fico summary

8/13/2019 FICO Summary 1/49 FICO Summary Table of Contents GENERAL LEDGER.....................................................................................................................................3  FICO SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................3 1.1 DEFINE GROUP COMPANY...................................................................................................................6 1.2 DEFINE COMPANY CODE......................................................................................................................7 1.3 EDIT CHART OF ACCOUNTS.................................................................................................................7 1.4 ASSIGN COMPANY CODE TO CHART OF ACCOUNTS............................................................................8 1.5 DEFINE ACCOUNT GROUPS..................................................................................................................8 1.6 DEFINE R ETAINED EARNINGS..............................................................................................................8 1.7 M AINTAIN  F ISCAL  Y EAR  V ARIANT ......................................................................................................9 1.8 ASSIGN COMPANY CODE TO FISCAL YEAR  VARIANT..........................................................................9 1.9 DEFINE POSTING PERIOD VARIANT.....................................................................................................9 1.10 OPEN  CLOSE POSTING PERIOD.....................................................................................................10 1.11 ASSIGN POSTING PERIOD VARIANT TO COMPANY CODE................................................................10 1.12 CREATE  NUM!ER  RANGE FOR  COMPANY CODE...............................................................................10 1.13 DEFINE DOCUMENT TYPE  ASSIGN DOCUMENT  NUM!ER  RANGE...................................................11 1.14 DEFINE DOCUMENT POSTING " EYS.................................................................................................12 1.15 GL A#C DEFAULT SETTINGS  LAYOUTS.........................................................................................12 1.16 UPDATING LAYOUT FOR  DOCUMENT E  NTRY SCREEN.....................................................................12 1.17 DEFINE R ULES TO CHANGE DATA # TE$T IN A FIELD%......................................................................12 1.18 MAINTAIN FIELD STATUS VARIANT ...............................................................................................12 1.19 ASSIGN FIELD STATUS VARIANT TO COMPANY CODE.....................................................................13 1.20 DEFINE TOLERANCE GROUPS FOR  EMPLOYEES................................................................................13 1.21 ASSIGN USER  TOLERANCE  GROUP....................................................................................................13 1.22 MA$IMUM E$CHANGE R ATE DIFFERENCE......................................................................................14 1.23 CHEC"  CO. CODE SETTINGS IN GLO!AL PARAMETERS.....................................................................14 1.24 DOCUMENT CHANGE........................................................................................................................14 1.25 DEFINE ADDITIONAL LOCAL CURRENCIES  ......................................................................................14 1.26 DEFINE ADDITIONAL LOCAL CURRENCIES  FOR  LEDGERS................................................................16 1.27 ASSIGN COMPANY CODE TO COMPANY...........................................................................................16 1.28 CHEC"  SAP NOTE% SNOTE.............................................................................................................16 1.29 CHANGE MESSAGE CONTROL FOR  POSTING TO GL ACCOUNTS........................................................16 1.30 CREATE A FINANCIAL STATEMENT VERSION...................................................................................17 ADDING VAT CODES................................................................................................................................17 1.31 CHEC"  CALCULATION PROCEDURE.................................................................................................17 1.32 A SSIGN  C OUNTRY  TO  CALCULATION  PROCEDURE  &C HEC"  COUNTRY  ASSIGNED  TO  A  TA$  CALCULATION PROCEDURE'........................................................................................................................17 1.33 CHEC"  ACCESS SE(UENCES) TA$ CONDITION TYPE ......................................................................17 1.34 TA$ *URISDICTION STRUCTURE........................................................................................................17 1.35 SALES  USE TA$ AUTOMATIC ASSIGNMENT .................................................................................17 1.36 DEFINE TA$ CODES FOR  SALES AND PURCHASES...........................................................................18 1.36.1 Steps in SAP for creating a new VAT code : EMEA...................................................................18 1.36.2 VAT new Tax code Creation !siness Process:..........................................................................18

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F I C O Summary

Table of Contents

GENERAL LEDGER.....................................................................................................................................3

  FICO SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................3

1.1 DEFINE GROUP COMPANY...................................................................................................................6

1.2 DEFINE COMPANY CODE......................................................................................................................7

1.3 EDIT CHART OF ACCOUNTS.................................................................................................................7

1.4 ASSIGN COMPANY CODE TO CHART OF ACCOUNTS............................................................................8

1.5 DEFINE ACCOUNT GROUPS..................................................................................................................81.6 DEFINE R ETAINED EARNINGS..............................................................................................................8





......................................................................................................91.8 ASSIGN COMPANY CODE TO FISCAL YEAR  VARIANT..........................................................................9

1.9 DEFINE POSTING PERIOD VARIANT.....................................................................................................9

1.10 OPEN  CLOSE POSTING PERIOD.....................................................................................................10

1.11 ASSIGN POSTING PERIOD VARIANT TO COMPANY CODE................................................................10

1.12 CREATE  NUM!ER  RANGE FOR  COMPANY CODE...............................................................................10

1.13 DEFINE DOCUMENT TYPE  ASSIGN DOCUMENT  NUM!ER  RANGE...................................................111.14 DEFINE DOCUMENT POSTING " EYS.................................................................................................12

1.15 GL A#C DEFAULT SETTINGS  LAYOUTS.........................................................................................12

1.16 UPDATING LAYOUT FOR  DOCUMENT E NTRY SCREEN.....................................................................12

1.17 DEFINE R ULES TO CHANGE DATA # TE$T IN A FIELD%......................................................................12

1.18 MAINTAIN FIELD STATUS VARIANT ...............................................................................................12

1.19 ASSIGN FIELD STATUS VARIANT TO COMPANY CODE.....................................................................13

1.20 DEFINE TOLERANCE GROUPS FOR  EMPLOYEES................................................................................13

1.21 ASSIGN USER  TOLERANCE GROUP....................................................................................................131.22 MA$IMUM E$CHANGE R ATE DIFFERENCE......................................................................................14

1.23 CHEC"  CO. CODE SETTINGS IN GLO!AL PARAMETERS.....................................................................141.24 DOCUMENT CHANGE........................................................................................................................14

1.25 DEFINE ADDITIONAL LOCAL CURRENCIES  ......................................................................................14

1.26 DEFINE ADDITIONAL LOCAL CURRENCIES FOR  LEDGERS................................................................16

1.27 ASSIGN COMPANY CODE TO COMPANY...........................................................................................16

1.28 CHEC"  SAP NOTE% SNOTE.............................................................................................................16

1.29 CHANGE MESSAGE CONTROL FOR  POSTING TO GL ACCOUNTS........................................................16

1.30 CREATE A FINANCIAL STATEMENT VERSION...................................................................................17

ADDING VAT CODES................................................................................................................................17

1.31 CHEC"  CALCULATION PROCEDURE.................................................................................................17

1.32 ASSIGN COUNTRY TO CALCULATION PROCEDURE &CHEC"  COUNTRY ASSIGNED TO A TA$ CALCULATION PROCEDURE'........................................................................................................................17

1.33 CHEC"  ACCESS SE(UENCES) TA$ CONDITION TYPE  ......................................................................171.34 TA$ *URISDICTION STRUCTURE........................................................................................................17

1.35 SALES  USE TA$ AUTOMATIC ASSIGNMENT.................................................................................17

1.36 DEFINE TA$ CODES FOR  SALES AND PURCHASES...........................................................................18

1.36.1 Steps in SAP for creating a new VAT code : EMEA...................................................................18

1.36.2 VAT new Tax code Creation !siness Process:..........................................................................18

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1.37 ADVANCE R ETURN FOR  TA$ ON SALES# PURCHASE.......................................................................19

1.38 TA$ POSTING  &AP#AR'....................................................................................................................19

1.39 VAT CONFIGURATION.....................................................................................................................19

1.40 VAT R ETURN CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................................21

1.41 SALES # PURCHASE TA$ CONFIGURATION + SAP PRESS.................................................................211.42 AUTOMATIC CLEARING SETTINGS....................................................................................................221.43 DEFINE TOLERANCE GROUPS FOR  GL ACCOUNTS...........................................................................22

1.44 GL ACCTS FOR  CLEARING DIFF........................................................................................................22

1.45 DEFINE FOREIGN CURRENCY VALUATION METHOD ......................................................................22

1.46 ASSIGN GL ACCTS FOR  FOREIGN CURRENCY VALUATION DIFFERENCE..........................................23

1.47 I NTEGRATION ,ITH OH COST CONTROLLING.................................................................................23

1.48 I NTEGRATION ,ITH MATERIAL MANAGEMENT...............................................................................24

1.49 I NTEGRATION ,ITH SALES  DISTRI!UTION...................................................................................24

1.50 CREATE GL ACCT CENTRALLY........................................................................................................241.51 CREATE SAMPLE ACCOUNT..............................................................................................................25


1.53 MASS MAINTENANCE OF GL A#C.....................................................................................................25

1.54 GL A#C POSTING...............................................................................................................................26

1.55 POSTING ,ITH R EFERENCE DOCUMENT..........................................................................................26

1.56 I NCOMING PAYMENT........................................................................................................................26

1.57 GL ACCOUNT LINE ITEM ANALYSIS.................................................................................................26

1.58 GL ACCOUNT  ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................26

1.59 GL MANUAL A#C CLEARING.............................................................................................................27

1.60 OUTGOING PAYMENT.......................................................................................................................271.61 CHANGE A POSTED GL DOCUMENT..................................................................................................27

1.62 DISPLAY GL DOCUMENT.................................................................................................................27

1.63 I NDIVIDUAL DOCUMENT R EVERSAL................................................................................................28

1.64 MASS R EVERSAL OF DOCUMENTS...................................................................................................28

1.65 POST #HOLD # PAR" #EDIT # GL DOC................................................................................................28

1.66 COPYING GL ACCOUNTS TO COMPANY CODE................................................................................29

1.67 DISPLAY T CODES............................................................................................................................29

1.68 CREATE  NE, COMPANY CODE !Y COPYING E$ISTING CO. CODE.....................................................291.69 AUTOMATIC ACCT DETERMINATION # SPECIAL GL CONFIG............................................................29

1.70 CREATE REFERENCE DOCUMENT FOR  GL ENTRY.............................................................................29

1.71 POST ,ITH CLEARING.......................................................................................................................30

1.72 GL ACCOUNT AUTOMATIC CLEARING..............................................................................................30

1.73 DEFINE CUSTOMER  TOLERANCES....................................................................................................31

1.74 ACCOUNTING EDITING OPTIONS......................................................................................................31

1.75 F!RA GL R ESET CLEARED ITEMS..................................................................................................31

1.76 R ECURRING E NTRY --PRACTICE  HOME//................................................................................321.77 E NTER  TRANSLATION RATES............................................................................................................32

1.78 E NTER  ACCRUAL  DEFERRAL DOCUMENTS -- R EPEAT//............................................................32

1.79 R EVERSE ACCRUAL#DEFERRAL DOCUMENTS -- R EPEAT//...........................................................33

1.80 CROSS COMPANY CODE DOCUMENT ..............................................................................................33


MONTH END ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................................................33

1.81 MR11 GR # IR CLEARING ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE...................................................................35

1.82 DEFINE AD*USTMENT FOR  GR#IR CLEARING ACCT ........................................................................35

1.83 GRIR ACCOUNT CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................36

1.84 GRIR R EGROUPING -- DIFF !ET,EEN MR11 F.19//.............................................................36

1.85 FOREIGN CURRENCY VALUATION.....................................................................................................36

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1.86 R EGROUPING OF RECEIVA!LES#PAYA!LES .......................................................................................37

1.87 .........................................................................................................................................................37

1.88 !ALANCE CARRY FOR,ARD OF GL ACCOUNTS..............................................................................37

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE..............................................................................................................................38

1.89 DEFINE ACCT GROUP ,ITH SCREEN LAYOUT &VENDORS'...............................................................38

1.90 E NTER  ACCOUNTING CLER"  IDENTIFICATION CODE FOR  CUSTOMERS.............................................38

1.91 DEFINE I NDUSTRIES.........................................................................................................................38

1.92 VENDOR  MATCH CODES..................................................................................................................38

1.93 E$TENDING VENDORS TO ADDITIONAL COMPANY CODES%.............................................................39

1.94 DEFINE SENSITIVE FIELDS................................................................................................................391.95 PAYMENT !LOC"  R EASONS FOR  VENDOR  I NVOICES.......................................................................39

1.96 PAYMENT !LOC"  ON A VENDOR  INVOICE !Y PAYMENT TERMS......................................................39

1.97 R ELEASE VENDOR  I NVOICES !LOC"ED FOR  PAYMENT....................................................................39

1.98 CREATE  NUM!ER  RANGE FOR  VENDOR  ACCTS.................................................................................40

1.99 ASSIGN  NUM!ER  RANGE TO VENDOR  ACCT GROUP........................................................................40

1.100 DELETE VENDOR  # CUSTOMER  MASTER  DATA.............................................................................40

1.101 MAINTAIN TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR  VENDORS AND CUSTOMERS.................................................40

1.102 DEFINE TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR  INSTALLMENT PAYMENT...........................................................40

1.103 DEFINE ACCTS FOR  CASH DISCOUNT TA"EN..................................................................................41

1.104 DEFINE ACCTS FOR  E$CHANGE RATE DIFF....................................................................................411.105 DEFINE ACCTS FOR  ROUNDING DIFFERENCES................................................................................41

1.106 DEFINE ACCT FOR  !AN"  CHARGES &VENDORS'..............................................................................41

1.107 DEFINE ACCT FOR  PAYMENT DIFF & MANUAL OUTGOING'..............................................................41

1.108 DO,N PAYMENT MADE TO VENDORS...........................................................................................41

1.109 DUPLICATE I NVOICE CHEC" ..........................................................................................................42

1.110 CREATING A VENDOR  MASTER  R ECORD........................................................................................42

1.111 POST NON PO !ASED VENDOR  I NVOICE........................................................................................42

1.112 POST MANUAL PAYMENT TO VENDOR  AND  NOT GENERATE PAYMENT MEDIA &IDOC) CHEC" '....431.113 DISPLAYING VENDOR  ACCOUNT !ALANCE...................................................................................43

1.114 DISPLAYING # R ELEASING VENDOR  I NVOICES...............................................................................43

1.115 AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PROGRAM &I NCOMING  OUTGOING PAYMENTS'....................................431.116 DEFINE NUM!ER  R ANGE FOR  CHEC"S..........................................................................................44

1.117 MANUAL CLEARING  OF VENDOR  OPEN ITEMS..............................................................................44

1.118 DISPLAY PURCHASE ORDER ...........................................................................................................44

1.119 PO!ASED VENDOR  INVOICE#CREDIT MEMO#PLANNED DELIVERY COST......................................44

General Ledger 

FICO Summary

Description Tcode

Define Group Company OX15

Define Company code OX02

Edit COA OB13


 Ai!n Company code to COA O"#2

Define account !roup OBD$

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 - $ -

Define %etained earnin! OB53

&aintain 'ica( Year )ariant OB2*

 Ai!n Company code to 'Y) OB37

Define +otin! +eriod )ariant OBBO

C,an!e 'ica( +eriod OB52 Ai!n ++) to company code OBB+

Create num"er ran!e for company code 'B1

Define document type OBA7

Define document potin! .ey OB$1

G/ a/c defau(t ettin! OB1

Define ru(e to c,an!e tet in a fie(d OB32

&aintain 'ie(d tatu )ariant OBC$

 Ai!n 'ie(d tatu 4ariant to company code OBC5

Define o(erance Group for emp(oyee OBA$

&aimum Ec,an!e %ate difference OB#$

Company code G(o"a( parameter OBY#

Document C,an!e E36-


Define Additiona( oca( currencie OB22

 Ai!n Company code to Company OX1#

C,ec. a ca(cu(ation procedure OBY

 Ai!n a +rocedure to Company code OBBG

C,ec. Acce e8uence OBY

Define a code for a(e 9 purc,ae 'X+

Confi!ure automatic :';13< c(earin! OB7$

G a/c for c(earin! difference OBX

Define 'orei!n Currency 4a(uation met,od OB5*

Define Ad=utment a/c for G%>% c(earin! OBY+

'> inte!ration ?it, CO OBYB

'> inte!ration ?it, && OBYC

'> inte!ration ?it, D )@OA

Create G a/c centra((y '00

Copy G a/c from ource company code to tar!et company code '15

G a/c potin! '-02

+ot incomin! payment '-0#

G/ a/c (ine item dip(ay 'B3

G/ a/c ana(yi dip(ay '10

G/ a/c &AA CEA%>G '-03

+ot out!oin! payment '-07

C,an!e poted G document 'B02

Dip(ay G document 'B03

>ndi4idua( document re4era( 'B06&a document re4era( ';60

+ot / +ar. / o(d G a/c document 'B50


Dip(ay G ,o(d document 'B11

Copy G a/c to company code OBY2

 Automatic a/c determination 'B@+

G pot ?it, c(earin! '-0$

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 - 5 -

 Automatic c(earin! ';13

er mater data ettin! 'B00

%eet c(eared item 'B%A

%ecurrin! entry document 'BD1 /

'BD2 /


Dip(ay fore ec,an!e rate OB06

+ot Accrua( :+repaid epene/ Accrua( >ncome< 'B1

%e4ere accrua( if automatic re4era( not e(ected ';61

Cro company code document dip(ay 'B3

)ie? / C,an!e iDoc E02

G%>% a/c maintenance &%11

'orei!n Currency )a(uation ';05

G%>% Confi!uration OBYC

%XG%>% %e!roupin! ';1*

Carry for?ard of recei4a"(e / +aya"(e in '> ';07

Ba(ance c/f of G a/c ';1#

Define a/c !roup creen (ayout )endor OBD3

Create num"er ran!e for )endor X@1

 Ai!n num"er to 4endor OBA

De(ete )endor &ater data OB%2

&aintain erm of +ayment OBB6

Create / Dip(ay / C,an!e )endor mater X@01


X@02B(oc. / n"(oc. )endor mater X@05

+ot )endor >n4oice 'B#0

+ot &anua( payment '-53

Dip(ayin! / %e(eain! 4endor a/c "a(ance '@10

 A++ 'B+


&anua( c(earin! of 4endor in4oice a!aint payment '-$$

Dip(ay +O &E23

C,an!e +O &E22

earc, for +O &E2B

+O Baed )endor >n4oice / Credit &emo / +(anned de(i4ery cot &>%O

Dip(ay +O "aed 4endor in4oice &>%$G+C ta"(e report 2@EE

G+CA ta"(e report @E5

 A+/A% potin! to +CA :One (e! potin!<; ,i update ta"(e

B'ODA or B'O@A a t,e cae may "e


+eriodic data tranfer from '>- A+/A% :O>< to +CA 1@E@

pdate +CA comparion (ed!er in period 0 2@E

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 - # -

Compare G a/c in '> ?it, a/c in +CA @E5

Define a/c ?it, creen (ayout for cutomer OBD2

Create num"er ran!e for cutomer a/c XD1

 Ai!n num"er ran!e to cutomer a/c OBA%

Define a(ternati4e a/c for do?n payment OBY%Create / C,an!e / Dip(ay cutomer mater data 'D01





Dip(ay cutomer credit mana!ement 'D33

C,an!e cutomer credit mana!ement 'D32

Dip(ay cutomer a/c "a(ance 'D10

Dip(ay and c,an!e cutomer (ine item 'B5&anua( c(earin! of cutomer in4oice a!aint payment '-32

&anua( c(earin! of cutomer do?n payment a!aint cutomer



+ot a cutomer >n4oice 'B70


+ar. cutomer >n4oice ')70

+ot cutomer par. in4oice 'B)0

+ot cutomer incomin! payment '-52

Cutomer do?n payment re8uet '-37

Cutomer do?n payment '-2*

Dip(ay "(oc.ed D / cutomer in4oice )@&1Cutomer %eaon code OBBE

%eaon code ta"(e 053%

&ap reaon code to G a/c OBX

1.1 Define Group Company

• codeF OX15

• Ep(anation

o  A company i an or!aniation unit; A company can comprie one / more

company code :'or ?,ic, eparate ' can "e prepared<o  A(( company code for a company mut ?or. ?it, ame Operationa( COA 9

'ica( year o Company code can ue different currencie

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1.2 Define Company code

• codeF OX02

• Copy company code a(on! ?it, a(( data F EC01

• Ep(anationo e!a( entity; eparate B 9 + can "e maintained

o ?o option 1< Copy co; code 2< Edit co; code

o >n copy co; code a(( Confi! ta"(e ai!nment !et copied; Edit t,em a per

need; Copy co; code 0001; >n 2nd option manua((y confi!ure a(( ai!nmento Local currency Currency defined in company code; A(( account are mana!ed

in t,i currency; A(( ot,er currencie treated a 'C;o Country !ey pecifie ?,ic, country to "e re!arded a ,ome country; ytem

re!ard a(( ot,er countrie a forei!n countrie

1." #dit C$art of %ccounts

• codeF OB13• Copy C,art of Account F OBY7

• Copy from an e&isting company code #C'1

• Directory of GL %ccts in CO% E36 - %'@+00 / %'@)00

• Ep(anation

o G account created at COA and t,en etended to company code in ?,ic, t,ey

are uedo Copy CA

o Define F COA .ey &aintenance an!ua!e :En!(i,< en!t, of G acct

num"er:1-10< &anua( / Automatic creation of CE Group COA B(oc.ed : A COAt,at i not comp(eted can "e "(oc.ed<

o COA !rouped under account !roup;

o  Acct Group contro( num"er ran!e 'ie(d tatu of G account in '00o Open >tem &ana!ementF o "e ued for

Ban. c(earin! acct

a(ary c(earin! acct;

G%>% account

'or t,ee c(earin! account a(o e(ect (ine item dip(ayo On(y "a(ance in (oca( currencyF e(ected for c(earin! account; ,i a4oid !ain /

(o due to ec,an!e rate differenceo 'or "a(ance ,eet account t,e "a(ance i carried for?ard to t,e ame account;

o 'or profit and (o account t,e "a(ance i carried for?ard to a retained earnin!

account and t,e profit and (o tatement account i et to ero; A .ey :foreamp(e X< i ai!ned to t,e account to ?,ic, t,e "a(ance i carried for?ard;You enter t,i .ey in t,e fie(d H()L Statement TypeH in t,e c,art of account

e!ment;o ,e fie(d tatu ena"(e you to contro( t,e dip(ay and maintenance of an

accountI mater data;

You can ai!n fie(d t,at you do not ue t,e tatu *ide;

'ie(d ?,oe 4a(ue mut not "e c,an!ed can ,a4e t,e tatu Display

'or fie(d ?,ere you mut enter a 4a(ue you can define t,e tatu+e,uired #ntry.

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 - 6 -

'ie(d t,at can contain an entry "ut are not re8uired can "e et toOptional #ntry

o Cross company code controlling

>f company code ?ant to ue cross company code controlling t,ey

mut ue t,e ame operationa( c,art of accounto Group CO%F

>f company code ue different operationa( c,art of account t,ey can,a4e !roup c,art of account for cono(idated reportin!;

,e !roup c,art of account mut "e ai!ned to eac, operationa( c,artof account; After you ,a4e done t,i t,e Group Account um"er fie(d int,e operationa( c,art of account "ecome a re8uired entry fie(d;

o Country CO%

Company code ue ame operationa( COA; But t,ey ,a4e (oca(reportin! re8uirement; o ue country COA; Country CO% GL a-cnumber is assigned in alternatie reconciliation account no; A(oince a(( company code ue ame operationa( COA /e can $ae crosscompany code controlling

1.0 %ssign Company code to C$art of %ccounts

• codeF OB#2

• Ep(anation

o 'or eac, company code pecify ?,ic, COA to "e ued;

o e4era( company code can ue ame COA;

o Operati4e COA F COA ai!ned to company code

o Country pecific COAF COA tructure a per country (e!a( re8uirement


Group COA F COA tructured a per cono(idation re8uirement

1. Define %ccount Groups

• codeF OBD$

• Ep(anation

o  Account !roup ued to com"ine G a/cI ?it, imi(ar function; E;!; epene

aet accountin! Ca, etco  Account Group determineF

G a/c num"er inter4a( in '00 for t,e G A/C created

'ie(d in G mater record :%e8uired/ optiona(/,idden<

Can confi!ure fie(d tatu for t,e account !roup "y e(ectin! it andc(! fie(d tatu icon

1. Define +etained #arnings

• codeF OB53

• Ep(anation

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 - * -

o  At t,e end of 'ica( year ytem carrie +/ "a(ance to retained earnin! a/c;

,i account appear in B a +/ carry for?ard;o 'or t,i you define one/more +/ tatement a/c type :X Y J< 9 ai!n t,ee

+ tatement a/c type to G a/c : retained earnin! a/c< in t,e COA

1.3 4aintain Fiscal 5ear 6ariant

• codeF OB2*

• Data !0 : Kan to Dec<

• Ep(anation

o ap a((o? up to 1# potin! period ?,ic, ref(ect 12 mont, of t,e year 9 $

pecia( period ued for ad=utmento 'ica( Year norma((y ,a 12 potin! period 9 $ pecia( period for yearend c(oin!

tranactiono 'ica( year can "e Ca(endar Year : Kan to Dec< / ot Ca(endar Year : Apr to

&arc,<o 'ica( Year :ot Ca(endar Year< can "e year dependent or ot year dependent

o Year dependent fica( year 4ariant are uedF >f t,e tart and end date of t,e

potin! period differ from year to year; >f one fica( year ,a fe?er potin!period t,an t,e ot,er :,ortened fica( year<

o A+ tandard 'Y) F @$ : Kan to Dec< )3 : Apr to &arc,<

1.7 %ssign Company code to Fiscal 5ear 6ariant

• codeF OB37

• Ep(anationF

o ,i contro( period in ?,ic, t,e company code ?i(( pot

1.8 Define (osting (eriod 6ariant

• codeF OBBO

• Ep(anationF

o ere you decide ?,ic, potin! period i open for potin!

o One ++) can "e ai!ned to mu(tip(e company codeo ytem deri4e potin! period from potin! date; >f potin! date fa(( in norma(

period can "e poted in pecia( potin! period;o >f tart 9 end date of eac, period i ame e4ery year it i year independent ++);

>f t,e period reconci(e ?it, ca(endar mont, it i ca(endar year ++) e(e nonca(endar year ++);

o >f t,e tart 9 end date of period differ eac, year it i year dependent ++)

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o o pre4ent document from "ein! poted to an incorrect potin! period ?e can

c(oe certain potin! period; e can ,a4e a many potin! period open adeired; e4era( company code can ue t,e ame potin! period 4ariant;

o ,e account type L mut "e open for a(( period t,at are uppoed to "e open for

a(( ot,er account type; o?e4er a/c type :/D/@/&< may / may not "e open

1.1' Open ) Close (osting (eriod

• codeF OB52

• Ep(anationF

o ere pecify ?,ic, period :Kan 'e" &ar ;;;< are open for potin! for eac,

4ariant; ,ere are 2 time inter4a( for "ot, pecify (o?er (imit period pper (imitperiod 9 'ica( year;

o 'irt enter period permitted for potin! for a(( 4ariant; et add entrie for a/c

type :D @ A;;;< if period to "e retricted for pecific a/cIo Once t,e financia( mont,-end c(oe proce i comp(eted and tatutory and

mana!ement report ,a4e "een pu"(i,ed t,i tranaction i eecuted a econdtime to c(oe t,e !enera( (ed!er for t,e period; ,i tranaction i a(o ued toreopen fica( period in t,e e4ent t,at prior period ad=utment are neceary;Once t,e fica( period are c,an!ed t,e in4entory accountin! period mut a(o"e c,an!ed to a((o? potin! of !ood iue and !ood receipt in t,e ne? fica(period;

1.11 %ssign (osting (eriod 6ariant to Company Code

• codeF OBB+

1.12 Create number range for Company code

• Tcode F9:1

• Ep(anationF

o ere ?e create num"er ran!e

o Eac, num"er ran!e pecify a inter4a( from ?,ic, document num"er are

e(ectedo um"er ran!e can "e interna( / eterna(

o um"er ran!e ai!ned to document type; Doc type pecified durin! doc;entry; ,u num"er ran!e for t,i doc; type "ecome effecti4e for t,i documententry

o amp(e DocI o; ran!e @eyF X2

o %ecurrin! Entry DocF o; ran!e .eyF X1

o ranportF >nter4a( M ranport

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1.1" Define document type ) assign document number range

• Tcode O9%3

• Ep(anationF


Create doc type for Cutomer )endor 9 G "uine tranactiono pecify a num"er ran!e for eac, document type; Can ue one num"er ran!e .ey

for e4era( doc; typeN Document num"er are c,oen from t,i num"er ran!e;o Doc; ype 4a(id for a(( c(ient

o  Ai!n re4ere doc; ype for eac, doc; type;

o +e,uired during doc. entry  Can pecify ?,et,er %eference num"er /

document ,eader tet are mandatory durin! doc; entry

• !ey Document Types

Sub Component ;se DefaultDocument Type

 Aet Accountin! Aet +otin! AA

Depreciation A'

Genera( ed!er Kourna( A


Cutomer >n4oice D%Cutomer +ayment D

>nterna( ranfer from "i((in! %)

+ayment C(earin! )

 Account +aya"(e )endor >n4oice @%

)endor +ayment @

Good >ue A

Good %eceipt E

• !ey fields in Document Types Screen

Field ;sage

 Account ype e(ect account type t,at ue t,i document type;G/CO&E%/ )EDO% / AE

%e4era( Documentype

Can pecify t,e re4era( document type

et document ype 'or 4endor in4oice re(ated type document; %etrictt,e document type to "e ued on(y for a in!(ecutomer / 4endor 

>nter Companypotin!

%etrict t,e document type t,at can "e ued forcro company potin!

radin! +artner radin! partner 4a(ue come from 4endor mater; >fe(ected in t,i doc; ype t,i 4a(ue can "eo4erride

%eference um"er Can e(ect 9 ma.e reference fie(d mandatory int,i document type

Document eadertet

Can e(ect 9 ma.e document ,eader fie(dmandatory in t,i document type

Batc, input on(y Can e(ect 9 enure document type i ued on(yt,rou!, "atc,

E; %ate for forei!ncrncy doc;

>f not pecified ,ere tranaction in 'C for t,idocument type ?i(( "e accordin! to a4! rate &

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1.10 Define Document (osting !eys

• codeF OB$1• Ep(anationF +otin! .ey determineF

o De"it / Credit +otin! .ey

o o ?,ic, type of account:/D/@/A< (ine item can "e poted

o ,et,er item poted a de"it / credit

o pecia( GF >ndicate potin! .ey ued for pecia( G tranaction :Do?n

+aymentJ<o +ayment ranaction F >ndicate t,at potin! .ey i ued for payment tranaction

o 'ie(d tatu of additiona( fie(d

1.1 GL %-c default settings ) layouts

• code F OB1

• Ep(anationF

o ,ee 4a(ue are popu(ated ?,en enter t,e code initia((y;

1.1 ;pdating Layout for Document #ntry Screen

• codeF Enter t,e code ay 'B#0; o? e(ect c,an!e creen (ayout "utton M

 Adminitrator M Do t,e c,an!e M ranport "utton

1.13 Define +ules to c$ange data - te&t in a field

• codeF OB32

• Ep(anationF

o ere ?e define ?,at can "e c,an!ed in a fie(d

1.17 4aintain Field Status 6ariant• codeF O9C0

• Ep(anationF

o ' Group determine ?,at fie(d are a4ai(a"(e for entry durin! G potin!

o ere define 9 edit 'ie(d tatu 4ariant 9 'ie(d tatu !roup

o Document creen fie(d are !rouped under 'ie(d tatu !roup

o e4era( fie(d tatu !roup are !rouped under 'ie(d tatu 4ariant

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o 'ie(d tatu )ariant i ai!ned to company code

o 'ie(d tatu Group determine ?,ic, fie(d are %e8uired/ Optiona(/ idden durin!

document entryo Copy ') 0001

o 'ie(d tatu !roup ai!ned to G a/c in '00

Type of (osting (rimary Ob<ect (ossible %ccount %ssignment

Ba(ance ,eet G Account +rofit Center  

>ncome G Account%e4enue e(ement

+rofit center +rofita"i(ity ana(yi%e4enue pro=ect

Ependiture G accountCot e(ement

Cot center >nterna( order 

>nterna( ett(ement econdary cote(ement

Cot center +rofit Center >nterna( Order 

1.18 %ssign Field Status 6ariant to Company code

• codeF O9C

1.2' Define Tolerance groups for employees

• codeF O9%0

• Ep(anationF

o ere you define 4ariou amt; (imit for your emp(oyeeF


 App(ie to a(( '> documento &aimum document amt; emp(oyee i aut,oried to pot

o &ai amt; emp(oyee can enter a (ine item in )endor/ Cutomer a/c

o &ai ca, di; an emp(oyee can !rant in a (ine item

o Can a(o define to(erance ?/o pecifyin! to(erance !roup; ea4e !roup fie(d

"(an.; )a(id for a(( emp(oyee not a((ocated to a !roup;o Can create a many to(erance !roup a re8uired :OBA$<;

o er id to "e ai!ned to t,e to(erance !roup in t,e net tep :OB57<;E4ery

uer can "e ep(icit(y ai!ned to a to(erance !roup :OB57<; >f a uer i notai!ned to any pecia( to(erance !roup t,en entrie in t,e "(an. to(erance!roup are 4a(id for ,im;

1.21 %ssign user Tolerance group

• code O93

• >n our eamp(e ?e ,a4e define "(an. to(erance !roup for company code 100; ,u a((

unai!ned uer ?i(( "e a"(e to pot t,i company code;

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1.22 4a&imum #&c$ange +ate Difference

• codeF O90

• Ep(anationFo pecification are company code dependent

o ere ?e define ,o? muc, t,e ec,an!e rate manua((y entered in t,e document

eader may differ in term of from t,e one tored in t,e ytem; >f de4iationoccur a ?arnin! appear 

1.2" C$ec= co. code settings in global parameters

• codeF O95

• Ep(anationF


C,ec. important company code ettin! ,ereo :o FC diff /$en clearing in LCF 'C document are c(eared in t,e C;

o Ta& base is net alue F Dicount i deducted from t,e "ae amount in a(e

document "efore ca(cu(atin! taeo Discount base net alue a on a(e/purc,ae not inc(uded in amount for

ca(cu(atin! dicount

• Data

Company code

Currency COA Credit contro( Area

'Y) ') ++)

1000 E% > 1000 @$ 1000 1000

1.20 Document C$ange• Display document c$anges for all documentsF E36 - %'BAB00

• Create ne/ document c$ange ruleF +%O - 'inancia( Accountin! P 'inancia(

 Accountin! G(o"a( ettin! P Document P ine >tem P Document C,an!e %u(e ine>tem P e? Entrie

• Ep(anationF

o er can c,an!e document t,at ,a4e a(ready "een poted; o?e4er "aed

on different ru(e on(y certain fie(d can "e c,an!ed; ,ee ru(e can eit,er "epredefined "y t,e ytem or "e uer-pecific;

o  Document ,eaderF On(y t,e reference num"er and tet fie(d can "e c,an!ed

o ine itemF ,e ytem doe not permit c,an!e to t,e amount t,e potin! .ey

t,e account or any ot,er fie(d t,at ?ou(d affect t,e reconci(iation of a potin!;

1.2 Define %dditional Local currencies

• codeF +%O-'A-'AG-Co; Code- QQ Currencie-Define Additiona( (oca( currencie

• codeF OB22

• Data

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Co. code Co. code currency Group Currency *ard Currency

1''' #;+ #;+ ;SD

• Ep(anationF

o ere ?e define additiona( currencie for company codeo Can define t?o more QQ currencie for a company code; ,u ?e can ,a4e t,ree

currencie for a company code;o Currency ype F

Group CurrencyF Currency pecified in t,e c(ient ta"(e

*ard Currency Country pecific 2nd currency ued in countrie ?it,inf(ation

Global Co. currencyF Currency ued for an interna( tradin! partner o 'or Add( currencie define fo((o?in! dataF

Currency TypeF Define ro(e of t,e currency; e;!;F Group currency/ ,ardcurrency

#&c$ange rate type for translationF Define ?,ic, ec,an!e rate toredin t,e ytem i ued for ca(cu(atin! additiona( amount fie(d :additiona((oca( currency<; e;!;F & :a4era!e ec,an!e rate< or any ot,er ec,an!erate;

9ase Currency ,e amount in t,e additiona( currencie can "eca(cu(ated "aed on t,e document currency :D >%;;;< or (oca(currency / company code :>%<;

Date for translationF Date on ?,ic, ec,an!e rate tran(ation i done;Can "e document date +otin! date ran(ation date;

6aluation Can e(ect 4a(uation 1 on(y if currency and 4a(uation profi(econfi!ured in t,e contro((in! area; Can e(ect 4a(uation 2 if t,ere i profitcenter 4a(uation 4ie?; )a(uation 1 9 2 re8uire t?o additiona( (ed!er totore data

• O922 #&planation

o Company CodeF Enter t,e four-di!it identifier of t,e company code t,at you ?i,

to confi!ure;o 1t oca( CurrencyF ,ee fie(d ?i(( fi(( in automatica((y ?it, defau(t information

"aed on t,e currency defined in t,e company code definition;o 2nd and 3rd oca( CurrencyF A ep(ained ear(ier eac, company code can ,a4e

t?o additiona( para((e( currencie t,at can "e ued in con=unction ?it, (oca(currency defined for t,e company code

o Curr; ypeF ,e currency type fie(d pecifie ?,ic, type of para((e( currency you

?ant to confi!ure; ,e fo((o?in! option are a4ai(a"(e;

Group CurrencyF Group currencie are defined at t,e c(ient (e4e( in ta"(e000; Group currencie are ued to ena"(e cro-company codepotin! in contro((in! for company code t,at ue different company

code currencie; ard CurrencyF ard currencie are ued for u"idiarie in countrie

?it, a (ot of inf(ation; ard currencie a((o? you to "etter 4a(uatetranaction in an inf(ationary economic en4ironment;

o E; %t; ypeF ,e ec,an!e rate type determine ,o? forei!n currencie are

re4a(ued at t,e time of forei!n currency re4a(uation and tran(ation;o ource CurrF Enter t,e ource currency t,at t,e forei!n currency i to "e

tran(ated a!aint; ,e poi"(e entrie are a fo((o?F

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 - 1# -

ran(ation! tranaction currency a "aiF ,i option a(?ay trieto tran(ate t,e para((e( currency a!aint t,e tranaction currency of t,edocument;

ran(ation! 'irt oca( Currency a BaiF ,i option a(?ay

tran(ate t,e para((e( currency a!aint t,e firt (oca( currency :companycode currency<;

o rDte ypF ,i ettin! i ued to determine ?,ic, date i ued for forei!n

currency tran(ation; ,e a4ai(a"(e option are a fo((o?F

1; Document DateF e(ect t,i option if you ?ant t,e tran(ationca(cu(ation to ue t,e ec,an!e rate t,at ?a >n effect on t,e day t,edocument ?a dated;

2; +otin! DateF e(ect t,i option if you ?ant t,e tran(ation ca(cu(ationto ue t,e ec,an!e rate t,at ?a in effect on t,e potin! date in t,edocument;

3; ran(ation DateF e(ect t,i option if you ?ant t,e tran(ationca(cu(ation to ue t,e ec,an!e rate t,at i in effect on t,e date of t,eforei!n currency tran(ation;

1.2 Define %dditional Local currencies for Ledgers

• codeF +%O-'A-'AG-Co; Code- QQ Currencie-Define Additiona( (oca( currencie

• Ep(anationF

o ince 4a(uation 1 9 2 e(ected ear(ier need to confi!ure additiona( (ed!er

o ere ?e define additiona( currencie for company code

o Can define t?o more QQ currencie for a company code; ,u can ,a4e t,ree


1.23 %ssign Company code to Company

• codeF OX1#

1.27 C$ec= S%( :ote S:OT#

• Tcode: snote

1.28 C$ange message control for posting to GL accounts

• Explanation:

o You can change status of system error message from error to warning or

even turn off the message

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1." Define Ta& codes for Sales and (urc$ases

• codeF >&G - 'inancia( Accountin!- 'inancia( Accountin! G(o"a( ettin!- a ona(e/+urc,ae- Ca(cu(ation M Define ta code for a(e and purc,ae

• codeF 'X+

• Ep(anationF

o ere ?e define t,e ta rate for t,e ta code; A(o map t,e G/ account to ?,ic,

ta amount potin! are madeo Eaiet ?ay to create a ne? ta code i to copy t,e eitin! ta code ?,oe ta

rate ,a to "e c,an!ed in 'X+; C,an!e decription 9 rate

1.".1 Steps in S%( for creating a ne/ 6%T code #4#%

:'or Company code 730 eon 9 reportin! country XX ay + :ay ta procedure AXB<F1; C,ec. for t,e !ap in t,e ta"(e T''3% for t,e ne? ta code to "e created; :e need to

c,ec. t,at a 2 di!it ta code can "e created 9 it doe not eit a(ready<2; Go to code FTB(; Copy from t,e eitin! ta code c,an!e t,e c,an!e t,e

decription c,ec. t,e account mappin! 9 a4e t,e ne? ta code3; +(eae note t,e fo((o?in! "efore creatin! t,e ta code

T%B (+OC#D;+#





%CCO;:T I: :I!#

AXA% 1) EA 10002001

EE 10002002

AX+ 1) & 200010#5

AXB 1) ) 11005000

D>''E%E  A&E OD BE A&E

0. In different ta& procedures@ same ta& code can be created. *o/eer t$e mapping ofTransaction !ey) %ccount s$ould :OT c$ange.

a. For e&ampleb. Ta& code16 can be created in Ta& (rocedure T%B%+@ T%B(T ) T%B:9.

*o/eer@ Transaction !ey 6ST 11''''' in all t$e ta& procedures.. :eer c$ange an e&isting account mapping as t$at /ill affect countries /$ic$ are

already using t$at code#; A ta code (i.e 1) can ,a4e different ta rate in different ta procedure "ut ACCO

&A++>G remain t,e ame; o c,ec. a(( ta rate ued for a ta code ue reportS%L+73'12"

1.".2 6%T ne/ Ta& code Creation 9usiness (rocess

1; A !intana is al/ays re,uired;2; Appro4a( ,ou(d "e ta.en from inco %e"er!en "efore creatin! any ta code;3; e firt create t,e ta code in +R and a. t,e uer to tet t,em in +R; At tetin!

ta!e a(o inco %e"er!en '(orence ten Cate and &atti oti ,ou(d "e .ept informed;$; Once uer tet t,e ta code uccefu((y attac, t,e i!n off to t,e @intana create t,e

ne? ta code in +%D and inform a(( t,e partie mentioned a"o4e;

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 - 1* -

1."3 %dance +eturn for Ta& on Sales- (urc$ase

• codeF A%67012357

• Ep(anationFo +a!e 1 ,o? tota( for Output ta "y a Code;

o +a!e 2 ,o? tota( for >nput ta "y a Code;

o +a!e 3 ,o? tota( for eac, company code e(ected "y a Code;

o +a!e $ ,o? tota( for a(( company code e(ected "y a Code;

o >t i neceary to c(ear t,e amount in t,e a C(earin! account to enure t,at

t,e ta paya"(e/recei4a"(e to Account +aya"(e or Account %ecei4a"(e icreated in order to "e paid 4ia t,e automatic payment pro!ram :'110< or paidand c(eared 4ia t,e >ncomin! +ayment :'-26< procedure; A(t,ou!, t,e a"o4eprocedure ca(cu(ate and pot t,e ta paya"(e/recei4a"(e to t,e tapaya"(e/recei4a"(e account t,i account need to "e c(eared and paid;

o ,e ta paya"(e/recei4a"(e Account i mana!ed a SOpen >tem and a uc, a

c(earin! procedure need to occur in order to pay t,e 4a(ue to t,e tatutory Aut,oritie; ,erefore t,e 4a(ue of a to "e paid need to "e identified; ,ican "e ac,ie4ed "y an in8uiry on t,e ta paya"(e/recei4a"(e account in t,e!enera( (ed!er "y potin! date and unc(ear item;

1."7 Ta& (osting >%(-%+?

• codeF 'B$1

1."8 6%T Configuration

a on a(e/+urc,ae

  Decription code

Baic ettin!

C,ec. ca(cu(ation procedureC,ec. ca(cu(ation procedure - conditiontype OBR1

C,ec. ca(cu(ation procedureC,ec. ca(cu(ation procedure - accee8uence OBR2

C,ec. ca(cu(ation procedure C,ec. ca(cu(ation procedure - procedure OBR3

C,ec. country ai!ned to ca(cu(ationprocedure OBBG

C,ec. and c,an!e ettin! for taprocein! OBC

'ica( %e!iona( Code Define fica( re!iona( code for >ta(y/pain OBAD

'ica( %e!iona( CodeDefine fica( re!iona( code for ot,ercountrie OBAE


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a ype ) >nput ta

C,ec. e(ect if A+ to c,ec. ca(cu(ation

ar!et ta code )1 ,i ta code tranfer input ta to code )1 ?,en re(atedin4oice area paid

 Ai!n G a/c to t,eta code

. Tcode FT/0 1 %+234 aintained in ta5le T3637

8 When entering tax codes with no tax rate9

entering 3 rate allows accessing them4 Also need

to assign ") a1c to these tax codes4

 3; 'ina((y ta code ,a4e to "e a((ocated for non-taa"(e tranaction outide t,e cope of

)A :e;!; !enera( (ed!er =ourna( entrie "et?een account ?,ic, re8uire a 4a(id tacode< M e;!;F

$; Input 6: and Output %:. T$e codes are created in t$e normal /ay first@ but /it$ aEero percentage rate. ;se Tcode O9CL to <ump directly to /$ere t$ese ta& codes

are defined;

1.0' 6%T +eturn configuration

1; ,en confi!urin! )A procein! it i a(o neceary to maintain a"(e %)O% :?it,tranaction code &31< and enter t,e company code and fica( year a!aint t,e ABA+?,ic, run t,e ad4ance ta return :e;!; %'&)20 for >ta(y and pain prior to %e(eae$;#C< and a!aint t,e ABA+ ?,ic, run t,e document =ourna( :%'BEK10<; Ot,er?iet,e report ?i(( not run and t,e error report doe not te(( you muc, ecept to point youto?ard a"(e %)O%;

2; ,i ta"(e (in. t,e company code to t,e ABA+ ued to run t,e document =ourna(%'BEK10 and to t,e ABA+ ued to !enerate t,e ad4ance ta return %'&)00 :and

pre4iou(y %'&)20<; >t i eentia( to maintain it or t,e ad4ance ta return ?i(( not run;

1.01 Sales - (urc$ase Ta& configuration S%( (ress

+otin! of ta i an automatic tep; e(ect ta code; ytem ca(cu(ate ta amount and pot toG account

 Ai!n non taa"(e tranactionto company code

code F OBC Ai!n t,e ta code ta eempt tranaction to "e ued for

a Ca(cu(ation +rocedure codeF OBY

A+ come pre(oaded ?it, ta ca(cu(ation procedure for eac,countryComprie of Acce e8uence and a condition type;

a Condition ype codeF OBYa condition ype F & condition type t,at contro( a(( taca(cu(ation ecept 9 Brai(

 Ai!n a procedure to code F OBBG

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 - 22 -

Company code

Define a code for a(e/+urc,ae

code F 'X+ere defineF

• Tax description

• Tax ate

• ") account to which tax amount post

1.02 %utomatic clearing settings

• code UOB7$

o ,ere are fi4e criteria you can mention; orma( practice i !i4in! O%

:Ai!nment< a one criterion; ,e ort .ey in t,e 4endor mater define t,eai!nment fie(d in t,e document;

o Clearing program clears open items grouped toget$er if t$eir balance is

Eero in local - company code ) foreign currency

1.0" Define Tolerance groups for GL %ccounts

• codeF +%O-'A-G-B-O> C(earin! M C(earin! diff; M Define to(erance !roup for G/


1.00 GL accts for clearing diff 

• codeF O9B

• DataF $7070# :An epene a/c for c(earin! difference<;

• Ep(anationF

o o(erance !roup define t,e (imit ?it,in ?,ic, difference are accepted

o ere ai!n t,e G a/c to ?,ic, t,ee diff; are poted

o A+ de(i4er an ep;/ re4 a/c in COA > for t,i ai!nment

1.0 Define Foreign Currency 6aluation 4et$od

• codeF OB5*

• Ep(anationF

o ere ?e define forei!n currency aluation met$od for t,e open item

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o A+ ue ec,an!e rate type & to 4a(ue a(( forei!n currency item; & i t,e

a4era!e rate of any 'Co Before e4ery 4a(uation run ?e pecify t,e 4a(uation met,od

1.0 %ssign GL %ccts for foreign currency aluation difference

• codeF OBA1

• Data F

Co. code 1''' !D9 !DF

nrea(ied forei!nec,an!e (o


nrea(ied forei!nec,an!e !ain




• Ep(anationF

o G account to ?,ic, ec,an!e rate difference due to 4a(uation are poted

o nrea(ied forei!n ec,an!e (o/ !ainF !D9

#&c$ange +ate difference =eyF >t can "e .ept "(an.; >f entered ame,a to "e updated in t,e G Account contro( data ta" '00 to re4a(ue t,eforei!n currency account

#&pense %ccountF Enter G Account for unrea(ied forei!n ec,an!e(o; o i unrea(ied and automatica((y re4ered net mont,;

#-+ gains G Account for unrea(ied forei!n ec,an!e !ain; Can "e

ame a epene accounto #&c$ange +ate difference in open items >%-+@ %-(? !DF Enter G code for

account recei4a"(e/ account paya"(e :reconci(iation account<

GL %ccount G account mapped to cutomer in cutomer mater 

Loss G Account for ec,an!e rate (o rea(ied

Gain G Account for ec,an!e !ain rea(ied

6al. Loss1 G account for unrea(ied ec,an!e (o on 4a(uation ofopen item :A% A+<

6al. Gain 1 G account for unrea(ied ec,an!e !ain on 4a(uation ofopen item :A% A+<

9al. s$eet ad<. 1 Correpondin! entry for a"o4e t?o account poted tot,i account and net poted to t,e "a(ance ,eet account

A+ ytem upport t?o 4a(uation area in para((e(; ,i account ue

firt 4a(uation area;

1.03 Integration /it$ O* Cost Controlling

• codeF OBYB

• Ep(anationF

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o '> inte!ration ?it, CO

o HH +efer %ccount determination notes

1.07 Integration /it$ 4aterial 4anagement

• codeF OBYC

• Ep(anationF

o '> inte!ration ?it, &&

o HH +efer %ccount determination notes

o  A(( tranaction ,appenin! in t,e && uc, a !ood receipt !ood iue to cot

center 9 +roduction order tri!!er '> potin!o 6aluation 4odiff F >f e(ected can maintain G code p(ant ?ie

o 6aluation ClassF >f e(ected can maintain G code 4a(uation c(a ?ie; E;!;F

%& >+ pare part etco BXF ere ?e need to update in4entory G code;

1.08 Integration /it$ Sales ) Distribution

• codeF )@OA

• Ep(anationF

o HH +efer %ccount determination notes

o  A(( "i((in! tranaction in t,e D modu(e ?i(( tri!!er '> potin!

o ere ?e ai!n G a/c in COA for re4enue a/c determination

1.' Create GL %cct centrally

• codeF FS''

• Ep(anationF

o Create and &aintain :c,an!e dip(ay "(oc. and mar. for de(etion< G Account

Centra((yo Can a(o create G A/C ?it, reference to amp(e a/c

o  Acti4ate t,e fie(d H%econ; account for acct; typeH for account conidered a

reconci(iation account e;!; A/% e(ect cutomer recon account type A/+ e(ect4endor recon account type ;;; etc;

o o (oc./ un(oc. accountF e(ect your account and c(ic. oc./n(oc. Button ;

C(ic. B(oc.ed for creation; : At C,art Of Account e4e( <

C(ic. B(oc.ed for potin!; : At C,art Of Account e4e( <

C(ic. B(oc.ed for p(annin!; : At C,art Of Account e4e( <

C(ic. B(oc.ed for potin!; : At Company Code e4e(<

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o ,e G account may "e de(eted on(y if no potin! ,a "een made to t,i

account; ,e G account de(etion proce i performed "e a pecia( pro!ram

C(ic. De(ete Button

C(ic. &ar. for de(etion; : At C,art Of Account e4e( <

C(ic. &ar. for de(etion; : At Company Code e4e(<

1.1 Create Sample account

• Create amp(e accountF '&1

• C,an!e amp(e a/c F '&2

• Dip(ay amp(e a/c F '&3

• De(ete amp(e a/c F '&5

Ep(anationFo  A amp(e account i a mater record containin! data t,at i tranferred ?,en you

create G/ account mater record in t,e company code area;o amp(e account are dependent on t,e c,art of account;

o You mut not enter amp(e account in t,e c,art of account as G-L account

master recordso Cannot post to a sample a-c

1.2 Copy GL master data from Source company code to Target company

code• codeF '15

1." 4ass maintenance of GL a-c

• codeF OBGACC11

• codeF OBGACC12

• codeF OBGACC13

• Ep(anationF

o >f indi4idua( c,an!e in G a/c ue '00

o >f ma c,an!e in G a/c ue OBGACC11; Can c,an!e a/c !roup nature of

a/co &a maintenance of G a/c :'00< company code data; i;e; 'ie(d tatu !roup

Currency a cate!ory ue OBGACC12o 'or name c,an!e OBGACC13

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 - 2# -

1.0 GL a-c posting

• codeF '-02

• Ep(anationF


Can pot to any Genera( ed!er 9 u" (ed!er :)endor/Cutomer/AA< uin!proper potin! .eyo +t@y DetermineF ,i .ey determine;

 Account type :@ D A<

ype of potin! :de"it or credit<

ayout of entry creen;

1. (osting /it$ +eference Document

• codeF 'B%2

• Ep(anationF

o  A((o? you to pot a ne? accountin! document uin! a pre4iou(y poted '>document a a reference

1. Incoming (ayment

• codeF '-0#

• Ep(anationF

o +ot incomin! payment;

o D% Ban. A/c; C% Cutomer / )endor / G a/c;

o o pot your entry c(ic. a4e Button; ,e ytem tored t?o documentF

 A payment document

 A eparated c(earin! document t,at contain t,e information a"outc(eared document;

1.3 GL %ccount line item analysis

• codeF 'B3

• Ep(anationF

o %eport a((o? to dip(ay 9 c,an!e G (ine item proided

,i G/ account i mana!ed ?it, (ine item dip(ay

,e account mater i not defined a a %econci(iation account;o Dou"(e-c(ic. on t,e document num"er to dip(ay document detai(

1.7 GL %ccount analysis

• codeF '10

• Ep(anationF

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o ,e openin! "a(ance :t,e "a(ance carried for?ard from t,e pre4iou year<

o ,e tota( of a(( tranaction for eac, potin! period "ro.en do?n into de"it and

credit potin! :tranaction fi!ure<

1.8 GL manual a-c clearing

• codeF '-03

• Ep(anationF

o o c(ear open (ine item in G account manua((y

o Can a(o c(ear t,e tranaction poted in different currencie; ,e ytem ?i((

automatica((y ca(cu(ate and pot ec,an!e rate difference

1.' Outgoing payment

• codeF '-07

• Ep(anationF

o &anua((y +ot out!oin! payment

o You credit your "an. account and on t,e de"it ide you can pot a G Cutomer

or )endor account and c(ear open item:< on t,i account;o ypica( eamp(e of an open item i a 4endor in4oice t,at ,a not "een ett(ed

1.1 C$ange a posted GL document

• codeF 'B02

• Ep(anationF

o o add more information to a(ready created document (i.e c,an!e tet orai!nment fie(d;

1.2 Display GL Document

• Tcode F9'"

• To find any document in t$e system E36 - %'BEB00 and %'BEB01

• To find gaps in document number assignment E36 - %'B&00

• Ep(anationF

o Dip(ay a pre4iou(y poted document and print it; You can dip(ay any document

t,at ?a poted in '> modu(e;o You can dip(ay your document in different currency; C(ic. Dip(ay currency

Button;o You can dip(ay a(o ot,er document detai( (i.e e;!; ?,o poted t,i document;

C,ooe Document *eader   "utton; You can ee t,at t,e uer B+0001*7poted t,i document on 16t, Ku(y 2002

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1." Indiidual Document +eersal

• %e4ere >ndi4idua( DocumentF 'B06

• C,ec. ?,ic, re4era( reaon can "e ued to perform re4era( "y ne!ati4e potin! / A(ternati4e potin! date a((o?ed F S(+OJ Financial %ccountingKGeneral Ledger%ccounting J9usiness Transactions K %d<ustment (osting-+eersal K Define+easons for +eersal

• Ep(anationF

o >f you dont .no? t,e document num"er c(ic. Find documents Button

;o ,e ytem pro4ide a function to re4ere G/ cutomer and 4endor document

"ot, indi4idua((y or in a ma re4era(; ,en you re4ere a document you ,a4eto enter a re4era( reaon t,at ep(ain t,e re4era(; Document ?it, c(eareditem cannot "e re4ered; ,e document mut firt "e reet :'B%A<

o %e4era( %eaonF

01 %e4era( in current period

02 %e4era( in c(oed period

03 Actua( re4era( in current period

0$ Actua( re4era( in c(oed period

05 Accrua(/deferra( potin!

%eaon 03 and 0$ a((o? Vne!ati4eW potin!; o pot a ne!ati4ere4era( t,e fo((o?in! prere8uiite mut "e fu(fi((edF

• ,e company code mut "e defined a a((o?in! ne!ati4e

potin! :OBY#<;

• ,e document type mut a((o? ne!ati4e potin!;

1.0 4ass +eersal of Documents

• codeF ';60

• Ep(anationF

o Document to "e re4ered cannot inc(ude a(ready c(eared item; >f you ?ant to

re4ere document t,at ?a a(ready c(eared you need to reet a(( c(eared item"efore potin! a re4era(

1. (ost -*old - (ar=-#dit - GL Doc.

• +ot/o(d / +ar. F 'B50

• Edit 9 +ot +ar. document F ')50• o ee o(d document F 'B11

• Ep(anationF

o Can ,o(d a doc "efore potin! it; Can "e a in!(e entry doc; Can "e edited 9

poted;o *old doc to be conerted using. S#1J+FT4(9L0

o To post a $old doc. J F9' - F911JTree onJ Select $old doc.JeditJ post

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 - 2* -

o Diff. bet/een $old ) (ar= doc;F o(d ,a uer defined num"er 9 can "e edited

9 poted "y ame uer; +ar. ,a num"er ran!e deri4ed num"er 9 can "e edited9 poted "y ot,er uer

o a"(e name to c,ec. &>%O ,e(d documentF %B@+

1. Copying GL %ccounts to Company Code

• codeF OBY2

• Ep(anationF

o ranfer G A/C mater data from ource co; code to tar!et co; code;

o Create a "atc, to copy G a/c from ource co; code to tar!et co; code

o Eecute "atc, in &35

1.3 Display T codes

• codeF A+ Eay acce- Etra - ettin! - Dip(ay tec,nica( name

1.7 Create ne/ company code by copying e&isting co. code

• codeF EC01

• Ep(anationF

o >mp a(( dependent ta"(e !et copied; Copy 0001/1000/3000

1.8 %utomatic %cct determination - Special GL Config

• codeF F9!(

1.3' Create reference document for GL entry

• codeF '@&

• Ep(anationF

o >t can contain any num"er of G/ account item and can "e c,an!ed at any time;

>n contrat to amp(e document t,e G/ account item for account ai!nmentmode( may "e incomp(ete

• +otin! ?it, reference to Account ai!nment mode(F

o 'B50 M En4ironment - Comp(e potin! - Act ai!n mode(

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1.31 (ost /it$ clearing

• codeF '-0$

• Ep(anationF


in! t,e potin! ?it, c(earin! function you enter document (ine item and t,ene(ect t,e open item to "e c(eared; Once you ,a4e fu(fi((ed a(( t,e prere8uiitefor c(earin! t,e ytem c(ear t,e open item

• it, manua( c(earin! t,ere are 3 ?ay of c(earin! an open item :fu(( partia( reidua(<

• +esidual ) (artial Clearing

o % residual item reu(t ?,en a payment i made for (e t,an t,e actua( amount

outtandin!; You c(ear t,e ori!ina( open item and t,e ytem pot a ne? openitem; ,i ne? open item i for t,e ame amount a t,e ori!ina( open item minut,e amount paid

o % partial payment i a payment t,at i poted to an account ?it,out any open

item "ein! c(eared; ,e ori!ina( open item and t,e partia( payment remain open;

1.32 GL account automatic clearing

• codeF ';13

• code F '13E :Automatic c(earin! ?it, c(earin! currency pecified<

• Confi!ure ';13 F OB7$

• Ep(anationF

o  Automatic c(earin! a((o? you to c(ear many G account in one tranaction run;

>n cutomiin! ?e can define up to t,ree fie(d t,at are treated "y t,e ytem at,e ort criteria for c(earin!; 'or intance ?e can decide t,at a(( t,e document?it, t,e ame 4a(ue in t,e fie(d VAi!nmentW can "e c(eared

o  Automatic c(earin! i run t,rou!, "atc, =o" ncfia3*$#76#-p!rir5; ,en ?e run

';13 for G%/>% acct 20602000 ytem conider t,e matc,in! amount for

c(earin!; ,en it matc,e t,e ai!nment fie(d for t,ee amount; 'urt,er t,eort .ey in t,e G mater define t,e ai!nment fie(d 4a(ue in t,e document; 'orG acct 20602000 ort .ey i 01$ :+urc,ae Order< t,u if +O num"er matc,efor t,ee t?o amount t,e amount are c(eared a!aint eac, ot,er;

o ,e G account for automatic c(earin! of item mut "e f(a!!ed a open item

o  Acti4ate c,ec. "o inc(ude to(erance if you ?ant t,e ytem to c(ear t,e G a/c

(ine item "a(ance ?it,in t,e to(erance definedo C,ec. t,e to(erance !roup ai!ned to t,e G a/c in '00 under to(erance

!roup;o o? c,ec. t,e G a/c to(erance in OBA0

o ,e to(erance ?i(( "e maintained in code a "e(o?;


)endor/Cutomer - OBA3

Emp(oyee - OBA$

o ,ere are fi4e criteria you can mention; orma( practice i !i4in! O%

:Ai!nment< a one criterion; ,e ort .ey in t,e 4endor mater define t,eai!nment fie(d in t,e document;

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o You can choose to only reset cleared items or reset items and reverse the

accounting document that is connected with clearing operation

o Ta5les to chec= &learing documents in #E.C 1 D#E.CN:

Table name Cae!"#$

!SA" V  

!SAD C:  


1.3 +ecurring #ntry HH(ractice *ome

• Create %ecurrin! Entry F 'BD1

• Dip(ay %ecurrin! entry F 'BD3• C,an!e %ecurrin! entry F 'BD2

• Ep(anationF

o ,e recurrin! entry function ,e(p to automate potin! of tranaction t,at

repeat e4ery mont, :?it, t,e ame amount< e;!; Accrua( / Deferra( potin!;,e ytem ue t,e recurrin! entry ori!ina( document t,at you4e entered a areference; >t i not a Srea( accountin! document and t,erefore doe not affect t,eaccount "a(ance; o?e4er at a pecified date ?,en a recurrin! entry document?i(( "e proceed it ?i(( !enerate automatica((y t,e accountin! document andpotin! ?i(( affect account "a(ance;

1.33 #nter translation rates

• Dip(ay fore ec,an!e rateF OB06

• codeF BCE#600017$

• Ep(anationF

o Ec,an!e rate are defined in t,e ytem; Ec,an!e rate i important "ecaue

?e ,a4e toF

ran(ate forei!n currency amount ?,en potin! or c(earin!

Determine t,e !ain and (o from ec,an!e rate difference rea(ied

E4a(uate open item in forei!n currencyo ,e ec,an!e rate are defined "y period :4a(id from<

o By defau(t t,e ytem ue t,e type & ec,an!e rate for forei!n currency

tran(ation ?,en potin! and c(earin! document;

1.37 #nter accrual ) deferral documents HH +epeat

• codeF 'B1

• Ep(anationF

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o %ccruals #&penditure- (repaid #&penseF Any ependiture "efore t,e c(oin!

.ey date ?,ic, repreent an epene for any period after t,i date;o Deferrals Income Deferred income i any receipt "efore t,e c(oin! .ey date

t,at repreent re4enue for any period after t,i date;

o ,e accrua( can "e re4ered (ater automatica((y or manua((y uin! ';61

1.38 +eerse %ccrual-Deferral documents HH +epeat

• codeF ';61

• Ep(anationF

o %e4ere pre4iou(y poted accrua( / deferra(; ,e ytem pot a re4era( "y

enterin! an identica( amount to t,e oppoite ide of t,e account t,ere"yoffettin! t,e ori!ina( amount;

1.7' Cross Company Code Document

• 'B2 - Cro Company Code Document M C,an!e

• 'B3 - Cro Company Code Document M Dip(ay

• 'B6 - Cro Company Code Document M %e4ere

• Ep(anationF

o ,ee document a((o? potin! for more t,an one company code; >t i poi"(e

to in4o(4e e4era( companie in a cro-company code tranaction; ,e ytempot a eparate document ?it, it o?n document num"er in eac, of t,ecompany code


• )ie? / C,an!e iDocF E02

• Edit iDoc in E02 / E05 M a4e c,an!e M %eproce in E02 or BD67

4ont$ #nd %ctiities

.4 eview 5illing documents not posted to F@ resolve issue

84 eview items on 5illing 5loc= resolve issue

64 +atch &ustomer 5illing

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 - 3$ -

24 &lose period

,4 %pen new posting period

C4 'pdate T&' ta5le with foreign currency rates

4 ecurring entry

-4 Accrual Entry

G4 E Financial reports

.34 &lose A0 1A posting periods

..4 %pen @tem valuation

.84 &ustomer aged trial 5alance

.64 &ost distri5ution and assessments

.24 Assessments to 0A

.,4 un econciliation ledger reports

.C4 un reconciliation ledger

.4 $epartmental &% reporting

.-4 eport on @nventory in Transit 5etween companies in #A0

.G4 0ost "oods receipt for stoc= in transit 5etween &&

834 "@ &learing

8.4 )oc=5ox receipt clearing

884 A &redit emo clearing

864 &leared chec= issued

824 eport on profit in inventory for @& consolidation entries

8,4 "eneral )edger *aluation

8C4 &lose ")

84 "enerate month end final reports

8-4 Accrual reversal entry in the next month

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8G4 egroup9 &alculate distri5ute A A0 5alances 5y profit center

634 $istri5ute cash discount and Foreign exchange rate difference to profit center

6.4 ecord W@0 to profit center

684 Transfer material stoc= values to profit center

664 Assignment monitor review

1.71 4+11 J G+ - I+ Clearing %ccount 4aintenance

• codeF &%11

• Ep(anationFo Ruantity difference "et?een !ood receipt and in4oice receipt for a purc,ae

order reu(t in a "a(ance on t,e G%/>% c(earin! account; >f t,e 8uantity in4oiced i(ar!er t,an t,e 8uantity recei4ed t,e ytem t,en epect furt,er !ood receiptfor t,i purc,ae order to c(ear t,e "a(ance; >f t,e 8uantity recei4ed i (ar!er t,ant,e 8uantity in4oiced t,e ytem t,en epect furt,er in4oice for t,i purc,aeorder to c(ear t,e "a(ance; You can a(o c(ear difference for de(i4ery cot; >f nomore !ood or in4oice are to "e recei4ed you mut c(ear t,e "a(ance manua((yin &%11

o )ie? t,e ori!ina( Document :&& document< e(ect #nironment J Original


1.72 Define %d<ustment for G+-I+ clearing acct

• codeF OBY+

• DataF Company code F 1000

Transaction 9:G

+econciliation %d<ustment Target

1*1000 1*10** 1*1101

1*1100 1*11** 1*1101

Transaction G:9

+econciliation %d<ustment Target

1*1000 1*10** 1*11021*1100 1*11** 1*1102

• Ep(anationF

o Good receipt / in4oice receipt c(earin! account i a pro4iiona( account 9 i

poted to ?,en ?e recei4e !ood not in4oiced or recei4e in4oice for !ood notrecei4ed;

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 - 3# -

o code ';1* ana(ye G%/>% c(earin! account and ,o? amount t,at can "e

c(eared in &%11

1.7" G+I+ %ccount Configuration

• codeF OBYC - %X

1.70 G+I+ +egrouping HH Diff bet/een 4+11 ) F.18

• codeF ';1*

• Ep(anationF

• ,i tranaction ana(ye !ood receipt/in4oice receipt :G%/>%< c(earin! account at a

pecified .ey date and !enerate ad=utment potin! if neceary; ,ee are needed in

order to dip(ay t,e fo((o?in! "uine tranaction correct(y in t,e "a(ance ,eetFo Good de(i4ered "ut 4endor in4oice not recei4ed; :+urc,ae ide<

o )endor >n4oice recei4ed "ut Good not de(i4ered; :+urc,ae ide<

• ,e pro!ram e(ect a(( item in G%/>% c(earin! account t,at are open at t,e pecified

.ey date; >f t,e open item per purc,ae order num"er and item in (oca( currency do not"a(ance out to ero ad=utment potin! are created in a "atc, input eion for t,eeitem

1.7 Foreign currency aluation

• codeF ';05

• Ep(anationFo >n order to create your financia( tatementU you ,a4e to carry out a forei!n

currency 4a(uation;o ,i proce 4a(uate a(( tranaction poted in forei!n currency per company

code;o o perform t,e 4a(uation you ue an ec,an!e rate for t,e end of t,e mont,;

o You can a(o ue different 4a(uation met,od :B@ E)% and @O<; >n t,ee

met,od ?e can pecify t,e type of ec,an!e rate ued :& Buyin! rateJ<o )a(uation can "e in (oca( currency :company code currency< or para((e( currency

:!roup currency<o Can 4a(uate F G / )endor / Cutomer Open items

o ,e potin! of 4a(uation i done "y t,e "atc, input eion; >t i recommended

t,at you run eac, 4a(uation eparate(y o e;!; you ?i(( create a eparated "atc,

input for cutomer open item t,en anot,er one for 4endor and anot,er one forG

o 'orei!n currency "a(ance ,eet account are G/ account ?,ic, fu(fi(( t,e

fo((o?in! conditionF t

,e currency .ey in t,e account mater record i not t,e (oca( currency.ey

,e account "a(ance are .ept in ot,er currencie in addition to t,e (oca(currency

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,e account i a "a(ance ,eet account

 Account i not a reconci(iation account;

1.7 +egrouping of receiables-payables

• codeF '101

• Ep(anationF

o ,i pro!ram c(aifie t,e recei4a"(e/paya"(e a per t,e a!in!; Confi!ured in

OBB; ,i proce can "e carried out in '101; ytem ?ou(d create a "atc,and t,en eecute it in &35; ettin! for B/ ad=utment account for tranferpotin! ?ou(d ,a4e to "e maintained in OBB


• code F ';07

• Ep(anationF

o ,i pro!ram ca(cu(ate and carrie for?ard t,e "a(ance for customers and-or

endors; ,e "a(ance of t,e pre4iou year are carried for?ard to t,e e? Year;o ,i pro!ram ,ou(d "e run at t,e "e!innin! of t,e ne? fica( year; >f t,e

pro!ram i a(ready run at t,e end of t,e (at fica( year potin! ?,ic, arepoted after t,i to t,e (at fica( year do not reu(t in automatic ad=utment of t,e"a(ance carried for?ard to t,e net year; >n uc, a cae it i neceary to (et t,epro!ram run a!ain after t,ee potin! to carry for?ard t,e potin! entered(ater; ,e pro!ram can "e tarted a often a deired;

1.77 9alance carry for/ard of GL %ccounts

• code F ';1#

• Ep(anationF

• ,i pro!ram i ued to carry for?ard t,e "a(ance of t,e General Ledger  to t,e ne?

fica( year; You can run t,i tranaction mu(tip(e time

• ,e G "a(ance are carried for?ard a fo((o?F

o Ba(ance ,eet account are tranferred ?it, a(( additiona( account ai!nment

to t,e ame account num"er;o +9 account are carried for?ard to t,e retained earnin! account; Additiona(

account ai!nment are not tranferred

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 - 36 -

%ccounts (ayable

1.78 Define %cct group /it$ screen layout >6endors?

• codeF OBD3

• Ep(anationF

• ,en creatin! a 4endor mater need to pecify 4endor account !roup

• )endor account !roup determineF

o )endor account num"er 

o 4endor num"er i ai!ned or eterna((y "y t,e uer 

o ,et,er it a onetime account

o ,ic, fie(d are ready for input ?,en creatin! 9 c,an!in! cutomer mater

:'ie(d tatu<

1.8' #nter %ccounting cler= identification code for customers

• codeF +%O M 'A M A%A+ M CA M &% M +reparation for creatin! cutomer mater

record M Enter accountin! c(er. identification code

• DataF 01 :&o,it<

• Ep(anationF

o Enter identification code :01< 9 c(er. name :&o,it< for a company code :100<

o Code entered in cutomer mater record

o e(pfu( in e4a(uation

1.81 Define Industries

• codeF codeF +%O M 'A M A%A+ M CA M &% M +reparation for creatin! cutomer

mater record M Define indutrie

• Ep(anationF

o Define indutry

o pecify ?,at indutry a "uine partner "e(on! to "y enterin! indutry .ey in

cutomer mater record;o e(pfu( in e4a(uation e;!; !enerate cutomer (it for a indutry

1.82 6endor 4atc$ Codes

• codeF OB50

• +at,F 'A- A%/A+ M )endor a/c M &ater Data M &atc, code M &aintain matc, code for


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 - 3* -

• Ep(anationF

o &atc, code ued to find 4endor in t,e data"ae

o Can define our o?n matc, code

1.8" #&tending 6endors to %dditional Company codes

• codeF '@15 :if ame c(ient<

• codeF '@15 L '@1# :if different c(ient<

• Ep(anation

o &u(tip(e company code cenario; ome 4endor ,ared "y company code;

eed to etend a 4endor ay eitin! in 730 to company code 7##

1.80 Define Sensitie fields

• eniti4e fie(d (i.e 4endor "an. detai(; C,an!e to t,ee fie(d ,ou(d "e confirmed "y

anot,er uer 

• Confirmation of 4endor mater c,an!eF '@06 and '@0*

• +at,F 'A M A%/A+ M )endor a/c M &ater data M +reparation for creatin! 4endor mater


1.8 (ayment 9loc= +easons for 6endor Inoices

• +at,F 'A-A%/A+ M B- O+- O+ G(o"a( ettin! M +ayment "(oc. reaon

Ep(anationFo )endor in4oice can "e "(oc.ed for payment; ere ?e define reaon for "(!

4endor in4oice for paymento o "(oc. >n4oice F 'B02

1.8 (ayment bloc= on a 6endor inoice by (ayment terms

• +at,F 'A M A%/A+ M B M O+ M O+G M +ayment "(oc. reaon M Define defau(t 4a(ue

for payment "(oc.

1.83 +elease endor Inoices bloc=ed for payment

• codeF &%B%

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 - $0 -

1.87 Create number range for endor accts

• codeF X@1

• Ep(anationF


Can create interna( or eterna( num"er ran!e;o >nterna( F ytem automatica((y a((ot t,e num"er 

o Eterna(F er ai!n t,e num"er in t,e pecified ran!e;

1.88 %ssign number range to 6endor %cct group

• codeF OBA

• Ep(anationF

o e ai!n num"er ran!e created in :X@1< to 4endor account !roup :OBD3<;

,u 4endor num"er for t,i 4endor a/c !roup can "e e(ected from t,i ran!e

1.1'' Delete 6endor - Customer 4aster Data

• codeF OB%2

• Ep(anationF

o ed to de(ete cutomer mater data

o Can "e de(eted on(y for company code not f(a!!ed a producti4e

o Can de(ete cutomer mater record on(y if no tranaction eit in it

1.1'1 4aintain terms of (ayment for endors and customers

• codeF +%O-'A-A%/A+-B-Out !oin! >n4oice-&aintain erm of +ayment

• codeF OBB6

• Ep(anationF

o +ayment term ai!n to )endor mater record

o +ayment term propoed ?,en enterin! a 4endor document

o E;!;F #0 day 5 ca, dicount if paid in 30 day

o Can a(o define defau(t payment "(oc. for ome payment term

1.1'2 Define terms of payment for installment payment

• codeF OBB*

• codeF +%O-'A-A%/A+-B-Out !oin! >n4oice-&aintain erm of +ayment

• Ep(anationF

o >nta((ment payment to 4endor in4oice;

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 - $1 -

o Define t,ree term of payment in :maintain term of payment<; o? map t?o of

t,em to one of t,em in OBB*

1.1'" Define %ccts for cas$ discount ta=en

• codeF OBX

• code F +%O-'A-A%/A+-B-Out !oin! >n4oice-Define ca, dicount "ae for out!oin!


• codeF Ca, dicount !rantedF OBX>

• Ep(anation

o Ca, dicount recei4ed from 4endor poted ,ere

1.1'0 Define %ccts for e&c$ange rate diff • codeF OB0*

1.1' Define %ccts for rounding differences

• codeF OB00

1.1' Define acct for ban= c$arges >endors?

• codeF OBX@

1.1'3 Define acct for payment diff > manual outgoing?

• codeF OBX

1.1'7 Do/n (ayment 4ade to endors

• Confi!ure Do?n +ayment made to 4endorF OBY% / 'B@+

• )endor Do?n payment %e8uetF '-$7

• +ot )endor Do?n +aymentF '-$6

• +ot on +O )endor in4oice F 'B#0

• C(ear )endor Do?n payment F '-5$

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 - $2 -

1.1'8 Duplicate Inoice C$ec=

• codeF +%O M && M >) M >ncomin! >ncome M et c,ec. for dup(icate >n4oice

1.11' Creating a endor master +ecord

• Create )endor &aterF '@01

• Transfer customer- 6endor master data from ource company code to tar!et company

codeF S#"7 J +F9ID#1'-+F9I!+1'

• Display c$anges to customer - endor master dataF E36- %'DAB00 or %'@AB00

'ind dup(icate cutomer mater dataF E36 - %'D@AG00• 'ind dup(icate 4endor mater dataF E36- %'@@AG00

• Create 4endor mater record centra((y F X@01

• C,an!e )endor &ater recordF X@02

• Dip(ay )endor &ater recordF X@03

• B(oc. /n"(oc. )endor &ater F X@05

• &ar. 4endor for de(etion :De(eted "y a pecia( pro!ram< F X@0#

• #&planation HH +efer TFI: notes

• %ccount Group

• ,i(e creatin! cutomer / 4endor ?e ,a4e to pro4ide account !roup; Account !roup

contro(Fo um"er ran!e of t,e account

o tatu of t,e fie(d in t,e mater recordo >f t,e account i a onetime account

• >f a cutomer i a(o a 4endor t,e A++ and t,e dunnin! pro!ram can c(ear open item

a!aint eac, ot,er; 'or t,i Fo Enter t,e 4endor account num"er in t,e cutomer account or 4ice 4era;

o e(ect t,e fie(d c(earin! ?it, cutomer / 4endor 

+re4iou Acct e!acy ytem acct num"er  

ort @ey Ai!nment fie(d 4a(ue

o(erance Group o(erance ?it, in ?,ic, t,i 4endor can tranact

+ayment &et,od &et,od "y ?,ic, t,i 4endor accept payment

1.111 (ost :on (O based 6endor Inoice

• codeF 'B#0

• Ep(anationF

o o pot no +O "aed 4endor in4oice

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 - $3 -

1.112 (ost 4anual (ayment to 6endor and not generate payment media>iDoc@ c$ec=?

• codeF '-53

• Ep(anationF

o )endor outtandin! in4oice are paid in A++ :'110<; ome in4oice not paid can

"e paid manua((y in code '-53

1.11" Displaying 6endor %ccount balance

• codeF '@10

• Ep(anationF

o o dip(ay 4endor a/c "a(ance

1.110 Displaying - +eleasing 6endor Inoices

• codeF 'B1

• Ep(anationF

o o dip(ay 4endor a/c (ine item >n4oice credit memo payment etco >n A+ ?e can "(oc. / re(eae document for payment

o B(oc. in4oice for payment 'B#0; %e(eae in4oice for payment 'B1; Dou"(e

c(ic. in4oice - c(ic. to c,an!e mode - remo4e payment "(oc.

1.11 %utomatic (ayment (rogram >Incoming ) Outgoing (ayments?

• Tcode F11'

• Ep(anationF

• %efer '>ZZ

> ,a4e teted t,e propoed confi!uration c,an!e p(eae find "e(o? my findin!FOption 1


*ouse ban= +an=ing Currency Comments

> B21 1 E% 'or payment met,od > a(( E%O paymentfrom B21

> B22 2 B(an. 'or payment met,od > a(( payment ot,er

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 - $$ -

t,an E%O from B22

> B23 3 D 'or payment met,od > D payment fromB22

1.11 Define :umber +ange for C$ec=s

• codeF 'A:< M A%/ A+ M B M Out!oin! +ayment M Automatic out!oin! payment M

+ayment &edia M C,ec. &ana!ement

• Ep(anationF

o Can t,in. of eac, c,ec. (ot a a C,ec. Boo.

1.113 4anual Clearing of 6endor open Items

• codeF '-$$

• Ep(anationF

o &anua((y c(ear 4endor document : >n4oice Credit &emo etc<

o Dou"(e c(ic. 9 dee(ect a(( - e(ect 2/more document to "e c(eared; - a4e

o o rea( potin! "ut a c(earin! document i created

1.117 Display (urc$ase Order 

• codeF 4#2":

C,an!e +O F 444#22 or 4#22:• earc, for a +O F 4#29

1.118 (OJbased 6endor inoice-credit memo-(lanned Deliery Cost

• codeF &>%O

• Ep(anationF

o You enter t,e data from t,e 4endor in4oice in t,e ytem; A you do t,i you

compare t,e data ?it, t,e u!!eted 8uantitie and 4a(ue for eac, item; >fdifference occur you ma.e any neceary correction

o +(anned De(i4ery Cot are cot incurred o4er and a"o4e t,e cot of t,e

materia( and inc(ude uc, cot a frei!,t ,and(in! and cutom dutie; Cot?i(( "e c(aified into cate!orie poted to a eparate G account - 'rei!,t andCutom Dutie for eamp(e; +(anned de(i4ery cot ,a4e t,e ad4anta!e t,atde(i4ery cot are inc(uded in t,e 4a(uation of t,e materia( at time of Good%eceipt;

o In (O +eference select M (lanned Deliery cost

o  A Credit &emo i recei4ed from a trade 4endor and t,e Credit &emo i poted

?it, reference to a +urc,ae Order and er4e a a cance((ation of t,e >n4oice

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 - $5 -

%eceipt; (osting a credit memo al/ays leads to a debit posting on t$eendor account; ,en you pot a credit memo t,e tota( 8uantity in t,epurc,ae order ,itory i reduced "y t,e credit memo 8uantity;

o Imp Select Credit 4emo on transaction drop do/n bo& on top of screen

• Dip(ay/C,an!e +O-Baed )endor Document F 4I+0• +ar. >n4oiceF 4I+3ra4e( &ana!ement


rip um"er%an!e

+%10 rip um"er %an!e;E4ery trip ,a a trip num"er; Cou(d "einterna( / eterna( num"er ran!e;

+otin! %unnum"er %an!e

+%12 o; ran!e for potin! run


um"er %an!e

+%11 o; ran!e for trip tranfer document

rip +ro4iion)ariant

'A M& M E M &D - Contro(+arameter for E - Definerip +ro4iion )ariant

eed to define rip pro4iion 4ariant for eac,country and ai!n it to or!aniationa( area in%)C :+E03<

 Ai!n Or!area to rip+ro4iion)ariant

'A M & ME M &D - Contro(+arameter for E - Ai!nOr!aniationa( Area to rip+ro4iion )ariant 4ia 'eature%)C

 Ai!n Or!aniationa( area to t,e rippro4iion 4ariant

G(o"a( ettin!:rip +ro4iion4ariant<

'A M & M E M &D - Contro(+arameter for ra4e(

Epene→ Define G(o"a(


 Ai!n fo((o?in! to eac, rip pro4iion)ariantFCountry !roupin!rip currency

Country for ?,ic, input ta i to "e ca(cu(atednit for ditance tra4e((edEc,an!e rate type

%eim"urement!roup for tra4e(cot

'A- & M E M &D M Contro(parameter for E M Contro(parameter for + M Definereim"urement !roup for tra4e(cot

Emp(oyee pecific reim"urement rate for a4e,ic(e c(aGroup emp(oyee into !roupGroup 4e,ic(e into c(a :Car "i.e;;<&ap emp(oyee !roup to t,e 4e,ic(e c(a

%eim"urementrate for 4e,ic(ec(a

Define reim"urement rate for 4e,ic(e c(aGroup 4e,ic(e into c(a :Car "i.e <&ap t,e a"o4e t?o


!roupin! forra4e( Epeneype

+%O M'A M & M E M &D MContro( +arameter for E M

Contro( parameter for tra4e(pri4i(e!e M Define emp(oyee!roup for tra4e( epene type

,ee are mapped to epene type and+eronne( num"er in % mater : +%&D<

Contro( epene type acce to a peronne(num"er 

Defineemp(oyee!roup for tra4e(&ana!ement

+%O M'A M & M E M &D MContro( +arameter for E MContro( parameter for tra4e(pri4i(e!e M Define emp(oyee!roup for tra4e( mana!ement

,i i ued for enterprie pecific reportin!purpoe and aut,oriation c,ec.

Define +%O M'A M & M E M &D M eapro amenda Benicar etc

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 - $# -

enterpriepecific triptype

Contro( +arameter for E MContro( parameter for tripdata M Define enterpriepecific trip type

Define er4ice+ro4ider 

+%O M'A M & M E M &D MContro( +arameter for E MContro( parameter for tripdata M Define er4ice pro4ider 


ra4e( Epeneype for>ndi4idua(receipt

'A M & M E M &D M E -Create

>ndi4idua( tra4e( receipt are entered uin!tra4e( epene type,rou!, epene type permii"i(ity canpecify ?,ic, epene type an emp(oyee canett(e; ,i i tored in >nfotype 00176600 67*0 6720 6730

ra4e( Epeneype for f(atrate

'A M & M E M &D M E -Create

ra4e( epene type for f(at rate'(at rate defined for eac, 4e,ic(e typeDefine tra4e( epene type

&ap to tra4e( epene cate!ory Ai!n a!e type to ra4e( Epene ype

Define f(at ratefor tra4e( cot

'A M & M E M ripreim"urement amount M%eim"urement amount tra4e(cot M Define f(at rate for tra4e(cot

;55 D defined for perona( car ued for"uine purpoe

&ai %ate forepene ype

'A M & M E M &D M E 'o((o?in! 4a(ue poi"(eFDefau(t 4a(ue%eaonF >f 4a(ue eceed mai; Amt reaonmut "e enteredarnin! F >f 4a(ue eceed mai 4a(ueError F if 4a(ue eceed mai 4a(ueDitri"utionF Genera((y Epene type to a!etype 1>f 2 part t,en for part eceedin! mai (imitai!n ?a!e type 2


+%O M'A M & M E MDia(o! 9 E Contro( M 'ie(dcontro( for additiona( receiptinformation

'ie(d re8uired / optiona( / dip(ay / ,ide in+%05

 Ai!n a!etype to tripepene type

'A M & M E M a!e typeinterface MAi!n ?a!e type totra4e( epene type forindi4idua( receipt / Ai!na!e ype to rip Epene

ype for +er Diem/'(at%ate

ere t,e er4ice pro4ider emp(oyee / Ame!ettin! ai!ned to t,e Epene ypera4e( epene pro!ram ai!n Epenetype to a ?a!e typea!e type i ai!ned to a ym"o(ic account

ym"o(ic account ai!ned to a epeneaccount in '>Genera((y Epene type to a!e type 1>f 2 part t,en for part eceedin! mai (imitai!n ?a!e type 2


'ie(d contro( for additiona( fie(d information

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 - $7 -

 Ai!n a!etype toym"o(icaccount

'A M & M E M ranfer toaccountin! M Defineai!nment of ?a!e type toym"o(ic account

Eac, ?a!e type i assigned to a ym"o(icaccount :Epene a/c< 9 a ym"o(icoffettin! account :)endor / cutomer<L :D%< - :C%<

L10 L20 TZ : %<%% CC TZ :%+<% F epene account%+ F cutomer / 4endor account%F A(?ay 3 di!it ym"o(; 'irt di!it ia(?ay 1 econd 9 t,ird di!it are t,e (at 2di!it of t,e G epene account%+F A(?ay 3 di!it ym"o(; 'irt di!it ia(?ay 1 ot,er t?o are ym"o(ic num"erCan e(ect ?/o CO recei4er c,ec. "o; ocontro((in! potin! 9 input ta code; orma((ye(ect ?,ere t,e G account ai!ned i nott,e cot e(ement in CO

Conversion ofSymbolic

 Account toExpense


'A M & M E M ranfer toaccountin! M Con4erion ofym"o(ic account to epeneaccount

&apped data F 6600 :Epene ype< M 67*0:a!e ype< - L$1 :ym"o(ic account< M% M 1$1 M $63000 :G account<

ett(ement +%EC'A- & M E M ++ M ett(e trip

 Accountin! document for potin! epeneand payin! to emp(oyee are created

Create +otin!%un

+%'>'A-& ME M++ M ranfer toaccountin! M Create potin!run

G/ account are determined

)endor account are read

 Account ai!nment o"=ect are4erified

>nput ta i ca(cu(ated

rip tranfer document are

!enerated ee ote 2000##

+ot potin!run

+%%'A-& ME M++ M ranfer toaccountin! M&ana!e +otin!run

Document are actua((y potedC(ic. run :poted< M '>CO document

Create 'orm 'A M & M E M ++ M +rintform

ra4e( Epenetatitic

,e fo((o?in! ta"(e are current(y updatedF+%)D% rip amount uc, areim"urement amount and tota( cot of atrip

+%)%EC rip receipt ?it, epenetype and receipt amount in (oca( and

forei!n currency+%)ADD Additiona( receipt data uc,a receipt reaon and "uine partner +%)CO Cot ai!nment of a trip

%e"ui(d and E36-

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 - $6 -

&aintain triptatitic


Genera( tripdata

'A M & ME M >nformationytem M rip tatitic M

Genera( rip datara4e(&ana!ement8uerie

 Accounting  → Financial

 Accounting  → Travel

Management  → Travel

expenses → Information

system→ Tools

>nfoet /A+RE%Y/'>) i de(i4ered "ui(tup on t,e ra4e( &ana!ement (o!ica(data"ae +%)+,e uer !roup /A+RE%Y/' contain t,e8uerie defined 4ia t,e >nfoeta(o create your o?n cutomer-pecific8uerie in Ruery under too(

+eronne( Action

+%&& Can add or remo4e peronne( action in t,e+eronne( action menu;'irt define info !roup; Ai!n info type toinfo !roupA+ pro4ide you ?it, t,e info !roup 5#

ra4e( Epene :mini mater< and info!roup 57 Or!aniationa( reai!nment :Emini mater<;

 Action type / >nfo type 5# ra4e( Epene:mini mater< and 57 Or!aniationa(reai!nment :E mini mater<;

&aintain %+eronne( data

+%&D add or remo4e t,e >nfotype (ited perperonne( num"er 

Dip(ay %peronne( data


Create / "(oc.4endor materfor peronne(num"er 

+%AA Create/C,an!e/oc. )endor &ater %ecordfrom % &ater %ecord :%+%A+A00< tocreate a "atc, input eion for creatin! andmaintainin! peron-pecific 4endor materrecord on t,e "ai of % mater data;You need to prepare t,e fo((o?in! >nfotypefrom % mater dataF Action :0000<Or!aniationa( Ai!nment :0001< +erona(Data :0002< Addree :permanentreidence< :000#< and Ban. Detai( :000*<;

 A(( t,e ot,er data re8uired for a 4endormater record i ta.en from t,e reference4endor 

% materrecord

+%05 M En4ironment M %mater Data - &aintain

Eac, emp(oyee mut ,a4e fo((o?in! infotype"efore !oin! on a tripF0001 F Or!aniationa( Ai!nment0002 F +eronne( data

0017 F ra4e( +ri4i(e!e000# F Addre000* F Ban. detai( for payment0027 F Option to ditri"ute trip cot todifferent cot center

Create ra4e(Epene

%>+ / +%05

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