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FATEK IoT User Manual FATEK IoT FATEK IoT Cloud Service Manual V1.7 2020/6/2

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FATEK IoT User Manual


FATEK IoT Cloud Service Manual



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FATEK IoT User Manual



Catalog ....................................................................................................................................... 2

Table Catalog ............................................................................................................................. 4

Figure Catalog ............................................................................................................................ 5

1. Summary ........................................................................................................................... 7

2. Application Introduction .................................................................................................. 9

3. Device Activation Process ............................................................................................... 11

3.1 FATEK IoT System Setting ...................................................................................... 11

3.2 iMonitor ................................................................................................................. 11

3.3 iAccess .................................................................................................................... 12

4. Website Management System ....................................................................................... 13

5. Management ................................................................................................................... 15

5.1 User Management ................................................................................................. 18

5.1.1 User List .................................................................................................... 18

5.1.2 Account Certification ................................................................................. 20

5.2 iMonitor Data Management ................................................................................. 21

5.2.1 iMonitor add device ................................................................................... 21

5.2.2 iMonitor add new dataitem ....................................................................... 23

5.2.3 iMonitor add new dataitem group .............................................................. 26

5.2.4 iMonitor add new trend ............................................................................. 27

5.3 iAccess Device Management................................................................................. 29

5.3.1 iAccess add device ..................................................................................... 29

5.3.2 iAccess add Dataitem Group ....................................................................... 31

5.3.3 iAccess add new dataitem .......................................................................... 33

6. Monitor Page by Browser ............................................................................................... 36

6.1 iMonitor monitor page .......................................................................................... 36

6.1.1 Group List .................................................................................................. 37

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6.1.2 Historic Trend ............................................................................................ 43

6.2 iAccess Monitoring ................................................................................................ 44

6.2.1 Detail ........................................................................................................ 45

6.2.2 Device Log Information .............................................................................. 46

6.3 iLocation Map Display ........................................................................................... 48

6.3.1 GPS Settings .............................................................................................. 48

7 FATEK IoT App ................................................................................................................. 49

7.1 Take Android System as example (ios screen refer to Android) .......................... 49

7.1.1 Device Management .................................................................................. 49

7.1.2 iMonitor Group Detail ................................................................................ 50

7.1.3 iMonitor Search Function ........................................................................... 51

7.1.4 iAccess Device Detail .................................................................................. 52

7.1.5 iAccess Search Function ............................................................................. 53

8 FvDesigner and HMI Settings ......................................................................................... 54

8.1 FATEK IoT HMI System Settings Description ........................................................ 54

8.2 FATEK IoT FvDesigner Project Function Description ............................................ 56

9 FvDesigner Remote Maintenance .................................................................................. 59

9.1 Maintain HMI Project ............................................................................................ 64

9.2 Communicate with PLC by Pass Through Function .............................................. 65

9.3 Remote HMI Monitoring ....................................................................................... 65

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Table Catalog

Table 1: Management Page .......................................................................................... 14

Table 2: Device group management description ......................................................... 15

Table 3: Add User ......................................................................................................... 18

Table 4: Add iMonitor device ....................................................................................... 22

Table 5: Dataitem settings ............................................................................................ 24

Table 6: Dataitem group settings ................................................................................. 26

Table 7: Build trend group ............................................................................................ 28

Table 8: Device settings ................................................................................................ 30

Table 9: Device group ................................................................................................... 31

Table 10: Dataitem Settings ......................................................................................... 34

Table 11: Monitor page ................................................................................................ 36

Table 12: Monitor page ................................................................................................ 37

Table 13: Device status ................................................................................................. 39

Table 14: iMonitor group detail ................................................................................... 41

Table 15: Monitor page ................................................................................................ 43

Table 16: Monitor page ................................................................................................ 44

Table 17: Detail information ........................................................................................ 45

Table 18: iAccess device detail ..................................................................................... 47

Table 19: Android management ................................................................................... 49

Table 20: Android group detail ..................................................................................... 50

Table 21: iMonitor search function .............................................................................. 51

Table 22: iAccess device group .................................................................................... 52

Table 23: iAccess search function ................................................................................ 53

Table 24: IoT Settings ................................................................................................... 54

Table 25: IoT Services Settings ..................................................................................... 56

Table 26: Login page ..................................................................................................... 60

Table 27: Device group ................................................................................................. 62

Table 28: Remote function ........................................................................................... 63


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Figure Catalog

Figure 1: FATEK IoT network connection application scenario .................................... 10

Figure 2: iMonitor setting step..................................................................................... 11

Figure 3: iAccess setting process .................................................................................. 12

Figure 4: Website management login page ................................................................. 13

Figure 5: Management page ........................................................................................ 13

Figure 6: iMonitor management configuration example ............................................. 16

Figure 7: iAccess management configuration example ............................................... 17

Figure 8: User Management ........................................................................................ 18

Figure 9: Add User ........................................................................................................ 18

Figure 10: Registration Letter Certification .................................................................. 20

Figure 11: Add device ................................................................................................... 21

Figure 12: Add iMonitor device ................................................................................... 22

Figure 13: Add new dataitem ....................................................................................... 23

Figure 14: Add iMonitor dataitem ............................................................................... 23

Figure 15: iMonitor dataitem list ................................................................................. 25

Figure 16: Add dataitem group .................................................................................... 26

Figure 17: Add iMonitor device group ......................................................................... 26

Figure 18: Add iMonitor device group list ................................................................... 27

Figure 19: Add new trend ............................................................................................ 27

Figure 20: Build trend group ........................................................................................ 28

Figure 21: Trend list ...................................................................................................... 28

Figure 22: Add device ................................................................................................... 29

Figure 23: Add iAccess device ...................................................................................... 29

Figure 24: Add device group ........................................................................................ 31

Figure 25: Add iAccess dataitem .................................................................................. 31

Figure 26: iAccess device group list ............................................................................. 32

Figure 27: Add new dataitem ....................................................................................... 33

Figure 28: Add new iAccess dataitem .......................................................................... 33

Figure 29: iAccess device list ........................................................................................ 35

Figure 30: iMonitor monitor page ............................................................................... 36

Figure 31: iMonitor value monitor ............................................................................... 37

Figure 32: iMonitor trend ............................................................................................ 38

Figure 33: iMonitor device status ................................................................................ 39

Figure 34: iMonitor data log ........................................................................................ 40

Figure 35: iMonitor alarm events ................................................................................ 41

Figure 36: Data Log ...................................................................................................... 42

Figure 37: Alarm Event ................................................................................................. 42

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Figure 38: Historic Trend .............................................................................................. 43

Figure 39: iMonitor monitor page ............................................................................... 44

Figure 40: iAccess device detail ................................................................................... 45

Figure 41: iAccess activation log .................................................................................. 46

Figure 42: iAccess logging log ...................................................................................... 46

Figure 43: iAccess connection log ................................................................................ 47

Figure 44: iLocation monitor page ............................................................................... 48

Figure 45: iLocation coordinate setting ....................................................................... 48

Figure 46: Android management page ........................................................................ 49

Figure 47: Android group detail ................................................................................... 50

Figure 48: iMonitor search function ............................................................................ 51

Figure 49: iAccess device group ................................................................................... 52

Figure 50: iAccess search function ............................................................................... 53

Figure 51: Servers/IoT setting button in system setting .............................................. 54

Figure 52: IoT Setting page .......................................................................................... 54

Figure 53: iAccess supported functions ....................................................................... 55

Figure 54: Unit Setting page for IoT Services ............................................................... 56

Figure 55: Setting page for iLocation in static type ...................................................... 58

Figure 56: Setting page for iLocation in dynamic type................................................. 58

Figure 57: FvDesigner iAccess remote maintenance function schematic diagram ..... 59

Figure 58: The location of iAccess in FvDesigner ......................................................... 59

Figure 59: iAccess login page ....................................................................................... 60

Figure 60: iAccess forget password page ..................................................................... 61

Figure 61: Device list in iAccess.................................................................................... 62

Figure 62: Device detail information in iAccess ........................................................... 63

Figure 63: iAccess download setting page ................................................................... 64

Figure 64: iAccess upload setting page ........................................................................ 64

Figure 65: iAccess Pass Through setting page .............................................................. 65

Figure 66: Enable Viewer function ............................................................................... 65

Figure 67: Viewer real-time screen .............................................................................. 66

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FATEK IoT User Manual

1. Summary

To connect to a remote device via a network, complex setups are often required

to obtain HMI or PLC device data. Even if all settings were configured properly,

there will be many online restrictions and data security problems, resulting in

inefficient and inconvenient use of the system. Meanwhile, also because of the

high cost of construction etc., users may finally abandon this function. The FATEK

IoT cloud service platform provides a solution to make it easier.

FATEK IoT offers a new solution of HMI and PLC remotely monitoring named

"iMonitor". As long as the devices can connect to the Internet, users can easily

get the data on the devices, simultaneously monitor and access multiple devices

and receive real-time data, system alarms, data log which are useful for remotely

debugging. The communication security also has a professional security

encryption mechanism, so that the operation and access to equipment

information has effective protection. With these functions above, user does not

need to make any network settings.

FATEK IoT also provides iAccess remote maintenance. When the device is in a

foreign country far away, maintenance personnel do not need to spend a lot of

traffic and travel there and do troubleshooting on site. With iAccess, you can easily

connect to the device, download program and debug on line. In addition, iAccess

and FATEK HMI Pass Through function are perfectly integrated, users can directly

monitor PLC data and update PLC program through iAccess, and can also operate

the HMI at the same time without interruption.

Main Features:

⚫ Easy to setup simple device and personnel group management

⚫ Secure connection

⚫ Remote monitoring and maintenance of HMI and PLC

⚫ Support data log and trend analysis

⚫ Support alarm events log and notifications (SMS, e-mail and App


⚫ Support Google map to trace device location with Google map

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⚫ Support Android and iOS App

System Requirement:

⚫ P5, P2K with new generation ethernet-type HMI

⚫ Internet connection

⚫ Support Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari browser

⚫ Android: 5.0 or newer version later

⚫ iOS 11 or newer version

⚫ FvDesigner V1.5.48 or above

⚫ OS V2.0.2 or above

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2. Application Introduction

Traditionally, connect to a network device needs to know the network

environment and settings, it might need to set up router or firewall. There may

also be a set of WAN IP restrictions that can only be wired to one device. Even

the network environment is too complicated to set up one by one.

FATEK IoT provides two main services, iMonitor and iAccess. As long as you

connect to the Internet, users can easily monitor device data with simply device

settings. The two service application scenarios are slightly different. The users can

plan the cloud service system according to their needs. The two services can be

used at the same time without conflict. The iLocation feature is also available to

display device locations on Google Maps.

Select the scenarios and features of the iMonitor:

⚫ There are multiple HMI and PLC scattered in different areas and the data on

these devices should be monitored at the same time.

⚫ Set alarm conditions to specific register address, if conditions are met then

SMS or email can be sent to the user admin for on-site troubleshooting.

⚫ If you want to analyze the time or the data changes, record the data and

acquire the system status through the historic trend.

⚫ No need to redownload the HMI project, can configure and modify the

register address through browser.

⚫ Adjustable device return time interval or return when changed, can reduce

the use of network bandwidth.

⚫ GPS location information can be set on the device, and the FATEK IoT can be

logged in through the browser to view the distribution location of the


Select the scenarios and features of the iAccess:

⚫ There is a requirement to change the application of the program, to use

remote maintenance or update system functions.

⚫ Monitor specific single device data in real time and support real time trend


⚫ GPS location information can be set on the device, and the FATEK IoT can be

logged in through the browser to view the distribution location of the


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Figure 1: FATEK IoT network connection application scenario

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3. Device Activation Process

Before using FATEK IoT service, user needs to submit application to FATEK to

obtain Customer ID and User Admin to log in to website for manage system


3.1 FATEK IoT System Setting - Enter HMI system setting page

- Click ‘Servers/IoT’, check the checkbox to enable IoT services

- Setting service password, check whether the ‘i’ icon turns green, it turns

green then represent it works.

3.2 iMonitor Devices that support the iMonitor function can be connected to FATEK IoT

Cloud, please apply to FATEK before use.

Figure 2: iMonitor setting step

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3.3 iAccess Each of the device needs to have a unique LID to use iAccess. It cannot

transfer to other devices after activated.

Figure 3: iAccess setting process

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4. Website Management System

Select the corresponding website for different market needs

World Wide User https://fatekcloud.net

China User https://fatekiot.cn

Figure 4: Website management login page

After logging in to the account, you can enter the IoT management page.

Figure 5: Management page

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Note: The figure above shows the Administrator login page, so the users can

see the "Management" option on the left side. If it’s not the Administrator

account, then users can only see the "Services" option.

Table 1: Management Page

Item Function



iMonitor Monitor iMonitor dataitem page

iAccess Display iAccess device status and information

iLocation Let iMonitor dataitem group and iAccess

device group display on Google map, easily

for user to search device and monitor data.

Management User Configure user information and setting


iMonitor data Configure iMonitor device and dataitem, and

set the trend to display.

iAccess device Configure iAccess device and dataitem.

Resource Usage Display the resource usage, if the usage is

full, please contact to the User Admin.

Language Website management system support three

kinds of languages.

Contact Customer Service Can directly send email to FATEK customer

service for help.

Manual Download Download the related manual and data.

Account Settings Set customer ID.

Logout Logout management system.

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5. Management

Before using FATEK IoT service, users need to submit application to FATEK to

get Customer ID and User Admin permission to login to website management

system to configure. Only User Admin has the right to change other users'

operation authority.

Table 2: Device group management description

Item Description

Customer ID Customer ID is the concept of this managing function, a customer ID can

include the configuration of users, HMI devices, dataitem groups and

device groups.

User Admin Each Customer ID corresponding to a User Admin manager who can

configure the project’s user-related information and permission, also

device, dataitems, dataitem groups and device groups.

User Users belonging to different access permission group can do the basic

operation of monitor page.

Dataitem Get the basic dataitem settings of the device. Each dataitem can

assigned to more than one dataitem groups.

Dataitem Group The monitor page and historic trend are display in groups, the dataitems

in the group can come from different devices.

Device Group Devices shown in monitoring pages are organized by device groups, and

each device can be assigned to more than one device group.

Note: Each device can only join under one customer ID project at the same time. To

join to another project, needs to remove the device in the original customer ID then

add it to the new one.

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The following figure shows the iMonitor management configuration example, with

this example we can know:

⚫ User Admin is the user manager, manage user Jordan and user Kobe. Jordan

use the Data Item group permission 1/2/4 and Kobe use the Data Item

Group permission 3/4.

⚫ iMonitor is configured by Data Items.

⚫ Multiple users can use the same group Data Item Group 4.

⚫ Data Items in Data Item Group 3 can come from different devices, Data A

comes from HMI A, Data D/F comes from HMI B.

⚫ Data Item Data A can assigned to more than one groups, Data Item Group 1

and Data Item Group 3.

Figure 6: iMonitor management configuration example

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The following figure shows the iAccess management configuration example, with

this example we can know:

⚫ User Admin is the user manager, manage user Jordan and user Kobe. Jordan

use the Data Item group permission 1/2/4 and Kobe use the Data Item

Group permission 3/4.

⚫ iAccess is classify by device, if have the permission to use the device, all

planned data items under the device can be accessed in time via App.

⚫ Multiple users can use the same group Device Group 4.

⚫ Device A can assigned to more than one groups, Device Group 1 and D

Device Group 3.

Figure 7: iAccess management configuration example

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5.1 User Management Add new user’s configuration and function authority, it can monitor each

user’s status.

5.1.1 User List

Figure 8: User Management

Figure 9: Add User

Table 3: Add User

Item Description

iMonitor user Number of existing users and maximum number of user accounts.

iAccess user Number of existing users and maximum number of user accounts.

Name Set the user name.

Account (Email) Set the user login account.

Password Set the user login password.

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Nickname Set the user’s nickname.

Title Set the user’s title.

Description Set the description about the user.

iMonitor Disable Whether the user can use the iMonitor service or not.

iAccess Disable Whether the user can use the iAccess service or not.

Black List Forbid the user to log in to the IOT management page

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5.1.2 Account Certification

1. After adding a User Admin or User, go to the registered email to check up

the registration authentication letter to activate the account (Figure 10).

2. User list (Figure 8) will display ‘Activated’ or ‘Resend’ two kinds of

certification status.

Figure 10: Registration Letter Certification

Note: The certification letter will expire after 72 hours.

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5.2 iMonitor Data Management Set up multiple devices and monitor the data of each register at the same time, set

each dataitem group and set alarm conditions, you can send SMS text messages,

E-Mail or push broadcast notifications, and you can understand the system status

through trend graph groups.

5.2.1 iMonitor add device

Figure 11: Add device

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Figure 12: Add iMonitor device

Table 4: Add iMonitor device

Item Description

Name Device name.

Product Type Only supports FATEK HMI currently, other types of devices will be

supported in the future.

Service Password The service password for the device that paired with must be the same

as FATEK IoT to connect properly.

Hardware ID The unique hardware ID for the device.

Description User setting information

Link Device Add new link device to connection.

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5.2.2 iMonitor add new dataitem

Figure 13: Add new dataitem

Figure 14: Add iMonitor dataitem

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Table 5: Dataitem settings

Item Description

Select Device Select the device to get data.

Dataitem Name Dataitem name.

Data Format Bit










ASCII String

Length Data length.

Comment Information field.

Address Register address of the device. This content needs to be the same as the

device connection information, otherwise the value will not be updated.

Update Mode Mode for device to return data.

Period*Note 1 According to [Period Time] to return data periodically.

Trigger Return data when the value has changed.

Period Time Use in the periodic update mode, increase the time can reduce the

network bandwidth usage and reduce the system loading.

Data Log Enable Enable the data log function.

Alarm Enable Enable alarm function.

Alarm Condition When the condition to trigger an alarm is met, the alarm will be sent.

Alarm Content User customize the alarm content to be sent.

Send Email Send message via email.

App Notifications Push notification of the alarm message to mobile APP.

Send SMS

Message*Note 2

Send message via SMS message.

Alarm Contact Receiver of the alarm message.


Interval (Minutes)

*Note 3

When alarm is triggered and send the first SMS, e-mail or push

notification, this is used to determine the interval to send the message

again until the alarm is cleared.

Transfer Delay When the alarm condition is triggered, this is used to determine delay

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Time (Second) how many times to send SMS, e-mail or APP push notification. This

function is to avoid sending too much message when the value changed

in a limited time.

Note 1: The minimum value is 60 seconds.

Note 2: Sending SMS might cost the extra fee.

Note 3: When the retransmission interval is set to "0" minutes, the alarm

notification will be sent only once and stop resending.

After setting up the dataitem, users can see the data in the device list.

Figure 15: iMonitor dataitem list

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5.2.3 iMonitor add new dataitem group

Figure 16: Add dataitem group

Figure 17: Add iMonitor device group

Table 6: Dataitem group settings

Item Description

Dataitem Group


Group name.

Upload Set the group icon.

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GPS Source*Note 1 Device’s source address.

Description Set your own description.

Add Device To add devices to the group, the right-side arrow provides the

drop-down menu for users to add dataitems into the group.

User Add users who can monitor this group.

Note 1: Need to set in the FvDesigner, please refer to chapter 8.2-FATEK IoT FvDesigner

Project Function Description

After setting up, users can see the group in the dataitem group list.

Figure 18: Add iMonitor device group list

5.2.4 iMonitor add new trend

Figure 19: Add new trend

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Figure 20: Build trend group

Table 7: Build trend group

Item Description

Trend Name Set the trend name.

Y-axis Unit Set the Y-axis unit.

Select Dataitem


Add groups to the trend and select the group’s dataitem.

After finish setting, users can see the item in the trend list.

Figure 21: Trend list

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5.3 iAccess Device Management Set up the devices and provide the remote upload/download maintenance, also can

perform real-time monitor and trend analysis.

5.3.1 iAccess add device

Figure 22: Add device

Figure 23: Add iAccess device

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Table 8: Device settings

Item Description

Name Device name

Product Type Currently only supports FATEK HMI, other types of devices will be

supported in the future.

Service Password The service password for the device that paired with the FATEK IoT must

be the same to connect properly.

Hardware ID The unique hardware ID for the device.

Description User setting information

Link Device Add new link device to connection.

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5.3.2 iAccess add Dataitem Group

Figure 24: Add device group

Figure 25: Add iAccess dataitem

Table 9: Device group

Item Description

Dataitem Group


Group name.

Upload Set the group icon.

GPS Source*Note 1 Device’s source address.

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Description Set your own description.

Add Dataitem Add devices to the group.

User Add users who can monitor this group.

Note 1: Need to set in the FvDesigner, please refer to chapter 8.2-FATEK IoT FvDesigner Project

Function Description

After setting up, users can see the groups in the group list.

Figure 26: iAccess device group list

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5.3.3 iAccess add new dataitem

Figure 27: Add new dataitem

Figure 28: Add new iAccess dataitem

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Table 10: Dataitem Settings

Item Description

Select Device Select the device to get data.

Dataitem Name Dataitem name.

Data Format











ASCII String

Length Data length.

Comment Information field.

Address Register address of the device. This content needs to be the same as the

device connection information, otherwise the value will not be updated.

Update mode Mode for device to return data.

Period According to [Period Time] to return data periodically.



Return data when the value has changed.

Period Time*Note 1 Use in the periodic update mode, increase the time can reduce the

network bandwidth usage and reduce the system loading.

Note 1: The minimum value is 1 second.

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After setting up, you can see the data from the device list.

Figure 29: iAccess device list

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6. Monitor Page by Browser

Fully monitor all data through the browser to ensure the device’s status.

6.1 iMonitor monitor page

Figure 30: iMonitor monitor page

Table 11: Monitor page

Item Description

Dataitem Group Dataitem Group name.



Display the GPS coordinate of the device.

Alarm Status

Alarm Alarm occurred.

Normal Normal Status, no alarm occurs.

Dataitem Dataitem name.

Connection Status

Online Device is connecting to FATEK IoT.

Offline Device is not connecting to FATEK IoT.

Abnormal Device is connecting to FATEK IoT, but data settings or

communication is incorrect.

Value The return value from the device address.

Last Update Last update time.

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Detail Detail information of dataitem, including trend display, value operation

setting, historic data and alarm events.


Quickly search the list of groups or dataitems.

6.1.1 Group List Group Detail Setting

Figure 31: iMonitor value monitor

Table 12: Monitor page

Item Description

Dataitem Dataitem group name.



Online Device is connecting to FATEK IoT.

Offline Device is not connecting to FATEK IoT.

Abnormal Device is connecting to FATEK IoT, but data settings or

communication is incorrect.

Alarm Status

Alarm Alarm occurred.

Normal Normal Status, no alarm occurs.

Value The return value from the device address.


Update*Note 1

The time for the last update.

Note 1: The update speed is depending on the chapter 5.2.2- update mode

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Open each dataitem options can see the real-time trend, set the start and

end time to display the data.

Figure 32: iMonitor trend

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39 Device Status

Figure 33: iMonitor device status

Table 13: Device status

Item Description

OS_VER OS version of the device system.

ENV_VER Environment package version of the device system.

FW_VER Firmware version of the device system.

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40 Data Log

Figure 34: iMonitor data log

Note: Data Log function will log data per hour.

Note: When the numbers of the log have reached the limitation then it will

not record the data.

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41 Alarm Events

Figure 35: iMonitor alarm events

Table 14: iMonitor group detail

Note: From the triggered alarm to recovery stands for 1 record, if the alarms

different registers then the events will be calculated together.

Note: The push notification times is not related to the alarm occurred times.

Note: When the number of the alarms has reached the limitation then it will

not record the data, but it won’t affect the SMS, E-mail, or push notification if

the alarm occurred.

Item Description

Detail Device version, system status information, data log and alarm event log.

Dataitem List Monitoring Data and Trend Chart

Device Status The data log collected by on-site devices.

DataLog The data log collected by on-site devices.

Alarm Event Alarms recorded by devices.

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42 Support Downloading Cloud Data

Provide downloading data log data.

Figure 36: Data Log

Provide downloading alarm events

Figure 37: Alarm Event

Note: Currently only the .CSV file download format is available.

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6.1.2 Historic Trend

Figure 38: Historic Trend

Table 15: Monitor page

Item Description

Trend The record of the data log.

Time Range Set the historical interval to see the data.

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6.2 iAccess Monitoring

Figure 39: iMonitor monitor page

Table 16: Monitor page

Item Description

Device Group Device Group name.



Display the GPS coordinate of the device.

Device Device name.

Product Type FATEK IoT supports FATEK HMI currently, other types of devices will be

supported in the future.

Model Name Display the HMI model name, such as P5070N.

iAccess Status Four kinds of status below:

Inactivated LID is not activated and the device cannot be used.

Offline LID is activated but device is not connecting.



Device is connecting with FATEK IoT but there is no

user doing operation.

Online Used Device is connecting with FATEK IoT and the user is

operating, only one user can operate at the same time.

Information Device version and system information, also related device activated and

record log of active/connected devices.


Quickly search the list of groups or devices.

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6.2.1 Detail

Figure 40: iAccess device detail

Table 17: Detail information

Item Description

OS_VER OS version of the device system.

ENV_VER Environment package version of the device system.

FW_VER Firmware version of the device system.

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6.2.2 Device Log Information

Figure 41: iAccess activation log

Figure 42: iAccess logging log

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Figure 43: iAccess connection log

Table 18: iAccess device detail

Item Description

Detail Device version, system status information and connection log.



Device system status information.



The time that when enter LID and the first time

connect to FATEK IoT.

Logging Log The time that device logged in to FATEK IoT.



The time that mobile device connected to FATEK IoT.

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6.3 iLocation Map Display iLocation displays the data distribution of devices and systems in each area

through maps, and more intuitive maintenance and monitor system data

through geographical location information.

Figure 44: iLocation monitor page

6.3.1 GPS Settings

To display the icon on the map, be sure to set [GPS Source] in the

dataitem group or device group.

Figure 45: iLocation coordinate setting

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FATEK IoT App can be supported on Android and iOS, the app supports iMonitor

and iAccess services. The content and information are very similar with website,

it’s convenient for users to monitor and maintain system status.

IOS App : https://apps.apple.com/tw/app/fatek-iot/id1453667290?l=en

Android App : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fatek.iot

7.1 Take Android System as example (ios screen refer to Android)

7.1.1 Device Management

Figure 46: Android management page

Table 19: Android management

Item Function



iMonitor Group List Monitor iMonitor dataitem page.



Display the recorded dataitem.

iAccess Display iAccess device status and information

Account Settings Customer ID and related setting modification.

Search Quickly to search for group list or device item.

Notification Record all alarm occurred status.

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7.1.2 iMonitor Group Detail

Figure 47: Android group detail

Table 20: Android group detail

Item Function

Dataitem List Monitor and modify dataitem.

Device Status Device system status information.

Alarm Event Display the record of device alarm.

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7.1.3 iMonitor Search Function

Figure 48: iMonitor search function

Table 21: iMonitor search function

Item Function

Dataitem Search for dataitems in a group.

Group Search for group items in the group list.

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7.1.4 iAccess Device Detail

Figure 49: iAccess device group

Table 22: iAccess device group

Item Function

Device Group List Device detail list.

Device Detail Real time monitor the modified device data.

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7.1.5 iAccess Search Function

Figure 50: iAccess search function

Table 23: iAccess search function

Item Function

Device Search for dataitems in the device.

Device Group Search for device items in the device list.

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8 FvDesigner and HMI Settings

The above sections describe the settings and usage instructions of the FATEK IoT

website. This chapter describes the HMI system settings and related project

functions that must be set according to the FATEK IoT.

8.1 FATEK IoT HMI System Settings Description Enter system setting page, the ‘’Servers/IoT’’ setting button can be found on

HMI that supports IoT function.

Figure 51: Servers/IoT setting button in system setting

Click ‘’Servers/IoT’’ setting button to enter the IoT setting page.

Figure 52: IoT Setting page

Table 24: IoT Settings

Item Description

Enable IoT Service Check the checkbox to enable iMonitor and iAccess.

Host Select the apply server.

China User: fatekiot.cn

World Wide User: fatekcloud.net

HWID Read only and unique ID code, it must be set when setting up the device

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on the FATEK IoT website to represent this HMI has been register to


Service Password Service Password for iMonitor and iAccess, user can set it up. When

setting up the device on FATEK IoT website, needs to field up the same

service password to activate iMonitor or iAccess.

Enable iAccess Check the checkbox to enable iAccess.

LID Authentication code for iAccess, need to get LID through dealer.

Enable iAccess


According to different LID will affect whether this function is provided or


Mask Passwords Display or mask password.

Note: The icon on the right side is use for checking the connection


Click iAccess icon and will pop up the supported function window.

Figure 53: iAccess supported functions

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8.2 FATEK IoT FvDesigner Project Function Description Enter the FvDesigner -> Unit Setting -> IoT Services:

Figure 54: Unit Setting page for IoT Services

Table 25: IoT Services Settings

Item Description

iMonitor Status

Address Check this item to enable iMonitor status address. can display the

status code, shown as below:

iAccess Status

Address Check this item to enable iAccess status address. can display the

status code, shown as below:

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iLocation When enable iLocation, HMI will send GPS message to FATEK IoT


Type HMI iLocation has two types:

Static: Constant. Use Google Map to get the real location as GPS


Dynamic: Set latitude/longitude degree address so GPS message can

change dynamically.

GPS Format Provide DD, DMM and DMS three types of format.

When is in dynamic type, the definition will be different with different

formats, rules shown as below:

⚫ The format is in 32Bit-INT

⚫ Negative number are south latitude or west longitude, positive

number are north latitude or east longitude.

⚫ Range

North Latitude (0~900,000,000), South Latitude (0~900,000,000) ;

East Longitude (0~1,800,000,000), West Longitude (0~1,800,000,000)

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DD format description of dynamic address

Decimal 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Description Degree

(Longitude 0~180)

(Latitude 0~90)


DMM format description of dynamic address

Decimal 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Description Degree

(Longitude 0~180)

(Latitude 0~90)




DMS format description of dynamic address

Decimal 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Description Degree

(Longitude 0~180)

(Latitude 0~90)






Figure 55: Setting page for iLocation in static type

Figure 56: Setting page for iLocation in dynamic type

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9 FvDesigner Remote Maintenance

The iAccess remote maintenance function through FvDesigner can easily

maintain HMI without HMI IP address. The following will firstly introduce how to

use iAccess tool, then chapter9.1 will introduce how to use the FvDesigner

iAccess function to maintain HMI project. Chapter9.2 will introduce how to use

FvDesigner iAccess function to communicate with PLC via HMI Pass Through


Figure 57: FvDesigner iAccess remote maintenance function schematic diagram

Figure 58: The location of iAccess in FvDesigner

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Login Page

Figure 59: iAccess login page

Table 26: Login page

Item Description

Project User login project.

Account (Email) User login account.

Password User login password.

Server Select the applied server.

Forget Password Reset password.

Language Provide English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Türkçe.

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Provide “Forget Password” for users, and the new password can be modified after

sending the confirmation letter.

Figure 60: iAccess forget password page

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After login successfully will display the device group tree diagram that the user has

the permission to view.

Click on the tree diagram to expand and you can see the device status

information of the device group.

Figure 61: Device list in iAccess

Table 27: Device group

Item Description

Name Device name, need to login to the website to set.

Product Type Display the product type.

Model Name Display the group’s model name.

iAccess Status Display the current status of the device.

Refresh Refresh the device status.

Logout Logout the account.

Detail Select the device then enter the remote function page.

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Enter the device to use the remote maintenance function.

Figure 62: Device detail information in iAccess

Table 28: Remote function

Item Description

Name Device name.

Model Display the device model.

Firmware version Display the device firmware version.

OS version Display the device OS version.

Env version Display the device environment package version.

iAccess Status Display the connect status.

iAccess LID Display the LID type.

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9.1 Maintain HMI Project Provide users to upload and download HMI project remotely.

Figure 63: iAccess download setting page

Figure 64: iAccess upload setting page

Note: for more details about【Download】and【Upload】settings please refer to

FvDesigner manual.

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9.2 Communicate with PLC by Pass Through Function Using FvDesigner iAcess can do the communication with PLC that is connect

with HMI by using Pass Through.

Figure 65: iAccess Pass Through setting page

Note: for more details please refer to FvDesigner manual【Pass Through】.

9.3 Remote HMI Monitoring Provide users to monitor through remote connection without setting the fixed IP.

To enable this function, go to HMI system setting-> Servers/IoT, check to enable

iAccess Viewer.

Figure 66: Enable Viewer function

Real-time monitoring HMI screen.

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Figure 67: Viewer real-time screen