feminism 3: language and body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “spelling,” poems by 夏宇

Feminism 3: Feminism 3: Language and Body Language and Body 安安安安安 〈〉 安安安安安 〈〉 Spelling,” Poems by Spelling,” Poems by

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Feminism 3: Language Feminism 3: Language and Bodyand Body

〈安卓珍妮〉〈安卓珍妮〉““Spelling,” Poems by Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇夏宇

Page 2: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇


〈安卓珍妮〉〈安卓珍妮〉 Body and Language: “Spelling” Body and Language: “Spelling” Duality or parody:Duality or parody: 夏宇夏宇 Discourse on the Logic of Language Discourse on the Logic of Language

Page 3: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

〈安卓珍妮〉︰情節〈安卓珍妮〉︰情節 1. 1. 安安卓卓珍珍尼尼


斑尾毛蜥的外型、斑尾毛蜥的外型、習性、發現者及習性、發現者及發現地。發現地。 11-1211-12

Beginning of Quest: Beginning of Quest: 女主角上山,離女主角上山,離開丈夫並尋找安卓珍尼。介紹安文、開丈夫並尋找安卓珍尼。介紹安文、老人家、男人老人家、男人 3/153/15 ;; 12 - 2112 - 21

斑尾毛蜥的分類斑尾毛蜥的分類問題問題 ; ; 21-2321-23

Conflict/Complication: Conflict/Complication: 女主角與男人女主角與男人的拉鋸戰,要求男人幫她尋找安卓珍的拉鋸戰,要求男人幫她尋找安卓珍尼;鏡子、洋紫荊、安文、傳真機 、尼;鏡子、洋紫荊、安文、傳真機 、丈夫、老人、康教授丈夫、老人、康教授 23-3823-38

斑尾毛蜥在進化斑尾毛蜥在進化道路上停住並往道路上停住並往回走回走 ; ; 39-4039-40

Intensification Intensification climax : climax : 和男人一起和男人一起尋找;康教授、相機、食物、蟒蛇尋找;康教授、相機、食物、蟒蛇 ; ; sesex andx and 看到安卓珍尼看到安卓珍尼


2nd Quest; more struggle 2nd Quest; more struggle 看到安看到安卓珍尼;男人把她帶來。安卓珍尼逃卓珍尼;男人把她帶來。安卓珍尼逃走走找到了安卓珍尼的語言;完成文稿;找到了安卓珍尼的語言;完成文稿;準備生下孩子。女主角與安卓珍尼合準備生下孩子。女主角與安卓珍尼合而為一。而為一。Ref: http://ceiba.cc.ntu.edu.tw/01039/board/2000/g9/r4/mainanalysis.html

Page 4: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Starting QuestionsStarting Questions

1.1. What doesWhat does 安卓珍尼 安卓珍尼 represent in this storepresent in this story? (Note: ry? (Note: lizardlizard) What about ) What about 洋紫荊洋紫荊 ? ? ((lizardlizard) )

2.2. How is the female protagonist characteriHow is the female protagonist characterized? Is she a nature lover? zed? Is she a nature lover?

3.3. What does she need and quest for? What does she need and quest for? 4.4. In the story there are several sets of binaIn the story there are several sets of bina

ries; for instance, nature vs. city/civilizatiries; for instance, nature vs. city/civilization, women vs. men, on, women vs. men,

Page 5: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

安卓珍尼 安卓珍尼 1.1. Categorization: Categorization: 背背鬣鬣(ㄌㄧㄝ(ㄌㄧㄝ 、) 、)2.2. Different interpretations: Different interpretations: 『 『 費文與莫娃表面上在進費文與莫娃表面上在進

行學術上的爭論,其實表現著父權社會結構中關行學術上的爭論,其實表現著父權社會結構中關於性別論述的權力之爭。費文認為:「單一物種於性別論述的權力之爭。費文認為:「單一物種乃不正常和次等的雜交種」 而莫娃則提出:乃不正常和次等的雜交種」 而莫娃則提出:「雄性班尾毛「雄性班尾毛蜥蜥是在是在進化進化的過程中漸次滅絕」的的過程中漸次滅絕」的雄性滅絕論。』雄性滅絕論。』 ((http://ceiba.cc.ntu.edu.tw/01039/board/2000/g9/r4/manhttp://ceiba.cc.ntu.edu.tw/01039/board/2000/g9/r4/manwoman.htmlwoman.html ) )

3.3. ““She” and feminine writing (pp. 75)She” and feminine writing (pp. 75)

Page 6: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

““I” and the other characters (1)I” and the other characters (1)

Husband; --domineering and protective pp. Husband; --domineering and protective pp. 31-32 (31-32 (notenote); calm and analytical 60-61); calm and analytical 60-61

Man – “I” switching from feeling superior Man – “I” switching from feeling superior (24), to a mixture of defensiveness and (24), to a mixture of defensiveness and expectation (25; 30), of rejecting him (29) expectation (25; 30), of rejecting him (29) and dominating him by words(46), to the and dominating him by words(46), to the desire to win over him and to depend on desire to win over him and to depend on him. (e.g. 51) him. (e.g. 51) torture him, sex and torture him, sex and conquer p. 55 conquer p. 55

Page 7: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

““I” and the other characters (2)I” and the other characters (2)

““I” and I” and 安文 –安文 – opposite to each otheropposite to each other 安文 安文 does not like to live in wild nature (pp. 1does not like to live in wild nature (pp. 1

3-14)3-14) Typically ‘feminine’ (17-18); Typically ‘feminine’ (17-18); Regular and predictable (21) Regular and predictable (21) 男人男人 Represents language & civilization (Represents language & civilization ( 傳真機 傳真機 22

6) 6) 男人男人

Page 8: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

““I” and the other characters (2)I” and the other characters (2)

The grandfather and professor Kang: The grandfather and professor Kang: The grandfather – pp. 14, 15, 18, 25, 33-The grandfather – pp. 14, 15, 18, 25, 33-

34 sharing their love of nature, curiosity 34 sharing their love of nature, curiosity about ‘original identity’ (of Hong Kong, or about ‘original identity’ (of Hong Kong, or of women); of women);

Professor Kang – admiration (34) and love Professor Kang – admiration (34) and love (44) (44)

Page 9: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

““I”: Sense of Self and I”: Sense of Self and 安卓珍尼 安卓珍尼 Wants to communicate with her; Wants to communicate with her; Her sense of self: Her sense of self:

Curious about her image in the mirror; Curious about her image in the mirror; Losing words; Losing words; Her naked body merges with nature Her naked body merges with nature

p. 50 dreams of her p. 50 dreams of her gets to be more dependent on the man;gets to be more dependent on the man; Fear Fear power p. 52; power p. 52; Sense of contradiction p. 60; Sense of contradiction p. 60; Confronting Confronting 安卓珍尼 安卓珍尼 (or the self she quests for) p. (or the self she quests for) p.

62 ; 66 62 ; 66

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Androgyny as a Solution?Androgyny as a Solution?

More power struggleMore power struggle More sense of guilt p. 69More sense of guilt p. 69 Burning up her manuscript Burning up her manuscript separation, intention to killseparation, intention to kill suicide; suicide;

finish writing, expecting birht, visiofinish writing, expecting birht, vision of female autonomy.n of female autonomy.

Page 11: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Quest for Quest for 安卓珍尼 安卓珍尼 1.1. The quest is developed through the ‘I’’s relationships with The quest is developed through the ‘I’’s relationships with

the other characters, which are set in opposition to either the other characters, which are set in opposition to either the narrator or another person. the narrator or another person.

2.2. I vs. I vs. 安文安文 ; I vs. the husband; I on the side of the grandf; I vs. the husband; I on the side of the grandfather and prof. Kangather and prof. Kang

3.3. War of sexes: I vs. the man War of sexes: I vs. the man (I vs. prof. Kang)(I vs. prof. Kang); they vs.; they vs.

安卓珍尼安卓珍尼 ; ;

4.4. I +I + 安卓珍尼 安卓珍尼 + the man vs. + the man vs. 安文安文 , the grandfathe, the grandfather. r.

5.5. I +I + 安卓珍尼 安卓珍尼 vs. the man, the husband, vs. the man, the husband, 安文 安文 anand the grandfather d the grandfather

Page 12: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

董啟章 董啟章 九四年以〈安卓珍尼〉和〈少年神農〉分九四年以〈安卓珍尼〉和〈少年神農〉分別獲得了別獲得了聯合文學小說新人獎中篇首獎聯合文學小說新人獎中篇首獎和和短篇推薦獎;短篇推薦獎;

九五年又以〈雙身〉獲得聯合報文學獎長九五年又以〈雙身〉獲得聯合報文學獎長篇小說特別獎 篇小說特別獎

Page 13: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Notes (1): Notes (1): 洋紫荊洋紫荊 大約於大約於 18801880 年,一位神父在香港島鋼線灣海邊,年,一位神父在香港島鋼線灣海邊,

發現了一棵開著深紫紅色花朵的樹木。由於在世發現了一棵開著深紫紅色花朵的樹木。由於在世界各地並沒有發現相同的品種,植物學家於界各地並沒有發現相同的品種,植物學家於 19081908年,判定這是新的品種,並以熱愛植物的前港督年,判定這是新的品種,並以熱愛植物的前港督卜力爵士的姓氏,命名為卜力爵士的姓氏,命名為 Bauhinia blakeanaBauhinia blakeana ( ( 洋洋紫荊紫荊 )) 。 。


Page 14: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

在台灣,洋紫荊則被在台灣,洋紫荊則被叫作叫作艷紫荊艷紫荊,反而在,反而在台灣所叫的台灣所叫的洋紫荊洋紫荊,,就是在香港所叫的紅就是在香港所叫的紅花羊蹄甲 花羊蹄甲 (( 台灣台灣中央研究院植物所標中央研究院植物所標本館本館資料資料 )) 。 。

(source: (source: http://www.hkedcity.net/iclub_fihttp://www.hkedcity.net/iclub_files/a/1/40/webpage/features/2les/a/1/40/webpage/features/24/bauhinia.htm4/bauhinia.htm

) )

Page 15: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Note (2):Note (2): 第二十三對染色體第二十三對染色體 第二十三對染色體(第二十三對染色體( chormosomechormosome ),是),是

決定性別的染色體,男性的性染色體為決定性別的染色體,男性的性染色體為 XYXY染色體,女性為染色體,女性為 XXXX 染色體,經減數分裂後染色體,經減數分裂後(( meiosismeiosis )形成)形成 XX 、、 YY 配子,形成之合配子,形成之合子如帶有子如帶有 XYXY 染色體,即為男性,染色體,即為男性, XXXX 染色染色體為女性。 體為女性。 (source: (source: http://www.newton.com.tw/special/special_01/a5-8.htmlhttp://www.newton.com.tw/special/special_01/a5-8.html

) )

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Note (3):Copulation & LizardsNote (3):Copulation & Lizards


有些蜥蜴採「孤雌生殖」,能直接以無 性有些蜥蜴採「孤雌生殖」,能直接以無 性生殖方式產生下一代生殖方式產生下一代


http://www.junglewalk.com/frames.asphttp://www.junglewalk.com/frames.asp 到底有沒有毛蜥?到底有沒有毛蜥?

Page 17: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Body and Language: “Spelling” Body and Language: “Spelling” Stanza I: the physical (birthing) vs. the Stanza I: the physical (birthing) vs. the

spiritual (writing)spiritual (writing) Stanza II: oppression of the physical Stanza II: oppression of the physical

(bodies which produce babies and(bodies which produce babies and words words)) Stanza III: turning oppression into Stanza III: turning oppression into

expression: language as one’s flesh to expression: language as one’s flesh to body as one’s mouthbody as one’s mouth

Stanza IV: learning a new languageStanza IV: learning a new language

Page 18: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

夏宇夏宇腹語術 --腹語術 -- rewriting traditional marriage, rewriting traditional marriage,

giving up marriage for ‘self-sufficiency’ and giving up marriage for ‘self-sufficiency’ and language language

某些雙人舞 -- 某些雙人舞 -- parody and revision of trparody and revision of traditional poetry of women’s waiting aditional poetry of women’s waiting wait waiting becomes a kind of game and dancing. ing becomes a kind of game and dancing.

Page 19: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

M. Nourbese PhilipM. Nourbese Philip “Discourse on the “Discourse on the Logic of Writing” Logic of Writing”

Multiple styles Multiple styles

Orality: rhythmic creole language

Apparently official documents


Re-defining, changing the meaningsCombined;

search for the mother tongue

Page 20: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Her StylesHer Styles asymmetrical patterning of free verse. asymmetrical patterning of free verse.

“Discourse on the Logic of Language”“Discourse on the Logic of Language”

a Collage of a Collage of

a search for m

other (tongue)

a personal statement of one’s linguistic identity and anguish.

A critique of medical, scientific discourse & other authorities.

Page 21: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

mother tongue: mother tongue: connected & connected & disconnecteddisconnected

What is my mother tongue What is my mother tongue my mammy tongue my mammy tongue my mummy tongue my mummy tongue my momsy tongue my momsy tongue my modder tongue my modder tongue my ma tongue? my ma tongue?

I have no mother I have no mother tongue tongue no mother to tongue no mother to tongue no tongue to mother no tongue to mother to mother to mother tonguetongue

(cannot create tongue to create tongue)

The capitalized part: The capitalized part:

Connected and nourished Connected and nourished physically by the mother’physically by the mother’s tongue in the past. s tongue in the past.

Page 22: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Critique of Authorities (1) Critique of Authorities (1) "EDICT I: Every owner of slaves shall, "EDICT I: Every owner of slaves shall,

wherever possible, ensure that his wherever possible, ensure that his slaves belong to as many ethno-slaves belong to as many ethno-linguistic groups as possible. linguistic groups as possible. If they If they cannot speak to each other,cannot speak to each other, they they cannot then foment rebellion and cannot then foment rebellion and revolution" (revolution" (She TriesShe Tries 56). 56).

control the slaves by destroying their control the slaves by destroying their language community.language community.

Page 23: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Note: language switchNote: language switch

However, as is becoming evident in more recent However, as is becoming evident in more recent Africanist research, ethnic identity in West Africa Africanist research, ethnic identity in West Africa was fluid and multiple, and people could belong twas fluid and multiple, and people could belong to several different communities, including groupo several different communities, including groups based upon shared language. s based upon shared language. Certain Africans' Certain Africans' ability to language-switch thus served as a site oability to language-switch thus served as a site of resistance in the Americas;f resistance in the Americas; the aptitude for lan the aptitude for languages enabled them to avoid slave masters' attguages enabled them to avoid slave masters' attempts at complete control of their interactions anempts at complete control of their interactions and experiences.(d experiences.(AnatolAnatol))

Page 24: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Critique of Authorities (2)Critique of Authorities (2) the theories of Drs. the theories of Drs.

Karl Wernicke and Karl Wernicke and Paul Broca on the Paul Broca on the parts of the brain rparts of the brain responsible for speesponsible for speech and the racist tech and the racist theories of Broca aheories of Broca as to the superiority s to the superiority of Caucasiansof Caucasians

Page 25: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

Critique of Authorities Critique of Authorities What are the answers to these multiple What are the answers to these multiple

choice questions? Which authorities are choice questions? Which authorities are parodied here?parodied here?

From critique of male and educational aFrom critique of male and educational authorities, Eurocentrism, to rejection of buthorities, Eurocentrism, to rejection of being subject to the existing or absent laneing subject to the existing or absent languages. guages.

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A Student Report: A Student Report: http://ccsun57.cc.ntu.edu.tw/~meicl/2000-http://ccsun57.cc.ntu.edu.tw/~meicl/2000-acrobat/p02.pdfacrobat/p02.pdf

A Group Report: A Group Report:


Page 27: Feminism 3: Language and Body 〈安卓珍妮〉 “Spelling,” Poems by 夏宇

推薦網站推薦網站 性別論術與台灣小說 性別論術與台灣小說

http://ceiba.cc.ntu.edu.tw/gender-fiction/http://ceiba.cc.ntu.edu.tw/gender-fiction/ 近現代文學與文化 近現代文學與文化
