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Fields and Galois Theory J.S. Milne Taiaroa Publishing Erehwon Version 4.00 February 19, 2005

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Fields and Galois Theory

J.S. Milne

Taiaroa PublishingErehwon

Version 4.00February 19, 2005

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These notes give a concise exposition of the theory of fields, including the Galois theoryof finite and infinite extensions and the theory of transcendental extensions. They are anexpansion of those handed out during a course taught to first-year graduate students.

v2.01 (August 21, 1996). First version on the web.v2.02 (May 27, 1998). Fixed about 40 minor errors; 57 pages.v3.00 (April 3, 2002). Revised notes; minor additions to text; added 82 exercises with

solutions, an examination, and an index; 100 pages.v3.01 (August 31, 2003). Fixed many minor errors; no change to numbering; 99 pages.v4.00 (February 19, 2005). Minor corrections and improvements; added proofs to the

section on infinite Galois theory; added material to the section on transcendentalextensions; 107 pages.

Please send comments and corrections to me at [email protected]

Available at

Copyright c© 1996, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2005. J.S. Milne.

This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Licence (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0)

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Notations. 3; References. 3

1 Basic definitions and results 1Rings 1; Fields 1; The characteristic of a field 2; Review of polynomial rings 3; Factoringpolynomials 4; Extension fields 6; Construction of some extension fields 7; Stem fields 9;The subring generated by a subset 9; The subfield generated by a subset 10; Algebraic andtranscendental elements 10; Transcendental numbers 12; Constructions with straight-edgeand compass. 13; Algebraically closed fields 16; Exercises 18

2 Splitting fields; multiple roots 19Maps from simple extensions. 19; Splitting fields 20; Multiple roots 22; Exercises 24

3 The fundamental theorem of Galois theory 25Groups of automorphisms of fields 25; Separable, normal, and Galois extensions 27; Thefundamental theorem of Galois theory 29; Examples 31; Constructible numbers revisited33; The Galois group of a polynomial 34; Solvability of equations 34; Exercises 34

4 Computing Galois groups. 36When is Gf ⊂ An? 36; When is Gf transitive? 37; Polynomials of degree at most three37; Quartic polynomials 38; Examples of polynomials with Sp as Galois group over Q40; Finite fields 41; Computing Galois groups over Q 43; Exercises 45

5 Applications of Galois theory 46Primitive element theorem. 46; Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 48; Cyclotomic exten-sions 49; Dedekind’s theorem on the independence of characters 51; The normal basistheorem 52; Hilbert’s Theorem 90. 53; Cyclic extensions. 56; Proof of Galois’s solvabil-ity theorem 57; The general polynomial of degree n 58; Norms and traces 61; Exercises65

6 Algebraic closures 66Zorn’s lemma 66; First proof of the existence of algebraic closures 67; Second proof ofthe existence of algebraic closures 67; Third proof of the existence of algebraic closures67; (Non)uniqueness of algebraic closures 68; Separable closures 69

7 Infinite Galois extensions 70Topological groups 70; The Krull topology on the Galois group 71; The fundamental the-orem of infinite Galois theory 73; Galois groups as inverse limits 76; Nonopen subgroupsof finite index 77

8 Transcendental extensions 79Algebraic independence 79; Transcendence bases 80; Luroth’s theorem 83; Separatingtranscendence bases 83; Transcendental Galois theory 84

A Review exercises 86

B Two-hour Examination 91

C Solutions to the Exercises 92

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We use the standard (Bourbaki) notations:

N = 0, 1, 2, . . .,Z = ring of integers,

R = field of real numbers,

C = field of complex numbers,

Fp = Z/pZ = field with p elements, p a prime number.

Given an equivalence relation, [∗] denotes the equivalence class containing ∗.Throughout the notes, p is a prime number: p = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, . . ..Let I and A be sets. A family of elements of A indexed by I , denoted (ai)i∈I , is a

function i 7→ ai : I → A.X ⊂ Y X is a subset of Y (not necessarily proper).

Xdf= Y X is defined to be Y , or equals Y by definition.

X ≈ Y X is isomorphic to Y .X ' Y X and Y are canonically isomorphic (or there is a given or unique isomorphism).


Dummit, D., and Foote, R.M., 1991, Abstract Algebra, Prentice Hall.Jacobson, N., 1964, Lectures in Abstract Algebra, Volume III — Theory of Fields and

Galois Theory, van Nostrand.Also, the following of my notes (available at Group Theory, v2.11, 2003.AG Algebraic Geometry, v5.00, 2005.ANT Algebraic Number Theory, v2.10, 1998.


Group theory (for example, GT), basic linear algebra, and some elementary theory of rings.


I thank the following for providing corrections and comments for earlier versions of thenotes: Mike Albert, Tommaso Centeleghe, Demetres Christofides, Antoine Chambert-Loir,Dustin Clausen, Hardy Falk, Jens Hansen, Albrecht Hess, Philip Horowitz, Trevor Jarvis,Henry Kim, Martin Klazar, Jasper Loy Jiabao, Dmitry Lyubshin, John McKay, ShuichiOtsuka, David G. Radcliffe, Martin Ward (and class), and others.

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1 Basic definitions and results


A ring is a set R with two composition laws + and · such that(a) (R,+) is a commutative group;(b) · is associative, and there exists1 an element 1R such that a · 1R = a = 1R · a for all

a ∈ R;(c) the distributative law holds: for all a, b, c ∈ R,

(a + b) · c = a · c + b · ca · (b + c) = a · b + a · c.

We usually omit “·” and write 1 for 1R when this causes no confusion. If 1R = 0, thenR = 0.

A subring S of a ring R is a subset that contains 1R and is closed under addition,passage to the negative, and multiplication. It inherits the structure of a ring from that onR.

A homomorphism of rings α : R→ R′ is a map with the properties

α(a + b) = α(a) + α(b), α(ab) = α(a)α(b), α(1R) = 1R′ , all a, b ∈ R.

A ring R is said to be commutative if multiplication is commutative:

ab = ba for all a, b ∈ R.

A commutative ring is said to be an integral domain if 1R 6= 0 and the cancellation lawholds for multiplication:

ab = ac, a 6= 0, implies b = c.

An ideal I in a commutative ring R is a subgroup of (R,+) that is closed under multipli-cation by elements of R:

r ∈ R, a ∈ I , implies ra ∈ I.

We assume that the reader has some familiarity with the elementary theory of rings. For ex-ample, in Z (more generally, any Euclidean domain) an ideal I is generated by any “small-est” nonzero element of I .


DEFINITION 1.1. A field is a set F with two composition laws + and · such that(a) (F,+) is a commutative group;(b) (F×, ·), where F× = F r 0, is a commutative group;(c) the distributive law holds.

Thus, a field is a nonzero commutative ring such that every nonzero element has an inverse.In particular, it is an integral domain. A field contains at least two distinct elements, 0 and1. The smallest, and one of the most important, fields is F2 = Z/2Z = 0, 1.

A subfield S of a field F is a subring that is closed under passage to the inverse. Itinherits the structure of a field from that on F .

1We follow Bourbaki in requiring that rings have a 1, which entails that we require homomorphisms topreserve it.

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LEMMA 1.2. A nonzero commutative ring R is a field if and only if it has no ideals otherthan (0) and R.

PROOF. Suppose R is a field, and let I be a nonzero ideal in R. If a is a nonzero elementof I , then 1 = a−1a ∈ I , and so I = R. Conversely, suppose R is a commutative ring withno nontrivial ideals. If a 6= 0, then (a) = R, and so there is a b in F such that ab = 1. 2

EXAMPLE 1.3. The following are fields: Q, R, C, Fp = Z/pZ (p prime).

A homomorphism of fields α : F → F ′ is simply a homomorphism of rings. Such ahomomorphism is always injective, because its kernel is a proper ideal (it doesn’t contain1), which must therefore be zero.

The characteristic of a field

One checks easily that the map

Z→ F, n 7→ 1F + 1F + · · ·+ 1F (n copies),

is a homomorphism of rings, and so its kernel is an ideal in Z.CASE 1: The kernel of the map is (0), so that

n · 1F = 0 =⇒ n = 0 (in Z).

Nonzero integers map to invertible elements of F under n 7→ n · 1F : Z → F , and so thismap extends to a homomorphism


n7→ (m · 1F )(n · 1F )−1 : Q → F.

Thus, in this case, F contains a copy of Q, and we say that it has characteristic zero.CASE 2: The kernel of the map is 6= (0), so that n · 1F = 0 for some n 6= 0. The

smallest positive such n will be a prime p (otherwise there will be two nonzero elements inF whose product is zero), and p generates the kernel. Thus, the map n 7→ n · 1F : Z → Fdefines an isomorphism from Z/pZ onto the subring

m · 1F | m ∈ Z

of F . In this case, F contains a copy of Fp, and we say that it has characteristic p.The fields F2, F3, F5, . . . , Q are called the prime fields. Every field contains a copy of

exactly one of them.

REMARK 1.4. The binomial theorem

(a + b)m = am +(m


)am−1b +


)am−2b2 + · · ·+ bm

holds in any commutative ring. If p is prime, then p divides(pn


)for all r with 1 ≤ r ≤

pn − 1. Therefore, when F has characteristic p,

(a + b)pn= apn

+ bpnall n ≥ 1.

Hence a 7→ ap is a homomorphism F → F , called the Frobenius endomorphism of F .When F is finite, it is an isomorphism, called the Frobenius automorphism.

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Review of polynomial rings 3

Review of polynomial rings

For more on the following, see Dummit and Foote 1991, Chapter 9. Let F be a field.

1.5. The ring F [X] of polynomials in the symbol (or “indeterminate” or “variable”) Xwith coefficients in F is an F -vector space with basis 1, X , . . . , Xn, . . . , and with themultiplication defined by(∑










For any ring R containing F as a subring and element r of R, there is a unique homomor-phism α : F [X]→ R such that α(X) = r and α(a) = a for all a ∈ F .

1.6. Division algorithm: given f(X) and g(X) ∈ F [X] with g 6= 0, there exist q(X),r(X) ∈ F [X] with deg(r) < deg(g) such that

f = gq + r;

moreover, q(X) and r(X) are uniquely determined. Thus F [X] is a Euclidean domain withdeg as norm, and so is a unique factorization domain.

1.7. From the division algorithm, it follows that an element a of F is a root of f (that is,f(a) = 0) if and only if X − a divides f . From unique factorization, it now follows that fhas at most deg(f) roots (see also Exercise 1-3).

1.8. Euclid’s algorithm: Let f and g ∈ F [X] have gcd d(X). Euclid’s algorithm con-structs polynomials a(X) and b(X) such that

a(X) · f(X) + b(X) · g(X) = d(X), deg(a) < deg(g), deg(b) < deg(f).

Recall how it goes. We may assume deg(f) ≥ deg(g) since the argument is the same inthe opposite case. Using the division algorithm, we construct a sequence of quotients andremainders

f = q0g + r0

g = q1r0 + r1

r0 = q2r1 + r2

· · ·rn−2 = qnrn−1 + rn

rn−1 = qn+1rn

with rn the last nonzero remainder. Then, rn divides rn−1, hence rn−2,. . . , hence g, andhence f . Moreover,

rn = rn−2 − qnrn−1 = rn−2 − qn(rn−3 − qn−1rn−2) = · · · = af + bg

and so any common divisor of f and g divides rn: we have shown rn = gcd(f, g).Let af + bg = d. If deg(a) ≥ deg(g), write a = gq + r with deg(r) < deg(g); then

rf + (b + qf)g = d,

and b + qf automatically has degree < deg(f).Maple knows Euclid’s algorithm — to learn its syntax, type “?gcdex;”.

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1.9. Let I be a nonzero ideal in F [X], and let f be a nonzero polynomial of least degreein I; then I = (f) (because F [X] is a Euclidean domain). When we choose f to be monic,i.e., to have leading coefficient one, it is uniquely determined by I . Thus, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the nonzero ideals of F [X] and the monic polynomials inF [X]. The prime ideals correspond to the irreducible monic polynomials.

1.10. Since F [X] is an integral domain, we can form its field of fractions F (X). Itselements are quotients f/g, f and g polynomials, g 6= 0.

Factoring polynomials

The following results help in deciding whether a polynomial is reducible, and in finding itsfactors.

PROPOSITION 1.11. Suppose r ∈ Q is a root of a polynomial

amXm + am−1Xm−1 + · · ·+ a0, ai ∈ Z,

and let r = c/d, c, d ∈ Z, gcd(c, d) = 1. Then c|a0 and d|am.

PROOF. It is clear from the equation

amcm + am−1cm−1d + · · ·+ a0d

m = 0

that d|amcm, and therefore, d|am. Similarly, c|a0. 2

EXAMPLE 1.12. The polynomial f(X) = X3 − 3X − 1 is irreducible in Q[X] becauseits only possible roots are ±1, and f(1) 6= 0 6= f(−1).

PROPOSITION 1.13 (GAUSS’S LEMMA). Let f(X) ∈ Z[X]. If f(X) factors nontriviallyin Q[X], then it factors nontrivially in Z[X].

PROOF. Let f = gh in Q[X]. For suitable integers m and n, g1 =df mg and h1 =df nhhave coefficients in Z, and so we have a factorization

mnf = g1 · h1 in Z[X].

If a prime p divides mn, then, looking modulo p, we obtain an equation

0 = g1 · h1 in Fp[X].

Since Fp[X] is an integral domain, this implies that p divides all the coefficients of at leastone of the polynomials g1, h1, say g1, so that g1 = pg2 for some g2 ∈ Z[X]. Thus, we havea factorization

(mn/p)f = g2 · h1 in Z[X].

Continuing in this fashion, we can remove all the prime factors of mn, and so obtain afactorization of f in Z[X]. 2

PROPOSITION 1.14. If f ∈ Z[X] is monic, then any monic factor of f in Q[X] lies inZ[X].

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Factoring polynomials 5

PROOF. Let g be a monic factor of f in Q[X], so that f = gh with h ∈ Q[X] also monic.Let m, n be the positive integers with the fewest prime factors such that mg, nf ∈ Z[X]. Asin the proof of Gauss’s Lemma, if a prime p divides mn, then it divides all the coefficientsof at least one of the polynomials mg, nh, say mg, in which case it divides m because g ismonic. Now m

p g ∈ Z[X], which contradicts the definition of m. 2

REMARK 1.15. We sketch an alternative proof of Proposition 1.14. A complex numberα is said to be an algebraic integer if it is a root of a monic polynomial in Z[X]. Thealgebraic integers form a subring of C — for an elementary proof of this, using nothing butthe symmetric polynomials theorem (5.30), see AG, Theorem 1.14. Now let α1, . . . , αm bethe roots of f in C. By definition, they are algebraic integers. The coefficients of any monicfactor of f are polynomials in (certain of) the αi, and therefore are algebraic integers. Ifthey lie in Q, then they lie in Z, because Proposition 1.11 shows that every algebraic integerin Q is in Z.


f = amXm + am−1Xm−1 + · · ·+ a0, ai ∈ Z;

suppose that there is a prime p such that:— p does not divide am,— p divides am−1, ..., a0,— p2 does not divide a0.

Then f is irreducible in Q[X].

PROOF. If f(X) factors in Q[X], it factors in Z[X]:

amXm + am−1Xm−1 + · · ·+ a0 = (brX

r + · · ·+ b0)(csXs + · · ·+ c0)

bi, ci ∈ Z, r, s < m. Since p, but not p2, divides a0 = b0c0, p must divide exactly one ofb0, c0, say, b0. Now from the equation

a1 = b0c1 + b1c0,

we see that p|b1, and from the equation

a2 = b0c2 + b1c1 + b2c0,

that p|b2. By continuing in this way, we find that p divides b0, b1, . . . , br, which contradictsthe condition that p does not divide am. 2

The last three propositions hold with Z replaced by any unique factorization domain.

REMARK 1.17. There is an algorithm for factoring a polynomial in Q[X]. To see this,consider f ∈ Q[X]. Multiply f(X) by a rational number so that it is monic, and thenreplace it by Ddeg(f)f(X

D ), with D equal to a common denominator for the coefficientsof f , to obtain a monic polynomial with integer coefficients. Thus we need consider onlypolynomials

f(X) = Xm + a1Xm−1 + · · ·+ am, ai ∈ Z.

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From the fundamental theorem of algebra (see 5.6), we know that f splits completelyin C[X]:

f(X) =m∏


(X − αi), αi ∈ C.

From the equation0 = f(αi) = αm

i + a1αm−1i + · · ·+ am,

it follows that |αi| is less than some bound depending only on the degree and coefficientsof f ; in fact,

|αi| ≤ max1,mB, B = max |ai|.

Now if g(X) is a monic factor of f(X), then its roots in C are certain of the αi, and itscoefficients are symmetric polynomials in its roots. Therefore, the absolute values of thecoefficients of g(X) are bounded in terms of the degree and coefficients of f . Since they arealso integers (by 1.14), we see that there are only finitely many possibilities for g(X). Thus,to find the factors of f(X) we (better Maple) have to do only a finite amount of checking.

Thus, we need not concern ourselves with the problem of factoring polynomials inQ[X] or Fp[X], since Maple knows how to do it. For example

>factor(6*Xˆ2+18*X-24); will find the factors of 6X2 + 18X − 24, and>Factor(Xˆ2+3*X+3) mod 7; will find the factors of X2 + 3X + 3 modulo 7,

i.e., in F7[X].

REMARK 1.18. One other observation is useful. Let f ∈ Z[X]. If the leading coefficientof f is not divisible by a prime p, then a nontrivial factorization f = gh in Z[X] will givea nontrivial factorization f = gh in Fp[X]. Thus, if f(X) is irreducible in Fp[X] for someprime p not dividing its leading coefficient, then it is irreducible in Z[X]. This test is veryuseful, but it is not always effective: for example, X4 − 10X2 + 1 is irreducible in Z[X]but it is reducible2 modulo every prime p.

Extension fields

A field E containing a field F is called an extension field of F (or simply an extensionof F ). Such an E can be regarded in an obvious fashion as an F -vector space. We write[E : F ] for the dimension, possibly infinite, of E as an F -vector space, and call [E : F ] thedegree of E over F . We say that E is finite over F when it has finite degree over F.

2In an earlier version of these notes, I said that I didn’t know an elementary proof of this, but severalcorrespondents sent me such proofs, the simplest of which is the following. It uses only that the product of twononsquares in F×p is a square, which follows from the fact that F×p is cyclic (see Exercise 1-3). If 2 is a squarein Fp, then

X4 − 10X2 + 1 = (X2 − 2√

2X − 1)(X2 + 2√

2X − 1).

If 3 is a square in Fp, then

X4 − 10X2 + 1 = (X2 − 2√

3X + 1)(X2 + 2√

3X + 1).

If neither 2 nor 3 are squares, 6 will be a square in Fp, and

X4 − 10X2 + 1 = (X2 − (5 + 2√

6))(X2 − (5− 2√


The general study of such polynomials requires nonelementary methods. See, for example, the paperBrandl, R., Amer. Math. Monthly, 93 (1986), pp286–288, which proves that every nonprime integer n ≥ 1occurs as the degree of a polynomial in Z[X] that is irreducible over Z but reducible modulo all primes.

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Construction of some extension fields 7

EXAMPLE 1.19. (a) The field of complex numbers C has degree 2 over R (basis 1, i).(b) The field of real numbers R has infinite degree over Q — because Q is countable,

every finite-dimensional Q-vector space is also countable, but a famous argument of Can-tor shows that R is not countable. More explicitly, there are specific real numbers α, forexample, π, whose powers 1, α, α2, . . . are linearly independent over Q (see the subsectionon transcendental numbers p12).

(c) The field of Gaussian numbers

Q(i) df= a + bi ∈ C | a, b ∈ Q

has degree 2 over Q (basis 1, i).(d) The field F (X) has infinite degree over F ; in fact, even its subspace F [X] has

infinite dimension over F (basis 1, X,X2, . . .).

PROPOSITION 1.20 (MULTIPLICATIVITY OF DEGREES). Let L ⊃ E ⊃ F (all fields andsubfields). Then L/F is of finite degree if and only if L/E and E/F are both of finitedegree, in which case

[L : F ] = [L : E][E : F ].

PROOF. If L is of finite degree over F , then it is certainly of finite degree over E. Moreover,E, being a subspace of a finite dimensional F -vector space, is also finite dimensional.

Thus, assume that L/E and E/F are of finite degree, and let (ei)1≤i≤m be a basis for Eas an F -vector space and let (lj)1≤j≤n be a basis for L as an E-vector space. To completethe proof, it suffices to show that (eilj)1≤i≤m,1≤j≤n is a basis for L over F , because thenL will be finite over F of the predicted degree.

First, (eilj)i,j spans L. Let γ ∈ L. Then, because (lj)j spans L as an E-vector space,

γ =∑

jαjlj , some αj ∈ E,

and because (ei)i spans E as an F -vector space,

αj =∑

iaijei, some aij ∈ F .

On putting these together, we find that

γ =∑

i,jaijeilj .

Second, (eilj)i,j is linearly independent. A linear relation∑

aijeilj = 0, aij ∈ F ,can be rewritten


i aijei)lj = 0. The linear independence of the lj’s now shows that∑i aijei = 0 for each j, and the linear independence of the ei’s shows that each aij = 0. 2

Construction of some extension fields

Let f(X) ∈ F [X] be a monic polynomial of degree m, and let (f) be the ideal gener-ated by f . Consider the quotient ring F [X]/(f(X)), and write x for the image of X inF [X]/(f(X)), i.e., x is the coset X + (f(X)). Then:

(a) The mapP (X) 7→ P (x) : F [X]→ F [x]

is a surjective homomorphism in which f(X) maps to 0. Therefore, f(x) = 0.

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(b) From the division algorithm, we know that each element g of F [X]/(f) is rep-resented by a unique polynomial r of degree < m. Hence each element of F [x] can beexpressed uniquely as a sum

a0 + a1x + · · ·+ am−1xm−1, ai ∈ F. (*)

(c) To add two elements, expressed in the form (*), simply add the corresponding coef-ficients.

(d) To multiply two elements expressed in the form (*), multiply in the usual way, anduse the relation f(x) = 0 to express the monomials of degree ≥ m in x in terms of lowerdegree monomials.

(e) Now assume f(X) is irreducible. To find the inverse of an element α ∈ F [x], use(b) to write α = g(x) with g(X) is a polynomial of degree ≤ m − 1, and use Euclid’salgorithm in F [X] to obtain polynomials a(X) and b(X) such that

a(X)f(X) + b(X)g(X) = d(X)

with d(X) the gcd of f and g. In our case, d(X) is 1 because f(X) is irreducible anddeg g(X) < deg f(X). When we replace X with x, the equality becomes

b(x)g(x) = 1.

Hence b(x) is the inverse of g(x).From these observations, we can conclude:

1.21. For a monic irreducible polynomial f(X) of degree m in F [X],

F [x] = F [X]/(f(X))

is a field of degree m over F . Moreover, computations in F [x] reduce to computations inF .

EXAMPLE 1.22. Let f(X) = X2 + 1 ∈ R[X]. Then R[x] has:elements: a + bx, a, b ∈ R;addition: (a + bx) + (a′ + b′x) = (a + a′) + (b + b′)x;multiplication: (a + bx)(a′ + b′x) = (aa′ − bb′) + (ab′ + a′b)x.

We usually write i for x and C for R[x].

EXAMPLE 1.23. Let f(X) = X3 − 3X − 1 ∈ Q[X]. We observed in (1.12) that this isirreducible over Q, and so Q[x] is a field. It has basis 1, x, x2 as a Q-vector space. Let

β = x4 + 2x3 + 3 ∈ Q[x].

Then using that x3 − 3x− 1 = 0, we find that β = 3x2 + 7x + 5. Because X3 − 3X − 1is irreducible,

gcd(X3 − 3X − 1, 3X2 + 7X + 5) = 1.

In fact, Euclid’s algorithm (courtesy of Maple) gives

(X3 − 3X − 1)(−737 X + 29

111) + (3X2 + 7X + 5)( 7111X2 − 26

111X + 28111) = 1.

Hence(3x2 + 7x + 5)( 7

111x2 − 26111x + 28

111) = 1,

and we have found the inverse of β.

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Stem fields 9

Stem fields

Let f be a monic irreducible polynomial in F [X]. We say that F [α] is a stem field3 for f iff(α) = 0. Then

α↔ x : F [α] ' F [x], F [x] = F [X]/f(X).

Therefore, stem fields always exist, and each element of a stem field F [α] for f has a uniqueexpression

a0 + a1α + · · ·+ am−1αm−1, ai ∈ F, m = deg(f),

i.e., 1, α, . . . , αm−1 is a basis for F [α] over F . Arithmetic in F [α] can be performed usingthe same rules as in F [x]. If F [α′] is a second stem field for f , then there is a uniqueF -isomorphism F [α]→ F [α′] sending α to α′.

The subring generated by a subset

An intersection of subrings of a ring is again a ring. Let F be a subfield of a field E, and letS be a subset of E. The intersection of all the subrings of E containing F and S is evidentlythe smallest subring of E containing F and S. We call it the subring of E generated by Fand S (or generated over F by S), and we denote it F [S]. When S = α1, ..., αn, wewrite F [α1, ..., αn] for F [S]. For example, C = R[


LEMMA 1.24. The ring F [S] consists of the elements of E that can be expressed as finitesums of the form ∑

ai1···inαi11 · · ·α

inn , ai1···in ∈ F, αi ∈ S. (*)

PROOF. Let R be the set of all such elements. Evidently, R is a subring containing F andS and contained in any other such subring. Therefore R equals F [S]. 2

EXAMPLE 1.25. The ring Q[π], π = 3.14159..., consists of the complex numbers that canbe expressed as a finite sum

a0 + a1π + a2π2 + · · · anπn, ai ∈ Q.

The ring Q[i] consists of the complex numbers of the form a + bi, a, b ∈ Q.

Note that the expression of an element in the form (*) will not be unique in general.This is so already in R[i].

LEMMA 1.26. Let R be an integral domain containing a subfield F (as a subring). If R isfinite dimensional when regarded as an F -vector space, then it is a field.

PROOF. Let α be a nonzero element of R — we have to show that α has an inverse in R.The map x 7→ αx : R→ R is an injective linear map of finite dimensional F -vector spaces,and is therefore surjective. In particular, there is an element β ∈ R such that αβ = 1. 2

Note that the lemma applies to subrings (containing F ) of an extension field E of F offinite degree.

3Following A. Albert, Modern Higher Algebra, 1937, who calls the splitting field of a polynomial its rootfield. More formally, a stem field for f is a pair (E, α) consisting of a field E containing F and a generator αsuch that f(α) = 0.

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The subfield generated by a subset

An intersection of subfields of a field is again a field. Let F be a subfield of a field E, and letS be a subset of E. The intersection of all the subfields of E containing F and S is evidentlythe smallest subfield of E containing F and S. We call it the subfield of E generated by Fand S (or generated over F by S), and we denote it F (S). It is the field of fractions of F [S]in E, since this is a subfield of E containing F and S and contained in any other such field.When S = α1, ..., αn, we write F (α1, ..., αn) for F (S). Thus, F [α1, . . . , αn] consistsof all elements of E that can be expressed as polynomials in the αi with coefficients in F ,and F (α1, . . . , αn) consists of all elements of E that can be expressed as the quotient oftwo such polynomials.

Lemma 1.26 shows that F [S] is already a field if it is finite dimensional over F , inwhich case F (S) = F [S].

EXAMPLE 1.27. The field Q(π), π = 3.14 . . . consists of the complex numbers that canbe expressed as a quotient

g(π)/h(π), g(X), h(X) ∈ Q[X], h(X) 6= 0.

The ring Q[i] is already a field.

An extension E of F is said to be simple if E = F (α) some α ∈ E. For example,Q(π) and Q[i] are simple extensions of Q.

Let F and F ′ be subfields of a field E. The intersection of the subfields of E containingF and F ′ is evidently the smallest subfield of E containing both F and F ′. We call it thecomposite of F and F ′ in E, and we denote it F ·F ′. It can also be described as the subfieldof E generated over F by F ′, or the subfield generated over F ′ by F :

F (F ′) = F · F ′ = F ′(F ).

Algebraic and transcendental elements

For a field F and an element α of an extension field E, we have a homomorphism

f(X) 7→ f(α) : F [X]→ E.

There are two possibilities.CASE 1: The kernel of the map is (0), so that, for f ∈ F [X],

f(α) = 0 =⇒ f = 0 (in F [X]).

In this case, we say that α transcendental over F . The homomorphism F [X] → F [α] isan isomorphism, and it extends to an isomorphism F (X)→ F (α).

CASE 2: The kernel is 6= (0), so that g(α) = 0 for some nonzero g ∈ F [X]. In this case,we say that α is algebraic over F . The polynomials g such that g(α) = 0 form a nonzeroideal in F [X], which is generated by the monic polynomial f of least degree such f(α) = 0.We call f the minimum polynomial of α over F . It is irreducible, because otherwise therewould be two nonzero elements of E whose product is zero. The minimum polynomial ischaracterized as an element of F [X] by each of the following sets of conditions:

f is monic; f(α) = 0 and divides every other polynomial g in F [X] with g(α) = 0.f is the monic polynomial of least degree such f(α) = 0;

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Algebraic and transcendental elements 11

f is monic, irreducible, and f(α) = 0.Note that g(X) 7→ g(α) defines an isomorphism F [X]/(f) → F [α]. Since the first is afield, so also is the second:

F (α) = F [α].

Thus, F [α] is a stem field for f .

EXAMPLE 1.28. Let α ∈ C be such that α3 − 3α− 1 = 0. Then X3 − 3X − 1 is monic,irreducible, and has α as a root, and so it is the minimum polynomial of α over Q. The set1, α, α2 is a basis for Q[α] over Q. The calculations in Example 1.23 show that if β isthe element α4 + 2α3 + 3 of Q[α], then β = 3α2 + 7α + 5, and

β−1 = 7111α2 − 26

111α + 28111 .

REMARK 1.29. Maple knows how to compute in Q[α]. For example,factor(Xˆ4+4); returns the factorization

(X2 − 2X + 2)(X2 + 2X + 2).

Now type: alias(c=RootOf(Xˆ2+2*X+2));. Thenfactor(Xˆ4+4,c); returns the factorization

(X + c)(X − 2− c)(X + 2 + c)(X − c),

i.e., Maple has factored X4 + 4 in Q[c] where c has minimum polynomial X2 + 2X + 2.

A field extension E/F is said to be algebraic, or E is said to be algebraic over F , if allelements of E are algebraic over F ; otherwise it is said to be transcendental (or E is saidto be transcendental over F ). Thus, E/F is transcendental if at least one element of E istranscendental over F .

PROPOSITION 1.30. A field extension E/F is finite if and only if E is algebraic and fi-nitely generated (as a field) over F .

PROOF. =⇒: To say that α is transcendental over F amounts to saying that its powers1, α, α2, . . . are linearly independent over F . Therefore, if E is finite over F , then it isalgebraic over F . It remains to show that E is finitely generated over F . If E = F , then itis generated by the empty set. Otherwise, there exists an α1 ∈ E r F . If E 6= F [α1], thereexists an α2 ∈ E r F [α1], and so on. Since

[F [α1] : F ] < [F [α1, α2] : F ] < · · · < [E : F ]

this process terminates.⇐=: Let E = F (α1, ..., αn) with α1, α2, . . . αn algebraic over F . The extension

F (α1)/F is finite because α1 is algebraic over F , and the extension F (α1, α2)/F (α1)is finite because α2 is algebraic over F and hence over F (α1). Thus, by ( 1.20), F (α1, α2)is finite over F . Now repeat the argument. 2

COROLLARY 1.31. (a) If E is algebraic over F , then any subring R of E containing F isa field.

(b) If in L ⊃ E ⊃ F , L is algebraic over E and E is algebraic over F , then L isalgebraic over F.

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PROOF. (a) We observed above (p11), that if α is algebraic over F , then F [α] is a field. Ifα ∈ R, then F [α] ⊂ R, and so α has an inverse in R.

(b) Any α ∈ L is a root of some monic polynomial f = Xm+am−1Xm−1+ · · ·+a0 ∈

E[X]. Now each of the extensions F [a0, . . . , am−1, α] ⊃ F [a0, . . . , am−1] ⊃ F is finite(1.20), and so F [a0, . . . , am−1, α] is finite (hence algebraic) over F . 2

Transcendental numbers

A complex number is said to be algebraic or transcendental according as it is algebraic ortranscendental over Q. First some history:

1844: Liouville showed that certain numbers, now called Liouville numbers, are tran-scendental.

1873: Hermite showed that e is transcendental.1874: Cantor showed that the set of algebraic numbers is countable, but that R is not

countable. Thus most numbers are transcendental (but it is usually very difficult to provethat any particular number is transcendental).4

1882: Lindemann showed that π is transcendental.1934: Gel’fond and Schneider independently showed that αβ is transcendental if α and

β are algebraic, α 6= 0, 1, and β /∈ Q. (This was the seventh of Hilbert’s famous problems.)2004: Euler’s constant

γ = limn→∞



1/k − log n


has not yet been proven to be transcendental or even irrational.2004: The numbers e + π and e− π are surely transcendental, but again they have not

even been proved to be irrational!

PROPOSITION 1.32. The set of algebraic numbers is countable.

PROOF. Define the height h(r) of a rational number to be max(|m|, |n|), where r = m/nis the expression of r in its lowest terms. There are only finitely many rational numberswith height less than a fixed number N . Let A(N) be the set of algebraic numbers whoseminimum equation over Q has degree≤ N and has coefficients of height < N . Then A(N)is finite for each N . Count the elements of A(10); then count the elements of A(100); thencount the elements of A(1000), and so on.5 2

A typical Liouville number is∑∞


10n! — in its decimal expansion there are increas-ingly long strings of zeros. We prove that the analogue of this number in base 2 is transcen-dental.

THEOREM 1.33. The number α =∑ 1

2n! is transcendental.

4In 1873 Cantor proved the rational numbers countable. . . . He also showed that the algebraic numbers. . .were countable. However his attempts to decide whether the real numbers were countable proved harder. Hehad proved that the real numbers were not countable by December 1873 and published this in a paper in 1874(∼history/Mathematicians/Cantor.html).

5More precisely, choose a bijection from some segment [0, n(1)] of N onto A(10); extend it to a bijectionfrom a segment [0, n(2)] onto A(100), and so on.

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Constructions with straight-edge and compass. 13

PROOF. 6Suppose not, and let

f(X) = Xd + a1Xd−1 + · · ·+ ad, ai ∈ Q,

be the minimum polynomial of α over Q. Thus [Q[α] : Q] = d. Choose a nonzero integerD such that D · f(X) ∈ Z[X].

Let ΣN =∑N


2n! , so that ΣN → α as N → ∞, and let xN = f(ΣN ). If α

is rational,7 f(X) = X − α; otherwise, f(X), being irreducible of degree > 1, has norational root. Since ΣN 6= α, it can’t be a root of f(X), and so xN 6= 0. Evidently,xN ∈ Q; in fact (2N !)dDxN ∈ Z, and so

|(2N !)dDxN | ≥ 1. (*)

From the fundamental theorem of algebra (see 5.6 below), we know that f splits inC[X], say,

f(X) =d∏


(X − αi), αi ∈ C, α1 = α,

and so

|xN | =d∏


|ΣN − αi| ≤ |ΣN − α1|(ΣN + M)d−1, where M = maxi6=11, |αi|.


|ΣN − α1| =∞∑


12n!≤ 1


( ∞∑n=0






|xN | ≤2

2(N+1)!· (ΣN + M)d−1


|(2N !)dDxN | ≤ 2 · 2d·N !D

2(N+1)!· (ΣN + M)d−1

which tends to 0 as N →∞ because 2d·N !

2(N+1)! =(



)N !→ 0. This contradicts (*). 2

Constructions with straight-edge and compass.

The Greeks understood integers and the rational numbers. They were surprised to findthat the length of the diagonal of a square of side 1, namely,

√2, is not rational. They

thus realized that they needed to extend their number system. They then hoped that the“constructible” numbers would suffice. Suppose we are given a length, which we call 1, astraight-edge, and a compass (device for drawing circles). A real number (better a length)is constructible if it can be constructed by forming successive intersections of

— lines drawn through two points already constructed, and— circles with centre a point already constructed and radius a constructed length.

6This proof, which I learnt from David Masser, also works for∑

1an! for any integer a ≥ 2.

7In fact α is not rational because its expansion to base 2 is not periodic.

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This led them to three famous questions that they were unable to answer: is it possibleto duplicate the cube, trisect an angle, or square the circle by straight-edge and compassconstructions? We’ll see that the answer to all three is negative.

Let F be a subfield of R. For a positive a ∈ F ,√

a denotes the positive square root ofa in R. The F -plane is F × F ⊂ R× R. We make the following definitions:

An F -line is a line in R× R through two points in the F -plane. These are thelines given by equations

ax + by + c = 0, a, b, c ∈ F.

An F -circle is a circle in R× R with centre an F -point and radius an elementof F . These are the circles given by equations

(x− a)2 + (y − b)2 = c2, a, b, c ∈ F.

LEMMA 1.34. Let L 6= L′ be F -lines, and let C 6= C ′ be F -circles.(a) L ∩ L′ = ∅ or consists of a single F -point.(b) L ∩ C = ∅ or consists of one or two points in the F [

√e]-plane, some e ∈ F , e > 0.

(c) C ∩ C ′ = ∅ or consists of one or two points in the F [√

e]-plane, some e ∈ F , e > 0.

PROOF. The points in the intersection are found by solving the simultaneous equations,and hence by solving (at worst) a quadratic equation with coefficients in F . 2

LEMMA 1.35. (a) If c and d are constructible, then so also are c+d,−c, cd, and cd (d 6= 0).

(b) If c > 0 is constructible, then so also is√


PROOF (SKETCH). First show that it is possible to construct a line perpendicular to a givenline through a given point, and then a line parallel to a given line through a given point.Hence it is possible to construct a triangle similar to a given one on a side with given length.By an astute choice of the triangles, one constructs cd and c−1. For (b), draw a circle ofradius c+1

2 and centre ( c+12 , 0), and draw a vertical line through the point A = (1, 0) to

meet the circle at P . The length AP is√

c. (For more details, see Artin, M., 1991, Algebra,Prentice Hall, Chapter 13, Section 4.) 2

THEOREM 1.36. (a) The set of constructible numbers is a field.(b) A number α is constructible if and only if it is contained in a subfield of R of the


a1, . . . ,√

ar], ai ∈ Q[√

a1, . . . ,√

ai−1], ai > 0.

PROOF. (a) Immediate from (a) of Lemma 1.35.(b) It follows from Lemma 1.34 that every constructible number is contained in such

a field Q[√

a1, . . . ,√

ar]. Conversely, if all the elements of Q[√

a1, . . . ,√

ai−1] are con-structible, then

√ai is constructible (by 1.35b), and so all the elements of Q[

√a1, . . . ,


are constructible (by (a)). Applying this for i = 0, 1, . . ., we find that all the elements ofQ[√

a1, . . . ,√

ar] are constructible. 2

COROLLARY 1.37. If α is constructible, then α is algebraic over Q, and [Q[α] : Q] is apower of 2.

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Constructions with straight-edge and compass. 15

PROOF. According to Proposition 1.20, [Q[α] : Q] divides [Q[√

a1] · · · [√

ar] : Q] and[Q[√

a1, . . . ,√

ar] : Q] is a power of 2. 2

COROLLARY 1.38. It is impossible to duplicate the cube by straight-edge and compassconstructions.

PROOF. The problem is to construct a cube with volume 2. This requires constructing thereal root of the polynomial X3 − 2. But this polynomial is irreducible (by Eisenstein’scriterion 1.16 for example), and so [Q[ 3

√2] : Q] = 3. 2

COROLLARY 1.39. In general, it is impossible to trisect an angle by straight-edge andcompass constructions.

PROOF. Knowing an angle is equivalent to knowing the cosine of the angle. Therefore, totrisect 3α, we have to construct a solution to

cos 3α = 4 cos3 α− 3 cos α.

For example, take 3α = 60 degrees. As cos 60 = 12 , to construct α, we have to solve

8x3 − 6x− 1 = 0, which is irreducible (apply 1.11). 2

COROLLARY 1.40. It is impossible to square the circle by straight-edge and compass con-structions.

PROOF. A square with the same area as a circle of radius r has side√

πr. Since π istranscendental8, so also is

√π. 2

We now consider another famous old problem, that of constructing a regular polygon.Note that Xm − 1 is not irreducible; in fact

Xm − 1 = (X − 1)(Xm−1 + Xm−2 + · · ·+ 1).

LEMMA 1.41. If p is prime then Xp−1 + · · ·+1 is irreducible; hence Q[e2πi/p] has degreep− 1 over Q.

PROOF. Let f(X) = (Xp − 1)/(X − 1) = Xp−1 + · · ·+ 1; then

f(X + 1) =(X + 1)p − 1

X= Xp−1 + · · ·+ a2X

2 + a1X + p,

with ai =( pi+1

). Now p|ai for i = 1, ..., p−2, and so f(X+1) is irreducible by Eisenstein’s

criterion 1.16. This implies that f(X) is irreducible. 2

In order to construct a regular p-gon, p an odd prime, we need to construct

cos 2πp = (e

2πip + (e

2πip )−1)/2.


2πip ] ⊃ Q[cos 2π

p ] ⊃ Q,

8Proofs of this can be found in many books on number theory, for example, in 11.14 ofHardy, G. H., and Wright, E. M., An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Fourth Edition, Oxford, 1960.

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and the degree of Q[e2πip ] over Q[cos 2π

p ] is 2 — the equation

α2 − 2 cos 2πp · α + 1 = 0, α = e

2πip ,

shows that it is ≤ 2, and it is not 1 because Q[e2πip ] is not contained in R. Hence

[Q[cos 2πp ] : Q] =

p− 12


Thus, if the regular p-gon is constructible, then (p−1)/2 = 2k for some k (later (5.12),we shall see a converse), which implies p = 2k+1 + 1. But 2r + 1 can be a prime only if ris a power of 2, because otherwise r has an odd factor t and for t odd,

Y t + 1 = (Y + 1)(Y t−1 − Y t−2 + · · ·+ 1);

whence2st + 1 = (2s + 1)((2s)t−1 − (2s)t−2 + · · ·+ 1).

Thus if the regular p-gon is constructible, then p = 22k+ 1 for some k. Fermat conjectured

that all numbers of the form 22k+1 are prime, and claimed to show that this is true for k ≤ 5

— for this reason primes of this form are called Fermat primes. For 0 ≤ k ≤ 4, the numbersp = 3, 5, 17, 257, 65537, are prime but Euler showed that 232 + 1 = (641)(6700417), andwe don’t know of any more Fermat primes.

Gauss showed that9


17= − 1





√34− 2



√17 + 3


√34− 2

√17− 2

√34 + 2


when he was 18 years old. This success encouraged him to become a mathematician.

Algebraically closed fields

We say that a polynomial splits in F [X] if it is a product of polynomials of degree 1 inF [X].

PROPOSITION 1.42. For a field Ω, the following statements are equivalent:(a) Every nonconstant polynomial in Ω[X] splits in Ω[X].(b) Every nonconstant polynomial in Ω[X] has at least one root in Ω.(c) The irreducible polynomials in Ω[X] are those of degree 1.(d) Every field of finite degree over Ω equals Ω.

PROOF. The implications (a) =⇒ (b) =⇒ (c) =⇒ (a) are obvious.(c) =⇒ (d). Let E be a finite extension of Ω. The minimum polynomial of any element αof E has degree 1, and so α ∈ Ω.(d) =⇒ (c). Let f be an irreducible polynomial in Ω[X]. Then Ω[X]/(f) is an extensionfield of Ω of degree deg(f) (see 1.30), and so deg(f) = 1. 2

9Or perhaps that

cos 2π17

= − 116

+ 116

√17 + 1


√34− 2

√17 + 1


√17 + 3

√17− 2

√34− 2


√170− 26


— both expressions are correct.

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Algebraically closed fields 17

DEFINITION 1.43. (a) A field Ω is said to be algebraically closed when it satisfies theequivalent statements of Proposition 1.42.

(b) A field Ω is said to be an algebraic closure of a subfield F when it is algebraicallyclosed and algebraic over F .

For example, the fundamental theorem of algebra (see 5.6 below) says that C is alge-braically closed. It is an algebraic closure of R.

PROPOSITION 1.44. If Ω is algebraic over F and every polynomial f ∈ F [X] splits inΩ[X], then Ω is algebraically closed (hence an algebraic closure of F ).

PROOF. Let f ∈ Ω[X]. We have to show that f has a root in Ω. We know (see 1.21) that fhas a root α in some finite extension Ω′ of Ω. Set

f = anXn + · · ·+ a0, ai ∈ Ω,

and consider the fields

F ⊂ F [a0, . . . , an] ⊂ F [a0, . . . , an, α].

Each extension is algebraic and finitely generated, and hence finite (by 1.30). Therefore αlies in a finite extension of F , and so is algebraic over F — it is a root of a polynomial gwith coefficients in F . By assumption, g splits in Ω[X], and so the roots of g in Ω′ all lie inΩ. In particular, α ∈ Ω. 2

PROPOSITION 1.45. Let Ω ⊃ F ; then

α ∈ Ω | α algebraic over F

is a field.

PROOF. If α and β are algebraic over F , then F [α, β] is a field (by 1.31) of finite degreeover F (by 1.30). Thus, every element of F [α, β] is algebraic over F , including α ± β,α/β, αβ. 2

The field constructed in the lemma is called the algebraic closure of F in Ω.

COROLLARY 1.46. Let Ω be an algebraically closed field. For any subfield F of Ω, thealgebraic closure of F in Ω is an algebraic closure of F.

PROOF. From its definition, we see that it is algebraic over F and every polynomial inF [X] splits in it. Now Proposition 1.44 shows that it is an algebraic closure of F . 2

Thus, when we admit the fundamental theorem of algebra (5.6), every subfield of C hasan algebraic closure (in fact, a canonical algebraic closure). Later (§6) we shall show thatthe axiom of choice implies that every field has an algebraic closure.

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Exercises marked with an asterisk were required to be handed in.

1-1 (*). Let E = Q[α], where α3 − α2 + α + 2 = 0. Express (α2 + α + 1)(α2 − α) and(α− 1)−1 in the form aα2 + bα + c with a, b, c ∈ Q.

1-2 (*). Determine [Q(√


3) : Q].

1-3 (*). Let F be a field, and let f(X) ∈ F [X].(a) For any a ∈ F , show that there is a polynomial q(X) ∈ F [X] such that

f(X) = q(X)(X − a) + f(a).

(b) Deduce that f(a) = 0 if and only if (X − a)|f(X).(c) Deduce that f(X) can have at most deg f roots.(d) Let G be a finite abelian group. If G has at most m elements of order dividing m for

each divisor m of (G : 1), show that G is cyclic.(e) Deduce that a finite subgroup of F×, F a field, is cyclic.

1-4 (*). Show that with straight-edge, compass, and angle-trisector, it is possible to con-struct a regular 7-gon.

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2 Splitting fields; multiple roots

Maps from simple extensions.

Let E and E′ be fields containing F . An F -homomorphism is a homomorphism

ϕ : E → E′

such that ϕ(a) = a for all a ∈ F . Thus an F -homorphism ϕ maps a polynomial∑ai1···imαi1

1 · · ·αimm , ai1···im ∈ F,

to ∑ai1···imϕ(α1)i1 · · ·ϕ(αm)im .

An F -isomorphism is a bijective F -homomorphism. Note that if E and E′ have the samefinite degree over F , then every F -homomorphism is an F -isomorphism.

PROPOSITION 2.1. Let F (α) be a simple field extension of a field F , and let Ω be a secondfield containing F .

(a) Let α be transcendental over F . For every F -homomorphism ϕ : F (α)→ Ω, ϕ(α) istranscendental over F , and the map ϕ 7→ ϕ(α) defines a one-to-one correspondence

F -homomorphisms ϕ : F (α)→ Ω ↔ elements of Ω transcendental over F.

(b) Let α be algebraic over F with minimum polynomial f(X). For every F -homomorphismϕ : F [α] → Ω, ϕ(α) is a root of f(X) in Ω, and the map ϕ 7→ ϕ(α) defines a one-to-one correspondence

F -homomorphisms ϕ : F [α]→ Ω ↔ roots of f in Ω.

In particular, the number of such maps is the number of distinct roots of f in Ω.

PROOF. (a) To say that α is transcendental over F means that F [α] is isomorphic to thepolynomial ring in the symbol α with coefficients in F . For any γ ∈ Ω, there is a uniqueF -homomorphism ϕ : F [α] → Ω sending α to γ (see 1.5). This extends to the field offractions F (α) of F [α] if and only if all nonzero elements of F [α] are sent to nonzeroelements of Ω, which is so if and only if γ is transcendental.

(b) Let f(X) =∑

aiXi, and consider an F -homomorphism ϕ : F [α] → Ω. On ap-

plying ϕ to the equation∑

aiαi = 0, we obtain the equation

∑aiϕ(α)i = 0, which

shows that ϕ(α) is a root of f(X) in Ω. Conversely, if γ ∈ Ω is a root of f(X), then themap F [X] → Ω, g(X) 7→ g(γ), factors through F [X]/(f(X)). When composed withthe inverse of the isomorphism X + f(X) 7→ α : F [X]/(f(X)) → F [α], this becomes ahomomorphism F [α]→ Ω sending α to γ. 2

We shall need a slight generalization of this result.

PROPOSITION 2.2. Let F (α) be a simple field extension of a field F , and let ϕ0 : F → Ωbe a homomorphism of F into a second field Ω.

(a) If α is transcendental over F , then the map ϕ 7→ ϕ(α) defines a one-to-one corre-spondence

extensions ϕ : F (α)→ Ω of ϕ0 ↔ elements of Ω transcendental over ϕ0(F ).

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(b) If α is algebraic over F , with minimum polynomial f(X), then the map ϕ 7→ ϕ(α)defines a one-to-one correspondence

extensions ϕ : F [α]→ Ω of ϕ0 ↔ roots of ϕ0f in Ω.

In particular, the number of such maps is the number of distinct roots of ϕ0f in Ω.

By ϕ0f we mean the polynomial obtained by applying ϕ0 to the coefficients of f :if f =


i then ϕ0f =∑

ϕ(ai)Xi. By an extension of ϕ0 to F (α) we mean ahomomorphism ϕ : F (α)→ Ω such that ϕ|F = ϕ0.

The proof of the proposition is essentially the same as that of the preceding proposition.

Splitting fields

Let f be a polynomial with coefficients in F . A field E containing F is said to split f if fsplits in E[X]: f(X) =

∏mi=1(X − αi) with αi ∈ E. If, in addition, E is generated by the

roots of f ,E = F [α1, . . . , αm],

then it is called a splitting or root field for f . Note that∏

fi(X)mi (mi ≥ 1) and∏

fi(X)have the same splitting fields. Also, that if f has deg(f) − 1 roots in E, then it splits inE[X].

EXAMPLE 2.3. (a) Let f(X) = aX2 + bX + c ∈ Q[X], and let α =√

b2 − 4ac. Thesubfield Q[α] of C is a splitting field for f .

(b) Let f(X) = X3 + aX2 + bX + c ∈ Q[X] be irreducible, and let α1, α2, α3 beits roots in C. Then Q[α1, α2, α3] = Q[α1, α2] is a splitting field for f(X). Note that[Q[α1] : Q] = 3 and that [Q[α1, α2] : Q[α1]] = 1 or 2, and so [Q[α1, α2] : Q] = 3 or 6.We’ll see later (4.2) that the degree is 3 if and only if the discriminant of f(X) is a squarein Q. For example, the discriminant of X3 + bX + c is −4b3 − 27c2, and so the splittingfield of X3 + 10X + 1 has degree 6 over Q.

PROPOSITION 2.4. Every polynomial f ∈ F [X] has a splitting field Ef , and

[Ef : F ] ≤ (deg f)!.

PROOF. Let F1 = F [α1] be a stem field for some monic irreducible factor of f in F [X].Then f(α1) = 0, and we let F2 = F1[α2] be a stem field for some monic irreducible factorof f(X)/(X − α1) in F1[X]. Continuing in this fashion, we arrive at a splitting field Ef .

Let n = deg f . Then [F1 : F ] = deg g1 ≤ n, [F2 : F1] ≤ n− 1, ..., and so [Ef : E] ≤n!. 2

REMARK 2.5. For a given integer n, there may or may not exist polynomials of degree nin F [X] whose splitting field has degree n! — this depends on F . For example, there donot for n > 1 if F = C (see 5.6), nor for n > 2 if F = Fp (see 4.20) or F = R. However,later (4.30) we shall see how to write down large numbers of polynomials (in fact infinitelymany) of degree n in Q[X] whose splitting fields have degree n!.

EXAMPLE 2.6. (a) Let f(X) = (Xp − 1)/(X − 1) ∈ Q[X], p prime. If ζ is one root off , then the remaining roots are ζ2, ζ3, . . . , ζp−1, and so the splitting field of f is Q[ζ].

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Splitting fields 21

(b) Suppose F is of characteristic p, and let f = Xp −X − a ∈ F [X]. If α is one rootof f , then the remaining roots are α + 1, ..., α + p − 1, and so any field generated over Fby α is a splitting field for f (and F [α] ' F [X]/(f) if f is irreducible).

(c) If α is one root of Xn − a, then the remaining roots are all of the form ζα, whereζn = 1. Therefore, if F contains all the nth roots of 1 (by which we mean that Xn−1 splitsin F [X]), then F [α] is a splitting field for Xn − a. Note that if p is the characteristic of F ,then Xp − 1 = (X − 1)p, and so F automatically contains all the pth roots of 1.

PROPOSITION 2.7. Let f ∈ F [X]. Assume that E ⊃ F is generated by roots of f , and letΩ ⊃ F be a field in which f splits.

(a) There exists at least one F -homomorphism ϕ : E → Ω.(b) The number of F -homomorphisms E → Ω is ≤ [E : F ], and equals [E : F ] if f has

deg(f) distinct roots in Ω.(c) If E and Ω are both splitting fields for f , then each F -homomorphism E → Ω is an

isomorphism. In particular, any two splitting fields for f are F -isomorphic.

PROOF. By f having deg(f) distinct roots in Ω, we mean that

f(X) =∏deg(f)

i=1(X − αi), αi ∈ Ω, αi 6= αj if i 6= j.

If f has this property, then so also does any factor of f in Ω[X].By assumption, E = F [α1, ..., αm] with the αi roots of f(X). The minimum polyno-

mial of α1 is an irreducible polynomial f1 dividing f . As f (hence f1) splits in Ω, Propo-sition 2.1 shows that there exists an F -homomorphism ϕ1 : F [α1]→ Ω, and the number ofϕ1’s is ≤ deg(f1) = [F [α1] : F ], with equality holding when f1 has distinct roots in Ω.

The minimum polynomial of α2 over F [α1] is an irreducible factor f2 of f in F [α1][X].According to Proposition 2.2, each ϕ1 extends to a homomorphism ϕ2 : F [α1, α2] → Ω,and the number of extensions is ≤ deg(f2) = [F [α1, α2] : F [α1]], with equality holdingwhen f2 has deg(f2) distinct roots in Ω.

On combining these statements we conclude that there exists an F -homomorphismϕ : F [α1, α2] → Ω, and that the number of such homomorphisms is ≤ [F [α1, α2] : F ],with equality holding if f has deg(f) distinct roots in Ω.

After repeating the argument several times, we obtain (a) and (b).Any F -homomorphism E → Ω is injective, and so, if there exists such a homomor-

phism, [E : F ] ≤ [Ω : F ]. If E and Ω are both splitting fields for f then (a) shows that[E : F ] = [Ω: F ], and so any F -homomorphism E → Ω is an isomorphism. 2

COROLLARY 2.8. Let E and L be extension fields of F , with E finite over F .(a) The number of F -homomorphisms E → L is at most [E : F ].(b) There exists a finite extension Ω/L and an F -homomorphism E → Ω.

PROOF. Write E = F [α1, . . . , αm], and f be the product of the minimum polynomials ofthe αi. Let Ω be a splitting field for f regarded as an element of L[X]. The propositionshows that there is an F -homomorphism E → Ω, and the number of such homomorphismsis ≤ [E : F ]. This proves (b), and since an F -homomorphism E → L can be regarded asan F -homomorphism E → Ω, it also proves (a). 2

REMARK 2.9. Let E1, E2, . . . , Em be finite extensions of F , and let L be an extension ofF . The corollary implies that there exists a finite extension Ω/L containing an isomorphiccopy of every Ei.

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Warning! If E and E′ are both splitting fields of f ∈ F [X], then we know there isan F -isomorphism E → E′, but there will in general be no preferred such isomorphism.Error and confusion can result if you simply identify the fields.

Multiple roots

Let f, g ∈ F [X]. Even when f and g have no common factor in F [X], one might expectthat they could acquire a common factor in Ω[X] for some Ω ⊃ F . In fact, this doesn’thappen — greatest common divisors don’t change when the field is extended.

PROPOSITION 2.10. Let f and g be polynomials in F [X], and let Ω ⊃ F . If r(X) isthe gcd of f and g computed in F [X], then it is also the gcd of f and g in Ω[X]. Inparticular, distinct monic irreducible polynomials in F [X] do not acquire a common root inany extension field of F.

PROOF. Let rF (X) and rΩ(X) be the greatest common divisors of f and g in F [X] andΩ[X] respectively. Certainly rF (X)|rΩ(X) in Ω[X], but Euclid’s algorithm (1.8) showsthat there are polynomials a and b in F [X] such that

a(X)f(X) + b(X)g(X) = rF (X),

and so rΩ(X) divides rF (X) in Ω[X].For the second statement, note that the hypotheses imply that gcd(f, g) = 1 (in F [X]),

and so f and g can’t acquire a common factor in any extension field. 2

The proposition allows us to speak of the greatest common divisor of f and g withoutreference to a field.

Let f ∈ F [X], and let

f(X) = ar∏


(X − αi)mi , αi distinct, mi ≥ 1,r∑


mi = deg(f), (*)

be a splitting of f in some extension field Ω of F . We say that αi is a root of f of multiplicitymi. If mi > 1, αi is said to be a multiple root of f , and otherwise it is a simple root.

The unordered sequence of integers m1, . . . ,mr in (*) is independent of the extensionfield Ω in which f splits. Certainly, it is unchanged when Ω is replaced with its subfieldF [α1, . . . , αm], but F [α1, . . . , αm] is a splitting field for f , and any two splitting fields areisomorphic (2.7c).

We say that f has a multiple root when at least of the mi > 1, and we say that f hasonly simple roots when all mi = 1.

We wish to determine when a polynomial has a multiple root. If f has a multiple factorin F [X], say f =

∏fi(X)mi with some mi > 1, then obviously it will have a multiple

root. If f =∏

fi with the fi distinct monic irreducible polynomials, then Proposition 2.10shows that f has a multiple root if and only if at least one of the fi has a multiple root.Thus, it suffices to determine when an irreducible polynomial has a multiple root.

EXAMPLE 2.11. Let F be of characteristic p 6= 0, and assume that F has contains anelement a that is not a pth-power, for example, a = T in the field Fp(T ). Then Xp − a

is irreducible in F [X], but Xp − a1.4= (X − α)p in its splitting field. Thus an irreducible

polynomial can have multiple roots.

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Multiple roots 23

Define the derivative f ′(X) of a polynomial f(X) =∑

aiXi to be


i−1. Whenf has coefficients in R, this agrees with the definition in calculus. The usual rules fordifferentiating sums and products still hold, but note that in characteristic p the derivativeof Xp is zero.

PROPOSITION 2.12. For a nonconstant irreducible polynomial f in F [X], the followingstatements are equivalent:

(a) f has a multiple root;(b) gcd(f, f ′) 6= 1;(c) F has characteristic p 6= 0 and f is a polynomial in Xp;(d) all the roots of f are multiple.

PROOF. (a) =⇒ (b). Let α be a multiple root of f , and write f = (X−α)mg(X), m > 1,in some splitting field. Then

f ′(X) = m(X − α)m−1g(X) + (X − α)mg′(X).

Hence f ′(α) = 0, and so gcd(f, f ′) 6= 1.(b) =⇒ (c). Since f is irreducible and deg(f ′) < deg(f),

gcd(f, f ′) 6= 1 =⇒ f ′ = 0.

But, because f is nonconstant, f ′ can be zero only if the characteristic is p 6= 0 and f is apolynomial in p.

(c) =⇒ (d). Suppose f(X) = g(Xp), and let g(X) =∏

i(X−ai)mi in some splittingfield for f . Then

f(X) = g(Xp) =∏

i(Xp − ai)mi =

∏i(X − αi)pmi

where αpi = ai. Hence every root of f(X) has multiplicity at least p.

(d) =⇒ (a). Obvious. 2

DEFINITION 2.13. A polynomial f ∈ F [X] is said to be separable over F if none of itsirreducible factors has a multiple root (in a splitting field).10

The preceding discussion shows that f ∈ F [X] will be separable unless(a) the characteristic of F is p 6= 0, and(b) at least one of the irreducible factors of f is a polynomial in Xp.

Note that, if f ∈ F [X] is separable, then it remains separable over every field Ω containingF (condition (b) of 2.12 continues to hold — see 2.10).

DEFINITION 2.14. A field F is said to be perfect if all polynomials in F [X] are separable(equivalently, all irreducible polynomials in F [X] are separable).

PROPOSITION 2.15. A field of characteristic zero is always perfect, and a field F of char-acteristic p 6= 0 is perfect if and only if every element of F is a pth power.

10This is the standard definition, although some authors, for example, Dummit and Foote 1991, 13.5, give adifferent definition.

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PROOF. A field of characteristic zero is obviously perfect, and so we may suppose F to beof characteristic p 6= 0. If F contains an element a that is not a pth power, then Xp − a ∈F [X] is not separable (see 2.11). Conversely, if every element of F is a pth power, thenevery polynomial in Xp with coefficients in F is a pth power in F [X],∑

aiXp = (

∑biX)p if ai = bp

i ,

and so is not irreducible. 2

EXAMPLE 2.16. (a) A finite field F is perfect, because the Frobenius endomorphisma 7→ ap : F → F is injective and therefore surjective (by counting).

(b) A field that can be written as a union of perfect fields is perfect. Therefore, everyfield algebraic over Fp is perfect.

(c) Every algebraically closed field is perfect.(d) If F0 has characteristic p 6= 0, then F = F0(X) is not perfect, because X is not a pth



2-1 (*). Let F be a field of characteristic 6= 2.(a) Let E be quadratic extension of F (i.e., [E : F ] = 2); show that

S(E) = a ∈ F× | a is a square in E

is a subgroup of F× containing F×2.(b) Let E and E′ be quadratic extensions of F ; show that there is an F -isomorphism

ϕ : E → E′ if and only if S(E) = S(E′).(c) Show that there is an infinite sequence of fields E1, E2, . . . with Ei a quadratic ex-

tension of Q such that Ei is not isomorphic to Ej for i 6= j.(d) Let p be an odd prime. Show that, up to isomorphism, there is exactly one field with

p2 elements.

2-2 (*). (a) Let F be a field of characteristic p. Show that if Xp −X − a is reducible inF [X], then it splits into distinct factors in F [X].

(b) For any prime p, show that Xp −X − 1 is irreducible in Q[X].

2-3 (*). Construct a splitting field for X5 − 2 over Q. What is its degree over Q?

2-4 (*). Find a splitting field of Xpm − 1 ∈ Fp[X]. What is its degree over Fp?

2-5. Let f ∈ F [X], where F is a field of characteristic 0. Let d(X) = gcd(f, f ′). Showthat g(X) = f(X)d(X)−1 has the same roots as f(X), and these are all simple roots ofg(X).

2-6 (*). Let f(X) be an irreducible polynomial in F [X], where F has characteristic p.Show that f(X) can be written f(X) = g(Xpe

) where g(X) is irreducible and separable.Deduce that every root of f(X) has the same multiplicity pe in any splitting field.

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3 The fundamental theorem of Galois theory

In this section, we prove the fundamental theorem of Galois theory, which gives a one-to-one correspondence between the subfields of the splitting field of a separable polynomialand the subgroups of the Galois group of f .

Groups of automorphisms of fields

Consider fields E ⊃ F . An F -isomorphism E → E is called an F -automorphism of E.The F -automorphisms of E form a group, which we denote Aut(E/F ).

EXAMPLE 3.1. (a) There are two obvious automorphisms of C, namely, the identity mapand complex conjugation. We’ll see later (8.18) that by using the Axiom of Choice one canconstruct uncountably many more.

(b) Let E = C(X). Then Aut(E/C) consists of the maps11 X 7→ aX+bcX+d , ad− bc 6= 0

(Jacobson 1964, IV, Theorem 7, p158), and so

Aut(E/C) = PGL2(C),

the group of invertible 2×2 matrices with complex coefficients modulo its centre. Analystswill note that this is the same as the automorphism group of the Riemann sphere. Thisis not a coincidence: the field of meromorphic functions on the Riemann sphere P1

C isC(z) ' C(X), and so there is certainly a map Aut(P1

C) → Aut(C(z)/C), which one canshow to be an isomorphism.

(c) The group Aut(C(X1, X2)/C) is quite complicated — there is a map

PGL3(C) = Aut(P2C) → Aut(C(X1, X2)/C),

but this is very far from being surjective. When there are more X’s, the group is unknown.(The group Aut(C(X1, . . . , Xn)/C) is the group of birational automorphisms of Pn

C. It iscalled the Cremona group. Its study is part of algebraic geometry.)

In this section, we shall be concerned with the groups Aut(E/F ) when E is a finiteextension of F .

PROPOSITION 3.2. If E is a splitting field of a monic separable polynomial f ∈ F [X],then Aut(E/F ) has order [E : F ].

PROOF. Let f =∏

fmii , with the fi monic irreducible and distinct. The splitting field

of f is the same as the splitting field of∏

fi. Hence we may assume f is a product ofdistinct monic separable irreducible polynomials, and so has deg f distinct roots in E. NowProposition 2.7 shows that there are [E : F ] distinct F -homomorphisms E → E. BecauseE has finite degree over F , they are automatically isomorphisms. 2

EXAMPLE 3.3. (a) Consider a simple extension E = F [α], and let f be a polynomial withcoefficients in F having α as a root. If f has no root in E other than α, then Aut(E/F ) = 1.For example, if 3

√2 denotes the real cube root of 2, then Aut(Q[ 3

√2]/Q) = 1. Thus, in the

proposition, it is essential that E be a splitting field.(b) Let F be a field of characteristic p 6= 0, and let a be an element of F that is not a pth

power. Then f = Xp − a has only one root in a splitting field E, and so Aut(E/F ) = 1.Thus, in the proposition, it is essential that E be a splitting field of a separable polynomial.

11By this I mean the map that sends a rational function f(X) to f(aX+bcX+d


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When G is a group of automorphisms of a field E, we set

EG = Inv(G) = α ∈ E | σα = α, all σ ∈ G.

It is a subfield of E, called the subfield of G-invariants of E or the fixed field of G.In this section, we shall show that, when E is the splitting field of a separable polyno-

mial in F [X] and G = Aut(E/F ), then the maps

M 7→ Aut(E/M), H 7→ Inv(H)

give a one-to-one correspondence between the set of intermediate fields M , F ⊂ M ⊂ E,and the set of subgroups H of G.

THEOREM 3.4 (E. ARTIN). Let G be a finite group of automorphisms of a field E, and letF = EG; then [E : F ] ≤ (G : 1).

PROOF. Let G = σ1 = 1, . . . , σm, and let α1, . . . , αn be n > m elements of E. Weshall show that the αi are linearly dependent over F . In the system of linear equations

σ1(α1)X1 + · · ·+ σ1(αn)Xn = 0· · · · · ·

σm(α1)X1 + · · ·+ σm(αn)Xn = 0

there are m equations and n > m unknowns, and hence there are nontrivial solutions in E— choose one (c1, . . . , cn) having the fewest possible nonzero elements. After renumberingthe αi’s, we may suppose that c1 6= 0, and then (after multiplying by a scalar) that c1 ∈ F .With these normalizations, we’ll show that all ci ∈ F . Then the first equation

α1c1 + · · ·+ αncn = 0

(recall that σ1 = 1) will be a linear relation on the αi.If not all ci are in F , then σk(ci) 6= ci for some k and i, k 6= 1 6= i. On applying σk to

the equations

σ1(α1)c1 + · · ·+ σ1(αn)cn = 0· · · · · ·

σm(α1)c1 + · · ·+ σm(αn)cn = 0

and using that σkσ1, . . . , σkσm is a permutation of σ1, . . . , σm, we find that

(c1, σk(c2), . . . , σk(ci), . . .)

is also a solution to the system of equations (*). On subtracting it from the first, we obtaina solution (0, . . . , ci − σk(ci), . . .), which is nonzero (look at the ith coordinate), but hasmore zeros than the first solution (look at the first coordinate) — contradiction. 2

COROLLARY 3.5. For any finite group G of automorphisms of a field E, G = Aut(E/EG).

PROOF. We know that:[E : EG] ≤ (G : 1) (by 3.4),G ⊂ Aut(E/EG) (obvious),(Aut(E/EG) : 1) ≤ [E : EG] (by 2.8a).

The inequalities

[E : EG] ≤ (G : 1) ≤ (Aut(E/EG) : 1) ≤ [E : EG]

must be equalities, and so G = Aut(E/EG). 2

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Separable, normal, and Galois extensions 27

Separable, normal, and Galois extensions

DEFINITION 3.6. An algebraic extension E/F is said to be separable if the minimumpolynomial of every element of E is separable; otherwise, it is inseparable.

Thus, an algebraic extension E/F is separable if every irreducible polynomial in F [X]having a root in E is separable, and it is inseparable if

— F is nonperfect, and in particular has characteristic p 6= 0, and— there is an element α of E whose minimal polynomial is of the form g(Xp), g ∈

F [X].For example, E = Fp(T ) is an inseparable extension of Fp(T p).

DEFINITION 3.7. An algebraic extension E/F is normal if the minimum polynomial ofevery element of E splits in E[X].

In other words, an algebraic extension E/F is normal if every irreducible polynomialf ∈ F [X] having a root in E splits in E.

Let f be an irreducible polynomial of degree m in F [X]. If f has a root in E, then

E/F separable =⇒ roots of f distinctE/F normal =⇒ f splits in E

=⇒ f has m distinct roots in E.

Therefore, E/F is normal and separable if and only if, for each α ∈ E, the minimumpolynomial of α has [F [α] : F ] distinct roots in E.

EXAMPLE 3.8. (a) The field Q[ 3√

2], where 3√

2 is the real cube root of 2, is separable butnot normal over Q (X3 − 2 doesn’t split in Q[α]).

(b) The field Fp(T ) is normal but not separable over Fp(T p) — the minimum polyno-mial of T is the inseparable polynomial Xp − T p.

DEFINITION 3.9. Let F be a field. A finite extension E of F is said to Galois if F is thefixed field of the group of F -automorphisms of E. This group is then called the Galoisgroup of E over F , and it is denoted Gal(E/F ).

THEOREM 3.10. For an extension E/F , the following statements are equivalent:(a) E is the splitting field of a separable polynomial f ∈ F [X].(b) F = EG for some finite group G of automorphisms of E.(c) E is normal and separable, and of finite degree, over F .(d) E is Galois over F .

PROOF. (a) =⇒ (d). Let G = Aut(E/F ), and let F ′ = EG ⊃ F . Then E is also thesplitting field of f regarded as a polynomial with coefficients in F ′, and f is still separablewhen it is regarded in this way. Hence Proposition 3.2 shows that

[E : F ′] = # Aut(E/F ′)

[E : F ] = # Aut(E/F ).

Since Aut(E/F ′) = Aut(E/F ) = G, we conclude that F = F ′, and so F = EG.(d) =⇒ (b). According to (2.8a) , Gal(E/F ) is finite, and so this is obvious.(b) =⇒ (c). By Proposition 3.4, we know that [E : F ] ≤ (G : 1); in particular, it is

finite. Let α ∈ E and let f be the minimum polynomial of α; we have to prove that f splits

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into distinct factors in E[X]. Let α1 = α, ..., αm be the orbit of α under the action of Gon E, and let

g(X) =∏

(X − αi) = Xm + a1Xm−1 + · · ·+ am.

Any σ ∈ G merely permutes the αi. Since the ai are symmetric polynomials in the αi,we find that σai = ai for all i, and so g(X) ∈ F [X]. It is monic, and g(α) = 0, andso f(X)|g(X) (see the definition of the minimum polynomial p10). But also g(X)|f(X),because each αi is a root of f(X) (if αi = σα, then applying σ to the equation f(α) = 0gives f(αi) = 0). We conclude that f(X) = g(X), and so f(X) splits into distinct factorsin E.

(c) =⇒ (a). Because E has finite degree over F , it is generated over F by a finitenumber of elements, say, E = F [α1, ..., αm], αi ∈ E, αi algebraic over F . Let fi be theminimum polynomial of αi over F . Because E is normal over F , each fi splits in E, andso E is the splitting field of f =

∏fi. Because E is separable over F , f is separable. 2

REMARK 3.11. (a) Let E be Galois over F with Galois group G, and let α ∈ E. Theelements α1 = α, α2, ..., αm of the orbit of α are called the conjugates of α. In the courseof the proof of (b) =⇒ (c) of the above theorem we showed that the minimum polynomialof α is

∏(X − αi).

(b) Note that if F = EG for some finite group G, then, because E is the splitting fieldof a separable polynomial, Proposition 2.1 shows that Gal(E/F ) has [E : F ] elements.Combined with Artin’s theorem (3.4), this shows that G = Gal(E/F ) and (G : 1) =[E : F ].

COROLLARY 3.12. Every finite separable extension E of F is contained in a finite Galoisextension.

PROOF. Let E = F [α1, ..., αm]. Let fi be the minimum polynomial of αi over F , and takeE′ to be the splitting field of

∏fi over F . 2

COROLLARY 3.13. Let E ⊃M ⊃ F ; if E is Galois over F , then it is Galois over M.

PROOF. We know E is the splitting field of some separable f ∈ F [X]; it is also the splittingfield of f regarded as an element of M [X]. 2

REMARK 3.14. When we drop the assumption that E is separable over F , we can still saysomething. An element α of an algebraic extension of F is said to be separable over F if itsminimum polynomial over F is separable. The proof of Corollary 3.12 shows that any finiteextension generated by separable elements is separable. Therefore, the elements of a finiteextension E of F that are separable over F form a subfield Esep of E that is separable overF ; write [E : F ]sep = [Esep : F ] (separable degree of E over F ). If Ω is an algebraicallyclosed field containing F , then every F -homomorphism Esep → Ω extends uniquely to E,and so the number of F -homomorphisms E → Ω is [E : F ]sep. When E ⊃M ⊃ F (finiteextensions),

[E : F ]sep = [E : M ]sep[M : F ]sep.

In particular,

E is separable over F ⇐⇒ E is separable over M and M is separable over F.

See Jacobson 1964, I 10, for more details.

DEFINITION 3.15. A finite extension E ⊃ F is called a cyclic, abelian, ..., solvableextension if it is Galois with cyclic, abelian, ..., solvable Galois group.

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The fundamental theorem of Galois theory 29

The fundamental theorem of Galois theory

THEOREM 3.16 (FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF GALOIS THEORY). Let E be a Galois ex-tension of F , and let G = Gal(E/F ). The maps H 7→ EH and M 7→ Gal(E/M) are in-verse bijections between the set of subgroups of G and the set of intermediate fields betweenE and F :

subgroups of G ↔ intermediate fields F ⊂M ⊂ E.

Moreover,(a) the correspondence is inclusion-reversing: H1 ⊃ H2 ⇐⇒ EH1 ⊂ EH2 ;(b) indexes equal degrees: (H1 : H2) = [EH2 : EH1 ];(c) σHσ−1 ↔ σM , i.e., EσHσ−1

= σ(EH); Gal(E/σM) = σ Gal(E/M)σ−1.(d) H is normal in G ⇐⇒ EH is normal (hence Galois) over F , in which case

Gal(EH/F ) = G/H.

PROOF. For the first statement, we have to show that H 7→ EH and M 7→ Gal(E/M) areinverse maps.

Let H be a subgroup of G. Then, as we observed in (3.11b), Gal(E/EH) = H.Let M be an intermediate field. Then E is Galois over M by (3.13), which means that

EGal(E/M) = M .(a) We have the obvious implications:

H1 ⊃ H2 =⇒ EH1 ⊂ EH2 =⇒ Gal(E/EH1) ⊃ Gal(E/EH2).

But Gal(E/EHi) = Hi.(b) As we observed in (3.11b), for any subgroup H of G, [E : EH ] = Gal(E/EH).

This proves (b) in the case H2 = 1, and the general case follows, using that

(H1 : 1) = (H1 : H2)(H2 : 1) and [E : EH1 ] = [E : EH2 ][EH2 : EH1 ].

(c) For τ ∈ G and α ∈ E, τα = α ⇐⇒ στσ−1(σα) = σα. Therefore, Gal(E/σM) =σ Gal(E/M)σ−1 , and so σ Gal(E/M)σ−1 ↔ σM.

(d) Let H be a normal subgroup of G. Because σHσ−1 = H for all σ ∈ G, we musthave σEH = EH for all σ ∈ G, i.e., the action of G on E stabilizes EH . We thereforehave a homomorphism

σ 7→ σ|EH : G→ Aut(EH/F )

whose kernel is H . As (EH)G/H = F , we see that EH is Galois over F (by Theorem 3.10)and that G/H ' Gal(EH/F ) (by 3.11b).

Conversely, assume that M is normal over F , and write M = F [α1, ..., αm]. Forσ ∈ G, σαi is a root of the minimum polynomial of αi over F , and so lies in M . HenceσM = M , and this implies that σHσ−1 = H (by (c)). 2

REMARK 3.17. The theorem shows that there is an order reversing bijection between theintermediate fields of E/F and the subgroups of G. Using this we can read off more results.

(a) Let M1,M2, . . . ,Mr be intermediate fields, and let Hi be the subgroup correspond-ing to Mi (i.e., Hi = Gal(E/Mi)). Then (by definition) M1M2 · · ·Mr is the smallest fieldcontaining all Mi; hence it must correspond to the largest subgroup contained in all Hi,which is

⋂Hi. Therefore

Gal(E/M1 · · ·Mr) = H1 ∩ ... ∩Hr.

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(b) Let H be a subgroup of G and let M = EH . The largest normal subgroup containedin H is N =

⋂σ∈G σHσ−1 (see GT 4.10), and so EN , which is the composite of the fields

σM , is the smallest normal extension of F containing M . It is called the normal, or Galois,closure of M in E.

PROPOSITION 3.18. Let E and L be field extensions of F contained in some commonfield. If E/F is Galois, then EL/L and E/E ∩ L are Galois, and the map

σ 7→ σ|E : Gal(EL/L)→ Gal(E/E ∩ L)

is an isomorphism.

PROOF. Because E is Galois over F , it is the splitting field of a separable polynomialf ∈ F [X]. Then EL is the splitting field of f over L, and E is the split-ting field of f over E ∩ L. Hence EL/L and E/E ∩ L are Galois. Anyautomorphism σ of EL fixing the elements of L maps roots of f to rootsof f , and so σE = E. There is therefore a homomorphism

σ 7→ σ|E : Gal(EL/L)→ Gal(E/F ).

If σ ∈ Gal(EL/L) fixes the elements of E, then it fixes the elements ofEL, and hence is 1. Thus, σ 7→ σ|E is injective. If α ∈ E is fixed by allσ ∈ Gal(EL/L), then α ∈ L ∩ E. By the fundamental theorem,




E ∩ L


Fthis implies that the image of σ 7→ σ|E is Gal(E/E ∩ L). 2

COROLLARY 3.19. Suppose, in the proposition, that L is finite over F . Then

[EL : F ] =[E : F ][L : F ][E ∩ L : F ]


PROOF. According to Proposition 1.20,

[EL : F ] = [EL : L][L : F ],


[EL : L] 3.18= [E : E ∩ L] 1.20=[E : F ]

[E ∩ L : F ].


PROPOSITION 3.20. Let E1 and E2 be field extensions of F contained in some commonfield. If E1 and E2 are Galois over F , then E1E2 and E1 ∩ E2 are Galois over F , and

σ 7→ (σ|E1, σ|E2) : Gal(E1E2/F )→ Gal(E1/F )×Gal(E2/F )

is an isomorphism of Gal(E1E2/F ) onto the subgroup

H = (σ1, σ2) | σ1|E1 ∩ E2 = σ2|E1 ∩ E2

of Gal(E1/F )×Gal(E2/F ).

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Examples 31

PROOF: Let a ∈ E1 ∩ E2, and let f be its minimum polynomial over F . Then f hasdeg f distinct roots in E1 and deg f distinct roots in E2. Since fcan have at most deg f roots in E1E2, it follows that it has deg fdistinct roots in E1 ∩ E2. This shows that E1 ∩ E2 is normaland separable over F , and hence Galois (3.10). As E1 and E2 areGalois over F , they are splitting fields of separable polynomialsf1, f2 ∈ F [X]. Now E1E2 is a splitting field for f1f2, and henceit also is Galois over F . The map σ 7→ (σ|E1, σ|E2) is clearlyan injective homomorphism, and its image is contained in H . Weprove that the image is the whole of H by counting.


E1 E2

E1 ∩ E2

FFrom the fundamental theorem,

Gal(E2/F )/ Gal(E2/E1 ∩ E2) ' Gal(E1 ∩ E2/F ),

and so, for each σ1 ∈ Gal(E1/F ), σ1|E1 ∩E2 has exactly [E2 : E1 ∩E2] extensions to anelement of Gal(E2/F ). Therefore,

(H : 1) = [E1 : F ][E2 : E1 ∩ E2] =[E1 : F ] · [E2 : F ]

[E1 ∩ E2 : F ],

which equals [E1E2 : F ] by (3.19).


EXAMPLE 3.21. We analyse the extension Q[ζ]/Q, where ζ is a primitive 7th root of 1,say ζ = e2πi/7.

Note that Q[ζ] is the splitting field of the polynomialX7 − 1, and that ζ has minimum polynomial

X6 + X5 + X4 + X3 + X2 + X + 1

(see 1.41). Therefore, Q[ζ] is Galois of degree 6 overQ. For any σ ∈ G, σζ = ζi, some i, 1 ≤ i ≤ 6, andthe map σ 7→ i defines an isomorphism Gal(Q[ζ]/Q) →(Z/7Z)×. Let σ be the element of Gal(Q[ζ]/Q) such thatσζ = ζ3. Then σ generates Gal(Q[ζ]/Q) because theclass of 3 in (Z/7Z)× generates it (the powers of 3 mod7 are 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1). We investigate the subfields of Q[ζ]corresponding to the subgroups 〈σ3〉 and 〈σ2〉.


Q[ζ + ζ]





Note that σ3ζ = ζ6 = ζ (complex conjugate of ζ). The subfield of Q[ζ] correspondingto 〈σ3〉 is Q[ζ + ζ], and ζ + ζ = 2 cos 2π

7 . Since 〈σ3〉 is a normal subgroup of 〈σ〉,Q[ζ + ζ] is Galois over Q, with Galois group 〈σ〉/〈σ3〉. The conjugates of α1 =df ζ + ζ are

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α3 = ζ3 + ζ−3, α2 = ζ2 + ζ−2. Direct calculation shows that

α1 + α2 + α3 =∑6

i=1ζi = −1,

α1α2 + α1α3 + α2α3 = −2,

α1α2α3 = (ζ + ζ6)(ζ2 + ζ5)(ζ3 + ζ4)

= (ζ + ζ3 + ζ4 + ζ6)(ζ3 + ζ4)

= (ζ4 + ζ6 + 1 + ζ2 + ζ5 + 1 + ζ + ζ3)= 1.

Hence the minimum polynomial12 of ζ + ζ is

g(X) = X3 + X2 − 2X − 1.

The minimum polynomial of cos 2π7 = α1

2 is therefore


= X3 + X2/2−X/2− 1/8.

The subfield of Q[ζ] corresponding to 〈σ2〉 is generated by β = ζ + ζ2 + ζ4. Letβ′ = σβ. Then (β − β′)2 = −7. Hence the field fixed by 〈σ2〉 is Q[


EXAMPLE 3.22. We compute the Galois group of a splitting field E of X5 − 2 ∈ Q[X].Recall from Exercise 2-3 that E = Q[ζ, α] where ζ is a primitive5th root of 1, and α is a root of X5 − 2. For example, we couldtake E to be the splitting field of X5−2 in C, with ζ = e2πi/5 andα equal to the real 5th root of 2. We have the picture at right, and

[Q[ζ] : Q] = 4, [Q[α] : Q] = 5.

Because 4 and 5 are relatively prime,

[Q[ζ, α] : Q] = 20.

Q[ζ, α]






Hence G = Gal(Q[ζ, α]/Q) has order 20, and the subgroups N and H corresponding toQ[ζ] and Q[α] have orders 5 and 4 respectively. Because Q[ζ] is normal over Q (it is thesplitting field of X5 − 1), N is normal in G. Because Q[ζ] · Q[α] = Q[ζ, α], we haveH ∩ N = 1, and so G = N oθ H . Moreover, H ' G/N ' (Z/5Z)×, which is cyclic,being generated by the class of 2. Let τ be the generator of H corresponding to 2 under thisisomorphism, and let σ be a generator of N . Thus σ(α) is another root of X5 − 2, whichwe can take to be ζα (after possibly replacing σ by a power). Hence:

τζ = ζ2

τα = α

σζ = ζσα = ζα.

Note that τστ−1(α) = τσα = τ(ζα) = ζ2α and it fixes ζ; therefore τστ−1 = σ2. ThusG has generators σ and τ and defining relations

σ5 = 1, τ4 = 1, τστ−1 = σ2.

12More directly, on setting X = ζ + ζ in

(X3 − 3X) + (X2 − 2) + X + 1

one obtains 1 + ζ + ζ2 + · · ·+ ζ6 = 0.

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Constructible numbers revisited 33

The subgroup H has five conjugates, which correspond to the five fields Q[ζiα],

σiHσ−i ↔ σiQ[α] = Q[ζiα], 1 ≤ i ≤ 5.

Constructible numbers revisited

Earlier, we showed (1.36) that a real number α is constructible if and only if it is con-tained in a subfield of R of the form Q[

√a1, . . . ,

√ar] with each ai a positive element of


a1, . . . ,√

ai−1]. In particular

α constructible =⇒ [Q[α] : Q] = 2s some s. (∗)

Now we can prove a partial converse to this last statement.

THEOREM 3.23. If α is contained in a subfield of R that is Galois of degree 2r over Q,then it is constructible.

PROOF. Suppose α ∈ E ⊂ R where E is Galois of degree 2r over Q, and let G =Gal(E/Q). From a theorem on the structure of p-groups (GT 6.7), we know there will bea sequence of groups

1 = G0 ⊂ G1 ⊂ G2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Gr = G

with Gi/Gi−1 of order 2. Correspondingly, there will be a sequence of fields,

E = E0 ⊃ E1 ⊃ E2 ⊃ · · · ⊃ Er = Q

with Ei−1 of degree 2 over Ei. The next lemma shows that Ei = Ei−1[√

ai] for someai ∈ Ei−1, and ai > 0 because otherwise Ei would not be real. This proves the theorem. 2

LEMMA 3.24. Let E/F be a quadratic extension of fields of characteristic 6= 2. ThenE = F [

√d] for some d ∈ F .

PROOF. Let α ∈ E, α /∈ F , and let X2 + bX + c be the minimum polynomial of α. Thenα = −b±


2 , and so E = F [√

b2 − 4c]. 2

COROLLARY 3.25. If p is a prime of the form 2k + 1, then cos 2πp is constructible.

PROOF. The field Q[e2πi/p] is Galois over Q with Galois group G ' (Z/pZ)×, which hasorder p− 1 = 2k. 2

Thus a regular p-gon, p prime, is constructible if and only if p is a Fermat prime, i.e.,of the form 22r

+ 1. For example, we have proved that the regular 65537-polygon is con-structible, without (happily) having to exhibit an explicit formula for cos 2π

65537 .

REMARK 3.26. The converse to (∗) is false. We’ll show below (4.9) that that the Galoisgroup of the splitting field E over Q of the polynomial f(X) = X4 − 4X + 2 is S4. If thefour roots of f(X) were constructible, then all the elements of E would be constructible(1.36a). Let H be a Sylow subgroup of S4. Then EH has odd degree over Q, and so theelements of EH r Q can’t be constructible.

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The Galois group of a polynomial

If the polynomial f ∈ F [X] is separable, then its splitting field Ff is Galois over F , andwe call Gal(Ff/F ) the Galois group Gf of f.

Let f =∏n

i=1(X−αi) in a splitting field Ff . We know that the elements of Gal(Ff/F )map roots of f to roots of f , i.e., they map the set α1, α2, . . . , αn into itself. Beingautomorphisms, they define permutations of α1, α2, . . . , αn, and as the αi generated Ff ,an element of Gal(Ff/F ) is uniquely determined by the permutation it defines. Thus Gf

can be identified with a subset of Sym(α1, α2, . . . , αn) ≈ Sn. In fact, Gf consistsexactly of the permutations σ of α1, α2, . . . , αn such that, for P ∈ F [X1, . . . , Xn],

P (α1, . . . , αn) = 0 =⇒ P (σα1, . . . , σαn) = 0.

This gives a description of Gf without mentioning fields or abstract groups (neither ofwhich were available to Galois).

Note that this shows again that (Gf : 1), hence [Ff : F ], divides deg(f)!.

Solvability of equations

For a polynomial f ∈ F [X], we say that f(X) = 0 is solvable in radicals if its solu-tions can be obtained by the algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication,division, and the extraction of mth roots, or, more precisely, if there exists a tower of fields

F = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ F2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Fm

such that(a) Fi = Fi−1[αi], αmi

i ∈ Fi−1;(b) Fm contains a splitting field for f.

THEOREM 3.27 (GALOIS, 1832). Let F be a field of characteristic zero. The equationf = 0 is solvable in radicals if and only if the Galois group of f is solvable.

We shall prove this later (5.29). Also we shall exhibit polynomials f(X) ∈ Q[X] withGalois group Sn, which are therefore not solvable when n ≥ 5 by GT 4.29.

REMARK 3.28. If F has characteristic p, then the theorem fails for two reasons:(a) f may not be separable, and so not have a Galois group;(b) Xp −X − a = 0 is not solvable by radicals even though it is separable with abelian

Galois group (cf. Exercise 2-2).If the definition of solvable is changed to allow extensions of the type in (b) in the chain,and f is required to be separable, then the theorem becomes true in characteristic p.


3-1 (*). Let F be a field of characteristic 0. Show that F (X2) ∩ F (X2 −X) = F (inter-section inside F (X)). [Hint: Find automorphisms σ and τ of F (X), each of order 2, fixingF (X2) and F (X2 −X) respectively, and show that στ has infinite order.]

3-2 (*). 13 Let p be an odd prime, and let ζ be a primitive pth root of 1 in C. Let E = Q[ζ],and let G = Gal(E/Q); thus G = (Z/(p))×. Let H be the subgroup of index 2 in G. Putα =

∑i∈H ζi and β =

∑i∈G\H ζi. Show:

13This problem shows that every quadratic extension of Q is contained in a cyclotomic extension of Q. TheKronecker-Weber theorem says that every abelian extension of Q is contained in a cyclotomic extension.

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Exercises 35

(a) α and β are fixed by H;(b) if σ ∈ G \H , then σα = β, σβ = α.

Thus α and β are roots of the polynomial X2 + X + αβ ∈ Q[X]. Compute αβ and showthat the fixed field of H is Q[

√p] when p ≡ 1 mod 4 and Q[

√−p] when p ≡ 3 mod 4.

3-3 (*). Let M = Q[√


3] and E = M [√


2 + 2)(√

3 + 3)] (subfields of R).(a) Show that M is Galois over Q with Galois group the 4-group C2 × C2.(b) Show that E is Galois over Q with Galois group the quaternion group.

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4 Computing Galois groups.

In this section, we investigate general methods for computing Galois groups.

When is Gf ⊂ An?

Consider a polynomial

f(X) = Xn + a1Xn−1 + · · ·+ an

and let f(X) =∏n

i=1(X − αi) in some splitting field. Set

∆(f) =∏


(αi − αj), D(f) = ∆(f)2 =∏


(αi − αj)2.

The discriminant of f is defined to be D(f). Note that D(f) is nonzero if and only iff has only simple roots, i.e., if f is separable with no multiple factors. Let Gf be theGalois group of f , and identify it with a subgroup of Sym(α1, . . . , αn) (as on p34). Thechoice of a numbering for the roots determines an isomorphism Sym(α1, . . . , αn) ' Sn,and the subgroup of Sym(α1, . . . , αn) corresponding to any normal subgroup of Sn isindependent of the choice for n 6= 6 (because all automorphisms of Sn are inner whenn 6= 6, cf. GT 3.9).

PROPOSITION 4.1. Assume f is separable, and let σ ∈ Gf .(a) σ∆(f) = sign(σ)∆(f), where sign(σ) is the signature of σ.(b) σD(f) = D(f).

PROOF. The first equation follows immediately from the definition of the signature of σ(see GT §4), and the second equation is obtained by squaring the first. 2

COROLLARY 4.2. Let f(X) ∈ F [X] be of degree n and have only simple roots. Let Ff

be a splitting field for f , so that Gf = Gal(Ff/F ).(a) The discriminant D(f) ∈ F .(b) The subfield of Ff corresponding to An ∩Gf is F [∆(f)]. Hence

Gf ⊂ An ⇐⇒ ∆(f) ∈ F ⇐⇒ D(f) is a square in F.

PROOF. (a) The discriminant of f is an element of Ff fixed by Gf =df Gal(Ff/F ), andhence lies in F (by the fundamental theorem of Galois theory).

(b) Because f has simple roots, ∆(f) 6= 0, and so the formula σ∆(f) = sign(σ)∆(f)shows that an element of Gf fixes ∆(f) if and only if it lies in An. Thus, under the Galoiscorrespondence,

Gf ∩An ↔ F [∆(f)].

Hence,Gf ∩An = Gf ⇐⇒ F [∆(f)] = F. 2

The discriminant of f can be expressed as a universal polynomial in the coefficients off . For example:

D(aX2 + bX + c) = (b2 − 4ac)/a2

D(X3 + bX + c) = −4b3 − 27c2.

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When is Gf transitive? 37

By completing the cube, one can put any cubic polynomial in this form (in characteristic6= 3).

The formulas for the discriminant rapidly become very complicated, for example, thatfor X5 + aX4 + bX3 + cX2 + dX + e has 59 terms. Fortunately, Maple knows them: thesyntax is “discrim(f,X);” where f is a polynomial in the symbol X .

REMARK 4.3. Suppose F ⊂ R. Then D(f) will not be a square if it is negative. It isknown that the sign of D(f) is (−1)s where 2s is the number of nonreal roots of f in C(see ANT 2.39). Thus if s is odd, then Gf is not contained in An. This can be proved moredirectly by noting that complex conjugation acts on the roots as the product of s disjointtranspositions.

Of course the converse is not true: when s is even, Gf is not necessarily contained inAn.

When is Gf transitive?

PROPOSITION 4.4. Let f(X) ∈ F [X] have only simple roots. Then f(X) is irreducible ifand only if Gf permutes the roots of f transitively.

PROOF. =⇒ : If α and β are two roots of f(X) in a splitting field Ff for f , then they bothhave f(X) as their minimum polynomial, and so F [α] and F [β] are both stem fields for f .Hence, there is an F -isomorphism

F [α] ' F [β], α↔ β.

Write Ff = F [α1, α2, ...] with α1 = α and α2, α3, . . . the other roots of f(X). Then theF -homomorphism α 7→ β : F [α] → Ff extends (step by step) to an F -homomorphismFf → Ff (use 2.2b), which is an F -isomorphism sending α to β.⇐= : Let g(X) ∈ F [X] be an irreducible factor of f , and let α be one of its roots. If

β is a second root of f , then (by assumption) β = σα for some σ ∈ Gf . Now, because ghas coefficients in F ,

g(σα) = σg(α) = 0,

and so β is also a root of g. Therefore, every root of f is also a root of g, and so f(X) =g(X). 2

Note that when f(X) is irreducible of degree n, n|(Gf : 1) because [F [α] : F ] = nand [F [α] : F ] divides [Ff : F ] = (Gf : 1). Thus Gf is a transitive subgroup of Sn whoseorder is divisible by n.

Polynomials of degree at most three

EXAMPLE 4.5. Let f(X) ∈ F [X] be a polynomial of degree 2. Then f is inseparable⇐⇒ F has characteristic 2 and f(X) = X2 − a for some a ∈ F r F 2. If f is separable,then Gf = 1(= A2) or S2 according as D(f) is a square in F or not.

EXAMPLE 4.6. Let f(X) ∈ F [X] be a polynomial of degree 3. We can assume f to beirreducible, for otherwise we are essentially back in the previous case. Then f is inseparableif and only if F has characteristic 3 and f(X) = X3 − a for some a ∈ F \ F 3. If f isseparable, then Gf is a transitive subgroup of S3 whose order is divisible by 3. There are

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only two possibilities: Gf = A3 or S3 according as D(f) is a square in F or not. Note thatA3 is generated by the cycle (123).

For example, X3 − 3X + 1 ∈ Q[X] is irreducible (see 1.12), its discriminant is−4(−3)3 − 27 = 81 = 92, and so its Galois group is A3.

On the other hand, X3 + 3X + 1 ∈ Q[X] is also irreducible (apply 1.11), but itsdiscriminant is −135 which is not a square in Q, and so its Galois group is S3.

Quartic polynomials

Let f(X) be a quartic polynomial without multiple roots. In order to determine Gf we shallexploit the fact that S4 has

V = 1, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)

as a normal subgroup — it is normal because it contains all elements of type 2 + 2 (GT4.28). Let E be a splitting field of f , and let f(X) =

∏(X − αi) in E. We identify

the Galois group Gf of f with a subgroup of the symmetric group Sym(α1, α2, α3, α4).Consider the partially symmetric elements

α = α1α2 + α3α4

β = α1α3 + α2α4

γ = α1α4 + α2α3.

They are distinct because the αi are distinct; for example,

α− β = α1(α2 − α3) + α4(α3 − α2) = (α1 − α4)(α2 − α3).

The group Sym(α1, α2, α3, α4) permutes α, β, γ transitively. The stabilizer of each ofα, β, γ must therefore be a subgroup of index 3 in S4, and hence has order 8. For example,the stabilizer of β is 〈(1234), (13)〉. Groups of order 8 in S4 are Sylow 2-subgroups. Thereare three of them, all isomorphic to D4. By the Sylow theorems, V is contained in a Sylow2-subgroup; in fact, because the Sylow 2-subgroups are conjugate and V is normal, it iscontained in all three. It follows that V is the intersection of the three Sylow 2-subgroups.Each Sylow 2-subgroup fixes exactly one of α, β, or γ, and therefore their intersection V isthe subgroup of Sym(α1, α2, α3, α4) fixing α, β, and γ.

LEMMA 4.7. The fixed field of Gf ∩ V is F [α, β, γ]. HenceF [α, β, γ] is Galois over F with Galois group Gf/Gf ∩ V .

PROOF. The above discussion shows that the subgroup of Gf ofelements fixing F [α, β, γ] is Gf ∩ V , and so EGf∩V = F [α, β, γ]by the fundamental theorem of Galois theory. The remaining state-ments follow from the fundamental theorem using that V is nor-mal. 2


F [α, β, γ]



Gf /Gf∩V

Let M = F [α, β, γ], and let g(X) = (X − α)(X − β)(X − γ) ∈M [X] — it is calledthe resolvent cubic of f . Any permutation of the αi (a fortiori, any element of Gf ) merelypermutes α, β, γ, and so fixes g(X). Therefore (by the fundamental theorem) g(X) hascoefficients in F . More explicitly, we have:

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Quartic polynomials 39

LEMMA 4.8. The resolvent cubic of f = X4 + bX3 + cX2 + dX + e is

g = X3 − cX2 + (bd− 4e)X − b2e + 4ce− d2.

The discriminants of f and g are equal.

PROOF (SKETCH). Expand f = (X−α1)(X−α2)(X−α3)(X−α4) to express b, c, d, ein terms of α1, α2, α3, α4. Expand g = (X−α)(X−β)(X−γ) to express the coefficientsof g in terms of α1, α2, α3, α4, and substitute to express them in terms of b, c, d, e. 2

Now let f be an irreducible separable quartic. Then G = Gf is a transitive subgroup ofS4 whose order is divisible by 4. There are the following possibilities for G:

G (G ∩ V : 1) (G : V ∩G)

S4 4 6

A4 4 3

V 4 1

D4 4 2

C4 2 2

(G ∩ V : 1) = [E : M ](G : V ∩G) = [M : F ]

The groups of type D4 are the Sylow 2-subgroups discussed above, and the groups of typeC4 are those generated by cycles of length 4.

We can compute (G : V ∩ G) from the resolvent cubic g, because G/V ∩ G =Gal(M/F ) and M is the splitting field of g. Once we know (G : V ∩ G), we can de-duce G except in the case that it is 2. If [M : F ] = 2, then G∩V = V or C2. Only the firstgroup acts transitively on the roots of f , and so (from 4.4) we see that in this case G = D4

or C4 according as f is irreducible or not in M [X].

EXAMPLE 4.9. Consider f(X) = X4 − 4X + 2 ∈ Q[X]. It is irreducible by Eisenstein’scriterion (1.16), and its resolvent cubic is g(X) = X3 − 8X + 16, which is irreduciblebecause it has no roots in F5. The discriminant of g(X) is −4864, which is not a square,and so the Galois group of g(X) is S3. From the table, we see that the Galois group off(X) is S4.

EXAMPLE 4.10. Consider f(X) = X4+4X2+2 ∈ Q[X]. It is irreducible by Eisenstein’scriterion (1.16), and its resolvent cubic is (X − 4)(X2 − 8); thus M = Q[

√2]. From the

table we see that Gf is of type D4 or C4, but f factors over M (even as a polynomial inX2), and hence Gf is of type C4.

EXAMPLE 4.11. Consider f(X) = X4 − 10X2 + 4 ∈ Q[X]. It is irreducible in Q[X]because (by inspection) it is irreducible in Z[X]. Its resolvent cubic is (X + 10)(X +4)(X − 4), and so Gf is of type V .

EXAMPLE 4.12. Consider f(X) = X4 − 2 ∈ Q[X]. It is irreducible by Eisenstein’scriterion (1.16), and its resolvent cubic is g(X) = X3 + 8X . Hence M = Q[i

√2]. One

can check that f is irreducible over M , and Gf is of type D4.Alternatively, analyse the equation as in (3.22).

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As we explained in (1.29), Maple knows how to factor polynomials with coefficients inQ[α].

EXAMPLE 4.13. (From the web, sci.math.research, search for “final analysis”.) Considerf(X) = X4 − 2cX3 − dX2 + 2cdX − dc2 ∈ Z[X] with a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, a > band d = a2 − b2. Let r = d/c2 and let w be the unique positive real number such thatr = w3/(w2 +4). Let m be the number of roots of f(X) in Z (counted with multiplicities).The Galois group of f is as follows:

— If m = 0 and w not rational, then G is S4.— If m = 1 and w not rational then G is S3.— If w is rational and w2 + 4 is not a square then G = D4.— If w is rational and w2 + 4 is a square then G = V = C2 × C2.

This covers all possible cases. The hard part was to establish that m = 2 could neverhappen.

Examples of polynomials with Sp as Galois group over Q

The next lemma gives a criterion for a subgroup of Sp to be the whole of Sp.

LEMMA 4.14. For p prime, the symmetric group Sp is generated by any transposition andany p-cycle.

PROOF. After renumbering, we may assume that the transposition is τ = (12), and we maywrite the p-cycle σ so that 1 occurs in the first position, σ = (1 i2 · · · ip). Now some powerof σ will map 1 to 2 and will still be a p-cycle (here is where we use that p is prime). Afterreplacing σ with the power, we have σ = (1 2 j3 . . . jp), and after renumbering again, wehave σ = (1 2 3 . . . p). Now

(i i + 1) = σi(12)σ−i

(see GT 4.25) and so lies in the subgroup generated by σ and τ . These transpositionsgenerate Sp. 2

PROPOSITION 4.15. Let f be an irreducible polynomial of prime degree p in Q[X]. If fsplits in C and has exactly two nonreal roots, then Gf = Sp.

PROOF. Let E be the splitting field of f in C, and let α ∈ E be a root of f . Because f isirreducible, [Q[α] : Q] = deg f = p, and so p|[E : Q] = (Gf : 1). Therefore Gf containsan element of order p (Cauchy’s theorem, GT 4.13), but the only elements of order p in Sp

are p-cycles (here we use that p is prime again).Let σ be complex conjugation on C. Then σ transposes the two nonreal roots of f(X)

and fixes the rest. Therefore Gf ⊂ Sp and contains a transposition and a p-cycle, and so isthe whole of Sp. 2

It remains to construct polynomials satisfying the conditions of the Proposition.

EXAMPLE 4.16. Let p≥ 5 be a prime number. Choose a positive even integer m and evenintegers

n1 < n2 < · · · < np−2,

and letg(X) = (X2 + m)(X − n1)...(X − np−2).

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Finite fields 41

The graph of g crosses the x-axis exactly at the points n1, . . . , np−2, and it doesn’t have alocal maximum or minimum at any of those points (because the ni are simple roots). Thuse = ming′(x)=0 |g(x)| > 0, and we can choose an odd positive integer n such that 2

n < e.Consider

f(X) = g(X)− 2n


As 2n < e, the graph of f also crosses the x-axis at exactly p−2 points, and so f has exactly

two nonreal roots. On the other hand, when we write

nf(X) = nXp + a1Xp−1 + · · ·+ ap,

the ai are all even and ap is not divisible by 22, and so Eisenstein’s criterion implies that fis irreducible. Over R, f has p−2 linear factors and one quadratic factor, and so it certainlysplits over C (high school algebra). Therefore, the proposition applies to f .14

Finite fields

Let Fp = Z/pZ, the field of p elements. As we noted in §1, any other field E of character-istic p contains a copy of Fp, namely, m1E | m ∈ Z. No harm results if we identify Fp

with this subfield of E.Let E be a field of degree n over Fp. Then E has q = pn elements, and so E× is a

group of order q−1. Hence the nonzero elements of E are roots Xq−1−1, and all elementsof E (including 0) are roots of Xq − X . Hence E is a splitting field for Xq − X , and soany two fields with q elements are isomorphic.

PROPOSITION 4.17. Every extension of finite fields is simple.

PROOF. Consider E ⊃ F . Then E× is a finite subgroup of the multiplicative group of afield, and hence is cyclic (see Exercise 1-3). If ζ generates E× as a multiplicative group,then certainly E = F [ζ]. 2

Now let E be the splitting field of f(X) = Xq −X , q = pn. The derivative f ′(X) =−1, which is relatively prime to f(X) (in fact, to every polynomial), and so f(X) hasq distinct roots in E. Let S be the set of its roots. Then S is obviously closed undermultiplication and the formation of inverses, but it is also closed under subtraction: if aq =a and bq = b, then

(a− b)q = aq − bq = a− b.

Hence S is a field, and so S = E. In particular, E has pn elements.

PROPOSITION 4.18. For each power q = pn there is a field Fq with q elements. It isthe splitting field of Xq − X , and hence any two such fields are isomorphic. Moreover,Fq is Galois over Fp with cyclic Galois group generated by the Frobenius automorphismσ(a) = ap.

14If m is taken sufficiently large, then g(X)− 2 will have exactly two nonreal roots, i.e., we can take n = 1,but the proof is longer (see Jacobson 1964, p107, who credits the example to Brauer). The shorter argument inthe text was suggested to me by Martin Ward.

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PROOF. Only the final statement remains to be proved. The field Fq is Galois over Fp

because it is the splitting field of a separable polynomial. We noted in (1.4) that xσ7→ xp

is an automorphism of Fq. An element a of Fq is fixed by σ if and only if ap = a, but Fp

consists exactly of such elements, and so the fixed field of 〈σ〉 is Fp. This proves that Fq isGalois over Fp and that 〈σ〉 = Gal(Fq/Fp) (see 3.11b). 2

COROLLARY 4.19. Let E be a field with pn elements. For each divisor m of n, m ≥ 0, Econtains exactly one field with pm elements.

PROOF. We know that E is Galois over Fp and that Gal(E/Fp) is the cyclic group of ordern generated by σ. The group 〈σ〉 has one subgroup of order n/m for each m dividing n,namely, 〈σm〉, and so E has exactly one subfield of degree m over Fp for each m dividingn, namely, E〈σm〉. Because it has degree m over Fp, E〈σm〉 has pm elements. 2

COROLLARY 4.20. Each monic irreducible polynomial f of degree d|n in Fp[X] occursexactly once as a factor of Xpn −X; hence, the degree of the splitting field of f is ≤ d.

PROOF. First, the factors of Xpn − X are distinct because it has no common factor withits derivative. If f(X) is irreducible of degree d, then f(X) has a root in a field of degreed over Fp. But the splitting field of Xpn − X contains a copy of every field of degreed over Fp with d|n. Hence some root of Xpn − X is also a root of f(X), and thereforef(X)|Xpn − X . In particular, f divides Xpd − X , and therefore it splits in its splittingfield, which has degree d over Fp. 2

PROPOSITION 4.21. Let F be an algebraic closure of Fp. Then F contains exactly one fieldFpn for each integer n ≥ 1, and Fpn consists of the roots of Xpn −X . Moreover,

Fpm ⊂ Fpn ⇐⇒ m|n.

The partially ordered set of finite subfields of F is isomorphic to the set of integers n ≥ 1partially ordered by divisibility.

PROOF. Obvious from what we have proved. 2

PROPOSITION 4.22. The field Fp has an algebraic closure F.

PROOF. Choose a sequence of integers 1 = n1 < n2 < n3 < · · · such that ni|ni+1 forall i, and every integer n divides some ni. For example, let ni = i!. Define the fields Fpni

inductively as follows: Fpn1 = Fp; Fpni is the splitting field of Xpni − X over Fpni−1 .Then, Fpn1 ⊂ Fpn2 ⊂ Fpn3 ⊂ · · · , and we define F =

⋃Fpni . As a union of a chain of

fields algebraic over Fp, it is again a field algebraic over Fp. Moreover, every polynomialin Fp[X] splits in F, and so it is an algebraic closure of F (by 1.44). 2

REMARK 4.23. Since the Fpn’s are not subsets of a fixed set, forming the union requiresexplanation. Define S to be the disjoint union of the Fpn . For a, b ∈ S, set a ∼ b if a = bin one of the Fpn . Then ∼ is an equivalence relation, and we let F = S/ ∼.

Maple factors polynomials modulo p very quickly. The syntax is “Factor(f(X))mod p;”. Thus, for example, to obtain a list of all monic polynomials of degree 1, 2, or 4over F5, ask Maple to factor X625 −X .

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Computing Galois groups over Q 43

Finite fields were often called15 Galois fields, and Fq was denoted GF (q) (it still is inMaple). Maple contains a “Galois field package” to do computations in finite fields. Forexample, it can find a primitive element for Fq (i.e., a generator for F×q ). To start it, type:readlib(GF):.

Computing Galois groups over Q

In the remainder of this section, I sketch a practical method for computing Galois groupsover Q and similar fields. Recall that for a monic separable polynomial f ∈ F [X], Ff

denotes a splitting field for F , and Gf = Gal(Ff/F ) denotes the Galois group of F .Moreover, Gf permutes the roots α1, α2, . . . of f in Ff :

G ⊂ Symα1, α2, . . ..

The first result generalizes Proposition 4.4.

PROPOSITION 4.24. Let f(X) be a monic polynomial in F [X] with only simple roots,and suppose that the orbits of Gf acting on the roots of f have m1, . . . ,mr elements re-spectively. Then f factors as f = f1 · · · fr with fi irreducible of degree mi.

PROOF. Let α1, . . . , αm, m = deg f , be the roots of f(X) in Ff . The monic factors off(X) in Ff [X] correspond to subsets S of α1, . . . , αm,

S ↔ fS =∏α∈S

(X − α),

and fS is fixed under the action of Gf (and hence has coefficients in F ) if and only if Sis stable under Gf . Therefore the irreducible factors of f in F [X] are the polynomials fS

corresponding to minimal subsets S of α1, . . . , αm stable under Gf , but these subsets Sare precisely the orbits of Gf in α1, . . . , αm. 2

REMARK 4.25. Note that the proof shows the following: let α1, . . . , αm =⋃

Oi be thedecomposition of α1, . . . , αm into a disjoint union of orbits for the group Gf ; then

f =∏

fi, fi =∏


(X − αi)

is the decomposition of f into a product of irreducible polynomials in F [X].

Now suppose F is finite, with pn elements say. Then Gf is a cyclic group generated bythe Frobenius automorphism σ : x 7→ xp. When we regard σ as a permutation of the rootsof f , then distinct orbits of σ correspond to the factors in its cycle decomposition (GT 4.22).Hence, if the degrees of the distinct irreducible factors of f are m1,m2, . . . ,mr, then σ hasa cycle decomposition of type

m1 + · · ·+ mr = deg f.

15From a letter to the Notices of the AMS, February 2003 (Palfy): “full credit should be given to [Galois] forconstructing finite fields in general. In one of the few papers published during his short lifetime, entitled “Surla theorie des nombres”, which appeared in the Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques in June 1830, Galois —at that time not even nineteen years old — defined finite fields of arbitrary prime power order and establishedtheir basic properties, e.g. the existence of a primitive element. So it is fully justified when finite fields arecalled Galois fields and customarily denoted by GF (q).” True, but I prefer to use descriptive names whereverpossible.

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LEMMA 4.26. Let R be a unique factorization domain with field of fractions F , and let fbe a monic polynomial in R[X]. Let P be a prime ideal in R, and let f be the image of f in(R/P )[X]. Assume that neither f nor f has a multiple root. Then the roots α1, . . . , αm off lie in some finite extension R′ of R, and their reductions αi modulo PR′ are the roots off . Moreover Gf ⊂ Gf when both are identified with subgroups of Symα1, . . . , αm =Symα1, . . . , αm.

PROOF. Omitted — see van der Waerden, Modern Algebra, I, §61 (second edition) or ANT3.43. 2

On combining these results, we obtain the following theorem.

THEOREM 4.27 (DEDEKIND). Let f(X) ∈ Z[X] be a monic polynomial of degree m, andlet p be a prime such that f mod p has simple roots (equivalently, D(f) is not divisible byp). Suppose that f =

∏fi with fi irreducible of degree mi in Fp[X]. Then Gf contains an

element whose cycle decomposition is of type

m = m1 + · · ·+ mr.

EXAMPLE 4.28. Consider X5 − X − 1. Modulo 2, this factors as (X2 + X + 1)(X3 +X2 + 1), and modulo 3 it is irreducible. Hence Gf contains (ik)(lmn) and (12345), andso also ((ik)(lmn))3 = (ik). Therefore Gf = S5 by (4.14).

LEMMA 4.29. A transitive subgroup of H ⊂ Sn containing a transposition and an (n−1)-cycle is equal to Sn.

PROOF. After possibly renumbering, we may suppose the (n − 1)-cycle is (123 . . . n −1). Because of the transitivity, the transposition can be transformed into (in), some 1 ≤i ≤ n − 1. Conjugating (in) by (123 . . . n − 1) and its powers will transform it into(1n), (2n), . . . , (n− 1 n), and these elements obviously generate Sn. 2

EXAMPLE 4.30. Select monic polynomials of degree n, f1, f2, f3 with coefficients in Zsuch that:

(a) f1 is irreducible modulo 2;(b) f2 = (degree 1)(irreducible of degree n− 1) mod 3;(c) f3 = (irreducible of degree 2)(product of 1 or 2 irreducible polys of odd degree) mod

5.We also choose f1, f2, f3 to have only simple roots. Take

f = −15f1 + 10f2 + 6f3.

Then(i) Gf is transitive (it contains an n-cycle because f ≡ f1 mod 2);

(ii) Gf contains a cycle of length n− 1 (because f ≡ f2 mod 3);(iii) Gf contains a transposition (because f ≡ f3 mod 5, and so it contains the product of a

transposition with a commuting element of odd order; on raising this to an appropriateodd power, we are left with the transposition). Hence Gf is Sn.

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Exercises 45

The above results give the following strategy for computing the Galois group of anirreducible polynomial f ∈ Q[X]. Factor f modulo a sequence of primes p not dividingD(f) to determine the cycle types of the elements in Gf — a difficult theorem in numbertheory, the effective Chebotarev density theorem, says that if a cycle type occurs in Gf ,then this will be seen by looking modulo a set of prime numbers of positive density, andwill occur for a prime less than some bound. Now look up a table of transitive subgroupsof Sn with order divisible by n and their cycle types. If this doesn’t suffice to determine thegroup, then look at its action on the set of subsets of r roots for some r.

See, Butler and McKay, The transitive groups of degree up to eleven, Comm. Alge-bra 11 (1983), 863–911. This lists all transitive subgroups of Sn, n ≤ 11, and gives thecycle types of their elements and the orbit lengths of the subgroup acting on the r-sets ofroots. With few exceptions, these invariants are sufficient to determine the subgroup up toisomorphism.

Maple V can compute Galois groups for polynomials of degree ≤ 7 over Q. To learnthe syntax, type “?galois;”.

See also, Soicher and McKay, Computing Galois groups over the rationals, J. NumberTheory, 20 (1985) 273–281.


4-1 (*). Find the splitting field of Xm − 1 ∈ Fp[X].

4-2 (*). Find the Galois group of X4 − 2X3 − 8X − 3 over Q.

4-3 (*). Find the degree of the splitting field of X8 − 2 over Q.

4-4 (*). Give an example of a field extension E/F of degree 4 such that there does notexist a field M with F ⊂M ⊂ E, [M : F ] = 2.

4-5. List all irreducible polynomials of degree 3 over F7 in 10 seconds or less (there are112).

4-6. “It is a thought-provoking question that few graduate students would know how toapproach the question of determining the Galois group of, say,

X6 + 2X5 + 3X4 + 4X3 + 5X2 + 6X + 7.”

[over Q].(a) Can you find it?(b) Can you find it without using the “galois” command in Maple?

4-7 (*). Let f(X) = X5 + aX + b, a, b ∈ Q. Show that Gf ≈ D5 (dihedral group) if andonly if

(a) f(X) is irreducible in Q[X], and(b) the discriminant D(f) = 44a5 + 55b4 of f(X) is a square, and(c) the equation f(X) = 0 is solvable by radicals.

4-8. Show that a polynomial f of degree n =∏k

i=1 prii is irreducible over Fq if and only

if gcd(f(x), xqn/pi − x) = 1 for all i.

4-9. Let f(X) be an irreducible polynomial in Q[X] with both real and nonreal roots.Show that its Galois group is nonabelian. Can the condition that f is irreducible be dropped?

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5 Applications of Galois theory

In this section, we apply the fundamental theorem of Galois theory to obtain other resultsabout polynomials and extensions of fields.

Primitive element theorem.

Recall that a finite extension of fields E/F is simple if E = F [α] for some element α ofE. Such an α is called a primitive element of E. We shall show that (at least) all separableextensions have primitive elements.

Consider for example Q[√


3]/Q. We know (see Exercise 3-3) that its Galois groupover Q is a 4-group 〈σ, τ〉, where


2 = −√


3 =√



2 =√


3 = −√


Note thatσ(√

2 +√

3) = −√

2 +√



2 +√

3) =√




2 +√

3) = −√



These all differ from√

2 +√

3, and so only the identity element of Gal(Q[√


3]/Q)fixes the elements of Q[


3]. According to the fundamental theorem, this implies that√2 +√

3 is a primitive element:



3] = Q[√

2 +√


It is clear that this argument should work much more generally.Recall that an element α algebraic over a field F is separable over F if its minimum

polynomial over F has no multiple roots.

THEOREM 5.1. Let E = F [α1, ..., αr] be a finite extension of F , and assume that α2, ..., αr

are separable over F (but not necessarily α1). Then there is an element γ ∈ E such thatE = F [γ].

PROOF. For finite fields, we proved this in (4.17). Hence we may assume F to be infinite.It suffices to prove the statement for r = 2, for then

F [α1, α2, . . . , αr] = F [α′1, α3, . . . , αr] = F [α′′1, α4, . . . , αr] = · · · .

Thus let E = F [α, β] with β separable over F . Let f and g be the minimum polynomialsof α and β over F . Let α1 = α, . . . , αs be the roots of f in some big field containing E,and let β1 = β, β2, . . . , βt be the roots of g. For j 6= 1, βj 6= β1, and so the the equation

αi + Xβj = α1 + Xβ1,

has exactly one solution, namely, X = αi−α1β1−βj

. If we choose a c ∈ F different from any ofthese solutions (using that F is infinite), then

αi + cβj 6= α + cβ unless i = 1 = j.

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Primitive element theorem. 47

Let γ = α + cβ. Then the polynomials g(X) and f(γ − cX) have coefficients inF [γ][X], and have β as a root:

g(β) = 0, f(γ − cβ) = f(α) = 0.

In fact, β is their only common root, because we chose c so that γ − cβj 6= αi unlessi = 1 = j. Therefore

gcd(g(X), f(γ − cX)) = X − β.

Here we have computed the gcd in some field splitting fg, but we have seen (Proposition2.10) that the gcd of two polynomials has coefficients in the same field as the coefficientsof the polynomials. Hence β ∈ F [γ], and this implies that α = γ − cβ also lies in F [γ].We have shown that F [α, β] = F [γ]. 2

REMARK 5.2. When F is infinite, the proof shows that γ can be chosen to be of the form

γ = α1 + c2α2 + · · ·+ crαr, ci ∈ F.

If E is Galois over F , then an element of this form will be a primitive element provided it ismoved by every element of Gal(E/F ) except 1. These remarks make it very easy to writedown primitive elements.

Our hypotheses are minimal: if two of the α’s are not separable, then the extension neednot be simple. Before giving an example to illustrate this, we need another result.

PROPOSITION 5.3. Let E = F [γ] be a simple algebraic extension of F . Then there areonly finitely many intermediate fields M ,

F ⊂M ⊂ E.

PROOF. Let M be such a field, and let g(X) be the minimum polynomial of γ over M . LetM ′ be the subfield of E generated over F by the coefficients of g(X). Clearly M ′ ⊂ M ,but (equally clearly) g(X) is the minimum polynomial of γ over M ′. Hence

[E : M ′] = deg g = [E : M ],

and so M = M ′ — M is generated by the coefficients of g(X).Let f(X) be the minimum polynomial of γ over F . Then g(X) divides f(X) in M [X],

and hence also in E[X]. Therefore, there are only finitely many possible g’s, and conse-quently only finitely many possible M ’s. 2

REMARK 5.4. (a) Note that the proof in fact gives a description of all the intermediatefields: each is generated over F by the coefficients of a factor g(X) of f(X) in E[X]. Thecoefficients of such a g(X) are partially symmetric polynomials in the roots of f(X) (thatis, fixed by some, but not necessarily all, of the permutations of the roots).

(b) The proposition has a converse: if E is a finite extension of F and there are onlyfinitely many intermediate fields M , F ⊂ M ⊂ E, then E is a simple extension of F(see Dummit and Foote 1991, p508). This gives another proof of Theorem 5.1 in the casethat E is separable over F , because Galois theory shows that there are only finitely manyintermediate fields in this case (the Galois closure of E over F has only finitely manyintermediate fields).

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EXAMPLE 5.5. The simplest nonsimple algebraic extension is k(X, Y ) ⊃ k(Xp, Y p),where k is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p. Let F = k(Xp, Y p). Forany c ∈ k, we have

k(X, Y ) = F [X, Y ] ⊃ F [X + cY ] ⊃ F

with the degree of each extension equal to p. If

F [X + cY ] = F [X + c′Y ], c 6= c′,

then F [X + cY ] would contain both X and Y , which is impossible because [k(X, Y ) :F ] = p2. Hence there are infinitely many distinct intermediate fields.16

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

We finally prove the misnamed17 fundamental theorem of algebra.

THEOREM 5.6. The field C of complex numbers is algebraically closed.

PROOF. Define C to be the splitting field of X2 + 1 ∈ R[X], and let i be a root of X2 + 1in C; thus C = R[i]. We have to show (see 1.44) that every f(X) ∈ R[X] has a root in C.

The two facts we need to assume about R are:— Positive real numbers have square roots.— Every polynomial of odd degree with real coefficients has a real root.

Both are immediate consequences of the Intermediate Value Theorem, which says that acontinuous function on a closed interval takes every value between its maximum and mini-mum values (inclusive). (Intuitively, this says that, unlike the rationals, the real line has no“holes”.)

We first show that every element of C has a square root. Write α = a+bi, with a, b ∈ R,and choose c, d to be real numbers such that

c2 =(a +

√a2 + b2)2

, d2 =(−a +

√a2 + b2)


Then c2 − d2 = a and (2cd)2 = b2. If we choose the signs of c and d so that cd has thesame sign as b, then (c + di)2 = α and so c + di is a square root of α.

Let f(X) ∈ R[X], and let E be a splitting field for f(X)(X2 + 1) — we have to showthat E = C. Since R has characteristic zero, the polynomial is separable, and so E is Galoisover R. Let G be its Galois group, and let H be a Sylow 2-subgroup of G.

Let M = EH . Then M is of odd degree over R, and M = R[α] some α (Theorem 5.1).The minimum polynomial of α over R has odd degree and so has a root in R. It thereforehas degree 1, and so M = R and G = H .

16Zariski showed that there is even an intermediate field M that is not isomorphic to F (X, Y ), and PiotrBlass showed in his thesis (University of Michigan 1977), using the methods of algebraic geometry, that thereis an infinite sequence of intermediate fields, no two of which are isomorphic.

17Because it is not strictly a theorem in algebra: it is a statement about R whose construction is part ofanalysis (or maybe topology). In fact, I prefer the proof based on Liouville’s theorem in complex analysis tothe more algebraic proof given in the text: if f(z) is a polynomial without a root in C, then f(z)−1 will bebounded and holomorphic on the whole complex plane, and hence (by Liouville) constant. The FundamentalTheorem was quite a difficult theorem to prove. Gauss gave a proof in his doctoral dissertation in 1798 inwhich he used some geometric arguments which he didn’t justify. He gave the first rigorous proof in 1816. Theelegant argument given here is a simplification by Emil Artin of earlier proofs.

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Cyclotomic extensions 49

We now know that Gal(E/C) is a 2-group. If it is 6= 1, then it has a subgroup N ofindex 2 (GT 4.15). The field EN has degree 2 over C, and can therefore be obtained byextracting the square root of an element of C (see 3.24), but we have seen that all suchelements already lie in C. Hence EN = C, which is a contradiction. Thus E = C. 2

COROLLARY 5.7. (a) The field C is the algebraic closure of R.(b) The set of all algebraic numbers is an algebraic closure of Q.

PROOF. Part (a) is obvious from the definition of “algebraic closure” (1.43), and (b) followsfrom Corollary 1.46. 2

Cyclotomic extensions

A primitive nth root of 1 in F is an element of order n in F×. Such an element can existonly if F has characteristic 0 or characteristic p not dividing n.

PROPOSITION 5.8. Let F be a field of characteristic 0 or characteristic p not dividing n.Let E be the splitting field of Xn − 1.

(a) There exists a primitive nth root of 1 in E.(b) If ζ is a primitive nth root of 1 in E, then E = F [ζ].(c) The field E is Galois over F ; for each σ ∈ Gal(E/F ), there is an i ∈ (Z/nZ)× such

that σζ = ζi for all ζ with ζn = 1; the map σ 7→ [i] is an injective homomorphism

Gal(E/F )→ (Z/nZ)×.

PROOF. (a) The roots of Xn − 1 are distinct, because its derivative nXn−1 has only zeroas a root (here we use the condition on the characteristic), and so E contains n distinct nth

roots of 1. The nth roots of 1 form a finite subgroup of E×, and so (see Exercise 3) theyform a cyclic group. Any generator will have order n, and hence will be a primitive nth rootof 1.

(b) The roots of Xn − 1 are the powers of ζ, and F [ζ] contains them all.(c) If ζ0 is one primitive nth root of 1, then the remaining primitive nth roots of 1 are

the elements ζi0 with i relatively prime to n. Since, for any automorphism σ of E, σζ0 is

again a primitive nth root of 1, it equals ζi0 for some i relatively prime to n, and the map

σ 7→ i mod n is injective because ζ0 generates E over F . It obviously is a homomorphism.Moreover, for any other nth root of 1, ζ = ζm

0 ,

σζ = (σζ0)m = ζim0 = ζi. 2

The map σ 7→ [i] : Gal(F [ζ]/F ) → (Z/nZ)× need not be surjective. For example, ifF = C, then its image is 1, and if F = R, it is either [1] or [−1], [1]. On the otherhand, when n = p is prime, we saw in (1.41) that [Q[ζ] : Q] = p − 1, and so the map issurjective. We now prove that the map is surjective for all n when F = Q.

The polynomial Xn − 1 has some obvious factors in Q[X], namely, the polynomialsXd − 1 for any d|n. The quotient of Xn − 1 by all these factors for d < n is called the nth

cyclotomic polynomial Φn. Thus

Φn =∏

(X − ζ) (product over the primitive nth roots of 1).

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It has degree ϕ(n), the order of (Z/nZ)×. Since every nth root of 1 is a primitive dth rootof 1 for exactly one d dividing n, we see that

Xn − 1 =∏d|n


For example, Φ1(X) = X − 1, Φ2(X) = X + 1, Φ3(X) = X2 + X + 1, and

Φ6(X) =X6 − 1

(X − 1)(X + 1)(X2 + X + 1)= X2 −X + 1.

This gives an easy inductive method of computing the cyclotomic polynomials. Alterna-tively ask Maple by typing:

with(numtheory);cyclotomic(n,X);.Because Xn − 1 has coefficients in Z and is monic, every monic factor of it in Q[X]

has coefficients in Z (see 1.14). In particular, the cyclotomic polynomials lie in Z[X].

LEMMA 5.9. Let F be a field of characteristic 0 or p not dividing n, and let ζ be a primitiventh root of 1 in some extension field. The following are equivalent:

(a) the nth cyclotomic polynomial Φn is irreducible;(b) the degree [F [ζ] : F ] = ϕ(n);(c) the homomorphism

Gal(F [ζ]/F )→ (Z/nZ)×

is an isomorphism.

PROOF. Because ζ is a root of Φn, the minimum polynomial of ζ divides Φn. It is equal toit if and only if [F [ζ] : F ] = ϕ(n), which is true if and only if the injection Gal(F [ζ]/F ) →(Z/nZ)× is onto. 2

THEOREM 5.10. The nth cyclotomic polynomial Φn is irreducible in Q[X].

PROOF. Let f(X) be a monic irreducible factor of Φn in Q[X]. Its roots will be primitiventh roots of 1, and we have to show they include all primitive nth roots of 1. For this itsuffices to show that

ζ a root of f(X) =⇒ ζi a root of f(X) for all i such that gcd(i, n) = 1.

Such an i is a product of primes not dividing n, and so it suffices to show that

ζ a root of f(X) =⇒ ζp a root of f(X) for all primes p - n.

WriteΦn(X) = f(X)g(X).

Proposition 1.14 shows that f(X) and g(X) lie in Z[X]. Suppose ζ is a root of f butthat, for some prime p not dividing n, ζp is not a root of f . Then ζp is a root of g(X),g(ζp) = 0, and so ζ is a root of g(Xp). As f(X) and g(Xp) have a common root, theyhave a nontrivial common factor in Q[X] (2.10), which automatically lies in Z[X] (1.14).Write h(X) 7→ h(X) for the map Z[X] 7→ Fp[X], and note that

gcdZ[X](f(X), g(Xp)) 6= 1 =⇒ gcdFp[X](f(X), g(Xp)) 6= 1.

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Dedekind’s theorem on the independence of characters 51

But g(Xp) = g(X)p (use the mod p binomial theorem and that ap = a for all a ∈ Fp), andso f(X) and g(X) have a common factor. Hence Xn − 1, when regarded as an elementof Fp[X], has multiple roots, but we saw in the proof of Proposition 5.8 that it doesn’t.Contradiction. 2

REMARK 5.11. This proof is very old — in essence it goes back to Dedekind in 1857 —but its general scheme has recently become popular: take a statement in characteristic zero,reduce modulo p (where the statement may no longer be true), and exploit the existenceof the Frobenius automorphism a 7→ ap to obtain a proof of the original statement. Forexample, commutative algebraists use this method to prove results about commutative rings,and there are theorems about complex manifolds that were first proved by reducing thingsto characteristic p.

There are some beautiful and mysterious relations between what happens in character-istic 0 and in characteristic p. For example, let f(X1, ..., Xn) ∈ Z[X1, ..., Xn]. We can

(a) look at the solutions of f = 0 in C, and so get a topological space;(b) reduce mod p, and look at the solutions of f = 0 in Fpn .

The Weil conjectures (Weil 1949; proved in part by Grothendieck in the 1960’s and com-pletely by Deligne in 1973) assert that the Betti numbers of the space in (a) control thecardinalities of the sets in (b).

THEOREM 5.12. The regular n-gon is constructible if and only if n = 2kp1 · · · ps wherethe pi are distinct Fermat primes.

PROOF. The regular n-gon is constructible if and only if cos 2πn (or ζ = e2πi/n) is con-

structible. We know that Q[ζ] is Galois over Q, and so (according to 1.37 and 3.23) ζ isconstructible if and only if [Q[ζ] : Q] is a power of 2. But (see GT 3.10)

ϕ(n) =∏p|n

(p− 1)pn(p)−1, n =∏


and this is a power of 2 if and only if n has the required form. 2

REMARK 5.13. The final section of Gauss’s, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (1801) is titled“Equations defining sections of a Circle”. In it Gauss proves that the nth roots of 1 form acyclic group, that Xn−1 is solvable (this was before the theory of abelian groups had beendeveloped, and before Galois), and that the regular n-gon is constructible when n is as inthe Theorem. He also claimed to have proved the converse statement18. This leads somepeople to credit him with the above proof of the irreducibility of Φn, but in the absence offurther evidence, I’m sticking with Dedekind.

Dedekind’s theorem on the independence of characters

THEOREM 5.14 (DEDEKIND’S). Let F be a field, and let G be a group (monoid will do).Then any finite set χ1, . . . , χm of homomorphisms G→ F× is linearly independent overF , i.e., ∑

aiχi = 0 (as a function G→ F ) =⇒ a1 = 0, . . . , am = 0.

18“Whenever n−1 involves prime factors other than 2, we are always led to equations of higher degree....WECAN SHOW WITH ALL RIGOR THAT THESE HIGHER-DEGREE EQUATIONS CANNOT BE AVOIDEDIN ANY WAY NOR CAN THEY BE REDUCED TO LOWER-DEGREE EQUATIONS. The limits of thepresent work exclude this demonstration here, but we issue this warning lest anyone attempt to achieve geo-metric constructions for sections other than the ones suggested by our theory (e.g. sections into 7, 9, 11, 13,19, etc. parts) and so spend his time uselessly.” Ibid. §365.

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PROOF. Induction on m. For m = 1, it’s obvious. Assume it for m− 1, and suppose that,for some set χ1, . . . , χm of homomorphisms G→ F× and ai ∈ F ,

a1χ1(x) + a2χ2(x) + · · ·+ amχm(x) = 0 for all x ∈ G.

We have to show that the ai are zero. As χ1 and χ2 are distinct, they will take distinctvalues on some g ∈ G. On replacing x with gx in the equation, we find that

a1χ1(g)χ1(x) + a2χ2(g)χ2(x) + · · ·+ amχm(g)χm(x) = 0 for all x ∈ G.

On multiplying the first equation by χ1(g) and subtracting it from the second, we obtainthe equation

a′2χ2 + · · ·+ a′mχm = 0, a′i = ai(χi(g)− χ1(g)).

The induction hypothesis now shows that a′i = 0 for all i ≥ 2. Since χ2(g) − χ1(g) 6= 0,we must have a2 = 0, and the induction hypothesis shows that all the remaining ai’s arealso zero. 2

COROLLARY 5.15. Let F1 and F2 be fields, and let σ1, ..., σm be distinct homomorphismsF1 → F2. Then σ1, ..., σm are linearly independent over F2.

PROOF. Apply the theorem to χi = σi|F×1 . 2

COROLLARY 5.16. Let E be a finite separable extension of F of degree m. Let α1, . . . , αm

be a basis for E over F , and let σ1, . . . , σm be distinct F -homomorphisms from E into afield Ω. Then the matrix whose (i, j)th-entry is σiαj is invertible.

PROOF. If not, there exist ci ∈ Ω such that∑m

i=1 ciσi(αj) = 0 for all j. But∑m

i=1 ciσi : E →Ω is F -linear, and so this implies that

∑mi=1 ciσi(α) = 0 for all α ∈ E, which contradicts

Corollary 5.15. 2

The normal basis theorem

DEFINITION 5.17. Let E be a finite Galois extension of F with Galois group G. A normalbasis for E is an F -basis of the form σα | σ ∈ G, i.e., an F -basis consisting of theconjugates of an element α of E.

THEOREM 5.18 (NORMAL BASIS THEOREM). Every Galois extension has a normal basis.

PROOF. Let E/F be a Galois extension with Galois group G. We give two proofs, thefirst of which assumes that F is infinite and the second that G is cyclic. Since every Galoisextension of a finite field is cyclic (4.18), this covers all cases.

Assume that F is infinite. This has the consequence that, if f ∈ F [X1, . . . , Xm] hasthe property that f(a1, . . . , am) = 0 for all a1, . . . , am ∈ F , then f(X1, . . . , Xm) = 0. Weprove this by induction on m. For m = 1 it follows from the fact that a nonzero polynomialin one symbol has only finitely many roots. For m > 1, write

f =∑

ci(X1, . . . , Xm−1)Xim.

For any m− 1-tuple, a1, . . . , am−1,

f(a1, . . . , am−1, Xm)

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Hilbert’s Theorem 90. 53

is a polynomial in Xm having every element of F as a root. Therefore, each of its coeffi-cients is zero: ci(a1, . . . , am−1) = 0 for all i. Since this holds for all (a1, . . . , am−1), theinduction hypothesis shows that ci(X1, . . . , Xm−1) is zero.

Now number the elements of G as σ1, . . . , σm (with σ1 = 1).Let f(X1, . . . , Xm) ∈ F [X1, . . . , Xm] have the property that

f(σ1α, . . . , σmα) = 0

for all α ∈ E. For a basis α1, . . . , αm of E over F , let

g(Y1, . . . , Ym) = f(∑m


i=1Yiσ2αi, . . .).

The hypothesis on f implies that g(a1, . . . , am) = 0 for all ai ∈ F , and so g = 0. But thematrix (σiαj) is invertible (5.16). Since g is obtained from f by an invertible linear changeof variables, f can be obtained from g by the inverse linear change of variables. Thereforeit also is zero.

Write Xi = X(σi), and let A = (X(σiσj)), i.e., A is the m × m matrix havingXk in the (i, j)th place if σiσj = σk. Then det(A) is a polynomial in X1, . . . , Xm, say,det(A) = h(X1, . . . , Xm). Clearly, h(1, 0, . . . , 0) is the determinant of a matrix havingexactly one 1 in each row and each column and its remaining entries 0. Hence the rowsof the matrix are a permutation of the rows of the identity matrix, and so its determinantis ±1. In particular, h is not identically zero, and so there exists an α ∈ E× such thath(σ1α, . . . , σmα) (= det(σiσjα)) is nonzero. We shall show that σiα is a normal basis.For this, it suffices to show that σiα are linearly independent over F . Suppose∑m

j=1ajσjα = 0

for some aj ∈ F . On applying σ1, . . . , σm successively, we obtain a system of m-equations∑ajσiσjα = 0

in the m “unknowns” aj . Because this system of equations is nonsingular, the aj’s are zero.This completes the proof of the lemma in the case that F is infinite.

Now assume that G is cyclic generated, say, by an element σ0 of order n. Then [E :F ] = n. The minimum polynomial of σ0 regarded as an endomorphism of the F -vectorspace E is the monic polynomial in F [X] of least degree such that P (σ0) = 0 (as anendomorphism of E). It has the property that it divides every polynomial Q(X) ∈ F [X]such that Q(σ0) = 0. Since σn

0 = 1, P (X) divides Xn− 1. On the other hand, Dedekind’stheorem on the independence of characters (5.14) implies that 1, σ0, . . . , σ

n−10 are linearly

independent over F , and so deg P (X) > n − 1. We conclude that P (X) = Xn − 1.Therefore, as an F [X]-module with X acting as σ0, E is isomorphic to F [X]/(Xn − 1).For any generator α of E as a F [X]-module, α, σ0α, . . . , σ0α

n−1 is a F -basis for E. 2

Hilbert’s Theorem 90.

Let G be a finite group. A G-module is an abelian group M together with an action of G,i.e., a map G×M →M such that

(a) σ(m + m′) = σm + σm′ for all σ ∈ G, m, m′ ∈M ;(b) (στ)(m) = σ(τm) for all σ, τ ∈ G, m ∈M ;(c) 1m = m for all m ∈M .

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Thus, to give an action of G on M is the same as to give a homomorphism G → Aut(M)(automorphisms of M as an abelian group).

EXAMPLE 5.19. Let E be a Galois extension of F with Galois group G. Then (E,+) and(E×, ·) are G-modules.

Let M be a G-module. A crossed homomorphism is a map f : G→M such that

f(στ) = f(σ) + σf(τ) for all σ, τ ∈ G.

Note that the condition implies that f(1) = f(1 · 1) = f(1) + f(1), and so f(1) = 0.

EXAMPLE 5.20. (a) Let f : G→M be a crossed homomorphism. For any σ ∈ G,

f(σ2) = f(σ) + σf(σ),

f(σ3) = f(σ · σ2) = f(σ) + σf(σ) + σ2f(σ)· · ·

f(σn) = f(σ) + σf(σ) + · · ·+ σn−1f(σ).

Thus, if G is a cyclic group of order n generated by σ, then a crossed homomorphismf : G→M is determined by its value, x say, on σ, and x satisfies the equation

x + σx + · · ·+ σn−1x = 0, (*)

Conversely, if x ∈ M satisfies (*), then the formulas f(σi) = x + σx + · · · + σi−1xdefine a crossed homomorphism f : G → M . Thus, for a finite group G = 〈σ〉, there is aone-to-one correspondence

crossed homs f : G→M f↔f(σ)←→ x ∈M satisfying (*).

(b) For any x ∈M , we obtain a crossed homomorphism by putting

f(σ) = σx− x, all σ ∈ G.

A crossed homomorphism of this form is called a principal crossed homomorphism.(c) If G acts trivially on M , i.e., σm = m for all σ ∈ G and m ∈ M , then a crossed

homomorphism is simply a homomorphism, and there are no nonzero principal crossedhomomorphisms.

The sum and difference of two crossed homomorphisms is again a crossed homomor-phism, and the sum and difference of two principal crossed homomorphisms is again prin-cipal. Thus we can define

H1(G, M) =crossed homomorphisms

principal crossed homomorphisms

(quotient abelian group). The cohomology groups Hn(G, M) have been defined for alln ∈ N, but since this was not done until the twentieth century, it will not be discussed inthis course.

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Hilbert’s Theorem 90. 55

EXAMPLE 5.21. Let π : X → X be the universal covering space of a topological space X ,and let Γ be the group of covering transformations. Under some fairly general hypotheses,a Γ -module M will define a sheafM on X , and H1(X,M) ' H1(Γ, M). For example,when M = Z with the trivial action of Γ , this becomes the isomorphism H1(X, Z) 'H1(Γ, Z) = Hom(Γ, Z).

THEOREM 5.22. Let E be a Galois extension of F with group G; then H1(G, E×) = 0,i.e., every crossed homomorphism G→ E× is principal.

PROOF. Let f be a crossed homomorphism G → E×. In multiplicative notation, thismeans,

f(στ) = f(σ) · σ(f(τ)), σ, τ ∈ G,

and we have to find a γ ∈ E× such that f(σ) = σγγ for all σ ∈ G. Because the f(τ) are

nonzero, Corollary 5.15 implies that∑τ∈G

f(τ)τ : E → E

is not the zero map, i.e., there exists an α ∈ E such that


τ∈Gf(τ)τα 6= 0.

But then, for σ ∈ G,

σβ =∑

τ∈Gσ(f(τ)) · στ(α)


τ∈Gf(σ)−1 f(στ) · στ(α)

= f(σ)−1∑


which equals f(σ)−1β because, as τ runs over G, so also does στ . Therefore, f(σ) = βσ(β)

and we can take β = γ−1. 2

Let E be a Galois extension of F with Galois group G. We define the norm of anelement α ∈ E to be

Nm α =∏


For τ ∈ G,τ(Nm α) =


τσα = Nm α,

and so Nm α ∈ F . The map

α 7→ Nm α : E× → F×

is a obviously a homomorphism.

EXAMPLE 5.23. The norm map C× → R× is α 7→ |α|2 and the norm map Q[√

d]× → Q×

is a + b√

d 7→ a2 − db2.

We are interested in determining the kernel of the norm map. Clearly an element of theform β

τβ has norm 1, and our next result show that, for cyclic extensions, all elements withnorm 1 are of this form.

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COROLLARY 5.24 (HILBERT’S THEOREM 90). 19Let E be a finite cyclic extension of Fwith Galois group 〈σ〉; if NmE/F α = 1, then α = β/σβ for some β ∈ E.

PROOF. Let m = [E : F ]. The condition on α is that α · σα · · ·σm−1α = 1, and so (see5.20a) there is a crossed homomorphism f : 〈σ〉 → E× with f(σ) = α. Theorem 5.22 nowshows that f is principal, which means that there is a β with f(σ) = β/σβ. 2

Cyclic extensions.

We are now able to classify the cyclic extensions of degree n of a field F in the case that Fcontains n nth roots of 1.

THEOREM 5.25. Let F be a field containing a primitive nth root of 1.(a) The Galois group of Xn − a is cyclic of order dividing n.(b) Conversely, if E is cyclic of degree n over F , then there is an element β ∈ E such

that E = F [β] and βn ∈ F ; hence E is the splitting field of Xn − βn.

PROOF. (a) If α is one root of Xn− a, then the other roots are the elements of the form ζαwith ζ an n th root of 1. Hence the splitting field of Xn− a is F [α]. The map σ 7→ σα

α is aninjective homomorphism from Gal(F [α]/F ) into the cyclic group 〈ζ〉.

(b) Let ζ be a primitive nth root of 1 in F , and let σ generate Gal(E/F ). Then Nm ζ =ζn = 1, and so, according to Hilbert’s Theorem 90, there is an element β ∈ E such thatσβ = ζβ. Then σiβ = ζiβ, and so only the identity element of Gal(E/F ) fixes β — weconclude by the fundamental theorem of Galois theory that E = F [β]. On the other handσβn = ζnβn = βn, and so βn ∈ F. 2

REMARK 5.26. (a) Assume F contains a primitive nth root of 1. Then, two cyclic exten-sion F [a

1n ] and F [b

1n ] of F are isomorphic if and only if a and b generate the same subgroup

of F×/F×n.(b) The polynomial Xn−a, n ≥ 2, is irreducible in F [X] under the following condition:

a is not a pth power for any p dividing n, and, if 4|n, then a /∈ −4F 4. See Lang, Algebra,Addison-Wesley, 1965, VIII, §9, Theorem 16.

(c) If F has characteristic p (hence has no pth roots of 1 other than 1), then Xp−X−ais irreducible in F [X] unless a = bp − b for some b ∈ F , and when it is irreducible, itsGalois group is cyclic of order p (generated by α 7→ α + 1 where α is a root). Moreover,every extension of F which is cyclic of degree p is the splitting field of such a polynomial.

REMARK 5.27 (KUMMER THEORY). Theorem 5.25 and Remark 5.26a classify the cyclicextensions of F order n in the case that F contains a primitive nth root of 1. Under the sameassumption on F , it is possible to extend this to a classification of the Galois extensions ofF with abelian Galois group of exponent n (i.e., with Galois group a quotient of (Z/nZ)r

for some r).Let E be such an extension of F , and let

S(E) = a ∈ F× | a becomes an nth power in E.19This is Satz 90 in Hilbert’s book, Theorie der Algebraischen Zahlkorper, 1897. The theorem was discov-

ered by Kummer in the special case of Q[ζp]/Q, and generalized to Theorem 5.22 by E. Noether. Theorem5.22, as well as various vast generalizations of it, are also referred to as Hilbert’s Theorem 90.

For an illuminating discussion of Hilbert’s book, see the introduction to the English translation (Springer1998) written by F. Lemmermeyer and N. Schappacher.

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Proof of Galois’s solvability theorem 57

Then S(E) is a subgroup of F× containing F×n, and the map E 7→ S(E) defines a one-to-one correspondence between the abelian extensions of E of exponent n and the groupsS(E),

F× ⊃ S(E) ⊃ F×n,

such that (S(E) : F×n) < ∞. The field E is recovered from S(E) as the splitting fieldof∏

(Xn − a) (product over a set of representatives for S(E)/F×n). Moreover, there is aperfect pairing

(a, σ) 7→ σa



×Gal(E/F )→ µn (group of nth roots of 1).

In particular, [E : F ] = (S(E) : F×n). (Cf. Exercise 5 for the case n = 2.)

Proof of Galois’s solvability theorem

LEMMA 5.28. Let f ∈ F [X] be separable, and let F ′ be an extension field of F . Then theGalois group of f as an element of F ′[X] is a subgroup of that of f as an element of F [X].

PROOF. Let E′ be a splitting field for f over F ′, and let α1, . . . , αm be the roots of f(X)in E′. Then E = F [α1, ..., αm] is a splitting field of f over F . Any element of Gal(E′/F ′)permutes the αi and so maps E into itself. The map σ 7→ σ|E is an injection Gal(E′/F ′)→Gal(E/F ). 2

THEOREM 5.29. Let F be a field of characteristic 0. A polynomial in F [X] is solvable ifand only if its Galois group is solvable.

PROOF. ⇐=: Let f ∈ F [X] have solvable Galois group Gf . Let F ′ = F [ζ] where ζ is aprimitive nth root of 1 for some large n — for example, n = (deg f)! will do. The lemmashows that the Galois group G of f as an element of F ′[X] is a subgroup of Gf , and henceis also solvable (GT 6.6a). This means that there is a sequence of subgroups

G = G0 ⊃ G1 ⊃ · · · ⊃ Gm−1 ⊃ Gm = 1

such that each Gi is normal in Gi−1 and Gi−1/Gi is cyclic. Let E be a splitting field off(X) over F ′, and let Fi = EGi . We have a sequence of fields

F ⊂ F [ζ] = F ′ = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ F2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Fm = E

with Fi cyclic over Fi−1. Theorem 5.25b shows that Fi = Fi−1[αi] with α[Fi:Fi−1]i ∈ Fi−1,

each i, and this shows that f is solvable.=⇒: It suffices to show that Gf is a quotient of a solvable group (GT 6.6a). Hence it

suffices to find a solvable extension E of F such that f(X) splits in E[X].We are given that there exists a tower of fields

F = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ F2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Fm

such that(a) Fi = Fi−1[αi], αri

i ∈ Fi−1;(b) Fm contains a splitting field for f.

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Let n = r1 · · · rm, and let Ω be a field Galois over F and containing (a copy of) Fm

and a primitive nth root ζ of 1. For example, choose a primitive element γ for Fm over F(see 5.1), and take Ω to be a splitting field of g(X)(Xn − 1) where g(X) is the minimumpolynomial of γ over F .

Let G be the Galois group of Ω/F , and let E be the Galois closure of Fm[ζ] in Ω.According to (3.17a), E is the composite of the fields σFm[ζ], σ ∈ G, and so it is generatedover F by the elements

ζ, α1, α2, . . . , αm, σα1, . . . , σαm, σ′α1, . . . .

We adjoin these elements to F one by one to get a sequence of fields

F ⊂ F [ζ] ⊂ F [ζ, α1] ⊂ · · · ⊂ F ′ ⊂ F ′′ ⊂ · · · ⊂ E

in which each field F ′′ is obtained from its predecessor F ′ by adjoining an rth root ofan element of F ′ (r = r1, . . . , rm, or n). According to (5.8) and (5.25a), each of theseextensions is cyclic, and so E/F is a solvable extension. 2

The general polynomial of degree n

When we say that the roots ofaX2 + bX + c


√b2 − 4ac


we are thinking of a, b, c as variables: for any particular values of a, b, c, the formula givesthe roots of the particular equation. We shall prove in this section that there is no similarformula for the roots of the “general polynomial” of degree ≥ 5.

We define the general polynomial of degree n to be

f(X) = Xn − t1Xn−1 + · · ·+ (−1)ntn ∈ F [t1, ..., tn][X]

where the ti are variables. We shall show that, when we regard f as a polynomial in X withcoefficients in the field F (t1, . . . , tn), its Galois group is Sn. Then Theorem 5.29 provesthe above remark (at least in characteristic zero).

Symmetric polynomials

Let R be a commutative ring (with 1). A polynomial P (X1, ..., Xn) ∈ R[X1, . . . , Xn] issaid to be symmetric if it is unchanged when its variables are permuted, i.e., if

P (Xσ(1), . . . , Xσ(n)) = P (X1, . . . , Xn), all σ ∈ Sn.

For example

p1 =∑

i Xi = X1 + X2 + · · ·+ Xn,p2 =

∑i<j XiXj = X1X2 + X1X3 + · · ·+ X1Xn + X2X3 + · · ·+ Xn−1Xn,

p3 =∑

i<j<k XiXjXk, = X1X2X3 + · · ·· · ·

pr =∑

i1<···<ir Xi1 ...Xir

· · ·pn = X1X2 · · ·Xn

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The general polynomial of degree n 59

are all symmetric because pr is the sum of all monomials of degree r made up out of distinctXi’s. These particular polynomials are called the elementary symmetric polynomials.

THEOREM 5.30 (SYMMETRIC POLYNOMIALS THEOREM). Every symmetric polynomialP (X1, ..., Xn) in R[X1, ..., Xn] is equal to a polynomial in the elementary symmetric poly-nomials with coefficients in R, i.e., P ∈ R[p1, ..., pn].

PROOF. We define an ordering on the monomials in the Xi by requiring that

Xi11 Xi2

2 · · ·Xinn > Xj1

1 Xj22 · · ·X


if eitheri1 + i2 + · · ·+ in > j1 + j2 + · · ·+ jn

or equality holds and, for some s,

i1 = j1, . . . , is = js, but is+1 > js+1.

For example,X1X

32X3 > X1X

22X3 > X1X2X

23 .

Let Xk11 · · ·Xkn

n be the highest monomial occurring in P with a coefficient c 6= 0. BecauseP is symmetric, it contains all monomials obtained from Xk1

1 · · ·Xknn by permuting the

X’s. Hence k1 ≥ k2 ≥ · · · ≥ kn.The highest monomial in pi is X1 · · ·Xi, and it follows that the highest monomial in

pd11 · · · pdn

n isXd1+d2+···+dn

1 Xd2+···+dn2 · · ·Xdn

n . (∗)

Therefore the highest monomial of P (X1, . . . , Xn)− cpk1−k21 pk2−k3

2 · · · pknn is strictly less

than the highest monomial in P (X1, . . . , Xn). We can repeat this argument with the poly-nomial on the left, and after a finite number of steps, we will arrive at a representation of Pas a polynomial in p1, . . . , pn. 2

Let f(X) = Xn + a1Xn−1 + · · · + an ∈ R[X], and suppose that f splits over some

ring S containing R:f(X) =

∏ni=1(X − αi), αi ∈ S.


a1 = −p1(α1, . . . , αn), a2 = p2(α1, . . . , αn), . . . , an = ±pn(α1, . . . , αn).

Thus the elementary symmetric polynomials in the roots of f(X) lie in R, and so the theo-rem implies that every symmetric polynomial in the roots of f(X) lies in R. For example,the discriminant

D(f) =∏i<j

(αi − αj)2

of f lies in R.

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Symmetric functions

THEOREM 5.31 (SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS THEOREM). When Sn acts on E = F (X1, ..., Xn)by permuting the Xi’s, the field of invariants is F (p1, ..., pn).

FIRST PROOF. Let f ∈ F (X1, . . . , Xn) be symmetric (i.e., fixed by Sn). Set f = g/h,g, h ∈ F [X1, . . . , Xn]. The polynomials H =


σh and Hf are symmetric, andtherefore lie in F [p1, . . . , pn] (5.30). Hence their quotient f = Hf/H lies in F (p1, . . . , pn).2

SECOND PROOF. ClearlyF (p1, . . . , pn) ⊂ ESn ⊂ E.

On the one hand, [E : F (p1, . . . , pn)] ≤ n! because E is the splitting field of (T−X1) · · · (T−Xn) over F (p1, . . . , pn); on the other, [E : ESn ] ≥ n! by (2.8). 2

COROLLARY 5.32. The field F (X1, ..., Xn) is Galois over F (p1, ..., pn) with Galois groupSn (acting by permuting the Xi).

PROOF. We have shown that F (p1, . . . , pn) = F (X1, . . . , Xn)Sn , and so this follows from(3.10). 2

As we noted in the second proof, F (X1, . . . , Xn) is the splitting field over F (p1, . . . , pn)of

g(T ) = (T −X1) · · · (T −Xn) = Xn − p1Xn−1 + · · ·+ (−1)npn.

Therefore, the Galois group of g(T ) ∈ F (p1, . . . , pn)[T ] is Sn.

The general polynomial of degree n

THEOREM 5.33. The Galois group of the general polynomial of degree n is Sn.

PROOF. Let f(X) be the general polynomial of degree n,

f(X) = Xn − t1Xn−1 + · · ·+ (−1)ntn ∈ F [t1, ..., tn][X].

If we can show that the map

ti 7→ pi : F [t1, . . . , tn]→ F [p1, . . . , pn]

is injective (i.e., the pi are algebraically independent over F , see p79), then it will extend toan isomorphism

F (t1, . . . , tn)→ F (p1, . . . , pn)

sending f(X) to

g(X) = Xn − p1Xn−1 + · · ·+ (−1)npn ∈ F (p1, . . . , pn)[X].

Therefore the statement will follow from Corollary 5.32.We now prove that the pi are algebraically independent20. Suppose on the contrary

that there exists a P (t1, . . . , tn) such that P (p1, . . . , pn) = 0. Equation (∗), p59, showsthat if m1(t1, . . . , tn) and m2(t1, . . . , tn) are distinct monomials, then m1(p1, . . . , pn) andm2(p1, . . . , pn) have distinct highest monomials. Therefore, cancellation can’t occur, andso P (t1, . . . , tn) must be the zero polynomial. 2

20This can also be proved by noting that, because F (X1, . . . , Xn) is algebraic over F (p1, . . . , pn), the lattermust have transcendence degree n (see §8).

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Norms and traces 61

REMARK 5.34. Since Sn occurs as a Galois group over Q, and every finite group occursas a subgroup of some Sn, it follows that every finite group occurs as a Galois group oversome finite extension of Q, but does every finite Galois group occur as a Galois group overQ itself?

The Hilbert-Noether program for proving this was the following. Hilbert proved thatif G occurs as the Galois group of an extension E ⊃ Q(t1, ..., tn) (the ti are symbols),then it occurs infinitely often as a Galois group over Q. For the proof, realize E as thesplitting field of a polynomial f(X) ∈ k[t1, . . . , tn][X] and prove that for infinitely manyvalues of the ti, the polynomial you obtain in Q[X] has Galois group G. (This is quite adifficult theorem — see Serre, J.-P., Lectures on the Mordell-Weil Theorem, 1989, Chapter9.) Noether conjectured the following: Let G ⊂ Sn act on F (X1, ..., Xn) by permutingthe Xi; then F (X1, . . . , Xn)G ≈ F (t1, ..., tn) (for variables ti). However, Swan proved in1969 that the conjecture is false for G the cyclic group of order 47. Hence this approachcan not lead to a proof that all finite groups occur as Galois groups over Q, but it doesn’texclude other approaches. For more information on the problem, see Serre, ibid., Chapter10, and Serre, J.-P., Topics in Galois Theory, 1992.

REMARK 5.35. Take F = C, and consider the subset of Cn+1 defined by the equation

Xn − T1Xn−1 + · · ·+ (−1)nTn = 0.

It is a beautiful complex manifold S of dimension n. Consider the projection

π : S → Cn, (x, t1, . . . , tn) 7→ (t1, . . . , tn).

Its fibre over a point (a1, . . . , an) is the set of roots of the polynomial

Xn − a1Xn−1 + · · ·+ (−1)nan.

The discriminant D(f) of f(X) = Xn − T1Xn−1 + · · · + (−1)nTn is a polynomial in

C[T1, . . . , Tn]. Let ∆ be the zero set of D(f) in Cn. Then over each point of Cn r∆, thereare exactly n points of S, and S r π−1(∆) is a covering space over Cn r ∆.

A brief history

As far back as 1500 BC, the Babylonians (at least) knew a general formula for the roots ofa quadratic polynomial. Cardan (about 1515 AD) found a general formula for the roots of acubic polynomial. Ferrari (about 1545 AD) found a general formula for the roots of quarticpolynomial (he introduced the resolvent cubic, and used Cardan’s result). Over the next275 years there were many fruitless attempts to obtain similar formulas for higher degreepolynomials, until, in about 1820, Ruffini and Abel proved that there are none.

Norms and traces

Recall that, for an n× n matrix A = (aij)

Tr(A) =∑

i aii (trace of A)det(A) =


sign(σ)a1σ(1) · · · anσ(n), (determinant of A)cA(X) = det(XIn −A) (characteristic polynomial of A).

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Moreover,cA(X) = Xn − Tr(A)Xn−1 + · · ·+ (−1)n det(A).

None of these is changed when A is replaced by its conjugate UAU−1 by an invertiblematrix U . Therefore, for any endomorphism α of a finite dimensional vector space V , wecan define21

Tr(α) = Tr(A), det(α) = det(A), cα(X) = cA(X)

where A is the matrix of α with respect to any basis of V . If β is a second endomorphismof V ,

Tr(α + β) = Tr(α) + Tr(β);det(αβ) = det(α) det(β).

Now let E be a finite field extension of F of degree n. An element α of E defines anF -linear map

αL : E → E, x 7→ αx,

and we define

TrE/F (α) = Tr(αL) (trace of α)NmE/F (α) = det(αL) (norm of α)cα,E/F (X) = cαL(X) (characteristic polynomial of α).

Thus, TrE/F is a homomorphism (E,+) → (F,+), and NmE/F is a homomorphism(E×, ·)→ (F×, ·).

EXAMPLE 5.36. (a) Consider the field extension C ⊃ R. For α = a+ bi, the matrix of αL

with respect to the basis 1, i is(

a −bb a

), and so

TrC/R(α) = 2<(α), NmC/R(α) = |α|2.

(b) For a ∈ F , aL is multiplication by the scalar a. Therefore

TrE/F (a) = na , NmE/F (a) = an, ca,E/F (X) = (X − a)n

where n = [E : F ].

Let E = Q[α, i] be the splitting field of X8− 2. To compute the trace and norm of α inE, the definition requires us to compute the trace and norm of a 16 × 16 matrix. The nextproposition gives us a quicker method.

PROPOSITION 5.37. Let E/F be a finite extension of fields, and let f(X) be the minimumpolynomial of α ∈ E. Then

cα,E/F (X) = f(X)[E:F [α]].

21The coefficients of the characteristic polynomial

cα(X) = Xn + c1Xn−1 + · · ·+ cn,

of α have the following description

ci = (−1)i Tr(α|∧i

V )

— see Bourbaki, N., Algebra, Chapter 3, 8.11.

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Norms and traces 63

PROOF. Suppose first that E = F [α]. In this case, we have to show that cα(X) = f(X).Note that α 7→ αL is an injective homomorphism from E into the ring of endomorphismsof E as a vector space over F . The Cayley-Hamilton theorem shows that cα(αL) = 0, andtherefore cα(α) = 0. Hence f |cα, but they are monic of the same degree, and so they areequal.

For the general case, let β1, ..., βn be a basis for F [α] over F , and let γ1, ..., γm bea basis for E over F [α]. As we saw in the proof of (1.20), βiγk is a basis for E overF . Write αβi =

∑ajiβj . Then, according to the first case proved, A =df (aij) has

characteristic polynomial f(X). But αβiγk =∑

ajiβjγk, and so the matrix of αL withrespect to βiγk breaks up into n×n blocks with A’s down the diagonal and zero matriceselsewhere, from which it follows that cαL(X) = cA(X)m = f(X)m. 2

COROLLARY 5.38. Suppose that the roots of the minimum polynomial of α are α1, . . . , αn

(in some splitting field containing E), and that [E : F [α]] = m. Then

Tr(α) = m∑n

i=1αi, NmE/F α = (∏n

i=1αi)m .

PROOF. Write the minimum polynomial of α as

f(X) = Xn + a1Xn−1 + · · ·+ an =

∏(X − αi),

so that

a1 = −∑

αi, and

an = (−1)n∏αi.

Thencα(X) = (f(X))m = Xmn + ma1X

mn−1 + · · ·+ amn ,

so that

TrE/F (α) = −ma1 = m∑

αi, and

NmE/F (α) = (−1)mnamn = (

∏αi)m. 2

EXAMPLE 5.39. (a) Consider the extension C ⊃ R. If α ∈ C \ R, then

cα(X) = f(X) = X2 − 2<(α)X + |α|2.

If α ∈ R, then cα(X) = (X − a)2.(b) Let E be the splitting field of X8−2. Then E has degree 16 over Q and is generated

by α = 8√

2 and i =√−1 (see Exercise 16). The minimum polynomial of α is X8− 2, and

socα,Q[α]/Q(X) = X8 − 2, cα,E/Q(X) = (X8 − 2)2

TrQ[α]/Q α = 0, TrE/Q α = 0NmQ[α]/Q α = −2, NmE/Q α = 4

REMARK 5.40. Let E be a separable extension of F , and let Σ be the set of F -homomorphismsof E into an algebraic closure Ω of F . Then

TrE/F α =∑


NmE/F α =∏


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When E = F [α], this follows from 5.38 and the observation (cf. 2.1b) that the σα arethe roots of the minimum polynomial f(X) of α over F . In the general case, the σα arestill roots of f(X) in Ω, but now each root of f(X) occurs [E : F [α]] times (because eachF -homomorphism F [α]→ Ω has [E : F [α]] extensions to E). For example, if E is Galoisover F with Galois group G, then

TrE/F α =∑


NmE/F α =∏


PROPOSITION 5.41. For finite extensions E ⊃M ⊃ F , we have

TrE/M TrM/F = TrE/F ,

NmE/M NmM/F = NmE/F .

PROOF. If E is separable over F , then this can be proved fairly easily using the descriptionsin the above remark. We omit the proof in the general case. 2

PROPOSITION 5.42. Let f(X) ∈ F [X] factor as f(X) =∏m

i=1(X−αi) in some splittingfield, and let α = α1. Then, with f ′ = df

dX (formal derivative), we have

disc f(X) = (−1)m(m−1)/2 NmF [α]/F f ′(α).

PROOF. Compute that

disc f(X) df=∏i<j

(αi − αj)2

= (−1)m(m−1)/2 ·∏i

(∏j 6=i

(αi − αj))

= (−1)m(m−1)/2 ·∏i

f ′(αi)

= (−1)m(m−1)/2 NmF [α]/F (f ′(α)) (by 5.40). 2

EXAMPLE 5.43. We compute the discriminant of

f(X) = Xn + aX + b, a, b ∈ F,

assumed to be irreducible and separable, by computing the norm of

γdf= f ′(α) = nαn−1 + a, f(α) = 0.

On multiplying the equationαn + aα + b = 0

by nα−1 and rearranging, we obtain the equation

nαn−1 = −na− nbα−1.

Henceγ = nαn−1 + a = −(n− 1)a− nbα−1.

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Exercises 65

Solving for α gives

α =−nb

γ + (n− 1)a.

From the last two equations, it is clear that F [α] = F [γ], and so the minimum polynomialof γ over F has degree n also. If we write


( −nb

X + (n− 1)a


P (X)Q(X)

P (X) = (X + (n− 1)a)n − na(X + (n− 1)a)n−1 + (−1)nnnbn−1

Q(X) = (X + (n− 1)a)n/b,

thenP (γ) = f(α) ·Q(γ) = 0.


Q(γ) =(γ + (n− 1)a)n



αnb6= 0

and P (X) is monic of degree n, it must be the minimum polynomial of γ. Therefore Nm γis (−1)n times the constant term of P (X), namely,

Nm γ = nnbn−1 + (−1)n−1(n− 1)n−1an.


disc(Xn + aX + b) = (−1)n(n−1)/2(nnbn−1 + (−1)n−1(n− 1)n−1an),

which is something Maple V doesn’t know (because it doesn’t understand symbols as ex-ponents). For example,

disc(X5 + aX + b) = 55b4 + 44a5.


5-1 (*). For a ∈ Q, let Ga be the Galois group of X4 + X3 + X2 + X + a. Find integersa1, a2, a3, a4 such that i 6= j =⇒ Gai is not isomorphic go Gaj .

5-2 (*). Prove that the rational solutions a, b ∈ Q of Pythagoras’s equation a2 + b2 = 1are of the form

a =s2 − t2

s2 + t2, b =


s2 + t2, s, t ∈ Q,

and deduce that any right triangle with integer sides has sides of length

d(m2 − n2, 2mn, m2 + n2)

for some integers d, m, and n (Hint: Apply Hilbert’s Theorem 90 to the extension Q[i]/Q.)

5-3 (*). Prove that a finite extension of Q can contain only finitely many roots of 1.

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6 Algebraic closures

In this section, we prove that Zorn’s lemma implies that every field F has an algebraicclosure Ω. Recall that if F is a subfield C, then the algebraic closure of F in C is analgebraic closure of F (1.46). If F is countable, then the existence of Ω can be proved asin the finite field case (4.22), namely, the set of monic irreducible polynomials in F [X] iscountable, and so we can list them f1, f2, . . .; define Ei inductively by, E0 = F , Ei = asplitting field of fi over Ei−1; then Ω =

⋃Ei is an algebraic closure of F .

The difficulty in showing the existence of an algebraic closure of an arbitrary field F isin the set theory. Roughly speaking, we would like to take a union of a family of splittingfields indexed by the monic irreducible polynomials in F [X], but we need to find a wayof doing this that is allowed by the axioms of set theory. After reviewing the statement ofZorn’s lemma, we sketch three solutions22 to the problem.

Zorn’s lemma

DEFINITION 6.1. (a) A relation ≤ on a set S is a partial ordering if it reflexive, transitive,and anti-symmetric (a ≤ b and b ≤ a =⇒ a = b).

(b) A partial ordering is a total ordering if, for all s, t ∈ T , either s ≤ t or t ≤ s.(c) An upper bound for a subset T of a partially ordered set (S,≤) is an element s ∈ S

such that t ≤ s for all t ∈ T .(d) A maximal element of a partially ordered set S is an element s such that s ≤ s′ =⇒

s = s′.

A partially ordered set need not have any maximal elements, for example, the set offinite subsets of an infinite set is partially ordered by inclusion, but it has no maximalelements.

LEMMA 6.2 (ZORN’S). Let (S,≤) be a nonempty partially ordered set for which everytotally ordered subset has an upper bound in S. Then S has a maximal element.

Zorn’s lemma23 is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice, and hence independent of theaxioms of set theory.

REMARK 6.3. The set S of finite subsets of an infinite set doesn’t contradict Zorn’s lemma,because it contains totally ordered subsets with no upper bound in S.

The following proposition is a typical application of Zorn’s lemma — we shall use a *to signal results that depend on Zorn’s lemma (equivalently, the Axiom of Choice).

PROPOSITION 6.4 (*). Every nonzero commutative ring A has a maximal ideal (meaning,maximal among proper ideals).

22There do exist naturally occurring fields, not contained in C, that are uncountable. For example, for anyfield F there is a ring F [[T ]] of formal power series


aiTi, ai ∈ F , and its field of fractions is uncountable

even if F is finite.23The following is quoted from A.J. Berrick and M.E. Keating, An Introduction to Rings and Modules,

2000: The name of the statement, although widely used (allegedly first by Lefschetz), has attracted the attentionof historians (Campbell 1978). As a ‘maximum principle’, it was first brought to prominence, and used foralgebraic purposes in Zorn 1935, apparently in ignorance of its previous usage in topology, most notably inKuratowski 1922. Zorn attributed to Artin the realization that the ‘lemma’ is in fact equivalent to the Axiom ofChoice (see Jech 1973). Zorn’s contribution was to observe that it is more suited to algebraic applications likeours.

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First proof of the existence of algebraic closures 67

PROOF. Let S be the set of all proper ideals in A, partially ordered by inclusion. If T is atotally ordered set of ideals, then J =

⋃I∈T I is again an ideal, and it is proper because if

1 ∈ J then 1 ∈ I for some I in T , and I would not be proper. Thus J is an upper bound forT . Now Zorn’s lemma implies that S has a maximal element, which is a maximal ideal inA. 2

First proof of the existence of algebraic closures

(Bourbaki, 1959, Chap. 5 §4.)24 An F -algebra is a ring containing F as a subring. Let(Ai)i∈I be a family of commutative F -algebras, and define

⊗F Ai to be the quotient of the

F -vector space with basis∏

i∈I Ai by the subspace generated by elements of the form:(xi) + (yi)− (zi) with xj + yj = zj for one j ∈ I and xi = yi = zi for all i 6= j;(xi)− a(yi) with xj = ayj for one j ∈ I and xi = yi for all i 6= j,

(Bourbaki, 1989, Chap. II, 3.9)25. It can be made into a commutative F -algebra in anobvious fashion, and there are canonical homomorphisms Ai →

⊗F Ai of F -algebras.

For each polynomial f ∈ F [X], choose a splitting field Ef , and let Ω = (⊗

F Ef )/Mwhere M is a maximal ideal in

⊗F Ef (whose existence is ensured by Zorn’s lemma).

Note that F ⊂⊗

F Ef and M ∩ F = 0. As Ω has no ideals other than (0) and Ω, and itis a field (see 1.2). The composite of the F -homomorphisms Ef →

⊗F Ef → Ω, being

a homomorphism of fields, is injective. Since f splits in Ef , it must also split in the largerfield Ω. The algebraic closure of F in Ω is therefore an algebraic closure of F (by 1.44).

Second proof of the existence of algebraic closures

(Jacobson 1964, p144.). After (4.22) we may assume F to be infinite. This implies thatthe cardinality of any field algebraic over F is the same as that of F (ibid. p143). Choosean uncountable set Ξ of cardinality greater than that of F , and identify F with a subset ofΞ. Let S be the set triples (E,+, ·) with E ⊂ Ξ and (+, ·) a field structure on E such that(E,+, ·) contains F as a subfield and is algebraic over it. Write (E,+, ·) ≤ (E′,+′, ·′)if the first is a subfield of the second. Apply Zorn’s lemma to show that S has maximalelements, and then show that a maximal element is algebraically closed. (See ibid. p144for the details.)

Third proof of the existence of algebraic closures

(E. Artin, see Dummit and Foote 1991, 13.4). Consider the polynomial ring F [. . . , xf , . . .]in a family of symbols xf indexed by the nonconstant monic polynomials f ∈ F [X]. If 1lies in the ideal I in F [. . . , xf , . . .] generated by the polynomials f(xf ), then

g1f1(xf1) + · · ·+ gnfn(xfn) = 1 (in F [. . . , xf , . . .])

for some gi ∈ F [. . . , xf , . . .] and some nonconstant monic fi ∈ F [X]. Let F ′ be an exten-sion of F such that each fi, i = 1, . . . , n, has a root αi in F ′. Under the F -homomorphism

24Bourbaki, N., Elements de mathematique. I: Les structures fondamentales de l’analyse. Fascicule XI.Livre II: Algebre. Chapitre 4: Polynomes et fractions rationnelles. Chapitre 5: Corps commutatifs. Deuxiemeedition. Actualites Scientifiques et Industrielles, No. 1102 Hermann, Paris 1959 iv+222 pp. (2 inserts). MR 30#4751

25Bourbaki, Nicolas. Algebra. I. Chapters 1–3. Translated from the French. Reprint of the 1974 edition.Elements of Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989. xxiv+709 pp.

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F [. . . , xf , . . .]→ F ′ sendingxfi7→ αi

xf 7→ 0, f /∈ f1, . . . , fn

the above relation becomes 0 = 1. From this contradiction, we deduce that 1 does notlie in I , and so Proposition 6.4 applied to F [. . . , xf , . . .]/I shows that I is contained ina maximal ideal M of F [. . . , xf , . . .]. Let E1 = F [. . . , xf , . . .]/M . Then E1 is a fieldcontaining (a copy of) F in which every nonconstant polynomial in F [X] has at least oneroot. Repeat the process starting with E1 instead of F to obtain a field E2. Continue in thisway to obtain a sequence of fields

F = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ E2 ⊂ · · · ,

and let E =⋃

Ei. Then E is algebraically closed, because the coefficients of any noncon-stant polynomial g ∈ E[X] lie in Ei for some i, and then g has a root in Ei+1. Therefore,the algebraic closure of F in E is an algebraic closure of F (by 1.46).26

(Non)uniqueness of algebraic closures

THEOREM 6.5 (*). Let Ω be an algebraic closure of F , and let E be an algebraic extensionof F . There exists an F -homomorphism E → Ω, and, if E is also an algebraic closure ofF , then every such homomorphism is an isomorphism.

PROOF. Suppose first that E is countably generated over F , i.e., E = F [α1, ..., αn, . . .].Then we can extend the inclusion map F → Ω to F [α1] (map α1 to any root of its minimalpolynomial in Ω), then to F [α1, α2], and so on (see 2.2).

In the uncountable case, we use Zorn’s lemma. Let S be the set of pairs (M,ϕM ) withM a field F ⊂ M ⊂ E and ϕM an F -homomorphism M → Ω. Write (M,ϕM ) ≤(N,ϕN ) if M ⊂ N and ϕN |M = ϕM . This makes S into a partially ordered set. Let T bea totally ordered subset of S. Then M ′ =

⋃M∈T M is a subfield of E, and we can define

a homomorphism ϕ′ : M ′ → Ω by requiring that ϕ′(x) = ϕM (x) if x ∈ M . The pair(M ′, ϕ′) is an upper bound for T in S. Hence Zorn’s lemma gives us a maximal element(M,ϕ) in S. Suppose that M 6= E. Then there exists an element α ∈ E, α /∈ M . Since αis algebraic over M , we can apply (2.2) to extend ϕ to M [α], contradicting the maximalityof M . Hence M = E, and the proof of the first statement is complete.

If E is algebraically closed, then every polynomial f ∈ F [X] splits in E[X] and hencein ϕ(E)[X]. Let α ∈ Ω, and let f(X) be the minimum polynomial of α. Then X − α isa factor of f(X) in Ω[X], but, as we just observed, f(X) splits in ϕ(E)[X]. Because ofunique factorization, this implies that α ∈ ϕ(E). 2

The above proof is a typical application of Zorn’s lemma: once we know how to dosomething in a finite (or countable) situation, Zorn’s lemma allows us to do it in general.

REMARK 6.6. Even for a finite field F , there will exist uncountably many isomorphismsfrom one algebraic closure to a second, none of which is to be preferred over any other.Thus it is (uncountably) sloppy to say that the algebraic closure of F is unique. All one cansay is that, given two algebraic closures Ω, Ω′ of F , then, thanks to Zorn’s lemma, thereexists an F -isomorphism Ω→ Ω′.

26In fact, E is algebraic over F . To see this, note that E1 is generated by algebraic elements over F , andso is algebraic over F (apply 1.45). Similarly, E2 is algebraic over E1 and therefore also over F (see 1.31b).Continuing in this way, we find that every element of every Ei is algebraic over F .

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Separable closures 69

Separable closures

Let Ω be a field containing F , and let E be a set of intermediate fields F ⊂ E ⊂ Ω with thefollowing property:

(*) for any E1, E2 ∈ E , there exists an E ∈ E such that E1, E2 ⊂ E.

Then E(E) =⋃

E∈E E is a subfield of Ω (and we call⋃

E∈E E a directed union), because(*) implies that any finite set of elements of E(E) is contained in a common E ∈ E , andtherefore their product, sum, etc., also lie in E(E).

We apply this remark to the set of subfields E of Ω that are finite and separable over F .As the composite of any two such subfields is again finite and separable over F (cf. 3.14),we see that the union L of all such E is a subfield of Ω. We call L the separable closure ofF in Ω — clearly, it is separable over F and every element of Ω separable over F lies in L.Moreover, because a separable extension of a separable extension is separable, Ω is purelyinseparable over L.

DEFINITION 6.7. (a) A field Ω is said to be separably closed if every nonconstant separablepolynomial in Ω[X] splits in Ω.

(b) A field Ω is said to be a separable closure of a subfield F if it is separable andalgebraic over F and it is separably closed.

THEOREM 6.8 (*). (a) Every field has a separable closure.(b) Let E be a separable algebraic extension of F , and let Ω be a separable algebraic

closure of F . There exists an F -homomorphism E → Ω, and, if E is also a separableclosure of F , then every such homomorphism is an isomorphism.

PROOF. Replace “polynomial” with “separable polynomial” in the proofs of the corre-sponding theorems for algebraic closures. Alternatively, define Ω to be the separable closureof F in an algebraic closure, and apply the preceding theorems. 2

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7 Infinite Galois extensions

In this section, we make free use of Zorn’s lemma.

Topological groups

DEFINITION 7.1. A set G together with a group structure and a topology is a topologicalgroup if the maps

(g, h) 7→ gh : G×G→ G,

g 7→ g−1 : G→ G

are both continuous.

Let a be an element of a topological group G. Then aL : Gg 7→ag−−−→ G is continuous

because it is the composite of

Gg 7→(a,g)−−−−−→ G×G

(g,h) 7→gh−−−−−−→ G.

In fact, it is a homeomorphism with inverse (a−1)L. Similarly aR : g 7→ ga and g 7→ g−1

are both homeomorphisms. In particular, for any subgroup H of G, the coset aH of H isopen or closed if H is open or closed. As the complement of H in G is a union of suchcosets, this shows that H is closed if it is open, and it is open if it is closed and of finiteindex.

Recall that a neighbourhood base for a point x of a topological space X is a set ofneighbourhoods N such that every open subset U of X containing x contains an N fromN .

PROPOSITION 7.2. Let G be a topological group, and let N be a neighbourhood base forthe identity element e of G. Then27

(a) for all N1, N2 ∈ N , there exists an N ′ ∈ N such that e ∈ N ′ ⊂ N1 ∩N2;(b) for all N ∈ N , there exists an N ′ ∈ N such that N ′N ′ ⊂ N ;(c) for all N ∈ N , there exists an N ′ ∈ N such that N ′ ⊂ N−1;(d) for all N ∈ N and all g ∈ G, there exists an N ′ ∈ N such that N ′ ⊂ gNg−1;(e) for all g ∈ G, gN | N ∈ N is a neighbourhood base for g.

Conversely, if G is a group and N is a nonempty set of subsets of G satisfying (a,b,c,d),then there is a (unique) topology on G for which (e) holds.

PROOF. If N is a neighbourhood base at e in a topological group G, then (b), (c), and (d)are consequences of the continuity of (g, h) 7→ gh, g 7→ g−1, and h 7→ ghg−1 respec-tively. Moreover, (a) is a consequence of the definitions and (e) of the fact that gL is ahomeomorphism.

Conversely, let N be a nonempty collection of subsets of a group G satisfying theconditions (a)–(d). Note that (a) implies that e lies in all the N in N . Define U to bethe collection of subsets U of G such that, for every g ∈ U , there exists an N ∈ Nwith gN ⊂ U . Clearly, the empty set and G are in U , and unions of sets in U are inU . Let U1, U2 ∈ U , and let g ∈ U1 ∩ U2; by definition there exist N1, N2 ∈ N withgN1, gN2 ⊂ U ; on applying (a) we obtain an N ′ ∈ N such that gN ′ ⊂ U1 ∩ U2, which

27For subsets S and S′ of G, we set SS′ = ss′ | s ∈ S, s′ ∈ S′, and S−1 = s−1 | s ∈ S.

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The Krull topology on the Galois group 71

shows that U1 ∩ U2 ∈ U . It follows that the elements of U are the open sets of a topologyon G (and, in fact, the unique topology for which (e) holds).

We next used (b) and (d) to show that (g, g′) 7→ gg′ is continuous. Note that thesets g1N1 × g2N2 form a neighbourhood base for (g1, g2) in G × G. Therefore, givenan open U ⊂ G and a pair (g1, g2) such that g1g2 ∈ U , we have to find N1, N2 ∈ Nsuch that g1N1g2N2 ⊂ U . As U is open, there exists an N ∈ N such that g1g2N ⊂ U .Apply (b) to obtain an N ′ such that N ′N ′ ⊂ N ; then g1g2N

′N ′ ⊂ U . But g1g2N′N ′ =


2 )g2N′, and it remains to apply (d) to obtain an N1 ∈ N such that N1 ⊂


2 .Finally, we use (c) and (d) to show that g 7→ g−1 is continuous. Given an open U ⊂ G

and a g ∈ G such that g−1 ∈ U , we have to find an N ∈ N such that gN ⊂ U−1. Bydefinition, there exists an N ∈ N such that g−1N ⊂ U . Now N−1g ⊂ U−1, and we use(c) to obtain an N ′ ∈ N such that N ′g ⊂ U−1, and (d) to obtain an N ′′ ∈ N such thatgN ′′ ⊂ g(g−1N ′g) ⊂ U−1. 2

The Krull topology on the Galois group

Recall (3.9) that a finite extension Ω of F is Galois over F if it is normal and separable, i.e.,if every irreducible polynomial f ∈ F [X] having a root in Ω has deg f distinct roots in Ω.Similarly, we define an algebraic extension Ω of F to be Galois over F if it is normal andseparable. Clearly, Ω is Galois over F if and only if it is a union of finite Galois extensions.

PROPOSITION 7.3. If Ω is Galois over F , then it is Galois over any intermediate field M .

PROOF. Let f(X) be an irreducible polynomial in M [X] having a root a in Ω. The min-imum polynomial g(X) of a over F splits into distinct degree-one factors in Ω[X]. As fdivides g (in M [X]), it also must split into distinct degree-one factors in Ω[X]. 2

PROPOSITION 7.4. Let Ω be a Galois extension of F and let E be a subfield of Ω contain-ing F . Then every F -homomorphism E → Ω extends to an F -isomorphism Ω→ Ω.

PROOF. The same Zorn’s lemma argument as in the proof of Theorem 6.5 shows that everyF -homomorphism E → Ω extends to an F -homomorphism α : Ω→ Ω. Let a ∈ Ω, and letf be its minimum polynomial over F . Then Ω contains exactly deg(f) roots of f , and sotherefore does α(Ω). Hence a ∈ α(Ω), which shows that α is surjective. 2

Let Ω be a Galois extension of F , and let G = Aut(Ω/F ). For any finite subset S ofΩ, let

G(S) = σ ∈ G | σs = s for all s ∈ S.

PROPOSITION 7.5. There is a unique structure of a topological group on G for which thesets G(S) form an open neighbourhood base of 1. For this topology, the sets G(S) with SG-stable form a neighbourhood base of 1 consisting of open normal subgroups.

PROOF. We show that the collection of sets G(S) satisfies (a,b,c,d) of (7.2). It satisfies (a)because G(S1) ∩ G(S2) = G(S1 ∪ S2). It satisfies (b) and (c) because each set G(S) is agroup. Let S be a finite subset of Ω. Then F (S) is a finite extension of F , and so there areonly finitely many F -homomorphisms F (S) → Ω. Since σS = τS if σ|F (S) = τ |F (S),this shows that S =

⋃σ∈G σS is finite. Now σS = S for all σ ∈ G, and it follows that

G(S) is normal in G. Therefore, σG(S)σ−1 = G(S) ⊂ G(S), which proves (d). It alsoproves the second statement. 2

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The topology on Aut(Ω/F ) defined in the proposition is called the Krull topology. Wewrite Gal(Ω/F ) for Aut(Ω/F ) endowed with the Krull topology, and call it the Galoisgroup of Ω/F .

PROPOSITION 7.6. Let Ω be Galois over F . For any intermediate field E finite and Galoisover F , the map

σ 7→ σ|E : Gal(Ω/F )→ Gal(E/F )

is a continuous surjection (discrete topology on Gal(E/F )).

PROOF. Let σ ∈ Gal(E/F ), and regard it as an F -homomorphism E → Ω. Then σextends to an F -isomorphism Ω → Ω (see 7.4), which shows that the map is surjective.For any finite set S of generators of E over F , Gal(E/F ) = G(S), which shows that theinverse image of 1Gal(E/F ) is open in G. By homogeneity, the same is true for any elementof Gal(E/F ). 2

PROPOSITION 7.7. All Galois groups are compact and totally disconnected.28

PROOF. Let G = Gal(Ω/F ). We first show that G is Hausdorff. If σ 6= τ , then σ−1τ 6=1G, and so it moves some element of Ω, i.e., there exists an a ∈ Ω such that σ(a) 6=τ(a). For any S containing a, σG(S) and τG(S) are disjoint because their elements actdifferently on a. Hence they are disjoint open subsets of G containing σ and τ respectively.

We next show that G is compact. As we noted above, if S is a finite set stable under G,then G(S) is a normal subgroup of G, and it has finite index because it is the kernel of

G→ Sym(S).

Since every finite set is contained in a stable finite set, the argument in the last paragraphshows that the map


S finite stable under G


is injective. When we endow∏

G/G(S) with the product topology, the induced topologyon G is that for which the G(S) form an open neighbourhood base of e, i.e., it is the Krulltopology. According to the Tychonoff theorem,

∏G/G(S) is compact, and so it remains to

show that G is closed in the product. For each S1 ⊂ S2, let E(S1, S2) be the set of families(σSG(S))S in

∏G/G(S) such that

σS1 = σS2 |S1.

This is closed in∏

G/G(S) because it is the set on which two continuous maps∏

G/G(S)→G/G(S1) agree. Therefore,


E(S1, S2) is closed, but it also equals the image of G.Finally, for each finite set S stable under G, G(S) is a subgroup that is open and hence

closed. Since⋂

G(S) = 1G, this shows that the connected component of G containing1G is just 1G. By homogeneity, a similar statement is true for every element of G. 2

PROPOSITION 7.8. For any Galois extension Ω/F , ΩGal(Ω/F ) = F .

PROOF. Every element of Ω r F lies in a finite Galois extension of F , and so this followsfrom the surjectivity in Proposition 7.6. 2

28Following Bourbaki, we require compact spaces to be Hausdorff. A topological space is totally discon-nected if its connected components are the one-point sets.

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The fundamental theorem of infinite Galois theory 73

ASIDE 7.9. There is a converse to the proposition: every compact totally disconnectedgroup arises as the Galois group of some Galois extension of fields of characteristic zero(Douady, A., Cohomologie des groupes compact totalement discontinus (d’apres J. Tate),Seminaire Bourbaki 1959/60, no. 189).

The fundamental theorem of infinite Galois theory

PROPOSITION 7.10. Let Ω be Galois over F , with Galois group G.(a) The field Ω is Galois over every subfield M containing F ; moreover, Gal(Ω/M) is

closed in G, and ΩGal(Ω/M) = M .(b) For every subgroup H of G, Gal(Ω/ΩH) is the closure of H .

PROOF. (a) The first assertion was proved in (7.3). For each finite subset S ⊂M , G(S) isan open subgroup of G, and hence it is closed. But Gal(Ω/M) =

⋂S⊂M G(S), and so it

also is closed. The final statement follows from (7.8).(b) Since Gal(Ω/ΩH) contains H and is closed, it certainly contains the closure H of

H . On the other hand, let σ ∈ G r H . Then σG(S) ∩H = ∅ for some finite subset S ofΩ which we may assume to be stable under G. Now σG(S)∩H = ∅ implies σ /∈ HG(S),and so there exists an α ∈ F (S) that is fixed by H but moved by σ. This shows thatσ /∈ Gal(Ω/ΩH), as required. 2

THEOREM 7.11. Let Ω be Galois over F with Galois group G. The maps

H 7→ ΩH , M 7→ Gal(Ω/M)

are inverse bijections between the set of closed subgroups of G and the set of intermediatefields between Ω and F :

closed subgroups of G ↔ intermediate fields F ⊂M ⊂ Ω.

Moreover,(a) the correspondence is inclusion-reversing: H1 ⊃ H2 ⇐⇒ ΩH1 ⊃ ΩH2 ;(b) a closed subgroup H of G is open if and only if ΩH has finite degree over F , in which

case (G : H) = [ΩH : F ];(c) σHσ−1 ↔ σM , i.e., ΩσHσ−1

= σ(EH); Gal(E/σM) = σ Gal(E/M)σ−1;(d) a closed subgroup H of G is normal if and only if ΩH is Galois over F , in which

case Gal(Ω/ΩH) ' G/H .

PROOF. For the first statement, we have to show that H 7→ ΩH and M 7→ Gal(Ω/M) areinverse maps.

Let H be a closed subgroup of G. Then Ω is Galois over ΩH and Gal(Ω/ΩH) = H(see 7.10).

Let M be an intermediate field. Then Gal(Ω/M) is a closed subgroup of G andΩGal(Ω/M) = M (see 7.10).

(a) We have the obvious implications:

H1 ⊃ H2 =⇒ ΩH1 ⊂ ΩH2 =⇒ Gal(Ω/ΩH1) ⊃ Gal(Ω/ΩH2).

But Gal(Ω/ΩHi) = Hi (see 7.10).

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(b) As we noted earlier, a closed subgroup of finite index in a topological group isalways open. Because G is compact, conversely an open subgroup of G is always of finiteindex. Let H be such a subgroup. The map σ 7→ σ|ΩH defines a bijection

G/H → HomF (ΩH ,Ω)

(apply 7.4) from which the statement follows.(c) For τ ∈ G and α ∈ Ω, τα = α ⇐⇒ στσ−1(σα) = σα. Therefore, Gal(Ω/σM) =

σ Gal(Ω/M)σ−1 , and so σ Gal(Ω/M)σ−1 ↔ σM.

(d) Let H ↔ M . It follows from (c) that H is normal if and only if M is stable underthe action of G. But M is stable under the action of G if and only it is a union of finiteextensions of F stable under G, i.e., of finite Galois extensions of G. We have alreadyobserved that an extension is Galois if and only if it is a union of finite Galois extensions.2

REMARK 7.12. As in the finite case (3.17), we can deduce the following statements.(a) Let (Mi)i∈I be a (possibly infinite) family of intermediate fields, and let Hi ↔Mi.


Mi be the smallest field containing all the Mi; then because⋂

i∈I Hi is the largest(closed) subgroup contained in all the Hi,


Mi) =⋂i∈I


(b) Let M ↔ H . The largest (closed) normal subgroup contained in H is N =⋂σ σHσ−1 (cf. GT 4.10), and so ΩN , which is the composite of the fields σM , is the

smallest normal extension of F containing M .

PROPOSITION 7.13. Let E and L be field extensions of F con-tained in some common field. If E/F is Galois, then EL/L andE/E ∩ L are Galois, and the map

σ 7→ σ|E : Gal(EL/L)→ Gal(E/E ∩ L)

is an isomorphism of topological groups.




E ∩ L



PROOF. The proof that the map is an isomorphism of groups (neglecting the topology) isthe same as in the finite case (3.18).

We next prove it is continuous. Let G1 = Gal(EL/L) and let G2 = Gal(E/E ∩ L).For any finite set S of elements of E, the inverse image of G2(S) in G1 is G1(S).

Finally, we prove that it is open. An open subgroup of Gal(EL/L) is closed (hencecompact) of finite index; therefore its image in Gal(E/E ∩ L) is compact (hence closed)of finite index, and hence open. 2

COROLLARY 7.14. Let Ω be an algebraically closed field containing F , and let E and Lbe as in the proposition. If ρ : E → Ω and σ : L → Ω are F -homomorphisms such thatρ|E∩L = σ|E∩L, then there exists an F -homomorphism τ : EL→ Ω such that τ |E = ρand τ |L = σ.

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The fundamental theorem of infinite Galois theory 75

PROOF. According to (7.4), σ extends to an F -homomorphism s : EL→ Ω. As s|E∩L =ρ|E ∩ L, we can write s|E = ρ ε for some ε ∈ Gal(E/E ∩ L). According to theproposition, there exists a unique e ∈ Gal(EL/L) such that e|E = ε. Define τ = se−1.2

EXAMPLE 7.15. Let Ω be an algebraic closure of a finite field Fp. Then G = Gal(Ω/Fp)contains a canonical Frobenius element, σ = (a 7→ ap), and it is generated by it as atopological group, i.e., G is the closure of 〈σ〉. Endow Z with the topology for which thegroups nZ, n ≥ 1, form a fundamental system of neighbourhoods of 0. Thus two integersare close if their difference is divisible by a large integer.

As for any topological group, we can complete Z for this topology. A Cauchy sequencein Z is a sequence (ai)i≥1, ai ∈ Z, satisfying the following condition: for all n ≥ 1, thereexists an N such that ai ≡ aj mod n for i, j > N . Call a Cauchy sequence in Z trivialif ai → 0 as i → ∞, i.e., if for all n ≥ 1, there exists an N such that ai ≡ 0 mod nfor all i > N . The Cauchy sequences form a commutative group, and the trivial Cauchysequences form a subgroup. We define Z to be the quotient of the first group by the second.It has a ring structure, and the map sending m ∈ Z to the constant sequence m,m,m, . . .identifies Z with a subgroup of Z.

Let α ∈ Z be represented by the Cauchy sequence (ai). The restriction of σ to Fpn hasorder n. Therefore (σ|Fpn)ai is independent of i provided it is sufficiently large, and we candefine σα ∈ Gal(Ω/Fp) to be such that, for each n, σα|Fpn = (σ|Fpn)ai for all i sufficientlylarge (depending on n). The map α 7→ σα : Z→ Gal(Ω/Fp) is an isomorphism.

The group Z is uncountable. To most analysts, it is a little weird—its connected com-ponents are one-point sets. To number theorists it will seem quite natural — the Chineseremainder theorem implies that it is isomorphic to

∏p prime Zp where Zp is the ring of p-adic


EXAMPLE 7.16. Let Ω be the algebraic closure of Q in C; then Gal(Ω/Q) is one of themost basic, and intractable, objects in mathematics. It is expected that every finite groupoccurs as a quotient of it, and it certainly has Sn as a quotient group for every n (and everysporadic simple group, and every...) — cf. (5.34). We do understand Gal(F ab/F ) whereF ⊂ C is a finite extension of Q and F ab is the union of all finite abelian extensions of Fcontained in C. For example, Gal(Qab/Q) ≈ Z×. (This is abelian class field theory — seemy notes Class Field Theory.)

ASIDE 7.17. A simple Galois correspondence is a system consisting of two partially or-dered sets P and Q and order reversing maps f : P → Q and g : Q → P such thatgf(p) ≥ p for all p ∈ P and fg(q) ≥ q for all q ∈ Q. Then fgf = f , becausefg(fp) ≥ fp and gf(p) ≥ p implies f(gfp) ≤ f(p) for all p ∈ P . Similarly, gfg = g,and it follows that f and g define a one-to-one correspondence between the sets g(Q) andf(P ).

From a Galois extension Ω of F we get a simple Galois correspondence by takingP to be the set of subgroups of Gal(Ω/F ) and Q to be the set of subsets of Ω, and bysetting f(H) = ΩH and g(S) = G(S). Thus, to prove the one-to-one correspondencein the fundamental theorem, it suffices to identify the closed subgroups as exactly thosein the image of g and the intermediate fields as exactly those in the image of f . This isaccomplished by (7.10).

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Galois groups as inverse limits

DEFINITION 7.18. A partial ordering≤ on a set I is said to be directed, and the pair (I,≤)is called a directed set, if for all i, j ∈ I there exists a k ∈ I such that i, j ≤ k.

DEFINITION 7.19. Let (I,≤) be a directed set, and let C be a category (for example, thecategory of groups and homomorphisms, or the category of topological groups and contin-uous homomorphisms).

(a) An inverse system in C indexed by (I,≤) is a family (Ai)i∈I of objects of C togetherwith a family (pj

i : Aj → Ai)i≤j of morphisms such that pii = idAi and pj

i pkj = pk


all i ≤ j ≤ k.(b) An object A of C together with a family (pj : A → Aj)j∈I of morphisms satisfying

pji pj = pi all i ≤ j is said to be an inverse limit of the system in (a) if it has the

following universal property: for any other object B and family (qj : B → Aj) ofmorphisms such pj

i qj = qi all i ≤ j, there exists a unique morphism r : B → Asuch that pj r = qj for j,

B ..........r- A












Clearly, the inverse limit (if it exists), is uniquely determined by this condition up to aunique isomorphism. We denote it lim←−(Ai, p

ji ), or just lim←−Ai.

EXAMPLE 7.20. Let (Gi, pji : Gj → Gi) be an inverse system of groups. Let

G = (gi) ∈∏

Gi | pji (gj) = gi all i ≤ j,

and let pi : G→ Gi be the projection map. Then pji pj = pi is just the equation pj

i (gj) =gi. Let (H, qi) be a second family such that pj

i qj = qi. The image of the homomorphism

h 7→ (qi(h)) : H →∏


is contained in G, and this is the unique homomorphism H → G carrying qi to pi. Hence(G, pi) = lim←−(Gi, p

ji ).

EXAMPLE 7.21. Let (Gi, pji : Gj → Gi) be an inverse system of topological groups and

continuous homomorphisms. When endowed with the product topology,∏

Gi becomes atopological group

G = (gi) ∈∏

Gi | pji (gj) = gi all i ≤ j,

and G becomes a topological subgroup with the subspace topology. The projection mapspi are continuous. Let H be (H, qi) be a second family such that pj

i qj = qi. Thehomomorphism

h 7→ (qi(h)) : H →∏


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Nonopen subgroups of finite index 77

is continuous because its composites with projection maps are continuous (universal prop-erty of the product). Therefore H → G is continuous, and this shows that (G, pi) =lim←−(Gi, p

ji ).

EXAMPLE 7.22. Let (Gi, pji : Gj → Gi) be an inverse system of finite groups, and regard

it as an inverse system of topological groups by giving each Gi the discrete topology. Atopological group G arising as an inverse limit of such a system is said to be profinite.

If (xi) /∈ G, say pj0i0

(xj0) 6= xi0 , then

G ∩ (gj) | gj0 = xj0 , gi0 = xi0 = ∅.

As the second set is an open neighbourhood of (xi), this shows that G is closed in∏

Gi. ByTychonoff’s theorem,

∏Gi is compact, and so G is also compact. The map pi : G→ Gi is

continuous, and its kernel Ui is an open subgroup of finite index in G (hence also closed).As⋂

Ui = e, the connected component of G containing e is just e. By homogeneity,the same is true for every point of G: the connected components of G are the one-point sets— G is totally disconnected.

We have shown that a profinite group is compact and totally disconnected, and it is anexercise to prove the converse.29

EXAMPLE 7.23. Let Ω be a Galois extension of F . The composite of two finite Galoisextensions of in Ω is again a finite Galois extension, and so the finite Galois subextensionsof Ω form a directed set I . For each E in I we have a finite group Gal(E/F ), and for eachE ⊂ E′ we have a restriction homomorphism pE′

E : Gal(E′/F ) → Gal(E/F ). In thisway, we get an inverse system of finite groups (Gal(E/F ), pE′

E ) indexed by I .For each E, there is a restriction homomorphism pE : Gal(Ω/F ) → Gal(E/F ) and,

because of the universal property of inverse limits, these maps define a homomorphism

Gal(Ω/F )→ lim←−Gal(E/F ).

This map is an isomorphism of topological groups. This is a restatement of what we showedin the proof of (7.7).

Nonopen subgroups of finite index

We apply Zorn’s lemma to construct a nonopen subgroup of finite index in Gal(Qal/Q).30

LEMMA 7.24. Let V be an infinite dimensional vector space. For all n ≥ 1, there exists asubspace Vn of V such that V/Vn has dimension n.

PROOF. Zorn’s lemma shows that V contains maximal linearly independent subsets, andthen the usual argument shows that such a subset spans V , i.e., is a basis. Choose a basis,and take Vn to be the subspace spanned by the set obtained by omitting n elements fromthe basis. 2

PROPOSITION 7.25. The group Gal(Qal/Q) has nonopen normal subgroups of index 2n

for all n > 1.29More precisely, it is Exercise 3 of §7 of Chapter 3 of Bourbaki’s General Topology.30Contrast: “. . . it is not known, even when G = Gal(Q/Q), whether every subgroup of finite index in

G is open; this is one of a number of related unsolved problems, all of which appear to be very difficult.”Swinnerton-Dyer, H. P. F., A brief guide to algebraic number theory. Cambridge, 2001, p133.

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PROOF. Let E be the subfield Q[√−1,√

2, . . . ,√

p, . . .] of C. For each prime p,


2, . . . ,√


is a product of copies of Z/2Z indexed by the set primes ≤ p ∪ ∞ (see 5.27 andExercise 2-1), and so

Gal(E/Q) = lim←−Gal(Q[√−1,√

2, . . . ,√


is a direct product of copies of Z/2Z indexed by the primes l of Q (including l = ∞)endowed with the product topology. Let G = Gal(E/Q), and let

H = (al) ∈ G | al = 0 for all but finitely many l.

This is a subgroup of G (in fact, it is a direct sum of copies of Z/2Z indexed by the primesof Q), and it is dense in G because31 clearly every open subset of G contains an element ofH . We can regard G/H as vector space over F2 and apply the lemma to obtain subgroupsGn of index 2n in G containing H . If Gn is open in G, then it is closed, which contradictsthe fact that H is dense. Therefore, Gn is not open, and its inverse image in Gal(Qal/Q) isthe desired subgroup. 2

31Better, let (al) ∈ G; then the sequence

(a∞, 0, 0, 0, . . .), (a∞, a2, 0, 0, . . .), (a∞, a2, a3, 0, . . .), . . .

converges to (al).

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8 Transcendental extensions

In this section we consider fields Ω ⊃ F with Ω much bigger than F . For example, wecould have C ⊃ Q.

Algebraic independence

Elements α1, ..., αn of Ω give rise to an F -homomorphism

f 7→ f(α1, ..., αn) : F [X1, . . . , Xn]→ Ω.

If the kernel of this homomorphism is zero, then the αi are said to be algebraically inde-pendent over F , and otherwise, they are algebraically dependent over F . Thus, the αi

are algebraically dependent over F if there exists a nonzero polynomial f(X1, ..., Xn) ∈F [X1, ..., Xn] such that f(α1, ..., αn) = 0, and they are algebraically independent if

ai1,...,in ∈ F,∑

ai1,...,inαi11 ...αin

n = 0 =⇒ ai1,...,in = 0 all i1, ..., in.

Note the similarity with linear independence. In fact, if f is required to be homogeneous ofdegree 1, then the definition becomes that of linear independence.

EXAMPLE 8.1. (a) A single element α is algebraically independent over F if and only if itis transcendental over F.

(b) The complex numbers π and e are almost certainly algebraically independent overQ, but this has not been proved.

An infinite set A is algebraically independent over F if every finite subset of A isalgebraically independent; otherwise, it is algebraically dependent over F .

REMARK 8.2. If α1, ..., αn are algebraically independent over F , then

f(X1, ..., Xn) 7→ f(α1, ..., αn) : F [X1, ..., Xn]→ F [α1, ..., αn]

is an injection, and hence an isomorphism. This isomorphism then extends to the fields offractions,

Xi 7→ αi : F (X1, ..., Xn)→ F (α1, ..., αn)

In this case, F (α1, ..., αn) is called a pure transcendental extension of F . The polynomial

f(X) = Xn − α1Xn−1 + · · ·+ (−1)nαn

has Galois group Sn over F (α1, ..., αn) (5.33).

LEMMA 8.3. Let γ ∈ Ω and let A ⊂ Ω. The following conditions are equivalent:(a) γ is algebraic over F (A);(b) there exist β1, . . . , βn ∈ F (A) such that γn + β1γ

n−1 + · · ·+ βn = 0;(c) there exist β0, β1, . . . , βn ∈ F [A], not all 0, such that β0γ

n +β1γn−1 + · · ·+βn = 0;

(d) there exists an f(X1, . . . , Xm, Y ) ∈ F [X1 . . . , Xm, Y ] and α1, . . . , αm ∈ A suchthat f(α1, . . . , αm, Y ) 6= 0 but f(α1, . . . , αm, γ) = 0.

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PROOF. (a) =⇒ (b) =⇒ (c) =⇒ (a) are obvious.(d) =⇒ (c). Write f(X1, . . . , Xm, Y ) as a polynomial in Y with coefficients in the ring

F [X1, . . . , Xm],f(X1, . . . , Xm, Y ) =

∑fi(X1, . . . , Xm)Y n−i.

Then (c) holds with βi = fi(α1, . . . , αm).(c) =⇒ (d). The βi in (c) can be expressed as polynomials in a finite number of elements

α1, . . . , αm of A, say, βi = fi(α1, . . . , αm) with fi ∈ F [X1, . . . , Xm]. Then (d) holds withf =

∑fi(X1, . . . , Xm)Y n−i. 2

DEFINITION 8.4. When γ satisfies the equivalent conditions of Lemma 8.3, it is said to bealgebraically dependent on A (over F ). A set B is algebraically dependent on A if eachelement of B is algebraically dependent on A.

The theory in the remainder of this section is logically very similar to a part of linearalgebra. It is useful to keep the following correspondences in mind:

Linear algebra Transcendencelinearly independent algebraically independent

A ⊂ span(B) A algebraically dependent on B

basis transcendence basisdimension transcendence degree

Transcendence bases

THEOREM 8.5 (FUNDAMENTAL RESULT). Let A = α1, ..., αm and B = β1, ..., βnbe two subsets of Ω. Assume

(a) A is algebraically independent (over F );(b) A is algebraically dependent on B (over F ).

Then m ≤ n.

We first prove two lemmas.

LEMMA 8.6 (THE EXCHANGE PROPERTY). Let α1, ..., αm be a subset of Ω; if β is al-gebraically dependent on α1, ..., αm but not on α1, ..., αm−1, then αm is algebraicallydependent on α1, ..., αm−1, β.

PROOF. Because β is algebraically dependent on α1, . . . , αm, there exists a polynomialf(X1, ..., Xm, Y ) with coefficients in F such that

f(α1, ..., αm, Y ) 6= 0, f(α1, ..., αm, β) = 0.

Write f as a polynomial in Xm,

f(X1, ..., Xm, Y ) =∑


ai(X1, ..., Xm−1, Y )Xn−im ,

and observe that, because f(α1, . . . , αm, Y ) 6= 0, at least one of the polynomials

ai(α1, ..., αm−1, Y ),

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Transcendence bases 81

say ai0 , is not the zero polynomial. Because β is not algebraically dependent on

α1, ..., αm−1,

ai0(α1, ..., αm−1, β) 6= 0. Therefore, f(α1, ..., αm−1, Xm, β) 6= 0. Since f(α1, ..., αm, β) =0, this shows that αm is algebraically dependent on α1, ..., αm−1, β. 2

LEMMA 8.7 (TRANSITIVITY OF ALGEBRAIC DEPENDENCE). If C is algebraically depen-dent on B, and B is algebraically dependent on A, then C is algebraically dependent onA.

PROOF. The argument in the proof of Proposition 1.44 shows that if γ is algebraic over afield E which is algebraic over a field F , then γ is algebraic over F (if a1, . . . , an are thecoefficients of the minimum polynomial of γ over E, then the field F [a1, . . . , an, γ] hasfinite degree over F ). Apply this with E = F (A ∪B) and F = F (A). 2

PROOF (OF THEOREM 8.5). Let k be the number of elements that A and B have in com-mon. If k = m, then A ⊂ B, and certainly m ≤ n. Suppose that k < m, and write B =α1, ..., αk, βk+1, ..., βn. Since αk+1 is algebraically dependent on α1, ..., αk, βk+1, ..., βnbut not on α1, ..., αk, there will be a βj , k + 1 ≤ j ≤ n, such that αk+1 is algebraicallydependent on α1, ..., αk, βk+1, ..., βj but not

α1, ..., αk, βk+1, ..., βj−1.

The exchange lemma then shows that βj is algebraically dependent on

B1df= B ∪ αk+1r βj.

Therefore B is algebraically dependent on B1, and so A is algebraically dependent on B1

(by 8.7). If k + 1 < m, repeat the argument with A and B1. Eventually we’ll achievek = m, and m ≤ n. 2

DEFINITION 8.8. A transcendence basis for Ω over F is an algebraically independent setA such that Ω is algebraic over F (A).

LEMMA 8.9. If Ω is algebraic over F (A), and A is minimal among subsets of Ω with thisproperty, then it is a transcendence basis for Ω over F .

PROOF. If A is not algebraically independent, then there is an α ∈ S that is algebraicallydependent on S r α. It follows from Lemma 8.7 that Ω is algebraic over F (A r α).2

THEOREM 8.10. If there is a finite subset A ⊂ Ω such that Ω is algebraic over F (A), thenΩ has a finite transcendence basis over F . Moreover, every transcendence basis is finite,and they all have the same number of elements.

PROOF. In fact, any minimal subset A′ of A such that Ω is algebraic over F (A′) will be atranscendence basis. The second statement follows from Theorem 8.5. 2

LEMMA 8.11. Suppose that A is algebraically independent, but that A ∪ β is alge-braically dependent. Then β is algebraic over F (A).

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PROOF. The hypothesis is that there exists a nonzero polynomial

f(X1, ..., Xn, Y ) ∈ F [X1, ..., Xn, Y ]

such that f(α1, ..., αn, β) = 0, some distinct α1, ..., αn ∈ A. Because A is algebraicallyindependent, Y does occur in f . Therefore

f = g0Ym + g1Y

m−1 + · · ·+ gm, gi ∈ F [X1, ..., Xn], g0 6= 0, m ≥ 1.

As g0 6= 0 and the αi are algebraically independent, g0(α1, ..., αn) 6= 0. Because β is aroot of

f = g0(α1, ..., αn)Xm + g1(α1, ..., αn)Xm−1 + · · ·+ gm(α1, ..., αn),

it is algebraic over F (α1, ..., αn) ⊂ F (A). 2

PROPOSITION 8.12. Every maximal algebraically independent subset of Ω is a transcen-dence basis for Ω over F .

PROOF. We have to prove that Ω is algebraic over F (A) if A is maximal among alge-braically independent subsets. But the maximality implies that, for every β ∈ Ω r A,A∪β is algebraically dependent, and so the lemma shows that β is algebraic over F (A).2

Recall that (except in §7), we use an asterisk to signal a result depending on Zorn’slemma.

THEOREM 8.13 (*). Every algebraically independent subset of Ω is contained in a tran-scendence basis for Ω over F ; in particular, transcendence bases exist.

PROOF. Let S be the set of algebraically independent subsets of Ω containing the givenset. We can partially order it by inclusion. Let T be a totally ordered subset of S, and letB =

⋃A | A ∈ T. I claim that B ∈ S, i.e., that B is algebraically independent. If not,

there exists a finite subset B′ of B that is not algebraically independent. But such a subsetwill be contained in one of the sets in T , which is a contradiction. Now Zorn’s lemma showsthat there exists a maximal algebraically independent containing S, which Proposition 8.12shows to be a transcendence basis for Ω over F . 2

It is possible to show that any two (possibly infinite) transcendence bases for Ω over Fhave the same cardinality. The cardinality of a transcendence basis for Ω over F is calledthe transcendence degree of Ω over F . For example, the pure transcendental extensionF (X1, . . . , Xn) has transcendence degree n over F .

EXAMPLE 8.14. Let p1, . . . , pn be the elementary symmetric polynomials in X1, . . . , Xn.The field F (X1, . . . , Xn) is algebraic over F (p1, . . . , pn), and so p1, p2, . . . , pn containsa transcendence basis for F (X1, . . . , Xn). Because F (X1, . . . , Xn) has transcendence de-gree n, the pi’s must themselves be a transcendence basis.

EXAMPLE 8.15. Let Ω be the field of meromorphic functions on a compact complex man-ifold M .

(a) The only meromorphic functions on the Riemann sphere are the rational functionsin z. Hence, in this case, Ω is a pure transcendental extension of C of transcendence degree1.

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Luroth’s theorem 83

(b) If M is a Riemann surface, then the transcendence degree of Ω over C is 1, and Ωis a pure transcendental extension of C ⇐⇒ M is isomorphic to the Riemann sphere

(c) If M has complex dimension n, then the transcendence degree is ≤ n, with equalityholding if M is embeddable in some projective space.

PROPOSITION 8.16. Any two algebraically closed fields with the same transcendence de-gree over F are F -isomorphic.

PROOF. Choose transcendence bases A and A′ for the two fields. By assumption, thereexists a bijection A → A′, which extends uniquely to an F -isomorphism F [A] → F [A′],and hence to an F -isomorphism of the fields of fractions F (A)→ F (A′). Use this isomor-phism to identify F (A) with F (A′). Then the two fields in question are algebraic closuresof the same field, and hence are isomorphic (Theorem 6.5). 2

REMARK 8.17. Any two algebraically closed fields with the same uncountable cardinalityand the same characteristic are isomorphic. The idea of the proof is as follows. Let F andF ′ be the prime subfields of Ω and Ω′; we can identify F with F ′. Then show that when Ωis uncountable, the cardinality of Ω is the same as the cardinality of a transcendence basisover F . Finally, apply the proposition.

REMARK 8.18. What are the automorphisms of C? There are only two continuous auto-morphisms (cf. Exercise A-8 and solution). If we assume Zorn’s lemma, then it is easy toconstruct many: choose any transcendence basis A for C over Q, and choose any permu-tation α of A; then α defines an isomorphism Q(A) → Q(A) that can be extended to anautomorphism of C. Without Zorn’s lemma, there are only two, because the noncontinuousautomorphisms are nonmeasurable,32 and it is known that the Zorn’s lemma is required toconstruct nonmeasurable functions.33

Luroth’s theorem

THEOREM 8.19 (LUROTH’S THEOREM). Any subfield E of F (X) containing F but notequal to F is a pure transcendental extension of F .

PROOF. Jacobson 1964, IV 4, p157. 2

REMARK 8.20. This fails when there is more than one variable — see Zariski’s example(footnote to Remark 5.5) and Swan’s example (Remark 5.34). The best true statement isthe following: if [F (X, Y ) : E] < ∞ and F is algebraically closed of characteristic zero,then E is a pure transcendental extension of F (Theorem of Zariski, 1958).

Separating transcendence bases

Let E ⊃ F be fields with E finitely generated over F . A subset x1, . . . , xd of E is aseparating transcendence basis for E/F if it is algebraically independent over F and E isa finite separable extension of F (x1, . . . , xd).

32A fairly elementary theorem of G. Mackey says that measurable homomorphisms of Lie groups are con-tinuous (see David Witte Morris, Introduction to Arithmetic Groups,˜dave.morris/, Ap-pendix I.C).

33“We show that the existence of a non-Lebesgue measurable set cannot be proved in Zermelo-Frankel settheory (ZF) if use of the axiom of choice is disallowed...” R. Solovay, Ann. of Math., 92 (1970), 1–56.

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THEOREM 8.21. If F is perfect, then every finitely generated extension E of F admits aseparating transcendence basis F .

PROOF. If F has characteristic zero, then every transcendence basis is separating, and sothe statement becomes that of (8.10). Thus, we may assume F has characteristic p 6= 0.Because F is perfect, every polynomial in Xp

1 , . . . , Xpn with coefficients in F is a pth power

in F [X1, . . . , Xn]:


1 . . . X inpn =



i1···inXi11 . . . X in




Let E = F (x1, . . . , xn), and assume n > d + 1 where d is the transcendence de-gree of E over F . After renumbering, we may suppose that x1, . . . , xd are algebraicallyindependent (8.9). Then f(x1, . . . , xd+1) = 0 for some nonzero irreducible polynomialf(X1, . . . , Xd+1) with coefficients in F . Not all ∂f/∂Xi are zero, for otherwise f wouldbe a polynomial in Xp

1 , . . . , Xpd+1, which implies that it is a pth power. After renumber-

ing, we may suppose that ∂f/∂Xd+1 6= 0. Then F (x1, . . . , xd+1, xd+2) is algebraic overF (x1, . . . , xd) and xd+1 is separable over F (x1, . . . , xd), and so, by the primitive ele-ment theorem (5.1), there is an element y such that F (x1, . . . , xd+2) = F (x1, . . . , xd, y).Thus E is generated by n − 1 elements (as a field containing F ). After repeating theprocess, possibly several times, we will have E = F (z1, . . . , zd+1) with zd+1 separableover F (z1, . . . , zd). 2

ASIDE 8.22. In fact, we showed that E admits a separating transcendence basis with d+1elements where d is the transcendence degree. This has the following geometric interpreta-tion: every irreducible algebraic variety of dimension d over a perfect field F is birationallyequivalent with a hypersurface H in Ad+1 for which the projection (a1, . . . , ad+1) 7→(a1, . . . , ad) realizes F (H) as a finite separable extension of F (Ad) (see my notes on Al-gebraic Geometry).

Transcendental Galois theory

THEOREM 8.23 (*). Let Ω be a separably closed field and let F be a perfect subfield of Ω.If α ∈ Ω is fixed by all F -automorphisms of Ω, then α ∈ F , i.e., ΩG = F .

PROOF. Let α ∈ Ω r F . If α is transcendental over F , then it is part of a transcendencebasis A for Ω over F (see 8.13). Choose an automorphism σ of A such that σ(α) 6= α.Then σ extends to an F -automorphism of F (A), which extends to an F -automorphism ofthe separable closure Ω of F (A) (see 6.8).

If α is algebraic over F , then by infinite Galois theory (7.8) there exists an F -automorphismσ of the separable closure of F in Ω such that σ(α) 6= α. As before, σ can be extended toan F -automorphism of Ω. 2

Let Ω ⊃ F be fields and let G = Aut(Ω/F ). For any finite subset S of Ω, let

G(S) = σ ∈ G | σs = s for all s ∈ S.

Then, as in §7, the subgroups G(S) of G form a neighbourhood base for a unique topologyon G, which we again call the Krull topology. The same argument as in §7 shows that thistopology is Hausdorff (but it is not necessarily compact).

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Transcendental Galois theory 85

THEOREM 8.24. Let Ω ⊃ F be fields such that ΩG = F , G = Aut(Ω/F ).(a) For every finite extension E of F in Ω, ΩAut(Ω/E) = E.(b) The maps

H 7→ ΩH , M 7→ Aut(Ω/M) (∗)

are inverse bijections between the set of compact subgroups of G and the set of intermediatefields over which Ω is Galois (possibly infinite):

compact subgroups of G ↔ fields M such that F ⊂MGalois⊂ Ω.

(c) If there exists an M finitely generated over F such that Ω is Galois over M , then Gis locally compact, and under (∗):

open compact subgroups of G 1:1↔ fields M such that Ffintely generated

⊂ MGalois⊂ Ω.

(d) Let H be a subgroup of G, and let M = ΩH . Then the algebraic closure M1 of Mis Galois over M . If moreover H = Aut(Ω/M), then Aut(Ω/M1) is a normal subgroupof H , and σ 7→ σ|M1 maps H/ Aut(Ω/M1) isomorphically onto a dense subgroup ofAut(M1/M).

PROOF. See 6.3 of Shimura, Goro., Introduction to the arithmetic theory of automorphicfunctions. Princeton, 1971. 2

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A Review exercises

A-1. Let p be a prime number, and let m and n be positive integers.(a) Give necessary and sufficient conditions on m and n for Fpn to have a subfield iso-

morphic with Fpm . Prove your answer.(b) If there is such a subfield, how many subfields isomorphic with Fpm are there, and


A-2. Show that the Galois group of the splitting field F of X3 − 7 over Q is isomorphicto S3, and exhibit the fields between Q and F . Which of the fields between Q and F arenormal over Q?

A-3. Prove that the two fields Q[√

7] and Q[√

11] are not isomorphic.

A-4. (a) Prove that the multiplicative group of all nonzero elements in a finite field iscyclic.

(b) Construct explicitly a field of order 9, and exhibit a generator for its multiplicativegroup.

A-5. Let X be transcendental over a field F , and let E be a subfield of F (X) properlycontaining F . Prove that X is algebraic over E.

A-6. Prove as directly as you can that if ζ is a primitive pth root of 1, p prime, then theGalois group of Q[ζ] over Q is cyclic of order p− 1.

A-7. Let G be the Galois group of the polynomial X5 − 2 over Q.(a) Determine the order of G.(b) Determine whether G is abelian.(c) Determine whether G is solvable.

A-8. (a) Show that every field homomorphism from R to R is bijective.(b) Prove that C is isomorphic to infinitely many different subfields of itself.

A-9. Let F be a field with 16 elements. How many roots in F does each of the followingpolynomials have? X3 − 1; X4 − 1; X15 − 1; X17 − 1.

A-10. Find the degree of a splitting field of the polynomial (X3 − 5)(X3 − 7) over Q.

A-11. Find the Galois group of the polynomial X6 − 5 over each of the fields Q and R.

A-12. The coefficients of a polynomial f(X) are algebraic over a field F . Show that f(X)divides some nonzero polynomial g(X) with coefficients in F .

A-13. Let f(X) be a polynomial in F [X] of degree n, and let E be a splitting field of f .Show that [E : F ] divides n!.

A-14. Find a primitive element for the field Q[√


7] over Q, i.e., an element such thatQ[√


7] = Q[α].

A-15. Let G be the Galois group of (X4 − 2)(X3 − 5) over Q.

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(a) Give a set of generators for G, as well as a set of defining relations.(b) What is the structure of G as an abstract group (is it cyclic, dihedral, alternating,

symmetric, etc.)?

A-16. Let F be a finite field of characteristic 6= 2. Prove that X2 = −1 has a solution inF if and only if #F ≡ 1 mod 4.

A-17. Let E be the splitting field over Q of (X2 − 2)(X2 − 5)(X2 − 7). Find an elementα in E such that E = Q[α]. (You must prove that E = Q[α].)

A-18. Let E be a Galois extension of F with Galois group Sn, n > 1 not prime. Let H1

be the subgroup of Sn of elements fixing 1, and let H2 be the subgroup generated by thecycle (123 . . . n). Let Ei = EHi , i = 1, 2. Find the degrees of E1, E2, E1 ∩E2, and E1E2

over F . Show that there exists a field M such that F ⊂ M ⊂ E2, M 6= F , M 6= E2, butthat no such field exists for E1.

A-19. Let ζ be a primitive 12th root of 1 over Q. How many fields are there strictly betweenQ[ζ3] and Q[ζ].

A-20. For the polynomial X3 − 3, find explicitly its splitting field over Q and elementsthat generate its Galois group.

A-21. Let E = Q[ζ], ζ5 = 1, ζ 6= 1. Show that i /∈ E, and that if L = E[i], then −1 is anorm from L to E. Here i =


A-22. Let E be an extension field of F , and let Ω be an algebraic closure of E. Letσ1, . . . , σn be distinct F -isomorphisms E → Ω.

(a) Show that σ1, . . . , σn are linearly dependent over Ω.(b) Show that [E : F ] ≥ m.(c) Let F have characteristic p > 0, and let L be a subfield of Ω containing E and

such that ap ∈ E for all a ∈ L. Show that each σi has a unique extension to ahomomorphism σ′i : L→ Ω.

A-23. Identify the Galois group of the splitting field K of X4 − 3 over Q. Determine thenumber of quadratic subfields.

A-24. Let F be a subfield of a finite field E. Prove that the trace map T = TrE/F and thenorm map N = NmE/F of E over F both map E onto F . (You may quote basic propertiesof finite fields and the trace and norm.)

A-25. Prove or disprove by counterexample.(a) If L/K is an extension of fields of degree 2, then there is an automorphism σ of L

such that K is the fixed field of σ.(b) The same as (a) except that L is also given to be finite.

A-26. A finite Galois extension L of a field K has degree 8100. Show that there is a fieldF with K ⊂ F ⊂ L such that [F : K] = 100.

A-27. An algebraic extension L of a field K of characteristic 0 is generated by an elementθ that is a root of both of the polynomials X3 − 1 and X4 + X2 + 1. Given that L 6= K,find the minimum polynomial of θ.

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A-28. Let F/Q be a Galois extension of degree 3n, n ≥ 1. Prove that there is a chain offields

Q = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ · · ·Fn = F

such that for every i, 0 ≤ i ≤ n− 1, [Fi+1 : Fi] = 3.

A-29. Let L be the splitting field over Q of an equation of degree 5 with distinct roots.Suppose that L has an automorphism that fixes three of these roots while interchanging theother two and also an automorphism α 6= 1 of order 5.

(a) Prove that the group of automorphisms of L is the symmetric group on 5 elements.(b) How many proper subfields of L are normal extensions of Q? For each such field F ,

what is [F : Q]?

A-30. If L/K is a separable algebraic field extension of finite degree d, show that thenumber of fields between K and L is at most 2d!.

A-31. Let K be the splitting field over Q of X5−1. Describe the Galois group Gal(K/Q)of K over Q, and show that K has exactly one subfield of degree 2 over Q, namely, Q[ζ +ζ4], ζ 6= 1 a root of X5 − 1. Find the minimum polynomial of ζ + ζ4 over Q. FindGal(L/Q) when L is the splitting field over Q of

(a) (X2 − 5)(X5 − 1);(b) (X2 + 3)(X5 − 1).

A-32. Let Ω1 and Ω2 be algebraically closed fields of transcendence degree 5 over Q, andlet α : Ω1 → Ω2 be a homomorphism (in particular, α(1) = 1). Show that α is a bijection.(State carefully any theorems you use.)

A-33. Find the group of Q-automorphisms of the field k = Q[√−3,√−2].

A-34. Prove that the polynomial f(X) = X3 − 5 is irreducible over the field Q[√

7]. IfL is the splitting field of f(X) over Q[

√7], prove that the Galois group of L/Q[

√7] is

isomorphic to S3. Prove that there must exist a subfield K of L such that the Galois groupof L/K is cyclic of order 3.

A-35. Identify the Galois group G of the polynomial f(X) = X5−6X4+3 over F , when(a) F = Q and when (b) F = F2. In each case, if E is the splitting field of f(X) over F ,determine how many fields K there are such that E ⊃ K ⊃ F with [K : F ] = 2.

A-36. Let K be a field of characteristic p, say with pn elements, and let θ be the au-tomorphism of K that maps every element to its pth power. Show that there exists anautomorphism α of K such that θα2 = 1 if and only if n is odd.

A-37. Describe the splitting field and Galois group, over Q, of the polynomial X5 − 9.

A-38. Suppose that E is a Galois field extension of a field F such that [E : F ] = 53 ·(43)2.Prove that there exist fields K1 and K2 lying strictly between F and E with the followingproperties: (i) each Ki is a Galois extension of F ; (ii) K1 ∩K2 = F ; and (iii) K1K2 = E.

A-39. Let F = Fp for some prime p. Let m be a positive integer not divisible by p, andlet K be the splitting field of Xm − 1. Find [K : F ] and prove that your answer is correct.

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A-40. Let F be a field of 81 elements. For each of the following polynomials g(X),determine the number of roots of g(X) that lie in F : X80 − 1, X81 − 1, X88 − 1.

A-41. Describe the Galois group of the polynomial X6 − 7 over Q.

A-42. Let K be a field of characteristic p > 0 and let F = K(u, v) be a field extension ofdegree p2 such that up ∈ K and vp ∈ K. Prove that K is not finite, that F is not a simpleextension of K, and that there exist infinitely many intermediate fields F ⊃ L ⊃ K.

A-43. Find the splitting field and Galois group of the polynomial X3 − 5 over the fieldQ[√


A-44. For any prime p, find the Galois group over Q of the polynomial X5 − 5p4X + p.

A-45. Factorize X4 + 1 over each of the finite fields (a) F5; (b) F25; and (c) F125. Find itssplitting field in each case.

A-46. Let Q[α] be a field of finite degree over Q. Assume that there is a q ∈ Q, q 6= 0,such that |ρ(α)| = q for all homomorphisms ρ : Q[α] → C. Show that the set of rootsof the minimum polynomial of α is the same as that of q2/α. Deduce that there exists anautomorphism σ of Q[α] such that

(a) σ2 = 1 and(b) ρ(σγ) = ρ(γ) for all γ ∈ Q[α] and ρ : Q[α]→ C.

A-47. Let F be a field of characteristic zero, and let p be a prime number. Suppose thatF has the property that all irreducible polynomials f(X) ∈ F [X] have degree a power ofp (1 = p0 is allowed). Show that every equation g(X) = 0, g ∈ F [X], is solvable byextracting radicals.

A-48. Let K = Q[√

5,√−7] and let L be the splitting field over Q of f(X) = X3 − 10.

(a) Determine the Galois groups of K and L over Q.(b) Decide whether K contains a root of f .(c) Determine the degree of the field K ∩ L over Q.

[Assume all fields are subfields of C.]

A-49. Find the splitting field (over Fp) of Xpr −X ∈ Fp[X], and deduce that Xpr −Xhas an irreducible factor f ∈ Fp[X] of degree r. Let g(X) ∈ Z[X] be a monic polynomialthat becomes equal to f(X) when its coefficients are read modulo p. Show that g(X) isirreducible in Q[X].

A-50. Let E be the splitting field of X3 − 51 over Q. List all the subfields of E, and findan element γ of E such that E = Q[γ].

A-51. Let k = F1024 be the field with 1024 elements, and let K be an extension of k ofdegree 2. Prove that there is a unique automorphism σ of K of order 2 which leaves kelementwise fixed and determine the number of elements of K× such that σ(x) = x−1.

A-52. Let F and E be finite fields of the same characteristic. Prove or disprove thesestatements:

(a) There is a ring homomorphism of F into E if and only if #E is a power of #F .

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(b) There is an injective group homomorphism of the multiplicative group of F into themultiplicative group of E if and only if #E is a power of #F .

A-53. Let L/K be an algebraic extension of fields. Prove that L is algebraically closed ifevery polynomial over K factors completely over L.

A-54. Let K be a field, and let M = K(X), X an indeterminate. Let L be an intermediatefield different from K. Prove that M is finite-dimensional over L.

A-55. Let θ1, θ2, θ3 be the roots of the polynomial f(X) = X3 + X2 − 9X + 1.(a) Show that the θi are real, nonrational, and distinct.(b) Explain why the Galois group of f(X) over Q must be either A3 or S3. Without

carrying it out, give a brief description of a method for deciding which it is.(c) Show that the rows of the matrix

3 9 9 93 θ1 θ2 θ3

3 θ2 θ3 θ1

3 θ3 θ1 θ2

are pairwise orthogonal; compute their lengths, and compute the determinant of thematrix.

A-56. Let E/K be a Galois extension of degree p2q where p and q are primes, q < p andq not dividing p2 − 1. Prove that:

(a) there exist intermediate fields L and M such that [L : K] = p2 and [M : K] = q;(b) such fields L and M must be Galois over K; and(c) the Galois group of E/K must be abelian.

A-57. Let ζ be a primitive 7th root of 1 (in C).(a) Prove that 1+X +X2 +X3 +X4 +X5 +X6 is the minimum polynomial of ζ over

Q.(b) Find the minimum polynomial of ζ + 1

ζ over Q.

A-58. Find the degree over Q of the Galois closure K of Q[214 ] and determine the isomor-

phism class of Gal(K/Q).

A-59. Let p, q be distinct positive prime numbers, and consider the extension K = Q[√


q] ⊃Q.

(a) Prove that the Galois group is isomorphic to C2 × C2.(b) Prove that every subfield of K of degree 2 over Q is of the form Q[

√m] where

m ∈ p, q, pq.(c) Show that there is an element γ ∈ K such that K = Q[γ].

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B Two-hour Examination

1. (a) Let σ be an automorphism of a field E. If σ4 = 1 and

σ(α) + σ3(α) = α + σ2(α) all α ∈ E,

show that σ2 = 1.(b) Let p be a prime number and let a, b be rational numbers such that a2 + pb2 = 1. Showthat there exist rational numbers c, d such that a = c2+pd2

c2−pd2 and b = 2cdc2−pd2 .

2. Let f(X) be an irreducible polynomial of degree 4 in Q[X], and let g(X) be the resolventcubic of f . What is the relation between the Galois group of f and that of g? Find the Galoisgroup of f if

(a) g(X) = X3 − 3X + 1;(b) g(X) = X3 + 3X + 1.

3. (a) How many monic irreducible factors does X255−1 ∈ F2[X] have, and what are theirdegrees.(b) How many monic irreducible factors does X255 − 1 ∈ Q[X] have, and what are theirdegrees?

4. Let E be the splitting field of (X5 − 3)(X5 − 7) ∈ Q[X]. What is the degree of E overQ? How many proper subfields of E are there that are not contained in the splitting fieldsof both X5 − 3 and X5 − 7?[You may assume that 7 is not a 5th power in the splitting field of X5 − 3.]

5. Consider an extension Ω ⊃ F of fields. Define a ∈ Ω to be F -constructible if it iscontained in a field of the form

F [√

a1, . . . ,√

an], ai ∈ F [√

a1, . . . ,√


Assume Ω is a finite Galois extension of F and construct a field E, F ⊂ E ⊂ Ω, such thatevery a ∈ Ω is E-constructible and E is minimal with this property.

6. Let Ω be an extension field of a field F . Show that every F -homomorphism Ω → Ω isan isomorphism provided:

(a) Ω is algebraically closed, and(b) Ω has finite transcendence degree over F .

Can either of the conditions (i) or (ii) be dropped? (Either prove, or give a counterex-ample.)

You should prove all answers. You may use results proved in class or in the notes, but youshould indicate clearly what you are using.

Possibly useful facts: The discriminant of X3 +aX +b is−4a3−27b2 and 28−1 = 255 =3× 5× 17.

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C Solutions to the Exercises

These solutions fall somewhere between hints and complete solutions. Students were ex-pected to write out complete solutions.1-1. Similar to Example 1.28.

1-2. Verify that 3 is not a square in Q[√

2], and so [Q[√


3] : Q] = 4.

1-3. (a) Apply the division algorithm, to get f(X) = q(X)(X − a) + r(X) with r(X)constant, and put X = a to find r = f(a).(c) Use that factorization in F [X] is unique (or use induction on the degree of f ).(d) If G had two cyclic factors C and C ′ whose orders were divisible by a prime p, then Gwould have (at least) p2 elements of order dividing p. This doesn’t happen, and it followsthat G is cyclic.(e) The elements of order m in F× are the roots of the polynomial Xm − 1, and so thereare at most m of them. Hence any finite subgroup G of F× satisfies the condition in (d).

1-4. Note that it suffices to construct α = cos 2π7 , and that [Q[α] : Q] = 7−1

2 = 3, andso its minimum polynomial has degree 3. There is a standard method (once taught in highschools) for solving cubics using the equation

cos 3θ = 4 cos3 θ − 3 cos θ.

By “completing the cube”, reduce the cubic to the form X3 − pX − q. Then construct aso that a2 = 4p

3 . Choose 3θ such that cos 3θ = 4qa3 . If β = cos θ is a solution of the above

equation, then α = aβ will be a root of X3 − pX − q.

2-1. (a) is obvious, as is the “only if” in (b). For the “if” note that for any a ∈ S(E),a /∈ F 2, E ≈ F [X]/(X2 − a).

(c) Take Ei = Q[√

pi] with pi the ith prime. Check that pi is the only prime thatbecomes a square in Ei. For this use that (a + b

√p)2 ∈ Q =⇒ 2ab = 0.

(d) Any field of characteristic p contains (an isomorphic copy of) Fp, and so we arelooking at the quadratic extensions of Fp. The homomorphism a 7→ a2 : F×p → F×phas kernel ±1, and so its image has index 2 in F×p . Thus the only possibility for S(E)is F×p , and so there is at most one E (up to Fp-isomorphism). To get one, take E =F [X]/(X2 − a), a /∈ F2


2-2. (a) If α is a root of f(X) = Xp −X − a (in some splitting field), then the remainingroots are α+1, . . . , α+p−1, which obviously lie in whichever field contains α. Moreover,they are distinct. Suppose that, in F [X],

f(X) = (Xr + a1Xr−1 + · · ·+ ar)(Xp−r + · · · ), 0 < r < p.

Then −a1 is a sum of r of the roots of f , −a1 = rα + d some d ∈ Z · 1F , and it followsthat α ∈ F .

(b) As 0 and 1 are not roots of Xp−X−1 in Fp it can’t have p distinct roots in Fp, andso (a) implies that Xp − X − 1 is irreducible in Fp[X] and hence also in Z[X] and Q[X](see 1.18, 1.13).

2-3. Let α be the real 5th root of 2. Eisenstein’s criterion shows that X5 − 2 is irre-ducible in Q[X], and so Q[ 5

√2] has degree 5 over Q. The remaining roots of X5 − 2 are

ζα, ζ2α, ζ3α, ζ4α, where ζ is a primitive 5th root of 1. It follows that the subfield of C

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generated by the roots of X5 − 2 is Q[ζ, α]. The degree of Q[ζ, α] is 20, since it must bedivisible by [Q[ζ] : Q] = 4 and [Q[α] : Q] = 5.

2-4. It’s Fp because Xpm − 1 = (X − 1)pm . (Perhaps I meant Xpm − X — that wouldhave been more interesting.)

2-5. If f(X) =∏

(X − αi)mi , αi 6= αj , then

f ′(X) =∑


X − αi

and so d(X) =∏

mi>1(X − αi)mi−1. Therefore g(X) =∏

(X − αi).

2-6. From (2.12) we know that either f is separable or f(X) = f1(Xp) for some polyno-mial f1. Clearly f1 is also irreducible. If f1 is not separable, it can be written f1(X) =f2(Xp). Continue in the way until you arrive at a separable polynomial. For the final state-ment, note that g(X) =

∏(X−ai), ai 6= aj , and so f(X) = g(Xpe

) =∏



i = ai.

3-1. Let σ and τ be automorphisms of F (X) given by σ(X) = −X and τ(X) = 1 −X .Then σ and τ fix X2 and X2−X respectively, and so στ fixes E =df F (X)∩F (X2−X).But ατX = 1 + X , and so (στ)m(X) = m + X . Thus Aut(F (X)/E) is infinite, whichimplies that [F (X) : E] is infinite (otherwise F (X) = E[α1, . . . , αn]; an E-automorphismof F (X) is determined by its values on the αi, and its value on αi is a root of the minimumpolynomial of αi). If E contains a polynomial f(X) of degree m > 0, then [F (X) : E] ≤[F (X) : F (f(X))] = m — contradiction.

3-2. Since 1 + ζ + · · · + ζp−1 = 0, we have α + β = −1. If i ∈ H , then iH = H andi(G r H) = G r H , and so α and β are fixed by H . If j ∈ G r H , then jH = G r H andj(G r H) = H , and so jα = β and jβ = α. Hence αβ ∈ Q, and α and β are the roots ofX2 + X + αβ. Note that

αβ =∑i,j

ζi+j , i ∈ H, j ∈ G r H.

How many times do we have i+j = 0? If i+j = 0, then−1 = i−1j, which is a nonsquare;conversely, if −1 is a nonsquare, take i = 1 and j = −1 to get i + j = 0. Hence

i+ j = 0 some i ∈ H, j ∈ G r H ⇐⇒ −1 is a square mod p ⇐⇒ p ≡ −1 mod 4.

If we do have a solution to i + j = 0, we get all solutions by multiplying it through by thep−12 squares. So in the sum for αβ we see 1 a total of p−1

2 times when p ≡ 3 mod 4 and notat all if p ≡ 1 mod 4. In either case, the remaining terms add to a rational number, whichimplies that each power of ζ occurs the same number of times. Thus for p ≡ 1 mod 4,αβ = −(p−1

2 )2/(p − 1) = p−14 ; the polynomial satisfied by α and β is X2 + X − p−1

4 ,whose roots are (−1±

√1 + p− 1)/2; the fixed field of H is Q[

√p]. For p ≡ −1 mod 4,

αβ = p−12 + (−1)


2 )2 − p−12

)/(p − 1) = p−1

2 −p−34 = p+1

4 ; the polynomial is

X2 + X + p−14 , with roots (−1±

√1− p− 1)/2; the fixed field of H is Q[


3-3. (a) It is easy to see that M is Galois over Q with Galois group 〈σ, τ〉:σ√

2 = −√


3 =√



2 =√


3 = −√


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(b) We have




22 +√




4− 2=




= (√

2− 1)2,

i.e., σα2 = ((√

2− 1)α)2. Thus, if α ∈M , then σα = ±(√

2− 1)α, and

σ2α = (−√

2− 1)(√

2− 1)α = −α;

as σ2α = α 6= 0, this is impossible. Hence α /∈M , and so [E : Q] = 8.Extend σ to an automorphism (also denoted σ) of E. Again σα = ±(

√2 − 1)α and

σ2α = −α, and so σ2 6= 1. Now σ4α = α, σ4|M = 1, and so we can conclude that σ hasorder 4. After possibly replacing σ with its inverse, we may suppose that σα = (

√2− 1)α.

Repeat the above argument with τ : τα2

α2 = 3−√





)2, and so we can extend τ to

an automorphism of L (also denoted τ ) with τα = 3−√


α. The order of τ is 4.Finally compute that

στα =3−√



2− 1)α; τσα = (√

2− 1)3−√



Hence στ 6= τσ, and Gal(E/Q) has two noncommuting elements of order 4. Since it hasorder 8, it must be the quaternion group.

4-1. The splitting field is the smallest field containing all mth roots of 1. Hence it is Fpn

where n is the smallest positive integer such that m0|pn − 1, m = m0pr.

4-2. We have X4 − 2X3 − 8X − 3 = (X3 + X2 + 3X + 1)(X − 3), and g(X) =X3 +X2 +3X +1 is irreducible over Q (use 1.4??), and so its Galois group is either A3 orS3. Either check that its discriminant is not a square or, more simply, show by examining itsgraph that g(X) has only one real root, and hence its Galois group contains a transposition(cf. the proof of 4.13??).

4-3. Eisenstein’s criterion shows that X8 − 2 is irreducible over Q, and so [Q[α] : Q] = 8where α is a positive 8th root of 2. As usual for polynomials of this type, the splitting fieldis Q[α, ζ] where ζ is any primitive 8th root of 1. For example, ζ can be taken to be 1+i√


which lies in Q[α, i]. It follows that the splitting field is Q[α, i]. Clearly Q[α, i] 6= Q[α],because Q[α], unlike i, is contained in R, and so [Q[α, i] : Q] = 2. Therefore the degree is2× 8 = 16.

4-4. Find an extension L/F with Galois group S4, and let E be the fixed field of S3 ⊂ S4.There is no subgroup strictly between Sn and Sn−1, because such a subgroup would betransitive and contain an (n − 1)-cycle and a transposition, and so would equal Sn (see4.23). We can take E = LS3 .

4-5. Type: “Factor(X343 −X) mod 7;” and discard the 7 factors of degree 1.

4-6. Type “galois(X6 +2X5 +3X4 +4X3 +5X2 +6X +7);”. It is the group PGL2(F5)(group of invertible 2 × 2 matrices over F5 modulo scalar matrices) which has order 120.Alternatively, note that there are the following factorizations: mod 3, irreducible; mod 5(deg 3)(deg 3); mod 13 (deg 1)(deg 5); mod 19, (deg 1)2(deg 4); mod 61 (deg 1)2(deg 2)2;mod 79, (deg 2)3. Thus the Galois group has elements of type:

6, 3 + 3, 1 + 5, 1 + 1 + 4, 1 + 1 + 2 + 2, 2 + 2 + 2.

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No element of type 2, 3, 3 + 2, or 4 + 2 turns up by factoring modulo any of the first 400primes (or, so I have been told). This suggests it is the group T14 in the tables in Butler andMcKay, which is indeed PGL2(F5).

4-7. ⇐= : Condition (a) implies that Gf contains a 5-cycle, condition (b) implies thatGf ⊂ A5, and condition (c) excludes A5. That leaves D5 and C5 as the only possibilities(see, for example, Jacobson, Basic Algebra I, p305, Ex 6). The derivative of f is 5X4 + a,which has at most 2 real zeros, and so (from its graph) we see that f can have at most 3 realzeros. Thus complex conjugation acts as an element of order 2 on the splitting field of f ,and this shows that we must have Gf = D5.=⇒ : Regard D5 as a subgroup of S5 by letting it act on the vertices of a regular

pentagon—all subgroups of S5 isomorphic to D5 look like this one. If Gf = D5, then(a) holds because D5 is transitive, (b) holds because D5 ⊂ A5, and (c) holds because D5 issolvable.

4-8. Omitted.

4-9. Let a1, a2 be conjugate nonreal roots, and let a3 be a real root. Complex conjugationdefines an element σ of the Galois group of f switching a1 and a2 and fixing a3. On theother hand, because f is irreducible, its Galois group acts transitively on its roots, and sothere is a τ such that τ(a3) = a1. Now

a3τ7→ a1

σ7→ a2

a3σ7→ a3

τ7→ a1.

This statement is false for reducible polynomials — consider for example f(X) = (X2 +1)(X − 1).

5-1. For a = 1, this is the polynomial Φ5(X), whose Galois group is cyclic of order 4.For a = 0, it is X(X3 +X2 +X +1) = X(X +1)(X2 +1), whose Galois group is cyclicof order 2.For a = −4, it is (X − 1)(X3 + 2X2 + 3X + 4). The cubic does not have ±1,±2, or ±4as roots, and so it is irreducible in Q[X]. Hence its Galois group is S3 or A3. But lookingmodulo 2, we see it contains a 2-cycle, so it must be S3.For any a, the resolvent cubic is

g(X) = X3 −X2 + (1− 4a)X + 3a− 1.

Take a = −1. Then f = X4 + X3 + X2 + X − 1 is irreducible modulo 2, and so it isirreducible in Q[X]. We have g = X3 − X2 + 5X − 4, which is irreducible. Moreoverg′ = 3X2 − 2X + 5 = 3(X − 1

3)2 + 423 > 0 always, and so g has exactly one real root.

Hence the Galois group of g is S3, and therefore the Galois group of f is S4. [In fact, 4is the maximum number of integers giving distinct Galois groups: checking mod 2, we seethere is a 2-cycle or a 4-cycle, and so 1, A3, A4, V4 are not possible. For D8, a can’t be aninteger.]

5-2. We have Nm(a + ib) = a2 + b2. Hence a2 + b2 = 1 if and only a + ib = s+its−it for

some s, t ∈ Q (Hilbert’s Theorem 90). The rest is easy.

5-3. The degree [Q[ζn] : Q] = ϕ(n), ζn a primitive nth root of 1, and ϕ(n) → ∞ asn→∞.

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A-1. (a) Need that m|n, because

n = [Fpn : Fp] = [Fpn : Fpm ] · [Fpm : Fp] = [Fpn : Fpm ] ·m.

Use Galois theory to show there exists one, for example. (b) Only one; it consists of all thesolutions of Xpm −X = 0.

A-2. The polynomial is irreducible by Eisenstein’s criterion. The polynomial has onlyone real root, and therefore complex conjugation is a transposition in Gf . This proves thatGf ≈ S3. The discriminant is −1323 = −3372. Only the subfield Q[

√−3] is normal over

Q. The subfields Q[ 3√

7], Q[ζ 3√

7] Q[ζ2 3√

7] are not normal over Q. [The discriminant ofX3 − a is −27a2 = −3(3a)2.]

A-3. The prime 7 becomes a square in the first field, but 11 does not: (a + b√

7)2 =a2 +7b2 +2ab

√7, which lies in Q only if ab = 0. Hence the rational numbers that become

squares in Q[√

7] are those that are already squares or lie in 7Q×2.

A-4.(a) See Exercise 3.(b) Let F = F3[X]/(X2 + 1). Modulo 3

X8 − 1 = (X − 1)(X + 1)(X2 + 1)(X2 + X + 2)(X2 + 2X + 2).

Take α to be a root of X2 + X + 2.

A-5. Since E 6= F , E contains an element fg with the degree of f or g > 0. Now

f(T )− f(X)g(X)

g(T )

is a nonzero polynomial having X as a root.

A-6. Use Eisenstein to show that Xp−1 + · · ·+ 1 is irreducible, etc. Done in class.

A-7. The splitting field is Q[ζ, α] where ζ5 = 1 and α5 = 2. It is generated by σ = (12345)and τ = (2354), where σα = ζα and τζ = ζ2. The group has order 20. It is not abelian(because Q[α] is not Galois over Q), but it is solvable (its order is < 60).

A-8. (a) A homomorphism α : R → R acts as the identity map on Z, hence on Q, andit maps positive real numbers to positive real numbers, and therefore preserves the order.Hence, for each real number a,

r ∈ Q | a < r = r ∈ Q | α(a) < r,

which implies that α(a) = a.(b) Choose a transcendence basis A for C over Q. Because it is infinite, there is a

bijection α : A → A′ from A onto a proper subset. Extend α to an isomorphism Q(A) →Q(A′), and then extend it to an isomorphism C → C′ where C′ is the algebraic closure ofQ(A′) in C.

A-9. The group F× is cyclic of order 15. It has 3 elements of order dividing 3, 1 elementof order dividing 4, 15 elements of order dividing 15, and 1 element of order dividing 17.

A-10. If E1 and E2 are Galois extensions of F , then E1E2 and E1 ∩E2 are Galois over F ,and there is an exact sequence

1 −−→ Gal(E1E2/F ) −−→ Gal(E1/F )×Gal(E2/F ) −−→ Gal(E1 ∩ E2/F ) −−→ 1.

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In this case, E1 ∩ E2 = Q[ζ] where ζ is a primitive cube root of 1. The degree is 18.

A-11. Over Q, the splitting field is Q[α, ζ] where α6 = 5 and ζ3 = 1 (because −ζ is then aprimitive 6th root of 1). The degree is 12, and the Galois group is D6 (generators (26)(35)and (123456)).

Over R, the Galois group is C2.

A-12. Let the coefficients of f be a1, . . . , an — they lie in the algebraic closure Ω of F .Let g(X) be the product of the minimum polynomials over F of the roots of f in Ω.

Alternatively, the coefficients will lie in some finite extension E of F , and we can takethe norm of f(X) from E[X] to F [X].

A-13. If f is separable, [E : F ] = (Gf : 1), which is a subgroup of Sn. Etc..


3 +√

7 will do.

A-15. The splitting field of X4 − 2 is E1 = Q[i, α] where α4 = 2; it has degree 8, andGalois group D4. The splitting field of X3 − 5 is E2 = Q[ζ, β]; it has degree 6, and Galoisgroup D3. The Galois group is the product (they could only intersect in Q[

√3], but


does not become a square in E1).

A-16. The multiplicative group of F is cyclic of order q − 1. Hence it contains an elementof order 4 if and only if 4|q − 1.

A-17. Take α =√

2 +√

5 +√


A-18. We have E1 = EH1 , which has degree n over F , and E2 = E<1···n>, which hasdegree (n − 1)! over F , etc.. This is really a problem in group theory posing as a problemin field theory.

A-19. We have Q[ζ] = Q[i, ζ ′] where ζ ′ is a primitive cube root of 1 and ±i = ζ3 etc..

A-20. The splitting field is Q[ζ, 3√

3], and the Galois group is S3.

A-21. Use that(ζ + ζ4)(1 + ζ2) = ζ + ζ4 + ζ3 + ζ

A-22. (a) is Dedekind’s theorem. (b) is Artin’s theorem 3.4. (c) is O.K. because Xp − ap

has a unique root in Ω.

A-23. The splitting field is Q[i, α] where α4 = 3, and the Galois group is D4 with genera-tors (1234) and (13) etc..

A-24. From Hilbert’s theorem 90, we know that the kernel of the map N : E× → F×

consists of elements of the form σαα . The map E× → E×, α 7→ σα

α , has kernel F×.Therefore the kernel of N has order qm−1

q−1 , and hence its image has order q − 1. There is asimilar proof for the trace — I don’t know how the examiners expected you to prove it.

A-25. (a) is false—could be inseparable. (b) is true—couldn’t be inseparable.

A-26. Apply the Sylow theorem to see that the Galois group has a subgroup of order 81.Now the Fundamental Theorem of Galois theory shows that F exists.

A-27. The greatest common divisor of the two polynomials over Q is X2 + X + 1, whichmust therefore be the minimum polynomial for θ.

A-28. Theorem on p-groups plus the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.

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A-29. It was proved in class that Sp is generated by an element of order p and a transposition(4.14). There is only one F , and it is quadratic over Q.

A-30. Let L = K[α]. The splitting field of the minimum polynomial of α has degree atmost d!, and a set with d! elements has at most 2d! subsets. [Of course, this bound is muchtoo high: the subgroups are very special subsets. For example, they all contain 1 and theyare invariant under a 7→ a−1.]

A-31. The Galois group is (Z/5Z)×, which cyclic of order 4, generated by 2.

(ζ + ζ4) + (ζ2 + ζ3) = −1, (ζ + ζ4)(ζ2 + ζ3) = −1.

(a) Omit.(b) Certainly, the Galois group is a product C2 × C4.

A-32. Let a1, . . . , a5 be a transcendence basis for Ω1/Q. Their images are algebraicallyindependent, therefore they are a maximal algebraically independent subset of Ω2, andtherefore they form a transcendence basis, etc..

A-33. C2 × C2.

A-34. If f(X) were reducible over Q[√

7], it would have a root in it, but it is irreducibleover Q by Eisenstein’s criterion. The discriminant is −675, which is not a square in any R,much less Q[


A-35. (a) Should be X5 − 6X4 + 3. The Galois group is S5, with generators (12) and(12345) — it is irreducible (Eisenstein) and (presumably) has exactly 2 nonreal roots. (b)It factors as (X + 1)(X4 + X3 + X2 + X + 1). Hence the splitting field has degree 4 overF2, and the Galois group is cyclic.

A-36. This is really a theorem in group theory, since the Galois group is a cyclic group oforder n generated by θ. If n is odd, say n = 2m + 1, then α = θm does.

A-37. It has order 20, generators (12345) and (2354).

A-38. Take K1 and K2 to be the fields corresponding to the Sylow 5 and Sylow 43 sub-groups. Note that of the possible numbers 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, ... of Sylow 5-subgroups, only 1divides 43. There are 1, 44, 87, ... subgroups of ....

A-39. See Exercise 14.

A-40. The group F× is cyclic of order 80; hence 80, 1, 8.

A-41. It’s D6, with generators (26)(35) and (123456). The polynomial is irreducible byEisenstein’s criterion, and its splitting field is Q[α, ζ] where ζ 6= 1 is a cube root of 1.

A-42. Example 5.5.

A-43. Omit.

A-44. It’s irreducible by Eisenstein. Its derivative is 5X4 − 5p4, which has the rootsX = ±p. These are the max and mins, X = p gives negative; X = −p gives positive.Hence the graph crosses the x-axis 3 times and so there are 2 imaginary roots. Hence theGalois group is S5.

A-45. Its roots are primitive 8th roots of 1. It splits completely in F25. (a) (X2+2)(X2+3).

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A-46. ρ(α)ρ(α) = q2, and ρ(α)ρ( q2

α ) = q2. Hence ρ( q2

α ) is the complex conjugate of ρ(α).Hence the automorphism induced by complex conjugation is independent of the embeddingof Q[α] into C.

A-47. The argument that proves the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, shows that its Galoisgroup is a p-group. Let E be the splitting field of g(X), and let H be the Sylow p-subgroup.Then EH = F , and so the Galois group is a p-group.

A-48. (a) C2 × C2 and S3. (b) No. (c). 1

A-49. Omit.

A-50. Omit.

A-51. 1024 = 210. Want σx · x = 1, i.e., Nx = 1. They are the elements of the form σxx ;


1 −−−−→ k× −−−−→ K× x 7→σxx−−−−→ K×.

Hence the number is 211/210 = 2.

A-52. Pretty standard. False; true.

A-53. Omit.

A-54. Similar to a previous problem.

A-55. Omit.

A-56. This is really a group theory problem disguised as a field theory problem.

A-57. (a) Prove it’s irreducible by apply Eisenstein to f(X + 1). (b) See example workedout in class.

A-58. It’s D4, with generators (1234) and (12).

A-59. Omit.

Solutions for the exam.

1. (a) Let σ be an automorphism of a field E. If σ4 = 1 and

σ(α) + σ3(α) = α + σ2(α) all α ∈ E,

show that σ2 = 1.If σ2 6= 1, then 1, σ, σ2, σ3 are distinct automorphisms of E, and hence are linearly

independent (Dedekind 5.14) — contradiction. [If σ2 = 1, then the condition becomes2σ = 2, so either σ = 1 or the characteristic is 2 (or both).](b) Let p be a prime number and let a, b be rational numbers such that a2 + pb2 = 1. Showthat there exist rational numbers c, d such that a = c2+pd2

c2−pd2 and b = 2cdc2−pd2 .

Apply Hilbert’s Theorem 90 to Q[√

p] (or Q[√−p], depending how you wish to correct

the sign).

2. Let f(X) be an irreducible polynomial of degree 4 in Q[X], and let g(X) be the resolventcubic of f . What is the relation between the Galois group of f and that of g? Find the Galoisgroup of f if

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(a) g(X) = X3 − 3X + 1;(b) g(X) = X3 + 3X + 1.

We have Gg = Gf/Gf ∩V , where V = 1, (12)(34), . . .. The two cubic polynomialsare irreducible, because their only possible roots are ±1. From their discriminants, onefinds that the first has Galois group A3 and the second S3. Because f(X) is irreducible,4|(Gf : 1) and it follows that Gf = A4 and S4 in the two cases.

3. (a) How many monic irreducible factors does X255−1 ∈ F2[X] have, and what are theirdegrees?

Its roots are the nonzero elements of F28 , which has subfields F24⊃ F22⊃ F2. Thereare 256−16 elements not in F16, and their minimum polynomials all have degree 8. Hencethere are 30 factors of degree 8, 3 of degree 4, and 1 each of degrees 2 and 1.(b) How many monic irreducible factors does X255 − 1 ∈ Q[X] have, and what are theirdegrees?

Obviously, X255−1 =∏

d|255 Φd = Φ1Φ3Φ5Φ15 · · ·Φ255, and we showed in class thatthe Φd are irreducible. They have degrees 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.

4. Let E be the splitting field of (X5 − 3)(X5 − 7) ∈ Q[X]. What is the degree of E overQ? How many proper subfields of E are there that are not contained in the splitting fieldsof both X5 − 3 and X5 − 7?

The splitting field of X5 − 3 is Q[ζ, α], which has degree 5 over Q[ζ] and 20 over Q.The Galois group of X5 − 7 over Q[ζ, α] is (by ...) a subgroup of a cyclic group of order5, and hence has order 1 or 5. Since 7 is not a 5th power in Q[ζ, α], it must be 5. Thus[E : Q] = 100, and

G = Gal(E/Q) = (C5 × C5) o C4.

We want the nontrivial subgroups of G not containing C5 × C5. The subgroups of order 5of C5 × C5 are lines in (F5)2, and hence C5 × C5 has 6 + 1 = 7 proper subgroups. Allare normal in G. Each subgroup of C5 × C5 is of the form H ∩ (C5 × C5) for exactly3 subgroups H of G corresponding to the three possible images in G/(C5 × C5) = C4.Hence we have 21 subgroups of G not containing C5×C5, and 20 nontrivial ones. Typicalfields: Q[α], Q[α, cos 2π

5 ], Q[α, ζ].[You may assume that 7 is not a 5th power in the splitting field of X5 − 3.]

5. Consider an extension Ω ⊃ F of fields. Define α ∈ Ω to be F -constructible if it iscontained in a field of the form

F [√

a1, . . . ,√

an], ai ∈ F [√

a1, . . . ,√


Assume Ω is a finite Galois extension of F and construct a field E, F ⊂ E ⊂ Ω, such thatevery a ∈ Ω is E-constructible and E is minimal with this property.

Suppose E has the required property. From the primitive element theorem, we knowΩ = E[a] for some a. Now a E-constructible =⇒ [Ω : E] is a power of 2. Take E = ΩH ,where H is the Sylow 2-subgroup of Gal(Ω/F ).

6. Let Ω be an extension field of a field F . Show that every F -homomorphism Ω → Ω isan isomorphism provided:

(a) Ω is algebraically closed, and(b) Ω has finite transcendence degree over F .

Can either of the conditions (i) or (ii) be dropped? (Either prove, or give a counterex-ample.)

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Let A be a transcendence basis for Ω/F . Because σ : Ω → Ω is injective, σ(A) isalgebraically independent over F , and hence (because it has the right number of elements)is a transcendence basis for Ω/F . Now F [σA] ⊂ σΩ ⊂ Ω. Because Ω is algebraic overF [σA] and σΩ is algebraically closed, the two are equal. Neither condition can be dropped.E.g., C(X)→ C(X), X 7→ X2. E.g., Ω = the algebraic closure of C(X1, X2, X3, . . .), andconsider an extension of the map X1 7→ X2, X2 7→ X3, . . ..

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Indexalgebraic, 10–12algebraic closure, 17

in a larger field, 17algebraic integer, 5algebraically closed, 17algebraically dependent, 79algebraically independent, 79algorithm

division, 3Euclid’s, 3factoring a polynomial, 5

automorphism, 25birational, 25

baseneighbourhood, 70

basisseparating transcendence, 83transcendence, 81

boundupper, 66

characteristicp, 2zero, 2

closureseparable, 69

cohomology group, 54commutative, 1composite of fields, 10conjugates, 28constructible, 13, 33cubic

resolvent, 38cyclotomic polynomial, 49

degree, 6separable, 28

directed, 76discriminant, 36

Eisenstein’s criterion, 5element

maximal, 66extension

abelian, 28cyclic, 28finite, 6Galois, 27inseparable, 27normal, 27separable, 27simple, 10solvable, 28

extension field, 6

field, 1prime, 2

stem, 9fixed field, 26Frobenius

automorphism, 2endomorphism, 2, 24

fundamental theoremof algebra, 6, 13, 17, 48of Galois theory, 29

Galois, 71Galois closure, 30Galois correspondence, 75Galois field, 43Galois group, 27

infinite, 72of a polynomial, 34

Gaussian numbers, 7general polynomial, 58group

Cremona, 25profinite, 77topological, 70

homomorphismcrossed, 54of fields, 2of rings, 1principal crossed, 54

ideal, 1integral domain, 1invariants, 26inverse limit, 76inverse system, 76

Kummer theory, 56

LemmaGauss’s, 4

Maple, 3, 6, 8, 11, 37, 40, 42, 45, 50, 65module

G-, 53multiplicity, 22

norm, 55, 62normal basis, 52normal closure, 30

orderingpartial, 66total, 66

perfect field, 23polynomial

minimum, 10monic, 4separable, 23


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primeFermat, 16

primitive element, 46primitive root of 1, 49

regular n-gon, 51ring, 1root

multiple, 22simple, 22

separable, 46separable element, 28separably closed, 69solvable in radicals, 34split, 20splits, 16splitting field, 20subfield, 1

generated by subset, 10subring, 1

generated by subset, 9symmetric polynomial, 58

elementary, 59

theoremArtin’s, 26binomial in characteristic p, 2constructibility of n-gons, 51constructible numbers, 14, 33cyclotomic polynomials, 50Dedekind, 44Galois 1832, 34Galois extensions, 27independence of characters, 51Liouville, 12normal basis, 52primitive element, 46

topologyKrull, 72, 84

trace, 62transcendence degree, 82transcendental, 10–12