fast and furious case study

ast & Furious 6– Experiential Digital Campa 10- 20 th July 2014

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With its television premiere on television this past Sunday, 20th July, on Star Movies- the cult action movie Fast & Furious 6 not only took over TV screens but also speed trended across Twitter. As a part of the movie’s marketing campaign, exciting contests with hash tags #FastSelfie, #FastBid were created to engage all Fast & Furious fans and create a buzz around one of the biggest TV premieres of 2014.


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Fast & Furious 6– Experiential Digital Campaign1 0 - 2 0 t h J u l y 2 0 1 4

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Brand Name, Agency name, etc


• AGENCY NAME : Microsite & Content – iContract Social Media Management – Trivone

• CAMPAIGN : Fast & Furious 6, First time on TV Premiere on 20th July


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C r e a t e e n g a g e m e n t & d i g i t a l n o i s e a r o u n d t h e T V p r e m i e r e o f

F a s t & F u r i o u s 6 a n d g e t m o r e p e o p l e t o w a t c h t h e m o v i e

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A W E E K E N D I N V A S I O N b y S t a r M o v i e s : F A S T & F U R I O U S 6 T R E N D S O N T W I T T E R

F O R O V E R 3 6 H O U R S !

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• With its television premiere on television this past Sunday, 20th July, on Star Movies- the cult action movie Fast & Furious 6 not only took over TV screens but also speed trended across Twitter.

• As a part of the movie’s marketing campaign, exciting contests with hash tags #FastSelfie, #FastBid were created to engage all Fast & Furious fans and create a buzz around one of the biggest TV premieres of 2014.

• Proving to be a huge success, the twitter activations took to audiences instantly and overwhelmed the entire Twitter landscape with vigor.

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G O I N G F A S T & F U R I O U S

• I d e aMake fans feel like a part of the Fast&Furious franchise by giving them a chance to be a part of India’s Fast 6

• G r a ti fi c a ti o n



JULY 7 – JULY 20



Get all the dope on the movie and complete 6 exciting tasks to be a part of India’s Fast 6 Team

Bid for the supercar pendrives with your tweets

Final Chance to win the Grand Prize, click a selfie with your TV while watching the movie




n P




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I N D I A S F A S T 6

We built a microsite for the movie where people had to complete 6 fun tasks to be in the league of India’s Fast 6 team & stand a chance to win supercar pendrives everyday

HIGHLIGHTSOne of the tasks, getting a customized Fast & Furious profile pic, was a hot favourite among the fans!

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# F A S T B I D

JULY 19 – a day before the premiereWe made the twitter universe bid with their tweets to win 1 of the 5 supercar replica pendrives

Trended in India at #4 for over 12 hours

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# F A S T S E L F I E


For the final chance to win the grand prize (a ride in an SLS-AMG at India’s only F1 circuit), we got fans to click a selfie with their TV sets while watching the movie

For the first time ever in Indian Television, users clicked Selfie’s with their TV sets

Tr e n d e d i n I n d i a a t #1 f o r o v e r 2 4 h o u r s

O v e r 900 # Fa s t S e l fi e p i c s