family galápagos travel program adventure · harvard alumni travels is the umbrella organization...

TRAVEL PROGRAM 124 MOUNT AUBURN STREET CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 PHONE: 800-422-1636 OR 617-495-2463 FAX: 617-496-4011 TRAVEL.HMSC.HARVARD.EDU Family Galápagos Adventure on La Pinta With the Andean Highlands July 3–11, 2017 with study leader Professor Janet Browne

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Page 1: Family galápagos Travel Program adventure · Harvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC

Travel Program

124 mounT auburn STreeT

Cambridge, ma 02138

Phone: 800-422-1636

or 617-495-2463

FaX: 617-496-4011

Family galápagos adventure on La Pinta With the Andean HighlandsJuly 3–11, 2017

with study leader Professor Janet Browne

Page 2: Family galápagos Travel Program adventure · Harvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC

MeMories tHAt Will lAst A liFetiMe... Your journey begins in Quito, Ecuador, where

you will savor the culture and history of the

Andean Highlands, a breathtaking land of

snow-capped mountains, sweeping plains,

and small artisan villages. Visit indigenous

markets where the customs and rhythm of

life have changed little over the centuries.

Discover the country’s rich pre-Colombian

and colonial heritage as you stroll Quito’s

cobblestone streets and explore its gilded

churches and Spanish Baroque architecture.

Then fly 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador

to the legendary Galápagos Islands, which

have been protected as a national treasure

since 1959. The archipelago is home to 26

animal species unique to these islands,

including the marine iguana, Darwin’s

Finches, and giant tortoises.

Nature walks, beautiful beaches, a glass

bottomed boat, snorkeling, kayaking,

sightseeing, lectures, and educational

activities are all a part of this wonderful

journey. Each day offers several face-to-face

encounters with animals and birds—few places

on earth afford such close access to wildlife.

Explore the varied terrain of the islands,

from volcanic heaps and lava fields to sandy

beaches and lush highlands vegetation.

Among these spectacular geological features,

one can encounter flocks of frigate birds,

blue footed boobies, colonies of marine

iguanas, and Galápagos Penguins, along with

other fascinating sea life.

Throughout your voyage enjoy abundant

opportunities for hiking, snorkeling, and


(cover) galápagos land iguana (main image). (insets, top to bottom) galápagos penguins, Blue-footed boobie, galápagos tortoise

(ABove) Father and daughter by cactus, south plaza island

(BAck cover) guide and child traverse the beach

PHOTOS: Cover: Iguana: © BlueOrange Studio; Penguins & Nazca Booby © Metropolitan Touring; Tortoise © Royal Adventures. Interior brochure: Flamingo, Passengers Lava Rocks, Boobies, Sea Lion, Sea turtle, Ecuadorian weavers © Metropolitan Touring; Children with Sea Lions © Royal Adventures; Father and child cactus: © BlueOrange Studio; Cotapaxi, Quito © Natursport; Machu Picchu and Andean Boy © Prom Perú.Mailing Panel: © Royal Adventures.

Page 3: Family galápagos Travel Program adventure · Harvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC

About the Travel ProgramHarvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and

museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC have formed a

partnership to offer superior trips with expert planning, custom-designed itineraries,

and Harvard lecturers. Journey in the spirit of expeditions gone-by, with small

groups of like-minded travelers. Travel with HMSC and discover the world.

About the Museums The Harvard Museums of Science & Culture (HMSC) partnership

was established in 2012 to develop a strong, coordinated public face

for the six museums that are within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences

at Harvard. Its mission is to foster curiosity and a spirit of discovery

in visitors of all ages, enhancing public understanding of and

appreciation for the natural world, science, and human cultures.

HMSC works with Harvard faculty, museum curators, students,

and members of the extended Harvard community to provide inter-

disciplinary exhibitions, events, and lectures, as well as educational

programs for students, teachers, and the general public. HMSC draws

primarily upon the extensive collections of the member museums

and upon the research of their faculty and curators.




Harvard University has been acquiring

scientific instruments on a continuous

basis for teaching and research since

1672. The Collection of Historical

Scientific Instruments, which was

established in 1948 as a resource for

teaching and research in the history of

science and technology, has become one

of the three largest university collections

of its kind in the world. Originally

associated with the Harvard library

system, the Collection was placed under

the stewardship of the Department of

History of Science in 1987.

Since its inception, various Harvard

departments and private benefactors

have added material to the original

nucleus of the Collection of Historical

Scientific Instruments (CHSI), which now

contains over 20,000 objects dating

from about 1400 to the present.

A broad range of scientific disciplines are

represented, including astronomy,

navigation, horology, surveying, geology,

calculating, physics, biology, medicine,

psychology, electricity, and

communication. Significant instruments,

made obsolete by new technologies,

continue to be incorporated. Many of the

documents detailing the purchase and

use of the instruments have been

preserved, and are available for research

in the Collection’s adjunct library.

The Collection, located in the Science

Center on the Cambridge campus, is

open to the public free of charge. Check

the website for hours:


Blue-Footed BooBies

Page 4: Family galápagos Travel Program adventure · Harvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC

from Quito

to Guayaquil

Giant Tortoise Preserve

Cerro Colorado Tortoise Habitat

Cerro Brujo

Punta SuarezGardner Bay

Charles DarwinResearch Station


Santa Cruz

San Cristóbal


Santa Fe

South Plaza







Paci�c Ocean

MondAy, July 3u.s. / QuiToDepart the U.S. on a flight to Quito, Ecuador. Nestled in a high Andean valley 9,350 feet above sea level, Quito is just 14 miles south of the equator. The cobblestone streets of colonial Quito, with its whitewashed walls, heavy wooden doors, and gold-gilded church interiors, echo with history. Due to the city’s preservation of its blended past, Quito was declared the first “Cultural World Heritage Site” by UNESCO in 1978. SwISSÔTEL HOTEL (MEALS ALOFT)

tuesdAy, July 4QuiTo / oTAvAloFrom Quito, drive north through dramatic mountain scenery towards the town of Otavalo in the northern Sierra. Spend the morning at one of South America’s most famous indigenous markets, Otavalo, which dates back to pre-Inca times and where colorful handicrafts are on display. Meander through the open-air market’s narrow cobblestone streets alongside Otavalo men with long braided hair, blue ponchos, and white trousers, and women wearing distinctive gold beads and dark headdresses. Enjoy a welcome lunch at a historic 18th-century Hacienda. In the afternoon, visit one of the most important rose plantations of the area to learn about cultivation, exportation, and bouquet making. SwISSÔTEL HOTEL QuITO (B, L)

WednesdAy, July 5QuiTo ciTy TourEnjoy a city tour of the wonderfully preserved colonial section of Quito,

including the graceful plazas and arcades, the Cathedral’s unique gargoyles, and the impressive gilded interior of the baroque Jesuit church of La Compañía. Tour the Museo Casa del Alabado with a collection of pieces that date back 4,000 years. The remainder of the afternoon is at your own leisure. SwISSÔTEL HOTEL QuITO (B, L)

tHursdAy, July 6QuiTo / BAlTrA islAnd / souTh PlAzA islAndFly this morning to Baltra Island in the center of the Galápagos Archipelago and board the yacht La Pinta. After a welcome briefing and lunch, cruise to South Plaza Island. The turquoise waters of the channel here contrast brilliantly with the white sand and black lava of the shoreline, while a carpet of scarlet succulents serves as groundcover for a grove of luminescent green prickly-pear cactus beyond, populated by yellow-grey land iguanas. Along the coastline, spot colonies of sea lions sunning themselves and sea birds playing with the thermals that forms along the cliffs of this spectacular island. YACHT LA PINTA (B, L ,D)

FridAy, July 7sAnTA Fe islAnd / sAn crisTóBAl islAnd (cerro colorAdo TorToise hABiTAT)This morning take a dinghy over to the idyllic beach of Sante Fe Island, populated by colonies of sea lions. Look closely for Galápagos hawks perched atop salt bushes and the Santa Fe land iguana, which is unique to this island. Following the walk, enjoy opportunities to snorkel and swim along a natural wave barrier or ride the glass-bottom boat. After lunch, disembark at Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, the island’s capital, and drive 40 minutes to the island’s southern shore. At Cerro Colorado, visit the breeding center for highly endangered giant tortoises in the midst of a fantastic deciduous forest, home to dozens of

bird species, including the San Cristóbal mockingbird and the San Cristóbal lava lizard, both island endemics. YACHT LA PINTA (B, L ,D)

sAturdAy, July 8sAn crisTóBAl islAnd (cerro BruJo)Land at the eastern tip of San Cristóbal Island this morning. These are the same shores that Charles Darwin set foot upon in September 1835. The trail that ascends from the beach provides spectacular views of the shoreline. Here you may observe frigates, plus a colony of bachelor sea lions. After the walk, if conditions are favorable, there is a chance to swim from the beach and snorkel before returning to the ship for lunch. In the afternoon, a dinghy ride along the shores of tuff-stone layers takes you to Cerro Brujo’s expansive, white coral beach, great for walking, with rewarding bird-watching featuring seabirds and shore birds. Also, look out for Galápagos sea lions. YACHT LA PINTA (B, L ,D)

sundAy, July 9esPAñolA islAnd (PunTA suArez / GArdner BAy)This morning enjoy an outing at Punta Suárez, what some people regard as the best in the Galápagos. Walk along the on the lava and boulder terrain to visit unique sea bird colonies of waved albatrosses, boobies, and swallow-tail gulls. Marvel at the famous “blowhole” lava formation and look for red-green-black marine iguanas. After lunch on board, set down at Gardner Bay with its beautiful, white coral beach for a short walk to observe the sea lions, mockingbirds, and finches, or simply to

cotApAxi, Quito

seA turtle

Page 5: Family galápagos Travel Program adventure · Harvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC

For More inForMAtion pleAse

visit or cAll 800-422-1636

enjoy the beach. There is great snorkeling in this area, and you may also kayak or ride the glass-bottom boat. YACHT LA PINTA (B, L ,D)

MondAy, July 10sAnTA cruz / chArles dArwin reseArch sTATion / BAlTrADisembark this morning to visit the Charles Darwin Research Station and the captive rearing program for the giant tortoises. View the giant tortoise pens within an impressive giant prickly-pear cactus forest home to many land birds. Transfer via bus across Santa Cruz Island and a short ferry ride to Baltra. Your cruise ends at Baltra Island, where you transfer to the airport to take the flight back to Guayaquil on the mainland. Upon arrival, check into your hotel to rest and freshen up. In the early evening, gather for a festive farewell dinner. HILTON COLóN GuAYAQuIL (B,D)

Please note, depending on your return flight schedule, you may depart for flights back to the U.S. late evening on July 10 or early morning or early afternoon on July 11. The hotel room at the Hilton Colón Guayaquil is included in the program cost for the night of July 10 and passengers may choose to use it until their flight home in the evening or stay the night and depart in the morning on the 11th. Other flight schedules may become available in 2017.

tuesdAy, July 11GuAyAQuil / u.s.After breakfast transfer to the airport for your international flights back to the U.S. or continue to Lima for a post-trip extension to see Machu Picchu.

ecuAdoriAn WeAvers

upcoming Hmsc tripsWINGS OVER



APRIL 30–MAY 13, 2017




JUN 1–13, 2017






JUN 25–JUL 3, 2017



JUL 10–22, 2017





SEP 9–29, 2017



OCT 4–21, 2017


OCT 15–27, 2017






NOV 4–18, 2017

JAneT Browne’s interests range widely over the history of the life sciences and natural history. After a first degree in zoology she studied for a PhD in the history of science at Imperial College London, published as The Secular Ark: Studies in the History of Biogeography (1983). Ever since then she has specialized in Charles Darwin’s work, first as associate editor of the early volumes of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, and then as author of the prize-winning biographical study, Charles Darwin: A Biography, Vol. 1 – Voyaging (1996) and Vol. 2 – The Power of Place (2003). Browne later delved into the genesis of Darwin’s theories in Darwin’s Origin of Species: Books That Changed the World (2008). She has also been editor of the British Journal for the History of Science and president of the British Society for the History of Science.

Browne was based for several years at the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at University College London where she taught the history of science, biology, and medicine. In 2006 she moved to the USA to join The Department of the History of Science at Harvard University.

JAneT BrownedepArtMent cHAir And ArAMont proFessor oF tHe History oF science

sTudy leAder

Page 6: Family galápagos Travel Program adventure · Harvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC

la Pintaseeing the galápagos islands on board yacht La Pinta goes beyond the concept of traditional cruising, evolving into an expedition approach in order to authentically discover and explore the natural wonders of this region. yacht La Pinta is built to luxurious standards and encourages an elegant yet relaxed atmosphere. it meets the strictest environmental and hospitality standards. the 207-foot yacht accommodates 48 guests and has all the amenities, including a sundeck, exercise room, library, boutique, bar and Jacuzzi. the yacht boasts among the largest cabins (177 to 236 square feet) of any galápagos vessel with floor-to-ceiling windows in all cabins. it features complimentary snorkeling equipment, wetsuits, glass bottom boat, and kayaks for guests. While on board, work out in the fitness center or relax on the sun deck. it features a Jacuzzi and an observation platform for dolphin and whale watching on the top deck called darwin’s Balcony. the dining room, lounge, and bar are elegantly appointed, as is the well-stocked library/reading room. depending location and local weather meals “al fresco” can be arranged. All 24 staterooms are outside cabins and feature air-conditioning, private bathrooms, hairdryers, and safety deposit boxes. the yacht’s straightforward cabin configuration is distributed across the cabin deck. there are 20 luxury cabins (twin/doubles) and 4 luxury plus cabins (triples). All of the beds can be separated or joined according to guests’ needs. Four cabins can be interconnected for friends or families travelling together. complimentary satellite internet connection and Wi-Fi access aboard ship are available.

BOAT DECKOutside Sky bar Natural History Library

Conference RoomObservation Lounge & Bar

Exercise RoomExercise RoomJacuzzi



optional Post-Trip extensionmAchu Picchu • July 11–17, 2017Discover the breathtaking Lost City of the Inca, Machu Picchu. Fly from Lima to Cusco, the capital city of the Inca Empire. From Cusco, transfer to the lovely town of Yucay in Urubamba Valley. Visit the Pisac market and Awanacancha, a weaving center and home to four species of cameloids. Along the way, explore the massive fortress of Sacsayhuamán among other Incan sites. Overnight in Yucay, which is located at a lower elevation, to allow for an easier acclimatization. The next day, take a dramatic train ride through the Urubamba Valley to the enchanting and mystical site of Machu Picchu. Overnight at Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo hotel. On the return, spend two nights in Cusco and absorb a colorful mix of past and present. This six-day post-tour extension includes deluxe and first-class accommodations; all excursions; train ticket; five breakfasts, three lunches and three dinners; air transportation from Lima to Cusco and back; airport taxes; airport-to-hotel transfers; and the services of a Peruvian guide. Airfare from Guayaquil to Lima is not included. Additional information and itinerary will be sent to confirmed travelers.

land/CruiSe raTeS (Per PerSon)

ADuLT Double


ADuLT Single


TEEN (12-17

years old)

CHILD (6-11

years old)*

LuxuRY CABIN $8,675 $10,995 $8,175 $7,645

LuxuRY PLuS CABIN $10,575 — $10,075 $9,545

*when sharing a hotel room and cabin with an adult

A Luxury Plus Cabin can be occupied as a Triple, each adult paying $8,675 or the corresponding amount for a teen ($8,175) or a child ($7,645) when rooming with his or her parents.

oPTional PoST-Tour To maChu PiCChuADuLT* $3,250 / CHILDREN* (AGES 6-17) $2,995 / SINGLE SuPPLEMENT $595*per person, double occupancy

Airfare from Guayaquil to Lima is not included and is approximately $425 and is subject to change.

Tour CoST inCludeS Internal flight from Quito/Galapagos/Guayaquil; transfer from airport for those using group flights; three night’s hotel accommodations at Swissotel Quito, four nights aboard La Pinta, one night at Hilton Colon Guayaquil; meals as indicated in the itinerary, wine and beer with farewell dinner; wetsuit rental and snorkeling gear; professional English-speaking guides and tour manager throughout; naturalists on ship and islands; guided field trips, excursions and tours; baggage handling; all tips to local guides, porters, restaurants, service charges and taxes; shipboard gratuities; entrance fee to Galapagos National Pack and INGALA control card; $200,000 emergency medical evacuation insurance.

luxury cABin

Page 7: Family galápagos Travel Program adventure · Harvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC

TermS and CondiTionS

TOuR COST ExCLuDES: International airfare; passport fees, room service, liquor (outside of farewell dinner), personal items such as laundry, fax, phone calls, gratuities for non-group services; meals and alcoholic beverages not indicated in itinerary; individual trans-fers for those not on recommended flights; medical expenses and immunizations; travel insurance; private touring, optional excur-sions or deviations for the scheduled tour; excess baggage charges; any increases in the in-tour airfare (included as part of the main program cost); security, or fuel surcharges imposed after the initial pricing of this program are not included.

PROGRAM SIZE: This tour, (exclusively developed for Harvard Alumni Travels), is limited to 48 participants on a first-come, first-served basis. The minimum group size is 15. Should the minimum not be met, we reserve the right to cancel the program, levy a small group surcharge, and/or send the program without a Har-vard study leader.

RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS, & FINAL PAYMENT: To reserve a space on this program, a $1,000 deposit is required per person. Please either call us at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806 or fill out and mail or fax the registration form (to 617-496-4011). Reservations are acknowledged in order of receipt until the maximum enrollment has been reached. Deposits may be made by check, payable to Harvard Alumni, or with a major credit card. Final payment, payable by check, is due March 25, 2017, 100 days prior to departure. Royal Adventures handles all invoicing. CST #2009579-40

CANCELLATIONS & REFuNDS: Notification of cancellation must be received in writing by HAA from the participant. Should you have to cancel, the following terms will apply: cancellations received within 14 days of booking will receive a full refund of the trip deposit. Cancellations received up to 100 days prior to departure will be assessed a cancellation fee of $1,000 per person. Cancel-lations received within 100 days prior to departure are subject to a 100% penalty of all deposits and payments, regardless of book-ing date. There are no refunds for unused meals, accommoda-tions, or other trip features.

wHAT TO ExPECT: This program is a Harvard Alumni Travels pro-gram exclusively designed for HMSC members and friends. This is a moderately active program. Although only 16 miles from the equator, Quito has a spring-like climate for most of the year due to its high altitude (9,252 feet). Travel is during the dry season when temperatures range from 50sºF at night to the 70sºF during the day. In the Galápagos, walks are approximately one to two miles long (sometimes over uneven and rocky terrain) at a lei-surely pace suitable for wildlife observation. There will be wet landings on many islands. Dinghy or glass bottom boat rides along the coast and shorter walks are available for participants as an alternative to longer and more challenging excursions. There are opportunities for swimming and snorkeling and sea kayaking (snorkeling equipment, wet suites, and kayaks are available aboard La Pinta at no charge). The Galápagos Islands are at sea level and temperatures range between the 70s and 90sºF in the islands. Travel is by regular scheduled commercial airlines, motor coach, air-conditioned ship, and inflatable “Zodiac-style” dinghies.

The Post-Trip Machu Picchu optional extension is a moderately active program. Throughout Andean cities, temperatures range from 30°–40° F at night to 60°–75° during the day, and we’ll spend sev-eral days at elevations from 7,600 to 11,200 feet.

INSuRANCE: we highly recommend that participants purchase trip cancellation insurance. An application for trip insurance will be sent upon confirmation. The pre-existing medical conditions exclusion is waived if the insurance is purchased within 21 days of initial deposit.

RESPONSIBILITY: Certain other provisions apply regarding limitations of liability and rights of HAA and the tour operator. The statement of responsibility is available in the Terms & Conditions document at or call (617) 495-2463. As part of the consideration and right to participate in this tour, each participant will be asked to sign a liability release. A liability release will be provided to all passengers upon enrollment and is available to prospective travelers upon request.

QuESTIONS: Please call Harvard Alumni Travels at 800.422.1636 or 617.496.0806, or email us at [email protected]

andean highlandS & galáPagoS iSlandS July 3–11, 2017

reServaTion Form








Cabin Preference:  Luxury cabin  Luxury Plus cabin

  Enclosed is a check for ($1,000 deposit per person plus $200 per person for the Machu Picchu post-trip extension, if applicable) payable to “Harvard Alumni Travels” to hold places on the Galápagos program. OR

 Please charge my charge my $ to:  AMEX  Visa  MasterCard



 I wish to have a single accommodation OR

 I will share accommodations with:

  I/We will take care of our own international flight arrangements to Quito, Ecuador with a return from Guayaquil.

  Please make international round-trip flight arrangements to Quito, Ecuador with a return from Guayaquil.

  I/We wish to join the optional Machu Picchu post-trip extension at an additional deposit $200 per person. I/We confirm that I/We have carefully read the General Information and Responsibility section of this brochure and agree to their terms.



Please return this form with deposit to the address at the top right of this page or fax it to 617-496-4011.

QUESTIONS? Please call us at 617-495-2463 or e-mail [email protected].

hmSC memberShiP

A forum for thoughtful and informed exchange of ideas, the museum depends on member- ship to support its activities and its outreach to communities in Cambridge and beyond.

 I am currently a member of the HMNH or HMSC

  I would like to become a member at the following level: $35 Senior/Student $50 Individual $85 Household $125 Supporting $250 Sustaining $500 Patron

Please enclose a separate check made out to Harvard University/HMSC for membership. Thank you.





im H


e a












harvard muSeum oF SCienCe & CulTure

26 oXFord STreeT Cambridge, ma 02138

Phone: 617-495-2463 FaX: 617-496-4011

Page 8: Family galápagos Travel Program adventure · Harvard Alumni Travels is the umbrella organization for all Harvard alumni and museum travel programs. Harvard Alumni Travels and HMSC

For More inForMAtion pleAse

visit or cAll 800-422-1636

Travel Program

124 mounT auburn STreeT Cambridge, ma 02138

Phone: 800-422-1636 or 617-495-2463

FaX: 617-496-4011

Family Galápagos Adventure on La Pinta With the Andean HighlandsJuly 3–11, 2017

with study leader Professor Janet browne



HigHligHtsENHANCE your experience with lectures and discussions from Janet Browne, Aramont Professor of the History of Science at Harvard.

ExPERIENCE Andean culture at the famous Otavalo Indian open-air market.

STROLL Quito’s old city plazas, churches, and museums—rich with Spanish Colonial and Pre-Colombian history.

EMbRACE two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the fabled Galápagos Islands and Quito’s celebrated Colonial city center.

ExPLORE the Galápagos Islands and come face-to-face with rare and wondrous wildlife.

PHOTOGRAPH close-up nesting sea birds, endemic marine and land iguanas, and colorful Sally Lightfoot crabs.

SNORkEL alongside sea lions, sea turtles, and Galápagos penguins.

LEARN about the conservation successes and challenges at the Charles Darwin Research Station.