fed-fax - ex-journalists continue in field - prep club...

vs. BEVERLY FED-FAX 11 School Songs Bleachers vs. EVERLY ALEXA .. :DER HA:\IlL'fON HIGH SCHnOL, LOS ANGELES, CAI .. IF. Wedne ·day, October 17. 1934 -- EX-JOURNALISTS CONTINUE IN FIELD -- Prep Club Holds By ED. 'A A. :DERSO • w ' 34 produced two rapidly-climb. on n newspaper. Bob Smyser. s '34 Party Llk al' good alumni, the former Inti: journali t ln the persons of associate editor or "The F deral- .. Journali ts of Hamilton ha\· b!'!'n , 1 Beatrice Wagner and Ray Abrams. ist," and editor or "The Treasury," J r predicted, coming back to t hr I Bcatlice , a former "Federalist" edt- is writing sports for the L.A.J.C., --.-- 1 seen of lh<'lr Open house 1 tor, and Ephl.'blan. now has a beat and is enrolled there in the School I Prep· Orchestra, ha always been maintained by thP jon the U'.S.C. "Trojan ." And Ray, or Journalism. Gay Colors Delectable Journallf.m office for former room- onr ot our best . washbuckllng port:; I One who left our ranks from be· ' crs. and ne,er a week_ goe · by wl _ th-1 ed!tor.s, is now writing sports fat ginning journalism is Harry Krauch, Refreshments I Honors Human The Genius By EDNA A!IIDERSOX . one or more commg back "Justj t he same paper. Both are attending. who anticipated becoming a master I . to sec how thing: nrc going the School of at u.s . c.l printer. Leaving public school las: First among the Prep club acUvt. out their guiding hand ," In their Beatnce Is now also a member of I year, Harry enrolled in a linotype tic.!; this semester will be a party in From the experience of the last I v_ islts some just can't !J t admit- the Alpha Gamma Delt.a sorority. operator's five-year training school 1 the student caf!', Octo- pep rally, we find that many H m- tmrs their va:-tous successes In he Though the s '34 graduation stl11 and is workmg as an apprentice ber 2G, at 8 p.n1. Mrs. Eleano Crl p, ilton students don't know the journall. Uc field ,!nee their depart- seems so ncar, two of last semester's for the ''Herald" While In his I a member of U1e Ham!Uon P.-T. A. song. We can't let this go on for ture :;o long ago, and thu-. was the staff have already cho en to con- trainmg school, Harry came to the will U1e party. our next big game, so have her following Information acqu:red: t inue in thLs field. conclu ion that h!J . chao!, too. Th care w11l be dccoratec1 in gay. printed the words. Cut these out our first •·Federalist'' editor was Jtmmio Jarrett, S '34 editor, Is l should have a newspaper, so he es· under the dtrecUon of Agnes and kc!'p them for all the games. Ch!ton Toney. Aftet· graduation, now enrolled in U' .C.L.A. and is do· tabllshed the Lino-News. With two I C'Sulllv n: a snappy orchestra is JIA::IULTON CIIEER SONG Clifton's hbtory rela es, he attend- ing oukiidc work for the S.E.R.A . other boys and himself comprising promised and your fa\oritc re- ed Santa Monica Junior College and ' , . ----- the staf!, the Llno-News has been freshm•ntr. will be sold by the Ham- To the tune 1•f "Ancl10rs Aweigh") here became sports edltot· of the S. :u. J. C.- pl·ogTessing wilh great rapidity and ilion Campfire Gins, w help g!v.:; Come. kids, let's give a cheer 1 corsair.'' their campu paper. Now ' L, A. Herald. points to greate1· success. When 'le you n old time ancl make 1t For-Hatnilton. Clifton '\\·ork ng part tin1 for the • • • graduates he v•1ll go out as a ntas.. a red-letter <.lay tor you. Long month \\'!.' walt each year Evening Herald and is completing , Bill \'an )I. J. C:· tel· plinter. Young people wanting to attend To see om Yankees fight, his course at S. M.J .C., prcparato . ry 1 :\Iary Crockwl'll, "Venice . It makes us very proud to think. thi" p, rty hold l.'ither a mem- tc cntrrlng the School of Journal- Vanguard," "Star-.llie''"·" that boys and girls who were once ber hlp or n guest card Memb!'r- m ln he of :\fissouri. • • JU!>t one of us slamming around ill .hlp r: ard can b rrccivea from! We love 1t her and l'O The first Hamilton sports editor t.;. :::. writing hends. calling oopy and I ither Tom Heynolds, pr!'sldent, or We'll cheer for Hanulton, Bill Van Du. en, W"32, now Wagner, C. attempting to Interest our readers I Ramo. ,, L&yana, secretary of the Hip, Hlp, Hooray! ed1t01 for the Santa Monica Jumor • • could close their Ham!lton desiUi ,l Prep club. College paper. C. "Tro- hand in their staff notebooks, :-ay I.earn to Dance Ray Abrams, U. ·. o. '! :'vfnry Crockw il W ' 33, an ex- jan.'' au revoir, go out Into the world, • Did everyone laugh when I camel t'dltOl of ·The Federnlist, ' and one • • anct make goOd in their individual in to dance, but were th!'ir :faces Fight, on for Hamlltnn Our men fight on unttl \\e've won. Our Alma 1ater dear or our Hamllton Epheblans, has Jimmie Jarrett, l'. c. L. A. fields. red when I danced with the mostl JOmed the ranks of a society column 1 ,.. , , n·s a great enoourngement to popula · g,rJ In school," sta.tes Tom writer, for • Iru·y has been writing I 8 b s L A J c those who work now and a fine In- Rryuol<lo;. 0 ' '• soc ety news for thl.' Venice Van" I •. . cen!lvc for tho e Interested In en- You too, can learn to be a popu- guard and lc: no"· worlung on the Jlarr) Krauch, !\laster Print- tering one of tile most outstandlug Jar dancl.'t". Kathcnne Smith, an classified advertising for the West I ing fields ot the pre ent era-that vt, alumna 01 H milton, will tRach you Look.s up t.o you SC give n chee.r For Hamilton, Fi 1t on until we've won, Ft t on! . Angele Store News. Journalism! I to dan 01 you ln the rna t I popular st ep of the season, bl.'twc!'n 7 and 8 o'clock on the CV( nmgs of th Prep club rtl , for 'hi' price c! ten cent . * * * hers! Bleachers! What a Welfare Paper Drive after all the · Urn1s of knee ' N Q N. T and leg shifting. But we I ets ver 1ne ons 't forget to whom we owe this 'I11anks to Hollywood, Los Reaching the quo;.a o! 18.256 Falrfnx, and Venice high I pound the paper drive h<:ld last we wm have bleachers for I Friday, October 12, under the spon- scason. . sorship of the Be!.s"Y Hammons, a "It * * ) girls' .srrvlce club. was deemed n Members Initiated at 1 Spanish Club Honors Nevian Party Held Columbus With Aud IJectioo of OCfker Election of oJIIcrr:s wa · held all In commcratlon or Columbus Day, t.he first Pr p club me tlll<>;. Those th!' Spanish club, Los Cosmopoll- elect d officers were: Tom Rey- Dming the staging of their semi- t h Jd an a 1d call 1nv1't1·ng th" as, e t , nolds, Jilt' idmt; Cl:mt Webb, vice- In Cafe Friday annual party, the Nevlans. scholar- F · h ltlb a 1d !Jill nnd 10'11 tenc c I · " - 111; Ranwna La, ana, secre- ship societ'' of Hamillon, Initiated "r d pttplls t"kl·ng Sp"n h n J .,. a c .. a " nd Mr:<. Cnsp \\111 acl as thcll· new membc1 in the student their - cafe, after school. _ Ra- Senor Henry Roman, a natl1ie of' sponso_• ________ _ monn man , prestded columbia. South Amt lien. now at- j anct .l\Iar} Hull. vice-president, took ' tending Hamilton high school, was Kni ts Initiated at .. chrugo of the program. gucs& speaker. s nor Homan began .g , After each of the old the program w1th n ln hom- F1rst Regular Meet: hnd been Introduced in a no\'el g col 1 b s Th · l"'!'ch was and w!'rr former Nevlan presi- and is t.o be •be only p,wer dr1\·e a e to t m u . e s .... ts Winifred is vice-pres!- held this t l'rm' way, ol the CSF, Callfornla dell;<>red In Spani h ::>nd Bob Pe- At Ute first regular meeting I great succe- ;;. Reee!Ying flv dol- or our rot mer popltlnr and Jar per ton th(' :chool \\!II net over nlors havr r£Cently c- U3.00. and that with $4 .15 rc<:Cived honors at L. A J. C. !rom the f cu:tr makes tbe final w rr. nt attention. 'I11ey are receipts approximately 50.00. Thls Buur IU1d Mark U'rner. 1 monel ts to be used 100 per cent !o!' . Both are Hamilton Ephebl- the welfare of Hamilton student.:; t the Math club and l\Iark b 1 lli- 1: Win Prize Scholarship Federation to which terson, All . .,tudcnt. act(d as lntcr- of the year, the newiY'-elcctr(! of the L A J C Ephcbian Tile HI· Y popular bo' 'S' club the Nenans belong, sung, Ra- preter Two Spanish solos were sung Knight., w r£• lnitlatl.'d. Th!' new · · · · · ' . 'I mon?. Bla1r accompanymg. Follow- b" Et.leeJl R,. n B11 sttld n' Talk·· b · no· p •- 1 .. · and president of ::vtath I making good their boast, contnbut- . ' ' . J •· :s mem o ange o, nlm- ed 5,823 pound.s t.o win the !ll'e dol- ing thl.'se, a. nut game, wluch on Spam h speaking countries and I ten Maddox, K nny Hatton. Lloyd * * * lar pdze offered the club or cia s rlcd out the theme, . their nags were gtv n bv Carmen Clauson, Gordon Hatch. and Mu.l. I bringing the mo.>t paper. As 1 playect and :1n orlgmal skit, written Cook, Eugene Anna Pcarl 1 colm Stratford. wore night-shirts, may no )<now it, but one of'. illl'Y Dickison, Betsey Ramilton 1 and dramaltzcd by Sue Cherry, was , Myer:s, TlPrsteln and Henry, aJld v;cre ordered to Slt on the places to discover trait.o> of spnnsor .!>ald. the Hi-Y boys really Pl'<'sented. . Roman, mterpreted again by Bob floor, in t11e front of the room. nature Is In the student I ·orked calling at student homes After a limerick game. re.ft·esh- Peterson Time did not p•rmit the I 'J'o :ponl>or Dance . Can ful analysis disc ose 1 u• hcre there u·ere papers but no way rncnt!; were and the mltla- 1 talks on the A B C count1ies. Ar- TlH mr( tlng was called to ordeP ... - . l to get them to school. Another rea- tion, to the w m£>mbers gentina, Bro?JI, and Chil<>, that w!'rl' 1 by Mar:shnll Wf..ld, president, and color d foods out: 11 te son for their success is that gave an unexpected!}' clever re- , prepared by Mary Ann Tcl.'le, AL<>ac>? plan::: '£re mndt- for the coming of!enngs, a.nd of the colors, had some Hl-Y member stationed at sponSI.', took place. The party end- 1D:miels and Gayle Mcintyre. The I S£me t.er. The first d to be Ul!' most attractive, red jello the dn ·e headquarters e\ery prrlod rct with game and yells, 1 u•cre with ;ponsorf>ll b the Knights will be ling all othl'r colors combined. and 1f a student camc who d!d not led by Carpenter, who holds I musica.l numbers rendered by Betty given. wl:h tile h lp of the Fathe.rs• nto cnke is the favorite where to put his the tho new office of song . and, Blumberg, Leon and Joe l council , Novem"bcr 23 . most and goe. fnstcr than any Hl-1 suggested their po "- !on. leader. _Behind the scenes, Rizzo. To Supervi e Aud Calls cake, and probably all <Conunuod on P•a• ;;;;;;--- the imtlatcs gave the fnushmg 1 Two accorcli<lll and violin duets Al J aud caJI£ to be held, will washing the di hes and given by Florence and Tony Vir- und r th supcrvbion of the Knights. p T A d f th ' genetally up. 011 the glnie. gave a :snappy ending to a. Mt·mberr noL having sweaters wilt ar war' of calories and c·- . ..·Man Ta .erhs very interesting program. weal m roon-cOIOJed neckties. They: nnd other dishes containing I OUDCl eet onlg t l'rry. ary arpen er, an Will assist in maintaining order. · Shn·Jey Simmons. F d F Th •t r c · f · th 1 b • while the boys go for -- - ' Novel a s eature e ma. 0 PillS 01 e c ll . ::-ole" i\lembers w d but will be held over h' a big way, mru1y or them Th fir.· JOmt meeting of the ·New member arc · B10, Vrrglnla F ]} '34 G 'd 5 ' • .' . up their noses entirely at r·.-'1. J\ and the F1 the1·s' Council Am• Clappet Edna Hauxwrll Pan- a rl eason ulntl th 1 e next meetln · v.ben ·n• bn h ld ht tl - d t . · p wl I be s own. ' e tomg n le en I line: Kinb. Valf'11e • telke. Anna Mae 1 · cafeteria Thoma" H. F.I<on. prlnc1 _ We used tc >r!c only red on look- ConnnaUcf'S Appointed pal, will speak on '"\Vhat H Co.sts IConllnued on Pao• hurl lng ou o\l'l the campus, but now c:ommittN·f appomted. for number or ell hi's some bo.) t<· Gc to High School." ---. it' just onn sea of br0\\11 and 1 to b det!'nnlned by tho! 1 Orre' L. Graham. new boys' vic -; DID YOU Gr.T green, espectally on day preceding j 1 ! 00 r dcoora.lon, OJ chest1 a, and t oi t.ray spacE:' available. I pri!'C'Ipal, will be m!roduced: so will! YOt R PAPER? football games. 1 tickets. , * * * st tdcnt body officers New teachers '"We are endeavoring in this All rooten' decorations may be L-ocker.: "- 1 11 be Inspected once wiJl also be presented. I box to give complete informa- bought at the student store !or each month by members of the or- There':: Individual, In this Tom All-en, . chalnnan of the 1 tion in connection with "The I nominal sums. They arc as follows: The tlrst mspecti?n wll! school who 1• a genius. He s not very Fathers' Counctl, all or you • Federalist.'' Anyone wi<>hlng to leis, 5 and IC cents; little pennants, be held 111 the ncar future. A.l locks no!lceablc, quiet, shy, and not at all tr be ure and tell your fathers I subscribe to "The FederalisL;' -r cents; wings. 5 cents; emblem-', . found open, or set, wtll be taken but who ot.her than he about meeting. MAKE them shoulct see Walter F. swartz, in 25 cents: cnps, 25 cents; pom.poms.j off and .sent to lhc main offtcc. could do the work a signed to him 1 come. De you know if the fathers I tho business office. who has :J[ cents; gold footballs, 20 cents: . Neal the close. of the meeting, with such d!'xt.erlty and fines e. He gtt enou h quan 11) to go with the complete cha.rge 01 subscrip- rooters' caps, 50 cents; vi"ors, 50 Dana tt, VIce-president of the work!: hard, Ill• n. Planting ouallty th!'y ha\·e •. wily we'lll tions, advertising, and the dis. cents: and large pC:nnant , one dol- Knightr;. organization, askl'd seeds of hiS t'ndcavors, caring for! hav bl acher on the 50-yard line tributlon of the paper. lat. , pledg to .st nd and remo\e thetr them with hie skill. Sl.'elng the fruits 1 ocforc you know it, And JU t think, "If anyone desires to submit Stick!'r'" for your car are a"lso night-shirts . from their regular 01 his efforts spring forth !rom the the mhrhty Board or Education may something for the content 0 : available for 5 cents. For the Bev-1 clothes. This, he told them. was to EOdr. ot experll.'ncc. Yet. you never even turn att ear to our long tho paper, he should take it erly game the slogan is HAMILTON 1 to_ them ,that ns. enter- r>otlccct hun. though you probably 1ng erie and "All right, Ham- tc• Mrs. Georgia Jones, spon- MAKEe. BEVERLY HANG HER the- Kmghts orgamzation they J.im every da.y. All over our llton Htgh School, you may ha\·e SOl' of "The Federalist," In HEAD; Cot the Fairfax game. BE-l were aside aU clowning and you SC<' his art prrwnlf!ed 1 yam auditorium." The AUD that I 1 room 212 . A1' FAIRFAX; and for the I from thao trmc on they _were to be yet YOI' nenr reallud IL. SO<Ill 1we'vf' been waiting for all these long I 1 game. TAKE VENICE FOR A of the .type. WIP raise riots or color from v. ears. "Mrs. Eleanor Boers\ cr, com- BOA1' RIDE. of ma.nhood and leader:Jnp ex• 1 mercia! instruct-or, has charge Ill d 1 1 1 d plain, blnck earth. Yes, our gPnlus 1 Come on k.ld.", what do you ay? oi ''The Federalist" campaign, The winners or these slcgans frnp 110 n t 1 e. A exan er HamJI• .if the gardener. Let's preserve his We get the "dads'' and the "dad::." which is held at the beglnnins were: Gerald Stevenson. Douglas ton .htglf school. He also thall al m b) not causing him any extra l get us the auditorium! Howsa 'bout of every term." Halk. Eleanor Lipman, and would be on probation for a ori:. it? ----- Ion Fellman. tCOntlnued on p ... ,...,,1

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Page 1: FED-FAX - EX-JOURNALISTS CONTINUE IN FIELD - Prep Club …hamihighalumni.org/wp-content/uploads/1934.10.17... · 2020. 2. 29. · ou~ one or more commg back "Justj the same paper



School Songs Bleachers


ALEXA .. :DER HA:\IlL'fON HIGH SCHnOL, LOS ANGELES, CAI .. IF. Wedne ·day, October 17. 1934

• -­• EX-JOURNALISTS CONTINUE IN FIELD • -­• Prep Club Holds By ED. 'A A. :DERSO • w '34 produced two rapidly-climb. on n newspaper. Bob Smyser. s '34 Party Saturda~

Llk al' good alumni, the former Inti: journali t ln the persons of associate editor or "The F deral- .. Journali ts of Hamilton ha\· b!'!'n , 1 Beatrice Wagner and Ray Abrams. ist," and editor or "The Treasury," J

r predicted, coming back to thr I Bcatlice, a former "Federalist" edt- is writing sports for the L.A.J.C., --.--


seen of lh<'lr c11me~. Open house1

tor, and Ephl.'blan. now has a beat and is enrolled there in the School I Prep· Prom1~e Orchestra, ha always been maintained by thP jon the U'.S.C. "Trojan." And Ray, or Journalism. Gay Colors Delectable Journallf.m office for former room- onr ot our best . washbuckllng port:; I One who left our ranks from be· ' crs. and ne,er a week_ goe · by wl_th-1 ed!tor.s, is now writing sports fat ginning journalism is Harry Krauch, Refreshments I

Honors Human ~aturc The Genius

By EDNA A!IIDERSOX . ou~ one or more commg back "Justj the same paper. Both are attending. who anticipated becoming a master I .

to sec how thing: nrc going wtth- ~ the School of Journall~m at u.s.c.l printer. Leaving public school las: First among the Prep club acUvt. out their guiding hand ," In their Beatnce Is now also a member of I year, Harry enrolled in a linotype tic.!; this semester will be a party in

From the experience of the last I v_islts some just can't r~> !J t admit- the Alpha Gamma Delt.a sorority. operator's five-year training school 1 the student caf!', Saturd~y, Octo-pep rally, we find that many H m- tmrs their va:-tous successes In he Though the s '34 graduation stl11 and is workmg as an apprentice ber 2G, at 8 p.n1. Mrs. Eleano Crl p, ilton students don't know the ~chool journall. Uc field ,!nee their depart- seems so ncar, two of last semester's for the ''Herald" While In his I a member of U1e Ham!Uon P.-T. A. song. We can't let this go on for ture :;o long ago, and thu-. was the staff have already cho en to con- trainmg school, Harry came to the will ~ponsor U1e party. our next big game, so have her following Information acqu:red: t inue in thLs field. conclu ion that h!J . chao!, too. Th care w11l be dccoratec1 in gay. printed the words. Cut these out our first •·Federalist '' editor was Jtmmio Jarrett, S '34 editor, Is l should have a newspaper, so he es· color.~, under the dtrecUon of Agnes and kc!'p them for all the games. Ch!ton Toney. Aftet· graduation, now enrolled in U'.C.L.A. and is do· tabllshed the Lino-News. With two I C'Sulllv n: a snappy orchestra is

JIA::IULTON CIIEER SONG Clifton's hbtory rela es, he attend- ing oukiidc work for the S.E.R.A. other boys and himself comprising promised and your fa\oritc re-ed Santa Monica Junior College and ' , . ----- the staf!, the Llno-News has been freshm•ntr. will be sold by the Ham-

To the tune 1•f "Ancl10rs Aweigh") here became sports edltot· of the Chf~?n. Ton~y, S. :u. J. C.- pl·ogTessing wilh great rapidity and ilion Campfire Gins, w help g!v.:; Come. kids, let's give a cheer


corsair.'' their campu paper. Now ' L, A. Herald. points to greate1· success. When 'le you n ~>wl~hy old time ancl make 1t For-Hatnilton. Clifton 1«~ '\\·ork ng part tin1 for the • • • graduates he v•1ll go out as a ntas.. a red-letter <.lay tor you. Long month \\'!.' walt each year Evening Herald and is completing , Bill \'an D~~"!'• ~<.;. )I. J. C:· tel· plinter. Young people wanting to attend To see om Yankees fight, his course at S.M.J.C., prcparato.ry


:\Iary Crockwl'll, "Venice . It makes us very proud to think. thi" p, rty mu~t hold l.'ither a mem-~c.fl ~le ~?~~ ~~~:~~m tc cntrrlng the School of Journal- Vanguard," "Star-.llie''"·" that boys and girls who were once ber hlp or n guest card Memb!'r-

m ln he Unlver~!ty of :\fissouri. • • • JU!>t one of us slamming around ill .hlp r:ard can b rrccivea from! We love 1t her • and l'O The first Hamilton sports editor t.;. :::. 21~. writing hends. calling oopy and I ither Tom Heynolds, pr!'sldent, or We'll cheer for Hanulton, Bill Van Du. en, W"32, I~ now spo~5 "T~:aj:~i.~,e Wagner, C. attempting to Interest our readers I Ramo. ,, L&yana, secretary of the Hip, Hlp, Hooray! ed1t01 for the Santa Monica Jumor • • • could close their Ham!lton desiUi, l Prep club.

College paper. C. "Tro- hand in their staff notebooks, :-ay I.earn to Dance Ray Abrams, U. ·. I~IGJIT o. '! :'vfnry Crockw il W '33, an ex- jan.'' au revoir, go out Into the world, • Did everyone laugh when I camel

t'dltOl of •·The Federnlist, ' and one • • • anct make goOd in their individual in to dance, but were th!'ir :faces Fight, on for Hamlltnn Our men fight on unttl \\e've won. Our Alma 1ater dear

or our Hamllton Epheblans, has Jimmie Jarrett, l'. c. L. A. fields. red when I danced with the mostl JOmed the ranks of a society column


,.. , , n·s a great enoourngement to popula · g,rJ In school," sta.tes Tom writer, for • Iru·y has been writing I 8 b s L A J c those who work now and a fine In- Rryuol<lo;. 0 • nll~f. ' • • ' • soc ety news for thl.' Venice Van" I • . . cen!lvc for tho e Interested In en- You too, can learn to be a popu-guard and lc: no"· worlung on the Jlarr) Krauch, !\laster Print- tering one of tile most outstandlug Jar dancl.'t". Kathcnne Smith, an classified advertising for the West I ing ~choo!. fields ot the pre ent era-that vt, alumna 01 H milton, will tRach you

Look.s up t.o you SC give n chee.r For Hamilton, Fi 1t on until we've won, Ft t on!

. Lo~ Angele Store News. Journalism! I to dan 01 lnstruc~; you ln the rna t I popular step of the season, bl.'twc!'n

7 and 8 o'clock on the CV( nmgs of th Prep club p· rtl , for 'hi' price c! ten cent .

* * * hers! Bleachers! What a Welfare Paper Drive

after all the · Urn1s of knee ' N Q N. T and leg shifting. But we I ets ver 1ne ons

't forget to whom we owe this 'I11anks to Hollywood, Los Reaching the quo;.a o! 18.256

Falrfnx, and Venice high I pound the paper drive h<:ld last we wm have bleachers for I Friday, October 12, under the spon-

scason. . sorship of the Be!.s"Y Hammons, a "It * * ) girls' .srrvlce club. was deemed n

Members Initiated at 1 Spanish Club Honors Nevian Party Held Columbus With Aud IJectioo of OCfker

Election of oJIIcrr:s wa · held all In commcratlon or Columbus Day, t.he first Pr p club me tlll<>;. Those

th!' Spanish club, Los Cosmopoll- elect d officers were: Tom Rey­Dming the staging of their semi- t h Jd an a 1d call 1nv1't1·ng th" as, e t , • nolds, Jilt' idmt; Cl:mt Webb, vice-

In Cafe Friday

annual party, the Nevlans. scholar- F · h ltlb a 1d !Jill nnd 10'11 tenc c I · " - pre~ld 111; Ranwna La, ana, secre-ship societ'' of Hamillon, Initiated "r d pttplls t"kl·ng Sp"n h n ~

J .,. a c .. a • • " tar~· nd Mr:<. Cnsp \\111 acl as thcll· new membc1 in the student their gu~st.o;. -cafe, Wednc~day, after school. _Ra- Senor Henry Roman, a natl1ie of' sponso_• ________ _ monn man , p~sldent. prestded columbia. South Amt lien. now at- j anct .l\Iar} Hull. vice-president, took ' tending Hamilton high school, was Kni ts Initiated at .. chrugo of the program. gucs& speaker. s nor Homan began .g ,

After each of the old memb~rs the program w1th n :c.nrH~h ln hom- F1rst Regular Meet: hnd been Introduced in a no\'el g col 1 b s Th · l"'!'ch was

and w!'rr former Nevlan presi- and is t.o be •be only p,wer dr1\·e a e to t m u . e s .... ts Winifred is no~· vice-pres!- held this tl'rm' way, song~ ol the CSF, Callfornla dell;<>red In Spani h ::>nd Bob Pe- At Ute first regular meeting

I great succe-;;. Reee!Ying flv dol­or our rot mer popltlnr and Jar per ton th(' :chool \\!II net over

~ nlors havr r£Cently c- • U3.00. and that with $4 .15 rc<:Cived honors at L. A J. C. !rom the f cu:tr makes tbe final

w rr. nt attention. 'I11ey are receipts approximately 50.00. Thls Buur IU1d Mark U'rner. 1 monel ts to be used 100 per cent !o!'

. Both are Hamilton Ephebl- the welfare of Hamilton student.:;

t ~! the Math club and l\Iark b 1 lli-1: Win Prize Scholarship Federation to which terson, All . .,tudcnt. act(d as lntcr- of the year, the newiY'-elcctr(! of the L A J C Ephcbian Tile HI· Y popular bo''S' club the Nenans belong, W!'~e sung, Ra- preter Two Spanish solos were sung Knight., w r£• lnitlatl.'d. Th!' new · · · · · • ' . 'I mon?. Bla1r accompanymg. Follow- b" Et.leeJl R,. n B11 sttld n' Talk·· b · no· p •- 1 .. · and president of ~he ::vtath I making good their boast, contnbut- . ' ' . J • • • •· :s mem er~. o t~w ange o, nlm-

ed 5,823 pound.s t.o win the !ll'e dol- ing thl.'se, a. nut game, wluch c~- on Spam h speaking countries and I ten Maddox, K nny Hatton. Lloyd * * * lar pdze offered the club or cia s rlcd out the aut~~nal theme, . \\a~ their nags were gtv n bv Carmen Clauson, Gordon Hatch. and Mu.l. I bringing the mo.>t paper. As M!s~ 1 playect and :1n orlgmal skit, written Cook, Eugene Culv~r. Anna Pcarl 1 colm Stratford. wore night-shirts,

may no )<now it, but one of'. illl'Y Dickison, Betsey Ramilton 1 and dramaltzcd by Sue Cherry, was , Myer:s, ~ictor TlPrsteln and Henry, aJld v;cre ordered to Slt on the places to discover trait.o> of spnnsor .!>ald. the Hi-Y boys really Pl'<'sented. . Roman, mterpreted again by Bob floor, in t11e front of the room. nature Is In the student I ·orked calling at student homes After a limerick game. re.ft·esh- Peterson Time did not p•rmit the I 'J'o :ponl>or Dance . Can ful analysis disc ose 1 u•hcre there u·ere papers but no way rncnt!; were sent~d and the mltla- 1 talks on the A B C count1ies. Ar- TlH mr( tlng was called to ordeP

~-••--... - . l to get them to school. Another rea- tion, to wh1c~ the ~~ w m£>mbers gentina, Bro?JI, and Chil<>, that w!'rl' 1 by Mar:shnll Wf..ld, president, and color d foods out: 11 te son for their success is that the~ gave an unexpected!}' clever re- , prepared by Mary Ann Tcl.'le, AL<>ac>? plan::: '£re mndt- for the coming

of!enngs, a.nd of the colors, had some Hl-Y member stationed at sponSI.', took place. The party end- 1 D:miels and Gayle Mcintyre. The I S£me t.er. The first d n~ to be Ul!' most attractive, red jello the dn ·e headquarters e\ery prrlod rct with ano~her game and yells, 1 speech~ u•cre lnter.per~cd with ;ponsorf>ll b the Knights will be

ling all othl'r colors combined . and 1f a student camc who d!d not led by Mar)~ Carpenter, who holds I musica.l numbers rendered by Betty given. wl:h tile h lp of the Fathe.rs• nto cnke is the favorite kno~· where to put his P~~rs the tho new office of song . and, ~:ell 1 Blumberg, Leon Bhnnb~rg and Joe l council , Novem"bcr 23.

most and goe. fnstcr than any Hl-1 suggested their po "- !on. leader. _Behind the scenes, hO\\e~er, l Rizzo. To Supervi e Aud Calls cake, and probably lead~ all <Conunuod on P•a• ;;;;;;--- the imtlatcs gave the fnushmg 1 Two accorcli<lll and violin duets Al J aud caJI£ to be held, will b~

touc~e!; ~Y washing the di hes and given by Florence and Tony Vir- und r th supcrvbion of the Knights. p T A d f th ' genetally cle~nlng up. 'I1lO~e 011 the glnie. gave a :snappy ending to a. Mt·mberr noL having sweaters wilt

ar war' of calories and choo~e c·- . ..·Man Ta .erhs psart}~~omnu~;e we~e Ma~y Hul~ very interesting program. weal m roon-cOIOJed neckties. They: nnd other dishes containing I OUDCl eet onlg t II~ l'rry. ary arpen er, an Will assist in maintaining order.

· Shn·Jey Simmons. F d F Th •t r c · f · th 1 b • while the boys go for --- ' Novel a s eature e ma. 0 PillS 01 e c ll . ::-ole" i\lembers w ~ disc~ d but will be held over h' a big way, mru1y or them Th fir.· JOmt meeting of the · New member arc · B10, Vrrglnla F ]} '34 G 'd 5 ' • .' . up their noses entirely at r·.-'1. J\ and the F1 the1·s' Council Am• Clappet Edna Hauxwrll Pan- a rl eason ulntl th1 e next meetln · v.ben sam~

·n• bn h ld ht tl - d t • . · • p c~ wl I be s own. o,~; ' e tomg n le ~lll en I line: Kinb. Valf'11e • telke. Anna Mae 1 · • cafeteria Thoma" H. F.I<on. prlnc1 _ We used tc >r!c only red on look- ConnnaUcf'S Appointed pal, will speak on '"\Vhat H Co.sts IConllnued on Pao• hurl lng ou o\l'l the campus, but now I· c:ommittN·f \~trc appomted. for

number or ell hi's some bo.) t<· Gc to High School." ---. it' just onn sea of br0\\11 and &d-.ertlslll~. 1 ;fnshm~nts, ~ubllcity, to b det!'nnlned by tho! 1 Orre' L. Graham. new boys' vic -; DID YOU Gr.T green, espectally on day preceding j 1!00r dcoora.lon, OJ chest1 a, and

t oi t.ray spacE:' available. I pri!'C'Ipal, will be m!roduced: so will! YOt R PAPER? football games. 1 tickets. , * * * st tdcnt body officers New teachers '"We are endeavoring in this All rooten' decorations may be L-ocker.: "-

111 be Inspected once

wiJl also be presented. I box to give complete informa- bought at the student store !or each month by members of the or-There':: ~n Individual, In this Tom All-en, . chalnnan of the

1 tion in connection with "The I nominal sums. They arc as follows: ganlzr.tJ~n. The tlrst mspecti?n wll!

school who 1• a genius. He s not very Fathers' Counctl, want.~ all or you • Federalist.'' Anyone wi<>hlng to leis, 5 and IC cents; little pennants, be held 111 the ncar future. A.l locks no!lceablc, quiet, shy, and not at all tr be ure and tell your fathers I subscribe to "The FederalisL;' -r cents; wings. 5 cents; emblem-', . found open, or set, wtll be taken ~"if-seeking; but who ot.her than he about tln~ meeting. MAKE them shoulct see Walter F. swartz, in 25 cents: cnps, 25 cents; pom.poms.j off and .sent to lhc main offtcc. could do the work a signed to him

1 come. De you know if the fathers I tho business office. who has :J[ cents; gold footballs, 20 cents: . Neal the close. of the meeting,

with such d!'xt.erlty and fines e. He gtt enou h quan 11) to go with the complete cha.rge 01 subscrip- rooters' caps, 50 cents; vi"ors, 50 Dana B~nn tt, VIce-president of the work!: hard, thl.~ Ill• n. Planting ~he ouallty th!'y alnad·~ ha\·e •. wily we'lll tions, advertising, and the dis. cents: and large pC:nnant , one dol- Knightr;. organization, askl'd ~e seeds of hiS t'ndcavors, caring for! hav bl acher on the 50-yard line tributlon of the paper. lat. , pledg to .st nd and remo\e thetr them with hie skill. Sl.'elng the fruits 1 ocforc you know it, And JU t think, "If anyone desires to submit Stick!'r'" for your car are a"lso night-shirts . from their regular 01 his efforts spring forth !rom the the mhrhty Board or Education may something for the content 0 : available for 5 cents. For the Bev-1 clothes. This, he told them. was to EOdr. ot experll.'ncc. Yet. you never even turn att ear to our long plead-~ tho paper, he should take it erly game the slogan is HAMILTON 1 ~gnlf.)l to_ them ,that ns. th~y enter-r>otlccct hun. though you probably 1ng erie and sa:~-. "All right, Ham- tc• Mrs. Georgia Jones, spon- MAKEe. BEVERLY HANG HER • ~d the- Kmghts orgamzation they

J.im every da.y. All over our llton Htgh School, you may ha\·e SOl' of "The Federalist," In HEAD; Cot the Fairfax game. BE-l were layt~g aside aU clowning and you SC<' his art prrwnlf!ed

1 yam auditorium." The AUD that I 1 room 212. A1' FAIRFAX; and for the Veni~ I from thao trmc on they _were to be yet YOI' nenr reallud IL. SO<Ill 1 we'vf' been waiting for all these long I 1 game. TAKE VENICE FOR A repre~entatlvcs of the htgh~st .type.

WIP raise riots or color from v. ears. "Mrs. Eleanor Boers\ cr, com- BOA1' RIDE. of ma.nhood and leader:Jnp ex• 1 mercia! instruct-or, has charge Ill d 1 1 1 d

plain, blnck earth. Yes, our gPnlus 1 Come on k.ld.", what do you ay? oi ''The Federalist" campaign, The winners or these slcgans frnp 110 n t 1e. A exan er HamJI• .if the gardener. Let's preserve his We get the "dads'' and the "dad::." which is held at the beglnnins were: Gerald Stevenson. Douglas ton .htglf school. He also s~at.ed thall al m b) not causing him any extra l get us the auditorium! Howsa 'bout of every term." Halk. Eleanor Lipman, and Made-j~:!' would be on probation for a ori:. it? ----- Ion Fellman. tCOntlnued on p ... ,...,,1

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0 " n r tl Ly th<' . lutlPn t llotl , n( h• • an tl c- r Jl &ntlllon llh::h s .. hoel !:O!'i5 n . ht"rtx on Jlh·d .. 1~ 0 An~lt"H, alirorJtln. l~hll bt""~l \\ .... L t , during thp !'c hou! "I <'It r hy thr Journnll m ('In~~ ..

• [f "' "'' · • ( rho l:;tud nt l'rt s A oeaatlr·n ot .·outlH•rn 1 .dl'ornla ,'ubscrlptton Price 25 ·, nts l'<'t' :-'f'me t r

J;nt••rt·•l n s•oond- Ins!! muttPr llar••h 24, 1932 at the poq oro ...... at ,1).· 1 ••gut .·, t' llfornla, un<'kr tile n.:t of March 3, 187u.

, .ditor of Publications ..... ·-·--·-·-- ................ ............. _ ...... ED, • A A!~DERSON A~ octate Editors -·--............ _ .. _ Betty Haddock, Elizabeth Schuetze Librarian .......................... " ................................ ~ ............. ........ Grace Burdge Assistant Librarian _ .................................. _ ....... --........... Selma Nesman

1 port.~· Editor ................................. --............. _ ........................ ~ ........... Bob Brown Assistants .................... _ ......................... Wll!le Zomar, R ichard Frazier Girls' Sports .. - .. - ............................................................... _ };fargaret Haul

J i ~rary Editor .~ ..................................................................................... Joanne Joos Assistant ...................... .......................................... _ ............. .-..... Doris Leavens Feature Writers _____ ................... Muriel Aitchison, Marjorie Newsom

Marion Strowger, Dorothy Pressey 1 'Cchange Editor ........................... - ..................... _,_._....................... Frank Aubel 1 aff Artist ....... -................................................................................ Claude Ancel , :imlnlstratlon-1 trector of News Service Bureau ....................... _ .............. Lincoln Littrell

Sponsor ....................... _ ............ - .............................................. Georgia Jones Business Manager ....................... _ .... - .. - ......... - .......... Walter F. Swartz

~~udent Manager ..... _ ... - ....................... - .. - .............................. Allen Sv.inhart




1. Your dad went to one that was

25. What the Nevlans represent \'ertlcal

little and red. 1. Fiftee n cents wor th of a twen-6. Interjection ty-cent soda 7. The beginning of enchantment 2. Deser t chieftan 8. And the answer was Katy- 3. Term applied to Senior Bees

(See 9) 4. The left end ot a tee~r board 9. This wise old bird was curious 5. A football player

and asked a question. (See 8J. 9. Not unfinished

Wit-Wisdom And What-not Smart Senior: He wus her m n ,

but he c me up to see n1e times!

Mary had a litt!n Iamb, Her !nth r shot it dead,

And now 1t gOl' to ~hool "l}'lth Betw en two hunks of bread.


How's about getting .c:weaters for Seniors In tyles and colors to sult their own tastes?

· Up and atom cule,

cried the mole·

At the game Fn<lay, a Hollyv•ood "Howler" was giving Hamilton t he once-over. To a nearby "Green and Browner'' he called, "Say, who'a your president?"

To which the latter r ep:!ed. ".Roo.sevelt,-who's yours?"

Mother, may I go out to swim? Yes, my darling daughter,

But you look so much like a hick•


11. Red an over 11. This is what pigskin fans do, This is what Lieut. Eaton is or and also the pigs

ory limb, You'd bet~r s tay under the wa•

ter. the Hamilton army. <Abb.l 13. The last half of a. butcher's 13.

"How do you do?" 116. Can you count the number of times you have repeated 18.

' hat--and how many more times it has been said to you? 20. ·, hat is not very probable, fo·r the sentence is so common, we 21• .• ave come to believe it universal; but there we are mi. taken. 23.

The Greeks claim their, "How are you getting on?" is 24.

How t o sum things up stock Aware !slang) 14. A dumb girl's name A monkey's uncle 15. A high note and a low one All sew l'i. Someone else Desirable wclght of a football 18. These keep "The Federalist" lineman going A date half made 19. An Inverted cap

A three-year-old child was told by her father that the next day they would saU for America. She concluded .her prayers that night with "Good-bye, dear God 'I'm go• ing to America." '

A high note 22. Halt of Japan

;ustascommon. ~========~====~====~====~====================~ · The Tut·ks being a decidedly more ceremonious and ·

Yes, we'\·e found out that you can "string beans, but you can·~ "bull" !rogs. •

'. howv" race, meet you with a formal "G<>d grant you his I •Iessing," while in Persia you will be greeted with the de­ CAMPUS CAPERS

By MARION STROWGER Apropos of Nothing-

l've heard that to him who waits comes everything except taxi cabs in rainy weather ... wonder i! that applies to wai ting ror hamburgers In .t he hash line?

. 'ghtful, "May your shadow never grow less." "How are you passing it?" asks the Spania·rd, after

vhich the Frenchman will return, "How do you carry your­elf?" ~-•

In Holland you may expect a, "How do you travel?" from no t anyone. Then if you chance to meet a Scandinavian he ·vin inquire, "How can you?" . . . .

It is said that the only umversal formality m meetmg ~ nother is the custom of bowing. While none of the verbal "Teetings contain the same words, yet it is plain to see that Pach little sentence convey. a message of friendliness. and Tespect fdr the receiver of the greeting, either as an indi­' idual or as a representative of a larger group.

PERSEVERANCE! The third school policy is not quite as specific as the pre­

c~eding two have been. It is in relation t9 the value of PER­SEVERANCE after a decision has been made. If one has 9tarted something new which does not seem in accord with 1i is particular desires, he should defer judgment until such time as he has thoroughly tested his efforts in this line. l'eThaps he has not yet received all the benefits his chosen tbtirse has to offer him, if he doe!} stay with it.

Everyone needs to develop a certain amount of stability. 1'vithout it he gradually develops into what is known as a ..,ercurial" personality-nothing ever satisfies him far a pro­fitable length of time. During his youth is the opportune time fli. which to develop within himself this very necessary and basic characteristic, perseverance.

HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT IT? Out of the nine hundred and fifty-nine Senior high

.-chool students in Hamilton, that is BlO through A12, does . ft not seem strange that only forty of these have maintained a high enough average for membership in the scholarship flociety, the Neviarrs?.

If you must have explicit incentive for striving for bet­. ter grades other than for improving your mind, there are sev­eJ:al.

First, it must be realized that to be a Nevian gives you · a certain amount of distinction on any part of the campus. !Think it over-when a teacher asks of your class how many are Nevians, woulct it not give you somewhat of a thrill to be ttrh8Ps one of the two or three to raise your hand?

As you probably know, the Nevian society is merely a ctiapter of a statewide scholarship organization, the Califor­-.la Scholarship Federation, more commonly known as the .C. S. F. If you are a member of the Nevians four out of six tlrms, on ~duation night you will be one of the few to be ... ed with a gold seal on your diploma, \\hich signifies that

Week-end Wanderlnr- about Thane Riney's recent attempt Balboa . . . always popular • • . at cookery? Left for the week-end

saw quantities o! familiar faces ... 1 by the family, he wandered about

Betty Wells, Ellen Berger, Wahnetah among the pots and pans. Wonder WHEN ALL ELSE IS LOST, TBB Cirlos. Bob Byrd, Margey Wiley, if he's gotten beyond the boiling FUTURE STILL REMAINS! Earl Cameron. Bill Herd, Dana Ben- water without burning it stage? nett, and loads or others, too • •• . Distressed Hubby: can all having so much fun froliclc..lng on Scanty Sketches- me o! my wife's whereabouts? the sands, swimming t hrough the Bud Rose • • • Ben Holmes • • • Maid: Ach! Dey must be in wee small hours of the morning, return to the grind after gypsylng . wash! dancing at. that smart, ballroom • . . around the countryside !or simply one of the better blushes occurred ages .•. Bud winning his spurs on when Betty Wells, all-unsuspecting, a ranch In Texas ... Ben working, walked in on numerous members of so we hear, down N'Orleans way, the sterner sex at Mr. Herold's cab- suh ... Clauson Bleak ... one of In preparing to vanquish a few of our athletic stars. covering the thoso wild, "''ild waves ... much opening of the Culver City tennis :stammering and crimsoning o! coun- courts . . . Doris McGonigle ... se­tenances was In order . . . Ocean rlously taking up S\\'imming !or the Beach ... Irene James, Senior Bee sake of her figure, so she says ... . . . gett ing more thrills on that Bud Osterberg . . . Kenny Hatton

Dam He, Me hate He, Me wish that Him were died.

IHim tell I him love I, But d11m He, Him lied!

You can always find what don't want by looking where wouldn't be If you did wan~ it • Or am I wrong???

perfectly swell roller coaster , . . · · · getting all excited at that Heard an extra popular San Diego . . Cecil Cranborne .. . Wash!ngton-U.S.C, game .. • Lois I black, bobbed hair, "Frencby'' scrambling 'au over one of Uncle "Graci(j'' St . John back In otwn say t'other day that she had a Sam·s warships ... Big Bear ... again after her recent stay In Po- ache-well, what does she Graec Fikes, cute liB . , . enjoying mona • · • giggly as ever. they say a brainstorm? that special brand of mountain a.1r • • • Ruth Crispy .•• Ruth Graves with her family ... Arrowhead ....•. just holding their breaths tUI Also at the game Friday: Richard Clark ... all disappointed the Christmas holidays, when they iastlc Rooter: Fight! Figbtl because o! the rain ... Bakers!ield plan to motor back to Denver • • . From a far. far corner an ... caroline Honnold . • . one of our Paul Scott . . . fishing off the I reply: Where? Where? more ardent motorcycle ent.huslasts cruiser ''Am!gos" •.. didn't catch a . . . whizzing around the Ridge t.hlng! Seen on a Beverly Route on a "'heel and a half-try to llhlnicht Meanderlnr book: beat_ th~ rest of her party to their . AU roads lead to th-:; Casino •.. I Teachers I like:

:s;:n;~:nH~~r~?- 1 ~~ t~:rep:~~~~~~~;e~~;otk~ I t .. :::::::~: ~: ·--~:·: .... ····· ..... _ . . . the particular stamping ground · .. · ·· · ........ · · · · .. · ................ _

Lorraine Wilhite talk baby talk? of Margey Lane, Ruby Anderson ... she gets away witb It, tool .•. and Luethal Jackson ... found !.here ot Kay Bedard's marvelous lobster consistently • . . almost outdoing dinners? It seems she's made a them In per!ect atten<fanee . • • hobby ot preparing it in as many George Marley, Prank Hunt, Mar­ways as possible. Orand idea . . . shall Weld.

DOTTIE'S ANSWERj angry, but or course I just realized

To JANEY that they must be POSITIVELY I amazed that I was SUCH an able coach. Once durtng the game a boy

By JOANNE JOO f VIM runnlng with the b8p-well,


Father: It's eleven o'clock: Do think you can stay here all

Boy !rlend: I don't know, I'll to phone home and find outr

Dearest Janey: everyone was closing In on him and Customer: I'll have one order Received your letter of October there they were, all crowded down by

IG, and darling, I was POSITIVE- ONE goal post-so I called out to L Y amazed that by this time you him to run up to the other goal­haven't become the "Woman Won- . there weren't half as many fellow11 der" over there at HamUton on up there to bother him-but my football taettc.c;. <I t.hink that's the dear, I was POSITIVELY O~ER-

eggs. Waitress: How do you like your

eggs? Customer: I don't know, I haven''

tasted them yet!

word-sounds POSITIVELY brainy, ED to shut-up On no uncertain Famous Ia t words: Quit horriDI don't you t.hink?) Well, anyway, words> by the other Spectators <?> I all tile covers! that's what they call me here- ----"Dottie the Great," etc. Of course I WeD, I'm so dlllgusted-just t.hlnk hate to brag, but I went to the of all the points we might have game Friday (darling it was POSI- made-I simply can't write another

sJ!h :have b,.,., presented with a life membership in the C.S.F. ~·,_,.also will be pre~ented with the coveted Roman Lamp pin.

TIVELY horrid-they were 80 word! vicious-but I Just gritted my teeth Lov d -- SOON like the original "I cm take lt'' girl e. an " ........ '" •

And then there was the Fresh­man who, "Q;hile driving in the coun· try saw a field ot ca~tatls and ex· claimed: "Oh, look at the hot-doa garden!"

Bl'" fr· ·mer, seal-bearer-he wiU tell you in no uncertain th~t. thn"e honor~ were more than wOrth the extra half

~ ty,,. .... - .. nt ptunvine- for those coming history, math, ..ef,. .. ,..., t.., .. t~ and assil{llments.

Th; .. •. :' .. ;ver-it's rP..aUv worth your consideration-to 'Ill lte a little harder for the things more worth while!

that I am, you !mow>, aJt7W&y, I DOTI'IE. Well, guess that's all for now! So t.hoqht I'd belp tbem along wttb I'll aa:fl,. Aw-rev-ah~r a little advice, aa I had more or less Customer: "A cup of weak tea, ••• I mean~w nuts! ot a blrd's-e:ve-vtew ot the field.:.. pleuel" ao I kept calling out perfectiJ Waiter, (a few minutes 1ater1: GaAND pla)'S to tbem. Of -course "Bow do ,ou UDd the tea?'' everyGDe stared at DJe IOIDe Jaulh. cuatomer: "J sa1d weak, not help. td and others aeemed POSmvELY less!''

'l'be measure of a man's charaeter is what he would do be tDew he would never be found out.

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Wedne.'day, October 17, 1934


T H E F E D E U .\ I. I S T Page 3


Army Routed Harriers Harried

The '\"hi:"ker. Have It


L~~:;;~"~;~~~;~;~ 1 Win Predicted For Hollywood Redshirts Down Yankee members were contenders were : Be ill (; •d w • b s f 19 0

"Tho FederalisL" sports page has Fairfax 6 Beverly Hills 2 verly u• s n arr1ors y core 0 • had a stormy time of it this se- Venice 7 Los Atlgel<'S 6 mester, First of!, sports editor, Ben Both of these games were up- --------------* warren, started on n world cruise sets. Beverly Hills was doped to F instead of returning to school, and .nke the league title this year and I Here we are agam slnging the T 1 T L E C H AN C E S oothiller Hol'de Too Big your present coiTespondent edited or course it wa.~ expected they blues for Hamilton Hi on the im- OF GREEN LITES For Hamilton; Greens t he first page, endeM·orlng to pro- would take the Colonials Friday, pending game with Beverly Hills duce a statistical account of Yan- and though a close score was an- next FridaY. though the Fairfax up- ARE DIMMED Trampled Under

•lclpated fe"' con dcrcd the pos set of the Normans b_v a 6 to 2 score k grid performances !n past se- • • n -

mesters and n. reference fund of in- slblltty or Fairfax coming av.-ay t~~t sv:meegk adds a brighter note to The Green Lites 'lrcnt out. the I Hanlllton went down to a 19 to 0 formation about the current crop with the heavy end of ft. . . Red IAtcs came on and the cham- I defeat be! ore the onslaught of the

"dd d th I t 'Los Angeles was slated to .~ink The Normans are defendlng then· plonshlp-hope elev~n C"llnder "rid Reds"".,..~ Frida~· on Elson fl"eld in of gn ers an c new eague se . - the Venetians without any trou- Western league title and were .:;Jat- ! h . J ". ' ,..._."" '

UIJ. ble at all but the Gondoliers sur- 1 ed by all the metropolitan sports , mac me from Ham 11 L 0 11 was the opening game of the season. Th B b Bron·n ~·110 last year . brought to a stop on the Hollywood 1

en o d' • tm t 1 I ted 1 prised and took the Gladiators 1 scribes to repeat rather hand1!y hilltop Thursday afternoon. Though the Yanks were overcome, -conducted this cpar en • v 5 I for a boat ride. even against the stronger teams or Sl Is h ld h k they made a creditable showing the school and we prevailed upon The Romans won !rom the the reorganized league. In their gna e up t e ~an ee rna- . . , him to post and take over the old ' Ven ice Bees and Cees though no practice season the Beverly team chine; several times, With the baH agamst a team of HollY" ood 5 cali-job. But Bob now has work which 5eores are ava1Iable at this time; , took the strong Rlis machine apart near midfield and a couple yards to ber and surprised many local fans brings cash returns, so here we ar_e I no report has been received as 7 to 0 and downed a. very powerful


go for . first down, passes were tried who expected a large score. again holding the sack-maybe its : fCL concerning the outcome of Manuel Arts eleven by a 13 to 6 a~d mc?mplcte. Runrung plays This was the first football fnva· a snipe hunt I : the little fued between Fairfax count. (Manuel opened its schedule v. ere ob~•ous, but to make matters 1· -* * * , and the ... ·ormans. 1 Friday winning easily from wash- , ·orse each of these strategic bob- s1on of the Hamilton grid by a H~I· AERIAL BARRAGE 1 j lngton of the old Western league 13 bles '\\'as followed, when kicks were 1ywood team and the entertam· AX'S'IIIILATES IIAI\IILTON ' to o. I in order, by bucks which fell short ment furnished by t~e Yankees was ARMY SHO<'K TROOP J I _ f _ _ of first dawns exactly to the Reds liking. The A w~k ~go- last Fridav, the CQ .. F£0 Fair a.x_ Wms m Upset. . Hollywood . gave Hamilton a Shieks weren t content to take 1\ R 0 T c ·t It d iootba 1 j The Colomals m practice en- chance to get m the money by chance on t'he Hamilton genero.sity,

· · · · um rccruU e 1 n •1 ! By )IARGARET IIAl L counters defeated Marshall of the fumbling soon after receiving f.he however, and began at the outset o[. team to answer 1e c las enge 0 ___ defunct Western league 12 to 0 and the contest to grab off everything the first period gym class. The Franklin 7 to O. Neither of the.~e kickoff but the Greens weren't ac- they could. ~r1od was nearly over before the 1 All! Thi~ is what we've been wait- teams Is a contender for top honors ceptlng favors and promptly restor- The Shlek passing attack worked encounter got under way, but the ing <and \\'Orklng?l for! The vol- In their respecti\•e circUits. Marshall ed ~he ball to the Redshlrts on a to perfection and the Reds gained cadets fell back under the attack j le} ball teams are to be cho ·en the tieing the l\'cak Garfield gridders retu."rl funlble. . over two-hundred yards via the launched by the gym forces and lost twenty-second of this month. One 0-0 and Franklin bowing to Roose- Poor tackling and defensl\:e lapses aerial route. .Melendez was on the the skirmish by n 12 to 0 score. hundr<!d points are given all th" velt 19 t.o o in their league opener.:;. enabled Hollywood to reel off oc~a- receiving end of mo.st or the heaves

The gym team plays daily and 'I girls cho.sen on the nr. t team anct Anot.her practice tussle returned the slonal yardages of ~rom ten to fiftY I With McCorkle and S~eling t.o.ssing. hn.t a tremendous advnntagl) over fifty points to girls on the second Fairfax Colonials ,.,..inners over yards, land and a1r attacks func- Sieling was the big ground gainer th army: however, with the ex- tfam. Of cour_e everyone tries for North Hollywood by a 24 to 0 tally tlonmg equally ·ell. on running plays and tore off bet­per 'Jnce or this struggle, the sol- the first team. There is great riv- whlle Eagle Rock on the same day Hollyv;ood's first score was the ter than a hundred yards !or his

have d ·eloped tactfcs which airy between the Aye and Bee elev- jumped on the Hamilton Yanks 14 re ult or a pa.ss from Still\\'ell to contribution to the Red cause, one to touchdown marches In ens, and Miss Carolyn Mitchill say:;, Lo 6 and Friday the Eagle Rock Henry from the eight yard line. gallop bclng good !or fifty yards

battle which, according to "Both groups of eleventh graders squad barely eked out an 8 to 0 vic- SJIIwell !&lied to convert on a and the first 6Core of the game. Is forthcoming. are so good i~ will be extremely dlf- tory over North Hollywood. buck , This was in the first quar- Art Osterberg was half the show * * * !!cult tc pick the fm;t team." llow Yanks ·~.u Up ter; a. f1!ty yard dash opening the for Hamilton, playing a bangup de-

DO NOT The Great Outdoors For Picnics These comparat1ve scores would second period put the ball on tile {enslve game and ripping off some '"••LO."""' TO RUN • , • Ala!: and alack. no more eating indicate tha.t the Colonials are twenty yard Jine and lea to the last gOO<! runs bes des outpuntmg t.he

,R no WE?- Jn the gym during G.A.A. How«:'ver, about three times as effective as I score two plays later, when Green I Hollywood hooters as well as zomar, Defending a champion hlp with v.·c will b':! allowed t.o take our ap- Eagle Rock and tile Yanks turne<i heav d one over the goal into the l who usually . hines 1.11 tha.t dEpart­

studenL body support, Is a tough pi :: can<l) . etc., outdoors and eat out to be only half good enough to walling arms or "Scoop'' H«:'nry. ment !or tile Yanks. ll.;;slgr.tmt~nt !or anyone, and Leroy them All this talk about things to cope with the ~gle-Rockers. All or I Green· pass to Bo\\·ers !or extra The first score came two minutes

, cross-country mentor, has eat ma~;e, me think of the coming which would pomt to an easy battle pomt was grounded. before tile half ended when Sieling decided to throw in the spread and banquet and all the for Beverly Hills wh':n the Normans The Redshlrts threatened again I dashed around rigii't end for fifty

other good times we have In G.A.A., meet Hamilton, in v1ew of the fact in the third quarter when Morris yards and a. touchdown. Souther-or ten runners constitute a that the close win Fairfax put over blocked Lowry's punt and the Hill- land made a try at right guard for

~0 if you don't belo~ Y«:'t it's ne\'i'r on the Deverlj' boys was an upset. to. ppers recovered on the two yard I the conversion but didn't get O'.'er. strength team and the turn- tO<: !at ~ lo start coming out. The Figures do lie. d.espite old adages, !me, but the chance blew up when Southerland added six point to sc far this semester are too junior G.A.A. i~n't quite large ~nd It 1.5 our opmion that in t.hls S!illwell fumbled on a try at the the Shiek total in the third quar-

to form a squad if they shoul 'J enough to have many tEams so the msta_nce they add up to practically June. Once again a Sheik score ter when he broke over right tackle develop into competitive caliber. Inter-class teams which are prac- nothmg and we are willing to con- seemed certain when a pass over the from the six yard J!ne. Agarn the

Riney, George L!llle, and tieing for the "Cup of Candy Con- cede the game to Beverly with plen- goal sailed past the Yanks to a I try for extra point falled when Mc­Aubel arc returning letter- test," stay out on the same nights ty to spa~e- waiting Red. but the ball bounced Cork!e's pass to Jerubica v.-a..s

and I! a few more human and they play against the G.A.A.; The Fairfax triumph was an up- off hi.s chest as the final gun boom- groun<ied. A few minutes later ,.~r, .... t,hllto: can be scared from cov- all these junior G.A.A. girls are ~t undoubtedly although the Col- ed. Southerland wenL over the goal

coach Srun!ie will have some 1

senlo1 G.A.A.'s coming up. j onials outplayed the Normans. they Score by quarters: I again, this time through right guard nee of repeating his feat of last , Serious Ayes and Silly Bees were able to top the Hill Billies, not

6 6 0 0-l" from the one yard stripe, and Me-when the harriers showed their The senior Ayes won every game because they v.·ere better but be- Hollywood ().-. 0 . Corkle added a digit plungmg over to all opposition. Unless a few I they played Monday, BUT THE cause Be~erly played <:arele.s.s ball , Hamilton . 0 0 0 .

1the left guard !or the conversion.

leatherlungers put in an ap- SENIOR BEES. they do well to win and allov.ed the. ColomaL'> to out- The Uneups . Hamilton put up a dogged !ltht. our cro..o;s.country cham- the !ew games the d Th Be think them. Fa1r!ax shunned the Jlamilton Hollywood but went down under the charge or

will go elsewhere y;hlle v.•e must save up all til~ir ~illine~ dU:~ heavy Norman wall and skirted the Reynolds LER Hodg-:ns a better team. The Greens' only idly by looking on. ing the week 1 M d . a. d ~nds for most of the!~ ground gam- McQuary ... L'TR. ___ Hutchison chance was an . upset \1ctory by * * * Th sd f or • on a.>.S n mg though thell' passmg attack was Williams __ LGR .... . G-ardner

1 means of a passmg attack but on

WIN ur ays, or I do~'t see how else also effective. Beverly score<.! on a c ...... - ... '{orr;• thi occasion the aerial fireworks, •, any one bunch of girls could be 80 safety and donated iFa.lrfax six Saenz .. ---· -- -·-" "' - hi h h f dd d 1o

HA\ E, • crazy_ The girls have been very points b'-' fumbling on the 15 ''ard Greve .. RGIJ ·- Chlru1e w ell ave ereto ore a e co r Y BOYS \OW- l prompt about the payment or dues ' . . ' Is Robm.son . _. RTL _ . Querncy to Yankee con.tests. failed v.1th Hoi-

varsity players have taken a to.'l:S term, because when President ~nd sleepl!lgt w~e th~ ~loni;o Wiley ....... RIEL .... . Bell 1Y1

wood trampmg on the fuse each oath not to shave until th«:'Y

1 Betty Wells asked about dues there I a toudd~= m 0 e en ne r Dale . Q . . Bowers t r're the Yanks tried to set them

game. IL seems to us tha~ the was a good ~owing. ,. This defeat, "Wtllch we look upon Petrangelo . ·--·- LHR -· .... Green I 0 •

cho.se. a poor year to ta~e an , ~ Bll'ds:eye '\i se~ . as a. Beverly lapse, is the only black Lowry ............... RHL Still\\ell Score by quarters: of this kind unless the~ ad·r Somethmg_ nevo this \\eek-'1\hatlmark on the Norman record made Pickett . . F . • Henry Hamilton 0 0 0 0-0

the app~ce oJ Man , the gil'~ think about football and t.his year against tellar opposition Ho.lyv. ood ... 0 6 13 0-19 n Dean, fo1 from the looks the bo}s who pla.y it. Most of the and we still see an easy !Beverly MELONMEN PRACTICE 1

1 Lineups:

the Yanks are doomed tc ' girlS hke f<;><>tball ~ lo~ but ~~If or 1 v.•ln Irom the Yankees. uamll ton llollywood under the onslaught of I them don~. know what Its ~11 To which you probably answer,

the league teams this year. about. The~ re more mterested m •·So what?" and we reply "So fig- Casaba players arc 4"eporting af. I O'Sulllvan LER P. Webb be n good year for whisk- the fellows,. anyway. From what I ure it out. yourself." ' tcr school !or pre-practice sca..<.an I 0 tbcrg ~TRGR -- Hogg fear. However, if the worst I he~r. the girls _thtnk Paul Ostbcr.g warm-ups and may be ecn after-~ ~1. Maddox ... Johnson

we can visualize the varsity Is. JU~t d~;ling, m other words, he s noons at tM gym tossing the Ieath- ~g~ ·-·- · C Pettus "'.~il~mller~ hiring out to the movl'!le~er~bod~s heart throb. Wlllle zo- HARRIERS DISABLED er melons about and scrimmagingiD.YMaddox ---- -- ROL . J.B~:~ companies for hermit parts and . mar Is thought one of the best among themselves. Cory _ f!TLEL .. - campbell

players on the team, but he doesn't ·"" P,erhaps, ~orne next Xma.~. we may .seem to play much for girls. Morrie Cross-country hopes are dim for coaching until after football sea- Las'\l.'fll . Q McCorkle s,roH do\\n the aisle of some dov."rl- Laswell is a fast runner, but every- Hamilton at thiS stage of the game. son. when the coaches will be free, Zomar LHR .. ~L'ioSier t-ov."rl department store and ehanc~ one calls him "butterfingers''; Although Coach Samsc has thr<e George Marley Is putting the Ayesr~rarabit-o RHL. Reid upon one of the boys working at be- Jamie o·.sulllvan he's another cute returning lettermen from last year's and Bees through their paces, while Saenz - ... .. ---· F . DeGaetano ing Santa Claus. one but not In c'irculation; that Is. championship squad, only five oth- Bud Rose has the Cees and Dees in The game was broadcast under

• .- • he wasn't. Vincent Boyd, a chubby er.; have turned out for the sport. charge. the new system devised last week, CRIBBLER little rascal; Dan. one of the scrap- In cross-country meets, the team Among the varsity aspirants are the amplifiers being located on the

RECOVERS HAMILTON I py Saenz brothers, is also popular. I scoring the least number of points Weld, Hudson, Rankm, Marley, fifteen-yard line and the m!c:ro-~~LE-H

11 ood hi . j I win:; and the number of the place Chewning, and Brage. These boys phone on the fort)'. It didn't v.·ork to. ~ ~r:ad~aJ" stat! sent~ c;rr;: In reminiscent mooG, credulous, taken it the number of points made played last yea.r ~nd should !onn a out so well and It looks as if the

'8nd <»pled our noteso~no~he ga~e Tillie opmes that co!!ee Isn't the by each entry. If we enter the eight goo<! working nucleus for Coach mike wW have to be talten back up list of oftldals. and l!neup.s, th~ only thing that's fresh when dated. runners now working out, we would Riney. Returning Bees are HolmE:S, t Lhe gym top. If reception is to be

It !or a telephone and oc.rooped hav~ the l_ast two places scored Hulrtlon, Bassford, and Donovan. made possible !or fans in the south the Examiner on our ov."rl A smart girl iS cnoe who can make agamst u.• m dual m~ts. regardles.s Rose reports twenty-five little end of the bleachers, the ampllflers His :teat completed the her complexion taste as good as iL of how they place. as ten men com- fellows out with nearly as many' must be loca ed a.t the .fifty-yard

route and added insult to look=.. pose a team and we would get 19 more expected to report. The Dees I Une. What ca.n be done about tho6e the lnjury suffered at the hands of and 20 points !or the two entries are green and their potenuaUties en the opposite side of the field he Reds. Reckon the city slickers Bev: "I can't swim.'' we are short. Our chances rest with I unknown, but the Cees have some I v.1H probably need wait until an-collec~ all aroun<l and took u.s all Marg: •·Why?"

1 the possibility of turning up some good material and ~houlc do w£'11 other season when the school can

for a ride. Bev: "I ain't in water.'' 1,_ ot~..r harriers in the 6Chool. thi" year. C!~ mo.-e equipment.

Page 4: FED-FAX - EX-JOURNALISTS CONTINUE IN FIELD - Prep Club …hamihighalumni.org/wp-content/uploads/1934.10.17... · 2020. 2. 29. · ou~ one or more commg back "Justj the same paper

Page 4 THE FED E RALI S T Wecine. day, October 17, 1934

Plans Made For Girls' Tom Allen and Sr. League Annual Hi-Jinks Orchestra Qn Radio Glee Clubs to Hold Indian Relics Comprise R ·~~

M · H II Case Exhibit e1 e l Semi-Annual Party am a eV Indian relics of the past and Girlr' League monthly business' Tom Allen, Culver City rcasurer,

Plans are made for the omi-an. nual Gle<' Club party that is to be held Friday, Ocwber 19, at 8 pJn .. in the student cafeteria. The party is ~ponsored by the Girls' and Boy-;' Glee clubs. An invitation has been extended to all s.nior high mu lc students and their friends.

The party is to be formal. Danc­ing and a ~peclal program wlll fur­nish entertainment and of course refreshments are to be served. The admls. !on ls 25 cents a person.

Tickets ma)' be secured from Mrs. Edith S. Leonard, sponsor of the Olec clubs.

Tho officers and executive board o1 the Glee clubs are managing.

Students Guests of :the Automobile Club

meetings will be held for the re- and chairman of the Fathers' Coun­present arc being exhibited in ihc A rltual tniUatlon devised by malndel of the &"mestl'r dunng 4A ell, will present n speech concern-cases In the main hall, thiS week. Frank Hunt. was the Initial event and the overlap In l~1c ~1odel din- ing good cltizrnship, on the radio Collections of Indian relic: have o! the Ins~ Snbrr ami Chevron club I ing room. ThE.' girls Will either brlng Thursdny, October 18, at 4 :30 p.m, been contrlbut~d by the B8 classes meeting and It or buy their lunches. The ~leetl.ngs over KFVD (the Auburn-Cord sta-. . . turned out to be w1ll be held the first ThUisda} of tion>. Ill social ;.tudies and Enghsh, un- 1• ·hat differ- e\'ery month. Two teachers, other Hamilton's senior orchestrn wll der the direction or Mrs. Rubetta I ~~1~ -t~an wa ex- 1



than the sp?nsor, Mrs. Vera Leshln. open ond close the program wit: Brown, and Mrs. AnnE.' Von Poed- pected Bill Me- will be imJt('d to ntl<'nd the5e two mwncnl selections: LustBplel eroyen. I coneh~y was the meetings 111~d see just. \\:hat the Overture. by Keler-Bela and Dream

The classes have been stud~ lng expenmental in!- , league is domg. At the fhst meet- .:\telody, by Victor Herbert. U1e handicrafts and the work of the uate a ell d. me 1 ing Miss Cecil Jones and Mrs. Fran- All stud nts and parent are cs-Indinns, In order to get a more thinks reeel\'ell ces Bahlman were the guests of peclally a ked to tune in on this concrete idea of the hardships the the wbrst end of honor. . . program. Ind!am of yesterday pa.sst'd through, the deal. Wlt!l . ''The mem~rs of the ~abmet dts- ---------In thetr efforts to become more his head com- cuss~d plu~s nnd suggestlons f~r th" Commercial Cla sses . civillZ'.!d and peaceful. . plctely tied up in ; commg ~t-Jinks, N?~c~1ber 1(), a~d

Larry Gumey has ns a hobbl, an o D shirt he what solt or a pto,wm to ha\e. O rganize New Club been collecting old Indian relics and 1\'as l~d 'fallerln~- Tho constitutiOn of the Girls' has made man}' 'trips through the ly Into' the pres- League was read. ?lso. so lh~t the To afford an opp:>rtunity for Palos Verdes Hills. where he c"l- c~ce of the club. - ~ girls migh~ kno.:" JUSt what lS ex- commercial students to become bct-lected many Indian aJTowh~ads. and kneeling In front of an ink well, 1 pected of them. . ter acquainted wi th busmcss me~

Jack Bonynge, in traveling in was reouested to read the consti- The recent quotation Elizabeth chlnet nnd varlow business meth-Mexico, round an Aztec sacrlficinl tut.ion. · Schurtze made on the broadcasts od~. Mrs. LucUie K. Johnson has

For the purpose of aequainUng knife In an old Indian temple. Blondes Pin and Cooking Wll!' too much for the Jrague, so they organized a Comm rce club. th students With the office meth- Emma Lu Hull has contributed ' Cl:t~s es decided to get down to work. Just Tho first meeting was h"ld Octo~ ods employed by the Automob.le an old Indian doll, made for her L\·tr. my, h see~IS that one of watch them show their s:uff 'rout:d bl'l' 11, for the puryose of electing Club or Southern California. Miss gmndmother by an Indian woman. th"se irresistabl-e blondes luis n- the end of this I'III , v. h~u the Ill- offlc rs. The offtcers c:ccted are: Je 1e Graham's Business CotTes- and also a kachinn, a very rare naily broken down the resislo.nce Jinks rolls 'round. Marjorl<' New.on, prt>!'ldent: Mar-pondencc clnss visited t.he club ceremonial doll. ot Harold Jacobs. Aynhow, Harold's • guer1te Roberts, viee.presldent; Nel. Tuesday mormng. . I Tho anowheads, the _knife, and I club pin was seen floating around Leshe Gray, Jeweler , lie Schipper, secretary: Harry

The flllng system, _Hollenth ma- the. doll nre mcluded m the ex-~ school on one of the sweet young I E H II p· Arthur, f;Crgeant-at-nnns. Grace chine which nutomat1ca~ly sort and h1b1t. things, and poor Harold paid the ngraves a IDS I Burd.g wn electrd progr, m chair -count, automatic typewriters, dicta.- I dire penalty. Upon receiving his/ mnn and Margaret Lillie r.'" chair~ phones, and addressograph ma- ; • • • C d punishment, Jacobs was heard mut-\ Leslie V. Gray, Culyer City Jew-


man of tho constitu ion committee, chine!. which automatically address • ldenhflca t lon ar S tering, "I wonder If he's worth <'ler, .put iclent!Cylng numbers on ---- - - ----;-nll mailing material, were the main G · Q t t Pupils it?'' we wonder who SHE .is? Well, Hamilton high . chool Hall commit- , 1 • t • t • F t of point: of interest. IV en u 0 the meeting was finally broken up tee pins. The H~milton student body I nl. Ia lOn. ea ure . -

Another fact that !nt.ercsted the by the statemrnt or Lieutenant w1sh to tak~ th1 means of express- First K nigh t Meeting students was that the chatrs and Presenting nn entirely new idea Eaton that he had to go to cooklng !n5 thr!r smc re appr elation. Due typewriters 111 the filing depart- in the . history of Alexander . Ham- .school! Oh deah! Please pass me to defects In Lh e orlg.nal pins, it (Continued ri'Om .,..

11, on• I

ment w re all on wheels. llton, Jdent!fJcauon cards, ldentl- the mixing bowl, Priscilla! was necessary to call them all ln period or time prior to their final "Thl Will give ti1e students a I fying a pcrs01~ ns a pupil of Ham- Corporal w arranted soon after they were Issued and Installation.

general idea of how the various 1lton, were g1ven out recently . In The corporals and hoped-to-be make numlx>r which destroyed the Orrel L. Graham, Boys' vice-prin-bu m<ss machines are operated, homeroom. These ~ards. will entitle corporals are finally .set at ease Oligina! numbers. cipal tllen voiced hts appreciation nnd c direct insight into the busi- the holder to special pnvll••gPs. ac- with the assignments of permanent of u{e fine work of the Knight·· or-ne world of today,•· states Mtss corded to a student or this school, places as squad leaders a week ago Nevians Initiate New gnnfzatlon and the re. pon::.lbllity Jessie Graham, such us reduced raws ~t movmg last Wednesday. Those receiving which this honor carries w1th it. He

picture houses. at swlmnnng pools, thelr chevrons were: combine, Har- Members at Party congratulnt~d the new members on • studen~ Iates at footb ll g~.mes a~ld by, Hover, Hulme, Radford. Thomp- their elect on.

Salesmanship Class other sports, etc. Each P~• on ''a.s son, Stine, Poynt.er. Andros, Peter- ( Conun~eo"""' .,aa• " "" A a latH dat<> a r<>prescntative

A . w· h Ad given one card, which he filled out en. Brice, and Morris. Robinson, D. tty Smith, Barbara of the Knights' organlzauon from to SSISt It S I hlmselt. At the lnvlt.ntlon of the Califor- Stem, O£'raldtne S t rn , and Helrn the Univ r ity of Southern Califor-

Thc cards have Thomas H. El~on,l, h~ Offie!'rs' club, several of the ca- WU!ey; AIO, Charlott.e Kelso and nir. wlll be out to induct the new To further the ad\·ertl ing or principal, and Alexander HamUton det officers of the unit attended an Alfred Ber.sback: Bll, Chnrl£>ne memb.r • \\hO have liUCces fully

• The F deralist,, ML Mary Ellen high school prmt.ed on them, \\1th affair a t the Del Mar club. The Graham, Martha BrantJoy .~nd served their probationary lod, Dlcki. on's saksman~hip 2 class ls space for the pupil's naJ.ne nnd th: event \ ·af held la!:.t Friday evening I Cmmon ~ook: l.H2.' lletty Collu~; into -complete membership. ::.0 nsstst 111 th<' elhng of advert! - date on which the ca1 d \\" rc and con~! ted of a dinner-dance. Al2, Mmam Cald\\ I'll, Shirley 01-tng .space nnd collecting for U1ese ceivcd. They wtll only bl' good for ·en, Carmen Graham. ndvertlsemcnts. the semester beginning September, Of these new members. Alfred Model Airplane Kits

Thl:: will a:,Jst the business staff 193-lt. I Is not unusual fm· Individual B!.'rsbnck. Carmon Cook, Detty Col-1n gathHing ads; and if the per-1 cat ownen: In Spain to have to Jlns, Shirley Olsen, and CaJmen 18 lnch-25c ccntage of advertising this srmrster ' • d I manufacture thc•lr own license Grnham, were voted upon and ac- PALM UMB CO is comparable with the number or N1ne Tons Nette n plat"lS.-Courtesy National Au omo- ceptcct nt the mos;. reccnt meeting S L ER . subscript!On$, "The Jo'edernlist;" will W If p D • bile Club. ot the Nevians on Friday, October not go m the red. I e are a per rive I 5. Dl~cusslon Of dttcs and the com.

"Thl stuclen• sale<: work will takP Nc man ha.<: a good E.'IJOugh mrm- in~; part} also look place. the place of thr tudent's term re-j F'ollo~·~~~ 1 "t'h: 'HI.: .;•;n~"the Ser- ory to makr a ;.ucces ful liar.


port ~ well m; glvtn~ ~lm.lnval - vice club, another Hamilton boys --· - - ·----- LESLIE V. GRAY unblc xper1rnce ':'hie~ \\Ill ntd .him rclub. with 3.G49 pounds . Some oth- J EW ELER in '' .. rlous wa~-s 111 h1s full~re ca- er classes and clubs 111 order ot con- (;r .. > ~J n l.. .. Y n ur " " '" K .... ; reer, H c Ml Mary E. DICkison. trlbution are: Senior B, 3.266;) LUGO'S RADIO SHOP . 'J'hnt• --------- ---- ls.mtor A. 793; A8. 749; B8, 637.


8089 Wash. Blvd. C C 4848 Phone 5588 MonE.'y from the faculty was con- ) · · trl'bu'hd b" 'eachei'S l'n place or I 3835 Main St. Culver City

O rC'Kt>n 11 :~-.u "'-' J • Service wi th a Smile ~g;~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ A. P. LAMBOLEY bringing papers. Chas. Lugo r BARBER SHOP 5028 \\" EST ADAMS

l .. ud l~ • c • .- uc• , and ( ' htldr~n·

Jlnlr c ·unln .. • ,.p .. r l u lt y


J·:,. , ... rt n .. modt•llnJ;"

tl l tl "' u. ll ~rt • tulo I n .. \ n,; t•h•"'

T RY- •

Lenhart's Shoe Shop F or Dependable Re pa iring

J ln' r 'uur "\\ bi t ~ "'bo f'"" d ) rd for \ \ lntt· ;. \\ e d~e, h l n e () r <• lf'Dn llft,) a .. atht- r ur fabric. 3819 M11in St. Culver City I

Oil Per•aaeats $1.95 ••

Shampoo & Finger Wave3Sc

BOB'S BEAUTY SHOP 9517 Cul't'Cr Blvd. C. C. 3Z27 At Intersection of WadaiDCl.oD

01wn f' \ t- n h t l4 ...

l .a t PI't t t ~ntt lf" rn "' In

Brown , Black and Gray SUEDE OXFORDS

Holtzman's Boot Shop 5174 West Adams Blvd.

1'Say It With Flowers" FLOWERS DELIVER ED



Corsages 9545 WASHINGTON BLVD.

Culver City Phone 4151


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Stellar Bros. & Skoog 3825 Main St. CulYer City


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" BRITISH AGENT" 'Un.. ~Jon .. Tuf"',... \\ C" d.

Ot" t . ::a . :::.:. :.::t. :.-t GRACE MOOR E


WARREN WILLIAM '•Til l~ IJH \(;0 :\

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CREAM BAR The ICE CREAM served in Cafe

Is furnishe.d by-


FootbaU Leis Rooter's Caps

Slogan Stickers Note Books

Art Supplies Fountain Pens

Note Book Paper Drawing Paper

Composition Books


The Student Store