fastcodesdk developer guide

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  • 8/18/2019 FastCodeSDK Developer Guide


     User’s Guide 



    Thank you for choosing FastCode SDK

    FastCode SDK provide the functions and commands with instant concept to help developers

    to integrate U.are.U Digital Persona fingerprint reader to their application. The instant

    concept mean, the developer just call the function and command with simple inputparameters and FastCode SDK will do the rest of fingerprint complex process and inform the

    simple output as result. The result are template when enroll a finger, candidates when doing

    an identification. It’s so easy now.

    System Requirements

      Microsoft Windows 7 (32 bit), 8.1(32 bit / 64 bit), 10 (32 bit / 64 bit)

      .Net Framework 4 or newest version , for run the sample code 

      Intel x86/x64 1GHz

      Memory 512 MB or more

      Port USB in the computer for installing fingerprint reader U.are.U 5100 Digital



    1.  Before install FastCode SDK, make sure there is no other U.are.U driver and SDK in

    your computer even the driver and SDK from Digital Persona. If there are, please

    uninstall its first and you must restart the computer after that.

    2.  Use the installing file FastCodeSDK32.exe for operation system of windows 32 bit or

    file installation FastCodeSDK64.exe

    for operation system windows 64


    3.  Please follow the instruction on the


    4.  The installation is success if your

    computer automatically restarted

    when the installation done. If not,

    please uninstall the existing U.are.U

    driver and SDK fingerprint from

    your computer after uninstall

    before reinstall the FastCode SDK.

  • 8/18/2019 FastCodeSDK Developer Guide


     User’s Guide 


    Sample Code

    Please download the samples code from Before run the sample code,

    please make sure that the sample code has linked to the latest version of FastCode SDK

    library (FastCodeSDK.dll). Please download the latest version of FastCode SDK from 

    Functions and Commands FastCode SDK

    Get Reader 

    This command to get the fingerprint readers on

    your computer. If your computer attached more

    than one reader, only one reader can use by the

    SDK at a time.

    This command will trigger event FPReaderList to

    inform the Verification Code (VC) of readers

    attached on your computer. Event FPReaderList

    triggered multiple times depending on how many

    readers attached on your computer. The

    ReaderCount value is the number of fingerprint

    readers attached on your computer.  If no reader

    attached on your computer, the event

    FPReaderStatus will return NoReader value.

    SelectReader(VC, SN, AC, Prioritas)

    Using SelectReader(VC, SN,AC, Priority) to choose a reader to used by SDK. Call this

    command after call the GetReaders.

    The input parameters are Verification Code (VC), Serial Number of the reader (SN),

    Activation Code (AC) and the priority to tell the SDK how to handle the reader. The priority

    has 2 values: Low and High. The Low value

    does not allow the SDK to access fingerprint

    reader when application has not focused

    (when the application running in the

    backgroud). The High value allow the SDK to

    access fingerprint reader even the application

    running in the background. The high value

    require privilege Administrator of Windows

    when the application is running.

    The SelectReader will trigger event

    FPReaderStatus with several possible return

    value : NoReader when no reader attached

    on your computer, InvalidActivationCode

    when the AC is not valid, ReaderSelected

    when it is success. If you get the ReaderSelected value, so the reader is ready to use


  • 8/18/2019 FastCodeSDK Developer Guide


     User’s Guide 



    Using FPEnrollmentSingleSampleStart(TemplateSafetyKey) to enroll a finger to get a

    template of the finger. This command only need one sample fingerprint image or only a scan

    finger on device. The accuracy of template from this command is a low because SDK have no

    alternative the samples of fingerprint image.

    Please use this command only for small population of templates, if you have more than 50

    templates, please consider to use FPEnrollmentFourSampleStart.

    The input parameter is TemplateSafetyKey. It is a text or string. It use as security of the

    template to validate the template when the template used on identification process. The

    template is as result used on identification process. The template is as result of the

    FPEnrollmentSingleSampleStart command. The TemplateSafetyKey ideally unique for every

    template. You can combine a secret text plus template ID or employee ID or use ID ad

    TemplateSafetyKey. Example your secret text is “MySecret123%” and the user  ID is “100” so

    the TemplateSafetyKey is “MySecret123%100”. For other user with ID “200”, the

    TemplateSafetyKey become “MySecret123%200”. 

    The FPEnrollmentSingleSampleStart will trigger event FPEnrollmentStatus with several

    possible return value: Fail if enrollment was fail, ProcessStop if you cancel the enrollment

    process when you call FPEnrollmentSingleSampleStop command, Success if the template

    successfully generated. You will find the template on event FPTemplate. The template is

    long text or string. You can store the template in database.


    Using FPEnrollmentFourSampleStart(TemplateSafetyKey) to enroll a finger to get a templateof the finger. This command need minimum four sample fingerprint image or minimum four

    scan finger from the same finger on device. Sometimes it takes more than 4 scan if the SDK

    got the sample fingerprint image are too bad. The event FPSamples will return the number

    of samples are taken.

    The input parameter is

    TemplateSafetyKey. It is a text or string.

    It use as security of the template to

    validate the template when the

    template used on inderification process.

    The template is as result of theFPEnrollmentSingleSampleStart

    command. The TemplateSafetyKey

    ideally unique for every template. You

    can combine a secret text plus template

    ID or employee ID or user ID as

    TemplateSafetyKey. Example your

    secret text is “MySecret123%” and the

    user ID is “100” so the

    TemplateSafetykey is “MySecret123%100”. For other user with ID “200”, t he

    TemplateSafetyKey become “MySecret123%200”. 

  • 8/18/2019 FastCodeSDK Developer Guide


     User’s Guide 


    The FPEnrollmentFourSampleStart will trigger event FPEnrollmentStatus with several

    possible return value: Fail if the enrollment was fail. ProccessStop if you cancel the

    enrollment process when you call FPEnrollmentFourSampleStopcommand, success if the

    template successfullt generated. You will find the template on event FPTemplate. The

    template is a long txt or string. You can store the template in database.

    FPLoad(ID, FpIndex, Template, TemplateSafetyKey)

    Using FPLoad(ID, FpIndex, Template, TemplateSafetyKey) to load a template to SDK (to

    computer’s memory) to use the template in identification process. Only the templates

    loaded using this command will be use in identification process.

    The input parameters are ID, FPIndex, Template, TemplateSafetyKey. The ID is using by the

    SDK to tell you the identification result. The ID is the template ID, employee ID or user ID.

    FPIndex is the code number of finger like 0 for left pinkie, 1 for left ring finger, 2 for left

    middle finger, 3 for left forefinger, 4 for left thumb, 5 for right tumb, 6 for forefinger, 7 forright middle finger, 8 for right wing finger, 9 for right pinkie. You can use your own number

    as FPIndex. FPIndex to allow a employee or a user have more than one template as human

    10 fingers. So the FPIndex to distinguish the fingers from the same ID. The template is the

    result of the enrollment process using FPEnrollmentSingleSampleStart or

    FPEnrollmentFourSampleStart or FPEnrollmentFourSampleStart command.

    The result of this command is True if the template success to load and False if fail. The cause

    of this function failed: Duplicate pair of ID and FpIndex or the TemplateSafetyKey is not the

    same text or same string that you use for this template on enrollment process

    using FPEnrollmentSingleSampleStart or FPEnrollmentFourSampleStart command.TemplateCount value is the number of templates had listed in SDK.

    FPLoaded(ID, FpIndex)

    Using FPLoaded(ID,FpIndex) to check whether the pair of ID and FpIndex already exists

    in loaded templates in SDK. This function is restore there is True  if ID  and FPIndex   in the

    listed template and False if does not exist.

    FPRemove(ID, FpIndex)

    Using FPRemove (ID, FpIndex) to remove a loaded template in SDK. This command will

    return True value if success or False value if no find the pair of ID and FpIndex in loaded

    templates in SDK.


    Using FPRemoveAll to remove all loaded template in SDK.


    Using FPIdentificationStart(CandidateCount) to identify a scanned finger on reader to the

    loaded template in SDK. You can load any templates to SDK using FPLoad command when

    the FPIdentificationStart had running. This commmand will continue running and automatic

    identify any scanned finger on reader. If you want to stop this command, please call


  • 8/18/2019 FastCodeSDK Developer Guide


     User’s Guide 


    The input parameter is CandidateCount. It is a number like 1, 2, 3…. The default value is 5.

    The CandidateCount to limit the number of candidates that you would expect. If the

    identification process has found the number of candidates as you had set in

    CandidateCount, the SDK will stop the identification process. Another sentence, the

    CandidateCount to tell the SDK, do not looking at the whole loaded templates in SDK when

    had found the number of candidates as you had set in CandidateCount. The templates that

    are you loaded in SDK can be derived from the same finger.

    The FPIdentificationStart will trigger event

    FPIdentificationStatus with several possible

    return value: OneCandidate is only one

    same template of loaded templates in SDK,

    this is result that we want, you will know

    the ID event FPIdentificationID.

    NoCandidate in SDK. MultiCandidate is

    some template of loaded template in SDK,

    the event FPIdenrificationID triggered

    multiple times dispending on how many

    candidates are found, maximum as the

    CandidateCount as you had set.


    For information and technical issue please send an email to [email protected] 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]