fighting oppression

Fighting Oppression By: Donald Turner (2014) EDC 672 Creating & Integrating Technology in the Classroom Buffalo State College

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Page 1: Fighting oppression

Fighting Oppression

By: Donald Turner (2014)

EDC 672 – Creating & Integrating Technology in the Classroom

Buffalo State College

Page 2: Fighting oppression

Past Fighters of Oppression

Page 3: Fighting oppression

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops

of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does

not become dirty.”- Mahatma Gandhi (1954)

Page 4: Fighting oppression

“You must be the change you wish to see

in your world”

- Mahatma Gandhi (1906)

Page 5: Fighting oppression

tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism

and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never

become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will

have the final word.”- Martin Luther King Jr. (1964)

Page 6: Fighting oppression

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by

the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”

- Martin Luther King Jr. (1963)

Page 7: Fighting oppression

wastes our energy and destroys our unity. My message to those of

you involved in this battle of brother against brother is this: take your guns, your knives, and

your pangas, and throw them into the sea! Close down the death factories. End this war

now!”- Nelson Mandela (1990)

Page 8: Fighting oppression

our country, had the nobility of spirit to stand in the path

of tyranny and injustice, without seeking selfish gain.

They recognized that an injury to one is an injury to all and therefore acted together in

defense of justice and a common human decency.”

- Nelson Mandela (1993)

Page 9: Fighting oppression

But Oppression is gone in the world today


Page 10: Fighting oppression

WRONG! Oppression is still

present in many countries around the

world today. Countries such as….

Page 11: Fighting oppression

But Oppression is gone in the world today right?

Page 12: Fighting oppression

But Oppression is gone in the world today right?

WRONG! Oppression is still present in many

countries around the world today. Countries

such as….

Page 13: Fighting oppression

What can be done to stop oppression today?

• We can raise awareness of an oppressive situation by protest.

• We can reach out to our politicians to get the government aware and involved in the process for fighting oppression.

• We can help out organizations like the United Nations to find a peaceful way to end the oppression.

• As a last resort to help save the lives of the oppressed, perhaps the military may be needed to step into these situations in ensure that lives are protected.

Page 14: Fighting oppression

Fighting oppression throughout the world is the responsibility of ALL citizens of the world not

just of those who are oppressed. We should follow the messages

and actions of the past oppression fighters for guidance

and examples of how to fight oppression in the future.


Page 15: Fighting oppression

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to

justice everywhere.”

- Martin Luther King Jr. (1960)

Page 16: Fighting oppression

CreditsDesigned and Produced by Donald Turner (2014)

For EDC 672 – Creating & Integrating Technology in the Classroom, Buffalo State College

Images by the following

• Adelman, B., & Johnson, C. (2008). Remembering martin lutherking, jr. his life and crusade in pictures. (p. 55, 72, 79). New York, New York: Life Books.

• Lengyel, E. (1966). Mahatma gandhi. New York, New York: Franklin Watts, Inc.

• Otfinoski, S. (1992). Nelson mandela the fight against apartheid. (p. 55). Brookfield, Connecticut: The Millbrook Press.

• Terrill, R. (1992). China in our time. (p. 39). New York, New York: Simon & Schuster.

• Turner, D. (Photographer) (2014). The globe [Photograph]. Grand Island, NY

Music by

• Lennon-McCartney, (1970). Let It Be [Record by The Beatles]. On Let it Be [Vinyl Record 7]. London, England: Apple.