famous creation- the radio

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Post on 04-Apr-2018




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    The devices that make use of radio waves run into the thousands; from transistor

    radios to satellites , our daily lives revolve around several

    appliances that run on the technology radio waves afford.

    DESCRIPTION: Radio waves are electromagnetic waves that transmit music

    , data , pictures and conversationsinvisibly through the air or a vacuum.

    HOW IT WORKS:These are the basic parts that make a radio wave device work:

    1)The transmitter: creates the sine waves on which pieces of informationcan be encoded.

    2)The transistor: is used to amplify the magnitude of the radio signal .3)The receiver: collects radio waves and then decodes the piece of information

    from the sine wave present.

    4)The antenna : is used to give out or (and) collect radio signals.

    5)The tuner : is used to get a particular radio signal.

    The transmitter is made up of two components connected together; the

    capacitor and the inductor. The charged capacitor discharges completely in a

    fraction of seconds and these electric charges are passed on to the inductor,

    creating a magnetic field which causes the electric charges to flow



    through the inductor. The inductor then passes back these charges to the capacitor

    thus, creating a continuous wave-like flow of electric charges as a result

    of the back and forth flow of charges from the capacitor to the inductor. This flow

    of electric charge is then modulated with the pieces of information to be

    transmitted; for example, in frequency modulation (FM), the frequency of a sine

    wave (i.e the number of times a wave oscillates up and down per second) is varied.

    These waves are then amplified by a series of transistors into a powerful

    radio signal. The radio signal is transmitted and then received by the

    antenna of a radio device which passes it on to the tuner. The tuner separates a

    particular sine wave from the numerous waves present in the radio signal and

    amplifies it; that is why different radio stations broadcast at different frequencies,

    so a radio station broadcasting at a frequency of 67.5 has a sine wave oscillating at

    6,750,000 cycles per second. This separated sine wave is then passed onto the

    receiver of the device; present in the receiver is a demodulator which extracts

    the information from the wave and passes it onto another series of

    transistors which amplify the extracted signal and send it to the speakers

    or any other display medium. And this is the basic principle for a radio device.

    INVENTOR(S) OF RADIO WAVES: In 1867, James Clark

    Maxwell, a Scottish physicist, developed a mathematical theory that

    showed that electromagnetic waves could be propagated through air. In 1887, a



    German physicist called Heinrich Hertz proved Maxwells theory by

    being the first to transmit and receive electromagnetic pulses using experimental

    instruments. Hertz set up a Leyden jar and a coil of wire with its ends open as his

    transmitter and used a similar coil wire as his receiver. When the jar was

    charged, sparks passed through the first coil of wire and flew to the

    receiving wire at the opposite end of the room. In 1892-1893, Nikola

    Tesla, the famous Serbian-American inventor, publicly demonstrated the radiation

    and transmission of radio frequency energy using his invention, the Tesla coil,

    which could produce high frequency oscillations of 33,000 cycles per second. He

    predicted rightly that radio frequency energy could be used to transmit information

    electronically and this was later proven by Guglielmo Marconi. From his

    childhood years, Marconi had an apt for the sciences and he would often work on

    several experiments in his familys estate in Bologna, Italy. At the

    death of Heinrich Hertz in 1894, articles on his electromagnetic findings were

    republished and this sparked Marconis interest on the topic. Marconi began workon equipment which could transmit messages without the use of wires using both

    Hertz and Teslas works. In 1895, Marconi successfully built a wireless system

    capable of transmitting telegraph messages over long distances and hence

    the first radio was born.



    EVOLUTION OF RADIO WAVES: In 1900, Professor Reginald

    Fessenden expounded further on Marconis work bydeveloping a way to transmit

    sound through radio waves. He perfected wave transmissions by making

    them continuous thus eliminating gaps which wasted energy. He made his first

    sound broadcast in 1900 between two 50 feet towers . In 1906, He

    transmitted a broadcast of himself playing the violin and ships at sea several miles

    away were able to receive the broadcast. In 1906, Lee De Forest, invented

    the audion, the first triode electron tube, which could amplify weak radio signals

    exceedingly. In 1913, Edwin Armstrong expounded on Forests

    invention by discovering that the audion could not only amplify weak signals but

    could also transmit them if feedback was increased. Then in 1933, Armstrong

    invented FM and this invention enabled sound signals to be encoded by varying

    the frequency of the wave signal rather than varying the amplitude of the wave

    . This revolutionised radio transmission because sound could now betransmitted without much interference and noise.




    1) He was the great grandson of John Jameson, the famous Irish whiskydistiller from his mothers side.

    2) From his fathers side, he was a descendent of the Venetians who started theprocess of protecting inventions by awarding patents.

    3) He boycotted the government monopoly imposed on wirelesscommunication by marketing his invention to ship owners because ships

    were beyond international governments jurisdiction.

    4)At the start of the First World War, the British and American governmentsinvoked their Secrecy Acts on Marconis patent and confiscated it, ending

    Marconis control over wireless communication.

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    1)Wikipedia: History of Radio2) How Stuff works: How Radio works3) Randy Belaire: Five big lies on selling inventive ideas4) How Stuff Works: How Oscillators work5) QSL. Net: History of Radio