fi01 2010 kap10 en - · a training center can be optimally supplemented by a...

Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition 10/2 Training 10/3 Partner at Industry Automation and Drive Technologies Online Services 10/4 Information and Ordering in the Internet and on DVD Service & Support 10/5 Services covering the entire life cycle 10/7 Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC) 10/10 Software Licenses 10/11 Subject Index 10/14 Order No. Index 10/30 Notes 10/32 Conditions of Sale and Delivery, Export Regulations Appendix © Siemens AG 2010

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Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition

10/2 Training

10/3 Partner at Industry Automation and Drive Technologies

Online Services10/4 Information and Ordering in the

Internet and on DVD

Service & Support10/5 Services covering the entire life cycle

10/7 Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC)

10/10 Software Licenses

10/11 Subject Index

10/14 Order No. Index

10/30 Notes

10/32 Conditions of Sale and Delivery, Export Regulations


© Siemens AG 2010


10/2 Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


■ Faster and more applicable know-how: Hands-on training from the manufacturer

SITRAIN® – the Siemens Training for Automation and Industrial Solutions – provides you with comprehensive support in solving your tasks.

Training by the market leader in automation and plant engineer-ing enables you to make independent decisions with confi-dence. Especially where the optimum and efficient use of prod-ucts and plants are concerned. You can eliminate deficiencies in existing plants, and exclude expensive faulty planning right from the beginning.

First-class know-how directly pays for itself: In shorter startup times, high-quality end products, faster troubleshooting and reduced downtimes. In other words, increased profits and lower costs.

Achieve more with SITRAIN• Shorter times for startup, maintenance and servicing• Optimized production operations• Reliable configuration and startup• Minimization of plant downtimes• Flexible plant adaptation to market requirements• Compliance with quality standards in production• Increased employee satisfaction and motivation• Shorter familiarization times following changes in technology

and staff

■ Contact

Visit our site on the Internet at:

or let us advise you personally. You can request our latest training catalog from:

SITRAIN Customer Support USA:

Phone: +1-800-241-4453


Fax: +1-678-297-8316

E-Mail: [email protected]

■ SITRAIN highlights

Top trainers

Our trainers are skilled teachers with direct practical experience. Course developers have close contact with product develop-ment, and directly pass on their knowledge to the trainers.

Practical experience

The practical experience of our trainers enables them to teach theory effectively. But since theory can be pretty drab, we attach great importance to practical exercises which can comprise up to half of of the course time. You can therefore immediately im-plement your new knowledge in practice. We train you on state-of-the-art methodically/didactically designed training equip-ment. This training approach will give you all the confidence you need.

Wide variety

With a total of about 300 local attendance courses, we train the complete range of Siemens Industry products as well as interac-tion of the products in systems.

Tailor-made training

We are only a short distance away. You can find us at more than 50 locations in Germany, and in 62 countries worldwide. You wish to have individual training instead of one of our 300 courses? Our solution: We will provide a program tailored exactly to your personal requirements. Training can be carried out in our Training Centers or at your company.

The right mixture: Blended learning

"Blended learning" means a combination of various training me-dia and sequences. For example, a local attendance course in a Training Center can be optimally supplemented by a teach-yourself program as preparation or follow-up. Additional effect: Reduced traveling costs and periods of absence.

© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixPartner at Industry Automation and Drive Technologies

10/3Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


At Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies, more than 85,000 people are resolutely pursuing the same goal: long-term improvement of your competitive ability. We are committed to this goal. Thanks to our commitment, we continue to set new standards in automation and drive technology. In all industries - worldwide.

At your service locally, around the globe for consulting, sales, training, service, support, spare parts... on the entire Industry Automation and Drive Technologies range.

Your personal contact can be found in our Contacts Database at:

You start by selecting a• Product group• Country• City• Service

© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixOnline ServicesInformation and Ordering in the Internet and on DVD

10/4 Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


■ Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies in the WWWA detailed knowledge of the range of products and services available is essential when planning and configuring automation systems. It goes without saying that this information must always be fully up-to-date.

Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies has therefore built up a comprehensive range of information in the World Wide Web, which offers quick and easy access to all data required.

Under the address you will find everything you need to know about products, systems and services.

■ Product Selection Using the Offline Mall of IndustryDetailed information together with convenient interactive functions: The Offline Mall CA 01 covers more than 80,000 products and thus provides a full summary of the Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies product base.

Here you will find everything that you need to solve tasks in the fields of automation, switchgear, installation and drives. All information is linked into a user interface which is easy to work with and intuitive.

After selecting the product of your choice you can order at the press of a button, by fax or by online link.

Information on the Offline Mall CA 01 can be found in the Internet under or on DVD.

■ Easy Shopping with the Industry Mall The Industry Mall is the virtual department store of Siemens AG in the Internet. Here you have access to a huge range of prod-ucts presented in electronic catalogs in an informative and at-tractive way.

Data transfer via EDIFACT allows the whole procedure from selection through ordering to tracking of the order to be carried out online via the Internet.

Numerous functions are available to support you.

For example, powerful search functions make it easy to find the required products, which can be immediately checked for avail-ability. Customer-specific discounts and preparation of quotes can be carried out online as well as order tracking and tracing.

Please visit the Industry Mall on the Internet under:

© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixService & Support

Services covering the entire life cycle

10/5Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


Our Service & Support accompanies you worlwide in all con-cerns related to the automation and drive technology of Sie-mens. In more than 100 countries directly on site and covering all phases of the life cycle of your machines and plants. Round the clock.

An experienced team of specialists with their combined knowhow is ready to assist you. Regular training courses and a close contact of our employees among each other - also across continents - assure a reliable service for multifaceted scopes.

■ Online SupportThe comprehensive information system available round the clock via Internet ranging from Product Support and Service & Support services to Support Tools in the Shop.

■ Technical SupportCompetent consulting in techni-cal questions covering a wide range of customer-oriented ser-vices for all our products and systems.

■ Technical ConsultingSupport in the planning and de-signing of your project from de-tailed actual-state analysis, target definition and consulting on product and system ques-tions right to the creation of the automation solution.

■ Engineering SupportSupport in configuring and de-veloping with customer-oriented services from actual configura-tion to implementation of the au-tomation project.

■ Field ServiceWith Field Service, we offer ser-vices for startup and mainte-nance essential for ensuring system availability.

■ Spare Parts and RepairsIn the operating phase of a ma-chine or automation system, we provide a comprehensive repair and spare parts service ensur-ing the highest degree of plant availability.

■ Optimization and UpgradingAfter startup or during the ope-rating phase, additional potenti-al for inceasing the productiviy or for reducing costs often ari-ses. For this purpose, we offer you high-quality services in opti-mization and upgrading.

You find contact details in the Internet under:

© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixService & Support

Services covering the entire life cycle

10/6 Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


■ Knowledge Base on DVD

For locations without online con-nections to the Internet there are excerpts of the free part of the information sources available on DVD (Service & Support Knowl-edge Base). This DVD contains all the latest product information at the time of production (FAQs, Downloads, Tips and Tricks, Up-dates) as well as general infor-mation on Service & Support.

The DVD also includes a full-text search and our Knowledge Manager for targeted searches for solutions. The DVD will be up-dated every 4 months.

Just the same as our online offer in the Internet, the Service & Support Knowledge Base on DVD comes complete in 5 lan-guages (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish).

You can order the Service & Support Knowledge Base DVD from your Siemens contact.

Order no. 6ZB5310-0EP30-0BA2

■ Automation Value Card

Small card - great support

The Automation Value Card is an integral component of the com-prehensive service concept with which Siemens Automation and Drives will accompany you in each phase of your automation project.

It doesn't matter whether you want just specific services from our Technical Support or want to purchase something on our Online portal, you can always pay with your Automation Value Card. No invoicing, transparent and safe. With your personal card number and associated PIN you can view the state of your account and all transactions at any time.

Services on card. This is how it's done.

Card number and PIN are on the back of the Automation Value Card. When delivered, the PIN is covered by a scratch field, guaranteeing that the full credit is on the card.

By entering the card number and PIN you have full access to the Service & Support services being offered. The charge for the services procured is debited from the credits on your Automa-tion Value Card.

All the services offered are marked in currency-neutral credits, so you can use the Automation Value Card worldwide.

Order your Automation and Value Card easily and comfortably like a product with your sales contact.

Detailed information on the services offered is available on our Internet site at:

Service & Support à la Card: Examples

Automation Value Card order numbers

Credits Order no.

200 6ES7 997-0BA00-0XA0

500 6ES7 997-0BB00-0XA0

1000 6ES7 997-0BC00-0XA0

10000 6ES7 997-0BG00-0XA0

Technical Support

”Priority“ Priority processing for urgent cases

”24 h“ Availability round the clock

”Extended“ Technical consulting for complex questions

”Mature Products“

Consulting service for products that are not available any more

Support Tools in the Support Shop

Tools that can be used directly for configuration, anal-ysis and testing

© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixPressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC)

10/7Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


■ General

The pressure equipment directive 97/23/EC applies to the align-ment of the statutory orders of the European member states for pressure equipment. Such equipment in the sense of the direc-tive includes vessels, pipelines and accessories with a maxi-mum permissible pressure of more than 0.5 bar above atmo-spheric.The pressure equipment directive can be used starting Novem-ber 29, 1999, and is compulsory starting May 29, 2002.

■ Division according to the danger potentialEquipment is divided in line with the pressure equipment direc-tive according to the danger potential (medium/pressure/volume/nominal diameter) into the categories I to IV or Article 3 Paragraph 3.The following criteria are decisive for assessment of the danger potential, and are also shown in Diagrams 1 to 4 and 6 to 9:

Fuelled pressure equipment or equipment heated in another manner are shown separately in Diagram 5.

Note:Liquids according to Article 3 are those liquids whose steam pressure is not more than 0.5 bar above standard atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar) at the maximum permissible temperature.

■ Division of media (liquid/gaseous) into the fluid groups

Fluids are divided according to Article 9 into the following fluid groups:

■ Conformity rating

Pressure equipment of categories I to IV must comply with the safety requirements of the directive and be assigned the CE symbol.

They must comply with a conformity rating procedure according to Appendix III of the directive.

Pressure equipment according to Article 3 Paragraph 3 must be designed and manufactured in agreement with the sound engi-neering practice SEP applying in a member country, and must not be assigned a CE symbol (CE symbols from other directives are not affected).

Siemens has carried out a conformity rating, assigned a CE sym-bol, and issued a declaration of conformity for its products (pro-viding the equipment is not within the context of Article 3 Paragraph 3).

Supervision of the design, dimensioning, testing and manufac-ture is carried out according to module H (comprehensive qual-ity assurance).

Notes:• Equipment designed for media with a high danger potential

(e.g. gases of fluid group 1) may also be used for media with a lower danger potential (e.g. gases of fluid group 2, or liquids of fluid groups 1 and 2).

• The pressure equipment directive according to Article 1 Para-graph 1 does not apply to equipment such as e.g. mobile off-shore plants, ships, aircraft, water supply and waste water net-works, nuclear plants, rockets and pipelines outside industrial plants.

• Fluid group Group 1 or 2

• Aggregate state Liquid or gaseous

• Type of pressurized equipment- Vessel

- Pipeline

Product of pressure and volume (PS * V [barL])Nominal diameter, pressure or product of pressure and nominal diameter (PS * DN)

The maximum permissible temperature for the used liquids is the maximum process temperature which can occur, as defined by the user. This must be within the limits defined for the equipment.

Group 1

PotentiallyexplosiveR phrases: e.g.: 2, 3 (1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 16, 18, 19, 44)

Highly toxic R phrases: e.g.: 26, 27, 28, 39 (32)

HighlyflammableR phrases: e.g.: 12 (17)

ToxicR phrases: e.g.: 23, 24, 25 (29, 31)

Readilyflammable R phrases: e.g.: 11, 15, 17 (10, 30)

Fire stimulatingR phrases: e.g.: 7, 8, 9 (14, 15, 19)

Flammable if the maximum permissible temperature is above the flash point.

Group 2

All fluids not belonging to Group 1.Also applies to fluids which are e.g. dangerous to the environment, cor-rosive, dangerous to health, irritant or carcinogenic (if not highly toxic).

© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixPressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC)

10/8 Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


■ Diagrams

• Gases of fluid group 1• Vessels according to Article 3 Number 1.1 Letter a) First dash• Exception: unstable gases belonging to Categories I and II

must be included in Category III.

• Gases of fluid group 2• Vessels according to Article 3 Number 1.1

Letter a) Second dash• Exception: fire extinguishers and bottles for breathing appara-

tus: at least Category III.

• Liquids of fluid group 1• Vessels according to Article 3 Number 1.1 Letter b) First dash

• Liquids of fluid group 2• Vessels according to Article 3 Number 1.1

Letter b) Second dash• Exception: modules for producing warm water

• Fuelled pressure equipment or equipment heated in another manner above 110 °C and liable to overheating.

• Vessel according to Article 3 Number 1.2• Exception: pressure cooker, test procedure at least according

to Category III.


Diagrama 1

Art. 3Apto. 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 1000050

V [l]

PS = 0,5

400 2000






PS [bar]10000



PS = 200

PS = 1000

PS · V = 1000

PS · V = 200

PS · V = 50

PS · V = 25

V =






Diagram 2

Article 3Paragraph 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 V [l]

PS = 0,5

400 2000







PS [bar]10000



PS = 1000

PS · V = 1000

PS · V = 200

PS · V = 50 PS = 4

PS · V = 3000

PS = 3000

V =




IIIIIDiagram 3

Article 3Paragraph 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 1000050

V [l]

PS = 0,5

PS = 500

PS = 10

400 2000






PS [bar]10000



PS · V = 200

V =




Diagram 4

Article 3Paragraph 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 1000050

V [l]

PS = 0,5

PS = 10

PS = 500

400 2000






PS [bar]10000



PS = 1000

PS · V = 10000

V =




Diagram 5

Article 3Para-graph 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 100002

V [l]

PS = 0,5







PS [bar]10000

32PS = 32

PS · V = 3000

PS · V = 200

PS · V = 50

V =


V =



© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixPressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC)

10/9Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


• Gases of fluid group 1• Pipelines according to Article 3 Number 1.3 Letter a) First dash• Exception: unstable gases belonging to Categories I and II

must be included in Category III.

• Gases of fluid group 2• Pipelines according to Article 3 Number 1.3

Letter a) Second dash• Exception: liquids at temperatures > 350 °C belonging to

Category II must be included in Category III.

• Liquids of fluid group 1• Pipelines according to Article 3 Number 1.3 Letter b) First dash

• Liquids of fluid group 2• Pipelines according to Article 3 Number 1.3

Letter b) Second dash



Article 3Paragraph 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 1000025 DN

PS = 0,5







PS [bar]


= 2



= 1


N =



= 3


PS · DN=3500

PS · DN=1000


Article 3Paragraph 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 1000032


PS = 0,5

250 2000






PS [bar]


= 3



= 1



= 2


PS · DN = 5000

PS · DN = 1000

PS · DN = 3500





Article 3Paragraph 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 1000025


PS = 0,5

PS = 10

PS = 500







PS [bar]


= 2


PS · DN = 2000500



Article 3Paragraph 3

0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 DN

PS = 0,5

PS = 10

PS = 500







PS [bar]


= 2


PS · DN =5000


© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixSoftware Licenses

10/10 Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


■ Overview

Software typesSoftware requiring a license is categorized into types.The following software types have been defined:• Engineering software• Runtime software

Engineering softwareThis includes all software products for creating (engineering) user software, e.g. for configuring, programming, parameteriz-ing, testing, commissioning or servicing. Data generated with engineering software and executable programs can be duplicated for your own use or for use by third-parties free-of-charge.

Runtime softwareThis includes all software products required for plant/machine operation, e.g. operating system, basic system, system expan-sions, drivers, etc.The duplication of the runtime software and executable pro-grams created with the runtime software for your own use or for use by third-parties is subject to a charge. You can find information about license fees according to use in the ordering data (e.g. in the catalog). Examples of categories of use include per CPU, per installation, per channel, per instance, per axis, per control loop, per variable, etc.Information about extended rights of use for parameteriza-tion/configuration tools supplied as integral components of the scope of delivery can be found in the readme file supplied with the relevant product(s).

License typesSiemens Automation & Drives offers various types of software license:• Floating license• Single license• Rental license• Trial license

Floating licenseThe software may be installed for internal use on any number of devices by the licensee. Only the concurrent user is licensed. The concurrent user is the person using the program. Use begins when the software is started. A license is required for each concurrent user.

Single licenseUnlike the floating license, a single license permits only one installation of the software. The type of use licensed is specified in the ordering data and in the Certificate of License (CoL). Types of use include for example per device, per axis, per channel, etc. One single license is required for each type of use defined.

Rental licenseA rental license supports the "sporadic use" of engineering software. Once the license key has been installed, the software can be used for a specific number of hours (the operating hours do not have to be consecutive). One license is required for each installation of the software.

Trial licenseA trial license supports "short-term use" of the software in a non-productive context, e.g. for testing and evaluation purposes. It can be transferred to another license.

Factory licenseWith the Factory License the user has the right to install and use the software at one permanent establishment only. The perma-nent establishment is defined by one address only.The number of hardware devices on which the software may be installed results from the order data or the Certificate of License (CoL).

Certificate of licenseThe Certificate of License (CoL) is the licensee's proof that the use of the software has been licensed by Siemens. A CoL is required for every type of use and must be kept in a safe place.

DowngradingThe licensee is permitted to use the software or an earlier ver-sion/release of the software, provided that the licensee owns such a version/release and its use is technically feasible.

Delivery versionsSoftware is constantly being updated.The following delivery versions• PowerPack• Upgradecan be used to access updates.Existing bug fixes are supplied with the ServicePack version.

PowerPackPowerPacks can be used to upgrade to more powerful software.The licensee receives a new license agreement and CoL (Certificate of License) with the PowerPack. This CoL, together with the CoL for the original product, proves that the new soft-ware is licensed. A separate PowerPack must be purchased for each original license of the software to be replaced.

UpgradeAn upgrade permits the use of a new version of the software on the condition that a license for a previous version of the product is already held.The licensee receives a new license agreement and CoL with the upgrade. This CoL, together with the CoL for the previous product, proves that the new version is licensed.A separate upgrade must be purchased for each original license of the software to be upgraded.

ServicePackServicePacks are used to debug existing products. ServicePacks may be duplicated for use as prescribed accord-ing to the number of existing original licenses.

License keySiemens Automation & Drives supplies software products with and without license keys.The license key serves as an electronic license stamp and is also the "switch" for activating the software (floating license, rental license, etc.).The complete installation of software products requiring license keys includes the program to be licensed (the software) and the license key (which represents the license).

Detailed explanations concerning license conditions can be found in the “Terms and Conditions of Siemens AG” or under Mall Online-Help System)

A&D/Software licenses/En 03.08.06

© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixSubject Index

10/11Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition




for ultrasonic level meters

for rotary-piston metersfor SITRANS F US clamp-onfor older flowmeters SITRANS F US SONOFLOfor SITRANS P

4/202, 4/207, 4/219, 4/2354/4314/3114/2542/130

Accessory devices for quantity preset registers 4/427Accessories set for SITRANS LC 5/297Accessories set for SITRANS LR 5/235Acoustic sensors

SITRANS DA400 for pump monitoringSITRANS AS 100 for material flow monitoringSITRANS CU 02 for material flow monitoring


Antenna configurations for SITRANS LR 5/205AS 100 8/10CCable hanger for submersible sensor 2/142Capacitive level measurements 5/262Capacitance switches for level measurement 5/6Clamp-on seals

for flange-mountingQuick-release


Clamp-on systemSITRANS F US ultrasonic flowmeters 4/256

Communications and software 9/..Communications and displays 5/301Conditions of sale and delivery 10/44Contact partner 10/3Continuous radar level instruments 5/191Continuous ultrasonic level transmitters 5/126Control of water distribution and waste water collection systems 5/146Control unit SITRANS CU 02 8/14Cooling attachment 4/434Criteria for selection of flow meters 4/9DDesign Automatic batchmeters 4/421Diaphragm seals 2/144Digital display thermometers SITRANS TF2 3/36Dolphin Plus Software 5/303Double-pointer dial 4/425DRD connection 2/42, 2/83EEasy Aiming devices (EA) 5/183Echomax 5/167 ... 5/182Electrical switch for quantity preset registers 4/427Electro-mechanical switches for level measurement 5/110Electropneumatic positioners

SIPART PS2, PS2 PA, PS2 PA FF, PS2 EEx d, PS2 EEx d PA and PS2 EEx d FF


6/3Extension for shut-off valve 4/435

FFactory-mounting of valve manifolds on SITRANS P transmitters 2/136Field indicator SITRANS TF 3/44Fieldbus transmitter for temperature 3/19, 3/51Five-spindle valve manifold 2/186Fittings for measuring instruments for pressure, mounting examples 2/183Flowmeters

Electromagnetic, SITRANS F MSITRANS F C, CoriolisUltrasonic, SITRANS F US clamp-onUltrasonic, SITRANS F US in-line flowmetersVortex, SITRANS FX

4/..4/11 ... 4/1194/120 ... 4/1794/256 ... 4/3184/180 ... 4/2554/322 ... 4/338

Flushing ring 2/168FMCW principle 5/191, 5/223,

5/230FMS mounting system for level measurements 5/185FOUNDATION Fieldbus 2/26, 2/33, 2/47,

2/62, 6/3, 9/7

GGuided wave radar transmitters for level measurement 5/239

HHand lever for quantity preset registers 4/427HART communicator 2/28, 2/58, 2/65,

3/16, 3/49HART protocol 9/2HART modem 2/28, 2/56, 2/64,

3/16, 3/33, 3/44, 3/41, 3/49, 9/2

HydroRanger 200 5/133HydroRanger Plus 5/142

IIE/WSN-PA LINK 9/14Information and ordering options on the Internet and on DVD 10/4Installation conditions for SITRANS F flowmeter

Coriolis SITRANS F CElectromagnetic SITRANS F MUltrasonic SITRANS F US


Isolating power supply with HART, SITRANS I 7/3IWLAN 9/4

LLevel measurements using radar 5/191 ... 5/297Level measurements with microwave pulsetechnology 5/191, 5/223

MMaintenance Diagnostic Station 9/18MDS 9/18Measuring instruments for pressure 2/..Measuring instruments for temperature 3/..Measuring setups

with remote sealswithout remote seals


Milltronics MFA 4p motion failure alarm controller 8/17Milltronics Millpulse 600 8/21Milltronics ZSS 8/23Miniature diaphragm seals 2/169Minibolt 2/54, 2/75Motion failure alarm controller MFA 4p 8/17Mounting of SIPART PS2 on linear and part-turn actuators


MultiRanger 100/200 5/138NNuG and pharmaceutical connections 2/42, 2/85OOCM III 5/298Output isolators with HART 7/6Oval flange 2/189PPMC connection for paper industry 2/44Point level measurement 5/10Pointek CLS 5/10 ...5/77Positioners, electropneumatic 6/..Position sensor NCS for linear and part-turn actuators 6/4Power supply unit, SITRANS I 7/5Pressure equipment directive 97/23/EC 10/7Process monitoring 8/..PROFIBUS PA interface 2/26, 2/46, 2/62,

6/3, 9/4QQuestionnaire

Checking of transmitter/remote seal combinationsHydrostatic level measurements


Quick-release diaphragm seals 2/166R Radar level instruments 5/191 ... 5/238Remote seals 2/144, 2/176Rotating paddle switch, SITRANS LPS200 5/110


© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixSubject Index

10/12 Siemens FI 01 · 2010 US Edition


SSanitary process connections

Bio-Connect, Bio-Control, DRD, Varivent 2/42, 2/85Satellite alarm module SITRANS LU SAM 5/159Sensors for electromagnetic flow measurements



Service & Support 10/5Shut-off valves

differential pressure transmitters 2/186SIMATIC PDM 9/19SIPART PS2, PS2 PA, PS2 FF 6/3SITRANS AS 100 acoustic sensor 8/10SITRANS AW200 WirelessHART-adapter 9/8SITRANS CU 02 8/14SITRANS DA400 8/5SITRANS F C

Transmitters MASS 6000 IP67Transmitters MASS 6000 for 19“Transmitters MASS 6000 Ex dTransmitters SIFLOW FC070Sensors SITRANS FC300Sensors MASS 2100 DI 1.5Sensors MASS 2100 DI 3 to DI 40Sensors MASS MC2


SITRANS F MTransmitters MAG 5000/6000Transmitters MAG 5000/6000 I Ex dSensor MAG 1100Sensor MAG 1100 FoodSensor MAG 3100Sensor MAG 5100 WSensor 911/ETransmitters Transmag 2 with sensor 911/EWater meters MAG 8000




SITRANS F US clamp-onSITRANS FUE1010 clamp-on energySITRANS FUE1010 HVAC Check metering kitSITRANS FUG1010 clamp-on gasSITRANS FUH1010 clamp-on oilSITRANS FUP1010 clamp-on portableSITRANS FUP1010 Check metering kitSITRANS FUS1010 standard clamp-onSITRANS FUS1020 basic clamp-on


SITRANS FX300 4/322SITRANS I 7/..SITRANS I100 7/3SITRANS 200 7/6SITRANS LC300 5/262SITRANS LC500 5/273SITRANS LG200 5/239SITRANS LPS200 5/110SITRANS LR 5/191 ... 5/297SITRANS LU 5/146 ... 5/163SITRANS LU AO analog output module 5/161SITRANS LUC500 5/146SITRANS LVL200 5/84SITRANS LVS200 5/102SITRANS MDS 9/18SITRANS P 2/..SITRANS P spare parts 2/30SITRANS P transmitters for differential pressure

DS III seriesP250 series

2/60, 2/052/10

PageSITRANS P transmitters for gauge pressure

MPS series (submersible sensor)DS III seriesP300Z series

2/1402/60, 2/762/242/4

SITRANS P transmitters for flow DS III series 2/60, 2/105SITRANS P transmitters for level DS III series 2/60, 2/121SITRANS P for gauge and absolute pressure with front-flush diaphragm, DS III series 2/42, 2/76SITRANS P with PMC connection for paper industry diaphragm


2/44, 2/492/49

SITRANS P transmitters for absolute pressureDS III seriesP300Z seriesZD series

2/60, 2/872/242/42/15

SITRANS P280 2/19SITRANS P300 2/24, 2/55SITRANS Probe LR 5/191SITRANS Probe LU 5/129SITRANS RD100 5/304SITRANS RD200 5/306SITRANS RD500 5/SITRANS TF, 2-wire system 3/44SITRANS TF, field indicator 3/44SITRANS TF, fieldbus transmitter 3/51SITRANS TF2 3/36SITRANS TF280, WirelessHART 3/39SITRANS TH100 3/4SITRANS TH200 3/7SITRANS TH300 3/13SITRANS TH400 3/19SITRANS TR200 3/24SITRANS TR300 3/30SITRANS ULS200 5/122SmartLinx modules 5/301Software


5/3039/193/5, 3/10, 3/16, 3/27, 3/33

Software licenses 10/10ST-H, ultrasonic sensor 5/164Submersible sensor, SITRANS P MPS series 2/140System information

SITRANS F C (Coriolis)SITRANS F M (electromagnetic)SITRANS F US (ultrasonic) clamp-onSITRANS F US (ultrasonic) In-line flowmeters


TTank connection TG52/50 and TG52/150 2/43, 2/95Temperature errors when using remote seals 2/147Temperature sensor

TS-3 for ultrasonic measuring instruments 5/186

Temperature transmitters for rail mountingSITRANS TR200SITRANS TR300


Terms of Sale and Delivery 10/44The Probe, compact device 5/126Thickness gauge 4/257Three-spindle valve manifold 2/186Training 10/2Transmag 2 with sensor 911/E 4/91Transmitters for gauge pressure and absolute pres-sure for food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology 2/24Transmitter power supply, SITRANS I 7/5Transmitters SITRANS F US

clamp-onin-line flowmeters

4/256 ... 4/3184/180 ... 4/255

Two-spindle valve manifold 2/186Two-wire system 3/4, 3/7, 3/13,

3/24, 3/30, 3/44


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UUltrasonic switch for level measurement 5/119Ultrasonic transmitters for level measurement 5/126Ultrasonic transducers for level measurement

Echomax XLTEchomax XPS and XCTEchomax XRS-5ST-H


VVarivent connection 2/42, 2/85Vibrating level limit switches 5/78Vortex SITRANS FX 4/322

WWater meters MAG 8000 4/100Wireless communication 2/19, 3/53WirelessHART 2/19, 3/53, 9/3WirelessHART adapter 9/3, 9/8WirelessHART gateway 9/4, 9/5, 9/9


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Page6DR...6DR4004-... 6/21, 6/226DR5...-... 6/18, 6/206ES7...6ES7307-1BA00-0AA0 4/1476ES7390-... 4/1476ES7392-1AJ00-0AA0 4/1476ES7392-1AM00-0AA0 4/1476ES7651-5CX06-0YE5 9/10, 9/246ES7658-3AX06-0YA5 9/5, 9/246ES7658-3AX06-0YA6 9/246ES7658-3BX06-2YB5 9/5, 9/246ES7658-3CX06-2YB5 9/11, 9/246ES7658-3EX06-2YB5 9/5, 9/246ES7658-3GX06-0YC8 9/10, 9/246ES7658-3HX06-0YA5 4/214, 9/246ES7658-3JX06-0YA5 9/5, 9/246ES7658-3KX06-0YA5 9/246ES7658-3LX06-0YA5 9/246ES7658-3XA06-2YB5 9/5, 9/246ES7658-3XB06-2YB5 9/11, 9/246ES7658-3XB06-2YD5 9/9, 9/246ES7658-3XC06-2YB5 9/5, 9/246ES7658-3XC06-2YD5 9/9, 9/246ES7658-3XD06-2YB5 9/5, 9/246ES7658-3XD06-2YD5 9/9, 9/246ES7658-3XH06-2YD5 9/9, 9/246ES7658-3XX00-0YL8 9/106GK...6GK1411-6CA40-0AA0 9/57ME...7ME3050-2BA.. 4/1917ME3100-... 4/2057ME3210-... 4/2157ME3220-... 4/2157ME3300-... 4/2017ME3400-... 4/2277ME3410-... 4/2337ME3440-... 4/251, 4/2527ME3440-0AA01-2DA4 4/2537ME3440-0AA03-2DA4 4/2537ME3470-... 4/2457ME3500-... 4/2887ME3502-... 4/2887ME3510-... 4/2807ME3530-... 4/2747ME3531-... 4/2747ME3532-... 4/2747ME3533-... 4/2747ME3570-... 4/3097ME3600-... 4/2987ME3601-... 4/2987ME3602-... 4/2987ME3603-... 4/2667ME3610-... 4/3047ME3611-... 4/3047ME3612-... 4/3047ME3613-... 4/3047ME3940-... 4/3137ME3950-... 4/311, 4/3147ME3950-1TJ00... 4/3187ME3951-... 4/311, 4/3147ME3960-... 4/311, 4/312, 4/316

7ME4100-... 4/147, 4/1637ME4110-... 4/131, 4/135, 4/142, 4/1517ME4120-2DH20-0EA0 4/1477ME4120-2DH21-0EA0 4/1477ME4200-... 4/1637ME4210-... 4/1637ME4300-... 4/1717ME4310-... 4/1727ME4400-... 4/1557ME5034-... 4/817ME51...-... 4/867ME52..-... 4/877ME53..-... 4/957ME5610-... 4/957ME590.-.... 4/847ME5902-... 4/977ME591.-.... 4/847ME5912-... 4/977ME592.-.... 4/847ME5930-... 4/967ME5933-0AC.. 4/41, 4/1927ME6110-... 4/467ME6120-... 4/517ME6140-... 4/577ME6310-... 4/1107ME6320-... 4/1127ME6340-... 4/797ME6520-... 4/697ME6580-... 4/707ME6810-... 4/1107ME6820-... 4/1127ME6910-... 4/347ME6920-... 4/347ME6930-... 4/437MF1...7MF1564-... 2/77MF1564-8CC11 2/9, 2/18, 2/142, 3/527MF1570-... 2/1427MF1570-8AA 2/1427MF1570-8AB 2/1427MF1580-... 2/187MF1641-... 2/147MF4...7MF4033-... 2/717MF4034-... 2/727MF4035-... 2/727MF4133-... 2/52, 2/807MF4134-... 2/52, 2/817MF4135-... 2/52, 2/817MF4233-... 2/917MF4234-... 2/927MF4235-... 2/927MF4333-... 2/1007MF4334-... 2/1017MF4335-... 2/1017MF4433-... 2/1097MF4434-... 2/1107MF4435-... 2/1107MF4533-... 2/1137MF4534-... 2/1147MF4535-... 2/1147MF4633-... 2/1257MF4634-... 2/126


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7MF4635-... 2/1267MF4800-... 2/1507MF4801-... 2/1507MF4803-... 2/1507MF4810-... 2/1527MF4812-... 2/1537MF4813-... 2/1537MF4814-... 2/1547MF4820-... 2/1577MF4821-... 2/1577MF4823-... 2/1577MF4825-... 2/1637MF4826-... 2/1597MF4827-... 2/1617MF4828-... 2/1617MF4840-... 2/1657MF4843-... 2/1667MF4850-... 2/1687MF4861-... 2/1697MF4862-... 2/1707MF4863-... 2/1717MF4880-... 2/1727MF4883-... 2/1737MF4890-... 2/1757MF4997-1AB 2/133, 3/547MF4997-1AC 2/21, 2/133, 3/41, 3/49, 3/547MF4997-1AD 2/1337MF4997-1AE 2/1337MF4997-1AF 2/1337MF4997-1AH 2/133, 3/49, 3/547MF4997-1AJ 2/21, 2/133, 3/49, 3/547MF4997-1AK 2/1337MF4997-1AL 2/1337MF4997-1AM 2/1337MF4997-1AQ 5/1777MF4997-1BB 2/21, 2/133, 3/557MF4997-1BC 2/1337MF4997-1BE 2/21, 2/133, 3/557MF4997-1BF 2/1337MF4997-1BR 2/1337MF4997-1BS 3/497MF4997-1CA 2/1337MF4997-1CB-Z 2/1337MF4997-1CD 2/1337MF4997-1CG 2/1337MF4997-1CH 2/1337MF4997-1CP 2/1337MF4997-1CQ 2/1337MF4997-1DA 2/21, 3/16, 3/33, 3/41, 3/49, 4/81,

5/93, 5/155, 5/160, 5/161, 5/163, 5/165, 5/170, 5/177, 5/178, 5/184, 5/185, 5/186, 5/196, 5/203, 6/21, 8/20, 9/2

7MF4997-1DB 2/21, 3/16, 3/33, 3/41, 3/49, 4/81, 5/93, 5/155, 5/160, 5/161, 5/163, 5/165, 5/170, 5/177, 5/178, 5/184, 5/185, 5/186, 5/196, 5/203, 6/21, 8/20, 9/2

7MF4997-1DK 2/1337MF4997-1DL 2/1337MF4997-1DM 2/1337MF4997-1DN 2/1337MF4997-1DP 2/1337MF4997-2DA 2/1337MF4997-2DB 2/133

Page7MF4997-2DC 2/1337MF4997-2DD 2/1337MF4997-2DE 2/1337MF4997-2HA 2/1337MF4997-2HB 2/1337MF4997-2HC 2/1337MF4997-2HD 2/1337MF4997-2HF 2/1337MF4997-2HG 2/1337MF4997-2HH 2/1337MF4997-2HJ 2/1337MF4997-2HK 2/1337MF4997-2HL 2/1337MF8...7MF8023-... 2/367MF8024-... 2/367MF8025-... 2/367MF8123-... 2/37, 2/587MF8124-... 2/37, 2/587MF8125-... 2/37, 2/587MF8997-1AA 2/1337MF8997-1BA 2/1337MF8997-1BD 2/1337MF8997-1BG 2/1337MF8997-1CA 2/1337MF8997-1EA 2/1337MF8997-1EB 2/1337MF9...7MF9000-8AB 2/184, 2/1867MF9000-8AD 2/184, 2/1867MF9011-4DA 2/1847MF9011-4EA 2/1847MF9011-4FA 2/1847MF9011-4GA 2/1847MF9401-7WA 2/1837MF9408-2CE 2/1897MF9408-2CL 2/1897MF9408-5CA 2/1897MF9408-5DA 2/1897MF9408-6AA 2/1897MF9408-6BA 2/1897MF9411-... 2/1867MF9411-5DB 2/1867MF9411-7BB 2/1867MF9411-7BC 2/1867MF9411-7DB 2/1867MF9411-7DC 2/1867MH7...7MH7142-0AA10 8/227MH7144-... 8/197MH7145-... 8/197MH7146-... 8/197MH7560-... 8/117MH7562-... 8/157MH7723-... 8/19, 8/22, 8/247MJ2...7MJ2000-1.... 8/87MJ2010-1AA 8/87MJ2400-... 8/87ML1...7ML1002-... 4/320, 5/2997ML1025-... 5/1437ML1028-... 5/105


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7ML1034-... 5/1367ML1100-... 5/1657ML1106-... 5/1687ML1115-... 5/1727ML1118-... 5/1747ML1123-... 5/1757ML1127-... 5/1767ML1132-... 5/1777ML1136-... 5/1787ML1141-... 5/1817ML1145-... 5/1817ML1170-... 5/1737ML1171-... 5/1757ML1201-... 5/1277ML1300-... 5/2467ML1301-... 5/2477ML1302-... 5/2497ML1303-... 5/2517ML1304-... 5/2537ML1305-... 5/2547ML1510-... 5/1247ML1812-... 4/2987ML1813-... 5/1877ML1830-1AL 5/1847ML1830-1AM 5/1457ML1830-1AN 5/175, 5/176, 5/1847ML1830-1AP 5/181, 5/1847ML1830-1AQ 5/165, 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/175,

5/1847ML1830-1AS 5/1847ML1830-1AT 5/175, 5/176, 5/1847ML1830-1AU 5/165, 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/174,

5/175, 5/177, 5/178, 5/181, 5/1847ML1830-1AX 5/126, 5/129, 5/133, 5/134, 5/135,

5/136, 5/138, 5/139, 5/142, 5/1457ML1830-1AX 5/165, 5/168, 5/172, 5/174, 5/175,

5/176, 5/177, 5/178, 5/181, 5/1847ML1830-1BH 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/1777ML1830-1BJ 5/174, 5/175, 5/1787ML1830-1BK 5/124, 5/127, 5/165, 5/168, 5/172,

5/173, 5/174, 5/175, 5/177, 5/178, 7ML1830-1BL 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/174, 5/175,

5/177, 5/1787ML1830-1BM 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/174, 5/177,

5/1787ML1830-1BN 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/174, 5/175,

5/177, 5/1787ML1830-1BP 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/174, 5/175,

5/177, 5/1787ML1830-1BQ 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/174, 5/175,

5/177, 5/1787ML1830-1BR 5/124, 5/127, 5/1777ML1830-1BT 5/124, 5/127, 5/131, 5/1657ML1830-1BU 5/124, 5/127, 5/131, 5/1657ML1830-1CF 5/1657ML1830-1CG 5/2007ML1830-1CH 5/2007ML1830-1CK 5/3027ML1830-1CL 5/3027ML1830-1CM 5/3027ML1830-1CN 5/1577ML1830-1CP 5/3027ML1830-1CQ 5/3027ML1830-1CR 5/3027ML1830-1CS 5/3027ML1830-1DJ 5/33, 5/54

Page7ML1830-1DL 5/12, 5/337ML1830-1DM 5/12, 5/337ML1830-1DP 5/1767ML1830-1DQ 5/124, 5/127, 51317ML1830-1DR 5/168, 5/172, 5/174, 5/177, 5/1787ML1830-1DS 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/174, 5/175,

5/177, 5/1787ML1830-1DT 5/124, 5/127, 5/1317ML1830-1GM 4/143, 5/153, 5/157, 5/2997ML1830-1GN 5/165, 5/158, 5/172, 5/174, 5/175,

5/176, 5/177, 5/178, 5/181, 5/1847ML1830-1HA 5/3037ML1830-1HB 5/184, 5/185, 5/1867ML1830-1HC 5/2007ML1830-1HD 5/1987ML1830-1HE 5/1987ML1830-1HF 5/1987ML1830-1HP 5/3027ML1830-1HQ 5/3027ML1830-1HR 5/3027ML1830-1HS 5/3027ML1830-1HT 5/3027ML1830-1JA 5/12, 5/33, 5/34, 5/265, 5/2677ML1830-1JB 5/33, 5/34, 5/265, 5/2677ML1830-1JC 5/12, 5/33, 5/34, 5/265, 5/2677ML1830-1JD 5/33, 5/34, 5/265, 5/2677ML1830-1JE 5/33, 5/547ML1830-1JF 5/33, 5/547ML1830-1JK 5/33, 5/547ML1830-1JL 5/1437ML1830-1JM 5/104, 5/1057ML1830-1JN 5/104, 5/1057ML1830-1JP 5/66, 5/2817ML1830-1JQ 5/2817ML1830-1JR 5/2817ML1830-1JV 5/2997ML1830-1KA 5/1487ML1830-1KB 5/131, 5/1937ML1830-1KC 5/1777ML1830-1KG 5/111, 5/113, 5/114, 5/115, 5/1167ML1830-1KH 5/111, 5/113, 5/114, 5/115, 5/1167ML1830-1KJ 5/111, 5/113, 5/114, 5/115, 5/1167ML1830-1KK 5/1147ML1830-1KL 5/104, 5/106, 5/1077ML1830-1KM 5/105, 5/106, 5/1077ML1830-1KN 5/265, 5/2677ML1830-1KR 5/1487ML1830-1KS 5/1487ML1830-1KT 5/1487ML1830-1KU 5/1487ML1830-1KV 5/2997ML1830-1KW 5/2997ML1830-1KX 5/1537ML1830-1KY 5/2997ML1830-1LA 5/1487ML1830-1LB 5/1487ML1830-1LC 5/1487ML1830-1LD 5/1487ML1830-1LE 5/1487ML1830-1LF 5/1487ML1830-1LG 5/1247ML1830-1LH 5/1247ML1830-1LN 5/1537ML1830-1LP 5/153


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7ML1830-1LQ 5/153, 5/1577ML1830-1LR 5/1437ML1830-1LS 5/1437ML1830-1LT 5/2997ML1830-1LU 5/1437ML1830-1LV 5/1437ML1830-1LW 5/1437ML1830-1LX 5/1437ML1830-1LY 5/1577ML1830-1MA 5/1537ML1830-1MC 5/3037ML1830-1MD 5/135, 5/136, 5/1407ML1830-1ME 5/135, 5/136, 5/1407ML1830-1MF 5/135, 5/136, 5/1407ML1830-1MG 5/2997ML1830-1ML 5/1577ML1830-1MM 5/3037ML1830-1NC 5/89, 5/937ML1830-1NS 5/1017ML1830-1NT 5/1017ML1830-1NU 5/1017ML1830-2AA 5/2997ML1830-2AC 5/1437ML1830-2AG 5/1487ML1830-2AK 5/135, 5/136, 5/1407ML1830-2AM 5/1367ML1830-2AN 5/131, 5/153, 5/1577ML1830-5BK 5/1857ML1830-5BL 5/1857ML1830-5BM 5/1857ML1830-5BN 5/1857ML1830-5BP 5/1857ML1830-5BQ 5/1857ML1841-... 5/3037ML1930-1AA 5/89, 5/1277ML1930-1AB 5/89, 5/1277ML1930-1AC 5/124, 5/135, 5/136, 5/140, 5/143,

5/148, 5/153, 5/157, 5/2997ML1930-1AE 5/1487ML1930-1AF 5/1487ML1930-1AG 5/1487ML1930-1AH 5/2257ML1930-1AJ 5/2257ML1930-1AK 5/2997ML1930-1AL 5/2997ML1930-1AM 5/131, 5/197, 5/198, 5/200, 5/2017ML1930-1AN 5/2087ML1930-1AP 5/33, 5/54, 5/131, 5/193, 5/197,

5/198, 5/200, 5/201, 5/208, 5/213, 5/220, 5/225, 5/232

7ML1930-1AQ 5/33, 5/54, 5/131, 5/197, 5/198, 5/200, 5/201, 5/208, 5/213, 5/225, 5/232

7ML1930-1BE 5/1877ML1930-1BJ 5/172, 5/173, 5/174, 5/175, 5/176,

5/177, 5/178, 5/181, 5/1877ML1930-1BK 5/197, 5/198, 5/200, 5/201, 5/213,

5/2207ML1930-1BL 5/220, 5/2327ML1930-1BM 5/220, 5/2327ML1930-1BN 5/2637ML1930-1BN 5/3047ML1930-1BP 5/3047ML1930-1BQ 5/3047ML1930-1BR 5/308

Page7ML1930-1BS 5/3087ML1930-1BT 5/3087ML1930-1BU 5/3087ML1930-1BV 5/3087ML1930-1BW 5/3087ML1930-1BX 5/3087ML1930-1BY 5/3087ML1930-1CC 5/3087ML1930-1CD 5/3087ML1930-1CF 5/3087ML1930-1CG 5/3087ML1930-1CH 5/3087ML1930-1CJ 5/3087ML1930-1CK 5/3087ML1930-1CL 5/3087ML1930-1CM 5/3087ML1930-1CN 5/3087ML1930-1CP 5/3087ML1930-1CQ 5/3087ML1930-1CR 5/3087ML1930-1CS 5/3087ML1930-1CT 5/3087ML1930-1CU 5/3087ML1930-1CV 5/3087ML1930-1CW 5/3087ML1930-1CX 5/3087ML1930-1CY 5/3087ML1930-1DA 5/3087ML1930-1DB 5/1277ML1930-1DC 5/3087ML1930-1DE 5/2207ML1930-1DJ 5/2527ML1930-1DQ 5/937ML1930-1DR 5/937ML1930-1DS 5/937ML1930-1DT 5/937ML1930-1DU 5/937ML1930-1DV 5/937ML1930-1DW 5/937ML1930-1DX 5/937ML1930-1EA 5/937ML1930-1EB 5/937ML1930-1EC 5/937ML1930-1ED 5/937ML1930-1EE 5/897ML1930-1EF 5/80, 5/897ML1930-1EG 5/80, 5/897ML1930-1EH 5/80, 5/897ML1930-1EJ 5/80, 5/897ML1930-1EK 5/80, 5/897ML1930-1EK 5/80, 5/897ML1998-1AB.. 5/2997ML1998-1AC.. 5/1437ML1998-1AP03 5/135, 5/136, 5/140, 5/148, 5/153,

5/157, 5/3027ML1998-1AQ.. 5/135, 5/136, 5/140, 5/148, 5/153,

5/157, 5/3027ML1998-1BF.. 5/153, 5/1157, 5/3027ML1998-1BG01 5/3027ML1998-1BH02 5/135, 5/136, 5/140, 5/148, 5/3027ML1998-1DU01 5/173, 5/1757ML1998-1EM31 5/1877ML1998-1FC.. 5/1367ML1998-1XB82 5/124


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7ML1998-5AB01 5/2997ML1998-5AN.. 5/1577ML1998-5AR.. 5/237ML1998-5BD.. 5/1537ML1998-5BE.. 5/1537ML1998-5BK61 5/1857ML1998-5BL61 5/1857ML1998-5BM61 5/1857ML1998-5BN61 5/1857ML1998-5BP61 5/1857ML1998-5BQ61 5/1857ML1998-5CE.. 5/1617ML1998-5CF..02 5/1597ML1998-5DF.. 8/247ML1998-5DG.. 8/227ML1998-5DM.. 8/117ML1998-5DN.. 8/157ML1998-5EM01 5/1877ML1998-5EW01 5/2997ML1998-5FB.. 5/1407ML1998-5FC.. 5/1357ML1998-5FH.. 5/225

7ML1998-5FM.. 8/197ML1998-5FS62 5/111, 5/113, 5/114, 5/115, 5/1167ML1998-5FT62 5/75, 5/104, 5/105, 5/106. 5/1077ML1998-5FT63 5/1017ML1998-5GC62 5/1277ML1998-5GD61 5/1277ML1998-5GE.. 5/2817ML1998-5GG.. 5/667ML1998-5GL.. 5/1487ML1998-5HE.. 5/264, 5/2667ML1998-5HG62 5/1847ML1998-5HR.. 5/1937ML1998-5HT.. 5/1317ML1998-5HV.. 5/165, 5/168, 5/172, 5/173, 5/174,

5/175, 5/176, 5/177, 5/178, 5/1817ML1998-5HX61 5/1777ML1998-5JB02 5/1317ML1998-5JB32 5/1317ML1998-5JE.. 5/2127ML1998-5JF.. 5/2137ML1998-5JH.. 5/33, 5/34, 5/547ML1998-5JJ01 5/33, 5/547ML1998-5JM.. 5/2327ML1998-5JP.. 5/197, 5/198, 5/199, 5/2017ML1998-5JR.. 5/197, 5/198, 5/199, 5/2017ML1998-5JS.. 5/3087ML1998-5JU.. 5/3047ML1998-5JV.. 5/3087ML1998-5JW.. 5/3087ML1998-5JX.. 5/3087ML1998-5KA.. 5/246, 5/248, 5/250, 5/252, 5/253,

5/2547ML1998-5KE.. 5/2207ML1998-5KF.. 5/2207ML1998-5KN.. 5/807ML1998-5KP31 5/807ML1998-5KQ.. 5/897ML1998-5KR.. 5/897ML1998-5KR01 5/897ML1998-5KV.. 5/937ML1998-5KW.. 5/937ML1998-5LS.. 5/89, 5/93

Page7ML1998-5QA85 5/184, 5/185, 5/1867ML1998-5QD83 5/1407ML1998-5QJ81 5/127ML1998-5QK82 5/1657ML1998-5QM82 5/172, 5/174, 5/176, 5/177, 5/1787ML1998-5QN83 5/2257ML1998-5QP81 5/1937ML1998-5QR81 5/1317ML1998-5QS81 5/1817ML1998-5QT81 5/1687ML1998-5QV81 5/1317ML1998-5QW82 5/2327ML1998-5QX81 5/2127ML1998-5QY81 5/33, 5/54

7ML1998-5XA81 5/33, 5/547ML1998-5XC81 5/198, 5/1997ML1998-5XC82 5/197, 5/2017ML1998-5XD81 5/197, 5/198, 5/199, 5/2017ML1998-5XE81 5/2137ML1998-5XG81 5/246, 5/248, 5/250, 5/252, 5/253,

5/2547ML1998-5XH81 5/2207ML1998-5XJ81 5/2207ML5...7ML5001-... 5/1487ML5004-... 5/1537ML5007-... 5/1577ML5033-... 5/1407ML5034-... 5/1357ML5221-... 5/1317ML5421-... 5/2257ML5422-... 5/1977ML5423-... 5/1997ML5424-... 5/1987ML5425-... 5/2007ML5426-... 5/2327ML5427-... 5/2207ML5430-... 5/937ML5431-... 5/2127ML5501-... 5/127ML5513-... 5/2767ML5515-... 5/2777ML5517-... 5/2797ML5523-... 5/2817ML5601-... 5/647ML5602-... 5/647ML5603-... 5/657ML5604-... 5/667ML5610-... 5/127ML5625-... 5/2647ML5626-... 5/2667ML5630-... 5/187ML5631-... 5/207ML5632-... 5/217ML5633-... 5/227ML5634-... 5/237ML5640-... 5/277ML5641-... 5/287ML5642-... 5/307ML5643-... 5/317ML5644-... 5/32


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7ML5650-... 5/437ML5651-... 5/457ML5652-... 5/467ML5660-... 5/507ML5661-... 5/517ML5662-... 5/537ML5711-... 5/657ML5711-0AA 5/1117ML5711-1AA 5/1117ML5711-2AA 5/1117ML5725-... 5/1117ML5725-5AC11-2AD0 5/1117ML5725-6QC12-2AB0 5/1127ML5725-6QE12-2AA0 5/1127ML5726-... 5/1137ML5726-5QB12-2BA2 5/1137ML5726-5QC12-2BA1 5/1137ML5727-... 5/1147ML5727-5QB12-0AB0 5/1147ML5727-5QC12-0AA0 5/1147ML5728-... 5/1157ML5730-... 5/1167ML5731-... 5/1037ML5731-7AA11-1BA0 5/1047ML5731-7AB11-1AA0 5/1047ML5732-... 5/1057ML5733-... 5/1067ML5734-... 5/1077ML5735-... 5/1017ML5740-... 5/3087ML5741-... 5/3047ML5745-... 5/807ML5746-... 5/867ML5747-... 5/907ML5810-1A 5/127ML5811-1A 5/1207ML5830-2AH 5/131, 5/1937ML5830-2AJ 5/131, 5/225, 5/2327MP1...7MP1110-... 3/417MP1120-... 2/217MP1990-0AA00 3/417MP1990-0BB00 3/417MP3112-1AA00-0AA0 9/5, 9/117MP3990-0AA00 9/117MP3990-0BA00 9/117MP3990-0BB00 9/117MP3990-0BC00 9/117MP3990-0BD00 9/117MP3990-0CA00 9/117NG3...7NG3032-0JN00 3/277NG3032-1JN00 3/277NG3033-0JN00 3/337NG3033-1JN00 3/337NG3092-8KA 3/5, 3/10, 3/16, 3/227NG3092-8KC 3/5, 3/10, 3/16, 3/227NG3092-8KM 3/5, 3/10, 3/20, 3/21, 3/447NG3092-8KU 3/5, 3/10, 3/20, 3/21, 3/447NG313.-... 3/44, 3/547NG3140-... 3/437NG3211-0AN00 3/57NG3211-0BN00 3/5

Page7NG3211-0NN00 3/57NG3211-1AN00 3/107NG3211-1BN00 3/107NG3211-1NN00 3/107NG3212-0AN00 3/167NG3212-0BN00 3/167NG3212-0NN00 3/167NG3214-0AN00 3/227NG3214-0NN00 3/227NG3215-0AN00 3/227NG3215-0NN00 3/227NG4...7NG4122-1AA10 5/127NG4124-0AA0 7/57NG4130-1AA11 6/217NG4130-1BA11 6/217NG4131-0AA0 7/77NG4998-1AA 7/5, 7/77NG4998-1AB 7/5, 7/79AE1...9AE4110-3AA00 9/5A5E...A5E00047090 2/134A5E00047092 2/134A5E00047093 2/134A5E00053218 2/134A5E00053219 2/134A5E00053220 2/134A5E00053274 2/134A5E00053275 2/134A5E00053276 2/134A5E00053277 2/134A5E00053278 2/134A5E00053279 2/134A5E00054075 3/44A5E00064515 3/44A5E00078060 2/134A5E00090345 2/134A5E00279627 2/134A5E00279629 2/134A5E00279630 2/134A5E00279631 2/134A5E00279632 2/134A5E00282355 2/134A5E00359576 2/134A5E00359577 2/134A5E00359578 2/134A5E00359579 2/134A5E00359580 2/134A5E00359581 2/134A5E00364512 3/5, 3/10, 3/16, 3/22, 3/27, 3/33,

3/49, 3/54A5E00414587 2/134A5E00414588 2/134A5E00414589 2/134A5E00414590 2/134A5E00414591 2/134A5E00414592 2/134A5E00694468 4/196, 4/235A5E00694500 4/196, 4/235A5E00694509 4/196, 4/235A5E00694660 4/196, 4/235A5E00695277 4/196, 4/235A5E00695476 4/197, 4/235


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A5E00695479 4/197, 4/235A5E00695480 4/197, 4/235A5E00695483 4/197, 4/235A5E00695486 4/197, 4/235A5E00822478 4/35A5E00822479 4/35A5E00822490 4/35, 4/131A5E00822501 4/35, 4/131A5E00832338 4/131A5E00832342 4/131A5E00835255 4/219A5E00835255 4/207A5E00836448 4/207A5E00836462 4/219A5E00836465 4/207A5E00836867 4/35A5E00836868 4/35A5E00839427 4/207, 4/219A5E00839431 4/207A5E00839435 4/219A5E00839437 4/219A5E00839440 4/207A5E00839460 4/207, 4/219A5E00839472 4/207A5E00839476 4/219A5E00839477 4/219A5E00839479 4/207A5E00861432 4/192, 4/202, 4/209, 4/221A5E00861435 4/192, 4/202, 4/209, 4/221A5E00875101 4/192, 4/202, 4/209, 4/221A5E00875105 4/192, 4/202, 4/209, 4/221A5E00915707 4/62A5E00915764 4/62A5E00915771 4/62A5E00915773 4/62A5E00915775 4/62A5E00915780 4/62A5E00915782 4/62A5E00915784 4/62A5E01002946 4/115A5E01002947 4/115A5E01002948 4/115A5E01002950 4/115A5E01002952 4/115A5E01002953 4/115A5E01002954 4/115A5E01002955 4/115A5E01002957 4/115A5E01002958 4/115A5E01002962 4/115A5E01013127 4/45A5E01013340 4/45A5E01018395 4/52A5E01018400 4/52A5E01075465 4/147A5E01087872 5/235A5E01091262 5/235A5E01150022 4/85A5E01150028 4/86A5E01150030 4/86A5E01150378 4/85A5E01150379 4/86A5E01150381 4/86

PageA5E01150880 4/85A5E01150882 4/86A5E01150883 4/86A5E01150918 4/85A5E01150922 4/86A5E01150926 4/86A5E01151121 4/85A5E01151124 4/86A5E01151129 4/86A5E01151194 4/85A5E01151197 4/86A5E01151199 4/86A5E01151539 5/214A5E01151553 5/214A5E01151569 5/214A5E01151571 5/214A5E01151573 5/214A5E01151577 5/214A5E01151584 5/214A5E01151585 5/214A5E01151587 5/214A5E01151626 5/214A5E01152876 4/85A5E01152889 4/86A5E01152890 4/86A5E01152910 4/85A5E01152913 4/86A5E01152916 4/86A5E01153422 4/85A5E01153424 4/86A5E01153427 4/86A5E01156819 5/214A5E01156820 5/214A5E01156823 5/214A5E01156824 5/214A5E01156827 5/214A5E01156832 5/214A5E01156834 5/214A5E01156835 5/214A5E01156836 5/214A5E01156838 5/214A5E01156839 5/214A5E01156841 5/214A5E01156843 5/214A5E01156844 5/214A5E01156846 5/214A5E01156848 5/214A5E01158875 4/85A5E01158886 4/86A5E01158891 4/86A5E01159072 4/85A5E01159074 4/86A5E01159076 4/86A5E01159146 4/85A5E01159150 4/86A5E01159156 4/86A5E01159628 4/85A5E01159629 4/86A5E01159631 4/86A5E01163671 5/76A5E01163672 5/76A5E01163673 5/76A5E01163674 5/76


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A5E01163676 5/76A5E01163677 5/76A5E01163678 5/76A5E01163679 5/76A5E01163680 5/76A5E01163681 5/76A5E01163682 5/76A5E01163683 5/76A5E01163684 5/76A5E01163685 5/76A5E01163686 5/76A5E01163688 6/76, 5/297A5E01163689 6/76, 5/297A5E01163690 6/76, 5/297A5E01163691 6/76, 5/297A5E01163693 6/76, 5/297A5E01163695 6/76, 5/297A5E01163697 5/76A5E01163698 5/76A5E01163699 5/76A5E01163700 5/76A5E01163701 5/76A5E01163702 5/76A5E01163709 5/297A5E01163710 5/297A5E01163711 5/297A5E01163712 5/297A5E01163713 5/297A5E01163714 5/297A5E01163717 5/297A5E01163719 5/77A5E01163720 5/77A5E01163721 5/77A5E01163722 5/77A5E01163723 5/77A5E01163724 5/77A5E01163725 5/77A5E01163726 5/77A5E01163727 5/297A5E01163728 5/77, 5/297A5E01163729 5/77, 5/297A5E01163730 5/77, 5/297A5E01164206 4/131A5E01164211 4/131A5E01171569 4/115A5E01181599 4/52A5E01181606 4/52A5E01181610 4/52A5E01181613 4/52A5E01181615 4/52A5E01181616 4/52A5E01181619 4/52A5E01181622 4/52A5E01181647 4/35, 4/44A5E01181656 4/35, 4/44A5E01181686 4/35, 4/44A5E01181689 4/35, 4/44A5E01181691 4/35, 4/44A5E01181699 4/35, 4/44A5E01181703 4/35, 4/44A5E01181705 4/35, 4/44A5E01191940 4/85A5E01191941 4/85

PageA5E01191943 4/85A5E01191944 4/85A5E01191946 4/85A5E01191947 4/85A5E01191949 4/85A5E01191950 4/85A5E01191951 4/85A5E01191952 4/85A5E01191954 4/85A5E01191956 4/85A5E01191957 4/85A5E01191958 4/85A5E01191959 4/85A5E01191960 4/85A5E01191961 4/85A5E01191962 4/85A5E01191963 4/85A5E01191964 4/85A5E01191965 4/85A5E01191966 4/85A5E01191967 4/85A5E01191968 4/85A5E01191969 4/85A5E01191971 4/86A5E01191973 4/86A5E01191974 4/86A5E01191975 4/86A5E01191976 4/86A5E01191977 4/86A5E01191978 4/86A5E01191979 4/86A5E01191980 4/86A5E01191981 4/86A5E01191982 4/86A5E01191983 4/86A5E01191984 4/86A5E01191985 4/86A5E01191986 4/86A5E01191987 4/86A5E01191988 4/86A5E01191989 4/86A5E01191990 4/86A5E01191991 4/86A5E01191992 4/86A5E01191993 4/86A5E01191994 4/86A5E01191995 4/86A5E01191996 4/86A5E01192005 4/86A5E01192007 4/86A5E01192008 4/86A5E01192009 4/86A5E01192010 4/86A5E01192011 4/86A5E01192012 4/86A5E01196952 4/192, 4/202, 4/209, 4/221A5E01208114 4/197, 4/235A5E01208117 4/197, 4/235A5E01208121 4/197, 4/235A5E01208126 4/197, 4/235A5E01208138 4/196, 4/235A5E012092 4/197, 4/235A5E01209496 4/36


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A5E01209500 4/36A5E01259467 5/235A5E01261834 5/235A5E01261836 5/235A5E01261979 5/235A5E01261981 5/235A5E01278662 4/192, 4/202, 4/209, 4/221A5E01278687 4/192, 4/202, 4/209, 4/221A5E01483323 5/206A5E01483368 5/206A5E01483389 5/206A5E01483440 5/206A5E01483456 5/206A5E01483468 5/206A5E01483480 5/206A5E01483493 5/206A5E01483536 5/206A5E01483547 5/206A5E01483559 5/206A5E01623511 5/235A5E01623512 5/235A5E01623513 5/235A5E01623514 5/235A5E02054250 4/35, 4/43, 4/131, 4/135, 4/143A5E02054630 4/58A5E02054633 4/58A5E02054634 4/58A5E02054635 4/58A5E02054637 4/58A5E02054638 4/58A5E02054640 4/58A5E02054643 4/58A5E02054644 4/58A5E02054646 4/58A5E02055286 4/62A5E02055287 4/62A5E02055290 4/62A5E02055291 4/62A5E02055292 4/62A5E02055293 4/62A5E02055295 4/62A5E02055297 4/62A5E02083905 5/235A5E02083906 5/235A5E02083914 5/235A5E02083915 5/235A5E02083916 5/235A5E02165924 5/235A5E02182085 5/235A5E02196073 4/58A5E02196074 4/58A5E02196075 4/58A5E02196076 4/58A5E02196077 4/58A5E02196078 4/58A5E02196080 4/58A5E02196082 4/58A5E02199113 4/58A5E02199114 4/58A5E02199115 4/58A5E02199116 4/58A5E02199117 4/58A5E02199118 4/58

PageA5E02199119 4/58A5E02199120 4/58A5E02203605 5/235A5E02211143 4/58A5E02211144 4/58A5E02211146 4/58A5E02211147 4/58A5E02211148 4/58A5E02211151 4/58A5E02211152 4/58A5E02211153 4/58A5E02212422 5/235A5E02212423 5/235A5E02212424 5/235A5E02212425 5/235A5E02212426 5/235A5E02212428 5/235A5E02212429 5/235A5E02213423 5/235A5E02213428 5/235A5E02213581 4/58A5E02213582 4/58A5E02213583 4/58A5E02213584 4/58A5E02213585 4/58A5E02213586 4/58A5E02213587 4/58A5E02213596 4/58A5E02213597 4/58A5E02213598 4/58A5E02213599 4/58A5E02213600 4/58A5E02213601 4/58A5E02213602 4/58A5E02213603 4/58A5E02218293 4/59A5E02218294 4/59A5E02218295 4/59A5E02218296 4/59A5E02218297 4/59A5E02218298 4/59A5E02218299 4/59A5E02218300 4/59A5E02218301 4/59A5E02218302 4/59A5E02218310 4/59A5E02218312 4/59A5E02218313 4/59A5E02218314 4/59A5E02218315 4/59A5E02226423 3/63A5E02246194 4/208, 4/222A5E02246258 4/208, 4/222A5E02246304 4/208, 4/222A5E02246309 4/208, 4/222A5E02246311 4/208, 4/222A5E02246329 4/202A5E02246350 4/192A5E02246356 4/192A5E02246378 4/192A5E02246396 4/192A5E02247682 4/255A5E02247711 4/255


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A5E02272692 4/35, 4/44A5E02272723 4/35, 4/44A5E02272730 4/35, 4/44A5E02296329 4/35, 4/44A5E02296464 4/35, 4/44A5E02296490 4/35, 4/44A5E02296494 4/35, 4/44A5E02296498 4/35, 4/44A5E02328485 4/36A5E02391790 3/68A5E02448270 5/214A5E02448274 5/214A5E02448278 5/214A5E02455728 5/248A5E02475650 4/114A5E02478541 4/197, 4/221A5E02478551 4/197, 4/221A5E02479158 5/248A5E02551182 4/115A5E02551263 4/115A5E02559810 4/36A5E02559811 4/36A5E02559812 4/36A5E02559813 4/36A5E02559814 4/36A5E02559815 4/36A5E02559816 4/36A5E02559817 4/36A5E02559980 4/36A5E02590427 4/151A5E02590427 4/155A5E02593512 4/208A5E02593522 4/208A5E02593524 4/207A5E02593565 4/44A5E02593566 4/202A5E02593567 4/202A5E02593568 4/202A5E02593569 4/202A5E02604272 4/36A5E02604280 4/36A5E02609214 4/221A5E02609215 4/221A5E02609216 4/221A5E02609218 4/221A5E02609219 4/221A5E02611742 4/247A5E02611749 4/247A5E02611751 4/247A5E02611753 4/247A5E02611754 4/247A5E02611758 4/247A5E02611759 4/247A5E02611761 4/247A5E02611762 4/247A5E02611764 4/247A5E02611767 4/247A5E02611769 4/247A5E02611774 4/247A5E02611778 4/247A5E02611779 4/247A5E02611780 4/247A5E02611781 4/247

PageA5E02611783 4/247A5E02611792 4/247A5E02611793 4/247A5E02611794 4/247A5E02611795 4/247A5E02611796 4/247A5E02611798 4/247A6X...A6X30003981 4/253A6X30004048 4/253C70...C70144-A336-A35 4/435C70144-A336-A37 4/435C70401-A26-C18 4/433C70428-A17-B160 4/427C73...C73451-A430-D23 6/21C73451-A430-D78 6/21CQO-...CQO:FUEHVACKIT 4/292CQO:FUPW-WWKIT 4/284CQO-1012FNH-PB 4/316CQO-1012FN-PB 4/316CQO-1012FPH-PB 4/316CQO-1012FP-PB 4/316CQO-1012NFPA 4/316CQO-1012NMB-1 4/313CQO-1012TW-1 4/317CQO-1012TW-1L 4/317CQO-1012TW-2 4/317CQO-1012TW-2L 4/317CQO-1012TW-3 4/317CQO-1012TW-3L 4/317CQO-1012XMB-1 4/313CQO-1012Z-1 4/316CQO-1012Z-2 4/316CQO-1015N-5M 4/313CQO-1015N-5M-FK1 4/313CQO-1015N-5M-MK1 4/313CQO-1015N-5M-MK2 4/313CQO-1015N-5M-MK3 4/313CQO-992ECJ 4/316CQO-992MTNHMSH-1 4/316CQO-992MTNHMSH-2 4/316CQO-992MTNHMSH-3 4/316CQO-992MTNHMSH-4 4/316CQO-CC112 4/317CQO-CC117 4/317CQO-CC117A 4/317CQO-CC120 4/317CQO-CDM0001 4/317FDK-...FDK:083G0228 4/196, 4/235FDK:085B1080 4/208FDK:085B1083 4/207, 4/208FDK:085B1084 4/208FDK:085B1089 4/208 4/220FDK:085B1098 4/207FDK:085B1360 4/222FDK:085B1361 4/202, 4/209, 4/222FDK:085B1362 4/222FDK:085B1363 4/209, 4/222FDK:085B1373 4/255


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FDK:085B1374 4/255FDK:085B1375 4/255FDK:085B1376 4/255FDK:085B1378 4/255FDK:085B1379 4/255FDK:085B1402 4/254FDK:085B1403 4/254FDK:085B1405 4/207FDK:085B1406 4/219FDK:085B1411 4/208FDK:085B1419 4/220FDK:085B1420 4/220FDK:085B1459 4/208FDK:085B1464 4/207FDK:085B5329 4/254FDK:085B5330 4/220FDK:085B5331 4/208FDK:085B5333 4/220FDK:085B5335 4/220FDK:085B5392 4/220FDK:085B5393 4/220FDK:085B5416 4/207FDK:085B5450 4/207FDK:085B5451 4/207FDK:085B5452 4/219FDK:085B5453 4/207FDK:085B5454 4/219FDK:085B5455 4/219FDK:085B5458 4/219FDK:085B5459 4/219FDK:085B5461 4/207FDK:085B5462 4/207FDK:085B5463 4/207FDK:085B5471 4/207FDK:085B5501 4/207, 4/219FDK:085B5504 4/207, 4/219FDK:085B5505 4/207, 4/219FDK:085B5510 4/219FDK:085B5511 4/219FDK:085F5027 4/254FDK:085F5327 4/254FDK:085L1015 4/254FDK:085L1023 4/222, 4/254FDK:085L1103 4/222FDK:085L1104 4/222FDK:085L1105 4/222FDK:085L1107 4/222FDK:085L1108 4/222FDK:085L1109 4/222FDK:085L1111 4/222FDK:085L1112 4/222FDK:085L1113 4/222FDK:085L1114 4/222FDK:085L1115 4/222FDK:085L1118 4/222FDK:085L1119 4/222FDK:085L2400 4/255FDK:085L2401 4/255FDK:085L2402 4/255FDK:085L2403 4/202, 4/208, 4/220FDK:085U2002 4/254FDK:085U2109 4/254FDK:087H2255 4/196, 4/235

PageFDK:087L4163 4/196, 4/235FDK:087L4201 4/196, 4/235FDK:087L4212 4/196, 4/235FDK:087L4213 4/196, 4/235FDK:521HAP0553 4/253FDK-083F0121 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F0210 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F0211 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F0212 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F0213 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3020 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3052 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3053 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3054 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3056 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3057 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3058 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3092 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3093 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3094 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F3095 4/35, 4/44FDK-083F4123 4/35FDK-083F4525 4/35, 4/36FDK-083F5030 4/36, 4/135FDK-083F5031 4/36, 4/135FDK-083F5032 4/36, 4/135FDK-083F5033 4/36, 4/135FDK-083F5034 4/36, 4/135FDK-083F5037 4/36, 4/135FDK-083F5038 4/36, 4/135FDK-083F5060 4/21FDK-083F5061 4/21FDK-083G0080 4/52FDK-083G0116 4/52FDK-083G0117 4/52FDK-083G0119 4/52FDK-083G0121 4/52FDK-083G0122 4/52FDK-083G0123 4/52FDK-083G0124 4/52FDK-083G0125 4/52FDK-083G0156 4/52FDK-083G0157 4/52FDK-083G0159 4/52FDK-083G0161 4/52FDK-083G0162 4/52FDK-083G0163 4/52FDK-083G0164 4/52FDK-083G0165 4/52FDK-083G0226 4/52FDK-083G0228 4/135FDK-083G0686 4/52FDK-083G0687 4/52FDK-083G0689 4/52FDK-083G0691 4/52FDK-083G0692 4/52FDK-083G0693 4/52FDK-083G0694 4/52FDK-083G0695 4/52FDK-083G2100 4/60FDK-083G2101 4/60FDK-083G2105 4/60FDK-083G2109 4/60


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FDK-083G2111 4/60FDK-083G2112 4/60FDK-083G2113 4/60FDK-083G2114 4/60FDK-083G2115 4/60FDK-083G2116 4/60FDK-083G2117 4/60FDK-083G2118 4/60FDK-083G2119 4/60FDK-083G2120 4/60FDK-083G2121 4/60FDK-083G2122 4/60FDK-083G2123 4/60FDK-083G2124 4/60FDK-083G2125 4/60FDK-083G2139 4/61FDK-083G2141 4/61FDK-083G2142 4/61FDK-083G2143 4/61FDK-083G2144 4/61FDK-083G2145 4/61FDK-083G2149 4/61FDK-083G2151 4/61FDK-083G2152 4/61FDK-083G2153 4/61FDK-083G2154 4/61FDK-083G2155 4/61FDK-083G2156 4/61FDK-083G2157 4/61FDK-083G2158 4/61FDK-083G2159 4/61FDK-083G2160 4/61FDK-083G2161 4/61FDK-083G2162 4/61FDK-083G2163 4/61FDK-083G2164 4/61FDK-083G2165 4/61FDK-083G2179 4/60FDK-083G2181 4/60FDK-083G2182 4/60FDK-083G2183 4/60FDK-083G2184 4/60FDK-083G2185 4/60FDK-083G2186 4/60FDK-083G2187 4/60FDK-083G2190 4/60FDK-083G2191 4/60FDK-083G2192 4/60FDK-083G2193 4/60FDK-083G2194 4/60FDK-083G2195 4/60FDK-083G2206 4/62FDK-083G2207 4/62FDK-083G2209 4/62FDK-083G2211 4/62FDK-083G2212 4/62FDK-083G2213 4/62FDK-083G2214 4/62FDK-083G2215 4/62FDK-083G2216 4/62FDK-083G2217 4/62FDK-083G2219 4/62FDK-083G2221 4/62

PageFDK-083G2222 4/62FDK-083G2223 4/62FDK-083G2224 4/62FDK-083G2225 4/62FDK-083G2276 4/60FDK-083G2277 4/60FDK-083G2279 4/60FDK-083G2281 4/60FDK-083G2282 4/60FDK-083G2283 4/60FDK-083G2284 4/60FDK-083G2285 4/60FDK-083G2286 4/60FDK-083G2287 4/60FDK-083G2289 4/60FDK-083G2291 4/60FDK-083G2292 4/60FDK-083G2293 4/60FDK-083G2294 4/60FDK-083G2295 4/60FDK-083G3116 4/52FDK-083G3117 4/52FDK-083G3119 4/52FDK-083G3121 4/52FDK-083G3122 4/52FDK-083G3123 4/52FDK-083G3124 4/52FDK-083G3125 4/52FDK-083G3140 4/135FDK-083G3256 4/52FDK-083G3257 4/52FDK-083G3259 4/52FDK-083G3261 4/52FDK-083G3262 4/52FDK-083G3263 4/52FDK-083G3264 4/52FDK-083G3265 4/52FDK-083G4330 4/52FDK-083G4331 4/52FDK-083G4332 4/52FDK-083H0231 4/143FDK-083H0232 4/143FDK-083H0233 4/143FDK-083H0235 4/143FDK-083H3001 4/147, 4/171, 4/172FDK-083H3002 4/147, 4/171, 4/172FDK-083H3003 4/147, 4/171, 4/172FDK-083H3004 4/147, 4/171, 4/172FDK-083H3015 4/147, 4/151, 4/155, 4/166FDK-083H3016 4/147, 4/151, 4/155, 4/166FDK-083H3017 4/147, 4/151, 4/155, 4/166FDK-083H3018 4/147, 4/151, 4/155, 4/166FDK-083H3054 4/147, 4/151, 4/155, 4/166FDK-083H3055 4/147, 4/151, 4/155, 4/166FDK-083H3061 4/143FDK-083H4260 4/131FDK-083H4272 4/136FDK-083H4273 4/136FDK-083H4274 4/136FDK-083H4275 4/136FDK-083H4294 4/136FDK-083H4295 4/136FDK-083H4296 4/136


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FDK-083H4410 4/151, 4/155, 4/164, 4/171, 4/172FDK-083H5056 4/151, 4/155, 4/164FDK-083L8889 4/164FDK-083N8008 4/83FDK-083N8011 4/83FDK-083N8012 4/83FDK-083N8013 4/83FDK-083N8025 4/83FDK-083N8039 4/83FDK-083N8070 4/83FDK-083N8071 4/83FDK-083N8072 4/83FDK-083N8073 4/83FDK-083N8074 4/83FDK-083N8075 4/83FDK-083N8076 4/83FDK-083N8078 4/83FDK-083N8079 4/83FDK-083N8080 4/83FDK-083N8081 4/83FDK-083N8082 4/83FDK-083N8083 4/83FDK-083N8084 4/83FDK-083N8085 4/83FDK-083N8085 4/83FDK-083N8099 4/83FDK-083N8100 4/83FDK-083N8101 4/83FDK-083N8102 4/83FDK-083N8103 4/83FDK-083N8104 4/83FDK-083N8105 4/83FDK-083N8106 4/83FDK-083N8107 4/83FDK-083N8108 4/83FDK-083N8109 4/83FDK-083N8110 4/83FDK-083N8111 4/83FDK-083N8112 4/83FDK-083N8113 4/83FDK-083N8114 4/83FDK-083N8116 4/84FDK-083N8117 4/84FDK-083N8118 4/84FDK-083N8119 4/84FDK-083N8120 4/84FDK-083N8121 4/84FDK-083N8122 4/84FDK-083N8123 4/84FDK-083N8124 4/84FDK-083N8125 4/84FDK-083N8126 4/84FDK-083N8127 4/84FDK-083N8128 4/84FDK-083N8129 4/84FDK-083N8130 4/84FDK-083N8131 4/84FDK-083N8132 4/84FDK-083N8133 4/84FDK-083N8134 4/84FDK-083N8135 4/84FDK-083N8136 4/84FDK-083N8137 4/84

PageFDK-083N8138 4/84FDK-083N8139 4/84FDK-083N8140 4/84FDK-083N8141 4/84FDK-083N8143 4/84FDK-083N8144 4/84FDK-083N8145 4/84FDK-083N8146 4/84FDK-083N8147 4/84FDK-083N8148 4/84FDK-083N8149 4/84FDK-083N8151 4/84FDK-083N8152 4/84FDK-083N8153 4/84FDK-083N8154 4/84FDK-083N8155 4/84FDK-083N8156 4/84FDK-083N8157 4/84FDK-083N8158 4/84FDK-083N8160 4/84FDK-083N8161 4/84FDK-083N8162 4/84FDK-083N8163 4/84FDK-083N8163 4/84FDK-083N8164 4/84FDK-083N8165 4/84FDK-083N8166 4/84FDK-083N8168 4/84FDK-083N8169 4/84FDK-083N8170 4/84FDK-083N8171 4/84FDK-083N8172 4/84FDK-083N8173 4/84FDK-083N8174 4/84FDK-083N8176 4/84FDK-083N8177 4/84FDK-083N8178 4/84FDK-083N8179 4/84FDK-083N8180 4/84FDK-083N8181 4/84FDK-083N8182 4/84FDK-083N8183 4/84FDK-083N8185 4/84FDK-083N8186 4/84FDK-083N8187 4/84FDK-083N8188 4/84FDK-083N8189 4/84FDK-083N8190 4/84FDK-083N8191 4/84FDK-083N8193 4/84FDK-083N8271 4/84FDK-083N8272 4/84FDK-083N8278 4/84FDK-083N8279 4/84FDK-083N8280 4/84FDK-083N8281 4/84FDK-083N8282 4/84FDK-083N8283 4/84FDK-083N8284 4/84FDK-083N8285 4/84FDK-083N8286 4/84FDK-083N8287 4/84FDK-083N8288 4/84


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FDK-083N8289 4/84FDK-083N8290 4/84FDK-083N8291 4/84FDK-083N8292 4/84FDK-083N8293 4/84FDK-083N8294 4/83FDK-083N8300 4/83FDK-083N8302 4/83FDK-083N8303 4/83FDK-083N8304 4/83FDK-083N8305 4/83FDK-083N8306 4/83FDK-083N8307 4/83FDK-083N8308 4/83FDK-083N8309 4/83FDK-083N8310 4/83FDK-083N8311 4/83FDK-083N8312 4/83FDK-083N8313 4/83FDK-083N8314 4/83FDK-083N8344 4/83FDK-083N8345 4/83FDK-083N8346 4/83FDK-083N8347 4/83FDK-083N8361 4/83FDK-083N8362 4/83FDK-083N8365 4/84FDK-083N8366 4/83FDK-083N8367 4/83FDK-083N8370 4/83FDK-083N8372 4/83FDK-083N8373 4/83FDK-083N8394 4/83FDK-083N8395 4/83FDK-083N8396 4/83FDK-083N8397 4/83FDK-083N8398 4/83FDK-083N8467 4/83FDK-083N8468 4/83FDK-083N8469 4/83FDK-083N8470 4/83FDK-083N8471 4/83FDK-083N8472 4/83FDK-083N8473 4/83FDK-083N8474 4/83FDK-083N8475 4/83FDK-083N8476 4/83FDK-083N8477 4/83FDK-083N8478 4/83FDK-083N8479 4/83FDK-083N8480 4/83FDK-083N8481 4/83FDK-083N8482 4/83FDK-083N8483 4/83FDK-083N8484 4/83FDK-083N8485 4/83FDK-083N8486 4/83FDK-083N8487 4/85FDK-083N8488 4/85FDK-083N8489 4/85FDK-083N8490 4/85FDK-083N8491 4/85FDK-083N8492 4/85

PageFDK-083N8493 4/85FDK-083N8494 4/85FDK-083N8495 4/85FDK-083N8496 4/85FDK-083N8497 4/85FDK-083N8498 4/85FDK-083N8499 4/85FDK-083N8500 4/85FDK-083N8501 4/85FDK-083N8502 4/85FDK-083N8503 4/85FDK-083N8504 4/85FDK-083N8505 4/85FDK-083N8506 4/85FDK-083N8507 4/85FDK-085U0220 4/35, 4/50, 4/51, 4/57, 4/69, 4/70,

4/81, 4/114FDK-085U0221 4/35FDK-085U0226 4/35, 4/131, 4/135, 4/143FDK-085U0229 4/35, 4/43, 4/131, 4/135FDK-085U0234 4/35, 4/43, 4/131, 4/135FDK-085U0236 4/35, 4/43, 4/131, 4/135, 4/143FDK-085U0237 4/35, 4/43, 4/131, 4/135FDK-085U0321 4/43FDK-085U1002 4/131FDK-085U1003 4/35, 4/131FDK-085U1005 4/36FDK-085U1006 4/164FDK-085U1007 4/164FDK-085U1008 4/36FDK-085U1009 4/164FDK-085U1010 4/164FDK-085U1011 4/164FDK-085U1012 4/164FDK-085U1013 4/164FDK-085U1016 4/164FDK-085U1017 4/164FDK-085U1018 4/35, 4/131FDK-085U1019 4/164FDK-085U1020 4/164FDK-085U1021 4/164FDK-085U1022 4/164FDK-085U1023 4/164FDK-085U1029 4/164FDK-085U1031 4/164FDK-085U1032 4/164FDK-085U1038 4/36FDK-085U1039 4/36, 4/131FDK-085U1050 4/35, 4/131FDK-085U1052 4/35FDK-085U1053 4/35FDK-085U2373 4/143FDK-085U2374 4/143FDK-085U3122 4/44FDK-085U3123 4/45FDK-085U3124 4/45FDK-085U3125 4/45FDK-085U3144 4/44FDK-085U3349 4/135FDK-087L4080 4/114FDK-087L4108 4/116FDK-087L4109 4/116FDK-087L4110 4/116FDK-087L4111 4/116


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FDK-087L4142 4/114FDK-087L4150 4/114FDK-087L4151 4/114FDK-087L4152 4/115FDK-087L4154 4/114FDK-087L4155 4/114FDK-087L4156 4/114FDK-087L4157 4/114FDK-087L4158 4/114FDK-087L4159 4/114FDK-087L4162 4/115FDK-087L4163 4/114FDK-087L4165 4/114FDK-087L4166 4/115FDK-087L4167 4/115FDK-087L4168 4/115FDK-087L4196 4/114FDK-087L4201 4/114FDK-087L4202 4/115FDK-087L4203 4/115FDK-087L4204 4/115FDK-087L4210 4/114FDK-087L4211 4/114FDK-087L4212 4/114FDK-087L4213 4/114FDK-087L6001 4/114PBD...PBD-22475K1A 5/226PBD-22475K2A 5/226PBD-22475K3A 5/226PBD-22475K4A 5/226PBD-25500K02A 5/206PBD-25500K03A 5/206PBD-25500K05A 5/206PBD-25500K07A 5/206PBD-25501K0100A 5/206PBD-25501K0150A 5/206PBD-25501K0200A 5/206PBD-25501K0250A 5/206PBD-25501K0500A 5/206PBD-25501K1000A 5/206PBD-51002K0100AAA 5/207PBD-51002K0100BAA 5/207PBD-51002K0100CAA 5/207PBD-51003K020AAAA 5/206PBD-51003K050AJAA 5/206PBD-51003K050AOAA 5/206PBD-51004K1AAA 5/207PBD-51004K2AAA 5/207PBD-51004K3AAA 5/207PBD-51005K1AAA 5/207PBD-51005K2AAA 5/207PBD-51005K3AAA 5/207PBD-51006K020AAAA 5/207PBD-51006K020AABA 5/207PBD-51006K020AACA 5/207PBD-51006K020AADA 5/207PBD-51006K050AJAA 5/207PBD-51006K050AJBA 5/207PBD-51006K050AJCA 5/207PBD-51006K050AJDA 5/207PBD-51010K1AA 5/207PBD-51010K1AB 5/207

PagePBD-51010K2AA 5/207PBD-51010K2AB 5/207PBD-51010K3AA 5/207PBD-51010K3AB 5/207PBD-51014K0100AAA 5/207PBD-51014K0100EJA 5/207PBD-51014K0150AAA 5/207PBD-51014K0150EJA 5/207PBD-51014K0200AAA 5/207PBD-51014K0200EJA 5/208PBD-51014K0250AAA 5/208PBD-51014K0250EJA 5/208PBD-51034039 5/148PBD-51034040 5/148PBD-51034042 5/148PBD-51034043 5/148PBD-51034044 5/148PBD-51034045 5/148PBD-51034046 5/148PBD-51034047 5/148PBD-51034048 5/148PBD-51034272 5/148PBD-51035336 5/206PBD-51035377 5/206PBD-51035410 5/226PBD-51035473 5/226PBD-51035474 5/226PBD-51035566 5/206PBD-51035810 5/226PBD-51035811 5/226PBD-51035812 5/226PBD-51035813 5/226PBD-51035814 5/226PBD-51035815 5/226PBD-51035816 5/226PBD-51035860 5/206PBD-51035867 5/226PBD-51035871 5/226PBD-51035872 5/226PBD-51035873 5/226PBD-51036065 5/208PBD-51036110 5/226PBD-51036180 5/226PBD-51036479 5/226PBD-51036480 5/226PBD-51036481 5/226PBD-51036482 5/226PBD-51036483 5/226PBD-51036484 5/226PBD-51036485 5/226PBD-51036486 5/226PBD-92712000 8/24PBD-92722000 8/24TGX...TGX:16152-105 6/21TGX:16152-110 6/22TGX:16152-117 6/22TGX:16152-328 6/21TGX:16152-336 6/22TGX:16152-348 6/21TGX:16152-350 6/21TGX:16152-364 6/21TGX:16300-147 6/21


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TGX:16300-149 6/21TGX:16300-151 6/21TGX:16300-1556 6/21TGX:16347-81 4/253TGX:16347-82 4/253TGX:16347-83 4/253TGX:16347-84 4/253TGX:16347-85 4/253TGX:16347-86 4/253TGX:16347-89 4/253TGX:16347-90 4/253TGX:16347-91 4/253TGX:16347-92 4/253TGX:16347-93 4/253TGX:16347-94 4/253TGX:16347-95 4/253TGX:16347-96 4/253TGX:16347-97 4/253TGX:16347-98 4/253


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© Siemens AG 2010

AppendixConditions of Sale and Delivery & Export Regulations

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■ Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery

By using this catalog you can acquire hardware and software products described therein from Siemens AG subject to the fol-lowing terms. Please note! The scope, the quality and the condi-tions for supplies and services, including software products, by any Siemens entity having a registered office outside of Ger-many, shall be subject exclusively to the General Terms and Conditions of the respective Siemens entity. The following terms apply exclusively for orders placed with Siemens AG.

For customers with a seat or registered office in GermanyThe “General Terms of Payment” as well as the “General Condi-tions for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronics Industry” shall apply.For software products, the “General License Conditions for Soft-ware Products for Automation and Drives for Customers with a Seat or registered Office in Germany” shall apply.

For customers with a seat or registered office outside of GermanyThe “General Terms of Payment” as well as the “General Condi-tions for Supplies of Siemens, Automation and Drives for Cus-tomers with a Seat or registered Office outside of Germany” shall apply.For software products, the “General License Conditions for Soft-ware Products for Automation and Drives for Customers with a Seat or registered Office outside of Germany” shall apply.

GeneralThe dimensions are in mm. In Germany, according to the Ger-man law on units in measuring technology, data in inches only apply to devices for export. Illustrations are not binding.Insofar as there are no remarks on the corresponding pages, - especially with regard to data, dimensions and weights given - these are subject to change without prior notice.The prices are in € (Euro) ex works, exclusive packaging.The sales tax (value added tax) is not included in the prices. It shall be debited separately at the respective rate according to the applicable legal regulations.Prices are subject to change without prior notice. We will debit the prices valid at the time of delivery.Surcharges will be added to the prices of products that contain silver, copper, aluminum, lead and/or gold if the respective basic official prices for these metals are exceeded. These surcharges will be determined based on the official price and the metal fac-tor of the respective product.The surcharge will be calculated on the basis of the official price on the day prior to receipt of the order or prior to the release order.The metal factor determines the official price as of which the metal surcharges are charged and the calculation method used. The metal factor, provided it is relevant, is included with the price information of the respective products.

An exact explanation of the metal factor and the text of the Comprehensive Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery are available free of charge from your local Siemens business office under the following Order Nos.:• 6ZB5310-0KR30-0BA1

(for customers based in Germany)• 6ZB5310-0KS53-0BA1

(for customers based outside Germany)or download them from the Internet (Germany: Industry Mall Online-Help System)

■ Export regulations

The products listed in this catalog / price list may be subject to European / German and/or US export regulations.Therefore, any export requiring a license is subject to approval by the competent authorities.According to current provisions, the following export regulations must be observed with respect to the products featured in this catalog / price list:

Even without a label or with an “AL: N” or “ECCN: N”, authoriza-tion may be required due to the final destination and purpose for which the goods are to be used. The deciding factors are the AL or ECCN export authorization indicated on order confirmations, delivery notes and invoices.Errors excepted and subject to change without prior notice.

I IA/DT /VuL_ohne MZ/En 12.05.09

AL Number of the German Export ListProducts marked other than “N” require an export license. In the case of software products, the export des-ignations of the relevant data medium must also be generally adhered to.Goods labeled with an “AL“ not equal to “N” are subject to a European or German export authori-zation when being exported out of the EU.

ECCN Export Control Classification NumberProducts marked other than “N” are subject to a reexport license to specific countries.In the case of software products, the exportdesignations of the relevant data medium must also be generally adhered to.Goods labeled with an “ECCN“ not equal to “N” are subject to a US re-export authorization.

© Siemens AG 2010