fet n4 module 1 basic communication process

Module 1: Basic Communication Principles p.2-30 1

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For FET students in South Africa studying N4 Communication. This is a summary of Module 1


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Module 1: Basic Communication


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Speak effectively, express themselves and convey information clearly

Listen well Provide sensible feedback Maintain sound interpersonal relationships Motivate, encourage and persuade co-workers

towards achieving specific goals Consider problems logically and solve them

adequately Minimise and resolve conflict Ensure effective team work and group discussions Increase productivity Ensure objectives of the organisation are

achieved Maintain good external public relations

1.1 Effective communication p.2

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Communication is a two-way process during which information is transmitted in a specific code (eg. language) and by means of a specific channel (or medium) from a sender to a receiver, who reacts to the stimulus by means of feedback.

1.2 Definition: Comm process p.3

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Communication process

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Transmitter (Tx): It is the source of the comm, sender of the message or the communicator. He uses his whole body to encode the message.

Message via code and channel (or medium). It is the information the sender intends to convey. He uses a code (example English, morse code). He transmits via a channel (telephone, letter)

Receiver (R): The destination of the message, the respondent or the communicatee. The person for whom the message is intended.

Elements of the comm process

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Feedback: Reaction of the receiver to the message of the sender. Feedback may be conscious or subconscious, verbal or non-verbal. Indicates extent to which the message has been understood.

Noise: also known as interference or barriers. It can be caused by factors within either the sender or the receiver of the message (known as internal interference). It can be external interference (like an aeroplane passing overhead or excessive heat/cold).

Elements of the comm process

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1. Intrapersonal Communication2. Interpersonal Communication3. Mass communication4. Media communication

1.4 Categories of Comm p.5

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Communication within oneself, e.g. ◦ Thinking◦ Meditating◦ Dreaming◦ Planning conversations◦ Considering alternatives

1.4.1 Intrapersonal p.5

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Communication between two individuals Communication between individuals within

specific groups - 3 to 36 people◦ Definitions to know: formal group, informal group,

roles, peer groups. Communication between various groups

1.4.2 Interpersonal p.5

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Virtually simultaneous communication of the same message by a sender to many receivers. All receive and interpret the message individually. Newspapers Magazines Radio Television Film

1.4.3 Mass Communication p.6

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1.4.4 Media Comm p.7

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This term refers to the channels of communication in general. Also used as a synonym for the term sender.

It also refers to the complete spectrum of audio-visual aids used by communicators

Examples: charts, graphic representations, notice boards, chalk boards, flip charts, overhead projector, slides, films, videos

Choice is determined by◦ The objective which the sender wants to achieve◦ The needs and expectations of the target


1.4.4 Media Communication p.7

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Personality◦ Integrated organisation of an individual’s

psychological, social, moral and physical qualities, as expressed in his interaction with his environment and particularly in his interaction with other people.

Frame of reference◦ Total context (background) within which an individual

perceives and judges matters. Reasoning

◦ Logical, coherent process of thinking Emotions

◦ Feelings such as hatred, love, fear, happiness, anguish, etc. experienced by a person

1.5 Factors which influence comm

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1.5 Interpersonal Comm p.8

Verbal Comm Non-verbal Comm

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Spoken: ◦ Direct:

sender and receiver has eye-contact Examples: interviews, discussions in groups

Indirect: no eye-contact can be maintained Examples: telephone, radio or television address

Written◦ Indirect: no eye contact

Examples: letters, books, magazines Less indirect: A personal letter, addressed to a specific

individual More indirect: Newspaper reports aimed at the public.

1.5.1 Verbal Comm p.9

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Transmission of messages by means other than language, e.g. gestures, facial expressions, dress etc.1. Visual semiology (depends on the sight of the

receiver of the message)2. Acoustic semiology (depends on the hearing of

the receiver of the message)3. Tacesics or communication by means of touch

(depends on the sense of touch of the receiver of the message)

1.5.2 Non-verbal comm (semiology) p.10

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Kinesics: comm of messages by means of bodily movement ◦ e.g. nod, frown, other facial expressions.

Proxemics: How people use distance and space to communicate their ideas◦ Intimate zone: distance ½ meter (affectionate zone)◦ Personal zone: distance ½ - 1 meter◦ Social zone: 1 – 2 meters◦ Public zone: more than 2 meters

Graphics: use of different types of lettering, photographs and illustrations to convey messages.◦ Examples: bar charts, pie charts, pictograms

Colour: red = danger, white = purity, black = mourning Visual semiology


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Do you agree

with the chart on

the right? Which colour makes

you feel happy?


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It involves “reading” messages from certain sounds or auditive signals other than language. Paralinguistics (i.e. semi-language)

1. Pitch2. Tempo/Rhythm3. Intensity4. Accent

Filler sounds: interjections in the form of sounds.

Music: soft music=soothing, loud=frighten Silence: Strategic use of silence conveys

various messages. Acoustic Semiology p.16

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Pitch: a shrill voice might indicate fear or emotional upheaval, whereas a deep voice could indicate concern

Tempo and Rhythm: reflect a variation of tempo and rhythm◦ someone speaks slowly = a bore,◦ someone speaks rapidly = nervous

Intensity: indicates how much emotion is behind what is being said. “That’s pretty!”

Accent: One’s region of birth can be deduced from the way one forms or emphasises words.


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1. Cultural relativity of non-verbal comm p.17◦ Cultural relativity: (definition): members of

different culture groups attach different meanings to identical, non-verbal cues. (page 18)

Examples: Use of space: Western males feel uncomfortable

when sharing personal space. Arabs find it acceptable.

Eye contact: Westerners look you in the eye. Africans see it as a sign of disrespect.

Colour symbolism : purple shows mourning in some cultures, in other it shows wealth Comm by means of touch

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Purple: these officers are mourning the death of a fellow officer in Chicago, June 2010. They salute the purple cloth hanging over the Chicago police Dept signage.

These ladies wears black, mourning the death of family.

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An effective communicator uses non-verbal comm to support/emphasise his verbal comm◦ Using strategic use of gestures◦ Dressing appropriately

Opposite is true: transmitting two contradictory messages simultaneously – one verbal, one non-verbal◦ “Come inside, let’s discuss your problem”, the

manager says but he glances anxiously at his watch whilst letting the employee into his office. Non-verbal comm in support or in conflict with verbal comm. P.18

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The use of words in order to establish rapport or indicate a particular interpersonal or social relationship rather than to convey meaning.

Meta-communication: used to indicate mainly non-verbal but also verbal clues which indicate how a particular message should be understood.

Both indicate the attitude of the sender of the message, rather than specific factual information.

1.6 Phatic communion p.18

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Phatic Communication

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People listen for a variety of reasons:◦ Promote social interaction and enjoyment◦ Acquire information, insight and understanding◦ Study effectively

1.7 Listening skills. P.20

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Thinking speed is 3 to 4 times faster than talking speed (125 to 200 words per min.)

Man’s attention is distracted easily and his memory span is limited.

Man’s motivation to listen – his interest and will to listen – is often lacking

Receiver’s listening skills are impeded by a negative attitude and prejudice

Listener ignores verbal context within which a specific message is conveyed.

Listener ignores non-verbal cues which qualify the accompanying verbal message.

People pretend they are listening. External and internal barriers: noise, telephones (ext)

Exhaustion, lack of interest, prejudice, depression (int)

1.7.1 Factors which have a negative impact on listening skills

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Prepare yourself physically, psychologically Listen actively and show interest in subject. Coordinate your thoughts with those of the

speaker. Identify prejudices, resist temptation to transfer them to the content matter discussed.

Distinguish between the main ideas and supporting details. Listen selectively

Be alert for verbal clues indicating specific emphasis or a twist in the sender’s message or attitude.

Interpret meanings of expressions in terms of the total context from within they are uttered.

1.7.2 Guidelines for improved listening skills p.21

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Enable the listener to broaden his basis of knowledge

Lead to improved interpersonal relationships They reduce the possibility of

misunderstandings They improve personal efficiency They result in grievances and problems

being identified timeously They save time and money They ensure goodwill and win clients

1.7.3 Rewards of good listening skills p.22

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What can you do to improve your listening skills?

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You may be asked to illustrate a comm model (like Jacobson p.4) after given a piece of text to read. These are application questions. See page 27-28 for more information and work through old question papers.

1.8.1 Models to illustrate comm

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The following small groups are operative in most organisations: Command (executive groups):

◦ Superior and his subordinates Democratic groups

◦ Coordination of members and their expertise Consensus groups

◦ Formed to solve problems Buzz groups

◦ Used for brainstorming rather than decision-making Information-sharing groups

◦ One member have info to share with rest of group

1.8.2 Formal small group networking p.29

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Formal small groups evolve from one or more (initially formal) structures or networks.

The ideal small group structure is the so-called open channel (every group member is regarded as equal, irrespective of his position in the formal hierarchy of the organisation).


Open channels

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