ferocious fingertips sneak peak extended version (1)

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Post on 02-Mar-2016




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Do pushups on your fingertips!!! Develop massively strong fingers for any purpose.


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    The exercises and advice contained within this course may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people, and the reader should consult with a physician before engaging in them.

    The author and publisher of this course is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for the use, misuse or dis-use of the information presented here.

    Ferocious Fingertips!

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2013 by Matti Marzel

    No part of this course may be reproduced or or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrievel system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Manufactured in The Netherlands!

    Published by Matti Marzel

    Nieuwegein-Zuid, Utrecht


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    Intro 1

    Chapter 1 - All About the Fingertips! 3

    Chapter 2 - Martial Arts and Fingertips! 6

    Chapter 3 - Training the Extensor Muscles! 12

    Chapter 4 - Training the Flexor Muscles! 15

    NOTE: The other Chapters are ONLY available in the Complete Course itself!

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    Dear fellow physical culturists and strength enthousiasts, welcome to the Ferocious Fingertips course! In this course I will teach and explain to you WHY you should be training your fingertips to the utmost maximum and with the best effort that you got in yourself, and what the benefits will be in your overal pound for pound bodyweight strength and efficiency because of it in the longrun.

    Everyone knows who the Shaolin Monks are, or at least heard of their ferocious and legendary feats of inhuman strength, conditioning, endurance, power and toughness! Well, since youve purchased this course for yourself (very good move by the way!), I gather that youre already very familiar with the Shaolin Monks and have even tried to train like them one time or another in your training journey If thats the case, then Ive got very good and awesome news for you my friend, because THIS is the course for training and developing the same exact ferocious and legendary strong fingertips that the Shaolin Monks have developed over hard, dilligent and brutal years of training in the Shaolin Temple!

    Better believe it, you WILL develop fingertips so ferociously and insanely strong, that everyone around you will consider your hands to be lethal and dangerous weapons of mass destruction! And whats even better then that, is that you will suprise yourself big time with the amount of super strength that youll develop in your fingertips. Believe me, I know from personal experience! I was literally shocked and flabbergasted about how much stronger, tougher, healthier, powerfull, resilient and enduring my fingers, and thus my fingertips had become by training them ferociously and intensively!

    I say that I was literally shocked and flabbergasted by it, because I noticed these incredible results in less then a month, I kid you not the exercises and progressions steps contained in this course are very powerful, effective, proficient and efficient as well. This is the blueprint for developing truly insane, legendary, next level and Ferocious Fingertips!

    Now before we go into the exercises themselves and the progressions you must master before reaching the ultimate strength, power and mastery of the fingertips, I would like to dive deeper into the history, the why and the how of developing Ferocious Fingertips! Dont worry though, I wont bore you to death with endless pages before you even get to the exercises themselves, instead I want to talk about the most important and crucial information that you simply MUST know in order to benefit the most and best from this course!

    So without further adue, lets dive into the next chapter without any hesitation or delay! I know that all of you want to start on the exercises and own the living shit out of them, which all of you will! With this course you can only succeed, theres no other option comrades! And thats a guarentee Ill make to you right now, or youll get all of your money back that you paid for this course in a heartbeat.

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    The last thing that I want to mention over here is that this one-of-a-kind Course is NOT a Get Super Strong and Ripped to Shreds in 6 weeks kind of BS course! Instead, this is a course about developing super strong and Ferocious Fingertips untill the end of your days! Which basically means that you can use it, train with it, progress with it, have fun with it and benefit from it untill youre very last day on this planet! Now how does that sound? Cool and awesome?! I know comrade, it truly is!

    Here we go, lets dive into the first chapter!

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    Lets look at the grip and lets break it down into several components and find out WHY the fingertips are the TRUE missing link in the missing link itself! With the missing link itself being the grip obviously, your two hands that is.

    It truly is a lost treassure in the training & physical culture world, the major importance of the fingerTIPS that is, how many times have you heard or read very knowledgeable and established strongmen and grip competitors talk about training the fingertips very ferociously and intensively?! How many have you heard or read about saying how THAT is the key to unlocking the utmost maximum raw strength out of your grip itself?! How many have you heard or read that talked about taking your grip itself a.k.a your hands to the next level when you train your fingertips hard and brutal as hell?!

    Yeah, Im not going to lie, there are some out there that do mention the fingertips and the major importance of training the fingertips, although they mention the fingers as a whole, thus NOT focusing on the fingertips themselves. And this right here, is the biggest mistake they could ever make - period, yet almost all of them do, Im not going to name any names over here, simply to not start any fight or miscommunication.

    But what I am saying is that even the strongest of the strongest grip competitors out there that train their grip intensively, full force and fanatically, do not talk very much, very deep or very extensively about training the fingertips in particular! And that my friend, is just a simple fact. Believe me, Ive been searching and looking all over the internet, I looked into all the work and courses of the oldetime strongmen of years gone, and into the work and courses of the modern time strongmen as well.

    And guess what? Except for the Shaolin Monks, Adam T. Glass, Brooks Kubik, John Brookfield, Logan Christopher, Bud Jeffries and Bruce Lee, whom have certainly mentioned and talked about the major importance of training the fingertips, however, none of them except for Logan Christopher who has done a Bonus DVD on Ferocious Forearms and Fingers, have ever written a course or put out a product solely about developing Ferocious Fingertips to a very large and major extend. I didnt find anything on Ferocious Fingertips and how to develop and train for them out there specifically in great depth. Now thats not to disrespect any of these physical culturists and strongmen, as I have major and great respect for all of them, dead or alive. But its just a simple fact.

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    And thats when it hit me and when my eyes suddenly opened up even more and I got goosebumps all over my body! Indeed, I knew I had stumbled upon a lost treassure of training & physical culture, and thats an understatement. And when this idea hit me like a sledgehammer, I screamed EUREKA! Im going to make this product/course a reality and by doing so, Im going to propell and help other like-minded strongmen & physical culturists out there to become a whole lot stronger a whole lot faster, and with a whole lot of insane carry over into other grip intensive training as well!

    Like I mentioned earlier, this is a lost treassure in the physical culture world, and thus it must be exposed and breathed NEW life into it. Thats the whole point and ultimate goal with this one-of-a-kind course about developing Ferocious Fingertips strength. Im sure that after I release this product, a whole lot more are going to follow in my footsteps, but untill then, I plan to put the product out as the first man in this physical culture realm, and of course Im doing it to help all of you out there who are interested in building true ferocious and legendary fingertips strength. And to build that kind of ferocious and legendary fingertips strength, you MUST have the information, exercises, progressions and training to develop that ferocious and legendary fingertips strength!

    Now obviously Im not claiming to have discovered this as the first dude in the physical culture realm or to have invented it. No, not at all comrades, dont get it twisted!

    What I am saying however, is that I re-discovered it and will be the first physical culturist and strongmen out there that will put out a product about training the fingertips in particular. Im not re-inventing the wheel or anything like that, Its just that I re-introduce it to the training and physical culture world once again.

    Ive dug deep and found the lost treassure of very valuable training information, and Im returning it to the physical culture world and putting the phenomenal and exciting word out! Indeed I will, and so it is! Be prepared to experience supreme excellence, finesse and awesomeness in your fingertips training journey, comrades! With the Ferocious Fingertips intensive exercises, you will get there and then some - 100%!

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    Like I mentioned earlier on, the Shaolin Monks were ferociously and legendary strong in the ancient times, and they still are ferociously and legendary strong in the modern day times. And their fingerTIPS strength is actually what made them so incredible and phenomenally strong in the first place when it comes down to their pure physical training and powers!

    Yeah, they also do a ton of hand and body toughening/iron palm and iron body training! But that kinda training is to toughen and harden the body for impact and striking, in other words: The sole purpose of hand and body toughening/iron palm and iron body training is to make the hands and basically the whole body so insanely tough and resilient, that it can easily withstand deadly attacks from their opponent, break and smash through concrete walls and bricks and eventually can damage an opponent so freaking bad, that they could easily kill with one blow of their mighty fist or feet! Thats the sole purpose of hand and body toughening specific exercises in Shaolin Kungfu.

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    But next to the hand toughening exercises that they do, they ALSO must do hand strengthening exercises to the maximum. Because if they only did hand toughening exercises without the physical strengthening exercises themselves on top, then they would leave huge gaps in their training and thus in their total body strength and power on a pound for pound basis in the longrun. Besides, doing hand toughening specific exercises wont have any use or be any good without the hard physical training and the super ferocious strength that is attached to it! In other words: In order for every Shaolin Monk to become the most ferociously strongest and toughest he can become, he NEEDS to train his hands and thus his fingertips to the fullest and maximum with physical exercises as well! Theres no way around it.

    And you guessed it by now, the Shaolin Monks Train their fingertips ferociously and insanely hard to develop that deadly and lethal grip strength, that can literally smash through walls, break concrete bricks and can support the whole body easily on 1 or 2 fingers of each hand.

    As a matter of fact, the ultimate Shaolin Kungfu grip strengthening exercises out there are the Simple fingertips pushups, fingertips handstand pushups, fingertips pullups, fingertips N-L-V-sit hold and the fingertips gymnastic bridge hold! Thats basically the foundation and backbone of the whole Shaolin Kungfu intensive fingertips/grip training exercises!

    And make no mistake about it, these 5 exercises can Make your fingertips extremely powerfull, strong, ferocious, deadly and lethal! I know, I have trained them myself in this exact same manner and keep on training them in this exact same manner! Training your fingers, and thus your fingertips in this exact same manner will make your other grip training and even regular training (where you use your hands a lot!) go up and improve big time as well.

    This is a guarentee from me to you comrade! Let me use myself as an prime example over here for a moment. Since Ive been training my fingertips intensively, ferociously and brutally, Ive seen everything in my training go up like crazy! For example: my card tearing, unbraced steel bending and phonebook ripping powers have gone through the roof once I started to focus on these extreme and intensively fingertips exercises.

    My pullups, handstand pushups and pushups numbers have gone through the roof as well! Simply by training the weakest link in the weakest link of the body. Which are the fingertips of course! Since the hands are the weakest link in the body, its obvious that the fingertips themselves are the weakest links in the hands themselves! Just think about it for a second: you use your hands in every exercise that you do when you pull or push yourself up or away! In other words: your hands are always doing some kind of work when you train. And often times its a LOT of work, and very tough and brutal work at that! So it would be a damn good and wise idea to strengthen the hands and thus your grip to the utmost maximum, now wouldnt it?! Of course it would!

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    And the BEST way to go about all of this, is by starting to train your fingerTIPS to the utmost maximum and with the greatest effort you can possibly put in. Just like the Shaolin Monks have done and still are doing, just like the legendary Bruce Lee has done in his lifetime, just like I have done in the past since a couple of months and still am doing to this very day, and just like ALL the other martial artists out there that want to develop the most lethal, ferocious, deadly and strongest grip that they can! And training the fingertips WILL get you there fast and furious and then some!

    Its safe to say that youre in good hands (pun intended!) when it comes down to training your fingertips! And its even better and will benefit you a lot more when youre practicing anykind of martial arts! It doesnt have to be Shaolin Kungfu perse, it can be anykind of martial arts out there. As all martial arts fighting styles out there require a large and extensive amounts of physical training and preparation.

    Just take a look at every martial arts fighting style out there, and look at their training and physical preparations BEFORE they get into the serious conditioning, techniques, skill and stances.

    Take for example the most well-known and recognized martial arts styles from Japan, Indonesia, Korea, China and Brazil (I already mentioned Shaolin Kungfu, so I wont mentioned it as an example for now).

    For Japan Ill take Karate, for Indonesia Ill take Pencak Silat, for Korea Ill take Hapkido and for Brazil Ill take Brazilian Jiujitsu. No matter the differences in fighting styles, techniques, skills and stances. They ALL have one thing in common, and that is the physical preparation training that they require their students to go through!

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    It always boils down to the basics and the foundation of every martial arts fighting style out there, and that is that you gotta have very strong, resilient and powerfull fingers and thus fingertips, which then obviously leads to a stronger, healthier and more developed GRIP and hand strength in the end, which is a very big plus! Because if you dont have super strong hands and grip strength to begin with in the martial arts, then you have no business in doing any hard sparring or competing in any serious martial arts tournament.

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    And If you do compete in a serious martial arts tournament with a weak or average grip, then youll LOSE and be defeated very easily and fast. And if youre lucky enough to make it past the first couple of rounds, then sooner or later you WILL encounter a very strong opponent with a ferociously strong and lethal grip. And when that happens, you can kiss your ass goodbye, and youll be sh*t out of luck for the rest of the tournament and youll definitely lose big time and get your butt kicked.

    But it doesnt have to be this way, and as a matter of fact, I dont want it to be this way for anyone whos reading this course right now! Its very simple my friend: train your grip and hand strength ferociously hard and intense and focus on training your fingertips to a very large extend, and youll develop a grip so damn strong, that it will literally frighten and scare your opponent when you get a hold of them, when you punch them or when you hold them down in a submission hold on the ground.

    As you can see, training the weakest link in your weakest link (the fingertips), will give you a very huge advantage and enormous chances to win every tournament and competition that youll enter in the future!

    But even if you arent interested at all in entering a martial arts tournament or competition in the future, and just want to become super strong and develop a ferociously strong grip to protect yourself and your loved ones from outside terror and fights. Then Ive got you covered as well comrade. You gotta understand that training your fingertips can and will come in handy in every life-threathening and dangerous situation you might encounter in the world that we live in nowadays.

    If you train your fingertips to the utmost maximum and make them do damn strong, that you can easily rip thick phonebooks, tear through complete decks of cards, bend, twist and break steel with ease, then youll possess a grip considered super deadly and dangerous as hell, that any idiot outside that decides to attack you, would have wished that he hadnt!

    Having fingertips and grip strength this powerful will literally scare away and frighten people that want to do you harm. So you see, wether its in the ring, on the mat, in a cage or outside in the REAL world with real life-threathening and dangerous situations, Ive got you covered! Like I said before, training your fingertips with the exercises contained in this course will make you better, more ferocious and dangerous in all of these situations, and that is a guarentee Ill make you right here and right now.

    So as you can see and have noticed by now, martial arts and fingertips are INseperetable from eachother, and they will always be connected with eachother in the very deep sense of the word! Just look at the above mentioned examples I gave you! Wether its in the ring, on the mat, in the cage or in a real-life threathening situation on the streets.

    When you look at it from a point of view of self-defense, then its all considered martial arts. The first 2 are just for competitiveness, fun and excitement, while the other one is for dead-serious situations when you never mess around whatsoever. But all-in all, theyre all considered martial arts and require ferocious and legendary fingertips strength all the way!

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    Ah yes, the extensor muscles! What are they and why do you NEED to train them to the utmost maximum? For the uninitiated that are brand new to this whole idea of training the fingertips let me explain it to you in further details!

    The extensor muscles are the muscles on the top of your forearm, and they are the exact opposites of the flexor muscles, which are the muscles on the bottom of your forearm/the belly of your forearm.

    The flexor muscles, in contrast to the extensor muscles, get a lot more work and training then their counterpart. Just take the regular and average exercises out there, and Im talking of course about functional exercises, not those commercial gym machines and pink dumbbells crap. Lets take a look at the deadlift, the pullup, the row, the snatch, the handstand pushup and the regular pushup!

    Now although both the handstand pushups and the regular pushups have a great extensor developing qualities to them, theyre still not on the level of their fingertips counterparts! With that being said, in my opinion the handstand pushups and regular pushups are neither complete extensor developing exercises nor complete flexor developing exercises. Theyre somewhere in between.

    You see, true extensors exercises are the ones that open your hand up and thus EXTEND your fingers open! Thus both the handstand pushups and regular pushups do not possess this quality to the fullest. Theyre both phenomenally good and effective exercises, No doubt about that. But theyre not completely extensor bodyweight exercises in my book.

    And now that weve gotten that out of the way, lets look at the other 3 exercises that I mentioned over there: The pullup, the row and the snatch! Now the row and the snatch can be done with either the barbell, dumbbell or the kettlebell, it doesnt really matter to me. If you notice and pay attention to those exercises, then youll quickly see that all 3 of these exercises are done with the hands closed and the fingers curled in towards the palm of the hand, and thus making them flexion exercises.

    So to re-cap very quick before Ill continue, extensors exercises are exercises where the fingers are wide open, and the flexion exercises are exercises where the fingers are closed or almost closed. Now why should you be concerned with the knowledge of the extensor exercises and how can this help you in your training with these Fingertips specific exercises? Very simple my friend.

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    Because understanding this whole concept about the extensors, will allow you to develop a grip that will not only be a whole lot stronger in the longrun, but will also make your hands healthier, keep them healthier in the future and give them an all-around and complete developement as well, with NO weak areas whatsoever!

    But the most important and crucial aspects of training your fingertips intensively and ferociously with the extensor exercises in this course, is that it will prevent imbalances and thus injuries in the longrun! And as a matter of fact, Im not the only one whos of a great and major opinion that this is true and should be avoided like the plague. If youve purchased and read Convict Conditioning 2 by Paul Wade, then youve probably read the whole section about fingertips pushups and the how and why theyre your BEST and strongest weapon against imbalances and injuries! Its well worth the read, and since I own the Convict Conditioning 2 book myself, Ill paraphrase that part below in this chapter! Take good notes of what Paul Wade has to say about injury prevention and imbalances of the grip and hands through fingertips intensive training.

    Building superhuman gripping muscles without simultaneaously strengthening the antagonistic (opposite) muscles is asking for troube. There are several reasons why you should balance out a grip-based forearm program with some work for the extensors (the muscles which straighten the fingers). The first reason is completeness. Your hands are meant to open as well as close. If you want strong hands, you should train them open, not just closed (as in a grip). This works not only the extensors, but also all the small, neglected tissues and tendons on the backs of the hands and around the knuckles.

    Another reason has to do with maximizing potential. Never forget that the muscular system is a balanced entity. If you train one side of a limb without training the opposite side, the side you are training can never truly reach its maximum potential. If any machine has a weak link, the entire capacity of the machine is affected negatively. Guys who only train their finger flexors (by grip work) and neglect the extensors will, ironically, never have a grip as strong as a man whose hands are developed on both sides.

    But perhaps the biggest reason to balance out grip work with extensor work is injury prevention - what the kids today call prehab. Working just one side of your forearms will make your strength unsymmetrical and give you greater potential for injury. Having a hugely developed grip when the back of your hand is weak is a bit like driving a car thats made half from steel, half from timber. When you put your foot to the floor, the thing will tear itself apart. The weaker half just cant keep up with the stronger half. This is what an unbalanced muscular system is like. Its a recipe for a constant stream of injuries.

    There are numerous devices (cables and machines) designed to work the open hands, and most of them are complete crap. Nothing built by man has ever improved on the ancient classic fingertip pushup. Fingertip pushups force an athlete to keep the hands open and fingers extended in a natural position under high levels of fluctuating pressure. This not only protects and strengthens the connective tissues, it also increases hand power very efficiently. Fingertip pushups are easy to learn, they can be done progressively, and they require zero equipment!

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    So there you have it my friends, thats about it in a nutshell. Training the fingertips in this exact same manner will build tremendous and insane total, all-around and complete hand strength, and it will make the hands healthier, more resilient and injury proof in the longrun as well! What more can you ask for?

    But having said all of that, you gotta make sure that you do NOT jump into this Ferocious Fingertips type training cold turkey! In other words: dont just go from zero to 88 miles per hour. No, instead warm-up slowely and loosen up the joints, tendons, ligaments, soft tissues, connective tissues and joints in your fingers first! Remember, there are NO muscles in the fingers themselves - none! Except for the tendons, ligaments, soft tissues, connective tissues and joints, there are only the bones next to the protective mechanisms around the fingers, thats it! So Ill wrap up this chapter with saying these wise words:

    Train those extensor fingertips exercises fanatically, ferociously and intensively! And protect your fingers and hands from injury and imbalances like your life depends on it! Because although your life will not be depending on it whatsoever, your hands in the longrun definitely will remember that!

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    Now that weve touched on and covered the extensor muscles (which are overlooked way too many times nowadays, even by elite trainees and athletes). Lets look at the exact opposite muscles on the forearms, the flexor muscles! Yes, these flexor muscles are responsible for the great bulk and mass on the forearm. But nontheless, without the extensors in the picture, all of this bulk and mass doesnt mean jack shit. And as a matter of fact, the more ferocious and intense you train your extensor muscles together with your flexor muscles, the bigger your forearms will get and the more mass theyll have as well.

    Neglect either one of these, and the results will not even come close to what it could have been if you did train your extensor and flexor muscles together! And lets not forget the resilience, supreme health, muscle control and overal developement youll get in the longrun by taking this route in your own training, and especially the fingertips training that youll do! I wont need to go into much more details about the flexor muscles for now, simply because you already know that theyre basically the exact opposite of the extensor muscles. And thus their sole purpose is to close the hands into a fist and curl the fingers inwards, rather then spreading them outwards like they would need to do for the extensor muscles.

    This is very important to know and understand completely before you even think about training your fingertips ferociously and to the fullest! Why? Very simple, because youll perform both extensor intensive fingertips exercises and flexor intensive fingertips exercises! Interesting enough though, is that ALL the pushing exercises of the fingertips specific exercises are extensor intensive, and ALL the pulling exercises of the fingertips specific exercises are flexor intensive.

    If you can remember this simple rule of thumb, then youll know exactly how to take care of your total and incredible grip strength that youll develop in the future. Plus youll know how to train your grip ferociously effective while keeping the injuries, imbalances and set-backs at bay and away - for good!

    Let me give you a personal example of myself over here: I actually trained and have been training my extensor muscles, and thus my fingertips PUSHING exercises alot more and longer then my flexor fingertips exercises. What I found out since a couple of months though, is that by making the huge and idiotic mistake of not training the flexor fingertips pulling exercises to the fullest and on the same level as the extensor fingertips pushing exercises, I had left an enormous gap and space in my own fingertips training, and thus in my overall strength on a pound for pound basis as well.

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    These kind of mistakes are too dumb and stupid to make, and should be avoided like the plague. Unfortunately for me, it took me a couple of months to fully and completely realize all of this. But like the old saying goes: you learn from your mistakes, and I dont want any of you to go through the same mistakes as Ive been through with the flexor fingertips exercises. Hell no, you should strive to do it good and follow a complete and all-around fingertips specific training from the start!

    And know that with this kind of approach to your fingertips specific training, theres no need for extra extensor work or flexor work on the side! I would advice you however, to add in the resistance rubber bands exercise where you open up your fingers against a resistance rubber band. Now you can do it for repetitions or do isometric holds with them. Theyre both legit and very good. But this exercise is considered an mobility, health, longevity, blood flow, dexterity and muscle control promoting drill. And thus its NOT considered a hardcore pure, raw and brute strength exercise like the fingertips handstand pushup for example.

    This exercise is a great one for developing muscle control, promoting blood flow, health and longevity, dexterity and muscle control in your hands. As a matter of fact, its one of the major 3 mobility exercises that I perform on a daily basis to keep my hands even more healthy, loose, limber and resilient. I have to, in order to keep on training the fingertips, and thus the grip so intensively, ferociously and hardcore on a daily basis. But Ill get into these mobility specific and intensive drills in chapter 6 of this course.

    And Ide like to wrap up this very important and crucial chapter with the words of Paul Coach Wade once again, Hell give you his 2 cents about all of this! And as you will notice, he thinks about all of this and sees the importance of all of this as much as I do. When it comes down to training both the extensor and flexor muscles on the forearm in perfect and flawless harmony, were on the same page!

    Hanging grip work (flexor pulling exercise) produces noticeable results, fast - and these results come not just over the short-term, but for long periods. The muscles that control the hands are capable of ferocious strength, and it can take an entire career to unlock this full potential. Many of the old school strongmen used to claim that hand strength was the last thing to go, and I well believe it.

    Hanging grip work is so effective at developing strength in the muscles and tendons that close the fingers, that there may be a minor risk that these areas become disproportionately strong in comparison to their antagonists - the muscles which keep the fingers open. These extensor muscles are relatively small in comparison to the muscles which control the grip (the flexor muscles), but in the interests of balanced strength and hand health, they need to be trained by any athlete who is looking to seriously strengthen their hands.

    I only advice one type of training for the finger extensors: fingertip pushups. Fingertip pushups radically increase strength in the extensor muscles, as well as the hands and wrists, because they force you to support your weight on your digits. This pressure strengthens not only muscles and tendons in the hands but also the cartilage, and even the bones, of the fingers and thumbs. If you cant yet perform classic fingertip pushups, dont panic. Ill show you how to achieve this ability gradually.

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    There you have it; the basic Convict Conditioning approach to working the hands and forearms. Focus on hanging work to build lower arm strength, and balance this strength out with a course of fingertip pushups. Two exercises are all you need.

    Now although I completely agree with Paul Wade over here, I am of an even greater and ferocious opinion that you need MORE exercises then just 2 for developing the entire grip, and thus complete and total hand strength! In my humble opinion, there should be at least 5 exercises on both the pushing fingertips exercises (extensor muscles), and the pulling fingertips exercises (flexor muscles). I say this and am of an strong opinion about this, because you should train your body and your grip in the toughest, difficult and most akward positions while using your fingertips to the maximum and utmost limits. So it would be wise, for the sake of total and complete developement in both the grip and total body, to perform these fingertips exercises extensively and ferociously with a couple more exercises on both sides!

    You can consider this course the NEXT level and up a couple more notches when it comes down to grip specific exercises from the Convict Conditioning 2 course by Paul Wade! It truly is the next level and then some once you see, train and progress with the exercises in this course! Just wait untill youre going full force at it with all your might! Youll soon start to realize how this is truly in the top-end range of training the fingertips, and thus your total grip and hand strength.

    OK, now that weve got the extensor and flexor muscles covered in major details and why you should pay attention to both, its time to look at the incredible benefits the fingertips specific exercises can and will bring with them in the longrun. In the next chapter were going to dive deep into the other areas of training and how they will ALL become stronger once you start to train your fingertips with supreme effort and seriousness.

    So without further adue, lets get down to business

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    More to come very soon Stay tuned!