fifes - · by paying bills by cheek an^ ppt by ... llearse sent to all parts...

fifes Published Every Friday MT. VERNON, ROCKCASTLE COUNTY, KY^fRRiDAY, JANUARY, 27, 191^. VOLUME XXIV. J, I V I N (J H T 0 > nial caucus.the other" day. Hicks induced several'>to put forth, u'u- Hgtual energy, t im'-Oo the whcje it may be said that, ajfeoosiderable' Dumber <Jf pupils Tjjgye- eucouragicg promise of *mture success;jin school work, and 'umntually ofgood citizenship, tbe primary purpose of our State system JHfgublic schools. • tin conclusiofa,. the teacher, who taj? had practical experience in the use" of narcotics and alcoholic jBEvages. who in the lijfht of this experience absolutely knows the belighting and withering effects of ttMj^ on our boys, especially takes this;occasion to express in emphatic term* . a. condemnation of the practice of furnishing to our school bo^-. the articles prohibited by law and to ritominend the adopt- ion^ of a olaaStbH sbai^> prohibit the-osc of •harmful practices releafcd to in' our* public schools. Ww« word of kindness and appreciation of: the good' people ol dist No 19 and the children whd attended school' the present year, the teacher submits the foregoing. ' Mtggwoon, Ky.. Jan. t8, tqi i j • $ ,v.. JWV " I 'gELANGFORD : SCH«5L NEWS. the time he is ready to announce tbe .wedding soine other fellow shows up or she t-hmges her mind. So he'says that if he does not get (harried in this year, 1911, that he will not be a candidate for matri- mony an v longer.—Mrs..W. T. Mc . Cullough left for Crab Orchard, 1 Tenn., last Thursday lor a week's; visit.—Born to the wile of W M. Preston afinehoy on last Thursday of casting bis lot in rt^west -art is making', preparations to take What We are Showing Now CHAS. C. DAVIS LADING DRUGGIST, MT. VERNON, KY. HOW TO PAY ACCOUNTS. —- By paying bills by Cheek an^ ppt by CttrfSJcyt j8a6 6 S A 4 Our line of Couch Caskets lis unexcelled. ' Hand-made Coffins furnished llearse sent to all parts of yEiBBSMa«ir«fSae ( ^ e Connty. All orders by Wire PromptlyJFillecJ. W. A. COX, ue^-S. , MT. VERNON, KY. . Old checks are permanent receipts. Open a checking account with un even if it iaamaU. '' 't* - Y«o can start anaccountwith as with as small araeunt as one dollar: Ask your neighbor how he alikes doing business with as. - : Com? in and talk withns. Glad fo sefe you at any lime. h WE WISH YOU A MERRY XMA£. ' Yours trply, " $•» , - - . , r, i savs has played his last trump; that , ——-—'• , George He lard was taken vetv / . r We understaud a large real i . he has advertized for a wife ar.d . ' • . . , 6 sick Mondav but Is better no» — - - tate deal is on foot in our town, used all honorable means, but about Dr. Webb has purchased a fine hsise from H. M. Mink lor $240. - -S. E. Pennington was in Mt. Vernou Saturday. What do >00 sav about that John?—Miss Ida Chewning returned to her home at Parriston Monday.—Mrs R. A. Whitehead and Mrs. J.'P R. Drummond were in London Mon- day to see Mrs. R. J. Lemons who has undergone a surgical operation but we are pleased to say will s< on be, able to come home. Section Foreman Sam McHa'gue was in ndo11 ' Sunday. — It has often been said that a mother's j love for her children was the great- j est love of tbe human family. In the last week we have bad cause to dispute this. In soma cases we be > lleve a mother will go' further for her child and do more and even go into the Very shadow of death, yet there are some •exceptions A cer tain woman, the mother o' thiee bright babies, their lather and htr husband, beiog where he could noi rouie back for a while, she volun larily walked off and left them. There is a cause for all this but no remedy* In the beginning God created man in His Own Image, but only look what that image is doinf. It is a shame and a disgraee. There are a certain lot of l>o7s roaming over the country that should t.e taught a lesson * and put to work aqd then they would not have so much time to study .mean- ness This is straight talk but plain English. A. N Bentley was in Louisville Saturday and Sunday.- W. H. Cot- tongim. of Pine Hill, was in our town Monday.—Bill Smith has moved into the bouse vacated by Cal Baker.. Cal Baker has moved his family to Four /.Mije. Ky ; George Pppe remaiiMKjhoul Established 1887 christened William Owen Preston, for each of its grandfathers. — J. P. E. Drummond will start in a few jd.iys for. Knuxville to spend a week. This is Mr. J. P. E. D's I home town. — P. B. apires, ol Parksville, was here* between 'trains Monday —-Ester Elkins and M iss Cora Cope weie united iu the b i'v bonds ol matrimony Friday —A little boy of W. M. Napier is I very sick—A * little child of Mr. and Mrs. J. B Jones is very sick. I —C. J Rice^ who bas been very sick for some time, armed with a 'suit case and gun left for S'anfOrd for a few days hum.—Mrs. i Hellard is very sick'—Harry and ^rank OrndotfT, who have railroad jobs in Lonisville. are here visiting ^relatives this week.—Dr. W. T. Amyx was in London Saturday.— Ed Woodall, of London, was in ojr town Tuesday.—W. O. Dilly, of Lebanon junction. Master of Trains of the L. B. Division, in Livingston Mondav. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from tbe bottom ol my heart.'' wro*e C. B. Rader. of LewisburgrJV. Va.. "lor the wonderful double benefit I got irom Rlectrict Bitters, in curing me ol both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rbeumatj|m, from which I bad been ao almost help- Us? sufferer "for tin ytrarsr _• It just lor me. - forayspepfm. 10 digestion, jaundice" i>rd to rid the system ot kidney prisons that cause rheumatism; Electric Bitters trip to Oklahoma in the near future has no'equal. Try. them. Every —Henry Hink and wife ihave fe[ a- bottle is guaranteed to satisfy, rated again. Well, it do beat the Only 50C at Chas. C Davis'. nation how some people get along.; ilk- Ob, il I were ao lucky as to ever' The old gSWB ol the New York possess one of those lovely crea- ^Publican organization^ regaiped tures called a'wife! But'l see no comrole by electing William Barnes other alternative only to travel * r - " 501,1 to ** a Qollce to life's rough road alone.-W. M. Roose elt to kee P out 01 , h e w a * Hicks and mvself held amatrimo-, m tg:2. Woman s Power Over Man W. E Gravely that in last week's letter we failed to say that he too assisted in tbe amputation ol tbe lower limbs of Jessie Vaughn who wis run over by a train here.— Opie Herron and Miss Lyda Al- bright, both of the Quail section were married last Tuesday. Mr. Herron is the youngest son of Elijah Herron, deceased, and Miss Albright is a daughter of Be Albright. -Willie Owens iniornis us that he will likely begin teach ing a series of singiug< lessons ir the Baptist church at Mt. Vernon next Saturday night —Mace Brown of the Level Qreen neighborhood is very low with heart trouble. Mrs. Will Johnson, of tbe Chest- nut Ridge-section is very low with fever. ~ ... ~ - ' . , Miss Sarah Adams, -ol th^splace quite sick.—Tom Evans, of Lebanon junction, was here first ol week.—Miss Racbael Nicholson, East' Bernatadt, is here visiting r, Mrs. Luther Farris,— Johu Newland came up Tuesday from Lebanon Junction. He is suffering with a sprained ankle he received in Corbin a few days ago Allen Barnett returned hon e las'. Saturday night only, to leate again Monday for New Hampshire to accept a position as-teacber in 0119 of the best, prepaiatojy.schoolj {ggaggg school at Withers, and entered school here.—Misses Roth'Paintei and Lena Pike, of Livingston, havi isiting Mrs. G E. Painter-; —Miss Willie "Benton attcuded tbe'. dance at Crab Orchard last Friday ght. —Jack McCall, of Franklin Tenn.. was iu town last week.-r George Reynolds, of 111., has been isiting his sister, Mrs. J. F 1 Watson.—Mrs. Maude Sproule and cbildreu, of Paris, are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Robir.s wert in Mt. Vernon Monday.—Monte Roberts left Sunday night foj Baxter Ky.—Misses Jndith Mc CaU, Jewel Francisco. Bessie Sproule and Mr. Uthan Cass wert- in Maretsburg Sunday.-—Henri Anderson was in Crab O'chard Monday.—-Maurice. -Proctor is tlriug from Oakdile Tennn to Danville Ky.—Mrs. L. B. Hilton, of Stanford, is-visiting home folks —Mr. and Mrs O. A. Frith were in Stanford Saturday.:—rj. Hi Hilton,- of Stanford, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.. J. T- Cherry lest week.—C. S. Lyons bta returned and started his mill to running again.—James B. Frith was in MtvVernon Sunday calling. —Miss Cleo Pennington, "ol "Liv; ingston is'visit ing her aunt,' Mrs. O- A. Frith —Cashier R, p . -Wij- mott, of Nepton,' is with home- folks. .adies (ri'titlemen and lie for wear. * SO DAYS SALB. y Whit Leather Hose foi 5R ren, 10c a pair, worth duul ^ SHOES to tit nil kinrls of feet at very low prices. ' HKAVY I'NDKRWKAR at Man.ifa.-tnrer's .-ost. )°j -We have aTiout 4<K)0 •jiicccs Uueeuswear left at une- j half price. ' 2. »U piect* Dinner Hew.i-nly i l 5i), u ..riti *7 ',(1. W Hun t fail to seenur 5c, r»c and I5r" ciuimers; \..u If surely w ill tip pleased witji theln. •' ® Our sto, k is too larjte am! you will find a great | ninny kinds'of Me'rchnndijt.s • in' this sale^tlmt y..u will J buy at sight, for price talks and talks ' L. H. DAVIS, \ I LIVINGSTON', KY. ^ 1 PROCTOR'S | 1GROCERY . SPECIALS! Best Flour. Per sack, Country Hams, per pound Swift's Skined Iiams. per pound, Swift's Premium Hams, per piiuuil, Bieakfa.-^ Bucou, per pound, Pure Pork Sausage, per pound, 1 'ottntry Sorghum, per gallon, Corn Syrup, per gallon. Maple Syrup, ptjr i|ii;ut, TELKPHONK YOl' g DELIVER PROM PTLY. iHtDKRS. WE WILL; PHONE NO. 75: Brownies from Kodak's from $1.00 to $5.00 $5.00 to $15.00 Films to fit all sizes of camera from 6 to 12 exposures—-Remembering alwaws that if it isn't an Eastman it isn,t a Kodaks

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f i fes Published Every



J, I V I N (J H T 0 > nial caucus.the other" day. Hicks induced several'>to put forth, u'u-Hgtual energy, t im'-Oo the whcje it may be said that, ajfeoosiderable' Dumber <Jf pupils Tjjgye- eucouragicg promise of *mture success;jin school work, and 'umntually ofgood citizenship, tbe

primary purpose of our State system JHfgublic schools. • t in conclusiofa,. the teacher, who taj? had practical experience in the use" of narcotics and alcoholic jBEvages. who in the lijfht of this experience absolutely knows the belighting and withering effects of ttMj^ on our boys, especially takes this;occasion to express in emphatic term* . a. condemnation of the practice of furnishing to our school bo^-. the articles prohibited by law and to ritominend the adopt-ion of a olaaStbH sbai > prohibit the-osc of •harmful practices releafcd to in' our* public schools.

W w « word of kindness and appreciation of: the good' people ol dist No 19 and the children whd attended school' the present year, • the teacher submits the foregoing. '

Mtggwoon, Ky.. Jan. t8, tqi i j

• $ ,v.. JWV" I 'gELANGFORD :


the time he is ready to announce tbe .wedding soine other fellow shows up or she t-hmges her mind. So he'says that if he does not get (harried in this year, 1911, that he will not be a candidate for matri-mony an v longer.—Mrs..W. T. Mc . Cullough left for Crab Orchard,1

Tenn., last Thursday lor a week's; visit.—Born to the wile of W M. Preston a fine hoy on last Thursday

of casting bis lot in rt^west -art is making', preparations to take

What We are Showing Now




By paying bills by Cheek an^ ppt by CttrfSJcyt

j 8 a 6 6 S A 4 Our line of Couch Caskets lis unexcelled.

' Hand-made Coffins furnished llearse sent to all parts of

yEiBBSMa«ir«fSae ( ^ e Connty. All orders by Wire PromptlyJFillecJ.

W. A. COX, u e ^ - S . • , MT. VERNON, KY. .

Old checks are permanent receipts. Open a checking account with un even if it iaamaU. ' ' 't* -Y«o can start anaccountwith as with as small araeunt as one dollar: Ask your neighbor how he alikes doing business with as. - :

Com? in and talk withns. Glad fo sefe you at any lime. h

WE WISH YOU A MERRY XMA£. ' Yours trply, " $•»

, - - . , „r, i savs has played his last trump; that , ——-—'• , George He lard was taken vetv / . r We understaud a large real i . he has advertized for a wife ar.d . ' • . . , • 6 sick Mondav but Is better no» — - - tate deal is on foot in our town, used all honorable means, but about Dr. Webb has purchased a fine hsise from H. M. Mink lor $240. - -S. E. Pennington was in Mt. Vernou Saturday. What do >00 sav about that John?—Miss Ida Chewning returned to her home at Parriston Monday.—Mrs R. A. Whitehead and Mrs. J . ' P R. Drummond were in London Mon-day to see Mrs. R. J. Lemons who has undergone a surgical operation but we are pleased to say will s< on be, able to come home.

Section Foreman Sam McHa'gue was in L°ndo11' Sunday. — It has often been said that a mother's j love for her children was the great- j est love of tbe human family. In the last week we have bad cause to dispute this. In soma cases we be

> lleve a mother will go' further for her child and do more and even go into the Very shadow of death, yet there are some •exceptions A cer tain woman, the mother o' thiee bright babies, their lather and htr husband, beiog where he could noi rouie back for a while, she volun larily walked off and left them. There is a cause for all this but no remedy* In the beginning God created man in His Own Image, but only look what that image is doinf. It is a shame and a disgraee. There are a certain lot of l>o7s roaming over the country that should t.e taught a lesson * and put to work aqd then they would not have so much time to study .mean-ness This is straight talk but plain English.

A. N Bentley was in Louisville Saturday and Sunday.- W. H. Cot-tongim. of Pine Hill, was in our town Monday.—Bill Smith has moved into the bouse vacated by Cal Baker.. Cal Baker has moved his family to Four /.Mije. Ky

; George Pppe remaiiMKjhoul

Established 1887

christened William Owen Preston, for each of its grandfathers. — J. P. E. Drummond will start in a few

jd.iys for. Knuxville to spend a week. This is Mr. J. P. E. D's

I home town. — P. B. apires, ol Parksville, was here* between

'trains Monday —-Ester Elkins and M iss Cora Cope weie united iu the b i'v bonds ol matrimony Friday —A little boy of W. M. Napier is

I very sick—A * little child of Mr. and Mrs. J. B Jones is very sick.

I —C. J Rice^ who bas been very sick for some time, armed with a

'suit case and gun left for S'anfOrd for a few days hum.—Mrs. i Hellard is very sick'—Harry and ^rank OrndotfT, who have railroad jobs in Lonisville. are here visiting

^relatives this week.—Dr. W. T. Amyx was in London Saturday.— Ed Woodall, of London, was in ojr town Tuesday.—W. O. Dilly, of Lebanon junction. Master of Trains of the L. B. Division, in Livingston Mondav.

SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from tbe

bottom ol my heart.'' wro*e C. B. Rader. of LewisburgrJV. Va.. "lor the wonderful double benefit I got irom Rlectrict Bitters, in curing me ol both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rbeumatj|m, from which I bad been ao almost help-Us? sufferer "for tin ytrarsr _• It

just lor me. - forayspepfm. 10 digestion, jaundice" i>rd to rid the system ot kidney prisons that cause rheumatism; Electric Bitters

trip to Oklahoma in the near future has no'equal. Try. them. Every —Henry Hink and wife ihave fe[ a- bottle is guaranteed to satisfy, rated again. Well, it do beat the Only 50C at Chas. C Davis'. nation how some people get along.; i lk-Ob, il I were ao lucky as to ever' The old gSWB ol the New York possess one of those lovely crea- ^Publican organization^ regaiped tures called a'wife! But'l see no comrole by electing William Barnes other alternative only to travel * r- " 501,1 t o ** a Q o l l c e t o

life's rough road alone.-W. M. R o o s e e l t t o k e e P o u t 01 , h e w a * Hicks and mvself held amatrimo-,m tg:2.

Woman s Power Over Man

W. E Gravely that in last week's letter we failed to say that he too assisted in tbe amputation ol tbe lower limbs of Jessie Vaughn who wis run over by a train here.— Opie Herron and Miss Lyda Al-bright, both of the Quail section were married last Tuesday. Mr. Herron is the youngest son of Elijah Herron, deceased, and Miss Albright is a daughter of Be Albright. -Willie Owens iniornis us that he will likely begin teach ing a series of singiug< lessons ir the Baptist church at Mt. Vernon next Saturday night —Mace Brown of the Level Qreen neighborhood is very low with heart trouble. Mrs. Will Johnson, of tbe Chest-nut Ridge-section is very low with fever. ~ ... ~ - ' . ,

Miss Sarah Adams, -ol th^splace quite sick.—Tom Evans, of

Lebanon junction, was here first ol week.—Miss Racbael Nicholson, East' Bernatadt, is here visiting

r, Mrs. Luther Farris,— Johu Newland came up Tuesday from Lebanon Junction. He is suffering with a sprained ankle he received in Corbin a few days ago

Allen Barnett returned hon e las'. Saturday night only, to leate again Monday for New Hampshire to accept a position as-teacber in 0119 of the best, prepaiatojy.schoolj

{ggaggg school at Withers, and entered school here.—Misses Roth'Paintei and Lena Pike, of Livingston, havi

isiting Mrs. G E. Painter-; —Miss Willie "Benton attcuded tbe'. dance at Crab Orchard last Friday

ght. —Jack McCall, of Franklin Tenn.. was iu town last week.-r George Reynolds, of 111., has been

isiting his sister, Mrs. J. F1

Watson.—Mrs. Maude Sproule and cbildreu, of Paris, are visiting relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robir.s wert in Mt. Vernon Monday.—Monte Roberts left Sunday night foj Baxter Ky.—Misses Jndith Mc CaU, Jewel Francisco. Bessie Sproule and Mr. Uthan Cass wert-in Maretsburg Sunday.-—Henri Anderson was in Crab O'chard Monday.—-Maurice. -Proctor is tlriug from Oakdile Tennn to Danville Ky.—Mrs. L. B. Hilton, of Stanford, is-visiting home folks —Mr. and Mrs O. A. Frith were in Stanford Saturday.:—rj. Hi Hilton,- of Stanford, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.. J. T-Cherry lest week.—C. S. Lyons bta returned and started his mill to running again.—James B. Frith was in MtvVernon Sunday calling. —Miss Cleo Pennington, "ol "Liv; ingston is'visit ing her aunt,' Mrs. O- A. Frith —Cashier R, p . -Wij-mott, of Nepton,' is with home-folks.

.adies (ri'titlemen and lie for wear.

* SO D A Y S SALB. y Whit Leather Hose foi 5R ren, 10c a pair, worth duul ^ SHOES to tit nil kinrls of feet at very low prices.

' HKAVY I 'NDKRWKAR at Man.ifa.-tnrer's .-ost. )°j -We have aTiout 4<K)0 •jiicccs Uueeuswear left at une-j half price. ' 2. »U piect* Dinner Hew.i-nly i l 5i), u ..riti *7 ',(1. W Hun t fail to seenur 5c, r»c and I5r" ciuimers; \..u If surely w ill tip pleased witji theln. •' ® Our sto, k is too larjte am! you will find a great | ninny kinds'of Me'rchnndijt.s • in' this sale^tlmt y..u will J buy at sight, for price talks and talks '



Best Flour. Per sack, Country Hams, per pound Swift's Skined Iiams. per pound, Swift's Premium Hams, per piiuuil, Bieakfa.-^ Bucou, per pound, Pure Pork Sausage, per pound, 1 'ottntry Sorghum, per gallon, Corn Syrup, per gallon. Maple Syrup, ptjr i|ii;ut,


iHtDKRS. WE W I L L ; PHONE NO. 7 5 :

Brownies from Kodak's from

$1.00 to $5.00 $5.00 to $15.00

Films to fit all sizes of camera from 6 to 12 exposures—-Remembering alwaws that if it isn't an Eastman it isn,t a Kodaks