fema region iii introduction to the regional emergency

1 FEMA Region III Introduction to the Regional Emergency Communications Working Group & Disaster Emergency Communications Division John MacLean DEC Coordinator FEMA Region III DEC October 28 th 2009

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FEMA Region III Introduction to the Regional Emergency Communications Working Group & Disaster Emergency Communications Division

John MacLeanDEC CoordinatorFEMA Region III DECOctober 28th 2009

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RECCWG = Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group

DEC = Disaster Emergency Communications

NECP = National Emergency Communications Plan

MERS = Mobile Emergency Response Support

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RECCWG Background

The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007, Section 1805, established RECCWGs—– To serve as a key federal coordination point for emergency communications at the regional level

– Defined membership of regional representatives at the Federal, State, local, and Tribal levels

RECCWG membership includes Federal, State, and local government officials, police and fire departments, emergency managers, public safety associations, and communications vendors

Title XVIII defines RECCWG statutory duties:– Assess survivability, sustainability, and interoperability of local emergency communications systems

– Report annually to Federal stakeholders on the regional status of interoperable voice and data emergency communications networks

– Coordinate effective multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency emergency communications networks for use during disasters

– Coordinate establishment of Federal, State, local, and Tribal support services and networks

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RECCWG Mission

Primary RECCWG missions are to:

– Facilitate Nationwide coordination between Federal, State, and local emergency communications stakeholders to ensure maximum preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities and assets are leveraged in the event of an incident

– Provide Federal agencies with a vision into regional preparedness efforts to identify emergency communications shortcomings at the State and local level, and leverage Federal resources to mitigate these risks

– Act as a forum for Federal agencies to increase awareness of preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities which can be leveraged by State and local emergency communications stakeholders

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National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) Milestones

12 Months from NECP Release

July 31, 2009RECCWGs fully established as the primary link among all levels of government at the FEMA regional level

July 31, 2009 RECCWGs work with State and local agencies to assess priority State vulnerabilities

July 31, 2009RECCWGs conduct communications systems impact analyses of the disaster and disruption scenarios

18 Months from NECP Release

January 31, 2010RECCWGs ensure all Federal, State, local and tribal emergency response providers have developed and implemented communications operations continuity plans during and following a disaster

24 Months from NECP Release

July 31, 2010RECCWGs ensure all Federal, State, local, and tribal emergency response providers have coordinated communications continuity exercises and established crisis communications SOPs

* NECP was released on July 31, 2008

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RECCWG Benefits for Federal, State, and Local Entities

RECCWGs offer a number of benefits that span RECCWG membership as well as disaster emergency preparedness, response, and recovery operations

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RECCWG Roles and Responsibilities

RECCWG Members

– Create an inclusive environment responsive to statutory duties and the needs of members

– Ensure identified tasks are completed in a timely manner and outstanding issues are passed to the Regional RECC Coordinator

Regional RECCWG Vice Chairperson

– Appointed State Representative that aids in setting the agenda of the discussions of the Work Group in order to help build and inclusive collaborative environment. Vice Chair position rotates annually between each of the 6 region III State representatives.

Regional RECC Coordinator (RECCWG Chairperson)

– Ensure appropriate and active RECCWG membership, representative of Federal, State, local, and Tribal public safety entities, associations, and vendors

– Support the efforts to share findings and recommendations with Regional Administrator, adjacent FEMA Regions, National RECC Coordinator, and other Federal entities (e.g., OEC, FCC, NTIA, etc.)

National RECC Coordinator

– Provide headquarter-level strategic and planning guidance to support Regional Coordinators and RECCWGs

– Support planning and technical support at the regional level and interface with other Federal agencies

– Disseminate National-level emergency communications plans, procedures, and budgets

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Suggested subcommittees that can be established:– Mutual Aid Coordination Subcommittee

– Frequency Coordination Subcommittee

– Training and Exercise Subcommittee

– Grant Programs Subcommittee

Federal, State, and local associations that can be leveraged for additional insight:– Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO)

– Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications (FPIC)

– International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)

– International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)

– International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)

– National Emergency Management Association (NEMA)

– National Emergency Number Association (NENA)

– National Public Safety Planning Telecommunications Council (NPSTC)

– State Hospital Associations

RECCWG Considerations

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Agency Responsibility Related-Activities

FEMA Disaster Emergency Communications (DEC)


• Support the establishment of the RECCWGs and provides National-level guidance to the regions

• Develops deployable DEC packages to be used when responding to a disaster

• Develops emergency communications plans to identify vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies

FEMA Grant Programs Directorate (GPD)

• Ensure awareness of available Federal funding opportunities

• Obtain and incorporate feedback on grant programs and guidance

• Administers the Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) and Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program (IECGP)

Office of Emergency Communications (OEC)

• Coordinate and deliver technical assistance support

• Provide best practices, training, exercises, planning, and policy guidance to the State and locals

• Performs Communications Unit Leader (COML) training courses

• Developed the National Interoperability Field Operations Guide (NIFOG)

• Developed the NECP

National Communications System (NCS)

• Provide a link to communications vendors to facilitate private sector involvement in the RECCWGs

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

• Provide State and local level frequency and spectrum coordination in the regions

• Leads Project Roll Call that allows FCC and FEMA to know which state and local radio systems are operational during an incident

National Telecommunications and

Information Administration (NTIA)

• Provide Federal frequency coordination

• Obtain feedback on the PSIC grant program from PSIC members

• Administers the PSIC Grant Program

• Provides technical assistance for the PSIC Grant Program

Federal Agency Coordination and Activities

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Continue to add new members to the working group

Acceptance of the Region III RECCWG Charter scheduled for February 09 Meeting

Subcommittees established as of December 08 Meeting: Disaster Emergency Communications Planning Education and Outreach Grants Funding Fuel and Emergency Power for Communications

Election of Constance McGeorge from the Commonwealth of Virginia as Working Group Vice Chairperson

The Working Group identified the following organizations whose work may overlap into that of the RECCWG: All Hazards Consortium (AHC) Regional Advisory Council (RAC) National Association of State 9-1-1 Directors (NASNA)

Region III RECCWG Activities

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RECCWG Meetings Region III DEC has conducted 3 Face to Face Plenary Meetings since the working

group inception in 3rd quarter 2008. Teleconferences are held monthly Face to Face meetings are rotated between different Region III state locations in

order to accommodate states with travel restrictions

Examples of Topics discussed Updates on grant programs targeted toward Communications Updates on the FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) equipment upgrade project Updates on the Integrated Public Alert Warning System project Emergency Communications Planning efforts Agency updates from the Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) and the

National Communications System (NCS) State communications initiatives and best practices

Region III RECCWG Activities (continued)

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Speaking engagements Providing an overview of RECCWG and DEC West Virginia Radio Interoperability Project Conference in National Guard Camp

Dawson WV (September 2009)

Pennsylvania Interoperable Communications Summit in State College PA (September 2009)

* Several MERS vehicles provided from Thomasville MERS detachment for static display and equipment demonstration purposes (G-20 Summit package)

Philadelphia Fire Department Annual Muster event (October 2009)

Commonwealth of Virginia / APCO Statewide Communications Conference in Roanoka VA (October 2009)

Region III RECCWG Outreach Activities

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FEMA Disaster Emergency FEMA Disaster Emergency Communications Communications

Definition, Mission & Disaster Definition, Mission & Disaster DeploymentDeployment

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Disaster Emergency Communications Definition and MissionDisaster Emergency Communications Definition and Mission

FEMA’s Disaster Emergency Communications (DEC) Division provides and leads integrated Federal communications support to emergency responders at all levels of government

DEC’s Mission

– Ensure operable and interoperable communications are available in a disaster.

– Provide voice, video, and data communications for responders and Federal partners.

– Support emergency management across the entire disaster management lifecycle—preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery.

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DEC Roles and ResponsibilitiesDEC Roles and Responsibilities

Lead integrator of Federal resources during an incident to support the emergency communications needs of State, local, and tribal governments

Deploy communications assets during incidents

Establish and support the communications needs of Joint Field Offices (JFO)

Develop State-specific operational emergency communications plans

Support Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Groups (RECCWG)

Coordinate efforts with Federal government agencies and industry partners

Disaster Emergency Communications must be integrated at all government levels to effectively serve as the backbone of emergency response.

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National DEC Organizational StructureNational DEC Organizational Structure

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DEC PlansDEC Plans

Regional Communications Plans

– Define an approach for the regional implementation of communications coordination and rapid response communications capabilities

– Identify actions for regional communications personnel and supporting national offices to prepare for and deploy to an incident

State Communication Plans

– Provide an integrated Federal, State, local, and Tribal approach to ensuring effective communications coordination prior to and immediately following an incident

– Define communications requirements and subsequent mitigation strategies for all responsible parties

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Joint Region VIII & Region III DEC Disaster Deployment (March & April 2009)

Flooding along the Missouri River near the State Capital of Bismarck due to Ice Jam. Explosives used to breakup ice and get water moving.

Flooding along the Red River in the Cities of Fargo & Grand Forks.

Floodwater threatening Dam structures that would affect the Cities of Jamestown, Valley City, Cottonwood Creek, Lisbon.

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Air and Ground Operations Supported by Communications

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Ice Jam DemolitionIce Jam DemolitionMissouri River Missouri River

South of Bismarck, N.D.South of Bismarck, N.D.March 25, 2009March 25, 2009

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Communications Capabilities Coordinated through the FEMA Joint Field Office DEC Branch

Provide interoperable communications in Jamestown and Valley City in support of Coast Guard, Army National Guard Aircraft assets and Coast Guard & State Dept. Wildlife boats for Search and Recue missions via mobile VHF radio repeaters.

A MERS Incident Response Vehicle operated as the Tactical Operations Center  for the Coast Guard and air operations in Jamestown.

MERS VHF radio repeater trailer used to provide fail over tower capability for Public Safety agencies. Main towers threatened by loss of power to equipment shelter or direct penetration of flood waters.

DEC coordinated with FCC for temporary radio frequencies in support of SAR and Public Safety backup operations

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Communications Capabilities Coordinated through the FEMA Joint Field Office DEC Branch (continued)

MERS Provided streaming video feed of helicopter sandbag bombing operations to State EOC from the Lamoure Dam that had been partial breached by flood waters to monitor progress.

Water levels at the Jamestown Dam had engaged the emergency spillway for the first time since the Dams construction in 1954. DEC Coordinated with Bureau of Reclamation and private sector video sources to leverage existing video assets positioned at the Jamestown Dam. ( a new partnership made)

Mobilized 2 Incident Response Vehicles, 4 VHF Radio repeater trailers and over 200 portable radios with spare batteries,

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Dam north of Jamestown, N.D.Dam north of Jamestown, N.D.

Constructed in Constructed in 1954, 11954, 1stst time time water flowed water flowed

into Emergency into Emergency spillwayspillway

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LaMoure Dam Partial Breech

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Disaster Emergency Communications (DEC) Branch

DEC Branch Director/FECC

Tactical Communications Group Supervisor

Communications Restoration Group Supervisor

Tactical Group Staff Restoration Group Staff

Branch Support Staff

ESF #2

DEC Branch in the JFO

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MERS Capabilities Briefing

MERS – Mobile Emergency Response Support

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Who or What is MERS?

We are mission oriented.

– Our job is not to:Take over

Make a name for ourselves

Play politics

Get in the way

– Our goal is to:Help – simple and straight forward

Find a way

Accomplish the mission

Build practical relationships with other agencies

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MERS Locations

Thomasville, GADenton, TX

Frederick, MD Maynard, MD

Denver, CO

Bothell, WA

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Who do we support?


– The majority of our missions involve FEMA/disaster support.

– Thomasville MERS is assigned Regions 3 & 4.

– During disasters, our primary focus is supporting the Region and FCO.

Federal / DHS / FEMA Special Events and Exercises

– G20, Inauguration, State of the Union, Space Shuttle Recovery

– DICE, JUICE, and other exercises

State, County, Local, and other agencies

– DOD, FBI, Secret Service, Search and Rescue

– Jackson County, TN; New Orleans Mayor’s Office

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Who do we report to?

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Disaster Operations Directorate (DOD)

Disaster Emergency Communications Division (DEC)

Tactical Emergency Communications Branch (TECB)

Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS)(Six Detachments)

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MERS Detachment Organization







MERS Chief

Communications ChiefOperations Chief Logistics Chief

MERS Security Officer

Disaster Preparedness


MOC (24/7 MERS Operation Center)

20+ IT Specialists and Communications


6+ Logistics Specialists, Diesel

Mechanics and Utility Specialists

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Provide mobile telecommunications, operations support, power generation, and life support required for the on-site management of disaster

response activities.

MERS Mission

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What can MERS provide?

Communications Support:

– Mobile/tactical Communications with access to:FEMA, HSIN, and DHS Networks

PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)

VOIP (Voice over IP), ROIP (Radio over IP), and Video conferencing

LMR (Land Mobile Radio) networks and interoperability

Public Internet

Special and/or custom connections with other networks.

Example: During Hurricane Gustav, the Louisiana State Patrol lost their T1 connectivity between HQ and a remote repeater tower. We provided a satellite “point-to-point” T1 to re-establish connectivity while a new T1 was being installed.

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What can MERS provide?

Mobile/tactical packages and vehicles:

– “Fly-away” packagesSmall communications packages that may be carried aboard airlines, government vehicles,

and/or rental cars.

– “Rapid Response” Incident Response Vehicle (IRV)1-5 people inside vehicle and up to 10 more outside.

– “Small” Mobile Emergency Response Vehicle (MEOV)1-8 people inside vehicle and up to 25 more outside.

– “Medium” Mobile Emergency Response Vehicle (MEOV)1-12 people inside vehicle and up to 25 more outside.

– “Large” Mobile Emergency Response Vehicle (Green Hornet)1-35 people inside vehicle and up to 100 more outside.

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What can MERS provide?

Specialty services and vehicles:

– Land Mobile Radio (LMR) AssetsVHF, UHF, 800 MHz, and Aviation

– Line-of-Sight (LOS) CommunicationsLOS microwave equipment

– Streaming Video over IPProvide on location situational awareness

Can downlink video from equipped aircraft

– Satellite CommunicationsVariety of satellite communication vehicles and equipment

– Secure Communications (Special request)Secure voice, fax, and video conferencing

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What can MERS provide?

Logistics support:

– Emergency power generation

– Life support

– Diesel fuel

– Potable water

– Mobile HVAC (up to 16,000 sq. ft.)

Operations support:

– 24 hour / 7 day MERS Operation Center (MOC)

– Agency coordination

– Incident reporting

– Serves as the primary liaison for the MERS Detachment

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MERS Vehicles

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Medium Communications Package

Forward Communications Vehicle (FCV) • VHF Radio• UHF Low Band Radio• UHF High Band Radio• 800MHz Trunking Radio (Interoperable)• HF Radio• BGAN 727• MSAT G2• Direct TV• ACU-T• GPS

Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)• 1-3 Mbps via On Call Communications• 24 Analog Phones• 23 FEMA.net computer ports• 23 “Dirty” Internet ports• Uninterruptible power supply• Portable generators

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Light Communications Package

Blackberry (AT&T) • Voice (WPS+GETS)• Email• Limited Internet

Iridium Phone (x26)Voice satellite Phone

Mobile VTC (x1)Portable Video Teleconference Unit

BGAN 700 (x2)Voice or data via commercial satellite or ISDN line

Laptop Computer• Verizon air card• AT&T air card

Individual Team Member Team Communications Assets

XTS-5000 (x23)UHF Handheld Radio

QSec (x4)Cellular Secure Voice

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“Fly-Away” Packages

Iridium 9505a



– Explorer 700 and 500

Situational Awareness (SA) Kit

– Streaming Video

QSEC Secure Cell Phones

Wide variety of portable communications equipment

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Incident Response Vehicle (IRV)

Supports 1-5 people inside with up to 10 more outside of the vehicle.

Primary uses:

– Situational Awareness

– Incident command post

– Forward deployed operations

Typical deployed Package

– 2-person crew


– F350 w/ Support Trailer

“Rapid Response” vehicle

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Incident Response Vehicle (IRV)

The IRV can provide:

– FEMA Intranet

– Public Internet

– Video Conferencing



– VHF Repeater

– HF, VHF, UHF, 800 MHz radio

– Radio InteroperabilityCisco IPICS


– Audio/Video CapabilityStreaming Video

(IRV) – “Rapid Response” vehicle

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Mobile Emergency Operations Vehicle

(MEOV) – “small” vehicle Supports 1-9 people inside with up to 25 more outside

of the vehicle.

Primary uses:

– IMAT (Incidence Management Assessment Team) Support

– FCO (Federal Coordinating Officer) Support

– Mobile DRC (Disaster Recovery Center)

– Mobile Office – General Purpose

Typical deployed Package

– 3-5 person crew


– F350 w/ Satellite trailer

– Admin/Support Vehicle

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The MEOV can provide:

– FEMA Intranet

– Public Internet

– Video Conferencing



– VHF, UHF, 800 MHz radio

– Radio InteroperabilityCisco IPICS


Mobile Emergency Operations Vehicle

(MEOV) – “small” vehicle

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Mobile Emergency Operations Vehicle

(MEOV - Kentucky) – “Medium” vehicle Supports 1-12 people inside with up to 25 more

outside of the vehicle.

Primary uses:

– IMAT (Incidence Management Assessment Team) Support

– FCO (Federal Coordinating Officer) Support

– Mobile DRC (Disaster Recovery Center)

– Mobile Office – General Purpose

Typical deployed Package

– 3-5 person crew


– F350 w/ Satellite trailer

– Admin/Support Vehicle

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The MEOV can provide:

– FEMA Intranet

– Public Internet

– Video Conferencing


– (With future upgrade)VOIP, ROIP

VHF, UHF, 800 MHz radio

Radio Interoperability



This vehicle is on display outside.

Mobile Emergency Operations Vehicle

(MEOV - Kentucky) – “Medium” vehicle

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Mobile Emergency Operations Vehicle

(MEOV – Green Hornet) – “Large” vehicle Supports 10-35 people inside with up to 75 more

outside of the vehicle.

Primary uses:

– IMAT (Incidence Management Assessment Team) Support

– FCO (Federal Coordinating Officer) Support

– Mobile Office – General Purpose

Typical deployed Package

– 5-7 person crew

– Green Hornet

– F350 w/ Satellite trailer

– Support Vehicle

– Admin Vehicle

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The Green Hornet can provide:

– FEMA Intranet

– Public Internet

– Video Conferencing


– (With future upgrade)VOIP, ROIP

VHF, UHF, 800 MHz radio

Radio Interoperability



Mobile Emergency Operations Vehicle

(MEOV – Green Hornet) – “Large” vehicle

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Portable KU Satellite Trailer

(PKU) – Mobile Satellite vehicle The PKU can provide:

– Multiple KU satellite downlinks

– BGAN (INMARSAT) services

Typical uses:

– Provide satellite connectivity for the MEOV’s

– Point-to-point satellite extensions

The PKU requires:

– Crew: 1 person

– Vehicle: F350

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Multi-Radio Van

(MRV) – Satellite / Radio vehicle The MRV can provide:

– Multiple satellite downlinks

– Line-of-Sight (LOS)


– VHF and UHF Repeaters

– FEMA Intranet


– Secure Voice and FAX

Typical uses:

– Provide satellite connectivity for the MEOV’s

– Point-to-point satellite extensions

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Other Vehicles

(LMR) – Land Mobile Radio trailer The LMR can provide:

– Line-of-Sight (LOS)


– VHF and UHF Repeaters


Typical uses:

– Provide VHF/UHF repeater coverage

– Radio Interoperability

This vehicle is on display outside

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Other Vehicles

HVAC Truck

– HVAC distribution through temporary ducts.

– 16,000 sq. ft.

Potable Water Tanker

– 6,200 gallons

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Other Vehicles

Diesel Fuel Tanker

– 2400 gallons

Diesel Fuel Tanker

– 3500 gallons

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Other Vehicles

Mobile Generator

– 100 KW

Mobile Generator

– 400 KW

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Other Vehicles

Communications Cargo Truck

– “Rolling Radio Shack”

Equipment Cargo Trucks

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You call – we’ll be there

By Air By Sea

By Land

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To request an electronic copy of this slide presentation please contact me at:

John D. MacLean III


Disaster Emergency Communications Coordinator

215-931-5592 or [email protected]

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