
A. Guidance Services B. Campus Ministry Services C. Health Services D. Library services E. Canteen Services. D. Bulletin Boards- They are used for official notices and announcements. Students are expected to be knowledgeable of the information posted and they are held responsible for anything that concerns them. E. Speech Laboratory - It enhances the teaching of Reading and Language. It is a venue where the students can enhance their oral communication skills in English. F. Computer Laboratories - They cater to students to be trained in following. The proper guidelines in computing. G. Internet Laboratory - It provides essential ser- vices like e-mail, internet surfing and research. H. TLE Laboratory- It provides a venue for TLE instruction and practicum. I. Reading Laboratory- It enhances the students’ reading skills through the different materials and activities. J. Covered Court - It is a multi-functional fa- cility of the school. It is an area where differ- ent school activities and programs are held. INSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIVES SERVICES FACILITIES NDDU is a Catholic Educational Institu- tion which seeks to develop the spiritual, intellec- tual, social, aesthetic and physical abilities of the students through systematic instruction and prac- tice. NDDU is concerned with creating a Chris- tian community among the members. Therefore, NDDU offers religious instruction and provides opportunities to participate for apostolic zeal and witnesses. NDDU is committed for further na- tional development. Students are mad aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens and are given opportunities to participate in institutional and community development. NDDU contributes in improving the quality education in the region of SOCSKARGEN. As an institution of higher learning, NDDU seeks to foster cooperation and innovation among educational institutions in the region. And as a Marist School, NDDU lives in the spirit of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, dedi- cated to the Christian education in accord with the Marist motto: ALL TO JESUS THROUGH MARY, ALL THROUGH MARY TO JESUS. A. Educational Media Center (EMC)-It provides Au- dio-Visual resources that aid in the students’ learning. B. Science Laboratories- These are where the science facilities and equipments are kept. Sci- ence experiments are conducted in the area. C. Sports Facilities – the NDDU-IBED Lagao Cam- pus provides sports facilities for the physical devel- opment of the students. The following are the differ- ent sports facilities: Basketball court, Soccer Field, Softball and Baseball Diamonds, Track and Field Areas, Volleyball Courts, Sepak Takraw Court, Ta- ble Tennis Equipment and Badminton Equipment.

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Post on 26-Jan-2016




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A. Guidance Services

B. Campus Ministry Services

C. Health Services

D. Library services

E. Canteen Services.

D. Bulletin Boards- They are used for official notices and announcements. Students are expected to be knowledgeable of the information posted and they are held responsible for anything that concerns them.

E. Speech Laboratory- It enhances the teaching of Reading and Language. It is a venue where the students can enhance their oral communication skills in English.

F. Computer Laboratories- They cater to students to be trained in following. The proper guidelines in computing.

G. Internet Laboratory- It provides essential ser-vices like e-mail, internet surfing and research.

H. TLE Laboratory- It provides a venue for TLE instruction and practicum.

I. Reading Laboratory- It enhances the students’ reading skills through the different materials and activities. J. Covered Court- It is a multi-functional fa-cility of the school. It is an area where differ-ent school activities and programs are held.



NDDU is a Catholic Educational Institu-tion which seeks to develop the spiritual, intellec-tual, social, aesthetic and physical abilities of the students through systematic instruction and prac-tice. NDDU is concerned with creating a Chris-tian community among the members. Therefore, NDDU offers religious instruction and provides opportunities to participate for apostolic zeal and witnesses. NDDU is committed for further na-tional development. Students are mad aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens and are given opportunities to participate in institutional and community development. NDDU contributes in improving the quality education in the region of SOCSKARGEN. As an institution of higher learning, NDDU seeks to foster cooperation and innovation among educational institutions in the region. And as a Marist School, NDDU lives in the spirit of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, dedi-cated to the Christian education in accord with the Marist motto: ALL TO JESUS THROUGH MARY, ALL THROUGH MARY TO JESUS.

A. Educational Media Center (EMC)-It provides Au-dio-Visual resources that aid in the students’ learning.

B. Science Laboratories- These are where the science facilities and equipments are kept. Sci-ence experiments are conducted in the area.

C. Sports Facilities – the NDDU-IBED Lagao Cam-pus provides sports facilities for the physical devel-opment of the students. The following are the differ-ent sports facilities: Basketball court, Soccer Field, Softball and Baseball Diamonds, Track and Field Areas, Volleyball Courts, Sepak Takraw Court, Ta-ble Tennis Equipment and Badminton Equipment.

Family Spirit- Champagnat’s great hope was that peo-ple in the Brothers schools would relate to one another as members of a loving family. Mary being our Mother.

Marian- In a Marist school, our model in follow-ing Jesus is Mary, whose virtues we try to live.

Simplicity- This value is about real in our relationships, transparent and honest. It also should characterize our lifestyle and activities as we avoid excesses or luxuries. Presence and Participation- Being present at class-es and activities and taking an active part there are Marist ways of getting to know others.

Preference for the Least Favored- work with those on the mar-gins of society was at the beginning of the Marist Brothers’ Congregation. This spirit continues in Marist schools today.

Love of Work- we recognize the dignity of work, as it of-fers us purpose in life and self-fulfillment, as well as con-tributes to the well-being of family, community and nation.

Integrity of Creation- aware that humans and all living and non-living matter are creatures of our God, we care for our land and its resources, knowing that we are all interdependent.

Quality Education- Competent, knowledgeable, ethical. As a Marist School, NDDU aims to provide an education that is aca-demically excellent and that harmonizes faith, culture and life.

JMJMarist Brothers

Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Integrated Basic Education Department

Lagao Campus, General Santos City.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use

to change the world.”

VISION Notre Dame of the Dadiangas University is a Catholic Filipino institution of Academic Excellence established by the Marist Brothers of the Schools (FMS-Fratres Maristae a Scholis) characterized by St. Marcellin Champagnat’s ideals of simplicity, humility and quiet zeal for God’s work as inspired by the Blessed Virgin Mary. The school is dedicated to the formation of persons in all levels of learning, who, as Christian leaders, Competent professionals, Community-Oriented Citizens and Culture-Sensitive Individuals will actively participate in building a peaceful and progressive nation.

MISSIONAs a Catholic Educational Institution, NDDU shares in the Church’s mission of evangelization by integrating life and faith; As a Filipino Institution, NDDU seeks to preserve Filipino Culture and propagate love of country and its people; As an Institution of Quality Education, NDDU aims leadership in Curricular Programs, Multi-Disciplinary Programs, Research and Community Service; As a Marist Institution, NDDU promotes the core values of Family Spirit, Marian Spirit, Simplicity, Presence, Preference for the Least Favored, Love of Work and Integrity of Creation; and As a Community-Oriented Institution NDDU aims to respond to the challenges of the locality it is serving: South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani Province and General Santos City. .


“ It’s More Fun in NDDU”