參考文獻 强化語文環境──繪本教育 - the education...

93 Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood 香港幼兒學報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010 强化語文環境──繪本教育 黃玉卿 東華三院田灣幼稚園 校園簡介 東華三院田灣幼稚園成立於一九九八年, 為東華三院屬下第十三所幼稚園,位於香港仔 田灣邨,為香港南區居民提供優質的幼兒教育 服務。 學校秉承東華三院一貫的辦學精神,為學 生進行「全人教育」,使他們在語言、社群、 情緒、體能及智能等各方面有均衡的發展;並 提供一個優良的學習環境,使能發揮個人的潛 能,日後具備知識、技能、有獨立思考能力、 勇於承擔責任和關注社會事務的良好公民;以 校訓「勤、儉、忠、信」為進德修業的依歸,勉 勵學生拓展豐盛而有意義的人生。 教育理念 學校從遊戲、學習和照顧這三大元素,以 整合並重的精神發展課程,通過各種學習環境 的氛圍﹐培養幼兒擁有「三心兩意」,包括好奇 心、關愛心、自信心、樂意和創意。從生活中 培養幼兒具備專注、觀察、推理及解決問題的 能力,讓幼兒對知識和周圍環境具有積極的學 習態度,並為幼兒建立正面的自我觀念、自尊 及自立能力,培養社交技能和責任感,成為一 個主動積極、熱愛生活、關心社會的好孩子。 學校深信語文能促進幼兒的思維能力,是 一切智力發展的基礎。因此一直致力培養幼兒 建立早期的閱讀能力,推廣閱讀文化。並採用 各種教學策略,促進幼兒的語文發展。 發展繪本教學 學校自一九九八年開校以來便採用「朗讀圖 書」的方式,將書面語(現代漢語)作朗讀示範, 讓幼兒進一步認識中文的書寫文字。並於二零 零二年更嘗試以故事書取代教科書,進行主題 活動,由於故事題材多樣化,又貼近幼兒的興 趣,而老師所設計的活動都是依著幼兒的遊戲 需要,進行有功能性的讀寫活動,確能增進幼 兒的語文學習成效。同時,亦能培養幼兒成為 喜歡閱讀的孩子,促進學生整體的學習能力。 The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010

參考文獻Ho, C. W. (2006.) Understanding the complexity of preschool teaching in Hong Kong:The way forward to

professionalism. International Journal of Educational Development. v26, 3, 305-314.Opper, Sylvia, (1993) Working Conditions of Early Childhood Educators in Hong Kong. CUHK Primary Education,

v3. 1, 1-8.Wong, Y. H. P. (2008). Kindergarten teachers’perceived school culture and well-being: a comparison of non-profit-

making and profit-making kindergartens. Early Child Development and Care, v9,1, 1-8.Wong, W. Y. (2000). Job satisfaction of kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong. A holistic interpretation. Unpublished

doctoral dissertation, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.袁慧筠、黎國、羅家儀(2010):《幼兒教師工作研究報告》,香港教育學院。教 育 局 :《 幼 稚 園 教 育 统 計 資 料 》, 瀏 覽 日 期 : 8 / 6 / 2 0 1 0 , h t t p : / / w w w . e d b . g o v . h k / i n d e x .

aspz?langno=1037&print=yes教 育 局 :《 財 務 委 員 會 討 論 文 件 》, 瀏 覽 日 期 : 8 / 6 / 2 0 0 9 , h t t p : / / w w w . e d b . g o v . h k / i n d e x .

aspx?nodeID=91&langno=2教育學院(2009): “Strong Employment Demand for HKIED Graduates”, HKIED Intranet(2/6/2009) 蘇淑蓮(2009):學券制究竟幫到了誰?《大公報》2009年5月28日。頁A18。




校園簡介 東華三院田灣幼稚園成立於一九九八年,為東華三院屬下第十三所幼稚園,位於香港仔田灣邨,為香港南區居民提供優質的幼兒教育服務。


教育理念 學校從遊戲、學習和照顧這三大元素,以整合並重的精神發展課程,通過各種學習環境的氛圍﹐培養幼兒擁有「三心兩意」,包括好奇心、關愛心、自信心、樂意和創意。從生活中培養幼兒具備專注、觀察、推理及解決問題的能力,讓幼兒對知識和周圍環境具有積極的學習態度,並為幼兒建立正面的自我觀念、自尊及自立能力,培養社交技能和責任感,成為一個主動積極、熱愛生活、關心社會的好孩子。


發展繪本教學 學校自一九九八年開校以來便採用「朗讀圖書」的方式,將書面語(現代漢語)作朗讀示範,讓幼兒進一步認識中文的書寫文字。並於二零零二年更嘗試以故事書取代教科書,進行主題活動,由於故事題材多樣化,又貼近幼兒的興趣,而老師所設計的活動都是依著幼兒的遊戲需要,進行有功能性的讀寫活動,確能增進幼兒的語文學習成效。同時,亦能培養幼兒成為喜歡閱讀的孩子,促進學生整體的學習能力。

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For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


1. 進行步驟 教學由四位老師帶領八十四位高班學生(合共四班),進行三星期故事主題活動,其中活動進行的步驟包括如下:

1.1 由統籌老師根據故事內的人物和事情發展設計主題網(參見附件表一),並安排有關語文和文學的活動;

1.2 統籌老師與三位老師進行備課會議,各成員根據幼兒的興趣、能力和已有知識,對有關設計內容提出修正,達成共識;

1.3 統籌老師負責統合,將預設的活動編寫教案;

1.4 老師對學生進行活動,包括大班及小組教學,共三星期,每日二小時;

1.5 每日活動完畢,老師們即舉行小組會議,以便修正教學內容,以備明日的教學準備;

1.6 最後教師們反思有關的教學成效,整理資料,作為日後再實施時的參照。

2. 教學策略 2.1 每天為幼兒進行朗讀活動 根據專家指出,幼兒對故事的感覺是來自持久而規則的聆聽,會影響他們對閱讀的瞭解及日後在閱讀上的熟練程度(Stephen D.Krashen著,李玉梅譯,2009),因此,老師在進行故事主題期間,各班老師每天都會為幼兒進行朗讀故事情節,跟着才進行各項相關活動。

2.2 設計以文學為基礎的課程(literature-based curriculum)

老師因應故事內容特色,設計以文學為基礎的課程(literature-based curriculum),這些文學作品一般有以下的大原則,包括圖書主題必須值得



2.3 採用全語言教學觀進行語文教學 老師採用全語言教學取向,營造豐富真實的語文學習環境,利用情境文字及各種文字操作材料,讓幼兒每天都有試驗閱讀與書寫的機會與經驗,安排有關的語文活動,包括聽、講、讀、寫四方面的發展(參見附件表二)。

2.4 佈置課室情境以促進幼兒的學習動機與自主學習能力


2.5 設計多種語言相關遊戲學習語言技巧 在此故事主題進行期間,老師亦設計多種語言相關遊戲,包括鼓勵幼兒因應故事各動物的特性,用文字寫成句子,與同學合作設計動物的謎語;幼兒透過由老師設計與故事相關的電腦活動,加強閱讀理解及聆聽的能力,並播放各種動物的圖片,鼓勵幼兒運用各種形容詞,描述動物的特徵,如「最大」、「最兇悍」、


2.6 進行戲劇活動以掌握語言的使用和語文規則的歸納

由於以戲劇的方式呈現故事,亦是其中一個增強幼兒閱讀興趣的方法,從中可掌握語言的使用和語文規則的歸納。因此, 老師根據故事情節遂設計模擬競選議員的活動,提出選舉


展望未來 隨着學校的發展,學校已能從繪本中,發展符合幼兒生活經驗和興趣的主題,讓幼兒在各學習範疇中有多元化的發展,尤其在語文教育上,老師已掌握有關課程和技巧,穩步提昇幼兒的語文能力。在未來的教學中,學校將扎根於原有的課程上,再發展創意教學,讓幼兒的潛能在學習中獲得更佳的發揮。

參考文獻Stephen D.Krashen著,李玉梅譯(2009) :《 閱讀的力量》,台北,心理出版社。方淑貞(2007):《 FUN的教學-圖畫書與語文教學》,台北,心理出版社。

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For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


1. 進行步驟 教學由四位老師帶領八十四位高班學生(合共四班),進行三星期故事主題活動,其中活動進行的步驟包括如下:

1.1 由統籌老師根據故事內的人物和事情發展設計主題網(參見附件表一),並安排有關語文和文學的活動;

1.2 統籌老師與三位老師進行備課會議,各成員根據幼兒的興趣、能力和已有知識,對有關設計內容提出修正,達成共識;

1.3 統籌老師負責統合,將預設的活動編寫教案;

1.4 老師對學生進行活動,包括大班及小組教學,共三星期,每日二小時;

1.5 每日活動完畢,老師們即舉行小組會議,以便修正教學內容,以備明日的教學準備;

1.6 最後教師們反思有關的教學成效,整理資料,作為日後再實施時的參照。

2. 教學策略 2.1 每天為幼兒進行朗讀活動 根據專家指出,幼兒對故事的感覺是來自持久而規則的聆聽,會影響他們對閱讀的瞭解及日後在閱讀上的熟練程度(Stephen D.Krashen著,李玉梅譯,2009),因此,老師在進行故事主題期間,各班老師每天都會為幼兒進行朗讀故事情節,跟着才進行各項相關活動。

2.2 設計以文學為基礎的課程(literature-based curriculum)

老師因應故事內容特色,設計以文學為基礎的課程(literature-based curriculum),這些文學作品一般有以下的大原則,包括圖書主題必須值得



2.3 採用全語言教學觀進行語文教學 老師採用全語言教學取向,營造豐富真實的語文學習環境,利用情境文字及各種文字操作材料,讓幼兒每天都有試驗閱讀與書寫的機會與經驗,安排有關的語文活動,包括聽、講、讀、寫四方面的發展(參見附件表二)。

2.4 佈置課室情境以促進幼兒的學習動機與自主學習能力


2.5 設計多種語言相關遊戲學習語言技巧 在此故事主題進行期間,老師亦設計多種語言相關遊戲,包括鼓勵幼兒因應故事各動物的特性,用文字寫成句子,與同學合作設計動物的謎語;幼兒透過由老師設計與故事相關的電腦活動,加強閱讀理解及聆聽的能力,並播放各種動物的圖片,鼓勵幼兒運用各種形容詞,描述動物的特徵,如「最大」、「最兇悍」、


2.6 進行戲劇活動以掌握語言的使用和語文規則的歸納

由於以戲劇的方式呈現故事,亦是其中一個增強幼兒閱讀興趣的方法,從中可掌握語言的使用和語文規則的歸納。因此, 老師根據故事情節遂設計模擬競選議員的活動,提出選舉


展望未來 隨着學校的發展,學校已能從繪本中,發展符合幼兒生活經驗和興趣的主題,讓幼兒在各學習範疇中有多元化的發展,尤其在語文教育上,老師已掌握有關課程和技巧,穩步提昇幼兒的語文能力。在未來的教學中,學校將扎根於原有的課程上,再發展創意教學,讓幼兒的潛能在學習中獲得更佳的發揮。

參考文獻Stephen D.Krashen著,李玉梅譯(2009) :《 閱讀的力量》,台北,心理出版社。方淑貞(2007):《 FUN的教學-圖畫書與語文教學》,台北,心理出版社。

The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010

附件表一 附件表二







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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010

附件表一 附件表二







The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010

Errata Slip for Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood Volume 9 Number 1


An errata slip for Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood Volume 9 Number 1 is attached. It lists errors found in the issue and shows the corrections. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused to our readers and authors.


Page 頁 Line 行 Original Text 原文內容 Corrected Text更正內容Content Page 目錄


14Teacher Development: Understanding student’s misconceptions

Ways to advance teachers’ development: an analysis of students’ misconceptions


Through Teaching Content Analysis, See the Essential Need of Using Teacher’s Pedagogical Content knowledge in Teaching Elementary mathematics

Understanding the Essential Need of Using Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching Elementary Mathematics through the Content Analysis of Teaching Materials


D i s c u s s o n t h e G u i d e t o E a r l y Childhood Curriculum (2006) and the professionalisms of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers.

Discussion on the “Guide to the Pre-primary Education Curriculum (2006)” and the Professionalism of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers

Articles 內文


2-3Teacher Development: Understanding student’s misconceptions

Ways to advance teachers’ development: Analysing students’ misconceptions


This paper aims to improve teaching through understanding of students' misconceptions and attempts to analyze the effectiveness of three teaching activities. Through the analysis, it concluded that the core factor which helps improve the teachers' ability is students' involvement.

This paper aimed to improve teaching through the understanding of students' misconceptions and analyzing the effectiveness of three teaching activities. The results concluded that students’ involvement played a major role in improving teachers’ ability.

22 2-4

Through Teaching Content Analysis, See the Essential Need of Using Teacher’s Pedagogical Content knowledge in Teaching Elementary mathematics

Understanding the Essential Need of Using Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching Elementary Mathematics through the Content Analysis of Teaching Materials

The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010

Errata Slip for Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood Volume 9 Number 1


An errata slip for Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood Volume 9 Number 1 is attached. It lists errors found in the issue and shows the corrections. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused to our readers and authors.


Page 頁 Line 行 Original Text 原文內容 Corrected Text更正內容Content Page 目錄


14Teacher Development: Understanding student’s misconceptions

Ways to advance teachers’ development: an analysis of students’ misconceptions


Through Teaching Content Analysis, See the Essential Need of Using Teacher’s Pedagogical Content knowledge in Teaching Elementary mathematics

Understanding the Essential Need of Using Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching Elementary Mathematics through the Content Analysis of Teaching Materials


D i s c u s s o n t h e G u i d e t o E a r l y Childhood Curriculum (2006) and the professionalisms of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers.

Discussion on the “Guide to the Pre-primary Education Curriculum (2006)” and the Professionalism of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers

Articles 內文


2-3Teacher Development: Understanding student’s misconceptions

Ways to advance teachers’ development: Analysing students’ misconceptions


This paper aims to improve teaching through understanding of students' misconceptions and attempts to analyze the effectiveness of three teaching activities. Through the analysis, it concluded that the core factor which helps improve the teachers' ability is students' involvement.

This paper aimed to improve teaching through the understanding of students' misconceptions and analyzing the effectiveness of three teaching activities. The results concluded that students’ involvement played a major role in improving teachers’ ability.

22 2-4

Through Teaching Content Analysis, See the Essential Need of Using Teacher’s Pedagogical Content knowledge in Teaching Elementary mathematics

Understanding the Essential Need of Using Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching Elementary Mathematics through the Content Analysis of Teaching Materials

The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Teaching mathematics content is not equivalent to using textbook content directly. Professional mathematics teachers should be able to analyze t ex tbook con ten t w i th the i r own pedagogical content knowledge and develop the appropriate teaching content with reference to those learning focuses provided by "Mathematics Curriculum Guide" which is publish by Curriculum Development Institute. This paper will use some primary one mathematics topics to illustrate the problems and inadequacy for adopting the contents from textbooks directly without incorporating teacher's professional judgment and experiences. Furthermore, the examples also show that teacher's pedagogical content knowledge is essential in developing effective teaching materials and strategies.

Teaching mathematics content cannot be based solely textbook content. Experienced mathematics teachers should be able to analyze the textbook content using their own pedagogical content knowledge and to develop an appropr i a t e t each ing con ten t with reference to the "Mathematics Curriculum Guide" published by the Curriculum Development Institute. This paper used some primary one mathematics topics to illustrate the problems and the inadequacy of adopting the textbook contents directly without incorporating teacher's professional judgment and experiences. It also used examples to show that teacher's pedagogical content knowledge was essential in developing effective teaching materials and strategies.



D i s c u s s o n t h e G u i d e t o E a r l y Childhood Curriculum (2006) and the professionalisms of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers.

Discussion on the “Guide to the Pre-primary Education Curriculum (2006)” and the Professionalism of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers


The Curriculum Development council of the Hong Kong Education Department h a s l a u n c h e d a G u i d e t o E a r l y Childhood Curriculum in 2006. It is an innovative and challenging change in Hong Kong Early Childhood education concerning the aims, purposes, learning areas, curriculum structures, teaching strategies, instructional design as well as assessment for learning. This paper is going to scrutinize and predict what kind of impact will be taken place on the further development and the nature of work of Hong Kong Kindergarten teachers, and the consequence of the new curriculum to the Hong Kong Early Childhood education in respect to the structure, planning and the assessment of the curriculum during the forthcoming academic period.

T h e C u r r i c u l u m D e v e l o p m e n t Council of the Hong Kong Education Department launched a “Guide to the Pre-primary Education Curriculum (2006)” in 2006. It was an innovative and challenging change in Hong Kong Early Childhood education. The Guide concerned the aims, purposes, learning areas, curriculum structures, teaching strategies, instructional design as well as the assessment for learning. This paper examined the possible impact on Hong Kong Kindergarten teachers, and the consequence of the new curriculum in Hong Kong early childhood education in terms of the structure, planning and assessment of the curriculum during the forthcoming academic period.

37 11-16 (Scrambled letters in the abstract)

C u r r i c u l u m r e f o r m s h a v e b e e n repeatedly conducted in Hong Kong kindergartens during the past decades. These reforms have generated great impacts and challenges on kindergarten teachers, which have, however, been underestimated by the Education Bureau and teacher training institutions. This article first introduces the structures of teacher quality. Then, the challenges and demand on kindergarten teachers brought about by three different curriculum models are analyzed. Finally, this paper ends by discussing some solutions for promoting teacher quality.

The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Teaching mathematics content is not equivalent to using textbook content directly. Professional mathematics teachers should be able to analyze t ex tbook con ten t w i th the i r own pedagogical content knowledge and develop the appropriate teaching content with reference to those learning focuses provided by "Mathematics Curriculum Guide" which is publish by Curriculum Development Institute. This paper will use some primary one mathematics topics to illustrate the problems and inadequacy for adopting the contents from textbooks directly without incorporating teacher's professional judgment and experiences. Furthermore, the examples also show that teacher's pedagogical content knowledge is essential in developing effective teaching materials and strategies.

Teaching mathematics content cannot be based solely textbook content. Experienced mathematics teachers should be able to analyze the textbook content using their own pedagogical content knowledge and to develop an appropr i a t e t each ing con ten t with reference to the "Mathematics Curriculum Guide" published by the Curriculum Development Institute. This paper used some primary one mathematics topics to illustrate the problems and the inadequacy of adopting the textbook contents directly without incorporating teacher's professional judgment and experiences. It also used examples to show that teacher's pedagogical content knowledge was essential in developing effective teaching materials and strategies.



D i s c u s s o n t h e G u i d e t o E a r l y Childhood Curriculum (2006) and the professionalisms of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers.

Discussion on the “Guide to the Pre-primary Education Curriculum (2006)” and the Professionalism of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers


The Curriculum Development council of the Hong Kong Education Department h a s l a u n c h e d a G u i d e t o E a r l y Childhood Curriculum in 2006. It is an innovative and challenging change in Hong Kong Early Childhood education concerning the aims, purposes, learning areas, curriculum structures, teaching strategies, instructional design as well as assessment for learning. This paper is going to scrutinize and predict what kind of impact will be taken place on the further development and the nature of work of Hong Kong Kindergarten teachers, and the consequence of the new curriculum to the Hong Kong Early Childhood education in respect to the structure, planning and the assessment of the curriculum during the forthcoming academic period.

T h e C u r r i c u l u m D e v e l o p m e n t Council of the Hong Kong Education Department launched a “Guide to the Pre-primary Education Curriculum (2006)” in 2006. It was an innovative and challenging change in Hong Kong Early Childhood education. The Guide concerned the aims, purposes, learning areas, curriculum structures, teaching strategies, instructional design as well as the assessment for learning. This paper examined the possible impact on Hong Kong Kindergarten teachers, and the consequence of the new curriculum in Hong Kong early childhood education in terms of the structure, planning and assessment of the curriculum during the forthcoming academic period.

37 11-16 (Scrambled letters in the abstract)

C u r r i c u l u m r e f o r m s h a v e b e e n repeatedly conducted in Hong Kong kindergartens during the past decades. These reforms have generated great impacts and challenges on kindergarten teachers, which have, however, been underestimated by the Education Bureau and teacher training institutions. This article first introduces the structures of teacher quality. Then, the challenges and demand on kindergarten teachers brought about by three different curriculum models are analyzed. Finally, this paper ends by discussing some solutions for promoting teacher quality.

The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010

鳴謝學報評審Reviewer Acknowledgement


The Editorial Board would like to thank the following individuals for reviewing manuscripts for the Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood during the preparation of the issues of Volume 9, Number 2.

CHEN Shu Chin Susan(National Taichung University, Taiwan)

CHENG Zi Juan(The Chinese University, Hong Kong)

CHIEN Chu Ying(National Chengchi University, Taiwan)

Caroline ESSAME(CREATE, Creative arts, therapy and training, Singapore)

FUNG Kit Ho Chanel(The Chinese University, Hong Kong)

Sue GRIESHABER(Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

HU Xinyun Annie(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

KWOK-LAI Yuk Ching Sylvia(The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

LAM Ho Cheong(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LAM Tak Shing John(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LAM Wing Keung Kevin(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LAU Chung Yim(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LAU Grace(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LEUNG Chi Hung(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LI Hui(The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

LIM Swee Eng Audrey(National Institute of Education, Singapore)

Ingrid PRAMLING SAMUELSSON(Göteborg University, Sweden)

TSANG Kwan Lan Vicky(The University of Hong Kong)

WONG Kwok Shing Richard(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

WONG Mun Amanda(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

WONG Siu Man(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

ZHU Jia-xiong(East China Normal University, China)

訂閱費以一個年度計算,訂閱者須預先繳付費用,以領取於該年度出版的兩冊《香港幼兒學報》。本學報約於每年5月及11月出版。訂閱費已包括郵資(學生訂閱費用並不包括郵資,訂閱者必須自行領取學報)。Subscriptions are pre-paid on a calendar-year basis according to the following rates, inclusive of postage (subscription fee for students is exclusive of postage; subscribers should collect the Journal in person). The Journal is usually distributed in May and November.

訂閱費用Subscription Fee

(1)個人或機構 Individual or Corporate: 每年港幣60 元正HK$60 per year(2)香港教育學院幼兒教育課程學生ECE Students of HKIEd: 每年港幣40 元正HK$40 per year(3)幼兒教育機構或小學一次過訂閱3年或以上 (8折)每年港幣48 元正 One-off subscription for 3 years or more by early (20% off) HK$48 per year childhood institution or primary school:

付款方法Method of Payment

(1)將款項存入東亞銀行,帳號為195-25-00002-0(香港教育學院),並將存根正本及本表格交《香港幼兒學報》編委會;或 Please transfer the payment to The Bank of East Asia A/C# 195-25-00002-0 (The Hong Kong Institute of Education) and send

the original copy of the receipt along with this form to the HKJEC Editorial Board; OR(2)以劃線支票付款(抬頭:香港教育學院),並於支票背面寫上姓名,連同本表格交《香港幼兒學報》編委會。 Please enclose a crossed cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Institute of Education” (please write down your name on the back

of the cheque) and send it with this form to the HKJEC Editorial Board.

  《香港幼兒學報》編委會地址:香港新界大埔露屏路10號香港教育學院幼兒教育學系Address of the HKJEC Editorial Board: Department of Early Childhood Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education,

10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong.查詢電話Enquiries:2948 7762電郵Email:[email protected]

﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋請填寫以下資料Please fill in the following information:

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2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

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大埔校園Tai Po Campus 市區分校Town Centre

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For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010


Hong Kong Journal ofEarly Childhood香 港 幼 兒 學 報 Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2010

鳴謝學報評審Reviewer Acknowledgement


The Editorial Board would like to thank the following individuals for reviewing manuscripts for the Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood during the preparation of the issues of Volume 9, Number 2.

CHEN Shu Chin Susan(National Taichung University, Taiwan)

CHENG Zi Juan(The Chinese University, Hong Kong)

CHIEN Chu Ying(National Chengchi University, Taiwan)

Caroline ESSAME(CREATE, Creative arts, therapy and training, Singapore)

FUNG Kit Ho Chanel(The Chinese University, Hong Kong)

Sue GRIESHABER(Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

HU Xinyun Annie(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

KWOK-LAI Yuk Ching Sylvia(The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

LAM Ho Cheong(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LAM Tak Shing John(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LAM Wing Keung Kevin(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LAU Chung Yim(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LAU Grace(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LEUNG Chi Hung(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

LI Hui(The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

LIM Swee Eng Audrey(National Institute of Education, Singapore)

Ingrid PRAMLING SAMUELSSON(Göteborg University, Sweden)

TSANG Kwan Lan Vicky(The University of Hong Kong)

WONG Kwok Shing Richard(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

WONG Mun Amanda(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

WONG Siu Man(The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong)

ZHU Jia-xiong(East China Normal University, China)

訂閱費以一個年度計算,訂閱者須預先繳付費用,以領取於該年度出版的兩冊《香港幼兒學報》。本學報約於每年5月及11月出版。訂閱費已包括郵資(學生訂閱費用並不包括郵資,訂閱者必須自行領取學報)。Subscriptions are pre-paid on a calendar-year basis according to the following rates, inclusive of postage (subscription fee for students is exclusive of postage; subscribers should collect the Journal in person). The Journal is usually distributed in May and November.

訂閱費用Subscription Fee

(1)個人或機構 Individual or Corporate: 每年港幣60 元正HK$60 per year(2)香港教育學院幼兒教育課程學生ECE Students of HKIEd: 每年港幣40 元正HK$40 per year(3)幼兒教育機構或小學一次過訂閱3年或以上 (8折)每年港幣48 元正 One-off subscription for 3 years or more by early (20% off) HK$48 per year childhood institution or primary school:

付款方法Method of Payment

(1)將款項存入東亞銀行,帳號為195-25-00002-0(香港教育學院),並將存根正本及本表格交《香港幼兒學報》編委會;或 Please transfer the payment to The Bank of East Asia A/C# 195-25-00002-0 (The Hong Kong Institute of Education) and send

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  《香港幼兒學報》編委會地址:香港新界大埔露屏路10號香港教育學院幼兒教育學系Address of the HKJEC Editorial Board: Department of Early Childhood Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education,

10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong.查詢電話Enquiries:2948 7762電郵Email:[email protected]

﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋請填寫以下資料Please fill in the following information:

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2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

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香港教育學院幼教學生(每年港幣40 元正)ECE Students of HKIEd (HK$40/year)

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One-off subscription for 3 years or more by early childhood institution or primary school (20% off HK$48/year)

年度Year of Publishing訂閱者類別Subscriber’s Category

訂閱費總額Total amount of subscription fee:港幣HK$__________(請填上適當之銀碼Please fill in the appropriate amount.)

只供本校幼教學生填寫For ECE students of HKIEd only:

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大埔校園Tai Po Campus 市區分校Town Centre

如表格不敷應用,歡迎自行影印。Please make extra copies of this order form if necessary. The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

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香 港 幼 兒 學 報Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood

稿 例


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Notes for Contributors

The Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood is published twice a year especially for early childhood educators in Hong Kong. It provides a forum for professional dialogue among educators in the field, particularly those who are interested in the education, care, and development of young children. The Editorial Board welcomes articles from authors for consideration for publication in the journal. Authors are asked to follow the guidelines below when preparing their manuscripts.

All manuscripts are subject to anonymous review and authors should take note of the following guidelines: 1. Language can be in Chinese or English;2. Papers should be written in a clear and concise style;3. Word count for papers in English should not exceed

3,000 words; for papers in Chinese, no more than 5,000 characters;

4. An abstract of 100-150 words in English and no more than 200 characters in Chinese should be provided on a separate page at the beginning of the paper;

5. Papers written in English should follow the guidelines (including the citation format) of the latest Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association;

6. Typing: - Font type: English - Times New Roman; Chinese - 細明體 - Paper size: A4 - Paper orientation: Portrait - Font size: 12 point7. Name, affiliation, position, and corresponding address

of author(s) should be listed on a coversheet only; page numbers and a running header of the title of the paper should be provided on each page;

8. In addition to the contributions on specific themes, the Editorial Board is pleased to receive papers at any time on topics of interest to early childhood educators;

9. Please send submissions to the Editorial Board of the Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, on diskette or CD in MS-Word format, through e-mail ([email protected]), or at Department of Early Childhood Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong;

10. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit manuscripts. Contributors will be contacted if substantial revision is recommended.

The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.

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Volume 9 Number 2

December 2010


e 9 Num

ber 2 Decem

ber 2010

The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library

For private study or research only. Not for publication or further reproduction.