fax: i.-- - · pdf fileplumb;. mercur;. cadmiu;. ... raportul de analiza rezultat in baza...

Tel: 0245 209102 Fax:0245 611230 ~a5eaua G6e~ti, Nr.15, BOGS7, Targovi~te. ROMANIA Cont INGin RON nL R0141NGBOOO5008170318914 Cent ING in EUROnr: R050INGBOOO5008170310714 Cent INGin USD nr: ROO5INGB(}o:)0500S170314014 CUI-R0921541; (C-J/15/288/91 S.C. OTELINOX S.A. ~ otelinox A sul»fdlary 01 SAMSUNG Ca.T DECLARA TIE DE CONFORMIT ATE CU PRIVIRE LA VEHICULELE SCOASE DIN UZ (ELV) In conformitate cu cerintele stipulate in Directiva 2000/53/CE, a Parlamentului European ~i a Consiliului cu privire la vehiculele scoase din uz (cunoscuta de asemenea sub denumirea de Directiva ELV), Articolul 4(2), declariim ca produsele noastre (benzi ~i table din otel inoxidabil laminate la rece) nu contin in compozitia lor niciuna dintre urmatoarele substante: . Plumb; . Mercur; . Cadmiu; . Crom Hexavalent. Deoarece substanteIe asupra ciirora se face referire in Directiva ELV 2000/53/CE, Articolul 4(2) sunt de asemenea prinse in RoHS (II) Directiva 2011165/EU la Articolul 4(1), ata~am raportul de analiza rezultat in baza testelor de laborator acreditate efectuate de catre Laboratorul Intertek (Germania) pe produsele noastre din ote! inoxidabil. Director Ge General Ma Stelian DUMI Director Calitate & Protectia Mediului / Quality & Environment Protection Director, BOgda~N Drawn up by: Maria ILIE / Assistant Manager /kJ6 / t: I .-- 0'>S_ - e N;..II1£~1t#I ~O!I'JifH g UNAR . .. -,~ CI~N$ iI(}1'l No. 14897/ October 7'h 2013 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY REGARDING END-OF LIFE VEHICLES (EL J1 According with the legal requirements stipulated by Directive 2000/53/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council on end-of life vehicles (also known as ELV Directive), Article 4(2), we declare that our manufactured products (cold rolled stainless steel strips and sheets) do not contain in their composition any of the following substances: . Lead; . Mercury; . Cadmium; . Hexavalent chromium. Because the substances referred to in EL V Directive 2000/53/EC, Article 4(2) are also caught in RoHS (II) Directive 20Il/65UE at Article 4(1), we attach the analysis report drawn up based on the accredited laboratory tests performed by Intertek Laboratory (Germany) on our stainless steel products. Director General Adjunct / Deputy General Manager, E:rhul ~ARf c. C/a( ~ef Echipa Protectia Mediului / Environment ProtectionTeam Chief, Razvan ~TAN Version 2.0

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Page 1: Fax: I.-- -  · PDF filePlumb;. Mercur;. Cadmiu;. ... raportul de analiza rezultat in baza testelor de ... Fax: +49 911 7407530 cg.germanyOintertek.com Sitz FOrth

Tel: 0245 209102 Fax:0245 611230

~a5eaua G6e~ti, Nr.15, BOGS7,Targovi~te. ROMANIA

Cont INGin RON nL R0141NGBOOO5008170318914Cent ING in EUROnr: R050INGBOOO5008170310714Cent INGin USD nr: ROO5INGB(}o:)0500S170314014CUI-R0921541; (C-J/15/288/91


~ otelinoxA sul»fdlary 01 SAMSUNG Ca.T



In conformitate cu cerintele stipulate in Directiva2000/53/CE, a Parlamentului European ~i aConsiliului cu privire la vehiculele scoase din uz(cunoscuta de asemenea sub denumirea de DirectivaELV), Articolul 4(2), declariim ca produsele noastre(benzi ~i table din otel inoxidabil laminate larece) nu contin in compozitia lor niciuna dintreurmatoarele substante:

. Plumb;

. Mercur;

. Cadmiu;

. Crom Hexavalent.

Deoarece substanteIe asupra ciirora se facereferire in Directiva ELV 2000/53/CE, Articolul

4(2) sunt de asemenea prinse in RoHS (II)Directiva 2011165/EU la Articolul 4(1), ata~amraportul de analiza rezultat in baza testelor delaborator acreditate efectuate de catre Laboratorul

Intertek (Germania) pe produsele noastre din ote!inoxidabil.

Director GeGeneral Ma

Stelian DUMI

Director Calitate & Protectia Mediului /Quality & Environment Protection Director,


Drawn up by: Maria ILIE / Assistant Manager

/kJ6 / t:

I.--0'>S_- e N;..II1£~1t#I~O!I'JifH

g UNAR. .. -,~CI~N$ iI(}1'l

No. 14897/ October 7'h2013


(EL J1

According with the legal requirements stipulatedby Directive 2000/53/EC, of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council on end-of lifevehicles (also known as ELV Directive), Article4(2), we declare that our manufactured products(cold rolled stainless steel strips and sheets) donot contain in their composition any of thefollowing substances:

. Lead;

. Mercury;

. Cadmium;

. Hexavalent chromium.

Because the substances referred to in EL VDirective 2000/53/EC, Article 4(2) are alsocaught in RoHS (II) Directive 20Il/65UE atArticle 4(1), we attach the analysis report drawnup based on the accredited laboratory testsperformed by Intertek Laboratory (Germany) onour stainless steel products.

Director General Adjunct /Deputy General Manager,

E:rhul ~ARf

c. C/a(

~ef Echipa Protectia Mediului /Environment ProtectionTeam Chief,

Razvan ~TAN

Version 2.0

Page 2: Fax: I.-- -  · PDF filePlumb;. Mercur;. Cadmiu;. ... raportul de analiza rezultat in baza testelor de ... Fax: +49 911 7407530 cg.germanyOintertek.com Sitz FOrth



rnt'rtek Coosumer Goods GmbH . WUrzburgerStroO, 152 . 90766 FOrth. Germany

s. C. OTELINOX S. A.Maria Sandu

Quality ManagementGaesti Street No. 16

130087 TargovisteRomania

Furth, 2013-02-26

Test report No. FUHL 1300445

Testing of a material sample according to the RoHS directive 2011/65/EC

Sample description: Stainless steel materials -please see the list of the component partson page 2

Arrival in lab: 2013-01-09; Period of XRF analysis incl. sample preparation and photo documentation: 2013-01-09 - 2013-01-09Period of analysis for the verification tests: 2013-02-18 - 2013-02-22Head of Inorganic Lab: Claudia List

Copying this test report is permitted only in agreement with the contracted lab. The test results refer only to the tested item.This report consists of 4 page(s)The test methods signed with * are notlistedinthe attachmentoftheaccreditationcertificate.

Conclusion based on tested item

Test order

testing according to the RoHSdirective 2011/65/ECStatus

confonn..Please see overview of test results.

- Test results see next pages-

Intertek Consumer Goods GmbH Tel.:+49 911 74075 0 SitzFOrthWOrzburgerStraBe152 Fax:+49911 7407530 AmtsgerichtFOrth,HRB575690766 FOrth,Germany [email protected] USt-ldNr.DE169317871

GeschaftsfOhrer ~~~:===Kay GrOnhardt OilAIcicto<j;~1tUrI9giltlot dilindotJan-JOrg MOiler-Seiler Ur1c..,.jeoufgefOIvten_ahren.

Page 3: Fax: I.-- -  · PDF filePlumb;. Mercur;. Cadmiu;. ... raportul de analiza rezultat in baza testelor de ... Fax: +49 911 7407530 cg.germanyOintertek.com Sitz FOrth


IntertekPage 2 of 4 pagels) of our test report No FUHl1300445 from 26.02.2013

Sample description: Stainless steel materials -please see the list of the component partson page 2

nM =non MetalM=MetalcM =composite Material

List of component parts:



Limit of Detection

= BelowLimit= Over Limit= Inconclusive, further test necessary= Standard deviation

CS = Compositesample

Intertek Consumer Goods GmbHWOrzburger StraBe 15290766 FOrth, Germany

Tel.: +49911 74075 0Fax: +49 911 7407530cg.germanyOintertek.com

SitzFOrthAmtsgericht FOrth, HRB 5756USt-IdNr. DE169317871


Kay GrOnhardt

Jan-JOrg MOller-Seiler

Sample No. Part No. Material Description

300445 1 M 1.4016-AISI430- R1300446 2 M 1.4301 - AISI304 (8% Ni)- R2300447 3 M 1.4301 - AISI304 (8,5% Ni)- R3300448 4 M 1.4301 - AISI304 - (9,0% Nj)- R4300449 5 M 1.4303 - AISI305 - R5300450 6 M 1.4307 - AISI304L- R6300451 7 M 1.4310HT1- AISI301 HT1- R7300452 8 M 1.4310HT3-AISI301HT3-R8300453 9 M . 1.4404-AISI316L-R9300454 10 M 1.4541-AISI321 - R10300455 11 M 1.4571-AISI316Ti-R11300456 12 M 1.4828 -AIS1309 - R12300457 13 M 1.4833 - AISI309S - R13

Page 4: Fax: I.-- -  · PDF filePlumb;. Mercur;. Cadmiu;. ... raportul de analiza rezultat in baza testelor de ... Fax: +49 911 7407530 cg.germanyOintertek.com Sitz FOrth

IntertekPage 3 of 4 page(s) of our test report No FUHL 1300445 from 26.02.2013

Sample description: Stainless steel materials -please see the list of the component partson page 2

1. XRFscreening

Method: XRF according to IEC 62321:2008*

2. Analysis of metals by ICP.results in mg/kg

Method: Pb, Cd, Cr: DINEN ISO 11885:2009-09 mod. IICP OES; Hg: DINEN 1483:2007-07 AAStwo stage digestion: conc. HN03 + H202;inverse aqua regiaPb: 20 I Cd, Cr, Hg: 10 mglkgDetection limit:

3. Chromium VI



Non-metals I Electronics: alkaline Extraction according to DINEN 62321:2008*IIC-detectionMetals: boilingwater Extraction according to DINEN62321 :2008*IIC-detection or spottest according to DINEN62321 :2008Non-metals I Electronics: 10 mglkg; Metals: negative «0.02 mglkg with 50 cm2)Detection limit:

Intertek Consumer Goods GmbH

WOrzburger StraBe 15290766 FOrth, Germany

Tel.: +49911 74075 0Fax: +49 911 74075 30cg.germanyOintertek.com

SitzFOrthAmtsgericht FOrth, HRB 5756USt-ldNr. DE169317871


Kay GrOnhardtJan-JOrg MOller-Seiler

Sample No. Part No. Pb Hg Cd Crtotal Br300445 1 BL BL BL X11 -300446 2 BL BL BL X11 -300447 3 BL BL BL X11 -300448 4 BL BL BL X11 -300449 5 BL BL BL X11 -300450 6 BL BL BL X11 -300451 7 BL BL BL X11 -300452 8 BL BL BL x1) -300453 9 X21 BL BL X11 -300454 10 BL BL BL X11 -300455 11 BL BL BL X11 -300456 12 BL BL BL X11 -300457 13 X21 BL BL X11 -


please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

please see additional test

Sample No. Part No. Pb Hg Cd Cr_300453 9 <20 - - -300457 13 <20 - - -

SampleNo. Part No. CrVI300445 1 negative300446 2 neaative300447 3 negative300448 4 neaative300449 5 negative300450 6 neaative



Page 5: Fax: I.-- -  · PDF filePlumb;. Mercur;. Cadmiu;. ... raportul de analiza rezultat in baza testelor de ... Fax: +49 911 7407530 cg.germanyOintertek.com Sitz FOrth

. ,..

IntertekPage 4 of 4 pagels) of our test report No FUHl1300445 from 26.02.2013

Sample description: Stainless steel materials -please see the list of the component partson page 2

3. ChromiumVI

Method: Non-metals I Electronics: alkaline Extraction according to DIN EN 62321 :2008* IIC-detection

Metals: boiling water Extraction according to DIN EN 62321 :2008* IIC-detection or spottest according to DIN EN 62321 :2008Non-metals I Electronics: 10 mglkg; Metals: negative «0.02 mg/kg with 50 cm2)Detection limit:



(1) Chromium VI should be additionally analyzed by IC I UV-VIS and/or Spot test.(2) Metal(s) should be additionally analyzed by ICP - OES and/or AAS.

Intertek Consumer Goods GmbH

PrUfleitung I Lab ManagerDA 8n!unig. DIe.Gronhanl.. D Dr. Ie.La_Schuler,"\i1-. list, DD. lOw

DIt.MicoIay, DM. Neumekter,DDr.It.Raze, DIe.~ner, DM.Tubdl

Intertek Consumer Goods GmbH

WOrzburger StraBe 15290766 FOrth. Germany

Tel.: +49911 740750Fax: +49911 7407530

[email protected]

SitzFOrthAmtsgericht FOrth, HRB 5756USt-IdNr. DE169317871


Kay GrOnhardt

Jan-JOrg MOller-Seiler

SamDle No. Part No. CrVI300451 7 negative300452 8 neaative300453 9 negative300454 10 neaative300455 11 negative300456 12 neaative300457 13 negative
