feb 2015 issue

Note: This is the final Pro Power E-mag Published Mid-Month; beginning March 2015 Issues will be published the 1st of each new month The Performance Training and Conditioning E-Magazine of Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts The “Bye” Month Issue February 2015 Issue

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The "Bye Month" issue


Page 1: Feb 2015 issue

Note: This is the final Pro Power E-mag Published Mid-Month;

beginning March 2015 Issues will be published the 1st of each

new month

The Performance Training and

Conditioning E-Magazine of Athletes and

Fitness Enthusiasts

The “Bye” Month Issue

February 2015 Issue

Page 2: Feb 2015 issue

Sometimes taking the “Bye” is good.

In sports you have the bye week where teams take time

off and don’t compete/play games for that specific week.

The week off can be for a variety of reasons such as

scheduling purposes, team recuperation, etc. And more

often than not, what you do with the bye week is up to

you. Many teams and athletes use it as an opportunity to

rest physically and mentally, while others use the bye to re-tool strategies for success for

the next competition.

A bye week in life is good sometimes too. In the real world life comes at us at a fast, busy

pace. We want to get it all done, all on time, then move on to the next thing. But some-

times it’s okay to take a breather, a quick pause, or a BYE in life. Have that coffee break

during the mid-morning rush. Take a walk in the evening instead of washing the dinner

dishes right away. Take a BYE.

This month I took a bye, but for a different reasons.

We publish the Pro Power E-Mag each month, as a mid-month training and fitness digi-

tal publication. We try to stock it full of applicable articles and training products that are

relevant to the training and fitness lifestyle.

I made a conscious decision recently to start publishing Pro Power at the beginning of

each month instead of the halfway point in the month. So as the month starts out fresh

and new, we will publish a fresh and new publication for our audience.

So in February (the shortest month) I took a “bye” from publishing Pro Power. I am using

my bye however not as a way to rest and recover. I am using my bye as a way to re-tool

Pro Power to make it BETTER. When we come back March 1st we will hit the ground

running with these great topics:

Editorial: Train like an athlete to look like an athlete

Training Tech: Get your lifting right with the PUSH Fitness Monitor

Book Reviews: Ready to Run, Power Positions and Misty

Training Spaces: D-1 Sports Training

Zen Article: “Peace has cost you your strength” –Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Workout of the Month: Rope Battling for Killer Cardio

….and much more! Plus we will feature our usual arsenal or great training and fitness


So I am going to take a quick bye to re-tool a little. Look for Pro Power March 1st but in

the meantime flip over to the next page and take a look at our great training products in

this “article FREE” bye issue.

Ill see you next month. And by the way----don’t forget to take your own personal bye.

Daimond Dixon

Pro Power E-Mag

Taking the “BYE” can be a good thing

From the Editor

The Mission

The Pro Power mission is to provide training

information to athletes and fitness enthusiasts

by sharing training and conditioning ideals

from various sources helping individuals to

reach their personal performance potential.


Pro Power E-Magazine is published monthly

in an online viewing format along with an

accompanying online web site and blog.

Contact Information

Editor: Daimond Dixon

Web: ProPowerMag.com

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (616) 633-1883

Page 3: Feb 2015 issue

Training and Conditioning Products

Get a jump on gaining your competitive sports and fitness edge by utilizing some of the great

training products we feature!

See the Training Product Video

Visit the Pro Power E-Mag Product Page Here