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Nepali corpus: Paudyal, Netra P. In preparation. Annotated Nepali Corpus. University of Kiel Text from the Nepali translated version of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll): Examples expressing manner A1 and then hurried on, !"न फ%"र दौड*ो ani pheri daud-yo and then run-PST.3SG (and then ran away) p 5, third paragraph, 4th row A2 Alice went on, half to herself, as she swam lazily about in the pool, एि.स 0यो पो3रीमा "ब8तार: पौडी ;<द: भ>द: "थई । alice tyo pokhari-mā bistarai paudi khel-dai Alice that pond-LOC slowly swim.INF do-PROG bhan-dai th-i tell-PROG be.AUX-PST.3SG.F (Alice was telling while she was swimming in the pond) chaper 2, p17, 7/8 A3 He took me for his housemaid’, she said to herself as she ran. उ8C त म.ाइ नोकर्नी ठा>यो, एि.सC दौड्द: गर्दा सोिच । us-le ta ma-lāi nokarni than-yo, 3SG-ERG PTCL 1SG-DAT servant think-PST.3SG, Alice-le daud-dai garda soc-i Alice-ERG run-PROG while think-PST.3SG.F (He thought me his servant, Alice thought while running) chapter 4, p 24, 14 A4 The three soldiers wandered about for a minute or two, ती "तन: "सपाहीहKC "तनीहK.ाइ एक िLन 3ोM ti tinai sipahi-haru-le tiniharu-lāi ekchin khoj-e those three soldier-PL-ERG 3PL-DAT moment search-PST.3PL (those three soldiers searched them for a moment) chapter 8, p 54, last paragraph 3 line A6 the frightened Mouse splashed his way through the neighbouring pool-- 0यो डराएको मNसो निजकPको पो3रीमा LपLपायो । tyo dara-eko muso najikai-ko pokhari-mā chapchapa-yo that frighten-PFV.PTCP mouse near-GEN pond-LOC splash-PST.3SG (the frightened mouse splashed in the neighbouring pond) last chapter, p 89, second para, 2nd line Only path A7 And was just in time to hear it say, as it turned a corner, ‘Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it’s getting!’ जा-दा एउटा मोडमा उ 0य8को !ि.क निजकP भई, उ8C भRको प"न एि.सC सN"न ''!ोहो'' क"त "ढ.ो भयो?

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ja-da euta mod-mā u tes-ko go-SIM.CP one corner-LOC 3SG 3SG-GEN alik najikai bha-i more close be.AUX-PST.3SG.F us-le bhan-eko pani alice-le sun-i, 3SG-ERG tell-PFV.PTCP also Alice-ERG hear-PST.3SG.F oh kati dhilo bha-yo oh how late be.AUX-PST.3SG (While going, in one corner, she reached close to him. Alice heard him saying 'oh its late') chapter 1, page 8, para 3, last and second last lines A8 How she longed to get out of that dark hall, एि.स.ाई 0यस !>धकारबाट "न8Uर Alice-lāi tes andhakar-bāta nisk-era Alice-DAT that dark-ABL come.out-CVB (Alice thought of going out from that dark) chapter 1, page 10, para second, 5th line A9 when she got to the door, जब उ ढोकामा पN"ग jaba u dhoka-mā pug-i when 3SG door-LOC reach-PST.3SG.F (when she reached at the door) this sentence is not translated in the text, see chapter 1, page 11, second last paragraph A10 and when she went back to the table for it, एि.स फर्Uर फ%"र Vच निजकP पN"ग Alice phark-era pheri mec najikai pug-i Alice return-CVB again table near reach-PST.3SG.F (Alice returned again and reached near the table) chapter 1, page 11, second last para, second line A11 so either way I'll get into the garden, जसरी भए प"न म 0यो बग:चामा पN"ग हा<LN "न । jasaribhayepani ma tyo bagaica-mā pug-i-hal-chu ni anyway 1SG that garden-LOC reach-F-finish-NPST.1SG PTCL (Anyhow I will reach to that garden), chapter 1, page 13, third paragraph, last row A12 It was the White Rabbit returning, यो 0य"ह 3रायो "हड्द: "थयो । yo tehi kharayo hid-dai thi-yo this same rabbit walk-PROG be.AUX-PST.3SG (it was the same rabbit walking) chapter 2, p 14, last paragraph, third row A13 She got up and went to the table to measure herself by it, !ाफW.ाइ नाXनका .ा"ग ऊ Vचका निजक पNZर उिभई ।

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aphu-lāi napna-ka lagi u mech-ka najik REFL-DAT measure-GEN for 3SG chair-GEN near pug-era ubh-i reach-CVB got.up-PST.3SG.F (To meausre herself she reached close to chair and got up) chapter 2, p 15, last para, second last row A14 Come away, my dears! Vरा माया.N नानीह[ हो । !ा!ो । me-ra mayalu nani-haru ho ā-o 1SG-GEN lovely baby-PL VOC come-IMP.PL (Come my lovely babies!) chapter 3, p 23, second last paragraph, third row from last A15 On various pretexts they all moved off, यसरी एउटा न एउटा "न\] गर्द: 0यहा]बाट सब: ^हड_ । esari euta na euta nihũ gar-dai this.way one PTCL one pretext do-PROG tyaha-bāta sabai hid-e there-ABL all walk.away-PST.3PL (In this way, pretexting something, they all left from there) chapter 3, page 23, second last paragraph, second last line A16 By this time she had found her way into a tidy little room with a table in the window, तबस`म एि.सC एउटा सानो कोठामा पNaR बाटो bट्टाइ । taba-samma alice-le euta sano kotha-mā then-until Alice-ERG one small room-LOC pug-ne bato bhetta-i reach-PFV.PTCP way find-PST.3SG.F (by this time Alice found a way to reach to the small room) chapter 4, p 25, second para, first row) A17 `Then I'll go round and get in at the window.' म यसो घNVर dया.बाट िभ0र प8R को"सस गर्LN ma eso ghum-era jhyal-bāta 1SG this.way turn-CVB window-ABL bhitra pas-ne kosis gar-chu inside inter-IPFV.PTCP try do-NPST.1SG (I try to enter inside through the window) chapter 4, page 26, second para, last row A18 Mind that loose slate--Oh, it's coming down! 0यो 3NकW.ो "सCट eर। ए 0यो त. !ाउद: L। tyo khukulo silet her-a that loose slate see-IMP eh tyo tala āu-dai cha oh that down come-PROG be.AUX (Please see, that slate is coming down) chapter 4, page 27, 3rd paragraph, 8th row

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A19 Alice turned and came back again. ऊ फर्Uर !ाई u phark-era ā-i 3SG turn.back-CVB come-PST.3SG.F (she came back) chapter 5, p 31, 18th row A20 And she opened the door and went in. !"न ढोका 3ोCर ऊ सरासर िभ0र प"स ani dhoka khol-era u sarasar bhitra pas-i then door open-CVB 3SG straight inside enter-PST.3SG.F (then she opened the door and went straight inside) chapter 6, p 38, last paragraph, last row A21 After these came the royal children; यसपिL बादfाहको घरानाका UटाUटीहK !ाए espachi badshah-ko gharana-ka ketaketi āy-e then.after king-GEN house-GEN.PL children come-PST.3PL (thenafter came the children of royal family) chapter 8, p 53, 7th row A22 and he called the Queen, who was passing at the moment, !"न 0यहा]बाट सवारी \न .ाZकी hगम.ाइ बो.ाएर भ>यो। ani tyahã-bāta sawari hu-na lāg-eki and there-ABL be-INF start-PFV.PTCP.3SG.F begam-lāi bola-era bhan-yo queen-DAT call.CVB tell-PST.3SG (then he called the Queen who was leaving, and told), chapter 8, p 57, row 19 A23 the only difficulty was, that her flamingo was gone across to the other side of the garden, एि.सको iCिमङ्गो चरो kदानको दो8रो कWनामा उ"डरeको "थयो। alice-ko flamingko caro maidān-ko dosro Alice-GEN flamingko bird field-GEN second kuna-mā udi-rah-eko thi-yo corner-LOC fly-PROG-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3SG (Alice's flamingo bird was flying across the other side of the field) chapter 8, p 57, last paragraph, second last row A24 The King and Queen of Hearts were seated on their throne when they arrived, जब "तनीहK 0यहा] पNZ पानको बादfाह र hगम एउटा सजाएको गद्दीमा ब"ससUका "थए। jaba tiniharu tehã pug-e pan-ko when 3PL there reach-PST.3PL heart-GEN badshah ra begam euta saja-eko king and queen one decorate-PFV.PTCP gaddhi-mā basi-sak-eka thiy-e throne-LOC sit-finish-PFV.PTCP.PL be.AUX-PST.3PL

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(When they reached there, the king and queen of hearts were already seated on a decorated throne) A25 The Hatter looked at the March Hare, who had followed him into the court, arm-in-arm with the Dormouse. टोlC !ाफmो साथी च:n 3रायो"तर eoयो जो मोटो मNसाको हातमा हात िम.ाएर 0यसको पिL पिL !दा.त"तर !ाइरeको "थयो। (chapter 11, p 77, 5/6 row) tope-le aphno sathi chaite kharayo-tira her-yo hatter-ERG 3SG.M.POSS friend March hare-DIR see-PST.3SG jo moto musa-ko hāt-mā hāt mila-era which fat mouse-GEN hand-LOC hand fix-CVB tes-ko pachi pachi adālat-tira āi-rah-eko thi-yo 3SG-GEN behind behind court-DIR come-PROG-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3SG (the hatter looked towards his March Hare which was going to court, arm-in-arm with the mouse.) A26 and she thought at first she would get up and leave the court; उ8C 0यो !दा.त Lोड_र बा"हर जाR "बचार ग"र (chapter 11, p77, second last and last row) us-le tyo adālat chod-era bahira 3SG-ERG that court leave-CVB outside-PST.3SG.F jā-ne bichar gar-i go-IPFV.PTCP think do (She thought that she would leave the court and go out.) A27 just as the Dormouse crossed the court, !चानक 0यस.ाई U"ह स`pना भयो। (chapter 9, p 78, 13/14 row) acanak tes-lāi kehi samjhana bha-yo suddenly 3SG-DAT something remember be.AUX-PST.3SG (Suddenly she remembered something.) A28 At this the whole pack rose up into the air, यि0तकPमा सारा पि0तहK हावामा उड_ (chapter 12, p88, 8th row) ettikai-mā sara patti-haru hawa-mā ud-e at.the.moment-LOC all pack-PL air-LOC fly-PST.3PL (At the moment all the pack rose flew into the air.) Examples explaining path + manner A29 and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge. 3रायो एउटा पोqराका निजकP रeको r.ामा प8यो (chapter 1, p 5, 3rd paragraph, last row) kharayo euta pothra-ka najikai rah-eko rabbit one hedge-GEN.PL near be-PFV.PTCP dulā-mā pas-yo hole-LOC inter-PST.3SG (the rabbit intered into a hole near the hedge)

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A30 so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well. !ि. पर गएपिL r.ो !चानक इनार ज8त: ग"हरो भयो। ali para ga-e pachi dulo acanak more far go-PST.3PL later hole suddenly inar jastai gahiro bha-yo well like deep be.AUX-PST.3SG एि.सC रो"कएर "बचार गर्R प"न पाइन। 0यो 0यस:मा 3"सहा.ी। (chapter 1, p5, 5 paragraph, second last and last rows) alice-le roki-era bichar gar-na pani pa-i-na alice-ERG stop-CVB think do-INF also get-PST.3SG.F-NEG tyo tesai-mā khas-i-hal-i 3SG that-LOC fall.down-PST.3SG.F-finish-PST.3SG.F (A bit far, the well was deep like a well. Alice did not get time to stop and think for a while, and she fall down in it.) A31 I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! उ8C "बचार ग"र मा"थबाट त. pर्नN त सिज.: रeL। (chapter1, p7, second paragraph, second row) us-le bicar gar-i mathi-bāta tala 3SG-ERG think do-PST.3SG.F above-ABL below jharnu ta sajilai rahe-cha climb.down PTCL easy be.AUX-NPST.3SG (She thought that it is easy to climb down the stairs.) A32 Why, I wouldn’t say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house! घरको Lानाबाट त. pर्न प"न !ब म.ाई U"ह गाsरो \RL:न। (chapter 1, page 7, second para, last row) ghar-ko chana-bāta tara jharna pani house-GEN roof-ABL below descend also aba ma-lāi kehi garo hu-ne chai-na now 1SG-DAT any difficulty be-IPFV.PTCP be.AUX-NEG (It will not be difficult for to descent from the roof of the house.) A33 when suddenly, thump! thump! down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over. ऊ ऐuया भ>द: !चानक रोिvकई। यसो eर्दा त ऊ सNUका pार-पातका बीचमा पLा"रएकी रeL। (chapter 1, p8, 3rd paragraph, second last line) u oh bhan-dai acanak rokk-i 3SG oh tell-PROG suddenly stop-PST.3SG.F (She stopped suddenly) eso her-da ta u sukeka jharpat-ka this.way see-SIM.CP PTCL 3SG dried leave-GEN.PL bic-mā pachariye-ki rahe-cha

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within-LOC fall.over-PST.3SG.F be.AUX-NPST.3SG (She fall over the dried piles of leaves) A34 away went Alice like the wind, एि.स तNK>त: हावा p: 0यसको पिL .ा"गहा.ी। (chapter 1, p8, 4th paragraph, 4th row) alice turuntai hawa jhai tyes-ko alice immediately wind like that-GEN pachi lag-i-hal-i behind start-PST.3SG.F-finish-PST.3SG.F (Alice immediately followed him like the wind.) A35 and she tried her best to climb up one of the legs of the table, but it was too slippery; Vचको एउटा 3Nट्टाबाट चढ्R ध_र: को"सस ग"र, तर Vचको 3Nट्टा ध_र: िचपwो "थयो। (chapter 1, p11, 6th paragraph, 4th row) mec-ko euta khutta-bāta chadh-ne chair-GEN one leg-ABL climb.up-IPFV.PTCP dherai kosis gar-i very try do-PST.3SG.F tara khutta chiplo thi-yo but leg slipery be.AUX-PST.3SG (She tried to climb up one of the legs of the table, but it was very slippery) A36 and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; म !p सानी भए] भR प"न U"ह L:न। म 0यस ढोकाको Xवा.बाट "न8Uर 0यस ब]ग:चामा पNaन सvLN (chapter 1, p13, 3rd paragraph, second and third rows) ma ajha sani bhay-ẽ bhane pani kehi chai-na 1SG more small be-PST.1SG then also any be-NEG ma tes dhoka-ko pwal-bāta nisk-era 1SG that door-GEN hole-ABL appear.out-CVB tes bagaica-mā pug-na sak-chu that garden-LOC reach-INF can-NPST.1SG (There is on problem, even if I become smaller. I can go to the garden through the hole of the door) A37 and hurried off to the garden door. !"न बग:चा जाR ढोका"तर .ागी (chapter 2, p14, 3rd paragraph, 3rd row) ani bagaica jā-ne dhoka-tira lāg-i then garden go-IPFV.PTCP door-DIR start-PST.3SG.F (and she started to go towards the door which leads to the garden) A38 he came trotting along in a great hurry, 0यो हतारमा "थयो र बडबडाउद: "थयो। (chapter 2, p14, 4th paragraph, 5th row) tyo hatar-mā thi-yo ra badbadaudai thi-yo 3SG hurry-LOC be.AUX-PST.3SG and trotting be.AUX-PST.3SG (He was in a hurry and trotting.)

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A39 and skurried away into the darkness as hard as he could go. !"न 0यो उiरद: िLटो िLटो !xयारो कWना "तर भाaयो । (chapter 2, second last row) ani tyo uphra-dai chito chito adhyaro then 3SG jump-PROG fast fast dark kuna-tira bhag-yo corner-DIR run.away-PST.3SG (and jumping very fast he went towards the dark room) A40 and she ran with all speed back to the little door: ऊ फ"र सानो ढोका"तर .ागी। (chapter 2, p16, 4th row) u pheri sāno dhoka-tira lāg-i 3SG again small door-DIR start-PST.3SG.F (She again left for the small door.) A41 Her first idea was that she had somehow fallen into the sea, प"हC त उस.ाई कWन: समN>द्रमा डNh ज8तो .ाaयो । (chapter 2, p16, second paragraph, second row) pahile ta us-lāi kunai samundra-mā before PTCL 3SG-DAT any sea-LOC dub-e jasto lāg-yo fall-PST like feel-PST.3SG (At first she thought that she fall into the sea.) A42 and she soon made out that it was only a mouse that had slipped in like herself. 0यसको निजकP पNZपिL थाहा पाई 0यो एउटा मNसो रeL जो उ ज8त: िचXCर !ा]सNको पो3रीमा पyको "थयो। (chapter 2, p16, 3rd paragraph, 3rd row) tes-ko najikai pug-e pachi thaha pa-i that-GEN near reach-PST.3PL later know get-PST.3SG.F euta muso rahe-cha one mouse be.AUX-NPST.3SG jo u jastai chipl-era asu-ko pokhari-mā par-eko which 3SG like slip-CBV tear-GEN pond-LOC thi-yo be.AUX-PST.3SG (She knew that it was a mouse when she reached near it, and fallen there like her) A43 The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water, यो सN>R "बि0तकP मNसो उiरयो। (chapter 2, p17, first row) yo sun-ne bittikai muso uphri-yo this hear-IPFV.PTCP at.the.moment mouse jump-PST.3SG (the mouse jumped when it heard it.) A44 For the Mouse was swimming away from her as hard as it could go, and making quite a commotion in the pool as it went. मNसो त LपLप !ावाज गर्द: 0यस पो3रीमा पौड_र टाढा पN"गसUL। (chapter 2, p18, second paragraph, last row)

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muso ta chapchap awaj gar-dai tes pokhari-mā mouse PTCL IDEOPH sound do-PROG that pond-LOC paud-era tadha pugi-sak-e-cha swim-CVB far reach-finish-PST-NPST.3SG (the mouse was swimming away) A45 When the Mouse heard this, it turned round and swam slowly back to her: यो कWरा सNR पिL मNसा चा"ह एि.स"तर फर्कयो र "ब8तार: पौ"ड ;Cर ऊ भए"तर !ायो। (chapter 2, p18, 3rd paragraph, second row) yo kura sun-e pachi musa cāhĩ this matter hear-PST later mouse PTCL.EMP alice-tira pharki-yo alice-DIR trun-PST.3SG ra bistarai paudi khel-era u bhay-e-tira ā-yo and slowly swim play-CVB 3SG be-PST-DIR come-PST.3SG (Hearing this matter, the mouse turned towards Alice and slowly swim to reach to her.) A46 It was high time to go, for the pool was getting quite crowded with the birds and animals that had fallen into it: !ब !ा]सNको पो3रीमा भीड बढ्द: "थयो। थरीथरीका पfNपvषी 0यसमा पyका "थय। (chapter 2, last paragraph, first row) aba āsu-ko pokhari-mā bhid badh-dai thi-yo now tear-GEN pond-LOC crowd increase-PROG be.AUX-PST.3SG tharitharika pashupakchi tes-mā many.types bird that-LOC par-eka thi-e fall-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3PL (Now the crowd was incresing in the pond. Many types of birds were fallen in it) A47 and the whole party swam to the shore. एकिLन पिL सब: "कनारा .ाZ। (chapter 2, last paragraph, last row) ekchin pachi sabai kinara lāg-e one.moment later all side go-PST.3PL (In a moment, all went to the side) A48 It was the White Rabbit, trotting slowly back again, एकPिLन पिL {तो 3रायो प"न डN<दाडN<द: 0यही] !ाइपNaयो। (chapter4, page 24, first paragraph, first row) ekaichin pachi seto kharayo pani duldadul-dai one.moment later white rabbit also raom-PROG tehi aipug-yo there arrive-PST.3SG (After a moment, the white rabbit also arrived there) A49 from which she concluded that it was just possible it had fallen into a cucumber-frame, or something of the sort. यसबाट उसC U !नNमान गरी भR 0यो का]vरोको dयाङ्गमा वा य8त: ठाउ]मा 3{को \नN पर्L। (chapter 4, p26, 3rd

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paragraph, last row) es-bāta us-le ke anumān gar-i bhane this-ABL 3SG-ERG what guess do-PST.3SG.F COND tyo kākro-ko jhyaŋ-mā wa estai thau-mā that cucumber-GEN frame-LOC or like pleace-LOC khas-eko hu-nu par-cha fall-PFV.PTCP be-INF be-NPST.3SG (from this what she guessed is that she fall down on the cucumber frame or something like that) A50 something comes at me like a Jack-in-the-box (not in the translated version) A51 and up I goes like a sky-rocket! !"न !ाकास जाR रUट ज8तो म मा"थ मा"थ जाद:LN । (chapter 4, p28, 1st para, last row) ani ākās jā-ne raket jasto ma and sky go-IPFV.PTCP rocket like 1SG mathi mathi jā-dai-chu up up go-PROG-NPST.1SG (and like a rocket, I am going up and up) A52 for the next moment a shower of little pebbles came rattling in at the window, and some of them hit her in the face एकिLन पिL न: ढNङ्गाका ससाना "गर्3ाह[ dया.k व"र्षय र "तन मx| U"हC उस.ाई प"न .ाaयो । page 28, 5th paragraph, first row ekchin pachi nai dhunga-ka sasana girkha-haru jhyal-mā-i one.moment later PTCL stone-GEN.PL small stone-PL window-LOC-FOC barsi-e ra tin madhye kehi-le come-PST.3PL and those among some-ERG us-lāi pani lāg-yo 3SG-DAT also hit-PST.3SG (After a moment, there was a shower of small stones at the window and some of them also hit her) A53 she ran out of the house, एि.स 0यस कोठाबाट बा"हर "नि8कहा.ी । page 28, 6th paragraph, 4th row alice tyes kotha-bāta bāhira nisk-i-hal-i Alice that room-ABL out go-PST.3SG.F-put-PST.3SG.F (Alice went out from that room) A54 They all made a rush at Alice the moment she appeared "तनीह[C 0यस.ाई घ_र्न 3ोM । page 28, 6th paragraph, 5th row tiniharu-le tyes-lai gher-na khoj-e 3PL-ERG 3SG-DAT surround-INF want-PST.3PL (they tried to encircle her)

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A55 whereupon the puppy jumped into the air off all its feet at once, with a yelp of delight, !"न िज}रो "नका.ी !ा]3ा ब>द गyर 8वा] 8वा] गर्न था<यो । ani jibro nikāli akha banda gar-era then tongue take.out eye close do-CVB swaswa gar-na thāl-yo breathe do-INF start-PST.3SG (and started to breathe hard) A56 and rushed at the stick not translated A57 the puppy made another rush at the stick not translated A58 and crawled away in the grass, !"न एकPिLनमा 0यो घा]सका बीच हरायो । page34, 9th row ani ekaichin-mā ghās-ka bic then.after one.moment-LOC grass-GEN.PL between harā-yo disappear-PST.3SG (then, in a moment, it disappeared in the grass) A59 She had just succeeded in curving it down into a graceful zigag, 0यसC घा]टी.ाई बाङ्गो-"टङ्गो पारी घNमाएर eर्दा page 35, first paragraph, 2nd row tes-le ghati-lāi baŋgotiŋgo pari ghuma-era her-da 3SG-ERG throat-DAT ziggag do turn-CVB see-SIM.CP (she could see around by curving the throat) A61 a large pigeon had flown into her face, एउटा ठN.ो पyवा एि.सको टाउकामा !ाफmा Xवा]3C नरा`रोस]ग हाRर गयो। page 35, first paragraph, 5th row euta thulo parewa alice-ko tauka-mā one big pigeon alice-GEN head-LOC aphna pwakh-le naramro-saŋga hān-era ga-yo 3SG.M.POSS.PL feather-ERG badly-COM hit-CVB go-PST.3SG (One big pigeon hit badly on Alice's head and went away) A63 when suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood-- यि0तकPमा एउटा सानदार पोसाक .गाएको कस:को ब:ठU दगNर्द: 0यहा] पNaयो । page 37, chapter 6, first para, 2nd row ettikai-mā euta sandar posāk lagā-eko at.that.time-LOC one nice dress wear-PFV.PTCP kasai-ko baithake dagur-dai tehã pug-yo someone-GEN footman run-PROG there reach-PST.3SG

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(at that time, someone's well dressed footman came running there) A64 and crept a little way out of the wood to listen. 0यो उनीह[को कWरा सN>नका .ा"ग "व8तार: !ि. निजक !ाई । page 37, chapter 6, first para, last row tyo uniharu-ko kura sunnaka lāgi 3SG 3PL-GEN matter hear for bistarai ali najik ā-i slowly more close come-PST.3SG.F (she came closer to hear their talk) A65 Alice laughed so much at this, that she had to run back into the wood for fear of their hearing her; एि.स.ाई यो ~;र हा]सो उठयो। र !ि. पर गएर 0यो h8सरी हा]सी । page 37, last paragraph, 3rd row alice-lāi yo dekh-era hāso uth-yo Alice-DAT this see-CVB laugh come.up-PST.3SG ra ali para gay-era tyo bessari hās-i and more far go-CVB 3SG louldly laugh-PST.3SG.F (Alice could not control her laugh, she went a bit far and laughed loudly at this) A66 At this moment the door of the house opened, and a large plate came skimming out, straight at the Footman's head 0यस:h.ा घरको ढोका 3N<यो । !"न एउटा ठ�.ो था.ी हावामा उड्द: सोp: !ायो। page 38, third paragraph, first row tesaibela ghar-ko dhoka khul-yo at.that.moment house-GEN door open-PST.3SG ani euta thulo thāli hawa-mā then.after one big plate air-LOC ud-dai sojhai ā-yo fly-PROG straight come-PST.3SG (at this moment, the door of the house opened, and a big plate came flying straight) A67 it just grazed his nose, and broke to pieces against one of the trees behind him. 0यो था.ी उसको नाकमा ठोिvकयो । र पिLि<तरको [3मा ब�रन पNZर टNvर:टNvरा भइ भNइमा 38यो ।page 38, third paragraph, second row tyo thāli us-ko nāk-ma thokki-yo ra that plate 3SG-GEN nose-LOC stumble-PST.3SG and pachil-tira-ko rukh-ma bajra-na pug-era tukrai tukra back-DIR-GEN tree-LOC collide-INF reach-CVB piece piece bhai bhui-mā khas-yo be.AUX groupd-LOC fall.down-PST.3SG (that plate stumbled on his nose and collided against the tree on his back and broke into pieces) A68 `Oh, there goes his PRECIOUS nose'; as an unusually large saucepan flew close by it, and very nearly carried it off. उसको नाक नका"टयोस । र सा�च: न: एउटा ठ�.ो ताXU ब�चाको नाकP"तरबाट भएर गयो ।page 40, second paragraph, 2nd row

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us-ko nak na-kati-yos ra saccai nai 3SG-GEN nose NET-cut-OPT and really PTCL euta thulo tāpke baccha-ko nakai-tira-bāta one big saucepan baby-GEN nose-DIR-ABL bhay-era ga-yo be.AUX-CVB go-PST.3SG (May its nose remain safe! One big saucepan flew close by baby's nose) A69 and she hurried out of the room. 0यो कोठाबाट बा"हर "न8की । page 41, second paragraph, 3rd row tyo kotha-bāta bāhira nisk-i 3SG room-ABL out come-PST.3SG.F (She came out of the room) A70 So she set the little creature down, and felt quite relieved to see it trot away quietly into the wood. उसC 0यो सानो ब�चा.ाई 0यह� Lा"डदई । !"न 0यो 3Nर्र जङ्ग."तर प{को ~;र ऊ 3Nसी भई, page 42, second paragraph, first row us-le tyo sāno baccha-lāi tehi chad-i-di-i 3SG-ERG that small baby-DAT there leave-PST.3SG.F-give-PST.3SG.F ani tyo khurra jangal-tira then.after that quietly jungle-DIR pas-eko dekh-era u khusi bha-i enter-PFV.PTCP see-CVB 3SG happy be.AUX-PST.3SG.F (She left the small baby there and she became happy to see the baby entering quietly into the jungle) A71 she got up in great disgust, and walked off; 0यहा]बाट ^हडन भRर उठी ।page 50, 11 row tehã-bāta hid-na bhan-era uth-i there-ABL walk-INF see-CVB get.up-PST.3SG.F (she got up to walk away from there) A72 and the little dears came jumping merrily along hand in hand, in couples: हातमा हात िम.ाउद: उiरद: जाद: "थए । page 53, 7/8 rows hat-mā hāt milāu-dai hand-LOC hand put.together-PROG uphradai jā-dai thi-e jump-PROG go-PROG be.AUX-PST.3PL ((little dears) were going jumping along hand in hand) A73 and then quietly marched off after the others. चNपचाप फर्U page 54, last paragraph, 3rd row

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cupcāp phark-e quietly return-PST.3PL (returned quietly) A74 it was very provoking to find that the hedgehog had unrolled itself, and was in the act of crawling away: 0यो pाy-सN]गNर .ड्द:-पडद: !िघ बढ्यो ।page 56, first paragraph, first row tyo jhāre-suŋgur lad-dai pad-dai aghi badh-yo that headgehog roll-PROG REDUP-PROG before move-PST.3SG (that headgehog moved a head by rolling) A75 and, as the doubled-up soldiers were always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, !र्को ठाउ]मा गएर हात-गोडा �की उिभ>� ।page 56, first paragraph, third row arko thaũ-mā ga-era hātgodā teki ubhinth-e next place-LOC go-CVB hand.leg support get.up-PST.3PL (they were getting up on their hand and leg to other place) A77 And the executioner went off like an arrow. र पोड_ 0यहा]बाट वा� p: दगNर्द: गयो । page 58, second last paragraph, last row ra pode tehã-bāta vad jhai dagur-dai ga-yo and executioner there-ABL arrow like run-PROG go-PST.3SG (and the executioner went off from there like an arrow) A78 thought Alice, as she went slowly after it: एि.सC "बचार गरी, page 64, 16th row alice-le bicār gar-i Alice-ERG think do-PST.3SG.F (Alice thought) A79 So they began solemnly dancing round and round Alice, !"न "तनीह[ 3Nब ढा]चा पार्द: एि.सको व"रपरी ना�न थाC । page 67, last paragraph, 2nd row ani tiniharu khub dhãca par-dai then.after 3PL much style do-PROG alice-ko varipari nac-na thāl-e Alice-GEN around dance-INF begin-PST.3PL (then after they began dancing in a style around Alice) A80 `You may go,' said the King, and the Hatter hurriedly left the court, यि0तकPमा बादfाहC टोl"सत भ>यो 'त जान सvLस' र टोl तNK>त: 0यहा]बाट यि0त िLटो rगNoयो, page 80, second paragraph, 3rd row ettikai-mā badshah-le tope-sita bhan-yo, then-LOC kind-ERG hatter-COM tell-PST.3SG ta jān-na sak-chas ra tope you go-INF can-NPST.3SG and hatter turuntai tehã-bāta etti chito dukur-yo

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immediately there-ABL this fast run.away-PST.3SG (then the king said to the Hatter, 'yo can go', and the Hatter hurriedly left from there) A81 and came flying down upon her: र एि.स मा"थ ब"र्सए, page 88, 8th row ra alice māthi barsi-e and Alice above fly.down-PST.3PL (came flying on Alice) A82 that had fluttered down from the trees upon her face. कपा. र fरीरमा pyका सN3ा पात page 88, 13th row kapal ra sharir-mā jhar-eka sukha pat hair and body-LOC drop.down-PFV.PTCP.PL dried leaf (the dried leaf which were dropped down on hair and the body) Causatives A83 but when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, तर जब 3रायोC उ8को Mबबाट घ"ड "नका<यो tara jaba kharāyo-le us-ko kot-ko jeb-bāta but when.REL rabbit-ERG 3SG-GEN coat-GEN pocket-ABL ghadi nikāl-yo watch take-PST.3SG (when the Rabbit took a watch out of his pocket) (p 5, row 11) A84 she soon found out that the cause of this was the fan she was holding, and she dropped it hastily, यसको कार� उसको हातमा भएको 0यही पङ्3ा हो भRर उसC बNिpसUकी प"न "थई । उसC 0यस.ाइ iया"क"दई । page 16, first and second rows es-ko karaṇ us-ko hāt-mā bhay-eko tehi paŋkha this-GEN cause 3SG-GEN hand-LOC be.AUX-PFV.PTCP that fan ho bhan-era us-le be.AUX see-CVB 3SG-ERG bujh-i-sakek-i pani thi-i understand-PST.3SG.F-finish-PST.3SG.F also be.AUX-PST.3SG.F (she has understood that the cause of this is the same fan which is on her hand) A85 Alice had no idea what to do, and in despair she put her hand in her pocket, and pulled out a box of comfits, एि.सC !ब U गर्R भRर एकिLन त "नर्�य गर्न स"कन। डराउ]द: !ाफmा गोजीमा हात हा<दा उसC िमठाइको पN"रया bट्टाई। page 20, 4th paragraph, first and second rows alice-le aba ke gar-ne bhan-era ekchin ta Alice-ERG now what do-IPFV.PTCP see-CVB one.moment PTCL nirḍaye garna sak-i-na, darāu-dai aphno goji-mā decision do-INF can.PST.3SG-NEG be.afraid-PROG her pocket-LOC hāt hāl-da us-le mithai-ko puriya bhetta-i

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hand put-SIM.CP 3SG-ERG sweet-GEN packet find-PST.3SG.F (Alice could not decide what to do, and when she put her hand on her pocket she found a packet of sweet.) A86 As for pulling me out of the window, I only wish they COULD! "तनीहKC सU त म.ाइ dया.बाट ता>दा \न । page 27, second paragraph, 3rd and 4th rows tiniharu-le sak-e ta ma-lāi 3PL-ERG can-PST.3PL PTCL 1SG-DAT jhyal-bāta tan-da hun window-ABL pull.SIM.CP be.AUX (If they could, they would pull me out of window) A87 and at once set to work throwing everything within her reach at the Duchess and the baby -- फ%"र उसC व"रप"र फ%.ापyका चीज ड�ज र ब�चा"तर iया]vन .ागी । page 39, last paragraph, 5/6 rows pheri us-le phelāpār-eka cij duchess ra again 3SG-ERG find-PFV.PTCP.PL thing Duchess and bacca-tira phyak-na lāg-i child-DIR throw-INF start-PST.3SG.F (and she started throwing things towards Duchess and the baby) A88 While the Duchess sang the secnd verse of the song, she kept tossing the baby violently up and down, ड�जC दो8रो गीत गाउ]दा ब�चा.ाइ 3�ब pा]vद: "थई । page 40, last paragraph, first and second rows duchess-le dosro git gāu-da bacca-lāi Duchess-ERG second song sing-SIM.CP child-DAT khub jhyak-dai thi-i much toss-PROG be.AUX-PST.3SG.F (The Duchess was tossing the baby very much when he was singling the second song) A89 the Duchess said to Alice, flinging the baby at her as she spoke. यसो भRर 0यस.ाइ एि.स "तर \0याउ]द: page 41, second paragraph, second and third rows eso bhan-era tes-lāi alice-tira hutyau-dai this tell-CVB that-DAT Alice-DIR fling-PROG (the Duchess flinging the baby towards Alice) A90 The cook threw a frying-pan after her as she went out, but it just missed her. भा>{ !ाइमाइC ड�ज.ाई ताUर एउटा ठ�.ो ताXU iया]की तर !ि.क"तC मा0र 0यो उ`कन पाई ।page 41, second paragraph, 4th row bhanse aimai-le duchess-lāi tāk-era euta thulo cook lady-ERG Duchess-DAT point-CVB one big tāpke phyaki tara alikati-le mātra tyo lāge-na saucepan throw-PST.3SG.F but nearly-ERG only that hit-NEG tyo umkana pā-i 3SG miss get-PST.3SG.F (the lady cook threw a big frying-pan at Duchess, but it just missed her, she could escape)

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A91 she carried it out into the open air. 0यसC 0यसका हात3Nट्टा.ाइ एकP ठाउमा समाnर 3N.ा ठा]उमा <याई । page 41, 4th paragraph, second row tes-le tes-kā hatkhutta-lāi ekai thaũ-mā 3SG-ERG 3SG-GEN.PL hand.leg-DAT one place-LOC smat-era khula thaũ-mā lya-i catch-CVB open place-LOC bring-PST.3SG.F (she caught on its hand and leg and brought it into the open air) A96 A large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses growing on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it, busily painting them red. बग:चा िभ0र प8R "बि0तकP उसC एउटा ठ�.ो गN.ाफको [3 ~3ी, जसमा गN.ाफका {ता फ�. फWCका "थए। 0यहा] तीनजना मा.ी उिभएका "थए। "तनीहKC हातमा बNKस ि.एर एउटा-एउटा फ�..ाइ गN.ाफी रङ्गमा र]गाउद: "थए। bagaica bhitra pas-ne bittikai us-le garden inside enter-IPFV.PTCP soon 3SG-ERG euta thulo gulāph-ko rukh dekh-i one big rose-GEN tree see-PST.3SG.F jas-mā gulāph-ka seta phul phul-eka that-LOC rose-GEN.PL while flower bloom-PFV.PTCP.PL thi-e be.AUX-PST.3PL.F tehã tin-jana mali ubhiy-eka thi-e there three-CLF gardener stand.up-PFV.PTCP.PL be.AUX-PST.3PL tiniharu-le hāt-ma burus liyera euta euta 3PL-ERG hand-LOC brush hold-CVB one one phul-lāi gulāphi rang-mā rangau-dai thi-e flower-DAT red color-LOC color-PROG be.AUX-PST.3PL (She saw a big rose tree when she entered into the garden, the white rose were blooming on it. They were painting it read with a brush on their hand) A97 Don't go splashing paint over me like that! ए प>जा म.ाइ यसरी रङ्गC न�याप न! Page 51, first para, last row e panja ma-lāi esari rang-le na-chyap-a na oh five 1SG-DAT this.way color-ERG NEG-splash-IMP PTCL (Do not splash me like that) A98 Seven flung down his brush, स0ताC !ाफmो बN[स pट्कार्द: भ>यो । page 51, 18th row satta-le aphno burush jhatkar-dai bhan-yo seven-ERG his brush fling.down-PROG tell-PST.3SG (the seven flung down his brush and told) A99 By the time she had caught the flamingo and brought it back, उसC 0यो समाnर <याउ]दा page 57, last paragraph, last row us-le tyo smāt-era lyau-da

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3SG-ERG that catch-CVB bring-SIM.CP (when she had caught it and brought) A100 on which the wretched Hatter trembled so, that he shook both his shoes off. यो सN>R "बि0तकP टोl नरा`रो स]ग का]Xन .ाaयो। डराएर उसC rइट: जN0ता फWका<यो । page 78, 15/16 rows yo sun-ne bittikai tope this hear-IPFV.PTCP immediately hatter naramro sanga kap-na lāg-yo badly with tremble-INF start-PST.3SG dara-era us-le dui-wata-i jutta phukal-yo be.afraid-CVB 3SG-ERG two-CLF-FOC shoe open-PST.3SG (the hatter trembled hearing it, she opened his both shoes off) A101 The miserable Hatter dropped his teacup and bread-and-butter, 0यसको हातबाट िचयोको कप, रोटी र नौनी सब: थोक 3{। page 79, 14th row tes-ko hāt-bāta ciya-ko kap, roti, 3SG-GEN hand-ABL tea-GEN cup, bread ra nauni sabai thok khas-e and butter all thing fall.down-PST.3PL (tea cup, bread and butter all dropped down from his hand) A102 They had a large canvas bag, which tied up at the mouth with strings: into this they slipped the guinea-pig, head first, and then sat upon it. सब: भ>दा प"हC एउटा ठN.ो बोरा <याए। 0यसमा "तनीहKC सN]गNर.ाई हाC । हा<दा प"हC 0यसको टाउको िLराए। 0यसपिL बोराको मN3 डोरीC क{र 0यसमा"थ चढ_र मजा स]ग ब{। page 79, 21-24 rows sabai bhanda pahile euta thulo bora lya-e all than before one big bag bring-PST.3PL tes-mā tiniharu-le suŋgur hāl-e that-LOC 3PL-ERG pig put-PST.3PL hal-da pahile tes-ko tau-ko chirā-e put-SIM.CP before that-GEN head-GEN tespachi borā-ko mukh dori-le kas-era then.after bag-GEN entrance rope-ERG tie-CVB tes mathi cadh-era maja-saŋga bas-e that above climb-CVB nice-COM sit-PST.3PL (at first they brought a big bag, then they put the pig into this bag, while putting they put the head first, then they tied the entrance of the bag and sat on it) A103 For some minutes the whole court was in confusion, getting the Dormouse turned out, U"ह hर स`म !दा.तमा "नकP गडबडी मि�चयो। कWन: "क"समC धvका मार्द: 0यस मोटो मNसा.ाइ !दा.त बा"हर "नकाि.यो। kehiber samma adālat-mā nikkai gadbadi macci-yo some.time till court-LOC much confusion happen-PST.3SG kunai kisim-le dhakka mar-dai some type-ERG push do-PROG

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tes moto musa-lāi adālat bahira nikāli-yo that fat mouse-DAT court out take.out-PST.3SG (for some minutes, there was confusion in the court, somehow they took the mouse out of the court) A104 She soon got it out again, and put it right; एि.सC 0यस.ाइ उठाएर 0यसकP ठा]उमा िम.ाएर रा3ी । page 81, last paragraph, second last row alice-le tes-lāi uthā-era Alice-ERG that-DAT pick.up-CVB tes-ka-i thau-mā milā-era rākh-i that-GEN.PL-FOC place-LOC fix-CVB keep-PST.3SG.F (Alice picked that one up and keept in its place properly) A105 said the Queen furiously, throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke. hगम "रसाएर कराई र !गा"ड रा;को मसीदानीC �पारो.ाई "हर्काई । begam risā-era kara-i ra agadi rākh-eko queen get.angry-CVB shout-PST.3SG and before keep-PFV.PTCP masidāni-le chepāro-lāi hirka-i inkstand-ERG lizard-DAT hit-PST.3SG.F (The queen got angry, shouted and threw the inkstand at the Lizard) A106 with her head in the lap of her sister, who was gently brushing away some dead leaves उ !ाफmन: "ददीको का3मा प<�की र"हL। उसकी "ददी चा"ह] उसको कपा. र fरीरमा pyको सN3ा पात pार्द: "थई । page 88, 12th row u aphnai didi-ko kakh-mā palteki rahi-cha 3SG her sister-GEN lap-LOC lie be-NPST.3SG us-ki didi cāhĩ us-ko kapāl ra sharir-mā 3SG-GEN.F sister PTCL.EMP 3SG-GEN hair and body-LOC jhar-eko sukha pāt jhar-dai thi-i fall.down-PFV.PTCP dried leaf brush-PROG be.AUX-PST.3SG.F (she were lying on the lap of her sister, her sister was brushing away the dried leaf from her hair and body) Text from translated Nepali version of O Alquimsta (Paulo Coelho) Examples expressing Manner + Path E1 Resolveu passar a noite ali. Fez com que todas as ovelhas entrassem pela porta em ruínas, e então colocou algumas tábuas de modo que elas não pudessem fugir durante a noite. He decided to spend the night there. He saw to it that all the sheep entered through the ruined gate, and then laid some planks across it to prevent the flock from wandering away during the night. 0यस रात उसC 0यही "बताउR "नर्�य गoयो। भि0कसUको ढोकाबाट bडाह[ िभ0र गएको eyर रातमा कत: प"न भौता"रनN नपरोस भRर 0यहा] U"ह काठका फCकह[C बार .गाइ"दयो। page 1, second paragraph 1st to 4th row tyo rāt tes-le tehi bitāu-ne that night 3SG-ERG there spend-IMPFV.PTCP nirnaye gar-yo. decision do-PST.3SG

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bhatki-sak-eko dhoka-bāta bhedā-haru ruin-finish-PFV.PTCP door-ABL sheep-PL bhitra gay-eko her-era rāt-mā kataipani inside go-IFV.PTCP see-CVB night-LOC somewhere bhoutāri-nu na-par-os bhan-era wander-INF NEG-be-OPT tell-CVB tehā kehi kāth-kā phaleka-haru there some wood-GEN.PL plank-PL bār lag-ai-di-yo. fence put-CAUSE-give-PST.3SG (He decided to spend that night there. He saw that all sheep entered through the ruined gate; he put some planks to fence thinking that he would not have to wonder during the night) E2 mas certa vez um animal havia escapado durante a noite, but once an animal had strayed during the night, तर एकपटक एउटा bडा बगा.बाट LN"ट्टएकाC, page 1, first paragraph, secondlast row tara ekpatak eutā bhedā but once one sheep bagal-bāta chutti-ekā-le flock-ABL separate-IFV.PTCP.PL-ERG (but once one sheep was lost from the flock) E3 Melquisedec olhou o pequeno navio que estava zarpando do porto. Melchizedek watched a small ship that was plowing its way out of the port. V<चMड_कC ब>दरगाहबाट "न8Uको जहाज.ाई ey।page 28, second paragraph, 1 row melchizedek-le bandargāh-bāta melchizedek-ERG port-ABL nisk-eko jahāj-lāi her-e appear.out-PFV.PTCP ship-DAT watch-PST.3PL (Melchizedek watched the ship going out from the port) E4 Ele havia entendido que certas coisas a gente não devia perguntar – para não fugir do próprio destino. He had learned that there were certain things one shouldn't ask about, so as not to flee from one's own destiny. !ाफmो .vLयबाट नभाaनको .ा"ग क"तपय कWरा सोxन न\R उसC जाRको "थयो। page 36, 1st paragraph, 4/5 rows aphno lakche-bāta na-bhāg-na-ko lāgi his destiny-ABL NEG-run.away-NMLZ-GEN for katipae kura sodh-nu na-hu-ne some matter ask-INF NEG-be.AUX-IPFV.PTCP us-le jān-eko thi-yo 3SG-ERG know-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3SG (He had known that there are some matters which one should not ask about, so he does not have to run way from his destiny)

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E5 Durante um ano havia trabalhado sem parar, pensando apenas em conseguir dinheiro para não voltar de cabeça baixa para a Espanha. For nearly a year, he had been working incessantly, thinking only of putting aside enough money so that he could return to Spain with pride. p>न: एक बर्ष ज"त उ .गातार काम ग"ररeको "थयो। Uव. !ि.क"त प:सा ज`मा गरी ऊ 8lनमा सगौरव फर्कR सो�दqयो page 52, 1st paragraph, 3-5 rows jhannai ek barsa jati u lagātār nearly one year like 3SG regularly kām gari-rah-eko thi-yo. work do-PROG-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3SG Kewal alikati paisā jamma gar-i u spain-mā only some money collect do-CVB2 3SG spain-LOC sagaurab pharka-ne soc-da thi-yo proudly return-IPFV.PTCP think-SIM.CP be.AUX-PST.3SG (He was working there regularly for nearly one year. He was thinking to collect some money and return proudly to Spain.) E6 E eles passam a existir nas nuvens sem chuva, nos animais que se escondem entre as pedras, na água que sai generosa da terra. Those who don't return become a part of the clouds, a part of the animals that hide in the ravines and of the water that comes from the earth. जो फ"र्कद:नन्, उनीह[ बाद.को सNनसान घाटीमा .NvR जनावर र प�qवीबाट !ाउR पानीको "ह8सा ब>Lन। page 85, 3rd paragraph, 4-6th rows jo pharki-dai-nan, uni-haru bādal-ko sunsān who return-PROG-NEG, 3-PL cloud-GEN silent ghāti-mā luk-ne janāwar ra prithibi-bāta row-LOC hide-IPFV.PTCP animal and earth-ABL au-ne pāni-ko hissa ban-chan come-IPFV.PTCP water-GEN part become( (those who do not return, they become an animal who hides in cloud or a part of water that comes from the earth) E7 um exército, de espadas desembainhadas, entrando no oásis. an army, with its swords at the ready, riding into the oasis. एकजना "सपाही तरवार ि.एर मKधान"तर !ाइरeको vषि�क द��य मनको !ा]3ाC ~�यो page 87, second paragraph, 3rd row E8 ek-janā sipāhi tarwar li-era marudhān-tira one-CLF police sword hold-CVB desert-DIR ai-rah-eko chadik drisse manko come-PROG-PFV.PTCP short scene soul-GEN ãkha-le dekh-yo eye-ERG see-PST.3SG (The eye of his soul, saw shortly, an army holding a sword and coming towards the oasis.) A espada, porém, não desceu rápido. The sword didn't fall. तरबारबाट कWR Xरहार भएन page, 96, 3rd paragraph, 1st row

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tarbar-bāta kunai prahār bha-e-na sword-ABL any attack be.AUX-PST.3-NEG (there was no attack from the sword) E9 Instead, the stranger lowered it slowly, until the point touched the boy's forehead. ब[ 0यो !प"रिचत �यिvतC तरबार "ब8तार: pNकायो। तरबारC Uटोको "नधार Lोयो page 96, 3rd paragraph, 2nd-3rd rows baru tyo aparicit byakti-le instead that stranger person-ERG tarbār bistarai jhuk-ā-yo. sword slowly bend.down-CAUS-PST.3SG Tarbār-le keto-ko nidhār cho-yo sword-ERG boy-GEN forehead touch-PST.3SG (instead that stranger slowly bent down the sword, and the sword touched the forehead of the boy) E10 O rapaz sentiu um certo alívio. Mas não podia fugir. and the boy felt immensely relieved. But he still couldn't flee. र UटोC मNिvत पाएको !नNभव गoयो । तर ऊ !p: प"न जान सvद:नqयो । page 97, second paragraph, 2-3rd rows ra keto-le mukti pā-eko anubhab gar-yo and boy-ERG relief get-PFV.PTCP feel do-PST.3SG tara u ajhai pani jā-na but 3SG still also go-INF sak-dai-n-thi-yo (and the boy felt relieved, but he still couldnot go) E11 “Ninguém consegue fugir do seu coração. "You will never be able to escape from your heart. "तमी क"ह<य: प"न !ाफmो मनबाट भाaन सvद:नौ। page 114, second last paragraph, 4-5th rows timi kahilai pani aphno man-bāta 2SG never also your soul-ABL bhāg-na sak-dai-n-au run.away-INF (same english) E12 O Alquimista desceu devagar de seu cavalo. The alchemist dismounted slowly, कीिमयागर "व8तार: घोडाबाट !ो"र्.यो । page 117, secondlast row kimiyāgar bistārai ghodā-bāta orli-yo alchemist slowly horse-ABL climb.down-PST.3SG (the alchemist slowly got down from the horse) E13 Caminharam de novo até a porta do convento.

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They returned to the gates of the monastery. मठको ढोका निजकP उनीह[ गए । page 137, second last row math-ko dhokā najikai uni-haru ga-e monastery-GEN door near 3-PL go-PST.3PL (they went near the gate of the monastery) E14 O rapaz começou a subir a duna lentamente. The boy climbed the dune slowly. "ब8तार: ऊ 0यो बा.Nवाको "ढ8कोमा"थ चढ*ो । page 142, 3rd paragraph, first row bistarai u tyo baluwā-ko dhis-ko slowly 3SG that sand-GEN dune-GEN māthi cad-yo above climb.up-PST.3SG (the boy slowly climbed the dune of the sand) E15 Quando, depois de alguns minutos, chegou ao topo da duna, seu coração deu um salto. When he reached the top of the dune, his heart leapt. ऊ बा.Nवाको "ढ8कोको मा"थ जब पNaयो । उसको मन 3NfीC ना]�यो। u baluwā-ko dhis-ko māthi jaba pug-yo 3SG sand-GEN dune-GEN above when reach-PST.3SG us-ko man khusi-le nāc-yo 3SG-GEN soul happy-INST dance-PST.3SG (when he reached to the top of the sand-dune, his heart danced with happiness) E16 Enquanto caminhava em direção à sua Lenda Pessoal, The boy told himself that, on the way toward realizing his own destiny, UटोC .v�य XराXत गर्R vरममा जा>नN पर्R सब: जाRको र !नNभव गyको कWरा !ाफP.ाई भ>यो । page 142, last two rows keto-le lakche praptā gar-ne kram-mā boy-ERG destiny achieve do-IPFV.PTCP process-LOC jān-nu parne sabai jān-eko ra anubhab know-INF should all know-PFV-PTCP and experience gar-eko kurā aphai-lai bhan-yo do-PFV.PTCP matter self-DAT tell-PST.3SG (all the matter and experience which he had known during achieving his destiny, told the boy to himself) E17 O rapaz caiu com o rosto na areia. The boy fell to the sand, nearly unconscious Uटो बा.Nवामा .ड्यो, page 144, second last paragraph, first row keto baluwa-mā lad-yo boy sand-LOC fall.down-PST.3SG (the boy fell down on the sand) E18 Ao invés disto, trazia um perfume que ele conhecia bem, e o som de um beijo – que veio vindo devagar, devagar, até parar em seus lábios. Instead, it brought the scent of a perfume he knew well, and the touch of a kiss―a kiss that came from far away, slowly, slowly, until it rested on his lips.

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0यसC त ब[ उसC िचRको सNग>ध र चN`मनको 8पर्f <याएको "थयो। 0यो चN`मन ध_र: टाढाबाट "ब8तार: "ब8तार: !ायो र उसको !ोठमा "वvष््राम गoयो । page 147, sencond last para, last three rows tes-le ta baru us-le 3SG-ERG PTCL instead 3SG-ERG cin-eko sugandha ra cumman-ko know-PFV.PTCP scent and kiss-GEN isparsa lya-eko thi-yo. feeling bring-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3SG Tyo cumman dherai tādhā-bāta that kiss very far-ABL bistārai bistārai a-yo ra slowly slowly come-PST.3SG and us-ko oth-mā bisrām gar-yo. 3SG-GEN lip-LOC rest do-PST.3SG (same english) Causatives E19 – Os tesouros são levantados da terra pela torrente de água, e enterrados por estas mesmas enchentes – "Treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water, and it is buried by the same currents," ''बZको पानीको ब.C 3जाना उधा"र>L र 0यो पानीको 0यही धाराC पN"रएको \>L'' page 20, 5th paragraph, 1-2 rows bag-eko pāni-ko bal-le khajānā udhārin-cha flow-PFV-PTCP water-GEN strength-ERG treasure uncover-NPST.3SG ra tyo pāni-ko tehi dhār-le and that water-GEN that force-INST puri-eko hun-cha burry-PFV.PTCP be-NPST.3SG (same English) E20 Depois apanhou as duas pedras no chão e as recolocou no alforje. He picked up the two stones and put them back in his pouch. ती rइवटा प0थर "टXयो र फ%"र थ:ि. िभ0र: रा�यो। ti dui-watā patthar tip-yo ra pheri those two-CLF stone pick.up-PST.3SG and again thaili bhitra rākh-yo pouch inside keep-PST.3SG (He picked up those two stones and kept them again in his pouch), page 36, 1st row E21 O rapaz, mais que depressa, guardou as pedras no bolso. In a flash the boy put them back in his pocket. एकP िLनमा UटोC 3ि<त िभ0र: हा<यो। page 58, 4th paragraph, 1-2 rows ekai chin-mā keto-le khalti bhitra hāl-yo one moment-LOC boy-ERG pocket inside put-PST.3SG (in a moment the boy put (it) in his pocket)

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E22 Depois enfiou a mão no bolso e retirou, tremendo, duas pedras iguais. The stranger didn't answer; instead, he put his hand in his pocket, and took out two stones that were the same as the boy's. !प"रिचत �यिvतC Uही बोCन ब[ !ाफmो 3<ती िभ0र हात हा<यो र 0यो Uटोको ज8त: rईवटा प0थरह[ "नका<यो। page 58, second last para, both rows aparicit byakti-le kehi bole-na baru stranger person-ERG something speak-NEG instead aphno khalti bhitra hāt hāl-yo ra his pocket inside hand put-PST.3SG and tyo keto-ko jastai dui-watā patthar nikāl-yo. that boy-GEN like two-CLF stone take.out-PST.3SG (same Enghish) E23 Assim que aprendeu a conhecer melhor seu camelo e a se afeiçoar a ele, jogou o livro fora. As soon as he had learned to know his camel better, and to establish a relationship with him, he threw the book away. उसC जब !ाफmो ऊ�ट.ाई रा`ररी जा>यो र एउटा स`ब>ध कायम गoयो, तब उसC पN8तक फाि."दयो page, 64, second paragraph, 4-5 rows us-le jaba aphno ũt-lāi ramrari jan-yo 3SG-ERG when his camel-DAT better know-PST.SG ra eutā sambandha kayem gar-yo, and one relation establish do-PST.3SG taba us-le pustak phāli-di-yo then 3SG-ERG book throw-give-PST.3SG (when he knew his camel better, and establish a relaiton, then he threw away his book) E24 A moça deixou que seu cântaro derramasse a água. The girl dropped the container, and the water spilled. 0यो सNRर Uटीको हातबाट पानीको भा]डो 38यो र पानी पोि3यो।page 82, last two rows tyo sun-era keti-ko hat-bāta that hear-CVB girl-GEN hand-ABL pāni-ko bhādo khas-yo ra pāni pokhi-yo water-GEN pot fall.down-PST.3SG and water spill-PST.3SG (hearing this, the water-pot fell down from the girl's hand and the water spilt) E25 O estranho cavaleiro puxou a enorme espada curva que trazia presa à sela. The strange horseman drew an enormous, curved sword from a scabbard mounted on his saddle. घोडामा"थ ब8R मा"नसC !ासनीमा राि3एको दापबाट ठ�.ो बाङ्गो तरबार िpvयो। page 95, 4th paragraph, 1-2 rows ghodā māthi bas-ne mānis-le horse above sit-IPFV.PTCP person-ERG asni-mā rākhi-eko dāp-bāta saddle-LOC keep-PFV.PTCP scabbard-ABL thulo baŋgo tarbār jhik-yo big curved sword take.out-PST.3SG (the man sitting on the horse took out a big curved sword from a scabbard on his saddle)

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E26 No rochedo, os homens se agarravam uns aos outros para não serem atirados longe. On the cliff, the men clutched at each other as they sought to keep from being blown away. हावाC उडाउ]L भRर िभरमा मा"नसह[ एकC !र्को.ाई �याXप समा0न थाC page 135, second paragraph, last 3 rows hāwā-le udhāu-cha bhan-era bhir-mā wind-ERG fly.away-NPST.3SG think-CVB cliff-LOC mānis-haru ek-le arko-lāi cyappa people-PL one-ERG next-DAT hug samāt-na thāl-e catch-INF start-PST.3PL (thinking that the wind will blow them away, the people started to clutch each other) E27 Porque só ela entendia que um desígnio maior empurrava o Universo a um ponto onde os seis dias da criação se transformariam na Grande Obra. Because only the hand understood that it was a larger design that had moved the universe to the point at which six days of creation had evolved into a Master Work. L:ठ� "दनको स�ि�टमा न: उ0क��ट क�"तको उ0पि0त भएको हो भ>R कWरा 0यो हातC मा0र बNp_को "थयो। page 135, last 2 rows chaithaũ din-ko sristi-mā nai sixth day-GEN design-LOC PTCL utkrista kriti-ko utpatti bha-eko ho best design-GEN creation be.AUX-PVF.PTCP be.AUX.NPST bhan-ne kura tyo hāt-le tell-IPFV.PTCP matter that hand-ERG matrā bujh-eko thi-yo only understand-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3SG (only the hand had understood that the best design was created on the sixth day) Manner only D1 and had just begun to dream that she was walking hand in hand with Dinah, उसC सपनामा !ाफmी "बरा.ी डायनाको हातमा हात िम.ाएर कWरा गर्द: "थइ।page 8, para 3, 5th row us-le sapana-mā aphni birāli dinah-ko 3SG-ERG dream-LOC her cat dinah-GEN hāt-mā hāt milāy-era kurā gar-dai thi-i hand-LOC hand join-CVB talk do-PROG be.AUX-PST.3SG.F (She was talking in dream with her cat Dinah with hand in hand) D2 said Alice, as she swam about, (not translated) D3 However, when they had been running half an hour or so, दोडदा दोडद: U"ह hर पिL daud-da daud-dai kehi ber pachi run-SIM.CP run-PROG some time later (while running, after some time)

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D4 but the Mouse only shook its head impatiently, and walked a little quicker. मNसाC !ाफmो टाउको ह<.ायो र िLटो िLटो "हडन .ाaयो । page 23, 5th row musā-le aphno tāuko halla-yo ra mouse-ERG his head shake-PST.3SG and chito chito hid-na lāg-yo fast fast walk-INF start-PST.3SG (the mouse shook its head and started to walk faster) D5 and she very good-naturedly began hunting about for them, एि.सC प"न सहयोग गर्R "बचार ग"र page 24, 4th chapter, 6th row alis-le pani sahayog gar-ne Alice-ERG also help do-IPFV.PTCP bicār gar-i think do-PST.3SG.F (Alice also thought of helping them) D6 said Alice to herself, as she wandered about in the wood, घN`दा घN`द: उसC U "बचार ग"र भR page 28, last para, first row ghum-da ghum-dai ke bicār gar-i bhane roam-SIM.CP roam-PROG what think do-PST.3SG.F COND (while wandering what she thought was) D7 so she set off at once, and ran till she was quite tired and out of breath, उस: h.ा एि.सC 0यहा]बाट भाaR मौका पाइ। !"न एकिLन पिL 0यो थाकी। page 29, 4th chapter, last para 4th row usai belā alis-le tehā-bāta bhāg-ne that time Alis-ERG there-ABL run.away-IPFV.PTCP maukā pā-i. chance got-PST.3SG.F ani ekchin pachi tyo thāk-i then one.moment later she tire-PST.3SG.F (at that time Alice got a chance to run away fromt there. And then she got tired after a while) D8 said Alice as she picked her way through the wood. ज�ङग. "तर जाद: गर्दा एि.सC मनमन: भनी page 50, 19th row jungle-tira jā-dai gar-da alis-le jungle-DIR go-PROG do-SIM.CP Alis-ERG manmanai bhan-i think tell-PST.3SG.F (while going towards the jungle, Alice thought) D9 and in a very short time the Queen was in a furious passion, and went stamping about,

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;<दा ;<द: �गम.ाइ कि0तको "रस उठयो भR page 56, second para, 4th row khel-da khel-dai begam-lāi play-SIM.CP play-PROG queen-DAT katti-ko ris uth-yo bhane how-GEN anger come.up-PST.3SG COND (while playing, the queen got angry) Path only D10 In another moment down went Alice after it, एि.स 0यस r.ामा प"सहा.ी, page 5, 4th para, last row alis tes dulā-mā pas-i-hāl-i Alice that hole-LOC enter-PST.3SG.F-put-3SG.F (Alice entered into that hole) D11 `I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. यसरी pर्दाpर्द: प�"थवीको बीचमा पNaLN "क? page 7, 3rd para, second row esari jhar-da jhar-dai prithivi-ko this.way go.down-SIM.CP go.down-PROG earth-GEN bic-mā pug-chu ki centre-LOC reach-NPST.1SG or (Getting down this way, I may reach to centre of the earth) D12 How funny it'll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward! मNि>तर टाउका भएका मा>� "हड_को bट्दा क"त रमाइ.ो .ागwा? page 7, para 4, first and second row muntira tāuka bha-eka manche downward head.PL be-PFV.PTCP.PL people hid-eko bhet-da kati ramāilo lāglā walk-PFV.PTCP meet-SIM.CP how funny feel (How funny it is to meet people with downward-head) D13 She was close behind it when she turned the corner, तर जब एि.स उसको पिL .ाZर मोडको दो8रो �उ "तर पNगी page 8, para 5, first row tara jaba alis us-ko pachi lāg-era but when Alice 3SG-GEN behind follow-CVB mod-ko cheu-tira pug-i corner-GEN corner-DIR reach-PST.3SG.F (but when Alice followed him and reached to the corner) D14 and her face brightened up at the thought that she was now the right size for going though the little door into that lovely garden. यो कWरा "बचार गyर उसको !नNहार nिज.ो भयो "क !ब उ सिज.: यो !xयारो कोठाबाट बा"हर "न8कRL र 0यो सN>दर बग�चामा घN`न सvRL। page 11, 4th para, 1-3 rows yo kurā bichār gar-era us-ko anuhār this matter think do-CVB 3SG-GEN face tejilo bha-yo ki aba u bright be.AUX-PST.3SG CONJ now 3SG

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sajilai yo adhyaro easily this dark kotha-bāta bāhira niska-ne cha ra tyo sundar room-ABL out go-IPFV.PTCP be.AUX and that nice bagaica-mā ghum-na sak-ne cha garden-LOC roam-INF be.AUX (thinking this matter, her face become bringht, she can appear outside from the room and can roam in that beautiful garden) D15 `I daresay it's a French mouse, come over with William the Conqueror.' (not translated) D16 she took up the fan and a pair of the gloves, and was just going to leave the room, उसC 0यो पङ्3ा र एक जोर प>जा उठाई। एि.स "त िचज.ाइ बोUर बा"हर "न8कन: .ाZ"क "थई, page 25, 7th row us-le tyo pangkhā ra 3SG-ERG that fan and ek jor panjā utha-i. one pair glove pick.up-PST.3SG.F alis ti cij-lāi bok-era bāhira Alice that thing-DAT take-CVB out niskan-ai lāg-eki thi-i go.out-FOC start-PFV.PTCP.F be.AUX-PST.3SG.F (she picked up that fan and a pair of gloves. Alice was about to go out carrying those things) D17 Presently the Rabbit came up to the door, यि0तकPमा 3रायो ढोका"नर !ाइपNaयो, page 26, 8th row ettikai-mā kharayo dhokā at.this.moment-LOC rabbit door nira ai-pug-yo near come-reach-PST.3SG (at that moment the rabbit came near the door) D18 `Then I'll go round म यसो घNVर जा>LN, page 26, 10th row ma eso ghum-era jān-chu 1SG this.way roam-CVB go-NPST.1SG (I simply take a round) D19 go and take it away!' Not translated D20 As soon as she was small enough to get through the door, ढोकाबाट बा"हर "न8कन सvR \ना साथ page 28, 5th para

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dhokā-bāta bāhira niska-na door-ABL out go.out-INF sak-ne hu-na sāth be.AUX.INF with (as soon as she was able to go out of the door) D21 Then it got down off the mushroom, "ब8तार: 0यो �याउबाट !ोर्.न था<यो, page 34, 4th row bistārai tyo cyau-bāta orla-na thāl-yo slowly that mushroom-ABL get.down-INF start-PST.3SG (it started to get down from the mushroom slowly) D22 She had not gone much farther before she came in sight of the house of the March Hare: "हडदा "हडद: ऊ एउटा सानो घर निजकP पNगी, जो उस.ाइ च:n 3रायोको घर ज8त: .ाaयो। page 45, last para, 4/5th row hid-da hid-dai u eutā ghar walk-SIM.CP walk-PROG 3SG one house najikai pug-i, near reach-PST.3SG.F jo us-lāi chaite kharāyo-ko which 3SG-DAT March hare-GEN ghar jastai lāg-yo house like feel-PST.3SG (while roaming she reached near a house which she liked as the house of the March hare) D23 `But what happens when you come to the beginning again?' not translated D24 the March Hare moved into the Dormouse's place, मNसोको ठाउ] 3रायोC ि.यो page, 49, 15th row muso-ko thāu kharāyo-le li-yo mouse-GEN place Hare-ERG take-PST.3SG (the Hare took the place of mouse) D25 Next came the guests, mostly Kings and Queens, यसपिL पा\नाह[ जाद: "थए जसमा �यादा जसो बादfाह र hगम "थए, page 53, 9th row espachi pahunā-haru jā-dai thiy-e thenafter guest-PL go-PROG be.AUX-PST.3PL jas-mā jyadā jaso bādashāh ra where-LOC much so king and begam thiy-e queen be.AUX-PST.3PL (same English) D26 Then followed the Knave of Hearts, carrying the King's crown on a crimson velvet cushion;

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यसपिL पानका rई गN.ाम जा]द: "थए जो साsर: रा`रो yसमी गद्दामा बादfाहको �रीlच रा;र <याएको "थए, page 53, 13/14th row espachi pān-kā dui gulām ja-dai thiy-e thenafter heart-GEN.PL two knave go-PROG be.AUX-PST.3PL jo sarai rāmro resami gadda-mā badshah-ko who very nice crimson cushion-LOC king-GEN shripec rakh-era lya-eka thiy-e crown keep-CVB bring-PFV.PTCP.PL be.AUX-PST.3PL (same English) D27 The Queen smiled and passed on. hगम यो सNRर 3N"स भइ र !गा"ड बढी, page 57, 3rd row begam yo sun-era khushi bha-i queen this hear-CVB happy be.AUX-PST.3SG.F ra agādi badh-i and before move-PST.3SG.F (Hearing this the queen became happy and moved a head) D28 He got behind Alice as he spoke. 0यो एि.सको पLा"ड !ाएर उिभयो र भ>यो page 57, 14th row tyo alice-ko pachadi ay-era that Alice-GEN behind come-CVB ubhi-yo ra bhan-yo stand.up-PST.3SG and tell-PST.3SG (He came, stand behind Alice and told) D29 When she got back to the Cheshire Cat, !"न !ाफmो "बरा.ो सा"थ स]ग कWरा गर्न गई, page 58, 2/3rd row ani aphno biralo sāthi sãga then his cat friend together kurā gar-na ga-i talk do-INF go-PST.3SG.F (and then she went to talk with her cat-friend) D30 So they went up to the Mock Turtle, ती rब: नvकC कLNवाको निजकP पNZ�, page 63, second last para, first row ti dubai nakkale kachuwā-ko that both Mock turtle-GEN najikai pug-e near reach-PST.3PL D31 but the Hatter was out of sight before the officer could get to the door. तर "सपाहीह[ ढोका स`म पNaदा नपNaद: टोl 0यहा]बाट सNइ]कW�चा ठो"कसUको "थयो page 80, 12/13 rows tara sipahi-haru dokā samma pug-da

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but solder-PL door till reach-SIM.CP na-pug-dai tope teha-bāta suikucca NEG-reach-PROG hatter there-ABL run thokisak-eko thi-yo run-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3SG (same English) Manner + Path D32 when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. 0यि0तकPमा गN.ाफी रङ्गको !ा]3ा भएको {तो 3रायो दगNर्द: उसकP निजकबाट "न8कयो। page 5,second para, second last and last row tettikai-mā gulāphi ranga-ko suddenly-LOC pink color-GEN akhā bhay-eko seto kharāyo eye be-PFV.PTCP white Rabbit dagur-dai uskai najik-bāta niski-yo run-PROG his near-ABL come.out-PST.3SG (all of a suddent, a white rabbit with pink eyes, appeared running near her) D33 and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, U रeL भRर eर्न एि.स दगNर्द: उसको पिLपिL .ागी । page 5, third para, 6/7 rows ke rahe-cha bhan-era her-na what be-NPST.3SG think-CVB see-INF Alis dagur-dai us-ko pachi-pachi lāg-i Alice run-PROG 3SG-GEN behind-behind follow-PST.3SG.F D34 `I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! म त pर्दाpर्द: प�"थवीको उसपार पो पNaLN "क? page 7, para 4th, first row ma ta jhar-da jhar-dai 1SG PTCL fall.down-SIM.CP fall.down-PROG prithiwi-ko uspar po pug-chu ki earth-GEN next.side PTCL reach-NPST.1SG or (I may reach to the otherside of the earth) D35 before her was another long passage, and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it. !गा"ड प"ट्ट एउटा बाटो "थयो जहा] 0यो {तो 3रायो दगNर्द: गएको ~ि3>qयो। page 8, para 4th, 3 row agadi-patti euta bāto thi-yo before-DIR one passage be.AUX-PST.3SG jahā tyo kharāyo dagur-dai where that rabbit run-PROG ga-eko dekhin-thi-yo go-PFV.PTCP see-HAB-PST.3SG (Before her there was a passage, where it was seen that the rabbit went running)

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D36 she walked sadly down the middle, एि.स हyक ढोकामा गएर eर्न था.ीpage 8, second last para, 5th row Alis harek dhoka-mā gay-era Alice every door-LOC go-CVB her-na thāl-i see-INF do-PST.3SG.F (Alice started to see (knock), going to every door. Or Going to every door, Alice started to see(knock)) D37 and she swam nearer to make out what it was: (not tranlated) D38 said the Mouse, getting up and walking away . मNसो उठ_र जाद: भ>यो page 22, last row muso uth-era jā-dai bhan-yo mouse get.up-CVB go-PROG tell-PST.3SG (same english) D39 Some of the birds hurried off at once: U"ह चराह[ तNK>त: उड_, page 23, second last para, 7th row kehi carā-haru turuntai ud-e some bird-PL immediately fly-PST.3PL (some birds flew away immediately) D40 Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! जाउ तNK>त: घर जाउ । Vरा "नि`त एक जोड प>जा र एउटा प�3ा <याऊ। page 24, chapter 4, 10/11 rows. jā-u turuntai ghara. go-IMP.2SG immediately house me-ra nimti ek joda panjā ra 1SG-GEN for one pair glove and euta pankhā lya-u one fan bring-IMP.2SG (Go home quickly. And bring a pair of gloves and a fan for me) D41 She went in without knocking, and hurried upstairs, एि.स ढोका ढ*ाक ढ*ाक नग"रकन िभ0र पसी र सरासर मा"थ गई page, 24, chapter 4, last para, 7th row Alis dokā dhak-dhak na-gari-kana Alice door knock-knock NEG-do-SEQ bhitra pas-i ra sarāsar māthi ga-i inside go-PST.3SG.F and straight upstair go-PST.3SG.F (same english) D45 when a sharp hiss made her draw back in a hurry: 0यि0तकPमा एउटा ती3ो !ावाजC उस.ाई रोvयो page 35, 4/5th rows, chapter 5

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etikaima euta tikho awāj-le immediately one sharp sound-INST us-lai rok-yo 3SG-DAT stop-PST.3SG (meantime a sharp noise stopped her) D46 Alice went timidly up to the door, and knocked. एि.स स�कोच मा>द: ढोकाको निजकP पNगी र 0यस.ाइ 3ट3टाउन .ागी chapter 6, page 38, first row Alice sangkoc mān-dai dhokā-ko alice timid feel-PROG door-GEN najik-ai pug-i ra near-FOC reach-PST.3SG and tes-lāi khatkhatāu-na lāg-i that-DAT knock-INF start-PST.3SG.F (same english) D47 and after a minute or two she walked on in the direction in which the March Hare was said to live. !"न एक rई िमRट पिL न: 0यो च:n 3रायो ब{को ठाउ] "तर .ागीchapter 6, page 44, 22nd row ani ek dui minet pachi nai then one two minute later PTCL tyo kharāyo bas-eko thāu-tira lāg-i that rabbit sit-PFV.PTCP place-DIR move-PST.3SG.F (then one or two minutes later she moved towards the where the rabbit was sitting) D48 even then she walked up towards it rather timidly, त:प"न उस.ाई 0यस घरको निजकP जान डर .ा"गरeकP "थयो, chapter 6, page 45, third last row taipani us-lāi tes ghar-ko eventhough 3SG-DAT that house-GEN najikai jā-na dar lāgi-rahekai thi-yo near go-INF fear feel-PROG be.AUX-PST.3SG (Same english) D49 then she walked down the little passage: भएपिL ऊ ढोकाबाट "ब8तार: "न8Uर बग:चामा पNगी chapter 7, third last row, page 50 bhayepachi u dokā-bāta bistārai nisk-era then 3SG door-ABL slowly come.out-CVB bagaica-mā pug-i garden-LOC reach-PST.3SG.F (thenafter she appeared slowly out of the door and reached to the garden) D50 First came ten soldiers carrying clubs; these were all shaped like the three gardeners, oblong and flat, with their hands and feet at the corners: next the ten courtiers; these were ornamented all over with diamonds, and walked two and two, as the soldiers did.

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!गा"ड !गा"ड हातमा .टठी ि.एका दस "समाही "ह"डरeका "थए जसको !नNहार मा.ीह[को ज8त: "थयो-.ा`चो र बराबर। कWनामा "तनका हात 3Nटटा ज"डएका "थए। 0यसपिL rई rई जना िमCर "सपाही "ह]ड_ ज8त: दस भारदारह[ जा]द: "थए। agadi-adadi hat-ma latthi liy-eka before-before hand-LOC stick hold-PFV.PTCP das sipāhi hidi-rah-eka thiy-e ten solder walk-PROG-PFV.PTCP.PL be.AUX-PST.PL jas-ko anuhār māli-haru-ko which-GEN face gardener-PL-GEN jastai thi-yo lamcho ra barabar. like be.AUX-PST.3SG long and flat kuna-mā tin-kā hāt khuttā corner-LOC that-GEN.PL hand leg jodhiy-eka thi-ye. join-PFV.PTCP.PL be.AUX.PL tespachi dui dui-janā mil-era thenafter two two-CLF fix-CVB , sipahi hid-e jastai das bharadhar-haru. soldier walk-PST.PL like ten jā-dai thiy-e go-PROG be.AUX-PST.PL (In the front row, ten soldiers whose face was similar to gardener—long and flat, were walking carrying stick on their hand. Their hands and legs were joined at the corner, thenafter like two and two soldier walked, ten courtiers were going) D51 three of the soldiers remaining behind to execute the unfortunate gardeners, who ran to Alice for protection. तीनजना "सपाही मा0र मा.ीह[को टाउको उडाउनका "नि`त बा]की रe। ती मा.ीह[ !ाफmो �यान बचाउन rगNर्द: एि.सस]ग !ाए।chapter 8, page 54, last paragraph, first to third rows tin-janā sipāhi mātra māli-haru-ko three-CLF soldier only gardener-PL-GEN tauko udāu-na kā nimti bāki rah-e. head for for remain be-PST.3PL ti mali-haru aphno jyan bachau-na those gardener-PL their life save-INF dughur-dai Alice-saga ay-e run-PROG alice-COM come-PST.PL (same English) D52 and people began running about in all directions, !"न सब: .डद:पडद: यताउता भाaन थाC chapter 8, page 55, second last paragraph, second row ani sabai lad-dai pad-dai then all fall.down-PROG REDUP-PROG etāutā bhāg-na thāl-e run.away-INF start-PST.PL

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(and they all started to run (falling down) here and there) In this situation, the both actions happen together, people run here and there (all directions) by falling on ground and standing up) D53 and I should have croqueted the Queen's hedgehog just now, only it ran away when it saw mine coming!' (not translated: the translator mixes the two paragraphs in this place and forgets quite a few sentences) D54 so the King and the executioner ran wildly up and down looking for it, बादfाह र पोड_ उस.ाई 3ो�न भRर 3�ब भ�ता"रए। chapter 8, last row, page 58 bādshāh ra pode us-lāi khoj-na king and executioner 3SG-DAT search-INF bhan-era khub bhautāriy-e think-CVB much wander-PST.3PL (The king and the executioner wandered much to find it) D55 said the Duchess, as she tucked her arm affectionately into Alice's, and they walked off together. ड�जC एि.स.ाई 3�ब माया गy ज8तो पाyर भनी, !"न हाnमा.ो गyर rब: जना बग:चामा डN<न .ाZ, chapter 9, first to third rows dhacej-le Alice-lāi khub Duchess-ERG alice-DAT much māya gar-e jasto pār-era bhan-i, love do-PST.3PL like do-CVB tell-PST.3SG.F ani hātemalo gar-era dubai-jana then do-CVB two-CLF bagaica-mā dul-na lag-e, garden-LOC roam-INF start-PST.PL (same English) D56 the Queen said to Alice; and Alice was too much frightened to say a word, but slowly followed her back to the croquet-ground. hगमC एि.स स]ग भनी - ''"ह]ड हामीह[ ;.�।'' एि.स.ाई �याद: डर .ाZको "थयो। तर U"ह प"न नभ"न चNपचाप hगमको पिL पिL ;.को kदानमा गई।chapter 9, page 61, second last paragraph, first and second row begam-le Alice-saga bhan-i, queen-ERG alice-COM tell-PST.3SG.F hid-a hāmi-haru khelau” walk-IMP we-PL play Alice-lai jyadai dar lag-eko thi-yo. Alice-DAT much fear feel-PFV.PTCP be.AUX-PST.3SG tara kehi pāni na-bhani cupcap but some also NEG-tell silently begam-ko pachi pachi khel-ko queen-GEN behind behind play-GEN maidan-mā ga-i.

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ground-LOC go-PST.3SG.F (same English) D57 and then they both sat silent and looked at poor Alice, who felt ready to sink into the earth. !"न जब ती rब:C चNपचाप एि.स.ाई ey ऊ .ाजC भNतNvक भई chapter 9, page 64, third paragraph, 5/6th rows ani jaba ti dubai-le chupchāp ani when this two-ERG silently Alice-lāi her-e u lāj-le alice-DAT look-PST.3PL 3SG shame-INST bhutukka bha-i cool be.AUX-PST.3SG.F (When they both looked at Alice without talking, she was ashamed of herself) D58 `Swim after them!' screamed the Gryphon. 'उसको पिL पिL समN>द्रमा पौडी ;<Lन ्chapter 10, page 67, 13th row us-ko pachi pachi samundra-mā 3SG-GEN behind behind sea-LOC paudi khel-chan swim play-NPST.3PL (swim behind them in the sea) D59 So they had to fall a long way. र "तनीह[ मा"थ बाट त. पLा"र>�, chapter 10, page 70, 6/7 rows ra tini-haru māthi-bāta tala pachārin-th-e, and 3-PL above-ABL down fall.down-HAB-3PL (and they used to fall down) D60 `It WAS a curious dream, dear, certainly: but now run in to your tea; it's getting late.' !] सा]�च: न: बडो !नौठो सपना ~�यौ "तमीC। !ब 3ाजा 3ान जाऊ! "ढ.ो भइसvयो।chapter 12, page 88, third last paragraph, 1-2 rows a sāccai nai bado anautho oh really PTCL very surprising sapanā dekheu timi-le. dream see 2SG-ERG abo khanā kha-na ja-ũ! now food eat-INF go-IMP.1PL dhilo bhai-sak-yo. late be-start-PST.3SG (Yes, you really had a surprising dream. Now it is late, lets go to eat food) D61 The long grass rustled at her feet as the White Rabbit hurried by-- !"न जब {तो 3रायो 3Nर3Nर गर्द: दगNoयो उसको पाइता.ा मN"नको घा]स 3र3राउन था<यो,chapter 12, second paragraph, 1-2 rows

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ani jaba seto kharāyo khurkhur then when white rabbit slowly dagur-dai us-ko paitāla muni-ko walk-PROG 3SG-GEN feet under-GEN ghas kharkharau-na thāl-yo grass move-INF begin-PST.3SG (same English) Causatives D62 the cook took the cauldron of soup off the fire, 0यस:h.ा भा>{ !ाइमाइC 0यो ह>डा चN.ाबाट उताyर एका"तर रा3ी, chapter 6, page 39, 4/3 last rows tesaibelā bhanse āimāi-le tyo handā at.that.time cook woman-ERG that cauldron cula-bāta utār-era ekātira rākh-i oven-ABL take.out-CVB one.side keep-PST.3SG.F (at that the cook take out the cauldron from the oven and kept it to an another side) D63 `You can draw water out of a water-well,' said the Hatter; "तमी पानीको इनारबाट पानी ि3�न सvLौ, हो "क? टोlC भ>यो ।chapter 7, page 49, 3rd last paragraphs first row timi pāni-ko inār-bāta 2SG water-GEN well-ABL pāni khic-na sak-chau, ho ki? Water draw-INF, be.AUX or Tope-le bhan-yo hatter-ERG tell-PST.3SG (same as in the original English) D64 it was for bringing the cook tulip-roots instead of onions.' र 0यो Xयाजको ठा]उमा घ�टफW.को "ब[वा .गाउनाC भएको हो। chapter 8, page 51, 17th row ra tyo pyaj-ko thā̃u-mā ghant phul-ko and that onion-GEN place-LOC bell flower-GEN biruwā lagāu-na-le bhay-eko ho plant plant-NMLZ-ERG be-PFV.PTCP be.AUX.NPST (it was because of planting tulip flower in the place of onion) D65 said Alice, and she put them into a large flower-pot that stood near. एि.सC भ"न !"न "तनीह[.ाई एउटा ठ�.ो गम.ामा <याएर राि3"दई, chapter 8, page 54, last paragraph, first and second rows alis-le bhan-i ani tini-haru-lāi Alice-ERG tell-PST.3SG.F then 3-PL-DAT eutā thulo gamalā-mā lya-era rākh-i-di-i one big flower.pot-LOC bring-CVB keep-PST.3SG.F-give-3SG.F (said alice, and she put them into a big flower.pot)

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D66 there was generally a ridge or furrow in the way wherever she wanted to send the hedgehog to, (this part is not translated, actually he did not translate quite a few rows in this place.) D67 and then Alice put down her flamingo, 0यो iCिमङ्गो.ाई एका"तर रा;र ;.को वर्�न गर्न .ागी, chapter 8, page 56, second last paragraphs, 4/5th rows tyo flamingo-lai ekā-tira rākh-era that flamingo-DAT one.side-DIR keep-CVB khel-ko bhardan gar-na lāg-i game-GEN describe do-INF start-PST.3SG.F (she kept that flamingo aside and start to describe the game) D68 `Then, you know,' the Mock Turtle went on, `you throw the--' `The lobsters!' shouted the Gryphon, with a bound into the air. `--as far out to sea as you can--' उ भ>द: गयो। 0यसपिL थाहा L "तनीह[ U गर्Lन? "तनीह[ गगटा उफार्Lन'', िaरफन करायो। !ाफ�C सU ज"त मा"थ उफार्Lन समN>द्रमा।'' chapter 10, page 67, 10-12 rows u bhan-dai ga-yo. 3SG tell-PROG go-PST.3SG tyespachi thāhā cha tini-haru ke gar-chan? Thenafter know be.AUX.NPST 3-PL what do-NPST.3PL Tini-haru gagatā uphār-chan'', 3-PL lobster grifan karā-yo. Gryphon shout-PST.3SG aphu-le sake jati māthi uphār-chan themselv-ERG much above (He went on telling. Thenafter, do you know what they do? They throw lobster in air as much above as they can) D69 and very soon found an opportunity of taking it away. र 0यसको C�R 3री 3ोसी। एि.सC यो सब: िLटो िLटो गरी chapter 11, page 76, 10th row ra tes-ko khari khos-i. and that-GEN chalk grab-PST.3SG.F Alice-le yo sabai chito chito gar-i Alice-ERG this all fast fast do-PST.3SG.F (and she grabbed the chalk. She did it all very quickly) D70 and she jumped up in such a hurry that she tipped over the jury-box with the edge of her skirt, upsetting all the jurymen on to the heads of the crowd below, एि.स !चानक उठी। 0यो उिभन .ाaदा उसको iरकको �उC Lोइएर जNरीह[ ब{को म>च भा]िचयो र "तनीह[ एकमा"थ एक गर्द: भNइ]मा पLा"रए ।chapter 12, 1-4th rows alice acanak uth-i.

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Alice suddenly stand.up-PST.3SG.F tyo ubhin lāg-da us-ko phrak-ko cheu-le 3SG stand.up start-SIM.CP 3SG-GEN skirt-GEN corner-INST choi-era juri-haru bas-eko manch touch-CVB jury-PL sit-PFV.PTCP bhāc-i-yo ra tini-haru ek māthi arko break.down-PASS-PST.3SG and 3-PL one above another gardai bhui-mā pachāri-e. do-PROG ground-LOC fall.down-PST.3PL (Alice stood suddenly; when she were standing, a corner of her skirt touched the MANCH, and it broke down, and they fell down one over the another on the ground) D71 she exclaimed in a tone of great dismay, and began picking them up again as quickly as she could, एि.सC द:3 मनाउद: भनी। !"न "तनीह[.ाइ एक एक गरी बटN<न .ागी। chapter 12, 7/8th rows alis-le dukha manāu-dai bhan-i. Alice-ERG feel.sorry feel-PROG tell-PST.3SG.F ani tini-haru ek-ek gari and 3-PL one-one doing batul-na lag-i collect-INF start-PST.3SG.F (Alice told feeing sorry, and she started to collect them one by one)

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