february 2012 awc

Mark Y our Calendar and Invite a Guest ! “Integrating Soc ial Media In Y our Marketing. 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, February 7, 2012 Learn to use social media strategically to advance your business while keeping it rom eating your lie! Dana R. Fowler, ounder and President o Media Flashpoint in St. Louis, will be in Springield on uesday, Feb- ruary 7, to answer your most troubling questions. Based on input rom a recent social media survey o AWC members, the extended lunch seminar will be held rom 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 .m. Ms. Fowler has 20 years o ex- perience in broadcast journal- ism and marketing, specializing in video and interactive pro- duction and development. She started Media Flashpoint in 1994 (ormerly called DRF Productions). As President and CEO, her responsibilities include hands-on project man- agement as well as vendor and client relations. Previously, Dana served as Executive Producer o Interac- tive Marketing or Busch Cre- ative Services, a wholly-owned subsidiary o Anheuser-Busch and Director o Interactive Mar- keting or Adamson Advertising in St. Louis, MO. She has also served as Executive Producer o television news or an NBC ailiate in Oklahoma City, OK where she produced a nationally award winning documentary in the ormer Soviet Union. Newsletter of the Association for Women in Communications Springeld, MO FEBRUARY MEETING ebruary 2012 425 Downtown 425 W. Walnut St Springfeld, MO Join us at 11:30 a.m. or networking Program begins at Noon $15 or members $18 or returning guests $14 or AWC students/ student members. RSVP by 2/3: [email protected] [email protected] 11:30 a.m. - 1: 30 p.m. FEBUARY 7, 2012 AWCSpringfieldMO.org • www.womcom.org SAVE THE DA TE Dana R. Fowler SEMINAR HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: NA TIONAL NEWS 1) Examples and successes o mobile marketing and strategies or how to integrate mobile with your other social media 2) Integrating the Big 6 or consistency and maximum impact - Facebook to Google + 3) Facebook ads and the impact o the new timeline on your page’s perormance 4) Measuring your social media’s ROI 5) How to better use eciency tools, including Facebook contest tools to drive ans to your page 6) Google and its impact on SEO Te Edward Jones Ce nter or Entrepreneurship at Drury University would like you to SA VE HE DA E or the 2012 W omen’ s Entreprene urship Symposiu m! WES is a one-day opportun ity or women to learn about various aspects o owning their own business. Join us or a un and inormative day , Saturday , February 4, 2012, in the rustee Science Center at Drur y University . Registration to begin online J anuary 17th; more details t o ollow . W e look orward to seeing you at WES! Edward Jones Center Drury University Springeld, Missouri 65802 ejc@drury .edu AWC National has a new ace to their Website! I you haven’t visited the national site in a while, take a trip to www.womcom.org. You’ll be greeted with pho- tos rom our Springield members, aces you’ll rec- ognize rom National and snapshots rom the National Conerence 2011. From the website’s ront page you can connect via social me- dia links, and learn about new webinar opportunities and job openings. Also, log into the Members Only area or My AWC online eatures including the Communique’, a Membership Directory and a Job Board.

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Mark Your Calendar and Invite a Guest!“Integrating Social Media In Your Marketing.”11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, February 7, 2012Learn to use social media

strategically to advance yourbusiness while keeping it romeating your li e! Dana R. Fowler,ounder and President o MediaFlashpoint in St. Louis, will bein Spring ield on uesday, Feb-ruary 7, to answer your mosttroubling questions. Based oninput rom a recent social mediasurvey o AWC members, theextended lunch seminar will beheld rom 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 .m.

Ms. Fowler has 20 years o ex-perience in broadcast journal-ism and marketing, specializingin video and interactive pro-

duction and development. Shestarted Media Flashpoint in1994 ( ormerly called DRFProductions). As Presidentand CEO, her responsibilitiesinclude hands-on project man-agement as well as vendor andclient relations.

Previously, Dana served asExecutive Producer o Interac-tive Marketing or Busch Cre-ative Services, a wholly-ownedsubsidiary o Anheuser-Buschand Director o Interactive Mar-keting or Adamson Advertisingin St. Louis, MO. She has alsoserved as Executive Producer

o television news or an NBa iliate in Oklahoma City, Owhere she produced a nationaaward winning documentary the ormer Soviet Union.

Newsletter of the Association for Women in Communications Spring eld, MO



25 Downtown25 W. Walnut Stpringfeld, MOoin us at 11:30 a.m.r networking

rogram begins at Noon

15 or members18 or returning guests14 or AWC students/udent members.

SVP by 2/3:[email protected]@ascspringfeldmo.org

11:30 a.m. - 1: 3 0 p.m. BUARY 7, 2012

AWCSpringfieldMO.org • www.womcom.org


Dana R. Fowler


1) Examples and successes o mobile marketing and strategies or how to integrate mobile wyour other social media

2) Integrating the Big 6 or consistency and maximum impact - Facebook to Google +3) Facebook ads and the impact o the new timeline on your page’s per ormance4) Measuring your social media’s ROI

5) How to better use e ciency tools, including Facebook contest tools to drive ans to your pa6) Google and its impact on SEO

Te Edward Jones Center or Entrepreneurship at Drury University would like you to SAVE HEDAE or the 2012 Women’s Entrepreneurship Symposium! WES is a one-day opportunity or womento learn about various aspects o owning their own business.Join us or a un and in ormative day, Saturday, February 4, 2012, in the rustee Science Center at Drury University. Registration to begin online January 17th; more details to ollow. We look orward to seeingyou at WES! Edward Jones Center Drury University Spring eld, Missouri 65802 [email protected]

AWC National has a newace to their Website!

I you haven’t visited theational site in a while, taketrip to www.womcom.org.

You’ll be greeted with pho-os rom our Spring ield

members, aces you’ll rec-gnize rom National and

napshots rom the NationalCon erence 2011. From thewebsite’s ront page youan connect via social me-ia links, and learn aboutew webinar opportunitiesnd job openings. Also, lognto the Members Only areaor My AWC online eaturesncluding the Communique’,

Membership Directory nd a Job Board.

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ESIDENTela Frizell n Service [email protected]

ESIDENT/ELECTRandolph ene County Juvenile Ofce [email protected] 6151T PRESIDENT/


[email protected] 831-8505

CRETARYley Wood ociated Electric Cooperative, [email protected] 885-9298

EASURERhele Kaufman

er House [email protected]/NEW MEMBERSela Cave

npower [email protected] 886-9300

WSLETTER/PUBLICITYrina Smiththwest Baptist University [email protected]

issa Adler ic Relations & Marketing Consultant [email protected]

OGRAMSan Van Dorenket [email protected] MANAGEMENTly Coulter BSITE/NEWSLETTER

nica Whitwortheriart.biz [email protected] 880-2452

OGRESS OF WOMEN ANDST AMENDMENTgaret Castrey garet Castrey & [email protected] 631-9964

T TO KNOW YOUnda Jacksonketing [email protected]

CALL FOR SPEAKERS– Women and Girls: Then and There, Here and Now


You’re a pro essional communicator

with marketing, writing and designskills o en more dynamic than theproduct, service or event you are promoting.With the world at your ngertips through theWorld Wide Web and the organizations withwhich you are involved, lack o connectivity is no obstacle or you. New jobs and opportu-nities don’t just materialize be ore your eyes,though. You’ve got to be proactive and think outside the box.

Just ask. When you’ve reached the end o your rope and think there is no where else toturn or new ideas, technical di culties orwork opportunities, reach out to your ellowAWC members. Te National Website has adatabase o members who specialize in every area o communication available. Our localdirectory lists all chapter members and theirwork as well. Pick up the phone or email oneo them!

Get involved. Community and nationalevents are the per ect opportunity to meet peo-ple in a ace-to- ace environment. Sometimes

just meeting someone

new or breaking the icewith a long-time con-nection will jar you romyour unk and get youmotivated to talk.

Be in the r ight place atthe right time. Just lastweek at AWC Skillshare,I ran into a community member who was notonly interested in beinga member o AWC but who was hosting a So-cial Media Strategies event that would be ben-e cial to share with members. I was tired andalmost didn’t go, but it was one o the mostproductive times I’ve had personally and pro-essionally or some time!

I you open your mind to the possibilities be-ore you, you will grow, help others grow, andbe the best communicator you can be. I hopeyou take advantage o the AWC events, com-munity learning opportunities, and nationalconnections be ore you! Never stop growing!

Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012Central High School, Springfeld, Mo.

Te theme ocuses on sel -empowermentand women in leadership.Speakers will have 45minutes with 15 minute Q&A

Possible topics include: Sel -empowerment,Leadership, Politics/Government, Business,Health, Creativity, Sel -image, Social activism.

o volunteer, send your proposed topic (25-50

words) and pre erred time to speak (morning ora ernoon) to [email protected]

Event produced by www.Girls4Good.org romCentral High School

Girls can change our uture…Starting NOW!

Angela Frizell

Please save the date or a networking event on Monday, January 30th to discuss how the Womnand Girls Lead initiative can have the most impact in our community. We will meet rom 4 to 6 pm at thMother’s Brewing Company tasting room. Tis will be a chance to learn more about the movement, meeother non-pro t leaders and community members and share your ideas about how Ozarks Public Broad-casting can work with you to make Women and Girls Lead a success. www.itvs.org/women-and-girls-lea

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Famousfor ourMeats!

1500 E. Republic Road417-886-4410

&1625 S. Eastgate


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Harter House February 2012

Stella Rosa $13.69

Manage A TroisRed, White, Chardonnay $11.99 $8.99

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Harter House


he Social Media Club Spring eld Chapter is hosting a ree community eventon February 22 entitled Social Media Branding: Are You Putting Your BestFoot Forward? with guest speaker Kate-Madonna Hindes rom Girl Meets

Geek.Tis event is or anyone interested in learning how to best position themselves

online and is open to the entire Spring eld community. Event attendees will dis-cover how people are using social media to connect with potential jobs and howcompanies are using the power o social media to locate potential employees.

“Branding and social media go together well, yet they’re both widely misunder-stood,” said Kirk Baumann, Sr. Director o Career Connections at SIFE. “Whilesocial media can serve as a gigantic megaphone or your brand, social media toolssuch as LinkedIn, Google Plus, Facebook and witter also give a person the ability to share his or her skill-set with the world.”

Te program will begin at 7:30 pm at Drury University in the Finley StudentCenter, room 204. Interested attendees can RSVP on the events tab at http://www.acebook.com/SMC.Spring eldMO

Te Social Media Club Spring eld Chapter is a nonpro t organization commit-

ted to connecting media makers around the community to expand digital medialiteracy, promote standard technologies, encourage ethical behavior and share bestpractices.

Kate-Madonna Hindes, is an industry leader and national author and speakeron emotional integrity and authenticity in today’s online media. Her columns areregularly published in the Minneapolis Star ribune, Women o HR, Girlmeets-Geek, Brazen Careerist and JobDig.

My M&M’s andI have always liked M&M’s. Th

diverse multicultural integrated cin the world. You have your red your yellow ones, your orange onesbrown ones, your green ones, and blue ones). All in one package, aexisting TOGETHER. One color doesn’t think that superior to the other. One color do

discriminate against the other. All care the same size, shape and weightcolors look di erent on the outsidehave the same ingredients on the inM&M’s all have the same favor, andall taste G-O-O-O-D.Not all M&M’s are per ect though,have Nuts!!!. In the real world wthem racists, and bigots. Would

nice i like M&M’s our prejudices, into the abyss like chocolate melts imouth? And all people were judgwhat was inside rather than outsidI candy can be prejudice ree WHYWE?

Adapted from Dr. Marilyn Kern-Foxworth

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Get caught up with the newest social media marketing trendsor small businesses. Explore what plat orms are best or your busi-

ness. Already there? Analyze and re-evaluate your current socialmedia e orts and take it to another level.Tis workshop o ers the opportunity to begin or urther develop

a strategy or your online marketing e orts, designed to be acces-sible or Spring eld-area businesses. We’ll delve into Facebook,witter, LinkedIn, Foursquare and even Google+. Bring questionsalong with your notebook computer or an a ernoon lled with

discovery and exploration. Hosted by engage5w: Faucett SocialDesign, LLC, a small business based in Spring eld.

Special thanks to sponsor Qpon Revolution: Te ElectronicCoupon Solution.For more in ormation or to register.Te Living Room at MaMa Jean’s Market1727 S. CampbellSpringfeld, MO 65807


Social Media Workshop or Small Business1:00 PM - 4:30 PMSaturday, February 4, 2012Attendance is limited to rst 15 registrations.Cost to attend: $35/person


Trough collegiality, respect and increased credibility amongpeers and the public, AWC members value these intangible ben-e ts that result rom the personal and pro essional relationshipsthey develop with one another as AWC members.

Online Membership Directory (Members Only)Connect with AWC members around the world. Te AWC

Membership Directory net orum.avectra.com provides you with24/7 access to networking with your peers.

Online Publications (Members Only)

Remain current with AWC events and activities by readingthe bimonthly Communiqué www.womcom.org/members/com-munique.asp newsletter. Your copy will be e-mailed to you eachmonth. You can also view current and past issues in the members-only area o the website. In addition, as a means to noti y memberso timely in ormation and changes in AWC National and mem-bership activities, members receive periodic issues o the AWC In-oFlash www.womcom.org/members/in ofash.asp, an electronicbulletin.

ChaptersApply your leadership skills and learn more about the latest

best practices in communications by making connections locally through your involvement with Student net orum.avectra.comand Pro essional www.womcom.org/chapters.

Website Resources

Utilize the Newsroom Links www.womcom.org/newsroompage or direct access to a liated organizations, communicationresources, women’s programs and expert writing re erences.