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  • 7/29/2019 Fiberoptic Sensor



    Meas. Sci. Technol. 13 (2002) 15231534 PII: S0957-0233(02)38661-2

    An evaluation of a novel plastic opticalfibre sensor for axial strain and bend

    measurementsK S C Kuang1,3, W J Cantwell1 and P J Scully2

    1 Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Liverpool,

    Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L69 3GH, UK2 Liverpool John Moores University, School of Engineering, James Parsons Building,

    Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Received 25 June 2002, in final form 24 July 2002, accepted for publication1 August 2002Published 4 September 2002Online at

    AbstractThis paper reports the use of a low cost, intensity-based plastic optical fibresensor for curvature and strain measurements in samples subjected toflexural and tensile loading conditions respectively. This simple and robustsensor exhibits a high signal-to-noise ratio and excellent repeatability,rendering the system cost effective for operation in harsh environments. Inaddition, this inexpensive system offers a signal linearity and signal stabilitycomparable to that of an in-fibre Bragg grating sensor and other moresophisticated optical fibre sensor systems. Test results have shown that thesensor exhibits a highly linear response to axial strains of up to 1.2% andbending strains up to 0.7% offering a strain resolution of up to 20microstrain. Findings from a series of cyclic tests have demonstrated thatthe sensor response is highly repeatable, exhibiting only a very smallamount of hysteresis. The results also highlight the possibility of using thesensor for monitoring strain on either the tensile or compressive side/regionof a beam subjected to flexural loading.

    Keywords: plastic optical fibre (POF), segmented POF sensor, strain sensors,smart structures, intensity modulation

    (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

    1. Introduction

    Engineering structures experience a variety of loading regimesduring their lifetime of operational service. The structuralintegrity of surviving structures in the proximity of ademolished building has been a source of serious concern,particularly in the aftermath of an earthquake [1]. In recent

    years, engineers have been exploring various options fordeveloping structures that have ahealth-monitoring capability.

    Such structures are capable of providing vital informationconcerning the integrityof load-bearing engineering structuresthrough the use of embedded or surface-bonded sensors.

    3 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.

    Amongst the various methods available, optical fibre sensing

    systems have attracted considerable attention and have been

    widely demonstrated to be a highly promising technology for

    structural health monitoring [24].

    Fibre optic sensors offer many advantages over

    conventionalstrainsensorsthese include theirinsensitivity to

    electromagneticfields, lightweight and minimal intrusiveness.

    Optical fibre sensing systems have been shown to be capableof measuring a variety of parameters including strain and

    deflection. In highly loaded engineering structures such as

    highway bridges, pedestrian footbridges, skyscrapers, aircraft

    wingsand helicopter rotorblades, transverseloading canresult

    in large bending strains, which can lead to the initiation of

    0957-0233/02/101523+12$30.00 2002 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 1523

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    K S C Kuang et al

    cracks and a reduction in fatigue life. In many applications,

    the maximum deflection of the structure defines the safe

    operational limit, and it is therefore important to have a

    structurally integrated monitoring system capable of real-time

    strain and bend measurements. The incorporation of a fibre

    opticsensingsystem (FOSS) capable ofcontinuous acquisition

    of strain and bending information would allow preventive

    measures to be taken before the onset of catastrophic failure.Recent progress in the field of optical fibre sensors

    has demonstrated the ability of such systems to perform

    health-assessment monitoring in large civil structures such as

    bridges and flyovers [57]. The use of fibre Bragg grating

    (FBG) sensors for strain and bending measurements has been

    attractingsignificant attention in recent yearsand thesesensors

    have been shown to offer excellent potential for structural

    health monitoringin a rangeof structures[812]. However, the

    cost of implementing an FBG sensing systemfrequently limits

    itswidespreaduse toonlywell funded andspecializedprojects.

    In FBG-based optical systems, signal recovery requires

    complicated demodulation techniques, frequently involving

    costly specialist hardware such as optical spectrum analysers.

    In contrast, inexpensive intensity-based optical fibre systems

    for structural-health monitoring have been demonstrated andshown to be a viable option in the development of reliable and

    cost-effective sensing systems [1315]. Recently, intensity-

    based systems using tapered glass optical fibre sensors have

    been considered for use in strain monitoring of load-bearing

    structures [16, 17].

    For some time now, plastic optical fibres (POFs) have

    attracted a considerable amount of focus for a number

    of reasonsamongst these being their low cost, ease of

    termination and coupling, and their relatively high resistance

    to fracture. The cost of POFs is low and their use as

    sensors requires no more than basic solid-state devices such as

    light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodiodes. The inherent

    fracture toughness and flexibility of POFs makes them much

    simpler to handle in field applications than their glass-based

    counterparts. As the sensingprinciplerelies on the modulationof light intensity, sophisticated signal interrogation techniques

    are not necessary. Presently, POFs are fast becoming a viable

    alternative to glass-based fibres since advances in materials

    and manufacturing have dramatically reduced transmission

    losses, thereby increasing their suitability for use in local

    area networks (LANs) as well as communications and sensing

    applications [18]. The use of POFs for detecting transverse

    cracks in composites has recently been demonstrated for smart

    structural applications [19, 20]. Although the use of glassfibre

    tapered sensors has been attracting some attention for use in

    strain monitoring of load-bearing structures, research into the

    use of POF as strain/bend sensors is still lacking.

    The present study reports for the first time the use of an

    inexpensive intensity-basedplastic opticalfibresensingsystem

    for performing strain and bending measurements in loadedstructures. The system relies on monitoring the modulation

    of light intensity as the sensor is subjected to flexural and axial

    loading conditions. The findings of this study highlight the

    potential offered by these sensors for monitoring bending and

    axial strains.







    Figure 1. A simply supported beam with a central concentratedload.

    2. Beam theory background

    The theoretical analysis of the deflection of an isotropic

    beam subjected to out-of-plane loading is well documented

    in standard mechanics texts [21] and it will be summarized

    briefly here.Consider a simply supported beam subjected to a central

    concentrated load as shown in figure 1. The engineers theory

    of bending gives






    where is the in-plane longitudinal stress, y is the distance of

    the plane from the neutral axis, E is the Youngs modulus of

    the beam material, R is the radius of curvature of the plane, Mis the bending moment and I is the second moment of area of

    the cross-section of the beam.

    The second derivative of the deflection (), w.r.t. the

    longitudinal distance from the applied load (x), is related tothe bending moment (M) as follows:

    M= E Id2

    dx2= E I




    which for a centrally loaded beam gives



    W L


    W x



    E I(3)

    where the load

    W= 48


    E Ictr

    L is the distance between the supports and ctr is the beam

    deflection at the mid-span.Substituting (2) and (3) into (1) and expressing the in-

    plane strain () on the lower surface of the beam as a function


    = 12y

    L2ctr. (4)

    Since the values of y and L are not varied in this study, thelongitudinal in-plane strain, , can be directly related to the

    beam deflection at mid-span ctr. Alternatively, can be

    expressed as




    y. (5)

    The above analysis shows that the in-plane strain (), thecurvature(1/R) andthe central deflection(ctr )ofthebeamare

    proportionally related to each other. Therefore, if the response

    of the POF sensor varies linearly with the central deflection

    (direct measurement obtained from experiment), the sensor, inprinciple, can be used to provide a direct measure of the strain

    and the beam curvature.


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    An evaluation of a novel plastic optical fibre sensor for axial strain and bend measurements

    Table 1. Specification of the ESKA CK40 POF.

    Core Cladding

    Material PMMA resin Fluorinated polymerDiameter (typical) 980 m 1000 mYoungs modulus 3.09 GPa 0.68 GPaPoissons ratio 0.3 0.3Refractive index 1.492 1.405

    Yield strength 82 MPaTransmission loss (@ 650 nm) 200 dB km1

    Maximum operating temperature 70 CApproximate weight 1 g m1

    0.5 mm 0.25 mm


    region of POF

    Fibre holder




    Figure 2. Photograph showing the cross-section view of the

    segmented POF.

    3. Experimental methods

    3.1. Details of the optical fibres and preparation of the sensor

    The POF used in this research was a 1 mm diameter multi-

    mode step-index fibre (ESKA CK40) supplied by Mitsubishi

    Rayon Co., Ltd. Details of the POF used are shown in table 1.

    In order to improve the bend sensitivity of the POF, a

    segment of the POF cross-sectional profile was removed overa predetermined length by abrading the POF surface with a

    razor blade. Care was taken to prevent the blade from cutting

    into the fibre by positioning the blade vertically or tilting ittowards the direction of abrasion. This simple procedure

    was found to offer reasonable repeatability although a jig is

    being designed to improve the efficiency and effectivenessof the process. This technique for sensitizing the opticalfibre to bending differs from other methods such as chemical

    tapering[22], intermittentetching[23]and radial grooving[24]

    inthat thesensitized regionof thesensor is limited toa segmentof the POF, rather than the entire cross-section of the fibre.

    Figure 2 shows a micrograph of the cross-section of a typical

    segmented POF sensor, clearly highlighting the region that has

    been removed. The sensor is designed to be sensitive to thedirectionof bend/curvature, makingit possible todeterminethe

    extent and direction of bend with respect to the initial position

    by examining the shift in signal intensity.

    3.2. Specimen preparation

    Two types of three-point bend sample were investigated in

    this study. In the first, a sensor was surface bonded to a

    plain rectangular specimen. In the second, the sensor wassurface bonded to a plastic specimen based on an H-section

    profile. The H-section was selected to prevent the crosshead

    from crushing the top surface of the sensor during the flexural

    test. The sensor was therefore protected as the crosshead rests

    on the upper surface of the profile. In the plane rectangular

    specimens, however, the segmented POF was only bonded

    to the lower surface of the specimen and therefore no suchprotection was necessary.

    When bonding the sensor to the specimen, the adhesive

    was applied in between the POF and the host specimen. Sincethe procedure to remove the segment was carried out after the

    curing of the adhesive, the segmented surface was clear of

    any adhesive residue. No mechanical degradation of the POF

    surface was observed with the application of the adhesive and

    the optical transmission property was not noted to be affected

    after the bonding process.Care was taken when preparing the specimen to ensure

    that the segmented surface of the POF was oriented such that

    itfacedaway from thehostspecimen. This was done inorderto

    maximize the bend sensitivity of the POF. Figures 3(a) and (b)

    show the specimen configuration employed during tests on the

    three-point bend test specimens.

    Tests were also undertaken to evaluate the ability of the

    POFs to monitor in-plane strains. In these specimens, the

    sensor was bonded to an aluminium alloy (Al-2024-T3) dog-

    bone specimen. Since it is likely that the sensor will be less

    sensitive to in-plane loads than pure bending, the sensing

    section of the POF was curved slightly when bonding it to

    the aluminium alloy. The segmented surface of the POF waspositionedsuchthatit facedout ofthe curve(i.e.on theconcave

    surface). It is clear that in thehighly curved fibre light will tend

    to escape in the bend region. The application of an axial strainwill decrease the fibre curvature, effectively reducing the light

    lossdue to fibre bend which in turn should result in an increase

    in light transmission through the fibre. During preparation of

    the tensile specimens, masking tape was used to secure the

    position and shape of the sensor. The sensor was then bonded

    to the aluminium alloy using a cyano-acrylate-based adhesive.

    Figure 3(c) shows a schematic of the specimen used for the

    tensile tests.

    3.3. Experimental set-up

    The experimental arrangements for both the three-point bend

    and tensile tests are shown in figure 4. A standard voltage

    supply was used to power the ultra-high luminescent LED

    (centred at 612 nm). The detector and data acquisition system

    consisted of a light-dependent resistor (LDR) and a low costcommercial data acquisition system from Pico Technology

    which automatically records voltage changes across the LDR

    as the light intensity varies. The data acquisition system offersup to a 16-bit resolution analogue to digital conversion (ADC)

    and offers up to eight input channels. The resolution of the


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    K S C Kuang et al

    (a) Specimen A

    (b) Specimen B

    (c) Specimen C

    Segmented region of POF




    220 mm

    40 mm

    3 mm


    Segmented region of POF x


    x-x220 mm

    20 mm

    4 mm



    Segmented region of POFAdhesive

    60 mm

    16 mm

    Figure 3. Schematic drawings of three three-point bend (A and B) and tensile test (C) specimens showing the location and configuration ofthe POF sensors.

    Instron MachineAcquisition system



    486-based Personal computer


    Standard powersupply

    Plastic opticalfibre sensor

    LED andoptical fibreadapter



    486-based Personal computer




    Instron Machine

    Acquisition system



    Plastic optical

    fibre sensor

    bonded toaluminium

    specimenLED and

    optical fibre


    LDR Basic





    Figure 4. Experimental set-up for (a) the three-point bend test, (b) the in-plane tensile test.

    ADC system allows for the detection of voltage changes assmall as 40 V in electrical signal. To increase the ADC

    data acquisition rate, the PicoLogTM acquisition software has

    been set to a 13-bit resolution conversion. The software

    was also configured to a sampling rate of 10 Hz during

    all quasi-static tests. The data from the optical fibre were

    automatically collected by the computer at this sampling rateand displayed graphically in real time. Both the flexural

    and tensile tests were conducted using a servo-hydraulic

    Instron (model 4505) universal testing machine. Crosshead

    displacement rates between 1 and 40 mm min1 were used

    during these experiments.


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    An evaluation of a novel plastic optical fibre sensor for axial strain and bend measurements










    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

    Crosshead Displacement (mm)















    POF Sensor Data

    Instron Machine Data

    Figure 5. Typical POF sensor signal response under flexural loading where the sensor was bonded to the bottom (tensile) surface of thebeam.

    Table 2. Estimation of errors in the bending strain measurement.

    at low I/I, at high I/I,Strain-gauge (e.g. I/I= 0.02) SD as % (e.g. I/I = 0.16) SD as %coefficient () error () error

    1.803 105 1109 0.3 8874 0.31.802 105 1110 0.3 8879 0.31.796 105 1114 0.3 8909 0.31.808 105 1106 0.3 8850 0.31.801 105 1110 0.3 8884 0.31.795 105 1114 0.3 8914 0.3

    Standarddeviation, SD 3 24

    The strain-optic coefficients of each sensor determined

    under the three-point bend and unidirectional tensile loadingconditions were compared to highlight any drift in the

    sensitivity of thesensor. Inorderto evaluate thereproducibility

    of thesensorsignal, boththe flexureandtensile testsspecimens

    were loaded, unloaded and reloaded repeatedly for a number

    of cycles.

    4. Results and discussion

    4.1. Three-point bend experiments

    In order to evaluate the functionality of the POF sensor for

    bend/displacement measurements, the modulation of the POF

    light intensity was systematically compared to the Instron

    loaddisplacement data. Figure 5 shows the variation of the

    POF signal during a flexural test for the plain rectangular

    specimen (i.e. specimen A), highlighting the linear decreasein light intensity with linearly increasing load and central

    displacement. Since the central displacement of the beam

    can be directly related to the beam curvature and flexural

    strain, it is possible to use the sensor to directly monitor these

    parameters as shown in figure 6. It is clear from the plot

    that the POF sensor exhibits a linear response with increasing

    specimen curvature and, by inference, bending strain. Thesensor also exhibits a highly stable response showing no signs

    of any spurious data commonly encountered in intensity-based

    systems. Although a sampling frequency of 10 Hz was used in

    figure 6, an acquisition rate of 1000 Hz can be achieved using

    thelow cost ADCsystememployed in this study. Thehigh rate

    of data acquisition offers the potential for monitoring dynamic

    events. The absence of any requirements for complex signal

    demodulation procedures makes it possible to achieve these

    high data sampling rates.

    The repeatability of the POF signal under flexural loading

    was found to be very encouraging and the results of six

    tests are summarized in figure 7. Here, the sensor signal is

    plotted against flexural strain to determine the sensor strain-

    gauge coefficient. The computed values of this coefficient

    are included in the figure. The repeatability of the sensor

    signal can be clearly seen from the graph with all six tracescollapsing on the one curve although slight variations in the

    strain-gauge coefficient are apparent. However, the variations

    in the coefficients result in a maximum error of approximately

    0.3% in the strain values, as shown in table 2. The inset

    in figure 7 shows a magnified plot of the first test cyclea


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    K S C Kuang et al









    Curvature, I/R (m-1
















    POF Signal

    Instron Data

    Figure 6. Plot showing the proportional change in POF sensor signal with changes in beam curvature and strain under flexural loading. Thesensor was bonded to the bottom (tensile) surface of the beam.








    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

    Flexural Strain (microstrain)















    Test Cycle 1

    Test Cycle 2

    Test Cycle 3

    Test Cycle 4

    Test Cycle 5

    Test Cycle 6

    Instron Machine Data
















    4200 4250 4300 4350 4400 4450 4500

    Flexural Strain (microstrain)




    Test Cycle 1

    Figure 7. Plot of six POF signals against strain to assess signal repeatability and to determine the strain-gauge factor.

    strain resolution of approximately 20 microstrain is evident(based on a 13-bit ADC conversion and a strain-gauge factorof 1.803 105 1). Although the strain resolution can beimproved (i.e. setting the ADC to 16-bit conversion), this isoften unnecessary in structural monitoring applications.

    Figure 8(a) shows the POF signal response when acrosshead displacement rate of 10 mm min1 was appliedduring the loading and unloading phases of the beam. Infigure 8(b), the test machine was configured to allow thecrosshead to return to zero load after each cycle using themachines fast auto-return setting. It is clear that in bothcases the POF sensor successfully monitored the loading andunloading of the beam, exhibiting excellent repeatability withnoobvious sign of hysteresis at theend ofthe test. Thestability

    of the optical signal is evident throughout the test and this doesnot exhibit any significant noise.

    The flexural tests were extended to investigate the effectof increasing the crosshead displacement rate on the ability ofthe sensor to monitor the response of the beam and to evaluatethe stability of the signal. In this part of the study, crossheaddisplacement rates between 10 and 40 mm min1 were used.Figure 9 (crosshead displacement rate= 40 mmmin1) showsa typical set of results from this series of tests. At the endof each cycle, the beam was unloaded for several seconds inorder to observe possible signal drift resulting from any POFstress/strain relaxation or material fatigue. It is clear from theplots that the POF did not suffer from any observable short-term relaxation or fatigue effects. A plateau in the optical


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    An evaluation of a novel plastic optical fibre sensor for axial strain and bend measurements

    Figure 8. Plot of a typical POF signal during cyclic flexural loading. (a) Crosshead displacement rate of 10 mm min1 applied during theloadingand unloading phases. (b) Crosshead displacement rates of 10 mm min1 during loading and automatic fast return during unloading.The sensor was bonded to the bottom (tensile) surface of the beam.

    signal is clearly evident at the end of each cycle, highlighting

    the systems overall stability and excellent signal-to-noise


    Figure 10 shows the results of tests on the H-section beam

    in which the POF sensor was attached to the compressive

    region of the centrally loaded beam. The ability of the sensor

    to monitor compressive strains is clearly demonstrated in this

    plot. It is clear that the optical signal increases with increasing

    load and crosshead displacement instead of decreasing as

    previously observed in the case where the sensor was on thelower (tensile surface)of thebeam. It isapparentfrom figure10

    that the POF signal was equally well behaved, exhibiting a

    repeatable response under compressive loading.

    The ability of POFs to monitor both tensile and

    compressive strain in a centrally loaded beam is illustrated

    in figure 11. Here, the sensor was initially tested in the tensile

    configuration by placing the sensor on the lower surface of the

    beam. A crosshead speed of 10 mm min1 and a maximum

    central deflection of 10 mm was applied and the machine

    was set to return automatically to zero during the unloading

    phase of the test. Following this, the beam was inverted in

    order that the sensor would experience a compressive loading

    regime (i.e. the sensor was now on the top surface of the

    beam). The same crosshead displacement rates and central

    deflection were applied in order to permit comparisons to bemade between the two loading conditions (the two plots were

    intentionally separated to prevent any crossing over of the

    data points and to improve clarity of presentation). Figure 11

    shows a superimposed plot of the sensor response under both

    conditions, from which it can be observed that the sensor


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    K S C Kuang et al













    0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000

    Acquisition Time (ms)



    Crosshead Displacement Rate : 40 mm/min

    Figure 9. Typical plot of POF signal under cyclic flexural loading showing stability and responsiveness of POF sensor.








    0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000

    Acquisition Time (ms)





    Figure 10. Plot of POF signal under cyclic flexural loading with the sensor bonded to the upper surface (compression region) of the beam.

    Table 3. Estimation of errors in the axial strain measurement.

    at low I/I, at high I/I,Strain-gauge (e.g. I/I= 0.01) SD as % (e.g. I/I = 0.05) SD as %coefficient () error () error

    0.382 105 2618 2.7 13 089 2.70.362 105 2762 2.6 13 812 2.60.379 105 2639 2.7 13 193 2.70.361 105 2770 2.6 13 850 2.60.376 105 2660 2.7 13 298 2.7

    Standarddeviation, SD 71 357

    is more sensitive to bending when located on the tensile

    surface of the beam. The schematic drawing in figure 12

    illustrates a possible reason for this effect. It is likely that

    the POF loses light to the environment through evanescent


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    An evaluation of a novel plastic optical fibre sensor for axial strain and bend measurements








    0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000

    Acquisition Time (ms)


    POF on compression region of beam POF on tensile region of beam

    Figure 11. Superimposed plot of POF signal showing the difference in signal sensitivity when the sensor was attached to the either thecompressive or tensile region of the beam under cyclic flexural loading.


    Light ray


    Segmented region of POF

    Segmented region of POF


    Figure 12. Schematic drawing of POF sensor shape during bending.


    Load Load


    Load Load

    Segment orientation sensitive to compression loading Segment orientation sensitive to tensile loading

    POF sensor POF sensor

    Figure 13. Schematic drawing of POF sensor showing the influence of POF segment orientation on bending direction sensitivity.

    penetration and as a result of a significant reduction in the

    number of propagation modes that experience total internal

    reflection. When deformed as shown in figure 12(b), the

    sensor readily loses light since its out-of-plane movement

    effectively enlarges the sensitized (de-cladded) region. When

    the sensor is deformed in the opposite direction as shown


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    K S C Kuang et al












    0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

    Strain (microstrain)












    POF Data

    Instron Machine Data

    Figure 14. Typical POF sensor signal response under an axial load.







    0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

    Strain (microstrain)



    Test Cycle 1 Test Cycle 2

    Test Cycle 3 Test Cycle 4

    Test Cycle 5

    I1/I = 0.382x10-5

    I2/I = 0.363x10-5

    I3/I = 0.379x10-5

    I4/I = 0.361x10-5

    I5/I = 0.376x10-5

    Figure 15. Plot showing the POF signal response during six tensile loading cycles.

    in figure 12(c), the effective area of the sensitized region is

    reduced, increasing the number of propagation modes that

    undergo total internal reflection, resulting in increasing light

    intensity, as was observed in figure 11. The difference in the

    sensor response (i.e. decreasing and increasing light intensity

    in sensor configurations (b) and (c) in figure 12 respectively)

    implies that the response/sensitivity of the sensor to bending

    is influenced by the circumferential position of the segment.It may be expected that when the segmented region is located

    at an angle between the two maximum positions, the bend

    sensitivity willbe lesswithrespectto eachsensor configuration

    (figures 12(b) and (c)). This result clearly demonstrates

    the importance of the rotational alignment of the sensitized

    region with respect to the loading direction. Figure 13illustrates the optimum position of the sensitized region forbend measurements.

    4.2. Tensile experiments

    Thepossibility ofusingPOF sensors tomonitor axialstrainwasstudied using the specimen geometry outlined in figure 3(c).The concept of curving the sensor in the orthogonal directionto the direction of loading appears to offer potential formonitoring axial strain. Figure 14 illustrates the excellentlinearityof thePOFresponsewhich is wellbehaved throughoutthe loading regime, highlighting also the stability of the POFsignalunder theseconditions. As thespecimenwasloaded, the


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    An evaluation of a novel plastic optical fibre sensor for axial strain and bend measurements






    0 20000 40000 60000 80000 10000 20000

    Acquisition Time (ms)








    Figure 16. Typical POF sensor signal response under tensile loading (5 mm min1 crosshead displacement rates).

    curvature of the sensing region decreases, improving the lighttransmission efficiency in the fibre. Comparing these results

    with the response obtained during the three-point bend tests,

    there appears to be a marginally higher degree of data scatter

    in the POFs response to axial strain. This is not surprising

    since bending the POF, as in the three-point bend tests, would

    lead to a greater degree of fibre deformation than in a tensile

    configuration, leading to greater loss of light in the former

    configuration, for a given crosshead displacement. Clearly,

    for the tensile specimen to lose the same amount of light as the

    flexural specimen, the extent of straightening of the curved

    POF (i.e. the horizontal displacement of the sensitized region)

    has to be of the same magnitude as the vertical displacement

    experienced in the three-point bend configuration. The lower

    strain sensitivity of the sensor in the tensile specimen results

    in a lower signal-to-noise ratio, leading to greater scatter in thedata. Nevertheless, the excellent strain response of the POF

    sensor is clearly evident.

    To assess the repeatability of the POF response, a tensile

    specimen was unloaded after each test and subsequently

    reloaded. The results following six such tests are summarized

    in figure 15. It is evident from the plot that the POF sensors

    response to strain is highly reproducible, resulting in only

    small variations in the strain-gauge coefficient (see inset in

    figure15). Table 3 presents estimationsof theerrorsin theaxial

    strain measurements in order to assess the significance of the

    previously reported variations in the strain-gauge coefficients.

    From the table, it is clear that the variation in the strain-gauge

    coefficient is insignificant, withstrainreadings beingwithin an

    error of 3%. This clearly highlights the excellent repeatability

    of the POF sensors used in this study.

    The ability of the sensor to monitor repeated loading and

    unloading of the tensile specimen was also assessed. Here

    crosshead speeds of 1 and 5 mm min1 were used. Figure 16

    shows a typical sensor response during a cyclic tensile load-

    ing/unloading test (at 5 mm min1). The graph clearly in-

    dicates that the POF sensor was well behaved and shows no

    observable deviation in the response of the sensor. The excel-lent linearity, repeatability and stability of the system clearly

    demonstrate the potential of this simple inexpensive sensing

    scheme. To enhance the sensitivity of the sensor to strain,

    more than one segmented curved region may be introduced

    into the POFsince it is likely that the magnitude of change

    in the light intensity (and therefore strain sensitivity) will in-

    crease with the number of active sensing regions employed.

    Work is currently being planned to evaluate this concept.

    5. Conclusions

    This research has investigated the use of a novel POF sensor

    for monitoring the mechanical response of structures when

    loaded in tension and flexure. The sensor offers a number

    of advantages including ease of fabrication, high strain andbend sensitivity, strain linearity and a high signal-to-noise

    ratio. This investigation has demonstrated the potential of this

    inexpensive segmentedopticalfibresystemfor measuringaxial

    strainand monitoringflexuralparameters suchas curvatureand

    bending strain. Ithas been shownthatthe sensorexhibits a high

    signalsensitivity to bending loads and that it can be configured

    in such a way as to render it sensitive to in-plane axial loads.

    This can be achieved by simply curving the sensing region

    of the POF in the appropriate orientation with respect to the

    direction in which the strain is to be measured. A further step

    in this research would be to study multiplexing possibilities

    (i.e. having the bend sensing and the axial-strain elements in

    a single POF), although some difficulties may be encountered

    in discriminating the two types of physical perturbation due to

    cross sensitivity of the POF sensor.

    Following both flexural and tensile tests, the sensor wasfound to offer excellent signal linearity without suffering any

    reductionin strain sensitivityunder theloading regimesconsid-

    ered (up to 0.7% strain in the pure bending specimen and 1.2%

    strain in tension). Repeatability tests have confirmed that the

    signal was well behaved and highly reproducible in both test


  • 7/29/2019 Fiberoptic Sensor


    K S C Kuang et al

    configurations. The findings of an analysis performed to eval-uate the accuracy of the sensor measurement has shown that

    POFs are capable of strain measurements to within a standard

    deviation of0.3% forflexuralloadingand 3% foraxialloading.

    The results of a series of repeated loading and unloading

    flexural tests are also encouraging. Here no significant

    hysteresis was observed and the response of the sensor was

    wellbehaved. The results also showed that the sensor linearitywas maintained throughout the tests.

    No attempt has been made to characterize the effects

    of varying the various optical fibre sensor design parameters

    (e.g.segment length, deptheffects)on sensorsensitivity. It can

    be expectedthat witha longer segmentedregion, thesensitivity

    of the sensor will increase as a result of a higher tendency for

    light to escape when the sensor is bent. Increasing the depth

    of the segment would expose the POF core further, resulting

    in a greater loss of light at the segmented surface; however,

    the significance of an increase in the segment depth on the

    sensorsensitivityis unclear at this stage. It is important tonote

    that with an increase in the depth and length of the segment,the transmitted light intensity would decrease accordingly as

    a result of a greater loss of light over the segmented region.

    Clearly, thishas to be taken intoconsiderationwhen fabricating

    the sensor. A study is currently being carried out to examinethis area of sensor development. Further investigations to

    characterize the axial strain sensitivity of the sensor as a

    function of initial fibre curvature and length of curved segmentwould also be needed.


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