fats & omega 3 new apr 13

FATS & Omega 3 There is a lot of confusing today about Fats. Fats and mainly Cholesterol are vital to our life, About 60% of the contents of the Brain are fats! Fat is curtail to body functions such as: Building cell membranes, Blood clotting, Absorption and Vitamins and Minerals. Vital to hormone production, 1

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Post on 22-Nov-2014



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Omega 3 It is almost impossible to create the right ratio with omega 3 and omega6 (optimal ratio 1:1). Optimal ratios determine that the body's metabolism set the insulin resistance to be low (set by DNA change!) and body cells are more easily use fats as energy source. Optimal Ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 guarantees balance our body stress and relax systems and balance the immune system and a lower chance to develop autoimmune diseases or metabolic diseases (like those of Iodine absence). It recommended to take omega 3 Supplement and to lower the oils that rich with omega such as common vegetable oil. eat more vegtables rich with omega 3 and fish


  • 1. FATS & Omega 3There is a lot of confusing today about Fats.Fats and mainly Cholesterol are vital to our life,About 60% of the contents of the Brain are fats!Fat is curtail to body functions such as: Building cell membranes, Blood clotting, Absorption and Vitamins and Minerals. Vital to hormone production, Energy generation and storage, Nerve cell shielding, Cushioning , protecting and shielding of vital organs1
  • 2. Essentialfattyacids(EFAs)Fattyacidswhichcannotbesynthesizedinthebody,peoplemustgetthemfromfood.Therearetwogroupsofessentialfattyacids:omega3,andomega6.Omega3includelinolenic acid,itcomesmainlyfrommarinesources.Andalsofromspecialseedsandplants.omega6includeslinoleic acid.ItcomesfromPlantsources,includingnutsandseeds.2
  • 3. Essentialfattyacids(EFAs)cont..Bothgroupsoffattyacidsaremustforhealthybodyfunction,andtheyshouldbeinbalanceAdditionally,thebodyalsousesomega9,whichisnotessentialandproducedinthebodyfromomega3andomega6arepresent.3
  • 4. How the fatty acidsOmega 3 & Omega 6 Control our bodyAnlongterm-GeneticchangeeffectthecellconstructionusingPPARalpa.(effect insulinresentence)Amediumterm-controls the creating twovital hormones, glucagon & insulin, whichbalance each other.AShortterm-immediateeffectusingEicosanoids(SemihormonesLastmS)4
  • 5. 5Omega 3 & 6 control the Nervous System
  • 6. 6 Omega6 Omega3FattyAcid LA-Linoleic ALA