fbu this is ph summer 10

Summer 2010

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Summer 2010

Page 2: Fbu this is ph summer 10

The Pajaro Valley Water District is facing a problem with salt water intrusion on many of its coastal farms. In order to address this problem, they have created a pipeline from the sewage treatment plant which goes to a secondary pumping station where the trated sewage water is mixed with the regular city water and then pumped to many coastal farms along Watsonville and Moss Landing . This is an junction on a farm that is used to direct water to various farms.


Page 3: Fbu this is ph summer 10

This is the vets clinic provided by Five Branches. This clinic offers free treatments to all veterans. It has been an invaluable service to the veterans utilizing this clinic but only few know about it. So lets spread the word!!


Page 4: Fbu this is ph summer 10

You may have thought this one would be obvious, and posted instructions unnecessary... But as common sense is not always a common attribute, we are once again guided in the cause of protecting us from ourselves. I particularly appreciated that "In the interest of public health..." was clearly stated. Hopefully this doesn't constitute cheating on the assignment. The sensible (and slightly alarmed at being photographed) patron in the image, did both flush, and wash his hands. Rest easy, and feel confident in shaking his hand for doing his part to protect public health. --MS

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This is my trash can. It represents public health because I am lucky enough to have my trash hauled away once a week. Because of our sanitation system, I don't have to live surrounded by my or my neighbors trash.


Page 6: Fbu this is ph summer 10

I chose to photograph this nectarine tree in my back yard, as I am struck by the fact that, though the person who planted it is gone, this tree continues to supply food to all who live in this lot. Planting food crops that continue to yield year after year is a really awesome way to ensure clean air and nutritional abundance for everyone.


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I went to the SC Boardwalk and could not help but notice the food options. It was difficult to find something not fried or filled with sugar. This picture of a funnel cake is an example of public health because of the poor quality of food the average american has available to them.


Page 8: Fbu this is ph summer 10

When people cannot make money and spend money in the community they live in, they must commute to other areas to meet their families needs. This means gridlocked interstates with long commutes- time that is lost, fossil fuels burned, and most importantly far less time and spent investment in their communities. How are busy people to feel connected and important to the neighborhood they "live" in if they really only sleep there? What if a 45 minute commute was a 10 minute bike ride? What if time left over could be spent playing in a park with your kids or going for a walk? Less time spent driving could mean better health for everyone!


Page 9: Fbu this is ph summer 10

This display is located at the Tuolumne Meadows Wilderness Center where many backpackers begin their adventures. It's an opportunity to learn about "etiquette" in the woods such as proper disposal of human waste and the importance of filtering drinking water. The funding for this particular display was from the city of San Francisco which receives it's drinking water from the Tuolumne River via Hetch Hetchy reservoir.


Page 10: Fbu this is ph summer 10

Being in the clinical setting, students understand the importance of washing hands frequently in order to prevent the spread of viruses & bacteria. In the restaurant setting, we can all appreciate staff training that emphasizes good hygiene, including washing your hands after the use of the restroom. As we all know now from class, not washing your hands after using the public restroom can lead to devastating consequences. Just ask Sanderlings... http://www.extension.iastate.edu/foodsafety/news/fsnews.cfm?newsid=22614JK