feng shui stepsfeng shui steps · page 1 feng shui stepsfeng shui steps once a year i love...

www.fengshuisteps.com Page 1 Feng Shui Steps Feng Shui Steps Once a year I love changing the lay- out of my newsletter. This time, the new colours were inspired by my last trip to Noumea, Vanuatu and Fiji. During this interesting cruise on the Pacific Pearl, I was lecturing on Well-Being and Feng Shui, I met lovely people and enjoyed wonder- ful sceneries. I have reduced this FSS newsletter to 9 pages. I believe that my Feng Shui Steps Blog is already giving, to many of you, lots of information. For those who haven’t yet checked out my blog, become a ‘follower’ it is easy, click on the little box ap- pearing on the bottom right of its page; fill your info and get an email telling you about my new posts here is the link: www.fengshuisteps.wordpress.com Christmas and the festive season are approaching fast. For those of you running out of “presents ideas”, how about offering one of my GIFT CERTIFICATE for the amount you choosefor the person you choose and for the ser- vice they choose as presented on page 9. I always enjoy inserting readers, students and Feng Shui Practitio- ners stories in my newsletters. It encourages all readers to make one or a few steps into Feng Shui changes! Would you be brave enough to email me your story about your Feng Shui adventure - you too can be an inspiration for others! The tendency of this December 2012 newsletter seems to hover around the theme of mindset and thinking process. So many people are shifting as we are getting closer to 20.12.2012. I am glad many are now taking responsibility for their actions and are shifting to follow their truth for the highest good of all (instead of doing things to please everybody like they used to do). Living in a better world, starts with being happy with ourselves. Talking about the good things that happen in your lives inspire others and are much better than complaining. Wishing you all a F A N T A S T I C year 2013! Lots of love, Roseline Deleu www.fengshuisteps.wordpress.com NEWSLETTER 33 NEWSLETTER 33 DEC 12 DEC 12 EditorialRoseline Deleu Page 1 Feng Shui CureBirdbathRoseline Deleu Page 6 The 3 Words that changed my LifeRoseline Deleu Page 2 2012, my best Christmas yetDonna Eichmann Page 6 Just One QuestionRoseline Deleu Page 2 Double Luck, good Love OmensRoseline Deleu Page 7 Message of the UniverseJumping AntsSusan Skyring Page 3 Be still, my Beating FlyElizabeth Walker Page 7 The Stone was callingReader Story Page 4 Garbage Bins and Feng ShuiRoseline Deleu Page 8 Tribal Objects-Why House does not sellRoseline Deleu Page 4 Find Your PsychicLesley Crossingham Page 8 High Speed Feng ShuiClotilde Lachat-Monney Page 5 Mirrors in BedroomsReader & Roseline Deleu Page 9 Which Gems for good Feng ShuiRoseline Deleu Page 5 A clutter-free Gift, a special Gift indeedRoseline Deleu Page 9 Editorial Roseline DeleuFounder & Editor of this newsletter and the Feng Shui Steps BLOG Feng Shui for YOU Feng Shui for YOU with Roseline Deleu with Roseline Deleu * Home & Business Consultations * Feng Shui Trainings * Spiritual Counselling & Courses WORLDWIDE and ON LINE too ! www.fengshuisteps.com This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

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Feng Shui StepsFeng Shui Steps

Once a year I love changing the lay-out of my newsletter. This time, the new colours were inspired by my last trip to Noumea, Vanuatu and Fiji. During this interesting cruise on the Pacific Pearl, I was lecturing on Well-Being and Feng Shui, I met lovely people and enjoyed wonder-ful sceneries.

I have reduced this FSS newsletter to 9 pages. I believe that my Feng Shui Steps Blog is already giving, to many of you, lots of information.

For those who haven’t yet checked out my blog, become a ‘follower’ it is easy, click on the little box ap-pearing on the bottom right of its page; fill your info and get an email telling you about my new posts

here is the link:


Christmas and the festive season are approaching fast. For those of you running out of “presents ideas”, how about offering one of my

GIFT CERTIFICATE for the amount you choose—for the person you choose and for the ser-vice they choose as presented on page 9.

I always enjoy inserting readers, students and Feng Shui Practitio-ners stories in my newsletters. It encourages all readers to make one or a few steps into Feng Shui changes! Would you be brave enough to email me your story about your Feng Shui adventure - you too can be an inspiration for others!

The tendency of this December 2012 newsletter seems to hover

around the theme of mindset and thinking process. So many people are shifting as we are getting closer to 20.12.2012. I am glad many are now taking responsibility for their actions and are shifting to follow their truth for the highest good of all (instead of doing things to please everybody like they used to do).

Living in a better world, starts with being happy with ourselves. Talking about the good things that happen in your lives inspire others and are much better than complaining.

Wishing you all a F A N T A S T I C year 2013!

Lots of love,

Roseline Deleu www.fengshuisteps.wordpress.com

N E W S L E T T E R 3 3 N E W S L E T T E R 3 3 –– D E C 1 2D E C 1 2

Editorial—Roseline Deleu Page 1 Feng Shui Cure—Birdbath—Roseline Deleu Page 6

The 3 Words that changed my Life—Roseline Deleu Page 2 2012, my best Christmas yet—Donna Eichmann Page 6

Just One Question—Roseline Deleu Page 2 Double Luck, good Love Omens—Roseline Deleu Page 7

Message of the Universe—Jumping Ants—Susan Skyring Page 3 Be still, my Beating Fly—Elizabeth Walker Page 7

The Stone was calling—Reader Story Page 4 Garbage Bins and Feng Shui—Roseline Deleu Page 8

Tribal Objects-Why House does not sell—Roseline Deleu Page 4 Find Your Psychic—Lesley Crossingham Page 8

High Speed Feng Shui—Clotilde Lachat-Monney Page 5 Mirrors in Bedrooms– Reader & Roseline Deleu Page 9

Which Gems for good Feng Shui—Roseline Deleu Page 5 A clutter-free Gift, a special Gift indeed—Roseline Deleu Page 9

Editorial Roseline Deleu—Founder & Editor of this newsletter and the Feng Shui Steps BLOG

Feng Shui for YOU Feng Shui for YOU with Roseline Deleuwith Roseline Deleu

* Home & Business Consultations * Feng Shui Trainings

* Spiritual Counselling & Courses WORLDWIDE and ON LINE too !


This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its contents

are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter do not accept any

liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable arising from or as a result of

any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

Are you anxious about a situation? Are you worried about making the ’wrong’ decision?

Sometimes answering just one of your question can liberate you for the rest of your life!

I offer guidance “Just one Question” 10 minutes on the phone AU$ 22 only. I translate what your subcon-scious communicates to you. Bookings and Secure PayPal http://www.fengshuisteps.com/psychic.html

Look fwd to hearing from you soon!

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This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its

contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter

do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable

arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

Just 1 Question Roseline Deleu, international Feng Shui Master, Author & Intuitive Counselor (Worldwide)

The 3 Words that changed my Life Roseline Deleu, Happy Being, Visionary & Intuitive Counselor (worldwide)

Those ’old days’ are long gone… That time when you used to say

“Do what I tell you but don’t look at what I do (coz I don’t do it)”.

Today is filled with

Transparency and Truth.

For those of you ready to progress to a better life, I have prepared this summary that I often refer as the Feng Shui of your Mind. How does our thinking process func-tion? And… this is how I changed mine for a better and happier life! Step 1—Stop the Blame Game Listen to the words you use on a daily basis. Change and adapt the wording of your sentences according to your per-sonal truth and kind humour. For example—Don’t say : “Oh, I am so stupid, I forgot again” Say instead: “I am getting better at remembering” AND smile – the hu-mour will uplift the stress that you would have put on the initial blame. Step 2—Be in Gratitude As often as possible be happy with what is happening in your life. How can you do this? It is simple… You know very well that ‘control’ leads to stress, expectations, disap-pointments. Instead, make a few steps in the life

direction you are ready to take. Then observe and be in gratitude... see how smoothly all situations evolve.

Step 3—Kindly say what you want Choose to verbalise what you truly, genuinely wish rather than say what you don’t want. Your brain only re-members the verb only, not the nega-tive part of the sentence. For example—Don’t say: “I don’t want to fail” Say instead: “I am ready to succeed” By focusing on what you wish/want, you will constantly send to the uni-verse positive affirmations (that is also what your brain recalls). Using this process makes the manifestation process so much easier!

Step 4—TO TRY: the verb to ban! The verb TO TRY does not exist, so skip it from your vocabulary. When people use often ‘trying’ they doubt and they unconsciously are fooling themselves. “Just do it!” instead

Step 5—Replace IF & BUT Change IF and replace it by WHEN. IF creates immediately a doubt on what you just said. WHEN gives a subtle strength on what you just said is soon to happen!

Change BUT and replace it by AND. BUT automatically deletes and erases the part of the sentence that you just said. AND will be followed by steps to sug-gestions or solutions towards the out-come. IF and BUT both hold you back while

WHEN and AND allow situations to unfold!

Have fun and let me know how you are going with your new shifts.

“Change your Words” intuitive counselling sessions through

SKYPE with Roseline. 1.5 hour for AU$135 only!

A small investment to a happier life. [email protected]

Roseline Deleu lecturing on the Pacific Pearl Pacific Islands Cruise Nov 2012

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This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its

contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter

do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable

arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

Jumper Ant = Warning Susan Skyring, Spiritual Reader, Medium & co-author of these Australian Animal cards

Bitten by an ant? Constantly seeing ants around you or on your path? This could well be a message here for you! Read below what the Universe is com-municating to you through this little animal…

Australia has many small and dangerous insects that can sting and bite. The sight of a small insect can bring a murmur of

fear to even the most experienced local. With the fertile human mind prone to create fear with just the ex-pectation of the sting, our Aussie Jumper Ant is no exception.

With a body size of less than 2.5 cm Jumper Ant’s vibration incites a twitch of fear into the very heart of even the most weathered Aussie bushman. Once bitten by this tiny mite, one is never able to forget his stinging bite.

Within the ant family Jumper Ant is the great Australian Olympian. This tiny insect can jump from a standing start. He can spring forward twelve times his own body length and to closely observe him brings a shiver to your spine. He mirrors your observa-tion watching your every move with a wicked intent in his tiny alert eye. As you move he will watch in order to strike with a nasty surprise.

Jumper Ant medicine is so strong for his size. He has mastered all that is needed for a terrorizing reprise. Jumper Ant’s view says

“All for one and one for all”

He is the eternal Aussie Musketeer as he stands and fights alongside his own kind.

His pride in his army is strong. He says

“Our nest does not number thousands in size,

but our strength is in the medicine that we use together to achieve our goal.”

Jumper Ant builds an inverted conical hole in the earth to live. He is per-fectly suited to his home in the Aussie scrub and if he has come to your hand today he brings with him a warning message that is clear to understand.

“Stand your ground and be strong” he suggests. Perhaps you are experienc-ing an uncomfortable situation or onslaught from someone or some-thing that is threatening your situa-tion right now.

Jumper Ant is telling you to watch closely, adjust your stance and be ready to make the first move. He asks you to be like him and make sure you have a strong alliance with those who will support you when the going gets tough. There is safety in numbers. Perhaps you have a pending legal challenge or difficulty with contracts and paperwork at this time. He asks you to find appropriate legal or pro-fessional support as you may only get one chance.

Do you feel that someone is invading your personal space, it is time to in-form them now to step back. Jumper Ant asks you to act now before your sting comes into play in response to your situation. Jumper Ant brings to you the awareness of choice. Choose now to act and speak from this place of awareness before your sting causes you or others to suffer unnecessary and perhaps uncomfortable conse-quences.

Perhaps his medicine is bringing to you the awareness that you are en-

croaching on someone else’s territory. Is his warning suggesting to you now that it is time for you to make a hasty retreat?

Would Jumper Ant’s warning would have come too late, his teaching is in your hand today to forewarn you of future opportunities to act from awareness and consciousness before it is too late.

When you recognise a similar situa-tion in the future Jumper Ant asks you to

“Consider your options and take action to learn from your mistakes.”

Jumper Ant says:

“Stand your ground and be strong or when appropriate, run for the hills.”

We all know the story of David and Goliath. “Size certainly does not count, it is the sting of the bite that has lasting effects.” Do not let your sting or the sting of others come into play. You have the chance now to act from wisdom.

© Trevor O’Sullivan & Susan Skyring


Susan Skyring is one of Roseline Deleu’s successful Feng Shui Senior Consultant

in FNQ (Australia)

Susan Skyring & Roseline Deleu

When artists create and craft their art, they put their strong intents and moods into it. Would they be happy, their piece of art work will emanate happiness and you will feel this when it is displayed in your surroundings.

How does it work with tribal art and masks? Each piece has a purpose, each has been charged with a duty. Their missions vary from Protection to Fertility and many other possibili-ties… When I visited this ‘House for Sale’ it looked absolutely gorgeous until I walked inside. The owners had an

amazing collection of artefacts and many of them attracted my Feng Shui eye!

I pointed to my clients (who wisely had booked me for a pre-purchase Feng Shui advise) this very unusual piece.

As soon as I touched it on one of the skulls, my whole body re-acted.

It was a sacred object connecting with the underworld.

As long as that sort of object will be displayed, the house will not sell. They emanate vibrations of discom-fort keeping people away; these vi-bration have to be cleared carefully.

These days it is common for home buyers to call a building inspector. Think how important is it for you to get a wise Feng Shui advise before investing in a place where you hope to live happy in good harmony, health and wealth!

Roseline Deleu—Feng Shui Steps

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This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its

contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter

do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable

arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

Tribal Objects —Why this House does not sell Roseline Deleu, international Feng Shui Master (Australia & Worldwide)

The Stone was calling! Story received from one of my Readers & Feng Shui Steps Blog follower

Dear Roseline,

I read with great interest your story of the stone removed from home. It reminded me of when my dear wife and I went on a weekend seminar in Coffs Harbour. During a break we took a walk along the beach. We found some very pretty stones and decided to keep a couple and brought them home with us, and placed them above the computer.

All went well for about six months and I must admit there seemed to be more harmony than usual in our home. Then one day ,when walking past the door, I heard a voice… so I asked my wife if she had spoken and no was her reply. This happened several times on consecutive days. Then I became more aware of where the voice was coming from and it seemed to be say-ing “I want to go home, I want to go home.”

It took some time (probably a day) for me to realise exactly where the voice came from. I stood close and sure

enough the voice was coming from above the computer, and kept on re-peating the same sentence, “I want to go home, I want to go home.”

So, standing very close, sure enough it was one of the stones speaking! I asked my lovely wife to come in and then she heard it too.

We stood there in utter silence and amazement.

At that, we determined when we would be returning to Coffs Harbour. It was not going to be too long, so we conferred this with the stone. There seemed to be agreement from the stone.

On our way to Sydney via Coffs—the long way—we stopped off at the des-ignated place with stones in hand and ready to return them.

There seemed to be some sort of warm vibration in our hands as we walked to the beach.

From where we had picked them up a storm had washed the beach away.

We apologised to the stones for this inconvenience but there seemed to be no disagreement. We flipped them as close as possible to their initial location.

At that point there seemed to be an air of happiness and

a release of unspoken thank you and a sense of relief.

It was difficult for us to hurry away from there, so we took time and care and even had something to eat at the guest house. Our trip was to be a six weeks affair and it went off more smoothly than any other trip we had ever been on.

So that is my stone story. I must admit that on several occasions I’ve been able to hold stones in my hand and get ma story of the area. That proved very exciting at times.

Bye Roseline and thank you for your con-sistent work.—C.W. (QLD)

Use one gem only at the time per room for a more personalized and effective result.

Stones are like people, they are alive and enjoy being respected. Being on their own, their vibrations will fill your room and combined with the ‘mission’ that you just gave them, it will be accomplished soon!

Display one gem or stone for 9 con-secutive days only—following the Five Elements placement of your grid and chose a gem/rock suggestion as illus-trated in my chart (here on the right).

Examples —Place one Emerald in your sector ‘4’ (Abundance) for a boost in your finances. —Display Lapis Lazuli in your sector ‘1’ (Life Path, Career) to welcome a change of direction in life, etc.

Life is Movement, enjoy the changes!

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This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its

contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter

do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable

arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

Which Gems for good Feng Shui Roesline Deleu, Feng Shui Master & Author (Australia & Worldwide)

High Speed Feng Shui Clotilde Lachat-Monney, FNQ, Australia

My dearest boyfriend lives 1100 km away. I was feeling like going to visit him. Was I missing him? ... well yes :)

Honestly, it didn’t look like there was any possibility for me to get time off work. I also I had to finish off two courses that I started a few months ago and were due to be completed in the next 4 weeks. Timing was getting really tight!

I know, Feng Shui magic does wonder even when the situation looks like a lost cause. So, I put some effort and good intents into attracting the wish to see my boyfriend to become real-ity.

I went into the “master bed room” as Roseline calls it. I looked around the

room and decided to put a fashion-able mobile with crystals at the win-dow intending to “keep the love in-side”. I then opened all the drawers and wardrobe doors wishfully thinking “opening opportunities” … and I also started washing my clothes… and at the same time I also caught up with home work for my studies.

Feng Shui intention worked high speed!

I got a answer within the hour!

An ex co-worker called to visit me, she was looking for some work over the next 5-6 weeks.

Then Peter (my boyfriend) called to

say he just found me (where he is) a working experience place for me to get the necessary hours I needed to complete my course.

The next step was to ask my boss for time off. Which he agreed as he em-ployed that ex co-worker who just came back from a long time overseas.

I was with Peter within 6 days! And I’ll stay for a little bit longer than 2 weeks.

Thank You Roseline,

Thank you Feng Shui!

Clotilde & Peter Rockhampton (QLD, Australia)

Follow my Feng Shui Steps BLOG

2012 has been an absolutely Amazing year and I am certain that this is set to continue.

And what to put this down to you might ask ?

The answer is all of the following:

surrounding myself with good and great people

apply effecting positive changes – whenever and wherever needed

being as good as receiving as I am as giving

excellent intention setting and very important too...

focusing this year on what I like to refer to as The Three A’s:

Abundance Appreciation and


Abundance – by this, I mean allowing all the goodness into our lives, allowing this to flow abundantly, into every area of our lives, on a day to day basis and the results

are nothing short of Brilliant !

Appreciation – it is as simple as that – being filled with appreciation and gratitude. Taking the time each day to stop and stop for a mo-ment, whatever time is right for you, to sincerely ‘think and thank’ for all that you have, to truly appreciate all that is in your life. What an amazing and magi-cal ritual this is – Iife will never be quite the same and for a much better purpose with this daily exercise in place.

And last and equally as important :

Attention and (intention) No matter where you are, and/or

what you are doing, apply your full attention to whatever it is you are working on – and you will be so happy you do.

These three principles alone have seen some of the most astoundingly excellent results this year 2012, for

me, and for those that I have shared with.

We have seen challenges turn into triumphs, time and time again and I say thank you for all of this.

So here we are – days off the end of the year let it be a great one ! Wishing Roseline, and all your readers a Christmas Season that is filled with much happiness, making each mo-ment count.

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This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its

contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter

do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable

arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

2012, my best Christmas Yet Donna Eichmann, Feng Shui Practitioner, Sunshine Coast (Australia)

Feng Shui Cure—Birdbath Roseline Deleu, international Feng Shui Master, best-selling Author & Counselor (worldwide)

I took this birdbath picture the other day thinking I should clarify some im-portant Feng Shui points for it to be a good Chi enhancer known as ‘cure’!

1. A birdbath should be well main-

tained, I mean by this CLEAN and in good condition (unbroken)

2. Filling your birdbath with Water is

essential (yes, believe me, some peo-ple leave it empty)

3. Water should be CLEAR and

changed regularly

Prefer a LOVE symbol that decorates your birdbath instead than a single person that would only enhance lone-liness.

Best placements for the birdbath in your garden are

Sector 1 in your Career/Life Path where water is encouraged

Sector 4 in your Wealth/Abundance where you clean it and change water with the intention of welcoming good Abundance

LEARN and TRAIN with Roseline Deleu, international Feng Shui Master, Consultant and Best-selling Author - her certified Feng Shui Practitioner Courses are available worldwide ! http://www.fengshuisteps.com/roseline.html

Donna Eichmann , Feng Shui Practitioner Sunshine Coast, Australia [email protected] Mob. 0438 626 965

I saw a fly beat itself against my win-dow, the other day. Obviously it could see out side and wanted to be there... but something (the glass) stopped it achieving its goal. Being the “big softy” that I am, I opened the window to save the poor exhausted fly. They are not my favourite kind of beastie but I always give every living thing a fighting chance. The fly could feel the breeze and could sense freedom but still it desperately battered against the glass. Next step, out come the “big guns” as I flicked it with a towel, encouraging it to please fly out the window. Questioning the fly’s intelli-gence by this time, it was obviously so easy to find the way out, but still the fly battered against the window.

It is all so easy, as all the fly had to do was stop the battering and change direction. No matter how hard I flicked, the poor fly was trying even harder, it could not find its way out!

We are so like the fly. Living in a world that can be ‘so easy’. We daily throw ourselves against our own glass!

Why am I not good enough, fast enough, thin, rich, happy, in love, out of love, doing this job not that job, and so the list goes on? Batter, batter, batter, against the glass. Would we only take a second to stop and feel the breeze, the way out would be so easy.

I will tell you what I told the fly, the window is open, and freedom is easy. LIFE CAN BE EASY. We are all perfect in every way, just by doing what we do. My constant chant is, WHAT IS, IS. !o we can only do what we do in the best way.

When the little fly eventually found the exit, it flew away full of renewed energy and buzz.

As soon as we see our WAY OUT, we to are filled with extra buzz. We can then fly on to bigger and better things. The constant battering only wears us down, and boy, have we mastered the art of battering!

Freedom comes when we change our thinking.

See the exit and “go for it” all you have to do is: change your thinking! We can all flick the switch in our minds from “I can’t” to “I can”. It is all so easy to do. Come little fly, stop battering your self and surrender to the flow of life.

WISDOM—Do you think we can do it? I know we can!

Merry Christmas and happy new Year 2013 to all the readers!

Elizabeth Walker Clairvoyant

Member of the Psychic Association of Australia

Telephone Readings (02) 6452 2145 Mob 0412 833 957

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This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its

contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter

do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable

arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

Be still, my Beating Fly Elizabeth Walker- Clairvoyant, Cooma NSW (Australia)

Double Luck, Love Omen Roseline Deleu, Feng Shui Master

After a long time away, I came back home and looked at my garden. Its sector ‘2’ (Love & Relationship) was reflecting what was happening in my life… too busy being away and no time for a partner! Within 24 hours I was removing the high grass and weeds that were covering the veggie patch in that area. I now had a clear soil to start planting.

I was sweating and happy! I put my tools away in the garden shed and headed back to the house when my eyes spotted a wonderful good omen: in my lawn, 2 four leaves cloves were looking at me… Double luck!

Finding one 4 leaves clove is already a good sign… finding 2 of them in the

“Love & Relationship” section of my garden, I thought… is really magic!

While gardening, I showed to the universe that I am ready for a nice

relationship and it answered me straight away!

In the 3 days that followed: - I was very surprised to be contacted totally out of the blue by a boyfriend who was in my life 25 years ago while I lived in Europe!

- I was invited for dinner by a lovely man - I got a phone call of a male friend who mentioned that he sent me a surprise parcel!

Good omens… AND - that’s only the beginning!

May I encourage you to put your good intents and happy thoughts in your Feng Shui adjustments? You too will soon reap the rewards!

Roseline Deleu, interna-tional Feng Shui Master & Author http://www.fengshuisteps.com/roseline.html

Most of us would agree that we live in a complex world and we all face many decisions, choices and dilemmas on a daily basis.

Spiritual guidance can help us to navi-gate life’s complexities because a genuine psychic can bring through guidance and messages from your Higher Self and angels. Yet we also hear dreadful stories of “scam” psychics who “pretend” to connect to the spirit-world by using what is referred to as “cold reading” techniques. Some people run straight to the psychic telephone lines, give their credit card number and hope that they will get the guidance they need.

While others run off to the New Age Festival and queue up for a reading with a stranger in a noisy room. So how do you find the right spiritual

guidance for you? Speaking as a psychic myself, and someone who has been offering psy-chic readings and insights for well over thirty years, I have to tell you that psychic ability flows most easily in a non-stressful controlled environ-ment without noisy crowds, loud mu-sic, interruptions, telephones ringing and other kinds of pressures.

Good and genuine psychics are also counsellors as new information is received and questions asked. They need to be sensitive and well con-nected to the higher realms to ensure that messages are accurately con-veyed, therefore a personal reading in a controlled setting is definitely the better option.

Good psychics are often hard working people who shun crowds, the lime-light, television lights, fame and for-tune and put their clients and their psychic skills first. Therefore finding such people can be a challenge as a quick internet search tends to bring

up those psychics with enough finan-cial resources to afford a fancy web-site, be seen on television and/or appear on stage giving mediumship demonstrations at New Age Festivals. While many of these psychics offer wonderful readings, in the end the best psychic for you may be someone with a low profile.

In other words, just because someone is “famous” doesn’t mean they are a good psychic!

This is why we created this international psychic directory

Find Your Psychic.com

Browse the categories you will find many psychics who are not famous but offer personal and sensitive read-ings.

You are seeking spiritual advice about love, your career, relationships, friendships and your family we can point you in some interesting direc-tions.

We offer a site where you can select a local or overseas based psychic, as well as read interesting articles writ-ten by many contributors in our eMagazine.


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This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its

contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter

do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable

arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

Find your own Psychic Advertising—Lesley Crossingham

Garbage bins and Feng Shui Roseline Deleu-international Feng Shui Master (Australia & Worldwide)

What is really important is how you consider your garbage… Personally I must admit that emptying my garbage became a ritual!

Each time I tie the knot of my plastic bag and bring it to the main bin, it is like symbolically getting rid of some of past emotional challenges. I smile and feel relieved.

Feng Shui-wise it is important to empty your bins regularly and to clean them too! No-one likes a dirty or a smelly bin. While cleaning your bin, set a clear intent to manifest some-thing good that will replace the chal-lenge that you are cleaning out. It is normal to have garbage, how we deal with it is more important!

Roseline Deleu Follow my Feng Shui Steps BLOG www.fengshuisteps.com

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This publication seeks only to share the knowledge and experiences of the authors, their students and clients. It is stressed that its

contents are in no way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professionals. The authors of this website and newsletter

do not accept any liability for loss, damage or other irrespective of cause which you may suffer or for which you become liable

arising from or as a result of any actions you may take from the advice offered in this website and newsletter.

Mirrors in Bedrooms Reader & Roseline Deleu

Dear Roseline , We have a mirror in our bedroom. It is opposite the window. What should I do?

Dear Reader, From what I can see in your picture, the mirror is not reflecting you in bed – that is a good point!

My question to you will be: Do you have any problem sleeping? If so, cover the mirror at night. If no problem sleeping, then leave as it is.

When (like in your case) a mirror is reflecting the window, look carefully what you see through this window as it is reflected back inside the room… a beautiful garden? Then it is perfect… On the other hand if you reflect a dead tree then you will project dead energy inside your room. Mirrors are real gateways to spirits! Gateways -yes - and they also act like sponges and ‘store the memories’ of all what happened in their vicinity. This is one of the reasons why having mirrors in a bedroom (new or old mir-

rors) can be disturbing your sleep, having babies waking up at night cry-ing for no obvious reason.

Do you have a mirror reflecting your body when laying in bed? It is recom-mended to cover it during your rest.

Mirror ‘As New’ -> Need to be per-fectly flat and levelled – any distorted mirror will reflect a distorted view of your persona. Tiled mirrors can only ‘cut’ you into pieces and could have a subtle impact and could lead to loss of self-confidence. ‘Second Hand’ mirrors-> Have to be cleansed thoroughly to remove as much as possible from its past memo-ries.

A clutter-free Gift , a special Gift indeed! Roseline Deleu—international Feng Shui Master & Intuitive Counsellor

Offer the amount you wish! This Gift Certificate will be a lovely surprise under the Christmas tree!

On other occasions, it is also a thoughtful present for a birthday, hens night or any other good reason!

Your guest will be able to choose spend it amongst my services:

Intuitive Reading (from $22 to $135)

Counselling session 1.5 h $135

Channelling of an original acrylic painting on canvas with personal message (you decide the size and the price)

Personal Development Courses ($695)

Book, E-Book or CD ($22—$25)

Feng Shui Consultation (discount voucher)

Become a Psychic Counsellor one day course or discount

Get together and offer a larger amount for someone who wish to follow my 5 day Feng Shui Practitio-ner course!

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