february newsletter 2015

Team Amazing February 2015 News CHANGING LIVES DAY IN AND DAY OUT!

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Page 1: February Newsletter 2015

Team Amazing February 2015 News


Page 2: February Newsletter 2015

Page 3...Note from Lisa Kaye Fuller Page 4… Conference ah-ha videosPage 5…Shout OutsPage 6-...Playback CallsPage 7…Cathie Peterson: Expos & Events Page 8...What’s NewPage 9... Elaine Simonsen: BlitzingPage 10…DOUBLE YOUR EFFORTS: Diamond Bonuses & Ruby Bonus Page 11... LimeLite Photos & VideoPage 12-13…Lisa Fuller: Tip of the Month Page 14 …Sandy Durre: Book of the Month Page 15…Shout OutsPage 16…LimeLite Photos Page 17…Lisa’s Training VideosPage 18…Jodi Buschur: Getting Your Mind Right Page 19…Shout Outs!Page 20…Tawnia Owens: Social MediaPage 21-22…Elizabeth Houlihan: The Family DinnerPage 23…Kelli Stricker: Product Fun Facts Page 24-25…Angela Jockett: Becoming All You Were Created To BePage 26: Dorene Johnson: Back To BasicsPage 27… Shout Outs!Page 28… LimeLite PhotosPage 29-31… Shout Outs! �


Table of Contents

Page 3: February Newsletter 2015

Note From Lisa Fuller


Let’s hear it from Ambassador

Diamond, Lisa Fuller!



Check out Lisa’s Video! Click Below

Message from Lisa

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Amanda Ludwig: 1st ConferenceWatch Video

Stephanie Nicole: Conference ah-ha - Watch Video

Nichole Drinko: 1st ConferenceWatch Video

Nicole Withrow: 1st Conference Watch Video

Christina Henshaw: 1st ConferenceWatch Video

Amanda Sattler: 1st Conference Watch VideoCarmen Hall: 1st

Conference Watch Video

Page 5: February Newsletter 2015

Chris Lugo.... Of Phoenix AZ!!! Chris is an amazing leader! She currently has a full team

career in Healthcare ( I am crossing my finger that she will eventually take the jump to full time wrapper!!! ). She has a

beautiful family and an incredible team! She attended LimeLite 2015 with her team and wow are they just kickin it!!! Thanks Chris for vein such am awesome example of focus and

determination ! Love you Sister-Elizabeth Houlihan

I want to give a shout out to Stevie Christian!!! She hasn't been in this business a month yet and she is already building a team!! She's only 20 years old but this women is on a mission to change lives all around her. She's been to her first team training, she's out there sharing this business everyday. Stevie has already put me on the phone with 3 people that want to join her team!! I have no doubt that she will get her $500 Ruby bonus and more!! - Sandy Durre

Holly Neeley girl you are amazing!!! This lady found me on Facebook, tried the products for 2 months and KNEW she wanted to do this to change lives! Before she even had her party to launch she was signing customers! This women has NO fear!! She is on a mission to be a stay at home mommy and I know if she keeps moving the way she is, it will happen sooner then later! I'm excited to have you on the team girl! - Sandy Durre

Jessica Parker!!! What can I say about her. First of all she and I found each other by accident. I was trying to text a team member of mine and some how I got her instead!!! From there it was history! She's been following me ever since! It took her over a year, but she's finally with us. Her daughter is her #1 fan and Jessica would do anything for her!! She's a firecracker and is a real go getting! She is out there signing customers left and right!! I'm rooting for her to ge tthe customer bonus!!! - Sandy Durre

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Cathie Peterson Triple Diamond

Expos and EventsDo not sell yourself short! Expos and events are a great way to get out of your warm

market and get leads to grow your business! So many times we focus on numbers. We want to get as many leads as we can and on paper it seems great... Until you go back and

reach out to these leads and find out they are just interested in getting something for free. NO BUENO!

Over the course of the last 6 months I have been coaching my teams to do events in a different way. We are no longer asking people to sign up for a free wrap drawing or for a

free door prize. We are approaching these people, asking if they have heard of our company or our product, showing them the amazing results and benefits and then asking

them if they are interested in signing up, booking a party, or booking an appointment. When they fill out the slip we make no mention of freebies and simply let them know that

we will be following up with them in the next few days!They are excited and expecting to hear from us!

There is NO reason to feel like you have to give this product away to stir up interest! Take comfort in knowing that we have a product that is worth paying for and people WILL pay

for it!

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New ENERGY Drink to be released by 3.5.15Tune in on February 5 at 3pm ET, via Livestream on the It Works!

YouTube channel, and join Dr. Don VerHulst as he covers:

• Phytonutrients and polyphenols• The power of Energy’s ingredients

• The proprietary blend and crystalline fructose that make Energy sounique!

New It Works AppAndroid: getitworksandroidapp.com

Apple: getitworksiosapp.com

New W-9 information needed for anyone who joined as of 1.1.15

**Can be found in Settings**

New 100 Day Social Media Training & It Works Training Vidoes


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Elaine SimonsenDouble Diamond


Looking through my office space (bedroom converted) which no longer has space due to the collection of lime green, black, bling, decorations, containers, accessories, buttons, shoes, shirts, bags, wall art, towels, pen and pencils, trash can, curtains, throw rug, water bottle and so much more I thought to myself

two years ago I didn't even like that lime green color and then something happened, life changing, I used the crazy wrap thing.

I was blitzed on the computer on my news feed! Not directly, just a post from a friend in town stating " I have wraps!"

It intrigued me and I ignored it at first, then I asked what is it? Is it a chicken wrap, food wrap? She responded its a salon type wrap and boom the

conversation started! I signed without trying it because I had a feeling she had something special and figured what could it hurt? I have tried everything that

has come out and why not. Try it once and twice if I liked it. Turned out I LOVED it!

Use the tools you have, just post it, don't have to be a whole explanation about the products. Just keep it simple. Start a conversation.

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Mark did it again!!! Not only can you earn an amazing bonus

but you can earn a DOUBLE BONUS!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!!

Mark doubled all of the bonuses!!! Each and everyone

one of you have until March 31st to earn one of these , what are you doing to take your busines


How would you like to EARN a $500 Bonus within the 1st two month in the business?!

Follow the STEPS TO SUCCESS and GO RUBY within your 1st two full calendar months and get a $500 BONUS from It Works!!!

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Ambassador Diamond Lisa Kaye



It's all about that blitz bout that blitz..... It truly is! Why is Blitzing so important and what are some great blitzing tips you can

follow? Check this out!You have to blitz to have success! Every single person reading this will eventually run out of warm market! So then what? Well plain and simple you have to get new warm market!

I've said it before and I will say it again, the business we are in is a game of numbers! Anyone can run into the right people that will explode their business if they tell enough

people about what they have their hands on! There is no secret sauce or special book you can read that will get you to the top....your not missing anything! It's right in front of your

face. ....Blitzing! That is the secret sauce!The goal is meet people, plant seeds, listen to their wants and needs, pay attention to their complaints, and Blitz them! There are several ways to meet new people to Blitz , here is a

quick list to give you some ideas!

1) expos and events2) incorporate into every day life

3) join networking groups4) join a club or do something new your interested in!

5) church6) kids schools (become a home room mom) kids sporting events

7) meetup.com8) lead boxes

9) leaving coupons places10) scavenger hunt blitz

11) Facebook, instagram, social media12) salons, spas, gyms, massage therapist, personal trainer

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The bottom line as you can see from above is that blitzing can take place anytime, anywhere, with anyone! I'm going to focus on a couple of my favorites and give you some tips but before I do that I want

to explain something else! Besides being a numbers game this business is also all about building relationships! See, much of the blitzing you will do may not pan out for weeks, months, or even years!

People like to purchase from people that they know, like, and trust. ..and that's hard to do in a 30 second blitz! That is why you need to ALWAYS get their contact information! This is where you can begin the relationship building process and start to figure out what those things are in their life that you can help them with! I like to get people added to my Facebook right away so they can begin seeing my life and I can also begin seeing theirs! Most people you meet with enough time will look at your business ...key

word being time because timing is everything! When you first blitzed that person maybe they were happy and had a great job and then 6 months later they lose their job and are looking!? If you added them on

Facebook you would know that would be a great time to approach them! Are you catching my drift here?So what are my favorite ways to blitz? Well I've always been a huge fan of incorporating it in my every

day life! Someone does something for me then I do something in return by giving them our coupon! So the guy who got my coffee or the bank teller. ...maybe the last who helped me in the dressing room!

Maybe the moms sitting in the stands at my son's football game! I look for every opportunity and I give them my gift!

Another favorite of mine is meetup.com what an awesome way too meet new people, have fun, and still grow my business! Every area has meetup! I remember when we first moved to AZ and we didn't know anyone! 4 other families followed us and we all decided to find some meet ups in the area! One found a hiking group and by the third hike they were talking about what each other did for a living! Another got

into some mommy and me meet ups and met some mom's! You get the picture!Lead boxes is one of my favorites for those of you that work full time on top of It Works! What an

amazing way to grab those leads! It's working for you while your at work! You can go to boxfullofleads.com and grab some boxes and lead slips! Once you get the boxes you can decorate them and go find some places to leave them! A few things to keep in mind is that they do very well in places people have to sit for long periods like laundry matts , Dr.s offices, oil change places, coffee shops, ect.

Last but not least and probably the most fun is the scavenger hunt blitz! Even if your not really on a scavenger hunt you can use this technique to approach people and have a reason so you don't feel so silly! It's also a great way for those shy people or people scared to blitz! Great for team building and

training people as well! If I'm out and about and see someone I want to blitz but I get cold feet I just walk up and make up a reason. .."Hi sorry to bother you bit I'm on a scavenger hunt for my company and I

need to give someone with white shoes a coupon would you mind if I gave you one? " it's that easy! And people love to help so they always say yes!

So there you have it! No matter what way you decide you like to blitz the fact of the matter is everyone needs to find a way because you cannot get to the top without doing it! I challenge each of you to blitz at

least 10 people every day! Good luck WrapStars! ♡♡♡♡

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Triple Diamond Sandy Durre


Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Overscheduled. Sound familiar? Today’s velocity of life can consume and control us . . . until our breakneck pace begins to feel

normal and expected. That’s where the danger lies: When we spend our lives doing things that keep us busy but don’t really matter, we sacrifice the things

that do.

What if your life could be different? What if you could be certain you were living the life God called you to live—and building a legacy for those you love? If you crave a simpler life anchored by the priorities that matter most, roll up

your sleeves: Simplified living requires more than just cleaning out your closets or reorganizing your desk drawer. It requires uncluttering your soul. By eradicating the stuff that leaves your spirit drained, you can stop doing

what doesn’t matter—and start doing what does.

In Simplify, bestselling author Bill Hybels identifies the core issues that lure us into frenetic living—and offers searingly practical steps for sweeping the

clutter from our souls.

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Justin McMaster: Through a bonus in the air and Justin is going to catch it. He is truly taking his business to a whole notha' level. Justin is literally

talking to everybody he meets about that cRaZy wrap thing. He is honored to be helping people change their lives and looks forward to his future with It Works! Justin, Jason and I are so dang excited to have you on our team. You are a wonderful friend and leader!! Good luck chasing

Diamond!! -Shari Avery


Courtney Sifuentes!! she has stepped up and encouraged when everyone else left! she's stuck with it and has breathed new life into each and everyone of us

on her team!!!! -

Amanda Violet Baird she is amazing and finally breaking out of her comfort zone! She's always stayed in this business and stayed so positive! She has

been jumping in more everyday and is on get way to the top! -Ashley Pharis

Courtney Walloupe Little... this girl stayed a few months ago and is all about OTOM and running with this business. She had been thrown A LOT of curve

balls and is still going strong! From family loss family in serious health issues. Homeschooling 4 kids and never makes excuses. When she gets lemons she

makes lemonade! - Ashley Pharis

Krista Bowles... is a loyal customer machine! This girl excites me every month and what she still do next! - Ashley Pharis

I would LOVE to give shout outs to my amazing team members that invested in themselves and in their business by attending Limelite Conference this year!!!

Thank you to Carrie Miller, Staci Spencer, Rina Hastings, Jen Milkiewicz, Traci Uskilith, Stacy Busch and Jeff Gendron!!!!!

Our Adventure is only beginning and I can not wait to see what happens in 2015!!

I would also like to Shout Out to my other "workers" on my team. You know who you are! All you do is NEVER unnoticed, Keep it up!!I am honored to share this journey with you ALL!!!

God Bless, Gypsia Flath

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Now easy to find in ONE location!!!

www.lisakayefuller.comClick on the tab: Training Videos!

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Getting Your Mind Right


Jodi BuschurTriple Diamond

Ask for IT. Believe IT. Claim IT. See IT. Own IT.When you have goals and dreams to accomplish something you can’t just say “this is what I want” and expect it to happen. With all of the excitement announced at Conference you can’t just say I

want to go Diamond and get the $20,000 bonus. You first have to get it on paper, you have to say it out loud, you have to claim it, you have to believe that it’s going to happen, you have to visualize

how it feels to accomplish it in that very moment, and you have to own it! Then, after you have done all of that You set up a plan to make it happen and continue to claim it and visualize it and own it

every single day!Here’s how mine looks….











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TEAM SHOUT OUTS!!!!I would like to give a shout out to the AMAZING Cara DeAnda! I new from the second I met her at a vendor event that she would be amazing at this business.....I just had to

convince her! So I bought a ton of her jewelry so she would feel guilty and book a party with me...lol...It Worked! Cara is such a genuine person with a heart as big as the

universe! She came in and flew to Diamond without looking back in only 2 months! She never uses excuses even though she has a full time JOB and 3 children! I know this is going to be here year and I know that she is going to help change so many lives! I am so proud to have her on my team and even more proud to call her an amazing friend!

Love you Cara!! - Lisa Fuller

I want to give a shout out to my New friend and Next Rock Star Rebecca Bond! This X American Idol Contestant is such an inspiration! By the way she is super humble and gets so mad when I brag on her about being on American Idol...Sorry Rebecca...lol. I love her spirit, heart, and competitive nature! From our first phone conversation we were like Two pea's in a pod! I knew right then we would become amazing friends! Rebecca just went to conference and I can see the passion in her eyes that she has a fire in her belly to change her families life! She is not messing around! I am expecting her to go all the way and change a ton of lives in the process and I am so lucky that God brought us together! I cannot wait to see what 2015 is going to bring her and where she is going to take this business! Love you girlfriend! Love, Lisa Fuller

I would like to give a shout out to Candy Wilson! I love this woman's heart and I am honored to have her in my life! She does anything when she put's her mind to it! I have no doubt that this year will be the year that changes everything for her! She has stayed the course and never given up even through the rough patches! She is a nurse by trade and has such a huge WHY to bring her husband home for good and quit his JOB!! She genuinely just wants to help people! Barry and I are blessed to know her! WE love you Candy!- Love, Lisa Fuller

I Want to give a HUGE shout out to my leadership council! Without these amazing woman coming

together to selflessly work as one to better our entire team is just outstanding! No one understands how

special that is! Most people will not do anything unless it is only helping their team and they are

making money off of it but these woman Know and understand how important it is to work as a team!

Better Together! So thank you to Elizabeth Houlihan, Sandy Durre, Jodi Buschur, Kelli

Stricker, Elaine Simonson, Cathie Peterson, Tawnia owens, Dorene Johnson, and Angela Jockett for

being you! Love you guys!- love Lisa

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TAWNIA OWENSDouble Diamond

Social Media Conference updates:

Just released!! We now have IT WORKS U!!! You can now get 100 days of social media tips through this amazing program. Just go to your esuite and click on IT Works U and sign up!! They

will give you daily tips on how to use social media as a helpful tool to grow your business. Right now there is an after conference special for $49 but it will go up to $99 so get it now while it's

discounted! They go over Twitter, Instagram, and facebook.

Social media helpful hints:

Facebook: This should be your personal page. Most of the stuff you share should be about your friends, family, and experiences. Keep this positive and fun! People want to know what you are

up to but they really don't want to hear about all your dirty laundry. The more positive you keep it, the more people will love to check in on you.

Tip: Try adding a few friends every day to your facebook. This will grow your network. Make sure you are interacting with people. Comment on their pictures, like their status, and look for

opportunities to SHARE our amazing business and products!

Twitter: This is where you share your "thoughts". What are you thinking? How are you feeling?? What is your opinion of something?? Make statements like "I burned extra calories today by

taking an all natural pill before going to the gym". You can also say "being my own boss rules!!"

Tip: re-tweeting is like giving a high five!

Instagram: This is where you share your "adventure". Your pictures should show you working your business, going on vacation because of your business, showing you picking up kids after

school cause you get to be a stay at home mom. Make people want to be part of your "#ItWorksAdventure. The funner you look like you are having, the more people will want to

follow you!!

Tip: Interact with others on their photos. Comments and likes get them to start following you. This is about relationships. Build those relationships by taking an interest in their pictures and

their lives!!

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Triple Diamond

Elizabeth Houlihan The Family Dinner.....

The Aaa ha moments and learning experiences from limelight 2015 could go on for infinity! !!!!

My personal Aaa ha at LimeLite 2015 was the importance of full of meaningful connections. It was taking the people that I had only met through Facebook or maybe for a

few minutes at a training and being able to connect with them to understand their goals and dreams. I loved Seeing this event through their eyes as a "brand-new person ". One of

my favorite moments was sitting at a team lunch with the Valynda Dupre and her AZ diamonds team ... In between the incredible salad, delicious pizza and crazy laughter

there was learning, connection and understanding on what makes each of us fit together. I began to see that each person is like a piece of a puzzle, that we connect to each other in different ways. By connecting with just one person it allows us to expand that "puzzle

picture" of our team. When we are connected with many people we can see and do more. We have the ability to tap into the talents and energies of each other to help our businesses

& our TEAM grow. Not to just grow by numbers but grow in wisdom,strength, reach. creativeness, revenue, position and successfully earn the incredible bonuses available!

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When we choose to work independent, like a Lone Ranger, we often don't see the larger picture and sometimes miss out on big opportunities! When we to do things with in our own strength and own talents instead of seeing the value of

the rich and diverse strengths and talents group of people... It limits our potential! If we choose to Work alone it's easy to get tired, fatigued and


When we connect with our It Works Family we are creating A United team. We can find strength, encouragement, laughter and joy. On the Saturday

night after conference we had a family dinner. And that's what we called it ... Our Famikr Dinner. We were so blessed that both Lisa and Barry took time to

join us. Each one if us looked at each other and knew that we were and it works family.

Even though this was my third conference, it was this was the first time that I felt deeply connected to my team. It was a beautiful moment, one that made me stronger, and I believe it made us stronger as a team because now we're a


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Double Diamond

Product Fun Facts


Everyone has stress and chaos at some point - and many have it daily!! Our Confianza is an amazing All-Natural way to cope with stress. It is non-habit forming and works very

quickly in our body - perfect for someone to take it when they need it!

A few details about what exactly Confianza does for a person:1) It helps with mental focus, clarity and concentration

2) It provides energy and reduces fatigue to keep you going through your blah days3) It allows our body to cope from physical, emotional and environmental stresses

4) It helps balance our body

Confianza contains natural active adaptogens which are naturally occurring nutrients that work through the adrenal gland and help your body combat stress and increases the

bodily resistance to stress as well.

The most prevalent ingredient in the proprietary blend is epimedium grandiflorum -- this natural herb derived from a plant - is most commonly used for its aphrodisiac

properties. As we all know, aphrodisiac properties offer mood boost, calming, and stress reduction.

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by: Double Diamond Angela Jockett


Since the time we were little we have been being trained to be a certain person, act a certain way, to believe a certain way, to talk a certain way, and to respond a certain way. This training most likely came from parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc. Unfortunately it’s not always the right training and it’s not always helping you become the person that you were created to be. We pick up

bad habits, we believe what others tell us to be true without doing our own research, we have lots of fears that aren’t real, we don’t believe in ourselves, we

lack confidence, we struggle with dealing with our emotions, a lot of who we are today is because of the trainings we have had throughout our childhood. I am

here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. We have such greatness within us just waiting to be released! And unless you decide to take life into your own

hands and truly figure out who you really are, you’re probably not going to be ALL God created you to be.

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Changing the habits of a lifetime takes prayer, planning, practice, self-forgiveness when you fall short, and the ability to make adjustments along the

way. Jesus says no matter where we come from or what we've done or what limitations we may think we have, we actually can become fruitful – living a transformed life and transform the lives of others. He promises we can bear

fruit 30, 60, and even 100 times more than what was sown. It’s not going to be an easy task but I promise it will be totally worth it.

God created you to be an awesome, passionate, fearless, confident, strong, powerful person with a passion and purpose. The only thing stopping you from becoming all that you were created to be is YOU! You just have to be retrained and the way to do that is to renew your mind, do your own research, figure out

what is truth, figure out what you really love and what you really want, surround yourself around people that are the way you want to be, study and

figure out who you were meant to be according to God. Realize that you are not like anyone else on earth. No one on this planet is exactly the same as you are.

Your individual collection of experiences makes you unique. As you consciously strive to become the person you were meant to be, life becomes much easier.

Actually it would be more accurate to say that life is just as hard, but your capacity for handling it grows to the point where life seems to get easier. You’re

stronger, so the weight feels lighter

One last thing, keep going and don’t give in or give up! There will still be trials, hardships, things you don’t understand, others opinions, but remember this is your journey! Becoming all you were created to be will take time, faith, effort and consistency. There is AWESOMENESS within you waiting to be released

and you were meant to do great things and have great things! Remember life is a journey to be enjoyed, so enjoy it while you are discovering WHO YOU WERE


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by: Triple Diamond, Dorene Johnson

Want to know what the secret is to be a Successful It Works Distributor?

Learn these 3 simple steps. That is It! Now you know! You print off this sheet and fill it out at least once per month and if you complete it before the month is over do it again! Every DT you

sign, you teach them these steps too. Don’t make it complicated….KEEP IT SIMPLE!

How Do You advertise your BIZ? One of the best and easiest way is to:

BLITZ (hand out coupon)…… WRAP (get a wrap on someone)… and REPEAT!

Keep it so simple and watch your team EXPLODE!!

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TEAM SHOUT OUTS!!!!I would like to recognize Pam

Nichols because no matter what obstacles she's had to overcome, she has never given up! She is a go getter and her motivation is contagious!! - Tina Aumsbaugh

I would like to give a shout out to Cathi Robinson for her determination and drive! She saw the big picture at conference and

now she has her blinders on! She's very inspirational and has big heart! - Tina Aumsbaugh

Christine Bloom has been with me for a year and a half. She has always moved at her own pace and had her fair share of ups and downs. This year she attended her 2nd

conference and for one reason or another it really lit that fire under her!She has been working her business with laser focus, and is seeing the benefits already!

I'm so thankful to have her on this team with me and as a friend!-Cathie Peterson

Kyla Ryan has been rocking this business since day 1! She is such an inspiration every single day. She works a full time job, raising her amazing daughter, and still doesn't let anything slow her down. I'm so proud to call her my friend, a friendship

we would of never had without It Works! I can't wait to see where this amazing journey takes her, because the sky is the limit for this Wrapstar!

-Nicole Withrow

I just want to give a huge shout out to Pam March!! She has been in this business for a couple years now and had a lot of personal development to do, a lot of getting over herself to do!!! She went to conference and has come out on fire!! Pam you are

so inspiring and I'm so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and making this happen!!!! I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and your

family!! Congrats girl I love you!! - Ange;a Jockett

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I'd like to shout out to one of my DTS Sariah Lopez Salinas. She signed 4 DTS in Dec. And 2 of them got there 4lcs in just two weeks! She was just about to quit around thanksgiving but decided to give it one last push

and is completely bringing it! -Latasha Nicole

Ashley Pharis is an amazing Rockstar who has grown her Cali Team! She joined in March

and grows by at least 1 DT every month! She also won 4th place in our conference contest! She is always excited to share this business

with people and every picture you see her in she has it works gear, colors, or lanyard! She truly represents what it works is all about by

encouraging her team daily and being a product of the product!

-Amanda Pifher

I would like to nominate Marina Hastings. She is not on my team but she is my sideline sister. I haven't known her very

long but we were roommates at conference and it was great to get to know her. Over the 5 days we were in Florida I witnessed

her doing many random acts of kindness and showing compassion to others. Even people that she didn't know. She

would randomly go up to anyone that she wanted to compliment. She made a point of running, yes literally

running, through the crowd at the Blacklight event to catch up with the group of dancers that performed at conference. She

wanted to talk with them and compliment them and she needed to make sure she did that. I've seen her walk up and

just compliment someone and even give a hug to someone who she could tell needed one. She brought gifts for myself and our

other roommate just because. She is always willing to help others and I can honestly say that I have never met such a

genuine person. She is a perfect example of what we all should strive to be in our personal lives and in our business lives and that's why I believe she deserves to be recognized! I am proud

to call her my friend!!!-Staci Spencer

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Andria Hudson - Hilliard, OH - She is integrating her awesome family into her business and her blitzing -

jumping out of her comfort zone - and wrapping people like crazy! She and her awesome little wrap star in

training have zero blitzing fear and they are a team! Way to go Andria (and Olivia!) :-)

-Kelli Stricker

Andrea Freeman - Memphis, TN - She is getting out of her comfort zone like a crazy wrap girl and blitzing all over Memphis! She is excited and isn't letting anything stop her from sharing this wrap excitement!! Way

to go Andrea!!! -Kelli Stricker

Ashley Pharis - Huntington Beach, CA - for literally calling teammates and prospects NONSTOP after the Double GOOD announcement on Saturday at conference. Ashley was on her

phone the entire drive from the convention center, to the condo - then the entire time we were at the condo getting

ready for the team meeting - and then after the meeting - she is making sure EVERYONE knows whats going on with this

crazy business :-) - Kelli Stricker

Amanda Ludwig is my DT of the month. I met Amanda for the first time at LIMELITE 2015. She traveled down to Florida from Virginia Beach by herself and

didn’t know anyone except thru Facebook messages.She is a natural crazy wrap star and has that special personality that people fall

instantly in love with. She is high energy with a positive attitude towards life!It was so fun to watch this newbie find out what IT WORKS is all about at

conference! She signed up her husband when she arrived home and Andy is just as excited about the biz as she is.

Watch for this upcoming Power Couple to climb these levels to catch those amazing double bonuses!

Find her on FB you will LOVE her too!Congrats---Dorene Johnson

Page 31: February Newsletter 2015

I want to give a huge shout out to Sariah Salinas!! Sariah has been in for about 8 months. She was slow to start and didn't quite get the "vision" of the

opportunity and what she had in her hot little hands. A few months ago, Sariah decided to go "ALL IN".. since that time she has signed several new distributors,

is helping to coach and motivate them, and working the business with true intention. She shared her testimony on a team call recently that brought me to tears. She told everyone to "never give up". She shows tremendous leadership

skills and is truly inspiring by her tenacity to change her life and everyone that comes on her journey with her. I am so proud of you Sariah!!! Keep going, you

will get there! Enjoy the journey :) - Tawnia Owens

Isabel Torres is a newer distributor! She decided right away that she wanted to go to Limelite just by seeing the buzz about it on Facebook and on our

website! She made it happen to get there, although she had some things come up that could have prevented her from going! Her determination and

excitement is contagious! She saw the vision right away and knew she wanted to change lives, along with her own!

Hearing the stories at conference and seeing the big picture gave her new perspective! The first night she told me she wanted to be on stage next year, then she said she wants to be in the millionaires club! She is dreaming big

and going after it! She knows that if you keep at it and moving forward big things will happen! Keep it up girl, share this with everyone...your excitement

will spread! You make me so proud! -Nikki Brubaker

Pam March is on fire! She has been in the business over 2 years and had quit, I think twice! She contacted me one day and said she was ready to get back at

it! We renewed her account and relaunched! She decided then that she was going to conference, her first one! It almost didn't work out for her to go but

we figured it out..she was able to go! Boy, is she glad she did! It was a life changing experience for her, she is a different women! I noticed a change in her, even in the time from when she booked her plane ticket until we got to

conference! Most importantly, she saw a change! She was happier, more confident, fearless and more excited!

Now she is unstoppable! She is blitzing more, getting more leads and more parties! More in one week than she has in 2 years! She has a $20,000 bonus on her mind and I am confident she is going to get it! She is determined to prove everyone wrong, everyone who said "you can't!" She has made a choice and a

decision that SHE CAN AND SHE WILL! I am so proud of you Pam! You are so worth it and you deserve it!

-Nikki Brubaker

I would like to give a huge shout out to Tina Aumsbaugh, she is not only my good friend that I love dearly, she is a great business partner and

leader...no matter what time or wee hours of day, she always makes the time to get back to me no matter how big or small the question may be, she answers it with love in her leadership and prompt. Truly Blessed to be in

her circle. Love ya Tina! -Marivel Guzman