features of project management

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  • 8/10/2019 Features of Project Management


    Features of Project Management

    Oracle Project Management provides project managers a solution for maintaining control and visibility of all

    aspects of their projects.

    As a project manager, you can view project information at a single source point enabling you to track andmanage a project through the project lifecycle, from creating and planning, through to completion.

    Using Oracle Project Management, you can:

    Create, manage, version, and view workplan.

    Track progress against the workplan.

    Link Microsoft Project with Oracle Projects enabling you to work with a project using both applications.

    Create budgets and forecasts to plan and manage the financial performa nce of projects throughout the project


    Track and monitor the performance of a project, and analyze financial and effort information by task, resource,and time.

    View exceptions for key financial and schedule metrics, and send automated status report notifications to key

    project stakeholders.

    Provide a timely and consistent view of project status information to all audience members and project


    Manage issues such as concerns, problems, and outstanding questions for projects and tasks.

    Manage actions or changes that affect the scope, value, or duration of projects and tasks.

    Attach and manage documents for projects and tasks.

    Search and review the current financial status of projects and review detailed financial performance for projects

    and tasks.



    Can set up two types of structures in Oracle Projects: workplan structures and financial structures.

    Can send the following information from Microsoft Project to : Schedule Budget

    Can send the following information to Microsoft Project from:

    Project templates Existing projects Resources and rates

    Progress and actual effort Cost progress

    Budgeting and ForecastingYou can create budgets and forecasts to manage the financial performance of a project throughout the project

    lifecycle. You can also create multiple budgets and forecasts for a project to demonstrate different scenarios. You

  • 8/10/2019 Features of Project Management


    can track project status and performance by comparing project budget and forecast amounts to actual amounts

    using Project Performance Reporting and Project Status Inquiry features.

    Using budgeting and forecasting you can perform the following functions:

    Maintain budget and forecast plan types

    Create plan versions and enter amounts

    Generate budgets and forecasts from staffing plans, workplans , and other financial plans

    Enter plan amounts using Microsoft Excel and HTML

    Enter plan amounts in multiple currencies

    Maintain plan versions

    Include change documents

    View planamounts

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    Setting Up WorkplansYou can define workplans that meet the specific requirements of your various projects or project templates. You


    Set up basic starting information for a work breakdown structure, including the structure name, lifecycle,

    current phase, and default display outline level.

    Enable workplan versioning.

    Enable work quantity planning and progress collection for a workplan and each of its tasks. Automatically update the tasks' transaction dates.

    Define approval options for the workplan (if versioning is enabled).

    Select a planning resource list for the workplan.

    Enable workplan cost tracking.

    Enable multiple currency amount planning and define the list of transaction currencies used by your workplan.

    Enable reporting of workplan cost amounts against a selected resource breakdown structure.

    Determine whether resources assigned to the workplan use actual rates or planning rates for costing of planned

    quantities. If you use planning rates you can define the planning rate schedules.

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    Oracle Project FoundationOracle Project Foundation provides the common foundation (functionality) of periods, calendars, organization,

    projects, resources, security, forecasting, utilization, and multilingual support that is shared across the products

    in the Oracle Enterprise Project Management Solution. The purpose of Oracle Project Foundation is to package

    all the common elements of Oracle Projects into a single place.

    Period DefinitionPeriods are used to define project accounting periods (PA periods). PA periods are used in transaction


    Calendar Definition

    Calendars are used to determine resource availability and over commitment.

    Organization Definition

    Oracle Projects uses organizations for the following business purposes: Management of projects and tasks

    Employee assignments

    Expenditure entry Nonlabor resource ownership

    Budget management

    Resource definition for project status reporting

    Burden cost processing

    Invoice and collections processing



    Resource DefinitionA single collection of your resources, their skill sets, and their availability enables you to

    utilize and manage your resources both effectively and efficiently.

    Organization ForecastingOrganization forecasting enables you to generate organizationlevel financial forecasts for the

    revenue, cost, margin, margin percent, utilization, and headcount amounts associated with your

    projectlevel staffing plans.

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    Oracle Project Costing

    Oracle Project Costing provides an integrated cost management solution for all projects and activities

    within an enterprise. Oracle Project Costing acts as a central repository for transactions, processesproject costs, and creates corresponding accounting entries to satisfy corporate finance requirements.

    When you use Oracle Project Costing, you can track and account for all project costs. You can also

    control payment on supplier invoices using the Supplier workbench. Costs may be entered directly into

    Oracle Project Costing using expenditure batches, imported from other Oracle Applications, or importedfrom external systems. You collect cost distribution lines in Oracle Project Costing which uses

    AutoAccounting to determine the default accounts for raw and burden costs. Oracle Project Costing also

    creates cost accounting events for Oracle Subledger Accounting, and transfers the accounting entries toOracle General Ledger.

    Cross ChargeA cross charge takes place when an expenditure items expenditure organization is different from the task

    owning organization of the task being charged. These organizations are called the provider and receiver

    organizations. The organizations can be within the same operating unit or belong to different operating units.


    Burden costs are costs of doing business that support raw costs.

    Project AllocationsThe allocations feature in Oracle Project Costing can distribute amounts between and within projects

    and tasks, or to projects in other organizational units.

    Supplier Payment Control

    The Supplier Payment Control feature in Oracle Project Costing enables you to integrate with OraclePurchasing and Oracle Payables to create supplier invoices with automatic payment hold for purchase

    orders with Pay When Paid payment terms and a deliverables schedule. On interface of these supplierinvoices from Oracle Payables to Oracle Projects as expenditure items, the supplier invoices are linked

    to draft customer invoices generated on these expenditure items. If you enable projects for automatic

    release of pay when paid holds and for AR Receipt Notification, the Release Pay When Paid concurrentprogram checks for receipts applied to linked customer invoices in Oracle Receivables and releases the

    hold on the corresponding supplier invoice. You can manually link and unlink supplier and customer

    invoices and release holds from the Supplier Workbench.

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    Oracle Project Billing

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    Oracle Project Management

    Oracle Project Management provides project managers the visibility and control they need to deliver

    their projects successfully, improve profitability, and operate more efficiently. It presents projectmanagers with a comprehensive integration of the major elements of project management: programs,

    plans, progress, issues, changes, documents, effort and cost, financial information, performance,

    exceptions, and status reports.

    Workplan and Progress ManagementYou can set up two types of structures in Oracle Projects: workplan structures and financial structures.

    A structure is sometimes referred to as a work breakdown structure, or WBS. A workplan contains ahierarchical organization of tasks within a project. Each workplan contains an unlimited number of tasks

    and you can define as many levels as you want. Workplan management helps project managers and

    team members deliver projects on time. Financial structures help project and financial administrations

    track financial information for a project.You can collect progress for deliverables, task resource assignments, tasks, and projects. This

    information allows you to report on whether workplan execution is on track.

    Integration with Microsoft ProjectYou can continue to use Microsoft Project when working with your projects, while benefiting from the

    features that Oracle Projects has to offer. You can send and receive a project, send an update, view real-time project information, and receive real-time values for task attributes. You can use Microsoft Project

    to update the project schedule, progress, and budget information.

    After all project details have been entered, you can then send the project plan to a workplan or financial


    Budgeting and Forecasting

    You can create budgets and forecasts to manage the financial performance of a project throughout the

    project lifecycle. You can also create multiple budgets and forecasts for a project to demonstratedifferent scenarios. You can compare budget and forecast amounts to project actuals using reporting

    tools such as Project Performance Reporting and Project Status Inquiry to track project status and


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    Project Status Reporting

    You can report relevant project status information for targeted audiences, controlling the content,publishing, frequency, and format. For example, you can provide a monthly internal management report

    for your project steering committee, and a weekly team project status report for your project.

    Issue and Change Management

    Oracle Projects provides you with a centralized system to manage issues and change requests. Thisfunctionality enables team members to work together collaboratively to resolve issues and communicate

    and implement changes to the project. Using issue management, you can track issues and changerequests from creation through to completion, and deal with concerns or outstanding questions on


    Document ManagementOracle Projects enables you to attach and store documents with projects on which you are a team

    member. You can utilize folders and versions and ensure security for all documents.

    Project Performance ReportingOracle Projects provides you with an at-a-glance comparison of actual versus planned performance as

    defined in project budgets and forecasts. You can view performance in the areas of effort, cost,

    profitability, earned value, billing, and collections, or capital costs. With Project PerformanceExceptions Reporting, project managers can view a summary of problems and issues on a project

    through visual indicators that denote exceptions, and focus on solving the critical problems.

    Earned Value ManagementEarned Value Management provides a method of managing projects by understanding the mathematical

    relationships between project scope, work, and budget to determine project health. The metrics used in

    calculating earned value enable you to gain knowledge of the true health of a project. You can also usethe various earned value metrics to monitor trends in a project.

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  • 8/10/2019 Features of Project Management


    Oracle Projects Integration with Other Oracle Applications

    Oracle Assets

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle Assets. The graphic on the slide depicts how

    you can use a project to build a new asset or retire an existing asset, collect costs and interface these costs to

    Oracle Assets to calculate depreciation for a new asset and retirement costs for an existing asset.

    Oracle Projects allows you to manage asset capitalization using capital projects. In a capital project, you can

    collect constructioninprocess (CIP) and expense costs for each asset you are building. You can also define

    retirement adjustment assets and capture cost of removal and proceeds of sale amounts (retirement work inprocess, or RWIP) for assets you are retiring. You use Oracle Projects to collect all asset cost detail transactions,

    summarize them to create asset lines in Oracle Projects, and transfer them to Oracle Assets to become

    depreciable fixed assets. Oracle Assets integration includes:

    Inquiry of project information on mass addition lines.

    Drilldown to project asset line details in Oracle Projects from projectrelated mass addition lines in Oracle


    Copying of project information from mass addition lines to asset source lines during Mass Additions Posting


    Inquiry of project information on asset source lines.

    Drilldown to project asset line details from projectrelated asset source lines.

    Coordination with Oracle Payables so that supplier invoice lines are not interfaced to Oracle Assets by both

    Oracle Payables and Oracle Projects when the invoice line is associated with a capital project.

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    Generate Asset Lines

    Run the concurrent program PRC: Generate Asset Lines to collect all eligible costs, summarize them, and create

    asset cost lines and/or retirement cost lines.

    Interface Asset Costs to Oracle Assets

    Run the Oracle Projects concurrent program PRC: Interface Assets to Oracle Assets to interface the asset costand/or retirement cost lines to Oracle Assets.

    Post Mass Additions

    After you interface the costs to the Oracle Assets Mass Additions table, you can make changes to the asset

    definition, if necessary, and then run the Post Mass Additions process in Oracle Assets. Oracle Assets creates

    accounting entries in Oracle Subledger Accounting to clear CIP and RWIP accounts, and posts the asset costs to

    the appropriate asset or group depreciation reserve account.

    Transfer to Oracle General Ledger

    The Transfer to GL concurrent program transfers the accounting entries from Oracle Subledger Accounting to

    Oracle General Ledger.

    Tieback Asset Lines from Oracle Assets

    The Tieback Asset Lines from Oracle Assets concurrent program identifies and updates Oracle Projects assets

    and asset lines that have been interfaced to Oracle Assets. For assets, the program updates the asset details to

    reflect the asset number assigned in Oracle Assets and the period in which the asset was posted. The program

    updates each asset line to reflect the Oracle Assets period in which the asset line was posted.

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    Oracle Asset Tracking

    Oracle Asset Tracking

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle Asset Tracking. The graphic on the slidedepicts how you can use Oracle Asset Tracking and Oracle Inventory to store, issue, and use items that you

    purchase for a project, and use Oracle Project Costing to manage the costs of these items and of the assets that

    they helped create. Oracle Asset Tracking is a fully integrated solution in the Oracle E-Business suite designed to

    deploy and track internal products and assets at internal or customer sites, while providing the ability to

    automatically capture financial transactions. Oracle Asset Tracking enables you to provide users with access to

    tracking information, without allowing them access to sensitive processes related to assets and purchasing. You

    can also track inventory items after you have installed them and link financial transactions to the physical

    movement of equipment.

    Oracle Asset Tracking enables you to create assets upon receipt in Oracle Purchasing. After you create the asset,

    Oracle Asset Tracking performs the changes in the background for any further physical movement. For example,if you move the asset from one location to the other, then Oracle Asset Tracking performs the asset cost,

    distribution, and unit changes without manual intervention. Oracle Asset Tracking integrates with Oracle

    Inventory, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Project Costing, Oracle Assets, Oracle Order Management, and Oracle

    Payables, and stores information collected from them.

    Oracle Asset Tracking integration includes:

    Creating project-related purchase orders linked to Oracle Asset Tracking

    Entering receipts for project-related purchase orders in Oracle Purchasing and validating the receipts against

    the Oracle Asset Tracking repository

    Importing tracked items and cost into Oracle Project Costing Monitoring costs in Oracle Project Costing

    Generating asset lines for non-depreciable tracked items in Oracle Project Costing

    Costing and interfacing the asset lines to Oracle Assets to create assets

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    Oracle Cash Management

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle Cash Management. The graphic on

    the slide depicts how you can use Oracle Cash Management to control the flow of cash coming into a

    project from budgets, events, and customer payments as well as the cash going out the project assupplier payments, project expenditure, and overhead costs.

    Cash Forecasting in Oracle Cash Management captures cash flow information from Oracle Projects. It

    also captures cash flow information from these other Oracle applications that store projectrelatedinformation: Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Order Management (with Oracle Project

    Manufacturing), and Oracle Payables.

    By integrating Oracle Projects with Oracle Cash Forecasting, you can define and generate a cash

    forecast for a specific project. You can report on cash flows from Oracle Projects sources throughoutyour enterprise, and across organizations as needed. You are also able to forecast in any currency, and

    analyze your projects currency exposure by forecasting transactions that are entered in a particular


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    Oracle General Ledger

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle General Ledger. The graphic on the slide

    depicts the process of project accounting first as accounting events in Oracle Subledger Accounting that are

    interfaced to Oracle General Ledger as journal entries. Oracle Projects integrates with Oracle General Ledger via

    Oracle Subledger Accounting and enables you to update your general ledger with Oracle Projects activity. You

    can generate accounting events at any time and as often during an accounting period as you want. Oracle

    Subledger Accounting uses the accounting events to generate the accounting and transfers the final accounting

    to an Oracle General Ledger interface table.

    Journal Import and Posting

    After Oracle Subledger Accounting transfers accounting entries to the Oracle General Ledger interface table, you

    run the Journal Import program. This program creates journal entries for your cost, revenue, and cross-charge

    transactions, which you can post to Oracle General Ledger at any time. Optionally, you can transfer theaccounting to Oracle General Ledger and post the journal entries when you run the Create Accounting program.

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    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle General Ledger for project budgets. The

    graphic on the slide depicts the kind of accounting entries created for baseline project budgets in Oracle General

    Ledger; budget journal entries for bottom-up budgets and encumbrance journal entries for top-down budgets.

    Oracle Projects budget integration enables you to integrate project budgets with non-project budgets.

    BottomUp Budget Integration

    When enterprises use bottom-up budgeting, they build organizationlevel budgets by consolidating budget

    amounts from lower-level sources. When you define budget integration for a project, the project budget can be

    consolidated automatically. When you submit a bottom-up integrated budget to create a baseline version,

    Oracle Projects validates the submitted budget version, creates a baseline version, generates accounting events,

    creates budget journal entries in final mode for the accounting events in Oracle Subledger Accounting, and

    validates the budget amounts against an Oracle General Ledger budget. You run the process PRC: Transfer

    Journal Entries to GL to transfer budget journal entries from Oracle Subledger Accounting to Oracle General


    TopDown Budget Integration

    When top-down budgeting is used and encumbrance accounting is enabled, Oracle Projects enables you tointegrate project budgets with funding budgets. When you approve the project cost budgets and create a

    baseline, the system generates encumbrance entries to reserve funds in the funding budget for the anticipated

    project costs. These reservations ensure that budgeted funds are not consumed before project costs are

    incurred. They also give management a more complete picture of each organizationsfinancial position. As

    future projects and future purchases are evaluated, management can review the costs of their current

    expenditures, the anticipated costs of approved commitments and approved projects, and the funds available

    for future use. The reservations ensure that funds will be available when project costs are incurred in Oracle

    Purchasing and Oracle Payables.

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    Oracle Grants Accounting

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle Grants Accounting. The graphic on

    the slide depicts how you can use awards to fund projects that manage the activities of grant-receivingorganizations.

    Oracle Grants Accounting extends the functionality of Oracle Projects to provide an award and project

    management solution for grant receiving organizations. Grants Accounting enables you to track multi-funded projects and the required compliance terms and conditions by award.

    Oracle Grants Accounting supports the validation of allowable costs and effective dates, as well as

    budgetary controls, to ensure compliance. Features that are part of Oracle Grants Accounting include: Multifunded projects

    Award management

    Funds control by award

    Award Status Inquiry Government reporting

    Integration with Oracle Financials

    Integration with Oracle Labor Distribution Integration with Oracle Grants Proposal

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    Oracle Inventory

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle Inventory. The graphic on the slide

    depicts how you can enter issues and receipts for a project in Oracle Inventory to collect and processcosts and then import these costs back into the project as expenditures.

    In a non-manufacturing environment, you enter issues and receipts into Oracle Inventory. After you

    process costs, these transactions become costed transactions. Next, run the Cost Collector.

    You can initiate the Cost Collector from the Project Cost Transfers window in Oracle Inventory to

    collect and then transfer costs to Oracle Projects. Next, in Oracle Projects, run the programPRC:Transaction Import to create expenditures in Oracle Projects. If the import program rejects any

    transactions, then you can review and correct them using the Review Transactions window. After you

    correct the transactions, resubmit the PRC: Transaction Import program. The program imports thetransactions into Oracle Project Costing as accounted and costed. You cannot modify the cost

    distribution lines in Oracle Project Costing.

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    Oracle Payables (Accrual)

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle Payables for accrual basis accounting

    of supplier costs on a project. The graphic on the slide depicts how you can create the supplier invoices

    on a project in Oracle Payables and interface accruals, invoice distributions, and discounts as supplier

    costs back to the project as expenditures.When the primary accounting method is accrual basis accounting, you interface perpetual receipt

    accruals, invoice variances, invoice distributions, and payment discounts to Oracle Project Costing asactual costs.

    Matching InvoicesIf you use Oracle Purchasing and have already associated project-related information to a purchase

    order, and you are matching an invoice to a purchase order or receipt using the Invoices windowsinstead of manually creating invoice lines and distributions, Oracle Payables automatically copies the

    project information from the purchase order to the invoice. You cannot change the project information

    that is copied from the purchase order to the invoice, with the exception of the expenditure item date.

    Oracle Payables uses the profileoptionPA: Default Expenditure Item Date for Supplier Cost during the invoice match process to

    determine the default expenditure item date for supplier invoice distribution lines. You can override the

    default expenditure item date for invoice distribution lines on the Invoice Workbench in OraclePayables.

    Entering Invoices

    You can enter project-related invoices directly in the Invoices windows in Oracle Payables.

    You can enter project-related information at the invoice level, which populates the project relatedinformation at the invoice line level. You can override these default values at the invoice line level. If

    you choose not to automatically generate the distributions for an invoice line, you can enter project-

    related information in the Distributions window. An invoice can have both project-related and non-project-related distributions.

    Importing Invoices

    You can import through the Payables Open Interface tables projects-related invoices from the Invoice

    Gateway and other systems. For example, import expense report invoices from Oracle InternetExpenses.

    You can also import invoices from third party systems if the invoices are accounted.

    Tracking CommitmentsYou can track project-related invoices as commitments in Oracle Project Costing before you interface

    them as actual costs.

    Posting InvoicesIf you use accrual basis accounting, then you must validate the invoice and create Subledger accounting

    for it in final mode in Oracle Payables, before you can interface the invoice to Oracle Project Costing.

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    Oracle Payables (Cash)

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle Payables for cash basis accounting of

    supplier costs on a project. The graphic on the slide depicts how you can create the supplier invoices on

    a project in Oracle Payables, release payment, and interface these supplier costs back to the project as


    When the primary accounting method in Oracle Payables is cash basis accounting, you interfacepayments to Oracle Projects as actual costs. You cannot interface costs from Oracle Payables to Oracle

    Projects as actual costs until you pay the invoice. After you enter payments for a supplier invoice, you

    interface the costs to Oracle Projects as actual costs. You can interface partially paid invoices to OracleProjects.

    Entering Invoices

    As with accrual basis accounting, you can match invoices to purchasing documents, manually enter asupplier invoice, and import supplier invoices from an external source.

    Tracking Commitments

    You can track project-related invoices as commitments in Oracle Project Costing.

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    Oracle Purchasing

    This slide describes the integration of Oracle Projects with Oracle Purchasing and Oracle iProcurement. The

    graphic on the slide depicts how you use Oracle iProcurement and Oracle Purchasing to raise requisitions and

    purchase orders for a project, calculate the cost, and interface this cost back to Oracle Projects as project


    When you enter project-related transactions in Oracle Purchasing and Oracle iProcurement, you only need to

    enter project information on the source document -- either the requisition or the purchase order. When you

    automatically create purchase orders from requisitions using Oracle Purchasing AutoCreate feature, Oracle

    Purchasing automatically copies the project information from the requisition to the purchase order.

    Entering Requisitions

    You enter project-related purchase requisitions using the Requisitions window in Oracle Purchasing. You can

    enter default project information in the Project Information tabbed region of the Requisitions Preferences

    window. Oracle Purchasing uses this default information to populate the requisition distribution lines you create

    during your current session. The requisitions distribution line has a Project tabbed region for you to enter

    project-related information. A requisition can have a combination of project-related and non-project-related

    distribution lines. In addition, you can use the Buyer WorkCenter in Oracle Purchasing to review requisitions.

    You can also use Oracle iProcurement to enter project-related purchase requisitions. You can enter defaultproject information in the iProcurement Preferences page. Oracle iProcurement saves this default information

    and uses it to populate the billing information when you check out.

    Using AutoCreateWhen you automatically create purchase orders from project-related requisitions in the AutoCreate Documents

    window, Oracle Purchasing copies the project information and the accounting information from the requisition

    to the purchase order. You do not need to enter any additional project-related information on your purchase

    order when you use this feature.

    You can change the project information on the purchase order that was copied from the requisition; the project

    information on the requisition is not updated.

    Entering Purchase Orders

    If your company does not use online requisitions or the AutoCreate feature, you can enter project-relatedinformation directly on your standard purchase orders using the Distributions window for purchase orders in

    Oracle Purchasing. When you use this window, you specify project-related information in the Project tabbed

    region of the distribution line. The Account Generator automatically creates the account information, based on

    the project-related information you enter.

    You can also use the Buyer WorkCenter in Oracle Purchasing to enter project-related purchase requisitions. You

    can drill down to the details for a distribution line to enter and view project related information for a purchase

    order distribution.

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    Entering ReleasesYou enter project-related releases against blanket purchase agreements and planned purchase orders using the

    Enter Releases window in Oracle Purchasing. When you use this window, you specify if the release distribution

    line is project-related. If it is project-related, you continue to enter project information for the line.

    Recording Receipts and DeliveryWhen a purchase order shipment is flagged to accrue at receipt and the purchased goods are delivered to an

    expense destination, you enter a receiving transaction for the purchase order in Oracle Purchasing and create

    Subledger accounting for the receiving transaction in final mode.

    If you do not create the subledger accounting in final mode, you may encounter issues if you make adjustments

    to the transactions.

    Next, you interface receipt accruals to Oracle Projects as actual transactions. This feature enables you to

    recognize the cost to your project in the period in which it is incurred rather than in the period in which it is


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    You perform the following steps to set up your Oracle Applications ledger and assign it to a responsibility:

    Define a chart of accounts

    Define an accounting calendar

    Enable currencies

    Define a subledger accounting method

    Define a ledger

    Assign ledger to a responsibility using the GL: Ledger Name profile option



    A chart of accounts enables you to define the account structure for your organization that consists of thenumber of account segments, their length, name, and order.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    Defining Organizations

    Organization Classifications and Oracle Projects

    To control how an organization is used in Oracle Projects, you enable one or more of the following Organization


    Business Group

    A business group is the largest organizational unit you can define to represent your enterprise.

    A business group may correspond to a company or corporation, or in large enterprises, to a holding or parent

    company or corporation.

    Operating Unit

    An operating unit is used to partition data for a subledger product. Organization classifications involving

    financial transactions (such as expenditure/event organizations and project invoice collection organizations) are

    always associated with operating units. Accounting combinations involved in project transactions depend on the

    current Operating Unit, which in turn is associated with a specific ledger.HR Organization

    Any organization that has the HR Organization classification enabled can have employees assigned to it.

    Project/Task Owning Organization

    Project/Task Owning Organizations can own projects and/or tasks in the operating unit. To own projects and

    tasks in an operating unit, an organization must have the following characteristics:

    The Project/Task Owning Organization Classification must be enabled.

    The organization must belong to the Project/Task Owning Organization Hierarchy Branch assigned to the

    operating unit.

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    You may use the Additional Information section to restrict the project classes (indirect, capital, contract) of the

    projects that an organization may own.

    Project Expenditure/ Event Organization

    To enable an organization to own project events, incur expenditures, and hold budgets for projects, you must

    perform the following tasks when you define the organization:

    Enable the Project Expenditure/Event organization classification

    If you have installed Oracle Project Resource Management or Oracle Project Management, define a default

    operating unit for the organization in the Additional Organization Information section.

    In addition, if this organization supports schedulable resources, you must perform the following:

    Select Related Organizations in the Additional Organization Information section

    Enter the default operating unit for the organization

    Note: You can also define a default operating unit for the organization classification HR Organization by

    selecting Related Organizations in the Additional Organization Information section. However, if you are using

    the operating unit for Oracle Projects, you must enable the Project Expenditure/Event Organization


    Project Invoice Collection OrganizationIf your business decentralizes its invoice collection within an operating unit, you must enable the Project Invoice

    Collection Organizations classification for each organization in which you want to process invoices.

    If your business decentralizes invoice collection, you must run the IMP: Create Invoice Organization TransactionTypes process before you can successfully run the Interface Invoices to Oracle Receivables process. The IMP:

    Create Invoice Organization Transaction Types process creates a transaction type for each of the Project Invoice

    Collection Organizations that has the following characteristics:

    The organization has the Project Invoice Collection Organization classification enabled.

    The organization belongs to the Project/Task Owning OrganizationHierarchy Branch assigned to the operating


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    Organizations and Oracle Projects

    Multiple Organization Installation

    Multiple Organization Installation

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    Multiple Organization Access Control

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    System Implementation Options

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    Project Setup Implementation Options

    Project Numbering Method and TypeSpecify either automatic or manual numbering:

    If you want Oracle Projects to number each project automatically upon creation, then specify a starting

    project number. Automatic project numbers are numeric; they do not contain letters or special characters

    and are sequentially numbered. If you want to choose your own project numbers, select the manual project numbering method. Manual

    project numbers can be either alphanumeric or numeric.

    In a multiple organization installation of Oracle Projects, project numbers (including project templatenumbers) are unique across operating units. When automatic project numbering is used, if a value is

    entered for next project number, the same number will be shown for all operating units that also use the

    automatic project numbering method.

    Project/Task Owning Organization Hierarchy

    To own projects and/or tasks in the operating unit, an organization must have all of the followingcharacteristics:

    Theorganization must belong to the project/task organization hierarchy assigned to the operating unit.

    The organization must have the project/task owning organization classification enabled.

    The organization must be permitted to use the project type class (indirect, contract, and/or capital) tocreate projects. This permission is determined when you define the organization.

    The organization must be active as of the system date.

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    Staffing Implementation Options

    Expenditures/Costing Implementation Options

  • 8/10/2019 Features of Project Management


    Expenditures/Costing Implementation Options

    Expenditure Cycle Start Day

    You specify an Expenditure Cycle Start Day to indicate the day your sevenday expenditure weekbegins. For example, if you specify Monday as the expenditure cycle start day, the week ending date on

    all expenditures, including timecards and expense reports, is the following Sunday.

    Enable Overtime CalculationSpecify whether you want to use the Overtime Calculation program to calculate and charge overtime

    hours automatically. You may need to customize the Overtime Calculation program if your business

    wants to use automatic overtime calculation.

    Import Contingent Worker Timecards with Purchase Order IntegrationEnable this option if you want to import contingent worker labor costs from timecards. When you select

    this option, contingent workers can select a purchase order during timecard entry.This allows the labor costs to be imported from the timecard, and prevents the interface of labor costs to

    Oracle Projects from supplier invoices that are associated with the purchase order.

    Default Supplier Cost Credit Account

    When you define a default supplier cost credit account, Oracle Projects credits the specified accountafter adjusting supplier cost and expense report expenditure items in Oracle Projects.

    Interface Cost to GL

    If you want to interface cost to Oracle General Ledger, you must enable the system options for

    employee labor, contingent worker labor, and usage costs interface. If you do not enable the interfacecost options, Oracle Projects does not generate cost accounting events for the respective type of costs.

    Therefore you cannot create cost accounting in Oracle Subledger Accounting and transfer the

    accounting entries to Oracle General Ledger.

    Expenditure/Event Organization HierarchyTo incur expenditures, own events, or be assigned to a resource list, an organization must have the

    following characteristics:

    The organization must be in the expenditure/event organization hierarchy assigned to the operatingunit.

    The organization must have the project expenditure/event organization classification enabled.

    The organization must be active as of the system date.

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    Billing Implementation Options

    Interface Revenue to GLIf you want to interface revenue to Oracle General Ledger, you need to enable the system option for

    revenue interface. When you enable the interface revenue option, Oracle Projects generates revenue

    accounting events and creates accounting for the accounting events in Oracle Subledger Accounting.

    Oracle Subledger Accounting is an intermediate step in the revenue accounting flow between OracleProjects and Oracle General Ledger. Oracle Subledger Accounting transfers the accounting entries to

    Oracle General Ledger. If you disable the check box, Oracle Projects does not generate revenue

    accounting events and hence you cannot create accounting and transfer revenue to Oracle GeneralLedger.

    Invoice Numbering Method

    You specify whether you want Oracle Projects to number invoices automatically, or whether you plan toenter invoice numbers manually.

    Invoice Numbering Type

    If you select Manual invoice numbering, you indicate whether you will use alphanumeric or numeric

    invoice numbers. If you select Automatic invoice numbering, Oracle Projects uses numericnumbering. You will have to

    specify a starting invoice number. In a multiple organization installation, invoice numbers are unique

    within an operating unit, not across operating units (unlike project numbers). If automatic invoicenumbering method is selected, the next invoice

    number is operating unitspecific.

    Centralized Invoice Processing

    By default, the Centralized Invoice Processing check box is enabled. If you want all of theproject invoices for the operating unit to be processed using the Oracle Projects seeded

    transaction types in Oracle Receivables, leave the Centralized Invoice Processing check box

    enabled. With decentralized invoicing, you allow organizations to process their own invoicecollections.

    Invoice Batch SourceYou need to specify an invoice batch source in Oracle Projects before you can interface

    invoices to Oracle Receivables.Customer RelationshipsSpecify a value for the Customer Relationships field. The default value is No. You can change

    the option any time, but the change impacts only future customers and invoices. Yes: You can choose a Bill To and Ship To customer based on the project customer or a

    related customer defined in Oracle Receivables.

    No: You can choose a Bill to and Ship to customer of the project customer only.

    All: You can choose a Bill To and Ship To customer from any customer defined in OracleReceivables.

    Sales Credit Type

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    You use the Sales Credit Type to interface sales credit information to Oracle Receivables for

    project invoices. Select the Sales Credit Type to specify the type of credit you want to allocateto salespersons in Oracle Receivables for project invoices. If there is no credit receiver defined

    at the project level and Allow Sales Credit is enabled for the Invoice Batch Source, your

    project invoices will interface to receivables with the selected Sales Credit Type with the

    project manager as the default credit receiver.

    Enable Multi Currency BillingEnable this option to enter agreements, rate schedules, and add billing assignments to the

    project type in any currency.

    Require Rate and Discount ReasonEnable this option to require a reason for a rate or discount overrides to the bill rate schedules.

    Allow Bill Rate OverrideEnable this option if you want to be able to override bill rates for all the projects in the

    operating unit.

    Allow Bill Rate Discount Override

    Enable this option if you want to be able to override the bill rate discount for all the projects in theoperating unit.

  • 8/10/2019 Features of Project Management
