feren final relocation guide

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  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Mrs. Feren

    International School Manila

    March 2011

    OdilonR ome

    Na t a lia Mexico Cit y

    A ng elica Las Vegas

    A pek Sydney

    MJK ua la Lu mpur

    Jenny Ca iro

    Christ ia nR ome


    Est if New Y ork

    Lu k a sHong K ong

    Y u miToky o

    A k ira Pra que

    Soo Y eonV enice

    W illia mSing apore

    Erin London

    G a brielShang ha i

    A da mDu bai




    Soo Y eonV enice

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Tokyo Tower!"#$%&'"()%*"$"+,'$%-.%+,%+/0%,&$0'*12,(%




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  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide





  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Tokyo used to be a secluded world, brimming with energyand oozing with culture, beauty and tradition. Shrines,

    decorative parks, cobblestone streets and cherry blossom trees

    were scattered around Tokyo. The city was a Utopia.Then the peaceful routine of everyday life

    shattered as the great Kanto earthquake struck

    Tokyo, and the surrounding cities that made

    up the kanto region, on September 1st 1923,

    11:59am and started a restorm the burned

    three-fourths of the city. The Utopia that Tokyo

    once was turned into a charred, hellish landscape.

    The catastrophe claimed over 140,000 lives, the Sumida River

    was lled with corpses who tried to escape the re only to nd

    the water boiling. The city of Tokyo was forced to rebuild itself

    from the ashes creating a more modern version of its former

    self. The earthquake caused so much devastation the

    government considered moving the capital somewhere else.After the event the reconstruction plans of Tokyo began to

    unfold, with roads, trains and public buildings. Parks

    were built all over Tokyo and public buildings were made

    with higher standards. However, the outbreak of World

    War II,severely limited resources and caused Tokyo to be

    rebuilt once again.

    Tokyo National MuseumThe Tokyo National Museum is the one museum inTokyo that is worth goingout of your way to visit.Not only is it Japan'slargest museum, housing87,000 items, it also hasthe world's largestcollection of Japaneseart.



  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide



    Tokyo Metropolitan ChildrensHall

    Tokyo MetropolitanChildren s Hall has six kid-friendly levels and anumber of creative playareas check out thehuman-body maze or getmessy in the hands-on art

    studio where children canmake pottery and origami

    Changes of the Landscape

    If you have ever been toTokyo you have probably seen the

    Eitai bridge.The bridge connects

    Tsukuda island, a low sandy isletat the mouth of the Sumida river

    and Tokyo .The original bridgewas built in 1696 and was

    replaced in 1924.Apart from a

    few patches of trees and smallvegetable gardens, the entire

    island used to be occupied by athriving village of sherman and

    boat pilots,who make their living

    from the commerce of Tokyo bay.Today the area is lled with high-

    rise apartment building/ofces ,busy streets and modern

    shopping centers .There is still a

    charming old neighbor hoodlocated on the island but it is

    masked by the bright lights ofTokyo city.



  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    My trip to Tokyo... e

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    March 7th,2011

    Mexico City

    Mexico City, the worlds largest city situated inNorth America, is lled with exciting places to seeand do! It would truly interesting for visitors to visitthis city, which happened to be the site of thecapital of the Aztec Empire during the pre-

    Columbian times. Mexico City is one of the mostinteresting and diverse cities in the world becauseof its rich culture and impressive architecture.Visitors will enjoy watching its famous bull ghting,Cinco de Mayo, La Posada procession, and itstraditional weddings. While in the city, travelersshould denitely visit its world-class museums andget glimpses of its archaeological treasures. Peoplewill also have a relaxing time visiting the invitingplazas, gardens, stately mansions, colonialneighborhoods, and even its great city park. Thisvery old city holds many nice surprises to thosewho enjoy a dazzling nightlife, too. There arevarious international cuisine and wonderfulshopping experiences they can always look

    forward to. Being the center of business, culture,and government, the citys trafc has a goodreason to be called legendary. However, itshighways and toll roads offer pleasant drivingconditions if one needs to make side trips tonearby colonial towns or archaeological sites.

    Mexico City is denitely a great vacationdestination all year round for the whole family.

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Mexico City, which is one of the largest cities in the world, was a verybeautiful place with its breath-taking views and amazing structures. However,this city is also very vulnerable to earthquakes.

    Since Mexico was built on a seemingly dry lake bed, this made the citys soilunstable. Since the colonial times, the surface lake had been known to havedisappeared due to water saturation. This made the Mexicos land easy toshake during earthquakes. This beautiful city got destroyed when a strongearthquake happened on September 19, 1985. About 10,000 persons died andhundreds of buildings also collapsed. Thousands more got damaged. The damagesleft the people with problems like lack of potable water, loss ofelectricity, loss of telephone service. Classes in schools, hospitalservices, and peoples work also got interrupted.

    !As a result of this event, Mexico now takes into consideration the factthat its soil is not stable. The city made a strict earthquakebuilding code to prevent the same problems from happening in thefuture. An alert system was also prepared to send electronic earlywarning messages and a Civil Protection Committee was created to helpduring major disasters. The people also helped each other inrebuilding their city into a beautiful place once again. Now, MexicoCity is more beautiful than ever. Its a very nice and interestingplace to live in and visit to.

    Mexico City was helped established in 1519 by the Spaniards. It is centrally located in NorthAmerica. People came to Mexico City in the past to trade silver, lead, copper, zinc, & oil. Mexico

    City exported all of these products to the countries, states, & continents that needed it and MexicoCity traded its natural resources to get other things that it needed.! Today, people come to Mexico City because there are many job opportunities like banking,computer programming, tourism, catering etc. There is good education, good food, and its a peacefulplace for retirement. Also, you can visit this place with your family to have a great time. Some peoplemove to Mexico City for both reasons.! Currently in Mexico City, there are 8,836,045 people. Approximately one- third of Mexicanchildren are children under 15. In Mexico City, there are Indians, Spanish, French, and African. Half of this population is Roman Catholic, quarters are Jewish, and three- fths are Buddhist. Mexico hasseveral major industries dealing with silver, cotton, coffee, petroleum, mineral renes, and fuel.! Mexico is a big city with a big population. People enjoy living in this city because of its richculture, abundant economic resources, and variety of interesting things that one can do.

    Population And Resources In

    Mexico City

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Things Not

    to Miss in

    Mexico City!Palacio NationalInside the palace there are

    paintings that were painted by

    Diego Rivera. These paintings were

    painted in 1929 and 1945. In the

    museum there are countless

    rooms, wide stone stairways, &

    many courtyards that are adorned

    with carved brass balconies.

    Palacio de bellas artesThe Palacio de Bellas Artes is

    located on the east side of the

    Alameda Park, at the corner of

    Juarez and Lazaro Cardenas. The

    theater was originally created to

    symbolize national progress and to

    entertain Mexicos higher class.Catedral Metropolitana

    The Cathedral Metropolitan is

    located beside the main square.

    The Cathedral is 64 meters high.

    This building can hold up to 18

    church bells. The building is an

    ancient style on the outside but

    beautifully gold and respected on

    the inside.

    Marquis Reforma Hotel

    This hotel has been given 4

    stars for its great service, excellent

    rooms andrelaxing environment.

    Las Aloobas Hotel

    This hotel has ne quality and

    all rooms look stunning and

    different, this shows the more

    modern side of Mexico City and

    makes a visit to Mexico City worth

    the wait.

    Four seasons Hotel

    A lot of critics call this hotel

    Excellent, quiet, convenient and

    comfortable. The Hotel is besidethe beach where you get a nice

    view of the ocean while you relax

    and go to the spa. !

    Valentinia Restaurant (Mexican


    It is a 5 star sophisticated

    restaurant with great service and

    mouth watering meals.

    Grasoles Restaurant (Mexican


    Great restaurant that really

    brings out the Mexican culture I

    there food.

    Centro Cultural Helenico


    Theatre with a great tradition

    which has been presenting works

    from contemporary theater to

    drama classics for over two


    Caf Bola de oro

    Best place to get Mexican

    decaffeinated "coffee from " 100%

    ground roasted beans with

    delightful avor. "

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    My rst visit to Mexico City wastruly memorable. Last March, my

    family and I decided to go there for a

    three-day vacation. I didnt want togo at rst because I thought it was

    going to be very boring. However, atthe hotel, I overheard a girl saying

    that Mexico City is one of the cities

    with the largest and most modernshopping malls in Latin America. I

    couldnt contain my excitement afterhearing that. I asked my mom to

    accompany me to El Palacio de

    Hierro, one of the largest shoppingmalls in Mexico City. The place was

    amazingly huge with its ve-storybuilding made of iron and steel. I got

    home tired but happy with all my


    Then & Now

    My Visit to Mexico City

    In the past, Aztec capital of Tenochtitln stood on an island in Lake Texcoco, which is now the center of

    Mexico City. During this time, people made some measures to protect the city and to expand it by drainingLake Texcoco and the other lakes. However, draining the lakes and the artisan wells made the water table solow that the surface crust of the land had a hard time supporting the citys heavier buildings. This made theland sink to about 4 to 12 inches a year. Some of the citys finer buildings like the old cathedral, which wasbuilt in 1553, got damaged. During the colonial times, Mexico Citys landscape was mainly used for miningactivities. In the 1930s, the construction industry grew because of the presence of sandbanks in the area.Meanwhile, in 1970s , the people made an urban development plan for the area. An industrial zone wasmade to provide jobs to the locals and to develop import substitution. However, this plan did not consider how putting residential areas would affect the lands capacity to carry water or drainage out of the area. Inthe 1980s, many of the landfills were closed so that buildings could be constructed. In 1982, Mexicochanged from industrial to residential when Universidad Iberoamericana built on the land donated by theSanta Fe unity government. In the 1990s, shopping malls and toll highways were built. This made MexicoCity, which includes the capital district and almost 50 smaller cities very populated with people. Slums havegrown in numbers because more people wanted to move in to the city to find jobs. Although Mexico City ispresently the largest in the world, it suffers from overcrowding since it has become the center of commercial,industrial, financial, political, and cultural center of the nation.

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    The ContentsPage I - The Basics

    Page II - Impacts onthe Past andPresent./Population &Resources

    Page III - LandscapeChanges

    Page IV - Voice of a Visitor

    City DubaiCountry United Arab

    EmiratesRegion Asia Location South CoastPopulation - 2,262,000

    Weather/Climate 40OC+/ Warm and Humid

    Motto/Symbols !"# $%# $&'"" ( The City Of life ) / ArabianTower*

    Language Arabian andEnglish

    Religion Islam

    Traditions/Customs There daily activities arebased on their religion, Islam.

    Landmarks :Burj Al Arab ( Arabian Tower )

    Dubai MuseumDesert Safari

    Holidays :National Holiday -2 DecProphets Birthday - 11 AprRamadan - 24 sepEid al-Fitr -24 octEid al adha - 31 Dec

    Topography - Desert

    The City Guide


    The Basics

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    Dubai used to be a plain old desert near theTrucial Coast. Many European countries likePortugal, France, the British ( UK ), and The Dutchused Dubai as a trading route to the East andIndia. However some people used to see Dubai as a diminutive shing town and pearling centerbecause it was located near the sea. All of thatchanged with the unexpected discovery of giganticamount of oil in Dubai in 1966. Dubai was soonbooming with money when the oil export began in1969. They worked with many oil industries inorder to get all the potential benets from their oildiscovery. As a result, the money and the oilboosted the economy and transformed Dubai froman old shing village to one of the worlds most

    futuristic city. Today, Dubai has become one of themost develop city in the world. In fact the city of Dubai is now rapidly growing to be the worldsmost excellent tourism and economic core. Otherthan that the money they received from the oilhelped them become one of the wealthiest citiesand leaders in the U.A.E. All of this wouldnt have

    happened if Dubai didnt discover the oil in 1966.All in all Dubai is a treasure waiting to be found.


    The rst record of the city of Dubais existence was in 1095, on the south of the Persian Gulf. Many mer -chants would settle in Dubai, as it was long a great trading route. But some people in the past would go toDubai as it had many water related activities such as shing, pearling, o ff shore trading and more. Thoughthere were many opportunities or things to do in the past, Dubai only attracted a population of 10,000 peo -ple. Things have changed since then. Dubai is no longer the old shing city it used to be. In fact, today Dubaiis considered to be one of the most innovative cities in the world. Millions of people/expats migrate to Dubaias it has tons of opportunities and possibilities. Many of which are job opportunities ( long and short term ),free tertiary education, a multi -cultural city, and it is almost crime free. The population has risen greatly be -cause of this. As of 2008 the population of Dubai was 3,410,737 people, which includes many di ff erent nation -alities, such as Emirati, Arabian, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Filipino, Sri Lankan, Europeans, and Ameri -cans. Not only did Dubai caught the eyes of millions of people, Dubai also attracted many world knowncompanies like Dubai Petroleum Company, Al Futtaim corp., and the Galadari corp. With so many peopleand companies coming to this city, paradise of endless opportunities is the only statement that can describeDubai in this situation.

    Dubai: City Of Gold

    A Palace

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Do you know that the city of Dubai was almost nothing ten years ago?In fact, Dubai was just a hopeless deprived desert near the sea. Thelandscape was pretty barren to tell you the truth. There was nothing

    spectacular to see, just plain old sand and with tons of rocks scatteredaround.

    Today, Dubai is no longer what it was before since it found oil as ahuge part of its economy and growth. By selling their oil to othercountries, Dubai has been receiving a lot of funds to construct variousbuildings and other development facilities on their land. Now thereare many skyscrapers as tall as mountains, shopping centers, roadsstretching as far as the eye can see, and buildings clustered all overthe landscape. This new transformed landscape has attracted many of

    the worlds people causing an economical boost and many nancialbenets for Dubai. This city is like a graceful buttery who justbloomed out from its cocoon.

    Top Photo: Old Dubai Bottom Photo : New Dubai



  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Burj Al Arab

    Ski Dubai

    Wild Wadi Water Park

    Desert Safari

    Things Not To MissTop 10 things you can do in Dubai

    Burj Al Arab (Arabian Tower) Well know for being theonly seven stars hotel and second tallest hotel in the world, theBurj Al Arab has become Dubais icon. This luxurious hotelprovides its customers with rst class hospitality and excellentcuisine.

    Desert Safar i Enjoy Dubais natural side as you go dunebashing, camel riding, driving through sand and camping inDubais magnicent deserts. This is an amazing activity to do if you want to retreat from the busy city and stress.

    Ski Dubai Ski Dubai is an indoor ski resort that offerseveryone many enjoyable snow related activities like skiing,playing in the snow, snowboarding, etc. Despite the fact thatDubai is a hot desert, many people come here in order to getaway from that and just enjoy the coolness of Ski Dubai.Burj Khalifa Being the tallest building in the world andhaving it located in downtown Dubai, the Burj Khalifa is not tobe missed when traveling to Dubai. People are able to get anunforgettable view of the landscape as they are allowed to goto the observation deck, to see Dubai from an aerial view.

    Atlantis the Palm - Atlantis the Palm is a 5 star hotellocated on Palm Jameirah, a man made island. This hotel haseverything for the young and the old to enjoy such as a waterpark, a spa, white sandy beaches and more.

    Wild Wadi Water Park - This is an awesome place to go inthe summer. The Wild Wadi Water Park has 3 gigantic poolsand 17 of the largest water slides outside of North America.Have fun in the sun while you enjoy your time in Wild WadiWater Park.

    The Dubai Mall The greatest and the largest mall inDubai. You can nd tons of unbelievable things in this mallbesides restaurants and shops. In fact in The Dubai Mall there isa theme park known as Sega World, an enormous ice rink, anaquarium with an underwater zoo and a cinema with 22screens.Jumeirah Beach One of Dubais most remarkable beach.Jumeirah beach offers people with a relaxing experience. Thisplace is known for being clean, safe to play, and not crowded.

    Tour the city Dubai is full of many breathtakingattractions and structures. The only way you can see all thesethings is through a bus or helicopter tour. The guides are veryreliable and knowledgeable in terms of the city, that is Dubai.You can see all of the amazing sights in one day with the tour.

    umeirah Beach

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Unbelievable! Just visiting Dubai was just simply mind -blowing. It was like stepping through heaven for the rst time. There are just so many things to do down there.Let me tell you I couldnt get enough of it. Staying at the hotel, Burj Al Arab was justsplendid. Although it was a bit pricy, they treated me with rst class hospitality and

    excellent cuisine. After that I went to this unimaginable indoor ski resort called SkiDubai. At rst when I saw this place I was so abbergasted that I said Oh my gosh!There is a ski resort in Dubai; where everyday it is hot and sunny all the time? That is sototally amazing! So I rushed in, and found my self in this place with snow everywhere.It looked so realistic that I thought I was in the North Pole or something. Though thehotel and the ski resort were awesome, the thing about Dubai that really caught my attention was how this city is very cosmopolitan. Most people living here were mostly

    from a diff

    erent country, I could sense how Dubai is very international. Also most of thefoods here are based on Western, Asian, or Arabian food. I got to taste the best of 3orlds, that my stomach was soon hungry for more. However my hunger for these foods were beaten out by my cravingsr shopping. Buying and shopping is essential when visiting this city. Why do you think its called Do Buy! I boughtyself some nifty devices and souvenirs for my friends and family at home. I can almost nd everything in Dubai. Iopped for hours till I was too tired to continue. My time in Dubai is done. I wish I could stay longer but I cant. Let mel you, Dubai is like mega mall that will bring its customers endless joy.

    Dubai is a bucket full of joy that will never cease to astound you. This city has risenfrom the dark and into the limelight. In fact Dubai was just a hopeless deprived desertnear the sea a hundred years ago. The landscape was pretty barren to tell you thetruth. All of that changed with the unexpected discovery of gigantic amount of oil inDubai in 1966. People were so amazed on how fast Dubai has grown ever since then.There is no limit to Dubais growth. You can now nd sky scrapers as tall asmountains, road stretching as far as the eye can see, and buildings clustered all overthe land in Dubai. Not only did the landscape change but also the population hasbeen owing with tons of visitors. As of 2008 the population of Dubai was 3,410,737people, which includes many di ff erent nationalities and cultures. Some of thesenationalities are Emirate, Arabian, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Filipino, SriLankan, Europeans, and Americans. This city can be described as cosmopolitan,considering this city is like a garden ourishing with success. There is so much thingsto explore in Dubai, most of which are from it fascinating past to its unbelievablecurrent gure, and the entertaining possibilities that are found there.

    Dubai oh Dubai, you amazeme without saying goodbye.

    Why oh why, do you mesmerizeme to buy!

    A Story From A Visitor


  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide



    The Country: Czech Republic !

    The city: Prague

    Area: Europe

    Population: 1.21 million

    Location: north West of Brno

    Weather/ Climate: 29

    Fahrenheit in

    January, 67

    Fahrenheit in July

    Language: Czech language

    Religion: 40% Roman Catholic, 40%Believe in god, A few Jewish

    Holiday Sep 28th Wenceslas day, Dec

    25th 1st Christmas, Dec 26th 2ndChristmas

    Tradition: Easter- Willow branches ontheir window.

    International Folklore festival-Traditional costumes, food and dance.

    Landmarks: Prague Castle Saint CharlesBridge.

    Topography: Wooded hillsides, narrow

    valleys and small heavily farmedplateaus.

    Fast Facts - Prague



    The symbol of Prague is a lion with two tails


  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    P OW E R F U L P R AG U E

    Prague is like superglue that will glueyou to the place so youll never want toleave. John Marshall quoted after a trip

    to Prague with his wife Louise Marshall.We went there for a week and it didntseem to be enough. There was so muchto see. John didnt even pack the bags

    till the last minute! Louise laughed. Itwas a rst rate experience that I willnever forget. It was amazing how

    everything was rebuilt even after theawful thirty year war and WW2. Johnadded. The food was delicious as the

    spaghetti tacos my grandmother makes.The trip felt like being in a rst classcabin on the airplane They both agreed

    that The Prague Castle was the mostremarkable castle in the city. Mr.Marshall said, old town was sofascinating that we went past it 2 times.

    The perfect time to go there is in theSpring. The Prague castle looks verybeautiful by then Mrs. Marshall

    commented. They say that the peoplethey were very nice but the serviceworkers had some attitude towardsvisitors. I would love to visit there again

    and would denitely recommend it tomy friends. Louisa told me and laughed.There are so many different and

    interesting shops to see. they will dragyou in and you would be stuck thereforever!! If you love shopping, Prague is

    the place you should go quoted John

    Mrs. And Mr. Marshall agreed thatPrague is the perfect place to visit on along vacation. They will soon visit

    Prague again but for more that a week.Or maybe 2 weeks...

    Memories that never disappear...

    C h e c k o u t th e

    in te r v ie w f r o m J o h n

    a n d L o u is e ! !

    Prague is as magical as never land that youll never want to leave. The city of Prague wasestablished in 800 A.D by the Slovakian tribe. It was erected on the Hadshin River andthe beautiful city of Prague is known as the mother of the city or Magical Prague withits complex old buildings and industrial solid base. All of this changed when Hitler andhis Nazi army came and invaded thecity. This decreased the populationfrom before. Now the population inPrague is 1.21 million people. Prague ismixed with Czechs, Germans andIsraelis. Long time ago, Prague wasfamous for having foreign materials as all theunusual materials were shipped to a placecalled Old Town. Have you ever wonderedif the Old Town in Prague was built forsomething else a long time ago?? It was abig central market where manymerchants visited. Today, manytourists come and visit the historical buildings. You wouldnt see any merchants thereanymore! Instead, there will be many people with cameras in their hands! (Laugh) Sonow I conclude that Prague is just like a cool refreshing smoothie blended with culture,history and people

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    How did Peoplechange thelandscape?Have you ever wondered if the Old Town

    in Prague was built for something else along time ago?? Old town in the past was

    a big central market. Many items fromother foreign countries were sold in theOld Town. The Old Town was built a littleafter the thirty year war. In 1918, when

    Czech was declared as independent, angrymobs of people came to old town anddestroyed the famous monument, the Jun

    Hus monument. After the destroying of the monument, People started buildinghouses, churches and gothic buildings.

    Today, the old town in Prague is the mostvisited places in the world. Many touristscome to see the old churches andbuildings. I have been to old town with my

    family and I thought it was very beautiful. Ithink you should go and visit this historicaltown. Just be aware that there are a few

    pick pockets! But dont worry it is still anexciting place to visit with many friendly

    service and things to see.

    Prague is a smoothie blended with History, People andculture. The city of Prague was established in A.D 800 bythe Slovakian tribe. Prague is located in Central Europe

    near the Poland border and was erected on the HadshinRiver. In the past, People came to this city for safety. Manypeople migrated to Prague during the great Migration whenthe African Americans migrated to escape from racism.Today in Prague, there are lots of things to do. Many jobsare available and good quality; there are good restaurants,entertainment and amazing education. Today, people cometo this capital because it is clean, beautiful and there is agood mix of cultures. The population in this town is about

    2 million people and there are Czechs, Slovakians, German,American and Israeli. The major industries or business inPrague is Prague airlines. The second biggest are restaurantservers or hotel managers. They both have tourist industryas they serve for tourists. Today, people come to Prague forits beauty, delicious beer and extraordinary historicalbridges and buildings. Visiting Prague myself, I think the foodthere is delicious and if you go on a tour it is an awesomerst class expedition with lots of excitement. Therefore, thename of my city is now Magical Prague or the mother of the cities for its exquisiteness, freshness and marvelousfairy-tale setting.

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    The beautiful city of Pragueis known as the mother of the city or Magical Praguewith its complex oldbuildings and industrialsolid base. A long time ago,this city wasntrecommended for vacation.Only a few people visitedhere. But although it wasnt

    popular, Prague was stillgorgeous as the bright lightsin New York Time Square.Then everything changedwhen WW2 swept the city.Hitler invaded Praguein1939 and 120,000 Jewswere killed. More than 1000

    more innocent people werekilled and many of thehistoric buildings weredamaged. After the war, the

    destroyed city lost someimportance to the world.

    Today, Prague is still a

    beautiful country. After afew bumps down the road, itis now a democratic country.Although some things wererebuilt such as the old townto the new town, there aremillions of tourists who visitPrague this day. I have

    visited the capital with myfamily and I agree thatPrague is an extraordinarycountry with lots of historyburied inside its buildings,

    Impact on the Past and Present

    C O M M U N I S T

    F R E E D O M P O S T E R S


    P O S T E R

    G I F T S H O P S I G N


  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    10 P L AC E S YO U M U S T V I S I T

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide



    Las Vegas was establishedin 1905. It is located in NorthAmerica in the state of Nevada; it is near the HooverDam. How it looks hasdrastically changed over thepast few decades. Las Vegaswas a very small city, and nowit is bigger and more lledthan before! Back then itwasnt much known, but nowlots of people know it, andthey have so much moretourists! It was more knownafter gambling was legalizedin 1939, because of this morepeople wanted to go there to

    have fun. At that time morebuildings in Vegas were being built, because they wantedmore tourists to come toVegas. The population of Vegas now is over 600,000!Now when you think aboutLas Vegas and you look at itbefore it is so different. Youwill love looking aroundseeing all the different colorsof the lights! Looking aroundyou will see the differenthotels, casinos, and manydifferent restaurants. As aresult to this there arebeautiful hotels built there,

    tons of different places to goto, and now there are over122 casinos for the tourists toenjoy.


    This is the Las Vegassymbol. Welcome tofabulous Las VegasNevada!

    March 2011

    Las Vegas is like a bag of LaysPotato Chips, you will take one smallbite and want more.

    T h e S t r i p

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide



    The city of Las Vegas wasestablished in 1905. It is located inNorth America the state is Nevada.It is very near to the Hoover Damand Lake Mead. This is important,because since Las Vegas was mostlydeserted it was near to a watersource which makes it easy to getwater. Las Vegas became moreknown at around the 1920s,because of the construction projectslike the Hoover Dam.

    It became even more famous in1931, because that is whengambling became legalized. In thepast people came to Las Vegas toget jobs, since the Hoover Dam isclose to Las Vegas, some of thepeople building the Hoover Damlived in Las Vegas. A lot of peoplestill choose to live in Las Vegas,since there are lots of opportunities,like the jobs they have there, themalls, the entertainment, and thereare many things there. Las Vegas is

    known for gambling, and lots of people come there to gamble, manypeople also go there to visit thetourist spots like The StratosphereTower. The Stratosphere tower is atower that has some rides at the top,like they have this thing you sit onthen that will go down the tower abit fast. The population is about600,000 people. The differentpeople that live in Vegas are:Caucasian, African Americans,

    Native Americans, Asians, otherraces, Native Hawaiians and otherPacic Islanders, Hispanic orLatino. (The major nationalitiesrepresented are Caucasian andHispanic or Latino.) Las Vegas isknown for their entertainment, andanyone who goes to Vegas will loveit.

    Populationand Resources


    EGAS March 2011

    On the left isa picture ofThe Hoover

    Dam.On the right isa picture of Lake mead.

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide



    The Stratosphere TowerTry the rides like the Sky Jump! The rides are at the tipof the tower!

    The StripStroll down The Strip and stop by the malls and watchthe shows.

    Bellagio FountainsWatch the fountain show! See the beautiful colors!

    Caesars PalaceBook a hotel room, and enjoy the shops andrestaurant!

    New York, New York Roller Coaster

    Enjoy a roller coaster ride that is about 4,777 feet.

    The Wynn HotelOne of the best hotels in Vegas! Enjoy everything it

    has to offer! Cirque Du Soleil

    Watch and enjoy this amazing show that will haveyou stunned.

    Shark Reef AquariumGo to Mandalay Bay and walk through anaquarium that surrounds you with different seacreatures.

    Canyon Ranch at The VenetianHave a relaxing day and enjoy the services of the spa.

    DowntownEat at the different restaurants, and go shopping!

    10 PlacesYou would not want to Miss!


    EGAS March 2011 Bellagio Fountains

    Caesars Palace

    Canyon Ranch Spa

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    LASVEGAS March 2011

    City FactsCity: Las Vegas

    Nickname for Vegas:Sin City.

    Country: U. S. A. Area/Region: North

    America Population Statistics:

    Nevada: 2.5 million LasVegas: 600,000

    Location: NorthernNevada

    Weather/Climate: July-High= 106F (41C)Low= 74F (23C)

    December- High= 58F(14C) Low= 34F(1C).

    Motto/Symbols: Motto: What happens in

    Vegas, Stay in Vegas. Language: English. Religion: Christian. Traditions: None. Holidays: Independence

    Day, Fourth Of July,

    New Years, ThanksGiving, Christmas.

    Landmarks:Bellagio Fountains,Stratosphere Tower,the Strip, HooverDam.

    Topography: City,but built on a dessert.

    How PeopleHaveChangedThe

    LandscapeThe landscape of LasVegas has drasticallychanged compared tohow it looked a fewdecades ago. Las Vegasuse to be just a big plot

    of desert, with a roadrunning through it. Overthe years buildingsstarted to develop aroundLas Vegas. After theHoover Dam was builtmore and more buildingsstarted to go up, becausethe Hoover Dam wasbuilt, this allowed water

    to stream to the LasVegas area. Thereforemore and more buildingsin Las Vegas were built,because they had waterand power (electricity).

    When gambling waslegalized, Las Vegasbecame a major city, andthat is another reasonwhy they started to buildmore buildings. Sincegambling was legal, lotsof people came there to

    enjoy the casinos, so thepeople in Vegas decidedthey should have morehotels, casinos, and moreplaces that people wouldenjoy. Some of thosehotels are very famouslike The Wynn Hotel.Now since there are morethings to enjoy in Las

    Vegas, there are moretourists that come tovisit. Compared tobefore the population hasincreased by a lot!

    The Wynn Hotel

    Las Vegas City Map

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    Las Vegas used to be a small city not as big as it isnow. The roads werent as big and busy back then

    compared to now. There was not that much to do inVegas but, now there is more to do. The sidewalkswere small and the roads were bigger compared tonow. When you walk through the sidewalks thereare stores at the side when you look to the left or tothe right you would see small stores, in betweenthe stores and the sidewalks the road would bethere. Some places still are like that but most of theplaces to shop at are malls now. There werentmuch tall buildings then just short buildings, noweverywhere there are hotels, apartment buildings,malls, and ofce buildings. Then everythingchanged once gambling was legalized in LasVegas. They got gambling to be legal because,

    around that time The Hoover Dam was being built.Since most of the workers building The Hoover

    Dam were males, the Las Vegas Business Dealersand some Mobsters decided to put up a few casinosfor them to enjoy. So the workers would go to thecasinos when they had time. Now the Hoover Damis built, and there are so many things to enjoy inLas Vegas. As a result, the city of Las Vegas hasabout 39 million people going there to gamble andwatch some shows they have like the musicals theyput on at night, Cirque Du Soleil, and there aremany other things you can do in Las Vegas. Nowthere are over 122 casinos in Las Vegas.

    Impact Of The PastTo The Present


    EGAS March 2011

    I love Las Vegas! It is just amazing! Everywhere you look you will see beautiful bright lights!You can take a stroll through the streets, look at all the great restaurants, and every shop you seewill make you want to stop and take a look at what they have. I spent a weekend there, and therst thing I really wanted to do was go to Caesars Palace. It was wonderful! I stopped by nearly

    every shop! I ate a nice Italian restaurant, the food was delicious I loved their pasta! There are abillion of great places to go to! My favorite stop was probably The Stratosphere Tower it gaveme a great scream! The rides where so fun! You are at the top of the building and there is a fewrides that will really scare you, and make you want to scream as loud as you can. It felt like Iwas about to fall out of the building! I stayed at the Wynn hotel and it was just amazing! Thebed was so comfy, and the rooms were so great! My view was astounding! I saw everythingfrom there, and it was just amazing! Next time your looking for a place to go for a weekend, Istrongly suggest Las Vegas.- Erin

    Old Las Vegas

    New Las Vegas

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    PAGE 1-

    The Basics

    Effects Of The Past OnThe Present

    PAGE 2-


    PAGE 3-

    Changes ToTheLandscape

    PAGE 4-

    Things YouDont WantTo Miss!

    PAGE 5-


    Sydney CityMap

    The basicsountry it is in: AUSTRALIA

    ontinent it is in: AUSTRALIA
















    No Specials Holidays:






    Sydney used to be dry valleyabout 10 km (6 miles) inland.Sydney Harbor didnt use toe v e n e x i s t t i m e . T h e neverything changed when theybuilt the Sydney OperaHouse. It was built due to thedemand for a bigger theatricalspace in Sydney. Sydney OperaHo u se wa s d e s i g n e d byDanish and designed by JornUtzon. When building theOpera House, it took many long

    and difcult years of planningand construction. Finally, theSydney Opera House openedin 1973. Many people aroundthe world go to Sydney to seethe beauty of the Opera House

    of Sydney. Now, the SydneyOpera House representsSydney, Australia.

    Page 1




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    Sydney,Australia Population A nd Resources

    The city of Sydney was established on the 26thJanuary 1988. It is located on the south east coast of Australia in New South Wales near theTasman Sea. In the past people came toSydney after it was built, discovered and seeing

    the beauty of Sydney. Today, people come toSydney to experience the life in Sydney andfind entertainments. The population of Sydneys now approximately 4,534,133. The major

    nationalities represented are Vietnamese there

    are also people from England, Ireland andAfrica. The major industries and business todaynclude technology, financial services, contact

    centers, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing.The main water source of Sydney is theTasman Sea. The peoples religion mainly isChristianity. In Sydney there are languages suchas English (mainly spoken). The extinct anguages in Sydney are Dharug or Lyora. The

    top three overseas populations are UK, Chinaand New Zealand. Today, people choose to liven Sydney due to the temperature, location and

    entertainment of Sydney. Therefore, Sydney isnow the important piece of Australia.

    Page 2

    I climbed the Harbor Bridge, Sydney. I was sopleased to be above thesea. It was out of thisworld experience to see aview of Sydney from abovethere. I took lots of photos, showed it to myfriends and they also went there to enjoy and throw away all the problems theyhad within themselves. It was so tiring but, I lost

    masses of my calories and,p l u s I h a d m u c hsupplementary enjoyment.I also saw the flag of Australia and learned thehistory and details about the Harbor Bridge. Comea n d e n j o y a t t h eastonishing bridge at

    Sydney and dont forget tobring your camera withyou to show it to your family and friends.

    Guess What?

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    Did you know that people have changed theland of Bent Street, Sydney through theprocess of building projects? Between 1880and 2003 people have changed thelandscape of Bent Street. They built themarket buildings, because they wanted tohave more profit and to make people morecomfortable. In the past, Bent Street waslit with gas. As you can see the buildings inthe picture at the right of Bent Street in

    1880 were old and now have a look at your 2003, there are new and tall buThe three storied building veranthe corner of OConnell Street,Australian Club. Bent Street different now. It is a narrowtunnel, dominated by high ristowers. The Cheswick Hotel hshifted from Bent Street to Street and, is now on the corBligh. Can you believe howchanges there are in these pictures? Bent Street is very cand ver significant street now.

    Page 3

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    Sydney Ferry to Manly- Monday throughFriday in the Morning and returning toservice in the afternoon, make a trip to thebeautiful beaches of Manly or the famoussites of Circular Quay in Sydney FastFerries.

    Sydney Harbour Cruise

    Sydney Harbour Bridge climb- Did youknow that you can climb the SydneyHarbor Bridge? Dont miss the chanceto go to Sydney and becoming one of

    the citizens to climb it! North Head

    West Head

    Sydney Opera House- Set out to Sydney,visit Sydney Opera House see manyappealing things that makes you pleased.

    Watsons Bay

    Sydney Whale Watching- Watch thewhales on the largest and thecomfortable vessel two times fromSydney Harbor Circular Quay.

    Bondi Beach

    Three Sisters Blue Mountains

    Sydney Open Air Cinema- Watch amovie and get the open air weather when you visit Sydney at Sydney OpenAir Cinema.

    Sydneys Royal Botanic Gardens

    Sydneys Taronga Zoo- See differentanimals and have fun with nature.

    Page 4

    Open Air Cinema

    Three Sisters Blue Mountains


    West Head

    Sydney Aquarium

    Things You Dont Want To Miss

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    Sydney,Australia Sydney?

    Sydney City Map

    Sydney is a gleaming firefly , which lights your heart. Sydney used

    to be a dry valley about 10 km inland but currently it is in a coast.The population of Sydney is now approximately 4,534,133. Peoplecome from around the world and add something to Sydney. Themain water source of Sydney is the Tasman Sea. The Tasman Seamakes Sydney glow. Did you know that people have changed theland of Bent Street, Sydney through the process of buildingprojects? Today, Bent Street is very different. Now, you cannot seesmall buildings that were there till 1880. You can benefit from theentertainment in Sydney; come and encounter the heart of Sydney.

    Page 5

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    By: Conner March 7, 2011 Volume VII

    Beijing, China Basic Facts

    Country it is in: China

    Area orRegion: Asia

    Population/Statistics: 11,509,595people as of 2009

    Location: NorthEast of China

    Weather/Climate: Depends on the seasons: Spring is short,windy. Summer is long and hot. Fall is cool and hasa long chilly winter. The hottest time is July andAugust, with the highest temperature over 40 C(104 F). The coldest month is January, with itslowest temperature at -20 C (-4 F).

    Languages: Mandarin or Cantonese

    Religions: Taoism or Buddhism

    Traditions/ Customs:

    Spring Festival

    Martial Customs

    Traditional Festivities (Zouhui)

    Temple Fair


    New Years Day

    January 1

    InternationalLabor Day

    May 1-3

    National Day

    October 1-3

    Chinese New Year

    February 12-14

    Youth Day

    May 4

    The Great Wall of China Temple of Heaven

    Forbidden City Beijing Opera

    Chinese F


    C h i n e s e F e s t i v a l

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide




    Beijing used to be asmall site wherepeople hunted andraised life stock. Itlay on the Main

    route betweenMongolias plainsand rich farm lands.Many people alsotraded. Some

    centuries later, their territory grew. The capital wascalled Chi. More invaders came so they had to haveChi warriors to defend their land. Then everythingchanged when the Mongols and other invaders gainednfinite strength. Beijings warriors were weak in

    comparison. Their land was also getting destroyed.After tiresome years of fighting the people decided tomake the Great Wall of China. After the Great Wallwas built the invaders had a tough time invading. Butat the same time, many were killed from exhaustionrom making the Wall. The Great Wall was completedn the Sui Dynasty (581-618 A.D.) A lot of the fell

    down at that time, but was repaired during the Ming

    Dynasty(1368-1644A.D.)Beijingarchers couldshoot arrowsfrom the topof the wall to

    their enemies, but itwas hard for the invaders to killthe archers because they were so high up in theair. As a result China enjoyed many years of peace.Beijing is now also a wonderful city. Even theSummer Olympics of 2008 were held in Beijing! TheGreat Wall is not only a national monument, but alsothe largest man-made structure on this entire planet.You can even faintly see it from outer space. It

    stretches across the mountains of Northern China.Tourists from all over the world come to see it. Theamounts of tourists coming are like people runningaway from Godzilla. Everyone is shoving and pushingeach other to take a look at this ancient monument.

    Beijing Population-

    The city of Beijing wasestablished way back to the11th century by the WesternZhou Dynasty. It was locatedon the Northern Tip of theNorth China Plain. It is verymountainous there, so Beijing

    is full of mountains, like thereare people in China. But somepeople wonder, whats soexcellent about Beijing. Well,in Beijing you can watchtraditional Chineseperformances (Beijing Opera),Chinese Drama, acrobatics,and go to teahouses. Also inBeijing there are Traditional

    Beijing restaurants. For foreigners, some taxi driverseven speak some English. You

    may think it is going to be

    hard to communicate inBeijing, but guess what;English speakers cover thecity like stars in the sky. Thereare also some superior universities and hospitals.Two main industries inBeijing are called BeijingCapital Co. Ltd., and BeijingHyundai Motor Co. Ltd. Thatis why some families come toBeijing because the Man of the House gets transferred toone of these cooperations.The population of Beijing is13.82 million people as of 2000. For the ages in Beijing,from 0-14 years old there are1.878 million people whichare equal to 13.6% of thepopulation. For 15-64 yearsold there are 10.786 millionpeople which are equal to

    78% of the population.

    Finally, 65 years old and upare 1.155 million which isequivalent to 8.4% of thepopulation as of the year 2000. The main ethnic groupsare Hui, Manchu, Mongolia,and Korea. The main religionsin Beijing are Buddhism andDaoism even though Beijingisnt a religious city. Thereforenow Beijing is a multi-culturalcountry.

    e Great W

    all in the


    T h e G r e a t W a l l N O W

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    The Great Wall-Change to theLandscapeBeijing is the home to oneof the seven wonders of our world. The Great Wall

    of China! The Chinese Government is trying to savethis ancient monument that brings joyful and gloomymemories to the Chinese and foreign people. Thisancient monument has slowly crumbled after

    hundreds of years of fighting threw war and protectingthe Chinese people. The Great Wall has helped Chinanot only for protection. They have become famous!This wall has also given Beijing many, many moretourists. But, more commonly now the Chinese

    Government has to try to keep this wonder standing.When we run back to the past, if Qin Shi Huangdinever thought of this idea, the Chinese history couldhave been terrible; many lives could have been lost. If the Chinese Government never cared about this, younever know, it could have crumbled ten years ago!

    Things NOT to Miss Forbidden City:

    A palace that has 9,000 roomsand covers 250 acres of landthat was built between1406-1420. Dont worrythough, it has been burned

    down, rebuilt, and renovatedsince then. The Great Wall of

    China:A wall that is as long as 600km. Your hiking time wouldtake about two and a half hours. So its a good way tospend your morning beforelunch or afternoon.

    Temple of Heaven:

    It is one of the most holyplaces in China for more thanfive centuries.

    The Ming Tombs:It close to the Great Wall, soyou can visit both in one day.

    Hutongs:You can take ancienttransportation tools in this

    area. Olympic Sites:

    You can visit the BeijingOlympic site that took place in2008.

    Beijing Roast Duck:You can try thus delicioustraditional dish. It may notsound delicious, but tastebefore you think!

    Beijing Opera:Beijing Opera is a number of stylized actions, including

    singing, dancing, dialogue andacrobatic fighting to tell a storyor present different charactersand their feelings of happiness, anger, sorrow,surprise, fear and sadness.

    Tandem Bike:You can ride tandem bikesaround places like the HouhaiLake.

    Qian Men:The gate that separates theold inner Beijing and the outer Beijing.


    R oast D


    Ming Tombs

    H u t o n g s

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    Dennis says...There are some things

    that are just tricky to explain.When I traveled to Beijing myjaw dropped as the Great Wall of China and other monumentsstood strongly in front of me.Their specialness that made

    them unique compared to other monuments, made them sparklein the suns ray. The Great Wall really stood out compared to the other places. If I looked one way, it was in ruins, but in the other side it was a beautiful sight. I would sometimes imagine how it was likewhen the Chinese warriors were fighting, the

    archers shouting thousands of red arrows at theMongol warriors. People crying in pain. After hours, days, months of fighting, the Chinesewarriors yelling in triumph. As the long battle ended for a while. I would sometimes run across this wall for what felt like a century, but then finding out it islonger than I expected, still seeing the long trail infront of me. As I started walking back, I glanced

    over the edge and saw thousands of shrubs. I thenlooked up into the sky. Thinking that people can seethis wall from outer space; I am standing on one of the seven wonders of this world.

    SO COME...

    Lose yourself in awe at one of themost ancient, but yet amazing citieson this planet. This historic cityholds one of the seven wonders of this world, the Great Wall of China.This long-standing monument hasslowly crumbled after hundreds of years of fighting threw war andprotecting the Chinese people. It isnot used as a shield, but now is aworld-wide phenomenon. Everyoneis shoving and pushing each other totake a look at this ancientmonument. One main inconvenienceabout traveling to a foreign countryis communicating. So, if yourethinking they dont know Englishits pretty normal. Most peoplespeak some level of English becauseEnglish speakers cover the globelike stars in the sky. Beijing bringsso much joy to tourists that they

    dont want to leave. So come visitBeijing and have the time of your life!

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    E R I N M .



    Why London?London is like a playground,with exciting things for youto discover and enjoy. If 7.2million people agree andaccept London as their homethen is it really possible foryou to not? This exotic citywas established by theRomans in 43 AD. Londonused to be a wet, humid city.Before, diseases werecommon and easy to catch,but London was easily

    changed by a horric reknown as the Great Fire.This re was devastating to

    many yet to some it was thechance to start a newLondon. Humans then builta lot of churches andbuildings to create the

    London we see today.London now is knownto be quite an upmarket city, yet stillhas quite a bunch of historic monumentsand buildings; this isthe reason to the highpopulation in touristsand residence that livein this city, andadventure waiting foryou to nd.

    City GuideCity : London

    Country it is in :England

    Area or Region :Europe

    Population/ Statistics : 7.2 millionin 2005

    Location : WesternEurope

    Weather/Climate :Temperate

    Motto/Symbols :London Flag

    Languages : English

    Holidays : SaintPatrick day

    Topography : Flat

    Religions : Anglican43 %, Roman

    Catholic 10 %,Protestant andOrthodox Christian10%, Muslim 2.6 %,Hindu/Sikh 1%,Jewish 0.5%, Noformal religion 33 %

    TraditionsCustoms :Changing of the

    Guard. ~Very Popular ~April-July ~No Ticketing


    London Flag

    Palace Guards

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    C I T Y G U I D E


    Connectionto the pastand presentLondon used to havequite a large contrastbetween rich andpoor. Diseases werenot rare but quitecommon and easy tocatch. In poor areasthere were a lot of gangs and crimewhich were

    unfortunately verycommon, while therich had grand, posh,

    beautiful andcarefully designedbuildings. Theneverything changed at1:00am in a smallbake shop. A servantwoke up to find it

    aflame. At this timemost houses weremade of wood andthe London areacontained quite a fewflammable items. TheGreat Fire soon andeasily spreadthroughout most of

    London. The greatfire burned mostmedieval buildings

    and some famousarchitecture. The firebrought both positiveand negative results.A negative is thatpeople had lostfamily members and

    loved ones, their onlyhomes had beendestroyed, and theyhad lost valuablesitems the mean theworld to them. On apositive view, someof the city wasreplaced with

    beautiful magnificentchurches, such as StPauls Cathedral,

    which now is quitethe tourist magnet.There were also somenew, modern andlarge building, tokeep business and theeconomy running.

    Now London has amix of modern,wealthy and oldsculptures andbuildings.

    Great Fire Map

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    C I T Y G U I D E


    How people have changed the landscape

    The landscape of London has dramatically changed compared from how it looked a century ago.Before London was denitely not as wealthy compared to now. This picture shows how Londoncontained many markets and cheap selling stalls. These many stalls were convenient to people withnot a lot of money. London was a humid and wet city, and often quite cold. There were huge classdifferences for the people living in London. It was not exactly the matter of how you lived it wasmore about living its self. The land was quite at, with no mountains at all. Not many peoplerealized the amount of money you could make with all the land.

    Today London has a much larger population in both migrates and tourists. There are now propershops and modern buildings. London now has a lot of stone grounds. The reason people changed

    the landscape was because more people would equal more money causing a higher, stronger andbetter economy. Now people take advantage of Londons at landscape and build. They build allkind of ofce buildings. London now is known to be quite an up market city and holds a verystrong and wealthy rating to visitors and people that live there.

    London Before

    London After

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    C I T G U I D E


    Top ten things what not to miss inLondon!1. London Tower Bridge- This Bridge is one of the most

    recognizable bridges to exist. This tower was said to benecessary to cars and othervehicles in the area, yet is alsovery interesting and popularto tourists today.

    2. Big Ben- The clock bell; thelargest of all ve; is actuallythe only part of the towernamed Big Ben instead of thetower itself. Your tour of London will not be completeunless you visit Big Ben, one of Londons most ironic and popular landforms.

    3. Piccadilly Circus- Piccadilly Circus is a crowed plaza in theheart of Londons ve main streets; Regent St, ShaftesburyAve, Piccadilly St and Covent St. Its Londons version of New Yorks time square. All though its name includes theword circus, it nowhere close tobeing a circus. This plazawill lead you to malls andother shopping areas.

    4. London Eye- This giantobservation wheel is quitenew yet very popular. Whileupon the wheel you will get to look and see the city of London.This is a great attraction to people who are not afraid orheights and who would like to see London from a distance.

    5.Bucking Ham Palace-Want to see how theroyal live? Well a part of this beautifully designed

    palace is home to theroyal family. The palacecontains around 600rooms, including aballroom and swimmingpool. The changing of the guard ceremony

    takes place here. Thisceremony is open to anyone who would like to see the oldguards being replaced with new.

    6. St Pauls Cathedral- This is one of Europes largest cathedralstoday. The cathedral was destroyed by res and then rebuilttwo times. One of the res was known as the Great Fire.There are many things to do both inside and out of St Pauls

    Cathedral. One of them is climbing the dome. Climb around270 steps to reach the Golden gallery at the very top of thedome.

    7. Shakespeare's Globe Theatre- The Shakespeares globe theateris open to any age and was originally designed in 1599. Oneexhibition illustrates how life was like in London duringElizabeth times. It comes to life from April to October with avariety of Shakespeares plays. This not to miss experiencewill gain your knowledge about the olden times in Londonand Shakespeare himself.

    8. National Gallery- The national Gallery is one of Londonsmost important museums. It has quite an impressivecollection of paintings and art works. You cannot miss theopportunity to visit this outstanding museum open toeveryone due to its amazing tours and art.

    9. Convent Garden- This place is one of Londons biggest touristmagnets. It is a glass covered fruit and vegetable markets. Itsalmost always crowded especially during summertime and onthe weekends.

    10. Natural History Museum- This museum holds some of Londons nest of natural history related artifacts. Open toany age this is quite the tourist destination.

    Big Ben

    London Eye

    Natural History Museum

    Bucking Ham Palace

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    C I T Y G U I D E


    C I T Y M A P

    London was the best experience Ive ever had.When I rst arrived in London I knew that I wasgoing to have an exhilarating time here. When Iwent to Bucking Ham palace I felt like royaltywhile walking down the almost endless hallways,its like you feel on top of the world! Ive neverseen a building or house with so many rooms! Itook a romantic stroll down the Piccadilly circus,which surprisingly I found out was not anythingclose to a circus with animals and acrobats! Nexttime I go there I will have another romantic stroll,but instead I will not be alone. I can promise youLondon, I will denitely be excited to come back!~ Jesse

    Population and Resources:The city of London is located in England, United

    Kingdom, was established in 43 AD by theRomans. At the time it was known as Londinium.Both then and now, London had manyopportunities and outstanding recreationresources. These include fascinating festivals andcultural events as Londons more multiculturalside, which may be the cause for Londons wide

    spread of nationalities. Today London holds anaverage of 76% Caucasian; 10% Indian,Bangladeshi and Pakistani; 5%African; 5%Caribbean; 3% Mixed race and 1% Chinesepeople, however English is still the most commonspoken language. Now, London holds 7.2 Millionpeople, and has an ever growing population. Thenationalities not only brought culturalopportunities, but also religion. London is knownas one of the strongest business capitals of theworld. Leading up to those types of Jobs are theuniversities which have strong ties with theBusiness world. In most areas London is clean,safe and relatively easy to get around. Sportingevents and facilities are very common along withLondons shopping centers with designer Labelsand clothing. London has remarkable food withsome of the best chefs and restaurants around.London is a city for both tourists and people wholive here because of the unforgettableexperiences and rich tastes and smell you willenjoy.

    London City Map

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    City: New YorkCountry : USA

    Area or region: South AmericaPopulation: 7.38 million

    Location: East Coast USAMotto or symbols: Statue of Liberty, the Big Apple

    Languages: EnglishHolidays: Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year,

    peach, Sukkoth ,Sherbet,landmark: Empire State Statue of Liberty


    new york city

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    The Effect of the

    Past and Present

    Samuel Ellis sold theisland to the new Yorkstate for $ 10,000 thenthey named it EllisIsland ,it became an

    immigration station in1891. There were 405,664immigrants 80% of thenation total. So the firstEllis Island immigrantsstation was open andalmost 700 immigrantspassed Island in the firstyear. But after some yearsa fire of undisclosed origindestroyed the Georgepine structures on EllisIsland no one got hurt butthe immigration recorddating from 1855 weredestroyed In five years1.5 million immigrants hadbeen passed. While a new

    fireproof immigrationstation was beingconstructed on Ellis,processing wastransferred back to theBarge Office. after yearsthere was more than 12million people that hadpassed through by 1954 .

    Maecenas aliquam maecenasSociis mauris in integer,a dolor netus non duialiquet, sagittis felissodales, dolor sociismauris, vel eu liberocras. Interdum at. Egethabitasse elementum est,ipsum purus pede class.Sodales nulla ante auctorexcepturi wisi, dolor eroscondimentum dis, sodaleslacus nunc, at. In orci

    ligula suscipit.



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    How have peoplechanged the landscape

    Twin tower, it iscommonly known as the

    world trade center whereone of the most brutalattacks by terroristhappened which broughtchange to new york city.it was on september 11,2001 when a terroristcalled al Qaeda bin ladencrashed an airplane intothe building. He did thisbecause american andthe middle east countriesdidnt have a vary goodrelationship . Because ofthe crash a total of 2,976

    people got killed and

    now there are two giantsearch lights with 44smaller search lights oneach of them the lightare for the memories ofthe people that died andto show that they areremembered by therefamily members andfriends. this event madethe people who saw the9/11 crash disturbed andhorried.


    statue of liberty

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Things not tomiss in New York


    Empire State Building The metropolitan

    museum of art statue of liberty MOMA The Guggenheim


    South street seaport- The federal hall nationalmemorial

    the atiron building

    william said

    am William and I visitedNew York. I enjoyed

    visiting the museum ofnatural history I lovedALL the amazing historyand the taxidermy

    animal section becauseyou get to see theanimals up close

    because it is vary coolto see like your favoriteanimal in yo FACE.

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide



    March 09 2011

    ain Points Detailsuntry its in Chinaea or Region Asiapulation/Statistics 19 millioncation East Coasteather/Climate 20C

    otto/SymbolBetter City, Better Life

    nguages Chinese:Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghaineseligion(s) Buddhism, Protestant Christian, Catholic Christian, Islam, Taoism

    aditions/Customs Grandmas Tea, Boxwood Carving of Shanghai Style, Song of Marriage and Funeral inNanhai

    olidays Shanghai International Art Festival, Tourism Festival, Chinese New Year, someHolidays in Western Countries (ex. Halloween, New Years etc.)ndmarks Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Peoples Square, Jinmao Tower, Temple of the Town Godpography Low level, with some plains and rivers

    City Map of Shanghai

    Fast Facts!

    Whats Inside!

    pg.1: City Map of Shanghai andThe Basics

    pg. 2: Effects of the Past on The


    pg. 3: Population and Resourcesand How People Changed theLandscape

    pg. 4: Things Not to Miss inShanghai

    pg. 5: Summary


  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Effects of the Past on the Present: Shanghai

    Shanghai used to be a peaceful shing

    village and the center of countygovernment. The people of Shanghai built

    walls around the city to protect themselves

    from the Japanese pirates in 1553. Duringthe Qing Dynasty, Shanghai became one ofthe most important seaports in the Yangtze

    delta region. This was because of twoimportant central government policy

    changes. Emperor Kangxi (16621723) in1684 reversed the prohibition on ocean

    going vessels. In 1732 Emperor Yongzhengmoved the customs ofce for Jiangsu

    province from the capital of Songjiang cityto Shanghai, and gave Shanghai private

    control over customs collections for JiangsuProvinces foreign trade. Then, everything

    changed in the Japan-China War.

    Shanghai was destroyed economically,and physically. A number of Shanghai

    citizens evacuated the city. Japanesetroops invaded China on July 07, 1937. The

    British left control of China, and Japan tookover. Japan dropped bombs in the Bund in

    Shanghai, and elsewhere in concessions,and destroyed a big portion of the city, and


    The Japan-China war ended on

    September 9, 1945. As a result, the city ofShanghai was destroyed, but after a couple

    years, they are now enjoying years of

    peace, and Shanghais citizens thatevacuated have returned. Even thoughBritain took control of China again, they left

    control again in 1991. The PeoplesRepublic of China (PRC) is asking the

    citizens of Shanghai to clean up the city.Shanghai was able to rebuild back the

    economy in 1978, and fortunately, theyinvested huge amounts of money in an

    overhaul of crumbling infrastructure andShanghai regained its outward looking

    character, is a bustling city and is now thecurrent Pearl of the Orient and The Paris

    of the East!


    Z u i Ji a

    J i ao

    S h a n g h a i !

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Population Info and Resources:Shanghai

    ! The city of Shanghaiwas established in 1927.The population of Shanghaiis 18,538,464, as of January31, 2011. It is located on theEast Coast of China in Asia.In the past, people came toShanghai because Shanghaireceived a huge overhaul ofmoney and rebuilteverything after the JapanChina war. Before all of that,Shanghai was a shingvillage. Today, people cometo Shanghai becauseShanghai is a major centerof higher education, and hasone of the most developededucation systems in China.Shanghai also has a hugerange of shopping centersand malls with a variety ofsouvenirs and goods, someof which are imported.

    ! The major nationalitythat is represented isChinese. The majorindustries and businessestoday include the WorldFinancial Center, the JinmaoTower, Intex Shanghai andShanghai Stock Exchange.There are lots of jobopportunities in Shanghai

    Today, people choose to livein Shanghai because thereare lots of things to do inShanghai, and lots ofopportunities. Shanghai hascheap and clean

    transportation systems.Shanghai has lots ofentertainment centers suchas the Bund, Pudong andXin Tian Di, along with theirclean parks and is known asthe entertainment center in


    " Therefore, the city ofShanghai is known as thePearl of the Orient and theParis of the East and theentertainment center ofChina.!

    How People HaveChanged the

    Landscape in

    Shangha i

    Did you know that the

    city of Shanghai used to bea shing village in the past

    way, way back? What usedto be a shing village is now

    a bustling city withmarvelous sights to see,

    with bigger and betterbuildings than before.

    People changed thelandscape so that they can

    attract people fromelsewhere, and to bring

    people into the city. As youcan see, the picture on the

    right side of this paragraphshows the old city of

    Shanghai in 1990.

    A lot of things have

    changed in the past 20years. For example, the

    shing village that used tobe Shanghai is now a

    favorable port location. Thefamous district of Pudong,

    used to be a body of water.You will barely see any

    shing boats in the ocean.(Aside from the places that

    are actually meant forshing) Shanghai has now

    more roads and highwayscompared to before. Look at

    the picture on the right side,

    and compare it with the

    picture on the bottom.Because of the changes that

    occurred, Shanghai is nowknow as the Playground of


    Old City of Shanghai

    N ew Ci t of Shanghai

  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    Things Not To Miss in Shanghai! (notnecessarily in this order)

    1. The Bund:

    A scenic site/route; historical. Youcan also see the Pudong skylineon the east, and the historicalbuildings and houses from thecolonial era on the west.

    2. Pudong:

    A district of Shanghai that Chinaenjoys its sub-provincialadministrative status. It is named"Pudong" because of its location onthe east side of the Huangpu river.

    3. Nanjing Road:

    Over 6 km long, Nanjing road isthe longest and busiest shoppingstreet in Shanghai. There is a longstretch of malls, restaurants, cafesand specialty shops .

    4. Jin Mao Tower:

    The second tallestbuilding in China (the tallest buildingis its neighbor, the Shanghai WorldFinancial Center), it contains theGrand Hyatt Hotel and offices.

    5. Xin Tian Di:

    Xin Tian Di is a car-free shopping,eating and entertainment district of Shanghai. Xin Tian Di means NewHeaven and Earth in Chinese.

    6. Oriental Pearl Tower:

    The Oriental Pearl Tower is a TVtower standing over 1,535 ft. high. Itwas the tallest structure in China from1994 to 2007. Over 3 million visitorseach year. There is a revolvingrestaurant at the 876 ft. level, whichis the higest in Asia.

    7. Shanghai Museum:

    The Shanghai Museum isfamous for its variety of rare cultural

    pieces. It holds over 120,000pieces of cultural antiques intwelve categories, which includesChinese bronze, ceramics,paintings and calligraphy, andartifacts.

    8. Yuyuan Garden:

    It is believed that the YuyuanGarden was built in the MingDynasty, more than 400 years

    ago. The delicate layout, beautifulscenery and the artistic style of the garden architecture has madethe garden one of its highlights inShanghai.

    9. Zui Jia Jiao (Old Town):

    Zhujiajiao is a well-preserved and fan-shaped oldtown with hundreds of years of history. One of the largestcommercial centers on the lowerreaches of the Yangtze Riverduring the Ming and QingDynasties (1368-1911AD), whereyou can see thousands of buildings in Ming and Qing stylestanding along the river.

    10. Yu Garden:

    It is located in the Old Town of Shanghai, laid out in 1559 AD. YuGarden recreates an attractivelandscape of pagodas, pavilions,rockeries, fountains, ancient treesand precious flowers, a perfectexample of Ming garden design .

    TOP ATTRACTIONSYuyuan Garden

    T h e B u n d

    P u d o n g

    Sha n

    g ha i M

    use u


  • 8/7/2019 Feren Final Relocation Guide


    ! Visiting Shanghai is

    like traveling through time,because the past, present andthe future all meet. Shanghaiis known as the Pearl of theOrient, and the Paris of theEast, even after most of thecity was like a squashed bugafter both of the Japan ChinaWars. As of January 31, 2011,the population is 18,538,464.Many people came to the citybecause Shanghai investedhuge amounts of money in anoverhaul of crumblinginfrastructure was able torebuild everything and regainits outward looking characterafter the war, and becauseShanghai is a major center of higher education, and has oneof the most developededucation systems in China.Shanghai is also one of themost important seaports, witha huge range of shopping

    centers and malls with avariety of souvenirs andgoods, some of which areimported. Did you know thatthe city of Shanghai used to

    be a shing village in the pastway, way back? What used to

    be a shing village is now abustling city with marveloussights to see, with bigger andbetter buildings than before.You can nd lots of things todo and see. So come and visitthe spectacu lar city of Shanghai!

    The story of Wade

    ! I can describe Shanghai inonly one word. Actually, I cantbecause its indescribable. Thiswas a story from my friend Wade.One night I was in