




II ,. Fl ag Salute

III .. Roll Call

IV. Approval of Ag·~l'lda

v. Approval of Minutes

t VI. Repor ts: y r Chairman

!; 'A c" V( -------- Vice-Chai rman

VII. Old Business:

A.. From The Fl oor

VIII. New Business:




Appointments - Secretary, Vice Chairman

I.c.c. Rep. to c.s.A.~ (b~t/J~5 1 -. Utr! '~ _ Vc: cf ::- -

Club Day fr J'Y , c1 ( F .-Homecoming .~ f // -1 ( /C' ~" -v ·

• ~ [ 7{?1 ---- ----... ~.---

AGENDA Neeting #1 September 15, 19/0

c::::::: ____ E. Off Catupus Speakers Committee· ... ~

F. FromTheFloor ~

IX. Money Making Request s fo/ s-c,.: x. Announcements

XI. Adjournment

San.t · H~·H J .·n·.or ~tll 1 :g Pf{'l<; ~ CL'JD .;vlJtL'Jir,

W ti'J.tec.~ r1 .eting f,ll

S(·. tcr.1ber 15,. 19 /(J

r Gcll to Order Chl<i. ·· ) 1 ?-k.r; Ka"'ulwdin.i1. oa1leCJ. chc cootir:g to orr ei· at 12:09

-1 o 1f1, u f o.lute The f'1 ag s .tlu c .·w.· h:d by T• l.'l. y Cala.~~n

TC r • Roll c~..:u

Troare were lfl .;.I.J.'. reprl•, antu.tives -Lu <-tttendar:. ·c~ Xh.:enc{::.:; ~~ ~rc excus .d

I\'. Ap}>X'oval of Agerdu The ugeuda ~m ... apJ..":'o\"eJ ::ts 1:.r4.t :en ..

V App't'..Jva1 of .4:im t .: ..


'fte illin.ute. \-lei 1.:! <. a J J;.'l~:i. t t-=m

l'(;•_po rto A.o CHAlR/t'Jl: ~(U'k K9..rah.:..C .. L· !1 v:e:-'.t omed nl J repres Jl tatlvec to .., 1t~.· Club

r~ J If c 1 awl i f'\l:'Ol'lt ~rl I p ru th"t i.lKJ HOl.;~d ryqch r >C. -L .] .;::1 ndc..r w:i. th n the :i.r .. ..rn·ma iotl n 'V~ ~ i·o funct:l.on at each \•Iec}J.y !i1" • i· ..i '1, Be c.J. ''O di•>cl,Ed,.-.1 the rr:t·~~J.· of ~tt .r1•iai c : .IJnttintt elll ... lhn"li; ::1•.;} f ci· t' d. , 11 cl.l'J& <;houlci. }1~ V"- 1:1 repcur:;eatative -Enn .1. aJ.t1:1rm:.1·c f;t ~!- .:;o l.'lVOic"

u'Jic.n.~e.; Exc• .c•'. cL_'"'~~Ji \'J'11 ... :h)J.~r.··itt d n.LlJ~r i:i. c,r.. Lcd1 !l:-~tc~

p •cvel't"J ' ·ep"~"eS' rt lc·L;c -r·l'Oll .·""t ·~a· Ylf rt ~;;:0. , l~-v h!l 'fOl'J.d j ·''a fo 1.. lC1..l r.·~;. I, ~ ,· 1' "tf n.• ~ ,., 1.:

''"' c-ct.i<... 11,'< YcPt rz P 'P'l'.;l • t.~ • Y • n , Dorroe.l: t J 1 'J• · :·• 'J ~'1 / ~ llo ~ -::or 1 .:i.. tteo for 1 f' •. 0·~ P·\.1 G ,

Club D""i{ .'1 15 th ... r ,\ t .w c1.5 •, c. 'W t:· L .n :.. }k ·' • · u L ··r'1t 11 <t~ ..... •;;X<.::lt.Cill~":t•'C'~ Ot ~~·1b d'l.y ull !:0 :,~n··· ~11. ,,:lu'!J .. i11 0. ee: 9 \ fu;li. g ( f on o ~c ;< i~;. J.!'o L' e t •C.. tl > •.!. l •"

thjn'{j_ ~ ··b( d:. IJ·;r:.iiJlo nolll~.n?.tivus (r_ ~1 1. ,; B!_.;:,' G.~. ,l, ,.

&~.!:1"~"k .r. .. ".lt •. (" Ct }•i.e, t. "Ci1't tJ .. " .. L:·J" \..-~4 ;tL ,....,t , ,.;"t;.>X;f• ,', th'3 lC'' ..Jl:i .J. 0 ·.'l fl.;. !. · ~}1: .IJ

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C l."'l' ~wtl.!.J.g, boconn.l [, 1._(.\ CT. ;ent:ionc A

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7l">J •r, .. • J 1 (l~•C !; h. l' t·i ':r 1 l;" \ •Hf' Y) ' '1d th·;: in1··~·cr~1t. -.f cl.1'1 avJ\.Y~nts C~nd urgc"l that

·~t ' .( .s ... .t .~nt. Jl.ct.i.,_iti.(k Uff.i.ce,,

r,~ "L • ~; b ) s. 0 .c!lt T~()O) l'z.: :.:;mderri· >Y•)reac..ed vJh :ltO ·et• r.omes out of ICC , '· the ~- ,d o.: t'."l ~;et -.ntur if; H'1·.t-: the r~.:•t·e.s:mtativet:l nno oftic~rs ll'l· of it< II. ... ) r; (..; ~ ::,0 .• to \ i:.O~\..tnur <;.;.;> r;ncl) an possible c.

f1,, l\.&11'' .t:J.i.,m_r~t,a..;:

In~ ·or Cl ·.). 0. C(:J.'"', Pef,r r Cll'L'isticn, Vi-n~cl:.: ir.1an :•d -'J< •: l • 1 ~ dan. C ris z,.., .k A mo ~.on WI$ maue tn acce11t

Ul'I_)CJI i;m ... .'·~· ~..-~· c,O<.l~•taryv t-.i.ce-chr.irruun :.:md p&:cliame.t:tterid!lo •t" J t.:rr.!:'· ~v...;-.

t.i VC l 0 (,SA:

Ter.ry CaJ.ahant th('

'l'he mot~.on

-~ f' mr..d} that nc..rL.ill';t.tiol1s e.nd ol{'C'Gions of <-:·1 ICG rep:ces-::nta.tivc CQ C':IA b..! j}!'C .. ar_. ~"' •

C Clu 1 D<'-Y:

H lU'ttil the n~;;t Q:.etin(~· be.:r <.~<.e D~l repl.'eeetJ.tati ves :.Jet·e not

l~:.~~k sp d tied th ldnd of club d!}Y he wou.1d liJ·e to see.. Club Jay h.m:; boc'l ··~t fo"" li'r1day~ Scptemb(;:'." :;5, 1970.

Hr. Cancvs. ri a.r~dcd t;ha t t'lbl ~s ara runn· ehort and if J?OSai ble that c1..u'')s bring t..1eir- own if they wlsh to be ee .ure in g-a-tting one.

·). Ho!.n ~: Hr. Cnn ·vari g .• 'tlll a ohort spieJ. on homecoming a.cti Yi ties. He t!len asked

for a d", to cuntinue Pl'o GMe ad;ivlti .s and a p'.l.bli.c opini.o.a poll on the After·n'lon rJvents of Homecoming. Both events were voted •)n» and alJ. membt:~; s agreed to continue aftex •. oou events and Pre Gnm'3 acti vi. ties,. 'l'here wc.s a liic­cuf>sj ou about professional entcrtainmont but nothing v!<lS really d~cided because o.f a luck of Student Body funds Next •.,aed~: money m•1 . .'d.nG requeetn Hill be e.cceptcd _or homecoming.,

Eo Of! Ct.lllJ?ue ~peakors Committee: ~ct~.on was rr:ade to postpone arJ:P'JJ"ntment of Off C.aruptu Speakers Co!L;m,i;tee

UlJ.til next ..

E'. From the F2 oor: Hr. Canevari mentioned the o.pproval of the annex for a ne\·I Student Activitit>s

Office and asked .for at1ggestione. on the building pluns.

l1onay Haking Rc-qt.~ests

A~ Delphi requ~stod to BoJl brob~ieB and cookies for a charge of So05 on Sept,am'.ler 22 1970. ICC approved ~he request.

The F,., ~nch Club .requested to soll coffee to Nit;ht .Students on the entire ca•npus o ~h,~y were granted P"t'lnLM>ion to uo'l co!f~e caz·ts on C<?Jii_})'Lts. ICC approved ;;,,c reque :t

J. J • ... ,

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• CC !,• cr t y

IV.. Approval of lgcndo.

V. App::-oval of l·1:i.-nu·tc.o

VI., Reporta:


Chairman / Vice-Chaii:·mu.n t/

Old Bus:"Laess

v{ecretary !· .. .J· Activities Advicor

/.~,1 d/1 ~ (err

(,/f>.... ICC Rep. to CSA~ B., Clt-..b Day - ----

:k /; C. Off Cs.mpus ~ipea.kera

0/; c . c; ~ Do Money Making Requeatf'

t! #~-' ;0-~ E~ from the Floor

~ /O _ ~ f.viii. New Business

~""' ~ 'f :cOf · yvt . ~ A. Constitution Commit·cee B~ From the Floor

, I I 1 ;:;I/ I'CI -

I6 Money Haking Requests

Xa Announcements

XI o Adjourmeut

!k~ &6s


~ u .A. J c AV'---<> ~~· ,_:

..,..:. ·-



MinutE1FJ l·k:eting /12

Septeu1be.r- 22.~ 1970

!o Call to Order Chairman Mark fl.a:;.~1aha.d-Lan called the meeting to order e.t 1.2:12

II o Flag S~ute


The fJ.~g saJ.uto Has led by T.sarJ.'Y GibsoJ.'l.

Roll ~Pl.l There '"ll.e:re 21 clubs presento Clubs absent ware Aero Gubs Latter' DtJ.y Saints were li:Xcusad.,

Approval of. Agenda The ae;f?nda ·was approved as written~.


and Native Amorica.tuz·o

V o AppX'ovW/ of Vd.:rmt(~s The a§.$ilda \'(aa approved ~~s \~ri t ten~

VI~ Reporta· Ac CHAIRMAN: Nark Karahadia.n a.sked all ch1bs -to pick up ICC binder·s in the Studer~t A·ct;ivit.:icl~ Office. He also appealed to al1 members that club ini'orm~:d~:!.on· sheetn be filled out and returned so ·that a master copy may be made ti'Pgi.ving a11 datu on all clubs., He b.riefly rernindod clubs to get club nccount· · ¢ards into Hr~1 o Fisher.., - .. -:-:~

J1a.rk .illforme'd ev~ryone tha·t Club Day .R<tqlJ.isi tiomJ were ~va:Uable· ·to ru.ty club t>hat: -.i'r,i.shed tables, chairs and backdropt;;. He iasis'Ced that air·.,-,;:-:::_;; , r-equ.:l.s~. t-ions be in by #edn<H3day, September 23, 1970 at noon. He a!l:ao mentioned that t.het'e ~JOrG tw-o ne1't' additions to the binder<:., Tha Admini strative Code Numbe:ti':One and Speakers Guidelin~s ..

Diu·;i¥lg the sumnll~!·, :information v:as rece:i.ved from Hr. John Jenkal from the So'noma County Tax P.a.yers Association lit.nd he stated tnat htl woul.d g:r.eatly . a.rlpreqin·t~e ~ny informat:\ .. on o£ intr.Jrested clubs that wt.mld l.Hte to ~o~o.r.l~ with ;' ths T~ .I:Xay~rs Association., n~, club interested please contact t1arlt ..

Mf;l.:!.'l~ also · mentioned that he hacl a fila on the 'flo:dd' 6 F.:i.nest Chocolate~' Any· c~ub in.t'el ... es t1.~ d in a money lllaking project get ill touch with Hark~-= · ·

H~tt·k Sllggastf:d tb.ut anyone concerned about Student E'ucu..tty Conimi'~Wao t.o get ezWolve·d.o He p!ll"tir;l4,ar1y emphaeizod the Studeni; Curr:Lculuo ~tL _ ln.str1;.ci;~.on Counci l and 1 . .f anyone were inta.t•ested to get t.a contact · ~;fib Jin! B®n.!3ide ..

At this time, .Mark gr ant;e-d Larry Gibson pEn.~nL'ts,eion to speak on ar~ Ad Hoc ·· eom:l ttae for J .ease Ua:truh., X..arr-y aalced for ICC approval to star\,! an Ad Hoc co~..nd.ttetlo lie_ briefly explained t:he n~cesa:l.ty of th:l.s :part :Lcular committe-e and asked that a motion be made to approve it. Hz·, Dodds 'tl:i ll . bt'J the advisorQ A !l1o-tion 1:1ao made to accept an Ad Hoc committee for Jeaso Uniu~. The motion was app~oved o B.. sgcR"''rARY: Pegg-y Christian aslt~d that all clubs please get the club aheeta i..n to Student Activities Office ,. .She !·ead a. statement on ~baenc~a '.rlh'lch rend: Any clubs uot :rcp.Nll3ented at two consecutive meetings or tlttoc intl.l:croittent m~etinga , shall be subject to a fine of $5.00o If th.e club ~aj:l .s to l}e.y the .fine within. t~wo weeks of .notification , the club sht\U lose all recogn:i. '·.iot'\ by ICC until th.:: follMTing semestm., .,

j -

c ..

VII" A.,.



PAR11Al1ENTARI.AN: Chris Zeek ~ .. ,nforrnecl all ltl~mbers ·{;hat ICC is bas:Lca11y· r.un t."1n Stux·dis S-Geilldru:d Ru.lcs of Ord<n·. lie 0:.q>lv,1.ued ho~r :.:1i'ifl'pT~ . mot.:i.on is made"

Old Businest3 ICC t•ep to ,.CBA

-·- "-f~.

N()minat.:l.ons were Qpcn J.'o:.;- ICC rnp to C:3A., Thot'> ~ nominated ~tore t:loh:n tE'~ar:rolJ., ~1LC~ Tot•ty J.hcl?herson., Skl Club, !{,&n ~J:'Llliaraat J.C. Powa.t· 8: J:,~.ght ·and · Gon:ie Diet:.z 0 Delphio ~lark · (!;a7S 1"'1. . bz·ief' rnccou.n'~ of the du·~:l.cia-the-::t·ep;:~f}cntrrtivo h'Ould. b.!ive. He ott·~r~sed tho impo!'t&nce of th~ ?act tbat ·th:Lr;~ ;rr;)px'ei>enta:i;iv~ i£'. a voting membor· in CSA artCI. should ~Je someone r.:ho irJ e.dGque..tH to :f'ill the job .. · Nowinations ;:ere clos~d al!d the ctlaction vm.s helclo Joh1'l Ca!>roll. Has elect~.d as ICC :.·ep to Cs~... '·'-.:..=£.;:;;.

Club nay , Cl1:<b ·Day is thi.s Friday, Octob<Sr 2.5, 1970. Freahm,au Represent~J.ti ·ves will be g:Lv-lng thoi;.." ta.llro .. on th0 ov.tdcoJ.' stag$~ Plcet:-Je got requfi3:lti.ons . in by noon W.~dnesday, ..')cp'O.:o 2.3, l9'70o · !·!a:r..k .requested that a. mo~;ion b<.~ eo th.;lC na'IJJ -clu~s and Ad Roc ~roups -:.~hat would no:rmully not ~tave a booth, be givrDn permission to net up a booth ou club da;)ro '.1~h1.a· rnoiion. wo.s ti?prov~cJ.., Each .cl.ub w-111 be limi·i;ed to one table since tllor.e is 't>. shoX>tage.

Off C.~pus Spoako~s The S·~nde:nt Cond-u<;t Code says that ICC must approve all oft campns sptmkt.tta S.POnsored by a oampus g.t•oup tll.s.t - is no·(; going to G!>e;::k ;:d; an :ti.v'~.iviclt.u:\.1 club m®eting zo lfr.ltb. thi.s in mind, Hark e .. ppoin:tcd _C(')r:f. Sli~nr:.:-:t•? K~.P UJJ.icms and Rr:!!2Q..JI:i.gloy to th0 ICC sp~}akers Commi tteo o Tb~-l tfu·eo :f8.cuJ:ty m<~mb:..r-.:: on the commiti~e~ this ·Yf)ID.' Nrso Poll:"1r-d, t{r., Hubin nnd Dr .. SimO.<J.3, l-1eot~:i.ngs ql' this ccmmi·ttc·Hi) . \1ill only be held \<Jhon off' ca.mpus-··ape~ors requests e.r.e m..'lde ..

Honey ~hking Requeeto T.he F:r:·€!nch Club wac gx·anted. per:L:;ia~rio~ to use Bailey Field F.i.~'k'Jj¥g i.oi; for a Flea. Ni.:n:ket on On:tobc:r 10~ 19'?0.. Got'Y Bp.encer clo-:tr:Lfied ';he details and €mpla.:\.:c,ed ~he ope:ratim.1 of the }!'leD. ~~:-:.trk9t~ .'-\. tnotiod t~S\e to accept th'~ Ji':Lea l<lvr.l-:et reqv.e:;;t. TiN.l mot:i..on was apx)rov.cU.~

I~1oney mal-dng requests fOl' Homec.o;nin£~ ~-ser·e brought up ar.,.l Nark not~d tha.t nom:~ of the r\)q\2(~atG ovorlaped. Circle K 1o1ill Of} pr.o·t.riding C!;lJ.'S and drivers fo:;: th~ 1.~uoen Contest 6 viLC:. \..rill b1~; the 1.-t·t'.~;;en NLG ,.,-j_J.l be E;IJO!'lSOl' the ohat.:'.i.ot .i:<:t.CG(;;o

A motion we.F.' made to allow !l&ch of these clubs t~h.e.i.r SJ:'i:1ntl3;:· ·1J:n"'i:f r:, \:IllS «\PP1'0V~3d.,

Frqi'!l th0 Floor Sharon J.\.nderson~ A\lfS r.tap:t:esen.tat:>.·lf'er "'akoO. fo;r: E~ vot<;l on a moz1ey mr.,k' :t•equcst to I)OJ.J. Sn<) Co nee Oll Club D:ly e '.'Chi.s . ··e-qu.c.:rt; '·<W bx·cn;.ght up ~.n C5A on .Monda:l~ Sep·a .. 21~ 1970 bnt 1'-al'l\: th(ll:[~Ilt '(.hat i':t~J ."tlvS }'.<'Ojls<;'c cni.Jth': confl:J.c:t with ~'-' elt\b~ maybe 1!J.ishing to s~ll S:no Go11~o ou club d;;..,y., .S:\.nc.o :l.t :J.a club d;;ty aud ICC ii3 spo:..J£-or:i.Hg it~ he .:;.sked if ~ 'ttOte cou:J d be :;e.ll:E.l).l

in ICC b<:d'ore pex·nriasiort '"a1;; gzot."'-"li;0d to AVIS. 1l:i . .r$ r~qll('ut '-'ftl<! a..:~h.:.n:·ad to in CSA and s:i.u.:::e ther.l?. is no conflict a mot:i.ou \liFtS m;otde to e:Uou Ai'-if3 to o.::JJ. Sno Gqua.s on club d .. ;\Y'o IJ.'he mo'Gic;n \>fuS ~WP'-'01r-a:1 ..

. TI.> :New Busilv3sF; Ae Constitution Coumd.i.ite~

i"ax-k gmre (il b:ci0f' t·<.m dDi'l~1 Oll che C<;.i.lst.;.hrLion Comm:i.tte•1• l:f' a l'::r~.' club Gt:::,;ct~:> ex· an old cld; :tW£d.s 0:1. co~stitutirh" r~'Vise0_ it i.:; -t~li.<3.'-'. i;o th0-pru.~lia.mcntar::l.;:m, C!u:·:i.t> Zeeii: a.·y1 he ~ri 11. co:r'J:'..JC t tr.::r;hnical ·"OJ.'.,.ol··;,.. He )'OJ.i: .. \'/": :: ·~: to the Connt::l:<.·u.:~-ton commi.tte·~ Hht:H:c i:l; :!.r-> J.blW.l1.~ ···.pp'ovetl, ·rhe

.,.,. . .

The Consf;.itution Committee .is comp!•it"led of' c::he.irnw.n~ Nark J<a:raha< Vice·· chairman~ 'J!erry Calh~U1t two non- n:l~ml)~rs and N'" C,.;a member~ Of thet t.\'"IO non CGA memberEl~ Narlt hau Qelected Chris .:• · 1n ~ .P· " ... k.e to be on. th~ committee.. v 1 use-·k !1:3 tt.e c~~A niembe-:r , .o ri.~ 1 ~" sl de on this co:nmitteeo

B,. 11'rom the F • :c A written ai-!:Pl.J.c(.l.tion w~.$ subm.:Uted by the Current A,:ffairs Club t<> apply fol"' stc.\ttts .;ls ~n ·Ad Itoc ~~umr..i ttce~ '.I:h!il application r-aad as .f.'ollo\vS: \ve het-eby apply fur status s.s e:-1.r., offJ:ciQ.J. Ad Hoc Student Groupo The vame w:i.ll be nThe Bizzax•re Studon.t Union .•t Me-mbership w:.i.J.l be com.pletely open. Purpose \-fill be to advance the C:ul tu:t.·e ApobeJ.ypseu n Voting on th:i..s commi t·l;ee ~ras postponed until i:he nc}{t

IX, Noney Making Roqt.\ests reques-t permiss:Lon to have a car \~ash at· Fra.nk 1 s Enco St.atj.on on October 31 l970<b Icc approved th.~i.t• !"!;,qu.est .. l!'ore.stry .C11.1.b re:quests permission t.o sell Hedwoods hu~ls in .f:ront of the coop on Sept.- E.3 t~u~ought 29. Request was c\pproved ·by ICC" Ctlrrent Affa:trs t.equ<~sts ~".c;rmission to s~J,l th<.l Bugle for 20¢ ~dl semes.ter in . fr.ont o:t the OOOl1.. l~eq:q~at wa~3 approved 'Qy lCQ~ Cur:r.ollt Affaix•s also r.eque'Ested perm:l.s~~iou to set up a.1 ternative food: tal;lee; with . uonation.s of · ~··al foods on the outdoor· stdge 01;1., FN day, .Ootobcz· 25 11 1970 .. -~~pprot:.ed

. tb.e request ~

' X. Annmmr;;arr•ent~ Env:i.&.•onmetnta.L Reseili!'Ch. is 1\le(!ltillg \'leel~ly"' If interested contact Larry GibsoJJ David Her,:·ington or E:Lleon Dougm1.. .

· 'l'h~ .School of .lilc.ot&.cy ~~111 be having n non"·c:t..,Gdit/uo .u.tu t Japanese cla.sao Info:rmr;.tiol1 ilyere vi:i.ll be out later i~ tne weeko Student Act-iv.lties. Office w'i.ll haV!a a central table ·set up on club dn:.f btrt; sign: ... t:tp· sheets will be &t i.n.di vidual club b"ootM... Only t.hose c:)..nhs that vrlll not be s.e:tting u:v a boot'h will !mv,.. sign u.p ·sheets at the oeu.tral t .ab.le<?

X!o · Adjottf-nma-o.t The meetil1g' wa~ . e.(l.~jouru.l:'d ut 1:.07


Respectfully Submttted 11

~td'c;~;~·· CJ~~ ~~ A-)

!OC Secretary Peggy Christian·

~ . I ,

v- r.





c 1 to Qj_·. cr

Ti'l 6 N:tlui;

Ro· J. -~ 11

! .t-~roval of J\g nda

i PJ~!'01'.:-l of hi.nutcs

r: po.-.:ts

Ght :i.rm!:n \ . ~ Lf' } · ... • . ' lD l"II:CUl •J~Cl'Gta1 ·y

Old Bu . l1eEJs

J\ •. Bu

~,d Roc Co:nil'd. .:.t " ("$ '· r·om ';he Floor

A B.,


Stephen Cabo·:­Fron the "'1 • .. 00

t-t..)ncy Hakin"' .. , •) Jtequ



6;/- j;~t;,l 4,~· \\ /·y T~


M ... ~t:l~~ iJ) Sep ernb;;r 29.

u 1970

l?ar,. :· -~amentariun LCC. l'ep to GSA Act Viti "s Ad ,.; ··601''

tJI/ C ""'/~ s~< t;;-Se iuu ( ~ 1- e?-? r(., c;: 1 - . · ·

fr~ ~~owv~



.. --

X. t;a,ll to Order



Minut0s Neeti11g ;5!.3

Sap·;;embe:c 29 ·' 1970

Gha:i..rrn<:nl .~rk Ka:niliadian called the to order at 12:10

H., li' Salute 'l'he flag salute vJaE led 1~y Ter~'Y Calahan

III o Rn.ll C~>.ll<7 18 club t' .present<1i.:ives presento Ski Club., Vets Club, Native Amer-ican:s ~md BSU 1·1era a.bacnto A1.t~ha Gamma. Sigma was excused.,

I"l/'. of Agenda The a.genda ti<J.s appr·o-yed as \i!'ittan.,

Vo Approval. of. Ninutes 'fhe ll'.imJtes ¥Jere approved as wrltten.

VI.. Re_t10rta . Ao CHAIRHAN: Mark Karahadian pleadeo. uith clt1b representatives to get account

c:ax·os and club ihfo.,.~raatiou sheets in·i;o the Student Act.:l.vities Officeo He

once again mentioned the letter from the Sonoma County '£3.x Payers Anyone int0rested, get in touch tt/ith l"lark.. Mark asked if

club or )Jetson has a leg:i.timate ccr.aplcdnt, to bring it to th~ Student

Activiti~rJ Off'ice instead of the Pr.esidentu

ICC ,has an insert page in 'che Oak I..eaf.o Any club wishing to use

tbis pag{i fOJ.' e.nuouncements feel free to do so" All entries must be

submitted to the Oak Leaf office by 3:00 'llJlU.r.sday of the preceding \1eek

before t.he Friday the papei' comes out ..

Be SECRETARY: Peggy Christian askeo. that clubs who have not picked up

ICC binde·rs, to please do so"

Co PARLIAr.fENTARIAN: Chris Zeek announced that the Const:ttution

Corcnn:Utea w-lll have to meet to approve amendments to the Baha'i Club's

constitution ..

J)., ICC REP" TO CSA: John Carroll .z:··epox·ted that Ken Beyries proposed

four amendments in GSA~ F' amendment was to combine Rallies and

Assembli~i:r Coiru:!Jissiona. ··s on cne ba.l.l.ot.. Secol1d, wat-; to combine

Hyde Parl~ Open :F" and Mid· Dl-l.Y Series rep:r· .sentati ves onto one ballot"

· ..'~ j " u st. ume.ndmcnt was

.C~e A.:WI.':.. 'JHS • t~ <.;u.;. & ·• ar1. n. ougbt u.:. the .fact thr:. t.h _ Scl,ool Clf' Ecstesy

'"' 1ch 1nmts to :tn.•m as a c:lu1~) ;.c. a r~•~b-eorr.mittee :>i' tho Cc>J.lege Currir.ulu•

e. .d :r.nstl'' ct i.qn Coli1mi ttee... H6 v·antl3d to knovr if . thl.y \·.rOtlld retain thdr

ntatus as a!!rn:i.ttee as t~ell as being a clubo Tlloy will remain as a

rm::>-·~ornurLI:t,Je ·11 ·~h .;ome rnvl:3~.onsr,

VI [., Old Bus·· nco ·

A AD HOC GOt·!I'H'l'~'Ef.B: Po:;rLpon· d :from l.'tst 1•.1eclt 11o.s the voting on the

Ao Hoc comm L t·~el :'or the .tli:-.~~<i!'l. 'e Student Unim ., J aff \-Joodruff b!'i efly

di.scv .. ssed the p.trpose of this comm:i.t.tee uhich \'rould be to bring together

all .the cuJ.t 1.ral r.s.appeninf~S and to work out &..n appror1ch tt.> living. A

mot.:i.on \11:1.13 ill<i!de to accept the Bizzru.nJ.•e Student UnJ.on as a.n i 1d Hoc

comrrd. t · .. u o Thc: mot·· on waa approved.

A motion ~ms made to a.ppr 0ve an Ad I oc comrr.d t; tee .for wilson Rileso

A condi'i.:ion was put. on this motion since thore ao iH-' adv:i.sor at the

pr sent tim'3 1~a Boon as an n<'visur is;;igned to tlds committee it

\<Jill legn.lly l•e an Ad Hoc committee.., The mot'i on \1/as apprOV\~d"

B.. FROH 'J.lHE FLOOR: C .Y.'Y' Spencer had a latter for each club rep in regards

to t.he Flea Harke t., 'l'here were two runendments of importan '1e o One 9 stating

that. the deadl Tne for registration ic; October 6t 1970 by ,.3:00 cu\d two,

only $2"50 v!ill be refunded if you~ club vlishes to \vithdraw the registration

by 5:00 p .. m., Oc~tober 7 .. l9?0o

iJIII" New Bua:i.ness

Ao Steve Ga.hc.Jt thanked all clubs ·i;hat cord;ributed ·to e;et the Communicr-.tion

Papo:c off the ground.., He aluo tolcl all clubs that they could contribute to

the ].Japer anytime ,

B... David Herr:f.ngton;U.S&ed thG issue of hazing, He was in ICc from CSA

t.o inf'orm :til mem'L>ers vJhat could happen if someone wer"' to car y out the

la i o He read .f:. om the Stat a l?.ducation Codon, Articl 8t the following:

As used in this article~ "hazing includes any method of initiation into a student organization or any pastime or amuserrent engaged in respect to such an organi~tion which cau~est or is likely to cau~e~ bodily dangei' or· phya-' Cr!l harm ·co ar1y st.udent ~Jr other person attending tmy school: college univei·sity or other e uc tional inst' t11tion in this State; but th·~ term 11ha. ~ingn does not inclt•de customary thletic events or other similar contests ox' competitions.,

.~·..-'w-U ...

Nc student~ or o ;·her pe~t;On in attend;;;;.nce a·i; a:ny public~ pri v;;d.:.t.: , paroch:I.lil. 11

o_~ mil.i tary schooL coJ lege., or other educational i .sti tution Dhall consp:i.:r.e to engage: in hazing, partj.c.ipate in ha:dng 0 or Gomrolc any acq tl'>.at injureu, degr<:1.dos. or disgr&coe J or tends to injm. e, degrade, or dingrace any fellm:J student or pe',:c;on. ~ ttendiu(<: the il1Stitut-Lon. 1.d • .:.lati.on of th:tn sectj.on. .ts a rniso.emeuuor, punishable by Ct line of not. less tha.l.!. fi.fty d ll~·:n ($50)t nor IZ·ore th<m five hund:~:·cd. dollars (SJ500) ~ 02:· imprisonment :l n th county jai:t for not more than s:i.x months Ol .. botho

Any pu!:son who pnr't:i.cipates in tb\3 of another~ or any corporation or asscc:Lat:l.on > knov;;l ng.J.y perm:Hs to be conducted by :i.ts me@bers o:c· by othc!·tl subject to 1.ts diraction or control, .shall forfeit any entitle­ment to public f·~.mds, scholru:ships or c:t'lllards vJhich are enjoyed by him or by it. and sheJ.l 1-:,~ depriv~rl of any s:.:mction or appro·IT<lJ. g:~.·anted by any public educational inst:i.tut1on or ag!7ncy,

The goveraing board of any ;mbl~.c school~ public college, public uuiversit;y or util~r public institution or agency may adopt rules a.nd r,,gulc1.tious to :imp} ement this sect:Lo:11 ..

Tf he ha::; reasnn to believe that a forfeiture should be declared under this m:c ·i;i.on~ the ll.ttol"ney GGnera.l or the district attorney of any county or city and coanty may 5.LJ:::;t.t tutc "l. speciaJ. proceeding in the supe:d r.:•r court. to establish such fo:d'e:.Ltu~:·e" Any ftmds ao forfeited shall be deposited in the State Treasw:·y .<Jlld credited to the State School Fundo

:Sxtra copies of' the tion Code wel•e e.vaj} able to those members who wlshed

them., An elaborntP.d diacussion follovJed David's report, \IJi th Dr.~ Dougall

point.ftmg out \·rhy £ laws came into cffecto Ha i.'18.nkly statE:~d that

hazing \-J~s to k;e done at your Ol;{".a will but. not on campus.. Any person who

had further questions ~Jere to get aholJ of David Herrington~ Mr" Canevari~

or Dr., Dougan.,

CoH'ROM THE Ji'LOOR: A question was brought up about the conduct of members.. If

all members are not measu.ring up to club selectivity t:ha.t member may be dismisaedo

XX., Money J.L:aking Reque ta

Circle K and B.SU :t•equest poi'm.i.ssion to set up con·tribution barrels for

l~ilson Ri.les Campaign in front of the Coop and library on the dates Septo 29

th:i:·u Nov, 3o The Jl!Otion was appl o-ved.,

Current Affairs requested 1)ermission. to act up alternat.ive food tables on

Octc. 3., 1970 and Oct .. 5. lQ'tO jn the Hyde Park areao The motion was approvedo

11h& Forestry Club !'<tqUci~ted pez mission to oell redwood burls on Sept 29 thru

Oct 5 in rol'iUJ 21~ at noon everyde.y and n1so in Coddingtown on ·S!'riday c.nd

Saturdaye The motion was approved

Xo Announcements

Circle K is having 'che Semi··Annual Pond Cleaning tomorrow at noon~ All pennies

will be donated to the Deans Loan and Graut t'undQ

'i.'he Environmental Action Grou1. is meetingo Get in touch with Larry G:i.bson

Constitution Committee will meet after meeting toctay.,

XI., Adjou:crunent

The meeting vTa.s adjourned at 12:55

Respec t:fu. >ubmittedt

~1~ C/ VU--"-~~-.J Peggy Christian ICC Secretary

page 4

III ..






l.'l<> <"!' (\ "'0 "'l) .-;"l" ·. . c..l-v:l;E'!

HcJ.l C·..tll

,\rr ...... pro·.raJ. 7 l o.. J:5.l:J.tec


Cha:L!·me.n Viv:~-<.:am ·i ., . ,, ····1 r't-:lP ot~ c;:;:-·3ta. t·y ..

Old '"·'u ; . ,_, .s •• nel'.ss

A. Abaenc ····n B. A ..-.... From the 4'l e\'1 Clubs .: oor

C., .pp·oval 0 i' N ,

<> .cqucsts Money r1nJ.dnrJ' R

· cements Annoilil

'-'- nr:tent AdJ"o·,-~

AGENDA rleet:i ll[i !t·r. l

0 ~ ·oil~ c.;ober 6 ~ 1970

-·· ~·· .-~--

I. Call to \,;rr.f.e.r•

l~S!.;o~L;~·-~ ED !:ir.CUJ:~I'J'l'.~

:.~di'fk rlQ;)A ~fUHll~~ COI..LJ::GE IrlT.:i:n· · ;;LUu <J<.:ilNClL

rUNUT.~ Mtte tin~ ,1,:lt

Octr>t>ur 6, 19'10

Cho.irm.'l'r.t. !(ar~ Kars.hadi.!!.ll called tllo Rl'Je!:.iug t.o or~eo~ at U: .tO

n. .l~'Jng Jall.\t.e The i'lP.g salute .... 'ls led i)y 'J:.~~u·y :alahan

J.J l.. ~o).l Gall 'jltere 11er~ J.,S Wt!'roe absent.

clu~e re~~@uanted.

,t~SC wtw exouse1.

rv. l\r:.>~"v-al c.f Ag~:~noP. The af;nud;~ ;..,as ap~1rC lf;;:Jd .a.(; W''i t. t(ln

V ~ ;\:p;)'r~w~! ot· l1inuh3E-'Thr3 IC~r·ut&e ·,;e~~ o.;•prov~:t al!'!

IJI h•.rr:orte:. A. CIU,Jl· .. :AN: l'itJ:d~ K5.l':'d!· :r:er;ti <:·ned th~~ ne L P.c:ui ved .l l'JOnt:':y rti•l:\...i.J1 •J

F-~··) .jed:. .f<':~ sel::.~ .~lg i"f-<!ords. t.nycnrr~ intE" !'•. ·~ r cd , C'-ln t-'~ci~ t .:ll'~ • : .::·o.t.:lH are neetli'd 'lc lwl p ~-~. gr~'ui-' of l~c.m~1Jf.·i ,.( . G5 rlB put. 'm:J 1-.,:,w .</(>\•

i.n fio~.mrr.h >S:tk OH vc'·ob&r• ;~L(·~ 1~70., Jl.nj"O;le .L\lf::~;< .. esr.:,:•j if,:' f. iu t.ouch w1 ~.h l"ir :~ 4t ... ":~shrd-.

:•iarl~ urgeU.. vn~~@ s!;:ain, o.ll cl\l<•E. t.o ~et. c:lulJ .i.JJ.ft",rr.oa!;L.n flhD~-,tf. anr; c.l.,lb !:1.\.~~~U{lt car4s .;.n:o ... .:.tud~nt .~;t:i.v:i.i:..~es 0ff.i.c•'! ,.:ty d.1.1b Uw.t dc·f.·~"

no1; g~t. the :i.nform~,U<JI\ .~h,d~e .~ n h.~· ~.\(. . r;r1 of th~ -~>.y d U be ih;·.!>lci. .;;L~ c ,;luo rld})t'eS(1rtt.3.l;ive6. pleas·~ chl1i.'k :w1iJbo:~G~ lta:U.y h"!j i.~:r,·cet-: will Le .;"l.~Wl.ttd out- oo Jtr·id:~y aft·!ru•wo. ..

Earl': statect ~;h::-.t .JOi!\€~ ... ~a ciuri ·1g the ';'"me~;ter· a. ~~·<.-t1U'OU\U-:>1l on L~:till ,.;;ntOl'~t:.,:t:r!l1· viJ.J. i·se hold, . '>ffiOC'•l"" en thi~> ·~OW.'litte•:: wiJ.1 :)~ •iat"!; 1\a•'tlbud.i.a;.l? t,;j~ _ e(~4l wngru', .Lt!r'C'.~· 1Hbrson :Jnd Chu··l.; !\.at·;:is, .r-'11.)0'00 ln :c.:r.N;t.o::t st-Je i·lal·k~

l·,J3 ~·k a l.;1o l4lh:cd br i af1 y a t:.n~ t. n.e~ r.:t ube Cllld :\.:nc.:; t:i. w~ el u i:J:1 ..

B. .1:',.:-.'.Llll.i.i:.:h"l'ARlnN: (;hris .::~ak :..r:foru:ed all tt.embers th!i1 the !~ah.c. 1 i. HL;S(JC:J.uti.or.~. it's t~On~tit.utio:'l .::'.:tJlJl'OVed by +.h...,. Crm,)tt.-:-u.~i.on \~OiD!r.'ittl'·l':> !lr~ci llskftd !Or /:dl'rOtiOJl t:~ CllJ:JC'OiiC 1:he CO(l.Sti i·u tiOi1 f'''L/0'1 1 "J.I:J f1 ~;)Y' ,, the OtJU.'Hl. \<I~E; B.j,lpl·O .. e<L bu?.anna \..:ol.>b I<.:C \'0!) r~).!' Ba~a ~ -~ \'i(.J.E.<:.ecl ~.Cid 111el CG:tiJd tc:: lC~ •

,. r.·:c ni:.~~- to GS:'1: ·~C~hrt G:;.x·l"~1l !'(!~loi•t.e1 th<1t ;Ja!f:i.d L:(~r,::.nei:{J.,, :o:.:·h•l ;> ej •:>(;t-~d :·reshnv .. m "f)._ .. ,.,ari a.p!JQi nt~a. t . .> the Bx.;::;ut; •n· C~tintl~ ;· i. . •·r:tm<lj.t~.el' on hm .. w:i11g was .; '\..<) in\tWit;'.'l.te the ;1robl~:rw ::al ow c ·-.•Jlf •.m, f 01· t"tn•t:let' inforlllc'l.t1 :m ~~·:·1" ;. a tonch ;ri."Lh I·a :1 \t~ ;ir.·rrln~,·ton 01:

G<•r·:~e Y.~ t ·,-. •

const:i.tut:;.ono:: to be a_pproved. 1'!le:r.e WE.'re no others. 'l'hc i\;:llli.n.ista Constitution ~;r:l.ll be hrol.l.~:ht up next '.J(;ek. ~~ro Canevari ulso asked tJ:.e Cl.U'l"tmt affairs club to :s.)le;-:se rmnove hhei.r v~hiclc e.:ftl3l' setting Ul)

their food tables. He asked. if so:.>leOrh~ would cb~ck about the location of tht:! vlilaon H?.l s

Contriblltion ha.rr-ela :in fr·ont •:;lf tho li.b). ,n·:r t;o see if it is all rir;ht that they are ther.e4 1~he advisol~ :for tile Ad Hoc commi t.i~ee for ~/il~o-:1 ill. le::; is .John Rayo

VII. Old Business A. HOHECONING: Guil E;,.gun, ~Jl.C re:p repc rtea that th& deadline for cmterin.g a 'tueitn in the ~12.eon Contest was 3~00 today. 'fhe fee is li·5.00 !or ente1·ing. 'rh:n·~ r.l:::·e ( 9) ti.ucen candidat~s as of no\'/o

John Carroi.l, HLC rop mentioned that the fee !or the cha1·iot race WO'tlld be ~:5~00.

On Thursday, Octo bet 81 19'70 in the Board Room at n.oon t-J. activities p.t'\':!·r,teoting v:.Ul be held. On 'l'hursduy, 0ct.obor 15, 1970 in rocr..t 92 at .3:00 a chalk talk t>lill l:e held and a dry run of th~ a.::t:ivities. Tlll.s is 1:!. very important meeting~ trr-gent that all concern(~d attend

Th·~ ~uean :<soembly 'lJill be held this Friday~ o,::t;ober 9 1 1970 at noon on the Out.door Stage., Tho rock band! "'l'he Inrto•.!~S.lJ.(,en~·.rill J)ei·form., l'or· nome~.~omin! >(.Uee:a u:ill t:n.lce pl~·-t:e iJed..Yl.e.r::d~J ~ Octob(Jr 1!:· 1 197(L

VI1In New Bus~ness A, AB~3.E:NCBS: Native .~me;..~ica~s b.Enre thre{} (j) .::onsecut.ive iotbr;ences !v'!urk asked pe:1rmis:sion to disba:.-~d thoru as a club. ~[·here i·!as no dis · cussion so the wc.,tion t>laEl pase~:~d~

I1ark ex:pl~ined ho\•1 abse:r..ces are e'~cuf;~;.d b!f ·Lee as tt body t:.>r by ~.n excused. <.\bse.n.c~} from hiro~ B. AJ!FJ.{OV,..L O:f Ni::: CLUBS: A c<mstituci.on wm subhlittecl l·:j· th~ C:~.rnnuc~ Ghapt<3r 1 ~ov.<>ma Gouty .l.'eminists .:;d' :~<mte. Hoca Junior CoJ.lege. DJ.sc1.ns:i.ou \till be held .o.t the next meo·dne~o

Ha•:Jaiian Club subm.i tted a. r:on;;(l. tutiou and it is Bo.we :~s "LD.nt y!:ars. It w:Lll be dis<-ussed in furth~r J.ength o.t tLe next m<:Je,ting;,.

!.>-.. Honey Baking Hequ~sts .:v'LC r.equ.ests p<::rmission i:.o hold a ce.r wash at th<~ Unicm Jtation at the cornor.· of Heudo;:ino!. Stec.~1'D Ln.r10 on Od.oi)el' :to J.J, Tb.e motion v1aa appxvved. Forestry Club rl~'quested pe:c·m:i.ss5.on to cont5 . .rn.1.~ to Bell r·,)c:.l!ooc.l. b:.u'lz unt:Ll tl't.ey oJ.l sold 5.u l 'OOm 21::; :.:;ve.ryd.;,y nnrl in CoddL1gto·.:.m on F'ridays and Sa·t.urda;y3. The llKlt~_or: ~;as Hp}.;.r.oved. Btudent Union :l'eqo.e.sts ~.lel·rni.ssi<m tc..~ sBt: d.t) focd taulo::.: eJ.1 semester in the Hyd?. i'a:ck P.J'eO.o T~e rr.otioft wn.s ap:)roved •. Delphi requ.eatt> perm~.ssiou to G•)lJ. cook;_es <·:l!1d b. ,·,l,;:; f•=>r a p!'ic:e of .~ .. 05 inside the Cocp on Octobe1.· ? 1. :1.9?0. 't'h.e motl.o!i. 'ill:iS E~pp:coi/Cct~ :F'ronch CluJ.) requ:::::.;tt." p::~rr;Ji£~:::;ion to t;el1 re.fflc :~:i.t,kf::ts fa: ~ .. 10 fo:;.· a The.nksgi 'ring tud::~y on NcNernber 13-2j. The !ilotiou ·.~as <:•.p.p.r<wBd.

X .~~n.nouncement.s

'.t'here wer0 no arui.lil.mcementu

page z

X.! ~ Ad.j-o;.art1t!l;.;;nt 'J'he Uleeti ng v;Hs .!!.djournE'.o. e: f; 12: l'5

-;, I

I. Call to Order




:m'rJilt··<;LUI: COUNCIL

IV. .1\p-prcval of Agouda

v ..

VI ..




Ghe.h•iJJ;:;·~. ~ "ice~·chah'if.lnn .Goereta.ry

·IX. Money Nalting Requ.esta

Xo Announcements

XI. Adjournment

AGE JDA H~c:tin.g //5 OcHAx:r 13, 1970

I. Call to Order



Minutes Heeting #5

October 13, 1970

Chairman Hark h.a.rahadian called the meeting to order at 12:11.

II. fiag Salute Vice-chairman Terry Calahan led the flag salute.

III.. Roll Call There were 17 clubs repree~ent&d. Those absent ~1ere diking Club, Ski Club, S.OC, SBet tea and lir.':iU.

IV. Approval of ~genda t.iark made one correction in the agenda under New Business. !tern A Ad Hoc Committees was crossed off. 1be acenda waa then approved as written.

V.. Approval of ~linutos 'J.'he minutee ~trere approved as written.

VI.. Reporta: A. CHAIRl1AN: Hark Karahadian informed all ·l'epresentat:i.vas that the preliminary clubsheets have been typed. Alpha Gamma Sis'llla, Hiklng Club J .c. Po~.rer & Light 1 Ski. Club 1 S.BC t Latter Day Sainte and BSU will be flnded ~1.00 for the delay in not getting club inf'orme.tion sheets in on time. Notices \·rill be put in those boxes .

Marl( once again Jnentioned. the Ca!,tp Fit·a Pm1 \4o\'l !?lay Ilo.'!;. St;.tut.·da:r, <.1ctobcr 24~ 1970 from 9:00 to 2: )0 p .. rn. Ass:i.atance h> Df·ed.ed in the games are~. J.ny clubs interested contact t1rs. E'1.f;hvi' in Student Acti vi tie a 0 fi'l. ce.

Also on October 24t J.970 , a trash pickup on 01d aedliood;1y !or the Spencer Cantpaign \'till be held« Anyone interest~d cont.::;.c ·i,:. Peter Leveqt'e ~

Thls li'rj day, October 16, 19'70 :from 5:00 jto 10:00 C<.mdi.t.~atc~G r:1.r;ht is being spon:.;ored by the Associated St~ud~nt Body E)t ·the Holid~~Y !nn on Banta. aosa aveuuee Those aandidat es ~trhidl have been invited c.rc: Nr. Barry !\eene, Hr •. F'rank Belottir Nr • .BilJ. Hagley! l\t'. Joe I'oreut " Hr .. .Don (.;lausoiJ, Hr· .. Bill :<.ort:um., Nr . vale ~pcncer , hr·. Hotu·y Spo;~Jer, Hr. Don Streip~ke~ fi.!J:',, Bob T.i:'l5bod~au ~ Er. PM.l Joera;er l:• • .nd Hr. LdchC:.l'cl. J)~y. All and anyone interested. _plo,•.s& attend. If unyonc kno\~a of rulJ candida·;;.ea \iho would 1i1,.e to attt.?nd ~ontr.:.ct DF.4vid derl.':i.ngton or Larry Gibeau.

So.t~homoi~e L'~te:c ;.;hen 'i'JOUld to .sto . .c· "C an Int~rnotioual r<~lationo!h A COi.l.:>t-i..tut.ion hr.:; boon uubn,j tt,')c\ from a previous inactive club. Anyone into:rc;stod, tY:~t :~n tca~cb \·:ith £Jeter ,.

Last 'llhursd:q, October 8, J 9~10 a l~~·e-Gawf) e.ct i meeting ~;m.s held ., Th(· .Pre G~l~ •~cth-:t tiee uchadttlc lw . .s b~c~1 111ade U.f·" i-~. drttae rehearsal for Hou:ecowi:ne l~cti v-i. ties will be this T)'r:;:· .;n.e-., ,

October· 1.5 9 1970 in rocm 92 t=..<t 3:00,

A Convocation on Law E1tforcement ia starting.. Haz·k is cheil.~nw,.a ot· the comm.:Hte$ which will be comprised o£ 5 students at la1•ge and 5 Btude.nts from La.w Enfol~cement. .~-,nyone interested~ contact ~la:dt ..

B.. VIC&-CliAIR11AN~ Terry Celahall! has v. money mak.i11g project !or selling records ~t a 25% disoountr- postage is prepaid. lntereDted olubs, get in touch with Terry,.

C. SECRE~RY: Peggy Cl1ristian asked all club repreaentati ves it there were any changes to be made on the information sheets, please let h.el' know so the uw.ater sheet ~:my be tr~ad.e up.

Do ICC REP TO 0SA! John C~roll reported th~t two offices were vacant, H~id-Day Series and a sophomore r•p position. Those people appointed were .&:vertt Branson and Larry Krosn-eas, respectiv~ly-.

VIID Old Business A. HOMECot1ING: 1-l:r ... CaneYai'i once again men.tioned that a <U-eos rahearsal for Homecoming will be held Thursday in roo1n 92 &1d than out to the field .. for a c'Jry r\.Ulo

John Carroll reported that only three (3) chariots have signed up for the Chariot raca will be oancell.ed ..

The Barbeque will be held from 4:00 to 6;00 und~r the Oruca on Saturdf'..y.. The band 15.'111 put on a concert of sh.or/ tunes ( the chorus. A film about the Junior College will be shown in room 84t music backgrou."l.d is by the Arizona Subway.

Qu.~en election& will be 1/ednesda;y ~ Vctcber 14, 1970 1'rc.m1 10!00 to 2:00 in tro~t of the Coo-p and on Elliott avenue.

VIII ~ New Business B. .FE!-1INIS'l'f3; A repl"esentati va fr-om the club explainad its bas:Lc purpose a.s a social encounter group . Thera was only one change in the Conatitu·~;ion that wan ir .. reference to m.ember;;~hip and it t·.w.s so·C.tled with the club rapresenta.-ti ve ~ A motion ~Jas made to ace~pt the l!"eminiats as ~,_ club .. 1"he mot1ml passed.. The ~dviso.r ia Sh:1.:r.ley Kotite .,

C, AC'.t'IV!TlON OF HUl,-0-.HAt!AII: P. constitution. has. beerl subwitt00. :for the t'ea~tivation ~f the Ha\\ll club. 1'he purpose of this club is to prOUlO'I.:e goodl'.ti.ll with the s·tude:nts of Hawaii and .Sant;,• Hose. J;url.or Collegeo An advisor is not e..s yet but voting ou acce1ri;ing Hul-0-Ha"Jaii o.s a cJ.ub was mo11ed into a motion •.rn~ motim·1 "Io.•s approved.

D. FROt-1 THE i,LOOR: John. Buaek :Z(·om the Englisil. Cultui."e <-:u:;l.;•lld if anyc.•ne had any yoyo•s if he could borrov1 them.. 'rb.ey ·V~~ill be ;;;•etu.rn~d ~ tl).r.-y will be used for a spe~ch tournamento

!Xi Honey Baking Requests Four roqueste \'lore submitted and app:L"ovod by ICCv J .c,, Po1\fer & Light arc to have a musical concert \..d:t.h RL;a Thielmann on Hund.a.y , November 8~ 1970 at 3:00 in .Bu:t~ba:nk The price will be ~2; 00 for "1dul ts ancl $J. : 00 for students .. Current Affairs Club 11ri.shea to accept clcmations for Jacl< Hampton ~ Peace and Freedom ?arty candidate on Thursdeyt October 15, 19'?0 at 8:00 ~

page 3

Vets Club requests per~ssion to have a book sale in the Student J ... ounge on Jan'Wll'Y 27 1 19?1. throught February 10, 19'71.. The p~ice of each book will be ~ .25. French Cll.tb wishes to have a cake SB.le on October 31, 1970 at K-Mt,U't

x. Announcements Bic Club ia ha~ng a preJ.:i.ndnary maeting. lrd'ormation will be in Bear Facts Bible Rr..l.P at Kent Hall tom<J~~x-ow October 14, 19'70 at 7:45

Xlo Adjournment The meeting was <.: journmed at 12:50

Re~ctivefully Submitted

'-f)?'lr(i ;;/. ,_.;r; ... _) Peggy ~hrJ.stian ICC Secretary





IV ..

\r ~ .

vr -a





AG.EdDP. r-!ccting #6

Octob~x- 20, 1:no C-'Al1 to O:cder

Flag Salute

Hell Co.ll

Approval of Agenda.

Apl;roval of Iviinutes


Ghaj_rman v lJi,~o-chairir.qn/ Secreta.r·y v

Old Business

a: Personalization of Christmas

L{. !lonGy !'-laking Requests

Xo ~_nouncements

XI.. 1\djot::::·nrnen-t:



Hinutes 1'1eeting #6

Octobel:' 20 .,. 1970

I'. Call to Oxc~er Chai rtnan He.rk Karahadian called the meeting to order at 12:09 ..

II . Flag Salute 'l1he :f'lag salute was led by Terry Calahan .

III . Roll Call There '>~ere 21 clubs represented. Those absent were Auto Service and BSU. Baha ' i end Aggies ;ero excused.

I V. Approval of Agenda

v ..

VI ..


One correction was made to the agend~ lliidcr Old and New Business and that \tas to add Item B From the }"'loor . The agenda t.:las then approved as wri t ten.

Approval of Minu·ces The minutes were approved as \·:ri tten .

Reporta CHAIRHAi"i: f-1ark Kartmadian mentioned the subject of absences . Those clubs who are in confli ct with the e;-,bsence r·nling ar·e Sl~i Club , BSU 1

and Hiking Club . Nark made a mo·tion that these clubs be fined :~5 . 00 for viola·tion of the absences . The motion po.ssed . Notices \vill be put in each of these clubs bo:>~eu ... 'fhey have t\·JO v:eeks to pay the fine before action is brough·~ against them . No money has been received i':t"oUt the various cJ.1.tbs 'i·Jho hr.nre bo0n f:i.ned for failm~e to go·t club informaHon sheets. in 011. time . Those clubs Hho should b0. concerned t.h this matter are Alpha Gamma Sig·ma 1 Hiking Club , J . C. Po\>oe!' & Li@',ht , Ski Cl'l.t.b, , Latter Day Saints e.nd BJU., Please eet yov:r: fines paid. immedie.t(~ly ADVISOR: Nr. Canevari congratualed r1a.rk on a successful IIomecomjng and also a special thanks to HI.C, ~'ILC 1 m:.d Circle K :for all thei:' help ..

Old. Business A. H0!'1EC0!1XNG: T.he .:JUbject of r;omecomir.g was di.e;cussod quite elaborately. Several d•:lcisions lvere made as to the of Homecoming for next yoa:r , ICC as a body voted to &late tho Bm."becu0 and the Chariot Race from planning i'o:t" next ye.'3.I' 1 s Hon,;:;coming* The reasons given for this deciuion '.•Jere th?.'.t students vJere Jt .. u;;t not interested... If ICC 1.1ould like to r.cor.g,:l.nize ther;a ovent1;; l1ex'l'~ yeM that will be their pz·iviloge . A motion was made to deleV; bo·i:;h. these events f:rom plunning :for Homecoming for next year. The uodon tve>s passed. 'rhe ·~ueen Cont·~st vlill be in th~ planning fo:t..' no::d;. ye~:t: 1 s Homecomir1g but Chris Zeek sue;e;osted che.t it be opon fo~.· r.::ome ch:u gos . The motion 'IJUS passed. A change in th~ 1-'ubli~i ty and I·~lect:i.on Cc:des 'ilill be mad•; ::;oon dnc to ·che :for the \tucen Contest : .. 1Y.1f the dis1.::~easu.rc of some: of the ..

pa~ 2

VIII. Ne\<! Business .'\. ., PEi1SONALIZATION OF CIL'tiS'n'I..:.S; ;.Jark explained t.b~t c;·,;, \va~> planning n project to boycott the commerciaJ.i:-'18.tion of Chr.• ·;tmtts., ii& voiMd the fnct that mmy storen already had Cru•istmnG de,::orntion up t>l"!d 'v'eH~ selling Christmas merchandise. 'l'hP. officers in c0 ;1. 1:1nnt to try t~.nd o~ comething abo,~t this commercializinl! of Ch.rist~nao., A auer;<·sti <>n wo.s made that \•re a. fiea rnnrket Hir:~ilar to th~ one thnt thf' French Cl~tb had so t.hat students could trade gifts £Uld oclls things ttlot thoy h.nv<-t ma,le. l'h.e1.•e was also the idea to sell live Christr:1ns tree.r;" rt' anyone has any suggestions contact Hark or em_yonc' in cs,.. B. FR0!-1 'rHB FLOOlh The matter of Colle&'e Hvur \-t.:JS broucht up u.rid thin motion was asked for a vote:

---;; ·\mzm::An questions have been raised l.,y tWG me1Ree1'F.'< ·· ~r the Acacle:1ie 3en.,,te reg~rding the-po-sition of Ure ""1tssocia ted i>t:l2dtmta oft ~;he m.:dn.tainlng of the present ilonday, ',/ednenday and l''t'iday 1?.:00 p.m .. - 1:00 p.m. r.w College Hour , ond

' •T{ ' '}>'' •' <.'So~-<~lif 1· .&. c 11 JI b t ..l '\ ..l , l i-...l ,.,. .:. •..:..l\•)f encroaC.!tmen wS On 0 ege ,l)u.ry SGtl.8<-Alol£91d ::s::at>t>rt'l.tCl. ,'( ,>•11' vuS'

have nlready occured, and 1-JH .]I .::'...S l1onday., •,iednesday and Friday from 12:00 fio!'!1,l - 1:00 .p .. rn. ,nrc ~he .

tuh e,-n.s only pra.c tical times for clubs to meet on crun;.,us, .;;~f<cf e,J::ecv 1/Yt- CJ J, /11 t~.;t-> '.i'IIJ:;J:EFORE, n.; IT .L;:j()LV_;D that the Jl-\ter-Clula Ceune~ O'R beHalf of the · c.r all clttbu uud A-d Hoo4~~ ~~---- !7/.

po;:d tion t~ . at (lionday9 \Jednesday and Friday 1?~00 pom• -· 1:00 p~ rt C>l(- 111<-l ~ C~oJ:~eeer ~~our. ;b~,}(ep~,.,fr~e-,~~ cl~oues and lab s~t'ls~ons,, und . . · c~e<'~.- I., .Ll[..,, • .J•'O, ~.~, B .. :. X1 FU ,A.lw~ ,\:.J .,OLV,:..D that the l&teP l>lue vot~rtlJ. r/} c -f U)i)n t.he ~~.cademic Senate and the Adrninir~trat:i.on to vi<jor,:mr.1y tmp. ort ' 17


th<: praoent provisions for Gollece Hour~ 'I'hl" motion <'las passed.

lX. lloney !·laking Requests Two requeats were rn~C.e and passed by ICC

Delphi rr:>que;'ited perr:lission to sell 'bro\-mies ;md cookies ir. t.hc ~oop on October 21, 19'70 for a J>ric~~ of .: .• 05 .. Veta Club asked perMission to raffle off t\lo pair of ;6.,5() tickets to;, Rod i·:cKuen at the Redwood I~e .\.l'ena on 1l,ovember 6, 1970o Th~ pr:i.ce would be ~~25 each of five for Jl.OOo

Xo .'.nnouncements 'rhere were :no c..mnouncemen ta

XI.. Adjournment Tho meeting was adjourned at 1:c)3

Heaper.tivefully Submitted•

..... _~/) • /" : ' ( / ) :.,./ ·.. t . .../ {_. /. )} .

l 'e.~ror Chrit:tian ICC Secretary

/ro Call to Order

vii~ Flag Salute

III., Roll Call

IVo Approval of' Agenda

Vn App:t'oval of Minutes

VI.. He ports

ehaiman Vice-clwirman Secretery

VII. Old Business

A. From the Floor -

VIII., New DusinesB

A,. ~

13. hom t.he F'loor ,-·

:rx. f,1oney Making HequestJ.~

x, Announcements

X1.. Adjournment


~1eeting 1/!7 October 27, 1970

!Jarlia.mentar:l.ruJ. ICC Rep to GSA Activities Advio.or

.E.>:\HTA l..:o::.;A JUNl0:1 COLCEX.h.: IN'r:SH-C.LiJB CvUNGIL


r;eeting l/-'7 October 27, 1q70

r" Call to Order


~rhe >;li:!13ting ';!HE; called to ordc1~ by Chairman f·!a.:rk Kar.a.hadian at 12~09.,

Flag £.io.lute 'i'hc flag sulutE; ~~.::o.s :tod tly wes i·iatson,.

r~oll Co~l 'Itr.•n•e \'iere 21 <:J.uh.::; :c.::presentt;d, BSU e.nd the H.s;waiie.ns '.;Jere absent. 1~uto So:.·vi-:~e and E.:ngJ.ish Cu.l ture \'it:JrP. e~{cused ..

i'I ,. ApprovvJ. of ?.1-gend.a Ad~ ~t«e l~eu1o1led as Item A under Nevi Business. 'l'ha agenda t-ras then t.-:.pproved as !:lrittcu ..

V.. Approval of i'L"inut,,:s The uAnutes 'A.'ere t'l.pproved as written.

•.!I. Reports GHhiRHP.N: !·ark .Ka.rahadian mention~~d that :&U h..~d one more ,·Jeek to pa_v" theil~ fine for absences before act:i.on is taken.

i\l'TIVITIE:S .AD!D.,OH: Nr. Canevar:\ :Lnfo:t~.rned everyone that the Acc:~: · will be on cruupus nc:t"t week to evaluate our .<z~hool- Thj.t:i is done ev€x-y five years~ Don 1 t be uurpri.sed if eomeone asks you qu.estion::. about the ca.1npus.

Ther.s :i.s a.lso a professional sur·vey on T.rai'f:i.c and Pa:dd:og, Sur'\reys w:Lll bo d:i.atributed next \lednesday ~ November I+ 1 1970 during 1:00 }.V..JtU ..

I!Il. Old Business 'l'here was no Old Business

V"III ,, Neu Business A. FROH THE li'I.COR: Jeff Woooruff submitted a re~t.est for application for status e.s an Ad .floc Cotr:!lli.ttee ~hich vtill be c:stllecl the SchooJ. of Ecstasy. The ad,risor viill be Chru'l(~~ f!d.l.lerQ The purpose will ·oe to exp1l:rore and implement irw.ova.tivn :ideas j_n education.. The motion l·W.::; passed and the School of Ecstus;j was established as an. Ad Hoc Cmn .. rnittec ..

The International Club has ~-ubmi.tted their ~o;Jsti ti.>tion to re·· org¥:l.ze a!;. a clubo Their purpose :'/ill be to foster r~J.a.tions with internutional students.

IX.. Noney t'akjug Heque8ts 'l'hci! Slc"l Club >fishes to sell ca.'..ces in Coddiugtm-m or> Iiovember '? ~ 19'?0 'I'he rootion 1.1as passed . The Gurrt~nt. i~ffairs CJ.ub v.nmts to accept donations to defray co:1fe:r·ence

v ..::'1..•

page 2

fi.Lli (•;cpenses on Oc~;()bcr 2811! ·TI!d Oct.ohel' 'X)~l!" ~.'he 11l,)tion ~1as a.p,:.>roved. D~J.r>hi :.~.:''luests J.A1)' tv FJt.J.l b1·ovnies a."ld c ookier• for a pl~ .cc of ~) G5 i:tifJide t'\'le coop f~,.;r 1Jednet:"Jd.ay Oetober 28, 19'70 and November 4, l9'i'O ~~he rtr.:.1tion ~laG passed., 'lhe BchooJ. oZ J.~cst<J.ay wishes to set up E< .free stort• and accept d·.:m:,·i; \Jn ~·:c;ndtJy, .\'ednesda.Jr and. F'riJe>.;ys from 12:00 i·o 1:00 ICC <-tppJ:•oveu this motiou..

f:.nnou·u.cer.lo.nt.:3 John .Gold \'r.i.11 ;:;,yeak em campus t.cJutO:t ro~ a.1: .8a:.Uey Field at n.oon .. ;.;:t. ·dent Directories ,.J;:€~ a'tail :tblt.o in t.h.a Student Activities Office .. Arc8. '? Conference went ve:r.·y hl'!ll. on S<J.tu:;.~day in Con.t;ra Costa"

At t.his tim~ l"':ilr.l.~ 't''er.tOrted that tl'ds ~rould bs J:Jis Jast; ameting as cha:l:r.·m.:m.. Si!1ce .f.·e.r:ry: G1 bson~ ASll ,president tmd .am Btu-us:ide\ ~m~r~tttivc V:i.~e·--pl.·-asi.:lont. resit~ni!d, t1a>:"k 1.m.s next. in line and . .:~auld be taltinf, ovez·" Hr, Cnnc;·ari e:xplt~5 .. ned. the reasons fol· the t~o resi.gnation~anr.l ::.. clie.cusF;icn frolll the floor followed~

XI. Ad~\ournment 'I''ne meeting \'l<lS adjol.ll'~'led at ~t2:~·.'5.,

/llf'3C-/ <

5~r, r rllr I.oc.c~ _ b.Jf/.ftt. . ~~~· November }, 1910

lo can to V'

II •. Roll Call ~

III. ApP.roYal of Agenda ~

lVo Approval ot Ml.nutes v/

Meeting #8

V. Reports

Chairman//" Vic&-Chairman t/' Secrete17

VI. Qld Buailleas~ t!Jr/'b Ao From the floor ..._

---Vll o Nev Business

~Ao Co~~~UerCial1zation of Christmas Bo Fro11 the floor

C VIII . .o Mone1 Making Requests

IX., Announce~nts ~

X. Acljourmeat



Mjnutes Meet:i.llg 1f9

November 3, .1.970

I.:. Ca11 to Order Chairman David Herrington called the meeting to N·der at 12:08,

I.t •. Roll Call There were 20 clubs present:, Those abeent were Alpha Gama Sigm..•J.: }LA ...... G.o.~ SBettes.., Cu:rrent Affairs. and the··

II!. Approval of Agenda The agenda \iO.S approved as writ ten"

IV,, Appt-oval of Minutes The minutes were approved as wr.l:i:;t·>,n,.

V.. Reports CHAIRMAN• Darld Herrington introduced hir.l6e1f r..e t:he new L~ .• f' o C'h;:;.:i.r!l!..m. He asked for the info:r.tll.~tion she'frto t.o be turn~.Hi in if not 3lready done. Thost~ clubl3 which still have nvt tt!rnr..d in theJ.r ini0,rm.uti(l)l fth ·et.s t;·J:e· the Sk..i.. club r:s • .;.;.u,. and I .. eD.S •. S ... A David c,~..;:·opped the fiYte of ·1..,00 dollar for .faiJ.ure to t;ut n Jn the sheets which had be0n :J\o-t hJ 1-farb~l:·., D;:.:.vid then introduced t~o ntoney rnaldng pl•c•jer:i.s whlch l>r~we brought to h'Lm;

1.,. lJin<h Anderson wiJ.l s~ll (~luba Cq.ndy at '1'/;? cents e. viece lllhicb they Cn i:.tU"ll r::;elJ. for 15 ccr,t.s .. l\. case would cost $.5.4o .. If auy cll..'.b io "inte:ce.sted~ urden:; are; tCAkml .r.-~.g.hi.. now .. 2 .. ~l!e Uews H·ara.ld wantt~ to k"lO~i if any c:tub lliOuld be :i.nterf-)stm\ in selling their pat•er 00 ~wnpu~. 'f.he c:-J uh l'iOcid m·?.ke ?0';~ profit .. lf th.a <::lui> is ·;nt.exe~>.,..ed they '.'!ere l·olu to c•.>ntac:G K!·is in the SaA.u.,

ADVISOR: l"h.· .. Canevari ;i.ntr<)duccd hi/3 <.1.ew assistant Gandy BoJ..l" lf any ch .J

hla.<il a problem l:h·~·y car ;;ake :it. to f·t:..udy and if shi:i ~ ht:· '-P ~.hem f~1!C' wil.J. sure t-iro Canevai'.;· does somothing abr:mt; :i.t... He assures every c:uc· tha.t n,,h.ings" are back toge.i-he.L\. at() ~hai- tht- <.tubs 1.3houLc g;ve Daivd a chance., Accreditation 'J}eam is •>n c·.::uup·t;> o.nd ·.n~ peopJ '~ chou'J.d feel fr~H.! t;o tell t.hem the t;.ruth(j .i.'1r Can!J. 'Jm•.i :.:·.l'>o rt.:rrli.r'd d. the peop' (" tho.t th.e t:c-•. rking Survey woulct be l;ak:Lng pl.hv;e rm .N '• .. I· o

VI..., Old Busin.;:ss 'l'here \<Ja.s no Old .dusiness

VU~ New Business Ao Commerd.aliz.-:tLi.on o1 l!hristmas: IJ~•~o~ .E'o"L'led ::.. cnu~CtJ r et: t h '.C' neeCle:: fov.:c rnetube--·s :fr·om l.C ~;,, 1·o attend m-zet..lnr;c TL~ purponE. 0f 1.b.e . .r·m~ nti"t;'Cef. 1 S to nail down a s:pet'lfj C. '-'l:C:ff.l'G:l!1 to pr escnt CO \.' .,;; "'" r,- .. : ( xr:ep·l:an:-:P 1.arry .F'ar• ·ell "is the Chairm.::m. l:.a.rry emphar.; · l'.(!d :.itr..t h...­w·:ults t.r.~ muke h.~.tstmF.I.D. Ull)!·~ }J(·:t..'·wN~o

1 ~;·a~._, . · t· ltHt e ,. a o h > h~ tr.n 1~..:. l•t;f :

l ~ <.:h1~1s tJ 1 k ;~ !·lr. :i e K: lJ<•-5 . !tl.Cn I..o re l4 .. litl .• i e j) .. ctz

fl, .i' ·<..m the fl.'"'O.r.> r i r;~que~.ted ta"ble tlfl. tho CCOp p:ado fl:O •I IJh.i•~ · • •.(

• u .d j ~lt.ribute club infox·mat.icdlo Xhey wc.>re gj, ''en an Oi:~ b;J )av~:: ,:lei ~ u •e va ·) K~U .~ reque.sted permiss:i on to set U!J n table t.m the: ,:c p .'lH t ~~> •. .. . A l 1 < I v :ry .t'i!iday" lot..~ .. Cur.evair suggested that theJ s~t up a sc.:het ·' u ;ti'

111~ ii up utd{'!' mobtty w.king requests" Davia r lttin<ed .s..:u .:Jf th~ t.n t ~ I '

. f )c.;,,:c fi t:t which ~ht.•J ow for abt;enceH to ih~ 1 . \:,I~ N rneet t ngn.

tmcntu~ Th~ Intet•nation&l .!lub a~.>kod l.•l!U thr ap;p ·•>1f"\l of .lw "( t • 1~ , .... .. t • · n . Df.l.\'id a.n.;.d he w.iJ J inform them ablu t t he o, nsti t,nt'l on w c': "'~" ~ . ,

)r1 !,y~ t...:; k~ l"Jg: •u• r·· "'"t.Uf.rt:ta w·er·~ maJ.e and pt ~B•!'d by IC': . .

. ~&-ted pf'<rm:issi.on f;o ll6. '1C a \fig l'a.t'i>1 :>.t t)·u-! ltc;me or C.lle t,f ~twi.!" ·· ~ 'n)~·~· : • lt'·jU t l e hol~ on N·)\'eml::,er 3. aud wou.lli be .~pon .<:>e r,~ci by a ~d!', ~zlt;• ') fr~"~ '

( e nE.~ '.1.'he club wou .. d a :percentagP. of i~ll t>· marla r..t .. ht~ :• :rt,·L \ l ub a. ;ked pertnission to sell mistletoEr on Dec~ 17 1Jtd 18. Au of ;:v d, ~r~asn't fiet b ut they assurrtd the pk"ice WCIU.ld rK·t b.e trt\h:::h rao! t htlltl•· -=~at

r- t:h. ;;tub also -i.6ked perr;d,->r:ion to sell cupce!<et. anri rl::tstlP-.,on in h·nf!t r on :1N; . 19.

•11· • .7 to Bell food 'iufrc·nt of the coop on friday,:;~ The:r were g-~.ven fc~·-I • ::> I

Ani ' r .t .•. 1 .••.• t ~ .1 l:il'l.;~ Y ·S adjou:tned at 12~.50

h'esp(1Ctl'VB:f.u1l;r :hbli'.i·t:ted,; \' . ·I . ., . I • )

r:(~\-1.. c~;-,(•,v._,t ··' ...t~ ;;~ ·~· ... ,.~ .... KrJ ~t.ine D.txon [ -l :, ;~e-c.ret .. u: y

I ,o






Call to Order

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Approval of l'Jinutes


Chairman V.:i.ce-e--Chairman Secretary

Old Business

I.c ... c ...

November 10~ 1970

Meeting #9

Parliamentarian ICC Rep to CSA Activities Advisor

A.. DecommercialiZ&Xion of Christmas B. International Club

VII. New Business

A. From the floor

VIII. Money Making Requests

IX., Announcements

X. Adjournment

:L ,. C~ll to Orde:c

Jl.~~SOCl".11Tlill .S'rUDlGN1'S dAN:J~l~ RO.:JA JlJNIOH COLLEGY.;


Mi.rm.:bes l1el' #9

November 10~ 1970

Chairman Davi.t~ llerr:i.~1gton called the meeting to o.1·der a;t:~, 12:10.-

Il ,, HoJ.l Call


'l'hcre ~~e. e 21 clubs Pl'eHento rrhose &.bsent were S'Dettest I.atter Day Saints~ Agg:i.l'~.s. and Ha.tvaiians ...

:f.IJ .. Approval of Agenda '}!he agenda vJas &pp.:.Aovcrl 0.13 t'ritten .....

T.Vo Ap?roval of l·i:lnutes. , The r·1:t.owtes \'Jere tho ;e foJ.· ,;8~ not. #-6. ThE;;/M.i.nutes wez·e approved as corl·ed.:ed ..

V., Reports Parlia!T.enta.J"ian: Chri.s Zeek moved that The Inter .. national Relation Club be r~cognizcd as a voting membor of LGo~o It \tJas seconed ll'<J John Busek 0 and passed by ICC" David asked the club t.o turn i.n their information sheet aud r.omiilded. the Sld raub~ BSTJ~ and IJDSSA that they too owed their. infor.II!ation eheet. ICC Repo to CSA: John Carroll reported that the CSA \'!as dezvoted to Cabot and the <\:Hnml.lnication Pap0ro CSA Passed, that I•Je use the 5~500 dollars for j n.surance to start Ex.perimente.:L Cio:·ants. Ad•>i.sor: Gc>.ndy informed us that the News Herald was sta.rting a columm on S.RJC and :lf the clubs had anythin~ they \':anted printed to bring i.t into her and she ¥roula. get it to the Herald.- David again reminded the dubs that they coulcl. sell the paper. on ct:~.ibpus for a 50"fo pro£'1 t <>

VI< Old Business A., Decommercializa:eion. of Christmas: Genic Dietz reported. that they were

talking about securing z-ooms for "wol•ksijopsu ~ possibly after Thanksgivingo Two :i.tleas were disnusseEi by ·the

1. The idea of charity, where each al:lllb would donate". 2.T.he idea to de emphasize the economy aspect of

Ghr.·ist r.cas rrhe neJt."t will be Thursday, November 12, a·r noon. :tt \'las asked th--;.tL the repl'eeenti ti verJ go "to ·heir clubs for ideas and to ICC next \"ieek,>

Vllo There was no Nevi Busi:aess.

VIIT.. ~~ney Making .S:i.x;. requests were made a11.d passed by tCC ..

Delphi reques·<:ed permission to sell ce.nd.y cc.mes in the COOR> area. and other var·ious places., They would sell for 1.5 cents from the 1st of Dec .. until ira.c-.:a.tionn

iHP. a.luo J.•egn~3s·;:ec1 ·i;o r:;0lJ. c:.mdy canes . '.t'hey \;~:lll;:; e K of theil' !~"~:' O:flt"3 ('} Ch.!l.d. t~l" ~JH' " ~so \·Jill lW.i/0 <J. ~9-~l{ -:cv.b on Thrusday Nc\r., 19 fr0m 7:00- -9.!00 a T.

Kent Hall . 'i'he :«?····i.ce 1~iU be 25 cents for 3 lil.lm~tes .. Current Aff~.i::.·s i. s ha.viHg a.n · :t'ilw on Nov'·' 18. ~they 1o1ish to solic:i.t don,.:.\':i.o..1s to cover rental fees~ C;i;ecle K ;:e[,''·l;c-d permission ·Go sell. poc·og:t"ams at all the !lome Basketball e.;ames fo:t" 10 cents. ?41\SG will have a dance fr-om 8:30'·'1:00 in ·l;he Coop On Nov. 21. The p.ricc \:rLll be l ~50 "<~lo K 1r1ill .set up a ·i;abl.e fn.c Jiona'c:Lc•ns {;o the Swi·i.:ch Board an.ewe:~:ing SE'rvice on Nov. 12~-i3. They n.ced $44~00. BSU will have a ? i'o:t• donations (food~ blankets etc.,) f.o;.:.- the North Amel'J.Cans occupying land a:C. Trenton Rdo

:tx. 'I'he ~::as adjourned at 12:4,5 ..

Repectivefully Submitted~

)5/:us:t-~- ~~ Kristine Dixon

J.CC S0cretary

IV. '\_pp.;oval of L i nuh~o


V:i t t- ·Chi.~:LI ll'\i;.\1,

S·:ccetary V J .. (j l d Businesa

!;'."'' GG.f 1\Tl:D ;.:'.L'UJ.lJ!iN'l'.S ~; .l"\',1. PO"il\ .JU:non C.OTJLliiU£:

IN'.1'El·< cum com~Gn,

A , Oft.·· dy Ca. ·e .Sales B I'' :·om i:he' di~:::::J~L.~-.

A .. &.cyr•J;J.e Club ss an Act·~HoG ~OtJJt:ri-Gtee B ?:rom the Fl.oo.t" ~ . s.· L-1 ·

1.\, A.naouncemen~G

Xo Adjonrnrncnt /I/ ;1/x /)?!!:-~d-

1. Call to Orde.c



l'.d.nutes i!lO

Ncvember 17, 1970

Chal.nnan Dand Herrirtgtan calle-1. tb.e meeting to Ol'der at; 12 :15..,

ll , Holl Call There wEJre 22 olubs p1·eaent<J Those absent W((tre rurrent. Affal.ra and the"Js., HA.SC and the Aggies had excused absenceso

ITI , Approval of Agenda The ag.,nda was approved as written ..

1. V ., Appt'OVill of J'ld.nutes The m.i.nutes W<.t'e app!'oved as wr:i.t,ten.:.

v .. Reports Cnairman: Day-1 d l cad a lo.<ttte:r· from t.he Ar·edenrl.<:< Senstt~* H , r~por: ted the tlenate .at ita of October 28 passed a resolut.:ion Bupportjng the retent.ion of College Hour ln its preaent fol'm fo:r the apr i ng Rentesl.c ', l9'?i ,. The letter also jnfor·med J ~ C C. that th\! on:l..y dass i.'l0\'1 achedulE.:d for CoJ.luae Hour i.'l a chorus clw;e and tha t ·l;.he r.efer'e 1ce to "ancroachll:ents on C:ollegt' Hour by scheduled laboratory perioda11 rnny not b1:1 .1 strictly 1, accurate ,.

David reminded the clubs that their ma..: lboxea must be cleaned out and if they're not. the contents \>r.i1l be thrown out e9.d ... fy·· . .Da v id also asmounced that beca.uae of their failure to pay the-ir ·o;::.oo f :i nc' t o ICC !cn­~bP>t>niJ?JS ~ B.;.;U i .a no lc· nrt.t~ an ~' t.ive ~lub on ( f.Ullpus . S ' Uett~s o,.re a 1> ~> . 00 .fin£> .;:'lich must 'b~ payed ~od. tlnn bwo weck,.s ... lL.<.. r.e:p ~ ~o C8A: 'i'he rep .. rt.po:d.~d tho.t €!SA put back ft" ., 000 for. 1!1151.mmce and .t\O't/ Hill USe U ?O()() ll'Oifl the 8.W8.' dS budgl!! t and ~3 ., 000 f :rom C'""('E!8;;1

in 5t.udent Body fe~)S for exper:\ae11tal gr~Jutt~, ,

VJ.. .. O".d ouci.nt:ss A .. Candy Ga.·:&>: l CC recieved a lett~S·r t'rom .. JlLC showing c.i.o;ocon h mt uU:h ::tee for letting bo t h r>etliph1. and Wl.C aeJ l randy Gsnes.. :'.t was b"Cough 1 -,;p that WLC has not o<~."dered th~ir candy canes yet 'bu t· Dep.h.i. ha~ pl.a.cecl tlv:1ir. order . 1t wa.s prL'lted: oui, that Delph:t has only 8 ect:he MH~bE:rs end proves to bo no thNat to \o/I./', Sinl"'e the orda:r· has to be 3~000 cant~y ~c.mes1. ·dJ ... G $Uggeotud that. one club order th~ C. Wid and then sp1:1. t it be ·w..,~en t.lw two club a" It was suggest. ad that the sell on the same day and ti.t,J& ~ buf, diffe-rent loca ... ions C'!!Jl eampus~ lt was :.:' .lnal1y <fuc.i dE·d that the tw<, clubs would ha. ·~ a ,joint m('etihg and bring ba~.;k the !'(~sul ts to lCC . Be lt'rom tne Floor.: t-1r .. Canewl!-l brought up the wone:r mr ... ~{:ing reg,lest hom ~Jl.C tu 'have the back ·:rub at Kent Ball, Tha Feminists we:r·t> the act ·:.v:ity .. Mr .. Gan~va·.~ ;l. brought i.t out thac tllt3 problems cu act.vitJes

should be b:rought beiort~ the monay mnking requests are pHs: .od. Once the activities ar.:! pa.osecl the Admini~tration be.ckG th•J club. Those inter- ~apting the activity will be charged with misconduc·c., 'iLC decided to ignore the Feminists .. A motion waa made to ma}(e a Bike Club /-\d. Hoc. Co1Jli11ittee.. It was passed with the stipulation that they :find an advisor by the ne: .t ICC meet:!.nr;, A mo·t.ion 111as passed to make BSU an Ad .. Hoc. Committee· wL:.1 John Ray ac ~ he advir~or and Larry Fax·.rell a.s Presidento M1'. Canavare re :>inded them that an Ado Hoc:: ... Committe must still bring Honey Request:. or permits for speakers before ICC. They will be the same as a club but will l~at only 9 weeks and they will have nb· Constitu·tion'.l or ICC repo

VII. Money Making Requests There wez·e no money :requests ,.

Vll!. Announcements Ther.e we~e no announcements.

IX. Adjournment The meeting \las adjourned at 11:45.

Respectf~lly Submitted,

\ )~ '-~- . ~·,}.IIAJ..._

KristiliG Dixon ICC Se;r etary

I. Call to Order

IlL. Roll Call

III. Approval of Agelllia

IV o Appxov:ru of Minutes

V. Repoz•t;s

Cha:i.rman Vice-Chairman Secrotat"y

VI. Now Business

A~ From the floor

VII. Old Busineas



Agenda Mee·cing #ll

December l, 19?0

Parliamen tariA'Ul ICC rep.. to CSA Activiteo Ad"'isoi'

A. Presentation :trom ChaX'le.s Porter B. Froua th.e. flool"

VII!. Honey Making Requests

IX. Announcements

x. Adjournment

:rr" /ipiJro·v-al of Agend'~

A~.i.':>OCIATE:li !~Tl.J'D:E~NT2

S1\N'l'i\ .HOSA JUNIOR COLL.i~li:;


thn:lltes Meet:i :n~; /,lll

December 1')19?0

Charles Port~r t.o:s :'; mUI!'t~d :\'i.'O\!'i Old Bu.sirmc-..:.s" ThE;· f.genda. 1-1as approved e.s con·ec:ce :.L

III. App:t•orr.:;,l of M~mP.'i:es The m.1.u.utes w,..x·..: 8.<11J:i"O~Z.ed 6.r; w:;:.'ittm:; ,.

rJ}?r· J C .. l~HS • """ ... -~·... ..... ' .;·~--1(~e c}o1r~.~.~o.t.e~~J ;}_tt-r ... udcd ;,:;·t 1!'~,;·;; ..;;~ ~.o o.~1 ~-~n·.; · 22.?=)),~l'.Jt;1 2L~- - ~.:.fe .,., Vl~·t:d t!~ l- ~ ~-:r,, t·

.r,c~l. t~ei ~-~ Lr'LJ0'tl H"i.i.~ f.1·} .. t (IJJ \ :a·r:' .:"J.~d otl\> 1J' .. "'Ch :}l_f.., f:\C't-.!0{~3-. J C. f.~r-a .. .. u.-=J:~ .. ~ t( .iV(:)·,

priof .. i.ty i:1.1 places ~)f h · glW!..' e..iuc~t.:i.on. '.fth~ t.otaJ. deJ.cgati::m av,:;oet'tl Lr,a~.

o~y the :Pri.!-:Jident sht1ul.d attend Sbte Confer-~ncer...~., David also €/lf~C<"f·" bof!y .Def:,, J~. the candidatr~s for Stuoe:n.t Body Off:f.c>)s would be speaking :l. n the .'!lUd.l. t>ori urn ~ a11d that on. D~c ., 9 the elections would be held ...

S ' pa.;yed the'i!' ;;; to ICC Uwy t)Vl'S('l :for absen.~(:<.s., Da1T'J..d rHpol' the.t thr:: Gor~.stif;ution GornmU .. tee went: over HiGh A.noru.~"

con:=Jt.i tt:ttion · '!.:'her(; is a and need tor· cc.rnpus ·w,.,.,~k '.l.'here a.rt} lr; ... ,plh;l es :t.n the constitution., but :1. t is just an outline H~peful:ty it \'lill be eXTGl"''.!.rrtent.ed ,, next semester. t.<:1 see if there i.u a r •s2J.. .i..n teres. . .,

The Biz:~arr Student Union,. JesB Unruhn and \'Jilson Riles are no l onger :-,;,ti""

hoc committees. The Hawaiian club because ot absences is no longer an active club on campuse

~teYe Kell7 announced that oa Deo. 12-U ther wiU be a foocl drive. 'l'heJ nat-d appro:imatFJly 100 people to go door to d.oor. to oolle~.::t foodo (l~rucks are being by !;he Il(ttal•y Cl ub of' Santa Rosn.., Cir·cle K. .. ~ILC 11 m.c .. , and Da~.~pb.i hav~ bo:llea sat around on campus t o collect. food ,. Hond.."1.:f9 \oJedno.sday and Fx-id!ly there wi l l be a mee t i ng in. room 201 at 12 : 00 ~

Advi sor; M.r' o Canevari gave a. plug for C!Utdidate>s and Student Body O.ff :tces .. Ue remi nded everybody that the p~~itions for oft.iees are due tomorrow at 3~00$ He alan remi nded the ~lubs t hat ther e are boxf>s of Candy Canas in t he offi ce ..

ICC rec::f.aved .a letter fl·ou, Bahai • i ,, 'They aaJt.-ed ICC to recogniz~ Baha:S.' i \\'eek which is Dec., ?'""ll o A motion ·,..ras made and pa.asedo

V., N£M Business A .. Charles Po:t·tel' c::1aa before ICC as a .spoker...Jnan from BfJU ., He had me..ny things to say about and to the clubs;

lo Th!!re are too ma."ly la't'·ela of Government on ca.rnpus., 2" BSU doesn 't time to play politics u

3 ... There h.igh-hE.:C1ded. tactics being UGod~ 4·., ICC was \mt c;f line by setting the- of ~5 " 5.,Punt~shment.:. for the crim~ of not being at ICC as unjus'c ,, 6 ·· BSU is happy to be out of ICCo ~ .. T'aey will not be l:l1l aduhoc comml.ttee 1 but the same BSU they

always were. 8 .. ICC as a body should recor,nize tho.t there is no neeu for stu;ient

goverrunant., 9oBSU will not come before ICC any more but will cwrJ on as usw:tlo

10.. BSU is not a social group and should not be bounJ by petty rules of social groupe,,

Mnn Canevari told Charles that his attitud.e ~tras antagonistic, BSU ahould have someone a.t ICC to commicate v;ith the reot of the clubs as to what each is doliin.g on campuso Charles stated that to have to come to ICC to get permission for things shows a lack of faith. Geni e Dietz a:tated thoy were not checking up, but co-ordinating things~

BSU is no longer a club or an ad-hoc committee and -vr:i.ll be completey free of ICC.

B. From the floor; WLC Asked to pass -:>ut free hread in the coop for the spitit of Chriatmaso

lo Old Business; There was no old budinesse

.! • Money i· Four requests were lllade and paasedft

\'/LC \'lanted a back-rub in Ken~~ Hall on Decn 8 ., Men only at 25 cents for 3 m::!.nutes . Vets ulub is going to have a Gas Raft'eL. pr:Lze \i/;1111 be '75 Gallons ; .:.econd prize will be 50 gallon~ and 3rd pl':i ze will be 25 gallons . Tickets are for 25 cent.s Jser ticket or 5 :for a dollar, 3ahai • i will be selling books un1 il the ond of the .semester· at no pr of::t t " ~a

Armounceroen ·i:.s There were no annour.ceroenta~

Adjournment Tje me~ting ~as adjourned at 1:05o

I. Call To Order

:n,., Roll Call

Ill., Approva.1 of Agenda

IV.. Approval of Minutes

V.. Repo:rta

Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary

VIe Old Business

A. Absences B. From the Floor

VII. New Business {

A. Leilani Akins B. From the ~.,loor



Agenda Meetin~ #12

December 8, 1970

Parliamentarian ICC Rep. to CSA Activities Advisor

VIII. Money MaY~tng Requests

IX. Announcements

X.. Adjournment

(l 0 ]1.)..... \.:-u . '--...-

l. Call to Order



Minutes Meetiag #12

December 15, 1970

CbairMD Da"fi.d Herrington called the meeting to order at 12:12

II. Roll Call The~e were 2 clubs absent. They were Alpha Gaaaa Sigaa. and s• Bet tee. The house coWlt ws 20.

Ill . Approval ot Agenda The asenda waa approved as written.

IV., Approval ot Minute• The minutes were approved as written.

v. Reports VlCE-CHAIRlWh 1'he SOUND OF MUSIC vaa sreatl ! J l 1 1 SEC!WlA.RY: The cl;ha were uked to pve the tiae and place of their .11eetings ISO the intor•tion ah.oet cAul4 be coaapleted. ADVISOR: :8.,S . U. will reMin an ad'--hoc colllli ttee until official recognition from the club to do other viae. The elections will be held to1111110ffow and will include three ammendmente;

1 . The b&adeong ud cheerleaders will no loqer be \loting membera of CSAo 2o The election and rally collllliaioner will ~come onne jobo }. Mid- dq and Hyde park will beco~Z* one.

Mr. Caaevari als reported that frida1 Dite the Sound ot Mu:l.c was SIOlcl out. And CSA completed guidelines for Stu~t Exper~ntal GDanteo

VI.. Old Business A. Absences: Larry Jackson wants back to a regua.lar club status tor BSUo HE wants to be reinstates as a club but have exeused absences from ICC to~ the remainder of the ae~~~ester. It w.a moyed aDd aecon4ed. Circle K will paJ their tine .

Vll.New Busineas A. Leilani Atkiua- neede aid to procure fUJ1da tor purchuse ot ldclDe7 •chiu for Sonoma Count7. 1'he7 ueed 6-8,000 Bett3' Crocker coupone. It waa &eked that this idea be taken back to the clubs and a reapoDE SiYen Mx"t weeko

B. AO..HOC; BeginniDJ Students who will spon.aer a dance hi. 18 fl'Om 4:00. The tickets will be 1 • .50 and James and the Goood Brothers will be featured.

VIII. Honer Making

Delp.hi will. have a table in the ~,;oop to sell things from mentally retanded workshop on Mendocino Ave. They will 'be ~ng no profit.

It was passed that BSU will have a roller skating and dance. The will be sold for ~25 couple and 1 .75 stag and will be availabe tn the coop.

IX . Announcements Hr. Cnaevari brought it up that there are beginning to be too manr tables in the soop.

Io Call to order

II., Roll Call

III o Approval of A~enda

IV o Approval of t1inutes

V. Reports

\ man Vice-ch:J.rman Secretery

VI. Old Bus·.ness

December 15 , 1970

Meeting If 13

Parliamentarian ICC rep to CSA Activities Advisor

A, Be·•t Club Trophy Awards B. Fr~m the Floor

VII. Nev Business A. From the Floor

VIII, 'loney .Hequests

IXo Announcements

X. .:.djournment

Io Call to Order



Minutes Meeting # 13

December 15, 1970

Chairman David Herrington called the meeting to order at 12:14o

II.,Roll Call There were 15 clubs present. Those absent were Alpha Gamma Sigma, English Clutura~ MoA . S.C . ,Baha 1i, Current Aggairse Aero Cubs, Inter~national Relat~nso

III o A~proval of Agenda The agenda was approved as writteno

IV. Approval of Minutes The Minutes were approved as written.

V" Reports Chairman: David announced that at the Board of Trustee the planned Parenthood Program was passedc IGC rep to CSA: It was announced that Bill Minnes is the new editor to the Oakleaf ..

VI. Oldi Business Leilani Atkins Wanted Ansmers from clubso They need publicity and backing from clubs on campus~ There was no response givenolt was suggested that she go before C~A for help with publicity., Steve Kelly wanted to say thanks for all the help given to him on the food drive.,

VIIo Money- Making The Begginning Students to aponser the concert of James and the Good Brothers on Friday Decc 18 at 4:00 at 1·50 a ticket ..

VIII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at l2!30o

I n Ca.Ll to Order

11 . Joll Call

:ITT & ,lpprowi.l of Agenda

IV., App:~.~ova1 of minutes

J • Reports



Meeting# 14

Vl. Av.r~.!:'d of the Best Club ~~rophy.

VII. Ad;jolil'ument

I a Call to Ord.e:c




meeting #14

Cha Davj.d Herrington called the mcetin15 to Ol'der at 12 ;JrlO ..

II., Approval of Agenda The <=l[.:endo. was ayproved as vn·i tten.

III,. AF9!'0'Ii:al of The mimttes ~r-rere approved ns t·.rritteno

!Vo Reports Chair·ma.n : David t>~e.nted to thank every one for e.ll of their co-oper·ati.on,, He thanked all of the clubs f'o1· cOI:lin:.-s to the meetings.

V.., :!.'he Best Club Trophy .!hiard i·JD.s presented by Co.nd.y Bell to vJLC o

VIo The meeting \"!as adjourned at 12 : ro.,

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