farrakhan discusses blacks & jews pt.2

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Farrakhan Discusses Blacks and Jews, Part 2 Dr. Larry Muhammad: "Why a University? Allah, the Master Teacher, Farrakhan the Master Student"


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October 9 in Philadelphia!

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Why a University? Allah, the Master Teacher, Farrakhan the Master Student!

By DR. LARRY MUHAMMAD, National Director Muhammad University of Islam CHICAGO (FinalCall.com) - The Supreme Wisdom Lessons given to the lost-found Muslims of the Nation of Islam point out the importance and role of TEACHING Islam as taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad from Master Fard Muhammad. All

throughout these lessons, we see a great value being placed on the role of learning, which is the quintessential focus of teaching. In Islam, education is reverenced by Allah. In the Holy Qur’an, Surah 4 Al-Nisa, The Women, Allah says in reference to the orphans, “...give them a good education. And test the

orphans until they reach the age of marriage. Then if you find in them maturity of intellect, make over to them their property, and consume it not extravagantly and hastily against their growing up.”

Here it is we have a God who is so intricately involved in our lives that he makes provisions and sets rules for the education and treatment of those who are often the most neglected of our society. In using the orphans as a yardstick, we can see two profound points from this passage from the Holy Qur’an: (1) Allah places a proper and equitable education at the highest point of our existence, (2) Allah demonstrates that a proper education takes structure through levels of examinations that prepare us for the next level of our lives and development.

The Muhammad University of Islam was established to serve as the educational center and institution to engage the believer in the study of Allah and His universe. As was pointed out in part one of this series, astronomy is the foundation of our educational study. The beginning of time, the measurements of the universe and its planets, among other scientific facts, serve as the starting point of a fine education in Allah’s eyes.

Another vital area in the role of education in Islam and the responsibility of the Muslims is pointed out in the question asked in The Supreme Wisdom, “ What is the duty of a civilized person?” and the answer, which is “To TEACH the uncivilized people, who are savage—civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of himself, the SCIENCE of everything in life, love, peace and happiness.” This important role is the duty of ALL of us who claim we have knowledge and truth. The masses must be given a proper education in order for the world to begin the transformation of fulfilling the scriptural statement “...there will be a new heaven, a new earth, and all the former things will pass away.” Just as the orphan is expected to get a good education and equitable treatment, the masses must obtain this knowledge to make a change in their lives and community. Therefore, the university’s role in the establishment of a new paradigm and world is crucial in teaching the SCIENCE of everything. The science of everything begins with that foundation of astronomy as the secret formula of how Allah created ALL things in the universe from a single source. Exploring the science of everything drives to and from that source of creation, beginning with the creation of God Himself.

It is with the science of everything in life where every individual can find his or her identity within the framework of understanding the aim and purpose of creation, eliminating many of the miseries around us, perhaps even producing generations of people who don’t have to find refuge in drugs, alcohol, tattooing and piercing their entire body for peace of mind, or many

of the other vices that humans submit to in search of themselves. The scriptures ask: “How will they know, unless they have a preacher? ... How can they have a teacher unless he be sent?” (Romans 10: 14-16) The University was established by Allah (God), who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to give us a teacher in the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, but how can we truly be taught and trained in this dreadful day and time without a master student who

Volume 2, Issue 38 2011

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models the Christ figure and teaches the true meaning of Jesus the Christ’s message. If we study the Study Guides (1-21) this model student, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, designed for us, particularly Study Guide 21—The Education Challenge: A New Educational Paradigm for the 21st Century, then we begin to see how we are to shape our minds and hearts as students. He, being that master student under the current world’s educational system as a youth and then later as a student of the work and message of Christ, we find the path to enlightenment and the pursuit of happiness. So, let us begin to look deeper into the words of the Master Teacher(s) and the Master student. In our efforts to delve deeper into the “word,” we will discover the real power.

Compare & Contrast During his White House tenure from 1913 to 1921, Pres. Woodrow Wilson reinforced racial segregation as official United States government policy. Having been president of Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson is considered the most intelligent of the U.S. presidents, but his public education policy was categorically wicked. He declared:

We want a class of persons to have a liberal educa-tion, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forego the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.

An American Tradition Why do we look all around the world to

point at atrocities when our own history is filled with the forgotten INNOCENT men, women, and children who suffered incredible barbarity in our own back yards? This American tradition is described by University of Alabama professor Clarence Cason:

“[T]his conviction that the black man must now and then be intimidated, in order to

keep him from forgetting the bounds which southern traditions have set for him, is firmly

rooted in the consciousness of many southern people. So unquestioned is this philosophy that at times lynchings are

planned and carried through—not under the fierce compulsion of mob hysteria—[but] by men who have calmly resigned themselves to

the performance of a painful duty, which, according to their lights, is necessary

for the good of society.”

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The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan

Discusses Blacks & Jews, Part 2

The Honorable Minister Louis Farra-khan has been personally attacked for two decades by Caucasian Jews who have at-tempted to label him an “anti-Semite.” The charge is absurd and the accusers have been shown to be the biggest profiteers in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and other crimes against Black humanity. But in this lecture by Min. Farrakhan at the University of Massachusetts on March 9, 1994, The Minister explained in detail the real issues behind the controversy between Blacks and Jews. Here is the second of his three-part transcript of that historic lecture.

Some of you were around when

Malcolm was alive. Professor Bill Strickland. Malcolm didn’t come out of Harvard, but he beat every-thing that Harvard put in front of him. You know why? Harvard don’t train you how to think be-yond them. Elijah Muhammad took Malcolm out of the box. He had an eighth-grade education, but he read everything and could read into things. And therefore his education made him a superior mind. Bill Strickland, as I know him, is far beyond what Harvard makes. (Applause.) And our wonderful brother and professor at Wellesley, Professor Tony Martin, is far beyond what this world makes. Dr. Leonard Jeffries is far beyond what this world makes, and whether you like it or not, Dr. Khalid Muhammad is far beyond what this world makes.

So what are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do? Where is this gonna lead? You insult me with a cover on TIME Magazine, and you insult Black people. You say that 70 percent of Black peo-ple that you polled say that I have a message that America should hear, and then you say he spews venom and hatred against Jews

and White people. Sixty-seven percent of those whom you polled said he’s an effective leader; 63 percent said they believe he tells the truth; and 54 percent believes he’s a role model for their chil-dren, but [you say] he spews hate. What are you saying about Black people? Have you ever found a Black person putting a swastika on a synagogue? Talk to me! (Ap-plause.) Have you ever heard of a Black person going into a Jewish cemetery, upsetting Jewish graves? Never. But you call them anti-Semitic because they listen to me.

Well, are you Semitic? See, Se-mitic [is] something that deals with the Afro-Asian cultures and lan-guages of the Middle East, but just because you learn Hebrew don’t make you Hebrew, and just be-cause I learn Chinese don’t make me Chinese—I just speak Chinese. You go to Israel right now, the people ruling in Israel are not the Sephardim, or the Asiatic Jews. It’s

Europeans. And the Sephardim, and the Falashas, and the Hebrew Israelites in Israel—they haven’t had an easy time under European Judaic rule, because racism is pre-sent there. The Falashas were brought there, but the rabbis and religious leaders among the Fa-lashas were not recognized by the rabbis in Israel—they wanted to make them come through them,

before they’re recognized. Wait a minute, who preceded whom? You ain’t the first Jew. The original Jews are Black. (Applause.) No, no, no. The original Arab was Black. The original people of the earth are Black….I saw Black people in the Arab world, in Palestine, in Syria, in Iraq, that had been there from time immemorial. They don’t bring those kind to America. They bring the lighter-skinned kind here, to make you think that all Arabs are light skinned, when in fact you have Arabs that are black, brown, red, yellow, even up to white. (Applause.) Well…now, the other day, some of my brothers were praying in Hebron and a young man from New York—Baruch Goldstein—killed Muslims while at prayer. And when he was killed or killed himself, and they were burying him, the rabbi said that his fingernail—a million Arabs were not even worth his fingernail.

Now listen to me: That’s hate. That’s bigotry. Will the real anti-Semite please stand up? The Arabs are a Semitic people. I’m gonna say it again: the Arabs are a Semitic people. I have excellent relationships with my Arab Muslim, and Christian, brothers, but I’m anti-Semitic? So your bigotry says you’re the real, really the only Semitic people. That’s ter-rible. And listen to this: [ADL director Mr. Abra-ham] Foxman didn’t take

out an ad condemning that evil, did he? I have not heard one rabbi speak out and say, “That was a wicked thing to do, to kill human beings while they’re praying.” I haven’t heard Reverend Jackson push Foxman to renounce and re-pudiate what the rabbi in Israel said. I haven’t heard none of the Black leaders that repudiated Brother Khalid stand up and say,

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The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan Discusses Blacks & Jews 5 “This is wrong, and you should condemn it.” (Applause)

Double standard here. So an Arab is alleged to have shot at a caravan of buses, and wounded some Jewish students, and one has passed. And the tensions are high, but they want that young man tried as a terrorist because if you kill a Jew, you deserve to die. See, there’s a racism there that’s unbe-lievable. There’s a depth of feeling about oneself that you are so great, that if anything happens to one of you, a hundred others must die. I understand the principle, but it don’t apply to you. I understand the principle. Because if you’re really the beloved of God, anyone who harms you, God will be dis-pleased with them, but that’s a theological debate, that we are ready to undertake at any time, because we don’t believe that. We believe that the people of God, who fulfill all the prophecies of your Bible from Genesis to Revela-tion, and the Qur’an, are in your midst. They’re the despised and the rejected, the unloved, the un-wanted, but yet God has chosen them for His purpose.

Let me see if we can prove this. I have Muslims here who read this book Qur’an and I have Christians who read the Bible; we have Jews who read the Torah. Fine. Let’s use all three books. I won’t be long. I won’t be long, I won’t be long. You’re spending the money you might as well get your money’s worth. (Applause.) And the next time you pay President Reagan $45 and $50 thousand and $60 thousand for him to shake through a speech (applause), that nobody here can use, and you think about the little money you’re donating to my cause, or our cause, and feel ashamed of yourself for acting the way you act over this little cheap bit of money. What I’m telling you will save your life. I’m almost there.

Now, these Black people that are so disrespected by the world, and

so disrespectful of self, have a di-vine destiny. You’re a wonderful people—destroyed—but even in your destruction, there is a beauty that emanates from you, that makes you like the salt of the earth. To the members of the Jew-ish community who are in the audience, you know the history of Israel that is found in the Bible and Qur’an says that God has been so wonderful and merciful to you that every time you deviated God would spank you, forgive you, send you a prophet, bring you back, you should be the most for-giving people on earth for the for-giveness and mercy that God has

continued to show you. So for you to take such a hard, recalcitrant, unyielding attitude that you will never forgive and never forget, when you look at what has been poured on Black people, and you look at the spirit in them to forgive everybody except themselves. They are a very loving people. If we were not, we would have been killin’ white folks… If we were like you think we are, we would be so bitter and enraged that there would be just a killing field. But that’s not Black people. We’ve be-come pretty rough though, but you can’t do nothin’ with them. You don’t know what to do with Black people. They have become a prob-lem that you don’t have any ability

to solve. All your psychology is out the window. All that you know can’t help them. You’re angry with me and with us because we can do what you can’t do. We can raise our people up. We do it every day. We civilize our people, we make our people righteous. Why don’t you let us have our people and make them into the great nation that they can become? Instead of fighting Farrakhan, you should help me! And you would help yourself in so doing.

Look at your Bible. The people of God were a people that were in bondage, in a strange land, under a strange people, for 400 years. (Applause.) Abraham was told by God in the book of Genesis, “Know of assurety, Abraham, that your seed is going to be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and they shall serve them and they shall afflict them 400 years, but after that time I will come and I will judge that nation which they shall serve, and afterwards shall they come out with great sub-stance and go to their fathers in peace, and be buried in a good old age.” Well, both the Bible and Qur’an speak of a man coming that would be a man like Moses, but you don’t need a man like Moses except you have a condi-tion, and a people, and a slave master, as Moses confronted. All right. Now we’re moving along.

The suffering of the Children of Israel under Pharaoh went along for 400 years. God shows up. Both Bible and Qur’an talk about the presence of God. The Bible said He came. Moses saw a fire, and he went to the fire, and God spoke to him out of a burning bush. The bush is on fire but it doesn’t burn. Symbolic language has deep meaning. It means that when God comes He is furious, but He is controlled in His anger, that He’s not consumed by it. So the bush doesn’t burn, meaning that God is enraged at the suffering of His people, and His words are: “I have

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come down to see whether the cry is what I have heard. I have heard your moaning and your groaning because of your taskmaster.” So it is not that Moses is standing there rappin’ and God is not with him. There’s a God with that man. And as that man begins to speak he goes to Pharaoh, and says: “Hey Pharaoh, I know you want to inte-grate the people, but Pharaoh, it ain’t time for that.” Moses said, “Pharaoh, let them go, into a land of their own.” God wants to make a nation out of them for His glory. Pharaoh didn’t like that. Pharaoh played like he wanted to integrate them. So ten plagues hit Egypt, written both in the Bible and the Qur’an. The last plague was the plague of death. And after that, Pharaoh said take ’em and get out of here. And then he decided to kill them. And that’s when he got it. When he decided he had had enough of Moses, God had had enough of him. And wiped him out, and left him as a sign for whom? For whom? For whom?

Jesus appeared in the Roman Empire. The multitudes began to follow Jesus according to the Book. The authorities didn’t like it. People saying “Hosanna!” And the more the people [listened to] Jesus, the authorities got very much up-set. And they said, “We gotta get him before the whole world goes after him.” So they set up some false witnesses; they drove him into court. And they put him on a tree or a cross, and from that you get 700 million Christians on the earth. Seven centuries later in Ara-bia, a great Prophet arose, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah. Peace be upon him. This book Qur’an was revealed to him over 23 years. The Arabs were in a condition in Arabia like we are in America right now: that is called in Arabic “ja-hiliyyah”—the stage or the days of ignorance of the Arabs. The Arabs were drunkards. They were disre-specters of their women. They

were lovers of poetry and they loved their orators, but they were an unlearned people. Unlearned people. They were divided into tribes, and they couldn’t find any unity until Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was risen up among them and the Prophet in 23 years united the Arabs under Islam. Cleaned them up from their ignorance and their savagery and made them the world rulers.

Islam spread from Arabia into Af-rica. The Blacks in Africa found in the teachings of the Prophet not some new religion; they found that which agreed with their nature, so the Blacks in Africa accepted Islam and accepted the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And the Blacks in Africa became the warriors and scholars, too, and pushed Islam across the Mediter-ranean into France, into Spain, into Portugal, into Sicily, and southern Italy, even up to the gates of Vienna. These are what you call Blackamoors or Musselmen. They were Black people. This is why some of you Spaniards are dark, some of you Sicilians are dark, some of you in southern France are dark, but the blacks who are Muslims intermixed with you. Taught you the sciences, set up libraries, taught you how to take a bath. (Applause.)

Now I want you to listen, man. The Muslims controlled the Medi-terranean, the waterways from Europe to the Far East. And they

were fierce warriors! The wars that took place between Christians and Muslims over the Holy Grail or over Jerusalem have put bitterness between Muslims and Christians, so when Christopher Columbus went to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, he wanted to find a new route to the East because the Muslims were controlling the old route. So he was backed and he went west and discovered Amer-ica. With people here. (Applause.) I want you to hear me. According to history, there were over 15 mil-lion Indians in the Caribbean. There’s hardly one there today. Gone are the Carib Indians. What happened to them? They were killed. They opened the door to Christians, and the Christians killed them in the name of the King, in the name of Jesus Christ. Talk to me. Since they had wars with Islam, they did not want Mus-lims in the Western Hemisphere, so many of the slaves that were brought out of Africa to come into the West were Muslims. We be-lieved in Allah, we believed in the Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), we followed the Qur’an, we knew the scriptures, but the West was not to have Muslims in it because they felt that Islam stimulated the natu-ral militant propensities in Black people. And they did not want a militant Black man—they wanted a docile slave. ...

Next time: Final, Part 3

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