
NEWP0RT BEACH • • Low clouds and

patchy coastal fog will clear by midday to give us more sunny skies and warmer te,nperatures.

See Weather, Al

Winner of 59 j ournalism awards in 1992 25 cents

All Aboard! for Wet Wednesday

Complimentary tickets for the "Wet Wednesday Summer Series" kick-off event next Wednesday night are available beginning today at 9 a.m. at Hornblower Dining Yachts.

The free two-hour bar c ruise -which will be the first o 1 2 Wet Wednesday events - will include hors d'oeuvres, a no-host bar and magnifi­cent sunset all aboard the California Hornblower, brought to Newport Harbor especially for the evening. The yacht leaves the dock at 6:30 p.m . Boarding begins are 5:30 p .m .

The 2nd annual Wet Wednesday Summer Series - townhall meetings on the water - is sponsored by the Daily Pilot and Hornblower Dining Yachts.

Hornblower Dining Yachts is located at 2431 West Coast Highway (next to Cano's}. For more details, see the ad on the back page of the food sectio n.

Ed Hackbarth, left, and C.M. Stater have teamed up on a sweet idea -Cakes and Coo"ies Too in Costa Mesa. ·

Bidders turn out to pick up pieces of

Stephen Wagner's life ~ $1 ,000 admission price got bidders chance at Rolls Royce, artwork and furs at embeulement auction. By Russ Loar SW! Wntef

DOVER SHORES The s1reets in this tranquil, breeze. blown neighborhood were lined with luxury cars Wednesday morn· ing as well-heeled bargain hunter Oocked 10 the former Galaxy Ori .. c home or self·confessed school dis· 1ric1 embezzler Stephen Wa~ner.

They came from all o .. er South· cm California for the auction of Wag­ner' au1omobiles, fur , gems, arl\\Ork, rurniture and other swag financed by his admi1ted theft of S4 millwn from the Nev.port-Mesa Uni­fied School District.

'Tm here to visit my money," said Costa Mesa in)ur-ance broker Gary

'l·m here to visit my money.~


Wee!.. . '' h 's lil..e a high-class garage sale," joked h1 wife, Joan .

By 10 a.m., they were lined up on the driveway in front of Wagner's wine-colored Rolls Royce and champagne-colored Mercedes-Benz stat ion wagon, ready lo pay Sl ,000 for admission to the auction.

The sound of a dis1ant leaf blow­er rasped while a few 1ight·skinned women jogged through the neigh­borhood where Wagner once lived wi1h his wife, Linda. and their 4-year-old son. Television news crC\\S arrived to film the latest chapter in the bizarre story of the man respon­sible for the la rgest public school dist rict embezzlement in California history.

By Russ Loar. Staff Wnter

T he remn3nts of convicted embculer Stephen Wagner' lavish lifestyle brought more than $130,000 on the auction blocl.. Wednesday. a nearl}

200 speculato r and curioi.1ty-seeker~ haggled over his former posse sion .

The infamous 196-l Rolls Royce that the jailed school district budget director sometimes drove to worl.. \\a!. sold for SH,500 to Huntington rc.\I estate agent Dale Chcema.

" It's a cl3ssic," Checma said of the

Mr. Del Taco, Mr. Stater Bros. baking up a sweet franchise ~ Hackbarth and Stater take the plunge in decorative cakes and cookies operation they hope to expand by the end of the year. By Tony Cox. Business Ell.tor ,

I t's not hke Ed Had,b.1rth and C ~t. Stater need the monc\, but the\ don't seem to mind the headJches of !>tarting a nc" busmc-.-.

Hackbarth, \\ho 1i. 60, founded and later !>old the Del Taco chain of restauranb. He still o" ns 10 Del Taco unm as a franchisee to the current ownership group.

Stater's name !>hould i.ound familiar because he founded the StJter Bro thers ch:iin of grocery 'tore' He <1nd l \\ O o( h1' brothers sold that chJtn, \\h1ch then

At left, a personalized license plate reminds auction participants of the reason for this e\ent. Below, Dale Chcema, of Irvine, tool. O\er lhe 1967 Rolls RO)'CC Sih er Cloud Ill. He later obtained the car \\ ith a S 14,500 bid. Bottom photo, Donna Vargas models a nalural silver fox fu r for prospecti\e buyers.

Wagner':-. krccdcs·l3cnz ~tall\rn \\ :igon fetched $30.000 - the hi~hc~t bid of the dJ) . And a l\\ l.>·(X)Und. 5.b "'l>·car3t. ruugh·Cut emerald '\llJ for S7.500 to Lo!I Angele' JC\\ Cler George DJdan1Jn. "'It\ a t>c.1u11tul sixc1mcn ... he :i1d. hold1 n~ the rocl..·enca).cJ cmcrJld up fl1r tic: 3ppl.1use of o ther bidder ... . \\ agm:r once cl31med the emerald \\~1' \\\11th Sl00.000.

\\ agner' 5.000· qu.irc-foot. t\\O·,torv hou'c - li'>tcd ti\ J real c t:ite 3gent at S""50.lxXl - '' J'

included 36 m;irkcb, in the m1d-196<h. ·1 he I-} ear-old '\e" pon Beach rei.ident

retired more thJn ~U ~car~ ago. So "hat arc th •-,i.: t\\O retail success

'ito~ doing on a rue d:i~ morning. selling cookie pr' JnJ touting their selec11ort of dccor::it1\ e,

Hacl..bJrth and ~IJter earlier ·this \c:;,ir 1.kc1dcd to take the plunge \\1th an i°dca for a OC\ .. bus1nc:,~ thJt the) beg:in deq:loping \hOrll) a[tcr the~ met HJ }C<lr'> ago

rhc first luca11on d (.il..e' ~ Ccx•J...1e' See COOKIES/Al!

AIDS patient's husband loses job with city ~ Maintenance worker who supports wife with AIDS. and 2-year-old son, gets layott notice

By Lor A"n Bas+ii:::a S•31f '" •

cos I A \tf:':> \ - A'I II '-UPfll.Hll ng an Al.DS·tnfc..tcd \\tfc Jnd ::!·\cur·old '-• .. >n on a mJ ntcn Jn.:e \Hlrl..d\ ,, :.igc' \\ ... ren.'l h. ugh cnougf1. cu~ empluH:e C..J.lf\ Bro\\ n r.: .. :1\ d a l:i~olf n\>ticc \\'eJne~d.1)

DrO\\rl. v.ho h I' \\Orked r\ r he 1"11\ tOC<;

19 7. actu!l ll~ ~\)\ hi' ftN pink lip rrom th. ... I arl-'> J.:pJrtntent 'e\cr I m nths :igo I '1lmel l \\ man.1~CJ Ill \\ ranl:,le !J r.1rt-11m ... 111 .int thc:r Jcp .. rtmcnt \\llh hope uf, utl<i~t . g the .. ,t\ ·, 1111 .. 1 .. ru:ich

On \\eJne,J.1\. hO\\C\Cr. the ;-.,c:;ir-. h. C'o...ia f\tc'a m.iri bc.:amc \Ct\llhc·r ':d1:n or I he hudgct ·" Bro\\ n'' .JOh end .. Jun~ ~'. he \\J"> told

I trn:d to '11cl.. \\Ith 11. l:iut the cm ~l\C up on me." he -.:i1d. "l feel hl.:e thc~ ·ic ~Jl.l 1

\\CCptng me J\\a~ 1 he lo" Cl)mcs \lnl' "c .. i.., aflcr h1~ •:­

)C'lhllJ \\lfe f am<1r3, ~\ho hJ\ l'-ccn ... m~ing the Ill\ \Hl.l'> tur at lc3'-1 c1ghl \CJr' 'tJT tc,I


Final showdown tonight for proposed water rate increase s, LOI A tn BJ~' l 03 s•a:- \'t itr

<..O~ I \ ~lL~A - ~k~;i c .. 1%baltJ.1t u \\.a t .. r D ,1r ..t \ tt .... 1, , re c\;i ... ..tcd tu r.11 ... \\ Jte r r.11c' h~ .1, much a~~: p .. ·r...c.·nt t d.I\ •l J ... p.m pull II.: bud.gel hc.m n~ l'n Pl.i .... n11.1 \\ l'nuc.

\ I JnJlul ,,1 cu1iC'n' protc:,tc:d th,· pro· p\i....:J h1l..c .1t .1 I ut1l1, hcanng l':lrl1 ·r 1 111~ 11\\IOlh J:l\"llnllflg Ll\lt th,11 the TCC\lml1'C lldCJ

S 1-. null1\1n llud~ct .. lml~un' more thi.ln SQ5,l IL, lu\cr i; '3rd LI dire t,1r op r "<.:' 'uch a .. traH~I C\pcn'c' anJ Ice:-. 1hC' othc1 b arc pJ1J to .1ucnJ mc:c:11ng'

La't \c:ir. h'r m'tan .. c:. thlard m1;mb'c.: r ... pent more thlln S~t ) lrJ\ el. ns I\\ It> con fcrcm:e' 1i:i l ,,, \Cl! '' \ Jncuu' r :ind thwughllUt C.ilalLlrn1J

"These poor school kids," said Rene Gomez, eying Wagner's two luxury cars while wailing in line. "This guy took evcry~nc's lax money - he hould be a hamed of himself."

100,000·malc automobile. ''The notorie1y means nothing."

What a steal: $130,000 garage sale not sold The h1ghc,1 "1d \ n th¢ hou\e - SSQ0.000 - \\ ·'' rCJCCted bcCJUW 11 fell ,1wr1

And \\llhm dJ~ ::ihcr <innoun 1n~ a pro po ... cd r.11c h1!..c IJ'l mo1 th. General Manager l\.Jrl h..c.:mp and all f1H J1r('Clllf' drc~ lnll · (llr Jlltndmg a \\eddong l 1kc I ,,h,,c t\lnh: re nee th~1 Clhl .. u'wmcf'I ncarl\ _ Q,Q( 1

\V3gner, 40, awaiting a June 11 sentencing date in Orange County


Bui notoriety meant ever) thing to Cornna dcl Mar phy)ician Larry Harrison , who ~pent S70 to buy the cl.ii.~ ring Wagner wore al Ca~on High School. "1 hat's \\h,1t I cumc here for." he said.

r----------.., ..................... ~ .............................. , .... . , ................................................................. . Morning Briefmg

of an earlier olfer Aucuoncc r Don Coultl. r tnple· tongucd hi " ·" 1hrlrngh the

.Ji 1 of Cur,. JC\\Cb. Jrl\\ ork and furniture an a 'mall. ,tu(l\ nx'm See WAGNER A15

\\ .itcr olt11:1al' ':i~ the~ plan to cut tr;iH' I C\p1.11'c' ''~ mlirc than h.111 in the ptl'PO cd f1,c:il )9Q~ .Q.i lmanc1:il plan, hut f)\)lflt 1 ut that the 3\lnf.' '"' mim,.uk an pr1.'port1on I\, the dl\tflCt\ f'lllJCCtcJ s I m1lhlJO ddii."11

ICSIJE Inside Weekend NUMBERS TO CAU INOO . Remembering Hidi Tollway confusion's Weekend scdion gets the drift Al

AA H1d1 J.i Ratliff - ~1 SC'nior at Did John Cox really ~now of the Or.lnge Co.l t's newest Wtt"day b4~ -4 3)3 81 (())tJ Me!KI H1th $(.hoot that a toll would be attraction: "Sire s Breaker Cruises." A14 when h wa~ illed in th • charged on a stretch of Monday through Thur>c.Jay e\lening1, you CLJ\':>~lf 1£D .\0) 642-5678 8'l ndtron 's second-worst Newport Coast Drive? u n leave your ~ork d•y behind and

RETAIL ADS 64' 2·4321 . 18 airhnl' d1!.clSlN 'hill lx• Debate rages, but the un\\-ind on a sail~t for • thrtt-hour A8 remembered 1n J o:,pcnJlly Huntington Beach tour (yes, a three-hour tour) through the NE\ VSROO.\\ 540· 12~4 .. A6 dc..1gned trop~ t.lw to be councilman ~lid it was only Newport 5.lilina Club. • A10 unv •11 ~Mon JY lhc semantical confusion Also in Wttkcnd, whkh you•U find NE\\ f A) 64() 41- l

• ron . 11 f."' '~ molht.>r ha~ wJ1lC'd Monday when he Indicated Inserted into today's Food section: the

l tOTLINE b42·t>0Rb C'o.41 C-....wt~ ,,,,_., IM,.

w years for th • ~hool to he was "surpt1~" by the 61 st annual Scottish Festival at tM C<>t>t"&hl '"l 0

honor dau htl·r .. S<.>t• \6 toll plans .. X't· t\9. Orange County fairground . PORTS 6'41·43 tO ~ .. ,.-1.._ ... ,._.,.,...



A2 Thursday. May 27, 1993 Newport Beach/Coata Meaa DaJly Pit

Locals 0 n I y Managing Editor Steve Marble, 642-4321 ext. 366

Original owners have clean slate at Bergstrom'S

..._ ________ F :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Streetwise

B ERGSTROM'S CLEANER , located on the Coast Highway in Corona del Mar across from the Port Theater, is having

a special on laundered hirts for men and women. Dring in a minimum of four shirts, and the cleaning will cost SI per shirt.

Dcrgstrom's Cleaner , recently reacquired by its original O\\ ners, has had a rocky three )'Cars 1molving three different o'' ner . Now that founder Neale Bergstrom. is back -and is training his daughter Jeneale to put out top. quJlity dry cleaning services - customers are happy once again.

Today's Question

What is the

best show on TV?

How about the worst?

(asJ..ed at Costa Mesa High

Photos and inteniews by Lee Payne


"Beverly Hills

90210 is the only Prince of Bel Air.

show I watch . The It's really fun ny.

Simpsons are the Married With Chil-

worst." dren is the worst."


"Martin is best. He's "living Co or is "Martin is pretty

funny. There a re so pretty funny. Won- funny, but I'm

many bad shows, it's der Years is defi- gelling really tired of

hard to pick, but nitely the worst." Full House."

Beverly Hills 90210 DEMETRIO MARCIAS BERTA SALAS does it for me." Ne\~port Beach Costa Mesa

KOO KIM Costa Mesa

Best Buys

Jeneale says that many people who have their clothe dry-cleaned become dil>couraged when their clothes come back gray or

-----· di colored. Jeneale says that the problem is that many dry cleaners try to sa'e money b) not replacing cleaning oh·ents, Ou1d'>, '>Oaps and filte~ in their machines. The end rc.,ult b th~t the accumulated dirt has no where to go except back onto the clothes.

....._r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::: Cityside ._____F:.:: Public Record

At Derg trom's, they pride themselves in keeping their machines clean and using sofL water on laundered items, "hich is more gentle on clotht?S than recycled water or hard water.

All dr)r cleaning and laundry is done on the premise.,, and as far a pnces go, Bergstrom's Cleaner did a price SUl"\-ey at local dry cleaners, and chose to be lower than most of their competitors.

Price~ include: men's suits, S7.50; men 's and women's pant , S3.50; ties, S3.50; dresse • $7.50, and ladies blouses, S3.25. All prices are subject to an increase depending on if the clothes arc long-sleeved, white, linen, silk, lined or pleated. Laundered shl!'ts regularly priced at S 1.35.

TUE FORGOTTEN \\ O~tAN (721-0888) is having a Mcmonal Day ~ale starting today through Monday, M:.i) 31. The \ale includes pr~iousl> reduced ncm~ that \\Crc discounted 30 to 70 percent, and now are reduced an additional 50 percent for the sale.

The Forgotten Woman, located on the third level of the Alnum Court at Fa!>hion hland. carries designer fashions in large sizes only. Fa!>hions include dressy to ca'lual clothes. and a selection of b.ith1ng suns in sizes 14 to 24.

0 THE CALIFORNL<\ FLOWER MARKET, a "holesalc 00\o,er shop, sells Oo"'erll at low prices, but bewa~e. 1f )OU like your flower arranged, cleaned, put in vases or delivered, }OU won't find tho~c services here .. Caeser (Tyler Hosseini) is slain by Flavius (Shane Wilde) and Cinna (Christina Lange).

The Flo\loer Market afford to sell flower at wholesale prices because it's a no frill operation. What }Ou "'ill find are bcauuful flowers that reflect the season.

All the world's their stage Sunflowers are in season now, and they' re

a\ailable at Sl.50 a stem. The rose season is coming up oon. and you'll find ton of beauuful ro es. Most flower'.> arc sold by the bunch - U)ually 10 - but the more expen"11\C flowers are sold by the stem.

The California Flowe r Market (650-5700) I!> located on Wc~t 16th Street in Newport Beach, between Monrovia and Placentia-.

0 Best llu)s nppear J lwrsdays nnd Saturdnys. Whether JOu're D merch:mt or n shopper, if JOU knou of 11 good buy, I'd lo•t to give JOU

some publicit). Cpl/ mt at 5-10-IZU, fax me :it 646-4170 or .+rite to me: Btst Buys, Dnily Pilot, JJO W. Bay S t., Costa M es:i, Cnlll 92627.

ntE ~lWPORT BlAC'H • C'C~,.A ME.'\A

DailJPillL VOL. 87,NO. 128

COSTA MESA· Friends, Romans. Countrymen, lend them your ear.

You won't believe it They are children as young as 5 staging a

ll\e outdoor performance of Julius Caesar. That's William Shake penre's Julius Cae­

sar, modified only lllightly to accommodate two narrators.

And they do it ...,.ith gusto. Children at the Kline School here have

been y,.ork1ng for about four weeks to un­derstand and memorize the play. Recited in ill> original Old English, the Mudcnts will stage their 45 to 50 minute version Thur~­day at 1 :30 p m. before family and friends.

"Old l:ngll'>h just rolls off their tongues a'> easily a\ 1( Richard Durton were doing it," said Susan Kline, owner, director and instructor at the school.

It's an ambitiou!> undertaking, but pro·


Ne~por1 Beach: 65/S6 O.ilbo.a: 65156 Co '" Me 1 : 67/58 Coron.a del Mu: 66/S6

ducing a Shakespearian play seems to go along with the overall feeling at KJinc School.

And KJine works hard to make Julius Caesar as authentic as possible. W11h ap­propriate props and costumes, the children spent about one mon th preparing for their outdoor performance.

··we do this as outdoor theater. and we want to set the ambiance," Kline said.

This is the fourth year the KJinc School has produced Shakespeare, and Kline said the productions will continue. Each of- the school's 42 student has a part in the play.

Kline said producing Shakespeare re­quires a commitment from both the chil­dren and the teachers. Children have to give up some weekend time while learning lines.

- By C•thy 1Verblln

LOCATION SIZE SHAl'l Hunllnfllon 2-4 Nrwport leKh 4·S good COf'on• dt'I M•r 2-4 (•Ir ugvn• luch 1-l s.n delMflt~ 2-4 f•lr

Copyr1gt11 No ~ storlCS, 1l!US11itions. ed1 totl<ll tNtt~ at ICM>rttittMnlS heretn INY tw ~produced without writt~ ~SK>n cl copyngflt owner

TODAY Low clouds 1nd p1tchy co.tst•I

fog will c~•r by mldd.ay to sunny skies .and w<11rmer temperatures.

Ocun T~•ture. 62

TIU TOOAV fir\I Illich firtl lw. S«ond hip S4ot ond '°"' fa I DAV

,_ ......... ~~

.... °""' °"" ,~ OMmf ........ ~ .... ~~

... '"""' Orc.ulldon OWaot ............. ~M. ..

u..a..-,,.. ...... _.,

How to reach us at The Pilot Circul.tion Or~nge County 642·•333

Ad\iertfslng Cl~ssifted 642-5678 Display 6'42-'4321

Editorial ~ 540-122'4 Spotb 642 -4330 ~. ~pom (u 646-4170

Main OMc. 8u~m Offt<e 642 '4121 8\1\tne» (u 6l 1 · S902

RE:AIT The ~Hlhtr Is doing 1 ~run.

M0tnlng low clouds and p.11tchy fog clearina p.1111~ly In lhe .afttrnOOf'lt through Saturdaiy. --No coast.II acMtoriet post~. light v1riab&e wtftdt 1htftin1 Southwnt to wnt 10 to 1 S •nots with 2-bJc Mat, 4·foot

toUthwnlftfy '""· '*hr co.utal fot. low momlna clou4t and p111111 dearint tltl• aft.ntOOR. ...... '-fw· S,JJ • "'~: 7:'9 ""'·

C) - () 0

··~lhtp first loW ~oftd hip Sfc'oftd loW


1:23 •.m. 4.6 1:0 a.m. 0.0 J ;S1 p.m. 4.1 t . ts 'm. l .4

l :U Lift . .. 1 9:.-0 a."'. O. l 4:.-0 p.m . 4 6

10:••P·"'· U


BUSINESS LICENSES New business license information

reported by the cities of Cosl.i Meu .ind Ne"'port Beach

COSTA MESA E.irl Oldch o( Olrich Oe\-eloping

Co. J1 l.881 Eur~ 011\.t'-, kt>\'in Kennlln o(ll'.ennan

Consulting .ii 1 OJ4 V,1lcnc1J SI t.. J.inet Ivans o( \'\~e l OLole Ha\\.iii .11 I 7 2"' Supert0r A\ e "' Heidi Miller of Tight Assets JI .HJ 1

Btw St Felipe Carci.t o( Felipe's T .u Jl 7.i S


c Ch.uif Tabb;ir• of STC Tr.11ding & ln,estments Co ltd at 4000 '-\.1c i\rthur Bh.d

Morris Orul of Ou ._,or Comtruction .'It 11 J<) l L.1 \ C'ICd.i DmP

Arman ,erC•).ln of Penninsul.i Cloners JI JJOS "-t "P' •1 81\d

rr.lnL Po~ch ill 410 3ht SI

.J i..irk Bt\ an ol Mobile Car S.ilon .ll

1 )44 l)nwoud Pl.i~c

• ~GES

\lo-t rCYt'nt m.ur1J ~h J• rt p.•rc d t tht• OrJn>.¥ (punt)- R~'<.orc~r' Oll•lt'

COSTA MESA Dean R. B.irLer m.1rried C)'nthl.i M .

ldelbrooL c,.n '\..I\' 1 in BrcJ Juon P. Goml'l mJir1ed Sh")'I M

Sc.h.i,io u'1 \\.l~ I 1n .\n.lht••m • ~sac H1br,w.1 m.111u .. -d Aid.i kh.idcr

on \\J\ l "' "-r1.1h1 1m • Jel(rt') A. llp\hHh ITIJllll-d Rulhil'

"-•l'lscn on \\.h l 1n /l.;t'"P' t Bt.,ll Stepht•n J 8.irford mamcd Mon.1

._, 1lJrah1m .. n "J>ril JO 1n ~nr.l "-n,1

NEWPORT BEACH .J Ch.inning terebure m.irrot.-d Jennifer A. Re) nold on M.iy I, 1n '<"''port Be.ic. h

Judd W. Wunsch married Suunne P. Willis on April 1 7. in Newpon BNch

Robert Venezi• m.imed Tracy l. W.itLins on ._,J., 1 in L.:isun.i ,.._, •uel

John S. CoopN m.imed l.iur.i A. Strong in 11.1..,~ 1 in r-.e-. ... port B<'.l, h T •


Bristol Street: In the "JOO (jlock tools and camer;i-. "ere ~tolen la~I Fr1dJy from il storeJge room at the Countryside Inn hotel.

\Vest Wilson Street: In the 500 bloc.I... !>Omeone >tole a bike l<ht Tw>day 1n front o( the lmperi.11

Pomona Avenue: A bike that wJ loded to a lence 1n the 1800 block "J) disco\ ered <;tolen 5.lturday

Windsor Court: A bike Wcl'I

di-;covered stolPn Saturday from .1 fenced-in y.ud in the 3400 bloc I..

NEWPORT BEACH Newport OeJth information v. as not available.

.....______,F:::::::::::: Lottery

Super lotto WednMay. May 27 Jackpot. SJ 2 million 1, JS, 36, 45, 46, S 1


• Heart ..... .. . ........ 9 • Club ...................... K.ina • D1:imond ............. . .. CJ

• Spadcs ............................ 3

On the cover ThP p.MtinR of Pel1c,1n

Hill Is by the fate Jane London .ind featured on the Newport Bt-ach 1993 calend<Jr.


Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot " Thursday, May 27, 1993 Aa

Question: Would you go into business with Sid Softer? Q uestions for the Newport-Mesa Answer

Man . . .

I read where the le1endal')' Sid Soffer and restaurateur Bari')' Hermanson. panners in the Blue Beet Care. have been fighting ner since the pair decided to go Into business together in 1988. The predictable results: court orders. lawsuits, bankruptcy and - Monday - the closing or one

WHllam Lobdell Editor's


or Newport's most rnmous bars. The obvious question for

anyone who's followed Soffer's endless battles with the city or Costa Mesa over the past decade (and Newport Beach before that): Why " ould anyone go into business with Sid?

Good question. Do you have an answer,

Answer Man? For this one, there is no

answer. I'm off to a bad start. Then how obout advice? I have some for Hermanso n.

the owner of successful Kaplan's restaurant, who is asking for

half-a-millton dollars for the Blue Beet business he allege Soffer ruined: run, don't walk, away from the entire mess.

Even if you los~ some money, )Ou' ll save )Our c;a nity. If you don't believe me, ask veteran Soffer

opponents Allan Roeder, Costa Me a city manager, or Judge Suzanne Shaw.

The readers seem to be quite pas ionate about Trlanele Square. What do )'OU think or it?

It' the Charles Barkley of Costa Mesa. People love it, hate it, but , either way, c:in't stop talking about it. And like Sir Charles, it's also a winner.

llow would you improve It? Build a pedestrian bridge between Triangle

Square :ind the CourtyanJs shopping center across the street. This would ensure the success of downtO\\n redevelopment. The parking's easier at the Courtyards, and the move would help generate more foot traffic for both retail centers.

An) thing else?

I 'd also stop tO\\ing cars and trucks parked illegally in Trinngle Square. It 's bnd PR. and besides, I 'd imagine that most offenders are

genuinely confused by the parking structu re -which seems to act like the Bermuda T riangle on your sen'>es.

Docs South Coast Pia.ta ton cars? If you park atop a fire hyd ra nt, you might get a

f ncndly warning. lion 's the Costa l\le u Countr) Club doing

since the cit)' or Costa l\ksu llrh atiLed its operati on?

The t\\O 18-hole golf cou rses h<t\l! ne,cr been in better sh:ipt! T his wou ld he mon: C\ ilk nee

that privatization is the wave of governmen1's future.

Did the starter get friendl)' now that the course is privately run?

1 believe all golf course starters. thi-, one included, go to the OMV charm chool.

\\'hot "ill be the next hot community debate?

The school -voucher initiative. which would give parenis a $2,500 tax credit fo r each child in private chool. You won' t be abl:

10 attens a barbecue th is summe r \\ll hout 1alking about it.

\\'ill it puss? Too early to tell. You have a lot of dMJll'>hcd

p.1rcnts ..on ·one ide, a O~l\\·Cd but appealing in1t1a1 ivc in the middle, and scores ot special inte rests groups fighting fo r thei r life on the other fighting. Should be interesting.

ll ow obout the traffic-impact rre debate in Costa l\tesa? Are you happy.~ith the compromhc that seems to be in the n orks?

Sure, but !here arc bigger b"ucs here. Nl1 I How could city ta fr propo.,cd such

:1 ... tronom1ca l fees in the fi rst p!Jcc..) Hem could 'lt.1l1Cr'i, \\ ith a Straight face. rCl.0lllmenc.J th ti J

t) pka l IJ)t-food restaura nt tn the cat) pa~ morl. . SM0.000 for the ne'\ traffic 11 generates 1

Nu, :!: Does a new fast-food rc,tJu rant in the l.11) C\Cll generate any ..idditional trJffic? An:n·1

Around Town r::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·:::::.:::::::. ··::::::::·· ·:::::::·.::::::: .. ··:·::::::·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

the car out on the street alreadv'! Or are we expected 10 believe re)ident:. of Garden Grove '"" say, ··oh, look. A new McDonald') has opened an Co ta Mesa! Le t' go dO\\ n and clog their street '>' "

And No. 3 Why d idn' t an~one on the council ay, ''Thi is o utrageous Go back to the drawing

board" before developers th reatencd 10 sue. 'o )OU're nguinst the fce"t?

I leek no. The issue here 1<. fai rness Residents ot CostJ Mc.-,a, mysel f included, '"ant de,e lopers to pay their fair share. But dc\ clopc!!> shouldn'1 ha,e •to pay for 1he sins of the p:l<;t, \\hen 1he Cit> Council gave awn) the store.

\\bat do 'OU make of the IUCtiOn Of min~, luAuf) car "and other items om:e O\\ ntd by school dhtrict embeuler "tephen \\ agner?

C ouldn't ha\e been run bc ttcr Wcll-publtc1zed. Articles an .tit the papers before the auc11on L<m ot interest .

generated. The city ot Nc~port [k.ach. \\hich hcld the .1uc11on ot Its embezzler\ property in ne,1r secrCl.) (as 1l .tlso dad "ith the " People's Puri..'' propc~).. could leJrn !l le~) Jn

\\ c're runn ing out ot ,p.11.:~ h ·rl One more 4t.c.: 't r pfca,c ~IH Finals. \\110 ' 'i ll be there'! Who ~ill "in? '-c'' 'i ork Kn lk., an 6 O\t.r the;. Phocnl\ Suns H'1Jli:lm Lubdt·ll I\ tlw editor.

LOCAL EWS 0 LY Friday, May 28

Senior Forum - "O A.R E' and the Coalition for NJllOn.11 Drug Pol cv Change "ill be d1!>Cussed Jt th<· Senior Ho'>p1tality Forum, to be held from 9 to 11 a.m at the Costa i\ \l><,.1 Senior Center, Pomona and West 19th, Costa Ml')<! For mort-1nformat10'" call 646-2170

Club - Kathy Vl'rh0\0 \cn, \\ tie of lormer major .. d1Jll p1tc.her John Verhul'\ 1 •n, "111 bt! the gue~I speakt:'r at tlw l':l•\\pOrt Chnstian \,\ omen') tun lwon, to . be held from 11 30 am. 10 2 p.m at the Balboa Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast Hwy., Ne>Npml BeJch Cost

S 10 tor ,,, Procet'<h \•. 111~o10 the Re\lt,1lw11ion 01 Oo.,nto,.,11 Corona Del M;ir, ncl You~h -J>Olb

Program) tnr tlw P.irJ.;, U1-achl'

Wednesday, June 9 Speak Up Newport -

l' l' ntw pJramed1c program being imp t•mcnted in the cit\ will be the

To ~ubscnoe to the Oil 1\ Pnut, lall the circulation dep~rtment at G~2-·H33.

Monday, May 31 Memorial Day Service

is $10. for more 1nfurmat1on. call 760-9616.

Saturday, June 5 Corona del Mar 5 K -

The 12th annual Corona del Mar SK. !>ponsored b~ Coa"i Nt:.>,.,.pvrt Properties, v. ill be held be~1nning at 8 a.m. The fee is S 1 S for runners,


;md Recrl'.lt1nn DPpJrl1'lw '

Sunday, June 6 Move-a-fong-a-thon -

Th• \ml•r can (ancc·r , ., rt"\. 1.11 C.1h1 1rni.l Y.111 h :>Id ,, no 1 ompt.t111-.e, 5~

MO\ e·;i long-a-thon" :>tarting .11 Ne\\pnrt Dunes on ll•e Back Ba\. Re5.'>tration begin'> .ll 6 .1.m. and the \ \ c:olern thenw e' ent beg'" Jt 9 a.rn. For de1,1il:.. c.1tl 75 1-0.J i 1.


- American Legion Po'>t 291 will hold a Memorial Day set'\ Ke at 10 a m al Pacific View Memorial Park, 3500 Pacific \1e, .. Dr .. Newport Beach rollO\\ 1ng the !>efVICe, gue>ls Jre invited to a reception at the po'>l heJdquarter> at 21 5 15th St on the BalboJ Peninsub For information, c.111 6:' 3-50"'0

Tuesday, June 1

ConflJtnua.l loar.) hesd ~:i th<' tqu:ty m your homt or othu ru l esl3tt Wt are l(">(al d:rt\1 !t:i ~er~ 11.\th ita!>Onablt ra•t.s prOV1dmg profusic i\al sel'fce

Ca!i now an~ ca.~ 11.ilh ont of our ownm to d1scuu your opt:ol'.s N•rport HotH LoatJ, lac. Since 1978

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ub1\:1 l of a presentation by :--:~.,port Beach Fire Chief Tim Riley .11 tht" gl·nt-ral meeting oi Speal.. Ltp Nt•\\ port to be he rd up~tcl tr) at the \ '111,1 l"'m J Restaurant. Reception bc~·ns at 3 30 p.m . the program at t> 15 for details, call 542-4226

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M ThLnday, May 27, 1993

Business Watch ! ::::::: :::: ::::~ ::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Donmar Ltd. to develop new fire detectors for aircraft

Newport Beach-based Doomar Led. bas been awarded a $650,000 contract from the Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab to develop a new type of fire detector for aircraft applications.

Under the contract, Donmar will develop functional prototype test units of its patented Machine Vision Fire Detection System. The new concept, which replicates the process of the human eye in identifying a fire, provides fast, reliable and false-alarm-proof protection for aircraft, cargo and passengers.

Margaret Goedeke, Donmar's chief executive, said the technology has broad applications for military and commercial aircraft and for industrial and municipal builrungs.

I 0 The McAdams Group in Newport Beach tras been named a

winner of a silver Telly in the 1993 Telly Awards competition. The silver Telly is the highest honor awarded in the national

competition, which showcases outstanding film and video productions and non-network commercials.

Please send news about your Newport Beach or Costa Mesa business to The Doily Pilot's business ttlitor, Tony Cox, at 330 ~Y. Bay St., Costa Mesa, 92627.


Up the Ladder r:::::::::::~:~:::: : :::: :::: :::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Huntington Beach resident Roger Rhoades, a 19-ycar veteran of the Orange County real estate business, has been named general m~ager of C<:?111mcrcial real estate brokerage Bishop Hawk's Newport Beach office. He joined the firm last year.

Please send your announcements to Tbt D•ily Pilot's business editor, Tony Cox, at JJO lV. Bay St., Cost.a Mesa, 92627.

'1'11111-•---'8.95/119 II ,..~ ... --. -·92.751*8

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Business J

Businn1 Editor Tony Cox, "642-4321, ext. 371

New cable rules: 2 premium channels dro•ed ...,. Federal regulations force Dimension Cable to add a Christian station and a Spanish-language network and eliminate The Movie Channel and pay-per-view. By Tony Cox Bilslness Editor

NEWPORT BEACH - New federal regulations have forced Newport Beach­based Dimension Cable Services to drop two premium channels and reduce two others to part-time status in order to make room for four relatively obscure stations.

Under the new regulations, effective June 2, cable systems must carry all quali­fied non-comme rcial systems in their mar­ket, and they must dedicate at least one· third of their channels to the market's commercial stations. The Los Angeles met­ropolitan market, which includes Orange County, has 26 licensed commercial sta­tions and four non-commercial stations.

For the 38-channel Dimension, which has 6,500 customers in Newport Beach and another 36,000 in other parts or the coun­ty, the new law resulted in the dropping or The Movie Channel and a pay-per-view service, as well as reducing The Weather Channel and Dimension 's other pay-pcr­view service to part-time status. Under the so-called forced-carry rule, Dimension will add a Christian station, a Spanish-language station and small stations in Corona and San Bernardino.

Comcast Cablevision, which has 90,000 subscribers in the county, including 18,000 in Newport Beach, could be forced to drop as many as five channels to make room for must-carry stations. The other local cable system, Copley Colony Cablevision, which has 22,600 subscribers in Costa Mesa, has enough channels available to meet the new requirements without dropping any cable stations. ,

Dimension spokesperson Susan Ritchie said it was difficult to drop popular pre­mium services in favor of the new forced­carry stations. In fact, she said, the com-


pany may accelerate a facilities-upgrade project that will allow it tO add more chan­nels.

Mark Stucky, Dimension's general man­ager, said the company has filed a waiver for special relief with the Federal Com­munications Commission, which, if grant­ed , could forestall the programming changes.

Complicating matters further is a.noth~r new regulation that allows commercial sta­tions that don't opt for must-carry status to try to command fees for use of their sig­nals, a measure called retransmission con­sent.

Stucky said popular commercial stations, such as major networLa!filiates, may try to command fees in the range of 30 cents to 70 cents monthly per subscriber.

Jeff Davis, government affairs director with Copley Colony. said retransmission consent may result in higher rates for cus­tomers or in cable companies dropping some major commercial stations.



The Mesa Con 'Olidated Water District Board o f Directo~ will consider the staff-proposed budget for 1993-1994. Copies of the draft annual budget will be available for public review after April 22, 1993. You are invited 10 attend one or both of the following public hearing on this mailer:

Thursday, May 6, 1993 3 p.m.

Thursday, May 13, 1993 7 p.m.

The budget is scheduled for adoption by the Board at the Thursday. May 27. 1993. 7 p.m. meeting.


The Me a Con olidatcd Water Dis1ric1 Board of Direc1ors is con idering an increase in rate . The last increase was effective January I . 1992. The Di tric t faces increases in water co lS fro m wholesale water suppliers, impacts due to State budgcl change . . continued co ts for o ngoing operations/maintenance and local water y tern development, additional regula1ory costs. and environmental resto ration co ts . You are invited to attend o ne or both of the follow-ing public hearing on this matter: Thursday, May 20, 1993 3 p.m.

Thursday, May 27, 1993 7 p.m.

A rate incre~e is scheduled for adop1ion by the Board at the May 27th, 1993. 7 p.m. meeting.

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Newport Beach/Costa Meaa OaUy Piiot Thursday, May 27, 1993 Al

Founder of athletic device company pulls for Bulls, exposure By Tony Cox Business EIMof

As Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls try to overcome the New York Knick nnd advance to the

NBA Finals, local residents Garrett Sisley and Matt Bowen will be on the e~ges of their seats, pleading fo r a victory.

But Sisley and Bowen aren't Chicago natives, or even big Bulls fans. They. happen to have a vested business interest in the Bulls gett ing past the Knicks and gaining the exposure offered by the NBA Finals.

The 26-)CSM>ld Sisley is founder of a

Appointment Calendar

Tuesday, June 1 Sterling Awards - "fhe

Sterling CouQcil will present its Sterling Awards, which recognize quality impro"ement in the buSine!>s, government and non-profit sectors, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in a dinner ceremony at the Irvine Barclay Theater. Tickets are S 150 per couple and S750 for lO·seal sponsors. For information, call 476-2242.

Brown Bag lunch Series - The Newport Center library will host a free program presented by Clifford Cooper, author of "The Runt Pig Principle," as part of its Brown Bag Lunch series. The program_begins at noon. Registration is not nec~!Hlry. For information, call 644-3 181

Thursday, June 3 Difficu1t People - •

National Seminars Inc will pre)ent a program entitled · How to Handle Dirficult People," from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Bristol Plaza in Costa MeSJ . CQ<,t for the workshop 1s S69. For information and registration. call (800)258-7246.

Issues in High-Tech -The Chubb Croup Of Insurance Companies will hCht a ..em1nar on insurance risks and other i!t)Ue) racing the electronic' and hish-t~h industrie), beginning \\1th an 8 15 a.m. breakfast at Le MernJ1en Hotel in Ne\'.pOrt OeJch. For reg1strJt1on and 1nformat1on, CJll 252-4900.

Tuesday, June 8 Interviewing

Techniques - The Ne" pon Center library \\111 ho-.t a progrJm on inter\ ie-."ng technique'.> a~ pJrt of its BrO\-.n Bag lunch ~enes. beginning at noon m the l1br,1f) '.., Community Room Reg1stra t1on 1' not ne<:esSJry. For 1nformat1on. t.111 644-3191

Roundtable for Women - The RoundtJble for \\omen '"" host its monthly dinner meNing. beginning \>\1th net" orl... ing at G p.m. at Le Merid1en I lotel in Ne~port Beach. Co,t i~ $20 in advance and S25 at the door. for reservat1on!t and inform,llion, c<ill 85 1-2270.

Wednesday, June 9 90-Minute Business

Boost - The Costa Me~ Chamber of Commerce " ill ho'.>t 1t'.> 90-Minute Busme)!t Boo.,t Ort>, from 7: 15 a.m to 8 45 am at the Holiday Inn Bristol in Co .. ta Mesa. Ca:.t is S 15. For informJt1on. call 574-8780

Managin_g a Multi-Elllmc Workplace -The Merchants & Manufacturer) A"50C1at1on will pr<.')ent a semin,1r on succ~sf ul management 1n a multi-ethnic '"orkplace, from 9 a.m. lo 4 p.m. at the Sheraton Newport. Cost 1s S 185 fur members 'and S220 for non-members for information, call 558· 1 550

Thursday, June 10 Police Awards The CChta

Mesa Chamber of Commerce will h())t 1tS 30th al' police award) lunch. from 11:30 .1.m. to 1:15 p.m. al the Costa Mesa Coif & Country Club. Cost is S 1 S al the door. For information, call 574 -8780

Saturday, June 12 ABWA Fashion Show -

The American Bus1ne c; Women Association will h())t its .mnual fashion show and brunch, from 9 a.m. to 2 p m. at the 8Jlboa Bay Club 1n Newport Beath Co)t 1~ S3S. For reservations .rnd information, all 843-0576

Tuesday, June 15 The Resume: A First

Impression - The Ne\\port Center Library will !l())t a free progrJm on r~ume , beginning .it noon in the library's Community Room. The program I) p.irt of the librdry's Brown Bag Lunch series. for information, call 644-.31 91 .

l'lrast stnd your c•ltnd•r announcrmtnts to TM DMly Pllot'1 bu1inn• .dltw, Tony Co.I(, •I 330 W. lq st., C0tta ~ 92621.

company called J.U. Sport, which he run out of his home in Costa Mesa. One of the products he developed is a wrist support called WRAPS, which prevents hyperextension, but allows an athlete to have full range of motion in the joint.

Bowen, who is a part-time murketing director fo r 1.U. Sport , sent a sample of WRAPS to Chicago Bulls trainer Chip Schaeffer after learning that Jordan hurt his wrist earl ie r in the playoffs. To Bowen's surpri e - Schaeffer receives hundreds of products from manufacturers because of the exposure his players can provide - Jordan decided to wear WRAPS in practice)

and games tbrough the rest or the plaY,offs.

• Chip called and said they needed a few more bec.tuse Michael h~cd it and wa going to \\Car 1t," Bowen Jid. " I'd like to sec the Oulls take 1his to the finals .. . becau'>c each tune he "'cars It , the better off we arc."

Said Sislc>- " We 're -.cry c:mtcd. h 's a rc:illy good product, and ii's ju'it proot when one of the best Jthlctcs in the world is wcarin~ 11."

The ChicJgo fribunc made reference to the new \Hist support in •tn arucle about Jord,rn'o; injury. bu t the stol') didn't name the product or I L . Sports.

Bowen sa1c.J l. U. Sport' \\Oil ' t be able

to ad\.crti\e Jordan's use of WRAPS because of the huge endor ement fee the superstar \\Ould command The company is only three years old. he said, and is JUSt beginning to develop a network of retail dealers.

But Bowen said the Jordan coup will open doors for the company For example, he aid 1he Rams are already pl.rnning to u'>e WRAPS. and he pl•rns 10 pitch the product to every other pro football team

'" \Vhen l conwct Nf L 1rainers, .. ome of tht: flr't "ord'> out of my mouth urc ·The RJms :ire using u' and •Jon.I an ' ' using 1t,' · Bo\\en SJtt.I . " People Jre calling us no" . h 's kind of ni t: .'~



Indqxndcncc One ltmk l)l l .1lik)1111.1 .. ,, Ill'...,) l lll l\) l"'l">erlL'lkl'

a nl'\\ d1mcn~1l.1n m!_ \\L l)lk1 ,.)LJI LtblL'll ll'b

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,1LLt)Llt1l \\lll lll\\.'"'l .b ll1tH:h llllk .b 11L'll"''"•lr\ lll llldLhl,llld )'L)Ur unique n:qwn:mt·ni...., then "l'I k h.trd ll) ,11bl) thrm thn)ugh cxccpl1<..m.1l .... cn ltl'" .md qu.1lrt) pn,dud ..... t krc c:.. .m cx.1111rk

EW RELATIO HIP BA Kl0:(; PACKAGE Thi~ p.Kkagc t1l l'...,-..cnu.1I h.mk111l'. "'l'I\ Ill'" b tk· .... 1gnL·d ll'I' tlll'"'L'

"ht) d(' l',t1.1"1rd111.1n "L n ILL <. \'11\ cn11. .. ·11L c .md high rctunh lr\1111 thl'll l111.111t 1.d llblltlllh '11 It'..., .m lndL 1x:ndrnu· One B,mk cxdu .... 1n>-111tq!,rattng h1~h 1L1ur11~ dwlktng \\ llh \\ .11' L'd -..crYICl' ch.lrgL·~. l)\ L 1 duh p1 l 'll d ll '11 .u 1d .m . \I \I l .\Id · \\here we c.k )f1 't p.b .... L)f1 11.Ul"lL lit '11 lu' .... I l'~.lh I It-..:-, l ,, tlk . \ l \ l 1n.ll'hmc \nu L h1Josc LO LbL'


4.34°k A UAL YIELD, 4.25°/o 10:T RES1 RATE The high rctun1 on your Rd.lltlll1~hq1 B.mk1111J., P.llk.1g"' i....

mcn:h the st.111 <..) I the nl.111\ hcnclib 'l ,u JI L'l1IP\ .tl I

lndcpcndcno: One Bank .\. ..... l,t1L' l'I ~l)utht-rn l .lhkm11.1\ strongcst b.111k ..... "1th L'arn.11 uul)..., 1.11 L '" L'cd 111g tL'l!,ttbt"rr' requircmcnt-.., \\'l' h,1\t: ihe rc"'t'llltl'"' .md t'' lx·11r11le l1..) help }'OU ,1Chtl'\l' \c,.)lll llll,lnl'l..11 pp.lJ..., \...,J._ ll 'I \~1lll ulJ'\ 1..)l 1..)ll f

current r-m.mr1.1l l ltghhghh RLj1t'n \\ hL'l1 \l)ll u'mt 111.

SEE WHERE THE MART MO EY I HEADl G One bnd n s1t \\ill demt)lhlt.Ul' 11l)\\ lndq~ndl'l1u' One ltmk of c._1hlt)1111a can meet > t)llt 1x· r~1..'n.1l lm.mL 1.ll lll.'l'd"' "11 h .1 more pcr~onah::ed .... 1 »·le <..)I h.m king 1 h.ll 'l 'll .. md de~'nl' I hough l.1r .1p~ln lrl)nl u'll\l.'nlh'tul ..... \\L l"L

nghL here m \'L)Ll t nc1ghhxl1l )\ )d

Pinn l l) get lt) knl)\\ u~ so<.111 , ~mcc thl.' Rd.1t1l ' ll~h1p B.mk111g rack.1gc I~ .. l lmHltXl lime (Jlkt h .. ·~1m11ng ~ l.1y I;. I lJQ ) , .md endmg ~ptcmlx'r 30. ! l)t) ~

At Independence One Bank OfCalifornic , .. B

b nl I ht.: I gml\111g

Sisley, a former gymnast who had \Hist problems, de\.cloped WRAPS for gymna tics. but found that it has broad applications in athletic:> becau e of the support and nex1bilicy the product offers. WRAPS also comes with inserts that pro-.1de more support and less range of motion. Bo\\en said that in addition to 11s use in ba!>ketball and football. 'WRAPS 1s especially helpful in such spurt'>.a~ platform lfo ing <ind \\eight lifting.

t.:nfortunatel) fur 1.U Spom, then~ ;.ircn't a,ny g)mn::i,t:> or plJtform Ul\cr!> \\1th '"''"ts i.1' famous :.t') thu-.e of Air Jordan .

Io\ \ ngt ''' ( ounn

I onnr.,-1, Bnnh //1lh 81omt" &mk

\fnnhc-r I L>fC


~ Thursday, May 27, 1993 Newport Beach/COsta Mesa Deily PU

Remembering Hldl: Memorial re-established for plane crash vicdm ~ Mqther of Costa Mesa High teen killed in air disaster makes certain her daughter's school remembers her.

• By LonAnn Basheda SU.'! >I.•

CO~ I A Mf:SA - MaC) Ann R;.i t Ii ti \\Ill ne\ er forget the b.:tra'r;.il ,he felt .:ifter receh ing o cop~ ~,r the J9S8 Mu!>tang Ye!.irbook. onh to find a p1cum: ol her '16-)e3r-old d.lUghtcr 1-fiJt - '3 popubr 1.:h~·1.:rkader \\ho died 1n a plane cr:.i~h CjrJtcr that )eJr - had been 1m111cJ

An,111\C \car!> l3tcr. the Costa \k .1 \\Oma·n \.ud 11 still males

he rb'?ood bo1J. Ncverthele ,

Ratliff has finally given school officials the OK to spend the remaining S6,000 of a memorial fund she establi hed in her daughter's Hidi R;itfiff name, and then later froze folio" 1ng the )Carbook nafu.

In return. C~ta Me\a Huzh -\\h1ch 1s· u 1ng the money to erect a troph) ca e in the S) m - ha dedic3ted a shelf entire!) to the former studcn1

The bubbly teen v.a on the brink or tarting her senior }Car

~iiiiiiml1::: .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Karen Hochadel, 54 l oni.:11mc D.1lboa blund res1-

tl.:r.t. lu..:.11 teac.hc r and community •oluntec:r K.:ircn Hoch3del died I uc,d.1~ al age 54.

\ rc.:!>1dcnt of D;ilboa Island · ,1 h.c.: 1%> Mn. HochJdel

honnrc d \\1th the Pr A Continuing )~·r.1 ... c .\\\JrJ in 19 • pre)ented b\ ,t, tc ~1.n .\tan;in Bergeson.

··K 1ren '4.1\ a clme fomil) fr1cnJ." 13cn!e,on 'laid "Her cn­:rg~ Jnd fn;nJ .. hip v.ere con1a-1?t0u' ;.ind 'he aJy,a\') had time for 1111: p1. )pie.: 3nd CJU!>C'I that needed h1. r )he rn.1de J real difference.''

B1 rn 1n I 93S in El) na, Ohio,

-.hen a Northv.c t Airline jet bound for Orange U>unty cra)hcd ofter takeoff from Detroit Metropolit:in Airport on Aug. 16, 19 '

The ill-fated Oight folloMd :i two·"eck w~it \\Ith her father 1n M1ch1g:m.

Each year Maf) Ann Ratliff mal..e) a canule·ligh1 pilgrimage to the gnt!>!>Y hill \\here he r only Jaughter an,lt155 other people v.erc killetJ-'in \\hat 1s rnll considered the second v.or .. 1

<iirlinc d1s:i ter 1n the histof) of the United St:ites.

"You ne .. er get it,'' )he .,atd \\ edne d.1>. choking bad. tears. ··1 look at all of her friends getting older and I s:i): 'That's one 3lhantage Hid1 has. She'll be 16 fore\ er."

Friends and famil} SJ) Htdi Ja

Ratliff a por.utar girl, brimm1n • v.ith ltfc ~nd -.chool spirit .

A cheerleader, Rath(l "-COi

'ltead) v.i1h a member of the \Choo!\ football tc.1m For their final y~ar, the couple dreamed of capturing 1hc .. School Sv.cc1heart'" trtlc, an ultimate honor of teen romance. '

It "a' hcc,1u'e Hie.Ji "a .. \O

much o pJrt of the <tchool. t\lal) Ann RJtltlf s.1iJ, th 11 she \\J'>

'hocl..cJ tu l1nc.J her daughter's photo mi,~ing from the )Carbook, and her name cra .. ed from the cnior ro .. 1cr . R~tltfl s:iid !>he agrceJ to

unfreeLc the mcmortJI fund ahcr 'chool ofticiab propo'led using some of the monc) to erect a shrin~. complete \\llh prom picturco; and J 03ily Pilot article

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wriucn nbout the teen. The project "'ill be complete by Monday.

About .i yc3r ago, RatltfC won :mother \ictory Attending a damage'> trtnl in Dc1ro1t la t April, 'he v.nlkcJ :lway "'ith more than twice \'rh:lt they initially offered her.

tv. ice a~ much a!. they thought she wa!>," Ratliff said. ··1 proved to them that he was going to be more thnn they said he W:\),"

Rotltrf said she disputed the initial offer Northv.est made bccou'e " I wanted to puni h them. l v. unted to get even. She wa!. my onl) child "

ll c>'..t~ MemoriaJ llo~pital Pres~terian and Participatin~ lloa~ Ph~~aan. offer )OU fl"l't'<lom of choice and

freedom from medical b~ .

Hoag Hospital's GoldenHealth PlUS Program

offers . •• • fa,) accl~' to O\er lOO Hoog participating physician~. F.ach

ph~ .;ic1an. ha.-. ~rt'Cd to accept the Medicare approved ~noun1 and an~ additional supplemental insurance a-, P'..t~m<.'111 in fuU for CO\rred 'ienices .,

• Proc(!\.'iifl~ of all h~i>ital and physician bills • lnduck" ml II~ inpatient and outpatient semc<.~ indudinJt

11~ Cancer Center - Hoag llean Lnstitute - lloog \ eurological lruilin1te

.,fie i.:r.1Ju.1h:d from Dald~in- - ________ __;;.. _____ ....._ __ "'-----------.r------------- - 11~ Onhopcdk Sc"icc~ and Olher se"ices \\ .1 .. 11.c Culle~e 1n Berea, Ohio

''1th 1 dc~ree In education. She .1rrieJ Jacl.. Hochadel in 1965. \\ orl..1ng to promote leadership

n go\e rnment and public ed- · uc.111un. Mr). Hochadel encour­ll!!C:d the candidacy of current i... ... hool bo3 rd member Sherry Loof- • · · • l uurrov., v.ho i also president- : r '(;"'b/vrp ,f.) ~--.s.~ :

1.:h:ct of the California School • > /JI0-1 ~ ~ /JIJIJ < • Bo.1rd., A!.'>OC1ation. • •

··~tore than anyone I know, : Summer & Fall Enronment Now In Pro • K;1rcn h.1J the abiltty to mobilize • • 'he J'Xl'lllt\ C energies of people," • • lndrvldual Attention OPE HOUSE : Lovtbourrow '>aid "She was quite • • Physical Educatt0n • .. omplctcl> my role model." • • Computer Labs Free Enrollment Fee •: I

\f p, Hochadel \Olunteered for a : •After School number of ~chool, political, church • Program Thi~ Day Only! • "-Ind ch:mtable organ1z3t1om in- . • • Strong Curriculum (For New Enrollments) • ~ ludmg 'crvice as pre!>tdent of the • • Music & Dance B • I Corona del Mar High School PT A. t : • Trad itt0nal 3 R's ATURDAY, JUD 5TB • In the 1960,, \he was a teacher at • · Small aasses 10 ()() 12 ()() N : \ I n:e \'1,ta S.:hool 1n Cos.ta • : a.m. - : oon • .. • • Field Trips Come Join The Fun! • 1.- ~ 1 She abo helped found the • Hot L'unches • f\c,\pu rt·.\le'a Schools Founda- : • Arts & Crafts Bnng The Famtl)! • t 1un, lhc iund·r•using arm of the • Tour our fncndl> up to date campu-;e.' : ~~ hool d"tnct I • • Private Sw mrn1ng •

A mcrnonJI )ef"\ice 1s scheduled • Pool • Refre5hmems • Balloons • •

~;~ ,~~J~'c~:nP~~~>'~~~1~:~~~r~~ 1 : Costa :\ie a Garden Grove : 111 Nev.port Ucach. Her ashes will • Age 2 thru gmdc 6 Age 2 thru grade 6 • be cattc rcd at ~cu a t 9 a.m. Satur- • 657 Victona Strcci 12 I I I 8 s • d 1>, ~t :n ~9. aboard the yacht • uaro trcet • l{1;1con.'lcJ\.1ng from the Bahra : 6:30 a.m · 6:30 Pm ,. ~ 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 Pm. • < or1nt h11n YJcht Club . • <714) 6-i2-04 I l ~ (7 14) 971-5533 !

"ihe " \UC"\ l\.ed by her hu~band I .-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• J •~ I.: I fo~hadc l. children Julie,

• I l<Y~ m'>Urance ad\i')()r to di.'iCW s your indh·idual i1N1rance need-. • Per.onaliJ-00 !ie"ice hy I loog Golden I leaJth ami~rs

'u1d much morr!

Retain your Medicare henl.fil., and your fn.'t'dom of choice for }Ollr health care!

c.aJ.1 for a free bmchure or an appointmem \\1th a

HOOR Go~ttcalth PUS achl.~r l.tf7~2ll l

or write Hoag Hospu • .tl. Goldentte-.Uth PU~.

50 I \ ewpon 81\d. P.O. Bo\\ . \ t•\\1>0n fk-JCh. C\ 9Jh58-89ll

HOAG HOSPITAL • r Anll lf\llll- mu..i h..111 J -Ul'f'k1Tk"fll.ll 1n~rAA( l' Jll.ul

"hldl (U\t.,.. llt\JU.IJllt .i1<J \llflNJr.lllll ur lat \tt'll.k .ire :dln\O .1.hlr lw)

Pit·.._,.. ull "t lf"t.CI ! ! ~I ""' lll<lft Wl••nti..u.,.n

J hn ar J Jtll mothe r Anne Kerns; . nd '1~ 1cr ShJren Kerns.

In ltcu of donations m 1\ be mJde to the Karen Kerns I fodndd Annual Memonal Col­lege Sd 1 IJr\h1p at Corona del ,\1Jr lfo:.h Sc. hool, P 0 . Box 5927,

WATERSPORT RENTALS ~c \port Ucach 92662.

Clara M. Gibbons, 83 :" l \\ POR l BEACH - Clara

!\I G b< n' a 10-year resident, d1~,1 111 Sant;.i Ana from natural C.JU'>c" on ~tJ\' 18. She was 83.

Burn 1n l'lc·J.,anton, Calif., Mrs. (i1bhon\ i'> \urvi\ Cd by her · d 111gh1cr Mcrril)n C. Cn uld and "~tcr' ~1 1ldrcd N. Harper of Mmlc,111. Ann.1bclle Puetz of San 1.1: 11 Im .ind five grandchildren.

Bettye s. Footer :--:1 \\.PORT BLACH -

~1cmonJI '>en1cc\ were held \Vedne,da) Jt the Balboa Bay Club for Dctt)e S. Fontcr, a lon~time re!.1dent of Newport Ueach "'ho died Saturday after a long illne\\

Mrs. Fontcr wa) active in many '<>eial and chart1able functions in '1ewport Beach and Orange County She 1s survived by her brother, Kenneth Felty of Altus, Okla., four nieces and three nephew

In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Mrs. Footer can be made to the United Scleroderma Foundation, Box 350, Watsonville, Calif. 95077.0350.

Get Ready to Stride! Walk, run, stro:I, skate or wheelchair. Individuals and

corporate teams ore invited to join the American Cancer Society in o move-olong-o-thon to celebrate cancer

survivorship and raise funds to fight cancer.

Sunday, June 6, 1993

Location: Newport Dunes 1131 Bock Boy Dr. Newport Beach

714-751-0441 Great prizes and give-owoy items, tool

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-·---w fofto,, ......... ,........ C-6401111 I ...... .__ rc;. 131 I I •s. I •s. 3 45. 6,

115. 10 IS 1 ............. .._ rG· l3)lilS.330,545,

I, 10 IS 3 ......... ,_. .._ rG 13) 11,IS, 230,

445, 7, 9 15 ....... .. je-. JOG) 12 30, 3. s 30, • • 10, 15 s ..... rG-llt 11. 2 JO, s. 7 30, 10 6 ...._~ ~II 30, 2. 4 30, 7. IS,


7 ""- W 11 IS, 2 4S, SIS 1 45, 10 15

UDO CINIMA ...._, 11..i ot ...._, ....... 673· 1350 .. _, h ...__ "-' 00 4 45, 7. 910

llCMl'T THUT'llf 2905 l Coott ~ 673 6160


Happily Ever After, the animated sequel to the fairy tale Snow To subscribe to the Whitt.• and the se .. cn OK-iJrfs, will open May 28th at local theaters. Dolly Pilot, coll 642-4333.

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CnM•DAILY PILOT GOLF CLASSIC Join ue tor our emulll Golf Tounwnent benefiting the Corone del Mer High School footbell progrwn. Show your comm.anlty euppot11 Meet your buelneu nelghbora Md help ue raJM the needed doll•ra to aupport the 1"3 Corone def Mer Sea Klnga. Put together • touraomel Heck.en, plctul'91*fect ewtnga, pleyerl of ell leY•'-ere Invited. lndlvlc9'M, pen, loweomM, men Md women ere welcome! Toumement echlduted to be divided Into two nlghta.

WHEN: Mon .• June 7, 1993 • 10:00 am Reglstrallon • 113> am ShoVln Stan WHERE: Newport BellCh Country Club.1600 E. Coast Hwy., Newpon Beech FORMAT: Texu Scramble COS'n $150 donlltlon per playK (The CdM Touchdown CkAb II a noni>f'Otl organization) 'This lnctxJn fl»Clal pt9·toumal'fWll""' clinic by~ prof tulonal, green tees, cart lunch on the ooutM, dftnk tk:Mt1, hofl d'otUVl'ff, IWlldl Ind a day of fun tor a good cauM •.

• T• Prtzel • Retne Pr1zee • ttom.ln-one Shot tor• C9r Conteet longest Drive Awlltd • Cioee.tcHtoee Awerd •1st. 2nd, 3nt Piece Prtzes

For mort Information or addllionll rnervatlon tonn1, pi.a. c.11: Jim Bogdan at 7141955-9100 ext. 244(dlyl)«11.nst-3442 (everWlgl).

---- ----- ---------------------------------------------18DCdl/9AILT ......... CUl11a Chee* one: ~Form

0Pltu4t reMrvt my epot. tndoMd II tort150. I usually ahooL.__Or my hendlDlp ,.11 __

0 PleaM r...w one epot lof me n _..Jldcltlonal IPOl(1). 1 have endoted 1

chtdt tor $150 per P9f'IO". Tht lddltion8' epol(1) .. bl Med br:

I would .. to pllly ..._ ~)-· ------------~ 0 I woutd lb to pufChlH at• OtMn sign lof $150. o 1 • be llnllblt eo -.nd "' gol IDUmlmefic but would -. '° IMM a doNlorl. EndoMd

plMll find a ct'8Ck made~ tD ,_ Cotot1e def a.. High School Touchdown Ctub. 0 I will be uneitMe to -.nd ,_ gol tounwn1n1. but would h ID dof\lee a door pffzt °' ~an~ eponeor. PlllM Nwe IOIT*"9 con*l mt.

PtnM Mnd your r1MtVllllon tonn Md chD medl ~-- eo CdM Touchdown Club A_..: Jim logdln, Ool TourMIMnt CNllnMn 1 M5 Port lrtllof • Newport IHctl, CA 82elO

~Mrv•bll.,. ... come ... Mfved a llrnleld eo ._ ... 144 peoPe. ~ ....... !'WNllllon lofml. toon ....... .



....., ... 141 ~7. t ........ - - Cll9MA cmNTl9 ,701 HMol ...., Mloe V .. C- t79-41 41

I ...... rGI S, 715, .... the"'--.._.,,JO , .............. ..._"'° 131S4S.I. 10 3 .._111ts. 1:io. 10 ........ "'° 13) 4 30, 7,930

lDWMDI QNIMA Hotbor thod/Adontt ~ ~63107

........ ~ ~ s 4S. I 10. 1030

HAllOI TWIN CINIMAS Hotbor 91.0 If W110n S.- 631..JSOI

1 ,...... _, ... ..._ ii') I , The C,_,. I 6 IS 10 .

? Thr9e_,H_rts ~S. IO S.ftle4eW­CIQ 7

MUA CINIMA ~ /19111 SI 6•6 S02S

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722-6078 2717 W Cout HW\', N<"-pon lkxh 92663

Newport Beach/Costa MMa Dally Pl

I W. 1R y_._. (rGI 1'30. ' · S 30 I IS 1035

1 0... pG.1~ II 0 2, 4 10, 1, 9 U I J ..,.._ rG Ill 11 3, S lO, I , 10 30

4 o..e- rG 13' 110 4, 630, 9 S Mat ........... 0.. rG 131 II 30, I • S. 4,

61Sl30,10l0 6 ,__ I') II 4S, , 4 30. TIS, 9 •S • 1 ........... ,_.Dew l"G 1311'2 45 3, SIS,

1 ')0 t •S I .._,a JHn ~I I, 3 30. 6, I 30, 10 30

TOWN Cl.NTH aNeMAS S..... C- "-o 7SI 41~

1 a.-41 1ty ..._, CRJ 1 I 0 10 1 L..• '" ,..,.._ ll'GI 5. 1 30. 10 J ~ r<i 13) 5 30. 11. 1010 • "-tfwn ... .,. (a) 4 30, 1, 9 30

SOUTH COAST Fl.AJ.A a •~ 546 '1 I I I lnd-t~ .,S 130, 10 1 Oow l"(j 13) S:.JO, I , 10 IS l Hot S"-.. 1 ""'Dew fl'G 131 4 45, 7, 9 IS

SOUTH COAST VIUAOI ~ "' lntod 5 4(). ~94

I Much Me A~ N ..... "9 l"G 1314 30. 1, 10

2 ~--,_0111l•1 fl)S, 730, 10

3 Le... -. $ • 1010 ...... THI ~ C1N1Ma 4245 C.-- °""' IS ....

I ,_. ~530, l IS, IOJS

2 ......... ,_..._ re; lJ)S, 715, 920

3 o..e- rG Ill S. 7 30 .'0

4 .... ..._... P9rt Dew rG 13) 6 IS, I


S .,._ ~ S JO, I . J O 10

6 ...... ...,_....,. (t) 4 l0,7, 91S

WOOOlllOGI ClNIMAS '°"'°"'o l'o-l•o, Cwt.

[),.. SSI 0655

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Floral Wreath Presentation Commemorating Those

Who Served In WWI • WWII • KOREA


Observance Sponsored By Veteran 's Organizations Of Costa Mesa

Harbor Lawn­Mount Olive Mortuary &t Memorial Park

1625 Gisler Ave., Costa Mesa·• 540-5554

Thursday, Ma.y 27. 1983 M

away talk: Cox says Newport Coast Drhle toll was a surprise to him Sansone, Wynn and Irvine Co. official all say they never discussed the 50-cent charge. Semantics over what defines Newport" Coast Drive seems to be at issue.

fony Dodero ... ,_.SWPORT BEACH - It ~s etl confusing from the set go.

knew about the propo cd 50· nt toll on a 2-mile stretch oC cwport Coast Drive and who dft't? And '!"hen Councilman John

a paid board member of the n Joaquin Hills toll agency, ade a public remark this week at the planned toll on Newport Ill Drive had caught him by rprise too, well that just added a w layer or mystery to the whole uc. "We didn' t spend and I didn' t nd all or this time to build a

IS around the city and bu ild a rtldor that takes these 16,000 rt a day out of the city only to ock it with a toll on Newport

t," said Cox in- a long ha· nauc at Monday's City Council coting.

Furthermore, Cox aid that in the 20 years that he ha been as­sociated with the toll road, neither he nor anyone else had ever heard mention of a toll on Newport Coast Drive.

Those statement , however, con· tradict previous statements made by Cox and other toll road officials who insisted that the plans were always there to place a toll booth on Newport Coast Drive when it became part of the San Joaquin Hills tollway in 1997.

But that's not what he meant to say. Cox said Wednesday.

Sure Newport Coast Drive as it exists today will have a toll booth when the tollway is bui lt and swal­lows up the northerly end of the road, he said. But what he meant at Monday's meeting was when the Newport Coast Drive extension is complete, that part of the road won't have a toll on it.

" If you use Newport Coast Drive in 1997, you won' t pay a

Wanna place a c lassifie d ad? Call our advertising department

at 642-5678.

l et Aogef 1 Gardena design and oons1ruct the outdoor entetteir'!ing cem.r of your dreams.

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Ever had someone tell you stories about a vacation they took to Europe years ago? Or maybe you have been lucky enough to have bummed around a little town in Austria or Switzerland yourself ... Or it might just be something you've always dreamt of. but never had the occasion. nor opportunity to do ..

For bargain hunting on the most unique imported gift itims you'll ever find, come discover this hard to find little village. Nestled amid hlQh rise buildings, Huntington Beach Mall, Goldenwest College and the roaring 405 Freeway. th is quaint littJe European Village Is virtually an untouched nest in one of the busiest spots In Orange County. It is an International village styled in Bavarian archttecture. where forty shopkeepers live and wark each dayL9ffering eWrything f(Om ~er Steins ahd Baker"V to Ru~ian Nested Do ancYSwiss Music Boxes. This little

ge is complete with Dailcatessen, Italian and Garman Restaurants and Gales. European Skin and Hair Salons. a Men's Tailor a d Ladies' Distinctive AS>Parel shops

Tlie unique gift shops offer Imported arts and crafts from atound the world , as well as. t~erestlng hard-to·flnd items ~~ch as: Steinbach Ntrtcrackers. Hummel fJlurtnes. Scottish Tartan

Kilts; International Coats-of-Arms: Family Name Histories: Videos, C D.'s and Tapes of Irish. Scottish and German music The shops also feature Inlaid Wood Trays and Teacarts <Tarsia-Sorrentina): Music Boxes with Swiss Reuge movements; Delfi Blue Porcelain from Holland: German Cuckoo Oocks': Bavarian Dirndl Dresses and Lederhosen; Birkenst.:>ck Shoes; Uallro, Swarovski. Kaiser. Rosenthal and H utscherueuther Porcelains: and even South American Artifacts. The village has everythjng from antiques and collectibles to a glittery. glttzy fun 'apparel dress shop and hand·made fi ne jewelry.

The village also offers one-stop-shopping for every Wedding need: Gowns. flowers, chapel. catering. receptions and motel.

Enjoy Gummibears, liqueur-filled imported chocolates and windmill cookies. Stroll through quiet cobblestone streets, wear your Birkenstocks or get a pair here for less than European prices! Sit In an outdoor cafe. have a cappuccino, read a paper or magazine. Chat with the owner of the shop you patronize wh6 will take the time to learn your name and your s~ciflc needs. you 'II feel good about supporting old · fashioned, family-run business~s .

toll," he aid Wednesday. Cox insisted that there has al­

way been an alternative route planned that would allow drivers to avoid paying a toll.

Yet, adding further confusion to the issue, toll agency spokesman Mike Stockstill seemed to forget that fact in December when the firM news story on the 50-cent fee was published.

you want a completely free trip, you take PCH to MacArthur. There arc Cree alternatives ro the corridor."

Councilman Phil Sansone said he never knew about the 50-ccnt toll. At least three former council members and former City Man· ager Bob Wynn have all told San· sonc that the 50-ccnt toll was never discussed with them either, Sansone said.

Even Dawn McCormick, spokes·

expressed surpn c in Janua ry when she heard of the toll on the 2·mtlc stre tch of the ro3d.

Now, after nearly six months of discussions with officials Crom the San Joaquin toll agency and the city of Newport Beach, the toll issue may be close to being re­solved. Th:: city of Irvine •on Tues­day approved a westerly route to bypass the tollway, the same one Newport Beach has been clamor·

ina for. ., Rcsol'lcd or no1, as far as Cox 1~

concerned. the whole is~ue has been blown out or proportion.

"There 's a campaign to discredit gO\/ernmcnt agencies, and it's all coming from people who haven 't even participated 1n the process," Cox said. " h 's not going to stop (the toll-way) bur it certainly com· plicates everybody's life unneces· sarily."

" If you want to get to Newport Oeach or Irvine without paying the toll, turn left on San Joaquin Hills Drive," Stockstill stated the n. " If

person for The Irvine Co. the .-------------- - ---------­builders of Newport Coast Drive,

• Hair Designing • Men & Women • Hair & Skin Care Products

• Trichoanalysis •Nails

Unit 27




Herm anns Vi• 6 Via 894-4833 Unit 21

@allcria iJnknrnti01mlr Dln1dl Co tum Dresses & Lcdcrhoscn

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1jo11 un 111111'. ,., t'I\ 111111-" lliat · ... lw·rnu-..· '"" l11119. h11\\ \I tal it 1, that

1l1t· 11w1 li«tt tio11 , 1•lwd11l1· lw follm\ 1·d il' pn·rht· I~ ih p 11 ... ,1h11· \ lt'dfrud1111 n 11 111i111ri11~ i-. jtl'-1 11111' nf dw 11 1a 11~ 'lllal i t~ ..(' IYH'c• ... ",.

pnn id1· at 1111 t' \t ra diar~t· If ~ 1111r paMlt 11t•1·d ... a_, .. , ... LUJwr \\ uli

l1athi11!!. !.!TllOllllll!!. clf't'-, .. iJl!! .u1d f \ rll flt'N 111,1l la 111u lr.. ~ou'U fou l .111 d1i-..f' ..ff\ Wt.., 111rl111~·d UI 1111r affurd;J1lc· 11u1111hh n·m.~ rJll'. I 1111-"1'1\ in· lb'i'tt°i l ' " Lii!! UI an apanrnrnt -..·llUI!! I' cl\ ailaltlr rmm a .. lu\\

lb~ J:N:> pt' r 11mnth. Our 1'\ <'t'{lllo11al ntn· •1ual11, f N' -.i•r. wc·

and full rw1u1• of a11 u' r11 t i1~ ... j .. aJI 1111fnf'l.!•'l t.ll 1l1· p.1rl aut· ~ 1111 \\ 111 1 1

foul Pl"l('\\llf•ll'. Dh1!.'111·d for mmf11n ... tafh·d \\llli lm1· & 111w1U!!1°d

\\ id1 unft lf'.!t'ltuhlt'. f' \rrp1in11;tl can· . ( )11~1 <II \ 1•\\ pon \ illu

\ II DI< \flO\ \10\ ffORl\1. • Brnu\c • CHtM >\11\<. • D1u . ..,-.1\ t.

i () 0 0 I I 1 I u r i u \\ 11 ' \ 1 \\ I' 11 r 1 R, .1 , h, t \ 11 ~ 11 11 ~ (J \ I H I ,, ' ~ I f • II II " I '· If fl I

D a d s L ike Flower Too!

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, Wieners & Wurst Farmers Bread & Black Fore t Ham

Imported Beers & Wine Also EuropHn Cookware, Cologne & So• ps

Unit 19 892-5033

Jolly Holiday Gifts CoHectlbtff From Amertca. Au1tria, China. Oermeny. ttaty, Poland, Ruula & Swttnriand.

• Christopher Radko Collection • s.c,our Mann Dolls •Fe ge Eggs • Bart>ar11 Paul's Dolls & Bunnys

Complimentary Stofa96 Pouch with Col16ctlble Ornament Purchase


Unrt8 895-5366

tl ~i RI TORANTE r Family Owned Unit 37

• Northern Style Italian Cul8lDe : •. PMta, Seafood, Chicken and Veal


A10 Thursday, May 27, 1993

Debi Bremner


ZjEGLER A March open hou!>e in their

Balboa blandJhome wa!> held in celebrauon of Lee and Belly Ziegler\ Golden Wedding Ann1vcr)al) Their children, James and Joleen Ziegler of ll'\ine. Wilham and 03na 71cglcr of Occan!>idc and Patricia and Frank Delgado of Montro~c. and their f1.,,e grandchildren ho!>tcd the event

Lee and Betty Ziegler met at Los Angele!. High School and were married in 1943. After sel'\ ing in the army during World War I I. he worked for his father's compan}. Ziegler Produce until he founded h1!> OY. n "'holcsalc produce compa n> in 1973. She Jltended college Y.h1le r:ming their four children, graduating Y.ith her nldc't 'on from Cal State Lo!t Angele:' 1n 1966, and taught home cconurrnc and history at Ro'lcmoni Jun ior High School fo r 25 )ear'I.

Although the~ lived in La Crc:scent,1. the Ze1gkr'I hJd J i,ummcr home on BalbuJ hland lor 32 }Cars and they bccume permanent residents aftt:r retirement

Engagement r:::::::::::::::::

SAMUELlAN-llOIUN A June y.,edding in Our Lady

Queen of Angels Catholic Church 1~ planned by Suzanne Samuclian of Newport Beach and OJ"e Horin of Staten l!!.land, N. Y. The bride-elect i the daughter of Berje and Margaret Samuelian of Newport Oeach. She 1!> a graduate of Corona dcl ~far ll1gh School :ind UC SantJ Barbara.

Her fiance 1s the son of Barbara Horir1 of Staten Island. He is a gradua te of Port Richmond High School and New York University .

• Submit your nuptial news

The Pilot wants to share your wedding or engage­ment announcement with the community. We make it easy for you, too!

Just fill out copies of our engagement and wedding forms. You either pick them up in our lobby at 330 W. Bay St., Costcl Mesa, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or mail your request with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Wedding Department, The P1fot, P.O. Boic 1560, C~ta Mesa, 92626.

Society Society Editor B.W. Cook, 642-41321

Recognizing 75 years of artistic excellence ...,_ 75th anniversary celebration honors oldest cultural organization in Orange County.

It was founded in 1918, when

8.W. c.-

Society Editor

the ll'\ inc Ranch was ju)t another large open parcel of raw nature. The nearest resort called The Ritz was in Chicago, and the only Newport that meant an) thing at all was in Rhode lsland.

Orange Coast pioneer artists, cre~ng canvases

of the period. Two years later, with arti)t Edgar Payne as president, the association of town hall artists formed what would become the Laguna 6each Art Museum. This past weekend, a 75th anniversary celebration dinner was held honoring the oldest cultural organization in Orange County.

The most important nnmes in both the private :ind corporate worlds of the Newport-Mesa community came out in force for this affair. Museum leadership gifts came from Newport's Fieldstone Foundation, The Scgcrstrom Family Foundation, The Harry and Grace Steele Foundation, Donald and Dorothy Bendetti :ind many others. Special tribute was paid to Mrs. Nick Wiiiiams, whose dedication for more than two decades has raised millions to ensure the institution's future. Newport's Sue and l.R. Cameo generously participated with other patrons to underwrite the fabulous birthday party held at

that would usher in a style known as Plein Air, joined forces, founding the Laguna Beach Art Association to display their work in what was a town hall See MUSEUM /All Elyse Caraco M iller

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25 for $5 25 for $5

TULIPS 10 -for $5 GERBER DAISIES .35• ea.


Flowers from California, France, Italy, Holland, South America and Asia arrive fresh every day!

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We 'll Show You Howl

From A10 the Mondavi Center, Costa Mesa.

The beautiful and aniculate South Coast auorncy Elyse Caraco Miiier took time out Crom her busy law schedule to chair the commiuee responsible for the dinner. Tiffany's VP Jo Ellen Qualls supported Elyse along with M. Dtlotts Milhouse, Chairman of the 75th Anniversary Year, Debi Bremner. and Jon Erickson, President of the Board of Trustees.

Museum Director Charle Desmarais made a moving introductory tribute followed by the passionate remark~ of M . Dolores Milhouse .

Attending the event. decorated with larger than life-size blow-ups of the early California artists, . developer Kathryn Tbompson with husband Gus Owen.

" We can't afford the California artists today; they have skyrocketed in value," commented Owen.

"They are part of our Orange County legacy, and we support the ans whenever and however possible," added Kath ryn looking very sophisticated in a black-and·gold trimmed dinner suit.

Newport 's l\larsha Grinberg a11ended with Darrel Anderson, Diane Gcocarls, Maril)n and Franklin Lynch of Corona dd Mar, Jnnet and Mike Peters. and Renee and Henry Segerstrom. of Dalboa all on hand to salute the museum.

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~9c'J I lonoring this year' recipient of the Hou,ing Humanitarian A\Htrd

Jack Kemp former Secretary of the Department of Hou ing and Urban Development

aturday • June 12, 1993 • 8:00 p.m.

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s7500/per person • 114000/per couple (rax-deducttble) Black Tie Optional

An evening of the Summer's Hottest Entertainment will be in eparate ~ forums all night long.

~ Entertainment Jau Band featuring World-renowned jazz great Bobby Shew from Tommy Dorsey bands

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Mu ic of the Hottest dance clubs being played by Carlton Zapp from t

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Silent Auction A Few Of The Silent Auction Items For The Evening:

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Special Thanks to Some of our Sponsors American Airhnc M1am1 Dolphin

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Charily lkneftl (or COMMUNITY HOU&INC

10 11d 1hc homclc anJ pr<1'1Jt lli(~UllOfl\ to the ~Nsina crisi) 1n America


Thursday, May 27, 1993 At t

From left, Diane. Fields qcocaris, Gil le Vasseur, Victoria le Vasseur, Tim Pe.irson, Joni Han cy, Karen l etterman and 8111 Halapm en1oy Laguna Beach Ari Museum's 75th anniversary celebration.

To all the people who think the pre~ goes ~e!c';,.~s~:~ ~'::~, '';,.0;;;,~ ;~u~ too far sometimes, Consider the alternative. rights, call 1~ Sonety of p,.ofesswnal

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A12 Thuraday, May 27, 1993

COOKIES From A1 Farewell, OCC Too - a store that reotures cakes. cookies and a selection or more than 200 cookie jar - opened April 5, behind the Diedrich's Coffeehouse on East 17th S1rect in Costa Mesa. The partners hope their experience in developing multiunit chains will pay off. as they plan to open two more locations of Cakes & Cookies Too by 1he end of this year and add more '>lores if the idea works ou1.

cquipmcot and other stan·up expenses. They both believe the Cakes & Cookies Too concept will pay off because or its simplicity and the variety the store offers.

" People arc astonished at the number or cookie jars we have," Hackbarth said. "We're selling 10 times the cookie jars we expected. We're doing real well and getting better all the time."

...,. More than 2,000 celebrate ~ in pomp and circumstance.

"If it works right, we'll keep going," Stater said. " It could become a big chain."

Said Hackbarth, "That would be a dream come true."

While bolh partners arc financially )ecure. Hackbarth said he would have con!>idercd il an "unfinished desire" if he hadn't given the Cales & Cookies Too concept a try.

Stater, an avid tennis player, said he welcomed the challenge of starting .mother bu inc ~

.. You can have too much retirement," StJter said. "The worst thing I can do i get up in the morning and not lnow \\hat I'm going to do. "

Hackbarth and Stater's financial )trength will come in handy, as they plan to pay cash for inventory,

The store also offers about 35 different decorative cakes. including just about everything from graduation cakes to Memorial Day cakes, as well as freshly baked coolies and cakes. sold at the counter.

The two partners bring diCfcrenl s1reng1hs to the table. The personable Hackbarth will oversee employee training and the company's finances. Stater has a knack for designing store displays, and he developed the company's cake and cookie recipes. And both, of course, ure proven winners in the difficult task of developing a multiunit chain.

"We're u ing our past experience to make sure it doesn't get where we can't manage it," Stater said. " We're going to keep it simple and not go too fast. We can afford to go slow because we don't need to make our living at it. If it takes a little time, it 's not going to hurt us."

WINNERS AmyBybaeek

Kimberly Barnhlll DerekDeMun Jayna Patel

Elimbeth Fls•er Evan Sinelalr

Nleole Montgomery

A total or J,421 students received associate in nrts degrees Wednesday night nt Onrngc Coast College's 45th ceremony in LcDard Stadium on campus.

An additional 611 students were granted certificates or completion Crom a variety of career and vocational programs. Commencement speakers included motivational expert, Drucc McDonald; OCC mathematics professor, Dr. Sandra Savage; and gradualing film Mudcnt, Erik Therwanger.

Retired hislory profes or, pr. Giles T . Brown, wos honored as OCC's Outstanding Cititcn. Brown, 77, was a charter member of OCC's f acuity in 1948. He served as chair of Orange Coast's Social Sciences Division for 12 years before lea\ ing the college in 1960 to chair the 1 fotory Department at Cal State Fullerton.

OCC conferred honorary associate in arts degrees on retired staff members, Ray

l .. ,~ly ""°' Cherie Barnett, left, and Diane Ware wave to friends during grad uation ceremonies.

Hainline and Harold Bud Hohl. Hainline and Hohl are both retired Marines. Hainline was supervisor of OCC's ln!>lructional Materials Center for 23

year . Hohl served as supervisor of Technical Services •for 14 years.

The graduates were presented by OCC president, David A. Grant.

* Positive Parenting Changes Oppo itional Behavior Jn Childr

Many paren1' .111 too oltt:n tmJ thl·m che' ;it "m cnJ mtn~ 111 rJl\l' children 1hJ1 J1\pl.H ne1!.ll1H hch.a,mr,, 'ulh J,, 1cinper untrums, arKU'"l!· dcg1.mcc. rl'lu\lnK 10 c..011prrate .ind blan11n~ 111ha' h1r their mMJkcs. Tltc,c hch.i\lun m.tke p.lfl'lll' frd lmpdl'" and tnadcquatc. Man} parent\ nf tempcnncn1al oppO\ ch1IJrcn \Ulla lrom fedmK~ of gu1h .ahcr ther rl'\Ort to \ run1,hmcntl and then realm• that thq do not knm' h.rn w hdp their child. Thcrt• .uc \\J~' w ch.trl~l' tlu, \.lllOU~ 1.vclc. 1

To began w11h. let me explam what may bt· Jt the n>ot of the pnlbll·m. Rc~e.uch mJ".itc\ that 4 to S°'o ol chtldren .ind their p.ircnh suffer from opporntonal dl'l1ant dl\orJer thJ1 hJ' hu n Ian led w 1 gcnl't1c prl·d~,po,1tton Partnt~ f 1nJ rd1d 1n kM .. 111~ tht·y may not be the ot their ch1IJ\ m1,hch.l\1or. Thc '"'mptttnh ol npJ10~ Jcl1ant di\order tmer~e J~ .a wide ol Jnt1\1l(1JI bch;l\1ors c;uch .h those dc~cnbt-d .aboH \1tht <h1ldrcn \\Ith 1>ppo\1t1unJI Jetunt d1sorJcr J"fl.n a \.Jrltt} of nt~Jll\C lxh.nmr and tl•nd 10 haw c;cx11l, academic and bnul\ pmhlc1m. Thl·'e hd1.1\.1or' .ire not fU\t an the form o pch1s1.1nct. but tend to anterkrc \\ith thC' n~h1c; ol othch.

Partnl\ 1..111 foci good m kno\\ mg tlH'fl' m ".1\' w hrl'Jk 1hl· \l'l·mm~h hopclc~\ .inJ nc' a tndm~ en.le of m1,bch.iv1or in their ch1IJ lnd l'nd 1he1r O\\n leelm.:s of i::u1l1. ·1 o hq.;1n \\llh. p.lrl'nt' ncl'd l'JucJtton about oppo\lt1on;il Jd1.1nt J1,orJl·r PJrt:n1' need 10 unJcr\1.1nd thcv unknowingly htlpt·J Jl 'dop thl•tr child\ nn;.lttH' I 'l'h.1\lor JnJ ~cll·conct:pt cwn tn 1ht" an ]l'U,, Oppm11mn;ilj children 1ntcrprl't thC' nei-;attvt reac111H1\ t11 d1l'ar nmlwha' 11•" IJ\ dll'1r parl'nl' J\ ne~Jll\t.' lrdini.:' rn thl·m pcl'onalh When p.ue1it\ clungc 1hc WJ} the} interact w11h thc1r duldrl'n .md bq;1n pm1t1\t. pJH·n11n~. tl1n hdp to lh.m!!c thl·1r ch1IJ'~ hehav111r\ ;inJj \elf-concept



CONTESTJ If you would like to be a winner next week. 1ust complete the games below and send to

Puents arc tC'.1lhrrs whether the} rt•.il11c it or not. B\ ll'lrnini: pt!\111\c p\rl•n11n~ tools. thl') C.ln wstcmJlll.llh tl ll h their lh1ldren th) good 1htng\ ho1ppcn when they coopcrJ1l· \\1th their plrl'11t' .md 111ha, •\<lJ111onlll\', plrcnt' rid thtm'cl'C\ 01 guilt \\hen lc.irn1og tht, may n01 bt thl' b!Jme for tht:1r child\ 1111\nch.I\ IOI JnJ C.111 il·.lrn to J'0\111\l'h \h.lpe thl'lf llulJ\ beh.l\IOf\ and ~eJl · t>t(l'Ol l (I quote .lll

old Chmesc proH·rb, "The 1ourne~ to .i 1hou,JnJ m1b lw~in, "11h 11nl· \h:p" 'I The Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Attn: Dana Marguct Ann I crnn, LE.P. IS a l1ctn\cJ 1· P'"'h11l11~1,t "ho '' J bl•h.i\'lorJI \J'l'\.IJli\t .ind offer'> S<X1JI , kill' 1r.11nan~ lo~ ch1ldrt:n and .id11IC'\CCntS as well JS tndl\ 1JuJI .mJ ~roup pJrc111111~ 1r.t111111!! I

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~ Beach/Costa M ... DaJty Pilot

From A1 '° show symptoms or AIDS. "I'm losing my wire someday and now I'm

losing my job," he said. "Everything is really ra11ing apart ...

Tamara Brown said she would love to get •job and help her husband, "but I can' t."

"I have to try to keep my health so I'll be ~~ound a while," she said. "And stress will ~11J you ore raster than anything else."

r The petite mother is currently running on

00 t-cells, compared to 1,200 typically found a healthy person. Once a person drops to 200 t·cells, he or

he is considered as having Cull-blown AIDS. ploying a strict diet and exercise regimen,

rown fights every day to hang on to each rccious cell, but she has recently begun to how symptoms or the deadly disease.

An official AIDS diagnosis came shortly rter she was reatured in the Daily Pilot sev­ral months ago. " I'm more tired some days," she said. " I

take herbs for energy. But I must reSI more."

Brown said· she hasn't let the virus curtail her public speaking schedule, however.

"I reel it's important to get the word out," she said. " I' ll do that until I croak."

Brown didn't learn she was HIV-positive

until last April arter taking a routine test that she wu sure would turn out nega. i\'C.

She was even more shocked to discover she has been living with HIV for years. It was while calling friends to warn them she had contracted the disease that she learned a former boyfriend whom she dated from 1981 to 1982 died or AIDS a couple of years ago.

After dealing with the initial blow, Drown shook off her fear and signed up for speak· ing engagements throughout the county to help dispel myths about the disease.

Her main message: "Wake up women. Say no. Make the man get tested. You bring the protection.

" HIV is not something over there," she said. " It's right here under your nose. And it can affect you."

From the beginning, Brown has vowed not to let the disease get her down. To learn she must continue the battle without a steady paycheck, however, had her struggling to keep her spirits up Wednesday night.

" It's getting really scary," she said. "Gary's got a wife whose gon na die and :i little boy who need) things."

The young couple must pay $467 a month for health insurance alone, as Tamorn's monthly medicine bill can cost os much as $800.

"We're getting lost in the system," she said.

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Thursday, May 27, 1983 At 3

,,,., to /VI A press party Wednesd~y kicked off the 1 llh Annual Scenic Sk Run, which benefits youth 5ports and the revitalization of downtown Corona del Mar. The race will begin June 5, with a 6:30 a.m. registration. Starting from Ocean Boulevard at Heliotrope Avenue, the popular race is sponsored by the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, the city of NewP.Ort Beach and the Daily Pilot. Early registration is $15, with race day registration going for $20. Preregistration applications are available at City Hall, the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, city libraries and most Corona del Mar businesses. Sponsor representatiYes, from left , are: Ellen Gladis, Donna Wall, Dr. Carol Le Blanc, Carol Hoffman, Mitch Shatzen and Leona Aanderud.


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Oeean The Ocean Bottom and l ·ou

Ripcurrents and You Be a" arc of "here you arc . drifting while you o,w1m If you are caught tn a np1idc . you \\I ll nottcr that you arc moving a" ay from shore and malo.c nt' progress when trying to !>\\ tm in. ·

) ou "ill encounter an irregular se" noor t,hat re<..h:.ipco, 11 elf con11nuall) To prevent stnkang the tiottom hc.1df1r'>t. e'<1end your a rms \\hen d1\1ng under " ave<... bodysurfing, or dunng a " 1peout Vever diH• he11d first! People have been para I~ 1cd tor hfc !:~uo;;c they did not folio" this simple JJ\'1Ce

To get out of a npcurrent. Sttim paralltl to shor-e uatJ/ you •rr out of tbt sta"ard mo•inR current. Tbtn swim in.

If you are havang trouble, JU" rcl.i~ and wave for help. Remember. npcurre nt\ \\ Ill pull out 1c1 'ca. hut never underwater ...... -

F1nd Two EepMnta end Color Them Green. Note to Kids Page Contest Porl1c1ponts We appreciate your interest and enthusiasm We hope you've hod as much fur ploying the games as we hod 1n creating them We've tned to be fo1t to all of you who entered and reword you simply for your part1c1potion. Future winners will be selected by ra ndom drawings and limited to 4 per week for the duration of the contest. You must coll in to claim your tickets before the start of the new contest Thank you for your understanding.

Find the



in the selected ad and put the

Advertiser's Name Here

' I ., ~ ,

CONTllT MAD 1. Eoch child must submit the provided octrv1t1es lo the Doily Pilot by 1he 1 u doy of er publ1catron of each week 2. c~ may iubmit 9¥9tY WMk. 3. Winnen wiff ts. announced tie following lhvr UO'f ... Winners~·!' rec .... g1h boOlidet1 from the....,,.. C.••· To be Picked up at the Doily Pilot - coll Dono, e• I. 307 ofter w1nn • 11om sore nnnoun d

courtesy of Hunongton Beach Surt Lttesav



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A14 Thursday, May 27, 1993 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot

Community Forum )

Community Forum runs 0 11 Tuesda~. Thul1days and S.llurda~

Writ• to: Pilot Letters, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Fax to: ~6-41 70 • Reader•' Hotline (call-tn letters and comments:) 642·6086 • Editor William lobdell ... 642·4321 , ext. 351

What happened to our kinder, gentler John Cox~ I t was a kinder, gentler John Cox we

s:iw al Monda)·, meeting of the Newport Beac/'· \.it) Counctl. At

least for a while "Fhe long-time ·l unc1fman und tormcr

ma)Or has laken plcnt) of licks over the tollro.1d issue Cl\ 11 \\Ur broke OUI O\Cr 1he phantom toll booth at the Newport 13each

On the Coast


end. \\here 50 cents will get }OU a half-mile ride th.11 I'> now free on Ne"port Coast Dme.

Phil Sansone hit the '>trJ 1osphe re. mJ1n1aining that the Corridor Agency was pulling a fast one. Nobody ever mentioned 1ha1 t0il booth, Sansone

Of cour~e "e did, 'aid lOll\\a)' official • including Co\ . "h~l chairs 1he board. Co\ also repr~sent · the e;1st-.ide Ne\\ port council d1s1ncl, \\h 1ch I'> mo!>t affccteJ by the toll road But he ,.,,a,n't hearing the pro1esll:i of humeo" ner\ and their

:b oci.itions within the district. Almost wistfully, Cox related how he tollway authority had been up front Cox . at there, his face buried in hi~ Sansone pressed on. The tollway was elected to the council in 1980 on .1 about the toll booth i sue, that it had h:rnds. li e was ti) mg to control him cJf,

people hould e11her come up with an pledge 10 bring the tollroad to Newport alway been in the El R and plans that but )'OU could 1ell he was losing it. alternate route to b}pass the toll booth, Beach. He talked of the "major miracle" the CZ11y Council had approved. After Hedge,· comment, the kinder, he said. or Newport Beach should pull ;ichieved in March ,.,,hen the tollway That has been the party line all along, gc~tler Cox di.,appeared. ou t of the agency eve r since the Daily It ma) ~ound fine and bra.,,~ .im.t.

The tiral:itic noiion Pilot's Tony Dodero • gutsy to threaten the people with th1\ wa.1 discussed at a revealed the cxbtcnce of kind of l:1nguagc ... but the rest of the council study session the toll booth five c11ics and the county look at us like t\i, o weds ago, "hich months ago. fools," he e'<ploded, adding that "1 he Co'< did 001 auend. Sansone pres cd his people have been lied lo." (After the me eting six-point moiion that ·'it With sparks fl}ing between Co' on his that night, ho\\cver. he 1s the intention of the left, Hedge\ .inJ S:ul'>one acro's ihc \\ay, did sa} that he ".is city of Newport Oeach 10 Ma>or Clarence Turner called for ..1 vote . gorng to get those who \\lthdraw ... " unless the San one\ motion \\3S defeated 4-3 oppo ed him ''right desired b)pass road is Counci l member H.irt, Hedge and bcrween the eyes.") approved and fwnded. \\'au \Oted aye ; Cox. DcbJy, 1 urncr and

A vote on the John Cox Poi nt six called fo r Sansone voted no. \\j thdrawal wus reviewing 1hc motion on Yo, wai1! SanMrne \Oted how'? scheduled for May 24. And "hen 1he last floated a $I.I billion bond issue. He Jul) 26, five day bcfme it could become It was a mi'lt:1ke. of course. And aha item on the agenda Monday night came spoke of growing up in the communi ty, dfccu e if finall> uppro,ed. a fe.,., moment' of parliament.iry up. Sansone made his motion . of " looking after its children." Jan Debay ,.,,anted to know 1f 1here .,., rangling, 11 '~:h se t nght and the

Th is kinder, gentler John Co>.. spoke to Then Cox said a cu rious thing. He 'laid ''a!> "~ome ,.,,a, "c could ~orten 1ha1?" mee1ing aJJOUrned it fo r 15 minute . Gently. passionately, he, too. was surprbeu over the phantom " Re' i~1ting i1 on Jul) 261h i the Out the atmmphc:re in the 'ounc1I Cox 1old how he fought again-.1 1he toll booth. sortcnmg." John Hedge' said chamber " .i neither kind nor gen1lc . Callrans proposal th:u would have That '" .ls oJJ because. on .,ever.ii \\'h1le • :tn ... one hJd been re·sta11ng his Fn'CJ Mnrtin'~ column runs r1rry turned Coast Highway into a freeway. occasions. Co' ha\ stated Oatly that the mu11on, and others ~poke pro and con. Tut dDJ , T /1uNdtlJ and Saturci:JJ .

.____.---Jr: ... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Editorial Community debate f :::: .. :::.:::::::::::::::::: .... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::.:::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· :::::: ... ::.::::::.:~:.:: ::::·:

Thumbs up to Sansoile fol' toll-free drive The em elopt plea e ...

_A Thumbs up to Newport Beach U-1 Councilman Phil Snn 'one, who ha championed the cause to make Newport Coast Drive toll-free. thereby keeping the city's ca~tsidc residential streets free of commuter looking to avoid the 50-cent charge. T9e City Council 'vOte Monday to pull out of the Corridor Agency if an alternative, toll-free route '"a~n't found and funded was exactly the right move to protect the Nev. porters on the easts1de

Too bnd Councilman John Cox. Y.hose district 1s most impacted, didn 't bother Lo stafld up for his·constituents' interests.

A Thumhs up to the apparent ll.J compromise being hnmmered out by the city of Co~ta Mc~a and business interests over the controversial trnffic-impact fee charged to ne\'. development. Thumb up to John Hinrichs, the ll.J K1ll>brooke Elementary School 6th-grade h!JChcr who retires in June after 34 ) on the job.

A Thumbs up to the Costa Mesa ll...J poticc officers and civili::ms-who wi ll be honored next month at a police awards luncheon sponsored by the Costa Mesa Ch.imber of Commerce.

AY<ardccs arc: Tom Boylan, Officer of the Year; Sgt. John Pherrin and Senior Office Tim Starn, Medal of Valor; Officer Bob Nishimura, Purple Heart Award; Graham Beilby, Medal of Merit; and Hugh Tate, Civilian of the Year.

I was reJding lhi<o morning in the " Be t of the Hotline" (~la) 20) the cr11 iq ue on Costa Me~a Triangle Squ:ire. I thought it \\:lS very <inte resting that there are -;even lcuer~. and in fou r of 1he letters. no one has been into Triangle Square.

Triangle Square ;, really a marvelous 'lhopping center. I live 1n Costa ~tc ... a, I've lived here a long ume now. I couldn't "..Iii for Tnanglc Square to open.

l\c 'isited all the shops l:IO far anJ enjo>ed very much the Alta Coffee House. My daugh1cr and I are fortunate enough ,.,.ithin walking d1)tance, Clod ''e walk do,.,,n there at night and sit ou lside and drink a cup of coffee. l1's wonderful.

I wish that the people who had written in \\OUld just stop there rind shop. Go inside. Yes, it 's a little 1mpo)ing \\hen you first drive in. but not the second time you go in .

•• .. .. ..

1 ,..,.,.,.~ 'l'.!DI

I nnnt.tlc Squ..irc tmn~' ..1 1uuch of cl ... 1,.., ll) do\\nhmn ( o<,I J ~1c'IU And'' 11h for 1.:ill ... elm.le..,, I don't ha\e tu \\Oii) Jhout '>Cr.1p1ng the ruol of m) '.in . Nice Jllb

ca.0 1iGL O'NAN, co,1.1 ~le'IJ :J

I h..1vc: to tdl )OU that the p; I) .itrocmu~ 11 ·, .1h,olu1cl) the ''llr'>t 'once pl an) one hJ' e'er cbmc up Mlh One tune "c "en1 1here ma Ford L 'Pk>rcr .ind there: I) J '1gn th.11 '-1\ '· • Parlo.rng for t,111 'chicle 1nclud1n~ rord L 'plorer . pJrk here " \\ c there .ind 'ome ~tu> c.1mc running up anJ \J1J, "Can'1 p.1rl.. here ... And he h:iJ ' umc :.tup1d lall .. uci.. 1ha1 , ;-11d the Fxplorcr "·"n't .1 ... tall as the \tick.

I here " only one kind of E\plorer, there I) onl) one k.rnd of '-Ch1clc like that .ind the :.1gn J)' bplorer ... pJrk here. AnJ \\e there Jnd th1' 1dm1 1nsl'>ted that "e So to all the people th;it have not

stopped at Triangle Square, pleac;e g1"e )'OUr~elf a treat and ju!.t do 11. Tri.inglc Square raises p.issions - ~ood and bJd - of local shoppers.

couldn 't park there or c1'c "c'd get IO\\CJ NecJlc" tu '·I} \\C mu,ed the l:.~pk1rcr ''h1ch ,,3, <.,uppo,cJ 10 be EVELYN HI NZ. Costa Me'a

0 What do I think of Triangle Square? I am 'o offended by the way in which the property ~a' cleared off and the other people ,.,,hose bu~mc.,,c, "here there and remO\ed, I ha"e tried not Ill ' hop 1herc and I continue not to shop 1herc.

PtGGY TOLEDANO. co,1.1 k 'l.l

0 I ha'e \COlured into tha1 Trianglt! Squ.irl.' once. Jml once ... I suggest the O\\nerc; sue the ob,inu,1~ dysfunctional architect \\hO created thal th mg up Or, in the (brm of options. rename 11 "Confu-.1011 Squa(c'' or:tear it down anJ sel up maybe J

bo"ling allc» 11\ for the birJ ... STEVEN G. FRAMEN, Cornn..i del f\

Square deal

Reader reviews keep pouring in on Costa Mesa's

Triangle Square O ,1 grc.11 center anJ I re.ill~ 111..e 11

h 's JU~ I a~ much of a huge ugly blight on the JUDY llARl\l.:S. Corona del land cape JS 11 pronw.ed to be. Worse than Villa .J Martinique, \\hich the same previous City Council All '".e need 10 do" i.ike a look JI c'el) prOJl.'CI afteNard admiued had been a mistake. Hall the the city h:l~ been 1mohcu tu. 1hc old school " now nearby population can't afford to shop there that bu1IJin~ aero\\ from f' riangle Square and i\ in bccau~e they live In lhe b~mio. bankruplcy. 'I hen \\e h,1\C lhe Other piece of

E. BRADLEY. Co,ta Me\;1 i. pro~rty, "hich I'> on the corner of 19th and O ll-"-11:.irbor. which mc1den1ly ''as by eminent

I very much like the movies anJ the stores al domain. which " pmh.ibly at best 50 percent Triangle Square. l don't like the parking lot at all. empt)', on it's way Ju,,n. I've called and complained about the ecurity in the parking lot. I've talked to the manager, he ''as not helpful at all. I don't feel safe there.


0 It ') a great center. I love the loca11on of it , the looks of ii, except for Nike1own. It ju t does not Iii. i1 's too fu1uri!lt1c. It hould be over by Planet I lollywood and not distracting from the over.ill loo~ of 1he architecture in that area . Other than that it':.

Now thefve built .1 nc\\ monstrosity nght 1n the center of town Geograplucall). an unbelievable n1gh1marc. I uon 't know \\ha1 an)'bod)'!> thought WJ~ on tlus. It look them )'Cars to get th" propen y .ind I' ll be real hone!lt with you, I hope C\-Cl)body in there ma kes 11. I ee it a' just be mg anothe r dl'>a'itcr tha1 the city has put upon the people bpeeiully the bu ines~ people.

TOM 1 J IOMPSON, Co ta Mei.a 0

parked there according to the sign We \\Cnt around, tried Ill 11111.J J place 10 p.trk

l3) 1he time ,.,.c found a to pJrl... 1hc mo' 1c we \\Cre going 10 gu 'CC .llrc.1d} s1.1r1cd We nm.,ed 11 And I could 1ell ~ou, the l..1 t 11me I'll e'er )tcp foul 111 1hat Tnanglc Squ.1re \\.1\ 1h..11 tune.

The) O\\C the puhli~ .in .1polo&> for th.11. It '' JU)t :itr~1ou~ What J " ·"le of money and lime

·1 he parking sunk'. the people there are .irrogant .im.I the) arc not helpful ·1 he) think 1ha1 thq .ire doing ~ou .1 fa,or b) running arounJ there, shu ... el1ng )OU around the parl..1ng ;.1rea.., and people don't nl.'eJ thJt. Peopk don't need 10 he ha-. .. lcd \\hl.'n thl.' ) go ou1 10 1;pe11d their monl.'}

Jf·l·F \\l:.ITZ. Nc,,port Uea.:h

0 I thin!.. that 1he :1r1.:h11ec1 "ho de<>u.:ncd th" Triangle S4uarc !.h11ulJ be tarred and lc.ith~· red and run ou1 of IO\\ n on a rail And it '>huuldn't he called Triangle Square. 1t ">hould be c.llkd " Rld1culous Square."

JOl:. 1 HOMPSON. Nc\,pon O..:ach

0 I think 1hat Triangle SquJre 1 ~ the be!lt thing that ha~ happened to co .. ta ~tc a Jlld thi'I aren 1n many, many years. It ic; ob olutcly wonderful Store~ are great, the people arc great, e\Cl)'lhing's great. Thank )OU 10 our commun11y

RHO.NNI Kn CHEN. Corona dcl Mar

0 l \\On't )hup there Jnymore. l\e hopped there a few time). l\e med 10 park m)' Ford faplorcr before in the truck ~pnC'e where 1t l:ia)' )OU can park a Ford faplorcr. Jnd the gentleman told me that he wa~ going to tow me, so l took off and never went to the movie. I will neve r go there.

OtORA CASEY, Newport Oench

r------~········ · ···· ······ ··················· ··········· · ········.. .. .. .. ······················································································ .............................................................................................................................. . ______ t ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . Hotline

The followmg i1' D Jmpling for cull!, from our 24-hour Readers' llotline. If you'd like to get involved, it's tH easy as punching in

the following seven number. : 642-6086. Please /cave your name (spell ir out), city

and phone number (fur verification). Thank you'


More on schools 'rour edi1oriu1 and rc.adcf\ ahkc have gra pcd the solution 10 the dctcriora11on of government run school : priv:1'tc school. Abou t $5,000 per year per s1uden1 i taken from 1he t<ix year 10 fund government-run schools. Yet thi fail . The rea on ore \1mple. No compc11t ion and money fi ltered ou1 by layer oC bureaucracy and wasteful admini 1ration. Not t0 1n private ~hool. The money goe directly to the teacher!\ and tcoc:hing kid

fhe ,0Ju11on 1 •11 haud . El!t<:""hcrc return of 1hc I dollars by voui.: hcrs llo"' ~\iER Y puent to choo c a decent \Chool for their

kid!. Return 1nd1vidual choice and rc<ipon 1bi111y to parents with "ouchers.

CHRIS LYON, Corona del

0 I note that for every child lo t 10 a private chool, the d1 trict lo e $2,500. In ll'i much

a $5000 or more i being spent on each ~tudcnt , the district ave~ $2,500 A S2.5 million aving.' on a thou,.ind children. Cl.iss size could be reduced, and the ~chool would h.ive the gain.

Mr. (Rod) MacMilhan , a Board ~or l:.ducation) member, IO<>k at t hi~ up idc down. rhc second point i · the ome thing goe for Mr Jin1 de Ooom. While explaining why the Ch1ca'fo ~chool-. arc better, he admiit our 1e1chcrs arc paid 14 percent more All recent tudics show that our government types arc paid far in ucc ti~ civ1han olaries for imilar ro ition .

Uut do our boartt~ ci,;cry ~ck to reduce alaries drastically'? Neaa1ivc. They

cons1\tcntly in tead eek more and more

~ ..

pay .ind fund'> .ind whal 1hey ought 10 do actually " reduce ..... 1larics, particularly the ranks of 'upcrvbor).

J R. UlAKi=MORE. Corona del Mar

Negative coverage A recent (M:.ay 22-23) hc.idhne, "Wh i\tlcblo,.,,c r: 'chonl d1\tnc1 unchanged" W.l\ quite unf.ur in of the contents of the well •\\'rillc:n .irt1clc by Ru.,., I oar.

If you ore trying 10 the \chool d1<mkt :ind be Jivi,ivc in the cummunit), you need more hc.11.llinc like th<H . Uut 1( you wQnt to record .accurately infotmatmn in )'Our head line • ns well "" in the hody of the nr11cle, then better ~end your headline writer back lo elemcntory chool.

There were four p:arogroph concernina the whi tlcblowcr, 16 paragraphs quotinJ five other people. And your hc0tdhnc &i"'e crc<lit only lo one per on. Very di appointing. ery d1rni\C

JIM Oli U00~1 . Newport Oc u:h Jim dt Boom Is • Ntwport·Mt o tru ttt.

Madder than heck cos1a Mesan should be madder thon hell . I just came from the Mesa Con olidoted Water Ob1nct 's firli l heorina on the planned water rate incrca e of O\Cr 28 percent for the next two )t.:a~ .

·1 h1 plan incren e "111 rcpre,cnt a co t of Jpprnx11nately S6 per month to each Co ta Mc .i hou-,eholJ At th1 heoring there wa only 9 concerned c111zcn .. in <lttcndancc:. ·1 here should hove been 5,000 Co la Mesans there voicing there concern\ 10 top &hi\ public agency from ripping off every Costa Mc a hou ehold. •

lt is time for the public to how their concern and determination to ~lop elected public official\ from ripping us orr \\-1th 1ncrca,ed tu'<c and rllle increollcs.


1'ht nn• I pub/It ht11rln1 on tht Mt1• Con olld• ttd watu ratt Inert• t '" tonl1ht ut tht dlUrlct'ct htadquarttr. , 19.J~ l' lattntla A•t. In Co t• Mtsa.


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Jim Gressinger publisher

Tom Johnson associate publisher

William S. Lobdell editor & vice president

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Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot

WAGNER From A1 or Waaner's Gala:<y Drive home While bidders throughout the hou c, in the backyard and 1he gn­r1ge nashed signals 10 bid pot· tcr

'' I haven't ~een a rur coat that didn't fit )Ct," Coulter whecracked as he turned his attention to a (ack of 16 furs up for bid. A 20-pound, fur-lined bathrobe once worn by Wagner sold for $400, oabbcd by Tustin resident Joce­lyne Estee. " I bought it for my daugh ter, ' she said, while her hus­band Robert looked on - winc­ing.

Corona dcl Mar resident Steve Schuman bought Wagner·~ .. full­length ilvcr fox coat for Sl,050. " I might make a bcd~pread out of it." he said.

Wagner's flair for O)tentat1on w:is on display during the school district's 25th an ni\ersary celebra­tion a year ago when he arri\'ed at (he party in a mink-lined tuxedo jacket. Bui it was not clear which - if any - of the mink jackets up for auction he wore to the event. A striped mink jacket "as snapped ~p for $1 ,200, and a 30-inch ' ranch .. mink jacket soltl for s.iso.

AUCTION From A1 Jail, faces a ma'<imum eight years nnd eight month!. in !>late pri1,on . Federal chargci. could al!>o be filed against the former !oehool district budget director. Wagner claim he's done e\ef) thing P<>l>Sible to help the chool d1i.tnct reco,er ~tolcn a~et . School district and bankruptcy officials ~trongly Jis­o~ree. Eight of the 16 fur coat nnd Jackets up for Juc\iun v.ere belatedly d1'ICOH~rcd by bankru ptcy· ofricials, locked awa} in '>toragc.

An etching of the " Raising of Lazarus" said to bear the signa· ture of Rembrandt, brought Sl,900. Four signed prints by Marc Chagall sold for prices ranging from S475 to $700, a disappoint ing amount, according to bankruptcy ' officials.

The Wagners' diamond and gold wedding rings, along with other as­~orted jewelry and loose gems sold

Albert said he finds Wagner's claim of being swindled out of much of the stolen money hard to believe. "Stephen Wagner was too clever a fellow to be that dumb," Albert said.

for more than S25,000. Bankruptcy officials estimate

that when Wagner's Ncwp6rt Beach house and t\\O other prop· ertics are sold, they'll have recov­ered only about $400,000 or roughly 10 percent of the S4 mil· lion he confessed to ~tcaling from the school di!>trict from 1984 to 1992. That's about 10 cent) on the dollar.

abstract melody, )Ounding like an errant child stnhbing at the keys. Auction-goer) ignored the pi:.ino's dii.sonant ramblings as they in­spected a variety of signed prinb by Dali, Marc Chagall ~tnd other .

" I think he' probably got a cou­ple million ~ta)hcd i.omc" here," :.aid a young, ""ell-dre!>se<l m.1n. thumbing through a rack of 16 fur coati., robe:. and jackets.

Upstairs. the cunous peeled m­sidc o huge )Jfe silting at the top of the staarcase. Other) looled out at the view of the Ne"pon Dunc ... from the empty sccond-Ooor bed­room. The gold-pbtcd plumbing fixuircs, plush carpet!> and CU!>tom

Thursday, May 27, 1993 A15

Nabi H"ji models a bathrobe in the patio area of Stephen Wagner's fo rmer home in Dover Shores Wednesday.

And the i.chool di. trtct is ~till haggli(lg with the Internal Rev­enue Sen ice over " ho will be firl>t in line to reccl\ e the profits from Wagner's liquidated a!>Set~. The IRS claims that Wagner owes S2.4 million in back taxes :ind !>Chool district officiab say they do not ex­pect a financial windfall from the ~Wagner c~tate ttn}time soon, 1f e\Cr.

cabine try. :.p ri n.1.. led bvi~h ly throughout the first floor "ere largely ab)Cllt up,wir-., "here the p.1i111 wa' crLicl..ed and peeling tn pla cs.

Back out'lldc, ~an1a AnJ I le1ght:. re,ident Jeanne Ro· drigucl bru,hcJ her h:ind .1g.11n't the gloc;~) 1964 Rolb Ro) CC ':>1her Cloud Ill - Lin automob1k '"'h a \leering '"heel on the nght and 99,769 m1k' on the odometer

· It\ l..1ml of J1sgustin~... Ro­dn~ucl .... 11d, making her "·') 10 .; ruugh-cu t emerJld on display 1n a burnii.hcJ \\Ooden ca'>e " l c.1mc to )Ce the emerald - emerald 1., my fo,orite stone "

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" I don't think there' s.i million he re today," aid court-appointed bankruptcy trU'>tee Ted Albert. "The que 11011 "· where b the rest of it?"

Enough Oaccarat crystal for a dinner party of 12 sparkled under the nuorescent light of Wagner·~ garage. SL\t)' assorted crystal piec­es "ere lined up on a black cloth placed over a long table where commemorati\t: coins and Jewelry \\ere also on display. '' It looJ..s like a European cut,'' said one elderly gentleman \\Caring snakel>ktn cow­boy boots, stooping lo\\ to inspect a fa t diamond ring.

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~ Section B Sports May 27, 1993 The Newport BeactVCosta Mesa Daily Pilot •

Sports Editor Roger Carlson . . .. 642-4330 ext.387

Youth track and field/93 Jim Niem1ec-outdoors/B4 Class1fied/B6

.... Sea Kings have put their name back to the top and big with Sea View tennis crown. By Barry Faulkner SOorts WrRt

CORONA DEL MAR -Exchange-!ttudent imports ~ from Chile, Sweden, and Switzerland provided three ) .! strong members of the line-~~ up, but the most valuable ~--.V~ addition to the Corona del ~ Mar High tennis team may ha\e come from within lobbing distance of the Se Kings' courts.

Veteran co:ich Tim Mang, " ho left a conspicuous trail of champ1onsh1p!t at Edison High and Orange Coast College, " as acting a a comultant in CdM Ath­letic Director Jerry Jelnid..'s search for a new coach last summer. "hen he finally decided his one-year "'acat1on from coaching was long enough.

" I lt\e \Crv clo-c to Corona dcl Mar, and the more I got to thinking about the job opening, the more antsy I got to re· turn to coaching," Mang said.

l« P-'CNlly Piloc

Corona ckf Mar Hilh's Sea View l.e•ue tennis ~mpions - bKk row, from left: lirs Hollund, Beat hudenbacher, Rodolfo Prieto, Brian WaJden, Coach. Tim Mang, Ali Jahan­giri, · Trenton Rhod'es, Jed Weinstein, Rick hh~or; front row, from left - Paul Fruch6om, Doug Smith, Marie ~on. They host Peninsula today at 3 in CIF semifinals.

Though a prO\en winner {Edison won 9 of 10 Sun et l eJgue titles under h1 guidance), ~lang l>a1d he was he!tllant :ibout elo1abh:.h1ng command at CdM, "here a proud tradition of winning had tal..en its lumpl> in recent years.

But a~ the team adapted to Mang'l> See CDM/84


Uke Miss Orkin, she bombs away at unsuspecting worms tar from

..,e edge at reasonable security

t..1~~11.o ...,.,.,,n..I)>"""'

Newport Harbor's Gina Heads is the Athlete of the Week.

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~ At just 5-foot-3, Newport Harbor High's Gina Heads continues he~ assault with the shot put; next up, Masters Meet. By Barry Faulkner ~Wrtttr

F or omeone concerned about the future of rain forests, red­woods, and the gcheral preservation of her planet, Ne'' port Harbor High's Ginn Heads is ce rta inly rough on gras~.

While the ncdgling environmentalist has dc\Oted hour!. to refuse removal, ~he is, paradoxically, better knm"n for rcpe;itedl~ assaulting fields of green \\ ith the blade-bludgeoning blo"~ of J

hurtling d1 cus. And though she propels the shot put onto lesl> fertile cmiron:1 (pit:. of dirt),

she is likely no friend to any subterranean speciel> hounded b) the ince!t')ant hammering of her herculean heaves.

Worm!. and ~roundslecpers nof\\ithl>t:rnding, HcJd-. \\tn~ unl\er:1JI pr.11 e lor her athletic achievement~. \\hich helped Newport gJin a CIF Svuthun Sectivn Division II track and field championship Saturday at Cerrito!> College.

The 5-foot-3 dynamo won the individual shot put crown (41 fee t, 11 inches). and finished second in the discus ( 138-7). She also amassed 18 point!I toward the

See HEADS/12

. ·~ , .. ,~ . ev1an

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K le \\Iii on and the Pirates go fo r it all thi \\ ee'-.cnd.

THE AMAZING BUCS CO I A \11:.~A - There·~ no dl'Ubt, n\.ll C\Cn

the Am.wag .\1ch of y~tCl)C.Jr can mat1.h the Am.wng P1r.Jtc' llf Orange Coa't Cullege

1 he) ha\e ~mmmeJ more error .... 131. 1h:in JO} other ba!-eb:ill team in the -13-~car h1~tOf} of the OrJngc Co;1'1 College ba,eball program

I he' h.J\I.! g1,en up O\er 150 h1h more than an~ other du t-1n 0((. annJ I' - 566. and more than 100 run' (:l'2) than an' other tc:im the 'l.'.h\x1I hJ prc\.iou'h tielJcJ

J'hc' h:1\e been h.Jtte red from pillar to po't "nhin J ~0-:W -.e:J\\ln C~ prc'' b,1mbarded the P1rJtc-. 1~ I~ . S.JJJkb.Jcl.. rn jO)CJ \l. ' JnJ lb -I l.1ughcr' R1,..:Ndc ''a' 1n h\ tcri.:,, I\) ·~ .

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•2 Thursday, May 27. 1993 Newport~ Meu o.ily Pdot

National crown for Newport Harbor ~ Sailors are U.S kingpins. and get a lltUe bonus, as well.

L ut eckend the Ncwpon Harbor High School sadin1 t~am posted an imprcun.e 1.S-2 record co win

the Baker Trophy as the top high s.chool "Team racing" team in the nation.

In addition to domiruting on the 111.atcr, the Sailors 'llrCrc gi"cn the Stewart Bullivant Sponsmah5hip Troph) fo r &a.ilin& virtua!Jy protest (rec (not a )mall accomplishment rff 1eam racing) throughout the fC! .sll.i

The regJlla, \ailed al St. \hry' C.Ollege outside Ann.;.ipolt~. Md, brougt\t toge ther the 12 top high ~hool tCilm) throughout the United ~late~. 'llrho collect1\ocly s31Jcd O"·Cr JOO races last 1.1.eekend.

t~ h dropped back "'bcnc\o-cr S1e-.e and I needed hefp, he ended up inning most of the race for.: ...

Z mbafd1 added that the cr~ing • of McDonnell, Hogan and PolO\iina re3Uy came together at the regatta, and consequently their team had the bc~t boat handling at· the regatta.

Longtime !'~port Harbor and C.Orona del Mu sailing coach 8111 Wakeham eiplaincd the difference berv.ccn team racing and more: traditional fleet racing. " In sailing. team r01cing is to fleet racing v. hat water polo is to sw1mm1ng.

:0-:e-..port ended up with four more 111ct~es than runner-up Hotchk1s~. Ct. (11-6) and H"hop. Ca. (I 1-6) St Pcter\burg, F1 (10-7) wa\


In team racing, each team enters three boat teams, and the racing is generally far more tactical and strategic than fleet racing.

fo Hth and perennial high ~hool sa1hng power<. St George\, R.l (7-4) and ·1 .ib<Jr, Mes . (7-4) tied for fifth

Sc ... port Harbor s three-boat team was kJ try 1un1or te<sm captain Danny Z mb.ld1. and other sk1ppea Stc1.c Kit." a and ~athan Dunham. 'llrllh crew) \fanJ1 McDonnell Ceiscy Hogan and Courtne) Polovina, wuh faclc Hog.rn as hJ1.k·up and alternate.

Tv.o wee~ ago, Newport was second overall in the Mallory Regatta, g1"en to the top "fleet racing team" 1n the U.S. (the equivalent of ~inning a swim meet) By winning the Balcer Trophy, the Sailors demonstrated that they are the top three boat team racing team in the U S.

ewport's national high school sailing champions, and the best of s~rtsmen, as \\ell - from left, Coach Bill Wakeman, Jack Hogan, Courtney Polovina, Danny Zimbaldi, Casey Hogan, athan Dunham, Mandy McDonnell, Steve Kleha, James Malm.

According to Z1mbald1, " K.leha and I u\ua lly mixed 11 up wnh the other team, ... tide Dunham JU'>t sailed fast. Even

According to U.S. S:11ling's Tina McKinley, the 'Bullivant Sportsmanship Trophy, which was also a1.1.arded to Harbor, i~ not awarded every year, and then only 10 ca cs where exceptional

!oporlsmanship is exhibited by a high school ~ailor.

The Bullivant has always been awarded to individuals, and Newpor\ is the first team to be awarded this trophy.

facn though the Newport Harbor sailing team already rivals the be t local teams 1n the last 209 years (including CdM in '87 and '92), not a single member of the Newport team will

graduate 1h1~ )

John DroJton's boating column appears Jn tht Doily Pilot c~cry Thur,day.

Speedway motorcycles

'Fox Nillht' highlights Friday fare ..,_ First race starts at 8 o'clock

at 17th annual 'Fox Night' races.

CO~TA MESA - fox Night - some things, de­'>p11e wc1al changes and the rolli ng of tides, do not change .

Fox Night is one of them and the 17th annual celcora-

-,- ... ~. 11;,

. ,-/, .,1 '

• J, ~J -11on of girls and motorcycles goes off f riday night at Orange County Fairground!> where top profe\~1on;.ils of the United Slates Speed· way Motorcycle Racers, as well as Sidecar Spcedwily Team<. and PW 50.., are featured.

It"\ a night when any female 1s admitted free Drag race promoter Steve Evens 1n1tiated the concept of a Fox Night in 1975 at the Ir· v.1ndalc Drag Strip

The idea was promptly stolen by Costa Mesa promoter Harry Oxley, who admiti., " J know a good thing when I see 11. I felt that f ox Night at \pcedway was a natural. It worked 1hen and 11 remain\ one of the most popular event'>."

she said. "This one evening creates an interest level second only to the United States !':a· t1onal Championship."

"Fox Night at Costa ~e'a mu<it be !occn to be bel1c"ed," said longume speeJwa) fon and former Los Angeles Times ~portswriter Tom Hamilton ' Jr's the most entertaining night of the )Car

"Every other 1.1.eek I go to sec the races, bu1 on Fox Night, it's .the v.omen I go to sec . There are more beautiful v.omen in Orange County than anywhere on e<irth and they · all scerp to \urn up at Speedway for l·ox Night."

The program features 30 races Y.lth cycles, light, fast and alcohol-burning \\lthout brakes.

The Costa Mesa is the: smallest speed· way racing track in the v.o rld, making the ac­tion "cry intense as the racers are v1r1ually handlebar-to-handlebar for e:ich heat.

The track is 190 yards m length and of dc­compo~cd granite. Reicing ha!> been held con· tmuousjy at th is facility since 1968, making it the olde'>t speedway motorcycle track in 1he country.

Tracy Schriber bags Golden West Athlete of Year

accolades Volle>ball standout TraC) Schnb·

er '-':l" named the Golden West Col· legc 1992-93 female Athlete of the Year, the school announced \ fon· day.

Schriber, a 5-foot-5 sophomore ouhide h1t1er from Corona Del f\1Jr High. wa) an All·Amenca, All·State and All-Southern California sclcc· tion a~ Golden West went 29·2 and fin1 hed 1hird at the State Tourna· ment. She was the Orange Empire Conference MVP this se.i'iOn

In 1991. her freshman )Car, ~chnber \\-.1S the state tournamc111 MVP as the undefeated Ru-.tleri. captured the stne champ1on\h1p

Community colleges O"AltOl lll""E CONnRlNCI

AlhJellc l 11p r•mK1 ~pecdway <ipoke\pe rson Lauren Oxley agree') "All year long v.e receive a tremcn· duu<i Jmount of intcre'>l regarding Fox Night,"

Capacity 1s 9,500. Tickets arc SSOO, juniors ( 13·17) and children (6-12) arc SS, and those under S arc admitted Cree. Ticket ;Jre avail· able at the gate from 6·30 p.m. Friday. The first race starts at 8 a.m.

1 Orang• Coe1t, 200V.; 2 Goidt'1 Wut In~ 3 It~ 1~ ~ ~~ 148 5 F....cr1tln. 142 6 ~~ S#. ~ 139 7 C;l>'tu 94 8 ~ ~ I.Im. 83 9 Mii Va: t/ 6~ 10 G10$SlttOl'l ~9 11 PllClrnl « 12 l.tA~ 16 13 r...c1 ~U:t'11 C1T1...w:1 12 · ~ eX'I

GINA HEADS: From 81 \.111or, firllt ·cver tllle, .111d C.:Jrned Daily Pilot Athlclc or the: Week hmmT'i

It ' .rn c.:1tu11ng 11me of the '>C.1\orl hcr;1u\c we have more cnc rn 111 compete ." \fud I h::i1h. who h.i ' hcnef11ed from a tapc1cd weight tr<unin~ reg1 · mm .111nui1lly employw by "-; l WJ'><lfl lhrowing coach fonv C 1.11 cll1

~111.1. fulh wmfortablc with the 'Plfl technique \he began U\

,1 \t1ph11mnrc He,1d~ will take Jim ,11 her per'><in.11 bc<il of 43-2 I ruJ,1~ JI rhc Cit· Ma)tcr\ Mn·1

I he M<i 'itcrs Meet, wuh 'lltlndoul\ from all divi ion~ or the c;outhcrn Section, will ad· v,incc five qualifier to the CJF \1 .11 c.: < h.1mp1onc;h1p'i, the fol · lowing weekend.

''We 're ~1111 waiting for the big throw, I know n·~ there," I lead aid after the section \hot put competition.

I hough conc;istcntly croi. ing the 44 -foot barrier in practice, f le ch 'lily~ he i~ eager to har· nc~\ the n1ht blend of tech· n1que, mten 1ty and power needed to produce new per· \Onal be\l\,

for while gnld med I are onr gau e of ucce , H~d a)'' ~he me 11ure \i.t1'if ctt n

tn feel • nu inches '1 rnc:k nu field i~ n tnd1

v1tlual '(>Qr1 ," $he expl111ncd, "where the real compct1tlo11 I with your,clf. I lhtnk the ulll · mole victory 1 bcatin& what you·~e done to that point. I hope to be one of the top lhre~ m shot and dilcua at the Mu· ten Me l, but 1•m realty ahoot·

mg for 45 feet in the hot and 145 feet in 1he discus."

Athlcuc <,kill and detennma-11on have helped Heads fulfill her lofty ambition on the track, but her achievements don't stop there.

Sh~ won the 17-and-under d1vb1on at the National Junior We1pttliftin~ Championships in Apnl 1n Minnesota, and hold\ Olympic a~pirations in that sport (efforts are ongoing to make 11 an Olympic event for the 1996 Atlanta Games)

Aho, Head wa~ an all-diMnct point guatd for the Sa il· ors' basketball team, which i.he helped lead to the Clf' lll ·AA ~m1finals and their fir t-cvcr share of the Sea View League championship.

" I like the different port I'm involved in, and I think they all complement one an· other," sajd Heads, whose ever present smile vanashcs under the veil of coinpct1tion.

" When it come 10 com· pcting, I !eel a rush in, 1dc, and my heart \tart\ poundmg," he aid. " I don't know where it

comes from, but the compcti· tiven~ and mten~ity ore dcfi n1tcly there when it's time to throw.''

While nor comr11ng. f lc.id1i cn1oya h1kma an nature. She iud he hope to earn a track

and field schol1rsh1p to o col· lege an the c.cnic Pacific Nonhwei.t.

Until then, however, he' ll oonunuc to dent whatever nil• ural surface Itel before her en route to a poqible t1te thl.M· pion hip.

llolt f« OCC • • .,. 1511 m~ rtst place t"'411 "cor.•t•tnte ~ tiased on 'ml'CS " t1Cfl ot me:111 ni .. omens •llCl'll

Today's TV-radio


6 a m - French Open. ESPN BHeba ll

10 30 am -RoYalS·Whlte Sox. WGN 4 30 p m - Brives-Reds, TBS 5 pm -Glants·Cubs, WGN 7 pm -Anoels·Manners. Ch 5.

Blcrcllng 11 30 a m. - Little 500, ESPN

KJckboxlng 1. 1 S p m - Thertault·de Snoo, SHO.

Go" 4 pm.-ColONal, USA.

, Deep sea WUNllDAY'I COUNTI

MIWPORT lAIHHNQ - S Dom. lS IJIOlll• 2 relOwlll. 27 NrTICllda, • Nnd tiast, 14 c.lico bast, I IOddlsh. 4 IMpi\. M bOl1lo 2 \llltelhad \ ... 34 !NCWll.

DAVEY'I lOCKI" - S tlolb. 123 l"Oltll 3 y.-owtal 112 lllotlllo. 274 lllllacl.ICU. 3t Ulct .... 11 ..., lllU t SC:IMll'! • • ....,.. 7 l'Odllllll. 1 ,... 2 aonlll IK'- 233 llllCIMl

Hor•• Racing 4 p m - Harness replays, PT 8 p m - Hollypark replays. Ch 56

Auto Racing 4 30 pm -GOOc:fy's Pore Day, PT 9 30 pm - Motocross, ESPN. 11.30 pm -Sportsman's too. Pl

Pro Hocker 7 p m.-Leals·KlllQS, Pl.

RADIO ••••b•ll

7 p m -Angels-Seattle, l\t1i"c (71 O) Pro Hocker

7 p.m. - Leaf1·KlngS, XTRA (690)

Local schedule





1.500 Auto Mall Drive, Santa Ana • 8)5 .. J 171 (SS FWY • Edinta)

Junior baseball Newport het Uttle League

MA.JO.. LUQUE ltandln99

1 Oooofn I 3·0. 2 Pt!- ff 9-C 3 ReiH 7 ·S. lk'.s 7 ·6 S G a"'.s 5·8 6 c~:is H 7 Bram 4 .9 8 C•C.fllls 2 11

Scores ~s s. Ci~.nas 4 c~~ 8 G.3rn 7

Rtds 7. UCIJ 3 ~ 2 1 tlm e l!mtS 0 Ood';t!S J f">I' tS I ~S 11 Ctm o c.ona;s e Gwts 7

Ptaver of '"- w .. k ... ~ Unor rJ ct tt.t P"I: s • ~ • 1..-'COll [lt1nt!UY and s ... tlis ~ ft'll ot lta;ut ~ Ht tu btt1I a COl'.S ~ oer10t"'fl SUSOll ~ bol1I al P,:cl'!er and S'W)IU!Q9 IOI fie Ptd.n Sa!\Kdaf llt ~ a O'UI p 1Cfml; Pf'!onNnCt 1V"1st #It

Ood9m 111 I CIOst 91mC st.'-.rig cu \ 3 OC fie 18 b'l!trS llt li:rd M ;S II fie cltan-vp sl)OI ano Wrt 2 IQf 2 IQ ns1 !he Care: ~s Y> t'I c RBl 1t1 a s.c ¥r ill. a/Id atso goc ant OI 11'4 It# !'Its for bc;Ul team! WI S~ay s qame ag1 11S1 1t1e Docgtrs dnY1fl9 ,, lilt ortf P!lo. e r.111

AAA Sta ndings

1 c..:, 10.t ? •.acts a.J J Pld.n 7-3·1 4 OodQlrl S 8 S Carc:'1&1s J.7 ·,1, 6 8t1'rU 2'7·2 7 Reds M

lcor•• Clb1 16 ~;lfl 6 Rtds 10 Bmn 4,

~ns 6 C~IS 0 llorlt ) Cut>s z. Ptil!.s I Bnvts c~s litd OocotrS 10 Mfts o Pt. 10 Reel$ 1


c oCARWASH& u CARNAUaA WAX p Aft Cfdt Se6t W~

• lltttriw a..-. • a.. Mitt . .. 0 . s s,.dll s.. .............. N • MllMDet.lllllC • FllC...-.Wu

& ~ et(at A'-' F~ .... On ~tU44~

CAA WASH@T!J~~ s ... ........, ... _ ....., ....








88 Gallon


ovrn '" Mil I ION f( f T Of LUMBER AND Pl YWOOD IN s TOCK •

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Thursday, May 27, 1993 A

Newport-Mesa Unilied District Intermediate Track and Field Championships

TeWinkle reigns supremal

... r., ~ o. ,Pit

~ Longtime champs do 1t again at district track and field finals. · By Barry Faulkner SPoll• V/r ltr

NLWf'OIU Ul:.ACIJ .... Ihe lc\\1n­lde Intermediate ho)' track :mJ lteh.l team don, natcd 1,1 ~in it~ ninth ~tr.ught ove rall 11• c, \\htlc 1he TeWinkk l?trl) m.mhed 1he O\ernll c. ro" n in 'omc" h.11 of J 'urpmc JI the NC\\p<lrl· 1c':.i D1:.· <net l ntermcdtJtc Ch:imp1on,h1p~ \Vcdnesda) Jt ~c,,p11r1 lfaroor High

l cWinl..le 'printer' Cl m Felt\ ;ind Omar Ro,Jlc each brol..e a pJir ul tfo· 1nc1 record' to help Co.ich U1ll R1dJell\ bo)' compile a record :?1 .5 comb111ed point~ 1n C (5·fooH-;wd·under). 'C\·

enth and eighth gr;icJe Ji\ j,io11'>

T he Trojan "-Un all three dh 1-.1onal boys team tulc ... ''"h the ~c!'\en1h grad· crs po~ling 2 point'> the C 1c.1m 16. and the eighth grader\ 60 5

.. h was a total team effort." saiJ Rid· dell. whose Te\\ tnkle collc:igue and girh coach ,Larf) Hirt plc.1\.i1HI) surpri,ed by hi.. Jthlt:tei.' shu'''"S·

The TeWinkle g1rb \\On 1he C Ot\I·

'>ion (5·2-nnJ-unJcr) team CfO\\O (57 points). ~ind the '>l.'~c:nth gr:.sdc title: (4 }. fi111 .,h111g WClmd 10 Dw)er of ll unt1ngtun Dcach 111 the c:i1?111h gradt.: compe1i1ion.

" \Ve e'pected Ill "in 1hc C 01\-T''°" but the ,c,cnth l!r.idc title "J' .1 'ur· p(t'>c:." I l1rt '>Jld- And I ligorcJ c•u1 c1gh1h gr.idcr' Ill I 1r.,h abouc klUrlh. ~o that \\ Js a ~rc:it cllu1 Llor them·

lnJ1\ldu.11!), I c!1\ JnJ Roltt1lc' Jeu th.: \\ ·'~ lor I he I rOJ.lll h, 1~ '• a':> c ·'' 1 \'On their re.,pcctf\e d1\J,,on' J(lQ·):trJ d;i~h. I 0. lun-.t JUmp. and .1nd\1m:d ':d r;ot;:. J()O rclJ) ljUJrt~ ''

Among the major \\'inners were (from left) TcWinkle's Oscar Ocam,eo in the boys 1320; Ensign's JJmic SwJrburg in the girls 1320 (she also "on the 600 in C Division); and TeWinklc s Chris Felix, \\ ho \\On the 100 and 180 free for eighth grade boys, as \\'ell as the long jump and anchored the \\ inning 4x75 relay team for team champion TeWin"le.

" I c.ill him \Ir hi:\, m1,,, .. R1tld .. ll 'J1d of the l b.t..1r.·horn c1t:h1h i:raJ .. r • \\hO clo..:l..cJ a 10 CJ 111 1hC: I0((.111J 1

19 U in the hO tu put hi., n:imc atl)p the d1'J tric1 record h1l1>k 11 ·ach cH~nt -


INTERMEDIATE FINALS lo~• team 1cor•1

&-foot-+and under C DM 1lon - I Tt~~·· 76 z It.Cl Ow-,tf (~i;'I 21 • Co'1a 'l'U 6, s Ha•:ior 011 3 s c.s·~

Seventh t rade - I l'Nr • t 12 2 f~'O" 35 l 11¥» 011 13 4 0-.-.•• t ~ I' tt C. II '-'•u Cor"'a CCI J.I~ 2

Eighth grade - I Jt;,r , t W ~ 2 { "' • 31 s l t i COUI lki..a Ct. a A"' 11. 6 s 111 '.>'~ Oar s 6 0..)tt 2

8 oye lndlvtdual ru ulte 100 - C Dlvlelon - 1 C. II .. u T 1 13

2 S.-..1 £1 11 22 l tt11 C 11 ~ Seventh grade - I Al..~ :>II g 110 II ~2 2 !...~., \T 11 Sl 3 let (}. 11 f2 Eighth grade - • ft (£) 10 68 2 0 .... .,, IC I II 3• 3 Cot:lOla Et 11 43 .

180 - C Dh1telon • 0 ll~rt. T '9 10 2 S. •J 1fl 20 2S 3 HM! 01 1' SI Seventh trade - I Scoa tT l 5l Z C~ •"'\• ., 20 9' l 8 ... ict11 (Ce\I 21 59 Elghlh trade - 1 Fe ( (T) 190 2 Mettle .. 1(1 !981 3 COid •U ,[, 2029

300 - C DM 1lon - 1 h .... oar (T) 38 • 2 ~ (T) 39 1 3 8 RvJ" ··s Ill 4~ S level\ th tr•d• - , Ow m 391 ~'11; .. tl 101 40 0 3 Sell•ffrs (T) 4~ 1 El t hth tt1d1 - Metrnlt t (E) 36 1 2 At~U (TJ 37 ? 3 P""ctl (Tl 36 0

800 - C Dlvl1lon - I Cas U (T) I 34 8 2 G'1t1<1 (T) I 41 7 3 Ai"-UonQ (El I so 9 Sevel\ lh tr•de - Oc~po· 1TI 1 JS 8 2 PL >et (T). I 36 7 3 Morod1a;on (T) • t 41 1 Eighth g rade -8ea1dslec (Cd'dl t 19 0 2 Ast 11'1 IEI 1 33 1 3 VUQ..U (T), I 34 4

t , 320 - C Dlvfelon - t Ci-a.f( (CMI. 3S093 2 Cu (Tl 3Sl22 3 ~1(T) 40379 Seventh _1r•de - 1 C.a po (1) l ~ 99 2 Mot!Otagot1 CTI 4 00 22, 3 Ast.ln 1i:1 l 4S 04 Elt hth tr•d• - I Buu! IC<lMI 3 4? 71 \ (T) 3437 3 Astoll 1EI 3 45 CM

300 relay - C DM • lon - 1 Tc.,.. ,,"4 ( Jrnrcl Ucoll¥ Cu 'iS 0 ROWtsl JS 1 2 o., ... 38 • 3 £111<., 38 9 Seventh tr•de - • C,s'Qll. 37 'I 2 TcM· 310 3 COllt'-I dtl ¥ll 4:>5 lJghth er•d• - 1 1•" "- I~ ~et Pvttil f l 34 1 2 CGri " def t.lii 346 3 E~ 3S9

HJ - C Dlvlelon - 1 Bur 10 4.9 2 'IJll Pa:t"I 101 • 9 3 tllllllotl \HD) 4 6 Seventh trade - 1 Art~IO ([) S 0 Z lll1'.Mlfl (T) 4·1 3 SO..-t IHOI U Eighth 9rat11 - I lt&.~t ICMI 5·2, 2 HolllO'\ (Co.'.«I 4 10 3 Ptm (T) 4 10

l J - C Olvlelon - 1 0 Rou n (T) 17-(h 2 ~l {ft 16-S'rt 3 &., "* jTt IS·S Seventh t r•d• - I l"" 1E 17.()'~ 7 Oca '?O •1) IS 1 0·~ 3 Art~!>Clld i() IS 9\• Elt hth trade - I Ft (T) 11 a 2 s•.1 .. 11c en 11 o 3 Co)'OCZl 10 16-8

SP - C Dlvlelon - I Het10Q (CMt 40.11, 2 Gato CTI. 36 6 · l 8 Rou s (l) 3S 2~ Seventh gt1de - I StOll (TJ. 42·4 2 811W11 (£) 39 11 l 0.'TlU (T) 39·4~ Elt hth t rade -1 VUQutl (T) 41·N 2 lH (CC!MI 36·3 3 Wiek1n (HO), 38-2

0 1111 team 1core• 8 ·foot·2 ·and·under C Dlvlelon - I

Tew • S7 2 fns!Q'l 26 3 Cos'U ~tsa 2S. ' {)w)tt 14 S 11MllOI 011 9 6 COIW a.I Ml1 2 Seventh tr•de - 1 lt.Vll"llt 48 2 COiona dtl Mll 36 3 Ensr I 9 4 o .. ~r1 1 S S H11bol 011 14 6 Cosu ...... llghth tr•d• - 1 Ow,tr se s 2 TcW~lt 29 s 3 [~$'0" 2&.S 4 Colona Otl ~UI 19 s ~O•t 1 e co,u ~m 35

Moneypenny to Western State COSTA MESA - Mater Der

High and Orange Coal>t College bruike1ball pro<lucl Mark Money­penny, a 6-10 foiward·cen1er. ha., accepted a bJ!>kelball grant .11 D1-"i"on II \\'ci,1ern Stale Collei;:c of Gunn1~on. Colo. .1f1cr being rc­lca~cd from an CJrl1cr nirnmi1-men1 10 Ol\ 1-.1on 1 Southern l t,1h Staie

At Wc:.tcrn State MOlll.)'pcnny "'II be reunited with former OCC teamm~1te (!tcn::>r) Erich Allen.

Moneypenny started 2 game., for OCC a\ a frc!>hm:rn. J\ erag111g 7 5 po1n\\ and 4 rebou nd:. a gJmc. \, a ~ophomore he plJ)Cd­

•n!,!lv .alter an carl>·'c.:i on IOJUI'). :l\c:r.1g1ng 4.0 point~ an<l 2.5 re­hl>Und.,,

EMS (Eltclrlcll Musel• StlmA!lonl caises up ID 20 musc•es to c0nl11C1 and rel• 900' limes In iust one one hour sesst0n ~mno. 11gt11en1ng and

• t11111ing your muKles. .no lnCreaSlllQ muscl.W enOurinct ~1111 each prooresslvt naiment


12th Annual



H1) J U dlort broke the 1990 record 'ct b~ current CJM Sprtnl standout J:t on Buycc rch\ also soared 17 feet, eight 1nchc' 10 th<= lung Jump, the top nnrl of the d.1) 111 any dt\ ''on

Ro alclt, rnmpctinK in the C D1~1'!lion, \\Clll Ill •.' \\Ith ti \lflllllo: 11111 \\IOU tn the IOU, .mt.I "-On the l U in 19 lO (both di­' 1~111n re\Vflb). anJ kap1ng 17·01/: to d~un '1Cl111) in the l11ng 1ump

Other )llJl\llout pcrlorm:.ince~ tn the ho' rne<.·t mclulled th,11 ol Corona de! M;r c1sh1 1?rndc:r l)k& U '.trd,fee, "ho "m ~.d the II 10 m both the &00 ( .... in. n111i.: U) four 1>1.'1.ond 111 l _ J 0) and the J ,320 (butldmg a 1hrcc-,ccond edge \\ ith •• lime: of 3 4U 7l ).

'lc\\m~.le', Rohcnn C.a~1ll~h (C·Oh1-1un 600) ;:ind O)CJr o .. :imPQ (Se\t:nth

£rade h00) Jl'>O added legs on \\ulning reb; lC-rn!l 10 th ... 1r m:J1\1tfo;.sl blue nb­hon

Coiona dd ~c,.cnth grader L<1u­rc:n \\ ein-t in \\a among 1he top ptr­f,irmcr~ among the g:rls. -.i.mning the: 180 (22 67), the 300 (~1.6) and runnaog on 1he '1..ionou' •1)(} rclJ) \cam

l·m1gn ~1ght gradct hnttt S.varburg dumin.11cJ b1>th the C 01\1~1011 dtMJnce c'crm Her \\tnnmg 1100 time of I 42 5 "·" nca11\ I l ~t1.1J11~h ti~ 11c-r th<.tn the :.i:crn1J·pl 11.:c 11ni-.hcr. .1nJ .,he built near!\ .1 ];:!., .. C'< nd cu,h1on \\flh a 4 11 ~l 1n the l.J~O.

1c\\111~ fl", A' J .,, .1nJ Jennifer l11umd .. d1'PIJHd 1h.1r \C:'-Jl1h:~ 111 the: ( [)""' 11

B1u111.t; "" •h.hlT u' m th ~0(1 1.:~ I) :'ind lhi; r.l.1\ , :idd111t! ;i 'e.:ond an 1he luni " p l I~ . ) ... nJ J 1h1rJ in the I )IJ

Brooke: muh l I I !arbor D.' !:>-.hvol m Coron.i J I ~la: 11.d the :..1r1., C Dt\I· •tl10 r~.vrd, I 12.:: 1111 \~tnn1; i; tht JOO



650-8598 OR 650-8599


~t ~ ... tr.H1nn b ~O ,1 m \( rotrn \\ ,nrn L p - ~O J m .

\ \ onwn .., Rt1<. <' 8 00 a m .

\h n ... R.H. l' 8 .20 .1.m. 2 \ \ I l' f ll n \ \ , 1 I I._ 8: 40 cl 111

100 - C Dlvlalon - Sl!lllll (HOI 12 20 2 Jew (T). 12 2S. 3 l!Met (I) l'O lr'I Seventh tred• - 1 Ret6 (th 12 39. 2 (loo!ldo (C<MI. I 259 3 Hetl'lllldtl (T) 12 63 llehlh trade - 1 hmll' (T). 12 1e. 2 ~4<C¥d (01 12 25 3 Piiio f' 12 36 Pll'J'e cornplete form. ln< lo;.,. , our l ht•1 k J>J~Jblt•. to ( 11 't ot '\Jl\\ f'( )RT Rt \(11 I' 11 ' B1•,11 h,' .1nd l.:1 • •

tao - c OM1lon - 1 Je• . no1 2 ~ (£) 22 se 3 (0) 20 s •-nth 9rll4e - I Wu'ISllWI (CdM). 22 87, Reed (0), 23 04, • 3 ~ (T) 23 S8 Elthth trade - Mtn..I ID>. n s9 2 llitl 1¥Mo11 m M<C"d IOI. n g9

:aoo - C DMelon - 1 l/wliCk (T) . 42 1 2 Priv (0) 43 S. 3 ~Jtn (CMI 442 . ••wnth 9rade - I Wt-lltin (C¢lil) 41 8 8l\llN (T) 42 0 3 ~ (tl « l 11ehth tr•d• - I G Pac (0) 42 3 2 H«t1t11 (T) 43 2 RollerU (£) 43 7

IOO - c Oh1talon - t Sw1rwv (ti 1 42 5 2 a..bulltll (£), 1 51 3 3 fM."111 (T). 1 SI 4 ·l"911th er•d• - 1 waam (T). 1 43 9, 2. Apocl«I (T) 1 4S2, Almst!Qll9 (() 1 SO 9 llthlh er•de - 1 S111w (DI 1 43 0 2 Eadie (£) 1 4' 3 3 CncchlOI (0) 1 52 o

1,:120 - C OM1lon - I Swl/11UtQ (fl, 4 11 81 , 2 (Iii) Km! (£), ClfCtfll10 (T), 4 33 77 1ev.111h er•• - 1 w~11• (T). • 2s ea. 2 Aj)oelao (T). 4 31 29. 3 le•11 IOI '42 83 llthth trade - 1 Siii• (01 4 11 48 2 Pie .... (01 4 17 0 3 """'~ Pllll ' 11 &e

JOO re&a, - C Dlwl•lon - 1 hW ISNton JitMs/I Jew lllWll(•l 313 ~ C"''O" 39.S 3 Colli MtM lt 7 .. we11th erade - 1 Corw dtl M• (W~ l)iOrldo CorlO l>IMI 39 3 2 [~$9' '81. ), 400 ltettlh frMt - I ~ '82 2 hWW. 3tt3 (l"fliO'I Jtl

"" - c Dtwtel- - 1 Cllljlln (Clol) • • 2 Jff (T) . .. 3 $mill PC>l ' s leveftth ., ... - 1 t~ It~ .... 2 KoMll (ttO) ' s 3 "' 10 4 • ...." .... - 1 Giii fO). ... 2 Ktl'f (ti>) •·1 , MtC.. (Tl . ...

u - c Dhtea... - 1 ,,,. j!ll 14 • 2 """"· (T). ,,_..., 3 '*-' IOI 12 10\t a...ftttt er ... - t .... (r) 12-t . 2 ~ (HO) 12 ht l W ..... (T) 12-'"' ........ .,.-. - 1 HUI fC4lll\ 1 U 1 htlil 1D1 1 l ~ : ) Yftll' (Cl!!l i>-0~

u - c DMeteft - 1 r11n ic1o11 oi. 2 ~ Cll tt-7. 3 fH(Qie (T) ' ..4\t ..,,...," .... -IGP'O (N U -1 n;1, l 0.-. ll 11 111 11 fttft ., ... - I

~ tc4liC) ~, , ·- (T) ·• ' ~ fl SH

I ' \ I ,, I I I I I< . " l I ' I \ II \ / 1 / / 1 /( 1 I/ /, ,

PJrt1 1p.in1, "" ho ht1H' p11• registered nMy pt<. I.. up 1 ht•tr paC'ket JI tht.• P.111.., Bt'.l~ ht•' .inti Rt•cre.u 1on Dt>p.irtnH•f\I lwl\ .. t>t•n tht' hour' o t 7 lO .a m .ind .. If.) pm • Wto'<int>'>d.1y Jurw ! lhrou~h frid.iy ]Ull(' 4

l'.H $.1 •( tn< /uclt•, RJt I r """' .incl 81h numb<.•1 .1nd 111 )lul\ h.1-.t'<h your C.dM R.H (' Pm1t•r

SI') tncluile1o J <.f,1,"< 4 · t olor 100"- cotton l · ,hrrt and J gourmet brt>.1kt<1i.t on the I • Re tau rant Row". D.w o( R•<'e I reg1str.lt1on '' SlO 1 For More lnfOnulion,

Call 644·3151 or 673-4050 •


l lOO '\lewpor1 Rl .. d P 0 Bo' 1'"'b8 "t''' port Bedth C 1>.?0)8 8915

Pl lA"ll PRINT

'11111 I ol O( 1.'lft'(J l ht'< L, j \ .it l. llU\\ lt '<h•< 1 I nl hi It I pl f'l1•,l\t 11\clli llt' \l){)t ill\ !\Ill" ,mo1 •lgn \\,I t

MEN'S 14 ,\ l ndt r 1 '1 11 l lf .' l l ,.!•t 10 '" H \•I .ol1\. <!4 ..S\ .t\r

W OMEN' S l4"' lt1tlt'r 1<.111 111 .'I .''..!11 1014 '"'''' 1 .s .cr,4q

\h ,1n1rc 'l'-llt'tl p,.l\f' ,ind .1pr'fo"m,111 • II: 1111>1 ''

~ '-l•t'IL•ll• Mrlt• I) Mrnule I 1n1•h I• '-11111.111• \lilt II\ \'""'''' I m1•h ' \11 111111• \111 :11 '-' ,....,, I "•h ti \lonult' Mi l;• 14 \linuw hn"h •t \\1<1111• \1114• .~ \lrnufl ttn"h 111 """'""'' \\,II l(I \1 n It I "•h ht•n \lorr Bl PA11l"1l ' M\ \ HIRT \!If l't Mtllll \I I \Ml I t\lM\ l \lh I

lOl Al AMOUNT ENUOSEO. WAlkl lt\ I S10



.. Thurlday. u.y %7. 1113

Day and Katy I bar the dlmrl

• • Not your average Rnal Faul' antPy

~ Deep sea. fresh waters. it doesn't really matter. you're in the hunt, big time, with no letup in sight

F re h and 1~1 w11er anS)cri wall be beadin& out to the lnke'­mc:inu. off>hore island' nd reautionnl area> of Southern Caltfornaa ~er Memorial Day cckend. r'

Mo,.. rcsom are ful~ and boat ren1ah will be at a premium at

high mounta in lakC1 and m:uinu along the C.olorado Rwcr u hoa1inK re~f"ation' were made montm ago at m())t all popular ' acataon spoh

lbcre is \Ure to be a lot or boating pr~sure a1 Big Bear lake. Arro.whead nnd other lakes that allow w:uer SkJ1ng 3nd po1Aer boats

Ju~t about C\er) lake an C~hfotnaa lS fu ll, and Streams are running high Good sprang fishing conda tsons should produce JCt1on for \horc anglers and boater")

The California Depanment of Fish and Game ha' stocked lots of rainbow trout rn roadside waters to he lp insure that angleri will c..t1tch \Ome1h1ng

Sall \lo ater anglers arc gearing up for ycllowt;11I to begm biting unde r Ootiting kelp in channel waters. There arc huge schools of "ta1l'I off Mexac.o and :n all the channel islands.

The ocean as very clean, blue and warm, and the re IS an abundance or bait. Hopefully, by tht~ hulada) "'eekend, the right combinat ion or the~ 1mpurt<an1 cond1t1ons wall produce an explo ive bate of )Cllow1a1I for anglers heading out of 'e\!o port, Dana and Huntington harbors.

• All -day. half-day, three-quaT1er-day and t\!o 1light 1rap'> running out of Davey's Locker and '\c.:" p<,rt Landing wall be loaded w11h fishc:rmen heading ou t to coastal y.-atcrs to get in on the gomJ local and offshore 1!!i land fishing current!) on t<ip.

Angle r'> should call in advance for re\ ef' a11ons 10 insure gc111ng on board a .. pon fic,her, eo:, pecaally 1f they want to fish on the

f-rcelancc" or "Thunderbird" out of Din ey\ Locker and the "Amigo·· or "Cat Special"


running out of !\cwport Landing. , • ·1 here .. hould be enough live bait on hand for the long

\I. Cd .end The b:11t barge, anchored along the east jetty, should h;ive m holding nch foll tind began selling bait al 5:30 a.m.

Depending on how our local b;i11 boat makes out whe n at begins \Ct tang nets, \lo 111 determine the availability of anchovies, 'ardines, '>mall mackerel and possibly squid for sale at the Pavilion docks fo r bay fi shing and private yachts.

• Shark f1sh1ng should be good around high spots tn mid-channel waters this ~eckend Warm ocean currents, filled \lo 1th bait, arc responsible for attracting blues, makos and big threshe r sharks 10 coastal waters.

Anglen. on board private boa t~ the sportfisher"California Dawn" or charte r »oat" Bongos,' fishing the 209, 267 and 14 Male Bank, should be able to get hooked up 10 a big shark.

Spreading a chum line or hanging a bucket of Bongos chum over the -.1de 10 create a " \Itek" will bring in hungry shark from miles around. Soaking a fresh "dead" mackerel under a balloon is a good way to get a shark to take a bait.

• Na11onal Boating Safety Weck starts on June 5 and the local Newport Beach U S. Coast Guard Auxiliury will kick off the week long celebration by offering free ve~el cxaminationi. on June 5·6, ~tart ing at 9 a.m. each day and again on June 12-13 ,

The purpose of these important tni>pec11ons i' to pr6mote boating safety and inc;ure that all boats leavin& Newport Bay are properly equipped with fire extinguishers, radio, Oa re!li and the righl survival nutation devices.

Newport 1i. one of the nation's largest harbor!li, and there are boats docked 1n the bay that mikht benefit from this inspection before heading out to sea 1

For more information on thi!I safe ty boat check and o ther auxiliary programl>, phone (714) 832-3451.

• 1- resh water angle rs who don't want to get on the highwa)'S of Cal1forn1a over the long Memorial Day holiday can count on good fii.hing at Irvine Lake and the Santa Ana River lakes.

Doth lake' will be open on Monday and have been stocked with thousand '> of pound' of trophy cltiss rainbow trout trucked down from Northern California 1rou1 farmi. . The Sanla Ana River Lakes have alM> been planted with whopper sized channel catfish to add 10 the good fohang on tap.

From 81 ' Rancho Santi•go has prevailed by football KOres of 22-17 and 21·10-, and arch-nval Golden Weu 1oycd " 'ith 1hcm. 11·2.

But &his &cam didn't fit1Wt lbt or c1oen close 10 il in the Orange Empire Conference, in fact qualifying for the 1tatc pla)-off • one of three to ue for 1.ccond in lhe final i.tand· inp.

And today. u well ·~ the rest of the ~eek. they busjly engaged in preparing for the final Four of community college b.lieball 11 the 11a1e championship final - joining OEC kingpin Rancho Santjago (38·9), the hosl Sacramento City Panthe rs (30-4) and L3ncy C.olleae's Eaales of Oakland (37· IO}.

It begins on Saturday in the double· elimination 1oumcy with Coast in it u~ual role of underdog, puted againsl Sacramento C11y at 3 p.m.

Pirates Coach John Altobcl11, who shares Coach of the Year hon· ors with Rancho Santiago's Don Sneddon in the OEC, just shake his head v.•hcn the obvious ques11on come fortJl .

"Don't a~k me how we did it," said the admittedly flabbe rgasted Ahobclli after hl.S Pirates clim1· nated LA Harbor, San Diego Mesa and Long Beach City in the South· ern California Regional Finals at Harbor College in Wilmington last weekend.

" I was ju t watching it happen like e'er)'· one else . You'd think we would have run out of miracl() by now.''

He had just watched has team run of( fou r Slraight victories over a course or t'AO day ag:unst some or the best compct1t1on in the state, matching the Pirates' longest winning streak of the year (they've done it on t\\O other occasions - once a1 the Apache Clas­sic at Southwestern College and mid way in OEC play, jusl when it appeared they were on their way 10 extinction.

" Everyone knows we don't have any pitch· ing and we can't play dcrense.'' sa id Altobe· Iii. " But after last weekend. well, I'm not Ml

!lure, anymore.'' The Pirates put together a saga "'hich even

a movie producer might be a little hc)lltan t 10 use agai n 1 the gullible public.

In the fi,e-game series OCC hat .326 (62· for· 190), rapped ou t I 0 doubles, two triples and f}vc homers, scoring 42 runs an the pro·

COM: From B1 disci pline , and Mang quickly learned the per· sonalities and on-court strengths of the player , the Sea Kings quickly formed the chemis1ry tha t led them 10 1hc No. 1 ranking in Grange County, the Sea View League champion~hip and an 18·1 record through 1hc first round of 1he CIF Division I playoffs.

"When I fir)t t0ok the JOb, I wa !> a li1tlc wary. because there were cighl ~cmori. who were used to doing th ing!> a certa in way under the prev1ou~ coach," Mang said. " I knew they had talent, but it was my job to chn nge their altitudes. The exchange students were so posi­tive and upbeat, they really helped set 1hc 1one J was looking fo r, and it wtisn't long before cv· eryonc JUSl came together. Once we worked out the lineup, I really enjoyed this group. II was a pleasant surprise."

Heading up the 1alen1 department were sc­niorb Brian Walden and Trenton Rhodes, who set aside their pairing ns one of the Cl F South· ern Section's foremos t doubles team' to pro-

CCU. G res FObofn led 1 solid Pirate auack \!With

10 hiLS in 21 at..t>au. scorin& m runs and driving home n.ine. He homered twice ind had I triple.

Estancia High produC1 Paul McOanieJs '4Cnt 8 for 19 al the pt:uc, scoring eight t\IOI, dr~ing in fo,e runs v. ith t~o doubles and a homer.

Justin H.:llper went 8 ror 22 with lWO hom· en, a double. li\e RBI :lnd fi\c runs )C()ted

The much-maligned defense was gually of just fi\C erron over fi.,c games - this from a 1eam '4hich committed six errors in 3 'angle pmc on occ~sions this year - and the pitching held stead). cspcci311y on the final da)- ag:unst Be ch Caly, ~hen Pa· rate hurlen yielded JU~t four e:imed run~ i.nd three b~cs on balls in the t~o champ•·

on hip games. The Pirates haven' t done an)·

thing easily all )C3r, and wc\!k· end's regional \\<JS no exception.

It took no time Dl all to foll into the l~r·s bracke1 on Friday wi1h a 10.7 loss 10 San Diego Mesa. stranding a dozen runners. 10 in 1he first six innings.

Facing climina.1ion on S:iturday, the Bucs came back against LA Harbor and a ho)tile crov.d a t El Camano College. eliminating the Sea Hawk.\, 10-7, using 'back-to·

back home runs by McDaniels and Folsom :ind three innings of one·hit shutout relier from Darin Oabalack to pull off the upset.

That k.cpt them alive and brought 1hcm back to LA Harbor ~here Me!>a aY.a11ed after losing to Long llc~h. 5-4.

The PirtitC') assumed a familiar pos111on; they trailed 7·2 in the eigh th inning.

But Folsom. Randy Karliner. Richard l:rnst tind Aaron Weis!li delivered ROl·blow~ and a Mcs:i error accounLcd or 1he fihh run as the Pirate) tied the g;ime at 7. 7 in the eighth.

It Y.ent into cx1r;.1 innin~ and Mesa ~truck for a run in the top or the I Ith 10 go up, 8-7, onlv to '>CC OCC :in)wer wilh l\\O in 1he bot· lorn or the frame lo pull out the victory.

Fobom tripled in McDJnich. "ho had \In· glc:d: and !· '>C:ored the winning run on TJ. Gr;ibcr's sacrifice 0). !tending Coa 1 on to Sund:i).

For the Pirates and their fans, it wa!> more or 1hc !lami: Sunda) morning as Long Bench's

\Ide rock·l>Ohd play, altern;.atang nt the No . I and 2 single>.

" I knt:w Onan and Trenton would do their thing," r.fa ng \:lad. '' llu1 1he) ul o dad ;i great job helping the rest of the team and pro' 1d ing lcader..hip. Trc:nlon as really a great cheer· leader \!oho helped get e'ef)onc cheering one another on during matches. He knew what wai. happening in e'ery match -.c played, in addi· t1on to worrying about beating hii. opponent."

W:ildcn "'ound up 43-5 record through the: regular season. \lo hale Rhode!I forged a 40-5 m:irk. before they rc1oincd force!> 10 win the league doubles crown and advance to Cl F, \\here they "ere runners-up as sophomores.

Whale Rhodes and Walden were anchoring the singles. the doubles didn't mi s a bcal.

Senior Jed Weinstein found the ideal partner in S"'ii.' import lleat Baudcnbacher. and 1hc duo ~ent unbeate n against Sea Vie'' compe111ion, until lo ang an at league final> tu Walden-Rhodes.

Weinl>tein and Daudcnbache r. teammalcs on the CdM soccer team, finished 1he regular ca· ~n with a 52·5 overall mark.

Rodolfo Praclo arrived from Chile to JO IO fcl·


John Locken cracked 1 t hrec·ru~ ttc?mcr ~ lifl the Vikin&' ln10 a ,.) lcaJ. ao•n& into the nintti inning.

Thi• time it wai. Coa5t w11chin1 tomcone c~ ielf-dcmuc:t as Lona Buch committed three erron in 1he fina l frame. blcndana with five P1r11e ba\c hat'!, and il m11criali.led into • ill-run innan& ond a 9-S victory.

It took the air out oC Lona 8cJH:h's ialli. and h1 1he finol game it wH all Co:lSt, which breezed to a 7·0 victory.

The •tory of the final conqucit I ) almo l uo; crazy ns the prev10u\ \\<ins - J lUlin HaJper <ilugged two home run , fobom had a d1nger us well and D:1b::iluck patched iu innings of three-hit, ' hutout btill in relief of suu1er Kyle Wibon.

Wilson. u product of Es10.nci11 High, ~ot the victory 1n 1hc rar'l t game 1n a relief 'tint after pu111ng out a fare in the: seventh, and gave the Pirates thrc:e inning.s of shutoul ball in the finale before g1v1ng wuy.

11·, only the )CCond shutout of the year -the l:bt one coman& April 7 in a 16-0 victory over Montcre)' Pcnin ul:a an a five-inning contci.t.

So now its off to Sacrament(). In six prcvi· ous meetings the Parate11 arc l ·S against Ran· cho Santiago, 1hc Dons on a five-game win· ning s1rcak ag;iin~l OCC

Sacramento City and Laney? Those t\!oO have never seen the Pirates. Bui you can be t on it, they've heard • bout 'cm.

So Who Are TheM Qup? 24 Paul McOa111ets 4 rv, 382 32 rbl t7 Justn Halper 6 hr 381 . 40 rt>t 27 Jason Parsons 7 fir 368 52 rt>t 7 Gteo Folsom. 3 hr, 364, 38 rbl

1 O T J Gtaber. O hr. 326 11 rbl 20 Aaron Vie ss 3 tv 324 34 rtll 13 Richard Emst 3 fir. 319 34 mi 29 Oasren Bnnk. 5 hr. 312. 36 rbl 3 Cutts Bn:ce 0 rv. 301. 27 rbl

19 Ben Stncl(. 0 Iv 267 5 rtll 9 K1lu Blanchet 0 rv. 262. 4 rb1

30 Randy Karwier 11t1r 233, 16 rbl 12 Bnari tooe 0 IV 154 0 rt>t 8 Jason Smi!h. o nt 111 2 rt>t 2 Orew Mills. 0 nr 100. 1 lbt

16 Jama Murphy O' hr CJ17 0 rlll I 5 Brian Va;f '{) N 011 1 rDt

Pitching 25 Ra'ph Lopez 4·0. 4 08 era O mes. 22 '- 16 bb 6 K)le Wilson 6·7 4 70 era 0 sa.-es 50 25 bb

28 PIW Jensen 8·1 4 80 eta. O mes. 43 t 27 bb 31 Paul Oqu1st. 2·2. 6 t6 era. 0 saves, 21 k. 13 bb 18 Oann Oabalack 5-6 6 50 era 2 mes 48 k 24 bl) 33 Carlos Ceva os. 3·2 6 75 era 1 SM 24 10 bb 30 Randy Karhner. 0-0 7 59 eara. 2 uves. 15 k, 13 bb 22 Mark See. 1-0 7 59 m O savu. 7 k. 17 bb 35 Elea.zat e11zonoo 1.2: e 63 era O m-es 10 k. 9 bb

low <;enaor Paul Fruchbom :i another potc111 doubles team. und the} built an 1mpre~1ve 51 · ~ o'erall mnrk, 36-3 an leaguc

S\\-cda)h ne"comer Lar!> I loglund teamed lot much of the scai.on with Doug Smith to round ou1 the double~ lineup and Ali Jahangm com pleted the )angle) crew.

Rick Bahador ;ind ~13rl Gaon added dcp1h, o the 1enm's compc11the practice atmosphcrl· helped toughen them up for tough le:lguc )howdowns "1th Unive rsity, \lo ho hnd <l1\placcJ the Se3 King' an recent )enr\ :ttop the alwa~ ,. tough Sea View League.

" It's 1he toughe t league an the Southern Section." \a1J of the e1gh1-tcam Sea View circuit. ' Una doman3tcd the lai.1 1hrcc )'Car , but thi' group re ·e~tabli hcd 'ome CdM trad1t1on. We ha\C ti lot or Y.Ork. 10 do, now. In m:iintu1n i1, hccaui.e ''-C lose a lot to gradua· 11on ."

Losing a lot. hO\!o.CH:r. \\Ill l1~ely not be .1

problem on the court \\Ith Mang Jl tl'le helm I

After the league t1tlc·clanch1ng victory o'er Uni"er 1ty, the Sea King pln>Cr!I summed up their gratitude in u one·\'-Ord unbon cheer " Mang•"

PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES tcr•l>e<I aa· LAHEOUS MAPS, IN THE not•(•) pl 1 cost end any Deed of Trust ••ecut9d by apeclfled in Secllon 5 t02 under and purauahl lo The b eneflc lary under able a l lime of sale In aaw- YARD WESTMINSTER,

PAACEL 1· UNIT NO 17, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ..... u ... ELIOT OlSHEN AN Ut4- ot the Anllnclal Code and Deed ot Trust recorded said of Trust M<eto- fl.i money IO the Unlled CA e2~ 7t4 893-

PUBL'c NOTICE IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT .., .. anc;es Wlu• •nlettll MARRIED MAN, Recorded Matd'I 30, 1990. H lnsttv- fofe e11ecut.d end delrY- Slatel) el THE CHAPMAN 4 9t3 BEACH, COUNTY OF QR. RECORDER OF SAID ESTIMATED TOTAL. DEBT 0 41'0111992, lnat. 1'92· authorind IO do bu1tnesa men! No. ~166395, Book wed 10 lhe underuQMd AVENUE EN'mANCE TO ,

---.. -0-TI_ C_ E_ OF ___ ANGE. STATE OF CAlJ.. COUNTY, SHOWN AND 97.450 01 203955 RE·RECOROED: In thts atate. In the ewnt No., P•ge No .• H Off'te1al TrustH a written o.a.. THE CIVIC CENTER BUIL.0- ••• D. ROSAS, Al-TRUI TEE' I SALE FORNIA. AS SHOWN AND DEANED AS AREAS Al.· The benehcluy under 0 8 /03/1992 INS T: 92· =~":. ~:..:annu:~ Records In the office of IM 110t1 of Oefautt end Demand ING, 300 EAST CHAPMAN S IS TANT SECRa'TARV APN 933 38 Ot 7 · OEFINCO IN THE CONDO- LOCATED FOR EXCLUSIVE aald Oe«I ot Trust herelO- 519630 of Offidel ~da lhhold ' 1t1e la~ ot County A.corder of OR· fof Sale and wnllen Notice AVENUE. ORANGE. CA el flulllllelted Newport

MINIUM Pl.AH FOR LOT I USE FO R SUCH PUA- I and eltw. ln the ottlce of the County WI • ANGE, State ol Ca.hlon'lfa of OefllUll and EJec:tlon to rtght. .u. and lnt•nt ~ •••clt.C•••. • • • • LOAN NO. t892348 OF TRACT NO. 1989, ANO POSES 8Y THE UNIT DE· :! :,11~~"'1deralg~ a Recorder of ORA NG£ ~.T=:! ~=bltunt~ 1ucu1ed by C AMILO Sell. Th e under•= Wyed lo and now held by Dellr P11M 11ef t~, 20, REF: STRAUGHTER, MORE COMPLETELY DE· SCRIBED IN PARCEL NO II Dedet tlott- of 0... Coun«y. Colllomla, and !)Ur· the pity-.e or endc>tMe u a RAMIREZ AND MARLENE Tni•lH caused Nici It llnd« said Deed of Trust 2 7 tH~

DARA'(L & S UZ AJOtI C SCR!BEO IN EXHIBIT MA.. ABOVE ON THE CONoo'. "" l9" • IUllnl to lhe Notica of De- RAMIREZ HUSBAND ANO ot Oefaull and Elec:1klrl to In the P'OC*1Y lltulled In ' ' th HO T. I . Mo. IOtHS ATIACHED HERETO AHO ~IN IU M PL AN AN O laul1 and Demand l0t Sale. fault Ind EJecton to Sel ":l::..~. be made WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS, Sell 10 be recorded In lhe aaJd County and St.le d•

R-t4483 MADE A PART HEREOf'. and a wrlnen ~of 0... t.ti.eundef F9COrcMd 02116/ bU1 ~ ~I ant • WILL SELL AT PUBLIC county .mere the ,..1 prop- ecribed u : 11----------. IMPORT ANT NOTICE EXHIBIT .,A" AMENDMENT THERETO faUlt and Election to S.11. 1993 Inst. 411 93-0091970 ot warr~. eJ.~ or :::. AUCTION TO HIGHEST etty la loceted. LOT 13 OF TRACT 3065.

TO PROPERTY T S .4ll lOltw5 FOR SAID TRACT The undersigned cauaed said Ofllclat Aecotda wil piled ref.ardlng IJlle poa- B IDDER FOR CAS H , HOUSltCff PlNAN- IN THE CllY OF COSTA -

OW ..,.. PARCEL 1. PARCEL 3: aaid Nollet of Default end Se41 on 08/17/1"3 el 12:30 anaion or enc:umbtMcn CASHIER'S CHECK, OR CtAL CORflO"ATIO• MESA, AS PER MAP RE· 11~: AH UNDMDED 1/52 IN- P.M. et THE MAIN NORTH ' CERTIFIED CHECK (pay· CORDED IN BOOK 95,

YOU AR IE IN DEFAULT UHfT NO. 17, IN THE CllY TEREST IN THE CO ON ~lection to s.11 lo be r• ENTRANCE TO THE OR· 10 aallaly lhe lndetKeclneu able at time ot aale In law- Aa SAID T"USTll, PAGE 10, OF MISCEL· U NDE R A DIED OF OF NEWPORT BEAC H, MM corded In the COUMy Where ANOE COUNTY COURT· HCured by laJd Deed, .0- lul money lo the United t40t t BUCH aOULI- t..ANEOUS MAPS. IN THE TRUST DATED JUNE COUNTY OF ORA NGE, ARE.\ OF LOT 1 OF TRACT the real prOj)erty la locai.d. HOUSE. 700 CMC CEN· v11neea lheteunaer, With In- SlatH) 11 THE CHAPMAN YARD WRSTM ... anR. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY 3, tNi. UNLUS YOU STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ~E ~ ~~~NFG TO ~ UL.ES IMPOA- TER DRIVE WEST, SANTA ~-:~:-~=nc= AVENOE ENTRANCE TO CA 92ea3 7t4 .. ~ RECOROE R O F S AID TAKEACTION TO P9'0- AS~ AHOOEANED MA ILEO MA T ION : ••n~rl AHA, CAetpubliC 9'icikln. the not• HCUled b aald THECMCCENTERBUIU>· 48t3 COUNTY. Tl!CT YOU" " " Oft· IN THE CONDOMINIUM IN BOOK 323, PAGES 11 a:oo ...... a i OOpM to the ltlghMt bidder f()t deed Wiit! lnt.ett1t ~eon ING, 300 EAST CHAPMAN •• , D. ROSAa, .... TM "'"' acktreaa end ·-n IT ...... y • • • A.I ft PLAN FOR LOT I OF TO 18 INCLUSIVE OF MIS- ,., ....... ,... colh (peyable • • the time .. prolllded In sold Not• AVENUE. ORANGE. CA .. StSTANT HCllSTMY OCtiet common dealgnallon, ~ • - '"" ...,_ CELl.ANEOUS MAPS IN C ot .... In lawful "'O!"Y of ' right, title Ind lnWreat con- (if onV), ol the real praperty AT A P U.UC liA&.1. tF TRAC T NO. 7919, RE· THE OFFICE O F .T E A. I ". A. • .. Che United s ..... , . .. rtght, ,.... chergts • nd U • ~ed to and now tleld by Publi shed Hewpor l ~ above la pur· YOU NI ED AN EXfll.Ao CORDED AUGUST 7 , 1973 H CURtTlla COMflANY ... end Inter.It, Conveyed penaet ot the trullH llld II ~ Mkl Deed ot TNSC MMa Dally paned IO be: NATION °" THI .... IN BOOK 10839 PAGE see COUNTY RECORDER OF ( T" u . T •• , I C/O lo end now held by ll °' the ttuall cr• .. ed by In the P'Ol*tY tlluNd In Not May"· 20. 27, 1113. 2215 WALLACE AVENUE, TU" I otr T H I No- OF OfFIC\AL RECORDS SAID COUNTY, AU OF WIU..S flMOO UlfK. under Mkl Deed of TNll ln Mid Deed of Trust. Mid County end SW. c»- Thief COSTA MESA, CA 82127 CllDINO AGAINaT O F O RANGE couHTY, WHICH COMMON AREA as 111.0 . aox tun, u.. 1t1• SY liluated 1n CONM>UDATllD ,. .. acrfbed ••: Th. uiMM11lg11ed Truetee

You YOU aMOULD C ALIFORNIA A S SHOWNAHDDEFINEOON DI E GO C A e a HI Mid ondSt.a .. ond CONYI YAMCI COM- LOT e OF TRACT NO, PUIUCNOTICI dledelma,,,,, 1ieb111tv for • EN De ' N THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN (ete• 47• ..... --.. ~ufolOwe: flANY, 2t03t ,, ... M37, AS P£A MAP RE· ,,,,, lnccwrec-.... oJ the

CONTACT A UWftA. AM DE y AME D- RECORDED IN BOOK ' -- LOT 23 IN Bt.OCK 24 OF TVAA 8LVD. SICOMO CORDED IN 800K 2'7. llOTICa Of' lllrMt oddffte end ofMr On JUNE 10, 1113, .. MENT TO COHOOMINtUM t P E Deteth.., 14, t~ NEWPORT BEACH TRACT PLOOR WOODLAND PAGES 41 AHO 50 OF MIS- TMISTU'a SAl.m common d=i;a•lon If

10 oo A.M. AMERICAN SE· PL.AH, RECORDED SEP· ~~AL :e~OA5: g: ~ •rs CAL·•••TIRN '" THE cnv oF NEWPORT HILLS CA et3M CEl LANEOUS MAPS 1N .,.. .. ..., a, t•a ony, ~ . • CURITIES COMPANY H TEMBER 4, 1973 IN BOOK ANGE COUNTY CAUFO RI COINDANCI CCMI- HACH, COUNTY OF QR. fata'I a.eo.447 I THE OFFICE OF THE .._,_ •At&-4ta.Ge Seid ...... be mede, duly • PPOlnled lrualH 1<*M PAGE t n OF OF· • R- ~TICMI M AOaWT ANGE, STAT£ CW CAU- COUNTY AE00AD£A OF Ta. ... T+eCNa IM ...._,. COW9rW1t or under and purauent IO FICIALRECOADSOFSAID NIA, AS AMENDED 8 Y •Y a ISTIR M . FOAMA, ASSHOWN OHA .,.._: Ml2CWt•3 S AID COUNTY . SAID -OllTMTllOTICI ~!c ..... or lm-Oeed Of TNIC recorded COUNTY ANO OECL.ARA AMENDMENT TO CONDO- KMl llT MAP AECORO£D IN 800f( 9Ti ANN llllOtt, VICI PROPERTY 11 ALSO plied, ~ llde, poe.. ~'r2E..!!-.'1951n · ~· No. TION OF COVENANTS MINIUM PLAN RECORDED ntUSTlll SAl.m Oft. 3, PAGE 29 OF MISCEI.· NUIHNT SHOWN OH A MAP IN TO~••="if '"9lofl, or 9ftQll'nbr-., ...- 1 ...,, ' · """" • ., SEPTEMBER 4 1973 IN fl L A H E 0 U S M A P S &.1'11172 t 2 800f( 53 PAGE 21 CW - '* 10 pew fie rem.11• 19 pmd-pege .. , ot OftiClal AKorda CONDITIONS AHO AE· BOOK -·~ 'PAGE IC I R : laTIR M . AE C OA OS OF SAID P bll h d N I PARCEL MAPS, RECOROS '°" Mtl. ~T .... eum Of fie note(t) .. In h office ot the C0untv S~ICTIONS FOR NEW- '-· tn KH&llT COUNTY u 1 e ewpor OF ORANGE COUNTY UNDI" A DaD Of' cured b¥ Mid Deed Of Recordtfl o l OAANOE. POAT TCRRACE, (A CON- OF OFFICIAL RECORDS -.. Publl t hed Nowporl APH 47; 1 .. -31 8eectt.Coata Meaa Delly CALIFORNIA. ' TMllT DATD P-. Trull, wW'I .,_.... Wld ... e .......::::::;,:;:~ .... County, SIMt °' CAUFOR- DOMINtUM PROJEcn. RE· OF SAID COUNlV. 8ekh..C0.ta ..... Dally TRUSTEE IS S EWNO PloC Moy 27, ~ 3, 10• TM _.,... oddNtl end a 1eeo UM DS ~ '*"" • pro. _ . ... - ,.,..,,. NIA •eculled ~ OAARYl CORDED NOVEM8£R 1t The • .,... llddrw and Nol ..... 20 21 JUN 2. PROf'EA'TY "AS IS" 198:). °"* common ~ :, ;. •• M:no. TO ~ In Mid ftCMC•) ocJ. .. ::.:::":::::.::-.:::. ... :Ji"..~~ HJAARWS~~g 1173 IN I OOK 1ott4 °'*common dMlgMUon. 1993. • Tt,. WMl eddr9M end ThtN ~.,. rMI "'°'*"' .._,TKTftMIR NOf1t. venooe. If anytogeflef wlltl """"'~ ::",.':.':.::.::;• .. , STRAUOlfTER HUSBAND PACES 521 TO 5413 INCUJ. If '"'· °' - ,... ptopeny 'TM7• 00. convnon cfet91Mion, PUIUC llOTICI ~ .. P"' an IT •Y - IOl.D ...... fler90f\ Md ~ ' ': ~-:..::" AHO WIFE wil.L KU. AT SIV E, 0 ' O F,ICIA L deectlbed obo¥e

11 SM· :.::..:, ':,:: ~ T:: ~MARINO e ..... AT A 1W ULL • ::c..~ --~

'UBLaC AUCTIO N TO R ECO AD I , A NO Al pot\edlo~20LATfTVOf .......CllOTICI oonodk>b«US~ llOTICIOf' CLE., COSTA MUA, CA. ftMl .... Ml.JCPl.A. wttldt •Of•~ouw HIOHEST llOOER FOR AMEHOEO rt AH INSTAV- C 0 U AT • NI W p OA T '°" MS • DmNU" T P:OURTH sTRUT NEW· ntUSTU'S UL.I Nat UTIOll Of' nta u,. ,.._ le wllllllfv .._ c~w.. CASHIU•'S CHECK MENT AECOADEO JAHU· BEACH, CA ta.ta UND•R A -- 0. .-oRT KACH, CA~ ...... .., .. 'leN lM U1ldelt9*1 TNNe ,,,.. °" ,.... ~ ....... to lie 1111,n' • . ~~TION~L A a'Z~T: o : ARY ~ 1174 IN IO()t( nie underllg!IOd T"""9 TllU9T MTm ..... TM ......... T.,.... a... ltaAtl49t... ...,,. :% :":1 '°' c•••••• AOA•••T l l ld • mounl mawb• C HECK DRAWN 8 Y A 11CJl1, ,AOI! 107'. OF CW· dltdelma ""1 IMlllty kit n t .. .,._.YOU clecll FM en, ~ '°' T .L k ,..._ ""1 lncon ... - YOU YOU 8MOULD .... on - clef Of ... ITAT E O R FEDERAL FICIAL AICOADI, ANO ::..

11-::;,-:.•;..0f 0:: TAkaMmOllTO"'°' :..11:::::--_,do:: .. ORTMTllOTICI ~llddr9M ondloft~ *+KTALAWVD. .:.•.,::="'~.: ,

C AI DIT UNION. OA A Al · AECORDI D '!8AU- ~....... N TaOT YOUR PROP. ~ detioN .. on., 11 T 0 It" 0 It IR TY ,,,,, "'°""' ~ Oft ..... i.t•. • t .... ..._, Md dllwo CHECK DAAWH av A AlfY • • lt74 IN IO()t( ~;;;;:;; • IRft IT..., .... ""'·"'°""'--· -·-· ........ ... "'°"' A.M., HOUll.KIV ,..... ... to - unllllll ....................... ,, _______ _ I TATI 0.. '£0£fW. IAY· t 1070, ,ACK ta. C1' "'- any, ' AT Pt• IC ULL • The ...... tmCM'll o1 • ftMI Ml• DDMILT 1M ~ ___.. or CIAL 00..oRATION M T"*- 1 ....,.. o.i11r-. ~=~~~,....... ...... ~ INOI AND LOAN AS. ' ICIM. MC0..09 °' OR· Md ......... moclt, '°" ... - aJIPU. ....... ~ ........ u•D•ll A HD OP ~ ~ .... *"W ........ T ....... ..,, ol Delallt ... .,....,... PILOT o• a11 ... . IOCIATION, IAWfOS As. AHGI COUNTY. but wMhoul .,,_..,. or fdon INUNd by ..._ TllU9T MTm ..... "8cf, .......... ,_. _., _., ,....... le w .... Md ~ ...._ tl' o lhe ,....,,.. '°" IOCIATION~ IAvtNOS ,Mell. 2' worrw19Y, •prwt or .,. MTIOll GI' T1la u,. ~ to ... ..., .,.. ... 'lteo u-.m ....,, ,,,, ............. 0... of 'lftlll ,....... o1 ~ Wld 111111on to w count on ..... e

=·rotcwTHI~~ AN I XCLUIM I AH • plod, ,... ..... ,..=·= ~Al~ teHOll.:.b~·..:·=··:: '°"TAU Mm. TO :.r:,,,. .. of":t.::cr: :::= '~1~ t=-.T.:...."'"'.:.91,c~ ll"lyned °' ,,....,,. CIAA. C009 AHO Mm<>- MtNT ~ENAHT TO ..-on. or ~ YOU 8MOULD CO .. =-;/ fM 11N of' fM N0180T YOUR PW- ciurM by ... = of 9oell No., ,_. No.. • Of. o1 ~ .,.. ..._. • ::- 0:::-. '-Cl .. AIZfO TO DO llUllHH I , AACfl HO 1 '°" M; ~ '-:' ~~ TMT A ....... piilllHlllll ....... mn, IT •Y • IOLD '""" wllh ...... ... ................ '" - ......... ......... In - quellfled ft-~ IN THtl ITATI WILL . cru. INOltlH ANO ~Of- Cf.-d ....... ....., ... * ...... " ATAWIAL& . .............. ... ~RNDdlll olGOUlleJ ......... ........ , HELD AT THI INTMHal EOAUS NitO f<M ltES.. .,..., truRI T,..._. .... In ......,. to Wfl, • YOU -- M 11J1PLA. ....- In 1M1 ........ .. Olllt.l«la, ..... of CalliDr- _.,le..-... .....-re TO THI OMH08 CO'Y DIHTIAL ,ATIO, CARflOM by Mid Ootd "' T.-. 10 ...... :... T~ .. _,. . .... MTIOll .. nea .. ...... ""' ............ I utMd by DOM&.D MOUlllCft w. ---------HALL 100 IAIT CHAI'· ANO QAMOI flURlllOKt ~ 1M ,.,.... ... prtndptl ...... _... *-" ... a W OP nea ,._. ........ fMreOft. Wld ..... AOelltT HOOGI AND CIA&. OOllPWT'IOllliN3'rlJtDR•• MAI' AVINUI. ~. w of fM .-.Ce> .. .. T,_. -. fll .....,. ._. a ........ Md 1rcp1 w el HIL-IN MAfUI HOOOI Aa U D I PILOT 01 iMM d CAL.lflOtlMA. .. "9t1', .. ~ AHOLO TO THAT~ cured by Mid 0... °' T . l . llO.Bt-.oa d*lll *-"by 1 .... or CllDl•O AOAl•8T • ' "*-kit 811 ........ MUIMHO AHO W.'LAI 'l•U !_-1!~!1. lt ' a tlte eHJ-4• 1N1 ......, conveyed 10 vr T I C1' TMCT NO. T 90 '*= •ltltf NiD10t le ~ t1!ef1 .._., Clfodll wion fll 8 :::+ YOU IMOULD ...... • ol IM,_ .... COMMUNfTY P'M>f~ - -.W. MHae. ...._lfl a l arr 1N1 now lteld by II W*' 1111 AS 'fA MAI' M · : .,,,,,.,_ .....;, ""' IYI C~TID ....... *""" by t w • ACT A LAWnR. naaoo te 11111 ...., .... wtU llU. AT :':.\ p1ey Htde 'N ........ .,......,111 _., Oaed ol Tf\111 If! • COROtD IN 800tC m ~AHCI ~Mtf . ............. Md toM Oll~!,..J'!'J fA tHO INllOdtobe-,JflG AUCTION TO HtGHllT wtlf'I d ....... e'P ...._ ........... . - · ,::p:ty ......, In NIC9 ,AOIS 11 TO fl INCW• 10.1111N .. 1.t~ '* • """99, or •cc lltOf at10delon, , ...... AM . nuuHKu 'lllNf< laid amount "'eybe et DOI A. '0" C AI H, C4lll Tw.. Net tod9yt 09ellflllltr . br .. ...,. ..;;.~.-'".-".-'.r..--an_o_l_•_•_•e_ll_•_l !':.:':..:Y:..:l:.::....:O:.:'_:M:,:l:.:l:.;:C::,:•::.!::L. annum•~ in uHt lruetoe, Ot eullleOtutod eod• n or ..... ...,... CW. ~TION • ... o1 .... CAIHllR I CHlCK. 0.. Ma.M19. elOCWW"a. - ' ...,.... ""'*" te - - •wy a_,lilmod TNttM ClfmP1ID CttlCK IP9r' ---- ----


I , ~ ' -. I .. ~

' ' ' .. -~ ~ ..

I, i


Thursday. May 27. 1183 ..

PUIUC IH»TICU "'9UC IOflCD W MOTICll MUC IOTICll W llOTICll W .OflCD ...UC .oncu Ill• IC •TKm ,.. IC •11t1 .., -. teea Mc.. w ..IAf«S au " lier: .... n. ,_ OMoe ._ ,.... •,. .. • .. ., • .,.. °""· ... W IOTICa on ._ ...., ..

....... ~ ...._ 141 a.. lV • ..,.., • Ctwla .. ,.. Md w.ia.c. ,,., ~...,. c. .,. "' ,. ~ ..,... -. -. Oiillfo, CA e::r121. Thia 1 ...,. w .., • 11,.... .._.,. .... =~ =.c:..e. ..... ,C.. ~ ': ~~ y~·.::, .............. ,,.. 0

0......-.. :mt......,. t~ '- -..........~ l'ttWU I .... ~ 0..- .. .._elr....,4, t• NlllWWW TO ,.._ di --.. ·.:= ._. Md Cf*' t El'- For .,,._ .._ 1111 IGI• d.. ,_a.lot._ -.. -... ant a 1' •• ._ ar.,.. ~ oit lilll¥ It. Wff'e&clft J . C..l*'f. ·z1111111,- •Hll •• A•erlH Wffai~'w~ - ....,:_ ....,_ ... 2 - _. ..-~::: 11'9~9-dl C... o.-..::r,!...._... a.. 9t1t1m_. '"' "' u • _....... c .............. ~ .. ,., ---... -............ ..... ·--· ' ... . ..... 1:21117 The '4*0WIO,..,... .,..,,.,. n.t ••••• - .... aTAft 0Pa •••t 8a•li Wal1t11t ~ ~· ......._ OM \1Cfti"11em ..... --: 3011 famla _.,,_ ™• W9'n9ta It ~ .. dOlftO .....,._ • ~.......,, lleec:n- Mtl ._ ~ °"" Oji

Un.Ill •fDOW CNelll. c .. 11'• .. , . . ...... ~ •• :n:r· ....... 1 Dlfwlg ..... ...., .. ubll•h•d Newport fOt furw- ""Ol'IMll"'· =. w. • o--.i '*'" (•~CALIJORNIA 1£ACH c-.. ..... 09lty ~ MJIY ~ .. c.._ - ...., 4 , M 1 lllRW ,ubllahed Newpor t bu.. lftltc. CHl!RYLE 4 chain, M'K411l~• ~.:, 1~ ;:,, Jell ~ • ~ TIM r99lt1tan1ta) com- A

1., Cf~SOA"clcl!!5510b~C1£ASL. 20, '17, June :l. 10, ,_, Nlllt8 um • . At ... Ta 8"ch-COtlla ..... ~ .. 131 .... ..... ""' "***' ...... (pola, ...,., ,_., • ' ~ IO trWIMCI bull· .. "' ., Th4l5

• TO .. Mn, ~.Not ~ 2t ... ye 1, '*"· '' + i.e. mi.c .• 9Ct.I, ......,..,. ~ Thl'lle f'ubllafled Newport MM uncMr the Flc:tltiout (c)SANDSCAEW t~41 ~ ~ ....,.._ ClfWlllN, OOJ•IOMt cndj. 20 '17 21 ,.;, ' ' CHERYLE ACUNA 1-tM 9'td boo1!1, MtM: .. •ll90Ua ,__UC _TICE leech-CCMla ..... Olly "*""9 Nam.ta) lllled lvJMn.CAAoom D, ~ PUl&JC llOT'ICE ~ ..._ ~,.... .._. -. • .., ,,.,..,,. wt'O IMV ' • • Thf935 Tbl.. c:ft8 , oNtl, .....,, cloth••· Ce>td leH tel• - Not Mer tt, .u. t , 1913 ...,. °" '**'1t>er 31 ...... .f2'2' ~ n , ~ 3.. 10. n , tltl _..._ be~ In cent, l'lllCtO, 4 + bu, .-C. SlftOne, Millcelaneoua l'laflO NOTICE ThTll7 t• ' ~ .._ W~!.-!' · '170 nt41t IN .. or ....... Ot bo4h, PUil.iC llOTICE SIM _. b9 com~ ioota. Oriarcal NG Aobet1 f &o. .._.,.,.._ ...... ,...... ...... ._111 • •• Mw of KATHRYN IAYDON biddlng (wrlttet1 Haled TNa UM .. be by com. S.:!!!"l ~ W llOTICI Thia IUliment •M fMd CA 92Gt .. ,,,. 1"' "*JC ll01a . ~ K•TaM ...... "'11¥ 'be IUbmlllM In petlllw biddonO on IN ..., -· may - ,. .... - County Clenc ol Joen M w.ns. 2" .... The folowlng pwaoN·--------A l'ETfTIOH ha• ~ NOTICa OI' -DM• edwMoa) on IN ~ cl4tr ol cl4tr ol "'-· 1993, • I celll9d • the olfice al ,,_ llOT1Ca OF ~ County Oft ApV 27 "°""' Dr • ~ ...... Ca .,. doMO ~ .. flkCM r ••

filed by ANNE ROM- June. 1Mc> et 2:00 P.M. M a .m. on lha pramla'* ~11e11C::· P~8oNewoott 1"""111G... t"3 ' ~,. $URE UtT£RPAISiS, ••I IM Mw 8EAOER OEYUU>£R ano MEAL~aZ:.rn .,. pternj'" Whet• Mid wt.ere uld P'Ol*'ty 11 , . >• 1,..., s..iecs blCll may be,. '1 ... t4' h l1 bu1l11•H 11 eo11 2322 w.tm1ns1er. eo... -... ..... KATHRYN AOMBERGEA COOa .__.._ IWOC>ltY ti. beef! llored DIONd 8"d whldl 11 loc:atAld ~l."'1.ll~oo' ~ ~ c.Md at lhe offa ot CM Pubilhed Newpoft 8Mcn- ~ueteO by- huaband Incl MMa. CA 12&27 The Foaowing per-. HAI.STEAD In the Supericw - • ._ and ~ 11 loceled al ll 2155 Pln«sM DrMt. In • _.., on City Clelt! 3300 ~ le Mardal oai.rdo Jr 232'2 .,. dcWIQ bulilte9I M eowt ol caldomia Counly tt4Tt/ tt4U Am AYRES SELF STORAGE the City o1 Costa ..... lhe t71h d1y ol .June, t993, louiewrd ' PO Bo• t7a. Costa Mesa Olllly P"4JC MIV The regl1tr1n1(1) com· w~ eo.ta ·...._ UNCOU. WOOOS APAlff· o1 ORAHGE. ' NOTIC• OF 7012 ~ Aw , ~ Councy of Ofllnoe, Stele oi 81 wtlictl time euct1 bid9 Newpon Be.Cn: CA~ I . fl, 20. 27, 1993 ~ lO tla'luct bull-- CA 92e27 • MENTS 4675 t.eacAl1hur THE PETITION ~ lllTUIDm) ton 8Mc:h, C. (7t4) ~ c.ldomla. The lilndlotd,.. ahlll be Opened and l'Nd 17U 1#1111 tt'OO AM on '*' und« !he Focb110u1 Judy Gallwdo, 2322 WHC· Court. 2nd Aoor ~

lhll ANNE AOM&ERGER ~ 7314, l.andtotd ,___ Mfvee the ngtlt IO bid el :is::~·~.ESTOURESElSS ~ the tllh 4' ol JIAw. 1"'3, .... LIC NOTICE BuStnHS N1m•t• I klLed nt1nttlf , Cosiia Mesa, CA 8Mc:h Clilofoma 92MO 0£VUU>ER and !CATHRYN Pt...a.MYn' TO the rigf1l to tMd • lhe uM. ~ .... Pun:hue1 ltlUlt ~ w .... , at wt*" time ..:ti bids ~ abO¥e on NIA 92627 N4 Ran, lor IVA T..-,,, ROMaERGER HALSTEAD '" ~ muel b9 made be midi wllh c:alh and SEAl ANO RESURFACING ahell be OPen9d and r..o C ... t092a30 William H Wrtrd Jr Th11 bua lnHs 11 con- Ud., '875 MKMhur Court. be ~ • perMINI ~TM AND by«:-" encl peld for 81 the pajd lor •the time ol pur- PROGRAM. ~tract No for 8Al.80A PENtNSUlA .,._ ... J-·• This 5tai.ment - filed duci.d I>)" hus~ ano 2nd Floor,~~. ~ IO ~ SAPETY CODll time ot purc:NM. All pur• d'l•M Thl1 uM is subject 2938• Engineer 1 Estimate STREET LIGHT REPLACE- ........ -- with the County Clent OI Wife Celllofflia ~ , ........ ol the esec.- UC1"IOtl tt4U.4 . cn...o goodt .,. llOld .. lo prior clt1Cllletlon In tl'!e ~t0,000 MEW Contrac:l No 2t2S, hM-.. ....... Orange COUtlty on M1y 21 , Th• ragl11r1nt(1) com- Thi• bUllllHI •• con. dent. On t0/27192, Ill t29 I• and ml.Ill be remowd at even1 of Httlement be- ec!pr~v!~ by the City Engt~eer ' s Ea1'1m11e Slat•-nt 1993 menced to trans.a bual- clveled by. • limned pan.

THE PETinON requeete MONTE VISTA, O . COSTA time ol uM. Sale le aubjtd twMn i.ndlord and obi!- nc "''' 2"h day of $47 000 The Following persons f571638 neu under ltle f"lc:llllOl/1 nershtp !ht decedel1f1 WIU. end MESA, caNfomla. the prop-to~ lrt lie 9Vet'lt gated perty. M..,, 1993- Approved by lh• City .,. doing buslneu H Pubftstied Newpon Beac:t1· &111nn1 Name(1) llsted The reg1a111nt(1) co-codlcil1, lhny, be ldmllled erty deacr l bed aa : otMlllenlW!t~lend- Publ l1hed N•WP-Ort W•ncl• E. ........ Council hi 241h day ol ACACIA Vll.1.A, 2•5 A .. Cosi.Mes10allyPllCICM1ty abo .... Oft Mayt0,1993 rnenced IO Wwal:t bu.SI 10 ptObata. The will end $4,174.00 U.S. CURRENCY lord and oblgaled patty. Beec::h-Cotu ...... Deily CJtT Cleftc M•y. f"3. c:her Ave .. Suite t). t , Costa 27 • .June 3, 10 17 tt93 Marc:aal Ga•aroo . .}( - wlder .,.. FlcilllO&ll .,., codicl9 ere evaitllltMe ••• teaed pur1Ulllll to ~ ..., ........ Pi6ol 27, .June 3. 1993 Prospec:llve btclders may We'"'8 E. lll..,i. Meu, CA 92626 tn999 ' ' Th• llalAlmenl -s filed Bu11neu ~wne(sl "&led for .~ In the "6e Heellh Ind 5-..y Code .. .....,.. .._11,.. • 11'1986 obUiln one Ht o1 bod doc:u- CttT Cleftc ' Cua BoMa Fullenon. """' ll'le COunty Qetk of at>cNe on· Miid\ 22, 1193 kept by IN court. Sec:tton tt47' / tt'81 by Publlsned N . I . PUIUC ""TICE rnerit1 It no cost at the of. ...... ..., ..... _ lTD . 2A5 F1sa- AYI . PUBLIC NOTICE Ofange County on MIV 11, Ali Aazt c;.,... p.,,,_ n.E PETTTtON teqUHtl th• ORANGE COUNT\' ewpor """ rice rrvspec1Ne -• mey Suite D-t , Cost1 Mesa CA tt93 Th1 llllemtnl was ftleC ~ to .omw._, the SHERJFF'S DEPARTMENT Beac:n-cost. ..... Daily ol the Public WC>ttls obCaln one ... al b&d doc:u- 112626 NOTICI! OF F57122 t With the County Oer1l Of ....... ~ lh• lndepetln The property ... Ml%ed Pilot May 20, 27. 1193. ....~..... ~ent. 3300 Newport l'nlf!IS at no c:o.t •t the of· TI111 business •• COii- PUBLIC AUCTION Pub4111Md N-pon Beach-~ ~ on 25, dent•tlon ol Ea- with rKpect Co alleged vio- Th9n eYrtrd, P.O. Bow 1761, lice o1 the Public WOl'b duc:tael by: a •mued part· Nolle41 ts hereby gtllll'I C M Diii p t993 we1 Act (This authority l•tlon(s) ol Secllo11(1) · Stat-ent Newport Beach. CA 92659- DepartlMnt, 3300 Newpot1 '*1Np lhat the Un<*tillf\ed Will osta '" ly ilOt May F57t12t "'41 lllow ·ll'le ~ rep- 11"2 ol IN Hellllh llnCI PUBLIC; .-OTICE The FOllOwlng persona 1768. Boulevwd po Bo• 1718 The regl1tra n1(1) com- seH at Public Auc:llon on 'Z7. ~ 3, to, 17. 1993 Putll•sn.d Newpof1 Beech 't...,llttives to lltke "*'Y Safety Code. You are SUPS-- .,......,..,... .,. doing business.,. FOf' funner lnlorma11on. Newpon S..d,' CA 9255g.'. menced to llanSaet busi- 06./09193 at tO 00 • m at Th976 Cosui Mesa o.11y Pilot May llC1lotts whhoul otMirllng h«eby noblled lhel the "'"~ • (l)OESERT HOT SPRINGS Cltll Gilbert w 1 644- • Mii under tt1t Ftetrtious AL.LSPACE 85&4 HAMU· PU court •PP'0'41 Before lllk· Olstnc:t Anomey o1 e>r.nge OF CAUFO•HHA, RESORT PARTNERS SE- ong 1 1768. &111nes1 Name(s) ~sled TON AVE. HUNTINGTON BUC NOTICE 27 .Jun. 3 , to, t7, t993 Ing ~ wfy ltnponant C4Mlty has tnitieled pro- COUNTY OF ORANGE RIES A (b)DESERT HOT 3311 · for fllflhlf l11fonnatlon, above on May t , 1993 , BCH CA ' 92646 the pet· th003 ec:tiont, howewf. the per. ceed1ng1 to forfeit the 34 t THI! CITY DRIVE, SPRINGS RESORT PART· Pub I Is h • d N • w Po r I call Jett San...i et 144- Casa BoniUI Fullef1on, l TD son.i' property o1 the fol- Busiflctttl-:;• PUBLIC NOTICE eonal rept~ves wll a~etenbed ptopeny p O .OX , 4171 NE RS SER IE S B Beach.COsta Mesa Daily 3301 8Y: Ameftc:a11 Ae11remeo1 lowong nea erne be reqwael to g!VI note. putSU8"1 to Hffhh Wld ORANGE, CALIFORNIA (c)PERFORMANCE ASSET Pilot Mey 27, June t , 1993. P ubllshed Ne wport Villas COfpotallon, Ge,,.,.i MIEBACH, 0003 TOOlS. S t•l•nMnt CNSU,M037 l.o lnlere...o penooa un- Selety Code S1ctfo11 9Ht3-tSTt . MANAGEMENT FUND , ThT991 Beach-Co1U1 Mne Dally Pa!lllef BAN D S AW , CE MENT The Follow111g ~s FlctJUoue Ills they haYe w llved no- 11488.4 LTD. (d)PERFORMANCE p By: G1ry L Davidson, MIXER are d0tog bullMSs as tlCt or consented to the You are lnatrvcte<t th•I ii In the 11.tter ef ttt. ASS er MANAGEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE •lot Miy 27• .June'· t993. Cheirmat1 of tne Board GEIGER eo1 t SATAUTE TOP SHELF CLEANERS, Bual-AN-propoted .ctlon ~ The in- you desire to contHI the PeHtlon Jo Ctuine- ttt. FUND II, lTO. (e)PERfOR- Th1u919 Thlt statement was llled EQUIP ' MATTRESS 3208nstol St 0-126 Costa St•t~nt dependent admlnlitration 1ort .. 1ure of the propetty. Name of a.titer LJl'ft• MANCE ASSET MANAGE· NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE with ll'le County Clenl of MISC.BOXES · Meu. CA 92626 The Following persona eu1hot1ty will be grant.CS pur$4ant 10 Health and Henne MENT FUND 111. lTD. (l)P· INVITING BIDS e>r.nge Countyon Apnl26. BRANT, f073 , MISC . Mehu1 Maso n, 19442 lreOOongbullnelsas ......... 111 lntefetted Pl'· S~ety Code Section CASE NO AtU483 ER FOR MANC E ASSET S.eled bids may be r• CNS1092M3 1993 TOOlS. WOODEN ICE ~ood lM'I Hunting- LASER PlASTIC SUR· '°" flies wi obfeCtlOt\ to t 1418.5, you must Ide a • MANAGEMENT FUND rl/, <*WO 81 the ofl1ce of the flctttleuo FH9MO BOX '°" Beac:t'I, CA 92646 GERY CENTER, 360 San lh• petition and lhows venfled cta.m SLlllng your ORDD TO SHOW L.TD . 695 TOWtl Canltf City o.-. 3300 Newpon . Published Newpon Beacrt- PONTES G065 MISC G"'Y Gomer. 23015 Del Mf9Ull Or no7• Newpon gooc1 cau11 .my 1t1e court ilUteSt 1n tne propetty CAUS~ ~~E ~.- • t550, eo.u M•sa. Boulevwd. P.O Boit nsa. •:" .. ~ .. ~ Costa Mesa D .. iy Pilot M.., HOUSEHOlD oooos. ::.'i?° J: 9~~~ 62 Laguna 8::f.'·~ ~ 21852 ~ noc granl the au- You must ftle ttu1 d•m "' - ..... 92'26 Newport Beac:n. CA 92659- - I t 3 20 27 ....... WEIGHT BENCH I s . . thOrl I.he Supefior C<>ut1 ol the PETTTIONER(S) Amber Perlonnenca Oevelopmeot. t768 ur1ttl 10·00 AM on The Following penions • • • • 1,.""' P OI INC 0075 OFFICE Th11 bu11ne11 IS COil- l<• n es h e Hun11ng1on

A .7uAINO on tn• I- County of Ofange w11hln lVM H•M• ~AS/HAVE Inc .. A CA COfpOrallon, 695 ttlt t 6th day or J~m~. 1993, .,. dOlng bUSlneSI u : TlHM6 Fu R N ' .. c 0 ,,.· p u T E A dueled by • general pan- Be•Ch. CA 926&6 lion be held on ~E thlny (30) days of lhe firs1 FllEO A PETITION FOR AN Town C«ioet Ortve • tSSO, at _,,•ch lime such bids BUTLER OGDEN ASSOCI· PUBLIC NOTICE DESKS FILE CABINETS nersn1p Thll bu11nu.s -is con-24 1993 11t , .45 PM 11'1 putllicatJon of thil Mollee ORDER TO C HANGE Coat1 M1u, CA92626 sn .. I be OPfl"ed a nd read ATES. 485 E. t1\h Street DIVIDERS ' The reg1s1rant(s) com- duC1edby· anincsrv1dual ~ 703 ioc.teel at 3'4t unless you receive actuai NAMES FROM Amber Lynn This business is con- fOf SAN DIEGO CREEK AE· #600, Cosiia Mesa, CA CNSt094C>e3 TATE G095 MI SC menc.d to transaC1 busi- The reg111rant{1) com-The Cit Drive South Of. '10tlce. (PleaM use Su~ HENNE TO Amber· lym ducted by: 1 lomlled part· GIONAl BICYCLE TRAILS/ 92626 F1ctltl BOXES ' under tne FICtltious tn«lc:.d to ~ bus;. cl 92fi6& • nor Court Number 92-02•t CLEMOHT. nerShlp BICYCLE BRIDGE AT 8(). MemM Buller Ill. 401 Plnte ou• PAVSTEU.. GlOS MISC BYsineu Name(s) listed nesa unoe• U.. flCtltloUs Tvou 08.JECT TO the Yoo must .-ve .,, en- It 11 hereby OtderoO that The regl11ran1(s) com· NrTA CAEEK, Contract No Road Newpon Beactt. CA 8uslneaa N•m• A.JAN .. ~SC BOXES •t>ove on M•y is. 1993 Bu .. nen Name(s t "'*' grantwlgofthepetlliOtl you OOf'Wd COPY ol the a ll pel'90nS lnl ... ted lrt rNlllCael to lrwluct bual- 2900. eng,,_•s Estimate 92660 Sa.t.-nt Publ11n1d New port Mel•su Mason at>ove on May t . t 993 lhcMAd 81 tfll heat· on lhe Dtstnc:t Attorney ol I.his mauer appew before neu under tne FlctlbOus t00,000 Brent R. Ogdeo, JI., 1909 The Following P4!t$ons Beaef'l-CosUI ~.. Dally Thts .UtefMfll wu file<! Bot11 Adlerman Ing and""::.': Nwec< Orwig• Counry (Attll Rob- this cour1 1n ~ &Jsmou N1ttn1(1) lil1.ed Approved by the C11y Yltdlt Ellc:t!8"trns, ...... .,. doing buSlnlH IS Pilot M•y 27 • .June 3 . 1993- With lhe Counry Cieri< of Tht• Qalen'llOI wa.s ft!«'

your -:-i en 0 Jones Deputy O.str1C1 No 703 ol .,,. Orange ebove on August t990 CoullCW this 2"h d•y of pon Beach. CA 92660 BUTCHER . FO RDE & Th98S °'~ County on M~ 11 Wllh the County C*1I d l.t0ns :U, ~ wnnen ::J:· Anomey) •l 100 Cw: C.n- COW1ry Superior Court at Performance Development Miy 1993 This bus lnen 1s con- M 0 l L RI C H . " o • 1 t99.J Of1tnge County on M•y t3, ::"hoering, Ye:'. .,e ,., Orlve WHI. Santa AA• the adclress lhown above Genera.I Partl'*'lhlp, Vin· Wenda E. A1199lo duC18CI by: • gene,., part· Mec:Mhur Boulevard , Su.le PUBLIC NOTICE F57121, l993 llllCe INIY be in ppe ~ CA 9270t wilhlll t«i poj on 8/ t5/ 1993, 81 2:00 ce11t E Galewldl, Presideol CltT C~ ' 11ershjp t90, Newpon Beach CA Published N-pOtt Beach· f57oe.53 by yow '"'!"nornev ~ days o1 the fihng of .,,. o 'clodl pm .• and then end This 1U11ement wu filed ProspecllYI bldd The registra11t(s) com- 92&641 C FlctlOou• Costa Mes.a Oa.ty PllOI May Pub11Shed Newport Beach

Jf YOU ARE ACREC>ITOR cl.,m In ll'le Supenor C04Jfll there lhow aiuse. It "'Y with the County Clel'tl of ers may menoed to tranuc:t bull· Adv.a11ced Vote r om- 8u8'--.s Ne..-. 27 June 3 tO 17 1993 Casa Mesa Daily Pll~ May Crvil Div\a;on they hltve. why ll'le peti tion °'~ County on MA'f 25, obtain one set of bid cloCu- ness under the F1e11uous mu111QllonS, a Cahlom.a Statement · · 17 J lll"l l tO 17 1993

:_ ·~ credit~,: The failure to llmely f,.. for ~ of name should t993 rnents It no cost at 1tlt of. Bu11111u Name(1) lltled corpora 11 o n . • 0 4 1 The foltow\og plfsons th99o4 Th-tn claim • :" o:"!x-, ltnd sec:ur. • venfled clllm not be grented f57t920 rice of the Public Wori<s •bove on: April 1, t"3 MacMhur Boulevard Su•t.e are d01ng business as PUBLIC NOTICE

~mail a c:V '°the pet· wi 1n tne II ts lunnet Otd•ed ltlat J N-pon Beach- l>epattment. 3300 Newpon 8oUer Qockn Assoaatu. ~N-pott Beach CA Vilt.AGE INVESTMENTS eonal P'Ol*"V In the Superior COPY ol lt!IS ordlf IO ahow Cos M o~ Pllol ... .... Boulevard p O Boll t768 • general part111rshlp , 2.aoo M.,n Streel Suite CNS1095984

ed ~l>y~ :n Co."1 as Cl<rectael by this CIUH be published 111 " 7 t~-en3 10-1r7 1_,. -• N__,.,, BHch CA 9265~ Brem R Ogden, J r., Mernll Thia busl11ess IS con- 201 , IMne, CA 9271• F1ctltiou• ~ llOtlce Wll r.WI lrt the Daoty Ptlot. a newspapet ot ' • _.,. • • • 7>NI · - ,....... . • &itllf tt1 ducted bY' a corl)OfallOl'I Property Manage-°"' month• from the dale Operty being declared or general c 1rc:ulatlon put>- thOOI t761 This statement was filed The regl1tr1ot(s) com- me nt Inc C• llf COfp B-neaa N•-ol flrtl iaauanee or leclefs :a•ed torfetled to It!• lishtld 111 this county. at PUBLIC NOTICE For lunhe r tnlormatioo, with the County Clerll of menced to trllllsact b\Jsi- <'400. Main StrHt, Suite SteteftMnt : ~ ;n ~ti~ 91 00 State of Califomllt .,,d do• least onoe a wee1c fOf lour ~Ii Stwe Baclum 11 6'W- Orange County on Apt\I 27, ness und« the f1c:t r1>ous 20t , IMne, CA 9211• The F~ Pf"'IOOS

'oma ooate lnbUted puBuartt to the conMCUllve _..... ~ to NOTICE OF 3311 1993 Bu1111ess Name ts) hslld VIilage Real E1t.ate, Inc ' are doing ""'" H ~1 !!:: :e;';w.'

11i;: prOY114onS ot Health 8lld the~ ol ll'le hNnng INVITING alDS Pu b ll alle d . Newport fM9t59 aA~:c'~:~~.,1~3om. 2• 00 M11n SttML Sult• ~LB~~YSBe~ M~: lore IOUt months from the Safety Code Sectlon tt"89 JULU "°81NSON. boos m-v be ,.. Beac:tt Cosu. Mesa Diiiy Published Newpott Beach- mun.c.atlon$ St_,, Mol· 201 Irvine CA 9271' 9266<>

No matter what you're doing, your hometown

nea ring d a te 11011c ed • •"-" lutthef notJCe or COlllllSSIONER OF c......s 11 the oKica ol ll'le Pll04 May 27 June 1 t993 CoSU1 Mesa Oaily Pllol May oc:n VICJll Prirs.dtf'lf This buainus is co11 Wyn51on .J Com'*1'f A above heanng . T H E • u .. EA I 0 R C.ty ~. 3300 Newpon 1'hlu990 6 t3, 20 27, 1993 This llalamel'll was l~ed d\JCted by CO-J>MllefS Cal1IOftU C~8lton 88 newspaper

YOU MAY EXAMINE ll'le Publ ishe d Newport COURT Bouievwd, Post Office Boll Th-9'5 wttn the County Cieri< ol The reg11t1ant(1) com- CostlWO AISie CA n,. ,., i..ept by the court It you Beach.Com Mne Daol'; DATE: llAY 4 , '"3 t768. Newpon Beedl, Cali- PUBLIC NOTICE 0<1111ge COUtity on Ma 4 menced 10 transact bu$1· 9271 4 •• • person lnternted In Pilot May 20, 27, June 3, ._.._.. L,.nne Henn. lor111a 92659- t768 until PUBLIC NOTICE 1993 V • ~ss u';'"Na~~( ~ldkll= Thi! bus1nu$ is co,,_ the nl.lte, you . IJlay file 1993 Th9l8 SI t ..... Ylctorl• • t0' 30 o 'clOC:k a.n;i. on 16th NOTICE FseeeH .~~·~· 1979 s dvcleel by 1 cOt'l)Oration with lh• coun • foimal Re C ta..._ CA 92827• day ol June. t993, at which INVITING BIDS LW288081 Published .........,.... Beath V~lane Real Esate Inc The reg1s1ran\(s ) com· fits in, Quest tor Special Hollce of PUBLIC NOTICE " • llme auch bid• shall be S..lael bods m1y M re- Flc:tlt!CM&a ·--..... • " • menced to transact buso-lhe llllng o1 an lnvef'tor; Publi s hed Newport open«' and rtld fOf &g ce<ved 81 tne o!f~ of the ..,_,_ .. Neme Costa Mesa Daoty Piiot M~ Pn1hp H ~cNarnee PrttJ !:=======~ 8'ld a ppra!NI o1 esuite as KS?a2 s Beach-CosUI Men Canyon RHeNOlt Electncal City Cler\!, 3300 ~wpon StateftMnt t3, 20. 27, .June 3, 1993 Mia OI OI any petiltot\ or NOTICE OF Sl!IZURI! Pilot May 13. 20 27, June Conlrol Panel A.construe- Boulev1trd. Po5t Olfiee Boa The Following per$Onl Th-956 PILOT CLASSIFIED NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SAlE UNOEA eccount .. prlJY'ded In PURSUANT TO 3 1993 toon. Contract No. C.2923, 1761, Newpott Beacto. c..... .,. doing buSmesl IS It' s the r-Hour~ yOu DEED OF TRUST MCtion t2SO 01 IN Cal.fOf HEALTH MD SAl'£TY "'957 Eng 111eer ' 1 E111m11t lo rn11 92659-1768 unul BUIE ASSOCIATES Ill The Pilot can count Of'I to Mii a T f No

95639 CG

ru Pr~teS coo: A. "-- COOE SECTION ~,100 ed b th C ~04!,~clocl< ~m on UM GENERAL. PARTNERSHIP, Cl-•Hled myriad of merc:han- lo.IM'\ No 11!11 U O Q\'9ll or Pl(;• Notice PUBLIC NOTICE pprov Y • 11Y av une, t 3, 11 wttiCh 2828t Crown Valley Plril· The most comprehen· d 1se Items, 1>9cause Othef Rel • lonn 11 avallabCI from tho tt47t/ tt488' CoullOI tn1s 24th day ot lime such bods shall be wty, UlgUN Ntguel, CA slYe and current d lrec- our columns compel AP Hum..__

1.,., .... .... ,

COUt1 clefk AND NOTICE OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC May, 1993 opened I/Id read lor Firtl 926n .,.. ..,. .. .. .... 6"~1' tor ttt.• INTENDED SALE OF AUNDONED Wende E. Ae99lo, Avenue W1t11 Mam A• Robert F. Buie, t&935 lory o f goods and aer- qua lrlled buyers to YOU ARE lf\I DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TAUS'!

tloner. FORF'EITURE PAOP••TY CltT c .. n plac1me11t Protect. Co11· ----------'--~zs...111.1gc:.~l ---..L...1oiiiloll.i..1-------l0ATED Janu.ry 1 t990 UNLESS YOU lAll.E ACTION ~ lract No c 2944 Eng K .. 7780 TO PAOTECT YOUA PAOPEAn IT MAY BE SOLD AT

DENNIS W. HARWOOO P U A S U A N T T 0 NOi~ 19 hereby gMlll Prospective bidders may · - ' ,_ A PUBllC SALE If YOU NEED AN EkPLANA TlOH ~ aMGP • WOLEN, HEALTH that ttlt u~ ... n obtam one Ml of bid docu- ~;;:;"11: s t:.sogtty NOTICI! OP DMDl!D PU8LICATION THE NATURE Of' THE PROCEEDING AGAINSl YOU

19800 MACARTHUR AND SAFETY COOi! rl al publoe llUCllOn put· rnents It no Ca.I 11t tne of. Counc:I tnts 1•tn day of Pursuant to Section 331t through 3385 A~ llld TlollatJon Code Notice 01 YOU SHOULD CONTACl A LAWYER aLYO •• ST£ 800, IA· Sl!CTION 1 t488.A :~1: d:;,":; ~:a:~~ flee of IN Public WOttts Ml';, t99J • POWlf to Seit Tu-Defaulted Pf09"1Y In ana !of Ol'lnge Coumy. ~It o1 Calitonua. Notice 11 hof.t>y QIW'9n that Serrano Aec:CMWey VINI!, CA 927t5 (7t4) On March 19. 1993. at or Cal.tonu the following DePltltmeflt. 3300 Newpon W•nd• E . A8fflo, nas been dMded encl djlln~ to vanou1 newtpa.pers of genetal c:irc:u 1tion put>- ::Ct>!u=-~·=-~.:.' ~uc=~"":ii..rruC:. 757·2800 the H11b0r B1y Motel, misce llalleous personil C ltT Ca.n llSl'\aCI In 1he county A portion of the I SI 'PPNl'I In HCf'I ol IUCh newtpaptfl e1tecu\ed by Aolly Pulaai..l • nd Madin. PUIHkl hue•

Publt1hed Newport Coaui Mesa. C.lllomi1. lM Pf'opetTy to-w•t ld«llllled by Buy ll. Sell IL F ind IL Prospec11ve btdders may band end wtle Aecor-d.O 0111111990 in 8ooll NIA B~ostA Mesa Daily :~~~~~ J;•~b:~EN~Y tenant end apartment nutn· ClaHHled. Obl11n one Ml or bid docu· NOTICI OF IMPllNDINQ POftR TO SILL p~ NIA lni t • 90.021671 01 Raco"'• In '"-Pilot May 26. 27, June 2. wu seized P"'ayant to NOTICll INVITlNQ alDS TAX.OllPAUL TllD PROPllRT\' ollic. 01 the County Recon:tef o l Ofa"91 County 1993 Heaflh ano Safely Code. Th11 11 publtc notlee thll real property t&IH and .-smerus on the parcels C.lllomia , end punu.nt to the Nouee 01 o.t•ult

WeTh800 Sec11on t t47t /1 t418 by Seefed Pfopoul• w11 b9 rlClllNed • the oflce of the Secretaty of County deecr1'*' below wtll have been defaultael five Of men yeen on June 30 1993 at • nd El.c:uon to s.41 lh«eun.cMr ...corded 12110'1"2 ---------1 ttie Ofange Counry Proba>- SlnltMJon DlsMctt Noe. 5 and •• t()l.M Elle A--. ,~ Valey, c.llforT1le 5 00 p M The PlfC*a llstael w1a ~ 1Ubjec1 to the tu cohctof . poww 10 Mii In Booll NIA p~ NIA Intl . 12-l• S$tl ol u id Ofti

PUBLIC NOTICE toon Department. 92708. on 0t betOt9 the IOI oey of """9. 1183. at 1 t :oo a.m , 11 wt'6c:h time tMy on .My 1 t 993, • • 12 01 AM by operation ol ~ The tu collecror 1 po-. 10 NII clal Rec:Mdl wl ll Sell on 06.'l 0'1993 at 1 00 P M M The propeny was MIZed • the NotV\ front entrance to the County C~

NOTICE OfJ .... be puOlic:ly opened llnd reed '" "" olb °' "" eo.rd of Otredorl at 1°"'4 ..,., attM urilHI ll'le property .. 1111* rlOM"*' or made subfed to .,, lllltallment 700 CllftC c.n'8f °"" Wffl San'- ANI, CA • t s>Ub'•C ~SE> WK ::.~:: lh~ Elli AYoenUe, fountmn Vtlley, caMom6a. lor' plen ot redemption lnltleted u PfOYided l>y laW ~to S'OO PM °"June 30 1993 euc:Uon to 1he hlQheel bldcMf IOf c.ah (peyebto et

MllRGIJl AND HOME t t351 ol the Health and ltKPLAC...,,, OI' ' COAaT MIQHWAY WWTY llWD, The right to.,, tnlllllment plan temvnat" on .June 30, 1993 and an• tna1 d1te IN the ume o r u te In le•tul moo.y ol _,. Vnlt4td ~ICE ltELOCATION Safety Code You •re •FrWSU TH• MCMS (.-..ORT aout..SYMOt MO DOVKlt ORM entw. belm.due must be paid In M lo prwent NI• ol ptoperiy al publlc euc:tlon St.le•) • II n g hl llUe , •nd In t..,..\. convey9d IO~

Notice la hefeby g<ven hereby notified thlll the C.... ... Me. WT-4 The amount In doll•r• and cents for Whleh each propeny ••• orig1Nlly d.Clarod to now held by h undef deed 1n the pf0Pef1V • ltu-lhat Sec:\dy PltClfic Siii• Olllrlcl Anomey ol Ofange be tu-defaulted II Ml forth opposne lta !*eel numbef and does not 1nc:1u<1e Iha ea.ct In H id County and Slltl• i nd d eecnbecl aa tot Bani! with 111 pnnapal of County has ln<llated pro- Bid•.,. required for the.,..,. WOttl o.a;bed....,., add1UOnal pen11t1n ~ IMS wtllcll hive ac:cNed • Ince the date of 1 .. ~.rau11 and Iowa rice 11 ~ Anton Bou ... ceed1ngs to lorlell lh• more recent tall" thll may 1190 be "-'inquent Once m. PQW9r to M!I his ltlsen. Parcel t Ut'\11 .i " ehown and d..cnbed 111 the vud Suite • !IO Costa abOve-<iescrlbed property The W'Ofk ta to be done 8CCCfdlltg 10 the ptat1I and tPedflc:aOonl on Ille In !'le tfle "gilt of 1edempt1on tetrn.netes at s oo PM on the tut~ de y pro to sate Condomtntum Plan rec:ord9d 59Pc..mbof u 1171 ....... c.lllomla 92626. has pullUatll 10 Health and office ol the Sect9tary of IN Olwtc.1 Ind.., plat'9 end~.,.. by refet· b~ Ille UIJI c:ollec10f In Booll 1H41 Pega 997 to t021 •nc•u• •Ye Oflld;j made ~uon 10 the S tiely Cod e Se ell on enc•~•~ ol thia noJlce "-cord• f'aeleral 0epo111 lntunwic:• 11'88 • . A~ 1n1orma1oon ~ reclempbOn or the 1n11111ion of a n 1ns1ei1rnen1 plan of Perce! I A11 t 19th In*-• •• '-"an'9 Co1pot1tlon. Wasning\On. You - imtruC'ted that 11 Specific:aioona and oct. ptopoeel Ooc:umenl9 mey be ""'** • the olb ol rec1emp11on oe ••hid. upon reqUMt t>y Robert L Citron. ~•"II• County In common In ttle IN 1ni.r"1 10 • nd to the com DC 2CM29 for (1) - ·nen you """' to con111t the the County Sanitation DltlCric:b Noa. 5 Wld ... 10&W Ellie A~. Foun\ltrl Valley. Tru sorlf-TU ColleclUI 630 N Broadway, Room t06. Sanllt ""'' CA C' 1')~11 rnon Area ol Loi' or Tr9Ct No tlSt ' " t~ City ol coni.nt 10 "*91' with lorf•tllf•, or thJs property, Ca•foml• ~of lhe ~11 onay be obl.mn8CI In the~ of. Newpon 8eecfl. County ol Oranoe St.le 01 Ca lllM Bank ol America Com- pursuant to HN!tn 8"d flee at the followlng co«a whlctt Aid oo9tl life llOt refUndable reg~ o1 whethef PMCIJ. NUUUlleQ.SYSTEll UPLAMATION , nle , " m ep lo Booll OS Paget 1 lt\fj)UOfl 3 lnclu tnunlty Developmeflt Bri. S-.kt.,-COd• S 1ct1011 the l~t!Of\9 are~ - -- ive or Ml1cellaneoua Mapa, record• ol u ld <>r.nge

h i .. h ..,.. 1 1 ,.84 5 you mual file 1 The Assessor s Parcel Numbef (APN) when uMd to descnt>e proporty tn lh11 hst County .. aucl\ tem'I 11 dehr'9d In the Article enll ., -=~· ol ~ ...... ~~ -lfied ' cta1n1 at.tting yout ou••ML PROVl8ION•. ITAllDMD SHCIJ:ICATIO•• MD refers lo the UIHSor I map t>ooll, the ma., Pltgl the block on lhe m1p 11 lied ~0et1nltlon1 " ol lt'9 0.Cl•,.• llOf'I OI Covenanw ~I AV911U•. Suite 200, lntwest Ill the property STANDARD DRAw.o8 POR COUWTY IMfTATIOM DtaT1HCTS apphable and me IMMdual PMC4ir °" \he rnao page ~., the ~ A oerc.i Conditions end A .. trtct1on1 recorde d in Boo" Waln\A Cr .. 11. Ca hloma You mYSI file lh,. dl!Hn In 0, .,._. COUllTY, CM~ 1•1 SDl'TIOW. (Currerot edlllof'I number U tor e'8mple 0"4-363-05 would mun Boot. "4 ol the ..... 90f I l'\llPS US73, Page 110 Oflte:l .. "econ:lt Clhe DecllKa ... 591; ano (2) for lh• ,.. ll'le Supenor Court of lhe appl~ 10 111 Ol8Wtc:t Pf'OteCtl)._ ... _, ... _ .... .. l20.00 Bloc:• 363 (map page 345 block 3} Ind peic.l S ...,1n111 tna.s block The tnllPI ret«Ted t1on "). e nd a ny auppte mont1 and a m endmen ts au1ting ~ to relocete lta COW!ty ol Orange within to are 1v11tat11e lot inspection 1n the office of the Auestor &JO ,.. 8•oao"'•Y Room lh«eto home o111Ce to t500 Newel tnltty (30) deya of ll'le first 0.Wled S~ MCS Ptenl IOt the abov'I warll .................. 13()00 1'7 Santi Ant AR proi:>eftY ts lfl the Towntt\I() Soulh and Rll'gt ~tit ot San Par-eel 3 fetementa a• l uch ••aetneflta are e9' A¥9f1Ue, Suite 200. Walnut public•tton ol this Notice. n....- (UPS .............. c s &.rn1trdtno Base Ind Merldlal'I 11cu1.ny H l lorU'I In artlCI• «ittU9d · Ea•..,_,ta ol Creek. Callfomlt 9'596 unless you receive xtual --·-• >encl·--.,, l\ergee, per°"'" ..... ·- .. · ..... lO 00 the Oeclarauon under the S.Clfon heading tn t ueh Ind 10 chatio- Its name to notice. (Please ute Conlrol All ~ts 1,. norw~. DellYery .,._, '-'dllng charge• are P« Otdtt The real property 11111 I• 1ne eoblKI ol Ihle nohc• " Sttuatoo 1n t.,. ertlcle enUllod •• IOllow "9'1gnta .net 0ut1 .. • Utllt B•flll of America com- Numbef 92f00493) You Speci .. delN9fy 1111111 be• l>ffloer'• pPenM • Coumy of Orange St11a of Callfomla, and 11 dnc:tlbed aa tonowa ties encl C.ble Tolev111on• • SuPP<>t' $ettlon~• o:=ivQevelos:>ment Bar*. mutt MtVe en ~Md and Encr-oa<:h~t • "lnor .... lgrou end "9c:ru

I operation of lh• copy ol the c:lalm on ll'le All bids mu91 be mao. In aeoon11arice. encl all ~ mutt c:ompty; wnn aw.. PROPERTY TAX-DffAUlTEO IN No 239 AP • 22,2•2·1' 1280 3', lion•• Rtghla ••c•V•I~ "-9\nc t!ld COfNl'\Of\ A,.. btancn .. o1 1t19 reaylling Dlllnct ~t\Qmey of Orenge and local'- eppMcable """"'°'and .. Olreded In the propoul form. ptlN THE YEAR t981 FOR THE TAXES, Ort lwe Me1v111 60 BHch SI EHement tr)d Melef 8oa leMf'!ient" .,.,. wll be •"tc1ed by Coully 1Aan: Rob«\ D. apodflcettona. ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER Cot1•...... P•rc el • e: .. omenta •• I UC:h ... ~-. .... p4I( bnlndl dollongl. Jof\e'- l>ec>uty Oltt11ct Al· CHARGES OF THE t.>Cult•ty aet lorth k'I ~ An1cle onlltted · t eae Tho1 notice " pubbhed lomoy) at 'TOO CMc Center Bfddert .,. hetlOy nofteO tNl P'ft&MW'lt to ptCMa60I• ol the LaDot Coot al the FISCAL YEAR 1817~ No 240 AP 4~'°' 12•3 17 ~'* o• V\41 0.CleBllon OI Co..nenu Condi~ ~ lO $ecbon tl(c) Drtvo. Wnt. S#lt8 Ana. c. • ol caMfomla. - 9oerd ol Dtrtc.torl ol Cour-.y SeMtlon Dl.-tc1n Hoa 5 and °'*'"· MtrWI B. 1t9 CIQ Pl, ~ .. •ncl "-•tncUOf'll r.eorded In •ooll 1U~ -·g9 of .,_ ,..,.,.. Depoeit ~ t2701 wilhln ten (tO) cl.lye has ltdcJ9ted the ~ r• °' I* diem-..,• cM11111•ied by 1M S\lte NEWPORT BEACH CITV ....._ 57'5 Ol1tc1•1 ".c:orda ·~ ,..,.c ord4td 1n Boot.. ~Act end IOPlc:•ble ot.,,. of tne cfaim In of lndVft1ll ll!llllllCO•, ...... to the wort! to be done fl:)f the ioc.llty In 11 l No. 241 AP 439-1'2-33 lS52 11 , 1237t P·~ JJ1, OlllC•ll "ecor-d• CThe ........ o.c FDtC ~a. · 12 CFR IN Supenor Cour\/Clvll 1)1.. h the wort It to be peitoo11• 1n colftpla11ce wltf\ ~ trn ol the l.abOr No 228 AP 052_101 .01• $5t7~, Crouo11, Btrbara Bunny 2.~3 ter•uon• I. u~ the 1ection h tec:t•noa In •~h a l1J Sec. a.c. 303.3, 303.1. vlllon. of the at-. of ~. MO • la ftled In ,,_ oflco al.,. ._,., ho..,y 04 •-i.... u....-- Tar. Coete Mtta cl• -.,tmod .. 1o11ow. · "1uhta and dullft . ullht ...

Alfy perton "'41hlng to The lel!UN to llm-'Y Ille r1oo.-.. lanllidon ~Noa. 6 MO 1 04 n.- r--. Oreen, Wllff•m. 3111 ... ,..,... Of , ,.._ ....,._., • 1)d C:.l:>I• 'lellNlelon • uPPof1 ••"'...,.,,. and en· comment on these nppllca· end~•• ver#lod etllm -"• .... __ ........ , . pott Beeoh No 242 AP 931 «>0-11 , SlW le. croechnwtnl • · c omrnunUy f9'UI"- la---.t end IOt'91NYNehlalhar com- NIJnQ wi im-t In the b&d •NII be rMdt on.,. PfOPOM1 form"""*'*' by IN Dl9'rtct "'° No 227 AP ~t&l--07, 53t04 E~ Ke lly , .Joye• M 327 Ogle' •ctraln~cw.,commun.~tec:lhMft~ bcec>4._.... ...... In ~ with the ~ In lht S...l*!Or In lht ·~ ~ by the "-"II IN .. of .. "'°" .,.,, traela ~Alan 8 , eo.te Mtta lrom .. oU OH mln9fal •nd 00.. h~ "ealonal Ohclor of the wll ~ Ill the NMM encl eddrett of N ..... ~ no OI'* ~ g 'IP ... ,,_.(I), I la fie t>.low a ct.pth o l !100 toet -~ ~ r\9hl OI 1\H Fecln Depoal\ 1nsuf1nce :::T being dedllt9d or •-.OlilllMy of IN b6dder 90 ... f'lll,.... * 11 ,..._,In N ()flee No 221AP440-2•1-67, 13904. Nontl IRVINE CITY lee• envv •• ~ 1n tnatr\lmen'8 01 recotd

~~~c':.,"=: ~ :O~!:: the eddrw ._.,.~.,. fof9' 1n proper.,._ Ant*,....,...., .. ~:,~~=hec ... 2480 ~:o";~~~.,::·~~:n·:r.~:..~ ... u;:;:. Sen Frll'ldac:o. Celttomi• "*' put9Uant '°IM~ ~ lime fl:)f reotlpl °' b'dl .,,.. be ,..,., '° .. ..... No 2~ AP .... m.11. (FOfrnetly n9ht ol I UMK• entry •• ~IU'9d °' ,...etWd In t4tOS, Proceuing wtll be alone 0( Health Wld S.ltey No 22t ""°'14 l •5I, &31 °"• Notttl 44t-2tS-18 5010). 11150 aQ, HlftlOtn. ln1l~tll OI IKOl'd comptolied "' t.he cat• °' COde ~ t , ... with !.en blddtr """' be **-0 In the ..... of Cailbnla ..... .,...... '° pefbm Bluff Park Comll'l\ltllty Atll\, .. al. 2"° lk\en, 4301 MW\UNI• St IMnf The ....... •ddf'ftl •nd oe- c:ontmen cMel9fle the IMfOlt appllcetlOn no out ~nob °' .,..,._ "'°"' oeealbed In the pltN. ~· _.., coner.11 doa--. "'"'*"' v1111 Del~.~ leech No 2•• AP • &1..021 17 S11 ot uon II any, ot the'•••~ deecrtbod eboW le wtltr .,-,.,, tho 30th d•y Ing. ~ Corolract Code Sec:lan ~ fie COJl .. CD mut1 ,._ a Gentt1i1 No 230 AP U 2,293'°4, l12000, 841)"- l(telm•lef GIN L. 1~92 lona tne C~O to IM J V~ne SU-t ~ hiacl'I f-..tna. ~the date 0( ffubll•h • d New~rlEn~..,lftQ Cot • Ucenee CO.. "Ai to"'°""' Old Wt--... vteW Court~ AaMI .... the W ,...,-ecS ~ Be.c!M:oata Melt 4WKtOt • 1 on ,.....,_~ W'f, IMM The undonlgnod True._ diaclalm• any NablMt '*' Ot "'ct.I•°' the,.. Piiot May 20. 27, June A~ bond of noe .... "*'"".,..... ( fO.) °' ..... - ......... be No 23l AP 442"2tl-4l , 13104, Bey- No 2• & AP • !lt-101 ·1.1 , ''° '4 IOt "'Y ·~---Of"'- • .,.W' ltOOrwe end-.. c8'pt Ol h onerp ~ '*· __ Wlltl MCf'I tMd and no tMd .. M COJ...,ed W-. ~ tMd wtiy la OtiOQI P111t Ho!MOM•• AMI'! ?ynde. ~ c M

1COft- 4"19'\Mton II eny •hoWn ._...,.

taon by the FDIC, ~ on tMreln. Said * tlOfld !NJ be 1n tn. '°"" of a ....,.. or Olftled Ho 2~ AP 4~t ·11. sneo 11 • ..,,. "- io..i •mount 01 .,. IM'llMltd P"1'1CtfWll bellenu ...,., It laer. ~ PUIUC -TIC& ,,....,.. to the ~ Ot • t4ll'ffl'I bond '-*' by • qualled OOfW*• ljlma. Maseto, 1903 Yechl Purtten. New- No , ... AP 834-flO. IO 1'~ ~ 01 ~ obt.91toon MCUl9d by the propony to ba MMd w11 be cornpteted In fie - Wottung, 04Md t.. 104 Wnt Y• end,_ .. ~ coa ... eapenHe oM ~ 414 c.te °' f'8 home C)lllc.,... ~to 60 l:KlllNM In~ In I form~ by~· Oentlfal pott 8Mch L.oOf>, \Jnll tO IMne tM ... ..,. Of 9'9 INti .. public.Von of the Noetc. of locetlon ~ no_,.. UGAL NOTtea No 2S3 AP 4$ .. 1'2~, llAUI, .... it ttt\\.HO es .. lhan the 2'at dey IOI- NOTte• OI' All blOdWe.,. hefet>y noelfled trllt •II ,.quired lhlt the per'IGft ~ f'9 aid- HOWllCI. Ka1MHn M "32 Oahlie Av, No 24 'P AP, t37 .. ~ S1M5 4•, In addl.on '° CAlel\ the ff'\11 ... wttt ee:ceot a loMnt -- tM °"' ol "'9&.IC UUI OI' .• lond '"""' ...,_. on ..... "'* COl/MI/ a... County ., ~. ·•......, ol N~ IMch Moften Jane L • w~ JMI» CM~ ~- ....... ., ..... Oft ~ MM. "'9 1M1 requited ~ A•ANDOlllD nomey anct ~ to ...,.. ._. ~ fl:)f end on beMI ol ._ ~ No ~ AP ... ,_It Ht . ... 1.2'1.. a ~ •- b¥ • ..... °' ........ c:f'OdM unlOf'I • 11on °'._.._of recelpc NOPmRn 0.boub, L.eo Outienu, 4 Nett>oftl9. ~ TAX·OE,AUlTCD IN a ct'9<~ ctr..n bY 8 ..... Of .....,_. .... ,... .,,. 01 tho applic~ by the N<*e It ...,_ ~ .. Newpott IMch THl Y!AA 1117 lle>f' TH lAX $ ~ enoc'9eton, .._,.. •eocw.on or ...,..._. Foe. wntdleJtr le .... f\lil ttll "'........,_ _.. The"""°" of ff*,...,.,_. la to lnMn ttlM ._Pf~•°' Code ol CM ASKSStil£HTS ANO OM" NM apec .. led In t.ctlion It• ot IN Penenclet Theee ,.,.... ~ be. • · Ml et P'AllO tudlon. ,_.rrciic.a111re ...-, • .uo ,...,.,.,. twd\ ~ to b9 on .. wlfl ._ a.... COSTA MESA CITV QWIKKS Ofl ™« Code 9M ~ • dD blalneee tn ._ .... ...... 'J IM ....,_.. DI- _,.,,. to ~ 2T 700 of Otrfl .. .-.fled 111 «def b the S.u ICAI oe.fd .. • ..._. .. . 11 J '19CAL vtM , .... J lt'I .,_ ....,e of ~ ... ._, cMtt II I 'CC ..... ,.......,~_.... IN.,..., & ...... bboN f"4tlNl•1NY~--~ .. .,_'f,_., n.. , • ._ .... ,.., par • ..., Code, .,. ~ No m AP tt7~ '!o!.~ NEWPORT DC&CH CITY "' OMd "'*'""*bee•,.••••••'•• .. ~ ... of"' lflllllOllJon ..... ~ ~ to wl(! ~to~ ~ eoner.. c.. ........... •• 1 •1 .. - Helfft, A!Thur J Jf . 411 .. '"" '"' -- ~ .. ., ......... - • ~ .. ~ .......... ~ :5 TONY ZUCCO ACIGll M8\ 10 po.e ~ MCI ~ _. IN .,_... • M Wll •• 1NncW M•• leid ........ .._.. ..._,. e&••161'4 or ._...

......, ON - Ch, TV, IW . ..... ""8c. ~--... 1n order lo ....... DIMIW ...................... ~. 2lt .Al'11t-a»-41 ........ .,.... "' .. ,, ~.IC). 1117.n . ,.._ ............................. II II 1' 1A

.. """""' .. .,., aeon OAOVEI. F051 peftooR•IOO of......... '°""" ~ Mil\. ....... w . ....... ""'· """*' ., • rnMR•• IH, .. •..-..W .. 11 '''''*- ..

... ""'~be ll'l~acetd CNel. c;.,,,., ...... ~. ND U7 Alt 1 t.(U m IO. ...... ~ .., .... o.N. •• ·- .......... .. ..... 1r1 Ole Ceipotllloi1I ,..!..b..!.1. entconter, "''•c "'9 ..... ofDIJ ,.,~., ....._._ ,..,.,_,_._He a..nL • * .. N' .ml~....,., W•~IJ1ftll~ ...... ...._, .. , lsiill ..................... M;U" ~Q(I C<M ...... .., ......... - ...... a .. fl ........ . . .,.. . . A l• ••• I , ~o•• ......... :: ...... MN ...... ........ iutlNM Nut•. ~· IW . "l.i-~ lw , .... ,.._, -· --- ..._.... liltAlft .......... ........... .... ................ OfllnNmltc..-rrM'flMNOEM 8'-GfMmAMGPDNCIOM '"P"

1 - , ,_._.. =•-................... ._. ....... ...

MJWWW IJ tlltl J*90fti C-11 CMiC. Ne ~ , It .... ._..... DllTNCYI NOi I NfO I ....... fWW&

::::.:•::::.;.-.:: ::_:3""r.:,'°":~ • ....,.c .. * ._.., a, ...... .,....,.... ..::-:,:·~ .. ~·::.~::.':."'ml:~ CIYHI. A tohedul• of .,den, My, .-c. iCaWt •.& .. _, ti= . c M ......... ii .......... cNr9lle .. -- .... AXNlll! ...... llld . ... ... ... ......,. "'-" - "' · ~ .. ! ...... IJIA ... ._. .................. . ,..,....-... .., 11 Mn TV ..... .,. 51iii;.;M9;;;;,;;..;l.;,,,.;,;,_;.;,;;.,-.....J'...-.;oa,;;M--•.,...-......._ ________ _

.. Thursday, May 27, 1993 Newport BwhlCoeta Meea o.Hy Ptlot

flUIUC llOTICll W IOTICU PUii.iC IOTICll w IOTICI ~ ·:era::: w IOTICI telning COYrt IPPJOV • ,.,. J .......

....,.,,... eu11neu ...,.,...,, ....., "••lllaue fore telung cert81 201 'w•f Collnt, ._,11 ... ._ 900ve on· Janulrt 1, 1973 .., ....... ._ ry 1M9ortant actJoM, 1130

•• Aodwocll a MacDon.icl 8 wever. t~ p1r1on "- CA 92,.,.,. .......... Thi• llltement WU filed Ula••• epr111ntet1v• will b o""'s-,2~·. OS v/2lv/U. .,. "!:.n:~. ~· Wilt! IN ~ OM °' .,. ~O:::. ~ equ1r1d to g1v1 nouca t , ...

LOUISE LITWACIC ' AP· Orang. Counf'v on May 25, PET p LS. 2795 ..... nuruud parson :>5127193 Pfl4ISAL SERVICES, 3535 1993 Vltde Of e., 0.101, Cotta nl111 lhtV have w.,v, __ PUILJC ____ T __ _ E. Pacilie c0111 Hwy , frS7t9t9 Mffa, CA 92626 nouca or con11n1ed t NO ICE Suite ts, Corona dll M;ar , Published Hewpot1 8acn- Ange111 Jane Atrwice. 2795 the propoud ecuon I c~SIOHH• CA 92625 Cotta MHI o..ty Plloc May Mesa Verde Or E ' 0.101 . h. I nd. p. n d. n l NOTICE OF LouiH Tr11lner Lltwacle, 21, June 3, 10, 11, 1993 Costa Mes&. CA 9262t admm11trat1on aulhom TRUITEE'I I ALE

194 Sendcaslll Dr., Coroo.t lh002 Thl t bu1lne11 Is con- will be granted unl11s e UNDER DEED OF TRUST del Mat, CA 92~5 ducted by .,, lnd!Yldwll nttruted pertol\ files a Ts, No. 1·7Hl3003A RO Thl1 bu1ln111 la con PUBLIC NOTICE The reg111r1nt(1) com- ob11ct1on 10 the/ttltlon vou ARE IN DEFAULT

ducted by: an lnd1lliduat ~ lo trensac:t busl end 1hows goo c au1 UNDER A DEED OF TRUST The r1g111rant(1) com- Fictitious ne11 under 1h1 Flctitloua whv the court should DATED MAY 5 1988.

monced to transaCl buSt· Busln••• Nam• Bu11n111 Name(•) lilted 1\01 grant the authomv. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION ntss under the F"k:llllous Statement above on· May 20, 1993 A HEARING on the TO PROTECT YOUR Bualpen Name(•) 11511.'d The Following Plf"IOM Angela J. Am1nce petition will be held on ~~bE:t\ RiaLMCAYS BEE llboYI on: N/A are dOlf'.!9 business as: This statement was lllld J 10 1993 6 1 AL · loul11T Utwacle WHITEHOUSE SNOW· wiltl the County Clerk of une • et 1:4 IF VOU NEED AN Th11 statement was tiled BOARDS 5382 Oceanus Orange County on May 20 P.M . ln Dept. 7?3 EXPLANATION OF THE

lh th c Ct le , ' c 1993 ' located et 341 The C1tv N A Tu A E 0 F TH E WI,_.. e ounty e< o llC. HunMgton Beach. A 0 0 CA 92660 PROCEEDING AGAINST Orange County on M.iy 17, 92649 F57t588 rive range • YOU VDU SHOULD 1990 Charles Robert Seymour Published Newport BHch· IF YOU OBJECT TO CONTACT A LAWVER.

F57t095 Jr • 1820 E. 2nd, ApL 1, Costa Mesa Dally Ptlot May the granting of the Notice Is hereb'f' given Published NewJ>Ofl B11ch- Long Bueti, CA 90802 27 June 3 10 17 1993 petition, v ou should th•I Flnt lntenttt• Bink of

Cost• Mesa Dally Pilot May This business is con- ' ' ' ' 11996 •PP••r et the hearing Celifoml• , .. trullH, or 2 Jun 993 ducted by an lndlYldual t e n d I t a t e V o u r •ucc .. sor 1ru1tH 01 1

· e 3· tO, 17

• 1 1"995

The reg11tranl(s) com- PUBLIC NOTICE ob1ecuon1 or file w11tten subni1uted(ru1teepU1iu1nt ----------• menced to 11ansact busl· ob1ectrons with the court to the Deed ol Tru11

PUBLIC NOTICE ness under the Ficbtious Flclltloue before the hearing. Your e .. cute d by B Ir c h __________

1 Business Name(s) llStad Business Name appeeronc a may be 1n Prop!rtlH , Ltd A C1tlfornl •

Fictitious at>ove on. May 24, 1993 Statement person or bv vourL•m•ted Per t nersh l p Ctlar1es R Seymour Jr. Recorded M•y l 0, 1988

Bulin-. N•m• Thts suitement was filed The Following persons lltornev. lntt 188-216973 of Ollic1el St•tement with the County Cllfi( of are doong busmen 1a: IF YOU ARE A Record• In th• off'ice ol tM

Thi FollOW1ng persons Orange County on May 25 BALSOA EATERY, 408 E. C R E 0 IT 0 R o r a County Recorder of Orange ete doing busmess as 1993 • Balboa Blvd .• Balboa, CA contingent c reditor o f County, Calilom••. 1nd PAUL'S REFRIGEATION. F57t923 92661 the deceased, you mustPUllUlnt 10 IM Nolle• of HEATING & AIR CONDI· p Steven L Abrams, 70 ftlt your claim Wtlh the Del•utl end Election to Sell TIONING 3021 B HarbOr ubl1shCC Newport Beach- Bridgeport Ad., D11na Pooni. nd 1 thereunder reco r ded Blvd., Costa Me~. CA Costa Mesa Dally Pilot May CA 57629 court e mei •copy to Feb/\.11ry 17. 1993 1n11. 92626 29 Junes 12 19 t993 This business Is con- 1 h e P ~ r 1 0 n a I 19'-098740 of n1d Ofltcl1t Paul W1ll111m Blaine. f643 · ' ' ' lhOOS ducted by: an lnd1Yidual represantouva 8P'!01n1ed Record•. w"t Sell on June

Corsica Pl. Costa Mes;i The registrant(•) com- by the court within four 16, Hl93 at 10 ;00 A.M. At CA 92626 ' · PUBLIC NOTICE menced to transact busl· months from the d1ta of the north front entrance IQ This business ts con ness under the Fictitious firtt i11uanc1 of lettera the County Counhouse, 10<1

ducted by an ind1Y1dual Fictitious Business Name(s) ~sled a1 provided in 1ecuon Civic Center Drive WH.t , .The reg1strant(s) com BuslneH N • m e above on: Mav 17, 1993 9 l 00 or the Cali fornia Senta Ane, CA et public menced 10 transatl bus1 St•tement Steven L Abrams Probate Code The time • uctlon. 10 the highest n•ss under tho F1C1mous The Following perso'!s This statement was filed for filing claims will not ~~~d~[m':r 0~1!~1!P~,,V·,~~f~: Business Name(s) roslod aro doing business as: with the County Clerk Of expire before lour money ol the united obove on: Mav 20, 19!JJ WIN WARE. 12 Ag1a, La· Orange County on May 10, mon1h1 from the h•artng States! all right t illo end Paul Witham Blaine guna Niguel, CA 92677 1993 date not iced above. lnter111t. conveyed to' end This statement was hied Basel Kader, 12 Ag1a. La· F570377 YOU MAY EXAMINE now held by It under uld with tho Counly Clerll of QUM Niguel, CA 92677 Published NewROf't Beach· the flla kept by the 0Hd of Trust in the Orange County on May 20, Firas Bushnaz, 7 Bergamo, Costa Mesa Daily Pilot May court. If you are 8 property situated in said 1993 Laguna Niguel, CA 926n 27 June 3 10 17 1993 person intereeted in the County and Stele end

F571587 This business is con- ' · • '• th99& estate vou mav ftlt w ' th dHcrlbed .. follow•: Publistted ,Newport Beach ducted by a general part· the ~ourl 1

1 1 Percel 1: Lot 87 of

C • nersh1p PUBLIC NOTICE • orma Trect No. 706. H shown on osta Mesa Daily 'PtlQI May The reg1s1ran1(s) com· Req uest for . Special •Map Recorded In Boole 21,

27, June 3, 10, 17, 1993 menced to llansact busi· Fk:tltlous Notice o r the f1hng of en Pege 25 ol Mi• celleneou1 th997 ness undet the Fictitious Busln••• N•m• inventory and appraisal Meps, Rec~rd1 ,of 01ange

__ P_ U_B_L-IC_ N_O_ T- IC_E __ , Business Name(s) 11s1ed Stat t of estate assets or of County, C11ttom11 above on July 31 1992 •men any peution or account Ell c e Pt 1 n O th•

---------- 1 Basel Kader ' The Following persons H p rovided in secuon NonheHterly 60 00 feet of Fictitious This statemenl was l1led are doing buS1neu as 1250 of the Callrorn1a the Sou1he11tertv 150 00

Bu.In-. Name w11h lhe County Clerk of IBM PRODUCTION, 1198 Probate Code. A Request fHt thereof. Statement Ofange County on May 25 Augusta St, Costa Mesa. for Spacial Notice lo Parcel 2 Lot 88 of Tract

The FottOW1ng """""'S 993 ' 92626 rm No. 706. H shown on 1 d bu .. -·-" 1 Joe A. Isip 1198 Augusta IS available from the Map Recorded In Book 2 1

~~v~~LE sic:.s:~~ER S F571924 SL, Costa M0

esa, CA 92626 court c lerk. P1ge 25. 01 M1scelleneou~ 203 Emerald Avenue Bal PubltShed Nt wporl Beach· Tho a business tS con- A t . t. O r n I y f o r Mep1, Records . o f Orenge boa Island Callfornia Costa Mesa Daily Pilot May ducted by· an 1nd1Y1dual Petitioner: County, Ca1tfo1 n1a 92662 27 June 3 10. 11. 1993 The registrant(•) com- D avid p. Delancy Pa' c e I 3 Th• W11tlam Mctn1vro Scon lh006 menced to transact buSI· 620 Newport Center Nonhseuterlv 60 00 feet ot

203 Emtf"ald Avenue Boll ness under the F1ct11tous D # JlO tho outhoHte!ly 150 00 boa tstend , Calllorn13 PUBLIC NOTICE Business Name(s) ~stod Nr.

1 t7e0e6t of Lotho87 01 Tract No

92662 above on NJA ewpor Beac h CA . u s wn on a Map Flctltlou1 Joe A. Is; 92660 Recorded in Book 21. Page

This business is con. B l P 25 of Miscellaneous Meps ducted by· an lndiY1duat us nesa N•me ThtS smtement was ltled 05/26/93. 05/27/93 , Record• 01 Oran e Co t ' The reg1str;in1(s) com· Slllte ment with the ·County Clerk of 06/02/93 Celtlornla ·A ~ N ~~9~ menced 10 transact bus1 The Fottow1ng persons Ornnge Coonly on Apnl 30, 35 1 . 1 a. · ·

ness under the Flct11Joos are doing business as: 1993 PUBLIC NO TICE The street addreu and Business Nome(s) llstO<I ROBIN DELOTELL & AS· F589474 other common doslgnat lon. above on: May 23. 1993 SOCIATES, 1937 Pon Prov· Published Newport Beach· CNl10HOH II any, of the rHI property Wilham M. Scon enc:e. Newport Beach, CA Costa Mesa Da1tv P1to1 May NOTICE OF dHcrtbed1bo11e ispurported This sta1emen1 was lllO<I 92660 6 13 20 27 1993 PETITION TO to be 20101 S. W. Bfrch.

Wl lh the County Clerk ol Robin Diane Paolino Delo- ' ' • ' Th·9« ADMINISTER Santa Ana Heightl CA Ofange County on May 25. tell , t 937 Port Provence, EST A TE OF. 82707 1993 NewportBeach. CA92660 PUBLICNOTICE • The u nd er11gned

F571922 This business 1s con. SUZANNE R. PIERCE Trustee d11clelm1 1n) l'ubloshed Newporl Beach dueled by an 1nd•YIOuat FlctltlO\As CASE NO. A 168582 liebiluy for 1ny 1ncorrecfne11

Costa Mesa Drutv Pilot May The reg1s1ran1(s) com- Business Name T o 1 11 h e I r 1 , 0 1 the 11reet addrau end menceo to transaCI busi· Statement b1naflcierJ11, creditore other common des1gnatoon,

27. June 3, 10, f 7, 1993 ness under the FtetJllous The Followt pensons ontJngent creditor• , • ndj If any, shown here in Ul004 Business Name(s) t1stec are dOI"" bu ng • r • 0 n e w h 0 m • ~ The total emoun1 ol the ----------1 above on Apf1I t 1993 · :~ soness as h b · 'unpaid balance ol the

PUBLIC NOTICE Robin DeLotell ' CHOCOLATE SOUP, 504 ot erw1se • inttrHtl obl1ga1oon H cu1ed by th• ----------• This statement was filed S. Bay Front, Sta 10. Bal- n the w ill or estate, o property 10 be sold and

195354 w•lh tne County Cieri{ 01 boa lsl;ind, CA 92662 oth, o f : SUZANNE R rHson1ble Htim1ted colts, FlctJtlou1 Or;inge COlmty on M;iy 25 Jodi Teller. 359 San Leon, PIERCE upentes end edvancH 11

Bus.In ... Name 1993 ' ln11ne, CA 92714 A PETITION he the time of the in1t11I Statement • F571925 This '' con- een f iled by SUSA pubhc:euon 01 the Notice of

The FottOW1ng persons p bl N ducted by an 1nd1111dual RIV ISO N in the 11111 11 $3,091 ,483 25 ere dorng busmess u u •Shed ewport Beach- The re91strant(sl com- s UP.e rio r court 0 t In edd11.lon t o ca1h. the DANA POINT LIQUOR. Costa Mesa Daily Pilot May menc:ed 10 transact buSI· Coltlornia, Counry 0 Tru11ee w1U eccept •

34320 Coast Highway 27. June 3. 10, 17, 1993 ness under Iha F1ctt1t00s Orenge. cashier' s check drewn on e Dana P01nt CA 92629 th007 Business Name(s) htec TH E p ET 1 T 1 0 N 11a1e 01 net1on11 benle. 1 Thomas R Lewis 98, PUBLIC NOTICE above on Apnl 20, 1993 t th t SUSA check drewn by • 111te or • Jodi Teller raque1 I • federel credit union or a ~::::ltne , Orange. CA This statement was ftled RIVISON be appointed check drewn by e st1te or Thi b 195353 w11h lhe County CIC!flc of a I P e r s o n e ~ federel u 111nga end loin

s usiness 11 con FlctltJou1 OrangeCountyonApnl30 representat i ve toeuoct a 11on sa 11lng1 dTUCh led by an, tndt(IYl)duat Business Name 1993 ' edmm11tar the esteta of auoc1e11on or sev1ng1 benk

e regtS ran s com· h d d mencact to 1ransae1 buSl Statement F569412 t e tea ent . speci fied In Section 5102 of ness under lhe flellltous The FotloWlng persons Publlshed Newport Bltach· T H E P E T I T I Q !"' the F1nanc1al Code a~d Business Hame(s) ltstoo are doing business as· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot May request1 the decadent authomed to do buslnH• in above on not yel ZAP< S DELI, 12659 Beach 27 June 3 10 17 1993 ILL and codic1 l1, if any, th11 state In the event Thomas A Lewis Blvd . Stanton, CA 90680 • • • be edmmad to probate tender other than cHh la This statement w11s Med Zekrullah Az1zlan. 5281 lh992 he WILL and en accepted, th~ Tru11ee mey

with lhe Counly Clerk ol So1nlle Crete. La Palma. PUBLIC NOTICE codlc1l1 are avatltble to Tithho~ 1~ "ciuanc,.• ~f 1~1 Orange County on Apnt 30. CTAh 9062b3 oxem1n1111on 1n the file b~~~1~! s •11~r,1br.n1 10 u~.,! 1993 IS us1ness IS con NOTICE OF kept b~ th• co rt o Cl__, b nd '"" I U • P•v•• or endorHe H •

F5895Ge u """' Y . an 1 i .... ua APPLICATION FOR T E Pf TIT I 0 N mener of ngl'lt. Publ1stted Newport Beach ~~c.;,e~~st~an~~!~ ~~':: CHANGE IN requests outhonty t S1ld sale win be mede,

Costa Meu Da1ty P11o1 May ness under the Ftelltious OWNERSHIP OF admin11ter the astote but w11~ut covenant or B, f3, 20, 27, 1993 Business Name(s) listed ALCOHOLIC nder the Independent wenadn1y. u

1pre11 or lmphed

.......... BEVERAGE LICENSE Adm1rn11r1t.1on of E1tet11 reg er •no l•I • · poueut0nor a.,., .. , on not yet A CT'-' encumbre~u to 11t1sly __ P_ U_B_L-IC_ N_O_ T-IC- E--1 Ze11ru11nn Azlllan To Whom It May Con c t . rNI authority w1I the indebt t dnesi H cured by

This siatement was filed ce<n· allo w the per1ona aa ld Deed, ed v enc .. CNS


w th the County Clerk Of James & Tanya cork Jr repre11ntat1va to take thereunder, with •ntarHt 11 ~ Orange County on Apnl 30, 1s(are) apl)lying to the 0.. meny act1one w i thout provided therein. end the

Flctltl°"• 1993 partmenl of Alcoholic Bev· obta1nmo court approval. unp1ld princ1p1I ot the note Busl-. N•..,. F5e9505 9'11gl Control to sell atco- a.tore teking c ertain H CUred by H id dHd ¥Wtlh

Statement Published Newport Beach· hohc beverages et 1562 very important •ct.1on1, 1nterut 1hereon H provided The Followl09 persons Cosca Mesa Daily Pilot May Newport Blvd Ste C & D. ho wever, the persona In u 1d Note. le111. ch11g11

are doong buStness as 6 13 20 27 1993 ~~!-Mesa. CA 92621 W!lh represantauve w ill b i nd ex,pensu of the 1tu1tee PALERMO TOWN HOMES · · • 42 On-Salt Beet & Wine required 10 3

,va notice t end of the truatt crHted by 1940 Maple Avenue Coste (Pub Prem ) license i u ld Deed of TN1t Cehfom•• 92627 Pu blishe d Newport nttrtite person First lnters11te Bank of Men0uchehr Malek 12 PUBLIC NOTICE Beach.Cosla Mosa Dally nle11 lhev h1v1 we1ve C1tifornie, Ann. Elli.beth

Sky S81I Coron.-1 oei ' Mar frlc:tttlou Pilot. Mn zz. W3 nottce or con11nt1d t Alecche B 12· 9 1056 Ceiofomoa 92625 Busln eH Name Th984 the p roposed aCllon. 1 Jhfre-OWcr , roe Angelii. Thl1 business 11 con he 1 n d ape n den CA 90011 12131 580·6800 ducted by" ll1l lnOIVlduat Statement PUBLIC NOTICE admin111rauon authon D•ted Mey .1 8. IU3 The reg istrant(') com· The Following persons w ill be granted unlH• a By: El~abeth Alecch•,

are doing business es· CN11oet1ee 'ntereatad fl Anl•t•nt Voce Pruid•nl menced to transoel bust VILLAGE REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF 1 pereon • •e.a 05 / 27 / 93 , 06 / 03/ 113 ness under the F1ctmou1 2400 Mein Street S\Mte PETITIO N TO ob1ecuon to tha/1t1t1on 06110193 · Business Namo(sl 1tstec:1 201 Irvin• CA 92714 ADMINISTER end shows goo c aus above on. Mav 6, 1993 Phlilp H 'McNameo 2400 whv the court st-ould Manouchctir Malek Moon Street, Suite io1 Ir· ESTATE OF : not grent the euthoritv. Thit statement was ltlod vino, CA 112714 • MARILYN J . BEEB E A HEARING on ttl

with the County Cle<k of Thts buslneu is con- AKA MARILYN J, eut1on will be held on


Seevourcar make lracks!

Need to sell your car? Do ~the easy way! Run your auto ad for l 0 days in the Daily Pilot/Independent. If it doesn't sell, we'll run it for 5 more days, FREE!* Call Classified for details.


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Friday at Spm that is. Take advantage of our extended deadline for your

Saturday listings. You now have until Friday at Spm to place your ad in Saturday's Classified. Call Classified at 642·5678io-pface your advertising.

D8i~·P110t range County on Moy 12, ducted by· en tndlvlduat SOUKESIAN,MARIL y une 17. l 993 et 1 :45 993 ,

570722 rhe registranl(s) com· N JARVIS P.M . 1n Dept. 703

Published Newpor1 Beach ~e:C~~ ~~~sa~~ti~~ SOUKESIAN. o~~~~dP~6.3:~xT~:8\~ Costa Mesa DAiiy Pilot J.\IY Bu11ne11 Name(s) listed SOUKMESARIL YN renge CA 92813 . 20, 27, June 3, 10, 1993 abov9 on: 11164 IAN ,MARIL Y IF YOU OBJECT T

·srARTING A NEW BUSINESS?? . Th 964 Ph1t1p H MeNamee N JARVIS,MARIL Y N he granuno of th

---------1 Tht1 aletement wu fifed BEEBE.MARILYN euuon. vou should PUBLIC NOTICE 0•1h lhl~ounty Cl1t1c °' ELIZABETH BEEBE ppear at the hearing

F1ct1Uo"• 1~ nty on May 18

• AND MARILYN E. n d s t e t • you ...,_. N_.. F5712t8 SOUKESIAN BEEBE b11c tlon1 or file wrlne

Stete,_nt Pubhlhed Ntwpor1 Bach· CASE N O . A166506 b11cuon1 with thecou The Followtng Ptnon• Cost• MHll Dail p,,J Ma ' T 0 a 11 he I r I erore th• h•at1ng. You

are ck*lg business u 20 27 June 3 1 ~ 1993 Y benehc1enes, c redi tor• P••rance m•v be i COMP\JtER COMMUNICA· • • ' • con11ng1n1 cred1tore, a er1on or by you

TIOHS DeslGN, 3972 Bar· Th-966 pe11 on1 who me ttornay. ranee Ptcwy Jt44, ""'4ne, PUBLIC NOTICE ~therw111 be 1nter11t R 1f


CA 9271• tn the w ill o r estate, o "" . o ' D. George Moote, 3912 frlct1Uou1 both, o f : MARILYN J onungent creditor of

8err8nC.11 Pkwy Jl44, Ir Bu_,,.. .. N•ine BEEBE AKA MARILYN J he d1c111ed, vou mut ...en.. CA 9V14 •t•t•'"9nt SOUKESIAN , MARIL y 11• vour claim With th Thlt bu1ln111 11 con- The Followtng penons JARVIS SOUKESIAN ourt and mall 1 copy to ducted by: .,, Individual ere d0tng bu.11neu ., M A R I L y h • p • r e o n • The r1gl11rant (1) com DAVE CARR & ASSOC .. SOUKESIAN. MARIL y epreHntat1v1 eppolnted menced lo tnwlaact bull· 1107 Pon Shellleld Pl .. J A R 'I I S , MAR IL y V the court within fou nnt under the Actlllous N""'POf't Beach, CA 92660 B E E 8 E M A R I L y onthl from t he data o f =.'*•. A~;~•>1~ec1 David N. CM", 1707 Port ELIZABETH BEEBE AN rat luuence ot letters O n.!:!... M • Shtllleld Pl , Newport M A R I L y N E I proV1ded In Hctlo

• ._...._ oore BNch, CA 92660 SOUKESIAN BEEBE 100 o f the Cellfornle = =~ o!n!''~ Thl1 bu1ln111 It con- A PETITION robete Code, The tim 0r.nge ,..,.._ ... on A,..,1 27 Cluctld by· en indMdual b e • n r 1 I • d b or filing cla1m1 will not ,_.. -'"' ..... . • The reg111ran1(1) com· JONATHAN MICHA! ICPltt before rou _.. mence<I '° lrtntect bu• h r h ... " 'N907Z n.., und« the ~fc11UOuc JARVIS In th• Superio ont • rom t e rietron

fliutllltled Mewpart Bae~ Buttneaa Nam•(•l lliled Coun of Celtfornie, ate noticed tbova. CoMa Meu Delly Pilot May aboYe on May 11 tM3 County of Oran111. YOU MAY EXAMINf 27 June 3 10 11 1993 O.lltct N. CetT ' THE PE Tl Tl 0 the flit kepc by the

' ' ' ' Thl1 atatement w11 fllld ttq\J .. tl thtt ELLIO oourt. If YoU ere _______ Th-_t_7'_,wllh "'- County C1att1 °' MICHAEL JAAVIS b p1tton lntaraeted In the

PUIUC IOTICI Orenge County on Mey 11. appointed •• p111on ntate, you mev fllt with ---------- 1 199) rep re I e n ta ti \I I t the C0\111 • c.mwlil

fllatlU.U. 1'87t•t'I admif\11ter th• uteta o Aeq,,•ec for Spacl •••"a• Nw P\Jbtjlhld Newpor1 Swh- th• d•ctdtnt rot letter Nodoa or the flllno of an

IC•••••• Com MIA Deify Pilot Mey o f S p • c 1 a Inventory and eppr••• The Folo-Mng pan10t11 21, June 3. to, 17 1913 Admuv1trat1on of Htate ~"'' °' of

- doing bulllWH .. • th993 T H ! p E TI T I 0 env patldon Of accounc MACDONALD PAOP A· · t1qy11t1 euthonty 1 .. JttO~td In HOUOn

TIES, 20301 I W heh Clelsffted Is .... admtnitttr lhe Htlt 1250 of the C ... fOtf'la C.tOJ, SMta AN HelgMI, CONVllNllENT ndat tha Independent ProC>tta COde. A AtquHI CA 112707 .nether you•,. buy· Admu·111tret1on of !1tata fot IPff!el Notto• form ~ 0 MIKOonafd. f Ing, MfUng, Of Juel A 0 t w I ( h 11 m i t • " •veilebie from tN To~rey ' 'n•, Newpor1 lcx>lcing, cl.aa11flld kat thomy (Thia •uthorit court olartc. IMdt, CA 92te0 ,,..,,., yOY Medi Wtfl allow the pe11on• A t t 0 r n • y f 0 r Thi• bullnlll •• con- ~ILOT cua .. "1•D repre11ntell\ll to lak PttJdontr·

dUc:tlCf bt'. en lttd1.touef M2-M78 tJ ch t • Tha 110111rant11) com anv •c one w1 ou

,._-~~~-----..... ..._ _______ .;;....._J

The Legal Department at the Piiot Is pleased to announce a new Mrvfce now available to new bu11n ... es.

We will now SEARCH the name for you at no extra charge, and MY• you the time and the trip to the Court HouM In Saru Ana. Then, of courae, after the Harch 11 completed we wlll file your ftctltloua bull""' name atatement With the County Clerk, publleh once a week '°' four wMkl u required by l.w and then ftle your proof of pubflcatton wtth County Clerk.

Please stop by to tile your fictitious business statement at the Piiot Legal Department, 330 West Bay, Cotta Mesa, Callf()rnla. If you can not atop by, please call us at (714) 642-4321 , ~xtenslon 315 or 318 and we wtll mal<e arrangements for you to handte this procedure by mall.

If you should have any further questions, please calt ua and we wlll be more than glad to aulst you. Good Luck In your new buslnetall

NlOT&illMB Ir• ..._ reeource ~ c.n count on kt _. • myrlaid of inercNn­dl.. ....... McllUM our~ compel quallfled buyena to calll



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Mor1uery * Chapel Cremation

110 Broadway CoeteM ... .......


HOCHADEL Karen Hochadel, S4, of Newport Be•ch • patsed •way May 25, I 993 Karen. longtime community v~eet. Wlll active In levet•I organizations '° pro­mote strong i.ader· 1hlp In government end public education. Shi Is sutVlved by h., husband Jacll; chil· dren Julia, John and Jiii ; mother Anne Kerns ; •nd •later Sheren Kem•. aM of Newport Beech. Memorl•I ...-vtce1 will be held at St. An· drewa Presbyterian Ch urch, 600 St. An­d,.ws Rd., Newport Doach, on Friday, May 28 et t2:30 P.M . In 11eu o r flowefw, don• tlone bl mad• to h K.,en K..-ns Hochadel Annual M~I Coto leoe SchoWatMp, P.O. 80111 8121, Newport 8-ch. CA eaM2.


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330 W. Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627

How To Place Classified Ad


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(Corner of Ne• port Bhd. & Ba) ' 1,)


tOUA~ "°'1$1HG O ttl' O Af U N lt •


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f ive beautiful lakes. lndry, fncd yrd , grdnr Beach Area•. 2BR 2 BA. pool, com- -.,.clal. 1981 M aple N ear h unting and f ish· Ouletl Sl t95. 640-1733 pletely redone . ---------• 631 -4086 Ing. O w ner w ill II· Eas tslde 3BR 2BA, dbl NEWPORT PENINSULA Cannery Rentals, lnc BALBOA • Big Rustic 1BR, appls nance. S2,990. SSOO gar w /oprir , w / d hkup, Y£AA\.YORWINTER 1 -800-247-820 9 PENINSULA 2607 totallw encl g arage d own. 800-223-4763. lrplc. grdnr, yard 1.:S~-:;S:C~t Harbor View sunny iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil S550 2 Persons No


$l300/mo 645-5819 Fia-noslled.'Vnli.nisn.ct M onte go 48r 2Ba, Pets 642·59&4 •&•laid• remodeled v·111a Rentals across l rom g rnblt/ Almost new 2 Br 2Ba .,,E,..,.'Md...,.--. -2-m_a_:._tv_r_SU_•l-e-$.

3 BR 1 B~ house w /ga· pool $2600 759 8559 blk to bch Frpte, AC, dtw, lndry rm 1 gar rage, w /d hkups, tncd 675-4912 relug, mlCfo , gar. Fum + space 2466 Santa Yd, g rn df , lmmac • Lg 1BR, H~BA g u est or unlum 723·0584 Ana Av s-s n1·7,,;v,.

h s e w / O c n Vle w on-------- - "' """ condl Sml pet ok1 beachlront lot Pvt • B a wfront Blci9 1BR •E' SIDE ESC APE • S 11 75/ mo 833-7775 2BR 2BA, 7th Fir, Sec, deck $1125 mo yrly, 1BA, quiet, c lean. N/ Ltg 2BR 2BA 1n small or 775-4335 gar. boat dock avai l, Utlla Pd Avl 1mmed smk r N o pets S695 quiet community,

Elegant corner 4BA 3Ba 270 v iew , S2495 Cindy 673-3177 Agt mo yrly 073-1943 Balcony, d 'w, lnory rrn

Repainting? fjOt't ,. ...

I 1'11.jd ~ 19P'D1U ar llr.1'art j Oci II b Nof

Clc:sshds ,. ~ ~ WVl(t yo.I' rt IOOf. ~ !ii

Telephone Sam - 5:30pm Monday-Fridav U'alk-ln 8:30am-5:30pm Monday-Friday·

DEADLINES Monday ......................... Friday 5:30pm

All ru l uur. Hftrlllllf Ill llllS l\fWSPJper Is nllicct IO Ille Fell· tral fw H111u11t Ad ti 1MI U -·d wllkll !Mlts II lllct'I 10 lhertlse " wt prtltrucc. 11m1t111an ar • 1scr11111ohon llH td on nu. coloc. rtllglOn, HI, hndiup, IJmlllal SUhU Of

nal1111.i oritla, WM lllllllllOll IO ~ ' "' MKll pnltl'lnC&. Uml· utio• 0t drSCl\llllllal.lon "

Tiiis uwspa,.r wlll 001 u...,,, '"'" acry MftrtlSt. IM• l lor ,.., tsUle wll.IU Is In WleUhoo of 1111 lfW 01ll rcMlcn 111 lltrtlty llllet111td 11111 111 •wall1n11 1dY1r1111d 111 11111 11....,..r 119 IWlilM lt IHI IO


h so. grand piano size 777-3324 or 693-93 10 1.ldo lslo, 3 , 3, lam rm, ---------l _S800=~!1~8i5~Mte~sa~-O~r.]!!!!!!!!!!!S:JE~ hv lng rm, pleasant nq· Avail 6 / 1: 3 /4br, 2ba, r edec 2 -car gar , CODONA 1. 6 3 1-"'750

2106 hbrhd l N r schls, N cent air trg yard ga· $2, 100. 310-277· 1583 ~

Tue day ........... ............ ~fonday 5:30pm liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii M e sa., gmd r incl rage ~t ok Sl5°9S Call owner •"er 6PM DEL MAR Chermlng, spacious • SI SOO Dave S4S-7S06 d~p. ~7414 •Udo P e n l n aula •

2622 DO-IT-YOURSELF. IDEAS Wedne day .................. Tuesday 5:30pm 38r 2Ba home 009 Good area. WRtsido Ava ilable-Townhouse Harbor Vlow·Pvt Bch , • N ew lrg 1B A, ground


Independent.. ......... Wedne day 3:30pm house l rom baytront. remod 3Br 2Ba single 3ar 2 ,,.,Ba, A/C. pool. lBR. park mdl $900 llr. lurn, ut1I pd, Ideal 2-car gar .. xtra prkng. hse. Lg l ncd yd. No pool, tennis. security LuK W tr1rnt 1 BA S 1500 f M S o nlor citize n

Thur day ................ Wedne day 5:30pm ..,,, """"'""' Nsis. To tom­..... ~. tall HUO

Furn or unfurn. Yrty pet/smkr. Wtt/yd pd $ 1500/mo. 759-8275 2B A Beachfront S1350 $850 7 6 0-1465 • lse $2500/ m o . Frank, Storage/no gar Re-1=----=---0=-:-- 673-003 0 Mon Sat - -------...---11

Friday ...................... Thur~da) 5:30pm ' aturdl\ ....................... Frida, 5:30pm

Toll·lrtt 11 1 ·IOM2H$to.. f« 1M Wlsll._. .... DC 110 lllcue call HUD .i U l · lSOO

67S-85l2 or 646-953 1 duced rent. Xlnt B a y c r e at/Ovr Shra 710 Lido Partt Dr. 1000 si t 2BA 18A. gar, crod 1t/local rels 1st Are a 4BR 3BA, qu1et,..,.... __ ,...,.._____ lg d~k wlv- . $1200 lasVsec S850 ~730 cul de-sac loc, $2450 N e ar Udo. 2Br 18.:i Ownr 673 3521 Rum·

mo yrty. Pots ncgot house, lam rm patio, bold Alty 6 75-482 2 ' . GENERAL POLICl' BALBOA

R1tr. i nd dt1dl1na 1rt tUbJfit to th•n~e .. 11hou1 ..... ------. PENJNSUJA ~ HUNTINGTON nouce Tht pubhth<r rt~l'\ta tht n~h1 to ttnw. f« Ad Action r t cl u u ( y. rtYIH or rtJrcl 1n ~ r l ao1£1rd

ad•tMIHment. Plutt "'"'"' •n• error. thal ml ' bf Cal a 1n )Ou r d1uafltd ad 1111mtd111d~ Tht o.J, P1lo1 & ..... IM lndtptncknr 1cctplt 110 liabiht• for inf trror 1n -J ~ ...

Oceanh'ont Yrty, 2000 BEACH 2140 sit. 4BR 2BA 1st fir dph1, 2 c ar gar, l rplc $2200/mo 784-0551 Ev/w knd 640-2434

5BR/Pool Glenmnr Traci, 2Ba, 2 car gar, 2·sly, vacant, $13 75 Don Ptall 642·9797

Coldwell Banker an ad,tn*mt'tit for • h1Ch 11 mn ht rnpuns1bk, AD·VISOR c.mpl for t~ rwt of lbt apart acluaU\ occupitd b' CORONA

631 . 1131 or 644 6200 laundry, lrg dblo gar Bob Grvbb & Elhs 723-0431 818'966 2229

BAYS HOR E beacn NEWPORT Terrace cottage 3Br 2Ba Upgraded 3BR 2 $2500/mo, 1st last \ f/2BA tw nhm, pool Avail 6 / 1 645·9379 $1050 6 5 <>-4826

CONDO 3B r 2B.i. lndry NWPT SHAS 3BR 2BA hkup pool. patio, AC, I p. patio. gar, comm 2 car gar with opener pool. 1enn1s No pets $1200 mo 642 1155 $1400 yrty 650-8145

IM mor Crtdu un onlv ~ aUo .. td for thf. linr 642-5678 DEL MAR 2122 HUNTINGTON ~1:.;;;"t<~ru,;;;o::.:.:n--~--:-:======::!.Je:~~~~~~ Adoreble


•••••••••lmvt~ 1044 WES..-.nvs'P'r:n 1092 cottagc-atyle duplex &m.ut '~ on B egonia . Small Exec twnhse. boat shp, .-========-...;=========..! HOUSES/ tenced yard & patio 4Br. den, 3Ba, pool,


CONDOS UNIV PARK O.aul 3Br •WESTMINSTER• W/ D hkup frpte ga- tennis 2 blk bch $1785 FOR SALE 2B a twnhm on gmbll . N ea r M lle Sq u a re rage N~w c~rpet nu 4720334, 449-0542

M tn view, pvt garden Park , 5br, 2 5 b a , $ 1050 Ag t 075-4912 ---------$220f< mu~ Mii 7S2·50'J4 $ th ou aand s under IRVJNE 21 44

GENERAL 1002 NEWPORT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif BEACH 1069

mark~. ~'t!. ioca -•·c-O_S_T_A_MES _ _ A_ 2_1_2_4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii II MUST SEl.L $269.900 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

AGT· 714-36 2·9800 HM. 7 14--495-2655

2 HOMES W/VIEWS •Turtle Rock•

Beaut lg 4BR 2Ba tam rm , 2 car gar, con heat/air , micro, d /w, f/p. xlt IOCI 724 -4289

$595 JR. 1·BDRMS., TOOi If you ha~n't shopped Palm Me~ , maybe you should ' Yoo 'll see what too're m1ssm9. Apartments els~ere look llke shoe-boxes comP«ed to ou~ And w e 've got fabulous landscaping on 6 acres a su~r-dooper exercise room, pool and spa Best of oll, ~ re on a nice quiet street M/Jrry of our tenonts Mve been there fOf 10 years or more You m19ht Mk ttiem why (Sonv no ~ts)

" S A N S SOU C I " ES TATE 3 6 acres, 4 bod , 4 YI b atha, b reathtaking view s . dOuble entry. marble lloors IM ng, dining, lam11y room & ma5tcr suite with fire place• Pool , s p a , t e n nis Below Sell0t 'a costl $ 1, 795,000 M onterey Coldwell Banker (408) 625-3300


3BR 1BA ......... $ 1250 Bayshorea •BR 3BA . $1 650

W o n derful family Lg Lots • 050-1557

home on oversized lot HOUSES/ 3BR 2BA home, Norttl --------with sunny J)lltlo 48 0, CONDOS CM Cul d•sac. 2-car NEWPORT and separate maid's gar, yd No pet/smk quarters Owner may FOR SALE $11 50/ mo 432· 1232 BEACH carry Largo assum· I••••••••• COSTA MESA-2-sly , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

2 169

able loan 3BA 2 B A , Int e r ior Jeny Finster patio. frplc, garage,

644-9060 X157 MOBnE acroas lrom p ark.

HOMES 1100 si~~~nt


8x40 It coach , E 'aldo CM Sr. park $4000/ obo. 760-7904 Iv mag

•E ' SIDE 2501 Orange Ave 3Br 1 Y.IBa, gar, w /d hkups, l1rep lace, c le;in Good c redit req . $950 968-9926

PILOT CLASSIFIED WE'VE GOT SPECIALS It s the resource you THA TLL KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFFf can count on to sell a PALM MESA APARTura...JTS myrutd ol merchan ~,.... d1so items, because 1561 Mesa~ Costa Mes.Cl • (7 14) 5~·9800 ouf columns compel nib q ualll 1ed buyers to __ JUSt_ down __ lhc_ s_1r_u_t1r_om_ s.rta __ ,.,,,._ c_ounuy ____ .,. c all I


• $200 OFF! 3BiR 2 •,7Ba. W IO hkups, garage. 2233 Fa1rv1ew 5 1070 mo 548-7001

$450/S m a ll 1 BR. S1ng10 n smlu 954 W 11111 Clean & Sale 548 0358 or 548-0621

$695 M o ves You In! 2DR 2BA, bl llns, $795 Cat OKI Agt, Pam 546 5880 or 979·3848

eS725 MOVE-IN! • 1 Br $625 Studio S595 enc gar, Gas wtr pa 2323 Elden S48 78!:>4

1 MO FREE R E NT (''1 olf 1st & 2nd mo) ALL UTIL PD. $590 move-in Lg 1 B r, $575 2011 Charle St 960-3726

2 WKS FREE RENT E side 2BR 1 BA. new cpt 271 18th Pl • C S 725 No pet 644-0452

2BA 2BA. gar. lrpl, d /W, dec k Upper unit 1n quiet 4 ploK. $750/mo 548 2997 or 644-7064

2BR AJI n e w EVERY· THING 1ns1do & ou111 Fireolace, garage. etc $695 772 7550

3 BR. G round floor • lrplc • gar • all new In out Rite near Har­bor S89S 772.7550

• •

Seno tile<:"' 1 OCOP Pa•tetn ur ' P 0 Bo• ZJ&J Vcln Nu,~ C-'- ~1409



HAULING 3720 MASSAGE 3830 PAINTING 3858 PLUMBING 3890 REMODELING SERVICE MASONRY 3 61 s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I & ADD ITI 0 NS 3 916

•20 YEARS EXP. Int & ext Fair prices . quahty wo1kmilnsh1p

DIRECTORY • H•ullng • • ••••••••I •MeeontY Experts• 5 7-YR Christian Wht 111 apln on my head to •FENCES GATES• beat anyones prteel tinck, pl11n1M1, concrete. Fem, honest. Live In Mew~fpost ref11Ke 890-38.50

M•• .. 9 • Tho r a pw 111 Chiropract•c Olf•ce Moz.1 ins accept~ Call N.incy

(714)843 ·9053 Aon, 645·24 1 7 stucco, etc. UC'd Our aa comp/cook/ drive/ Rtdwood.~ ltd

BOAT ooat ts honesty! 53H&43 bkkpng. PP 757-0951 J m Whyte &42 7206 • Jona• S.rvk:e ~ 1"20 Yrs of Quality Wor\ T

• p He Cone C t i • Yard & Gar. c leanups, _M_O_ Vl_ N_G ___ 3_8_3_4 Ac:t1a10 S.ncw Lie 29064• SE.JtVICES 3470 ·- · • · on• Cotnp9nlon Care Exp - .- W- ood--F-. -nc- . -. -.- Froo estimate • Local • A<lls &ol$-l20'l M't lime

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Conc-Brlck·Block. U c Sec'ty/bOOkkpr D rive r-i---..., ffM h_..._ Prompt arvc &4S..8192 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •--...,.....-......,,----" 277329. Highest OUltA/ errand a . p ; 0 Pa r ~ -~'"'::::.. ~-Uc-v'd • Houae Painting•

••TM ao.t Doctor" Low PrcL (714)982-7093 meala. 873-eeC>S ._ ..... ...,... t"-• Moving Consultant ExtoriOr/lnter ior 15

Dr a In P rob I • ma & iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Plumbing R epair Cairn• C o n at rvcllon le ky ~ ,... I b Ne- a<IOI ~·0.~ 0 P 540-6301 S , •• 11 CWIOll\ ,11,a1

RKe»'<>n PrO<.lf yours('lf ' Plumb•ng & dratn HMc4I Phono Quoin. work. GuN enieedl CM 846-238 7

~iot>slltd \t,.,l)

Farthh~ Dewe4opmo"t Full """co ContrKtOf 24 hOurs, l.ic# 856087S

073· 1212 Do you hav. a sinking AdYlntago Constr 974-~I JEWELRY 3784 Free est. lower rates yrs exp f rff est fe e ling about your--------- ,_________ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bo11es dcl, 1nsured Dave ~9981 POOL bollt? I• someth ing CHILD CARE 3536 COUNSWNG 3562 •------ -- w 1111am Harold ~ .. ,. _n_1_&-_1s_,_,_.eoo. __ 953-404 __ 0 1- :-Pe- rf-=-ec........,t-:P=-a1...,.n- ,,..,..lng-- SERVJCE 3894

'•rthlnt Developm9"t F~ ~ Contrac"' 24 "°'" Llc•8S608 1~

873.- t2 t 2 b roken/not w ork in g iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GENERAL w atch & ~repair PUBLIC NOTICE lnlJExt, t ree est iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil r ight? For eng ine . Chlltl Carel My ........... ·-N SERVICES 3680 Antique/Fino ,,,._lry The Ca111. Public Ut1ll· Impeccable w°"'· ref'a Cool Water Pool• ---------plumbing, carpentry/ Homel E..i.alde Coote .,...._.,.. .......... l!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii R 873-9430 general repair, malnte- M e s a . Reaaona b l e Telephone counseling •• &ur1MMrldt 873-0389 tloa Commission RE· ay wtlly pool clng, cMni WALL nanc e . W e m ake Ra tes . M&-27H •esaiont. Ucenaed Pay- H- ea- & QUIRES that all UMd RAINBOW Circle Malnt. arvc, equip repair, Ir .. COVERINGS 3932 houeo (Boat) c alla, ------.,---- --:-- chotllerlpist 55g.1027 ... ,_ •• h ouse h old good a PlllOlg HollMI est 77$-1722 day°' n ight. Call~ HB M om hat opening Enanclt! IANDSCAPE. m over a print th e i r Apl Ol.i<ll job FrM eat.

7t4-9S7·3t22 lor FT/P T . Loving, r-25th Hou IAWN CA.IE 3808 P.U.C Cal r numbGr, Sl'liCIS69897 836-1758 TORTUGAPOOlREPAIR .... lcoftrinp ..

It s the r~sOYrce Y"'l Cl'n count on to II 1 myr1ad ol m<"Chan d•z.• items, b t•cau110 our 'olumns comp; I qulllll11 d t>uvf'r- to c 111

6 4 2 -5978

Ca.,· 1led Is CONVE N IEN T

wholhor you re ~y Ing, selling, 01 111 1 looklnQ, clas.a•h•d hA wl'\JI yuu n ' ~ILOT CLASSI~ D

8 42-.H78

PILO T C U SSIF1ED It a tt-o .ol\.hon you ••

•rt,;.h1ng tor • •f'l•ln er vw'ro ... k ng a nome, an partmeot a rww OC<uP"tion or ovt1n a stray pet sup portive e n viron- llECTRICAL 3610 .... r limos and chauffeurs Molor.Purn~Filff•.H .. tera lnstAllallon 16.,.... • •P

f -Iv.,_ R........ 30 v.. In print !heir T.C P num- Your tM boaa Painting Don' t ---~ tt. ,.-m.m. un a ... 1 ... a. ..,., '' a•aT -1 n.......-i- .. Co. Colllmer~ - .... -- lie d 0-~1·'1'73 •--------Good food a roa· th C It .. -- ....., ......,_"' • bef In an adVel'\I.. Let' • Repelr ttl CUPElfTIY 351 O ao nble ra t u . C PR ANYTHING •lectrlo e ommun y i.ndlcape. ~p. "" m.nta. II Y°" have 8 ~.f:'s'.o~2ra•s . FREE Eat I tnsp«tion F ..... lnttriort trained 848 4422 panel upgrade, cua· 545-2575 ~·.J::::.~54: q uestion about the le- 20 Yrs Exp 946-2193 lnatallat~ffemoval

Ate z HANDYMAN ~ t o m lghlng , rm d lng ....__ gahly 0 1 • moV9f • l+mo Uc"5IOl7S e73-1I12 ... Of reface Cllblnets. rw111•vw.G a~f.altat, lie 760-7145 1--------- Green kW LanOKpng Of ' ha u lfeur, call PET . ~a. Palto. ~an 1--- - --- BANDY MAN 3710 & lrrigatJon, Trimming Public Utilities 3870 IOOflNG 3910 F .... lnterlon a ,.,,.n. 0oug 546-7258 s••VJCES 3548 ELECTROPOWIR a Rorno¥eta, c1ean- Commission SERVICES 1nat .. 1at1onlt9mo..,a1

PILOT CLASSIF1• 0 11 a th o oaa y I~ ace•••· lnfOfmal!oo PJIClll;ed m anretptace vltalte<t regularly •

f\llty • by II .. lod or~a l

•-iiil••••••ii ups & Main\, St U c . 7 14·558,..1 5 1 Uc"580t7S e?3-1111 !"....,-.. -lrl.--"91-lllOCl-~Ooors.---.. ~ Speclll of tht lloflth /aft _ _..,... ,..,.... 111599025, 43•.ea04 Sav On Movln9 PET Stttt;r by Ammal ...._. Metwy ltaafh• Husband & Wlfe T-m

.__............._--a-.. l10eltt .. Mlu111ll••1 tAAJiMA..,.--.... C --------- f L TC • _,. ~repelra •-----------. --- -,- wt•- ..,._ Pa Int · a r pent r y- Lendacape C>Yergrown? Lowest. Storage, PfO over • .... ..... 15 yrs IOcal buslne9a w....- ,..,.......,.... 13 -. i..c.. .-. & UC. ~~ Uc'd 134-lllO Drywall end rnontl On a Budget? can mel XLNT rep. 1 hr nm Wis waler, exerciM Reas l..kl4 ISJl2 •'7~'7 ~...,.,.....-.U_, Tlte Ptlo t ,,,._ .. "'"'MMM7 ___ .... __ t_4_7_., _ _ '-a=: m==&:e: ._..,,,.._o..,_~..,.--0~7-7-"':'- Lo S, 1rtm, weed .~ T117659 V MC 731-2$$4 rates . 54e-9S97 •ao••• rn_,. ""?,,.... I !df JllO.Gl1'2 C .... lftecl

-.-----.- Free """'9n .. t n .1791 - • " ~- w " "9mov9I - -------·· , ••• T ..... Cl••"'"9 1 CALL DOES IT Al.Lii •Pet•'• ............. ·--------- 25 Yeara In~ • papering The ~ comJ'lf• hen ---- ............ ,....... --- ......-.. • -- ·~ n'°"9d ''°"' r·~c 3858 r• ·~· · .... d-...'d , -- ... and palnttng. ~...., .,,,.. and "",.,. dl1 ~& Comptete hOuM care. ,,......,,... °"' apac:_,,. • -·~.., - - - · 6 bece. 111.IO. ~ n&.n&&n .a:w,,.•._,5A ,.~'.:;,:. • .;~--. Work I Uc a 31HO tory of ooocta Md Mt • llAIODY 3528 Reaa'nbf I aetlsfectlon Uc'd H1~ 8ondect * ~·;:. * upe a co....,e ""'~ au.. nuo. 3l80 _......,,,._ --- ce1 Marek>,,..~ ""'" around!

fl'>llrantMCI 729-1301 ..._ Ut.._. eW.P. YOUNOQUtST wt O.. llld ""'I T°""8'1- - ------

..... PrtceJChlllltr L&'t' ........ ./fC:-.. .. 11111

H:~•::e~~~L:: PENCBS "'.::...::--. .... idii. ~~~' "::::::.:•:::: UllODIUJIG =='°'~~ tatted ca,..w;wino • DICD 3111 , ... ., 11n .,.._ ,.,.._~- u.,.., Uc• COIS m m.. WOftl ao r- -.... a ADDITIOllS 3111 The eru,. e.»-1112 w111dowe1•••• ,.. ... ,m ....... 19,~19 ,,,... .. tt uc·d~tt•


4Llnes Per Dav

U Thursday, May 27, 1993 Newport Beach/Co8ta Mesa Dally Pilot

Cost& IDS& 2124 COSU lllS& 2124 8Wl'081' BORl.S IUSDllSS CllDIT 2907 AD001ICllDlflS lllPl.OTlllllT COSTA 1111& 1124 GIO mm 2 .... llOTIU 2711 OPPOllUallf JtzO IDVICIS IU31•-----·-----I. ........ ~. 1M llo•e•ole• t ... Jl04 Y l l A /MA STE .. CARD. W .......... ... 'Ill Met1o Xfl, I door,

1""8A. pMto, 9ml frlOd 8•l'a. Pool. lndty. 8TUOK> Al'T 1 llillC eo COSTA MESA MOTOR,..,. ~~~~TWO Mln4EHTlC HA- NOW ....._ A ... ~ W• y. S•pd, ., .. , cond/ r:· ~ avtl6I, lftdry ~ ::="9· ~ "' .. '°bay, tow dally,lwtdy .... a LOCAL 8 NACKJSOOA ;;;;-~.,.. No ...-... WA 11 A N c 0 0 M Se4*Wl\.oCAI GcMlfn. ... 1..Z. ,.,,... ,,.. mll .. oe. extended

24'. ':~2=· 1 N ew p•lnt In/out. ~ top IOc ~ IO ROUTE EARN '4000 lem. M% ....... ;. BOOKS. Unique reo- "*" )ObL ~. cNM. ti "" ft c:eno.. .-rt, M ,IM. 173-1909 NH/mo. 175-4902 ....... COUIM, .. ~ P£A MO NTH, LOW 1500•12000 -Ctedll pee. ~ In ttmdl- W..em StalM Pro- flehlnQ o-•r. bttcee,

t.bide BUX11ltGTON Newpert ••t '"" COST. 800-375-WNO ~ • Including cuh tlon and cultur e . teulonal/Teoh nlcat, :::C ':::c.• ~··8-0-JfDA-------a a" tu ...... 17llO BUCB 2140 ·~ik !:99~ ~:.:~~1::!. N~:: M LM ' EAS/Nutrltlon•I adYanCH Catt (310) ~50p eac;n. ::;::, £ducat lon/Hourl y . HUGi viibmt

120 £ 2C» St. IU$ lnGlude• UCllltlH. NOM• . Cont. Bleak- Com~/Sm .. prod· 284,.

892· FM. Kal.u. ~~ll• 84. :~;~~:::~· 1';~~ Sat on ly. FurnhUre . ... CMC. &-.peed ~::-:~ aoct. ...... ~ IS1-30:t0 e•t eo1. f .. t. CloH to beach & ucta . 4o "'onthly ~e. Ht 18144· minute 11 + . Ate Bolt ciothM, dryer, houee- A C , new etereo & ..._a.,.._, utti v......_, LRG tbr wt alrpo11. 2070 Newpott ~~:,~::, .::J: 18ftSTMEHT 4132• te"26. ~..Mnco. hold ml.c. t:ie Mort.. Clru GrHt cond .

U STSIH a•. trplC, p4, ••7•1"'• .. minJ "'-w. 1175/mo, Blvd • • 83t.eGOO 0oobitng effect 2....8 OPPOJtTUNlTY WOLFF TANNING CA 95818. (9t8) sea. VI ... ~VIII-> l6500/obo 752-!SO!M garage. yard , w /d doet. eeo-•t79 XI.NT QUl•T loc. etc. $20 Heh pe~ •ui•"'D BED S . N • w com· etee. MOVING SALE. Sat/Sun a9 • Aaco•d a~ .. hkups. No pets. 18851 lnlll'I" amen. wall' to •~--ALS TO (30) Is S600 month •lrVV "'•rclal t\ome unite .... C ......... ...,. • • " .. mo. 8191934.:1710 ' ~&. ....... tuV• w ... , v.c:uum Door, apptOll 2tK ml,

be~. tut! MC. IM, no saaee (805) 832·28&9. R• frOM 1199.00. Lampe- £...Wft...wlU"I' c leaner, futon, etc. loaded auto lmmac • FRl!B CABLEll• t NEWPOaT peca, ~3985pgr, 14- ~ 2724 COfdlng. 2 Wend_,.,. .... _ Lotlons-AcceuorlH. mu-w•.-.auSSlS 120 231d St, Unite 1130500 ~a:IM • tBdrm, pool- BEACH 2669 M OU N TAI N MIKE 'S l.e.nd bualnHa op- Monthly pa~nta low WAllTED aide, gated, lndry rm, • 'Slclo CM. Non•amkr PIZZA! Franchi•• op- portunlllea. C.11 e73- H SUl.00. Call lod•'fliiiilliiiiiliiiiiiiii•il '93.Aooord close to bc:h, scnls & AP·•n~NTS enr nice 38r 28a htle, portunltlff av•ll•t>te. '83t 11'1 . FREE NEW color cata- BUJnlNGTON

shops 842·5858 * Yrtv, 28R, Bllt to ~&au; w/ d . $350 .. V.. utll. Avt *Low atart·up coate too. 1-ac>o-482-9197. EASY W()Rt(, EXCEL· 1e•CH 6140 Ocean & Bay, frpl, fOD aaNT 5/30. Mike, 648-6003 •Full training & aup- LENT PAY. Aasemble 5n

o Down · ~l Plan Low M onthty Pmta

call Now fat More Info - ---lmmac 2BR 2BA ~pstrs, deck. Onlw ..... ~ ~ .. , lal P f k port *Recognized •-o~ce~NTS product• •t hom e. lrplc, gar. lndry, nice 8445-6905 • ahr gOf~ ~-:~~ quali ty product. Fl· nnn Vft ~ 10ST a Mak• jewelry, ·~·· MC>Ylng Sale! Many Jllnt

c ........ nNow (7t4) .... 3308

~ ~~~rln :o-J:~~- • 2BDRll $700• dplx near Wlr. $500 + nanclng available. Call FOUND 2925 crafts, etc. No Mlhng, valuHI FrlJSat 8-3. T_ ... F 1- VP F no ••per~• nee.• 8142 Woolbum 0t ln1---------M S V. U\11. 673-4831 ..., um .. , . • ran· .. ry. Call toll free t - Surl•ld• off~ HYUMDAI

• Lg clean quiet 2BR 2BA, fireplace, pilOO, garage. Nr shOpplng. S825 No Pet &40.2495

• tBDR 600• 1'00115 2706 CDM Nice rm w /bal· chlse Development. ANNOUNCEMENTS Found: 5-21·93 Black 800-872-4857. Ext. ----· ----1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiioiigiio Frig, dahWshr, alove cony, w/d, gar. S4T5. 1-800-982-MIKE 2920 long haired, lrg •pan· 857. (UIP). Sat 8-5. Cloth••· cr lbs, 1• Incl No pets S4S-4855 CdM· l Biko to Behl Rm 4 blks bch. 472·2096. MUST SELL eatabllshed lel, whit• dot on coys, furn, '83 Chevy '89 Sonet• GLS, desn,

• Aak About Our w/pvt BA, khch prlva, 721·9546, 640-2769 vending rout• In your chest. choke chain w/ Cavaller. 8821 Loyola well m•lntained e•· Move l....On fy $800

Very BIG 1 SR In a Oulet Co"'plu. E'slde. No pet.a.

8 3 f -8427

Move-In Spocielt 2 n /a mkr. Pref fem CdM·F•m shr cute fronl area. Financing avail- DEBT CONSOLIDATION no lags. Found on DOMESTICS 5540 Or. (Hell/Ooldenweat) tended warr c~ei• Years Newl, 2BR, fam· $395/mo 973-53:12 hse, frptc, patio & able. 1-800·5e8>2134 FR_E!ll Weith credit Santa Ana lll'ld 2 1at Sat Only after 8•ml everything, car phone ily complel(, Averane can Chfiatlne rd • "'-OO/ i Over 500 FRANCHISE ........ es. ut momhly at. pla call 5"8-7888 Everc :.nulpt, furn, $4,100 &4o.7<t$7 rent $637.50/mo wta'"e ya •...., mo + ut Is. OPPORTUNITIES payments up to 50%. COM,.ANION fOf dl9· A --.

mo lse. 850-83 to Costa Mesa, Mootlcello Avl 815· 75g. 1 ' 86 • ' All · For free Information 1 ~ ff 0 U N D : f • m • 1 • abled fem•le. poulble frig, w/d. plant•. misc. •----- ----twnhmes '400 + utlls. CdM-Shr lg 4BR hse, t new 1993 Franchise 800·226--0190 . 24 Doble, male Doale. Iv-In, cook meals & .o.t2 .. n9"C• Ctr JAGUAJl

0 S E ul , Annual Directory fully M•" 22 vie G ah am & 91 OS • MOVE·IH SPE CIAL! OMa~ Lg 2BR 1 BA nu cpt, O/W, stOr11ge. $695/mo 840-2 4 95

LI 0 I L f ly um Musi have eersonal pvt rm avl. Dining rm, describes 5.04S fran. hours. Klmb9r'ly Credit , • r other dulie9 857-2189 ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1Br. Utll, gar Incl. refa (8t9t723-3094l lrplc, walk to bch, chi. ... Explains how Counsellng. :~':~2~· P .. ue NEWPORT '' s7e51mo yrly. 1 per· i -

0- ROO--M----- '425 + utils 7:'1-4572 to lnveatlgate fran· OWN YOUR OWN LIFEl 1--------- ie•c& 6169 '84 XJS new blue/gr•y

son, no pets 6 73-0837 L • completely CM Npl Terraca :? rms, chlsor. $39.95 + $3.10 Our free color bro- FOUND: TIGER CAT £n paint. eunr1, xtnt cond. Npt ttt-.'E'slde, move

In special. 2Br 1 •hBa, gar/patio/nu dee, musl '"· $650. 800-427·7650

NEWPORT HEIGHTS aell conlalned, pvt fum/unfum Color TV tax ( lncludH ehlp- chure explains how Fem. short hair, gray/ MERCHANDISE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 85K-, mlle (2GVB 62f). Large 3Br 28& upper. ent, patlo, full BA. CM. frlg/m1cro/ pool/cab1e'. ping). The Business thousands of people beige/ black. Very al· •••••••••IE'Bluff. Sat 7·12. HUGE s7500. 71 "1873-4276 garage, deck, pool. s.e95. AVltl/1· 642'1196 $350+ utll. 342·5888 Exchange, 567 North are finding financial leC1iooa1e. Found re- SALE, Salesman $1095/mo. 642·7658 Twnhm In Costa Mesa. or 800-956-9601 Central Avenue, Up- freedom and security. cenlly at l.arkspvr & ---------• apo'11ng goods sam· •-1-E-E-P------9-1-1-0

OPEN S•t/Su n 12-4. N-port Heights Ltg Good loci, fum rm w/ land, CA 91786 or No experience re- Soa11lew, Corona del ANTIQUES 6010 pies. excerslze,

mlcro, fridge, bed & ordre by phone (909) qu ired . 1-800·359· Mar. Call 673-4206 ban, camping, back- 1"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Studlp , b right. vltd n A A .... ~ 94""' E- ... ,. Newly remod t Br, pvt

patio, storage. Low rent. 2621 Hart>Of Slvd

celllngs S525 ulll Inc, pvt BA. $375/mo ulll COMMERCIAL ~. '" A .. ,,, packs, piclCnlc cool· Avall lmmod 64s.2se1 Inc. no pets, Prefer PHARMACl!UTICAL SWEDISH BOY 17, amt· HEALm A 2 B 'tlful t>ookcaHs w/ era. Mies h1hld hems.

'93 Qraftd Cherokee O Down · Special P1.n

Low Monthly Pmts Call Now fC>f More Info

Cell Suaen Now (7t 4 t 489-3308

Prol fem In 20 's, non REAL ESTATE DIST"IBUTtON Tre· iously awaiting host ~rr leaded gls d rs, 2 crvd 24f7 B• mboo •Twnh••·style 2Br NPT Hg hte 2Br 2Ba. smkr, Avail July 1st. mendous Demand. 24 family. Enjoys sports, Flu .. ~ 3000 pedestals w /marbl•

1 \hBa . patio, pool, garage. w/d hkup. Prl- No house prlv. 642· hrs. 8()0.858-3933. c omputers . 0 1her jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tops & more 282· 1246 ••••••••• gar, 1032-C W. Wilson vato, avail 6/1. $1150 4321 x260 day or MIN. INV. $7,000 Scandlnavlnn. Euro- 1 $700 No pet 646-0tOS mo lo mo. 645-1606 859-6953 eves INCOME TA u CK


1 v EA S· pean hl"h schOol stu· Lo .. ' 2 b9 In 7 dp. Anllque Dealers Memo· TRANSPORTATION

:= =;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;::;.:.;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;::;:::;..:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; " The 10.Hr Water Dietl r ial Sale, Fri Only 9~. PROPERTY 2790 $2,500 sign-on bonus dents •rrlvlng August. Send St • lg SASE for Dealers & Serioos col· •••••••••1---------for team owner opera- Cal l N orthern CA sample & Info pkg to; lectors welcome. 928 LEXUS 9115 .......


t 5 Unite-Walk t o beach, xtnt upside, St .4M. Mr. Duggan 955-63 !.C CB Comm'I

tors with 6 months ex· Donna <209> 574• U1t1mato Health 721 Presldlo Dr. C.M. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiliiiiiiiii perlence. Hlgti-rlse 0 1o 3 1Southern CA Baysldo Or. NB 92660 BOATS 7011 conventlonals avail- Barbara (714) 67()..

able through • special 8s 6B8 3 0

r 1


O ().. ••••••••• APPLIANCES 6011 '89 Sea Ra". 30 It week· purc hase pl an for , __ l_Ll_N_G_. ----- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '

I di Cl l 'l d I PERSONALS ender, Twin 4S4, Fast.

teame. mme ate ass e s..... low hrs, Metlculously openings for teams CONVENIENT Washer/D~er S135ea. malnt. s57,500 "93-'838

' 93 uxu• O Down - Special Plan

Low Monthly Pmt.a Call Now for More Info

C•H su .. nNow (714) 489-3308


only... High Value whether you' re buy- Refrlg $190. Olsh-Products Division of Ing, selling, or just w ashr $1 20. &4&-5848 DUFFY te• $9500

Neither vulnerable Nort h deals. NORTH + AQ 3

A62 K J 10 4

• 832 WEST • 92 - J9864

EAST • 76 5

Q 10 7 7 Q9863

+ 9 • AK Q 10 7 6 SOUTH + K J 10 8 4 , K 3

A52 • Jo•

The b1ddtng­North Eut I 2 • 3 • P .... P... P ...

South Wfft 2 + Pus 4 • Pua

Opening lead: Nine of + The two-way fineue is the bane

of the average bridge player. who considers it a pure guess and more oft.en than not goes wrong. The ex pert, howe11er, revels in the situation and will ferret out as many d ue11 a!I pouible to resolve the problem

The auction W88 s traightforward. EMt'1 interference did not hmg to s~ North-South from ruchtng then bttt spol.

West led the singleton club ond Eut quickly took three trickil in the suit w complete the defensive book.

• ince there was nu possibility of a trump promotion, East e11~ with

North American Van loOl<lng. classlfiod has PERSONALS 3002 Good cood, berthed Lines. 1-800-234-3112. wliat you neodl at Balboa Isl. 673- UN COLN 9120 Dept. FG.2 . PILOT CLASSIF IED FURNITURE 6014 5588 or 805/ 685-1443 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

642 -5878 Single mom, 43, would iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil hke 10 meet other angl ---------parents tor weekend 7·PC Oak qUfff'I bdrm POWER BOATS activit ies. 842-4117 set, like new, $500. 7012

(310) 983-532.5193().()391

a tfump. Dedarer was olid everywhere ex- BUSINESS

cept diamonds. Obviou.sly, the ft . OPPORTUNITY

' 93 Merk VIII

TRADE nesse could be taken either way. 2904 Should declarer play East. the over- liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil caller, for the queen or, s ince East had long clubs, presume We t had long diamonds and. lherefore. Willi 11

favorite w hold the queen? •



PILOT'S CLASSIFIED through ctass1hed SCHOOLS &

__ 64_2_-_5_6_78 __ ,INSTRUCTION MOVING-MUST $AC. •Sofa ••d, custom made, xlnt cond S 150. •Al-mol r•·Henredon,

18' aoston Wheler,

O Down - Special Plan Low Monthly Pmts

Call Now for More Info Cati Su.en Now (7t4) 489-3308

o1 There are those who might try t<> invoke t .!le aid of the Almighty. but we ha\•e found that di\·:ne inspira· tion is no: always comfortin:_' in cases hb tlus. Declarer found a bet ter method.

After dra~mg trumps 1n three rounds. declarer cashed the king end ace of hearts. lhen ruffed a heart. When b<1th defende~ follo" ed, the hand was an o~n book.

East had shown up with six dubs. three trumps and three hearts, and couldn't bold m•m• than one dia· mund. ~Cl decla rer cashed the ac:-e and when th!' q ueen did not drop. confidentlv line ed the ten. Mak­ing fou r-odd .

SELL 1..S00-749·2600 --------- ---------A Hugo profit maker1 BUSINESS BUSINESS

S3K-4K a11 cash In· OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY come possible. wkly. 2904 2904

Proven, unique. Prime ~========~========= vending routes for ;. sale ot best price ever. No S down If quaflfted. call Joyce 1 • 80()..637-5755.


Handling Nome Brand Food Products such as HERSHEY ' S , HORMEL. ETC NO SELLING INVOLVEOI A ccoun t s p .r o ­fess1onally loc ated. N atl ave eormnga $3,400/mo. 8 hrs/Wk.

* TASTE THE MONEY • Super money-maker vends Snickers, Mars, Fritoloy. New type mochin·e yields

great cash flow. PT/ FT. Min.' invst. $4250.

• 800-821-8363 For informats'on about •b,. M in . Invest. 55•935· ~ " Call Now for Info. ~=::?!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!:!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!:====~

3014 C tlarles Goren newsletter for t -800-332-0045 .; bridge players, write Gor en ,_H_E_R_S_H_E_Y_P_R_O_D_U_CT_S. TIAVl1 3014 DAVEL Bridge L e tter , P .O . Box 4426, Firs t t i me offered. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Orl&JJdo, Fla. 32802-4426. New COt1cep1 In vend- iii

lng Excellent Income. PT/ FT Tra1nlng/loca-1tons provided lrwost ~UI


BECOME A HOME IN· SPECTOR. Full or part t ime opportunities. Start yoor own busi­ness Approved home • ludy. P.C .0 .1. . At· l11nta, Georgia . Free career ltleraturo. (800) 3 6 2 -7 O 7 O D e pt. PF762.

t 50 hp Yam•h•, 1--------­$f 4 ,000 87&-7272 MAZDA 912S

1111y reasonable otrera ---------(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii accepted. 493.9359 MARINE SUPS

MOVING-mMal HU. DOCltS 7022 Kids 6-pc bdrm. whlliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii w /p l n k $300. 6 ·pc gray lacquer bdrm 10 Minutes To Open $300. Now 7-pc din· Sea!I- SAIL: 45' w/ Ing . gls Ulblo, fully 10' beam S450/ mo.

' 93828 o Down - Special Plan

LOW Monthly Pmts Call Now fOf MOf• Info

CaH su .. n Now (7t 4 ) 489-3308

uphol chrs Pd $700, 752·2881 sac $375 Comm'I sew 4o ·Ne wport S lip 5350 NISSAN 9150 mach $350. 650-4252 powerbOat, an lower- liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

I••••••••• Oak China CetHnet •no or lowering mast EMPLOYMENT w,,lght $125 ultlboal 650-4574

'93 Nl ... n Altlma

(7t4) 8 3 t · f924 8 ' O.nghy w /on·stiore mooring, E. Bayfr0t1I,

EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE Balboa Isl best o tted 645-8512 or 64W9Z8

5530 MISC. 6015 NEW BOAT S LtPS

• S•lee Mien .. e r .

NPT HARBOO MARINA l 9l 6 Coln.Opereted Slips avall mo to mo

Player Piano S 1 795, or long t•rm A tull­Pinball. 13 bronzes 1 service, ltVe-aboard fa·

• Good Pricing • Gre•t Terma. Low coat ol % . C all Su..., Now at

489-3 308

'93 O Down • Special Plan

Low Monthly Pmls Call Now for Mor• Into

Cell S u.en N-( 714) 489-3 308

Gitt & Gourmet, Local woman owned co. tlex hrs, must be enor· getlc, organized and well apoken. Show travel to N.V. & SF., Ive msg with your attrlbvles 875-0432

It 10 7 tt Including _ c_111_1Y_·_• _so. __ 4_,_00 __ _ Cherub s . Parrots , Uptn 35 ft, W eter/i--------­Bengal ti~r. Cranes, •lee, no llve .... PONTIAC 9170 Car~I horses, 6ft bo•rd, S300hno 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l11ory horses, 71t Ivory 873-0072 1• Pagodas, Rosewood

C ash ier Needed for llv1ngroom/dtnln9room ••••••••• tum. hutch, highboy,


$4k to $t2k. 1·800. 233-2833. PILOT CLASSI F IE D It's tho resourco you can count on to sell a myrlnd of morchan· d1se rtems, bocauso our columns compel qualified buyers to calll

K.ilei's newe t resort condominium


7 Night

Bayside restauranl In Louis the XVI desk1, TRANSPORTATION N.B. Must be oner· cabinets. etc e1c geUc reliable and 75t ·74e9 en1oy w orking wrlh ---------• people . Previous Att: L.Jtwyere. I have a ---------cosh1ftr oxp mand•· 6tt bronze " Bhnd Jus· MOTORCYCLES tory. Susan &42·7880 tic•" oy Clodlon cost SCOOTERS 8018

'89 Flrebird Hubba! Hubba!

S·apd, A/C , AM/FM caas, tilt. cruise. p / stffr, p/brakes. red, 47K ml. $5,995. obo 642-9910 Lv Msg


1 lmpri9oned e - opera

\0 - 1'11C01'der 14 In exl11enoe 15 CurWd

etructure \I Stew pot 17 Bogs down ta Of cars end

tNdt1 20 Buddy 2t ••Pley It _ .. 23 Compenule 2• Ringo -2t RenoYeted 28 Pour 30 Kitchen lool 31 Up and -32 Bridoe ,.., 38 - GWtg 37 Shoe material 38 Anger 39 Concema 42 Hevane Mtlve 44 lneome· Fr 45 POW9rlul 48 Maroon• 49 SWMthMlt 50 Aental ,,.,,... 51 - beg 52 Bar l>IJI 55 Stoef( l>Uyefs 51 ploy IO Actlw one e f Anow poilon 82 Tenn• ... -

Fofd 83 TemWnat• 84 Loot<

IMfChlnglY 85 Female


1 Slay In a t.-,t

2 Inter -3 Former

Brownle • H~t before 5 Us>c>er melody

of tong • Relltl'I 7 Ruselen city 8 AlMI Ger 9 - 8eea Kappe

to RecommM-dera

11 Tolerate 12 Alfcrefl 13 Having hear-

ing or~ 19 Thruned 22 Scrap 25 Greek letter 28 TumPll!•.

e.g. 27 lrlah lalce 21~

ertlll 29 Blade. poet 30 Greek IAllllld 32 Puffs of Wind 33 lmrnor• man ~ lri.ti lalande 35 Proc:ees.

tuft 3 7 Tr enttnlt 40 Pendl end• 4t Coty eM

f'MvtOUI "'1ZZle IOU I O

ClaJr 42 - •eoon 43 Sh<>Shoneen

language ~5 Cool!lng

veaMI ... Buebelf

move .. 7 Dovetall pert ~ Talked wildly 49 uneuoc...tu1

one 51 Femlly -53 ''No Returns" 54 Hive

re.Iden ta 56 Gre1ulty 67 Mumber !>t Alrlne abbr

$672.00 p/p dbl occupancy plu tax

Convenient Piiot Cta .. lffed


GET UP AND GO TRAVEL 1-800-367-5242


Svdnev Omarr • •

Maki ng Lovr: llbr•n• m.alit lo"• I" l«nder w•y 1h.i 1lowl y bYlld1 11110 puslon ~mini doa"' I WMI« too r11uch tl mt. 1- eirudn hu t frolll the nry begl nnin1. Sc:orplo penon1 '" pilSllonatt 111 lht way, from Mgln· n1ng lo conclulol\. ArlH lovtn l •h lnll l • l l n , a~ f jtry In nalu~. d«llbcr· altly nukt lhtmttlvtw vulntr.tblt lo 1011 ... T aurut, Shaknpeut'I tlgn, be· llr 11n tht ... rd' • words - " 'Tia belt tr to have lon4 aftd loet thaft Mnr lo havt lovtd al .all." What u l .. ocy it your lonr7

ARI ES (Marth 21 -Aprll 19) Don'1 bt •fra1d of " loting ltmptr Yov ha11t r1gh1 10 ~ lt1ctnwd by 1n1u~11c. Font• on cru11111ty, p.u11m, llilll'ltty, phyalc•I •ttrKt1<1n Ernph.as11 ot1 1r1111'I, plllloeo· phy. 1pmlu•llty r«egn111on

TAURUS (Apnl 20- 20) Don I gft 1nvolvl'd '" family di1pult t\'l•11ng lo " hvw 10 d1v1dt tht loot " £mphat1.t on bu11dlt1S m••, wil• or purth­of proptny. d11'f'Ct10n and motwauon. m.•r1l•I •••u• Rt11amp1

h1ghhghts •b1llh l o wi n l tot>nd~. 1nflu · rnct ptoplr. to ho1 111· lu1 k ' " mJth•I'<\ ol f1t1•n«, rom.anc .. L<iolo. bt<VC1 1\d 1hr 1m· mf'd1a•• l'mr11 .... , ,. J'l.llf'n1o• I ~tt t'ct

t«Chf\1qut>S J<I•" 1nn.·r c1rdl' SCORPIO ({'kr 21 N1w 21 I h•n u

on organ1u 111•n dt••dlin• p .. >410n.alf' rrun1on "' llh ••nf' d<"" ltt '\'tJU l vu Moon co1nodt'> w11h h••J1•r•h1p pro · muhon, pmduc111rn lull. r1'\l ll l t•r rot1 · tr1bu11on" C•prtcnrn will pl•v m•t<>r rolr

SAGITTARIUS (Nuv 22·~ 21 I You II g111• • huri..o laugh' ht 1hllS4' who claim .you nt ·~r~ ou1 f l>C'ul on un1,,.rrul •PJ>t'•I mm""' " "'" I" rortt spcmdtn<f w11h vn• """l'tt"•h t.1bu In· htl ps drt'1m• bt~t'll'l" rf'Altllf'S

CA PRICORN IOt ' 22 JAi\ t'I ) 11.C•l• '"'"'"~an dig dttp for tnform-4· t1on t nnotn1ftg h nanci.I fl••u• 11.­•••rr of IC'Cu11t1hn~ P"l<f'\lur.-., h1dJt't1 '"°"""" lh•I m1gh1 1ncludf' rn1n•r•I" i...l pl•)' ' dram .. IC r.•I«

AQUARIUS ll• n 20 ftb 111 ) ln1u · 1t1n llllt>llt'<t "'"'n ,._ "'"•blr 1111dt' focu• on pubhc rtl•hvM t <..J1bohty 1magt w i lhngn•u 10 f 1gh1 for l•a•I rrghl• l:mpha.1~ .ali.o ot1 mam•I \lll\IJI

- d1N<tfon your hff' 11 m '"~' PISCES (ftb I~ M•rth 201 C. h• nc•

$6000 sac $1895 firm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ----------~~,~~~~!f!~L ___ 7_5_•_·


9 __ , 1978 MONDA 750ff PORSCHE 9175

t1rm. PIT. Typing & 10- Folding cot/mattrou New top end, goodliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii key• must. 252-87411 $50, GE lcomoker cond1tJon, $1 500/obo

UK-Klt- 1 $35, Bell 714/890-0055 MANAGER N EEDED IN phone rotory $15. 15"

'89 9f t Tawv• Reblt engine 4 yrs Old. Web­ber carbs, tf t head Its. cstm stefeo & Int, new pnl/\lres. $ t 2 .000, (JtO) 983-532519)().0391

CALIFORNIA. Catffr silver platter (R090rs) ·-------­minded. buslneas ori- sso * 54e-2554 ented, mature. can IOI· ---------•AUTOMOBILES low lnalructloos No Hobby--Model selling, High income, Alfl)len .. Will train , Or. By1ng· M odels. Engines, ---------Ion. Business Consull · Parts, Kit•. WOOd & ACURA

'82 911 SC, Blk on Blk, sunroof, rebuilt engl trans, Like new! $15,000 pp 5"&-e012 ant. (8 17} 488-8428/ P\lbllCaUons. 646-4380 9010

(81 7) 589-5605. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

PART TIME FOf ·~ $118t-t0f .. PJAH0-5 8r on Newport beAch. ORGANS 6059

714-645-7655 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

' 93 Legend ...0 Oowll-.Spec:lal Plan

Low Monthly Pmts Cell Now 104' More Info


'84 Terga Corre.-a l mmacul&te , gr~et cond, $17.000 Lv Mag

9 7-.. 1 41

Pre-Schoof Teache r Plano, Wurlitzer con- (7t4) 48•3308 6 ECE units prel'd . eole, walnut. & bench, TOYOTA 9210 C.M. 642-4050 Of per1ect cond, 8 yrs ---------1"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wllnds M1-4347 l\eW $1 000. 960-5816 CADILlAC 9040 1"

' 93 Ce....-y Rec eptlonlet w ith o Down . Specie! Plan

clerical & lght book· _S_P_O_R_TI_ N_G _____ , ' 84 Eldorado Blarritz. Low Monlhly Pmte keeping exp, W.P. req Ork blue. lttler •••••. Call Now for More lnlo Fff·PIT Mnd resume GOODS 6065 loaded. ex cond, 91K Cott Susen Now to P .O . •• 29993 ml $4250 t lrm 646-1909 (7t4) 489-3308 .. n t a Ana 92799 1---------

'89 Yamaha Wave Jam· --------- ' 93 ii!Of'•unner Rec p t/cler lc•t: fast mer $1900. Z iem•n CHEVROLET 9045 o Down. Speclal Ptan

paced. creative, pron. Jet Sl<I tr1r, 2 earner iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Low Monthtv Pmta t lle and design •how· $500. Chuck 722·1~ Call Now fC>f MOfe Info room In cdm. $7 hr. ---------• '83 Corwotte c ... a .... n Now Excellent phone skills, SOLOFLEX Incl but- O Down. Specl.ll Plan (7f4) 499-:1308 computer knowledge ter11ya & leg elden• Low Montnly Pmta 1----~----help!ul. 759·5"23 alone. $900/obo. (JtO) Cell Now '°' More Info •93 ~·

Sl•Uone to "ont, !Ht3·53251930.039t Cell ........ Now O Down • Special Plan H.8 /F.V., FIT llfilh (7t4) 48•3308 Low Monthly Pmts

clientele, New ealon •••••••••Ill Call Now fOf More Info -------- CallSuaonNew

~~.':.,c:;~:';9gy GARAGE SALES DODG£ 9065 f7t4t 48•3308


en)oy sport•. Earn ---------• '30"50K/Vf. ApPfOJC 25 •••• ,a hrs. Mr. Can 436-1458 -on

we NEED PEOPLE TO iil$iil.AJO)_iii_liiiii6iiliii06iil sew our haw acc:e• aorlff et home. We Giant S•lel SM 8-.3, pay up to $372.00 2 waterbeda, aofa, WM.Illy. No experience new UPflght lr .. tef, needed. Fun and .. bin, chairs, clothea •••Y· Cd Accneorlff & mat'y hlhld lt•ma Etc . 1-813-948· 1295. 332 M .... no Ave ' Ext. 9 .

•e3 Carwen TIUC~ 9220 O Down • Special Plan '=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii

l ow Moolhly Pmta 1• Call Now for More Into ' 77 CheowW • .......,.

Cell ....._.Now GrHt a hape. M ual (7t4) 48 .. ~308 ... 12700. 3 t~-

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0 Down ·Special Plan i---------ca~ ~o;1o',hz.,';:":,.0 MISC. AUTO 1245

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COU NI (May 2J.lunr 20) fot'\lt Ofl ch•t1gt ()f IC:tnt •n1.i1c tndtavott, wit ·hp~1on, •blllty 10 appt•' bf-fore th• mf'd1a llnd play lhl' l •.Q DJYrDlfy. bnng fonh 1nna1t wit, wisdom. humor Sag111an1n 1n pteturr

CANCER (Junt 21 Jwly 221 vou·,. '""'"lfd t\'vtol•ltOt1• ,.1a1 111~ 10 ··IMl<l'f1 mf'tflng ' Mu<h 1h1t It

flll.tb 10 pro .... VOii <•II do fl>b b4oll l' r ·---------than .anynnt tl1t f.Nut on d1vH1111y, EMPLOYlllJIT IAlBOA

'91 TEMPO ,.ACTORY WAAAAHTY $3.97' .18

FOltD ,,102340, .. , Cut••• olf lht rttord mu.- ~""'" t0- do

n1.11 brulo. "'""' rmblrao Y<N'N "1"1 tttttd orp10 playt rolr

LlO Cluly " · Aus 121 -od " "d "'"• lr.arn th~h ~ o( IM<h· 1111 - <h•M• mn11n1 • bll 1td d•tr' ' MUld IHd to tom .. h1111 Wt•OU41 " Ac tton wlll be whr"' yov ert- yw' ll '"" ~t ul!ct• •ppNI Vlrp "' rtf'"Wnltd

VllCO (A"I ll · ll) Do'°"'' mendlft& IHI rtt•P"· i,.auufy 1ur• n>uftdl111 makt l ftttlU1tnl ro~ion rrlat•"t 10 .,..._~ .. ,_,!Nflt $«ftl arnna-"'"'i. uhl!MWly wvt\ liO ynt1r bthtilf - 11fl f'fn\Vtd ,,.,,, ... ..,..

U•A ($tpt ll·Oct U l Lfo Moon

empl<1ytllf•nt b.a~•< '"'""' M-1hh rrrort St111tWnC15 •SJ3 PUDfSOLA ttt•rd1ng rrl•ll"• "ou gl't "'""'ff'(~ -•& ~

• tQ7 ii•iiiiiiii--9()1ii7•5l I 1 5130 . 1 1 ·~4150 9 'Sit T9Unl9 15810 . 14 •ea~ ll'te7218. ... Cnevv

n111on, tht>rr 18 tTnon 10 <rl•br11t• IF MAY 21 IS YOUft 8111TJfDA Y.

You a" tll• op~JI• <>f hmllfd or chwl Ann. l 1b,. ,..IWn• play \lgn1f1 c.nt rol" 1n y<>ur hie "l'uv l rhl'I "'""" m.• Pf'l'l1ona, you covld "uu...-d 1n adnn1 .. n1. p11M111\1na nvrr~nung wn14tur •rintu•I m1 u111 Our1n~ lull# tl'laf"' d""'" 11c ed1u•1 mt111 r"l•ll't 111 po.t1blt t l>•ngt of rtt1d•11•• m"ll•I flatwt lkird•n i. 11/tt'd tlita l'f•U you II lillf Nd uf lu.1na a111U111on P"'~111vn A111w -morablt!

StO P U I H30.1e 111 nu• YA"O SAL a. Sofa 0 Down · Speci.t Ptan •21e1ae . ... c~

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H 0 MEW 0 A I( t A 51-----~----I L0w Monthly Pmta le1eet b•ln9 llqul-WANTEO 1:11m 1400 COSTA IDSA 1124 c .. Now 1or Mote wo dllted CON~As. weekly proc1Hln9 ••••••••II c ......... ..._ Call "" 1.eoo-.-4. rne11 fM"·""'-· U .00 _..;.C?.....,.t4 ... lp.48_. ... __ .aaoe __ , 1._7_e~n-·~~---"'!!"'"--pet ~ .-Mo ne aotn IM. a.e..aun 'II ..... NMd e CWT 9M Wledl for _,, ...,.._ 1-3. On ent•n•ln· o °""' · lpec.., Ptan ~?Ill<? Dtarae uon ~addition•• 1n- "*'' <*'let • tM>o•· &.ow~""*" °"'" • - ·-...1 formetkln celf now· t · C.H. •of• el .. per, C4lll N0111J tor Mote Info Aeelit..,.... '°"' .................. IOO<.s7e • t 4tl , 2 • et\d tlble1, e~ Cell·-- cr9dlt. Call~ hoMnl. trwrptoy. eqv1p, Cto4nn a ,,,_ _:ft?~t~4!t~_.!!:!aMe~!_ , __ ,._•_• ..; ......... .-..:..;.;;...3~3C;,;;oe,;,._

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Theodore · Robins Ford Isuzu,

Celebrating 72 years in business,

- invites y_ou this Memorial Day Weekend to

view their wide selection of cars and trucks in stock

. Cover Photo Provided By







• the summertime: the 1993 Ford Mustang ~

Hot fun 1n

T he 1993 Ford M~stang off crs legendary performance and classic styling in three distinct bodystyles and two series: coupe, hatthback and convertible (pictured at

right) in the LX cries, hatchback and convertible in the CT.

All 1993 M ustangs include a higher wattage radio with an easy-to-read display. The convertible has a new headliner. 1 here are seven new colors for 1993, and a driver-side air bag supplemental restraint system is standard.

New options include a compact disc player and an <.'lectronic premium cassette radio. Mustang LX, with the 2.3-liter electronic fuel injection 1-4 engine, is increasingly popular wilh women who comprise more than half of ils rC'lail buyers. LX auto 1s available with a 5.0-liter sequential electronic (uel injection (SEFI) High Output V-8 engine.

M ustang CT has the 5 .a.filter SEFI V-8 engine as standard equipment, along w ith cast aluminum

16-inch wheels and P225 performance tires.

To see this car, visit Theodore Robbins Ford & Isuzu, 2060 Harbor Blvd. of Cars Costa Mesa, (714) 642-0010.

1 993 Ford Crown Victoria offers multitude of features· T he new Ford Crown Victoria

offers full-size, six-pa(,senger roominess . .i smooth nde and

wnt<.•rnporary St) ling 1n two models --;tandard and LX

For 1993, Cro\\n Victoria's . .wnx.lynam1c srylins is highlighted by a llL '' chrome grille, new l r 1lor-coordinated, wide bodyside n ldings and a new rear dccklid .1pphquc bet'' rcn the t\\O ta11lamps.

The Crown Victoria LX has new cloth 't'.115 and opt1on,1I. sparkle c. hi-aluminum ''heels tn both 15- and 1 <1·1nch size:: .. Crown V1ctona is p11\\ crcd by a 4 6-ltter single overhead L'.irn modular V-8 engine. An improved, t•leLtronically controlled overdri"'e tr,insm1ssion introduced late in the 1992 11 udel >ear now is stand.ird.

The new transmission has an '" erdn"c lock-out iunct1on fo r better ,1< c..eleration on demand.

• the in)trumem panc.>I

A nl.'w clu.:>I air b.ig c;Jfoty option mdudes a p.:i,,t.'n~l'r )idc air bag

supplemental rc!>lr.iint c;y)tem tSRS) m .iddition to·the st.inclard dr1ver·s1de .1ir

bag SRS. An anti-lock br,1kc syst('m with traction assist .11~ mJ} be ordcrC'd \ Crown V1c.tor1J's trunl.. h.1s 20 cubic ICl't of - l.irgc!>I tn its d.hs. The · trJiler-to, ... ins optton me lucle~ a dual exh,1ust ~} )tem buo~b horsepo'' er to 210 (also .l\.J il.ible with the hJncJhng .lnd pcrformJnc.e oplcon p,KkJge, 1t allo\\) the 'chicle to tow .1 hc.•il\) dut\ CIJS!> f\.\ (up tC> 5,000 pound) tr,1 h:r

Among the luXUI) opt1<m~ are J

\.Oicc-acth.,1ted ccllul,tr tl·k·ph<>nl' )})(('Ol \\Ith SIOrJSl' ,trlllrl:)t lrunk·mountC'd compact disc mult1 -chJng<.>r. Jnd renmlC'-c•mtrul

lro,,n Victoria provide::. excellent handling and control through ,,u1able-assist, spccd-sens1live steering .md four-wheel disc brakes, both <.'Jndard.

A full co1l-spnng suspension system

equipped with nitrogen gas-pre~sunzcd hydraulic shock absorbers contributes to the smooth ride. An important safety factor feature is the brake shift interlock, \.'\.hich requires the b·rake to be

dcpre:ised before th<.• \.ar can be put intu gt'<1r.

Otlwr fcatur(•s ior 1993 includL.' .1

.radio s\~tem \\Ith bright, large d1 ... pl.l\ and controls th.ll pcrmct ea.,y oper.iliun.

An ellpr5s·do\\ n teature allo\\) th(' clmrr·s1de pO\\.Cr winclO\\ to be run do\Yn completely with one touch of a button Also addNl are a dri\ er,'> toot r(')t and dual cup holdt•r) mount~d on

l..e\ 1£')'> entrv sv~tt•m "ith ,1 I.> lltl ry· ,,l\l'r ieatlirc (\\ h1ch hc•lp, prl'Hml b.1til'f} drain ,,hen the c.u I) nol m and J

p.:mtc all•rt thal blm\~ tlw hurn ,ind fla'h'-"' thl' l1ghb

Tu >CC' thi' c.>r d it Th(•odore Robbit1> Ford & huLu, 2060 H.trbor Bfrd. of Car , Cu 51.i ~1£'>J, (714) 6-12-0010.

Mfg. Suggested Retail Price ................... .. .... $7308 T. Robins Disc ...................................... ......... $1515 Factory Rebate .............................. ................ $500* 1st Time Buyer .. ...... ........ .............................. $300*

ur. ·,\ \. -Factory


---=~ =; .-~· $5499 13 TO CHOOSE FROM {111156, 114009, 110383, t 13162, 121940,

113905, 113582, 1201051, 112652, 136884, 110492, 136360)

BRAND NEW MUSTANG CONVRTBL Limited "Anniversary Edition"

Mfg. Suggested retail Price ....................... $22,767 T. Robins Disc ................... ............................ $2645 Factory Rebate .. ..... ................. ....................... . $500

5.0L, Automatic w/Overdr1ve $1 Trans., Graphic Equalizer,

Speed Control, Convenience Group & Morel

(165135. 16516J, 1719")



NEW CARSJTRU.CKS Brand New '93 E·150

VAN CONVERSION MOTORCOACH Equipped with many options. Low tops/hi tops, VCR!TV,

Leather/cloth, Nintendo. Many Colors Available. GREAT VACATION GET·A·WAY


Brand New

From our original sale price

'93 T ·BIRD LX Brand RANGER XL 4x2 New

Mfg. Suggested Retail Pnce .......... $15,979 Mfg. Suggested Retail Price ............ $9076 T. Robins Disc ............................... $2,286 T . .,Aob1ns Disc ..................................... S433 :.'~:~~ ... u~,~"" d.1111 ...: ".:.· ~. FaCIC>rf Rebate ......... . .................. $750•


3,693 3 AT THIS PRICE (179000, 179004, 154208) 2 AT THIS PRICE (A95941, C&4378)

• 2.6 Liter Engine • 5 Speed • Power Steering • Tinted Glass • Luggage Rack • Rear Window Defroster <

315595l • Rear Wheel Anti-Lock Brakes Mfg. Suggested Retail Price ..... $14,464


1993 TROOPER S 4x4 •Air Cond. • Power Steering • 4 Whl. Disc Brakes • AM/FM Cass. •Tilt Wheel • Rear Wheel Anti-Lock Brakes •Auto. Trans.


Mfg. Suggested Retail Price ..... $22,499


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MUSTMGlJ All. TM Q;$ J.t cnr.e.ev>t

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& CYl.. AUTO A/C, AM.fM & " .... load. red w1tt11a11 n FULL PYfR. NC. 1\1, VCR V-8 Al/TO, ftl.L PWR. OOAL CASS & MOREi /iJo.NC CGlltcaso '"°" '""' MOIU:' LOW Mll£AGt A/C, 15 PASS

STKl 808506 Dl1~ ... 7)(2M29J) bWdi' car (stU0&506) STKl808S~ IOIJ61085 SlXIMOe1Hll A10435

10,393 $10,393 10,793 814,983 $21,983




Cadillac introduces the 1993 special edition Sedan de Ville

A new special edition Sedan de Ville offenn~ additional style, luxu')- appointments and unique color tnm combinations i~ available to car buyers looking for d1stind1on and value tn a luxury automobile.

In add1t1on to six passenger comfort and a long list of )tandard LOmiort and tomcn1ence feature>, the Special Ed1t1on cdcrn de Ville option

r)ackag<> 1m ludes pcrfor.itt·d eather <.Cdt1ng, gold

ornamcnt.ll1on, phaeton roof 1n t 1tht·r c ,1mbrra cloth or diamond ~ra 1n "tn\ I modified 1 i; x 6 cast Jlum,num "'heels, 1llumrnJted t. "'" -.-. ... wm Jnd illuminated \.dnlt\ mirrors

A!< p.irt ol tht> ~etal Ed1t1on .. 1gt• thc•s..• f<'Jturcs pr(}\ 1de

Hot Rod Fever! lmnwd1atel~ 1ollowrng its

c\h1b111on at the 1993 Gene\ J

Auto ShO\\. Chrv ll•r Corporation s ne'"e...t concept H:h1cle, the Plymouth Prowler, \\a., spec 1all~ air freighted to Los .Angell•:., th<' birthplace of the hot rod, for •l!> West Coa)t debut at the 4th Goodguys '.'>n Cal Rod & Custom Spring "'-at1onals at the Los Angeles County r ,rnplcx in Pomona tn M.irt h

.\n int resting blend of form. tunct1on and fun the Prowler

S 1,490 in savtn~ to Cadillac buyers comparea to their cost if ordered separately. Additional Cadillac options also are available on the Special Edition Sedan de Ville, allowing buyers to enhance the car to individual tastes. Other popular options indudc Tradion Control, which 1s designed to regulate wheclspin· in slippery road cond1t1ons; Remote Keylcss Entry which allows owners to lock or unlock thC' \Chicle; day/night mirror; and d1g1tal instrument cluster.

All 1993 0<' \ 1lle models are equipped \-\1th a (adillac·t'" lu-.1\e 4.9-l iter, 200 hor-.epo'"Pr \ 8 engine. \\1th a tindl dme rclt10 01 2 73 1 fuc•I economy '' EPA-rated at 16 mpg city and 25 mpg highway

comb1nl''> the hot rod bc.iutv and >1mpl1c1~ of the SO's and 60's with the contemporary d~1gn and technology of the 90's The eye-catching hot rod features an all-aluminum chassis and bod> panels, a 24 \alve OHC V6 lw1th headers), push rod suspension and a rear mounted 4 speed tran!Mlxle. This new Ph mouth ut1liz~ component' lrom various Ch~ler products such as the

•• ......

Sedan de Ville models- are equipped with Speed-Sensitive Steering and Speed-Sensiti"e Suspension which are designed to deliver world class ride and handling capabilities under a variety of road conditions.

Buyers also can take advantage> of $2,000 customer cash rebates available on the 1993 Sedan df' Ville> through June 30. Whe>n combined with the $1,490 saving... on th"' option pad.dgc. wtal ~.iving.s dre $3,490 M.muf adurcr\ Sugge>sted RC't.111 Pnn' on the pec1al Ed1t1on '°>C'Cl.10 dC' Viii<' I) SJ4 "'""(,,

See this car at Nabers Cadillac & Buie#. at 2600 HMbor Blvd. of Cars Costa M esa, ( ... 14) 540-9100.

new Chrysler Concorde Dodge · lntn?p1d and Eagle \ ~ion

Ask about the Pro~lcr at Huntington Beach Chrylser, Plymouth, Hyund.i i, 1666 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, (71 .SJ 842-0631 .

Where Theres Always A Greed Deal Going Onlll



Now you can dream with· both eyes wide openo

DREA \1 l'G c.0~11::.._ \\ITll II .. r<>\\ard' XJ6 a l ~o eome-. \\1th a lt'a-.e

th e~e day~. Bt>rauc;e 1f \OU hu~ or lea-.e JU"I 549 per mont h fur 36 month .;,.

a 19 9 3 or 1994 Jaguar fr11m 'our lot·al \\ ith ~ S2500 <lo\\n pa\mf'nt. Th f' le.i ... p

Jaguar dealer and .irt>n't .. at i..fu·d. \'OU 1n clud t•, a gent'ruu ... allo\\arH t' of

Tiil JA(;l AR ~J t>

..,LPER L [.\'f ca ra ii r 111 ,e ' o u r t ' a r 45.000 mtle:- . ..iftt>r \\hlC h \ou·ll µa~

Lalk 111 an undam- JU't 15 < ent:- .i milt'. For ,11ldi11onal

in form.tt1on. call or ' tlw

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(' • v 111• 1t I • l •


•Fot r1ulo f"llrh<JM• <JM •rhv/,.tjin<tf>L"rd (J< kuvJ 1lir.11.11cl ) .. ~ '41 ( m/1/tr.,.., I rhr.,.Jn 11 /WI. 1>.1<1111/i Ju..., 111 /Wt I iJll ,_, f'ill1"'P'"''~ ~.n.:.,J )11~UUI ,J,..,J,, }1>1 tl rvfl\ l>j ""' lJ1Nm C,w11at11tt 11nJ ,,.,,,p1,, .. drMJ• unul ""' rrfu1111~· '"''""'"' ,.,, ,,,,.,,, .. f .. rqua/111~1 i,, .. ,,,. rhrn1,/lli )~<Jr I "d''

T.w ,,,,,,, ,/,/,orr' jroo1 ikaln ,,.,.4 "' ;.,,., Ill. /WI /Wl l••ll•~•' \Jr•"""'"" ~J ,.,. I ll • 111 \f,HP"" .. J1ri1t r1o1111/"ort.JJ1<tr•, ,.,., ,.,. .J,,, ...., ,,._,,:. '"" "' ludvitt /,, "u."ll """""''"" un./ ,.,_.,,, lh """'U./, ,., ,,,,,.,,z. ,, S~ ,,, /ti : • .,,J/"'" II" :,,., - tu~""'' ...... Jl3</, "" ttJ 85. ~ , 1 '"HI t J..,.. ~ ""'"""'

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prr"'''""''"'J rt•1J.,.J "'''"' f l.·W ,...J tnu.. lri- u ., • ilU!h;' •"" ~" ,.., tr ,,,,J '''" ,~ i S 15 i"'' .,.J,. '"' "''-"'"' """ • I • u "- ,,...,. P'"'" '/•"~ ).,,_.," J,,,J,r)•" .kl4u.• ,,. fTI '"""'" 'i>P'L" J JI></''""''"''"' 1..1JrJn<ru,,,./1" J.11t..w (,,.Ju

First In Service

For26 Years

Sedan de Ville hits the mark. Right nOt.V you can lease a new 1993 Sedan de Ville for only $469 a month for 24 months with $1,500 doulrt*, making the Sedan de Ville the car you 'U wan't to drive first ... and n1ery day thereafter.

The vehkle: 1994 Mitsubishi GalAnt LS

The price: price $18,000 (estimated); As tested - S 19,500 (estimated)

The gut1: 2.4-liter, 16-valve, four-cylinder engine with muhi-point fuel injection and single-overhead camshaft producing 141 horsepower and 148 pounds-feet of torque; four-speed automatic tr.ansmission with overdrive; front disc and rear drum brakes with optional anti-lock braking ~ystem; and four-wheel, independent, multi-link ~uspension with front an rear coil springs and fron stabilize r bar.

The lineage: Mitsubishi's mid-size sedan will debut an all-new design for the 1994 model year in late-June. The new-look Galant will be built at Mitsubis hi's plant in Illinois.

Mitsubishi masters the fundamental·s with redesigned Galan A uto makers may 1mpro"e their

1mJges, widen their appeal and make a few bucks with niche

models, like a fancy sports car or a ga~-sav1ng compact, but the real bread and butter for most major car compJnies

Tony cox Auto


is the mid-size sedan An auto maker can

' get beat up in some other segments and still get by, but the mid-size sedan is one of those fundamentals that must be mastered.

Case in point f\-1)5.ln has scored some major victories o"er the years with such popular models ch the 300ZX and the Maxima, but until the introduction last ye.:ir of its new

Alt1ma sedan, the company was held b..tck somewhat by its shortcomings in the h1ghe::.t·\olume category.

like Nissan, M1~ub1shi has struggled in'


the m1d-,rze segment. The company's mid-size entry~ the Galant, is a good car. In fact, I O\\ n ona. But the Galant hasn't been a )trong enough seller to throw a scare into such \Olume leaders J) the Ford Taurus and the Honda Accord.

Mitsub1)h1 now hopes to change all thJt. The 1994 Galant, \\;hich will be introduced in late-June, has been totally rndes1gncd. I had the opportunity to drive a prototype of the new Galanr for a \\eek, and my impression is that this new c<ir will be a much more formidable contender than its predecessor was.

On the outside, the nc\' Galant is t)'pical of today's car designs. featuring sleek lines, door hJndles thJt blend into the body Jnd an excellent fit and finish. The car takes some styling cues from its big brother, the Diamante sedan, such as the shape of its headlights, taillights and fog lights. The look is accented by a downward-sloping hood, front air dam and alloy wheels, which arc standJrd equipment with t\~O of four trim lc"els offered .

The de)1gn is also f uncttonal. The new Galant has a low .29 coefficient of dr~ down from .35 with the current Galafit. The only aspect of the car's e\tcrior design that I don't lil..e is J raised scc.t1on oi the hood, sort of like the non-functional bubble on the hood of M1tsubish1's Edi~.

The new Galant shares one other thing 1n common with the Eclipse. lt .,,,ill be built at Mit5ubish1's Diamond Star plant in Normal, Ill.

U nder the hood, the GJlant has J

peppy, 2.4-litcr engine with 1 G \Jl1;c~. four cylinders, multi-point luel in1cction and single·O\ erhead camshaft, producing 141 horsepower and 146 pounds-feet oi torque.

I found this power plant to be more than adequJte - the car ranges in curb \\C~ight from 2,822 pound) to 3,042 pound), depending on "h1ch trim lc\;(•l you choo~e - even coupled to J

four-speed automJt1c trJnsm1~sion with O\erdmc. The Jutoma11c transm1))1on I)

')t.:indard equipment with two of the.· four

mm le,els offered, the GalJnl C~ Jnd 1hc G,1lant LS. I drove the LS \Cr)1un

The GJl;rnt abo h.:indlc.•) \\ rll, thou~h it's not designed to be.• .1

high-performance CJr. It hJ) front diR and rear drum brake> anti J f uur·\\ hl'd, 1ndcpcndl'nt, mult1-l1n~ )U'>p!!nc;iun "1th lront and rear coil )prtn~., ,1nd lront stJb1lizer bar.

For tho)e sedan cJr11;cr) \\hu \\,lilt

something a ltttlc more )port ng, J sport-tuned suspension, rC',1f 'pu1ler Jnd higher-output engine with du,11-ovcrlw.:id c.:imshafts are offered "ith tlw top-of-the-line G.llant GS

One thing I lil-.e about the G.1l.1rll l!> I)

tlut it hJ-. all the extra~ J con)1tlt r IJ.h c l\c dri\Cn some l f'l 1 ~ \L' \\Ith ''h1ch such cqu1pmLnt .h .nr conditioning \\nd ;:iutomJt1c trJnr;ml)'-rOn .lrC' l'\f)(.'n)I\ I! Opt 1011\

Sr.rncJJrd in terror Htu pml'nl " 1th 1lw C.1l.1n• LS mcludb: )l\·\\,1\ ,td111-.t.1hlC' iront 'eJt!>, fold-do'"'· lud .. 1bh• rl'.H 'l',11 \\1th cc>ntl•r Jrmn.>)t Jrr cor l 1 onrn~

po\' l'r \\ rndo'' "· kxk') .ind n rrur:-.

pm' L'r sunroof; tilt wheel, 1llum1n trunk, gfo,<.' compJrtment, J h : 1gnit1on and vanity mirrors; '' 1

corbole; door map pockets; rrunk '>lur b n, dri\l!r- Jnd pi\SSCnger·)1de J1rl. cru1~c i;:ontrul; stx-spC'aker sierc.·n ·' c.h'll'ltc; and e\en floor mats

( JCl prcCC!> for the new GJIJnt h.1. t Ul'<·n rclcJ>cd, but the ba)c modv t.-\f)l•cted to st.irt at $13,600. The C.1 LS 1., l'\pected to )tJrt Jt S 18,000 ·\ SJtcl, the LS ,., v.ell equipped without .1

option'). M)' tl'SI car had t\\O l'\trJ> -CD plJ)Cr Jnd an anti-lock br.1).. !-)'Sll'm, "h1ch, together \\tth d'-· \l

\\ould brrng its totJI pnc.c 11

l',t1mJted S l 9,500

T hat 's quite cl bit It•')~ th,)n compJrabl)• equipped Accord

To,utJ CJmr)', but then a 'Jin " you re tr) 1ng to w.1b mar~et shJ1t· '" tht> "oluml' INdl'r) ) ou alm<ht 1 . 1\ ~ olll'r more car ior the monl'v.

1993 MEMORIAL DAY SALE!!! FR• •• sAT. suN. & MON. See Our Huge Selection of ·

'90 Mitsubishi '88 NISSAN Eclipse 300ZX

AUWJ, NC, 5 Sod . T-Toes. P/W, Cul10m WhNM, Pll. Uke New!

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XLT Auto, Alt~, P/l, CNIM, nroof,

et.cit 8-Ay, 111720 Alloy•. 111869

'8995 •12 795 •1 995 •13 495 $

Brand New 191JJ Altimas

PER * 1993 Alllma GXE * Power Windows * Power Doorlocks * Cruise Control

MONTH * Tiit Steering * Air Conditioning * Drivers Side Air Bag $249 a monch p1U1 tu for 48 month•. Ctoeed end lease. Toe.I <ttw ott1 '883.30. Relidual .. INN

end,. $7,787.'3. EJIOMI mlHgl cherge • 1s. per mle. On~ Ctedt (~18) (20814) * AM/FM Caa1tt1

C'd .n. 'u


.,: ... , •n

'l t


, .. ,) . ....



n ·n

( I

. ..



Nissan 300 ZX goes topless The Nissan 300Z.X has raised the

level o f excellence In the high-end sports car class for 1993 with the addition of a convertible model.

The first-ever soft-top Z-car builds on the l ine's legacy by offering the sports ~r excitement of the 300ZX, and. the option of open-air motoring. Available In the normally-aspirated ~wo-seater only, the soft-top incorporates a fixed B-pillar support, and is equipped with a manually­operated convertible top that folds neatly under a hard storage compartment cover.

The convertible, two-seater coupe and four-seater 2 2 all feature a 222-horsepower normally-aspirated V6 engine available with a choice of five-speed manual or electronically-controlled four-speed automatic transmissions.

Distinguished by three intercoolcr slots on each side of the front air dam and an integrated rear spoiler, the Turbo features high-speed Z-ratcd tires front and rear, with wider 245/45AR16 rear

size. Five-spoke alloy wheels are standard on all models.

The Turbo model adds Nissan's Super HICAS four-wheel steering system for improved steering and vehicle stabil ity at high speeds. Inside. the cockpit on all models is ergonomicaally designed for driver comfort and efficiency, and features fully-adjustable seats for both driver and passenger.

This car can be found at Campbell Nissan, 18835 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, (71 4) 842-7781.

Intrepid a tough competitor Dodge Intrepid boasts of being

one of the most balanced handling four door sedans American has ever prcxluced for

still ride better." provide the LH 's with its won, In e!ltablishing the LH ride and unique ride and handling

handling characteristics, engineers characteristics. LH's power benchmarl..ed several competitive rack-and-pini on steering de)1gn

the mid-size, medium-price market segment -

m?<f els, primarily what it w ith its bias toward European ~----------------- standards, is a prime

better than any Japanese competitor in this range and on a par with the best Europe has to off er at any level.

Gross exaggeration, competitivel Chrysler's LH (leveraged handling) vehicle development engineers insist notl

The design objective for the LH 's four-wheel, fully independent suspension system - Chrysler's first - was to achieve much more of an European Oavor in the handling.

" And \\'e believe that 's been Jch1eved," s.J1d Pedersen. "Compared to domestic models in their class, the AH ·s " 111 handle significantly better and

considered two top-l ier models in the same segment, the Ford Taurus and Nissan Mal(ima. The Acura Legend, Chevrolet Lum1na, Toyota Camry, Lel(us ES300 and the BMW 5 Series also were targets. but to a lesser degree.

Certain chassis/body elements ob .. iously work in combination to

example. ll has a ration of 17:1 in all model applications

When eve'> thing comes together on the LH assembly line -the independent four-wheel suspension, longitudinally-mounted engine and transaxle, exceptional body stiffness and over-sized

· tires - the rise/handling profile of these cars may not only be world-class, but put them truly in a class by themselves.

This car can be found at Cl.iy James New Huntington Beach Dodge, 16555 Beach Bl~d., Huntington Beach, (71 -1)


9Dth Anniversary Le Sabre



1993 VW Cabriolet: a classic With Volkswagen announcing

plans to unveil an all-new · Karmann-built convertible in 1994, this year's introduction or the 1993 Volkswagt>n Cabriolet models becomes an historic one.

For 14 years, with it) own unique elegance and charm, this classic EuropeJn rJgtop h,1s remained one or AmericJ ':, most popular choKC:, for loplcs) motoring. The 1993 'ers1on marks the 3 7th con)Ccufr.:e year the German automaker h,1.., offered a convertible in the U.S., the longest string oi an>· import.

In recognition or the current Cabriolet's eminent evolution Volkswagen is offering spcc1JI Collector's Editions oi the 1 'J'J3 Cabriolet models. Crafted by Karmann coachwork!> 1n Osnabruck, Germany. and offered in both a Cabriolet and Cabriolet Classic "ers1on, this

Accessories for your Suzuki

While all 1993 Sun1k1 vehicles sport m,tn'r :.tand1.11d reature:;, addilion,11 Jl((',)Uf l'"

are oifcrcd to rcflc·c t l'\l'r~ individual's unique ta:,Le ,rncl equipment need:, i\ ' ore tll,111 100 available acu.!:.:>urlc) c,11ei

turn a "'cckday cornmull'r \Ch icle inlo a soupl·cf·up weel..encl geta\\J\ m 1l)1

L' "1~h depending on the mucfc. ,1 range of product!> 111..<.• a b tl..l• rack, a top. a fog light set or a trailer h1t<. h

Acce:,~ories Jdd \cr:,,1lil1l\ to the two- and four-doo r ·

Sidekicks. Add chrome

wheels, fender fr.He m olding

'.>Cts or auxiliary dming and

fog lighLs for of1-ru,1d e:,capl'":­

For added comiort :icld CO\ er-.. a u•nler

}Car's version will have a limited production run of JUSt 0\.Cr 4,400.

The standard Collector's Editlon Cabriolet will feature front sport seats in white lcJthcrette, sport-style light alloy wheels, leather steering wheel CO\.er, po, .. er front windows and a premium AM./FM !>tereo Cil'>'><.'llc six speaker sound >Y:>tl'ffi.

Volk.swjgen S<l}:, this yeJr's Cabriolets could potentially hJ\ie appeJI as collector's models, on par with the \'olkS\\ Jgcn Beetle Com ert1ble, "hich was last built in 1979

Both 1993 Cabriolets also

Jrmrc:.t Jnd an .:iir cond1t1oner For area:. "here

1 c: rain) m the mornin~ and

~unn\ in the afternoon, Suzul..1

1 tll.'r:. mud flJp:. J full-length

\\ uicfo,, ' 1:.or :,et and a front

nr.1sk. among others, to l..eep

come with an additional list of standard equipment, including a driver's side airbag, dual remote mirrors, a reclining, height-adjustable driver's seat, rear folding seat with trunk access, illuminated cassette storage, vanity mirror and more

To see th is car, stop by So. County VW/lsuzu, 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, (714) 842-2000.

~tn __ -

the Sidekick 1n top condruon.

For information on other

SuzuJ.i accessories, stop by Longpre Auto Center, 13600

Beach Bl l-'d., Westminster,

(71 -1) 892-6651 . .

California Regal



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· he new 1993 Jetta III historically been almost completely redesign

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98 plu• '- 24monlt\ dl..s Wld ..... ~ S9!581 ~9 TcDI of IM¥N'• $4137 38, 12Q49 84 ID~ a..ed on 1 a.exx> m1ee ,,.,. y.w. 0n ~ Clr9dlt

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erica's top-selling European sedan has d1from the inside out, with a new modern omier passenger compartment, a higher rtable features, better handling, advanced






If the new hry lcr Concorde looks ditfc re nt to you , take a e look. Decuuo;c you ore looking at much more than JUSt a new design. We c.111 11 "C.ih f on ... Jrd." It's a concept that 1 going to revolutio nize the wny car w ill he built from now on Cab Forward not on ly redefined this car, it redefined the dmcr. It '"orkl> o n the Idea that o n the road, driver a nd car are o ne. It reshapes the 1>pacc around the drive r and redesign the ca r 's command of the road . Cab Forward move' the w1nd,hicld fo rward and the wheels towurd the corner • giving the driver greate r. mnre func1o nal room . It increase possenger comfort and wide n. the driver'i. vii.ih1l1t o f the ro.1d . The Concorde a l!.o rcvolutioni7cd .,afely feature!- ltkc ~t.1nd.1rd driver .ind pui.,c ngcr a irbags and a n integrated child scat.

Concorde. NotlJlns less lh•n the rena1 sance of the American c11r.

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ToyOta 4Runner moves--to the head .of the closs r 9

T oyota 4Runner enters 1993 with an owner-driven six-year winning streak as the best compact sport utility vehicle in the J.D.

Power and Associates' Customer Satisfaction Study. The 1993 4Runner line is now offered as a

four-door exclusively, in a 2WD V6 automatic transmission model or a selection of 4WD models, with manual or automatic transmissions and four­or six-cylinder engines. A rear-wheel anti-lock braking system (ABS) is standard on SRS V6 and optional on the four-cylinder SR5.

The 2WD version of the 4Runner SR5 V6-comes with a standard four-speed electronically controlled automatic overdrive transmission (4ECT); the 4WD version comes with either a standard five-speed manual or optional 4ECT. SR5 also offers a standard five-speed or optional 4ECT. The SRS V6 models are powered by Toyota's 3.0-liter,

single-overhead cam ($0HC) V6 engine with electronic fuel in1ection (EFI), '' hich develops 1 SO hp.

SR5 is powered by a rugged and dependable 2.4-liter SOHC four-cylinder EFI engine, generating 116 hp. The optional 4 ECT offers a normal setting

· for maximum fuel economy or a power setting for maximum acceleration.

F unctional exterior styling includes aerodynamic halogen headlamps, front and

rear mudguards, c:inti-chip rocker panels and silver styled-steel wheels with P225/75RIS mud and snow radial tires.

The 4Runner easily fulfills its alternJtive function as an ideal vacation getaway vehicle, with its 3,500-lb. towing capacity (with the available Class II tow hitch, for a CCWR of up to 8, 100), 78.3 cu ft. of interior cargo capacity '"th rear seat folded

Toyota Camry -otters both sedans and wagons in 1993

The midsize 1993 Camry line offers driver-side air bag and optional anti-lock braking system (ABS), and a choice of a 130-hp (125 hp in California) four-cylinder engine or a 185-hp V6. Camry five-pas~enger, four-door sedans include the value-leader Camry OX, the well-~quipped Camry LE, the luxurious Camry XLE .and the sporty Camry SE. The Camry station wagon is available in five­and seven-passenger OX and LE models.

For 1993, shift feel is improved on the OX four-cylinder, five-speed model with the addition of multi-cone synchromesh gearing.

Camry's gracefully flowing lines round out its contemporary aerodynamic exterior design, limiting wind noise and aiding fuel economy.

Innovative interior design includes siderail-mounted front seats that increase rear-seat foot room, concave front seatbacks that increase rear knee room and lockable folding rear seatbacks for trunk access and carrying of oversized cargo.

Camry engines include a 2.2-liter 16-valve OOHC four-cylinder electronic fuel injection (EFI) engine. The 3.0-liter 24-valve V6 EFI powerpfant is rated 18/24 mpg with the -manual and 18/24 with the automatic. Both engines offer sequential multi-port electronic fuel Injection, which provides precise on-demand fuel metering for optimum mileage and exceptional throttle response.

Camry OX and SE models are available with a five-speed manual transmission or an

optional four-speed, electronically controlled automatic overdrive transmission (ECT), which interacts with the engine computer for nearly imperceptible gear changes.

Camry LE, XLE and all wagon models feature the automatic exclusively.

Witl'l independent front ahd dual-link rear MacPherson strut suspension and rack and pinion power steering, Camry offers a smooth, quiet ride, yet is capable of spirited handling.

Suspension components for the Camry SE were revised exclusively for this model, with stiffened spring rates, bushings, stabilizer bar), shock damping and subframe mounting bushings .

Standard audio for Camry SE 1s the Toyota Deluxe CTR/Cassette with four speakers and power antenna. Upgrade systems include the Premium CTR/Cassette with six speakers, programmable equalization and diversity reception . Diversity reception allows the FM receiver to automatically pick the best FM signal available from either the power antenna or a second antenna built into the rear window, for t~e clearest possible reception .

Air cond1t1oning is standard on the Camry SE, while ABS and a glass tilt and-slide moonroof with inner sunshade and maplight are optional.

To •tt thi1 ar visit Bill Muey Toyot., 1888r BHclt Blvd., Huntington B~aclt, (714) U7./JSSS.

and optional roof luggage rack. for comfortable freeway and in-town driving,

4Runner is equipped with Toyota's Hi-Trac independent front suspension with a torsion bar, upper and lower A-arm and low-pressure gas-filled shod. absorbers. Rear suspension is four-link coil spnng with low-pressure gas-filled shock absorbers. Front and rear stabilizer bMs provide solid, predictable control.

B rakes are power-assisted ventilated discs in front and rear drums, with a rear

load-sensing proportioning valve that automatically balances the amount of front ana rear braking to compens.lte for varying load levels. The rear-wheel ABS standard on SRS VG and optional on SRS is a Toyota design, hydraulically driven rather than vJcuum dri\en to help ensure that the system is pos1t1vely charged under )everc? braking conditions.

For off-roading, durable steel skid plates protect the fuel tank. transfer case and front suspension. Optional P225/7SRl5 mud and snow tires provide additional stability and traction in off-road situations.

Toyota 4Runner is available with options including a Cold Kit for frigid temperature operation, cruise control and a power sunroof. A selection of audio systems including a Premium 3-in-1 Electron ically Tuned Radio (ETRl/Cassctte/ CD. a leather sports 6eat pad.age. and styled-aluminum wheels arc optional for the SR5 VG

T he 1993 Toyota 4Runner is cover<'d by a three-)'eM, 36,000-mile limited warranty.

Visit ToyotaNolvo Costa Mesa at 1966 Harbor Blvd. of Cars Costa Mesa, (71 4) 722-2000.

Camaro Z28 to pace Indy 500

The all-new 1993 Camaro Z28 thJt will pace the Indianapolis 500 is a recordbreaker any way you cut it.

It will be the ninth time a Chevrolet has paced the Memorial Weekend classic, and the fourth time a Camaro has been so honored. No other mcJke or car model has led the Indy 500 starting field as often.

" Records were meant to be broken, pJrticularly when they're your own, said Jim Perkins, Chevy generJI mJnager. Until now, Chevrolet and our sister division Oldsmobile were tied at eight for most pace ca r appearances and the Camaro's three pace car titles tied it with the Stoddard DJyton from the early 1900s."

The sleek black and white Z2S coupe that will perform JI! pace car duties in stock configuration -- having satisfied the Speedway's rigorous performance and safoty requirements without modifiC.1t1on

"Performance-wise, every 1993 C.1maro Z2S rs capable of pJcing Indy,·• Perkins s..11d. " With the L Tl VS engine thcrt>'s no need for additional power." •

Nestled In the Z2S's engine bay is the 5.7-liter VS found in today's Corvette. Widely acclaimed in the motoring press and commonly known by engine code L Tl, this innovative overhead-valve, small· block V8 carries <1 horsepower and torque rating in the Camaro of 275 at 5000 RPM and 325 pound-feet at 2'400 RPM, respectively.

The C.imaro Z28 pace car is also equipped with a Corvette 4-speed automatic, an afl:new mort and long arm (SlA) front suspension, redesigned solid rear .Jxlc, power rack-and-pinion steering, 4-whcel disc brakes with CM's 41w.ird·winning ABS VI anti·lock and dual oiir bags - the latter a Chevy ftrst .

Dubbed a muscle car over a quarter·century

agt?, the fourth-generation Camaro Z-car redefines muscle car appearance and . performance. All the classic Camaro design elements are present - the smooth upper body, tenacious stance, aggressive front-end styling and brawny wheels and tires - yet the look 1s thoroughly modern and contemporary.

Three official Z28 pace cars will be used throughout the month o( M~y --each equipped with safety gear that includes a roll bar. strobe lights, safety harness and a fire extingu1)her.

Chevrolet plans to commemorate the 1993 event by producing 625 limited- edition Camaro Z28 Indy coupes for retail sale in the U.S. Production is slated to begin mid-January (20 more pace car replicas will be rroduced for sale in Canada.) Outfitted in spec.ta black and white interior and exterior trim, 125 replicas will serve Speedway officials throughout the month of Ma). while the other 500 will ·be distributed to Chevy's top CamJro dealers.

The Chevrolet trucks that will handle track s.1fety and support will be outfitted in the same bt..ick and white paint scheme as the pJce car. Camaros served as official Indy pace car in 1967, 1969 and 19S2 - all were Z28s. Other Chevrolet automobiles to pace Indy include the 1948 Flectmaster convertible, 1955 Bel Air convertible, 19S6 Corvette tonvertible ond a Bcretta convertible in 1990.

" Our associ.ition with the Speedway goes clear back to 1909 when Louis Chevrolet competed in the first rKe on the new track," Perkins added. " Eighty-four years later, the red bowtie's presence at the Brickyard is stronger than ever. The Chevy Indy V8 engine won the '500' the last frve years in a rCM, .ind we're going for si>< this yc•r with our new Indy V8 "

• V11it 0.Lillo C~vrolet, 18211 Beach Blwl., Huntinffon •.tdt, (714) 841·6087.



Prelude to excellence ,

A new 190-horsepower VTEC engine option brings, added excitement and state-of-the-art technology to the 1993 Honda Prelude line of soph1st1cated sport coupes A

driver's )ide airbag Supplemental Restraint System tSRSJ 1s standard on all 1993 Prelude models, with a passenger's side airbag SRS featured on the Prelude 4WS and the Prelude VTEC.

For 1993, the Prelude is offered in two models, Sand St The Prelude Si ts also· a\Ja1lable with t\\O option packages the Prelude 4WS, featuring an electron1cally-controlled 4-whcel steering system, and tne Prelude VTEC. All 1993 Preludes featttre Multi-Point fuel-injected, aluminum-allo~ 16-val..,e engines wilti dual _ _Qalance .shafts for smooth. - -spirited-r---.­performance. The Prelude S 1s po'"ered by a 2 2 liter SOHC engine that produces 1 ~5 hp and 142 lb.-ft oi torque

A 2.3 liter DOHC engine with a dual-stage intake man1told gives the Prelude Si and Prelude 4\\15 160 hp and 1 56 lb -it oi torque for even more-spirited performance

Mercedes celebrates decade of 190 class The Prelude VTEC s 2.2 liter DOHC r"er plant feature!>

Honda's Variable Valve T1m1ng and · L1 t Electronic Control System. designed to optimize fo,"- to mid-range torque and max1m1ze hign-rpm output At engine )peed) bdo ..... 4800 rpm. the t\\O inta~e and two exhaust .. al\t"> at each C\ I nder MC

JCtuated by low-rpm cam lobes, \\1th \.Jl\c t1mrng d~:,1gncd to maximize low-end torque and efficiency Two new limited

editions offered Me rcedes-Benz ot North

America has Jnnounccd that t\\.O limited Ed1t1on \ cr!>ions of 1~ popular 190E sedan hJ\c gone o n sale. The Limited tdit1on ors mJrl.; a dccJdt> oi succcss(ul sales of the 1 qo Cl,,.,, lane in the U.S

The limited Edition 190 models can be 1dcnt1t1l·d b\ alloy \\heels ''1th eight \Cnt1lat1on hole., Jnd J trunkl1d de,01d of any model de'18n;:it1on Hakmg a page tram the bouk ot popular options in Europe.•). Buth \ ersion) iL·Jturc ">peci.11 p.i1nt and 1ntl'nur tum, .b "ell ih Jdd1tional ~lJndJrd equipment; but .. ,ill carrv ~usgc)ted r<.>lJil pn<l'" nu higher Than their normJI tuunll'rp.ub Specia l standJrd equ1pmt>nt on

the Limited Edition include!> .in electric '>un roof, lcJthcr interior. hcJdlight '' 1pcrs' Wcl!>her) Jnd,t•Jl H..')trainb. The linutt·d Ed1t1on 190E 2.3 model come) rn J

unique Brilliant Emerald nwtalhc paint "1th .in interior oi trl'tnl' beige k.Hlwr .ind burl \\Jlnut trim.

The Lirnited Edition \.Cr)1un oi the 190[ 2.6 011w.hed 1n glu,.., bl.1ck) h.'.llllrt:') a hl.1ck ll'Jtlwr mtl'nor \\ 1th reel p1plllg on tlw "v.its Jnd door p.11wb ,1, '' t>ll J"

rl'd leathu llh<.'rb in till' ht·.1drc ·h .rnd the centL·r p.11wl o r the -.c.1tb,1c. k.-. . In ,1dd1t1~m. · thl) l1m1tt>d lditirm mudcl h,h uossh,1tch-pattcrn )pur t lr11n p.1ncls un the cfa,hbo,ird .ind n•nter ll>ll oh'. DL' i~llL'd il1r tl1L dm ing.cnthu)1a:it, the Lim tl'd (u1ti011 I ~OE 2.b ,1bo liJs Stlllll !>huck~, .. tiortcr )pimg..,, IJJgL'r \\ hccb .rnd tirL'::., .1 1.1 ter )tu~ring b .irho:.; Jnd .. 11ght \ ~rnJllcr slt'l'ring \\heel fur J

sport1l'r dri\'ing t hJrJctcr. Although the 190-Cl~'s

mock•I-; .ire the most atiurcJ,1blc in the \\crtcclc) lirll'up, tlR·v all c;ont.1111 a \\ JdL' .ur.1\ of luxury and <.:on\.en1cnc e foJlUrcs .h ·

stancfard eqwpnwnt . rhesc indud1.· po\\ er \\ 111dm' s. lud,ing, crUt'l' lOlltrol, ,\,\\ r\I '.>tl'fl'U t.issellc r.1cl11), hL•Jtcd uut,1dt• mirror.., und wincf.,h1dd "·''hL•r nouk ,· 111d d1m.1tL' <.:Ontrul air l 1 nl1t1~Jll1ng llw 1 ~O lmc pt011L'l.! r l'd t I 1L1

1;1ulti-linl.. 'u'1wm.1un llm\

u~t·d in all \\crtcdv:. LJr'>. The 190 al.,,o hJ-; tour-\\ h0cl inclt·pl'ndent '>Uspcnc;1un. d isc hr ,1kl''> ''1th ,1 )tJndard ant1-lo<.: k S\~ll'Jn .md .1 dm er·.,, . .,,,c11• .iirb.'g. Abul1t ~oo <Ji L',llh of tlw L11rntcd Ed1C1on 190 mudcb \\ tll uc pruclu L·d L'\cfU.,1\cf\ for tllf' L S. 111,11 ht The\ \\ 111 be fl\,lr l..Ltt•d through ii n.llloll\\ tdL· nt•l\\ork oi ·IOU Ml'rccdc~-BenL dt • 1IL'r)

This CJr CJ11 be fou11d at f h•tchcr f onC' t\, 1301 Qu.1il St., Nl'~iport 8('<1Ch, ( i 1-1) 83J-9JOO.

At approximately 4800 rpm (depending on thrott e po) taon an el('ctron1c control unit signals a spool 'al\e to open )ending t'ngine 011 to small pistons in the arms. The pistons lod the arms to a thi rd .:irm fotlO\\er, ' ' h1ch is aetuated bv d

high-!>pecd cam lobe. The\es then iollO\\ intJl..e and exhau.,t timing and lift more closelv optimized for high-rpm output and e111c1ency.

As a result, the Prelude VTEC engine offers extremely fle>.ible performance \\1th a wide po\\er band. generating (Or de\elop1ngl an output of 190 hp at 6800 rpm and 158 lb -ft at 5-300 rpm

All 1993 Preludes ieature a 5-speed manual transmission, '"th Jn elcc.tronicallr- controlled 4-speed automatic transmission a'ailable on the Prelude S, Si Jnd Prelude 4\\15.

Th(• 1993 Prelude feature) a wide. lo'" stance for e cellent roadhold1ng ab11ty and an asgress1\e look. Its bold e tenor )t) ling pro-.1de:. l'i11c1ent aerod~nam1c) \\<hile pre~rving character and ind1\idual1t) . The narrow, flush-mounted headlights have clear lenses. with light focused by reflectors behind the bulbs.

A strong. ris-d bod~ provides a stable platform ior pos1tiH• hand! ng and enhanced ndt'- comfort Th~ h1ghl\ rt't ned double '' 1shbont' suspen)1on arid stabilizer bar:, lront and rCJr g1\C the 199 3 Prelude excellent handling charactcmt1~s and a comfon.1ble ride

For more information, stop by Roger Miller Hondil, 19132 Beach 8/\-d., Hunting ton Be.1ch, (71~) 963-1959.

1993 Mercedes-Benz 300 SE 698month

Look again. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. The list price on this s .. ctass Sedan is $72,030. But now, for a limited time only, n 60 .. month closed .. end lease is only $698.92 a month, plus sales tax,

.FUTCHERJ M·t ·T·<. R·

on approved credit. Drive off, $8,885.41 or trade equity. Option to purchase, $28, 132. We will also purchase your trade .. in for cash. VIN 106195. Hurry, while we still have a good selection of colors.

J\ . R • Nf WPOP T BfACH

I I Qrnu I trC"Ct

Range Rover's electronic air suspension syStem will move you C onsumer demand for a new flagship Range

Ro\er model has led Land Rover North America, Inc. to a 27 pcrc<'nt year-to-date

sales increase Acclaimed by the automotive pr~s as a ma1or advance in sport utility technology and comfort, the Range Rover County l WB (long wheelbase) is the world's first (our-wheel drive,

for more than 20 years, the Ra1'ge Rover's lons·travcl coil sprine suspension mJdc it the most capable off-road v hide in the \\Orld while giving it superb on-road ride characteristics.

The new Electronic Air Suspension (EAS) repr~nts cl quantum le<1p forw\lrd in ride, handling and noise isolation.

Norma.I ride hc.·1~ht 1s compJrJble to traditional coil sprung Rangl.? ~O\'Crs. The whicle assumes this po51tion during routin<? CJround-town driving and when towing, Low profile is automatically eng.1gcd \\hen the vehicle cruise) above SO mph ror 30 seconds, dropping 3/4 inch (20mm) for an <wrodynamically lower profil(.' <incl J two percent ,_;Jin in fuel economy.

four·whccl four- channel anti-lock braking sysrem, traction co~trol wlll automatically sense if a rear wheel is slipping and cause po"' er to be Jpplied to the wheel with the ~t srip.

T he County LWB is the mo)t f>O'~erful RJnge Rover ever built. The durabl<.>, f ucl·injccrcd,

aluminum V-8 has been enlarged to 4.2 litr<.>s with output increased from 180 h~ to 200 hp and torque from 227 lb-ft to 251 lb;fi. -Tl!c nctv engine brings 0-60 acceleration below 16 seconds with .i top !!peed of nearly 11 2 mph. Along with major component chJnges, 1993 RJngc Rovers benefit from more than four dozen engineering refinements ranging from new radius .lrm bushin~ to improved dust and water scaling methods. Cabin noise has been reduced by ncarl}' 50 percent.

uual- purpose vehicle to have height-adjustable air .. uspens1on and electronic tr.:icuon control.

The wheelbase of the County L WB has been e>.tended from the st.1ndard 100 inches to 108 inches. The longer wheelbase hJs sever.ii

B)' using air springs at all four corners, electronic height sensors and anti-sway bars, the vehicle Jutomatically ilJdusts spring rates to constantly mJintain a level ride, even when fully loJdcd. This feature, in concert with the 200 hp, 4.2 litre engine, also mokcs the new County LWB one of the best tow vet'Hcles on the road, capable o( pulling trailers up to 6500 pounds Jt highway speeds.

When par'-l'd, the driH•r may '>elect the Access he1sht by pushing tht- Down button which w ill lo\\cr the vehicle 2.4 inches (60mm) to facilitate entry and exit. '

Jdvantages. Rear scat legroom is now 111crea .. cd by ~ven inches, while the rear scat bacl. has been re-engineered ror more rake an<J comfort. The longer stance contributes . to a ride quality that's even smoother than the ~andard Range Rover, long acknowledged as the best of any sport utility' vehicle.

The dri\:er has control over suspension scttmg:i that raise or lower the vehicle over a range of 5.1 inches (130mm).

When approJc.hmg deep water crossings or '!levere o ff·p.1\ement conditions, the dmcr pushe~ the Up butron for high proiilc, thereby rJising the vehicle 1.6 inches (40mm) and enabling 1t to wade in water nearty 22 inches deep


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r 1nally. extended profile will cJuse J suspended whl'el to reJch down a full 2.8 inches (70mm) from standard height to gain traction if the vehicle is high centered off -road.

Comfort and convenience feature enhancements include the addition of a memory function which has two pre-set positions for th<? dri\er's seat. The passenger side electric window now has one-touch down logic.

~·-·;·~~·;·~·.•;•;·.··· •...•••.. · ............ • .••••.•......................... :·;::·:·:·:·:·:,:-:-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·~·=·=·:-:·:·:•:· :·;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.: .. ~· ··············'-················---.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ... · ... · . ••·•··•··········•···•···· ... ........ ...... ... ... . ·:·:·:·:·:·:-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::::::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·r:· :-:·:·:. :·:.: : ..

If!!.•.············~~········ . ·.·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·· ·:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .. . ......... •.•••·•••· ········=-=·······················~·.·.· .· ... ·.· ....... .

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With all this capability, it's in day-to-day driving that EAS best demonstrates its benefits: uncanny isolJtion from roJd noise and vibration bl'ccJuse there is no mC'lJl-to-metal contact between axles ond springs, ..ind the cfiortless mJintenance ol ride height d t':,p1tc Jnd road surface.

Like all Land Rover product!>, the Range Ro' er County l \VB h.'h perm<1ncnt lour-wheel dri\<.'. Its unmatched CJpabili ty h,h been fuctllcr __ cnh.lnced with the .1c.lcl1tion 0 1 the Ell •ctrontc T rac11on Control System CETCS). working in con1unction "1th the st..i ndJrd v1!'>cous-coupled center d11lerent1al and th<.'


tu tile Heatt 01 OrN!Q'! County Av~~ lol lrmit~t OeJ,,eryt

A keyless remote operating central door lock/ alarm system combination Is standard on all 1993 Range Rovers. Theft security extends to the 120 wcJtt Pioneer A!v\/FM cassette stereo with si>.-d1sc CD changer. Radio reception is enhanced by a new d iversity antenna which constantly seeks the strongest signal. The rear cargo area hJs a full 76.3 cubic f cet of storage space with the rear seab folded. A new removable loJd space cover now allows suitcases to stand upright.

Range Rover County LWB owners w ill enjoy the additional se\cn inches of legroom in the rear seat. Redesigned .1pcrture angles mai..e rear doors caster to operate as well. Puddle l.1mp) ha\(? been added tu the rear doors' IO\\l'r edge to 1llum1n,11e the ground. thus avoiding ~tcpp1 ng in !>Omcthing Li"-" all Range Ro' c.' r!>, the Count} L \VB I) built on a 1-i gJugc bo\ t'd steel cha~.,,, with a ~tt>d monocoque ccJgc mounted in rubber and clad 1n aluminum outer body paneb for lo'" \\ eight .rnd long, corrQ.!i1un- lree ltfe:.pan

The vehicle t!i covered by ,1 thrt'J!·ycJr.'4l,OOO-..:. nlit~ llmlccd w-;mJITT) . a :,tx ) <.'Jr unlim1t('d m11l.~JE!t' rnrrmion guJrJnlee and tht• L41nd Rowr Road Rcco\ erym progrJm \\ llh w .:ir round, 24·hour mads1cle service and lO\\ mg tor tlw life ol th(' vehicll• wJrr anty.

The Ransc Rover Count) L \VB hJs J

manuiacturer's !>uggested ltst price oi S.t9,200. Loo1' for this car at B.w er )JguJr, 200 I

MJncl>ester 81\d., An.iheim, (714) 833-9300.


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This is the time of year when America's love affair with the charcoal barbecue heats up. And why nol? h's an easy, fast and fun way to cook- there's little cleanup and that smokey barbecue flavor is scnsaiional.

It's low-salt, low-fat cooking at its best .. And this season, what's hot, according to trend watchers at Kingsford, is adding herbs, spices and garlic right onto the coals. Seasonings sizzle and smoke, adding flavor and appetite-whetting aromas.

No recipes needed. Just remember two tips: a little seasoning adds a lot of taste and flavorings need to be soaked in water for 20 minutes to prevent them from burning too quickly. Try garlic with steak, rosemary sprigs with chicken or dill with seafood.

Follow these easy ideas to help you serve up the best charcoal grilled food around!

MADRAS CHICKEN I~ a1p1 oruaeJm, dMdtd

l ............ oil l tabklp B m IOJ IWt 4 tmpooes 11oM1 2 tlblespoom CUITJ powder l llrse dons prtic, minced I labletpoon ftadJ milnd fttS6I Pett

or I teaspoon .,,..,ct Ptcer I chickt1at about ~ pouods, cvt up

Whisk rogether Y, cup of the orange juice.

r-- --------------- -- ----- ------------------- ---- ------------ -------------~

vegetable oil, soy Slll()C, honey, curry powder. garlic and ginger. Place chicken in a shallow dish, add orange juice mix!Ure and coat chicken on all sides. Cover wilh plastic wrap and marinate overnight in the I ~


STOKE UP THE PERFECT FIRE : • For best mulls. you need a good quality charcoal. : They're not all alike, so take the time IO find one that : lights t11itkly Ind easily. Briquets ~be ready : for cooting in about 20 minutes. It 's the real v.ood : clw in briquets dw giva food lhal distinctive : smokcy wee which is why charcbal grilled food has : more flavor than gas gnllcd. I I

: • Don't skimp on chucoal. Bnquets need to euend one inch beyond lhc area of the food on the gnd to ensure food on the oultf edges cooks evenly.

: • Coals arc rcidy v.hcn they're about 70 pcrtto1 ashed : over Also. kd for the hgh1 red glow. IJlOS(

: notJCeablc al night I I

: • How hot 1 hot1 If )OU don ·1 have a gnll thermo-• meter, try tlus easy Hy to detenmne the lttllperaturc

of )OUI coal . Hold )our hand. palm idt dotrl\, about m uxbcs abo\c the coals Counr -one thousand one. one thousand r.o," etc.,, unol )OU ha\C 10 pull )OUI hand llft'IY bealllt of the heat If )OU c.t1 hold )OUT hiUld O\ef die coah for .

2 11coode ltler'rt hot 375 f o"nott 3 llCCMlde ttle(N ~hot S-- 375 f 4 llCCM~· ... medium 300•-350-f

I 511CCMld~'l"e low 200 -300' f I

; • f'.or barbecuing men than one hour, you may need to • ldd more coals dunng cooking. A !he ong1nal coals : arc ready. place 16 to 18 nc'4 bnqucts around the : outer edge of !he fire. As the initial coal bum down. ~ tongs to move new ootcr bnqucts to the ccn1er or the fire. Rq>ea1 prows for each C.ltn hour of cooktnJ tune.

: HOW TO CHOOSE THE DIRECT : VS. INDIRECT METHOD : 1 Direct gnll1n11s best for foods thal cake less than

grid, directly over mcdium·hot coals and grill. Grill can be covered or uncovered. Method is most like broiling.

• For food tlw tales longer than 30 minutes to cook ot contains niorc fll-like v.hole chicken or turtcy. roastJ, nbs Ind boot·in poultr)~ the indirect grilling method. 1lus requires banking coals on either Ide ci 1 dnp pan and posil>OOlJ\g food on the grid du"CCtly over the pan. Gnll 1s kept ~crcd. Method IS most hk.e oven cooking.

EXPERIMENT WITH FLAVORS • Tea bags t0!>5td directly on the coal will add a

Unique hbbaJ llcccnt IO grilled food. Soak herbal iu bigs in wall'f for 20 mmutcs before adding them 10 the coals. Orange and spice blends go v.ell v.11h sv.on:tfoh Try ltmon v.ith chicken or glllger Wlth fi h

• 1Whcn usiog a dnp pan. add beer. apple JWCt or VUICgat dU'CClly to the pan to make food C\en more IDOlSl and fla-.orfuJ

1 For more antensc Qa\'or. tr) a dry rub-a combinauon of dry ~ and sp!CCS. Thyme. allSptc~. nutmeg. cuuwnon. salt and red pepper Oakes male 1 Janwcan-insptred rub. FtUcd coconut. garlic, CutT)' pov.dcr. c.aycnoe and minced frcYI coriander create 1 pacy Thai Oavor. For an ltalian-ityle 11.\tc. blend oregano. basil, th) me. garlic. ooion. sah and pepper.

refrigerator. turning occasionally. When ready to grill, remove chicken, reserving

marinade. In a covered grill. arrange medium charcoal briqucts on two sides of a drip pan. Place chicken over lhe drip pan and grill about 20 to 2S minutes for white meat, 35 to 45 minutes for dark meat or until cooked through. Tum pieces.halfway through cooking time.

I If desired. baste occasionally With marinade Unfil : chicken is about twO:.thirds cooked. : While chicken is gnlling, combine rcnwrung : ~ cup orange juice with renwrung marinade in 1 : • saucepan. Bring to a boil and sunmer, stirring : occuiooally for 5 to 10 rrunutes. Serve oo the Ide. : Serves 4. I



~ cup ollvt oil 3 taMespoom lime juice I tmpoon salt ~ ttaSpOOG freshly ground

black ptpptr 2 bartty tmdtrloins, cut in ha.If ~.about I pound total

2 ttaspoons fresh tbyw !tans or I teMpOOO dritd thyme

Wlust together olive oil. lime JWCC. salt and pepper. Transfer 6 tablespoons of the mururc 10 a shallow di.Sh. rescMl\g the remamder for lhc Tomato. Com and Basil Salsa. Place lhc turkey tendcrlouu m the dtsh. spnnkk '4 ith thyme and coat with oh\'c oil murure. Cover With plastic wrap and marinate 2 to 3 hours m the rcfngmror.

When ready to gnU, place tudcy ltndcrlotns on the grid of an uncovered grill. dmctly O\cr medium charcoal briquets. Grill for 10 to 12 minu~. or unol cooked through, twning oocc. Serve immcdtately wuh Tomato. Com and Basil Salsa.

Serves 4.


I lo.ouott pacbct troun rom. thawed

¥, cup chopped onion 2 ripe tomatoes, seeded and dlttd ~ nip dllopptd gmn btU pepper 1 laflt do~t prtic, ptded and

ftod1 minctd y. cup ftndy chopped fresh

be5il ltaHS : 30 minutes to grill-hlc hamburgers, steals, : bootl(S) ctuc~cn lnlsts and fl5h. Plact food on the

• Don '1 forger wood chips. Mtsquitt 1s grca1 with beef or Soutb'4CSl·insp1rcd chicken and 1ur\c) recipes. H1ck0f)' 1 a dchc1ous complement 10 pod and nbs. Pru11 v.oocb--hkc apple and cherry- arc great with poultry. and alder adds a dclk1.1e Oavor to fish. Some of the morc uooc vanct>eS include papcvine curung and basil wood. Soak all v.ood dups in Wiier for 20 minutes before adding them to the coal . I


RtstrVtd ollvt oil mixture Combine com, onaoo. tomatoes. green

peppcr~gadic. and rcscned ob~e Otl nuxrure. MU well and marinate 2 to 3 hours m the refrigerator.

~-- - -- ------------------ - -- ----------- ------------------- ----------- 7---- ~

GRILLING GUIDE The times In this chat1 are estimates and should be used as general guidelines. Many variables can affect gnlNng time lnc::lucfi~ the outdoor temperature and weather conditiOnS, the temperature of the coals. the tempera· ture of the food befOf't it's placed on the grill, etc. A meat thermometer 1$ the best method for determ1nl"Q when food Is grilled to your liking, Insert the thermometer Into the

Hembutgtrl ~. Inch



thickest part of the meat. t>emg careful to avoid contact With bones.

Other tip•: • Tum small cuts, sud't as patties, cnops,

chicken breasts and fiSh. hal1way throvgh grilltng time.

• Tum large cuts. such as roasts, every 20 to 30 minutes.

Tempereture Tout Ottlllng Time of 8rtquet• In Mtnutea/OoneneN/

lne.mecl ... Medium 8 to 9/Aart

10to 11 /Medium 12 to 13/Wtf!.

SteM ,~ .

(Club. Sliip.T-Bone, ~Of1erhouse,Str\oln) 1 Inch

Top Round._ 1>'1 Inches

ChlcMna.-ta, skinned and boned

eon..1n CttlcMn fWt9

WholitChlc*en 3~ pounds

hnll111Turiley Tencllftolnl.

halved lef lgthwjM ()( but*1litd


':::~~W1ctl Bon1l111 ¥· lnd'I ................ ...........















10 to 14/Rare to Medium

23 to 25/ Rare to Medium

10 to 12

Daft( meat. 35 to 45 White meat: 20 to 25

75 to ~11 eo•F

10 to 12

11 to 15 minut• per poond/ 1 eo°F (Insert thermometer Into tNgh)

eo to 75; ~ aauc:e. then grill cltectty' 8 mtnUtM per sldt

8 to 11/1e<r'F 7 to 911 SO"F


MORE HOT TIPSI FOf more (Teat griling lips and recipes, send a self-addressed. stamped business· size envelope to Kingsford'& Barbecue Brochure, P.O. Box 290, Dept. ROP, Holmdel. NJ07733.

Food Editor T.J. Hutchinson . . .. 642-4321 ext.370


~ a1p couatry4yle DijoD mastard v. alp low·fal yoprt I taMespoon olivt oil 1 t.ab&espooe lemon juice ~ tmpooe fmhl1 croud bllCk ptpptr 2 taMes,ocm chopped frail Ml

fW 1 tablespoon dried dill weed 4 bontHss, sklnlmdlkkta brmt hahts,

about I~ to l .Y. pounds total Whisk together mustard, yogun. oil. lemon JUICC,

pepper and dill. Place chicken breast halve) 10 a shallow dish and 3dd the mustard m1xrurc. coating chicken on all sides. Cover with plastic wrap and marina1e in refrigerator 2 to 4 hou~.

When ready to grill. place chicken breasts on gnd. directly over medium chastoal bnquets. Gnll uncovered about 10 1012 mmutes. or unol cooked through. ruming once.


- Id-CRUSTED STEAK I tal>Wspoon k06htf sall or 2 ttaSpOORS

I.II* salt I ltlSpOOll coarsely ground black ptpptr

I~ ttaSpOOOS dliJi po• dfr I teaspooo dried ortpno ~ lttipOOO frOUnd cumin ~. leaspoon Cl }tllM ptpper I top sirloin st~k, nit I 'II inc~ thick.

about J pounds Ma.kc a dry rub b)' comb1mng salt. blacl pepper.

ch1h pov.dcr, oregano. cumin and ca)ennc pepper \II a mall bowl. Rub m1x1urt 1nio both )Ides of ~I Plaet

meat tn a hallov. ri~ d1!>h. co"cr and rdngcrate for 210 4 hours so 11 will absorb the spices.

When ready 10 gnll. place meat on gnd lO a covered gnll d1rcctl~ over medium-lo'4 charcoal bnquclS Gnll about ;3 mtnu\C~ for rare(l40"fl. 25 mmule) for medium I 16'rf) Allov. meat lo tand for 10 minute-. before Cat\ mg 1n10 thm \hct

Scnc\ 610&


Mix and match vegetables acc:on:11ng to your preference Md whats 1n season Select about ~ to "1 pound of raw vegetables per person

'" Suggeeted Vege~ end GrOllng Times . ~ Vegetables Prep9n1tlon Grill Time In Minutes


Zuoch1ni and yellow squash. small

Green. yellow and red peppers

Eggplant, small



Red potatoes, small

Trimmed 5to6

Halved lengthwise 8

Seeded and quartered 1010 !5

Halved lengthwise 10 to 15

Ouartered or cut tn 10 to 15 thick shoes Trimmed 10

Halved or quartered 20 to 30

Lightly brush vegetables on all sides with 011 Place 11egetables on a pertorated gnll rack to prevent smaller items from falling through the gnd Gnll uncovered dtrectly over medium charcoal t>nquets. turning occasionatty If you don't have a gnll rack, larger·s1ze vegetables can be easily grilled directly on the gnlhng gnd

Gnlled vegetables may be covered and stored at room temperature tor several hours untll reaCIY to Use To make salad. chop grilled vegetables into brte-s1ze pieces and toss w1th Fresti Hert> Vinaigrette.

FRESH HERB VINAIGRETTE 3 tablespoons otin oil I tabltspooo babamic vinepr I tablespoon ltmoo juict I teaspooa salt

WhisL together 011. vinegar. lemon JUJCt. sal1 and pepper. Stu 1n hert>s. Mal.cs about 'I: cup of~ tng. cnoogh for 6 to 8 servings. Adjust the quantity depending on the amounl of vegetables yru'rc using.

h teaspoon fresbl) ~nd bbt'k pepper ~. cup minctd as.wttd fresh herbs such as

chi~ts, parslty. dill, tarragon. basil. lllinL oregano. tbymt~ ~·de.


-I Thursday, May 27. 1993

Uquld diets, the environment and other weighty issues Q A c:ou In ot nine rtttnUy

bad 11U11onts and bl•med ll on tbe llquld diet 1be

was on. ls It po slble ror tbat to be the cause? •• P.R., Cost• Mes.

Yes--dcpcnding on the specific liquid diel involved. Herc's the reason: The gallbl11ddcr stores bile (a brown, yellow or green thick,

bitter-tasting fluid}, and releases bile into the body~s system when there is fat that needs to be broken down. Jr the gallbladder doesn't get a signal that there is enough fat to work on, the bile just sits there ... and "stones" can form.

Some liquid diet products are

extremely low in fat, providing only one or two grams a day: these are the ones that arc suspected of contributing to the formation of gallstones. On the other hand, research studies indicate that liquid diets which provide at least. 20 to 30 grams of fat daily probably are not guilty of this problem.

Your cousin can check the pad.age of the liquid diet she was using, 10 determine the fat ' content. She may al o want to rethink the whole idea of being on a liquid diet, in "iew of so much evidence that few people ever keep lost weight off for any length of time after that kind of dieting. A)k Oprah Winfrey.

Q Every time my family finishes a meal and I look

at the trash bin, I CJln'l help bul feel badly about our envlronmenL There's so much packaging to get rid or. •· C.C.K., Newport Beach

Yours is a comment rather than a question, but 1 welcome ·•• and share ·•• your concern about a very se rious issue.

I was recently asked lo wrile an article for a· very popular national food newsletter, and as part of my research examined the negative impact that our increasingly "singles" society is making on our waste pollution crisis.

We don't usually relate social trends lo environmental issues, but the fac t is that more divorces, more working parents, and even medical advances that help the aged lo live longer, all combine lo create a M>Ciety in which larger numbers of people live (and cat) alone. Food manufacturers cater to this enormous market with products that arc packaged as "single servings" and have almost the same amount of wrapping as multiple-portion sizes. Result: even more packaging in the trash bin.

There is, however, at least a small piece of good news on the horizon. One company that I know of is advcnising to food manufacturers a technique it calls "gelatin encapsulation". Imagine, for example, a fun-shaped kind of pouch - perhaps a clown or a star or animal - that contains some soup or other food inside ... only this pouch i~ actually made of gelatin that keeps its contents fresh and is itself totally edible, microwavable, biodegradable and shelf stable.

or course, this gelatin pouch musl be shipped and displayed in an outer package, but it should be

Q. How can I tell when my grilled ste;aks are done? S.N., Reno, NV To~heck doncness, make a

small cue Into the steak close to ~ the booe. lf the meat look.a too

red, &fill longer. When grilling. as with any other cookin1 method, always check the doncness at the minimum &rill time.

Q . The last two years my pickles have turned sour and mHlcy. I bad success for ei&ht years before that. What can l do to make them good? O.H., Wynnwood, OK

Both temperature and the brine male pickles aood· Make sure you follow the instructions and use exactly the amounu of salt and vinegar (S percent acidity). Process pickles in a bolling water canner for the time recommended in recipe to destroy micro-orpnisms that can cause spoUaae.

Q. My recipe for French bread - dry yeut, flour, ult and water makes a pd loaf, but it's a bit dentc. HOw can I make it more liaht and airy? K.E., Guthrie, OK

frenda bmd IUde from thole buic ilipedientl tads IO be ~Md more._ dau odler kiDdl o1 bract. If,_ .. a r.c1pe .... 8Cldld ~· ... eatuN' wW bl tomewMI l'l"ler· ,,,, ,.. ...... c.--. ,,,..,_, WrlN DMr Mt;r ender, a. l l IJ, """" ..,,,, ,,.,,..,.,,,, M'NSUM


possjble to have it require 1e .. s paper, pla tic, etc. h ' a tcp in the right direction.

QI couldn't bcllc\t my C)tt

~htD l SllW an ad ror 0\-.ttJoe. My mother used to serve It to me when I "'as ' ry youna, but I dldn't even know It still uiattd. How docs it stack up nutrllionally? •• F.J .. Oona Point

Ovalt ine is aHve nnd well, cspccially11ow that thi product -which has been around for 89 years - has recently been purchased by an aggressive

marketer who is ad\.erlising il he3vily on lclevi~ion . The i\Jea ti. to ap~a) lo millions of people, like you, who remember 1t warmly \ a part of childhood.

For those of you who uren'l fami liar with Ovaltine, il is a chocolatc·flavored powder that cnn be i.tirred inlo either hot or cold milk. Ovaltine has a distinct malt-like flavor, is caffeine·free and is heavify fortified with vilnmins and minerals, which is why al one point in its hi~ lory the product was used by parenb a) u

dieuuy supplement for their children. A ~ervmg of "• of an ounce contains 80 calorie • iero fat and zero cholesterol ... not counting lhe milk )OU Mir il into. It b, after all, primarily ~ugar (in various form\) nnd cocoa.

The new owner of Ovaltine expects that pnrent) :ind grandparents who recall it from their youths v.ill want 10 ~hare it with today's generation -noi.talgin i u powerful innuence. At least, it can be u. way to get )'Oung.ster) 10 drink more milk. •

Q I know this l1a'1 uaclly a naalt'lllon qutstlon, con

you l'fCOmmtnd I rtally &OOd ginger ale? It's my favorite drlnl.., and I'm told ll's heallhlcr Chon most colas .•• T.J., Ualboo

I person:illy stay away from most sweet carbonated beverage , especially the one~ with artificial sweeteners. But I do like u good giqger ale once in u while, and huvc tried a number of brands.

There's one called Reed's Original Ginger Orcw that ii. about lhe best 1. ha"e found, a1 lenst lo

my ~rM>nal taste. ll 's brewed directly from frei.h ginger roo citru fruit juices and pices, a true Jam3ican recipe. The f that it doc not contain sugar, prcservati"es nor any artificial ingredients makes it nttruc1ivc me. Out the flavor - with u r ginger "bite" - is whul I like about the product.

As with any carbonated sod beve r01ge, I recommend il ft) a occa'>ional treat but urge Mayi with pure fresh fruit ju ice (or: grapefruit, pineapple. etc.), ai. your basic drink.



......... POllK LOIN CHOPS

~]Jr L8. 3.29

6 " Pot With Motch1n9 Co11er COLORFUL MUMS 3.99 ... __ _




w. e99

'"""· SUCI, MTN. IKW

Olt Dtl . ......


. - .79



,.1un1•1w• UARKS SftAKS

COOKED FROZ. DEF . 4 99 BROil OR 3 99

UI. • ~ UI. •


c '


Great For Burgers SWEET RED ONIONS •. ..... . LB .49

••I MM•DIAI•• I COllll•TOlll



,.. ' "-AYTIX ~ULnMATn TUDOllS

I~) 20-CT 2 ... •s HUOHH 8 49 .Unit l.M NICI • M•1t.1N KeAfl

9.H ... ttOllt



1• Ounc:e. IAR-S COOKED HAM. . .. ... 1.69



M~Wl'lll'S CllUM ....



ClcllllMf\ 32-Ch. Whot. °' Holv•s KOSHER PICKLES ... ..... .. . ............ . 2.ff

12·0vnc• ....... •OTATO SALAD

32-0Z 1.59





2:$5 ,,,,, \ p\£ ,_ ~ S1'\.£\~ .... -·"" \ - ......... 1: \ ~,//I


om Cl

(0 :.i i bc:.1




Vons Frozen

Lemonade Regular or Pink 12 Ounce Can

F 0

0 R

Vons Potato Chips

Assorled VlriBties 7.5 to 8 Ounce Bag

Fresh Extra Lean

Ground Beef Does Not Exceed 15% Fat - 3 Lbs or More (Less Than 3 Lbs - 1.19 Lb.)

Vons Potato Salad

or Macaroni Salad - 30 Oz .. or Cole Slaw - 28 Oz. Container


.59 Lb

With Coupon at Left

Coca Cola or Sprite Case Sale!(4 - 6 Pks.) Regular or Diet 12 Ounce Cans

96 With Coupon

You Pay PlusCRV

Whole Seedless

Watermelon Excludes Cut Watermelon

SunWorld Grown

All Vlasic


Pabst Genuine Draft Beer - 12 Pk.

large Ripe Hass Avocados

F 0 R

Fresh Frying . Chicken

Split Breasts With Ribs Attachsd

Zacky or Foster Farms

29 Lb

VoM 3.99< '•'-'"" "-""ft:&.-. I M# 1 50

Bartles & Jaymes ~":,nu 2.79 ur ,.:!'- - 50

R~t- S-. - •

Your Cast 24~ Altar Rebet1 •CR~

w In e 't.~-:S.:.. M4I ~ 1: DD

Rtg Of Ltght. 8/Ut Ribbon Of light 01 Pasbt N A Br~ - 12 Oz Cans Coolers - rourea11 f 29 A.5.sorted Flnors ·'Pa • - • 2 O: Botrlts An.r Rdm rRv

~:~:Price 11. 49 i Mi II er ~"'::;.;:·~3. 00 Genuine Oraff

Coors Light or Budweiser Beer - 24 Pk. roureast 849 Beer - 12 Pk. roureost 499

Att.r R1bet1 • 'Rl Alll• "-bet1 CR\ ReguJ 01 g' ";" ~ O£.Lf!t·120: cans O"glfUJ L 19~1 or 1 , 12 011nce CJns

~~~$!:J,1:J:red 2~ 1:00 '/i:,~8femaid Ice Cream Ri,J Ice Cream

199 JBfSBf_maid 89 Ch/net 1 19 Assorted Flavors· Half Gallon Round Carton Assorted FJat,·ors · Hai -Gallon SquJre..~ Saur cream Paper Plates Jerseymaid Sherbet 199 Jerseymaid Novelties~' 1:00 16 Ounc. • ... Dtnner oe Compartm1J1t - 10 318' - 15 Count Old Fashioned -Asst Flavors - Half Gallon t 2 Ct Tw111 Pops or 6 Ct Ice Cffam Sandwrc.'1~ i iJ Con,,.., or LunchflOn -8 "314• - 25 C<Junt Packa"9f • - - - • - - - ""' - - ... -

Kratt American Singles 269 Ultra Fab Laundry Detergent 599 Smucker's Ice Cream Topping 159 Vons Maraschino Cherries 129 tndMdull Wrwed CltH# Food · 16 Oz Pacl...1!r 98 Ounce Box Selected Flavors • 11 25 to 12 Oz Jar 1 O Ounce Jar Dano/a Sliced Cooked Ham 289 t 2 Ounoe ht:la.tle

Troplt:ana OrafllJB Juice 189 R.,""1 or Homat}lt - 6' 01 t:Jrtoo ~

~ z Ca/Nam/a Perteae !J.'n Fresh 4 gg . -·----"' ::!~rapes Lb .. • :I Atlantic Salmon Lb

16 P11ce z'99 L•fl• Ca/lfomla Cantaloupe 59 Whole odlNl - FJrm Rilised usrx Loi lnspscffltJ

Fried Chicken E•. ;;:;nR.:tR:;J,,m. Lb ·199 (Gltll .., Our .k. Jo Jo Poflff>ls - 1 49 lb) 101 P1f1 (Drlecon sr.m ,,,..,,. • 4 For r OOJ Pt

Fresh Lean ooosNot f 39 Ec~d Ground Beef .22 Fat Lb.

3 Lbs or More (less fh.1n 3 LOS • 1 59 l b.)

.. ,,... ,_,,,..,,,,.Com 3' 100 Cllllornll GfflWfl 2

~ Jumbo Size Callfomla Kiwi 5F 100 ~ GINI""~'*' a

. . \

:=-:J Gar/le Bnlad =::99

A Better Place • •

• •



. .

on't miss the boat this- summer when "Wet Wednesday" returns

to Newport Harbor! Our w.eekly summer series sponsored by the Daily Pilot and Hornblower Dining Yachts welcomes you to a relaxing cruise aboard a luxurious yacht for two hours of hors d' oeuvres, drinks, entertainment, .

door prizes, outrageous surprises and

You're invited to join in our fun .. filled theme evenings ~ where you' ll meet new friends,

find out about the people who ma~e things happen and enjoy some

incredible sunsets. And it's all free ...

Pick up your Tickets (limited to two per person) at Hornblower Dining Yachts, Weekdays 9 to 5, Saturdays 9 to noon.

You'll discover why Wednesdays are always better on the water! ·

Wed. 5/12 ....................... Literacy Night

Wed. 6/2 ........... ... ~ .......... Kick-·Off

Wed. 7/7 ................... ..... . Travel Night

Thur. 7/15 ...................... Fashion Night ·

Thur. 7/22 ...................... Realtors Night

Wed. 7 /28 ....................... Heroes (Police, F'u~. Ecc.)

Wed. 8/4 ......................... BYE

Wed. 8/11 ....................... Back To School Night

Wed. 8/18 ....................... Music Under The Stars

Wed. 8/25 ........................ Advertisers Night

Wed. 9/1 ........... .............. Sports Night

Wed. 9/8 ......................... Politicians Night

Tues. 9/14 ....................... Chamber Night

Thur. 9/30 ...................... End Of Summer Bash

Parking to accomodate up to 240 is availbale in city lot directly behind

Haagen Dazs. (From PCH, tum on Tustin ro Avon.)

The Fane Print • Limited pace, fint come, flnt serve • You must have cickct pnor co each event • One admission per ticket • TlC.kcts available aix days prior co each Wet Wednaday • Valet parlcine available at Hornblower, 2431 W. C.oast Hwy., Newpon Beach • Rcadcn arc cl11iblc fOl' 1 cruise every(>() days.

J>,111 't .\Ii,, / /1 (. /;,,,, t



,. . -


2431 West Coast Highway • 646..0155


. .



• .



••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

COAST •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

MOVIE Amenu's 111 lloubla once IPI"· Fortvnatefy, tilt nation un count on '1°"""' Hlftfy (Ctlartit Sllttfl) to bail us out "Hot Shots. Pa11 OM." now DlaYiftl llf'NWldt, returns Sheen. Uoyd lndps and ~MiM'ia Golifto M tilt oriJln1I screwblll com.ctr to ttlt scl'Mll. lrtnda lakkt and R le hard Crtnna also star in this !tick directed by Jim Abrahams of "Alt11l111t" 1nd "N•ktd Gun" fame.

2 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, May 27, 1993


Today, Ii cover st or)' appears on pages 10-11.

STAGE Those ........... ,. ........ ,. .. WOf'ld Wir II lfl wlfl be......,, I •mD1• !Ir '1llt All llicht

snt,'' .. IMllSl prMlctitft II '911 II~ I'll .__ Ptlytlouu ... ,.. .... , ...... be Ullllill Secill $eQlfity to ...., Ills """ ,... lrttn .,..._ ....... ttplays

ART A< ulubltion of 165 WOtts -lncludlnc PIUltlftlS, pllOtO&J"l1)hy Ind dmmtp - .,. lutwtd "' lt1Jst Penny McMatttpl's "Otar l.lfe." on VtlW at CM ltckNI\ Clnttf. HO~. lmne, 9 a m to S Pm Mondays tllroucfl fndlys 11nt1I luly 31 AdlBISSIOn is fr-.. Shon Wt IS . urtti's rtt1."

ll Gisllt SdlMt. 21141 $11A;•Hr Lw. "~ ...._ ..,_. •• 19 rieUts .. U-$11. Clll *32-1405.

' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . .....•............ , ............................ .

I l's fa r from Halloween, but UCl's Concert Hall will be haunted by vampires this

weekend when " Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror" winds up the univer:.i ty's th~:iter season.

The show is de cribed as "an interactive theater/film performance" by its creator and director, Annie Loui, a member of the UCl drama faculty. Movie and telc.,,i:.1on compo~er Caleb Sarnp~n has udt.led a mu~ical

ore for the show.

I• 1111

Theater Critic

The action 1!1 set against a gigantic projection of "Nosferatu," the 1922 silent film horror classic adapted from Dram Stoker's novel "Dracula." In a process resembling screenings of the cult favorite "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at the-old Balboa Theater, actors

will work on stage with and against the action on the screen behind them.

Performances wtll be given tonight and fndny at 8 p.m .. Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m. and SundJy ut 2 and 7 p.m. Ticlct mJy be re crvcd by calling the UCl box office at 856-6717.

0 South Coa~t Repertory 1s knee

deep into plans for its 30th ea:.on, but fi~t SCR mu t close the books on the 29th. That project begin

. ...

HORROR FLICK Drama at UCI closes season with interactive theater/film performance

" Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror" - conceived/directed by Annie loui -

thl\ weekend \\1th 1he opening of ··~hadO\\ l:lnJ," on the main stage ol the Co-.1a ~1csa 1hea1er (See slOI') bcJoy,)

Shudo.,.,lamh" I) the dr Jma11za11on of .i 1rijc \\Of\.

f<><.:U\tng on 1hc late·rn Ilk r"omancc bet\\CCn au1hur CS l c;Y.t\ and Jo\ 0.1\ . .,.. h· 1 J11:J uf c.1nccr ju,i I ir \CJr> J!kr their m.1rrrage.

1'11c r,1m.1n11 ... ~po1light' a ni;r bcr of SCR,, mcludinl! J....anJ1-. Cl :ippdl, \\ h1J JU't hnl\hcd .1 '1:1r turn 1n " I l:i\- l·e,er," in the rvk of Jo\ Oakm.~b1thc"'~ m:ike h" SCR dcbul a' L1:"'1'• \\luk founding ~IClllr> R1ch.1rd Oo'k A.1 Kou,11k., l IJL.Lmdun Jr. and Ol•r lul>~ aho arc fc.iturec.l

Sh.1d1J\\ land'>." \H11ten h\ \\ 1lham fl.1chobon and dm:~kJ b, fortin lkn~on. "'ill play Tuc-.da~~

thruugh f nda)" at pm. Saturd.t)) at '.? 30 and 8. anJ Sund:l'r> a1 2·30 and 7·30 unlll June 27 at South Coa'>t Rcpcrtof). 1>55 To,\n Center Dmc. Costa Me:.a C.111 957-4033 for tnformauon.

0 BACKSTAGE - l:.ncon:

performance> of "~lon)icur Shaher:uad." a onc-msn play s1.1mng Ron C.1mpbcll, "' '" hi! given at the Gem Theater June 4 ·h and 11 -11 C'ur\Jtn tune 1, JO p.rn , ;inJ llC~cl tnformatmn " a,:11lablc at 636 7'.?I ~

I· Thom Sr·1Jcn.l h.1 10111cJ thl.' cJ'I ot .. ·r .1rtuf1c" al the Ahern..111\c Rcpcrtllf) 1 hl':tlcr. ri: pla ini, Pal rid. \1unoz 111 the role of Ck ante. fhi.: 'ho\\ con11nuc~ thru11gh Junl 12. l;.ill

3b· 79Zl.J for rc.,Cf\ j\1on'

Shadow cast by veteran actors in 'Shadowlands' By Chnstopher Trela $pectM to V.w..nd

E nglish novelist C.S. Lewis has been called one of lhis century·~ most extraordinary

men of letter . In addition to his ~ell l..nown novels and academic \o\-OJl<s, Lcwts is known to millions of children as the author of "The Lion, the Witch and the Ward­robe" and six other related fant:t· f.ies. He also wrote a number or unpretentiou works on Christian· ity and generated a body of cor­respondence to people who sought his advice and wisdom.

One of tho e corrc pondents was American poet Joy Davidman Gre­sham, who started writing to Lewis in 1950. Through lheir leuen, they built up a mutual admirat ion until Joy eventually moved to Oxford and married Lewis. It's this unusu­al relationship that I the basis for William Nicholson's play "Shod­owlands," which opens this week­end at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa. It's the final play of SCR's 1992·1993 Maiosuae season.

"Shadowlands" uplores many of Lewis' ideas on joy, grief, hope, love and faith. The play is also a fascinating look al a unique lime

and place: the intellectual ambi­ance of Oxford. England. in t}le 1950s.

''Sh:ido" lands" also offer four of SCR's Founding Art1~ts the op­portunity to v.ork together again.

During a reCCJ\t rch_ca~ break. two of the Founding Artist!>, Rich­ard Doyle and Hal Landon Jr., talked about their roles in the play.

" I play one of the Oxford Dons," explained Doyle. " He's one of his (Lewis) friends at the col· lcge. He's one of the lnl..lings, which was a group of Oxford Dons that worked toge ther and social· iLed together. It wa pretty much a men's club. There were no women there, and very few of them had encounters with women. In fact, some o r them we re cchbate :is a result of their de"otion to their c31lings as teachers at the uni\'er­sity.

''The character l play in 'Sh3d· owlands' is not dr~wn from a real· life character. Mo~t of us pl:iy :t compilation or people that arc rolled up into different chatactcrs. Mine represents a certain strata of the college faculty who frowned o n the re lat ion~ip that C.S. Lewis has wi th Joy. In fact, they frowned on

Actor Dakin Matthew will make hi SCR de but in "Shadowland ."

any women at all, but they had a deep love for Lewi anJ rc:.pect for his ab1li t1es a a writer." ·

Landon al\o portrays an Oxford Don in "Shndowland~." as v..ell as o doctor :ind a waiter. Uindon aid thnt lhc re carch he d1J on his characters wried, but mo t of hi and the other actor re carch cen­te red on 1950s-cra england.

"\Ve pent the fir t couple ul day... is rehearsal talking about what hfc v. a hlc at O\.!ord at th.11 11me nnd the 1..ind of ll\ci. that tho e guys h\eJ." rcc.ilkd L3ndon "Apparently 1t "a !..ind of clo1\· lercd. in some way kind of mqnl lake. They \\.ere dedicated to infcl­lectual pur&u11s. ln term~ of had..· around, l wn of arb11rat1l~ cho'c

tor rn) charJ1.1er a pwk '"H lll Grccl plulo,oph~ 1 hae\ 111.11h111~ 10 the \Cllpt lhJt .,J)\ tha t f 1.1r the y,;utcr. l c.ltJ" l c.lo J Int ol rc,l•;ird1 belJU~C 1 haJ lxt>n j \l. ,IJtl'r In lhl p.i,t, am.I I Jon l" 11'"~ m.1m do~tor:. l\c pl..1)cJ at CR··

Oo} le ':11J there "~"" a lot of c'· tlblishcd inhirma11l1n on thal er.1 and v.hat lhl''c linJ llf ml·n y,ere 111..c, but 11·~ 'till nc .. e,,:if\ 111 l'u1m: up \.\llh a hac\..gmunJ • tur \our duractcr

"You sort ol h.1,c w 'uppl} th· informJllOn )OUrscH bJ!lcd llO ''hat )OU haH: re carchcd · h~ ,.11d " 'I ou \\file ynur o" n li!O') I ph)''" cJllV sit Joy, n and "'111c a h1,1u" for · the char actcr th.11 I h.1H: somcthrng to draw on "

As to the question of "'hat it"• hlc to Y. orl Y.llh three other Jcto~ he\ known and \.\ Orled \\.-llh for ncJrly 30 >ear . Do)le Y,J'> c..1nd1d 1n h1!> rcpl). ·

" Do )OU h,1\e .my bn11hcf'\ or l\tCr\? \\'' It li\..e'l 1 h.11 \.\h.&t

11' hl..c \\'c love c.1ch other, we h.11c each other. ju1,1 hke hrnther. \\ c all have our lilc\ and J1,hkc,, :inJ ""e all know "'hat each other\ Ille\ .inJ d1 hlt.: arc If "'e want to get under somebody' 1ilon, v..e \\.\ C:\i&Clly ~h:lt to do." 0

Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday. May 27. 1993 3

-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••

SPICIAL • ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• By Chnstopher Trela Si>ttial 10 Wteltend

There is a recurring skit on "Saturday Night Live" about a man of Scouish descen t who runs a store in New York called All

I h111g) Scottish. It's a funny skit, but 11 also demonstrates the ongoing popularity of Scottish rte mi..

Well, this weekend, the United Scottii.h Society of Southern California will indeed be displaying all things Scottish at the 6 lst Jnnual Scottish Fci.tival at the Or:rngc County Fairgrounds in Co\tJ Mesa.

The non-profit United Scottish Solll.'t\, which has sponsored the c\cnt C\ll) )car, ""as formed to l"llWUrJgc proficiency in Scottish .1U1\1l1c) .rnd tu :J\)lllt charities t!.rl>uch J program of he II\.'\ 11kncc\.

H:lkJ J\ a l\w·dJy cultur:il c\tlJ\,1gJnLa ol S,:utl1'>h hcntage • .. ruud1 lllU'>IC, 1.bnce and athletic l•impc1111on. the lc\t1\a) 1) the l 1r;'1.0

\l annual '\c11tt1\h gathering in wuthcrn CJlrf11rn1J , I here arc lllllllCll>U'> C\Clll'> ,111J .ict1v1t1C'1 •lll fl111g h11th \ 1turd;1y .ind

,,,:id.1\ 1n,lud1ng l l1i.:lil.111d 0,incc. i'q ing .111d Uru111111111.!! \. l'llJll."(,( Ill\

I lie I 1p111g " of cour:.c. the t .11·p1p ' ""hrc.h odJI) enough did 11111 1111rrnatc rn Scotland The 1:arl1c,t rcc.orJcd u:.c \\.J\ in Eg)pt, ti,11 through the. )Cat\ the) \\Crc 1J,1ptcd b) ~cotland u1111I now hearing bagpipes 1s to 1mmed1ately th111I.. of Scotland.

It \CC01'.> people either love or hate bagpipes. Playwright George Bernard Shaw once said of them, " It's an ill wind that nobody played good." Fortunately, the pipe players at the festival arc among the best around .

There will also be a number of athletic events, most of which arc uniquely Sco1tbh. Jim Hunter, second chieftain and treasurer of the Scottish Society, said some of the events are pretty difficult.

"There's the infamous tossing of the caber, which looks like a telephone pole," Hunter said. "The longest one is 22 feet, and they weigh 150 to 200 pounds.

"Anot her event is the moM-grueling event I've ever seen. It 's called the farmers walk. The guys stand there with a handle with a weight on it, in each hand. Each hand is holding 150 pounds. They see how far they can walk."

Hunter laughed, then added: "They walk real slow at the end. You can sec them getting progressively tired. It 's tough."

The athJetes also compete with 28- and 56-pound weights that they throw for distance and helaht.

4 Orange Coat Weekend I Thur8day, May 27, 1993


SCOTTISH Music, games and kilts to abound when clans

.,.. - ---take over Orange County Fairgrounds once again for the 61st annual Scottish Festival

Most of the athletes are amatcuri.. but several professionals, including one nying in from Scotland, will also compete. •

New this year is the CaliforniJ Arm Wrestling Champion hip, which is sanctioned by the: Nat1on.1I Arm Wrestling Association. There will alw be soccer and rugby games, and an open dart tournament with $4,000 in prtzc:\ Even kids get in on the action with three-legged races, pillow fighti. and the like. The public is in\11teJ to compete in most of the nthlet1\. C\.COIS.

If you h:avc a bit of Scotti h blood no ..... ing inside you and arc: curious as to ""'hat clan you belong to, }OU c:in dt CQvc:r your ance\tr. at one of the: man)' clan tents 1h.1t ""''II be: set up on the fc~tl\JI ground

.. We: ha\.c :ibout 2ll clan' "" ho ......11 ha\.e rcprc cnt.ttl\CS, .. c\plamcd Hunter. " If )'OU g1> up :ind s.iy, 'M) name I\ Oro\\ n," \.Omebod)' can dm:ct }OU and 'J,\

'\\'ell, Urown 1i. a clan but the) 1 \'c: their allegi;incc: to i.~lmcooc: cli.c Bad,, an that era. ) OU hud a gu) \~Ith a CJ!>lk , and pl.'oplc that \\or~cd for him I hJt wa\ h" arm, I he people that belong to hi' c:l.111 \Wuld be a part of chat urmv."

' ou al\o might ""'Jnt to orang '4>mc money with ) OU to the (c,t1val, Hunter adw.ed, bccau\c there "111 be a ¥.1dc :irra) of f~h and mc:rchand1 e 3\.31lablc for SJlc.

" We have a \\hole building full of \.Cndors pro\11dmg imported foods, records and 1apes, T·Shlm :and all kind~ of clothing. You can get c~tal goblets nnd glasses with )'Our clan engraved on it. There's a wide spectrum of products that arc: for sale."

A number of Scottish entertainers will be performina at various times in the main uena, along with various athletic and dancing demonstrations. There will also be a demonstration of border collies herding ducks and sheep, something you don't see too often in Orange County.

One thing you do find around here is traffic, and since the swap meet will be open the same time: as the Scottish Festival, p~king will be at a premium. Eithe'r act there early or park acros the street at Orange Coast College and take the free shuttJe over to the festival 1rounds .

The Scotti h festival runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Adult admission it $10 for one day or S ~ S for both days. Rates for seniors and students ire S8 for one day and S 12 for rwo. Those under •ae 14 pay SI per day. For more information, call (310) 370.9887. 0

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Weekend prints listings, f tH of chvge, f0t arts, en­te rtal n men t and com­mun~ events in COit.a Meu and Newport Ustinp outside those cities run on a sp.ce available bas is. AJI li1tmp are need· eel two weeks before an event date; publication caMot be guaranteed for l11te listings. Send in­formmon to WHkend Jist· in11, do the Dilily Pilot, Ji-o w. lay SL, Cost.a ~ CA 92627. Items can be faxed to 646-41 70. For more information, a ll 642-4321, ellt. 366.


Ar1 Mu!.Cums • ou ... erl Mult'Ulfl of Ari 2002 ,..;orth MJ•n S1 ~1nt<1 Arla S6 ~ 1600.

II.on, ol Pow ·r Culture olnd Me.imng In the> ltonogr.:iphy found 1n tht' rnhman Ctillt-.. t.c..n ol Alr1< Art" by Armand I lJblJo• r.n \>t'W 1nckf1nitely through 1994 . Hour~ 10 ;i m ·S pm Tu~} Sunday. Adn11~\1un S4 .50 for .idults. Sl for W'ntOr1 .tnd \ludt'nts •nd S 1 50 for ch11drt>n under

• tf'\ine Museum, 18861 \on A\e, lrm1e .i "'6.02<14 Mu~'Um d 1pl;iy­P'~~ and documents Cal.for ni.1 art.

8 Lagun' Ari Museum 307 Cltll 01111e, Lagull.l Beach. 494 6531 "N tht He;in · JmpreuR>nmn 1n tagu11J Be.Kh BefOfe 1930" conunun through Junt' f> • 75 Worl..s, 75 Year\ CoHKtrng the Art of (..ilr forn..i" through Jul) 11 Hour' 11 .t m 5 pm Tuesday-Sunday General Adm1»i0n n . adults; SI so. V'nt()( C1t1zen~\ludents, free, children under I 2

8 Laguna Art Museum

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pl.u" S..tellite lHl Su;.col St Cr,;w M~ 662 Hf.6 '!>clt.-<.led Worl. From tilt' ~~'~'-'· .l Cu "'h <.h feat11re a g.11 c,f 54 .irt\\oAs gr\1:0 10 the museum in 1991 \Jy loo1s.e ilnd>rd C\.,qu1>l, cont·n~ ... throudl July 11 Hvurs 1 T .i m -S p m T"May ~nd.i> Adm1»K>f'. SI W-Sl

• fl.e.,.port H.irbor Art Museum 850 SJn Clemente 011\t.' "-l'V•f)Qrt BeJC:h. 75'J· \Ill " Be)und the 8.iy lhe f1Ku1e ' .in e~h1l>111on ~t.a)ong the Museum·) per­m.incnl c<>llect1on arid 1e.1tures recent dC · qu1s111ons related tu lhe B.w Area f1gurJll\C ~hool will be on \o1ew 1hrough June 27

It e '' "'"' O( OI •Jm Jun..• P.a ~!COO lt'rt'd i,, m;1n~· .u 1t;c IJtt' r vi 1'"~ . idco 'C• u hon 1n 1npo •al) ,1r1 on l"\ i11u: on 11 ruui:,h Junt' 2;' t lours 10 J m ·5 fl m T uhd .• .,.surn.1~-.. Clo)lr ~ tin" ~11da.~ ,., 8 pm AUm1won s.i ft>r ia fohs,_ S:' I ,, " ni<Jf c1t1.ten~ and ~1udent~ .int.I irl·c Im cl11l dr~ri urn.!1:r l 'l .inil men ~ ••

Commu nity Galleries 8 BanlAmeric" Callery '> c11h to.Ht Metro Ct'ntt•r '> >S Anl ,,, Hlll'll , C.o~t.1 p rn M~ 433·60!!0 ·s Cu.,,,, an i••h•U·I 1o • 111·1

Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday. May 27. 1993 5


Commercial Galleries • The Blue C.illery 16062 Be.ach Blvd., Hun1ong1on Beach, 8.C 1 · 7 5 51 An txhtn1t ft<1tu11ng the photography o( Ooannt' Rear­don closes Monday Hour1 10 a m S p m Mond.i>- through Frld.ty Fr~ admission

• The Ch uck .)ones Show Room 2900 E. C<>.lsl Hwy .. Coron.i del 759· 1232 l1m11ed ed1oon eels, drawings .and m1J1ed medo.l worl.l by Mike Pt'ler1 l"Motht>r Goose .ind Ct1mm"I on vlt"W

CATHOLIC• SINGLE? The Cathoffc a1ng1 .. Networtl

Or11n99 CcM.tntr t>rlnga togeth lmerestlng, active, profnslonal

men & women who 11lare 1lmllar lntere1t1 and poettlve valuff l

•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••

SUMMERTIME SIW E -~Soulhern Callfonm, it is continuaUy When )QI consider

· how m•ny choices ate at •ny gi\'en moment on how to spend your fn!e time •nd money for amusl~ entetWnment .00 recreation. ~ • with Oranp Coon s pedal· to-the·meta ~ ol ~t. 'h'!rctty iieeds to venture much ~nd Pilooand to find • feast for the senses. E~Hy during the summertime sizzle when the acceleration syndrome seems to be at Its peak.

If the visual •rt scene is your P.ifticular sliver of choice, there's lots for the tal(ing in the months ahead. Headlined by u~ Art Museum's "IWstom kulblre'' eXhibltion

Arts showcasing the tc:Ulpture aaltan d the Scene underground custom car scene. end Newport

Harlxii M Museum's~. #ferry Alea: Youth In AIN," the se~'s df~ will no ind~ a ~dun~~~ ixhibits and the grand re-opening ol ~ 5'i!ftus' in Tri&~ In nelCt week's column, after a Memorial D~ hiatus, I 'II do an art scene overview u the~ flag falls to ltlck olf ttie thn11s OI summer.


263 E. 17th St.•Costo Mesa• 631-4009

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through Ju~ 25 Hour\ 10 .i m -6 Pm Saturday-Thu™1.ay, 10 .i .m ·9 P'" Wednesd.iy through Fn IJ\ • Circle Callery South (<>.hi Plu.i lH S Bristol St, C0>ta Ml.'SoJ )40·~07;" 'Doo glu Hofmann Cl.1 1 .11 \'1~1eins ol \\ omt'n," Jn l.'\h1b1hut' i( <kt.ulloJ p.11nl tn~ tlnd gr.1ph1u. on ' 1-w throui.;h Jun<' t louh. \ 0 ii m ·Y pm \\Md.1\ I 1eJ.l~ . 10 a m 7 pm Salurtl.w; 11 <1 m ·II pm Sun· d<1y

• Cosby Caller> J40~ \ 1.1 Op<1rtn, l'l'"• port Bt>ath 7 H ·l'"'i8 1 ho' l\11ntoni; tlw W0th.l • ~re<') h\ t t••li\ t ""' •n"'"' md..i1 nocely Hour). 10 "·'" '• \> m Tho,,..1°11 MondJy; T .md \\I"• 111'l' l.Jy by .ip po1nrmcn1 <1nl~ F •C'<' .ttl "~ion

• Ot' Cru( Art In<. J~ JO ,..,t·nu1• ol tht• Aru. lO\Ll M1-...1 ss- .: ~o>ld ~.n1 tn~ by lliz.ibelh lJlou• l'I. <111\llnUC\ in· definitely Hoof\ 10 10 .1 m <.. p m l lit"'· dJ)·SalurdJy fosx·n unJ I IS pm I rocl.1\ I f1Ci! aJmbWun.

• fl>inA Squirrel 1 ! O J !rd ~ (crJ 1 ,..~'SJ . 6'12 OlC.2 Nfht. Uncl'll.tonl\ r topic ' lt'Jlur•ri: r~ "''011.;) ol :11.ulpturl', phologr.iphy .ind ~11nlmg ln'fltrt'd b) 11\t>'. p11, .,r ltht unc1,-ia1n1y I"'" cople t\ .1 r.f pl1\\ICll and f'1T'IC\ A>

soc~t.ion ~by the lit~ the~. C1>n11n ua ttwou~ullt' 6. P•rtic•J)Jllng C '"I.I Mes.J M •rtists inc.luck Jolt'ne ii ii l my Cherney, Hef\dnl..s, Jahn K.u1 • ta~ .MCTyier .Ind Paul Walter lii >U"> 9 p m. Thurtd.Jy· noon .c p m, 'i•·Suncby and ~ •ppotnt~n1 , 11

acfm1"'on • C.ilerie 224 22" For~ A'r L.1 • i BeKh, 49.C-5757. WUC'M by ThomJ• .., t n1sh1, P~ ~'· le-Roy t-:t•om.>n P1 I• MJ,, Victor Vasa1tly and Al\ar .ire 11 ;i: I 1nd\'fm1tely Hours 10 a n1 t> I Sunday·Thursdav; \0 .i m.·~ pm f11 I \.;11urday Fr~ admission

• The Cr~gOr)' w llt'')'/Ruuell J.ttl{U\\ ~1udlo )406 \11.i ltd<>. /l.o~ pofl h · 7 23 0887 pa1n11n~ " ' t;t.m a-ian·ucs .>nd cralts bl rt1;i<K1JI .1 ' • .ll rt>.HOnable poc~ Ru)"'! l.l«I 11'\ •

~tlOn.ll KUlptot .and p.1 nlC'r, 1)1'1 f"t'" • pa1n1tng ~'tty S.lturch~ ·SunJ.1~ 1rorn .l m 4 p.m Ho) flortl~ .lncf l!Sfra I ;u 1111,~ .1long .~h 111• ITI{ .1~11~n "' tu•e-t .&re ieatu1j!(j t t..>ur) 10 .1 m 1 ' dJ•ly, open until 10 ,, .m lhLi•>dJ; ~turtlJy

• Hoc!Ad 51.lmmer Art C.ill1·f)' • Ctour\ A.\~ 1'ewpo« .Sue., ( oo• l'\h 1.J.1 (t~IUfe<> tlf1 .n.i • ..ahlt '



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6 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday. May 27, 1993


AR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••• ••• •• ••• •• ••• ••••••• ,

sale by mote !Nn 20 Southern uhlornia artists in all typrs ol media. Hours: 6-9 p.m. Monday-Friday an4 by appointment

• Uihin.i G.illeriet 1173 · Newport Center Dr .. Newport Be.x:h, 721-9117. On ~· manent are works by Guy Buffet Marc Chipl, Liu Chun, Fredeock Hilt J.ln Ki~. H. & Thomas Leung. Rob­ert Lyn Nelson, Hisashi Quuka, l'ilorman Rod<Well, Adolf Sehfing. Andre.i Smith and Cary Swan.son. live mt~inment pro­vided 6-9 p.m. Fndiy-Satu~. Hours; Mondiy·SatUrday, 10 a.m.· 10 p.m.; Sun­day, 11 a .m.·7 p.m.

• Ui Roche eau...y SOJ 31st St. Newport Beach. 673-3301. " New Worit," an exhi· btoon ol WOfb by painter Rex Gross, close 5.lturday.

• Len Wood' s lndiu T urilory G.illtty &r Muwum ol the First 'eos>~ JOS North Coast Hwy.. Laguna Bead\, 497-5747. "100 Years ol ~JO Weaving Show and Sale" on view througf\ Monday.

• lo-(1 RM Art 3431 v~ Oporto No. 100-C. Newport~. 723·1921 . Anima­tion ~ from Disney. Don Btulh, Walter Linz. Hanna-~rbefil ~ The Simpsons ~atured .. Houn: 11 a .m.-S p.m. Mcindiy ilnd Thursday-Friday; 10 a.m. -6 p.m.· unt..y: 10 il.m.-5 p.m. Sunday.

• Marpnt .... Studio and G.illtty 700 1/1 UrNtion Ave.. CorON drl Mar, 760-9100. Callery ~.llUre mixed·medi.l monoprinu ilnd Wiltef'Colors by Marpet Bedell and limited prints ilnd embcit6ed watt'f'CC>lon by Whittemofe. Houn: 9:30 a .m.·S:JO p.m. Tueday.Thunday. or by ~ntment free admision.

• on the w..a G&Mety 2123 M.lJn St, Huntington Bead!, S36-6488. Worb by Behrens, ~. Lopn, 5.lsaone, Blum· h.iaen. Cosby ilnd Watd are on view ln­dd:n11ety. Houn: 10 a.m.-6 p .m. Monday-

Friday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 5.lturday; 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 54.lnday. Free admission.

• Off the W..U Call«ry 34'41 · B Via Lido, Newport Bc.x:h, 723·59SO. Works by ~1 Nagel, H~nraets, Mukai, Archef, KinQOe, Behrms and ~ are on per­manent d~y. Hours: 11 a.m.·6 p.m. Monday-Fncuy; 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m.·5 p.m. Sunday. Free admission.

• $Melstone G.illffy 384-A N. Coast Highway. uguna Beach, 497·677S. Ah­str.Kt WatercOlors by DofOthy EUnlen on display through June 6. Hours: 11 a.m.-S p.m ._

• Sartor Cal~ry S40 S, Coast Hwy. lOS. uguna Beach. 494·6S66. urol1ne Zimmefmann's one-woman exhibitJOn "Vi· slons," featuring paintings of eJ(()(ic $Un drenched locations in H.Jwaii, ~in, and France will run through June 12.

• South Cout Alt C~ltt 283 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, 646-4S45. Animation eels, original wood 5CUlptures and ceramic piec· es w a wlection of limited edition litho­iv aphs and serigl'aphs by VMious artists are on perrNMnt display. Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p m. Monday· Frid.iy; 10 a.m.·S p.m. Sat­urday.

• S&uy Sheets flM Alt G.illmn 14988 5.lnd Ullyon A~ .. Suite 1·5, Irvine, 733· 04.-45. An ~ ol orig;nal WOfit by Mit­brd Sheets, Phil Dike, Rex Brandt and 1Nny odlers continues througtl June 20.

• Sb&.vt ~Lt' Loft 2091 ~na unyon Rd., l..ljpJna Beach. 4 9 7 -1 oga. · 'ScJec:tnJ Delinquency,.. featuring WOfb by bttna upparelli, Arthur Coutte, Greg Qlbenon and INllY mote, doses ~Y· Hours: 11 1.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

• SWdio c.Jltty 1790S Sky Pa.rk Circle, Suite N, IMne, 8S1 ·9Hll. Pans-born painter Oanielb Foleno exhibits her new lefleS " le Cirque cir i. Vie" lhrough June

11 . Free admission.

• Thrillyou Alt Studios 333 Cabnllo. Costa ~. 642-S978. Original Olis and watercolors; paintings from Bali, lndones.a; wood carvings and masks featured. Hours: 11 a.m.·7 p.m Tuesday-Saturday by ap­pointment

• Time S~ Gall«ry 3326 N Coast Highway, laguna Beach. 494-0944. Exh1· bitlOfl "Currents" featuring the works of Ounan Simcoe, Myrell.l Moses, Jerome Cist<lldi and many more on \oiew.

• The Worb Gallery South at Crystal Court. 3333 Bear St, Suite 31 S, Costa Mesa, 979-6757. Works by Lita Albuquet'· que on view 27 through July 11 Re­cepcion S·7 pm. Saturday. Hours. 10 a.m.·9 P·l"fl· Monday-Friday; 10 a.m· 6 p .m Saturday; and 11 a m ·6 p.m. Sun· day. free admiJSion


• Condol.i Com~y ol Newport in ltdo M.lr1na Vil., l400 Via ()pofto, Suite 103 B, Newport Beach, 675-1212. Venice come"S to Newport as one-hour auises ol the bay and canals on VeMtian pldolas are olfered. Speci.ll wedding and wi~ cruises avai~. C05IS range Trom S 15 to SJO per penon.


USTING INIORMATION: If you hne an t evtnt list.ins °' cha.n~e ol lnf0tmatlon for BlackBoOlc. direct inquiries to Ben­jamin Epstein, c/o Blacldlook. , ,0. Box




Exeelleat Steaks Served by Frleadly People In A ComfortUle Setdng

Open fol Lunch at ff a.m. 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson, Costa Mesa in

HARBOR -$CENTER cal b more information or reservations:


1S00· 184, Corona del Mar, CA 9262S. A more complete calendar runs the first Tuesday of every month. Phone 760-2622.

lelend: OC, Orange-County. BT, black tie. 8T-opl, bl.ick lie optional. pp, per p«rson. TBA. to ~ arranged.

• Pros Cujld Dinner, May 27 at 7 pm . Opera Pacific meeting at Center Club, Costa Mesa. Cont.let Rkh.lrd Deary, S46 7372

• Malt Jackson Bowl-A-Thon, May 29. 3· 6 p.m al Kona Lanes, Costa Mesa. Adulb . S 1CW1ods, SS includes three games •nd shoe rental. ConlKt James Potter, 490· son • Dinner, June 2 al 6:30 r m • Const1tu· IJOnal Rights Foundation o OC/Programi for Youtti at Four Seasons Hotel, N~polt Beach S17S pp. Phone 451·38S7.

• Celebrities I have known a.nd have been, June 2, Ho.g Hospital SS2 Oub meeting at Hyatt Regency Irvine. ~ote speaker, Rich little S7S pp. Phone S74· 1208.

• fashion btrav~ganza, June 2 at 11 :30 a.m .. Angelitos deO Oro presoenlS urol1na Herrera fall collectK>n at Hyatt regency Ir-

vine. S 100 pp. Phone 673-8632

• Creal Good food. June 3 at 11 30 a·.m., FOCIS author's luncheon featur~ Julee Rosso at Center Club, Costa Mesa S30 pp. Contaci Lynne Koiner. 644-0140.

• Wild Wild West. Jurie S .11 8 p.m., ca· Sino night for "A Coun1ry fourth ... Hun tmgton Beach fourth of July Parade Con tact J0c1n Murph1nt>, 499·1367 ·

• Circus Day. lune 6, 1 ·S p m • Bethune Theatredan~ Outre.><:h .11 Crean residence, Santa Ana He1glm Adults, S6S. Young adults 11 · 17. S 10 Children 10 and under, Cree Conr•ct Marge Freeman 642-3129

• Bristol Park Medical Croup Cotr Cl•s· sic. June 7 al noon. c~ Mesa Senior Center at ·Costa M~ Col( & Country Club S 1 SO includes golf and awards dinner Phone 64~·2356

• St.ig Shoot, tune 9 ar 7 30 a m .. Ho.g Hospital SS2 Club at 0C Shooting and Training Center, El Toro; dinner follOws at Officers' Club. El Toro Marine Base. S 1 SO pp Dinner.only. sso Phone S74-n08

• P.iir·A·Dice bltlnd. June 12, 6:30-11 p.m., Americ.ln Diabetes Assn. dinner, " tropical" casino nlRtlt and silent auctlOfl al Crean residence, »nta Ana Heights BT· opt. Phone 662-7940.



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Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, May 27, 1993 7

• ~P'"' ol Gi•ing Jurl(• l ! "' (, Ill I> rn, l II It 'I"' J.-,.,cJ, d1nn<·• .ii .\nJh1•1m 'l.t1rr 11 Ill SI.') pp (1.nt.111 MJr~ .,:, ,.,. ! I I b!b 4(111

• ~<·n1or follil'$ lune 11 .11 f, µ m ( o)IJ \11·,.1 .,. n1 ,, (t'ntt'r ""\ 1,11 Bt1•Jcl'°'.I\ pro ,J.,,,111111 Jnd Alte11;I '"' p.irf) .ii \C''"'" 1en ll·t < •• t.J "'"'><! St S pp l'hun<' (i-IS l J'>u

a " lcM•ph <1nd the Am.uine. Tec.hniwlor Drl'Jmco.:it," lunP 11 JI 1 pm V11.J Cu1ld ' '' (l1wr.1 Pai 11ic ir1p to lm "ni:rl••\ f'Jr.1.11-:•' l h1· 1lrl' ( 11n1Jrt Hue k Hue h.1n.1n, h -l J 1411/l

a I tu" the West ""a) Won 1••111' 11 di b JO p n I 1,t,1ndl'<\ .rnd CrJCI· c •• 11.1~1· "' ~ ,1 1.1 <' ll'J\;U<' rl1nn1•r t,1,h111n ~liow Jncf \\ 1-.11·rn t'l1lerlJ1nnil•nt JI "''"'pl•l'1 C~nlt·r f.t'>h1on lsfJnd ~llS pp (11111.ttt D1JnJ Urc•m1l1·~ -c.o 011 "'

• M.t"-\tmum SK. IOK June I l ,1t 7· 30 J m \.,ulh C1iunt\ SJfc R1dt..., .incl 11 MJ"'~ run thro •1-\h la~una ..,.1gu1•f R11~1nnJI Park (""'·"I v.,i...,. (..Jr.1bin1, IU I (i 1 (;I

• All)~ \\alli OC June H, 101-. Wallo.J tli<>n 1ri l"m" Ph1>roe 'IS'; 1400

• )urw 1 j .11 I, p ni h'\H.h ~·n1ur c .. 0 111 ,11 lt~Jlt Rl'~tnq ll\1nt St7S µp Pl • " .I > 5 5 JI a C.ountry Down with Cabaret June 18 .it • j I pm CahJ'l'I ch.1ptcr C>I ex. f>t'I

fc.11n11;: ""' Co•ntC'r \\·rn <fan<<' .ind hulf1 t 111 H.1l!10J 8J' Club "t'"P"rt Bt•.11 h S l'I 111 .1 J.Jn< I'. S-l5 di d1.o0r l'h•1n1• ]IJ] ,8111

• tOUlh 1l1tthd~y .ind [ \hibit1on Open· ing I Hll' .'IJ JI ) p m , '><•H•11n \\ undt'r mJ11 '.luwum d1nnl'' "><•luu-. c er.im1t1\I H1'.1lr111 Wcxxl di Ch.intrd,111,' Mu .f•um 11wmlJ<·r~. S 1 IJO pp Non nwrnh<·r~ ) I .u ( r 111.1r I ,\\Jr. ( tml 4 ~ 2 11 J/j

a roundeo G.ala. lunP Jli . Opo.i 1'JC1ftC

JI lo Jl•nn l!jA (11ll!Jtl Dc·,uy )41. ·1·2

8 ln\l.tllahon Cru1~e lum• 30 .it 11 a.m,

Beth Cobb


Reth { 'obb i~ tnkinl( Cht' dn~ off.

•••••••••• •••••• •••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

A ••••••••••••••• • ••• •••••• • ••• ••• • ••••••• • ••••• •••

Mui,cum lount1I ul Ne""J>Ofl Harbor Art M~um luncht'On on Ntowport Bay, de· p.1rture trom T~ C.lnnery Phone 759· 1111



• Ballroom 0.incing. 1.tlO \V 18th !>I , Ohta M~. 6-44 5110 A cl.i~ on bJll· room d.1n("lng tlnd \. .. ·~ Co.a)( s'"'"R <) ol· fered 6·7 Tut.~Jy night~

FILM & VIDEO thrto.iW"t tilth gr.kk' <llf 1n .. t1"1 111r 1-1 u 'l><:d or~ntN trJlb an:J oth<•r fun .it l p "' \\ t"dntW)' m~·hn~ <JI ti ,. l'·• ~Club 8 ,..~~pott Beach Pubhc L1b1.1r)" l • ' I \Ur Br~,.. h 420 "'--"f:' I "'

r<,n.J dd t.1. ti 6.U ) 18 l "I' .1>1 I " :in.I h1turt- ol Som<' 1"\.lr "'' A f111nds" ~ thto 11de ol., tree :a!1111lt"" I 11,r.1m. It> l;e fol\(7>\\'d by tl'• ~I l f1 Jun• \ 1l'rL' rl"\.on " not II\ .t m

a f ive Poinh and Crill 18&85 M.lln 'it Suite 11 , 111.lnt•ngtun Be.ith, 8 41 • 1&79 A fr<.'<' t•H•n1ng of"top-notch comedy pw'>t'nted \'h·dn<">dJy w•lh comed13n Bob p._.,1..ell !.er.•ng ii\ ffi4\tt'I o( Ct'1emon1es <10<1 well 1.nvwn comi<' Tom M<Cillen

• Costa Mesa Quicksteppers at (11..t.1 M<.">ol SenlOr Ct11zen CentN, 191.h ~tr«·~'i .ind Pomona A~t·nu1>, C1bt.i MesJ, 54 S 5669 A semor 1.:111zen squ'Jrl' d.:incl! 8tul•ll 54.'t'I.) <>•peri~nrc-d dJOC'l'IS to to'" 1J.em d 1 e.:ich Thursd;iy 411 9 a m 1•

1 JI' '

• 1'. c-~purt Buch Public Libr.irt "'"'J c '"'"' l!r.uuh 85Ci \.1n Ckr"'t nw l •• "''''°'l'°'t BNrh. &H )l lS \11 .ii l "' :... in tilt' Hom{"' ' 11 11 1• l1tlt• c.I 11 l I • nu'< f'lg <>f P.i11•n\1"" 101." ;s II•·• v . ..

Jm.I Lenny ~hm1dt h<·Jdl1n1ni; • • Golden Wtst Colle~e M.t1n"-!bt' I I l· ,ttre 1574-1 C.Oltkn Wt.i !>t,. 11u111lr stun •'.---------------81.'.i<.h 6')5 8378 B.illt1 Rt·pcnory Th<-.itn• pre~.>nb "l~ fou~ St>.H>fl\," "(.arn".il •

MEETINGS & SEMINARS l11(wn • "" <1111J 11 ar1nr il..,11\

• •mproviulion <I JS'i C1mpu~ Dr No 1 \8, Irvine 654 5455 Jnhn St~art ap­pea~ ttuovgh Sund.iy Rhond.i Bobby per­turms Monda\' T S 1 S

'Oun Qul\ote pot> de dco' and StuJ· · ----- --- - - ----­·~. • .i new on1;• v.0tl. by Rio. Crt')', 7 JO pm frtdJ\ l1Ckt;.~ S5 S8


• O rangl' Coast Coll~t' fen~ Arb Recital I I.all, 2701 ~a1rview Rd . (~t.l M~ 4)2-5772. A three-unit cou11oi' 1hal 1each~ t~ an oi impriwisatlOO offered in ~1x and eight-week ~ion~ fx:g1nnmg June 14 . A >C?cond six week !>()S)1on begin~ June 28 It meets 9 a m · 2 p m Saturday\ Fi.~ S 10 1S50 (0< ttiw• with a b.ichclnl''s ckgrl.'e o< higher). Reg1!olra11on appotntmenu begin lune 7 .

• Or.inge CountT Cr.iie' JI 1'<"K1fie S)m­phony 8u1ld1ng. 1 5 l SJnl.a An.i Blvd . !ianl.l Ana 550 9900 TC I Or.ange an Jll ·1mpr0\.1~r1<.nJI «1rtwdy wvue, pre sented 8 p m fridJr J1int 4 l 1< ke~ SJO S12


• r u h ion Iii.ind Nev.port Centl•r 0fl1.(' al.Jove Pacific Coasi Highway, N~ port Bt>ach, 721 ·2000 lhr Cusiom Home lm­P'°"ement Show .it f.i.h!Qn Isl.and. ~•th mo<e th.Jn 35 boolh l1lled wtlh Custom Ho~ ideas .ind such continues through June S. 8 Orange County M.irl.el in the mam p.irk1ng IOI at the<' County f.11rgrounds. 100 fw Dme, C~ta M~. 723-6616. Weelend, op<'n .air sw.ip meet C~t: SO c.enb (.ige 12 & under frt'el

• Wt-st Co.ut Club .it tht' Warerrront Hilton 6c•ach Rl'\(>rt. 11100 P.icmc C11.1,r I hflhw,1y. 1 luntington lll'JCh, %0 SL'Rf " I v.o Step Tor..tlay," .1 country c1Jnc.t• ~ll<MCJSt" for tho-1• \v~O v.,Jnl CO lt•,lf , !Ill' lau:)t ~trp!>. hq;1ns ~1th complinwnl.lry bullt't .it 6 pm. Jnd ~ .. om frum 7·8 1'11 CO'-"~'f


llt-nd ~lurln IJlrd 'li Ta ... f• lng11 and Tldblc i./ pu.ce 1$

Huntington Shores Motel Romantic Weekend

• 3 days · 2 nights • 4 p.m. Checkout on Sunday • Continental Breakfast

s99 Includes tax 21002 Pacific Coast Hwy Huntington S.Och 1-800-554 6799

MONDAY NIGHT Family Special

,........, ....... -. ... ,.....

• Alt.i Coff~~ W.itt•hvuw & Ro.i,tini C" .. Oh 3 hi \I "1"¥1 Jll.XI 81'.l h r "' ,.1,J/ T.i•.i. lo Cuwl"') 1wrfom1 11.t ur"f"'' da c.11 r ;f .. n1uw ;II ft lO pm \\1~!"' i.J fr .1J·111)~

• Mu•ic f t• Coron.a .. .:.o -ea.. f rH' pc·rform.'I"- '"

•ui Julfcf c;:ir .1f'Sr.'":\ "' ,\ rt~ E ptl&'.np.JI Chur h i. H P.a 1fic ... [)i,,f', •nd Shl:rmJn l IJ!<il)i t. l~rd• rn .t.45 ra\I Co.iu H~,.,~. b<x in lrn .t rJ. I \\Jt Sund.iy. funC' 6 4 p m .:a• '>t Mid lt'I World vrem•l'IC' al ..i Cfll\< 1•rtn 111

Wh.1t lt1trld he: ~111:r 1 h11111~ 111.1,lt· \\,lltlt• ,1.1t11m.

n"' "'"''~' 1\, lllll\l" l\I IMlll trc'h fruit,, H'~"'·' C r.·111 t<. for..- .11 1 hl· hl1.·, .ind dwc~'· 1:• 111m\\'I

W.1t1.•r1ronr I l1lt11n ,,,t,,,k 111tr V1cnn 1 Jt.·,wrt l~'.ll h ltc:" 1rt )U'I t .1hlt.•, ,11111, n l 1,1 llJl"\C

' tt.'f'' fwm tlw lx.1"h -.. .lit th t l h.11np.•1!"" En111~ .1 fl .hi uf .111..l lrt.•,h ~IU 'l".l"\l ,,r.11' ''

~ .. rfn11\l ' Jlt..'l t tlt1c' ,in.I ~uu111l·n1 Jll llt." \t.JU'J lr l 1.•

SUNDAY NIGHT SPECIAL- CBJCDN, IIU A lllSllET BINNEI Oll'.lt ~, CX411" 11C c~ dt.Jw~ ,1nJ C;ilf tod.t'\ for l"l'~rv.a t lono.. m k1l'•ll1•or,icr 11mdt."1t1:'; um .. (71 4 )9<>0· 7~7 l.

"'1 BBQ f.h1d1rn, BBQ Spare Rib. & Brnliet of Beef lodudu Baked Pouto, Stana, Coni oo Cob & Colt 1'w. Scrvrd from S:OO p.m. Titr "'''rt',..~· '/. ~

~fr..t--- ·=PCI •• RH<ll IC~ ••••

1714 Plaee ntla (•' 17th) Costa Me (hi \c111t#k·m l 1l1fum111't n ... ,,

2111.\l l'<K1 lll C u l•t Hw\ lfun t111i.:wr1 HeJ1.h, ( A 11~ 1'><4tl

8 Orange Coast Weekend I Thuntday, May '1:/ , 1993

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • •••••••••••

A A ··········~···································~···· ····~··································· · · · · ·· · ..

neo 8.aroqUC' M)le. comm~>IOnf'd b-, the fest•\.11. by com~r Robi·tt Linn for ~'lofd .and S(ring OfChNr.a. .al>o incl~ WQl\s of Bac.h, CoupeM, Telc:m.ann .and the French 18th centut) Of· pn~ .and compo'>"r M·dwl Correne. Mond.ay, JuM 7 8 pm .it SI•I: ~>l Robert BJt~ pl.i)') •n .a rl'(1t.ll ol WO<~ by 8.l(h Bu\tehude, Pacflt-lbel, P.ablo Brun.a oind Huj.'O 01\her Compk>ting lhe progr.1m 1\ .a ~Jta for vlOlin .and keybo.ard by 18th cen11.1iy frt•nch composer Jt>.in·M.Hlt> lecl.iir 1n "'hK.h B.ltts will be IO'ned by "'°''"'st Robin Ohon, Fest1ul OrrhNra concert·

County Pt>r1orm1ng Arb Centet. bOO To .... n Center Or~e CoSt.a ,\\CW, 556-ARTS The ~. under the dorect1on ol mui.< d•rt'C1or CJrl St. Cla•r condudl"> 1u 1992 9J Cl.i}- • SICS Serlt'S 8 pm. 'w\ed~y .and Thut-s­d.ty. June J with .a P'OJr.)m fe.ilu11ng Mozart's S<>renade l\o 6 Serenat.i Not· turn.i," BH-too"en'\ S-ympoony " o 4 and SllilU\S' St>renJde for Winds and Stllome's 0Jnce and final Scene from Sdlome" with guest sopr.sno E.alynn Vasi Tit.lets are SI J. U 7. Concert ptevl('W) 7 p m both Nenings. Thf' sccOnd coocert "'111 be broodca5t l"'e nn KUSC-FM '

m.aster WednesdJ~Junt" 9. 8 p m •t ~· Jm, New Age & Blues (.,uclenl ano Amy K.lM J,lr· mJn .and b111tone hn>topht>r Lindbloom perform B.uoque canLlt.u by H.indrl ;and • Alta Cofftt House .11 Tri.ingle SquJre, '7th ceontury \ com~r Antonio 1870-A H.irbof 81\d. No JOO. C01.a

, C•ldt"r.a . .as well ,u Bach"s follsy Pe.awnt MeS.I, ~6-7440. Ceol-yn performs C.antat.a B.aroque btalol mu~ will be heard contemporary folk and bl~ .lt 8 )0 p m a fr~o .as the .Judie~ .am .. t'l beg•nmng \\ednesday free adm1uion lD minut'1 before the concert FrMMy, • Birraporetti's •t South C~~ P1.u.a June 11 , 8 pm at SherrNn C.rdens nn Br~ol St., c~ ~. BS0.9090 ~'J>$'ChofdiR M.llcolm H.>m1lton "''" be p I..,_ Qv "" 8 Mood.J hurd in rf'Ot.ll, pl.lying w>k> Wott.s bv Bach au ...... nt ,,...ys p m y. and Sc.a1Lltt1, and joinfd bv oboist Oon.ild • UI• Lido SOI )0th St. "'°"'PO't Be.ach, lu~e .and b.u.oQnist Wood for 675·2968 W•)'nt" \.\•yne and Tom Zink m1NC ol. H.andel .and• SONt.a bv 18th cen· perl01m smooth j.a.u tomsl't. Frid.iy, "'hen tury Fr~ composer ~ph ~moftteT. chert is a SS rover. fe<uurt.'\ Bernie Pe.irl S..roque brus mll\IC \\.111 .ii)() be pla)ed 30 .and HarmontCa f.Ju Saturd.iy. when t~e m1nuto before the co«ett Saturd.ay, JuM n .a SS CO\er, fe.i1u10 ~1.U Benneu •nd

• 12. 4 pm at St MICh.lcl' The fest1•.il s The M.lxx 8Jnd ~11~ 8 30 pm e>e· - & wle pte.cc1S. .~I·~ ~r·_.£..~ Fr~r:.S.Uu!d.ays )9 j> .m I

forming 8.IJi's C.inLlt.a r-;o 70 l"W~ • Tht (Minery JOIO lafa)ette A"e , ~let ') .. and the dr•mahc oratorio, N~pon 8e3Ch, 675·5777 lhe Derek

Jepthe, by Q.KOmO C..11u1m1 Complet· Borde<aux Group pla)'S 8 p m to midnight 1ng the p< are .i neo- 8.aroque motet Sunday by Br.ihms and IWO works by Henry· • Purcell. 1nclud1ng hn for Trumpet • C1if>PC!r Y•cht Ch.irters J101 W P;ic1f1C and Slrtngs Collt Hwy.. Suite 200. Newpon BeilCh,

S9 9S Poirling SS R~n.itlOIU recom· mended

• oiedrich Coffee 360 I IJmboree Rwd 1'ewport ~ach bl3·9143 Fm.ii Approach performs iau Friday. The Bill l"olte Duo perlorms JUZ S:alurday f rtt admlSsion.

• Hy.ill Newporter 1107 J.imboree Road Ne"port Bc:ach . 729 1234 Third annual sp11ng.wmmt'r 'JJ.U l•~e al the Hyatt' conccr1 scnt!S pr~nted f 11day ~enin~. May 28 through Sept 10. on the ho1e1·~ outduor .imph11heater o~erlookmg the Back Bay The lineup 8-0b Florence L1m11ed Edi· tion, this Fnd.iy. Budd) Collette Quartet featuring frt.'Cl June 4 Kim Richmond ).&U Orc~tra. lune 11, Jacl Sheldon Big 8.lnd June 18, 8-0b C0<1per-Con1e C.andoli Qu1nlt'l. June 25 Ccr.ild \\'1l>0n Big B.ind, Jul-y ! Cilrry 01Jl·D1ck 0Jtt3 Bras.worls, July 16, Carol Slo.ine, July 2 .I, the Music of c.r CY.ins featuring Art F.irmcr, July 30 Ch.irl1t> Haden's QUanet \'\e..t, Aug 6 8111 Holman Ordiesu.a, Aug 13 the music of lee Kon1tz & lenme Tn)t.ino re.itunng Ca"t Foster and ALln Bro.idbent, Aug 20. MJrk o\-1.l>ters Orchewa featunng )lmm-y Knepper and Billy I IJrptr. Aug 27. Wood~ nds Wt"\& frJnk Strauen .ind Bill Peri.ins ~ 3. and Tom T;ilbert Orchestl.i, Sept. 10 CJtes open at 6 lO p m , .ind the sh<.iw begins an hour later Tid.ets .ire S 15, \\1th season tKl ets aY•1bble for S200 KL0'-1 FM 188 II 88 Oub membe~ ,get a SI d15Coun1 on .con­cett tieltt.S and ~l.lTIOOg1ng ra~

• K.lm•kur.i 2675 lr\>inc Ave . Ce»ta Mesa, 645·5518 Cale Stoddard performs music ranging from clas~1c.11I to 1au and poplrcxk to cfrsco on <1 bJby grand piano 8 p m midnight 5.lturdays /'.o cover chJr~

• Mui's at Red lion Inn, 3050 Bristol St • C~.l Mes.'!, 540·7000 Bog Band dancong 2·6 p m ~ery Sundoly

• M~tll's By the Su ) I 7 Pac1f1c C~t

H•b'h""at, 11..,1 t1n~1 f .id 53h :?Sr;;> lhl.' )o.in1e )l)ltlrN·• Qu.irltt p~'l'I ,rm\ f 11 through Sund.ti ICI c ~ ut II ld.:.l entert.11nn l'nl pr• •.im ;a\ ti•' re 1.1uran1 ""'" do~e. be 11•,dl-d .ind tL"OpCO J.\lt•• n the )CJr SI'°'"''" t'> II JO and IU lO JJ m Ftod.iv·SJti..rdJ,'\, .a .ind IJ pm und.I.,\ SS m11 1mum tnl<'rt.i1nnwrt tliar~f· phJ> ~ • m1n1mum food JnU bc-.<•rJi;" clldr{'r Prt•· 11mcd w-a11ng ltr I comt Ir I ... r.1~!

• Mucho Cuuo Jau and Lahn Crill 263 [ 17th \t , (u;tcl Ml~ 6J 1 4'J0'J Juan C.irlO) Qu1r.tNo pl..1>'> lhJr..U.11 , h1 dJys Jnd SJturdJy> Free Jrlm1>)110n

• l'rt'go Rhtor.tntl.' 111-110 \un Karm.H \,e Tn1ne, ))J 1J13 lht• 405 Qu.i•M pl.!~'> dJS)<C !.Ul II t.J I 0 p Ill ~un l.11'

8 Pronto Crill 11 StJUth CoJ~ PIJJJ l l JJ 81 c.tol St C<• I.a Mew f .I'' 1o,1l mng pu, fe.itur1ng sound• 1nllucn<l.'tl b' f<>rn JOI'•~ Tony Bennett, FrJnf.: SonatrJ anJ !<'.hnn~ MJth•> pre1CnU:d S )0·8 JO pm \\l-<ln~· d.tys·Fric.l.t)"\

Q I l~t tc .. ~c;Ttlll( \ XJ n<lt r pr~ntl-d l:I tnn .h• r loUJ~ <ind S-l•u•dl)'\ ~ nr. \ b .. t to <;"

• .!l~unftt1nl 21 G!·-allir .r.1 • ...... pc.n. a ... h. c.· s.25to!l c..iµ:.a.n u 1 1.i t J 1.iu .ir I r 4 II p m Su

• \'\t'~tin South Co.l>l • 8\J n• • 1 ,IJ~ loi..ri;t- ) -l (J !.500 I.tu ' ,..

PJolJ Pnl'l(I.' fJ•J\> l••Jn •.ind I:>'· p m S.iturdJ' 0Jw I ; ldr•n plJ\ µ to 1 O p m ton ~ht, I l.1..,,lJ\ .'. i:.:lr • .irxl l hu•'idj._ ' '1l: l

Pop, Rock & Country

• All.i Corfee \\.irchouH' & Ro.i\lor s o l 1>1 St 'e\\p ·t Bead u ·5 ll•ora SJge p< r• "'"''\ r •,. 011g n.a \ tori .:1-1 An t'~cr !l o. Celtic mu\iC I.I! n at 8 p m r rod , lO' 1 Ina" nsc prr • pop .ind blu~ urn, nJ at 8 30 p n :> ! u1dJ~ Tu-..c.'do tm,bcJ~ µcno•m t!\l

• RAndell's ) Hotton Centre D•rve, SJnta un que cfas$1Cal·•o .. mUSIC. at 8 l m Ati.J ~56 7700 R1pptng1on's J1·ll "-1~ ".i \\ed~y lhe ).t~J'OOIO pb pl.Jvl Jla ton1i;ht. R.indell ' oun..: .ind the f ActuJf> pl.iy blues r rid1y An ;album rdea~ °''!\ l'.:it, at 8 ..10 Pm lune 3 !(.'t

p.arty for Rob Mull.ns le.i1ur11'S It.Loi· "' on funkthJng Sdturd.w Don \V).in ~ lnn~111on • Alt" Coffe-e House ', e Only Pro JJm 2 to 6 pm Sunda~ Rob 1s·O·A Harbor 81.d 'o 100 I.. Mullin~· ltufunl..t~ng pl.t\\ SundJ~ n•i;t t Ml'),) ~6-7440 C4:ohn pci:onm r Mike Cc.iler pl•)'\ f.Ul w\11• t.1wcmporarr 1 I.. .ind hlul~ ,,, 8 i phone Monday Str.aij,!)it ;;iht'.ld JJll lrom -~cdrC'>day Frei.' aJn, on PJul & ESP ful'><by S0n}JJ.lltl0 . appear) Wedn~Jy Sho\\11ml.''> II pm • The Big Blac~ Room 151':1 ') < r.'lnd unlt'\) othen\1~ noted ""· SJnt..t >.n.i S-' 1 2 J'f' I ht ' ~ •

Brothers perform ,L..i JI 9 p rn ~llurcl.l\ • Red lion Inn lOSO 8r1..tol St Clht.t Adm1..sion is SS and .ill .ii;~ di\ \\•I.on c Mesa Ll\e big b.lnds perform tm dJt1\1ng 2 10 6 p.m SundJ}'1 • Blue Marble Coffeehouse 1'1 1· I Jill\

Bl"i Costa Mesa ... 6.lC. 57"1J '><•m1•' r"1 • 17th Street Bar}' Crill 4211 E 17th )t " hoch oilers up Jn or•g•nJI m" ol rod ,, Cosl..l M~ 650· I, SO An tmpro"' 1J_m S<'S .iu perform~ 1rom 6 11 ton .:ht '" 1 ~.on ICJturong 20 O<ange Collrgc I tatl mus1C1Jns .tnd the ChJrlt~ Ru1h1•rlc>rd See MUSIC 14

722-9200. J.u.z CJU•sei 1n Newpc>(I Harbor • o ,.nae County Performing_ Arts Ce n· on NCYlpO'I Oipper. an BO.foot, 149. ter, 600 Town Center Or~. Cost.l M~. ~ng,er motor yacht featuring a buffet SS6;ARTS This ye;ar's "B.arbc~ Jubl· dinner. lineup Stephame Ha~ Quartet lee celebtat'1 Mcmorwl D.ty weekend IM.:iy 28-29); and Sonya Jason Oune 4 -Sl w~~~icp~ ~~~~~. Th~ 4S~~~ ~~~~ &~------------------------------------------~ .ind old f.Wuoiled n.armonies 8 Pm Sat 7.30 l.o 10 pm e<1eh FrMMy .ind utday Tickt'ts S8 Sl8. throogtl Sept 25. Cost· '25 pet person, • P.icirtc S)'mphony OrchHlrl .tt Or•n~ with a buffet dinner •1;a1lable fOf •not.her


Fresh Handmade Com Tortillas our Specialty 2101 Placentia • Costa Mesa 642-1142

( ' ' : 1 \ I ' . I " ) I ) 1 l \ 11 l I I l 1 11 I 1 11 :..: 1 ' , ' l I 1 11 I, ', ' '' ! ' ' ' I ' I ·, ' I ' ' I ' ' 11 :..: I ; ' l ' I 1 I l ~~ l I 11 1 I I 1 11,

Orange Coul Weekend I Thursday. May 27 1 1993 9

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Amy Lundquist and John Gilpin enjoy view from sailboat's prow.

10 Orange Cout Weekend I Thursday, May 27, 1993

The view from SO feel above the ViJ1en.

HREE MILES OFF THE ORANGE COAST - You know what? I've been silting :it the stern of this 50·foot sloop • !or a couple hours now, gently rocking with the blue Pacific

Ocean currents, and I haven't thought of work once.

Not once. Which is exactly the point of this

inaugural "Stress Breaker Cru1!>c." Newport Sailing Club, which 1s

headquartered in Lido M:uina Village, ha., put together n daily dose of nirvana for working stiffs, professionals who carry the weight of the world in their briefcases Jnc.l moms in desperate need of some time -any time - away from anyone under 4 feet toll with a runny nose.

On Mondays through Thursday), beginning around 4 p.m., you can plop down 25 bucks and spend the next 3 to 3~ hours loungina on a slow boat to Laguna. In this case, the sJow boat is the Coast Guard-certified Vixen.

If your stress levels require more than one JOurney, or if you'd like to bring some on-the-edge co.worken aJong, the soiling club sell• a book of rave coupons for SlOO. Refreshments arc included.

For the inaugural cruise, Leighton

Garner of Touch Point Communications brought hi~ whole company. which pubfi,hcs ~• newsletter for the mortgage , banking industry and is based ncnr the Cannery.

Leaning ngainst a line w11h a bottle of Zima in hi!> hand and the ea brceLe blowing through hi~ brown hair, Gamer explained thnt the cru1 c v.ns an inexpensive IA:t'I to get his employees, his Co ta Me~a printer and his Nc\\pllrt Beach accountant out of their offi~s for !>Ome tilfle to unwind.

"Why nut?" he shrugged as the Vixen approached,.:a buoy covered "ith se1.en or eight loafing ca lion . Another of tbe mammals circled for nwhile trying to find a pince for a late afternoon )iesta. When it finally did hop on, the other!> came to life :and barked their di approval. This ·was :apparently an exclu ive buoy.

This wos not an exclusive sailb®t, however. Skjppcr Jim Austin relishes the oppartunity of sharing it, whether his passengers be nm-timers or seasoned ailors.

Austin come here from Indiana in 1975. "One day, instead of driving right to the plant, you drive left und go to California," he said.

He started sailina in 1983, and hos since

I ' J

soiled all O\'er 11 mate - wife 01 Newport Sailing

"We shopped one," Dione .i1

Being in the t someone h~ manage charter

" It helps kee said.

He's still own it wherever he ' u c at , 100. Be 1 now offering th Sailing Oub al on more than I BcQuse of the for cruises than

The skipper club as a loss o encouraccd hi they wanted, be Everywhere cxc

He secs his i way to promote he clearly e(ljoy

"Other peopl train on lt and Catalina for thr

Another 65-i Coast Guard cc

·····~···iii~············· ················ · ························································

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

s rel~ing end to daily grind c '">rid f le nnd hlS first ne - ha\ C been with Club for three years. JrounJ . This was the best

lub allo"' them to let Ip m.11ntain the bont and

cosb do~n." Jim Austin

r of the Vixen nnd can sail ants, but the club gets to cs managing ch3rters and '' crui~. Newport tcache people how to sail private!) owned sailbonts. L\en's size, it's used more or training.

:.n't see belonging to the reeJom. In ract, he assengers to go wherever t the deck or the cabin. 1 over the side, that is. ·

olvement in the club as a he sport or sailina. which with child-like enthusiasm. get to use it, they can ople can take it to days. I think It's areat."

t sailboat, which ii al.lo ified, is on iu way from

San Francisco to become a second mess-relieving vessel. according 10 Hal Aronson or Vision Marketing, which is promoting the cruises for the club.

Offering an affordable stress break isn't the sole reason for the Orange Coai.t's newest a11rnc1ion. Aronson hopes it will expose more novices to sailing and. thus, Newport Sailing Oub.

But don't get the idea that anyone aboard the sailboat tries to push anything on you. The only high-pressure ~le!!> t :i cti~ arc views or the new Newport Coast development rising on the mainland or t\l.O 5Cals rla)'fully bobbing their head in and out o the blue water along the starbonrd 1dc.

Nope, all you have to worry about out here is if your sunblock is the correct SPF, where you put your weater for the second hair of the ride and whether you've s:i11ed enough hots in the camera for that magnificent sunset that draws you back into harbor like a magnet.

And you don't even think about that place you go every morning. What's it called? It's on the tip of my tongue .•. 0

0 For moR lnfonaatloa oa N"""'rt Sal//n1

Club'• Stnu Brak~r llolttJ.,, tall 67J.J11&

• "'l


Skipper Jim Austin guides passengers through Orange Coast' s calming water .

Photos by K A T ' C Y .\ H .\ I :\ 0 :\ E "' tor y h~ :u :\ TT C 0 KER

Among those abcNrd inaugural "Stress Breaker" cruise was a Newport Beach company.


Orange Collll!'l Weekend I Thurwday, May 27, 1993 11

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WORLD'S HfGHEST REGGAE BAND and other fun stuff waft into

.Orange Coast nightspots

T he \\orld ~ highc~t reggae b:.ind come' to Newport lleJch tonight.

I he 8750 Reggae llJnd of I ellur1Je. Colo. bring~ II!> l.1pll\ Jtlllg, dance-inducing music 111 \\ Jn:huu'c rc:.taurant, 3450 Via Op11r1u, at 9 pm Tickets arc S3 at tli1: dv1>r (age :? I and over only).

< >11e re\IC\\er wrote, ''The 8750 1{1: i.:i:.1c Band create!. positive JJll<.e mu~1c \\hile telling truths the~ lccl mu~t be revealed. The mc".ige i~ '>Omctune!. se rious, \11111c11mc'> humorous, but always lJIHl\.J ting."

·1 he band doc\n't put the me,,age before the music, h1l\\ ever.

(they're free) and promii.e to boa)t an equally pleasing entertainment value.

Sometime, which offer:. up an original mix of rock and jazz, performs from 8-11 tonight. And on Friday, the always s.tirring Shannon's Closet performs.

The sometimes three-piece, other times four-member band performed a i.tirring set at Midnight Expresso in Huntington Beach last Thursday, and it1i. good to sec they will perform in Costa Mesa this weekend.

Using a good blend of keyboards, acoustic guitar, saxophone and sometimes percussion, the group is one or the brightest performer~ on the )Cenc.

The Blue Marble Coffeehouse is located at 1907 Harbor Blvd., Co)ta Mesa. Call 550-4729.

We arc scriou\ about ou r me-.,,1ge bu t not too serious to hJ\C fun." !>a)'> guitarist I loony. '\\e rnmc to play :.<l people can h.J'C '11mc fun "

I 11r more 1nfurmat111n on the: 'h"" lJll thc \\'Jrcl1uu'e at

0 There are two )how) to choo)e

The 8750 Reggae Band plays at the Warehou c restaurant tonight.

· from coming on Saturday. performance from ke)boardist/ For lovcrl> of ska, Orange

..J County's high-energy The Nuckle compo~cr Rob Mullin~ I) slated for ISl11l Marbk Collcc:hou'>e ha\ Brothers arc performing at the 01g 8 Pm. at Randell 's.

"''' 'h"""' wnung up th" weekend Black Room at 9 p.m , while :in 1 he Nuc'-k Brothers pre c<>ming

t,7"1.. PO{) perform a full 'ct of ongrn.11 bram bu tc~. but will put the concert on d1g1tJI IJpC for po'l'll>le rclc:he later th1\ )Car AJmi\\IOll tu the show " only SS and .111 ages 111.11 ~uulJn·t he more affordable album release p~rty and to the U1g Black Room io not only

.. .. .. .. .. ..-.. ~ .. ;;;-~ .. ~ .. ;;;:;-~ .. ;;;;;-~ .. :;-~ .. ;;;-; .. ;;;;;-~ .. ;;;;-~ .. ;;;-;~;;;;;;;;r.===========================================:::::;I

T B S ak BAR-B-QUE RIBS, CHICKEN, : • One te : SANq~0SJ~We~,~s~~~tSAGE

: =-· $ 99 :: ~·· ~BR I I I ~6P of ~-!" I I 4 Newport Beach · I I , 1

.: : !Herr.or·ial Day we will ser11e a 1 WOOD PIT BAR-B-QUE

1 . :) · . · ~ ';.t: TmL'.. choice of pour o and soup 1 • and • 1 or· salad & dessert. I SO~_til~ s.IY1f ~~ I

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1 Se~~~ 1!tacount Jamil)' lestaurant ·1 3305 I 8898Bewport Blvd I .·FREE·' .·~·=--*,.--~ 1 Costa Kesa 1 Newport I 848-7788 I Blvd. I Second one of equdl or I

!X';l et.~ I 1 1<.>sser value. Valid 7 days a I I ·r'-'14309©,n. Newport week. Not valid with any I '!a ,1!Jl w:tll ttiJim,•.aucy I I other offers. One coupon I

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1 ~ qr-.pge .~. !!f<WW I ~~urp~atV, ,M 'I 21, 11 ~

arc welcome. The Dig lllack Room h local

at 1519 S. Grand A\e ., at the northe~t 1:orner or l:dingcr :in Gr;1nd in SJntJ An:i for mo re inlormJtion. call SJ 1 2397

Although Mullins' rnu .. kal crc:itions :ire J (,u cry from th chuo'I of 1 he Brothers. c).pcct as mJny on1c JOYS whc compose( unlcashc'> h1 unique blend of rod .. cl:is::.1cul. world·l nnd Jall in an :int1C1patcJ performance

Randell's 1s located at Thrc Huuon Centre Dr , Santa An..i more informauon on the 'ihow, which i free . c:ill SS(.-7700.

0 On another !IUbJect, B free

c'cning of top-notch comedy i coming to Five Point B r and Grill in Hunung_1on Ocach on

The club ha been offering I comedy on rue day night for more th•in four )Car , :ind nc' c:harged a cover. Comedian Oo Pc:rkcll will scf\e us ma tcr o f ccremonie , and well known cc Tom McGillcn and Lenny Sch will headline.

Five Poinb Oar and Grill 1 loc:itcd at 18685 Main St., Suit H . in Hun11ng1on Ucach. For information on the '>how, call Perl.ell Pr<kluc 11on~ .11 991i-016 the club at 8-tl-3679. 0

- Dr Blain M.



Entertairwent ~









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· ······························· ~· ···············

hrcc fine pfrspring of Costa Mc a's altcrn:uwe mu 1c <.<:enc "ill be pl:iying for >our

JI pleasure Friday nt Club 5902 iuntington Deach. f'rc h from a ·month West Co:tst tour, a·Large will be headlining with rO\\ dy Shrinky Dinx :ind the am1c Peace Corp. If l'rimus had cm hed an XTC 1rJ1ng party" best de:.cnbc a· L.1rgc 's music, accorJing IO

'l)t Uob Thomp~n Their pop, J edged, wft·cdged, 11.:mbercd mu 1c of many ucn~ci. h:is garnered them a irJ1ng contract v.1th Giant/ rncr Uros. Records. IO\\C,er. Thomp~n conccdc:s, 1ul.!h touring primarily and 1rd1ng an album the) ha\c u:J u di:.11ncti\.C Xtra-1..argc uJ that will nuke their mul>1c 1c accei.\ible, parllcularly on ir 'ccond album v.h1ch they will 1 Jt1\ely record at the end of the: imcr. hei r first album, lilied "Now I

t I hem," 1s available in mu 1c re' 10 Southern California. rrcn McNamce, singe r, nnd rrcn Fitzgerald, guirnr player th formerly of Ghcrkcn ucou ), Thompi.on (formerly of • Drill Car) nnd drummer Jo h 'c'c (formerly of I nfcctious umc!>) nrc Xtra· Largc. hrmky Din'<, which fans

.,rnbe a "AC/DC meets the a' tie Bo)' ," have been playing 'ethe r for more than a )Car uughout Southern C:ihforn1J d \\Ill be touring the cast Coa-.t June and Northern Cal1forn1a in

rl) July. You won't hear about lrlJ hunger and poh11cs from th1 >up " \\c hle writing about pcric:nces we hke and things 're into. We dc:finitel)' ha\.e a htcr side and look at comic peel • but ot the ~ame 11mc we l..c it very seriou~ly too," sayll .m Fr.uicr, Shrinky Dmx lltJfl\I. Judging from tlttir impre sive

dco made on a shocstrin~ budget, i!I band enjoys their music :ind c bra~h expre sion of it. If you ant to order a copy of this sually entertaining, rambunctiou dco, call G Recordings al 0.03 13. Bc~1des eradicating No.zi m,

hich according to nger-songwriter-guatari t George l)er a one of Peace Corp' major oals. Peace Corp likes to play ud and intimidate people. The

t)'lc is somewhere in bct-.een that ast new field between punk and etal; the sound varies between

aw and dynamic, hard and 10ft, lever and stupid. Thi~ Cosca Mesa trio began

bout two years ago when Fryer formerly of the Tories and the ' hrinky DiM) became fed up with he L.A. rock scene and decided to orm a aroup 10 aet back to rock uics. Ho enlisted his old friend

Shrinky Din'(


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and bass pla)U lbn .un ~1c)'c r, "hu played an the t nginal Uniform Choice and "1th munhcr' 11f the Vandals, and Dominic Tlicc1, "ho h.1'> plJyc<l \\1th m1.embcr' ul 1311: Drill Car·;md X1r;,i-Largc

\.\ith M>ng'> '>U1.h .1, '"Let., Uomh ·1 he GcrmJO\,. "Gnd I'> n ... :.iJ (and r m T;, OH:r)' ' and. s.1fc Or.ingc Count~ I lumc," Peace Corp mlcnd' to ch.1llcngc the stJtU'> quu and mJl..c their opinion' l..nll\.\-ll \\h1lc JUllllnc thc rJnl..' of 1 burgcun1ng ro..::k 'c"m~ 1n OrJn~c County" 1th the hl..c, uf ') • 0 1\tOrllOll. IC1cc Al!Jlll'l I he ~la,hme, Nalo.~J ~~ul and Xtra-Largc

111.kcls l\) fri JJ)·.,,ho\\ .it ClulJ 5902. 5902 \\ arncr ,\\C.,

llu1111ng1on Dc:ich. ~re SIU anJ arc :J\a1lal.'lle T1d•c:t ~t;i,tcr. Shm' time 1\ 9 p.m . anJ ah..: 'hO\\ '' c'pcctcJ to '.:II out. <>

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!.I Orange coast Weekend I Thu"day I May 27, 1993 13


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MUSIC From 9 non 's Closet perfoims 9 p.m.-midnight Fri-day. Free admission. ~

• Cafe lido S01 30th St. Newport Beach, 675·2968. Michael Patterson's R&B band performs 8: 30 p.m.-1 a.m. Sundays. Pianist/vocalist Mikael Healey plays "The Best or Broadway, featuring Phantom o( the Opera" 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Tuesdays ($5 cover) .

• The Cannery 3010 Lafayette Ave., Newport Beach, 675-5777. Nineteen per­forms 10 P..m. to 1 a .m. Friday and Sat­urday. Ca11bbean Steel Band performs 2 to 6 p.m Sunday.

• Oub 5902 5902 Warner Ave., Hun­tington Beach, 740-2000. Xtra-Large head­lines With Shnnky Dinx and the Peace Corp 9 p.m. Friday. Tidcets: S 10.

7-4 0-2000. This year's "Bar~bi­lee" celebrates Memorial Day nd with patriotic gusto, Side-splitting comedy, and Old fashioned harmonies 8 p.m. Sat· urday. Tickets: S8·S18.

• Wuehous~ Retl.auran t 3450 Via Opor­to, Newport Beach 673-4700. The 8750 R~ Sand of Telfuride, Colo., appeari at 9 tonight. Tickets: SJ. The Blast performs dassic rock at 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Tickets: SS. DavidSong performs reggae at 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets: SS. 1-Souljahl per­forms reggae 9 p.m. Tuesday. Tick.ets: S2. White Morrison plays rock 9 p.m. Wednes­day. Tdets: $3. Solomon Grundy plays classic rock 9 p.m. June 3. Tickets: SJ. • Waltti'ront Hilton West Cout Oub 21100 Pacirtc Coisl Hwy .• Huntington Beach, 960-SURF. Oise jockey on Monday, Tu~y and Saturday. Oub becomes " Planet brth," an underground night dub, Wednescby. Live remae band performs Thursday. Friday is lociil funk nigflt.

SINGL£S • Harbor Singers at Presbyterian Oiurch ol the C~ant in Costa Mesa, 545--0195 or 897-0587. ThlS local singing group com- · posed ol 25 women mttts 7-9 :15 p.m. ------------­Tuesdays and tS a.lw;iys seekins mo<e mem­bers to sing and dance etas.sics from ' 50s


• Alte~Uwe l.epertoty Theater 1636 S. Grand ".~·r San~ Ana, 8 36-7929. "Tar· tuffe," MOliere's comedy on hypocrisy, plays Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7 p.m. until June 12. Tk kets: $13.50 to S16.

• bdtstage Theater 1599 Superiof Ave., Costa Mesa, 6-46-5887. "Call Me Back," a one-man dark comedy about a man trying to get his life together over the telephone. Perlormanc;es are Thursdays through Sat· urdays at 8 p.m. and the show his been extended through June 19. Tickets $12-$1 5.

• Co~ del Mv Hid! School Little Jhe.. ater, 2101 Eastbluff Or., Newport Beach, 760-3320. " Rehears.ii for Murder" pre­se:nted 7 p.m. May 26-28.

• Cost.a Met.a Civic rt..yhouse 611 Ham· ilton St., Com Mesa, 650-5269. " The Din­ing Room" by A.R. Gurney pmenled a p.m. ThursdaY-Satutdays and 2 p.m. Sun­days, June 3-17. Tickets: $10.

main stage: •·SNdowfands," W1lbam Ni­cholson's poweriul drama about author C.S. lewis, opens 8 p.m. Friday and COO· 11nues throu~h June 27. Tideu: S25-S34 (2:30 p.m. I Par What You Will" malloee Saturday). Fina pr~iew tonight (tdets. $1 5-$2)). ShoWt1mes: 8 p.m. Tueday­Fridays; 2:30 and 8 p.m. Saturdays; 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sundays. Tideu; S25·S34

• UCI Fine Arts Studio Theatre, tMne, 856-6616. " Nosferatu, A symphony ol Horror," an interac:tlve theatreJrllm per­formance, closes ua Orama Mainsrage season 8 p.m. tonight-Saturday; 2 p.m.­urday and Sunday; 7 p.m. Sunday

Dinner theater • Ell.ubeth Howatd's Cu~n Ult T'M­ater 690 El Camino Real, Tustin, 838-1540. Meredith Wilson's ''The Music man" ~ June 3. CurtMn times: 6 :30 p.m. TUftday-Thundays and Saturdays; 7 p.m Fridays; 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m . Sun­days. Price start at S20. 95.

• Keidt lo MM&o's Munier Mystery at Scoa's Seafood Coll & BM, 3300 Brislol St., emu~ 12131 '466-1767. ~· youneU whodunit. whefe xtors pose a.s d11\Mf guets. prewnc.ed a p.m. Saturdays..

• le Meridieft ~ 4500 Mac:Atthur

Blvd., Newpof't Beach, 476-2001. " way, My Way," a smorgasboard ol theater, ~· comedy and special is held at 7 (special dinner shawl, 9:45 pm. Fridays.. Sl cover ctw drink mimmum per penon.

• Mezzanine Rts tau ra nt 1 MacArthur Slvd., IMne, 76().ClUE. Suspicions," a new ~~~y on the movie "Cawbl.inca," is Fndays at 8 p.m' and S.iturdays at Admission: S38· S-"8.

• South Coul Plua Mur tery Dinner 1631 SunfloWer Ave., Ana, 675•9726. Sherlock Holmes I No. 83 " Murder in the Mummy's pt~nted 7 p m. Saturd.lys. n per penon, includes dinner. Ol.lm~ and grilluities


• ~ Theatre 1599 Supet Costa Mew, 6-46--033). Open the romanuc mmedy " fran"- and in the de lune" W'in be held at 7 p.m. The two-dwacttt inspired the ~ " franlcie and requim an KtOr •nd Kt1fti in lhe age range and wiN open My 21. Be- l>op to contempoiary songs.

•Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre 8808 Ir­vine Center Drive, Irvine, 740-2000. Jimmy Burret and the Coral Reefer Band

• Oce.ln PKifec Sin&W S.allon 6-46-4005. Non-smol<ing singles pthet fWfY Sunday at 11 a .m. for a sail, barbecue and todal hour.

• l..Ati ~ at Moulton Theattt, 606 na unyon Road, L1guna Bexh. 49-4 -8 21 . "A M id summer Night' s Dream,"'s comic fanQsy, r;:============================-=:-i plays Tuesdays througtl Fridays at a p.m., Saturdays and Sundays at 2 and 7:30 p.m.

perform 8 p.m. June 4-5. • ~ Inn San Oemente, '498-8800. " Beach Oub Singles Dance" 6-9 p.m. Sundays.

until June 6 .

• N~ Thealef Ms Ce~ 2501 Oiff Drive, Newport Beach, 631 --02&8. "Fiddler on the R.oo#," a mosbl about pen«uted Jews in urly-c:entury Russia, plays Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m .• Sundays al 2:30 until June 13.

• Louie Louie' s 1670 Newport Blvd .. C<Y..ta Mesa, 631 -3663. Counlt)' rock from Mickey Rooney Jr. and the Wild Country Band presented 9 p.m. to 1 :30 a.m. Tues­

• Windseelcert American Legion, 15th St. Newport Beach. 6-46· 5138. lf you enjoy sailing and having fun with nice people, come join ~ Wiildseekeri, a W>Cial sailing group. Meetings second and fourth Mon­aay Of each month from 6 :30-10:30 p.m.

day. No ccwer.

• Orange County Performing Arts Cen· ter. 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa,

• South Coast Repertory 655 Town Cen­ter Drive, Costa Mesa, 957-4033. On the

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-~---~~~==--14 Orange Coat Weekend I Thursday, May 27, 1993


To Celebrate Our New BQ.!Oc

We'll Give You The Toast Free.

R.11'4' \,II.Jr l!l.b..' 10 1he ncwl'\t .1nJ hc.."11 hninch m hnmdl!.llm, ~111)f.l.1) ln>en 1(\1111 h> 2: 1Qrm. Wi:\·i: f.!t'lt lhl- l?fl"Jh."-1 " · ttl"" 1h1, ,1dc of Acl~111m . HuJ: •,fluff\ nmdcuc' huNanJ.! "11h '°'"'l)thni~ fmm m1IJ c:he.:~ 111-.rt } pl,1pd\n IX'PIX'"'· r1u, ~ rt enmely 1tl(1,tnful fur S11nJ,1y. And ll .111 ,1.m' from JU'lf SI0.95. So w mc huni.rry .mJ 1htNy. We'll J't'P for 1hc Lh.11np.1).:nl'.

Newport 8eKb • 251 E. Coast Hwy. • 67J.l505

~-. I iKU. ~ two

800 " N0tr

led p.m.

Mys· Sant~ C.ase

omb" SSS tty,

... ······•············································ ····································-············· • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ························ ~ ························

I n the best of au possible worlds, each or us would be enjoying an occasional meal in u Mcridien•s restaurant,

• Antoine. The place is i.:Jurnvely luxuriou - the food is .mclous - bur ii is aJso ,pensive en~ufh to ~ placed in h1: \ Ct)' spec1a occasion category. L1~c \\urning the lottery).

· for a classic,

Dining Editor

unforgcttnble meal for two, plan to spend around SSO, (food only). It is more than the price or tickets for a hot concert, but a dining ad, cnturc of the best l.ind.

Mo t hotel dining rooms ha\e a roomy, impersonal qu:ility, but Antoine ts

1rnpu .. ed of a series of more 1111 Jlt dining space~. and while

t ~ I Jrd·surfacc fini h of many , . .,.. rc,l.10r:ints creates a c.dcning djn, Antoine's decor l.1~' w urt to conversation. The i:;h 11ng, linens and fre h flowers rcn 1 100 ~habby, either. r\' for the menu, chef de cuisine.

'"'" Pitrrt Ltmanls lcr, wnl~ n (1n 1cmporary culinary path bu t onn't str.iy into the maze of u.cntric food combinations being .. f\cd 1n more trendy cares Chef cm in1~1cr and the ntoine

.;,1.1urant ha'e been r:icl ing up 'arJ\ and ra\C reviews, locall) nJ nationall) I le " of the modern French

.la'\>I of cooling, using less butter nd crc;.im, more "egetablc cdu~11on), healthier lll\:l!Jurc , v.1 th an extraordinaf) 'q;n:.c of sophtStication. Though 11: 1 .. '>11 11 in h1 th1nie~. his mlcnti:il include tours of dut) nt urni: of the " orld's mo t reno" ncd ming rooms: apprenticeship with Jul Uocuse, chef de panic at om.Ion's Connaught Hotel, sou hef at L'Ermitage, and chef de ub1nc at Ma Maison, L.A., and ' Tour D'Argent in :rolcyo. Lemonissier gets an occasional

1 11ing assist Crom fellow ountryman, and consultina chef, crurd Vie, who created lenn

uisine for France's Le Spa 1vcnchy. Le Meridien's mnnager, nda O"Toole says "Antoine's enu rcaccts the option for nd~lgencc or diet." It 's delicious n e11her case.

For dieters, a slice from a tcmne f grilled vcactablcs arrives at the

:ible, resting in a pool o( tomato ouh!>. It is a colorful work of art nd the garden melange creates a ich, entirely new savory navor, hanks to skillful preparation and m h herbs.. $8.

for the less disciplined, in need lf comfon food, a •ample order oC 'Norwegian smoked salmon with oast and creamy eggs" at SIS ouods ju t about perfect for dining

.Chef Jean Pierre Lemar\is.~ icr stands next to some of the awards bestowed to Antoine restaurant.

FOUR STARS ·Antoine restaurant at Le Meridien is a pricey but memorable dining experience

sybarites. Whit~ asparagus raised in the

French countryside arc 1n scll)()n for the next few weeks and they arc being flown to the table at Antoine. first Cl3 • I pre ume. The delicate spean arc $14.

Sooom:l lamb yields bullcr·M>ft to the fork. Darkly r03)tcd out 1dc with a rare center, the lamb ha, a subtle thyme dre sing :ind the accompanying pale yellow JX>lc11 t.1 is layered v.. ith delicate mi/le: (<.·11 th.·. beautiful to loo._ at, 11' well II'

Hl)te. Roasted breast of duck with an excellent espresso auce is pre~ented with infa nt \ egctnbles crndled into a cri p brown basket of potatoes.

I; rc\ h sea ba s. poached in \.cget11blc broth, is scr. cd on a cu~hinn of caramelized 1urnip • brin~ing a undertone to the c call pc of C\)\)l cd ll~h Luml'. Jue).. .ind ll.I'" r~ngc from $22 to S15.

\ft~ r clcding \\inc: lrom 1\ n11l111c·, 1mrrc '"c l i~t. pu1 in nn

• order for a crepe soume w11h ornnges in n Gr:ind Marnier aucc. It "ill m3kc for a grand tnd reel.less fi nale. Or :l)l )OUr J..11lful waiter to bring a select ion of u:i,c. delectable dC\)ert and forget C\Cl)thing ehc but "here )OU put ) Our v:llet parling ~tub

Antoi.nt', 4500 MacArthur Hl,d. 476-1001, ('\(, 1158. Tue da)·Thursdll)', 6 tu JO p.111., J.'rldll)·SatunlU), 6 to lt):J () p.111. Clo eel undn_t-.\lonclit). U hu·frb1tir. Smol.111g. 0

Mada BwJ,~ Tastings. and Ti 4 ~ i ts

SOUTH COAST METRO DOINGS - Friends of Orange Coast Inter­

faith Shelter will have a low­ca lorie luncheon Thursday, June 3, at The Center Club in Costa Mesa. Recipes from author and guest speaker Julee Rosso will be featured and she will discuss her new book, Great Cood Food: Luscious Lower Fat Cooking. Tickets are S30, with pro­ceeds from lunch and book sales going to f OCIS. Ttekets are available through Lynne

- Koffler at 644-01 41.


PARTY - 8t>S1des all the carbs }'OU c an eJl, for S 10 at Trallotia Spiga•s' pasta bu(fet party, there .,..,11 be li\e enter­tainment, a (ash1on >how of

designer-athletic threads plus the presence o( hard bodies: pro-triathletes from around the world. All this happens on Thursday, June 3. from 5 to 8 p.m. General manager Abdel Hamid says proceed> wall benefit the Orange County Performing Mts Center. a ma1or sponsor of the annual triathalon to be held on Sun· day, June 6. a l Lake M1»10n Viejo . For info. phone 540-3365.


The Pediatric Cancer Re· search Center hosts an e\ent at II Fornaio's Rosticceria on Anton BouTevard on June 5 to honor the 1993 Holiday Car<i Program Undet\\Titers This party will also be the unveil­ing of the new full-service dining at II Fornaio's former • trendy Euro-,afetet"ia.

Food, excellent from the beginning. ~II (eature s1gna· ture, rotisser~ dishes, but daytime diners and evening tMater-prs will no longer be coping with trays. Phone 668-0880.


spite the disreputa~ looking appearance OI the building .iit the comer-of Irvine and 17th Stteet, LI Caw is ~ f0t business ~ usual. The· , res-taurant is behind ~ formef Hi Time liquoc Slofw (which ii. now dosed). J>i.nty ol p.l~­ing; just uke ttw •lf'v;ilor d<:Mn to C¥OI loyft's hne old dining room - open for lunch and dinner. Phone 646-7944 • •

Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, May 27. 1993 15

fJtel ~ *"'"""'"' 1A" ~ 4"'.,,., "We're bringing people together/"

~I ~ .,,u,"'"" ' ~ta '1te«e-I ~ u..1#41

Strictly Speaking Ballroom hl' /Jl'nwrd .\atelsu11. P.')'.D

Tlw 1110\ ic .. ~rnctly B:11lroo m" queril·, "llllL' o f the i-.~uc~ men l.1 \ ,. 111 .1 r. 1 r,1dl~ ch:inging , ·:i luc

'' 'l\.'111 ThL· ron1.1nt1L tuuc.:h the

•t Ct bccwcen doing whac he really wJnl~ co do and what hi '> ' mentors' want him lo do so he can win the con1.e .... t During the course of the

aAArcssivc and chauvini..,llC The ic.lealizc<l man by nuny l1bcr;11cd women is a M~nsitivc man who i-; nol a wimp. nu~ tombtnJ t1o n, chough appcJling tor mJny women, can be contusing ro men in the procc ... s o f forming .in 1c.IL·nti­

between thl..' ~CXL'S in um.lcr..,t.11Hl­ing wh~u il> by nu:-<..ultnc and f emininc l>eh.I\ 1or .and whether the rr.1ch11on.1l lx-h.I\ 1or~ arc desirable ''1th mcmlx·r .... of 1111: oppo!>itc !>CX. •

/)r .\'att•lwm /.\ a liu•1N:,l /M't.holu · J!.1'1 prcu tic 111~ m th1• Lil\ • I 11.i:c/1•\ tmd Ora1111p 1·u1111I}' tlli. ch J ll' l u 11du1 /!!.

!!.llf>f>Orf .t!,fllllf'\JC1I \111,1.:ft' 11/t'll, tllltf

)tit 1//ltlll':. ~11111/1.' jm fl/£'11 tllltf IHJll/t'I/

cm ·&·m.~ \111gh c1t1tl Cop111g I It·<'"' l>t• li.'t/1 hul r ' ' /11, 1 vh I' m,11/ .Just ' all lht• 9(XJ• Ill t/11' />11/J/1< 11/1011. '4'/(\ I

0/>11'111 1 t/•1•11 • 19<,J(}

1.111 ,, tL ptL''L·nt~ fu ..., b ro ug ht m.iny ~' 11 id r L' IL' \\..., I hL· pmugont~l 1 .... . 1 '1 •llllg ill.Ill \\ho h.1-. ' tudll·d d.rnt­mg .11 111, molhL·r..., tud10 ;.1 n<.l 1!'.

, 1 • mpL'l 1n~ m .1 <. ontL' ' L he hop L'' to \\ 11 11 1' 1n,1t 111. tnr ..... tt tht.: .., lud 10 .t p p l.11 I l l 'l' l'\L' l11tlr L· . 1-. ht ..... lOr­llll 'tl(e 1:' th.1 11 Ill<. ntor' The Oil<.'

ty Tht> mL''s.1ge tor nwn 1' to de\ dop .1 'nil Jnd gL·mk· 1x·1-son.1l1t\ \\ tlhrnll

hc.'in~ ll.1bh~ or non .1ss1..·n" L'

l'rl.)lc.•,si< m.11

p\ 1-.1111 L ll11'p lt llllll ,(\ .llhL'Ol IO h .... d.1 th l I r.1111111g. 1-. I 1, l.11 IK·r '' ho .1u 1>1t· 111;.: 11 fi1 .. 11111tl 1t -. '' 1 hl' da ..;. '\ \\ llllJl

l000tC I he llWCt~ J

\\Oman who believe:. in h im. ~he l<.>\C!\ him prc­c. 1-.cly bcc;.1u...c he ..., not .t \\11llp She entourJ~e.., hun to L·ountcr the forccs !..tung h11n .inc.I c.J trt'l l h1!-> L'n1..·rgic-. into wmnin~ 1hc contest o n h t' O\\ n tcm1 ....

lt11IK·r d1'tlls" the mol 1e

.111\ lunlK·1 .ind g1H.' th umdu!->1011 ,1\\ ,1\ . I " 111 .... 1y thJt I '<.'C 1n 11 .:1

p.11.11ld Ill lhL· <. h.tlk-n~c lllL'n l.1u .' tcx.l.ty 0 11 !Ill one h.1nd we don 1 \\ .111 1 to J PfX'.11 lih.1... .in unc.k­'"·' hk· \\ imp .111d ) L' I ' ' <.' don't \\,1111 to"'" 1.omtrl~ o n .1 .... O\crh

\'-Oil <.' 11 I.tee .1

~im1l.1r pmhlt•m wll\·n thc.:y .ire c.·Jllc<l on lo m.tkt• 1mpon.rnt dc\ t ­'1un.., II th<.·\ .111.: pct<.L't\L'd .. i-.

lx•in~ IL><> 1011 dul or u "1..'ll t\l lht•\ m..t) Ix- d1.1,l1,<..·d l11r not lx·mg 'lll liucntl> kmin1n<.' A' '")lll<.'n h.l\c more r<.•JJth 1uinul thL.' 111J1k<..:.l

pl:H.L'. mk' h.tH' lx·u1nw both more d1flt1,L .ind morL· d1\ t•r-.1..•

~~~Ailr~~ ~ ~..t!l«44

\-. 1l1<.· -.1t1n unl11ld-. llw ~<Jlt ng Ill.Il l 'l1 11:~gJL•..., 1(1 lt>l)..:L' IJ1, 0 \\ 11

1d1·111·1' 11111 •ll gh ht' d 111ung .• 111d

1l1l .1 ud1vn1 l ' l .1 1111t >l hdp 1oot111g 11)1 111111 1'111nl1gl10UI 1 hL' lllCJ\ IL' thl• \•H i ll\.! 11 .. 11 f)(.'11111111 ... . 11 1 ~l11 r 11p<.

P~~IO.._ FOR LIFE. Cl.bSy D\\ t- 3J Luropc;in Orl(! lll.

' lun. Nnnd/hlue \ uuo\ful • tnd 1ndeprnJen1 ~rt c.ipaNc uf 1\J\ mi: .1 lu' 1111• rcla11un ' hep \ pprn·e.ile' mu""· lucr· • 11 ur,-. 1hea111:. ' 11'""' 11cnnl\, ' ""n~. ' "' 1mn11n' I. travel 'icd ,, rr'rc• tlul. lnll. hnn<I Willi: rn.1lc .,.ho ·~ crnouooal· I\ .1\ J1l.1blc. c:dixa1cd. intel ll"t' lti.tll) \ llnlUIJlen l! I un 111.., eny . .athlc11c . anJ 1low11 10 e.enh l .il c Forc<.1 (.ill 1J7il

\llD\\ I ST llR .\I" hodJ ' '"u' 1~.1uf\ 1 ' 1"1 ' i. S\\ r, u"c' .11htctK '· ... urld trJ\cl I)\:' "'' ~lwntun>U' .11hkll• r. .. l lcru to u>111rk1c m~ hlr C '"w M""1 C.111 IS"-\

\­\\ A,, Rit.Bl l:S I \I( l0t1"

l'7 t \ Wr lot~IOf lo n~t tall 16 +I. hc.11111) \Ul.°n"'lul druJ free. " , hint'\\ mind ed. def~'Cl. future oo'b.ind 10 produ.:c hcauh I u l, l>kllldc • ha.ired. blUC-C)Cd. d llJllf'lon a1h~tn &. scholJn. to mm plclc OUf h."lf'P) f arna I> Don 1

he , hy, Call Mt'' CO'lt.1 Mc"' Call IKl!l


SWF PARENT. S' l I. JI . scd.s o'+. ~. man. Kll\ C. SWMM. )0 -15 C<>-ta Mcsa. Call 14 "6 •

ATTRACTIVE • NL,RSC: \\ WF. lo' 1ng. ~c n\uou ~. t l.1" ) IJJ) Loves mu"\!· "alt.' Oii bca.:h, mo' CC\. bJJI game ... maleng lo•c. Sec~\ m!m!ill-65. \ amc 1111cre,h, quiet mlc~ at home. Whm1cr C.tll 1 1511

PR£TfY. fun lo"tnti. antelh ~cm DWI- :n. S 5/1 2'1. one •hclil . -ceb kind. hutnomu' aur.s,11ve. dci rccd prolc~ \loo.ti If\ Ille (' .\11 241 I}

A TilV\CTIVE AF. mum, 1.'ll uo..-"1. "'-'C ~•DfW/AM. l.'1.1'll, \~re-.\htl 'SI\). hon c..i. \:! . ..JO. C<lnllJ. tun loving. ~ II\ are c..11 1~1.'

LOOKL' G FOR run. ) labtc, .iJuh male Lo"c danun~ . l.1u1hang. NISID. 37 D\\ I ~ '1 blnJblu Irvine C .111 ~417

f'~ NICt. open and allr.k the SWF. :\4, N/S. loo~cng

lur ~omp.11 1 bl ~\I h111. ll00(\1 anJ ,,'OJ pcN>n.1111) . II'\ ine Call 14~.I


rn: med swr 111 n '°' fun. no.. l lC$1 Altcmall\c mu

• ~1l'. ~lube and i.u\h1 Signal Hill CllllWI

JAPANESE MflJlc mom. 14. \CC L\ .,.ann in1clhscn1. ro ­mantic DA/WM 134i-50) for pos111•c reh111oc1\h1p Inane . Cllll 2405

llUNTINO fOR my Vam­pire ~1111! SWF 25. ~ic dc\1rnc.r. red lllur. blue·iray C)I'~ l.o•c mounuun bll.ina. h1t.an1 • • and music M<u" , hJre m) in\.i11ablc p&.\\lon for ll\c1 In-ant' Call 2'\91.

GOL Ot:-.O HLOND(, bcJUu fut bu\t). model l)Jll' 15 1n iclhJcnt. v.11h a lovm~ pcr­sonJhly. occL, emotion.ill) and tinJnooil I> wpp1>111vc fi .u~clhu-l'-AnJ 45 55. 1'icw­Jl!>l'1 lk~h.. Coll 1149

~wr 411. ~ · 1. tnm, prof~­

\KlNll. N/S/O. cnJOYS n*unll and sporu ac11v111cs Sccu secure profc saonal. NIS/O. SWM 45 S~. v.tlQ de arc a lilnnJ. 11&nna. fun rclaoon· ~1r II'\ Int Call 2396.

OLAL nr UL Costa R1cJn

16 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday I f.1ay 27, 1993

. ' ~ ,.. ... . . ,• .. . .. ~ '

fh1s I;,..., c·.1u,1..:d .-.nm1..• d1tl11. l1lty

"'QC1"111 tk\lfC h> tl'le<I h •\ int. 11\Jrurc man O\~'f 4(1 Or· angc Coulll) C..\11 ~W9

YOL R Ato7 L:ad\ A.Hee· 11on.a1c/Xll\C to us1..'1:in) . Pcute, N,IS. 5' \ d•m)'. cffcr · vc.ccnt European blonde 5ed.1ng ~II). tender lo' 1ng. honest profemonal boyish INI\. 49·59. ~wpon Bc.ii.:h.. Call 2390.

FEMl1'1'-F BLOND[. Al lrOICll\'e. llet"Ofllpll ~hed. Kn wous. educated. m1e1l1ttcn1 Scc~s loving. refined. sue· cc5sful. monommgou~ man, N/S/D 47 S7 Ncwporl 6cach. OaJ.J 2376

LIVl:.L Y. LOV ING. ICU> Medwestcm. N/S. lra"elkd. ~ul<:erc. honcsi. fun. Scek1na 10 match. W-SO Ncwpon 8Q.h. Call :?359

IRR£ STIBLE PROPOSAL M E· 44. q>tustl..--d c:~), stlbOOUS, clcpr1. 1nw:lhgcn1. a..:oompl1shcd. quality. char actcr YOU: Highly accom phshcd. commnabk. Caplbk' of~ c.ur.cwdinary qwaluy. Unmllln~ by a lady V. ho \$ I rare blend of "ehci and ucel. US A llfe­umc or canog. sharing. ro mall<'c. lUrrcndcr' Hunting 1on lk~ Call 2.'29

Ll '.; OA fVA"' 111•"- t.~ ._. Prnlc,•1<1n.1I lu.•rmJ n sirl .stt~S "'f'hm ... .itcJ. \IK•C

fut A; l'UllW1CI• ll'lllk:m.111 40· ()() l..iit'una Rc.i..h CAii 1'.?J

BEAllll L 'Olt-IC MAIDE' <IC'd .• 1MCll1scnt. humorou1 SWM 20 1' (Of friend hep. mo\lc,, h1 l.1n1

Nr.>JD '" ll'1l' ~11 llll 1

PETITC SWI lit ts h~c. CllUnlr) mu~1c , tr.1\lcl, & ho:allnj&. Ci«l.\ .ill~ll\C '~ 4.1 nun for compan11•n•h1p lmnc. Call 2?1'1:!

VC:R Y A TTRACTI I.. out IJOIOll. Cll'llllH' owr ntCC f1gurt , C\t1 lm1!. fun lo\lng. many 1ntcrc\I\, 1.X•irn monogamou' rclJlllln hip "'llh \111-t'rc. rom:mlll , itJ . \CllWf\>UJ. l'Jucui..oJ tun k1• · mi. SWM J'>-'l2 .... uh «·n~ of humor Or;ani;c County C.all ll_,I

LOOKl'G IOR 'f'C'•iAI ar· •Ill.,,,. ,.ho I~~ In do thir I'm \IUll. lllnlltl~. N/S. ~ 5ll l UIWI ('al 2218

CLAS Y. JAZZ. kMr,.,cry acuacu'e W.. Nr-> IO cnp)' ~Ill 1ntcn:>U V. / lltr.k-d\C,

proroi1onol N/S WM 1n liftlt' Tuwn Call ll?7

SAVED OBF' 'CCU "'cd 'IC ·

11/ed I 71/ed 2 1906 2412 IK91 1405 2361 1206 2362 1149 2374 1341

nn h~ ~h.Vlllf, .. ur. t..hun:h. mo'b.. Ill~. J;i\

1r1r'· ... alL, . Lone fh:.i.: ti a.JI 17

CHARMI L" ~ITT' · " "ILIOlbo. cunrcn1AI, rn:u~ .i I Oiruclli wrl.s I -.11nc • one ror CflJO)'mcnl and ~El Toro. C'.-112176

COT IT T0<1CTHER 1 At U'ICU\C, SF, 'i'~ 16. it..~l.1111? S M 1'/S. ~7 05. cdu1. .11eJ. 1nccrc. -c .. urc rfll<)11on.tll" .

linan"ally. cnthu \13\llc. l~in C'all21(>t

HAVL A 1..11 who hLc~ to 'nu gr Ir oil JI.WI 10 ~ "''-'tl. • end .IJ\Cnture,, fr icn1h .,.ho

m.Ac me lau,h. oo ooe "''"'' M:lllh me tlo'4\"" ~ AN1 A m.lfl "'''° .... 111 00 .tll lhe ~)\(' and mon:, ~S+. 'll~. I.Iller. cd u1.a1ed, plca-cd with hi" oij> pc.,.incc ind ..-ucer. and \Ullb ii V.00\all 10 kl\t' Of f1.R OC.:IUIV ilflll tlf:i1n.. "'a0c lnte~I\ :.ulJ 13kllh, k1v(' o( tatC'. lhc aru -"' ll.)lurc s"' r. S'4frh>~ic.llly Iii. rN&.I) fur .l gru1 k>•e alfair, H11t111n ~' H.txiur C'all 218()

GOROlOl S BLONDE 38. ntl 23. photosraphrt. ~Ll an ad•cnturuus. tall . hand """1C, MNctac lin1ne1ally "!!

~urc ma6c 6'•. C\9-J<il C1»ua ~Cal12 1 81 .

l'RI rn. 11 \l't>' . IK"ohh) , ('¥\)]\ lllll'lhrtfll IJlhl\tlC".&I

cJ S \\ I '\~ '« h:llntk! tf1Y,

,n_.,11\C, ...-m1 1MCI lt1.1uo11 !7 . .io s \\ J '1 '""h ~ .a mllMI' film 4. l1lc1

l UN Rr•t\. Call 11~

hean•/ m1 nd' .. free 'JI'"'

~ccl enf hlc minded \1 , 11\mc Call 217~

ARTY Rll.llll 0 , ~01~h S \\<I- .,. llh yuunr ~tle t udc.

~U !all . .ill'111:U\t'. tdit>.-J SWM SOM -. 1th "'II C'06t<1 Mo.i.. C.allll'N

TALL A I I MAC- II \. I ~mv OWi '"lllC1, , 't"._, I.Ill .Mllall ,~·. l'<r<itll)' SWM \~·M, (' U'ol• ~lcol.l. ( .111 ' 1711

H N & H l!'IN' . bright & Wl•l)' i.:n,..y Rl&!oh Limb.iugtl. J11n t..kl . .Al 1-.'f'l'fully Yuv for learning. , ..,,n •Ml sh#· U1 C'1"t.t Mes;&. C .all 1102.

ASt>IRING ANGl!l- pretty. \"C,CIMIAll, l1nJhcartrcl. en ]41)'1 the ans. Ml"fll" Ind If\.

in"'"· tld.s ~ on t .ntl. ~pun ec...h. Call 2111 .

1 WOULD BE Pnn«u. al· traCll"c OWF. N/S. seeks l and, would·br ll""'-"· S7·67. lur con"crsauon. danc1n1.

Yoaaa-wa 111 ''1 _. alllf .,...__ 111 a 61k 1110ico­_. .. ,...,.._. ...

1(900) 74«t7190 (8lllltl • llAIJJM it I """-'ml-- fr 4

,,,, ... Qa ............ ,.,.. ,,,,_ "1«11>1r•• ••••• ....., Pra9 #1--eo blvwle or rapond to ads Ptae n.tD Plaas a ni:w "*3N ad Prae ~ cbedc for lnManl ad

mm•ars PreM H-a lnfonmdon Ot help Ya.__. ... ,_ __ ............. .

.a.~ Ille. ...... - ... ,a .. Clll*ft ,, l• l\'fll> kl I peamlll ... I W. ......... - ncM/d fut.- ti\' *fJa,.... ..... r+H ........ ""'~ ... ....u .. )Qt ... ~ --c:mlioD ---­••.11•"'

Women Seeking


SI Sulgl. Femol. SM Singl.Mole G (joy l leib.oo J ...... sh A AllCJt'I

• 8lodt H Hitpantc

fncndstup 11'11ll' ~12007

YOL 'l<G Sf M OR. \lender ~ o .11ur.i1. 11• c, cncrccn~. 10 ~h,rr finer 1h1n1~ 1n hit ..,. JS\\\1 f'IS. ~ 70 \\ e .are tJ 11 .tlCJ , JH•'fl'S•wmal . .,. ;a iou..h ol l ~. $(•IJ .Kruc <'I hi.m.or In iric C":;UI II:'>()

,\I r l{ ,\C:l I\(; S\\ I'. Inn f.Oll, "i l'"i W,

W-c l 1 'I \\ \I OH'I ,5 ~ 'i ou1soini;, 11lllue111, ~111."l:n". liHmg ,rntk'fn:in ltunun 1t1C1 lki IL C:\11 I Sol'

'IWI :-., S :ll!f;t;;ll\<'. 1llc.h•KI

1k. lur•"· m11l11 tos r.·.1 I 4'"" IU\ I n llUTC:, Ill II~ 1"•11 lld

f\)111 ~"' !,,.,.~ I• , :inJ 11w.:h '"' \ \ Ol . S 'S•, ;illril.ll>l',

hu111 h ta llh', llll<'JllF-Clll

.u'li.I il \'ff) •J''\'l~l m 111 "-"'~ 111· hll ,, rr1m,11ic111 rtl:i11c111

up I U"J1n. C.1111 l\~I

l'RI 1T ' !> \\I ' ti, Mun.le, N UC-Ch I hi •lC)I, 11;.--r1c, 1.'11 ·

.f")' lrl•C'I ~ n~l•K'.'. "-"d,, 1ee111c, "'arm hc.ancd m .. n

"' ho cnl(I\' lhc ~ lr\<tne C'..ll l 1911.

ATTRACT l\. E SU '4 , ~ ' bfl H. cduc11eJ, scc). s SW AM. cJu~.ilcJ , prores· s1on1J. coal onenccJ.­nage minded HOOC>h mort 1mpor1an1 1h1n a~e. S' IO+. Tusun. Call 1917

RA VISHING REDHEAD, 44, Ullltng. SClbUOUl, e>.tra· ordinary qu1h1y/char1c1cr. Scek1n1: One e.t.cep11ooal, comrn1ttablc. ul1ra-~11C\."'CSSful

~ NJS. Business can:! requu~d. lfunungton ~h.

Call 1916.

BRIOHT. acrompbshed. at· 1r1c11ve (slim). 37 . N/S, S'6/l IS. Scek1nat Offenng Honest comm1tmcn1, style,

1uh. '°"'"' ~nse of humor . Newport Bead\. Call 1732.

ATTRACTIVE SWF 5'6(132. actirta coumcrpan Sl-6S, (Of" fun. spont110e.1ty, share hfe 's surpnses. Is 11 you? CCllCll Mesa. Call mo.

STUNNING. stnsuouJ bnftae. 27. 5 '31100. deAla

N/D llypeneaual. monopmous. No~- am .... krtint

-..... for ll'ldldoMI hfe-<:Olftnllt• N/S ment. joy. forever. Newpon Nan-Smol.r Bea. c.n 1736. • =- SHAPELY lS BP w/bed. "-----~·I .... Ill.I WM J().-40 b din-

ner. d1ncu11- mo"ies. pos.sible rtlauonsh1p. Lakewood. Call 1748

EXTREMELY ATTRAC· TIVE, loo .. 1ng for same. SWF. classy. canna. shy. ready '°' kids. 1CCks prores-11on11 SWM, N/S. 26-33, c:omm11rnent minded! Irvine. Call 1752.

APPEALINO. PRETTY DWF. pet11e bn.1nc11e, good body. 42. S' II I 05. geode, In· telhgcnt. fumy. umquc. Seeks 1n1clhgcnt, lcrt br.i1n type. ph)'11cally Iii, kind. a.ucruve, qualuy gentleman. Ncwpon lbch. Call 1863.

CLASSY, TRIM SWF SO, NJS. wants canng. successfol Man 4S-S5 to share cocwena· llOOS. popcorn. nalUl'C. lr\<IDe. Call 1861).

AREMAN OESlREO by cute blorde, en JO)~ ouUxir act•'" 1 1ic-. k') .nl tru.J,.) l..ct' ~ l\J•'t tun ...._"" /\n.L Call I k2tt

~O\f,TlROl S sv.r ~ 10 N " ~. h,.>l in fur Uri • .a.Int ni,c I u• B.altit•.1 l> l.inJ Cl.Ill I NU

I \ OllC, l 111m 'i i '\I x i..' 111 >~ in1dl1ga11 'i W \1 L

X., I .. , I ~ 'i ~·11• I rr 1111

001iJJ11<lfl.'ll k>•.: I U\tlll t • ll 1())1!

l ' I f II L ! ~ '/ 11101 U \ \I ht . ""'' ' v. /hro"'ll h.ur ,\. no. "'d' 1rl' ·•I It~ ulJ ),hool '''·'lllt "ho •1111 tllJ"'' hi~ lk •h•mlJ lmc -·· t'l•o~\, lrlcllJ\, lh•'illlC, lvn.s ",11~ ' lllQ\ ..-~. II.I\ cl , ht'\ .II 1.-,11011.11 ;vtJ ""' 1n1t'n,lt'•t 111

other~ .u hr •~ 1n hinnell . ( \IC\'<\.t \kl \1 .ir l°'aJ! lo7:>

t.L\SS' 0\\1 H~11111,,u.;. ,, lul pwlc\S1<11ul 11> 1111 k•o 111 CJll.'flZ) 1'« .. , l.lll ~Cflllcm.11'1

l ilU lolK> cn)ll)\ J.>n.:1n,, Jrn1111t. m11\ 1c•, rrncl "'~ bu l1t<"f ~I\ ... 111..'Crt lr\lne, C'.all , ,,~

Bl: Al TlFt;L. SE~SLOt;s, d ll.\S\' 1UCl.'USfUl hl>nt\I BF '7, ~··w. :!O. <oCiCl..S handlll>me, 111, flnan.:1.1111)' suc,cu fu l, ch.irrnmi. hones•. monos• moul 3 ·411. Ncwpon Bc.a.:h. Call l S70.

DYNAMIC. great~· ptttl)'. shm S' l l. ~llCCC.)jtul profcs· s1on1l who en1oy~ tenn11. honc!s. movies. honlC -coo._. mg_, 5eeks 1thle111: S~1. 4t>+. wkducauon. ~nsc or humor. lin.vlC:lal ~'CU.~. who l.._cs a challc:nse- T~lln. Call IS89.

PRE1TY ser. s·J. 23. 0nsa 11n. see .. 1ng honest &. cute SWM 19· 2S. 6'1 ·6'8, No Los ~Call 2474

ADORABLE. SLENDER It swcel SJF. s·s. NIS (lo"es ICl"ftl). IClCks brr .... culhRd. educated cutre·p1e (37·4S). Los ~lcs.. Oill 24.SS.

CHRISTIAN BF 29. lover sports. pflotOJr..,tl y. hones. Loob11 for Olnlban SIDBM who loves God lnalcwood. Oill 1165.

A BENTLEY . 30'S, slim linea, ca.y, l'ttl tpWI OUI ~ life. SteJ )j..4j MICOlilS. un­bon-vl vanl. Santa Monica.

Call 2393

WANTED: Well-to-do, car­IR&. cultured man. by bnght. ~xy, slender. warm· hcaned. d1von:ed French woman. 40. Mahbu. Call 1080.

SW LADY seeks SW serious

gcntbnln '°' f llllft IOgClhcr. ness, mid S().{i()'s. NJ'Sn)nnk.. u .. e ouuloon. beach. moun­tarns. humor. Los Angeles. Call 1356.

BEAUTIFUL. athletic, ro· man11c. ~y W/F, 30. seeks handsome. atlllellC, romantic. smcerc. funny, classy white gentleman 26-38 for love. closcncu. and maybe even the r11ry tale. Manh111111 Bch. Call 2104.

SAUCY YET sweet lady with p;l.UIOO (or h(e seeks IOlelli· etnl. SC.nslll ve gent lcman (Of munoiamous rcl111onlh1p. Burbanl. Call 2417.

Sl-..o:RE. fun· lo\ ins. cducu­cJ , 111r.ad1•e. acll•c SF "\8, -...-c: I..• '3ITlC' rn m;\Jc '5-+ for ~

~ Wcsc....,Jc. Call 2426.

SEEKING profc>S1onal gcn­tlclnan SWf. S'7hkndcr. late 60'(, acu~. col~ gradualc. 1oorld tra~eler. culcural pur· suits. ~Ange~ Call 2411.

HEARTS OF SPACE. clas.s1· cal. rock. WAVE. Sunsc1s. star-<1. full moon. forests. Walk~ .. d1n1ng. dancing. for· c1gn films. 'The Aris.' roller coasters. Tall. 42. Aquanan. PUcrfol Wamor. Los Ange· lcs Call 24().t.

ELVIRA. MRS. Robinson rolled llllO Fclhru 01d, .. ,th Warhol 1wms ISO cr1Spy. comphmcnwy. rollaboratl"c condiments Los Anaelcs. Clll 239S.

ENGLISH. elegant. sophts11-c.d. 5'7/12.S. ~ allrKtJVC, dqretd. Seas c:vltuttd man of subt&ance S.S+. fit. N/S s.u Monica. Oill 241 2.

ALL AMERICAN OIRL tccks ofd· fMhioeedlmodcm nw\. If yGll IK )6.5(), ~ s1b6e cl run-lov1n1 we may hl¥C a l'lllldL w~ Bay. Clll 2219.

CHARMIN() SWF 37. IC!Clt · .. herecpl In a Wlftn-..__.

SWM under 42. prercrably in WLA. Los Angeles. Call 2378.

CHARMING. bright. classy Enghsb blond WF. S'61118. seeks SWM 40+. SUCCC$Sful, l'Omlndc. tcnSIUYe guy S'9+ to shire meaningful rclauon.~hlp. Sama Monica. Call 2374.

ATTRACTIVE, PETITE blonde 5'3/106. with good or humor &. fiaurc . Seeking 11hle11c, a.mbuious. successrul man. 4S-SS. to slllft life and new adventures. Enjoy skiing. tennis. saihna & bl.king. .Romarlk dinners. mu· sic, dancing. travel & animals. I'm also involved in spcn1ual and social-political pursu11s . W .Hlywd. Call 2375.

ATTRACTIVE, educatcd. arusoc, psychologla.I. warm. sensual. playful, spintual . Seeking SM 4S+ (Of loving. monogamous rel111onsh1p with ircat commun1ca11on Sanu Moruca. Call 2Jo 7.

S\\T SO. USUAU.' rnmne· I) .lll:U'"C. ad•cn1uroiu rao~

enng from tnJury. desires com p.11\)' for rnc3ndcnn1 waJr..s, etc. S.VU Morua. Call 2J:?8.

GOURMET LOOKS. Euro­pean outlook plus adventure· some. playrul. s.ecr..s 3~ -45 companion ror 1hca1er. con ocns and more" 5.in1.1 Mom ca. Call 2327.

LEFT-HANDED. a1hlc1ic. non·alflucnt entrepreneur lady t.mting fUf" dynamite man 50-60. black Of while, non·rch· glOUS. NJS. physically/ fi . nanoal ly healthy, hl.cs fW.. IS creati ve. easy to look at. \leruce. ~I 1832.

PRETTY. ATTRACTIVE. smart. 40. S'8'. romanuc. sen· ~easy i,'Olfll ... OOW\ de SUCS the same tn I gcl'lllc. gtn­erou S. succcssrul man wrth lots of understandinJ. love and affectJOn 10 Meet me and you 'II nellt'r rtJttl 1l W. Hollywood. Call 1383.

MAN'S BEST rntnd Is me! SWF • .1'7. -*3 1q1111e danoe ~ Of .,... pennet. S­ia Monica. 2212.

A1TRACTIVE aan&le ~ er, edttc:a&ed. leftist. pMlry lcMr, 47, S'<w'llO, ..U .-. caae4. SM f0t commitment .

Los Angeles Call 2.2f!n.

JEWISH RHETT BUTLER wanted who docs give a darrun! I'm 38 and unselfish, unlike Scat1ett. ~ Angeles. Call 2.278.

ATI'RACTIVE BF. 1n1clh· gent. classy. good values Seeks warm. p&SSIONIC male. same qual111cs. No sames, ll\1151 be SU'llltl'C and 1~ng. Ss-6S. Cu1verC11y. Call 227S.

NATURAL. TALL. slender. a11rac1lve proress1on3I SWF with a lively 1ntellec1ual CU· nosny. 1s unconvcn11onal and playful. ISO cmooonally su1-

.,, ble, fun 40+ SWM . N/S/Dnnk. lntercSLS include film. ucmse. backpx .. 1ng. XC s"nng. advencure trjvel. ethnic rood. rnends. S:1n1a MO<Ue&. Call 1910.

ATTRACTIVE SHF 12. pro­fc s1onal S'4/l 17. sctr..s sin­~re cduc31Cd. r ilm•I> -OOCl1ICd r entlcr!Wl lor fncnJ~hJp/rtl· m.VICC. Holly..,'IXiJ. Call :!:? 17

Cl..'.TE A "ID CL DOL 'r LARGE A"'D LOVLL) HAPPY S\\ F Blonu~ lwl'"" h;i..11 5 "\ tr.. f!.M k" Jllle Ills l.n1Clht.:nt. hil0("1 , llfld C~.111\C. Sccl..m • ~\1 ~>;4\ l•IC" h .. r.,..,1, h.>• 111 rnum.11c rd '""'"h'I' Arc \OU n1311 cn.10 ·h 1 ~1ud111 c .. , "t..ut 22~1

·or1 llSTlC \TH ). J\11.11111\

• l.llll.lll Y~ 'II . "' ·1111• r,•1.1\C<I cJu1.:".11rd f1,1rncr h.ui:r d.111'-cr. '"' h>r \1.1hkr \l1k" 11\.\lllOI\ We I l \ t .ul I~., ..

HI O M >l IH \SI\ ' Wd ~'.!\JI .U) " ".inn 11 .. ,.._ r m111.11111c rr11J, .. ,,,1n 11 hllh: l:. nyll\h, reh 1.-. H \\\ \I

' ~ .uhtcu •• "CJllh) '"' m­nl.lllCC. rr.i•cl. J1n1ntt '"'' 1,,. C h.J.rl~'C f'l11>l\l\ SJni;i i\ lolll,~ C':11l :?:?\I

BEAl!Tl & BRAI'~. ,.,111n .tnJ Wiii\ fun anJ lncnJh 'ICO)U.111 and )11<.U"lul ~~~> .:hcm1\1'"" .inJ cummun11.:.a 1100., sublhl)' anJ wcng1h • .lf. nuenu and a<h cniurc. 1,,., and l.11Ugl\lt'f For U.11nr '"'"· chnc. dining. \h.lnng. llWT) · 1ng ~WM, 'V -4 ~. N/S 0 Cuhcr C'tt) C~l 1747

SWF MIO rtFTIES. eds the rood hfc 1o11h •cry hollot SO+ SWM of fin.10('1.ll means. I lol lyv."OOd C;UI 1019

DESIRABLF WIDOW. re· urcd. mature SWJ- sccu qu31· ii)'. SUCCC\)fUI. (un· IO\lng COUlllefPMI. 5S+. Santa Moru ca. C'.411 2226

Vl8J{ANT. ATTRACTIVE European 40. co mopoh11n. )'el spmtual. founJrf of 11\1Cf l'lll()OOlf cluldrcnlcn~ ~l. Scd., fncnd . p.1r1ncr. soul · mate to ~h.lrc "1s1on. 1ra•cl. and \llSll .. hen tn town Mal· 1bu. Call 11 S1

PRETTY. SHAPELY SWF 10's. llttk1ng monil. "'lie or PIT dad. 1.1111. tnm. Nnlbomc. financially tttvre ~ Anie· lcs.. Call 2171

ROMAlmC PROF WANT­ED(~). WM SO's. 1n­ldllfM. ~ wt'<USft&I, handsome. virile, bJ/&r eyes fOf" buu11ful European WF Callll56.

ONE MAN WOl'nln. Ail .. F.

.JO'$, 'Tr)' pretty, Undcl$tand· 1ng. secure. seeks accom­phshcd. afftoent, g-entleman 4S-80, who i s c:'ons1der11e. with a sense or humor. and has a generous rwurc and 1s caring. Los Angeles Call 2187.

PRE-PACKAGED fanuly. no strings au;iched. Crny fe­males 30 and S look1n' for ' Mr. Right.' I'm a dc~1gncr who's CAlrCITlCly C~11C. fi. IWlClal I)' and emooooally SC· cure. IOIO ~mg OUL cool.· mg, che arts , Bach 10 E.LP .. powertools. and cdlJCaled. do­rnes11ca1ed. professional men who are N,/S/D. under 40. L05 Angeles C..11 2184.

SMILE! PtofesslOfUI attractive. 5 ·s. rn good sh.lpc. profcss1~. run '°"'"& SWM. 4 5 + , ,. /~nse of hu mor. v.ho enpys "'00.1ng out. the~. ans. and me• I.A." A n­gc~ Colll 212 1

Women Seeking Women

HI ._ F<!rnJk 1c~orJ1ns an1.c ~'.'!. >c:\) '& pr.:11\ • ..:cl.' le m.i~ • .in~ ra.:c, for •IC'" ''"' MIJ h.l{>f'll"k."' ,,, ~<' , ..... ~, .1nil Other ml<:fl'\I' ll11lh "'""" c.1111r1 ·

Bl Sl~ r '>!> cnucprtn.-:ur. m trJ\llh I." Oii' '<."ll\U<•U\ [ jf­llllClni.-J 111 <tn l1IUJ, llh' ~;al\ , 1111.ln\liSlh )CC'UH'. JI\•,,.;., lnc11<hl11p: I .l) \111• ~k~ < .tll l 'h

\l1R \Cl I\' ~ lu11 lm111 • ~'' ·no"' (j\\ I . ... :i:~• '') (" .Ul'CI 1lflCIUl'\l 1>n1.1n I •I hm ~mJ .• h .... nlm<: l "\ \ni;ci.-~ C.1H I ~II~

St..:E.~IM1 Dt..:l \ I ong h:urcJ r.1 .. er 11> Ith l:>llO<""l~

'.\31\l\ to L'lll 1.1 ''"' C\11 n11• lloll\"\O\l\IJ C 11l.21'l(I

POLIC1' OFFlC EJ\ "'.1111<.-J b\ S\\ C.F !~ . . 111r.>,t1• c. ho"ll('<>i

,lc!.in .utJ r~ ' '"' s.:ime loolh' \tDR Cil.ll ~Inti

SOFT BL'TOi OBF. S'7 3\ viV'lC\l l~b. N11\311lli. . 1'.'tl5 Gf for l~~'P and m.a~ t>c ~ l':lsadnla. C.111 :? I b I

ATTRACTIVE PETIT( BB1F deme' open-minded B1F or B1-cunous female: to hare lncnJsh1p and inllmau:

ran 1~ 1~. Race u n 1 mf'Oll.1111. lo> Anlltlcs. C.lll 1146.

Bl-CURIOUS, aumcll>'e Jr, *1JSl. 46. Sccb lllldhgm&. "'oman. beau11ful v.uhin, lnr fncndship lc3dmg 10 lo\C and t'OIMllvnerL Hl) wd Call 21 al.

SWFCURIO S. scd.1ngdl~ · ~"'Yttl lcll\lmne BF (Of lun an.I new e:11pencnccs Lo •\nit' 1c$. Call 1198

GOOOLOOKl"IG. lme·'l""I · cd WF tomboy ICCks fanuwnc blonde for fncndsbap. r..,, and ., S1uJt0 DI)' ~· rm. SE....'CY. BLONDE 28. ST/ llS, 81/WF I'm lool1n& fOf B1· fcmalc . call me. Holly· wood. Call 165 I.

PETITE. cute. B1·cunous Asian. 31. S' l/ 11 5, sens111J Jeds Br·F. pcme. for lld\<en· lure and fun. Los Angelca. Call 1603.

0rMge Coat Weekend I Thur9day, May 27, 1993 17


Men Seeking Women

Orange County Areo l'VE TRll:.D lind1ng a MOCCrc and ni rem.tic, but h.;"e railctl I ' m no-. \ed .1ng" dicJp, nw.m111gi. ... , relJ11on­.,1up v. " .u11111i: noth-1n11 more lh.m .1 guotl 111nc Prc lcr I.Il l 11t-1i,111u, fom.'l lc 111\ 3~J "hu 111..c' v.cJring 'c.>.y clothe' "lo other re· 4u11 ('mcnh I m :?'J. ll'::!/180. lun . .aJ1 cmurou,, ,1ur.ihlc. Jnd h.111d"1111e. Ir- inc C.:.tll .!-11\ll.

'IL "'>I I I \ L \II !>IC IAN <, \.\M l•I, \cdtll~ r(l11Jlc ,11111p.1r111111,h1p lur lu11. '"" 11·1 .11u111 l11c11J,h111. ;irld mto 11\.11.» c1 ... 1J ' k"1 1 .1u 2-1~2

0\\ \ I -I~ . h I \thklll ht ( 1111,tJ.:rcJ ·1•.J ''"'"Ill)! l'ru l~""" "ho ..:n10\' 't\ur ~ ~ult, \~ llllJ! . !litJllll): fllUJ

'""'I. hu11111r lrocn '' htcr.i IUl1 •• 111J o•IJ 111•1\IC\ \\ 1,,ulJ hl..c tu 1111.."l·t J -ell ...,,urcJ. 111 J.:1..:nJcrll >.; :- "•lfl\.111 ~3-tO

"'"' .iho "Jthktt1 Ill <!llJI''' \ulO.: ol tl11..• .... 11110: :111J I' mtc:I · lc11u.1ll\ 1unou'. C11r1 ru lkl \I.ii C'.111 ~-It>~

Al., l \ I 11 .\l.A'-l ED. '11..:·

1c"lul l>\\ 1\1 ' '> .n -.·cl.., \lll1cr1· ldJlo1tll\l11p "tth J I· lr3'.ll\C cr11..·ri:1•ti. \\llll\Jll ~) \\Jc l r-11~ < .111.i2w

u lJODLOOk IM , 1\ 111 l.l I IC. s~ \I .:ni;111c1·1. l .1. li'/lt>~ hlu 1'\C' L nJO)' hll..c !Ilk\ flMl\f\.'\, trJ1cl, lllU

"' ">t.'d' .111r.1.i11c .• llhlc1tt 'I f 22 I I 111llt \' Ill h."h."'t ltH ttll"Jn11u.•lul rel.a

11ori.l11p ' " ""' l .111

\I l l< A< 11 \l 'i\\!'>I h ' I , "k'h, '\/\ •>ll<' "'"· lin.Oo< I\ \.CC. Ufl: ~f\.".lf hPU,~ , \!'flit I~

ltJ\<.•I. 'J'urh. ""'' ll"\ ~ut~ <nn• c:r,.1111111 .111tl nJ"."<1.111~ •r1:uJ111 • 11111.: JIUllC "'1th

""'i.:"" P<'• •. 11 x.:i.111:: .11 1r ... 111t \ \I 1'i-l(t cmplo~<.-J hn.u><.1..JI~ ..., .. url! \ 111 1c1~'1\. n: ... h 1111 1omm1t1111!nt

"" •h•hlrcn plcJ, ... Uran~..­t•ttJlll~ (.JI 14'1~

I Al L A ' IJ ARTIC'L LA I l \ \\ \1 ,., (> 7 ll\1 111 ,

hr '" n hlul.' , \l .t\ICr "'u" I , • mmunll :ll11111'f ph111ngr.i pl11 lntcn:\h out.kM•f\, .ut.\

'"''' , •• , ..... 11..111•• •>Ill. 11~ ,1 , fun. l,Jl1 .It l' ..... Or U1' ' ( '' 11\ ( JJI

II \'l><,0 \11 I \!'Cl T IVf., ' 11111~.1:1 t• :!.. l'JO, "ill DW'VI , hltn·tg• 1 ., .... ~ 111r hcau11ful.

h 1pi:ll \\ I I, .t'\ 111hrr' 11111111.tll "'""' C .JI ~'l(,l

\II I I IJV. \\\.W M oO. ~ t, 1 ·11 ~ S •..:II 1·111pl111cd. 11111\ l"hl=lllll\ l11u I 1l,11KCf, 1.,., \ail111~ . < ud·11oni; . run • '\.: L I.1th t 'i 'I'\ (°o\la

' " • ( .111 ~" ~

\I '\< I kl 1111dl.:1111.1I 01..: 11 11111kkJ I 11 '>\'.\f ,:<o,cnf• n~cr . """ lin l\J1lc11J1ng. ultull' ~ee l. ' "-llnlkl rul

'> \I, I . rl'l.111111uh1p hv11u~ . ( .llJ 111'1'1

SW"' ~7. \' 1 1~1 'lei •• lltl'lll.h•C

l>llh !IHll)' l n}l l\ ~.a.Ii 11111)• tMll . •0!111111 m 11v1r1 See l.. "'m lCll lnr l~nd.J\11Vrtl.1uon slur c, ...... Mcs.i. C.&11 2425

L'AMOUR FORf.VE.K! Very hnndwm('. mmanll•, erc;illve f'rc11l h CJ11;11Jian cn1rc prc

ocur. 41, 5 '9. bln/,m. 'ltt._~ e:>.4u1s11c. guod·hcartcd. mar­n;igc mudcd SWF, 3040, no dependents. 10 )hare 11 all Newpon Beach. Call 1341

BEST FRIEND wanled. hand· MXnc. sUCC1:£Sful. compa..s1on ~1c. marna1e·m1ndcd SWM 30. 6' 1. (Of fun llme; & mc>re.

• 1,..aguna ~'h. C'lll 2402

COME fl .. Y wtth me! DJM. avid p1lo1, C'l · New dcbomur. 11rm. youthful !> 1. JfOucnt. very bnght, ""Ill )' and romun111 .. Scd:rng very ilun lcmalc 1"0\lnterpan. under 5'S Sewpon Bc:ich. Call :!Miil.

\A \I 2H. '- t.! "' 10 town, 1ob tran~lcr " om 11.1 ... au mp 111 cont~! Sec .. SAT 22-211. m­ten:,ICd 111 l\V•ni:. lnmc Ci.II 2.l Vlj,

ATTRACTI V ( \ tm:cre DWM 27, wom.u1 40 60 En.JOY qu1e1 C\'Crnni> r.1<,'C un1mpnr1an1 Loni Bea"h C.11120%.

l>ID '\'OU mAc 11 10 40. • 1111 .tbsolulel) beJullful. wtlhoul ~·"~ Ill GfCal .. 11.1pe. ill\ mg. '°"''"'· and noc 11>0 l'ltlt'r. ma)'be ~ome young l. td' ' GOOD' I h.i"e Jll the re)I, 1001. .... sh;lpe. money. hroe. at utuJc . .md pamper Mama~c or bthl Beach C'al l ~379

MARRIAGt·MJNDED, (>' :! , 67. crea111{:, .id.,,cn1urnu' C' Cl '4.'C:I.> UL1 1MAT[, RO MA "ITI female Jrtt••k. k11111"' \Ut.ll!S.\l~C. <J\Jftn • '-UI · 1ni; 1teJ11h ,14m111c' Ne"~ Be.a.II l .JI IJ<il

IW \IA '° m: DJM )llUlll> (1:!, cJu. .llcd cnth U,l.l\llL, \.CLUIC.

111111 l fll\CI. IAal l..\, '11olo.1n r,, thc .itb Lct "~ 1.111. ' cwport Bc.1<.h C' .ill I t.Clll

C10TC t•\ \ Tl~'TIO '' ~\\\I ~I.'<• l tltl. \c rv .11h lc11e. J111h1111>0,, cn.l'I) tic""h. ho.u1ng. " " nhc: 1hc ull' tu.u \.1~ Cs.II :? VM

llA '\0~0\H SB\I lO. 'i WI 70. 'ICel. ' rea l "' '"n.111 ::!5 l5 ' lun . ~W/111 Let ·~ tall. . ) t>U "'on' t n:g1et Long Bc.tlh CJJI 24<>?

~EXL AL. Jf1n 1111n.i11:, lrllll W. Jthkc11c. ph) t1b1h1tC't uf :i '\O )'r old. uphe.11. Ju\llcr d.1nc111~. trn1cl v./\WI 1\na U..-1m.C.ill H23

l'M N ICC: SWM " £01111 lool..on~ phy11.:olly r.1 , N/ S, and \\ 11rth c .ill1n.: l...ool. 111~ fur l•llllp.wt>k' l cmJlc Con111.1 tld MJI C.tll :?\Ill

MIV\[ SOIA 'IATI VL HJnd,um~. Ire.: ' (Hiiied 6 /19~. SW""I . nc,er nwned 1 v.1lhnv tu k m1' 1. prol1.·•.-i00 al "'/grc.1 ..:n-c of hu1111>1 .. oJ nu f1n:tcllSlllll'. \CCI. \ •Cl) ti Ir 1 me. \ h1n/\l1Jpcl) :?Ci IU f>fl'!;' f l"<.\l\l \\1 111\.111 ...,,,h; rcr (rate open) re.ady to &O \IC'.ll.I ~ N u \polm CialCf'l Ill

1mnl.c rl plc.i....c 1 llunlmptun lk.k h Call 1119'1.

EC Lf:.CT IC rLNl RLO It her. DWM. S'9/160, 40 ' NI~ . 1Hcc11on.11c , ro111.1 n111. honc:~l. "°ntlcm•ll'I. Mid w c ... t cm vlllu..'\ UlJO)• hu~). cllf 1111 cu111munu.a11on. c.111111 oul . mov1C\. the.iuc. Jail. 1'0f11edy. 11.ivcl. d.u1""'ll· (110 fV )pi)fU) S« · 1nttlhjOL'lll.

poi.111ve. eroo11003lly ~cure, slender lady. "tth J w:nsc or humor • .uld lime for lovmg rc­l.u1on~h1p leading 111 "'3m:t;,oe. Mt ion VIC.JO. Call 190~

SLNSITIVE. CARING ow . 34. secu slender, a1-tracthe l.IJy f0< c:ommnicd n:· l.mon hip. Call for mote de­Lll ls lrmit Call :?2ts0.

SWM 37. 0'3. hkes boa11ng. sl.1111g . See .. ) special fem.UC. 20·~ 30·,,. for run & more Let ' s 1.ill. Newport Bca..h. Call 222:!.

CllARMING DBM 311. 6'. ISO 111.tlurc. Rubenc)quc W/HI· for blow d.ulL1n~. wn i UOU\ food ... 11mc \hBnng. Coo.w Me~ C.111 2228

YO~ R O~, INY. Anr.1tll\t,

N/S SWM '7. llLll\C. health). [nj\1)" tr.1\lel ii.. (urL 1\.11.ailLtd. ,IJhlc • .tfh: ... ,IO!We. Co>l.1 Mo.a. C.11112~


.II SI.\ M S'Vl.SO. ~I) rom.inllt. p.1))1ona1cl)' 1n11 male. ltumurou), fun cu> Health) , N/S/0 , enjO)' din­ner\, music. movies. bc.ich w..ilb lkSirCS fem:alc (131'¥e framed or full· fi1urc O.K.). for ouLSLlnd1111 plly JCal rd:a­uomh1p Thu IS the rut one! Plea.-.c call MlCJfL Lon' 8cxh Call 211!6.

OWM . 6' 1/ 1 HO, 1utr1c111 c, ,~fiil, c:mooonall) 1"311 able. \l..lnlS .i mls.;:l\lc\IOU~ la· d). La£una "iiucl. Call 2105.

PROFESSIONAL F\JNBUM. 31. 5'1U'l65. sec: .. mg Ille \lull. .... 11vc: girl f0t mt My~ ~ i1 an account Cl\eCUll~ lntcrU" include Playma 111 tile \now illld waacr. cuddlln&-1ra vc: It ng. 11ny1hing in 1he loUf\ShlOC. lau[llung lllld ~IOI> ~ nole) OOL Tilh m~1 too noce of a ~uy mJ)'bc


the unc for you, Co"ia Mc3a CJll 121!7.

A T HLLT I(' prolc\stoMI SWM. 33. 6'/IM, t1lunJc/l'lluc'. letlrus. pggi11g. wi:t~IU hllll)I. outdoor ~ports. open holle\I.

.~ld rum1nU1Uc;;W)r. .X·d. mg lasung. e.Y\rl!! n:l.111ofWllp "•lh 'cn>ttl\c ill. :ath\C

"00\ll\ '"''nc C..11 111!7.

ARTSJLITERA TL. RE inlet C\I'>°' WM . f it . yuun11 ..i()' ) , \ttl.s hl..c m11ldcd \\ F •~•tit' Call 10.\.a

VERY SEU:.CTIVE S\\ \I"-' )Ctks SF )tunncr 25-40 for hfcmale. alhlctlC abllll)' I plU\ Nc'lo\-poft 8exh. Call 1934.

DWM 58 5«U fnn.ale 4<i·Sl! U> enjo) 1hc good hie or Or angc Cooruy -«1. p;anica. mo~ics - I 'm 6 '/1 65. Com

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HANDS0\1El Y Cllff/illh· lt1tc plly 1(jUt. SWM /S-0 6'/ 1711. 40. rnl~~ ~ l'rll<.lll.C n :i;ul:ir l"'Cf\.l!oC wlJ proper nu11111un t0 \lay ht. V1111Cd rcucoilK)rL'l mte re<ol\ 0c, 11c Ill mcc1 .i petttc swr. 1'/!> 0 l(f '· 'lo\-t.l •~ rrtllY ..uid .tllrAllVC lrvuic Cllll 21RIJ

SWM ('I(~ S' l(Vl C,O, Y61.1.11, I.lid 0..k.I.. hlCM)'IC. tnto b1cycltni; .nl l1wunt' to CJl.llnu. \mc'll.~ .il'kl drulk.\ ,1.11\lllly. kw~ lot .11111Kuv1: .1111.l lnm pl11) mo11c v.11h \anic mtcrc~lj Nl'"'llO<I Jl\.'.L <"all 1~11

Ctn [ SWM 2 \ , ~ru inter e~un •. mtcll1i;cn1,cutc lnr fun unu OMll!;t Count)' C.ll l l6"

t-ATIVL AlliCifl l~O. S M H, r1h11..1I moral 'punt• · nc:uu,, lo v('\ JJ/ 1 • .in. h.tntl • 't•nto: Yvu re B· n , 111no.,.11· 1t11t. f'CJ1.rlul Lona Br."h C.11111'1

GRAl'lllC Dt:.slQ~ER SllM 2li. t.ttk' SH F 2(). 2 1ruo ii'>!> .att. KROQ mU\K and fnend ~hip W11tn1ngion. C.'111 2 112

u.;r ·~ 00 lor 111 I 'm 40 SWM, h0nci1 alfcc1ton.i1e. rum.1n11, , ~urc. ~1v1n1i1. 1.1111 fidcnt U!Uktng IO n~CI )'OU,

S WI . ddven111roo, , fit . <lllmt 1tvc, 'O -111. for c11r101 rel1 tlun•h1p, N/S llun1lng1on

Mesa. Call 1175.

SJ\1 1o. 6'?/I ~. tiro...n h.llr, blllC e)tl. \CCI.\ w.11. blonde SJf :?J-:?6 Garden GroH C.1111419

l'OEVER M RRI ED S\I. M W prorl .11\.hll.-.: I Sc~l.J fl(

ht.:. bu.''Y· ''"> wr "" v.1fo .u1d bi1b1c\ llu1111natun Uc.t<.h Cull IK71)

TALL SW'-! rood lool..1111' prof< ~K)ll.11. 4''.\ b'Um5 . .lo· JO)'' n.ercnc. tcnnl\, ~ulr. hc).'\lmg. dmm •, lr.i•tl. w~lb ,ond open hi \Ugfe.hon St'c .. cncrgchi; SWF wilh !>COS( Of humor. llctnf wi111:v.tu1 O\Cf·

wc1gh1 I\ no problem "''"" c:i111sw

HUMOROUS A ITR.A,C' l IVE prokM10Nl .SWM 29. ..e\'.u .illra<.U\c, u•mm1trn.:nt mul<kJ. c:nu-.oetw. l.1<ly l' lO v.h1l kl>~ C:.iJ1fum1.1 1<'"CO IJ.iho .,_, ' t'o l.M.klu 1c:r. ~1lc. eou~ h p111.itoc~ 1 • Lattwu N1¥UCI C'.il 111711

LA WYER scdine S\Che WT ~ 33. lllr.ctl\'C. loyal . dcv•*'<I. l'UIM!llll. . Nie(' :? \ IOf) ho\I<,(' w!Ju..i "'-R-C..i1 t 74~.

MAY I Fl UFI' your 11uro1" SWM ,9, lum1nou\ eye• •hmc $1\atnele~~ly for pln:rful Ooddc v Hc.alcr San Pe<lm Call 1723

18 Orange Cout Weekend I Thursday, ~ay 27, 1993

TllOl'Ci Bllo:INI LOVER ! SBM ~l$ and .11!-tn 1urous \\ F 111-t- ((If ~ Tu,lln CAI 1771

ATTR-'\CTlVl:.SBM 21 ~ cle..n knl.'lc. *>Y •· noc"' nr ~z.: (ot fnendst•p ollld lllllnM· ey. Loo. C'all 17113

8L0'0C. ATlUJ:.T1C 'iiWM 3 I • ~ck3 young, good luol. m" :11:11\.'C ~rt who h\'Clo nc<11 I>)' . ,..ev. p;.,n Bc.ach Call 177 l

seNSLAL. PAS IONATL. JJIU ln''"i .11hlctt•. n1.i.~cu line, 1111l'IH3111Hloll l.illin llu\1 ne~m:in. 41. '<'t~, nlfcmd) feminmc. bluc~)Cd, .1thlc11<. ~'(\ h1J)' "'Ith !\felt) ltu! ':;<}

'\S, N S h11111t.1111 \' "'k." < .ill l l!(lS.

GOOD I CX)l(l'.;(i 90\ l.111J OI t'U\, '7, 'li'"fl(I(), ' J'IU f~·11Jf1Jl. Jmc.o rcJ B\IM en JOH ,,...m •. CO<ll.tns. &: hi hiaot:c, :'<II \>f hum•lf. lll1d dmcs red OMR. Seel.-. li pclltC, ~ood l\.'llU~J blood UI

redhead for fr1en<hh1p.· dlcl11 &C1urme1 dinner~ ~ more Old I mcnltoo m) rbJ BMR1 ln-tn.:. Call 111'7

SI SITTVL II fSTO\\M Jl\ \C:d •. , AllC\.111111.11C •C\rlt.1J\e ~/.S .omp.truun. 2~ 40. for hca"h v. .. t'-'· d11111Cr/ m1w1c , 11n.1 a1her mnplc plctt,uru Clcmcnlc C .lit I 1<'6

BRIGln . E"IOAC... INC. "el')' h.;.nd\IHttc: "'"'Y· 111 &I. fun SW ~ . 6' l/1 4)0.


b411c:nc• in

d utk.•d EnJO)'' , hopfllng, icn 111\. mu ..: 'I t'U SWhlt., l11C

20·~ early '\O'~. l\li mile .lllJ •hip l~1nc CAii 10~.

LDLC A. I l l> l'ROFUS ION AL S WM. 6'2/lli'li. CllJO)', din1n1. d1nc1ns v.eckrnd . Sed• 'lender 'i Wf 40 ~O C•>mpillll~lf\. p•r1nn . 101 1111.eR: n:L11011uh1p l"'inr t..llJ 1602.

HA~ rl NG OVfR. HM ~'Nl~'i . waM:r l.11n1 anti all l. tnd\ nf d1nCt nl are what .. ecp my 4S ;.car old bod) lool.111, Ille 'I() tr ~an rt ~Ire '\0 40, OUlfOI nJ 11\d hullhy, ind w1n1 tu ~hare your life. plclbC call Tu un. C'All 17116

YOU'RP. SMART. Ind pl~y­ful , mm1n1tc. 11n~rc1. cn10 uonally ~c~. l'fMOltllNy at l fllo;live, N/S, S/DWF J0-40,

and \l.,,.llll ttwl ~ 'C-or~­<lnc • "1 0) <.OOV1111111'd " l.111onsh1p. 1 ht' PfOl~'"' "I.IS DWM 4 3 l luol.1 \\1 n \uut wulmo11oe1 l.Lf\ lo\c lire l~r' lr">lllC Call 16ll'I .•

T0\1BOY- 11.1\eler. \holl . NS. '-Ull'ot'".&11\e ~......-c. l1ltllt fu1cd, cool.. 1101 'crav.ny w~nted b OWM 411 s· 11/2:!.S. lmh. hu~ .. .,, bluel'ltmt·b;ilJ. cJ ocillCJ pro· fc'-'>Kll\.ll l!Vllle C.ill lti'.111

TALI. S\\ \1 . 111tc loQl.. m • Jlf(>fo,,IOO.ll. \~. I W!f. cmhu •li:t•U.-llll\' '<Clo.\ ..CW IC\lhc,1d for 1~rr1 f1<. rcl.tllun•IHp l (i.1111 C.lll IC>'ll

I 0 ' 0CLA fl< ll\\ \I ~ wcll"'JU<.it..:d o111rl "''~ ti..- Olllck>Ur'<. e'f't' ialJ) l 1lp ms ~ fi\hm~ S.:n<JU\ ~ ••

""'· rrwn.i~r• not 10 "''" the lldl,v.<1<1d Hov.I er'~'"' " ' .. "'.:""I mu,1c, 1li..:;i1cr nit m•)\I('\, !>cxf..111~ ~ "'"'""' <Ir lfll.ll•I)' for ~-nou~ u11n1n11 k:Al re~h1p "'ho l.¥1 ~·m

-' phmcn1 my c'p.u-.1 m\ hnnLOCb and 1nm·•.h"-T me 10 new et.pcllClk"fi !Anf lk.-..:h Call IO(W

STOP• Yuu rl>UnJ 11 1 .!.WM 2.'i, hmlbm. b'. prufe.wun.J •"-1<1r/1110dcl. IUll\Jnl~, s..-.:1.rng ol

"1111\.111 'lo\-00 I~\C <,e\\,

{)Ul£flltlio "fl<~1t.u!C(ll,I, CAii "" IOOfC1 Irvine. C.111 I <11.a

OW~I. CtlRISTIAlli , / .., , JUST '\() JU~I d1\llf\;CJ, JU\I icttmi ;xhcntu1c:,nmc:, t.tll dlhlctK., fun, b<J\lllC\~ llWlll't lur ~l1;1J!CI). l<J"'"r 11>1l tu \fllltl Tu..i1n 0 •11 144~

C'.000 I 00t<l1'G, "'Cll hllth • \\ M 40. N/S/O. (i'/ 1711 tt ~ derree. fhn'~ on t ' c"'"e, hcllthy dlCI IO 11\JllllJtn h1jh lc:vc I o t fi1nes\ Derive plc.­'urc from mo~'le'. pl.1)''· .:on 'en.s. ~flll"' anJ m1•rc Re Spt'c llull)' \Ce~1n11 SWF,

' 'I), :\CH."' "° 1~ fil 1ncclh 1en1. and very prc-11)' , for 1 '°' 1n1 rtl~1101bh1p ~. no thillin. I win CAii I S95

ttANOSOME. green e) ed SW'1 b'S, seclo.1n1 pretty, horct. CC)fflll11tmcnc.minded F .a~~COlill Mcu. C".U IS34

l.Xf REMf.L Y CONSIDER· A Ttl.. l(tlVC, iiOphl~i. • .-ctl. IU m1111K, da.Ualn11 chllm.:1 011ung. 1ni11el, entrepreneur

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111. Chari., Bo) er \Ound All~. I.on\. Codi I WI

SPIRITlJAL.LY Ml""1l>f:O, v.orld a1hcn1ure ua~elC'r OWM S4 sccl' mrn. •frff-11onalC'. 'rm1u&ll) • mrnJed me1:1phy\ wulm.ut Ill •h.ln: J«p lhoughL' tlllJ high a.hcn1unr Fvunuun Valk' Ulll~

D" M n ~f.>. OOC! ~MJ E11 JU)'\ l'AnlJ J.all, J1111~!• "" 111p rnrn.an11e CH'f\lnf• \eel.> .alUll,llH,

\l~re, \\ /AJIU ~,.; 'II. SIS l'nr fun. 1.omp.anu111,h1p. r<> n1.1n1:e. p. ,,Mt l"'1tl icnn n.-1.lli<lfl\Np In U1C C .a.II I ~·1-1

I l!Kl~(j I rcnd1 """fll~n H•nJ~·•mt . 1n1cllc.111;al DW\I, n11J hh: rrul, Ill hn· sual Amer.on !lic""P•lrl C.Ol.ll .~.~

(.j()()O LOO._l\li ~B\I '.\~. ri· • ..ccl.• .mr.i,mc lh.tpeh fun lo~in S\\~ tor grnt tinac\ ,(.;. un! 11n11d l"•tcntial l..u1. Af1$.Ck: c.,.11 I~>

Other Arro~

l ,\IJ_ llA'D'>O\lli \men •:..llltc A •.111 • " l.t\c J..i11.1r • ur><alt fun.ti n , n1U\i.:al •'"""'J" rc<1.1ur.tn1, , 'C'C'I.• clJ."\ lc1n.1k fk>(lf\ I hlb l I ;:!..1/11

\I AK KI \ 1, l \I" 0 Ii U

D"' '< i·•·••J ""'"' .is. ~ ~ INI, l'ill .. ,.e lu I Ao nl<wt' ..,.,th''• lllKll\c.' 1,()\\J SJnu .. ko. •• .a. C"';atl .!-'"

MIDOll IA'>HK!" , '' · b"'. \('( .. \I~ 1.i ~·11 •• r.i..c.'

•'Jlt'n. •1IKt'n: tlcjur .. buH101 •lcnJcr+. 'ncLuJI, r,•m.inu·, ~ \1olll•J. (.JI 1-'~1.

ATTR;>.C. TIVl. 1ntc.'ll11c.'nt ~'" .. , .!II. "1m '<IW ul hunu· ''C '>Ar I 'I :!M f<lf tun .in.I h1'.~1p. \.ilc:n.uC.1111111'1

~100 CIO\l I" \IV p<h\C\

''°" H •lp' 1-.0 '>I ~. cn1rcrrcncur c,c.-ull\C I\ re Im S\\ \I \ Ill 19, Nut <'W"·

:11hl.:1t. lnvin11 San111 Monica Ci11::!.iW

HANDSOM£: SM. 35. 6'/165. \Cl)' a<:llH' jo\I lun· IO\lni. -CCI..\ SWF v.ho en .1u\\ ni~hldubs Mid fine dtn­•ni 5.ln1.1 Mnrucoa. C.111 2451.

I~ "''t lul1M1! \VF 1 • ., dinner mm~. rl>lnan<,< A~c doc'n 1 mauer. Pi,1fic l>ilh\.l<le, C"':.11 2.i()() '

STR IKl..,Ol ht ~n>UOll\, lo;"mg \.:I Unili.:"unJinJ. lllltl hi:cm )"Cl lhclllfhUul. l'.t'\IOfl· .ik' )Cl urunh1b11eJ '-rc".11·• 0111 me Hh "'\I C.111 1 "'fl

<.'LOTlll1'G OPl 10,..AL t'\';io;hc,, I f\,1um. S\\ \I 42. lhtn1 ... 1>ml rn1dcn1 prol

cl., F l11mp.amvn tor dil} '"P" Lu Anf':k." C.111 2~

H)l;:-,r; \I · llL.\IH OW\I 3'1, 5'()11 ~l.1llrJL,I\<'., ux~ld .-r.u.e. 'll'< 1•( humor, rvman llC'. p(J\tull~ nJu~hl\;/\ ... CCI

S«l.' I· 11\ ''I. anracun·. re· II~ Cflf>~' hnt luncl. Jun1~ lechnJI' · • mutu.AI Abrur.JIK)f\,IC>I"'"' ~., h1JJcn d ·rnJ.t\, I m re.ti, rm \\Alt'

Hf,..,.J l:.aJI 1.172

\l<UI '1 l'l \' \m~n'·'" • "' h.rnJ •'ITI< l)\\ \1 ' )I

I • . it."d., ~ l) \\ I Ill .i ). • lrnJrr , lur llJnung, 11lt.k~11r.•1t•J.a>r fun \\~,1-1\k.

Cllll '"''

111\ "'0'>(J\1L l \C l !'TIO' \I. M tl\lll'nlleprcncur. ''l 1'1 '10 ~ i.., U \\I •lun. l'ICll\. l>r JIO\ Ill \hJIC

""''•t:whllun 'uu .vt '1>-48. lmc n.11urt, ·lrh. <\.111la \1C>nJ • ~ ('J!I I'll\

l'OLI & f'l1oi.-gr.1rh1;r scci... ...... = l'C~l)<I l'>.>i~ "'11h on M...:t.. 6. ... tui.: phoco J...:umenln~ pru~d \loOK.._ C.111 I'~

l 'IVLK!>n' Pn•k'"" "''lh \.> SH\I. Cl t i Ml.~~ re· lllt hhpru. LailllJ. '~ \ l\r.}. nl<~ relal1<11N\1p ~1.1-

1111.11~:1 IU'\ Call I JJ'

\\.\\I, l '.ti . 0¥\..wn. 'J'lflL1 l"C\ VI. .i&.hk.-1 ... . 'Ct'I..' Lill. .111r.i..··

11ve BF to 40. smile.~. enJUys Me. \\·ea.heller. C...IJ 1415.

PERSIAN AMERICAN. eJe. 1.in1. educated. f1nanc11lly comfortable, romanCJc. En.JOYS 'po"'· arts. music . travel . See~ \1&ruficant Olhtr. Santa MQrUca. Call 1297. '

L1'GLISH. tall. shm. a1uac ll\e, "'Ill). U. l.oo .. lnl for wmc lun "'"h an 1n1elli~n1. ~·nn~ ~lyll<OOd... C':ill I '11)'.'i

5W~I '2 ..cct..s ~WCCl. WlllTll.

anJ .lltr.1'11"c N/S ""h11e fc· male tllf r,10\iUlUC cncounier.. U;,""'\flomc Call I ~5 .

T~'O L[Ff FEET. can't J.un. "'" Ir)'. ubcral fem• · ru\l tinght. fit cuddle· mJn1nt 18+ S:&111a 'lilomca, C.ill 24.22.

rTWA" MUSICIAI': ncv. IQ L \, 2'7. 6 ·II S4, \tnooth. gooct.. kM>li.lf\1! • .UOOC. Soc~ F !.S-45, I .;ll. :!Ct l. any r:acc. open mmd. !Of f ni:nJ..Jlip. COOlplfll<ll'6htp. IOU~ X"f'l<.lU_'< ool). HOii)· .... ,l<Xl c .ill 11411.

IT \LI,, MALE. :!9. IR

v.hcckhair 1.CCl..s to lk•elop lnerlt.htllp and ro1~ With ""urn:m "' any rik.e bcl"''ttn ~~..j~ W-An!!rie'- Gill 2.S'.?0.

Ul GRC.fl>. ph}\1c.:i lly ap 111:.ihn!I. \J1m, ~·10. )OUlhful. l\I~ 1\h 4u.aht'.1' Ml~cr fo\. lion~. tc1-.k.or, into :Art1. d.:111<: 1n~. rne.vl\knni: sec t..' uncn· •umbered J.lmsel io..J form. mind. ~ dJ\po5Jllon. humor WC\! LA COlll 1635.

' FU". OUTG0l1'G S""'Cde ::!7. N\trte>>m.m S«t..1n SWF ~. open m1ndl'd. rrot~ .ii. 1~ndem. fun. N/D. ro­m.w... Hlyv.d. Qi.II 2·Ull

\ 1ARRYl'I. MAN. lwlt.bomc ~T DBCM SM ~rcc·lc~cl cnl!•~r. rnmputer JlrUiJ.rnm mer '>«b ..cnou> S/DCF tor tun ~ lu\ ... cit. Pa1md.ak C.111 )21tl

CA,DLE.LIGHT 0 1'"-ERS. lx'.kh v.alt..• "'"h genc:rou,. l<l\l(lg ~WM Rl"alll) I\ JUSt J

phone call away Glendale. c~ 1179

L£T THE AREWORKS be· gm wuh yoo and me! OWM. 4S. 5' 11 , atttaclJ"c. cntrcprc· ncur who·~ loving. scncrous seeks prcuy. t..111d. compas· s1o na1c SWF for RO· MANCE! No one is perfect: I'm sli&hlly d1~tc4. bu1 able IO drhc. enJOy mcwics. m~ic. d1n1ng and chcnlhmg you. WCSILA. C;UI 2.414

HARLt't' PURIST SWM \eel.!> HOll)"'ooJ female IU

p1mpcr. IJ~c un1mponan1. lool.~. ou1goin11 :ire' Holl) v.ood.. C.MI 2406

S\10RGASBORD \Cn.llll b l) • 1otellet.1Ui&lly AppClilln&. p;lS 11onatcly dcsscnhl.c. SWM 40+. Share h re > 1na11lCOW'Sc.' You· Coininun1<.<11t,c. humor­ou~ non 1natcnJh\l1<. 'icld ­in~ S3nl.l Moru.:.i. C-1ll :!410.

MR. RJG~rr. SBM '1. cd11C31 od. lool.11111 for JllIJ..t1ve SHI­fur po651hk ~Llrl<.ll'Mrp. Wllief '2- Lo.. Anp:b <.'.ill


r OR AS\ I~ r Al':( [ \VI rt l YOL R \DOR l'\l-OR.\1ATll)'\ L.Al L l 14) 8'i0·28l6 OR l·AX TO. (71 •1) 840·..".lBC>

\\.11<11 - r~c•W )'OU! .aJ .,.~ w1ll ••)1gn ~ """' 111.111 numh.:1 "h1 .. h ""~ ..... ,u uutl.t.o \Our" uh 1nlurm.111on un ho" ro rC1.orJ your lr<'C H>11.c: :iJ

Please type or print clearly (attach ad copy on seperate sheet) ~O~iAN SI WN<., MA.\; MA.'-: H ~;\\ OM.\\ WOMA.\1 ~H:.Klr\G WO~~\; MA.~ SEF1'1NG M'\N

Add~: _________ _

C1C):.___________ 1.rp. ----

Phone:(_)·--------Age:---­Above informadon mandacory.

t·.,.~· 'Uh J.nt.. ~·,,,,.,.Ah> uw _...,_,,_.....,,__,w · ,\.,...~,_.. .. 1oq~11C\l 11> '!""'' lhQMftM. ' .... ~ - "' ..... """ "~ ,,.,,,,... Li ....... 61 "'"'°' ... .. . \o),t ,,t(Uj\, Ol '""oJ"' uon Tht r11.....i. ... 1n1r..Jt.i "'' "" bv ""'1< uod>•iJ.W.. 18 lftill!J lr""'1Jllr °' ttbuon.1Uj1 01l>r• ..!~ '" 11- &Ii IUC nplk11 w:>11o1l lao~NV· ..;J , t.l"M.•lwJ -.;ng1ttJCo Lal m~~""'-""'""' ·hnl~..,...., II, rU'111C !hi.• .J""' niorml. ;.:~ 1i... S..,Pl>lc lo< M• m..oik,.. ~- ,.,_,.iu., 1l1t Ml•UI~•··! "'dwt<m .~ "'"" r~•>JlfttJ•t (~ ·~. , .. , .. .,., aJ ~.i>gkl.ilt ID< kn ..... ...J Joe, llU4 .. m..,""' 1n1m,..,., tulwo •'*" pik•"J l_,.•l lldt °' 1!ww rt'J'ONl•llC c.• """ ..i. ingltl ,_ • .....,,.... "0 IU!Win r .. tlw <81110t1C"' .. rqilp ..... ,,. .,.('I_ !Ir~ '"" ...

..,.. , """'e '°""*'"' Ln fur dw CiODlrt•~ Ill. •nd • ttpk. '" •ot al or rn0tdn! ~ .iod fut -nv d.inu 1u bt In.Jr >t:Unu ~.,g1c1, c 1.-. • • ltlll t d1cuvt • rJ..:jnc 1hu Ml 1(h'i vdm ._ dinNI """•v«" •~J""" i, •"' hoiJ ~ltlAlc, 1,,. rnJ 1u cn!pl..wn l-M"'k11 lr"'11 • '°""'· tt.Jlt!liCl !lndu.l ;ormrncp' 1<ct) lublL1tn ....:! ~<<WI ,.,. r- "' CNJtd In tt.. rub!­ea ..... 1 ..t"' ''" r<Wfd rk""~-.,...,.rqia,.,...,,_hw

FIRST 15 WORD AD FREE! (AddJ. words $1 each.) FREE DAILY MESSAGE CHECK! M.akt chc<lt .,-yiable lO ~inglcLlt. (Abb<C'\'uuoru or hc11h1 "'ct •h .. unbl-> •Olllll •U I .,...,J I

fOROfHCC. U!lf O NLY VM1__ PW• DBI- ~·nr P'> I l>

( )( ·p ' .

ANIMAL LOVER seeks un coovenllOflll. t.p bely for per­maocn1 rela11onsh1p v.ho 1\

30's 10 SO. :111r1e11.,,c. 1'/S. w1lh a well-dc"clopcd scrn.c of humor I 'm 50. 5'8 ""h comefbllt3lc .... 'Clght. beadcred & bea11llc. not h:ud on the C)CS. My style IS ~cnlGI & ~ 1'r. aruculaie & h ieraie I am a VcnlC'C dcruun ""ho t> emu· 11ooally cvohcd & ha,, '°' ·~ wa~ I '°"" photography, th!: ans & ~1ng hand) and .!re

lllJ\C. V~ma: Clll I ~N

GR.EAT WOKI GL'. t.JI. \1\1)1.J\. gootl'ilfl\'C'r..llJQOJl~L ISO pn!ll) µI oo htroo~cn lor luncheon rompanwn Soulh !My/\';OIMJe Call 2.'W7

PH D \:?. 5'11/170. 11.irt.. hau/bro ... " tVC\, \ec:l.111~ SWF 1;all shnl, .?1117. lUj· lured. honc'l't. lo) Angele• m;i. C11ll :?.'.ltlll

ARE 't Ol TIRED Of ronn • &10 "'"h bonnr. l'")'" \k'\:I me Jilli )tour lu..I. "''II di.Ill~ .. ~· S\\ M 'J \ · 11. \Cr\ ~UIC uc.u l.1u1h ..nJ tun i. • ti..' "•lh \eel.1nr \f ....,h,, ' h.·.ilth\ h.ipp) . 1houi;ht1ul anJ p<l'tl\ ~, \1oni.:a. c.111 1' "

llA,DS0\1E •m \I '" ~ JO) S l. ilrJlC. !~Ill, ll<.'<I• h ,

'""1111m1n Sc.:i.., '>I ~' •.lnlc 1n1cre'1' \ "' 'u'' C.ill :?4'1.'i

!>PIRI rt \L S\.\ \I '9. ~" 10 \,\ LA. \eCl.\ r1tll\ . hn ">ulnutc. u1mr111t!. IJ "ht.:r btlo.u\ic.. IX.Xh. clC L"' \Ol:•' le:- c lll , 1(1'7.

\llLI 10' \IRL \\ .\ 'l \ Gt>r"1euu' ~ ounv 1111•1kl .11.

lft\.) 0t ht..c for 1~111hti1r I'm \Cl) 1:<'1"'1'\114 lk'.:rl~ lftll• C.aJl 2'":'

IJO~ 11" BO'. !i\.\ M - " \''I f \0 «lllcfC' ,•Ju\.Jlc I , J'rl>I.:• 11111.11 ~lll\ "'"''.JI Sf It'! i:nou\ rcl.111un,h1p Li." •\r~.:k."' C;itl ~ .\7ll

T CTOR IU-.Al f \l;lll' Br.• ..t'r, {!tlllJ l1IOl.m~. W ti / I ti''. fuM) St'\'l.~ tnm, " ' ;? I·'"· Ii>~ Ill ""'lllllWIC \.anLa 1'1111 I.A C.lll ''72

WOl ID 'tOll ht..c 10 0e .tdortd b\ .A IU\ 1n WM .'3, 6/170. ~ho en1•''' b1l..1ni. """lli· "'tcLcnJ 1np,, mu~·

um~ and"''" communi\.JIC "" feeling~ too" Arc you \lender, «Wlll:1ll .. ,th your hk. :and JI lr.llll•C~ All \tom. .... dComl! Wei.lLA CJll B7 I

GOOD LOOKl'G Laun '· 111.i'\ . "'onJcrful; 1n.ld<I t) pc. nc"' ·.ii:c •pint. IS Loo. Atn~dC) , ('J!I :?369.

BLACK. re.1u11ful lC'll\Jk' I 2.6 sought ~ Eump:an ~W\1 T.!' ~-., -.:ts:"TI'!Tr.lm11: tun S C .irolma. C.alt .1 '6'1

WA-...T[D VGL \\. 11/Af ~S l;\ 111 ,flm mcJ1u111 •uon" bt>J\ ·m111J 1-vr cncr ~Cll\. p3\~lul\JIC.' !k•IC' lant.1.'~ c'plor.mon A tun n>m.11x,n • ·of the l>vd) /,uul/1rm1 "' '1100• h.in1.hD1nt' \U-.i:,~ful B\I """''·lraH:lkJ 11101>.ll, 11J,cntur.:r, ',JS!I). l.:.ilth) ~ ..;ik J1 .... l\."CI,

P..c1fi.: P.ih~ CJll :?11.t

Affl<.\CllVF ~H' : 7 "•lllh lo ""or,h1p .111d ;;r\C Jnrn•n;<lll t .. 'fll;Jk 111 l.i...i111<! ft IJ111Xhh1f' 5..r1t.t \li\1\1<.:L Call :!.'n

SJ\I t \CLPT 10-.; \L 7: C\:l..'\111 llllC:lc<-1• ~'ti..'\ CU\\),

p.:111..: \JI \\ L \ rr.:1.:11,J , ~ SJ1tl.I \l'""'.1 Call I l 1:

ECL£CTIC. "cll-tr.1i.ckd, t 1

hnguJI. h.111'h1>11"' tilJ( ._ pi ~ 1c,,mn.1I 'l«I. \ prl'tl\ 1,•m M \') .. h I .. " .\n<'.dO ( .all ::1<11

CO'Sl .. 1(R REPOIH:> rJI cJ #I ~\\.~I \I , .ll.hkt1<.', \l'JI I tlm rr1•tcs,1<•11;al , v.ell, :se<':l.111i: )1m1 SantJ \lon1<.-a. ('Jll 1 I07.

Men Seeking Men

Hl--<iW\ 1 ::Y. bhinllc, 1.111

-eel\ """·re: bl~d m.ik ''" 1 nenJ,h•r. tclJll••n•h1r. 2' .j(l T U\Ull. C.ill 1117 l

HI \\\I '"· 1> '. '"'" ullnc, 'er. n "ular .r;o. .J ''"'~ ·~ l~O ,11.,1\.t< \\ .. I :!..~ J' huul. 'c"'"'lfl tk·.1< h C.1111.1111 •

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C:lll ••

IUC. n·ir.::11 m .• "ut111.:. l!, ILll•an pn>IC>c"Jroll !'l'\:I. (IJc

".:, m.1<.. "iia l..t111105. I bh.lll\.

•lhc1 \l.:n t.•r 1115, rec1 tu1 '>h .. n . 1 .... 1., r1<·1l'11.-.1 1 ,., \np:k .. t"ltll l~I

!\\\\I, \I \I Rf \'[) I.'

<Ull.' d,, S\ffi4\1 0 \f.J 1 rien1hh1r. 1 un 111uc\ rnd ..,.,.c:i..,•nd tr~·d l II ho1101 ,, 111 , Ill\ " D (!SI

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ll0:-.1 \I ti .\ '\ ()\ll\11 M \fl l<l l \Rl'\h "'11/ll\ll. !<4't"'' <•\\I I' '4:• 11>1 ln."1>.hlup. n11111 Ix t•!ll<'\I \ 111-. !('('!, ·~ J , nn n t.. c L('I 0.--i.:I 11 ~)'!

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\TTR.\lll\l Ul°'l'I"' L , c.u11H bO •ccl.' J1••rt'Ct A•1.m \II c-.01i.; ''r<=· ,: I '". for \lf.,,"\I• rtllllOll\hlp Lu

'""'" c .. 1 11m

0rMge Coast WMkefld I Thursdlly, May 27, 1993 1 ~



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You an a guest are cordially

invited to attend an


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at 8:00 p.m

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Costa Mesa


Pick up your "Admit Two"

pass at these stores:



Ha rbor Blvd. at Wilson in Costa Mesa

FASHION BTF. Dch 850 1404 JC. Penny t .. u •. s021 Chuck-E Chcc-.c P17La 6)1-k 1(,0

M.1l'h.111'~ 5·W OX.!J Studt0 5 650- 1955 SERVICE Cla\'tC Bmlc 557-2030 Cobbler's Bench 546 0111 r .t\ht0n Tod.1y 64~ ·3 101 Dr:t.. Bywater & Wald 545 I} 162

FOOD Enterpmc Rcnt·J\-Cor S-10-00%

Oarn Steal.. I fou.,e (,.t 1-9777 Cilend.1 lc Federal Bank 642-171 1

C'h1n.1 We" I II :! 54<i-3331 I lnrbor Center S lyli~t 545-8800 Nick\ P111.1 549-1511 I !arbor Lock & Key 649·3601 Sammy\ Uurgcr\ 646-4855 Souvenir l I lo ur Photo 432· 1757 Don Chucho 549.4425 Tailor Shop 545.4544

I • '

20 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, May 27, 1993

Leasing/Management 540-7921

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Crown Dook" . Harbor Center Cleane" Hau<1e r's KC'' Hallma rl.. MichJc f'~ Jewelry Track Auto


540 1870 979 0 123 241-&400 546-6944 979 181'2 5 5 6-90()()

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Edwards Cine mas lloliduy llcalth Spa 549.JJllff Wanda's Dunce Studio 631-4.575 .

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