fax: cmtwd bc hydro

- C District of Chetwynd Box 357 Chetrnd, BC Canada VOC 1JO tel: (250) 401-4100 fax: (250) 401-4101 email: [email protected] February 1, 2013 BC Hydro 9948— 100tl Aven’ Fort St. John, B 5 Y Atten5ion: Susan Yurkovich / Executive Vice President Dear Ms. Yurkovich: Re: Site “C” Dam Chetwynd Position Paper Responses Chetwynd District Council recently distributed the attached ‘Position Paper’ to residents and businesses of Chetwynd and area. A Summary of the responses to the questions asked in the Position Paper is attached. Council felt that this subject (the Site “C” Dam) was an important topic, and therefore extended the initial deadline for response to the end of January, 2013. Two (2) additional responses have been received, and those responses are attached for information purposes. Although the general response to Councils questionnaire was remarkably low, some common themes emerge. The numbers indicate generally more support for the project than opposition; the majority of respondents appear to have recreational interests vs. business interests in the project; more citizens support “Open Access” to the Dam than “Closed Access’; most respondents supported the concept of a “Viewpoint” during and post construction. Vision Statement Chetwynd exists in order that area residents have sustainable opportunities for Security, Health, Safety and Prosperity in surroundings that display the best of our natural environment. /2 CmTwD

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Page 1: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro


C District of Chetwynd

Box 357Chetrnd, BC

Canada VOC 1JO

tel: (250) 401-4100fax: (250) 401-4101

email: [email protected]

February 1, 2013

BC Hydro9948— 100tl Aven’Fort St. John, B5Y

Atten5ion: Susan Yurkovich/ Executive Vice President

Dear Ms. Yurkovich:

Re: Site “C” Dam — Chetwynd Position Paper Responses

Chetwynd District Council recently distributed the attached ‘Position Paper’ to residents andbusinesses of Chetwynd and area.

A Summary of the responses to the questions asked in the Position Paper is attached.

Council felt that this subject (the Site “C” Dam) was an important topic, and therefore extendedthe initial deadline for response to the end of January, 2013. Two (2) additional responses havebeen received, and those responses are attached for information purposes.

Although the general response to Councils questionnaire was remarkably low, some commonthemes emerge. The numbers indicate generally more support for the project than opposition;the majority of respondents appear to have recreational interests vs. business interests in theproject; more citizens support “Open Access” to the Dam than “Closed Access’; mostrespondents supported the concept of a “Viewpoint” during and post construction.

Vision StatementChetwynd exists in order that area residents have sustainable opportunities for

Security, Health, Safety and Prosperityin surroundings that display the best of our natural environment.



Page 2: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

Site “C” Dam — Chetwynd Position Paper ResponsesFebruary 1, 2013

Page 2

While no definitive conclusions can be reached by this data, some general themes, at least forChetwynd and Area residents and businesses, do arise.

We are sharing this information with you for information purposes only.

Yours truly,

rd*Merlin NicholsMayor

cc: Mayor Lori Ackerman Fort St. John, City ofMayor Mike Bernier - Dawson Creek, City ofMayor Fred Jarvis — Taylor, District ofMayor Gwen Johansson — Hudson’s Hope, District ofMayor Darwin Wren — Tumbler Ridge, District ofMayor Larry Flynn — Pouce Coupe, Village ofChair Karen Goodings — Peace River Regional District

Page 3: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

R I /




TO: Mayor and Council

FROM: Chief Administrative Officer

DATE: January3,20l3

RE: Responses to Site “C” Dam Questions

The District of Chetwynd distributed 1,440 Site “C” Position Papers to residents of theChetwynd area (those households and businesses receiving their mail at the Chetwynd PostOffice).

The Position Paper included a questionnaire concerning the dam project. While oniy 14responses were received back, the results were interesting (please see attached summary).

Recommended Resolution:

THAT the results from the District’s Site “C” questionnaire be received for information, and thatthe results be shared with BC Hydro and regional local governments.

Respectfully submitted,

D.B. (Doug) FlemingChief Administrative Officer

G:\MEMOS\Site C Position Paper Respoiisesdocx

Page 4: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

(1 response ‘neither’)

District of Chetwynd


Total Number Distributed by Mail: 1,440

Number of Questionnaires Returned: 14

Response Summaries:

1. With everything you know about the proposed Site “C” Dam project, do you support oroppose the project?

10 Support 4 Oppose

2. BC Hydro proposes to build a connector road from the end of Jackfish Lake Road to thedam. This would be a 34 km paved road. Should this road be left open to the generalpublic or closed following dam construction?

10 Open Access 3 Restricted (Closed)Access

3. What is your interest in recreational access and a view point both during and after damconstruction?

2 No View Point 0 View Point During 12 View Point During &Construction After Construction

4. Are you interested in employment opportunities during construction of the dam?

5 Yes 9 No

5. Other comments:

• “Site C Dam would only benefit the oil and gas industry, which is out of controlin the Peace! Stop destroying this beautiful area. We must protect our land andwater.”

• “Don’t do it! The rights of property owners along the dam site are ignored!”

• “Jackfish Road totally paved and maintained year round.”

• “We already have 2 dams on the Peace, isn’t that enough. No matter what hydrodoes, it never takes the price power down.”

• “How do you get from Chetwynd to Site C in a hour? We find it takes that longto get to the Del Rio on these roads.”

• “Employment Opportunities, logging, road construction.” (Provided companyname andphone number).

G:\MEMOS’Site C Position Paper Responses.docx

Page 5: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

Jan. 23. 2013 9:25AM ORS Chetwynd o. 3734 P. 1


Please provide us with your about the proposed Site “C” Dam byresponding to the questions below. Complete and return this page to the District ofChetwynd at 5400 North Access Road (to the front counter or, after hours, throughthe mail slot) before January 31, 2013.

O With everything you know about the proposed Site “C” Dam project, do you supportor oppose the project?

[V Support D Oppose

• BC Hydro proposes to build a connector road from the end of Jackfish Lake Road tothe dam. This would be a 34 km paved road. Should this road be left open to thegeneral public or closed following dam construction?

El Open Access Restricted (closed) Access

• What is your interest in recreational access and a view point both during and afterdam construction?

1J No View Point D Viewpoint Viewpoint During &During Construction After Construction

• Are you interested in employment opportunities during construction of the dam?

c!IYes D No

• What additional information would you like about the dam project?

T J. 1At}.) c .j7 A1 A- /J/ A

Page 6: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

District of Chetwynd Position Paper

BC Hydro Site “C” Clean Energy Project


Please provide us with your feelings and thoughts about the proposed Site “C” Dam byresponding to the questions below. Complete and return this page to the District ofChetwynd at 5400 North Access Road (to the front counter or, after hours, throughthe mail slot) before January 31, 2013.

• With everything you know about the proposed Site “C” Dam project, do you supportor oppose the project?

El Support Oppose

• BC Hydro proposes to build a connector road from the end of Jackfish Lake Road tothe dam. This would be a 34 km paved road. Should this road be left open to thegeneral public or closed following dam construction?

LI Open Access El Restricted (closed) Access /2.c2 t_12_6Zyh

• What is your interest in recreational access and a view point both during and afterdam construction?

No View Point El Viewpoint LI Viewpoint During &

During Construction After Construction

• Are you interested in employment opportunities during construction of the dam?

LI Yes No

• What additional information would you like about the dam project?

- L,i T-‘‘-2 al

Page 7: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro






•q I

Page 8: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

Site ‘C’ is a proposed third dam and hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River in Northeast

BC. It would provide up to 1,100 megawatts (MW) of capacity and produce about 5,100 gigawatt

hours (GWh) of electricity each year — enough energy to power the equivalent of about 450,000

homes per year in BC.

BC Hydra has adopted a multi-stage planning and evaluation process for Site ‘C’. The project Is

currently in the environmental and regulatory review phase (Stage 3), which Includes an

independent environmental assessment process.

Site ‘C’ FaCts

• Type: Earthflhl Dam

• Length: 1,050 metres

• Height: 60 metres

• Capacity: Up to 1,100 MW

• Energy: 5,100 GWh/yr.


Background Information

Dam: Reservoir:

• Length: 83 km

• Width: 2—3 times current river

Page 9: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

Joint Review Panel to be appointed

Panel Review! Public Hearings on project

Panel Recommendation

Construction Highlights

• Construction will take approximately 7 years (first Unit in service)

• Approximately 1 year to complete commissioning of remaining Units, site reclamation and

IProject Timeline — Next Two Years

Summer 2012

Early 2013

Early 2013

TBD 2013

TBD 2013/14

TBD 2014

Agencies to finalize Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines

BC Hydro to submit Environmental Impact Statement to regulatory agencies

Public Comment Period f Advisory Working Group to review Environmental ImpactStatement


Page 10: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

The District of Chetwynd has requested that BC Hydro clearly communicate its Workforce and Materials

Transportation Plans and, specifically, to address projected workforce impacts for the community of

Chetwynd. Many employees will be required over the 7 year construction time-frame to create the dam.

Chetwynd is only an hour from the site and some will choose to live in Chetwynd rather than a camp at

the project site. Also, thousands of tons of cement, steel, rock end other materials will have to be moved

through Chetwynd to the construction site, by rail or truck. This traffic will place huge stresses on

transportation systems. Chetwynd recognizes a significant impact will be borne by the municipality

during the construction stages. BC Hydro has committed to providing a detailed Transportation Plan (to

include transportation of goods and materials) to the District. This plan may identify or alleviate further

concerns with respect to workforce and transportation issues.

Road and/or Access Improvements

District Council believes that any road and/or access

improvements to move workers and supplies to and from the Site

‘C’ Dam project should be ‘left in place’ following construction

activity to provide future access to the dam site for viewing and

recreational use from the south side of the Peace River. It is

recognized that certain project infrastructure (i.e. construction

camps and related facilities) will be dismantled end land

WorkforCe and Transportation Impacts


reclaimed at the completion of the project.

Page 11: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

The District of Chetwynd has requested that BC

Hydro fully communicate its plans for Jackfish Lake

Road Network Upgrades to service the south side of

the Peace River and the proposed Site ‘C’ dam.

Camping and/or ReCreational Areas

District of Chetwynd Council has requested that any

informal camping and/or recreational areas near or

adjacent to the dam site be formalized in partnership with

the Provincial Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural

Resource Operations and the BC Parks Branch, for the

benefit of residents and visitors to the region.

As Defined by E3C Hydro

+ Power for British Columbia: a cost effective resource option to help meet BC’s future electricity needs.

+ Highway improvements.

+ New recreation facilities.

+ Jobs: estimated to create up to 35,000 direct and indirect jobs through all stages of development and


+ Economic Growth: significant business opportunities for small, medium and large businesses,


including northern and Aboriginal businesses and revenue contributions to local and provincial

governments through water rentals, grants-in-lieu and other taxes.


JaCklich Lake Road Network Upgrades


Page 12: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

Council Thoughts

The Council of the District of Chetwynd believes that, if the Site ‘C’ dam project does proceed, it is very

important that a Peace Region Legacy be created to provide regional mitigation to offset the negative

impacts created by the dam on the communities of the Peace region as a whole. Funds provided by BC

Hydro to create an ‘impacted communities legacy’ would be used for recreational, cultural, sport, arts

and other purposes (those projects deemed to be of importance to the respective local governments

and electoral areas>.



If the dam proceeds, recreational opportunities, historic sites, vlewscapes and scenery, productive

agricultural land, transportation links and more will be lost forever with the flooding of the Peace River

Valley. Thus, leaving a regional legacy is the right thing to do for an industry impacting a region on such

a scale and to such magnitude.

Page 13: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro

Dtatrlct at CtsetwyndSite ‘C’ Position Paper

Key Prhicipes of a Region& Imcts eneflts Agreement

It is Council’s belief that the following key principles, before any agreements related to and

governing future major developments, should be adopted.

• Equity and Fairness — the agreement will recognize the principle of fair and equitable

distribution of benefits that are derived from hydroelectric development in the region.

• Recognition and Accommodation — with the proposed agreement, BC Hydro and the

Province clearly indicate they recognize the impacts of hydro developments on the Peace

River, including foreclosure of opportunities for alternate economic developments, and will

provide appropriate benefits to accommodate longer-term impacts and leave the region

“better off after construction”.

• Certainty — with the agreement, BC Hydro and the Province can be assured the regional

shared benefit issues would be resolved.

• Recognize International and Industry Standards and Best Practices — BC Hydra and the

Province to be held to the highest standards and best practices for any major hydra

development project.

• Sustainability — of the project and the affected communities to ensure long-term benefit for


• Local Autonomy — a benefit agreement to be based on revenue generating capacity and

growth in sales revenue over the full life-cycle of the facilities and to be administered by the

PRRD to ensure local autonomy and decision making with respect to utilization of the


Page 14: fax: CmTwD BC Hydro


Please orovide us with your feelings and thoughts about the proposed Site ud( Dam

by responding to the questions below. Comp’ete and return this page to the District

of Chetwynd at 5400 North Access Road (to the front counter or. after hours,

through the mail slot) before December 21, 201 2.

• With everything you know about the proposed Site “C” Dam project, do you

support or oppose the project?

0 Support 0 Oppose

• BC Hydro proposes to build a connector road from the end of Jackfish Lake Road to

the dam. This would be a 34 km paved road. Should this road be left open to the

general public or closed following dam construction?

0 Open Access 0 Restricted (closed) Access

• What is your interest in recreational access and a view point both during and after

dam construction?

O No View Point 0 Viewpoint 0 Viewpoint During &

During Construction After Construction

• Are you interested in employment opportunities during construction of the dam?

0 Yes 0 No

• What additional information would you like about the dam project?
