
Accumulation of Chondroitin SulfateProteoglycans in the Microenvironment ofSpinal Motor Neurons in AmyotrophicLateral Sclerosis Transgenic Rats

Hideki Mizuno, Hitoshi Warita,* Masashi Aoki, and Yasuto Itoyama

Division of Neurology, Department of Neuroscience, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicineand Tohoku University Hospital ALS Center, Sendai, Japan

Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are the majorcomponents of extracellular matrix in the central nerv-ous system. In the spinal cord under various types ofinjury, reactive gliosis emerges in the lesion accompa-nied by CSPG up-regulation. Several types of CSPGcore proteins and their side chains have been shown toinhibit axonal regeneration in vitro and in vivo. In thepresent study, we examined spatiotemporal expressionof CSPGs in the spinal cord of transgenic (Tg) rats withHis46Arg mutation in the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutasegene, a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Im-munofluorescence disclosed a significant up-regulationof neurocan, versican, and phosphacan in the ventralspinal cord of Tg rats compared with age-matched con-trols. Notably, Tg rats showed progressive and promi-nent accumulation of neurocan even at the presympto-matic stage. Immunoblotting confirmed the distinctincrease in the levels of both the full-length neurocanand their fragment isoforms. On the other hand, the up-regulation of versican and phosphacan peaked at theearly symptomatic stage, followed by diminishment atthe late symptomatic stage. In addition, double immuno-fluorescence revealed a colocalization between reactiveastrocytes and immunoreactivities for neurocan andphosphacan, especially around residual large ventralhorn neurons. Thus, reactive astrocytes are suggestedto be participants in the CSPG accumulation. Althoughthe possible neuroprotective involvement of CSPGremains to be investigated, the present results suggestthat both the reactive astrocytes and the differentialaccumulation of CSPGs may create a nonpermissivemicroenvironment for neural regeneration in neurodege-nerative diseases such as ALS. VVC 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; chondroitinsulfate proteoglycan; microenvironment; SOD1; transgenicrat

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a relentlessand progressive neurodegenerative disease characterizedby adult-onset selective loss of motor neurons, whichcauses skeletal muscle atrophy and weakness, and ulti-

mately death. In approximately 10% of all ALS patients,this condition is familial, mainly with inheritance of anautosomal dominant trait (Haverkamp et al., 1995). De-spite clinical and genetic heterogeneity, the pathologiesof familial ALS and that of sporadic ALS are similar, sug-gesting a common pathomechanism. In about 20% offamilial ALS families, this disease is linked to mutationsin the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene (Aokiet al., 1993; Rosen et al., 1993). Several lines of trans-genic (Tg) rodents ubiquitously overexpressing a mutantSOD1 transgene recapitulate the ALS phenotype(Gurney et al., 1994; Nagai et al., 2001), whereas SOD1knockout mice do not develop motor neuron degenera-tion (Reaume et al., 1996), indicating a gain of toxicityof mutant SOD1. However, the precise mechanisms ofmotor neuron death remain to be elucidated (Boilleeet al., 2006a).

Recent data from wild-type/mutant SOD1 chi-meric mice (Clement et al., 2003) and mice carrying adeletable mutant SOD1 gene in a cell type-selectivemanner (Boillee et al., 2006b) demonstrated the noncell-autonomous toxicity of mutant SOD1. These studieshave highlighted the involvement of nonneuronal cells,suggesting the significance of the microenvironment sur-rounding motor neurons. Although no cell-restorativetherapy for ALS has been established to date, the possi-bility of replacing neuronal or nonneuronal cells is ofgrowing interest. Among nonneuronal cells, glial cellsconstitute the largest cell population in the adult central

Contract grant sponsor: Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare;

Contract grant number: B: 18790586; Contract grant number: C:

19590977; Contract grant number: 18A-8; Contract grant sponsor:

Haruki ALS Research Foundation (to H.W., M.A., Y.I.).

*Correspondence to: Hitoshi Warita, MD, PhD, 1-1 Seiryo-machi,

Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8574, Japan.

E-mail: [email protected]

Received 4 September 2007; Revised 20 December 2007; Accepted 30

January 2008

Published online 25 April 2008 in Wiley InterScience (www. DOI: 10.1002/jnr.21702

Journal of Neuroscience Research 86:2512–2523 (2008)

' 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

nervous system (CNS). Furthermore, glial cell hypertro-phy, proliferation, and accumulation in the affectedregion are prominent features in CNS damage, includingALS. These glial responses under disease conditions arereferred to as reactive gliosis, which leads to glial scar for-mation (Silver and Miller, 2004).

Reactive gliosis is usually accompanied by up-regu-lation of the regeneration-inhibitory molecules in theextracellular matrix (ECM). This process is believed tocreate a nonpermissive microenvironment for regenera-tion. Among the inhibitory molecules, chondroitin sul-fate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are the major components inthe ECM. Previous reports have demonstrated thatCSPGs are inhibitory to neurite outgrowth in vitro andare up-regulated and accumulated after various types ofCNS injury in vivo. However, under chronic diseaseconditions such as neurodegeneration, the expressionand distribution of CSPGs have not been investigatedpreviously, except for a few earlier reports (DeWittet al., 1993, 1994).

The glial role in ALS pathophysiology remainscontroversial (Neusch et al., 2007), however, the reac-tive gliosis in the spinal cord has already been reportedas a pathological event. Although previous studies havesuggested the presence of neural stem/progenitor cells inthe intact spinal cord (Gage, 2000; Horner et al., 2000),recent reports have provided controversial results onspontaneous neurogenesis and insufficient evidence forintrinsic regeneration in the spinal cord of mutantSOD1 Tg mice (Warita et al., 2001; Chi et al., 2006;Liu and Martin, 2006; Guan et al., 2007). These previ-ous studies suggest an absence of inter-/intracellular sig-nals and an inappropriate microenvironment for promot-ing an endogenous repair mechanism. Thus, substantialinterest has recently been paid to the microenvironment,in the context of possible development of cell-restorativetherapy with both cell transplantation and endogenousneural progenitor activation (Busch and Silver, 2007).

The present study, therefore, focused on CSPGssuch as neurocan, versican, and phosphacan in themicroenvironment surrounding degenerating motor neu-rons. We examined a possible change of the CSPGexpression in the adult spinal cord of a rat ALS modeland found a significant and differential accumulation ofthe CSPGs in the neurodegenerative lesion.


Experimental Animals

Tg rats expressing ALS-associated mutation, His46Arg(H46R) in the human SOD1 gene (Aoki et al., 1993), wereused in this study. They were established in our laboratory, aswas the case in our previous report (Nagai et al., 2001). TheTg rats hemizygous for H46R mutation were crossed withwild-type Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (Slc:SD; Japan SLC, Inc.,Shizuoka, Japan) to produce Tg and non-Tg offspring. TheTg progeny were genotyped by polymerase chain reactionamplification of tail DNA with specific primers for exon 4

(Nagai et al., 2001). The H46R Tg rats display an adult-onsetmotor neuron disease (MND) with later onset, slower pro-gression, and less variability in the phenotype than in the caseof Gly93Ala (G93A) transgenic rats (Nagai et al., 2001;Matsumoto et al., 2006). At about 24–25 weeks of age, theTg rats develop progressive spastic paralysis beginning with aunilateral hindlimb, leading to death about 4 weeks later. Theonset of clinical phenotype is delayed by approximately 4–5weeks in the present Tg rats compared with the originalH46R Tg line (Nagai et al., 2001) through multiple passage.The female H46R Tg rats were divided into three experi-mental groups: presymptomatic (aged 24 weeks, designatedPre), early symptomatic (aged 26 weeks, ES), and late sympto-matic (aged 28 weeks, LS). We examined a total of 16 Tg ratsand 18 age-matched non-Tg littermates as controls. The ratswere housed in a specific pathogen-free animal facility andallowed access to food and water ad libitum. Throughout thisstudy, the animals were handled in the accordance with theGuide for the care and use of laboratory animals specified by theLaboratory Animal Welfare Act (National Institutes ofHealth). All experimental protocols and procedures wereapproved by the Animal Committee of the Tohoku Univer-sity Graduate School of Medicine.


The rats were deeply anesthetized with diethyl etherand perfused transcardially with heparinized saline, followedby ice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer(PB), pH 7.4. Their lumbar spinal cords (L4–L5) were imme-diately removed and further fixed by immersion in the samefixative overnight at 48C, followed by cryoprotection with aseries of increasing concentration of sucrose (10% and 20%wt/vol) in 0.1 M PB at 48C. The tissue samples were embed-ded in Tissue-Tek O.C.T. compound (Sakura Finetek, To-kyo, Japan) and quickly frozen in 2-methylbutane cooled withliquid nitrogen, then stored at –808C. Ten-micrometer trans-verse sections of lumbar spinal cords were cut on a cryostat(CM3050; Leica Instruments, Nussloch, Germany), collectedon MAS-coated glass slides (Superfrost; Matsunami Glass,Osaka, Japan), and stored at –808C. The cryosections werewashed in Tris-buffered saline (TBS), pH 7.4. Nonspecificbinding was blocked with 5% normal goat serum (Vector Lab-oratories, Burlingame, CA) and 0.3% Triton X-100 in TBSfor 30 min at room temperature (RT). After blocking, thesections were incubated with primary antibodies in the block-ing solution overnight at 48C. We employed the followingprimary antibodies: rabbit anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP) polyclonal IgG (1:1,500; Dako, Glostrup, Denmark),rabbit anti-glutathione S-transferase-p (GST-p) polyclonal IgG(1:1,500; Assay Designs, Ann Arbor, MI), rabbit antineurofila-ment-H polyclonal IgG (1:1,000; Chemicon International,Temecula, CA), rabbit anti-ionized calcium-binding adaptermolecule-1 (Iba-1) polyclonal IgG (1:1,500; Wako PureChemical, Osaka, Japan), mouse anti-neurocan monoclonalIgG (1:3,000; clone 650.24; Chemicon International) that isspecific for the full-length neurocan core protein and alsoreacts with the C-terminal fragment, rabbit anti-glycosamino-glycan-a (GAGa) domain of versican V2 (a CNS-specific

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splice variant) polyclonal IgG (1:200; Chemicon International)raised against amino acid residues 535–598 of mouse versican,mouse anti-phosphacan/receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase-b (RPTPb) core protein monoclonal IgM (1:3,000; clone122.2; Chemicon International), mouse anti-phosphorylatedneurofilament-M and -H (pNF) monoclonal IgG (1:1,000;Chemicon International), rabbit anti-ubiquitin (Ub) polyclonalIgG (1:100; Dako), and biotin-conjugated mouse anti-humanneuronal protein Hu C/D monoclonal IgG (1:200; Invitro-gen, Carlsbad, CA). After extensive rinsing in TBS, the sec-tions were incubated with a combination of appropriate sec-ondary antibodies diluted at 1:500 in an antibody diluent solu-tion (Dako) overnight (48C). The secondary antibodies usedin this study were as follows: goat anti-mouse IgG, anti-mouseIgM, and anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488(highly cross-adsorbed; Invitrogen); goat anti-rabbit IgG con-jugated to Alexa Fluor 568 (highly cross-adsorbed; Invitro-gen); and streptavidin conjugated to Alexa Fluor 647 (Invi-trogen). After extensive washing in TBS, the slides weredipped into distilled water and coverslipped with ShandonPermaFluor (Thermo Electron Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA),then kept in the dark at 48C until analysis. As a negative con-trol, the above-described procedures were repeated withouteach primary antibody. No specific labeling was identified inthese controls. For double- and triple-immunofluorescencelabeling, sections were sequentially processed with each pri-mary antibody and detected with appropriate Alexa Fluor-conjugated secondary antibodies or streptavidin as describedabove.

SDS-PAGE and Immunoblotting

The lumbar spinal cord was quickly removed afterdecapitation under deep anesthesia with diethyl ether. Eachspinal cord tissue was homogenized in a lysis buffer containing10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 100 mM NaCl, 500 mM EDTA,and a protease inhibitor cocktail (Complete; Roche Diagnos-tics, Mannheim, Germany) for 30 sec at 48C. The lysate wascentrifuged at 15,000 rpm for 15 min (48C), and the superna-tant was collected and assayed for protein concentration usinga Bradford assay kit (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA).After digestion with protease-free chondroitinase ABC (0.5U/ml; Seikagaku, Tokyo, Japan) for 3 hr at 378C, the proteinsamples were diluted with an equal amount of loading buffer[125 mM Tris-HCl, 5% wt/vol sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS),pH 6.8], then denatured at 708C for 5 min. SDS-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was performed in 5–10% gradient gel (Bio-Rad) for neurocan or 5–20% gradientgel (Atto, Tokyo, Japan) for phosphacan, versican, a-tubulin,and b-actin. Lysate equivalent to 3.75 lg protein sample wasrun on the gel for 180 min for neurocan, 450 min for versi-can, and 300 min for phosphacan at 100 V, together with sizemarkers (WIDE-VIEW Western size marker; Wako PureChemical; Chemiluminescent-BlueRanger Prestained Molecu-lar Weight Marker Mix; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rockford,IL). Protein samples were then transferred to polyvinylidenedifluoride (PVDF) membranes (Immobilon-P; Millipore, Bed-ford, MA). The membranes were blocked with 6% skim milkin TBS-T (TBS with 0.05% Tween-20) for neurocan and

phosphacan or 4% skim milk in TBS-T for versican overnightat 48C, then incubated with a primary antibody for 1 hr atRT. The primary antibodies employed for immunoblottingwere as follows: mouse anti-neurocan monoclonal IgG(1:2,000; Chemicon International); rabbit anti-GAGa domainof versican V2 polyclonal IgG (1:500; Chemicon Interna-tional), mouse anti-phosphacan/RPTPb core protein mono-clonal IgM, which recognizes secreted phosphacan fragmentsand full-length phosphacan/RPTPb (1:1,000; ChemiconInternational); mouse anti-a-tubulin monoclonal IgG(1:2,000; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO); and mouse anti-b-actin monoclonal IgG (1:2,000; Abcam, Cambridge, UnitedKingdom). After three washes in TBS-T, the membraneswere incubated with the appropriate horseradish peroxidase(HRP)-conjugated secondary antibody for 1 hr at RT as fol-lows: goat anti-mouse IgG 1 IgM (H 1 L; 1:1,000; Kirke-gaard and Perry Laboratories, Gaithersburg, MD), and donkeyanti-rabbit IgG (1:1,000; GE Healthcare U.K.). We detectedthe specific bindings using an ECL Plus kit (GE Healthcare)and luminescent image analyzer (LAS-3000 mini; Fuji PhotoFilm, Tokyo, Japan). To ascertain specific binding of the anti-body for each protein, another membrane was stained in asimilar way without the primary antibody. The proteinexpression levels of interest were normalized to those of a-tubulin or b-actin.

Image Analysis and Quantification

We analyzed six to eight transverse sections from eachlumbar spinal cord by individual immunofluorescence (n 53–4, for each experimental group). The selected sections wereseparated by at least 50 lm from each other. At 3200 magni-fication under a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM)system equipped with HeNe-green (543 nm), HeNe-red (633nm), and Ar (488 nm) laser units (FV300; Olympus Optical,Tokyo, Japan), we captured images of the defined areas (1,0243 1,024 pixels for 352 lm 3 352 lm) in the ventral horn(VH) and the ventral funiculus (VF) bilaterally, with acquisi-tion software (Fluoview version 4.3; Olympus). The VHimage was routinely obtained from the ventrolateral portionof each ventral horn, which covers Rexed’s lamina IX at amaximum. The VF image was routinely obtained from theventral superficial area of white matter in close proximity tothe VH. In addition, we captured equal-sized images of thedorsal horns (Rexed’s laminae III and VI) and the dorsal funi-culi (between the gracile and cuneate fasciculi) for compara-tive analysis. On double immunofluorescence, images werecaptured by sequential wavelength excitation and separatedetection for each wavelength in order to avoid cross-talk.The collected images were pseudocolored and merged withFluoview (Olympus). All images of each antibody were col-lected at identical settings for confocal aperture, laser strength,scan velocity, photomultiplier tube sensitivity, gain, and offset.The images were digitally stored on a PC (ThinkPad; IBMJapan, Tokyo, Japan) as TIFF files with 4,095 shades of gray.We evaluated the immunoreactive area (pixels) in eachdefined area using computerized software (ImageJ 1.35s;Wayne Rasa, NIH). The thresholds for positive were set atconstant (1,590 on 0–4,095 gray scale), and the number of

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pixels above the threshold was calculated to express theCSPG-immunoreactive area. To assess the histological pro-gression of MND phenotype, we evaluated the ubiquitin-im-munoreactive area in the same way. We also estimated thenumber of VH neurons in the lumbar spinal cord (L5). In thecaptured VH images, as described above, Hu C/D-immuno-reactive neurons (Liu et al., 1995) with distinct nuclei and adiameter greater than 25 lm (Gadomski et al., 2006) werecounted in a fixed area (470 lm 3 470 lm) using ImageJ(NIH). The average number of bilateral VH images fromeight sections separated at least 50 lm from each other wassubmitted for statistical analysis in individual animals. Forquantification of immunoblotting, the average optical densities(expressed in arbitrary units) for the specific bands were mea-sured in ImageJ (NIH). The area showing negative immunore-action was treated as background density. The value was nor-malized with the average optical densities of the immunoreac-tive band for a-tubulin or b-actin in each lane individually.

Statistical Analysis

All the results are expressed as mean 6 SD. Differencesamong the rat groups were examined for significance usingone-way ANOVA among means of value, with the categoryof rats as the independent factor. Multiple pairwise compari-sons between means were tested by the Tukey-Kramer posthoc test when ANOVA showed significant differences (P <0.05). For quantification of immunoblotting, differencesbetween the two groups were evaluated by means of Student’st-test for paired data. All statistical analysis was performed withPC software (GraphPad Prism 5; GraphPad Software, SanDiego, CA), and the null hypothesis was rejected at the 0.05level.


Neuropathology in Tg Rats

To evaluate the histopathological hallmarks such asneuronal loss and abnormal protein aggregates (Watanabeet al., 2001; for review see Kabashi and Durham, 2006),we performed triple immunofluorescence for Hu C/D,pNF, and Ub in lumbar spinal cord at three differentstages. The number of large ventral horn neurons weexamined was immunoreactive for Hu C/D (Liu et al.,1995), with the distinct nuclei and a diameter greaterthan 25 lm. Therefore, the estimated number was essen-tially interpreted as the number of motor neurons in ratspinal cord (Gadomski et al., 2006). For the sections ofnon-Tg rats, we observed no significant neuronal loss orsignificant pNF- and Ub-immunoreactive aggregates inthe ventral horns (Fig. 1Aa–c,B,C). At the Pre stage,there was no significant difference in the number oflarge VH neurons between Tg rats and the age-matchedNon-Tg littermates (Fig. 1Aa,d,B). From the ES stage,however, the number of large VH neurons in Tg ratsshowed a progressive and significant decrease comparedwith their age-matched littermates (Fig. 1Ab,c,e,f,B; P <0.01). The progressive loss of neurons was consistentthrough the disease progression, as was reported previ-ously (Nagai et al., 2001), and was significant between

Tg rats at the Pre and ES stages (Fig. 1B; P < 0.01),whereas the statistics did not show significant differencein the symptomatic phase (between the ES and LSstages; Fig. 1B). To address the neurodegeneration asidefrom the neuronal loss in Tg rats, we quantified theemergence of abnormal protein aggregates in the ventralhorns. From the ES stages, Tg rats showed a progressiveincrease of Ub- and/or pNF-immunoreactive dot- orrod-shaped aggregates in the VH neuropil (Fig. 1Ae,f).At the LS stage, we found abnormally pNF-accumulatedneuronal cell body (Fig. 1Ag, arrows) with more fre-quent Ub- and/or pNF-immunoreactive aggregates inthe ventral horns of Tg rats (Fig. 1Af,inset,g, arrows).The Ub-positive aggregates were often colocalized withor surrounded by pNF-immunoreactive structures (Fig.1Ae,f,inset,g), suggesting intraneuronal accumulation ofabnormal proteins. Furthermore, statistical analysis ofimmunolabeling for Ub revealed a significant and pro-gressive increase of Ub-positive structures in Tg ratscompared with non-Tg rats at the ES and LS stages (Fig.1C; P < 0.01), and also among Tg rats at the threestages (Pre, ES, and LS; Fig. 1C; P < 0.01).

Increased CSPG Immunoreactivity in Tg Rats

To examine a possible accumulation of CSPG inthe spinal cord with ALS-like motor neuron degenera-tion, we employed a series of immunofluorescence usingantibodies specific for CSPG core proteins such as neuro-can, versican, and phosphacan at different stages. In thespinal cord of non-Tg rats, mild and sparse perineuronalimmunoreactivity for neurocan was observed throughoutthe parenchyma (Fig. 2a,e). The dorsal horns of the graymatter (data not shown) and the subpial zone of thewhite matter (Fig. 2e) were predominantly immunoreac-tive for neurocan in non-Tg sections. In contrast, Tg ratsshowed markedly increased immunoreactivity at all theexamined stages compared with age-matched non-Tg lit-termates (Fig. 2b–d,f–h). Notably, the up-regulation ofneurocan immunoreactivity was predominant in the ven-tral spinal cord (VH and VF; Fig. 2b–d,f–h) in Tg rat andspread over the dorsal spinal cord (not shown) at thesymptomatic (ES and LS) stages. In addition, we fre-quently observed distinct perineuronal immunoreactivityfor neurocan in VH of Tg rats (Fig. 2b–d, arrows). Fur-thermore, quantification of immunolabeling revealed asignificant and progressive increase of neurocan immu-noreactivity in Tg rats even from Pre stage comparedwith non-Tg rats. Among Tg rats, there was a significantincrease of neurocan immunoreactivity in both ES andLS stages compared with Pre stage (Fig. 3).

As for versican, we detected a constitutive expres-sion at low levels in both the gray and the white matterin non-Tg spinal cord (Fig. 2i,m). In Tg rats, versicanimmunoreactivity was also up-regulated in the ventralspinal cord (VH and VF) even at the Pre stage (Fig. 2j–l,n–p).Quantification of immunolabeling showed a significantincrease of versican immunoreactivity in the ventral spi-nal cord of Tg rats compared with non-Tg rats (Fig. 3).

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In contrast to neurocan, the up-regulation of versicanpeaked at the ES stage and diminished at the LS stage inVH of Tg rats. Among Tg rats, versican immunoreactiv-ity in the VH was significantly higher at the ES stagecompared with the Pre stage (Fig. 3). However, the ver-sican as well as neurocan immunoreactivity in the VFshowed a progressive increase in Tg rats (Fig. 3). AmongTg rats, the immunoreactivity in the VF was significantlyhigher at the ES and LS stage compared with the Prestage (Fig. 3). In the dorsal horn of Tg rats as well as inthe VH, the immunoreactivity for versican was signifi-cantly increased but less prominent than that in the ven-

tral horns at the ES and LS stage (data not shown). Onthe other hand, there was no significant difference inversican immunolabeling of the dorsal funiculi amongTg rats at the three stages (data not shown).

For phosphacan immunofluorescence, we detectedlow levels of immunoreactivity in non-Tg spinal cord(Fig. 4i,m). As well as neurocan, phosphacan immunor-eactivity in non-Tg was predominant in perineuronalstructures in the gray matter and subpial/outer zone ofthe white matter (Fig. 4i,m). In contrast, Tg rats showedup-regulation of phosphacan at the symptomatic (ES andLS) stages (Fig. 4j,n). Quantification of phosphacan

Fig. 1. Progressive pathology of spinal ventral horns in H46R trans-genic (Tg) rats. A: Representative microphotographs of triple immu-nofluorescence for ubiquitin (Ub, green), phosphorylated neurofila-ment-M and -H (pNF, red), and neuronal protein Hu C/D (blue) inventral horns of lumbar spinal cord. Red and blue color colocaliza-tion shows as magenta, green and blue colocalization shows as cyan,green and red colocalization shows as yellow, and colocalization ofall three shows as white. Tg rats at presymptomatic (Pre) stage (d),early symptomatic (ES) stage (e), and late symptomatic (LS) stage (f)are depicted with those of age-matched littermate controls (non-Tg;a: 24 weeks, b: 26 weeks, c: 28 weeks of age). Ub-positive depositswere observed progressively from the ES stage (e) to the LS stage (f).The deposits (green) were often colocalized with or surrounded byphosphorylated neurofilament-positive structures (red) in Tg rats[e,f(arrow and inset),g]. An abnormally pNF-accumulated neuronalcell body was occasionally found in Tg rats (g). Hu C/D-positiveneuron (blue, g–1), pNF-positive soma (red, g-2), Ub-positivedeposits (green, g-3); g is an overlay of g-1–3). Arrows indicate a

representative large ventral horn neuron that contains Ub-positivedeposits with abnormally pNF-accumulated soma (g and g1–3).Transverse sections are oriented so that dorsal is upward. B: A signif-icant and progressive decrease in the number of ventral horn neuronsin Tg rats at the symptomatic stage (ES and LS). The Hu C/D-im-munoreactive neurons (>25 lm in diameter) were counted electron-ically with ImageJ. The progressive loss of neurons was consistentthrough the disease progression, and was significant between Tg ratsat the Pre and ES stages. C: Semiquantification of the Ub immunor-eactivity revealed a significant and progressive increase in ubiquitin-positive deposits in the ventral horns. Open bars show the data ofage-matched non-Tg littermates, whereas solid bars show those of Tgrats (means 6 SD, n 5 3 per experimental group, one-way ANOVAfollowed by the Tukey-Kramer post hoc test). Asterisks indicate asignificant difference between Tg and the age-matched non-Tg ratsat each stage (**P < 0.01). Scale bars 5 50 lm in f (applies to a–f);10 lm in inset; 10 lm in g.

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immunolabeling in VF revealed a progressive and signifi-cant increase in Tg rats at both the ES and the LS stagescompared with non-Tg rats (Fig. 3). Among Tg rats,there was a significant increase of phosphacan immunor-eactivity in both ES and LS stages compared with Prestage (Fig. 3). In VH, however, we found a significantincrease in Tg rats only at the ES stage (Fig. 3). At theLS stage, phosphacan immunoreactivity in VH of Tgrats returned to the normal level and was not signifi-cantly different compared with non-Tg (Fig. 3). Therewas no significant difference in phosphacan immunor-eactivity in the dorsal horns and dorsal funiculi betweenTg and Non-Tg rats at any stage (data not shown).

Association Between CSPGs and GFAP-PositiveAstrocytes in Tg Rats

GFAP-positive reactive astrocytes increased even atthe Pre stage, preceding loss of VH neurons in Tg rats(data not shown). As the disease progressed, the GFAPimmunoreactivity became prominent continually notonly in the VH but also in the white matter surroundingthe VH, especially in the ventral side of spinal cord inTg rats (Fig. 4c,g,k,o). In a similar way, Iba-1-positive

microglia increased progressively in the spinal cord ofTg rats from the Pre stage (data not shown). At the LSstage, we observed numerous hypertrophic reactiveastrocytes and reactive microglia predominantly in theventral spinal cord gray and white matter.

To clarify the cellular source of accumulatedCSPGs in the spinal cord, we performed double immu-nofluorescence for the series of CSPG core proteinswith cell type-selective markers as follows: GFAP, anastrocyte marker (Pegram et al., 1985); GST-p, matureoligodendrocytes (Tansey and Cammer, 1991; Tamuraet al., 2007); neurofilament-H, large-diameter myelin-ated neurons (Perry and Lawson, 1993); and Iba-1, rest-ing and activated microglia (Ito et al., 1998; Ahmedet al., 2007). The combinatorial immunolabelingsrevealed a partial colocalization between neurocan/phos-phacan and GFAP (Fig. 4c,d,g,h for neurocan/GFAP;Fig. 4k,l,o,p for phosphacan/GFAP). Colocalization wasobserved predominantly in the ventral spinal cord (VHand VF), especially in the perineuronal areas immunore-active for CSPGs in VH (Fig. 4d,l). In contrast, we didnot observe any distinct colocalization between CSPGsand other cellular markers such as GST-p, neurofila-ment-H, and Iba-1 (data not shown).

Fig. 2. Representative microphotographsof immunofluorescence for neurocan (a–h,upper panels) and versican (i–p, lowerpanels) in the ventral spinal cord. InH46R transgenic (Tg) rats, progressiveincrease of neurocan and versican immu-noreactivity was observed in the ventralhorns (VH; b–d,j–l) and in the ventralfuniculi (VF; f–h,n–p), whereas such anincrease was not observed in non-Tg rats(VH: a,i; VF: e,m). Pre, presymptomaticstage (b,f,j,n); ES, early symptomatic stage(c,g,k,o); LS, late symptomatic stage(d,h,l,p); and non-Tg: age-matched litter-mates corresponding to the ES stage(a,e,i,m). Arrows indicate dense neurocanimmunoreactivities around neurons (b–d).Transverse sections are oriented so thatdorsal is upward. Scale bars 5 100 lm.

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Increased Levels of CSPGs in Tg Rats

To confirm the results of immunohistochemicalanalysis, we examined the cumulative species of CSPGsin Tg rats by quantitative immunoblotting with specificantibodies for the core proteins. According to the im-munofluorescence data (Fig. 3), we selected the exam-ined stages for the CSPG immunoblotting: LS stage forneurocan and ES stage for both versican and phospha-can. The immunoblotting revealed increased levels ofdistinct CSPG species in whole lumbar spinal cord lysateof Tg rats. For neurocan, immunoblotting showed theincreased levels of two isoforms of neurocan in the spinal

cord of Tg rats at the LS stage. In non-Tg rats, onlythin bands for the proteolytic fragments of neurocanwere detected at approximately 150 kDa, without spe-cific bands for the full-length neurocan (Fig. 5A). Incontrast, we detected distinct bands specific for both thefull length at 245 kDa and for the proteolytic fragmentsat approximately 150 kDa in Tg rats (Fig. 5A). Densi-tometry revealed an approximately 40-fold increase offull-length neurocan and fourfold increase of proteolyticfragments of neurocan in the spinal cord of Tg rats com-pared with those of non-Tg rats (Fig. 5A). As for versi-can, we found the increased levels of the CNS-specificV2 isoform in the spinal cord of Tg rats at the ES stage.A distinct band corresponding to versican V2 at >220kDa was evident in Tg rats, whereas very thin bands atthe same molecular weight in non-Tg rats (Fig. 5B).Densitometry revealed an approximately fourfoldincrease of versican V2 in the spinal cord of Tg ratscompared with those of non-Tg rats at the ES stage(Fig. 5B). We also found a similar result in the quantita-tive immunoblotting for phosphacan at the ES stage.The immunoblotting showed a smear-like band corre-sponding to phosphacan/RPTPb core protein at >220kDa. Other bands corresponding to splice variants ofphosphacan were also detected at approximately 180kDa (Fig. 5C). Densitometry revealed an approximatelythreefold increase of phosphacan/RPTPb in the spinalcord of Tg rats compared with those of non-Tg rats atthe ES stage. Although a similar tendency was observedin the splice variants of phosphacan, there was no signifi-cant difference between Tg rats and non-Tg rats at thestage (Fig. 5C). In contrast to the case for the ES stage,we found no significant increase in the levels of versicanand phosphacan in Tg rats at the LS stage (data notshown).


In the present study, we found a significant accu-mulation of CSPGs in the adult spinal cord of a rat ALSmodel. The accumulation was predominant in the ven-tral spinal cord, where the neuropathology primarilyoccurred, and subsequently spread throughout the dorsalspinal cord. Moreover, in parallel with disease progres-sion even from the Pre stage, we detected an acceleratedincrease in both neurocan and versican immunoreactiv-ity. Therefore, it is suggested that theup-regulation of CSPGs is closely related to the neuro-degeneration in the present model. However, up-regula-tion of phosphacan was less prominent as well as lesssignificant only in the ES stage in the ventral horns.Previous studies have reported diverse results for phos-phacan after various forms of CNS injury (McKeonet al., 1999; Moon et al., 2002; Tang et al., 2003) ordemyelinating lesions (Sobel and Ahmed, 2001). Thus,the differential accumulation of CSPGs suggests a distinctproperty of each CSPG and a complicated regulation ofCSPG metabolism under disease conditions (Galtrey andFawcett, 2007).

Fig. 3. Semiquantification of the immunofluorescence for differentchondroitin sulfate proteoglycan core proteins in the ventral spinalcords of H46R transgenic (Tg) rats and age-matched littermate con-trols (non-Tg). The immunoreactive areas for various CSPG coreproteins are shown by color legends in the figure. The immunoreac-tive areas of neurocan, versican, and phosphacan were increased inthe ventral horns (VH; upper graph) and ventral funiculi (VF; lowergraph) in Tg rats but not in Non-Tg rats in each stage (means 6SD, n 5 3–4, one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey-Kramerpost hoc test). Asterisks indicate a significant difference between Tgand the age-matched non-Tg rats at each stage (*P < 0.05, **P <0.01). Daggers indicate a significant difference in Tg rats between thestages (yyP < 0.01).

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CSPGs are heterogeneous, and each has its owncore protein. Each core protein has a different degree ofchondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains.Neurocan, as well as versican V2 (which contains onlythe GAGa domain), phosphacan, and brevican, isexpressed specifically in the adult CNS and constitutes amajor component of the ECM. During development,CSPGs regulate axonal pathfinding, synaptogenesis, andcell migration and restrict plasticity. Furthermore,CSPGs are reported to bind and interact with a varietyof molecules such as growth factors, cytokines, and cell-surface receptors. In gray matter of adult rat spinal cord,

CSPGs are distributed mainly in the neuropil, and theVH neurons are surrounded by distinct ECM containingCSPGs, which is called perineuronal nets (Vitellaro-Zuc-carello et al., 2007). Our findings of immunofluores-cence for CSPGs in non-Tg rats are fundamentally com-patible with the previous report. Therefore, CSPGs playa physiologically pivotal role such as signal transmissionin the intact adult spinal cord and are believed to pre-vent unnecessary synaptic connections for stabilizing theCNS structure.

Extensive investigations have previously revealedup-regulation of CSPGs in acute insults of CNS. In

Fig. 4. Representative microphotographs of double immunofluores-cence for neurocan (upper panels) or phosphacan (lower panels) withglial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). As shown in Figures 2 and 3,the immunofluorescence revealed up-regulation of the CSPG coreproteins in the ventral horns (VH) and ventral funiculi (VF) in thespinal cord of H46R transgenic (Tg) rats at the early symptomatic(ES) stage (b,f for neurocan; j,n for phosphacan) but not in the age-matched littermate controls (non-Tg; a,e for neurocan; i,m for phos-phacan). Moreover, partial colocalization of neurocan (green inc,d,g,h) or phosphacan (green in k,l,o,p) with GFAP (magenta in the

same panels) was detected under confocal laser scanning microscopyin both VH and VF. Especially in VF, close colocalization wasobserved between neurocan/phosphacan and GFAP immunoreactiv-ities (g,h,o,p). Images were pseudocolored and merged. Magnifiedview of c, g, k, and o are shown in panels d, h, l, and p, respectively.Asterisks indicate neurons that were surrounded by neurocan orphosphacan immunoreactivities; arrows indicate intense colocalizationbetween neurocan/phosphacan and GFAP immunoreactivities aroundneurons (d,l). Transverse sections are oriented so that dorsal isupward. Scale bars 5 100 lm in a–c,e–g,i–k,m–o; 30 lm in d,h,l,p.

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most cases of acute CNS insults, including cerebrocorti-cal wound injury (McKeon et al., 1991), ischemia(Deguchi et al., 2005), demyelinating lesions (Sobel andAhmed, 2001), kainic acid-induced excitotoxic lesions(Matsui et al., 2002; Okamoto et al., 2003), and spinalcord injury (Jones et al., 2002; Tang et al., 2003), highlevels in the expression of CSPGs peak after a certainperiod and recover to the normal levels. We found asimilar up-regulation of CSPGs even under conditionsof a chronic neurodegenerative disease. However, pro-gressive accumulation of neurocan in concert withrelentless neuronal loss showed a temporal profile distinctfrom that of acute CNS injury. Much evidence suggeststhat CSPGs have inhibitory potentials on axonal regen-eration in vitro and in vivo (Galtrey and Fawcett, 2007).Furthermore, more recent studies have shown that thegliosis-associated CSPGs play an additional inhibitoryrole in cell migration in vivo (Kearns et al., 2003;

Ikegami et al., 2005). Thus, the accumulation of CSPGscould inhibit endogenous/exogenous regenerativepotential as a molecular barrier. The inhibitory propertyof CSPGs is derived from both the GAG side chains andthe core proteins themselves. Thus, the suppression ofCSPG expression or enzymatic degradation of CSPGsmay change the microenvironment of spinal cord in thepresent model. In fact, local digestion of GAG sidechains in vivo by chondroitinase ABC, a bacteria-derived enzyme, has previously been shown to induceaxonal elongation and promote functional recovery inspinal cord injury models (Moon et al., 2001; Bradburyet al., 2002) and also to create a permissive environmentconducive to axonal growth from peripheral nerve graftinto spinal cord (Houle et al., 2006).

On the other hand, a neuroprotective role ofCSPGs has also been suggested in several CNS insults,such as spinal cord injury, excitotoxicity, and b-amy-

Fig. 5. Quantitative immunoblotting analysis of different chondroitinsulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) levels in the whole lumbar spinal cordof H46R transgenic (Tg) rats and the age-matched littermate controls(non-Tg). Graphs represent relative optical density value of thebands: ratios of those of CSPG to those of the internal control pro-tein are shown (mean 6 SD). Asterisks indicate a significant differ-ence between Tg rats and non-Tg rats (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; n 53, Student’s t-test). A: Immunoblotting for neurocan in Tg rats atthe late symptomatic (LS) stage and non-Tg controls. The level ofboth isoforms of neurocan: the 245-kDa full-length neurocan (soliddarrow) and the cleavage products (open arrow) were up-regulated

(upper panel). a-Tubulin was used as an internal control for appliedamounts of protein in each lane (lower panel). B: Immunoblottingfor CNS-specific isoform of versican V2 in Tg rats at the early symp-tomatic (ES) stage and non-Tg controls. The level of versican V2isoform (>220 kDa, solid arrow) was up-regulated (upper panel). b-Actin was used as a control (lower panel). C: Immunoblotting forphosphacan in Tg rats at the ES stage and non-Tg controls. The levelof both phosphacan/RPTPb core protein (>220 kDa, solid arrow)and the fragments (open arrow) were up-regulated (upper panel). b-Actin was used as a control (lower panel).

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loid-induced neurodegeneration models (Rhodes andFawcett, 2004). Considering the possible beneficialaspects of CSPGs, the up-regulation of CSPGs surround-ing residual VH neurons may reflect an endogenous pro-tective process against the neurodegeneration in thepresent model. Although enzymatic digestion of CSPGshas not been reported to exacerbate CNS damage todate (Galtrey and Fawcett, 2007), the significance of theabnormally accumulated CSPGs in various types of CNSinsults is still a matter of debate. Reactive gliosis, one ofthe prominent pathological events in ALS spinal cord(Neusch et al., 2007), consists mainly of reactive astro-cytes (Silver and Miller, 2004). In addition to the astro-cytic reaction, microglial activation is also an early anddistinct response in Tg rodent models of ALS (Hallet al., 1998; Alexianu et al., 2001). In the present study,double immunofluorescence revealed partial associationsbetween neurocan/phosphacan and GFAP-positive astro-cytes, but not Iba-1-positive microglia, in the degenerat-ing spinal cord of Tg rats. Hypertrophic astrocytes areprincipal source of neurocan and secrete it into theECM in adult CNS. In addition, neurons are reportedto synthesize neurocan. Astrocytes have also beenreported to produce phosphacan following brain injury(McKeon et al., 1999; Thon et al., 2000). Consistentlywith these data, we observed the perineuronal densestaining around VH neurons, where GFAP-positiveprocesses surround the neuronal cell body, in the spinalcord of Tg rats. More systematic investigation to identifythe cellular source of CSPGs using this model is neces-sary. Because reactive astrocytes are considered to playparadoxical roles both beneficial and harmful to neurons(Sofroniew, 2005), identification of the mechanisms thatregulate the molecules in the ECM could lead to controlof the expression of CSPGs. In fact, a recent study dem-onstrated the CSPG-regulating molecules in astrocytes.Xylosyltransferase and chondroitin 4-sulfotransferase areresponsible for chondroitin sulfate side chain synthesis byastrocytes (Gris et al., 2007). Transforming growth fac-tor-b2, interleukin-6, and platelet-derived growth factorare also reported to regulate differentially the expressionof CSPGs in astrocytes (Gris et al., 2007). In addition,proteases involved in the turnover of CSPG core pro-teins are reported, such as the matrix metalloproteinases(MMPs) and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase withthrombospondin repeats (ADAMTSs). MMPs are rapidlyup-regulated after almost all types of CNS insult, includ-ing spinal cord injury (de Castro et al., 2000), ischemia(Rosenberg, 1995; Muir et al., 2002), and Alzheimer’sdisease (Yoshiyama et al., 2000). Further study will beneeded to elucidate the possible roles of these regulatorymolecules in CSPG metabolism in vivo.

Neurocan is one of the major CSPGs in the intactCNS. During development, expression of both the full-length (245 kDa) neurocan and its cleaved fragments, C-terminal (150 kDa) and N-terminal (130 kDa) neurocan,is regulated in the normal brain (Rauch et al., 1991;Meyer-Puttlitz et al., 1995). In the intact adult CNS,full-length neurocan is scarcely detected, whereas the N-

terminal fragment has been detected throughout life(Matsui et al., 1994). Moreover, both full-length and N-terminal neurocan, but not C-terminal fragments, showan inhibitory activity against neurite outgrowth (Katoh-Semba et al., 1998; Asher et al., 2000). Thus, it is sug-gested that full-length neurocan plays the most importantrole among its isoforms in regulating neural plasticity.Immunoblotting analysis in the present study showed arobust increase of the full-length neurocan and its frag-ments at the LS stage, further suggesting an inhibitorymicroenvironment for regeneration in this model. Simi-lar changes have been reported in excitotoxic epilepticconditions (Matsui et al., 2002) and after mechanicalincision, ischemia (Deguchi et al., 2005), and spinal cordinjury (Tang et al., 2003). In contrast to those of neuro-can, functional properties of versican, phosphacan, andtheir isoforms under physiological or pathological condi-tions remains to be established. Among three alterna-tively spliced variants, versican V2 is abundant in theadult CNS and is expressed by oligodendrocyte-lineagecells, whereas V1 isoform is distributed widely aroundthe other tissue. Among the isoforms, versican V2 isconsidered to be inhibitory to neurite outgrowth, buthow the isoforms of versican are controlled after CNSinsults is unclear (Viapiano and Matthews, 2006). Onthe other hand, phosphacan is an extracellular part of theRPTPb receptor, and the phosphacan/RPTPb has atleast four spliced variants. In addition to the presence ofvarious isoforms of phosphacan/RPTPb, their functionalroles have been shown to be highly complicated. Previ-ous reports showed diverse function (promotion or inhi-bition) on axonal regrowth, which depends on themode of expression and molecules with which to inter-act (Faissner et al., 2006). As well as neurocan, bothneurons and reactive astrocytes are reported to expressphosphacan/RPTPb. The significance of increased phos-phacan in this study remains to be defined.

In summary, this is the first study to show the spa-tiotemporal accumulation of CSPGs under chronic neu-rodegenerative condition in a Tg rat model of ALS.Although the possible neuroprotective implication remainsto be investigated, the increased CSPGs and their associa-tion with reactive astrocytes suggest the existence of a non-permissive microenvironment for regeneration. Consider-ing the future development of cell-restorative therapy inALS, both the regulation of the microenvironment sur-rounding motor neurons and the control of reactivegliosis may be an important strategy in facilitating sur-vival, migration, neurite outgrowth, and synaptogenesisof newborn cells.


We sincerely thank N. Agatsuma and T. Kibushifor technical assistance.


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