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Page 1: Features of Shakespeare’s languageshakespeareunit.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/4/6/10467095/... · 2018-09-06 · Slide Features of Shakespeare’s language 4. Imagery d. use of metaphors


Features of Shakespeare’s language


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Features of Shakespeare’s language

William Shakespeare used language to:

create a sense of place seize the audience’s interest and attention explore the widest range of human experience

He was a genius for

dramatic language“

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

1. Blank verseunrhymed lines with an arrangement of unstressed and stressed syllables known as

“ In sooth / I know / not why / I am / so sad / ”(from The Merchant of Venice)

iambic pentameter

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

2. Variations on metreto make his verse less monotonous, Shakespeare:

“that this too too sullied flesh would melt”(from Hamlet)


altered the pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables

“There’s nothing ill can dwell in such a temple”(from The Tempest)


altered the expected number of syllables

Emilia: Why, would not you?

divided a single line between two or more speakers

Desdemona: No, by this heavenly light!(from Othello)


A shot from Hamlet by Franco Zeffirelli (1990).

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

3. Use of verse and prose


generally used by aristocratic characters in serious or dramatic scenes


generally used by lower-class characters in comic scenes in informal conversations

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

4. Imagery

clusters of repeated images build up asense of the themes of the play, like a.

imagery from natureb.

imagery from Elizabethan daily life, like:c.

light and darkness in Romeo and Juliet

A shot from Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann (1996).

sports and hunting; shipping and the law; jewels; medicine

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

4. Imageryuse of metaphors and similesd.

use of personificatione.“Come, civil Night;Thou sober-suited matron all in black.”(from Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene II)


“There’s daggers in men’s smiles”(from Macbeth)


“The quality of mercy is not strained.It droppeth as the gentle rain from heavenUpon the place beneath ”(from The Merchant of Venice, IV.i.179–181)


A shot from The Merchant of Venice by Michael Radford (2004).

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

5. Antithesis

The contrast of direct opposites.

“Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate,

O any thing, of nothing first created:

O heavy lightness, serious vanity”

(from Romeo and Juliet)

Frank DickseeRomeo and Juliet (1884).

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

6. RepetitionRepeated words or phrases add to:

“Oh horrible, oh horrible, most horrible!” (The Ghost in Hamlet)

the emotional intensity of a scene

“O night, O night, alack, alack, alack,

I fear my Thisbe’s promise is forgot!

And thou, O wall, O sweet, O lovely wall.”

(Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

its comic effect

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

7. Hyperbole

Extravagant and obvious exaggeration

“Blow me about in winds! Roast me in sulphur!

Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquid fire!”

(from Othello)

Othello is haunted by the knowledge that

he has wrongly killed Desdemona )(

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

8. Irony

Verbal irony

Saying one thing but meaning another


It is structural: one line or scene contrasts sharply with another

The audience knows something that a character

on stage does not

In Julius Caesar, Mark Antony calls Brutus “an honourable man” but means the opposite

In Macbeth Duncan’s line “He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust”is followed by the stage direction “Enter Macbeth”

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Features of Shakespeare’s language

9. Pronouns: you and thee


Implies either closeness or contempt Friendship towards an equal Superiority over someone considered

a social inferior Used to address someone of higher

social rank Can be aggressive or insulting


More formal and distant form Suggests respect for a superior Courtesy to a social equal

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