fallls daily ne

'Tr: 1,. La,\8ED WIR] P * ^ ^ 0 ‘ 228. . AHSOCIAT m s RiGERS irS tR l C[ TO GUARD 60 R 0 ER : Will Stop Reported, Violations jp; of American Neutrality l.aws u> Along Mexican Line; Gover- .w nor Warns People to Stay Out ----------- 151 AUSTIN, Texaa, Deo. 29 UP) —^Tezas rangers are to assist •. federal authorities in stopping reported violations of the non- = trality laws along tho Mexican p I •border, Oovornor Pat U. Neff l |l annonnoed today in a state- ment addressed “to the people of Texaa’Mn which he udmon- . ished theiaUo “take no part in the prosont . Mexican rovoln- tion." . NBW Doc. SO (/P)—R c - ports toda)' ''that Mcxican fodcnil forcos hurt b o ^ n an offonnivo townr<l Vera Cnir., wore iircoi>tO(l by tho MpxI- F flttn cuii.iuUto hero ni* inilieatlnjr thnt tho end of tho Do In IJuortn uprisln;; s is In niRht. Arturo Mcllaii. eonmil gon- eral, Bftid nnce Vcni Cruz npnln i« un- p,i tbe eontrol of fctlornlt, pcac<; "'2, •will he restored quickly tliroujjhout. Hu rfoai country. - , Pcrsoni* hero famUinr with Vera Crur. hold thnt tho reboln have llttio chnnco of eseapinR from that city jf " “ it il nttaclcfid from oven two sides nnd p nports indicnto thc ntrongliold vouM be npproa<*Ji(“! from threo diroctlona. f^oi Thoy rlalin it will bo a ease of Dc In , , Huorta'■ followoni niUliiB n whito flnft boforo tho flffhtlnR bcKtns or bo driven ' into thc «cft. It is understood horo thnt the rebels at Vera Ou» nro ninnlnir short of oil mir and fuel mipplic* nnd If such reports tho nro truo thoy woold bo in a difficiiU j\ position should the federal forces man- ^f,n aire to Rftin control of the milrond from Vera Crus Inland. .EEBEW Ol.Mi«"BT;cgEM .. . . jfu WARHTKOTON, Dec. 29 OW—Tho oed RarrUon ot tlip poTt of Tuxpom. stato ing of Vera Cniz, under command pf Colo- nei Isntnel Itucda, today jqincd tho ^ revolutlonnry niovomcnt , h^ded. by _ Adolfo do la Iluertn, aceoxfflpJr to u' •mositnBo filed nt Vora Cruz ftt 2::i0 p. f*" m., by the nctlnR secrotnrj- of foreign for affairs for tho revolutionary orj^lrji- nut tion. to friends In Washlnctonl Inf Tho messnRO dcaerihcd tho develop gou ment n« Importnnt, “ not ouly becnusj __ ^ of tbo numbor of troops it rIvcs us for n Cold' *orvi«*o • • • • bul bcenusL- it yields tho rcvoltitiouarj’ movement nb> = r solute rontrol of tlio entire oil regloi <— of which Tuzpam'ia the port.” . POET TAKEN. VBUA ORUZ, Dec. Sfl M»)—Colonol Ismnol Riiedii, chicf of the foreea in thc port of Tuxpsini, Joined, the revolu- tionnry niovonkcnt lodny, aocordins *o tho rcrvohitlonnr)' press burrott pnd th; , \)ort Ln now under thc poftttol of thf revolutionists. I t Is adiloil th.at hend- <^nnrtors looked for this chief's ndhc sion, but thnt ho wns nimble to inltinto the movement while there were in tlic • petroleum aono important Ohrecon forces whirh would bttvo tsken Tuxpnm immediatoly. With tho ndbeslon to the revolt of Colonel Dlaji nnd other prominent chiefs in tho oil xnno, tho jirogB bu- reau snys, tho. region now ia|flontrollcd by the reliels. Xows has iilso rejjched the pr'*Hs bu- reau of revolt movements in thi« state of Chiums, near the Ountcnmln fron- tier. Missing Link Will be Found Shortly Scientist Asserts Proof linking Togother the Ancestry of Man and Animal World Awaits Only Brief Ee- search, Fairchild Says riNCirOJATr, Pcr. "{> ow—Anthm- •polo^Hcril tiroof whi-h will definitely link ton?ther the nnocstry of man nml Ihe^nnimnl world i» not far off. In f»el. It may bo dlsrovcrcd nny dnv tlrnurli research work now being con' blurted. ' This is tho opinion of Dr. 8. H. L. • Tairchild. professor omerltun of jr«“> UrIciU rciOJirrh nt tho Unlvorsitv e< Hocbcstcr, who spoko hore tonlRht be fnro n reuora' »e»«lon of the Ainoricaf /fiiooiritlon for tho Advancement i>f flflence. '1“ A very nitrrow pap between th>- lAdhcr Uvinft nrimntei nnd pcniis, bom«- itny 1>e elosod n1mo«t nny d:iy !it nev- •discoveries.” ho do-lnred. "Alrendv ire have n number nf suKf^Ktlvo semi- 'kumon frupmcnts. It should bc ren! iked that only n amall part of tb* worlii lins been carefully examined, n larijo jinrt of tho Orient, tho-probablo fiold ■of bumnn development, not at all. Itncrlcn and westem Europe have been cplored, but tho vait areas of Asia Africa nre tho hopeful fields. The Io°8 bo miu- THE ONLY ASSOC FAl 'IRk ' meMBKR of .p m i n, ■PAT ATBD PRKSH . Gun with RaAge of C 23 MUes la BuUt ll for Am erican Army Ordnalfce Experts Olaim to Have Most Formidable Weapon of Its Kind WASHINOTON. iX'c. 2f| (^)— Anny ordnnn-c expurtn hiivb <icvc*- oped whnt they bellovc tn bo thi Oth heaviest nnd most jx)wcrful »un of Us typo In thc wfirld. • , -i U Tlie new wciipoii in of the H-inch, _ .10 calibre type nnd is n postwa'’ 0 di'volopmcnt. It is rnpnblc of hurl- ^ injT un aritior plorclni; projeclllo of " l.'itlO pounds for a lUstnnri) of 2:» miloa and' can bc mounted cm W wheeled cnrrlivKVR and alowp jabr >niilroiid trucks. - chni I.'. I ......... ■- —' ■ [nior( SEEKEVREIE I OF LOST CRJFTS into: ~ ' pflfiS Italians Believe Dixmude Was Lost Near , Sicily; France »■■>« Pays High Tribute ;»u ----- ^ ^ SCIACCA, Sicily, Doe.. 20 OR—Tho ^ t« Prench dlriglblo Dlxmudo was wreck- wi* rd onrly in tho moraing of December men i'2, six miles off tljo const of Sicily,,*^'’*' Tear Capo 6(. Mark. This Is tliu conctu- < ion readied by experts of tho Italian 6< r»avy who uro ongnged lu searching fnr tbo bodies of thoso who perished wlicn tbo Dlxmudo fell into lho sea. ' c r a t PARIi^ Dce. -0 OP)—Hopo has been ibnndoned of finding nny survivorn and from thu missing I'roneh, dirigible Dix- basi mudo, nnd flio government today bo-I S' gnn sending lilgh officials to tho fami* * lies of tho 50 victims to extend its lympatby and alsorto express its mt mirntion for tho heroic qualities of t,n , tho nirship's crow. itisu All available wamhlps nro being thro concontratod for an orgnnized search of I of thc Meditorrnnenn near Sicily whero thu body of Lieutenant Oran-''T"® adnn, commandor of tho Dixmndo.was Xouad, aad this search will bo contln*. oed untlUlt is quito eertain thnt ndlh'-T' ing more can bo lonrnod of the fate will of thc ^ n t dirigible that vanliihed in of 1 tho night. ^ ' olnl Tho Dlxmudo is officially regarded Jj’®' ns lost nt sea. All tho French land forces in Africa as well na tho civil' nuthoritics aro on lho alort for any infonnation, but tho scarch in tbo bns southern. Algerian region was aban* Biar «<ontlnuod oa Pago Four.) ! WE’t^WjAV^TO ^NjlCcessARV^ ^ GOOV s&E? J ; r ' t I* ll 5 _________________________ I" ------- - WlATED PRESS NEWSI LLS &LL8, IDAHO, ^Uin>ATU0BNlko. dso; iiiin u FOR NEHORK _ .UFTER RECESS I ther Business to Be Taken' Up, Solons Believe, while' 1 Committee Row Over Chair- manship Is Being Settled : ^ WASHINOTON, ,Dir, 2» W l_\V,tl. \ brenk in the stinMe deadlock over tbe • inirmanshlp of the Interstate com- ; orce eomniittec apparently nowhcr.- I flight, thn pr 0]) 0 slil that ol'icflmsl- MS l»e tiiken up after the huliiliiy rc- from )SH, unless rtiero Is nu doctloii nn in<-e tl early ballot, is beginning' In fin<l ivor nmong ii-numbtr of senators, rc- iiblicana nnd democrats, nallotinc for a chairman whi-li o< hi- nued for ten days boforo the r/-rcKK. •T'din i tho unflnishc<l business on thc sen- laco to's enlondnr, but it could bo di- ' {,„n- SRSetm-ith nt any tiine.1)\' n_iti:i i irlly" voto. Such nction wduld leave *” ie coDimitteo without n chnirman but ould not pTovent It from funotioninj TToim neo a majority of tho 'mcmbert cai ill it Into session, i Undor tho plnn, as leaders outlincil' '*' . todny, tho committemou could elo'-t tompornry presiding officer. Like- I'oa* they CO ild doalgnato imllvidual "“i'! icmbers to take chargo uf Its Icgisla-; ion oa tho sonato flour. jjho PropoB® E ate Chango. ' > ” nio Bovornl bills introduced hnve been >forrod to tha committoe, chicf uinnni.' iom the mensuro for tho repeal of the ^ Jto soction of .tho transponatioii net., opubllcan insurgents nnd. somo demn* rats desiro to go much further thnn , lls; they want tho entire law rope:il<*<f nd 'w ill wago their fight, on tbat asia. , Bepublican leaders appe.ar to be fair-. ,• well convinced that noithcr Sonatoi'. ^nunina of lown, tho formor chainnat., or Sonntor Cotrr.cn8 of Michigan, .i. ow ropublican on the committoo, can 3'"'^ p clccted ns chnirmnn. Somo of tl'" isurgents on a fow ballots, have hrown thoir strength to Sonator Smith f Soulh Cnrolinn, tbe dcmocmtic can- ' Idato, but it Is regarded ns doubtful Bo rhiithor ho could bc clected ovei» with hould ho «lraw tho full Bup|>ort of the romr OBurgcnta. phns ....... . Mm* .wort JUi«l4. . L ." •VJltK t1i« Chtl»tma» loceis over then?' 8e rill bo much octivity at tho sennte obd prop t tbo cnpUol. .Scorcs of bills nnd r w sawi IntioDa aro pending beforo. commit* ftc CCS and several iini>ortant invcstlg:i- vise ions -will bo put under imy. ‘ D ^Ylth the Uuflsiaii nnd world court lion ineetlonS'^oforo it, tho foreign rein- who lons committee will be one o f'th e stntl insloat. Tho investigation of tbn Ru"- soa ian mtuatlon will bo on tho basis of In 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- - 0: (Continuod on I’ago Four.) said 0 HURRY IF WE’RE GOING TO F - PLANNED TO DO THIS YEAR! - iPA ^ER IN TW IN FAL DAIL lOBMBIlrf Ml, 102S. ^ fMTEFSTA MEXICO W -------------------------------------------------------• irt Farmer Meets secretary Wallace in Milking-Contest lynus Johnson 'and Head of ^ Dopartment of Agriculturo i Bottle Thoir Foud with Eath - ] , cr Inconcluaivo Roaults j rt'ARIilNOTOX, Dcc. 2l> t^)—Mng-i "OV s Johnson, tho dirt farmor BrnatOTj ' im Minuosnta, and Socretary Wftl-i }iad c Ilf the dopartment f>f agriculture,! oniptoel todny to settle thoir foudj Ill n-milking oontcst. Uut tho ro-j ___ 1. t was so Jnroncluslvo thnt Sonator m p inson clmllengod Soerotnry Wal- I I 0 ti) a further contest with a buck- I | I'wo of the heaviest milking nrls-! I ratn of the celebrated Soldiers' I mn herd were selected for the eon- | Major Oonoral Tnskor IT. Bliss, re- •Cn,|4 nl, commaudnnt nf tho Soldiers’ me, hold tho-watch' and when ho. q 0 d “ O o" tho senntor and tho secro-| ^ y put the tops of their heads intoi St 1 cows’ finnks and wont to work| the old-fashioned way which bo-i no extinct with the advent of tho (lorn fnrm hand nnd the milkln)^.. chine. For fivo minutes, there wa* - ^ ■ound oxcept that of tho steady cams of milk pouring into tho buck- j , , When both cows wero reported jhcro an tho tlmo was .given ar five min- >», nn d when It was nioasurod 11 iji},j s announced that Secretary Wol- jpvvor 0 hnd won by half a pint, < inntor .lohnson protested that hia _ IT, which was on test with four dnlly auguj Ikings, evidently had bocn 'milked attad It boforo tho conteat; that his haad govor is a littlo off sluco cnming to tho j iato and thnt anyway his wifo and robol ildren wcro tho roal milking cxporta On his fnrm in Minnesota. reboli Bocrotory Wallaco hoard lho protest eral i thout omotloD, but nt its conclusion an n [nnrked with a special selected cm- wero nsU: : 'Anot “ Hull,' huir, TU dirt fatmcrfc” night Senator Jobosoh replied 'with liis'And' oposal of a roturn match wilh buck- tioo, ws and n woodpile. mont Secretary Wallaco took it under ad- skim scmont. th« 1 Dillgont inquiry at lho Soldiors’ Th :tmo bnrns failod to dlscloso anybody with lio would -j«ko the' responsibility for aboa: utlng how much milk Honntor John- pnla, a or Secretary Wallaco actually got unde flvo minutes of offort. If ni Ono herdsman, bolder than tho rest, dcclr id ho thought it was about a quart. ''‘>th scrlo . they FINISH ALL . Mi ..... P , — j o Oou fl ti'o V z U S c o m ry Y NE MBMiinrt AUDIT hdrea U OP cincuLATioNa _______ ___ l TES TO FUI ITH WAR Mil ?cision to Sell Surph Conflicts With i oregon’s A rm y to Be Oui and A m m tin itio n H eld in der; R ecognition of M exi( for A ction of Stafe Depa: WASHINOTON, Deqr29 OT— lio s agreed to sell a quantity of war ; vommont in Mexico. Thc decision was reached after a d boon received from the Obregon ratood to have been prompt ed by iment, which is fafitfdriy an armet ----------------------------------------------------- # AUhoi IREP RTOFS ARMEO ilNGg was to Ith Aiperican Trouble Exag- erated; U. S. W arsh ip s tSrTai.“ tand by with Marines i _ ^ / ______ I TTTrlsi 130UOIOALPA. Ilonduma, Der. ‘ jo Iftration -RepArts of a inld by IIon'lurnTi Y ps into Kicaraffun nro wilhont dation, it Is aiilhoritatlvely state I. ■tatei •e nro some intoiiial disorders, ow- nnvy d( to lho prefllilontlal situalion, but sale of 0 hns been nothing in the form of foreltrn Id ovor lho frontloe. , Xnnuir 10 troublo began when alleged fob >rs of Genernl Onrias, conservntivo , tlduto for president, gnthercd at ^ aco 20 mllca this sldo of tho Nlcnr i lan bordor and orgnnizod for un to sell clt on tho city of Choluteca, The material jrnment sent troops to tho scone pressed fighting took plnco In which tho in view 1 lender was killod. D Thursdny of this wcok other l l * lls claiming .to be followors of Gen- i, Cnrins, numbering nbout 80, mado nttack on tho city of Yoro, but the D repulsed by government troopti. orderly Ither attack was majlo Thursdnv nolghbo it noas La.Lima, a roilrond eentcr,; i OiU'Hle of an AwcHeaa'tiI«s«i- I,,OB the Atlixntic roast. Oovorh * AU,®' it troops engaged tho rebels and •niijihlng wns still going on when }” ‘1'® laat reports were received. y' 'ho United States slilp Roohciitcr h Hear Admiral J. H. I>ayton ard, arrived thi# morning nt Ama-. 1 , on tho Pacifie const, and It in ufnotiir' erstood to bo rondy to Innd miiririos out in needed. In Ilondiiran circles it is world ' lared that Nicaraguim sympiithlzorr has on h tho Jnsurrertionists may causo nmniUnl ouif troublo near tho Iwnlcr, buc would y are confident that tho proscnco tlon be lho Ameriran warship wiil provoat. Amcrici aoluiil hostilities. No I -------------------------- tothe illion D ollar Suit M ovie M agnates in Tight Situation ZI" n Mexicn tirt Action Paces Prodnoers from Two Angles in Adber- tcr of ing to Film Stories r meat t - . -. bv Prt IX^fl ANaELKS, Dcc. 29 OP)— ' 'he nill!ioii dollar dani.ijo suit tinfo-^ iled in Kanwis City yesterday " gninut tho Famous l'lnyer»-Lasky purchai orporation, and based ou Tully nitlon .fnrshatl's nortnival of “ Jim ; Irlilpor” In the film, “ Tho ('ov- : FoUo red Wi'Ron, ’' Iiiih thrown the mo- Hardin Inn picturo prodm-or« into a l>og on thu 'H'aied "r.iiiov!ier.> “ between fho “ He: Icvil lind the doi‘i> blue sn," ac- viro r (irding to a Klatmcrit iNHUod by (i ^•ssL• Lnsky, president of the cor- i >oration. Referring to tho nllcgation of ■5 m, nridger Hahn, th.it tho namo ff^( >f the Hcoiit, her father, had beon * ' lisgraccd by tho film delineation t i )f hla chnracter, I>’i'ikv snid; j fl “ If tho producer fiiiU lo liniidio ;ho author's story exuctly as it in ivrittoju ho faces loir.il uctitin from tho author. If ho follows it closi*- l.v, ns iu this caso, it uo-.v ilovdo-'s that ho a>so i'i open to legal nction, RnrVi rho I'roduccr ii betwoi’n tho devil tind the de.-p bluo sc^.’’ Ha LOODS HOLD UP TRAFFIC iprocodentod High Watora Suspmuls NEV Rail Schedules In M«xlco; TnsUw throug Eeported Partially Wrecked the ik Tl'CPON, 'Arironr~l)ec. 29 W»J—Un- n^’jiurv ccedoiited bitrb waters in lho Rio tional u|iii and Rio Mayo, duo to heav/ dl^atei infnll in the Sierri Mndre monntfilns, C^*t ntlnued today to hold np tnifflc on risen i e Mcxican West (,'onst lino of the Jimiiai lUthom I’ncirio of Mexico. Traffic Is vey, t s’>ended below Gur.ymns, Sonora, a'*- bavs rding to. ad vires recrlvdl her" higher rcsUes nnd approaihe* over tho tw.i grew vers havo been paitiallv wrockcd. month "em perature to Drop, gain » W eather M an A sserts ’’“t i " -------- ber tl WARillNnTON, P oi*. 2i> OP)— *l'"n W eather oiit’ook for the wcok be- 1 glnnin;? Monday: Northern Roeky ' mountain nnd plateau regions, do- cidedly colder nt beginning; con- tlnulDg cold for ^sovoral dji' | CoBoidombte c l p B d j ^ y j a ^ J M I PBIOB FIVB OBHTB. ' RNISH [ATERIAL )lus Arms i Former Policy % . Dut£j,tsted w ith G uns '■ in Storage at Bor-r } ixico Is M ade,B asis partm ent rho Washington government. ar material to the Obregon : a requoaC for such action gon government and is nn- by desire to aid that gov-i' med uprising. Ithough • details of lho transaction still pending boforo Socrotary iks, tho 'material involvo<^ is Ukid ncludo military rifles, now-^it6ro;d Port Rnm Houston or othor anny' }ta nenr tho border, and ton mlli- ’ nirplnnos. It is probablo tbat lunitlon for the rifles and othor pment are Ineludod. One report ' to tho offoct tbnt tho Obregon jrnment contemplated an oipcndl- ' of about |7S0,000 for tho ma> ll. - * ' OppoadB H«rdtng FoUoy eclsion of tho Washington udmln* ition to make the siilo cama somo- t na n surpriie, inasn^ueh as Pre«i- ; t Harding on April 23, last, atd« latement of policy for war tnd y *ilopartments which opposed'the of surplus military oquipmeDt to ' Ign power*. iquiry nt the state dopartmont pro- ud only tho following BtatonlU t'' le Mexican, government hoa pre* ed a request to this goveromiBne nell it a limited quantity df war crini. This govomment has ox* isod wililngnesA to make the lole. I'iew of tho relations betweon this. ; emment and tho Ifexlean jgarsm* tt, which was fi>rroAlly reeognltod . Soptomber, and of the tmportnee ^ . the moJatenanco of stability a s d ’ ‘,;. erly constitutional proeedore'in'th* ' {hboring republic." . ' .. L•' Vaf AzBty<'.8a£laldii'.' Illl of fhe matorial' ‘'la.'now available at,’aB^,.-,'afjM^:: tho oighth corps area. •I'K^/'oraen ■e yot been sont by-tha whr it to mako doliverins hnt.lt tud that tho'.Tifles 'will, bo .talon,"';?! m surplus stocks of Ajnnfeui.miui* otiirod Enfiolds which w «e toraed in vast quantitiei, dnrinff the • rid wnr. Tho wnr deputment Use ’ ' 1 on hnnd a vast reservo supply o f •' munition, mueh ol /frtiloh prom bly uld boeomo useless with.. deteri«ni* . - a boforo it. .could. ,bo m od, by th e icricftn army....- ' ' <fo informij^on was obtainable u •the t>'po o f army plaaes likely to deljvorod lo tho Mexican govsrn-, nt. The nrmy air service auo ttXU '.'.' I a wur surplus of machines n p l^ '' - 'oming obsolete, although' HtiU >oxi*' ?ly suitalilo for tbo purposes o tth e .' 'xicnn govornmont in its prNtmt iflict with the do la Unerta forces. . rhe statement of policy in th« taftt- of salo of surplus military etpiip- at to foreign powers was laid down President Harding In a lotlsr I'retarica-Weeks and Dohby at the fo-'lhnt Poland ‘wo* undeiitbod to vo mnde Informal overtures for.the rchaso of sorplus. rifles and stanxn- lon from the United States. EecaU Toma Om» following is the text of Pretldent irding’fl letter to Socrotary'Weeks thut oecnsion: ‘Itefc^rring to your Inquiry for ad* ■0 relative to tlic sale ot sarplns ' (t:ontniii".i oB-t^ge Four.) Fagesinl924to be Higher Than in Past Months arv6y ^how s Oosts of Living Havo Eifaen’ Steadily But Av- erage Worker's Eamiags Have Moro than Eept Pape NEW YORK. D w . 2<) M»)— Woj?«» roughout Amcrica nt tho oiitMl of. • e new year will bo on n BODCrnllv gher level thnn nt anv time iu lt»2'-5, survey oonuiloted tod»iy by th« na- ^nal industrinl conforcnco board in- "ates. Costs of living nlso have steadily <en from month to month Jiince l« tl iniiary 1, but, nccording to the mir-.. •y, the average worker*’ camion ive moro thnn kept pare .with hl» srher living expenses. >MiIlo wage«. / •ew by S..** per cent durinjr. lho 15.-..^ oaths, llvinu' costs Incroosod by .3.P > «r cent, .leaving the worker na notual 'P lln of 4.n per rent In tho pnrchMing* 5wer of his'billy labor, Tho report sots forth that in Kovea*' , or tbo cost of living wns 05.8 WrtMNi'J lan In Jnlv, 1914, having deilUM^^ tt.2 per eont from tho peak I Julv, 1920, And tho w k e tt' smings, tho fiurchailng po*«r o£ .

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'Tr:1,. L a,\8E D WIR]■ P * ^ ^ 0 ‘ 228. . AHSOCIAT

m s RiGERS i r S t R l C [ TO GUARD 60R0ER :

Will Stop Reported, Violations jp;of American Neutrality l.aws u>Along Mexican Line; Gover- .w nor Warns People to Stay Out

----------- 151AUSTIN, Texaa, Deo. 29 UP)

— ^Tezas rangers are to assist •. federal authorities in stopping

reported violations of the non- = trality laws along tho Mexican p I •border, Oovornor Pat U. Neff l | l annonnoed today in a state- ment addressed “to the people of Texaa’Mn which he udmon-

. ished theiaUo “take no part in the prosont . Mexican rovoln- tion.". NBW Doc. SO (/P)—R c-

p o rts to d a ) ' ''th a t Mcxican fodcnil • fo rcos hurt b o ^ n an offonnivo townr<l V e ra Cnir., wore iircoi>tO(l by tho MpxI- F flttn cuii.iuUto hero ni* inilieatlnjr thn t th o end o f tho Do In IJuortn uprisln;; s is In niRht. A rturo Mcllaii. eonmil gon- e ra l, Bftid nnce V cni Cruz npnln i« un- p,i

tb e eontrol o f fctlornlt, pcac<; "'2 , •will he restored quickly tliroujjhout. H u rfoai co un try . -

, Pcrsoni* hero famUinr w ith Vera • Crur. hold th n t tho reboln have llttio

chnnco o f eseapinR from th a t c ity j f " “ i t i l nttaclcfid from oven two sides nnd p n p o r t s indicnto thc ntrongliold vouM b e npproa<*Ji(“! from threo diroctlona. f^oi Thoy rla lin i t w ill bo a ease o f Dc In , , H u o r ta '■ followoni niUliiB n w hito flnft boforo tho flffhtlnR bcKtns or bo driven

' in to th c «cft.I t is understood horo thn t the rebels

a t V era O u » nro ninnlnir short o f oil m ir and fuel mipplic* nnd If such reports tho nro truo thoy woold bo in a difficiiU j\ position should th e federal forces man- ^f,n aire to Rftin control o f the m ilrond from V era C rus Inland.

.E E B E W O l.M i«"B T ;cgE M .. . . j f uWARHTKOTON, Dec. 29 OW—Tho oed

RarrUon o t tlip poTt o f Tuxpom. s ta to ing o f V e ra Cniz, under command p f Colo-nei Isntnel Itucda, today jqincd tho ^revolu tlonnry niovomcnt , h^d ed . by _ A dolfo do la Ilu ertn , aceoxfflpJr to u ' ‘

•mositnBo filed n t Vora Cruz ftt 2::i0 p. f*"m., b y th e nctlnR secrotnrj- o f foreign fo ra f fa ir s fo r tho revolutionary o r j^ l r j i - nuttion . to friends In W ashlnctonl In f

Tho messnRO dcaerihcd tho develop goum ent n« Im portnnt, “ not ouly becnusj __

^ o f tbo numbor o f troops i t rIvcs us fo r n Cold' *orvi«*o • • • • bul bcenusL- it

y ields tho rcvoltitiouarj’ movement nb> = rsolute ron tro l o f tlio entire oil reg lo i <— o f which T u zp am 'ia the p o rt.” .

P O E T TAKEN.VBUA ORUZ, Dec. Sfl M»)—Colonol —

Ismnol Riiedii, ch ic f o f the foreea in th c port o f Tuxpsini, Joined, the revolu- tio n n ry niovonkcnt lodny, aocordins *o tho rcrvohitlonnr)' press burrott pnd th ; , \)ort Ln now under thc poftttol o f thf revolu tion ists. I t Is adiloil th.at hend- <^nnrtors looked fo r this ch ie f 's ndhc sion, b u t th n t ho wns nimble to inltinto th e movement w hile there were in tlic

• petroleum aono im portant Ohrecon forces w hirh would bttvo tsk en Tuxpnm im m ediatoly.

W ith tho ndbeslon to the revolt of Colonel Dlaji nnd other prominent c h ie fs in tho oil xnno, tho jirogB bu ­reau snys, tho. region now ia|flontrollcd by the reliels.

Xows has iilso rejjched the pr'*Hs bu­reau o f revolt movements in thi« sta te o f C hium s, near the Ountcnmln fron­tie r.

Missing Link Will be Found Shortly

Scientist AssertsProof linking Togother the

Ancestry of Man and Animal World Awaits Only Brief Ee- search, Fairchild Says

r iN C irO JA T r, P c r. "{> ow —Anthm- •polo^Hcril tiroof whi-h will definitely l in k ton?ther th e nnocstry of man nml Ihe^nnim nl world i» not fa r off. In f»el. It m ay bo dlsrovcrcd nny dnv tlrn u r li research work now being con' blurted.

' This is tho opinion o f D r. 8 . H. L.• T a irch ild . professor omerltun of jr«“>

U rIciU rciOJirrh n t tho Unlvorsitv e< Hocbcstcr, who spoko hore tonlRht be fnro n reuo ra ' »e»«lon of the Ainoricaf /fiiooiritlon for tho Advancement i>f

flflence.'1“ A very nitrrow pap between th>- lAdhcr Uvinft nrim ntei nnd pcniis, bom«- itny 1>e elosod n1mo«t nny d:iy !it nev- •discoveries.” ho do-lnred. "A lren d v ire have n num ber n f suKf^Ktlvo semi-

'kumon frupm cnts. I t should bc ren! iked th a t only n amall part o f tb* worlii lins been carefu lly examined, n larijo jinrt o f tho O rien t, tho-probablo fiold ■of bumnn development, not a t all. I tncrlcn and w estem Europe have been c p lo re d , b u t tho v a it areas o f Asia

A frica n re tho hopeful fields. The Io°8 bo m iu-


FAl'IR k ' m e MBKR o f .p m i n, ■PATATBD PRKSH .

G u n w i t h R a A g e o f C

2 3 M U e s la B u U t l l

f o r A m e r i c a n A r m y

Ordnalfce Experts Olaim to Have Most Formidable Weapon of Its Kind

WASHINOTON. iX'c. 2f| (^ )—A nny ordnnn-c expurtn hiivb <icvc*-oped whnt they bellovc tn bo th i O th heaviest nnd most jx)wcrful »un ofUs typo In thc wfirld. • , -i U

Tlie new wciipoii in of the H -inch, _.10 calib re type nnd is n postw a'’ 0di'volopmcnt. I t is rnpnblc o f hurl- ^injT un aritior plorclni; projeclllo of " l.'itlO pounds for a lUstnnri) o f 2:»miloa a n d ' can bc mounted cm Ww heeled cnrrlivKVR and alowp j a b r

>niilroiid trucks. - chniI.'. I ......... ■- —' ■ [nior(


i n t o :~ ' pflfiS

Italians Believe Dixmude Was Lost Near , Sicily; France »■■>« Pays High Tribute ;»u

----- ^ ^SCIACCA, Sicily, Doe.. 20 OR—Tho ^ t«

Prench dlriglblo Dlxmudo was wreck- w i* rd onrly in tho m oraing o f December men i'2, six miles o ff tljo const o f Sicily,,*^'’*' Tear Capo 6(. M ark. This Is tliu conctu- < ion read ied by experts of tho Ita lia n 6< r»avy who uro ongnged lu searching fn r tbo bodies o f thoso who perished wlicn tbo Dlxmudo fell into lho sea.

' c ra tPA R Ii^ Dce. -0 OP)—Hopo has been

ibnndoned o f finding nny survivorn and from thu missing I'roneh, dirigible Dix- basi mudo, nnd flio governm ent today bo-I S' gnn sending lilgh officials to tho fami* * lies o f tho 50 victim s to extend its lym patby and a lso rto express its mt m irn tion for tho heroic qualities o f t,n , tho n irsh ip 's crow. itisu

All available wamhlps nro being thro concontratod for an orgnnized search o f I o f th c M editorrnnenn n ea r S icily whero thu body of L ieu tenan t Oran-''T"® adnn , commandor o f tho D ixm ndo.was Xouad, aad th is search w ill bo contln*. oed u n tlU lt is quito eerta in thn t ndlh'-T' ing more can bo lonrnod o f th e fa te will o f th c ^ n t dirigible th a t vanliihed in o f 1 tho n igh t. ^ ' olnl

Tho Dlxmudo is o ffic ia lly regarded Jj’®' ns lo st nt sea. A ll tho French land forces in A frica as well na tho c iv il' nu tho ritics aro on lho alort fo r any in fonnation , b u t tho scarch in tbo bns so u th e rn . A lgerian region w as aban* Biar

«<ontlnuod oa Pago Four.) !


^ N j l C c e s s A R V ^

^ GOOV s & E ? J



• '

t I*ll

5 _________________________I" ------- -


LLS&LL8, IDAHO, ^U in> A T U 0B N lko. d so ;


ther Business to Be Taken' •Up, Solons Believe, while' 1 Committee Row Over Chair-manship Is Being Settled : ^

W ASHINOTON, ,D ir, 2» W l_ \V ,tl. \ brenk in th e stinMe deadlock over tb e • inirm anshlp o f the In te rs ta te com- ; orce eomniittec apparen tly nowhcr.- I flight, thn pr0])0 slil th a t o l 'ic f lm sl- MS l»e tiiken up a f te r the huliiliiy rc- from )SH, unless rtiero Is nu doctloii nn in<-e tl early ballot, is beginning' In fin<l ivor nm ong ii-num btr o f senators, rc- iiblicana nnd democrats, n a llo tin c fo r a chairm an whi-li o<h i- nued fo r ten days boforo the r/-rcKK. •T'din i tho unflnishc<l business on thc sen- laco to 's enlondnr, b u t i t could bo di- ' {,„n- SR Setm -ith n t any tiine .1 )\' n_iti:i i irlly" voto. Such nction wduld leave *” ie coDimitteo w ithout n chnirman but ould n o t pTovent It from funotion in j TToim neo a m ajo rity o f tho 'm cm bert cai i ll i t Into session, iU ndor tho plnn, as leaders o u tlin c il ' '* '

. todny, tho committemou could elo'-t tom pornry presiding officer. L ike- I'oa*

th ey CO ild doalgnato im llvidual "“ i'! icmbers to tak e chargo uf Its Icg is la -; ion o a tho sonato flour. jjho

PropoB® E a te Chango. ' > ” nio Bovornl b ills introduced hnve been

>forrod to th a committoe, chicf uinnni.' iom th e mensuro fo r tho repeal o f the Jto soction of .tho transponatio ii n e t . , opubllcan insurgents nnd. somo demn* ra ts desiro to go much fu rther thnn , lls; th ey w an t tho en tire law rope:il<*<f nd 'w i l l wago th e ir fight, on tb a t asia. ,Bepublican leaders appe.ar to be f a i r - .

,• well convinced th a t noithcr S o na to i'. ^nunina o f low n, tho form or chainnat., or S onntor Cotrr.cn8 o f Michigan, .i. ow ropublican on th e committoo, can 3'"'^ p clccted ns chnirmnn. Somo o f tl'" isu rgen ts on a fow ballots, have hrown th o ir streng th to Sonator Sm ith f Soulh Cnrolinn, tb e dcmocmtic can- ■' Idato, b u t i t Is regarded ns doubtfu l Bo rhiithor ho could bc clected ovei» w ith hould ho «lraw tho fu ll Bup|>ort o f th e romr OBurgcnta. phns

. . . . . . . .M m * .w o r t JU i«l4. . L . "•VJltK t1i« Chtl»tma» loceis over th e n ? ' 8e

rill bo much o c tiv ity a t tho sennte obd prop t tbo cnpUol. .Scorcs o f bills nnd r w sawi IntioDa a ro pending b efo ro . commit* ftc CCS and several iini>ortant invcstlg:i- vise ions -will bo p u t under im y. ‘ D

^Ylth th e Uuflsiaii nnd world court lion ineetlonS '^oforo it , tho foreign rein- who lons com m ittee w ill be one o f ' t h e stntl insloat. Tho investigation of tbn Ru"- soa ia n m tuatlon w ill bo on tho basis o f In 1---------------------------------------------------------- - 0:

(Continuod on I’ago Four.) said



i P A ^ E R I N T W I N F A L

DAILlOBMBIlrf Ml, 102S. ^



irt Farmer Meets secretary Wallace in Milking-Contest

lynus Johnson 'an d Head of ^Dopartment of Agriculturo iBottle Thoir Foud with Eath - ] , cr Inconcluaivo Roaults jrt'A RIilNOTOX, Dcc. 2l> t^ )—Mng-i "OV s Johnson, tho d irt farmor BrnatOTj ' im M inuosnta, and Socretary Wftl-i }iad c Ilf the dopartm ent f>f agriculture,! oniptoel todny to settle tho ir foudjIll n -m ilk in g oontcst. Uut tho r o - j___ 1.t was so Jnroncluslvo thn t Sonator m p inson clmllengod Soerotnry Wal- I I0 ti) a fu rth er contest with a buck- I |

I'wo of the heaviest milking nrls-! I ratn o f the celebrated Sold iers ' I mn herd were selected for the eon- |

Major Oonoral Tnskor IT. Bliss, re- •Cn, |4 nl, commaudnnt nf tho Soldiers’ me, hold th o -w a tc h ' and when ho. q 0 d “ O o " tho senntor and tho secro-| ^ y put th e tops of their heads in to i St1 cow s’ finnks and wont to w ork |

the old-fashioned way which bo-ino ex tinc t w ith the advent of tho (lorn fnrm hand nnd the milkln)^.. chine. F o r fivo minutes, there wa* - ^ ■ound oxcept th a t o f tho steady

cams of m ilk pouring into tho buck- j , , W hen both cows wero reported jhcro an tho tlmo w as .given a r five min- >», nnd when It was nioasurod 11 iji},j s announced th a t Secretary Wol- jpvvor 0 hnd w on b y ha lf a pint, < i n n t o r .lohnson protested th a t hia _IT, which w as on te s t w ith fou r dnlly auguj Ikings, ev idently had bocn 'milked a t ta d It boforo tho conteat; th a t his haad govor is a litt lo o ff sluco cnming to tho j iato an d th n t anyw ay his wifo and robol ildren w cro tho roal m ilking cxporta On

his fnrm in M innesota. reboliBocrotory W allaco hoard lho p ro test eral i thou t omotloD, b u t n t its conclusion an n [nnrked w ith a special selected cm- wero nsU: : 'A n o t“ Hull,' huir, TU d ir t fatm crfc” night Senator Jobosoh replied 'w ith liis 'A n d ' oposal o f a ro turn m atch w ilh buck- tioo, ws and n woodpile. montS ecretary W allaco took i t under ad- skim scmont. th« 1Dillgont inquiry a t lho Soldiors’ Th :tmo bnrns failod to dlscloso anybody w ith lio would -j«ko the' responsibility fo r aboa: utlng how much m ilk Honntor John- pnla, a o r Secre ta ry Wallaco actually got unde

flvo m inutes o f offort. If niOno herdsm an, bolder than tho rest, dcclr id ho though t i t was about a quart. ' ' ‘>th

scrlo . they


..... P, — j

o Ooufl

ti'oV z

U S c o m r y

Y NEMBMiinrt AUDIT h d r e a U

OP cincuL A T ioN a_______ ___


?cision to Sell Surph Conflicts With i

o r e g o n ’s A r m y t o B e Oui a n d A m m t i n i t i o n H e l d i n

d e r ; R e c o g n i t i o n o f M e x i (

f o r A c t i o n o f S t a f e D e p a :

WASHINOTON, D eqr29 OT— l i o s a g r e e d t o s e l l a q u a n t i t y o f w a r ; v o m m o n t i n M e x ic o .T h c d e c i s i o n w a s r e a c h e d a f t e r a

d b o o n r e c e i v e d f r o m t h e O b r e g o n r a t o o d t o h a v e b e e n p r o m p t e d b y i m e n t , w h i c h i s f a f i t f d r i y a n a r m e t ----------------------------------------------------- # AUhoi


— was toIth Aiperican Trouble Exag- erated; U. S. Warships tSrTai.“ tand by with Marines i _ ^

/ ______ I TTTrlsi130UOIOALPA. Ilonduma, Der. ‘jo Iftra tion -RepArts o f a in ld by IIon'lurnTi Y ps into Kicaraffun nro w ilhont dation , i t Is aiilhorita tlvely s ta te I. ■tatei •e nro some in to iiia l disorders, ow- nnvy d( to lho prefllilontlal situalion, but sale of

0 hns been noth ing in the form o f foreltrn Id ovor lho frontloe. , Xnnuir 10 troublo began when alleged fob>rs o f Genernl Onrias, conservntivo ,tlduto fo r president, gnthercd a t ^aco 20 mllca th is sldo o f tho N lcnr ilan bordor and orgnnizod fo r un to sell clt on tho c ity o f Choluteca, The m aterial jrnm ent sen t troops to tho scone pressed fig h tin g took plnco In which tho in view

1 lender w as killod. •D Thursdny o f th is wcok o ther l l * “ lls c laim ing .to be followors o f Gen- i,

Cnrins, num bering nbout 80, mado n ttack on tho c ity of Yoro, b u t the D repulsed b y governm ent troopti. orderly Ither a tta c k was majlo Thursdnv nolghbo i t noas L a .L im a , a roilrond e e n tc r ,; i

O iU 'H le o f an A w cH eaa 'tiI«s« i- I,,OB th e Atlixntic roast. Oovorh * AU,®' it troops engaged tho rebels and •niijihlng wns s till going on when }” ‘1'® laa t reports were received. y '

'ho U nited S ta te s slilp Roohciitcr h H ear Adm iral J. H. I>ayton ard, a rriv ed th i# morning nt Ama-. *» 1, on tho Pacifie const, and I t in ufnotiir' erstood to bo rondy to Innd miiririos out in needed. In Ilondiiran circles i t is world ' lared th a t Nicaraguim sympiithlzorr has on h tho Jn su rre rtio n is ts may causo nmniUnl ouif troublo near tho Iwnlcr, buc would y are confident th a t tho proscnco tlon be lho A m eriran warship w iil p ro v o a t. Amcrici ■ aoluiil hostilities. No I

-------------------------- • t o t h ei l l i o n D o l l a r S u i t

M o v i e M a g n a t e s i n T i g h t S i t u a t i o n Z I " n

■ ■ Mexicnt i r t A c t i o n P a c e s P r o d n o e r s f r o m T w o A n g le s i n A d b e r - tcr of in g t o F i l m S t o r i e s r m eat t

- . -. bv PrtIX^fl A N aELK S, Dcc. 29 OP)— '

'h e nill!ioii dollar dani.ijo su it tinfo-^ iled in Kanwis City yesterday "gninut tho Famous l'lnyer»-Lasky purchai orporation, and based ou Tully nitlon .fnrshatl's nortn ival o f “ J im ; Irlilpo r” In the film, “ Tho ('ov- : FoUo red Wi'Ron, ’ ' Iiiih thrown the mo- Hardin Inn p icturo prodm-or« into a l>og on thu 'H'aied "r.iiiov!ier.> “ between fho “ He: Icvil lind the doi‘i> blue s n ," ac- viro r (irding to a Klatmcrit iNHUod by (i•ssL• Lnsky, president o f the cor- i

>oration.R eferring to tho nllcgation of

■5m , n r id g e r H ahn, th.it tho namo f f ^ ( >f the Hcoiit, her father, had beon ■ * ' lisgraccd by tho film delineation t i )f hla chnracter, I>’i'ikv snid; j f l

“ I f tho producer fiiiU lo liniidio ”;ho a u th o r 's story exuctly as it in ivrittoju ho faces loir.il uctitin from tho author. I f ho follows it closi*- l.v, ns iu th is caso, it uo-.v ilovdo-'s tha t ho a>so i'i open to legal nction, RnrVi rh o I'roduccr i i betwoi’n tho devil tind the de.-p bluo sc^.’’ H a

LOODS HOLD UP TRAFFICip rocodentod H igh W atora Suspmuls NEV R ail Schedules In M«xlco; T n sU w throug E eported P a r tia lly W recked the ik

Tl'CPO N , 'A rironr~ l)ec. 29 W»J—Un- n^’jiurvccedoiited bitrb waters in lho Rio tionalu|iii and Rio Mayo, duo to h e a v / dl^atei infnll in the S ie r r i Mndre monntfilns, C^*tntlnued today to hold np tn iff lc on risen ie Mcxican West (,'onst lino o f th e Jimiiai lUthom I’ncirio o f Mexico. T ra ff ic Is vey, t s ’>ended below Gur.ymns, Sonora, a'*- bavs rd ing to. ad v ires recrlvd l her" higher rcsUes nnd approaihe* over tho tw.i grewvers havo been paitia llv wrockcd. month

" e m p e r a t u r e t o D r o p , gain »

W e a t h e r M a n A s s e r t s ’’“t i "-------- ber tl

W A R illN nT O N , P oi*. 2i> OP)— *l'"n W eather oiit’ook for the wcok be- 1glnnin;? M onday: Northern Roeky ' m ountain nnd plateau regions, do- c idedly colder n t beginning; con- tlnulDg cold for ^sovoral d ji ' | CoBoidombte c l p B d j ^ y j a ^ J M I


RNISH[ATERIAL)lus Arms i Former Policy %.D u t £ j , t s t e d w i t h G u n s '■

i n S t o r a g e a t B o r - r }

i x i c o I s M a d e , B a s i s

p a r t m e n t

rho Washington government. ar material to the Obregon

: a requoaC for such action gon government and is nn- by desire to aid that gov-i' med uprising.Ithough • details o f lho transac tion

s till pending boforo Socrotary iks, tho 'm ateria l involvo<^ is Ukid ncludo m ilita ry rifles, now-^it6ro;d Port Rnm H ouston or o thor anny '}ta nenr tho border, and to n m lli- ’ nirplnnos. I t is probablo tb a t lun itlon fo r the rifles and o thor pm ent a re Ineludod. One rep o rt '

to tho offoct tb n t tho Obregon jrnm ent contem plated an o ipcnd l- ' o f abou t |7S0,000 fo r tho ma> ■ ll. - * '

OppoadB H «rd tng FoUoy eclsion of tho W ashington udmln* ition to make th e siilo cama somo- t na n su rp riie , inasn^ueh a s Pre« i- ; t H ard ing on A pril 23, la s t, a t d « la tem en t o f policy fo r w a r t n d y *ilopartments which o p p o se d 'th e

of surplus m ilita ry oquipmeDt t o 'Ign power*.iquiry n t the s ta te dopartm ont p ro ­ud only tho follow ing B ta to n lU t '' le M exican, governm ent hoa pre* ed a request to th is goveromiBne nell i t a lim ited q u an tity d f w a r crini. This govom m ent h a s ox* isod wililngnesA to m ake th e lo le .I'iew o f tho relations betw eon th is . ; em m en t and tho Ifex lean jgarsm* tt, w hich was fi>rroAlly reeognltod .

Soptomber, and o f th e tm p o r tn e e . th e moJatenanco o f s ta b i l i ty a s d ’ ‘,;. erly constitu tional p ro e e d o re 'in 'th * ' {hboring re p u b lic ." . '.. L •' Vaf AzBty<'.8a£laldii'.'Illl o f fhe m atorial'‘ 'la . 'n o w available a t , ’aB ^,.-,'afjM ^:: tho oighth corps area. • I'K ^ /'o raen ■e y o t been sont b y - th a w h r i t to m ako doliverins h n t . l t tud th a t tho '.T ifles 'will, bo .ta lo n ," ';? ! m surp lus stocks o f A jnn feu i.m iu i* otiirod Enfiolds w hich w « e to raed

in v a s t q u an titie i, dnrinff t h e • rid wnr. Tho w nr d e p u tm e n t U s e ’ '1 on hnnd a v a s t reservo supply o f •' m unition, mueh o l /frtiloh p ro m b ly uld boeomo useless w ith.. deteri«ni* . - a boforo it. .could. ,bo m o d , b y t h e icricftn army....- ' ' ’<fo inform ij^on was obtainable u •the t>'po o f a rm y plaaes likely t o deljvorod lo tho M exican govsrn-,

nt. The nrmy a ir service a u o ttXU '.'.'I a w ur surplus o f machines n p l ^ ' ' - 'oming obsolete, a lthough ' HtiU >oxi*'?ly suitalilo fo r tbo purposes o t t h e . ' 'xicnn govornm ont in its p rN tm t iflic t w ith the do la U nerta forces. . rhe s ta tem en t o f policy in th « taftt-

of salo of surplus m ilita ry etpiip- a t to foreign powers was la id down

P resident H ard ing In a lotlsr I 'retarica-W eeks an d Dohby a t t h e fo - 'lh n t Poland ‘wo* undeiitbod to vo mnde Informal overtures f o r .th e rchaso o f sorplus. rifles an d stanxn- lon from the U nited States.

EecaU T o m a Om» follow ing is the tex t o f P re tld e n t ird ing’fl le tte r to S oc ro ta ry 'W eek s

thut oecnsion:‘ Itefc^rring to your Inquiry for ad*

■0 re la tiv e to tlic sale o t sarplns ' (t:ontniii".i o B -t^ g e Four.)

Fagesinl924to be Higher Than

in Past Monthsarv6y how s Oosts of Living Havo Eifaen’ Steadily But Av­erage Worker's Eamiags Have Moro than Eept Pape

NEW YORK. D w . 2<) M»)— Woj?«» roughout Amcrica n t tho oiitMl of. • e new yea r will bo on n BODCrnllv gher level thnn n t anv tim e iu lt»2'-5, survey oonuiloted tod»iy by th« na-

^nal industrin l conforcnco board in- "ates.Costs o f living nlso have steadily <en from month to month Jiince l « t l iniiary 1, but, nccording to the m ir-..•y, the average worker*’ c a m io n ive moro thnn kep t pare .with hl» srher liv in g expenses. >MiIlo w age« . / •ew by S..** per cen t durinjr. lho 15.-..^ oaths, llvinu' costs Incroosod by .3.P > «r cent, .leaving the worker n a notual 'P lln o f 4.n per re n t In tho pnrchMing* 5wer o f h is 'b i l ly labor,Tho rep o rt sots fo rth th a t in Kovea*' ,

or tbo cost o f liv ing wns 05.8 WrtMNi'J lan In Jn lv , 1914, having deilUM ^^ tt.2 pe r eont from tho peak I Ju lv , 1920, A nd tho w k e t t ' sm ings, tho fiurchailng p o * « r o£ .



Democrat Comes Out with Suggestion for Payment; War Veterans Seek H/lajority Vote, for Compensation BillW ASHINOTON, Di'c. (/P)—Witli

ro|iul)li('iiii iiiuinljcrH of tlin huiiac wlio ^ jvro fornuT, ncrviec mon iircBB'mg fo r ■

' •y ea r ly lu-tion on tlio Roldlors’ boiiiin, K c|irritciitittive Uuiticy o f I]Hnoii>> n domncriil on, tlic' hoimo wny» inni mt«unM comniltlm.', rumo out totlny w ith a i)ri>i>o«iiI tlm t pnym ent of ncl* juftVod comj'tniiivUoM \>u finaHctiii roiitonttion of tlio uxctsH p ro fits tnx nml nn inrrcnHc of t)i(> nurttix rntcn ou inroint’ii. llo (Iccl.’irod these Icvipn M'ould jiroviilu' more thim enough fundn fo r n l>oniiB aiui n t tlio itanio timi- n ftcnornl' tiix reiluctioii roultl bv put in to cffcct.

Tho repuhllcjin wnr votcrann who ard circuIntlnR pntUion» for a con- feronro of hnuue reim blkfinn on Jnnu­a ry 10 with a view to pu ttln j; tho mn­jo r ity incmbemhlp on rccord in favor o f a liouHo voto l)u, the Ixinun la-fore Fobrunry 1 conUnuod today to obtain slfrnaturcR. Thoy plan to fiU> tho po- tiU ons when fho hounp rL'convoncH ^ Thurndny, a week before tlio proponed ” p a rty confcrcnec. f l

W ould Bolso Surtax LM r. Kninoy, one of tho mont nut- J J

spoken proponents of bonus loglxlation In . tho house, snid he favored a niiixi- mum su rtn * ,rn te of fl.'i per c c n fo n not incom es cxecedlii'g #150,0(10. finch a levy witli one on the exrcHs p ro fits of

> . cor/W ations, ho duclarcd, ahoulU bn .. doaif^natcd n* “ victory ta x e s ." The Ml proposed flcho<t]Uufl,.> ho nddcd, oonld c ith e r hb m ade a pnrt o f t^he bonus b in o r iiicorporatcil in tho tnx bill.

* ‘I f w e could apply th e s u r ta x ' r* t«e I suggest to tbo ineomee of fo u r indivlduala—Jo h a D. Socke- in feller, H anry Ford, Wm- W rigley, n ,, J r . , and Secre ta ry Mellon—and on excess p ro fits ta x to th e corpora- t lo n s In w hich th ey ore In terested '''' • n d in ad d ition place a ta r i f f on th e chicle M r. W rigley use# In m aking chew ing gom ,” sa id Bir. a a ia e y , “ tlie re would b e p len ty ' * o f money In th e treosn ry to pay • b o nus."Whim the wnys nnd means commit-

teo..fln Thursday r«'sumcs ita consider- a tio n o f tho tnx b ill, Mr. Ilnlney suid h e would demand th a t open hcnrinRS bo held on tho m easure. Too mueh se- c rcry , ho doclnred, hns been nttnched to tho b i l l ’s provisions nml fo con- •ider&linn of lliem. (

DeclnrinR th n t a method munt -io-’ w orked out tn tnx stoek dividenda, the Illino is repn-sentiitive snid ho thouKht tho proposition could best bo np- proachcd by tren tin tj as income for j,j,, tax a tio n purjiosoa all the proceeils »lo- rivoil from tho snle o f stock received „n.' as a dividend as o f the time the stork- ho ldcr Tcceivcil fhe divii'end. ^

POINCARE CLOSES DEBATEDecreo A djonm lng F o rllam eat g

U atU Jan u a ry B eynaud Stresses ^ H eed o f S n g la n d ’s Support 9

PA R IS. Dt'-. :;<» C/«>>--A d.'croc :i-l- fejo n m in p the juull:......ntary Hc.Hioii w.-i • ^rnod by I’rcinier I’oincnfo Friil/iy cv.-- mn in j; in th e oh;uiitu'r of di'pmics. IVotn Wbouflet w ill rec-oiivcnc .I:inii;iry H, ^

Previously the |.rem ier had liHtciic.i ^to cnuRti|i* critirism ^ «f liiw f<irciKH t j poliey from Di'pufy I'niil Rcyniiinl, ini'l Kdoiinril lU-rriol. tTT?"li';nlcr o f tin- ru'i- icJila. H e interriipU-d.. the M|ioakcr.' •evernl time» to ^i-ny n-.'crtioii-', !‘iilinateail o f n iakint' a ' cii'inllcil iin«i»:i;r. t*and (lenuinilini; a v<it.' of nmriili-cice ^ft* wan ant'ieipiifoil, ho rl««rd dcli;it- ^b y nt'jduriiinn lhe scs^iion. fl

M. Uovnnil.l la id afrenn nn K rance^ jS- finnnei.-il .liffi.-iiltle^ and the noc.l ..f tJ

n ritix h NiipiKirl. M. llcrrin t »aii| tli- fa iln ro to obtnin resiil(H from the o i ' cnpntion of (he Hiihr “ will he a dinaH;_to r nnd a morfni blow to nur fiiiaiicf*." , .i

BEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS IFtira ished b y tb e Tw in F alls TlUe an<

A b strac t Company ^

S aturday , December 20. ^Deed, a h e r if f to ,\. i-;rieitH..H jm .-.iM - f,

' • l o t * 22. T.I, 2i, b lo ik U, Itliio L ik .« i'.addition . |

Deed, S h e riff to Miitiiril IliiiMint’ anil bLoan H»Roclat:on lot 1.'., block U«2. Tw in Fall". S

Deed, S h e riff to Hlira .!. • i/ii.il.ii.", i:♦2474.4U: NW 8K an.l part SSV M , ^C 50-H . [.

P iaoo tunlntf. P to tie Lorbo' s, IU*! ;' —• d r .

For Sale[:

4 acrcs, well improved, close iD. [I

■ ■ ■ P^ Address Box

tage Two TWIN[N FALLS DAILY NEWS J a c k i e C

I f’

L o ro tto M cDerm ottBaym ond i M

B a th Benlck


ill Health Forces British Min- J;| ister to the United States ton',! Abandon His Position ”W ASHINOTON, Dee. 20 W —Fall-

inj; health duo to in juries received in ,„i tho world wnr has eauaed Sir .\uck- 10 land Ocddes to resijjn b is poiit as ani - bnHsatlor fo r O reat B rita in a t Wash- injcton nnd it is the expectation in inform ed oircles hero Ihnt S ir Kame Wni, Hownrd, Kritish iimbasKador n t Al ^ilndrld, w ill by nam ed us hin sue- ooHsor.

AltliouRh virtually nn invalid for ceveral months, su ffe ring from eye trouble eniiseti by 'ou the western fro n t, thc"YC8lKnnft^n o f Rlr AucMand rnnio nomen-lint ns a surpriH^, fo r. re- ' cen t w onl from EnRlnnd, where he get han been on leave, l>n<l indicated th n t j tn l he was imjirovinfj nnd' would miil fo r | An A m erica next week. lin

Offii'ialfl both a t the s ta te depart- hIh m ent and n t the B ritish embiisny de- Cn clinoil tl) diseiis.i Ihn resignntioii pend- agi ing formnl nnnouncement frnm Lon- tra don. S ir A uetland Is nnderntonil tn ^oi have been in* X*oT\stant cnnim uniration 1 in recen t months from England with ten menibers o f tho enibnssy s ta f f nnd in

B lI We Wish I Happy NeI DOMEm(I $8 . 1

^ p e r t oT-ia

I ? D r a y a g e $ 1 . 0 0 p e r

n o l i m i t t o a (

I "‘That Goo^ W h y n o t f i l l t h e b

> 5 m a i n d e r o f t h

ijWER-MOUNTL a i ’ s c

PhoneHome o f Ki


I !


E obert Brow er

othor friends in W anhingtnn and in- ^ variab ly to have w ritlcn optim istical- f f ly of hin. hoalth nnd hi«i oxpentation of uUinialely being .-ible to re turn to J Ilia post n t W ashington. W

H is reniguatioii is understood to bOj due exi'hisively to considerations o f t •• Jji-altJ).

S ir Knrne is known in W nshington. * diploinatie lifo through residence horo from 1000 t-fl IOO!) as counsellor o f | ' th e B ritish embassy and therefore | filn would not ennie here u sirnngur. ' Ilo ! cost otttered tlui dvidotnatic Hctvico In lR8r»|po{ nnd prior to his appointm ent to Ma*| the drid in IDlO served fo r six yenra a s l roc m in ister to Sweden nnd f ro n 1911 to fee 1013 ns miniHter to Bwitr.erlnnd. Liko tioi S ir A uck land ,'he Is a veteran of th o | I Koiitli A friean war, where bo th d is-ilo rr tinguished thoniHelves under fire. I gro

-------------------------- I roj(

ARGENTINE WHEAT GAINS I” .----------------------------------- con

A ustra lian Claims South American mni C ountry W ill Sooa B ea t Canada a n d pllj V. 8 . i f P resen t O ntput CoatlnueB

NEW YORK, Dcc. HO (/P)—The A r­gentine is tiic mot' roriiiiilable agri I'liUural and ]inKliifal eom pctitor o f AnMtniUa and i f her w heat ou tput roh- liniii's to iiicreai<<- a t the present ra te , sho nlso w ill ciiibarras.i Canada and t)ie C nitcd .Stutcs. « a id ,n . i*. Williams, agricu ltural rci>resciitatjvi" o f th<- Aus­tra lian govi-ruiiieiit. who n'liirriod from ^ontli .•Vmerii'aii roatifrii-s today.

H e cxpren.seil aHtoiiLsliiiicnt a t the in- tensive ae tiv ity of the w lieat growerK . '• in South .\m ericaii couiitrics. > '


1 Y o u a || ew Y e a r |

C L U M P !50 Iton ?

[• t o n e x t r a , a n d g

I c u s t o m e r . ^

od Coal” Ib i n s f o r t h e r e - §

t h e w i n t e r ?m

TAIMCOAI I: o n M q r .'.286 l|




Coogan Film a t id a k & ^ t

0, SUNDAY MORNING, f o n d a y

outI haa I mos' ;cdv ,

p u


\ th eA / , v - . {cia i

il C'-'A*H '' L_1 '-.i • ' clnd

I rr ^ f i i l r ” -

_f f ^ D g g j ^ T ^


H n ^ ^ n l n B u V nntwe


0 v.'”^ =■ MH

V era Lewii ‘ A lan H ale |

Bosem ary Theby |

pOgg';‘TH E E E W ISE F O O U " TO BE


A corking good picturo la Goldwyn's^ *— ilm version of A ustin S tro n g ’s an e -^ ^ _ Djsful stngo play, “ Threo Wiso ’ools,” w hich comes to tho Orpheum licatro on M ondny. I t has been di- actod b y K ing V idor w ith all o f hia Doling fo r ac tu a lity in characteriza- ion, in atm osphero and in background.I t s sto ry is th a t o f thrco old baeho-

>rs who agree to tako chnrgo o f tho row n daughter o f tho girl who had Bjoctcd tho lovo o f a ll threo o f them \ th e ir youth. Comcdy complications iisiie fas t and furiously and aoon be- ome interw oven in a series of dra- intic incidents which nro solved bap- ily for a ll concem cd a f te r tho g irl p

P ' - -


y ^ N O T H I

h i s t o r y . I n r c t

m u c h c h a t is

L e t u s c r o s s t l

a n d t h e f i r m

a n d o u r r c s p o

s i n c e r i t y o f p

h c a n c d s p i r i t

F o r t i f i e d t h u s

O u r o w n cfTo

d p l c o f B etter

S tr iv e c o m e r i t

s h a r e o f y o u r

• A f u l l m e a s u r i

n e w y e a r .

T h e C o i


. - i ' i

1 been jailed on a chargo of aid ing w m . * j a b e ttin g throo crim inals to brook t o f priaon. “ Threo. Wiao Foola” !I alm ost cverj'th ing in it th a t the!st jaded fan could wish for—com-i"^®"1-, romance, reality , th rills aad »pec*'■ f?™®.*! •ular m on,cnt.. P i " ” ' I ts cant in of thn kind lh a l Oold*’*'’“ '' ®' •n haa accuatomed picturegoers tO' * pcct. Elennor Hoanlmnn, ^ ) jO jump* ^wose\

into screen famo witli her^ac tin g c tho nde n f Kcmember Stcddon in q .

ipert H ughea’ ‘•'Kiflila for S a le ," ia • g ir l—tlie ♦ ''Ihrlo wiso fool#” aro iu.lt- (H llinpvater, Willinm II. Crano ^ d Alec Francis. Tho eaat olso in* idea John SainpoHs, Brinsley Shaw, cd I-2smo1fon, W illinm Hainea, Lu- ^r <n L ittlefie ld , ZnSu Pitta, M artha hulk iittox, Crnig Biddle, Jr ., Croighton delicio >lc and Haymond H atton . Q» > j<

■ . ______ pecnnW h sr . W o Shine.

A wnysltlc phllosophor eays. "W®)URv» ou r gren t m ea whllo they live ]Id extol t h m when thoy die.” B n t , t i i i n e m ake up fo r It by exalting tb e :ioo* nur X: •eat. for pi

. - - .. , our dU/'iMciiiber her w ith flowera. SheII Ahink 0^ you w ith love. J u s t aond

your eard nnd her nddresa nnd aIhir o r two by post o r mcssengor nnd •’11 do the rest. Seventh street aouth. ono 1270. City Tow er Grcenhoiiacitr ® rin Falbk—adv. cloanll

- ODOUglW hot ia usolota to yon may be vain- tor at i t to othora—advcrtiao It in th e Bellab M>irittd 'cniiininn

Used Gars I1 1 9 2 3 P o r d T o u r i n g

1 1 9 2 3 P o r d C o u p e

1 1 9 2 2 P o r d T o u r i n g

1 1 9 2 2 F o r d C o u p e

Mag«l Autom



In th e "B ungolo

Corner Fourth Avenuo oad So.


E R y e a r ’s l a b o n h a v e b e e n w r i t tc i

t r o s p e f t , t h e p a 5 t t w e l v e - m o n t h h a s y

r e a s s u r i n g .

: h e t h r e s h o l d o f 1 9 2 4 w i t h c a lm c o n 6

I r e s o l v e c o m e a s u r e u p f u l l y t o o u i

o n s i b i l i t i e s . L e c u s h a v e f a i t h , c o u ra ^

p u r p o s e . L e c c a c h o f u s r o s t e r a -v

ic o f c o - o p e r a c i o n w i c h o u r f c l l o \

s , w e c a n n o c f a i l o f g r e a t e r a c h lc v c

D fis w i l l b c c o n f t a n d y g u i d e d b y th e

r S f rv ice t o t h e m o t o r i n g p u b l i c . W i

i t y o u r c o n f i d e n c e a n d , w i t l i i t , a n i n c

r p a t r o n a g e .

r e o f p r o s p e r i t y t o you i s o u r w i s h fi

N T I N E N T A L O l L C O M P .

(A Colorado Coxpotsdon)M arhting a a m b l^ l m c f biih-gradt U tnltum pnduBiin Colorado, u'^Dmin^N /w Mexico, Utah, Idaho and Montana ■

; DECEMBER 30, 1923.1& THBODOEB B O O B S V Z u H


3AN ' PRANCrsCO, Dec. 29 ^ rs. Theodore B oosevelt, w idow of|U> rmor president, and ‘her son, C o^ob trmit BooMvolt,. soUod today fo r < i r o f tho jVir Enirt. Mra. Rooaevfi on o ploasoro to a r w hile Oaptsl

losevelt la mnking n buaineas trip.

S p e c i a l A t t e n t i o n

G i v e n M a i l f j r d e i t s


e aro now m aking thecfiao*t Use o i ilk chocolates in tbo s ta te . M ost ‘ ilicioua ceatora; boaoy nongot, coooo- it, joraoy caramels, •walnut ereamies,■cnn clustere, etc. Wo- p u t them np

boxes aa you w an t ^ e m At $1.00 a nind. Croams SOc..ir home-mado candies aro already Pll known, always wero fine, and ill nro; pricod to su it all. As nsnal ir Xmas mixed can ’t be boat, either T prico or quality , ^ m e and see ir displny o{ *&oxoft, k inds, »U Eel, all pricca.

I f U ’s fromHEBBST & BAMBO

I t ' s approcloted,Iio candy store P a r Excollenee fo r oanlinoas, quality and service. Good lOugh fo r overybody, s o t too good ir anybody.cliable. Dopendabl*.

(A dr.)

For Salel g ' " '

n g -

mobile Co.


P . U .!ONO, 6:15igalow” •

I Second S tree t K o rth


I ^

1i t t c n i n t o

las y i e l d e d

o n f i d e n c c

o u r t a s k s

u r a g c a n d '•

a w h o l c -

I l o w m c n .

i c v e m e n t .

t h e p r i n -

W e s h a l l

i n c r e a s e d

h kc this




' H — r — T! , , r? —■ ■ ■■______ ,

^ 1 . t o o ^W tt mW h x toHioMTt - r « *

tM C l£ « tM H A «lv » v rre» A*4^M. M»M 4 ; ^

' AMb T#k\R W VW ftOZ M t b t R l b ^ O H E WH » » b *To C E \« » » » C » t M e « t $ z q ^ B ttW ftW m W N - »AS>

AT T w t C M ct 9 < o r t ieHAS “T iiT

S i i ^ ^ ^ S S S T ^ 7w c vi'«vN5» r t ' t o ' a ^A k « « O t- tO - B tW M s 0 n 0 • II

- c e \x « T j ( c x io N — III



C burcb SerylcesOaUioUo C burdi.

Roml a . Kiiytpr, l ’;i»tor.8 t . E dw ard ’s lOiiirpli. rornor Kixlh

avcnup und Second Htrwt t-nnt. W in­te r •chcdule:

M msci* «n Riindttv S h. i«. !»h*1 ll'.tU ' i a . ni. Wook day* 8 a. i i .V

Suiid:i>' I'vcnliij; HL'rvin? 7:30. ' W oek RiTvlco a t H oVlork a. m.

p l r s t OUtttclx o f ClirlBt S cientist. ^ ^100 N inth ;ivi'niif i'a«t.

• SundJiy son 'iccs 11 a. ni. Lcnnon sercinu, i'C lirU tiiu i Hrii’n ri-."

Sundny Sfhool lU it. in. fo r jniiiiH vj^der'itt yeiiTik of n«i\

,Tr»tiiiicnlnl ini-i-Hn}' on WcUituMdiiy ^ ovL'nln^ a t. S o'clock. '

SU rtT rw by tariim O lm rc lLA. 0 . I'namon, Mlnidler.

D :^ , Smidny bcIiouI; W. .1. Yojm;:,- '■ upcrin tcndcnt.

7, - ~ 11, Momln)? worHhip; flcrmon suh jc rt, "C onccn trn tion , OI)livii)n, ror.iist- w c o ."

Clirifltinn Endeavor sociolitH a t -1, 0:15 nnd. 0:30 p. m. -

7:30, Evcitliyr worsliip, serii'ion ftiil'- je c t, “ Im pact o f Lif«r Uimn L ifc .”

"T lJe Honae o f Oood oboor.”^ (M ethodist.) '® In joyoiiB nnticiprUion o f th(>

Y eor, tlio llt'v . Clinrk-ti K. W inning o f ‘ tUo MctlvtttlUl ehuTcU, ]'TOMd««» tw o jV cliaructorislicully /ino iwrvicM. In thn m orn ing hn will pn_‘_^Welrotn'', I .tho W orld 'a .B est Y ear,” flnd tho choirf„i, w ill render tho an th tm , “ W!i:it Soundi q , Arvs T lioso!” (Slicj>lioT<l), und llvu of*

. fortory , “ Komunri'.” by Z ittcrliart.In tlio ovpnlnR tli'* niininti‘r '« thoniolTi

w ill 1)0 “ M ental Oirdvnir—A ' N <• v. j j, Y e a r’ll Resolution,” and the <)ri-hc!'tra ! w ill, uudKt Dr. P u r ro tt’ft'd ittv tiim re u ^ n . <1<T “ !»• llcv e ,” I'V (ioltcrnian. aii.t ^

» Vwo o ther Boloctlon.^. whilo the choir..I w ith Mrn. F . fi. Ri-!i u» loader, will | \ p r o « c n t iho unthctnn, “ I'c a r Not. I

*B rln(; Vou Good TiiUn;tH” (W rri» j, i ' w ith .Mrs. H. FJ. VokoI nn Hoj.rano snlo

is t, nnd “ There W rro t>lii‘i)henl’‘ ' ’ ^ (8 ta to n ) , -with Mestlami's M ott an'i Vevin(^on nn sololfltH.

Bible school u t 10 tt. m.Yoiinu I’enplo’n BiTvice-i a t r t : l ' g

I>. n».

F irs t Boptlnt Cburch.W. II. Tolliviir. i'jmlor.

Bundny aoliool, ^Ju n io r, Intcrnuvllnte u n d Senior!

■younR people eaeli hnve an interi'sJ'm i’ ■ projrrnni n t G:l.'5. j

The p as to r’a lioun are 11 n. tn. nnO 7:3<l,p. m. 8i>cci:il niuai'^ a t both thom' j ■or\-Jcc>'.

T h e Ruailiiy lu-hool pa'iinet will liavcj chnrfjo o f the prayer meetlnff W 'clniM 'j. dny evening n t 7:30. i

r i r s t Olirlatian CluirciL .NV. SV. BurV s 1>. P.. V<«1r>r.

9:1.'! a- m.. Bible nrhnol UNnenihly. , 10:r,0 a. in., Coiiiinnnion an'i i*ermon. ij

Bul.jert, “ W hat Di<l Jenu.'t Brintf to i th e W o rld !” '

4 p . m., JnnSoT m eetinjj; Mr». C. L ., , I Brown, nup fnn tend in t. i

0:30 p. m., Younit {•rople’» mi’etln-:: L o n v itt Sm ith, president. ^

,7:.10 p. m., PraiKo nnd Hrrnion-li'fture. 6 u b jr r l , “ A Hij; Intiie nm l u l^Utli- O ffie in l.”

Tw in r a i l s Mission.C.IO Third Avenne

Bnn«\ivy wlwol lft »«.: M f'. M a M- I’orterfiel.U unperinteti'lc-nt.

M orninir wornliii> and «ernion ;it H o'eloek.; mib,ject. “ W .nlkinijby F a itl i .” ,

Evoninff pralso tcdtlmony itieotln7 -if ■ fcrMM'iv iit « ii’rlivi-k.

M idweek meellnRs Tni-^day nnd Thursdays a t 7:.^0.

U ib le s tudy In tho OM T estnm ent «n- t itle d . " A Binlfieye V!e«-,” every 'T hutsday evening a l 7:iO. i

o k s n io n d WlBlses Y oa a



NEW YEAR'S EVEtn d also

NEW YEAR’S NIOHTU o u d a r ond Tucadoy


f i ■TWIN

^ew 5^ \K C » Avu * 'T ttt ?M rr4 W'l40wj\Mfa TV4E OJKif. tw<W \t»ltM EX vC 'G \N »- W 'TV>'eVEHlHO 01^

H t U V E C 1 » S IW W V

i\K '"f-»IHIU '^ XHOObvrt s o - \ v tS A S O ^ e -

M t e> MouftO't Si ' K z z w t 'TON\W\ II M V ‘ ' ’ '■‘'■ raJl'l ^w U ocG C fno* (

F i r s t P h o t o g r a p h o f

m mrn-

y ^< 2 . y : i c d i x v ' t r - o o ^

T his Is tb o f irs t p icturc of a n ong con troops anC th e rovo :-tio n a ry dc It

. tbo Vora C ru r d is tric i w h tn th e ri :))Mr-tti;(i«kcd. The loyal troops, cot

Z.utboran Church. ci'Third Avo. W est and F ifth S troe t. i" ’

Jo h n Oihrin^,'^ Panlor..Sumlay, Dcevinljor 30, aervlees w itn

Holy Communion.

( Sunday iteliool 10 to 10:30 lu tit. )'*' J ’rupH^rutory jujrviee, 10:30 n. m.

'Ilion oil ejiiHtle k'ssdii fo r tlie S u iiijay ,' Onl. -«:l-7, 11 n. m. , >. iiv tn iii;; worBhijj 7:30. '

N'ow Y ear’s eve tex t, I,uke 'ITopic, Lord .JeRim nbi.lo with im fo r (he "j jtlny is fa r »[>cnt.

Ncw Y ear 's uerviei! Jan n a rv 1, 11 ■ n. m. '■I , No S aturday .school. of•; --------- K‘I j EnuU B ap tis t Church. iuI Luke M. lilcakjiey, .Miiiiiiter.

liib lo whool, 10 n. in.I’Toarhintj, 11 a. ni.; .mhj.'i-t, “ Whv »I

’ Worrj- in' Jon io r B. Y. P. IJ., 0:30 p. in. ji

■eonior B. Y. P. U., (Ii.lO p. ni. aEvening aervice, 7:30; subject, “ TIu' tl

' S ec re t,o f FcnrlessneHji.” ^

Oonunnnity Church. |,'j Tom niodKett, Miniater. j{

10 a. III., Clitireli acliool; J . R. JInl'. (| ^JuctinR- sii]>crintoiident. ^

1 11 a. tn., morniti(' wochMji; !>enu«u ^ tliome, “ O od’a A gricultural I'roj;raiii. ’ ' |. I I 7:30 p. ni., Evoiiin;r worsliij) and o.nii- j’

‘tn u n lly siiijf. Sermon theme, ••The .( 'a ll o f Tomorrow to the Voun;j .Man \ ,»nd Youn^ Woman of Todnv.’’ ■ '/

''I 7:30 p, III. Mond.iv, .\i'r«, Uih:,r.lV ’■|“ Worth Wliile G ir lv " v.ill .■nt.-rtaii, |,

'A n i iu r S c o lt’n Uoy.-.’ - w ith ^u Now Y ea r’a p a r ty 'in the eliurch m> t'lal rooms. j

7:30 p. III. Tiio"<ljiy,_ tlio Hu»iiM-H J ;M ca'# aMofintion meeta in tlio c«.in- / ■jiiiHnity office. j

I 7:30 p. m. iV iduy, (lie men o f thi- t ^ [ontiro Hunsen conimunity will iwv<«t w\

■jtho community church to di.Hciiss the I orjninlrjitlon o f a “ (;omtnuiiity c lu b ” ,

'■ to promote tho rolicioii.s, industria l, so- p Clal, educniioiiiil, reerentlonal anil ) 1.' —

; H - N CH o w M u c h B e t t e r

v i b e n Y o u D e c

T H EEvei^ overhauled job


B IL L I M o to r



TH E G U M P S - ^ R l iN G ^ 0 ^ ^ \ T H E ICM C

------------ ]------ I ■----------^ -----J

\ ) P — WlkME \ r* No\> NO \: • p o f c J& & M R S .^ rrT IN G V JM JS I

*TO N O U - I

\ r VI G v m / / T ^ r r — ^ ___— - - — I\ /// i i i r r r Y '

'N-wMV , j / %• X l [L

i ____ . M r :

o f M e x i c a n B e v o l t-------------- I p

^ w l s !L - J B a j j r a r B J M m

' I >

- - r

“ [wilI _

tngP 3e»ent botw oen tbo loyol MvxJ- > lu H L^rto coldlcrs. I t was snapped I rcTOluUonlsts. .ndor QcDorol San- sntroQchcd. bovo Jost opened fire.

civie intororrts o f tho community. The ovenluK’a proRram will ilicliide an oyster aupper fo r whieh there will be- no elinrtft'. Plana fo r a three d n y s’ fa rm ers ' inBtltMlo wiU \>o' di.icniMod. Kvery man 121 yoar.t of_^URe an.l over ill tho Ilanscn coiimiuui'ty ia Invited.,

; C L O V E R . ■ '

CLOVEU—Rudolf .M iirft^ , aeeoiripa- nied by liia b rofher Kniil M artens ot Kimberly, spent cevernl daya of Inst week in B iackfoot on buainesa.

(Vn W ednes.lny evoniiii; al (he Iioiik' o f .lena Las^teti n hir^je erowd of frienda (':itliercd to surprise Mr. nnd M rs. J ’l.- iUH P ufah l,- the oirasio ii lieinj,' thoir. fifteen th woddiiii; annivor.Hary.

Miss PaulH D annonfeldt is on the alck list.

Mr. nntl Mrs. A. J . B erber nnd fam ­ily, Tlioiiian Bcelier and Mr. and M ih. Armin L ist hnd Cliriatmaa dinnor a t tlio R. M artona home.

I The Rev. Mr, G ihriuR of Twin Fnll.i, • oreupicd lho |iiil|.il o f the Cl»>ver church W odnesdny tiiorninjj, wliile tlio Kuv. -Mr. D anncnfeld t o f Clover fillod th a t o f tho Tw in Falla Luthernn church. .

Mra. H enry Lutr. nnd daunbtur. Phil- lys, roturneil la s t w eek from an ex- tonilud v iait in Pesliler, Neb.

Tlioinna Beclier wont to Twin F alls ^W ednesday to v isit a l hia so u ’s honu ,A. .1. Becher and faniily, fo r, a weeic.

R. M artens and Chri.i Rclnke wer-i Imsinesa callers in Twin Pulla Wodnoa.

I Uny..\tr. nnd Mrs, Jlen ry Lutr. and fun; .

ily, M r. nnd Mra. Wiil L u tr and faini'* ,' Mr. uud M rs. J l i l to n Liormanii o n l• family, Mr. nnd .Mrs. John Ahrn<< nnd

fnmily and Pre.l Lutr. had ('Itrislina>< 1• dinner n t the homo o f the ir m o th e r , 'I Mra. Lulz. 1•I Lucllo Faulk o f IlanKoii ia via iliny ;’ n t tho Fred Hn(;lor home. I

A lorjjo crowd nttended the iirofiram !I given a t tho church Christm aa eve. Tli.‘ ■

m C E D; r S e r v i c e Y o u G e t

e a i D i r e c t w i t h

B O S S3b hero is {iniabcd and BY THE BOSS

H E L M ’SS e rv ic e


' S r ^ I N f a l l s , id a h c0, SUNDAY MORNING,

^ ] ^ : : ^ T H R O W O U \

© .**rM o » u * » 'n ^ w

\ / ^ O R i N O A N\ U E\«tRS«Ol>S t\ c o o r

/ ■ , A-R? UKHCINJCI \ / U SM*.S-y (fl& ' 1 WUN

w I ' ® / I I A , r V

A Iv . r ~ V. t^ocG H 0?

liri«tinua ^^^uttK tvuni: \iy lUo piipiU o t ftp 10 achool woro eappcially good.Prod Ila jjlo r nn.l funiily h a d Christ-

lUH iliniior n t tlio F . Sclielor homo, /ienr ^ uhl.Fred OjijiliKor nnd fimiilv nnd Mr.

M'i Mrs. ]■'. Fishor nn .U fnm ily Iiad U lirislm as d inner a t tho Clirin Ui'iuko

,f.,L:ist F riday Thomas Beolier, .lr., ro- . '

i-ived injiirie.H (fii two fin se rs when ' iey ivere raiiulit in n roller a t the ' ’j ‘’ ii;!ir fiiot»>ry. U wi\^ neccM«nry to tn'.u- iv e a tilrh e s in ono fincor, b u t ho lio|iea > savo both fin^ora. Ho is stnyinf; ut iri b ro tlie r’a homo i r Twin I-'aila.Armin L lat nnd ITonry Knlop wcro j]

\islnexa e«ller» hi Twin F riday . « ilMra. R udolf M artena nud cliildren

[tent Thurw lay nfternoou u t lho A. iiat homo, wliilo Mr. Murtons ntlondo.l pj''

cnnnl tnoelintr a t Clover.

Ktnrt Ihe now year rlRht: “ Sny it'j 1 .'i(h flow era.” I'hone !U7i>.—ndv. I •..»

w T (Busi:F e b . 2 n iW h e n t h e l i g h t s g o ’ o

F e b r u a r y S e c o n d t h i s s

. B a r g a i n s a l l o v e r t h e

w a t c h u s g o !

D E L A Y M E A NL a s t w e e k e n t h u s i a s t

t h i s s t o r e . I t w i l l h a p

s o c o m e a s e a r l y a s p o i

o f t h e s e u n p r e c e d e n t e

Our Going Out of Business Evening, Febn

I f o w o v c r , t l i e r o w e n ; w

o r d o i v d f o r i) (* c « 'm lic r a n d .

l i j » ^ ' n<iw. a r r i v e d a in l w il l 1

]W'Wv\\ f o r I M M i C n i A T K S

C o tu t* i l l , l o o k o i i r u tr

‘•Tin* l a o i 'c y o u H po iu l Uic i


E ntire Stock Musl less ofSPEND AND SAVE



r ......... ...

9 ?T 0 ? '^ M A t \N b VOAKC U P tH 'TWJB

K\H<» ^THE Al

M tU A 'T tb / / «E‘WeH

BREST COUNTERFEITERS ■=i7o AddiUonal P tJuontra Aro Tftken bir'* red a rn l O fficers In E f fo r ts to Corral G ang M ak ing F o k a Bills

C IlIC A no, Doc. ”<> (/P>—F iv e addl- ® mill arreati* w ere m ade today Ijy fed- ill agonts ill th e ir e ffo rts to run iwn the liand of ro\int>'rft'Ui'nv •■Ived in the makin;: of im itntlons of0 federal rcsorvo notes. Oue of ll.e- k-o wns aaid to bo nn ex-oj.nvlot nnd hcra oompriaed an en llre fam ily, in - , adinU tw o sd iool ujfla. i

Ilomembcr her wifh flow ers. Sln‘ |111 th ink of you w ith Inve. JuhI sen l , vour piird and hor ndilresa ami :i dliir or two by post o r meaflcnRer am! o 'll ilo tlio rest. Seventh atreet aoutli. lono 127D. C itj Tower Greonhoiiacs, ivin Falla.—adv.

TllO N'ow* I* renit by tnu pcrm snao,t„uxa «*.l*WW*».

J u i t

ness!d , 1 9 2 4 I

o u t S a t u r d a y n i g h t , ;

s a l e w i l l e n d . | ,

: s t o r e , f r o m n o w o n , iy 1

IS D IS A S TE RS t i c b u y e r s c r o w d e d :

a p e n a g a i n t h i s w e e k , :

j s s i b l e f o r y o u r s h a r e

2 d v a l u e s . i

s Salo W U l End Saturday •uary 2, 1924

s o v o r a l H h i i ) m f i i t s o f jjood -s

J a n u a r y s h i p m o i i t s w h i c h

1)0 a d d o d to o t i r s t o c k a n d

r^A i.K .

;o ro o v t 'r a n d r o i i i o m b c r —

l a o r o y o u .s av o .”

W S O N & B K I J A ' I L L E . ”

t Be Sold Regard-1 Price. |J AT OUR STORE! i1 FOE SALE ■



, DECEMBER 30,1923.

T T H E S T E W^

Page iThrw-

f f l

W e e x p e c t a R u s h

f o r t h e s e S u i t s

a n d O v e r c o a t s •

t h i s w e e k —

$16.50 to $50.00

and wo’re prepared fo r it. .

This week is a l­ways a big clothing ■week.

Mon ■ home for the Holidays like Moth- e r ’B cooking aud lo­ca l vatues bcRt.

ik 'i i who live here — {getting ready to ■ mako the New Y ear

1 coiieeilo to t h e i r toriuH.

Youug men who rc ­ct* i v c g o l d f or ^,'hri.stijiaH find it dm\VH Ix^tter inter- es t iu uew clothes thnu it dop.s b a c k . i>f a time lock.

T w <> u o w s h i p- niouts of Suits and <’oat.'< ju s t in to take cnro of a big busine.ss t h a t I s b u ilt on big values.

i f f l

Idaho Dept. Store" I t I t \» a ’t l ig U

bring U boek”


T a g e F o u r / - T W I N


TO BE SENT TO EUROPEBesiUts o f Trybotb a t lA kft P lac id 8 0

OIqm tbAt Jodifes D eddo on Send- kr: lng M ore th a n Tottr Men A broad "*!

LA K E PLACID, N. Y ., ,D « . ,—Six Amoricnn , cham- ^pionH nJIJ bc JPHt abroad to ro p re so n tW Anioricri Jn tho Olympic racos, llon ry UUilcin. vlco-pprsl'lciit ftf thc In te r- ‘ nntionnl aku tln g union, nnnouncotl to- n igh t nt tho rloiio o f nn o x ccu tiv o l' . eommitteo njootinR ronvcnoil n ftc r finnl tryout* licro thin afternoon. | . '

Hn ki’cn hnn been comiietition nnd , flO rioso tho finish of tho events, M r. | IJihlein th a t tho committoo M t , f "iiowerlcM to *elcet o r OesiRftnto fo u rt men wlio should sknto in tha Olym-, . pii’i*. I t wnB derided, therefore,8eml dlx men nbrond, jirovido thom w ilh means of continuing practico on U-^j 8hi|)bo»rd nnd ovcrncns nnd nllows thom | jjjj

. lo pontost nmong thomtieU-os fo r th e ^ ,„ privilege of filling tho fonr plaeea U repregenttttivoa of America. / j 1

LIST GAIIflES FOR PIRATK,»;-------- X r i 'l

P lttflburgh N ationals Scbednle B zhlbl- ""I t lo a Onmcs w ith Ooast, N ationa l "I” and SoQthom Loaguo Toams ‘n nr i T T S n u n a n , Dcr. 20 M>>—T ho |"*°

P ittsbu rgh N ationnl lengue luiBi'btill 1^!'’ cluh will trn in nt Pnso Roble/t, Cal., I . , from Fcbnm ry 27 until Mnrch lOti')-* wlii'n a hitIph of exhibition gnmos;*: wiU 1,0 p layed witfj Pncific Coost, N tuional, Amcricnn nnsocintion nnd ? Southern league tcnmn before tho , opetiing o f the neniion on April 15, i t wns nnnounced liero tonight.

From Mnrcli 20 to M nrrh .10 thc IMrnte* will plny Sncmmonto, Snn FrunrlNco nnd Onkland in C nliforn la-1,,_ On M nrrh 31 nnd A pril 1, 2 and 8 Pittnburgh w ill m eet tho Chlengo Nn*]j,^,, tloiiatu n t Los Anffclox, Kingnrnn,Phoenix, Arlzonn, nnd Albuquerque, j „.j,

M. |u „ -------------------------- oul

EXHIBITION LINE-UP SETChicago A m ericans to M eet S ix O theri | l |

Baseball Team s in Schedulo B z - ' \v tending from M arch 18 to M orch28 11

CHICAGO, Dce. 20 C«>)—KxhlblHon . gfincfi fo r the (.'hicngp AiucrieunH for

Mnrch wcro announced todny n» fo l­lows:

M nrrh 18—W ith ijt. I.oiiix N:ition:ilK n t hrndontow n, F la . (n

M nrrh 1{)— TJoston NntionalH n t HI. P etersburg, P la .

M nrrh ’J l— lt<niton Nntlmuils a t W in­te r Hnven, F la .

M arch tlTr—St. Ix>iu* S’;itionnI» at W in te r Haven, Fin.

M arch 27— rhlb idelphin Natlon.nli a t !>>eiiburg, P la . nn

Mnrcli "H—Philndelphia N ationals n t "in WlnUT Haven, F la . bu

Tin- ratrheiN .tnd "om r nf thitho younger jilayers uro Hrlieduled to w i roach th e traiiiliig tam p in W in tr: Ini Haven, Fla., about Mtirrli

---------------- -------- -it;NO APOLOGY FOR PADDOCKW orld’s Champion S p rin te r 'W ill Ap-

p l7 fo r B ainsta tem en t in A. A . U . in O nter to Compete A broad fi|k

I.OS AN’OEl.l-JS. Der, -y.) though Charles IMddock, “ w orld ’s faftcat linnm n,” will npply for rein-

. o tnlem ent in flie Anutteur A thlctlT Union in o rder to become eligible to eoDijK'te for n jitaeo on the li>-4 Olyni pic team , he will no t apologlr.e fo r " any th ing he has sjild about th n t orgnn- . irntioii, he deelared here loday.

FRANCO-GERMAN TILT SET k:MAVBN(;K, Ciermaiiy. H ir. '20 IA>)~

T hc success of fhe Franro-fieruian a!*- pocintinn football niiitchix, iii.ingurnted licro on December 0 and since continued n t ('obleiir;, Wienbaden nnd othe.- Rhineland cities, h.is b een ' surh tu a t th r P rench team linvo derided to invito '® tho Oennnns to meet the ir e ith e r in « M etz o r Strasbourg, provided the F rench football ^ ‘tlcration consents,

MASCART TO SEEK MATCHPA R IS, Dec. 2!> f>P)—Kdounrd Mns-

cart, European fea ther w eight rliani pion. will be nnable ti* challenge Jo h n ­ny Diiiid'-e un til Into lii the spring, owing to his present b»K,kings, which ex tend to Man-li 1, One of thes.; mntehes is w itli l.’hnrlcH I.rdoux on F e b ­ru a ry 111,


D ETROIT, M irh,, Dec. 29 0P>—B a tt­ling Riki rnnnot fig h t in Michignn. Louis Plies, B(ate boxing rommis- sloner todav announced th a t ho had ordered Ctrand Rnpids promotcra to cunrel the ir Bclicduled 10-round bout betw een Siki and Jo e Lohnian, Tole­do heavyw eight, w hirh wa» to havo been held New Y c a r’a day.

W. T. Haines

A u to T o p T a ilo r

Wa mako tops, repair cushions, curtains and tops, and do upholster­ing. Oive us a trial.

3 3 5 U n iU E a s t^ .

N P A L L S D A I L Y N E W S ,


Miscellaneous Missiles Filled the'Air in Hostilities at Ohio „

^rndustrial Sctiool | JDKLAWARK, Otilo, Dec. 2» 0P>— 1 "

A fte r a n ig h t and n day of turniol' | *v irtua l o rder w as re rto red 'u t the ,girl<’ ; ^induHtrial school nem hero lato toilay . ^nnil extrn precnutlonH hnvo been taken i I

'to prevent n recurronco ton ight o f la it ; 'in ig lit’s d isorder w;lien more fifan Id 'i; *''g ir ls o f th e in stitu tion , shouting an d ; "[Ihrow ing stonoH niui nnything th ev - cnnJd ge t fheJr h n n j" on, roiimciJ tli<‘ jgronnds o f the nchool slirieking dcTi- *

I nneo. ' ■ Ij A ssistant S ta te W etfiire Dircclor Mi- ) 'I Nnniiu-ii, who hnn been a t the srh o o l. ' lall day, has completed extensive nr-Irangoiiients to foreslnll nny ‘‘ r io t in g " ) ' J!

, tonight. I ^I ('iiiler his direction Home l.'i girls, de- | ^clnred' fo bc r ing leaderH in tho epinode. j *

I wcro to bo trnnsfcrred to tho w om en'a ‘ '^reform atory n t .Mitrysville, This, H ^Was believed, will curb tlio rebellious 'sp irits o f tlio otjicrs. > . i '

In a ildilion, M r. M rX am ara has made |nrrnngem enfs, fo r deptltir.intj n srore or |moro o f fnrn(cr(i in tiilH v icinity for "

;m‘rvicc iu 'i-jiso Iroifble' should a risi’, ' !■ S h e riff F red H a rte r o f Delaware, who ; *• jw ith Ills force o f doputies, subdued fli-r;girl.-i lnat night, han been on guard all I Iiil«y and will rqntjniiu to maint,i:ii U

'I’lie “ riot ’ ’ was thought to h ave ,bec i 1 1 broken np thin morning, b u t Kliortl'' n fto r noon some 80 g irls who it l« I wero th e main offeiidiTs, nnd w h o ' wero confined in tlio usuemlily bni!, '

jiitarted sliontliig nnd throw iinj m issiles, again. I^jjter in thc dny, however, thev :

ibeeaiMo tired from th e ir ull night and M nenrly nil il:iy exertions nnd quieted down. Xcifrly n do ten deputy slioriffM •

jw ith rcndy clubs stood guard ' in t h - ’ j nssembly hnll nnd others patrolled the outside, ' ^

ismisT ISTILL iSlGi


Internal Revenue Department Ctilef Denies Knowledge ot ;:j;; Capital Rum Patrons

— till' WASHIX(}TON*, Der, ‘:u OP)—S till

ano ther governm ent official, CommiB- sioner B lnir o f tho Intcrnnl revenue " burenu, denied todny nil knowlrdgo o f *" th e m ysterious lis t o f rum purcliascn w^firh hns become th e cen ter of Wnsh- inK tnn's bootleg scandnl.

F or a duy or two a f to f 'th e raid th n t -itnrted nil’ tlie troubre, police offi- c in lj t.nlked freely o f tho seir.ure of n S i list ennfjjiniug hundreds of nnmes nnd h in ted -fli^t some nf them would tnko

'lijyi'y tho brenth o f o ffic ia l and fnsh-i ■&iiablo W usliington, if they wcro ptib-| liMicd, A th re a t o f prosecution wns mndo bj* the d is tric t a tto rn ey 's offlco nud tlien thc list suddenly sunk from sight nnd le f t behind only n w idening circle o f denials.

Commlsaioner B la ir ’s statem ent to- day did refer, however, to n group , o f 21 nnmcs which ho suld hnd bcon subscribed and w ere under Invcstign- “ . tlon. Ho ndded th n t Olher names had , been ro n trib ihed bv thoso under ar- • , res t ii^ the case, th a t f if ty laoro hnd been contained in nnolher list sclrod J some tim e beforo, nnd finnlly th n t a *! “ Httle b lack b ook” nppnrently also hnd ex isted a t ono timo containing tlie namea of several hundred.

byI f vour property la dc'-lrnbto nnd lr me

idvcrtised in tlio classK ied—you 'il find your buyer.

N e w L o c a

S in g e r S ew inga n d M r s . C . '

H e m s t i t c h i n g a n d h i s

i n g d o n e j u s t t o y o u r

t h e g u a r a n t e e o f

A t 1 3 1 E e

ConfettiD a n c e t h e o l d y e a r o u t

i n N e w Y e a r ’s e v e , o v «

A l M u

T ic k e ts , 5A u s p i c e s M . I ; A . R e c

■ -''I

S , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

O c e a n D e p t J ^ A r e U .

P l u m b e d i h C r u i a e A r o u n d t h e C o a s t

Soundings’ Taken of Deepest Body of Water in the World; ‘‘i*')' Now Apparatus Used "'j'

S A y 'D lB G O , Dec. M»)—An oceanographic rrii’,i>o, which Htart- ed a t Now London, Conn., N'ovcm- ber lit, und w hi-h resulted in .tho firnt conjpk’lo sou«di«g. o t tho Bleamcr track betw crn San Dicuo, tho J’anania raii-'il and tho New Enjjlmul const by both thc new zonic dcptli find ing device and es- I>i.‘rlally constructed elertric driven *wiro Miumliiig apparatus, ended <''!» here with tlie a rriva l In {mrt foday wnr o f the ^ ^ lite d S tates coast and am geodclir BtcnnilT Guide. reU

On tho rru ise tliat ended foihiy den the Guide took soundings o f tlio dep <leepest body of w ater in tbe icy- world. Thin’ wan n t a jxiint KK) m iles north o f fhe Porto R iran coast, A to ta l o f -JOOi; fathom s of

• w ire were unwound from tho G uide 's Kounding npparatiis andeven a t th is depth of five miles “ I’o the “ ho le” in tho north A tlantic

• was not renched. ' IdgiIn nddifiow to the sonndJjjg* Ih r eon

Guide look temjHTatures o f the nioiw nler a t certa in in tervals and also th.a'tiroriircd samples of flic ocean libcbottom . These wimpleii and other upod iila obtained on the cruise will pen bc sent to W ashiagtoa for study . armby hvdrognipiilc ex]>ert». * It i

■ iilEii Ii mmm.

. . . met

Many “ Old Timers” Assist Or- “I; egon Trail Blazer to Cele- brate biisj|Dniversary

Si>ATTLi:, Dec. Jll OP)-K?.ra Meek- i-r, Orcgim pioneer and fruil blazer, celebrated h is n iaety-tliird birthdiiv iiiinivcrBary here today, .More tlnin 70 giicBls jittondcd the eclebralion ami most o f them were more thaa 70 years a f nge. . ■

Among- Ih c g u e ^ ts w as C li:;|d a in Hob- o r t S tu b b s o f T a ro m a . W asli.i li).> S ta ven ra o ld . w ho v.-as a boy o f se v en in K iij:linyl w h en M r, .M eeker w as b o rn ill H u iits v illo , O hio . T w e n ty old s<tl- hi’e d ie rs fro m th e ( ) r li: ig soh iicrH ’ liou ie, byI'lid ;■(' ........ o f llie Borruwe<l Time denidiib also were pri’seut. sen

.Mr. Meeker, who has couiplcli'ly n ’- In i covered from a recent illne!'*, plniini-d the uffaiT unii m anaged thc en te rta in ­m ent held during th - day nnd tnaiglit. „Tbe gticslH were Kiven a lunehonn in __^tl local cafo and slio.vii around the c it;In an aiitoiiKibile.furnished through tln ' , Kwittle a ia m b e r o f rom m erc,., in addi- lion to view ing ii film featuring Mi. Meeker during Ills tr ip Inst year to Now York citv:

______________ T


(Continued from pago one) 1■ • — of

n resolution by Senator Bor.ih, repul'- of Iicnn, Idaho, projiosing rix'ojjnillon ■>? boi] tho soviet government :>nd it probably off will he ccinducft-ti hv n «ijh-comtnittec, hin which in tho usual j custom, would be headed by Senator Ilornh as iTulbor fi o f the resolution, _

Besides th e Itussiaii inquiry, o lher ■” investigaiions in prosp^cct inrlu'do those M Into cnmpaign oxj>caditurcs in the T>r cent Texas scnatoriai 'elorl4o’n ; Ihe nl- logetl nso of propaganda fo rontrol the action o f rongretw and influeneo the foreign policy o f the governm ent; th.- cxpenditnren of the fcileral farm loan bonrd and the employment of atto rneys by tho shipping board and the d e p a r t­m ent o f justice.

K RA D t i u : C L A S S IF IE D ADS.

n a t i o n o fI M ach ine Co., R . F u g a t e

i g h - c l a s s e m b r o i d e r -

r r e q u i r e m e n t s , w i t h

: S i n g e r S e r v i c e .

! a s t M a in


J t a n d t h e N e w Y e a r

v e r A l v o r d - & M o t t ’s .

[ u s i c

5 0 C e n tsic>- \ n C o m m i t t e e

1 , ■ ' ■,. ■, . -f --------

' • J •

X S U N D A Y M O R N I N G , :


(Contloaed from Pnge, Ono) -

ing <:tis nnd w;ir supplies to proposed pur- insora among foreign power#, I tun riling lo siiy ttia t I hope It will be to 30 policy of tho war departm ont n o t fac t tly to mako no salca o f war equip* „ e n f to nny foreign power, b u t th a t)u will go fu rth e r and mnko certain ,, mt public sales to our owa citizona ^ ill bo a ttended by proper guarautoos lat such BiipplloB nro not to bo trans- Trod to ftiry foroign power. I i r o a l d ; * ^ intngo th a l m ight attond such lalos ladly wavo nsldo nny financial ad- ) mnko auro th n t nono of our aurplua ' luipment is employed in oneouroglng nrfnro nny plnco in tho world. I n w riting n almllar noto to tho acc- ‘l a r y . of th e navy and shall confi- ently expect thd’'co-oporatioD o f 'b o tb t>partmcn(a At ndhoring t o 't h i s poi- y .” ■ ' .

N ew In terpm tatlon A t the timo o f ita publicntloa, Pros-

lent H ard in g 's le tte r was gonorally instruod aa a blanket prohibition

Iion any sales o f wnr m aterial to fo r- gn countries. Decision of tho Cool- igo adm inistration f a mako tho salo

sntcm plited to Jho Mexican govern- ont was tak en , however, ns mcnnlng i.at in c.-iblnet circles either a moro beral construction has been plncod pon tho Hnrdlng policy statem ent, erm ittlng cach question of sale • of rms to be solved upon its mvrlts na

aroso, or th n t the prusont situation1 Mexico nnd flio desire of tlio Unlt- il S ta tes government to seo. atublo overnment mnlntnined thero and in- irrec tionnry outbreriljin discouraged, istifies a dopnrtiiru from previous olicv.

Arm y O ffld a ls Silent Thore is Uttlo doubt th a t tbo ilccls-

m to sell nrm s to Mcxico mot w ith ime opposition in tho wnr depart- lent. Army officinls would not ta lk f—tho m atter for publiralion, how-

Significancfe Js attnched . to tho lause in the s ta te b rie fjitcm ont cnlling nltention to tho ro- I'nt restoration of diplomntic rola- ons between Mexico and tho United tatcH. The Obregon government Itna Ircady procured ratiflcntion by tUo Icxlcnn senate qf the ir special claimB invention, one of the two pacts orkcil out by thc jo in t corrnnisaion J linvo fho wny inr formal iJJplo- ntic recognition by the United Stntos. tato depiirtm cnt advices today snld ia( tbo Nci-ond convention, knon'u aa 10 general clnims convention, bnd I’cn formally taken u(> for dlBciisalon y tho Mexican senate. I t wns cvl- ent th a t early ratiflcntion o( tho ■cond convention also wiis oxpected I official circles.- j


-Three carloads of rifles nnd nmmu- ition consigned to thc .Mexican fod- r;il governm ent aro due in Larodo unday, arconllng to uqephruio rc[>orts' ?coivcd S aturday night by tho San .ntonio Kxprcss from Lnrrdo.This is tho f irs t big shipmont of

rms known fo h,'»!•<• hw’fi «hJ{>ped to loxico tbrough a border port.


TOULON, Dec, 20 W>>—Tho widow f Lieutcnnnt Grenadan, commandor f tlio lost dirigible Dixmude, whoso ody was fouuil in the .Mediterranenn ff the coast of Sicily Friday, gnvo irth to a son tonight.

R E A D T H K D A ILV N K W - , ^

5 ! t K I N G V I D 0 I l A « ! u d f a .miH . WE MISO dM tdrnm jhativht

Austin Strong. ‘ kl 'WinchaU S i& h -


D E C E M B E R 3 0 , 1 ^ 1 2 3 .

SEEK EVIDENCE- '(O oB tinned fro m P a g e Ono^ P

____________ m a y b(

led to d a y , th o se a rc h in g p a r t i e s bo- *o rd e re d to r o tu r n t o tb c lr poats.

?ho Bca son rch , h o w ev e r, ia ho p e d rcachod j- ic ld a o m clh in g e v e n tu a l ly . T h e n a v a l ' t t h a t n o th in g lius y o t b e e n f o u n d th o I t t n o t d lsc o u rn g in g thoao e f f o r t s , a n d F ro n e h la d ro n s - .o f n ir p la n c a .w ill f ly o v e r to re d ! w n lc r 'h o p ln g to s p y , so m e th in g in th o ste

H c ia ilT iMonday

Happy Ne w Ye




P r«4aeed U aa«r PcrM oalSopm l»l«D ef '

JACK COOGAN, Sr.D lrM ttd B r G




D IF F E R E N T R O L E ,


Ben Turpin Comedy

"Asleep at tho Switch"

Another Big HoliiThe Famous Broadway Stage Pli

made into a brilliant ]


T h e J o y P i c t u r e ^ C h a r m




E X T E A C O M E D Y A l


“UncensoredAlso PATHE NEWS '


M a t in e e . . . ..................1 :40 a n d 3:3C M a t l

E T e a in g _ _ ..................7 :10 a a d 6:0C E v e n

d e p th s I h n t m a y i l e a r u p th e w y l-I t i s h o p e d ;a m c sa o g e ’ o f s o j a ^ •

d , 'p e rh a p s in a f lo a t in g contaiflo |i, y bo fo u n d .ixK e i t r e m o iy b o a v y "o a is atU l n m - g o f f S c lacc n , b u t th o F ten cH w ar- pa M u lh o u t , C a la is a n d A n n am ito chod th e r e th la m o rn in g a n d F ren o li k-nl o f fico ra w e n t o a h o te t o th a n k , I ta l la n a . S e v e ra l o f th o sm alle* ' sneh w arahipB h a v e - p u t in^o shel-- e d w a te r s te m p o ra r i ly bocauao o f ] s t e m . ^


^ M atinee 1:30

N ig b t 7:00 p. m.

to m idnight

fear to All!<

fbeKinI °


{ o n d a y a n d T u e s ­

d a y , M a t i n e e a n d E v e n i n g

iliday WinnerPlay Success has been

nt photoplay •

.E!B L E !:AM ATIC! «r m . H u m o r , T h r i l l s

: jn o w a te eZASU PITTS

w m . HAINES



\ Movies”w e e k l y


Matinee............. ....... i :4 5 and 3:30

BTenlng........6:30, 8 :2 0 and 10:10


lomo Efliin. CLiSE_SESSION

, -state Administration Com- I mended; Gooding Publisher

Is Elected PresidentB o i s e ; :o ( M - t . r . a ™ n ,

O o o d in g , e aU o r a n d pub liB ho r o f th o■ G ooiU ng L en d e r , w aa o loc tod p ro s id o a t ' o t th o Id n h o B ta to E d ito r io l n sa o c ia ­t io n a t th o c lo sin g a o u io n o f th o ir

' t w o d n y n io o tin f' S a tu r d n y a f to rn o o n in th o c h n m b er o f com m orco . O th o r ' o /Z fee rs c icc tcd w cro : V ic o p re s Jd o n t,

■ J . C. S a fe ly , Gran(;cvil1i< F ro o P ro a a; ao ero tn ry -trc n su ro r , O uy F Ic n h e r , B o lao ; e x e c u tiv e c o m m lttcc , N icliohiB I f f t , Po- c a to llo T f ll ,u n e . u m l N e d Jc n n e a a , N n m p a L c n d c r - lte ra ld . T h o p re s id e n t, v ic c -p ro a ld e n t a n d a o c rc ta ry -tro a a u ro r

' a ls o w ill bo o a th o o x e c u tiv o com m it-'

GranKOvlllo w n s c hosen a s th o p laco f o r . lh o su m m er m ootJnp , a n d P o c a te llo f o r th o n n n u n l m e c tln i; n o x t Docom -

. b flr. D a te s o f llto su m m er m e e tin g w i l l bo na tnod l a t e r b y th o s e c re ta ry - t r e n s u re r . T lio t r i p to Q ra n |;o v il lo w i l l bo o v o r th e n o r lh a n d nou th hig li- w o y a n d th o e d i to r s p la a to sp e n d o n o n ig h t in W claor.' F o l lo w in g lu n c h eo n S a tu r d a y « o o n , n t w h ie h a trn v e l in g -s o t wjis p r e s e n t­e d to O u y J 'le n n c r In a p p re c li it lo n o f h i s so rv lc cs th e p n s t y e n r, th e e d i to r s w o ro tn k o n In n u to m o b llc s t o D n rb o r, w h cro th e y in sp e c ted th o m il ls , nnd th o n f o r n r id e n ro u n d th o c i ty .

M a n y trn d o <iufHtious w ero u p f o r d lscusaio t) a t th o n f tc rn o o n sesaion .I n re so lu tio n s a d o p te d , c o m m en d a tio n w a s g iv e n ' tlio s tn to n d m in ia tra tio n a n d tlio p u rch n s in g d e p a r tm e n t , fo r w id e r d is t r i lm tio n , o f stnti* p r in t in g n m o n g n o w sp n p er m ou o f Id n lio . G ov­e rn o r ^^^)o^e w ns ro m m c n d ed f o r h ls a t t i t u d e in d e m an d in g " I d a h o pro- 'd u c ts fo r Idn lio p e o p lo " a n d i t w as d o r la re d th n t jiu h lie o f f ic ia ls , h a n k e rs ,

- an iJ m en in p r iv a lo lif e , co u ld a tu d y w it/i p r o f i t ifio w o rd s o f O o v crn o r j f o o r e w hen ho a a id : " S o lo n g a s I nm . g o v o rn o r o f th i s a ta to a l l sta tio n * orj* uBOi! ia m y o ffic o w ill bo p r in te d b y th e b o y s o f th is s ta te , w ho a ro d o in g so m u rh to m.'iko I t a g ro a t c o m m o n w e a lth .” T h o s t a t e p u rc h a s ­in g d e p a r tm e n t w a s f u r th e r com m end- od f o r i t s n c tio n in e l im in a t in g lith o -

• g r a p h e d n n d e m bossed a tn tio n o ry .

, ascoEiyiiE dited by U n . E. B. WUUams

^ Teleptioao 300

MIsm K va Wonr .-.nd Mi.w Kiitliryi. Hr>-sou I'ntertiiinod F riday evening at tho home o f tho Misses M artin nn S ixth avouui) easf, in honor o f Mi^n L illia ii-liij'sou^w lip is horo 'from Chey- wine, Wyoming, fo spend thi’ holidays w ith her sistor.

Now Yoiir’s ganief. nnd sfiin is jiro- vidwl ninusemetif for llio evening. ,\i n Into hour delirious r*‘fresliinents ear ry ing out the Clirisliniis i-dlor* wor.- served. ThoHo pren-nt wcro im'mlx-ri' o f Ou* ni--kol elnb. luiil were Mrs. KtI.ei Gray. T. llnnro. and lho Mii'sesE thol K nutr, Pridgew ator. I.Mdwiir, nundomon, Totraiilt. M 'lliaffoy, Gustaf-

* snn, Yount and ItalMinoit. k —

Miss Boriiii-o Babco.-l: wns lif>hless to tho niemhiTS o f Jlie ('muinn I’lil Bota sororlly Snturdny evoiiiiir; nt !ut homo on Tonth nvenno north. Tho fiiiic wA:i spent w ith siMvlng nnd vi^iti^lg nn-l sing ing tho chapter Non^s. At n laic hour df;iiify refroKhnieiilM woro "erved.Tho guests wero .Mr^. I.. W. {^oloniiin,Mrs. W. F. i'ike , >Jr^. H arry Uonolt, a n d Misses AHiorliui’ Hciioit. Helon Kobcrls, Aluia Hakor nn-l T etrau lt.

Membors o f Iho ........ rlubwon* doligjitf^illy onlerliiiii.'d I’riday nfternonn at the home of Mr.-*. F.d Min- norly, 16S llam ago streot. Tho usual buainess waa transacted a f te r which tho aflonioon wns spent w ith needle w ork nnd eonvcrs;ition w ith da in ty rc* frosliincnts shortly before adjourn- moftj.

Tho W oman’s Progrossivo rlub will bave a Now Y ear 's jm rty Tuesday ovon- iiift n t .the homo o f Mrs. Juno Kirk- man.'.“,fh is is to bo a "har< l ti^uos"

, p a r ty , a n d an/^one a p p o a r in g d resse d tn p a r ty c lo th in g w ill bo f in e d . l>a<lies o f th o c lu b n ro re q u c a te d to b r in g p ie s u n d iiandw iches.

Tho liitaincuH nntl Professional womon •will hold a wntch p.irty M onday night in th e ir club rooms.

MUs Corotn NioholK wns plcnsanfly Burprisod Thurs<by ovening « t fhe countr\- homo-of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mm. Nonh Nichols, by aovernl o f her ft-lends. The ovening was spont wiih gnmos until n t la to hour, whon delicious refreshm ents wero sorved.

Cravon Scott onforfaincd several o f b is friends a t a pnrtv a t his homo on Seventh avonuo north Siiturdiiy oven­ing. T hoso-present were Misses pn ro - th v Simpson, M nrion Bolman. \ \ ilma Koel, Flo Conk. Kdnn P arro tt, M argarel Bcillcv, nnd Messrs. .lohn Noh, Dudley Swlnr, n obert Bolmnn, A rthu r Poavoy,J r ., Miirshall 8 o n i \v ‘lle. Dancing nnd bridgo furnisheil on terlainm ont for tho evening, a f to r whi.-h rofreshm enu wore acnr-cd.-

JE W IB IL S Y N A G O O irE BU B N B .PO nTLA N D . O re ., Drc. .0 OP)-

•Templo Both Israel, .lowish synagogue a t T 'velflh and M«in stroots. In the downtown section, wna v irtually de­stroved bv fire ton ight. The synn- gngtio w n i one of the largest church buildings in tho city . Foremen said th a t thc bliir.o was npparcally incea- d lnry na they discovered gii.tolino sprinkled nboul th c in toriur o f thr s t r u c t u r e ^ ________

Th» N li» l U I««a W !> « » •» •» ' e a m i s e o U ia e t.


//4 lfr#? V\ f \ l f



Not a coat here bu thiH Hcason, ne.xt F or the modelH ar same timo decidcc of every reniainiu THIKD P lilC K . $67.00 to $175.00. TIIIU D AND LE

Evenin:The social Bcason of partie.s a re m you may have cho ite party gowns, li wiso. I'ricos froii ju s t ONE-TUIRD


Jac(]-There aro juKt tv 16 aud id.^ JMade j,'ray. They a re b els: Tliey a re in hoifj;; worn cxteii to $32.00. One {

JerseyThe famou.'i Kic jD/ule of the fine formor price wa

' Bale this week yi; ■ $3,95.

■ ■■I «----------------- ^ ^ ------ r


y S , - T W I N F A L L S , I D A H C


_ I \' ^ * \

kJ l '' /T ky : / T .

tomorrow York fo

m ) / ' leav(^ pr H nearly as

i r ManiI mI ^S Ib I full dollar,

a | ] K | in mind th: sonably pri splendid; o

f l ' * ^ easily possi

sy Coats -but will bo in good style Half tlLt seiuion and the next. tha t iiiare conservative—a t tbe it is iiled 8tyle.s. Your •choice l‘>n}r auling piece a t ju s t ONE- tlie sty

F orm er prices were ovor bo). CUOICE NOW ONE- foriuorl.ESS. ONE-T

lg Frocksn has juat begun. A lot ^ ”• . - I 'v o r v hin contemplation. Nowiioico of the most exquia- haiulso

hand beaded and olber- ”om $35.00 to $85.00, for:D. third a


iquettestwo of tbem loft. Sizea The liJilie of aatrakhan, tan and cd, buiboth this season’s mod- lu-ice—

n the be-st style and are bjoiisi'.'-eiisively. Form er pricea Vou )j: price, $10.50. TIIIK l

T Knickers[ickerniok-in all colors, "We o ii08t tjiuility jersey. The (jualit; i’as $5.95. Starting thc vjn-ietv you may havo tiiem for ■ fo r X

have \




Ready/ BegimA G reat Clea

*eady-to-Wear G w. Soon our bi )r Spring pure resent stocks m s possible.

y Handsome V Fifty Centsmany instances 50c v , for much of this fir is. And in this conn ia t this stock is all i •iced a t the beginniri »nly small stocks ren sible.

Sport Coatsthe time a woman w’lints a coa iiuiy bo worn w ithout feeling tha injured oi'’ mussed. Most of th iuto trips reiiuire a sport coat. Am yle is of such a type tha t it wil )0 in good .style. Tako any of tlier rlv from $25 to $75 and pav jus THIRD.

Suitsmay have unrestricted ch(»ice c su it in stock tha t is fur trimmC'

cactly one-half. Includod are som iomo Wooltex suits. Tbe plain tai! suits are going to bo good thi g. Thoy may be bad for one-thir l*rices from .$29.75 to $60.00, on( and one-half.

Blousesliaiid'ome blouses which you wan ut thougltt a little bit too high i —buy it now. All iho new ov( os. Form er jjrices $5.95 to $22.5 )»ay Jiave your choico for QNI tl) LESS. -

Petticoatsoffer .X'speciftlly somo' excellei ty eolton taffotii petticoats in a b ty of colors. Thoso were bougl Xmas selling a t $1.95. You mi your choicc? now a t $1.49.

S a l €of

I-to-Wes Tomorroiaranee of Wom iarments begins ayers will be in phases. Before iust be sold ov

? Garments A {on the Dollasvill now have the pow ne stock will he from 1 iection we ask you t( new; also .^t^at it wa ig. Business here ha main, so th a t low pric

Children’s C<al Tiiero are still three montlii

children will need warm coatsh eid ‘I good assortmoiit of exceptu ill in sizes from 2 to 14 yean “ pria-s from $5.75 to $15.00.

cboic(i of them for ju s t ONEi

Plush Coaof There are ju s t four of thci

40 and 49, Prices formerly $42.50. IMush coats are ii

lis style, and one knowa that th v(?rv well. All fu r trimmed.

je -have them for ONE-THIRD

Best Dressat- Wlicii women know th a t the> in tbe ir pick of W riglit’s fines!

rer H reduction of one-fourth thc 50. to bo a crowd-of buyers. I E- have beon selling until today

to $65.00 may bo had for OI '■* I-

Sweaters2n t A few of those slip-on ~ 8W big ideal for school wear. Tho' 'b t and colors tha t we have yet iay folks are buying two or thr

Thoy will be on sale again :

DECEMBER 30, 1923.

■ ' ■■ A i

s '

earmm en’ss here ;tl ..New J they )ut as

Arelar•wer of an 3 3 1/3 % ,

to keep 5ivas rea- I[las been ' ■ i rices ? re ' , 1


Coats . ■ntlis th a t the .oata. W e havo " '■-<ptional valuesaars. Form er ^0. Take your NE-FOUKTU.

>atsLhem, su es 38, =erly $29.50 to - ^J in excellent

they w ear so icd. You may ,[ID LESS.

ssesthey may havo ;aest dresses a t there is bound . Dresses that lay from $25.00


rs k' Bweaterfl le f trho 'bost valuea f :yot had. Some \ '.three of them. , *

in Monday, $1.

------------. : J

; • J l l

.'Pa^' Fiye''tV\


TWIN FALLS DMIX N EW S l^'i M u i s l ” rv o ry niornliiK ■•xoi'pl .\roniliiy .*

y V ft? Co,. l7.f. ’* ■( , J5H)

' ' " E r ^ i m T e i ^ occon.J Humk nm il mntt<;r. ' ♦* A pril ». 191H, III tlip poBiofflPr a t TwIii *. FwUs. UUilKi. utuUtr tin- <uu i)f MiircU J . *. 1870. , _ itea' StJbVcRlpTION RATES j

MBMllICIt Ol-' ASKfiCIATICI) I'UKS.^ J T h - AB3ocl;Hr«l I'rr?<« 'In <-xcIiif.iv--ly vv;iri

»r> til . ' Ii>r m.i»Mlv.»U.vn o f l . . ft]) ticWR .llnpatclion i-r.-.Mi.d ty ll. <ir n'>lOttliTWl*.- rn -.l |i,-.| 111- llilN ........ .. ;iii.t,Mic«ftlKO III.' lo.-:.l ti.-wri J.iiMImIiciI Ii.t.-Ih , I , , . All llKlilB of rc'i.iil>l!.-uthiri of 'Ht.o.-lal <ll«pul('1ii'« li'T.-l'i « r . ' '.I..'. C'<(.

(-I*) tll.Mllrt AHr»oll|l<'<I I ’r.f i, ..’ Th.- N'c-w* I). It tii'-mli.T of I?i- Aii'in Mri| ntir.'iiii of C-lrciil;ill.iiwi. froiii T.lioni full .. !nfoniiiitli.n ii» i.> <-lri-uli.i|on tnny )>.• .il.- lain.'.! «iu.i> U.f.ir- r.-l,miiiK-n f.umi1l- .l J.K':.lly

'^ N o ' ri'»|.'i’>'-''’l'liy H for lh.-jmtpltt. .>r n.li.T rotilrl1mlr,r nmii.T, Ar- , llrlrn I.iil)t.i>n.-.J T..r i.ul.JlnUrn win

■yH.'cl or not i<( lli.' .II-.-iVHon .if 111.' .-.ll-. “ tor. Kli.l no iiii.ini>i.Tit>lK ulll li.' r<-tiinn-'l ]„. UnlpHB arr..nit..iii|.'.1 hy n.-cowary |...iilittt.'.

KAH^i':fiv’ iiniMn':sioNrATiVHs iiu*. . a<«oru.' II- in v i . l f:n,. inr., 17I Mu<ll"-'a ,

F'ttinrc-, N rw V nric A, ll. K .-alor. IIM •'I la r tfo r il ft.iil.llnh'. n ilc iiK ". hml

L E T T IN O ' ■UNOU: SA M DO I T TllO w ill o f A w oll.tn -,Io w om nn in ■ '|'f |

>fnMn('hii!<ottfl c o n tn in n u clnimo roiiil-1 rlin ItlR !rU «

“ T o m y Ann ------ , I k>vi’ mo

Oiipsf. b i’rlitidp lip w nn wmirtilcil n t t h e ' I tn ttio o t tlio M nrni., titt.l I rely u pon Avo, til l ' Im uiily o f rt g n i te f n l c o v c rn m c i it ' «lo' to provl(ii> f o r hin nc fP M ilic n in cnsc lip i* iiniil)lo to jiroviclo fnr h im n o jf;”

T ho i;ovo rnm i‘n t , o f miirHo. w ill lio o s jie r to .i <0 p ro v id o f n r H int w o n n .lc l m n ( lo lilirr i f ho o v e r n o o tls ho lp , m id w ill A n ( loubtloM do (10.- H n t w lm t \h to b o ’

~ th o u R h t o f n p n ro n t w lio , in d in tr il iu t-

in u th o - fn m ilj . W ofjltli, . lo lih o ra tc ly j r t ndU rrlm inn tP R n(;n1ntit - h o r so li llo r son , j ‘ lonv ioR tlto nolo rcd p o n n il jili ty f o r him to nn in ta n g lb ro ( jo v o rn m e n tt

T h u t non, w h llo {i((U tlnt; ft>T h in n a - j '< U vo Inn.I, w na nl«o fij;h l in K “ f o r Iils J m o ltn r/i n n d h is f iro n ,” K very n o td le r i In w n r-lim tj Ih r e a l ly f iK h lin ^ f o r h U l ^ hom o , f o r n e o u n try i s liu t nn nRgro- gn tioD o f h om es. A n d why ahonld n o - ic d d o t y c o l l f e t l v d y - n i c ' moro R onorou i [ o f to a v o tp rn n f o r h U no rv ico th n n h is ow n k J n f

T ho in c id e n t i i m c n tin n o J n o t on ly a* n curioufl p h c n o m o a o n Im t f o r it» bo n rin R on p u b lic a f f n ir n i n R oncral.I t is a n e x tre m o o x a m p lo n f tho pro- ■vnUlnE tem ij-n c y on tU « p a r t o t fnm i- lie s , c o m m u n itie s n n d s tf tte s to e n a t | a l l th e i r b u rd e n s oo “ th o g o v o rn - t - m o a t .”

■ I

S P m iT M ESSAOBSE v e r y so ofton_ sn m u ip i r i t u a l i s t ic

m ed ium pom es up f o r in v o s l if jn tin n /' b y flripntis(fl. F r e q u e n tly th e so per- so n s belio v u th e y linvo mcMnKt’K fro m th e in to W illin m J a m o s , p r.ib n h ly be- |,'j„ e au so ho oxp rossod t h o , hope th n t ho cnl m iR h t bo n b lo to eom m uu icatA n f to r ' d e a th , i f p o ss ib le , w ith a fo w o f hi" old f i e n d s . W h n t mnltC!. thosu so- ' c a l l e d . messnRCs so u n d im prohab lo to |jn , U ioso w ho w e re f rlo P iln of Jn n iu s in am l i f e , to h is s tu d e n ts o r to r e n d e rs o f h is h o o k i, is t h a t th o nioMaccx* a r c sn ' p o in tlo M . ,vi.

J a m e s w as ono o f t h o m oat h o n e s t •] o f p a y p h o lo g is ts , m o s t siino o f stu - d e n ts o f p sy c h ia m f ltlo rs . I n hia w o rk “ I” an .l l i f e ho w a s h u m a n ly ho ljifu l. H is b o o k s a n d lo e tu rc s b r o u g h t ]>syrholoi;y ‘ to b e a r on l i f c , th e f n i i t* o f h is re- a ll s e a r rh to a s s i s t in e v e r y d a y ItvinK .I t is d i f f i c u l t fo r p e o p le w h o k n e w n n y th in R n b o u t h is w o rk to p ic tu ro h is s p i r i t t a k in g tim e f ro m w hntoviir f ie ld * o f u se fu ln e s s hn now o c c ii|i ie s to sem i b a c k re m n rk s o f no v a lu e . =

T h e m a in o b jo d ln n lo n il th i s sp ir i t - u a l i s t s t u f f Ls th e la e k o f in tr ln a ic v a lu o o f th e m ossaR cs. T h o y n o v e r »ay a n y th in g w o ith \\w> (\v»» o f r c I - *•*'

t io R th e m ., I t ia p o s s ib le th n t t b e la w s o f th o **' n n iv c ra c p r e v e n t , fo r Rooil ti-tisutiK, th e ” p ie rc in R o f th o veil. I t is e qun lly pos- B ib le t h n t th o o n ly v e i l is h u m a n Ir - " " n o ra n c o o f r e r t a in la tv s . In th .i t ea«e, aom o d a y e o m m u n ira t io n n iny l.p rs- tn l 'l is h o d . K lfP tr ic l ty w.n« n il a b o u t IIS, i in p c rc e lv e d , h e fo ro ij;ni>rnn.'o o f i t s la w s Ravo w ny to k n o « le d (-e . ”

M e a n tim e , th ." poitK il.ilitlcs of th o ,u h u m a n m in d a n d liocly a r c la rR i'Iv un- te k n o w n . O nly^ a (eW o f ttie book

o f know h'.lR P h a v e I.p pii tiirn.-d.T h o im p o r tn n t th in R a lm u t p sy c h ic

in v p s l ip n t io i i s Vs th a t th e y uliall b e pf o p en m in d fd . D o fm n tic ili 't.iil is n e v e r

.d D iH ifi.- , liiiyiv,-.}-- I n i u i r t r . a n d jiui.- lU . w h ile in s in in R " n iivinj;** s h n w n ," ehould k c . 'p in n iia .l :il tv ;iy i th e pnnni- fla b i l i ty o f g e n u in e p sy d iic * [>henompna I'* b t in i : p r o . lu r c l l,y tl .o o t y r t u«- e x i 'In ro l ])ntu-r.i o f tlie hiiiii.-iii m in d . J •W ith h o n e s t r .'s . 'an - li, riinunK ho n est mediiiM it., th iT '- n inv y . 't be v a lu a b le ^ 5 d is ro v . 'r ie s in th i s f ie ld . ’ j -

. „ ___________ C it

M n y l.r i t ’s t ru o t h . i t ‘ t rh ite c o lla r j o b s " n re n ttra o liiiR w oriii'r.s n w ay

f ro m tb u h u ild in g in 'iiin trv-. B u t i t d a

Hugo Six TWIls

ij Dreamland A:• OHEISfMAS GIFTS E:• » 7 DAPD1

C H A I'T K R 1. . . _

T h e H oftp o* W o o d .'

J A'.-K nm i .la n e t w e r r n ink itiR oif. l is ts n f jierKoiis to w hom tliey

n n n t.T l to y iv e f,'h ii« tm an p r e - e n ts . (“ W.- niii>.t nu t fo riri’t o u r f r ie n d s in

Hip woo .Is, " su id Jn n .- t . a f t e r tb .-y lind p u t dow n th c lr r.datix-.m H and .•l.it- i-<t f r ie n d s ,

• •W e w ill R ive n l.un.-h . . f carr.itH I.. M o iu i itv .llo i) H fi lil i i l ." .- r i .- l .rn ck . .

■‘ .Nnd a p.-eit . .f .-orn f o r iV r k y S q u lr- r . - l , '’ a d d . 'd .In .'k . •

“ A ll n ti-n d .'r p 'c-r.' o f ..... a f to D a.ldyIlr .lr,” .le eh ir .'il .Ta<-k. .

T li. 'n J n i 'k lot.kcil n t thi> l is t u h il dniiM fu l lv .

“ r h r i s tm a « R ifts r-.ist m o n e y .” sa id h e . “ W e u i l l bn v e to b u v tlje .-.■irrol'i n m l .-o rn nm l n i-a» . H o w hIu iII w e eurn Itie p r l o e t " b is

.In n e t HlKiok I i . t hi'iiri. S h e a m i J a - k ,.ni> h m l ru n m nny nn e rrn ii.l to e iirn den m o n e v tn litiv ( ire sp n ts fo r th e i r re la - th e t iv e s n n d frivn<l«. S h e dW iittt kn o w 1,0 hnw th e y w ould eneh m ore fo iii irelin s .' jo b R i f ts f o r th e fo re s t fo lk s . H e r .‘v.-s .1 e lin n re .I to r i 's t upon n h e a p o f w .iod. nu t rbH «k« t h n t hm \ l>n-)\ tiiT ow n in to th e „ ,„i h n n k y a rd s . ‘

“ F a th e r sn id he w nn RoiuR fo h ire dol n m an to c a r ry thnso e h iitik s in to t b - p v %YOodshpd, n m l p ile th e m u p . " siie sn id f s lo w ly . “ I f w e w ere s t r o in ; . enonitli In r WP m iR h t do th o w ork a n d e n rn m oney ,i„ it h n t i v a y . " -------- - th n

J n r k lo o k e d n t U S n i c a p o f e liiin k - th e I t seom od v e ry la rc e . ' T h e re w e re h.. - m n n v r h t in k s h e r o u ld n ’t e o n n t' th e m rn t A n d m o s t o f th o e liiin k s w ere ben v y . J a t

A s J n e k Rnr.ed n t ' t h e p h iin k s Ik- (be h o a rd n v o ic e sp p .ik ln tr to b im — f - w h voIct) o f h is un se en f r i e n d . Con F i ‘ rtplin*. . th f

“ Y o u a r e biR onoiiRh fo e a r r y fhoM’ ..Id e h tin k n ,’ ? sn id Con P id o n cp . “ I t m a y fhe t a k e y o it a JonR (im o, h u t y o u rn u do '.] th o j o b i f y o u s tic k to i t . ” .,Ki

“ O f p o iirsc T pan d o i t . " p r ied n ie J a c k . “ T’ll e n r r y - l h o s e c h u n k s in lo tb r th o w o o d sh ed i f i t l a k e s m il w e e k .” ' liol

S n y in R th is , Jn<Jk w e n t fo w o rk th a t th r v e ry in s t a n t . U c luRRod c h u n k n f ;p r iu(i c h u n k in fo th e w oodsbe.l . .T nnet be lr - sp i c d w ith th o sm a lle r c liim k s . T h e ben o th r o f c h u n k s t h n t MOined v P ry la rR e w hen th o y s t a r t e d Rrow R r .id u n lly '- sm a lle r. J a c k ' s b a e k bORan *o a ch o iind so d i . l . (

Breakfast Food ii ^“ Matrimonially Speaking” 1 -

] By MRS. H U Q H 'M oK A V | ^-------------------------------------------------- . . , '4 ^

,M>- h u sb iin .l n v o id s m y frieu a -- . . 1 I t i s n ’t tb n t h e d o e s n 't th in k n in*.

o f fh e in , h e sn y s , buf h e h n te s tn rnn 1 In to a e ro w .l o f w om en w h en b e eomi--. n»" !i«m e. tT»i

A n .l so. on th e nft.'rnnoivs_w li(}n h - nR' k n o w s I ’m hnv iiiR n few f r ' i e i . 'l s ' in "h r p ln y r n r .l s . lie i-ome-. in to th e b o u - .. ', u sr b v tb e l>nrk donr. O f r o u rs e . w e lie i.t rwi h im m ovi,IK a ro u n d n p s tn irs ,- n n d f l h n ' c a l l : - .s in

“ H u r Ii , d e n r , Avon’t v(.u-<iomi* d o u r so r n n d h n v e a < iip o f f r u - w i lh u s f V

-No n nsu -er.A n th e u H elen a n d l / i i i l s e nn .l Cnro- n t

lin e n il lm>k a t ea.-b o f h e r know iiiR lv O’n a n d sn y th n t 1 m nst h n v e bpJ'n m i- T " ta k e n . .

A n .I .- t ' s i y . “ Y ei. i t '.h r e n llv m ueb -f- lo o e n r ly fo r l l i i l h to lie liom .-, nnv w i.y.>* A n ri.iw o ro on ta lk in R . Hn

T h,- in r i . io n t is n i- e lv p:>».,.,{ ov.-r >'> u n ti l su d d e n lv t h e r e 's n K reat r ra s b u p s ta ir s n s ■HuRh drop.n a b u rea u • d r a w e r on tb e H oor nn .l sw e a rs lo u .H i-1'^'’' to h im s e lf .

“ W b n t n f u n n v n o ise ! ■' tn v f ri.-n.'-. ! a li e x c la im . A nd I enn li.-n r fbem -i'l sa v in R in fh o b .irk s o f f h e i r rn ituN : 1 ^ ''

“ I^uiK h th a t o f f _ i f y o u e n n ! ”

T o m o rro w — “ M y -w ife Is o n com - ZD itte«a.“

C opyrlon t. 1923. by PuHflo L«d(j»r

s.-em s t« 1,0 pqH nlly t n m t h n t th e hu ild iiiR in d u s t ry is a t t r a c t i i iR ru-r r u i t s -------w ith o r w ith o u t w h ite col-l n r s - - n t nn am az iuR r a t e . T lio Car- m-Rie I n s t i t u t e " o f T ec h n o lo R y , in 1‘itt s lm rR h , n n iio u n re s t h a t o f th e h r tw e lv e h u n d re d niR ht s tu d e n ts e n ro l le d - tb i fo r th e p re se n t y e a r in th e eolIi^Re o f in d n s t r ie i . fu l ly b n lf b a v e s iR ned to - ta h .- ro u rse -, in tl.e l .u il .lin R tr a d e s . S p

----------------------------- Ki

F ia . ' i t i A re O ood S m elle r* .F i s h e s pos.sesH a k e e n f u e u lty o f “

am eliinR . IC xnm ltm ll.in .>f t b e n n s f r l ls o f n Ilsl. r e x e n ls ll... r , . . l t l i a t th e y n ro n o t onn n H -i.'il « l ib tl .c n l r tu b e H y s - |j„ . te m . n s In muM a n im a ls , h u t l.-nd I n t i» |„ f b l in d |iork.-tM Hn.-.l w ith O e lira ic m ein-b r n n e s w el! k u p p ..... I w ltb n e rv .- .. In(Ishes, w n te r Is nm d n iw n th ro iiR b th e n o s t r i l s b u t m<T.-Iy In to tin - sinn ll p o c k e ts , n n d tln -se nm y l.e e m p tie d ] a n d r e ll lle d . T h e , |u n n t l t y <if w n te r { b roU R hf In t.! <-ontn< i w ill , th e iiervi** ; in- o f sm e ll m u s t hi- e o m p iira t lv e ly H inall.^ ini In so m o few Jlxhes, n s In rh e R l.d .e on flahea a n d pufTers. fo r ••xn iiip le. fliert* tr ;

n o n a s a l jM irket. tin - ne rv i-s" h e in g p r d ir e c te d In to i-x te rn n l i> r» l,-ctlons- 'b<

J . ln v e r « — <;reP tin-H l ; f | . • surpri.He. rh a rm in R h u j r s in \ . ’.|.TK i \ a n d t-2 e ; i r h . ' l ’f.'.- ,ia- . in I.In S5c u n d $ l.U r.; hvsSj i i F r.- .......... I 'li.im - I? . ’C itv T o w e r C n -.-n h o n s.'^ .'^ .-ventb Mr- so u th . 'IV ill F a ll" .— ndv, ,

U h a t i-, us,-I.-.-. 1.. / ,1 ...h i.- to ot l . er . — ‘hi

r la s s l f ic d co lum na. in j

[N FA tLS DAILY NEWSa s a i a i a s i a i a s s s i i i a i a a a a O T S ^ ^ ^



—A h e a p o f w ood .

' ' . ’ Vlift nririH. -I'.i.* b ,' 1<i th e ioJi. “ I N c in n f in is h i t , ” he w b isiie r .'d to Con F i th e ie n re . “ I ’ll ^ e t a il lb :it w ond in 'ob e sh e d i f I ke ep r i i ;b t n t i f . ’ ’ A nd b o «.0 ,lid k e e p n t - i t . lh - u iR h tfa ll t b - U .eob w a s d one . ' l i l .

J n n e t 's f a tb e r opened b is c-yen in deu.a irp r is e ■ w hen bi' s;iw fh,- e m iity y a r ,l y,iid fh e ftll,-il woOilHhed. » ,

“ T h a d in ton ,l,-d f,> t;iv ,‘ a m an :■ w itlo l ln r fo r t b n t jo b ,’ ’ h - sa i,i . “ I ’ll b e nliv i- it to you .- iiild ren in s t .-a d .“ j f r k

fio .I n rk nm l .la n e t hnri a w ho le .bd - HcJfla r fo s]K-nd on t b . i r fo r tb e i r i„ ,in im n l fr iem ls . T W y l.n u a h l to w ise ly avu ;h n t tb ,-y hnd :::> c -n l- . l.-fi wlien al! t h e ir j n i t s ’ '^ r e lio -ad it.

“ S h n ll .w e use ti„ - LT. -e n t . . to Im y „ .«rr n n d y fo r ours.-lv.--.? “ i.sk e .l J a r / , a n nl a n e t h .-rd fafed . g h e v,01, Id hn v e l ik . 'I m iuIhc c a n d v , h u t sbe thou<tht o f M im ro ii . ' Rcew hn w n s 'u o t ,in tli ,-ir Chrislm uH llHt. u „ j

“ I th in k it w ,m ld b e n ic e r to ih p Ibe 2:, p,-iita fo b u v te a f e r th e l i t tb 'oh l w om an w ho liv e s n l th e lio f t . im - 'i f ^yjjth o h i l l , ’ ’ sbe sa id . ___

M nck w a n te d Ibo c n n d y ., b i ^ . . h - 3 ■iRreed w ith .Tnnet th a t if w oul.ln i r c r to b u y a C h r is tm a s KiTt. o f te a f o r .. tb o p f lo r -o ld w om nn w bo liv e .i n t f)> e -M r lio tfo m o f th o h ill . A n .l t h n t is w ba't Ih o y d id , feelin-x h n p tiie r o v e r purcha-.-iuR th o te a th n t tb ,-y w ouh l bn v e fe l t „spen ,H n tf J J ie ..2 .’i r e n ts fo r c jim ly fo r . . fho in jit 'lvpa .'

.fc'( H o w J a c k a n d J n n e t p la y S a n ta ]j,q .

C lau a w il l b e to ld to m o rro w .)

, u , . - - , ■■— whi— — —— — — —— — — — Ohr

F i f t e e n Y e a r s A g o i n T w i n F a l l s 1',°;

r r o m NOWS Flle-i J . t n u a iy 1. lOO i.’ clui

T h o re n ro nltoR eth«T tn n m .n y ron - ttw nya in T w in F a lls . S -a r .- e ly a da> [a s s e s w ith o u t a t,-nm - . - t t in i : a w n e . nnd e iid a n c - r ii .R th e llv.-s o f pedes t r in n s . T h e re is a r i l y n t.iin an - .- nR n inst h -av iiij; tenni-* nn ti.- .l n n .l it , b e in ip a r tin lly .- ..fo rr ,.,l. 1: used to h,- fa sb io n .ih le ,l« rb r.r i;,- t b - rn n n w n y s to ,.u f ,i,n ,.b il.- , In .t . ther,- h n v e h e e n .lu ite nS ..m nv . i f n o t ...o re.Ninee th e .-lo-e o f fl..- n iiL .m ohih- s.-:.-

______ hls

A .-oily p a r ty e n t.iy e .l C b r i . tn u ls dav a t th o ho m e o f M r. nnd M rs. n. -V. “ .. H a m ilto n in O rrh n la m ii.b litio ii to T w in F a l l s . T h e R iieots w p re M r. nn I M rs . W . . \ . M rP o n n h t. M r. n n d M r-,.r. c . n e a t ty , r . s . n e a t t v n n d .1. 1'D e a tf v . n il o f w hom a re fro m f)ll-iw -,. K n n sn s . H w as th i-ir fir-.l <’'h r i- ,fm a ‘ itl ............ nm l w ns IIi.irouR bly e n jo y ,-1.

.Tohn n .iiu h r id R e~ n n d fl.-o rr .- S r h r n - d e r h n v o p u rc h a se d th e S t a r R roccrv n n d b n k e ry fro m C. I la rd .- r . t n k i n - n - - ^ se.-<sioii fo .ln y . T h e now firm w itl |..- k n o w n a s fho T w in 'F n l l s J l- .k rrv G ro c e ry co m p an y , ifs in te n t io n l i - in - to m a in ta in th e h a k e r v up fo ifs p re» . , p n t h iR h s tn n ,ln rd . „ il .

i t r . n n d M rs . J . I f , W ise n r,- c '> in - ’ ,',1' fo W in s to n , Mi^Konri. I,. v | i i t , M r . •W i f e 's f a th o r . w ho in ill. M r. AV;-- t„h a s b p e n a p p o in te d lo rn l n t to r n e v fo r binth e O reR on S h o r t M n e in T w in F a lls , ^

W ill Y ounir nn .l J . S . K .--1 bav.- o p e n o d th e i r ren l e s t . i te o ffi '- ,- in w l.afw n s f o rn ie r lv th o I tn - k e t s to r e on M ain '' 's f r e r t . I lo th R e n tl-m e a hav.« ..............j,,h e re f o r •■r.ir. a n d a re r ln s ic d nm on ,: ' j tb p m o -t lov;-! . Md responnililr* l.ii-ii.,e..N p ,„ m en o f T w in Fall* .

V. \V : S p r a c u r . b r n l l i r r . .f P r i .Spra^niP, h a s a r-iv .-d fro in H ia w u fh - ., K au n a s , a n d w ill lo ra l ,- on h is flU .-MTPs o n (V d a r l> rr .- , f i . - r - . - A v r- - n l-o r a m o fro m H ia u fbi-i w eek nnd w ill h .c n fe iu T w in F u 'l - . y.v

W . A. n i n e h:.n l.-.si-.! f 'le - r i l l room 1" in th .- H o t.d No>dlit:-*, “ H il lv ’ ’ i i r n i i - j , o f th .- T w in F a lls ti io n e rrs a tn l in th e = d iiM v d n v ^ o f von- h e a n d hin h-'s p itn t .l .- w iff* f iM m n n v an e ti-p ire b u ild , e r in ;i p o r tio n o f 'h .- room w h lrh is now tb .- r in k .

T Ih- H o lr l T .- rr in p ' a n n e s Is no -r l.i'iuL ' m n n e . 't - d v i t b t b - n i'.! '. Im iM /'il.R l.v m .-nns o f ............. .. in t b - - - ’1. ' ' 'on t h e . - r r o n d nnd th i r d f lo o ra . Con- tr .- ir lo r l l ’ill in . n i- 'i iii- r 'b - -v ..rk a n ' p ron .i-.en to b a v - f b - a . - r - r n -a .lv f o ' ‘‘f tb .- f , i r n i tu r e in s i i w ee k s .

M rs . W . 1*, G n tlK i- b -ft l a - t S ’l f . - - o rlia v .-vPM inr f-.r F nT I-l.l. HI., - i t h h - 'to --t.-p H i-.te r . Mr-i, M rork .-t(, w h o is ill . fulS!..- w ill p r o b a b lv i.- inn in th o ro n n f ii , M rn. l l r . . , l ; , - t t ’n .-nm lition im n ro v rs .

fi.-iH itor n n d M r ^ O f . .T. 8«vceley w ill I!!:"’-;,ve ft,;.. , -v . - ia - Tnr ........vI-t 'th e y w ill l.p R U .',ts n t tb e I d a n b a du r- ( ;jtinR tb .- » .-s io n o f th e le R is lu tu re . to u


■' ...... ' I t proi_ ^ T thoDiamonds \ 2

♦ to €of Malopo 11:* ± ilQ lnr= i i.-s

t - had Z Is G X com 2 cnsi

B y I

V IC T O R R 0D S 3E A U j

i find hnd

' OigwtefctfcrW.ac ^ w i a f e

(C ontinued.j ' " " ii--------fu tl


Th leve i in N lflh t “W bb It love, o r Infutuutlon only? ex t dQy W inton wns nmuzed to Ilnd le old ro iu ine of thlnffs cluinilng h ls ten tion ju s t the luiue. And Bonie- >w. when, he wns nw ay /ro m Shollu, “ le girl becnme a drciim, u Jlgmunt o t * B brain, Imp.isslhle, nnd Impossibly rur. lngU e h n lf ftipoctcd to bo son-cd w ith " •uminonM fo r the a ssa u lt up«6 Do

■Itt, b u t none came. T hen hc-roinem- ."■“ ® •red tiin t artm Sjlmpsoo hud a sim ila r " •lovance, ond thu t he h ad vluccd Ulin- •If In a n uncommonly foolish posltioa I th raalilng two men In u hIhkIc dny •er R won.un who hud refused him.H e wua aiiinillni; In tb e cmiipound iout noon, wntching th e nntlvea a t o rk, w hen .Ned- caipe up to hlra nnd “ inounced th a t a m an wlahed to «eo liu. T u rn lu g , 'b e w as su rp rised to **° * :o ' imam's bliu-k face sinlllng ut him iidor tho w hite ha t: One of Sam ’s PB w as swollen lo moro th an Us cu»- uuary tliicliness by tho blow th a t , /In ton had placed thero on Uie pro- *•’' rdlDg day.Sam raised his h a t w ithout tho le a s t f*”®*

nbarrasBuient. ■'*- : . '■Tm th inking of m aking a change,

[r. G a rre tt,- he snld."In w hat respect?’’ uakcd W inton,

lystlfled."In stutua, air.”"Y ou n re looking fo r a position a n d ****

»v« come to n ie r ’“MUtactly, Mr. G arre tt. I can no

inger reconcile It w ith my self-re- 1 w t to rem ain a theoretical newsboy, f® '’ hlle behig de facto ed ito r o f tho hronicle. Mr. H ansoa Is nn Illiterate ion, air. nnd unable to spell, much less , )natruct tlie English clause. Tho vio- :ncb to which you subjected me yes- ?rday hus cnused me to ponder, M r. ^ u rrc tt, and I have come to Uie con- ualon th a t your objectlona, though jrclhly expressed, w ere n o t uncthlcul. " “ J nd. to m ention my ch ief laotfve, 1 Ish to perform social service am ong ®‘-*“ 10 B an tu population of your com- Dund. tu rn ing the ir m inds tow urd clvl- la tlo n and uplift. I-'lnuIfy .Mr. De / I t t asBaulted mo In the olllce tills loniing on my refusal to Indite a rurrlloua p arag raph coaccm lng your- ' ' Blf.’' bed"S o th n t 's De W itt’s gamo.” m used he

i’Inton. "H e m ust be n t th e end o f «tui Is le th e r If hn caa’i fly blRher th a n bce tint,’’ he rellected. l l i^ n aloud, "W hat Id ho do to you, S a m r ’ 1"H e—well, kicked me, .Mr. O arre tt. to

.nd conseiiucivtly I wus unable to cun* cou Ince th e Judge tlm t two pounds a he 'eck Is Incouiuionsuraie w ith tho dig- lni| Ity of a position In which pliysl<.ul dov SMkuU Is & IrM iuent untl u rb llrn ry ele- ual len t o f th e dlurunl occurrenit-.s.” ••

“ Sum, I believe ^Ir. U urns w unts a Iglit w atchm an," said Winton. " I’ll roo ftktt you to hiui.” 1 «

N ed B urns was strongly opposed to i)pg Inm’s eiupluymuQt. "You don 't know ' I'bat d irty work Judge D avU has s e n t cen ilm hen j lor," bo objected.

‘• I d o n ’t know .'- suid Winton. “ I ftther fancy Snm is honest. You c n n ’t Iir„r.-'ber blnme him for hnving cd- t.-d .tb.- Cbronirlo. I t ’s p re ttv d iffl- ult to find work in Mnlopo.”

“ Well, w e’il see whnt tho IJook hus I O K-iv.” priimbli-d Xod, tnk ing o u t sui in I!ilde. He read: I th r“ Tw.i Kings, four, thirty-i-igbt: 'j

Aud lOli.Hlin ramo ngnin fo Gilgnl nnd hore w,is n .lonrth in tho land; nn.i ‘ „ be sons of th,- prophets were s ittin g " n-fnre him ; ntid ho sn id 'u n to his ser- ■ant. Set on tbo Rrcnt pot, nnd spoth,- 'tit'.' irc for tbe sons of the propliots.’ ’ I '“ »l

-1 ....I th r Hook. “ W,-ll, I sup- 1 COA.n-<e i t ’s all righ t then, M r. G a rre tt.’ ’ ib«i - said, “ Huf if the Hook h ndn’filili: .lid so I ’d nov-er hnve trusted h im .“ i c

••S '.’- ’-, a I r ic h f .” answered W in -j,,,., on. “ Ib .t I ’d-.bo int,-rested to know ' ' ..>w -ou infer it from tha t pn..H««c.’ ' .*

“ W '.v, Mr. .(Jn rre tt, i t ’s piTfectlv 1 *"* •l.-ar,” nnnwerrd Ned in surprino,, •V.-ii’r,- ITsIin nn.i I m Oilgnl, nnd hit .-.iM rn i^enuain tn ntp. Tho dpurth ioc n tho land is thp problem nbout 5=i.im. yo' •t.- •- r'.„ ,.renf pot, nn.i tbo pottaRO soi n the dlnmonds. nnd tbo sons nf the

tloDiffer Jn d o ry . i,c;

Ci.-^inv ii- Ilon. nn iiiith.>rlty on dla- |n( IL.II.IH. tins r.iun.l n sirlkln;: dltTer „ ,i L'li.-i* .li l»n-.i.li..f.pb..rese.-niL- o t Hrnr.iJ- iJr Intl ilbim.iiiils mid lh..se fr»m the Cnis-. „f III.- f.inii.T. wlileh lire n-.t.-d f.ir the Ivell.I.-s- .if ilielr Ik-bt. und whleli li.ive | i.ei-.-iin- ,llllll- ran- ,.f Inte yenrs. exhlbll 3 tirlflliinl ii1i..spli.,n-s.-eiii'<- n fte r l.elt.g { ^\p.r«.-,| t.i ril.- rn.llnll.in <if u inngno-«IUMi 1.......... wblle (.-ape dlnmon.lH In Isliiillnr .-Ir.niiiisinne.-s show very lllfb) ' j r ni. ph.,-pb..i,-se,-ii,-,-. T his Is tlmuiilit | fr, 1,1- 1.,' II iiiiMriH ,if ileteellng lilnmondH , ^n :ul>L-ly i.tr, i,-,J ns n rn illh m gem s.

f’hi.vprs—(In 'rtings lf*:2(. a pirns nf iirp rl'p . cb.’irmlnir bo^es mixed fow - So rs J l nnd J2 e.ich. n e e s in s in bloon..'ic nm l Sl-'ir.; rnrim(li.n«, l«-»t «r:\il«-, tnt

ilozen. J-Vre lirliv rrv . I'li.inp 127;i. hq :ify Tow er Gr.-.-nbous,-s, Seventh irtre.-t 1 ^ i outh, T n in K alla .-udv .


> pheta a r e t h e a h a re h o ld e r s . N o w ) B ook s u y s U ie g r e a t p o t U to bo s e t f o r t h e s o a a o£ th e p r o p h e ts .’* f *

iVlDtoD c o m m u n ic a te d th e d e c is io n to , f . m . a n d I t w a s a r r a n g e d l h a t h ^ w q s e n t e r u p o n h la d u U es a t th e e n d o f> w e e k . re U e v lo g N ed . w h o sU il oc -p led U io b r ic k s h a n ty , b u t w a s p la n - , lg to b o n rd a t a c o t ta g e o n th e Hopo ro n d . , “IV ln ton b a d a o w re n c h o d th e p o in t '' le re U i« I m m e d ia to s o le o f th e b ig ipe h a d boeom o In e v ita b le . H e h a d ,a a q u a n U ty o f th e b lu o c la y — w h ic h ‘ B lm ply th e y e llo w c ln y b o fo re de -

tn p o s l U o n - c n is h e d w i th m n lle ta , a n *“ s a tlH fa t 'to ry p ro c e s s , b u t u se fu l w h e n> a lo w p ro c e a a o f d e co m p o a ltlo n c a u - , t bo u n d e rg o n e , a id u h a d b e e n ’ Bscd th r o u g h th e w a s h in g tr o u g lis ‘ d p ic k c d o v e r. N o t a s in g lo d ia m o n dd b e e n d is c o v e re d . . *‘‘‘Sod could not understand lt;-c lf onl-y rew sm all stones had been fo^jod th la , ,, luld hnvo been an augury fo r the lure. SUll. little could be gauged us V " 7 tho resources of the claim from this.10 d ia m o n d s m ig h t llo c o m p a c tly u t lo w w levo l. B u t h i s n e e d o f f u n d s fn iw B M ^ W jn to n t o 'e n t e r In to nego- t lo n s f o r th e .s a le o f th e h lg a to n e .H o H how ed I t to o n e o f Uie Jo b b e rs , ii» w a s In M a lo p o . T h e m a n a g re e d a d v a n c e h im tl f te e n th o u s a n d p o u n d s I t . p e n d in g I ta v a lu a t io n . T h o traa B - , ‘ 1'

t lo n w n.s tb tu k e p la e o o n U ie fo llo w - J m o m in g . tJusitn

W in to n h a d Iw d a d a y o f In te n s e la - r In tJU jtrfom pound. lo o k in g o v e r t h e i*. ishliTKH. i i b f lu n g h lm s c lf do w n o n , » b e d w ith o u t u n d re s s in g , n n d fe ll leep a lm o a t u a s o o n a s l i l s h e a d , a ch e d th e p illo w . O n c e ho a w o k e a e d th a a tn r t , u n d , h a l f d re iim in g a till , 1 a g ln e d U m t h e h e a r d a h o rse c a n te r

to U io c o m p o u n d . T h e n h e l o l l V . . , ' , le e p a g a in . “ “ T*”B u t a f t e r a w h ile h e b e g n n to b e ’ ■are o f a s e n s e o f o p p rea s lo n . a n d s t r u g g le d Itl t h u t lUm b o r d e r la n d b e - ,

■een s le e p a n d w ak in g , w h e re d re a m c ,nn tv d r e a l i ty a r e In e x tr ic a b ly b le n d e d , a n d t B f e l t u s I f In v is ib le U n g ers w e re p „ r tc i u v ln g n t h i s th r o a t , s o U ia t e a c b K or e u tli b e cn m e n n e t to r t . F o r n lo n g e ry 0 n e h© jv a j u n n b le to s h n k e h im s e lf n e ' i e f ro m th o b o n d s o f s le e p . A t In s t b n h d

f o u n d t h a t h i s e y e s w e r e o pen . I t giare<l iB -(U jlte d a rk , b u t h e f a n c ie d U ia t d is ta n e r e vt-aa a H gure In th e ro o m , a n d h e n e x t c cu m e n w n re o f a n In to le ra b le , sw e e t, h im p i l y o d o r t h n t filled h la n o s tr i ls . FoilH o m u s t h a v e a U rred . f o r h e f e l t W in tt e h a n d s a t h i s th r o a t a g a in , a n d w na h o ld lr r ta ln t h a t I t w a s n o t h a l lu c in a t io n ; A t lh ■ f e l t th e m b e tw e e n p e r io d s o f u n c o n - allnk li lo u sn e s s t h a t m ig h t h a v e be en y e a r s , th e c im e th ln g d a m p w a s a g a l i « t h ls lip s , apued I n to n re c o g n is e d th e o d o r n s th a l o f a s 1 lo r o f o r r o : n n d by th e f a in t l ig h t o f m pu0 m o o n l h a t c a m e th ro u g h th e l i t t l e |y th a indow h o p e rc e iv e d a m a n ’s f a c e b e n t h im , 1 e r h is . n j , j . H e t r ie d to c ry f o r h e lp , b u t o n ly a T he .a rs e w h is p e r c a m e f ro m h is th r o u t . tu r n id th e s n tu r u to d h a n d k e r c h ie f w u s ran^ ip p e d o v e r h is n o s tr ils . ' n e r r T h e n fo llo w e d a b so lu to u n c o n sc io u s - b r id le ss , b ro k e n b y th e d h ita n t s o u n d o f a 3 a t:i t v o lv e r s h o t , u n d a f a in t c ry o f p a in . H e ) th s o u n d s p a s s e d th r o u g h W ln to ti’s (luleUi Ind a s m e a n in g le s s ; b u t s u d d e n ly h o o g n ln I t a h a n d u p o n h ls - sh o u ld e r , s lia k in g d lam c

VarW U h ^ a s u p r e m e e ffo r t h o s a t u p In «K«d id. T Jio f iiin e s w e re su ffo c a t in g , b u t> m a n a g e il to a p r ln g to h ls f e o t a n d « a g g e r to w n r d th e w in d o w , w h ich h u dte a o p e n e d . T h e n ' b o s a w S a m ’s ng i- » ’ te d b la c k f a r e b e fo re h lra . ' s h c l t iT h e n ifltr w na s p e a k in g n n d t r y in g

m a k o h im u n d e ra ta n d . W in to n -u ld n o t g a th e r th e Im p o r t o f w lm t ’> w a s s a y in g . H e ahook h im so lf f re e ip a U en U y a n d le a n e d o u t o f th e w in - " " ' I ' l iw , b r e a th in g In th o d e s e r t n lr . G rn d - ‘illy h is s i t u a t i o n d a w n e d u p o n h im . '‘•W h a t I s It. S a m ? " h o m um bled ." i l r . O n r r e t t . . s i r . co m e to th e n e x t , o m t T lie y ’v e s to lo n U ie d ia m o n d 1 ' w a s w a tc h in g , th o u g h m y Job d o e sn ’t ‘^gln ti l l to m o r ro w . C om c, s i r ! "W in to n s to o d u p ., JO jo room h n d •ase,l to re v o lv e n b o u t h im . b u t sU ll Jl" v u n g d l a J l y b e fo r e h is eyes. T h o “ o o n w a s s t i l l lo w ; I t c o u ld n o t h a v e * ■cn m u c h p a s t in ld n lg lit. K o n s seeifiud ^• h a v e pu .ssed a ln c e W in to n h u d c « n e ' '1 b e d n t n in e . b e t, 1 H e m a d e h ls w ny to w a rd Uio d o o r , ”

I p p o r te d by S a m 's n rm . H e p a s se d iro u g h th e o p e n d o o rw u y .'r i i e o u te r d o o r w na c loaod . T w o e n la y u p o n th e llo o r a g a in a t It. O no “ ‘® n s K a sh . th e A rm e n ia n , s to n e d e a d , . , I th a b u i l d th ro u g h h la fo re h e a d . " " V . h e oU ior w a s N e d B u m s , b r e a th in g >lslly. b u t u n c o n sc io u s , n n d h la hen d jvo ro d w ith b lo o d f ro m a b low o f th e ,* i it t o f t h e r e v o lv e r w h le h 'l a y b e s id e . lin . be enS u m c au K l.t n t W ln to n ’s n n n . " I

L-nrd th e sh o t ,” h c c rie d . “ I w a s com - lg t o w a ic h U io c la im . 1 r a n . a n d ' iw th e tw o o f th e m a t ta c k in g M r. “ 5.' u m s . H e k ille d o n e ; th o o th o r sh o t ln> a n d d r u g g e d h is bod y In side a n d )Cked th e d o o r . 1 c l lm h c l th ro u g h ' “ ‘c n o u r w in d o w a n d fo u n d y o u uncon- .- ious f ro m c h lo ro fo rm ." th e

W in to n b e g a n to ta k e In th e n ltu a - ion. S a m m u s t h n v c n ia rro e d th e rob- c r , w h o h a d ta k e n f ligh t w ith o u t w a it- th e < l g to f in ish Ne<l B u rn s . E v id e n tly . lu r d o r , a v e ry d a n g e ro u s ga m o o n m un i I r i tlsh t e r r i to r y , h u d fo rm e d no p n r t f th e i r p la n s , o th e n v ls e h e w uu ld a v e b e e n k i l l e d In h is s le e p . n n dS a m w na tu g g in g n t W ln to n 's o rm I'low

g n ln . ‘*Ix>ok!“ h e c rie d , p o in tin g t*‘o I c ro s s th e ro o m . • bill

T b e n W in to n p e rc e iv e d U m t th e sn fe "H *' n d boon Id o w n o p e n . B u t th e r« w a s to re t lm n t h u t ; I t h n d l>een illsp U ee d ^ 'o u l ro m th.- p o s i t io n w h ic h I t oc cu p ie d . ^^I« ■ n d h e s ld * a n d h a l f u n d e r I t w a s a • n w n in g h o le l a th e g ro u n d . h a te ,

’• n i a t ’s th e w u y Uiey c a m e l ’’ c r ie d A r Inm. ‘ a n u

W in to n r a n to th o s a fo . T l ie d in- \on<'. w a s . o f c o u rs e , gone . H o sto o p e d n d b e g a n l in s t l ly to s e n rc h Ne<ra pock- <s f o r tl.o k e y s . Thi-y w e r e gone. to o . 8 t«

T h e c h lo ro fo rm s tu p o r w as f a s t 1#*t -

! .

r. DECEMBER 30, 1923.g him. H e m n tow ard th e hole.' H« mid Ju st a re Uie line o f Uie t t t n n ^Jow .' . .U e sw une tilm self in to th e bo lftandl I te re d th e tunnel, Sam fQilowlnj him. wus h ard ly w ider than^ajD anX & <^>

Id nol th ree fee t In t>elgbt,-so tb a t I t - ns necessary to scram ble along I t oa s hands and knees. Once W lotoa nclod Uiut h e heard sounds ahead ot m und stopped, b u t then he could :ar nothing except th e Indeflnlte mur* urs th a t a re audib le undergroundX H u w ent on Uke a mote, o u td ls tu c - g th e negro. Now and agnin be im ped Into stakes Umt Rnd beea drlv- i Into Uio hard clny to bold up . th e lof. I ’lio robbers- h ad la id th e ir ans wiUi care , und Uicy m ust bave « ii w ceka about the ir c tecu tloo .A t lust n fa in t ray of moonlight ap* ,•ared In lho dlstahce- I t grow clear- ’. and tho tunnel began to widen, end*,g suddenly ia a c ircu la r pit, o t th e lOd th a t m arks the beginning o f ex- ivatlona along Uio diam ond fields, f’lnton scram bled up (he side and ood uador th e blurs. v Ho tlion snw with bew ilderm ent th a t

e was stand ing In tho compound o t .ID adjacont claim. Just w here hc had. jiergod on Uio p rio r occasion w ben e entoreil a branch of tho tunnel be- :-uth the Arm cninn 's store.I t wna c lear th n t thp diamond thlovcs

nd u tillred fo r th e ir work Uio H ot- -ntot’a predilection, learned from tho ushmen, fo r subterranenn excnva* ons. T he plun had been a clever one,Qd It nppeared to have succeeded.Nobody w ns s tirring In th e com- •

onnd, nobody w as anyw here in flig h t Forgetting Snm, who had .n^oC^ct

tade h is apix-arance.; W inton “ li irough th e compoflad, clnmbercd over 10 gate, nnd mnde h is wny tow nrd enton’a co ttage, to cull him to go to um s. B ut when he drew nea r i t ho iw with dism ay th a t th e door wnn Ide open, nnd th e in te rio r a l i t te r ot ihblBh. I lc n in on, passed th e thres* old. and en tered th e heilroom. I t w as inpty, the bed hnd nol been occupied, ild th e old m an had evidently de- lined.For the first Ume tho Idea of treacb-

ry occurred to W inton. n e 's ta g g e rc d out o f lh« cottage. A '

Hnd rugu took posseasion ot him. U e lareil ahout him. aud saw Snm in the istnnce. w ith in the compound of Uie [!xt claim, looking about him. H o saw lm point.Following tho direction Indicated,

.’inton perceived a Iltlle nuUvo boy oldlng a horse behind K ash’s store, t the sam e m om ent ho saw a m an linking tow ard it aga inst the edgo of le compound. And he rnn a t full [lued ulong tb e roud to head him off.As he run ho saw tha t Sam , too, w as ■

I p u rsu it o f him. I t seemed unllke- r tha t the-negro would bo able to catcb- . lm, however, and W inton him solf w as— ' fty paces aw ay.'I’ho boy. apparen tly K rrlfled n t th e j

irn of oventa, le t the horse go a n d ^ in.. The nnlm al reared, b u t tho run* J e r reuched I t and se lied It by Uie rldle. Tho inomi-ntary delay enabled at:i to cover th e ground betw een Uicm.H c loape,l a t him as he w as climbing , ,1

uleUly <tito th e siiddle. W inton fw ^" gnlred the m an now us V aa Vorai, tho lamond thief.Vun VoDit lOBt hls balance, b u t man-

ged to pull A revolver from an opea Ulster and flrod ul Snm polntblank. ly a m iracle of good luck S&iu dodged /lie shoi, an d u moment in te r wns rac- >:\K j»t th e tup of l»i» speed tow ard th e be lte r o f K ash ’a store. ' ,

Van Vorst saw W inton and, standing i-alde h is horse, aim ed delibcratoly nd lirod. . 'Tlie bu lle t whipped W la- on’s ebeek. N ext moment W inton w as inippling wltli the thief. Vun Vorst iil!.,-(l the revolver and brought It, lUtt downwurd. sm ashing acroas Win* on’a h,!ad. '

W intun dropped, b u t staggered to bis eet in llmo to see Van V orst lonp Into he snihlle and ride nwny like lhe wind ownnl the di-sert. Then Snth's shout I'us heurd. T lie negro appeared again, ending a horse by tho halter, th e sad- llo and b rid le across his arm.

He bad rem em hered th a t Kash kept L horso in h is stab le , n rncer which ho md uequlred cheap ns th e reau lt o f a >et, nnd owing to an Injury to th e anl- nnl'K fetlock. I t w as one o f thu best lorses in Mnlopo. nnd th e sigh t o f It le tween th e sh a f ts o f K ash’s cn rt h a d .'ren ted a good deni o f feeling Against ho A rm enian.

Sam began lo slip on tho bridle lastlly, w hile W inton. snatch ing th e laddle from him , ad justed It an^ 'begaa0 pull In th e girth .

• i ’ll catch h lm l" snld Snm.W inton would a t any o th e r tim e h av*

)cen nstonisheil n t the trnnsform atloo n th e mnn. 'Tho negro who had n m1 elllng from tho Clironlclo offlce on the lay before now seem ed devoid o t fear.

"You get holp fo r Ned B um s." said IVlnton. nnd mounted.

The horse needed no nrglng. I t had :>(‘e n kep t fo r duys together In H ash 's itable. Its only cxerclse th e pulling of Ihe M orekeeper’s cn rt on th e slow round* of Mnlopo. T lie sense of a rider b rough t bnck th e memories « f the oJd dnys. I t dashed off-In pursu it pf Van V orst ns If W lnton’s mind com- m unlrated to Its own th e urgency of fnptiire.

W inton stu ck to hla aenl doggodly and tried to keep h ls senses. T he Idow hnd reopened his old wound, and tho b l(»d w ns iWiurlng Inco hls eyes In t blinding to rren t. Dut he concentrnted nil h is will upon the chnse. U nless h e '?ould regain th e diamond th e sypM'ente would oust him from his control o f the Big Slnlopo, ond mnke him the Jest o f tho com m unity which he hnd come to bate. 1^.. *

And iom olitnC ^e felt tho t he wns, la nn unknown wny. fighting fo r Sholla as well na fo r h is own. .

(C ontinued In l««uf, ^

S ta r t tho now year r igh t: “ Sny it v i t h - f lo w e n ." Phone I27P..—odv. •




B risk B nylns on th e P o r t o f Oblcago con In to re sts Accom panlts Blso, FoUow- ln e rieuTM Showing S h o rt Im porta

CIIICAOO, D ll'. i» r.!- 'sl,','Bpoiulcd rcnilily lo Imyiiiir forlnv nm! ,* i • w itll 11 .Iccl.lc-.l fallintf o f f nhowu in i j prim nry ryi-pijits for tUf wi'.-k, tlu

' m nrkct icorioR n lively npliirn lU t l a | (_ lant. I ’rlera rlonod htroni; 3-1 to 7-S ,n i|

■ to 1 3-8.! net liiKlHT. Mnv $1.07 a-4 to jJoi ' 7-8 tn 1.07 T-8 , aii<] Jiilv $l.nc J.4. Corn 'tn ii

tnndo I-:: fo 3 -lc j»nln; ontn finislicd , i),,| 3-4 to 7 S to 1 l - lc , ii(i, nn<l jiroviniond ig„|, a t 2c to 32e ndvnnco. Iron

Somo t>rl(tk buyini; nRrrihi-.t to n Ohi-1 to : cnjfo Bpponlator .'hcconip.in<i’<l tho rl«'i I,,,,,] In tho p rice ,o f whent dnrinf; tin- iuKH. Till* lu vttluoB fo llow ed!nottlio poNtin^ of fif3::iro.i which net o u t {. th a t tho wot'k '« nrrivnl o f wlicnt nt Col tho tirinripdl donicnt^r niiirkcti* hnd r t fa llen nenrly seven million l.unhels hu- low tlio corrc*iinn<linR to tn l a venr ngo. 5.,,^ T he ilitnlniiihlntr moveinent to torniin- nis wnn tiikcn nn ronfirm lnR tho viow j,,o, th n t the prencnt blR vinible Btoek w erj q. ncrunuilntcd i»l the expeiiBO of country j holtllnts'H iunV lh:it s to rks ou fiirnu nro Col «n«fiuiillv Unlit f«T tUi« tim e of tl»c \,r,| ycnr. The fnct. too, thn t only M o n d n v 'tn , rem nined for deliverieH on Decomhcr „oo contm etn ennnted nlno n* n bnlliah In- pnr fluence.

flpreiidiiiK operntions bnlwcim Ohi- to • cnjjo and Wlnnlpojr furnldhod n good c„,

shnro of todny'n biminesg In whent, ^vh tho Ju ly delivery here being «oU ji_; up ilnflt purchnneii ,n<idiv-in th c Cnjindlnn m nrket. A« Hie ChlenRo quotntlnna fo r £ Ju ly nl»ow niUvince tSini\ Decem- nullier o r May. cvenlnK up of nccountn for on tho wock, the month nnd tho yenr wna ch iefly on the jm rt o f Bhort* and thero nn, wnB no evidence of im portnnt llquidu- ^te tion by liolderH. . Ku

I ’rOBpi'ets of ron«h w eather likely to jj, enlar(;o deinund for feed ({avo strenRth to pricoB of enni nnd ontx. Biirnl offer. irg s continued llRht. The best inquiry ij,, fo r corn, n» fo r oatB, w ni near thu t d ay’s end.

Upturiiti In' provislonii were duo to j.j, n .ro ac tlo n of hoR v.i1ucb.


"■ to. T hete pricea are ob tained dally ^1.

a t 4 o ’eloek ia tbe a fteraoon a id «1.• re Intended to cover only th e a r - to•rsKO of prieea. W here eerta ia [ 1ic a le r t fo r abort perioda o ffe r more ntn(bon th e <raatod price no e ffo rt i i tnimado to laelude aneb quotationa. "le()ao ta tio ia ore offered merely aa a Suguide to producera and abm ld n o t fe>

j ue aeeepted oa reflecting extremea $ 1- I I o | e ither high or low prieea.

“ n n 'EB TA IL M AEKETS. V.

p a id to Pioaocera..The Twlo Fftlla. o>*rVct» yenterda*

- r , . . f.U ow .: 'JLiT«stoc».

H eavv h o g a ..... ...... ........................... W.Oi)M«dlum boR » .....................- ............ - «-">.00L igh t, 17S to 2U5 pound ................. »5.S0Feodora — .................. ................. *5.7r.r .o w a .......................... ...........13.00 to »3.50H e lfo ra _________________________M.On4 te e ra _________________ 14.00 to •5.0')• oal c a lv e i -------------------IS.OO to »7.0U

b u t t o n ________________ tM O to *7.00 > ‘•^ . 4 D b a _________________ 17.00 to *8.00 ‘

F owib.Henvy h o n a .............. ........ ...................

1 L ig h t bcBs — -------------- ----------------OCcD airy. W:

' H u tte rfa t. crenmcry --------------- wiSw eet cream , a ta t lo n _____________ 44c lus,B u tte rfa t, a t a t l o n ---------- -------------4 lo 1^•ouatry b u tte r --------------------- - 45o bhEJJK" (slilppers) .................................. 27c .-i,.,Egga (locul stores) --------- ----------- 35c

W heat and H ay.W heat .................................................- 'Bron, c w t . -------------- -— ....... ....... j hB raa , 500 lb . lo t* _______________ M-W ncStoek food -------------------------------- .laatoek food 500 lb. l o t e -------------- *1-25 jj ,

Suttot. Wholesale.I Cnno ............... ...............- ................. SlO-75 to

B eet ............................................. *10.5HBeans.

Orent N o r th e rn ---- --------------------PoU toea.

Fotatocs, whitea ........................... — SOlP o ta toe i, Buaaeta ------ ------------- — 7Ce

B B T A n . y s i o B aVecot*9le«. „]|

fo ta to ea , 12 pounda r o r --------- -5ctiw eet po tatoei. l b . ---------------------- 0?nBead le t t u c e _____________ 10c to I 60 coDnlona, 0 I b a . ------------------------------ 25cNew cabbogc, pound -------------- - l ‘-o ti)■Jnuaah, p o u n d _________________ __ 03alelery, b u n c h _______________lOe ^

\ O auliflowct, lb ................ .............. ..— 1 '^ '‘ F n ilt . ,v.

C ranberries, pound ......... ................. lmC o co n n u ta ---------------------------$7o ra p e fru it , e a c h __________lOo to 15curapeo, tokny ZOe 7 ,.-womons, do tea ..—— — — 8 O0 60c•ixaagea, d o te n -------------------- 40e to M e « ibananaa, p o n n d -------------------- — - —

Engliah w a ln n t i________ — 3?c to 45c «-(iDalry-

-reamery b u t t e r ------ ------------------- 5 ^ *•«Bnhl e h e e iB ------------ -----------------W iiconiin ch eeae------- --------------------

POTATO M A E K E l SI7MMABT. “ ID A H O FALLS, Uce. 2li.-(U iu tcA l»f

StatcB Deimrtnti-iit o f A>rT»rultiirc Mur- *- kc t News S e n -ire .) -C a rl« t .liii.mcnl» « for tho U nited S tate-. Thiir»Jay, total 413; Idaho .40.

6 hlpi)inK point infoTniivtum Thur«-

"h iaho F alls — Minimnn. Th.iMdny. nigh t IK degrcen above. I'racUcally no h„ulin«H acrni.nt w eather. Demand nioilenitc. M.arket clen.ly. Ciirloads canh tra rk . llaraU s'leke.l OOe. Ru*»etB ropaeked for T ^ ifo m la -e U. 8 . No. 1 branded sfMO- \y:i;;oaloa.N h[ ef.nh to ip-o"'''''''. opening ket Btrongor. Uus'ctH U. H. No- . U i-nrked DO.-; bulk H uraU f>urki-d tvU. K. No. 1 r.,>. , ,

W aiipara, Wis.— Minitniini .U 'I '"pi.TB. (IrowiatrBni.we.l all <Uiv. Hetti-r w ire .inialrs. M'

{\tm. delivervcl, oik. > :enle reported at lir.r.,.MlJu:cai.oli>.-Ht. IMnl - .Miunn.mi ..■> >1

decree .. Ile tter w ire in<|.nry. 1alroni:er. Cnrloa.lfl delivered rem -l ' wIiiteB Barked U. H. No. 1 l'*'e. “

_______ TWIKWcBt M ichignn—Minimum -14 . d - _

grccB. W et. P rnctlcnlly no hnnUn" | Growera holding fo r h igher prleeB.4)f- I mand good. O fferings Hgli/- M nr­k o t atronecr. C«rlo.ids deilvereU K""- set, R urnls wieke.l U. S. No. 1 nioilly UTflund OOr; few biRhfr.

PrOHouo Isle, M aine. P ridnv, De.-em ber S l -P jn c t l rn l lv no h au lln - a .eouut condition of roadx. M oderate wire la- q filry .. Bomand m oderate. M ark 't Htoadv. Carloads delivered union Green Moifntains V: S. No. 1 mirhe-l fl.3r> to #1.-10; bulk # l . i ’>. to ,# l.:io . Spaiildlng noAO H. K. No. 1 ><;tcked fl.l.T to *1.20; bulk *1.05 fo *1.10.

F riday m orning 's im]>ortnnt m arkets lepoTtcd Viv w ito:

Cliicago—CloU.lv 27 degrees. 7 Idaho, i 2 Mwhlgan, Miimcsotii, 1 N orth-IX i-l kotn. .S WIsroivHn 'iirrived. 7(i on track . Supplied light. Offerlugn light. Demand good. M arke t firm . Traek snlcs earloadu outw eight, WiHcoiiHiuround whites U- S. No. 1 sacked *1.2.'. ___to Jl.n.’i; one eur bulk *1.4.'5. Mlnnenf.tn ----nnd North Drkotji Ked R iver Ohioii, Ra«-kod (I. 8 . No. 1 *1.‘j O to $1.2.*). IdaliOK C not refiorted. .

F o rt W o rth -^ Io u d y . 47 degrees. 7 .Ycii Colorudo, 1 Idaho arrived. H d iverted , wel M on traek . Supplies liberal. D em and,and mpdcrnte. M arke t Btendy. - nroki'f* How rn rlo t unlcs, Colorndo Brown B eauties furt nnd PooplcB RuHsots saeked U. S. No. 1 i"toA m ostly *1.(10. Idaho Rurals snckcd i>P: 8. No. 1 «l.fiO to *L05. Iliig:

Knnsns C itv—Clear. :i.1 degrees. 1 ,»>lgl Colomdo, 1 Idaho, .1 M innesota, I No- «te( liraBkn nrrived. 25 .Vivorled. 37 on ers track.' Riipplies moderate. Demnnd '>eii good. SInrkct stronger. T rnek Bales ter? enrlots ontwoiglit. .Ntinnesota Re«r l l . r I f t ^ r Ohloa saeked U. 8 . No. 1 *1.20 fi to > l.u r . ; pnrtly Krndcd $U1U to Sl.U<>. ket^ Cnrlot snlcs to outside points, western of w hites saeked U. H. No. 1 *1.:10 to jeon *1.32. Russets saeked V. S. N«i. 1 mnd *1.50 In 91.00. |hini

S t. l» n ls -C le iir . 32 degrees. 4 (’olo-Mo rado. r. Idaho, 1 Wisconsin nrrived. 431*13 on trnek. Supplies moderate. Demnnd I foil slow thiiugh showing s ligh t tmpro^i:-lllnj: m cnt. Sellers Inelinerl to hold abimt *7..' steady. Kjiles fo Jobbers, Colorado 'n g U uw ets Riirked U. K. No. 1 tl.Tf. tft 1! *1.80. M innesotn Ked R iver OhIoH til Hn<-kcd ir. S. No. 1 *1.3(1 to *1.3'.. Tra^'k ihig snlcs enrlots involeo w eight, Colorndu |sfr« R ussets snckcd II. R. No. 1 *1.00. toj.

San Frnnelspo, Wednchdny — 29'1--. nioi sneks l>y boat nn<I 2 cnrs Cnlifornla, 2 IfO..' Iilnho, 2 Oregon nrrivcd. 8iii>plle-( modornte. Demnnd nin<Ierntc'. M arket I Kfea«lv. NSJiles lo jobbers, California I B nrbanks branded b^ign *2.2.'i to $2.3^>, | C nlUer fniu-v lo $2.20-, poo irr ❖l.TTi Noto *2. Idaho liiisseis b randed *1.S0 to C

others $1.7.’;. Wn’slilngton (iems low *l.«r. to *1.75; Orcgo-t long whlteB Sl.Hil f to *2.00. ■ ■? V

[ I.o« AtlKele.^ T l.u rscb v -1 1 Califor- I nin, I.H Idaho nrrived. 1 diverted. 1»7 nn I tra rk . Demand moderate. Marki't 1 steady . T rack sales earlo ts oiitwelght f Slockton nurbim ks liest *2.40 to *2.00. I few *2.0.-;. Idaho RuH.tcls bm nded I

others *1.S0 to *l.Hr>.

POTATOES AND PRODUCE. C IIIC A O O , lic e . 211 OW— P o t a t o e s -

W h ite Kloek S lro n g ; J - iir ly O h io s ste-i- *W-, rev i-lp ts 2C> c : \ is ; t o tu l U . S . s a lm e n ts -(-13; W 'iseoi.sin s a e k e d ro und . w li l t rs $V.1 i) to l.-t.')! m o s t ly *1.:).> ‘-o , 1 .40; h u lk *1.10 to 1..-0; M in n e so t.i •* sa c k e d m u n d w h ite s *1.30 to 1.40; sa e k e d Heft K lvc r O hios *1.2.'3.

Uniter— Unsellled; cream cry extras " ,n ex ln i firsts to W e; firsts -14 , to .»7e; seconils 43 lo 43 l-2e. li''''

t o . - ............ ... jJ*;

I'm’iUrv—Alive, liiaher; fowls 2:\ to 2II.-; r.iosters i:!o:, j.eese I 'e ; fiirkev-^


PORTL.\Ni>, Ore,, Dec. 2B 0P>— ,,,,, W heat—Soft wliilo, Deetmiber l*Se: w estern white, Deeember *1. .lanunry li.Sc; northern sprnig. December I 'lc . f„ .

Onts—No. 13 white feed. Deeember , b lank. .Inniiarv b lank; No- 3 grnv, De eember blank, .Innii.'iiy b lank. >

TOLEDO SEED M ABKET. li^iTOLKIX), Ohio, Dec. 2!».— (Bpeelal to j

The News.)—Clover—Cash old * i:i,b lil; (new .*.13 asked: December *13 nnked; jnj;.lanitnrv *13; Fel.rn;:rv $13.2.-. nsked; toMarch *13.20 nsked. ' |,to

Ablkc>—(.‘ash December *0.3.'; 1to Febrarirv fiJ-.IO: March h i;

T im olliv—Cu«U $3.05;. Deceiulier „-a*3.11.'.; March $4.05 bl<l. r,3

--------- bifiPOBTLAND LIVBSTOOK.- ’

POHTLAND, Ore., Dee. 2't (/P)— Nef n t t k —rtfeady today; compared with bh,week ago: (lonil sicers ipiotable 2;)e thighor; beat liglitpvcnl cnlvcs .«! lower; ’all other chs.-.efl steadv ; w eek’s biiMc finprices: H etter grndo steers $0 to 7; few ($-S lo X.2.*: plainer kintls down to S.'i; Micows and lioifers *4.2.'> lo .'>.2r.; a few feeliTi to *ii,2.'>; eanners and cu tte rs *1.75 IU) 3; bnlls *3.2.'> to 4; cnlves mostly loweightv hinds $4..‘50 lo 7..W; best liglit Inj,

,iL.4^:1its I.t t ‘>. tollog% — Toduy V marktM s t o n d y, '

w eek ’s hulk prices- IJoslrablo weight fl" bntchors J?..-;)) to K.2.'.; w eightier kinds “ U *7 to B: hwivv packers nnd throwoiits JL

to shinghter jiigs lo C37,r.O; feeders to 7.

K heep-S tea.lv to .lav; compnrcd wjtli J l. week ngo: F a t lambs T.O to O.”.o higher; • o ther classes nomin.illy stea .ly ; liandy weight fat land's niosllv *11 to 11.05; heavier *10 lo . 10.50; f a t owes a t fi- down with nothing choicc here.

LOS AN O ELES LIVBSTOOK,IXXS A N G K L ia, Dec. 20 C ^—C attle >"■

— lU’cclpla 50; m nrket strong; few ligh t A ritim n cow* SS; cuU ct**2..^0 to 3; cnlves, rcccipts 300; atrong; ,• two loads ArUonn calves 250 jiounds nverngo *8; few ont a t *0.

Ilogjv—ll<'cclpts 700; 50 lo fiOc high- er; butciiers irM to li)0 pound nverago $11 fo 10; top *10.10; packing sows *8.10 to 8.25. *■;'

Shecj>~Rcceipts none. - ‘j

OMAHA LIVESTOCK.OMAHA, Dec. 2» t>P)—Hogs — Re-

.-cliits «000; nctive JO to l.'ic h igher; * bulk 220 fo 32.'i jKinn.l bu tchers $<1 lo T'' 7; toi* mixed loads and packin,- uni.ies *(;.(!0 to «.K5; averugc cost yc»- ter.l;iy «(l.7»; weight 241.

Sliei'i^—UeceiptH 1500. compared w ith w.'ck ago: W.fnie.l lambs 25 to 40e ,,r lii;;lier: clipiM-d lambs ll) to l. 'e higher; slM.c|i 25c higher; feeding lambs slea- d v J o s tronc; clofiit.g bu lks: Wool.'ii Innft's *11‘.0» to 12.75; w eek’s Iot>

I >l2,i‘(); clipiH-d lambs *10.50 to 10.7.': light nnd liandy w eight ca.vch *7 fo 7..’'.0. I Jl

, wc.-k’s fop *7.75; feeding lambs *ll,.'.it he to T2 .IO; w eek’s top *12.20. u


opu^Bi ra o ' i w e T i I

wjomiEB CDME J worr w ' |ID TOWN OH i'y ME ’<WAT 5T/5- y ( WACnT o « '

-------: po rtlr? irro /*no Im.Jiis

CIIICAOO, Dec. 2 ;* M"— l’;ittl.>—!{<>. l.fulel c lp is IOOO; conijiaretl witli week ago: |t'> *' rcarllngs nnd bott-.T i;ni.lcs handv ]<inicl relgliU beef sU-crs s ti oni;;, .ither I'rad.-'s j t l - . 1 n.l ^veiglity niatnro.J s ire rs 15 fo 25;.Dwrr; tO]! vearlingi* $11.7.'j; host -nn-l ured Nt 'cre *11; sto.-kcfs uad feeders \v low. steady; fnl sho Klock .lOe lo i«l —uT Ip: cnnners and eiitfers strong fo 2.5e . iigher; bulls 50c u p ; vral c,ilvos $2.5'):lgher; w.-ek’s.bnik prices follow: ll...-f teers ^7.75 lo 10; stockers and fceil- rs $5.25 to (1.2.5; Lnfclier .ow s and ^ lolfers *4.50 tn 11.75; cnnncrs nn.l cut- ers *2.(15 to ;(.50; vc:il culves *10 to FC 1.50. -,f „

fihoei>—Roceipts 2 .100; lod.'iy’n mnr- ;pf genernlly s tendy ; latgt* in'reentiigc if '^ o l j i l rpceinls direct t-o packers; ompare.l w ith week ngo: Rit lamhs .nd yenrlings 25 fo 5(l.r hig-lier; fcedlnu J—-- anihs aronnd 25e higher; Hhrep stendv0 strong; Inj. fnf IninbH for wc.-k . 03..’i0: best feeders .<‘12..';n: hidk prlcvs ollow: }’n t lnmbs *13 to 13.40; year-lng-w ethers JIO.?.*. to 11; n>;pd w etheri Kl.17.50 fo 0; fnt e>vcs SC.-J.T fo 7,25; feed, al.lcng Inmbs #]1.7.'V lo 12.2.'5. T , x

Hog*— Uevejpts 10,000; fn ltly nrU ve. joSniill in terests buy ing ; sfmiig to IO- pjiojligher; •mostiv 5 fo lOp ^ifulier; hulk —pj- frong wciglit hnfch«-rs $7.10 to 7.20; op *7.25; 180 fn -22.T inmnd nveragcHiioslly #7 np; bulk pa.-king m.ivs aroun.i 'llSS -(1..50; <leslnili1 s lro n g u-.-icht pie«15.75 to G.25; eslim af.-.l lioldovcr 2500.

(JASH QUOTATIONS.CHICAOO. Dec. '2l\ ( /P ) -W h o a t- ...__

<0 nnntnlions. WCorn— No. 2 mixed 71 12<-; No. 2 yel- hons

ow 72 to 72 l-2c. ‘ 6:30Onts—i.S'o. 2 w hile -t l to -J5 l-2e; N»,, =

1 w h llc '4 3 1-2 to 44e.Uye—No. 2, GO 3-4<*. ' p ,Hnrley—<17 to 71-.T imothv Beed—$(1..'»0 lo K. .j..Clovcr s e e d - *12 lo 21.75.I^rd -$12 .fi7 . ' =R lbB -*0 .02 ..


Boles in P rlm orjr M ark e ts Suspended fo r Holidays; BeUeve D em aad fo r j , , , H eav7 Oooda W ill Kot B e Extrem e

nOvSTON, Dnei 2i> OP)—The Comnier- ’inl Bulletin says: =

The demand for %w»ol h;is not been C U | lieavv, a s m ight ln‘ ex)KTf.Ml Koiihl bc lhe case in tlie iast week o f the vear l.ut there has been som.' l.ll^laess licrc fltoe 'm<\ ncfOHH the -.xwV nKvivvslit fulIv firm rntoH. ffalcH in th e jiri- ^ mnry mnrkets ar.*'Hiis]ion.Ied fo r Hi- lioIi.lavH with the soiiflicrn licmisplicre / flips genernlly nbont Imlf »old. T«

Her.‘, tlic bi;; .luestion Im the gond» t . mnrket nnd thero is iiothini: n.-w in „p, thn t dlrocfion which cnconrnpes lho ur 7 . hellef Ihat there w ll' h e a l,l« domnn.l for heav .w eight goods, «iu-h ns occur- y red a yonr uko. o r tbn t prl-cs safely D” ,. ran be ndvnnced very nmch.

M ohair is firm on iiunlMt doaiand.The Cnnimercial Unllctln will i„ib- N

lish ,lho following wool i]u<)liitlons: tho Domestic: , .Ollio nnd I'ennsvlvnnli flccccH; D. - 1

laine unwashed 5.'.c; fine unw ished 4S , to 40c; hnlf bloo.l .-omhing 55c; 3-S '’S'*' blood combing 54 to 5.".e,

Michigan an.l New York flrcc.-s; |)e- Inlne unwashed .W fo Mn-, lim- u|i- washed 47 to 4Sc; b n lf hlood 'unwnshed ' „ .53 to .54c; 3-8 blood iinttiisJi.-d .5^Jc; l - t ' bloorl nnwnshed 51 to .52c.

W isconsin, M issouri nn.l nvernge New Kiiglan.l: H a lf l.loo.l .53c; 3-.- blood 52 to 53c; 1-4 bluod -tt) Ul 50c. .

S^onrcd basis;T .-ias: Fine 12 m onths $1.2.-; fo 1.30;

fiiH* eight months f l .lO to 1.1,I.California—N orthern *1.25 to 1.28: ‘

M iddle county *1.10 fo 1.15: fa ll ii<- i""',* fectlves PO to !)5c; soufliPrii $l to 1.05.

0 reg .)u -E a s te rn N o. 1 stap le *].3;j to '1 .3 5 ; fino and fin e iiicdlimi- ..omh- V''"' lng *1.20 lo ,1.25; easte rn rlo tliing $1.1.'; to 1.20; vnllcv No. 1 I 'l . 18 fo 1.20. ,

Terrlto ry_M «utn«;v stapV.choice *1.:i5 to 1.37: balf I.lood cond'- ” " ing *1.25’ to 1,30; 3-S Mrxxl combing . ' ' $1.07 to 1.10: 1-4 bbm d combing l)l> lo " i 03 cents.

Pulled: Dehiine $1.30 lo 1,3,'; AA $1.25 to l.:iO; A snpors $1.0,', lo 1,10.

M ohair: Hest eombing to s:ic; best carding 70 to 75c.

SUAOR. " " ‘INKW YOHK, D'-e. ‘.iH (/?>>—Renewed

wcakn.'ss app.-nred in the raw sugar market toilay wllli Cnba» offererl for i " ; f irs t hn lf .lanmm- hhipment at 5 1-4e “ cost nnd freight, ■eonnl tr, 7.0:1 fo r ccn- 7 trifugal, wUhout fu u a tis buycts. q

Rnw siignr fntnrei, dci-linVci rnther -liaridey nn.lor general .illin g for both Irnd.. and oufsi.lc a.-eomif. Opening ,,i,„ nrices were hvo lo six j.oints lower ' . I,n.l cj>nsider:ible ston loi.< orders wcr.' J„,‘ .ncountered on the hr..,-,k. «-liieh ur- lended to .'-,07 for Jnnuary nml 4.40 for .'Jurch... Finnl pricen were n t Hit* low- e s t-nn .rfron i 11 to 13 lujints n.l lower. .Iniiniirv .-losc.l 5.07, MarHi J.40, .Mar , V 4.-17, .IhIv -1.5.'. ■ I.^ReiM icd sug;ir w as qui.d an.l nn- chnngea n t .s.7l) lo H,!'H iVr fine granu- h lo ,I. ‘ ; j

■ - — Kte;Frlghter^ed. >vn

Jim m y, who whk Inrllncd lo bo a bnitjrarf, wns te lling bla fn lh e r and m olber of b is cxperlcnees whllo oul cntuplng. “Anil all o f onr«* I stopped nn n big rnttlesnnke.” liehognn. ■•IIow did you know ll w ns a rulllosnnli(>.

|J l in m y r ' nsked bis fntlier. “i.n iu ld I honr Its tw lh elintleplny tbo mlnnte

suw me." mo



ciM eNE CENT PER WORDI v e r t i s e m e n t s u n d e r t h i s h e a d a r e

t a r d e v i s e d o t b r i n g i n g t h e n e e d


JlftL ’ A N T K U — Al thi. |>oii|.v. -------VANTlClJj-Liiily .aulieltor.asnnt, s a liry goo.l, position permun-. A ddrefs Hox 7D4, Twin Falls.'^VLKH.M'ftN rea< niirs“;“ a rare" np- -------• tu n i ty :^ e n and women make enor- Ml ns p r j^ t s . A rtiH e cosis 5e, sellh m s. e k ly ^ u r iM.Oiii t-:io mnke from *] '. - 7 ^ m .Iaily. l';.rl.-ulnr« Iree; wrilo

''w.u'.'.V ‘(-'..K,^11 1'. — ----------- II , ~ W i

.»iju/tViux«ie> WANT£X> comm

^ N ’n : 't^ N m » h .g , 'U o x "-^ 5 's^ v s

ilO H E S T prire p,»a for furntlu». '1 raga. Call 310.______________••’OK KAL.1-: OK HKNT—(loo'd idano i'hoiin bnrgnin. Plamv 121. • =

t o u ts.at* x - o ^ f i j a . i iU ia i iX ' ^

ClOUKRN offipe room." for re n t.'E n irc Oiphetim Ih o n tu .______________

. . . » > ...> 1- . . u M i i u m i .

•’OU ;iE N T —r.-rot>ni fnrniilic<rh0U80.180 In. Home Ro.-ilfy Co. “ ■==■’OU KENT—Firnt claw room, nut ^c entrance. 4 U Sixth avenue cast. ___ _jX)H RKNT—Furnished rooiiii uTT m n ing bn th ; furnu< c heat; close In.ono 473J.__________________________^OU HK.NT — .b'urnishcl rooming w jisc. Address 1), L. I’otter, 1015 D j vicot, R upert, Idaho.________________ —^r i in —3 louia furtuaiied «).i. Phonnt. Reaaooahle. dungalow Ap —rrr; fth street and Hccon.l s v . sas.

WANTED— T 0 ~ S E N T “ w ;

k \^ -T E l> -O n i> In rg e r b r ^ h ^ g h t " I " ' iisekceping room. Call 1.VI4.I aftr.r t ! = ^— . . FOE

CUA C S lA T b -------

TOll Publi ar Hnhl. $150(1 w ill hnndlo either. -yT, eso nre b ig bargt.lns. W rite Kdwin" “ ■'•‘’■t T win |.’;illw. _Ph«ne 70.S.I. j jo j j


WANT f<i hear fro i> w iw ner''h iivbg ____rm for salo; kivo pnrtienl.nrs and p n vest price. .lolm .1. Ulnck, Chippewa prov^


MONKy T ( r I . ^ N —F iN ~ T s c v e i i be b< lusnmf dollars to loan o n 'f l r s t mort sheei go. Kxchunge ilen lly Co. Phone .1.1. Poea

HORT SESSION IS ACTIVE] ^ock P rices Continua Their tJ p ra rdCourse in th e Foco of H eavy Saloa; J*” ’F ram e Incom e T a x Beductions • f ' '. _______ «1“ 1T ot.Ii'sfock sale* 072,000 shares. ^ ‘ Tweutv indiislTlulH avernged ‘.'5.23; •. , t gain, .12. IIlgh.1'123, 10.'.38; Inw..70.T w entv railrmnls nvernge.r 83.25; t gnin, .40. H igh. 1JI23, '.10.51; low. ^ .53, •

__ 'RlioNEW YORK, Dee. 2H C/P)—In one of . , „ . . t .U 'tiv . I» .lf ..............Ik yenr, stock pricos today cnnlinne.l c \r upward cnurs.- in th e fnce i-'. , ■nvy tax sollinir .-.nd profit inkin,: les. T his wns ll.C laKi .lay on whi'-!i come ta. losses coiihl he eslablishe.l • tbe ordlnarv. r h - i a n c method, al- . bngh cusU «ule« f o r such a vurp.-s.- ^ III be possible on Mn»i'l».'‘. Hroket't port th a t m ost o f tliis belnted la* tlvc lling Is .•omlng from smnll inveslors thic id spoculators. oouiKnifed flta tes S f .e l common w:is ini- :nln fhe b ell.w eth rr of fhe mnrket, ^ Imbing w ithin hall’ a point of jtar «».It slipping hack L-iter fo 00, where “

was np 3-S on fh o dnv. Incrensed ■tlvltv also develi.p.^d in some of i!m witl dependent slw U , Imvlng o f v.lvU-b «ol an Inflneneed bv n-porls 'of a bron.ler bur; ■mnnd fo r slo.-I .pr.nluctH. Crucible th e iuched ns 1 -4 'and then fell back ti‘ boU •, nnehnnged on Hit- day, wliile Peiif . •aboard elo 'eil at its top price f.ir slight fnu 'tional g:iin.Unexpected sfrenclh nlso dcvtdoped

I the raiiro.n.l *li:.re* in reflection V ■ fhe gnod showUiH being made by Rnj ost o f the N ovrnn.or earnings stale- ents. A tlantic. Coast bne cli.sed 2 " Igher a t 113 3-4 a f te r selling slightly “ .ovo thaf figure; •Jnlnn P acific clos- I nearly twn poliiU higher nt 120 1-4 • '“ t' id gains of 11 |K)inl or so were re- OHi’ irdo.l by t'bicago nn.l N orlhweslern -El, immon nnd preferroJ, I./)ui.iville and ©as; ashvillc, Norfolk an.l W’cstern, j DUlbern I'nclfic -uid Kock Island

.....-Corn P roducts w us strong on the "

rospcct o f a stork .li«tribulion n.-st *ou: onth i f thc proprsod rocnplfaliRnlion ans nrn carried out, rinsing a t 155 3-S,> 2 l-.S. Amcricnn A gricu ltum l Chem- al p re fe rred . It«!\ Products cc rtifi- i t c s Brooklyn-Mnnhaft.an T ransit Ag referred,' U nited S tn te s R ealty com- a ' on nnd preferred, In ternntionnl Hnr- a n :<sfer and Tldcw nler Oil all moved up floi 3;-l tioiiifs o r inor<- on thc .lav. |,|iForeign exclinnRC^, genernlly moved

ilh in narrow nml Irregu lar limitH. 1).- lan.l sterling drapp,-.! :t-4 o f 11 cent lo 1.33 1.2, an.l C oncli f riiies ruled e;idy aroun.i 5.13 ccnts. .lapane-.' n* en w ere iiK ain 'in HUpplv ns n resuH in f fhe recent i)olllie.'il dislurhauces in nii .a t .onnfry , lln

Incrim inating Evidence.”1)0 you kno\v w h n t Ume my tioii-

innd cumo home th is momlng. Lina?- ^olcc froDi nex t room : "No, Mra. Uall. COo iut hls Bboes w-fre still wnrm this I” *'’ uornlng a t aix o’clocU."

't ■


I ADVERTISE) P E R ^ S C t e e N — A

e a l w a y s a l i v e a n d a c t i v e , a n d coi

i o f a d v e r t i s e r s t o t h e a t t e n t i o n o f


TAXI ________7-PaBaeng!r S ed in , J . H. W

Phon* 84. 6 and— . « . ,1 ‘ TruatI’KKAV, TH B .'•LU.MBKK. Phon-i O- O- H_______________________________ JO H N \

UNTRAl,. a AUAO b>-Htoruiic Truatlirlng. 31S West Shoshone. Phon- a 6U £B 'W. A. C. Hahn._________________ ^ 0 3 5 5K iU .’Y and sell'^iuythlng. Cash .r c Wf f g r

Idaho Auction Co „ . u ,° ° ___________ F all.,i'KAVKI>—Uno uig, 3.1 lbs,, r c l and = = k spotted . R ew ijrtf Call .1. Aipl>ell. ___________ ________ BU-'"^O U it garm ents are fade.l or un -- --------donnldo le t me dye them or m ak' n over. Pricea very reasonable.

J . F. Jow o tt, Roed Apartmenta,


OR HALE^^I‘la ^ r rn d '~ I '\ jrd '”truck.no 570W.---------------------- ------------------------ --OK SA L E —1023 Ford coupe. Kxtri. ipment; f irs t claaa shape. *35i-. ^ fm S o0 Uci>niT Shop. act ^


W ANTED—I’otulocB m i apples. M cNlOI irlond lota. Call o i. —Q t

O E o z n•ANTED— Fnt Ii'oks. Phone 35. A. Cratlii-ix. ______________________m r m'A NTED—>AJi of your fu t hoST P A N Ino A. J . Fix, 35. * OfflM ■ A N TED -Llvo pouitrv of all klnd'ilie M arket. Phone 1573. _5*X£_ a n t e d ' TO KENT — l-'urnbhed

uin^-bouae. Address 1). L. 1‘otte t, ........J..,'i D s tre e t, Ruport, Idaho. OBU~ = ~ • • 128 See1 SAIiB—F B trtT S , VEQETABLEE tfUlw t

OK SA LE— W hite or yellow com tdie M arkot. Phono 1573. — _____OK SA L E —Uood Oom eating pota H>AHOI 50c delivered. Phone 537R5 n> • “ 'a " "|{4. Bolae,


OR R E.V T-TftO - nen-8 well im ~ W IL ived: cloao in. Phono 1030W or Brown,IM. ------------, OOOD irrig a ted farm , IflO ncrrr,r Poenfcllo. fo ren t on ahares. Will _____ _Btocked w ith milk cuwA hogs nnd POB pp fo r a good farm er. T. C .'M arlin . Fnlla, tatcllo. eqnipmc

M rn Should Live Longer.3y nil lb e n iles which Datura ob- The• •e■i nm ong hum bler mBmmalH, 100 ahlp ihiiB ought to bc u very ordinary ftgo se ls «p• Q hum an being. W here la llio mum- fiilber,1 whlcb, uulVM lla life Iti cu t sh p tt purlk liaccident o r dlsenso, fnllH' lo live to aceordloee flvtt llnicjt ns grout ns th c tim e with bltook lo n-aeb um turlty? A folrty looks l•cful Bur\^.‘y nf th c Held unsw ere bcI udiowhcrv." Iiidwil. Ibe ru tlo of toinl ho ow«3 tu inafiirtiy lit tnoro llkoly to bo from t, w ven cir olglii thun live. Hut mnn. If Is thiu>4.' inn iu rliy cnnn.il bo p ln rc l ut th a t hts (bun 20 or 22. th inks tic Is doing toos ory when be pHSKt-H throe w ore nnd on hisI, und -only one out of many ihnu- quilo i:Ills rencbfj* the uru o f IIXJ.—Clovo- ou tUe1.1 I’luln Dcuter.

------------------------— pS tranoa mongollan W hisky. Bird

A kind of xvhbiky known lui ulrlk Is ycuru fitilled from nmro'B m ilk by the- nn- pbilDH•cb o f Mongolia. T his milk, wblch Ib (hut tlIckcr tb a n ci>w“n milk, tm s a sort o f ono jmur ta s te ovon wbon froslu AfUtr bfr luml. a; allnwud to Btund for Hcverul duys vulturtutUilDa tlie coiislHtuncy of battenn llk . ubundiien ll In put Into a bilge pot und Hparrovored w ith w bat loolcs Uko a b am d viclnlf;th botb oDdB knnckod out. Thi* vcs- nnd or I tH BUBiwtidud Ul tlie m iddle of ihd i u rc forrel, a k e ttle nf cold w otcr is sot oa en 0 top. und a f te r n few mtnuios of 11^ paUlng In th is prim itive s till ih« mUk ______clianged In to pure ap lrll. . _ _

— ------------------- LfeG

' oea Jewela. ^V isitors cjui bo s i fn rontnlng tbe igllsh s«-n c.)nst fo r valuable ht.ine.H. j,ic son c<»llccfs the Jelsant o f agen and Btatea, ccimonx o f overy gi*ol.fj.'lcnl furinii- cm n i ilk AmonR ollicra fo u n tl'u re -cy m o -1 In 1 ma, chaI«.Hl..nyn. am etby’<ls n g n le s jb a n k ru .yxcs, nnd pkte.H of Junp.T. Tlie [ Vou Uio ruby" Ih u gurnet found to lbe i{ '” ^ '■ sfw ord of KUe Harbor, on tbo couat F lf(\ O th e r im ris o f t h ^ m c r f t a v c Iconntv

e ir spocinl JcweI.s. Onyx can bo 'a t 3:0( und ulinoKt unywbere. As fo r i>cnrla, !o f .Ian hft* b w n HtatiMl thut they bavo b w n iw ill bi und In cockles a t Conway. claims,

Provldea ••Parture" fo r Fleas.T he U nited S lates D epartm ent of grlctiUuro m nlntulns laboratories on farm 'ncnr^W iislilngtoQ wbcro dogs

re kept lo provhle “pasture" for W nr ons; c ldckens lnfesK*d with Uce nnd cr\-olr lUea prbvlilu mcuns (or tcsUng vnri- Ineluai u.< pow ders an.l d ip s: rocknm ches ro nilse.1 In lnrgi! num bers; betlhngs rc^grow n «in giUneu pigs and ratn sd now fho public HUppUes Insects a nlvMniSiMJce wbpii ib r doinirinn'm Amrinke.s knnwn whai ll «vani» In ttie --------ino of fxperriin 'ninl innlerlnl.

-------------------------- AUO .od C l.ln n . M .oo l

•'Do mnn dnl knows all de laws,"11.1 Uncle Eben, "Is liable to be, a " >od clllzcn. He'B got to s tndy soird he’s bound to keep quiet and not .•cnk Done.*' . ' No. 1

DECEMBER 30, 1923. "

EMENTS I •AND WORTH IT'constitute the best meam of residents of South Idaht

PROFESSIONAL~ ~ ' A IT O ji i j i jY u r

I. W ISE —Lawy«rt,„ Offlr.e»>-BooTh« and 7 ovor Twia Falls Rank fr

ruat Co., Tw in Falls, Tnaho________r H A I J i , Ovor Clos Hook Store IN W. O EAUa M — l.nwvet. Book «lruat B utldlng. phone t'Sn-lt________£EE B. W ILSON—U w v e r ‘^ E ~ o 7 M i l j j i - O v o r « I>T >■»*»EELEY ft SW EELEY — A florticv» ,;-law. Practice In oil courta. T.wl» alls. Idaho.

BUSINESS DIRECTORYm A O K B M im ^ " ........... “

lO K BMl T H — M AOBINB BBOP— lacksmitha, weldora. boiler m a k m , lachi&ista, n o n n fa itn re ra ; sanpIlM f a ll k inda; agenta Altmnn.TaTlfT [achinery Co. K rena tl 'Mnphlnf (V. hone 1202. S1Q-2S0 Seeond ave. H


WDOW' O L A B S -W lnd^hjiidaT e 'am ot work. M oon'a 8kop. Phooe 6.

T B A N S I ^

n O H O L S TEA K SFEB * STOEAON -OarbaRe bauled dailv. Ph ''^ Sa ^ T B A t i B F l E CO. H.ono .4^! ra tin g . S torage an-l U lm rty foal rSEU BBA K MOTOE TBUOK OOAC AWV— N ed ' a AfcCrackcn, M gr. fflco phono 33; Boa. phono S08B1I. o thing too M g, nothing too amalL Ive ua B call. _______________


s s * STA TE VXn*OANIZIHa’' ' o a ^Seeond ave. w ea l Qoodyear ai>'4

ler tiree. V alconv ins. rntroadlRv


IHO D B T E O n V E A O E N O ^ ^ ^ ranchcs o f work solicited. Box (U2. lolao, Idaho .

rO E B A ia-> iaV B B T O O g

l^ILL BUY your f a t cattlc . C. T. wn, K im berly.

TO r a A i a

■OB TBADB—BcBldonco In Twiii la, •well locatod, modem, for farm Ipmefat. P . O. Bo* (Hi city.

Odd Kinship Reckoning.rhe IndinuH of Alusku reckon kli> p ihroUKb llie niuther imly. A inao

tip n nicinorliil cnhunn, not lo r bU ber, bn t for bis ni.yii-r’a re latives— rUtiibirly bcr broihcr. A son bus,.or.llijg lo Ihe lr Ideiis, no Connection 111 hl.s fnilicr. A boy <ir y<iung mnn ■ka III blx m utcriial unclca for emn*. UDd guidance. U Is tu tl«MU thnt

owes vcDcrutloo un>l rc. i. und .>ni them unly bo InhcrUu in'operly.Is tho em blem of his moihor'B fumily at he curves on hia tntcm .-ole, tut*« on h ts a rm s und cheat and 'jm ln ta

his fucc. T his custom innkc.s it ilo imposHiblc fo truco fumUy llaeuge th e faU ier's aide.

P a ir o f Blrda to th e Acre.Bird ecnsusen over n |>criud of bovcd uru fu r tho cuuntry ea st o f th e g rea t ilDH und uo rth o f M orj'laud abow* ut tho uvcm gc is 0 l ittle muro th an o (mir o f blrda to the ncro of fa rm id. acconling to D epartm ent of Agri- Ituru n-|)ortH. Tho roblu Is tlip moat lundunt hiiocIch. witli the CDgllBh arrow Hccoitd. In llio Immcdlat*: lo lty .o f Jiu1Ulih(p^ Includlog Inw oi . d orohards, uboiit 130 pulm of bird*0 found to n e s t on 10 ncrca. Foe0 en tire fn n u tho nvi-rogo l i nbout '2 palm to tbo 100 ncrea.


[n thc D istric t Court o f fhe Unitod ivtca. for tho. D istric t o f Idnbo, South-1 Division.In fULv.maftcr o f Robert K enner, ukrujit.Vou are hereby notified, th a t tho s t m eeting o f crcdilors o f sand nkrupt will be held n t the offico o f 0 undersigned R rf .rc e in Twin Falls, unty of Tw in Fnlla, S tn tc o f Idaho,3:00 o ’clock p. m.. on tho lOlh dny .lanunry, A. I). 1024; such m eeting

tl br- beld fn r th e ;ilb>wiinec n<■ims, aptujintm ent of trnstee, nnd am inaflon of bankrupt.

CUV U K INNEY,Rcferoo in B ankruptcy.

W AEBANT CALL.W arran ts o f tho American I^ills ros- volr D la trie t numbered 20 to 71, both eluaivc, w in bo paid i f presoated a t 0 Company O ffiee on Jan u a ry fltli.

In te re s t on these w arran ta cenaea inuary Cth, 1934-

W. IL .BPENOB. Treaiuror*Americnn Fnlla R eservoir D U trict.

W A EEA N T CALL.AU w arran ta o f tho Independeai • ' diool p ls t r ie t No. 1 issuod in OetobeXt )23, w ill b(f | i a l j on pTooestaUon io I 10 trc.nanror. In to rest qu these .n i t- • inta ceases Jn n . 8, 1024. , ‘

P- K. F L G B T ,/-V r ' Trensurer Independent Bchool

■iPage Seven


i r i l P iiivE STOoy mHEiSPiPM=

______ ociin]

Necessity for Early Rebuilding 1',” of Floor of Hansen Bridge Is J" Seen at Highway District Of- fices; Godwin to Get Bridge foKj

Prolitiblo iif*<'o»iiity in tlio nonr futuro for floor .of tho Hnnsenrim rock-to-riinrock sjinn, ueroAR Rnnko rout] riv o r rnnyon \h bolnff ulvon connldera* horo tlon nt the Tw in Fnlls hiRlnvny dU tric t torn offircH. ■ N<’l'

Plrink laid H nt to form tho floor ,.(itin whon tlio bridgo wnn bulU nimont fivo tiucc yenrs ngo, n ro 'w onrin jr ont, liiRliwny Ai d in trir t offirlnln ntnto, nnd, wlillo tho i! ti’ a tn irliirc in ontiroly iwr.nro nml «afo JV( even for honvy triivol n t tho presont fo j] tim e, i t in doomed noooMiiry to pro i„g vido for robuildiiiK o f tbo floor n t nn M ili tn r ly t^nlo.

In oonnortiiin w ith tbi*, 8 . A. Slio- i | bort, lUMrirt- nup^'rvijwr o f lilRliwnyii, L . 1 ifl (■onaiderlnfT way* nnd'inonnn o f pro f vidlnrr fo r tho itntirovonioiit. I t is the puq)onp of th e utiporvlBor, i f ft wny . cnn bo fonnd, to roplnro tbo prcsonf ] Quiu floor with It Ifininnito floor which was Bt contomplntod in lho pInnH fnr tho spun Bt b u t wliirb wim discarded becnniio of M penho Involvod. Tlie laninnito floor Tv would 1)0 fonfltrncted o f plnnk Jnid with chnr tbo nnrrow od?o oxpnM<d, nnd would fiitii: bo covorod w ith prnvol nnd oil. II ^conr

. would teiid to utrcngMien tho span nn'l ntroc would lnst fo r n t lonivJ-lO-yonm w ithout inp nocesslty fo r npprccliiblo repair, nc- Bntu cording to onRinooni. Iiifoi

Tho expense o f bulldln;; a Inm nnitj Ktnk floor hus n o t beon ostim nted In detail offir b y th e biRhwny d is tr ic t official*. biit!\H 6a i t is known to - b e Mn oxeess o f t h e |o f t •2000 TOiimininK in th e d la trin t'd bridpe I Of fund fo r th o cu rren t year. jin n

OadwlB to O r t Bridgr*. , ,Sinrir ' C onstrucllon o f n stool b r id«o -over J ' ' 'J"

- tbo cAnnl on tho road nenr a o d w iL : w U rbtf'sin soon a f to r tho f irs t o f th o i^ "^

• yoar, i t ,w a a s ta ted S a tu rday a t thOj ^ •h ig h w ay dlfltrict officcs. .M ate ria l fo r T R I

tho stum Is exneotod to bo dollverod r horo w ith in n fonr doys, »nd i t I t an-

.“-t lc ip n te d th n t tho strueturo w ill bo eompletod b y F eb run ry 1. T his span soce is to bo 00 fee t in lenctli. i ts length I (g h nv ing been reduood nlmost ono-half r b y ebanf^ng tho courso o f tho cnnnl n t l th ts point. A bu ttm en ts nnd npproncho'i havo boon complotod, and ft tem porary ,„p„ b ridge hns boon built. C ontract f o r 'f l^ j tbo constnirl^on of ll«o slcol spiuj, hnn

■•boon nw ardod to C. J . Cnvflftsugfi, bu ilder o f tbo H nnsen bridgo, who re- een tly re tu rned horo front V<^tcrn ^ho W yoming nnil southcnst Idnho' whoro h e bnd jtis t completed con«tructlon a num ber o f steely bridges. tj,5,


— coniiM rs. E a t« W ««ton, ProprlotroM

Fftdlockod ItOdilog-HouM . Seatonc- ' «d to JftU F a y F ine

Mrs, K nto Wwrton, p roprie tress o f tho Rox rooms. M ain nvonuc south. which havo bocw closed by i,.rinInjunction lu* a nuimuico for her ril-.m i,., legotl violntion o f the prohibition If^ws, L -

Sleo<le<l gtilUy in d istric t court hor.- U ; a tu rd n y to ft cburjfo o f lllc;ml posspt.

■ion o f lionor a n d wns sonton*-«'d by ,, , Ju d g e W. A. Ilabcock tn sorvo twn

. fflonthfl In jn il nnd pny n fino o f .I n defwHlt o f lionil M w. Wonton been held u prisoner in the county j:iil flinco her n rrcst Dcrem hi'r (I on a cl>nr;’ - . o f illegal iK)s»osai(in on Kocomber -0 ‘ o f n p in t o f liquor. p


Sod o f W . F . K eaner B am od A bout p ‘ th e F ace a sd Companion Alflo H o rt whon Oaiwllno T ank E ip lodee

B O iaE , Dcc. 29 O W -Stophcn K e n n - 'S " i er, 12, snn of M r. nnd M rs. W. P. K enner, wns aoriously ' burnod about ' n r tho fnco and h is corapnnion, Jo h n n t C harles Hofius, 8, son o f M r. and M rs. T . Cl. tio fius, Ih-ing a t tho M itcholl hotel, su ffe red bad bu m s on I

• tho hcnd when nn -em pty SO-gallon i T gnsolino tnnk in tho Dor.lcr Lum ber >;*“« compnny ynrds explodod Saturdny night. Ono of tho boys, i t wafl ro- "'•t ported to tho firo departm ent, hnd hold n lighted m atch near tbo tank . . Thomas lienner, who was w ith th e In- jurod boys, c-iraped unhurt.

G e r m a n y P r o m i s e s t o P a y O c c u p a t i o n C o s t

Foreign N eeotla tlona B ring F tedga to « ■ M eet “ O verB efftrlc tedPer-lod and w ttm h N a m w

BKUI.TN', Poe. 20 MO—In viow of pending foreign negotiations, saya nn oft»ein\ nnnoun tcm rn t to- -<lay, tho governm ent ha* decided to rosumo paym ent o f tho costs -of tho nllied occupation, providod th a t means of paym ent rea lly ox- is t.

I t is cxplnlned tbo paym ent w ill bo for a “ restric ted period and within tho narrow est lim its .”

A t tho samo timn tho govern­m ent has rcflolvod to conclude as ■pecdily as possible the prosont diplom atic negotiations on th is sub jcrl. P aym en t o f tho alUod occupation costs has been sus- jK'ndod sincc tho Fniiico-Hclgian occupation o f tho liuh r.

u r e n n rn tY J B O P S FEO M 38 ABOVB TO O lfE Br.TiOW AT Btn*TE

PU TTE, Mont., Doc. 29 0P>—Drop­p ing from a m ark of 89 degrees abovo

g *cro early th is m orning, the tempera- tu ro wns down to ono below by five o 'c lock thU nftornoon, tho . lowest m nrk o f tbo soason. D uring tho even­ing i t rose four Aogrcc*, b u t a t 10 o'c lock was back to zero w ith ind i­cations of a lower drop. M l

fttgs Eight _______ t w in


U lt B rough t b y Bnlldm g and Loan A ssociation B ilngo Odt F l n o f De­func t O oncem ; Stato I s Saeceasor

Suit in stitu ted December 8 by tho flotunl H uilding nml Lonn compnny WlUF gninst tho Lion Bondine and Surety |y | ciinpiiny to recover on a #5,000 bond HMUt'd for P . O. Lochlciter ns .socro- CC ary of tho nssoeintion will bo resisted n tho gronnds th a t the compnny is ni^..lias for it long timo boen defunct,,nd its “ corporate clinrtor nnd exist- ni'c havo bi!on tcrntiniited nnd. for- for I o itcd .’* of J

This was iiinrlo known S.itnrdny . fliun a iiiotiiiii for soiling nnido «« 't: •nratiiig of the muiiiuioiih, sorvico nnd oturn in tho proceedings ngainst th e j Tho ompany wns filod in d is tric t court of n loro by Doan Driscoll, Bolso, ns a t- ! th e (irnoy fo r tho com pany-nnd fo r th e Po '•‘('I 'raslia ilcjmrtment of tr.'idu and th(> i rminiorco, its jitntutory liqu idator nnd teste ucccssor in interest. Jsiono

Argniiient on the inolinn wn* sot fo r |t r ic t . o 'cluck p. m. Jannnry li. Itimo Notice of tho motion wa* nddressed jio n

0 U. C^H nzol, nttornoy fo r tbo build-i ug..tuill Juan nHsociation, nnd to II. C ..tho lill*,' n tto rnoy for Mr. lii’chleitor. [proic

------------------------- jtion.. D. S. STAKE TO OPEN I*'-'


Juartora A ro Obtained In Wooda B uilding fo r Transaction o f Ohureh B | Boslnebs r j

Twin F n lls stnke," Lr»tl.:r_ Dnv Saintn hurch, wil! open oi'ficcn in tho non? _ iitjiro in tho Woods Imilding at th f „ i o rnor o f M ain nvenno and Socond . ‘ii> tre e t wont, occupying qiinrfors fron t- . ' ng o a Second street, It wn* learnt**! Inturdav. Bnsfness o f tho stako here- _ iiforo hns lioen trnnsactod by t l i o ' . . “ tnko officer# a t thoir resiilonri's, no ffico rooins h n v in t boon provided pro- > J ° iotwly. .1. 0 . K lrkm an is jtrosidenf. ° ' f tho stako . . I TT.Offiec* o f tlio stako w ill bo opened

n room* horotoforo occupied by th e Jngor Sowing Mnehino compnny,?hich Sntunlity wn* mnvitig in to (]unr- erw on M a in ^ ^ en iie cast form orly uplod b y th ^ ^ o i^ ib . shop*! ‘ ^

rRiAL postpo^ d' by gis OBJECTION TO JURORS

tecond A ttom pt to Im panel S atisfae-j Fli to ry J u ry in Suit A gainst M ea t sorvr Oompany Ooe# O ver ,o r 9,

------- i. the AAn n ttom nt to inipunol » ju ry o f «ix ;dny

ion in probnte court to try tho cnso Ooor f Mm. C. E . Thompson nguinst th<- niiopondent Mont compfinv, proved n Bt iiiUiro ftaturdny , wbon counsel for tbe Biorc lefondnnt refused lo pi*rmit two o^jcoun ho sevoM prospective ju ro rs to 'sorvi*. [frncl nd n M^ond n ttem pt will bn mrit'r full ex t Thurs<lny it was nnnonncod. In wbic h is eaao, M rs. Thompson coutonds th n t lho ia entitlc<d to exemption - undnr -l.e dnho lnw covering hor firrniture wbl'-h todn; rns levied upon tmjler jiidgm ont fnr hosp 200 obtnined fron t her by tho mont for I onipaj«y. *C. O. W ilkins is n ttom oy fo r jo f w .Irs. Thompson, nnd T. 1C. Haclcnmu n bb or tho m ont compnny. v

AT THE HOTELS !"£nonK It.SO N —w . n . Luflovor. Will-

Tlown. N'. Y.; Iko New. Now York: rhomiiH HiirKins, Twin Full*: Mr. nnvl .f.j,_: »!r*. n . I*. Wol.cr. R ilt L«ilto; I*. Dunn,3. II. H ito . Pocatcllo; M. .1. lisabv. | ' ■'airfiold; (;. Dudley. Mrs. C. W.■ork. l>orothv Rod-’u. Violu Jcffrie .i, ■* itnrl.Tugh; X. Dotv, Oregon .‘’hurt - 0 1 ,iiioj W. K. H nbbnrd. Hnns.-n; (’. E. o H I Fonscn und «-ifc. Rogorson: Honry rhnmpmin, Dlnckfool; Olenn Mooto ind w ifo, Oontact. o f A

— i*l)acPB ItR IN B —Boh Kiph-y, Muynic A r-jvcs*

ngton, D lek Tracy, I-. Kivors nnd w ifo ,, ingt Wnlter' .Bagg*, “ Why Wives (?o ,tion W rong” : E. D. McClocn-. rocaloH ..; .publ W. W. SoUj:, Wendoll; D. D. Bnmsido, nnd h'rosno; O. A. Noll nnfl wifo. Boi*.-! .},nv( M fred W olff, H nlley; Miss Viva i’.iw -liho irs, B nrley ; W. H. Au--lin, C. s, V b K night, Tw in Falls; H arry J . Ccirncli.i-, 1 Buhl. ;


TOKIO, Dcr. £0 OPV-TJip prinro rp - ' gont tills m orning returnod tho resig­nations of tho membors of the cab i­net presented Thursday, refusing to accept them.

Prem ier Yamnmolo tendered tho ros- innations ngn fn , th»* nfternoon, bow- OVIT, ind ica ting th n t tho c.iblnet mem-1 liorH Jo not deairo to rcm.iin in of- | fico.


Start the N[Rigl

Thnt, in getting his cnr paintc cuBtomcra rocently told us wj tru ly observed: “ Tho Xew Yoa A t least thing* should look li imagine anyth ing new er nnd 1 tho work you h a re performed

Why not let us give you a good painting your car now? Letusta

J. G. TIC u t t i n g A u t o ;

Tho Oldest F a in t Shop I tPbone 7 a



' I tion

urtaugli Petitioners Seek to . Mend Error in Former Pro-. "'Ux ceedlngs i

--------- 1 iTw in Falls county*. commiBsionera cord tu rday reeeived nnd sot Jan u n ry 0 r hearing on a petition fo r crcation p p p i

a herd d is tric t w ith boundnries ^ iiforming in gcnornl to thoho of the ilnor Low L if t Irriga tion ilistrict.10 petition lioro signnturo* of 37 'out prei

n reputed totnl of -|[) ru*ldents of0 proponed d istric t. W itFormntion of n herd d is tr ir t w ith oxpre* !• fnnio lioi'tvl^iric* wa* b itto rly con- It) o f stcd sovoral years ago. Tho cojnmi*' ®' )ners nt tlint flme «ii|>rtivod the d!s- o f mo ict. T!:o petirion is refiled u t th is iuess no boi-nnsi' nf nn error in copying o f a j

tho county records. Tho error wns seven scovor ■ I recently when n residont o f auvnn0 nnppused d is tric t undertook to R^iuu. osecuto a livestock ownor fo r viola- ‘l“ tln( in o f tho hord lnw. Counsel fo r the ^fojno uckninii nt t!mt tlmo discovered tho jmuor ror and tho prosecution inlled. Ef-r t fo re-form tho d is tr ic t was begun imedintoly therenfter. tlon

— i Tlio throo

r J g f l l 1J U J l J jinnimM rs . .

Bpond HoUdoya Hero—M r. nnd Mra.T. K elly of Olonn* F erry . siH-nt the “’O"''-

Udnvs n t tbo bomo o f. M r. nml « t o r l I l n k .

f • ,, LloydH ero for V lalt—Mr. nnd Mrs. K rengol nrrivod Rutnrdny from Poc;i- llo to spend tho week-end a t the bomo ^ " " 1*

Mr_ nnd Mrs. C. t t . Iviongel. J J ''" ” '

H ero fo r V isit—.Titnmie Bnll. son of h nnd Mra. I 'itch Ball, i* here from ' • )cntollo, th e gnost o f Tominv W ar. | r, son o f Mr. nud M rs. T . t-\ " 'n r-

- . ;r. c .!Tnk» M a l r i w U c o m s -A n io l.l . icolnysen nnd Add Showulter, both nf qji. jh], obtalnoiL a m arringo licenso BJtt- e , . , / ’ dny n t tho Sffico o f tho connty re- rder here. ^

F la n fo r Jackson D ay—Plans fo r ol», rvnnco o f .Tackson dny, Jan n a rv 7 • TrOi

0, wcro considered n t a m eeting ol ^11 thi e W om en's Domocrntic. elnb held Fri- w haty evening a t (ho homo of Mrs. _____?orgo E. Duke. j = =

B rtak s Knee In F a ll — Mrs. D. O. , o rer o f Pilor, I* n pn tirr .t n l the v unt}' gonoral hospital suffering from . ' ncturo o / her knee n s u result o f a11 Fridny whon n lond o f hny on liiob site "was riding overturned.

Leaving H o lp ita t—F m n k L. Putnnm dnv will loavo tho connty genernl ispltnl where ho has beon a pntiont r two weeks roeo\>«rlng frnm effocfs

severe hemorrhMguT-from rupture of blood vpssi‘1 of the nose.

P relim inary H earing S o t—Prolimin- •y honring will be held M onday in •obnto conrt hero in tho.caso of I* N*. anEnton, Kock Crcck, cbarge<l with im nilttlng n misdomennor in connoct- on w ith nn autnmobil'e cnllislon lirislmn* ove, -in which hi* own cnr id th a t o f Clifton I»wo, Kimberly, ero dnmnged nnd two i>arson« in- rcd.

REWS NEED MORE SPACtW A SniX G TO X . Doc. 2{) OJV-(^-ew,i. :

r Ame.;icftn bnttlesl-ijw hnve ontcruwii laco nvnllablo fo r them nboaril t'lc BMOIs, R ear Adm inS Thomns Wnsti Igton, chief o f th e bureau nf nltvigri- on. state* in hin annnnl ro]>ort( nmdo iiblie today. Recent dovolopm'entn ltd improvements on tho ahips. he said, avo tended to incronst? personnel lo 10 jw int w h e re ." th e men cnn no bmij : bo com fortab^' berthed on b o a rd ."

Idaho Junk HouseJ ’.'iys tho highest m arket priee for all k inds of Junk , Hides nnd Pelts.



B ack of J ^ o D ept. Storo

Vew Year ht!ntcd, is w bat ono of our was hi* object. An hc

roat calls for new things, liko new, and J rnnnot

1 fin e r for ray car thun id thereon. T hank you .”

d Start for the new yea;r by ta lk it over with yon a t once.

HORP) P a i n t C o .

in Southern IdahoS17-S10 M »in W est

■ i ' — i i i M — i { _


ircitry Tumbles at rjri (^ose of Warm

Rapidly dcclin ig tom pornturo. ' Ime w ith n igh tfn ll Saturdny^, • Ilich, nccordlng to rccords o f tho IIvornmont w ijathcr obaerver's sta- I >n hero, %vns tho w nhnost dny in >ro thnn tw o week*. ' High tom-rnturD fo r t h e ,d n y wn* 4S, nn ‘ v U r Pvanrx o f four degrocs ovor tho I a „ ,:iximum o f tho preceding dny, 1 "Mld low was 25, nn advnnco o f six ' ’ vVllgreen. F o u r ono-bnndrodtha of I

inch o f precip ita tion wns rc- |rdod. F n ir nnd colder w enther ' ' ‘‘Jla tho forocnst fo r todnv. mokln,

■ m otor

CITAL PROVES PLEASING^ ' applloj;' D, F . &igc8 P reeent« S tuden ts lo ^ cot rogram o f D ram aU c A r t aod reaslon B efore In v ited O tuete

ith n progm m o f drnm ntlc n r t nnd ” ■csfllon, Mr*. D. F . Riggs presented •f her a tudonts in n recitnl Sntnr- ovening boforo nn inv ited nudionoe noro than 100 porsons In tho Bu/. ® ./ ' s W omon'a club rooms. MemberH-?? ,. jnn lo r class, m ng lng In ngrf from n to ton yenrs, ns woll ns o f nn *^5,-®- tnced class, took pnrt in th e pro ; a. The nudionco seemed rendilv fo inguish th e degree o f nm story’ nt- ’’ uod through s tudv nnd nppliention ^ jr com petent tra in in g of M rs. R iirg ' , g discernible In th e depth nnd car- ' g qnnllty o f tbo voico ns woll la r ity o f cnuncintlon of pronuncin- * ^ Dnti10 progrnm was intorspcrsod by0 miislcnl num bors by pupils o f , K “ . D. E. Regan, w ith violin aecom-mont by Miss Toresn P f lifa u f nnd . Queonft W ost Boron, nnd pinno i = * mpnnlmont b y M iss W ildn H a m -,

;udents who t<wl; pn rt In tbt? tf -1 wore LftReo Hammon. W tllt rd. Both W illis, Ruth Whcelon.. I* A. Ilnnscn, A line K ing, Doro-Barger, Doon R iecs, Unrdn Blnck.

lis K iton , L n r r ie l Riggs, V llate union, M rs. W. l i . Renfro, LiiTou11 nnd Miss H elen Fishor. ;

M A ESIA O E ANNOUNOBD.rs. Jam os M. Wnll hns rccoivcd nn-

riconiont n( the m arringo o f her 0, Mlaa Lnurift Moore, o f T renton,

to F ran k W annnmkor o f St. thews. C. C. Mis* Mooro is n tal- id musicinn, ft grndunto o f Cliicago rgo, nnd fhe groom is th e rtin of towo W nnnmnker, prosident o f the .L’ricnn Cotton compnny. \

Eloquence, roe eloquence conslits in u y lng tha t la necem rjr and nothing bnt t If oecenaiy. w m m

CLEA]a m

Two miles South of SI


.Mr. S. llonry Bolton,Twin Falls, Idnho. •Dear Mr. KoUon;

I wisli tf> tlmnk you for/j-oi the }500d news you gave me ov posw.^Hion a chock for mo in fi 273,722, whioh i^intures D(;cem fico in Cincinnati, Ohio, Decei iiif furth(>r reason to believo t service of proniisos, but of acti

I .stopped you on the strcc pointed district manager for t six countie.s surrounding, and t nj)pointnient. It is with my my friend.s of Twin Falls Cou Lifo Insurance Company. I m (hiring the twenty years I hav( plete j>rotection.

I lmv<‘ anoth(;r policy wltli -k whifh is a twenty-year pay tcr looking np tho rates and .sc wisely. If I were buying mor nnd your company, for tho fui frnm year to year.I expect yo of assets, the bulk of which an on Iduho farms. ,

Y<in may refer anyone to ing tho 20 years I havo been i during these years, and now th whilo th(‘ faco of the policy wa tlie divid(?nd earnings which ar

Below is a reproduction « of tho Union Contrnl Ufe Ins man on December 3lKt,


ORDEB OFTwelve Hundred, Ninety-1

Not o


Oincinnati, 0.


iiSETFMiiAUTO mmmrent Month Brings 53U ; / aplioations as Compared .Ith 4995 All Last Year____ to 0U» ono more dny rem nlning foi andng nnnlicfttlon fo r 1024 licenses fo r n e wr voh'cles, rocorda o f "Twin F alls , ly assessor’s offlco n t tho elosinf

Bnturday ovoning showed 5314 Strivoations d u ring tho cu rren t month b rx ir)mparod w ith n to ta l o f -IftOri np- ,tlons fo r tbo ontiro yonr o f 1D2'I p ta e itnl colloctiona on applications for t l ^

liconsos up to a 'ltu rd ay ovonini; approxim ntely $43,000. R ecelpti

rdny fo r n to ta l o f .^21 license*, p r e oin tod U> $5,814.75, and wero the v o r sat receipts o f nny singlo dny in .history o f th e offieo. Recolpts .tron:ho day beforo th e “ dead lin e ,” p'Hcih I , last year, wore npproxim atoly ^

coipts M ondny, tho last dny fo-- whiCng applicution fo r lOM lieenses mca.urs now in tho posnoHsion o f own- w «nr nro oxpocted to sot a now rccordho officc. and3 DATES FO R H EABINO N A T U B A tlZ A T IO N P E T IT IO N S yte» for honrings In d is tric t court |^1]on petition* fo r naturalization dur-tho coming yonr huvo boen flxod Erudgo W. A. B.'ibeock to bo heldnry 20, Mny 10 nnd Beptem ber i::. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

§ W I T H T H E

R U S H O f E R


Now read y to give yo rep a ir w ork which was day rush. '

J . H . V M S A t


Phono 05-W

R V IE W F A RAS. H. HEMPLEMAN, Proprietor JhoBhone Street Bridge and Qnartei


Twin Falls, Idaho, Di

>ur Christmas greeting ou Chrlstmi ver the telephone wlien you told i full payment on my 20-year Endi nber 30, and that the same was dt miber 17 192.‘1, 13 daj's before it the Union Central l.ife Insurnnce tion.:et Deceml>er 1st, when I remember the comi)any for tlie territory of that I, a t that time, congratulated permission that you reproduce the

Linty can become accpiainted wilh nost heartily reconimmend your cc ■e been insured, hus given mt* ever

h your company tbat matures two , icment life form. I bought this aui lervice of other (‘ompanies, and noi ro insurance, wliich I likely will, I irther reason I liave watciiod with :)ur noxt annual sUitement will aho *e in first mortgage farm loans, ar

me wishing further dtitails rcgardi insured for tho full face of the po hey return to me $1292.(>5, as showi as for only $1000.00. This addition! ro large, compared with most othe Very truly vours, -

CHARLES n of the check mailetT-to S. Henry I

•Rurancc Company, to \v>. dcUvcreil

(3IN0INNATI, 0. Deo. 17, 1

Central Life InsurCharles H. Hemplonxan

■two and 65-100...................over fourteen hundred $1400$

W. Howard Oox, Treasurer.

DECEMBER 30, ld23. -iU BI. OOXTFLB WED' H S B E .0 woddlng o f Arnold Nlcolavs.on A.da Stiow attcr, both o f BubI, took . Sa tu rdoy aftornooa in tho dls- coort cham bers horo, Ju d g e W . A. ock o ffle la ting . T ho coremony %itnea*ed b y P a id H . Show alter J en s Nteolayaan.

A N e w , Y e a r sG r e e t i n g ' ^

0 our old friends, loyal ,nd truo; to our valued ew friends; and to those /hose f r i e n d s h ip we trive to deserve, we Loartily wish abiding hap- >inesa and good fortune hiijughout th e coming 'ea i^W ith -g ra tefu l ap- ireoiation for all the fa ­vors we have receivedrom you and for that .4iHocloss though intangi- do asset, your good will, vhich we prize beyond ncasure, we seek to merit rour continuod confidence,,nd aim to serve you help* ully in the futnre.

Kimberly NurseriesKIMBERLy, IDAHO -

' I E C H R I S T M A S



3 you f i r s t C lass se rr ice on all was neglected d aring tb e hoU-




-W F o r Correct Tlmo

R M - *

)r,rter Mile East

iTTLE, December 28, 1923.

— 4itnms moniiug, and for d me you had in your 'endowment Policy No. _ ^ •'*1 dated a t the home bf^ it was due, which gave nee Company is not a

ibered you had been ap- of Twin Falls city and

ited you on. having this the cheek below, so thnt -ilh the Union Central r com]>any (me that,!very assurance of com-

wo years from February and the forst policy af- now know that I chose

1, I would “buy from you vith intere.st its growth show about $190,000,000 , and $5,000,000 of this

mling this mnttor. T)ur- policy in case of doath

lown below hy the check, ional amount represents >ther companies.

3 IT. HE5IPLEMAN.ry Bolton, district agent •ttil to Chas. U. Hemplo-

7, 1923. No. 6283


............ Dollars

John Pattison,Vlco.President.
