

Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact ndash The Rural Development Dimension

Collaborative project - Small to medium-scale focused research project under the Seventh Framework Programme

Project No 226195

WP22 Databases ndash Regional Social Accounting Matrices

Deliverable D223

Compilation of datasets needed for regional splitting of the

national SAMS dataset and documentation


Emanuele Ferrari Maria Blanco-Fonseca Mihaly Himics

European Commission Joint Research Center

Institute for Prospective Technological Studies ndash Seville

Marc Muumlller ILR Bonn

May 15th 2010


Table of contents


11 Introduction 4

12 Contents and Structure of the RegEU SAMs Database 4

13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 9


21 IPTS 11

22 National Datasets from Eurostat 11221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO) 11222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA) 12223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA) 14224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat 15

23 Regional Datasets from Eurostat 15231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch) 16232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs) 17233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr) 18234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat 19

24 Preliminary Conclusion and Proposition 19


31 Belgium (BE) 23

32 Bulgaria (BG) 25

33 Czech Republic (CZ) 27

34 Denmark (DK) 28

35 Germany (DE) 29

36 Estonia (EE) 31

37 Ireland (IE) 31

38 Greece (GE) 33

39 Spain (ES) 33

310 France (FR) 35

311 Italy (IT) 36

312 Cyprus (CY) 37

313 Latvia (LV) 37

314 Lithuania (LT) 38

315 Luxemburg (LU) 38

316 Hungary (HU) 38

317 Malta (MT) 39

318 Netherlands (NL) 39

319 Austria (AT) 41

320 Poland (PL) 42

321 Portugal (PT) 44


322 Romania (RO) 44

323 Slovenia (SI) 45

324 Slovak Republic (SK) 46

325 Finland (FI) 47

326 Sweden (SE) 48

327 United Kingdom (UK) 49

328 Migration and Inter-Regional Trade 50

329 Summary 53


41 IASON 56

42 DREAM 56

43 REAPampREEIO 57


45 ESPON 59





1 Project Background

11 IntroductionThe objective of the CAPRI-RD project is the development of a Pan-European tool for regional and spatial policy impact analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with regard to Rural Development (RD) indicators The framework is the CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact) modelling system for the agricultural sector of the EU on NUTS2 scale CAPRI is a partial equilibrium (PE) model designed for simulating very detailed policy scenarios in the context of the CAP Within CAPRI-RD the CAPRI model will be linked with a newly developed regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model currently named ReguEU It will be based on the RegFin and RegPol modelling systems developed by Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska (2009) Regionalised Social Accounting Matrixes (SAM) at the NUTS2 level will be a key input for the foreseen modelling systems and also a valuable outcome of the whole CAPRI-RD project This database will allow the usage of the regional CGE model for the quantitative evaluation of regional development and agricultural polices of the EU on a full regional scaleWithin the CAPRI-RD project the planned regional database will have to meet the requirements indicated by the Deliverable 222 Compilation of national SAMs for 27 EU Member States in the format required by the regional CGEsThis deliverable offers an overview on the availability of relevant datasets to compute the needed dataset at NUTS2 level As stated in the previous deliverables of this Work Package the compilation of the regional SAMs from a single source would have been desirable Unfortunately a first screening of the regional datasets available from Eurostat showed that a variety of supplementary datasets will be required to achieve the objectives of this Work Package The deliverable presented here confirms this first insight In this report other sources as available data at IPTS national and regional statistical department of the member states former EU Research Projects and other relevant research institutions database have been investigated Apart from providing an overview of the existing and available databases with relevance for the compilation of the regionalised SAMs this deliverable prepares the subsequent steps of this Work Package This inventory clarifies which are the data available and which are those that should be estimated starting from the methodologies sketched by Deliverable 221 Methodological review of SAMs regionalization

12 Contents and Structure of the RegEU SAMs DatabaseThe targeted RegEU SAMs database consists of numerous sub-tables which may be broadly classified into core-SAM accounts and satellite or auxiliary accounts The core datasets are those which actually appear in the final SAMs such as intermediate demand distinguished by origin and economic branch or compensation of employees by branch Satellite accounts may serve as control-totals for the core datasets for instance in the case of gross value-added which does not appear as such in the final SAM but is the sum of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo ldquonet taxes on productionrdquo and ldquooperating surplusrdquoA crucial feature of the RegEU SAMs database is the distinction of some items by their origin ie if they were produced in the same region in which they were consumed or imported from a different region in the same country or imported from abroad The core SAMs and the respective sub-matrices are summarized in a simplified manner below



Whereb Index for economic branchesd Index for regional institutions like private households and governmentsw Index for trade partners or origins of the items in the SAM (regional domestic

foreign)f Index for primary factors of production (labour capital)S Regional Social Accounting MatrixAw Intermediate demand distinguished by originA Total intermediate demand ( b b b w b


A Aw= sum )

Cw Final demand distinguished by originC Total final demand ( b d b w d


C Cw= sum )

Iw Investment demand distinguished by originI Total investment demand ( b b w


I Iw= sum )

Ew Exports distinguished by origin and destination (eg exports of imported goods to other regions of the same country)

E Total exports by destinationF Payments to fixed factors (

b w b w w


E Ew= sum )

Ts Taxes on production and factorsT Transactions between institutions (distribution of regional income)X Total regional supply (has to equal total regional demand)

b b b f b f b bb f

b b b d b b wb d w

X A F Ts Ts


= + + +

= + + +

sum sum

sum sum sum

The branch dimension (b) has been determined in Deliverable 222 of the CAPRI-RD Project (Table 1) Dimension b should contain 14 single branches as elements As data availability allow for a more detailed disaggregation of branches in this deliverable we decided to further disaggregate fishing and mining (instead of a more general other primary goods sector) a fuel sector out of the manufacturing one and education and financial service sectors The final disaggregation contains 14 branches It is very important to note here that the RegEU27 SAMs follow a strict industry-by-industry (or activity by activity) scheme Primary factors(f) contains the elements ldquoLabourrdquo and ldquoCapitalrdquo Trade partners (w) for each region are either the intra-national markets for trade between regions or the external markets for inter-

b d 1 w 1

bw Aw Cw Iw Ew

b A C I E X

f F 0

f+1 Ts 0

1 X 0 0 0



national trade between countries A distinction between intra- and extra-European trade is not foreseen Furthermore the database does not include bi-lateral flows between regions of a country or even between regions of the European Union with 27 Member States Regional consumers (d) are regional governments and householdsIntermediate demand matrices (A and Aw) will be generally available on national scale Primary factor payments (F) may be derived from a) value-added by sectors and b) employment by sectors Data on regional trade flows (AwCwIwEwE) are likely to be unavailable for the major part of regions Final consumption (C) and investment demand (I) will in the best of cases be available as an aggregate The initially mentioned satellite accounts will therefore contain the type of information that is not directly part of the SAMs but will serve to derive and control the required SAM entries The structure of the satellite accounts and the correspondences with the SAM accounts S are illustrated below


WhereY Regional Satellite AccountsM Total imports by branch or institution and by originAt Total intermediate demand in the region ( b b b


At A= sum )

Ct Total final demand by institution (households governments) ( d b db

Ct C= sum )

It Total regional investment ( bb

It I= sum )

Et Total regional exports by destination

V Gross value-added by branches ( b f b f b bf

V F Ts Ts = + + sum )

Vt Total regional gross value-added (Gross Regional Product) ( bb

Vt V= sum )

L Employed persons by branchP Regional populationG Net-migration to or from abroad or other regions of the same country

To ensure the consistency of the database to be developed with the ESA95 standards the classification scheme used here follows in general the ESA95 nomenclature (see Table 1) Exceptions originate from the specific needs of the regionalised database for which eg the category ldquop2i Use of imported products cifrdquo was subdivided into ldquop2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifrdquo and ldquop2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifrdquoThe newly introduced codes are highlighted in red in Table 1

b d 1 w 1


1 At Ct It Et

1 V Vt

1 L P G



Table 1 Target Accounts of the IOTNUTS2 Database Sectoral Classifications for RegEU27 and Correspondence with ESA95

ESA95(NACECPA) Proposed RegEU classificationsDescription Code Code Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A Agriculture hunting and related services a01 AGR Agriculture Forestry logging and related services a02 FOR ForestryFishing B FIS FisheriesMining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarryingManufacturing D Food products and beverages da15 FOP Food processing Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels df23 FUL

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Other manufacturing hellip MANOther manufacturingElectricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy productsConstruction F CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods G TTR Trade and TransportHotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and RestaurantsTransport storage and communication I TTR Trade and TransportFinancial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security L OSE Other servicesEducation M EDU EducationHealth and social work N OSE Other servicesOther community social personal service activities O OSE Other servicesActivities of households P OSE Other services

Table 2 Table 2 ESA95 Classification Scheme

Block Code DescriptionA000 Agriculture hunting and forestryD000 Manufacturing

A2B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishingC2E Total industry (excluding construction)F00 Construction

G2IWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

J2K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

Sector aggregates (NACE16 and



Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

p2r Use of domesticregional productsp2i Use of imported products cifp2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifp2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifd21md31 Taxes less subsidies on productsd21 Taxes on productsd31 Subsidies on productsp2pp Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

Institutional and factor accounts (rows)

d1 Compensation of employees


Block Code Descriptiond11 Wages and salariesd12 Employers social contributionsd29md39 Other net taxes on productiond29 Other taxes on productiond39 Other subsidies on productionk1 Consumption of fixed capitalb2npb3n Operating surplus netb2gpb3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeb3g Gross mixed incomeb2g Gross operating surplusb1g Value added at basic pricesb1gm Gross domestic product at market prices

p34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territory - total

p34s1Final consumption expenditure of non-resident domestic households on the economic territory - total

p34s2Final consumption expenditure of non-resident foreign households on the economic territory - total

b8g Gross savingb9 Net lending (+) net borrowing (-)b12 Current external balanced4 Property incomed5 Current taxes on income wealth etcd6 Social contributions and benefitsd7 Other current transfersd8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesd9 Capital transfersp1 Output at basic pricesp119 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)total Total

p3s14s15Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit organisations serving households (NPISH)

p3s1311 Final consumptionexpenditure by central governmentp3s1313 Final consumptionexpenditure by local governmentp3 Final consumptionexpenditurep5 Gross capital formationp6s2 Exports extra-nationalp6s1 Exports intra-nationalp6 Exportstfinu Final uses

Institutional accounts (columns)

tu Total useulc Unit labor costpop Total populationact Economically active populationune Unemployed personsemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedmigs1 Net-migration domesticmigs2 Net-migration foreign

Labor market (rows)

mig Net-migration

Note Red fonts indicate that the respective elements are not part of the ESA95 classification scheme


13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Table of contents


11 Introduction 4

12 Contents and Structure of the RegEU SAMs Database 4

13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 9


21 IPTS 11

22 National Datasets from Eurostat 11221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO) 11222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA) 12223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA) 14224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat 15

23 Regional Datasets from Eurostat 15231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch) 16232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs) 17233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr) 18234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat 19

24 Preliminary Conclusion and Proposition 19


31 Belgium (BE) 23

32 Bulgaria (BG) 25

33 Czech Republic (CZ) 27

34 Denmark (DK) 28

35 Germany (DE) 29

36 Estonia (EE) 31

37 Ireland (IE) 31

38 Greece (GE) 33

39 Spain (ES) 33

310 France (FR) 35

311 Italy (IT) 36

312 Cyprus (CY) 37

313 Latvia (LV) 37

314 Lithuania (LT) 38

315 Luxemburg (LU) 38

316 Hungary (HU) 38

317 Malta (MT) 39

318 Netherlands (NL) 39

319 Austria (AT) 41

320 Poland (PL) 42

321 Portugal (PT) 44


322 Romania (RO) 44

323 Slovenia (SI) 45

324 Slovak Republic (SK) 46

325 Finland (FI) 47

326 Sweden (SE) 48

327 United Kingdom (UK) 49

328 Migration and Inter-Regional Trade 50

329 Summary 53


41 IASON 56

42 DREAM 56

43 REAPampREEIO 57


45 ESPON 59





1 Project Background

11 IntroductionThe objective of the CAPRI-RD project is the development of a Pan-European tool for regional and spatial policy impact analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with regard to Rural Development (RD) indicators The framework is the CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact) modelling system for the agricultural sector of the EU on NUTS2 scale CAPRI is a partial equilibrium (PE) model designed for simulating very detailed policy scenarios in the context of the CAP Within CAPRI-RD the CAPRI model will be linked with a newly developed regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model currently named ReguEU It will be based on the RegFin and RegPol modelling systems developed by Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska (2009) Regionalised Social Accounting Matrixes (SAM) at the NUTS2 level will be a key input for the foreseen modelling systems and also a valuable outcome of the whole CAPRI-RD project This database will allow the usage of the regional CGE model for the quantitative evaluation of regional development and agricultural polices of the EU on a full regional scaleWithin the CAPRI-RD project the planned regional database will have to meet the requirements indicated by the Deliverable 222 Compilation of national SAMs for 27 EU Member States in the format required by the regional CGEsThis deliverable offers an overview on the availability of relevant datasets to compute the needed dataset at NUTS2 level As stated in the previous deliverables of this Work Package the compilation of the regional SAMs from a single source would have been desirable Unfortunately a first screening of the regional datasets available from Eurostat showed that a variety of supplementary datasets will be required to achieve the objectives of this Work Package The deliverable presented here confirms this first insight In this report other sources as available data at IPTS national and regional statistical department of the member states former EU Research Projects and other relevant research institutions database have been investigated Apart from providing an overview of the existing and available databases with relevance for the compilation of the regionalised SAMs this deliverable prepares the subsequent steps of this Work Package This inventory clarifies which are the data available and which are those that should be estimated starting from the methodologies sketched by Deliverable 221 Methodological review of SAMs regionalization

12 Contents and Structure of the RegEU SAMs DatabaseThe targeted RegEU SAMs database consists of numerous sub-tables which may be broadly classified into core-SAM accounts and satellite or auxiliary accounts The core datasets are those which actually appear in the final SAMs such as intermediate demand distinguished by origin and economic branch or compensation of employees by branch Satellite accounts may serve as control-totals for the core datasets for instance in the case of gross value-added which does not appear as such in the final SAM but is the sum of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo ldquonet taxes on productionrdquo and ldquooperating surplusrdquoA crucial feature of the RegEU SAMs database is the distinction of some items by their origin ie if they were produced in the same region in which they were consumed or imported from a different region in the same country or imported from abroad The core SAMs and the respective sub-matrices are summarized in a simplified manner below



Whereb Index for economic branchesd Index for regional institutions like private households and governmentsw Index for trade partners or origins of the items in the SAM (regional domestic

foreign)f Index for primary factors of production (labour capital)S Regional Social Accounting MatrixAw Intermediate demand distinguished by originA Total intermediate demand ( b b b w b


A Aw= sum )

Cw Final demand distinguished by originC Total final demand ( b d b w d


C Cw= sum )

Iw Investment demand distinguished by originI Total investment demand ( b b w


I Iw= sum )

Ew Exports distinguished by origin and destination (eg exports of imported goods to other regions of the same country)

E Total exports by destinationF Payments to fixed factors (

b w b w w


E Ew= sum )

Ts Taxes on production and factorsT Transactions between institutions (distribution of regional income)X Total regional supply (has to equal total regional demand)

b b b f b f b bb f

b b b d b b wb d w

X A F Ts Ts


= + + +

= + + +

sum sum

sum sum sum

The branch dimension (b) has been determined in Deliverable 222 of the CAPRI-RD Project (Table 1) Dimension b should contain 14 single branches as elements As data availability allow for a more detailed disaggregation of branches in this deliverable we decided to further disaggregate fishing and mining (instead of a more general other primary goods sector) a fuel sector out of the manufacturing one and education and financial service sectors The final disaggregation contains 14 branches It is very important to note here that the RegEU27 SAMs follow a strict industry-by-industry (or activity by activity) scheme Primary factors(f) contains the elements ldquoLabourrdquo and ldquoCapitalrdquo Trade partners (w) for each region are either the intra-national markets for trade between regions or the external markets for inter-

b d 1 w 1

bw Aw Cw Iw Ew

b A C I E X

f F 0

f+1 Ts 0

1 X 0 0 0



national trade between countries A distinction between intra- and extra-European trade is not foreseen Furthermore the database does not include bi-lateral flows between regions of a country or even between regions of the European Union with 27 Member States Regional consumers (d) are regional governments and householdsIntermediate demand matrices (A and Aw) will be generally available on national scale Primary factor payments (F) may be derived from a) value-added by sectors and b) employment by sectors Data on regional trade flows (AwCwIwEwE) are likely to be unavailable for the major part of regions Final consumption (C) and investment demand (I) will in the best of cases be available as an aggregate The initially mentioned satellite accounts will therefore contain the type of information that is not directly part of the SAMs but will serve to derive and control the required SAM entries The structure of the satellite accounts and the correspondences with the SAM accounts S are illustrated below


WhereY Regional Satellite AccountsM Total imports by branch or institution and by originAt Total intermediate demand in the region ( b b b


At A= sum )

Ct Total final demand by institution (households governments) ( d b db

Ct C= sum )

It Total regional investment ( bb

It I= sum )

Et Total regional exports by destination

V Gross value-added by branches ( b f b f b bf

V F Ts Ts = + + sum )

Vt Total regional gross value-added (Gross Regional Product) ( bb

Vt V= sum )

L Employed persons by branchP Regional populationG Net-migration to or from abroad or other regions of the same country

To ensure the consistency of the database to be developed with the ESA95 standards the classification scheme used here follows in general the ESA95 nomenclature (see Table 1) Exceptions originate from the specific needs of the regionalised database for which eg the category ldquop2i Use of imported products cifrdquo was subdivided into ldquop2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifrdquo and ldquop2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifrdquoThe newly introduced codes are highlighted in red in Table 1

b d 1 w 1


1 At Ct It Et

1 V Vt

1 L P G



Table 1 Target Accounts of the IOTNUTS2 Database Sectoral Classifications for RegEU27 and Correspondence with ESA95

ESA95(NACECPA) Proposed RegEU classificationsDescription Code Code Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A Agriculture hunting and related services a01 AGR Agriculture Forestry logging and related services a02 FOR ForestryFishing B FIS FisheriesMining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarryingManufacturing D Food products and beverages da15 FOP Food processing Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels df23 FUL

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Other manufacturing hellip MANOther manufacturingElectricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy productsConstruction F CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods G TTR Trade and TransportHotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and RestaurantsTransport storage and communication I TTR Trade and TransportFinancial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security L OSE Other servicesEducation M EDU EducationHealth and social work N OSE Other servicesOther community social personal service activities O OSE Other servicesActivities of households P OSE Other services

Table 2 Table 2 ESA95 Classification Scheme

Block Code DescriptionA000 Agriculture hunting and forestryD000 Manufacturing

A2B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishingC2E Total industry (excluding construction)F00 Construction

G2IWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

J2K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

Sector aggregates (NACE16 and



Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

p2r Use of domesticregional productsp2i Use of imported products cifp2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifp2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifd21md31 Taxes less subsidies on productsd21 Taxes on productsd31 Subsidies on productsp2pp Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

Institutional and factor accounts (rows)

d1 Compensation of employees


Block Code Descriptiond11 Wages and salariesd12 Employers social contributionsd29md39 Other net taxes on productiond29 Other taxes on productiond39 Other subsidies on productionk1 Consumption of fixed capitalb2npb3n Operating surplus netb2gpb3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeb3g Gross mixed incomeb2g Gross operating surplusb1g Value added at basic pricesb1gm Gross domestic product at market prices

p34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territory - total

p34s1Final consumption expenditure of non-resident domestic households on the economic territory - total

p34s2Final consumption expenditure of non-resident foreign households on the economic territory - total

b8g Gross savingb9 Net lending (+) net borrowing (-)b12 Current external balanced4 Property incomed5 Current taxes on income wealth etcd6 Social contributions and benefitsd7 Other current transfersd8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesd9 Capital transfersp1 Output at basic pricesp119 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)total Total

p3s14s15Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit organisations serving households (NPISH)

p3s1311 Final consumptionexpenditure by central governmentp3s1313 Final consumptionexpenditure by local governmentp3 Final consumptionexpenditurep5 Gross capital formationp6s2 Exports extra-nationalp6s1 Exports intra-nationalp6 Exportstfinu Final uses

Institutional accounts (columns)

tu Total useulc Unit labor costpop Total populationact Economically active populationune Unemployed personsemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedmigs1 Net-migration domesticmigs2 Net-migration foreign

Labor market (rows)

mig Net-migration

Note Red fonts indicate that the respective elements are not part of the ESA95 classification scheme


13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




322 Romania (RO) 44

323 Slovenia (SI) 45

324 Slovak Republic (SK) 46

325 Finland (FI) 47

326 Sweden (SE) 48

327 United Kingdom (UK) 49

328 Migration and Inter-Regional Trade 50

329 Summary 53


41 IASON 56

42 DREAM 56

43 REAPampREEIO 57


45 ESPON 59





1 Project Background

11 IntroductionThe objective of the CAPRI-RD project is the development of a Pan-European tool for regional and spatial policy impact analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with regard to Rural Development (RD) indicators The framework is the CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact) modelling system for the agricultural sector of the EU on NUTS2 scale CAPRI is a partial equilibrium (PE) model designed for simulating very detailed policy scenarios in the context of the CAP Within CAPRI-RD the CAPRI model will be linked with a newly developed regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model currently named ReguEU It will be based on the RegFin and RegPol modelling systems developed by Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska (2009) Regionalised Social Accounting Matrixes (SAM) at the NUTS2 level will be a key input for the foreseen modelling systems and also a valuable outcome of the whole CAPRI-RD project This database will allow the usage of the regional CGE model for the quantitative evaluation of regional development and agricultural polices of the EU on a full regional scaleWithin the CAPRI-RD project the planned regional database will have to meet the requirements indicated by the Deliverable 222 Compilation of national SAMs for 27 EU Member States in the format required by the regional CGEsThis deliverable offers an overview on the availability of relevant datasets to compute the needed dataset at NUTS2 level As stated in the previous deliverables of this Work Package the compilation of the regional SAMs from a single source would have been desirable Unfortunately a first screening of the regional datasets available from Eurostat showed that a variety of supplementary datasets will be required to achieve the objectives of this Work Package The deliverable presented here confirms this first insight In this report other sources as available data at IPTS national and regional statistical department of the member states former EU Research Projects and other relevant research institutions database have been investigated Apart from providing an overview of the existing and available databases with relevance for the compilation of the regionalised SAMs this deliverable prepares the subsequent steps of this Work Package This inventory clarifies which are the data available and which are those that should be estimated starting from the methodologies sketched by Deliverable 221 Methodological review of SAMs regionalization

12 Contents and Structure of the RegEU SAMs DatabaseThe targeted RegEU SAMs database consists of numerous sub-tables which may be broadly classified into core-SAM accounts and satellite or auxiliary accounts The core datasets are those which actually appear in the final SAMs such as intermediate demand distinguished by origin and economic branch or compensation of employees by branch Satellite accounts may serve as control-totals for the core datasets for instance in the case of gross value-added which does not appear as such in the final SAM but is the sum of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo ldquonet taxes on productionrdquo and ldquooperating surplusrdquoA crucial feature of the RegEU SAMs database is the distinction of some items by their origin ie if they were produced in the same region in which they were consumed or imported from a different region in the same country or imported from abroad The core SAMs and the respective sub-matrices are summarized in a simplified manner below



Whereb Index for economic branchesd Index for regional institutions like private households and governmentsw Index for trade partners or origins of the items in the SAM (regional domestic

foreign)f Index for primary factors of production (labour capital)S Regional Social Accounting MatrixAw Intermediate demand distinguished by originA Total intermediate demand ( b b b w b


A Aw= sum )

Cw Final demand distinguished by originC Total final demand ( b d b w d


C Cw= sum )

Iw Investment demand distinguished by originI Total investment demand ( b b w


I Iw= sum )

Ew Exports distinguished by origin and destination (eg exports of imported goods to other regions of the same country)

E Total exports by destinationF Payments to fixed factors (

b w b w w


E Ew= sum )

Ts Taxes on production and factorsT Transactions between institutions (distribution of regional income)X Total regional supply (has to equal total regional demand)

b b b f b f b bb f

b b b d b b wb d w

X A F Ts Ts


= + + +

= + + +

sum sum

sum sum sum

The branch dimension (b) has been determined in Deliverable 222 of the CAPRI-RD Project (Table 1) Dimension b should contain 14 single branches as elements As data availability allow for a more detailed disaggregation of branches in this deliverable we decided to further disaggregate fishing and mining (instead of a more general other primary goods sector) a fuel sector out of the manufacturing one and education and financial service sectors The final disaggregation contains 14 branches It is very important to note here that the RegEU27 SAMs follow a strict industry-by-industry (or activity by activity) scheme Primary factors(f) contains the elements ldquoLabourrdquo and ldquoCapitalrdquo Trade partners (w) for each region are either the intra-national markets for trade between regions or the external markets for inter-

b d 1 w 1

bw Aw Cw Iw Ew

b A C I E X

f F 0

f+1 Ts 0

1 X 0 0 0



national trade between countries A distinction between intra- and extra-European trade is not foreseen Furthermore the database does not include bi-lateral flows between regions of a country or even between regions of the European Union with 27 Member States Regional consumers (d) are regional governments and householdsIntermediate demand matrices (A and Aw) will be generally available on national scale Primary factor payments (F) may be derived from a) value-added by sectors and b) employment by sectors Data on regional trade flows (AwCwIwEwE) are likely to be unavailable for the major part of regions Final consumption (C) and investment demand (I) will in the best of cases be available as an aggregate The initially mentioned satellite accounts will therefore contain the type of information that is not directly part of the SAMs but will serve to derive and control the required SAM entries The structure of the satellite accounts and the correspondences with the SAM accounts S are illustrated below


WhereY Regional Satellite AccountsM Total imports by branch or institution and by originAt Total intermediate demand in the region ( b b b


At A= sum )

Ct Total final demand by institution (households governments) ( d b db

Ct C= sum )

It Total regional investment ( bb

It I= sum )

Et Total regional exports by destination

V Gross value-added by branches ( b f b f b bf

V F Ts Ts = + + sum )

Vt Total regional gross value-added (Gross Regional Product) ( bb

Vt V= sum )

L Employed persons by branchP Regional populationG Net-migration to or from abroad or other regions of the same country

To ensure the consistency of the database to be developed with the ESA95 standards the classification scheme used here follows in general the ESA95 nomenclature (see Table 1) Exceptions originate from the specific needs of the regionalised database for which eg the category ldquop2i Use of imported products cifrdquo was subdivided into ldquop2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifrdquo and ldquop2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifrdquoThe newly introduced codes are highlighted in red in Table 1

b d 1 w 1


1 At Ct It Et

1 V Vt

1 L P G



Table 1 Target Accounts of the IOTNUTS2 Database Sectoral Classifications for RegEU27 and Correspondence with ESA95

ESA95(NACECPA) Proposed RegEU classificationsDescription Code Code Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A Agriculture hunting and related services a01 AGR Agriculture Forestry logging and related services a02 FOR ForestryFishing B FIS FisheriesMining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarryingManufacturing D Food products and beverages da15 FOP Food processing Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels df23 FUL

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Other manufacturing hellip MANOther manufacturingElectricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy productsConstruction F CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods G TTR Trade and TransportHotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and RestaurantsTransport storage and communication I TTR Trade and TransportFinancial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security L OSE Other servicesEducation M EDU EducationHealth and social work N OSE Other servicesOther community social personal service activities O OSE Other servicesActivities of households P OSE Other services

Table 2 Table 2 ESA95 Classification Scheme

Block Code DescriptionA000 Agriculture hunting and forestryD000 Manufacturing

A2B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishingC2E Total industry (excluding construction)F00 Construction

G2IWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

J2K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

Sector aggregates (NACE16 and



Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

p2r Use of domesticregional productsp2i Use of imported products cifp2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifp2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifd21md31 Taxes less subsidies on productsd21 Taxes on productsd31 Subsidies on productsp2pp Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

Institutional and factor accounts (rows)

d1 Compensation of employees


Block Code Descriptiond11 Wages and salariesd12 Employers social contributionsd29md39 Other net taxes on productiond29 Other taxes on productiond39 Other subsidies on productionk1 Consumption of fixed capitalb2npb3n Operating surplus netb2gpb3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeb3g Gross mixed incomeb2g Gross operating surplusb1g Value added at basic pricesb1gm Gross domestic product at market prices

p34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territory - total

p34s1Final consumption expenditure of non-resident domestic households on the economic territory - total

p34s2Final consumption expenditure of non-resident foreign households on the economic territory - total

b8g Gross savingb9 Net lending (+) net borrowing (-)b12 Current external balanced4 Property incomed5 Current taxes on income wealth etcd6 Social contributions and benefitsd7 Other current transfersd8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesd9 Capital transfersp1 Output at basic pricesp119 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)total Total

p3s14s15Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit organisations serving households (NPISH)

p3s1311 Final consumptionexpenditure by central governmentp3s1313 Final consumptionexpenditure by local governmentp3 Final consumptionexpenditurep5 Gross capital formationp6s2 Exports extra-nationalp6s1 Exports intra-nationalp6 Exportstfinu Final uses

Institutional accounts (columns)

tu Total useulc Unit labor costpop Total populationact Economically active populationune Unemployed personsemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedmigs1 Net-migration domesticmigs2 Net-migration foreign

Labor market (rows)

mig Net-migration

Note Red fonts indicate that the respective elements are not part of the ESA95 classification scheme


13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




1 Project Background

11 IntroductionThe objective of the CAPRI-RD project is the development of a Pan-European tool for regional and spatial policy impact analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with regard to Rural Development (RD) indicators The framework is the CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact) modelling system for the agricultural sector of the EU on NUTS2 scale CAPRI is a partial equilibrium (PE) model designed for simulating very detailed policy scenarios in the context of the CAP Within CAPRI-RD the CAPRI model will be linked with a newly developed regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model currently named ReguEU It will be based on the RegFin and RegPol modelling systems developed by Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska (2009) Regionalised Social Accounting Matrixes (SAM) at the NUTS2 level will be a key input for the foreseen modelling systems and also a valuable outcome of the whole CAPRI-RD project This database will allow the usage of the regional CGE model for the quantitative evaluation of regional development and agricultural polices of the EU on a full regional scaleWithin the CAPRI-RD project the planned regional database will have to meet the requirements indicated by the Deliverable 222 Compilation of national SAMs for 27 EU Member States in the format required by the regional CGEsThis deliverable offers an overview on the availability of relevant datasets to compute the needed dataset at NUTS2 level As stated in the previous deliverables of this Work Package the compilation of the regional SAMs from a single source would have been desirable Unfortunately a first screening of the regional datasets available from Eurostat showed that a variety of supplementary datasets will be required to achieve the objectives of this Work Package The deliverable presented here confirms this first insight In this report other sources as available data at IPTS national and regional statistical department of the member states former EU Research Projects and other relevant research institutions database have been investigated Apart from providing an overview of the existing and available databases with relevance for the compilation of the regionalised SAMs this deliverable prepares the subsequent steps of this Work Package This inventory clarifies which are the data available and which are those that should be estimated starting from the methodologies sketched by Deliverable 221 Methodological review of SAMs regionalization

12 Contents and Structure of the RegEU SAMs DatabaseThe targeted RegEU SAMs database consists of numerous sub-tables which may be broadly classified into core-SAM accounts and satellite or auxiliary accounts The core datasets are those which actually appear in the final SAMs such as intermediate demand distinguished by origin and economic branch or compensation of employees by branch Satellite accounts may serve as control-totals for the core datasets for instance in the case of gross value-added which does not appear as such in the final SAM but is the sum of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo ldquonet taxes on productionrdquo and ldquooperating surplusrdquoA crucial feature of the RegEU SAMs database is the distinction of some items by their origin ie if they were produced in the same region in which they were consumed or imported from a different region in the same country or imported from abroad The core SAMs and the respective sub-matrices are summarized in a simplified manner below



Whereb Index for economic branchesd Index for regional institutions like private households and governmentsw Index for trade partners or origins of the items in the SAM (regional domestic

foreign)f Index for primary factors of production (labour capital)S Regional Social Accounting MatrixAw Intermediate demand distinguished by originA Total intermediate demand ( b b b w b


A Aw= sum )

Cw Final demand distinguished by originC Total final demand ( b d b w d


C Cw= sum )

Iw Investment demand distinguished by originI Total investment demand ( b b w


I Iw= sum )

Ew Exports distinguished by origin and destination (eg exports of imported goods to other regions of the same country)

E Total exports by destinationF Payments to fixed factors (

b w b w w


E Ew= sum )

Ts Taxes on production and factorsT Transactions between institutions (distribution of regional income)X Total regional supply (has to equal total regional demand)

b b b f b f b bb f

b b b d b b wb d w

X A F Ts Ts


= + + +

= + + +

sum sum

sum sum sum

The branch dimension (b) has been determined in Deliverable 222 of the CAPRI-RD Project (Table 1) Dimension b should contain 14 single branches as elements As data availability allow for a more detailed disaggregation of branches in this deliverable we decided to further disaggregate fishing and mining (instead of a more general other primary goods sector) a fuel sector out of the manufacturing one and education and financial service sectors The final disaggregation contains 14 branches It is very important to note here that the RegEU27 SAMs follow a strict industry-by-industry (or activity by activity) scheme Primary factors(f) contains the elements ldquoLabourrdquo and ldquoCapitalrdquo Trade partners (w) for each region are either the intra-national markets for trade between regions or the external markets for inter-

b d 1 w 1

bw Aw Cw Iw Ew

b A C I E X

f F 0

f+1 Ts 0

1 X 0 0 0



national trade between countries A distinction between intra- and extra-European trade is not foreseen Furthermore the database does not include bi-lateral flows between regions of a country or even between regions of the European Union with 27 Member States Regional consumers (d) are regional governments and householdsIntermediate demand matrices (A and Aw) will be generally available on national scale Primary factor payments (F) may be derived from a) value-added by sectors and b) employment by sectors Data on regional trade flows (AwCwIwEwE) are likely to be unavailable for the major part of regions Final consumption (C) and investment demand (I) will in the best of cases be available as an aggregate The initially mentioned satellite accounts will therefore contain the type of information that is not directly part of the SAMs but will serve to derive and control the required SAM entries The structure of the satellite accounts and the correspondences with the SAM accounts S are illustrated below


WhereY Regional Satellite AccountsM Total imports by branch or institution and by originAt Total intermediate demand in the region ( b b b


At A= sum )

Ct Total final demand by institution (households governments) ( d b db

Ct C= sum )

It Total regional investment ( bb

It I= sum )

Et Total regional exports by destination

V Gross value-added by branches ( b f b f b bf

V F Ts Ts = + + sum )

Vt Total regional gross value-added (Gross Regional Product) ( bb

Vt V= sum )

L Employed persons by branchP Regional populationG Net-migration to or from abroad or other regions of the same country

To ensure the consistency of the database to be developed with the ESA95 standards the classification scheme used here follows in general the ESA95 nomenclature (see Table 1) Exceptions originate from the specific needs of the regionalised database for which eg the category ldquop2i Use of imported products cifrdquo was subdivided into ldquop2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifrdquo and ldquop2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifrdquoThe newly introduced codes are highlighted in red in Table 1

b d 1 w 1


1 At Ct It Et

1 V Vt

1 L P G



Table 1 Target Accounts of the IOTNUTS2 Database Sectoral Classifications for RegEU27 and Correspondence with ESA95

ESA95(NACECPA) Proposed RegEU classificationsDescription Code Code Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A Agriculture hunting and related services a01 AGR Agriculture Forestry logging and related services a02 FOR ForestryFishing B FIS FisheriesMining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarryingManufacturing D Food products and beverages da15 FOP Food processing Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels df23 FUL

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Other manufacturing hellip MANOther manufacturingElectricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy productsConstruction F CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods G TTR Trade and TransportHotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and RestaurantsTransport storage and communication I TTR Trade and TransportFinancial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security L OSE Other servicesEducation M EDU EducationHealth and social work N OSE Other servicesOther community social personal service activities O OSE Other servicesActivities of households P OSE Other services

Table 2 Table 2 ESA95 Classification Scheme

Block Code DescriptionA000 Agriculture hunting and forestryD000 Manufacturing

A2B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishingC2E Total industry (excluding construction)F00 Construction

G2IWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

J2K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

Sector aggregates (NACE16 and



Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

p2r Use of domesticregional productsp2i Use of imported products cifp2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifp2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifd21md31 Taxes less subsidies on productsd21 Taxes on productsd31 Subsidies on productsp2pp Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

Institutional and factor accounts (rows)

d1 Compensation of employees


Block Code Descriptiond11 Wages and salariesd12 Employers social contributionsd29md39 Other net taxes on productiond29 Other taxes on productiond39 Other subsidies on productionk1 Consumption of fixed capitalb2npb3n Operating surplus netb2gpb3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeb3g Gross mixed incomeb2g Gross operating surplusb1g Value added at basic pricesb1gm Gross domestic product at market prices

p34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territory - total

p34s1Final consumption expenditure of non-resident domestic households on the economic territory - total

p34s2Final consumption expenditure of non-resident foreign households on the economic territory - total

b8g Gross savingb9 Net lending (+) net borrowing (-)b12 Current external balanced4 Property incomed5 Current taxes on income wealth etcd6 Social contributions and benefitsd7 Other current transfersd8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesd9 Capital transfersp1 Output at basic pricesp119 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)total Total

p3s14s15Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit organisations serving households (NPISH)

p3s1311 Final consumptionexpenditure by central governmentp3s1313 Final consumptionexpenditure by local governmentp3 Final consumptionexpenditurep5 Gross capital formationp6s2 Exports extra-nationalp6s1 Exports intra-nationalp6 Exportstfinu Final uses

Institutional accounts (columns)

tu Total useulc Unit labor costpop Total populationact Economically active populationune Unemployed personsemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedmigs1 Net-migration domesticmigs2 Net-migration foreign

Labor market (rows)

mig Net-migration

Note Red fonts indicate that the respective elements are not part of the ESA95 classification scheme


13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR





Whereb Index for economic branchesd Index for regional institutions like private households and governmentsw Index for trade partners or origins of the items in the SAM (regional domestic

foreign)f Index for primary factors of production (labour capital)S Regional Social Accounting MatrixAw Intermediate demand distinguished by originA Total intermediate demand ( b b b w b


A Aw= sum )

Cw Final demand distinguished by originC Total final demand ( b d b w d


C Cw= sum )

Iw Investment demand distinguished by originI Total investment demand ( b b w


I Iw= sum )

Ew Exports distinguished by origin and destination (eg exports of imported goods to other regions of the same country)

E Total exports by destinationF Payments to fixed factors (

b w b w w


E Ew= sum )

Ts Taxes on production and factorsT Transactions between institutions (distribution of regional income)X Total regional supply (has to equal total regional demand)

b b b f b f b bb f

b b b d b b wb d w

X A F Ts Ts


= + + +

= + + +

sum sum

sum sum sum

The branch dimension (b) has been determined in Deliverable 222 of the CAPRI-RD Project (Table 1) Dimension b should contain 14 single branches as elements As data availability allow for a more detailed disaggregation of branches in this deliverable we decided to further disaggregate fishing and mining (instead of a more general other primary goods sector) a fuel sector out of the manufacturing one and education and financial service sectors The final disaggregation contains 14 branches It is very important to note here that the RegEU27 SAMs follow a strict industry-by-industry (or activity by activity) scheme Primary factors(f) contains the elements ldquoLabourrdquo and ldquoCapitalrdquo Trade partners (w) for each region are either the intra-national markets for trade between regions or the external markets for inter-

b d 1 w 1

bw Aw Cw Iw Ew

b A C I E X

f F 0

f+1 Ts 0

1 X 0 0 0



national trade between countries A distinction between intra- and extra-European trade is not foreseen Furthermore the database does not include bi-lateral flows between regions of a country or even between regions of the European Union with 27 Member States Regional consumers (d) are regional governments and householdsIntermediate demand matrices (A and Aw) will be generally available on national scale Primary factor payments (F) may be derived from a) value-added by sectors and b) employment by sectors Data on regional trade flows (AwCwIwEwE) are likely to be unavailable for the major part of regions Final consumption (C) and investment demand (I) will in the best of cases be available as an aggregate The initially mentioned satellite accounts will therefore contain the type of information that is not directly part of the SAMs but will serve to derive and control the required SAM entries The structure of the satellite accounts and the correspondences with the SAM accounts S are illustrated below


WhereY Regional Satellite AccountsM Total imports by branch or institution and by originAt Total intermediate demand in the region ( b b b


At A= sum )

Ct Total final demand by institution (households governments) ( d b db

Ct C= sum )

It Total regional investment ( bb

It I= sum )

Et Total regional exports by destination

V Gross value-added by branches ( b f b f b bf

V F Ts Ts = + + sum )

Vt Total regional gross value-added (Gross Regional Product) ( bb

Vt V= sum )

L Employed persons by branchP Regional populationG Net-migration to or from abroad or other regions of the same country

To ensure the consistency of the database to be developed with the ESA95 standards the classification scheme used here follows in general the ESA95 nomenclature (see Table 1) Exceptions originate from the specific needs of the regionalised database for which eg the category ldquop2i Use of imported products cifrdquo was subdivided into ldquop2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifrdquo and ldquop2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifrdquoThe newly introduced codes are highlighted in red in Table 1

b d 1 w 1


1 At Ct It Et

1 V Vt

1 L P G



Table 1 Target Accounts of the IOTNUTS2 Database Sectoral Classifications for RegEU27 and Correspondence with ESA95

ESA95(NACECPA) Proposed RegEU classificationsDescription Code Code Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A Agriculture hunting and related services a01 AGR Agriculture Forestry logging and related services a02 FOR ForestryFishing B FIS FisheriesMining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarryingManufacturing D Food products and beverages da15 FOP Food processing Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels df23 FUL

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Other manufacturing hellip MANOther manufacturingElectricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy productsConstruction F CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods G TTR Trade and TransportHotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and RestaurantsTransport storage and communication I TTR Trade and TransportFinancial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security L OSE Other servicesEducation M EDU EducationHealth and social work N OSE Other servicesOther community social personal service activities O OSE Other servicesActivities of households P OSE Other services

Table 2 Table 2 ESA95 Classification Scheme

Block Code DescriptionA000 Agriculture hunting and forestryD000 Manufacturing

A2B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishingC2E Total industry (excluding construction)F00 Construction

G2IWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

J2K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

Sector aggregates (NACE16 and



Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

p2r Use of domesticregional productsp2i Use of imported products cifp2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifp2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifd21md31 Taxes less subsidies on productsd21 Taxes on productsd31 Subsidies on productsp2pp Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

Institutional and factor accounts (rows)

d1 Compensation of employees


Block Code Descriptiond11 Wages and salariesd12 Employers social contributionsd29md39 Other net taxes on productiond29 Other taxes on productiond39 Other subsidies on productionk1 Consumption of fixed capitalb2npb3n Operating surplus netb2gpb3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeb3g Gross mixed incomeb2g Gross operating surplusb1g Value added at basic pricesb1gm Gross domestic product at market prices

p34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territory - total

p34s1Final consumption expenditure of non-resident domestic households on the economic territory - total

p34s2Final consumption expenditure of non-resident foreign households on the economic territory - total

b8g Gross savingb9 Net lending (+) net borrowing (-)b12 Current external balanced4 Property incomed5 Current taxes on income wealth etcd6 Social contributions and benefitsd7 Other current transfersd8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesd9 Capital transfersp1 Output at basic pricesp119 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)total Total

p3s14s15Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit organisations serving households (NPISH)

p3s1311 Final consumptionexpenditure by central governmentp3s1313 Final consumptionexpenditure by local governmentp3 Final consumptionexpenditurep5 Gross capital formationp6s2 Exports extra-nationalp6s1 Exports intra-nationalp6 Exportstfinu Final uses

Institutional accounts (columns)

tu Total useulc Unit labor costpop Total populationact Economically active populationune Unemployed personsemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedmigs1 Net-migration domesticmigs2 Net-migration foreign

Labor market (rows)

mig Net-migration

Note Red fonts indicate that the respective elements are not part of the ESA95 classification scheme


13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




national trade between countries A distinction between intra- and extra-European trade is not foreseen Furthermore the database does not include bi-lateral flows between regions of a country or even between regions of the European Union with 27 Member States Regional consumers (d) are regional governments and householdsIntermediate demand matrices (A and Aw) will be generally available on national scale Primary factor payments (F) may be derived from a) value-added by sectors and b) employment by sectors Data on regional trade flows (AwCwIwEwE) are likely to be unavailable for the major part of regions Final consumption (C) and investment demand (I) will in the best of cases be available as an aggregate The initially mentioned satellite accounts will therefore contain the type of information that is not directly part of the SAMs but will serve to derive and control the required SAM entries The structure of the satellite accounts and the correspondences with the SAM accounts S are illustrated below


WhereY Regional Satellite AccountsM Total imports by branch or institution and by originAt Total intermediate demand in the region ( b b b


At A= sum )

Ct Total final demand by institution (households governments) ( d b db

Ct C= sum )

It Total regional investment ( bb

It I= sum )

Et Total regional exports by destination

V Gross value-added by branches ( b f b f b bf

V F Ts Ts = + + sum )

Vt Total regional gross value-added (Gross Regional Product) ( bb

Vt V= sum )

L Employed persons by branchP Regional populationG Net-migration to or from abroad or other regions of the same country

To ensure the consistency of the database to be developed with the ESA95 standards the classification scheme used here follows in general the ESA95 nomenclature (see Table 1) Exceptions originate from the specific needs of the regionalised database for which eg the category ldquop2i Use of imported products cifrdquo was subdivided into ldquop2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifrdquo and ldquop2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifrdquoThe newly introduced codes are highlighted in red in Table 1

b d 1 w 1


1 At Ct It Et

1 V Vt

1 L P G



Table 1 Target Accounts of the IOTNUTS2 Database Sectoral Classifications for RegEU27 and Correspondence with ESA95

ESA95(NACECPA) Proposed RegEU classificationsDescription Code Code Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A Agriculture hunting and related services a01 AGR Agriculture Forestry logging and related services a02 FOR ForestryFishing B FIS FisheriesMining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarryingManufacturing D Food products and beverages da15 FOP Food processing Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels df23 FUL

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Other manufacturing hellip MANOther manufacturingElectricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy productsConstruction F CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods G TTR Trade and TransportHotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and RestaurantsTransport storage and communication I TTR Trade and TransportFinancial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security L OSE Other servicesEducation M EDU EducationHealth and social work N OSE Other servicesOther community social personal service activities O OSE Other servicesActivities of households P OSE Other services

Table 2 Table 2 ESA95 Classification Scheme

Block Code DescriptionA000 Agriculture hunting and forestryD000 Manufacturing

A2B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishingC2E Total industry (excluding construction)F00 Construction

G2IWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

J2K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

Sector aggregates (NACE16 and



Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

p2r Use of domesticregional productsp2i Use of imported products cifp2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifp2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifd21md31 Taxes less subsidies on productsd21 Taxes on productsd31 Subsidies on productsp2pp Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

Institutional and factor accounts (rows)

d1 Compensation of employees


Block Code Descriptiond11 Wages and salariesd12 Employers social contributionsd29md39 Other net taxes on productiond29 Other taxes on productiond39 Other subsidies on productionk1 Consumption of fixed capitalb2npb3n Operating surplus netb2gpb3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeb3g Gross mixed incomeb2g Gross operating surplusb1g Value added at basic pricesb1gm Gross domestic product at market prices

p34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territory - total

p34s1Final consumption expenditure of non-resident domestic households on the economic territory - total

p34s2Final consumption expenditure of non-resident foreign households on the economic territory - total

b8g Gross savingb9 Net lending (+) net borrowing (-)b12 Current external balanced4 Property incomed5 Current taxes on income wealth etcd6 Social contributions and benefitsd7 Other current transfersd8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesd9 Capital transfersp1 Output at basic pricesp119 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)total Total

p3s14s15Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit organisations serving households (NPISH)

p3s1311 Final consumptionexpenditure by central governmentp3s1313 Final consumptionexpenditure by local governmentp3 Final consumptionexpenditurep5 Gross capital formationp6s2 Exports extra-nationalp6s1 Exports intra-nationalp6 Exportstfinu Final uses

Institutional accounts (columns)

tu Total useulc Unit labor costpop Total populationact Economically active populationune Unemployed personsemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedmigs1 Net-migration domesticmigs2 Net-migration foreign

Labor market (rows)

mig Net-migration

Note Red fonts indicate that the respective elements are not part of the ESA95 classification scheme


13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Table 1 Target Accounts of the IOTNUTS2 Database Sectoral Classifications for RegEU27 and Correspondence with ESA95

ESA95(NACECPA) Proposed RegEU classificationsDescription Code Code Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A Agriculture hunting and related services a01 AGR Agriculture Forestry logging and related services a02 FOR ForestryFishing B FIS FisheriesMining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarryingManufacturing D Food products and beverages da15 FOP Food processing Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels df23 FUL

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Other manufacturing hellip MANOther manufacturingElectricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy productsConstruction F CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods G TTR Trade and TransportHotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and RestaurantsTransport storage and communication I TTR Trade and TransportFinancial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security L OSE Other servicesEducation M EDU EducationHealth and social work N OSE Other servicesOther community social personal service activities O OSE Other servicesActivities of households P OSE Other services

Table 2 Table 2 ESA95 Classification Scheme

Block Code DescriptionA000 Agriculture hunting and forestryD000 Manufacturing

A2B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishingC2E Total industry (excluding construction)F00 Construction

G2IWholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

J2K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

Sector aggregates (NACE16 and



Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

p2r Use of domesticregional productsp2i Use of imported products cifp2d Use of imported products of domestic origin cifp2f Use of imported products of foreign origin cifd21md31 Taxes less subsidies on productsd21 Taxes on productsd31 Subsidies on productsp2pp Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

Institutional and factor accounts (rows)

d1 Compensation of employees


Block Code Descriptiond11 Wages and salariesd12 Employers social contributionsd29md39 Other net taxes on productiond29 Other taxes on productiond39 Other subsidies on productionk1 Consumption of fixed capitalb2npb3n Operating surplus netb2gpb3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeb3g Gross mixed incomeb2g Gross operating surplusb1g Value added at basic pricesb1gm Gross domestic product at market prices

p34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territory - total

p34s1Final consumption expenditure of non-resident domestic households on the economic territory - total

p34s2Final consumption expenditure of non-resident foreign households on the economic territory - total

b8g Gross savingb9 Net lending (+) net borrowing (-)b12 Current external balanced4 Property incomed5 Current taxes on income wealth etcd6 Social contributions and benefitsd7 Other current transfersd8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesd9 Capital transfersp1 Output at basic pricesp119 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)total Total

p3s14s15Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit organisations serving households (NPISH)

p3s1311 Final consumptionexpenditure by central governmentp3s1313 Final consumptionexpenditure by local governmentp3 Final consumptionexpenditurep5 Gross capital formationp6s2 Exports extra-nationalp6s1 Exports intra-nationalp6 Exportstfinu Final uses

Institutional accounts (columns)

tu Total useulc Unit labor costpop Total populationact Economically active populationune Unemployed personsemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedmigs1 Net-migration domesticmigs2 Net-migration foreign

Labor market (rows)

mig Net-migration

Note Red fonts indicate that the respective elements are not part of the ESA95 classification scheme


13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Block Code Descriptiond11 Wages and salariesd12 Employers social contributionsd29md39 Other net taxes on productiond29 Other taxes on productiond39 Other subsidies on productionk1 Consumption of fixed capitalb2npb3n Operating surplus netb2gpb3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed incomeb3g Gross mixed incomeb2g Gross operating surplusb1g Value added at basic pricesb1gm Gross domestic product at market prices

p34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territory - total

p34s1Final consumption expenditure of non-resident domestic households on the economic territory - total

p34s2Final consumption expenditure of non-resident foreign households on the economic territory - total

b8g Gross savingb9 Net lending (+) net borrowing (-)b12 Current external balanced4 Property incomed5 Current taxes on income wealth etcd6 Social contributions and benefitsd7 Other current transfersd8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesd9 Capital transfersp1 Output at basic pricesp119 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)total Total

p3s14s15Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit organisations serving households (NPISH)

p3s1311 Final consumptionexpenditure by central governmentp3s1313 Final consumptionexpenditure by local governmentp3 Final consumptionexpenditurep5 Gross capital formationp6s2 Exports extra-nationalp6s1 Exports intra-nationalp6 Exportstfinu Final uses

Institutional accounts (columns)

tu Total useulc Unit labor costpop Total populationact Economically active populationune Unemployed personsemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedmigs1 Net-migration domesticmigs2 Net-migration foreign

Labor market (rows)

mig Net-migration

Note Red fonts indicate that the respective elements are not part of the ESA95 classification scheme


13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




13 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for StatisticsThe Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) subdivides each Member State into a whole number of regions at NUTS 1 level Each of these is then subdivided into regions at NUTS level 2 and these in turn into regions at NUTS level 3 The internal administrative structure of the Member States is generally based on two of these three main regional levels This existing national administrative structure may be for example

bull Germany at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (respectively the Laumlnder and Kreise)

bull United Kingdom at NUTS 1 and NUTS 3 levels (standard regions and counties)

bull France at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regions and deacutepartements)

bull Spain at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (Comunidades autonoacutemas and provincias)

bull Italy at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (regioni and province)

Providing a complete breakdown ie at all three NUTS levels therefore means identifying a regional level for each Member State in addition to the two main levels mentioned aboveThis additional level thus corresponds to a regional structure that is less extensively used for administrative purposes - or which may indeed be instituted solely for this statistical purpose without having any administrative function whatever Depending on which levels already exist the additional level may be created at any one of the three NUTS levels Since France for example has functional administrative units at level 2 and 3 the additional level is introduced at NUTS level 1 This is also the case for Italy Greece and Spain By contrast the additional non-administrative level is at NUTS level 2 for Germany and the United Kingdom and at NUTS level 3 for BelgiumThe NUTS regulation lays down the following minimum and maximum population thresholds for the average size of the NUTS regions

LEVEL Minimum Maximum

bull NUTS 1 3 million 7 million

bull NUTS 2 800 000 3 million

bull NUTS 3 150 000 800 000

The number of NUTS II regions per Member State varies remarkably as depicted in Figure 1 UK and Germany have by far the highest number of NUTS II regions (37 and 39 respectively) followed by France Italy and Spain The mentioned five Member States together cover more than half of the 271 NUTS II regions in the EU thus potentially making it possible to retrieve the bulk of needed data by contacting five statistical organisations In contrast the three Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the islands Cyprus and Malta and Luxemburg consist of only one NUTS II region so that data on national scale are sufficient for the purposes of this project


Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Figure 1 Number of NUTS II regions in the EU Member States

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




























Num ber of NUTS2 regions per Mem ber State

Note Green bars indicate that the Member State consists of only one NUTS II region


2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




2 Review of datasets available from the European Commission

The first step in the compilation of this inventory was the review of datasets available from the European Commission namely Eurostat and the JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

21 IPTSOf particular relevance are the IPTSrsquo national IOT developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) as they cover all 27 EU Member States for the year 2000 The Eurostat homepage presents the different datasets on regional and national scale in numerous domains The work by Muumlller et el (2009) was crucial to identify the linkages between Eurostat datasets from these domains The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) action at IPTS has commissioned the compilation of regional IOTs for five Member States Hungary Poland Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on NUTS 2 and the German Federal States (NUTS1)

22 National Datasets from Eurostat

221 National Accounts ndash Supply use and Input-output tables (NAIO)

Supply and use tables are matrices by product and industry describing production processes and the transactions in products of the national economy with great detail A symmetric input-output table is a product-by-product or industry-by-industry matrix It rearranges both supply and use in a single table with identical classification of products (or industries respectively) applied for both rows and columns The following tables are provided

bull 1500 Supply Table

bull 1600 Use Table

bull 1700 Symmetric Input-Output Table

bull 1800 Input-output Table for Domestic Output

bull 1900 Input-Output Table for Imports

Regarding products Eurostat applies the CPA P60 classification that delineates 59 products For the classification of industries Eurostat uses NACE rev11 A60 as reference which distinguishes 59 industriesAs tables 1800 and 1900 permit the distinction of usage by their origin (domestic and foreign) they represent the most valuable input for the RegEU SAMs database Their availability is show in Table 2 For 2005 these tables are available for 20 Member States


whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




whereas for the year 2000 missing tables can be filled by the tables created by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) It has to be noted that Table 2 indicates only that the IOT contain values but not that they are complete In some cases particularly for smaller Member States some industry accounts are filled with placeholders indicating that the release of numerical values is subject to data protection regulations

Table 3 Availability of Member Statesrsquo National IOT No 1800 and 1900

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Most recent


Source for most recent

IOTBE000000 X 2000 NAIO

BG000000 X 2000 IPTS

CZ000000 X X 2005 NAIO

DK000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

DE000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

EE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

IE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

GR000000 X X 2005 NAIO

ES000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FR000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

IT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

CY000000 X 2000 IPTS

LV000000 X 2000 IPTS

LT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

LU000000 X 2000 IPTS

HU000000 X X 2005 NAIO

MT000000 X 2000 IPTS

NL000000 X X X X X 2005 NAIO

AT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PL000000 X X 2005 NAIO

PT000000 X X 2005 NAIO

RO000000 X X X X 2005 NAIO

SI000000 X X X 2005 NAIO

SK000000 X X 2005 NAIO

FI000000 X X X X X X 2005 NAIO

SE000000 X X 2005 NAIO

UK000000 X 2000 NAIO

Total 27 6 5 6 6 20

Note Tables developed by Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) are flagged as IPTS and appear in red fonts Blue fonts indicate that Tables 1800 and 1900 are available from Eurostat but only for 2000

222 National Accounts - Annual National Accounts (NAMA)

In addition to the national IOT from the NAIO domain information from the Annual National Accounts (NAMA) was obtained These datasets provide longer time-series for some indicators like ldquob1g gross value-added at basic pricesrdquo or ldquop1 output at basic pricesrdquo and can be used to adjust the IOT available only for 2000 for the targeted base-year 2005 The coverage of indicators in the used NAMA datasets is listed in Table 3


Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Table 4 Selected Datasets from the NAMA Domain

Code Description Covered itemsnama_nace06_c National Accounts by 6 branches - aggregates at current prices b1g d1 d11nama_nace06_e National Accounts by 6 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace31_c National Accounts by 31 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 p5 b1g d1

d11 b2n_b3n d29_m_d39

nama_nace31_e National Accounts by 31 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_nace60_c National Accounts by 60 branches - aggregates at current prices k1 p1 p2 b1g d1 d11

b2n_b3n d29_m_d39nama_nace60_e National Accounts by 60 branches - employment data emp sal selfnama_aux_pem Population and employment - Annual data pop emp_nc emp_dc

sal selfnama_fcs_c Final consumption aggregates - Current prices p3 p31_s14_s15 p3_s13

p33 p34nama_gdp_c GDP and main components - Current prices b1gm p3 p31_s14_s15

p3_s13 p5 p6 p7 b1g d21_m_d31 d1 b2g_b3g d2_m_d3

Wherek1 Consumption of fixed capitalp1 Output at basic pricesp2 Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers pricesb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesd11 Wages and salariesb2n_b3n Operating surplus netd29_m_d39 Other net taxes on productionemp Total employmentsal Employeesself Self-employedpop Total populationp5 Gross capital formationp3_s14_s15 Final consumptionexpenditure by households and non-profit

organisations serving households (NPISH)p3_s13 Final consumptionexpenditure by general government

The datasets nama_nace60_e and nama_nace60_c have the highest level of detail for the economic branches and are the only ones that provide information for agriculture and forestry separately as needed for the targeted RegEU SAMs database From 27 Member Statesrsquo datasets only 14 cover all 14 branches (Table 4) However closer examination reveals that although figures for ldquoda15 Food products and beveragesrdquo is not available the aggregate ldquoda food products beverages and tobaccordquo exists It is therefore to be considered whether the initially desired level of disaggregation should be maintained


Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Table 5 Number of Branches in nama_nace60_c for Gross Value-Added (b1g)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Branches missing in 2005BE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

BG000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da) p

CZ000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

DE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

EE000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IE000000 8 8 11 11 11 11

GR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

ES000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

FR000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

IT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

CY000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df (but available in other years)

LV000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

LT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 df

LU000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 b da15 (but da) df

HU000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

MT000000 8 8 8 8 10 10 a02 (but a) df (but avail in other years)

NL000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

AT000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

PL000000 9 9 7 8 8 10 da15 (but da)

PT000000 8 8 8 8 8 11

RO000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

SI000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

SK000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 p

FI000000 11 11 11 11 11 11

SE000000 10 10 10 10 10 10 da15 (but da)

UK000000 8 8 8 8 8 8 a01 a02 (but a) da15 (but da)

Note Bold fonts indicate missing branches Red and blue fonts indicate missing IOTs for 2005 (see Table 2)

When comparing Tables 2 and 4 it appears that Bulgaria Cyprus Luxemburg Malta and UK are the most critical Member States in terms of data availability on national scale Missing data for ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo in Bulgaria and UK may be filled by using the agriculture and forestry data from the available IOTs to split the aggregate ldquoardquo Missing data for ldquoda15rdquo may be replaced by ldquodardquo if it could be decided to deviate from the original ldquoda15rdquo disaggregation For Luxemburg it has to be clarified whether ldquob Fisheriesrdquo and ldquodf fuel industriesrdquo do not exist as branches or if they are just missing In general it appears that a full set of branch indicators (p1 p2 d1 b1g emp) can be generated by combining NAIO and NAMA data on a case-by-case basis Thus it could be possible to update the missing national IOT for the year 2005

223 National Accounts ndash Annual Sector Accounts (NASA)

The annual sector accounts (NASA) contain data on flows between sectors domestic institutions and the rest or the world In this respect NASA is the only source for eg factor incomes from abroad transfers received by households and direct taxes paid by enterprises


and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




and households All information is available in one file (nasa_simplif) which contains a simplified version of the full sequence of monetary flows which is still sufficient for the national SAMs Following Muumlller et al 2009 the most relevant elements of the NASA datasets for the compilation of national SAMs are the items

bull d4 Property income

bull d5 Current taxes on income wealth etc

bull d6 Social contributions and benefits

bull d7 Other current transfers

bull d8 Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves

bull d9 Capital transfers

bull d1 Compensation of employees

bull b2g_b3g Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

The taxes and transfer accounts (d4 to d9) between governments households and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo are crucial to determine direct tax rates and governmental expenditures For 2005 24 Member States are covered Cyprus Luxemburg and Malta being the exceptions for d5 d6 and d7 For the distribution of factor incomes (d1 b2g_b3g) to either domestic or foreign institutions all 27 Member States are covered

224 Summary National Datasets from Eurostat

Concerning national IOTs in the desired format (ie NAIO Tables 1800 and 1900) 20 Member States are covered for the year 2005 As a full set of IOTs is available for the year 2000 (either from Eurostat or Rueda-Cantuche et al 2009) the first step will be to update the IOTs for the missing 7 Member States This can be done by using a completed NAMA dataset for the relevant branch indicators The distribution of the national income across the domestic institutions and the ldquoRest of the Worldrdquo can implemented in the national SAMs by combining updated IOTs and NASA datasets The critical Members States are Luxemburg Cyprus and Malta as neither NAIO nor NAMA nor NASA datasets are fully available With regard to the regional database the problem is limited as these three Member States consist of only one NUTS II region each

23 Regional Datasets from EurostatThe ldquoRegional statistics (reg)ldquo section of Eurostat covers a wide range of indicators (see screenshot below) Particular attention was devoted to those sub-sections which provide information for the structure of economic branches in the NUTS II regions


Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Source httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalregion_citiesregional_statisticsdatadatabase

231 Branch Accounts - ESA95 (reg_ecobrch)

The regional branch accounts provide information comparable to the name_nace06 datasets on national scale The following 6 branches are covered

bull A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

bull C_E Total industry (excluding construction)

bull F Construction

bull G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

bull J_K Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities

bull L_TO_P Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies

The indicators available for these branches are listed in Table 5 The most important property of the datasets reg_e3vabp95 and reg_e3empl95 is the full coverage of NUTS II regions in 2005 for the indicators ldquovalue-added at basic prices (b1g)rdquo and ldquototal employment (emp)rdquo while Cyprus and Luxemburg are missing in the case of reg_e2rem ndash which is not relevant as


the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




the NUTS II region of these Member States is equal to the national level The obvious shortcoming of these datasets is the coarse representation of economic branches

Table 6 Datasets from the ldquoBranch accounts - ESA95rdquo Domain

Code DescriptionRegional coverage in 2005 (NUTS II) Covered items

reg_e2gfcf Gross fixed capital formation at NUTS level 2 p5reg_e2rem Compensation of employees at NUTS level 2 CY and LU missing

in 2005 but other year are available


reg_e2empl95_hw Employment (in hours worked) at NUTS level 2 emp salreg_e3vabp95 Gross value added at basic prices at NUTS level 3 100 b1greg_e3empl95 Employment (in persons) at NUTS level 3 100 emp salWhereb1g Value added at basic pricesd1 Compensation of employeesp5 Gross capital formationemp Total employmentsal Employees

232 Regional Structural Business Statistics (reg_sbs)

The structural business indicators cover the NACE Rev 11 sections C to K with a breakdown of branches at the 2-digit level in the case of the dataset ldquoRegional data (NUTS 06) (sbs_r_nuts03)rdquo This dataset provides figures on employment (emp) and wages and salaries (d11) among others The degree of completeness varies significantly across the considered branches The availability of data for ldquoda15rdquo and ldquodardquo is shown in Table 6 Full coverage of NUTS 2 regions for ldquodardquo is reached in 13 Member States with more than one NUTS II region As ldquofood industryrdquo is most likely to be present in all NUTS II regions coverage below 100 may indicate that the regional markets are dominated by few enterprises which would cause data protection regulations to apply If this is the case then national or regional statistical institutions may neither be entitled to publish the respective information Given the severe amount of missing data and the lack of data on ldquogross value-addedrdquo by branches these datasets have only a limited use for the RegEU SAMs database but will be exploited in case national statistic do not provide additional information


Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Table 7 Availability of employment data for da15 and DA (in brackets) from sbs_r_nuts03 (in percent of total NUTS II regions)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000 55 (91) 64 (100) 100 (100) 55 (100) 27 (100)BG000000CZ000000 25 (100) 13 (100) 63 (100)DK000000DE000000 33 (41) 31 (38) 56 (74) 56 (74) 46 (41) 59 (74)EE000000IE000000 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100) 0 (100)GR000000 62 (92) 69 (92) 54 (92) 69 (92) 69 (92) 69 (100)ES000000 21 (79) 21 (79) 32 (100) 47 (89) 53 (89) 53 (89)FR000000 46 (92) 50 (100) 50 (100) 42 (100) 42 (100) 54 (100)IT000000 43 (90) 29 (81) 38 (100) 67 (90) 95 (100) 90 (90)CY000000 100 (100)LV000000LT000000LU000000HU000000 57 (100) 43 (43) 100 (43) 29 (100) 71 (100)MT000000NL000000 100 (42) 58 (100) 33 (83) 50 (100) 25 (100) 33 (100)AT000000 100 (44) 100 (44) 44 (100) 44 (100) 44 (78) 33 (78)PL000000 44 (81) 44 (88) 63 (94) 44 (100) 38 (100) 19 (100)PT000000 29 (29) 29 (29) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100) 43 (100)RO000000 25 (100) 25 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 100 (100)SI0000000SK000000 75 (100) 100 (75) 100 (75) 50 (50) 50 (100) 50 (100)FI0000000 20 (20) 40 (60) 40 (60) 20 (100) 60 (100)SE000000 63 (100) 63 (100) 38 (100) 13 (100) 0 (100) 38 (100)UK000000 51 (84) 38 (89) 49 (95) 59 (95) 51 (62)

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Blue bold fonts indicate full regional coverage for da in 2005 Data availability for DA in brackets

233 Regional Agriculture Statistics (reg_agr)

As ldquoa01 agriculturerdquo is neither covered in the branch accounts nor in the structural business statistics the Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) namely the dataset ldquoAgricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev11 (agr_r_accts)rdquo was also evaluated in some detail The EAA are a satellite account of ESA95 providing complementary information and concepts adapted to the particular nature of the agricultural industry Despite the definitional differences to ESA95 the availability of ldquocompensation of employeesrdquo (d1 in ESA95 23000 in EAA) and ldquogross value-addedrdquo (b1g in ESA95 20000 in EAA) was investigated on NUTS II level as shown in Table 7 Full coverage is given for 19 Member States in 2005 coverage above zero and below 100 can be observed for the Czech Republic Italy has full coverage for b1g but zero coverage for d1 The remaining countries have no entries


Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Table 8 Availability of data on agricultural gross value-added and compensation of employees (ESA95 b1g d1 EAA 20000 23000) (in percent of total NUTS IIregions data for compensation of employees in brackets)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005BE000000BG000000 100 (100) 100 (100)CZ000000 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88) 88 (88)DK000000DE000000 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 95 (95) 100 (100) 100 (100)EE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)GR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)ES000000 89 (0)FR000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)IT000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0)CY000000 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LV000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)LU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)HU000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)MT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)NL000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)AT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)PL000000PT000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)RO000000SI000000SK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)FI000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)SE000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)UK000000 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 (100)

Note Bold red fonts indicate that either b1g or d1 is missing in some or all NUTS IIregions in 2005 Data for d1 (compensation of employees) in brackets

234 Summary Regional Datasets from Eurostat

The regional branch accounts have despite their coarse representation of economic branches full coverage for all NUTS II regions and are therefore a most valuable asset for the subsequent compilation steps A breakdown to 14 branches could be achieved by using the NAMA and NAIO datasets on national scale for the indicators d1 b1g and emp Structural Business Statistics and EAA data will then be used as supplements if available

24 Preliminary Conclusion and PropositionThe Eurostat datasets represent the fundamental database for the RegEU SAMs database It is understood that statistical information from Member States will be used as exhaustively as


possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




possible but in case no additional information becomes available Eurostat datasets will be used as fall-back option Based on the evaluation of the national and regional datasets the following steps are proposed

1 Complete the NAMA series (namely nama_nace60_c nama_nace60_e) for the 14 target sectors for the period between 2000 and 2005 This will be done by using the shares of the A60 aggregation level with practically 59 branches in the A16 aggregation level with 16 branches In case national IOTs are not available than the shares from the year 2000 will be used The completion procedure could be thought of as follows

a Use the NAMA indictors if available to create a time series on aggregate intermediate demand value-added components (b1g d1) and employment (emp sal)

[ ] 0 6060


146014 neforall= sum MStAi




WhereMS Index for Member Statesi Index for Indicators as available from the NAMA datasets (b1g d1 p1 p2

emp sal hellip)b14 Target branches for the RegEU SAMs databaset Time (years 2000 to 2005)A60 NACE with 59 branchesAVLN Indicators at national level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)G60_14 Aggregator matrix between 59 NACE and 14 target branches1

b In case the NAMA does not provide information on the A60 but on the A16 aggregation level (which is the case for all Member States see Table 4) then the respective NAIO tables 1800 and 1900 will be used to create this breakdown by calculating the share of the A60 branches in their respective aggregates at A16 level

[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















WhereG60_16 Aggregator matrix between 16 and 60 branches2

NAIO Indicators form national IOTs

c Finally if neither NAMA at A60 level nor NAIO data are available the IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009) will be used which provide a full coverage of the Member States in 2000

1 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 12 For the use of aggregator matrices please see also Annex 1

000 166060 neandneand=forall MStAi




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




[ ][ ]

sumsum sum




16 6060
















000 166060 neand=and=forall MStAi



WhereIORC IOTs from Rueda-Cantuche et al (2009)

2 Update the national IOTs to a common base-year 2005 This step can already be a test-case for the compilation procedures applied at the regional level A limited set of yearly available branch indicators (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) will be combined with SAM-coefficients from another year or regional level In the simplest case an iterative procedure like RAS could be used to update the national IOTs to the new row- and column-totals for the branch accounts (p1) As such a procedure would not take advantage of other available information (b1g d1 emp etc) a more refined compilation and balancing procedure will have to be developed

3 Create a set of branch indicators at regional scale This step could build on the fact that the regional branch accounts cover 100 of the NUTS II regions although with a coarse representation of six branches (A6 eg reg_e3vabp95 see Table 5) Similar to the usage of shares of A60 branches in their A16 aggregates on national scale the shares of the 14 target branches (b10) in the A6 aggregates on national scale could be combined with the regional A6 data

[ ] [ ]sum sumsum sdotsdotsdotsdot=

6 1414








A b







WhereR Index for NUTS II regionsAVLR Indicators at regional level (A intermediate demand V value-added

components L labour indicators)REBR Regional branch accounts with six branches

4 Compile a set of regional IOTs for 2005 based on national IOTs and regional branch indicators Similar to updating the national IOTs a simple RAS procedure could be thought of as a starting point to compile a prior set of regional IOTs Again this would not exploit the full range of available information and a more elaborate procedure will have to be developed

The main conclusion from the evaluation of the Eurostat datasets is that it is in general possible to derive regional IOTs Also the regional branch indicators AVLR as discussed under step 3 may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of informational gain when considering the purchase of regional data from the Member Statesrsquo statistical institutions


3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




3 Review of datasets available from the Member States

The second step was to browse the homepages of the national statistical institutes of the Member StatesIn general the national classification schemes follow closely ndash but not fully ndash the ESA95 systemTo evaluate and compare the gain of information from contacting the Member States statistical institutions the number of additional data points across all branches was summarized in an indicator This ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator was constructed based on the following considerations Number of branches in RegEU SAMs 14Number of branch aggregates in Eurostatrsquos regional branch accounts 6Number of RegEU SAMs branches in A6

NACE A6 Name CodeNo of RegEU SAMsbranches in A6 (na6)

Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing A2B 3Total industry (excluding construction) C2E 5Construction F00 1Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication G2I 3Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities J2K 2Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra-territorial organizations and bodies L2P 5

Under the strong assumption that the regional datasets are consistent with the Eurostat branch accounts one would need (na6-1) additional data points to construct the full RegEU SAMsbranch accounts (eg if data on a01 and a02 are available then the remaining entry for b could be obtained residually provided that a01+a02 lt A2B)The ldquoinformational gainrdquo indicator over all branches (TIG) was then constructed as follows

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



WhereTIG Informational gain indicator for all branchesAR Branches of the regional datasetsG14_ARAggregator from regional to RegEU SAMs branches for the respective datasets

iG14_6 Aggregator from 14 to 6 branches


















The aggregator matrix G10_AR is constructed by assigning ones to branches that can be mapped in a many-to-one way to the 14 RegEU SAMs branches and zeroes otherwise The


indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




indicator can range between 0 (no informational gain as if compared to Eurostat data) and 1 which indicates a full coverage of RegEU SAMs branches for the respective indicator It has to be noted that TIG measures only potential gain of information as it counts only the number of usable branch classifications in the national datasets An actual evaluation of the contents of the obtained datasets will be a task for the coming stages of the project An example for the calculation of TIG is provided in Annex 1

31 Belgium (BE)Population and migration data can be obtained from the National Statistical office on NUTS IIlevel The contents of the Belgostat database maintained by the National Bank of Belgiumare shown on the screenshot below Symmetric IOTs are not available but national supply and use tables from 1995 to 2004 which are similar to the datasets published via the Eurostat homepage Regional accounts consist of indicators comparable to the regional branch accounts available at Eurostat but with a higher breakdown by branches The breakdown of branches in the regions follows in general the NACE A31 breakdown with 31 branches (intermediate level) with the exception of agriculture forestry and fisheries which are merged into one aggregate (see Table 9) Datasets for agriculture forestry and food industry separately are not provided due to confidentiality problems


Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Source httpwwwnbbbebelgostatGlobalDispatcherTARGET=TreeviewLinkeramprowID=127ampprop=treeviewampaction=openampLang=E127

Table 9 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Belgostat

Belgostat branch DescriptionBelgostat


RegEU SAMsCode

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fish AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesFIS Fishing

Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products CB MIN Mining and quarryingFood products beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages Textiles and textile products DB MAN Other manufacturing


Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Leather and leather products DC MAN Other manufacturingWood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturingPulp paper and paper products recorded media printing services

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres rubber and plastic products

DG+DH MAN Other manufacturing

Other non metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturingBasic metals and fabricated metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturingMachinery and equipment nec DK MAN Other manufacturingElectrical and optical equipment DL MAN Other manufacturingTransport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturingOther manufactured goods nec DN MAN Other manufacturingElectrical energy gas steam and hot water EE ENE Energy ProductsConstruction work FF CNS ConstructionWholesale and retail trade services repair services of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and houdehold goods

GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hotel and restaurant services HH HOR Hotels and restaurantsTransport storage and communication services II TTR Trade and Transport Financial intermediation services JJ BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business services KK BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence services compulsory social security services

LL OSE Other Services

Education services MM EDU EducationHealth and social services NN OSE Other ServicesOther community social and personal services OO OSE Other ServicesPrivate households with employed persons PP OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 075Compensation of employees d1 075Total employment emp 075Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

32 Bulgaria (BG)The National Statistical Institute (NIS) of Bulgaria offers a limited amount of data on regional scale as only figures for gross value-added was provided for three aggregate branches (see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Source httpwwwnsibgGdp_eGDP_ehtm

Table 10 Indicators from NIS Bulgaria

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 000

However a number of academic publications concerning regional IOTs for Bulgaria could be found particularly in Golemanova (2007) for the South-Eastern Region

Further investigation revealed that the compilation of regional IOTs for Bulgaria was part of the REAPBALK project (see section 44)

The IOT for the South-Eastern Region of Bulgaria (NUTS II code BG34 Yugoiztochen) on which the paper by Golemanova (2007) is based covers 29 branches (See Table 11) Obtaining only the branch accounts would result in an informational gain of 077 but only for one out of six NUTS II regions in Bulgaria reducing the informational gain to 013

Table 11 Branch classifications in Golemanova (2007)

Branch Description Code

RegEU SAMs Code Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Products of agriculture hunting fishing forestry 1 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying 2 MIN Mining and quarrying

Foods beverages and tobacco 3 FOP Food products and beverages

Textile 4 MAN Other manufacturing

Wearing apparel furs leather amp leather products 5 MAN Other manufacturing

Wood Products and Paper 6 MAN Other manufacturing

Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels 7 FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Chemicals plastic products other non-metallic 8 MAN Other manufacturing

Metal Products 9 MAN Other manufacturing


Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Machinery and equipment nec 10 MAN Other manufacturing

Office machinery electrical medical amp other equipment

11 MAN Other manufacturing

Other manufacture 12 MAN Other manufacturing

Electrical energy gas steam and hot water 13 ENE Energy Products

Collected and purified water distribution services of water

14 ENE Energy Products

Construction 15 CNS Construction

Maintenance and repair services 16 TTR Trade and transport

Wholesale trade 17 TTR Trade and transport

Retail trade 18 TTR Trade and transport

Hotels and restaurants 19 HOR Hotels and restaurants

Land water air pipeline transport services 20 TTR Trade and transport

Travel agency services 21 TTR Trade and transport

Post and telecommunication services 22 TTR Trade and transport

Financial intermediation 23 BUS Business servicesReal estate amp renting services 24 BUS Business servicesRD amp other business services 25 BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence social security 26 OSE Other Services

Education 27 EDU Education

Health and social work services 28 OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services 29 OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

All branch accounts 075 (0125 as only one NUTS II region is covered)


Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

33 Czech Republic (CZ)The regional accounts section of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) provides datasets for all NUTS II regions but only gross value-added (b1g) is published with a breakdown by branches The branch structure follows NACE at 1-digit level (A16) Population and migration data are available from the CZSO homepage

Table 12 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CZSO

CSZO branch DescriptionCSZOCod


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and related service activities A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry fishing and related service activities A 02 B FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Total employment emp 063

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

34 Denmark (DK)Danmarks Statistik offers custom-tailored datasets The following indicators are available for the 14 RegEU SAMs branches (Table 13)

Table 13 Indicators from Danmarks Statistik

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Taxes less subsidies on products d21_m_d31


Total intermediate consumptionFinal use at purchasers prices

p2pp 100

Compensation of employees d1 100

Other net taxes on production d29_m_d39


Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income b2g_b3g 100

Value added at basic prices b1g 100

Output at basic prices p1 100

Total employment emp 100

Employees sal 100

Self-employed self 100

In addition to the branch-related data population and labour-force data can also be obtained Migration data on NUTS II scale is not available


35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




35 Germany (DE)With Germany being the Member State with the most NUTS II regions (39) in the EU the statistical departments on federal and regional (NUTS1) level were screened in some detail The first observation was that there is a difference between data availability on NUTS1 and NUTS II scales Main reason for this is the fact that in contrast to other Member States like Italy or France NUTS II is not an administrative unit in the German regional structure The federal states (Laumlnder) represent the NUTS1 level in Germany administratively subdivided into districts (Kreise) at NUTS3 scale By contrast NUTS II is an administratively heterogeneous layer Of the 39 NUTS regions of Germany 22 are equivalent to ldquogovernment regionsrdquo (Regierungsbezirke) 7 are equivalent to meanwhile abolished ldquogovernment regionsrdquo 2 are non-administrative regions and 8 are equivalent to the NUTS1 level The organisation of the statistical agencies follows the original administrative structure (NUTS1 and NUTS3) with the statesrsquo statistical departments (Statistische Landesaumlmter) as the main responsible units This organisational structure has implications for the availability of data on NUTS IIlevel As regional data is basically collected on NUTS3 level data protection regulations apply in many cases for their publication as some regional industries may be dominated by few enterprises Branch account data are therefore published with a breakdown of 16 (A to P) branches on NUTS1 level only and with a rather coarse 7-branch breakdown on NUTS II(and NUTS3) level (A_B C_D_E D F G_H_I J_K L_P) The screenshot below shows the availability of indicators on NUTS II scale where only gross value-added (Bruttowertschoumlpfung) and employment (Erwerbstaumltigkeit) are available in the 7-branch aggregation Compensation of employees is available for the aggregate C_F (industry including construction) only The results for the regional accounts are also summarized in Table 14

Source httpwwwvgrdldeArbeitskreis_VGRergebnisseasplang=de-DEKR

Table 14 Indicators from Statistisches Bundesamt

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG) NUTS1 in brackets

Compensation of employees d1 000 (077)

Gross capital formation p5 008 (008)

Output at basic prices p1 000 (077)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013 (063)

Total employment emp 013 (063)


With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




With 8 NUTS1 regions equivalent to the corresponding NUTS II level an average gain of information over the Eurostat datasets of 022 can be achieved for the regional branch accountsThe compilation of regional IOTs is not a responsibility of the statistical departments National tables with some detail are provided but they do not offer informational gain as the ones obtained from the Eurostat sites Some working groups and research institutes are compiling IOTs for the federal states of eastern Germany (Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)) as well as for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg (Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Wuumlrttemberg) The latter provided an IOT with 27 branches for 1993 More recent IOTs are not available The correspondence of the branches in the IOT for Baden-Wuumlrttemberg in 1993 is shown in Table 15

Table 15 Branch classifications of the IOT Baden-Wuumlrttemberg

IOT branch DescriptionNACE Code NACE Description

Landwirtschaft A Agriculture hunting and forestry

Energie Bergbau C+E Mining and quarrying + Electricity gas and water supply

Chemie Mineraloumll DG+DF Manufacture of chemicals chemical products and man-made fibres + Manufacture of coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

Kunststoff Gummi DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Steine und Erden Glas DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

Eisen NE-Metalle Gieszligereien DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Stahl- Maschinenbau ADV DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Fahrzeuge DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment nec

Elektrotechnik DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

EBM-Waren DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

Holz DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

Papier Druck DE Manufacture of pulp paper and paper products publishing and printing

Leder Textilien Bekleidung DB+DC Manufacture of textiles and textile products + Manufacture of leather and leather products

Nahrungsmittel Tabak DA Manufacture of food products beverages and tobacco

Bau F Construction

Handel G Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

Eisenbahnen Schiffahrt I Transport storage and communication

Postdienstleistungen I Transport storage and communication

Uumlbriger Verkehr I Transport storage and communication

Kreditinstitute Versicherungen J Financial intermediation

Wohnungsvermietung K Real estate renting and business activities

Gastgewerbe H Hotels and restaurants

Wissenschaft Verlage M Education

Gesundheits- und Veterinaumlrwesen N Health and social work

Sonstige Dienstleistungen O Other community social personal service activities

Staat L Public administration and defence compulsory social security

Private Organisationen o E P Activities of households

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-WuumlrttembergNote Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




The Zentrum fuumlr Europaumlische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW httpwwwzewdedemitarbeitermitarbeiterphp3action=mitaampkurz=alo) uses regional IOTs for Hessen and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg One other example for IOTs on NUTS II scale was published by the research centre in Juumllich for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Forschungszentrum Juumllich Kronenberg 2008) as shown below

Source Kronenberg 2008

The case of Germany highlights a problem which is likely to occur also in other Member States with a large number of NUTS II regions It is always possible (see also the UK section) that regional IOTs are available on NUTS I level The question is how this information can be used as they may be built by using methods inconsistent with the ones employed in the CAPRI-RD project which would not allow using them as deterministic control totals for the finally estimated IOTs Their use as stochastic control total as done by Muumlller et al (2009) could be an optionIn general to take advantage of the more detailed information on NUTS I level in Germany the first step will be the compilation of a full set of A16 branch accounts on NUTS II level by breaking down the A6 branches based on the shares derived from the NUTS I accounts similar to the treatment of branch accounts from Eurostat in section 23

36 Estonia (EE)Estonia consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional enquiries were not necessary

37 Ireland (IE)The regional database of the Central Statistics Office Ireland (CSOI) provides information on a highly aggregate level (three branch aggregates see screenshot below)


Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Source httpwwwcsoiepxpxeirestatDialogSaveShowasp

More detailed information was kindly provided by CSOI for agriculture and forestry (A) as well as for food industry and tobacco (DA)

Source CSOI personal communication

Concerning the forestry sector the following information was retrieved ldquoAverage indicators on gross value-added and employment in the forestry sector for 2003 are 16 and 3 respectively of the totalsrdquo (CSOI staff personal communication) The additional information regarding agriculture forestry and food industry increased the informational gain for Ireland by 023 for the regional branch accounts

Further investigation regarding the existence of regional IOTs showed that a SAM with 36 branches for the Border Midland and Western region (BMW) was compiled by the BMW Regional Assembly (httpwwwbmwassemblyieinnovative_actionsbackgroundhtm Given the fact that Ireland consists of two NUTS II regions access to this BMW IOT would be very valuable as the IOT for the South-Western region could be derived from national and BMW IOT However it has to be noted that the breakdown of branches does not allow a many-to-


one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




one mapping as particularly ldquodf fuel industryrdquo is merged with other branches (eg ldquoe electricityrdquo)

38 Greece (GE)The National Statistical Service of Greece provides regional account data for gross value-added and employment at a 6-branch aggregation level similar to Eurostat The homepages of Vangelis Tzouvelekas provides four NUTS II IOTs (base year 1999 29 branches Anatoliki Makedonia and Thraki Crete Dytiki Makedonia Kentriki Makedonia) as well as employment date by 59 branches for all NUTS II regions This means that at least for employment a gain of information by 100 compared to the Eurostat alternative can be achieved

39 Spain (ES)In the regional account section (Contabilidad Regional de Espantildea httpwwwineesjaximenudotype=pcaxisamppath=2Ft352Fp010ampfile=inebaseampL=0) the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) provides tables for all NUTS II regions (Comunidades autonoacutemas) covering the indicators gross value-added compensation of employees and employment The breakdown of branches is shown in Table 16 A regrettable feature of the applied aggregation of branches is the merging of ldquodf fuel industryrdquo with ldquoc mining and quarryingrdquo Concerning ldquoda food industryrdquo the already noted problem occurred that regional datasets provide information on ldquodardquo rather than on ldquoda15rdquo and ldquoda16rdquoThe ldquoEstadiacutestica de variaciones residencialesrdquo section at the INE homepage provides migratory annual flows both at a domestic between the different Spanish municipalities and a foreign between Spanish municipalities and foreign regions levelA particular property of the Spanish statistical system is the well developed compilation of IOTs The statistical departments of the ldquoComunidades autonoacutemasrdquo publish in 12 cases (see table 17) Supply- and Use-Tables as well as symmetric IOTs with a remarkably high breakdown of branches (81 for Andalucia 100 for Navarra etc) Although 12 regional classifications will have to be mapped with the target RegEU SAMs branches in the worst case these tables represent a very valuable asset for the RegEU SAMs project If they are indeed based on regional surveys rather than estimated (or at least mainly based on surveys) they will be an important resource for testing the estimation methods developed during the course of the project

Table 16 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INE

INE branch Description INE Code

RegEUSAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Extraccioacuten de productos energeacuteticos extraccioacuten otros mineralescoqueriacuteas refino y combustibles nucleares

CA+CB+DF MIN Mining and quarrying

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Industria de la alimentacioacuten bebidas y tabaco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Industria textil y de la confeccioacuten industria del cuero y del calzado

DB+DC MAN Other manufacturing

Industria de la madera y el corcho DD MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del papel edicioacuten y artes graacuteficas DE MAN Other manufacturing

Industria quiacutemica DG MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del caucho y materias plaacutesticas DH MAN Other manufacturing

Otros productos minerales no metaacutelicos DI MAN Other manufacturing

Metalurgia y fabricacioacuten de productos metaacutelicos DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Maquinaria y equipo mecaacutenico DK MAN Other manufacturing

Equipo eleacutectrico electroacutenico y oacuteptico DL MAN Other manufacturing

Fabricacioacuten de material de transporte DM MAN Other manufacturing

Industrias manufactureras diversas DN MAN Other manufacturing

Energiacutea eleacutectrica gas y agua EE ENE Energy Products

Construccioacuten FF CNS Construction

Comercio y reparacioacuten GG TTR Trade and Transport

Hosteleriacutea HH HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transporte y comunicaciones II TTR Trade and Transport

Intermediacioacuten financiera JJ BUS Business servicesInmobiliarias y servicios empresariales KK BUS Business servicesAdministracioacuten puacuteblica LL OSE Other Services

Educacioacuten MM EDU Education

Actividades sanitarias y veterinarias servicios sociales NN OSE Other Services

Otros servicios y actividades sociales servicios personales OO OSE Other Services

Hogares que emplean personal domeacutestico PP OSE Other Services

Agricultura ganaderiacutea y pesca AA+BB AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050Compensation of employees d1 050Total employment emp 050Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Table 17 Contact details of national statistical offices

NUTS II Code NUTS II Name Institute Name Homepage Latest IOTES11 Galicia Instituto Galego de Estatiacutestica httpwwwigeeuwebindexjsppaxina=0


ES12 Principado de Asturias

Sociedad Asturiana de Estudios Econoacutemicos e Industriales (SADEI)

httpwwwsadeies 2005

ES13 Cantabria Instituto Caacutentabro de Estadiacutestica httpwwwicaneesgeneraljsp

ES21 Paiacutes Vasco Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Instituto Vasco de Estadiacutestica (EUSTAT)



ES22 Comunidad Foral de Navarra

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Navarra httpwwwcfnavarraesestadistica 2005

ES23 La Rioja Consejeriacutea de Hacienda y Economiacutea Direccioacuten Economiacutea y Presupuestos


ES24 Aragoacuten Instituto Aragoneacutes de Estadiacutestica httpportalaragonesportalpageportalIAESTPrincipalinicio


ES30 Comunidad de Madrid

Instituto de Estadiacutestica de la Comunidad de Madrid

httpwwwmadridorgiestadis 2005


ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




ES41 Castilla y Leoacuten Consejeriacutea de Hacienda httpwwwjcyleswebjcylEstadisticaesPlantilla66y331246989275272___


ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Castilla-La Mancha

httpwwwiesjccmes 2005

ES43 Extremadura Junta de Extremadura Consejeriacutea de Economiacutea Industria y Comercio


ES51 Cataluntildea Institut dEstadiacutestica de Catalunya httpwwwidescatcates 2005

ES52 Comunidad Valenciana

Instituto Valenciano de Estadiacutestica httpwwwivees 2000

ES53 Illes Balears Institut Balear dEstadiacutestica httpwwwcaibesibaeibae_casthtm

ES61 Andaluciacutea Instituto de Estadiacutestica de Andaluciacutea httpwwwjuntadeandaluciaesinstitutodeestadistica


ES62 Regioacuten de Murcia Centro Regional de Estadistica de Murcia


ES63 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Ceuta


ES64 Ciudad Autoacutenoma de Melilla


ES70 Canarias Instituto Canario de Estadiacutestica httpwww2gobiernodecanariasorgistac 2002

Note Contact details were obtained from httpwwwineesservestadisthtm

310 France (FR)In the regional account section (comptes regionaux annuel) the Institut National de la Statistique et des Eacutetudes Eacuteconomiques (INSEE) publishes information on gross value-added at NUTS II level The branches follow a national classification system (NES Nomenclature Economique de Synthegravese) with 14 branches This NES system is not compatible with the target RegEU SAMs classification and does not offer a significant informational gain over the Eurostat database (Table 18) Data on employment wages and salaries or other branch account indicators are only provided on an aggregate level per region Branch account datasets were provided with a breakdown for six branches similar to the Eurostat data (NACE A6)During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from INRA-ENESAD in Dijon concerning French regional data sources

Table 18 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSEE

INSEE branch DescriptionINSEE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture sylviculture pecircche A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Energie G MIN Mining and quarrying

Industries agricoles et alimentaires B FOP Food products and beverages

Energie G FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

Industries des biens de consommation C MAN Other manufacturing

Industrie automobile D MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens deacutequipement E MAN Other manufacturing

Industries des biens intermeacutediaires F MAN Other manufacturing

Energie G ENE Energy Products


Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Construction H CNS Construction

Commerce J TTR Trade and Transport

HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transports K TTR Trade and Transport

Activiteacutes financiegraveres activiteacutes immobiliegraveres LM BUS Business servicesServices aux entreprises N OSE Other Services

Education santeacute action sociale administration QR EDU Education

Services aux particuliers P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 013Compensation of employees d1 069Total employment emp 069

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

311 Italy (IT)The ldquoIstituto nazionale di statisticardquo (ISTAT) provides a full set of regional branch indicators The branch breakdown follows NACE at intermediate (A31) level with 24 branches The correspondence with the RegEU SAMs is listed in Table 19 together with the available indicators (gross value-added employment compensation of employees)

Table 19 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ISTAT

ISTAT branch DescriptionISTAT Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agricoltura caccia e silvicoltura A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related servicesPesca piscicoltura e servizi connessi B FIS FishingEstrazione di minerali C MIN Mining and quarryingIndustrie alimentari delle bevande e del tabacco DA FOP Food products and beveragesCokerie raffinerie chimiche farmaceutiche DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and

nuclear fuelsIndustrie tessili e dellabbigliamento DB MAN Other manufacturingIndustrie conciarie fabbricazione di prodotti in cuoio pelle e similari

DC MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione della pasta-carta della carta e dei prodotti di carta stampa ed editoria

DE MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di prodotti della lavorazione di minerali non metalliferi

DI MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione di metallo e fabbricazione di prodotti in metallo

DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Fabbricazione di macchine ed apparecchi meccanici elettrici ed ottici mezzi di trasporto

DK MAN Other manufacturing

Industria del legno della gomma della plastica e altre manifatturiere

DH MAN Other manufacturing

Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica di gas di vapore e acqua

E ENE Energy Products

Costruzioni F CNS ConstructionCommercio allingrosso e al dettaglio riparazione di G TTR Trade and Transport


autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




autoveicoli motocicli e di beni personali e per la casaAlberghi e ristoranti H HOR Hotels and restaurantsTrasporti magazzinaggio e comunicazioni I TTR Trade and TransportIntermediazione monetaria e finanziaria J BUS Business servicesAttivitagrave immobiliari noleggio informatica ricerca altre attivitagrave professionali ed imprenditoriali

K BUS Business services

Pubblica amministrazione e difesa assicurazione sociale obbligatoria

L OSE Other Services

Istruzione M EDU Education

Sanitagrave e altri servizi sociali N OSE Other Services

Altri servizi pubblici sociali e personali O OSE Other Services

Servizi domestici presso famiglie e convivenze P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 088Gross capital formation p5 088Compensation of employees d1 088Total employment emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Moreover a table on imports and exports by regions and product groups data on population and migration are also availableThe Istituto Regionale Programmazine Economica della Toscana (IRPET) (httpwwwirpetitenindexphppage=staffschedaampstaff_id=48) is currently running multiregional (all NUTS II Italian regions) IO models based on their estimate of NUTS II regional SUTs and a multiregional trade flows matrix with a time span from 1995 to 2005 The fact that the regional IOTs or SUTs from IRPET are estimated and not based on regional surveys does limit the informational valueDuring the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul the current results of this inventory were presented It was suggested also to contact staff members from the Universitagrave di Verona as there is apparently a project on regional CGE models

312 Cyprus (CY)The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) publishes national account and trade data on their homepage for 16 branches (NACE at 1 digit level) As Cyprus consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat NAMA datasets (see section 212) National IOTs are neither published by Eurostat nor by CYSTAT

313 Latvia (LV)The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 59 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Latvia consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative


314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




314 Lithuania (LT)Lithuania consists of only one NUTS II region for which the full set of needed information is available from Eurostat and the national statistical institute for 2005 Additional inquiries were not necessary

315 Luxemburg (LU)The Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC) publishes branch-account indictors (gross output value gross value-added compensation of employees employment) for 52 branches and branch aggregates similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212 Table 4) As Luxemburg consists of only one NUTS II regions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

316 Hungary (HU)The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) publishes a document on ldquoNational Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007rdquo including regional data on gross value-added by 13 branches (see Table 20) Employment data is only provided on a 3-branch aggregation level (see screenshot below) Regional compensation of employees is calculate at regional level however is not published

Source httpportalkshhuplskshdocsengxstadatxstadat_longtabll5_01_02_01eahtml

Table 20 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from KSH

KSH branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying Manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesReal estate renting and business activities K BUS Business servicesPublic administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

317 Malta (MT)The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Malta publishes branch-account indictors (gross value-added compensation of employees employment and others) for 59 and 17 branches similar to the NAMA datasets (see section 212) As Malta consists of only one NUTS IIregions the available datasets are no improvement over the Eurostat alternative

318 Netherlands (NL)The Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) publishes the ldquoRegional accounts production and generation of income by industryrdquo database for all NUTS II regions of the Netherlands for 28 single branches as summarized in Table 21 A breakdown of agriculture forestry and food industry is not available neither data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tableLEI provided regional IOTs generated in a consistent way by the CBS and the Groningen University for the year 1992 and 6 branches These branches correspond to NACE in the following way

1 Landbouw en visserij A_B Agriculture hunting forestry and fishing

2 Industrie en delfstoffenwinning

C_D Total industry

3 Openbare nutsbedrijven

E Production and distribution of electricity gas and water

4 Bouwnijverheid en bouwinstallatiebedrijven

F Construction

5 Handel reparatiehoreca vervoer opslag en communicatie

G_H_I Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods hotels and restaurants transport storage and communication

6 Tertiaire en kwartaire sector


Financial intermediation real estate renting and business activities Public administration and defence compulsory social security education health and social work other community social and personal service activities private households with employed persons extra territorial


organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




organizations and bodies

Table 21 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from CBS

CBS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

A+B Agriculture hunting forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

C Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

DA Food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

DF Coke refined petroleum nuclear fuel DF FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

DB+DC Textile and leather products MAN Other manufacturing

21 Paper and paper products MAN Other manufacturing

22 Publishing and printing MAN Other manufacturing

DG Chemical products MAN Other manufacturing

DH Rubber and plastic products MAN Other manufacturing

27 Manufacture of basic metals MAN Other manufacturing

28 Manufacture of metal products MAN Other manufacturing

DL Electrical and optical equipment MAN Other manufacturing

DM Manufacture of transport equipment MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec MAN Other manufacturing

E Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

F Construction F CNS Construction

G Trade and repair consumer articles G TTR Trade and Transport

H Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

I Transport storage and communications I TTR Trade and Transport

J Financial intermediation J BUS Business servicesK Renting commercial services K BUS Business servicesL Pub admin defence social security L OSE Other Services

M Education M EDU Education

N Health and social work N OSE Other Services

90 Environmental services O OSE Other Services

92 Culture sports and recreation O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 075

Compensation of employees d1 075

Taxes not product-related d29 Not in Eurostat regional database

Subsidies not product-related d39 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database

Labour input of employed persons emp 075

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible


319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




319 Austria (AT)Statistik Austria provides data on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 15 branches (see screenshot below and Table 22) These follow in general NACE at 1-digit level (A to P) but agriculture forestry and fishery are merged (A+B) Population and migration data are available with an even higher regional resolution


The Austrian Institute for Economic Research (ldquoOumlsterreichisches Institut fuumlr Wirtschaftsforschungldquo WIFO) has published a documentation on the creation of two regional IOTs for Upper Austria and Styria (Fritz et al 2003) with 55 branches IOTs for all nine Austrian NUTS II regions in this branch structure have been developed for 2001 and an update for 2005 is ongoing These tables are not survey-based and therefore of limited use for testing estimation procedures within these project

Table 22 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Land- und Forstwirtschaft Fischerei und Fischzucht A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen u Erden C MIN Mining and quarrying

Sachguumltererzeugung D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Energie- und Wasserversorgung E ENE Energy Products

Bauwesen F CNS Construction

Handel Reparatur von KFZ u Gebrauchsguumltern G TTR Trade and Transport

Beherbergungs- u Gaststaumlttenwesen H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Verkehr und Nachrichtenuumlbermittlung I TTR Trade and Transport

Kredit- und Versicherungswesen J BUS Business services

Realitaumltenwesen Vermietung bew Sachen unternehmensbez Dienstl

K BUS Business services

Oumlffentliche Verwaltung Landesverteidigung L OSE Other Services



Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR





Unterrichtswesen M EDU Education

Gesundheits- Veterinaumlr- Sozialwesen N OSE Other Services

Erbringung v sonst oumlffentlichen u persoumlnlichen Dienstl O OSE Other Services

Private Haushalte P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Gross capital formation p5 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

320 Poland (PL)Central Statistical Office (GUS) publishes regional branch accounts in NACE format at 1-digit level (16 branches) In addition to the branch indicators shown in the screenshot below employment data is also available but at a higher level of aggregation (A+B C_E but D separate) Population and migration data are also available at NUTS II level However the Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data Symmetric Input-Output Tables Imports and exports by branch and final consumption (private and public) by branch

Source httpwwwstatgovplbdren_nappdane_podgrupkatgrupgp_dane=0ampp_kate=4ampp_grup=15ampp_pgru=2287


Finland (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) regional database available for this project These datasets feature 16 branches (NACE A16) In addition to the datasets from GUS intermediate consumption (p2) and gross operating surplus (b2g_b3g) are included


Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Table 23 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from GUS

GUS branch Description GUS Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Agriculture hunting and forestry Fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Private households with employed persons (missing for emp)

P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 054

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Table 24 Regional indicators from

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II levelfrom

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross value added b1g 077

Compensation of employees d1 077

Gross operating surplus b2g_b3g Not in Eurostat regional database


321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




321 Portugal (PT)The Instituto Nacional de Estatistica of Portugal (INEP) published regional accounts as part of the press release In the supplementary tables figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees are provided at NACE 1-digit level (16 branches)

Table 25 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INEP

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Total employment emp 063

322 Romania (RO)The Institutul National de Statistica (INSSE) publishes regional branch accounts for gross valued-added and employment at different levels of aggregation Employment data is available at NACE 1-digit level with ldquoo other servicesrdquo and ldquop household activitiesrdquo merged (15 branches) gross value-added is only provided for 13 branches with an aggregation of industries (C_D_E) and missing entries for some services (O P) Another important set of information are regional consumption data for 12 commodity aggregates but following the COICOP rather than the CPA system

Table 26 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from INSSE

INSSE branch DescriptionNACECode

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and sylviculture A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishery and pisciculture B FIS Fishing

Industry C_D_E OPP Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

ENE Electricity gas and water supply

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation and insurance J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defence compulsory social L OSE Other Services



Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR





Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other activities of the national economy O_P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)

Value added at basic prices b1g 050

Total employment emp 069

Gross domestic product at market prices b1gm 0

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible Purple fonts indicate the alternative correspondence for employment data

Regional IOTs were also compiled by Andrea Bonfiglio (Bonfiglio 2005) for a 13-branch aggregation level (NACE at 1-digit level but services M to P merged) These IOTs are derived in a three-stage approach employing location quotients to break down a national IOT and gravity models to estimate trade flows Although interesting from a methodological point of view the thus estimated IOTs have only a limited value for the CAPRI-RD project

323 Slovenia (SI)The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SISTAT) published regional account including gross value-added and employment by branch at NUTS II level 13 branches are distinguishedFurther investigation revealed that a partners of the CAPRI-RD project were also involved in the REAPBALK project (see section 44) during which regional IOTs for Slovenia were compiled The exchange of the relevant information is foreseen

Table 27 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SISTAT

SISTAT branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry fishing A+B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying manufacturing C+D MIN Mining and quarrying

FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale retail certain repair G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activity K BUS Business Services

Public administration and defense compulsory social security

L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education


Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other community social and personal services private households with employed persons

O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 038

Employment emp 038

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

324 Slovak Republic (SK)The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides figures on regional gross value-added gross fixed capital formation compensation of employees and employment (sal self) for 13 branches These follow basically NACE at 1-digit level but with an aggregate representation of some branches which is similar to the situation in Slovenia

Source httppx-webstatisticsskPXWebSlovakindex_enhtm

Table 28 Available regional branch indicators from SISTAT

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Gross value added b1g 054

Compensation of employees d1 054

Gross capital formation p5 054

Employment emp 054


325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




325 Finland (FI)Statistics Finland maintains a comparably extensive regional accounts section providing information for gross value added at basic prices output at basic prices intermediate consumption at purchaser price gross fixed capital formation and employment (employed self-employed) for 29 branches In general the structure of branches is in accordance with the RegEU SAMs target classification Unfortunately food industry is only available at an aggregate level (da) and fuel industry is merged with chemicals (df+dg+dh) Apart from this it is indicated on the homepage that regional IOTs are being constructed (see screenshot below)

Source httpwwwstatfitilaptindex_enhtml

The extended description of this database states that the IOTs will be based on ldquoRegister of Enterprises and Establishments corporate taxation records statistical databases of central and local governments statistics on agriculture and forestry and the Household Budget Surveyrdquo The tables will feature probably the same 29 branches as listed in Table 29 Although this database would represent a most valuable source for the CAPRI-RD project it will not be possible to rely on the possible future availabilityAn additional source of information is the database of the RegFIN model (Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska 2007) which was made available by Hannu Toumlrmauml for the RegEU SAMs database It consists of regional IOTs on NUTS II scale with 14 branches as foreseen in the CAPRI-RD project

Table 29 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture and hunting A 01 AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

Forestry A 02 FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco DA FOP Food products and beverages

Manufacture of coke chemical products DF-DH ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels


Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Manufacture of textile leather and -products DB DC MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of wood and wood products DD MAN Other manufacturing

Pulp paper- and products publishing printing DE MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products DI MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of metals and metal products DJ MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of machinery and equipment DK MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of electrical and optical equipm DL MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacture of transport equipment DM MAN Other manufacturing

Manufacturing nec DN MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas steam and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K excl 7021 BUS Business Services

Letting of own property K 7021 BUS Business Services

Public administration and social security L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other social and personal service activities O OSE Other Services

Household service activities P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS II level Overall gain of information (TIG)Output (basic prices) p1 Not in Eurostat regional database

Intermediate consumption p2 Not in Eurostat regional database

Gross capital formation p5 088

Gross value added b1g 088

Compensation of employees d1 088

Labour input of employed persons emp 088

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

326 Sweden (SE)The regional accounts section of Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides figures on gross value-added employment and compensation of employees for 14 branches where agriculture forestry and fishery are merged and manufacture is provided as an aggregate For the detailed branches A01 A02 B05 no information can be distributed due to secrecy policy while annual data on DA15 and DF23 for the years 1993-2007 are available

Table 30 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from SCB

SCB branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Jordbruk skogsbruk fiske A + B AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

FIS Fishing

Utvinning av mineral C MIN Mining and quarrying


Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Tillverkningsindustri D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

El- gas- vaumlrme- o vattenfoumlrsoumlrjn E ENE Energy Products

Byggverksamhet F CNS Construction

Parti- o detaljhandel G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotell- o restaurangverksamhet H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport magasinering o kommunikationer I TTR Trade and Transport

Finansiell verksamhet J BUS Business Services

Fastigheter o foumlretagstjaumlnster K BUS Business Services

Off foumlrvaltning o foumlrsvar obl socfoumlrsaumlkr L OSE Other Services

Utbildning M EDU Education

Haumllso- o sjukvaringrd socialtjaumlnst veterinaumlrverks N OSE Other Services

Renharinglln kultur sport foumlrvaumlrvsarb i husharingll O OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 050

Compensation of employees d1 050

Employment emp 050

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

In addition to the branch-accounts SCB also provides regional household accounts (ldquoDisposable income of households per capita by region (NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) and transactionrdquo) but apparently no expenditure-related data

327 United Kingdom (UK)The regional accounts archive of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supplies tables for gross value-added and compensation of employees for 15 branches as shown in Table 31

Table 31 Branch classifications and available regional indicators from ONS

ONS branch DescriptionNACE Code

RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

Agriculture hunting and forestry A AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

Fishing B FIS Fishing

Mining and quarrying C MIN Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing D FOP Food products and beverages

FUL Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

Electricity gas and water supply E ENE Energy Products

Construction F CNS Construction

Wholesale and retail trade (including motor trade) G TTR Trade and Transport

Hotels and restaurants H HOR Hotels and restaurants

Transport storage and communication I TTR Trade and Transport

Financial intermediation J BUS Business Services

Real estate renting and business activities K BUS Business Services


Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Public administration defenceetc L OSE Other Services

Education M EDU Education

Health and social work N OSE Other Services

Other services O+P OSE Other Services

Available (branch) indicators at NUTS IIlevel

Overall gain of information (TIG)

Gross value added b1g 063

Compensation of employees d1 063

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

Further investigation on sub-national level resulted in the information that IOTs are available or being produced at least for the NUTS1 regions of Scotland (see screenshot below) and North East

Source httpwwwscotlandgovukTopicsStatisticsBrowseEconomyInput-OutputDownloads

328 Migration and Inter-Regional TradeThe focus of the survey of the EU Member Statesrsquo statistical departments was on the availability of regional branch account indicators like gross value-added and employment as these indicators represent the corner points of the RegEU SAMs database to be developed Datasets on population and migration are important indicators for the mobility of labour within and across the EU Member States Population figures are available for all NUTS IIregions from both Eurostat and national statistical organisation (NSO) while migration figures are not as easily obtainable Table 32 lists the availability of migration figures (either


net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




net migration or immigrationemigration and either by sex or age group or total) In all cases the NSO provide more information than Eurostat with the exceptions of Denmark Greece France Malta and Portugal Obtaining these figures from other sources will be an important task throughout the duration of the RegEU SAMs project as they will be difficult to estimate

Concerning inter-regional trade the most comprehensive datasets could be obtained for Spain (as part of the regional IOTs) and Italy (see Table 33 for a list of responses) For UK the service ldquoUK Trade Infordquo (httpwwwuktradeinfocom) provides internal trade figures but the content of this database has not been screened as of 05032010

Table 32 Availability of migration data on NUTS II level

Eurostat NSOBENE000 X

BG000000 X X

CZ000000 X X


DE000000 X

EE000000 X

IE000000 X


ES000000 X X


IT000000 X X

CY000000 X

LV000000 X

LT000000 X

LU000000 X

HU000000 X X


NL000000 X X

AT000000 X X



RO000000 X X

SI000000 X X

SK000000 X X

FI000000 X X

SE000000 X

UK000000 X

Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that neither Eurostat nor the Member Statersquos statistical organisation (NSO) provide migration data


Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Table 33 Inter-regional trade data

Statement ContactBENE000 The following data are not available within the actual framework of regional accounts in

Belgium- Symmetric Input-Output Tables - Imports and exports by branch- Final consumption (private and public) by branchThe last two items are subject to research for the moment but the end of both projects is only foreseen at the end of 2011

Maeseele Monica [MonicaMaeseelenbbbe]

BG000000 No response no information on homepage

CZ000000 As for retail trade - all the surveyed indicators are available only on national level - see our time series here

Ondrej Košata [ondrejkosataczsocz]

DK000000 Use of domesticregional products NOUse of imported products cif NOExports extra-national NOExports intra-national NO

Brian Suumldel [BSUdstdk]

DE000000 No inter-regional trade data in list HolgerZschieschackitnrwde


IE000000 BrianMcCanncsoie

GR000000 No response no information on homepage

ES000000 Part of 13 regional IOTs

FR000000 No response no information on homepage

IT000000 Inter-regional trade data obtained





HU000000 In respect of Trade by branch data relating to retail trade are available on the following path hellip

Peacutekneacute Nagy Edit [EditPekkshhu]


NL000000 We have no data about regional import export consumption and Input-Output tabel infoservice [infoservicecbsnl]

AT000000 Weiterfuumlhrende Daten als auf unserer homepage stehen daher nicht zur Verfuumlgung INFO [Infostatistikgvat]

POSE000 The Regional Data Bank doesnrsquot contain data1 Symmetric Input-Output Tables2 Imports and exports by branch3 Final consumption (private and public) by branch

Kozsup3owski Tomasz [TKozlowskistatgovpl]

PT000000 We regret to inform that Statistical Portugal doesnrsquot elaborate in terms of regional accounts other variables like ldquotraderdquo or symmetric input-output tables


RO000000 Limited response no information on homepage

SI000000 No response no information on homepage

SK000000 In reply to your inquiry we propose you to visit the Regional databaste on the SO SR Internet site (see httpportalstatisticsskshowdocdodocid=3159) where you can find the data you are looking for No internal trade data

Strelka Kamil [KamilStrelkastatisticssk]

FI000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

SE000000 No response on this subject no information on homepage

UK000000 For import and export data at the level you require please contact HM Revenue and Customs UK Trade Info team They can be contacted onEmail uktradeinfohmrcgsigovukWebsite httpwwwuktradeinfocom

Hannah Baker [hannahbakeronsgsigovuk]


Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Note Bold black fonts indicate that a Member State consists of one NUTS II region Redbold fonts indicate that no answer concerning trade data was received nor data on the homepage encountered

329 SummaryThe main purpose of screening the data supply of the national statistical organisations was to retrieve information o the availability of regional IOTs In this respect the situation proved to be modestly satisfying as survey-based regional IOTs could only be obtained for 12 Comunidades Autonomas (NUTS II) of Spain and the NUTS1 regions Scotland and Baden-Wuumlrttemberg The IOTs obtained for Finland and those potentially available for Austria Italy and Poland are mainly based on non-survey methods The way in which both survey and non-survey based IOTs should be used in the following stages of the RegEU SAMs project will be subject to further elaboration

Regarding the availability of regional branch accounts that provide additional information to the datasets obtained from Eurostat screening the national statistical departmentsrsquo supply resulted in a rather mixed picture For freely available datasets the informational gain as measured by the TIG-Indicator introduced in the beginning of section 3 never reached a level above 092 (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 Number of branches in regional accounts for b1g and informational gain compared to Eurostat data ndash only Member States with more than 1 NUTS IIregion












0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of Branches in Database


n o

f in



n c



ed t

o E









DK ( if purchased)



GR ( emp)















bull The black line indicates the gain of information for the different levels of NACE (A6 A16 A30 A60)


bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




bull Scale of informational gain indicator 0 Same information as obtained from Eurostat 1 Full coverage of all RegEU SAMs branches

Source Own presentation

The least informational gain was observed for Bulgaria (no gain) and France Germany and Ireland for which the gain ranged below 03 points On reason is the aggregate representation of agriculture forestry and fishery in the regional branch accounts This is the case for 12 Member States (see Table 34) As a disaggregation of these branches is crucial for this project the availability of other indicators that could permit a split has been evaluated and summarized in Table 34

Table 34 Data availability for agriculture and forestry in 2005

Regional branch accounts

A_B AA01 A02


Forest area

A01 or (A+EAA) or (A_B+EAA

+Forest Area) CommentBENE000 X X X X

BG000000 X X 0 Just plain bad

CZ000000 X X X X Forestry area available for 2004

DK000000 X X X If purchased

DE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

EE000000 X X X

IE000000 X (X) X X Additional data obtained from NSO

GR000000 X X 0 Employment data available for A01 A02

ES000000 X X 0 13 Regional IOTs

FR000000 X X X X

IT000000 X X X X

CY000000 X X X

LV000000 X X X X

LT000000 X X X X

LU000000 X X X X

HU000000 X X X X

MT000000 X X X

NL000000 X X X X

AT000000 X X X X


PT000000 X X X X

RO000000 X X X X

SI000000 X X 0 Potentially available form CAPR-RD partners

SK000000 X X X X

FI000000 X X X X

SE000000 X X X X Forestry area available from NSO

UK000000 X X X

Total 12 7 8 27 16 23

NotesGreen EAA data not available but gross value-added from CAPRI (GVAB)Blue Forestry area available from national statisticsPink Additional data available for previous year or from other source


Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Red Splitting of A_B not possible based on regional data

In general it is assumed that the aggregate figures on agriculture and forestry (A) can be split based on agricultural data from either EAA (for d1 and b1g) or CAPRI data (for b1g) If the datasets are broadly consistent forestry can be calculated as a non-negative residual Procedures for negative residual values will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis Splitting aggregate values for agriculture forestry and fishery (A_B) requires at least one indicator for either forestry or fishery in addition to the EAACAPRI figures Table 34 shows the availability of forestry area data from Eurostat (black) or national statistical organisations (blue) Using these figures to derive average national employment and gross value-added coefficients per hectare of forestry area would supply the needed information but is likely to yield negative values for fishery if calculated residually Again the procedures will have to be developed on a case-by-case basis The most critical Member State in terms of data availability is Bulgaria for which no additional datasets could be found


4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




4 Multi-country IOT Projects

Numerous research projects have developed regional IOT-based models on a regional scale for single Member States as discussed in the sections on Finland Hungary Italy Poland or Romania The following sections provide an overview on three projects on multi-country regional CGEs or other IOT-based models

41 IASONWithin the FP5 project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies project site httpwwwiasonprojecteudefaulthtm) a very comprehensive database for altogether 1342 NUTS3 regions in EU Member States and other European Countries was developed for the base year 1997 (Broumlcker et al 2002) The database was built on national IOTs and miscellaneous regional datasets featuring the 6 NACE Rev 11 branch aggregates as used in the Eurostat regional branch accounts discussed in section 231 Although the project documentation appears to be a valuable source for data collection and compilation methods the database as such is outdated and too coarse for the purposes of the RegEU SAMs project The IOTs developed in the course of the IASON project cannot be used as control totals (outdated and estimated) nor as benchmark for estimation procedures as they are themselves estimated nor to construct a-priori information for branches missing in the regional accounts (too coarse)

42 DREAMThe dream model as discussed in Jean and Laborde (2004) is a regional CGE model operating on NUTS1 scale for EU25 with 1997 as base year It is mainly built on national IOTs from the GTAP database the regional breakdown was carried out by using the REGIO database from Eurostat and supplementary information The breakdown of branches is in general not compatible with the requirements of the RegEU SAMs database (Table 35)It could be possible that the DREAM database has meanwhile been updated to a more recent year but the branch breakdown and the fact that it is an estimated database limits severely the potential use for the RegEU SAMs database

Table 35 Branch classifications of DREAM

GTAP Code and DescriptionDREAM


RegEU SAMs Code

Corresponding RegEU SAMs branch Description

b_t - Beverages and tobacco products cmt -Meatcattlesheepgoatshorse mil - Dairy products ofd - Food productsnec omt - Meat products nec pcr -Processed rice sgr - Sugar vol -Vegetable oils and fats

Agri_Ind AGR Agriculture hunting and related services


FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




FOP Food products and beverages

ctl - Cattlesheepgoatshorses oap - Animal products nec rmk - Rawmilk wol - Wool silk-worm cocoons

Animals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

gro - Cereal grains nec pdr - Paddy rice wht - Wheat Cereals AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

c_b - Sugar cane sugar beet for - Forestry ocr -Crops nec osd - Oilseeds pfb - Plant-based fibers v_f - Vegetables fruit nuts

OthVeg AGR Agriculture hunting and related services

FOR Forestry logging and related services

fsh - Fishing Fishing OPP Fishing

col - Coal gas - Gas oil - Oil omn - Minerals nec Extraction OPP Mining and quarrying

crp - Chemicalrubberplastic prods p_c - Petroleum coal products

Chim_Ind ENE Coke refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels

MAN Other manufacturing

isr - Insurance ofi - Financial services nec Finance OSE Financial intermediation

ele - Electronic equipment ome - Machinery and equipment nec

Mach_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

fmp - Metal products i_s - Ferrous metals nfm - Metals nec nmm -Mineral products nec

Metal_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

omf - Manufactures nec OthInd MAN Other manufacturing

ppp - Paper products publishing Paper_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lea - Leather products tex - Textiles wap - Wearing apparel

Tex_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

mvh - Motor vehicles and parts otn - Transport equipment nec

Tran_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

lum - Wood products Wood_Ind MAN Other manufacturing

cns - Construction dwe - Dwellings ely - Electricity gdt - Gasmanufacture distribution obs - Business services nec osg -PubAdminDefenceHealthEducat ros - Recreation and other services wtr - Water

Services ENE Electricity gas and water supply

CNS Construction

HOR Hotels and restaurants

OSE Real estate renting and business activities

OSE Public administration and defence compulsory social security

OSE Education

OSE Health and social work

OSE Other community social personal service activities

OSE Activities of households

trd - Trade Trade TTR Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles motorcycles and personal and household goods

atp - Air transport cmn - Communication otp - Transport nec wtp -Sea transport

TransCom TTR Transport storage and communication

Note Bold red fonts indicate that a many-to-one mapping from national classification to RegEU SAMs branches is not possible

43 REAPampREEIOThe ldquoSustainable Consumption and Production Networkrdquo (SCPnet httpwwwscpnetorgukindexhtml) is a partnership network dedicated to promoting the philosophy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) at a sub-national level The SCPnet is a reference point for Regional Development Agencies Regional Assemblies Government Offices for the Regions Regional Observatories and the regional offices of the Environment Agency It maintains two IOT-based models on their homepage


The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




The Regional Economy Environment Input Output Model (REEIO httpwwwscpnetorgukreeiohtml) is a decision support tool used to assess the environmental implications of production within a region REEIO links economic activity in 42 industrial branches (most relevant for RegEU SAMs Agriculture etc A01A02B05 Food Drink amp Tob da15da16 Manuf Fuels df23) to environmental components The Resource and Energy Analysis Program (REAP httpwwwscpnetorgukreaphtml) is designed for analyses of environmental pressures associated with consumption within aregion It can operate at regional and national levels The production side of the economy is broken down according to the ldquoUK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activitiesrdquo into 123 sectors in the UK which are compatible with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC92) and NACE Rev 1 REAP was developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute(httpsei-internationalorg) REEIO by Cambridge Econometrics (httpwwwcameconcomHomeaspx) The two models are designed as complementary asREAP models the impact of regional consumption and REEIO models the impacts of economic production

44 REAPBALKThe European Commissionrsquos DG Research funded from October 2001 onwards a project named ldquoRural Employment and Agricultural Perspective in the Balkan Applicant Countriesrdquo (REAPBALK Project ID QLRT-2000-01608) The purpose of this project was to analyse the medium-term agricultural and employment perspectives in selected rural areas of four Balkan countries - Bulgaria Croatia Romania and Slovenia The Greece was also included in the study to provide grounds for suggesting the likely path of employment development post-accession I-O tables have been constructed for each region based on existing regional tables or where these did not exist on estimated regional I-O tables derived from the national ones(httpeceuropaeuresearchagricultureprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)The deliverables of this project are listed on an (apparently outdated) internet site as follows

1)Regional Overview on Selection Criteria

2)Report on the Rural Case Study Bulgaria

3)Report on the Rural Case Study Romania

4)Report on the Rural Case Study Slovenia

5)Report on the Rural Case Study Croatia

6)Report on the Rural Case Study Greece Regional I-O tables provided detailed information about the regional economic structure (deliverables 7-9)

7)Comparative Development of Rural Economy and Employment in the Balkan Applicant Countries

8)Input-Output Model Description and ReapBalk Common I-O Model

9)Regional Input-Output Tables(httpeceuropaeuresearchquality-of-lifeka5enprojectsqlrt_2000_01608_enhtm)

As this project was fully funded by DG Research it is possible that IPTS may be granted access to the database During the CAPRI-RD meeting from 2503 to 26032010 in Istanbul it was possible to talk with a former REAPBALK project partner who was asked about availability content and


structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




structure of the produced regional IOTs Most importantly it was stated that the regional IOTs do not have full coverage of all NUTS II regions in the respective countries Instead IOTs for single regions were produced which would allow at least in the case of Slovenia (2 NUTS II regions) to derive the other regionrsquos IOT residually It could not be made clear whether the regional IOTs for the other countries were structured in the same way However it was agreed that a detailed list of required datasets will be sent to the former REAPBALK partners to evaluate the possibilities for data exchange

45 ESPONThe ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion) offers on its homepage access to a database that provides regional statistics on various scales (httpwwwesponeumainMenu_ScientificToolsMenu_ESPON2013Database) This database is compiled of datasets from Eurostat and ESPON projects covering the entire European Union plus Switzerland Norway Iceland and Liechtenstein Free access to the ESPON 2013 Database is granted upon acceptance of the pre-defined terms and conditions of use which are not indicated further on the homepage The database is announced to be available form April 2010 but by 15052010 no possibilities to access the database was provided An inventory (downloaded from an older version of the homepage) indicated that data relevant for the RegEU SAMs project do not exceed the coverage of the Eurostat datasets Once access to the database is published a more detailed investigation will be carried out


5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




5 Outlook to the Next Project Phase

In the course of compiling this inventory the availability of relevant datasets on regional and national scale from Eurostat and the national statistical organisations (NSO) was screened Numerous individuals research institutions and the contents of research projects have been checked Altogether it became clear that (mostly) survey-based regional IOTs are only available for 13 NUTS II regions in Spain and potentially for Scotland and the Border Midland and Western region of Ireland Estimated regional IOTs are potentially available for a larger number of countries like Finland Poland (Toumlrmauml and Zawalinska 2007) Balkan countries (REAPBALK) Austria (Fritz et al 2003) and Italy In most cases regional branch accounts from the NSOs provided more detailed information for employment and gross value-added than the comparable Eurostat datasets with the exception of Bulgaria for which no informational gain could be achievedTo compile the RegEU SAMs database is to convert all the obtained regional data files into a common format (gdx RegEU SAMs target classifications) Methodologically it became clear that the construction of a full set of a-priory SAMs will have to be based on national SAM coefficients and regional employment and value-added data Consequently the next step is the compilation and consolidation of a full set of these indicators for all 271 NUTS II regions based on the obtained data In a next stage the regional prior SAMs will be derived The performance of the applied methods will be tested against the survey-based IOTs for the Spanish regions and Scotland Concerning the estimation of inter-regional trade flows the performance of the estimation methods can also be tested against a dataset for Italy


6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




6 References

EuroStat (2008) Eurostat Manual of Supply Use and Input-Output Tables URL httpeppeurostateceuropaeuportalpageportalproduct_detailspublicationp_product_code=KS-RA-07-013Muumlller M I Peacuterez Domiacutenguez and S H Gay (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM) Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities EUR ndash Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 978-92-79-13625-2Rueda-Cantuche J M J Beutel F Neuwahl I Mongelli and A Loeschel (2009) A Symmetric Input-Output Table for EU27 Latest Progress In Economic Systems Research 21(1)59-79Golemanova A (2007) Input-Output Model for the South-East Region in Bulgaria Paper presented at 16th International Input-output Conference Istanbul Turkey 2-6 July 2007URL httpwwwiioaorgConference16th-downable20paperhtmlKronenberg T (2008) Erstellung einer Input-Output-Tabelle fuumlr Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Statistische Woche 2008 Cologne 15 - 18 SeptemberHungarian Central Statistical Office (2009) National Accounts Hungary 1995ndash2007 BudapestFritz O R Kurzmann G Zakarias G Streicher (2003) Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables for Austria In Austrian Economic Quarterly 12003 URL httpwwwwifoacatwwajspindexjspfid=23923ampid=23946amptypeid=8ampdisplay_mode=2Toumlrmauml H and K Zawalinska (2007) Technical description of the CGE RegFinRegPol models University of Helsinki RURALIA Institute URL httpwwwhelsinkifiruraliaresearchmanualshtm

development in Poland Warszawa ISBN 83-89900-33-5Bonfiglio A (2005) Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model Working Papers from Universita Politecnica delle Marche (I) Dipartimento di Economia No 226Jean S and D Laborde (2004) The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions a CGE Assessment CEPII Working Paper 2004-20 URL httpwwwcepiifranglaisgraphworkpapsummaries2004wp04-20htmBroumlcker J U Kretschmer C Schuumlrmann D Stelder K Spiekermann M Wegener (2002) The IASON Common Spatial Database IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial economic and Network effects of transport investments and policies) Deliverable 3 Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme KielDortmund Christian-Albrechts-Universitaumlt KielInstitut fuumlr Raumplanung Universitaumlt Dortmund


7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




7 Annex 1 Example for the Computation of TIG

The following example is meant to illustrate the calculation of the informational gain indicator (TIG) as introduced in the beginning of section 3 It does not refer to any particular classification of branches in the regional account datasetsThe target classification for the RegEU SAMs database features 14 economic branches (b14) whereas the regional datasets available from Eurostat provide only information for 6 branch aggregates The mapping between these branches may be presented in the from of an aggregator matrix G14_6 that indicates which items in the b10-framwork have to added up to the corresponding entries in the A6 classification

equiv6_14614 AbG

Adding-up the row-dimension of this aggregator matrix yields the number of elements of b14in A6

[ ]sum =19



As the Eurostat datasets are available for all NUTS II regions in this A6 classification it would be only necessary to collect the number of elements of b14 in A6 less one for each A6 category For example in the case of the category A2B it would be sufficient to collect 2 data-points for the corresponding elements in b14 (AGR FOR or OPP) as it will be possible to calculate the remaining value residually Therefore it would be sufficient to collect only 13 data-points (10-6) provided that they can be mapped accordingly into the b14 classification The needed data-points are therefore

[ ]sum =minus19

6_14614 1



Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR




Consider now the case of an obtained regional dataset that provides information for branches in a specific regional format (AR) The correspondence between the regional and RegEU SAMs classification may be represented also in the form of an aggregator matrix G14_AR

equivARARbG _14


This regional classification may provide aggregate figures in the case of branch A which corresponds with the branches AGR and FOR in the b14 format In other cases AR is more detailed than required as the data on CA and CB would anyway be added to the category C in the b14 format Counting the number of usable entries in the AR classification with respect to b14 is expressed as a function δ of the row-sum of G14_AR


















To compare the gain of usable information obtained from this regional dataset with the information provide by Eurostat one has to re-arrange the dataset into the Eurostat A6 classification This is here done by first multiplying the d-values with the aggregator matrix G14_6 that combines RegEU SAMs target branches with the A6 classification



sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR





sdot sum


ARARbiAb GG _14


614 δ

Adding up this intermediate matrix for each column shows the number of usable entries corresponding to the Eurostat A6 classification In the given example the regional dataset provides only 2 data-points for A2B instead of the 3 entries that would result from mapping a complete b14 dataset into the A6 categories


sdotsum sum




b AR


As Eurostat provides already one data-point for each A6 category in the form of a sub-total that would allow to calculate one entry residually the gain of information is again the number of entries less one


sdotsum sum 1




b AR


So for instance in the case of category A2B only 1 data-point could be effectively gained if compared to the Eurostat regional datasets To derive an indicator to measure the total informational gain across all branches the previous operations with the aggregator matrices G14_6 and G14_AR are combined to derive the total informational gain indicator (TIG) used throughout this inventory

[ ]sum sumsum sum sum




6 14


6 14



11A b

AbA b AR



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