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FARWH: Framework for the Assessment of River and Wetland Health 河流与湿地健康估框架

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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FARWH: Framework for the Assessment of River

and Wetland Health 河流与湿地健康评估框架

About FARWH 框架概述 1.  An overarching framework for existing local programs

to report nationally; 该框架与地方现行评估体系共存,反应全国各地河流湿地健康状况

2.  Allows river health assessments to be compared within and across jurisdictions ;该框架使应用相同及不同评估方法的河流之间在可比性

3.  Does not generate data, but uses existing data collected from current programs. i.e. does not replace existing monitoring & assessment programs;无需额获取数据,只需从现有的数据中提取相关数据

4.  Provides guidelines and methodologies for treating data for national comparability; and, 对数据处理提供规范指导及处理方法,使全国范围内的各河流评估合理规范

5.  Is non prescriptive in frequency with which it is undertaken and the indices that are used. 在采样频率方面没有具体要求,不影响现行的评估参数

FARWH 河流与湿地健康评估框架

Six elements to assess River & Wetland Health 河流与湿地健康评估六要素

1.  Hydrologic disturbance 水文干扰 2.  Water quality 水质 3.  Aquatic biota 水生生态环境 4.  Fringing zone 边缘区 5.  Physical form 河床形态 6.  Catchment disturbance 流域干扰

Data and reporting 数据与报告

Benefits from FARWH trials 河流与湿地健康评估框架试点的作用

•  Tests and validation of the FARWH model 测试并检验河流与湿地健康评估框架模型

•  Development of indicators完善参照指标体系 •  Estimates of costs and resources 预算成本与其他投入

•  Advice about frequency of reporting建议报告频率 •  Options for geographical area covered 建议覆盖地域面积

•  Scientific and policy input from states 由各个州政府提供科学与政策方面的投入

•  Learning opportunity through sharing knowledge, methods and findings 在分享知识,研究方法和研究成果的过程中获得更多机会