fighting the stigma of mental illness


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Post on 25-Jan-2015




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I am quite proud of this video that I did for a mental health fair at DTCC today. Upon completion of the psych unit of my RN nursing degree, I have realized the need to educate the public about the prevalence and many aspects of mental illness. This video is about fighting the stigma (a mark of disgrace) associated with mental illness/dual diagnoses by educating the public. Knowledge is power! The presentation is set to Matchbox 20's "Unwell." They are one of my favorite bands and I felt that the song was fitting for this project. Thank you for watching, and know that just one person can truly make a difference in the lives of many that are touched by mental illness and/or substance abuse.Feel free to comment, like, and share!


Page 1: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness


Page 2: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Many people are affected by mental illness

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Page 4: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Sometimes I daydream…

Page 5: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Sometimes I am sad…

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I may be frustrated…

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I may have a flight of ideas…

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Or seem like two different people…

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I may puzzle you…

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I long for acceptance…

Page 11: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

I may see things differently…

Page 12: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Sometimes I want to escape…

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I may be recognized for my brilliance someday…

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Stress can cause a mental illness to manifest itself.

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There are many pieces to mental illness.

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I have a mental illness.

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Listen up!

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Do you see me?

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I have an illness of the brain that can be measured and is diagnosed just like a physical illness.

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Page 22: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Open your mind!

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Please, Don’t stare at me like that,I can be fun to be around…

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You can help set me free…

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Page 26: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

If we work together…

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And you are open minded…

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You can understand that this isn’t me…

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I didn’t do this to myself…

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Please Listen!

Page 31: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Don’t judge me by the medications I


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I am NOT med-seeking, I require medications to correct the chemical imbalance in my brain.

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The medications may help the pieces fit together…

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Professionals such as doctors, lawyers and nurses may need mental health services in their lifetime!

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What if I was your grandfather?

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I feel like enough of an outsider


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I may just think differently than you. It is human nature to fear what we don’t understand!

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What do you see?!!!

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Now concentrate…

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I don’t lie on a couch and discuss my mother with a Freudian therapist!

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I am a child.

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I am a senior.

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Have you ever felt like you might be


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What would happen? What did you picture?

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Did you picture this place?

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Or this?

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Or did you desire caring and patience while you got the help you deserved?

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To get back to yourself, to baseline.

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Page 53: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Be yourself…

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And Enjoy life!

Page 55: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness



Some Examples include: Depression Anxiety ADHD Obsessive compulsive disorder Alcohol/drug addiction Anorexia and Bulemia Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia PMDD Postpartum Depression Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Alzheimer’s And many more…

Page 56: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Become Educated,

You can be an advocate

Against Stigma of MentalIllness!

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Page 58: Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

Powerpoint Presentaion By: Chrystal L. GrahamMusic: “Unwell” by Matchbox 20