feast of tabernacles sukkot (booths..feast of … · feasts, referred to simply as "the...

FEAST OF TABERNACLES SUKKOT (BOOTHS..FEAST OF INGATHERING..WEDDING FEAST) HISTORICAL RELEVANCE/THEME AND PURPOSE The Feast of Tabernacles is also called the Feast of Booths (Sukkot). Lev. 23:42. Yah commanded His people in the Promised Land to live in booths for seven days. Those of us who live is the diaspora (outside the land of Israel), should live in these booths if at all possible, depending on the weather conditions. Building and living in a Booth helps us much better understand the season and the lamentations connected to it. Reverence and recognition of this occasion is an absolute must for anyone who is truly born again in Yeshua. The purpose of living in booths is indicated in Lev. 23:42 "So your descendants will know that I had the Israelites live in booths when I brought them out of Egypt. I am Yahveh your Elohim." Living in a booth was a yearly reminder of Yahveh's faithfulness, care, and protection. Sukkot also became known as the "Season of our Joy." The mood of Sukkot is joyous and it is a time for celebration. Remember the progression: repentance on the Feast of Trumpets, forgiveness and atonement on Yom Kippur, and now it is time to rejoice and be glad during Sukkot. Deut. 16:14 says,"You are to rejoice in the presence of Yahveh your Elohim- you, your sons and daughters, your male and female slaves, the Levites living in your towns, and the foreigners, orphans and widows living among you- in the place where Yahveh your Elohim will choose to have His name live." Everyone, including Gentiles (foreigners), were commanded to rejoice during Sukkot. In biblical times Sukkot was considered by many, the most important of all Feasts, referred to simply as "The Feast" (1kgs. 12:32). Tabernacles is a reminder of the simplicity of life. A man and wife, their children, their tent, their garden, all the agricultural things encompassed in the torah. The root meaning of sukkah is “coming together..intertwined” we are all intertwined together, coming together because we all need each other, cleaned, pure, righteous, redeemed. We are all to be different parts of the body of Messiah. 1Cor. 12:18-20 “But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. And if they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body.” 1Cor. 12:26-27 “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. 27 Now you are Messiah’s body, and individually members of it.” Gal. 6:1 “Brethren, even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Messiah.” The key to honoring Sukkot (Tabernacles) is the remembrance of the great Exodus. The sukkah represents the temporary tabernacle they used in the wilderness. 1

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Page 1: FEAST OF TABERNACLES SUKKOT (BOOTHS..FEAST OF … · Feasts, referred to simply as "The Feast" (1kgs. 12:32). Tabernacles is a reminder of the simplicity of life. A man and wife,


Yah commanded His people in the Promised Land to live in booths for seven days. Those of us who live is the diaspora (outside the land of Israel), should live in these booths if at all possible, depending on the weather conditions. Building and living in a Booth helps us much better understand the season and the lamentations connected to it. Reverence and recognition of this occasion is an absolute must for anyone who is truly born again in Yeshua. The purpose of living in booths is indicated in Lev. 23:42 "So your descendants will know that I had the Israelites

live in booths when I brought them out of Egypt. I am Yahveh your Elohim." Living in a booth was a yearly reminder of Yahveh's faithfulness, care, and protection. Sukkot also became known as the "Season of our Joy." The mood of Sukkot is joyous and it is a time for celebration. Remember the progression: repentance on the Feast of Trumpets, forgiveness and atonement on Yom Kippur, and now it is time to rejoice and be glad during Sukkot. Deut. 16:14 says,"You are to rejoice in the presence of Yahveh your Elohim- you, your sons and daughters, your male and female slaves, the Levites living in your towns, and the foreigners, orphans and widows living among you- in the place where Yahveh your Elohim will choose to have His name live." Everyone, including Gentiles (foreigners), were commanded to rejoice during Sukkot. In biblical times Sukkot was considered by many, the most important of all Feasts, referred to simply as "The Feast" (1kgs. 12:32). Tabernacles is a reminder of the simplicity of life. A man and wife, their children, their tent, their garden, all the agricultural things encompassed in the torah. The root meaning of sukkah is “coming together..intertwined” we are all intertwined together, coming together because we all need each other, cleaned, pure, righteous, redeemed. We are all to be different parts of the body of Messiah. 1Cor. 12:18-20 “But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. And if they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body.” 1Cor. 12:26-27 “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. 27 Now you are Messiah’s body, and individually members of it.” Gal. 6:1 “Brethren, even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Messiah.” The key to honoring Sukkot (Tabernacles) is the remembrance of the great Exodus. The sukkah represents the temporary tabernacle they used in the wilderness.


Page 2: FEAST OF TABERNACLES SUKKOT (BOOTHS..FEAST OF … · Feasts, referred to simply as "The Feast" (1kgs. 12:32). Tabernacles is a reminder of the simplicity of life. A man and wife,

Imagine at the time of the Exodus, an estimated 3-6 million people gathered together as a group traveling, learning and sharing together in the wilderness. This crowd would cover an estimated 12 square miles of land at any given time.Bet/bet/beyt

The letter beyt/beit/bet is directly connected to the Feast because it represents the house or tent, in pictograph Hebrew. 1Cor. 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? In Hebrew thinking, when one thinks of the temple, they always refer to the cleanliness, power, and glory of the

temple building and everything pertaining to it. "I am the temple" should never be spoken by typical christians because they are NOT. They are not clean and most certainly not holy (1Pet. 1:15-16, Lev. 11:45). At the time of Tabernacles we are to remember the following:

• We are to remember what happened to the people of the past and the many miracles that happened in the wilderness.

• We are to remember the quail in the camp, the manna, the water from the rock, and Aaron’s rod blossoming and bringing forth almonds.

• We remember how the clothing and sandals on the people never wore out. • We remember how the numbers never diminished. • We remember how the prophets couldn’t prophesy against the people. • We are to remember the defeat of kings and nations much larger than the

Israelites that came against the people and were defeated. • We remember how rebellion in the camp was dealt with. • We remember how our brothers came back from scouting the new lands and

telling us that there was no way possible they would ever get it. • We remember the 14 days that became 40 years because of their disobedience. • We remember the promise to the patriarchs that the land was theirs forever. • We remember the covenant (ketubah..wedding contract) at Mt. Sinai. • We remember the parting of the Red Sea and the Jordan River. • We remember the land that swallowed them up yet never overtook them. • When we celebrate these Feasts we remember what happened in the past and

what is written in the history books. We are to learn from history and this is an obvious way to always remember and think about what is happening now in relationship to what happened in the past.

• We are to remember the lessons we are supposed to have learned from all of this.• We recall all the things that Yah has done for our descendants of the past and we

look forward to what Yah will do in the future when Exodus Part Two takes place. They are reminders of what took place in the past. These historical facts should help determine where we are today and where we are heading in the future.

• We remember the miraculous provision that El Shaddai provided for them when they followed His Word and kept covenant, when they couldn’t provide for themselves. In the wilderness the people were at Yah’s mercy and He never ever


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let them down. He lead them to a land of milk and honey that remains to this day as the breadbasket of the world.

When we harvest our crops in the fall of the year it is a reminder of how Yah has always provided for His people who love Him and obey His Living Word as made clear in Deut. 8:7-20. When we harvest we are to remember how He always looks after us. When we participate in these Feasts and when we hear the stories of old it is a constant reminder of where we have been and where we are headed IF we love Him and keep His commandments, which make the entire world a better place. When we hear the stories and experience the Feasts in person it touches our hearts and helps us keep in mind our real purpose for being alive and experiencing the love that only a relationship with our Abba can fulfill in our lives.

We can only understand fully who we are when we understand where we came from, where our ancestors came from, and what they experienced, so that we could have a better more fulfilled life in the Torah. Those are our people that the Good Book is talking about. Those are our generations past who’s experiences have opened the door to our present lives and the lives that we should always strive to follow as the Living Word leads us.

We leave the world and we flee into the wilderness where we are reminded of what our Abba wants us to do to be good servants and stewards of His kingdom here on earth and in the time to come. We make Exodus and are truly born again.

When we celebrate the Feasts it forges our identity that we are the people of the way and that the way is Yeshua. We are brought out of the world, the pagan churches, and truly born again, following the footsteps of Yeshua, the one who bought us for a price, so that we could be redeemed and become true servants of the King of Kings. We live the Feasts and that word becomes alive in us. Our children experience these Feasts and they carry on the Living Word in deeds and by example to all those who have ears to hear and eyes to see the Holy One of Israel. We Tabernacle together and share life's experiences with one another in the Torah community Yah established thousands of years ago with His Israelites who came out of the world controlled by hasatan.

The stories of the past weave through our lives and we become echad (in unity) with one another, born in this world but not of it. Those of us who follow His word are the people of the covenant, we are the people of the way. We are members of the people who lived the feasts of the past and still live the torah to this day in our torah lead community of truly born again believers in Yeshua the Messiah. We are not to just preach and teach torah, we are to live the torah so others can see the glory of Yah in our lives and desire to have the peace that we have. As people of the way we want others to tabernacle with us. We want people to come dwell with us in the community of the living torah. We want them to come into the camp and live the word with us in spirit and in truth.SIMCHAT TORAH

Those familiar with the Parashah readings done in all Orthodox synagogues and most Hebrew Roots type synagogues, will be familiar with the parashah readings on


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shabbat. These are specific scheduled readings that occur in every synagogue every Shabbat. These readings take people from the beginning to the end of the torah every year. It is a simple yearly cycle with commentaries so those in fellowship can learn to understand torah and imbed it in their heart. It is traditional. The first reading, or parashah of the new season (moed) starts after the Fall Feasts are complete. This is called simchat torah. This time period starts the cycle and ends it. This of course is very symbolic of the end of the age when everything starts over with a New Beginning, as a New Creation, in a New Kingdom, in the Heavens.

To give you an example of just how prophetic this is I point you to what Yeshua did when He was reading the torah portion (parashah) in Jerusalem just prior to His death. When Yeshua read the torah portion "Nitzavin" (Are Standing) during the Fall Feast, that included Isa. 61:1-2 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners; 2 To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn," He then CLOSED the book. He was clearly showing them that He was about to be their final atonement sacrifice as well as their lamb sacrifice.ORIGIN OF THANKSGIVING

Sukkot is the Biblical version, the origin of what we call Thanksgiving. Christopher Columbus, the one who discovered the America’s, was a sephardic Jew (Spanish Jew). He was a marano Jew. A marano Jew was one forced to convert to Catholicism. The three main women in his life: mother-in-law, mother, and sister were all Jews. In 1492 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were paid a large sum of money by rich Spanish Jews to allow the Jews to leave the country in peace. They accepted the money and then still decreed that all Jews be killed as per the Alhambra decree of 1492, because of the Roman Catholic Inquisition leaders. Four very rich Sephardic Jews sponsored Columbus’s four major voyages to the New America’s. Over 800,000 Jews were sent out onto the ocean in small boats to die. According to the diary of Christopher Columbus, he landed on the shore of the America’s at San Salvador on the Last Great Day, in 1492. This is a known fact that you will not read in any American history books, yet this is history. The Roman Catholic Church forced Jews to convert to Catholicism or die. Those who outwardly converted were forced to give all their possessions to the Inquisitors and tithe to Rome as long as they lived. The ships of Columbus, full of Spanish Jews, sailed out of Spain the day before the decree was made. America was actually discovered by Jewish people. This is not what Americans are told in their history books. The day Columbus sailed was the 9th of Aviv, which was the same date in history that the great Solomon’s Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 70 BC. In North America this celebration was first brought to us by a very famous Sephardic Jewish man called Christopher Columbus, along with the Puritans who accompanied him on his voyage to the New World. In Canada it is celebrated at a different time but for the same reason. WHEN SUKKOT OCCURRED


Page 5: FEAST OF TABERNACLES SUKKOT (BOOTHS..FEAST OF … · Feasts, referred to simply as "The Feast" (1kgs. 12:32). Tabernacles is a reminder of the simplicity of life. A man and wife,

Lev. 23:33 says that Sukkot begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month (Tishri) and lasts eight days. Sukkot (Tishri 15) began five days after Yom Kippur (Tishri 10). Sukkot is also known as the "Feast of Ingathering" because it occurred after the fall harvest. It always occurs on a full moon so there is lots of light for the world to understand. Neh. 8:15 So they proclaimed and circulated a proclamation in all their cities and in Jerusalem, saying, “Go out to the hills, and bring olive branches, and wild olive branches, myrtle branches, palm branches, and branches of other leafy trees, to make booths, as it is written.”

WHAT OCCURS ON SUKKOT Lev. 23:39 says that the first and eighth day of Sukkot is to be a High Sabbath and no work is to be done. Remember that the High Sabbath can occur on any day of the week. Holy Convocations (fellowship/gathering of the Believers) were also to be held on the first and last day of Sukkot. Sukkot was a time for the people to assemble together and worship Yah. Because Sukkot was such an anticipated occasion the people began construction on their booths immediately following Yom Kippur. The rabbis gave specific instructions concerning the structure of the booth (sukkah, singular). The Sukkah had to be built outdoors and it had to be big enough for a family to eat in. The best material for a sukkah is palm branches. If palm branches could not be found other types of foliage or branches could work. The roof of the sukkah could not be totally enclosed because one must be able to see the stars from inside the sukkah. The sukkah was a homely little structure that reminded Israel of their humble beginnings. After the sukkah was erected, the family would then decorate the inside in a festive manner. The rabbis also had instructions concerning how one was to rejoice. Lev. 23:40 says, "On the first day you are to take choice fruit, palm fronds, thick branches and river willows, and celebrate in the presence of Yahveh your Elohim for seven days." The lulav itself is the single palm branch that occupies the central position in an arrangement. It has a holder like bottom, with two willow branches to its left and three myrtle branches to its right. This cluster is held in the right hand, and the etrog, or citron (lemon type fruit), is held in the left. Some think the lulav represents somebody in the body of Messiah with spiritual head knowledge but no heart knowledge. Just as spiritual head knowledge without action from the heart, the palm branch has no good taste in itself but it is part of something that produces good fruit. The palm branch represents “victory”. People who have just celebrated Yom Kippur are victorious. Traditionally many Jewish people rejoice before Yah by waving the lulav. They wave the lulav in all directions 18 times, representing the echad (unity) of the whole body of Yeshua. Everyone waving the lulav is like the entire body of Messiah rejoicing and uplifting “life’ as in the body of Believers. The gematrical value of the word life in Hebrew is eighteen. Others say the four species of plants used in the lulav represent the four letters of YHVH. Also that the lulav represents masculinity (penis) and the etrog/citron (female


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breasts), femininity, which is echad. Many say the citron represents the heart, (the place of understanding and wisdom), the palm branch the backbone, (uprightness), myrtle corresponds to the eyes (enlightenment), and the willow leaves the lips (used for prayer). The etrog traditionally represents the heart as part of the body of Messiah, those who have head knowledge and the torah on their heart go out and do something with that knowledge. The myrtle branches (hadasim) represent people with head knowledge but no heart. People who go out and do good things, but are not sure exactly why they desire to do so. The green leaves of other trees are representative of the believer with no heart or head knowledge. They are just there. These are the people who keep calling for revival but never revive. They just exist. They still support the body in service but are not really serious about their spiritual walk. The body consists of those who are involved, those who get together and do things as a unit, from the heart, because of their head knowledge, or even if they know little or nothing but still serve. They are echad, the unity of the body of Yeshua. These elements combined are waved like a wave offering, representing the whole body of Mashiach. Traditionally, these are taken and waved in the synagogue on the morning of each of the days of Sukkot, except on the Sabbath. At the end of time as we know it, Believers will go with Yah and celebrate the Feast of Sukkot, just as the scriptures explain. Rev. 7:9 “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;” What were they rejoicing for? Atonement was made for them five days earlier, and the fall harvest had just been collected. The sacrifices were also an intricate part of Sukkot. Num. 29:12-39 explains what and how many sacrifices were to be offered during Sukkot. The sacrifices for Sukkot totalled 182 (70 bulls, 14 rams, and 98 lambs), not including the 336 tenths of flour for the meal offering. The High Priest wore a brilliant white linen robe when he participated in the animal sacrifices. The beautiful white linen garment would end up covered in blood. What was this prophetic of? Yeshua, our High Priest was covered in blood on the stake. This is a prophetic picture. There is an automatic allusion to the High Priesthood here and the crucifixion. Hebr. 10:19 Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Yeshua," What else is it a picture of? It was pointing prophetically to the end of the world, when Yeshua returns and deals with our enemies. When the priest would sprinkle the blood of the bull seven times on the mercy seat on Yom Kippur he would be wearing a white gown that would get covered in the blood. Rev. 19:13-15 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.”14 And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. 15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.” The wine press is pointing to the grapes in the late season at Yom


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Kippur, the Feast of Ingathering. The fruit is harvested just like on the day of the greater Exodus. The enemies will be crushed under His feet (Rom. 16:20). The wheat and tares are harvested together and the tares become obvious. Yeshua’s people are slowly removed, and the wrath of Yah begins to press the enemies like in a wine press. Why were seventy bulls sacrificed? The symbolism of the number seventy is substantial in scripture. Here are a few examples of why seventy bulls may have been sacrificed. • Luke 10:1 seventy men in pairs were sent ahead of Yeshua. • Matt. 18:22 Yeshua said to forgive seventy times seven. • Dan. 9:24 the people suffered seventy weeks because they transgressed the

sabbath. • Dan. 9:2 Jerusalem was desolate for seventy years. • Jer. 25:11 there was seventy years of desolation in the land serving the King of

Babylon. • Ps. 90:10 seventy years is the average age of a person. • Num. 7:79 the silver bowls of the temple weighed seventy shekels. • Exod. 24:1 there were seventy elders of Israel Moses allowed to worship. • Gen. 46:27 seventy persons from the house of Jacob went into Egypt. • John 19:39 seventy pounds of spices were brought for Yeshua (CJB) Plenty of meat These animals were all eaten by the people during the celebration. This was a major feast of plenty for all to enjoy. People who were not used to eating meat could eat all the meat they wanted for seven days straight. They say that the blood during this process was ankle deep and the priests wore no shoes. They used salt in the immediate temple area to keep the blood under control. The salt would be used daily to absorb the blood, and then be hauled away. Remember a poor man’s offering was salt. This is where they got a great deal of this salt from. There was one chamber in the Temple which enclosed a huge salt pile for these type temple services. Deut. 16:16-17 “Three times in a year all your males shall appear before Yahveh your Elohim in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread and at the Feast of Weeks and at the Feast of Booths, and they shall not appear before Yahveh empty-handed. “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of Yahveh your Elohim which He has given you.” This makes it clear that you were not to report to Jerusalem during the three pilgrim Festivals empty handed. Exod. 23:14-17 “Three times a year you shall celebrate a feast to Me. “You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread; for seven days you are to eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the appointed time in the month Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt. And none shall appear before Me empty-handed. “Also {you shall observe} the Feast of the Harvest {of} the first fruits of your labors {from} what you sow in the field; also the Feast of the Ingathering at the end of the year when you gather in {the fruit of} your labors from the field. “Three times a year all your males shall appear before Yahveh Elohim” It was the custom for pilgrims to bring a tenth of their grain, new wine, oil, or livestock, and eat it in the Presence of Yah. Deut. 14:22-27 “You shall surely tithe all the produce from what you sow, which comes out of the field every year. “And you shall eat in the presence of Yahveh your Elohim, at the place


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where He chooses to establish His name, the tithe of your grain, your new wine, your oil, and the first-born of your herd and your flock, in order that you may learn to fear Yahveh your Elohim always. “And if the distance is so great for you that you are not able to bring {the tithe,} since the place where Yahveh your Elohim chooses to set His name is too far away from you when Yahveh your Elohim blesses you, then you shall exchange {it} for money, and bind the money in your hand and go to the place which Yahveh your Elohim chooses. “And you may spend the money for whatever your heart desires, for oxen, or sheep, or wine, or strong drink, or whatever your heart desires; and there you shall eat in the presence of Yahveh your Elohim and rejoice, you and your household. “Also you shall not neglect the Levite who is in your town, for he has no portion or inheritance among you.” If one lived too far away to bring up their tithe, then one could exchange their tithe for silver, and upon arrival in Jerusalem one could purchase the necessary goods to rejoice in the presence of Yah. The tithe wasn't just given to the Levites, it was also consumed by them and their family (Deut. 14:26); that's why these Festivals are called "Feasts." The consumption of food and drink is just one element that makes these Festivals such joyous occasions. Remember that the land of Israel was a highly agricultural society; eating the tithe was how they celebrated and returned thanks to their Provider. As per Deut. 31:10-12, Moses read the Torah every seven years to the public during the Feast of Booths. The eighth day of Sukkot, a High Sabbath, is traditionally called “Shmini Atzeret”, literally meaning, “the eighth day of assembly”.

COMPARING THE SPRING AND FALL FEASTS: NISSAN (Hebrew month) TISHRI (Hebrew month) FIRST DAY OF BIBLICAL YEAR 1 FIRST DAY OF TRUMPETS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lamb’s inspected 10 Day of Atonement 11 12 Yeshua’s seder, last supper 13 Feast of Passover 14 Feast Of Unleavened Bread 15 Feast Of Tabernacles Feast Of Unleavened Bread 16 Feast Of Tabernacles Feast Of Unleavened Bread 17 Feast Of Tabernacles Feast Of First Fruits 18 Feast Of Tabernacles Feast Of Unleavened Bread 19 Feast Of Tabernacles Feast Of Unleavened Bread 20 Feast Of Tabernacles


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Feast Of Unleavened Bread 21 Feast Of Sukkot 22 Last Great Day

"HOW TO BUILD A SUKKAH" SELECTING A SITE To build your own Sukkah according to Hebrew tradition. First select a site that has nothing hanging above it -- i.e. a roof or a tree. The Sukkah floor space must be at least 27 inches by 27 inches 967 cm) -- the minimum space for most of a person to sit with a small table. If you don't have a yard, then an apartment balcony will do just fine -- provided it has no roof. THE WALLS A "kosher" Sukkah needs at least two complete walls and a small part of a third wall. The walls can be of any material, as long as they are sturdy enough to withstand a normal wind. The walls should be at least 38 inches high (96 cm), but not higher than 30 feet (9.6 m). You don't have to build walls especially for the Sukkah; you can use the side of a building, or even a hedge of bushes. And if you can find an area that is already enclosed by 2 or 3 walls, then your job will be that much easier! THE ROOF The Talmudic term for roof material is S'chach, from the same root as the word Sukkah. The roof must be made from material that grows from the ground -- i.e. branches or leaves (but not metal, or any food). If you're using unfinished boards, they cannot be wider than 15 inches. Also, the material must be presently detached from the ground -- i.e. don't just bend a tree over the top of your Sukkah! The roof material can only be added after the requisite number of walls are in place. The roof must be sufficiently covered so that it gives more shade than sun during the daytime. Yet it should be sufficiently open so that the stars are visible through the roof at night. Since the Sukkah is designated as your "home" for the next seven days, it is customary to decorate it nicely. Many people hang fruits and flowers from the ceiling, and tape posters of Jerusalem and other Jewish themes on the walls. NOTES When you think about it, when Noah was in the ark, it was a type of sukkah. Do you think it’s coincidence that Jacob, when he cam back from Laban’s house, the first thing he does after his encounter with Esau was sukkot? Do you think it’s coincidence that when Israel left, were exiled, and they were coming back to the Promised land, that they celebrated sukkot? Do you realize that the first thing we are going to do when Yeshua come snack is celebrate sukkot (Zach. 14).



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Sukkot has had an intermediate fulfillment and it will have a final fulfillment. For hundreds of years theologians have tried to speculate the correct day of Messiah's birth. First of all, if you check any encyclopedia it will show you December 25th is the mythical birth date of many pagan deities, but not the date of Messiah's birth. I would like to present the facts proving that Messiah was born on the first day of Sukkot. One way that a person can correctly establish the date of Messiah's birth is by establishing the date of John the Baptist's birth. Why is understanding John's birth important? Luke 1:26 indicates that there were exactly six months difference between the conception of John and the conception of Messiah. If their conceptions were six months apart, then their births would also be six months apart. To properly understand the date of John's birth we need to figure out the date of his conception. Luke 1:5 and 1:8 states that John the Baptist's dad, Zechariah, belonged to the priestly division of Abijah and was serving in the Temple when he received the news that Elizabeth would be with child. 1Chron. 24:10 says that Zechariah's priestly division, Abijah, was the eighth division to serve at the Temple. The Mishnah (Oral Torah) states that each division had to serve twice in one year (but not consecutively), with the first division starting on the first week of Nissan. Each division served a one-week period and all priestly divisions had to serve during the three pilgrim Festivals. The following is the order of the priestly divisions in relation to the Feasts: 1st week of Nissan/Abib, 1st priestly division of Jehoiarib serves 2nd week of Nissan, 2nd priestly division of Jedaiah serves 3rd week of Nissan, Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread, ALL PRIESTS SERVE 4th week of Nissan, 3rd priestly division of Harim serves 1st week of Iyar, 4th priestly division of Seorin serves 2nd week of Iyar, 5th priestly division of Malkijah serves 3rd week of Iyar, 6th priestly division of Mijamin serves 4th week of Iyar, 7th priestly division of Hakkoz serves 1st week of Sivan, 8th priestly division of Abijah serves 2nd week of Sivan, Shavuot, ALL PRIESTS SERVE (including the division of Abijah) Zechariah serves during the first week of Sivan, and then is required to serve the following week for Shavuot. During Shavuot (Pentecost), the priests would draw lots to see who would get the honor of going into the Holy of Holies to burn incense on the altar. Only once during a priests lifetime could his lot be drawn for this service. Zechariah's lot was drawn (Luke 1:9) and it was his time to offer the incense. Zechariah would enter the Holy of Holies, offer incense, and then would return back outside to give the blessing over the worshippers. As Zechariah is offering incense, to his surprise, an angel of Yahveh appears to him and informs him that his prayers have been answered and that his wife will be with child. Zechariah doubted the angel's announcement and he lost the ability to speak (Luke 1:19-20). The worshippers began to wonder what was taking Zechariah so long and then he appeared to give the blessing, but soon realized he could not speak (Luke 1:21-22). After Zechariah's service was completed he returned home and Elizabeth his wife conceived. John the Baptist was conceived some time after Shavuot. If John were conceived sometime after Shavuot, during the spring feasts, then John the Baptist would have been born in


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the month of Nissan. John was born on Nissan 15, the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover, based on these facts. First, Malachi 4:5-6 indicates that Elijah must come prior to the arrival of the Day of Yahveh. Matthew 11:11-14b Messiah says that John the Baptist is the Elijah who was to come. John came as the forerunner to Messiah's ministry; John prepared the hearts and minds of people for Messiah. John came with the spirit of Elijah as prophesied by Malachi. When were the Jewish people expecting Elijah? Traditionally, at every Passover Seder a place is set for Elijah, and a child will open the door to see if Elijah has come. If John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah, and he was conceived sometime after Shavuot, then I believe that John was born on Passover (Nissan 15). Remember that Messiah was born six months after John the Baptist. If John was born on Nissan 15, then Messiah would have to be born on Tishri 15. I believe Messiah was born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. John 1:14 says, "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us..." The Greek word for "dwelt, or dwelling," is skenoo and means: to occupy (as a mansion) or (spec.) to reside (as Yahveh did in the Tabernacle of old, a symbol of protection and communion): dwell (Strong's, #4637). The sukkah is a perfect picture of Messiah. The sukkah is not an attractive structure, just as there wasn't anything of Messiah that would attract us to Him (Isaiah 53:2). If Messiah's life and ministry revolved around the Feast's of Yahveh, then even His birth had to be in conjunction with a Feast. The Feast of Tabernacles fits perfectly with Messiah's birth. The Savior of the world was born in a lowly sukkah on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, thought by many to be September 26th of that year. If Messiah was born on Tishri 15, then His circumcision would have taken place on the eighth day of Sukkot. Luke 2:21-38 says that on the eighth day they brought the baby Messiah up to the Temple to circumcise Him, and to name Him, and when Simeon and Anna saw Israel's Savior, they rejoiced over Him. These two righteous people were rejoicing over the Living Torah of Yahveh. In fact, it was a Hebrew tradition to not name a male child until the 8th day when he was circumcised. Every aspect of Messiah's birth, including the day of His circumcision, is a picture designed to teach us more about Him. THE SPIRIT OF ELIJAH THEMATIC CONNECTION WITH JOHN, MOSES, THE TWO WITNESSES OF END TIMES, AND THE SEDER MEAL The question that opens the door to the following thematic connections is this. Who are the two witnesses spoken of in Revelation? Rev. 11:3 says, “Also I will give power to my two witnesses; and they will prophecy for 1,260 days, dressed in sackcloth.” The two witnesses function as Yahveh’s empowered prophets who prophecy for 1,260 days. I place the duration of their ministry in parts of the first and second 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation. Revelation does not identify them by name. Some have said that it could be Moses and Elijah. But the problem with Moses being one of the two witnesses is the Hebrews 9:27 text which says that it is appointed unto man to die once. We know from Rev. 11:7 that the two witnesses will die, therefore, Moses cannot be one of the two


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witnesses because he has already died once (Deut. 34:5 ). There is another view which says that the two witnesses are Enoch and Elijah because Enoch never died (Gen. 5:24 ) and Elijah never tasted death (2Kgs. 2:11-12). Many believe the two witnesses will be actual prophets of old. They will be prophets who will minister and function in the power and spirit of Moses and Elijah. Could it be one witness representing the Old Testament (covenant), and one representing the Renewed Testament (covenant)? My personal belief is that it will be two men with the spirits of Moses and Elijah. We are all familiar with the verses that tell of John the Baptist having the spirit of Elijah (Matt. 11:3 &14). We are also told of the spirits of Moses and Elijah appearing (transfigured) with Yeshua on the mountain as recorded in Matt. 17:1-8. The spirit of Elijah was needed to come prior to the Messiah the first time. Elijah's’ spirit did come in John the Baptist, and then Messiah came the first time. In Matt. 17:10-13 we see Messiah comparing John the Baptist with the prophet Elijah. John the Baptist was the Elijah to come. This does not mean that John was literally Elijah, it simply meant that John the Baptist came in the power and spirit of Elijah. This imparting of the “spirit of Elijah” can be best understood in 2Kgs. 2:15a which says (NAS), “ Now when the sons of the prophets who {were} at Jericho opposite {him} saw him, they said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” I believe that same spirit of Elijah will need to come back before Yeshua returns. That spirit of Elijah is the Ruach Hakodesh (holy spirit) which needs to manifest throughout the Messianic movement in these last days to come. The spirit filled people in the Hebraic Roots movement possess that spirit of Elijah necessary to come before Yeshua comes back as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The spirit of the two witnesses are Moses, who represents the Torah, which is the truth, and the Spirit of the Torah, which is the manifestation of that truth in those people of the way obedient to Yah’s Word. Those set apart Spirits will stand out as the light of the servant lamp in the menorah stands out. As the natural and unnatural branches of the menorah reflect the light of the servant (center) lamp, Yeshua, those who understand Yah’s Living Word will in the end guide (reflect) the light to those who are in Babylon, so they can come out of their darkness. We know that in the seder meal, part of the tradition is to set a plate for Elijah and to see if Elijah is at the door. This practice has been done for thousands of years with little or no understanding as to why. I submit to you that that is the reason. Some day soon the Set Apart Spirit will come as the Spirit of Elijah and the seder meal will be fully understood by those willing to see. THE BIRTH OF YESHUA...DANIEL’S CONNECTION THE LIE Christians are following 2000 years of fossilized pagan traditions. Most people have been lead to believe that Yeshua (incorrectly called Jesus), was born to Mary and Joseph in Bet Lehem (Bethlehem), in a manger because there was no place in the Inn. This is simply a lie! To add to this myth we have the story of the three Kings guided by angels from afar, bringing gifts of myrrh, frankincense and gold. Supposedly these Kings divinely heard of the King of the Jews being born on Dec. 25 and were anxious to meet Him for themselves. This is the Christmas nativity scene and Christian myth


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that has fooled millions of people since the beginning of the so-called church age. If you believe this, I have some oceanfront property in Las Vegas I will sell you real cheap. It’s understandable that deceived people are allowed to get away with a lot of things, but in this day and age, with so much information available, especially online, there is absolutely no reason for anyone not to know better. It’s sad to think that proclaimed christians can lie to their children about the birth of their Jesus, santa (satan) clause, the north pole, cupid, tooth fairies, easter bunny eggs, christmas trees, elves, reindeer, sleighs, mistletoe, and all the other heathen things associated with satan’s holiday seasons, and yet proclaim to be good parents. Many parents proclaiming to be christian, lie about all these things while claiming to believe in and follow their bible, which states clearly “not to lie”. Shouldn’t a child be able to trust his parents? It appears not! This is what most parents say to their children and yet seem to think it is innocent. We all know who is the liar and deceiver, so who are these people really following? You do the math. It seems the worst four letter word in christianity is “OBEY”. They refuse to obey Yah’s Word, yet have the audacity to say they love Him (John 14:15). LOVE OF THE TRUTH The love of the truth is offered to everyone, but not many have accepted that gift. When you receive that love of the truth you just can’t get enough. That truth, righteousness from Yah, corresponds to the love of money and material things to worldly people. The love of money is the root of all evil because you can never get enough of what you love. If you love truth and you love righteousness then you will spend your entire life thirsting and desiring more truth from Yeshua, and He said those who thirst of the water of life (Torah ie. truth), shall have eternal life. Life comes from the truth, the water of the Torah. The Torah is the pure spring river of truth flowing from Mt. Sinai. We must get as close as possible to the source to have truth and shalom. All the “does” and “don’ts” of the manmade religious system are used to control people. The instructions of the Torah on the other hand are meant to lead people, to bring people together for the same purpose (goal) which is to honor and obey Yah’s Word. THE TRUTH Yeshua (The King Of The Jews) was born in a sukkah (booth) during the Feast of Booths (Sukkot) during the Feast season of Tabernacles. He was born sometime in the end of September (Tishri), about the 26th. Sukkah (Strong's #4908, or 168), tent, tabernacle, manger, temporary dwelling, is all the same word in Hebrew. As Yeshua was born in a Tabernacle in Bethlehem, so too Yah dwelled in the Tabernacle surrounded by fire and smoke in the wilderness during the time of the Exodus. The word “Bet Lehem” in Hebrew means: “house of bread”, or “place of bread”. John 6:35 Yeshua said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst. John 6:48 “I am the bread of life. Yeshua was the bread of life, born in the place of bread, so the whole world could be nourished with His living Word. The symbolism here is beautiful. One of the main reasons there is no great emphasis in the bible in regards to Yeshua’s birth is because of tradition. It was the tradition of the Jews to celebrate a


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persons death rather than their birth. They celebrated a dead persons accomplishments at death, whereas at birth, other than the miracle of birth itself, there is no great accomplishment to celebrate. Luke 1:1-5 Now it came about in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth. This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all were proceeding to register for the census, everyone to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, in order to register, along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with child.” Many people have been mislead by this verse in regards to the time of Yeshua’s birth. Caesar knew that all the people gathered in Jerusalem during the Feasts, so he had a census taken during the

Fall Feast Of Tabernacles. That’s why there were so many people from all over the globe, because it was a Feast season that all males were required to keep in the holy city. Caesar knew that the census would be easy to do while all the people were assembled together for the Fall Feast. Hebr. 10:25 “not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.” Proclaimed Christian churches have been abusing this verse for hundreds of years, duping people into believing it is referring to SUNday fellowship. They use this verse to convince people that Christians should assemble together on the Roman Catholic SUNday sabbath, while claiming to be Protestants (protesting). This verse is talking about the Believers assembling together three times a year for the Feasts as commanded in Lev. 23. This verse has nothing whatsoever to do with fellowshipping on the first day of every week in some building. THE PLAN If Satan would have known Yah’s (God’s) plan to have Yeshua become the final sacrificial lamb to take away the sins of the world, he would not have participated so actively to help have the Messiah killed. Satan no doubt thought he was smart by helping set up all the evil participants in Yeshua’s execution. Satan fell for Yah’s plan hook, line, and sinker, allowing his greatest enemy to make it possible for all of humankind to be set free from bondage. Satan was the main participant in having Yeshua crucified but he didn’t realize he had been fooled until it was too late. Once again, Yah had outmaneuvered the snake. Celebrating the birth of Yeshua on Dec. 25th. is like celebrating your birthday the day Hitler was born, and saying it’s giving you honor. The only birth date mentioned in scripture are those of bad kings.


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Dec 25 is not the date of Messiah’s birth, it is the week of the “Sol Invictus” pagan festival. Christmas is simply a continuation of the pagan festivals of Saturnalia, and Brumalia kept by the ancient Romans at the winter solstice. The festival was first referred to as “Saturnalia,” but was later changed by a Roman decree to “Brumalia”. These were celebrations for witches and their pagan god’s. The practice of giving gifts to one another was to help celebrate the birth of the sun god, Sol. Uninformed Believers try to associate the giving of gifts to one another with the Wise men giving Yeshua gifts when He was born, but this cannot be correct. As per Matt 2:9-11 they gave gifts to Yeshua not to one another. These heathen festivals were characterized by orgies and drunkenness for days on end. It was normally a week long celebration. Constantine was under the influence of the demon spirit of “anti-Messiah” when he reaffirmed this December 25th date as the birth of the so-called Jesus. The demon that used Constantine to create the Roman Catholic Church is still alive and well in our pagan rooted proclaimed Christian churches of today. The proclaimed Protestant churches that follow the church of Rome are nothing but the harlots daughters as described in: Rev. 17:5 and on her forehead a name [was] written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Those who truly want to become children and servants of The Holy One Of Israel must do as He explains clearly in the following verse: Rev. 18:4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; The Bible says fruit that comes from an unholy root is unholy. Even minimal research will reveal that according to myths: Mithra, Tammuz, Isis, Semiramis, Nimrod, Madonna, Amen, Ishtar (Easter), Aphrodite, Zeus, Jupiter, Horus, Osiris, Sol, and many other pagan deities were said to be born or reincarnated December 25th. If there is one day that I can assure you that the real messiah Yeshua was NOT BORN, it is December 25th. Exod. 23:2a (Almighty speaking) “You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, Exod. 23:13 (Almighty speaking) “Now concerning everything which I have said to you, be on your guard; and do not mention the name of other gods, nor let [them] be heard from your mouth.” Some foolish people even try to link the “sun god” worship of a pagan Christmas to the birthday of Yeshua as “the Sun of righteousness”. ASTRONOMY CONNECTION Jewish tradition, preserved by Josephus, suggests that Bible astronomy was invented by Adam, Seth and Enoch. For nearly 2,500 years the revelation of Yah's redemptive plan for mankind was written in the naming of the stars and their grouping in the 12 signs of the Zodiac; each one having 4 other deacons (constellations) associated with it for a total of 48 constellations. The heavens therefore preserved the truth until the written Scriptures could be given to Moses. There is a difference between astronomy and astrology. Astronomy, which is good, is the study of Yah's creation in the stars, and "declares the glory of Yah." Astrology (horoscopes and fortune telling from your "sign"), which is forbidden in the Scriptures, is the perversion of the true study of the stars. Many of the stories in our bible were in the stars. The stories were passed down from one generation to another and related to the various constellations.


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The Jews understood the principle that whenever Yah moves in a major way He would give a "sign" in the heavens. This is why they asked Yeshua to show them a sign to prove He was the Messiah. Matt. 16:1 And the Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Him asked Him to show them a sign from heaven. “ Ps. 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of Yah; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.” Gen. 1:14 And Yah said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: (also Jer. 10:2) Thanks to projectors, like Chicago's "Adler Planetarium," and computer technology, like the program "Dance of the Planets," we can chart the movements of the heavenly bodies to see what they looked like 2,000 years ago at the birth of Yeshua. The following is a list and description of very significant astronomical events that took place just before the birth of Yeshua . 1) August 12, 3 BC - They saw the two planets Jupiter and Venus rise in conjunction. (A conjunction is when celestial bodies line up so closely that they appear to us as a single super bright light.) Jupiter signified kingship, or Messiah, and Venus meant birth and motherhood. This occurred in the constellation of Leo the Lion, which is the symbol of the Hebrew tribe Judah. 2) September 3 BC - They saw Jupiter rise in conjunction with Regulus. Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo - a symbol of rulership. 3) February 2 BC - a Second time they saw Jupiter rise in conjunction with Regulus. 4) May 2 BC - a Third time they saw Jupiter rise in conjunction with Regulus. 5) June 2 BC - a Second time they saw Jupiter and Venus rise in conjunction. Again, Jupiter referred to kingship or the Messiah and Venus meant birth and motherhood. 6) September 2 BC - a Third time they saw Jupiter and Venus rise in conjunction. This occurred again in the constellation of Leo, which again is the symbol of the Hebrew tribe of Judah from which Yeshua came. 7 & 8) 3 and 2 BC - On these two occasions, Jupiter was located directly in the womb area of the constellation of Virgo (Bethulah), the virgin. Jupiter's Hebrew name is "Sedeq," or “ha zedeck”, which throughout the period of Yeshua and the apostles was another term used for the Messiah. THE EXPLANATION... THE DANIEL CONNECTION Most are familiar with the story of Daniel in the lions den. Daniel, contrary to what most have been taught, was about 80 years old when he was thrown into the lions den (Dan. 6:1-23). He was an extremely wealthy man (eunuch) who had no heirs. Darius the Med was Daniel’s Superior of the Empire for many years in the time of Daniel. Daniel was known as a very wise Eunuch. He was the greatest Chaldean astronomer of his time and he helped set in place the astronomical understanding of Yah’s creation, the constellations and stars. Daniel we know lead the Chaldean astronomers for over 60 years. Daniel, in his old age, received a vision from Yah in regards to the birth of the Messiah about 500 years in the future. Gabriel told Daniel about the coming of the Messiah about 490 (483 + 7) years prior to it taking place. Dan. 8:16-17 And I heard the voice of a man between the banks of Ulai, and he called out and said, “Gabriel, give this man an understanding of the vision.” So he came


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near to where I was standing, and when he came I was frightened and fell on my face but he said to me, “Son of man, understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end.” The Jewish people at the time of Yeshua’s death had not observed the sabbath of the land as instructed to them in the Torah for 490 years. This 490 years revealed in Daniel’s vision contained 70 land sabbaths (shemittah). Moses said the people were to keep the land sabbath every seven years and he warned them if they didn’t other nations would reign over them. Yah revealed to them that one way or another the land would rest. That is exactly what happened. Yah sent Nebuchadnezzar to rule over them for 70 years. Lev. 26:34 Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' land; even then shall the land rest, and enjoy her sabbaths.” Seventy sabbaths were missed so they were in captivity for (7 x 70) 490 years. (Lev. 26:14,17-18, 21, 21-24, 27-28, & 34- 35) Daniel’s vision starts in Dan. 8:1-14. Daniel then tries to understand the vision but has great difficulty. In Daniel 8:15-16 Gabriel the angel of Yah is told to explain the vision to Daniel. The scriptures reveal to us that Michael was delayed 21 days getting through to help Daniel. I believe chapters 9 and 10 in Daniel are backwards, so please keep that in mind piecing it all together. For seventy weeks Israel was in turmoil until they started returning to Yah and rebuilding the Temple. The vision continues from Dan. 8:17-9:27. The vision included many things involving Kings, Persian, Greek rulers, etc. to come in the future. It identified the coming of Alexander The Great, and possibly even the anti-messiah. Daniel tries his best to understand the seventy week vision but because it went 490 years into the future he could not get an understanding. Because of this we see what is written in Dan. 8:27. Dan. 8:27 Then I, Daniel, was exhausted and sick for days. Then I got up again and carried on the king’s business; but I was astounded at the vision, and there was none to explain it. Daniel had been trying to figure out how the seventy weeks (Feasts of Weeks), and the Messiah vision he had could work out, but it didn’t. Daniel gained an understanding of the coming birth of the Messiah Yeshua, but didn’t grasp the end times part of the vision that involved the seventy weeks, times, time, and half a time, the abomination of desolation etc., spoken of in Dan. 9 &12. Dan. 9:24-27 “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy [place]. 25 “So you are to know and discern [that] from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince [there will be] seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. 26 “Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end [will come] with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolation's are determined. 27 “And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations [will come] one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate. “HE”, the relative pronoun in verse 27 is referring to


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the anti-Messiah. The “Prince to come” is the anti-Messiah. Daniel taught this astronomical community about this prophetic vision and told them to pass down the understanding of this vision for many years to come until it appeared in the skies. Daniel was a very rich man. Daniel paid for the continued education and teaching of astronomy far into the future so that these astronomers would indeed be watching five centuries later for the aligning of the stars, planets, and constellations that would announce the birth of the coming Messiah. He entrusted some of his fellow astronomers with funds and treasures that were passed down for centuries until the stars and constellations aligned as he had foretold. They were told about 490 years in advance to make sure that when these signs appeared in the skies, some of the great astronomers would go as directed to provide gifts to Mirium and Joseph for the raising of their son Yeshua. If you look carefully in the scriptures you will see that Mary and Yoseph were very poor prior to Yeshua’s birth, yet immediately afterwards had ample money for everything they required to raise their son. Yah provided monetary support for the raising of Yeshua the Messiah through a great eunuch named Daniel 500 years prior to Messiah’s birth. It was not three Kings that came to visit the Messiah after His birth, it was a number (unknown) of astronomers (wise men) that came to give Mirium and Yoseph the treasures of Daniel to help raise their child. *I think it would be good to also share Micah the prophets prophesy in which Micah stated that Yeshua the ruler would come out of Bethlehem. Micah 5:2-5 “But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity.” 3 Therefore He will give them up until the time When she who is in labor has borne a child. Then the remainder of His brethren Will return to the sons of Israel. 4 And He will arise and shepherd His flock In the strength of the LORD, In the majesty of the name of the LORD His God. And they will remain, Because at that time He will be great To the ends of the earth. 5 This One will be our peace. A THEMATIC CONNECTION The gifts of myrrh, frankincense and gold were specific things that represented the Tabernacle and Temple of old. These things were all part of the original Tabernacle in the wilderness and Solomon’s Temple. Remember the second temple did not have the presence of Yah in it, Yah’s presence disappeared when the temple was destroyed. When the wise men came with these special gifts it was a sign that the shekhinah (glory) was returning to the tabernacle on earth (Yeshua), during the feast of Tabernacles. This is another beautiful analogy that needs to be appreciated. Yah’s glory was coming back to mankind in the form of His Son Yeshua being born in a booth


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during the fall feast of Tabernacles. The beauty of this thematic connection is overwhelming. THE CONSTELLATIONS Yah has shown in the past and will continue to show us bible stories in the stars, planets, and constellations in the Heavens. I don’t want to get into minute detail about the events that took place just before and during Yeshua’s birth, but in order to grasp the beauty of the connection I must delve somewhat into astronomy of which I am not at all familiar. The following information is what has been shown to me and it appears to back up the principal involved in regards to Daniel’s connection and Yah’s shekhinah in the Heavens. Whether or not I have described it perfectly is something I’m not sure of, but the concept is clear.

BETHULAH (Virgo) The stories are in the stars. These stories have revealed the birth of Yeshua and no doubt will reveal His return some day. In the stars, planets, and constellations of Bethulah and Leo just prior to the birth of Yeshua, Yah made a formal announcement to the entire world that a Saviour was coming. In the constellation of what is now called Virgo, originally named “Bethulah” (meaning virgin in Hebrew), there is a star called Tzemach. In this constellation the woman is depicted as holding five branches in her one hand. Among these five branches is one star called Tzemach, meaning “branch”. Yeshua represents the righteous branch, the offspring of the woman. Yeshua was the offspring of the woman, the seed promised to Eve in the garden of Eden. Tzemach, when translated with a capital as in Branch, means “righteous”. It is used in the Bible as follows: Isa. 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: The woman Bethulah, with the crown of twelve stars above her head, clothed with the sun, had the sliver of the new moon under her


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feet, announcing the birth of Yeshua just around the corner when Yeshua would come and Tabernacle with mankind. When the sliver of the moon appeared beneath the feet of Bethulah, it was Yah announcing the coming of the Messiah. This happened at the same time as the planet Jupiter came in conjunction with the King Star, announcing the birth of the Messiah as the “Righteous King”, in the Heavens. Yah used an astronomical event to get the world’s attention as to the birth of Messiah Yeshua in His Tabernacle (sukkah) during the Feast Of Sukkot (Tabernacles). As Yah tabernacled in the tent of Tabernacles in the wilderness among the Israelites, so too Yeshua would come and Tabernacle with us for 30 years. 1) “Righteous King” Jer. 23:5 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares Yah, “When I shall raise up for David a righteous Branch; And He will reign as king and

act wisely And do justice and righteousness in the land. Jer. 33:15 ‘In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch of David to spring forth; and He shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth.” Yeshua spoke as a King in Matt. 5:1-19 as He explained to the people the significance of following His

commands. 2) “Righteous servant” Zech. 3:8 ‘Now listen, Joshua the high priest, you and your friends who are sitting in front of you — indeed they are men who are a symbol, for behold, I am going to bring in My servant the Branch. Zech. 6:12 “Then say to him, ‘Thus says Yah of hosts, “Behold, a man whose name is Branch, for He will branch out from where He is; and He will build the temple of Elohim.” Yeshua’s name is righteousness, the branch. He came from the stem of Jesse. 3) Righteous “Son of man” Luke 6:5 And he said unto them, That the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.” Luke 5:24 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.” (KJV) 4) Righteous “atoning sacrifice” Hebr. 10:12 But this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of Yah;” Hebr. 9:26 For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.”


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5) “Righteous judge” The Book of Revelation explains how Yah will judge us in the end according to our DEEDS. Rev. 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” In all those verses Yeshua is being talked about. Above the head of this woman (constellation of Bethulah), there is a crown of twelve stars which stand for the twelve tribes of Israel. She is depicted as a woman in labour, travailing, giving birth to the Jewish Messiah, the man child who was to rule all Nations. Yah reveals to us in the Book of Revelation that there will be another astronomical occurrence of this same magnitude some day when Yeshua returns. Rev. 12:1-2 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; and she was with child; and she cried out, being in labour and in pain to give birth.” On the night Yeshua was born the woman Bethulah appeared just as described in the Book of Revelation, clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet. LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH CONSTELLATION (Leo)

As Yeshua was represented in the constellation of Bethulah as the Tzemach (righteous Branch), so too He is represented in the constellation of the Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah (Leo), as a lion. There is another well known constellation, Leo, one of the oldest known constellations, originally known in Hebrew as the constellation of the “Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah”, that appeared in the sky just prior to Yeshua being born. Between the front paws of the Lion is a star called Ha Melech (the King). Yeshua was born just after the planet Jupiter was in conjunction with the King Star, announcing the birth of the Messiah, just as prophesied many years previous. Matt. 2:2 Saying, Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him.” His star of course is referring to the KING STAR, located on the chest of the constellation of the Lion Of Judah. Num. 24:17 I shall see Him, but not now: I shall behold Him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.” Matt. 2:5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,” The prophet spoken of here is Isaiah, as per Isa. 7:14 Therefore Yahveh Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall


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He come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” Jupiter (hal zedech or sedeq) in Hebrew, means the righteous”. “This is the sign the Chaldean astronomers had been watching for for 490 years since the prophet Daniel revealed it to them. The night of the conjunction was the first sliver of the moon, beginning the month of Tishri, which was the start of the Feast Of Trumpets. To the whole world was being announced that the Messiah was about to be born. The sliver announced the Feast to the naked eye and the Trumpets announced the Feast to all who could hear. The Jupiter conjunction in the year 3999 announced the righteous King from the tribe of the lion of Judah was about to tabernacle with mankind. THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION The “abomination of desolation” Daniel was told about in his vision is talked about in Matt. 24:15-25. In the Hebrew language there is no more wicked word than “abomination”, Strong's #946 (buwnah). It is the ultimate swear word as us Westerner’s would call it. Matt. 24:15-25 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; let him who is on the housetop not go down to get the things out that are in his house; 18 and let him who is in the field not turn back to get his cloak. “But woe to those who are with child and to those who nurse babes in those days! 20 “But pray that your flight may not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath; for then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall. 22 “And unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days shall be cut short. “Then if anyone says to you, Behold, here is the Messiah’ or ‘There He is,’ do not believe him. “For false Messiah’s and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. 25 “Behold, I have told you in advance. We need to keep in mind when Yeshua said these words it was about 150-200 years after Antiochus had defiled the temple. Yeshua was obviously talking about a multiple fulfillment prophesy. He was then talking about the last days to come. That’s the reason Matthew the writer, puts in parenthesis “let the reader understand”. At the time of Yeshua the people knew that Daniel’s prophesy had already been fulfilled once, yet Yeshua is bringing it up again. Yeshua is telling us that immediately before the great tribulation some type of abomination is going to happen again. The first abomination of desolation spoken of in Matthew took place at Hanukkah when pigs were sacrificed in the Temple by Antiochus of Epiphanies of Syria for, some say, three and a half years. This happened just before Judah (“the hammer”) Maccabee led the great Jewish revolt which is the story of Chanukah. Epiphanies is a title, not a name, it means “the risen god. When he put a pig on the altar it was the first abomination of desolation. He was an anti-christ. That fulfilled Daniel's prophesy, but many prophesies have a multiple fulfillment. Antiochus is a prototype of the anti-christ to come. Many believe that Antiochus was a Jew from the tribe of Dan, therefore the coming anti-Messiah must also be a Jew from the tribe of Dan. Was Antiochus a Jew from the tribe of Dan? No he was not. Antiochus was a gentile who came from the same place as the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar came from,


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the Mesopotamian, Assyrian area. This is the present day Iraq, Iran area in the middle east. This entire area is controlled by Islam. If there is anywhere where the anti-messiah should come out of it would be this area. Islam declares that Allah has no son. In other words they are saying that God has no son. That is a definition of anti-messiah. The second abomination of desolation came in 70 AD when the Roman’s destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem. The third and final abomination of desolation will occur when the anti-messiah sits on the recovered Ark Of The Covenant and claims to be the Almighty Himself. This final abomination is not far away. I sincerely hope that all of this puts a different light on the understanding of what really happened at the time of Yeshua’s birth as foretold by Daniel 490 years in advance. Those who have the gift of the love of the truth will grasp the big picture. I hope you are one of them. PROPHETIC SIDE OF TABERNACLES..(THE MESSIANIC CONNECTIONS WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF) There are so many thematic connections and prophetic ideas shown in the Feasts it is really hard to list them all. I have throughout this book mentioned endless connections, but feel I should reveal or even review some so we can better understand the significance of knowing and celebrating these rehearsals (moed). THE TEMPLE After Yeshua died for us at calvary the Temple became simply a building. Yah had for many years tried to show His people everywhere that He wanted to live among them in a Temple built by man, but this idea had its limits. Yeshua came along and made it possible for all His people to be able to approach the Holy Place personally when He became the final sacrifice. People must consider that the King of Kings still has protocol that is required so one can come into His presence. You can't just walk into the palace of a King and be in His presence. His protocol is set out in His torah, which explains clearly what is required in order to be a bride of the Most high. It is also clearly revealed in the Renewed Testament in John 14:15. For anyone to think they don't need to rehearse in order to be invited to His wedding in the end of days, is simply silly. If they are His people their faith will include actions of obedience to His torah. The combination of faith, grace, and obedience assures us of salvation. There is no one without the other. The salvation walk is shown in His Feasts and the prophetic significance of that walk is also revealed within. It should be our objective to put it all together so that we indeed will be invited personally to come under His Huppah some day and join Him as His eternal bride. The physical Temple of old was no longer a dwelling place for Yahveh, His dwelling place became the dwelling place of His born again people. When His torah became part of their circumcised heart, His temple became within. He was showing them that His Ruach cannot any longer be contained, that His Spirit would move among His people. Yeshua became the light of the world and those who are people of His way reflect that eternal flame from within. The eternal flame of old did not go out, it simple transferred from the physical brick and mortar building to the temple within His people of the way. His people became the eternal light of the world. The Temple had slits (openings, a type of window) in the top edges of it. It sat


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near the top of a hill where it could be seen in the evening for great distances because of the light of the eternal lamp. That light represented Yeshua as the light (shek’hinah) of the world unit He came in person. Matt. 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;” When Yeshua said this to the Jewish people, everyone knew exactly what light He was referring to. He was showing them in the physical what He was in the spiritual. Prior to His coming the light of the world was only in the Temple. When we are His people of the way and in faith keep His commandments (John 14:15) we become the light of the world. There is no light if you are rebellious and do not keep His commands because obviously you don’t love Him. Love is obedience to His instruction manual, love is light, love is life, love is freedom from bondage, love is Abba Father, the light of the world. Those who claim to love Him but do not do as His instruction manual says, do not have that eternal light (Ruach..shek’hinah) of the word in them. Those who claim to have His light but do not obey His word are constantly running, bumping into things, in the dark going nowhere. That is the simple reason the so-called christian church is dead. The blind leading the blind in greasy grace. WEDDING SUPPER OF THE LAMB Traditionally Psalm 118 is read during Sukkot. Ps. 118:8 "It is better to take refuge in ADONAI, than to trust in human beings;" This is the verse in the middle of our bible. This chapter is about the tribulation. Some believe that the last verse, Ps. 118:29 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting." will be the last words spoken on earth just before Yeshua takes us to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. THE HUPPAH Those familiar with the Jewish wedding tradition know that the bride and groom

appear together under the huppah to celebrate their wedding. The sukkot (tabernacle) is also represented in the wedding huppah. The huppah is a glorified sukkah. When you are under the tabernacle of the living Yah you are under His protection, in


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covenant with Him. Only His bride can come under His covering and proclaim His name. What all others say or do, supposedly in His name, means nothing, because they are not His bride, He is not their fiancé'. PUNISHMENT WILL BE HANDED OUT IN THE MILLENNIAL REIGN Zech. 14:16 Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths." During the millennial reign all His people will celebrate the Feast of Sukkot. Those who do not (those in Egypt, the secular and the pagan christians), will suffer accordingly. Zech. 14:17-19 And it will be that whichever of the families of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, there will be no rain on them. 18 If the family of Egypt does not go up or enter, then no rain will fall on them; it will be the plague with which the LORD smites the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. 19 This will be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths." SOLOMON'S TEMPLE When was Solomon's Temple finished? It was during the Feast of Sukkot. 2Chron. 5:3 All the men of Israel assembled themselves to the king at the feast, that is in the seventh month." Is it coincidence that Solomon's Temple was dedicated just in time for the Fall Feast celebrations when the people got to Feast with the King of Kings? Of course not. This is prophetic, pointing us to the final Feast we will have with the King before we go to Heaven, the Wedding Feast. Could the Wedding Feast be the coronation Feast when our King of Kings is officially coronated? This is when we tabernacle with Him for eternity. YESHUA TABERNACLES WITH US IN THE END Yeshua is called a tabernacle (sukkah) and He (salvation) will dwell with man. In the Book of Revelation it says the Tabernacle of God will be with men. Rev. 21:3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them," 2Cor. 5:1 For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Again we see ourselves as temples of His Ruach. Our bodies of flesh will become spiritual and we will have the opportunity to dwell with Him in His Temple in Heaven. We are just temporary dwellings on earth. His Temple in Heaven is forever. Yeshua was born in a sukkah during the Feast of Sukkot, marking His time as a human on earth, and Yeshua will return on Sukkot to take His people of the way to His wedding supper of the lamb. The seventh Feast represents all the nations for all the time. Seventh feast, seventh millennium. From the beginning to the end.

DASYD MINISTRY "DO AS YESHUA DID" dasydministry.org Jerry Hennig (Mar/20) excerpt from Feasts Book.