fan chat with samantha young

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  • 7/28/2019 Fan Chat With Samantha Young


    Fan Chat with Author Samantha Young

    Sunday, October 7, 2012

    6:00 PM 7:00 PM EST

    LoverKaren: Hi Everyone

    LoverMichelle: Okay, it looks like our guest of honor, author Samantha Young, is with us


    LoverMichelle: Welcome Samantha!

    SamanthaYoung : Hello folks!

    Yesi_Cavozos: Hello!

    LoverElizabeth: Hi! *waves*

    SamanthaYoung : Thank you :) *waves back*

    LoverMichelle: By any chance, did you bring Braden along?

    SamanthaYoung : Hahaha, unfortunately no. Joss has him this evening

    alyssasusanna: hi!!!!

    LoverMichelle: Samantha, I'm curious as to how you came up with the storyline for ODS?

    SamanthaYoung : The storyline is really an amalgamation of my experiences and my

    friends and family's experiences. Braden, however, is pure fantasy :p

    alyssasusanna: :D

    Yesi_Cavozos: Yes he is!

    Amanda_Ackerson: aww

    LoverMichelle: I read that your brother had the same type of tumors as Ellie? How is your

    brother now?

    SamanthaYoung : My brother is doing is brilliantly now. He had surgery a few years ago

    so he's fully recovered.

    LoverMichelle: Great ~ that's awesome to hear.

    SamanthaYoung :

    LoverTiffany: that's wonderful!


    alyssasusanna: That's good!

    LoverElizabeth: I would like to know what was the hardest scene to come together?

    Amanda_Ackerson: excellent news.

    SamanthaYoung : Thanks guys And hardest scene? Probably the scene in the kitchen

    when Braden tells Joss he did something bad! You all know what scene? Yeah, that was

    hard to get Joss' reaction just right; and I was so involved with the characters by this

    point, it was pretty upsetting writing this 'break up' scene right.

    LoverElizabeth: Oh yes...I remember that one. I have to ask...did you cry over it, even a

    little? I'm an emotional reader so I have always wondered how the writers handle it all.

    Yesi_Cavozos: I felt that reaction as I read it. You wrote it perfectly using the shotgun


    SamanthaYoung : :p I didn't cry over that, but I did get teary-eyed writing the scene

    where Joss climbs into bed with Ellie after her break up with Braden.

    alyssasusanna: I would have cried if I were a writer writing a scene like that.

    LoverMichelle: I cried reading that especially when he found them the next morning.

    SamanthaYoung : Oh, thank you Yesi_Cavozos.

    SamanthaYoung : Yeah, there was a lot going on in that scene so it was emotional to write.

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    Yesi_Cavozos: I honestly was in shock for about 5 seconds until I continued reading.

    Emotional indeed!

    LoverTiffany: Why didn't Joss ever call in her favor from Braden after he made her wear

    her hair up? ;)

    SamanthaYoung : Lol, I've been asked this before. That part was really just to highlight

    how Braden wasn't a total caveman, that he could compromise, and that Joss didn't take

    orders from anybody no matter how hot they were ;)

    LoverTiffany: Thanks! I've been wondering. haha ;)

    alyssasusanna: Go Joss! lol

    LoverMichelle: I really did love how she referred to him as a caveman numerous times a

    hot caveman.

    SamanthaYoung :

    Yesi_Cavozos: Love that! The caveman thing was HOT!

    LoverMichelle: How long did it take you to write ODS?

    SamanthaYoung : I began writing it at the beginning of this year and then put it aside for

    other projects. I went back to it during the summer and wrote it in about a month.

    Yesi_Cavozos: When Braden proposed "the arrangement," was that his intention or a way

    to work his way into her heart? I wonder about that....

    SamanthaYoung : Perhaps one day Braden will tell us ;)

    Amanda_Ackerson: :D


    alyssasusanna: Sequel(s)? lol

    LoverMichelle: Does that mean you are working on his POV or is it still a secret?

  • 7/28/2019 Fan Chat With Samantha Young


    Yesi_Cavozos: I am pretty sure I know the answer to that. ;)

    SamanthaYoung : I can't really say anything at the moment about the plans for the series,

    but I promise you'll all find out more very soon

    Yesi_Cavozos: His POV would be AWESOME!!!!

    SamanthaYoung : As for the alpha male question... I think probably because many of us

    are independent, women who would like that in a partner. Not a strong woman in a

    partner lol. I mean an equally strong guy.

    alyssasusanna: Um, can I ask a question about SLUMBER?

    SamanthaYoung : Of course, Alyssa.

    alyssasusanna: I don't want to sound bothersome, but it that a part of a series?

    SamanthaYoung : There will be a companion novel to Slumber, hopefully to be released

    sometime 2013/14.

    alyssasusanna: Oh okay!

    SamanthaYoung : I did actually cut Braden's mother out of the final draft of ODS. In the

    end, there was nothing her character could tell us that we didn't already know about him.

    I felt she was redundant, so I gave her the chop, which is what she deserved :p


    Yesi_Cavozos: I don't think she was missed!

    LoverMichelle: Self-centered woman anyhow!

    Alyssasusanna: Not sure if I liked her anyway But it's good to have a well-rounded setof characters, right? :D

    SamanthaYoung : The actual writing process is the same for me, but the genres present

    their own challenge. Contemporary is all about characterization and good character

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    development. Whereas SF/UF is very challenging - the word building over a series gets

    complicated lol.

    alyssasusanna: But SF/UF is SO worth it, I'm sure :)

    SamanthaYoung : Oh it is, alyssa. I love when a series comes together. It's very gratifying.

    Amanda_Ackerson: I live in VA. How did you pick it as the home location for Joss?

    SamanthaYoung : I've always wanted to visit VA so I decided I'd live it a little through


    Amanda_Ackerson: Well, c'mon down. I'll show you around. I've lived all over that state.

    SamanthaYoung : I definitely want to visit some time soon, Amanda.

    alyssasusanna: I've begun to develop a taste for contemporary fiction, thanks to you, Jamie

    McGuire, Michelle Leighton, Tammara Webber :d

    Amanda_Ackerson: yay! Party at my house. LOL

    SamanthaYoung :

    LoverMichelle: Many of us have talked & laughed about Joss farting! Why did you include

    that scene?

    SamanthaYoung : Hahaha! Well, it's something I'm sure we can all relate to, plus, growing

    up I was told the story of my parents honeymoon over and over... which included a

    hilarious fart scene that cracked my dad up so much he's never forgotten it! I just thought

    there was something so real about that and I wanted to give Joss and Braden a REAL


    LoverMichelle: Haha, that's great!

    alyssasusanna: Well. That is VERY real :D

    SamanthaYoung :

    Yesi_Cavozos: That was hilarious! :)

  • 7/28/2019 Fan Chat With Samantha Young


    Milica_Zikic: I really loved this book, I have a Braden addiction. Great job.

    SamanthaYoung : Thank you milica

    alyssasusanna: Ditto milica

    Ava22: Are you doing a follow up to ODS; and if so, would it follow Joss and Braden or

    focus on Ellie?

    SamanthaYoung : And Ava22 - I'll be able to reveal all about the follow up to ODS very,

    very soon.


    SamanthaYoung : Ill post on my blog soon!

    Milica_Zikic: oo I can't wait:)

    Yesi_Cavozos: Everything that came out of Braden's mouth was "sexy as F" what was your

    favorite moment or line?

    LoverTiffany: yay!! Cant wait!

    Ava22: Can't wait! will be checking regularly

    SamanthaYoung : Lingerie is for seducing a man. I m already fucking seduced

    Yesi_Cavozos: Soooooo excited! Can't wait! OMG! Mine too!!!!

    SamanthaYoung :

    alyssasusanna: Hehehe yes

    LoverMichelle: Perfect!

    Yesi_Cavozos: That was the first one I posted when we were discussing quotes! Love it!

    SamanthaYoung : Yay!

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    Milica_Zikic: Yay I posted that quote too and many more

    SamanthaYoung : :D

    LoverMichelle: One of our Lovers from LLL, Elizabeth, has the exact same personality asJoss!

    SamanthaYoung : Oh well I imagine we'd get along really well then

    LoverMichelle: After I read ODS, I told her she had to read it because Joss was her.

    SamanthaYoung : lol

    Amanda_Ackerson: Are you ever amazed or surprised at the dialogue that your characterscome up with?

    SamanthaYoung : Yes, sometimes it's really like they take on a life of their own.

    LoverElizabeth: Well, at least Michelle says I do. I do know Joss cracked me up constantly!

    SamanthaYoung : Lol, Elizabeth, I'm glad


    LoverElizabeth: I'm pretty sure Joss and I could have a few drinks and tear up a town or

    two ;)

    Milica_Zikic: Lol


    SamanthaYoung : Haha, I'm sure she'd love that.

    LoverMichelle: After writing characters like Braden or Joss, are you ever "sad" becausethey really don't exist?

    SamanthaYoung : I do get sad... it would be nice if Braden and Joss existed. Although if

    Braden existed, I'd have to fight Joss for him.

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    LoverElizabeth: I think the line for Braden would be out the door!

    LoverMichelle: Wouldn't we all? He'd have a posse.

    Milica_Zikic: lol who wouldn't..

    Yesi_Cavozos: If Braden existed you would be fighting lots of women for him!

    SamanthaYoung : Just what his ego needs lol

    Yesi_Cavozos: LOL!

    alyssasusanna: HaHa. Poor Joss. She'd have so much competition.

    LoverElizabeth: You know...all this sexy Braden talk has me wanting to meet back up with

    him tonight ;)

    Yesi_Cavozos: I loved that Braden, was HOT, successful, rich, etc.... yet he never came off as


    SamanthaYoung : Lol!

    SamanthaYoung : I have to admit that I poured more of me into Joss than any other

    character I've written.

    Yesi_Cavozos: how did you keep him in check?

    SamanthaYoung : And yes, Yesi_Cavozos - there's a difference I think between confidence

    and arrogance :)

    LoverElizabeth: I just finished a book that made me cry; maybe I need one to make me

    swoon again.

    SamanthaYoung : I think following up tear-jerker with a swooner is a good idea helpsease the pain.

    Yesi_Cavozos: I couldn't agree more!

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    Milica_Zikic: I loved the whole hot and cold thing that Braden has..

    LoverMichelle: Samantha, you said you poured more of you into Joss...more time or more


    SamanthaYoung : I poured more of me I think. I dealt with a lot of loss at a young age andso I really get Joss

    Ava22: if ODS made the big screen, who would play Braden? Any suggestions?

    SamanthaYoung : Oh, that's a difficult one ava. Maybe a newbie?

    Milica_Zikic: Is there any Braden in your life?

    SamanthaYoung : Unfortunately, not at the moment, milica.

    SamanthaYoung : No time for a Braden! He'd keep me too distracted!

    Amanda_Ackerson: LOL. But a good distraction.

    SamanthaYoung : A verrrrryyyy good distraction.

    Milica_Zikic: Aaah well, little distraction didn't hurt anybody

    SamanthaYoung : haha, true.

    LoverMichelle: Have you been approached by any publishers interested in ODS?

    SamanthaYoung : I'll be able to talk more about that, Michelle, hopefully very soon

    Milica_Zikic: nice



    LoverMichelle: Did you have Beta readers for ODS? If so, did you make changes after they

    read it?

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    Milica_Zikic: don't make us wait too long please

    SamanthaYoung : I didn't have beta readers for ODS this time. I took a scary plunge on

    it! :p

    alyssasusanna: Wow! That's really brave! Good for you!

    SamanthaYoung : Brave or stupid, haha.

    LoverTiffany: Brave!! Haha

    alyssasusanna: Brave. It definitely worked out, right?

    Yesi_Cavozos: Good plunge! ODS has rocked my (our) world!!!! Thanks for creating

    Braden and Joss!

    SamanthaYoung : Thank you :D

    LoverMichelle: Wow ~ then you must be blown away from the reception of the book.

    SamanthaYoung : I am! I've never been so nervous about a book release. The reception

    has been overwhelming.

    Amanda_Ackerson: I can't stop telling people about it! It's a really great read, and it makes

    me want to go to Scotland. That and Gerard Butler. IJS

    Milica_Zikic: lol Amanda

    SamanthaYoung : Lol! Ah Gerard.

    SamanthaYoung : And lol, yes! Especially this summer!

    Amanda_Ackerson: And James McAvoy. Oh, that little one.

    SamanthaYoung : I love James McAvoy.

    LoverTiffany: Awww James McAvoy!!

    SamanthaYoung : He's awesome. Have you seen 'inside I'm dancing?

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    LoverTiffany: No!

    SamanthaYoung : Talk about a tearjerker! He's wonderful in it. Love, love, love him.

    LoverTiffany: Does he dance in it because James McAvoy+ dancing....I'm intrigued haha.Kidding Hes adorable

    SamanthaYoung : Lol. Nope. It's actually the complete opposite. I'll say no more and let

    you discover it for yourself.

    LoverMichelle: Are you a big fan of Gene Kelly since you included him in your book?

    LoverTiffany is!

    SamanthaYoung : I am huge Gene Kelly fan! If I could go back in time and marry him, Iwould!



    SamanthaYoung : Lol!

    LoverTiffany: UM... I think /... well scratch that I cant think. Hahahhaha.

    SamanthaYoung : Hehe. He was so frickin' hot!!

    LoverTiffany: HELL YES!! omg!! I may have 2 copied pics he signed above my bed... just


    SamanthaYoung : *green with envy*

    LoverTiffany: He was hot!! Even when he got older! Plus he can mooooove!

    SamanthaYoung : Oh man. They just don't make men like him anymore.

    LoverTiffany: SMH. No, they don't.


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    SamanthaYoung : Rock Hudson!! Love him too!

    LoverTiffany: I feel very close to you now Samantha...hahaha.

    SamanthaYoung : Hahaha! Me too, Tiffany. Basically, we're saying Old Hollywood kicksNew Hollywood's ass.

    LoverTiffany: I want to hug you and have a Gene Kelly/Frank Sinatra movie marathon and

    then we can visit Amanda in VA.

    SamanthaYoung : Sounds like an awesome plan.

    Milica_Zikic: I really loved Ellie. She is so sweet and kind and fragile but strong at the

    same time Did u have a muse for her?

    SamanthaYoung : Ellie is a little bit of a mix of my friends. Her scatterbrained, dressing

    up with mustaches etc is like my old roommate from uni. She's still one of my best friends.

    The sweetness is like my oldest best friend. She's just a doll.

    Milica_Zikic: Hahah that's fun:) aww so nice

    SamanthaYoung : yeah


    Yesi_Cavozos: Will we get more wedding/honeymoon details in the next one?

    SamanthaYoung : My lips are sealed :p

    Milica_Zikic: aww

    LoverMichelle: Which means more steamy sex scenes...

    SamanthaYoung : Oh definitely.

    LoverMichelle: Like the desk, the wall cabinet...

    Yesi_Cavozos: Okay...keeping my fingers crossed then!

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    Milica_Zikic: Ahahah yay

    LoverTiffany: hahahaha.

    Yesi_Cavozos: YES!!!

    Milica_Zikic: So there is a sequel after all..yess

    SamanthaYoung : Is there anywhere in particular you guys would like a sex scene set...

    maybe I'll take the suggestion on board ;)

    LoverTiffany: Oh jeez... hahaha

    LoverMichelle: OMG, I may have to get back to you on that one. The pool is always nice atleast from other books I've read, just sayin'....

    SamanthaYoung : Lol... yeah, other books ;)

    Milica_Zikic: Cabinet was my favor maybe the club can't make up my mind:)

    LoverMichelle: Yes, that darn wall cabinet!

    LoverTiffany: Somewhere public but still hidden, if that makes sense.

    SamanthaYoung : Totally made sense.

    Yesi_Cavozos: Cabinet sex ROCKED! Still thinking....

    LoverMichelle: Just surprise us!

    SamanthaYoung : Okay!

    Milica_Zikic: Well I cant think still stuck on cabinet ahaha.

    SamanthaYoung : :p

    Milica_Zikic: Maybe some beach.

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    Yesi_Cavozos: Lots of HOT, STEAMY, and awesome sex between Braden & Joss....which was

    your favorite to write?

    Milica_Zikic: Omg, Yesi

    SamanthaYoung : The cabinet.


    Milica_Zikic: hahhaha bingoo:)

    Yesi_Cavozos: Yeah, HOT is putting it mildly!

    SamanthaYoung : ;)

    Milica_Zikic: This is fun. I am so excited.

    SamanthaYoung : I'm dying to let you guys know more! Soon, soon, soon :D

    Milica_Zikic: Must get some Braden fix :)

    LoverTiffany: Yay! We're so excited!

    Yesi_Cavozos: We're dying to know!!!!

    SamanthaYoung :

    Yesi_Cavozos: Going back to the kitchen scene...why was Braden be so cruel and harsh? It

    was so out of broke my heart for Joss.

    SamanthaYoung : To get a reaction. Nothing else was penetrating Joss' very thick walls.

    He went cutthroat on her ass.

    LoverMichelle: He was testing her. He gave her space. That didn't work.

    SamanthaYoung : yes, Michelle, exactly

    LoverMichelle: But he still loved her, no matter what. No questions asked.

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    Yesi_Cavozos: It was brilliant! I literally let out a loud sigh when he said I knew it!"

    Milica_Zikic: Yes, me too.

    SamanthaYoung : Yeah. He did feel shitty though for hurting her.

    Yesi_Cavozos: Absolutely!

    Amanda_Ackerson: I felt the same way Joss did when he said it. I may have cursed.

    SamanthaYoung :

    LoverMichelle: I loved the tender moment at his place when Joss is thinking about the

    moment that everything changed, and it wasnt just about sex any longer.

    Yesi_Cavozos: I loved that too. Then she left.

    LoverMichelle: We just have a few minutes left. Any final questions for this best-selling


    Milica_Zikic: It was great chatting with you

    SamanthaYoung : You too, thank you!

    Yesi_Cavozos: Not a question but just a statement... ODS is phenomenal! Thank you giving

    us this wonderful story!

    SamanthaYoung : Oh thank you I am overwhelmed by how much love you guys are

    giving it xx

    Yesi_Cavozos: One of my favorite books of all time! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    LoverTiffany: thanks so much for joining us!! :)

    LoverMichelle: Samantha, you have been awesome to chat with. Maybe you can visit again

    when the sequel comes out?

    Thanks for having me Its been great fun! Of course, Id love to :DSamanthaYoung

  • 7/28/2019 Fan Chat With Samantha Young


    LoverTiffany: Yes!! :)

    Milica_Zikic: We can't wait for more

    LoverMichelle: Great ~ I'll be in touch. Thank you everyone else for joining us tonight!

    Ava22: Yeah, it is a fab book! And I have recommended it to anyone who will listen!

    Yesi_Cavozos: Looking forward to more!

    SamanthaYoung : Thank you! So glad you're looking forward to more from the world of

    ODS! Night guys! X

    Constance_poteatlyda: Just wanted to say a quick thank you to Samantha for such awonderful book. I am just getting on.

    LoverTiffany: Night!!

    LoverMichelle: Sweet dreams!

    Amanda_Ackerson: Night! Thank you for everything!

    Yesi_Cavozos: Night "babe"

    Amanda_Ackerson: Braden dreams! ;)

    LoverMichelle: Night x

    SamanthaYoung : Thank you, Constance. And I hope I have Braden dreams too. Bye

    *waves* xxxx

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  • 7/28/2019 Fan Chat With Samantha Young
