fgd brochure 2011

White Eagle Aerospace, LLC Make Your Career SOAR Professional Short Course Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics Course Brochure January 2011 Update [email protected]

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Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics (FGD) Professional Short Course Brochure


White Eagle Aerospace, LLCMake Your Career SOAR

Professional Short CourseFundamentals of Gas Dynamics

Course BrochureJanuary 2011 Update

[email protected]

White Eagle Aerospace Short Course

Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics

Fellow Aerospace Professional,

Thank you for your interest in White Eagle Aerospace! We are pleasedto present you with this brochure which describes our excitingFundamentals of Gas Dynamics (FGD) professional short course. FGDparticipants will receive an outstanding training experience in the rudimentsof classical compressible flow principles applicable across a wide variety ofengineering disciplines.

Each FGD participant receives a text book, a bound set of courselectures, and a CD‐ROM containing course notes, homework solutions, andtechnical references.

I invite you to personally examine this brochure and learn more aboutthe Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics (FGD) professional short course. Thenvisit our web site at www.WhiteEagleAerospace.com or contact us by e‐mailor telephone to determine the date and location of our next FGD offering.Enroll today and let White Eagle Aerospace help Make Your Career Soar!

Best Regards,

John Terry White, President/CEOWhite Eagle Aerospace, [email protected]‐219‐0526 Office520‐390‐9157 Mobile

The Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics (FGD) short course is intended for theaerospace professional seeking a basic working knowledge of high‐speed,compressible flows. This knowledge and its application is essential to thesuccessful design, analysis and testing of a wide spectrum of aerospacesystems. Whether you are a practicing engineer, technical analyst,researcher, or program manager, FGD will enhance your understanding ofand improve your competency in the important realm of compressible flow.Among those who will benefit from attending the FGD short course are:

aerodynamics engineers propulsion engineersair data system designers flight test engineerswind tunnel operators shock tunnel operatorsfluid systems engineers college instructorsaircraft systems engineers college studentsmissile systems engineers program managers

Target Audience

White Eagle Aerospace Short Course

Questions Regarding the FGD Course?Contact Us at 520‐219‐0526 or [email protected] 

Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics

What You Will LearnThe Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics (FGD) short course will provide you witha comprehensive training experience in classical compressible flow principlesand phenomena. You will learn the meaning and significance of thegoverning mass, momentum, and energy conservation laws which form thetheoretical framework of gas dynamics. You will come to understand howvelocity, Mach number, pressure, temperature, density and other key flowparameters vary through shock waves and expansion waves. You will alsoreceive instruction regarding the theory and application of isentropic flows,flow friction effects (Fanno Flow), and flows with heat addition (RayleighFlow). Finally, you will acquire the knowledge and analytical skills to solve amyriad of variable‐density flow problems including rocket nozzle, blow‐downwind tunnel and propulsion system flows. FGD subject matter includes:

White Eagle Aerospace Short Course

Conservation of MassConservation of MomentumConservation of EnergyCalorically‐Perfect GasThermally‐Perfect GasIsentropic FlowThermodynamicsNormal Shock RelationsHugoniot EquationOblique Shock RelationsShock Polars

Rayleigh FlowFanno FlowArea‐Velocity RelationPressure‐Deflection DiagramsExpansion WavesPrandtl‐Meyer RelationsConical FlowBlunt Body FlowsPrandtl SingularitiesHigh Temperature EffectsAerospace History

Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics

Aviation HistoryMuch has transpired during the 100‐plus years of powered flight. We areboth the beneficiaries and stewards of the technological progress thatprevious generations have bequeathed to us. However, the truth is that agreat many in today’s aerospace workforce have little knowledge of the keypeople, events, and innovations that comprise the history of their ownprofession. While we cannot live in the past, we must learn from it if we areto be successful now and in the future. Further, like our predecessors, wemust protect and preserve this legacy knowledge for succeeding generations.It is for these reasons that White Eagle Aerospace strongly emphasizesaerospace history in the technical courses that it offers. This is done throughthe mediums of special presentations, videos, and field trips. Vehiclesaddressed in the Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics course include:

D‐558‐I SkystreakF‐108 RapierSTANDARDMissileTrident SLBMAtlas ICBMGemini‐TitanSaturn VMercury‐RedstoneNavahoBOMARCX‐3 StilettoSpace Shuttle Orbiter

White Eagle Aerospace Short Course

Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics

White Eagle Aerospace Short Course

Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics

Your InstructorJohn Terry White is your instructor for allWhite Eagle Aerospace short courses.His 35 years of professional aerospaceengineering experience includes theNASA Space Shuttle, NASA X‐43A, andUnited States Navy STANDARD MissilePrograms. During his extensive career,Terry has served on the engineeringtechnical staff of Rockwell International,General Dynamics Corporation, HughesMissile Systems Company, NASA DrydenFlight Research Center, and RaytheonMissile Systems. He most recentlycompleted a 2‐year tour as manager ofthe Aerodynamics Department in theGuidance, Navigation and Control Centerat Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson,Arizona. In this capacity, Terry wasresponsible for all aerodynamics workperformed at the world’s largest tacticalmissile producer. Terry is now Presidentand CEO of White Eagle Aerospace, LLC,located in Oro Valley, Arizona. WEA is aleading provider of consulting, training,history of flight lectures, and technicalpublications to the American aerospacecommunity.

Terry’s teaching credentials include 15years on the faculty of the AerospaceDepartment of the California StatePolytechnic University, Pomona and 15years as a technical instructor forHughes, Raytheon, Society of FlightTest Engineers and WEA. Terry haslectured extensively on the history offlight for key technical organizationssuch as the USAF Test Pilot School,NASA, AIAA, SETP, academia andindustry. He has also authored morethan 180 technical papers on a varietyof aerodynamics and flight sciencesubjects. His professional affiliationsinclude the AIAA, SFTE, ITEA, NAA,SAE, AAHS, FTHF, and NSS.

Key Information at a Glance

White Eagle Aerospace Short Course

Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics

Enroll in Our Next FGD Offering Today!

Duration 4 Days; 32 instructional hours


Instructor John Terry White, President/CEOWhite Eagle Aerospace, LLCOro Valley, Arizona


Lectures and Homework Solutionsin Bound Form and on CD‐ROM 

“Modern Compressible Flow”McGraw‐Hill Publishers, 2003;3rd Edition;  John D. Anderson, Jr.

Contact Info [email protected]‐219‐0526

Web Site www.WhiteEagleAerospace.com

Course Fee Single‐Seat; $1,600Please Contact Us For Group Pricing

White Eagle Aerospace, LLCMake Your Career SOAR