falling to masterpieces, chapter 3.4


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Page 1: Falling to Masterpieces, Chapter 3.4
Page 2: Falling to Masterpieces, Chapter 3.4

Welcome again to Falling to Mastepieces, an artistic alphabet legacy. We should be finishing out the generation this chapter, and then there will be an heir poll up in the usual places at the end.

Right now, though, it’s party time! Canova is becoming a teen!

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“What the hell, controller?”What?“My tie knot is see-through. Is this junk seriously the best fancy dress CC you’ve got?”Well, it’s not like the game provided you with any suits or tuxes, and yeah, that does happen to be the best I have. Sucks to be a guy teen sim with high standards.

“I do make this look good, though.”

Oh, lord help us. Canova here rolled romance/grilled cheese. Really, it was just perfect that he rolled romance. It works so perfectly with what I’ve written up til now. I love when the roll works out like that. Grilled cheese? That’s another matter, but not too bad. His LTW is to be a visionary, which is a cool one.

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I did have a nice black-tie tux in formal wear, so Canova wears that on his way to the well. As a romance sim, he will undoubtedly get to fulfill his dreams of being a suave, charming guy with many lady friends. He starts with Sharlene here, who apparently also wanted a first kiss.

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It’s the next day, and Canova is back at the well. This time he gets a girl named Marylena. All of the kids this generation have blond/red as their turn-ons because I’d like to see some recessive hair in this family for a change, so that’s why so many redheads have been popping up at the well.

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As Marylena heads on her way, Canova looks . . . unsatisfied. After fulfilling the want to have two loves at once, he stopped rolling romantic wants as a teen. What’s wrong, Canova? Being Casanova not everything it’s cracked up to be?“Yeah, actually. All this just leaves me feeling empty. Maybe I’m not looking for a lot of love. Maybe I’m just looking for a really special love.”Aww, that’s sweet. We’ll see if we can’t get you that in college, okay?

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Meanwhile, Bassano is hard at work on another novel.

Why is such a content-light slide here, you may ask? Well, he is the current heir, so I feel bad if I leave him out of everything. If you don’t see him in a picture, he’s probably here, though.

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“Canova? I know you’re like, dating and stuff, but do you think you’d have time to read me a story?”“Of course, Cassatt! What story do you want to hear?”

Later . . .“Thanks, big brother! You’re the best!”

These kids, you guys. They get me right in the feels. Too cute.

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Still, it’s time for Canova to move on to college. Appropriately enough, he makes the call while thinking of true love. Will our would-be worldly lover settle down in college or will he find new motivation to continue his wooing ways? Only time will tell.

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Canova arrives at college and he immediately . . .

Wait. What the hell is this? Canova is a burglar? Not quite the right image for our guy here. Let’s try again.

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Eh, that’s better. Again, there just aren’t a lot of super-dressy options in everyday clothes.

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However, Canova can still change into his tux most of the time, one that matches the one he originally wore as a toddler, so that should do it. How does that feel, Canova?

“Like coming home after a long journey.”

Well, alright then.

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An interlude . . . I have serious doubts that this guy is a YA, game.

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Back home, without her siblings, our rambunctious Cassatt is attention-starved and constantly tugging on her mom and dad’s hands to get the affection she craves. This kid is uncontainable. This whole generation has been a wild ride, so it’ll be nice one they’re all adults and grown up emotionally . . . oh, who am I kidding? These are my sims we’re talking about, after all.

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Bassano takes a rare break from novel-writing to get some phones to gift his older kids with, and he decides to take Cassatt with him just to keep her from bouncing off the walls for one afternoon.

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However, the relative calm of the car ride doesn’t last. While Bassano shops and then gets in a little reading, Cassatt is once again acting up.

“Hey, Cassatt, about ready to . . .”

“What the . . .? What are you doing, Cassatt?”“I can’t help it, Daddy! I’ve got so much energy! Whee! How high do you think I can jump?”“I think I need to burn some of that off before you launch yourself through the ceiling.”

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“Wow! You’re a bit smaller than the usual crowd.”

And that is how Bassano and his youngest child found themselves at the discotheque in lovely downtown Blank Canvas. Cassatt was instantly drawn to the DJ.

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Whoa, Cassatt. Take it down a notch.


Totally. Definitely not permanently destroying those little eardrums or anything. Not to mention mine . . .

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Bassano joins Cassatt for a quick dance after she makes a request. The dance did have the effect of calming Cassatt down temporarily, so it was finally time to leave for home.

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Your ears are still ringing, aren’t they?


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“So, Mom, I’m going to be a DJ and I found out there’s this really ancient artifact called a ‘cassette’ that people played on ‘boomboxes’ to listen to music. And that’s, like, almost my name! Isn’t that crazy? So I think I’ll make a nod towards archaic music history to show my cred and rebrand myself as DJ Cassette.”

I would bet good money there already is one, but I’m too tired to google it right now . . . also, kind of missing my first Walkman right now.

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Party time for the family and . . . ooh, that’s awkward. When invited over, Canova asked to bring a guest and it was one of his teenage girlfriends. Anyway, the invited guests were just the YAs.

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Canova immediately gets his groove on, but he is soon sought out by his sister, who has been missing him terribly. They enjoy another dance together before the party gets started.

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Today’s party is for Angeline and Bassano, who are finally becoming elders. The guests/family/customers manage to form a semicircle again, except for nonconformist Cassatt, who . . .

“That’s DJ Cassette to you!”

Oh, lord help me, not another one. Sorry, Cassatt, from here on out I am not putting up with any more self-imposed nicknames.

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Anyway! Angie and Bassano are still adorable as elders, as expected.

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And they celebrate by running out to have a snowball fight. Yeah, sure, okay.

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Oh crap. Who are we losing now?

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Aw, Corwin. It’s such a shame to see you go, and . . .

“It’s not me.”


“Grim’s heading that way. I’m just staring mournfully out into the cold, lonely snow.”

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Well, that really only leaves one other possibility. Anjolie has had a very, very long and full life. How many sims get to see their children become elders? Unfortunately, her death is disgraced by not one, but two teenagers in their underwear interrupting the grieving family. Still, it was a happy send-off that capped off an incredibly long and productive life.

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Although saddened, the family musters some enthusiasm for Cassatt’s birthday. Time to see our little DJ grow into a teen.

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Cassatt, no. Just no.

She really did grow up in this. I just added the makeup to complete the demented club kid look. That outfit is so inappropriate on a teen. However, it is somewhat appropriate for a pleasure sim, which is what Cassatt is. She rolled pleasure/grilled cheese, with the LTW to be a celebrity chef, which is a fitting LTW for those two aspirations.

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There. That’s better. And I see you got your fauxhawk back, Cassatt.

“Yup! Now that I’m a teenager, I’m the boss of my hair and I think I rock this look.”

I have to agree. She has quite a bit of edge for a sim, but in a good way.

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Cassatt completes this generation’s tradition and makes a wish on the well, and boy does she fish up a really ugly redhead. You can’t see most of his face, and for that, I thank you, camouflaging heart. This is one romance that will definitely not be continuing into the YA years.

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With that lackluster wish behind her, Cassatt immediately heads off to college so we can get a move on with the rest of this generation.

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And here she is at college. Looking good. I kind of did it as a joke since she grew up in it as a toddler, but I’ve really come to like her in this hair.

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By the way, since we’ll be leaving the three elders at home for a while, let’s check out the books Bassano wrote as an adult. The titles were In the Aftermath, The Metasimorphosis, Daisy Days, Simiconscious, Cruise into Death 2: The Reckoning, Cruise into Death 3: Plot Overboard, Daisy’s Tennis Elbow, Magical Dishes from the Alps, and, of course, his wildly successful romances: Sexy Sim Soccer Star, Plumbbobs of Passion, Love on a Bullet Train, The Siren’s Call, and The Ghosts of Love’s Remains. Appropriately enough, he started working on a mystery called Routing Failure but didn’t finish it, lol.

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The four sibs are pledging into The World’s Ugliest Greek House, and of course they gravitate towards the music room. I cannot wait to get them pledged in so I can rebuild the house!!

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Through a combination of efforts by the placeholder and various siblings, all four get pledged into the ancestral Greek house.

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“So you’re the cheerleader they got to replace that wicked Bell, huh?”“Yeah. It’s so weird how she just disappeared one day.”“Yes. Totally weird. Anyway, you seem normal.”“Yeah, they cautioned me not to make enemies as a cheerleader for some reason.”“Heh. Can’t imagine what that might be.”

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Canova’s heart aches for a glamorous lady to share his high-style life with now that he’s decided he’s a one-woman man, but I don’t think he needs a telescope to find one.

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Canova instantly gets his face out of the telescope and starts chatting up this lovely redhead, a dormie originally made by me, named Sicily. They are pretty quickly falling head-over-heels for each other.

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In fact, Sicily will even listen to Canova talk about his secret passion, grilled cheese. It’s been a long time since I made her, but she must be really nice or something because I don’t think I made any grilled cheese dormies for the kids to meet.

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While they chat about their as-yet undeclared major or stare vacantly into the distance, the kids feel the earth shudder and suddenly . . .

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. . . they find themselves on a blank lot. I wanted to start over from scratch, so they’ll have to refound the Greek house, but I still consider it an unbroken line since Anjolie’s generation founded it since they all got in before moving. Time to get building!

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And here’s what I came up with. It’s nothing special, but it is miles better than the last house. This one has a much more dignified look and lots of room for all the usual college activities. In fact, let’s take a tour . . .

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Upstairs is a closed-off room that I can use for storage or if I ever need to expand, since the house already takes up most of the tiny lot I put them on. There is also a spacious kitchen and dining that I put up here since they don’t eat much what with the lifetime rewards and snapdragons.

Downstairs, clockwise from the bottom left, is an entryway/lounge area, a living room, a hallway, a bathroom, the large music room, another hallway, four bedrooms and a bathroom betwixt them, and an office. There’s another hallway in the middle because you can never have too many hallways. Outside you can see a hot tub, telescope, and bar, as well as a small pool and some loungers for relaxing on sunny summer days. That should be everything they need for their college experience, and I already love it so much better than the previous house.

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The kids break in the new office, but soon they’re raring for a break. Time to check out the music room, which has always been the big draw for Masterpieces. It really should be something in the visual arts that they’re all drawn to, but few things advertise as well as instruments. At least it’s kind of creativity-related.

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They find all the usual accoutrements, plus a few new ones. Cassatt is super stoked to find her own DJ booth. I don’t buy these all that often (if ever), but how could I not get one for our own budding DJ?

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The kids also use the music room to woo their crushes. Cézanne is still falling hard for Gustav, who was originally meant for Cara but ended up having much better chemistry with Cézanne. They are officially in love now.

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Cara attempts to have a nice time with Harold, but, as usual, her dates would rather talk to her twin. Poor Cara. I don’t do this to her; I just document.

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Speaking of relationships, Cassatt is working on one heck of a terrible one with the cow mascot, Freya. First Bell and now Freya? Hopefully we can keep this chapter a little more college NPC-free than the last college chapter.

Please also admire the halls-within-halls look we have going here. Hall-ception, if you will.

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Canova is totally in love with Sicily, who enjoys his company a lot, whether that means gossiping about the family’s elderly cats or woohooing in the photobooth. These two make a great couple and I think Sicily has just the right amount of class for Canova.

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While her siblings succeed (or struggle, in some cases) to find their mates, Cassatt is a little more relaxed. She’s more interested in spending time in the pool or playing games like the little pleasure sim she is. She’s in no rush.

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That doesn’t mean she won’t happily intercept her siblings’ love letters, though!

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Finally, Cassatt meets a nice redhead named Niall with whom she has two bolts. They are soon bouncing around the house, happily in love and crooning to each other on the karaoke machine. Unfortunately, some of their date was shadowed by the cheerleader whose name I failed to write down. She’s looking a little too possessively at Niall for my liking.

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Great little encapsulation here. Popularity sim Cézanne wants to tell all her friends about her latest college adventure. Pleasure sim Cassatt is talking games. Meanwhile, family sim Cara wonders if she’ll ever find the right person to settle down with. It would help if she could find a guy that would show more interest in her than her twin.

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In fact, Cara seems to be kind of dissatisfied, while everyone around her is delighted with their lives. I wish I could make her happier, but I’m not sure how.

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The strain may be getting to her a little because she got up immediately after the last picture to boo Sicily’s kicky bag skills.

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I got Cassatt the mp3 player, because how could I not?! She has truly found her calling in the world of music, although she still technically wants to be a celebrity chef.

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The new cheerleader has a really unhealthy fixation on Cassatt and Niall. I’m not sure which of them she’s obsessed with or why, but she follows them around endlessly on all their dates.

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We’ll conclude our little focus on Cassatt with her back at the DJ booth. Niall is impressed with her skills, while Sicily is impressed (?) by Cara’s dancing. For how much they love music, none of the kids are very good dancers.

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While Cassatt prefers DJing, Canova considers himself classically trained in music, and Cézanne gravitates towards the most annoying instrument. It all makes so much sense! But what about Cara?

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“Are you going to pick an instrument already, sis?”“Maybe I’d just prefer a little quiet once in a while.”“Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. With a little effort, you could be like us and get a bit more attention. It just takes a little energy.”“Argh, you guys are so aggravating sometimes!”

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Later that day, Cara thought hard about what Cézanne had said. Even if she did expend the effort and energy, she thought, could she be like her twin or her other siblings? No, Cara decided. That just wasn’t her. What she needed was an environment with a little less chaos, a place where her natural charm could shine.

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After some research, Cara hit on the perfect solution. It was a big step, but she felt more than ready to take it.

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“ . . . and so, I’m going to be studying abroad for a semester. That’s why I called this house meeting. I wanted you all to know that I’m going to be visiting $NEIGHBORHOOD and working on my studies there. I just need a little space for a while. I hope you understand.”

Luckily, although they may annoy her, all of the Masterpiece kids love Cara dearly, so they were happy for her, though sad to see her go.

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With her goodbyes all taken care of, Cara embarked on the adventure that would begin the rest of her life.

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A few months later . . .

“What do you mean you’re staying in $NEIGHBORHOOD? What? You met a guy? He must be pretty special for you to give up everything you’ve ever known! . . . Okay, okay, I get it. You’re in love. Sigh. I am happy for you. I just . . . I’ll miss you, sis. I hope everything works out really well for you. Visit anytime. Okay, you too. Bye.”

Where did Cara go? Well, you see, she really went on exchange to the game of my friend Lydia (hippielayla86). There she’ll be meeting a very special someone and joining a really wonderful family: the Hinckleys. Keep an eye on Lydia’s stories, best noted at SiMania (link at end of chapter) for more on Cara’s life. She may still show up in my game occasionally too, but she’s out of the running for heiress now. ;) Finally she’ll have the life she deserves instead of being relegated to the background all the time.

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That does leave us three other potentials. Whose picture will go up on this wall next? Scroll through the following pages to gather info, then vote at Boolprop or SiMania to choose the next Masterpiece heir/ess.

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Cézanne MasterpiecePopularity/romance – Celeb Chef6/10/9/8/1

A truly wild soul at heart, Cézanne is the root of all the madness in this generation, and she is a naturally rebellious sim as well as an apparently pretty good leader/influencer. She is dating Gustav, which whom she has three bolts. Her favorite activity is actually dancing, followed closely by aggravating me.

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Canova MasterpieceRomance/grilled cheese – Visionary1/7/7/2/10

A true romantic, Canova thought he wanted to live the life of a ladies’ man, but discovered he just really needed the affections of one special lady. That lady is Sicily, with whom he has three bolts. He is only really at home in a tuxedo.

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Cassatt MasterpiecePleasure/grilled cheese – Celeb Chef6/8/4/2/7

Cassatt is a free spirit in every sense of the word, but she just really wants to feel the beat as a DJ, maybe become a celebrity chef, and keep seeing her sweetie, Niall, with whom she has two bolts. She attempted a fauxhawk as a toddler and is now rocking it again.

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Thanks so much for reading this (very belated) chapter of Falling to Masterpieces. Don’t forget to vote at one of the following forums, and remember to check hippielayla86’s stories for the rest of Cara’s adventures.

SiMania http://z12.invisionfree.com/sim_maniaBoolprop http://www.boolprop.net