptoms recurred "T P v ; ^ f l e n t s l e e P after a and he was cured. " ^ e x ' n was again inhaled


^ t a P a t h o r Wine Shop,

( P - O. Kalipahari,

(Burdwan). 22-7-28.


Case 722. 9oio ?i-7_28 Venomous Snake.

Sheikh Ismail of village Valuka, P. O Hayatpur District: MaWa. was bitten by a venomous snake on 28th Ashar, 133s B. b., at about 2 p.m.

Symptoms:—Became unconscious soon after the bite. "Lexin" was inhaled a few minutes after the bite Ligature

were loosened 7 or 8 minutes after mhalauon. After * r « h o u r s inhalation the patient regained his senses^aiid-™}*™ ™"d\6nc after 12 hours. Wonderful indeed is the efheacy of jour medicine.


Valuka Kutchery, P. O. Hayatpur (District Malda).

Case 723. 45. R.-23-7-28. Venomous Snake.

•'I have used your specific for snakebite: cure: 17-7-28 on a •boy aged 17 years, named Kaimal C o s t a . 0 " ^ ^ ^ stated Pochak, P. S. Chandausi, District Moradabad 1 he pat>en s that he'was bitten by a snake at 8 p.m. oni 16-7-28 m the r gm index finger, when he was working in a clwffo. ^ \ . ^ T h e tied at two'places and the w™nd «as ^%fj£ SSdiUon. and patient was brought here on 17-7-28 in «m» « o « y ^ ^ ^ remained in hospital up to 6 p.m. oi i/-/ -- • mcclicine was removed after a few minutes' "hateUonjnd «ie m«. applied on the wound which was dis nfec ed *s us ^ was killed on the morning of 1/tn uisiaiu. poisonous."

(Sd.) M. A. LATIP, Medical Officer, Combined Hospital,

Chandausi P. O.

(District Moradabad), U. P.

Case 724.


- f e ' o T ^ p ^ " ^ » ^ ^ J E % ^ ^ ^

? £ J ^ l S M i u n d 6 h T ^ ^ ^ * £

*;lly clred within 5 o ? 6 hours. Many p e r " ^ present; all <« them were astonished at its wonderful emcacy.


Signi P. O., Via Dainhat (Burdwan).



Case 725. 2578—15-7-27.

"To-day we tried your snake-bite cure 'Lex in ' on a oatient and we found the result very satisfactory. We had to spend onTv one phial of medicine for this case." ' P y

(Sd.) Rev. A. PAXJA.

Mission House, Haluaghat

(District Mymensingh). U-7-29.

2384-1-7-27. ° - 7 2 6 '

on 3 ^ h2 r a S u ° t f 5 ° 3 U 0 r S ^ n T h e ^ f c f f - a k f ( K r a i t )

£ ^ m ^ 0 m , : - U n c o n s d o u S r d e P l o r a b l e co dit*£?*"&*• first tried their arts but to no effect At 2 S « \ ' • * J a n y ° J h a s a* from 12 p.m. She regained consciousness a f w ? u" Ta.s inhaled and became fully cured at about 8 a m T e x t ' O l ? , h o u r s i l l a t i o n

Present:-Kunjabehari Gho*e retiredl£i n , n g -and President Panchayet. ' e d Sub-Inspector of Police

Reporter:—Dr. Kalipada Ghose H M P ^^ nathpur, P. O. Harinakundu (District jessbrej 'S*' V l l l a S e Raghu-

^4-7-27. Case 727

4295-30-9-25. 7 t

(1) Rajani Kanta Dass, Mohanta of B z d ^ ^ f ^ 1 ^ ' Kalna, District Burdwan, was bitten bv a Ch^*' & ° - a "d P. S Viper) on 25-6-27 at about 12 a.m

y C h a n d r a Bora (Russell's "Lex in" was inhaled one hour after th* u\ m.

ligature. He was cured after inhaling three «hiak A* r e r e . w a s no n (2) Wife of late Nirode Chandra D a « «f •« *" P. O. and P. S. Kalna, District Burdwan ™ ° f u V , l l a S e Shyamjruni 24-9-27 at about 10 a.m. o u r «wan , was bitten by a snakeon

Symptoms:—Pain at the place of hit**- i-" L e x i n " was inhaled one hour after'th!> i " g sensation.

the first phial her pain went off R.,«. \ . D,te- After ; n u r

^;^r-The-•«* ^ * % w£»5Sa Reporter .--Kalipada Mukherji. Preside* v • ' °

P. O. Kalna (District Burdwan). r e s i d e n t . Krishtiadebpur U B Case 728

S. R.—3-12-27. " W e a re pleased to inform you that

proved a miracle in a case of snake-bite w y ° U r ' snake-bitP „ , to our Chawkidar Shiva Dutt. who i„L , Y* aPPKcd this V J H e

hours and would not feel inclinedto t i f ' ^ c°ntinual v ? ' d , c i n e

moistened with the medicine. It seemed i V^h t h e piece lfT ! w ? ease at the very begimiing and infused ^ !t

f 8»ve him £* , S l o t h

God that by aid of your medicine a n 0 o r r f v . l i f e in S L °S.d o f

e (Sd.) M. GH U r < ATT lpAf e i s saved.''"11- T h a n k

for H. M. Noor Moham **?*• Government Forest Contractors i i ' S°ns,

( D l s « « Gorak°hpur)



Case 729. Tr . 3758—1-9-27. K r a i t -

" I take much pleasure to express my thankfulness for your preparation of ' Lexin.'

A Krait had bitten near the ankle of right leg on one Baudh Charmkar of village Rasulpur, P. O. Amba, District Gaya, while he was working in the field, on 26-8-27 at 8 a.m.

In five minutes his eyes became deep red and he became uncon­scious. His hands and feet were twisting.

'Lexin' was inhaled. After three hours' inhalation he was fully cured."


Retired Police Officer, Village Rasulpur, P. O. Amba (Gaya).

29-8-27. Case 730.

2282—28-6-28. , "My cook the other day was bitten by a very young snake

which after biting him. hung on to his foot and would not let go till the cook bv a piece of glass forced it away. He felt a smart bite and the pain running up. He came to me at once (ashe s living on the premises) and I put on a tight ^ u ™ ^ ^ ^ J ankle. I then gave him 'Lexin' as stated byJ™- ^ n

a , l s ° ^ ^ the poisonous fangs, and applied one drop of Lex to the cm made by a razor blade after being sterilized; a » d / l l " / r 3 he felt relieved. He told me. that a lew seconds aftertl c snake had stung him he felt as if he had been drugged I gave him two cups of strong coffee. After two good long in .ha at'0"s he felt the burning feeling in his body disappear. I should like to have a few bottles always in readiness."

(Sd.) Mrs. J. SAXGEIX. 155-A, Bungalow, Khagaul,

Dinapore. 26-6-28.

Case 731. 4639-24-10-27. K r a

" I thank you heartily for your ' Lexin/ * e ideal ra^ for s«ake-bite cure which you have invented Yesterday night at about °-3? p.m. one of my patients was bitten by a snake Chitti (*"**) a n d I am glad to let vou know that I got wonderful result by using y°ur medicine." v .Patient's name and <i<Mir«:-Kalipada Chatterji. Postal Peon, ^nshnagar P. O. (Nadia).

Reporter:—Dr. Dhirendranath Adhikary, L.M.F., P. O. Knshna-Sar (Nadia). 19-10-27.

,,0_„ Case 732. 4957—I9.n_27. w "Ganga Prasad Singh, Head Constable, Taki Outpost, P. S. ^asanabad. District 24-Parganas, son of Madho Singh of village faraila, District Pratapgarh, was bitten by a snake on the middle

n g e r of right hand on 12-11-27 at about 8 p.m. when he went out


to a pond to wash his mouth. Two ligatures were put on immediate!}-. l w

• Symptoms:—The aflfected arm became benumbed- oain and a feeling of constriction within chest, dim vision SSh a ' f S S e as if the eyes were being drawn in from within. ieenng as it

'Lexin ' was inhaled half an hour after the bite After ^S minutes' inhalation he said that his vision had . w i l l A r 1 5

inhaling for 10 or 12 minutes more, t £ h e a v i n e ^ ? ^ ^ ' " - ^%V

He became fully cured after one hour's i S a t i 0 " T ^ ' W ° n t °-ff; was bitten by a snake in our village a^d she f 2 ^ y e a r a - g , r I

I cured her with half a phial of ' l i S n • »!Li 5 V n . u n c o n s c i o « s -phial has been consumed to cure this ctse." h e r e m a i n , n S half a


, _ . . P- O. Taki (District 24-Parganas).

16-11-27. 1686-4-6-27. C a S ° 7 3 3 "

(1) During last week, on Tuesday morning a * Rangila was bitten by a snake when h'e wen? n t I K W ? p e J n a m e d

plant. " Lexin » was inhaled and he was cured ° f mansa-(2) On the same date at about 11 om "RW-,

Domkhana, was bitten by a snake. " n a J a u n a , a sweeper of Symptoms:— When he was brought to mo i,„

salivation and froth were coming out of hie'«! Wuas u n consciou5; eyes were closed. m s mou& and nose; his

" Lexin " was inhaled. At first I rnnlH «««. t ,• would come to life again. But, thanfc; to the ffict^ fhat t h e m a " cine, after 3 hours' inhalation he regained C L ? , Cy o f y ° U r medi-

- W ^ ^ ^ ^ W - * „, efficacy of the medicine arc just now wanted. Kind?? ^ . ^ w dozens date. ™n<n> send at an early

Finance Department, V &'n*$hliA*' ° u - secretariat,

S. R.—21-7-27.

Patna. [Translated from n , 31"S"27-

Case 734.

Last night I cured a snake-bite case *„„ with your "Lexin." I was informed fill"1 t h e Jaws nt i , found the patient in an unconscious state TlS a f t e r the hi e a t h

tion he was fully cured. I have cured « A «rrhv<> hour,' ' V l 1 * 1

up to this time and sent report to youeach t t * • U x l n three "ca *" (Sd.) ATUI, CHAXDRA A r » . ' S C S

C|o Messrs. Acharjee K ^ J f t Coal and T;«,V * ^ons

Kulti P. 0n f E

T l f ^ W a n t s . *• Railway. i 8 ; 7 2R

' ' " Bengali.]


Case 735. 3323—17-8-27. K r a i t '

"One woman named Kosolya Raj warm of village Deoli. P. S. Neettiria, District Manbhum. was bitten by a Chitti snake (Krait) on 31-7-27 in the evening, was treated by herbs and local ojnas but to no effect up to the following morning. When I got the news l hastened to her and applied your medicine, bought last year, to her nostrils by drops which quickly brought back her semej. Then inhalation of the medicine, as prescribed by you comme«wd and gradually she was completely cured One fang w « ^ f i r

c ^ S j from her little toe of the left foot and some drops of > u r valuab c medicine was administered on the bitten part. She is now perfect* wcll."»


Deoli Colliery. P. O. Dishergarh (Manbhum).


Case 736.

880-3-4-28. U n k n 0 W " -

Lalit Mohan Saha, aged 32, son of 9 i S % S ^ M ^ ^ village Nawabgunj, P. O. Chapai-Nawabgunj, District Maiaan, bitten by a snake on 29-3-28 at about 4 p.m.

Symptoms:—Became senseless. , " i e x i n " was inhaled 15 minutes after the bite Ljgaturwas loosened after sensation. He was cured after 2 hours inhalation. No other medicine was used. #

PresenU-Dr. Girindra Chandra Sarkar, M.B.. A. T. Chatterj, and A. K. Banerji. . , , Remarks:-^ other medicine like " Lexin » has yet been invented 'or curing snake-bite patients. „ Reporter:-Jatindra Mohan Sen Gupta, Station Master P . O . Chapai-Nawabgunj (District Malda).

Case 737. 1166—22-4-28. Unknown.

p Budhu Sheikh, aged 13. son of Kefatulla Sheikh^of Sanke rb^ P - O. Chapai-Nawabgunj, District Malda, was bitten by a snake 0 n t5-4-28 at about 8 p.m.

Symptoms:—Became unconscious. , "Lexin" was inhaled 10 minutes after the ^™&™*J™ Joosened after sensation. He was cured after 3 hours inhalation.

0 other medicine was used. Present:—Bhudev Chandra Dass and Md. Kaim Mia, Pleader.

P l Reporter:—Jatindra Mohan Sen Gupta, Station Master P O. Ulapai-Nawabgunj (District Malda). 30-4-28.


Case 738. —*-6-27. Unknown.

Last evening a case of snake-bite was successfully cured by me with your Antivenom Inhalation " " Lexin."

Wife of Babu Baldeo Pada, an employee in the Superintending Engineers Office was bitten by a snake. When I went to her she was breathing but senseless. The medicine began to act after 7 minutes when she came to her senses. She was perfectly cured were'pr'eseSt m m U t C S ' B a M e 0 S a h a i a n d Rangbeharilall


Assistant Master and Scout Master

Arrah Zilla School. 6*6-27.

Case 739. 3172—3-8-28. r . . n

Cholera Case. I am pleased to inform you that by the aid of your " L e x i n "

ofWchokra. S a V C ° n C ° f m y S t a f f ' W h ° h a d a bad a t tSk As already mentioned previously, I have used " Lexin " without

a single instance of failure for snake-bite, and scornton S , w ESS in North and South India while on Railwa^ C o n T S i f T u t ' t h " is the first case on which I used it for cholera: Cholera at present is very prevalent at a village on my line named Kotipalli On the 2R?h instant I was intimated that one of my Inspector's khalasis was taken bad. I accompanied the Sub-Assistant Surgeon to the snot and found the patient m. a very bad state. He was practically done and in terrible agony and cramps. I straightway thought of your

Lexin and, as a last resort, suggested to the Doctor that it should be used. As nothing further cou d be done for the m- in th n « 7 agreed I thereby motored back to my headquarters Tor the "Lexfn" which I always keep. On my returning after 25 miniiW ii ? T

. found the patient nearly expiring. We at o V US™d "he « T ^ ' » and within a couple of minutes, his expression seemed tn V " and his eyes became brighter and his pulse s t r o n g w h a £ g S him removed to more suitable quarters and t h V n £ E I ^ n t ^ motions normal and except for extreme weakness E ! *-nd h ) s

well The Doctor himself acknowledges that "Levin » i P a t i e n t £s

his life. ^ e x i n alone saved Two Doctors, a Sanitary Inspector, dozens nfm,

others have all craved for your address and T a my S t a ? a n d ™ n y

the next few days, you will receive do/ens « ? conY.,nce.d within .Lexin." I am extremely pleased that I haw i, P p l , ? a t , o n s for in making known to so many and to convince thpm « V i n s t r u m e n t a 1 properties of "Lexin." as I consider it a r „ T e

o fJ

t h e w°nderful I have never been without "Lex in" for over Sf,nd t o ma™<ind. first used it when I was on the B. N. Railway y e a t S s i n c e T

(Sd.) A. B. GRAHAM^

The Assistant Engineer's Office Cocanada-Kotipalli Railway Const.,

v ; a r . R a m c h a ndrapuram, Via Dwarapudi, M . s > M R a . . ^



Case 740. 3014—27-7-28. T .

Radhika Dassi, aged 20; wife of Kalimandal of village Latt.pur P O Lattinur P S Bihpur, District Bhagalpur. was -bitten m a sna£e on ^ 2 8 at 4 p.m.? while she put her fingers under a mole hole. The snake bit her thrice. No ligature was made.

Svmfitoms — Mtev 30 minutes felt heat and uneasiness the affected Cger'swelled and became> black: after 3 hours circ^Uon

of blood in'the arm ^ \ ^ ^ J ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ condition became worse; after twelve h0"™ °c?a n

hM r b u t c o m d not voice. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, she could hear but coma

^ ^ M a n y men chanted mantras but to no effect j jLexjn^uas inhaled 20 hours 30 minutes after the bite, JX ; d s h c perspiration began. The sweat pour hte tou 3 ^ 4 began to gain senses and strength After c^f^ng ^ ^ ^ drops were poured on it, and * ?ncc »t cauaea sens w , tion. After 35 minutes' inhalation she was tuny cure kept awake, and given only hot water to drink

C S S S . " ^ 2= °' - " °- - ' • brings life to snake-victims. «. •. nuiour P. O.

Reporter:-Chandra Deo Singh, Signaller, Thana B h . p u r . ^ Bhipur (Bhagalpur)-

Case 741. C o b r a

3174-3-8-28. , G o u r Chandra Dass of M Bimalabala Dassi, aged 19, wife otmte^u Parganas,

village and P. O. Hanpur. P. S. D " '^ a ; o J r ' S Io n n_7-28 at 12 a.m.

was bitten by a Cobra about two cubits long on The snake was seen but not killed. „ . „

^ , n ^ 0 „ , : - P r o f u s e salivation; vonntin^ o ^ M o o o ^ . ^ was inhaled one hour after the bite. £ " c r

was cured. No other medicine was useci. Prcsc„<:-Go»r Sandra K » f o r s „ a k b i

Remarks:—1 Lexm is a v<.r> c n T j a r : n u r (Santal /?^or/rr.—Sahadev Chakervertty, P. O. Hanpur l ^ ^

Parganas). Case 742. C o b r a

3175—3-8-28. T . H a r i o f village Guir. B Susila Sundari Dassi wife o f

n ? S r t Burdwan, was bitten by a P. O. Koyar, P. S. Khandaghose District Burn , ^ ^ ^ ^ Cobra about 2 feet long on 26-7-28 at a p.m. but not killed. f t h c o m i n g o u t from

Symptoms:— Unconscious; unable to sit, "louth and nose; body cold. , t h b i t e The ligature

"Lexin" was inhaled 2ft hour * f rh e

t hm c d i c i n e . After one

was loosened before the application oi i medicine was used, hour's inhalation she was fully cured. ^ D J a t j n d r r i

Present:—Bholanath Ghose, js.ns>"i'« Mohan Sarkar and others. charmed us. This medicine

. Remarks:—Satisfactory result has ajarmtu will save thousands and thousands of lives. - . p Q _ Reporter:—Dr. Bhamini Ranjan Sarkar, Village Uiir. r . u . Koyar (Burdwan).


Case 743. 3154—2-8-28.

I am glad to inform that only two days before I got a snake-n k H ^ S 1 n i n , a / l l l a g ! a b°UV 6 - m i l e s f r o m t h i s P l a « and found the " £ x m ' " I u S P S S ^ d , t l 0 n ' - I , h - a V C g-0t t w o P h i a l s oi your

AF C i e d • a n d .perceived its miraculous effect on the condition of the patient within half an hour The oatient ™ a Mahomedan, named Moula, a very poor man.'


Shikohabad P. O.

Case 744. 3 0" 7- 2 8-3741—1-8-28. n .

, , , , _ „ Lobra. •MTU M o * e r of Pt Basudeo Jha, aged 56. of village Mhow P n Mhow-Bazidpur P S Dalsingserai, District Darbhanga was bitted by a Gahuman (Cobra) about 2 cubits long on ?5-7-?8 at 2 nm

Symptoms:—"Very bad condition." " "Lex in" was inhaled one hour after the h,*f« T- ^

not loosened. She was cured a f t e r o n e hour'! iJtS*Fn ^ other medicine was used. u r s , n h a lation. No

Present:—Jagadeo Singh and Chethman Singh Reporter:—Jai Narain Shah, clo Pt "RaQiuWv it, TT , ,

L. P. Schoo., MirZapv.r, P . 0 . V & & ^ & £ # £ £ g

S. R.-2S-7-28. ° M e 7 4 B -Fatima. aged 4 years, daughter of Bunni m .-L-v. t o

District Bhagalpur, was bitten by a snakeTon 14 7 78 o f Supaul, was tearing leaves from small plants She was hifL'n ' w J i ! , e , . s h e

finger of her left hand. She was broughtto me after V °u t h e 1 S l c

was dozing at the time and was unable to keen h e r h L i h ° U r S - TS h e

eyes were red. "Lex in" was used for t i l h e a d e r e c t - Her patient fully recovered. ° r t W 0 h o u r s a f t<* which the

She was treated in the oresenre nf „n *i W. H. E. School. Supaul. P ° e ° f a11 t h e teachers of the


c , ^ Head Master, Supaul P. o . (District Bhagalpur).


218211-24-6-28. ^ 7 4 S -

Symptoms:—Eyes red. " L e x i n " was inhaled one hour after the h;*

after three hours' inhalation. There was^o i X r ^ h e W a s c«red Present:—M. A. Jahhor Khan. g e>

n ^ . o r / l r - - - J a d u n a o d a n Lali Mathnr C U T , Garhani (Arrah) . ^ " M a t n u r , Sub-Post Master, P Q


Case 747. „ . 2182|2—24-6-28. , „

Musammat Lakhminia, aged 52, wife of Dubi Chaman c, vdbge Garhani, P. S. Piri, District Arrah. was bitten by a Krait about 3 feet long on 4-7-28 at about 8 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed. . „

Symptoms:-She was going .to be senseless Lexm was inhaled half an hour after the bite Ligature was teend. She was cured after 3 hours' inhalation. No other medic nc was used.

to^rfcr:-Jadunandan Mathur, Sub-Post Master, P. U. Garhani (Arrah).

Case 748. i t

303511-28-7-28. , ^ ( .,1acTP

Kailash Chang, aged 20, wife of .*n*nd™_t r ict Svlbet was Chandbhag, P. O. Indcswar P , S ; ^ J S S (Bailed Kiait) at bitten by black small snake having two mouths ^canu about 6 a.m. The snake was seen but :not k'Hea. „ e d

Symptoms:—Senseless; lying P^ftnite. ^ x m ; c af t er 4 hours after the bite. Ligature was loosened. She »as 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:— Ananda Chang and Indra Chang. Remarks:—A very successful medicine fSvlhet) * f M . , , r : - J a t i n d r a Mohan Sinha. P. O. Indeswar <Sylhey_



Case 749. B a n d e d K r a i t

303512-28-7-28. f , a t e Biseswar „ Bcpinbehari Bhattacharyya. aged w. ^ p g R a j n a g a r . Bhattacharyya of village UttarbhagP. O. lnde* , K r a U ) a t District Sylhet, was bitten by a Saii*»» '£ ' midnight. The snake was seen but » o t k , l l e a

v o m i t i n c

Symptoms :-GMincss of head; tendency to vomihng . " Lexin » was inhaled 6 hours ^ r tte b ^ a n ^ a f ^ inhalation he was fully cured. No other m e d c m ^ ,

Present.—Rcto* Mohan Chakervertty and Raman Nath. Remarks:-An excellent medicine. T n | W a r (Sylhet) /?^or/fr.—Jatindra Mohan Sinha. P. O. Indeswar ( b y i ^ 25-7-28.

Case 7BO. K r a i t

r ^ p a d l , aged 35, wife of « £ . « [ » £ vi> % » $ &

U l tcTt gD ^2l7 B 28 d reveS b , The sUe « , seen bo.

n° t k i l l e d- 4 . . , al1 like a drunkard; hairs were Symptoms:—Shaking her head l*e a

coming o% the body and her body became qmte 1 ^ ^ ^ «; Lexin •' # was inhaled one hour after tne ^ ^

hour's inhalation she came to. her senses ana w i one hour's inhalation No other njed.cme - a s use<L ^ ^

Present:—N. C. Ray. A. S. M. ana j . J •^ . *^ 0 r* r .—Ekkar i Biswas, Schoolpara, Ramgunj P. O ^ E . ^ Railway.


Case 751. 3032-28-7-28. Cobra.

Ula Dassi, aged 24, vnfe of Hiralal of village Gopalpur, P. O. c 3 E F ? E ' * P 9 SK-? a ' in a ' D i s ^ & B u r < ^ a n , was bitten b? a Black Cobra about 2 cubits long at o-30 a.m. The snake was seen but not

w a , ?;£"f ! ? u J i r A I ? 0 S t | e n s e ! e s s ' P rofuse salivation. " Lexin" he S u r e 1 ? I™ **?* S C W t c- A f t e r 1 5 m i n u t e s ' inhalation

the ligature was loosened. She was cured after three hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

/VM«i/;_Prangopal Ganguli and Suryya Kumar Sarkar Remarks:—I have never seen such a perfect medicine

( D i s l r t r B u r o T v ^ T " 1 0 1 1 3 " ^ ^ K ° y r a P U r ' P " ° - H i > a l " a


3033-28-7-28. ° a M ^ Cobra.

". I feel it a great pleasure to inform you that vonr w n r i ^ ( 'Lexin ' cured wonderfully a Santal lad whn l^S K u ' f a m o u s

a Cobra near the riverside of Nunia xSthin t L • - ^ b ' t t e ,n b y

colliery about a week ago. t h e Jur ,sd»ction of this

The patient became restless and the bodv «5iiHri#»ni« • j . , and other outward symptoms which he gave o u " w e ^ r , » Z ™ ? b l u e >

able to his immediate death. But, fortunatel? I hadl T £ ™°"Ti me and this was immediately applied. After a c o n S m J l V ™ t h

for three hours, the patient became quite free f r o m T - a p - p h c a t , o n ,

_ Treatment .-—One and a half phials of ' Lexin ' „,„ T' patient recovered completely." w e r e u s e d and the

. . ( S d > ) legible , Manager, North Mosila Colliery Co.,

Kalipahari P. o . (Burdwan). 27-7-28

3090-30-7-28. C M e 7 B 3 -C' h

w , Lakrania, aged 48, wife of Nageswar Pan^ r TT J ™'

Bhore P. S. Bhore. District Saran w a s bitten h i H u ^ e p u r - P - O. 2 feet long on 10-7-28 at 7 p.m. The'snake was see? if f

C o b r ? a b o « ^ ^ . - - D i z d n e s s ; burning s e n s a t ^ T a t ^ T " ^

1 « ^ X i n c ^ w a s i n h a l e<* 3 hours after the hi J i u ' loosened. She was cured after 2 | hoU r s ' £ , T h e " f f ^ c was medicine was used. u r s '"halation. No other

Present:—Jamuna Pada Pandey and <?,,«,„ r, ,

i t o » * , . ^ . L e x i n " see™ to be v e i ! ^ * * P*n d e>'-

(D^S'SSSr*'1 **"• V » '41 .~ P. o. Bhore 22-7-28.


Case 754. c T> 27 7 28

' " O n 21-7-28 a man named Moulavi Mohammed I&Undhgshaa, aged 35, of village and P. O. Bhalod, v,a A n M e s ^ r Distort Gujrat, Was bitten by a snake at about 9 P-m.,v£«c hj *as i ^ s m n g in the rfaifc ( ? ) . He was brought to the d i s p c n ^ , n ^ d i a t ^ I treated him with ' L e x i n ' only. It was a very sc^ re « a e l ne patient was found to be expiring, but steady ™d method cal use ot ' L c W has cured the case completely Thi*; nioniinft the patent is all right. I used 2 phials of ' L c x m ' for thi» case. Lcxm very good remedy for snake-bite.

(Sd.) Dr. HIKM.AI. G. DANE, L.C.P.S..

Medical Officer, Bhalod P. C , Via Anlklcshwar

(Gujrat) . 22-7-28.

Case 755. ,,, . . . 241011-4-7-28. Russell sViper .

Sadhan Chandra Satra aged ^ - ^ ^ S a ^ s Parbatichak, P. O. Irhpa a P. S. « ? X M ; 7 s ^ 2 8 at bitten by a Bora (Russell s Viper) about 4 tcet long u 11 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed. _

Symptons:-Bun»ng pain; inflammation ot the bate pa r . There was no ligature. " Lexin " was. mhaled 5 hours^fte tt«

bite. Pain relieved and inflammation .subsided. He \\as 4 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was usea.

prrcn„t. Dr Lakshmi Narayan Paul. £ ; : ; t : - D r Jogendra Na.h Adhitari. P . O. IrhPa,a (D.stnct

Midnapur) . •

Case 756. . . . 241012—4 7 ?8 Russell s Viper.

BanashTr Mandal, aged 35 son of SWhu Mandal of. Khaspur P. O. Irhpala, P. S. Ghatal, District Midnapur * as bitten D> Bora (Russell's Viper) about 3 feet long on 2-6-27 at 7 p.m. snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:-B«mag pain; Mccdiuyfrom urcth,a andjvw

the patient was cured after 24 hours. * o other medicine was usea. iV-wcf .—Abinash Chandra Bhuia and Hanpada feat. Ranarks.-According to my opinion -Lcxm is the best up-to-

date 'Reporter:-T>r. Jogendra Nath Adhikari, P. O. Irhpala (District


Case 757. uase MOM. 3276-7-8-28. Unknown.

Bhuban Mohan Goswamy, Guard B. N. ^ Y ^ ' c ^ f J L S 1

of Kumud Mohan Goswamy of Sealdih P. O , P . S. Serajdigha District Dacca, was bitten by a snake on 1-7-28 -at 7-30 p.m. l t ie snake was not seen.


Symptoms:—Burning pain at the place of bite, giddiness, nausea feeling of uneasiness; staggering gait. •

" L e x m " was inhaled one hour after the bite, when poison symptoms had developed. Ligature was loosened after iShalato £ fi f - L e X , f » r H ( ^ WMrared after U hours' inhalation, After in-

Mh^7rM7piss^n Dass's- L ° f poHce' G- *• p- ** R- L. Remarks:—The: medicine gave an excellent result and all svmn-

toms speedily subsided. ' s>mP

Reporter:—Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Some Suh-AQcUfonf c B. N. Railway Dispensary, Purulia P . o ! ^ ^ ^ ^ S u £ g ° g ;

3284-3-7-28. C " e 7 5 8 '

Kam?rTaraAjp°dIS, ^ L i t t ^ t y * c X a ^ b J ^ ^ ^ S °< 20-7-28 at 7 p.m. The snake w/s seen but not killed t S l 0 " g ° n

Symptoms:—^ was tossing and groanine anH ' ^ " L e x m " was inhaled. Ligature was l o o S n L r* h a d n o s c n s c -inhalation. After 2 hours' inhalation he was "ured ^n ^ h ° U r ' S

manganatc was applied on the bitten part V n S . ^ . p - o t P61"" used. " *>0 omer medicine was

Present:—Narendra Nath Mazumdar, B.A and Kch.v i n^ , Ray, B.A., Zemindars. ' ' a n d K s h * i s h Chandra

Runfp t rT T£%J5$™ P a i " ' P ' ° - K a m a r ^ - (District

3283|l-7-8-28. ° — ^

P Q G ^ t n d ^ M i s t ^ ' S ? n ?{ J a g a n B a i r a g i of Arha P O ^ ^ ' , P. S. Sikandra, District Monghyr, was bitten hv » rvu U" D i i a m au l . The snake was seen and killed. y C o b r a o n 22-7-28.

Symptoms:—Fainted. " L e x i n " was used 5 minutes after the bite Ti,

ligature. He was cured after five minutes' i n h ^ - h e r V v a s »° medicine was used. ""nuies inhalation. N 0 other

Present:—Ali Azim, Member, District Boarrl TU , Reporter:-M. Abdul Samad Head Masted A f

MA°"g h y r-

School, P. O. Dhamaul (District Gava^ ° f A r h a B<1- M V 25-7-28:

328312-7-8-28. ° — 7 e ° ' Khatun wife of Abdul Bari of Arha P n TM. K r a i t

28 7 a 28 r a , T? 1 S t n C l M ° n g h y r ' W a s b i t t e * by a K a r e e ^ U l ' . P ' S. ^8-7-28. The snake was seen and killed ^ a r e e t a (Krait) 0n Symptom s .-—Fainted.

. rbere was no ligature. "Lev in" mnjutes l n h a l a t i o n s h e w a s f u | | y - ^ was , ^ ^ ^

. a^^-M-s^-*1 *-*-*»*jrwas

• «J^S^ (- j- j £-**, „f Arha Bd. M v 25-7-28.'


Case 761. 3184—3-8-28. Russell's Viper. -

Chottoo's wife, aged 30. of Gorawan, P. O. Silao, P. S. Silao, District Patna, was bitten by Baihra snake (Russell's Viper) about 2 feet long on 29-7-28 at 3 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed

Symptoms:—Senseless. " Lexin " was inhaled 2 hours after the bite. She regained a

little sense after 5 minutes' inhalation, but could not inhale well; then two drops of the medicine were poured into each of the nostrils and she was cured within 15 minutes. No other medicine was used. She went home walking, though she was brought in a charpoi in a senseless condition.

Reporter:— Bhagwr.n Dass, P. O. Silao, District Patna.

Case 762. 3312—8-8-28.

Sahader Parida, Constable of Police on leave, aged 46, son of Kusum Parida of Satbatia, P. O. Bahukud, P. S. Salepur, District Cuttack, was bitten by a snake on 28-5-28 at 7 p.m.

Symptoms:—Almost senseless. " L e x i n " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature was

loosened. He regained senses after 40 minutes' inhalation and was fully cured after 3 hours. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Chaturbhuj Bhuia and Dasarathi Banerji. Remarks:—This is no doubt the best remedy for all kinds of

snake-bite. Reporter:—Kunjabehari Bhuyan of Satbatia, P . 0 . Bahukud,

District Cuttack. 3-8-2b.

Case 763. 3354—10-8-28. C o b r a -

Sherajuddin Hawaldar, aged 20, son of Shahajuddin Hawaldar of Baraikhali, P. O. Morrclgunj, P. S. Morrclgunj, District Kliulna. was bitten by a Jali snake CCobra) about 2 feet long on 19-7-28 at •7 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Senseless. " L e x i n " was inhaled 2 hours after the bite. After one hours

inhalation he was cured. No other medicine was used. Present:—Mir Mahabat AH. Reporter:— Mamminudin Shikdar, Baraikhali. P. O. Morrclgunj

(Khulna) .

Case 764. 3353-10-8-28. C o b r a -t T Bitchu Mandal, aged 27, son of Chulai Mandal of Somda, P O. Haveli-Kharagpur, District Monghyr, was bitten by a Cobra about 2 feet long on 2-8-28 at 5-30 a.m. The snake was seen but could not be killed as it had escaped into a hole.

Symptoms:—Hopeless condition. " L e x i n " was inhaled one hour after the bite. He was cured

a f t e r 3 hours' inhalation. Pot. permanganate and carbolic acid were aPpHed on the wound. No other medicine was used.

Reporter:—B. Richards, M.D. ( H ) . 6-2-28.


Case 765. 3272-7-8-28. C o b r a

a n ^ a U i a r r ? a b g a r ' SOnr,(?f ?JyaT


wa Dabgar of Chowpavan, P . O. . o n 3 - ^ . J ' C h 0 w p a v a n > D l s t n c t Hazaribagh, was bitten by a Cobra

the n££pt0mS:~~SenseIess' »Kvation coming out of the mouth and

i™ " ^ " ^ W a s i n h a l e d ¥ f a n h o u r a f t e r t h e bite. Ligature was

cinfwas u S d . W a S ""* ^ 3 h ° U r S ' i n h a l a t i o n - No rthS » S

Pr«<?»*;-Headmaster, M. V. School, Postmaster and others

Ha Z a r ibaghT : ~ D e 0 d U t t **"*' S u p e r v i s e r > U n i t < * Motor Service, 14-8-28.

Case 766. 3516—16-8-28. K r .

P n ^ / ^ e ^ u 1 7 ' S O n ^- f J ° S e s w a r Unah of village' and P. O. Bodra, P. S. Bhangore, District 24-Pereanas wnc K;!* u Kalaz (Krait) about 2 cubits long on 2-8-28 S 11 'n m TI b y , a

was seen and killed. p ' m - T h e s n a k e

Symptoms:—Drowsy. " Lexin" was inhaled one hour after tho hit* T • t

loosened when his condition became better He w a ^ T ^ S

3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was'used e d a f t e r

Present:—A. K. Rai Chaudhury and Bancha Thakur Reporter:-Jatindra Nath Banerji, P. O. Bodra, 24-Parganas

15-8-28! Case 767.

„ v Cobra. Yesterday at about 8 a.m.. one of mv tr>n5..»'r A t ,

aged 30 was bitten by a Cobra while she w a s r o ^ i f t e r S ? ^ in the field. The snake, which was about 2 cubits l o n l ^ W ! of a bush and bit her. She fell down the« S c f e w H " * father informed me 20 minutes after the bite T ™!nf 2 • r

your 'Lexin,' pa(ured somte medicine into her n n ^ - i r eJ

w l t h

the place of bite. After two hours she regained h e r 1 a",d , o n

about four hours she could walk. She is'doing I g ^ ^f"


P O M AU Z e m i n d a r > Bhagwanpur, P. O. Madhupur (S. P.) , E . L R a i l ' w a y >

o , - , C&SQ 768. 3356—10-8-28.

Gopi Sundari, aged 40. wife of Bholannth r» , Cobra. P. O. Bholadanga, P. S. Gangni, DistriS ? Nadfa * ° f g ^ b a r i a , Cobra about 2 feet long, on 2-8-28 at 9 am T ? ' W a s b i t t e n by a and found dead 2 hours after biting. l l l e s n a k e was seen

Symptoms.-—Dizziness, nausea, extreme u .

••-'CAin was used


Present:—Krishna Nath Biswas and Md. Sonaulla. Remarks:—A wonderful medicine. Everyone should keep a

phial. Reporter:—Md. Afiluddin, President U. B., Motmera, P. O.

Bholadanga (Nadia). '

Case 769. 3386—11-8-28. C o b r a -

Nayjannessa Bibi, aged 15, daughter of Khejmatulla Pramanik of P. O. Shibgunj, District Bogra, was bitten by a Cobra on 25-7-28. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Senseless; froth and salivation from mouth; throat filled with mucus; voice indistinct and nasal; very weak; eyes growing dim. " Lexin" was inhaled for four or five hours and she was cured. No other medicine was used.

Reporter:—Dr. Md. Danive Uddin Ahmed, Vice-President, Behar Union Board, P. O. Beharhat (Bogra). 19-8-28.

Case 770. 2979—26-7-28. Cobra. • „ Wife of Munna Lall of P. O. and P. S. Bagha District Champaran, was bitten by a snake at 8 p.m. on 16-7-28. 1 he snake was not seen owing to darkness but was felt.

Symptoms:—Semi-comatose; passing lots of froth from mouth; getting convulsions every 20 to 25 minutes. , " Lexin " was inhaled three hours after the bite. Ligature was loosened. She was cured after 3 hours' inhalation. i\o other medicine was used.

Present:—Pundit Kalika Pd. Dubey and B. Ram Nandan Pd. Remarks:—A marvellous remedy. I am so convinced of its

efficacy that I can now walk in the land of snakes if I have got a Phial of " Lexin " with me. , Reporter:—Dr. S. D. Narain, L.M.P., Medical Officer, Bagha P .O. (Champaran). 24-7-28.

Case 771. . 3406—12-8-28. K r a i t

^ Lakhan, aged 30, son of Lallu of village Goiti, P. O. and P. S. Bagha, District Champaran, was bitten by a Krait about 2 cubits long °» 5-8-28 at 4 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed owing to superstition that if killed the patient would also die.

Symptoms:—Lying on a charpoi quite morose, with a dull appearance, some saliva trickling down the angle of mouth, eyes closed, very small pulse, after great shouting the patient could be ^°used, the soft palate paralysed producing nasal tone, not able to fallow any liquid or even his own saliva.

_ " Lexin " was inhaled 32 hours after the bite when the above ?vniptoms appeared. Ligature was loosened. About 2 hours after ^halation he could move his limbs and got up with support. After l* hours' inhalation he was cured. No other medicine was used,

o n ly ojhas chanted mantras. Present:—Debimangal Prasad Singh, President, Union Board,

^ d Ajodhya Pd. Tewary, S. I. of Police, Bagha. p Reporter:—Dr. S. D. Narain, L.M.P., Medical Officer, Bagha ^- ° . (District Champaran). 10-8-28.

B,SB 21


Case 772. 2420—12-8-28. Cobra.

Gafurali Kazi, aged 13, son of late Safedali Kazi of P . O. and village Pukurpar, P. S. Bera, District Pabna, was bitten by a Cobra on 12-7-28 at 9 p.m.

Symptoms:—Unconscious: foaming. "Lex in" was inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligature was

not loosened. Some country medicines and mantras by ojhas were used. The patient gradually recovered his sense and was cured after 3 hours' inhalation.

Present:—Jyotish Chandra Dutt and Mushad Julmat Khan. Remarks:—It was certainly a Cobra. The country medicines and

•ojhas proved to be of no avail. It was "Lex in" that cured him Reporter:—T>r Surendra Mohan Ray, L.M.P., Barada Pharmacy,

P. O. Pukurpar (Pabna). 23-7-?8

Case 773. 3SMTitB-2L- A - , , , . ,.,.. R o l l ' s Viper. I v . r i ' R ^ r p n ' o g e ,nH V S ° S H ftM»™Min Mahammed of Haldi-

I8 .h d SrLan, 1335 B. S., a t S p.n, * T b T i S 0 ^ 2 « £ ' K

Symptoms:—Body benumbed. " L e x i n " was inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligature was

loosened some time after inhalation of " Lexin." He was cured X four hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:--Narendra Nath Adhikari, Bhupen Banerji and Khitish Chandra Naha Ray. '

Reporter:— P . Satyendra, P . O. Haldibari (Jalpaiguri).


Case 774. 343511—13-8-28. P„ B C»IP ™-

Gonori Khan, son of Feringi Khan of Bengitoh P Y T P ' u-District Purnea, was bitten by a Chandra B n T ? p ' , , . ° \ S a h : n » The snake was seen but not killed * ( R u s s e 1 1 * Viper).

Symptoms:—He had drooping head biirnimr ~~- •

S S S d ™ 8 e d £ r ° m Mt t0 righ'' -** • ' S « ^ gtat Brought one hour after the bite witVmuf ^ *•

inhaling twice or thrice the patient fell 3«™ y h ^ a t u r e - After then a few drops of "Lex in" was poured doSS i n £ P £ - r e n t l y - , d e a d ' mouth and finding him alive this p r o c e d u r e ^ * h l S nj>s tnls and thrice till he himself was able to inhale repeated twice or

Inhalation of " Lexin " was continued from 1?-4<; „ . , when he regained sense, felt better and went h n n £ m \ T ° 6 p m -medicine was used. " o m e - No other

Present:—Shyamapada Sarkar and Indu Bhusan Rav Remarks:—The patient was dead next dav ;„ u- ,

probably he slept at night which is strictly orohLf ? fee-most only unsuccessful case in my treatment with " T ^ ' „ T h i s « the four years. w u n ^exin for about


Station Master, Kachna, • r ' u - B a m n (Dinajpur)


Case 775. 3435|2—13-8-28. K r a l t

Kalimoti, daughter of Kristo Kamal Sarkar of village Kachna, P. O. Bahin, District Dinajpur, was bitten by a Chitti snake (Krait) . The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Uneasiness. " L e x i n " was inhaled 10 minutes after the bite and she was

cured within 10 minutes. No other medicine was used. Present:—S. P . Sarkar and Bahadur Singh. Reporter:—Srish Chandra Sarkar, Station Master, Kachna,

P. O. Bahin (Dinajpur).

Case 776. 3436|2-13-8-28. Russell s Viper.

Dulali Debi. aged 16, wife of Kamala Kanta Pande of village Dubra, P. O. Khamra, P . S. Raghunathgunj, District Murshidabad was bitten by a poisonous Bora (Russell's Viper) on 15-7-^8 at 9-25 p.m. . <« T • »»

Symptoms:—She dropped down unconscious Lexin was inhaled 1J hours after the bite. Ligature was loosened after 1 hour's inhalation. After 3 hours' inhalation she regained her senses and was cured. No other medicine was used.

Present.;—Prahlad Chandra Ray and Manrnatha Kay. Reporter:—Bishxnx Charan Ray, Village Khandua, P . O. Lalgola,

District Murshidabad. n-o-^o.

Case 777. — (True Copy). C o b r | -^ My brother (E. Huq, Dy. Magistrate at id A. :S.O.. Santal Parganas') irave me one dozen phials of snakebite cure . Lexin. On the l O t h f n l t a n r i cured one man Abdul Hamid by applying about three phials of your medicine. It was a Cobra case u Last night I again attended one man. When I first saw him he was almost dead. But as soon as I applied L e x m there was every chance that he would survive. But the Sub-Inspector ot Police came on the spot l i d sent the patient to the hospital. On the

W a y h e d i e d ' * Yours, etc., (Sd.) M. SOLAIMAN,

Quaziwali Chak, Bhagalpur City.

Address of the Patients.— . . , _ . . . . T , U n M l

(1) Abdul Hamid. P. O. and village Puraini (District Bhagal-

(2) One Goala of Mohidipore, P . S. Kotwali (Bhagalpur).

Case 778. TT

3629—21 8 28 Unknown. p MouM Mohamad, aged 35, son of Kalandhan Khan of village. P - O. and P . S. Bhalod. District Rajpipla State, was bitten by a /nake about 5 feet long on 9-7-28 at 8-30 p.m. The patient tried t o kill the snake but was not able to do so.

*When a dying man was regaining life with "Lexin." the °ver.-zealous Sub-Inspector of Police did not do well by sending off t h e man.—ED.


Symptoms:—Giddy and nervous, complained of pain all over the body.

There was no ligature when he was brought. I applied ligature and began inhalation of " Lexin " immediately. After giving inhala­tion for 10 minutes we loosened his ligature. After removal of ligature, in about 15 minutes, all on a sudden he became unconscious, failure of respiration marked; but careful use of " Lexin" made him conscious in about 5 minutes. He was cured after 8 hours of inhalation. Cal. chloride (strong solution) was applied on bite before using " Lexin." The wound healed in a few days.

Present:—Seth Dalswahel Nathachand and Mahamed Khan. Remarks:—The case was a serious one. Reporter:—Dr. Hiralal G. Dane, Medical Officer, Bhalod

(Rajpipla State), Guzrat. 15-8-28.

Case 779. 3628—21-8-28. Krait

Kusum Kamini, aged 40, wife of late Kunjalal Karmakar, P. O. Monihara, P. S. Kushipur, District Manbhum, was bitten by a Chitti (Krait) about 2 feet long on 19-8-28 at 8 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Senseless. "Lex in" was inhaled one hour after the bite. After one

hour's inhalation she was cured. No other medicine was used. Present:—Adhar Karmakar and Gokul Karmakar. Remarks:—The best medicine for snake-bite. Reporter;—Kashinath Mukherji, P. O. Monihara (Manbhum)


Case 780. 1214-B-26-4-28. Unknown.

(1) A cow belonging to GujoiMandal village Mohammadpur, P. O. Durgagunj, P. S. Kadwa, District Purnea was bitten hv V snake on 12th May, 1927, in the midday. b y a

Symptoms:—Prostrated; could not chew any grass if eiven-

is^ss^^^a^ s££the Lch of = ; effect The ^ 1 ^ £ ^ ^ £ « 5 ? ^ T horse of President, Kadwa U. fe; with*'Lexir?»V, T e ° f t h ? went to the spot and made the cow inhale "Lextn"" A**™' l

hour's inhalation the cow was cured and began to chew s r £ . *"* Present:—Many cultivators.

(2) Recently in the month of Februarv 1Q?8 * u~ e ^n to me with swollen hand with penetrating n a i n T u S I ° f 2 9 J

c a , m e

he had been bitten by a snake and that he had aiso seen f/ T? ^ the spot and applied pot. permang.; but the rain H £ .

He requested me to apply your «'Lexin." %?ithin 1 W S ? S i d e i the application (inhalation) of your " Lexin'» a i iS - ? l l n u tes of and he was cured. ' a i l h l s P a i n subsided

eJfrSZ'Zfgg? ' h e S e CaSeS ' » » » « « » were cured by inhala-

VuSSffiA &S& C h a n d r a B a ^ h i . Medical Officer, 24-4-28.


Case 781. - . „ 1214-A-26-4-28. „ mjk ™™', a

A young horse, belonging to B , N. R ^ , P « s « J g U. B., of village and P. O. Durgagunj, District Purnea, was Dmen by a Cobra 11 cubits long on 6-4-27, in the morning. The snake was seen but not killed. ,

<^ ,^ 0 ,» , : -Pros t ra ted , foaming, ^ • • ^ t h ^ ^ ' S d ' S n could be separated even by touching with hands the lace jna a the glands of the upper part of the body swollen, suppression oi urine; vague appearance. - . . t o n o effect.

Many indigenous drugs were used at first but to no eirecr Thus, when the horse was go ng to die,MW«th he periniswra ox t owner I made the horse inhale ' Lexin abouthalf an hour an the bite. After two hours' inhalation the horse was iuliy curea.

Present:—Mr. B. N. Roy, and others. Remarks:-! was really astonished to see the horse cured by

inhalation of your "Lexin." Reporter :-Dr. jyotish Chandra Bagchi, Medical Officer, Durg-

gunj (District Purnea). Case 782. _T . M

Unknown. ., Tt r -iio^ *rrar P O. Belbodda, District

Wife of Kartik Jha of village Arrar r . u Santal Parganas, was bitten by a snake on the left fa ^ ^

Symptoms:—Faintness, sickness loss oi i a n d i n t e r . drowsiness; breathing short and l a b o u r e d . J * * ^ m 0 U t h . About mittent, powers of speech lost frothy sa ^ t w Q h o u r s one hour after the bite .Lexin wa=> inhalation she was radically cured.

Present:-Uma Missir and Chandi Babu. R e l b o dda Reporter:-^. Mahabir Pd. Das, Village Arrar, P. O. Belbodda

(Santal Parganas).

Case 783. Unknown.

' 9 0 Va 8 kr t .a Bibi, aged. 26, wife. of Jella ^ J j g ^ f ^ g Khalpur, P. O. Dadhia-Bairagitali P. S. **g ^ ^ ^ Burdwan, was bitten by a snake about 2j; cubits ' ^ i z e d ) n o r about 7 p.m. The snake was seen but could not DC killed. it , rtr vnire* nulse not per-

Svmptoms:-Froth from mouth loss £ oic , 1 gl ceptible always; lips blue; eyes under^ socket , { h e a d ; fingers curved; eyes closed and bloodless; perspiration o ^ ^ n o s e b e n t shrivelled; soles and palms became yeiiow, i ^ w a i s t w a s

slightly aud perspiring, hands and legs cold, on y slightly warm. . _ f t e r the bite. Ligature was , "Lexin" was inhaled one hour a w s h e w a g { u l l y loosened after inhalation. After 5i hours cured. , ..

p srs .^srai^'s; chatty, v.*. &*£ p« O. Nutanhat (Burdwan). _ . . .

[7Ya».sfa/*0H from Bengali.}


Case 784. —3-6-27. Cobra.

P . Banerji's " Snake-bite Cure" is really a wonderful medicine. It saved the life of one of my servants last year in the beginning of the rainy season who was bitten by a Cobra. The man became senseless in no time. It was about 11 p.m. I called Dr. K. C. Chaudhury. He examined and said that there was no pulse and froth was coming out from his mouth and nose. We instantly used that medicine and it cured the man within twenty minutes. I was surprised to see the effect of the medicine. It is really a wonderful snake-bite cure. It is safe for everybody to keep this medicine always with him in rainy season.


Zemindar and Honorary Magistrate. Chapra. 30-5-28.

Case 785. Reed. 11-4-28. Unknown.

" I have used and tried P . Banerji's 'Lex in ' (Snake-bite Cure) in several cases in this town with success. I t should be given a fair trial in all cases of snake-bite."

Capt. P . LAHIRI, M.B., I.M.S. (Late), Sirajgunj P . O.

(District Pabna) . 1-4-28.

Case 786. 1869| 1—7-6-28. S n a k e n o t s e e n -

Mohon aged 22, son of Santruday Azahar of village Bhatbad, P . O and P. S. Purulia, District Manbhum, was bitten by a snake on 12-5-28 at 7-30 p.m. The night being dark, the snake could not be seen.

Symptoms:—Giddiness, burning pain at the place of bite. " L e x i n " was inhaled l i hours after the bite. Ligatures were

not loosened. He was cured after one hour's inhalation. Pot. permang. was applied before the use of "Lexin."

Remarks:—The medicine gave excellent result. Present:—B ires war Acharjee and Mr. David. Reporter:—Dr. D. K. Sen, Sub-Assistant Surgeon, Purulia Ry.

Dispensary, Purulia P. O., B. N. Railway. 18-5-28.

Case 787. 186912—7-6-28. Snake not seen.

Rabindra Nath Ray, aged 27, son of Sarat Chandra Ray of Kharil Bazar, P . O. Midnapur, was bitten by a snake on 23-5-28 at about 11 p.m. The snake was not seen as the night was dark.

Symptoms:—Perspiration; much fright; burning pain at the place of bite; giddiness.

" L e x i n " was inhaled half an hour after the bite After one hour's, inhalation he was cured. Ligature was gradually loosened after inhalation. Pot. permang. applied before the use of " L e x i n "

Present:—Bholanath Bhakal and S. B. Ray. Remarks:—The medicine gave excellent result. Reporter:—-Dr. D. K. Sen. Sub-Assistant Sureeon R M p-v

Dispensary, Purulia P. O., B. N. Railway. * u r g e o n ' B - N .^Ry .


Case 788. 1316—2-5-28. K r a , t

Amulya Krishna Pandit, aged 19, son of Satya Krishna Pandit of village and P. O. Mankar, P. S. Galsi, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Krait) on 11-4-28 at about 10 p.m. I he snake was killed.

Symptoms:— Full symptoms of poison. "Lexin" was inhaled fifteen minutes after the bite. After 7

or 8 inhalations the ligature was loosened. After 4 hours inhalation the patient was fully cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:— Debendra Krishna Pandit, Durgadas Agasty and Kamala Kanta Bhattacharya.

Remarks:-A very useful medicine. Everyone should keep this medicine in his house.

Reporter.—Sztya. Krishna Pandit, P. O. Mankar (District Burdwan). 18-4_28 '

Case 789. Cobra.

1976—13-6-28. Ram Chandra Kahar, aged 25 an.employee ^ *™ ft^

Sinha of Dinapore Cantonment wa bitten by a ^o a t

long which the patient threw off hi* leg alter about 7-30 p.m. . . • - o o n

5 ^ / o « « : - W o u n d was bleeding very W ^ a { ^ after fell down flat on the.ground, losing consc Q{ from mouth. With m 15 minutes o a n

t , ^ b ^ a s0 n

m a d e to sit up. A "Lexin" were put .into his " ^ " ' ^ " e d on the wound and he was few drops of " I ^ » n " were a l s ^ u r e d on we H e made to inhale " Lexin freely from a s o t na na ^ ^ to rally in about 15 minutes and was all ngnt in *

Presenter. J. N. Mukherji and A C. S.nha. Reporter:-?. C. Bose, "Bella Kut.r," D.napore Cantt. 4-6-28.


C a s e 7 9 0 ' Cobra.

Janaki Pramamk Mistry aged 20 so of Ea.m.Chandra.^^-manikof viHage Hatpara, P .O . bundalpur, I-. o n

mhalations the patient sneezed, a £ £ * £ £ , « „ two hours of

res after cure. . , , _, p., .. i W n f . - I n d u b h u s a n Sarkar, Hndaybhusan Ray, Sibnath

Mukherji and Pramatha Nath Biswas. por ter .—Tustudas Bairagya, Village Hatpara, P. O. Sundal-

Pur (Nadia). T , ' [Translated from Bengali.]


Case 791. 2072—18-9-24. Russell's Viper.

Kishori Mandal, son of Gendi Mandal of village Kumri, P. O. Durgagunj, District Purnea, was bitten by a Bora snake (Russell s Viper) at about 9 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—When he was brought to me about one hour after the bite, he was in unconscious state, was foaming through the mouth, his head drooped, and, he was in almost hopeless condition. "Lexin" was used one hour after the bite. Within half a minute's inhalation he began to vomit, purge, and urinate. After 30 minutes, he began to open his eyes but not completely. After two hours he began to speak fully. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Suresh Chandra Ghose, Jatindra Mohan Biswas, Jadunath Dass and Bhupatibhusan Chatterji.

Remarks:—As some ojhas doubted full cure, I incised the wound and applied hen (little) on it. After applying two hens I found no poisoning symptoms in the hens, when all the ojhas were sure of perfect cure.

Reporter:—Dr. J. C. Bagchi, L.M.F., Medical Officer, Durgagunj Charitable Dispensary, P. O. Durgagunj (Purnea). 16-9-28.

Case 792.

2418-10-7-27. Food-Poisoning (Fruit). A child named Kumudini, daughter of Mahendra Kumar Dhupi

of village Harishpur, P. O. Sandwip, District Noakhali, ate a fruit which had been previously eaten by a poisonous creature.

Symptoms:—Grew feeble gradually; hands and legs benumbed; vomited and became senseless.

Ojhas were at first called; but finding no bite-marks on the body they went off. Then, I was called and inhaled " Lexin " about half an hour after the incident. After a few inhalations the child cried and regained consciousness, benumbed state having gradually disappeared. She vomited a quantity of ugly things. After two hours continuous inhalation she was fully cured. No other medicine was used.

* J K * ^ S £ C h a k e r v e r ^ ' P r a " h - Chakervertty,

Remarks:—We are glad to find that "Lexin" not only cures snake-bites but also ailments from food poisoning.

Reporter:—Patit Bandhu Chakervertty. Class X TT T? Q„U„„I Sandwip P. O. (District Noakhali). Y' ^$S * ' H ' E ' S$°$

[Translated from Bengali]

Case 793. , ^ 5 - 1 " 2 6 - Cobra.

Sankar Chandra, aged 40,. of village Vramarkol P O Ahmad pur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Kharish f ( W * Y \ k * ™ days ago. The snake was killed by his son ( b n ° a b o u t 2 0

Symptoms:—Lay unconscious; profuse salivatinn *-„«, J.L breathing feeble and low; ojhas tried at first"but with™*™ m°ffthV Ligatures had been loosened before "Lexin" ^ t r i e d ! "Le^V'*


was inhaled from a handkerchief at this critical stage. But finding no effect, I poured down two drops of "Lexin" into each of the nostrils and began artificial respiration. Then, after half an hour's inhalation he regained consciousness. After two hours' inhalation the patient was cured. He has no bad symptom these twenty days.

Reporter:—Debipada Mandal, Village Ahmadpur (Birbhum). [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali,]

Case 794. S. R.—30-10-27. Krait.

Sarajubala Dassi, of village Gochamba, P. O. Alampur, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Krait) on 8th Kartik, 1334 B. S.

Symptoms:—Unconscious. " Lexin " was inhaled for three hours and she was fully cured,

^ o other medicine was used. Reporter:—Dibakar Dutt, c|o Durgadas Dutt, Village Gochamba,

P- O. Alampur (District Burdwan). [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 795. 4392—9-10-27. Cobra. _ Adarini, aged 17, of village Matwa, P. S. Bharatpur, District Murshidabad, was bitten by a Cobra on 4-10-27 at about 5-30 p.m.

Symptoms:—Vertigo, began to vomit and became unconscious. " Lexin " was inhaled for one hour and she was cured.

,>r Reporter:—Saradindu Ghose, Village Matwa, P. O. Talibpur (Murshidabad). 6-10-27.

[Translated from a Post Card, Bengali]

_ Case 796. 3386—18-8-27. Cobra. ~ Sharashibala, aged 25, wife of Suresh Chandra Ghose of village •^areta, P. O. Kirnahar, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Gokhura snake (Cobra) on 1-8-27 at 7 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed. - Symptoms:—Unconscious; hands clenched; legs cold; salivation

° m mouth; respiration feeble. Ojhas at first tried all their arts, and when at about 9 p.m. they

gave up the case as hopeless I was called in. I poured some 30 drops 9* Lexin " on a handkerchief and held it covering her nose. Within 0 minutes she cried out "Burning within me." She regained consciousness within 10 minutes and after 15 minutes she began 10 mhale herself. After two hours' inhalation she was fully cured. p Present:—Kamalakshya Ray, Aswini Kumar Mazumdar, °nolanath Dutt and many others.

Remarks:—No doubt the medicine is miraculous. ^ . Reporter:—Sailajapada Mazumdar, Village Pareta. P. O. kirnahar (Birbhum).

[Translated from Bengali]


Case 797. 3759-1-9-27. Krait.

Bapti Pashin, wife of Surya Pashi, an employee of Gopalichuck West Colliery, P. S. Kusunda, E. I. Railway, was bitten by a snake on 26-8-27 at about 7 p.m. The snake was dug out from its hole next day and killed. It was a Krait.

Symptoms:—At 9 p.m. when I saw her along with the colliery doctor, she lay as if dead with no respiration and no pulse, as the doctor found on examination. Without the least delay I put her in forward position and dropped two drops of " Lexin" into her right nostril. Instantly she opened her eyes slightly and shook her face a little. I put two drops more into her nostrils and she sat up, sneezed giving out a quantity of saliva from mouth and nose. Inhalation was continued for one hour and she was fully cured. She was not allowed to sleep during the night. '

Remarks:—All present were astonished at the action of the medi­cine ( " L e x i n " ) .

Reporter:—Phanibhusan Sarkar, Gopalichuck West Colliery, P. O. Kusunda, E . I. Railway. 30-8-27.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 798. 2272-4-7-27. Krait.

Baman Mistry, a contractor of Bettiah Raj, was bitten by a Krait on 21-6-28 at about 10 p.m. when he was shutting the doors.

Symptoms:—Next morning we found him in a critical state with consciousness almost lost, great breathing difficulty, pulse feeble, inability to swallow even liquids and severe pain in the joints.

"Lex in" was inhaled 12 hours' after the bite. Within 15 minutes of inhalation symptoms began to decrease. After half an hour's inhalation, his voice was normal and he could recognize men. After one hour the patient walked and drank a cup of tea. He was all right after two hours' inhalation when we returned.

Present::—Bankubehari Mitra, Aurobindo Mukherji and others. Reporter:—Dr. Bankubehari Mitter, V.A.S., Raj Estate, Bettiah

(Champaran). [Translated from Bengali.)

Case 799. 2193-2-7-28. K r a i t >

Wife of Atul Chandra Dutt of village Somsar, District Bankura, was bitten by a Krait twice on 15_3_34 B s m ^ . ^ snake was seen but not killed in pursuance of a false belief that the patient would die if the snake was killed

Symptoms:—Reeling sensation in head; giddiness; sleeoiness* vomiting tendency. v '

nmAVh W a S V V " a d v a n < ; e d s ,Hg e ? f ,pregnancy (9 months), with

some diffidence I began to try " L e x m " on her. After one hour's inhalation no marked improvement was seen. As I had w J already a Cobra case with success with " Lexin" I r rmfL.I f It inhalation of " L e x i n " with confidence. After two h ^ r ? - d u 1 tion she felt much better. It took about s f h o u ? * ^ e f f e c f full

N a n k X ^ f * ^ ^ * * P u n a C h a n d r a Pa l> Nalinakshya Remarks:—Youv "Lex in" is saving manv HVPQ Reporter - H i m a n s u Kumar Pal, P 0 . Somlar (Bankura)

[Translated from Bengali]


ir\CA *> C a 8 e 8 0 0 '

J054—3-8-27. Poisonous Snake. (1) Radha Goalini of village Gamarkundu, District Birbhum,

was bitten by a poisonous snake on 15-12-34 B. S. in the early morning.

Symptoms:—Acted like an intoxicated man, swooned frequently. "Lexin" was inhaled. After inhaling one phial of "Lexin"

she was cured.

Case 801. 71 Krait. (2) Wife of Laloo Mai of village Mukhjora, P. S. Dumka*

•district Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Krait on 23-2-34 B. S. in the morning while returning home from a jungle.

Symptoms:—Whole body benumbed, could not feel even when pricked with a needle, semi-conscious.

Lexin " was inhaled for two hours and she was cured.

Case 802. Unknown.

(3) Wife of Bhutoo Mai of village Mukhjora. P. S. Dumka, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a snake on 7th Sravan, 1334 B. S.. at night.

< Symptoms:— Fell as if intoxicated; severe pain in whole body, salivation from mouth.

"Lexin" was inhaled and she felt better. But it took three or four days to effect full cure and she took also some indigenous drugs.

Reporter:—Ajitnath Sarkar. Village Mukhjora, P. O. Ranigram, via Dumka (S. P.).

[Translated from Bciipali.]

Case 803. 3634—29-8-27. Poisonous Snake.

Upendra Nath Ghose, of village Mirzapore, P. O. Basirhat, was bitten by a poisonous snake while he was passing through a garden.

Symptoms:—At once he turned pale, became restless, and was gradually benumbed. He came to his normal state safe and sound after the inhalation of " Lexin " for two hours.

Remarks:—I have been greatly pleased to note the result and would highly recommend this medicine in every case of snake-bite.

(Sd.) SURENDRA NATH GHOSE, Basirhat Medical Emporium,

Basirhat P. O. 21-8-27.

Case 804. 2701-^18-7-27. Unknown.

. One day I was called to see a snake-bite case. As I saw the Poison had already been absorbed in the system, I used only your

Lexin." The patient was unconscious and I found on examination that the heart was irregular. After half an hour of inhalation she got back her consciousness and sat up in the chair. The patient told that she was all right after one hour's inhalation of your " Lexin."

Present:—Ramani Mohan Banerji, A. S. M., Rajbandh.


Remarks:—I thank you for the invention of "Lexin" and I think this medicine (" Lexin ") the specific for treatment of snake-poisoning cases.

(Sd.) Dr. RAMBANDHU MUKHERJI, Medical Practitioner, Amlajora,

Rajbandh P. O. (Burdwan). 10-6-27.

Case 805. 3479_21-8-27. Venomous Snake.

Lachman Sukul, one of my tenants, was bitten by a venomous snake at 11 p.m. on 14-8-27. After an hour he felt unwell and dizzy. Ojhas tried their efforts, but to no effect. Then I was called in at 12-45 a.m.

Symptoms:—At that time the patient was quite senseless with his eyes shut and was unable to sit. His jaws were also locked, so he could not open his mouth. Within ten minutes after the inhalation of "Lexin," he opened his eyes and 10 minutes thereafter began to speak. He was completely cured after one hour's inhalation. Dr. S. N. Roy and his brother Mr. A. T. Roy were present during treatment.

Remarks:—Now (15-8-27 at 4 p.m.) he seems to be quite all right and prays for your long life.


Legal Practitioner, Siliguri.

15-8-27. Case 806.

432—22-2-28. (True Copy.) Cobra. To


Mihijam, E. I. Railway (Santal Parganas). DEAR SIR,

Yesterday evening an almost dead person bitten by Cobra was brought to me for treatment. With diffidence, I commenced the treatment as the pulse too was imperceptible. After the use of one complete phial breathing appeared, pulse began to be felt, and saliva­tion decreased. After the end of the 2nd phial the man opened his eyes and with half the contents of the 3rd phial he became perfectly conscious and I stopped giving him the medicine. The ligature was opened 5 minutes after the treatment commenced in the manner suggested in your printed note Fortunately the man was saved. What a wonderful medicine you have mvented? I took the man for dead. His name is Baldeo Boshtam, a Bengalee beggar residine at Mansarowar, Benares City. ^ 8 residing at

I am writing to the Inspector-General of Civil1 Hospitals to e-ive an experiment to your medicine and arrange the same to be Sn t in every dispensary for the benefit of the poor I wv,S Z PI you to send me 6 more phials of your wonder M m dicTnTl distribute the same free to everyone who comes to me for help?


Vakil,'High Court, Bhelupur, Benares City



Case 807. 18-7-25. Unknown. ) Duja, daughter of Mangli Prasad Pandey of Gorakhpur 'sent residinf at Bahraich in MohaUa M.rankhelpura was by a snake at night while asleep on 8-7-25. She felt the snake j on her body. . |f mpioms:—Senseless; could not speak; eyes closed. " Lexin haled one hour after bite. After 3 or 4 minutes she opened es began to speak and could sit without being helped The was kept awake during the whole night. She felt quite well

[ saw her in the morning.

Case 808. Unknown.

!)~Nanney, aged 18, son of Ghafur Khan of Bahraich was by a long black snake which crept away under the grass after on 17-7-25. The snake was seen but not killed. •mptoms:-Semi-conscious; then became unconscious; could

^ in"> w£used one hour after the bite. Af to-half an hour's :ion he was cured. No other medicine was used. •cscnt:-Dr. Raghubir Prasad Gupta, Mr. Biswas, and about

° ! ^ : - H e is doing quite well without any bad after effects *orter:-B.bu Hira Singh Varma Divisional Superintendent riculture, United Provinces, India, Bahraich P. U, u ^ ^

C a 8 e *°*' Cobra. •18-7-27.

i snake-charmers came to | ^ ™ \ v h i c h i s m y n a t i v e village. l H f 1L snake charmers insisted on being bitten by a white ° h ^ ) t C

Pr|ve the of his , _ * which ntleman objected[But . in s ^ t e ^ / f t e r a f e w minutes, he

taTto cure him by their , — and « * £ » w i t h o u t ,arked effect for two or three hours. ^ X ™ * w

ai th

the effect of.your m t d ™ " ' l r i ,L

t S - l i k e pulse, and perspira-ound him ' " ^ « ' f ' ^ n ^ h f medicine'according to your

.11 over his body. ' raPf l e ° ln,e

f te r t e n minutes he rega ned ons, and to my surprise ,ust after t ^ ^ s ^ nses, expressed his desire, to vom continued

3 & ? M 5 afhourh0morrand he was cured. His is Raicharan Lohar. . r««,/;_Bhabataran Ray, Pravash Chandra Misra, Man.ndra Banerji, Gorachand Ray and others. eporter:-Sudhir Chandra Chaudhury, Baruipara, P. O^Teh-(Bankura).


Case 810. 3771_30-8-27. Venomous Snake.

P . Banerji's "Lex in" (Snake-bite Cure) worked wonders in a fatal case of snake-bite At about dawn of Wednesday, the 24th August, a young man of Dakshinpaiksa a mile away from Haldia (Dacca), was dangerously bitten on_his right leg by a highly venomous snake when he went out to $fji?ke water and instantly fell down senseless. Doctors and ojhas treated him but could administer no relief. The man lay senseless till afternoon and was going to die. At this critical stage I got news of the case and hastened to the man's house with a phial of P . Banerji's " Snake-bite Cure" which I purchased two years ago. The medicine was applied according to directions and the dying man got better and better gradually. In an hour he became perfectly cured to the great joy of the people present there and talked with us sitting as if he had just risen from sleep.


Headmaster, Haldia H. E. School, P. O. Haldia, District Dacca.

30-8-27. .

Case 8 1 1 . 3633—26-8-27. Krait.

Bhiku Sagaji Bhadke, aged 30, of Sheogaon. District Ahmed-nagar, Bombay Presidency, was bitten by a Krait, a highly veno­mous snake, at 4 p.m. on 23-8-27. The snake was seen; it was two feet long. There was no ligature. He had swooned.

Symptoms:—He was not able to discern the bitter taste of the leaves of Neem tree which he was eating. " Lexin" was given to inhale one hour after the bite and result was the cure of the patient. The medicine is efficacious and worth trying by authorities. Doctor Bedellar, L.C.P.S., and P . L. Lokagariwan, Sub-Divisional Officer, B. E., were present during treatment.

(Sd.) S. H. DAXIELS,

Shevgaon, District Ahmednagar, Bombay Presidency.

24-8-27. Case 812.

2507-19-8-26. Unknown. DJSAR SIR,

The application of your antivenom inhalation brought about rarU^i cure to one Kabir Mistry, B. N. Railway, ArgadaiColherv P n Sirka (Hazaribagh), who was bitten by a snake last evening at about 7 p.m. He was found about to be expired having «« « i at all. Some country snake-bite curers (ojhas) c i t i n t ^ l , ? P u l s S belabouring him with branches of trees, were 'found Z l M ? d

However, a few drops of medicine on handkerchief wer* * J?-"!,-

closely covering the nose. But this first took no effect P

Artificial respiration was then taken recourse tn x^u • i taneous application of the handkerchief to cover t £ V « . S i m u I "

To our surprise the dead man began to inha t ^ ^ " ^ and within 10 minutes he stood u p a n d walked to the toSS?


One-half of a phial of your medicine is exhausted and the duration of application was about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

You have invented a marvellous medicine to bring back life to the snake-bite affected persons.

We wish you successful happy long life. Yours, etc.,

M. G. CHATTERJEE, Coal Inspector,

B. N. Railway, Argada Colliery, P O. Sirka (Hazaribagh District).

[True copy of a letter in English.]

Case 813. T.f.o\ 97 o 07 Krait.

KaminT Dasi, aged 39, wife of Brojo Mandal of villageMBete-khali, P . O. Paiicgacha, District Khuhia was b i t t e r b y • * Kanon Bora (Krai t) 22 cubits long, on 20-7-27 at 10-30 p.m. The snake was seen and killed. , , . , „•.„„„-;™,c- cln»

Symptoms :-Thc condition of the patient ™ precar ous, she felt gidd ncss and perceived her strength gradually decreasing.toss ing her head to and fro; the tongue was being benumbed, givingout inarticulate sounds with greatest difficulty Lexin was made o inhale nine hours after the bite No ligature was tied No other medicine was used. Cured after four hours' '"halation of Lexm

Present :-Smesh Chandra Dey, B.A. ; Nagcndra N a t C h a k r a varry, Kaviraj ; and several other villagers were present during t r e a t S U . - T h e mother and the son were both bitten by the snake on the bed. The son died at about 3 am. pn the morn ng I recen d this information and the mother ^as^also in precarious condrtion l went there and applied the medicine ( Lexin of P. Banerji, Mihijam, E. I. Railway) and cured her.

' fSd ) TYOTIS CHANDRA BOSE, Sub-Inspector of Police. Paikgacha P. O. (Khulna).


Case 814. •XZTI ^ n nn Unknown. 3671—27-8-28.

TOm ^ ^ B - f s ^ n ^ l t 6 ^ C : S & ^ Cons«n,ctions. To

Dr. P . BANERJI , „ .,

Mihijam E. I. Railway , marvellous Your snake-bite cure Lexm is I : f"^ o u s bite and he

^ e d y One of my contractors here^had a n ^ ^ f f a ™ w f s

became drowsy, symptoms of coma appeared, umi •« nostrils entirely stopp/d a5d he had ^ j J ^ V ^ \ ^ and artTfidal were plugged with cotton-wool soaked m you• u ^ ^ aspirat ion was attempted. After about^nve,mii u , and after his first inhalation he considerably " T O 0 ™ ™ g stronger breath and within half an hour he couId sit i p Its action was simply marvellous as all hopes of h ^ / ^ ^ S a n k v o u for "this I Personally witnessed such a marvellous cure and thank you tor tnis m V e n t i 0 n - (Sd.) B. MUKHERJEE.



Case 815. Krait. 2993—30-7-27.

From Mr. B. CHANDRA, S.DXX, M.E.,

Services, Dinapore Cantonment.


DEAR SIR, M i h i i a m ' E ' L Ra i ,wa>'-

Bhalooa, wife of Lachhoo, sweeper of Orderlv Ba*-,r nm„,„,„

ing this at about 10 a.m., he appeared toh a t a feH?/^"

so, she got up and started walkine ThanL ,„ ™ 0 t h e r ho ,ur o r

s p ^ c . she is once again ab,e ^ . o o f ^ r t / T v e T ^



3797-22-8-27. 0 M e 8 1 6 "

Patient had b i o S & o f / . S ^ S ^ S ^ f S S t ^ " *

-W»tt^ '»y ' r St She was seen on the spot where the snake hft g " g s l e e p y ' R e d mark mt Remarks:-" Lexin" was used in' • 4 inhalation was continued for four L i r e , ! a f t e r b i te. The promptly. No other medidne was used' B ^ P a t i e n t w a s <*«£ would have been deprived of my mother.' y O U r medicine, I


Revenue Department, ' Bengal Secretariat, Calcutta.

20-8-27. Case 817.

T>nnj- u ScorPion Bite.

T o Pondxcherry, Arya Asram.

Dr. P. BANERJI, 2 8 " 3 - 2 8 -

DEAR SIR, M i h i j a m ' E" L R a i l w a y -

« e ? r S m t w f n t y ^ ^ & » * a in S r i A u r o .


time. After using only half the contents of a bottle she was out of pain and within an hour was quite herself as if nothing had happened to her. Your " Lexin" is very wonderfully effective. You can use this letter for popularising your medicine (" Lexin ") in what­ever way you like.


Case 818. 1942—11-6-28. Scorpion Bite. DEAR SIR,

Recently there was another case of scorpion bite in our Asram. S. Durai Swamy Aiyer, Advocate, Madras High Court, is staying here for his vacation. His son, Tyagrajam, was bitten by a big pregnant scorpion in the sole of his foot. As people nearby did not know what to do and stood helpless, the poison went up just four or five inches above the knee. At this stage a relative of the child fortunately came in and tied up a handkerchief above the knee and sent for your "Lexin" from the mother of our Asram. The affected part was washed with " Lexin " almost immediately and after the first few inhalations the pain went down. There was a slight dull pain left in the sole of the foot just where he was bitten for some time, felt only while walking. A compress was made with "Lexin" and applied which relieved him of that too. The real cure did not take more than a quarter of an hour. The first descent of the pain was simply like magic. Your medicine is a very wonder­ful remedy.

Yours, etc., (Sd.) BARINDRA KUMAR GHOSE,

Pondicherry, Jogasram. 7-6-28.

Case 819. R144—8-9-26. C o r a l S n a k e -

^ Gur Devi, aged 32, wife of Shive Ram of village Padhari, P. O. Domeli, P. S. Dina, District Jhelum, Punjab, was bitten by a snake °f red colour, 2 cubits long (I think it was a Coral Snake) at 8 a.m. l n July 1926. The snake was seen but not killed. 4 Symptoms:—No ligature was applied as the snake bit her on the temple.

"Lexin" was inhaled after 3 minutes of bite. The patient complained of severe pain at the seat of bite and giddiness. She

was cured after 2 hours' inhalation of " Lexin. Incision was made a nd pot. permanganate was only rubbed in. w Present:—Subadar Hukam Chand Gujral of Dalwal; Mehta •"an Chand Vaid and many others.

Remarks:— The medicine ("Lexin") is very useful. It effects cure very quickly.


Medical Officer, Sewani (District Hissar), Punjab.

11-6-28. B, SB 22


Case 820. 2732—21-7-27. E c h i s Snake.


Medical Officer:—Dr. I. S. Dave. Sub-Assistant Surgeon:—Dr. D. F . Shah.

Patient's name:—Sardar Khan, Ingad Khan, age 25, caste Mohammedan, regiment Patan, occupation Police Sepoy.

Case:—Snake-bite. Admitted 3-7-27. Discharged 15-7-27 cured, used " Lexin " given for inhalation.

(Particulars) Cot No. S-M. The patient admitted with the history of snake-bite with follow­

ing condition:— Duration—1 day.

P. H.—He was bitten by snake yesterday night. Serpent not •distinguished in the night. But they saw something long like a serpent going away rapidly after biting. He has got the following injury.

(1) Mark resembling fang mark on the middle of the right foot from which slight bleeding coming on. Soon after the bite they applied some juice of leaves but the oedema went on increasing till it reached up to the knee.

C. 0. A.—Temp. 98.8. Pulse 100 p.m. Resp. 24 p.m. Complains of slight headache. Pupil reacting to light.

4-7-27.—Urine;—Sp. gr. 1015. Reaction acid. Albumin nil. Sugar nil.

Had blood-stained sputum and also one vomit during night time and is still having blood in the sputum.

Inflammation on the knee has extended up to the middle of the thigh.

Bleeding from the fang mark much. Dressed twice during the night time. 4 p.m. bleeding from the wound a little less. No more vomiting. Has got headache and feels giddy.

5-7-27.—Dressing was changed once during night time as it was soiled with blood. Headache much less.

Patient becoming anaemic. Giddiness nil.—Headache also much less; but not able to stand

or sit in bed. No more bleeding from the wound or along with the sputum.

6-7-27.—Inflammation extended up to the whole of the right thigh and also on the lower part of the abdomen on the right side Feels better, able to sit, pain little less.

7-7-27.—No more bleeding. Wound clean. (Edema on the thigh not extended. Much better.

8-7-27.—Inflammation getting much less. Wound clean. No more bleeding. Feels much better.

9-7-27.—Inflammation only on the foot. 11-7-27.—No more inflammation on the foot. Wound clean Patient was treated at this Hospital by "Lex in" and the result

was successful. • resuu (Sd.) I. S. DAVE,

Medical Officer, l |c General Hospital,

Patan, N. Guirat. 16-7-27.


Case 821. 2649—28-8-26. Krait.


One snake-bite patient named Mangu Chunilal, Bania by caste, residence Patan, was treated by the undersigned with " Lexin" which was recently received from you and the result was successful. A copy of treatment and history of the case have been attached herewith. Age 25 years. Duration of disease 4 days, occupation ml, caste H. Bania. Patient admitted 5-8-26.

Great pain in the right hand and arm and also on the head. Duration one hour.

P. H.—She was bitten by a serpent while taking out something from the closet 4 days ago. Then on seeing that they at once ran to a waidya who was by their side and applied some caustic to the fang marks, probably silver nitrate; after that they applied "snake stone" on the mark; after that she felt better and there was nothing but little pain on the right ring finger. But after 4 days Pain started again and she felt that it was going upwards, and felt giddiness when she sought admission to the hospital.

P. C.—Pain in the right ring finger extending upwards towards the arm, neck and head. Mark not distinctly visible. Pulse little Quick.

11 a.m.:—"Lexin" for smelling twice and pain disappeared from the head and arm and remained only at the fingers.

11-15:—She had an attack of hysterical fit. "Lexin" continued. 12 Midday:—Pain in the finger the same; then she was given,

naif per cent, cocaine sol. m. v to the painful finger. 4 p.m.:—Pain a little less for a time but again there was pain.

F or the whole day she was given " Lexin " for smelling and also for external application. Again at 4 p.m. injection of cocaine sol. half per cent. m. v repeated and she felt better after that.

11 p,m%:—She had again hysterical fit. "Lexin" for smelling and applied to the fang mark. Smelling salt.

6-8-26.—Complains of a little pain in the left side of the chest, °ut on investigation nothing particular noted.

Pain in the finger little and feeling much relieved. Exam, of urine:—Sp. gr. 1035.

Reaction acid. Albumin nil. Sugar nil. Phosphates trace only.

7-8-26.—She felt much better. Discharged cured.

(Sd.) M. L * Medical Officer.

0 1 n , , Case 822. 2l06|B—H-8-25. Krait. ^ Nityananda Sardar, son of Paran Sardar of Maharajpur, ^arharwa, District Dumka, was bitten by a Krait (Batta Chitti) which was seen but not killed. ' .

Symptoms:—Physical depression and lassitude. " Lexin " was «sed after 12 minutes and no other symptoms developed; and he came round after half an hour's use.

* Illegible.


Half the bottle was used in this case. Remarks:—I am using your medicine for a long time with

great success. Present:—Tapesh Chandra Das; Nakuleswar Mitra; Akshay

Kumar Roy; Pramatha Nath Das; Haripada Sinha and several others.

Reporter:—Dr. Satish Chandra Mitra, Karuna Medical Hall. Barharwa, Dumka.

Case 823. 625|l-8-4-26. Krait.

Tinn Dome, aged 14, son of Banwarilal Dome, P . O. Barhra, P. S. Khairasol, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Krait (Domna Chitti) about 1 cubit long which was killed. Started treatment after 1 or l i hours after bite when the patient was feeling very much depressed and as though intoxicated; numbness in all the limbs and great pain in the head. Inhaled the medicine for two hours. Cured. No other medicine used.

Present:—Babu Mrityunjay Mitra, Abadhut Datta, Kamala-loclian Das and Joygopal Misra,

Reporter:—K. P. Banerji, P. O. Barhra, District Birbhum. 5-4-26.

Case 824. {Newspaper report.) Krait.

A servant of Babu Surendra Nath Banerji, Pleader, Local Bar, was bitten by a Krait snake {Kanol) on 16-7-26. The snake was highly poisonous. Immediately a phial of P . Banerji's " L e x i n " was procured and the patient was perfectly cured on its inhalation.

Translated from the Editorial of the Vernacular Weekly. Satkhira Anandamoyee Patrika of 7-4-1333 B. S.

Case 825. 87411—28-4-25. Krait.

Babu Bhavesh Chandra Chakravarty, son of Annada Chandra Chakravarty of Pakur, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Krait—nearly one inch in diameter—one and a half cubits long seen but not killed. '

Symptoms:—The patient felt drowsy; head began to drooD-sleepiness as in opium poisoning. Insensibility of the affected limh (knee joint). Pain in heart. The inhalation lasted for -3 to hours. Nearly one and a half phials of your "Antivenom" was exhausted. The medicine was applied just after 15 minutes of the bite. I myself applied the medicine. The patientTeeamed IhS senses. He is now all right. Every instruction of^yourf h a s b ^ n strictly followed. Date of bite:—23-4-25. D e e n

Present:—Kumar Gnanendra Chandra Patui* r> u J Manmatha Nath Trivedi, Harendra Narayari Pandf l f e^ iBahadur , Haldar, Pashupati Nath Dubey and nearl /Tl l t h ? £ j § £ £ g - g j locality were present. scuuemen oi me

Remarks:—It saved the patient from imminent death Reporter;—Arindama Misra, Pakur (S . P . ) . 27-4-25


Ca8e 826. ^ . ^

Having known of Dr. Banerji's .jjafie " ^ ^ f t * * £ some interest in it in the past, it was natural for me when ca to Mihijam to feel interested in an a ^ J ^ I ^ ^ ^ d method of treatment. I had .requested ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ Y y ^ m y when he received a snake-bite case in h « ^ " A ^ B a n e r ? ? T m a S opportunity on 2nd July last when at a b o u t ^ ^ ^ ^ g r t h w i t h came and informed me that a ca>e had been recc D w i j a p ada hastened to his dispensary. ° " ^ X E I Railway^vho had Roy of village Chapuisahar near Kahpahan b> . w i n j h a d

been bitten by a Krait at about 5 a f • °" ^ o n f i n e s were there, been bitten on the throat and two marks o: poison langs His eyes were red and ^J^J^'J^"been treated with attended on by a loca ojha, he naa di* a Dr. Banerji's " Lexin" immediately after the Mt. phial of the medicine in the Patient s house. J ne o ^ to ^ conscientious man than most of his class acMMO sent to Dr. Banerji's dispensary which isi about -U m place of occurrence and where the P a t i e n t ^ - a S

p S ' s voice was at about 9 a.m., the ojha accompanying. Ihe pat ^ ^ indistinct and he complained of burningf pam m a m of the bite and of giddiness.. ™ere was spasm a b o u t "Lexin" was given him to m ^ c / " ^ h | i s a ^ a r e d first He got an hour or so. The redness of the eyes d i s W ™ d a n d l e f t f o r over his giddiness after that. The patient wa* his house by 12 a.m. . n r>anerjj treating the patient

I had the advantage of f ^ ^ ^ E ' t h e medicine by deep personally. He lays special stress on into ing t t w i c c g a y i breathing and I heard him warn the parent h a d "I f you don't inhale deeply, you wiU die. a s h e c o u l d effect and the patient did hisi best to mhai as o y e x p r e Ssed After this, recovery was ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ t c S r c s effected with his by Dr. Banerji, he has « c e w d reports a* «J e c a s e s o f c u r e s

specific from various parts o f * ™ ' an r n ^ a t e i v

collected up-to-date number 5 ^ agpro^mately. g

I was deeply impressed with the " S U K must be ment. But the impression ^$.™*A?grrf the medical world different from the more discriminating veroMct ox ..,8 c i f i c which is awaited. If t ^ t j e r d ' c ^ b y m a n

should take rank with f ^ ^ l ^ ^ t ^ o n of death, on man for alleviation of suffering and P ™ ^ ^ S E N >

Bengal Civil Service {Executive), on l e a v e . ^

Case 827. Unknown. 2288-9-5-32 B. S. , . . R - a n pramanik. aged 27 years,

Nabir Pramanik scm of late Ramjan R a j s h a h J ) w a s ^ cultivator, of Sonardaha, P. O. A ram, 3 w h e n r e t u r n m g by a snake on 8th Bhadra, 1332 B. &., ai * from the field. A ligature was maae. profuse perspiration

Symptoms:-Tired, weak, drooping neaa, i and fear of death. . 0 effcct. "Lexin" reached . . "Ojhas" tried their art but to no ^ ^ Q{ i n h a l a t i o n him after four hours of the bite /v b e t t e r a n d a f t e f drowsiness of the patient was removeaj"^

* Forward— Calcutta.


some twenty or thirty minutes the patient was all right. Now he is walking and doing his daily work. The patient was not allowed to sleep nor smoke during the night, and he was given only tea to drink.

Present:—Uchanulla Pramanik, Ebrahim Pramanik, Niamat Pramanik, Biachhat Pramanik, and others of Sonardaha, P . O. Arani, District Rajshahi.

Remarks:—I have not the least doubt that your medicine ( "Lexin") is most efficacious.

Reporter:—Manindra Chandra Saha, P . O. Arani (District Rajshahi).

[Translated from Bengali.}

Case 828. 2344—16-7-25. Unknown.

Mahammad Kramatali Sardar, son of Mahammad Ochhmanali Sardar of Gunakarkati, P . O. Budhhata, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake on 32-3-32 B. S. at about 8-30 p.m. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Blood fell from the bitten spot. The patient be­came gradually drowsy and insensible; muttered a word or two on being called aloud; could not open his eyes.

" Lexin" was inhaled after thirteen hours of the bite. But as no visible effect was seen even after six or seven hours of inhalation and the case was growing rather serious, we put three or four drops of the medicine into his nostrils. Then after fifteen minutes, the patient took a good turn and gradually became better. Two or three drops more was put into his nostrils and the patient was perfectly cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Takimuddin Sardar of Gunakarkati, and Sreemanta Sardar and Ratikanta Mandal of Mashedanga, P . O. Budhhata, District Khulna.

Remarks:—It is my own firm conviction, after two years' use of the medicine, that so long as the respiration remains the patient will certainly be saved if it is inhaled properly.

Reporter:—Swami Omkaranand, Budhhata Sevasram P O Budhhata (District Khulna). ' '

[Translated from Bengali.].

Case 829. 2344-28-8-25. Unknown.

Khawjan Bibi, wife of Habez Sardar of Agardanri P O Budh feaAP- ?• Asasuni District Khulna, was bitten by a snake'on 3rd Bhadra at about 8-30 a.m. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Whole body burning; almost ' unconscious • no pulse. '

" Lexin" was used after five hours of the bite Findine- th* patient m such a critical condition, I put a few droos of " T ?vin » into his nostrils. He could speak after a while Th<> n a t . w cured after two hours of inhalation; but an aching and s t f f s e n s f

Present:—Srish Chandra Mittra of Aeardann ruw o « and Chandmolla of Agardanri, P. 0 . B u d h h a t a ( f i s t r i c K h u l n a f * '

Remarks:—A very good medicine ^ s t r i c t Khulna).

B n d £ ( T ( S B 5 £ r , i ° ™ k a r a n M d * . Budhhata Sevasram, P. O.

[Translated from Bengali]


Case 830. 2344-28-8-25. ° " 1 ™ T ; ,

Bibijan Bibi, wife of Kuran Gazi of S w e t p u r , P . ^ B u d h l j ^ P. S. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake on i?in Sravan at about 4 a.m. No ligature was made.

n 0 t " " S i ^ ' w a s inhaied about three «J™ ^ ^ \ ^ . After half an hour of inhalation the patient was periecti> cu No other medicine was used.

Present:—Her husband alone.

^ t ; = I w i r t « d , P. 0 . Budhhata (

District). [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 831. Unknown.

2 3 ^h l 8 ayman Bibi, wife of J a c h h t a j j ^ f ^ ^ a snake Budhhata, P. S. AsasuniDistr ct^Qhulna v a s

y a s m a d e .

on ^^*™&^& ~ bitten>swelled and

was burning. , ..„„ _ff«r the bite. The "Lexin" was inhaled about ^ f . ^ ^ N o other medi-

patient was cured after two hours of inhalation. d n e ; ; : : r d - M a y a i a n Sardar.and Manik Sardar of Agardanri, P. O. Budhhata (Khulna District) n a

Reporter:—Swamin Omkarananda, r . District). [Translated from Bengali]

Case 832. Unknown. 2316-25-8-25. o f B a b u Kedar

Tarapada Sarkar, a boy aged n year so£ W M b i t t e n

Chandra Sarkar of ^ f t S t 11 ^ whin going home from by a snake on 2J-o- -> a i «*uuul-bazar. , . •„ u * tho fanes crazed the skin

Symptoms :-Ko punctured b i t e ^ t h e f a . ^ ^ n o t i c e d the exposing reddish abrasion. No « l s c n aJ g e

t h e b i t e . His toe swelled patient having walked through water &™* a b u r n i , l g sensation, immediately and he became ; e s " e s s . . c a l l e d who performed his Ligatures were soon applied ana an oj ^ ^ t h e l i g a t u r e w a s mantras and when the patient saia »c

U e d a g a j n a n d the patient loosened. Soon after, the. ^ f j ,.*formation was sent to me, and cried of burning again. J u s t / " e n VJn nther medicine was used. It the medicine applied as directed. Nc> oi took full one hour to effect ™wl«ecu- Sub-Inspector of Police

Pr«*>if.—Babu Tarapada Das Assista M a t r i c u l a t i o n Class, and Babu Pratap Chandra Bose, btuaem, Puthia H. E. School. Inspector of Police, Puthia

Reporter:— Babu Sasadhar Bose, n ^ i ^ i Circle, Rajshahi.


Case 833. 2303—27-8-25. Lachesis.

(1) On 19-8-25, Ram Charan Khaira, son of Bhagirathi Khaira of Lukhikurij was bitten by a "Laudaga" snake (possibly green viper, Lachesis),* below the knee at about 11 a.m. The snake came running from a distance of about 30 feet and bit him. He ran at once to my house and was cured in about one hour.

Case 834. Unknown.

, ™ e( 2 ) MJ oyf? w i f e w a s , b 5 t t e n by a snake on the 23rd August

1925, at about 7 p.m. on the toe. But she did not know i f she thought that a thorn had pricked her. In about half an hour she began to act like a hysteric patient. I suspected snake-hit* anrl treated her with " Antivenom" ("Lexin") and cured her Dy 11 p m One tooth was extracted from the sore. y

Case 835.

Krait. (3) My wife was again bitten by snake vesterdav Of o w .

about 8 p.m. This time the snake was seen ? n t £ h ^ h big long Krait who had laid eggs in a hole n ™1 ) h . i 5 ° 0 m ' „ H

and has apparently hatched them. She wa cured b v ° v n t h e " Y a l s

venom" ( "Lex in" ) inhalation. It took Ibout 2 ho"r ^ ? the cure. Three teeth were found in the sore S t 0 c o m P l e t c

Reporter:-N. K. Sirkar, Esq., D. I. of Schools, Dumka.

[Copied from original letter, English.]

Case 836. 2273—22-8-25.

My mother, Sm. Tarangini Bose um>A en i_- • . ° W n ' at about 8 p.m.' Poison not very sSorfe but ' d ^ 8 b i ^ e n b y a s n ^ foot below the toe. Ligature at onCe anDHed T Vb l t C a t t h e r i&ht inhaled for about 3 hours and cured £ Antivenom " L e x i n " paralysed. u r e a * C u t the part is slightly

Present:—Babu Nalini Kanta Mitra anrf w ^ > * e ^ r . — K a l i d a s Bose, B A A ? ^ * d , J a * m d r a N * h Mitra.

Magura, P. O. Baruipara (Khulna). * H e a d M*ster, Village

Case 837 1785—30-3-32 B. S.

Sreemati Binodini Dassi, mother *{ ^ , . U n known.

*~* -- -. *—, Burdwarwthin

lTra»sl°ted from a Post r"' D

• _ _ ^ ^ J ^ t C a r d , Bengali.]

it d^Ttt^^rft t ^ ° ^ ^ u i r ^ ^ — here shows that i t ^ ^ J ^ ^ r of t h e f e £ * Bengal, resembles in colour. A green ™ne r r£ g r e e n v i p e r ^ - ' u a s n o t i c e d

per C h a r ^ s even w 4 ± nh * c , o s e l y w«nout provocation.


Case 838. Unknown. 1860—15-7-25. c _ i . 0 u:*p Pure has

" I am glad to let you know «hat your f ^ V ^ l o c a l worked well in a suspected l<^f*™>as*. s„ake-bite." teeth impression it was cons.dered as ^ a s e ^

(Shimoga District). [Copied from original letter, EngltM

Case 839. S t r a m o n i u m Poisoning. «f Rankim Behari Mondal,

Shiboo, baby aged 14 months, soilI O a n Parganas was village Dhangori; P. O. Mihnam, Dgtriet S ^ S given by his playmates a few fresh seeds o ^ a b o u t 3 ^ on (stramonium) to eat He swallowed tne violent symptoms of 9th December, 1926. In a b ° u * ;:

W°aloud and frightful; there was poisoning set in. He was screaming a oua & y e r y j h t , s e of tetanic spasms of the HPP e

tr / s^k

C^ther 's breasts and didbrtejhe temperature; he was unable to suckM«W a d m i t t e d for treatment nipples when given to try. A 9 ^ a t

he d convulsive n ^ g f c l i V

Symptoms:—Pupus &TC<il*' - n j ; c stiffness ot tne n u i s i t inn.

upper extremities, dry tongue, p e r g N a u s e a but no vomiting, to drink liquids, tempera ure 98 dege indication of pain.

Loudi s c r e a m s ^ J ^ ^ Z ^ ^ X ^ J ^ ^ ^ t i o n . ^ S ^ ^ each time;

5 £ a £ S M i S S & » £ S ! U the drug, a l ^ g As the baby could not properly £ f b r e a s t and back along the

of "Lexin" was also rubbedI on n s e e m e d t o w o r k mo3t spinal region. This method of app effectively in this case. • a t 10-30 p.m. and ieit D «

Passed a good quantity °* " [ ^ p s u c k i n g his mothers miuc Found all right at 12-30 a.m. *f . f ^ n g had happened. Next morning he was all right p , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Case 840. Unknown Snake. w a 9 V w— ynKnowii w/»«*—


022Mutm5ma, Bisabin. wife ^ ^ ^

^ ^ S S ^ J ^ ,e bite, , * £ £ , • -f Symptoms:-About one hour a«e o f her r e g v e ^ unconscious and her relatives gaveuy b l t After ^ mm . , "Lexin" was inhaled one hour a t t e ^ consc lOUSness within tive

^halation she was cured. She reg nuttooant Minutes of inhalation. n ... , B N. Railway, Mr. Duttopant 0 l Present:—Mr. Jacob, P. W. *•» • Shankar Rao, and others. u s e d . The leg hadJbeen^ ed

Remarks:-TSo other medicine wa;> u ^ . ^ w e f e l o o s e n e d a { ter UP with ligatures previous to my a m repeated inhalations. p Q Drug (C. P.).

Reporter:—T. F. Tarapore, r . v.


Case 841. 2579—15-7-27. Krait.

I am glad to be able to inform you that a man bitten by a 1

"Domna Chitti" (Krait) and who had become completely senseless and was frothing through the mouth, was completely cured by the use of your medicine. The man's name is Jiban Ram, an inhabitant of Panchgari, Katrasgarh, E. I. Railway. The medicine had to be inhaled for nearly two hours when the man slowly recovered his senses and sat up. He is all right now.

Yours, etc., (Sd.) Burro KRISTO RAY,

Roy's Kesholpur House, P . O. Katrasgarh (Manbhum), E. I. Railway.


Case 842.

Reed. 14-9-26. Food Poisoning (Cobra Venom).

It gives me a great pleasure to report on the marvellous effect of your snake-bite cure. On 29th August last 5 leper women of our Asylum cooked two hens that died of Cobra bite. The women killed the cobra—a little over 3 feet in length. One hour after eating the prepared meat all the 5 women commenced vomiting. Two of die five became senseless and the other three complained of severe burning sensation inside and outside their bodies. I at once put a few drops of your cure on cotton and made them inhale it. The two women who were senseless regained their senses within 15 minutes' time and the other three got rid of the burning sensation before 10 minutes' time. Wishing you all success.

(Sd.) S. M. GHOSE,

Hony. Magte. and Medical Officer, Leper Asylum,

River View, Ranigunj (Burdwan).


Case 843. 3012-15-9-26. Epilepsy.

Your snake-bite cure is indeed a miraculous drug against the snake poison. I should inform you of one more successful trial e.g., I have cured two cases of epileptic fits as successfully as in snake-bite. The patient (epileptic) was quite senseless, foamine saliva running from mouth; pulse feeble and thready and lock jawed. I gave a few drops of your drug on a linen and made him inspire it. I think it was in a twinkle of an eye—about one second only—that he recovered his senses and got up.

Dr. N. HUDA K H A N .

Sahebgunj, Chupra, B. and N. W. Railway.



Case 844. _ . A

Unknown Snake.

4730Tt5" ; 8-30 ,f. on *&% « ' n S S B

pound of her own house near Mhow, C. I. T . r _t 3 a.m. the same night I found

^ • - W f * S n in a sitting posture; she was half the patient held up by a man in a Q{ th ( j t o n g u e . ^ns'cious and had a com let paraly ^ ^

"Lexin" was then m h a k ^ ^ ff ^ AM-he t h ^ the interval of some 15 imn d t h „ three mc s p e e c h

S^^^ she 1S now

S S . ^ T ' C U r 6 d ; m i B A l s t Assistant, Zoroastrian Hign Reporter:-?. K. Kulkarm, B.A.,

School, Mhow, C. 1.

Case 845. C o b r a

RU03-18-H-26. H j Charan Bhandari of

Narendra N a t h - B ^ . ^ ^ ? ^ V f i S K ^ ^ village Kararbagan, Howrah w b y ^ e hep (Cobra) which was touched up Q{ h i s cottage, below a chauki in a d a f dashed out of.the room ana

on the yard m a « J . ^ low, slignt per minute, pulse tension inhalations he very feeble. A f t r t n ree or f o u r , ^ f / f un senses and

"Lexin" was inhaled A J t e r , regained h s f u l l ^ ^ a n opened his eyes and after t ^ p l a c e 0f complained of a b u ™ B

f u i iy cured. student, hour's inhalation he wa- L * Bhattacharya 5** h

^ ^ r r ^ u d g ^ ^ ^ Dutt Road, Howrah. Medical College, 108, ^ a

Case 846

3164—8-8-27. -8-27. . v(p T congratulate you for The neatest of a « P o p e s s f c n s . a V £ / i n s t ^ e „ « a 1 » « « «

having discovered l<exiu so many lives. Unknown Snake.

. ontivenom on a pet dog m ^ T first tried the g ^ l " SOme snake. It was In May 1926, I J « t w . ^ le by om e ^

of mine, which was bitten ° The m a r * s ? \ h e e v e s had lost

2 S r S - W V i c e W « e ^ e r r a i n e a to

$ iSSa.1 ^ d & ^ e d and is st.U h « * give it a trial,


Case 847. Krait.

(2) A woman aged about 40, by name Keja Gatrine, wife of Saltu Gatra of village Motara in Nandgaon State, was bitten early this morning by a snake, probably a Krait, which is very common here. She had taken no precautionary measures and I found her absolutely senseless with lower limbs stiff when I first saw her about one hour after she had been bitten. Profuse salivation, and the death­like pallor which had spread over her face, had banished all hopes of her recovery from the minds of her relatives. But the drops from tiie little phial soon demonstrated its powers most convincingly to all who had collected there; for, after about an hour's use, the woman came round completely.

Yours, etc., (Sd.) U. N. BAGCHI, B.SC, IX.B.,

Pleader, Raipur and Rajnandgaon (C. P . ) .


Case 848. 3825—1-9-27. Unknown Snake.

. . . . . . . . . . . . O n 30-8-27. My servant informed* me that his son-in-law Snnath, aged 20 years, of village Chandanpura, District Etawah, was bitten by a large Black Snake in the early morning. The boy was found in a semi-conscious state. But after 20 minutes' application of your "Antivenom," he began to revive wonderfully and within an hour and a half he was all right.

I cannot speak too highly of your medicine.

Yours, etc., (Sd.) S. K. GHOSE,

Vice-Principal, Government Intermediate College, Etawah.

Case 848.

—24-8-27. Venomous Snake.

/ r ^ T l ? e Phial of " L e x m " was spent a week ago at Pakaur (Dumka) in saving the life of a school boy who was hTtt^n £ I Cobra. The boy was playing footbalHn the ^ f t e r n c ^ L the school ground He went to a pond for easing purposes and there he was bitten by a venomous snake. The boy fell down s e S e s s and found to be foaming and salivating after a whiio „„ *il ' , . ground in front of the Pakaur Post Office. I immtdSSJ l r SCA°u01

M £ & ^ W a S " " ^ ^ ^ t h a ^ o f a t o u r « £


Inspector of Post Offices, Dumka.



Case 850. C o b r a .

4017-15-9-27. s s t i District Murshidabad Tonebunnessa Bibi of Nurpur, P. *• * u % h e snake was killed

Dutt President, U. B. . . . . profuse salivation

45 minutes' regular inhalation^ ^ the next IT. She was kept awake he who. s £ { e w minu " Levin" was again » ,na le\ l

i :„„ t h a t still remained.


Meaxcai wr Dispensary, Nurpur Chantaoie ^ ^ N u r p u r ,

District Murshidabad^^

Case 851. Cobra.

2013-15-6-28. G h o s e 0f village ^ J ^ S ^ S S t Radharani, wife: of Pane" was bitten by » ^ > ^ ^

pur, P. S. R a n a | % o Da t 8 P-m- T h e s n a k e

2 cubits long on 5-6-^8 at uncon<. No ligature was « ^ e d f r o t h from ^ k X i r e d .

Symptoms:-**^ e y e s d e d > face a A f t e r

scious; respiration very i h o u r after the D h

Reporter:-Dwijendra Nam ^ g

(Nadia). [Tfaiwtaferf from Bwpoh.]

Case 852. -£jng Cobra.

^ ^ t T R a i a U m a i l — * « £ J S ^ S J S ? ^ ^ S f r S S ^ ^ I Have cured h,m b y m-£ £ & 3 ^ f a m o u s » Uxin Q M a h a m a d k a t i ( D i „ t o

p o r t e r . — S a r a t Kumar Mitra, 3.5.27 Khulna). [Translated from Bengali


Case 853. 4435_9.10-27. Typhlops.

SIR ' Allow me to congratulate you on your discovery of the very

efficacious cure for snake-bite, which saved the life of my servant's daughter yesterday. She was bitten by a small snake not more than 3 or 4 inches in length with two . mouths, of black colour, with bluish tinge. At first we did not take any serious notice and treated her case rather carelessly. But, after two hours she became sense­less, her pulse became very weak and low, and profuse discharges came out of her mouth which nearly choked her. Her eyes became very red and she was given up for lost when a gentleman suggested your medicine and within half an hour or so the girl became all right.

Yours, etc., (Sd.) KUNJABEHARI BISWAS,

(Retired Sub-judge), Giridih P . O. 8-10-27.

Case 854. 4436—9-10-27. Typhlops.

A girl aged about 12 years, Parbatia by name, daughter of Gado Kahar of Makatpur, Giridih, was bitten by a kind of snake locally called " T e l i a " at about 11 a.m. I heard of it at about 2 p.m. when the medicine (" Lexin ") was given. She was then almost in unconscious state and phcn (froth) was coming out of her mouth. Soon after the medicine was applied as per direction? accompanying the phial, she began to improve and was almost cured in about an hour.

Reporter:—Ganesh Lall, Assistant Engineer, Local Board, Giridih P . O. 6-10-27.

Case 855. 1700-1925. Unknown.

A coolie girl, aged 20, wife of one Shittor of village Sershaw off Katihar, labourer by occupation, was bitten by a snake pro^ bably of the Viperine group—at 4 o'clock in the morning of 1 9 _ f?:2 5 ; , T , h e snzM w a ? , n c ) t , s ^ e n by anybody. She was given medical help not before 11 o clock on the same day—about 7 hours after the bite.

The following were the conditions of the patient when I attended her at 11 o'clock:—

(i) Bitten on the right hand at a place between the roots of the middle and ring fingers on the dorsal side

(ti) The whole hand as far as the elbow was swollen and no ligature or mark of ligature was found.

{Hi) She could not stand, but could sit up with some support from back. •

(iz/) Both the eyes were highly injected, red and somewhat protruding—visions were perfectly all right from 4 metres

, N m a n d b e v o n d t h a t blurred. Pupils were contracted (t/) Tongue became partially paralysed and her speech was not

perfectly distinguishable. (vi) Respiration was quicker—rate 24 to 26.

(w'j) Heart-beat—78 per min., weak and unsteady (viii) Giddiness and slight drooping of the head

(i.r) On auscultation, nothing could be distinguished


SeESti w - -» — -f C W W n an hour from the ^ ^ d i " ^ . ^

$ Sean-boa. ' ^ c a T e " " . W , « » • » * » rate

W Sh 'couTdira ione without support.

id) Others same as before.

< « s i x Wsr^riW-sW

tea, etc. , < « A % l J w e 5 „ 5 o l S r ^ o „ , - S - - M S

remained swollen-stinging v dry salt fomentation.

hot boric lotion and banciag was perfectly all right ^ ^ ^ ^ K u M A R > M.B., B . S c .

Case 856. Cobra.

M<££# Mam J-,^. S E W ^ S S S r h e ^ ^ f r l f & ^ ^ n & „ g awa, stead. On lighting a lamP u n c o n s Cious d

Symptoms:—He.was qu i n u t e s a„d he was c K a r t i k _ «lexin " was mha ed for . v ^ g e K a r a n hogla. *. ^ ^ Reporter:—*&. Esahaq

pur (Faridpur). C a s e s&lm ^ ^ K r a i t

214911-22-6-28. s o n o f S a t i ^ ^ 8 £ ^

"Sankhari" (Banded Krart; snake was seen ana K ^ r e e l i n g . fe. Ligature was

^ r » : - | 5 i n | | a t oneshour « « * £ h o u r , i n h a l a t i on.

SS o t r ^ i c l ^ a s used S i n g h - ? others. Present:—Abadh N. ^ i n*"' d v for snake-bite. . & S . - I t ^ V S S T s S b . Vflhge Orabag.cha, P ^ O . Reporter:—Han INAI J

Dharhara (Monghyr).


Case 858. 214912-22-6-28. C o b r a .

Jaydeo Prasad Singh, son of Hamarayan Singh of village Orabagicha, P O. Dharhara P. S . and District Mongnyr wll bitten by a Cobra about 3 feet long on 12-7-27 at 6 o in The snake was seen but not killed. p , m - l l l e

« ^ ; 5 , ? £ ' ° M w ; : ~ H e w a s a c t i n g I i k e a m a d m a n a nd was gradually getting unconscious. t , a u u < " 1 '

"Lexin" was inhaled only ten minutes after the bite There was no ligature. After two hours' inhalation he wal fuSy cured No other medicine was used. y c u r e a -

Present:-Bidya Pd. Singh, Rhiraj N. Singh and others

hzJlTc!^?*™™*™ S i n g h ' V i , I a * e Orabagicha, P. O. Dhar-J' 20-6-28.

2148-22-6-28. ° M t 8B9* Krait.

on 2A0-6?287t t-30 ^ T ^ & S ? ^ * a C h i * (Knut) half an hour. " LexiS" was i n h S S ^ S S b u t e ^ S T ^ regained consciousness partially. After 3 hZSrt f n h ^ t t h e Pat,ent

ful cured. We have been very « u * ' ^ % % £ £ ™

goraf &^rb:hTmfhmiPada S h , g h ' B h U t g a r i a ^ - r y , P. 0 . Jail-

[Translated from letter, Bengali.]

Case 860. Reed. 23-6-28. c

scorpion Bites. From

K. SHAHAMAD SAIB, Manner Municipal Office, Hospc, M. ani S. M. Railway

1 have much pleasure to state that T h*„a u xL. . tered the same ("Lexin") in nearfy 2 d o l y t h l S t i m e a d mmis-stings. In all the cases " Lexin'' give L » S f " ,C-as

£es. o f scorpion

and sufferers, went back laughing. A maSelf ,nstantaneo^sly had an occasion of coming acros? a cas? S S I -CUre- Recently I have been stung by a scorpion, had become Z S " - a m a n ' s a id to pulse The administration of the m S ^ ^ i S S ^ l ^ J ^ W of a few drops put on a handkerchief gave immV ? y "Ra t ion the man was brought to senses. Surely this ^ m d , a t e r e l i e t and but a snake that had bit the man.* y t h l s w a s not a scorpion

Y°urs, etc.,

<Sd-) K. S. SAIB,

Hospet. 16-6-28.

•Sometimes scorpion poison develop <~Zi "i« tatal symptoms.—ED.


Case 861. 2271—27-6-28. Cobra.

Rajanikanta Majhi, aged 46, son of late Kshetra Nath Majhi of village Gomai, P. O. Ketugram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Kharish snake (Cobra) about 2 cubits long on 9th Ashar, 1335 B. S., at 11-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Eyes slightly red and gradually closing; could not sit.

" L e x i n " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. After l i hours' inhalation ligature was loosened. After 2* hours' inhalation he was fully cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Pranabananda Chatterji. Dibakar Chatterji, Akhil

:Mandal and others. Reporter:—Sambidananda Chatterji. Village Gomai, P. O.

Ketugram (Burdwan). Case 862.

Reed. 28-6-28. Cobra. Ekdin Sheikh, son of late Sodhari Sheikh of village Mahesail,

P. S. Suti, District Murshidabad, was bitten by a Kharish (Cobra) on 6th Ashar, 1335 B. S., while looking after the cows in the field.

Symptoms:—When I saw him his breathing had stopped. A few drops of " Lexin " were poured into his nostrils. Within

two minutes slow breathing began. He was made to sit on a chair, and " Lexin " was inhaled continuously for 2 or 3 hours. He was cured and went home walking.

Reporter:—Gouri Charan Chaudhury, Village Mahesail, P . O. Chabghali, District Murshidabad.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 863. 2243—27-6-28. Krait.

Raghav Chandra Hazra, aged 27, of village Chaklta, P. O. Hura, District Manbhum, was 'bitten by a " Chitti" (Krait) on 10th Ashar, 1335 B. S., in the afternoon.

" Lexin " was inhaled one hour after the bite. After 2J hours'

inhalation he was fully cured. Reporter:—Swami Nirgunananda, Lakshmanpur, P. O.

Ladhurk (Manbhum). [Translated front a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 864. 2206—25-6-28. Scorpions.

Your medicine "Snake-bite Cure" was tried by us in many cases of scorpion bite and it has acted like magic in every case.


S. I. of Police,

Mohiuddinagar P . S.,

(Darbhanga District). 23-6-28.

[Copied from a Post Card, Bnglish.]

B, SB 2 3


Case 865. 2204—25-6-28. c

Scorpion. Wife of Methari Bhuian, a coolie of this Colliery, was bitten

by a snake last night. Her condition was such that no one could b

anHeV,Lthat ShC W,?Ul(!Jive- " L e x i n " w a s Whaled for two S S r s (Sd.) P. B. GHOSE,

Jogta Colliery, P. O. Sijua (Manbhum).

r _ 23-7-28. [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali]

2235-26-6-28. ^ ^ C o b

.illagPeUrannd W M S " ? ' p g 1 Dumka ° ' R ^ \ ^ ^ s s of was bitten by a Cobra more than ^n*-' P i ? ? 1 ? S a n t a l P ganas. about 4-30 pi. w l ^ ' & ^ d c X ^ t W.Vfr t^ S"6^ fr


The snake was seen but it fled under a heai of S,w? J. A"/**' wards it was found out and killed. P ^ ^ s h . After-

Symptoms:—F&Amg excessive torture of poison Lexm was inhaled for more than fniVr !«. ' , ,

fully cured. No other medicine^ w a u s e d L c Z ™ a nS ? e w a s

permang. lotion on the wound. L^ature WaS K * }**? p o t

minutes' inhalation. ^ a i u r e was loosened after 15 to/>0r„r.-Aurobinda Banerji, P. 0 . Maluii (Santal Parganas)


2205-25-6-28. ° a 8 6 8 6 7 ' Daughter-in-law of Abdul Mian „i n„.i.u <-°bra.

snake on 23-7-28 at 5 » s L C Darbhanga was bitten by a inhaled and she ™ ^ ^ h ^ £ £ ^ < « « ° i » - "Lexin" w a s t,on.e She was fu,ly cured after h U - S S S T o f ' f e S K n ^ e

^ * r . - B h „ p a , i Mukherji, Ghee Merchant, Darbhanga.

ITmuta* from a Pas, Card, B ^ j

2094-19-6-28. C a M M 8 -

c u r e d / X a r ^ h a S d a t & % « £ * ^ n ^ ' L

Alampur, District Burdwan. k ' V , 1 I a S e Bazar, p 0

lTra,,s,a,ed from . ^ ^ fl»*a

Reed. 26-6-28. C a 8 e 8 6 e -

a ^ K l K > - " c o « h ^ t f o r e ^ " cSfera\vh0

iPpSo nT h e «*» - trough, to fifet- s h ^ ' t C ^ r !g


Case 870. 2499—7-7-28. Cobra.

(2) Hindu coachman named Jagu Bhagat in the service of Babu Hem Chandra Maitra of Bhagalpur. was bitten by a rcai Cobra while he was untying his horse. The cobra lay underneath an old beam and being touched with the horse-string, raised its hood and forthwith bit the coachman. He became senseless and was sent to Maulanachak near Bhagalpur town to be cured by a snake charmer, but he declared him lost. Then he was treated with your " Lexin " by Babu Anil Prokash Bose and he came round in an

hour and became all right in two hours. Later on the snake was killed.

Reporter:—Sitapati Mukherji, Mosaqchak, Bhagalpur P. O. 24-6-28.

Case 871. •94—0-0-25. Unknown.

Kailashi, wife of Nageswar Missir of Kulti, District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake on 17-7-24 at about 7-30 p.m. She was unconscious, very restless, and could not be controlled by two men. " Lexin " was inhaled after one hour of the bite. The ligature was put off. After three hours the patient was cured. Xo other medi­cine was used.

Present:—Amulyakumar Mukherji, Atul Chandra Bose. Krishna-<las Ganguli and Umacharan Bose of Kulti, District Burdwan.

Remarks:—" The medicine was quite efficacious. It saved her life."

Reporter:—G. B. Shirali, The Eastern Lighting Casting Works, Kulti P. O. (Burdwan). . ,

[Taken from original report, English.]

Case 872. 2237\ 1—26-6-28. Unseen Snake.

Hari Sadhan Bhattacharyya, aged 12, son of Babu Kali Kumar Bhattacharyya of Amadhpur, P. O. Amadhpur, P. S. Memari, District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake in 19-5-28 at about 8 a.m. The snake was not seen.

Symptoms:—Slightly intoxicated and profusely perspiring. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature was

loosened half an hour after inhalation of "Lexin." He was cured after 2 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Panchanan Ghose and others. Reporter:—Bimala Nath Chaudhury, Secretary. Anti-Mai.

Society, P. O. Amadhpur (Burdwan). 18-5-28.

Case 873. .2237\2—26-6-28. RusselKs Viper.

Haridassi, aged 40, wife of late Pancha Hari of P. O. and village Amadhpur, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Chandra Bora snake (Russell's Viper) about 2 feet long on 13-5-28 at about 6-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Moribund condition. " Lexin " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature was

loosened after an hour's inhalation. She was cured after 21 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.


Present:—Dr. Krishna Kali Mukherji and others. Remarks:—Astonished to see the effect of the medicine. Reporter;—Bimala Nath Chaudhury, Secretary. Anti-Mai.

Society, P. 0 . Amadhpur (District Burdwan). 18-5-28.

Case 874. 2237|3—26-6-28. Unseen Snake.

Kalipada Bagdi. aged 27, son of Umacharan Bagdi of P. O. and village Amadhpur. District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake on 25-4-28 at 6-15 p.m. The snake was not seen.

Symptoms:—Moribund condition. ""Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature was

loosened after one hour's inhalation. After inhalation gradually pulse returned and he was cured after three hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Dr. Dcbondra Nath Mukherji and others. Reporter:—Bimala Nath Chaudhury, Secretary, Anti-Mai.

Society, P . O. Amadhpur (Burdwan). 18-5-28.

Case 875. 2100—19-6-28. Cobra.

Madan Mohan Mandal, aged 35, son of Durganath Mandal of village Hapania, P . O. Maheshpur, P. S. Naogaon, District Rajshahi, was bitten by a Cobra about 3 feet long on 15-5-28 at about 7-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Slight giddiness. ""Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligature was

loosened after 15 minutes' inhalation. He was cured after l i hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Prcsenf;—Satish Chandra Adhikari. K. K. Chatterji and others. Reporter:—Dr. S. A. Kundkar, L.M.P., M. O.. Gobindapur Dis­

pensary, P . S. Maheshpur (District Rajshahi). 27-5-28.

Case 876. 2327—30-6-28. Unseen Snake.

Mt. Munya Thakrain, wife of Dadro Singh Thakur of village and P. S. Marka, District Banda, was bitten by a snake last night

Symptoms:—Condition hopeless: quite senseless; men were crying at her ears but failed to awaken her.

Many country medicine were at first tried but to no effect Then, on reaching the place, I poured two drops of " Lexin " into each of her nostrils, which acted so wonderfully that the woman at once came to her senses. The public of this place hisrhlv nraised your medicine. h * i««u«:u

P. £$££%&*>! Ja"'-Wad' S""-1—'- «' P " ' - ^ Case 877.

2327-30-6-28. U n s e e n S n a k c

Jasodia wne of Bharman Chamarin of Marka. District Randa was bitten by a snakc on her left leg while she was walking

Symptoms:—She became senseless. talking.

P. M K T f & f ,aW-VVad- S u M «^«-of S t Mar 20-6-28.


Case 878. ^ ^ y . p e r

Bora (Russell's Viper) at 6-30 a.m. c t e d , d r o o p i n g Symptoms:—Burning and swell ng oi i h e b i t e

down V t h e head ' L e x i n w a s mhaled hou :, ^ . There was no ligature. After one nour s, o „ w a g a ] s o

^ l i e ^ ^ ^ n ^ e ^ e f S h a S L ^ X o other medicine was

USCV,0,„„._Sanat Kumar Bhattacharya. Branch Post Master,

Chanchai P. O. (Burdwan). [Translated from Bengali.]

C a s e 8 7 9 ' Cobra. 2236—26-6-28. ., { M a h a n Mahata of village

Sadhu Mahatan aged 13 wife ot^via ^ b i t t e n b y

Tulin, P. O. Tulin P S. Jhalda Distnct Ma ^ ^ ^ a m a Kharish (Cobra) about 25 cubits long The snake was seen, caught and killed.

Symptoms:— Almost senseless. b j Ligature was '•Lexin •• was inhaled 2 h o u r " " ^ ^yas c u r e d . No other

loosened. After three hours inhalation sne medicine was «scd. pnhardhan Modak and others

P,r.w*/.—Ras Bchari Bet, Gobardnan ( D i s t r j c t Manbhum). Reporter:— Bancswar Layek, P. U. iunn ^ 9 6 2 8 >

c a s e 8 8 ° - Banded Krait. —21-7-25. , I a nd one cock with

I have been able to save therM ^ o. £ K e o t { o u r ^g^rsc,T^Tl^^^^ on 19-7-25-Your

^ ^ ^ ^ ' l l ^ * ^ Sarkar, D. I. of Schools, Can*

Jamtara, Dumka P. O. (S. ^ ^ ^ jrQm a Post Card, Bengali.}

c a s e 8 8 1 " Unknown. 2080—31-7-25. uah»wri P. O. Ramgarhu, ^ Bhola, son of Anant Th^oor o ^ B a t a j r ^ ^ District Champaran, w J bitten^ by an ^ ^ hom o n l y a n d medicine was used. i*exm

Bhola, son o trict Champai dicine was use— .

t h C S ^ - I M I ' M 3 S& Manager, Sikta P. O. (Champaran)

1898—25-7-25. Case 882. Unknown.

8 23-7-25. snake-bite cases with your We have as vet treated three^n r L e x i n » ) a l l w i t h

medicine-and thanks to .your Anttw v fidd

full success. Your medicine has p r o v e a ^ in neutralising poisons of snakes ° a y /_(1)' Gopi Mohan Gorai of v S i r c S ^ ^ a Puroasfhali! District burdwan, was bitten by a snake.


Symptoms:—Trembling of the body and pain. " Lexin " was used 20 minutes after the bite. Immediate

absence of pain followed and he was cured after 15 minutes of inhalation. About 50 drops of medicine was required to effect the cure.

Case 883 . Cobra.

(2) A cow belonging to Natai Dass of village Ekdata, P . O. Purbasthali, District Burdwan. was bitten by a snake, most probably Cobra.

Symptoms:—Loss of breath, swelling up of the belly. Con­vulsions followed by drooping of the body. Salivation from mouth and nose.

Ten drops of " Lexin " were poured into the nostrils. Gradual improvement, regain of breath, etc., followed. The cow was cured in about 2\ hours.

Case 884. Cobra.

(3) A cow belonging to Babu Radha Raman Sarkar of village Ekdata, P. O. Purbasthali, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra (as the symptoms indicated).

Symptoms:—Convulsion: falling of hair when pinched- saliva­tion from mouth and nose. '

Ten drops of " Lexin " was put into the nostrils. Improvement followed and the cow was cured within 45 minutes.

Reporter:—Shyamsundaranand Abadhaut, Nitya Gopal Math Village Madhaipur, P . O. Purbasthali (Burdwan).

Case 885. —22-9-25. A Poisonous Snake.

This evening at about 6 p.m. a woman aged about forty or forty-five was bitten by a poisonous snake. After five or seven minutes of the bite she fell unconscious. On being informed, we gave her Lexin to inhale about ten or twelve minutes after the occurrence. After half an hour's inhalation, she became conscious and within four hours was perfectly cured conscious

to/>or^r:-Bhupendra Nath Ballav, Pingla, Mymensingh. [Translated from original letter, Bengali.}

Case 886. 2021—1-9-25. TT .

Jyotish Mohini Debya, wife of late Hr ish ik P ^ AfIl5,0wnJu of Khayerbuni, P. O. Ahmadpur, Distrirt S f f i w » f r ? ^ snake, most probably a " Chitti." ^ rbnum, was bitten by a

Symptoms:—Burning sensation; the wounH nn K»;,-,„ • • J M a knife faintly red blood was seen; a ^ S S Z f incised with her gradually'; insensibility on being pinched - b i t t e r S T * e

fn v ^ P e d

-sweet. Ligatures were tied. Local o?ha; tried[then- IS g ™H t a S t e d r a i local medicine. Besides alleviation of the burning L « f d ^S . 1 !* 1

tangible was noticed. "Lex in" reached her aft?rSec

l lsa t ,on» n ° thmg

SLMSP °f thC bUe- Aft- three ^»^a^T.STbiSS Mandarand^hearbsU ^ ^ ^ " ^ R a d h a n a t h Randal, Sreepati

A h m ^ u r T B l r b D h r u m r h a l ^ " ^ D u t t ' K u — s h a h a , P . O.

[Translated from Bengali]


Case 887. 2164— 1S-8-2S. Unknown.

We are sorry to inform you that there is a sudden death of a female bitten by a snake here last night. We have got a phial of your " Snake-bite Cure " some one year back and applied the medi­cine to three persons bitten by venomous snakes. The results were startling. Within an hour each patient was free from the poisonous symptoms, after the application of the medicine. But unfortunately the medicine was exhausted and so the female died of the poison. So we have determined to keep a phial of your medicine always

ready at hand. Reporter:—N. V. R. Kameshwar Row, Pedapatam (Godavari

District), S. India. [Copied from original letter in English.] Case 888. U n s e e n S n a k c

2211—25-6-28. , „ , n o pa ta l Bagdi. son of On the night of 6th Ashar, U » £ ^ District Burdwan

Rakhal Bagdi of village and P. U. Ma .fi t h e fi d w m l e

was bitten by a snake on * » « " * " t 0 £ ^ e snake-he felt some he was coming home. He did not »pe t After reaching burning sensation in his head ust a ^ Dei f h o l d u p his head and his home he became uncoilsaous couw c Q m e h l s m0uth. could not speak at all. Salivatio began B a b S a s k a

There was no ligature. An Jour a w r f b o t h o f h J s l s

Shekhar Ray poured 8 d;°Ple0/ame

LeconScious and began to inhale

Within 2 or 3 minutes ^e became c ^ t e n minutes he " Lexin" from a clean 4 l» a n / k e^C - n i^ s given a cup of tea onl> could recoSize his.relatives. H e w a s g tQ s l e e p u p t 0 3 a . m .

during the whole night « f j ^ s inhalation. H € £ * ' A * G o ^ G o T i n l Banerii, S. A. S., Bansa Gopal

^ ^ ^ " - W e are simply charmed with the unexpected efficacy

° f T / ^ ^ G o p e s w a r Chaudhury, Monteswar P . ^ * * * Burdwan).

Case 889. C o b r a

2212—25-6-28. . N a i k o f village and P. O. Titendra Naik, son of Ras,.H * ^ a X * Cobra about 3 feet Gogla? District Burdwan, was bitten by a w ^ s fi,st

long 'with stripes on 6-6-28 m t ^ e e Q On his running seen^by one Satish Kumbakar whorn n h i m ^ b i t t e n o n the right away the patient who was W D e n in i n s t a n t ly threw it some leg nearly 9 inches down the^knee ana T h e g n a k e c h a r g e d h i n , 4 feet off by forcibly ™ v m f . t ' ^ n d . The patient threw it off again and bit him near the hrst w' & w a y for the second time when.the snaKe> ^ m j n u t e s T h e p a t i e n t c o m

Symptoms:—I got the ^ ? " ffected part and imagined as if plained of unbearable pain in tne H g w a g t h i r s t y N o o t h e r some flaming fire had been ffl^^ a f f e c t e d u p t o k n e e w a s symptoms were noticed-only the pa void of any sensation. m:ni ltes after the bite. The advancing

. "Lexin" was ^ a l e d W fflinutes ^ ^ ^ o t h e r poison could not ™ a ^ j u ™ f h J topmost part of the affected area hand sensation returned to tne iop»» v


and then gradually downwards. After half an hour's inhalation I found him free from poison and in normal state.

Present:—Dr. Bhibhutibhusan Chatterji, Rasik Ranjan Naik and Mukunda Murari Naik.

Remarks:—The snake was very poisonous but the patient was completely cured in a short time.

Reporter:—M. A. Ganguly, Manager, Mandarboni Colliery, P . O. Gogla, via Pandaveswar (District Burdwan). 23-6-28.

i .

Case 890. 2050—17-6-28. Cobra.

On 5-6-28 a cow belonging to a Brahmin was bitten by a Cobra. When all attempts to eradicate the poison had failed, your " Lexin" was inhaled. No marked improvement was seen after using the first phial. As we had no other phial besides this one, we had to purchase another phial at double the price from a local gentleman. By inhaling the second phial, the cow gradually became cured.

Those who bought " Lexin " used to think before this cure that they had spent their money in vain. They were all astonished to witness its wonderful efficacy now. We have sent the report for publication in the Sonar Bangla.

Reporter:—Narottamdas Ghose. Secretary, Anti-Mai. Socictv. Ltd.. Subalpur. P . O. Dingalghaty (Hooghly). 14-6-28.

[Translated jrom Bengali.]

Case 8 9 1 . 2072—18-6-28. Cobra.

Biseswar Gope. aged 30, of village Wallidad. P. O. Usri. District Gaya, was bitten by a Cobra as they said. I used your " Lexin." After a constant application of the medicine, the patient was cured. But practically three-quarters of the contents of the " Lexin " phial was exhausted in one case.

Your medicine seems to be very efficacious. Reporter:—Bt. Jai Govinda Prasad, Sectional Officer P W D

Wallidad, P. O. Usri (District Gaya). ' ."'

Case 892. 649—1925. Unknown.

Kashinath Raychaudhury. son of late Mohindinarayan Ray-chaudhury of Kumardihi, P. O. Ukhra, P. S. Ondal District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake on 11th Chaitra at about 8 p m The snake was not seen.

Symptoms:—Severe burning sensation; insensibility of the affected parts; it appeared from the blood marks the bite was at two places.

Ojhas tried their art without any effect. "Lex in" was inhaled seven! or eight minutes after the bite. Ligatures were put off After half an hour's inhalation, the burning sensation almost dis appeared, and within two or three hours the patient was perfectly

Present:—Satya Kinkar Chattaraj, Mahadev Ray Chaudhnrv Gopimohan Chattaraj and Gosthabehari Karmakar. ^naucmury,

Remarks:—Very glad to find such satisfactory results Reporter:—Satya Kinkar Chattaraj, Kumardihi, P . 0 . Ukhra

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 893. Unknown.

654—1925. . , . . . , -p^uir of Pattorpara, P. O.

head subsided. Duruu u«- t h n c ad and an u , c . . . { t e r something was going ^ J j ^ . The patient was a" „ght and burning sensation *saPP*r m^-cmc was usecL

Charitable Dispensary, 1. u . ^ Case 894. Unknown.

-10-1-32 B. S. n n o { l a t e Akshoy Kumar Bhumik Munindra Nath Bhumik son o M a ^ " J * * ^

of Brindabanpur. P. O. Galsi, ^ t u ^ f ? e r 10 or 12 snake on 7th Baisakh at about * ^ j n h a , ed a f t e r ^ Galsi Railway Ration Lex. somefivc o seven ^ minutes. Ligature was j u t o " • . a r C ( l ; but a lit tie pa of inhalation the burning: pwn ^ other medicine^v ^ ^ wound remained up to tnt- Chatterjee. Kalipaaa ^

K a n ^ ^ o ^ t r C ^ c e . V — * " - — • *• *

Oa^C^nr 1 5" 3 PW— * - *«-« Case 895. Scorpion Bite.

,04-"v-%Sn^^^^S/£S The poor chap was s to«ig « s c o r p l o n cure A«e l o c a l

well. I made him mhzi&y practically cured except a minutes' inhalation he • Hastings Street, Pain. K Mukherjec, Solicitor, ,

Reporter:--&. «- * „•«;„«; Mter, Ben^a/i.] Calcutta. [Trfl»Wfl/^ /"»» ° m "

Case 896. Unknown. 1150-13-5-25. . Rahimuddin of Bohali P O

on 13-5-25 in the evening- Inc sn ligatures were made. f t h e affected limb; thirsty, unable

Symptoms:—Insensibility oi t l c s s n e s s

to ascertain the taste of red pepi^r r f o r a b t n h o Ur . The Inhalation of ' Lexm was i ^ c o m p l e t e i y c u red. The

patient began to feel relief ana


medicine was applied half an hour after the bite. In the course of inhalation one by one all the ligatures were loosened gradually. .No other medicine was used.

Present:—Ramnath Chakravertty, Kanchan Mohan Muktamani, Hurmutulla Mian, B.A., and many others.

Reporter:—Nishikanta Chakervertty. Vidyabinode, P. O. Chandanbisa (Bogra District).

Case 897. 2032—16-6-28. Krait.

Latifan Bibi, wife of Farjan Sheikh of Sitarampur, P. S. Kulti. District Burdwan, was bitten by a Domna Chitti about 2 feet Ions on 20-5-28 at 6-30 p.m. The snake was seen and killed.

.Symptoms:—I found her lying prostrated, whole body having turned bluish, profuse salivation was coming out of her mouth and nose and her respiration was very feeble.

" Lexin" was inhaled 2 hours after the bite. There was Tio ligature. After 8 or 1U minutes' inhalation respiration grew rapid and she groaned. Then she began to act like a madman, showing unwillingness to inhale and throwing off her arms. However, the inhalation was continued forcibly when gradually her senses returned. She was fully cured after two hours and forty-five minutes. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Dr. A. K. Ray, S. A. S., K. C. Chaudhury. K. D. Bose and Mir Md. Umar Hamid.

Remarks:—Everyone should keep a phial of " Lexin." Reporter:—Nagendra Nath Acharyya, A. T. C , Ondal, P . O.

(Burdwan). 3-6-28. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 898. 1938—11-6-28. Cobra.

Adhar Chandra Dass, son of Bhulki Dass of village Tawmali, P . O. Anturia, P . S. Sarupnagar, District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a Cobra about 2\ cubits long at 7-30 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Restlessness with pain; eyes red, numbness up to knee—inability to feel the pricking with knife on the affected area; the nails of the foot turned blue.

"Lex in" was inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligature was loosened after half an hour's inhalation. At first the medicine did not act well. But after half an hour's inhalation he felt better numbness and blueness of the nails having disappeared gradually. He was fullv cured after two hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used. '

Present:—Gopal Dass, Abhoy Dass, Bholanath Dass and Binode Dass.

Remarks:—We have got plently of Cobra and Krait in this place specially in a " Beel" nearby. But there is a kind of snake (? ) called Goharkile (Veranus salvator; Bengali " Gui Sap") here which eats up the eggs of Krait and Cobra and hence checks their multiplication. But for some time past, as the Goharkiles have been killed by men for sale, the Cobra and Krait are increasing I have entreated people not to kill them. 5"


Case 899. Unknown. . . . . T _

was poisonous. 1 appneu > rVartii} became perfectly-^cured J h a n g a lganj , Anishmah P. O. ^ a ? a ' :

Reporter:-?. K. *and«, J " 8 " ^ . ^ / r (MJ | p 0 „ Corrf, £»<//"/<•]

Case 900. Krait.

711-13-4-25. , t o i n f o r r a you that the £ * « ^ J T f

Goriakothi, was bitten oy u f instrUctions l aam

S c h o ^ n ^ o S o t h i ( S . « - ) [ W r f / r o „ , p M ( CW, H»*«*l

Case 901. Krait.

,923-10-6-28. .„ parldidih. P. O. ^ ' ( K r a i . ) Jitna Bhuia a g d 2 M j . 1 g b y ^ Ch,,t, ^ ^

m o r g a n " ' ! * feet long on 7-6-28 at 10-30 P.m.

but not killed. . l e s , . w b i t e . There was no

5 S S ^ ^ « & Biswas and Lala Radish LaU-Present i ^ ^ ^ ^ v s m g ^ ^Messrs . P. L. i?c»mr^:—I am very^ Tewan, Manager, co M a n b h u m ) . Reporter^^^Syt P. O. Bansjora (Distnct ^

Daw & Co., Pandidih Colliery,

Case 902. Krait.

1262-15-6-26. o f v i l l a g e Pakur, was W«en by a

„ A l a l y c lb°ccamr^onscfous "Lexm" ™ « * * d snake. She b c c a m l _ j u a i i y cured. r^v-rrFRTi inhalation she was ^ f B H AB C | ^ ^ m g . .

^A/aiWr, Messrs. Pakur o Q p a k u f ( S p •>

Case 903. Unknown.

Sujanshaha, r- ^ | , V m - The snaKe ™j* on 11-4-25 at about W 5 P s m s a t . o n andrestkssness T h c

" C £ to " waf 5 $ & s l m % r s « a t duSculty in inhaling the .• 7* . n mtless that he felt ? j„t,aI,,:on half of the burn-

S c t e " A t e / some "ye " ' " f ^ t w a l cured within fifteen Z i sensation subsided and the P ^ t . e ^ ^ . ^ ^ u s e d . minutes. No ligature was maae.


Present:— Moulavi Abdul Haleem, Molla Kabir Ahmad and many others.

Reporter:—S. G. Moktader, Clerk. Police Office, Alipur, Calcutta. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 904. 2474—1925. Unknown.

Very glad to note that on 8-9-25 morning I had been to Shahani, a village, to attend a patient. There I came across, a snake-bitten woman of lower class, aged 35. She had gone to fetch water from the nearest pond and had been bitten by a snake. The cut marks had every sign of being poisonous ones. I had with me your antivenom inhalation C 'Lexin") and used it with success. In a very short time (12 to 15 minutes) she was cured. I had been called after 2h hours, when she was tossing, her face becoming, livid, and there were all the signs of cardiac distress. The patient after half an hour had been able to walk freely. I again called on her on 9-9-25 and found her quite well.

Reporter:—Dr. Xirode Baran Banerjec, L.M.K., P . O. Rasulpur (Burdwan).

[Copied from Post Card, English.]

Case 905. 2320—13-10-24. Krait ?

Fazarjan Bibi, wife of late Hamid Ulla of Anantapur, P. O. Habigunj, District Sylhet, was bitten by a venomous " Alad" snake (Krait). The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Unconscious; pulse almost lost, temperature below 96 degrees, could not sit, nor move any of her limbs.

" Lexin " was inhaled for about two hours. Xo other medicine was used.

After application of the antivenom inhalation (" Lexin") the patient gradually became conscious, temperature gradually rose, pulse beating slowly became distinct.

Present:—Mahendra Chandra Dam, E. A. C , 1st Class Magistrate. Habigunj, Kaminikumar Kar, Pleader, Habigunj, Gajendra Chandra Chaudhury, B.L., Habigunj, Babu Jogeswar Das Gupta, Assistant Teacher, H. E. School, Habigunj and many others.

Remarks:—Your medicine has really saved the life of the poor patient in the estimation of all present there.

Reporter;— Babu Kaminikumar Deb Rov, Pleader. P O Hahimmi (Sylhet), A. B. Railway. ' *"«feuiij

Case 906. 2107-9-8-25. K r a i t

r „ n £ ° b i ? d c C 5 a n d r a . D £ s gupta, aged 21, son of Rajanikanta Das Gupta of Sundargunj P. O.. District Runghpur, was bitten bv a snake called " Gharghusi" (Krai t?) . The snake was killed

Symptoms:—Severe pain. " Lexin " was inhaled for three hours. The wound was inrUprf

and washed with a lotion of potassium permanganate The nSSnt was fully cured. " Lexin " was used fifteen minutes after th* hJti

of S ^ n S n T P r a V a S h C h a n d f a B h * * * « * a n d ' l S S S ^ ^

(RuSpu0' r ; '" B i r a i M ° h a n Ba"erjee' S" L ° f P ° l i c e > S u n d a r g« n i [Translated from Bengali]


Case 907. Krait.

2409-4-7-28. . t a G a r i a of village Bhalash

« . quUc unconscious w t o £ , , , ^ ^ ^ V l l l a g e

Bha^pXL^TBirMuun). [ r m i w h ( r f / r„,„ „,»*,,,•.]

Case 908. Cobra.

2358-1-7-28. . „, S a s h i D ,« «i vitag^Ompaja,

loosened. She was fully other medicine was "se«' d R a m Ratan Dass.

P 7 ^ ^ S 3 e ^ n ^ Chinsurah B«rab*r. ^ O

ChiimtfahTHooghly)-Case 909.

q nti venom inhalation 1084i-woma,,r g j - r - - f w a r — - -("Lexin") within fifteen Vakil, Babubazar, miraculous effect. p { S u h l , B.A., B.U

A ^ r's::-D v.** f* ™««• E"9,is"-]

Case 910. Unknown Snake.

1750-20-8-24. a k c o n the foot in dark night. He ± man was bittenL by a s t h c bite in ^fter

was brought to me half a» a r d s , then, was m e d fr0m of the body from waist ao hour the po«on a w ^ inhalSion of " U * ^ e £ e p t the heel whe«, ^ t h r o b b i n g

the whole affected p a r t ^ aUttie ted>

the medicine for " a g fVtock of medicine is Qffice> B i l a s p u r >

sensation remains, VJ- B a n erjee, L. *<• ' por te r .—Harapnsad / r / ^ ^ ^ ^

B. N. Railway (C. I-)- yranslated Vom °' ' Case 911- Unknown Snake.

J J e & r a t e C T Ghose; Sub-Assistant Surgeon, Rajnagar P. 0


Case 912. 28-8-24. Unknown Snake. " Kindly send me 4 bottles of "Snake-bite Cure." This cure

I found very good as my servant was bitten by a snake a few months ago, and this cured him in a little time.

Reporter:—W. Farmer, 100, Loco Qrs., Jhajha. [Copied from original letter, English.]

Case 913. 1705—17-8-24. Unknown Snake.

The servant of a local Police Jamadar while coming from the bazar, was bitten by a snake. The snake must have been very poisonous because in the course of 15 or 20 minutes the poor fellow became senseless and began to give out froths through his mouth. A fellow pleader of mine who lives close by sent for me because he knew previously that I had a phial of your medicine with me. As soon as the lotion was put before his nostrils, according to direc­tions given on the label of the phial, the fellow began to show signs of life and within a minute or so he opened his eyes. The medicine really acted as a charm to the wonder of the spectators. By two applications the man came round. Ko home should be without a phial of this life-saving medicine.

Reporter:—Babu Surendra Nath Basu, B.L., Pleader, Sasaram P. O., E. I. Railway.

[Copied from original letter, English.]

Case 914. —25-9-24. Unknown.

Bibhutibhusan Sarma of Satni P . O., P. S. Saktipur, District Murshidabad, was bitten 'by a snake. The snake was seen but not killed. The patient became unconscious. " Lexin" was inhaled about one hour after the bite. Ligature was put off. After two hours of inhalation the patient was cured.

Present:—Surendra Nath Mukherjec, Phanibhusan Mukherjee. Umapada Sarkar and Ramsankar Chatterjee of Satni P. O., District Murshidabad!

Reporter:—Sarojbhusan Mukhopadhyay, P. O. Ondal <Burdwan).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 916. —15-12-24. Unknown.

/ . . x 1 1 -is..sviuh ^ ?u l eafUr rM tha t T. a i , m o u n c e t h a t yow antivenom (" Lexin ) has been thankfully received and was tried in most fatal cases with marvellous result.

Reporter:—Y. K. Chatterjee. Dean, the Unitarian Medical College, 112, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Calcutta. Medical

[Copied from original letter, English.]

Case 916. 2372-2-'-f Unknown.

Gobinda Chandra Har, aged 40, son of late HnrUh r t „ n ^ n Har, of village Sainthia, P. O. and P S. S a i n t h i D i s t r i c^MA,?™ was bitten by a snake on 23-6-28 at 12 p.m 1Ct B i r b h u m »

Symptoms:—Numbness of the affected parts unpa^v u i ; n f f -unconsciousness. "Lex in" was inhaled 30 minutes a f t e ^ t h e bit?'.


After one hour's Ligature was loosened 1 * * * ^ ™ $ ^ ^ 7 ^ e d . inhalation he regained consciousness a i n h a l a t i o n of Lexm. Some country herbs were: tried before t ^ ^

/>r««if.—Abdul Sultan A. ^ ^ h i a B e n g a l Pohce Station Reporter —Bansidhar baricar, oa

(Birbhum). ' [Translated from Bengali.]

Case ©17. Cobra.

2434—5-7-28. , _ . . . c a m a n ta of Kochdihi, P. O. Gatibala Dassi, wife of J ^ b ^ G o k h u r a (Cobra) on her

Gogla,aDistrict Burdwjn, was, b m e n ^ fi p m T h c s n a k e was 1* right wrist on 1/th Asnai, i ^ cubits long. irn„sciousness and salivation from ™ u £ { t w 0

Sy»>Ptomf :-VnconscMS* ? tQ 9.30 p.m. At "Lexin»\was inhaled J n s c i o u s ness a nd alter

hours' inhalation she reramea Aba„idhar inhalation was fully cured. B a n e r j i ( Jyotilal Punja, AD

(District Burdwan). [Tra».^/^ / " ' » ^ ^ a / , - J

Case 918. Unknown.

Beltore, District. Bankura.w ^ ^ c o u l d n o t recog asleep. On getting up sn h e r n d n o f ;

°f >t:p.p§*t^^SLm^PU,5C £ceb could not speak; extremities e f f c c t .but frequent. . . . . r t for three hours w« H v e r t i g 0 "OlhasV tried then art t wa cured n Then " Lexin ' was " s c a J ^ within fifteen minutes °* S u r e n d r a and head trouMes «ffi$?U Ashaj, Go*, o f ^ e U o r ^ D i s t r i c t

Present:—Mimai 1 *r k h e r , e e oj Oltora, r . Mukherjee and Ganesh Mukn x snake-bite. Bankura and many others. a n infallible remedy Q.

Remarks:-Your med cine ^ q^c^u a-rwj sft S" «*?(Ss).Gansadhar P h a ^ r S u T & r e T r ' o . Oangaial a^BanKu ^ ^ ]

Case 919- Unknown.

2332-12-10-24. . d 50, of village Saptana, P. O.

^"uTnt'n i d e S on MjWJ ^ and'knness. The lower

^ t V t X ^ ^ f t ^ c, S e villag The patient was ^ d e r T b u t with no effect. 1 then applied

ojhas-.who chanted mantras ou


.your antivenom (" Lexin") 15 minutes after bite and was able to cure the patient in half an hour.

Present:—Kshirode Chandra Dass, Amulya Charan Dass, Rakhal Chandra Dass, Padma Lochan Dass, Rajanikanta Barman, Hari Chandra Barman and many others.

Reporter:—Profulla Kumar Dass, Teacher, Lalmonirhat H. E. School, P. O. Lalmonirhat (Rungpur).

[Copied from Post Card, English.]

Case 920. 1335—9-9-24. Unknown.

I tried your medicine on a case of snake-bite day before yesterday. He came to me two hours after the bite. After using your antivenom inhalation for one hour, he was completely cured and went home walking quite cheerfully.

Reporter:—Dr. Lakshman Das Shahna. L.M.F. (Punjab), S. A. S., P. 0 . Khushab (Punjab).

[Copied from Post Card, English.] Case 921.

2464—6-7-28. Viper. I have great pleasure in informing you that I applied your

wonderful anti-snake-bite medicine, antivenom, to a woman named Jumratan, wife of Rustam, inhabitant of this village, who was bitten by a snake known in this part as Bahra (a viper) yesterday. The medicine proved miraculous in its effect and the woman was com­pletely cured of the venomous bite within an hour.

(Sd.) SYED REZA I M A M . Karai Parsarai P . O.

(District Patna) . 4-7-28.

Case 922. 2465—6-7-28. Viper.

I am very much pleased to inform you that I made an experi­ment of your medicine " Lexin" on a woman, Brahmin by caste,, who had been bitten by a snake of Bori Class (Viper) in the night of the 28th June, 1928. This information reached me at about 10 a.m. on the 30th June, when the patient was on the verge of death. The snake had bitten on the ring finger of her right hand an,d all the part of the right hand was fully swollen. It was a miracle that, when two drops of " Lexin " were put in her nostrils, she opened her eyes and then began to inhale the medicine, and after 7 or 8 hours she was perfectly cured.

(Sd.) RAM NARAIN K H A N , 5*. I. of Schools, Dammdaha,

Purnea. 3-7-28. Case 923.

219,4-2-7-27. K r a i t

Last night at 10 p.m. Panooa Beldarin, a female coolie was bitten by a Krait (Domna Chitti). She developed grave svmotoms

poisoning and required three phials of " Lexin " t* fi«^ JLr—* o cure

men Dy a ivrait (.Uomna umt t i j . &he developed grave svmotoms f poisoning and required three phials of " Lexin " to find perfect

(Sd.) JAGAT TARAN BISWAS, Bengal Bhatdee Colliery Dispensary,

P. O. Mahuda (Manbhum). 1-7-27.


Case 924. Unknown.

Paschimpara, P. O. 1 angra . CHATTERJI, (Sd.) AMULYA i y y . R panigram, ^ J President, U. °:>1.* | u r d w a n .

p . O. Paligram, District mnu 3()_9_27

Case 926. Unknown Snake.

1710-8-8-24. . a h T s a w your antivenoni.being In June last while J ^ / ^ T c u r i n g the patient m a ver>

applied, to a snake-bitten per, ^ ( B )

DepSSen? Civil Secretariat, U. P ; ,^ ^ ^ . | f l / „ „ „ , BnglM

Case 926. Scorpion Bite. ' 1? * ?1 • nroos" in a scorpion-sting —l^-o-^o- . ,• A ntivenom Drops

By using your .mccl^m-Lis*factory results. j . g; h L a n e , case /have attained v e r y ^ s g a t h Basu, M.B., 20, Bolai

Reporter:—Dr. Sachmar c rf BeHffflh.] Amherst Street, Calcutta. [rrfl|wZfl,<,rf /rom a P W

Case 927. Scorpion Bite. 2095-10-9-24. tot i have experienced success in

- ~ o t s d n | e - » " / X ^ ^ a B W a 6 a r , » « * °-

(Ce^ftdiaTD°SSab " I W * / « , - * * - «-** * * * 1

Case 928. Unknown Snake.

~ 1 9 2 3 - • , r e n t e d a cow b i t t en^ a s n a t e ^ o u r One of my «ends has « r e .„ cotton and ^ c u r e

medicine. The medicine ^ i n h a l a t l 0 n . It too* the nostrils of the co* Ramgunj (Purnea).

C ^or / , r : - Jaykr ishna Baysack, F. ^ ^ from Bengali]

Case 929- Unknown Snake.

1824—29-8-24. n f ^onhr Khan of Bira, P. O. ,,J 40 son oi »*•" c n ak e in darkness, ine

Sovan Khan, agedI w ^ by a snake Kumaria, District Kachha, was ^ ^ ^

s ^ * ! ^ ^ ^ drooping. ' up to the waist became drencne 2 4


" L e x i n " was applied some fifteen minutes after the bite. After an hour's inhalation the patient felt quite well—only a little burning and throbbing sensation remained on the bitten spot. He walked home. But after some fifteen minutes he felt unwell again. " Lexin " was again inhaled for two hours more and he was perfectly cured.

Present:—Mahadeo Keshoketkar, Block Mechanic, L. E. D. Office, G. A. N. Murthy, Assistant Block Mechanic, L. E. D. Office, Vaskar Joshi, Clerk, L. E. D. Office and many'others.

Reporter:—Haraprasad Bandyopadhyay, L. E. D. Office, B. N . Railway, Bilaspur (C. P . ) .

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 930. 1823—. Unknown.

We have attained very good results by applying your medicine to many snake-bite cases. But one case, as noted below, was un­successful. One night a snake entered the mosquito-curtain of a young man and bit him. The village is four miles off our Ashram. Some ojhas tried their best but to no effect. On the third day morning of the bite we went there. He could not speak since previous day, was salivating, his hands and feet were blue. W e found him lying unconscious, his mouth half opened and tongue stiff. We dropped a little of your medicine (" Lexin ") on a clean piece of cloth and held it close to his nose. Then, he shook his body. Finding a little consciousness still remaining, we asked him to inhale deeply. Making some efforts he inhaled it deeply. But within a few minutes he became like one very tired. We suspended inhala­tion and the man died. Kindly enlighten us on the matter.*

Reporter:—Swami Nirgunananda, Sevasram, P . O. Budhhata (Khulna).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 831. 1823—. Unknown.

Regarding another patient:— More than one year he was bitten by a snake. He was suffer­

ing from various complaints since. His veins became swollen, circular eruptions covered his body and he felt uneasy all along' By applying your medicine most of his complaints have disappeared But he has not yet been perfectly cured.

Reporter:—Swami Nirgunananda, P. O. Budhhata (Khulna).

Case 932. 1929-14-9-23. Unknown.

By inhaling your medicine I have cured a snake-bitten woman within ten minutes. The snake was killed—a small snake of unknown identity. Many ojhas were trying their mantras without any effect. I inhaled her your medicine and she was cured

U f f f i S d D \ l n o w : MUkheriee' M'B-*-H- (L°nd0»>. «• [Translated from Bengali.]

* Artificial respiration should have been resorted to in time.—ED.


Case 933. ^ ^ Unknown. 1929-14-9-23. . It w a s his own snake

medicine to inhale. l* *£*£$£ your medicine for some t u g

previous medicines a™ l d n o t speak, but ne w i u_ it s uncertain. The man w t o f g r eat pam. v- f

Case 934. Unknown Snake.

the border of his dhoti. ,„ the regio ^«^^«»5-;-rDr°°?KSftv of affected limbs. wkWtnw. I

drowsiness and i n s e a b i l i t y i ^ ^ patient with 1 s . g n An o ha was trying £ a nd as I did not• ™" , J

T h e n I watched him for five « « £ £ a , £ d J B c u l ^ ^ making him better 1 ren^ ( » L e x i n » ) in eac*o x

t i c n t s i t i n an put two drops <>f. handkerchief and made the: pa n Q s e

38 drops on a c can handke rch ie f cbsely coven b j { o u n d

oblique way, applied t h ti e

hta n

i n h a le deeply. By this ^ order to make the pattern. t d h e f e l t Mtre u f s j Hie patient was trying ^ « ^ i t t0ok me full tw ^ In healing this ,snake-bitten P h i m some rmHc to ^ y told the patient's father £ ^ w h l e n ight. W ^ a u w { r i e n d s

. to allow him to s ln

ef *0rc0llege friends and three

astonished. Three of my (Birbhum W C > 1 S ^ ^ r - B S S i ? 2 S i n . * Banenee, P. O. Na District). Case 935. Unknown Snake. ^S -27 -8 -25 . b y a p p l y i n g yo»r medicine (SnaUe-bite

c J ) h a V e C U r c V ; I a Chand. Deo Ba^a , A. S. P., Tnpura

S t a t e ! ^ o r t f a S a ( T l P * ^ ^ • * * . « « * " . * * « * • ! Case 936. Unknown Snake.

wo . • Train Controller, B. N. Railway, a % ^ » h « ^ ^ a 3 S J t U f a s^ake°on £ St% son of u

Sa tLshn;Srict Manbhum, was bitten oy f e c t l s e e n

I S T W a b o ^ O ^ J ^ V t ^ e v e n i n g . \ was about because of the growing 10 :n.Vini< Inner. 18 inches long.


Symptoms:—Insensibility of the right leg down the knee; the bite was on the right foot between two fingers; a peculiar throbbing pain throughout the whole body; salivation and nausea.

" L e x i n " was inhaled fifteen minutes after the bite. Ligatures were put off. Very soon sensibility returned to the insensible part, which began to perspire. Within one hour the patient was cured. No other medicine was used—only Tinct. Iodine was applied to the wound. But so insensible was the part that the patient felt nothing of it. We think the snake was most probably a " Chitti."

Present:—Sarojkumar Ghose, Coal Manager's Office, Adra, Makhanlal Ganguly, Kamakshapada Chatterjee, Telephone Clerk, Bhujudi and many others.

Reporter:—Haraprasad Bandyopadhyay, Regd. L. B. S., District Electrical Superintendent's Office, Adra.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 937.

2481—9-9-25. Unknown Snake. I am sending seven cases of snake-bite report for your kind

information. In all these cases antivenom ( "Lex in" ) was applied and the medicine gave me satisfactory result in each case.

(1) Miniat Fakir, aged 70, son of late Bhikan Fakir of Adveria, P. O. Chandanbisa. District Bogra, was bitten by an unknown snake on 30-5-25.

Symptoms:—Insensibility of affected limb; unable to ascertain the taste of red pepper; inhalation of "Lex in" was used for half an hour. There were three or four ligatures on the upper part of the affected limb. The patient was bitten on his right leg. Slowly the patient became as well as before.

Present:—Mohomedali Fakir, Tarafdar, Moulavi Badarazzoman, Abbasali Fakir, Inspector Loan Co., Noakhali and many others.

Case 938. Unknown Snake.

(2) Massiran Bibi, aged 30, wife of Naba Mandal of Karnibari, P. O. Chandanbisa, District Bogra, was bitten by a snake on 27-6-25' at about 2-30 p.m. There were 3 or 4 ligatures. The patient was brought to me at 9 p.m. in an almost senseless condition.

Symptoms:—Could not hold up her head which was drooping tongue drawn inwards, feeling pain in her heart, sleepiness. '

Inhalation of " Lexin" was used for about an. hour and the patient was cured.

Present:—Babus Ishwar Chandra Chaudhury, Teacher, Mukunda Chandra Ghose, Record-keeper, Pramatha Nath Ghose and Moulavi" Hurmutulla Mian, B.A.

Case 939. 2481—9-9-25. C o b r a

(3) Amar Mandal, aged 35, son of late Mati Mandal of Ghuehu-mari, P. O. Chandanbisa, District Bogra, was bitten by a Cobra about 3i cubits long, on 8-7-25. The patient was bitten during-night in an open field on his way home. There were ligatures on ti»e upper part of the affected limb. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Could not speak distinctly; failure of lungs head was drooping; pain in the region of heart. '

Inhalation of "Lexin " was applied for about 30 to 45 minutes. No other medicine was used. The patient regained his proper condition slowly. 1 l

A ^j? ' 1 ' ;—Moyezuddin Mandal. Maulavi Manikuddin Mandal Ayenuddm Mandal and many others. "


Case 840 . Unknown Snake. w-— unKiiuw" »•»—

"'«»-.»-,- as S55S5S village and P. P ^ " " The patient came to. me on 10-7-25 at 4-30 p.m. •„ s„ the affected There were ligature,. § v o m i t i„g, burning pain m trie

^VJi^/flV^-f-^P^Vcctcd limb. t i e I l t began part , insensibility of the an a n h o u r # The pa

" I e x i n " was inhaled f o I t ^ t radically cured. t 0 f c c U d t e f slowly and was at la t c h a n d r a B l 5 W a 8 . Kahka Present :-K&. H u , J J e « das Nandi, and many others.

Case 941. Unknown Snake. ,. -r i-Jr nf Adbaria,

2481-9-9-25. - w i f c of Kant Faki r o ^ ^ (5 ) Ayejan Bibi . a g e c t

3 * . . was b ^ n b> ^ s ^ ^ P. O., D strici . h t s t npes; . GhaVmahani (white colour u n a b k t 0 seen but not killed. i n i n the affected P

Symttoms:TKc*te*™*i&. e f f e c t " L c x i n " was ascertain the taste of r c t p l l

t without any c««c tc u r cd.

Some ojhas tried ^ f a n d ^ t ^ C UN a t h Sarkar,

then inhaled for half an hou d h u r y > Pramatha P « « i i f : r l ^ ! ; s e C h a n d S a n y others.

Satish Chandra Ghose an Case 94Z. Unknown bnane.

« of Chandanbisa, 2481-9-9-25. 7 n 0 f Lai Mahammea 2 5 a t a b o u t

(6) K a s h e f f l A l n a ^ ^ i q u ^ ^ a ^ H e came to me District Bogra, was bitten ^ i n a s t r a w i i y 2 p.m. while vexing sleepiness, at about 2-30 p.m. r e d , burning pain, ^ e

5-ym^om,.-Senseless, e> a n h o « N o * s l o w l

« V x i n ' ' w a s . i n h a ^ 0 ^ h i s p r c ^ r h e a W G h o s e a n d

was used. T h e P * " * ^ . F a k i r , Satish Chand Present:—>*ia-

Kulobhusan Sarkar . Case 9 4 3 . Unknown bnawe.

A en of village and 2481-9-9-25. rhandra Neogi, aged g . s n a k e o n the

(7 ) Babu Harendra Chagd b l t t en^by ^ 0 „ 31-7-25. • P. O. ;Chandanbisa, ^ f n Siseho ld u t e n s i l ^ t i m e | w l t h t h e per-

finger while taking ^ r £ a t i o n . I t was sch ^ w a s s e e n but He at once sent me mi° r

l w e n t there, mission of the Headmas te r n 0 t k J U e d ' Only pain in the affected $ ^ h e w a s

^•m^om^. ' -On y P {Qr a b o u t twenty " Lexin" was innaiec M a n ager, Noakhali Division

C U ^ „ , . _ T a r a H H ^ S - B & K : JSSArf H. E. Schoo! and

J S S i / S f t S a - ^ C h a k e r v e r t t y , Vidyabinode, P. O.



Case 844. 2449 3-11-24. Unknown Snake.

Ram Rasun Bhattacharya, son of Bishnu Charan Bhattacharya of Suri P. 0., District Birbhum, was bitten by a snake on 31st Aswin at about 7-30 p.m.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation; vertigo and sleepiness. " Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligatures

were put off after five or six minutes of inhalation. The patient was cured after two hours of inhalation.

Present:—Dr. Sarat Chandra Mukherjee, Kaviraj Moti Lall Sen Gupta, and Sasibhusan Mustafi, Pleader.

Reporter:—Dr. Sarat Chandra Mukherjee, L.M.P., Suri P . O. (Birbhum).

[Translated from Bengali.]

C&86 9 4 5 1474|7_23-6-25. Seven Cases.

I have attained very good results by using your Snake-bite Cure. I have cured seven persons with only one phial of your medicine. The seventh case was very fatal. The man fell unconscious instantly after the bite. He was breathing very slowly at the time when inhalation was first applied.

Reporter:—Tarak Chandra Ray, Tarakpur Raj, Medley P . O. (Sylhet).

[Translated from Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 846. 1474_26-6-25. Unknown.

Nimai Sil, son of Nabin Sil of Tarakpur, P . O. Medley, P . S. Dharmanagar, District (Sylhet) Tipperah, was bitten by a snake in Chaitra last just before evening.

Symptoms:—Severe burning pain at the place of bite; no other symptoms.

"Lex in" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. The patient was cured within two or three minutes.

Reporter:—Tarak Chandra Ray, Talukdar, Tarakpur, P O. Medley (Sylhet).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 847. 1337—13-6-25. Coral Snake ?

Mangari, wife of Mahadeo Beldar of village Beldari, P . O. Wazirgunj, District Gaya, was bitten by a Taksliak snake (Coral snake) on 10th January, 1925, at 4-45 p.m. The snake was seen and killed. It was about 9 inches long.

Symptoms:—Could not recognize persons, vertigo, and burning sensation in head.

"Lex in" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. No other medicine was used. After twenty minutes of inhalation she was cured.

Present:—Darshan Lall and Ambica Prasad, Zemindari Kutchery, Tarawan, P. O. Wazirgunj (District Gaya).

Remarks:—-Very wonderful indeed is the efficacy of the medicine. Reporter:—Dr. Kalipada Gupta, Zamindary Kutcherv Villas-e

Tarawan, P. O. Wazirgunj (Gaya). y' ^ [Translated from Bengali.]


Case 948. G r e e n viper.

2673_3-10-25. o f Upcnatar <^£ffi'l£[ Wife of DharmarJ g « P « ^ a s b i t tCn by a G«*n P a t ^

Kurseong, J ^ f f ^ ^ S a haH long on 1st May, doga"*) about a yard ^ b a d l y 2 p m - c;he Was feeling giddy.

Symptoms:—*™ b i t e Ligatures swollen. . . , a b o u t an hour after tnc r i d { h e r

"Lcxin" was; inhaled ab e d bhe g ^ . ^ o n e were cut down No ^hcr » g h e b c c a m e quite giddiness; swelling subsided Kurseong, hour of inhalation. Rohoii T. t . , •

Pr««it .—A. Uoyd, s a { e l y a n d

D. H. Railway. . . reaUy a specific. Remarks:-™* f ^ t h e public ^ . T . E . , Kurseong

strongly recommend it g M c d i c a l Officer, Reporter:—Vf- iN*

P. O., D. H. Railway. Case 849. Unknown.

;L- ni Agbohalichar, . 2702,1-25-11-24 rf ^ S y ^ ^ & « " « 28-10-24

Nurjahan Bibi, w» B o g r a | was DU P. O. Chandanbisa, U « i " fe t h i n g . w a s unable about 9 a,n. * * ^ a was d » o g * J J ^ . y s c d , could not

Sy'"<"°Zi head; tongue drawn f a n

to hold up her heau, b l t e . A " " speak sleepmessa . ^ 2 2 houre f ^ , relief and at hour-s^ha.a t ion the p a r ^ | „ e ^ usei ^ ^ M a n d a l

radically cured. N ° Hossam, Mouiav Pr««» / .—^ o u l a V I

P O Chandanbisa and many others. Chakervertty, r \

Reporter:-™*"*"** ( B o g r a ) - Case 9B0. Unk„own Snake.

i ^; P O. Chandan-270213-25-11-24. F a l £ of f ^ f o ^ - " ^ at about

Nurjahan, w i f e " 1 " ; t t e n by a sn

"Lexin" was »""*, After an ^ d i c a l l y cured. Ojhas chanted J » £ f a t fist she was r a j Chaudhury, disappeared slowly and u ^ w ^

Pr««»t:-Moulavi H u r m ^ m a n y o t h e rs . Kshitish Chandra Kay, »• » Q Chandanbisa others. Chakervertty, •

^ ^ e r . — N i s h i k a n t a (Bogra).


Case 861 . 1261—6-7-25. Unknown Snake.

Sir,—In my last letter ( I am sorry to inform you) I gave you a misinformation of a snake-bite case—that a case ended fatally after your inhalation. It happened thus: the case happened at about 5 a.m. yesterday. I commenced the inhalation from 8 a.m., too late, when the ligature was taken off. The condition of the patient was bad; after 5 hours' inhalation the case became worse; there was no hope at that time when I wrote you the letter. But I continued the inhalation persistently, and after 13 hours of inhala­tion the patient regained his senses and after 16 hours' inhalation he became all right. To-day he is perfectly cured, walking about. It took three phials to cure the case. It is a great and marvellous success.

Reporter:—Dr. Surendra Nath Santra, L.M.P., Palishgram, P . O. Nutanhat (Burdwan).

[Copied from original letter, English.]

Case 952. 6—1924. Unknown.

Mukta Bibi, wife of Chhurali Bazudar of Chandkhali P. O., P. S. Paikgacha, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake on 13th Bhadra at 7 p.m. in the evening. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Severe burning sensation up to knee joint. An ojha allayed her pain to some extent with the mantras.

" Lexin " was inhaled four days after the <bite, and after four hours' inhalation she was perfectly cured.

Present:—Janmam Bazudar and Chhurali Bazudar. Remarks:—By using this medicine no case of failure has been

witnessed by us. Reporter:—Brahmachari Sudhansu, Tentulia Sevasram, P. O.

Asasuni ( Khulna ) . [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 953. 7—1924. Unknown Snake.

Malancha Bibi, wife of Mianjan Sardar of Brahman Tentulia P. O. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake on 23rd Bhadra at 10 p.m.

Symptoms:—Severe burning pain in the hand instantly after the bite; hand became swollen and she was crying with pain

Ojhas tried their arts without any effect. " L e x i n " was , inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligature was put off after fiv>

minutes of inhalation. After seven hours of inhalation the pain and burning disappeared and the swelling subsided next day.

Present:—Badulla Ghazi, Bamacharan Dass, Alam Sardar Ketif Sardar of Brahman Tentulia, P . O. Asasuni, District Khulna

Reporter:—Brahmachari Sudhansu Mitra, Tentulia Sevasram P . O. Asasuni (Khulna). sevasram,

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 954.

Unknown. Ratan Rishi, son of Sriram Rishi of Asasuni P O District

Khulna, was bitten by a snake on 3rd Bhadra at about 8 p m No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Burning pain all over body.



. . L c s i n . . w a s inhaled ^ ^ s ^ h a t f t h X S

l ^ , rR - B r l m a C c S C B & K . AsLuni Sevasram, P. O.

Asasuni (Khulna). [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 955. R u s s e l l 's Viper. Reed. 24-12-27. R , , a m a n Dhali of Pratapnagar,

Rahim Dhali, aged.10, son of 1to«man u (Chandra Bora) Dist let Khulna, wasbittcn b); « sc» S

have cured him witfihalf some 10 days ago, He was sensdes r e g a r d { o r t h i s med lCme of a phial of " Lexin. I he tan local people cannot be ciescnu ^ BHAROTI,

Case 956. Cobra.

2699—18-7-27. . . .. Lexin." A lady was Very good results o b t a i ^

bitten by a* snake (probably a Cobra) ^ a y e r y s h o r t time all water by the ^ « » ^ « *c^evcnmg symptoms of poisonings a e ^ 1 " 1 ' CHAKRAVARTY, .

(Sd.) .SmFfLhnc Health Society, Secretary, Ant^ialana and Public H Kalanabagram,

P . O. Barsul, District Burdwan. 22 6 27.

Case 957. Unknown.

-25X9l4o Bihi, wife «J^&J*HSti££S-hata, District Khulna, w . p a j n . . Ligature

s s j ^ . V S s . a S SJKAs-Sffs*- of the Present:—Her wu^u mPflicine

Reporter:—Swami iNirb B*WoaIi.l Budhhata (Khulna). [7>a»w/af«* from Deng j

Case 958. Unknown.

—24-9-24 . ,. pkhi of Asasuni, P. O. and Dasarath Rishi, son o f J « W £ , R

b'itle„ by a snake one cubrt P. S. Asasuni, Distncr Khulna ™J g r a v a n a t 12 a.m. The snake

»&"^£&ft^ " T i T ^ m c ^ b o u t the species.-ED.

• We are not sure


Present:—Adhar Rishi of Asasuni. Re part cr:—Brahmachari Bani, Sevasram, Asasuni P . 0~

(Khulna). [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 959. —24-9-24. Unknown.

Ajimaddi Sardar, son of Bahadur Sardar of Chanpra, P . O. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake on 9th Bhadra at 11 p.m. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Swelling of the bitten spot, slight burning. " Lexin " was inhaled two hours after the bite and the patient

was cured within seven minutes of inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Reporter:—Brahmachari Bani, P . O. Asasuni (Khulna) . [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 960. 1668—1925. Unknown.

A person of my village, Rajendra Nath Bauri by name, was bitten by a snake on 27th night at 10-30. After an hour he was senseless, but by your medicine he recovered at 12 a.m. The snake, " Sankchita," was killed on that very night.

Thank you very much for your kind discovery. We are ever grateful to you.

Reporter:—Hem Chandra Nayak, Kankaya village, P . O. Kali-pahari (Asansol).

[Copied from Post Card, English.]

Case 961. 3—1924. Unknown.

Fulkumari Dass, wife of late Gopal Chandra Dass of Brahman Tentulia, P . O. Asasuni, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake on 17th Sravan at 3 p.m.

Symptoms:—Burning sensation and-pain. " L e x i n " was inhaled after 1* hours of the bite. Ligature was

put off after five minutes of inhalation. The patient was cured after twelve hours.

Present:—Pirali Sardar and Malek Sardar of Brahman Tentulia P. O. Asasuni, District Khulna. *"

Reporter:— Brahmachari Sudhansu Mitra, Tentulia Sevasram, P. O. Asasuni (Khulna District).

[Translated from Bengali.) Case 962.

4-1924. Unknown. Belo Bibi, wife of Mahammad Esem Ghazi of Fakrabai P O

Chandkhali, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake on 3rd Bhadra at 7-30 p.m. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Slight swelling of the bitten spot and intense burning.

" Lexin" was inhaled l i hours after the bite. After three hours of inhalation burning sensation completely subsided and the patient was cured. No other medicine was used

F a t o t e j : R ^ K U C h a „ n d S , 2 i b i ? , t t r & H u S S a i n G h a z i ° f

p. o x T s a ^ r (B D f t S S i „ T a n s u Mitra'TentuIia Sevasram-

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 883. Unknown.

of I n h S S U ^ f P^L'rtr i id Tei? arts ^fore "Lexin" reached,

l a r S " ° n Mi.ra, TentuHa Sevasran,

P. gsssffisSr ,*««- *~ -«-i Case 964. Echis.

1536-29-6-25. c„ r e s War Sarkar of P u , fS" 'F^hi?1 ' The wife of late; Babu Sureswar^ ^ & s n a k e c a l l e d E c h l s .

% $ ^ ^ ^ ™ & insensibility about the affected S^pto^-fto^*^ d depression

parts, swinging °U,he.",i o*' h o u r s after the bite. £ " r gradually "Lexin" was i n h ^ 2 * f poisoning began to f ' f ^ / m i n u t e s ,

was used. The symptoms <>i P j o n w a s used f o r « « C h a n d r a and the patient was c ^ ^ ^ B h a t t a c h a r y a and Naraya

Present:-Rabindra Nath p Q

Dass. „ . . - N a t h Bhattacharya, Village r Reporter:-Rabindra Natn

Mangrul (Midnapm\>. C a g e 9 6 S > Unknown. 1283-1925. o f a i a ndra Mohan Mitra of village-

Rakhahari Mitra son of ^ ^ ^ w a s bltten by Sibdi, P. O. Ramgopalpur, poisonous snake. weakness and dePf.ess1^; No other medi-

cine was used. After halt . K u l e s h

cured. „ . . r h a n d r a Mittra Baidyanatn B a r h ar iya Present:-Satish f J f X r s o { M a h a r a j p ur , *••

Chandra Dass and many o Maharajpur, P. O. (Dumka). „ , , Nandi Ray Chaudhun, Man

Reporter:-Tarapada Nana B^atf.T-Barhariya (Dumka). [ 7 V a»*/a^ / ' o m a P°St

Case 966. Unknown. 1474-26-6-25, k a r M i a „ of M°ha«tauki^f ert tag.'Tn

a-sri^y? W & b/p-n * ° £ I U was madc-Thc

the month of Jaistna *-..«eJ „»,.;a11v at ioints and head'

drooping heaviness o f . » e ' Q { a p p e t i t e „ ,„„*«.

""Stf S S S ^ ^ S f f k l T Hew Sutes after-" U x i n " was inhaled six days


inhaling " Lexin " he felt much better and was shortly cured. Now he is all right.

Reporter:— Tarak Chandra Ray, Village Tarakpur, P. O. Medley (Tipperah).

Case 967. —4-9-26. Unknown.

Thupubala Debya, daughter of Rajkishore Ganguly of Jamalpur, P. O. Barra, P. S.' Khayrasole, District Birbhum, was bitten by a snake on 13th Ashar at 8 p.m. The snake which was about one cubit long was seen by the patient but not killed.

Symptoms:—Burning and restlessness. No ligature was made. " L e x i n " was inhaled after half an hour

of bite. She was cured after three hours of inhalation. Present:—Rajkishore Ganguly, Prankrishna Ganguly, Lalbehari

Chand and many others. Remarks:—Wc have not yet seen such a wonderful medicine. Reporter:—Basanta Kumar Ray, Village Nabasam, P . O. Barra

(Birbhum District). [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 968. 3594—27-8-27. Two Cases.

I had two phials of your " Lexin" (antivenom) with me. I applied thern to several patients suffering from a snake-bite and I was able to cure all of them among which the following cases are noteworthy.

(1) Wife of Fagu Teli of Tehta P . O.. Gaya District. (2) Jogeswari, daughter of Tehta Math, Tehta P . O., Gaya

District. I applied the medicine in the way you have instructed in your

pamphlet. Patient No. (2) was brought to me just when she was on the

point of death. After a trouble of more than one hour, she was •cured. She was bitten by a very poisonous snake. I poured 5 or 6 drops of the medicine to her nostrils at times according to your instruction in the pamphlet.

Out of my 2 phials of medicine I applied half a phial to 4 or 5 patients all of whom were cured, but they were not bitten by very poisonous snakes. The rest 1£ phials were applied to patient No. (2) and she was cured.

(Sd.) MOHIUDDIN AHMED, Proprietor, Tehta Mills,

P. O. Tehta, District Gaya. 25-8-27.

Case 969. —26-8-26. Cobra.

Pakhu Mai, son of Indra Narayan Mai of Patjora, P O Rani-gram, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Cobra about 2 cubits long. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—The patient had a little sense when " L e x i n " reached. His head was about to droop. " Lexin " was inhaled for two hours. The patient was perfectly cured. No other medicine was •used.

Present:—Baidyanath Ghose and Hrishikesh Mandal Remarks:—We, the villagers, admire your medicine heartily R$°rr riTT.Sati1St S W r a - G h o s e ; Assistant Headmaster, Rani-

.grarn M. E. School, P. O. Ranigram (S . P . ) . 24-8-26.


Case 970. -6-9-26. Cobra.

Keshav Chandra Dome of Bolepur. was bitten by a Cobra just in the evening on 15th Bhadra last. When I reached him at 8 p.m. I found him unconscious. Ojhas tried their art but to no effect. At that critical moment I made him inhale your " Lexin." To our great wonder, within 15 minutes of inhalation he opened his eyes and looked. He was perfectly cured by 2-30 a.m.

Reporter:—Haridas Dass, P. O. Bolepur, E. I. Ry. Loop. 3-9-26. [Translated from a letter, Bengali.]

Case 971. —6-10-26. Cobra.

Pande Paddan of village Kantaria, P. O. Khirgram, P. S. Mangalkote, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra last evening while returning from the fields.

Symptoms:—His head drooped and he became unconscious when the ojhas loosened ligatures after chanting mantras.

" Lexin" was then inhaled. He became conscious but shortly grew unconscious again. Two broken fangs were extracted from the affected spot; " Lexin " was continued and he was perfectly cured.

Present:—Chandrabhusan Ray, Heramba Chandra Mukherji, Balaram De and others.

Reporter:—Durga Sankar Chakcrvertty, B.A., Assistant Head­master, Kashiswari Institution, P. O. Khirgram (Burjwan).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 972. —1-11-26. Cobra.

An upconntry woman was bitten by a Cobra at 9-30 p.m. on last Monday.

She became senseless within 3 minutes of the bite. " Lexin" was inhaled after 15 minutes of the bite. Within 10 or 15 minutes of inhalation she regained her sense. After one hour's inhalation she was fully cured. She was not allowed to sleep during the night; and hot tea only was given her to drink. No other medicine was used.

Reporter:—Mriganka Lai Mukherji, Pleader, Burdwan P. O 31-10-26.

[Translated from Bengali,]

Case 973. 3333—5-10-26. Cobra.

Haran Gazi of village Pathorghata, P. S. Keshavpur, District Jessore, was bitten on the leg by a Cobra.

Symptoms:—Became unconscious though treated by three ojhas. "Lexin" was then inhaled. He regained consciousness and

was perfectly cured after one hour's inhalation. Full one phial of "Lexin" was consumed.

Reporter:—Jatindra Nath Mitra, P. O. Panjia, District Jessore.

[Translated from Post-Card, Bengali.]


Case 974. R . io_8-0.26. Cobra.

Wife of Wahid Khalifa of Padmapukur, Asansol, was bitten by a Gohman snake (Cobra) on 1-9-26 at 7 p.m. The snake was 1$ cubits long.

Symptoms:—Restless with pain immediately after the bite. " Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. After one

hour's inhalation she was cured. Half a phial of " L e x i n " was •consumed.

Reporter;—Bakshar Ali, clo Md. Hasan Munshi, Asansol. 4-9-26.

[Translated from Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 975. R. 18—8-9-26. Cobra.

Khokna Dome, aged 24, son of late Brojonath Dome of Kubaj-pur, P. O. Bara-Belun, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Keuta (Cobra) day before yesterday. The snake was seen but could not be killed.

Sympt07ns:—Quite unconscious and restless. " Lexin" was inhaled two hours after the bite. As he was unable to inhale at first, two drops of " Lexin" were poured into each of his nostrils. He became conscious about half an hour after inhalation. " Lexin " was continued and he was fully cured after 3 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Achyut Ranjan Mukherji, Bhabendra Nath Mukherji, Manindra Nath Banerji, Hiralal Ghose, Motilal Dome and many others.

Remarks:—I have cured two more patients with your " Lexin." None has yet been able to invent such an effective medicine of snake-bite. It is beyond my power to describe what great good you nave done to humanity by this invention.

Reporter:—Bhabendra Nath Mukherji, Kubajpur, P. O. Bara-Belun, District Burdwan.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 976.

-8-9-26. Cobra. Bhuban Mohan Das, son of Ram Kamal Das of village Kuthi-

bari, P . O. and District Faridpur, was bitten by a Cobra The snake was seen by the patient but not killed.

Symptoms:—Drooping of the head, which could not be held up-sleepiness as in opium-poisoning; burning pain throughout his body.'

"Lex in" was inhaled five minutes after the bite. Inhalation was used for one hour and the patient was perfectly cured No other medicine was used.

Present:—Babus Upendra Nath Bhattacharyya, Mahesh Ch Acharyya Hrishikesh Ganguli, Surendra Nath Banerji Chaudhurv" Enayet Hossain Biswas, Zemindar and others. J ' U l a u d h u r y

Remarks:—I am greatly surprised to see the wonderful effect of your / 'An t ivenom" ( " L e x i n " ) . In my opinion this is the best medicine for snake-bite. I advise every householder to keen a nhial for protecting his family from snake-bite, P * p h I a l

Reporter-—Nirmal Ch. Bhattacharyya, clo Pratan Ch R W t a -charyya, Kuthibari P. O., Faridpur (Bengal). P C ' Bg$%£


Case 977. Cobra.

R. 65-1-10-26. . Haladhar Ray of village J o g m aya ^ H T S S r i S f B * S h « - bitten by a Cobra.

• ^ f f i V ^ ^ c j a & a ; salivation f « — * 5*y,»^om^:-Ontical She was fully

senselessness. ;n, i aied half an hour alter inc • u s e d

Pr««.»/:-Baidyanatn Birbhum. Mitra and others. .. p 0 Barhra, District D> M l t r ^ ; 0 r ^ r : - K . Banerji, P. «• [ 7 W f l , , d /rom B«.J«W

Case 978. Krait. f r^hinda Saran

-1-10-26. a g e d 20, wife * . h ^ D i nw a s bitten

Sreemati Ushalata Ghose a £ D i < g r b h u m ^ Ghose of village and P. ^ s n a k e was seen ^ not d by a " Chitti ( ^ S o n of numbness in» arms inhaled 20

Syinpto>ns:~$™f ° e w h o i e body. Lcxm ^ ^ J n h a l a t l 0 n

Case 979. Cobra.

! tSSf t> ? ^ i ! g S e i g ^ - ^ . i r " f h ? « £ " d r o p s

• ^ ^ ^ S fcSS3,,'?rji?"l!- O. Gondaserandi, *

C a 9 e M 0 - Cobra.

- p a r i s h Chandra Mandal, son ^ § & ° ^ « £ v i „ a K - . P - O g i ^ r s n S f w a s seen Ligature was made, young C , t 7 „ ; - N u t b t s s and uneasy sens« °n ^ w f a n

J f f J inhaled one hour after tne

^ 1 B a & & £ c ^ ' Ra**krishna ' ^ S ^ ^ i r S e r i i , Village S h i b a f u l . ^ a

BanwaSd. ' [Transit jrom Bengali.]


Case 981. R. 24—21-9-26. Cobra.

Nepal Nasva, aged 25, son of late Khosu Nasya of village Sindhia, P. O. Lahiri, P . S. Thakurgaon, District Dinajpur, was bitten by a Keuta (Cobra) about l i cubits long on 13th Ashar at 8 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Unconscious; salivation from mouth and nose. "Lex in" was inhaled at 11 p.m. Ligatures were loosened. He

was cured by 3 a.m. No other medicine was used. Present:—Karamtulla Nasya, Khajim Nashya, Sahajuddin

Nasya and others. Reporter:—Gopal Chandra Basak, Village Sabajpur, P . O.

Lahiri, District Dinajpur. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 982. —26-6-26. Cobra.

Hari Kunai, aged 50, son of Nabin Kunai of village Goyalmal, P. O. Paiker, P . S. Murarai, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Cobra 4 feet long on 14-9-26 at 6 a.m. The snake was caught by the villagers and handed over to a snake charmer.

Symptoms:—Struggling with pain, eyes red, salivation from mouth.

"Lex in" was inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligatures were loosened. He was cured after 24 hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Janakinath Dass, Jotish Chandra Saha, Hazi Barakat-ulla, Nur Mohammed Khan and others.

Reporter:—Dr. Mohini Mohan Ghose, Village Tiragram, P. O. Paiker, via Memari, District Birbhum.

Case 983. 3352-19-10-26. Cobra.

Satya Hari Chatterji, aged 35, son of late Kalidas Chatterji of Sahanai, P. 0 . Rasulpur, P. S. Memari, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra about a yard long at about 10-30 a.m. The snake was seen and killed. The snake dropped down on my head, as I was sitting in, from the roof of the room and bit me on the cheek.

Symptoms:—Great pain, swelling of the affected part; much pain in head; feeling of intoxication; inability to sit up.

I inhaled "Lex in" five minutes after the bite. There was no ligature. I was cured three hours after inhalation. No other medicine was used.

^ uPrlsenU—Prn ?• M u k h e r J i ' V.L.M.S, Kalipada Ghose and Debendra Nath Paul.

Remarks:—The precious medicine is truly a blessing to the poor patients who very often die for want of good treatment and proper medicine of snake-bite. l F

Reporter .--Satya Hari Chatterji, Village Sahanai, P . O Rasul­pur, n . i. Ky. 18-10-26.


Case 984. Cobra.

3226—27-9-26. , . . . A q a n t a i boy, while cutting To dav I had a case of Cobra-bite A Santal w y , ^ w i t h y o Ur

grasJin^he fields, was bitten * » f a < * * S J J S o » condition. It d.d medicine. He was brought^to" ' h i m completely, not take more than eight minutes ^ ^ ^


P. O. Benagana (&• r"'25.0.26. [Copied from a Post Cord, BnglUH.]

Case 985. Cobra.

hours she was fully cured. Barabala, P. O. was consumed. Chandra Khamrui, Village

K J S T S S ^ 5 ^ [ r , * *•» ^ * * W " • Case 986. Cobra.

trict Murshidabad, was oi ^ b l t

Bhadra last. _. „ t i e n t dropped down handkerchief | S « d r o ^ o l £ - & £ ? S S S f He was fuliy cured.

sa.,s«ffis,!Srs5rBt.— -* «— ^ r ^ j g ^ s i Mitra Barma, P. O. Manigram, District

M « S £ & [ T ™ . . ^ /«« ™ C ^ - B " * * 1

Case 987. C o b R U

" ^ s t e r d a y and this morning I used your medicine £ » Kjo

^ n y r ' a n d ' was - " f t ^ « * about U hours and

rhrsencondreabour3 t f r s V complete cure.

tfTwH. * K a n kandal, was bitten on her right ieg wh.le CUtt i I mteugahteCr0lrSDha»na Dhanuk, aged 20, of Babutola.

^ K ^ u n o e ? my-t- tment after fifteen minutes of the

W f p Yours, etc., CHAUDHURY G. P. SINHA, ^ H P. O. Colgong,

District Bhagalpur. 15-9-26. [Copied from a letter m English.]

25 B, SB


Case 888. —29-9-26. Cobra.

Suryyamukhi Debi, aged 22, of village and P. O. Ratanpur, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra on 2nd Ashwin at 3 a.m. •while lying in bed.

Symptoms:—Unconscious. "Lexin" was inhaled at 5-30 a.m. Ojhas did not treat the case

as they said was hopeless. There was no ligature. After twenty minutes' inhalation she regained consciousness and sat up. After continued inhalation for another ten minutes I came to learn she had been fully cured.

Reporter:—S. Chakravertty, Station Master, Karjana, P. O. Mahachanda (District Burdwan). 22-9-26.

[Translated froth Bengali.]

Case 989. 3502—21-10-26. Cobra.

Biswanath Dass, son of late Ramlal Dass of village Jafrabad, P. O. Dhulian, District Murshidabad, was bitten on the leg by a big Cobra.

Symptoms:—Profuse discharge of blood. " Lexin " was used according to your directions and by the Grace

of God the patient was cured. Reporter:—Bibhutibhusan Dass, Village Jafrabad, P. O. Dhulian,

District Murshidabad. [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 990. —25-9-26. Cobra.

Wife of Ram Gopal, cloth merchant, P. O. Achalda, District Etawah, was bitten by a black Cobra, about 3i feet long. The snake was seen but could not be killed.

.Symptoms:—Salivation from mouth, paralysis of tongue, droop­ing of the head, which she could not keep erect.

Inhalation of "Lexin" was continued for about one hour and a half. She came to her sense and felt better. "Lexin" was applied three hours after the bite. No other medicine was used

Present:—K M. Chatterji, A. S. M, Achalda; Metta Lai, Zemindar, Achalda, and others.

Remarks:—I tried two cases with success. In both the cases the medicine effected magical cure. _ Reporter:—K. D. Chatldhury, Station Master, P. O. Achalda, E. I. R., District Etawah, U. P.

Case 9 9 1 . R. 92-4-11-26. C o b r a >

Adari Bibi. aged 13, daughter of Fatic Ghazi of Bansipur under the P. S. of Shyamnagar, was bitten by a Cobra snake on her right arm on the anterior side. I was informed and hastened to their house and administered "Lexin" for quite eight hours The girl lost her sense but by the Grace of God she was cured and is now quite out of danger. Her cure cost me more than one phial and a half of the medicine. c K^f- / '0?n {~D r- H - C- M " " 1 6 ^ Medical Officer, Iswaripur Subsidised Dispensary, P. O. Iswaripur, District Khulna. 31-10-26.


Case 992. R. 90-3-11-26. C o b r a" _

Gava Singh, son of B. Basist Singh of village Kabil, P. O. Atasarai? District Patna, was bitten by a Cobra. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—The condition of the patient was very serious. "Lexin" was inhaled. The patient was cured after twenty

minutes of inhalation. No other medicine was used. Present:—Jaldhari Singh, Joago Singh and others. Reporter:-H*ri Nandan Singh, Village Kabil, P. O. Atasarg,

District Patna. Case 993.

3002—21-11-25. Unknown Venomous Snake. Bhusan Chandra Majhi, son of late Kedarnath Majhi of village

A p n p S n s h District Howrah, was bitten on the arm by a $ ^ % ! ^ 2 t o ^ at 3 p.m., while taking off straws from a straw-heap.

Symptoms::—Restless and crying with pain. Ligature was instantly made; the bitten spot was "OMd WIOMJ

sharp knife and Pot. Permanganate ™ applied J ^ J ^ ^ f ™ then inhaled. Ligature was soon loosened. He was curea alter iour h ° U r L " - S u d h i r Chandra Banerji, P. O. Patihansh, District

Howrah. [Translated from Bengali]

Case 994. 472_19-3-'>6 Unknown Snake.

Sreemati Bimala Pathak, wife of Panchanan Pathak of village H a t h t a S P O. Sheikhhat, District Jessore, was. bitten by a snake on 7th Magh at 7 p.m. She felt at first a scratching sensation while handling the straw.

Symptoms:—Severe burning sensation; breathing difficulty; drooping of the head.

" Lexin " was poured into her nostrils. Just then she vomited a miantity of mucus and saliva. Breathing became easy. This was repeated thrice. Then she was quite able to inhale "Lexin." After one hour's inhalation she was fully cured.

Remarks:—Ojhas, who were present there, admitted that the patient would have died had " Lexin " not been administered.

Reporter:—Trailakya Nath Dass, Village Khaliskhali, P. O. Bakultala (Jessore).

[Translated from Post Card, Bengali.] Case 995.

27—6-1-26. Unknown. Sa^vanti, wife of Gur Pal of village Bakshupur, P. O. and

District" Ghazipur, was bitten by a snake. The snake was neither seen nor killed.

Symptoms:—Dry tongue; drooping of the -head; eyes red; sleepiness as in opium poisoning; inability to speak; senselessness.

" Lexin " was inhaled two hours after the bite. After one hour's inhalation the patient was able to speak; got back her sense. Symptoms of snake-bite were almost gone.


W h e n P60?1*5 thought her well they began to say that she was suffering from bhut and parleet (ghosts) and not bitten by snake. They asked me not to apply any further medicine. I stopped inhala­tion accordingly. After two hours, symptoms of poisoning of snake­bite reappeared and she died within 15 minutes.*

w a £ r e s e n V — P a k | m famsA

ui H ^ u e ; Ranque Ahmed; Moulana Mahammed Zaki; Maqbul Ahmed and some two hundred villagers

Reporter.—Dr. M. Sharfuddin, The New Medical Hall, Ghazipur r* U- 4-1-26.

Case 896.

3185—5-1-26. Unknown Snake, possibly Cobra.

&*nSh4S \££ ^ ^ ^ to- T h e s n a t e w a T n ^ k ^ . Symptoms:—Profuse bleeding from the bitten soot- sevpr* W n ing pain; numbness all over the body. P ' e b u r n '

i " L f x i mu w a s . i n h a l e d 4 5 minutes after the bite. Lieature was loosened. The patient was perfectly cured. No other S S was

Present:—Pratap Mandal, Bholanath Mandal n*u,* o • J Mohan Das, B.A., Zemindar and others. ' B a b u S a u n n d r a

w a s ^ i t t ^ ' ' - ^ 1 1 7 P e ° P l e SSW C ° b r a a t t h C P l a c e w h e r e ^ Patient

2?^ort«-.—Jyotish Chandra Mitra, Post Master, Baliapalsa P. O., via Murarai (Birbhum). 2-1-26

[Translated from Bengali.]

3193-^3-12-26 C a 8 6 " 7 <

v\ * M lL «, .. Unknown Snake.

» ^ : - D r o o p i n g of the head- followed by unconsciousness,

cured WSS ' 6 d f ° r t W° W s a n d t h e Pa«ent was fully

A s a n I o f ^ r : ~ A b h ° y C b m P a l i t ' c>° M e ^ S . W. C. Shaha,

[TmiM/ated from Post Card, Bengali.]

*~, ~ C a 8 e 908. 194—2-2-26. m ^ >,

/-> . . , . . is lack Mouse. Unce a big black mouse bit my dojr. The <W ™~o 4i. of death. I at once made him inhald^L e im

e . ,d^,vX as on the point the aog regained sense. This is a very useful remedy a n h ° U r

Reporter:-Dev Nath Purohit, P. O. Udaipur (Mewar). 28-1-26. [Co^ied f™'1 a Post Card, English.]

b e e n ^ l f i n u e d - E t * * " * * * s u P e " t i ^ ~ ^ e ^ ' should have


Case 099. 886—11-5-26. Unknown Snake.

A lady, aged 25, of village Pranimandal, P. O. Maijpara, District Dacca, was bitten by a snake on 19th Baisakh at 5 a.m. The snake was seen but could not be recognized. Two ligatures were made.

Symptoms:—Unbearable burning pain; eyes red; difficult breath­ing due to chest pain.

" Lexin " was inhaled 15 minutes after the bite. Ligatures were loosened after five minutes' inhalation. After half an hour's inhala­tion she was fully cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Gurunath Chakervertty and Dr. Ananta Mohan Mahinta.

Remarks:—Most useful medicine. Every one should keep a phial. Reporter:—Harkanta Sarkar, Village Pranimandal, P. O. Maij­

para, District Dacca. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1000. 721—21-4-26. " Unknown.

Radhakanta Dhibar, son of Banamali Dhibar, of P. O. and village Lavpur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a snake about l i cubits long on 27th Paus at 10 p.m. The snake was seen but not killed. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Restlessness with pain; severe burning sensation. " Lexin " was inhaled 15 minutes after the bite. He was cured

after six hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used. Present:—Tarasankar Banerji, Parhatisankar Banerji, Bholanath

Chatterji, Bibhutibhusan Mukherji and others. Remarks:—Most efficacious medicine. Such! a medicine for

snake-bite has not yet been invented. Reporter:—Sambhunath Mukherji, P. O. Lavpur, District

Birbhum. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1001. 2268-25-8-25. Unknown.

(1) Wife of Gopi Sahu of village and P. O. Madhubani District Darbhanga, was bitten by a snake. The snake was neither seen nor killed.

Symptoms:—Condition somewhat hopeless. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. After 10

minutes' inhalation she was cured. Present:—Gopi Sahu, Fakirchan Sahu, and others. Remarks:—An excellent medicine.

•Reporter:—Kasturi Tewari, c|o Vaccination Sub-Inspector P O Madhubani, District Darbhanga. '

(2) Rooplall Shahu's wife of P. O. Madhubani, District Dar­bhanga, was bitten by a Cobra. The snake was seen.

Symptoms:—Condition hopeless. " Lexin " was inhaled one hour after the bite. After 15 minutes'

inhalation she was cured. No other medicine was used. Present:—Banrasi Shah, Kuldip Lall and others. Remarks:—A very good medicine. Reporter:—Kasturi Tewari, c{o Vaccination Sub-Inspector P O

Madhubani, District Darbhanga. ?2-8-2JS


Case 1002. 2085-2-8-26. Unknown.

Wife of Ramdhani Ram of village Kendenni, P. O. Bikram, District Arrah, was bitten by a snake.

and fpeWechkss;"~EyeS ^ * * d ° S e d ' d r 0 O p i n g head« s e n s e l e s s

"Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. After each deen inhalation there was a slight shudder of head-an attempt for avoid-ing inhalation After twenty minutes* inhalation she could breathe

inhalation ^ e>'eS* S h e WES f u l I y C u r e d a f t e r U h o u r s '

and^ers . f : ~~ B ' R a " a P r a S a d ' B* S e ° P u j a n S i n g h ' B ' S a r J°° P d -

Remarks:—Every application gave encouragement for a fresh one. The whole phial was used up to effect perfect cure v . „ RePytcr:—Babeshwar Singh, Circle Officer, Dumraon Rai Village Zenduni, P. O. Bikramgunj, District Arrah. u m r a o n K a J '

Case 1003. 1592—21-6-26. TT ,

, , , , . . Unknown. Yesterday a cow was bitten by a snake Th#» Me« , u i

"Lexin" was inhaled for 3 J 4 J Z ^ V Z ^ t Z ?

*£%?&& *SSSj h a V £ " " * S ° m e 1S « " cases of

( B a n ? u r T r : ~ G a n g a b i S h n U * " * P ° S t M a S t e r ' S i«^Pole P. O. [Translated from Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 1QOA 2682—14-7-28.

A £ i , . Cobra. tuTv!*Snake'b,lte CUred b y Ant ivenom Inhalation.

.« ^hud-Phud, son of Kartal of village and P n «„«,*• the District of Patna, railway sweener waThittln K B u k h t a r P u r m was not seen, but apparentfy a Cobra fr™ i y a S n a k e ' w h i c h

developed-salivation from mourt and J T ^ symptoms he and subsequent respiratory S r e °Se ' d r ° ° p i n g o f t h e he*<*>

Wj^jr^ttlff^i^ *~* -d

Inspector Mr. B. B. Ray, aiul M r ^ ' & ^ T 8 of _ Traffic It took some « hours for compile curY a n T L r ^ 0 ^ :

was used. u r e a n d n o other medicine The medicine was taken from Mr N T -M\,I U •• « ~

Inspector, who always keeps it with him and J £ 2 ? r j \ T r a f f i c

usefulness. a n a advocates its great A copy of the report is also forwarded tn fU„ \r

Light Railway, Arrah! for his i n f o X S T M a n ager , Behar

(Sd.) M. L. CHAUDHURY, Medico/ Officer, B. B. & p. /. 'Rys

Bukhtiarpur P. O. 13-7-28.


Case 1005. _. , Unknown. -

C 0 U l ^ S f - B i t « t e h r S t e e l i n g head, wandering mind; giddi-nCSS« Lexin » was used 3 or 4 minutes after the bite. After 4 hours' i n h a , ^ % ^ L I ^ k i n L r U r e p a . , Manoranjan Ray, Krishnapada

Acharyya and others. „ Chakravertty, Secretary, Arya Reporter:-Annada Kjmer ChakravenX. Manbhum.

Sevak Sangha, Ramchandrapur, P. O. M » « ^ ^ ^ ^

Case 1006. Unknown. 1763—17-7-26. .. chaudhury of village

Rajanti Chaudhurani. wife of late | ^ X u r District Rajshahi, Bhabanipur, P. O. Rfghurampu r P . 3 . Pang up T h k e c o u l d

S f t V i t f j A ^ nol? where the foot was a C C i d J ^ £ - V e r t e x .very hot; j W j J j ^ j S T " * unconscious tor 4 or 5 " ^ ^ S ^ u S ^ S ^ O j h u had loosened "Lexin" was used 25 minutes atter i ^ . ^ g h e M S c u r e d

ligature a few minutes before *£x medicine was used.

i h ^ r i ^ ' n ^ S ^ Basanta Kumer Shaha. J ^ & ^ f f i i S £ Chaudhury, P. O. Raghurampur, District

Rajshahi. [7Vaiwtofiw /rom 5<?»^a/i.]

Case 1007. Unknown.

1854r:!!"T"26- t a irhatun wife of Sheikh Kabatalla of village Purni-Bibi Jamita Khatun witeM> i n t h e e a r l y m o r n i n g

^I^'^Ti^^^^ lon*- The snake was seen

^ S | ^ » ? / : ^ h ? c r i e d and felt a burning sensation all over the

body; vomiting. , e f f e c t "Lexin" was

y ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ hourS' inhalat i°n ShC

' ^ ^ ' S . U S o f s h e d a l i Mandal, Maulavi Abdur Rahaman, Abdul H a m ^ , ^ ^ heard of nor seen such a wonderful

a n d S ^ w L m ^ D r n e ' M d . Sekander Ali, Malopara Anti-Cholera P h . S K O. San^i, District Malda.

Case 1008. Unknown.

o i" -n J c:„t« Rav aeed 21, son of Dasarathi Sinha Ray Sankar Prasad Sinto Raw, « g rf^ Hooghly, was bitten by a

of P. O. and village Makalpur, uisrnu. J / ' i n t h shuJ

t t r snake on 28th Ashar in the evening while ne was opening tne snutter


of the front door of his house. The snake could not be recognized due to insufficient light.

Symptoms:—Severe acute burning pain; mouth dry; vertigo; •whole body benumbed.

"Lexin" was used 10 minutes after the bite. After 3 hours' inhalation he was fully cured. The bitten spot was incised to let the poisonous blood out. No medicine was used.

Present:—Sachindra Nath Sinha Ray and others. Reporter:—Sankar Prasad Sinha Ray, Second Pundit, Makalpur

School, P. O. Makalpur, District Hooghly. 18-7-26. [Translated from Bengali]

Case 1009. 511—25-2-26. C o b r a

Dibakar Sain son of Narayan Chandra Sain of village Sital-gram, P. O. Kaichar, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra about 2 cubits long at 8 a.m.

Symptoms:—He fell down senseless a few minutes after the bite with profuse salivation from mouth.

"Lexin" was inhaled 15 minutes after the bite. The patient was gradually cured after one hour's inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Bijay Gopal Chaudhury, Motinath Hazra, Shyamapada Ray and others.

Reporter:—Dinabandhu Hazra, P. O. Kaichar, District Burdwan. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1010. Rat-bite.

Sristidhar Guin, son of late Madhusudan Guin, of village Bakter P. O. Guhagram, District Burdwan, was bitten by a poisonous rat on his right knee while sleeping at night. This rat was verv bie but too thin. J s

Symptoms:—The following morning his thigh and knee were swollen with an unbearable burning sensation and his temperature rose up to 105 with delirium.

Some ojhas were called and they tried their incantations and external applications but to no effect. His fever continued and he was bed-ridden The Medical Officer of the Charitable Hospital at Adra was called in on 3rd, 7th and 9th day but to no effect The case was rather hopeless. On the 11thi day I was informed a t> a.m Then his temperature was 103, attended with vomiting of waterv ^ ^ s ; The affected leg was felt: as though paralysed. Forty drop^ of Lexin" were poured into handkerchief and was continnallv inhaled for three hours. Again from 11 a.m. inhalation of « T S ™ was continued throughout the day. The following mornimr the patient was all right—no fever, no burning sensation. The nation* was all joy when he was able to stand on the bitten leg. ^ r t l lc"t

Present:— Jyotirmoy Nag, Khudiram Laha, Sreepati Dutt Gokul Guin and others.. ' OUKU1

Remarks:—Bui.for the inhalation of your "Lexin" this natient would have surely died. 1M1CHl

Reporter;—Rakhahari Misra, Homceo. Practitioner Bakta P n Guhagram, via Galsi, District Burdwan. ' "*Kl<1' r- u -


C a 8 e 1 0 1 1 ' Cobra.

^ J L ^ e ^ r e h e a d i c h e , salivation from mouth, whole body i n S e " t e x i n " was used one hour after the bite. After one hour's

inhalation she was 9" . ' ' ? ,^! : M : t _ a nd Pran Govinda Mitra. .

%$£^&zF*£* P- °-Barhra' D,s,r,.c

Birbhum. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1012. Unknown.

2647—4-10-25. 0S.0.2S brother of Nirode (1) Day before yesterday, on ^ a ' s e r p e t l t while he was

Chandra Mukherji, ^ ' * ' V h t snakencircled his ankle-joint and passing the municipal.road. 1»^ Jna* b a n d a b o v e a „ d the S. A. S.

» 1 ^ ^ - ^ ^ j i f « r - & S ? The effect P P I was called at that '™e and applied Y°™ . ; t h a g o n y a n d

was miraculous. *««<?£* ft^tte"bodyand not at the pomt S l o n * " Onf i S a S ' t f S d ^ - l ^ e was reheved of all

pain within 10 minutes. Case 1013. K r a i t ?

~A 1? vears daughter of Hari Charan (2) This was a girl, aged1 12 years a ^ . ^ 2 4 _ P a r g a n a s .

q a r k a r then residing at Ta™™ .^i. a «Kalai " (Krait). Your ^ ^ ^ ^•s^1^8"incident She also got ^r&lte^V^M* seen nor identified. But 1 In both these cases, snaKc wa { r o m i n t e n s e a g

" U X ^ v ^ d ^ f t e T ^ w "halations. They say that the K i n g disappear, like a magic. ^ ^ ^

(Dr ) TATINDRA NATH GHOSAL, L.M.S., K J J P. O. Basirhat,

(District 24-Parganas). 27-9-25. [Copied from a letter in English.]

C a 8 e 1 0 1 4 " Cobra ? —1-3-25. Puiahar of village Dho-bona,

Sukra Pujahar, son of I.akhi r g D u m k a > w a g W t t e n Taluq Sapchaka P. O. K « " » » % £ U Kendghata Night School on by a snake while on his way totne j h a l { &n h o u r t h g ^ «i 1 oe xjjc ofrp is about 1U years. **"* T , . ..

l a i n r c u ^ " — r°Texin") and witmn IU miimiw «« iCfi0.»v.« venom inhalation (Jf*™ U t t h w a s found m the placewhere consciousness. A piece <>« wrutew o w i t h i n h a l { he was bitten. This was ertrarted ^ ^ h a d b i t t e n h i m

an hour. I believe that it « « >JJ U District Inspector of Schools, Reporter:—John N. *• ^ r c a r » 1-3-25.


Case 1016. 1705-17-8-24. Unknown.

The servant of a local Police Jamadar was bitten by a snake while returning from the bazar.

Symptoms:—Became senseless within 20 minutes; froths came out from his mouth.

Your " Lexin " was inhaled according to the directions. Within a minute or so he opened his eyes. By two applications the man came round.

Remarks:—The: medicine really acted as a charm to the wonder of the spectators. No home should be without a phial of this life-saving medicine.

ReportenSweaAn Nath Basu, B.L., Pleader, Sasaram P O., E. I. Ry. 17;8_24

Case 1016. 2520-17-9-25 U n k n o w n

I am glad to inform you that I have cured another man (Samsuncker, box-carrier, Traffic Quarters, B. N Ry Chakradhkr-pur) of snake-bite on the 9th instant. The man was' in Z r vomiting froth with streaks of blood. a t r e m o r '

For vomiting I put 2 drops on his tongue. It stonned for a little, time and came on again. I put two mo?e drops on hfs toneue and it stopped. He got bitten at 10 p.m. and I gave him the cu?e a about 11 p.m. I went and saw him at 8 a.m. He t o ? mef £ ! , h t was feeling well and now he is at his work quite fit.

Yours, etc., F. KEMBLE,

Chakradharpur P. O., B. N. Ry. 15-9-25.

[Copied from a letter, English.]

Case 1017. 2492-13-9-25. V e r y P o i s o n o u s S n a k e

Budhia Nunian, daughter of Gongoa Nunian of Gullanara Darbhanga, was bitten by a snake on the night of the 9th n s S From the symptoms of poisonings the snake appeared to be verv poisonous. u c v c r >

Symptoms:—She lost her senses after the bite. "Lexin" was inhaled 4 hours after the bite. She regained

consciousness 15 minutes after inhalation. The inhalation wai con­tinued for nearly one hour. The patient was perfectly cured No other medicine was used. * v-mcu- 1NU

Chat te ' r i r" f ;~A t U l a n a n d a C h a U e r J i ' B'SC' a " d B W M a d h ^ b Reporter:—Bhupati Mukherji, Ghee Merchant, Darbhanga P O

11-9-25." Case 1018.

- 6 ' 1 0 - 2 5 - U n k n o t . Wife of late Janglal Chatterji was bitten by a snake on thP

left hand finger on 25-9-25 at 1-30 p.m. a k e o n t h e

Symptoms:—She turned blue within ten minutes of the bite and all poison symptoms were manifested. • ••


••Lexin" was inhaled K . ' ^ S ^ J ^ J ^ L subsided and after one hours mhalaho".she• q^

Present : - O r , ^ ^ ^ y ^ l ^ ' l l ^ Birex ~ j r r i ^ - . - — -u,t of the m C d ^ ^ . - P r a n , a « h a n a t h Chatter*. P. O. Galsi. District

Burdwan. [Translated from Bengali.)

Case 1019. A H m g n a k e

2602—2-10-25. . . tetion w a s bitten by a Last night one pointsman of the l o ^ ^ ^ d e t m i n e

h,-11 Siake The snake was killed D> U» poisonous; for, the type of the snake. We a r e M M « ^ h r t * ^ t h e g r o u n d . !!o sooner had the snake bit him, ^ a n t ^ . ^ ^

"Lexin" was inhaled and ten to nnee cured him. A distant Station Master, Kshitish Ch ^ S r ^ r S a ^ ' B ^ r D i n e s h Ch. Br*wnucK and

° t h e ^ r . - M . GhataK, e|o H. G. Lahiri, P. O. Belafcoba. District

Jalpaiguri. Case 1020. Unknown.

9700—11-10-25. „ _ ,„. ,K,'ttpn bv a snake at 8 p.m. 2 7 \ " u Ghoseof M t t f ' e S K t and bit on his

17th Aswin last, A "J5 ° ?o"e leaving two ^ f j ^ s e n s c l ess just after the bite; great

Svmptoms:—Became «"» restlessness; slight v o r m t m g . A f t e r h a l {

h 0 u ; ; L S , : . i J n S t ^ S l e n n t i y s cured. Ha,f the contents of a

^ ' ^ " l i r Chandra Mazumdar, P. O. Mohanpur.

District Patina. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1021. Unknown.

2212-21-8-25. Srimanta Mukherji of P. O.

pain. . . h r after the bite. After three "Lexin" was inhaled halt an no chanted mantras

hours' inhalation she was cured^ J ^ (incantations). No other £ * ' « m s h o u l d p o s s e s s a p h i a l

Miliar**:—Every house in every v s of this wonderful medicine^ D i s t r i c t ^ ^ , ^ o , - * r : - T a r a p a d a Dey, P. U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Case 1022. 1338—13-6-25. Cobra.

Abinash Patra, aged 42, son of late Radhanath Patra of village and P. O. Chora, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Cobra about 2 cubits long. The snake was seen and killed.

" Lexin " was used half an hour after the bite. The medicine was inhaled for one hour. The patient was cured within three hours.

Present:—Biswambhar Banerji; Jatindranath Mitra; and Hem Chandra Mitra.

Remarks:—There is no doubt that " Lexin" saved the life of this man.

Reporter:—Khagendranath Mitra, P. O. Chora, District Burdwan. 10-6-25.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1023. 2719—12-10-25. Unknown.

A young woman, aged 16, of a village near Netrakona, was bitten by a snake.

Symptoms:—When we visited the place the victim was absolutely senseless and all the generally known symptoms of snake-bite were in evidence.

After the application of the remedy according to the instructions for about 15 minutes, signs of improvement were visible and within an hour complete cure was effected. The victim regained her consciousness.

Reporter:—Dr. Jatindra Nath Dutt Ray, Teribazar, P. O. Netra­kona, District Mymensingh. 9-10-25.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 1024. 2693—10-10-25. Unknown.

Sishu Bagdini, daughter of Nanda Bagdi, of village Kenerpara, P. O. Barsul, District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake in a village lane some time after evening. The snake was seen by the patient but could not be recognized. Some ten minutes after the bite symptoms of snake poisoning appeared.

Symptoms:—Drooping of the head; could not hold up her head; could not speak distinctly.

After twenty minutes of the bite when the head of the patient had drooped, " Lexin " was inhaled. After half an hour's application her head became erect, and a few minutes after she began to speak distinctly, was able to walk, and was all right. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Surendra Nath Ray, Umesh Chandra Ghose Tnananda Mukherji, Gostobehari Ghose and others. '

Reporter:—Panchanan Mukherji, Pleader, Barsul P. O. District Burdwan. ' ''

Case 1026. 1536-29-9-25. Echis Snake.

The wife of late Babu Sureswar Sircar, of village Pursurhi P. O. Mangrul, District Midnapur, was bitten by an Echis snake. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Inflammation with insensibility about the affected part, head swinging, sleepiness, and slight physical depression


"Lexin" was inhaled 2i hours after the.bite. The symptomsof

^ S ^ S l S f f i S A - No other m e d i ^ T ^ 5 a d h a n Ch. Bhattacharyya, Narayan Ch. Dass and

°ih«L„arks:-l have not seen a g ^ < % Pursurhi,

P. O ^ S ^ s ^ M i l a p u ,

Case' 1026. A Venomous Reptile.

2623—25-9-25. . f p h u l k a h i , P. O. Jobdi, Dis-Rameswar K a m a t a n n i ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ S ^

trict Darbhanga ^ b ' v a s working in his paddy field. Ligature unknowingly when he w * ^ ^

^^^^^^'^^nJ^^^ bUt t0 w h e r e a t . P e n n a ^ 110 «Sa«so^ K S S S s 1 ^ ^ U e x t C r r n i n g when I visited patient was cured. „ n a n a c e a " for snake-bite, him again. « T p v ; n » is the only panada Darbhanga.

g p f e ^ S u J b r , P. O. Narahia, District ^ ^

Case 1027. K r a i t ?

- „« m oc -. «* P O and District Drug 2825—29-10-25. - n j Brahman, of Jr.. u. n o t

J ^ a d l s h ^ Wtten by a black snake abou V h e snake was seen (C. P-). w%t?e,finger, most probably a Krait.

• £ 5 & . ^ e ^ feeling, giddy, but^as in his *uU senses. S ^ « * * g [ S U " ^ f S e w a u l e d after half an

Present:—vv. •»• n r u f f . and others. p. , « p N L a V ^ ^ K L n h t a Lall,gB.A, U.B., P.eader, Drug P. O . m

B. N. Ry-Case 1028. Unknown.

S ^ ^ S f f i ^ t e , * ^ ^ appeared red; almost

^ S l a n t e d « J - » » f £ w i n S ^ n T ^ half an hour after the bite. Aite^ ^ w . ^ , h e ^ twinkled and he looked. " " Y , , h a v e n 0 complaints." ^ . S ^ - W " ^ astonished at the wonderful efficacy of the

m e d ^ U r . - J y o t i s h Chandra Raychaudhury, Zemindar, K.aji-

bazar, Cuttack.


Case 1029.

739—26-3-26. Cobra.

Iswari Raut, son of Palayan Raut, of village Bakulia, P. O. Madhupur, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a Keuta (Cobra), l i cubits long, last night. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Salivation from the mouth; vomiting. " Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. He was

cured after one hour's inhalation. Full one phial was used up. Reporter:—Suryya Narayan Ghose, Bargunia Kutchery, P. O.

Madhupur, S. P. [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 1030. 1543—5-7-26. Unknown.

Haripada Pramanik, son of late Balai Pramanik, of village Ram-chandrapur, P. O. Muradi, District Manbhum, was bitten by a snake at 10 p.m. on 30th Jaistha. The snake was not seen.

Symptoms:—Grew weak; voice faltered; could not speak or recognize men; could not sit up; restless with pain; severe headache; colour of the body not natural.

Ojhas at first used gaud and other medicines without any effect. " Lexin " was inhaled 9 hours after the bite. He was cured after 8 hours' inhalation. Ligatures were loosened a few minutes after inhalation.

Present:—Pundit Jatindra Nath Kabysmrititirtha, Kaviraj Kali-pada Ray Vaidratna and others.

Remarks:—The miraculous power of the medicine, no doubt, saved the man from the jaws of death.

Reporter:—Annada Kumer Chakervertty Banibinode, Secretary, • Arya Ashram, Ramchandrapur, P . O. Muradi, Manbhum.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1031 .

1508—2-7-26. Unknown.

Parkalia Dassi, wife of Dasharath Bhakat, of village Harindanga-bazar, P. O. Pakur, District Santal Parganas, was bitten by a snake on 7-6-26 at 7 p.m. The snake was not seen. No ligature was made.

Symptoms:—The patient at first thought that the bite was probably by scorpion or any other poisonous insect; but she became unconscious soon with lock jaw.

"Lex in" was inhaled one hour after the bite. She was cured 15 minutes after inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Premchand Bhakat, Mahabir Bhakat, Abdul Rejak and others.

Remarks:—Your medicine is a sure cure for snake-bite. Reporter:—Bhairab Ch. Chatterji, Manager, Pakur Stone Suoolv-

ing Co., P . O. Pakur, S. P .

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 1032. 1144—6-6-26. Unknown.

Durlavmoni Devi, wife of late Nibaran Chandra Banerji, of village Magura, P. O. Baruipara, P. S. Tala, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake on 3rd Jaistha at 3 a.m. The snake was not seen.

Symptoms:—Eyes deep red; unconscious; salivation from mouth; face and body bluish.

" Lexin " was inhaled one hour after the bite. Ligatures were loosened a few minutes after the commencement of inhalation. She was cured after 3i hours' inhalation. No other medicine was used.

Present:—Mahendra Nath Chakervertty, Kanailal Mukherji, Ramindra Nath Raychaudhury.

Reporter:—Satyapada Chakervertty, P. 0. Baruipara, Village Magura, District Khulna.

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1033. R. 24—13-8-26. Unknown.

Nepal Nashya, of village Singra, P. S. Thakurganj, District Dinajpur, was bitten by a snake.

Symptoms:—Profuse perspiration; salivation from mouth and nose; could not bear light.

" Lexin " was inhaled. After one hour's inhalation he was cured. There was no ligature.

Reporter:—Gopal Chandra Basak, Village Sabajpur, P. O. Lahiri, District Dinajpur.

[Translated from a Post Card, Bengali]

Case 1034. —28-8-26. Unknown.

Sitaram Tewari, aged 26. son of Durga Dutt Tewari. of village Khalilpur, P. O. Kalamani, District Jaimpur, was bitten by a snake. The snake was not seen. •

Symptoms:—Restless with pain. "Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the bite. After one hour's

inhalation the patient was cured. No other medicine was used. Present:—Srish Chandra Dass, Jagaman Misra, Ramdhari

Tewari and others. Reporter:—Srish Chandra Dass, House of late Pratap Chandra

Ghose, P. 0. Bindhachal (U. P.), E. I. Ry.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 1035.

—20-8-26. Green Viper. Purna Chandra Pal, aged 31, son of late Bhajahari Pal, of village

Somsar, P. O. Indus, District Bankura, was bitten by a "Lawdaja" snake (Green Viper) on Monday last.

Symptoms:—His condition was critical. " Lexin " was inhaled and he was cured. Reporter:—Nagendra Nath Pal, President, Panchayet, Somsar

•P. O., District Bankura. [Translated from Post Card, Bengali]


2702—21-8-26. ' Venomous Snake. (1) My mother-in-law was bitten by a venomous snake some

time ago. She became unconscious within fifteen minutes of the bite. I gave 4 or 5 drops of " Lexin" into her mouth, and pouring few drops on a handkerchief held it to her nose. She regained conscious­ness five or six hours after inhalation. Inhalation was continued and she was cured completely.

(2) Sribash Dass of village Thar, P. O. Panchetgarh, was bitten by a venomous snake on 17-8-26 at evening. " Lexin" was inhaled and he was cured.

Reporter:—Chiranjib Chandra Chanda, Supervisor, Midnapur Central Co-operative Bank, Ltd., P. O. Sauri (Midnapur).

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1037. 4387—11-11-27. Death.

Last night a boy was brought to me nearly dead, bitten by a poisonous snake. The boy was bitten at about 4-30 p.m. and brought to me at 6-30 p.m. without any ligature. As I was not at home my wife used " Lexin." After about five minutes the patient showed signs of life, moved his hands and began to perspire. The medicine was continued, but the men who brought him allowed the patient to lie down in spite of the remonstrances of my wife. Just then I arrived and made the patient sit up but found that breathing had stopped. I dropped a few drops of "Lexin" in the nostrils and tried artificial respiration for about an hour, but there was no response. I continued the process for two hours and used two phials of medicine but still there was no effect. The patient died.

I think that the patient died because the men were fool enough to let the patient lie down for about ten minutes before my arrival.


Headmaster, W. H. B. School, Supaul P. O.

(District Bhagalpur). 9-11-27.

Case 1038. R. 21-8-9-26. Unknown.

Atul Bagdi, of village Gautampur, P. O. Sasanga, District Burdwan, was bitten by a snake yesterday.

Symptoms:—Unconscious; salivation from the mouth. I made him inhale " Lexin " and he was cured completely within

one hour of inhalation. Reporter:—Radharaman Banerji, Village Gautampur, P. O.

Sasanga, District Burdwan. [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 1039. —31-8-26. Venomous Snake.

Sreemati Niharbala Ghose, aged 8 years, daughter of Trailakya* nath Ghose of village Mirzapur, P. O. Kumira, P. S. Tala District Khulna, was bitten by a venomous snake in the jungles adjoining the house.

Symptoms:—Crying with acute pain.


.. Lexin" was inhaled shortb; after Jhe ^ L j a t u r e was

tooJTW half an * £ * £ % £ Kumira U. B„ Village

u*^tf^A kwta"n>-— *•» *"* Case 1040. e„-»i«» " Venomous Snake.

2693—29-8-26. . b a poisonous snake.

S f J S S t S S i S - . ^ f r o t h i „ « r e d i a , e . y and

Case 1041. Unknown.

ssAW-tS^&ts:^ £ . «~d-w,th

sa„iS'S'*e.^d mimrte5-g•:-aasss "Lexin" was " ^ f inhalation. ^ J ^ y when she regained

loosened after IS minutes o i w a s . used-^nJy w a n g a n a t e Sinhalation. No * tor m S £ £ £ ? l £ > s e and ulceration

-consciousness the pU* ^ ^ e d of teeth bei g

K^^^-B««j i . ***sheikh'sricharan Slkdar

and otters. ' Mukherji, Doctor, Jaynagar, P. 0 _ J g r "QpbofiCTl—oatlsn v* •

gramj District Jessore. [Tniwlofrd from Bengah.]

Case 1042. U n k n o W n .

Gaunpur, r. - • - - t s i d e pam?°«*> VL W snake while he went o W t h a n o n the ieg The snake came running ** . w th pain.

= • "**: " „ T v - — — " — K " ' " P a l l t o g i i n j (Murshidabad). r T n m , J a ^ from B«*oK.]

26 •R ST*


Case 1043. R. 75—14-9-26. Krait.

Harisadhan Ray, son of Manmathanath Ray, of village and P . O. Kakatia, P. S. Patrasyar, District Bankura, was bitten by a snake of Chitti species (Krait) on 9-9-26 at 12-30 a.m. at our Royal Ashakuti Colliery. He was bitten on his left heel when he was working at the surface. Three ligatures were made. The Colliery Doctor drew out one fang from the bitten place, operated the affected part and applied potassium permanganate. He prescribed also the inhalation of " Lexin."

Symptoms:—The patient was trembling with irritation and became very nervous.

" L e x i n " was inhaled. After two hours' inhalation the patient was all right.

Reporter:—P. C. De, Manager, Royal Ashakuti Colliery, P . O. Katrasgarh (Manbhum). 13-9-26.

Case 1044. 2957—20-9-26. Unknown.

Shyamasundari Kangsabanik, aged 17, wife of Sudhir Chandra Kangsabanik, of village Baghia, P . O. Dasarta, P . S. Palang. District Faridpur, was bitten by a snake on 6-9-26 at 9-35 p.m. The snake was not seen.

Symptoms:—Restless; feeling much uneasy; poison was spreading through all the limbs and she felt acute pain all over the body.

" L e x i n " was inhaled 40 minutes after the bite. She improved gradually. " Lexin" was inhaled for two days * and she was cured. N o other medicine was used.

Present:—Nishikanta Kangsabanik, Janaki Kangsabanik, Nepal Banerji.

Remarks:—The medicine gave a very good result. Reporter:—B. Banerji, Postmaster, Palong P . O., District

Faridpur. 18-9-26.

Case 1045. —20-9-26. Unknown.

Srematy Anangaba Dass, wife of Mahim Chandra Dass, of P . O. Agartala, District Tipperah, was bitten by a snake on 22nd Sravan at 3-20 o'clock. The snake was not seen.

Symptoms:—Unconscious; growing benumbed; difficult breathing. " L e x i n " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. After five

minutes of inhalation she regained consciousness. Ligatures were not loosened. She was cured.

Present:—Hemanta Kumer Chakervertty, Jadav Chandra Deb-Barma, Nishikanta Chakervertty.

Reporter:—Mahim Chandra Dass, P . O. Agartala, Tippera State. 18-9-26.

[Translated 'from Bengali.]

• I n case of long delay in effecting full cure, the place of bite should be examined to find if any broken fangs were left.—ED.


Case 1046. _ ... . . . _ Russell's Viper.

E ' wl'ot Nacharaddi Sheikh, ol: village N ^ a n ^ s bitten by^a snake on 15-9-26 in the " « : \ X £ ( " snake (Russell's Most probably she was bitten by ifcf*Xch frequents this locality. Viper), • W P ™ - ^ ^ ^ - ^ » h » r of the bite.

Symptoms:—one Decanic w«. „ffprt " Lexin was

, ° W 3 t ^ ^ i S " f f e w ' S S l f f i S T r o l g h t b a c k ^ ? sense inhaed from midnight. A «w in a . and she was cured completely by earl. m 0 ™ f R a m k r i s hna Mis-

sion Ashram, Sansha i . u., [Translated from Bengali.)

Case 1047. Unknown. 3007—14-9-26.

a lm0^LSin°»t0asSinha.ed. After inhaling U phials of "Lexin" he W " S t , r . - G o p a l Chandra Basu, Naib, P. O. Mynanagar, Digrict

Puroea. [Translated from Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 1048. Unknown.

—23-9-26. ei,.i~ of village Rukunpur, P. O.

snake was not seen ^ s e n s d e s s

ftwi^wwr-The P a t 1 ^ a f t e r ^ bite. Inhalation was used « Lexin" ^ s

n^ aapP icat°onof^the medicine, the patient regained for one hour On * e / P p l * * u r e d ultimately. his sense Perfectly an . s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

S ^ m a d r i Nath Bhattacharyya, Student, Matriculation

Class, Muragacha P. O. (Nadia). Case 1049. _. ,

Unknown. ^ M a t o M r i daughter of late Katai Ghazivillage Kumar jole, P. O. •M- u £ « District 24-Parganas, was bitten by a snake on 5-6-33 B. S.

on fSS^SATS^^ *™ ™th and ^ tongue swollen. S h c u r e d b 4 m>

Next to'shefcU J & f t body, 'inhalation was again used and she

"" w^aii r 1" Sarkar> viUage Kumariok' P- a

Minakfian, District 24-Parganas. [Trmslatei from BengaK]


R. 25—16-8-26. ' Unknown Snake. (1) Bipin Coach, son of late Jhatka Coach, of village Dation,

P. O. Khidirpur, P. S. Barsoi, District Purnea, was bitten by a snake at about 10 p.m. on 12th Sravan last. The snake was not seen as the bite was under water.

Symptoms:—Severe burning pain; head reeling; eyes red; he was conscious however.

" Lexin " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. It was inhaled four times, inhaling one dram of " Lexin" each time. He was cured after thirty minutes of inhalation. No other medicine was used. Ligatures were loosened when he was out of danger.

Present:—Palia Coach, Banko Coach, and Raghua Coach. Reporter:—Gobinda Lai Mitra, Village Dation, P. O. Khidirpur,

District Purnea.

Case 1051. Typhlops Diardi.

(2) Wife of Lalji Beldar, of village Dation, P. O. Khidirpur District Purnea, was bitten by a Telia or Telanga snake (Typhlops Diardi), on 19th Sravan at 4 p.m. While she was suckling her baby the snake bit her under the knee. The snake, which was very thin and about 10 inches long, was seen and captured.

Symptoms:—Could not distinguish the taste of red-pepper, salt or neem leaf; could not know men of familiar faces; gradually became unconscious.

"Lexin" was inhaled two hours after the bite. She regained consciousness after two inhalations and was cured within 15 minutes. Some country herbs had been used before "Lexin" but to no effect. Ligatures were loosened after cure.

Present:—Fakira Beldar, Baikuntha Dass, Hira Coach and others. Reporter:—Govinda Lai Mitra, Village Dation, P. O. Khidirpur,

District Purnea. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1052. 3321-^-10-26. Unknown.

Suvadramoyee Dassi, wife of Tejbar Mallik, of village Gouri-ghola, P. O. Chuknagar, District Khulna, was bitten by a snake.

Symptoms:—Dying condition; unconscious. "Lexin" was inhaled. She regained consciousness within 15

minutes of inhalation, and was completely cured. Remarks:—A. wonderful remedy—we have not seen its like

before. Reporter:—Digambar Ray, Village Gourighola, P. O. Chuknaear

District Khulna. '

[Translated from Post Card, Bengali.]

Case 1053.

4673—1927. Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper). •„ R a i n Charan Biswas, aged 16, son of late Dwarik Biswas of

village Khana, P. O. Paikgacha. District Khulna, was bitten b'v a "Chandra Bora" sr*ke (Russell's Viper) about U cubits longon 12-9-34 B S. at 12-27 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed

Symptoms:—Almost dead; unconscious. " Lexin " was inhaled 10 minutes after the bite After on* fcnnr'*

inhalation he was cured. No other medicine was used!


Present:—Chintaram Sardar; Haran Mandal and others. Remarks:-Your medicine acted like a charm in this case. RePortcr:-Dv. Abinash Chandra Ray, Village Khana, P. O.

Paikgacha, District Khulna.

Case 1054. Unknown.

R. 71—6-10-26. >, , A ,nn «f latp Abdul Talil Mandal, of village

B i ^ T ^ ffil^a/was bitten by a snake. T h e 5 ^ : ^ ^ o f t ^ d ; s.eepiness as in opinn,

poisS&sibi. i* ««***£ »» ha,£ „ • "Lexin" was inhaled five hours alter tne un

h ^ ± ! ^ ^ r ^ ^ n , Satish Chandra Nandi and

" " U ' ^ . - K a l i p a d a Mukherji, A. S. M, Bhalnka Road, P. O. Kariali, District Malda.

Case 1055. Unknown.

— 1 " ' I.-** i«, a snake There was no hope of One of my cows was; bitten by ^ s" a k e- h g r n o s t r i l s a nd a

life. A quantity of LexirL was pour^ ^ n g ^ S k C A te 2?h d ou? S i S f o n the cow was cured. Every one

- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *-* -ffsa Asansol P. O. 3393-9-10-26. h { a n t i v e n 0 m ("Lexin")

Case 1056. ,«N r> «,„ <;?n h of village Malkhachak, P. O. and P. S.

» J S S " s f h n ° £ wis bitten in his le . and was made to inhale the medicine.

Case 1057. f9\ Ramadawan Bhagat, son of Shewchand Bhagat, of village

Basatpur, P O aTid^P- S Dighwara. He too was made to inhale the medicine.

Case 1058. T i u A/Tofctnn son of Agnu Mahton, of village Malkha-Jokhan Mahton son ot ** ^ b ^ ^

( 3 ) jokhan Mahtoj> son of ^ J ^ S S ^ U S S S S H S

*&£ &^^*«^and a half of medicine'part of

whfch was dropped into h1S nostrils. Case 1059.

, T, .. v,_„ Mahton. of Malkhachak, P. O. and , ^ i & M D S t 0 h | n a - a h t S ° h e was made to inha,e the

P. - . medicine.


Case 1060. (5) Wife of Pershadwa Teli, of Malkhachak, P. O. and P. S.

Dighwara, District Saran. She had also become senseless and the medicine was poured into her nostrils.

Case 1061. (6) In this case the medicine was not successful and the patient

died, but he was also given six injections by an allopathic doctor. Yours, etc.,

RAMBINODE SINHA, Gandhi Kutir, Malkhachak,

P. O. Dighwara (Behar). [Copied from original lettter in English.]

Case 1062. —25-9-26. Unknown.

About 7 or 8 days ago a man was bitten by a snake on a river bank at 10 p.m. The snake was not seen. Ligature was made.

Symptoms:—Restless with pain. " Lexin " was inhaled 12 hours after bite. The patient was still

restless with pain. After two hours' inhalation he was fully cured. Reporter:—Sudhir Chandra Chatterji, Professor, Bagerhat

College, P. O. Bagerhat, District Khulna, 23-9-26. [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali.] Case 1063.

3232—28-9-26. Unknown. You have by your " Snake-bite Cure " conferred a boon on us all.

I have already cured 5 or 6 cases bitten by different snakes and in conditions averaging from full to almost non-consciousnuess and insensibility. It is a pity that snake-bites take place in the dark at night and the person bitten is scarcely able in 9 cases out of 10 to recognize the snake; yet in all snake-bitten cases without distinction your specific acts, just as it is administered, like magic.



Kudanagori P. O. (Cuttack District). Case 1064.

R. 85—25-10-26. Unknown. Kamini Muchini, of P. O. and Village Nandanghat, District

Burdwan, was bitten by a snake on 21st Aswin last at 7-30 p.m. Symptoms:—Salivation from mouth; drooping of the head;

vomiting; unconsciousness. After two hours of the bite when I saw the patient, she was

quite unconscious. The case seemed hopeless. As I was opening your " Lexin," men present there told me that they had already made her inhale " Lexin " but to no effect. However, I put 3 or 4 drops of " Lexin" into her nostrils. Then she shook her head within two or three minutes. After a few inhalations she regained her conscious­ness and felt only pain in her head. I returned home leaving one phial of "Lexin" with the guardians with instructions to continue inhalation. Half an hour later symptoms relapsed as the guardians had not continued inhalation. "Lexin" was inhaled and she was cured perfectly after half an hour's inhalation again. I came back instructing not to allow the patient to lie down. But after one hour or so the patient bathed, took rice and slept at about 10 a.m. next


Burdwan. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1068. Unknown.

* V u ^ u n t r y woman was bitten by a snake on her .eft k ,

while she was returning f r<™»5?Ll™ and froth from mouth;

inhalation she moved, nature 1 cotogMM { o r d r i n k i a t e r

ture rose. Two hours a f t ^ m n | l a t 1 0 " s^ e h o u r s > ;nhalation she was

when hot milk was given her After three&no


^ ^ . £ S r ? 5 ^ « ^ ^ ^ "»- ViUage SfliaTO

P. O. Danguria, District Pabna. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1066. _ . . Lachesis.

3585—29-10-26. . . . . b y a patwa snake ( t a S 3 . J » * , S ? S . {LjrJStGoi**. P- O. Under-bud (District Silchar).

53.m?(OTW:-A!mostjenseIess. s l o w ] y a n d w a s

" Lexin " was mhaled. He jegame ^ h i m

C ^^-A?b e Jn ' d ^Us^ , C Vina g e Maiugram, t P ^ O .

Siichar (Assam).

" a V t t e f ' b y a B l a S f o n ' 11-9-26 at 12 p.m. The snake was

^ i ' S S S & l K t t i f f i - on obstruction o,

5 5 ° K T l n was apSSd before inhalation of " Lexin." The (Kagchi) lemon was aPPiiea D I according to the I r ^ o n s T f t e r two hours' inhalation he was unable to inhale it. directions. Alter two no ^ m t Q h j s n o s t n l s

His condition f ce J ^ s e

w a sA

r e s o r t e d to. Salivation came out of his n ^ ^ n o ^ S S S S ^ b ^ The patient died in spite of all

° U r fr%Snt—Kalipada Ghose, Satyendra Nath Mitra, Birendra K U T , ^ - - K a ° f a k S ' C h a n d r a Mazumdar, Haridnali, P. O.

UihmSsk^^^^^ . ^ _ ^ «»f„i analysis of the case it appears that, (1) the

• From a careful am* " ligatures ought not to have medicine was not properhyinha^ ^ . ^ ^ { o r ^ ^ $ ^ ^ been loosened belore JJe " ' c

t ^ssibly on account of the nostrils < 3 > . t h e ^ d i S e

C e d wTth " a t r w h i d . was not cleared.-ED. having been piugs


C&so 1068 3096-18-9-26. ' R u s s e l l> s v i p e r <

Sreemati Promodini Bagdini, wife of Satya Kinkar Bagdi, of P. O. and village Mahachanda, P. S. Varar, District Burdwan, was bitten

fe^rPTm'n Q°ra. ( ? " ? ! , r s V i ^ a b o u t 1 c u b i t lon& o n 2 5 t h Bhadra, 1333 B. S., at about 8 a.m. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Vomiting blood; eyes red; severe burning; head occasionally drooping; acute pain in chest; swelling of the affected part; not wholly unconscious.

"Lexin'' was inhaled 20 minutes after the bite. Ligature was unfastened. After three or four hours' inhalation she wis partially A U ^ ' " T ^ " 1 " was stopped for two hours. Symptoms reappeared.

^fJ^oM^J^four hours « * K was

R a y P N a n ? ^ ^ e ^ ' ^ l f ^ ^ " ' S W b a P r a s a d

P ReP°"":—™^ M™M, President, Kshetia Union Board P.»0. Mahachanda, District Burdwan. 16-9-26

[Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1069. 3053-16-9-26 RusseH's Viper.

My wife Sreemati Shefalika Debi was bitten on h«M- riiAf i„~ by a Bora snake (Russell's Viper) on 23rd Bhad?a. 1 3 3 ^ <F Ligature was made just after the bite. c naara, 1333 B. S.

Symptoms:—Incessant vomiting commenced. Within n ™;„„fa„ of the bite followed by salivation from mouth, s h f dronL? down with pulse almost nil. ' ar»PPea down

af fiA' " . L e x i n l w a s , n

To t i n J)a n d t w o injections of strychnine were

at first given Then "Lexm ' was inhaled continuously for 9 or 10 hours and she was cured. "Lexin" was still occasionally inhaled

FrJu^^C^^Z^s^' S t a t b n MaSt6r * B e l m - i ; Remarks:—From my experience in two successive case-? T a™

convinced that "Lexin" is a most efficient medicine for snake-bite Reporter:—Sankar Prasad S nha Ray Second p i u i

School, P. O. Makalpur, District Hooghly ' $-$26 [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1070. ~21f'26: Russell's Viper.

Natabar Bairagi, aged 32, of village Hanskhali, P O Asa*,,™' District Khulna, was bitten by a Sital Bora (Russell'f \n™\ I L half a cubit long on 13th Bhadra at 2-30 pm The ' I f ° a b ° U t

but not killed. p l n e s n a k e w a s seen Symptoms:—Very restless; body and limbs cold " Lexin" was inhaled one hour after the hit*' Af*„ i_ , ,

hour's inhalation he was cured. . t e ' A f t e r h a l f a n

Present:—Sashibhusan Mandal of Kalabaria Remarks:—The patient repeatedly asked for" Lexin » M , • « T

believe I will be cured by P. Banerji's 'Lexin/" * S a y m g : l

Reporter:—-Dr. Abinash Chandra Ray, Manager ? « a TTH <? Samity, P. O. Asasuni, District Khulna. M a n a g e r ' S r e J _ g g | e v a

[Translated from Bengali.]


Case 1071. T

—15-9-26. *

Bora snake (Russell's Viper) at 9 p.m.

^ n ' ^ t b a U r v U r S h T a n d continuedlup to next day. Lexin was u , , I * l t u

M t w medicine was used.

^^S^^Z™ Bhandaria'R a Madpur' District Midnapur. [TransJated from a Post Card, Bengali.)

Case 1072. K r a J t

~ 1 7 " H r i ! n i B a u r i , s o n o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ District B ^ h u m . ^ b j t t e ^ y ^ . ^ ^ „ s e e n a n d

k i " e " He acted like a mad man after poisoning with deep

" T exin was usea iwu uv»

" C T j t f S i , Du.l, BhoUnath Rudra, Rakhahar,

^ X ^ S a r P - a n i k , P. O. Ahmadpur, District

Birbhum. Case 1073. Russell 's Viper.

.2746—1-9-26. WM«;idt was bitten by a M i r Insan AH ^§.*% P

0" 8th Bhadra last at about 8 P;m. Bora

Msnake ( 8 - j J J ^ T ^ t * ^ Q ^ c 6 n s t n c t l 0 n

°< ^ ^ ^ f~ « P.™- to 1-30 a.m. H C S ^ - S h e l k H Based AH, Village Isarbal, P. O. Sahagunj(

District Hooghly. [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1074. ^ ^ V J p e r

2769—2-9-26. n : n a n a t h Adhikari, of Kastha Kurma

v i H a ^ D S n ^ C d ^ ! S M S ? * * a Bora snake (Russell's

Viper) on 3rd Bhadra. h e n x e x a m i n e d her next day Symptoms:-*^*™,hfS of bite which I, extracted with a

I f o a j v b r o t o ^ ^ ^ f f i ^ a little of it was poured on Imife Lexin w<*3 , ? h e wound. She was cured, Bibhutibhusan Bose, Village

Reporter:-**™?™?'L Burdwan. Kadra/P. O. Balgona, D . s t r ^ ^ ^ fl P w ( C ( m i ; 5^,;.]


Case 1075. 2886—31-8-26. * Krait.

One trains clerk of Jha-Jha Railway Station was bitten by a Krait last night at about 11 p.m. He was immediately taken to t he hospital. The Doctor incised his hand and let out a quantity of blood-But it produced no effect. He became unconscious after half an hour. At 11-30 pjn. I was informed and went there with " Lexin." After four inhalations he regained consciousness and felt better. Next evening he again inhaled " Lexin." He is doing quite well excepting a little inflammation of the hand.

Reporter:—Post Master, Jha-Jha P . O., E. I. Ry. 30-8-26.

[Translated from a Post Card, Bengali.]'

Case 1076. —4-9-26. Krait.

Kedar Majhi, of P . O. and P. S. Puncha, District Manbhum, was bitten by a " Baruna Chitti" (Krait) on 31-8-26 at about 3-30 a.m. The snake was killed by the man soon after the bite.

Symptoms:—He was overpowered by the poison and could not recognize men.

" Lexin " was inhaled. The place of bite was incised and burnt.. The man was cured after inhaling " Lexin" for some time.

Reporter:—B. Sarkir, S. I. of Police, Puncha P. S. P . Ol Puncha, District Manbhum. *'

Case 1077. 2900—9-9-26. Krait.

Dramba Ghose, son of Indra Chandra Ghose, of village Simulia, P . O. Banwaribad, District Murshidabad, was bitten by a Domna-Chitti (Krait) about 2 feet long. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Dry tongue; drooping of the head; sleepiness. . . ' ' L e x f a " was inhaled half an hour after the bite. Ligature,

which had been made soon after the bite, was loosened after 5 minutes'" inhalation. Ten minutes after inhalation the symptoms of poison-began to disappear. After three hours' inhalation he was fully cured' No other medicine was used.

Present:—Taradas Chatterji, Pasupati Mazumdar, Chandra-Bhusan Ray and others.

Reporter:— Dr^ B. N Mukherji, Village Simulia, P . O. Banwari­bad, District Murshidabad. 7-9-26*.

Case 1078. R. 66-30-9-26. K r a i t >

Khoka Bagdi, aged 8 years, son of Surja Bagdi, of village-Ghagra, P . O. Bud-Bud, District Bur,dwan, was bitten by a Krait

Symptoms:—Drooping of the head; pain in the region of heart-sleepiness. '

. . !' ^ " J " w a s i n h a l ed one hour after the bite. After two hnniV inhalation he was fully cured. No other medicine was used

Present:—Satyendra Nath Dutt, Sheikh Gani and others

TJ A ^ ^ r ^ r * ™ ? * S a r k a r ' H o m c e ° p a t h , Betulbari, P . O . Bud-Bud, District Burdwan. '


Case 1079. Krait(?)

R. 27-21-9-26. wwara of P. 0. and1

(1) Debi Jeswara, T ^ l t i e X * ^ ™ * p r o b a M y

P S. Kulti, District Burdwan was; bitten oy J Domna Chitti (Kra.t) on 1 3 * * ^ a

c l o s e d ; foaming ^nft(o»w:-Unconscious; lying flat wn

x«^^ N o o,her med,c was used. Panchkori Bhattacharyya, Santosh

Pr^f.—Satyabhusan Ghose, Fancn* Kumar Mukherji and others. ^ ^ U g h t c ^

Reporter:-£•* Shiran, g Co., Ltd., Kulti P. O., E. I. Ky.

Case 1080. g ^ t R . 27_21-9-26. f Bipra Bhu^of g . O .

„ (P

2) S W & ^ H i 9 * a A P.S T » e was

f & £ ) about 30 inches long on d-9-26 at ^ killed. l y ; n g flat w i t h eyes closed; foaming

* ^ C f ' m S h 7 face turned blue. L i t u r e ^

^ r w ^ a ^ B h a t t a c h a w a , S a r o i Kumar MuKherii,

S a n t X K " Mukherji ^ % c o u n t a n l , The Eastern Light Casting

Co., Ltd., Kulti P. U., •=• Case 1081. K r a i t

Symptoms:—Legs stiff line wou , Ligature ^ i n " was inhaled t - n t ^ m i n u t e s ^ ^ ^ p e r f e c ( l y

- r ^ l i h e f m e d i c i n ^ w a . u s e i ^

P „ « M ^ . _ H o » g - w ^ h o s e ^ v n i a g e K e t i k a_ p 0 ^

Reporter :-~BteX* D i s t r i c t Manbhum. ^ ^ ^ ^

R. 22-25-8-26.

Mahabir E p 0 . Palg"nJ a green viper i but not killed.


Symptoms:—Almost senseless. "Lexin" was used one hour after the bite. Many medicines

had been used both internally and externally before " Lexin " arrived but to no effect. " Lexin" was inhaled till he was fully cured. (Time not mentioned.)

Present:—Munshi Kali Bhawani Prasad, Ayodhya Prasad, Oobind Prasad, Mahadeo Ram, Manjhoo Ram and others.

Reporter:—Rajkumar Sree Jagannath Singh, Palgunj Raj, P. O. Palgunj, via Giridih, E. I. Ry. 25-8-26.

Case 1083. R. 19—16-9-26. Krait.

Musamath Rahaman, aged 25, son of Allahi Bux, of village Padmapukur, P. O. and P. S. Asansol, District Burdwan, was bitten "by a Domna Chitti (Krait) about 27 inches long on 2-9-26. The snake was seen but not killed.

Symptoms:—Condition very bad; severe pain; turned blue occasionally.

"Lexin" was used one hour after the bite. Ligature was loosened. He was cured after one hour's inhalation. Lime, nishedal, and tamarind seed were also used.

Present:—Hazi Sabdul and others. Reporter:—Narendra Nath Bhattacharyya, General Merchant,

G. T. Road, Asansol P. 0. 15-9-26.

Case 1084. 3525—24-10-26. Krait.

Guhiram Bauri, of village Gangtookri, under Saltore Colliery, P. O. Dissergarh, District Burdwan, was bitten by a Domna Chitti (Krait) on 24th Aswin.

When I saw him his condition was very bad. "Lexin" was used two hours after the bite. After two or three hours' inhalation "he was cured. AH have been charmed with the efficacy of your medicine.

Reporter:—Jyotish Chandra Banerji, Gangtukri, P. O. Disser­garh, District Burdwan.

[Translated from Bengali.']

Case 1086.

3488—20-10-28. Krait.

Dolka Bauri, aged 16, of village Lakhshmanpur, P. O. Ladhurhka, P. S. Hura, District Manbhum, was bitten .by a Chitti (Krait) about H cubits long, on 21st Aswin last. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Not mentioned. " Lexin" was inhaled and he was cured after three hours'

inhalation. Reporter:—Swami Nirgunananda, Village Lakhshmanpur, P. O.

Ladhurhka, District Manbhum.

[Translated from Post Card, Bengali.]


Case 1086.

R. 86-26-10-26. K r a i t

TM n a « i wife of Bibhuti Muchi, of Bishnupur village, P. 0. Rasui t .KsI i ic rBurdwan was by . D - Chun (Kra,.> on her left leg on 2nd Kartik, 1333 B. S., at u a.m.

%np,oms:-Cou\i not sit; severe headache; restless; a Jo.son-test-sto»'wten applied lay fixed on the place of We.

poison test-stone fell down of itself, ine^ p m c ^ . ^ examined and one brokcnfag was extractea ^ e d

"Lexin" was contmued and a few drops o ^ ^ d

the wound. By 4 p.m. she was tuny cure ^

£ f S d N « f r J n f i h e ' ^ v a S g herself to my house to

n ^ : - ^ X r l Chtterji, Village Sahanui, P. 0 . Rasalpur,

District Burdwan. [Translated from Bengali]

Case 1087. Krait.

at ' E S S S ^ A-»-' inhalation he was cured. Q Dakshingram, via Mallar-

Reporier:—Rampada Chattaraj, ±-. u . i^ B 20-10-26. p u r , D-trict Birbhun, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y

Case 1088. Krait.


^ 2 p S o n S u s ^ h a s ^ S d ' t S s ' l o c a l i t y S n g .he fast « o r

after five minutes of ^ / ^ ^ " e hour's inhalation all. poison* loosened one ^ one and a n y o n e e d ft .g & t

^ u f a * ^ ° f Snake"bite " LCXm ^ not then available here^ ^ ^ S u r e n d r a n a t h .

F r ? " , £ " KedTrnath Pal and others. Bhattacharyya, f ^ ^ [s , s u r e c u r e for snake-bite.

tf«iiorfe.—Your mea Harinarayanpur, District Reporter:-Uht Mohan Pal, r . u

Nadia. [7Vans/afed /rom Bengali.]*


4904-15-11-27. Unknown.

P O hph,ew;aBip* ^ e i 3 0 ' W i f e o f P e a r a l H Sekh of village Manara,

by a snake on f i l 27 ^FVSn^ D i s t £ ? My™nsingh, was bitten killed. 7"30 p-m- T h e s n a k e was seen but not

P a t i S ^ f d ^ w i S ! ? 1 ^onsc.ous with a vomiting tendency, hour afterbite S , s e n s a t I ™ i n throat. Started treatment one after h a l 7 a n ^ u ^ S a h S f e l t *?5 but some ojhas tried the patent N ° m e d , c i n e « « u s e d '

Present:-! myseli was present and had the medicine inhaled.

^thlH^L""^.0*the success of "L-in" -d satisfied


Village Manara, P. O. Pakutia, Tangail (Mymensingh). 12-11-27.

4260-28-9-27 C a 8 e 1 0 9 0 ' n Cobra?

^ ! ^ . ^ \ T ^ t ^ V o f . Adala*anj Water probably by a Cobra at 11-30 nm ^ o c ' P l s t r i c t P a t n a> w a s b i t t e n

seen as the* patient va*seenin^t Z^'27-' T h e s n a k e w a s n o t

. Symptoms:-?^ pla^TbSn u ^ I " * m a d a r k r00m' Pinching and also the tLtfof w ^ d

f ^ S ? ® b l a * ; c o u I d n o t f e e ! "Lexm" half an hour after S ^ h ; ^ h a d bec°™e dull. Inhaled other medicine used, only somJ• «*•« i^ature was loosened. No Completely cured after m o r e T a n ^ h o u ^ -"tf? l e a v c s w e r e a p p l i e d

P ^ PA

r^»^-Deokinandan Pd Asst P fm h aJ a t l 0 n-

Pd., Asst, Govt. Advocate's Office p ' i a t , S . ^ C o u r t ; Damodar Pd Asst. Record Keeper, P» t a & S S £ i a ? ? h

i 1C o ! r t ; ^ ^ ^

Remarks:—The mPHir;„0 • o e c r e t a na t and others,

biting shows a very ^ o d ^ S t ^ U S e f u L E a r l v R a t i o n after . C o J ^ , - B a n w a r i Ul , Assistant Stamp R e p o r t e r , P a t n a H i g h

26-9-27. 4766—4-11-27. C a s e 1 ° W .

Musst Bibi Maemun, aeed ?K . r C o b r a -

w W ? ^ ^ , * ^ ^hera W * J a m a l 0^ village seen but J^vv A ^ l o nS on 2 1 - 5 ^ 7 ? i s t n c t Darbhanga, was There was L r e d ; 0 n e »"*»• after w L u r 1 ^ - The snake was

" £ 5 ? ? - PrSSad' *** "«« and Md. antidote for i n a ^ i £ n * d i a t e e f f e c t ' may be stvled

Reparter:--^^. . 0 ^ a S a ™rvellous District D a r b S ^ ' K r ^ a Sahay, Sub.Regi s t r a r j B a h e r a p 0 . .



Case 1092. 5_7_28. Unknown.

*** You will be glad to learn that the other day some snake bit one of my servants at night. He could not see which snake it was* but we saw two teeth-bite marks on his upper portion of right foot'and it was bleeding. I had one phial of your wonderful remedy " Lexin " and I at once used it. He did not feel any pinching up to over his knee but gradually in about half an hour he was perfectly all rieht but I had to use the whole phial. Several of my friends were present there and they saw the wonderful effect of your 44 Lexin."

(Sd.) N. P. SINHA, Depy. Magistrate, Purnea, E. B. Ry.


Case 1093. 2467-6-7-28. . *""*•

rhimaru Dhobi aged 32, son of Bhagan Dhobi, of village r» JU T> n Anranffabad P S. Baroon, District Gaya, was bitten b^fchi tfa £ ^ r ( T r S 0 on 21-6-28 at 2 p.n, The snake was seen

b U t w l t : - A l m o s t unconscious; eyes upfcirned; great thirst; could not recognize men; salivation from moutii. C°U V n , ; ™ * ^ ' £ ^ f £ t s b l eure? eNVVX? l i g a ^ e ' A / 'u^d 'He wa nofatwed tosleep the whole night. m e d C " « - , Bhupatinath Mukherji, M. Bhagbat

^ ^ " ^ Bose, Sundarguni Kutchery, P.^O.

Aurangabad (Gaya). Case 1094.

S. R.-15-7-28. . C o b r a ' Bijaya Sunkar Misra, a student ofI our chatuspathy (school),

feagnkandhh go ™l^ro'mSVat^vkh the snake still on his leg. The snake was §ien killed. A ligature with napkin was immediately made and he waT taken to the tole (residential Sanskrit school) where " Lexin " ^ inhaled. The place of bite was also incised by a d o S H^was cured after half an hour's inhalation. He is quite well now He was twice bitten by snake before this and he was cured with "Lexin" every time.

Reporter:-^ Students of the Giribala Chatuspathy^ Pakur

P. 0 . (S. P.). [Translated from Bengali.]

Case 1095. . , *, no Unknown.

2718—16-7-28. . , n f t , . j c wjfe was bitten by a poisonous snake on My younger brother s wite was j 9-7-28 at 10 p.m. on the ™ d d * 0 ^ z e ° d . J u s t l f t e r the bite intense

^S^^^S^^^ Two ligatures were immedia* made above the bite.


" Lexin" was inhaled 10 minutes after the bite. Burning pain decreased after two hours' inhalation and she was fully cured by 2 a.m. We are much astonished to see this wonderful effect of your medicine.

Reporter:—Dr. Magula Bakhs, Village Kanakpur, P. O. Murarai (Birbhum). 14-7-28"..

Case 1096. 2681—14-7-28. Russell's Viper.

Jogendra Bhattacharyya of Teora was bitten by a Chandra Bora (Russell's Viper) on 23-3-35 B. S. Many ojhas chanted mantras. They had also cut off ligature. He became gradually unconscious I was informed. I had a phial of " Lexin" which) was inhaled. The patient was cured after inhaling the whole phial of Lexin. Many thanks to your "Lexin." An efficacious anti-venom like it has not yet been invented.


Village Narenga, P. O. Koarpur (Burdwan).

29-3-35 B. S,

Case 1097. S ' R-9-12-27. Unknown,

and ^ n a ? ? a Chandra.Mudi, aged 12, son of Manohar Mudi, of village

^ i ^ ^ s r o ^ Parganas)* ~bitten by

Bala3nTothe«Dr ' D h r u b a d a s Baneri'*> Khudiram Chandra, Gourhari

^ - K a s h b a t h ' B i s k u , P. 0 . Karon, via Karmatar 7-12-2?..

Case 1088.


srav ; ufiT^aA?^z"s b irby a ™*e - ™ a scorpion bite. Then, after t w o Z u ^ ^ " 6 ^ * W a s t a k e n f o r

developed, it was too lite for anolvin^ ! v h ? ** V°lsoa symptoms Place of bite, two fang"marks were w ] 1 ^ 1 " . 6 - ° n examining the were extracted. According to l e s v S L a n d . t w o * » *>E<>ken teeth was by a Krait. ^ e ^ P t o m s , ,t seemed that the bite

she w a r r e d . ^ ^ ^ A f t e r ***** two phials of « Lexin''

B i r endTa t a^ f ^ A ^ ^ ' M*unjay Mukherji;

( B i r t e " ; - A s h u t o s h ^y , Brahmanpara, p. a K i r n a h a r

26-4-33 B. S". [Translated from Bengali.}'


Case 1099. S# R.—13-7-28. C o b r a -

Bhuban Chandra Dass, aged 22, clo H. K. Ganguly of Kuthibari, P. O. Faridpur, District Faridpur, was bitten by a Keuta (Cobra) on 30-7-28 at evening.

Symptoms:—Blood oozing out from the wound; profuse saliva­tion from the mouth; extreme weakness.

"Lexin" was inhaled 15 minutes after the ligature had been made The patient was so weak that two or three persons had to hold him at the time of inhalation. After two hours inhalation and after examining with a fowl, the ligature was loosened. It was with " Lexin " only that the patient was fully cured.


P. O. Faridpur. 11-7-28.

Case 1100. . 2641-13-7-28. «' ,

Wife of Nirmal Mirdha of Dhadangal P. 0. Pakora (S P.). was bitten by a snake on 9-7-28. The snake was seen and killed. Ft was brown coloured with white bands or rings on its body (Krait). It was thin and long.

Svmbtoms:—She felt sleepy. . . . . „ , "lexin " was inhaled half an hour after the bite Her sleepiness

at once disappeared and she was cured after half an hours inhalation. Remarks:-Thc medicine is a specific for snake-bite. Reporter:-B. Marundi, Village Ranipahar, P. O. Benagoria

(S. P.). Case 1101.

AIAI—I m ?7 Russell's Viper. 4343—2-lU-^/. left***

A case of snake-bite was cured by your medicine on 15-9-27. Although the snake was not seen by the victim, it appeared from the hi e as well as the inflammation that the snake was a Bora (Russell's Vioer) Acute burning sensation and inflammation subsided greatly after half an hour's inhalation of "Lexin." The medicine was con­tinued for four hours. The inflammation became less and less by decrees and ultimately vanished after two days.

Present:—Brindaban Sinha Ray, B.L.; Brajendra Nath Pal, B.A.; TV Mrieendra Nath Mandal and others.

Sor ter : -Nakuleswar Chakervertty, B.A. Asst. Headmaster and Secy. Jangipur Pallimangal Samity, P. 0 . Jangipur (Hooghly).

Case 1102. -20-7-28. C o b r a '

Manindra Nath Banerji, aged 51, .son of late Kali Prasanna Ranprii B L of Konnagar, P. S. Utterpara District Hooghly, was bittedby a Padmf Gokhura (Cobra) about l i feet long on 7-7-28 at 5-45 pm. The snake was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Slightly drowsy., "Lexin" was inhaled ten minutes after the bite. No ligature

wa<? made. Drowsiness lasted for about 2 hours. Inhaled the drug •v.* whole nieht. No other medicine was used—a snake charmer chafed « « $ £ only. Fully cured. No after effects ..

Present— Phani B. Mukherji and Monomoy Chatterji. Reporter:—Atindra Nath Ghose, P. 0 . Konnagar, E. I. Ry.


B, SB 27


Case 1103. 2500-7-7-28. K r a , t -

Nepubala Dasi, daughter of Gouriprasad Nayak, of village Bans-sanka, P. O. Shahpur, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Chitti with white cross lines (Krait) on 10-6-28 at about 6 a.m., while she was clearing an earthenpot. The snake could not get out of the pot so it was left there, but we found it dead the next morning.*

Symptoms:—Head whirling; pain all over the body; sleepiness, insensibility of the affected limb; thirst.

"Lexin" was inhaled about 4 hours after the bite. After some three hours' inhalation the patient felt quite right. But the swelling of the affected part due to the bandage (ligature made immediately after the snake-bite) remained. The inhalation was repeated the next morning too as the local pain and swelling remained.

Present:—Dharanidhar Ray, Dukori Nayak and Suresh Chandra Ray.

Reporter:—Dr. Radha Gobinda Ray, Village Bans-sanka, P. O. Shahpur (Birbhum). 3-7-28.

[Translated from Bengali.] Case 1104.

2464—6-7-28. Russell's Viper. Jumratan Mirshikarin, aged 25, wife of Rustam, of village

Karai, P. O. Karai Parsarai, P. S. Hilsa, District Patna, was bitten by a Thoothur or Bahra (Russell's Viper) on 30-6-28 at about 11 a.m. The snake, which was 2 feet long, was seen and killed.

Symptoms:—Heat-depression; fainting; hard breathing; tremb­ling, etc.

No ligature was made. " Lexin " was used half an hour after the bite and was inhaled for half an hour. The patient vomited twice and was afterwards cured. No other medicine was used.

Present:—S. Abdul Haq, S. Ansil Hussain, S. Waris Imam and Parmeshar Lall.

Remarks:—There is no danger of life from snake-bite if a man possess a phial of "Lexin."

Reporter:—Syed Reza Imam, Karai Parsarai P. O., District Patna. 4 . 7 . 2 8

Case 1105. 2517-8-7-28. K r a i t >

AU^f^p"^ wfe o f T?^ a p j £ a Mitra> o f village and P. O. r i ; f f ? ? ^ r ^ f f , ? ? [ ' Du,-Str

1,ct Bil*hum, was bitten by a Domna

Chitti (Krait) about 1 cubit long on 3-7-28 at 8-30 pm

Present:-Sh\b Ch. Dass, Haridas Ray and Gangadhar Pathak

Birbhum. : Kumarish Chandra Dass, P. O. Aligram, District

•Kraits do not live more than 24 hours in captivity.-En.


Case 1106. 3761—1-9-27. 3761—1-9-27.

Banalata, aged 6 years, daughter of R. B. Nath, "Weaving Inspector, Jorhat, Assam, was bitten by a snake on 24-8-27 at about 6-30 p.m. on her left leg.

Symptoms:—Affected leg swollen and grew very cold; restless and crying with pain.

"Lexin" was inhaled just after bite, and a few drops of the medicine were also put on the place of bite. She was kept awake up to 3-30 a.m. By the grace of God she has been cured. A slight swelling and occasional itching at the place of bite continued up to next morning.

Reporter:—R. B. Nath, Weaving Inspector, Jorhat, Assam. [Translated from Bengali.] Case 1107.

4819-8-11-27. . u Lakhiabad, P. O. jJSSS. S L t r f c ^ ^ w a s ^ £ afnake at about 12 p.m. ° n 4 ^ , n L ^ - - H e a d drooping down; could not open her eyes; burnfrS sensation; pain in chest; vomj mg Q ^ ^

" Lexin" was inhaled 2i h ° u ™ / " " i ^ i o n easier, and was cured inhalation she felt better ^und her r ^ r a U o ^ n ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ " S ^ N S 9 ^ * . Sashadhar De and Fakir C % d ^ : - D r . Rashbehari Banerji, Village Lakhiabad, P. O. Jagardanga (Midnapur).

Case 1108. R u s s e l l 's Viper. 4808—8-11-27. "Texin" about the 3rd week of the

I got one dozen bottles of L ^ V S n e in a case of Russell's last month from ^ ^ ^ S m i t i n g and purging blood. ***** Viper bite. The P a t i e m . w

o f ^e m o u th and the nostrils. L^"1*, the same was oozing out oi tne m d i r e c t i o n s . The patients ^Adminis tered i n ^ l y as g r your.^ ^ a { t e r 1Q ^ t h e leg became very much sw<M *>;?#» be nff on Z3-1U-*' «" * u v

rSd) V. R. SHESHASAYI AIYER, Pleader, Kulitalai P. O.,

District Trichinopoly. 1-11-27.

Case 1109. C o b r a >

2586—11-7-28. f o r y o u r Snake-bite Cure. I do not, to> ™ ™ J a > r a . a convict named Jahiruddin

. Yesterday morning at abomyo District Raj shahi), aged rresident of village ChhatinThana * ^ ^ b i b y a Cobra. S tears while working m the ja"B brought to the ail gate. Tn about 15 to 20 mmutes theman wa s ^ o { M , Sew^s almost senseless at «« t u m ^ ^ a half ago through my *?*£* which I f ; J X s « of Shibpore Colliery, Chief Mechanical son-hi-law, R ^ / ^ c o m m f n c e d treatment immediately and soon the Engineers Ottice.


man regained consciousness and was cured in about 3 hours time. The Superintendent of this jail, Mr. M. Leach, was all along present and was very much pleased to see the effect of your medicine.

A report of this case has been submitted to the Inspector-General of Prisons, Bengal, with recommendation that a few phials of this medicine should be ordered to be kept in all jails.


Jailer, Rajshahi Central Jail.

7-7-28. [True Copy.]

Case 1110. 1808—3-6-28. Cobra.

Panu Sahu, aged 22, son of Sadi Sahu, of village Talkusma, P. O. Kudanagari, P. S. Patakurra, District Cuttack, was bitten by a Cobra on 30-5-28 in the evening.

Symptoms:—Drowsy and senseless. "Lexin" was inhaled half an hour after the bite. After

45 minutes' inhalation he was cured. There was no ligature. No other medicine was used—only snake-charmers chanted mantras before using "Lexin" but without any effect.

Present:—Bidai Sahu, Sheikh Haku and others. Remarks:—I am thankful for the efficacy of the medicine. Reporter:—Jyotish Ch. Raychaudhury, Zemindar, Kazibazar,

Cuttack. 30-5-28.

Case 1111. 2620—12-7-28. Cobra. Death.

Khunku Bauri, aged 6 years, son of Taru Bauri, of Suri, District Birbhum, was bitten by a Cobra on 14-5-28 at about 1 p.m.

Symptoms.-—Senseless: lips pale, gradually becoming bluish; eyes blue.

"Lexin" was tried 3 hours after the bite; but the patient died. Present;—Benoy K. Banerji, Deputy Magistrate, and others. Remarks:—" Lexin " was used according to the printed directions

for use but no result was seen perhaps as it was too late when we got information.

Reporter:—Panchanan Dass, Scout Master, Beni Madhav Institute, Sun, E. I. Ry. 27-6-28.

Case 1112. 2583-11-7-28. K r a i t

Uru Mandal. son of Radhakanta Mandal, was bitten by a Chitti (Krait) on 5-7-28. He was cured by using two phials of " Lexin."


P. O. Sundarpur, Village Kogram,

District Murshidabad. 9-7-28. [Translated from a Post Card, Bengali.]


Case 1113.

2603—12-7-28. Tast vear I freely distributed one dozen "Lexin" (Snake-bite

r , « J f to the people with good effect. I request you to send me one dozen more o? "Lexin" by V.-P. P. In another letter I shall give you full history of the treatment.

(Sd.) M. A. HAMID,

Bar.-at-Laxv, Ikri,

P. 0. Jahanabad (Gaya). 10-7-28.

[True Copy.]

Case 1114.


* * * I cannot keep silent about the great benefit and wonderful power of your " Lexin " which I got in using the medicine in Snake­bite Cases.***


Head Constable of Police, Morada P. S. and P. O.,

(Mayurbhanj State),

Balasore, B. N. Ry. 9-7-28.

[Copied from a Post Card, English.]

Case 1115.


From Diwan Bahadur S. K. MAHAPATRA,

Member, Legislative Council. Cuttack, the 29th June, 1928.

DEAR SIR, The wonderful efficacy of your Snake-bite Cure was demonstrated

before a large crowd when a man bitten by a snake in my village, who was given up for dead, recovered within a few minutes.

My son Shyama Charan has since got half a dozen phials of the medicine which is regarded as a boon to mankind.

I remember the experiments started in the Zoo with the help of a munificent donation made by the Law family of Calcutta about 35 years ago and subsequent efforts made in that direction. At last a sure remedy has been found on which you are to be congratulated.

Yours, etc., (Sd.) S. K. MAHAPATRA.

[True Copy.]


2380-3-7-28. C a 8 e 1 1 1 6 ' From

.Mrs. M. HIXON,

P- O. Ikrah, District Burdwan.

. The last supply (of "Lexin'M • J , Ut J u I y ' *9 2 8 ' has just been finished and had v<.i/e C e ,Je d f r ,o m y° u '«'* years ago a few days back on a man wh« g ° ° d resuIts' t h e l a s t being u s « l

by snakes. The ^ fi W J 0 ? 1 ^ t o c u r e People bitten wnich I always keep handv w . u . - T . " rt was not for your cure •may. W e h a s b e e n p e r f e c t , y c u r e d

(Sd.) Mrs. M. HIXON.

[True Copy.] 4077—20-10-27. C a s e 1117.

villa?,!1 1 0 t h S o m b e r , 1927 af 7 „ Russell's Viper. Se fo'Jrf J"?*1 ^ * Russeirs VJn?"' ^ t n c h a r a m Laha of our K t t e n ^ ^ ^ B o r a > . between T ^ k i ^ f ^ V 9 ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ! ^ w af .oozing from the part of 12th U?' I h o u r s ^ d seemed tnKnute4 lnhalation of " Lexin." • w d 3 c o n s S 5 S W h e n swell n g Started6 f $ * u p t o t h e n i S h t

^ b K g t t ^ ea n


n ? e Patient v o S d blood T ?* ^ " M saved. « » . and swelling reduced S a l l y ^ e %£?s

(Sd.) UPENDRA NATH AnHTT,ADT Narenga, P. 0 . KoarpurTBurd'wan).

Reed. 27-7-27. Case m 8 . 1 5 ' 9 " 2 7 '

^ ^ Baner^of our T S c u r«l of po£;n-M o s t Probably \t[lT **$? -b i t t e n ^ * s n a k e

" * b i ^ L ^ V ^ 2«her o f \ > L ^ ^ d o i n * well, eured by t h e ^ ^ S T h e snake f S K , r S a r k a r of our village U n d ^ ^ ^ o H ^ ^ ^ k,IICd- ShC' t0°' has bee" n e % ^ ° Z ! t T k * S S 2 fc r r Damodar, and several n e w We e v e r y ^ b e curing h u n ^ ^ by .the floods.

s o t dymg patients—giving

TeSia P^n*^ SARKAR, ' • Sv SpPat-Purulia,

"00^.18 4.90 „ t n C t B a n k u r a - 2 3 " 7 - 2 7 ' " W e h 1 1 1 9 -

snake-bVease^? ^ ^ e d to SPP ,-f ,« ^ P i o n . Centipede. ^ a n d I 5 ^ * « ^ ° X \ ( i r ' ' ) marvellous effect in

Personally b e e n eyelS?™"8 S c o r P i o n and centipede Dr <5T

0 n s e v e r a i occasions. P a ^ h g r a m

S ^ D R A N A J H SANTRA, u - Nutanhat (Burdwan). _



Case 1120. 903—8-4-27. Venomous Snake.

Yesterday evening I have saved the life of Bhavani Dasi wife of Jadu Nath Ghose, of village Dhanyaghosh, P. S. Gangli, Meherpur (Nadia). She was bitten by a very poisonous snake. Very glad to see the extraordinary effects of " Lexin."


President, V. B., Dhanyaghosh, P. O. Gangli (Nadia). 5-4-27.

Case 1121. Reed. 30-8-27. Cobra.

(1) Report of a snake-bite patient, son of Hanan Pasee, aged 25 years, resident of Mahalla Macharhatta, District Ghazipur, was bitten by a Cobra snake on his right leg at 7-30 p.m. of the 24th instant. He himself identified the snake. I reached his place at once. There were at least one thousand people of the city. I gave him your " Lexin " to inhale and cured. Thank God, he is quite well now.

Case 1122. Death Report.

(2) Baby, aged 2 years, son of Sami Suraj Amin of Mahalla Barbarhua, Ghazipur, was bitten by an unknown snake. The child was seen crying. His mother did not take any notice as she did not know that the baby was bitten by a snake. The mother was trying to make the child sleep, but he did not sleep. After two or three hours she noticed his nails, etc, and began to call her neighbours. We went there and noticed the following conditions:—(1) Blue nails. (2) Blue lips. (3) The finger which was bitten was also dark blue. (4) Drooping head. We began to make him inhale your "Lexin," but he died after 5 or 6 minutes. "Lexin" was used too late.


New Medical Hall, Ghazipur (U. P.). 25-8-27.

¥ Case 1123. 2189—29-9-24. Death Report. ;

Raghunathgunj P. O., Murshidabad. 25-9-24.

The opportunity of testing its ("Lexin") efficacy, however, unfortunately occurred this morning when a local doctor informed me of a probable snake-bite case in the suburb of the town. I hastened with all speed to the place and began the treatment according to the directions given on the label of the phial. The treatment proved entirely abortive and the man died. Particulars of the case are given below:—

Shibu Mandal, Hindu, male, aged about 45 years, was sleeping with his family in a mud-built hut on the floor. At about 3-30 a.m. he suddenly awoke with a burning pain on the back of the ear. Soon after he felt heaviness in the head, tightness in the chest and numbness in the whole body. At about 7 a.m., information was sent to


Rashbehari Banerji, Sub-Assistant Surgeon, who reached there at 7-30 a.m. and found the following symptoms best described in nis own words:—

Salivation from the mouth, difficulty in speaking, pain and tiehtness in the chest and abdomen. A sort of painful sensation round the ear, pupil slightly dilated. Head slightly hung down. Difficulty in opening the eyelids, cold sweats on the forehead, slight respiratory difficulty. Sound of mucous flakes within the bronchial tubes, stiffness of the jaws.

Some amount of red swelling of the left ear with the sign of a pinprick wound surrounded by black mark.

The snake was not seen. On getting information I reached there at 8-30 a.m. and with the

help of the abovenamed doctor began the treatment. Let it be known that the medicine was purchased about two months ago and was opened twice and a few drops were used in some undiagnosed cases. The phial was however kept very carefully corked tight and capsulated with wax.

I applied the entire contents of the phial in the manner prescribed by you continuously for 60 minutes, repeating a fresh dose after each 15 minutes. After 2 doses the patient once said that he felt a little lightness in the head. But we were of opinion that the man was gradually losing his consciousness and his answers regarding his own condition were rather cloudy and indefinite. Though the medicine was deeply inhaled for 1 hour, all the abovementioned symptoms aggravated and the patient died at 9-30 a.m. the same day.

I am much disappointed at the result of your invention. In this locality there are good many snake-bite cases, the greater percentage of which end fatally. This is just the area where Cobra, Krait, and other kinds of venomous snakes are to be found in plenty.

Will you kindly let me know by return of post* (a) why the medicine did not act, (6) why no relief, however small, could not be secured, and (c) whether the medicine loses its efficacy if opened and used once.

As you appear to have made a great invention, it is but fair that you should try to enlighten us on the points of doubt and difficulty.

Yours, etc., (Sd.) P. MlJKHERjr, M.A., B.L.,

Pleader, Jangipur Court (Murshidabad).

* (a) and (b) Fresh doses should have been repeated at least after each 5 minutes instead of 15 minutes, most probably this could not he done as the stock of medicine was very small in this case- the olacp of bite ought to have been examined with a sharp knife for the deter tion and extraction of poison fangs which remain broken in trood manv cases and fresh poison constantly getting into blood circulation hinders cure and endangers life in spite of " Lexin" unless extrarSJ in time. This very important precaution was not unfortunate^ taken in this case. As there was breathing difficulty evidentlv•£ patient could not deeply inhale " Lexin." In these casVs t h e & h t l is to put a few drops of "Lexin" into both the nostrils a H S the patient inhale artificially, (c) Vide directions printed ED


Case 1124. Reed. 28-7-27. Russell's Viper (Daboia).

Panchibala Dasi, aged 20, care of Kailash Chandra Bahadur, was bitten by a Russell's Viper on 18th Ashar, 1334 B. S. (3rd July, 1927). She developed serious symptoms. Cured by inhaling " Lexin." All right on 6th July. We are charmed to see the wonderful effects of "Lexin." Started treatment immediately after bite.

' ° ^ TK B. Roy. (Sd.) 3 - B. ROY, Sheora, P. O. Amadi (Khulna).

Case 1126.

Reed. 20-7-27. . . Z e m m dar of Mosakshah, Mohammad Ismail Chowd^ury Saheb, ^ d f

ttWalnakur District Dumka, c n* , d a l a r g e number of phials § ^ W ? ^ t e ^ £ & amW his tenants and

^ i h c l t a n t . Lahar B i s ^ T V l t i ^ ^ Hari Govinda Kota! of v,age Cho vta, b y .. L e x i n . " He was ,n

has been K ^ ™ 1 ' ; a w h o le day. , - .„ M o n d o l and - « ° S £ ^ those of the nephe^ offtj* ^ d e a d . Manohar Muchi of Mosakshah B newspapers. M I have reported these cases ^

( S t U Devan, Kotalpakur™ P. 0. Kotalpakur (S. P.). 1-7-27.

Case 1126.

4558-17-10-27. h a t r « u x r a » is very effica-I am very glad to mformyo & . ^ fey ^ m e d l c m e

cious in snake-bi e. SHIDESHWAR SINGH,

/„tf*ctor o/ Fo/tV. and Lech«r#r p0J«* Tram.H<7 Co/fc^, Hazanbagh. 15-10-27.

Case 1127.

T*R5—18-8-27. . , *r.iimvpd the use of your 3 3 8 Results beyond -pectat.ons ^ J f ^ o n h ' g . ^ M ™ " " ^ ^ c f r c u r a t o a X d ^ r e a t e s t good to the worid-th.s ,s my

«nlv nraver to God. oc ™iin<re Daokari, P. O. Solerkola, ° n I y S h a r a n Saha, aged 25, v d t a g Dao^ ^ ^ ^ g f w

District Khulna, was bitten'^ * r m B S (30th July, Wf'l' ,1nf td vomiting frequently in small 1 3 3 ^ m ^ m , : - S l e e p y l o o k , b ^ J 0 ^ b l o o d - r e d , respiration quanSiei, frequent bilious evacuate, . ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ normal, temperature 97 *., « at place of bite. . t loosened. Patient was not allowed

P r r w « m e i t f : - - L « a ^ , 7 ^ m ^ to inhale again and again. Three to sleep. He was, » . ^ o n h i s tongue when he was vomiting drops of ^ e x m


blood. At the start of treatment he had giddiness and nausea, which S ^ ? a l l y $S*1SP&i A f ^ e r o n e h o u r ' s ^halation vomi ing of aftemards * WCakneSS f ° r 2 0 r 3 d a ^ <*uite a I1 " ^ t


Medical Officcr-in-Chargc, T> ^ rp°al!,ulJh Charitable Dispensary, V. U. bolerkola (District Khulna). 10-8-27.

4742-1-11-27. C f t 8 e 1 i 2 8 '

T * am very glad to let you know that bv vour Sna^-hi^ PnrP I successfully treated some six cases. bnake-bite Lure,

(Sd:.) B. B. DAS GUPTA, Medical Officer, Baisi Hospital,

r/~ J.- J ?" ° - Ba i s i» District Purnea. [Copied from a Post Card, English.]

4309-30-9-27. C a 8 e 1 1 2 9 «

cured. g ^ m f o r s o m e time, she was


, , . , . Zemindar, Mirash, P. o., Sylhet.

10th Aswin, 1334 B. S.

4735-1-11-27. C a 8 e 1 1 3 ° -

?f youT«t Le"glwdhich w t t : r e ^ ^ n S ' t h ^ T S i i a i . instance a girl of M m i ™ w i 7 ° k d e r f u l , y e f f i c a c i°"s. In one called " Bahm Sanp»' ^ S e l f f v S S ? 1 ^ I v e ryPo is°nous snake, tion to be very bad. Shi wa s e ^ " T ? 6 ^ ^ " d h e r c o n d i -find that she recovered comnletelv ?n U%n - a n d * w a s *kd to was about 45, was brought to me H L 8 ^ * 6 ?

l n t t a n c e a m a n . who snake. In this case also "Lexin^ac^H ^Jlu° b ! t t e n ^ t h e same has, as a matter of fact, saved t w o lives. m a r v e l l o u s l y- So " Lexin "


P n * - H a r d a s B'Kha-*•• U. Khusrupur (Patna). 30-10-27.

—21-9-27. C a 8 e 1 1 3 1 -

for ^ ' " ^ ^ T S S n ^ t ^ g w £ £ n up


Cfo Bagala Prasad Chakervertty, ul^Pleader Nemutpur P.o. 'sitarampur,

District Burdwan. 19-9-27.


Case 1132. 27-7-27 Venomous Snakes. There were two snake-bite cases in this locality. By administer­

ing your medicine "Lexin," most successful effect was obtained. In both these cases the patients became quite senseless, so the snakes must be very poisonous no doubt. In one of the cases two phials of your medicine had to be used.


Hony. Secretary, Kasba Seva Bhandar, Ballygunge,

Kasba, P. O. Dhakuria, District 24-Parganas. 18-7-29.

Case 1133. 1728-8-6-27. C o b r a - ***'

On 30-5-27 a trained dog (a hunter) of mine killed a Black n k~ o w ? \ rnbits lone of its own accord. In this way he had g & , £ ? i k J t i S but this time he was unfortunately bitten at the time of killing the snake.

A nhial of "Lexin" was procured from Dr Mohit Mohan Mitra

useful medicine indeed! (Sd.)' ATUL CHANDRA GHOSB,

Retired Post Master, 10, Naychak Road, Ishakchak,

Bhagalpur P. O.

Case 1134. 3422—19-8-27.

I am very glad to let you know that I have tried your anti-venom hTtwo cases and secured success in both-the result was simply surprising. The names and addresses a r e : -

(1) Sebua, son of Mangar, P. O. Mansurchak, District Monghyr, was bi ten by a Krait, which was seen and killed. "Lexin" was nhalea half an hour after the bite and he was cured after two hours

inhalation. No other medicine was used. m Ram Chander, son of Bhegiru of Rashdipur P. O. Man-

c.r^oir Dktrict Monghyr, was bitten by a Krait, which was seen SSnSfed " Lexin "was inhaled half an hour after the bite and he was cured after half an hour's inhalation. No other medicine was


Medical Officer, Mansurchak Hospital, P. O. Mansurchak (Monghyr).



As the Non-Poisoncms Snakes have found no place in the body of this book, they must be honoured at the end. They have got no poison glands, but still they are not always harmless. Just as rats and dogs have no poison glands but sometimes harbour certain toxin in their saliva. are on record from rat-bite fever and as also from bites of non-venomous snakes. 1 ke to""6, T ° W n t 0 e v e r v b °dy . I should nakes t ^ ° " ^ ° f t h e —venomous

S t r d J r , ^ S°metimeS Pr°ve fe*J. ^.scardmg the element of fright involved in the

s s £ ? *snakes'fatai resuits *»* *°£ Snakes a i 0 ° r e n 0 n , ° U S " ^ Ut m e «PW» = foundesrth

oeft nodr0

nf in;ested with t i c k s »-

venomous and I n §S ZM b i r d s - W h « « each o t h l r ^ ^ r t S ^ ™ » their abode. Ticks from S l n t e r change

* Hve i„ t h e Zy oTa » J 6 " ™ 8 s ^ come infect the latter and ^ " n ° m ° U S o n e an<* * « the saliva ; f l e

a t " a . ~ * * ^ngth of £ " » ? of the p r e t c e


k; £™~ ^ °» Dhamms (rat-snakes) have L a r r i v a l s ' fatal results sometimes So ^ ^ t 0 p r o d u c e

disregard the non-™!L n ° W f ° u I d * * totally. - th ing." A11 h o „ 0 ™ :heSKak,eS " " ^ * *

r t o the Killers of Men!


[The figures refer to Case Numbers of this edition only. The cases that appeared in the first edition, July 1929, were different.]

Ancistrodon (?) , {546.

Banded-Krait, 165, 367, 368, 371, 372, 408, 429, 500, 650, 749, 857, 880.

Centipede, 485 failure, 664, 1119.

Cholera, 5, 739 repeated through oversight.

Cobra, 1, 8—148, 160, 164, 175, 193, 200, 205, 206, 231, 245, 261, 271, 309, 319, 323, 329, 332, 333, 338, 340, 341, 350, 376, 384—386, 389, 393, 394, 396, 406, 407, 410, 417, 421, 423, 427, 433—437, 445, 448, 451, 452, 454, 459, 460, 462, 463, 471, 472, 474, 476, 482, 483, 489, 492, 496, 497, 499, 504, 506, 511, 512, 514, 515, 519—525, 527, 529—536, 540-547, 551, 552, 553 (King Cobra?), 555, 556, 559—570, 572, 573, 580, 582, 586-589, 605, 608, 611, 614, 617, 618, 622, 624, 636, 640-642, 644, 647, 648, 657-660, 668, 669, 673, 675, 707, 708, 7X0—713, 716, 717, 719, 741, 744, 746, 751—753, 758, 759, 763, 764, 765, 767, 768, 769, 772, 777, 781, 784, 789, 790, 793, 795, 796, 809, 845, 846, 849, 850, 851, 856, 858, 861, 862, 866, 867, 869, 870, 875, 879, 889—891, 898, 908, 917, 939, 969—977, 979—992, 1004, 1009, 1011, 1022, 1029, 1067, 1091, 1094, 1099, 1102, 1109, 1110, 1111 death, 1121, 1131, 1133.

Coral Snake, 391, 518?, 819.

Distira, 381.

Echis, 236, 820, 964, 1025.


Food-Poisoning, 476, 792, 842.

Green-Viper, 222, 370, 464 death, 517, 948, 1035.

Hornet, 484.

Krait, 149, 150, 152—159, 162, 163, 167—172, 174, 178, 179, 181—183 185-189, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197-199, 201-204,' 208-220* 224-228, 230, 232, 234, 237-244, 246, 247, 249, 307, 316 317* 326, 328, 331, 348, 351, 352, 355-358, 360, 361, 363-366 369 375, 377, 379, 392, 400, 402, 403, 405, 422, 439, 440 449' 456 '


465 475 477, 481, 487, 490, 493, 495, 501, 503, 507, 509, 510, 513, 516,' 526, 539, 548, 550, 557, 576, 590, 596, 598, 603, 610, 615, 616, 620, 623, 625-627, 629-631, 637, 639, 662, 663, 666, 6(37, 67l', 709, 715, 718, 726, 729, 731—735, 747, 748, 750, 760, 766, 771* 775, 779, 788, 794, 797—799, 801, 811, 813, 815, 816, 821-826, 835, 841, 847, 859, 863, 868, 897, 900-902, 905-907, 923, 978, 1013, 1027, 1043, 1072, 1075—1081, 108.3-1088, 1093, 1100, 1103, 1105, 1112, 1118, 1134.

Lachesis, 196, 221, 222, 370, 464 death, 517, 833, 948, 1035, 1066, 1082. Lycodon (Harmless), 571. Opium Poisoning, 7. Rat-Bite, 998, 1010.

Russell's Viper. 161. 173, 180, 223, 229, 233, 235. 250—256, 258—260, 262—270,'272—302, 353, 359, 362, 373, 374, 399, 411, 426, 428, 431, 446, 467—470, 488, 494, 498, 502, 505. 537, 558, 584, 585,^ 599, 619, 628, 632, 653, 661, 674, 706, 714, 727, 728, 730, 755,' 756, 761, 773, 774, 776, 791, 873, 878, 921, 922, 1046, 1053, 1068—1071, 1073, 1074, 1096, 1104, 1108, 1117, 1124, 1130.

Scorpion, 347, 369, 387, 398, 404, 416, 422, 457, 669, 817, 818, 860,

864, 865, 895, 926, 927, 1119.

Sea Snake, 438.

Snakes (unrecognised), 2, 3, 4, 6, 151, 177, 184, 190, 207, 248, 257, 321, 380, 430, 441, 442, 453, 455, 466, 473, 479, 480, 486, 491, 508, 538, 549, 574, 577, 581, 583, 601, 606, 607/ 612, 613, 633, 634, 635, 638, 643, 652, 654, 655, 676, 677, 678, 685, 686, 687, 693, 720, 721, 723, 736, 737, 745, 802, 807, 808, 814, 827—832, 844, 848, 885, 886, 894, 896, 933 death, 999, 1000, 1002, 1005, 1007, 1008, 1015, 1016, 1018-1020, 1023, 1024, 1026, 1033, 1036, 1037 death, 1038, 1042, 1061 death, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1089, 1095, 1122 death.

Snakes (not seen), 303—306, 308, 310—315, 318, 322 324 325 327 330, 334-337, 339, 342-346, 349, 354, 378, 382,' 383,' 388,' 390, 395, 397, 401, 409, 412-415, 418—420, 424, 425, 432 443 444 447, 450, 458, 461, 478, 521, 578, 579, 591, 592-595, 597 600 602 604, 645, 649, 651, 656, 672, 702, 740, 757, 770, 786 787' 84o' 855 874, 876, 877, 888, 893, 993, 994, 996, 1021, 1030, 1031 'l032 1034, 1041, 1044, 1045, 1048, 1050, 1054, 1062, 1090, 1101 1123 death. '

Stramonium Poisoning, 839.

Typhlops, 166, 176, 621, 665, 695, 697, 853, 854, 1051

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